Can you make your enquiries into the maintenance of the lifts straight away?
momkin dir al2istifsrat dyalk 3la alms3ad daba?
I will see you later and you can tell me what you've found.
nchofk man ba3d ogol liya achno la9iti.
You are moaning an awful lot
anta tani2 bazeef.
So you keep saying.
Lidalk ghi kmal flhdra.
Or do you want to tell me about it for a limited amount of time?
ola baghiti ola baghiti tgolha liya lftra mo7douda man lwa9t.
Was your boss very cross?
wach kan ra2iss dyalk mot9ati3 bazef?
He went off in a quarter-hour wait.
b9a kaytsna rba3 s3a.
You got your moment in the limelight
Rah khaditi la7da dyalk f da2ira daw2.
Well, since I didn't have a hearing
wakha, bim2hano ma3ndich jalssa dyal l2istima3.
The meeting was canceled.
Rah laghaw al2ijtima3.
I think we should just open a nice bottle of red wine and you should forget about work
kanDn khasna na7lo 9ara dyal chrab l7mar zawina okhassek tanssa lkhdma
They thought I'd make myself pale.
s7abhoum ghadi nakhali rassi safer.
I wouldn't get that promotion.
maghadich nakhoud had tar9iya.
Being late was unavoidable so I think you should just open the wine
Kan ta3tal 7aja mamnhach haroub, dakchi 3lach kan3t9ed anho khasni na7al chrab
I had a simple objective, and I'm not gonna be able to fix the shot.
Kan 3andi hdaf basiit, omaghadich natmkan man tas7i7 dyal tasded.
Where's the corkscrew?
Finahowa sarout?
Just in the right hand drawer, I ll get the glasses
Flmjar ali 3al liman, ghadi akhoud ndader
I couldn't find any on the way.
mal9itch 7ta chi 7aja fltri9.
I meant spit out your chewing gum, you know the school rules
K9sedt rami almska, rak kat3ref l9wa3id dyal almdrassa.
I didn't find a bin on the way.
mal9itch salla dyal zbal f Tri9
Not easy, but I think I did it.
machi sahl, walakin kanDn dartha
If you had concentrated you would have found the instructions clear.
kon kanti rakazti kon l9it law7a dyal ta3limt
You should put Facebook and any other diverting social media sites away and only get on to them when you finish your homework
khasak tba3ad facebook o ay mawa9i3 tawasol khra katkhalik mamrakazch, o mat9arabch liha 7ta tsali tamarin dyalk
I'm not going on Facebook.
maghadich namchi l facebook
But I don't work much on weekends.
walakin rah makankhdamch bzaf f lo3tla dyal lkhar simana
It's a principle.
rah mabda2
But you're lucky I was able to do my homework last Thursday.
walakin 3andak zhar, 7it 9dart ndir tamarani lkhmis lfayt
After school night
mora lila dyal lmadrasa
But it's fun, I have the same principles as the whole class
walakin hadchi momti3, 3andi nafs lmabadi3 likayn 3nd l9ism kaml
I am not lucky, do you think I like to spend my time marking, do you think it is for my benefit?
ma3ndich zhar, wach kadan bila kanbghi ndawzt wa9ti flmora9aba, wach kadan hadchi f masla7ti?
Oh, but I'm learning a lot.
oh, walakin kant3alam bzaf
Even though I'm getting up late.
wakha fa9t m3atal
You are a clever boy but you are really not making the most of your opportunities
nta dri dki walakin makatstafasch mn lforas dyalk
Talking back to me now is a prime example
lhadra m3aya daba rah mital momtaz
But the schedule isn't practical.
walakin jadwal zaman machi 3amali
I missed a lot of your classes' cause it was nap time.
fatoni bzaf dyal doros dyalk 7it kant wa9t l9aylola
I propose to guarantee good grades this year and I'll make an effort
kan9tara7 Daman dyal no9at mzyana had l3am,o ghadi ndir jahdi
And supportive?
o da3ima?
You know, I really liked the lecture on fluid mechanics.
kif kat3araf 3ajbatni bzaf l7isa dyal mecanique lmawa2i3
Just go away and think about your priorities and what you want to achieve, and get to bed early!!
ghir ba3ad o fkar f awlawiyat dyalk o achno bghiti t7a9a9 o n3as bakri
You're late again. What is your excuse today?
rak t3atalti 7ta lyoum achnahowa l3oDr dyalk lyoum?
I missed my bus today.
mcha 3liya l7afila lyoum
There are strikes right now.
kaynin iDrabat daba
Yes, I had forgotton about the strikes.
ah, nsit iDrabat
You were right to take the car.
kan 3andi l7a9 fach khdit sayara
The bus is too long.
l7afil Twila bzaf
It's not long to the exam now and I am, hoping that you get a really good result.
mzal madazch bzaf dyal lwa9t 3la lmti7an daba o kantmna tjib no9ta mazyana
I did my homework without problem yesterday.
rah dart tamarin dyali bla mochkil lbar7
Okay, do you have an exam sheet and copies?
wakha, wach 3andak war9a dyal imti7an o nosakh
I forgot about my school business.
rah nsit lkhadma dyal madrasti
Actually you are the only one who has managed to get to school so far.
flwa9i3, nta lwa7id liwsalti lmadrasa tal daba
I suppose that everyone else is having problems with transport.
kanftaraD kol wa7ad 3ando mochkil fna9l
Yes, my comrades are blocked.
ah, s7abi wa7lin
I do have an old examination paper.
3andi war9a dyal imti7an 9dima
Perhaps we should use time together going through that?
imkn khasna nkhadmo lwa9t bjoj bach ndiroha?
Well, it is a great chance to havve a discussion about any aspects of your geography revision.
wakha, raha forSa zwina bach ndiro mona9acha fga3 ljawanib lmoraja3a joghrafya dyalk
I haven't seen the physics teacher.
machftch ostad dyal pyisique dyalk
I like cards.
kanbghi lbiTa9aT
What are cards?
achno lbiTa9aT?
Maps of every country, every continent in geography.
khara2iT dyal dyal kol blad, kol 9arra f joghrafya
It's stupid to be lost when we have a good card!
mn lghaba2 twaDar mnin tkon 3andak biTa9a mazyana
Why did you give it to that leprechauns earlier?
3lach 3titih ldak jodam gbila
You know full well why!
nta 3araf mazyan 3lach
It was the only way to get them to give us back our food.
kant Tari9a lwa7ida bach yrado lina lmakla dyalna
A fork?
No, I haven't opened it yet, I'm suspicious because of the rabbit-skin gift-skin gift and that particular smell that he walks away...
la, mafta7toch, ana chak bsbab lhadiya dyal jald dyal aranib o dik ri7a lkhaSa likayba3ad 3liha
Let me have a look... You mean that smell's coming from your present?
khlini nchof..kat9sad dik ri7a lijaya mn l7aDir dyalk
This is a good bill!
hadi fatora mzyana
What's a good bill?
achnahiya fatora mazyana?
Unfortunately, mine's just a normal fork.
lso2 l7aD, ana ghir choka 3adiya
And bent at that.
o 3zam 3la hadchi
And bent over that?
o 3zam 3la hadchi?
They even managed to bend my fork.
7ta 9adro yatniw choka
To eat camembert we use the fork handle, it gets better.
bach yaklo camembert kankhadmo lma9biD dyal choka, kaykon 7san
For the magic powers of this cheese Norman, how do you know?
l9owa si7riya dyal had ljobn Norman, kifach 3rafti?
I know you're talking about cheese, but I have no idea what you're talking about.
3araf kathdar 3la ljobn, walakin ma3ndi 7ta dikrz 3lach kathdar
I suggest we eat the cheese with the fork handle, which makes it bad that it's twisted.
kan9tara7 takol jobn blma9baD dyzl choka, kaykhalih khayab 7it malwi
But by the way, I don't know how to provoke her magical powers.
walakin blmonasaba ma3raftch kifach nstafaz l9owa si7riyz dyalha
Do you have a network to call the cab or one of our husbands?
wach 3nda chabaka itiSal, n3ayto 3la taxi wla chi 7ad f azwaj dyalna?
Oh, that's cool 'cause my husband's a troll, he breaks all his phones!
oh, hadchi zwin 7it rajli 9azam, kayharas ga3 tilifonat dyalo
I'm quite glad it's mine coming and not yours because I've had enough of fairytale creatures today!
ana far7an 7it dyali jay o machi dyali 7it 3yit mn l9iSaS lkhayaliya lyoum
Yes, it is weird, it sounds like the engine is failing, I can also hear a lady screaming for help
ah, rah ghrib, ban liya lmo7rik khasar, kansma3 7ta lghwat dyal mra kaTlab lmosa3ada
The engine?
But there's more than one, right?
walakin kayn ktar mn wa7ad, kayna
I don't know anything about airplanes, but I'm terrified every time I fly.
makan3rf walo 3la Ta2irat,walakin kan7as bro3b fkol mrra kansafar biha
I'm sorry to bother you with this, but I'm really scared.
sma7 liya 7it msad3ak bhadchi, walakin rah khayfa bzaf
There is another engine, but I think that I can hear that failing now as well
kayn mo7arik akhor, walakin kanDn bila kan9dar nsma3 lfachal daba tahiya
Oh, my God, that's horrible what you're talking about.
yarbi, hadchi khayb ach katgol
I'm gonna turn my phone back on to send messages to my whole family, tell them I love them, and I'm about to die.
ghadi n3awad ncha3al tilifoni bach n3awd nsift risala l3a2ila dyali kolha, o ngolihom rah kanbghihom o bila 9rib nmot
Shall we pray together or have a large drink?
wach nSaliw bjoj wla ncharbo chrab kbir?
I'm like most people, I don't believe in God except five minutes from the end.
ana b7al ga3 nas, makan2amn b allah 7ta mora kh d9ay9 mn nihaya
But drinking is probably a good idea.
walakin ya9dar ykon chorb fikra mzyna
But no one's gonna serve us if we're crashing.
walakin 7ta 7ad maykhdamna ila matna
Let's help ourselves to the alcohol tray, would you care for some red wine?
khlina n3awno rasna f 3olba dyal lko7ol, wach ghadi tahtam bnabid l7mar?
If we are going to die we may as we
ila kna ghadi nmoto frobama nmoto kif 7na
We're gonna crash in the middle of the ocean.
ghadi nt7aTmo f wast lb7ar