Frankly, it puzzled me.
This marvelous process was clearly designed by someone who wants us to be healthy.
Manan maypipas nitaq pipas kutichiyta atiwaqchu.
So I was still left with the question, Why do people suffer and die? I couldn’t find an answer.
¿Iskayarqankichu celulakuna tiemponpi wañunanpaq ruwasqa kasqanmanta?
But you were convinced that the system of programmed cell death was designed. Yes.
Manan, cuerpopi celulakuna imayna funcionasqanta yachasqaywanqa anchatan admirakurqani.
The complexity of the whole process is mind - boggling, yet its elegance displays exceptional wisdom.
Sumaq funcionasqanmi rikuchiwarqan ancha allin yachaywan ruwasqa kasqanta.
I believe it’s the wisdom of God.
Chaypiqa Diospa yachayninmi kashan.
I use powerful microscopes to study the many complex mechanisms that regulate the process.
Ñoqaqa celulakunata qhawanapaq ancha allin maquinakunawanmi estudiani celulakuna imayna funcionasqanta yachanaypaq.
Some mechanisms can trigger the destruction process within seconds if need be.
Chaypin rikurqani imayna funcionasqanman hina iskay kinsa segundollapi qonqaylla celulakuna wañupusqanta.
The cells participate in their own self - destruction.
Celulakunaqa kikillankumantan wañupunku.
The process is so well - designed that it’s absolutely awe - inspiring.
¡Chhayna sumaqta funcionananpaq ruwasqa kasqanqa ancha admirakunapaqmi!
Since nearly all our cells are regularly replaced, living forever is certainly feasible
Celulanchiskuna wañuqtin rantinpi hukkuna rikhurimusqanmi rikuchin runakuna wiñaypaq kamasqa kasqanchista
You had questions about God and suffering. How did you find answers?
¿Imaynatan Diosmanta ñak’ariymantapas tapukusqaykiman sut’inchayta tarirqanki?
A couple of Jehovah’s Witnesses called at my home in 1991, and I asked them why we die.
1991 watapin iskay Testigokuna wasiyta hamurqanku, chaymi tapurqani imarayku runakuna wañusqanmanta.
They showed me the Bible’s answer: “Through one man sin entered into the world and death through sin. ”
Paykunan Romanos 5: 12 textopi nisqanwan kutichiwarqanku, chaypin nin: “Imaynan huk runallawan huchaqa kay pachapi qallarirqan, huchawantaq wañuypas rikhurirqan ”, nispa.
If the first man had not disobeyed God, he would have lived forever.
Sichus ñawpaq runa Diosta kasukunman karqan chayqa wiñaypaqmi kawsankuman karqan.
I immediately realized that this harmonized with what I had learned from my research.
Chayta uyarispan repararqani chay willawasqan investigasqaywan tupasqanta.
In fact, it’s clear to me that God didn’t intend for people to die.
Repararqanin runakunaqa mana wañunanpaqchu kamasqa kasqanta.
Since nearly all our cells are regularly replaced, living forever is certainly feasible.
Celulanchiskuna wañuqtin chaykunaq rantinpi hukkuna rikhurimusqanmi rikuchin runakuna wiñaypaq kamasqa kasqanchista.
What convinced you that the Bible is God’s Word?
¿Iman yanaparqasunki Bibliata Diospa Siminta hinapuni qhawarinaykipaq?
I learned what the Bible says about God at Psalm 139: 16: “Your eyes saw even the embryo of me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing. ”
Salmo 139: 16 textopi nisqanmi, chaypin nin: “Wiksallapiraq kashaqtiymi rikuwarqankiña. [...]
As a biochemist, I study the genetic information that is written in our cells.
[Imaynachus kawsayniy kasqanmi] qelqaykipi qelqasqaña karqan ”, nispa.
How did the psalmist know about such writing?
Ichaqa tapukuqmi kani: “¿Imaynapin salmista yacharqan celulakunapi chaykuna qelqasqa kasqanta? ” nispa.
The more I learned from the Bible, the more I was convinced that it is inspired of God.
Chaymi Bibliata estudiaspa astawan repararqani Bibliaqa Diospa yuyaychasqanpuni kasqanta.
How were you helped to understand what the Bible teaches?
¿Imaynapin Bibliamanta astawan yacharqanki?
One of Jehovah’s Witnesses offered to study the Bible with me.
Huk Testigon estudiota qowarqan.
Finally, I learned why God has allowed suffering.
Chaypin yacharqani imaraykun Dios hinallata qhawan ñak’ariyta.
I also learned that, as the Bible states, God purposes to “swallow up death forever. ”
Yacharqanin, Bibliaq nisqan hina ‘ Diosqa wiñaypaq wañuytapas chinkachinanta ’ (Isaías 25: 8).
It will be easy for our Creator to make the marvelous systems of our body operate perfectly so that we can enjoy life without end.
Kamaqninchispaqqa manan sasachu kanqa cuerponchis ukhupi tukuy imatapas allinta funcionachinanpaq, chhaynapi wiñaypaq kusisqa kawsananchispaq.
How have you used your knowledge of the Bible to help others?
¿Imaynatan hukkunata yanaparqanki Bibliamanta yachasqaykiwan?
Well, I became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1995, and since then I have freely shared with others the things I’ve learned from the Bible.
1995 watapin Jehová Diospa testigon kapurqani.
For example, a colleague of mine was devastated when her brother committed suicide.
Chaymantapachan kallpachakuni Bibliapi yachasqayta runakunaman yachachinaypaq.
Her church teaches that God never forgives suicide.
Huk llank’aqmasiymi sinchi llakisqapuni kasharqan turan kikillan wañuchikapusqanmanta.
But I showed her how the Bible gives a hope of a resurrection.
Chaymi Bibliawan yachachirqani wañupuqkuna kawsarimpunanmanta.
She was deeply comforted to learn that the Creator cares for us.
Anchatan kusikuni Dios ñoqanchispi interesakusqanta yachaspa.
At such moments, I feel that sharing Bible truths with others brings me more satisfaction than science itself!
Runakunata chhaynata yanapaspan astawan kusikuni ciencia nisqapi tukuy yachasqaymantaqa.
EACH day presents people with numerous opportunities to do kind things for others. It may appear, though, that many think only of themselves.
SAPA p’unchaymi hukkunapaq allinkunata ruwayta atisunman, ichaqa askha runakunan paykunallapi yuyaykunku.
You see evidence of that nearly everywhere ​ — from the shameless way people defraud others to the aggressive way they drive, from their crude language to their explosive tempers.
Chaytan sapa p’unchay rikuchinku: hukkunata engañaspa suwasqankupi, carronkuta comunta manejasqankupi, qhelli simikuna rimasqankupi, usqhaylla phiñakusqankupi ima.
A me - first mentality also exists in many homes.
Familia ukhupipas kanmi paykunallapi yuyaykuq runakuna.
For example, some spouses divorce simply because one partner feels that he or she “deserves better. ”
Wakinqa aswan allin qharita otaq warmita munapayaspan t’aqakapunku.
Even some parents may unwittingly sow the seeds of a me - first spirit.
Hinaspapas kikin tayta - mamakunan mana reparakuspa wawankuman yachachinku paykunallapi yuyaykuq kayta.
¿Imaynatan chayta ruwanku?
By indulging their child’s every whim, while hesitating to administer any kind of discipline.
Tukuy munasqankuta qospa, mana allin ruwasqankumanta mana wanachispa ima.
By contrast, many other parents are training their children to put others before self, and with great benefits.
Wakin tayta - mamakunan ichaqa wawankuman yachachinku hukkunapi interesakuyta, chaytan kasukuq wawakuna ruwashanku.
Children who are considerate are more likely to make friends and to enjoy stable relationships. They are also more likely to be content.
Hukkunapi interesakuq wawakunaqa askha amigokunayoqmi kanku allintataqmi hukkunawan kawsankupas.
Why? Because, as the Bible says, “there is more happiness in giving than there is in receiving. ” ​ — Acts 20: 35.
Hinaspapas aswan kusisqan kawsanku, Bibliapunin nin: “Aswan kusisamiyoqqa qoqmi chaskiqmantaqa ”, nispa.
If you are a parent, how can you help your children to reap the benefits of being kind and to avoid being contaminated by the self - absorbed culture that surrounds them?
Tayta - mama, ¿imaynatan wawaykita yanapawaq hukkunapi interesakunanpaq, payllapi yuyaykuq runakunawan mana samaykachikunanpaqpas?
Consider three traps that could foster a me - first spirit in your children, and see how you can avoid those traps.
Chaypaq qhawarisun kinsa mana allin costumbrekunamanta, chaykunaman mana urmanapaq yanapaykunamantawan.
The problem.
Researchers have noted a disturbing trend: Many young adults are entering the workforce with a marked sense of entitlement ​ — an attitude in which they expect success, even if they have done little or nothing to earn it.
Investigaqkunan kayta repararqanku: llank’anaman chayllaraq haykuq askha wayna - sipaskunan pisita otaq mana imatapas ruwashaspa tukuy imapas allinkama kananpi yuyaykunku.
Some just assume that they will be promoted quickly, even without mastering their trade.
Wakintaq imachus ruwanankuta manaraq allinta yachashaspa huk allin cargotaña chaskiyta munanku.
Others are convinced that they are special and deserve to be treated that way ​ — and then they become dejected when they realize that the world does not share their view.
Hukkunataq ancha allinpaq qhawarikunku, chaymi munanku hukkunapas chhayna qhawarinanta, común runata hinalla qhawariqtinkutaq pisikallpayapunku.
What is behind it.
Imaynapi paqarin.
Sometimes a sense of entitlement can be traced back to how a person was raised.
Chayqa hamun imayna uywasqa kasqankumantan.
For example, some parents have been unduly influenced by the self - esteem movement that has become popular in recent decades.
Ura watakunallan rikhurimurqan kikinkuta allinpaq qhawarikuyta yachachiq t’aqakuna, paykunatan askha tayta - mamakuna qatikushanku.
Its tenets seemed plausible: If a little praise is good for kids, a lot of praise is better.
Chay t’aqakunan kayta yachachinku: pisillapi wawata sumaqta rimapayasqaykiwan allinpaq qhawarikun chayqa, sapa kutilla rimapayasqaykiwanqa aswan allinpaqmi qhawarikunqa.
On the other hand, the thinking was that showing any type of disapproval will only discourage a child.
Ima ruwasqantapas mana allinpaq qhawarinki chayqa pisichasqan sientekunqaku.
And in a world on a mission to build self - esteem, that was considered the epitome of irresponsible parenting.
Chayta ruwaqqa manas allintachu tayta - mama kasqanta hunt’ashanman.
Children must never be made to feel bad about themselves ​ — or so parents were told.
Wawataqa manas hayk’aqpas pisipaq sientechinachu, chaytan tayta - mamakunaman yachachiqku.
Many fathers and mothers thus began lavishing a constant flow of praise upon their children, even when those children did nothing particularly praiseworthy.
Askha tayta - mamakunan wawankuta yanqamanta alabayta qallarirqanku.
Each accomplishment, no matter how small, was celebrated; each indiscretion, no matter how large, was overlooked.
Imallatapas ruwayrusqankumantan fiestataraq ruwaqku, huchallirukuqtinkutaq lliwta pampachaqku.
Those parents believed that the secret to building self - esteem was to ignore the bad and praise everything else.
Chay tayta - mamakunan yuyaykuqku wawanku allinpaq qhawarikunankupaqqa tukuy pantasqankuta pampachananku kasqanta tukuy ruwasqankutataq alabananku kasqanta.
Making children feel good about themselves became more important than teaching them to accomplish things that they could actually feel good about.
Wawanku kusikuyta tarinankupaq allinkuna ruwayta yachachinankumantaqa allin sientekunallankupin yuyaykuqku.
What the Bible says.
Biblian yachachin.
The Bible acknowledges that praise is appropriate when it is deserved.
Biblian willan pitapas allin ruwasqanmanta alabay allin kasqanta.
But praising children simply to make them feel good may cause them to develop a distorted view of themselves.
Ichaqa allin sientekunanraykulla wawata alabaqtinkuqa hatunchakuytan qallarinman.
The Bible aptly states: “If anyone thinks he is something when he is nothing, he is deceiving his own mind. ” For good reason, the Bible tells parents:“ Don’t fail to correct your children.
Biblian nin: “Pipas mana imapas kashaspa aswan allin kasqanta yuyan chayqa, pay kikintan q’otukun ”, nispa.
You won’t kill them by being firm. ” * ​ — Proverbs 23: 13, Contemporary English Version.
Chaymi tayta - mamata nin: “Wawachus wanachinapaq kaqtinqa, payta wanachiy ”, nispa (Proverbios 23: 13). *
What you can do.
Kaytan ruwawaq.
Make it your goal to give correction when it is needed and commendation when it is genuinely deserved.
Wawayki ima mana allintapas ruwaqtinqa wanachiy, allinkunata ruwaqtintaq alabay.
Do not dole out praise just to make your children feel good about themselves.
Ichaqa aman sapa rato kusisqa sientekunanraykullaqa alabankichu.
Likely, it will not work.
Chayqa manan imapipas yanapanqachu.
“True self - confidence comes from honing your talents and learning things, ” says the book Generation Me,“ not from being told you’re great just because you exist. ”
Huk libron nin: “Allin confianzata hap’inapaqqa imapas ruway atisqaykitan ruwanayki, huk ruwaykunatan yachanayki, manan kawsasqaykiraykullachu pipas alabanasuyki ”, nispa (Kay tiempopi wawakunaqa paykunallapi yuyaykunku, inglés simipi).
“Do not think of yourself more highly than you should. Instead, be modest. ” ​ — Romans 12: 3, Good News Translation
“Ama pipas aswan allinpuni kasqanta yuyakuchunchu, aswanpas pay kikin imaynachus kasqallanta yuyakuchun. ”
The problem.
Many young adults entering the workforce seem ill - prepared to cope with adversity.
Llank’anaman chayllaraq haykuq wakin wayna - sipaskunan mana preparasqachu kanku sasachakuykunata atipanankupaq.
Some are devastated by the slightest criticism.
Wakinmi mana ima niykuna kanku, wakintaq munasqankuman hina llank’anakunallata maskhanku.
Others are finicky and will accept only work that meets their highest expectations. For example, in the book Escaping the Endless Adolescence, Dr.
Joseph Allen psicologon huk waynata llank’ananpaq tapusqa, waynataq nisqa: “Yaqachus hina aburrikunapaq kay llank’ana kanqa, ñoqaqa manan chhayna llank’anataqa munaymanchu ”, nispa.
Joseph Allen tells of a young man who said to him during a job interview: “I get the sense that sometimes parts of the work can be a little boring, and I don’t want to be bored. ”
Chaymi psicólogo nirqan: “Chay waynaqa manachus hina entienderqanchu llapa llank’anapi imallapas aburrikunapaq kasqanta.
Dr. Allen writes: “He didn’t seem to understand that all jobs have some boring elements. How did one make it to age twenty - three without knowing that? ”
¿Imaynapin huk wayna 23 watayoq kanankama mana chayta yachanmanchu? ”, nispa (¿Imatan ruwayman kurak runata hina tratawanankupaq?, inglés simipi).
What is behind it.
Imaynapi paqarin.
In recent decades, many parents have felt compelled to protect their children from any type of adversity.
Askha tayta - mamakunan mana munankuchu wawanku ima sasachakuypipas rikukunankuta.
Your daughter failed a test? Intervene and demand that the teacher raise the grade.
Examenpi mana allin notata horqomuqtinkun tayta - mamanku profesorwan rimaq rinku allin notata churananpaq.
Your son received a traffic ticket? Pay the fine for him.
Carrota comunta manejasqankumanta papeletata churachikuqtinkun tayta - mamanku rispa multata pagamunku.
A failed romance? Lay all the blame on the other person.
Parlaqmasin saqepuqtintaq parlaqmasinta tukuymanta tumpanku.
While it is natural to want to protect your children, overprotecting them can send the wrong message ​ — that they do not need to take responsibility for their actions.
Allinmi tayta - mamakuna wawankuta cuiday munasqanku, ichaqa sinchita imamantapas cuidayta munanqaku chayqa wawankun ima ruwasqankutapas hinata qhawarparinqaku.
“Instead of learning that they can survive pain and disappointment, and even learn from it, ” says the book Positive Discipline for Teenagers,“ [such] children grow up extremely self - centered, convinced that the world and their parents owe them something. ”
Disciplina positiva para adolescentes nisqa libron nin: “Ima sasachakuytapas ima nanaytapas aguantayta yachanankumantaqa otaq allinkuna ruwayta yachanankumantaqa, paykunallapi sinchita yuyaykuspan wiñanqaku, tayta - mamankupas llapa runakunapas paykunawan manu kashankuman hina ”, nispa.
What the Bible says.
Biblian yachachin.
Adversity is a part of life.
Kay tiempopiqa llapapaqmi sasachakuykuna kan.
In fact, the Bible says: “Bad things happen to everyone! ” That includes good people.
Bibliapunin willan ‘ sapanka imaynapipas rikukunanta ’ (Eclesiastés 9: 11).
The Christian apostle Paul, for example, endured all manner of hardship during the course of his ministry.
Apóstol Pablopas Diosta servispan imaymana sasachakuykunapi tarikurqan.
Yet, facing up to adversity benefited him! He wrote: “I have learned, in whatever circumstances I am, to be self - sufficient....
Ichaqa allinninpaqmi karqan, chaymi pay kikin nirqan: “Ñoqaqa yachanin imaynapiña kaspapas kusisqallapuni kawsayta.
I have learned the secret of both how to be full and how to hunger, both how to have an abundance and how to suffer want. ” ​ — Philippians 4: 11, 12.
[...] yachasqan kani: saksasqa kaspapas, yarqasqa kaspapas, askha kawsayniyoq kaspapas, pisi kawsayniyoq kaspapas ”, nispa.
What you can do.
Kaytan ruwawaq.
Taking into account the maturity level of your children, strive to follow the Bible principle: “We each must carry our own load. ”
Wawaykikunaq wiñasqanman hinan yachachiwaq ‘ sapankanku [...] q’epinkuta apakunankupaq ’.
If your son receives a traffic ticket, it might be best to let him pay the fine out of his allowance or salary.
Carrota comunta manejasqanmanta papeletata churachikamun chayqa pay kikinmi qolqenwan pagamunan.
If your daughter fails a test, perhaps that should be a wake - up call to her so that next time she will be better prepared.
Examenpi mana allin notata horqomuqtinqa pay kikinmi kallpachakunan aswan allinta estudiananpaq.
If your son experiences the breakup of a romance, comfort him ​ — but at the appropriate time help him to reflect on questions such as, ‘ In hindsight, has this experience revealed any ways in which I need to grow? ’
Parlaqmasin saqepun chayqa kallpachay, ichaqa yanapay kay hina tapuykunapi yuyaymanananpaq: “¿Ñoqapi mana allin ruwayta rikuspachu saqepuwan? ” nispa.
Children who work through their problems build resilience and self - confidence ​ — assets they might lack if someone was constantly rescuing them.
Sasachakuyninkuta paykuna kikinkumanta allichaq wayna - sipaskunan allin takyasqa kapunku manataqmi iskayankuchu imata ruwanankupaqpas, sichus tayta - mama tukuypi yanapanqa chayqa manan chaykunata yachanqakuchu.
“Let each one prove what his own work is, and then he will have cause for exultation. ” ​ — Galatians 6: 4
“Sapanka pay kikinpa kawsasqanta allinta qhawakuchun, hinaspa [...] chaylIawan kusikuchun. ”