Good morning
sbah lkhir
So what made your day so bad today?
achno khla nharak khayb bzaf lyoum?
Did you have time to take lunch?
wach 3andak lwa9t lghda?
The day had begun.
bda nhar
Yes, I was able to have lunch.
h, rah klit lghda
In the garage.
f lgarage
This morning my car broke down.
had sbah khasrat liya syara dyali
Between two dates
bin joj mawa3id
Oh no poor you.
oh la, nta maskin
And it was pouring with rain today too.
o kan chta katsab ta hiya
I hope you didn't get wet.
kantmana matsradch
As you're now home, I'm assuming that you managed to get the car fixed?
mnin nta fdar daba, kanftaraD bila 9aditi sayara?
No, I had to walk home.
la, kan khasni nmchi ldar
A real nightmare.
kabos 7a9i9i
How much is it going to cost to get the car fixed?
ch7al taklofa dyal tsayab sayara?
Not very expensive, but you have to order the spare.
machi ghalya walakin khasak tlab l9ita3 dyal lghiyar
About 200 euros.
ta9riban 200 oro
Have you got 200 euros?
wach 3ndak 200 oro
We could use the holiday money we've put by?
wach n9adro nakhdo lflos dyal l3oTla li7tina
If only that
ila kan ghir hadchi
Running to catch the bus, I twisted my ankle.
jrit bach nchad l7afila, lwit ka7il dyali
I thought it was looking a bit swollen.
kanDn katban manfokha chwiya
You need to get some ice on it.
kant kanDn bli rah lnfikha chwiya.
I wanted to call a cab.
at7taj chwiya dyal talj 3liha
And when he saw that I was soaking wet, he wouldn't let me in.
knt bghit n3ayat 3la syara dyal 2ojra.
Then it pissed me off.
Omli char bli kant sard, makhlanich ndkhal.
How terrible.
omn tla3 lia dam.
I'm sorry you've had such a bad day.
ch7al khayaba
I started screaming at him.
sma7lia 7it dwzti b7al had nhar.
What did he say then?
oachno gal ba3d dakchi?
So it was better.
dakchi 3lach kan 7san.
Tomorrow I can drive you to work if your ankle is feeling up to it.
ghda imkan liya bdik lkhdma ila kant rajlak mazyan.
Did you get all the ingredients for salmon for dough and beef bourguignon?
wach khditi ga3 lmokawinatl salamon dyal l3jina ol7am dyal bgar bourguignon?
what are you talking about?!
3layach kadwi?!
I'm head chef!
ana ra2is dyal tabakhin!
You were meant to get the ingredients.
kan khasak takhad lmokawinat
please don't tell me you forgot to go shopping
3afak mtgolch lia bli nsiti mamchiti t9da
what are we going to serve our customers?
achno 7na ghadin nkhdlo l3omala2 dyalna?
our hungry, hungry customers!
ji3anin dyalna, l3omala2 dyalna ji3anin!
But you told me you'd go to the market this morning!
walakin glti lia bli atmchi lso9 had sba7!
Don't we have the ingredients?
wach ma3ndnach lmokawinat?
the market was so i could meet up with our wholesalers to talk about the wedding we're catering at this saturday
kan so9 bach n9dar ntla9a tojar jamla bach ndwi 3la zwaj ali kn9admoh nhar sabt
anyway, we are clearly in a massive pickle here
almohim, bayna wach 7na fm29zak kbir
i guess we'll just have to use leftovers from yesterday and hope they don't notice anything wrong
kanDn aykhasna nkhadmo ghir b lmakla lib9at lbar7 on2amlo mayla7doch 7ta chi khata2
We got five hours till tonight's dinner.
3ndna khamsa dyal sway3 7ta l3cha dyal lila
I can go to the super market and see what they got.
imkanlina nmchiw lso9 on3rfo 3layach 7aslo
I'm sorry, I misunderstood.
sm7lia, fhamt ghalat
any complaints and the customer eats for free
chi chakwa oghadi yakal l3amil fabor
well you better hurry then because we have prep to do
mn l2a7san tzrab dik sa3a 7it rah ista3dadna bach ndiro hadchi
and bully beef takes more than five hours
okaystaghra9 l7am lbagri kta mn khamsa dyal sa3at
I'm off and I'll be back with what I find!
ana ghadi kharj oghadi nrja3 bdakchi lil9it m3aya!
honestly, sometimes i wonder where you kids get your training nowadays
bsar7a, chi marat knsawal mnin kayakhdo drari sghar tadrib fhad lwa9t
wait, before you go, here is a list of everything we need for tonight's service
tsana, 9bal matmchi, hak 9a2ima bdakchi lighadi n7tajo had lila
I'm back!
ana rja3t!
I found a salmon and beef cheeks.
rah l9it salamon o l7am lbagri.
Is that all right?
wach hadchi mazyan?
that was fast
Hadchi kan bzarba
i guess it will have to do
kanDn bli aykhaso idir dakchi
I ran.
rah jrit
I did a lot of running in high school.
Rah knt knjri bzaf flmadrasa
i certianly hope you're not going to be cooking the beef and salmon together
ana bghitk matyabach l7am lbagri o salamon bjoj
I'm starting the dough sauce.
ghadi nbda salsa dyal l3jina
That would be weird... you think it could be good?
ghadi ikon dakchi fchi chkal ... wach kadan ghadi ikon mazyan?
dough sauce?!
salsa dyal l3jina?!
what in the lord's name is that?
achno billah 3lik hadchi?
If it's not in Jamie Oliver's latest recipe book, i'm not making it
Ila mkanch lktab jdid dyal wasafat Jamie Oliver, mghadich ndiro
Ah, yes, we could make a salmon in crust, that's true!
ah, ah, imkan lina ndiro samak samlon fl9achra; hadchi s7i7!
It would go faster and it's still chic!
ghadi tmchi bzarba otb9a 2ani9a!
right, get to work
bsa7, sir tkhdam
this food won't cook itself
had lmakla mghadich ityab rasso brasoo
Yeah, we're gonna make it!
wakha ghadi ndiro dakchi
your enthusiasm sickens me
l7mas dyal kaymaradni
Hi, planning this party will be fun.
marhba, takhtit lhad l7afla ghadi ikon momti3.
What kind of party do you think it should be?
ach no3 dyal l7afla likhsha tkon?
It's for your birthday.
rah l3id milad dyalk.
I was thinking along the lines of a them maybe?
kant knfakar imkan lihom?
sorry, I meant 'theme'
Sma7lia 9sadt "mwdo3"
1980's theme would be good
mawdo3 tamaninat ghadi ikon mazyan
We could get everyone to dress up in 1980's clothes
imkan lin nkhaliw kolchi ilbas labas dyal tamaninat
Oh yeah, the '80s, that's a great idea!
oh ah, tamaninat hadi fikra mazyana!
We'd have to find all the canisters we were listening to back then.
kan 3lina nl9aw ga3 l3obawat ali kna knstam3o liha fdak lwa9t
I should still have tapes somewhere...
i9dro ikono 3ndi achrita fchi blasa ...
Have you heard of Spotify?
wach sm3ti 3la Spotify?
It's an online music app that has just about any music from any era
rah tatbi9 dyal mosi9a f l2antirnit fih ga mosi9a dyal ay 3asar
It's not stupid.
hadchi machi ghba2
There must be playlists... I can pick up some music tonight.
aykhas tkon 9awa2im tachghil ... imkan lia nakhad chi mos9a lila.
I think Marc's using a lot of Spotify.
kanDn bli Marc kaykhdam bzaf dyal Spotify.
He loves tubes from the '80s and' 90s.
3ziz 3liha dyask dyal tmaninat otas3inat.
Maybe he's got playlists he wrote himself.
IMmkan 3ndo chi 9awa2im dyal tachghil 9adha bohdo
I'll ask him!
ghadi nsawlo!
Great, thank you.
chokran lik
Foodwise, we could have a selection of food - cold meat, curries, bread and cheese
Foodwise,imkan ikon 3ndna majmo3a mkhtara dyal lmakla-l7al lbard olkari olkhobz ojban
and of course a cake!
obtaba3 ka3ka!
I'm not sure there was a particular type of food for the 1980s?
mamt2kadch wach kayn no3 dyal lmkla m7adad f tamaninat?
Of course a cake!
btaba3 lka3ka
It's essential!
omn darori!
I can make one if you want.
imkan lia n9ad wahda ila knti bghiti.
I love baking.
ana 3ziz 3lia lkhobz.
We could bake a cake with glitter frosting, it'll be 80-year-olds!
imkan lina nkhabzo ka3ka fiha dakchi kaylma3, ghadi ikon 3marha 80 3am!