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1,078,329 | oe h nih vilaveee mapm. | 0.27551 | 0.432481 | Those who punish others will inevitably have to carry the heavy burden of judgment and punishment. | Na kwa wale ambao wanaondolewa, Yeye ni adhabu na vilevile malipo. |
359,443 | I he atpere a t n a i . | 0.350649 | 0.350581 | If the atmosphere absorbs it from the sun, it also absorbs it from the earth. | Ikiwa hali ya hewa ni jua na kavu, basi periwinkle itakauka ndani ya wiki. |
718,886 | io ani Cuba | 0.254902 | 0.945644 | US imposes sanctions on Cuba’s Defence Minister | Marekani yamuwekea vikwazo waziri wa ulinzi wa Cuba |
0 | hy mi usrsr u hn i k aa | 0.282828 | 0.245361 | They promised us direct suffrage [to elect the chief ], but then took it back,” he told Al Jazeera. | Al Azhar yasisitiza kuwa kuvaa Hijabu ni lazima kwa mujibu maamurisho ya Qur'ani Tukufu |
718,887 | H aid r r tatu. | 0.326923 | 0.757517 | He said: “There are two or three factors compounded. | Alisema: “Hili jambo analirudia mara mbili au tatu. |
1,078,330 | in o sn ameae ama m. | 0.328571 | 0.395389 | Kind of sends a message to all of them [at BT] that I trust them. | Naandika hili ili wote watakaoona kuna umuhimu basi nipate mawazo yao. |
359,444 | hn a i u sanaa | 0.3125 | 0.430709 | Then a fire is built outside and near the sweat- | Moto uliwashwa ndani au karibu na sanamu. |
1 | o tnooan again la a o? | 0.293333 | 0.713667 | Do they not see how many a generation We (Our law) annihilated before them? | Je huoni uma ngapi tulizoziangamiza kabla yao? |
2 | en o a upn te ii. | 0.34375 | 0.66777 | Then O beloved, peace is upon you from those on the right side. | Basi ni Salamu kwako uliye miongoni mwa watu wa upande wa kulia. |
718,888 | o hs u. | 0.347826 | 0.862545 | So; this is our life. | Haya ndiyo maisha yetu. |
359,445 | Renault Clio ar is ut ua oo alla funny tuning. | 0.6 | 0.937674 | Renault Clio car is quite popular, so today we have a little taste funny tuning. | Renault Clio gari ni maarufu kabisa, hivyo leo tuna kidogo ladha funny tuning. |
1,078,331 | h n rf a ‘lr gare. | 0.306452 | 0.890494 | She’s often referred to as a ‘celebrity pig farmer.’ | Yeye mara nyingi hujulikana kama ‘mkulima maarufu wa nguruwe’. |
3 | e t nooma aain yo? | 0.316667 | 0.804649 | See they not how many a generation We destroyed before them? | Je huoni uma ngapi tulizoziangamiza kabla yao? |
1,078,332 | ay e e? | 0.325 | 0.632642 | How do we stay on the straight and true? | Tutafanya nini ili haya yawe kweli? |
359,446 | Trump targed anaa his ek or wa saiwas air a as a o a nn ion anadian e. | 0.37766 | 0.883034 | Trump targeted Canada this week for what he said was unfair trade practices, and ordered a new 20 percent tariff on Canadian lumber exports. | Trump ameilenga Canada wiki hii kwa kile alichosema vitendo vya kibiashara visivyo vya haki, na kuamrisha agizo jipya la asilimia 20 la ushuru kwa biashara ya mbao ya Canada inayouzwa nje. |
718,889 | hu teea e ke te i. | 0.264706 | 0.589587 | Thus they enhance the skill level of the child. | Na hivyo basi kukua vizuri kwa uwezo wa mtoto wa kutembea kunazuiwa. |
4 | wr in ur o i ay ni in aa | 0.310345 | 0.380012 | Nowhere in the Quran do we find any mention of instant divorce,” he told Al Jazeera. | Al Azhar yasisitiza kuwa kuvaa Hijabu ni lazima kwa mujibu maamurisho ya Qur'ani Tukufu |
359,447 | o vial i it o koo o o nne. | 0.301075 | 0.423672 | Your cervical spine is the seven bones (vertebrae) stacked on top of each other in your neck. | Vituo saba vipo ndani ya mwili wako, na kituo kimoja kipo nje. |
1,078,333 | he r owids h a a | 0.277778 | 0.384004 | The currents of winds above them seemed greater than those that agitated | Walezaji wa mbao ni ghali kuliko wale walioorodheshwa hapo juu. |
718,890 | fr h i China. | 0.361111 | 0.931537 | for the trip to China. | kwa safari ya kuelekea nchini China. |
5 | e t no a b o? | 0.275862 | 0.821912 | See they not how many of those before them We did destroy? | Je huoni uma ngapi tulizoziangamiza kabla yao? |
359,448 | Nigerian riden l aan ha ubmi li 4 abinet i t thto. | 0.4 | 0.889476 | Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has submitted a list of 34 cabinet nominees to the Senate for approval. | Rais Goodluck Jonathan wa Nigeria amewasilisha orodha yenye majina 34 ya wajumbe wa baraza la mawaziri bungeni kupata uthibitisho. |
718,891 | i i tui a aae. | 0.4375 | 0.821158 | This is true in any language. | Hiyo ni kweli katika lugha zote. |
1,078,334 | ont you ow t oa lie memresha a eh on aen u? | 0.343284 | 0.778096 | Don’t you see how the contrary faculties of memory and forgetfulness have been created in man, each ordained with a definite purpose?” | Je, huoni jinsi Stadi zikinzanazo za kumbukumbu na usahaulifu zilivyoumbwa ndani ya mtu, kila moja imeamrishwa kwa lengo maalum? |
6 | wr in ur o i ay ni in aa | 0.310345 | 0.382415 | Nowhere in the Quran do we find any mention of instant divorce," he told Al Jazeera. | Al Azhar yasisitiza kuwa kuvaa Hijabu ni lazima kwa mujibu maamurisho ya Qur'ani Tukufu |
359,449 | ei asitalo nin. | 0.375 | 0.722785 | Foreign assistance also began arriving. | Misaada pia imeanza kuwasili kutoka nje. |
1,078,335 | Altuh u inity sun iri aar a u w ch u chai cae is ainingousu o yo e a a s arir oring, weird oa. | 0.388889 | 0.882616 | Although you definitely shouldn’t tell the hiring manager that you want to change jobs because “I WANT TO MEET A NEW MAN,” changing career is certainly something you should consider if you hate your current job and all the guys are either boring, weird or married. | Ingawa wewe dhahiri lazima si kuwaambia ya kukodisha meneja kwamba unataka mabadiliko ya ajira kwa sababu»NATAKA KUKUTANA na MTU MPYA,»mabadiliko ya kazi ni hakika kitu unapaswa kufikiria kama wewe chuki yako ya sasa ya kazi na guys wote ni ama boring, weird au kuolewa. |
718,892 | t ta w an ii. | 0.282609 | 0.843492 | It's crystal-clear we aren't doing it well. | Ni jambo la wazi kabisa kuwa hatufanyi vizuri. |
7 | e t no a b o? | 0.285714 | 0.815533 | See they not how many of those before them We destroyed? | Je huoni uma ngapi tulizoziangamiza kabla yao? |
359,450 | t is no an o ido ut a o n . | 0.357143 | 0.618439 | It is not to earn God’s kingdom, but as a response to the presence of the Lord. | Sasa sio kuabudu kunakoleta uwepo wa Mungu bali ni sifa ndiyo huleta uwepo wa Mungu. |
1,078,336 | Lin Boen i an a woa i mn. | 0.386667 | 0.884134 | Lin Bo’en is an old preacher who has believed in the Lord for many decades. | Lin Bo'en ni mhubiri mzee ambaye amemwani Bwana kwa miongo mingi. |
718,893 | nd ue wne | 0.294118 | 0.456906 | (Consider yourself warned, though. | Jikumbushe kuwa wewe ndiwe wewe |
8 | n e ao n e eeeu! | 0.285714 | 0.625577 | And they call out to the owners of the Garden: Peace be to you! | Watawaita watu wa peponi ‘Amani iwe kwenu! |
359,451 | e t h inhb h eah ad sa s w n a a a au a u tt. | 0.33758 | 0.821466 | Woe to the inhibitors of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. | Ole wenu nchi na bahari! kwa maana shetani amewajieni akiwa na ghadhabu kuu, kwa sababu anajua kwamba ana muda mfupi tu. |
1,078,337 | od td is wd ad is mankinan u ttra a t ianand. | 0.342857 | 0.899616 | God created this world, created this mankind, and even more founded the culture of ancient Greece and the civilization of mankind. | Mungu aliumba dunia hii, Aliumba mwanadamu huyu, na zaidi ya hayo Alikuwa muasisi wa utamaduni wa zamani wa Giriki na ustaarabu wa binadamu. |
718,894 | ou is steerni aaa a aa pa. | 0.271028 | 0.473785 | Of course [this is] the late morning prayer (i.e., not a mandatory prayer), and not the afternoon [prayer]. | Alimuomba kaka yake (Mt.Benedikto)asirudi Monasterini mpaka asubuhi. |
1,078,338 | Dn t an l i e n an | 0.30137 | 0.706288 | Don’t try to change the world if you yourself need to be changed first.” | Ukitaka Kuleta Mabadiliko Katika Dunia Huna Budi Kubadilika Wewe Kwanza » |
718,895 | io ani Cuba | 0.254902 | 0.941875 | US imposes sanctions on Cuba's Defence Minister | Marekani yamuwekea vikwazo waziri wa ulinzi wa Cuba |
359,452 | ra ish ya. | 0.357143 | 0.608881 | Certainty, is the easy path. | Hii ni njia rahisi ya. |
9 | y am inn aa! | 0.361111 | 0.784887 | “O you assembly of jinn and mankind! | "Enyi makundi ya majini na watu! |
1,078,339 | t ahid maab u tai intio eaat o odg 15o uberuli i i , a atld a os00 to0,000 in spital. | 0.378261 | 0.910071 | It achieved remarkable success treating infectious diseases at low cost, spending $150 to $200 to cure tuberculosis patients in their homes, treatment that would have cost $15,000 to $20,000 in a U.S. hospital. | Ni mafanikio ya ajabu kutibu magonjwa ya kuambukiza kwa gharama nafuu, wakitumia dola 150 na 200 kutibu wagonjwa wa kifua kikuu majumbani mwao, matibabu ambayo yangegharimu dola 15,000 hadi 20,000 katika hospitali nchini Marekani. |
359,453 | Casino wa awade orh deeomn anan a tnti t tiiti io. | 0.390625 | 0.897227 | Casino was awarded for the development of an action plan for the continuous improvement of the environment in their institution. | Casino ilitolewa kwa ajili ya maendeleo ya mpango wa utekelezaji wa kuendelea kuboresha mazingira katika taasisi yao. |
718,896 | slfinifiain iniu a a anachcm h | 0.324324 | 0.823213 | self-identification as indigenous peoples at the individual level and accepted by the community as their member | Kujitambulisha kama watu wa kiasili katika ngazi ya mtu binafsi na kukubaliwa na jumuiya kama mwanachama wao |
10 | a w a! | 0.2 | 0.667934 | [The man who believed said,] "My people! | “Enyi watu (wafuasi) wangu! |
1,078,340 | iuon 13 a n l. | 0.358974 | 0.43921 | Discussion 13 has been uploaded. | dhidi ya point 13 ilizokuwa nazo awali. |
359,454 | u i in n a a a. | 0.269841 | 0.608727 | [But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.”] | Lakini Namna Hii Haitoki Ila Kwa Kufunga na Kuomba. |
11 | (e wip t ees k a s s a.) | 0.3125 | 0.891429 | (The worship that reflects the work of our Creator God is on the "seventh day.") | (Ibada inayoakisi kazi ya Mungu Muumbaji wetu ipo kwenye “siku ya saba.”) |
718,897 | h si si al iu a ui. | 0.3125 | 0.813793 | The science section also includes two short answer questions. | Jaribio la sayansi linajumuisha maswali mawili ya majibu mafupi. |
1,078,341 | wig a iita i , Niger as o a mrai mi . | 0.414894 | 0.894502 | Following a military coup in 2010, Niger has now become a democratic, multi-party state. | Kufuatia mapinduzi ya kijeshi ya mwaka 2010, Niger imekuwa taifa la demokrasia ya vyama vingi. |
359,455 | en eudrew aay mai man aa m a e mmae wiin. | 0.357143 | 0.86286 | Even Jesus drew away from the massive human need all around him so that he could quietly communicate with his heavenly Father. | Hata Yesu aliachana na hitaji kubwa la wanadamu karibu naye ili aweze kuzungumza kimya kimya na Baba yake wa mbinguni. |
718,898 | e posiin wmen ea hhcaa in an en an eniriirinan a aa a innmn a aas. | 0.367568 | 0.892804 | We position women to lead through capacity building and by fostering an environment of inclusion ensuring women and girls have a seat at the table in government, and peace and security. | Tunawapa wanawake nafasi ya kuongoza kupitia kujenga uwezo na kwa kukuza mazingira ya ujumuishaji kuhakikisha kuwa wanawake na wasichana wanakaa mezani serikalini, na amani na usalama. |
12 | hy a n a ma bi a maiso s y raa uni | 0.206897 | 0.192989 | “They that deny a God destroy man’s nobility; for certainly man is of kin to the beasts in his body; and, if he be not of kin to God by his spirit, he is a base and ignoble creature.” — Sir Francis Bacon | Al Azhar yasisitiza kuwa kuvaa Hijabu ni lazima kwa mujibu maamurisho ya Qur'ani Tukufu |
1,078,342 | a oe. | 0.32 | 0.74569 | For people - all people. | jumla ya watu; watu wote. |
359,456 | e kn we an el yn alk tu. | 0.272727 | 0.704655 | We know we can’t help everyone who walks through the door. | Naweza kusema kwamba hatuwezi kusaidia kila mtu ambaye ataingia milango ya kliniki yetu. |
13 | o tnoo a o b yao | 0.223684 | 0.734835 | Do they not see how many of those before them we did destroy? - generations. | Je huoni uma ngapi tulizoziangamiza kabla yao? |
718,899 | ow a lie e yeas a, ad o aum i ao aeeha e ausow es aulh cim cha acccu. | 0.342995 | 0.870477 | Now, a little over ten years later, the gardens of the arguments in favor are stronger than ever because of growing concerns about health, climate change, food and economic security. | Sasa, kidogo zaidi ya miaka kumi baadaye, hoja za bustani za mboga ni za nguvu zaidi kuliko hapo kwa sababu ya kuongezeka kwa wasiwasi kuhusu afya, mabadiliko ya hali ya hewa, usalama wa kiuchumi na chakula. |
1,078,343 | ul l ha nh? | 0.264151 | 0.57693 | Would you let me see what's under there? | Kwanza unaweza kunisaidia alimanisha nini hapo chini? |
359,457 | one o tem a ana , neallssea. | 0.333333 | 0.587433 | None of them were registered as maternal deaths, but nearly all of them were,” says Goicolea. | Kifo chake ni pigo kubwa kwa familia lakini yote ni mipango ya Mungu," Oneko alisema. |
14 | hat s t m li. | 0.333333 | 0.374952 | That is the magic of believing. | Wachawi wana amini sana katika jambo hili. |
718,900 | u hea a y h o. | 0.280702 | 0.622249 | Our hearts and our eyes have been opened." | Wallahi, nyoyo zetu na macho yetu yalilia kwa ajili hilo. |
1,078,344 | ee wie mn uha a a. | 0.328358 | 0.570609 | Whoever wishes to be first among you shall be the slave of all.” | Yule kati yenu apendaye kuwa wa kwanza, ndiye mwenye udhaifu zaidi. |
359,458 | sin n e ne ea | 0.272727 | 0.625019 | A sinner cannot forgive a sinner on behalf of God. | Hakuna mtu awezaye kusamehe dhambi ila Mungu peke yake! |
15 | hene wa wasn swweae | 0.307692 | 0.755203 | Then see what was the end of those who were warned” | Basi angalia vipi ulikuwa mwisho wa wale walioonywa (wasisikie)." |
718,901 | Syrias peien ashal sa, has sai a eos oa heia waonsaa s s aa. | 0.406452 | 0.908047 | Syria’s president, Bashar-al Assad, has said that reports of a chemical weapons attack by his forces were “100% fabricated”. | Rais wa Syria Bashar-al Assad, anasema kuwa ripoti za shambulizi la silaha za kemikali lililofanywa na jeshi lake lilikuwa ni uwongo kwa asilimia mia moja. |
1,078,345 | y o e al n e sus? | 0.287879 | 0.875474 | Why should we do all in the name of Jesus? | Kwa nini tunatakiwa tufanye mambo yote katika jina la Yesu Kristo? |
359,459 | he k it ththott. | 0.293103 | 0.620124 | The trick is to do this without losing anything. | Inakuwezesha kufanya hivyo bila ya kupoteza kitu chochote. |
16 | e sa a,l! | 0.25 | 0.762141 | They said to say,”Hello!” | Wakawa wakimwekea, wakisema, Salamu! |
718,902 | e was oird a ritai it iie a a n Sunday Times 2016. | 0.335526 | 0.933794 | He was confirmed as Britain's first billionaire car dealer in the Sunday Times Rich List in 2016. | Alidhibitishwa kama bilionea wa kwanza Uingereza aliyekuwa kwenye biashara za magari katika orodha ya matajiri katika gazeti la Sunday Times mwaka 2016. |
1,078,346 | 20ot t ir kin. | 0.354167 | 0.90804 | 20Brothers, do not be children in your thinking. | 20 Ndugu, msiwe kama watoto katika fikira zenu. |
359,460 | w a a a an 181,966 (2009) | 0.45614 | 0.939347 | The town has a total population of 181,966 (2009 census) | Mji una idadi ya wakazi wa 181,966 (sensa ya mwaka 2009). |
17 | y a in a ain! | 0.3 | 0.579661 | O ye assembly of Beings and humans (human+Beings)! | "Enyi makundi ya majini na watu! |
718,903 | o o e went t e i e ma n u. | 0.245902 | 0.490025 | So off we went to see if we could cross the mountains behind our house. | Na kisha kuhubiri huko, tulikuwa tunarudia ili kuhubiria wale wenye kuwa katika eneo ambamo tulikuwa tumeacha nyumba yetu. |
1,078,347 | he dn a usi ow k . | 0.216867 | 0.751151 | They don’t create music now like before. | Wanamuziki hawa kwa sasa hawafanyi tena muziki wa ushindani kama ilivyokuwa zamani. |
359,461 | w o m yo | 0.294118 | 0.615398 | BE willing to turn from your sins. | Kugeuka kutoka kwa dhambi yako! |
18 | n e e aie enu! | 0.275362 | 0.697179 | And they called out to the dwellers of Paradise: "Peace be upon you!" | Watawaita watu wa peponi ‘Amani iwe kwenu! |
718,904 | Thi classc animat m as rt st us obert Zemeckis, and it ar ihard iliams a pcial hit adm war, aoi th r oti oa a an ru ii b a f film. | 0.473118 | 0.919951 | This classic animated film was directed by Forrest Gump’s Robert Zemeckis, and it earned Richard Williams a Special Achievement Academy Award, alongside the three competitive oscars that ranged from best sound effects editing, best visual effects, and best film editing. | Filamu hii yenye michoro asili ilielekezwa na Forrest Gump's Robert Zemeckis, na ilipata Richard Williams a Tuzo Maalum ya Chuo cha Mafanikio, pamoja na oscars tatu za ushindani ambazo zilitoka kwa uhariri wa athari bora za sauti, athari bora za kuona, na uhariri bora wa filamu. |
1,078,348 | h h d ni? | 0.3125 | 0.607171 | Whom, then, could I confide in? | Unaweza Kutumaini Ahadi za Nani? |
359,462 | e blie onrsaina unde eeala u a ee ai o an taae r i hi. | 0.354037 | 0.820557 | We believe conversation across boundaries is essential to a future that is free, fair, prosperous and sustainable – for all citizens of this planet. | Tunaamini majadiliano bila kujali tofauti zetu ni muhimu kwa ajili ya dunia ya kesho ambayo ni huru, ya haki, ustawi na endelevu…kwa wananchi wote wa sayari hii. |
19 | heeoe e ie o a s ae el. | 0.349398 | 0.66382 | “Therefore cause a piece of the sky to fall on us, if you are one of the truthful.” | Basi tuangushie vipande kutoka mbinguni ikiwa wewe ni miongoni mwa wasemao kweli. |
718,905 | n o nt ie th iit u r sa t a omi. | 0.323529 | 0.802538 | "And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by Whom you were sealed for the day of redemption". | Wala msimhuzunishe yule Roho Mtakatifu wa Mungu; ambaye kwa yeye mlitiwa muhuri hata siku ya ukombozi. |
359,463 | hasa a sa h i. | 0.272727 | 0.909499 | That’s all I can say on that topic.” | Hayo ndiyo ninayoweza kusema kuhusiana na suala hili.'' |
1,078,349 | h saau ... | 0.333333 | 0.859709 | What to say about myself... | Kusema nini wewe kuhusu wangu ... |
20 | Hee ialo , o u aoa.” | 0.354839 | 0.91356 | Here it also says, “But for you, they are to save you.” | Hapa, pia unasema, “Lakini kwa ajili yenu, vipo ili kuwaokoa.” |
718,906 | u aeenee. | 0.290323 | 0.857376 | You have to examine yourself. | Unapaswa kujichunguza mwenyewe. |
359,464 | o ou a ala?” | 0.4 | 0.921078 | So you gonna talk or what?” | Kwa hivyo, utazungumza au la?” |
1,078,350 | ath a e ce pon a ime | 0.5 | 0.472692 | Kathy as Belle from Once Upon a Time | Imekaa kama hadithi za once upon a time, |
21 | 48Laban said is a i a wne we eo. | 0.464789 | 0.938236 | 48 Laban said, “This heap is a witness between you and me today.” | 48 Labani akasema, Chungu hii ni shahidi kati ya mimi na wewe hivi leo. |
718,907 | If yu ask h hi ehdoo shsthrthir | 0.287037 | 0.492521 | If you ever ask them for their methodology for which verses they accept as the word of God? they ignore you. | Ikiwa ni mmoja wao, yafaa ujiulize ni kwa nini unamuasi Allah hali ya kuwa umeahidi kutomshirikisha? |
359,465 | hi i o h ii a a t. | 0.3125 | 0.889135 | This is not the first time the market has been affected by fire. | Hii sio mara ya kwanza kwa soko hilo kuharibiwa na moto. |
1,078,351 | evr agai i eoe a. | 0.304348 | 0.816249 | Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all flesh. | Kamwe maji hayatageuka kuwa gharika ya kuviangamiza viumbe vyote hai. |
22 | ow e a iee o eso o l | 0.296296 | 0.498241 | Y: "Now cause a piece of the sky to fall on us, if thou art truthful!" | Basi tuangushie vipande kutoka mbinguni ikiwa wewe ni miongoni mwa wasemao kweli. |
718,908 | urent aah a it h siz microscopes mls e estt t aan moopes o a mt o w neurons. | 0.447514 | 0.851521 | Current approaches are imperfect: the current size of microscopes require animals to be restricted in their activity, and these microscopes offer a limited field of view of neurons. | Mbinu za sasa si za kutosha: ukubwa wa sasa wa microscopes unahitaji wanyama kuzuiwa katika shughuli zao, na microscopes hizi hutoa uwanja mdogo wa mtazamo wa neurons. |
359,466 | uh epien a oon in h ufowhene a o o gi a ha i aa i onsha h iiai m. | 0.359375 | 0.544236 | Such experiences are common in this hour, for whenever a son of God begins to proclaim truth and to deliver the message that is on God’s heart, those who are fleshly will rise up against them. | Hali hii halisi ya Mungu inathibitishwa wakati ule ambao fikira Zake zinaeleweka, na wakati ambapo Mungu hufungua kinywa Chake kuongea, hali Yake halisi inajionyesha kikamilifu. |
1,078,352 | u s ni pa | 0.25641 | 0.635341 | “You should recognize the place, too.” | Lakini unahitaji kuwa na nafasi, pia. " |
23 | o ase a iee o a a o e el | 0.333333 | 0.638343 | So cause a piece of heaven to fall on us, if you are of the truthful!" | Basi tuangushie vipande kutoka mbinguni ikiwa wewe ni miongoni mwa wasemao kweli. |
718,909 | e nu ima a h? | 0.368421 | 0.890517 | Yet can you imagine a world like that? | Unaweza kufikiri ulimwengu kama huo? |
359,467 | hi wa redd tw ekeie been t 00 mrd nio o y ol en eGolden League Van Damme Memorial Race o Agst. | 0.526596 | 0.906539 | This was preceded two weeks earlier by a bettering of the 10,000 m world junior record by a margin of almost 23 seconds in the IAAF Golden League Van Damme Memorial Race on 26 August. | Hii ilitangulia mapema wiki mbili kwa kuboresha rekodi ya vijana ya dunia ya mita 10,000 kwa karibu sekunde 23 katika michezo ya IAAF Golden League Van Damme Memorial Race mnamo Agosti 26. |
24 | foomatf Ali. | 0.325 | 0.898235 | We follow them, as they followed Ali. | Sisi tunawafuata kama walivyomfuata Ali. |
1,078,353 | he rra, i as u i uaaran Afria ast a wl a aa Yoruba, Igbo, Swahili, Wolof, Afrikaans, Zulu, Setswana a Sotho. | 0.556122 | 0.890561 | The program, which was launched in Sub-Saharan Africa last year, will now add languages including Yoruba, Igbo, Swahili, Wolof, Afrikaans, Zulu, Setswana and Sotho. | Mpango huo uliozinduliwa mwaka jana katika eneo la Kusini mwa Jangwa la Sahara barani Afrika, sasa utajumuisha uhakiki wa lugha za Yoruba, Igbo, Swahili, Wolof, Afrikaans, Zulu, Setswana na Sotho. |
718,910 | his s au i is a a n a. | 0.324324 | 0.898093 | This is because it is really easy to learn and play. | Hii ni hasa kutokana na ukweli kwamba ni rahisi sana kujifunza na kucheza. |
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