[ 41 ]
Bidirectional Sampling Based Search Without Two Point Boundary Value Solution. Bidirectional motion planning approaches decrease planning time, on average, compared to their unidirectional counterparts. In single query feasible motion planning, using bidirectional search to find a continuous motion plan requires an edge connection between the forward and reverse search trees. Such a tree tree connection requires solving a two point Boundary Value Problem (BVP). However, a two point BVP solution can be difficult or impossible to calculate for many systems. We present a novel bidirectional search strategy that does not require solving the two point BVP. Instead of connecting the forward and reverse trees directly, the reverse tree's cost information is used as a guiding heuristic for the forward search. This enables the forward search to quickly converge to a feasible solution without solving the two point BVP. We propose two new algorithms (GBRRT and GABRRT) that use this strategy and run multiple software simulations using multiple dynamical systems and real world hardware experiments to show that our algorithms perform on par or better than existing state of the art methods in quickly finding an initial feasible solution.
[ 41 ]
Visual Servoing based Navigation for Monitoring Row Crop Fields. Autonomous navigation is a pre requisite for field robots to carry out precision agriculture tasks. Typically, a robot has to navigate through a whole crop field several times during a season for monitoring the plants, for applying agrochemicals, or for performing targeted intervention actions. In this paper, we propose a framework tailored for navigation in row crop fields by exploiting the regular crop row structure present in the fields. Our approach uses only the images from on board cameras without the need for performing explicit localization or maintaining a map of the field and thus can operate without expensive RTK GPS solutions often used in agriculture automation systems. Our navigation approach allows the robot to follow the crop rows accurately and handles the switch to the next row seamlessly within the same framework. We implemented our approach using C and ROS and thoroughly tested it in several simulated environments with different shapes and sizes of field. We also demonstrated the system running at frame rate on an actual robot operating on a test row crop field. The code and data have been published.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.LG
On the Effectiveness of Mitigating Data Poisoning Attacks with Gradient Shaping. Machine learning algorithms are vulnerable to data poisoning attacks. Prior taxonomies that focus on specific scenarios, e.g., indiscriminate or targeted, have enabled defenses for the corresponding subset of known attacks. Yet, this introduces an inevitable arms race between adversaries and defenders. In this work, we study the feasibility of an attack agnostic defense relying on artifacts that are common to all poisoning attacks. Specifically, we focus on a common element between all attacks they modify gradients computed to train the model. We identify two main artifacts of gradients computed in the presence of poison (1) their ell 2 norms have significantly higher magnitudes than those of clean gradients, and (2) their orientation differs from clean gradients. Based on these observations, we propose the prerequisite for a generic poisoning defense it must bound gradient magnitudes and minimize differences in orientation. We call this gradient shaping. As an exemplar tool to evaluate the feasibility of gradient shaping, we use differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP SGD), which clips and perturbs individual gradients during training to obtain privacy guarantees. We find that DP SGD, even in configurations that do not result in meaningful privacy guarantees, increases the model's robustness to indiscriminate attacks. It also mitigates worst case targeted attacks and increases the adversary's cost in multi poison scenarios. The only attack we find DP SGD to be ineffective against is a strong, yet unrealistic, indiscriminate attack. Our results suggest that, while we currently lack a generic poisoning defense, gradient shaping is a promising direction for future research.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
CG BERT Conditional Text Generation with BERT for Generalized Few shot Intent Detection. In this paper, we formulate a more realistic and difficult problem setup for the intent detection task in natural language understanding, namely Generalized Few Shot Intent Detection (GFSID). GFSID aims to discriminate a joint label space consisting of both existing intents which have enough labeled data and novel intents which only have a few examples for each class. To approach this problem, we propose a novel model, Conditional Text Generation with BERT (CG BERT). CG BERT effectively leverages a large pre trained language model to generate text conditioned on the intent label. By modeling the utterance distribution with variational inference, CG BERT can generate diverse utterances for the novel intents even with only a few utterances available. Experimental results show that CG BERT achieves state of the art performance on the GFSID task with 1 shot and 5 shot settings on two real world datasets.
[ 42 ]
Four Lectures on Scalar Curvature. We overview main topics and ideas in spaces with their scalar curvatures bounded from below, and present a more detailed exposition of several known and some new geometric constraints on Riemannian spaces implied by the lower bounds on their scalar curvatures
[ 26 ]
A Paley Wiener theorem for Harish Chandra modules. We formulate and prove a Paley Wiener theorem for Harish Chandra modules for a real reductive group. As a corollary we obtain a new and elementary proof of the Helgason conjecture.
[ 0 ]
Selective Convolutional Network An Efficient Object Detector with Ignoring Background. It is well known that attention mechanisms can effectively improve the performance of many CNNs including object detectors. Instead of refining feature maps prevalently, we reduce the prohibitive computational complexity by a novel attempt at attention. Therefore, we introduce an efficient object detector called Selective Convolutional Network (SCN), which selectively calculates only on the locations that contain meaningful and conducive information. The basic idea is to exclude the insignificant background areas, which effectively reduces the computational cost especially during the feature extraction. To solve it, we design an elaborate structure with negligible overheads to guide the network where to look next. It's end to end trainable and easy embedding. Without additional segmentation datasets, we explores two different train strategies including direct supervision and indirect supervision. Extensive experiments assess the performance on PASCAL VOC2007 and MS COCO detection datasets. Results show that SSD and Pelee integrated with our method averagely reduce the calculations in a range of 1 5 and 1 3 with slight loss of accuracy, demonstrating the feasibility of SCN.
[ 64, 31 ]
q-bio.PE physics.soc-ph
Optimal Scheduling of Anticipated COVID 19 Vaccination A Case Study of New York State. This study aims to determine an optimal control strategy for vaccine scheduling in COVID 19 pandemic treatment by converting widely acknowledged infectious disease model named SEIR into an optimal control problem. The problem is augmented by adding medication and vaccine limitations to match real world situations. Two version of the problem is formulated to minimize the number of infected individuals at the same provide the optimal vaccine possible to reduce the susceptible population to a considerably lower state. Optimal control problems are solved using RBF Galerkin method. These problems are tested with a benchmarking dataset to determine required parameters. After this step, problems are tested with recent data for New York State, USA. The results regarding the proposed optimal control problem provides a set of evidences from which an optimal strategy for vaccine scheduling can be chosen, when the vaccine for COVID 19 will be available.
[ 16 ]
Network resilience. Many systems on our planet are known to shift abruptly and irreversibly from one state to another when they are forced across a "tipping point," such as mass extinctions in ecological networks, cascading failures in infrastructure systems, and social convention changes in human and animal networks. Such a regime shift demonstrates a system's resilience that characterizes the ability of a system to adjust its activity to retain its basic functionality in the face of internal disturbances or external environmental changes. In the past 50 years, attention was almost exclusively given to low dimensional systems and calibration of their resilience functions and indicators of early warning signals without considerations for the interactions between the components. Only in recent years, taking advantages of the network theory and lavish real data sets, network scientists have directed their interest to the real world complex networked multidimensional systems and their resilience function and early warning indicators. This report is devoted to a comprehensive review of resilience function and regime shift of complex systems in different domains, such as ecology, biology, social systems and infrastructure. We cover the related research about empirical observations, experimental studies, mathematical modeling, and theoretical analysis. We also discuss some ambiguous definitions, such as robustness, resilience, and stability.
[ 25 ]
On H 2 2 Isomorphism theorems and reinforced loop soup. We show that supersymmetric (susy) hyperbolic isomorphism theorems that relate Vertex Reinforced Jump Processes and H 2 2 field, introduced in 2 and 3 , are annealed version of isomorphism theorems relating Markov processes and Gaussian free field, with the help of a Bayes formula that relates susy hyperbolic field to susy free field. On the other hand, we also prove a BFS Dynkin's isomorphism theorem for reinforced loop soup. Moreover, we provide yet another proof of BFS Dynkin's isomorphism for VRJP a la Feynman Kac.
[ 31 ]
Beyond broad strokes sociocultural insights from the study of ancient genomes. The amount of sequence data obtained from ancient samples has dramatically expanded in the last decade, and so have the types of questions that can now be addressed using ancient DNA. In the field of human history, while ancient DNA has provided answers to long standing debates about major movements of people, it has also recently begun to inform on other important facets of the human experience. The field is now moving from not only focusing on large scale supra regional studies to also taking a more local perspective, shedding light on socioeconomic processes, inheritance rules, marriage practices and technological diffusion. In this review, we summarize recent studies showcasing these types of insights, focusing on the methods used to infer sociocultural aspects of human behaviour. This work often involves working across disciplines that have, until recently, evolved in separation. We argue that multidisciplinary dialogue is crucial for a more integrated and richer reconstruction of human history, as it can yield extraordinary insights about past societies, reproductive behaviours and even lifestyle habits that would not have been possible to obtain otherwise.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Low rank Linear Fluid structure Interaction Discretizations. Fluid structure interaction models involve parameters that describe the solid and the fluid behavior. In simulations, there often is a need to vary these parameters to examine the behavior of a fluid structure interaction model for different solids and different fluids. For instance, a shipping company wants to know how the material, a ship's hull is made of, interacts with fluids at different Reynolds and Strouhal numbers before the building process takes place. Also, the behavior of such models for solids with different properties is considered before the prototype phase. A parameter dependent linear fluid structure interaction discretization provides approximations for a bundle of different parameters at one step. Such a discretization with respect to different material parameters leads to a big block diagonal system matrix that is equivalent to a matrix equation as discussed in KressnerTobler 2011 . The unknown is then a matrix which can be approximated using a low rank approach that represents the iterate by a tensor. This paper discusses a low rank GMRES variant and a truncated variant of the Chebyshev iteration. Bounds for the error resulting from the truncation operations are derived. Numerical experiments show that such truncated methods applied to parameter dependent discretizations provide approximations with relative residual norms smaller than 10 8 within a twentieth of the time used by individual standard approaches.
[ 26, 35, 69 ]
math.RT math.QA math.RA
Finite dimensional irreducible representations of the nullity 2 centreless core mathfrak g 2n, rho ( mathbb C q) . We study the finite dimensional irreducible representations of the nullity 2 centreless core mathfrak g 2n, rho ( mathbb C q) by investigating the structure of the mathrm BC n graded Lie algebra mathfrak g 2n, rho (R) , where R is a unital involutory associative algebra over a field k of characteristic zero.
[ 0, 1, 4 ]
cs.CV cs.LG cs.NE
AssembleNet Searching for Multi Stream Neural Connectivity in Video Architectures. Learning to represent videos is a very challenging task both algorithmically and computationally. Standard video CNN architectures have been designed by directly extending architectures devised for image understanding to include the time dimension, using modules such as 3D convolutions, or by using two stream design to capture both appearance and motion in videos. We interpret a video CNN as a collection of multi stream convolutional blocks connected to each other, and propose the approach of automatically finding neural architectures with better connectivity and spatio temporal interactions for video understanding. This is done by evolving a population of overly connected architectures guided by connection weight learning. Architectures combining representations that abstract different input types (i.e., RGB and optical flow) at multiple temporal resolutions are searched for, allowing different types or sources of information to interact with each other. Our method, referred to as AssembleNet, outperforms prior approaches on public video datasets, in some cases by a great margin. We obtain 58.6 mAP on Charades and 34.27 accuracy on Moments in Time.
[ 56, 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI cs.LO
Forgetting to learn logic programs. Most program induction approaches require predefined, often hand engineered, background knowledge (BK). To overcome this limitation, we explore methods to automatically acquire BK through multi task learning. In this approach, a learner adds learned programs to its BK so that they can be reused to help learn other programs. To improve learning performance, we explore the idea of forgetting, where a learner can additionally remove programs from its BK. We consider forgetting in an inductive logic programming (ILP) setting. We show that forgetting can significantly reduce both the size of the hypothesis space and the sample complexity of an ILP learner. We introduce Forgetgol, a multi task ILP learner which supports forgetting. We experimentally compare Forgetgol against approaches that either remember or forget everything. Our experimental results show that Forgetgol outperforms the alternative approaches when learning from over 10,000 tasks.
[ 41, 2 ]
cs.RO cs.AI
ACDER Augmented Curiosity Driven Experience Replay. Exploration in environments with sparse feedback remains a challenging research problem in reinforcement learning (RL). When the RL agent explores the environment randomly, it results in low exploration efficiency, especially in robotic manipulation tasks with high dimensional continuous state and action space. In this paper, we propose a novel method, called Augmented Curiosity Driven Experience Replay (ACDER), which leverages (i) a new goal oriented curiosity driven exploration to encourage the agent to pursue novel and task relevant states more purposefully and (ii) the dynamic initial states selection as an automatic exploratory curriculum to further improve the sample efficiency. Our approach complements Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) by introducing a new way to pursue valuable states. Experiments conducted on four challenging robotic manipulation tasks with binary rewards, including Reach, Push, Pick Place and Multi step Push. The empirical results show that our proposed method significantly outperforms existing methods in the first three basic tasks and also achieves satisfactory performance in multi step robotic task learning.
[ 46, 78 ]
math.AC math.AG
Computing subschemes of the border basis scheme. A good way of parametrizing 0 dimensional schemes in an affine space mathbb A K n has been developed in the last 20 years using border basis schemes. Given a multiplicity mu , they provide an open covering of the Hilbert scheme rm Hilb mu( mathbb A n K) and can be described by easily computable quadratic equations. A natural question arises on how to determine loci which are contained in border basis schemes and whose rational points represent 0 dimensional K algebras sharing a given property. The main focus of this paper is on giving effective answers to this general problem. The properties considered here are the locally Gorenstein, strict Gorenstein, strict complete intersection, Cayley Bacharach, and strict Cayley Bacharach properties. The key characteristic of our approach is that we describe these loci by exhibiting explicit algorithms to compute their defining ideals. All results are illustrated by non trivial, concrete examples.
[ 59, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.SI
Hawkes modeled telecommunication patterns reveal relationship dynamics and personality traits. It is not news that our mobile phones contain a wealth of private information about us, and that is why we try to keep them secure. But even the traces of how we communicate can also tell quite a bit about us. In this work, we start from the calling and texting history of 200 students enrolled in the Netsense study, and we link it to the type of relationships that students have with their peers, and even with their personality profiles. First, we show that a Hawkes point process with a power law decaying kernel can accurately model the calling activity between peers. Second, we show that the fitted parameters of the Hawkes model are predictive of the type of relationship and that the generalization error of the Hawkes process can be leveraged to detect changes in the relation types as they are happening. Last, we build descriptors for the students in the study by jointly modeling the communication series initiated by them. We find that Hawkes modeled telecommunication patterns can predict the students' Big5 psychometric traits almost as accurate as the user filled surveys pertaining to hobbies, activities, well being, grades obtained, health condition and the number of books they read. These results are significant, as they indicate that information that usually resides outside the control of individuals (such as call and text logs) reveal information about the relationship they have, and even their personality traits.
[ 94, 14 ]
cs.HC physics.ed-ph
Rediscovering Korea's Ancient Skies An Immersive, Interactive 3D Map of Traditional Korean Constellations in the Milky Way. In this work, we visualized Korea's traditional constellations within an interactive 3D star map we created of the Milky Way. Unlike virtual planetariums based on celestial star coordinates from Earth's viewpoint, our visualization enables people to experience and interact with Korean constellation forms and its constituent stars in 3D space, and appreciate their historical, cultural significance from a contemporary perspective. Our interactive constellation map is based on the most detailed and accurate information on the stars in our Galaxy to date, and combines our expanding scientific understanding of the stars with contextual information reflecting Korea's unique astronomical culture and heritage.
[ 0 ]
Few Is Enough Task Augmented Active Meta Learning for Brain Cell Classification. Deep Neural Networks (or DNNs) must constantly cope with distribution changes in the input data when the task of interest or the data collection protocol changes. Retraining a network from scratch to combat this issue poses a significant cost. Meta learning aims to deliver an adaptive model that is sensitive to these underlying distribution changes, but requires many tasks during the meta training process. In this paper, we propose a tAsk auGmented actIve meta LEarning (AGILE) method to efficiently adapt DNNs to new tasks by using a small number of training examples. AGILE combines a meta learning algorithm with a novel task augmentation technique which we use to generate an initial adaptive model. It then uses Bayesian dropout uncertainty estimates to actively select the most difficult samples when updating the model to a new task. This allows AGILE to learn with fewer tasks and a few informative samples, achieving high performance with a limited dataset. We perform our experiments using the brain cell classification task and compare the results to a plain meta learning model trained from scratch. We show that the proposed task augmented meta learning framework can learn to classify new cell types after a single gradient step with a limited number of training samples. We show that active learning with Bayesian uncertainty can further improve the performance when the number of training samples is extremely small. Using only 1 of the training data and a single update step, we achieved 90 accuracy on the new cell type classification task, a 50 points improvement over a state of the art meta learning algorithm.
[ 25, 76, 9 ]
math.PR math.AP math.SP
A spectral theoretical approach for hypocoercivity applied to some degenerate hypoelliptic, and non local operators. The aim of this paper is to offer an original and comprehensive spectral theoretical approach to the study of convergence to equilibrium, and in particular of the hypocoercivity phenomenon, for contraction semigroups in Hilbert spaces. Our approach rests on a commutation relationship for linear operators known as intertwining, and we utilize this identity to transfer spectral information from a known, reference semigroup tilde P (e t tilde mathbf A ) t geq 0 to a target semigroup P which is the object of study. This allows us to obtain conditions under which P satisfies a hypocoercive estimate with exponential decay rate given by the spectral gap of tilde mathbf A . Along the way we also develop a functional calculus involving the non self adjoint resolution of identity induced by the intertwining relations. We apply these results in a general Hilbert space setting to two cases degenerate, hypoelliptic Ornstein Uhlenbeck semigroups on mathbb R d , and non local Jacobi semigroups on 0,1 d , which have been recently introduced and studied for d 1 . In both cases we obtain hypocoercive estimates and are able to explicitly identify the hypocoercive constants
[ 25, 20 ]
math.PR cs.NA math.NA
Multilevel Representations of Isotropic Gaussian Random Fields on the Sphere. Series expansions of isotropic Gaussian random fields on mathbb S 2 with independent Gaussian coefficients and localized basis functions are constructed. Such representations provide an alternative to the standard Karhunen Lo eve expansions of isotropic random fields in terms of spherical harmonics. Their multilevel localized structure of basis functions is especially useful in adaptive algorithms. The basis functions are obtained by applying the square root of the covariance operator to spherical needlets. Localization of the resulting covariance dependent multilevel basis is shown under decay conditions on the angular power spectrum of the random field. In addition, numerical illustrations are given and an application to random elliptic PDEs on the sphere is analyzed.
[ 34, 23 ]
math.FA math.CV
Inverse of generalized Nevanlinna function that is holomorphic at infinity. Let left( mathcal H , left(.,. right) right) be a Hilbert space and let mathcal L left( mathcal H right) be the linear space of bounded operators in mathcal H . In this paper, we deal with mathcal L ( mathcal H ) valued function Q that belongs to the generalized Nevanlinna class mathcal N kappa ( mathcal H ) , where kappa is a non negative integer. It is the class of functions meromorphic on C backslash R , such that Q(z) Q( bar z ) and the kernel mathcal N Q left( z,w right) frac Q left( z right) Q left( w right) ast z bar w has kappa negative squares. A focus is on the functions Q in mathcal N kappa ( mathcal H ) which are holomorphic at infty . A new operator representation of the inverse function hat Q left( z right) Q left( z right) 1 is obtained under the condition that the derivative at infinity Q ' left( infty right) lim limits z to infty zQ(z) is boundedly invertible operator. It turns out that hat Q is the sum hat Q hat Q 1 hat Q 2 , , , hat Q i in mathcal N kappa i left( mathcal H right) that satisfies kappa 1 kappa 2 kappa . That decomposition enables us to study properties of both functions, Q and hat Q , by studying the simple components hat Q 1 and hat Q 2 .
[ 58, 4 ]
q-bio.NC cs.NE
Attracting Sets in Perceptual Networks. This document gives a specification for the model used in 1 . It presents a simple way of optimizing mutual information between some input and the attractors of a (noisy) network, using a genetic algorithm. The nodes of this network are modeled as simplified versions of the structures described in the "interface theory of perception" 2 . Accordingly, the system is referred to as a "perceptual network". The present paper is an edited version of technical parts of 1 and serves as accompanying text for the Python implementation PerceptualNetworks, freely available under 3 . 1. Prentner, R., and Fields, C.. Using AI methods to Evaluate a Minimal Model for Perception. OpenPhilosophy 2019, 2, 503 524. 2. Hoffman, D. D., Prakash, C., and Singh, M.. The Interface Theory of Perception. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review 2015, 22, 1480 1506. 3. Prentner, R.. PerceptualNetworks. https github.com RobertPrentner PerceptualNetworks. (accessed September 17 2020)
[ 67 ]
Modulation induced splitting of the magnetic resonance. The splitting of magnetic resonance induced by a linearly polarized frequency comb is presented for Hanle experimental configuration. The experiment is carried out with thermal Rubidium atoms in an anti relaxation coated glass cell. The observed splitting corresponds to steady state behaviour of the system over an integrated time scale that is longer than the modulation frequency. The splitting is only observed for dark resonances, with left and right circularly polarized light simultaneously coupled to the atomic system. The missing alternate split components at single photon resonance is consistent with the theoretical calculation. The different components of the split profile have distinct response to the direction of the transverse magnetic field. The response is captured by the theoretical calculation and the underlying physical mechanism is discussed. These studies will be useful in metrology and advancement of vector atomic magnetometer.
[ 0, 49 ]
cs.CV math.OC
Task Oriented Convex Bilevel Optimization with Latent Feasibility. This paper firstly proposes a convex bilevel optimization paradigm to formulate and optimize popular learning and vision problems in real world scenarios. Different from conventional approaches, which directly design their iteration schemes based on given problem formulation, we introduce a task oriented energy as our latent constraint which integrates richer task information. By explicitly re characterizing the feasibility, we establish an efficient and flexible algorithmic framework to tackle convex models with both shrunken solution space and powerful auxiliary (based on domain knowledge and data distribution of the task). In theory, we present the convergence analysis of our latent feasibility re characterization based numerical strategy. We also analyze the stability of the theoretical convergence under computational error perturbation. Extensive numerical experiments are conducted to verify our theoretical findings and evaluate the practical performance of our method on different applications.
[ 22 ]
Software Test Automation Maturity A Survey of the State of the Practice. The software industry has seen an increasing interest in test automation. In this paper, we present a test automation maturity survey serving as a self assessment for practitioners. Based on responses of 151 practitioners coming from above 101 organizations in 25 countries, we make observations regarding the state of the practice of test automation maturity a) The level of test automation maturity in different organizations is differentiated by the practices they adopt b) Practitioner reported the quite diverse situation with respect to different practices, e.g., 85 practitioners agreed that their test teams have enough test automation expertise and skills, while 47 of practitioners admitted that there is lack of guidelines on designing and executing automated tests c) Some practices are strongly correlated and or closely clustered d) The percentage of automated test cases and the use of Agile and or DevOps development models are good indicators for a higher test automation maturity level (e) The roles of practitioners may affect response variation, e.g., QA engineers give the most optimistic answers, consultants give the most pessimistic answers. Our results give an insight into present test automation processes and practices and indicate chances for further improvement in the present industry.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.LG
On the Relationship Between Probabilistic Circuits and Determinantal Point Processes. Scaling probabilistic models to large realistic problems and datasets is a key challenge in machine learning. Central to this effort is the development of tractable probabilistic models (TPMs) models whose structure guarantees efficient probabilistic inference algorithms. The current landscape of TPMs is fragmented there exist various kinds of TPMs with different strengths and weaknesses. Two of the most prominent classes of TPMs are determinantal point processes (DPPs) and probabilistic circuits (PCs). This paper provides the first systematic study of their relationship. We propose a unified analysis and shared language for discussing DPPs and PCs. Then we establish theoretical barriers for the unification of these two families, and prove that there are cases where DPPs have no compact representation as a class of PCs. We close with a perspective on the central problem of unifying these tractable models.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
On a seventh order convergent weakly L stable Newton Cotes formula with application on Burger's equation. In this paper we derive 7 th order convergent integration formula in time which is weakly L stable. To derive the method we use, Newton Cotes formula, fifth order Hermite interpolation polynomial approximation (osculatory interpolation) and sixth order explicit backward Taylor's polynomial approximation. The vector form of this formula is used to solve Burger's equation which is one dimensional form of Navier Stokes equation. We observe that the method gives high accuracy results in the case of inconsistencies as well as for small values of viscosity, e.g., 10 3 . Computations are performed by using Mathematica 11.3. Stability and convergence of the schemes are also proved. To check the efficiency of the method we considered 6 test examples and several tables and figures are generated which verify all results of the paper.
[ 21 ]
Niche Number of Linear Hypertrees. For a digraph D , the niche hypergraph NH(D) of D is the hypergraph having the same set of vertices as D and the set of hyperedges is begin align E(NH(D)) e subseteq V(D) e geq 2 and there exists v in V(D) such that e N D (v) notag or e N D (v) . notag end align A digraph is said to be acyclic if it has no directed cycle as a subdigraph. For a given hypergraph H , the niche number hat n (H) is the smallest integer such that H together with hat n (H) isolated vertices is the niche hypergraph of an acyclic digraph. In this paper, we study the niche number of linear hypertrees with maximum degree two. By our result, we can conclude for a special case that if H is a linear hypertree with Delta(H) 2 and anti rank three, then hat n (H) 0 . We also prove that the maximum degree condition is best possible. Moreover, it was proved that if H is a hypergraph of rank r whose niche number is not infinity, then Delta(H) leq 2r . In this paper, we give a construction of hypertrees whose niche number is 0 of prescribed maximum degree from 3 to 2r .
[ 9 ]
Existence of contacts for the motion of a rigid body into a viscous incompressible fluid with the Tresca boundary conditions. We consider a fluid structure interaction system composed by a rigid ball immersed into a viscous incompressible fluid. The motion of the structure satisfies the Newton laws and the fluid equations are the standard Navier Stokes system. At the boundary of the fluid domain, we use the Tresca boundary conditions, that permit the fluid to slip tangentially on the boundary under some conditions on the stress tensor. More precisely, there is a threshold determining if the fluid can slip or not and there is a friction force acting on the part where the fluid can slip. Our main result is the existence of contact in finite time between the ball and the exterior boundary of the fluid for this system in the bidimensional case and in presence of gravity.
[ 32, 68, 28 ]
cs.DM cs.CG cs.DS
2 Layer k Planar Graphs Density, Crossing Lemma, Relationships, and Pathwidth. The 2 layer drawing model is a well established paradigm to visualize bipartite graphs. Several beyond planar graph classes have been studied under this model. Surprisingly, however, the fundamental class of k planar graphs has been considered only for k 1 in this context. We provide several contributions that address this gap in the literature. First, we show tight density bounds for the classes of 2 layer k planar graphs with k in 2,3,4,5 . Based on these results, we provide a Crossing Lemma for 2 layer k planar graphs, which then implies a general density bound for 2 layer k planar graphs. We prove this bound to be almost optimal with a corresponding lower bound construction. Finally, we study relationships between k planarity and h quasiplanarity in the 2 layer model and show that 2 layer k planar graphs have pathwidth at most k 1 .
[ 2, 22, 39 ]
cs.AI cs.CY cs.SE
Assessing the Safety and Reliability of Autonomous Vehicles from Road Testing. There is an urgent societal need to assess whether autonomous vehicles (AVs) are safe enough. From published quantitative safety and reliability assessments of AVs, we know that, given the goal of predicting very low rates of accidents, road testing alone requires infeasible numbers of miles to be driven. However, previous analyses do not consider any knowledge prior to road testing knowledge which could bring substantial advantages if the AV design allows strong expectations of safety before road testing. We present the advantages of a new variant of Conservative Bayesian Inference (CBI), which uses prior knowledge while avoiding optimistic biases. We then study the trend of disengagements (take overs by human drivers) by applying Software Reliability Growth Models (SRGMs) to data from Waymo's public road testing over 51 months, in view of the practice of software updates during this testing. Our approach is to not trust any specific SRGM, but to assess forecast accuracy and then improve forecasts. We show that, coupled with accuracy assessment and recalibration techniques, SRGMs could be a valuable test planning aid.
[ 21 ]
Algebraic polytopes in Normaliz. We describe the implementation of algebraic polyhedra in Normaliz. In addition to convex hull computation vertex enumeration, it is possible to compute triangulations, volumes, lattice points, face lattices and automorphism groups. The arithmetic is based on the package e antic by V. Delecroix.
[ 0, 41 ]
cs.RO cs.CV
Spatiotemporal Camera LiDAR Calibration A Targetless and Structureless Approach. The demand for multimodal sensing systems for robotics is growing due to the increase in robustness, reliability and accuracy offered by these systems. These systems also need to be spatially and temporally co registered to be effective. In this paper, we propose a targetless and structureless spatiotemporal camera LiDAR calibration method. Our method combines a closed form solution with a modified structureless bundle adjustment where the coarse to fine approach does not require an initial guess on the spatiotemporal parameters. Also, as 3D features (structure) are calculated from triangulation only, there is no need to have a calibration target or to match 2D features with the 3D point cloud which provides flexibility in the calibration process and sensor configuration. We demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method through both simulation and real data experiments using multiple sensor payload configurations mounted to hand held, aerial and legged robot systems. Also, qualitative results are given in the form of a colorized point cloud visualization.
[ 25 ]
Stochastic decomposition for ell p norm symmetric survival functions on the positive orthant. We derive a stochastic representation for the probability distribution on the positive orthant (0, infty) d whose association between components is minimal among all probability laws with ell p norm symmetric survival functions. It is given by a transformation of a uniform distribution on the standard unit simplex that is multiplied with an independent finite mixture of certain beta distributions and an additional atom at unity. On the one hand, this implies an efficient simulation algorithm for arbitrary probability laws with ell p norm symmetric survival function. On the other hand, this result is leveraged to construct an exact simulation algorithm for max infinitely divisible probability distributions on the positive orthant whose exponent measure has ell p norm symmetric survival function. Both applications generalize existing results for the case p 1 to the case of arbitrary p geq 1 .
[ 14 ]
Let's Gamble Uncovering the Impact of Visualization on Risk Perception and Decision Making. Data visualizations are standard tools for assessing and communicating risks. However, it is not always clear which designs are optimal or how encoding choices might influence risk perception and decision making. In this paper, we report the findings of a large scale gambling game that immersed participants in an environment where their actions impacted their bonuses. Participants chose to either enter a draw or receive guaranteed monetary gains based on five common visualization designs. By measuring risk perception and observing decision making, we showed that icon arrays tended to elicit economically sound behavior. We also found that people were more likely to gamble when presented area proportioned triangle and circle designs. Using our results, we model risk perception and decisions for each visualization and provide a ranking to improve visualization selection.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Equal higher order analysis of an unfitted discontinuous Galerkin method for Stokes flow systems. In this work, we analyze an unfitted discontinuous Galerkin discretization for the numerical solution of the Stokes system based on equal higher order discontinuous velocities and pressures. This approach combines the best from both worlds, firstly the advantages of a piece wise discontinuous high order accurate approximation and secondly the advantages of an unfitted to the true geometry grid around possibly complex objects and or geometrical deformations. Utilizing a fictitious domain framework, the physical domain of interest is embedded in an unfitted background mesh and the geometrically unfitted discretization is built upon symmetric interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin formulation. To enhance stability we enrich the discrete variational formulation with a pressure stabilization term. Moreover, the present contribution adopts high order ghost penalty strategies to address the ill conditioning of the system matrix caused by small truncated elements with respect to the unfitted boundary. Motivated by continuous unfitted FEM 21,74,75 along with other unfitted mesh surveys grounded on discontinuous spaces 10,44,45,73 , we use proper velocity and pressure ghost penalties defined on faces of cut cells to establish a robust high order method, in spite of the cell agglomeration technique usually applied on dG methods. The current presentation should prove valuable in engineering applications where special emphasis is placed on the optimal effective approximation attaining much smaller relative errors in coarser meshes. Inf sup stability, the optimal order of convergence, and the condition number sensitivity with respect to cut configuration are investigated. Numerical examples verify the theoretical results.
[ 3 ]
The jsRealB Text Realizer Organization and Use Cases. This paper describes the design principles behind jsRealB, a surface realizer written in JavaScript for English or French sentences from a specification inspired by the constituent syntax formalism. It can be used either within a web page or as a node .js module. We show that the seemingly simple process of text realization involves many interesting implementation challenges in order to take into account the specifics of each language. jsRealB has a large coverage of English and French and has been used to develop realistic data to text applications and to reproduce existing literary texts and sentences with Universal Dependency annotations. Its source code and that of its applications are available on GitHub.
[ 23 ]
Szeg H o and Widom theorems for finite codimensional subalgebras of a class of uniform algebras. We establish versions of Szeg H o 's distance formula and Widom's theorem on invertibility of (a family of) Toeplitz operators in a class of finite codimension subalgebras of uniform algebras, obtained by imposing a finite number of linear constraints. Each such algebra is naturally represented on a family of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, which play a central role in the proofs.
[ 28 ]
Computing Persistent Homology with Various Coefficient Fields in a Single Pass. This article introduces an algorithm to compute the persistent homology of a filtered complex with various coefficient fields in a single matrix reduction. The algorithm is output sensitive in the total number of distinct persistent homological features in the diagrams for the different coefficient fields. This computation allows us to infer the prime divisors of the torsion coefficients of the integral homology groups of the topological space at any scale, hence furnishing a more informative description of topology than persistence in a single coefficient field. We provide theoretical complexity analysis as well as detailed experimental results. The code is part of the Gudhi software library.
[ 34, 42 ]
math.CV math.DG
Compactness of the bar partial Neumann problem on domains with bounded intrinsic geometry. By considering intrinsic geometric conditions, we introduce a new class of domains in complex Euclidean space. This class is invariant under biholomorphism and includes strongly pseudoconvex domains, finite type domains in dimension two, convex domains, mathbb C convex domains, and homogeneous domains. For this class of domains, we show that compactness of the bar partial Neumann operator on (0,q) forms is equivalent to the boundary not containing any q dimensional analytic varieties (assuming only that the boundary is a topological submanifold). We also prove, for this class of domains, that the Bergman metric is equivalent to the Kobayashi metric and that the pluricomplex Green function satisfies certain local estimates in terms of the Bergman metric.
[ 0, 41 ]
cs.CV cs.RO
Alleviating the Burden of Labeling Sentence Generation by Attention Branch Encoder Decoder Network. Domestic service robots (DSRs) are a promising solution to the shortage of home care workers. However, one of the main limitations of DSRs is their inability to interact naturally through language. Recently, data driven approaches have been shown to be effective for tackling this limitation however, they often require large scale datasets, which is costly. Based on this background, we aim to perform automatic sentence generation of fetching instructions for example, "Bring me a green tea bottle on the table." This is particularly challenging because appropriate expressions depend on the target object, as well as its surroundings. In this paper, we propose the attention branch encoder decoder network (ABEN), to generate sentences from visual inputs. Unlike other approaches, the ABEN has multimodal attention branches that use subword level attention and generate sentences based on subword embeddings. In experiments, we compared the ABEN with a baseline method using four standard metrics in image captioning. Results show that the ABEN outperformed the baseline in terms of these metrics.
[ 66, 20 ]
math.NA cs.CE cs.NA
High order entropy stable discontinuous Galerkin methods for the shallow water equations curved triangular meshes and GPU acceleration. We present a high order entropy stable discontinuous Galerkin (ESDG) method for the two dimensional shallow water equations (SWE) on curved triangular meshes. The presented scheme preserves a semi discrete entropy inequality and remains well balanced for continuous bathymetry profiles. We provide numerical experiments which confirm the high order accuracy and theoretical properties of the scheme, and compare the presented scheme to an entropy stable scheme based on simplicial summation by parts (SBP) finite difference operators. Finally, we report the computational performance of an implementation on Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and provide comparisons to existing GPU accelerated implementations of high order DG methods on quadrilateral meshes.
[ 14 ]
Presence in VR experiences an empirical cost benefit analysis. Virtual reality (VR) is on the edge of getting a mainstream platform for gaming, education and product design. The feeling of being present in the virtual world is influenced by many factors and even more intriguing a single negative influence can destroy the illusion that was created with a lot of effort by other measures. Therefore, it is crucial to have a balance between the influencing factors, know the importance of the factors and have a good estimation of how much effort it takes to bring each factor to a certain level of fidelity. This paper collects influencing factors discussed in literature, analyses the immersion of current off the shelf VR solutions and presents results from an empirical study on efforts and benefits from certain aspects influencing presence in VR experiences. It turns out, that sometimes delivering high fidelity is easier to achieve than medium fidelity and for other aspects it is worthwhile investing more effort to achieve higher fidelity to improve presence a lot.
[ 0 ]
A new approach to descriptors generation for image retrieval by analyzing activations of deep neural network layers. In this paper, we consider the problem of descriptors construction for the task of content based image retrieval using deep neural networks. The idea of neural codes, based on fully connected layers activations, is extended by incorporating the information contained in convolutional layers. It is known that the total number of neurons in the convolutional part of the network is large and the majority of them have little influence on the final classification decision. Therefore, in the paper we propose a novel algorithm that allows us to extract the most significant neuron activations and utilize this information to construct effective descriptors. The descriptors consisting of values taken from both the fully connected and convolutional layers perfectly represent the whole image content. The images retrieved using these descriptors match semantically very well to the query image, and also they are similar in other secondary image characteristics, like background, textures or color distribution. These features of the proposed descriptors are verified experimentally based on the IMAGENET1M dataset using the VGG16 neural network.
[ 42, 71 ]
math.DG math.SG
Euler like vector fields, normal forms, and isotropic embeddings. Germs of tubular neighborhood embeddings for submanifolds N of manifolds M are in one one correspondence with germs of Euler like vector fields near N. In many contexts, this reduces the proof of normal forms results' for geometric structures to the construction of an Euler like vector field compatible with the given structure. We illustrate this principle in a variety of examples, including the Morse Bott lemma, Weinstein's Lagrangian embedding theorem, and Zung's linearization theorem for proper Lie groupoids. In the second part of this article, we extend the theory to a weighted context, with an application to isotropic embeddings.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Optimal Pricing for Job Offloading in the MEC System with Two Priority Classes. Multi Access edge computing (MEC) is an emerging paradigm where users offload computationally intensive jobs to the Access Point (AP). Given that the AP's resources are shared by selfish users, pricing is a useful tool for incentivising users to internalize the negative externality of delay they cause to other users. Nevertheless, different users have different negative valuations towards delay as some are more delay sensitive. To serve heterogeneous users, we propose a priority pricing scheme where users can get served first for a higher price. Our goal is to find the prices such that in decision making, users will choose the class and the offloading frequency that jointly maximize social welfare. With the assumption that the AP knows users' profit functions, we derive in semi closed form the optimal prices. However in practice, the reporting of users's profit information incurs a large signalling overhead. Besides, in reality users might falsely report their private profit information. To overcome this, we further propose a learning based pricing mechanism where no knowledge of individual user profit functions is required. At equilibrium, the optimal prices and average edge delays are learnt, and users have chosen the correct priority class and offload at the socially optimal frequency.
[ 21 ]
Injective edge coloring of sparse graphs. An injective edge coloring c of a graph G is an edge coloring such that if e 1 , e 2 , and e 3 are three consecutive edges in G (they are consecutive if they form a path or a cycle of length three), then e 1 and e 3 receive different colors. The minimum integer k such that, G has an injective edge coloring with k colors, is called the injective chromatic index of G ( chi' textrm inj (G) ). This parameter was introduced by Cardoso et textit al. cite CCCD motivated by the Packet Radio Network problem. They proved that computing chi' textrm inj (G) of a graph G is NP hard. We give new upper bounds for this parameter and we present the relationships of the injective edge coloring with other colorings of graphs. The obtained general bound gives 8 for the injective chromatic index of a subcubic graph. If the graph is subcubic bipartite we improve this last bound. We prove that a subcubic bipartite graph has an injective chromatic index bounded by 6 . We also prove that if G is a subcubic graph with maximum average degree less than frac 7 3 (resp. frac 8 3 , 3 ), then G admits an injective edge coloring with at most 4 (resp. 6 , 7 ) colors. Moreover, we establish a tight upper bound for subcubic outerplanar graphs.
[ 25 ]
Heavy Traffic Queue Length Behaviour in a Switch under Markovian Arrivals. The paper studies the input queued switch that is a good model for data center networks, operating under the MaxWeight algorithm. The heavy traffic scaled mean queue length was characterized in citet maguluri2018optimal, maguluri2016heavy when the arrivals are i.i.d.. This paper characterizes the heavy traffic scaled mean sum queue length under Markov modulated arrivals in the heavy traffic limit, and shows that it is within a factor of less than 2 from a universal lower bound. Moreover, the paper obtains lower and upper bounds, that are applicable in all traffic regimes, and they become tight in heavy traffic regime. The paper obtains these results by generalizing the drift method that was developed in citet eryilmaz2012asymptotically, maguluri2016heavy to the case of Markovian arrivals. The paper illustrates this generalization by first obtaining the heavy traffic mean queue length in a single server queue under Markovian arrivals. The paper also illustrates the generalization of the transform method citet hurtado2018transform to obtain the queue length distribution in a single server queue under Markovian arrivals. The key ideas are the use of geometric mixing of finite state Markov chains, and studying the drift of a test function over a time window that depends on the heavy traffic parameter.
[ 1, 22 ]
cs.LG cs.SE
NeVer 2.0 Learning, Verification and Repair of Deep Neural Networks. In this work, we present an early prototype of NeVer 2.0, a new system for automated synthesis and analysis of deep neural networks.NeVer 2.0borrows its design philosophy from NeVer, the first package that integrated learning, automated verification and repair of (shallow) neural networks in a single tool. The goal of NeVer 2.0 is to provide a similar integration for deep networks by leveraging a selection of state of the art learning frameworks and integrating them with verification algorithms to ease the scalability challenge and make repair of faulty networks possible.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Uncertainty Aware Voxel based 3D Object Detection and Tracking with von Mises Loss. Object detection and tracking is a key task in autonomy. Specifically, 3D object detection and tracking have been an emerging hot topic recently. Although various methods have been proposed for object detection, uncertainty in the 3D detection and tracking tasks has been less explored. Uncertainty helps us tackle the error in the perception system and improve robustness. In this paper, we propose a method for improving target tracking performance by adding uncertainty regression to the SECOND detector, which is one of the most representative algorithms of 3D object detection. Our method estimates positional and dimensional uncertainties with Gaussian Negative Log Likelihood (NLL) Loss for estimation and introduces von Mises NLL Loss for angular uncertainty estimation. We fed the uncertainty output into a classical object tracking framework and proved that our method increased the tracking performance compared against the vanilla tracker with constant covariance assumption.
[ 46 ]
The Betti side of the double shuffle theory a survey. This is a survey of arXiv 1803.10151v4, arXiv 1807.07786v2 and arXiv 1908.00444v2 by H. Furusho and the author. The purpose of this series of papers is (1) to give a proof that associator relations imply double shuffle relations, alternative to Furusho's paper arXiv 0808.0319v3 (2) to make explicit the bitorsor structure on Racinet's torsor of double shuffle relations. The main tool is the interpretation of the harmonic coproduct in terms of the topology of the moduli spaces mathfrak M 0,4 and mathfrak M 0,5 , introduced in Deligne and Terasoma's 2005 preprint, and its extension to the Betti setup.
[ 19 ]
Owner centric sharing of physical resources, data, and data driven insights in digital ecosystems. We are living in an age in which digitization will connect more and more physical assets with IT systems and where IoT endpoints will generate a wealth of valuable data. Companies, individual users, and organizations alike therefore have the need to control their own physical or non physical assets and data sources. At the same time, they recognize the need for, and opportunity to, share access to such data and digitized physical assets. This paper sets out our technology vision for such sharing ecosystems, reports initial work in that direction, identifies challenges for realizing this vision, and seeks feedback and collaboration from the academic access control community in that R D space.
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI cs.CV
A Review of Uncertainty Quantification in Deep Learning Techniques, Applications and Challenges. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) plays a pivotal role in reduction of uncertainties during both optimization and decision making processes. It can be applied to solve a variety of real world applications in science and engineering. Bayesian approximation and ensemble learning techniques are two most widely used UQ methods in the literature. In this regard, researchers have proposed different UQ methods and examined their performance in a variety of applications such as computer vision (e.g., self driving cars and object detection), image processing (e.g., image restoration), medical image analysis (e.g., medical image classification and segmentation), natural language processing (e.g., text classification, social media texts and recidivism risk scoring), bioinformatics, etc. This study reviews recent advances in UQ methods used in deep learning. Moreover, we also investigate the application of these methods in reinforcement learning (RL). Then, we outline a few important applications of UQ methods. Finally, we briefly highlight the fundamental research challenges faced by UQ methods and discuss the future research directions in this field.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Adversarial Defense by Restricting the Hidden Space of Deep Neural Networks. Deep neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, which can fool them by adding minuscule perturbations to the input images. The robustness of existing defenses suffers greatly under white box attack settings, where an adversary has full knowledge about the network and can iterate several times to find strong perturbations. We observe that the main reason for the existence of such perturbations is the close proximity of different class samples in the learned feature space. This allows model decisions to be totally changed by adding an imperceptible perturbation in the inputs. To counter this, we propose to class wise disentangle the intermediate feature representations of deep networks. Specifically, we force the features for each class to lie inside a convex polytope that is maximally separated from the polytopes of other classes. In this manner, the network is forced to learn distinct and distant decision regions for each class. We observe that this simple constraint on the features greatly enhances the robustness of learned models, even against the strongest white box attacks, without degrading the classification performance on clean images. We report extensive evaluations in both black box and white box attack scenarios and show significant gains in comparison to state of the art defenses.
[ 6 ]
Steady Rayleigh B 'enard convection between no slip boundaries. The central open question about Rayleigh B 'enard convection buoyancy driven flow in a fluid layer heated from below and cooled from above is how vertical heat flux depends on the imposed temperature gradient in the strongly nonlinear regime where the flows are typically turbulent. The quantitative challenge is to determine how the Nusselt number Nu depends on the Rayleigh number Ra in the Ra to infty limit for fluids of fixed finite Prandtl number Pr in fixed spatial domains. Laboratory experiments, numerical simulations, and analysis of Rayleigh's mathematical model have yet to rule out either of the proposed classical' Nu sim Ra 1 3 or ultimate' Nu sim Ra 1 2 asymptotic scaling theories. Among the many solutions of the equations of motion at high Ra are steady convection rolls that are dynamically unstable but share features of the turbulent attractor. We have computed these steady solutions for Ra up to 10 14 with Pr 1 and various horizontal periods. By choosing the horizontal period of these rolls at each Ra to maximize Nu , we find that steady convection rolls achieve classical asymptotic scaling. Moreover, they transport more heat than turbulent convection in experiments or simulations at comparable parameters. If heat transport in turbulent convection continues to be dominated by heat transport in steady rolls as Ra to infty , it cannot achieve the ultimate scaling.
[ 2, 4 ]
cs.NE cs.AI
Multiobjectivization of Local Search Single Objective Optimization Benefits From Multi Objective Gradient Descent. Multimodality is one of the biggest difficulties for optimization as local optima are often preventing algorithms from making progress. This does not only challenge local strategies that can get stuck. It also hinders meta heuristics like evolutionary algorithms in convergence to the global optimum. In this paper we present a new concept of gradient descent, which is able to escape local traps. It relies on multiobjectivization of the original problem and applies the recently proposed and here slightly modified multi objective local search mechanism MOGSA. We use a sophisticated visualization technique for multi objective problems to prove the working principle of our idea. As such, this work highlights the transfer of new insights from the multi objective to the single objective domain and provides first visual evidence that multiobjectivization can link single objective local optima in multimodal landscapes.
[ 18 ]
Critical Bridge Spheres for Links with Arbitrarily Many Bridges. We show that for every integer b geq 3 , there exists a link in a b bridge position with respect to a critical bridge sphere. In fact, for each b , we construct an infinite family of links which we call square whose bridge spheres are critical.
[ 0 ]
Object Driven Multi Layer Scene Decomposition From a Single Image. We present a method that tackles the challenge of predicting color and depth behind the visible content of an image. Our approach aims at building up a Layered Depth Image (LDI) from a single RGB input, which is an efficient representation that arranges the scene in layers, including originally occluded regions. Unlike previous work, we enable an adaptive scheme for the number of layers and incorporate semantic encoding for better hallucination of partly occluded objects. Additionally, our approach is object driven, which especially boosts the accuracy for the occluded intermediate objects. The framework consists of two steps. First, we individually complete each object in terms of color and depth, while estimating the scene layout. Second, we rebuild the scene based on the regressed layers and enforce the recomposed image to resemble the structure of the original input. The learned representation enables various applications, such as 3D photography and diminished reality, all from a single RGB image.
[ 46 ]
Relative Severi inequality for fibrations of maximal Albanese dimension over curves. Let f X to B be a relatively minimal fibration of maximal Albanese dimension from a variety X of dimension n ge 2 to a curve B defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We prove that K X B n ge 2n! chi f , which was conjectured by Barja in 2 . Via the strategy outlined in 5 , it also leads to a new proof of the Severi inequality for varieties of maximal Albanese dimension. Moreover, when the equality holds and chi f 0 , we prove that the general fiber F of f has to satisfy the Severi equality that K F n 1 2(n 1)! chi(F, omega F) . We also prove some sharper results of the same type under extra assumptions.
[ 49 ]
Optimization of Express Train Service Network Under the Competition of Highway Transportation. In order to reduce the carbon emission, the related government departments encourage road freights to be transferred more by railway transportation. In China freight transport system, the road transportation is usually responsible for the freights that are in a short distance or the ones with high value added. To transfer more high value added freights from highway to railway, except the transportation expenses of railway have an advantage over the road, the transportation time is of certain competitive force as well. Therefore, it is very essential for railway to provide freight train products that are of competitive power. Under such circumstance, a multi objective programming model of optimizing the rail express train network is devised in this work on the basis of taking both road and railway transportation modes into account. The aims of optimization are to minimize the operation costs of rail trains, and to maximize the railway transport revenue. In a network with a given set of express train services, either the all or nothing (AON) method or the logit model can be employed when assigning high value added freights. These two flow assignment patterns are investigated in this work.
[ 41 ]
Planning to Score a Goal in Robotic Football with Heuristic Search. This paper considers a problem of planning an attack in robotic football (RoboCup). The problem is reduced to finding a trajectory of the ball from its current position to the opponents goals. Heuristic search algorithm, i.e. A , is used to find such a trajectory. For this algorithm to be applicable we introduce a discretized model of the environment, i.e. a graph, as well as the core search components cost function and heuristic function. Both are designed to take into account all the available information of the game state. We extensively evaluate the suggested approach in simulation comparing it to a range of baselines. The result of the conducted evaluation clearly shows the benefit of utilizing heuristic search within the RoboCup context.
[ 79 ]
A Natural Introduction to Fine Tuning. A well known topic within the philosophy of physics is the problem of fine tuning the fact that the universal constants seem to take non arbitrary values in order for live to thrive in our Universe. In this paper we will talk about this problem in general, giving some examples from physics. We will review some solutions like the design argument, logical probability, cosmological natural selection, etc. Moreover, we will also discuss why it's dangerous to uphold the Principle of Naturalness as a scientific principle. After going through this paper, the reader should have a general idea what this problem exactly entails whenever it is mentioned in other sources and we recommend the reader to think critically about these concepts.
[ 2, 43, 39 ]
cs.DB cs.AI cs.CY
Graph integration of structured, semistructured and unstructured data for data journalism. Nowadays, journalism is facilitated by the existence of large amounts of digital data sources, including many Open Data ones. Such data sources are extremely heterogeneous, ranging from highly struc tured (relational databases), semi structured (JSON, XML, HTML), graphs (e.g., RDF), and text. Journalists (and other classes of users lacking advanced IT expertise, such as most non governmental organizations, or small public administrations) need to be able to make sense of such heterogeneous corpora, even if they lack the ability to de ne and deploy custom extract transform load work ows. These are di cult to set up not only for arbitrary heterogeneous inputs , but also given that users may want to add (or remove) datasets to (from) the corpus. We describe a complete approach for integrating dynamic sets of heterogeneous data sources along the lines described above the challenges we faced to make such graphs useful, allow their integration to scale, and the solutions we proposed for these problems. Our approach is implemented within the ConnectionLens system we validate it through a set of experiments.
[ 1, 39 ]
cs.CY cs.LG
Reducing malicious use of synthetic media research Considerations and potential release practices for machine learning. The aim of this paper is to facilitate nuanced discussion around research norms and practices to mitigate the harmful impacts of advances in machine learning (ML). We focus particularly on the use of ML to create "synthetic media" (e.g. to generate or manipulate audio, video, images, and text), and the question of what publication and release processes around such research might look like, though many of the considerations discussed will apply to ML research more broadly. We are not arguing for any specific approach on when or how research should be distributed, but instead try to lay out some useful tools, analogies, and options for thinking about these issues. We begin with some background on the idea that ML research might be misused in harmful ways, and why advances in synthetic media, in particular, are raising concerns. We then outline in more detail some of the different paths to harm from ML research, before reviewing research risk mitigation strategies in other fields and identifying components that seem most worth emulating in the ML and synthetic media research communities. Next, we outline some important dimensions of disagreement on these issues which risk polarizing conversations. Finally, we conclude with recommendations, suggesting that the machine learning community might benefit from working with subject matter experts to increase understanding of the risk landscape and possible mitigation strategies building a community and norms around understanding the impacts of ML research, e.g. through regular workshops at major conferences and establishing institutions and systems to support release practices that would otherwise be onerous and error prone.
[ 18 ]
Cork twists and automorphisms of 3 manifolds. Here we study two interesting smooth contractible manifolds, whose boundaries have non trivial mapping class groups. The first one is a non Stein contractible manifold, such that every self diffeomorphism of its boundary extends inside implying that this manifold can not be a loose cork. The second example is a Stein contractible manifold which is a cork, with an interesting cork automorphism f partial W to partial W . By cite am we know that any homotopy 4 sphere is obtained gluing together two contractible Stein manifolds along their common boundaries by a diffeomorphism. We use the homotopy sphere Sigma W smile f W as a test case to investigate if it is S 4 ? We show that Sigma is a Gluck twisted S 4 twisted along a 2 knot S 2 hookrightarrow S 4 by using this we obtain a 3 handle free handlebody description of Sigma and then show Sigma approx S 4 .
[ 21 ]
On the upper chromatic number and multiplte blocking sets of PG( n,q ). We investigate the upper chromatic number of the hypergraph formed by the points and the k dimensional subspaces of mathrm PG (n,q) that is, the most number of colors that can be used to color the points so that every k subspace contains at least two points of the same color. Clearly, if one colors the points of a double blocking set with the same color, the rest of the points may get mutually distinct colors. This gives a trivial lower bound, and we prove that it is sharp in many cases. Due to this relation with double blocking sets, we also prove that for t leq frac38p 1 , a small t fold (weighted) (n k) blocking set of mathrm PG (n,p) , p prime, must contain the weighted sum of t not necessarily distinct (n k) spaces.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.optics physics.app-ph
Stimulated emission at 1.54 mu m from Erbium Oxygen doped silicon based light emitting diodes. Silicon based light sources including light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs) for information transmission are urgently needed for developing monolithic integrated silicon photonics. Silicon doped by ion implantation with erbium ions (Er 3 ) is considered a promising approach, but suffers from an extremely low quantum efficiency. Here we report an electrically pumped superlinear emission at 1.54 mu m from Er O doped silicon planar LEDs, which are produced by applying a new deep cooling process. Stimulated emission at room temperature is realized with a low threshold current of 6 mA ( 0.8 A cm2). Time resolved photoluminescence and photocurrent results disclose the complex carrier transfer dynamics from the silicon to Er3 by relaxing electrons from the indirect conduction band of the silicon. This picture differs from the frequently assumed energy transfer by electron hole pair recombination of the silicon host. Moreover, the amplified emission from the LEDs is likely due to a quasi continuous Er O related donor band created by the deep cooling technique. This work paves a way for fabricating superluminescent diodes or efficient LDs at communication wavelengths based on rare earth doped silicon.
[ 0 ]
Cross modal Scene Graph Matching for Relationship aware Image Text Retrieval. Image text retrieval of natural scenes has been a popular research topic. Since image and text are heterogeneous cross modal data, one of the key challenges is how to learn comprehensive yet unified representations to express the multi modal data. A natural scene image mainly involves two kinds of visual concepts, objects and their relationships, which are equally essential to image text retrieval. Therefore, a good representation should account for both of them. In the light of recent success of scene graph in many CV and NLP tasks for describing complex natural scenes, we propose to represent image and text with two kinds of scene graphs visual scene graph (VSG) and textual scene graph (TSG), each of which is exploited to jointly characterize objects and relationships in the corresponding modality. The image text retrieval task is then naturally formulated as cross modal scene graph matching. Specifically, we design two particular scene graph encoders in our model for VSG and TSG, which can refine the representation of each node on the graph by aggregating neighborhood information. As a result, both object level and relationship level cross modal features can be obtained, which favorably enables us to evaluate the similarity of image and text in the two levels in a more plausible way. We achieve state of the art results on Flickr30k and MSCOCO, which verifies the advantages of our graph matching based approach for image text retrieval.
[ 2 ]
Interpretable Real Time Win Prediction for Honor of Kings, a Popular Mobile MOBA Esport. With the rapid prevalence and explosive development of MOBA esports (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena electronic sports), much research effort has been devoted to automatically predicting game results (win predictions). While this task has great potential in various applications, such as esports live streaming and game commentator AI systems, previous studies fail to investigate the methods to interpret these win predictions. To mitigate this issue, we collected a large scale dataset that contains real time game records with rich input features of the popular MOBA game Honor of Kings. For interpretable predictions, we proposed a Two Stage Spatial Temporal Network (TSSTN) that can not only provide accurate real time win predictions but also attribute the ultimate prediction results to the contributions of different features for interpretability. Experiment results and applications in real world live streaming scenarios showed that the proposed TSSTN model is effective both in prediction accuracy and interpretability.
[ 56 ]
Conditional Logic is Complete for Convexity in the Plane. We prove completeness of preferential conditional logic with respect to convexity over finite sets of points in the Euclidean plane. A conditional is defined to be true in a finite set of points if all extreme points of the set interpreting the antecedent satisfy the consequent. Equivalently, a conditional is true if the antecedent is contained in the convex hull of the points that satisfy both the antecedent and consequent. Our result is then that every consistent formula without nested conditionals is satisfiable in a model based on a finite set of points in the plane. The proof relies on a result by Richter and Rogers showing that every finite abstract convex geometry can be represented by convex polygons in the plane.
[ 0, 49, 1 ]
math.OC cs.CV cs.LG
Accelerated Stochastic Gradient free and Projection free Methods. In the paper, we propose a class of accelerated stochastic gradient free and projection free (a.k.a., zeroth order Frank Wolfe) methods to solve the constrained stochastic and finite sum nonconvex optimization. Specifically, we propose an accelerated stochastic zeroth order Frank Wolfe (Acc SZOFW) method based on the variance reduced technique of SPIDER SpiderBoost and a novel momentum accelerated technique. Moreover, under some mild conditions, we prove that the Acc SZOFW has the function query complexity of O(d sqrt n epsilon 2 ) for finding an epsilon stationary point in the finite sum problem, which improves the exiting best result by a factor of O( sqrt n epsilon 2 ) , and has the function query complexity of O(d epsilon 3 ) in the stochastic problem, which improves the exiting best result by a factor of O( epsilon 1 ) . To relax the large batches required in the Acc SZOFW, we further propose a novel accelerated stochastic zeroth order Frank Wolfe (Acc SZOFW ) based on a new variance reduced technique of STORM, which still reaches the function query complexity of O(d epsilon 3 ) in the stochastic problem without relying on any large batches. In particular, we present an accelerated framework of the Frank Wolfe methods based on the proposed momentum accelerated technique. The extensive experimental results on black box adversarial attack and robust black box classification demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms.
[ 3 ]
How to Fine Tune BERT for Text Classification?. Language model pre training has proven to be useful in learning universal language representations. As a state of the art language model pre training model, BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) has achieved amazing results in many language understanding tasks. In this paper, we conduct exhaustive experiments to investigate different fine tuning methods of BERT on text classification task and provide a general solution for BERT fine tuning. Finally, the proposed solution obtains new state of the art results on eight widely studied text classification datasets.
[ 0, 41 ]
cs.CV cs.RO
Towards Autonomous Driving a Multi Modal 360 circ Perception Proposal. In this paper, a multi modal 360 circ framework for 3D object detection and tracking for autonomous vehicles is presented. The process is divided into four main stages. First, images are fed into a CNN network to obtain instance segmentation of the surrounding road participants. Second, LiDAR to image association is performed for the estimated mask proposals. Then, the isolated points of every object are processed by a PointNet ensemble to compute their corresponding 3D bounding boxes and poses. Lastly, a tracking stage based on Unscented Kalman Filter is used to track the agents along time. The solution, based on a novel sensor fusion configuration, provides accurate and reliable road environment detection. A wide variety of tests of the system, deployed in an autonomous vehicle, have successfully assessed the suitability of the proposed perception stack in a real autonomous driving application.
[ 25, 74, 26, 69 ]
math.PR math.OA math.QA math.RT
Traces On Diagram Algebras I Free Partition Quantum Groups, Random Lattice Paths And Random Walks On Trees. We classify extremal traces on the seven direct limit algebras of noncrossing partitions arising from the classification of free partition quantum groups of Banica Speicher (arXiv 0808.2628) and Weber (arXiv 1201.4723). For the infinite dimensional Temperley Lieb algebra (corresponding to the quantum group O N ) and the Motzkin algebra ( B N ), the classification of extremal traces implies a classification result for well known types of central random lattice paths. For the 2 Fuss Catalan algebra ( H N ) we solve the classification problem by computing the emph minimal or exit boundary (also known as the emph absolute ) for central random walks on the Fibonacci tree, thereby solving a probabilistic problem of independent interest, and to our knowledge the first such result for a nonhomogeneous tree. In the course of this article, we also discuss the branching graphs for all seven examples of free partition quantum groups, compute those that were not already known, and provide new formulas for the dimensions of their irreducible representations.
[ 64, 59 ]
physics.soc-ph cs.SI
Analysis of node2vec random walks on networks. Random walks have been proven to be useful for constructing various algorithms to gain information on networks. Algorithm node2vec employs biased random walks to realize embeddings of nodes into low dimensional spaces, which can then be used for tasks such as multi label classification and link prediction. The performance of the node2vec algorithm in these applications is considered to depend on properties of random walks that the algorithm uses. In the present study, we theoretically and numerically analyze random walks used by the node2vec. Those random walks are second order Markov chains. We exploit the mapping of its transition rule to a transition probability matrix among directed edges to analyze the stationary probability, relaxation times in terms of the spectral gap of the transition probability matrix, and coalescence time. In particular, we show that node2vec random walk accelerates diffusion when walkers are designed to avoid both back tracking and visiting a neighbor of the previously visited node but do not avoid them completely.
[ 3, 1, 59, 39 ]
cs.SI cs.CL cs.CY cs.LG
Cross Cultural Polarity and Emotion Detection Using Sentiment Analysis and Deep Learning a Case Study on COVID 19. How different cultures react and respond given a crisis is predominant in a society's norms and political will to combat the situation. Often the decisions made are necessitated by events, social pressure, or the need of the hour, which may not represent the will of the nation. While some are pleased with it, others might show resentment. Coronavirus (COVID 19) brought a mix of similar emotions from the nations towards the decisions taken by their respective governments. Social media was bombarded with posts containing both positive and negative sentiments on the COVID 19, pandemic, lockdown, hashtags past couple of months. Despite geographically close, many neighboring countries reacted differently to one another. For instance, Denmark and Sweden, which share many similarities, stood poles apart on the decision taken by their respective governments. Yet, their nation's support was mostly unanimous, unlike the South Asian neighboring countries where people showed a lot of anxiety and resentment. This study tends to detect and analyze sentiment polarity and emotions demonstrated during the initial phase of the pandemic and the lockdown period employing natural language processing (NLP) and deep learning techniques on Twitter posts. Deep long short term memory (LSTM) models used for estimating the sentiment polarity and emotions from extracted tweets have been trained to achieve state of the art accuracy on the sentiment140 dataset. The use of emoticons showed a unique and novel way of validating the supervised deep learning models on tweets extracted from Twitter.
[ 34 ]
Zero products of Toeplitz operators on Reinhardt domains. Let Omega be a bounded Reinhardt domain in mathbb C n and phi 1, ldots, phi m be finite sums of bounded quasi homogeneous functions. We show that if the product of Toeplitz operators T phi m cdots T phi 1 0 on the Bergman space on Omega , then phi j 0 for some j .
[ 9 ]
On the L p boundedness of the Wave Operators for fourth order Schr "odinger operators. We consider the fourth order Schr "odinger operator H Delta 2 V(x) in three dimensions with real valued potential V . Let H 0 Delta 2 , if V decays sufficiently and there are no eigenvalues or resonances in the absolutely continuous spectrum of H then the wave operators W pm s , , lim t to pm infty e itH e itH 0 extend to bounded operators on L p( mathbb R 3) for all 1 p infty .
[ 44 ]
Deep Local Volatility. Deep learning for option pricing has emerged as a novel methodology for fast computations with applications in calibration and computation of Greeks. However, many of these approaches do not enforce any no arbitrage conditions, and the subsequent local volatility surface is never considered. In this article, we develop a deep learning approach for interpolation of European vanilla option prices which jointly yields the full surface of local volatilities. We demonstrate the modification of the loss function or the feed forward network architecture to enforce (hard constraints approach) or favor (soft constraints approach) the no arbitrage conditions and we specify the experimental design parameters that are needed for adequate performance. A novel component is the use of the Dupire formula to enforce bounds on the local volatility associated with option prices, during the network fitting. Our methodology is benchmarked numerically on real datasets of DAX vanilla options.
[ 42 ]
A Note on Chern Yamabe Problem. We propose a flow to study the Chern Yamabe problem and discuss the long time existence of the flow. In the balanced case we show that the Chern Yamabe problem is the Euler Lagrange equation of some functional. The monotonicity of the functional along the flow is derived. We also show that the functional is not bounded from below.
[ 60 ]
Understanding the Impact of On chip Communication on DNN Accelerator Performance. Deep Neural Networks have flourished at an unprecedented pace in recent years. They have achieved outstanding accuracy in fields such as computer vision, natural language processing, medicine or economics. Specifically, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) are particularly suited to object recognition or identification tasks. This, however, comes at a high computational cost, prompting the use of specialized GPU architectures or even ASICs to achieve high speeds and energy efficiency. ASIC accelerators streamline the execution of certain dataflows amenable to CNN computation that imply the constant movement of large amounts of data, thereby turning on chip communication into a critical function within the accelerator. This paper studies the communication flows within CNN inference accelerators of edge devices, with the aim to justify current and future decisions in the design of the on chip networks that interconnect their processing elements. Leveraging this analysis, we then qualitatively discuss the potential impact of introducing the novel paradigm of wireless on chip network in this context.
[ 14 ]
Let's Gamble How a Poor Visualization Can Elicit Risky Behavior. Data visualizations are standard tools for assessing and communicating risks. However, it is not always clear which designs are optimal or how encoding choices might influence risk perception and decision making. In this paper, we report the findings of a large scale gambling game that immersed participants in an environment where their actions impacted their bonuses. Participants chose to either enter a lottery or receive guaranteed monetary gains based on five common visualization designs. By measuring risk perception and observing decision making, we showed that icon arrays tended to elicit economically sound behavior. We also found that people were more likely to gamble when presented area proportioned triangle and circle designs. Using our results, we model risk perception and discuss how our findings can improve visualization selection.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.optics physics.app-ph
A Short Review on Graphene Based Filters Perspectives and Challenges. Graphene is an interesting debated topic between scientists because of its unique properties such as tunable conductivity. Graphene conductivity can be varied by either electrostatic or magnetostatic gating or via chemical doping, which leads to design of various photonic and electronic devices. Among various graphene based structures, plasmonic graphene filters have attracted the attention of many researchers because of their various applications in THz frequencies. There are four main types of graphene filters proposed in the literature, which are 1 Circular filters, 2 Planar filters, 3 Periodic filters, and 4 Other types of filters (which are not categorized in any of the other three groups). This paper aims to study and investigate various types of graphene based filters published in the literature.
[ 0, 1, 19 ]
cs.CV cs.CR cs.LG
Multispectral Biometrics System Framework Application to Presentation Attack Detection. In this work, we present a general framework for building a biometrics system capable of capturing multispectral data from a series of sensors synchronized with active illumination sources. The framework unifies the system design for different biometric modalities and its realization on face, finger and iris data is described in detail. To the best of our knowledge, the presented design is the first to employ such a diverse set of electromagnetic spectrum bands, ranging from visible to long wave infrared wavelengths, and is capable of acquiring large volumes of data in seconds. Having performed a series of data collections, we run a comprehensive analysis on the captured data using a deep learning classifier for presentation attack detection. Our study follows a data centric approach attempting to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each spectral band at distinguishing live from fake samples.
[ 3 ]
Empower Entity Set Expansion via Language Model Probing. Entity set expansion, aiming at expanding a small seed entity set with new entities belonging to the same semantic class, is a critical task that benefits many downstream NLP and IR applications, such as question answering, query understanding, and taxonomy construction. Existing set expansion methods bootstrap the seed entity set by adaptively selecting context features and extracting new entities. A key challenge for entity set expansion is to avoid selecting ambiguous context features which will shift the class semantics and lead to accumulative errors in later iterations. In this study, we propose a novel iterative set expansion framework that leverages automatically generated class names to address the semantic drift issue. In each iteration, we select one positive and several negative class names by probing a pre trained language model, and further score each candidate entity based on selected class names. Experiments on two datasets show that our framework generates high quality class names and outperforms previous state of the art methods significantly.
[ 3 ]
Fine Tuned Neural Models for Propaganda Detection at the Sentence and Fragment levels. This paper presents the CUNLP submission for the NLP4IF 2019 shared task on FineGrained Propaganda Detection. Our system finished 5th out of 26 teams on the sentence level classification task and 5th out of 11 teams on the fragment level classification task based on our scores on the blind test set. We present our models, a discussion of our ablation studies and experiments, and an analysis of our performance on all eighteen propaganda techniques present in the corpus of the shared task.
[ 0 ]
Learning deep forest with multi scale Local Binary Pattern features for face anti spoofing. Face Anti Spoofing (FAS) is significant for the security of face recognition systems. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been introduced to the field of the FAS and have achieved competitive performance. However, CNN based methods are vulnerable to the adversarial attack. Attackers could generate adversarial spoofing examples to circumvent a CNN based face liveness detector. Studies about the transferability of the adversarial attack reveal that utilizing handcrafted feature based methods could improve security in a system level. Therefore, handcrafted feature based methods are worth our exploration. In this paper, we introduce the deep forest, which is proposed as an alternative towards CNNs by Zhou et al., in the problem of the FAS. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at exploiting the deep forest in the problem of FAS. Moreover, we propose to re devise the representation constructing by using LBP descriptors rather than the Grained Scanning Mechanism in the original scheme. Our method achieves competitive results. On the benchmark database IDIAP REPLAY ATTACK, 0 Equal Error Rate (EER) is achieved. This work provides a competitive option in a fusing scheme for improving system level security and offers important ideas to those who want to explore methods besides CNNs.
[ 1, 2, 4 ]
cs.NE cs.AI cs.LG
Generalization of Agent Behavior through Explicit Representation of Context. In order to deploy autonomous agents in digital interactive environments, they must be able to act robustly in unseen situations. The standard machine learning approach is to include as much variation as possible into training these agents. The agents can then interpolate within their training, but they cannot extrapolate much beyond it. This paper proposes a principled approach where a context module is coevolved with a skill module in the game. The context module recognizes the temporal variation in the game and modulates the outputs of the skill module so that the action decisions can be made robustly even in previously unseen situations. The approach is evaluated in the Flappy Bird and LunarLander video games, as well as in the CARLA autonomous driving simulation. The Context Skill approach leads to significantly more robust behavior in environments that require extrapolation beyond training. Such a principled generalization ability is essential in deploying autonomous agents in real world tasks, and can serve as a foundation for continual adaptation as well.
[ 0, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI
Reinforcement learning using Deep Q Networks and Q learning accurately localizes brain tumors on MRI with very small training sets. Purpose Supervised deep learning in radiology suffers from notorious inherent limitations 1) It requires large, hand annotated data sets, 2) It is non generalizable, and 3) It lacks explainability and intuition. We have recently proposed Reinforcement Learning to address all threes. However, we applied it to images with radiologist eye tracking points, which limits the state action space. Here we generalize the Deep Q Learning to a gridworld based environment, so that only the images and image masks are required. Materials and Methods We trained a Deep Q network on 30 two dimensional image slices from the BraTS brain tumor database. Each image contained one lesion. We then tested the trained Deep Q network on a separate set of 30 testing set images. For comparison, we also trained and tested a keypoint detection supervised deep learning network for the same set of training testing images. Results Whereas the supervised approach quickly overfit the training data, and predicably performed poorly on the testing set (11 accuracy), the Deep Q learning approach showed progressive improved generalizability to the testing set over training time, reaching 70 accuracy. Conclusion We have shown a proof of principle application of reinforcement learning to radiological images, here using 2D contrast enhanced MRI brain images with the goal of localizing brain tumors. This represents a generalization of recent work to a gridworld setting, naturally suitable for analyzing medical images.
[ 3, 40, 59 ]
cs.SI cs.CL cs.IR
COVID 19 Social Media Sentiment Analysis on Reopening. The novel coronavirus (COVID 19) pandemic is the most talked topic in social media platforms in 2020. People are using social media such as Twitter to express their opinion and share information on a number of issues related to the COVID 19 in this stay at home order. In this paper, we investigate the sentiment and emotion of peoples in the United States on the subject of reopening. We choose the social media platform Twitter for our analysis and study the Tweets to discover the sentimental perspective, emotional perspective, and triggering words towards the reopening. During this COVID 19 pandemic, researchers have made some analysis on various social media dataset regarding lockdown and stay at home. However, in our analysis, we are particularly interested to analyse public sentiment on reopening. Our major finding is that when all states resorted to lockdown in March, people showed dominant emotion of fear, but as reopening starts people have less fear. While this may be true, due to this reopening phase daily positive cases are rising compared to the lockdown situation. Overall, people have a less negative sentiment towards the situation of reopening.
[ 64, 43, 59 ]
cs.SI cs.DB physics.soc-ph
A New Community Definition For MultiLayer Networks And A Novel Approach For Its Efficient Computation. As the use of MultiLayer Networks (or MLNs) for modeling and analysis is gaining popularity, it is becoming increasingly important to propose a community definition that encompasses the multiple features represented by MLNs and develop algorithms for efficiently computing communities on MLNs. Currently, communities for MLNs, are based on aggregating the networks into single graphs using different techniques (type independent, projection based, etc.) and applying single graph community detection algorithms, such as Louvain and Infomap on these graphs. This process results in different types of information loss (semantics and structure). To the best of our knowledge, in this paper we propose, for the first time, a definition of community for heterogeneous MLNs (or HeMLNs) which preserves semantics as well as the structure. Additionally, our basic definition can be extended to appropriately match the analysis objectives as needed. In this paper, we present a structure and semantics preserving community definition for HeMLNs that is compatible with and is an extension of the traditional definition for single graphs. We also present a framework for its efficient computation using a newly proposed decoupling approach. First, we define a k community for connected k layers of a HeMLN. Then we propose a family of algorithms for its computation using the concept of bipartite graph pairings. Further, for a broader analysis, we introduce several pairing algorithms and weight metrics for composing binary HeMLN communities using participating community characteristics. Essentially, this results in an extensible family of community computations. We provide extensive experimental results for showcasing the efficiency and analysis flexibility of the proposed computation using popular IMDb and DBLP data sets.
[ 41, 68 ]
cs.DM cs.RO
Lower Bound for (Sum) Coloring Problem. The Minimum Sum Coloring Problem is a variant of the Graph Vertex Coloring Problem, for which each color has a weight. This paper presents a new way to find a lower bound of this problem, based on a relaxation into an integer partition problem with additional constraints. We improve the lower bound for 18 graphs of standard benchmark DIMACS, and prove the optimal value for 4 graphs by reaching their known upper bound.
[ 41, 14 ]
cs.HC cs.RO
Localizable Button Click Rendering via Active Lateral Force Feedback. We have developed a novel button click rendering mechanism based on active lateral force feedback. The effect can be localized because electroadhesion between a finger and a surface can be localized. Psychophysical experiments were conducted to evaluate the quality of a rendered button click, which subjects judged to be acceptable. Both the experiment results and the subjects' comments confirm that this button click rendering mechanism has the ability to generate a range of realistic button click sensations that could match subjects' different preferences. We can thus generate a button click on a flat surface without macroscopic motion of the surface in the lateral or normal direction, and we can localize this haptic effect to an individual finger.
[ 78 ]
Depth of powers of squarefree monomial ideals. We derive two general bounds for the depths of powers of squarefree monomial ideals corresponding to hyperforests. These bounds generalize known bounds for the depths of squarefree monomial ideals, which were given in terms of the edgewise domination number of the corresponding hypergraphs and the lengths of initially regular sequences with respect to the ideals.
[ 26 ]
Two supercharacter theories for the parabolic subgroups in orthogonal and symplectic groups. We construct two supercharacter theories (in the sense of P. Diaconis and I.M. Isaacs) for the parabolic subgroups in orthogonal and symplectic groups. For each supercharacter theory, we obtain a supercharacter analog of the A.A.Kirillov formula for irreducible characters of finite unipotent groups.
[ 64, 66 ]
physics.soc-ph cs.CE
Agent based simulator of dynamic flood people interactions. This paper presents a new simulator for dynamic modelling of interactions between flooding and people in crowded areas. The simulator is developed in FLAMEGPU (a Flexible Large scale Agent based Modelling Environment for the GPU), which allows to model multiple agent interactions while benefitting from the speed up of GPUs. Flooding variables including terrain data are represented by a hydrodynamic Agent Based Model (ABM) that is based on a non sequential implementation of a robust Finite Volume (FV) solver of the Shallow Water Equations (SWEs). People movements are represented by a pedestrian ABM adopting force based walking rules. The hydrodynamic ABM is coupled to the pedestrian ABM according to risk to life thresholds reported by the UK Environment Agency (EA). A hypothetical case study of a crowded shopping centre is proposed and used to assess the dynamic coupling ability of the simulator. Flooding into the shopping centre is induced based on realistic inflow conditions, and the simulator is applied considering two scenarios evacuation without advanced warning and intervention with an advanced warning of 12 hours. Results show that the simulator can produce detailed statistics of spatiotemporal people states during evacuation, and is useful to plan safe and effective people intervention to deploy a sandbag based temporary barriers.
[ 26 ]
Littlewood Complexes for Symmetric Groups. We construct a complex mathcal L bullet lambda resolving the irreducible representations mathcal S lambda n of the symmetric groups S n by representations restricted from GL n(k) . This construction lifts to mathrm Rep (S infty) , where it yields injective resolutions of simple objects. It categorifies stable Specht polynomials, and allows us to understand evaluations of these polynomials for all n .
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
T3 Tree Autoencoder Constrained Adversarial Text Generation for Targeted Attack. Adversarial attacks against natural language processing systems, which perform seemingly innocuous modifications to inputs, can induce arbitrary mistakes to the target models. Though raised great concerns, such adversarial attacks can be leveraged to estimate the robustness of NLP models. Compared with the adversarial example generation in continuous data domain (e.g., image), generating adversarial text that preserves the original meaning is challenging since the text space is discrete and non differentiable. To handle these challenges, we propose a target controllable adversarial attack framework T3, which is applicable to a range of NLP tasks. In particular, we propose a tree based autoencoder to embed the discrete text data into a continuous representation space, upon which we optimize the adversarial perturbation. A novel tree based decoder is then applied to regularize the syntactic correctness of the generated text and manipulate it on either sentence (T3(Sent)) or word (T3(Word)) level. We consider two most representative NLP tasks sentiment analysis and question answering (QA). Extensive experimental results and human studies show that T3 generated adversarial texts can successfully manipulate the NLP models to output the targeted incorrect answer without misleading the human. Moreover, we show that the generated adversarial texts have high transferability which enables the black box attacks in practice. Our work sheds light on an effective and general way to examine the robustness of NLP models. Our code is publicly available at https github.com AI secure T3 .