The problem.
In a survey of young adults, 81 percent said that the most important goal of their generation is ‘ to become rich ’ ​ — rating it far above helping others.
Sapa 100 wayna - sipaskunata tapukusqanpin 81 ninku hukkuna yanapanamantaqa “qolqe maskhay ” aswan importante kasqanta.
But striving for wealth does not bring contentment.
Chaywanpas qhapaq kayqa manan cheqaq kusikuytachu apamun.
In fact, research indicates that people who focus on material things are less happy and more depressed. They also have a higher rate of physical and mental problems.
Investigaqkunan willanku qolqellapi yuyaykuq runakuna llakisqa tarikusqankuta, hinaspapas facil - llatas llakikuy onqoy otaq ima onqoypas hap’inman.
What is behind it.
Imaynapi paqarin.
In some cases, children are being raised in materialistic families.
Wakin wawakunaqa qolqe maskhayllapi afanakuq familia ukhupin wiñanku.
“Parents want to make their children happy, and children want stuff, ” says the book The Narcissism Epidemic.
Huk libron nin: “Tayta - mamakunan munanku wawanku kusisqa kanankuta, wawakunataq kusisqa kanankupaq imaymanata mañakunku.
“Thus parents buy them stuff.
Chaymi tayta - mamaqa mañakusqankuta rantipunku, chaywantaq wawakuna kusisqa kanku.
And children are happy, but only for a short period of time. Then they want even more stuff. ”
Pisi tiempomantan ichaqa huktañataq mañakushanku ”, nispa (La epidemia del narcisismo, inglés simipi).
Of course, the advertising industry has been all too eager to exploit this hungry consumer market.
Chayta qhawarispan negociantekuna wayna - sipaskunaq tukuy munasqankuta ruwaspa propagandakunapi churamunku.
It promotes such ideas as ‘ You deserve the best ’ and ‘ Because you’re worth it. ’
Chaypin kaykunata churamunku: “Tukuy allinkunan qanpaq kanan ”,“ Qanmi aswan importante kanki ”, nispa.
Many young adults have devoured the message and are now in debt, unable to pay for the things they “deserve. ”
Chaykunata uyarispa imaymanata rantisqankuraykun askha waynakuna manupi tarikunku, manataqmi qolqenku kanchu “paykunapaq tukuy allinkunata ” rantinankupaq.
What the Bible says.
Biblian yachachin.
The Bible acknowledges the need for money.
Bibliaqa manan huchachanchu qolqe maskhayta (Eclesiastés 7: 12).
At the same time, it warns that “the love of money is a root of all sorts of injurious things. ”
Ichaqa willanmi ‘ qolqe sonqo - kay tukuy mana allinkunaq saphin ’ kasqanta.
It adds: “By reaching out for this love some... have stabbed themselves all over with many pains. ”
Nintaqmi: “Chaymi wakinkunapas chayta munapakuspanku [...] imaymana llakikunapi rikukurqanku ”, nispa.
The Bible encourages us, not to pursue material riches, but to be content with the basic necessities of life. ​ — 1 Timothy 6: 7, 8.
Chaymi niwanchis qolqe maskhaypi afanakunamantaqa imachus kapuwasqanchiswan sonqopas - sonqo kawsananpaq.
“Those who are determined to be rich fall into temptation and a snare and many senseless and hurtful desires. ” ​ — 1 Timothy 6: 9
‘ Qhapaqyayta munaq runakunan ichaqa wateqayta mana atipaspa, toqllaman hina urmaykunku, hinaspan mana valeq waqllichiq munapayaypi rikukunku. ’
What you can do.
Kaytan ruwawaq.
As a parent, examine your own attitude toward money and the things it can buy.
Qankunan tayta - mamakuna reparanaykichis imaynatan qhapaq kayta qhawarishankichis chayta.
Keep your priorities straight, and help your children to do the same.
Aswan allin kaqkunatan ñawpaqtaqa maskhanaykichis, chaytataqmi wawaykichisman yachachinaykichis.
The Narcissism Epidemic, quoted earlier, suggests: “Parents and children can start discussions on such topics as ‘ When is buying things on sale a good idea?
La epidemia del narcisismo nisqa libron nin: “Tayta - mamakunan wawankuwan kaykunata tapurikunanku: ‘ Baratoña imapas kanman chaypas, ¿hayk’aqmi chaykunata rantina?
When is it a bad idea? ’ ‘ What’s an interest rate? ’
¿Hukkuna niwasqanchisraykullachu imatapas rantina?
‘ When have you bought something because someone else thought you should? ’ ”
¿Iman “tasa de interés ” nisqa? ’ ” nispa.
Be careful not to use “stuff ” as a drug to cover over family issues that need to be addressed.
Amapuni familiapi sasachakuytaqa qolqewan allichaychu, chayqa kanman llakikuyta qonqanapaq drogakuy hinan.
“Throwing material goods at problems is a notoriously unsuccessful solution, ” says the book The Price of Privilege.
El precio del privilegio nisqa libron nin: “Qolqewan ima sasachakuytapas allichayqa manan allinchu.
“Problems need to be addressed with thought, insight, and empathy, not shoes and purses. ”
Sasachakuytaqa yachaywan, khuyakuywan, allinta yuyaykuspan allichana, manan zapatokunata otaq carterakunata rantispachu ”, nispa.
The Bible does not advocate physical or emotional abuse of children.
Bibliaqa manan yachachinchu wawakuna maqayta nitaq unphuyanankama phiñakuyta.
The goal of correction is to teach, not to provide an outlet for a parent’s anger.
Wanachiyqa yachachinapaqmi, manataqmi phiñakuyniykita wawaykipi thasnuykachinaykipaqchu wanachinayki.
THE Baka ​ — also known as Pygmies — ​ were likely the first inhabitants of Cameroon. Then, in the 1500 ’ s, the Portuguese arrived. Several hundred years after that, the Fulani ​ — an Islamic people — ​ conquered northern Cameroon.
CAMERÚN nacionpiqa baka otaq pigmeo nisqa runakunan ñawpaqtaqa tiyankuman karqan. 1500 watakunapin hina Portugal nacionmanta runakuna tiyarqanku, unay watakuna qhepamantaq islam religionmanta Fulani runakuna, paykunan inti lloqsimuy wichay ladota hap’ikapurqanku.
Today, 40 percent of Cameroon’s inhabitants claim to be Christian, 20 percent are Muslim, and the remaining 40 percent practice traditional African religions.
Kunanqa sapa 100 runakunamantan 40 runakuna “cristianon kayku ” ninku, 20 runakunan musulmán religionmanta kanku, 40 runakunataq Africapi kaq huk religionkunamanta.
The people who live in the rural areas of Cameroon are particularly hospitable.
Hawa llaqtakunapi tiyaq runakunaqa sumaqtan visitakunata chaskinku.
Visitors are greeted and welcomed inside the home, where they are served water and food.
Napaykuspan wasinkuman pasaykachinku unuta mikhunatawan haywarinankupaq.
To refuse the householder’s hospitality is considered an insult, while accepting the offer is a compliment.
Mana kasukuqkunatan qhawarinku wasiyoqtapas pisichashankuman hinata, kasukuqkunataqmi ichaqa sumaq qhawarisqa kanku.
Conversation begins with greeting the family members and asking about their welfare.
Parlayta qallarinankupaqqa ñawpaqtan familiata napaykunku, tapurinkutaq imaynalla kasqankuta.
It is even customary to ask how the animals are faring!
¡Uywanku imaynalla kasqanta imaraqmi tapurikunku!
“When a guest leaves a household, it isn’t enough to say, ‘ Good - bye, ’ ” says Joseph, a native of Cameroon.“ Often, the host will accompany the guest partway down the road and continue conversing with him.
Chay llaqtayoq Joseph nin: “Visitanku wasinkumanta ripuqtinqa manan ‘ huk p’unchaykama ’ nispallachu kachapunku, aswanmi parlan - parlan ñanta pusapunku.
Then, at some point, he will bid the visitor farewell and return home.
Chaymantaña kachapuspataq wasinkuman kutipunku.
A guest who does not receive this treatment may feel unappreciated. ”
Mana chayta ruwaqtinkuqa pisichasqa hinan visita ripunman ”, nispa.
When sharing a meal, sometimes a group of friends will eat from the same plate ​ — at times, with their hands.
Mayninqa amigokunantin huñunakuspan huk platollamanta makillankuwan mikhunku.
In Cameroon, this custom is a powerful symbol of unity.
Chay costumbren Camerún nacionpi ruwakun hukllachasqa kanankupaq.
In fact, on occasion it has been used to bring together people whose friendship has faded for some reason. In a sense, a communal meal is a way of saying, “We are now at peace. ”
Sichus imaraykupas amigokuna t’aqanakurqanku chayqa, hukmanta “amigontin kanankupaqmi ” chayta ruwanku.
Population: Approximately 20 million
Hayk’an kanku: 20 millón hina
Capital: Yaoundé
Hatun llaqta: Yaundé
Climate: Hot and dry in the north, humid in the coastal region
Clima: Inti lloqsimuy wichay ladoqa ch’akin ruphayantaq kanpas, lamar - qocha ladopitaq yunka hina
Exports: Oil, cocoa, coffee, cotton, wood, aluminum
Huk nacionkunaman vendenku: Aceite, cacao, café, algodón, madera, aluminio nisqakunata
Languages spoken: English and French, along with some 270 other African languages and dialects
Rimasqanku simikuna: Inglés, francés, Africapi kaq llaqtakunamanta 270 rimaykunapiwan
Some think that Paradise is nothing more than a myth.
Wakin runakunan Paraisomanta rimaspa ninku: “Ñawpa machulakunaq rimaynillanmi ”, nispa.
Others believe that it is a gardenlike utopia where good people live forever and share in joyful and productive activities.
Hukkunataq ninku: “Allin runakunalla wiñaypaq sumaq kawsasqankumanta mosqokuy hinallan ”, nispa.
The word “paradise ” has been used to designate mankind’s first home, the garden of Eden.
“Paraíso ” nispaqa runakunapaq Diospa ruwasqan Edén huertamantan rimashan (Génesis 2: 7 - 15).
The Bible presents that garden as a real place where the first human couple lived free of disease and death.
Bibliaq nisqan hina, Diospa kamasqan ñawpaq warmi qharin chay huertapi tiyarqanku mana onqospa mana wañuspa (Génesis 1: 27 - 28).
Because they disobeyed God, the first couple lost their paradisaic home.
Paykunaqa Diosta mana kasukusqankumantan chay huertamanta qarqochikurqanku.
However, many Bible prophecies describe a future in which humans will enjoy Paradise restored.
Ichaqa Biblian willan hamuq tiempopi chhayna sumaq Paraisopi runakuna tiyanankumanta.
If God is loving, then it would make sense that he would reward his faithful worshippers with a good life in such a place as Paradise.
Diosqa ancha munakuqmi, chaymi pay sonqo runakunaman huk Paraisopi sumaq kawsayta qonqa. Ichaqa, ¿imatan ruwananchis kamachinkunata hina chaskiwananchispaq?
It would also make sense that he would inform people about what they need to do in order to gain God’s approval.
Bibliaq nisqan hina, astawanmi paymanta yachananchis chayman hinataqmi kawsananchis.
The Bible says that you can gain God’s approval by taking in knowledge of him and obeying his commands. ​ — John 17: 3; 1 John 5: 3.
“Señor Diosmi Edenpi huertata plantarqan [...] hinaspan ruwasqan runata chayman churarqan. ”
“Jehovah God planted a garden in Eden,... and there he put the man whom he had formed. ” ​ — Genesis 2: 8.
(Génesis 2: 8.)
Some believe that Paradise is in heaven, while others claim that it will be established in the future on earth.
Wakin runakunan ninku: “Paraisoqa hanaq pachapin kashan ”, nispa.
The original Paradise for mankind was on earth.
Hukkunataq ninku: “Qhepamanmi kay Hallp’a paraisoman tukupunqa ”, nispa.
God has clearly designated the earth as the permanent home for humans.
Diosmi runakunapaq Hallp’ata kamarqan chaypitaqmi huk sumaq paraisota ruwarqan runakuna wiñaypaq tiyanankupaq.
The Bible says that God made our planet to last forever.
Biblian willan kay Hallp’aqa mana hayk’aq tukukunanpaq kamasqa kasqanta (Salmo 104: 5).
It also states: “To Jehovah the heavens belong, but the earth he has given to the sons of men. ” ​ — Psalm 115: 16.
Hinaspapas ninmi: “Hanaq pachaqa Señor Diospa kaqninmi, kay pachatataqmi runaman qorqan ”, nispa (Salmo 115: 16).
It is not surprising, then, that the Bible holds out the promise of Paradise on earth.
Chaymi mana admirakunachu kay Hallp’a paraisoman tukunanpaq Bibliaq willasqanmanta.
In it, God will bless mankind with everlasting life.
Chaypin Dios runakunaman wiñay kawsayta qonqa.
Harmony and peace will prevail.
Chaypiqa manan pipas ñak’arinqachu nitaq nanayta muchunqachu.
Pain and suffering will be gone.
Llapa runakunan thakpi kusisqa tiyanqaku.
And people will be able to enjoy to the full the natural wonders of planet earth. ​ — Isaiah 65: 21 - 23.
Diospa tukuy imaymana ruwasqanwanmi kusikunqaku (Isaías 65: 21 - 23).
“The tent of God is with mankind,... and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. ” ​ — Revelation 21: 3, 4.
“Runakunawanñan Diosqa tiyan, [...] manan wañuypas kanqañachu, manallataqmi llakikuypas, waqaypas, nanaypas kanqañachu. ” (Apocalipsis 21: 3, 4.)
Many religions teach that only good people will live in Paradise.
Askha religionkunan yachachinku, “allin runakunallan Paraisopiqa tiyanqaku ”, nispa.
But there is much confusion as to what “good ” means.
Ichaqa manan yachankuchu pikunan chay “allin runakuna ” kasqanta.
Some think that it is enough simply to participate in religious ceremonies and ritualistic prayers.
Wakinqa religionninkupi costumbrekuna hunt’asqankuwan rezasqankuwan iman allin runapaq qhawarikunku.
The Bible teaches that “the righteous ” will live in Paradise.
Biblian willan “chanin runakuna ” Paraisopi tiyanankuta.
But who is righteous in God’s eyes?
¿Pikunatan Dios chaninpaq qhawarin?
Not the person who engages in the rituals of his religion while ignoring God’s will.
¿Diospa munasqanta qhepanchaspa religionninpi costumbrekuna ruwaqtachu?
The Bible says: “Does Jehovah have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of Jehovah?
Manan, Biblian nin: “Señor Diospa qayllanpi aswan allinqa kasukuymi ruphachina sacrificiota wak sacrificiotawan haywaymantaqa.
Look! To obey is better than a sacrifice. ”
Aswan allinqa uyarikuymi, kasukuymi uywakunaq wiran ruphachinamantaqa ”, nispa (1 Samuel 15: 22).
Simply put, “the righteous ” who will live forever in Paradise are the ones who obey God’s commands as outlined in the Bible.
Paraisopi wiñaypaq tiyaq “chanin runakunaqa ”, Bibliapi Diospa kamachikusqanta kasukuqkunan kanqaku.
Obedience to God’s commandments involves more than participation in religious ceremonies.
Diospa sonqonta kusichinaykipaqqa Bibliatan allinta t’aqwirinayki.
By your everyday conduct, you may either please or displease God.
Payqa manan mana hunt’ay atinatachu imatapas kamachiwanchis.
You can learn to please God by carefully examining the Bible.
Biblia willan ‘ kamachikuyninkunaqa mana sinchi sasachu ’ kasqanta.
And he is not hard to please.
Kasukuq runakunamantaqmi Paraisopi kawsayta qonqa.
The Bible says that “his commandments are not burdensome. ” God is eager to reward your obedience by granting you entrance into Paradise.
“Chanin runakunaqa kay hallp’atan hap’ikapunqaku, chaypin wiñaypaq tiyanqaku. ”
“The righteous themselves will possess the earth, and they will reside forever upon it. ” ​ — Psalm 37: 29.
(Salmo 37: 29.)
THE bar - tailed godwit makes one of the most amazing migrations known to man.
AGUJA colipinta karuta phalasqanmi llapa runakunata anchata admirachin.
The bird’s 7,000 - mile (11,000 km) journey can take more than eight days.
Mana samarispan pusaq p’unchayta otaq mastapas 11.000 kilometrota phalan.
Consider: Researchers speculate that some types of birds use the earth’s magnetic field for navigation, as if they had a compass built into their brain.
Kaypi yuyaykuy: Investigaqkunan ninku wakin phalaq animalkunaqa umankupipas huk brujulayoq kankuman hina kay pachapi kaq kallpawan (campo magnético) yanapachikusqankuta.
It is possible that the godwit additionally navigates by means of the sun by day and the stars by night.
Aguja colipinta animalqa yaqapaschá punch’aypi phalananpaq Inti maymanchus risqanwan yanapachikun tutatataq ch’askakunawan.
It seems that the godwit can also sense upcoming storm systems that could allow it to benefit from tailwinds.
Hinaspapas wayrakunaq hamusqanta reparaspan chaykunawan yanapachikullanmantaq.
Still, the details of just how these birds make their incredible journey baffle experts.
Imaynaña kanman chaypas, investigaqkunaqa manan yachankuraqchu imaynapi chhayna karu phalasqanta.
“I’ve been studying them 20 years, ” says biologist Bob Gill,“ and it’s still jaw - dropping to me. ”
Bob Gill biologon nin: “Chay animaltan 20 wataña estudiashani, chaywanpas kunankaman sinchita admirachiwan ”, nispa.
What Do You Think?
¿Ima ninkin chaymanta?
Did the navigational system of the bar - tailed godwit come about by evolution? Or was it designed?
¿Kikillanmantachu kay animal chhayna karu phalayta yacharqan icha kamasqachu karqan?
Table of Contents
Kaykunamanta yachachin
© 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
© 2013 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania.
All rights reserved.
Todos los derechos reservados.
3 Watching the World
3 Pachantinmanta willakuykuna
4 Help for the Family
4 Familiakunapaq yanapaykuna