We'll be blown to smithereens, several miles underwater.
ghadi ntfajro l9iTa3 sghira, 3la bo3d amyal ta7t lma
We'll talk about our crash in the newspapers.
ghadi ydwiw 3la ta7aTom dyalna f so7of
You know, from where we fall, it doesn't make much difference.
kif kat3raf, mnin kanti7o, rah makaynch far9
We did have a chance if we crashed into the ocean, oh what is this, I think I have a parachute in my rucksack
3ndna forsa ila ta7na f lb7ar, oh ach hadchi
A parachute?
kanDn 3ndi miDala f lmi7faDa
We're gonna land in Pakistan in the middle of tribal areas full of terrorists!
Now isn't the time for such questions, would you like to avoid a horrible death or not?
ghadi nhabTo f bakistan wast manaTi9 3amra bl irhabiyin
And frankly, do you think they'll open the plane doors and let us jump without stealing your chute?
daba machi lwa9t lmonasib lhad l as2ila, wach bghiti tflat mn lmot wla la?
Besides, I'm sure there are people who deserve more than me not to die.
o bsara7a, wach kadan ghadi yfat7o lbiban dyal Tayara o ykhaliwna na9zo bla maysar9o lmiDala dyalk?
The strong vibrations
zid 3liha, ana mat2akad kaynin nas maystahloch ymoto ktar mni
Yes, I feel very good.
l2ihtizazat 9wiya
It's terrifying.
ah, kan7as b7ala mazyana
Oh dear the emergency exits have blown off
rah amr mor3ib
Go, take two young children with you, jump, I stay here.
3azizi, tfajrat mkharij Twari2
The only thing I'm asking you to do is keep the bottle of red.
sir khod m3ak joj drari sghar ana ghadi nb9a hna
Quickly Tristan take hold of my arm, I will assemble my parachute
l7aja lwa7ida lighadi ntlab mnk t7tafaD bl9ar3a l7amra
Grab the bottle of red in your other hand
bzarba Tristan chad fdra3i, o ghadi njla3 lmiDla dyali, chad l9ar3a lawn l7mar byadak lokhra
Okay, you convinced me.
wakha 9natini
If we survive maybe we can for a curry in Islamabad
ila b9ina 7ayin, y9dar naklo lkarri f islam abad
Come on, let's jump, and celebrate our survival with this wonderful Bordeaux, nice and warm in Tora Bora's cave!
aji, khlina na9zo o na7taflo m3a had Bordeau zwina, laTif o dafi2 fkahf Tora Bora
Absolutely, I love curry!
bta2kid ana knbghi lkari
I came with these tomatoes that I found at the market this morning, I thought it might inspire something beautiful and good.
rah jit bhad maTicha lil9it fso9 sbah kanDn t9ad tlham chi 7ja zwina o mazyana
They're different sizes, colors and flavor.
rah a7jam o alwan o nakahat makhtalfa
Could you start chopping the vegetables please.
wach ta9dar tabda fta9Ti3 lkhoDra 3afak
I'll start with the fennel, it takes longer.
ghadi nabda b chamr, ghadi yakhod wa9t ktar
What's the entrance and the specials tonight, boss?
achnahowa lmadkhal o l3orod lkhasa lyouma, sidi?
That's fine.
hadchi mazyan
Please remember to clear away after you have finished.
3afak tfakar tnaDafha mnin tsali
Smoked salmon with creme fraiche and cods roe is the starter.
salamon lmodakhan m3a lkrima o baTarikh l9ad howa lbdaya
What about the special?
achno 3la lkhaS
There's the fennel.
kayn chamr
I'll go to the carrots.
ghadi nakhtar khizo
Guinea fowl with a ballotine of leg, madeira jus, baby leeks, fondant potato and summer truffle.
djaj ghinya m3a rjel, 3aSir madeira, korat sghira, bTaTa, kam2at sayf
For the truffle, you thought you'd put in thin slices or just use the truffle oil?
bnasba lkam2at sayf wach kadan t9dar dir chara2i7 rafi3a wla ghir zit lkam2a safi?
Use some shavings please.
sta3mal chwiya dyal l7ila9a 3afak
Could you also start to make the base for the jus?
wach ta9dar tabda takwin l9a3ida dyal l3aSir?
But you're sure there's still some Madeira?
walakin wach mat2akad bila ba9i chwiya dyal Madeira?
Yes you should find the madeira in the right hand cupboard.
ah, ghadi tal9a Madeira f lkhizana limniya
Oh, sorry.
ah sma7 liya
I don't know the location of all the ingredients yet...
ma3raftch lblassa dyal ga3 lmokawinat
And I believe this is the first time we've used the Madeira.
o kanDn bila hadi lmarra lawla likatkhdam fiha Madeira
You will have to get to know the kitchen better or you will slow us all down.
ghadi ykhasna nt3arfo 3la lmaTbakh bchkal 7san wla ghadi t3atalna kamlin
get a grip!
Here we go.
In parallel I'll start preparing three pintades.
f lmozat m3a hadchi, ghadi nbda ta7Dir tlata dyal makayil
Don't worry, but make sure you know what's what tomorrow,
mat9la9ch, walakin t2akad ta3raf achnahowa ghda
Oh, I think the first guests are coming.
oh, kanDn Doyof lawlin jayin
Hi, I'm sorry my homework is late.
marahaba,sma7 liya 3la ta3tal tamarin
I've really struggled to understand what it is I have to do.
rah kafa7t bach nafham ach khasni ndir
Well, that's okay.
ah mazyan
We're going back to work together.
ghadi nraj3o lkhadma kamlin
I've been asked to write an essay on politics but I don't know where to start.
rah Talbo mni ktaba ma9al 3la siyasa walakin ma3rzftch mnin nabda
If it's not specific in the statement of the subject, then it's up to you to define it.
ila makanch bayn f bayan lmawdo3, l2amr matrok lik bach t7addo
Either way, to draft your essay, you have to start by asking about it, explain and define the field.
fl7alat bjoj bach tsigh ma9ala dyalk khasak tabda bso2al 3liha o char7 o ta7did lmajal
But there are so many options to choose from. It's like how long is a piece of string...
walakin kayn bzaf mn lkhiyarat bach takhtar binatha raha b7al Tol 9iT3a dyal lkhiT
So if I choose French politics where's the best place to start looking for a topic?
ila khtariti siyasa faranciya, fin 7san tabda lba7t lchi mawDo3
Take an event.
khod 7adat
This one may be historic (by example the events of May '68 that we're hearing a lot about right now because it's the kh0-year-old.
ya9dr ykon hada tarikhi ( 3la sabil mital a7dat may 68 likansm3o 3liha bzaf daba 7it wlat 3andha kh0 3am
I've just checked that date on Google and there was unrest in France with demonstrations.
rah t7a9a9t daba mn had tarikh 3la google o kan tma iDirabat f fransa bsbab lmodaharat
The point of view may be historic or sociological.
ta9dar tkon wijha naDar tarikhiya wla ijtima3iya
What were the political repercussions or societals?
achnahiya tada3iyat syasiya wla ijtima3iya?
Or how is that perceived now?
o kifach kaydrak dakchi daba?
What kind of look do these generations wear on these events?
achnahowa naw3 lmadhar likatlbas had l ajyal fhad l a7dat?
How many words is a short essay?
ch7al dyal lkalmat howa ma9al sghir?
2,000 words
2000 kalma
But you must respect that new deadline.
walakin khasak ta7tarm lmaw3id niha2i jdid
And your essay must be the best you've ever written...
o khasak ykon ma9alat dyalk a7san maktabti ..
It will be I promise.
ghadi ykon kanwa3dak
Thank you
chokran lik
Feel free to come back and see if you still have questions or issues.
matradadch bach tarja3 o ta3raf ila kan ba9i 3andak chi as2ila wla machakil
Good afternoon.
masa2 lkhir
I'm here to see you because I don't understand what's happening to me.
ana hna bach nchofak 7it mafhamtch ach kayw9a3 liya
A little female voice, almost children, who sometimes comment on what I'm doing.
sawt sghir ontawi, aTfal ta9riban, kay3al9o 3la dakchi likandir
Can you recognise anybody you know?
wach ta9dar t3araf 3la chi 7ad?
Have you had any unusual or unpleasant experiences recently - things that have marked you, that you feel may have been caused by something you did?
wach dawazti mo2akharan bchi tajarib machi 3adiya wla mazwinach, chi 7aja atrat 3lik o t9dar tkon wa93at 3la chi 7aja dartiha?
I have a lot of stress at work, but it's a lot of people...
3andi bzaf mn tawator f lkhadma, walakin bzaf dyal nas ...
Are there any women around you, in your work or elsewhere, that you find rather difficult to deal with?
wach kayn chi 3yalat 7dak, o fkhdamtak o f ay makan akhor, katl9a so3oba f ta3amol m3ah?
She's very competent, but she's pretty hard-core.
rah mo2ahala bzaf, walakin motachadida bzaf
She's very demanding.
raha motaTaliba bzaf
Are you referring to a superior at work?
wqch kat9sad ra2is flkhadma
I'm talking about the manager of my department.
kanhdar 3la lmodir dyal l9ism dyali
You think my brain made it into a virtual version of it, and put it in my head even when I'm not at work?
wach kadan 3a9li khlaha noskha ftiradiya mno, o t7aTat frasi mnin mkankonch flkhadma?
Tell me, are you able to do your work with confidence, or do you feel unable to reach the expected targets?
goliya,wach nta 9adar dir khdamtak bti9a wla katch3ar b3adam l9otra 3la lwosol l2ahdaf lmotawa9a3a?
I work a lot, which allows me, I think, to do my job properly.
ana kankhdam bzaf, likaykhlini, kanDn, kandir khdamti bchakl s7i7
But it doesn't stop my supervisor at being very hard on me when I'm running a little late or I don't do whatever she wants.
walakin hadchi makaymna3ch lmodir dyali bach ykon s3ib bzaf 3liya mnin knt3aTal chwiya wla makandir dakchi libghat
Maybe she herself is under a lot of stress from higher up and is constantly worried about not meeting her targets.
imkan tkon hiya nafsha ta7t daghT kbir mn fo9 o hiya 9ali9a dima 7it makat7a9a9ch ahdafha
Very beautiful, too.
zwin bzaf tahowa
Do you feel she herself is under pressure from her directors?
wach kat7as bila tahiya kat3arad ldoghoT mn modir dyalha?
Yes but the translation said him!!
ah walakin tarjama galt howa!!
Oh, I get it.
oh, fhamt
I think that in your case the pressure has indeed affected your general emotional state and that you are simply having nightmares about it.
kanDn f7altak, attar daghT f7altak l3aTifiya l3amma o nta bibasaTa katrawdk kawabis 3la lmawdo3
May I suggest you speak to you colleagues about the situation and exchange experiences?
wach na9dar na9tara7 3lik tahdar m3akom 3la lwaD3 o tabadol lkhiyarat?
All right, I'll try to discuss it discreetly around me.
wakha, ghadi n7awal na9ch l2amr mn 7awli btakatom
As you all admire her, perhaps one or two of you could ask to discuss the situation with her, in a positive way, to say how much you appreciate her but that you feel she does not have enough confidence in the team
kif ntoma mo3jabin biha, imkn lwa7ad wla joj mankom yaTlab mona9acha dyal l2amr m3aha, bTari9a ijabiya, lita3bir 3la ch7al kat9adroha walakin kat7as bila ma3ndhach ti9a lkafya f lfari9
You don't think she's gonna find that inappropriate walk?
wach makadanch ghasi tal9aha machi la2i9a had lmachya?
Is she easily available or does she hide behind a closed door?
wach hiya mota7a bsohola wla katkhaba mora bab masdod?
How formal/informal are conversations with her?
ch7al rasmiya/ machi rasmiya lmo7adat m3aha?
But if we have a good reason to talk to her, she's always ready to talk.
walakin ila kan 3andna sabab bach bach nhadro m3aha frah masta3da 3la lhadra dima
We have formal conversations, but almost never informal conversations.
3andna mo7adatat rasmiya, walakin makaynch mo7adatat machi rasmiya ta9riban
It's a shame, by the way.
blmonasaba, rah 3ar