Lorries can be lethal weapons especially
cha7inat imkan tkon 2asli7a fataka 3la wajh lkhosos
Yeah, that's too bad.
ah, hadchi khayab bzaf.
There should be more bike leads.
aykhas ikon bzaf dyal khoyot darajat.
That would give you the same time to reduce pollution.
hadchi ikhali i3tik nafs lwa9t bach t9alal talawot.
I presume you mean lanes
kndan kt9sad lmamarat
I remember working next to this man who was very proud of cycling 1kh miles into work
kntfakar bli kant khdam m3a had rajal ali kano kan fakhor bzaf brkob dyalo lmasafat 1kh mayl fl3amal
Unfortunately he stank of body odour all day!!
Ll2asaf kan ktkhraj mno ri7a dyal ljism nhar kamlo!!
Or we should start smoking people at the entrance to their place of employment.
ola aykhas nbdaw ndakhno nas fdakhla dyal blasa dyal khdamthom.
I am not sure what you mean but I think there could be the BO police at the entrance!!
mamt2akadch chno kat9sad walakin kanDn atkon tmak chorta BO 3and dakhla
Do you want another whisky?
wach bghiti whisky akhor?
There is lots to organise though
kayn bzaf dyal tandim wakha hakak
Have you thought if you want a theme?
wach fakarti ila knti bghiti dir mawdo3 akhar?
Yes, as I do at the last minute, everything is done!
ah,kima kndir fla7da lkhra, kolchi dar!
Sorry I thought we were organising it, are you happy for it to be another night?
sm7lia dnit bli ghadi ndmoha, wach nta sa3id bach tkon layla khra?
How about black and white as a theme
achno ka k7al obyad ka chkal
Or maybe your favourite colour?
ola lawn dyalk lmofadal?
Could you come over from 1gh hours to help me set it up!
wach imkan lik tji mn 1gh sa3a bch t3awni fn9ado
Right now, you're the first person I've been in contact with.
daba, nta awal chakhas knt 3la 2itisal bih
I didn't dare ask him...
ma9dartch nsawlo...
At worst, he'll tell me he's not available.
f aswa2 l7al, ghygol lya bli rah makaynch.
It ll be fun anyway
ghadi ikon momti3 3la ay 7al
Shall I leave you get inviting people and I can sort out some decorations and music
wghadi nkhlik takhad d3awi lnas oimkan liya nrtab ba3d zakharif olmosi9a
We do this, I contact my other friends, and I let you make the decorations in black and white!
ndiro hadchi, kantasal bs7abi lakhrin, inkhlikom tgado zina blbyad o7al!
I ll see you a bit later and we can sort out the food etc when I get there
nchofkom wahd chwiya oimkan nratbo lmakla oma ila dalik mli nwsal ltma
I don't understand why I only got 12 / 20 in control.
mafhtmch 3lach jabt 12/20 ghir fl 2imti7an
I think it deserves a lot more points than that.
kanDn kaysta7a9 ktar mn had no9at
Because I wrote 1gh pages, and I put a lot of quotes out.
7it ktabt 1gh saf7a, odart bzaf dyal l2i9tibasat fdyali.
I had learned a lot of quotes, and I put the best part in my copy.
t3alamt bzaf dyal l2i9tibasat, odart a7san joz2 fdyali
Not all of your quotes were entirely relevant I'm afraid.
mkntch ga3 l2i9tibasat 3ndha sila hadchi mnach khayaf
Referencing quotes is useful but they need to relate to the question at hand.
kat3tabar l2ichara l2i9tibasat mofida wlakin kat7taj lrbat dyal so2al limtro7
I understand that, but still, 12 / 20 for 1gh pages, I don't think it's enough.
ana knfham dakchi, walakin wakha hakak 12/20 L1gh saf7a, makndanch wach hadchi kafi
Otherwise, next time I'll draw two pages, like Martin, who got 1kh.
ola flmra jaya ghadi ndir joj saf7at b7al Martin ali jab 1kh
It's your pet!
hwa l7ayawan dyal l2alif!
Well, he is in my golf club!
wakha hwa f nadi lgolf dyali!
He plays golf with you?
wach kayl3ab lgolf m3ak
But that's not fair!
walakin hadchi machi 3adil!
You know him personally, so you favor him.
nta kt3arfo chakhsyan, dakchi 3la ktfadlo
There must be other teachers who don't play golf.
aykhas ikon 2asatida akhrin mkayl3boch lgolf
I can't imagine Mrs. Smith playing golf.
mkn9darch ntkhayal sayda Smith ktl3ab lgolf.
Ah, Mrs Smith, we've been dating for nearly a year now.
ah, sayda Smith; kna msa7bin chi 3am hadi ldaba
Martin introduced us.
9adm lina Martin
Can I quote you on that?
wach imkan lia n9tabas mn dakchi?
Playing golf and being mean to students keeps me looking young.
la3ab lgolf oana mamzyanch m3a tolab kaykhlini nban ba9i chab.
Well, don't you want to raise my tab a bit, even if I don't play golf?
wakha, wach mbghitich trfa3 3lama dyal tabwib dyali chwiya, wakha mnl3abch lgolf?
If only you had done 1kh pages....
kon kant dart 1khsaf7a ...
C'est la vie
hadi hya l7ayaT
So, the idea is, if you get the duck's body it's kh points and it's 10 for the head!
Dakchi 3lach, lfikra hya,ima khdit ljasad dyal lbata, ghadi tkon kh dyal no9at o 10 lras!
Are you offering me a game?
wach kt3rad 3lia lo3ba?
In which, according to where I touch the duck, can I earn more or less points?
fay blasa, 3la 7asab lmakan ali 9ast fih lbata,wach imkan liya nrba7 no9at ktar ola a9al?
After that, I've been living in Iceland for years now.
b3d dakchi, kn3ich f Iceland ch7al mn 3am hadi
And there are no ducks, more sheep, and horses.
makaynch bat ola khraf ola l3awdan...
You could play with horses, but you risk getting charged at!
imkan lik tl3AB bl3awdan, walakin katkhatar btawjih l2itiham lik!
It works a lot better with ducks, because they don't fight back as much!
kaykhdam bchkal afdal m3a lbat, houma makay9awmoch bnafs l9adar!
And they like being fed anyway.
ohouma kaybghiw iwaklohhom 3la ay 7al.
Anyway, they'll rush on the bread!
3la ay 7al ghadi ijriw lkhobz!
Oh, have you seen... there are also ducklings.
oh, wach chfti... kayn 7ta frakh dyal lbat.
They're really cute...
houma drayfin bzaf...
I love watching them bobbing about in the water! 20 points for a duckling!
knbghi nchofhom ohoma kaytmaylo flma! 20 no9ta lbata!
Oh no, they're too cute...
oh la,homa drayfin bzaf...
We can start thinking about changing the rules.
Imkan lina nbdaw f nfkro nbadlo l9awa3id.
If we can draw three steps to one piece of bread in the water, then we get 20 points.
ila 9darna nrasmo tlata dyal lkhtwat 3la l9at3a dyal lkhobza fghadi n7aslo 3la 20 no9ta
What do you mean by draw three steps to one piece of bread in the water?
achno kt9asad b nrsmo talata dyal lkhtwat 3la 9it3a dyal khobz wahda flma?
The idea is to make it three ducklings.
Lfikra hya ndiro tlata frakh dyal lbat
On one piece of bread
3la 9at3a whda mn lkhobz
You really think it's possible to get three ducklings with one piece of bread?
wach kadan bli momkin l7sol 3la tlata frakh b9it3a dyal lkhobz wahda?
They'd need to be very close together...
aykhas ikono 9rab bzaf mb b3adhom lba3ad...
And that may be very difficult to realize.
oi9dar ikon s3ib bzaf t3raf dakchi.
Sit here.
glas hna.
I am hopeful that you can help me.
kn2amla t9dar t3awni
I have been feeling very sad lately.
kant kn7as b7ozn kbir had lakhar
I just don't enjoy all the things I used to like doing.
ana maknstamta3ch bga3 dakchi liknt knbghi ndiro.
I would like to play sport but I don't seem to have any energy.
bghit ndir ryada walakin ma3ndich ta9a kima kayban lia.
I tend to snack on things like crisps and biscuits which I know are not very good for me.
knbghi nakal wajbat khfifa b7al r9a2i9 dyal btata ol lbaskwit ali kn3raf bli mamzyanach bzaf lia.
Maybe you should see a diet doctor to help you organize your food.
imkan aykhas tchof tbiba dyal tn9as lwazan nach t3awnak f tandim lmakla dyalk.
I'm sure it would help to restore energy and to what you feel better.
ana mt2akad mn anaho ghadi i3awn 3la isti3adat ta9a o ila ach kt7as bih iwli 7san
I would like to play football.
bghit nl3a kora dyal l9adam.
Right across the street there's Dr. Jekyll's office, he's an excellent diet doctor.
kayn 3la ljanib l2akhar mn chari3 mktab dyal tbib Jekyll, ohwa tbib dyal tn9as lwazn mazyan.
And besides, he's a very good friend of mine.
om3a dakchi, rah sa7n mazyan bzaf lia.
Am I talking with Mr Hyde?
wach ndwi m3a sayad Hyde?
But you can do it to him, he's used to it.
walakin imkan lik dir dakchi bih,frah wlaf dakchi
That is so funny.
hwa kayd7ak bzaaf.
I think this consultation has been worth every penny.
kanDn bli had l2istichara kant ktsta7a9 ay flos.
It's time for my next patient.
hada hwa lwa9t lmarida dyali limn ba3d.
I wish you a very good day.
kntmna likom yawm zwin bzaf.
And you will give me news of your progress on the health plan.
oghadi t3tini lkhbar 3la t9adam f lkhota si7iya dyalk.
Ok thank you.
wakha choukran lik.
Goodbye Mr Hyde.
lwada3 asi Hyde.
I'm sorry doctor, I had to see you at such short notice.
sma7lia adoctor,kan 3lia nchofk fb7al had l2ich3ar l9sir
Well, I called my mother my wife this morning, and then put my shoes in the oven!
wakha, 3yat 3la lwalida dyali omrati had sba7, omn ba3d dart sbati flfran!
Were those sports shoes or city shoes?
wach kant hadik l2a7dia ryadia ola 2a7dia dyal lmadina?
My feeling is these pills that you have given me are too strong.
kn7as bli had l7obob li3titini 9awya bzaf.
Maybe the pills are strong.
imkan tkon had l7bob 9awiya.
And it's been about a month now.
orah daz chi chhar daba.
I've been quite depressed, and they affect my memory badly and make me very sleepy.
rah kan fia 2ikti2ab chadid, ohya kt2atar 3la dakira dyali bchakal khayab oktkhlini n3as kayjini bzaf.
Well, we can expect side effects on sleep or memory indeed, but cooking her shoes is something else.
wakha, imkan liya ntw9a3 atar janibia 3la nawm o dakira blfa3al, lakin tyab sbat hadi 7aja khra.
Because there's either there's an acute perception problem (you take your shoes for a piece of cake, or you have a lot of casualties, or you really wanted to burn your shoes.
7it kayna mochkila 7ada fl2idrak(katakhad l7ida2 dyalk mo9abil 9t3a dyal lka3ka, ola 3ndak bzaf dya da7aya, ila knti bsa7 bghiti t7rag l7ida2 dyalk
Well, it's difficult to talk to my Mum as she's 96 and virtually deaf.
wakha,9asa7 dwi m3a lwalida 7it 3ndha 96 ohya smka t9riban
She calls me by my brother's name, and I have to shout and keep repeating myself.
kat3yat 3lia bsmia dyal khoya,okhasni nghwat on3awd rasi.
If you're going to a party, I wouldn't advise you to cook.
ila knti atmchi l7afla, fmaghadich ns7ak btyab.