The world is cruel.I honestly don't know what to do anymore. I look like a different person on the outside, and it's hard for me to keep up with the world. I know that no one wants me to exist, because I've had people tell me they hate me. I'm at the point where I feel like people will appreciate me more when I'm gone.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The world is cruel.I honestly don't know what to do anymore.I look like a different person on the outside, and it's hard for me to keep up with the world.I know that no one wants me to exist, because I've had people tell me they hate me.I'm at the point where I feel like people will appreciate me more when I'm gone." ]
El mundo es cruel.Sinceramente ya no sé qué hacer.Parezco una persona diferente en el exterior, y es difícil para mí mantenerme al día con el mundo.Sé que nadie quiere que exista, porque he tenido personas que me dicen que me odian.Estoy en el punto en que siento que la gente me apreciará más cuando me vaya.
Thoughts on therapy?I’m not currently suicidal. But damn I really think I need some professional help. Has therapy helped any of you?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Thoughts on therapy?I’m not currently suicidal.But damn I really think I need some professional help.Has therapy helped any of you?" ]
¿Pensamientos sobre la terapia?No soy actualmente suicida.Pero, maldita sea, realmente creo que necesito ayuda profesional.¿La terapia ha ayudado a alguno de ustedes?
There's a demon out there.My demons are taking over and I don't know how to go on. I don't know man. It's like there's something out there wanting me dead. I don't know. And they won't stop til I die. I'm already as good as dead. They've called me and pegged me as everything that I'm not. Might as well end it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "There's a demon out there.My demons are taking over and I don't know how to go on.I don't know man.It's like there's something out there wanting me dead.I don't know.And they won't stop til I die.I'm already as good as dead.They've called me and pegged me as everything that I'm not.Might as well end it." ]
Hay un demonio ahí fuera.Mis demonios están tomando el control y no sé cómo seguir adelante.No conozco al hombre.Es como si hubiera algo por ahí que me quiere muerto.No lo sé.Y no se detendrán hasta que muera.Ya estoy tan bien como muerto.Me han llamado y me han fijado como todo lo que no soy.También podría terminarlo.
My friend has started to talk to me less and ig a bit hostile towards me. Help? My guy friend and I talk in class and have a lot of banter. Anyway his best friend told me that he thinks my guy friend likes me(Ik pretty immature but whatever). I said I doubt it and we are just friends. Anyway the next week my guy friend talked to me a lot less, stopped joking with me and seems to avoid me a bit. Idk what to do now or why he is acting like this but I’m kinda sad about it :/
[ "My friend has started to talk to me less and ig a bit hostile towards me.Help?My guy friend and I talk in class and have a lot of banter.Anyway his best friend told me that he thinks my guy friend likes me(Ik pretty immature but whatever).I said I doubt it and we are just friends.Anyway the next week my guy friend talked to me a lot less, stopped joking with me and seems to avoid me a bit.Idk what to do now or why he is acting like thisbut I’m kinda sad about it :/" ]
Mi amigo ha empezado a hablarme menos e ig un poco hostil hacia mí.Ayuda?Mi amigo chico y yo hablamos en clase y tenemos un montón de bromas.De todos modos su mejor amigo me dijo que él piensa que mi amigo chico le gusto (Ik bastante inmaduro pero lo que sea).Dije que lo dudo y sólo somos amigos.De todos modos la próxima semana mi amigo amigo me habló mucho menos, dejó de bromear conmigo y parece evitarme un poco.Idk qué hacer ahora o por qué está actuando así, pero estoy un poco triste por ello :/
It’s timeI am ready. Someone please talk me out of it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "It’s timeIam ready.Someone please talk me out of it" ]
Es hora de estar listo. Alguien, por favor, convénzame de que no lo haga.
I wish they would invent a mask that wouldn't hear up every time you breath out Here's a bunch of random text so the post doesn't get taken down
[ "I wish they would invent a mask that wouldn't hear up every time you breath out Here's a bunch of random text so the post doesn't get taken down" ]
Me gustaría que inventaran una máscara que no escucharía cada vez que respiras. Aquí hay un montón de texto al azar para que el post no sea derribado.
Not really suicidal, but...I'm 29 nine years old and have been battling with mental issues since the age of 16ish. The last 4 of years or so have been without any major problems, but the last half year have been a nightmare. I have bills up over my head, I have no joy in my life, my medicine isn't working, I can't get out of bed and I'm seriously considering just calling it a day. Life shouldn't be this hard. I honestly can't remember what it feels like to be happy or have joy. The closest I get is eating junk food. Instant gratification but no fulfillment.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Not really suicidal, but...I'm 29 nine years old and have been battling with mental issues since the age of 16ish.The last 4 of years or so have been without any major problems, but the last half year have been a nightmare.I have bills up over my head, I have no joy in my life, my medicine isn't working, I can't get out of bed and I'm seriously considering just calling it a day.Life shouldn't be this hard.I honestly can't remember what it feels like to be happy or have joy.The closest I get is eating junk food.Instant gratification but no fulfillment." ]
No es realmente suicida, pero...Tengo 29 nueve años de edad y he estado luchando con problemas mentales desde la edad de 16 años.Los últimos 4 años o así han sido sin ningún problema importante, pero el último medio año han sido una pesadilla.Tengo cuentas por encima de mi cabeza, no tengo ninguna alegría en mi vida, mi medicina no está funcionando, no puedo salir de la cama y estoy considerando seriamente sólo llamarlo un día.La vida no debe ser tan difícil.La verdad es que no puedo recordar lo que se siente ser feliz o tener alegría.Lo más cercano que tengo es comer comida chatarra.
I dont want to come across as attention seeking...But I really hate myself. And I feel like I'm gonna 'snap' soon... i need someone to vent to... atleast 1 person I can share my story with...
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I dont want to come across as attention seeking...But I really hate myself.And I feel like I'm gonna 'snap' soon...i need someone to vent to...atleast 1 person I can share my story with..." ]
No quiero venir a través de la búsqueda de la atención... Pero realmente me odio a mí mismo.Y me siento como voy a 'snap' pronto... necesito a alguien para desahogarse a... al menos 1 persona que puedo compartir mi historia con...
Just realized the girl ı had a crush on 4 years ago was flirting with me. Well,fuck ı guess.
[ "Just realized the girl ı had a crush on 4 years ago was flirting with me.Well,fuck ı guess." ]
Acaba de darse cuenta de que la chica ı tenía un enamoramiento en hace 4 años estaba coqueteando conmigo.Bueno, mierda ı adivinar.
I plan to have every award ever So what are you waiting for huh.
[ "I plan to have every award everSo what are you waiting for huh." ]
Planeo tener todos los premios así que ¿qué estás esperando?
So idk if i was too horny when i said this and its been bothering me My friend sent a booty pic as a friend like we're just really close I basically said she has a nice body And she said like "omg stop" And then i was like you're "one of the hottest girl i know" and i think i said that because im horny and now im regretting it lol And sometimes she just leaves people on delivered, like alot for long times and she said its because she doesn't check her phone alot so basically im on delivered and if i unsend she'll know i unsended something so idk what to do Also im not being super friend zoned i don't want to date her.
[ "So idk if i was too horny when i said this and its been bothering me My friend sent a booty pic as a friend like we're just really close\n\nI basically said she has a nice bodyAnd she said like \"omg stop\"And then i was like you're \"one of the hottest girl i know\"and i think i said that because im horny and now im regretting it lolAnd sometimes she just leaves people on delivered, like alot for long timesand she said its because she doesn't check her phone alot so basically im on delivered and if i unsend she'll know i unsended something so idk what to do\n\nAlso im not being super friend zoned i don't want to date her." ]
Así que si yo estaba demasiado caliente cuando dije esto y me estaba molestando mi amigo envió una foto de botín como un amigo como estamos muy cerca básicamente dije que ella tiene un buen cuerpo Y ella dijo como "omg stop" Y entonces yo estaba como si fueras "una de las chicas más calientes que conozco" y creo que lo dije porque estoy cachondo y ahora me arrepiento lolY a veces ella deja a la gente en entrega, como mucho por largos tiempos y ella dijo que es porque ella no revisa su teléfono a menudo tan básicamente im en entrega y si nonsend ella sabrá que no he enviado algo tan idk qué hacer También im no ser super amigo zoned no quiero salir con ella.
last ditch efforti've been suicidal since i was about 12.. after making an attempt and living past it i thought at one point that i was grateful that i didn't die that day.. but after living through worse i wish it would have been successful so i could have avoided everything ive been through since then. the truth is i don't want to live anymore but not only that.. i just can't. i don't have it in me like i thought i did. last night the person that i'm in love with ended things and i just feel like that's a sign that i need to end things too. him giving up on me makes me want to give up on myself. i had a panic attack last night about the loss.. i felt like i was losing control of everything and it just made me realize i never had it.. not over anything.. but my life is the one thing i can control.. my friends and family are begging me to admit myself in the psych ward.. they're threatening to do it to me too.. but i don't see the point. it won't change anything. i'll go in there and feel even more alone. it's either keep living a miserable life using drugs to cope or granting myself an escape and one sounds a lot more human than the other.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "last ditch efforti've been suicidal since i was about 12.. after making an attempt and living pastit i thought at one point that i was grateful that i didn't die that day..but after living through worse i wish it would have been successful so i could have avoided everything ive been through since then.the truth is i don't want to live anymore but not only that..i just can't.i don't have it in me like i thought i did.last night the person that i'm in love with ended things and i just feel like that's a sign that i need to end things too.him giving up on me makes me want to give up on myself.i had a panic attack last night about the loss..i felt like i was losing control of everything and it just made me realize i never had it.. not over anything..but my life is the one thing i can control..my friends and family are begging me to admit myself in the psych ward..they're threatening to do it to me too..but i don't see the point.it won't change anything.i'll go in there and feel even more alone.it's either keep living a miserable life using drugs to cope or granting myself an escape and one sounds a lot more human than the other." ]
Último esfuerzo de la zanja he sido suicida desde que tenía alrededor de 12.. después de hacer un intento y vivir pasado pensé en un punto que estaba agradecido de que no muriera ese día..pero después de vivir peor deseo que hubiera tenido éxito así que podría haber evitado todo lo que ha pasado desde entonces.la verdad es que no quiero vivir más pero no sólo eso..yo simplemente no puedo.yo no lo tengo en mí como pensé que lo hice.última noche la persona que estoy enamorado de las cosas acabadas y me siento como que es una señal de que necesito terminar las cosas también.él renunciando a mí me hace querer renunciar a mí mismo.i tuvo un ataque de pánico anoche sobre la pérdida..i sentí que estaba perdiendo el control de todo y me hizo darme cuenta de que nunca lo tuve...pero mi vida es la única cosa que puedo controlar.mi familia y amigos me están pidiendo que me admita más en la sala de psiquiatría...
'YOU EGG!' I can't be the only one who still laughs at this iconic insult by Shakespeare. (Macbeth) Just imagine shouting EGG instead of swearing-
[ "'YOU EGG!'I can't be the only one who still laughs at this iconic insult by Shakespeare.(Macbeth)\n\nJust imagine shouting EGG instead of swearing-" ]
No puedo ser el único que todavía se ríe de este icónico insulto de Shakespeare. (Macbeth) Imagínese gritar EGG en lugar de jurar...
fuck this shit.I'm on here because I'm so fuckin done. I have no one to talk to. My own husband doesn't even wanna hear it. seems like he doesnt care whether I die or not. and frankly with each passing day, things just keep getting worse. the more I think about it, the more i come to terms with suicide. I hate everything and just can't imagine living through another 40 or 50 more years of this. I feel like all life really is, is endless suffering. when people say "its not the solution" thats bs. doing it would solve a lifetime of problems.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck this shit.I'm on here because I'm so fuckin done.I have no one to talk to.My own husband doesn't even wanna hear it.seems like he doesnt care whether I die or not.and frankly with each passing day, things just keep getting worse.the more I think about it, the more i come to terms with suicide.I hate everything and just can't imagine living through another 40 or 50 more years of this.I feel like all life really is, is endless suffering.when people say \"its not the solution\" thats bs.doing it would solve a lifetime of problems." ]
A la mierda esta mierda.Estoy aquí porque estoy tan jodidamente hecho.No tengo a nadie con quien hablar.Mi propio marido ni siquiera quiere oírlo.Parece que no le importa si muero o no.Y francamente con cada día que pasa, las cosas siguen empeorando.Cuanto más pienso en ello, más me doy cuenta del suicidio.Odio todo y no puedo imaginar vivir otros 40 o 50 años más de esto.Siento que toda la vida realmente es sufrimiento sin fin.Cuando la gente dice "no es la solución" eso es hacer que resuelva una vida de problemas.
I'm not sure if I should be scaredSo I'm in high school, and recently became an atheist. I now have thought about the fact that life feels kind of meaningless, and have considered suicide. However the one time that I actually seriously started thinking about it, I managed to stop myself. Any help?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm not sure if I should be scaredSo I'm in high school, and recently became an atheist.I now have thought about the fact that life feels kind of meaningless, and have considered suicide.However the one time that I actually seriously started thinking about it, I managed to stop myself.Any help?" ]
No estoy seguro si debería tener miedoAsí que estoy en la escuela secundaria, y recientemente me he convertido en ateo.Ahora he pensado en el hecho de que la vida se siente un poco sin sentido, y he considerado el suicidio.Sin embargo, la única vez que realmente empecé a pensar seriamente en ello, me las arreglé para detenerme.¿Alguna ayuda?
I wish that anybody could tell me for what purpose we are here.Why do we exist and live as a species? Why do I exist and live as an individual human? Nobody knows. Anyone who claims to know has no evidence to show for it. It is driving me mad, moreso than I am. I often ask God, hoping that somewhere in or out of this huge universe there is a powerful, personal entity able and willing to throw me a bone. So far, no success.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I wish that anybody could tell me for what purpose we are here.Why do we exist and live as a species?Why do I exist and live as an individual human?Nobody knows.Anyone who claims to know has no evidence to show for it.It is driving me mad, moreso than I am.I often ask God, hoping that somewhere in or out of this huge universe there is a powerful, personal entity able and willing to throw me a bone.So far, no success." ]
Desearía que alguien pudiera decirme con qué propósito estamos aquí.¿Por qué existimos y vivimos como una especie?¿Por qué existo y vivo como un humano individual?Nadie lo sabe.Cualquiera que diga saber no tiene evidencia que mostrar para ello.Me está volviendo loco, más que yo.A menudo le pregunto a Dios, esperando que en algún lugar dentro o fuera de este enorme universo haya una entidad poderosa, personal capaz y dispuesta a arrojarme un hueso.Hasta ahora, ningún éxito.
I will award the best joke in the comments within 5 minutes. You read the title, didn’t you?
[ "I will award the best joke in the comments within 5 minutes.You read the title, didn’t you?" ]
Voy a otorgar la mejor broma en los comentarios en 5 minutos.Leíste el título, ¿no es así?
January 15th, 2019​ That's my deadline
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "January 15th, 2019​\n\nThat's my deadline" ]
15 de enero de 2019​ Esa es mi fecha límite
Need suggestionsI'm writing here because I have no idea where else to write. Currently I'm stuck in life and I have no idea what to do. Thanks to my past I have a few anxieties that prevent me from functioning like a normal person. I dropped out of high school, because I can't study anymore. All days I'm laying in my bed browsing reddit and daydreaming about getting out of this mess. I seriously have no idea what to do, I'm unemployed and I have no diploma or anything. Please give me some suggestions on what to do.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Need suggestionsI'm writing here because I have no idea where else to write.Currently I'm stuck in life and I have no idea what to do.Thanks to my past I have a few anxieties that prevent me from functioning like a normal person.I dropped out of high school, because I can't study anymore.All days I'm laying in my bed browsing reddit and daydreaming about getting out of this mess.I seriously have no idea what to do, I'm unemployed and I have no diploma or anything.Please give me some suggestions on what to do." ]
Necesito sugerenciasEstoy escribiendo aquí porque no tengo ni idea de dónde escribir.Actualmente estoy atascado en la vida y no tengo idea de qué hacer.Gracias a mi pasado tengo algunas ansiedades que me impiden funcionar como una persona normal.He dejado la escuela secundaria, porque ya no puedo estudiar.Todos los días estoy acostado en mi cama navegando en reddit y soñando despierto sobre salir de este lío.En serio no tengo idea de qué hacer, estoy desempleado y no tengo diploma ni nada.Por favor, dame algunas sugerencias sobre qué hacer.
HELP I confessed to my crush and I need help deciphering their response So I just confessed to my crush (we're both girls) like "y'know how I told you I was bi? I think I kinda have a crush on you" and they just responded with "😂😂it's okay" and "well I have school tomorrow so goodnight" So now what? I have no idea what that means- like it wasn't a rejection? But it wasn't an agreement either. I'm just so confused pls help
[ "HELP I confessed to my crush and I need help deciphering their responseSo I just confessed to my crush (we're both girls) like \"y'know how I told you I was bi?I think I kinda have a crush on you\" and they just responded with \"😂😂it's okay\" and \"well I have school tomorrow so goodnight\"\n\nSo now what?I have no idea what that means-like it wasn't a rejection?But it wasn't an agreement either.I'm just so confused pls help" ]
Ayuda Me confesé a mi amor y necesito ayuda para descifrar su respuestaAsí que acabo de confesar a mi amor (soy las dos chicas) como "¿sabes cómo te dije que era bi?Creo que tengo un poco de amor por ti" y simplemente respondieron con "Está bien" y "bueno tengo escuela mañana tan buenas noches" ¿Ahora qué?No tengo idea de lo que eso significa-como si no fuera un rechazo?Pero no era un acuerdo tampoco.Estoy tan confundido pls ayuda
I quit my jobI got a job at best buy, worked for four days, hated it, (no training and co workers too impatient) and am going to apply for some grocery stores or even just go back to mcds. At least that was easy, I don't have time for a massive learning curve. I need money. But if my family (and by that I mean parents AND siblings) find out, they will be furious. Even though I'm only doing whats best for me. I know its quitting but I was overextending myself with that job. Did I make the right decision?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I quit my jobI got a job at best buy, worked for four days, hated it, (no training and co workers too impatient) and am going to apply for some grocery stores or even just go back to mcds.At least that was easy, I don't have time for a massive learning curve.I need money.But if my family (and by that I mean parents AND siblings) find out, they will be furious.Even though I'm only doing whats best for me.I know its quittingbut I was overextending myself with that job.Did I make the right decision?" ]
Renuncié a mi trabajoConseguí un trabajo en el mejor de los casos, trabajé durante cuatro días, lo odié, (ningún entrenamiento y compañeros de trabajo demasiado impacientes) y voy a solicitar algunas tiendas de comestibles o incluso simplemente volver a mcds.Al menos eso fue fácil, no tengo tiempo para una curva de aprendizaje masiva.Necesito dinero.Pero si mi familia (y con eso me refiero a padres y hermanos) se enterarán, estarán furiosos.Aunque solo estoy haciendo lo mejor para mí.Sé que lo dejé pero me extendí demasiado con ese trabajo.¿Tomé la decisión correcta?
THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTJust let me have my platform for two fucking minutes. DO NOT KILL YOURSELF. Want to know why? Any story is a tragedy. IF YOU LET IT BE. If you could find it in yourself to give a flying shit about anyone else in the world you can read below. I don't expect any of you almost dead people to give a fuck. I barely give a fuck about me. I am a 32 year old female. I am engaged to a man. I have no children. I have young siblings that I raised. I just visited this subreddit for the first time tonight. Most of you seem to be teenagers or young adults in high school or college. That doesn't mean to discount these feelings and experiences, but this is normal. EVERY TEENAGER FEELS SUICIDAL. I felt that way every day. My parents were horrible. My first love didn't even break up with me. He just didn't talk to me again. So in silence I listened to Tori Amos and contemplated suicide. I was a straight A student yet took a bunch of pills and stayed home. WE ARE ALL THE SAME! I used my period as an excuse. I obviously didn't succeed. My friends at the time also felt that way. WE FELT SUICIDAL AT 20-29 as well. EVERYONE FEELS THAT WAY. We all curse and do drugs and don't give a flying fuck about our terrible families. THAT IS NORMAL. BLAH BLAH BLAH. At this age, you start to realize your parents are full of shit. Your uncles, aunts, cousins, are full of shit. Society sucks and it's all shit. OF COURSE IT IS! So get used to it. But DON'T KILL YOURSELF! Why? I thought about it many times. BUT WHY DO IT? This is a taboo topic in the United States at least. But I want you to know that these feelings will pass. They come up now and then for me. I may be more well adjusted now as a 32 year old, but I still feel my dad raping me and still have nightmares. Those types of reasons for killing yourself don't just disappear. I used to eat my lunch in bathroom stalls. And dream about slitting my wrists in high school and college. But now I am a successful woman in NYC.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "THIS IS A PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENTJust let me have my platform for two fucking minutes.DO NOT KILL YOURSELF.Want to know why?Any story is a tragedy.IF YOU LET IT BE.If you could find it in yourself to give a flying shit about anyone else in the world you can read below.I don't expect any of you almost dead people to give a fuck.I barely give a fuck about me.I am a 32 year old female.I am engaged to a man.I have no children.I have young siblings that I raised.I just visited this subreddit for the first time tonight.Most of you seem to be teenagers or young adults in high school or college.That doesn't mean to discount these feelings and experiences, but this is normal.EVERY TEENAGER FEELS SUICIDAL.I felt that way every day.My parents were horrible.My first love didn't even break up with me.He just didn't talk to me again.So in silence I listened to Tori Amos and contemplated suicide.I was a straight A student yet took a bunch of pills and stayed home.WE ARE ALL THE SAME!I used my period as an excuse.I obviously didn't succeed.My friends at the time also felt that way.WE FELT SUICIDAL AT 20-29 as well.EVERYONE FEELS THAT WAY.", "We all curse and do drugs and don't give a flying fuck about our terrible families.THAT IS NORMAL.BLAH BLAH BLAH.At this age, you start to realize your parents are full of shit.Your uncles, aunts, cousins, are full of shit.Society sucks and it's all shit.OF COURSEIT IS!So get used to it.But DON'T KILL YOURSELF!Why?I thought about it many times.BUT WHY DO IT?This is a taboo topic in the United States at least.But I want you to know that these feelings will pass.They come up now and then for me.I may be more well adjusted now as a 32 year old, but I still feel my dad raping me and still have nightmares.Those types of reasons for killing yourself don't just disappear.I used to eat my lunch in bathroom stalls.And dream about slitting my wrists in high school and college.But now I am a successful woman in NYC." ]
ESTO ES UN ANUNCIO DE SERVICIO PÚBLICOSi me dejas tener mi plataforma durante dos malditos minutos, no te mates a ti mismo.¿Quieres saber por qué?Cualquier historia es una tragedia.Si lo dejas ser.Si pudieras encontrarte en ti mismo para que te importe una mierda voladora sobre cualquier otra persona en el mundo que puedas leer a continuación.No espero que a ninguno de ustedes casi muertos les importe una mierda.Apenas me importa una mierda sobre mí.Soy una mujer de 32 años.Estoy comprometida con un hombre.No tengo hijos.Tengo hermanos pequeños que crié.Acabo de visitar este subreddit por primera vez esta noche.La mayoría de ustedes parecen ser adolescentes o adultos jóvenes en la escuela secundaria o la universidad.Mi primer amor no significa ni siquiera descontar estos sentimientos y experiencias, pero esto es normal.Cada vez que teenager se siente suicida.Me sentí así todos los días.Mis padres eran horribles.¡Mi primer amor ni siquiera rompió conmigo!
Every conversation I've had in the last 3 years"Hey OP what you been up to?" "Nothing" ... "Any news?" "No" ... "You watched x?" "Yeah good show" "Yeah" ... "Welp okay OP seeya next time when we repeat this exchange, over & over again" Literally just going through a fucking scripted event over & over again, it's the same every time. I don't understand other people anymore, I don't understand what people get out of conversation. I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to be talked at, I'm never doing anything but even if I was I wouldn't want to talk about it & any topic you bring up I've already heard about because I spend all my time on the internet. What's the point? It's just another facet of life that I don't want, I don't want to work, I don't want to go through these scripted conversations, there's just nothing for me here.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Every conversation I've had in the last 3 years\"Hey OP what you been up to?\"\n\"Nothing\"\n...\"Any news?\"\n\"No\"\n...\n\"You watched x?\"\n\"Yeah good show\"\n\"Yeah\"\n...\"Welp okay OP seeya next time when we repeat this exchange, over & over again\"\n\nLiterally just going through a fucking scripted event over & over again, it's the same every time.I don't understand other people anymore, I don't understand what people get out of conversation.I don't want to talk to you, I don't want to be talked at, I'm never doing anything but even if I was I wouldn't want to talk about it & any topic you bring up I've already heard about because I spend all my time on the internet.What's the point?It's just another facet of life that I don't want, I don't want to work, I don't want to go through these scripted conversations, there's just nothing for me here." ]
Cada conversación que he tenido en los últimos 3 años"Hey OP lo que has estado haciendo?" "Nada" ..."¿Alguna noticia?" "No" ... "¿Vieron x?" "Sí buen show" "Sí" ..."Welp ok OP seeya la próxima vez que repitamos este intercambio, sobre & otra vez" Literalmente simplemente pasando por un puto evento escrito sobre & otra vez, es lo mismo cada vez.Ya no entiendo a otras personas, ya no entiendo lo que la gente sale de conversación.No quiero hablar contigo, no quiero que te hablen, nunca estoy haciendo nada, pero incluso si no quisiera hablar de ello & cualquier tema que saques a colación ya he oído porque paso todo mi tiempo en internet.¿Cuál es el punto?Es sólo otra cara de la vida que no quiero, no quiero trabajar, no quiero pasar por estas conversaciones escritas, no hay nada para mí aquí.
After losing my only friendship I've been feeling suicidal lately, I'm afraid I'll do it one day...It's has been 2 months since I lost the only friend I ever had in my life. We was dependent on her to make me happy, I know that's not a good thing but my loneliness made it so I got attached to her, we talked every single day for almost 6 months, she opened up to me about so many things, and i was always there to listen to her and try to maker her smile even though I wasn't happy myself. I didn't realize at the time but I was getting too involved in her problems and her drama, I wanted to be there for her, I wanted to help her but I wasn't in a position to do so, I was broken myself but my empathy made it so I was risking my own well being in order to be there for her. She started to get distant from me after a while, saying she wanted to be alone to focus on work and school and that she didn't want to talk with anyone, it made me feel really bad because she was the only person I could talk to, but I still respected her decision and gave her space even though it was really hard for me. I even wrote a letter to try and make her feel better and everything. She came back a couple of weeks later talking about how we should take things in a more relaxed way, even questioning if I had feelings for her, saying we wouldn't work as a couple cause I was too emotional and that we cared too much about each other. Saying she would have less and less time to talk and I felt destroyed, I never saw her as a romantic partner I just wanted a friend I could talk to that's all. I still respected her decision and gave her space, it was Damm hard for me I cried everyday, I wanted to talk with someone and I couldn't cause there was no one there, she was the only one. After a while we started talked again but things where different, she was acting differently saying things that didn't make sense, I was always there for her from the beginning she told me things she never told anyone and I was there listening and being kind to her and never judging her. one days she would say I was really the most caring and understanding person she ever met, that she never had a conection like ours in her life that I was her best friend and the most amazing person she knows, but this time she started saying I wasn't understanding, that our conection wasn't the same our friendship wasn't the same, that things had changed and she didn't want to have "deep" conversations anymore, I felt heartbroken, I have my best to this person, o sacrificed my own mental health for her, because I wanted to be there for her, she was my only friend, how could she say those things after all I did for her? I reacted poorly, I let my emotions take the better of me and I said some things I shouldn't have said, i regret the way I reacted so much, we got into an argument and in the end she said "maybe we can talk later", I tried appoogizing but she blocked me on everything and I can't talk with her anymore. Later I found out she was seeing someone, maybe that's why she acted the way she did. I as been two months I still think about her everyday, I lost all my energy I have no will to live anymore, I gave my best to someone, I have everything I had even when I needed it for myself , I was there for her for every everything and I was throw to the side like I was nothing. She always said if one day we got into an argument that she felt we could talk it trough, but I guess even that was a lie, she moved on so quickly not ven looking back. Meanwhile I'm sitting here broken, alone without a will to live, still thinking about her every day. I just wanted a friend that's all.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "After losing my only friendship I've been feeling suicidal lately, I'm afraid I'll do it one day...It's has been 2 months since I lost the only friend I ever had in my life.We was dependent on her to make me happy, I know that's not a good thing but my loneliness made itso I got attached to her, we talked every single day for almost 6 months, she opened up to me about so many things, and i was always there to listen to her and try to maker her smile even though I wasn't happy myself.I didn't realize at the time but I was getting too involved in her problems and her drama, I wanted to be there for her, I wanted to help her but I wasn't in a position to do so, I was broken myself but my empathy made itso I was risking my own well being in order to be there for her.She started to get distant from me after a while, saying she wanted to be alone to focus on work and school and that she didn't want to talk with anyone, it made me feel really bad because she was the only person I could talk to, but I still respected her decision and gave her space even though it was really hard for me.I even wrote a letter to try and make her feel better and everything.", "She came back a couple of weeks later talking about how we should take things in a more relaxed way, even questioning if I had feelings for her, saying we wouldn't work as a couple cause I was too emotional and that we cared too much about each other.Saying she would have less and less time to talkand I felt destroyed, I never saw her as a romantic partner I just wanted a friend I could talk to that's all.I still respected her decision and gave her space, it was Damm hard for me I cried everyday, I wanted to talk with someone and I couldn't cause there was no one there, she was the only one.After a while we started talked again but things where different, she was acting differently saying things that didn't make sense, I was always there for her from the beginning she told me things she never told anyone and I was there listening and being kind to her and never judging her.", "one days she would say I was really the most caring and understanding person she ever met, that she never had a conection like ours in her life that I was her best friend and the most amazing person she knows, but this time she started saying I wasn't understanding, that our conection wasn't the same our friendship wasn't the same, that things had changed and she didn't want to have \"deep\" conversations anymore, I felt heartbroken, I have my best to this person, o sacrificed my own mental health for her, because I wanted to be there for her, she was my only friend, how could she say those things after all I did for her?\n\nI reacted poorly, I let my emotions take the better of me and I said some things I shouldn't have said, i regret the way I reacted so much, we got into an argument and in the end she said \"maybe we can talk later\", I tried appoogizing but she blocked me on everything and I can't talk with her anymore.Later I found out she was seeing someone, maybe that's why she acted the way she did.", "I as been two months I still think about her everyday, I lost all my energy I have no will to live anymore, I gave my best to someone, I have everything I had even when I needed it for myself , I was there for her for every everything and I was throw to the side like I was nothing.She always said if one day we got into an argument that she felt we could talk it trough, but I guess even that was a lie, she moved on so quickly not ven looking back.Meanwhile I'm sitting here broken, alone without a will to live, still thinking about her every day.I just wanted a friend that's all." ]
Después de perder mi única amistad que he tenido últimamente, me he sentido suicida, me temo que lo haré un día... Han pasado dos meses desde que perdí la única amiga que he tenido en mi vida.Dependíamos de ella para hacerme feliz, sé que eso no es algo bueno pero mi soledad me encariñó con ella, hablamos todos los días durante casi seis meses, ella se abrió a mí acerca de tantas cosas, y yo siempre estaba allí para escucharla y tratar de hacer su sonrisa aunque yo no estaba feliz.No me di cuenta en ese momento, pero me estaba involucrando demasiado en sus problemas y su drama, quería estar allí para ella, quería ayudarla pero no estaba en posición de hacerlo, me rompía a mí mismo pero mi empatía hizo que yo estuviera arriesgando mi propio bienestar para estar allí para ella.Ella comenzó a distanciarme de mí después de un tiempo, diciendo que quería estar sola en el trabajo y la escuela y que ella no quería hablar con nadie, me hizo sentir muy mal porque ella era la única persona que podía hacer algo, pero aún así podía tratar de hacerlo.
Who tryna horny chat? [M 87] Please 5-14 only! Gender does not matter Hmu everyone
[ "Who tryna horny chat?[M 87]Please 5-14 only!Gender does not matter\n\nHmu everyone" ]
¿Quién intenta chat cachondo?[M 87]Por favor, sólo 5-14!El género no importa Hmu todo el mundo
I don't mean to offend anyone. Don't take this the wrong way. But let people believe in the stuff they want to believe. When I say this, I mean religion. I know there's some good apples and some bad apples in every religion. Even atheist have some good apples and some bad apples. But some of those bad apples in those religions are just rotten. You see it alot in the internet when someone is talking about religion. Those toxic ass motherfuckers. When someone comments about religion on the internet, one of three things can happen. It gets ignored, it can start a good conversation, or it turns into a warzone. A really toxic warzone. I'm not gonna exclude just one religion, since there's toxic people from all of them. But holy hell is it terrible when the third one happens. You got the toxic atheist saying shit like, "Oh stop believing in fairy tales you motherfucker. They don't exist you fucking degenerate." Like oh my God you really don't care huh. You just don't like that there that religion, and you want to fucking kill em. And then you got you're toxic christian/any other religion wishing that they die and that they go to eternal damnation if they believe in that and that even there deity won't forgive them if they believe in that. I understand that there's many religions with many different beliefs, but it usually just comes down to that. Oh my God you don't have to get erratic about everything and wish death upon them or shatter there fucking beliefs. Seriously just accept that there's many different religions and that beliefs. Don't tie em up and shove shit down their throats. Embrace that people have different beliefs. That's what makes us special. I will say that there are some very good atheists, christians, muslims, jews, everything. There are some very good people in the world, but it's the toxic ones that are the problem. They're the ones that stir up shit and make a mess. They're the ones that put a bad face on whatever they are. I hope I didn't offend anyone. Believe in what you want to believe. No one's stopping you. As long as it doesn't hurt or kill people, it's completely fine. But please, don't fucking stir up shit and flame each other. Had to get this out of my system. It's probably gonna be a very controversial post. But I hope it isn't.
[ "I don't mean to offend anyone.Don't take this the wrong way.But let people believe in the stuff they want to believe.When I say this, I mean religion.I know there's some good apples and some bad apples in every religion.Even atheist have some good apples and some bad apples.But some of those bad apples in those religions are just rotten.You see it alot in the internet when someone is talking about religion.Those toxic ass motherfuckers.When someone comments about religion on the internet, one of three things can happen.It gets ignored, it can start a good conversation, or it turns into a warzone.A really toxic warzone.I'm not gonna exclude just one religion, since there's toxic people from all of them.But holy hell is it terrible when the third one happens.You got the toxic atheist saying shit like, \"Oh stop believing in fairy tales you motherfucker.They don't exist you fucking degenerate.\"Like oh my God you really don't care huh.You just don't like that there that religion, and you want to fucking kill em.", "And then you got you're toxic christian/any other religion wishing that they die and that they go to eternal damnation if they believe in that and that even there deity won't forgive them if they believe in that.I understand that there's many religions with many different beliefs, but it usually just comes down to that.Oh my God you don't have to get erratic about everything and wish death upon them or shatter there fucking beliefs.Seriously just accept that there's many different religions and that beliefs.Don't tie em up and shove shit down their throats.Embrace that people have different beliefs.That's what makes us special.I will say that there are some very good atheists, christians, muslims, jews, everything.There are some very good people in the world, but it's the toxic ones that are the problem.They're the ones that stir up shit and make a mess.They're the ones that put a bad face on whatever they are.I hope I didn't offend anyone.Believe in what you want to believe.No one's stopping you.As long as it doesn't hurt or kill people, it's completely fine.But please, don't fucking stir up shit and flame each other.Had to get this out of my system.", "It's probably gonna be a very controversial post.But I hope it isn't." ]
No quiero ofender a nadie.No te lo tomes a mal.Pero deja que la gente crea en las cosas que quiere creer.Cuando digo esto, me refiero a la religión.Sé que hay algunas manzanas buenas y algunas manzanas malas en todas las religiones.Incluso los ateos tienen manzanas buenas y manzanas malas.Pero algunas de esas manzanas malas en esas religiones están podridas.Lo ves mucho en Internet cuando alguien está hablando de religión.Esos hijos de puta tóxicos.Cuando alguien comenta sobre la religión en Internet, una de las tres cosas puede suceder.Se ignora, se puede iniciar una buena conversación, o se convierte en una zona de guerra.Una zona de guerra muy tóxica.No voy a excluir una sola religión, ya que hay gente tóxica de todas ellas.Pero el infierno santo es terrible cuando ocurre la tercera.Tienes a los ateos tóxicos diciendo mierdas como: "Oh deja de creer en cuentos de hadas hijo de puta.No existen malditos degenerados".Como oh Dios mío, realmente no te importa.
"You can't be depressed! You're ____"I hear it all the time. Im too young. I'm white I can't be depressed. I'm male. I'm straight. I'm tall. I'm lower middle class. I'm surrounded by people. I'm just making it up. I just want attention. I'm sick of hearing this. It only makes me worse. It doesn't help that I don't have anyone to talk to. I have "friends" but I don't trust them with my heart. Even those online helplines feel token and hollow. They feel like they read from a script and feel more like bots then caring people. I just don't know where to turn. I have a lot of life left but I honestly don't feel the point. I just don't want to be alone anymore. But I can't trust anyone with my feelings. I'm 17 and when I try to confide my feelings in my parents they shoot me down saying "oh every teen is depressed. It's a phase get over it. There are people who have it worse" they won't even let me get a therapist. What do I do? I feel like I need to end this. I'm tired.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "\"You can't be depressed!You're ____\"I hear it all the time.Im too young.I'm white I can't be depressed.I'm male.I'm straight.I'm tall.I'm lower middle class.I'm surrounded by people.I'm just making it up.I just want attention.I'm sick of hearing this.It only makes me worse.It doesn't help that I don't have anyone to talk to.I have \"friends\" but I don't trust them with my heart.Even those online helplines feel token and hollow.They feel like they read from a script and feel more like bots then caring people.I just don't know where to turn.I have a lot of life leftbut I honestly don't feel the point.I just don't want to be alone anymore.But I can't trust anyone with my feelings.I'm 17 and when I try to confide my feelings in my parents they shoot me down saying \"oh every teen is depressed.It's a phase get over it.There are people who have it worse\" they won't even let me get a therapist.What do I do?I feel like I need to end this.I'm tired." ]
"No puedes estar deprimido!Eres __"Estoy todo el tiempo.Soy demasiado joven.Soy blanco.No puedo estar deprimido.Soy masculino.Soy hetero.Soy alto.Soy de clase media baja.Estoy rodeado de gente.Estoy solo inventándolo.Solo quiero atención.Estoy harto de escuchar esto.Sólo me hace sentir peor.No ayuda que no tenga a nadie con quien hablar.Tengo "amigos" pero no confío en ellos con mi corazón.Incluso esas líneas de ayuda en línea se sienten simbólicas y vacías.Se sienten como si leyeran desde un guión y se sintieran más como robots que cuidando a la gente.Simplemente no sé a dónde acudir.Tengo mucha vida pero honestamente no siento el punto.Yo no quiero estar más solo.Pero no puedo confiar en nadie con mis sentimientos.Yo tengo 17 años y cuando trato de confiar mis sentimientos en mis padres me disparan diciendo "oh cada adolescente está deprimido.
haunting memory on a bad dayI'm having a bad day, suicidal thoughts are singing a siren song, and I would like to vent some of my distress, if that's ok. Hm. Just to get it out of the way I was diagnosed today with a very difficult to treat condition that might slowly debilitate me, eating away at my flesh, scarring my skin, for years and years, making a smelly puss gushing creature of me. There are surgeries dealing with the symptoms that might help, or might not. There's a 70 percent chance I will get away with just some scars. So, I'm having a bad day. But strangely enough that's not what on my mind. That news just sort of softened me up for something else to surface, it seems. What's on my mind today is the past, a dream I once had, the dream of being a father. When I was young there was a woman that came into my life, cruel, selfish, seductive, who placed her hooks into me, used me, played me, kept me captive in a construct of lies and guilt and shame and hate and sex. On better days than this I look back at that time and am proud of myself, proud that I made it out alive where my predecessors had killed themselves. I allow myself pride in that. The only reason I managed to tear myself away from her was that I wanted a child of my own more than I wanted to not hurt her. Looking back that dream was my lifeline by which I pulled myself out of a psychological black hole of need. Life went on, and I witnessed from afar how her world burned with one disaster after the next. Her cat had cancer, her son had fallen to drugs, her body was failing her, she was dying, or maybe not, and nobody in the world was there for her. I held on to my dream, I did not give into the overwhelming pity I had for her, or my guilt for leaving. A year and a half passed. I met someone else, someone wonderful, someone who just by being kind to me would open my eyes to what an abusive relationship my past one had been, but not yet, and from time to time when I heard from my ex I still gave comfort, or cried for her sake, for the injustice she had to endure at the hands of a cruel universe, all alone now. She did not deserve this, I thought. She called me one night. In tears, telling me how she only wanted the best for me, and when I left, she didn't want to hold me back, she said. This is why she kept secret that she had been pregnant with my child, conceived the last time we had made love, but for my freedom's sake she had let me go. It was wrong of her, and she is coming forward now, asking for forgiveness for her selflessness. She had kept secret that she bore me a daughter. She told me her name. It was a beautiful name, burned into my heart now, and finding out I had a child, it was the happiest moment of my life. Like a lightning strike I was filled with love for this child, unconditionally. No matter what, I would take care of her :( A lie. She didn't have a child, she hadn't been pregnant, she didn't keep it a secret because she only wanted the best for me, she was one crazy fucking bitch, but I didn't know it then. I believed her. When my joy at this news was at its peak she told me the child had died. And I believed her. And it was the worst moment of my life, one that finally broke me. 8 years I had endured with her, resigned to a malignant misery, abuse and manipulation, but I made it, I made it out alive where her previous husbands took their own life. I SURVIVED!! I did not survive this. People can come close to a breaking point, but I don't think many people actually end up breaking. To be unmade like that. I'm not the same person today as I was then. I grieved. I wrote letters to a daughter I never knew and left abandoned, unable to let go of the pain because the pain was the only thing I had of her that I could hold on to. Love and loss, burned into my soul, by events that never actually occurred. And when I finally found out... yes, I had fallen, and it changed me as events larger than ourselves tend to do, but I did manage to get back onto my feet. Seeing a parent play with their child on the street may have caused in me waves of heartbreak, but I wasn't in despair... I learned how to see the beauty in pain, and how loss is just a reflection of love,... all of what had happened had been real to me, and now I had to make sense that the entire experience was based on a lie. I felt like someone hacked my brain. I still had feelings for the figments of someone elses imagination, and I could not undo that, and I could not undo what profound change that experience had wrought onto me. I was never going to have a child again, because now I knew, I KNEW down into my bones that having a child was not worth the risk of losing one. My dream was gone. Is gone. Maybe I'm grieving the loss of a dream today. A memory of events. Dealt with long ago, haunting me today, on a bad day. I'll probably be back to my disgustingly optimistic self by tomorrow. This was just one event, a peak event. I survived a lot, I have plenty of scars already, psychological and physical, and I deal with them and keep moving forward. "It's not about how hard you can hit, but about how hard you can get hit and keeping moving forward, that's how winning is done", right? Today, I'm on my knees, and the thought of giving up seems so fucking comforting. Enough is enough. Today I will allow myself to be defeated. Just today. If anyone read to this point, thank you for listening. It felt good to get that out of my system.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "haunting memory on a bad dayI'm having a bad day, suicidal thoughts are singing a siren song, and I would like to vent some of my distress, if that's ok.Hm.Just to get it out of the way I was diagnosed today with a very difficult to treat condition that might slowly debilitate me, eating away at my flesh, scarring my skin, for years and years, making a smelly puss gushing creature of me.There are surgeries dealing with the symptoms that might help, or might not.There's a 70 percent chance I will get away with just some scars.So, I'm having a bad day.But strangely enough that's not what on my mind.That news just sort of softened me up for something else to surface, it seems.What's on my mind today is the past, a dream I once had, the dream of being a father.When I was young there was a woman that came into my life, cruel, selfish, seductive, who placed her hooks into me, used me, played me, kept me captive in a construct of lies and guilt and shame and hate and sex.On better days than this I look back at that time and am proud of myself, proud that I made it out alive where my predecessors had killed themselves.I allow myself pride in that.", "The only reason I managed to tear myself away from her was that I wanted a child of my own more than I wanted to not hurt her.Looking back that dream was my lifeline by which I pulled myself out of a psychological black hole of need.Life went on, and I witnessed from afar how her world burned with one disaster after the next.Her cat had cancer, her son had fallen to drugs, her body was failing her, she was dying, or maybe not, and nobody in the world was there for her.I held on to my dream, I did not give into the overwhelming pity I had for her, or my guilt for leaving.A year and a half passed.I met someone else, someone wonderful, someone who just by being kind to me would open my eyes to what an abusive relationship my past one had been, but not yet, and from time to time when I heard from my ex I still gave comfort, or cried for her sake, for the injustice she had to endure at the hands of a cruel universe, all alone now.She did not deserve this, I thought.She called me one night.In tears, telling me how she only wanted the best for me, and when I left, she didn't want to hold me back, she said.", "This is why she kept secret that she had been pregnant with my child, conceived the last time we had made love, but for my freedom's sake she had let me go.It was wrong of her, and she is coming forward now, asking for forgiveness for her selflessness.She had kept secret that she bore me a daughter.She told me her name.It was a beautiful name, burned into my heart now, and finding out I had a child, it was the happiest moment of my life.Like a lightning strike I was filled with love for this child, unconditionally.No matter what, I would take care of her :(\n\nA lie.She didn't have a child, she hadn't been pregnant, she didn't keep it a secret because she only wanted the best for me, she was one crazy fucking bitch, but I didn't know it then.I believed her.When my joy at this news was at its peak she told me the child had died.And I believed her.And it was the worst moment of my life, one that finally broke me.8 years I had endured with her, resigned to a malignant misery, abuse and manipulation, but I made it, I made it out alive where her previous husbands took their own life.I SURVIVED!!I did not survive this.", "People can come close to a breaking point, but I don't think many people actually end up breaking.To be unmade like that.I'm not the same person today as I was then.I grieved.I wrote letters to a daughter I never knew and left abandoned, unable to let go of the pain because the pain was the only thing I had of her that I could hold on to.Love and loss, burned into my soul, by events that never actually occurred.And when I finally found out... yes, I had fallen, and it changed me as events larger than ourselves tend to do, but I did manage to get back onto my feet.Seeing a parent play with their child on the street may have caused in me waves of heartbreak, but I wasn't in despair...I learned how to see the beauty in pain, and how loss is just a reflection of love,... all of what had happened had been real to me, and now I had to make sense that the entire experience was based on a lie.I felt like someone hacked my brain.I still had feelings for the figments of someone elses imagination, and I could not undo that, and I could not undo what profound change that experience had wrought onto me.", "I was never going to have a child again, because now I knew, I KNEW down into my bones that having a child was not worth the risk of losing one.My dream was gone.Is gone.Maybe I'm grieving the loss of a dream today.A memory of events.Dealt with long ago, haunting me today, on a bad day.I'll probably be back to my disgustingly optimistic self by tomorrow.This was just one event, a peak event.I survived a lot, I have plenty of scars already, psychological and physical, and I deal with them and keep moving forward.\"It's not about how hard you can hit, but about how hard you can get hit and keeping moving forward, that's how winning is done\", right?Today, I'm on my knees, and the thought of giving up seems so fucking comforting.Enough is enough.Today I will allow myself to be defeated.Just today.If anyone read to this point, thank you for listening.It felt good to get that out of my system." ]
En un mal día estoy teniendo un mal día, pensamientos suicidas están cantando una canción de sirena, y me gustaría desahogarme un poco de mi angustia, si eso está bien.Hm.Sólo para sacarlo de la forma en que me diagnosticaron hoy con una condición muy difícil de tratar que podría debilitarme lentamente, comiendo de mi carne, cicatrizando mi piel, por años y años, haciendo una criatura apestosa que brota de mí.Hay cirugías que lidian con los síntomas que podrían ayudar, o no.Hay un 70 por ciento de posibilidades de que me salga con algunas cicatrices.Así que, una vez tuve un mal día.Pero extrañamente eso no es lo que pienso.Esas noticias me suavizaron para que surgiera algo más, parece.Lo que me preocupa hoy es el pasado, un sueño que tuve una vez, el sueño de ser padre.Cuando era joven, me suavizaron para que algo más saliera a la superficie, lo que parece.
I would like to enlighten you https://youtu.be/lomHRxIlwnY
[ "I would like to enlighten you https://youtu.be/lomHRxIlwnY" ]
Me gustaría informarles https://youtu.be/lomHRxIlwnY
I hate everything about my existenceI ended up writing 500 words about this earlier today. Keep in mind this wasn't intended to be posted before reading it, so it might be a tad confusing. --- My life fucking sucks and I want it to end. Those people who say “Oh, you’re only 14, you don’t know what you’re talking about, give it time, blah blah fucking blah” can just shut up. It doesn’t matter what age I am, I want to die and that’s that. Just because you don’t think me capable of thinking out why doesn’t mean anything. I’m not thinking of this because I didn’t get some toy. Age doesn’t mean I don’t have a rational reason. Where do I even start with reasons? I have no friends, for one. Oh sure, on the surface it looks like I have friends, all of us sitting at our little table at lunch, talking away. Only if you paid attention you’d notice that these aren’t really friends. Just people to talk to as a way to ease the boredom. I have online friends, sure, but in the end they are nothing more than random strangers who took a passing interest in the stupid shit I post online. For fucks sake, the people I’m closest to are the community of /r/WormFanfic . A fucking fanfiction subreddit. That thought hurts so, so much. And, even then, it’s not even being close to them, it’s just having some small form of recognition for posting a lot - my absence won't even be noted. I once thought a while ago that it didn’t matter if I had friends or not, but loneliness fucking sucks. I like to read a lot. I love reading so fucking much. But I constantly come across these characters with these best friends/love interests who would never betray them and are constant companions to them. The fact that I fully recognize I’m likely to never have that hurts a lot. One friend. One friend that I could rely on passed all else. That’s all I want. Oddly, I’m being reminded of a scene from one of the Thor movies. Where Loki, locked up in his cell, all pristine and fine, is revealed to be just an illusion, the real Loki being an utter wreck. It reminds me of myself; I like to put up this little facade that all is well with me, that nothing could do anything but make me laugh. That facade become a role, the role became an act, and I acted so hard I forgot it was so. That just makes it all the worse when it comes crashing down. And being lonely isn’t the only reason. There is the sheer, crushing boredom. What is the point of living a life that is constantly the same thing day in day out? Wake up, get ready, go to school, come home, read a book, rinse and fucking repeat. Over and over. Then, in some far away future, it becomes the same thing with work. As asinine as it sounds, I’m bored. Reading books constantly, every single moment I have, relieved some of my boredom, but everything goes back to the same shitty world the moment the book ends. I could go on, but those are the main points. I’m not even sure why I’m writing this; hopefully it will help. Probably not. --- I was told writing it out might help, but honestly it's pushed me further. I'm probably going to kill myself soon.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I hate everything about my existenceI ended up writing 500 words about this earlier today.Keep in mind this wasn't intended to be posted before reading it, so it might be a tad confusing.---\n\nMy life fucking sucksand I want it to end.Those people who say “Oh, you’re only 14, you don’t know what you’re talking about, give it time,blah blahfucking blah” can just shut up.It doesn’t matter what age I am, I want to die and that’s that.Just because you don’t think me capable of thinking out why doesn’t mean anything.I’m not thinking of this because I didn’t get some toy.Age doesn’t mean I don’t have a rational reason.Where do I even start with reasons?I have no friends, for one.Oh sure, on the surface it looks like I have friends, all of us sitting at our little table at lunch, talking away.Only if you paid attention you’d notice that these aren’t really friends.Just people to talk to as a way to ease the boredom.I have online friends, sure, but in the end they are nothing more than random strangers who took a passing interest in the stupid shit I post online.For fucks sake, the people I’m closest to are the community of /r/WormFanfic .A fucking fanfiction subreddit.", "That thought hurts so, so much.And, even then, it’s not even being close to them, it’s just having some small form of recognition for posting a lot - my absence won't even be noted.I once thought a while ago that it didn’t matter if I had friends or not, but loneliness fucking sucks.I like to read a lot.I love reading so fucking much.But I constantly come across these characters with these best friends/love interests who would never betray them and are constant companions to them.The fact that I fully recognize I’m likely to never have that hurts a lot.One friend.One friend that I could rely on passed all else.That’s all I want.Oddly, I’m being reminded of a scene from one of the Thor movies.Where Loki, locked up in his cell, all pristine and fine, is revealed to be just an illusion, the real Loki being an utter wreck.It reminds me of myself; I like to put up this little facade that all is well with me, that nothing could do anything but make me laugh.That facade become a role, the role became an act, and I acted so hard I forgot it was so.That just makes it all the worse when it comes crashing down.And being lonely isn’t the only reason.There is the sheer, crushing boredom.", "What is the point of living a life that is constantly the same thing day in day out?Wake up, get ready, go to school, come home, read a book, rinse and fucking repeat.Over and over.Then, in some far away future, it becomes the same thing with work.As asinine as it sounds, I’m bored.Reading books constantly, every single moment I have, relieved some of my boredom, but everything goes back to the same shitty world the moment the book ends.I could go on, but those are the main points.I’m not even sure why I’m writing this; hopefully it will help.Probably not.\n\n---\n\nI was told writing it out might help, but honestly it's pushed me further.I'm probably going to kill myself soon." ]
Odio todo acerca de mi existencia.--- Mi vida apesta y quiero que termine.Esas personas que dicen “Oh, solo tienes 14 años, no sabes de lo que estás hablando, dale tiempo, bla, bla, bla” pueden simplemente callarse.No importa qué edad tengo, quiero morir y eso es.Solo porque no me crees capaz de pensar por qué no significa nada.No estoy pensando en esto porque no tengo un poco de juguete.Age no significa que no tengo una razón racional.¿Por qué ni siquiera empiezo con razones?No tengo amigos, para uno.Oh seguro, en la superficie parece que tengo amigos, todos nosotros sentados en nuestra pequeña mesa en el almuerzo, hablando lejos.Sólo si me prestas atención, no tengo amigos, para uno.Seguro, en la superficie parece que tengo un poco de interés.
I want to do it so bad^
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to do it so bad^" ]
Quiero hacerlo tan mal.
just don't know where to startTypical 25 year old bum here. Graduated from college 2 years ago with degree in Literature, working as a barista. Just broke up with fiance of five years, moved in my dad and driving his spare minivan since my boyfriend got the vehicle. Broke, lots of student loans and some debt from medical issues, very few good job prospects (but lots of unpaid internship offers-great!). The relationship with my fiance was verbally abusive (and physically, on one occasion), so it's technically good that I'm out, but he also kept me very isolated, so I have no friends who stay in contact. I have a long history of abuse and depression, though - was in foster care for a while and have had suicidal thoughts since I was about twelve, though never nearly so frequently as I do now. I just don't know where to even start, Reddit. I'd love to get my masters - that was the original plan - but immediately after college, my mom died, and my boyfriend really became quite overbearing and insulting, and somehow all my plans derailed. Now I feel like a typical 20something loser living with my dad, driving a minivan, with only my dog for a friend. Part of me knows that getting back into college is the obvious solution - I always excelled in school - but by now, I am so depressed and anxious that it's getting harder to function everyday. Even simple tasks like talking to people on the phone or trying to make plans for the future can cause me to just break down. I don't want to commit money and time to a masters only to get there and have a mental breakdown. Obviously, it would be great if I could go there and turn my life around, but I worry. I worry I'm too weak after all these years of sadness. Too unmotivated to do a lot of things, really. I don't get much joy out of any hobbies anymore, and I've lost my appetite in general. A lot of nights I'd honestly commit suicide if it weren't for my dog; I'm rather attached to the girl and refuse to leave her. But isn't that sad, that a dog is the one and only thing tethering me here? I don't know what I'm looking for; literally any advice or kind words would help. I feel so lost and lonely a lot of the time, very aimless.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "just don't know where to startTypical 25 year old bum here.Graduated from college 2 years ago with degree in Literature, working as a barista.Just broke up with fiance of five years, moved in my dad and driving his spare minivan since my boyfriend got the vehicle.Broke, lots of student loans and some debt from medical issues, very few good job prospects (but lots of unpaid internship offers-great!).The relationship with my fiance was verbally abusive (and physically, on one occasion), so it's technically good that I'm out, but he also kept me very isolated, so I have no friends who stay in contact.I have a long history of abuse and depression, though - was in foster care for a while and have had suicidal thoughts since I was about twelve, though never nearly so frequently as I do now.I just don't know where to even start, Reddit.I'd love to get my masters - that was the original plan - but immediately after college, my mom died, and my boyfriend really became quite overbearing and insulting, and somehow all my plans derailed.Now I feel like a typical 20something loser living with my dad, driving a minivan, with only my dog for a friend.", "Part of me knows that getting back into college is the obvious solution - I always excelled in school -but by now, I am so depressed and anxious that it's getting harder to function everyday.Even simple tasks like talking to people on the phone or trying to make plans for the future can cause me to just break down.I don't want to commit money and time to a masters only to get there and have a mental breakdown.Obviously, it would be great if I could go there and turn my life around, but I worry.I worry I'm too weak after all these years of sadness.Too unmotivated to do a lot of things, really.I don't get much joy out of any hobbies anymore, and I've lost my appetite in general.A lot of nights I'd honestly commit suicide if it weren't for my dog; I'm rather attached to the girl and refuse to leave her.But isn't that sad, that a dog is the one and only thing tethering me here?I don't know what I'm looking for; literally any advice or kind words would help.I feel so lost and lonely a lot of the time, very aimless." ]
Sólo no sé por dónde empezarTypical 25 años de edad vagabundo aquí.Graduado de la universidad hace 2 años con la licenciatura en Literatura, trabajando como barista.Acaba de romper con novio de cinco años, se mudó en mi padre y conducir su minivan de repuesto desde que mi novio consiguió el vehículo.Broke, muchos préstamos estudiantiles y algunas deudas de problemas médicos, muy pocas buenas perspectivas de trabajo (pero muchas ofertas de pasantías no remuneradas-gran!).La relación con mi prometido fue verbalmente abusivo (y físicamente, en una ocasión), por lo que es técnicamente bueno que estoy fuera, pero también me mantuvo muy aislado, así que no tengo amigos que se mantengan en contacto.Tengo una larga historia de abuso y depresión, aunque - estaba en cuidado adoptivo por un tiempo y he tenido pensamientos suicidas desde que tenía cerca de doce años, aunque nunca tan frecuentemente como lo hago ahora.No sé por dónde ni siquiera empezar, Reddit.Me encantaría obtener mis maestros - que era el plan original - pero inmediatamente después de la universidad, mi mamá murió, y mi novio realmente se volvió demasiado e insultando, y de alguna manera todos mis planes como un perro des de railed mi ahora.
I just got unbanned after 7 days because I like anime This site is fucked man, I couldn’t even dispute it. Can we stop reporting people and just downvote them please?
[ "I just got unbanned after 7 days because I like anime This site is fucked man, I couldn’t even dispute it.Can we stop reporting people and just downvote them please?" ]
Acabo de no estar prohibido después de 7 días porque me gusta el anime Este sitio está jodido hombre, ni siquiera podía discutirlo. ¿Podemos dejar de informar a la gente y simplemente votar por ellos por favor?
I’m thinking of deleting Reddit, running away from it and never coming back😀 I feel like it’s ruining my mental health, so like I just want to get rid of it. Should I?
[ "I’m thinking of deleting Reddit, running away from it and never coming back😀I feel like it’s ruining my mental health, so like I just want to get rid of it.Should I?" ]
Estoy pensando en eliminar Reddit, huyendo de ella y nunca volver Siento que está arruinando mi salud mental, así que como sólo quiero deshacerse de ella.¿Debería?
When is it a good/realistic option to pick suicideI hate my life and am failing already even at a young age and am wondering at what point is suicide justified
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "When is it a good/realistic option to pick suicideI hate my life and am failing already even at a young age and am wondering at what point is suicide justified" ]
¿Cuándo es una buena / realista opción para elegir el suicidio Odio mi vida y estoy fallando ya incluso a una edad temprana y me pregunto en qué momento está justificado el suicidio
Goodnight Reddit! If I’m correct, my friends fell asleep so I wanna tell someone goodnight ;-; Sleep well y’all <3 :)
[ "Goodnight Reddit!If I’m correct, my friends fell asleep so I wanna tell someone goodnight ;-; Sleep well y’all <3 :)" ]
Buenas noches Reddit!Si estoy en lo cierto, mis amigos se quedaron dormidos así que quiero decirle a alguien buenas noches ;-; Duerme bien you'all <3 :)
Where do I go for assistance with committing suicide?Looking for a subreddit, website, dark web forum, anything. Anyone who wants to provide 'help' or someone to talk to can fuck off.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Where do I go for assistance with committing suicide?Looking for a subreddit, website, dark web forum, anything.Anyone who wants to provide 'help' or someone to talk to can fuck off." ]
¿Dónde voy a buscar ayuda para suicidarme?Buscando un subreddit, sitio web, foro web oscuro, cualquier cosa.Cualquier persona que quiera proporcionar 'ayuda' o alguien con quien hablar puede irse a la mierda.
Today’s been a pretty good birthday I got a big YouTuber within a game community to wish me happy birthday
[ "Today’s been a pretty good birthday I got a big YouTuber within a game community to wish me happy birthday" ]
Hoy ha sido un cumpleaños bastante bueno Tengo un gran YouTuber dentro de una comunidad de juegos para desearme feliz cumpleaños
This is why i fucking hate cats There are a lot of stray cats where i live and there was a mother cat and her kittens outside my house and i wanted to give them food So i put some food in a plastic cup and went outside to give it to them and before i could the mother cat scratched my hand to make the food drop
[ "This is why i fucking hate cats There are a lot of stray cats where i live and there was a mother cat and her kittens outside my house and i wanted to give them foodSo i put some food in a plastic cup and went outside to give it to them and before i could the mother cat scratched my hand to make the food drop" ]
Por eso odio a los gatos Hay muchos gatos callejeros donde vivo y había una madre gato y sus gatitos fuera de mi casa y quería darles comida Así que puse algo de comida en una taza de plástico y salí a dársela y antes de que pudiera la madre gato rascó mi mano para hacer que la comida cayese
What can any of us do to stop this?I used to have hope, but I don't know any more. I feel better then cycle back down again. What can any of us do?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "What can any of us do to stop this?I used to have hope, but I don't know any more.I feel better then cycle back down again.What can any of us do?" ]
¿Qué puede hacer cualquiera de nosotros para detener esto?Solía tener esperanza, pero ya no lo sé.Me siento mejor y vuelvo a bajar en bicicleta.¿Qué puede hacer cualquiera de nosotros?
When you have no fans, so you write a fanfic about yourself bc nobody else will Feels bad man
[ "When you have no fans, so you write a fanfic about yourself bc nobody else will Feels bad man" ]
Cuando no tienes fans, así que escribes un fanfic sobre ti mismo nadie más se sentirá mal hombre
quick reminder to take all the cups in your room to the dishwasher ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍
[ "quick reminder to take all the cups in your room to the dishwasher ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍ ‍" ]
recordatorio rápido para llevar todas las tazas en su habitación al lavavajillas
This sucks but I don't want to be alive anymore. Here's why. I don't really want to be alive. What is the point. I grew up my whole life being abused and now I pay for it everyday of my life. I met the love of my life my first boyfriend when I was 23 and he turned out to be abusive and Hurt me. I'm alone how with little drive and I suffer from health problems from the abuse. I feel so empty inside. It had been 2 years this April. And I have not been able to move on. The abusive asshole got married in April last year exactly one year after we ended it. I met someone else and we dated for 6 months and it didn't work out. I don't think I will ever feel that way as I did about that guy ever again. I don't think I'll ever meet someone else that I could feel that way about ever. And it was so easy for him. This sucks. Please excuse me I wrote this on my iPhone. At least I still graduated university. But that is all I have.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "This sucks but I don't want to be alive anymore.Here's why.I don't really want to be alive.What is the point.I grew up my whole life being abused and now I pay for it everyday of my life.I met the love of my life my first boyfriend when I was 23 and he turned out to be abusive and Hurt me.I'm alone how with little driveand I suffer from health problems from the abuse.I feel so empty inside.It had been 2 years this April.And I have not been able to move on.The abusive asshole got married in April last year exactly one year after we ended it.I met someone else and we dated for 6 months and it didn't work out.I don't think I will ever feel that way as I did about that guy ever again.I don't think I'll ever meet someone else that I could feel that way about ever.And it was so easy for him.This sucks.Please excuse me I wrote this on my iPhone.At least I still graduated university.But that is all I have." ]
Esto es una mierda pero ya no quiero estar vivo.He aquí por qué.No quiero estar vivo.Cuál es el punto.Crecí toda mi vida siendo abusada y ahora pago por ello todos los días de mi vida.Conocí el amor de mi vida mi primer novio cuando tenía 23 años y resultó ser abusivo y me lastimó.Estoy solo con poco esfuerzo y sufro de problemas de salud por el abuso.Me siento tan vacío por dentro.Había pasado 2 años este abril.Y no he podido seguir adelante.El imbécil abusivo se casó en abril del año pasado exactamente un año después de que lo termináramos.Conocí a alguien más y salimos durante 6 meses y no funcionó.No creo que nunca me sentiré de esa manera como lo hice con ese tipo nunca más.No creo que alguna vez conoceré a alguien más que pudiera sentir de esa manera.Y fue tan fácil para él.Esto apesta.Por favor, discúlpame que lo escribí en mi iPhone.Por lo menos todavía me gradué de la universidad.Pero eso es todo lo que tengo.
Who’s excited for 2021? I just want this year to end
[ "Who’s excited for 2021?I just want this year to end" ]
¿Quién está emocionado por 2021?Sólo quiero que este año termine
Wanna hear a roast? Is your dad bill gates cause he’s got a Microsoft
[ "Wanna hear a roast?Is your dad bill gates cause he’s got a Microsoft" ]
¿Quieres escuchar un asado? es tu papá Bill Gates causa que tiene un Microsoft
The end is near. I can feel it. I can’t handle the pain anymore. I’m trapped.I have been cursed in this life and I want out. Sad thing is I don’t completely hate the world or myself but, I’m feeling super hopeless and left with little to no choice. Same situation, living in hell, every day. It’s boring and I don’t want to experience it anymore.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The end is near.I can feel it.I can’t handle the pain anymore.I’m trapped.I have been cursed in this life and I want out.Sad thing is I don’t completely hate the world or myself but, I’m feeling super hopeless and left with little to no choice.Same situation, living in hell, every day.It’s boringand I don’t want to experience it anymore." ]
El final está cerca.Puedo sentirlo.Ya no puedo soportar el dolor.Estoy atrapado.He sido maldecido en esta vida y quiero salir.Lo triste es que no odio completamente el mundo o a mí mismo, pero, me siento super desesperanzado y me voy con poca o ninguna opción.La misma situación, viviendo en el infierno, todos los días.Es aburrido y no quiero experimentarlo más.
Thinking of killing myselfI'm going through a really rough phase right now. I'm Bipolar I, just started treatment, it's not working. I don't know what to do. I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow, I don't even want to bother anymore. I'm so done. I just feel like jumping off my balcony.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Thinking of killing myselfI'm going through a really rough phase right now.I'm Bipolar I, just started treatment, it's not working.I don't know what to do.I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow, I don't even want to bother anymore.I'm so done.I just feel like jumping off my balcony." ]
Pensando en matarme estoy pasando por una fase muy difícil ahora mismo.Soy bipolar, acabo de empezar el tratamiento, no está funcionando.No sé qué hacer.Tengo una cita con mi psiquiatra mañana, ni siquiera quiero molestarme más.Estoy tan acabado.Simplemente tengo ganas de saltar de mi balcón.
I can'tI can't seem to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground anymore. I am losing touch with my space and my reality. Or the reality. I don't know. This is honestly terrifying when I am able to get some sense of grounding like I have right now. I have never felt this before, maybe some spells of dissociation, but nothing like this for this long. Waves of times where I am so checked out that apparently I have no idea what I have been doing for the last however long I've been doing it? Feeling so numb that I don't even notice that I am feeling that way, or not feeling, whatever, and reacting to things badly making people upset and not even noticing that I've had zero reaction? This is weird and I don't like it. I feel like I don't belong in the "real" world anymore, like I haven't even *been* in the "real" world for awhile now. Like I'm not human. What is wrong with me?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can'tI can't seem to keep my feet planted firmly on the ground anymore.I am losing touch with my space and my reality.Or the reality.I don't know.This is honestly terrifying when I am able to get some sense of grounding like I have right now.I have never felt this before, maybe some spells of dissociation, but nothing like this for this long.Waves of times where I am so checked out that apparently I have no idea what I have been doing for the last however long I've been doing it?Feeling so numb that I don't even notice that I am feeling that way, or not feeling, whatever, and reacting to things badly making people upset and not even noticing that I've had zero reaction?This is weird and I don't like it.I feel like I don't belong in the \"real\" world anymore, like I haven't even *been* in the \"real\" world for awhile now.Like I'm not human.What is wrong with me?" ]
No puedo seguir manteniendo los pies plantados firmemente en el suelo.Estoy perdiendo el contacto con mi espacio y mi realidad.O la realidad.No lo sé.Esto es honestamente aterrador cuando soy capaz de conseguir un cierto sentido de tierra como lo he hecho en este momento.Nunca he sentido esto antes, tal vez algunos hechizos de disociación, pero nada como esto durante tanto tiempo.Olas de momentos en los que estoy tan comprobado que aparentemente no tengo idea de lo que he estado haciendo durante el último tiempo que lo he estado haciendo?Sentirme tan entumecido que ni siquiera me doy cuenta de que me siento de esa manera, o no me siento, lo que sea, y reaccionando a las cosas mal que alteran a la gente y ni siquiera me doy cuenta de que he tenido cero reacciones?Esto es raro y no me gusta.Me siento como si ya no perteneciera al mundo "real", como si ni siquiera hubiera *been* en el mundo "real" por un tiempo.
my friends and me met a pedo on whatsapp and i catfished him part 1. i started off by messaging the pedo that im 16 and horny but that is under the age of consent in the country.then he started to send me shit like omg i wanna fuck you and show me that pussy. so i googled some 18 year old nudes and sent him a random one. so i had him trapped. part 2. so i made him think i was a horny girl and and he started sending me videos of him having a wank. then he started getting creepier like where do you live and will you fuck me for 20 dollars. so i got the stuff i needed and blocked him.i will give you his phone number address and irl name phone: +250 788 917 597 name: bizamana yannick address: chetwynd, british columbia please harras him and make his life bad because he tried to get nudes from little girls. ​ i want you to spread it and repost this so the pedo will get what he deserves
[ "my friends and me met a pedo on whatsapp and i catfished him part 1.i started off by messaging the pedo that im 16 and horny but that is under the age of consent in the country.then he started to send me shit like omg i wanna fuck you and show me that pussy.so i googled some 18 year old nudes and sent him a random one.so i had him trapped.part 2.so i made him think i was a horny girl and and he started sending me videos of him having a wank.then he started getting creepier like where do you live and will you fuck me for 20 dollars.so i got the stuff i needed and blocked him.i will give you his phone number address and irl name\n\nphone: +250 788 917 597\n\nname: bizamana yannick\n\naddress: chetwynd, british columbia\n\nplease harras him and make his life bad because he tried to get nudes from little girls.\n\n​\n\ni want you to spread it and repost this so the pedo will get what he deserves" ]
Mis amigos y yo conocimos a un pedo en whatsapp y lo cagué parte 1.i comenzó por mensajear el pedo que im 16 y cachondo pero que es menos de la edad de consentimiento en el país.entonces él comenzó a enviarme mierda como omg yo quiero follarte y mostrarme ese coño.así que googleé unos 18 años desnudos y le envié uno al azar.así que lo tuve atrapado.parte 2.yo lo hice pensar que era una chica caliente y él comenzó a enviarme videos de él haciendo una paja.entonces él comenzó a ponerse más espeluznante como donde vives y me cogerás por 20 dólares.así que conseguí las cosas que necesitaba y lo bloqueé.i le daré su número de teléfono y su nombre: +250 788 917 597 nombre: bizamana yannick dirección: chetwynd, columbia británica por favor harras él y hacer su vida mala porque trató de conseguir desnudos de niñas pequeñas. & #x200B; quiero que lo difundas y repostear este pedo conseguirá lo que merece él merece.
Changed my mind.Im done driving to bridges, im done with whipping myself, im done with holding my stupid fucking gun in my hand. Im not going to give up. Fuck everyone and everything in my way. Im not gonna give them what they want. Ill keep fighting until the very end. Don’t give up on yourself. At the very least, you’ll be telling fate to go fuck itself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Changed my mind.Im done driving to bridges, im done with whipping myself, im done with holding my stupid fucking gun in my hand.Im not going to give up.Fuck everyone and everything in my way.Im not gonna give them what they want.Ill keep fighting until the very end.Don’t give up on yourself.At the very least, you’ll be telling fate to go fuck itself." ]
Cambié de opinión.He terminado de conducir a los puentes, he terminado de azotarme a mí mismo, he terminado de sujetar mi estúpida arma en mi mano.No voy a rendirme.A la mierda todos y todo lo que esté en mi camino.No voy a darles lo que quieran.Seguiré luchando hasta el final.No te rindas.Al menos, le dirás al destino que se vaya a la mierda.
My friends Today I am officially founding the Borse Party. We are a completely legitimate political party with nuanced and intricate views. There will now be a massive line to sign up
[ "My friends Today I am officially founding the Borse Party.We are a completely legitimate political party with nuanced and intricate views.There will now be a massive line to sign up" ]
Mis amigos Hoy estoy fundando oficialmente el Partido Borse.Somos un partido político completamente legítimo con puntos de vista matizados e intrincados.Ahora habrá una línea masiva para inscribirse
Being pushed to the brinkNot much to say, one day at a time even defending myself feels disgusting
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Being pushed to the brinkNot much to say, one day at a time even defending myself feels disgusting" ]
Ser empujado al borde No hay mucho que decir, un día a la vez incluso la defensa de mí mismo se siente repugnante
It gets betterYou start high school “it’ll get better in college” they say You get to college and they say “it’ll get better in medical school” You get to medical school and nothing is better so they say “it’ll get better in 3rd and 4th year. You get to 3rd and 4th year, nothing is better, so they say “it’ll get better in residency. You get to residency and nothing is better. Your attendings hate you for existing. Your upper levels want nothing to do with you. Your interns are scared shitless. All this education and time spent studying and treating the sick and yet nothing is better. And now it is my job to repeat the lie to the dear medical student and intern beneath me: “It gets better” I’m leaving medicine and the practice of it forever. We treat our future physicians like crap because “it gets better” It doesn’t get better....
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "It gets betterYou start high school “it’ll get better in college” they say\n\nYou get to collegeand they say “it’ll get better in medical school”\n\nYou get to medical school and nothing is better so they say “it’ll get better in 3rd and 4th year.You get to 3rd and 4th year, nothing is better, so they say “it’ll get better in residency.You get to residency and nothing is better.Your attendings hate you for existing.Your upper levels want nothing to do with you.Your interns are scared shitless.All this education and time spent studying and treating the sick and yet nothing is better.And now it is my job to repeat the lie to the dear medical student and intern beneath me:\n\n“It gets better”\n\nI’m leaving medicine and the practice of it forever.We treat our future physicians like crap because “it gets better”\n\nIt doesn’t get better...." ]
Se pone mejorEmpezar la escuela secundaria “mejorará en la universidad” dicen que llegas a la universidad y dicen “mejorará en la escuela de medicina” Llegas a la escuela de medicina y nada es mejor así que dicen “mejorará en el tercer y cuarto año.Llegas al tercer y cuarto año, nada es mejor, así que dicen “mejorará en la residencia.Llegas a la residencia y nada es mejor.Tus asistentes te odian por existir.Tus niveles superiores no quieren tener nada que ver contigo.Tus internos están asustados sin miedo.Toda esta educación y el tiempo pasado estudiando y tratando a los enfermos y sin embargo nada es mejor.Y ahora es mi trabajo repetir la mentira al querido estudiante de medicina y pasante debajo de mí: “Mejora” Estoy dejando la medicina y la práctica de ella para siempre.Tratamos a nuestros futuros médicos como basura porque “mejora” No mejora....
Watt pad Is Wattpad a good app for reading books?
[ "Watt pad Is Wattpad a good app for reading books?" ]
Watt pad ¿Es Wattpad una buena aplicación para leer libros?
Deformation and cerebral palsy - please readHi, I'm not sure how to word this, but here goes nothing. I'm an 18 (soon to be 19) year old guy with cerebral palsy and a bad case of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemifacial_microsomia. I also have an abnormally small head that further strains my already terrible relationship with the society around me. I'm in a major city in Australia, where people are said to be kind and decent. This isn't so with my palsy and deformity. People are cold, callous, rude, manipulative, deceitful and heinous to begin a description. I have been laughed at, mocked, gawked at, refused service a number of times by many people and my life is a living breathing fucking hell. I won't sugar coat it; I am extremely desperate for money for plastic surgery. Surgery won't fix everything but I need a fucking break. A reprieve. A little relief. I am begging you, the users of Reddit, to maybe help me out. I'm not sure what else to put here, I'm very fucking tired and desperate. If you guys want, you're more then welcome to query me about my experiences interacting with regular, joe-shmoe people. They're much different from the norm and I have been shat on in a variety of ways. Thanks for reading.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Deformation and cerebral palsy - please readHi,\n\nI'm not sure how to word this, but here goes nothing.I'm an 18 (soon to be 19) year old guy with cerebral palsy and a bad case of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemifacial_microsomia.I also have an abnormally small head that further strains my already terrible relationship with the society around me.I'm in a major city in Australia, where people are said to be kind and decent.This isn't so with my palsy and deformity.People are cold, callous, rude, manipulative, deceitful and heinous to begin a description.I have been laughed at, mocked, gawked at, refused service a number of times by many people and my life is a living breathing fucking hell.I won't sugar coat it; I am extremely desperate for money for plastic surgery.Surgery won't fix everything but I need a fucking break.A reprieve.A little relief.I am begging you, the users of Reddit, to maybe help me out.I'm not sure what else to put here, I'm very fucking tired and desperate.If you guys want, you're more then welcome to query me about my experiences interacting with regular, joe-shmoe people.They're much different from the norm and I have been shat on in a variety of ways.", "Thanks for reading." ]
Deformación y parálisis cerebral - por favor leerHola, no estoy seguro de cómo decir esto, pero aquí va nada.Soy un chico de 18 (pronto a ser 19) años de edad con parálisis cerebral y un mal caso de http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemifacial_microsomia.También tengo una cabeza anormalmente pequeña que tensa aún más mi ya terrible relación con la sociedad a mi alrededor.Estoy en una ciudad importante en Australia, donde se dice que la gente es amable y decente.Esto no es así con mi parálisis y deformidad.La gente es fría, insensible, grosera, manipuladora, engañosa y atroz para comenzar una descripción.Me he reído, burlado, gawked a, rehusó servicio un número de veces por muchas personas y mi vida es un infierno viviente.No voy a endulzarlo; estoy muy desesperado por la cirugía plástica.
Please help me.I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m a 15 year old kid from the city, get decent grades, have a fair amount of friends and maintain a good relationship with everyone around me...but I want to kill myself. I don’t even know what’s wrong with me but I think I’m going insane; I’ve lost interest in most things around me and only participate in them to burn away time. My parents divorced when I was 7 and all the drama that came later in my early teens that almost killed me inside. Recently I visited a psychologist and was diagnosed with severe depression, he didn’t want to put me on any medication yet as he is still trying to learn where I’m at. Even when he asks about my problems and what leads to the mental state that I’m at today, I can’t seem to get my head around it and telling him just seems like a waste of time because he doesn’t understand me. I feel like I’m judged even though I understand that it is his job to know, I also feel like nobody will ever understand me. I’m going to give it another try but so far I’m helpless and I just don’t understand what’s going on. If I can kill myself right now, without pain, without hurting my parents, I would 100% do it. I feel like a pre-programmed robot, just trying to live an extra day everyday. Please, I really want to make my parents proud one day but I just can’t see myself anymore. Please help me.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Please help me.I don’t know what’s wrong with me.I’m a 15 year old kid from the city, get decent grades, have a fair amount of friends and maintain a good relationship with everyone around me...but I want to kill myself.I don’t even know what’s wrong with mebut I think I’m going insane; I’ve lost interest in most things around me and only participate in them to burn away time.My parents divorced when I was 7 and all the drama that came later in my early teens that almost killed me inside.Recently I visited a psychologist and was diagnosed with severe depression, he didn’t want to put me on any medication yet as he is still trying to learn where I’m at.Even when he asks about my problems and what leads to the mental state that I’m at today, I can’t seem to get my head around it and telling him just seems like a waste of time because he doesn’t understand me.I feel like I’m judged even though I understand that it is his job to know, I also feel like nobody will ever understand me.I’m going to give it another try but so far I’m helplessand I just don’t understand what’s going on.If I can kill myself right now, without pain, without hurting my parents, I would 100% do it.", "I feel like a pre-programmed robot, just trying to live an extra day everyday.Please, I really want to make my parents proud one daybut I just can’t see myself anymore.Please help me." ]
Por favor, ayúdame.No sé qué me pasa.Soy un niño de 15 años de la ciudad, tengo buenas notas, tengo una buena cantidad de amigos y mantengo una buena relación con todos los que me rodean... pero quiero matarme a mí mismo.Ni siquiera sé qué me pasa, pero creo que me estoy volviendo loco; he perdido interés en la mayoría de las cosas a mi alrededor y sólo participar en ellas para quemar el tiempo.Mis padres se divorciaron cuando yo tenía 7 años y todo el drama que vino más tarde en mi adolescencia que casi me mató dentro.Recientemente visité a un psicólogo y me diagnosticaron una depresión severa, no quería ponerme ningún medicamento, pero parece que todavía está tratando de aprender dónde estoy.Incluso cuando me pregunta sobre mis problemas y lo que conduce al estado mental que estoy hoy en día, no puedo tener la cabeza alrededor de él y decirle que simplemente parece una pérdida de tiempo porque no me entiende.
I feel like a failureI'm extremely sick so I had to take a whole week off of work, my boss told me that she doesnt want me to be in any of my future references anymore.because of this. Its the first job I had where it was so hard and I pushed through and tried my best, and it feels like for nothing. My other jobs I never kept contact with and aruptly ended and in uni I dont have any profs I feel close enough to ask for a reference. I feel like anything I do it always ends back in square one. My uni is starting next week and Im still so sick my.ears and head are pounding. I dont think Ill ever be able to succeed and both my parents are retirement age and still working. I just want to od on some of my medicine because it feels like no matter how hard i try its never good enough, i dont have enough discipline to do anything properly. This is going to be my second year of uni and I almost failed last year without even doing any extracurriculars. Being less than mediocre sucks but I realized im usually at the very bottom for everything i do whether its my job or education, if I go at least my parents will have less of a burden. Im so sick now I just want to od on my medicine and finish it off instead living a life where i keep failing no matter how hard i try
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like a failureI'm extremely sick so I had to take a whole week off of work, my boss told me that she doesnt want me to be in any of my future references anymore.because of this.Its the first job I had where it was so hardand I pushed through and tried my best, and it feels like for nothing.My other jobs I never kept contact with and aruptly ended and in uni I dont have any profs I feel close enough to ask for a reference.I feel like anything I do it always ends back in square one.My uni is starting next week and Im still so sick my.ears and head are pounding.I dont think Ill ever be able to succeed and both my parents are retirement age and still working.I just want to od on some of my medicine because it feels like no matter how hard i try its never good enough, i dont have enough discipline to do anything properly.This is going to be my second year of uniand I almost failed last year without even doing any extracurriculars.Being less than mediocre sucksbut I realized im usually at the very bottom for everything i do whether its my job or education, if I go at least my parents will have less of a burden.", "Im so sick now I just want to od on my medicine and finish it off instead living a life where i keep failing no matter how hard i try" ]
Me siento como un fracasoEstoy extremadamente enfermo por lo que tuve que tomar una semana entera de trabajo, mi jefe me dijo que ella no quiere que esté en ninguna de mis futuras referencias más.Por esto.Es el primer trabajo que tuve donde fue tan duro y lo empujé y probé lo mejor que pude, y me siento como para nada.Mis otros trabajos con los que nunca me mantuve en contacto y terminan de forma abrupta y en la uni no tengo ningún profs que me sienta lo suficientemente cerca como para pedir una referencia.Siento que todo lo que hago siempre termina en la primera plaza.Mi uni está empezando la próxima semana y todavía estoy tan enfermo que mi.oares y cabeza están golpeando.No creo que alguna vez pueda tener éxito y que mis padres estén en edad de jubilarse y todavía trabajando.Solo quiero tomar algo de mi medicina porque no se siente como si me esforzara lo suficiente como nunca, no tengo suficiente disciplina para hacer algo correctamente.Esto va a ser mi segundo año de uni y casi fallé el año pasado sin siquiera hacer extracurriculares.
Parents belike: Parents: u should accept ur self more, be happy with who u are and do whatever u want My parents the next day: comment on my clothing style how i look dumb and how most things i wear are ugly 😐
[ "Parents belike: Parents: u should accept ur self more, be happy with who u are and do whatever u want\n\nMy parents the next day: comment on my clothing style how i look dumb and how most things i wear are ugly\n\n😐" ]
Los padres son como: Padres: usted debe aceptar su ser más, ser feliz con quién eres y hacer lo que quieras Mis padres al día siguiente: comentar sobre mi estilo de ropa cómo me veo tonto y cómo la mayoría de las cosas que me pongo son feas
Free insults! Leave a comment and I'll give you a free insult!
[ "Free insults!Leave a comment and I'll give you a free insult!" ]
¡Insultos gratis!Deja un comentario y te daré un insulto gratis!
I CAN"T BELIEVE I GOT HEAD!!! NEED TO SHARE So last Friday my parents forced me to go to a party that their friends were hosting. And every year I tread going to it. So we arrive there and one of the daughters brought the most beautiful friend to the party. I literally could not believe it. Perfect curly hair, pretty face and seemed to be having a good time. So there were 5 other kids around my age at the party, 1 other guys and 3 girls. And we were just chilling in the basement talking about the the first day of school and other shit. So I thought I'd spice up the conversation a bit and suggested we all play truth or dare. ​ And one thing leads to another and it turn to spin the bottle after the girl dares everyone. It was the perfect girls turn and it lands on me. So I give her the look and she looks at me back. Next thing I know she runs up stairs and goes away. ​ I got really sad but then one of the moms at the party gave me a real deer head because she knew I was into hunting. And too return the favor I ate her out.
[ "I CAN\"T BELIEVE I GOT HEAD!!!NEED TO SHARESo last Friday my parents forced me to go to a party that their friends were hosting.And every year I tread going to it.So we arrive there and one of the daughters brought the most beautiful friend to the party.I literally could not believe it.Perfect curly hair, pretty face and seemed to be having a good time.So there were 5 other kids around my age at the party, 1 other guys and 3 girls.And we were just chilling in the basement talking about the the first day of school and other shit.So I thought I'd spice up the conversation a bit and suggested we all play truth or dare.​\n\nAnd one thing leads to another and it turn to spin the bottle after the girl dares everyone.It was the perfect girls turn and it lands on me.So I give her the look and she looks at me back.Next thing I know she runs up stairs and goes away.​\n\nI got really sadbut then one of the moms at the party gave me a real deer head because she knew I was into hunting.And too return the favor I ate her out." ]
¡No puedo creer que tuve la cabeza! NECESITA A SHARESO el viernes pasado mis padres me obligaron a ir a una fiesta que sus amigos estaban organizando.Y cada año pisaba ir a ella.Así que llegamos allí y una de las hijas trajo al amigo más hermoso a la fiesta.Literalmente no podía creerlo.El pelo rizado perfecto, cara bonita y parecía estar pasando un buen rato.Así que había otros 5 niños alrededor de mi edad en la fiesta, 1 otros chicos y 3 chicas.Y estábamos simplemente escalofriando en el sótano hablando del primer día de la escuela y otras mierdas.Así que pensé que condimentaría la conversación un poco y sugerí que todos jugáramos la verdad o el desafío.​ Y una cosa conduce a otra y se convierte en girar la botella después de que la chica se atreve a todos.Fue la vuelta perfecta y me aterró.Así que le di la mirada y me miró de vuelta.
just overdosed on nyquil and am going to go to sleep nowi only took four instead of two. i will probably be fine. i am just sad and sometimes roll the dice and take too much medicine
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "just overdosed on nyquil and am going to go to sleep nowi only took four instead of two.i will probably be fine.i am just sad and sometimes roll the dice and take too much medicine" ]
sólo sobredosis de nyquil y voy a ir a dormir ahora sólo tomé cuatro en lugar de dos. probablemente estará bien. Estoy triste y a veces rodar los dados y tomar demasiada medicina
I’m crying so hard I loved k’nex before man you connect them you make structures I’m crying so hard
[ "I’m crying so hard I loved k’nex before man you connect them you make structures I’m crying so hard" ]
Estoy llorando tan fuerte que me encantó k'nex antes de que el hombre que los conectas que hacen estructuras Estoy llorando tan fuerte
School makes me want to die! D:My teachers hate me (at least so I feel), some teachers give me a new thick packet EVERY SINGLE DAY, I barely have any friends in my classes, I take 16 exams in a year, people call me gay and stay way from me mainly because I don't like the "cool" stuff like Fortnite, I'm under a ton of pressure to get good grades, my teacher threatened to give the class assigned seats at lunch if I keep sitting with my friends, my entire class thinks I'm weird so It's either sit with them and tolerate them or get beaten up because one of the kids in my class beat up one of my friends and they broke their jaw. My teachers give detention for the littlest things! (Like being late to class a few times, the hallways are crowded and teachers like to hold students back because a few students are being jerks, and also talking in class will get you detention in my homeroom.) It's just so stressful sometimes and I contemplate suicide. I've talked to my parents and they do their best, they have suggested talking to the teachers but the last time they did this my teacher hated me on a cellular level. PLEASE help! ;-; I really don't want to kill myself but lately I've been considering it a lot.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "School makes me want to die!D:My teachers hate me (at least so I feel), some teachers give me a new thick packet EVERY SINGLE DAY, I barely have any friends in my classes, I take 16 exams in a year, people call me gay and stay way from me mainly because I don't like the \"cool\" stuff like Fortnite, I'm under a ton of pressure to get good grades, my teacher threatened to give the class assigned seats at lunch if I keep sitting with my friends, my entire class thinks I'm weirdso It's either sit with them and tolerate them or get beaten up because one of the kids in my class beat up one of my friends and they broke their jaw.My teachers give detention for the littlest things!(Like being late to class a few times, the hallways are crowded and teachers like to hold students back because a few students are being jerks, and also talking in class will get you detention in my homeroom.)It's just so stressful sometimes and I contemplate suicide.I've talked to my parents and they do their best, they have suggested talking to the teachers but the last time they did this my teacher hated me on a cellular level.PLEASE help!", ";-; I really don't want to kill myself but lately I've been considering it a lot." ]
¡La escuela me hace querer morir!D:Mis profesores me odian (al menos así que me siento), algunos profesores me dan un nuevo paquete grueso CADA DÍA ÚNICO, apenas tengo amigos en mis clases, tomo 16 exámenes en un año, la gente me llama gay y se alejan de mí principalmente porque no me gustan las cosas "cool" como Fortnite, estoy bajo una tonelada de presión para conseguir buenas calificaciones, mi profesor amenazó con darle a la clase asientos asignados en el almuerzo si me mantengo sentado con mis amigos, toda mi clase piensa que soy raro, así que es o sentarse con ellos y tolerarlos o ser golpeado porque uno de los niños de mi clase golpea a uno de mis amigos y se rompen la mandíbula.¡Mis profesores dan detención por las cosas más pequeñas! (¡Como llegar tarde a la clase unas cuantas veces, los pasillos están abarrotados y a los profesores les gusta retener a los estudiantes porque unos pocos estudiantes están siendo idiotas, y también hablan en la clase te van a conseguir detención en mi habitación!)¡Es tan estresante a veces y me contemplan el suicidio.
I used to not give two shits about Covid-19 untill recently... Okay so overall I do not give two shits about Covid-19. When the major outbreak (in the EU) happened I didn't either. This was the sweet spot for me, I could just join Online Classes and play games or something while "being there" Since the end of June the lockdown was over. (I live in the Netherlands) There was nothing except work for me to leave the house, This was about the time I hadn't burned out of gaming so the entire lockdown and barely going to school was heaven to me. My mental health wasn't going well for a while but it wasn't *that* bad since I was constantly doing something I enjoyed. Okay well now summer break. This is about when I burned out from gaming, I mean I still played games but I didn't (/don't) really enjoy playing em anymore. In result I barely did anything, I just made some things in Photoshop chatted a lot with friends and I met a cute girl on discord. Fast forward a few weeks and I grew a crush on this girl. I knew it wasn't going to work for her and tried to stop having a crush on her so to say. Well that didn't work out well... Me and her have been talking for quite a while and I decided to tell her about my mental state since we became friends and I needed to tell someone how I felt. She was/is really supportive about everything which helped a lot :). Fast forward to last Thursday (September 4th) Even though my crush supported me lots my mental health went down faster and faster for some reason. (Just to clarify with mental health I am talking about depression) The fact that I had a crush on her when knowing that wouldn't work didn't really help... But that Thursday is when everything changed. I did something that night that I shouldn't have done, I regret doing it but I later on wanted to make it worse for myself but I told my crush that my first attempt on doing something horrible failed. She later on told me she liked me... So I was incredibly happy and confused since I was like 100% sure that things wouldn't work out, but guess what it did! So right now we are chatting a lot and we want to meet up IRL really badly, my gf lives in the UK. NOW HERES THE PROBLEM: I am not allowed to go right now because of covid-19... SO IF COVID-19 COULD PLEASE SHUT THE F#CK UP THAT WOULD BE AMAZING! Okay I needed to say that, thanks for coming to my TedTalk. Also, About the mental health thing. I have been better but also not, I have written out an entire post for this subreddit and I have it saved as a draft. There is some things in it that I myself am not 100% sure with if I want to post, but I am willing to if you guys would like to read it/give your thoughts on it so.... Would you guys like for me to post the post I have saved?
[ "I used to not give two shits about Covid-19 untill recently...Okay so overall I do not give two shits about Covid-19.When the major outbreak (in the EU) happened I didn't either.This was the sweet spot for me, I could just join Online Classes and play games or something while \"being there\"\nSince the end of June the lockdown was over.(I live in the Netherlands)There was nothing except work for me to leave the house,\nThis was about the time I hadn't burned out of gaming so the entire lockdown and barely going to school was heaven to me.My mental health wasn't going well for a while but it wasn't *that* bad since I was constantly doing something I enjoyed.Okay well now summer break.This is about when I burned out from gaming, I mean I still played games but I didn't (/don't) really enjoy playing em anymore.In result I barely did anything, I just made some things in Photoshop chatted a lot with friends and I met a cute girl on discord.Fast forward a few weeks and I grew a crush on this girl.I knew it wasn't going to work for her and tried to stop having a crush on her so to say.Well that didn't work out well...", "Me and her have been talking for quite a while and I decided to tell her about my mental state since we became friends and I needed to tell someone how I felt.She was/is really supportive about everything which helped a lot :).Fast forward to last Thursday (September 4th)Even though my crush supported me lots my mental health went down faster and faster for some reason.(Just to clarify with mental health I am talking about depression)The fact that I had a crush on her when knowing that wouldn't work didn't really help...\nBut that Thursday is when everything changed.I did something that night that I shouldn't have done, I regret doing itbut I later on wanted to make it worse for myselfbut I told my crush that my first attempt on doing something horrible failed.She later on told me she liked me...So I was incredibly happy and confused since I was like 100% sure that things wouldn't work out, but guess what it did!So right now we are chatting a lot and we want to meet up IRL really badly, my gf lives in the UK.NOW HERES THE PROBLEM:\nI am not allowed to go right now because of covid-19...SOIF COVID-19 COULD PLEASE SHUT THE F#CK UP THAT WOULD BE AMAZING!", "Okay I needed to say that, thanks for coming to my TedTalk.Also, About the mental health thing.I have been better but also not, I have written out an entire post for this subreddit and I have it saved as a draft.There is some things in it that I myself am not 100% sure with if I want to post, but I am willing to if you guys would like to read it/give your thoughts on itso....\nWould you guys like for me to post the post I have saved?" ]
Yo solía no dar dos mierdas sobre Covid-19 hasta hace poco... Bueno, en general no me importa dos mierdas sobre Covid-19.Cuando el brote mayor (en la UE) sucedió que yo tampoco.Este era el punto dulce para mí, sólo podía unirme a clases en línea y jugar juegos o algo mientras "estaba allí" Desde finales de junio el bloqueo había terminado.(Vivo en los Países Bajos)No había nada excepto trabajo para mí para salir de la casa, Esta era la vez que no me había quemado fuera de los juegos así que todo el bloqueo y apenas iba a la escuela era el cielo para mí.Mi salud mental no iba bien por un tiempo pero no era *eso* malo ya que estaba haciendo constantemente algo que disfrutaba.Bien, ahora bien, las vacaciones de verano.Esto es acerca de cuando me quemé fuera de los juegos, quiero decir que todavía jugaba juegos pero no (/no) realmente disfrutaba jugar a em más.
I’m out of ideasI’ve completely run out of money and have no idea what to do. I live in an extremely expensive city and feel trapped. I lost my job, most of my friends, my partner, and I feel completely abandoned. I have no one. I’m currently building an “exit hood” — it seems like the best way to go apart from jumping off a bridge into the east river.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I’m out of ideasI’ve completely run out of money and have no idea what to do.I live in an extremely expensive city and feel trapped.I lost my job, most of my friends, my partner, and I feel completely abandoned.I have no one.I’m currently building an “exit hood” — it seems like the best way to go apart from jumping off a bridge into the east river." ]
Me he quedado sin ideasMe he quedado sin dinero y no tengo ni idea de qué hacer.Vivo en una ciudad extremadamente cara y me siento atrapada.Perdí mi trabajo, la mayoría de mis amigos, mi pareja, y me siento completamente abandonada.No tengo a nadie.Actualmente estoy construyendo una “capucha de salida” – parece la mejor manera de ir aparte de saltar de un puente en el río este.
I want to kill myself but i dont have the courageCollege is stressing me out but I really want to get a degree. I dont know what to do..I am questioning myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to kill myself but i dont have the courageCollege is stressing me out but I really want to get a degree.I dont know what to do..I am questioning myself" ]
Quiero suicidarme, pero no tengo el coraje.La universidad me está estresando, pero realmente quiero obtener un título.No sé qué hacer..Me estoy cuestionando a mí mismo.
I'm finally starting to clean out my computer so I can kill myself without worrying about what people will findIs there anything else I should clean out before I do it?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm finally starting to clean out my computer so I can kill myself without worrying about what people will findIs there anything else I should clean out before I do it?" ]
Finalmente estoy empezando a limpiar mi computadora para poder suicidarme sin preocuparme por lo que la gente encontrará. ¿Hay algo más que deba limpiar antes de hacerlo?
Anybody wanna play Among Us on discord vc? I just wanna make some buddies :) come on and join in!
[ "Anybody wanna play Among Us on discord vc?I just wanna make some buddies :) come on and join in!" ]
¿Alguien quiere jugar entre nosotros en discordia vc?Yo sólo quiero hacer algunos amigos :) vamos y unirse a!
My dad's coworker caught COVID. He (coworker) tested today and it came back positive. My dad is going to test tommorow. Tbh it was just a matter of time. I am not worried at all and I think I'm gonna survive it. I'm just worried about my family. So yeah I just wanted to share that with y'all. Stay safe everybody :) A filler a day keeps the bot away. A filler a day keeps the bot away. A filler a day keeps the bot away.
[ "My dad's coworker caught COVID.He (coworker) tested today and it came back positive.My dad is going to test tommorow.Tbh it was just a matter of time.I am not worried at alland I think I'm gonna survive it.I'm just worried about my family.Soyeah I just wanted to share that with y'all.Stay safe everybody :)\n\nA filler a day keeps the bot away.A filler a day keeps the bot away.A filler a day keeps the bot away." ]
El compañero de trabajo de mi padre capturó COVID.Él (coworker) probó hoy y volvió positivo.Mi padre va a probar Tommorow.Tbh era sólo una cuestión de tiempo.No estoy preocupado en absoluto y creo que voy a sobrevivir a él.Solo estoy preocupado por mi familia.Soyeah Sólo quería compartir eso con todos ustedes.Mantener a salvo a todos :) Un relleno al día mantiene el bot lejos.Un relleno al día mantiene alejado al bot.Un relleno al día mantiene alejado al bot.Un relleno al día mantiene alejado al bot.
Im going to drown myself in a lake in 10-30 minsTitle explains all you need to know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Im going to drown myself in a lake in 10-30 minsTitle explains all you need to know" ]
Voy a ahogarme en un lago en 10-30 minutosTítulo explica todo lo que necesitas saber
hello i wrote a little song any feedback?<3 ive been tearing up my legs in the shower. bruising up my skin in the park. ive been tearing up my mindset in the mirror. because they broke me apart. and if its true heaven is a place on earth, im almost there. just one more incision till i lose my mind. then will it be fair?
[ "hello i wrote a little song any feedback?<3 ive been tearing up my legs in the shower.bruising up my skin in the park.ive been tearing up my mindset in the mirror.because they broke me apart.and if its true heaven is a place on earth, im almost there.just one more incision till i lose my mind.then will it be fair?" ]
Hola escribí una pequeña canción ¿alguna retroalimentación?<3 he estado destrozando mis piernas en la ducha.bruising mi piel en el park.ive ha estado destrozando mi mentalidad en el espejo.porque me rompieron aparte.y si su verdadero cielo es un lugar en la tierra, im casi allí.solo una incisión más hasta que pierda mi mente.entonces será justo?
I can't make it through this hell every day. I might seriously end it today.Every day is beyond hell. Every day is lower than the deepest level of hell. I will never be able to get these memories out of my head of someone I put all of my heart into, who I never even got to kiss, fought for, and she treated me worse than hitler treated any jew in the history of the world. And I lived through it. All I do is remember it every day, for years on end, and I've been deeply, deeply suicidal for years ever since then. She ruined my entire life. No one fills the gap, and every time someone who could fill it comes into my life, it's like they recognize this has happened to me, and god takes them away from me. And then only women I don't like come my way. Don't tell me to give it time, I've given it over seven years. Nothing fills the gap. I am going to blow my head off, it's the only logical conclusion. I can't get rid of the memories. I'm done with waking up only to hear all of her hate and betrayal towards me. I wish what happened to me never happened. I wish it would've worked out. I wish I was never committed, loyal, and faithful, because all three of those qualities were mocked. There is no replacement. I'm going to die, nothing fills the gap, nothing changes. You will never understand what it's like to be tortured for this long. If you tell me you do understand, and that someone just like her will come into my life soon, the way she was, the person that motivated me more than anyone, then I'm just going to be dead by tonight. I'm sick of hearing lies. I'm sick of hearing other people's opinions when ... ​ I'm sick of hearing other people's opinions when you don't know that the level of suffering I have endured throughout the entirety of my life timeline has been a hundredfold worse than yours. I don't want to hear it. I just want to hear you say just kill yourself. I am done with living. I'm done with being dead while alive on earth. I'm done with being expected to find happiness when it is impossible for me to find. I'm done with being told you understand me. I'm done with being told you understand my pain. I'm done with everything. I want to die right now, every day. But right now, I want to die. You just. don't. get. how. much. I have suffered. I wish I could bring it on to you and everyone else around me, and then you'll realize the magnitude of how heavy it is to wake up with these traumatic memories every day. I feel like I'm just being stabbed more and more, and god gave me cancer on top of ruining my life, and blesses the people who have destroyed my entire soul. I wish everyone felt all of my pain.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can't make it through this hell every day.I might seriously end it today.Every day is beyond hell.Every day is lower than the deepest level of hell.I will never be able to get these memories out of my head of someone I put all of my heart into, who I never even got to kiss, fought for, and she treated me worse than hitler treated any jew in the history of the world.And I lived through it.All I do is remember it every day, for years on end, and I've been deeply, deeply suicidal for years ever since then.She ruined my entire life.No one fills the gap, and every time someone who could fill it comes into my life, it's like they recognize this has happened to me, and god takes them away from me.And then only women I don't like come my way.Don't tell me to give it time, I've given it over seven years.Nothing fills the gap.I am going to blow my head off, it's the only logical conclusion.I can't get rid of the memories.I'm done with waking up only to hear all of her hate and betrayal towards me.I wish what happened to me never happened.I wish it would've worked out.I wish I was never committed, loyal, and faithful, because all three of those qualities were mocked.There is no replacement.", "I'm going to die, nothing fills the gap, nothing changes.You will never understand what it's like to be tortured for this long.If you tell me you do understand, and that someone just like her will come into my life soon, the way she was, the person that motivated me more than anyone, then I'm just going to be dead by tonight.I'm sick of hearing lies.I'm sick of hearing other people's opinions when ...\n\n​\n\nI'm sick of hearing other people's opinions when you don't know that the level of suffering I have endured throughout the entirety of my life timeline has been a hundredfold worse than yours.I don't want to hear it.I just want to hear you say just kill yourself.I am done with living.I'm done with being dead while alive on earth.I'm done with being expected to find happiness when it is impossible for me to find.I'm done with being told you understand me.I'm done with being told you understand my pain.I'm done with everything.I want to die right now, every day.But right now, I want to die.You just.don't.get.how.much.I have suffered.", "I wish I could bring it on to you and everyone else around me, and then you'll realize the magnitude of how heavy it is to wake up with these traumatic memories every day.I feel like I'm just being stabbed more and more, and god gave me cancer on top of ruining my life, and blesses the people who have destroyed my entire soul.I wish everyone felt all of my pain." ]
No puedo hacerlo a través de este infierno todos los días.Podría terminarlo seriamente hoy.Cada día es más allá del infierno.Cada día es más bajo que el nivel más profundo del infierno.Nunca seré capaz de sacar estos recuerdos de mi cabeza de alguien en quien puse todo mi corazón, a quien nunca llegué a besar, por quien luché, y ella me trató peor que Hitler trató a cualquier judío en la historia del mundo.Y yo lo he vivido.Todo lo que hago es recordarlo todos los días, durante años y años, y he sido profundamente, profundamente suicida durante años desde entonces.Ella arruinó mi vida entera.Nadie llena el vacío, y cada vez que alguien que podría llenarlo viene a mi vida, es como si reconocieran que esto me ha pasado a mí, y Dios me lo quita.Y entonces sólo las mujeres que no me gustan vienen mi camino.No me digas que le den tiempo, yo lo he dado durante siete años.Nada llena el vacío.
the world is fucked they prey among the weak and claim they're superior they make money off of sexualizing women if you're angry you're made fun of but there's nothing to do other than be angry if you're not angry you don't see the truth your worth is based on your status and how you look like you're not seen as human. you're not human. you're not human. you're not human. you're not human. they want you to act like them and lose your eyes i don't belong here i need to get out
[ "the world is fucked\n\nthey prey among the weak and claim they're superior\n\nthey make money off of sexualizing women\n\nif you're angry you're made fun ofbut there's nothing to do other than be angry\n\nif you're not angry you don't see the truth\n\nyour worth is based on your status and how you look like\n\nyou're not seen as human.you're not human.you're not human.you're not human.you're not human.they want you to act like them and lose your eyes\n\ni don't belong here i need to get out" ]
El mundo está jodido ellos presa entre los débiles y dicen que son superiores que ganan dinero de sexualizar a las mujeres si usted está enojado usted se burla de pero no hay nada que hacer que no sea enojado si usted no está enojado usted no ve la verdad su valor se basa en su estado y cómo usted parece que usted no es visto como humano.usted no es humano.usted no es humano.usted no es humano.usted no es humano.ellos quieren que actúe como ellos y pierda sus ojos no pertenezco aquí yo necesito salir
Die Hard or Speed Which movie is better? I think Speed. Die Hard is a masterpiece though
[ "Die Hard or Speed Which movie is better?I think Speed.Die Hard is a masterpiece though" ]
Die Hard o Speed ¿Qué película es mejor?Creo que Speed.Die Hard es una obra maestra aunque
My fiancee is very depressed and wants to kill herselfI dont know what to do. Right now we are in different parts of the world and am unable to help her. The only thing i have is my phone and video calling...its driving me nuts that she wont listen to logic, seek help, or anything. What can i do to help her? She has anxiety, and severe depression. She has nobody that she can talk to, and i am the only one she hasnt pushed out of he life...i need so help. This situation is currently going on as i type this and need immediate help. Thank you to anyone that can help.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My fiancee is very depressed and wants to kill herselfI dont know what to do.Right now we are in different parts of the world and am unable to help her.The only thing i have is my phone and video calling...its driving me nuts that she wont listen to logic, seek help, or anything.What can i do to help her?She has anxiety, and severe depression.She has nobody that she can talk to, and i am the only one she hasnt pushed out of he life...i need so help.This situation is currently going on as i type this and need immediate help.Thank you to anyone that can help." ]
Mi prometida está muy deprimida y quiere suicidarseNo sé qué hacer.Ahora mismo estamos en diferentes partes del mundo y no puedo ayudarla.Lo único que tengo es mi teléfono y videollamadas...me está volviendo loca que no escuche la lógica, busque ayuda o nada.¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudarla?Ella tiene ansiedad y depresión severa.Ella no tiene a nadie con quien pueda hablar, y yo soy la única a la que ella no ha echado de su vida...necesito tanta ayuda.Esta situación está actualmente en marcha mientras escribo esto y necesito ayuda inmediata.Gracias a cualquiera que pueda ayudar.
I cant fucking handle this bullshit anymore but I'm gonna put up with it anyway.I have had to talk my bf out of suicide multiple times this week. I'm basically numb to it now. "No dont" "please" "dont" "please dont" "stop" it's all so repetitive. I basically am just like "here we go again" now. I just want it to stop but I know it wont. I'm giving one word answers now. My heart isn't in it anymore. I'm not crying about it like I used to. Just kinda like... minimal responses. This is affecting my mental health. I cant handle it. I'm only fucking 14. I've had to talk 5 different people down this week. I'm just completely numb. Obviously I dont want anyone to kill themselves. Otherwise I would just completely give up. But I'm so fucking numb to it now. Its basically a nightly routine.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I cant fucking handle this bullshit anymorebut I'm gonna put up with it anyway.I have had to talk my bf out of suicide multiple times this week.I'm basically numb to it now.\"No dont\" \"please\" \"dont\" \"please dont\" \"stop\" it's all so repetitive.I basically am just like \"here we go again\" now.I just want it to stopbut I know it wont.I'm giving one word answers now.My heart isn't in it anymore.I'm not crying about it like I used to.Just kinda like... minimal responses.This is affecting my mental health.I cant handle it.I'm only fucking 14.I've had to talk 5 different people down this week.I'm just completely numb.Obviously I dont want anyone to kill themselves.Otherwise I would just completely give up.But I'm so fucking numb to it now.Its basically a nightly routine." ]
Ya no puedo manejar esta mierda, pero voy a soportarla de todos modos.He tenido que hablar de mi bf del suicidio varias veces esta semana.Estoy básicamente adormecido con esto ahora."No" "por favor" "no" "por favor" "no" "parar" es todo tan repetitivo.Básicamente estoy como "aquí vamos de nuevo" ahora.Solo quiero que pare pero sé que no lo hará.Estoy dando una palabra respuestas ahora.Mi corazón ya no está en ello.No estoy llorando por ello como solía hacerlo.Solo como... respuestas mínimas.Esto está afectando mi salud mental.No puedo manejarlo.Sólo estoy follando 14.He tenido que hablar con 5 personas diferentes esta semana.Estoy completamente entumecido.Obviamente no quiero que nadie se mate a sí mismo.De lo contrario, simplemente me rendiría completamente.Pero ahora estoy tan entumecido.
I am the survivor of a serious injury I have recently stubbed my toe, I am still recovering from it. Please keep your awards to yourself. My medical advisor says that I will live, so please dont worry.
[ "I am the survivor of a serious injury I have recently stubbed my toe, I am still recovering from it.Please keep your awards to yourself.My medical advisor says that I will live, so please dont worry." ]
Soy el superviviente de una lesión grave que recientemente me he clavado el dedo del pie, todavía me estoy recuperando de él.Por favor, mantenga sus premios para usted mismo.Mi asesor médico dice que voy a vivir, así que por favor no se preocupe.
The inferno I cannot do this anymore. I cannot breathe or move. I cannot sleep. I cannot trust anyone. My wife abandoned me and has gone silent. My youth and innocence was stolen from me. I was robbed of a proper education. I was raped and molested. I have been gaslit and tortured. I have always been the whipping boy and have been punished for others deeds. I have never received an apology. I've never had friends or a real family. I have been bullied at every school I ever attended. I have been used and rejected my whole life. I never had a life that was my own. I have only lived through others, just a tool for their own ends. I have watched people attacked and murdered on the streets. I have seen people die of overdoses. My wife abandoned me and has gone silent. Everyone has stood around me and lets me dig my own graves.They let me fail to teach me harsh lessons and abandon me. No one has ever told the truth to me or about me. I've never acted out to harm another intentionally. I am human and have made mistakes, but I do not know forgiveness. Forgiveness has never applied to me. I am sorry for all those I have unintentionally harmed in life. I forgive those who have harmed me which is more than I can say for anyone in my life. Death take me now to the lake of fire!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The inferno\nI cannot do this anymore.I cannot breathe or move.I cannot sleep.I cannot trust anyone.My wife abandoned me and has gone silent.My youth and innocence was stolen from me.I was robbed of a proper education.I was raped and molested.I have been gaslit and tortured.I have always been the whipping boy and have been punished for others deeds.I have never received an apology.I've never had friends or a real family.I have been bullied at every school I ever attended.I have been used and rejected my whole life.I never had a life that was my own.I have only lived through others, just a tool for their own ends.I have watched people attacked and murdered on the streets.I have seen people die of overdoses.My wife abandoned me and has gone silent.Everyone has stood around me and lets me dig my own graves.They let me fail to teach me harsh lessons and abandon me.No one has ever told the truth to me or about me.I've never acted out to harm another intentionally.I am human and have made mistakes, but I do not know forgiveness.Forgiveness has never applied to me.I am sorry for all those I have unintentionally harmed in life.", "I forgive those who have harmed me which is more than I can say for anyone in my life.Death take me now to the lake of fire!" ]
El infierno ya no puedo hacer esto.No puedo respirar ni moverme.No puedo dormir.No puedo confiar en nadie.Mi esposa me abandonó y se ha quedado en silencio.Mi juventud e inocencia me fueron robadas.Me robaron una educación adecuada.Me violaron y abusaron de mí.He sido gaseado y torturado.Siempre he sido el chico de latigazos y he sido castigado por otros actos.Nunca he recibido una disculpa.Nunca he tenido amigos o una familia real.He sido intimidado en todas las escuelas a las que he asistido.He sido usado y rechazado toda mi vida.Nunca he tenido una vida que fuera mía.Sólo he vivido por otros, sólo una herramienta para sus propios fines.He visto personas atacadas y asesinadas en las calles.He visto a gente morir de sobredosis.Mi esposa me ha abandonado y ha estado en silencio.Cada uno me ha rodeado y me ha dejado cavar mis propias tumbas.Me han dejado no enseñarme lecciones duras y me han abandonado.Nadie me ha dicho la verdad ni sobre mí.
Any tips on how to get a fever in one day Ik it sounds stupid but I don’t want to give my exam tomorrow so hopefully if I have a temp they will think I have corona and I won’t have to give it
[ "Any tips on how to get a fever in one day Ik it sounds stupid but I don’t want to give my exam tomorrowso hopefully if I have a temp they will think I have corona and I won’t have to give it" ]
Cualquier consejo sobre cómo conseguir una fiebre en un día Ik suena estúpido pero no quiero dar mi examen mañana así que espero que si tengo una temperatura pensarán que tengo corona y no voy a tener que darle
I’m done with itI just want to end it all. So let’s start from the beginning. Mine parents aren’t the best. The fight a lot. And they always scream. They never talk at 60 db. And they seem always mad. Then in March my dad almost threw a chair at my mom in the first weekend of lockdown. My siblings are the same. Always screaming and fighting. March was also the first month I started with self harming. Just cutting with a scissor and not deep. And I started to have suicidal thoughts. Fast forward a few months( it just got worse and worse). I started to lose religion. And I’m scarred to tell my family because they will be very mad. When the school started back I found myself very distant from the few friends I have. And today I texted with my friend (which I have a crush on). And apparently she went on a date. I thought it went good with her. We talked every day since September. And we where a bit flirty. But no it’s not going like I thought. But after looking back at everything from March onward. I found the problem. It is me. From the fighting to my Friends and crush I’m the problem. So that’s it. It’s 3:50 am now. So I’m going to sleep( hopefully die in my sleep). And tomorrow I’ll write my last letter and find a way to commit suicide. I thing I won’t commit suicide tomorrow but I’m definitely sure I won’t make it to 2021.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I’m done with itI just want to end it all.So let’s start from the beginning.Mine parents aren’t the best.The fight a lot.And they always scream.They never talk at 60 db.And they seem always mad.Then in March my dad almost threw a chair at my mom in the first weekend of lockdown.My siblings are the same.Always screaming and fighting.March was also the first month I started with self harming.Just cutting with a scissor and not deep.And I started to have suicidal thoughts.Fast forward a few months( it just got worse and worse).I started to lose religion.And I’m scarred to tell my family because they will be very mad.When the school started back I found myself very distant from the few friends I have.And today I texted with my friend (which I have a crush on).And apparently she went on a date.I thought it went good with her.We talked every day since September.And we where a bit flirty.But no it’s not going like I thought.But after looking back at everything from March onward.I found the problem.It is me.From the fighting to my Friends and crush I’m the problem.So that’s it.It’s 3:50 am now.So I’m going to sleep( hopefully die in my sleep).", "And tomorrow I’ll write my last letter and find a way to commit suicide.I thing I won’t commit suicide tomorrow but I’m definitely sure I won’t make it to 2021." ]
Ya he terminado con eso.Y siempre gritan.Nunca hablan a 60 db.Y siempre parecen enojados.Entonces en marzo mi padre casi le tiró una silla a mi mamá en el primer fin de semana de cierre.Mis hermanos son iguales.Siempre gritan y pelean.Marzo fue también el primer mes que empecé con autolesiones.Solo cortando con una tijera y no profundamente.Y empecé a tener pensamientos suicidas.Más rápido hacia adelante unos meses (sólo se puso peor y peor).Empecé a perder la religión.Y al parecer ella se fue en una cita.Pensé que iba bien con ella.Cuando la escuela empezó de nuevo me encontré muy distante de los pocos amigos que tengo.Y hoy le envié un mensaje de texto a mi amigo (que tengo un chapuzón).Y al parecer ella se fue en una cita.Pensé que iba bien con ella.
Anyone still up?I wanna talk to someone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Anyone still up?I wanna talk to someone" ]
¿Alguien sigue despierto?Quiero hablar con alguien.
I don’t know what to do My mom says that I’m too old for Flinstone vitamin gummies. What should I do?
[ "I don’t know what to do My mom says that I’m too old for Flinstone vitamin gummies.What should I do?" ]
No sé qué hacer Mi mamá dice que soy demasiado viejo para las gomitas de vitamina Flinstone.¿Qué debo hacer?
Friend reported other friend's suicide attempt to police, now what?Ok so at around 2am last week friend "Samantha" contacted my best friend "Isaac" to say that she was going to kill herself and was just saying goodbye. Isaac called the police and then me (both of us know her but are not particularly close friends with her) and according to Samantha the police apparently found her in her apartment where she was just hanging out (this would have been around 5 in the morning). She had said to Isaac she was going to jump from her apartment where she lives in a fairly tall building. After this she did not contact him for several days until now. Isaac just texted me this: "Samantha is mad at me for not letting her jump. I guess she was gonna do it but the cops stop her." To which I responded: "fuck that what the fuck" he said: "I dunno but she says I ruined her life cuz they keep a watch on her now and they fined her and all this shit." to which I responded: "I would say to her that that's the most insensitive thing you've ever heard and how could she expect you to have done anything else?" But I don't know what else to say. It seems possible that there's a lie somewhere in her story. Do the police in a major metropolitan area even have the personal to have someone watching her? He called the police in her area in addition to the campus security at the university she attends, but has not received subsequent information from them. Neither of us live close enough to her (hundreds of miles away) to go and check on her. What do?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Friend reported other friend's suicide attempt to police, now what?Ok so at around 2am last week friend \"Samantha\" contacted my best friend \"Isaac\" to say that she was going to kill herself and was just saying goodbye.Isaac called the police and then me (both of us know her but are not particularly close friends with her) and according to Samantha the police apparently found her in her apartment where she was just hanging out (this would have been around 5 in the morning).She had said to Isaac she was going to jump from her apartment where she lives in a fairly tall building.After this she did not contact him for several days until now.Isaac just texted me this: \"Samantha is mad at me for not letting her jump.I guess she was gonna do it but the cops stop her.\"\n\nTo which I responded: \"fuck that what the fuck\"\n\nhe said: \"I dunnobut she says I ruined her life cuz they keep a watch on her nowand they fined her and all this shit.\"\n\nto which I responded: \"I would say to her that that's the most insensitive thing you've ever heard and how could she expect you to have done anything else?\"But I don't know what else to say.It seems possible that there's a lie somewhere in her story.", "Do the police in a major metropolitan area even have the personal to have someone watching her?He called the police in her area in addition to the campus security at the university she attends, but has not received subsequent information from them.Neither of us live close enough to her (hundreds of miles away) to go and check on her.What do?" ]
Un amigo denunció el intento de suicidio de otro amigo a la policía, ¿ahora qué?Bueno, alrededor de las 2 de la semana pasada la amiga "Samantha" contactó a mi mejor amiga "Isaac" para decir que se iba a suicidar y se estaba despidiendo.Isaac llamó a la policía y luego a mí (ambos la conocemos, pero no son particularmente amigos cercanos de ella) y según Samantha la policía aparentemente la encontró en su apartamento donde estaba pasando el rato (esto habría sido alrededor de las 5 de la mañana).Le había dicho a Isaac que iba a saltar de su apartamento donde vive en un edificio bastante alto.Después de esto no se puso en contacto con él durante varios días hasta ahora.Isaac me acaba de enviar un mensaje: "Samantha está enojada conmigo por no dejarla saltar.Supongo que lo iba a hacer pero los policías la detuvieron".A lo que respondí: "Al carajo con eso" dijo: "Yo no podía pero me dijo que arruinara su vida porque ahora tenían una multa y toda esta mierda.
I don't know...I'm so tired. This is my last option. I have nothing else to turn to. I'm just... Sitting in my bed, gritting my teeth trying not to make any noise. I put on music to drown out these feelings. Like always, nothing works. I'm so done. I've written it so many times. I'm tired of writing about myself. I won't take up your time with words that don't describe me. I don't deserve a word to describe me or my emotions. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Maybe a last cry? Who knows... not me.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I don't know...I'm so tired.This is my last option.I have nothing else to turn to.I'm just...Sitting in my bed, gritting my teeth trying not to make any noise.I put on music to drown out these feelings.Like always, nothing works.I'm so done.I've written it so many times.I'm tired of writing about myself.I won't take up your time with words that don't describe me.I don't deserve a word to describe me or my emotions.I don't even know why I'm writing this.Maybe a last cry?Who knows... not me." ]
No lo sé...Estoy tan cansada.Esta es mi última opción.No tengo nada más a lo que recurrir.Yo sólo...Estoy sentada en mi cama, apretando mis dientes tratando de no hacer ningún ruido.Me pongo música para ahogar estos sentimientos.Como siempre, nada funciona.Estoy tan hecho.Lo he escrito tantas veces.Estoy cansado de escribir sobre mí mismo.No voy a tomar su tiempo con palabras que no me describen.No merezco una palabra para describirme o mis emociones.Ni siquiera sé por qué estoy escribiendo esto.Tal vez un último llanto?Quién sabe... no yo.
Feels good to play Minecraft again after 4 years It feels good to go back to playing a classic. Years ago, (most likely 2014) I first started playing it when my dad decided to abruptly buy an Xbox 360 for my brother and he got Minecraft too. However, I spent most of the time on it. I spent most of my days in the ONE bedroom our apartment had with a TV in the only bedroom playing it for hours. I don't recall much, but at some point I built an entire fortress on one edge of the mountains on the map using stone bricks. I wish I could show it, but I'm afraid there was no option for me at the same to save it for future reference... I had it on my phone in 2014 too at 11, I got it because I went to someone's house and they somehow was able to download it on my phone (I don't know how, he didn't even waste any money) but the problem was that I couldn't do any updates. In 2015, someone bought a iTunes gift card to my 12th birthday party and I used that money to ACTUALLY buy the game on my own Apple ID and GTA San Andreas too. It was GOOD. However, I had no phone storage on a 16GB phone, so that was painful. I stopped playing somewhere in 2016, most likely because I lost my phone and I switched to using a Samsung phone, plus my brother was using that iPad I had used previously. I completely stopped in early 2017 when, I got a PS4 (Was for my brother, but once again I used it the most) and I just started playing GTA 5 instead. I'm surprised I even was able to do what I could with the backstory. Quarantine has broken me, so I decided JUST an hour ago to use my new iPhone SE (a lot more storage) to download it and play it again. Hopefully that'll get me through quarantine.
[ "Feels good to play Minecraft again after 4 years\nIt feels good to go back to playing a classic.Years ago, (most likely 2014)I first started playing it when my dad decided to abruptly buy an Xbox 360 for my brother and he got Minecraft too.However, I spent most of the time on it.I spent most of my days in the ONE bedroom our apartment had with a TV in the only bedroom playing it for hours.I don't recall much, but at some point I built an entire fortress on one edge of the mountains on the map using stone bricks.I wish I could show it, but I'm afraid there was no option for me at the same to save it for future reference...I had it on my phone in 2014 too at 11, I got it because I went to someone's house and they somehow was able to download it on my phone (I don't know how, he didn't even waste any money) but the problem was that I couldn't do any updates.In 2015, someone bought a iTunes gift card to my 12th birthday party and I used that money to ACTUALLY buy the game on my own Apple ID and GTA San Andreas too.It was GOOD.However, I had no phone storage on a 16GB phone, so that was painful.", "I stopped playing somewhere in 2016, most likely because I lost my phone and I switched to using a Samsung phone, plus my brother was using that iPad I had used previously.I completely stopped in early 2017 when, I got a PS4 (Was for my brother, but once again I used it the most) and I just started playing GTA 5 instead.I'm surprised I even was able to do what I could with the backstory.Quarantine has broken me, so I decided JUST an hour ago to use my new iPhone SE (a lot more storage) to download it and play it again.Hopefully that'll get me through quarantine." ]
Se siente bien jugar Minecraft de nuevo después de 4 años Se siente bien volver a jugar un clásico.Hace años, (lo más probable 2014)Empecé a jugarlo cuando mi padre decidió comprar abruptamente una Xbox 360 para mi hermano y él consiguió Minecraft también.Sin embargo, pasé la mayor parte de mi tiempo en él.Me pasé la mayor parte de mis días en la habitación ONE nuestro apartamento tenía con una TV en la única habitación jugando durante horas.No recuerdo mucho, pero en algún momento construí una fortaleza entera en un borde de las montañas en el mapa usando ladrillos de piedra.Ojalá pudiera mostrarlo, pero me temo que no había opción para mí en el mismo para guardarlo para referencia futura...Lo tenía en mi teléfono en 2014 también a las 11, lo tenía porque fui a la casa de alguien y de alguna manera pudieron descargarlo en mi teléfono (no sé cómo, él ni siquiera derrochaba dinero en mi teléfono en 2014 a las 11, pero el problema era que yo no podía hacer ninguna actualización.En 2015, alguien compró una tarjeta de regalo de iTunes a mi 12a fiesta de cumpleaños y yo usé ese dinero para comprar el propio juego de SanTA.
I live in Spain 😔 And that’s a lie. Don’t trust strangers on the internet, folks.
[ "I live in Spain 😔 And that’s a lie.Don’t trust strangers on the internet, folks." ]
Vivo en España Y eso es una mentira. No confíen en extraños en internet, amigos.
I need a new bio Not really satisfied with my current one :/ Give me some suggestions or something
[ "I need a new bio Not really satisfied with my current one :/\nGive me some suggestions or something" ]
Necesito una nueva biografía No muy satisfecho con mi actual :/ Dame algunas sugerencias o algo
I feel like the only reason I haven't killed myself is because my roommate couldn't afford rent on his own.I have nothing going for me and every time I try to push myself to do new things or improve myself, things just get worse. I dropped out of high school a few years ago because my medication made me unable to focus or care about anything. I ended up getting my diploma and told myself I would go to college but then my dad kicked me out. I got a job, then got another job, then ended up having to move back in with my dad and be constantly reminded that I'm a failure. Now I'm working a full time job and a part time job and the one night I took off to have fun (the night before I was going to take placement tests for college), my wallet and glasses were stolen so I've had to slowly replace everything I lost and I have no money. I left my boyfriend a few months ago because my mood swings were ruining him. Now he's doing really well while I'm living paycheck to paycheck with my friend who can also barely afford rent. My family doesn't talk to me. I have no real friends aside from the guy I'm sleeping with, and I know he only hangs around for the sex. Recently I fucked that up by getting an STD and it's so obvious that he doesn't care about me at all. I have nothing and I am nothing and it's taking everything I have to stay alive.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I feel like the only reason I haven't killed myself is because my roommate couldn't afford rent on his own.I have nothing going for me and every time I try to push myself to do new things or improve myself, things just get worse.I dropped out of high school a few years ago because my medication made me unable to focus or care about anything.I ended up getting my diploma and told myself I would go to collegebut then my dad kicked me out.I got a job, then got another job, then ended up having to move back in with my dad and be constantly reminded that I'm a failure.Now I'm working a full time job and a part time job and the one night I took off to have fun (the night before I was going to take placement tests for college), my wallet and glasses were stolen so I've had to slowly replace everything I lost and I have no money.I left my boyfriend a few months ago because my mood swings were ruining him.Now he's doing really well while I'm living paycheck to paycheck with my friend who can also barely afford rent.My family doesn't talk to me.I have no real friends aside from the guy I'm sleeping with, and I know he only hangs around for the sex.", "Recently I fucked that up by getting an STD and it's so obvious that he doesn't care about me at all.I have nothing and I am nothing and it's taking everything I have to stay alive." ]
Siento que la única razón por la que no me he suicidado es porque mi compañero de cuarto no podía pagar el alquiler por su cuenta.No tengo nada que hacer y cada vez que trato de empujarme a hacer cosas nuevas o mejorarme, las cosas empeoran.Renuncié a la escuela secundaria hace unos años porque mi medicación me hizo incapaz de concentrarme o preocuparme por nada.Acabé consiguiendo mi diploma y me dije que iría a la universidad, pero luego mi padre me echó de casa.Conseguí un trabajo, luego conseguí otro trabajo, luego terminé teniendo que mudarme de nuevo con mi padre y me recordé constantemente que soy un fracasado.Ahora estoy trabajando a tiempo completo y un trabajo a tiempo parcial y la noche que me fui a divertir (la noche antes de que me iba a hacer las pruebas de colocación para la universidad), me robaron la billetera y las gafas, así que he tenido que reemplazar lentamente todo lo que perdí y no tengo dinero.Dejé a mi novio hace unos meses porque mis cambios de humor lo estaban arruinando.
If you need to talkI feel like ending my life on a daily basis too but i try to find people and friends too , but if it's not working out . Could we talk to each other about what's going on and why it's gonna happen
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "If you need to talkI feel like ending my life on a daily basis too but i try to find people and friends too , but if it's not working out .Could we talk to each other about what's going on and why it's gonna happen" ]
Si necesitas hablar, también tengo ganas de terminar mi vida a diario, pero también trato de encontrar gente y amigos, pero si no funciona, podríamos hablar unos con otros sobre lo que está pasando y por qué va a pasar.
I can’t picture myself living my full natural life, let alone another 5 years.Long story short I did something pretty messed up when I was 18 and I’ve tried living with it for 2 years but to no avail it’s always on my mind. I realize that no matter how much I wish I could go back in time it’s not possible. I just turned 20 and if you had asked me 3 years ago how long I wanted to live for then i would have said “forever”. I was so hell bent on living a long time that I was planning to get frozen when I died just so I could have another chance at living when my natural life expired. The worst part about all this is I have the greatest family support and have had a really good child hood. My parents do not deserve to lose their youngest son but at this point I can’t take it anymore. I’ve never experienced guilt like this until these past few years and I honestly don’t see myself living like this till 25 it’s just a constant struggle and my grades are starting to struggle bad. Everyday is a repeat I will wake up feeling like shit and by the time I go to bed I will feel somewhat better but then I have dreams about what I did and it repeats every night. Don’t get me wrong I really do want to live. I love movies and video games and want to see what they look like in the future. I wanted to see what it was like to ride in a self-driving car. I wanted to grow old with my friends and attend my older brothers inevitable wedding but I see that if I stuck around I wouldn’t ever be in the moment and enjoy those things I would constantly dwell on this thing I did at 18 like I do now. I know everyone around me is gonna blame them self for me doing this but I will make sure they know it was my fault not theirs. I hope my parents can still lead a happy life they still have two great sons after all. It won’t be today but it will be soon, I’m sorry mom and dad I wish things were different. I’m going to miss my older brother as he was always looking out for me. My oldest brother and I were supposed to hangout next summer because of the age difference I never really got to know him and now I’m taking that away from him, I’m sorry. The hardest is definitely my friends they always wanted to move in together after we all finished school, you guys will have to find another roommate I’m sorry. The only bright side is I won’t have to see my dog grow old and die because I love that dog.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I can’t picture myself living my full natural life, let alone another 5 years.Long story short I did something pretty messed up when I was 18 and I’ve tried living with it for 2 years but to no avail it’s always on my mind.I realize that no matter how much I wish I could go back in time it’s not possible.I just turned 20 and if you had asked me 3 years ago how long I wanted to live for then i would have said “forever”.I was so hell bent on living a long time that I was planning to get frozen when I died just so I could have another chance at living when my natural life expired.The worst part about all this is I have the greatest family support and have had a really good child hood.My parents do not deserve to lose their youngest son but at this point I can’t take it anymore.I’ve never experienced guilt like this until these past few years and I honestly don’t see myself living like this till 25 it’s just a constant struggle and my grades are starting to struggle bad.Everyday is a repeat I will wake up feeling like shit and by the time I go to bed I will feel somewhat betterbut then I have dreams about what I didand it repeats every night.Don’t get me wrongI really do want to live.", "I love movies and video games and want to see what they look like in the future.I wanted to see what it was like to ride in a self-driving car.I wanted to grow old with my friends and attend my older brothers inevitable wedding but I see that if I stuck around I wouldn’t ever be in the moment and enjoy those things I would constantly dwell on this thing I did at 18 like I do now.I know everyone around me is gonna blame them self for me doing thisbut I will make sure they know it was my fault not theirs.I hope my parents can still lead a happy life they still have two great sons after all.It won’t be today but it will be soon, I’m sorrymom and dad I wish things were different.I’m going to miss my older brother as he was always looking out for me.My oldest brother and I were supposed to hangout next summer because of the age difference I never really got to know him and now I’m taking that away from him, I’m sorry.The hardest is definitely my friends they always wanted to move in together after we all finished school, you guys will have to find another roommate I’m sorry.The only bright side is I won’t have to see my dog grow old and die because I love that dog." ]
No puedo imaginarme viviendo mi vida natural completa, por no hablar de otros 5 años.Larga historia corta hice algo bastante jodido cuando tenía 18 años y he tratado de vivir con él durante 2 años, pero en vano siempre está en mi mente.Me doy cuenta de que no importa cuánto desearía poder volver atrás en el tiempo no es posible.Sólo cumplí 20 años y si me hubieras preguntado hace 3 años cuánto tiempo quería vivir para entonces habría dicho “para siempre”.Estaba tan empeñado en vivir mucho tiempo que planeaba congelarme cuando morí para poder tener otra oportunidad de vivir cuando mi vida natural expiró.La peor parte de todo esto es que tengo el mayor apoyo familiar y he tenido una buena capucha infantil.Mis padres no merecen perder a su hijo menor, pero en este punto ya no puedo tomarla.Nunca he experimentado culpa como esta hasta estos últimos años y honestamente no me veo a mí mismo viviendo como esto hasta que 25 es una lucha constante y mis calificaciones están empezando a luchar mal.
i wonder how many weebs this pandemic has made it’s certainly made one out of me the pandemic has given me a lot of free time to figure out who i am, and what i like, most notably linguistics, geopolitics, and weeb culture (idk what to call it, it extends beyond anime)
[ "i wonder how many weebs this pandemic has made it’s certainly made one out of me\n\nthe pandemic has given me a lot of free time to figure out who i am, and what i like, most notably linguistics, geopolitics, and weeb culture (idk what to call it, it extends beyond anime)" ]
Me pregunto cuántos weebs esta pandemia ha hecho que sin duda se ha convertido en uno de mí la pandemia me ha dado un montón de tiempo libre para averiguar quién soy, y lo que me gusta, sobre todo lingüística, geopolítica, y la cultura del weeb (idk cómo llamarlo, se extiende más allá del anime)
Turned off thumbnails for /r/suicidewatch -- what do you think?In response to [this comment], I thought maybe we should keep thumbnails off for /r/suicidewatch, since almost none of our content is anything where the image is central. What do folks think?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Turned off thumbnails for /r/suicidewatch -- what do you think?In response to [this comment], I thought maybe we should keep thumbnails off for /r/suicidewatch, since almost none of our content is anything where the image is central.What do folks think?" ]
En respuesta a [este comentario], pensé que tal vez deberíamos mantener las miniaturas fuera de /r/suicidewatch, ya que casi ninguno de nuestros contenidos es algo donde la imagen es central.¿Qué piensa la gente?
i dont know if i want to die or noti mean,, i do want to die. really badly. but somehow im still scared of it. i dont give a shit about how itll affect other people but im scared of the concept of physical pain or whatever from like slitting my wrists or something. even though i do self harm ive heard it takes too long to die from it. im also scared of not existing i guess. or what comes after death. if theres an afterlife i know i will go to hell. if reincarnation or whatever exists, im scared of ending up with an even worse life. not enough karma or whatever. i dont have a future. i cant comprehend the though of myself growing older and getting out of school into the real world. i dunno this is all just stream of conciousness. i feel empty but scared at the same time. im just sitting in the bathroom with a razor blade sitting on my knee deciding if i should do it. yeehaw i guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i dont know if i want to die or noti mean,, i do want to die.really badly.but somehow im still scared of it.i dont give a shit about how itll affect other people but im scared of the concept of physical pain or whatever from like slitting my wrists or something.even though i do self harm ive heard it takes too long to die from it.im also scared of not existing i guess.or what comes after death.if theres an afterlife i know i will go to hell.if reincarnation or whatever exists, im scared of ending up with an even worse life.not enough karma or whatever.i dont have a future.i cant comprehend the though of myself growing older and getting out of school into the real world.i dunno this is all just stream of conciousness.i feel empty but scared at the same time.im just sitting in the bathroom with a razor blade sitting on my knee deciding if i should do it.yeehaw i guess" ]
No sé si quiero morir o no quiero decir, quiero morir.realmente mal. pero de alguna manera todavía estoy asustado de ella.no me importa una mierda acerca de cómo afectará a otras personas, pero estoy asustado del concepto de dolor físico o lo que sea de como cortarme las muñecas o algo.aun cuando me hago daño a mí mismo oí que toma demasiado tiempo morir de ella.im también miedo de no existir yo supongo.o lo que viene después de la muerte.si hay una vida después de la muerte sé que voy a ir al infierno.si reencarnación o lo que sea que exista, estoy asustado de terminar con una vida aún peor.no suficiente karma o lo que sea.no tengo un futuro.no puedo comprender el aunque de mí mismo envejeciendo y saliendo de la escuela en el mundo real.i dunno todo esto es sólo flujo de conciousness.i vacío pero asustado al mismo tiempo.im justo sentado en el baño con una hoja de afeitar sentado en mi rodilla decidiendo si debo hacerlo.yehaw i supongo que
The sexiest language I have question for you, What is the sexiest language in the world.
[ "The sexiest language I have question for you, What is the sexiest language in the world." ]
El idioma más sexy que tengo preguntas para ti, ¿Cuál es el idioma más sexy del mundo.
How do I add a picture to a post on a phone? I wanna add pictures but don't know how
[ "How do I add a picture to a post on a phone?I wanna add pictures but don't know how" ]
¿Cómo puedo añadir una foto a un post en un teléfono?Quiero añadir fotos pero no sé cómo
No one caresI just feel like nobody would care if I live or die. I never had many friends, I never had a boyfriend or girlfriend ( I am 20 and bi, out to no one). I used to have a friend, but since she had a boyfriend ( I have a crush on both of them, it is weird) she doesn't want to do anything with me anymore. Since last october, we hung out once, for 15 minutes, than she looked on her mobile and said : "I have to go, I have to plan vacation with my be." and left. No one has time for me. I live with my parents. I don't have much money , I am still in an apprenticeship. I am still welcome there, but they don't really listen to me, they will never accept the way I am. I am just tired of everything, I feel completly lonely, I already was before the pandemic. I love music, I can play several instruments. The problem is, that my brother is a musical genius. It is of course great, it will be his career choice, but it is just hurtful when I go to the orchestra alone, when he has a concert or anything, and they ask:"Where is your brother?" before they said even "Hello." I am done, I see now way out of always being the second/last choice. Than you for your attention, the text is longer than I thought. It would be nice if anyone takes the time to read it.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "No one caresI just feel like nobody would care if I live or die.I never had many friends, I never had a boyfriend or girlfriend ( I am 20 and bi, out to no one).I used to have a friend, but since she had a boyfriend ( I have a crush on both of them, it is weird)she doesn't want to do anything with me anymore.Since last october, we hung out once, for 15 minutes, than she looked on her mobile and said : \"I have to go, I have to plan vacation with my be.\" and left.No one has time for me.I live with my parents.I don't have much money , I am still in an apprenticeship.I am still welcome there, but they don't really listen to me, they will never accept the way I am.I am just tired of everything, I feel completly lonely, I already was before the pandemic.I love music, I can play several instruments.The problem is, that my brother is a musical genius.It is of course great, it will be his career choice, but it is just hurtful when I go to the orchestra alone, when he has a concert or anything, and they ask:\"Where is your brother?\"before they said even \"Hello.\"I am done, I see now way out of always being the second/last choice.Than you for your attention, the text is longer than I thought.", "It would be nice if anyone takes the time to read it." ]
A nadie le importaSimplemente siento que a nadie le importa si vivo o muero.Nunca tuve muchos amigos, nunca tuve un novio o novia (tengo 20 años y bi, a nadie).Solía tener un amigo, pero como tenía un novio (estoy enamorado de ambos, es raro)ya no quiere hacer nada conmigo.Desde el último octubre, salimos una vez, durante 15 minutos, de lo que ella miró en su móvil y dijo: "Tengo que ir, tengo que planear vacaciones con mi ser." y se fue.Nadie tiene tiempo para mí.Vivo con mis padres.No tengo mucho dinero, todavía estoy en un aprendizaje.Todavía soy bienvenido allí, pero no me escuchan, nunca aceptarán la forma en que estoy.Estoy cansado de todo, me siento completamente solo, ya estaba antes de la pandemia.Me encanta la música, puedo tocar varios instrumentos.El problema es, que mi hermano es un genio musical.Es por supuesto, será su elección, pero me duele el hermano cuando voy a la orquesta.
I am considering a being aloneWith my fiance we had scandal and we had to marry in a week or so but we delayed. He ended up saying not nice things and blcoked me. Later he unblocked me after he calmed down. He still talks to me after he got mad but his last message is from 5 a.m saying this: I am disappointed in you hence using the orwelian way for me and he hasn't texted more. We fought over fiancial matter. Yeah we were LDR but we really clicked. So I guess he most likely ghosted me. Since I have abusive household and my mother actively sabotaged my relationships I figured it's the best way to let the poor guy alone. No reason he should deal with my mother that's not right in the head. Thoughts?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I am considering a being aloneWith my fiance we had scandal and we had to marry in a week or so but we delayed.He ended up saying not nice things and blcoked me.Later he unblocked me after he calmed down.He still talks to me after he got mad but his last message is from 5 a.m saying this: I am disappointed in you hence using the orwelian way for me\n\nand he hasn't texted more.We fought over fiancial matter.Yeah we were LDRbut we really clicked.So I guess he most likely ghosted me.Since I have abusive household and my mother actively sabotaged my relationships I figured it's the best way to let the poor guy alone.No reason he should deal with my mother that's not right in the head.Thoughts?" ]
Estoy considerando un ser soloCon mi prometido tuvimos un escándalo y tuvimos que casarnos en una semana o así, pero nos retrasamos.Él terminó diciendo cosas no agradables y me golpeó.Más tarde me desbloqueó después de que se calmó.Él todavía me habla después de que se enojó, pero su último mensaje es de 5 a.m. diciendo esto: Estoy decepcionado de que por lo tanto, utilizando la forma orweliana para mí y no ha escrito más.Luchamos por la materia fiancial.Sí estábamos LDR, pero realmente hicimos clic.Así que supongo que lo más probable es que me asustó.Como he abusado de la casa y mi madre saboteó activamente mis relaciones me imaginé que era la mejor manera de dejar en paz al pobre chico.No hay razón por la que él debería tratar con mi madre que no está bien en la cabeza.
Im outtie.Thank you all for the support I have received here. Stay strong.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Im outtie.Thank you all for the support I have received here.Stay strong." ]
Estoy fuera de juego.Gracias a todos por el apoyo que he recibido aquí.Mantente fuerte.
For those sorting by new right now Thanks for all your effort to help us reach the top :)
[ "For those sorting by new right now Thanks for all your effort to help us reach the top :)" ]
Gracias por todo tu esfuerzo para ayudarnos a llegar a la cima :)