No, I've been a bit of a hermit, and haven't felt sociable or confident around people.
la knt nawa3 mn likaykon bo7do, omach3rt bti9a ola kntami lbnadm
Yes, I think i mentioned to you that I played a lot of rugby and that was where I got the really heavy head knock which was the start of my troubles.
ah, kandn bli dkart lik bli l3abt bzaf f lo3ba dyal rigbi,okan hada hwa lblasa lidrabt fih bdarba ra2as t9ila kant lbdaya dyal lmachakil.
I think putting shoes in the oven indicates strong emotions that can't express itself otherwise.
kndan bli dir sbabat fl farn kaychir lmacha3ir 9as7a maymknch t3bar 3la rasha btari9a khra.
So I would advise you: A regular athletic practice (, for instance, running), locking your oven and eating cold meals to avoid a sinister in your building, and put you in the theater.
dakchi 3lach kns7ak bhadchi:b9a dir ryada mntadma(b7al jariy), oghla9 lfran okol lwajabat barda bach tjanab iw9a3 chi chrir f lmbna dyalk, o idirk flmasra7
In parallel, we cut down half the pills.
om3a dakchi,9ta3na nos dyal l7bob.
It's been a long time since we've had to hit the road, I feel like we're lost...
daz wa9t twil mli kan bzaz 3lina nwslo ltri9, kn7as b7al f9adna...
Wait, I'll look in my bag.
tsana, ghadi n9lab fl7a9iba dyali
Well, I can't find the map...
wakha, makn9darch nl9a lkharita...
But there's still chocolate, you want some?
walakin mazal kayna choclat, wach bghiti chwiya?
I'm not sure what we can do without the map.
mamt2kadch achno imkan lina ndiroh bla kharita.
Maybe find a river.
imkan tl9A nahr
Yeah, we can try to go down that way.
ah, imkan lina n7awlo nmchiw bhad tari9a.
It should allow us to join the river, and the river runs towards the village.
aykhas isma7 lina ndamo m3a nahr, o nahr kayjri f itijah dyal dwar.
On the other hand, it's more of a journey...
mn na7ya khra, rah ri7la ktar...
And it's late, the sun's starting to turn down.
rah fat lwa9t, bdat chams kati7.
ok - you lead the way.
wakha-nta at9od tri9.
As soon as we get out of the way, we'll go into wild beasts territory.
ghir nba3do mn tri9, ghadi nmchiw lminta9a dyal wo7och lbaria.
We really need to get back.
7na bsa7 khasna nraj3o.
By the river it'll be safer.
7da nahr ghadi ikon lwada3 aktar aman.
I'd rather not think about it.
knfadal mnfakarch fl2mar.
Careful, there's roots everywhere, so it wouldn't take one of us to get hurt!
2i7dar, kaynin jdora fga3 lblays, dakchi 3lach mghadich it2ada chi 7ad mna!
Ah, I feel like you can see the river below.
ah, kn7as b7al n9dro nchofo nahr mn lta7t
We're saved!
ah, kan7ass balo imkan lik tchof alwad flta7t.
Well done for getting us back
7na bi2man!
Good morning Mr Smith, how are you feeling this morning?
mazyan mali rja3tina
I ate three frogs and two snails.
Sba7 alkhir mr smith kidayr had sba7?
Was that for breakfast?
kalit 3 dyal dafadi3 ojouj 7alzounat.
But it's the butter that goes with which is good;
kan hadchii flftour?
And on your side?
walakin zbda ali katji ma3ha hiya ali kant jayida;
Very well, thank you.
ochkoun 7dak?
I feel like I'm seeing double.
bikhiir choukran lik.
When I see green, I see red too.
kan7ass b7la kanchof jouj.
Do you see green and red together all the time?
mali kanchof lon 7mar,kanchof lkhdar 7ta howa.
Or just at certain times?
katchof l7mar olkhdar bajouj ga3 alwa9t?
If so, when?
ola ghi ba3d almrat?
It's punctual but intense.
Oila kan hakak, f2imta?
When I look at a green pepper, it becomes a red pepper.
Howa da9i9 flmwa3id walakin moktaf.
Can you please explain what you mean by 'punctual'?
mali kanchof flfla khdra, frah kayt7wal alflfla 7amra.
But these colors of color can last several hours.
momkin tchre7 chno 9seft bl3ibara dyal "da9i9"?
And it's very embarrassing because I'm in charge of the traffic lights.
walakin had al2lwan momkin ib9a al3idat sa3aat.
Thank you for making it clear when you see double.
walakin hadchi mo7rej 7itach ana mas2oul 3la 2ichrat almoror
I've been seeing double for five years.
choukran lik mali wad7ti anak katchof jouj.
I don't know any similar problems in my family.
kanchoF jouj al kh sanin daba.
Except maybe my great grandfather, but he drank a lot.
makn3refch tachi mochkeel tra b7al hadchii fl 3a2ila.
Thank you, Mr Smith.
momkin manghit jadi lkbir, howa kaychreb bazeef.
Having reviewed what you have told me, I think this is something for an optician not a psychiatrist.
Choukran lik, mr smith.
You're absolutely right, I'll try to call the front desk.
mali galti liya hadchi, kanDn ana hadchi altbib dyal l3nin machi ltbeb nafsi.
They should be able to help us out.
3andak see7, ghadi n7wal ntsel bmaktab l2sti9bal.
There is no TRY.
khass ikono 9adrin anhoum i3wnona.
Does this elevator have an emergency call system?
bla mat7wal.
It looks like some kind of telephone box on the wall.
Had lms3ad fih moklamat twari2?
Okay, I'll see if that's right.
kaybn b7al sondou9 t茅l茅phone fl7it.
Well, indeed, this big red button looks promising.
wakha, anchof wach hadchi basse7.
It's ringing, someone might be able to talk to us.
wakha, basse7, had lbouton l7mer lkbir kayban wa3id.
Are you sure this elevator is properly maintained?
Kaysoni, i9der chi 7ed ghadi ijawbna.
I wouldn't dare accuse you of anything.
wach anta mat2ked man siyana dyal had alms3ad bchakel sa7i7?
You're not responsible for fixing that elevator!
maghadich natjra2 nthmak btachi 7aja.
I mean, you know.
anta machi mas2oul 3la 2isla7 dyal had lms3ad!
Well, we're gonna have to wait for someone to figure out that the elevator is out of order, and bring someone in.
Kan9sed, rak 3reef.
i want to go and check out the amazing walking tracks they have nearby.
wakha, khasna natsnaw 7ta i3ref chi 7ed bali rah lms3ad khaser, oijib chi 7ed.
The one's that cut through the jungle.
baghit nachi nchof lblayss zawinin fach kaytmchaw hna.
i hear you can even get to see some beautiful birds if you're lucky.
Hadak ali macha alghba.
i hope so.
Sma3t anaho momkin 7ta tchof chi 3safer zawina ila kan 3andak zher.
I hear the wildlife here is very rich.
from what the guide told me yesterdat when we were visiting the temple, there are lions and tigers in the area
Sma3t bali 7yat albariya hna ghaniya bazeef.
How was the temple tour yesterday?
Dakchi ali gal liya almorched lbar7 mali kna kanzoro alm3bad,kaynin ousod onomour fhad alblassa.
But I can't wait to find out.
kikant aljwal dyal lma3bad lbar7?
well you would know if you hadn't stayed here by the poolside getting a nice melanoma, wouldn't you?
walakin maymkanch liya natsna bach na3ref.
Oh, that's a little uncalled for what you're telling me!
wakha, ghadi ta3ref ila mab9itich hna 7da almsba7 mosab bsratan ljild latif, yak ba3da?
It's just that I'm very tired and stressed out about work, I needed to blow off some steam.
Ooh, hadchi machi mobrir lach katgolo liya!
sorry, it's just that whenever we go on holidays all you want to do is sit by the pool
ghi 7itach 3yana man lkhdma, kan khasni nfjer ba3d albokhar.
i get that you're tired from work.
Sma7 liya, mali kanchfo 3otla kanbghiw gji naglasso 7da almsba7 3ayit man lkhdma.
How about we say that tomorrow we go on an excursion to the street markets and then we can eat somewhere in town.
ach ban lik ila galna bali ghda ghadi namchiw fari7la l2swa9 oman ba3d momkin lina naklo almkla fachi blassa flmdina.
in which case today you can show me how to do nothing but sit by the pool and soak up the sun.
Fhad al7la momkin lik twarini kifach mandirch yachi 7aja manghir naglss 7da almsba7 oistimta3 fl2achi3a dyal chamss .
Half an hour in the sun, the i'll race you to the pool bar to get some cocktails.
Nas sa3a fchamss, ghadi nadik albar dyal almsba7 bach takhod chi koktel.
with only $10 left in you bank account, i hope so for you too
7itach ba9a lik ghi 10 dolarat fl7issab dyalk almsrifi, kantma lik dakchi 7ta anta
I thought I asked you to speak to maintenance about it?
kanDn anani tlabt manak thder ma3a siyana 3la dakchi?
I immediately contacted maintenance when you told me about it.
Sonit 3la siyna dik sa3 mali galtiha liya.
I know that there is someone new in the department.
3rrft bali kayn chi 7ed jadid tma.
Perhaps he is not up to it?
momkin howa may9derch?
As soon as we get out of the elevator, I'm gonna get in touch with them.
ghi nakhrjo man lms3ad, ghadi ntwsel ma3houm.
The idea is to see what was done, and to understand why the elevator broke down again.
alfikra hiya na3rfo ach daro o nfhmou sbab sbab l3otal dyal alms3admara khora.
I've heard of a young intern...
Sma3t 3la motderb chab..
If he's the one they sent to repair it, it might be a lead to figure out why the elevator broke down again...
Ila kan howa chakhess ali siftoh bach iswbo, f ghaykoun dakchi bmtabt 9yada bach na3rfo sbab t3toul alms3ad mara khora....
When you get the story I will make an appointment to see the Head of Maintenance.
mali t3ref achno tari, ghadi na7ded maw3id bach nchof ra2iss dyal siyna.
That is, if we get this thing moving and can get out.
Hada howa, ila khalina hadchi it7rek o9derna nakhrjo.
Last time I tried my phone but there is no signal in this metal box and the alarm button didn't work.
akhir mara jrabt telephoni walakin makaynach ichara fhad sndou9 omkhdamch zer dyal tanbih.
OK, I've pressed it and there is no sound.Shall we try shouting?
wakha, rah wrakt 3alih walakin makayn tachi sout, n7walo nghawto?
But, I'm not sure that's enough...
walakin makndch wach hadchi kafi...
However, I'm picking up a little bit.
wakha hakak, fana ast3id chwiya.
I think i can hear someone calling from above us.
kanDn anho sma3t chi 7ed kay3t fo9na.
I think they know its stuck and will start winching it down to the floor below soon.
kanDn anhoum 3refo bali rah w7el oghadi ibdaw ihazoh man l2red 9ariib.
It's getting hot in here and we probably have another 1kh minutes to wait.
bda ljaw kayskhan hna o momkin ghadi ntsnaw 1kh da9i9a khora.
And then I took the elevator to eat;
khadti alms3ad bach nakol.
I can't help you with food.
man9darch n3wnak blmkla.
I've only got this half-eaten cheese sandwich in my hand.
3andi ghi sandwich dyal alfrmaj fidi.
dropped it when the lift jerked.
Rmah mali n9ez alms3ad.
I think we are on the way out!
kanDn anho 7na ftari9na bach nakhrjo!
thank goodness for that.
ohmdllh 3la dalik.