You know, an excellent way to improve work relationships is to organise an informal gathering.
kif kat3raf, mn Toro9 lmomtaza bach n7asno 3ala9at lkhadma ltanDim l9ia2 machi rasmi
For example, if one of the team-members has something to celebrate - birthday, birth of a child, marriage, whatever - you could suggest a little drinks party at lunchtime
3la sabil mital ila kan 3and chi 7ad mn a3da2 lfari9 chi 7aja kay7tafal biha - 3id milad, wilada, wla zwaj wla chi 7aja khra, ta9dar ta9tar7 7afla machrobat sghira fwa9t lghda
I agree, but it would be more than that to organize.
mwaf9, wlakin tanDim ghadi ykon ktar mn hka
I'm just an employee among others in this department.
ana ghir mowaDaf mn bin wa7din khrin fhad l9ism
How many are you?
ch7al l3adad dyalkom?
Hmm, I see... but I don't have anything to celebrate.
wakha, fhamt ... walakin ma3ndich 7ta 7aja bach na7tafal
I'll talk to the colleagues, maybe one of them will have something to celebrate soon.
ghadi nhdar m3a s7ab, ya9dar ykon 3and chi wa7ad chi 7aja ya7tafal biha
Ah yes, that is a lot of people.
ah, hadchi ktir dyal bnadam
And everybody is stressed by this manager?
o kolchi mstressi m3a had lmodir?
I'd say yes
n9dr ngol ah
Are there any other managers on her level who are more accessible
wach kaynin chi modirin khrin flmostawa dyalha n9adro noSlo lihom
people you can talk to easily?
chi nas ta9dar t8dar m3ahom bso8ola?
The other managers of his level, we don't know much about them
lmodirin lkhrin flmosatawa dyalo, makan3rfoch 3lihom bzaf
They're managers of the other departments
rahom modirin dyal l a9sam lokhra
But I'm going to try to set up your suggestion: Find a good reason for orgniser
walakin ghadi nwajad i9tira7 dyalk, nal9a sabab wajih lmonDim
I'm sorry
sma7 liya
But I'm going to try to set up your suggestion
walakin ghadi n7awal ndir l9tira7 dyalk
Find a good reason for a party between colleagues, set it up, and invite him!
9llb 3la sbab wajih lchi zrda bin zomala2, blani8a, o 3yaT 3lih
I do think that could be a solution
kanDn hada ya9dar ykon 7al
or at least a step in the right direction
wla 3l a9al khoTwa fl itijah s7i7
Meanwhile, you personally, do clearly not have a problem with your brain
fnfs lwa9t, nta chakhSiyan, kayban ma3ndakch mochkila f3a9lak
as you say
kimma katgol
Basically you are under stress
nta fl asas ta7t DaghT
which happens to many people theses days
o hadchi kayw9a3 lbzaf dyal nas had lyamat
As you suggested, a few days' break could help you recover untroubled sleep
kif 9tara7ti, ta9dar ra7a lchi yamat t3awnak t9ad n3ask
I'll try to put a few days off
ghadi n7awal nakhod chi yamat 3oTla
respect a few well-known rules for easy sleep such as no computer or smartphone just before going to bed, nor television.
7tarm l9awa3id dyal n3as b7al maykonch 7dak PC wla tilifon 9bal matmchi tn3s, 7tta tlfaza
sorry - just before going to bed
sma7 liya - 9bal manmchi n3es
And chamomile tea before bed!
o atay dyal babonj 9bal n3as
Sometimes we laugh at the grandmothers who drink chamomile, but I'll tell you one thing, I like it!
b3d lmrat kanda7ko 3la ljddat likaychrbo lbabonj, walakin ghadi ngolik wa7ad l7aja, kay3jabni
I was going to suggest that too!
kant ghadi na9tara7 hadchi ta ana
Now, I think I've got everything we need to solve this problem!
daba kanDn 3ndna kolchi dakchi lli kan7tajo bach n7alo had lmochkila
I am sure we will not need to meet again for a long time, if ever, but please do not hesitate to come back to me if your problems persist
ana mat2akad maghdich na7tajo ijtima3 mrra khra lmodda Twila, ila kant, walakin 3afak matraddadch tarja3 ila b9at 3ndak had lmachakil
I'm glad I could help.
ana far7an 9drt n3awn
Noted, thank you again.
9yydtha, chokran lik mra khra
Enjoy the rest of the day, Doctor.
stamta3 b nhar doctor
Unless you have anything else you would like to mention, I wish you a pleasant continuation
ila makanch 3andak chi 7aja khra tgolha t8lla frask
I hope you are making the most of the bank holidays this week to change your ideas
kantmana tastafad l a9Sa 7ad mn l3ota had simana bach tbadal afkark
go for walks in the sunshine!
sir tnazah ta7t chamch
All right!
See you.
You too, Arthur.
7ta nta Arthur
m3a salama
cut those potatoes into proper english chips, now
9ta3 dok lbTaTa lra9a2i9 injliziya monasiba
not those horrible french fries!
machi dik lbTaTa lma9liya lkhayba
Okay, Chief!
wakha a chef
How about a cube or a long one?
ach ban lik f mok33ab wla chi wahd Twil?
Do you want beets with them, too?
wach bghiti lbarba m3ahom tahia
for goodness sake, english, I said don't you understand anything
hal3ar, nglizia, gltlik wach makatfhm walo
no, what are beets?
la, achnahia lbarba?
Maybe with some basil then?
imkn m3a chwiya dyal ri7an idan?
we are not preparing an italian meal,7na rah makanwjdoch wajba talyaniya this will be a proper english meal,ghadi tkon hadi wajba injliziya monasiba Maybe some more cheese?,ya9dar m3a chwiya dyal frmaj? Okay for the English meal.,wakha 3la lwajba t nngliz"
How big for the French fries?
achnahowa l7ajm dyal baTaTa ma9liya
although in england they do grow beetroots
wakha fnngliz kayzar3o jdar dyal lbarba
if that is what you mean
ila kan hadchi likat9sad
they would traditionally be boiled and served with vinegar
f tta9alid kayghliwh o kay7TToh m3a lkhal
I'll just cut a couple and show you
ghadi n9ata3 joj o nwrrik
Yes, we can add olive oil with beets.
ah n9adro nzido zit ziton m3a lbarba
they're getting married, I think.
kanDn tzawjo
no I don't
Okay, perfect.
wkha hadchi zwin
I need to see to do the right thing.
ma7taj ndir l7aja S7i7a
just get on and don't talk so much
ghir kamal o mathdarch bzaf
please could you just sear the beef in a pan and put it on to slow roast
3afak, wach t9dar t7amar l7am lbgar flma9la o t7aTo f it7mmr bchwia
How hot is the roast?
ch7al skhon chwa?
Just sear it until its brown and caramalised then put in a casserole with carrots, celery, some seasoning and cover with stock
khasak ghir t7amrha 7ta twali 9ahwiya o t7aTha f tajin bkhizo o lkrafas o chwiya dyal l3aTriya o tghatiha blmar9a
now tell me how long have you been an apprentice chef?
daba goliya ch7al o nta Tayab mobtadi2?
It's been ten years.
dazt 3chr snin
Okay for the planning.
mttaf9 3la takhTiT
Can I add some celery, too?
wach na9dar nzid chwiya dyal krafs ta howa
And how long have you been in charge?
o ch7al dyal lwa9t knti mas2ol?
Oh, yeah
oh, ah
I suggest you listen more and talk less, I have to go now
kan9tara7 tsma3 bzaf o thdar chwiya, khasni namchi daba
Ma'am, are we going to be in control soon?
ostada wach ghadi ikon mti7an 9rib?
What would you like to be in control of?
achno bghiti t7akam fih
A control on the last chapter.
mti7an f lfaSl lakhar
I'd like to know how much time I have left to study
bghit na3raf ch7al dyal lwa9t ba9i liya bach n9ra
We will have an exam, if that is what you mean, next week on Thursday
ghadi ykon 3andna mti7an, ila kan hadchi likat9sad, simana jaya nhar lkhmis
We will cover all the material up to next Tuesday, so start studying soon!
ghadi nghaTiw ga3 lmawad tal nhar tlat jay, dakchi 3lach bda l9araya bakri
But I will only answer emails during working hours
walakin ghadi njawab 3la les emails ghir fsa3at dyal lkhadma
so please don't send them late on Wednesday evening
dakchi 3lach 3afak matsifthomch fwa9t m3atal nhar larba3
Thank you, ma'am.
chokran a lalla
is that gonna do it?
wach hadchi ghadi i9Di lgharaD?
and how is YOUR book going to help me calm down?!
kifach ghadi y3awni ktabk bach nt8dden?
It's not you, I'm the one who's scared of flying, okay?
machi nta, ana likankhaf Tayaran, wakha?
And I'm talking about essential oils.
o ana kan8dar 3la zoyot asasiya
we're both scared of flying
bjojna khayfin ma Tayaran
well this is going to be a whole barrel of laughs, isn't it!
awdi, ghadi ykon hada barmil t Da7k, kayna?
and since when have essential oils helped anyone?!
mnimta kant zoyot l2asasiya kat3awan chi 7ad?
typical hippy!
hippy namodaji
A barrel of laughs...
barmil mn da7k ...
a whole lot of fun!
bzaf dyal nnachaT
it stinks all over the plane
kat3Ti mno ri7a khayba f ga3 Tayara
how did you get that through security?
kifach dwztiha mn lbolis
Like, keep your arms inside?
z3ma, tkhali yadik ldakhal?
well if we're in an accident you won't have any arms left
wakha, ila w93at lina ksida maghadich yb9aw lik liddin
you won't even have a head!
maghadich ykon 3andak 7ta ras
why did I let you convince me to take this plane
3lach khalitk t9na3ni bach nakhdo had Tayara