3 values
At the same time, they are very demanding and critical as consumers and patients, so that a strongly increasing market for low-price-health is developing where elements of the leisure-oriented health care industry are integrated.
Ukhampachas pacientenakxamaja wali wayt’asiripxewa ukat q’umisiripxarakiwa, ukatwa qollanak juk’a qollqempi alañatak walja cheqanakax uñstaskaraki, industria toqet atención médica orientada al ocio ukatak luratanakapax ukan utjjarakiwa.
Using 2015 as a baseline, the target is a 90% decrease in malaria incidence and mortality rates, and elimination in 35 more countries.
2015 mar uñakipt’asaxa, willtat uñstir ukatx malarya ususmp jiwaña, ukhamarak 35 markanakan chhaqtayawipat amtax patakat 90% juk’aptayawiwa.
The potential for confusion and inconsistency in reporting and analysis of the Western blot test, given the multitude of bands involved, the CDC and the Association of State and Territorial Public Health Laboratory Directors revised guidelines in 1994.
Western blot análisis de la prueba uka informenakaja jan amuykañawa, ukatwa multitud de bandas utxatapatxa, CDC y la Asociación de Directores de Laboratorios de Salud Pública Estatales y Territoriales pautas sat wasitat uñakipt’apxäna 1994 marana.
Brown University, School of Public Health, Providence, USA.
Universidad de Brown, Escuela de Salud Pública, Providence, Estados Unidos.
Dr. Lechner, ophthalmologist, Imst - Doctor Health
Dr. Lechner, oftalmólogo, Imst - Doctor Health
The MICRO-HOPE study, a predefined substudy from HOPE, investigated the effect of the addition of ramipril 10 mg to the current medical regimen versus placebo in 3,577 patients at least ≥ 55 years old (with no upper limit of age), with a majority of type 2 diabetes (and at least another CV risk fact
El estudio MICRO-HOPE, un subestudio predefinido de HOPE, yatxatt’asiwayïwa el efecto de la adición de ramipril 10 mg al régimen médico actual versus placebo en 3.577 pacientenakaru ≥ 55 maranakani (sin límite superior de edad), jilapartex diabetes tipo 2 uka usumpi (y al menos otro hecho de riesgo CV
When we look at horses that have been used for recreational purposes that end up going into the human food chain, it is essential that a precautionary approach is taken to ensure that public health and consumer protection take priority.
Anatañatak caballonak apnaqapki uka caballonakarox jiwayapxewa aychap aljañataki, jaqenakaj maq’añatakiwa uka aychap mercadonakan alasipxe, ukhamax uka aycha manq’erinakarox jan wali usunakat jark’aqañatakisa ukat salud publica garantizañatakisa ukanakwa nayraqatax amtasiñapa.
“Exercising when pregnant is safe and has many benefits for both mother and baby, if mom is healthy and there are no pregnancy complications.
Wawax purakanki ukhaxa taykarox ejercicionak lurañax wali sum yanapt’i wawarus ukhamaraki, taykax q’umarañapawa wawax purakankaski ukhax janiw kuna jan walis utxañapäkarakiti.
In a spiritual school people become ill by themselves and recover their health by themselves.
Escuela espiritual ukankir jaqenakax sapakiw usuntapxe, ukat sapakirakiw q’umaraptapxe.
Smart healthcare is therefore holistic, helping people not only as patients arriving in the emergency room, but also as individuals and family members in their own homes and communities.
Ukhamasti, atencion medica inteligente es holística, ¿kunjamasa ukaxa? Jaqenakajx sala de emergencias ukar purinipki ukhax janiw mä usutarjamak uñjapkiti jan ukasti familpacharuwa utanakapana ukat comunidadanakapan uñjapxaraki.
Quickly rising nitrite levels can, in particular, occur during the start phase of a new aquarium, after a disease treatment or a filter change.
Niveles de Nitritox ratukiw jiljattaspa kunawsatex mä machaq acuario uchtan, jan ukax mä usut qollktan uka qhepata jan ukasti machaq filtro uchasa.
We are all concerned about the effects of climate change, environmental conservation and various issues relating to health and social well-being, which are inseparable from the rational use of transport.
Kuna jan walinaksa Cambio climaticox uñstayi taqe ukanakaw llakisiyistu, sañäni, aka oraqex jakañatak sumakiskakiñapataki ukat kunanakasa salud y el bienestar social ukar jan walt’ayarakispa taqe ukanakax mayacht’ataw transporte wali amuyumpi usañataki.
Over the last decade, progress has also been made against tuberculosis.
Tunka mar qhipanxa, tisiku usur thurt’asiwin sarthapiwinakax phuqasiwayarakiwa.
These new systems have improved clinicians’ decision-making, streamlined healthcare processes and productivity by up to 30%, and enabled the Board of Health to better manage the district’s diverse medical resources.
Aka machaq sistemanakaxa doctoranakaruw yanapt’i suma amtanakar puriñataki, atencion medica ukax wali sumaxewa productividad ukas 30% ukaruw puri, ukawa junta de salud ukakirinakar recursos medicos uk sum apnaqañatak uka distriton yanapt’i.
Fish is healthy. If it is practically boneless and prepared...
Chawllanakax suma manq’awa. Ch’akanakap apsusax ukat sum wakicht’atäki ukhaxa...
So as to be accessible to all, Singapore operates a dual system of healthcare – public and private.
Singapur markanxa atencion medica ukaxa pública y privada ukhamawa, taqe uka markankirinakax atencion medica katoqapxañapataki.
For many years Getzner has been promoting health and fitness measures to improve the physical and mental wellbeing of its staff.
Walja maranakawa Getzner empresax medidas de salud y estado físico uka toqet trabajirinakapatak ch’amachasi ukhamat cuerpotsa amuyutsa walikisipkakiñapataki.
A grant to health and long-term care insurance of up to EUR 86 may be awarded.
Ukhamtwa walja maranakatak subvención al seguro de enfermedad y de cuidados 86 euros churasini.
Crohn's disease, Multiple sclerosis, Other disabilities, Positive about disabled
Crohn, Esclerosis multiple uka usunakas, ukat discapacidades, Positivo sobre discapacitados ukham yaqha usunakasa
Due to his disease, he used to wake up every 20- 30 minutes because of dyspnea and chest pain.
Disnea usunitap layku ukat pechonakap wal usutap laykuwa sapa 20-30 minutunakawa p’arxtirïna.
Without have to prescriptions or seek advice from a medical care specialist to begin
Qalltañatakexa janiwa recetampisa ni especialista en atencion medica ukan ewxt’anakap thaqañakiti jan ukasti qalltañatakex
You inhale it. They go to work; replicating, spreading like a virus, multiplying in exponentials.
Samsuñamawa. Trabajiriw sarapxe; replicando, virus ukanakjam waljar tukusa, multiplicándose en exponenciales.
Heart disease, diabetes, body weight issues or any type of injury or reaction to drugs can result in ED.
Cardiaca, diabetes sat usunaka, ukat problemas de peso corporal ukat yaqha ukham jan walinakasa medicamentonak umasax disfunción eréctil ukaw jan walt’ayjaspa.
This number rises markedly to 28.9 years for middle-income countries and 39.7 years for high-income countries.
28.9 maraninakan jaqinakast jan anch t´aqiskir markanakan qamapjaraki. Ukaruts 39.7 maraninakast qamir markanakan uksa tuqunkapxarakiwa.
The rates of new cases and deaths from tuberculosis were reduced by 16% and 25% respectively, between 2005 and 2015.
Tisik usut machaq usutanaka ukhamarak jiwawinaka 2005 ukatx 2015 maranak taypin patakat 16% ukatx 25% ukhanakaru juk’aptawäyi.
Furthermore, this law must not be applied to normal medical treatment.
Ukampisa janiw tratamiento médico ukar aka leyex aplicasiñapakiti.
Medical equipment in Ávila
Equipamiento médico Ávila markana
Video: Thousands of fans get Ronaldo for medical tests! | Be a Woman
Video: ¡Waranqa fanaticonakawa Ronaldo sat chacharu pruebas médicas ukatak katoqapxe! | Warmiñamawa
In response to Mrs McAvan, the Commission is aware of the recent study she mentioned, published by the United States National Institute of Environmental Health Science on 8 June 2005.
McAvan uka señorar qhanañchasax, estudionakat aytkana uka toqetxa aka Comisiónax yatiwa jichhak apaski uka estudionakatxa, ukax publicasiwa Instituto Nacional de Ciencias de la Salud Ambiental de los Estados Unidos el 8 de junio de 2005 marana.
(4) According to the Scientific Committee on Toxicity, Ecotoxicity and Environment, the additional health and environment risks of Solvent Yellow 124 were seen as not giving rise to any proven harm.
(4) Comité científico de toxicidad, ecotoxicidad y medio ambiente ukarjamaxa, disolvente amarillo 124 uka sustanciaxa, janiwa salud y medio ambiente ukarox kuna jan walimpis jan walt’akaspati sasaw amuykipt’asïna.
100% pure vegetable Konjac fibers help cleanse and refine the skin, keeping it in a healthy condition.
fibras vegetales Konjac 100% q’omaxa, janchisax wali suma qóma ukat jan usunak katuñapatakiw yanapt’i.
We provide safe working conditions which don't endanger the health of our employees.
Empleadonakax akan trabaxkasajj seguridad ukwa churapxta usunakamp jan usuntapxañapataki.
Consequences for breeding cats Cats tested positive for GM1- or GM2-Gangliosidose, even they themselves are healthy and they are only carriers, shall not be permitted for breeding.
Phisinak uywasax jan walinakaw utxaspa, positivo para GM1 o GM2 gangliosidosa, phisinnakan uk utxatapatxa phisinakax q’umarasipkiwa uka usunikipkchisa, mirtapxañapatakex jark’ataniwa.
27. Our physical body needs lots of food and water to stay healthy.
27. Cuerposax q’umaraskakiñapatakexa wakisiwa suma manq’a ukat uma.
“We want to help people stay healthy.
“Q’umarasipkakiñatakiwa jaqenakar yanapt’añ munapxta”.
Tuberculosis diagnosis and treatment saved an estimated 50 million lives between 2000 and 2015.
Kunjamasktas sir yant’awix ukhamarak waliptañatak lurawinakax tisiku usut 2000 ukat 2015 maranak taypinx mä 50 patak waranqa jaqinak qhispiyawayapxi.
The total amount of bacteria found can reach up to trillions and these numbers of good or bad bacteria can determine one's health.
Jikxataski taqe uka vacterianakaxa niya billones ukhaspawa, suma ukat jan wali vacterianakax usutatänti janicha ukwa uñacht’ayistaspa.
At this moment, blood pressure decreases, skin turns pale, hands and feet become cold. Nausea can occur at different times of the day and be one of the symptoms of various diseases and conditions. Morning sickness.
Anchhitaxa, presión arterial ukax minust’iwa, janchis churiw tuku, amparas kayusa thayariwa. Waq’aqeñ munañax má urun kuna ratus jutakispawa, ukax usunaka jan ukax afecciones utxatapatwa amuyasi. Alwanakax waq’aqeñ munaña.
Hair loss has been a problem for many people for many years and as an effect of that, there is a huge industry of medical companies that are targeting that market with all kinds of products.
P’eqet ñik’utanakax jalarki ukaw jaqenakarox walja maranak jan walt’ayi, ukatwa walja fabricanakasa ukat campañas medicas ukanakas taqe casta productonak aljañatak uñstayapxe.
Our Center of Research and Therapy Functional has acquired an international reputation, welcoming patients from around the world, as well as health professionals interested in our innovative techniques. Our team of specialists works in a responsible manner and under the coordination of Dr. Marcel Ca
Nanakankiri Centro de Investigación y Terapia Funcional ukajj yaqha markanakan wali uñt’atajewa, taqe markanakat jutir usutanakarox wali sumwa katoqt’apxta, profesionales de la salud jupanakarus ukhamaraki, nanakan tecnicas innovadoras uka toqetwa jupanakax wal yatiñ munapxe. Nanakan equipo de especialistas taqe jupanakax wali sum trabajapxe, jupanakarox yanapt’arakiwa Dr. Marcel Ca
Use according to Claim 1, for treating an autoimmune disease due to a defective apoptosis of proliferating cells of the liver, of the skin, of the immune system.
Reivindicación 1 ukampiwa, enfermedad autoinmune debido a una apoptosis defectuosa de células proliferantes k’iwchata, janchita, ukat sistema immune ukanakata.
Also, this drug helps with problems with the bladder, cystitis, pyelitis, urethrolithiasis, nephrolithiasis - diseases caused by spasms of the smooth muscles of the urinary system.
Ukampis aka qollaxa vejiga, cistitis, pielitis, uretilitiasis, nefrolitiasis, uka usunakatwa yanapt’asi, ukat enfermedades causadas por espasmos de los músculos lisos del sistema urinario uka usunakats yanapt’arakiwa.
Denial is the background of pornography when it comes to health care. Nobody wants to take a look at it!
Negaciónaxa trasfondo de la pornografía ukawa, kunawsatex doctorampi uñjayasiñax wakiski ukhaxa. ¡janiw khitisa uñantañ munkiti!
This report examines what quantitative and qualitative methods can be used to measure health-related community resilience at national and local levels.
Aka informex examinarakiwa, kuna métodos cuantitativos y cualitativonakampisa medisispa resiliencia de la comunidad relacionada con la salud a nivel nacional y local.
So, it is essential for people to have sufficient for a healthy and balanced life.
Ukhamasti, jaqenakaj wali suma ukat equilibriompi jakasiñatakexa taqe kunaw jupanakatak utxañapa.
In the USA, the FDA is responsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs, biological products, medical devices, foods, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation.
Estados Unidos markan, gobiernonkir FDA sat agenciawa salud pública jarq’aqañapa seguridadatak garantianak churasa, ukat eficacia y seguridad de medicamentos, productos biológicos, dispositivos médicos, alimentos, cosméticos y productos que emiten radiación, taqe ukanakatakisa.
These gains are meaningful, though less impressive than the gains achieved against both HIV and malaria.
Aka atipawinakax askinakawa, ukampinsa janiw sintikarakiti VIH ukhamatak malarya usunakar thurt’asiñjama.
The accessories are sold by American Medical Systems for use with the 532nm Surgical Laser System only.
Accesorios taqe ukanakxa American Medical Systems para su uso con el sistema láser quirúrgico de 532 nm solamente, uka empresawa alji.
Second-rate medical treatment if anything at all.
Tratamiento médico de segunda clase, inas utjjchi.
One appropriate indication of echocardiographic examination is: "Initial evaluation of murmur in patients for whom there is a reasonable suspicion of valvular or structural heart disease."
Examen ecocardiográfico uka toqet mä qhana indicacionax akawa: “Evaluación inicial del soplo en pacientes para los que existe una sospecha razonable de enfermedad cardíaca valvular o estructural.”
More information on your insurance card How can I easily keep my healthcare costs under control?
Tarjeta de seguro ukanwa juk’amp informacionajj utjji ¿Atención médica ukatakex kunjamsa facilaki juk’a qollqek gastirista?
Scientific studies show that urban forests and green spaces help improve physical health and mental well-being.
Markankiri bosquenakasa ukat jach’a jardinanakapasa, janchi toqeta amuyu toqet q’umaraptañatakiw yanapt’i sasaw estudios cientificos ukajj uñacht’ayi.
Network Health for All: What's up
Taqenitak q’umarañataki: Kamachisa
A legal claim on health care and social insurance benefits have 1617 citizens of El Cuervero (Cuerveros).
Derecho a atención médica por el seguro social, 1617 jaqenakaw El Cuervero (Cuerveros) sat markan jakapxe.
This case study describes how Dell™ Services and Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare partnered to take Harvard Pilgrim from state receivership to a successful healthcare enterprise.
Aka estudiox uñacht’ayiwa kunjamsa Dell™ Services y Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare mayacht’asipjje Harvard Pilgrim administración judicial estatal uka toqet apsuñataki, ukat empresa de atención médica exitosa ukar apañataki.
NeuroBloc should only be administered by intramuscular injection by a medical specialist with experience in the treatment of cervical dystonia and in the use of botulinum toxins.
NeuroBloc uka qollja inyección intramuscular uka toqetakwa inyectasiñapa, ukjja tratamiento de la distonía cervical y en el uso de toxinas botulínicas uka toqet experienciani ukat especialista doctorakiw inyectaspa.
But the WHO has been saying for years that 'a new pandemic is inevitable'(2) and experts from the European Commission and the FAO have cautioned that the rapid move from small holdings to industrial pig production is in fact increasing the risk of development and transmission of disease epidemics.
WHO uka organizacionax walja maranakaw akham säna «yaqha machaq pandemiax utxakipuniniwa» (2) ukat Comisión Europea y la FAO uka organizacionanakax khuchinak uywañax mä jach’a industriawa, ukat jank’akirakiw jilxattaski, epidemianakasa usunakasa juk’amp jilxattarakispawa jaqenakarus juk’ampwa katurakispa sasaw sapxarakïna.
This was partly because big gains had already been made against tuberculosis in the preceding decade, which was not the case with HIV or malaria.
Akax kunalaykutix tunka mar nayraqatanxa wali jach’a sarthapiwinak tisiku usur thurt’asiwin utjawäyi, kunatix VIH ukat malaryanakampix janiw utjawaykiti.
Therefore, a greater effort is necessary in the preparation and formation of health care workers, especially in those who are young, so that they may learn how to carry out these grave tasks with the necessary human and professional competence.
Ukhamasti, wakisiwa juk’amp ch’amacht’asiñajja trabajadores de la salud jupanakar yatichañataki ukat wakicht’añataki, wayn tawaqonakaruwa juk’amp yanapt’añasa, competencia humana y profesional necesaria ukamp wali ch’ama tukuñ lurañanak lurapxañapataki.
The guidelines were developed by a group of 20 experts from 9 European countries under the guidance of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) in Cologne, Germany and the WHO Regional Office for Europe.
Directrices taqe ukanakxa 20 wali suma yatxatt’atanakawa lurapxe, jupanakax 9 markanakatapjjewa Europa cheqata, jupanakarox Centro Federal de Educación para la Salud (BZgA) en Colonia, Alemania y la Oficina Regional de la OMS para Europa uka organizacionanakaw yanapt’apxaraki.
On the first point, the Commission is fully aware of the very great importance attaching to this issue in social, health and financial terms.
Nayriri puntox akawa, aka Comisiónax sumwa yati, qhwqha importancias aka cuestionarox en términos sociales, sanitarios y financieros churasi.
This interaction in between social-behavioral and also organic is an element that determines our health and wellness.
Lo social-conductual ukax mayacht’atawa ukat lo orgánico ukas mä elementokiwa, ukanakawa q’umarakiti jan ukax sumakit jakasiñäni janicha uk amuyt’ayistaspa.
Under the Amsterdam Treaty, Parliament has the power of codecision with the Council in the area of consumer protection and public health matters.
Tratado de Amsterdam ukarjamaxa, Parlamentompi ukat Consejo en el ámbito de la protección de los consumidores y las cuestiones de salud pública ukamp chikax autoridadanipxewa decisiónanakataki.
From that point on you should strive to eat healthy.
Jichhatpachwa ch’amachasiñama suma manq’anak manq’añataki.
Not only does it have 21 vitamins and minerals, but you’ll also get biotin for healthy hair, skin and nails, and folic acid to help the body produce and maintain new cells.
Janiwa 21 vitaminas y minerales ukanikikiti, jan ukasti biotinax ñik’utatäki, janchitaki ukat suma sillunakamatakis utxarakiniwa, ukat cuerpoman celulanakax utxañapatakisa machaqasipkakiñapatakisa ácido fólicox yanapt’arakiniwa.
However, the activity of genes, functional networks of genes and gene products is strongly affected by environmental factors, like dietary deficiencies or pathogens, which potentially results in persistent variances in metabolism and health.
Ukampisa, la actividad de los genes, las redes funcionales de genes y los productos genéticos taqe ukanakaw factores ambientales ukampi jan wali walt’ayatapxe, sañäni deficiencias dietéticas o patógenos, lo que potencialmente resulta en variaciones persistentes en el metabolismo y la salud.
On any given day, doctors and medical professionals around the world depend on technical equipment to diagnose and treat patients.
Kuna uruskpasa, oraqpachankiri profesionales medicos taqe jupanakax diagnostico lurañatakisa ukat usutar qollañatakisa equipo tecnico ukax utxañapapuniwa.
Even though there are various methods available for improving the genotype resistance in plants, the RNAi gene silencing method is considered to be one of the best ways to improve disease resistance.
Resistencia al genotipo en las plantas uk askicht’añatakex waljja metodonakas utxchexa, método de silenciamiento de genes RNAi ukaw juk’amp sumaxa la resistencia a las enfermedades uk askichañatakexa.
Tuberculosis remains a leading cause of death amongst people infected with HIV, causing one-third of such deaths.
Tisiku usux VIH usump jaqinak taypinx ukhamarak kimsar jaljtat ukat maya jiwawinakan jiwañatak nayraqat laykuskakiwa.
Based on changes in blood viral load in response to the treatment, patients can be categorised into several groups, such as rapid responders, slow responders, or relapsers.By monitoring viral load at specific points during treatment, physicians can optimise treatment duration and thus exposure of pa
Tratamineto lurasaxa carga viral sanguinea ukan cambionak utxaspa ukhaxa, usutanakarox walja gruponakaruwa t’axtasispa, respondedores rápidos, respondedores lentos o recidivantes. Tratamiento lurkasax carga viral mä cheq maquinanakampi sum uñjasaxa, Doctoranakax uka tartamientxa juk’a tiemponakwa lurjapxaspa, ukhamat, la exposición de pa ukaru
(a) Vaccination was carried out on the day a blood sample was taken that subsequently proved negative in a virus neutralization test at a dilution of 1 in 4; or
a) Ma juk’a wila apsuskäna uka uruw vacunacionax lurasïna, ukax negativow mistuna prueba de neutralización del virus a una dilución de 1 de cada 4; o
The effect of amino acids is beneficial to red blood cells, and heightens resistance to infectious diseases.
Aminoácidos taqe ukanakaxa wali sumapuniwa glóbulos rojos ukanakatakexa, enfermedades infecciosas ukamp jan atipayasiñatakis yanapt’iwa.
Quarantine message to user ’ s spam folder (default, if End User Quarantine installed)
Mensaje de cuarentena sat correox usuario ukan carpetapankiwa correo no deseado (predeterminado, cuarentena de usuario final ukax instalatachi ukhaxa)
Here are the arguments from practicing professionals who recommend reading this information carefully and following it in order to avoid causing harm to your health.
Profesionales en ejercicio taqe jupanakax akham sapxewa aka yatiyawinakxa sum leyt’asiñapawa ukarjam lurasiñaparakiwa usunakat jark’aqasiñatakexa.
The Intel Health Guide is designed for the power to be left on.
La Guía de intel de salud ukajj diseñatawa para que la alimentación se deje encendida.
Swiss Falun Gong practitioners were given a stall for 3 days at the Fribourg Health Expo.
Suiza markan Falun Gong ukankirinakarojj 3 urutakiwa Expo de Salud de Friburgo uka ferian mä puesto churapxána.
Find Kidney Anatomy, Renal System, Urinary System Diseases on Industry Directory, Reliable Manufacturer/Supplier/Factory from China.
Ak thaktam Anatomía renal, Sistema renal, Enfermedades del sistema urinario directorio de la industria, Fabricante / Proveedor / Fábrica confiable de China, ukana.
God responded with a temporary solution that would teach the principles necessary to understand His final answer to the sin virus problem.
Diosax mä tiempotakikiwa askicht’äna suma yatichawinakap yatichañataki ukahamat jucha toqet kunjamsa askichani uk sum amuyañataki.
Those who advocate restricting the population in poor countries and promoting contraception or abortion should not hide behind terms like health and reproductive rights.
Khitinakati jisk’a markanakan jaqenakax jan mirtapxañapataki, anticoncepción, aborto ukanak lurasiñapatak ch’amachapki taqe jupanakaxa aka arunak janiw apnaqapxañapakiti salud y derechos reproductivos.
Six countries now account for 60% of all tuberculosis worldwide.
Jichhax suxta marakanakaw patakat 60% taqpach tisiku usut uraqpachan utjayapxi.
Our pharmacists are constantly guarding the quality, always keeping your health in mind.
Farmacéuticonakaxa jaqenakat q’umarañ toqetwa llakisippjxe, uktwa qollanak sum lurasiñapatak uñjasipki.
Researchers observed abnormal activation in a certain brain region, the left insula/parietal operculum” in participants with high risk for psychosis given placebo compared to healthy controls.
Investigadoranakaxa p’eqesan mä activación anormal ínsula izquierda / opérculo parietal” uka cheqan uñjapxana, controles sanos ukanakat sipansa, participantes con alto riesgo de psicosis que recibieron placebo ukanakana.
The databases contain official health data from 53 countries in the European Region of the WHO.
Bases de datos taqe ukankiwa datos oficiales de salud OMS Europea toqenkir 53 markanakata.
In fact, Marinomed has discovered that this polymer derived from red seaweed is an effective inhibitor of around 200 respiratory viruses including Influenza A infections.
Marinomed sat empresajja polímero derivado de las algas rojas es un inhibidor eficaz de alrededor de 200 virus respiratorios, incluidas las infecciones por gripe A, uka toqetwa yatxatapxatayna.
Often underestimated: diseases of the brain and nervous system affect at least 50 million people in the EU area and the incidence is rising.
Awisax jan yäqatawa: p’eqen usunakapasa ukat Sistema nervioso uka usunakasa niya 50 millones jaqenakaruw union europea UE uksa cheqan jan walt’ayaski, juk’ampirakiwa jiljattaskaraki.
See the VirusScan Enterprise Product Guide for more information about using mirror tasks.
Uso de tareas de réplica uka toqet Juk’amp información katoqañatakexa Guía del producto de VirusScan, ukanwa thaqtasma.
Diseases of the male reproductive system (prostatitis, urethritis, sexually transmitted diseases), hormonal diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the adrenal glands and thyroid gland), injuries of the testicles and genitals often cause low craving and potency.
Chachanakan aka usunakapaxa (prostatitis, uretritis, enfermedades de transmisión sexual), enfermedades hormonales (diabetes mellitus, enfermedades de las glándulas suprarrenales y la glándula tiroides), lesiones de los testículos y los genitales taqe ukax bajo deseo y potencia uka toqetwa jan walt’ayi.
Non woven material is widely used in disposable medical protective area.Such as China medical face masks, China disposable suit, China disposable gowns.Our company is professional disposable non woven medical protective products suppliers and manufacturer.
Material no tejido taqe ukaxa área de protección médica desechable ukanwa juk’amp apnaqasi. Sañäni, máscaras faciales médicas de China, traje desechable de China, batas desechables de China. Nanakan aka empresaxa profesional desechable no tejido productos de protección médica proveedores y fabricante ukhamawa.
The timely initiation and continued implementation of these measures in a coordinated risk management strategy, and the training of all of the involved health care professionals, are very important matters (4, 20, 23).
Tiempopar qalltañasa ukat implementación continua de estas medidas en una estrategia coordinada de gestión de riesgos, ukat profesionales de la salud taqe jupanakar yatichañasa wakicht’añasa wali impotantewa (4, 20, 23).
Volibris was more effective than placebo at improving exercise capacity in patients with class II or III disease.
Clase II o III ukham usutapki uka pacientenakatakex Volibris sat qollax placebo sat qollats juk’amp sumawa capacidad de ejercicio en pacientes uk mejorañataki.
India alone accounts for 27% of cases.
India markanak patakat 27% usutanakani.
In this study, the patients are treated with BT-062 once every three weeks and the treatment is stopped if there is progression of the underlying disease.
Aka estudionxa, usutanakarox BT-062 ukampiw sapa kimsa semanatxa ma kutiwa tratamientox lurasi, uka tratamientox sayt’ayasiwa enfermedad subyacentex juk’ampixe ukhaxa.
Also, a healthy donor is required for bone marrow transplant.
Ukampisa, médula ósea uk trasplantañatakex donante sano ukaw munasi.
It can be found in all communities, and in children, the disease most often proceeds without symptoms.
Ukax taqe comunidadanakankaspawa, wawanakans ukhamaraki, jilaparte usunakax qalltki ukhaxa janiw sintomas ukax utjjkiti.
Crimes, Society, Opinion, Finance and Health.
Delitos, Sociedad, Opinión, Finanzas y Salud.
"The investigation of the genetic foundations of bipolar disorder on this scale is unique worldwide to date," says Prof. Rietschel from the Central Institute of Mental Health of Mannheim.
“La investigación de los fundamentos genéticos del trastorno bipolar aka escalarjamax janiw ukham yaqha lurasitapax oraqpachan utxkiti”,sasaw Instituto Central de Salud Mental de Mannheim ukankir Rietschel profesorajj säna.
In this large naturalistic study, data on patients with bipolar disorder considered to be at high risk of relapse were obtained from a large US medical record database.
Naturalista sat uka estudionakaxa, trastorno bipolar considerados con alto riesgo de recaída ukanakan datonakapax gran base de datos de registros médicos de los Estados Unidos uka cheqatwa jitjjatasiwayi.
Date/Time shows when the virus was detected.
Virus, uttjjatapax kunawsas yatisïna Fecha/Hora ukaw uñacht’ayi.
30 days after the action of nutritious vitamins and trace elements you will be able to completely restore your optimal health, get rid of side effects and remove toxins from the body.
30 uru qhepat vitaminas nutritivas qollanaka ukat oligoelementos ukanak umasax, wali sumwa q’umaraptäta, ukat efectos secundarios, toxinas taqe ukanakawa cuerpomat q’omachasini.
The Commission shall evaluate, in close cooperation with the Member States, the need to propose measures at Community level in order to prevent any unacceptable risks for human health and the environment within the Community.
Aka comisionaxa, estados miembros ukanakamp yanapt’atawa, medidas a escala comunitaria uk lurasiñapatakiw ch’amañcht’apxäni, salud humana y el medio ambiente en la Comunidad taqe ukanakar jan walinakat jark’aqañataki.