3 values
As behaviour-change interventions for people living with HIV are very limited in Estonia, counselling on sexual behaviour and drug use and access to services for sexual health and sexually transmitted infections should be improved.
VIH usunipki uka jaqenakatakex intervenciones de cambio de comportamiento ukajj juk’akiwa estonia markanxa, ukatwa comportamiento sexual y el consumo de drogas y el acceso a los servicios de salud sexual e infecciones de transmisión sexual taqe ukanakatak ewjjt’anakax askicht’asiñapa.
A further 33% are from Indonesia, China, Nigeria, Pakistan and South Africa.
Yaqha patakat 33% Indonesia, China, Nigeria, Pakistán ukatx Sudáfrica ukanakawa.
MERS stands for Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, a term used to describe an infection of the respiratory tract which is triggered by a new type of coronavirus.
MERS uka sutex akwa sañ muni Síndrome Respiratorio de Oriente Medio, uka sutex apnaqasirakiwa infección del tracto respiratorio que se desencadena por un nuevo tipo de coronavirus uk qhanañchañataki.
Thank you for the medications, however the pharmacy over here has everything that I need.They give me all that I need because I have the health insurance.
Qollanakat wal yusparta, ukampisa, aka cheqankiri farmacianxa kunayman qollanakaniwa. Qollasiñajatakex kuna qollanakas wakisi ukanakwa churapxetu nayan seguro de salud uttxatap layku.
2013 50th Clinic for Augmented Patients Opens The 50th healthcare clinic for mechanically augmented patients opens in New Delhi.
2013 maranjja 50ª Clínica para Pacientes Aumentados La 50ª clínica de atención médica para pacientes aumentados mecánicamente ukaw jist’arasi Nueva Delhi markana.
An ECG may be indicated in certain breeds which are predisposed to SSS, as these same breeds are often predisposed to other diseases of the heart valves (the valves that separate the four chambers of the heart).
Un ECG puede estar indicado en ciertas razas que están predispuestas a SSS, ya que estas mismas razas a menudo están predispuestas a otras enfermedades de las válvulas cardíacas (las válvulas que separan las cuatro cámaras del corazón).
An independent claim is included for a test kit for the determination of neuroendocrinal health disorders, comprising mechanisms for immunoassay and/or liquid chromatography/HPLC for the measurement of glucocorticoids, sex steroids and amino acids/neurotransmitters and/or their metabolites in body f
Se incluye una reivindicación independiente para un kit de prueba para la determinación de trastornos de salud neuroendocrinos, que comprende mecanismos de inmunoensayo y / o cromatografía líquida / HPLC para la medición de glucocorticoides, esteroides sexuales y aminoácidos / neurotransmisores y / o sus metabolitos en el cuerpo f
By providing healthcare professionals with more powerful diagnostic tools and targeted treatments based on the insights into how diseases arise at the molecular level, medicine is becoming increasingly personalised and more tailored.
Al proporcionar a los profesionales de la salud herramientas de diagnóstico más potentes y tratamientos específicos basados en los conocimientos sobre cómo surgen las enfermedades a nivel molecular, la medicina se está volviendo cada vez más personalizada y más personalizada.
Recommendations for cybersecurity management in medical devices
Gestión de la ciberseguridad en dispositivos médicos ukatak ewxt’anaka
Moreover, the UN Foundation reports that 222 million women still cannot access the most basic information, products, and services that would enable them to decide how many children to have and to time their pregnancies in ways that preserve their health, enable them to pursue an education, and impro
Ukampisa Fundación de las Naciones Unidas ukankirinakax yatiyiwa 222 millones warminakaw qhawqha wawanipxanisa ukat kunjamsa cronometrapxaspa embarazopxa, ukhamat cuerpopar usunakat jark’aqañataki, ukat les permitan seguir una educación e impro, taqe uka informacionanakxa janiw katoqapkiti
The integrated product lines are all coordinated to the special medical requirements of each customer.
Líneas de productos integradas taqe ukax requisitos médicos especiales de cada cliente ukamp coordinatawa.
It is used together with low doses of interleukin-2 (IL-2), another medicine which helps the immune system to fight diseases like cancer.
Dosis bajas de interleucina-2 (IL-2) ukamp chikaw apnaqasi, ukajj yaqha qollarakiwa, sistema inmunológico ukaruw yanapt’i cáncer sat usunakat qollañataki.
Managing tuberculosis tests many different aspects of public health.
Walja kast taqinitak suma k’umar jakañat tisiku usut yant’awinak apnaqawi.
File size: 47Mb Sally has just got her medical degree and wants to open a private medical hospital.
Archivon tamañopa: 47Mb Sally satawa jupajj título de médico ukwa katoqe ukat hospital médico privado ukwa jist’arañ muni.
We also propose a new budget item totalling EUR 10 million to enable us to be proactive in efficiently tackling diseases other than HIV, malaria and TB that claim many millions of lives each year, especially among children.
10 millones de euros ukha qollqwa presupuestotak churaña amtawayapxta, ukhamatwa Nanakax taqe kuns amtapjja lurapxaraki, VIH, la malaria ukat tuberculosis ukham yaqha usunakaru saykatañataki, uka usunakax millon millon jaqenakaruw sapa marax jiwayi, yamas wawanakaruw juk’amp jiwayaraki.
After a recent heart attack, people often have low rates, but an increase in blood pressure may contribute to poor health.
Mä ataque cardíaco pasatatxa, uka usutanakan awisax presion arterialapax minust’iwa (tasas bajas), ukampis presion arterialapax jiljattaspa ukhax usutarox jan walt’ayaspawa.
Medical equipment in Texas
Texas markan equipos medicos
It is particularly central for health care workers, persons with diabetes and chronic kidney diseases, and also cardiac disease patients that they are most at venture of getting severe complications from getting the flu.To stay away from the colds, it is especially important for hand washing.
Diabetes, enfermedades renales crónicas, ukat enfermedades cardíacas uka usuni pacientenakax akatxamat ch’ojjo usu katurjamapki taqe jupanakaxa, Trabajadores de la salud jupanakatakex wali importantepxewa uka jaqenakaxa, ch’oxo usut jark’aqasiñatakexa amparanak jarisiñaw wali importantexa.
Poor indoor air quality not only affects quality-of-life, but also causes physical discomfort, health issues, and decreased productivity at work.
Uta manqhan airepax jan waliki ukhaxa janiw suma jakañasaruk jan walt’aykiti, jan ukasti cuerposarow jan waltayaspa usuntayarakispawa ukat janirakiw sum trabaxsnati.
Frequency of Anti-HCV Reactivity in Medical Conditions Unrelated to HCV
Frecuencia de reactividad anti-HCV en condiciones médicas no relacionadas con el HCV
Depending on the infection pressure and the disease situation sows and piglets over the age of 2 weeks (irrespective of the level of maternal antibodies) may be vaccinated twice with one dose (2 ml), 4– 6 weeks apart.
La presión de la infección ukat uka usox kunjamasa ukanakatwa depende, jach’a khuchinakasa 2 semanat jiliri wawa khuchinakas (independientemente del nivel de anticuerpos maternos) pä kutiwa vacunasispa con una dosis (2 ml), 4 jan ukaxa 6 semananak pasatata.
God used this event as a special sign to show Hezekiah that he would regain his health.
Usupat q’umaraptañapatakejja Diosax mä señal toqewa Ezequías chacharox yatiyäna.
Health Care and Social Assistance,
Asistencia Sanitaria y Social,
Malnutrition is a key risk factor, particularly for mortality, as is tobacco smoking.
Manq’at pist’ata, jilpachax jiwañataki, pitañjamas mä tunu sartayir laykunakawa.
His first own cosmetic line is called PLATINUM and was developed by LR Health & Beauty Systems.
Línea cosmética ukan Nayriri sutipax PLATINUM satawa LR Health & Beauty Systems sat empresaw jiltayi.
Continue the treatment for at least a week after the disease symptoms have vanished as to support recovery and minimize the risk of a relapse.
Uka usojj jan juk’amp usjjatam ukat q’umaraptañamataki jan uka usumpi juk’amp usuntañatakisa mä semanampi uka tratamiento luraskakim.
Any existing renal disease will not be affected by the surgery.
Uka cirugíayampex riñonamax kuna usuniskchisa janiw afectatäkaniti.
Health personnel at 47 hospitals in the four counties are mentored on quality improvement measures.
47 hospitalanakan trabajirinakapaxa pusi condadonakatwa orientación sobre medidas de mejora de la calidad uk katoqe.
Alongside the proven positive effects on health, however, there are also risks.
Ukampisa, efectos positivos comprobados en la salud ukamp chikaxa, jan walex utxarakiwa.
1.12 TYPE I-INTERFERONS Interferons (IFNs) were named for their ability to interfere with virus replication.
1.12 Los interferones tipo I -INTERFERONES (IFN) ukham sutiniwa ¿kunatsa? por su capacidad para interferir con la replicación del virus.
Hermes works with various health insurance companies in the affected departments to prevent fatigue and back pain.
Hermes sat empresax walja compañías de seguros de salud ukanakampiw trabaji, fatiga y el dolor de espalda uka usunakat jark’aqañataki.
Multi-factor assessments based on risk score of the trend over time of the absolute illness or mortality risk for diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases
Evaluaciones multifactoriales basadas en la puntuación de riesgo de la tendencia a lo largo del tiempo de la enfermedad absoluta o el riesgo de mortalidad por diabetes mellitus y enfermedades cardiovasculares
If you have the Ops Comm permission, you can set the service health.
Ops Comm uka organizacionat permisopampexa, estado del servicio uk utt’ayasispawa.
What evidence is there, then, that it’s not just one type of tick that carries Lyme disease bacteria in the US?
Estados unidos markanxa taqe casta garrapatanakaw utxi, ukhamax lyme sat uka usut bacteriax mä casta garrapatatwa juti sañatakex ¿kuna pruebanakas uttxi?
Human life expectancy has grown at a remarkable rate.
Jaqi jaktaw walpun mirantawayxi.
Surveillance – generally based on case notification – is a vital element.
Uñch’ukiwix, jilpachax usutanakat yatiyawtuqxat utt’ataxa, mä suma tunuwa.
Remember that when abnormally high calories may make your child obese, extremely low calories would affect his health adversely.
Jan armapjjamti, calorías anormalmente altas ukaw wawamarox lonqhontayaspa, ukampis, calorías extremadamente bajas ukax jan walt’ayjarakispawa wawamaroxa.
Losing weight can be a very good choice for your health, but if you do not make it right can also be harmful to your health.
Jan juk’amp lonqhojañataki amtañax walispawa inas q’umarañataki yanapt’ristam, ukampis jan sum lurkäta ukhaxa inas q’umarañatak jan yanapt’kätamti.
What is amazing about Wartrol is that it works from within battling the virus that causes genital warts unlike the other treatment methods where the genital warts is juts physically removed from the skin but does not actually eliminate the virus within the skin.
Wartrol qollax musparkañawa cuerpo manqhatwa virus que causa las verrugas genitales ukar chhaqtayi, yaqha tratamientonakax janiw ukhamakiti verrugas genitales ukarox janchi patxatakwa chhaqtayi, janiw janchi manqhet chhaqtaykiti.
Therefore, the main objective of the regulation is the protection of public health and accordingly, the legal basis must be Article 168 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Ukhamasti, aka amtampiwa aka reglamentox lurasi salud pública uk jark’aqañataki, ukatakisti, base jurídicaxa artículo 168 del Tratado de Funcionamiento de la Unión Europea ukatañapawa.
The drug can be prescribed to patients with chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure.
Aka qollajj enfermedad renal crónica e insuficiencia renal crónica uka usutanakaruw recetasispa.
After nucleoside monotherapy (1985-1995), now the second gen- medical human experiment with HAART (1995-2006) demonstrated that intracellular infections and degenerative events in the lymph cells could no be successfully treated for a longer period with nucleoside analogs, protease inhibitors or che
Monoterapia con nucleósidos ukax pasxewa (1985-1995), jichhax experimento humano de segunda generación médica con HAART (1995-2006) ukax uñacht’ayiwa infecciones intracelulares ukat eventos degenerativos en las células linfáticas ukax janiw sum trataskaspati walja tiemponxa análogos de nucleósidos, inhibidores de la proteasa o che ukanakampexa
for long-term objectives or target values whose object is the protection of human health, the population potentially exposed to concentrations in excess of the threshold.
Salud humana uk xark’aqañtakexa objetivos a largo plazo jan ukax valores objetivo uka amtanakawa utxi, concentraciones superiores al umbral markankirinakax jan ukampi jan watayasipxañapataki.
With Knowledge Management for Healthcare Providers, you can incorporate knowledge sources to analyze clinical practice impacts such as diagnoses, patient safety indicators, medications, clinical protocols, and genetic and social profiles.
Gestión del Conocimiento para Proveedores de Atención Médica, puede incorporar fuentes de conocimiento para analizar los impactos de la práctica clínica, como diagnósticos, indicadores de seguridad del paciente, medicamentos, protocolos clínicos y perfiles genéticos y sociales.
alimentary tract ailments and disorders (gastric and duodenal ulcers, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and Crohn’s decease),
Tracto alimentario usutapata trastornos (úlceras gástricas y duodenales, inflamación intestinal uka usu (EII) ukat Crohn usupi jiwaña),
Health, clothing, sanitation, education were all of the same standard.
Salud, isi, saneamiento, ukat educación taqe ukax mä nivelankakinwa.
Diagnosis and treatment require healthcare systems to have a degree of sophistication.
Kunjamasktas sir yant’awix ukhamarak waliptañatak lurawix qullasiñtuqit chiqancha mä suma askiptayäwi munapxi.
I lost this plant to the virus testing that is going on right now, but have a dozen or so seedlings in various stagges of maturity, with oldest about to bloom this year.
Pruebas de virus jichhak luraski ukanwa aka airunak apt’asta, ukampis machaq airunakax walxaw utxaskitu mä qhawqhax jichhakiw jilsuski mä qhawqhasti jilarataxewa, wali jilsutaxe uka airunakax aka maratak niyaw panqarxani.
These objections were considered to be of serious public health concern.
Jan lurañ munapxatapaxa salud publica ukankirinakaruw wal llakisiyäna.
The three unique types of wipes available meet the needs of professionals in the foodservice, healthcare and specialty sectors.
Uka kimsa kasta jisk’a toallanak utxataptxa, servicios de alimentos, atención médica y especialidades ukankirinakaruw trabajonakap sum lurañatak yanapt’i.
Our goal is to provide quality medical services of all kinds using the most modern methods – as required by modern veterinary medicine – and to get away from the old (and unfortunately still used) method of:”Let’s try some cortisone and antibiotics and see what happens”.
Nanakax taqe kasta wali suma servicios médicos ukwa churañ munapjjta métodos más modernos taqe ukanakampi, medicina veterinaria moderna taqe ukanakatakiw wakisi, nayrax kunxamsa lurapxana uk armañasawa (ukampis aka urunakan ukham lurasipkakiwa) Sañäni: “yant’añäni cortisona jan ukax antibióticonakampi waliniti janicha uk yatiñatak suyt’añäni”.
People who eat a lot of processed meat such as sausage products, salami or ham run a higher risk of dying from cardiovascular disease or cancer.
Khitinakati, salchichas, salami jan ukax jamón, uka kasta aychanak sinti manq’apki uka jaqenakaxa, cardiovasculares usu jan ukax cáncer usumpiw jiwapxaspa.
Around 5% of deaths from communicable diseases worldwide and 14% of deaths resulting from non-communicable illnesses among adults aged 30 and over were attributable to tobacco use, according to a new report by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Oraqpachanxa 5% jiwirinakaxa katusir usunakampiw jiwapxe ukat 14% jiwirinakax 30 jan ukax juk’amp maraninakax janiw usu katusirimpex jiwapkiti jan ukasti, cigarrillo fumapxatap layku, ukham siwa Organización Mundial de la Salud (WHO) qhepa informepanxa.
Drinking water is an important part of your diet, which flushes all the waste in your system and helps you maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Manq’a toqetxa uma umañax wali importantewa, cuerposan kuna jan walinakas utxi ukanakwa q’al apankuyistu, ukaw q’umar jakasiñatakis yanpt’asi.
In some cases, what is a potentially dangerous drugs can be recommended for use for certain types of patients because of the very serious consequences for the health condition, which presents a far greater danger than the actual medicine itself.
Mä qhawqha kutixa, mä qollax wali peligrosuki ukhaxa qollañatakex recomendasispawa kunawsatex mä usoj jan walijapuni ukhaxa, qollax peligrosokchisa usuw juk’amp peligrosuxa.
Allergy March – keep track of a changing allergy Allergy undergoes dynamic changes over time, and the term "Allergy March" is often used to describe this characteristic disease progression.
Marcha de la alergia: alergianakax mayxt’apuniwa ukwa sumwa uñjañasa, alergiax qalltat tukuykamaw mayxt’i, “Marcha de la alergia” uka arux alergiax mayxt’apuniwa uk qhañanchañatakiw apnaqasi.
With regard to the follow-up of the Decker and Kohl judgments, there are important legal questions currently being debated in new cases before the Court. These questions concern hospital care and the Dutch health system.
Decker y Kohl uka empresanakat juezan sentenciapat sum yatxatasaxa, wali importante leyinakatwa jichhax parlasipki yaqha toqenakat ukarxam amtasiñapatki tribunal de justicia uka cheqana. Aka jiskt’anakaxa holanda markan kunjamsa hospitalanakapan usutanakarux uñjapxe ukatakiwa.
In 2014, the World Health Assembly endorsed the End TB Strategy.
2014 maran, Uraqpachan Qullasiña Tantachawix Fin a la Tuberculosis thaki iyawst’awäyi.
The cat can catch a kaltsivirusny infection through illness carriers (both sick cats, and healthy animals which organism contains a virus), and also through the infected subjects (clothes, footwear, toys, a bowl, etc.)
Portadores de kaltsivirus uka toqetwa phisinakax uka usu katupxaspa, (virus sataki ukanakaxa usut phisinakat ukat yaqha q’umara animalanakansa utxiwa), infectatapki ukanakata (isinakata, zapatonakata, anatañanakata, jarronakata)
The Council’s eventual agreement, in October of last year, to the use of open coordination in health provision and the care of the elderly is another success chalked up by this House.
Octubre phaxsin pasir maranxa consejonkirinakax ma amtaruw puripxäna, kunataki uso de la coordinación abierta en la prestación de servicios de salud ukat jiliri jaqenakar sun uñjañataki, ukax wali askiwa sasaw camara sat ukakirinakax sapxaraki.
“Then all of that imploded; I was given an early retirement for health reasons.
Taqe kunaw manqhan p’akisïna* (Entonces todo eso implosióno); razones de salud ukatwa Janirakipan jubilapxetu.
Adding things up it then occurred to me that the powers that be have been attempting to engineer a global pandemic since 2008.
Juk’ampexa, poderes fácticos jan ukax jan politikankapki jupanakaw 2008 marat oraqpachan mä pandemia utxañapataki lurasipkatap amuyta.
Until now, the load has already been partially neutralized again after a few hours so that lost the activity against bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores.
Jichhakamaxa, uka cargaxa mä qhawqha oranakatwa wasitat neutralizapxe ukatwa bacterias, virus, hongos ukat esporas taqe ukanakar jan kuns kamachxeti.
Ninety-one healthy, non-pregnant women between 22 – 42 years old were recruited for a prospective-observational clinical trial.
Llatun tunka mayani warminakaruwa 22 ukat 42 maranakani q’umara ukat jan embarazatapki uka warminakaruw jawsthapisïna, ensayo clínico observacional prospectivo uk lurañataki.
Persons addicted to methamphetamine develop serious health problems, but there is less understanding surrounding the high numbers of law enforcement personnel who experience significant symptoms associated with clandestine methamphetamine drug lab investigations (CDC, 2005).
Metanfetamina uka drogaru yatintat jaqenakaxa jan wali usumpiw apxatasipxe, ukampis uka toqet leyinak phoqasiñapataki walja encargadonakax janiw suma uñjatapkiti, experimenta síntomas significativos asociados con las investigaciones clandestinas de laboratorio de drogas de metanfetamina (CDC, 2005).
At the same time, measures are needed which aim to improve health care systems and infrastructures.
Ukxaruxa, sistemas y las infraestructuras de atención sanitaria ukanak sum askichañaw wakisipuni.
Coordination and compilation of a corporate health report for the Steiermärkische Gebietskrankenkasse (STGKK) queraum.
Coordinación y compilación de un informe de salud corporativa para el Steiermärkische Gebietskrankenkasse (STGKK) queraum.
Module filter at a 5qm quarantine tank for 60cm Koi.
Filtro de módulo en un tanque de cuarentena de 5 metros cuadrados para Koi de 60 cm.
The broad goal of ending the tuberculosis epidemic is included within the Sustainable Development Goals.
Jilir amtapax tisiku piyantawir tukuy uchañax Luraskir Sartäwi Amatanak taypinkiwa.
That is why you have to consult your medical professional if you take any medications.
Ukatwa mä qolla umasksta ukhaxa doctoramaruwa jiskt’añama.
Select this option to have Virex beep when it finds a virus.
Seleccione esta opción para que Virex emita un pitido cuando encuentre un virus.
On July 15, 2014, following the killing of an Israeli civilian, Hamas closed access to the crossing for five hours and delayed the exit of patients leaving for medical treatment (, July 16, 2014).
15 de julio 2014 maran, israelí markankiri mä jaqer jiwawasaxa, Hamas sat ukankiri jaqenakaxa phesqa horanakawa cruce uka cheq pasañatak jark’antapxäna, tratamiento medico katoqañatak mistunisipkäna uka usutanakaruw qheparayapxäna, (, 16 de julio de 2014).
The magazine Better Life, with the help of special scientists, you helps effectively in the prevention and in the healthy way of life. You it helps with simple means and simple way to live better.
Better Life sat revistaxa, cientificos especiales ukanakan yanapt’apampexa, q’umara sum jakasiñatakiw yanapt’apjje. Medios simples ukanakampiw yanapt’tam sum jakañataki.
As a consequence he expects negative effects on the health of these people and for that reason social security is currently the subject in the coming coalition negotiations, keyword "Citizens Insurance".
Kunanakas pasi uk amuyasawa efectos negativos en la salud ukwa jupanakax suyasipki, ukatwa seguridad social uka toqenakat parlapxani jutiri negociaciones de coalición taqe ukanamkampi, temapasti “Seguro Ciudadano” ukaniwa.
The invention relates to the use of compounds of formula (I) and of their salts and stereoisomers in the production of medicaments for treating cardiovascular diseases.
Aka yaqha amuyuxa uso de compuestos de fórmula (I) y de sus sales y estereoisómeros uka qollanak lurasiñapatakiw qhanañchaski, cardiovasculares sat usunak qollañataki.
Patients were permitted to be either disease-modifying, anti-rheumatic drug-naïve or to remain on their pre-existing rheumatologic therapy provided that Me
Modificadores de la enfermedad, antirreumáticos sin fármacosïve ukwa pacientenakarux permitisïna jan ukax terapia reumatológica preexistente ukankaskakiñapataki
But clearly the European Commission should and must carry out an independent evaluation of all the environmental and public health risks, not just for Ireland and for all the UK but for all the people of Europe.
Qhanaskapuniwa Comisión Europea ukankirinakax medio ambiente y la salud pública ukatakiw kuna jan walinakas utxaspa taqe ukanakat mä evaluación independiente lurapxañapa, janiwa Irlanda, Reino Unido uka markanakatakikexa, jan ukasti Europankiri taqe uka jaqenakataki.
(5) The test requirements for dogs and cats imported from Malaysia must be modified so as to allow the use of a validated diagnostic test for the detection of antibody against Nipah disease virus.
(5) Anunakaru phisinakaru ensayonakatak requisitonakax Malasia markat apanitapki ukax modificasiñapawa ukhamat uka pruebanakampe diagnostikatax anticuerpos contra el virus de la enfermedad de Nipah ukax utxiti janicha uk yatiñataki.
Individualised medicine could penetrate medical practice from prevention to (early) diagnostics as well as therapy and aftertreatment monitoring.
Medicina individualizada ukampexa prevención ukat diagnóstico (temprano), ukhamarak terapia ukat monitoreo posterior al tratamiento ukanakwa lurasxarakispa.
By 2030, the End TB Strategy aims to achieve an 80% drop in incidence, a 90% reduction in mortality, and to ensure that no TB patients and their households face catastrophic costs as a result of TB disease.
2030 maratakixa, End TB thakix patakat 80 % willtat uñstir juk’aptäwi, patakat 90 % jiwañan juk’aptäwi ukatx jan khiti TB usump usut ukatx utap jan ñanqhachir payllawinak TB usutjama jikthaptañap phuqhañ amtaniwa.
In 13 patients with different liver diseases, the antibody labeled liver cells with and without AAT globules .
13 k’iwchay taqe kasta usuninakaxa, anticuerponakax marcataynawa células hepáticas con y sin glóbulos de AAT.
The enrolled students who had had baseline assessment were further invited to participate in several studies over the period of time to understand the characteristics and to track the prognosis of the disease and role of ADHD in their overall development.
Katoqatapkäna uka estudiantenakar qalltan mä evaluación luratapkäna jupanakaruw walja estudionak lurapxañapatak invitapxäna, yateqapxañapataki kunjamasa ukat seguimiento del pronóstico de la enfermedad ukat el papel del TDAH en su desarrollo general ukanak sum amuyapxañapataki.
In terms of frequency, you should return to your virus risk assessment for your business, and prioritize the threat.
Términos de frecuencia ukarjamaxa, evaluación de riesgo de virus ukaruw kut’añapa ukat amenazanaksa uk nayraqataw amuyt’añapa.
This development is reflected in the medical oaths and declarations of past and present.
Juramentonakasa ukat declaraciones médicas nayrax luraskana aka urunakans lurapki ukwa aka desarrollox uñacht’ayaski.
The Ph.375 examines show that it appears to lessen higher blood pressure in a few of the individuals, however it is recommended that if you have hypertension in the first place, you ought to talk to your medical professional regarding taking Ph.375, he may need to check your blood pressure closely a
Ph.375 uka qolla examinataxa mä qhawqha jaqenakan presion arterialapax wali altut minust’irjamwa uñachtayi, Ukampisa hipertensión uka usunista ukhaxa ewxt’asiwa nayraqatax doctoramp parlaña Ph.375 qolla umañataki, inas presión arterial jak’at uñjañax wakischini
To maintain an overview of the sick prisoners, a medical registration card file was kept in the sick bay.
Usuntat prisioneronakat jan armasiñatakex, archivo de tarjeta de registro médico ukan imataskiwa bahía de enfermos uka cheqana.
In fourteen countries, Terre des hommes guarantees the right to healthcare for thousands of mothers and children during pregnancy, childbirth, post-natal period and in childhood.
Tunka pusin markanakanwa, Terre des hommes sat asociaciónax taykanakati, purakanki uka wawanakataki, parto, período postnatal, infancia waranq warminakatakiwa derecho a la atención medica uk jupanakatak garantizaski.
Health & Safety On Site
Uka cheqan Salud y seguridad
Purchase a cholesterol testing kit from your local pharmacy or, if you prefer, have your doctor or other health professional take your cholesterol level and give you the results.
Prueba de colesterol uk alasim uka cheqan farmaciatxa, munsta ukjaxa pachpa doctodarama jan ukaj yaqha doctorampi nivel de colesterol uk midt’ayasisin resultadonak churarakitam.
Other studies have shown that eating raw food can lead to other health problems.
Maysa toqet yatjatasax jan phayata manq’añanak manq’añaxa yaqha usunakampiw usuntayiristam.
Its three pillars are: integrated patient-centered care and prevention; bold policies and supportive systems; and, intensified research and innovation.
Kimsa tamanakapax akanakawa: janir junakipan jirk’äwi ukatx usutanakar qullasiw uñtata; aski kamachinaka ukatx yanapt’äw chiqanchanaka; ukatx yatxataw ch’amanchäwi ukhamarak machaq utjayäwi.
After all, even the most familiar products can affect the development, health of the child, as well as worsen the health of the future mother.
Taqe ukanakatxa, wali uñt’at productonakasa purankaski uka wawarux jiltañatakisa, q’umarañatakis jan walt’ayaspawa, taykarus juk’ampwa usuntayarakispa.
Its aim is to shorten the paths between the stakeholders of the healthcare industry and to promote contacts between economy and politics. The initiative also campaigns in favour of an active health and economic policy.
Partes interesadas ukat industria de la salud ukanakax juk’amp mayacht’atapxaspa ukaw amtapaxa, ukat economía toqeta politica toqet contactasipxañapatakiw ch’amañcht’araki. Kunti lurasiñapaki uk jank’aki lurasaxa política sanitaria y económica activa taqe ukanakaruw ch’mañchi.
If you need a Medical certification from a doctor we can arrange this for you the same day for only €45.
Doctorat certificación médica munsta ukhaxa uka pachpa uruwa jumatak wakicht’apxerista 45 € ukja qollqetaki.
Nevertheless, one must bear in mind that liposuction is not an alternative for the weight loss achieved through sports, a proper and healthy diet, and it is not a method to treat obesity.
Ukampisa akwa yatiñasa, cuerposat lik’i apanukuñatakexa liposucción sat operaciónaj janiw walikiti, deporte luraña suma manq’anak manq’aña ukaw juk’amp walexa, liposucción sat operaciónax janiwa mä metodokiti obesidad qollañatakexa.
Since its founding, Hua Dong Hospital has provided high-quality medical services to government officials, members of the foreign business and diplomatic communities, tourists from all over the world, overseas Chinese and the general public.
Hua Dong hospitalaja qalltatpachawa servicios de alta calidad gobiernonkirinakaru, empresankirinakaru, diplomaticos extranjeros, taqe markanakat jutir turistanakaru extranjeronkiri chinonakaru, ukat taqe jaqenakaruw ukhamwa atiendipxe.
In addition, D-phenylalanine was also to some extent successfully used in the therapy of chronic painful diseases (e. g. rheumatism and arthroses).
D-fenilalanina sat qollaxa terapia de enfermedades dolorosas crónicas (por ejemplo, reumatismo y artrosis) uka usunakatakex sumawa.
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Atención Médica Tenerife markan thaqaña...
stay open As the ASF virus cannot be transferred to humans, it is not dangerous.
Virus de la PPA ukax janiw jaqenakan cuerpopar mantkaspati, Janiw jan walikiti.
RIs in the research field of ‘status’ (S) and ‘health’ (H) are emerging.
RI ukaw investigación toqenakat “estatus” (S) y “salud” (H) uñstaski.