How to Stop Arguing
Amaña phiñachinakuy kananpaq
10 Interview
10 Tapusun
A Designer of Robots Explains His Faith
Robotkunata ruwaq iñiyninmanta willan
12 Portraits From the Past
12 Ñawpa tiempota qhawarispa
14 The Bible’s Viewpoint
14 ¿Ima ninmi Biblia?
The Needy?
16 Was It Designed?
16 ¿Kikillanmantachu paqarimurqan?
The Tail of the Agama Lizard
Agama qaraywaq chupan
www.jw.org / es
What Should I Know About Texting?
¿Imatan qhawarinay celularmanta mensajekunata apachispay?
Used wisely, texting can be a great way to stay in touch.
Celularmanta mensajekunata apachispaqa amigoykikunawanmi rimawaq.
Used carelessly, it can ruin your friendships and your reputation.
Chayqa kanqa piman qelqasqaykimantan, ima qelqasqaykimanta ima ratopi ruwasqaykimantapas.
Get tips about whom, what, and when to text.
Kaypin yachanki allin yuyaychaykunata.
(Ñit’iykuy ENSEÑANZAS BÍBLICAS / JÓVENES nisqapi, español simipi)
Read illustrated Bible stories.
Dibujokunayoq willakuy.
Use the activity pages to help your children improve their knowledge of Bible characters and moral principles.
Kaykunata ruwayqa wawaykichiskunatan yanapanqa Bibliaq rimasqan wakin runakunata reqsinankupaq, allin kaqkunata yachanankupaqpas.
(Ñit’iykuy ENSEÑANZAS BÍBLICAS / NIÑOS nisqapi, español simipi)
Children “born with a defect that could have been detected during prenatal screening ” can no longer sue medical authorities for“ wrongful life, ” reports Haaretz.com.
Haaretz.com nisqan willan Israel nacionpi mana allin naceqkunaqa manañan autoridadkunata “nacenankupaq dejasqankumanta ” quejankumanchu sichus“ manaraq naceshaqtinku imachus onqoyninku kasqan yachanapaq hina karqan chayqa ”.
Parents, however, can sue for “wrongful birth ” in order to seek compensation for“ the extra expenses of raising a disabled child and meeting [his] needs for the rest of his life. ”
Tayta - mamakunan ichaqa quejayta atinkuman “onqosqa wawankuta uywanankupaq, tukuy kawsasqan tiempopi imachus necesitakusqanpipas ” autoridadkuna yanapananpaq.
In Australia, 8 out of 10 couples live together before getting married.
Australia nacionpiqa 10 warmi - qhari tiyaqkunamantan 8 tiyanku manaraq casarakuspa.
Statistics released by the Greek Ministry of Health showed a 40 percent increase in suicides in Greece during the first five months of 2011, compared with the same period in 2010.
Grecia nacionmanta Ministerio de Salud nisqan willan 2011 watapi phisqantin killa qallariykunapi runakunaq wañuchikusqankumanta. 2010 watapi wañuchikuqkunamantaqa 2011 watapin karqan yaqa iskay kuti hinaraq.
The rise coincided with the onset of the latest financial crisis.
Chaymi tupan chay killakunapi qolqeq pisiyasqanwan.
Almost 40 percent of food nationwide is wasted, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council.
Estados Unidos runakunan yaqa kuskanta hina mikhuyninkuta usuchinku, chaytan willan Consejo para la Defensa de Recursos Naturales nisqa.
It is estimated, for example, that 7 percent of food crops are never harvested, that 17 percent of meals served in restaurants and cafeterias remain uneaten, and that families throw out some 25 percent of the food they purchase.
Yachanapaq, ima mikhuy llank’asqankutapas pachak wachumantan qanchis wachuta saqepunku, restaurantekunapipas pachak plato mikhuna mañakusqankumantan chunka qanchisniyoq platota saqepunku, wasinkuman mikhuykuna apasqankumantapas pachak kilo rantisqankumantan iskay chunka phisqayoq kilota winch’upunku.
The world’s smallest chameleon was recently discovered in Madagascar.
Madagascarpin pachantinmanta aswan huch’uy camaleonta tarirqonku.
Growing to a length of 1.1 inches (29 mm), some of these tiny brown lizards can perch on a fingernail.
Suyt’unmanmi yaqa kinsa centímetro hinalla, wakinqa sillu sayayllan kanku.
Because of threats to its habitat, the animal may be at risk of extinction.
Kay animalchaqa yaqapaschá chinkapushanña tiyasqan mana allinpi tarikusqanrayku.
Are you and your spouse unable to discuss things calmly?
¿Manachu thak sonqolla sasachakuyniykichista allichayta atinkichis?
Does it feel as if you are always walking through a minefield in which any step could set off an explosive dispute?
¿Dinamita patapipas sayashawaqchis hinapaqchu qhawarikunkichis, imallawanpas qonqaylla phatanman hinata?
If so, be assured that things can improve. But first you need to find out why you and your spouse argue so much.
Chhayna kaqtinqa ama pisikallpayaychischu, atiwaqchismi aswan allin kawsaytaqa, chaypaqqa ñawpaqtan yachanaykichis imarayku phiñanachikusqaykichista.
A wife named Jillian * admits: “Sometimes I say something to my husband and it doesn’t come out as I intended.
Lilianan * nin: “Mayninpin qosayta ima niytapas munani ichaqa manan munasqay simikunatachu nini.
Or I am convinced that I told him something, when I really only dreamed that I told him.
Mayninpiqa imatapas ninaypaq yuyaykusqaytan mana nishaspay nini: ‘ Nirqaykin, nirqaykin ’, nispa.
That’s actually happened! ”
Manan llullakushanichu ”, nispa.
No matter how compatible you and your spouse may seem to be, your views on some matters will differ.
Kaqllataña yuyaykunku manaña chaypas, sapankankupas hukniraymantapunin imatapas qhawarinqaku.
Because no two people are exactly alike ​ — a fact that can add either variety or tension to marriage.
Manapunin iskay runaqa kaqllapuniqa kankumanchu, chaykunan casarakuy kawsayta munayyachin, ichaqa phiñachinakuytapas apamullanmantaqmi.
For many couples, the result is tension.
Wakinpaqqa phiñachinakuytan astawan apamun.
“My parents argued a lot and made disrespectful comments to each other, ” says a wife named Rachel,“ so when I got married I talked to my husband the way my mother talked to my father.
Raquelmi nin: “Tayta - mamayqa manan respetanakuqkuchu tukuy tiempon maqanakushallaqku, chaymi ñoqapas casarakuspayqa imaynan mamay taytayta rimapayaq chhaynallatataq qosayta rimapayayta qallarirqani.
I had not learned how to show respect. ”
Manan respetoyoq kayta yachasqanichu ”, nispa.
Often, a fiery argument is really about something other than the event that ignited it.
Mayninpiqa manan reparakunchu imaynapi phiñachinakuy qallarisqan.
For example, a dispute that starts with “You’re always late! ”
Yaqapaschá huk esposa qosanta ninman: “Qanqa sapa kutillanmi tardeta chayamunki ”, nispa.
may not be about the need for punctuality but about one spouse feeling that he or she has been treated inconsiderately.
Sasachakuyqa manapaschá tardeta chayamusqanchu, aswanpas esposanmi chay ruwasqanta qhawarin manapas respetashanmanchu hinata.
Whatever the cause, frequent arguing can adversely affect your health and can even be a predictor of eventual divorce.
Imamantaña phiñachinakunkuman chaypas, sapa kutilla chayta ruwasqankuqa onqochinmanmi otaq t’aqanachinmanpas.
How, then, can you stop arguing?
¿Imatan ruwawaqchis amaña phiñachinakuy kananpaq?
A key to preventing arguments is identifying the underlying issues that fuel them.
Ñawpaqtaqa imarayku sasachakuy kasqantan tarinaykichis.
When things are calm, try the following exercise with your spouse.
Thak tarikusqaykichis ratopi kayta ruwaychis:
On separate sheets of paper, each of you should write down the topic of a recent argument.
Sapankaykichis qelqaychis imamantachus chayllaraq phiñachinakusqaykichismanta.
For example, a husband might write, “You spent the whole day with your friends and didn’t call me to tell me where you were. ”
Qosaqa yaqapaschá qelqanman: “Amigaykikunawanmi ch’isiyamurqanki, manataqmi huk kutillatapas waqyamuwarqankichu ”, nispa.
A wife might write, “You got upset because I spent time with my friends. ”
Esposataq qelqanman: “Amigaykunawan kamusqaymantan phiñakurqanki ”, nispa.
With an open mind, discuss the following: Was the matter really that serious?
Sasachakuyta allichaypi yuyaykuspa tapukuychis: ¿Phiñakunapaq hinapunichu karqan?
Could it have been overlooked?
¿Aswan allinchu kanman karqan pampachay?
In some cases, for the sake of peace, it may suffice to agree to disagree and to cover over the matter with love. ​ — Bible principle: Proverbs 17: 9.
Thaklla kawsanaykichispaqqa yachanaykichismi mayninpiqa mana kaqllatachu imatapas qhawarisqaykichista, hinaspapas munakuymi yanapasunkichis pampachanaykichispaq. (Bibliapi yanapay: Proverbios 17: 9.)
If you and your spouse conclude that the matter was trivial, apologize to each other and consider it settled. ​ — Bible principle: Colossians 3: 13, 14.
Sichus aguantanapaq hina chay sasachakuy karqan chayqa pampachanakuychis hinaspataq qonqapuychis. (Bibliapi yanapay: Colosenses 3: 13, 14.)
If the matter seems more serious to one or both of you, proceed to the next step.
Sichus hukniykichis mana aguantanapaq hinata qhawarin chayqa qatimuqpi kaqta ruwaychis.
Write down how you felt during the argument, and have your spouse do the same.
Phiñachinakusqaykichis ratopi imaynachus sientekusqaykichismanta anotaychis.
For example, a husband might write, “I felt that you preferred the company of your friends over my company. ”
Qosaqa qelqanmanmi: “Amigaykikunawanpas astawan kayta munawaq hinatan qhawarirqani ”, nispa.
A wife might write, “I felt that you were treating me as if I were a child who had to check in with her father. ”
Esposaqa qelqanmanmi: “Huk wawata hinan sientechiwarqanki, taytantapas sapa rato waqyanan kanman hinata ”, nispa.
Swap papers with your spouse, and read each other’s comments.
Qelqasqaykichista cambiaychis leenaykichispaq.
What was your spouse’s deeper concern during the argument?
¿Imaynatan sientekurqan qosayki otaq esposayki phiñachinakusqaykichis ratopi?
Discuss what each of you could have done differently to address the underlying issues without arguing. ​ — Bible principle: Proverbs 29: 11.
Rimaychis imatachus ruwawaqchis karqan imapunichus sasachakuy kasqanta allichanaykichispaq chayta, chhaynapi mana phiñachinakuy kananpaq. (Bibliapi yanapay: Proverbios 29: 11.)
Discuss what you learned from this exercise.
Chay qelqasqaykichismanta imatachus yachasqaykichista rimaychis.
How can you use what you learned to solve or prevent a future argument?
¿Imaynatan yanapasunkichisman qhepaman ama phiñachinakunaykichispaq, otaq phiñachinakuyta qallarishaqtiykichis reparakunaykichispaq?
Names have been changed.
Sutikunaqa cambiasqan kashan.
“The one covering over transgression is seeking love. ” ​ — Proverbs 17: 9.
“Huchallikuyta pampachaqqa munakuytan t’ikarichin. ” (Proverbios 17: 9.)
“Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely. ” ​ — Colossians 3: 13.
“Qankunapura paciencianakuychis, [...] pampachaykunakuychis. ”
“All his spirit is what a stupid one lets out, but he that is wise keeps it calm to the last. ” ​ — Proverbs 29: 11.
“Mana yuyayniyoqqa manchana k’araktan phiñakun, yachayniyoq runan ichaqa sonqollanpi hap’ispa thasnun. ” (Proverbios 29: 11.)
Dig deeper: What did each of you really need from the other during the dispute?
¿Imayna tratanatan sapankapas munawaqchis karqan phiñachinakusqaykichis ratopi?
Get to the underlying issues.
Yuyariychis phiñanachikusqaykichista.
“Replay ” the event: Instead of arguing, what could each of you have done differently to address those underlying issues?
¿Imatan chay rato ruwawaqchis karqan mana phiñachinakuypi tarikunaykichispaq?
If the matter was trivial, apologize to each other and consider it settled
Sichus aguantanapaq hina chay sasachakuy karqan chayqa pampachanakuychis hinaspataq qonqapuychis
GEORGE felt desperate. He could not get enough food for his family.
GEORGEQA manan imatapas ruwayta atisharqanñachu.
At the same time, neighbors were getting sick, and some appeared to be starving.
Manan atirqanchu familianman imata mikhuchiytapas.
A few hundred miles to the south, however, lay a richer country.
Yarqaywan onqoywanmi llaqtanpi mast’arikusharqan.
‘ I’ll move abroad, find a job, and then have my family join me, ’ he thought.
Ichaqa, tiyasqanmanta karupin huk allin nación kasharqan.
Patricia also dreamed of a new life abroad.
Georgeqa yuyaykurqanmi: “Chay nacionman ripusaq, llank’anata tarispaytaq familiayta chayman apapusaq ”, nispa.
She had no work and few opportunities.
Nigeria nacionmanta Patriciapas maytan munarqan huk nacionman ripuspa allin kawsayta.
She and her boyfriend decided to travel from Nigeria to Algeria, on their way to Spain, unaware of how harsh the journey across the Sahara Desert would be.
Manan llank’anan karqanchu, nitaqmi qolqeyoq kananpaq hinachu kasharqan, chaymi payqa decidikurqan Argelia nacionman ripunanpaq, chaymantataq Españaman.
“I was pregnant, ” she said,“ and I was determined to give my child a better life. ”
Paymi nin: “Onqoqmi kasharqani, munarqanin qhepaman waway allin kawsananta ”, nispa.
Rachel wanted a new start in Europe.
Rachelqa España nacionmanmi ripuyta munarqan allin kawsayta tarinanpaq.
She had lost her job in the Philippines, and relatives assured her that domestic work was plentiful abroad.
Payqa Filipinaspin llank’ananmanta qarqochikurqan hinan familiankuna nisqaku huk nacionkunapiqa wasipi empleakuqkunapaq llank’ana kasqanta.
So she borrowed money for the plane fare and said farewell to her husband and daughter, promising them, “We won’t be separated for long. ”
Chaymi payqa qolqeta manukuspa pasajeta rantirqan, ripunanpaqmi qosantapas wawantapas nirqan: “Manan unay tiempochu t’aqanakusun ”, nispa.
It is estimated that more than 200 million people like George, Patricia, and Rachel have moved abroad in recent decades.
Kay watakunapin 200 millones más runakuna ripurqanku huk nacionkunaman imaynan George, Patricia Rachelpas ruwarqanku hinata.
Although some have fled from wars, natural disasters, or persecution, most have moved for economic reasons.
Wakinqa ripurqanku guerrakuna, qatiykachaykuna, pacha chhaphchiykuna otaq hukkunapas kasqanrayku, ichaqa astawanqa qolqeraykun.
What problems have migrants faced in their new land?
¿Ima sasachakuykunapin tarikunku huk nacionman ripuspa?
Do all find the better life they seek?
¿Tarinkuchu imachus munasqankuta?
How do children fare when a parent leaves in search of a better income?
¿Imaynapin wawakuna tarikunku tayta - mamanku qolqeyoq kanankupaq huk ladoman ripuqtinku?
Consider the following answers to these questions.
Qatimuqpin chay tapuykunata kutichikunqa.
“Migration... is the oldest action against poverty, ” wrote economist J. K. Galbraith.
John Kenneth Galbraith runan nirqan: “Ñawpa tiempomantapachan huk nacionkunamanqa riqku wakcha kayta atipanankupaq ”, nispa.
Such action was taken by the patriarch Jacob, the founding father of the nation of Israel.
Israel llaqtata paqarichiq Jacobpas chaytan ruwarqan.
Because of a famine in Canaan, Jacob and his extended family of nearly 70 individuals moved to Egypt, where they stayed for a very long time.
Canaán llaqtapi nishu yarqay kaqtinmi Jacobqa yaqa qanchis chunka familiantin Egipto nacionman ripurqanku, chaypin askha watakuna tiyarqanku (Génesis 42: 1 - 5; 45: 9 - 11; 46: 26, 27).
In fact, Jacob died there, and his descendants remained in Egypt for about 200 years before returning to Canaan.
Chaypin Jacobqa wañupurqan, miraynintaqmi yaqa iskay pachak watakuna qhepamanña Canaán llaqtaman kutipurqanku.
The first challenge of moving abroad is often the journey itself.
Huk lado nacionman ripuqkunapaq ñawpaq sasachakuyqa imaynata chayman chayaymi.
George, mentioned in the first article, traveled hundreds of miles (km) with little food.
Georgeqa sinchi karutan purirqan pisi mikhunallantin.