[ 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI
A Time Frequency based Suspicious Activity Detection for Anti Money Laundering. Money laundering is the crucial mechanism utilized by criminals to inject proceeds of crime to the financial system. The primary responsibility of the detection of suspicious activity related to money laundering is with the financial institutions. Most of the current systems in these institutions are rule based and ineffective. The available data science based anti money laundering (AML) models in order to replace the existing rule based systems work on customer relationship management (CRM) features and time characteristics of transaction behaviour. However, there is still a challenge on accuracy and problems around feature engineering due to thousands of possible features. Aiming to improve the detection performance of suspicious transaction monitoring systems for AML systems, in this article, we introduce a novel feature set based on time frequency analysis, that makes use of 2 D representations of financial transactions. Random forest is utilized as a machine learning method, and simulated annealing is adopted for hyperparameter tuning. The designed algorithm is tested on real banking data, proving the efficacy of the results in practically relevant environments. It is shown that the time frequency characteristics of suspicious and non suspicious entities differentiate significantly, which would substantially improve the precision of data science based transaction monitoring systems looking at only time series transaction and CRM features.
[ 69 ]
Covariant Differential Calculus Over Monoidal Hom Hopf Algebras. Concepts of first order differential calculus (FODC) on a monoidal Hom algebra and left covariant FODC over a left Hom quantum space with respect to a monoidal Hom Hopf algebra are presented. Then, extension of the universal FODC over a monoidal Hom algebra to a universal Hom differential calculus is described. Next, concepts of left(right) covariant and bicovariant FODC over a monoidal Hom Hopf algebra are studied in detail. Subsequently, notion of quantum Hom tangent space associated to a bicovariant Hom FODC is introduced and equipped with an analogue of Lie bracket (commutator) through Woronowicz' braiding. Finally, it is proven that this commutator satisfies quantum versions of the antisymmetry relation and Hom Jacobi identity.
[ 29, 21 ]
math.CO math.GR
Skew product groups for monolithic groups. Skew morphisms, which generalise automorphisms for groups, provide a fundamental tool for the study of regular Cayley maps and, more generally, for finite groups with a complementary factorisation G BY , where Y is cyclic and core free in G . In this paper, we classify all examples in which B is monolithic (meaning that it has a unique minimal normal subgroup, and that subgroup is not abelian) and core free in G . As a consequence, we obtain a classification of all proper skew morphisms of finite non abelian simple groups.
[ 32, 68, 48, 52, 62 ]
cs.GT cs.CC cs.DM cs.DS cs.MA
Competitive Allocation of a Mixed Manna. We study the fair division problem of allocating a mixed manna under additively separable piecewise linear concave (SPLC) utilities. A mixed manna contains goods that everyone likes and bads that everyone dislikes, as well as items that some like and others dislike. The seminal work of Bogomolnaia et al. Econometrica'17 argue why allocating a mixed manna is genuinely more complicated than a good or a bad manna, and why competitive equilibrium is the best mechanism. They also provide the existence of equilibrium and establish its peculiar properties (e.g., non convex and disconnected set of equilibria even under linear utilities), but leave the problem of computing an equilibrium open. This problem remained unresolved even for only bad manna under linear utilities. Our main result is a simplex like algorithm based on Lemke's scheme for computing a competitive allocation of a mixed manna under SPLC utilities, a strict generalization of linear. Experimental results on randomly generated instances suggest that our algorithm will be fast in practice. The problem is known to be PPAD hard for the case of good manna, and we also show a similar result for the case of bad manna. Given these PPAD hardness results, designing such an algorithm is the only non brute force (non enumerative) option known, e.g., the classic Lemke Howson algorithm (1964) for computing a Nash equilibrium in a 2 player game is still one of the most widely used algorithms in practice. Our algorithm also yields several new structural properties as simple corollaries. We obtain a (constructive) proof of existence for a far more general setting, membership of the problem in PPAD, rational valued solution, and odd number of solutions property. The last property also settles the conjecture of Bogomolnaia et al. in the affirmative.
[ 49, 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA math.OC
Convergence results for some piecewise linear solvers. Let A be a real n times n matrix and z,b in mathbb R n . The piecewise linear equation system z A vert z vert b is called an textit absolute value equation . We consider two solvers for this problem, one direct, one semi iterative, and extend their previously known ranges of convergence.
[ 49 ]
An Inexact Augmented Lagrangian Framework for Nonconvex Optimization with Nonlinear Constraints. We propose a practical inexact augmented Lagrangian method (iALM) for nonconvex problems with nonlinear constraints. We characterize the total computational complexity of our method subject to a verifiable geometric condition, which is closely related to the Polyak Lojasiewicz and Mangasarian Fromowitz conditions. In particular, when a first order solver is used for the inner iterates, we prove that iALM finds a first order stationary point with tilde mathcal O (1 epsilon 4) calls to the first order oracle. If, in addition, the problem is smooth and a second order solver is used for the inner iterates, iALM finds a second order stationary point with tilde mathcal O (1 epsilon 5) calls to the second order oracle, which matches the known theoretical complexity result in the literature. We also provide strong numerical evidence on large scale machine learning problems, including the Burer Monteiro factorization of semidefinite programs, and a novel nonconvex relaxation of the standard basis pursuit template. For these examples, we also show how to verify our geometric condition.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.LG
5 Knowledge Graph Embeddings with Projective Transformations. Performing link prediction using knowledge graph embedding models has become a popular approach for knowledge graph completion. Such models employ a transformation function that maps nodes via edges into a vector space in order to measure the likelihood of the links. While mapping the individual nodes, the structure of subgraphs is also transformed. Most of the embedding models designed in Euclidean geometry usually support a single transformation type often translation or rotation, which is suitable for learning on graphs with small differences in neighboring subgraphs. However, multi relational knowledge graphs often include multiple sub graph structures in a neighborhood (e.g. combinations of path and loop structures), which current embedding models do not capture well. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel KGE model (5 E) in projective geometry, which supports multiple simultaneous transformations specifically inversion, reflection, translation, rotation, and homothety. The model has several favorable theoretical properties and subsumes the existing approaches. It outperforms them on the most widely used link prediction benchmarks
[ 18 ]
MSS 18 is Digitally 18 contractible. The paper 10 incorrectly asserts that the digital image MSS 18, a digital model of the Euclidean 2 sphere S 2, is not 18 contractible. We show this assertion is false.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Searching for Anomalies over Composite Hypotheses. The problem of detecting anomalies in multiple processes is considered. We consider a composite hypothesis case, in which the measurements drawn when observing a process follow a common distribution with an unknown parameter (vector), whose value lies in normal or abnormal parameter spaces, depending on its state. The objective is a sequential search strategy that minimizes the expected detection time subject to an error probability constraint. We develop a deterministic search algorithm with the following desired properties. First, when no additional side information on the process states is known, the proposed algorithm is asymptotically optimal in terms of minimizing the detection delay as the error probability approaches zero. Second, when the parameter value under the null hypothesis is known and equal for all normal processes, the proposed algorithm is asymptotically optimal as well, with better detection time determined by the true null state. Third, when the parameter value under the null hypothesis is unknown, but is known to be equal for all normal processes, the proposed algorithm is consistent in terms of achieving error probability that decays to zero with the detection delay. Finally, an explicit upper bound on the error probability under the proposed algorithm is established for the finite sample regime. Extensive experiments on synthetic dataset and DARPA intrusion detection dataset are conducted, demonstrating strong performance of the proposed algorithm over existing methods.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Model Order Reduction by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition. We provide an introduction to POD MOR with focus on (nonlinear) parametric PDEs and (nonlinear) time dependent PDEs, and PDE constrained optimization with POD surrogate models as application. We cover the relation of POD and SVD, POD from the infinite dimensional perspective, reduction of nonlinearities, certification with a priori and a posteriori error estimates, spatial and temporal adaptivity, input dependency of the POD surrogate model, POD basis update strategies in optimal control with surrogate models, and sketch related algorithmic frameworks. The perspective of the method is demonstrated with several numerical examples.
[ 9, 76 ]
math.AP math.SP
L p estimates for joint quasimodes of semiclassical pseudodifferential operators whose characteristic sets have k th order contact. In this paper we develop L p estimates for functions u which are joint quasimodes of semiclassical pseudodifferential operators p 1 (x,hD) and p 2 (x,hD) whose characteristic sets meet with k th order contact, k geq 1 . As part of the technical development we use Fourier integral operators to adapt a flat wavelet analysis to the curved level sets of p 1 (x, xi) .
[ 4, 60 ]
cs.NE cs.AR
Compiling Spiking Neural Networks to Mitigate Neuromorphic Hardware Constraints. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are efficient computation models to perform spatio temporal pattern recognition on resource and power constrained platforms. SNNs executed on neuromorphic hardware can further reduce energy consumption of these platforms. With increasing model size and complexity, mapping SNN based applications to tile based neuromorphic hardware is becoming increasingly challenging. This is attributed to the limitations of neuro synaptic cores, viz. a crossbar, to accommodate only a fixed number of pre synaptic connections per post synaptic neuron. For complex SNN based models that have many neurons and pre synaptic connections per neuron, (1) connections may need to be pruned after training to fit onto the crossbar resources, leading to a loss in model quality, e.g., accuracy, and (2) the neurons and synapses need to be partitioned and placed on the neuro sypatic cores of the hardware, which could lead to increased latency and energy consumption. In this work, we propose (1) a novel unrolling technique that decomposes a neuron function with many pre synaptic connections into a sequence of homogeneous neural units to significantly improve the crossbar utilization and retain all pre synaptic connections, and (2) SpiNeMap, a novel methodology to map SNNs on neuromorphic hardware with an aim to minimize energy consumption and spike latency.
[ 13 ]
Accumulation set of critical points of the multipliers in the quadratic family. A parameter c 0 in mathbb C in the family of quadratic polynomials f c(z) z 2 c is a critical point of a period n multiplier, if the map f c 0 has a periodic orbit of period n , whose multiplier, viewed as a locally analytic function of c , has a vanishing derivative at c c 0 . We study the accumulation set mathcal X of the critical points of the multipliers, as n to infty . This study complements the equidistribution result for the critical points of the multipliers that was previously obtained by the authors. In particular, in the current paper we prove that the accumulation set mathcal X is bounded, path connected and contains the Mandelbrot set as a proper subset. We also provide a necessary and sufficient condition for a parameter outside of the Mandelbrot set to be contained in the accumulation set mathcal X and show that this condition is satisfied for an open set of parameters. Our condition is similar in flavor to one of the conditions that define the Mandelbrot set. As an application, we get that the function that sends c to the Hausdorff dimension of f c , does not have critical points outside of the accumulation set mathcal X .
[ 56, 27 ]
cs.LO math.CT
Concurrent Process Histories and Resource Transducers. We identify the algebraic structure of the material histories generated by concurrent processes. Specifically, we extend existing categorical theories of resource convertibility to capture concurrent interaction. Our formalism admits an intuitive graphical presentation via string diagrams for proarrow equipments. We also consider certain induced categories of resource transducers, which are of independent interest due to their unusual structure.
[ 8, 11 ]
physics.app-ph physics.optics
Microwave Q band oscillator at 49GHz for broadband frequency conversion based on a Kerr optical soliton crystal micro comb. We report a broadband microwave frequency converter based on a coherent Kerr optical micro comb generated by an integrated micro ring resonator. The coherent micro comb displays features that are consistent with soliton crystal dynamics with an FSR of 48.9GHz. We use this to demonstrate a high performance millimeter wave local oscillator at 48.9GHz in the Q band for microwave frequency conversion. We experimentally verify the microwave performance up to 40 GHz, achieving a ratio of 6.8 dB between output RF power and IF power and a spurious suppression ratio of 43.5 dB. The experimental results show good agreement with theory and verify the effectiveness of microwave frequency converters based on coherent optical micro combs, with the ability to achieve reduced size, complexity, and potential cost.
[ 59 ]
On Inference of Network Topology and Confirmation Bias in Cyber Social Networks. This paper studies topology inference, from agent states, of a directed cyber social network with opinion spreading dynamics model that explicitly takes confirmation bias into account. The cyber social network comprises a set of partially connected directed network of agents at the social level, and a set of information sources at the cyber layer. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of exact inference solution are characterized. A method for exact inference, when it is possible, of entire network topology as well as confirmation bias model parameters is proposed for the case where the bias mentioned earlier follows a piece wise linear model. The particular case of no confirmation bias is analyzed in detail. For the setting where the model of confirmation bias is unknown, an algorithm that approximates the network topology, building on the exact inference method, is presented. This algorithm can exactly infer the weighted communication from the neighbors to the non followers of information sources. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods for different scenarios.
[ 87 ]
First Life in the Universe. Here, we ask a simple question, i.e. "at what cosmic time, at the earliest, did life first appear in the universe?" Given what we know about the universe today, there may be some partial answers to this question, but much will still have to be left to speculation. If life in general requires stars as its primary energy source and uses elemental building blocks heavier than those initially produced in a Big Bang scenario, first life could have appeared, when the universe was considerably less than 0.1 billion years old. At that time, heavy element producing hypernovae exploded at corresponding redshifts. z , gapprox ,45, significantly higher than commonly assumed ( z approx 6 ). The recent discovery of a galaxy at z 9 could provide supporting evidence for the hypothesis of a very much shorter time scale than what is widely believed.
[ 60 ]
ZnG Architecting GPU Multi Processors with New Flash for Scalable Data Analysis. We propose ZnG, a new GPU SSD integrated architecture, which can maximize the memory capacity in a GPU and address performance penalties imposed by an SSD. Specifically, ZnG replaces all GPU internal DRAMs with an ultra low latency SSD to maximize the GPU memory capacity. ZnG further removes performance bottleneck of the SSD by replacing its flash channels with a high throughput flash network and integrating SSD firmware in the GPU's MMU to reap the benefits of hardware accelerations. Although flash arrays within the SSD can deliver high accumulated bandwidth, only a small fraction of such bandwidth can be utilized by GPU's memory requests due to mismatches of their access granularity. To address this, ZnG employs a large L2 cache and flash registers to buffer the memory requests. Our evaluation results indicate that ZnG can achieve 7.5x higher performance than prior work.
[ 9 ]
A free boundary problem for semi linear elliptic equation and its applications. In this paper, we consider a free boundary problem of a semilinear nonhomogeneous elliptic equation with Bernoulli's type free boundary. The existence and regularity of the solution to the free boundary problem are established by use of the variational approach. In particular, we establish the Lipschitz continuity and non degeneracy of a minimum, and regularity of the free boundary. As a direct and important application, the well posedness results on the steady, incompressible inviscid jet and cavitational flow with general vorticity are also obtained in this paper.
[ 59, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.SI
Fake News Early Detection An Interdisciplinary Study. Massive dissemination of fake news and its potential to erode democracy has increased the demand for accurate fake news detection. Recent advancements in this area have proposed novel techniques that aim to detect fake news by exploring how it propagates on social networks. Nevertheless, to detect fake news at an early stage, i.e., when it is published on a news outlet but not yet spread on social media, one cannot rely on news propagation information as it does not exist. Hence, there is a strong need to develop approaches that can detect fake news by focusing on news content. In this paper, a theory driven model is proposed for fake news detection. The method investigates news content at various levels lexicon level, syntax level, semantic level and discourse level. We represent news at each level, relying on well established theories in social and forensic psychology. Fake news detection is then conducted within a supervised machine learning framework. As an interdisciplinary research, our work explores potential fake news patterns, enhances the interpretability in fake news feature engineering, and studies the relationships among fake news, deception disinformation, and clickbaits. Experiments conducted on two real world datasets indicate the proposed method can outperform the state of the art and enable fake news early detection when there is limited content information.
[ 29 ]
A note on extremely primitive affine groups. Let G be a finite primitive permutation group on a set Omega with nontrivial point stabilizer G alpha . We say that G is extremely primitive if G alpha acts primitively on each of its orbits in Omega setminus alpha . In earlier work, Mann, Praeger and Seress have proved that every extremely primitive group is either almost simple or of affine type and they have classified the affine groups up to the possibility of at most finitely many exceptions. More recently, the almost simple extremely primitive groups have been completely determined. If one assumes Wall's conjecture on the number of maximal subgroups of almost simple groups, then the results of Mann et al. show that it just remains to eliminate an explicit list of affine groups in order to complete the classification of the extremely primitive groups. Mann et al. have conjectured that none of these affine candidates are extremely primitive and our main result confirms this conjecture.
[ 46, 21, 78 ]
math.AC math.AG math.CO
Convex bodies and graded families of monomial ideals. We show that the mixed volumes of arbitrary convex bodies are equal to mixed multiplicities of graded families of monomial ideals, and to normalized limits of mixed multiplicities of monomial ideals. This result evinces the close relation between the theories of mixed volumes from convex geometry and mixed multiplicities from commutative algebra.
[ 3 ]
Listener's Social Identity Matters in Personalised Response Generation. Personalised response generation enables generating human like responses by means of assigning the generator a social identity. However, pragmatics theory suggests that human beings adjust the way of speaking based on not only who they are but also whom they are talking to. In other words, when modelling personalised dialogues, it might be favourable if we also take the listener's social identity into consideration. To validate this idea, we use gender as a typical example of a social variable to investigate how the listener's identity influences the language used in Chinese dialogues on social media. Also, we build personalised generators. The experiment results demonstrate that the listener's identity indeed matters in the language use of responses and that the response generator can capture such differences in language use. More interestingly, by additionally modelling the listener's identity, the personalised response generator performs better in its own identity.
[ 20 ]
A local global multiscale mortar mixed finite element method for multiphase transport in heterogeneous media. In this paper, we propose a local global multiscale mortar mixed finite element method (MMMFEM) for multiphase transport in heterogeneous media. We consider the two phase flow system, the pressure equation is solved via the multiscale mortar mixed finite element method, a mass conservation velocity field can be obtained, then we use explicit finite volume method to solve the saturation equation. We use polynomials and multiscale basis to form the coarse mortar space. The multiscale basis is the restriction of global pressure field obtained at previous time step on the coarse interface. We solve the pressure equation on the fine grid to initialize the simulation. Numerical experiments on some benchmark 2D and 3D heterogeneous models are provided to validate the performance of our method.
[ 9 ]
Vanishing cross diffusion limit in a Keller Segel system with additional cross diffusion. Keller Segel systems in two and three space dimensions with an additional cross diffusion term in the equation for the chemical concentration are analyzed. The cross diffusion term has a stabilizing effect and leads to the global in time existence of weak solutions. The limit of vanishing cross diffusion parameter is proved rigorously in the parabolic elliptic and parabolic parabolic cases. When the signal production is sublinear, the existence of global in time weak solutions as well as the convergence of the solutions to those of the classical parabolic elliptic Keller Segel equations are proved. The proof is based on a reformulation of the equations eliminating the additional cross diffusion term but making the equation for the cell density quasilinear. For superlinear signal production terms, convergence rates in the cross diffusion parameter are proved for local in time smooth solutions (since finite time blow up is possible). The proof is based on careful H s( Omega) estimates and a variant of the Gronwall lemma. Numerical experiments in two space dimensions illustrate the theoretical results and quantify the shape of the cell aggregation bumps as a function of the cross diffusion parameter.
[ 56, 32, 43 ]
cs.LO cs.DB cs.DS
Faster Property Testers in a Variation of the Bounded Degree Model. Property testing algorithms are highly efficient algorithms, that come with probabilistic accuracy guarantees. For a property P, the goal is to distinguish inputs that have P from those that are far from having P with high probability correctly, by querying only a small number of local parts of the input. In property testing on graphs, the distance is measured by the number of edge modifications (additions or deletions), that are necessary to transform a graph into one with property P. Much research has focussed on the query complexity of such algorithms, i. e. the number of queries the algorithm makes to the input, but in view of applications, the running time of the algorithm is equally relevant. In (Adler, Harwath STACS 2018), a natural extension of the bounded degree graph model of property testing to relational databases of bounded degree was introduced, and it was shown that on databases of bounded degree and bounded tree width, every property that is expressible in monadic second order logic with counting (CMSO) is testable with constant query complexity and sublinear running time. It remains open whether this can be improved to constant running time. In this paper we introduce a new model, which is based on the bounded degree model, but the distance measure allows both edge (tuple) modifications and vertex (element) modifications. Our main theorem shows that on databases of bounded degree and bounded tree width, every property that is expressible in CMSO is testable with constant query complexity and constant running time in the new model. We also show that every property that is testable in the classical model is testable in our model with the same query complexity and running time, but the converse is not true. We argue that our model is natural and our meta theorem showing constant time CMSO testability supports this.
[ 34 ]
Linear combinations of polynomials with three term recurrence. We study the zero distribution of the sum of the first n polynomials satisfying a three term recurrence whose coefficients are linear polynomials. We also extend this sum to a linear combination, whose coefficients are powers of az b for a,b in mathbb R , of Chebyshev polynomials. In particular, we find necessary and sufficient conditions on a , b such that this linear combination is hyperbolic.
[ 68, 21, 23 ]
math.CO cs.DM math.FA
Entropy versus influence for complex functions of modulus one. We present an example of a function f from 1,1 n to the unit sphere in mathbb C with influence bounded by 1 and entropy of hat f 2 larger than frac12 log n . We also present an example of a function f from 1,1 n to mathbb R with L 2 norm 1 , L infty norm bounded by sqrt 2 , influence bounded by 1 and entropy of hat f 2 larger than frac12 log n .
[ 41, 2 ]
cs.RO cs.AI
Proficiency Constrained Multi Agent Reinforcement Learning for Environment Adaptive Multi UAV UGV Teaming. A mixed aerial and ground robot team, which includes both unmanned ground vehicles (UGVs) and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), is widely used for disaster rescue, social security, precision agriculture, and military missions. However, team capability and corresponding configuration vary since robots have different motion speeds, perceiving ranges, reaching areas, and resilient capabilities to the dynamic environment. Due to heterogeneous robots inside a team and the resilient capabilities of robots, it is challenging to perform a task with an optimal balance between reasonable task allocations and maximum utilization of robot capability. To address this challenge for effective mixed ground and aerial teaming, this paper developed a novel teaming method, proficiency aware multi agent deep reinforcement learning (Mix RL), to guide ground and aerial cooperation by considering the best alignments between robot capabilities, task requirements, and environment conditions. Mix RL largely exploits robot capabilities while being aware of the adaption of robot capabilities to task requirements and environment conditions. Mix RL's effectiveness in guiding mixed teaming was validated with the task "social security for criminal vehicle tracking".
[ 17, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.DC
Designing for Privacy and Confidentiality on Distributed Ledgers for Enterprise (Industry Track). Distributed ledger technology offers numerous desirable attributes to applications in the enterprise context. However, with distributed data and decentralized computation on a shared platform, privacy and confidentiality challenges arise. Any design for an enterprise system needs to carefully cater for use case specific privacy and confidentiality needs. With the goal to facilitate the design of enterprise solutions, this paper aims to provide a guide to navigate and aid in decisions around common requirements and mechanisms that prevent the leakage of private and confidential information. To further contextualize key concepts, the design guide is then applied to three enterprise DLT protocols Hyperledger Fabric, Corda, and Quorum.
[ 70 ]
Ziele und M "oglichkeiten des Einsatzes von Knowledge Maps in mathematik historischen Veranstaltungen. The multi layered nature of societal developments poses a challenge in the teaching and learning of history of mathematics. As an attempt to tackle this challenge we experimented with the use of Knowledge Maps. The focus of our interest lies on the use of these Maps to support meaningful learning (Ausubel, 2000) as well as on their role as facilitating tools in oral exams. In this article we seek to relay practical experiences we have made with Knowledge Maps in our teaching and to report findings of an exploratory study we conducted in a seminar about history of mathematics.
[ 9 ]
Orbital stability of solitary waves for the generalized Choquard model. We consider the generalized Choquard equation describing trapped electron gas in 3 dimensional case. The study of orbital stability of the energy minimizers (known as ground states) depends essentially in the local uniqueness of these minimizers. In equivalent way one can optimize the Gagliardo Nirenberg inequality subject to the constraint fixing the L 2 norm. The uniqueness of the minimizers for the case p 2 , i.e. for the case of Hartree Choquard is well known. The main difficulty for the case p 2 is connected with possible lack of control on the L p norm of the minimizers.
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
IsoBN Fine Tuning BERT with Isotropic Batch Normalization. Fine tuning pre trained language models (PTLMs), such as BERT and its better variant RoBERTa, has been a common practice for advancing performance in natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. Recent advance in representation learning shows that isotropic (i.e., unit variance and uncorrelated) embeddings can significantly improve performance on downstream tasks with faster convergence and better generalization. The isotropy of the pre trained embeddings in PTLMs, however, is relatively under explored. In this paper, we analyze the isotropy of the pre trained CLS embeddings of PTLMs with straightforward visualization, and point out two major issues high variance in their standard deviation, and high correlation between different dimensions. We also propose a new network regularization method, isotropic batch normalization (IsoBN) to address the issues, towards learning more isotropic representations in fine tuning by dynamically penalizing dominating principal components. This simple yet effective fine tuning method yields about 1.0 absolute increment on the average of seven NLU tasks.
[ 18, 29, 47 ]
math.GT math.AT math.GR
A cryptographic application of the Thurston norm. We discuss some applications of 3 manifold topology to cryptography. In particular, we propose a public key and a symmetric key cryptographic scheme based on the Thurston norm on the first cohomology of hyperbolic manifolds.
[ 21, 70 ]
math.HO math.CO
Discrete Mathematics. The purpose of the present work is to provide short and supple teaching notes for a 30 hours introductory course on elementary textit Enumerative Algebraic Combinatorics . We fully adopt the textit Rota way (see, e.g. cite KY ). The themes are organized into a suitable sequence that allows us to derive any result from the preceding ones by elementary processes. Definitions of textit combinatorial coefficients are just by their textit combinatorial meaning . The derivation techniques of formulae results are founded upon constructions and two general and elementary principles methods The textit bad element method (for textit recursive formulae). As the reader should recognize, the bad element method might be regarded as a combinatorial companion of the idea of textit conditional probability . The textit overcounting principle (for textit close form formulae). Therefore, textit no computation is required in textit proofs textit computation formulae are byproducts of combinatorial constructions . We tried to provide a self contained presentation the only prerequisite is standard high school mathematics. We limited ourselves to the textit combinatorial point of view we invite the reader to draw the (obvious) textit probabilistic interpretations .
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
Generalizing Back Translation in Neural Machine Translation. Back translation data augmentation by translating target monolingual data is a crucial component in modern neural machine translation (NMT). In this work, we reformulate back translation in the scope of cross entropy optimization of an NMT model, clarifying its underlying mathematical assumptions and approximations beyond its heuristic usage. Our formulation covers broader synthetic data generation schemes, including sampling from a target to source NMT model. With this formulation, we point out fundamental problems of the sampling based approaches and propose to remedy them by (i) disabling label smoothing for the target to source model and (ii) sampling from a restricted search space. Our statements are investigated on the WMT 2018 German English news translation task.
[ 0 ]
Unsupervised Primitive Discovery for Improved 3D Generative Modeling. 3D shape generation is a challenging problem due to the high dimensional output space and complex part configurations of real world objects. As a result, existing algorithms experience difficulties in accurate generative modeling of 3D shapes. Here, we propose a novel factorized generative model for 3D shape generation that sequentially transitions from coarse to fine scale shape generation. To this end, we introduce an unsupervised primitive discovery algorithm based on a higher order conditional random field model. Using the primitive parts for shapes as attributes, a parameterized 3D representation is modeled in the first stage. This representation is further refined in the next stage by adding fine scale details to shape. Our results demonstrate improved representation ability of the generative model and better quality samples of newly generated 3D shapes. Further, our primitive generation approach can accurately parse common objects into a simplified representation.
[ 8 ]
Hybrid KTP plasmonic nanostructures for enhanced nonlinear optics at the nanoscale. The search for miniaturized components for nonlinear optical processes needs a way to overcome the efficiency loss due to the effective size reduction of the active medium. We investigate here a combination of a nanosized nonlinear dielectric crystal and metallic nanoantennas that benefits from both the intrinsic nonlinear conversion efficiency of the nonlinear medium and the local field enhancement of plasmonic resonances in metallic nanostructures. Careful comparison between experiments and numerical simulations reveals that the observed 10 to 1000 fold enhancement in Second Harmonic Generation intensity between isolated elements and their hybrid structure can be attributed unequivocally to the field enhancement effect of plasmonic resonances on the nonlinear crystal for gold crystal structures, while the enhancement observed in aluminum based hybrid structures is attributed to linear dielectric effect on the plasmonic antennas.
[ 8 ]
Modal Expansion of the Impulse Response Function for Predicting the Time Dynamics of Open Optical Cavities. Light interaction with optical cavities is of fundamental interest to enhance the light matter interaction and to shape the spectral features of the electromagnetic fields. Important efforts have been carried out to develop modal theories of open optical cavities relying on an expansion of the fields on the eigen fields of the cavity. Here, we show how such an expansion predicts the temporal dynamics of optical resonators. We consider a Fabry Perot cavity to derive the full analytical expressions of the internal and scattered field on the quasi normal modes basis together with the complex eigen frequencies. We evince the convergence and accuracy of this expansion before deriving the impulse response function (IRF) of the open cavity. We benefit from this modal expansion and IRF to demonstrate that the eigen modes of the open cavity impact the signals only during the transient regimes and not in the permanent regime.
[ 91 ]
A Stochastic Automata Network Description for Spatial DNA Methylation Models. DNA methylation is an important biological mechanism to regulate gene expression and control cell development. Mechanistic modeling has become a popular approach to enhance our understanding of the dynamics of methylation pattern formation in living cells. Recent findings suggest that the methylation state of a cytosine base can be influenced by its DNA neighborhood. Therefore, it is necessary to generalize existing mathematical models that consider only one cytosine and its partner on the opposite DNA strand (CpG), in order to include such neighborhood dependencies. One approach is to describe the system as a stochastic automata network (SAN) with functional transitions. We show that single CpG models can successfully be generalized to multiple CpGs using the SAN description and verify the results by comparing them to results from extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
[ 25 ]
Foundations of Constructive Probability Theory. We provide a systematic, thorough treatment of the foundations of probability theory and stochastic processes along the lines of E. Bishop's constructive analysis. Every existence result presented shall be a construction and the input data, the construction procedure, and the output objects shall be regarded as integral parts of the theorem. A brief description of this approach is in Part I of this book. Part II develops basic topics in probability theory in this constructive framework, expanding on Bishop and Bridges 1985, Springer , and in terms familiar to probabilists. Part III, the main part of the book, builds on Part II to provide a new constructive treatment of stochastic processes, in the spirit and style of Kolmogorov's constructive methods for Brownian motion. Topics include a Daniell Kolmogorov Skorokhod construction of random fields, measurable random fields, a.u. continuous processes, a.u. c adl ag processes, martingales, a.u. c adl ag and strongly Markov processes, and Feller processes. This text also contains some new theorems in classical probability theory. Each construction theorem is accompanied by a metrical continuity theorem. For example, the construction of Markov processes from semigroups is shown to be metrically continuous, which strengthens the sequential weak convergence in the classical approach. Another new result is a maximal inequality for L p martingales for p ge 1 . In addition to providing explicit rates of convergence, this maximal inequality also provides a unified proof of a.u. convergence of martingales, which previously required separate proofs for the cases p 1 and p 1 . A third new result is a proof that a familiar condition on the triple joint distributions implies that a process is not only a.u. c adl ag, but also right Hoelder, in a sense made precise in the text.
[ 49, 13 ]
math.DS math.OC
Strong Structural Controllability of Networks under Time Invariant and Time Varying Topological Perturbations. This paper investigates the robustness of strong structural controllability for linear time invariant and linear time varying directed networks with respect to structural perturbations, including edge deletions and additions. In this direction, we introduce a new construct referred to as a perfect graph associated with a network with a given set of control nodes. The tight upper bounds on the number of edges that can be added to, or removed from a network, while ensuring strong structural controllability, are then derived. Moreover, we obtain a characterization of critical edge sets, the maximal sets of edges whose any subset can be respectively added to, or removed from a network, while preserving strong structural controllability. In addition, procedures for combining networks to obtain strongly structurally controllable network of networks are proposed. Finally, controllability conditions are proposed for networks whose edge weights, as well as their structures, can vary over time.
[ 80, 4, 13 ]
cs.NE cs.SC math.DS
Convergence analysis of particle swarm optimization using stochastic Lyapunov functions and quantifier elimination. This paper adds to the discussion about theoretical aspects of particle swarm stability by proposing to employ stochastic Lyapunov functions and to determine the convergence set by quantifier elimination. We present a computational procedure and show that this approach leads to reevaluation and extension of previously know stability regions for PSO using a Lyapunov approach under stagnation assumptions.
[ 19, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.CR math.IT
Information and Coding Theoretic Analysis of the RLWE Channel. Several cryptosystems based on the emph Ring Learning with Errors (RLWE) problem have been proposed within the NIST post quantum cryptography standardization process, e.g. NewHope. Furthermore, there are systems like Kyber which are based on the closely related MLWE assumption. Both previously mentioned schemes feature a non zero decryption failure rate (DFR). The combination of encryption and decryption for these kinds of algorithms can be interpreted as data transmission over noisy channels. To the best of our knowledge this paper is the first work that analyzes the capacity of this channel. We show how to modify the encryption schemes such that the input alphabets of the corresponding channels are increased. In particular, we present lower bounds on their capacities which show that the transmission rate can be significantly increased compared to standard proposals in the literature. Furthermore, under the common assumption of stochastically independent coefficient failures, we give lower bounds on achievable rates based on both the Gilbert Varshamov bound and concrete code constructions using BCH codes. By means of our constructions, we can either increase the total bitrate (by a factor of 1.84 for Kyber and by factor of 7 for NewHope) while guaranteeing the same emph decryption failure rate (DFR). Moreover, for the same bitrate, we can significantly reduce the DFR for all schemes considered in this work (e.g., for NewHope from 2 216 to 2 12769 ).
[ 56, 2 ]
cs.AI cs.LO
White box Induction From SVM Models Explainable AI with Logic Programming. We focus on the problem of inducing logic programs that explain models learned by the support vector machine (SVM) algorithm. The top down sequential covering inductive logic programming (ILP) algorithms (e.g., FOIL) apply hill climbing search using heuristics from information theory. A major issue with this class of algorithms is getting stuck in a local optimum. In our new approach, however, the data dependent hill climbing search is replaced with a model dependent search where a globally optimal SVM model is trained first, then the algorithm looks into support vectors as the most influential data points in the model, and induces a clause that would cover the support vector and points that are most similar to that support vector. Instead of defining a fixed hypothesis search space, our algorithm makes use of SHAP, an example specific interpreter in explainable AI, to determine a relevant set of features. This approach yields an algorithm that captures SVM model's underlying logic and outperforms GG the FOIL algorithm other ILP algorithms other ILP algorithms in terms of the number of induced clauses and classification evaluation metrics. This paper is under consideration for publication in the journal of "Theory and practice of logic programming".
[ 48 ]
Graph Homomorphism Polynomials Algorithms and Complexity. We study homomorphism polynomials, which are polynomials that enumerate all homomorphisms from a pattern graph H to n vertex graphs. These polynomials have received a lot of attention recently for their crucial role in several new algorithms for counting and detecting graph patterns, and also for obtaining natural polynomial families which are complete for algebraic complexity classes mathsf VBP , mathsf VP , and mathsf VNP . We discover that, in the monotone setting, the formula complexity, the ABP complexity, and the circuit complexity of such polynomial families are exactly characterized by the treedepth, the pathwidth, and the treewidth of the pattern graph respectively. Furthermore, we establish a single, unified framework, using our characterization, to collect several known results that were obtained independently via different methods. For instance, we attain superpolynomial separations between circuits, ABPs, and formulas in the monotone setting, where the polynomial families separating the classes all correspond to well studied combinatorial problems. Moreover, our proofs rediscover fine grained separations between these models for constant degree polynomials. The characterization additionally yields new space time efficient algorithms for several pattern detection and counting problems.
[ 9, 23 ]
math.AP math.FA
Size of data in implicit function problems and singular perturbations for nonlinear Schr "odinger systems. We investigate a general question about the size and regularity of the data and the solutions in implicit function problems with loss of regularity. First, we give a heuristic explanation of the fact that the optimal data size found by Ekeland and S 'er 'e with their recent non quadratic version of the Nash Moser theorem can also be recovered, for a large class of nonlinear problems, with quadratic schemes. Then we prove that this heuristic observation applies to the singular perturbation Cauchy problem for the nonlinear Schr "odinger system studied by M 'etivier, Rauch, Texier, Zumbrun, Ekeland, S 'er 'e. Using a "free flow component" decomposition and applying an abstract Nash Moser H "ormander theorem, we improve the existing results regarding both the size of the data and the regularity of the solutions.
[ 64, 31 ]
physics.soc-ph q-bio.PE
Containing COVID 19 outbreaks using a Firewall. COVID 19 outbreaks have proven to be very difficult to isolate and extinguish before they spread out. An important reason behind this might be that epidemiological barriers consisting in stopping symptomatic people are likely to fail because of the contagion time before onset, mild cases and or asymptomatics carriers. Motivated by these special COVID 19 features, we study a scheme for containing an outbreak in a city that consists in adding an extra firewall block between the outbreak and the rest of the city. We implement a coupled compartment model with stochastic noise to simulate a localized outbreak that is partially isolated and analyze its evolution with and without firewall for different plausible model parameters. We explore how further improvements could be achieved if the epidemic evolution would trigger policy changes for the flux and or lock down in the different blocks. Our results show that a substantial improvement is obtained by merely adding an extra block between the outbreak and the bulk of the city.
[ 3 ]
Understanding Pre trained BERT for Aspect based Sentiment Analysis. This paper analyzes the pre trained hidden representations learned from reviews on BERT for tasks in aspect based sentiment analysis (ABSA). Our work is motivated by the recent progress in BERT based language models for ABSA. However, it is not clear how the general proxy task of (masked) language model trained on unlabeled corpus without annotations of aspects or opinions can provide important features for downstream tasks in ABSA. By leveraging the annotated datasets in ABSA, we investigate both the attentions and the learned representations of BERT pre trained on reviews. We found that BERT uses very few self attention heads to encode context words (such as prepositions or pronouns that indicating an aspect) and opinion words for an aspect. Most features in the representation of an aspect are dedicated to the fine grained semantics of the domain (or product category) and the aspect itself, instead of carrying summarized opinions from its context. We hope this investigation can help future research in improving self supervised learning, unsupervised learning and fine tuning for ABSA. The pre trained model and code can be found at https github.com howardhsu BERT for RRC ABSA.
[ 3 ]
Improving Context aware Neural Machine Translation with Target side Context. In recent years, several studies on neural machine translation (NMT) have attempted to use document level context by using a multi encoder and two attention mechanisms to read the current and previous sentences to incorporate the context of the previous sentences. These studies concluded that the target side context is less useful than the source side context. However, we considered that the reason why the target side context is less useful lies in the architecture used to model these contexts. Therefore, in this study, we investigate how the target side context can improve context aware neural machine translation. We propose a weight sharing method wherein NMT saves decoder states and calculates an attention vector using the saved states when translating a current sentence. Our experiments show that the target side context is also useful if we plug it into NMT as the decoder state when translating a previous sentence.
[ 32, 28 ]
cs.CG cs.DS
A quasi polynomial algorithm for well spaced hyperbolic TSP. We study the traveling salesman problem in the hyperbolic plane of Gaussian curvature 1 . Let alpha denote the minimum distance between any two input points. Using a new separator theorem and a new rerouting argument, we give an n O( log 2 n) max(1,1 alpha) algorithm for Hyperbolic TSP. This is quasi polynomial time if alpha is at least some absolute constant, and it grows to n O( sqrt n ) as alpha decreases to log 2 n sqrt n . (For even smaller values of alpha , we can use a planarity based algorithm of Hwang et al. (1993), which gives a running time of n O( sqrt n ) .)
[ 56, 2 ]
cs.LO cs.AI
Proceedings 8th International Workshop on Theorem Proving Components for Educational Software. This EPTCS volume contains the proceedings of the ThEdu'19 workshop, promoted on August 25, 2019, as a satellite event of CADE 27, in Natal, Brazil. Representing the eighth installment of the ThEdu series, ThEdu'19 was a vibrant workshop, with an invited talk by Sarah Winkler, four contributions, and the first edition of a Geometry Automated Provers Competition. After the workshop an open call for papers was issued and attracted seven submissions, six of which have been accepted by the reviewers, and collected in the present post proceedings volume. The ThEdu series pursues the smooth transition from an intuitive way of doing mathematics at secondary school to a more formal approach to the subject in STEM education, while favoring software support for this transition by exploiting the power of theorem proving technologies. The volume editors hope that this collection of papers will further promote the development of theorem proving based software, and that it will collaborate on improving mutual understanding between computer mathematicians and stakeholders in education.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Local Fourier analysis of multigrid for hybridized and embedded discontinuous Galerkin methods. In this paper we present a geometric multigrid method with Jacobi and Vanka relaxation for hybridized and embedded discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of the Laplacian. We present a local Fourier analysis (LFA) of the two grid error propagation operator and show that the multigrid method applied to an embedded discontinuous Galerkin (EDG) discretization is almost as efficient as when applied to a continuous Galerkin discretization. We furthermore show that multigrid applied to an EDG discretization outperforms multigrid applied to a hybridized discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) discretization. Numerical examples verify our LFA predictions.
[ 3 ]
Language Identification of Devanagari Poems. Language Identification is a very important part of several text processing pipelines. Extensive research has been done in this field. This paper proposes a procedure for automatic language identification of poems for poem analysis task, consisting of 10 Devanagari based languages of India i.e. Angika, Awadhi, Braj, Bhojpuri, Chhattisgarhi, Garhwali, Haryanvi, Hindi, Magahi, and Maithili. We collated corpora of poems of varying length and studied the similarity of poems among the 10 languages at the lexical level. Finally, various language identification systems based on supervised machine learning and deep learning techniques are applied and evaluated.
[ 33, 84 ]
physics.ins-det physics.acc-ph
NEG pumps Sorption mechanisms and applications. This paper reports the main physical and chemical properties of NEG materials, sorption mechanisms and use of NEG pumps from high to extreme high vacuums.
[ 9, 42, 34, 76 ]
math.DG math.AP math.CV math.SP
Analysis of the critical CR GJMS operator. The critical CR GJMS operator on a strictly pseudoconvex CR manifold is a non hypoelliptic CR invariant differential operator. We prove that, under the embeddability assumption, it is essentially self adjoint and has closed range. Moreover, its spectrum is discrete, and the eigenspace corresponding to each non zero eigenvalue is a finite dimensional subspace of the space of smooth functions. As an application, we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a contact form with zero CR Q curvature.
[ 0, 41, 22 ]
cs.RO cs.CV cs.SE
Data Driven Prediction Architecture for Autonomous Driving and its Application on Apollo Platform. Autonomous Driving vehicles (ADV) are on road with large scales. For safe and efficient operations, ADVs must be able to predict the future states and iterative with road entities in complex, real world driving scenarios. How to migrate a well trained prediction model from one geo fenced area to another is essential in scaling the ADV operation and is difficult most of the time since the terrains, traffic rules, entities distributions, driving walking patterns would be largely different in different geo fenced operation areas. In this paper, we introduce a highly automated learning based prediction model pipeline, which has been deployed on Baidu Apollo self driving platform, to support different prediction learning sub modules' data annotation, feature extraction, model training tuning and deployment. This pipeline is completely automatic without any human intervention and shows an up to 400 efficiency increase in parameter tuning, when deployed at scale in different scenarios across nations.
[ 2 ]
Estimation of Gas Turbine Shaft Torque and Fuel Flow of a CODLAG Propulsion System Using Genetic Programming Algorithm. In this paper, the publicly available dataset of condition based maintenance of combined diesel electric and gas (CODLAG) propulsion system for ships has been utilized to obtain symbolic expressions which could estimate gas turbine shaft torque and fuel flow using genetic programming (GP) algorithm. The entire dataset consists of 11934 samples that was divided into training and testing portions of dataset in an 80 20 ratio. The training dataset used to train the GP algorithm to obtain symbolic expressions for gas turbine shaft torque and fuel flow estimation consisted of 9548 samples. The best symbolic expressions obtained for gas turbine shaft torque and fuel flow estimation were obtained based on their R 2 score generated as a result of the application of the testing portion of the dataset on the aforementioned symbolic expressions. The testing portion of the dataset consisted of 2386 samples. The three best symbolic expressions obtained for gas turbine shaft torque estimation generated R 2 scores of 0.999201, 0.999296, and 0.999374, respectively. The three best symbolic expressions obtained for fuel flow estimation generated R 2 scores of 0.995495, 0.996465, and 0.996487, respectively.
[ 55 ]
Comment on Phys.Rev. Lett. bf 122 , 084501 (2019) by A. Esposito, R. Krichevsky and A. Nicolis. This is a comment on the PRL Gravitational mass M carried by sound waves by A. Esposito, R. Krichevsky and A. Nicolis, Phys.Rev. Lett. bf 122 , 084501 (2019).
[ 38 ]
Computation of a 30750 Bit Binary Field Discrete Logarithm. This paper reports on the computation of a discrete logarithm in the finite field mathbb F 2 30750 , breaking by a large margin the previous record, which was set in January 2014 by a computation in mathbb F 2 9234 . The present computation made essential use of the elimination step of the quasi polynomial algorithm due to Granger, Kleinjung and Zumbr "agel, and is the first large scale experiment to truly test and successfully demonstrate its potential when applied recursively, which is when it leads to the stated complexity. It required the equivalent of about 2900 core years on a single core of an Intel Xeon Ivy Bridge processor running at 2.6 GHz, which is comparable to the approximately 3100 core years expended for the discrete logarithm record for prime fields, set in a field of bit length 795, and demonstrates just how much easier the problem is for this level of computational effort. In order to make the computation feasible we introduced several innovative techniques for the elimination of small degree irreducible elements, which meant that we avoided performing any costly Gr "obner basis computations, in contrast to all previous records since early 2013. While such computations are crucial to the L( frac 1 4 o(1)) complexity algorithms, they were simply too slow for our purposes. Finally, this computation should serve as a serious deterrent to cryptographers who are still proposing to rely on the discrete logarithm security of such finite fields in applications, despite the existence of two quasi polynomial algorithms and the prospect of even faster algorithms being developed.
[ 25, 68, 21 ]
cs.DM math.CO math.PR
A Constructive Proof of a Concentration Bound for Real Valued Random Variables. Almost 10 years ago, Impagliazzo and Kabanets (2010) gave a new combinatorial proof of Chernoff's bound for sums of bounded independent random variables. Unlike previous methods, their proof is constructive. This means that it provides an efficient randomized algorithm for the following task given a set of Boolean random variables whose sum is not concentrated around its expectation, find a subset of statistically dependent variables. However, the algorithm of Impagliazzo and Kabanets (2010) is given only for the Boolean case. On the other hand, the general proof technique works also for real valued random variables, even though for this case, Impagliazzo and Kabanets (2010) obtain a concentration bound that is slightly suboptimal. Herein, we revisit both these issues and show that it is relatively easy to extend the Impagliazzo Kabanets algorithm to real valued random variables and to improve the corresponding concentration bound by a constant factor.
[ 3 ]
Sentiment Aware Recommendation System for Healthcare using Social Media. Over the last decade, health communities (known as forums) have evolved into platforms where more and more users share their medical experiences, thereby seeking guidance and interacting with people of the community. The shared content, though informal and unstructured in nature, contains valuable medical and or health related information and can be leveraged to produce structured suggestions to the common people. In this paper, at first we propose a stacked deep learning model for sentiment analysis from the medical forum data. The stacked model comprises of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) followed by a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) and then by another CNN. For a blog classified with positive sentiment, we retrieve the top n similar posts. Thereafter, we develop a probabilistic model for suggesting the suitable treatments or procedures for a particular disease or health condition. We believe that integration of medical sentiment and suggestion would be beneficial to the users for finding the relevant contents regarding medications and medical conditions, without having to manually stroll through a large amount of unstructured contents.
[ 0 ]
Panoptic Feature Fusion Net A Novel Instance Segmentation Paradigm for Biomedical and Biological Images. Instance segmentation is an important task for biomedical and biological image analysis. Due to the complicated background components, the high variability of object appearances, numerous overlapping objects, and ambiguous object boundaries, this task still remains challenging. Recently, deep learning based methods have been widely employed to solve these problems and can be categorized into proposal free and proposal based methods. However, both proposal free and proposal based methods suffer from information loss, as they focus on either global level semantic or local level instance features. To tackle this issue, we present a Panoptic Feature Fusion Net (PFFNet) that unifies the semantic and instance features in this work. Specifically, our proposed PFFNet contains a residual attention feature fusion mechanism to incorporate the instance prediction with the semantic features, in order to facilitate the semantic contextual information learning in the instance branch. Then, a mask quality sub branch is designed to align the confidence score of each object with the quality of the mask prediction. Furthermore, a consistency regularization mechanism is designed between the semantic segmentation tasks in the semantic and instance branches, for the robust learning of both tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed PFFNet, which outperforms several state of the art methods on various biomedical and biological datasets.
[ 59 ]
Efficient network navigation with partial information. We propose a information theoretical framework to capture transition and information costs of network navigation models. Based on the minimum description length principle and the Markov decision process, we demonstrate that efficient global navigation can be achieved with only partial information. Additionally, we derived a scalable algorithm for optimal solutions under certain conditions. The proposed algorithm can be interpreted as a dynamical process on network, making it a useful tool for analysing and understanding navigation strategies on real world networks.
[ 3 ]
Universal Natural Language Processing with Limited Annotations Try Few shot Textual Entailment as a Start. A standard way to address different NLP problems is by first constructing a problem specific dataset, then building a model to fit this dataset. To build the ultimate artificial intelligence, we desire a single machine that can handle diverse new problems, for which task specific annotations are limited. We bring up textual entailment as a unified solver for such NLP problems. However, current research of textual entailment has not spilled much ink on the following questions (i) How well does a pretrained textual entailment system generalize across domains with only a handful of domain specific examples? and (ii) When is it worth transforming an NLP task into textual entailment? We argue that the transforming is unnecessary if we can obtain rich annotations for this task. Textual entailment really matters particularly when the target NLP task has insufficient annotations. Universal NLP can be probably achieved through different routines. In this work, we introduce Universal Few shot textual Entailment (UFO Entail). We demonstrate that this framework enables a pretrained entailment model to work well on new entailment domains in a few shot setting, and show its effectiveness as a unified solver for several downstream NLP tasks such as question answering and coreference resolution when the end task annotations are limited. Code https github.com salesforce UniversalFewShotNLP
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
Numerical modeling of wing crack propagation accounting for fracture contact mechanics. As a consequence of shearing, wing cracks can emerge from pre existing fractures. The process involves the interaction of sliding of the existing fracture surfaces and the tensile material failure that creates wing cracks. This work devises a numerical model to investigate how wing cracks emerge, propagate and connect pre existing fractures under shear processes. A mathematical and numerical model for wing crack propagation based on linear elastic fracture mechanics that also accounts for fracture contact mechanics is presented. Computational efficiency is ensured by an adaptive remeshing technique. The numerical model is verified and validated through a comparison of the analytical and experimental results. Additional numerical examples illustrate the performance of the method for complex test cases where wing cracks develop for multiple pre existing and interacting fractures.
[ 38 ]
Computation of the Kummer ratio of the class number for prime cyclotomic fields. Let zeta q be a primitive q text th root of unity with q an arbitrary odd prime. The ratio of Kummer's first factor of the class number of the cyclotomic number field mathbb Q ( zeta q) and its expected order of magnitude (a simple function of q ) is called the Kummer ratio and denoted by r(q) . It is known that typically r(q) is close to 1, but nevertheless it is believed that it is unbounded, but only large on a very thin sequence of primes q . We propose an algorithm to compute r(q) requiring the evaluation of O(q log q) products and O(q) logarithms. Using it we obtain a new record maximum for r(q) , namely r(6766811) 1.709379 dotsc (the old record being r(5231) 1.556562 dotsc ). The program used and the results described here, are collected at the following address url http www.math.unipd.it languasc rq comput.html . This is a (preliminary) report about the computational part of a joint project with Pieter Moree, Sumaia Saad Eddin, and Alisa Sedunova.
[ 1, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.LG
Differentially Private k Means Clustering with Guaranteed Convergence. Iterative clustering algorithms help us to learn the insights behind the data. Unfortunately, this may allow adversaries to infer the privacy of individuals with some background knowledge. In the worst case, the adversaries know the centroids of an arbitrary iteration and the information of n 1 out of n items. To protect individual privacy against such an inference attack, preserving differential privacy (DP) for the iterative clustering algorithms has been extensively studied in the interactive settings. However, existing interactive differentially private clustering algorithms suffer from a non convergence problem, i.e., these algorithms may not terminate without a predefined number of iterations. This problem severely impacts the clustering quality and the efficiency of a differentially private algorithm. To resolve this problem, in this paper, we propose a novel differentially private clustering framework in the interactive settings which controls the orientation of the movement of the centroids over the iterations to ensure the convergence by injecting DP noise in a selected area. We prove that, in the expected case, algorithm under our framework converges in at most twice the iterations of Lloyd's algorithm. We perform experimental evaluations on real world datasets to show that our algorithm outperforms the state of the art of the interactive differentially private clustering algorithms with guaranteed convergence and better clustering quality to meet the same DP requirement.
[ 40, 1, 3 ]
cs.LG cs.CL cs.IR
Word Representation for Rhythms. This paper proposes a word representation strategy for rhythm patterns. Using 1034 pieces of Nottingham Dataset, a rhythm word dictionary whose size is 450 (without control tokens) is generated. BERT model is created to explore syntactic potentials of rhythm words. Our model is able to find overall music structures and cluster different meters. In a larger scheme, a think mode music as language is proposed for systematic considerations.
[ 3 ]
Research on Annotation Rules and Recognition Algorithm Based on Phrase Window. At present, most Natural Language Processing technology is based on the results of Word Segmentation for Dependency Parsing, which mainly uses an end to end method based on supervised learning. There are two main problems with this method firstly, the la beling rules are complex and the data is too difficult to label, the workload of which is large secondly, the algorithm cannot recognize the multi granularity and diversity of language components. In order to solve these two problems, we propose labeling rules based on phrase windows, and designed corresponding phrase recognition algorithms. The labeling rule uses phrases as the minimum unit, di vides sentences into 7 types of nestable phrase types, and marks the grammatical dependencies between phrases. The corresponding algorithm, drawing on the idea of identifying the target area in the image field, can find the start and end positions of various phrases in the sentence, and realize the synchronous recognition of nested phrases and grammatical dependencies. The results of the experiment shows that the labeling rule is convenient and easy to use, and there is no ambiguity the algorithm is more grammatically multi granular and diverse than the end to end algorithm. Experiments on the CPWD dataset improve the accuracy of the end to end method by about 1 point. The corresponding method was applied to the CCL2018 competition, and the first place in the Chinese Metaphor Sentiment Analysis Task.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Affinity Graph Supervision for Visual Recognition. Affinity graphs are widely used in deep architectures, including graph convolutional neural networks and attention networks. Thus far, the literature has focused on abstracting features from such graphs, while the learning of the affinities themselves has been overlooked. Here we propose a principled method to directly supervise the learning of weights in affinity graphs, to exploit meaningful connections between entities in the data source. Applied to a visual attention network, our affinity supervision improves relationship recovery between objects, even without the use of manually annotated relationship labels. We further show that affinity learning between objects boosts scene categorization performance and that the supervision of affinity can also be applied to graphs built from mini batches, for neural network training. In an image classification task we demonstrate consistent improvement over the baseline, with diverse network architectures and datasets.
[ 25, 9 ]
math.PR math.AP
On the equivalence of pathwise mild and weak solutions for quasilinear SPDEs. The main goal of this work is to relate weak and pathwise mild solutions for parabolic quasilinear stochastic partial differential equations (SPDEs). Extending in a suitable way techniques from the theory of nonautonomous semilinear SPDEs to the quasilinear case, we prove the equivalence of these two solution concepts.
[ 74, 23 ]
math.FA math.OA
Maps completely preserving the quadratic operators. Let mathcal A and mathcal B be standard operator algebras on Banach spaces mathcal X and mathcal Y , respectively. In this paper, we show that every bijection completely preserving quadratic operators from mathcal A onto mathcal B is either an isomorphism or (in the complex case) a conjugate isomorphism.
[ 38 ]
Galois groups of p extensions of higher local fields. Suppose mathcal K is N dimensional local field of characteristic p , mathcal G mathop Gal ( mathcal K sep mathcal K) , mathcal G p is the maximal quotient of mathcal G of period p and nilpotent class p and mathcal K p subset mathcal K sep is such that mathop Gal ( mathcal K p mathcal K) mathcal G p . We use nilpotent Artin Schreier theory to identify mathcal G p with the group G( mathcal L) obtained from a profinite Lie mathbb F p algebra mathcal L via the Campbell Hausdorff composition law. The canonical mathcal P topology on mathcal K is used to define a dense Lie subalgebra mathcal L mathcal P in mathcal L . The algebra mathcal L mathcal P can be provided with a system of mathcal P topological generators and its mathcal P open subalgebras correspond to all N dimensional extensions of mathcal K in mathcal K p . These results are applied to higher local fields K of characteristic 0 containing primitive p th root of unity. If Gamma mathop Gal (K alg K) we introduce similarly the quotient Gamma p G(L) , a dense mathbb F p Lie algebra L mathcal P subset L , and describe the structure of L mathcal P in terms of generators and relations. The general result is illustrated by explicit presentation of Gamma p modulo third commutators.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Gradient Origin Networks. This paper proposes a new type of generative model that is able to quickly learn a latent representation without an encoder. This is achieved using empirical Bayes to calculate the expectation of the posterior, which is implemented by initialising a latent vector with zeros, then using the gradient of the log likelihood of the data with respect to this zero vector as new latent points. The approach has similar characteristics to autoencoders, but with a simpler architecture, and is demonstrated in a variational autoencoder equivalent that permits sampling. This also allows implicit representation networks to learn a space of implicit functions without requiring a hypernetwork, retaining their representation advantages across datasets. The experiments show that the proposed method converges faster, with significantly lower reconstruction error than autoencoders, while requiring half the parameters.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.LG cs.CV
Enabling Retrain free Deep Neural Network Pruning using Surrogate Lagrangian Relaxation. Network pruning is a widely used technique to reduce computation cost and model size for deep neural networks. However, the typical three stage pipeline, i.e., training, pruning and retraining (fine tuning) significantly increases the overall training trails. In this paper, we develop a systematic weight pruning optimization approach based on Surrogate Lagrangian relaxation (SLR), which is tailored to overcome difficulties caused by the discrete nature of the weight pruning problem while ensuring fast convergence. We further accelerate the convergence of the SLR by using quadratic penalties. Model parameters obtained by SLR during the training phase are much closer to their optimal values as compared to those obtained by other state of the art methods. We evaluate the proposed method on image classification tasks, i.e., ResNet 18 and ResNet 50 using ImageNet, and ResNet 18, ResNet 50 and VGG 16 using CIFAR 10, as well as object detection tasks, i.e., YOLOv3 and YOLOv3 tiny using COCO 2014 and Ultra Fast Lane Detection using TuSimple lane detection dataset. Experimental results demonstrate that our SLR based weight pruning optimization approach achieves higher compression rate than state of the arts under the same accuracy requirement. It also achieves a high model accuracy even at the hard pruning stage without retraining (reduces the traditional three stage pruning to two stage). Given a limited budget of retraining epochs, our approach quickly recovers the model accuracy.
[ 9 ]
Linear stability of pipe Poiseuille flow at high Reynolds number regime. In this paper, we prove the linear stability of the pipe Poiseuille flow for general perturbations at high Reynolds number regime. This is a long standing problem since the experiments of Reynolds in 1883. Our work lays a foundation for the theoretical analysis of hydrodynamic stability of pipe flow, which is one of the oldest yet unsolved problems of fundamental fluid dynamics.
[ 25 ]
How exceptional is the extremal Kendall and Kendall type convolution. This paper deals with the generalized convolutions connected with the Williamson transform and the maximum operation. We focus on such convolutions which can define transition probabilities of renewal processes. They should be monotonic since the described time or destruction does not go back, it should admit existence of a distribution with a lack of memory property because the analog of the Poisson process shall exist. Another valuable property is the simplicity of calculating and inverting the corresponding generalized characteristic function (in particular Williamson transform) so that the technique of generalized characteristic function can be used in description of our processes. The convex linear combination property (the generalized convolution of two point measures is the convex combination of several fixed measures), or representability (which means that the generalized convolution can be easily written in the language of independent random variables) they also facilitate the modeling of real processes in that language. We describe examples of generalized convolutions having the required properties ranging from the maximum convolution and its simplest generalization the Kendall convolution (associated with the Williamson transform), up to the most complicated here Kingman convolution. It is novel approach to apply in the extreme value theory. Stochastic representation of the Kucharczak Urbanik in the order statistics terms is proved, which open new paths to investigate Archimedean copulas. This paper open the door to solve an old open problem of the relationship between copulas and generalized convolutions mentioned by B. Schweizer and A. Sklar in 1983. This indicates the path of further research towards extremes and dependency modelling.
[ 77 ]
Effective Finite Valued Approximations of General Propositional Logics. Propositional logics in general, considered as a set of sentences, can be undecidable even if they have "nice" representations, e.g., are given by a calculus. Even decidable propositional logics can be computationally complex (e.g., already intuitionistic logic is PSPACE complete). On the other hand, finite valued logics are computationally relatively simple at worst NP. Moreover, finite valued semantics are simple, and general methods for theorem proving exist. This raises the question to what extent and under what circumstances propositional logics represented in various ways can be approximated by finite valued logics. It is shown that the minimal m valued logic for which a given calculus is strongly sound can be calculated. It is also investigated under which conditions propositional logics can be characterized as the intersection of (effectively given) sequences of finite valued logics.
[ 7 ]
Enhanced single node boundary condition for the Lattice Boltzmann Method. We propose a new way to implement Dirichlet boundary conditions for complex shapes using data from a single node only, in the context of the lattice Boltzmann method. The resulting novel method exhibits second order convergence for the velocity field and shows similar or better accuracy than the well established Bouzidi, Firdaouss, and Lallemand (2001) boundary condition for curved walls, despite its local nature. The method also proves to be suitable to simulate moving rigid objects or immersed surfaces either with or without prescribed motion. The core idea of the new approach is to generalize the description of boundary conditions that combine bounce back rule with interpolations and to enhance them by limiting the information involved in the interpolation to a close proximity of the boundary.
[ 1, 2 ]
cs.LG cs.AI
Model Embedding Model Based Reinforcement Learning. Model based reinforcement learning (MBRL) has shown its advantages in sample efficiency over model free reinforcement learning (MFRL). Despite the impressive results it achieves, it still faces a trade off between the ease of data generation and model bias. In this paper, we propose a simple and elegant model embedding model based reinforcement learning (MEMB) algorithm in the framework of the probabilistic reinforcement learning. To balance the sample efficiency and model bias, we exploit both real and imaginary data in the training. In particular, we embed the model in the policy update and learn Q and V functions from the real data set. We provide the theoretical analysis of MEMB with the Lipschitz continuity assumption on the model and policy. At last, we evaluate MEMB on several benchmarks and demonstrate our algorithm can achieve state of the art performance.
[ 13 ]
Thermodynamic formalism of GL 2( mathbb R ) cocycles with canonical holonomies. We study singular value potentials of H "older continuous GL 2( mathbb R ) cocycles over hyperbolic systems whose canonical holonomies converge and are H "older continuous. Such cocycles include locally constant GL 2( mathbb R ) cocycles as well as fiber bunched GL 2( mathbb R ) cocycles. We show that singular value potentials of irreducible such cocycles have unique equilibrium states. Among the reducible cocycles, we provide a characterization for cocycles whose singular value potentials have more than one equilibrium states.
[ 66 ]
An extended Elrod Adams model to account for backpressure and blow by inception. The Piston Ring Liner system is the main tribological component of internal combustion engines. The Elrod Adams model is customarily used to numerically assess the hydrodynamics of different ring designs and liner surface treatments. However, that model does not incorporate the backpressure boundary condition, which in this case corresponds to the combustion chamber pressure and is quite significant. In this contribution a model is proposed that imposes the combustion chamber pressure in a mass conserving way, together with an effective algorithm for its numerical approximation. The new model incorporates the pressure difference across the ring, which is shown to have a substantial effect on the predicted friction force and MFT. The model is further elaborated so as to provide a criterion for predicting blow by inception.
[ 9, 34 ]
math.CV math.AP
Uniform estimates for the canonical solution to the bar partial equation on product domains. We obtain uniform estimates for the canonical solution to bar partial u f on the Cartesian product of smoothly bounded planar domains, when f is continuous up to the boundary. This generalizes Landucci's result for the bidisc toward higher dimensional product domains.
[ 92 ]
The NRGTEN Python package an extensible toolkit for coarse grained normal mode analysis of proteins, nucleic acids, small molecules and their complexes. Summary Coarse grained normal mode analysis (NMA) is a fast computational technique to study the dynamics of biomolecules. Here we present the Najmanovich Research Group Toolkit for Elastic Networks (NRGTEN). NRGTEN is a Python toolkit that implements four different NMA models in addition to popular and novel metrics to benchmark and measure properties from these models. Furthermore, the toolkit is available as a public Python package and is easily extensible for the development or implementation of additional NMA models. The inclusion of the ENCoM model (Elastic Network Contact Model) developed in our group within NRGTEN is noteworthy, owing to its account for the specific chemical nature of atomic interactions. This makes possible some unique predictions of the effect of mutations, such as on stability (via changes in vibrational entropy differences), on the transition probability between different conformational states or on the flexibility profile of the whole macromolecule complex (to study allostery and signalling). In addition, all NMA models can be used to generate conformational ensembles from a starting structure to aid in protein protein, protein ligand or other docking studies among applications. NRGTEN is freely available via a public Python package which can be easily installed on any modern machine and includes a detailed user guide hosted online. Availability and implementation https github.com gregorpatof nrgten package Contact rafael.najmanovich umontreal.ca
[ 17, 19 ]
cs.CR cs.DC
Hybrid Blockchain Enabled Secure Microservices Fabric for Decentralized Multi Domain Avionics Systems. Advancement in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), dynamic data driven application systems (DDDAS), and hierarchical cloud fog edge computing paradigm provide opportunities for enhancing multi domain systems performance. As one example that represents multi domain scenario, a "fly by feel" system utilizes DDDAS framework to support autonomous operations and improve maneuverability, safety and fuel efficiency. The DDDAS "fly by feel" avionics system can enhance multi domain coordination to support domain specific operations. However, conventional enabling technologies rely on a centralized manner for data aggregation, sharing and security policy enforcement, and it incurs critical issues related to bottleneck of performance, data provenance and consistency. Inspired by the containerized microservices and blockchain technology, this paper introduces BLEM, a hybrid BLockchain Enabled secure Microservices fabric to support decentralized, secure and efficient data fusion and multi domain operations for avionics systems. Leveraging the fine granularity and loose coupling features of the microservices architecture, multidomain operations and security functionalities are decoupled into multiple containerized microservices. A hybrid blockchain fabric based on two level committee consensus protocols is proposed to enable decentralized security architecture and support immutability, auditability and traceability for data provenience in existing multi domain avionics system. Our evaluation results show the feasibility of the proposed BLEM mechanism to support decentralized security service and guarantee immutability, auditability and traceability for data provenience across domain boundaries.
[ 12 ]
From inequalities involving exponential functions and sums to logarithmically complete monotonicity of ratios of gamma functions. In the paper, the authors review origins, motivations, and generalizations of a series of inequalities involving several exponential functions and sums, establish three new inequalities involving finite exponential functions and sums by finding convexity of a function related to the generating function of the Bernoulli numbers, survey the history, backgrounds, generalizations, logarithmically complete monotonicity, and applications of a series of ratios of finite gamma functions, present complete monotonicity of a linear combination of finite trigamma functions, construct a new ratio of finite gamma functions, derives monotonicity, logarithmic convexity, concavity, complete monotonicity, and the Bernstein function property of the newly constructed ratio of finite gamma functions, and suggest two linear combinations of finite trigamma functions and two ratios of finite gamma functions to be investigated.
[ 25, 21 ]
math.CO math.PR
Hamilton Cycles in the Semi random Graph Process. The semi random graph process is a single player game in which the player is initially presented an empty graph on n vertices. In each round, a vertex u is presented to the player independently and uniformly at random. The player then adaptively selects a vertex v , and adds the edge uv to the graph. For a fixed monotone graph property, the objective of the player is to force the graph to satisfy this property with high probability in as few rounds as possible. We focus on the problem of constructing a Hamilton cycle in as few rounds as possible. In particular, we present a novel strategy for the player which achieves a Hamiltonian cycle in (2 4e 2 0.07 o(1)) , n 2.61135 , n rounds, assuming that a specific non convex optimization problem has a negative solution (a premise we numerically support). Assuming that this technical condition holds, this improves upon the previously best known upper bound of 3 , n rounds. We also show that the previously best lower bound of ( ln 2 ln (1 ln 2) o(1)) , n is not tight.
[ 17 ]
Application Level Differential Checkpointing for HPC Applications with Dynamic Datasets. High performance computing (HPC) requires resilience techniques such as checkpointing in order to tolerate failures in supercomputers. As the number of nodes and memory in supercomputers keeps on increasing, the size of checkpoint data also increases dramatically, sometimes causing an I O bottleneck. Differential checkpointing (dCP) aims to minimize the checkpointing overhead by only writing data differences. This is typically implemented at the memory page level, sometimes complemented with hashing algorithms. However, such a technique is unable to cope with dynamic size datasets. In this work, we present a novel dCP implementation with a new file format that allows fragmentation of protected datasets in order to support dynamic sizes. We identify dirty data blocks using hash algorithms. In order to evaluate the dCP performance, we ported the HPC applications xPic, LULESH 2.0 and Heat2D and analyze them regarding their potential of reducing I O with dCP and how this data reduction influences the checkpoint performance. In our experiments, we achieve reductions of up to 62 of the checkpoint time.
[ 26, 69 ]
math.RT math.QA
Finite dimensional simple modules of (q, mathbf Q ) current algebras. The (q, mathbf Q ) current algebra associated with the general linear Lie algebra was introduced by the second author in the study of representation theory of cyclotomic q Schur algebras. In this paper, we study the (q, mathbf Q ) current algebra U q( mathfrak sl n langle mathbf Q rangle x ) associated with the special linear Lie algebra mathfrak sl n . In particular, we classify finite dimensional simple U q( mathfrak sl n langle mathbf Q rangle x ) modules.
[ 50 ]
In vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging of GABA and Glutamate. Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a molecular imaging methodology capable of mapping brain metabolites with relatively high spatial resolution. Specificity is the main goal of such experiments yet CEST is confounded by spectral overlap between different molecular species. Here, we overcome this major limitation using a general framework termed overlap resolved CEST (orCEST) a kind of spectrally edited experiment restoring specificity. First, we present evidence revealing that CEST experiments targeting the central nervous system's primary excitatory neurotransmitter, Glutamate (GluCEST) is significantly contaminated by gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter in the CNS. Then, we harness the novel orCEST methodology to separate Glutamate and for the first time GABA signals, thus delivering the desired specificity. In vivo orCEST experiments resolved the rat brain's primary neurotransmitters and revealed changes in Glutamate and GABA levels upon water deprivation in thirst related areas. orCEST's features bode well for many applications in neuroscience and biomedicine.
[ 7 ]
Diffusion NMR in periodic media efficient computation and spectral properties. The Bloch Torrey equation governs the evolution of the transverse magnetization in diffusion magnetic resonance imaging, where two mechanisms are at play diffusion of spins (Laplacian term) and their precession in a magnetic field gradient (imaginary potential term). In this paper, we study this equation in a periodic medium a unit cell repeated over the nodes of a lattice. Although the gradient term of the equation is not invariant by lattice translations, the equation can be analyzed within a single unit cell by replacing a continuous time gradient profile by narrow pulses. In this approximation, the effects of precession and diffusion are separated and the problem is reduced to the study of a sequence of diffusion equations with pseudo periodic boundary conditions. This representation allows for efficient numerical computations as well as new theoretical insights into the formation of the signal in periodic media. In particular, we study the eigenmodes and eigenvalues of the Bloch Torrey operator. We show how the localization of eigenmodes is related to branching points in the spectrum and we discuss low and high gradient asymptotic behaviors. The range of validity of the approximation is discussed interestingly the method turns out to be more accurate and efficient at high gradient, being thus an important complementary tool to conventional numerical methods that are most accurate at low gradients.
[ 78 ]
A note on the second vanishing theorem. Let R be a regular local ring of dimension d and H d 1 J (R) be the (d 1) th local cohomology module supported at the ideal J . The second vanishing theorem for the local cohomology or the SVT is well known in regular local rings containing a field and for complete unramified regular local ring of mixed characteristic. It states that under certain conditions on J (see below for detail), H d 1 J (R) vanishes if and only if the punctured spectrum R J is connected. In this paper, we extend the result of SVT to complete ramified regular local ring only for the extended ideals. When punctured spectrum is not connected, we find that the punctured spectrum of the corresponding unramified regular local ring also is also disconnected and having same number of connected components. Moreover, we show that the Matlis duals of those local cohomology modules support the Conjecture 1 and the result of Corollary 1.2 of cite L Y .
[ 1, 3 ]
cs.CL cs.LG
Investigating Biases in Textual Entailment Datasets. The ability to understand logical relationships between sentences is an important task in language understanding. To aid in progress for this task, researchers have collected datasets for machine learning and evaluation of current systems. However, like in the crowdsourced Visual Question Answering (VQA) task, some biases in the data inevitably occur. In our experiments, we find that performing classification on just the hypotheses on the SNLI dataset yields an accuracy of 64 . We analyze the bias extent in the SNLI and the MultiNLI dataset, discuss its implication, and propose a simple method to reduce the biases in the datasets.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.LG cs.CV
Applying the Decisiveness and Robustness Metrics to Convolutional Neural Networks. We review three recently proposed classifier quality metrics and consider their suitability for large scale classification challenges such as applying convolutional neural networks to the 1000 class ImageNet dataset. These metrics, referred to as the "geometric accuracy," "decisiveness," and "robustness," are based on the generalized mean ( rho equals 0, 1, and 2 3, respectively) of the classifier's self reported and measured probabilities of correct classification. We also propose some minor clarifications to standardize the metric definitions. With these updates, we show some examples of calculating the metrics using deep convolutional neural networks (AlexNet and DenseNet) acting on large datasets (the German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark and ImageNet).
[ 67 ]
Detecting and Receiving Phase Modulated Signals with a Rydberg Atom Based Mixer. Recently, we introduced a Rydberg atom based mixer capable of detecting and measuring the phase of a radio frequency field through the electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) and Autler Townes (AT) effect. The ability to measure phase with this mixer allows for an atom based receiver to detect digital modulated communication signals. In this paper, we demonstrate detection and reception of digital modulated signals based on various phase shift keying approaches. We demonstrate Rydberg atom based digital reception of binary phase shift keying (BPSK), quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), and quadrature amplitude (QAM) modulated signals over a 19.626 GHz carrier to transmit and receive a bit stream in cesium vapor. We present measured values of Error Vector Magnitude (EVM, a common communication metric used to assess how accurate a symbol or bit stream is received) as a function of symbol rate for BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, and 64QAM modulation schemes. These results allow us to discuss the bandwidth of a Rydberg atom based receiver system.
[ 62 ]
Strategic Learning Approach for Deploying UAV provided Wireless Services. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) have emerged as a promising technique to rapidly provide wireless services to a group of mobile users simultaneously. The paper aims to address a challenging issue that each user is selfish and may misreport his location or preference for changing the optimal UAV location to be close to himself. Using algorithmic game theory, we study how to determine the final location of a UAV in the 3D space, by ensuring all selfish users' truthfulness in reporting their locations for learning purpose. To minimize the social service cost in this UAV placement game, we design strategyproof mechanisms with the approximation ratios, when comparing to the social optimum. We also study the obnoxious UAV placement game to maximally keep their social utility, where each incumbent user may misreport his location to keep the UAV away from him. Moreover, we present the dual preference UAV placement game by considering the coexistence of the two groups of users above, where users can misreport both their locations and preference types (favorable or obnoxious) towards the UAV. Finally, we extend the three games above to include multiple UAVs and design strategyproof mechanisms with provable approximation ratios.
[ 41 ]
CAPRICORN Communication Aware Place Recognition using Interpretable Constellations of Objects in Robot Networks. Using multiple robots for exploring and mapping environments can provide improved robustness and performance, but it can be difficult to implement. In particular, limited communication bandwidth is a considerable constraint when a robot needs to determine if it has visited a location that was previously explored by another robot, as it requires for robots to share descriptions of places they have visited. One way to compress this description is to use constellations, groups of 3D points that correspond to the estimate of a set of relative object positions. Constellations maintain the same pattern from different viewpoints and can be robust to illumination changes or dynamic elements. We present a method to extract from these constellations compact spatial and semantic descriptors of the objects in a scene. We use this representation in a 2 step decentralized loop closure verification first, we distribute the compact semantic descriptors to determine which other robots might have seen scenes with similar objects then we query matching robots with the full constellation to validate the match using geometric information. The proposed method requires less memory, is more interpretable than global image descriptors, and could be useful for other tasks and interactions with the environment. We validate our system's performance on a TUM RGB D SLAM sequence and show its benefits in terms of bandwidth requirements.
[ 49 ]
Incomplete Analytic Hierarchy Process with Minimum Weighted Ordinal Violations. Incomplete pairwise comparison matrices offer a natural way of expressing preferences in decision making processes. Although ordinal information is crucial, there is a bias in the literature cardinal models dominate. Ordinal models usually yield non unique solutions therefore, an approach blending ordinal and cardinal information is needed. In this work, we consider two cascading problems first, we compute ordinal preferences, maximizing an index that combines ordinal and cardinal information then, we obtain a cardinal ranking by enforcing ordinal constraints. Notably, we provide a sufficient condition (that is likely to be satisfied in practical cases) for the first problem to admit a unique solution and we develop a provably polynomial time algorithm to compute it. The effectiveness of the proposed method is analyzed and compared with respect to other approaches and criteria at the state of the art.
[ 3 ]
Translator2Vec Understanding and Representing Human Post Editors. The combination of machines and humans for translation is effective, with many studies showing productivity gains when humans post edit machine translated output instead of translating from scratch. To take full advantage of this combination, we need a fine grained understanding of how human translators work, and which post editing styles are more effective than others. In this paper, we release and analyze a new dataset with document level post editing action sequences, including edit operations from keystrokes, mouse actions, and waiting times. Our dataset comprises 66,268 full document sessions post edited by 332 humans, the largest of the kind released to date. We show that action sequences are informative enough to identify post editors accurately, compared to baselines that only look at the initial and final text. We build on this to learn and visualize continuous representations of post editors, and we show that these representations improve the downstream task of predicting post editing time.