[ 49 ]
On Separating Points for Ensemble Controllability. Recent years have witnessed a wave of research activities in systems science toward the study of population systems. The driving force behind this shift was geared by numerous emerging and ever changing technologies in life and physical sciences and engineering, from neuroscience, biology, and quantum physics to robotics, where many control enabled applications involve manipulating a large ensemble of structurally identical dynamic units, or agents. Analyzing fundamental properties of ensemble control systems in turn plays a foundational and critical role in enabling and, further, advancing these applications, and the analysis is largely beyond the capability of classical control techniques. In this paper, we consider an ensemble of time invariant linear systems evolving on an infinite dimensional space of continuous functions. We exploit the notion of separating points and techniques of polynomial approximation to develop necessary and sufficient ensemble controllability conditions. In particular, we introduce an extended notion of controllability matrix, called Ensemble Controllability Gramian. This means enables the characterization of ensemble controllability through evaluating controllability of each individual system in the ensemble. As a result, the work provides a unified framework with a systematic procedure for analyzing control systems defined on an infinite dimensional space by a finite dimensional approach.
[ 0 ]
A Stitching Algorithm for Automated Surface Inspection of Rotationally Symmetric Components. This paper provides a novel approach to stitching surface images of rotationally symmetric parts. It presents a process pipeline that uses a feature based stitching approach to create a distortion free and true to life image from a video file. The developed process thus enables, for example, condition monitoring without having to view many individual images. For validation purposes, this will be demonstrated in the paper using the concrete example of a worn ball screw drive spindle. The developed algorithm aims at reproducing the functional principle of a line scan camera system, whereby the physical measuring systems are replaced by a feature based approach. For evaluation of the stitching algorithms, metrics are used, some of which have only been developed in this work or have been supplemented by test procedures already in use. The applicability of the developed algorithm is not only limited to machine tool spindles. Instead, the developed method allows a general approach to the surface inspection of various rotationally symmetric components and can therefore be used in a variety of industrial applications. Deep learning based detection Algorithms can easily be implemented to generate a complete pipeline for failure detection and condition monitoring on rotationally symmetric parts.
[ 7 ]
Parallelization of the inverse fast multipole method with an application to boundary element method. We present an algorithm to parallelize the inverse fast multipole method (IFMM), which is an approximate direct solver for dense linear systems. The parallel scheme is based on a greedy coloring algorithm, where two nodes in the hierarchy with the same color are separated by at least sigma nodes. We proved that when sigma ge 6 , the workload associated with one color is embarrassingly parallel. However, the number of nodes in a group (color) may be small when sigma 6 . Therefore, we also explored sigma 3 , where a small fraction of the algorithm needs to be serialized, and the overall parallel efficiency was improved. We implemented the parallel IFMM using OpenMP for shared memory machines. Successively, we applied it to a fast multipole accelerated boundary element method (FMBEM) as a preconditioner, and compared its efficiency with (a) the original IFMM parallelized by linking a multi threaded linear algebra library and (b) the commonly used parallel block diagonal preconditioner. Our results showed that our parallel IFMM achieved at most 4 times and 11 times speedups over the reference method (a) and (b), respectively, in realistic examples involving more than one million variables.
[ 40, 2 ]
cs.IR cs.AI
J Recs Principled and Scalable Recommendation Justification. Online recommendation is an essential functionality across a variety of services, including e commerce and video streaming, where items to buy, watch, or read are suggested to users. Justifying recommendations, i.e., explaining why a user might like the recommended item, has been shown to improve user satisfaction and persuasiveness of the recommendation. In this paper, we develop a method for generating post hoc justifications that can be applied to the output of any recommendation algorithm. Existing post hoc methods are often limited in providing diverse justifications, as they either use only one of many available types of input data, or rely on the predefined templates. We address these limitations of earlier approaches by developing J Recs, a method for producing concise and diverse justifications. J Recs is a recommendation model agnostic method that generates diverse justifications based on various types of product and user data (e.g., purchase history and product attributes). The challenge of jointly processing multiple types of data is addressed by designing a principled graph based approach for justification generation. In addition to theoretical analysis, we present an extensive evaluation on synthetic and real world data. Our results show that J Recs satisfies desirable properties of justifications, and efficiently produces effective justifications, matching user preferences up to 20 more accurately than baselines.
[ 2 ]
Towards Efficient Anytime Computation and Execution of Decoupled Robustness Envelopes for Temporal Plans. One of the major limitations for the employment of model based planning and scheduling in practical applications is the need of costly re planning when an incongruence between the observed reality and the formal model is encountered during execution. Robustness Envelopes characterize the set of possible contingencies that a plan is able to address without re planning, but their exact computation is extremely expensive furthermore, general robustness envelopes are not amenable for efficient execution. In this paper, we present a novel, anytime algorithm to approximate Robustness Envelopes, making them scalable and executable. This is proven by an experimental analysis showing the efficiency of the algorithm, and by a concrete case study where the execution of robustness envelopes significantly reduces the number of re plannings.
[ 52, 62 ]
cs.MA cs.GT
Strategic Voting Under Uncertainty About the Voting Method. Much of the theoretical work on strategic voting makes strong assumptions about what voters know about the voting situation. A strategizing voter is typically assumed to know how other voters will vote and to know the rules of the voting method. A growing body of literature explores strategic voting when there is uncertainty about how others will vote. In this paper, we study strategic voting when there is uncertainty about the voting method. We introduce three notions of manipulability for a set of voting methods sure, safe, and expected manipulability. With the help of a computer program, we identify voting scenarios in which uncertainty about the voting method may reduce or even eliminate a voter's incentive to misrepresent her preferences. Thus, it may be in the interest of an election designer who wishes to reduce strategic voting to leave voters uncertain about which of several reasonable voting methods will be used to determine the winners of an election.
[ 22 ]
Why Research on Test Driven Development is Inconclusive?. Background Recent investigations into the effects of Test Driven Development (TDD) have been contradictory and inconclusive. This hinders development teams to use research results as the basis for deciding whether and how to apply TDD. Aim To support researchers when designing a new study and to increase the applicability of TDD research in the decision making process in the industrial context, we aim at identifying the reasons behind the inconclusive research results in TDD. Method We studied the state of the art in TDD research published in top venues in the past decade, and analyzed the way these studies were set up. Results We identified five categories of factors that directly impact the outcome of studies on TDD. Conclusions This work can help researchers to conduct more reliable studies, and inform practitioners of risks they need to consider when consulting research on TDD.
[ 49 ]
Necessary conditions for distributed optimal control of linearized compressible Navier Stokes equations with state constraint. A Pontryagin maximum principle for an optimal control problem in three dimensional linearized compressible viscous flows is established using the Ekeland variational principle. The controls are distributed over a bounded domain, while the state variables are subject to a set of constraints and governed by the linearized compressible Navier Stokes equations. The maximum principle is of integral type and obtained for minimizers of a tracking type integral cost functional.
[ 7 ]
A finite difference lattice Boltzmann model with second order accuracy of time and space for incompressible flow. In this paper, a kind of finite difference lattice Boltzmann method with the second order accuracy of time and space (T2S2 FDLBM) is proposed. In this method, a new simplified two stage fourth order time accurate discretization approach is applied to construct time marching scheme, and the spatial gradient operator is discretized by a mixed difference scheme to maintain a second order accuracy both in time and space. It is shown that the previous finite difference lattice Boltzmann method (FDLBM) proposed by Guo 1 is a special case of the T2S2 FDLBM. Through the von Neumann analysis, the stability of the method is analyzed and two specific T2S2 FDLBMs are discussed. The two T2S2 FDLBMs are applied to simulate some incompressible flows with the non uniform grids. Compared with the previous FDLBM and SLBM, the T2S2 FDLBM is more accurate and more stable. The value of the Courant Friedrichs Lewy condition number in our method can be up to 0.9, which also significantly improves the computational efficiency.
[ 32, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.DS math.IT
Local Decode and Update for Big Data Compression. This paper investigates data compression that simultaneously allows local decoding and local update. The main result is a universal compression scheme for memoryless sources with the following features. The rate can be made arbitrarily close to the entropy of the underlying source, contiguous fragments of the source can be recovered or updated by probing or modifying a number of codeword bits that is on average linear in the size of the fragment, and the overall encoding and decoding complexity is quasilinear in the blocklength of the source. In particular, the local decoding or update of a single message symbol can be performed by probing or modifying a constant number of codeword bits. This latter part improves over previous best known results for which local decodability or update efficiency grows logarithmically with blocklength.
[ 0 ]
Tertiary Eye Movement Classification by a Hybrid Algorithm. The proper classification of major eye movements, saccades, fixations, and smooth pursuits, remains essential to utilizing eye tracking data. There is difficulty in separating out smooth pursuits from the other behavior types, particularly from fixations. To this end, we propose a new offline algorithm, I VDT HMM, for tertiary classification of eye movements. The algorithm combines the simplicity of two foundational algorithms, I VT and I DT, as has been implemented in I VDT, with the statistical predictive power of the Viterbi algorithm. We evaluate the fitness across a dataset of eight eye movement records at eight sampling rates gathered from previous research, with a comparison to the current state of the art using the proposed quantitative and qualitative behavioral scores. The proposed algorithm achieves promising results in clean high sampling frequency data and with slight modifications could show similar results with lower quality data. Though, the statistical aspect of the algorithm comes at a cost of classification time.
[ 28 ]
Geodesic Folding of Tetrahedron. In this work, we show the geometric properties of a family of polyhedra obtained by folding a regular tetrahedron along regular triangular grids. Each polyhedron is identified by a pair of nonnegative integers. The polyhedron can be cut along a geodesic strip of triangles to be decomposed and unfolded into one or multiple bands (homeomorphic to a cylinder). The number of bands is the greatest common divisor of the two numbers. By a proper choice of pairs of numbers, we can create a common triangular band that folds into different multiple polyhedra that belongs to the family.
[ 0 ]
Object based Illumination Estimation with Rendering aware Neural Networks. We present a scheme for fast environment light estimation from the RGBD appearance of individual objects and their local image areas. Conventional inverse rendering is too computationally demanding for real time applications, and the performance of purely learning based techniques may be limited by the meager input data available from individual objects. To address these issues, we propose an approach that takes advantage of physical principles from inverse rendering to constrain the solution, while also utilizing neural networks to expedite the more computationally expensive portions of its processing, to increase robustness to noisy input data as well as to improve temporal and spatial stability. This results in a rendering aware system that estimates the local illumination distribution at an object with high accuracy and in real time. With the estimated lighting, virtual objects can be rendered in AR scenarios with shading that is consistent to the real scene, leading to improved realism.
[ 19 ]
On The Fly Diffie Hellman for IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a fast growing field of devices being added to an interconnected environment in an abstract heterogeneous array of servers and other devices, called smart environments, ranging from private local (home) environments to nation wide infrastructures, often accessible via unsecured wireless communications and information technologies, hence, massively open to attacks. In this paper we address some of issues that arise when connecting smart devices endowed with low computational capabilities to a home gateway via unsecured wireless communication channels, by using a One Time Pad (OTP) protocol based upon an On the fly Diffie Hellman Key Exchange. Our assumptions are that only a user and the gateway have enough processing power to perform say secured RSA encrypted communication, hence relaxing the need for a trusted secure server outside the domain and that the protocol should at least be secure for a range of known attacks, as replay or DoS attacks.
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG
High Level Perceptual Similarity is Enabled by Learning Diverse Tasks. Predicting human perceptual similarity is a challenging subject of ongoing research. The visual process underlying this aspect of human vision is thought to employ multiple different levels of visual analysis (shapes, objects, texture, layout, color, etc). In this paper, we postulate that the perception of image similarity is not an explicitly learned capability, but rather one that is a byproduct of learning others. This claim is supported by leveraging representations learned from a diverse set of visual tasks and using them jointly to predict perceptual similarity. This is done via simple feature concatenation, without any further learning. Nevertheless, experiments performed on the challenging Totally Looks Like (TLL) benchmark significantly surpass recent baselines, closing much of the reported gap towards prediction of human perceptual similarity. We provide an analysis of these results and discuss them in a broader context of emergent visual capabilities and their implications on the course of machine vision research.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Implicit Pairs for Boosting Unpaired Image to Image Translation. In image to image translation the goal is to learn a mapping from one image domain to another. In the case of supervised approaches the mapping is learned from paired samples. However, collecting large sets of image pairs is often either prohibitively expensive or not possible. As a result, in recent years more attention has been given to techniques that learn the mapping from unpaired sets. In our work, we show that injecting implicit pairs into unpaired sets strengthens the mapping between the two domains, improves the compatibility of their distributions, and leads to performance boosting of unsupervised techniques by over 14 across several measurements. The competence of the implicit pairs is further displayed with the use of pseudo pairs, i.e., paired samples which only approximate a real pair. We demonstrate the effect of the approximated implicit samples on image to image translation problems, where such pseudo pairs may be synthesized in one direction, but not in the other. We further show that pseudo pairs are significantly more effective as implicit pairs in an unpaired setting, than directly using them explicitly in a paired setting.
[ 32 ]
Lower Bounds for the Happy Coloring Problems. In this paper, we study the Maximum Happy Vertices and the Maximum Happy Edges problems (MHV and MHE for short). Very recently, the problems attracted a lot of attention and were studied in Agrawal '17, Aravind et al. '16, Choudhari and Reddy '18, Misra and Reddy '17. Main focus of our work is lower bounds on the computational complexity of these problems. Established lower bounds can be divided into the following groups NP hardness of the above guarantee parameterization, kernelization lower bounds (answering questions of Misra and Reddy '17), exponential lower bounds under the Set Cover Conjecture and the Exponential Time Hypothesis, and inapproximability results. Moreover, we present an mathcal O ( ell k) randomized algorithm for MHV and an mathcal O (2 k) algorithm for MHE, where ell is the number of colors used and k is the number of required happy vertices or edges. These algorithms cannot be improved to subexponential taking proved lower bounds into account.
[ 21 ]
Multiset Dimensions of Trees. Let G be a connected graph and W be a set of vertices of G . The representation multiset of a vertex v with respect to W , r m (v W) , is defined as a multiset of distances between v and the vertices in W . If r m (u W) neq r m(v W) for every pair of distinct vertices u and v , then W is called an m resolving set of G . If G has an m resolving set, then the cardinality of a smallest m resolving set is called the multiset dimension of G , denoted by md(G) otherwise, we say that md(G) infty . In this paper, we show that for a tree T of diameter at least 2, if md(T) infty , then md(T) leq n 2 . We conjecture that this bound is not sharp in general and propose a sharp upper bound. We shall also provide necessary and sufficient conditions for caterpillars and lobsters having finite multiset dimension. Our results partially settled a conjecture and an open problem proposed in 4 .
[ 61 ]
Optimal liquidation trajectories for the Almgren Chriss model with Levy processes. We consider an optimal liquidation problem with infinite horizon in the Almgren Chriss framework, where the unaffected asset price follows a Levy process. The temporary price impact is described by a general function which satisfies some reasonable conditions. We consider an investor with constant absolute risk aversion, who wants to maximise the expected utility of the cash received from the sale of his assets, and show that this problem can be reduced to a deterministic optimisation problem which we are able to solve explicitly. In order to compare our results with exponential Levy models, which provides a very good statistical fit with observed asset price data for short time horizons, we derive the (linear) Levy process approximation of such models. In particular we derive expressions for the Levy process approximation of the exponential Variance Gamma Levy process, and study properties of the corresponding optimal liquidation strategy. We then provide a comparison of the liquidation trajectories for reasonable parameters between the Levy process model and the classical Almgren Chriss model. In particular, we obtain an explicit expression for the connection between the temporary impact function for the Levy model and the temporary impact function for the Brownian motion model (the classical Almgren Chriss model), for which the optimal liquidation trajectories for the two models coincide.
[ 38 ]
Motivic Galois representations valued in Spin groups. Let m be an integer such that m geq 7 and m equiv 0,1,7 mod 8 . We construct strictly compatible systems of representations of Gamma mathbb Q to mathrm Spin m( overline mathbb Q l) xrightarrow mathrm spin mathrm GL N( overline mathbb Q l) that is potentially automorphic and motivic. As an application, we prove instances of the inverse Galois problem for the mathbb F p points of the spin groups. For odd m , we compare our examples with the work of A. Kret and S. W. Shin, which studies automorphic Galois representations valued in mathrm Spin m .
[ 17 ]
The Interblockchain Communication Protocol An Overview. The interblockchain communication protocol (IBC) is an end to end, connection oriented, stateful protocol for reliable, ordered, and authenticated communication between modules on separate distributed ledgers. IBC is designed for interoperation between heterogenous ledgers arranged in an unknown, dynamic topology, operating with varied consensus algorithms and state machines. The protocol realises this by specifying the sufficient set of data structures, abstractions, and semantics of a communication protocol which once implemented by participating ledgers will allow them to safely communicate. IBC is payload agnostic and provides a cross ledger asynchronous communication primitive which can be used as a constituent building block by a wide variety of applications.
[ 40, 1, 3 ]
cs.IR cs.CL cs.LG
A Comparison of Semantic Similarity Methods for Maximum Human Interpretability. The inclusion of semantic information in any similarity measures improves the efficiency of the similarity measure and provides human interpretable results for further analysis. The similarity calculation method that focuses on features related to the text's words only, will give less accurate results. This paper presents three different methods that not only focus on the text's words but also incorporates semantic information of texts in their feature vector and computes semantic similarities. These methods are based on corpus based and knowledge based methods, which are cosine similarity using tf idf vectors, cosine similarity using word embedding and soft cosine similarity using word embedding. Among these three, cosine similarity using tf idf vectors performed best in finding similarities between short news texts. The similar texts given by the method are easy to interpret and can be used directly in other information retrieval applications.
[ 42, 47, 71 ]
math.SG math.AT math.DG
On the structure of Besse convex contact spheres. We consider convex contact spheres Y all of whose Reeb orbits are closed. Any such Y admits a stratification by the periods of closed Reeb orbits. We show that Y "resembles" a contact ellipsoid any stratum of Y is an integral homology sphere, and the sequence of Ekeland Hofer spectral invariants of Y coincides with the full sequence of action values, each one repeated according to its multiplicity.
[ 20 ]
math.NA cs.NA
High order uniformly accurate time integrators for semilinear wave equations of Klein Gordon type in the non relativistic limit. We introduce a family of high order time semi discretizations for semilinear wave equations of Klein Gordon type with arbitrary smooth nonlinerities that are uniformly accurate in the non relativistic limit where the speed of light goes to infinity. Our schemes do not require pre computations that are specific to the nonlinearity and have no restrictions in step size. Instead, they rely upon a general oscillatory quadrature rule developed in a previous paper (Mohamad and Oliver, arXiv 1909.04616).
[ 17 ]
Enabling Big Data Analytics at Manufacturing Fields of Farplas Automotive. Digitization and data driven manufacturing process is needed for today's industry. The term Industry 4.0 stands for today industrial digitization which is defined as a new level of organization and control over the entire value chain of the life cycle of products it is geared towards increasingly individualized customer's high quality expectations. However, due to the increase in the number of connected devices and the variety of data, it has become difficult to store and analyze data with conventional systems. The motivation of this paper is to provide an overview of the understanding of the big data pipeline, providing a real time on premise data acquisition, data compression, data storage and processing with Apache Kafka and Apache Spark implementation on Apache Ha doop cluster, and identifying the challenges and issues occurring with implementation the Farplas manufacturing company, which is one of the biggest Tier 1 automotive supplier in Turkey, to study the new trends and streams related to topics via Industry 4.0.
[ 75, 46, 47 ]
math.AG math.AT math.KT
Scheiderer motives and equivariant higher topos theory. We give an algebro geometric interpretation of C 2 equivariant stable homotopy theory by means of the b topology introduced by Claus Scheiderer in his study of 2 torsion phenomena in 'etale cohomology. To accomplish this, we first revisit and extend work of Scheiderer on equivariant topos theory by functorially associating to a infty topos mathscr X with G action a presentable stable infty category mathrm Sp G( mathscr X ) , which recovers the infty category mathrm Sp G of genuine G spectra when mathscr X is the terminal G infty topos. Given a scheme X with 1 2 in mathcal O X , our construction then specializes to produce an infty category mathrm Sp C 2 b(X) of " b sheaves with transfers" as b sheaves of spectra on the small 'etale site of X equipped with certain transfers along the extension X i rightarrow X if X is the spectrum of a real closed field, then mathrm Sp C 2 b(X) recovers mathrm Sp C 2 . On a large class of schemes, we prove that, after p completion, our construction assembles into a premotivic functor satisfying the full six functors formalism. We then introduce the b variant mathrm SH b(X) of the infty category mathrm SH (X) of motivic spectra over X (in the sense of Morel Voevodsky), and produce a natural equivalence of infty categories mathrm SH b(X) wedge p simeq mathrm Sp C 2 b(X) wedge p through amalgamating the 'etale and real 'etale motivic rigidity theorems of Tom Bachmann. This involves a purely algebro geometric construction of the C 2 Tate construction, which may be of independent interest. Finally, as applications, we deduce a " b rigidity" theorem, use the Segal conjecture to show 'etale descent of the 2 complete b motivic sphere spectrum, and construct a parametrized version of the C 2 Betti realization functor of Heller Ormsby.
[ 14 ]
How Does COVID 19 impact Students with Disabilities Health Concerns?. The impact of COVID 19 on students has been enormous, with an increase in worries about fiscal and physical health, a rapid shift to online learning, and increased isolation. In addition to these changes, students with disabilities health concerns may face accessibility problems with online learning or communication tools, and their stress may be compounded by additional risks such as financial stress or pre existing conditions. To our knowledge, no one has looked specifically at the impact of COVID 19 on students with disabilities health concerns. In this paper, we present data from a survey of 147 students with and without disabilities collected in late March to early April of 2020 to assess the impact of COVID 19 on these students' education and mental health. Our findings show that students with disabilities health concerns were more concerned about classes going online than their peers without disabilities. In addition, students with disabilities health concerns also reported that they have experienced more COVID 19 related adversities compared to their peers without disabilities health concerns. We argue that students with disabilities health concerns in higher education need confidence in the accessibility of the online learning tools that are becoming increasingly prevalent in higher education not only because of COVID 19 but also more generally. In addition, educational technologies will be more accessible if they consider the learning context, and are designed to provide a supportive, calm, and connecting learning environment.
[ 41 ]
True AE dapt Learning Smooth Online Trajectory Adaptation with Bounded Jerk, Acceleration and Velocity in Joint Space. We present True AE dapt, a model free method to learn online adaptations of robot trajectories based on their effects on the environment. Given sensory feedback and future waypoints of the original trajectory, a neural network is trained to predict joint accelerations at regular intervals. The adapted trajectory is generated by linear interpolation of the predicted accelerations, leading to continuously differentiable joint velocities and positions. Bounded jerks, accelerations and velocities are guaranteed by calculating the range of valid accelerations at each decision step and clipping the network's output accordingly. A deviation penalty during the training process causes the adapted trajectory to follow the original one. Smooth movements are encouraged by penalizing high accelerations and jerks. We evaluate our approach by training a simulated KUKA iiwa robot to balance a ball on a plate while moving and demonstrate that the balancing policy can be directly transferred to a real robot.
[ 77 ]
A realizability semantics for inductive formal topologies, Church's Thesis and Axiom of Choice. We present a Kleene realizability semantics for the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation, for short mtt, extended with inductively generated formal topologies, Church's thesis and axiom of choice. This semantics is an extension of the one used to show consistency of the intensional level of the Minimalist Foundation with the axiom of choice and formal Church's thesis in previous work. A main novelty here is that such a semantics is formalized in a constructive theory represented by Aczel's constructive set theory CZF extended with the regular extension axiom.
[ 3 ]
On the diminishing return of labeling clinical reports. Ample evidence suggests that better machine learning models may be steadily obtained by training on increasingly larger datasets on natural language processing (NLP) problems from non medical domains. Whether the same holds true for medical NLP has by far not been thoroughly investigated. This work shows that this is indeed not always the case. We reveal the somehow counter intuitive observation that performant medical NLP models may be obtained with small amount of labeled data, quite the opposite to the common belief, most likely due to the domain specificity of the problem. We show quantitatively the effect of training data size on a fixed test set composed of two of the largest public chest x ray radiology report datasets on the task of abnormality classification. The trained models not only make use of the training data efficiently, but also outperform the current state of the art rule based systems by a significant margin.
[ 17, 1 ]
cs.DC cs.LG
Computation Offloading in Beyond 5G Networks A Distributed Learning Framework and Applications. Facing the trend of merging wireless communications and multi access edge computing (MEC), this article studies computation offloading in the beyond fifth generation networks. To address the technical challenges originating from the uncertainties and the sharing of limited resource in an MEC system, we formulate the computation offloading problem as a multi agent Markov decision process, for which a distributed learning framework is proposed. We present a case study on resource orchestration in computation offloading to showcase the potentials of an online distributed reinforcement learning algorithm developed under the proposed framework. Experimental results demonstrate that our learning algorithm outperforms the benchmark resource orchestration algorithms. Furthermore, we outline the research directions worth in depth investigation to minimize the time cost, which is one of the main practical issues that prevent the implementation of the proposed distributed learning framework.
[ 25, 21 ]
math.CO math.PR
q rm RS t A probabilistic Robinson Schensted correspondence for Macdonald polynomials. We present a probabilistic generalization of the Robinson Schensted correspondence in which a permutation maps to several different pairs of standard Young tableaux with nonzero probability. The probabilities depend on two parameters q and t , and the correspondence gives a new proof of the squarefree part of the Cauchy identity for Macdonald polynomials (i.e., the equality of the coefficients of x 1 cdots x n y 1 cdots y n on either side, which are related to permutations and standard Young tableaux). By specializing q and t in various ways, one recovers the row and column insertion versions of the Robinson Schensted correspondence, several q and t deformations of row and column insertion which have been introduced in recent years in connection with q Whittaker and Hall Littlewood processes, and the Plancherel measure on partitions. Our construction is based on Fomin's growth diagrams and the recently introduced notion of a probabilistic bijection between weighted sets.
[ 20, 31 ]
q-bio.PE cs.NA math.NA
An efficient explicit approach for predicting the Covid 19 spreading with undetected infectious The case of Cameroon. This paper considers an explicit numerical scheme for solving the mathematical model of the propagation of Covid 19 epidemic with undetected infectious cases. We analyze the stability and convergence rate of the new approach in L infty norm. The proposed method is less time consuming. Furthermore, the method is stable, at least second order convergent and can serve as a robust tool for the integration of general systems of ordinary differential equations. A wide set of numerical evidences which consider the case of Cameroon are presented and discussed.
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
A Novel Video Salient Object Detection Method via Semi supervised Motion Quality Perception. Previous video salient object detection (VSOD) approaches have mainly focused on designing fancy networks to achieve their performance improvements. However, with the slow down in development of deep learning techniques recently, it may become more and more difficult to anticipate another breakthrough via fancy networks solely. To this end, this paper proposes a universal learning scheme to get a further 3 performance improvement for all state of the art (SOTA) methods. The major highlight of our method is that we resort the "motion quality" a brand new concept, to select a sub group of video frames from the original testing set to construct a new training set. The selected frames in this new training set should all contain high quality motions, in which the salient objects will have large probability to be successfully detected by the "target SOTA method" the one we want to improve. Consequently, we can achieve a significant performance improvement by using this new training set to start a new round of network training. During this new round training, the VSOD results of the target SOTA method will be applied as the pseudo training objectives. Our novel learning scheme is simple yet effective, and its semi supervised methodology may have large potential to inspire the VSOD community in the future.
[ 65 ]
Queuing with Deterministic Service Times and No Waiting Lines in Machine Type Communications. The growth of Machine Type Communication (MTC) increases the relevance of queuing scenarios with deterministic service times. In this letter, we present a model for queues without waiting lines and with degenerate service time distributions and show how the framework is extendable to model general service time distributions. Simple bounds and a close approximation of the blocking probability are derived and the results are shown to hold for simulated queues with Markovian and degenerate arrival processes.
[ 43 ]
ExSample Efficient Searches on Video Repositories through Adaptive Sampling. Capturing and processing video is increasingly common as cameras become cheaper to deploy. At the same time, rich video understanding methods have progressed greatly in the last decade. As a result, many organizations now have massive repositories of video data, with applications in mapping, navigation, autonomous driving, and other areas. Because state of the art object detection methods are slow and expensive, our ability to process even simple ad hoc object search queries ('find 100 traffic lights in dashcam video') over this accumulated data lags far behind our ability to collect it. Processing video at reduced sampling rates is a reasonable default strategy for these types of queries, however, the ideal sampling rate is both data and query dependent. We introduce ExSample, a low cost framework for object search over unindexed video that quickly processes search queries by adapting the amount and location of sampled frames to the particular data and query being processed. ExSample prioritizes the processing of frames in a video repository so that processing is focused in portions of video that most likely contain objects of interest. It continually re prioritizes processing based on feedback from previously processed frames. On large, real world datasets, ExSample reduces processing time by up to 6x over an efficient random sampling baseline and by several orders of magnitude over state of the art methods that train specialized per query surrogate models. ExSample is thus a key component in building cost efficient video data management systems.
[ 56, 43 ]
cs.DB cs.LO
Generative Datalog with Continuous Distributions. Arguing for the need to combine declarative and probabilistic programming, B 'ar 'any et al. (TODS 2017) recently introduced a probabilistic extension of Datalog as a "purely declarative probabilistic programming language." We revisit this language and propose a more principled approach towards defining its semantics based on stochastic kernels and Markov processes standard notions from probability theory. This allows us to extend the semantics to continuous probability distributions, thereby settling an open problem posed by B 'ar 'any et al. We show that our semantics is fairly robust, allowing both parallel execution and arbitrary chase orders when evaluating a program. We cast our semantics in the framework of infinite probabilistic databases (Grohe and Lindner, ICDT 2020), and show that the semantics remains meaningful even when the input of a probabilistic Datalog program is an arbitrary probabilistic database.
[ 12 ]
Lyapunov functions for fractional order h difference systems. This paper presents some new propositions related to the fractional order h difference operators, for the case of general quadratic forms and for the polynomial type, which allow proving the stability of fractional order h difference systems, by means of the discrete fractional Lyapunov direct method, using general quadratic Lyapunov functions, and polynomial Lyapunov functions of any positive integer order, respectively. Some examples are given to illustrate these results.
[ 6 ]
Simulation of humpback whale bubble net feeding models. Humpback whales can generate intricate bubbly regions, called bubble nets, via their blowholes. They appear to exploit these bubble nets for feeding via loud vocalizations. A fully coupled phase averaging approach is used to model the flow, bubble dynamics, and corresponding acoustics. A previously hypothesized waveguiding mechanism is assessed for varying acoustic frequencies and net void fractions. Reflections within the bubbly region result in observable waveguiding for only a small range of flow parameters. A configuration of multiple whales surrounding and vocalizing towards an annular bubble net is also analyzed. For a range of flow parameters the bubble net keeps its core region substantially quieter than the exterior. This approach appears more viable, though it relies upon the cooperation of multiple whales. A spiral bubble net configuration that circumvents this requirement is also investigated. The acoustic wave behaviors in the spiral interior vary qualitatively with the vocalization frequency and net void fraction. The competing effects of vocalization guiding and acoustic attenuation are quantified. Low void fraction cases allow low frequency waves to partially escape the spiral region, with the remaining vocalizations still exciting the net interior. Higher void fraction nets appear preferable, guiding even low frequency vocalizations while still maintaining a quiet net interior.
[ 78 ]
Polynomial composites and certain types of fields extensions. In this paper I consider polynomial composites with the coefficients from K subset L . We already know many properties, but we do not know the answer to the question of whether there is a relationship between composites and field extensions. I present the characterization of some known field extensions in terms of polynomial composites. This paper contains the opening problem of characterization of ideals in polynomial composites with respect to various field extensions. I also present the full possible characterization of certain field extensions.
[ 41, 22 ]
cs.RO cs.SE
High Level Description of Robot Architecture. Architectural Description (AD) is the backbone that facilitates the implementation and validation of robotic systems. In general, current high level ADs reflect great variation and lead to various difficulties, including mixing ADs with implementation issues. They lack the qualities of being systematic and coherent, as well as lacking technical related forms (e.g., icons of faces, computer screens). Additionally, a variety of languages exist for eliciting requirements, such as object oriented analysis methods susceptible to inconsistency (e.g., those using multiple diagrams in UML and SysML). In this paper, we orient our research toward a more generic conceptualization of ADs in robotics. We apply a new modeling methodology, namely the Thinging Machine (TM), to describe the architecture in robotic systems. The focus of such an application is on high level specification, which is one important aspect for realizing the design and implementation in such systems. TM modeling can be utilized in documentation and communication and as the first step in the system s design phase. Accordingly, sample robot architectures are re expressed in terms of TM, thus developing (1) a static model that captures the robot s atemporal aspects, (2) a dynamic model that identifies states, and (3) a behavioral model that specifies the chronology of events in the system. This result shows a viable approach in robot modeling that determines a robot system s behavior through its static description.
[ 0 ]
Harmonizing Transferability and Discriminability for Adapting Object Detectors. Recent advances in adaptive object detection have achieved compelling results in virtue of adversarial feature adaptation to mitigate the distributional shifts along the detection pipeline. Whilst adversarial adaptation significantly enhances the transferability of feature representations, the feature discriminability of object detectors remains less investigated. Moreover, transferability and discriminability may come at a contradiction in adversarial adaptation given the complex combinations of objects and the differentiated scene layouts between domains. In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Transferability Calibration Network (HTCN) that hierarchically (local region image instance) calibrates the transferability of feature representations for harmonizing transferability and discriminability. The proposed model consists of three components (1) Importance Weighted Adversarial Training with input Interpolation (IWAT I), which strengthens the global discriminability by re weighting the interpolated image level features (2) Context aware Instance Level Alignment (CILA) module, which enhances the local discriminability by capturing the underlying complementary effect between the instance level feature and the global context information for the instance level feature alignment (3) local feature masks that calibrate the local transferability to provide semantic guidance for the following discriminative pattern alignment. Experimental results show that HTCN significantly outperforms the state of the art methods on benchmark datasets.
[ 0 ]
Towards High Resolution Salient Object Detection. Deep neural network based methods have made a significant breakthrough in salient object detection. However, they are typically limited to input images with low resolutions ( 400 times400 pixels or less). Little effort has been made to train deep neural networks to directly handle salient object detection in very high resolution images. This paper pushes forward high resolution saliency detection, and contributes a new dataset, named High Resolution Salient Object Detection (HRSOD). To our best knowledge, HRSOD is the first high resolution saliency detection dataset to date. As another contribution, we also propose a novel approach, which incorporates both global semantic information and local high resolution details, to address this challenging task. More specifically, our approach consists of a Global Semantic Network (GSN), a Local Refinement Network (LRN) and a Global Local Fusion Network (GLFN). GSN extracts the global semantic information based on down sampled entire image. Guided by the results of GSN, LRN focuses on some local regions and progressively produces high resolution predictions. GLFN is further proposed to enforce spatial consistency and boost performance. Experiments illustrate that our method outperforms existing state of the art methods on high resolution saliency datasets by a large margin, and achieves comparable or even better performance than them on widely used saliency benchmarks. The HRSOD dataset is available at https github.com yi94code HRSOD.
[ 55 ]
Can one use Earth's magnetic axial dipole field intensity to predict reversals?. We study predictions of reversals of Earth's axial magnetic dipole field that are based solely on the dipole's intensity. The prediction strategy is, roughly, that once the dipole intensity drops below a threshold, then the field will continue to decrease and a reversal (or a major excursion) will occur. We first present a rigorous definition of an intensity threshold based prediction strategy and then describe a mathematical and numerical framework to investigate its validity and robustness in view of the data being limited. We apply threshold based predictions to a hierarchy of numerical models, ranging from simple scalar models to 3D geodynamos. We find that the skill of threshold based predictions varies across the model hierarchy. The differences in skill can be explained by differences in how reversals occur if the field decreases towards a reversal slowly (in a sense made precise in this paper), the skill is high, and if the field decreases quickly, the skill is low. Such a property could be used as an additional criterion to identify which models qualify as Earth like. Applying threshold based predictions to Virtual Axial Dipole Moment (VADM) paleomagnetic reconstructions (PADM2M and Sint 2000) covering the last two million years, reveals a moderate skill of threshold based predictions for Earth's dynamo. Besides all of their limitations, threshold based predictions suggest that no reversal is to be expected within the next 10 kyr. Most importantly, however, we show that considering an intensity threshold for identifying upcoming reversals is intrinsically limited by the dynamic behavior of Earth's magnetic field.
[ 3 ]
Bootstrapping a Crosslingual Semantic Parser. Recent progress in semantic parsing scarcely considers languages other than English but professional translation can be prohibitively expensive. We adapt a semantic parser trained on a single language, such as English, to new languages and multiple domains with minimal annotation. We query if machine translation is an adequate substitute for training data, and extend this to investigate bootstrapping using joint training with English, paraphrasing, and multilingual pre trained models. We develop a Transformer based parser combining paraphrases by ensembling attention over multiple encoders and present new versions of ATIS and Overnight in German and Chinese for evaluation. Experimental results indicate that MT can approximate training data in a new language for accurate parsing when augmented with paraphrasing through multiple MT engines. Considering when MT is inadequate, we also find that using our approach achieves parsing accuracy within 2 of complete translation using only 50 of training data.
[ 32 ]
Tight Approximation Algorithms for Bichromatic Graph Diameter and Related Problems. Some of the most fundamental and well studied graph parameters are the Diameter (the largest shortest paths distance) and Radius (the smallest distance for which a "center" node can reach all other nodes). The natural and important ST variant considers two subsets S and T of the vertex set and lets the ST diameter be the maximum distance between a node in S and a node in T , and the ST radius be the minimum distance for a node of S to reach all nodes of T . The bichromatic variant is the special case in which S and T partition the vertex set. In this paper we present a comprehensive study of the approximability of ST and Bichromatic Diameter, Radius, and Eccentricities, and variants, in graphs with and without directions and weights. We give the first nontrivial approximation algorithms for most of these problems, including time accuracy trade off upper and lower bounds. We show that nearly all of our obtained bounds are tight under the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), or the related Hitting Set Hypothesis. For instance, for Bichromatic Diameter in undirected weighted graphs with m edges, we present an tilde O (m 3 2 ) time 5 3 approximation algorithm, and show that under SETH, neither the running time, nor the approximation factor can be significantly improved while keeping the other unchanged.
[ 19, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.CR math.IT
UAV Aided Jamming for Secure Ground Communication with Unknown Eavesdropper Location. This paper investigates unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aided jamming technique for enabling physical layer keyless security in scenarios where the exact eavesdropper location is unknown. We assume that the unknown eavesdropper location is within an ellipse characterizing the coverage region of the transmitter. By sequentially optimizing the transmit power, the flight path of the UAV and its jamming power, we aim at maximizing the average secrecy rate with arbitrary eavesdropper location. Simulation results demonstrate that the optimal flight path obtains better secrecy rate performance compared to that using direct UAV flight path encasing the transmitter and the legitimate receiver. Most importantly, even with the unknown eavesdropper location, we obtained a secrecy rate that is comparable to a scenario when the eavesdropper's location is known. However, the average secrecy rate with the unknown eavesdropper location varies depending on the proximity of the eavesdropper to the known location of the transmitter. We also observe that due to the UAV aided jamming, the average secrecy rate stabilizes at some point even though the average received envelope power of the eavesdropper increases. This essentially demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.
[ 57 ]
M mu l The Power of Dynamic Multi Methods. Multi methods are a straightforward extension of traditional (single) dynamic dispatch, which is the core of most object oriented languages. With multi methods, a method call will select an appropriate implementation based on the values of multiple arguments, and not just the first receiver. Language support for both single and multiple dispatch is typically designed to be used in conjunction with other object oriented features, in particular classes and inheritance. But are these extra features really necessary? M mu l is a dynamic language designed to be as simple as possible but still supporting flexible abstraction and polymorphism. M mu l provides only two forms of abstraction (object) identities and (multi) methods. In M mu l method calls are dispatched based on the identity of arguments, as well as what other methods are defined on them. In order to keep M mu ls design simple, when multiple method definitions are applicable, the most recently defined one is chosen, not the most specific (as is conventional with dynamic dispatch). In this paper we show how by defining methods at runtime, we obtain much of the power of classes and meta object protocols, in particular the ability to dynamically modify the state and behaviour of 'classes' of objects.
[ 9, 38 ]
math.AP math.NT
The Heat Equation on the Finite Poincar 'e Upper Half Plane. A differential difference operator is used to model the heat equation on a finite graph analogue of Poincar 'e's upper half plane. Finite analogues of the classical theta functions are shown to be solutions to the heat equation in this setting.
[ 0 ]
Applying Rule Based Context Knowledge to Build Abstract Semantic Maps of Indoor Environments. In this paper, we propose a generalizable method that systematically combines data driven MCMC samplingand inference using rule based context knowledge for data abstraction. In particular, we demonstrate the usefulness of our method in the scenario of building abstract semantic maps for indoor environments. The product of our system is a parametric abstract model of the perceived environment that not only accurately represents the geometry of the environment but also provides valuable abstract information which benefits high level robotic applications. Based on predefined abstract terms,such as type and relation, we define task specific context knowledge as descriptive rules in Markov Logic Networks. The corresponding inference results are used to construct a priordistribution that aims to add reasonable constraints to the solution space of semantic maps. In addition, by applying a semantically annotated sensor model, we explicitly use context information to interpret the sensor data. Experiments on real world data show promising results and thus confirm the usefulness of our system.
[ 26, 35, 29 ]
math.RT math.GR math.RA
Fusion systems of blocks of finite groups over arbitrary fields. To any block idempotent b of a group algebra kG of a finite group G over a field k of characteristic p 0 , Puig associated a fusion system and proved that it is saturated if the k algebra kC G(P)e is split, where (P,e) is a maximal kGb Brauer pair. We investigate in the non split case how far the fusion system is from being saturated by describing it in an explicit way as being generated by the fusion system of a related block idempotent over a larger field together with a single automorphism of the defect group.
[ 59 ]
Exploratory Analysis of a Social Media Network in Sri Lanka during the COVID 19 Virus Outbreak. During the COVID 19 pandemic, multiple aspects of human life were subjected to unprecedented changes, globally. In Sri Lanka, a developing country located in South Asia, it was possible to observe a range of events that arose due to the influence of the COVID 19 virus outbreak. Thus, the people of Sri Lanka used Social Media to voice their opinions regarding such events and those involved in them, enabling the ideal avenue to explore the social perception. However, the outcome of such actions was at certain times detrimental. This study was conducted as an attempt to identify the reasons for such instances as well as to identify the behaviours of the Sri Lankan populace during such a crisis event. To support this study, observations, as well as data of related posts from a sample of 50 sources, were manually collected from the most popular social media platform in Sri Lanka, Facebook. The posts considered spanned until approximately a month after the initial major virus outbreak in the country and contained content that even vaguely related to the virus. Utilising such data, various forms of analyses such as topic significance and topic co occurrences were conducted. The findings highlight, while there can be social detrimental ideas shared, the majority of the posts point constructive and positive thoughts suggesting the successful influence from the cultural and social values Sri Lanka society promotes throughout.
[ 15 ]
cs.IT math.IT
Error Propagation Mitigation in Sliding Window Decoding of Braided Convolutional Codes. We investigate error propagation in sliding window decoding of braided convolutional codes (BCCs). Previous studies of BCCs have focused on iterative decoding thresholds, minimum distance properties, and their bit error rate (BER) performance at small to moderate frame length. Here, we consider a sliding window decoder in the context of large frame length or one that continuously outputs blocks in a streaming fashion. In this case, decoder error propagation, due to the feedback inherent in BCCs, can be a serious problem.In order to mitigate the effects of error propagation, we propose several schemes a emph window extension algorithm where the decoder window size can be extended adaptively, a resynchronization mechanism where we reset the encoder to the initial state, and a retransmission strategy where erroneously decoded blocks are retransmitted. In addition, we introduce a soft BER stopping rule to reduce computational complexity, and the tradeoff between performance and complexity is examined. Simulation results show that, using the proposed window extension algorithm, resynchronization mechanism, and retransmission strategy, the BER performance of BCCs can be improved by up to four orders of magnitude in the signal to noise ratio operating range of interest, and in addition the soft BER stopping rule can be employed to reduce computational complexity.
[ 12, 23 ]
math.CA math.FA
The bilinear Hilbert transform in UMD spaces. We prove L p bounds for the bilinear Hilbert transform acting on functions valued in intermediate UMD spaces. Such bounds were previously unknown for UMD spaces that are not Banach lattices. Our proof relies on bounds on embeddings from Bochner spaces L p( mathbb R X) into outer Lebesgue spaces on the time frequency scale space mathbb R 3 .
[ 9 ]
Falling drop in an unbounded liquid reservoir Steady state solutions. The equations governing the motion of a three dimensional liquid drop moving freely in an unbounded liquid reservoir under the influence of a gravitational force are investigated. Provided the (constant) densities in the two liquids are sufficiently close, existence of a steady state solution is shown. The proof is based on a suitable linearization of the equations. A setting of function spaces is introduced in which the corresponding linear operator acts as a homeomorphism.
[ 0, 41 ]
cs.CV cs.RO
Cameras Viewing Cameras Geometry. A basic problem in computer vision is to understand the structure of a real world scene given several images of it. Here we study several theoretical aspects of the intra multi view geometry of calibrated cameras when all that they can reliably recognize is each other. With the proliferation of wearable cameras, autonomous vehicles and drones, the geometry of these multiple cameras is a timely and relevant problem to study.
[ 76, 12 ]
math.SP math.CA
A note on the Weyl formula for balls in mathbb R d . Let mathscr B x in mathbb R d x R ( d geq 3 ) be a ball. We consider the Dirichlet Laplacian associated with mathscr B and prove that its eigenvalue counting function has an asymptotics begin equation mathscr N mathscr B ( mu) C d vol( mathscr B ) mu d C' d vol( partial mathscr B ) mu d 1 O left( mu d 2 frac 131 208 ( log mu) frac 18627 8320 right) end equation as mu rightarrow infty .
[ 18 ]
Geometric construction of homology classes in Riemannian manifolds covered by products of hyperbolic planes. We study the homology of Riemannian manifolds of finite volume that are covered by an r fold product ( mathbb H 2) r mathbb H 2 times ldots times mathbb H 2 of hyperbolic planes. Using a variation of a method developed by Avramidi and Nguyen Phan, we show that any such manifold M possesses, up to finite coverings, an arbitrarily large number of compact oriented flat totally geodesic r dimensional submanifolds whose fundamental classes are linearly independent in the homology group H r(M mathbb Z ) .
[ 49 ]
Gamma convergence for power law functionals with variable exponents. We study the Gamma convergence of the functionals F n(u) f( cdot,u( cdot),Du( cdot)) p n( cdot) and mathcal F n(u) int Omega frac 1 p n(x) f p n(x) (x,u(x),Du(x))dx defined on X in L 1( Omega, mathbb R d), L infty( Omega, mathbb R d), C( Omega, mathbb R d) (endowed with their usual norms) with effective domain the Sobolev space W 1,p n( cdot) ( Omega, mathbb R d ) . Here Omega subseteq mathbb R N is a bounded open set, N,d ge 1 and the measurable functions p n overline Omega rightarrow (1, infty) satisfy the conditions mathop rm ess sup overline Omega p n le , beta , mathop rm ess inf overline Omega p n for a fixed constant beta 1 and mathop rm ess inf overline Omega p n rightarrow infty as n rightarrow infty . We show that when f(x,u, cdot) is level convex and lower semicontinuous and it satisfies a uniform growth condition from below, then, as n to infty , the sequences (F n) n Gamma converges in X to the functional F represented as F(u) f( cdot,u( cdot),Du( cdot)) infty on the effective domain W 1, infty ( Omega, mathbb R d ) . Moreover we show that the Gamma lim n mathcal F n is given by the functional mathcal F (u) left begin array lll ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 hbox if f( cdot,u( cdot),Du( cdot)) infty leq 1, ! ! ! ! ! ! infty hbox otherwise in X. end array right.
[ 48, 32 ]
cs.CC cs.DS
Liar's Domination in Unit Disk Graphs. In this article, we study a variant of the minimum dominating set problem known as the minimum liar's dominating set (MLDS) problem. We prove that the MLDS problem is NP hard in unit disk graphs. Next, we show that the recent sub quadratic time frac 11 2 factor approximation algorithm cite bhore for the MLDS problem is erroneous and propose a simple O(n m) time 7.31 factor approximation algorithm, where n and m are the number of vertices and edges in the input unit disk graph, respectively. Finally, we prove that the MLDS problem admits a polynomial time approximation scheme.
[ 1, 15 ]
cs.IT cs.LG math.IT
Linear Regression without Correspondences via Concave Minimization. Linear regression without correspondences concerns the recovery of a signal in the linear regression setting, where the correspondences between the observations and the linear functionals are unknown. The associated maximum likelihood function is NP hard to compute when the signal has dimension larger than one. To optimize this objective function we reformulate it as a concave minimization problem, which we solve via branch and bound. This is supported by a computable search space to branch, an effective lower bounding scheme via convex envelope minimization and a refined upper bound, all naturally arising from the concave minimization reformulation. The resulting algorithm outperforms state of the art methods for fully shuffled data and remains tractable for up to 8 dimensional signals, an untouched regime in prior work.
[ 50, 51 ]
physics.med-ph physics.bio-ph
Optical detection of cancer stages via partial wave spectroscopy (PWS) using tissue microarrays (TMA) samples. The progression of cancer is associated with different genetic and epigenetic events which result in nano to microscale structural alterations in cells tissue. However, these structural alterations in the early stage of the disease remain undetectable by conventional microscopy due to the diffraction limited resolution of 200nm. With cancer being an epidemic worldwide, early and accurate detection methods are always in demand. In this sense, we developed a finer focusing mesoscopic physics based partial wave spectroscopy (PWS) imaging and quantification technique, which can probe the precise scattering volume in cells tissue to detect such structural alterations. Therefore, we employ the highly sensitive PWS technique to quantify the nanoscale refractive index fluctuations using commercially available paraffin embedded tissue microarrays (TMA) samples with the goal of the standardized early and accurate detection of stages of different cancers. Recently the use of scientific TMA samples has gained research interest in diagnosing different diseases and drug effect in treatment since they are commercially easily accessible. In this work, deadly cancer such as pancreatic, prostate, breast, and colon cancer TMAs containing multiple cores of different stages for each cancer are analyzed using the PWS technique and the degree of disorder strength Ld was quantified. The finer focusing PWS results show that an increase in the disorder strength with the increase in the stage of each cancer. This quantitative analysis of different cancer stages using commercially available TMA samples could enhance and standardize early, accurate cancer diagnosis modalities.
[ 0, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI
Visualizing the decision making process in deep neural decision forest. Deep neural decision forest (NDF) achieved remarkable performance on various vision tasks via combining decision tree and deep representation learning. In this work, we first trace the decision making process of this model and visualize saliency maps to understand which portion of the input influence it more for both classification and regression problems. We then apply NDF on a multi task coordinate regression problem and demonstrate the distribution of routing probabilities, which is vital for interpreting NDF yet not shown for regression problems. The pre trained model and code for visualization will be available at https github.com Nicholasli1995 VisualizingNDF
[ 42 ]
Real K "ahler Submanifolds in Codimension 6 . We show that a real K "ahler submanifold in codimension 6 is essentially a holomorphic submanifold of another real K "ahler submanifold in lower codimension if the second fundamental form is not sufficiently degenerated. We also give a shorter proof of this result when the real K "ahler submanifold is minimal, using recent results about isometric rigidity.
[ 3 ]
Dual Inference for Improving Language Understanding and Generation. Natural language understanding (NLU) and Natural language generation (NLG) tasks hold a strong dual relationship, where NLU aims at predicting semantic labels based on natural language utterances and NLG does the opposite. The prior work mainly focused on exploiting the duality in model training in order to obtain the models with better performance. However, regarding the fast growing scale of models in the current NLP area, sometimes we may have difficulty retraining whole NLU and NLG models. To better address the issue, this paper proposes to leverage the duality in the inference stage without the need of retraining. The experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in both NLU and NLG, providing the great potential of practical usage.
[ 0 ]
Fast Neural Network Adaptation via Parameter Remapping and Architecture Search. Deep neural networks achieve remarkable performance in many computer vision tasks. Most state of the art (SOTA) semantic segmentation and object detection approaches reuse neural network architectures designed for image classification as the backbone, commonly pre trained on ImageNet. However, performance gains can be achieved by designing network architectures specifically for detection and segmentation, as shown by recent neural architecture search (NAS) research for detection and segmentation. One major challenge though, is that ImageNet pre training of the search space representation (a.k.a. super network) or the searched networks incurs huge computational cost. In this paper, we propose a Fast Neural Network Adaptation (FNA) method, which can adapt both the architecture and parameters of a seed network (e.g. a high performing manually designed backbone) to become a network with different depth, width, or kernels via a Parameter Remapping technique, making it possible to utilize NAS for detection segmentation tasks a lot more efficiently. In our experiments, we conduct FNA on MobileNetV2 to obtain new networks for both segmentation and detection that clearly out perform existing networks designed both manually and by NAS. The total computation cost of FNA is significantly less than SOTA segmentation detection NAS approaches 1737 times less than DPC, 6.8 times less than Auto DeepLab and 7.4 times less than DetNAS. The code is available at https github.com JaminFong FNA.
[ 49 ]
Extremal Systems of Convex Sets with Applications to Convex Calculus in Vector Spaces. In this paper we introduce and study the concept of set extremality for systems of convex sets in vector spaces without topological structures. Characterizations of the extremal systems of sets are obtained in the form of the convex extremal principle, which is shown to be equivalent to convex separation under certain qualification conditions expressed via algebraic cores. The obtained results are applied via a variational geometric approach to deriving enhanced calculus rules for normals to convex sets, coderivatives of convex set valued mappings, and subgradients of extended real valued convex functions including the optimal value ones. These rules of the equality type are established under refined qualification conditions in terms of algebraic cores in arbitrary vector spaces. Our new developments partially answer the question on how far we can go with set valued and convex analysis without any topological structure on the underlying spaces.
[ 25 ]
Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Unique Solution to Functional Equations of Poincare Type. Distributional equation is an important tool in the characterization theory because many characteristic properties of distributions can be transferred to such equations. Using a novel and natural approach, we retreat a remarkable distributional equation whose corresponding functional equation in terms of Laplace Stieltjes transform is of the Poincare type. The necessary and sufficient conditions for the equation to have a unique distributional solution with finite variance are provided. This complements the previous results which involve at most the mean of the distributional solution. Besides, more general distributional (or functional) equations are investigated as well.
[ 49 ]
Accelerated method of finding for the minimum of arbitrary Lipschitz convex function. The goal of the paper is development of an optimization method with the superlinear convergence rate for an arbitrary convex function. For optimization an approximation is used that is similar to the Steklov integral averaging. The difference is that averaging is performed over a variable dependent set, that is called a set valued mapping (SVM) satisfying simple conditions. Novelty approach is that with such an approximation we obtain twice continuously differentiable convex functions, for optimizations of which are applied methods of the second order. The estimation of the convergence rate of the method is given.
[ 11, 93 ]
physics.app-ph physics.class-ph
Angular asymmetric transmitting metasurface and splitter for acoustic wave a combining of the Coherent Perfect Absorber and Laser. Coherent Perfect Absorber (CPA) and Laser is a pair of inversely worked wave structure satisfying the time reversal relation. We point out that, if the wave energy absorbed by CPA can be recovered by somewhat way and then be reemitted by its corresponded Laser, their combination can be a wave controlling device that can "move" the wave energy from one place to another. By extending the concepts of CPA and Laser from the previously studied one dimensional non Hermitian systems to the two dimensional ones, this understanding is used to simplify the designing of the metasurface in this letter. As examples, an angular asymmetric transmitting metasurface and wave splitter, which acts as perfect transmitter retro reflector for waves coming from two oppositely tilted angles and split an incident wave into two directions with arbitrary amplitude ratio and phase difference, respectively, are constructed by combining two pieces of the separately designed CPAs. The idea can not only greatly simplify the designing of metasurface, but also bridge the researches between the metasurface and non Hermitian system.
[ 11, 87 ]
physics.pop-ph physics.app-ph
The Future of Computing Bits Neurons Qubits. The laptops, cell phones, and internet applications commonplace in our daily lives are all rooted in the idea of zeros and ones in bits. This foundational element originated from the combination of mathematics and Claude Shannon's Theory of Information. Coupled with the 50 year legacy of Moore's Law, the bit has propelled the digitization of our world. In recent years, artificial intelligence systems, merging neuron inspired biology with information, have achieved superhuman accuracy in a range of narrow classification tasks by learning from labelled data. Advancing from Narrow AI to Broad AI will encompass the unification of learning and reasoning through neuro symbolic systems, resulting in a form of AI which will perform multiple tasks, operate across multiple domains, and learn from small quantities of multi modal input data. Finally, the union of physics and information led to the emergence of Quantum Information Theory and the development of the quantum bit the qubit forming the basis of quantum computers. We have built the first programmable quantum computers, and although the technology is still in its early days, these systems offer the potential to solve problems which even the most powerful classical computers cannot. The future of computing will look fundamentally different than it has in the past. It will not be based on more and cheaper bits alone, but rather, it will be built upon bits neurons qubits. This future will enable the next generation of intelligent mission critical systems and accelerate the rate of science driven discovery.
[ 2, 43 ]
cs.DB cs.AI
Rule Applicability on RDF Triplestore Schemas. Rule based systems play a critical role in health and safety, where policies created by experts are usually formalised as rules. When dealing with increasingly large and dynamic sources of data, as in the case of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, it becomes important not only to efficiently apply rules, but also to reason about their applicability on datasets confined by a certain schema. In this paper we define the notion of a triplestore schema which models a set of RDF graphs. Given a set of rules and such a schema as input we propose a method to determine rule applicability and produce output schemas. Output schemas model the graphs that would be obtained by running the rules on the graph models of the input schema. We present two approaches one based on computing a canonical (critical) instance of the schema, and a novel approach based on query rewriting. We provide theoretical, complexity and evaluation results that show the superior efficiency of our rewriting approach.
[ 93 ]
Magnetostatic Analogy of the Zero Energy State of Jackiw Rebbi. We prepared a similarity between the Poisson equation in non homogeneous magnetic material media and Dirac's one dimensional equation for the zero energy state, which establishes a connections with the Jackiw Rebbi model in one dimension for this same state.
[ 4 ]
A new insight into the Position Optimization of Wave Energy Converters by a Hybrid Local Search. Renewable energy, such as ocean wave energy, plays a pivotal role in addressing the tremendous growth of global energy demand. It is expected that wave energy will be one of the fastest growing energy resources in the next decade, offering an enormous potential source of sustainable energy. This research investigates the placement optimization of oscillating buoy type wave energy converters (WEC). The design of a wave farm consisting of an array of fully submerged three tether buoys is evaluated. In a wave farm, buoy positions have a notable impact on the farm's output. Optimizing the buoy positions is a challenging research problem because of very complex interactions (constructive and destructive) between buoys. The main purpose of this research is maximizing the power output of the farm through the placement of buoys in a size constrained environment. This paper proposes a new hybrid approach of the heuristic local search combined with a numerical optimization method that utilizes a knowledge based surrogate power model. We compare the proposed hybrid method with other state of the art search methods in five different wave scenarios one simplified irregular wave model and four real wave climates. Our method considerably outperforms all previous heuristic methods in terms of both quality of achieved solutions and the convergence rate of search in all tested wave regimes.
[ 41, 2 ]
cs.RO cs.AI
myGym Modular Toolkit for Visuomotor Robotic Tasks. We introduce a novel virtual robotic toolkit myGym, developed for reinforcement learning (RL), intrinsic motivation and imitation learning tasks trained in a 3D simulator. The trained tasks can then be easily transferred to real world robotic scenarios. The modular structure of the simulator enables users to train and validate their algorithms on a large number of scenarios with various robots, environments and tasks. Compared to existing toolkits (e.g. OpenAI Gym, Roboschool) which are suitable for classical RL, myGym is also prepared for visuomotor (combining vision movement) unsupervised tasks that require intrinsic motivation, i.e. the robots are able to generate their own goals. There are also collaborative scenarios intended for human robot interaction. The toolkit provides pretrained visual modules for visuomotor tasks allowing rapid prototyping, and, moreover, users can customize the visual submodules and retrain with their own set of objects. In practice, the user selects the desired environment, robot, objects, task and type of reward as simulation parameters, and the training, visualization and testing themselves are handled automatically. The user can thus fully focus on development of the neural network architecture while controlling the behaviour of the environment using predefined parameters.
[ 65, 1 ]
cs.NI cs.LG
The Case for Retraining of ML Models for IoT Device Identification at the Edge. Internet of Things (IoT) devices are known to be the source of many security problems, and as such they would greatly benefit from automated management. This requires robustly identifying devices so that appropriate network security policies can be applied. We address this challenge by exploring how to accurately identify IoT devices based on their network behavior, using resources available at the edge of the network. In this paper, we compare the accuracy of five different machine learning models (tree based and neural network based) for identifying IoT devices by using packet trace data from a large IoT test bed, showing that all models need to be updated over time to avoid significant degradation in accuracy. In order to effectively update the models, we find that it is necessary to use data gathered from the deployment environment, e.g., the household. We therefore evaluate our approach using hardware resources and data sources representative of those that would be available at the edge of the network, such as in an IoT deployment. We show that updating neural network based models at the edge is feasible, as they require low computational and memory resources and their structure is amenable to being updated. Our results show that it is possible to achieve device identification and categorization with over 80 and 90 accuracy respectively at the edge.
[ 47 ]
Completed K theory and Equivariant Elliptic Cohomology. Kitchloo and Morava give a strikingly simple picture of elliptic cohomology at the Tate curve by studying a completed version of S 1 equivariant K theory for spaces. I present a G equivariant version of their construction, which is a completed version of the Freed Hopkins Teleman model of K theory for local quotient groupoids and resolves the issues concerning twisting and degree that arise in a first attempt to relate their work to elliptic cohomology.
[ 0 ]
Deep learning for Plankton and Coral Classification. Oceans are the essential lifeblood of the Earth they provide over 70 of the oxygen and over 97 of the water. Plankton and corals are two of the most fundamental components of ocean ecosystems, the former due to their function at many levels of the oceans food chain, the latter because they provide spawning and nursery grounds to many fish populations. Studying and monitoring plankton distribution and coral reefs is vital for environment protection. In the last years there has been a massive proliferation of digital imagery for the monitoring of underwater ecosystems and much research is concentrated on the automated recognition of plankton and corals. In this paper, we present a study about an automated system for monitoring of underwater ecosystems. The system here proposed is based on the fusion of different deep learning methods. We study how to create an ensemble based of different CNN models, fine tuned on several datasets with the aim of exploiting their diversity. The aim of our study is to experiment the possibility of fine tuning pretrained CNN for underwater imagery analysis, the opportunity of using different datasets for pretraining models, the possibility to design an ensemble using the same architecture with small variations in the training procedure. The experimental results are very encouraging, our experiments performed on 5 well knowns datasets (3 plankton and 2 coral datasets) show that the fusion of such different CNN models in a heterogeneous ensemble grants a substantial performance improvement with respect to other state of the art approaches in all the tested problems. One of the main contributions of this work is a wide experimental evaluation of famous CNN architectures to report performance of both single CNN and ensemble of CNNs in different problems. Moreover, we show how to create an ensemble which improves the performance of the best single model.
[ 0, 1, 83 ]
cs.CV cs.LG cs.MM
Weakly Supervised Video Summarization by Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning. Conventional video summarization approaches based on reinforcement learning have the problem that the reward can only be received after the whole summary is generated. Such kind of reward is sparse and it makes reinforcement learning hard to converge. Another problem is that labelling each frame is tedious and costly, which usually prohibits the construction of large scale datasets. To solve these problems, we propose a weakly supervised hierarchical reinforcement learning framework, which decomposes the whole task into several subtasks to enhance the summarization quality. This framework consists of a manager network and a worker network. For each subtask, the manager is trained to set a subgoal only by a task level binary label, which requires much fewer labels than conventional approaches. With the guide of the subgoal, the worker predicts the importance scores for video frames in the subtask by policy gradient according to both global reward and innovative defined sub rewards to overcome the sparse problem. Experiments on two benchmark datasets show that our proposal has achieved the best performance, even better than supervised approaches.
[ 58 ]
Preliminary Report Cerebral blood flow mediates the relationship between progesterone and perceived stress symptoms among female club athletes after mild traumatic brain injury. Female athletes are severely understudied in the field of concussion research, despite higher prevalence for injuries and tendency to have longer recovery time. Hormonal fluctuations due to normal menstrual cycle (MC) or hormonal contraceptive (HC) use have been shown to impact both post injury symptoms and neuroimaging measures, but have not been accounted for in concussion studies. In this preliminary study, we compared arterial spin labeling measured cerebral blood flow (CBF) between concussed female club athletes 3 10 days post injury (mTBI) and demographic, HC MC matched controls (CON). We test whether CBF mediates the relationship between progesterone levels in blood and post injury symptoms, which may be evidence for progesterone s role in neuroprotection. We found a significant three way relationship between progesterone, CBF and perceived stress score (PSS) in the left middle temporal gyrus. Higher progesterone was associated with lower (more normative) PSS, as well as higher (more normative) CBF. CBF mediates 100 of the relationship between progesterone and PSS (Sobel s p value 0.017). These findings suggest progesterone may have a neuroprotective role after concussion and highlight the importance of controlling for the effects of sex hormones in future concussion studies.
[ 0, 1, 2 ]
cs.CV cs.AI cs.LG
Multi scale Adaptive Task Attention Network for Few Shot Learning. The goal of few shot learning is to classify unseen categories with few labeled samples. Recently, the low level information metric learning based methods have achieved satisfying performance, since local representations (LRs) are more consistent between seen and unseen classes. However, most of these methods deal with each category in the support set independently, which is not sufficient to measure the relation between features, especially in a certain task. Moreover, the low level information based metric learning method suffers when dominant objects of different scales exist in a complex background. To address these issues, this paper proposes a novel Multi scale Adaptive Task Attention Network (MATANet) for few shot learning. Specifically, we first use a multi scale feature generator to generate multiple features at different scales. Then, an adaptive task attention module is proposed to select the most important LRs among the entire task. Afterwards, a similarity to class module and a fusion layer are utilized to calculate a joint multi scale similarity between the query image and the support set. Extensive experiments on popular benchmarks clearly show the effectiveness of the proposed MATANet compared with state of the art methods.
[ 46 ]
On the essential dimension of an algebraic group whose connected component is a torus. Let p be a prime integer, k be a p closed field of characteristic neq p , T be a torus defined over k , F be a finite p group, and 1 to T to G to F to 1 be an exact sequence of algebraic groups. Extending earlier work of N. Karpenko and A. Merkurjev, R. L "otscher, M. MacDonald, A. Meyer, and the first author showed that min dim(V) min dim(G) leqslant text ed (G p) leqslant min dim(W) dim(G), where V and W range over the p faithful and p generically free k representations of G , respectively. They conjectured that the upper bound is, in fact, sharp. This conjecture has remained open for some time. We prove it in the case, where F is diagonalizable.
[ 48, 21, 15 ]
math.CO cs.CC cs.IT math.IT
A moment ratio bound for polynomials and some extremal properties of Krawchouk polynomials and Hamming spheres. Let p ge 2 . We improve the bound frac f p f 2 le (p 1) s 2 for a polynomial f of degree s on the boolean cube 0,1 n , which comes from hypercontractivity, replacing the right hand side of this inequality by an explicit bivariate function of p and s , which is smaller than (p 1) s 2 for any p 2 and s 0 . We show the new bound to be tight, within a smaller order factor, for the Krawchouk polynomial of degree s . This implies several nearly extremal properties of Krawchouk polynomials and Hamming spheres (equivalently, Hamming balls). In particular, Krawchouk polynomials have (almost) the heaviest tails among all polynomials of the same degree and ell 2 norm (this has to be interpreted with some care). The Hamming spheres have the following approximate edge isoperimetric property For all 1 le s le frac n 2 , and for all even distances 0 le i le frac 2s(n s) n , the Hamming sphere of radius s contains, up to a multiplicative factor of O(i) , as many pairs of points at distance i as possible, among sets of the same size (there is a similar, but slightly weaker and somewhat more complicated claim for general distances). This also implies that Hamming spheres are (almost) stablest with respect to noise among sets of the same size. In coding theory terms this means that a Hamming sphere (equivalently a Hamming ball) has the maximal probability of undetected error, among all binary codes of the same rate. We also describe a family of hypercontractive inequalities for functions on 0,1 n , which improve on the usual' " q rightarrow 2 " inequality by taking into account the concentration of a function (expressed as the ratio between its ell r norms), and which are nearly tight for characteristic functions of Hamming spheres.
[ 2, 52 ]
cs.AI cs.MA
Vadere An open source simulation framework to promote interdisciplinary understanding. Pedestrian dynamics is an interdisciplinary field of research. Psychologists, sociologists, traffic engineers, physicists, mathematicians and computer scientists all strive to understand the dynamics of a moving crowd. In principle, computer simulations offer means to further this understanding. Yet, unlike for many classic dynamical systems in physics, there is no universally accepted locomotion model for crowd dynamics. On the contrary, a multitude of approaches, with very different characteristics, compete. Often only the experts in one special model type are able to assess the consequences these characteristics have on a simulation study. Therefore, scientists from all disciplines who wish to use simulations to analyze pedestrian dynamics need a tool to compare competing approaches. Developers, too, would profit from an easy way to get insight into an alternative modeling ansatz. Vadere meets this interdisciplinary demand by offering an open source simulation framework that is lightweight in its approach and in its user interface while offering pre implemented versions of the most widely spread models.
[ 41 ]
Model Predictive Control for Micro Aerial Vehicles A Survey. This paper presents a review of the design and application of model predictive control strategies for Micro Aerial Vehicles and specifically multirotor configurations such as quadrotors. The diverse set of works in the domain is organized based on the control law being optimized over linear or nonlinear dynamics, the integration of state and input constraints, possible fault tolerant design, if reinforcement learning methods have been utilized and if the controller refers to free flight or other tasks such as physical interaction or load transportation. A selected set of comparison results are also presented and serve to provide insight for the selection between linear and nonlinear schemes, the tuning of the prediction horizon, the importance of disturbance observer based offset free tracking and the intrinsic robustness of such methods to parameter uncertainty. Furthermore, an overview of recent research trends on the combined application of modern deep reinforcement learning techniques and model predictive control for multirotor vehicles is presented. Finally, this review concludes with explicit discussion regarding selected open source software packages that deliver off the shelf model predictive control functionality applicable to a wide variety of Micro Aerial Vehicle configurations.
[ 1, 4 ]
cs.LG cs.NE
Automatic Micro sleep Detection under Car driving Simulation Environment using Night sleep EEG. A micro sleep is a short sleep that lasts from 1 to 30 secs. Its detection during driving is crucial to prevent accidents that could claim a lot of people's lives. Electroencephalogram (EEG) is suitable to detect micro sleep because EEG was associated with consciousness and sleep. Deep learning showed great performance in recognizing brain states, but sufficient data should be needed. However, collecting micro sleep data during driving is inefficient and has a high risk of obtaining poor data quality due to noisy driving situations. Night sleep data at home is easier to collect than micro sleep data during driving. Therefore, we proposed a deep learning approach using night sleep EEG to improve the performance of micro sleep detection. We pre trained the U Net to classify the 5 class sleep stages using night sleep EEG and used the sleep stages estimated by the U Net to detect micro sleep during driving. This improved micro sleep detection performance by about 30 compared to the traditional approach. Our approach was based on the hypothesis that micro sleep corresponds to the early stage of non rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. We analyzed EEG distribution during night sleep and micro sleep and found that micro sleep has a similar distribution to NREM sleep. Our results provide the possibility of similarity between micro sleep and the early stage of NREM sleep and help prevent micro sleep during driving.
[ 32, 68, 21 ]
cs.DM cs.DS math.CO
Reducing Path TSP to TSP. We present a black box reduction from the path version of the Traveling Salesman Problem (Path TSP) to the classical tour version (TSP). More precisely, we show that given an alpha approximation algorithm for TSP, then, for any epsilon 0 , there is an ( alpha epsilon) approximation algorithm for the more general Path TSP. This reduction implies that the approximability of Path TSP is the same as for TSP, up to an arbitrarily small error. This avoids future discrepancies between the best known approximation factors achievable for these two problems, as they have existed until very recently. A well studied special case of TSP, Graph TSP, asks for tours in unit weight graphs. Our reduction shows that any alpha approximation algorithm for Graph TSP implies an ( alpha epsilon) approximation algorithm for its path version. By applying our reduction to the 1.4 approximation algorithm for Graph TSP by Seb H o and Vygen, we obtain a polynomial time (1.4 epsilon) approximation algorithm for Graph Path TSP, improving on a recent 1.497 approximation algorithm of Traub and Vygen. We obtain our results through a variety of new techniques, including a novel way to set up a recursive dynamic program to guess significant parts of an optimal solution. At the core of our dynamic program we deal with instances of a new generalization of (Path) TSP which combines parity constraints with certain connectivity requirements. This problem, which we call Phi TSP, has a constant factor approximation algorithm and can be reduced to TSP in certain cases when the dynamic program would not make sufficient progress.
[ 49 ]
Dynamic cut aggregation in L shaped algorithms. We present a novel framework for dynamic cut aggregation in L shaped algorithms. The aim is to improve the parallel performance of distributed L shaped algorithms through reduced communication latency and load imbalance. We show how optimality cuts can be aggregated into arbitrary partitions without affecting convergence of the L shaped algorithm. Furthermore, we give a worst case bound for L shaped algorithms with static cut aggregation and then extend this result for dynamic aggregation. We propose a variety of aggregation schemes that fit into our framework, and evaluate them on a collection of large scale stochastic programming problems. All methods are implemented in our open source framework for stochastic programming, StochasticPrograms.jl, written in the Julia programming language. In addition, we propose a granulated strategy that combines the strengths of dynamic and static cut aggregation. Major performance improvements are possible with our approach in distributed settings. Our experimental results suggest that the granulated strategy can consistently yield high performance on a range of test problems. The experimental results are supported by our worst case bounds.
[ 25 ]
Green's Functions with Oblique Neumann Boundary Conditions in the Quadrant. We study semi martingale obliquely reflected Brownian motion with drift in the first quadrant of the plane in the transient case. Our main result determines a general explicit integral expression for the moment generating function of Green's functions of this process. To that purpose we establish a new kernel functional equation connecting moment generating functions of Green's functions inside the quadrant and on its edges. This is reminiscent of the recurrent case where a functional equation derives from the basic adjoint relationship which characterizes the stationary distribution. This equation leads us to a non homogeneous Carleman boundary value problem. Its resolution provides a formula for the moment generating function in terms of contour integrals and a conformal mapping.
[ 25, 23 ]
math.PR math.FA
An entropic proof of cutoff on Ramanujan graphs. It is recently proved by Lubetzky and Peres that the simple random walk on a Ramanujan graph exhibits a cutoff phenomenon, that is to say, the total variation distance of the random walk distribution from the uniform distribution drops abruptly from near 1 to near 0 . There are already a few alternative proofs of this fact. In this note, we give yet another proof based on functional analysis and entropic consideration.
[ 56 ]
Taming denumerable Markov decision processes with decisiveness. Decisiveness has proven to be an elegant concept for denumerable Markov chains it is general enough to encompass several natural classes of denumerable Markov chains, and is a sufficient condition for simple qualitative and approximate quantitative model checking algorithms to exist. In this paper, we explore how to extend the notion of decisiveness to Markov decision processes. Compared to Markov chains, the extra non determinism can be resolved in an adversarial or cooperative way, yielding two natural notions of decisiveness. We then explore whether these notions yield model checking procedures concerning the infimum and supremum probabilities of reachability properties.
[ 38 ]
A variant of Ostrowski numeration. In this article, we propose a variant of the usual Ostrowski alpha numeration (where alpha is a real in 0, 1 ) that codes integers (positive as well as negative) and reals of 0, 1 (instead of alpha , 1 alpha ), so that for every integer n, n and n alpha have the same coding sequence. These coding sequences respect natural lexicographic orders and will be used to prove well known results on order properties of Kronecker sequences ( n alpha beta ) n .
[ 0, 1 ]
cs.CV cs.LG
Quantifying the Complexity of Standard Benchmarking Datasets for Long Term Human Trajectory Prediction. Methods to quantify the complexity of trajectory datasets are still a missing piece in benchmarking human trajectory prediction models. In order to gain a better understanding of the complexity of trajectory prediction tasks and following the intuition, that more complex datasets contain more information, an approach for quantifying the amount of information contained in a dataset from a prototype based dataset representation is proposed. The dataset representation is obtained by first employing a non trivial spatial sequence alignment, which enables a subsequent learning vector quantization (LVQ) stage. A large scale complexity analysis is conducted on several human trajectory prediction benchmarking datasets, followed by a brief discussion on indications for human trajectory prediction and benchmarking.
[ 14 ]
PizzaBox Studying Internet Connected Physical Object Manipulation based Food Ordering. This paper presents the designing and testing of PizzaBox, a 3D printed, interactive food ordering system that aims to differ from conventional food ordering systems and provide an entertaining and unique experience when ordering a pizza by incorporating underlying technologies that support ubiquitous computing. The PizzaBox has gone through both low and medium fidelity testing while working collaboratively with participants to co design and refine a product that is approachable to all age groups while maintaining a simple process for ordering food from start to finish. Final testing was conducted at an independent pizzeria where interviews with participants lead us to develop four discussion themes 1) usability and end user engagement, 2) towards connected real time products and services, 3) healthy eating, 4) evolution of food ordering systems. Our interviews show that in general, PizzaBox would have a greater appeal to a younger audience by providing a fantasy of helping in the creation and baking of the pizza but also has a novelty value that all ages would enjoy. We investigate the effect that the PizzaBox has in encouraging new healthy habits or promoting a healthier lifestyle as well as how we can improve PizzaBox to better encourage these lifestyle changes.
[ 56, 37 ]
cs.LO cs.FL
Non Sequential Theory of Distributed Systems. These lecture notes cover basic automata theoretic concepts and logical formalisms for the modeling and verification of concurrent and distributed systems. Many of these concepts naturally extend the classical automata and logics over words, which provide a framework for modeling sequential systems. A distributed system, on the other hand, combines several (finite or recursive) processes, and will therefore be modeled as a collection of (finite or pushdown, respectively) automata. A crucial parameter of a distributed system is the kind of interaction that is allowed between processes. In this lecture, we focus on the message passing paradigm. In general, communication in a distributed system creates complex dependencies between events, which are hidden when using a sequential, operational semantics. The approach taken here is based on a faithful preservation of the dependencies of concurrent events. That is, an execution of a system is modeled as a partial order, or graph, rather than a sequence of events.
[ 3 ]
Improving Relation Extraction by Leveraging Knowledge Graph Link Prediction. Relation extraction (RE) aims to predict a relation between a subject and an object in a sentence, while knowledge graph link prediction (KGLP) aims to predict a set of objects, O, given a subject and a relation from a knowledge graph. These two problems are closely related as their respective objectives are intertwined given a sentence containing a subject and an object o, a RE model predicts a relation that can then be used by a KGLP model together with the subject, to predict a set of objects O. Thus, we expect object o to be in set O. In this paper, we leverage this insight by proposing a multi task learning approach that improves the performance of RE models by jointly training on RE and KGLP tasks. We illustrate the generality of our approach by applying it on several existing RE models and empirically demonstrate how it helps them achieve consistent performance gains.
[ 60 ]
AccSS3D Accelerator for Spatially Sparse 3D DNNs. Semantic understanding and completion of real world scenes is a foundational primitive of 3D Visual perception widely used in high level applications such as robotics, medical imaging, autonomous driving and navigation. Due to the curse of dimensionality, compute and memory requirements for 3D scene understanding grow in cubic complexity with voxel resolution, posing a huge impediment to realizing real time energy efficient deployments. The inherent spatial sparsity present in the 3D world due to free space is fundamentally different from the channel wise sparsity that has been extensively studied. We present ACCELERATOR FOR SPATIALLY SPARSE 3D DNNs (AccSS3D), the first end to end solution for accelerating 3D scene understanding by exploiting the ample spatial sparsity. As an algorithm dataflow architecture co designed system specialized for spatially sparse 3D scene understanding, AccSS3D includes novel spatial locality aware metadata structures, a near zero latency and spatial sparsity aware dataflow optimizer, a surface orientation aware pointcloud reordering algorithm and a codesigned hardware accelerator for spatial sparsity that exploits data reuse through systolic and multicast interconnects. The SSpNNA accelerator core together with the 64 KB of L1 memory requires 0.92 mm2 of area in 16nm process at 1 GHz. Overall, AccSS3D achieves 16.8x speedup and a 2232x energy efficiency improvement for 3D sparse convolution compared to an Intel i7 8700K 4 core CPU, which translates to a 11.8x end to end 3D semantic segmentation speedup and a 24.8x energy efficiency improvement (iso technology node)
[ 40, 2, 3 ]
cs.AI cs.CL cs.IR
Unification based Reconstruction of Multi hop Explanations for Science Questions. This paper presents a novel framework for reconstructing multi hop explanations in science Question Answering (QA). While existing approaches for multi hop reasoning build explanations considering each question in isolation, we propose a method to leverage explanatory patterns emerging in a corpus of scientific explanations. Specifically, the framework ranks a set of atomic facts by integrating lexical relevance with the notion of unification power, estimated analysing explanations for similar questions in the corpus. An extensive evaluation is performed on the Worldtree corpus, integrating k NN clustering and Information Retrieval (IR) techniques. We present the following conclusions (1) The proposed method achieves results competitive with Transformers, yet being orders of magnitude faster, a feature that makes it scalable to large explanatory corpora (2) The unification based mechanism has a key role in reducing semantic drift, contributing to the reconstruction of many hops explanations (6 or more facts) and the ranking of complex inference facts ( 12.0 Mean Average Precision) (3) Crucially, the constructed explanations can support downstream QA models, improving the accuracy of BERT by up to 10 overall.
[ 0 ]
Face Quality Estimation and Its Correlation to Demographic and Non Demographic Bias in Face Recognition. Face quality assessment aims at estimating the utility of a face image for the purpose of recognition. It is a key factor to achieve high face recognition performances. Currently, the high performance of these face recognition systems come with the cost of a strong bias against demographic and non demographic sub groups. Recent work has shown that face quality assessment algorithms should adapt to the deployed face recognition system, in order to achieve highly accurate and robust quality estimations. However, this could lead to a bias transfer towards the face quality assessment leading to discriminatory effects e.g. during enrolment. In this work, we present an in depth analysis of the correlation between bias in face recognition and face quality assessment. Experiments were conducted on two publicly available datasets captured under controlled and uncontrolled circumstances with two popular face embeddings. We evaluated four state of the art solutions for face quality assessment towards biases to pose, ethnicity, and age. The experiments showed that the face quality assessment solutions assign significantly lower quality values towards subgroups affected by the recognition bias demonstrating that these approaches are biased as well. This raises ethical questions towards fairness and discrimination which future works have to address.
[ 18, 13 ]
math.DS math.GT
Partially hyperbolic dynamics and 3 manifold topology. This is an expository note intended to illustrate current research in topological study of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in dimension 3 with a beautiful result due to Margulis and Plante Thurston on topological obstructions for a manifold to admit an Anosov flow.