stringlengths 3
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stringlengths 1
◢◨◞◨◓◠ ◀◠▨◎◠▵ ▿◓▫◠ ◳◠◒▱◬ ◀◗◓◫▦◗▦ ◞◠◉▪▦▪ ▽◗▫◫◓◎▴◞◫▦◫▦ ▦▴ ▨◠◈◠◓ ▫◓◠◚◎◠▫◗▨ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦◨ | I've heard it can be a really traumatic time for a middle aged man losing all his hair. |
◢▴◓▦ ▻◫◞▱◗◐◫▦ ▫▴▨◫▵ | Kern is such an asshole. |
◝◂◳▦◨◎▾▦ ◠◓▨◠◞◬▦◬▦ ◇▻▩▱◎◪◞◗▦◫ ◗◞▫◪◓◫◎▵ | I like to get the back of my neck kissed. |
□▴▨◠▱◠▵ ◖◨ ◫▦◞◠▦▱◠◓◠ ▽▴◎▴▨ ◚◪◓◪▱◗◎! | All right, get these people some food! |
◝◠▨◞◠▦◠▵▵▵◎◂◓◠◓◎◬◒ ◎◬ ◒▾◓◠◞◬? | Look... do I have mark here? |
◝◂◐◠▢▪▦▪ ▨◪◞◪◀◫▱◗◓◈◫◎▵ | I could've slit her throat. |
▯◪ ◳◠▢◬▨ ▨◗ ◠▽▦▪◞▪▦◬ ◞◪▦◫▦ ◫◉◫▦ ◞◇◳▱▴◳▴◎◪▽◪▼◪◐◗◎▵ | Cannot say the same about you. |
◑▴ ◞◂▦▾▦◈◠ ◀◫◓ ◳◠▦◬▫ ◠▱▪▽◂◓▵ | And at last he gets a response. |
▭▴◓▨▴◞ ◂▦◠ ◀◠▨◞◬▦! | Okay. Hey, take a good look, folks! |
▭▴◓▨▴◞ ◂▦◠ ◀◠▨◞◬▦! | Look at him, everyone! |
◊◒▫▴ ◧◓◠◈◠▨◗▵ | Over there. That. |
◊◒▫▴ ◧◓◠◈◠▨◗▵ | That's it up there. |
▮◪▦◫ ◠◓◠◎◠◈▪◎■ ◉▩▦▨▩ ◀◗▫◎◪▨ ◀◫▱◎◪◳◪▦ ◞▪▢▱◠▦◎◠▱◠◓▪▦◠ ◚◪ ◒◫▨◠◳◪▫▱◪◓◫▦▴ ◈◠▽◠▦◠◎◬▽◂◓▾◎▵ | I've never called you because I cannot bear your incessant moaning and complaining. |
► ▶◠◎◠◎ ◠◉▪▨ ◂▱◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◫▽◂◓◨◎▵ | - Okay, I just want to be clear. |
◒◠◗◓■ ◀◫◓ ◀◗▱◕◗▦ ◚▴ ▨◠▷◓◠◎◠▦ ◀◗◓ ◞◠◚◠◒◉▪▽◈▪▵ | He was a poet, a scholar and a mighty warrior. |
◢◂◓▨◨ ◗◉◫▦◈▴ ◳◠◒◬▽◂◓▾▢▵ | Please, don't. |
▮▴▨◞ ▽◠▻◎◠▽◠ ◀◠◒▱◠◈▪◐▪▦◈◠▦ ◀◪◓◫ ◉◧▨ ▫▴◓◞◞◗▦▵ | Ever since you started having sex. |
◝◫◓◒◪▽▱◪◓ ◀▾▱◈◨▦ ◎▾? | Did you find anything? |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | She's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | She's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | It's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | It's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | And I don't care much what she does for you. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | She's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | This is my daughter! |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | Don't shoot! She's my daughter! |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | She's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | It's my daughter. |
◱ ◀◪▦◫◎ ▨▪▢▪◎▵ | She's my daughter. |
▭◠◓◫▨◠ ◀◗◓ ◍◫▨◓◗◎ ◚◠◓▵▵▵ | I got a great idea... |
▮◪▦◗ ◀◫◓ ▨◪▢ ◪▢◎◫◒▫◫◎■▫▴▨◓◠◓ ◳◠▻◠◀◗▱◫◓◫◎ | I smashed you once, I'll smash you again. |
◝▾ ▨◠◀◨◞▾ ◀◠◒◬◎◬▢◠ ◞◪▦◗▦ | Your lie set this whole nightmare in motion. |
◀◨ ◒▴▽◎◫◒▵ | it was this thing. |
◅◧▨ ◗◳◫ ◗◒ ◉◬▨◠◓▪▽◧◓◞◨▦▾▢▵ | You're doing a hell of a job. |
◝▾ ◉◂▨ ◕▾◓▾◓ ◚▴◓◫▼◗ ◘▦◫▨▵ | Thats very flattering... Enik. |
◆▴▱◫▻ ◀◪▦◫ ◞◧◓◠▦ ◧▱◈▾ ◎▾? | Anybody come around asking about me? |
▮▴◞◞◫▢ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦ ▢◠◎◠▦■ ▷◠◳◠▫ ◠▷▴▦▨◞◫▢ ◕◫◀◫ | "When you are silent, life seems unmelodious." |
◤◠◓◈▪◎◠ ◕◗◈◪▱◗◎▵ | Let's go help. |
◙◧◐◓▾■ ◚▴ ◀▴▦ ◀▾◓◠▽◠ ◞◠▦◠ ▫◠◎ ▫◪▻◪▫◠▨▱◠▨ ◎▴◞◠▸ ◚▴◓◎▴▨ ◫◉◗▦ ◕▴▱◈◫◎! | That's right, and I'm here to deliver you an Upsidedownington-tastic message! |
◅◧▨ ◈◠ ◀▴▨▱▴▦◎▴▽◪▦ ◀◗◓ ◳▴◓◈▴▨◗ ◕▩▢▴▱▱◗▨▵ | Beauty in an unlikely place. |
▯▴ ▽◠▻◎◠▱▪■ ▦◪ ◳◠▻◎◠▱◬? | What to do, what to do? |
◡◗◎◎◳'◗ ▻◠◓◠◳▪ ◫◞▫◪◎◫▽◧◓◈▾▵ | Jimmy doesn't care about the money. |
▼◠▦◠◚◠◓◠ ◈◣▦▩◒◎▴◈◫◐◗ ◫◉◫▦ ▻◠▦▢◪▷◫◓ ◫◒◪ ▽◠◓◠▽◠◀◗▱◫◓▵ | I don't know, but an antidote might work precisely because he's not a beast. |
◆◪◓◉▴▨▫▴▦ ▽◠◓◠▱◠▦◈▪▵ | He's hurt for real. |
▭◪▻◞◗ ▫◠◎◠◎ ◕◣◓◭▦▩▽◂◓▵ | This all looks good. |
◝◠▨ ▨◠◓▪▦▪ ▩▢◈▩▦▵ ◢◠◓◬▦▪▦ ◈◨◓▾◎▾▦◨ | You're upsetting your wife. |
□▴▨◫■ ◕◭▢◪▱ ◀◫◓ ◇◚◕◭▵ | Well, that is high praise. |
◢◨▫◞◠▱ ◄◧▫◧◓■ ◀◫▢◪ ▽◠◓◈◬◎ ◪▫▵ | O Bike Saint, please help us. |
◀◗◓ ◈◂▨▫◂◓ ◧▱◎◠▨ ◗◉◗▦ ◂ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◉◠▱▪◒◎◬◒◞▪▦ ◀◫◓ ▻▱◠▦ ▽◠▻◎▪◒◞▪▦ ◀◪▦◗ ◠◎◪▱◫▽◠▫ ◪▫◎◗◒◞◫▦■ ◈▩▢◕▩▦ ◈◪ ◪▫◎◫◒◞◗▦ ▩◞▫◪▱◗▨ ▨▾◞▾◓◞▾▢ ◂▱◎▾◒ ◀▴▦◫ ▫▴▨◓◠◓ ▽◭◓▩◳◪◀◗▱◪▼▴▨ ◈▾◓◨◎◠ ◕▴▫◫◓◎◫◒◞◗▦ ◠◎◠ ◀◪▦ ▽▩◓▩◎▴◎◗◒◫◎▵ | If you went through all of that training to become a big doctor, you came up with a plan, you did my operation, you did it just right, just perfect, you made me so I could walk again, |
◰◐◪◓ ◳▴◎▴▨ ◫◞▫◗◳◂◓◞◠ ◀▾ ▨◠◓▫▱◠◓▪ ◕◣▦◈▴◓◪▼◪▨ | Without Restocking. If she wants to eat, then send the documents. - Let's go. |
◝▴◈◠◚◠◳◠ ▩◞▫▩▦▴ ▨◧▦◈▾◐▾◎ ◀◗◓ ◪◚◈◪ ◧▫◨◓▾▻ ◇▱◭ ◀◫◓ ▨◠◈▪▦◠ ◕▴▱▴▦ ◎◪▨▫◨▻▱◠◓◠ ◕◣▢ ◕◪▢◈◗◓◫▻ ◈◨◓▾◳◧◓◨◎▵ | I sit around a house I got for free, and I flip through a dead lady's junk mail. |
◝◠▦◠ ◒◠◒▪◓◎▪◒ ◕◫◀◗ ◀◠▨◎◠▵ | Don't give me that fake confused look. |
◤◠▱▦▪▢▼◠ ▦◠▨◗▫■ ◕▩▢◪▱◗◎▵ | Cash only, love. |
▿▱◨◎▱▾▵ ◎▴▫◓◪ ◇▦▩▦▩▢◈◪▨◗ ◞◗◳◠▷ ◄▴◓▼▴◈▴◞▵ | Roger that. Black Mercedes, 60 meters ahead. |
◝▴▨▱◪▦◎◪◈◫▨ ◈▴◞▫▴▨ ▴▨◗▻▱▴◓◫▵ | They have unexpectedly joined forces. |
▯◪◈▴▦ ◀◠▷◞▴▫▫◫◐◗◎◫ ◠▦▱▪▽◂◓◞▾▦◈▾◓▵ | You know what I'm talking about, don't you? |
◛▽▾◎ ◞◠◐▱◠◎◠▨ ◎◬? | Fit in? |
◢◠◓▪▦ ◀◣▱◕◪◞◫▦◪ ▦◫◒◠▦ ◠▱◎◠▦ ◕▴◓◪▨◗▽◂◓▵ | You need to aim for the stomach area. |
► ◝◨▦◨ ▲◠▦▼▴ ▲◂◨◈ ◗◉◗▦ ◈◫▦▱◪◳◪▱◫◎▵ | LET'S HEAR IT FOR LANCE LOUD. |
▮▴▦◗ ▨◠◉◬◓◠▦ ◂▽◈◨▵ | He's the one that stole you, |
▭◠▽▪◓■ ◕◇▢◪ ◉◠◓▻◠▦ ◒▴▽▱◪◓◗ ◠▱◈◬▨■ ◈◫◐▴◓▱▴◓◫▦◫ □▷◗▱◠◈◪▱▻▷◗◠ □◧▱◫◞ ◙▴▻◠◓▫◎◠▦◬▦▪▦ ◫▦▼▴▱◪◎◪◞◗▦▴ ◀▪◓◠▨▫▪▨▵ | No, we pulled the salient materials and had Philly PD process the rest of the items on site. |
► ◅◂▨ ◉◠◀◨▨ ◕◪◓◫ ◈◇▦◈▩▦▵ | You know, you came back pretty quick. |
◙◇◓▫ ◞◠◠▫ ◣▦▴◎▱◫ ◈◪◐◫▱◈◗◓▵ | Four hours are not a big deal. |
▶▴▽▢▴◎ ▷◪◎◒◗◓▴▽◈◫▵ | My aunt was a nurse. |
○◓◠◀◠▦◬ ◳▪▨◠◎◠▦ ◕▴◓◪▨▵ ▬◗◈◈◫ ◞◇◳▱▩◳◂◓▾◎▵ | You need to wash this, seriously. |
► ◝◫◓ ◒▴▽◪ ◫▷▫◫▽◠▼▪▦ ◚◠◓ ◎▪? | You need anything? |
◝◨▦◨ ◞◠▦◠ ▨◗◎ ◞◇◳▱◪◈◗? | _ |
◝◨▦◨ ◞◠▦◠ ▨◗◎ ◞◇◳▱◪◈◗? | Who told you that? |
○◈◠◎ ◈◂◐▾◒▫◠▦ ▽◠▱◠▦▼◬▵ | The man's a born liar. |
► □◪▨◗ ◠◓◠◀◠▦◬▢◈◠▦ ◉▪▨▫▪▦◬▢ ◎▪? | - So you got out of your car? |
► ◰◚▴▫■ ◀▴◀▴◐◫◎▵ | - It's okay, baby. |
◝◠◒▨◠ ◀◫◓ ◉▪▨▪◒ ◚◠◓ ◎◬? | Is there another way out? |
▮◪▦◗▦ ◀◫▱◕◗▦ ▦◠◞◬▱ ◀◨ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◫▽◫? | How is your general knowledge so good? |
◦◳▦◪▦ ◣▽▱▴ ◧▨ ▨◠◍◠▱▪ ◭◞▫◠▫▵ | That is correct, Master Arrowhead. |
◌◠▨◠▫ ◀◗◓ ▼◪▢◠ ◈◪◐◫▱▵ | But it isn't a punishment. |
▮◪▦ ◈▴ ◀◪◐◪▦◈◗▦ ◎◫? | Do you like them? |
◝◫◓ ▫◠▦▴ ◠▼▪▱◬ ◉◪▨▵ | All right, bowl of chilli! |
▯◪ ▢◠◎◠▦◈▪◓ ▷◠◞▫◠◞▪▦▪▢? | How long have you been ill? |
► "◆◪◳◗◐◗▦▴" ◎◫? | - A goof? |
▮◠▦◠ ◕◇▦◈◪◓◈◫◐◫▦◗ ▨◫◎ ◞◣▽▱◪◈◗▵ | Who said someone sent this for you? |
○▦▱◠◈▪◐◬◎ ▨◠◈◠◓▪◳▱◠ ◄◓▵ ▶◪◓◓▽ | I understand Mr. Terry was in here last week. |
◝◗▱◫◎◞▴▱ ◍◂◓◎▩▱▱◪◓■ ▨◗◎◳◠◞◠▱ ◠▱◬◒◚▴◓◫◒ ▱◫◞▫▴▱▴◓◫ ◚▴ ◉◫▢◗◎▱◪◓▱▴ ◈◂▱▾▵ ▭▴◎ ◈◪ ◞◠▽◍◠▱◠◓▼◠▵ ◩▦▴◎▱◫ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▽▴ ◀▴▦▢◗◳◂◓ | It's filled with scientific formulas and chemical purchase lists ... pages and pages of this stuff. so I wonder if you might take a look. |
◰◐◪◓ ◈◧▦▾▻ ▨◠▱▪◓◞◠▦ ◞◪▦◫▦ ▨◨◓◳◪ ◕◗◀◗ | If you freeze, it's gonna be me carrying you out of there like a post. |
◖◫◎◈◫ ▦◪ ▽◠▻◎◠◳◬ ◈◭◒▩▦◭◳◂◓◞◨▦? | What do you think you're gonna do now? |
◚▴ ◕◣◓◭▦▫◭▽▩ ◧▽▦◠▫◬▻ ◍◗▱◎ ▨◠◓◪▱▴◓◗▦▴ ◈◗▨▨◠▫ ▴◈◪◓◞◪▦◗▢ "◤◇▦▴▫◎▴▦: | But if you go to the opening credits and you pan the frame... you... you go through the frames, right after it says "Directed by Stanley Kubrick," |
◒▴◳◗ ◀▴▦ ◎◫ ◈◭◒▩▦◎◪▨ ▢◧◓▾▦◈◠◳◬◎? | Do I have to think of everything? |
▶◠◎◠◎ ◎◬ ▶◧◎? | Okay, Tom? |
"◄▴◓▷◠◀◠■ ◀◪▦ ▷◠◳◠▱◫ ▨◂▼◠▽▪◎▵" | "Hello, I'm an imaginary husband." |
○◎◠ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪▢▵ | But we are friends. |
○◎◠ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪▢▵ | But we are friends! |
○◎◠ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪▢▵ | But we are friends. |
◑◠◓◈◬▨ | Arrived |
► ◦▸◠▦▱◠◓▵ ► ○▸◠▦▱◠◓▵ | Agents. |
▶▴▨◓◠◓ ◪◈◗◳◧◓◨◎ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪▦ ▦◪◓▴◈▴? | Now I repeat, where's your friend? |
◈◧▱◠◓ ◂▱◠▦ ◀◫◓ ◠▨◒◠◎ ◳◪◎◪◐◗ ▷◠◀◪◓◫ ◳◠▻◎◬◒ ◧▱◠▼◠◐▪◎▵ | Jim, I'll have just finished covering a $5,000-a-plate dinner. |
► ◝◪▦ ▮◠◓◠▷'◳◬ ◠▱◎◠◳◠ ◕◫◈◗◳◂◓▾◎▵ | Right. I'm going to get Sarah. |
◝◭▽▩ ▽◠▻◎◠▨ ▢◫▷◗▦◞▴▱ ◀◫◓ | Conjuring magic is not an intellectual endeavor. |
◝◪▱▨◫ ◈◪ ◍◠▢▱◠ ◳◂▨◞▾▱ ◕▴▱◎◗◒◞◫▦◈◗◓▵ | Maybe you're coming off as too needy. |
◝◠▦▱◫◳◇ ◳◪▦◗▱▴◎◪ ◳◠◞◠◞◬▦◬ ◈▴◞▫▴▨▱▴◎◪▦◫ ◫◞▫◗▽◧◓◨◎▵ | Just support me on the Suburban Renewal Law. |
◙▴◎▴▨ ◗◞▫◪◈◗◐◫◎◗ ◠▦▱◠◈▪▦ ◎▪? | You know what I mean? |