How Can I Deal With Sexual Harassment?
¿Imatan ruwayman millaykunata niwaqtinku?
“In middle school, ” says Coretta,“ boys would pull on the back of my bra and make derogatory comments ​ — like how much better I would feel once I had sex with them. ”
Coretta nin: “13, 14 watayoq kashaqtiymi escuelapi waynakuna qhepaymanta sostenniyta chutawaqku. Hinaspan kay qhelli simikunata niwaqku: ‘ Ñoqawan puñunki chayqa ancha kusisqan kanki ’ ”, nispa.
What would you do in such a situation?
¿Imatan qan ruwawaq chhaynapi tarikuspa?
Sexual harassment is more likely to stop if you know how to react to it!
Imachus ruwanaykita yachaspaqa atipankin chaykunata.
Download and print the picture. Complete the activity with your children.
Kay dibujota Internetmanta horqoy, chaytataq wawaykikunawan ruway.
Help them improve their knowledge of Bible characters and moral principles.
Bibliapi kaq runakunamanta yachachiy, yanapaytaq Bibliapi kamachikuykunata reqsinanpaq.
After an April 2010 accident on an oil platform, huge amounts of oil and gas gushed into the sea for nearly three months.
2010 watapi abril killapin lamar - qocha ukhumanta petroleota horqoshaqtinku kinsa killa hunt’a sinchi askha petróleo, gas ima qochaman hich’akurqan.
A study by one team of researchers found that two and a half months after that, some of the pollutants had disappeared ​ — devoured, they concluded, by bacteria with a taste for methane.
Iskay killa kuskan qhepamanmi investigaqkuna repararqanku unuta qhellichaq metano nisqa chinkapusqanta.
Some experts are skeptical, however.
Chaymi nirqanku chaykunataqa mana rikuna kuruchakuna misk’illikuspa mikhupusqanta.
They believe that much of the oil has sunk to the ocean floor.
Chaymanta yachaq wakin runakunan ichaqa mana chayta creenkuchu, ninkutaqmi petroleoqa unuman chinkayapusqanta.
According to one survey, 59 percent of Russians aged 18 to 35 believe that “to attain success in life, you sometimes have to go against your moral principles and standards, ” reports the newspaper Rossiiskaya Gazeta.
Rusia nacionmanta runakunata tapuqtinkun yachakurqan sapa 100 runakunamanta 59 runakuna 18 - 35 watayoqkuna, “allin kaqta yachashaspa munasqankuta aypanankurayku mayninqa mana allinkuna ruwasqankuta ” (periodico Rossiiskaya Gazeta).
Some of the oldest corncobs ever found suggest that the inhabitants of northern Peru were making popcorn and corn flour at least 3,000 years ago.
Ñawpa tiempo choqllota tarisqankun (kay hawapi kasqan hina) rikuchin, 3.000 wata ñawpaqmantaña Perú nacionpi saramanta hank’ata, hak’uta ima ruwakusqanta.
Lucio Soravito De Franceschi, the Catholic bishop of Adria - Rovigo, believes that a religious message ought to favor having “direct contact with individuals ” where they live.
Adria - Rovigo nisqamanta obispo católico Lucio Soravito De Franceschi nin, runakunaq tiyasqanta rispa “kikin runakunawan ” Diosmanta rimana kasqanta.
“Our pastoral care should go from ringing church bells to ringing doorbells, ” he says.
“Pastorkunaqa iglesiapi campanata tocananchismantaqa runakunaq punkuntan takananchis ”, nispa.
The street value of rhinoceros horn for medical use has risen to as high as $65,000 (U.S.) per kilogram (2.2 lb).
Pakallapi hampipaq vendesqanku rinoceronteq waqranmi astawan valepushan, kunanqa huk kilollan 65.000 dólares valen.
In 2011, in South Africa alone, a record 448 rhinos were slaughtered by poachers.
Chaymi 2011 watapi Sudáfrica ladollapi 448 rinocerontekunata wañuchirqanku.
Museums and auction rooms in Europe have been broken into by gangs seeking the horns.
Hinaspapas suwakunan museokunaman, imaymana vendenanku wasikunaman ima haykurqanku waqrakunata maskhaspa.
Even rhinos in European zoos are thought to be at risk.
Chaysi Zoológico nisqakunapi kaq rinocerontekunata allinta cuidashanku.
As a child, he talked to you about everything. As a teenager, he tells you nothing.
Wawallaraq kashaspaqa lliwtan willaq kasunki, wayna kapuspan ichaqa manaña imatapas willasunkichu.
When you try to converse, he either gives clipped responses or ignites an argument that turns your home ground into a battleground.
Paywan rimayta munaqtiykin, “ari ”,“ manan ” nispalla kutichisunku otaq phiñakuspa wasiykipi ch’aqwata hatarichin.
You can learn to talk with your teenager.
Ichaqa ama pisi kallpayaychu, atillankin wayna wawaykiwan parlariyta.
First, though, consider two factors that may contribute to the challenge.
Chaypaqqa ñawpaqtan entiendenayki imarayku wawakuna chhaynaman tukupusqankuta.
The quest for independence.
Paykunallamanta ruwayta munasqankurayku.
To become a responsible adult, your teenager must, in a figurative sense, gradually move from the passenger seat to the driver’s seat and learn to navigate life’s treacherous roadways.
Huk wayna allin poqosqa runaman tukupunanpaqqa pasajero hina kasqanmantan pisi - pisimanta choferman hina tukupunqa, millay carreterakunapitaq manejanan kanqa.
Of course, some teenagers want more freedom than they should have; on the other hand, some parents grant less freedom than they could.
Chaymi wakin waynakuna paykunallamantaña imatapas ruwayta munanku, wakin tayta - mamakunataq nishuta hark’apunku.
The tug - of - war that may result can create considerable turmoil for parents and teens.
Chhaynata mana entiendenakuqtinkun ch’aqwaykuna hatarin.
“My parents try to micromanage every aspect of my life, ” complains 16 - year - old Brad. *“ If they don’t give me more freedom by the time I turn 18, I’m moving out! ”
Chaymanta quejakuspan 16 watayoq Braulio * nin: “Tayta - mamayqa ima ruway munasqaytapas nishutan harkakuwan, 18 watayoq kaqtiy hinallata hark’akuwanqaku chayqa wasiymantan ripusaq ”, nispa.
Abstract thinking.
Huk hinataña yuyaykusqankurayku.
Young children tend to think in concrete, black - and - white terms, but many teenagers can perceive the gray areas of a matter.
Huch’uy wawakunaqa manan sasapaqchu imatapas qhawarinku, paykunapaqqa tukuypas yanawan yuraqwan kanman hinallan.
Consider an example: To a child the concept of fairness seems simple: ‘ Mom broke a cookie in two and gave half to me and half to my brother. ’
Waynakunan ichaqa sasa entiendena kaqkunapi yuyaykunku, chaytaqmi yanapanqa allin yuyayniyoq waynaman tukupunanpaq.
In this case, fairness is reduced to a mathematical formula.
Rikusunchis imaynas chay kasqanta.
Teenagers, however, realize that the concept is not that simple.
Wawakunaqa manan imamantapas sasachakunkuchu, huk maman galletata iskayman p’akispa hukta huk wawanman qon huktataq wawqechanman, chaytan paykunaqa chaninpaq qhawarinku.
After all, fair treatment is not always equal, and equal treatment is not always fair.
Waynakunan ichaqa huk hinamantaña imachus chanin kay kasqanta qhawarinku.
Abstract thinking allows your teenager to grapple with such complex issues.
Allin reparaq kaymi yanapanqa chhayna sasa entiendena kaqkunata entiendenanpaq.
The downside? It can also cause him to grapple with you.
Ichaqa chay reparaq kasqanmi tanqaykunman qankuna contra hatarinanpaq.
When possible, have casual chats.
Atikusqanman hina rimapayay.
Take advantage of informal moments.
Familia ukhupi thak kay kashaqtinmi rimawaqchis.
For example, some parents have found that teenagers are more apt to open up while doing chores or while riding in the car, when they are side - by - side with a parent rather than face - to - face. ​ — Bible principle: Deuteronomy 6: 6, 7.
Wakin tayta - mamakunaqa uya - uyapura wawankuwan parlarinankumantaqa wasipi ruwanakunata kuska ruwaspa, carropi viajashaspan parlarinku, chaymi paykunataqa yanapan (Bibliaq yachachikuynin: Deuteronomio 6: 6, 7).
Keep it brief.
Imachus ninallaykita niy.
You do not have to argue every issue to the bitter end.
Yuyaymanachiyta munaspaqa ama ch’aqwata hatarichinaykikamachu rimapayay.
Instead, make your point... and then stop.
Imachus ninallaykita nispa upallapuy.
Most of your message will be “heard ” by your teenager later, when he’s alone and can ponder over what you’ve said. Give him a chance to do so. ​ — Bible principle: Proverbs 1: 1 - 4.
Chay qhepamanñan sapallan kashaspa nisqaykita yuyarispa chaykunapi yuyaymananqa, chaypaqqa tiempotan qonayki (Bibliaq yachachikuynin: Proverbios 1: 1 - 4).
Listen ​ — and be flexible.
Uyariq kay amataq sinchita hark’aychu.
Listen carefully ​ — without interrupting — ​ so that you can get the full scope of the problem.
Imachus yuyaykusqanta allinta entiendenaykipaqqa makilla uyariy.
When replying, be reasonable.
Rimanaykipaq tupasuqtiykitaq ama sinchita imatapas hark’akuspalla kutichiy.
If you rigidly adhere to rules, your teen will be tempted to look for loopholes.
Sichus sasa kamachikuykunata churanki chayqa pakallapin imatapas ruwayta qallarinqa.
“This is when kids live two lives, ” warns the book Staying Connected to Your Teenager.
Huk qelqan nin: “Chaymi waynakuna pakallapi huk hinamanta kawsapunku.
“The one in which they tell their parents what they want to hear and the one in which they do as they please once they are out of their parents ’ sight. ” ​ — Bible principle: Philippians 4: 5.
Tayta - mamakuna imatachus uyariyta munanku chayllatan willanku sapanku kaspataq tukuy munasqankuta ruwanku ”, nispa (Sapakutilla wayna wawaykiwan parlay, inglés simipi). (Bibliaq yachachikuynin: Filipenses 4: 5.)
Stay calm.
Ama usqhayllaqa phiñakuychu.
“When we disagree, my mom takes offense at everything I say, ” says a teen named Kari.“ That just makes me upset, and the conversation snowballs into an argument. ”
Kari sutiyoq sipasmi willakun: “Mamaywan rimayta mana tupachiqtiykuqa sientekunmi ima nisqaywanpas, chaymi ñoqapas phiñakullanitaq chay qhepamantaq ch’aqwa hatarin ”, nispa.
Rather than overreact, say something that “mirrors ” your teen’s feelings.
Usqhaylla phiñakunaykimantaqa wawaykipi interesakusqaykita rikuchiy.
For example, instead of saying, “That’s nothing to worry about! ” say,“ I can see how much this bothers you. ” ​ — Bible principle: Proverbs 10: 19.
“¡Chaymantachu llakikunki! ”, nispa ninaykimantaqa niwaqmi:“ Entiendenin imayna sientekusqaykita ”, nispa (Bibliaq yachachikuynin: Proverbios 10: 19).
To the extent possible, guide, don’t dictate.
Yanapay sasachakuyninta allichananpaq.
Your teen’s abstract thinking skills are like muscles that need to be developed.
Waynakuna reparaq kayta yachayninkuqa cuerponchis kallpayoq kananpaq ejercicio ruwaymanmi rikch’akun.
So when he faces a dilemma, do not do his “exercising ” for him. As you discuss the matter, give him a chance to come up with some solutions of his own.
Wawayki ima sasachakuypipas tarikuqtinqa pay kikinmi allichanan, manan qanchu paypa rantinpi “ejerciciota ruwanayki ”.
Then, after you have brainstormed a few options, you could say: “Those are a few possibilities.
Chay sasachakuymanta wawaykiwan parlarispa yanapay pay kikinmanta imayna allichayta qhawarinanpaq.
Think them over for a day or two, and then we can get together again to talk about which solution you prefer and why. ” ​ — Bible principle: Hebrews 5: 14.
Imakunachus ruway atikusqanta qhawariqtintaq niwaq: “Iskay p’unchayta hina chaykunapi yuyaykuy chay qhepamantaq rimasun imachus decidesqaykimanta ”, nispa (Bibliaq yachachikuynin: Hebreos 5: 14).
Although in this article we refer to the teenager as a male, the principles discussed apply to both genders.
Kay temapi waynakunallamanta rimashan chaypas, sipaskunatapas yanapanqan.
Names in this article have been changed.
Sutikunan cambiakun.
“Be swift about hearing, slow about speaking, slow about wrath. ” ​ — James 1: 19.
“Llamp’u simiwan kutichikuqqa phiñakuytan thasnun. ”
“An answer, when mild, turns away rage. ” ​ — Proverbs 15: 1.
(Proverbios 15: 1)
“Do not irritate your children, but bring them up tenderly with true Christian training and advice. ” ​ — Ephesians 6: 4, The New Testament in Modern Speech, by R. F.
“Wawaykichista ama phiñachiychischu aswanpas kasuchikuspa uywaychis, Señormanta yachachispa. ”
Weymouth. Do you want your parents to extend you more freedom?
¿Munankichu tayta - mamayki ima ruwanaykipaqpas permiso qonasuykita?
Do you wish that they really understood you?
¿Astawan entiendenasuykitachu munanki?
Talk openly.
Qanmantan chayqa kanqa.
When you hold back, they cannot fully trust you ​ — and trust is the key to your getting more freedom.
Chaypaqqa sonqoykita kicharispan willanayki imakuna sucedesqasuykita.
The point is, do not leave all the communication up to your parents.
Sichus mana llapantachu willanki chayqa manan qanpi confianqakuchu, confianza mana kaqtinqa manan ima ruwanaykipaqpas permisota qosunkikuchu.
Do your part.
Ama ch’inllaqa uyariychu rimasqankuta.
Tell your parents about your day. Ask them about theirs.
Qanpas imatachus p’unchaypi ruwarqanki chaykunata willay, tapuytaq paykunatapas imatachus ruwasqankumanta.
If you have a complaint, learn how to express it respectfully.
Imamantapas quejakuyta munanki chayqa respetowan rimariy.
Communication is a skill that you will need in adulthood. Why not acquire it now?
Poqosqa runa kapuqtiykin allin rimaq kayta necesitanki, ¿manachu kunanmantapacha chaypaq kallpachakuwaq?
For more than 20 years, Dr. Paola Chiozzi has worked as a molecular biologist at the University of Ferrara in Italy.
Paola Chiozzi doctoran 20 wata masña Italia nacionpi Universidad de Ferrara nisqapi llank’an imayna kawsay kasqanta investigaspa.
Chaymi ¡Rikch’ariy!
asked her about her science and her faith.
revistata qelqaqkuna tapurqanku estudiasqanmanta iñiyninmantawan.
Tell us about your background.
Willariwayku imayna uywasqa kasqaykimanta.
My father was a cobbler, and my mother was a farmworker. But I wanted to be a scientist.
Taytayqa zapateron karqan mamaytaq chakrapi llank’aq, ñoqataqmi científica kayta munarqani.
The beautiful flowers, birds, and insects around my home fascinated me.
Maytan kusikuq kani sumaq t’ikakunata, phalaq animalkunata, kurukunatapas wasiypa qayllanpi rikuspa.
I felt that they were products of superhuman wisdom.
Niqmi kani: “Kaykunaqa ancha yachayniyoqpa ruwasqanchá ”, nispa.
So you always believed in a Creator?
Chhaynaqa, ¿huch’uychaykimantapachachu Diospi iñirqanki?
In fact, my doubts about God began when I was a child.
Chaymi Diosmanta iskayarqani.
Did your study of science help you to find an answer?
¿Yanaparqasunkichu chaykunapi ciencia nisqata estudiasqayki?
Not at first.
Qallariypiqa manan.
When I became a molecular biologist, I began to study death ​ — the normal, programmed death of the cells that make up our body. This is very different from the uncontrolled cell death that causes inflammation and gangrene.
Biología molecular nisqata estudiasqay qhepamanmi celulaq wañusqanmanta estudiarqani, ichaqa manan qonqaylla wañupuspa inflamación otaq gangrena onqoykuna hatarichiqmantachu, aswanpas tiempollanpi celulakunaq wañusqanmantan.
Until a few years ago, scientists paid little attention to this process, even though it is vital to our health.
Chayqa allinmi kawsayninchispaq, chaywanpas qayna watakunakamallan cientificokuna pisipaq qhawariqku chay estudiayta.
In what way is programmed cell death vital?
¿Imaynapin tiempollanpi celulakunaq wañusqan allinninchispaq?
Well, our body is made up of trillions of microscopic cells.
Cuerponchispin kan sinchi askha mana rikuna celulakuna.
Practically all of them must die and be replaced.
Llapallanmi wañupun sapankaq rantinpitaq hukkuna rikhurimun.
Each type of cell has a different life span; some are replaced every few weeks, and others every few years.
Sapanka t’aqa celulakunaqa manan kaq tiempollapichu wañun, wakinqa askha semanakunan kawsan wakintaq askha watakuna.
Our body’s system of programmed cell death has to be highly controlled to maintain the delicate balance between cell death and cell formation.
Celulakunaq wañusqanqa allin controlasqan kanan, chhaynapi tiempollanpi wañuqtin mosoq celulakuna rikhurimunanpaq.
What can go wrong?
¿Imallapas mana allinta funcionanman chayri?
Some studies indicate that when cells fail to die as they should, rheumatoid arthritis or cancer may result.
Estudiokuna ruwakusqanpin yachakun celulakuna wañunan tiempopi mana wañuqtinqa artritis reumatoide otaq cáncer onqoy rikhurisqanta, celulakuna mana wañunan tiempopi wañupuqtintaq Parkinson otaq Alzheimer onqoy rikhurisqanta.
On the other hand, when cells die before they should, it could cause Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease.
Chaymi investigashani chay onqoykunapaq tratamientokunata tarinaypaq. ¿Imaynan sientekurqanki chayta yachaspa?
My research is linked to finding ways to treat these diseases.
Iskayaqmi kani, nirqanin: “Kaykunata ruwaqqa qhali kananchistachá munarqan ”, nispa.
How did your study of cell death affect you?
Ichaqa tapukuqmi kani: “Chhaynaqa, ¿imaraykun runakuna ñak’arinku wañunkupas? ”