Christ ​ — The Power of God
Criston, “Diospa atiynin ”
PAGE 3 • SONGS: 14, 109
He Loved People
Jesusqa runakunatan munakurqan
PAGE 9 • SONGS: 84, 99
We Can Remain Chaste
Mana allin piensaykunata atipasun
PAGE 14 • SONGS: 83, 57
Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer ​ — Part 1
Yayayku mañakuyman hina kawsasun (huk kaq)
PAGE 22 • SONGS: 138 Jehovah Is Your Name (new song), 89
22 PÁGINA • 138 (mosoq taki), 89 TAKI
Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer ​ — Part 2
Yayayku mañakuyman hina kawsasun (iskay kaq)
PAGE 27 • SONGS: 22, 68
▪ Christ ​ — The Power of God
▪ Criston, “Diospa atiynin ”
▪ He Loved People
▪ Jesusqa runakunatan munakurqan
These articles about Jesus ’ miracles teach us practical lessons about generosity and helping others.
Kay estudiokunan willashan Jesuspa milagronkunamanta.
They also discuss some of Jesus ’ beautiful qualities.
Chaykunan yachachiwanchis qoykukuq kayta, hukkunata yanapaytawan.
The articles give us hope for the time in the near future when we will see amazing miracles happen all over the earth.
Hinaspapas Jesuspa sumaq sonqo kasqantan yachachiwanchis yuyarichiwanchistaq pisillamanta pachantinpi milagrokuna kananta.
▪ We Can Remain Chaste
▪ Mana allin piensaykunata atipasun
We live in an immoral world, so it can be difficult to be chaste and do what pleases Jehovah.
Kay estudiopin yachasun mana allin piensaykunata atipanapaq kinsa yanapaykunata.
This article shows us that we can fight wrong desires by drawing close to Jehovah, by listening to the counsel from his Word, and by getting help from mature Christians.
Chaykunan: Jehová Dioswan amigontin kasqanchis, Bibliaq yanapaynin, allin yachayniyoq iñiqmasikunaq yanapayninpiwan.
▪ Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer ​ — Part 1
▪ Yayayku mañakuyman hina kawsasun (huk kaq)
▪ Live in Harmony With the Model Prayer ​ — Part 2
▪ Yayayku mañakuyman hina kawsasun (iskay kaq)
We do not repeat the words Jesus used in the model prayer every time we pray, but we can learn important lessons from it.
Ñoqanchisqa manan repetinchischu yayayku mañakuytaqa, chaywanpas imaymanatan chay oracionmanta yachasunman.
These articles show how we can live in harmony with the model prayer.
Kay estudiokunan yachachiwasun yayayku mañakuyman hina kawsananchispaq.
19 “You Need Endurance ”
19 Manan sapallanchischu kashanchis
COVER: Some Witnesses use boats to go and preach to people living on the islands of the Bocas del Toro Archipelago near the northwest coast of Panama.
TAPANPI KAQ: Wakin Testigokunaqa lanchakunapin predicaq rinku Bocas del Toro nisqa islapi tiyaqkunaman.
They preach to some of them in the Ngabere language
Chayqa Panamá nacionpin kashan wichay ladoman hina.
217 534
REGULAR PIONEERS In Panama’s 309 congregations, there are over 180 special pioneers.
Panamá nacionpiqa 309 iñiq t’aqakunan kan, 180 más precursor especialkuna.
About 1,100 publishers in 35 congregations and 15 groups use the Ngabere language.
1.100 predicaqkunan ngäbere simipi kan 35 iñiq t’aqakunapi, 15 grupokunapiwan.
Nearly 600 publishers serve in 16 congregations and 6 groups that use Panamanian Sign Language
Makillawan rimaq 16 iñiq t’aqakunapin soqta grupokunapiwan yaqa 600 predicaqkuna servishanku
“Christ is the power of God. ” ​ — 1 CORINTHIANS 1: 24.
‘ Cristoqa Diospa atiyninmi ’
What qualities did Jesus show when he performed his first miracle?
¿Imayna sonqoyoq kasqantan Jesús rikuchirqan unuta vinoman tukuchispa?
Why did Jesus perform the miracle recorded at Matthew 14: 14 - 21?
¿Imaraykun Jesús t’antakunata challwakunata askhaman tukuchirqan?
What did Jesus show when he calmed a violent storm?
¿Imatan Jesús rikuchirqan lamar - qochapi sinchi wayrata tatichisqanwan?
Why did Paul say that “Christ is the power of God ”?
¿Imaraykun Pablo nirqan Cristo Diospa atiynin kasqanta?
JEHOVAH showed his power through Jesus Christ in amazing ways.
KAY pachapi kashaspan Jesusqa askha milagrokunata ruwarqan.
When Jesus was on earth, he performed miracles.
Chaykunata Bibliapi leespaqa astawanmi iñiyninchis yapakun.
We can read about some of them in the Bible, and they can strengthen our faith.
Jesusqa Diospa atiyninwanmi chay milagrokunata ruwarqan.
Yes, Jehovah gave Jesus great power, so the apostle Paul could say: “Christ is the power of God. ”
Chaymi apóstol Pablo nirqan: ‘ Cristoqa Diospa atiyninmi ’, nispa.
But how do Jesus ’ miracles affect us?
Ichaqa, ¿imatan yachachiwanchis Jesuspa ruwasqan milagrokuna?
What can we learn from Jesus ’ miracles?
¿Imatan rikuchiwanchis Jesuspa ruwasqan milagrokuna?
The apostle Peter said that Jesus performed “wonders, ” or miracles.
Jesuspa milagrokuna ruwasqanqa anchatan yanapawasunman.
What do these miracles teach us? They teach us what Jesus will do during his Thousand Year Rule.
Chaykunan rikuchiwanchis 1.000 wata kamachikuyninpi imakunachus ruwananta.
At that time, he will perform greater miracles that will benefit all humans on the earth.
Chay tiempopiqa runakunata yanapaspan askha milagrokunata ruwanqa.
His miracles also help us to understand a lot about both his and his Father’s qualities.
Rikuchiwallanchistaqmi Jehová Diospas Jesuspas imayna sonqoyoq kasqankuta.
In this article, we will discuss three of Jesus ’ miracles, and we will learn how they can affect us today and in the future.
Chaymi kay estudiopi yachasun Jesuspa kinsa milagrokuna ruwasqanmanta, imaynatas chaykuna yanapawasunman kay tiempopi hamuq tiempopipas chaytawan.
(a) Why did Jesus perform his first miracle?
a) ¿Imatan Jesús ruwarqan Caná llaqtapi huk casarakuypi?
(b) How did Jesus show generosity in Cana?
b) ¿Imaraykun Jesús chay milagrota ruwarqan?
Jesus performed his first miracle at a wedding in the town of Cana.
Caná llaqtapin huk casarakuypi Jesusqa ñawpaq kaq milagronta ruwarqan.
We do not know why, but there was not enough wine for all the guests who came.
Chaypiqa vinon tukurukusqa, chayqa sinchi p’enqaymi karqan casarakuqkunapaq.
This could have been very embarrassing for the newly married couple, because it was their duty to be hospitable.
Paykunaqa allintan atiendenanku karqan invitadokunata.
Did she ask Jesus to help because she believed that he had the power to do so?
Chayta reparaspan Mariaqa Jesusta valekurqan paykunata yanapananpaq.
After all, Mary must have meditated on all the prophecies about her son, and she knew that he would be called “Son of the Most High. ”
Payqa allintan yacharqan Jesusmanta profeciakunaq willasqanta, “Ancha Hatun Diospa Churin ” kasqantapas.
What is clear is that both Mary and Jesus wanted to help the couple.
Yachallarqantaqchá hukkunarayku imatapas ruway atisqanta.
So Jesus miraculously turned about 380 liters (100 gallons) of water into “fine wine. ” (Read John 2: 3, 6 - 11.)
Mariapas Jesuspas yanapaytan munarqanku, chaymi Jesusqa askha litro unuta sumaq vinoman tukuchirqan (leey Juan 2: 3, 6 - 11).
Did Jesus have to perform this miracle? No.
Chhaynaqa, ¿imaraykun Jesús chay milagrota ruwarqan?
He did it because he cared about people, and he was imitating his Father, who is generous.
Runakunata anchata munakusqanraykun, Jehová Dios hina qoykukuq kasqanraykupiwan.
Jesus said that we should “practice giving ”
Jesusmi nirqan ‘ qoykukuq ’ kananchista
4, 5. (a) What does Jesus ’ first miracle teach us?
4, 5. a) ¿Imatan yachachiwanchis unuta vinoman Jesuspa tukuchisqan?
(b) What does the miracle at Cana teach us about the future?
b) ¿Imatan chay milagro rikuchiwanchis hamuq tiempopaq?
Jesus miraculously provided a lot of fine wine, enough for a large group. Do you see what this miracle teaches us?
Jesusqa Diospa atiyninwanmi askha unuta sumaq vinoman tukuchirqan, chay vinoqa askha runakunapaqmi karqan.
That Jehovah and Jesus are not stingy but are very generous. This miracle convinces us that they care deeply about people’s feelings.
Chay milagro ruwasqanmi yachachiwanchis Jehová Diospas Jesuspas ancha qoykukuq kasqankuta, imayna sientekusqanchista entiendesqankutapas.
It also shows that Jehovah will use his power to provide plenty of food in the new world, no matter where we live on earth. ​ — Read Isaiah 25: 6.
Chaymantapas Jehová Diosqa hamuq tiempopin mikhunata mana faltachinqachu (leey Isaías 25: 6).
Think of it! Soon Jehovah will give us everything we really need.
Chay tiempopiqa Jehová Diosmi lliw necesitasqanchista qowasun.
Each person will have a nice home and good food.
Llapanchispaqmi kanqa wasinchispas mikhunanchispas.
We feel very grateful when we think about all the wonderful things Jehovah will generously give us in the Paradise earth.
Chaykunapi piensaspan Jehová Diosninchista anchata agradecekunchis.
We imitate Jesus when we are generous with our time (See paragraph 6)
Jesús hina tiempota t’aqasun hukkunata yanapananchispaq (6 parrafota qhaway)
How did Jesus always use his power, and how can we imitate him?
a) ¿Imapaqmi Jesús atiyninta utilizarqan?
Jesus never used his power for selfish reasons.
b) ¿Imaynatan Jesús hina qoykukuq kasunman?
Think about what happened when the Devil tempted Jesus to turn stones into loaves of bread.
Huk kutinmi Saqraqa Jesusta nirqan rumikunata t’antaman tukuchinanpaq, Jesusmi ichaqa mana munarqanchu.
Jesus refused to use his power to benefit himself.
¿Imanaqtin? Jesusqa hukkunata yanapanallanpaqmi atiyninta utilizayta munarqan.
But Jesus was willing to use his power to help others.
¿Imatan chaymanta yachasunman?
How can we imitate his unselfish attitude?
Jesuspa nisqan hina ‘ qoykukuq ’ kaytan yachasunman.
Jesus said that we should “practice giving. ”
¿Imaynatan qoykukuq kasunman?
We can do this by inviting others to our home for a meal.
Iñiqmasinchiskunata wasinchisman invitaspan.
We can also spend time after a meeting helping someone, such as listening to a brother practice his talk.
Huñunakuy tukuyta paykunawan parlarispa, yaqapaschá huk iñiqmasi discursonta practicananpaq yanapasunman.
Or we may be able to give practical help and training to others in the ministry.
Chayllaraq predicaqkunatapas yanapasunmanmi.
We imitate Jesus ’ generosity when we eagerly help others whenever we can.
Qoykukuq, yanapaykuq kaspaqa Jesuspa ruwasqanta hinan ruwashanchis.
What will always be a problem in Satan’s world?
¿Iman kanqapuni Saqraq kamachisqan pachapi?
Poverty is not a new problem.
Kay tiempopiqa pachantinpin askha runakuna wakcha kanku.
Jehovah told the Israelites that there would “always be poor people in the land. ”
Ñawpa tiempopipas kallarqantaqmi wakcha runakuna, chaymi Jehová Dios Israel llaqtata nirqan: “Kashallanqapunin wakchakuna ”, nispa (Deut. 15: 11).
Hundreds of years later, Jesus said: “You always have the poor with you. ”
Unay watakuna qhepamanmi Jesuspas nirqan: “Wakchakunaqa qankunawanpunin kashan ”, nispa.
Did Jesus mean that there would always be poor people on the earth?
¿Imatan chaywan nisharqanku?
No, he meant that there would be poverty as long as we live in Satan’s world.
¿Kanqapunichu wakcha runakuna? Manan.
How different it will be when we live in the new world!
Paykunaqa Saqraq kamachisqan pachamantan rimasharqanku, kay millay pachapiqa kanqapunin wakcha runakuna.
At that time, there will be no more poverty. All will have plenty to eat, and all will be satisfied!
Paraisopin ichaqa mana kanqañachu, chaypiqa askha mikhuna kanqa, wakchayaytaq wiñaypaq chinkapunqa.
8, 9. (a) Why did Jesus feed thousands of people?
8, 9. a) ¿Imaraykun Jesús milagrota ruwaspa waranqanpi runakunata mikhuchirqan?
(b) How do you feel about this miracle?
b) ¿Ima ninkin chay milagro ruwasqanmanta?
The psalmist said of Jehovah: “You open your hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing. ”
Biblian willan Jehová Diosqa makinta kicharispa kamasqankunaman lliw necesitasqankuta qosqanta (Sal.
When Jesus was on earth, he perfectly imitated his Father and often cared for the needs of others.
145: 16). Jesuspas taytan hinan kay pachapi kashaspa askha runakunaman necesitasqankuta qorqan.
He did not do this simply to show that he was powerful. Jesus truly cared about people.
Ichaqa manan atiyninta rikuchinanpaqchu chayta ruwarqan, aswanpas runakunata anchata munakusqanraykun.
Let us discuss Matthew 14: 14 - 21.
Chayta entiendenapaq Mateo 14: 14 - 21 (leey) textota qhawarisun.
(Read.) A crowd had followed Jesus on foot from the cities.
Bibliaq nisqan hina waranqanpi runakunan Jesusta qatikurqanku.
By the evening, the disciples were worried that the people had become weak and hungry. So they asked Jesus to send the crowd away to buy food for themselves.
Tutayamuqtinmi apostolninkuna repararqanku runakuna sayk’usqa yarqasqa kasqankuta, chaymi Jesusta nirqanku: “Runakunata kacharparipuy, llaqtakunaman rispa mikhunata rantikamunankupaq ”, nispa.
What would Jesus do?
Ichaqa, ¿imatan Jesús ruwarqan?
With five loaves of bread and two fish, Jesus fed about 5,000 men, as well as women and children.
Phisqa t’antallawan iskay challwallawanmi chhaytukuy runakunata mikhuchirqan.
Why did Jesus perform this miracle?
¿Imaraykun chay milagrota ruwarqan?
Because he truly loved people and cared about them.
Runakunata munakusqanraykun, paykunata anchata llakipayasqanrayku.
And Jesus must have provided a lot of food, because the crowds “ate and were satisfied. ”
Biblian nin llapanku saksanankukama mikhusqankuta.
The food they ate would give them the strength they needed to make the long journey back home.
Chay mikhusqankuwanmi kallpata hap’irqanku wasinkuman kutipunankupaq.