By the way, we're gonna have to dance!
blmonasab, aykhsna nchat7o!
I'm up for dancing disco style!
ana b7al anchta7 f disco!
Talking of glitter, we could get a glitter ball
mli dwina 3la likaylma3, imkan lina nkhado kora ktlma3
and thank you for offering to bake a cake, I'm sure it will look wonderful
oknchkrak 3la lkhobz lka3ka, ana mt2akad bli atkon wa3ra
Oh, yeah.
oh ah
I remember that at the time we made one with polystyrene and broken mirrors.
kantfakar bli fdak lwa9t 9adina whda mn lfarchi o lmrayat limharsin
We could do a little workshop on Sunday morning, and then everything will be ready for the party on Saturday.
imkan lina ndiro warcha dyal lkhadma sghira sba7 l7ad,omn ba3d dakchi ghadi ikon kol chi m9ad lal7afla nhar sabt
That's a good plan!
hadi khota mazyana!
Oh, no, it's happening again!
Oh, la hadchi kayw9a3 mra khra!
i know!
ana 3raf!
that's the fifth time this month!
Hadi hya lmra lkhamsa had chhar!
i wonder why hasn't it been properly fixed yet.
knsawal 3lach m9adohch bchkal mazyan 7ta ldaba
I'm paying a fortune for the maintenance of these machines!
ana knkhalas tarwa bach nsla7 had l2alat!
I'm surrounded by incompetents
ana dayrin bya ghir limachi akfa2
I mean, I'm not saying that for you.
kn9sad, ana mkngolchhadchi lik.
i was worried there for a second.
knt 9l9ana tmak ltania.
do you think we should call for help?
wach kadan bli khasna ntlbo lmosa3ada?
or will someone notice soon enough?
ola ghadi ila7ad chakhas akhor 9ariban kifaya?
Did you know who you're talking to?
wach 3rfti m3amn ghadi dwi?
My absence will soon notice.
ghyab dyali ghadi iban bzarba?
But we're going to press the S.O.S. button.
walakin ghadi nwrko 3la zir S.O.S.
I hope the surgery will be quick, I'm claustrophobic.
Kn2amal ljira7a tkon sri3a, f2ana 3ndi rohab L2amakin dayi9a
you're exactly right.
nta 3ndak sa7
of course people will notice you're missing.
btaba3 ghadi ila7ad nas bli rak maf9od
kh seconds without being shouted at and they will start wondering why the open space is so calm and pleasant all of a sudden
kh tawani bla mytghawat 3lihomoghadi ibdaw isawlo 3la sabab hodo2 dyal lmisa7a lmfto7a olmot3a dyalha faj2a
Hey, be polite!
blati, kon mrabi!
If you continue this tone, it will go wrong for you.
ila kmalti had nghma, ghadi ikon khyab bnsbalik
i'm so scared.
ana khayaf bzaf
i'm quivering in my boots.
ana kntra3ad fsbat dyali
actually, you know what?
flwa9i3, wach 3rafti 3lach?
i don't care
in fact, i've been waiting years for the perfect opportunity to tell you exactly how i feel about working here
flwa9i3, kant kntsna CH7al mn 3am bach nkhad lforsa lmzyan bach ngolik chni kn7as bih 3la khdam hna
and working for you, in particular
olkhdma 3ndak 3la wjah lkhosos
Go on, develop.
yalah, tawar.
you go on and on about being more productive and more efficient
katb9a dwi 3la kifach tkon aktar intajia o aktar kafa2a"
and i hear you mention the word agile one more time i swear my blood will boil
O nsm3ak katgol klma r9i9 mra khra kn9sam lik bli dami ghadi iskhan
you never give us enough time to complete any of the numerous tasks you give us and your constant badgering only makes us less efficient and less productive
nta mkat3tinach lwa9t likfina bach nkamal mohima libzaf likt3tina, o dima ktgol bli dakchi kaykhlini ma3ndnach kaf2a ochwiya dyal 2intajia
if you just trusted all of us to do uor jobs we would be so much more effective
ila knti kati9 bina kamlin bach ndiro lkhdma dyalna ghadi nkono 7san 3maliaya
and so much happier to boot.
ofr7anin bzaf btamhid
typo: if you just trusted all of us to do our jobs we would be so much more effective
khata2 matba3i: ila t9ti bina kamlin bach ndiro lkhdma dyalna, ghadi nkono knkhdo ktar
As soon as this damn elevator lifts again, you're gonna see the Director of Human Resources.
ghri itla3 had lmas3ad la3in mra khra,ghadi tchof lmodir dyal lmawarid lbacharia.
i won't do anything of the sort.
mghadich ndir chi 7aja b7al hadchi
and i will happily have a word with the labour tribunals about all of the unpaid overtime you have ALL of us doing here.
oghadi nkon far7an bklma m3a m7akm lkhdma 3la lkhdma liknzido omkntkhlsoch 3LIH
don't forget, i know everything that this company has been doing for the past 10 years: tax evasion, price fixing,.
matnsawch, ana3araf ga3 dakchi likant kadiro had charika ga3 had 3chra snin lidazo:tharab daribi, okt7bso l2as3ar,.
Do you think those berries are edible?
wach kadan bli had tot mazyan lmakla?
This is really exciting being lost like this!
hadchi motir bach tkhsar b7al hakka!
Like halloween.
b7al lhalloween.
Oh wow?
Oh, wow?
Woof woof!
woof woof!
I won't eat the berries.
maghadich nakal tot.
I've got some marshmallows in my bag.
3andi chwiya dyal 7alwa khatmia fchkara dyali
I am a bit actually.
ana chwiya flwa9i3
I should have brought a jumper with me.
kan khasni njib m3aya trico
We could leave a trail like Hansel and Gretel to make sure that we don't get even more lost.
imkan lina nkhliw atar b7al Hansel o gretel bach nt2akdo mndy3och lmazid.
I'll leave the berries until I'm really hungry.
ghadi nkhliw tot 7ta n7as bjo3 dyal bsa7
I asked you five minutes ago to chop them up and get them back to the frying pan.
Tlabt mnak hadi khmsa dyal d9aya9a t9ta3ha ot3awd traj3ha lm9la.
Chopping them now chef and will get them ready for you.
T9at3ha daba oghadi tkon jahza 3la 7sabk
You'll have to learn to obey me and be effective, or I'll find another deputy.
khasak t3lam kifach ti3ni otkon f3al, ola ghadi nl9a chi na2ib akhor
I won't let that happen chef.
mghadich nkhli hadchi iw9a3 a tbakh
You get the sauce, now.
at7sal 3la salsa, daba
I hope you know how to do that on your own.
kntmana t3raf dir dakchi brassak
Sauce is ready.
salsa jahiza
Serving now chef.
kaykhdal daba tabakh
They have special dietary requirements.
3ndhom motalabat ghida2ia khasa
No milk chef.
la tabakh l7alib
You should have told me earlier.
kan aykhsak tgolha lia fwa9t 9bal
Will whip something up now.
ghadi ijlad chi 7aja daba
Have you got anything on you?
wach 3ndak chi 7aja 3lik
Do you think it would eat little pieces of tobacco?
wach kadan bli ghadi iyakl 9iT3a saghira mn tabgh
Erm, probably not.
imkan lla
What's that got to do with it?
achno w9a3 bach diro 3la dakchi?
Tobacco too?
Tabgh tahwa?
We could go see what that squirrel's doing over there.
Imkan lina nmchiw nchofo sinjab ach kaydir tma
As long as you don't try to feed it.
talama mkat7awlch t3ti lmakla.
It's nice, this park, when it looks good like that.
rah zwina, had l7adi9a, mli katban mazyana haka.
We should walk around more often, it feels good.
wakhas ntjawlo fbzaf dyal lmrat,cho3or mazyan
Yeah, it's good to do something other than watching TV.
ah,mazyan anaka dir chi 7aja khra mn ghir tfaraj f tlafaza.
Get some fresh air and all that.
a7sal 3la chwiya dyal lhawa2 n9i okol dakchi
It's true that we spend too much time watching TV.
s7i7 anana n9di bzaf dyal lwa9t fntfrjo ftalfaza.
We know, but we keep going.
ah 7na kn3rfo, walakin knkamlo
It's a bit stupid.
rah ghaby whd chwiya
Well, we keep watching TV, even if we know we're spending too much time there.
wakha,kankamlo ftfraj dyal tlvaza, wakha ila 3rfna bli kndawzo lwa9t tma
Damn, I blew up the steaks.
l3na,frga3t l9ita3 dyal l7am
Well, hurry up, then.
wakha, bzarba, idan
You have to put more cream in it.
khasak tdir bzaf dyal lcream fih.
In pasta.
And most importantly, stop poking pills.
ol2aham mn dakchi 7bas 3la t9ab l7abat
i'm not cooking pasta I thought it was the rice dish!
ana makanTyabach lma3karona knt kanDn hya taba9 roz!
At the Bella Donna Mia, we never served rice.
f Blla Donna Mia, mkn9admoch roz ga3.
They want Jell-O.
bghaw Jell-o
Great idea, I'll change the menu.
fikra wa3ra, ghadi nbadal l9a2ima.
Coarse and rude, can't speak French and expect us to speak English.
9asa7 o wa97, mkndwich lfrancia obghitina ndwiw bl 2inglizia.
Jelly - see just what I said.
houlam - chof ghir ach galt lik.
Ah ha, we've got to make up a recipe for pasta snails jelly.
ah ha, aykhsna n9ado wasfa lhoulam dyal baboch dyal lma3karona
The deserts are in the refrigerator.
s7ra ftalaja.
Water for pasta!
lma lma3karona!
I said deserts for fun, I meant desserts!
galt sa7ra ghir lmot3a, 9sadt l7alwa!
How has the Bella Donna Mia cooked pasta then?
kifach dart Bella Donna Mia btyab dyal lma3kora dik sa3a?