Hey, let's go and play volleyball?
blati, khlina nmchiw onl3bo lkora ta2ira?
We've been sunbathing now for a few hours and I'm getting restless.
khdina 7mamat chams lchi swaya3oana kn7as bl9ala9.
I'd like to hang out in the sun just a little longer.
bghit ndor fchams lftra atwal chwiya.
Well, I don't have too much energy right now.
wakha,ma3ndich bzaf dyal ta9a daba .
This morning, the day before yesterday...!
had sba7, nhar li9bal lbar7...!
It's okay, it's just that I don't want to do anything.
maci mochkil, likayn hwa mabghit ndir ta7aja.
What about the time when we were playing cards and I went to the loo.
achno 3la lwa9t li kana knl3bo fih lkarta omchit ltwalit
Okay, I'm going to the bar to get a drink.
wakha, ana ghadi lbar bach nakhad machrob.
Would you like one?
wach bghiti chi wa7da?
Oh, yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
oh, ah, hadchi likandwi 3lih.
Cheeky so and so!
safi9 kda okda!
What's it to be... cocktail?
Oh, I'll have a mojito, please!
oh, ghadi nakhad mojito,3afak!
And can you tell the waiter that this time he doesn't con me on the amount of rum?
wach imkan lik tgol lsarbay my9awlabnich had lmra bkimiya dyal rom?
Yeah, I think he's scamming on the alcohol.
ah kndan bli kay7Tal 3la chrab.
I'll see if he can give us some snacks too.
ghadi nchof ila kant i9dar i3tina chwiya dyal lmkla khfifa.
I'll take my nap then.
oghadi n3as mn ba3d
I hope the cocktail will calm you down a little.
kn2amal bach ihd2ak lcoctail vhwiya
Let's get organising
khlina nadmo
I fancy a gin party
ana kt3jbni l7afla dyal gin
A gin party?
7afla dyal gin?
Maybe you could make a lemon and gin cheesecake for dessert
Imkan lik tsna3 ka3ka dyal ljobn o gin lta7lia
You are such a good cook and your puddings are always so enjoyed
nta tabakh zwin odima mknstamta3 bl7alawyat dyalk
I have about 10 different gins and we could make a cocktail menu
3ndi chi 3achra dyal anwa3 mkhtalfa dyal lginat pimkan lina ndiro chi 9a2ima dyal coctail
I even have a yellow Canadian gin!
3andi 7ta gin dyal canada sfar!
And the gh3 kinds of gin
o gh3 nawa3 mn l gin
If I checkout some cocktail recipes and I ll buy alll the mixers, fruits, mint, lemon, lime etc
ila t7a9a9ti mn chwiya dyal wasafat dyal lcoctail oghadi nchri lkhlatat odisir o n3na3 o l7amad
Oh I do have some non alcoholic gin too for friends that are driving or who do not drink
oh, 3andi chwiya dyal lgin mafihhch lko7ol l2asdi9a2 likayso9o syara omkaychrboch
We ll have plenty of juice but I think it would be a nice change from wine and beer
ghadi ikon 3andna bzaf dyal l3asir walakin kndan bli ghadi tghur zwin mn nabid olbira
Then I think it's a lot of lemon, but if it's not a problem.
o kndan bli bzaf dyal l7amad, walakin ila mkantch mochkila.
For the music, I've prepared a playlist that I think you're going to love.
bnsba lmosi9a, dart 9a2ima tachghil kanDn ghadi t3ajbak
For the non-alcoholic, it's very nice to have thought of it.
bnsba li machi modmin 3la lko7ol, mn lmazyan bzaf tfkar fdakchi.
As for the outside will be fine, I have a barnum in case it starts to rain.
ama bra ghadi ikon mazyan, o3ndi zriba f7al bdat kati7 chta.
I drink it often as therwise I would be on the Canadian gin and my poor liver would suffer
kncharbo bzaf b7al kant kanak lgin lcanadi oghadi lkbda dyal d3ifa at3Ani
Honey, I think your time is already in pain.
3azizati, kndan bli lwa9t dyal kay3ani mn l2alam
Your liver, I'm sorry.
kabda dyalk, sm7lia
Yeah, you know, those big tents we're going up to shelter during the holidays.
ah ; kima kat3rfo, dok lkhymat lkbira likntl3o 3liha f l3otlat
Hello Maria, how are you?
marhba Maria kif rak?
We try and put the world to rights.
kn7awlo ndiro l3alam fblasto s7i7a
Then my boss called me in to his office to tell me that I wouldn't be getting a pay rise this year as the business wasn't doing very well.
omn ba3ad 3yat 3lia lmodir dyali bach igol lia bli 7salt 3la zyada flkhlsa dyalihad l3am 7it lkhdma mkancth ghada mazyan
I'm on edge.
ana 3la l7afa
Oh dear!
ya 3azizi!
that makes two of us
ali kaykhli joj mna
Shall we treat ourselves to something really nice for dinner to make up for such a bad day?
wach aykhsna nkaf2o rasna bchi hk latifa bach naklo l3cha bach n3awdo had nhar lkhayab?
Maybe we could go out to eat, although I should be thinking about saving money if I'm not going to get a pay rise?
imkan n9dro nkhrjo bach naklo lmakla, wakha aykhasna nfkro f nwafro lflos ila mkhditch zyada flkhlsa dyali?
I'm proposing a duck dash.
ana kn9tara7 daf3a dyal lbata.
What's a duck dash?
achnhya Df3a dyal lbata?
Yeah, I'm talking about the duck-based dish.
ana kndwi 3la taba9 dyal lbata
And we can enjoy a wine with wine.
oimkan lina ntmat3o bnabid m3a nabid
I do like duck, particularly with pommes dauphinois.
ana 3ziz 3lia lbat, blkhosos m3a tfa7 dauphinois
Do you fancy cooking the duck and I'll cook the potatoes.
wach ktkhayal tayab lbat oana ntayab lbtata
A nice bottle of red wine sounds good.
9ar3a dyal nabid l7mar kayban mazyana.
It soothes the spirit and warms the heart.
kayhada2 ro7 okaydfi l9alb
I could make my specialty, a frangipan and apple tart.
imkan lia nrja3 takhasos, fatira dyal frangin mkhboza otfa7
It tastes better with double cream.
aykon lmada9 dyalha 7san m3a mcrema lmdoubla
I love frangipane!
ana kay3jbni frangin lmkhboza!
Okay, to do this.
wakha yalah ndiroh
On my side, I'm gonna cook a great chocolate fudge!
3lia ana, ghadi ntyab 7alwa dyal chocolata wa3ra
We can associate it with ice cream or ice cream.
ipmkan lina nrabtoh n ice kream ola ice kream
We have a deal...bon appetite!
3andna saf9a ... chahya tayiba!
Louise, how many more minutes before the desserts for table four will be ready?
Louise,ch7al mn d9aya9 9bal mtwli l7alwayat dyal tabla rab3a jahza
I didn't know how to tell you... but I think I burned the cream:
mkantch 3araf kifach, golik... walakin kanDn bli 7ra9t lcream:
Burned the cream?
7ra9 lcream?
Why were you cooking cream?
3lach knti katyab creama?
I did what you asked for, boss, but since I was also busy making the entrance for table six, I didn't pay attention to the time and I let the cream burn.
dart dakchi liglti lia, ara2is, walakin kant machghol 7ta f dakhla dyal tabla sadsa, nsit lwa9t okhlitha t7ar9at.
I think it's time to start over, or they say it's a new pre-guarantee recipe?
kanDn hada hwa lwa9t bach tbda mn jdid, ola kaygolo rah wasfa daman mosba9 jdida?
Yes, it's not too good right now... my dog is sick, but Mother beats me, plus I have roaches in my apartment!
ah, machi mazyan bzaf daba... kalbi mrid, xalakin lwalida dyali kadrani, zid 3la dakchi 3ndi sararsir f dari!
Have another go with the dessert.
kol l7alwa mra khra.
And maybe get a ice- pack for your swollen eye where your mother must have hit you.
oimkan t7sal 3la kis talj l3in dyalk lmtwarma 7it aykhas lwalida dyalk li ghadi tkon drbatk.
Yes they used to put meat on swollen heads in the comics.
ah rah walfo 3la idiro l7om 3la roo2os mtwarma fl9isas lmosawara.
And take the meat tenderiser he with you.
okhod m3ak liktrja3 l7am kafta.
It could be useful to beat your mother back.
i9dar ikon mofid anak tdrab lwalida dyalk 3la dhrha.
It's true that I only saw it in comics, but it must be true!
sa7i7 rah chfto f l9isas lmosawira, walakin khas ikon s7i7!
You want me to bat my mother?
wach bghitini ndrab lwalida dyali?
Perhaps you could do a comedy turn with that steak in?
imkan t9dar dir dwar kayd7ak m3a l7am?
perhaps a cabbage leaf on top of you
imkan waR9a malfof fo9ak
Perhaps you could put a cabbage leaf on top of your head?
imkan dir wara9 dyal lkhos 3la rassak?
But if you give me a clown job, you're gonna have to recruit another cook!
walakin ila 3titini lkhdma dyal moharij, ghadi ikhasak tkhdam tabakh akhor!
The lift engineer or the receptionist?
mohndis dyal lmas3ad ola khdam fl 2isti9bal?
Actually, there is a number on the bottom of the grille.
flwa9i3, kayn ra9am ta7at chabaka?
No better.
machi 7san.
I had a meeting with Dubois at 2: 00, and I hate being late!
kan 3ndi li9a2 m3a Dubois m3a 2:00, oana knkrah nt3atal!
Was this the meeting that Cheryl set up to discuss the new holiday rotas?
wach kan hada hwa l2ijtima3 ali dart Cheryl nach tna9ach l3otolat jdida?
I hate being late, too, but I guess there's nothing we can do but sit tight.
ana mkn7malch nt3atal 7ta ana, walakin kndan bli mkaynch lin9dro ndiro mn ghir nglso.
Yeah, this meeting here, it's gonna be hard to set up, and even more if we're not there, neither.
ah, had l2ijtima3 hna, ghadi ikon mn s3ib n9ado, o7ta ktar ila mkntch tmak, o la.
Did you get my memo about construction delays?
wach khditi modakira dyali 3la ta2khirat lbina2?
Construction delays, what's that all about?
ta2khirat lbina2 ach hadchi?
I thought we were going to be talking about holiday rotas.
kant kanDn wach andwiw 3la l3olta.
Usually I work over Christmas because I live in London close to the office, but this year I'd like the time off for a change.
3adatan knkhdam f l3id milad 7it kn3ich f london 9rib lmaktab dyali, walakin had l3am bghit nakhad 3oTla mn 2ajl taghyir
Do you live in town or do your family live in another part of the country?
wach kat3ich f balda ola kat3ich l3a2ila dyalk fjoz2 akhar mn lblad?
Single malt?
acha3ir wahad?
I had to call the fire department, and it was very impressive.
bzaz 3lia tasalt b9isam twari2? wan dakchi wa3ar bzaf.
Cycling is so tricky, especially in a city
rokob lbikalat rah s3ibzaf, khasatan flmdina
The car ran over his leg, he bled a lot.
dazt syara 3la rajlih, osalih bzaf dyal dam.
London has so few cycle lanes I would not cycle myself
kayn f london 3adad bzaf mn lmamarat dyal darajat ali knsogha brassi
But his prognosis is not hired.
walakin madaroch lih tachkhis
Let us hope he will be ok, long term
khliwna n2amlo ikon mazyan, 3la lmada tawil
It is pathetic how little the government and the local councils take cycling into consideration when they are planning
rah motir lchafa9a ch7al sghir ihtimam l7okoma olmajalis lma7alia 3and takhtit