1 value
aita for calling my older two kids Traders for saying they want to live with their aunt over me I 47f was married for 21 years with three kids now 16f 15m and 13m when my husband died from a stroke my husband was a great man who always tried his best he always had his heart set on being an entrepreneur but struggled with making tough business decisions two years before the stroke that killed him he had had another stroke and that made him prone to impulsive decisions he hired a friend lousy bookkeeper who gave him further bad advice my husband insisted I stopped working when our youngest son 13m was born before that I had worked part-time as a receptionist and then helped him with admin tasks co-signed on business loans I didn't fully understand was on a business bank account I supported him through the lows of when one business failed and then he started another my youngest son Mark is severely autistic my husband died with a lot of debt and a lot of negligence in terms of bookkeeping and taxes I tried parlaying my unique experience being the head admin of a household with an autistic kid to executive assistant roles or school jobs but besides a noon AG job the schools were not hiring my sister invited us all to stay with her and share household expenses but she told me a few months and that her 11 years old daughter is afraid of my 13 years old and my B started claiming
give me a good story on AITAforcallingmyoldertwokidstraitorsforsayingtheywanttolivewiththeirauntovermeorig
my doctors told my husband 30m and I 31f that our baby has many birth defects I want to abort he does not this was a planned baby and I'm absolutely devastated me and my husband met in college and have been married for 6 years now we have one son who is now 4 years old I know some people are going to wonder but yes we did discuss our moral-political views before even getting engaged and we're both pro-choice when we were 21 and 20 we made a stupid mistake that ended in a pregnancy we were both flat broke and not at all ready for kids I decided to terminate and he fully agreed with and supported me he loves our son so much and is an amazing father he confided in me that he loved the idea of having a daughter as well luckily we're in a good Financial place so I agreed and we started trying for a second baby we conceived fairly quickly and were Overjoyed we also soon discovered that we're having a girl my husband was so excited as soon as he was told he went all out and started to plant her Nursery he asked our son to help him pick which shade of pink he wanted which crib to get what the theme should be Etc it was also adorable I don't want to reveal any personal medical history so forgive me for being vague with the descriptions
give me a good story on MydoctorstoldmyhusbandMandIFthatourbabyhasmanybirthredditaitashorts
today we have a crazy story of revenge against an evil best friend we'll get into that in a bit but first I tattled like a snake because sometimes blood isn't so thick when people say blood is thicker than water I can bet that they've never met a family like mine my family was picture perfect and I mean that in every way the phrase has been used in time past but what was beneath the covering of that perfect look was way more disturbing than anybody could imagine in truth I should not be telling this story to anyone but what else have I got to lose anyway I've lost my job family and the one person that truly cared about me and to be fair I am on the brink of losing my sanity but that's fine I'm not going down alone at least I'll have my family with me we would all go down that rabbit hole that stinks of betrayal and deceit I never imagined that beneath the Serene facade of our Suburban home lay a Web of Lies and deception that would shatter my world my name is Michael and this is the a story of how I stumbled upon a long buried secret that exposed my mother Janice for the betrayers she truly was it All Began innocently enough with a harmless search in the attic for some old family memorabilia amidst all the dusty boxes and forgotten belongings I came across this weathered envelope that piqued my curiosity I knew I'd never come across this envelope before and if I remembered correctly I'd helped ma pack the contents of this particular box so conventionally I should not see anything strange Inside the Box however inside it I found something more unfamiliar a collection of yellowed letters photographs and a side of my mother that I'd never come across before the first letter was dated years ago addressed to Janus and signed by a name I did not recognize the words on the page hint at a clandestine relationship and the consequences of their actions as I read on the truth slowly unfolded before my eyes like a dark and twisted tale J Janice Anderson who I refuse to believe is the same woman that raised me nothing shy of 19 years a woman whose facade of Charisma masked a Labyrinth of Deceit and betrayal was a prominent figure in the Suburban town we called home to the outside world she was an accomplished Finance professional a loving mother and a pillar of the community however beneath the surface of her seemingly perfect life lay a complex and shadowy past and I will learn the truth first from the letters as I recount this story I wondered what her Ploy was and why she never thought to destroy any evidence that could lead to the discovery of the life she once lived was she expecting me to find the truth someday or did she just believe that I would never be smart enough to figure it all out but she was wrong very Janice's ambition was evident from a young age she was determined to rise above her modest beginnings and make her Mark in the world as she entered adulthood her drive led her to pursue a career in finance where she showcased except optional skills in handling numbers and making calculated decisions during her Ascent in the financial World Janice encountered influential individuals who would play pivotal roles in her transformation she was welcomed into a circle of power and privilege rubbing shoulders with the town's Elite these connections opened doors for her propelling her career to new heights in the early stages of her success Janus made her Mark by leveraging her Charisma and charm to forge alliances she was a master at reading people she still is to a large extent sensing their vulnerabilities and using them to her Advantage many admired her business Acumen but just a few saw the ruthless tactic she employed to climb the corporate ladder it was this ambition that led Janus to uncover a secret that could have potentially destroyed the reputation of one of the town's most influential figures the truth gave her leverage over powerful individuals which she shamelessly wielded for her own gain if you know who paraded herself to be my mother now you would predict her next line of action was to expose the evil right well this is because like me we did not both know the real Janus instead of exposing the truth Janice made a fateful decision that would forever alter the lives of those involved she chose to use the knowledge to secure favors cement alliances and Advance her career and if I read through those letters correctly this was at a point where she began treating the truth for power and she set herself on a path that would lead to the eventual unraveling of her carefully constructed life of Lies as she became entangled in a web of Deceit she found herself making deals with unsavory characters whose motives were far from honorable she underestimated the consequences of her actions believing that she could maintain control of the situation but the web of deception she spun would soon ensnare her as well I like to believe that she was never this bad I like to believe that all I read was a lie but it wasn't the woman I knew was false a figment of my imagination and as I sat in the dim light that day processing all I had read I began to recount events that might have shown the lapses in her acts one of those nights in her Greed for a seat at the table fueled by her thirst for control and power Janice made a critical mistake that reverberated through the lives of many she betrayed the trust of close friends implicating them in a fraudulent scheme that was designed to protect her own interests innocent lives were upturned relationships shattered and the Tranquility of the Suburban town was forever shattered in the aftermath of her actions janus's World began to crumble the consequences of her deceit weighed heavily on her conscience and she struggled to maintain the facade that she had so carefully crafted people began to question her integrity and the once admired figure found herself ostracized and isolated as the truth slowly merged families affected by Janice's actions sought Justice and closure the pain she caused was immeasurable and forgiveness seemed like an insurmountable task for those she had wronged she had shattered their trust and she felt it could never be fully repaired my mind struggled to comprehend the incongruity between the loving mother I had known and this woman who had caused such Devastation the memories of laughter and warmth we shared now clashed with the revelations of her past actions I couldn't help but wonder if the affection she had shown me had been a facade all along during my quest for truth I reached out to Old family friends and acquaintances seeking to understand the events that had unfolded in the past each conversation peeled back another layer of deception revealing a side of Janus I had never fathomed the people who had once admired and respected her now spoke of her with a mix of pity and disdain I tried to make sure she would not see me coming from the Shadows I wasn't sure what she would do to keep her past a secret if she found out I'd been poking around but that was not all there was one last piece of paper one letter that seemed different from the rest in the pile that I found I couldn't understand what I read but I knew I had to find out in the dark room where I sat with the letter I clutched the letter tightly in my hand my heart pounding in anticipation and dread the words etched on the paper had sent shivers down my spine revealing a dark secret that challenged everything I thought I knew about my mother so I decided to follow the address on the letter hoping to find answers that had remained hidden for far too long but now I wish I didn't at least I wouldn't hurt so much the letter was addressed to a prison and from Googling the location I realized that it would take me 12 hours on the road to get there but if that was the price I had to pay to understand everything I was willing to do so as I approached the prison a mix of fear and curiosity City gripped me I could not have anticipated what awaited me within those Cold Steel walls my mind raced with questions as I stepped into the visitation area searching for a man who had written the blackmail letter finally my eyes met the Gaze of a weathered man seated across the table his eyes held a glimmer of cunning knowledge the weight of his own sins evident on his face his face looked awfully familiar like I knew him or I'd seen him before yet I struggled to narrow down where I'd seen him the first words that would proceed from his mouth were that I looked just like my grandfather when he was in his twenties now this got my attention immediately because as far as I know I've never met my grandfather so why would a stranger in prison miles from where I've been all my life know I looked like my grandfather I introduced myself and he nodded knowingly as though he was acknowledging that he knew what had let me come to him the man's name was Robert and as he spoke the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place he revealed that my mother was in fact The Mastermind behind how he landed in prison with a 20-year sentence from the judge he had once been one of her closest confidants but his knowledge of her nefarious actions made him a threat that's when she decided to take drastic measures in a voice tinged with bitterness Robert recounted the tragic accident that had cleaned the life of my True Mother Janice's best friend and his wife it had been a fateful night and the events that unfolded were far from accidental my mother's web of Deceit had spun out of control the paper trail for embezzlement was being linked back to her department but she was smart enough to divert the attention to him since they worked in the same Corporation then Robert claims he has no proof of how his wife died but he swore that it was the people who thought he had wronged them that decided to take it out on him through his wife it meant one thing it was my mother's fault tears welled up in my eyes as I learned the truth about my identity I was in Janice's biological child I was the child of the close pal she had betrayed the weight of this Revelation threatened to crush me and I struggled to come to terms with the lies that had been woven around me my entire life as I listened to Robert's account I saw the complexity of human nature unravel before me my mother driven by ambition and the desire to protect her carefully curated life had sacrificed the well-being of others her thirst for power and control had led her down a path of Deceit and betrayal but there was one thing I could not understand why did Robert not fight against it why did he leave her for so long what was the point of the blackmail letter he sent to her seven years ago I left the prison that day with my mind a whirlwind of emotions I felt anger towards my mother for the web of life eyes she had spun around me I felt grief for the mother I'd lost in confusion about my place in this Tangled narrative I thought I would get the whole truth but I didn't not from Robert at least I knew that I had to confront her it was only her that could set me free from the chains of deception that had kept me bound to her for years and this was exactly what I did as I stood before my mother clutching the pile of incriminating letters my heart was Heavy with both determination and sorrow I had hoped that confronting her with the truth would illicit remorse or even a glimmer of acknowledgment but instead she chose to fame ignorance the weight of her deception crushed me and I knew that Justice demanded action in the days that followed I made the difficult decision to leave home and report my mother's crimes to the authorities armed with the evidence I'd uncovered I approached the police to report the stolen identity and the tangled web of Deceit that it ensnared us for far too long the officers initially skeptical of my story eventually decided to delve deeper into the matter and as the truth began to surface the police uncovered the full extent of my mother's actions the evidence was irrefutable and the wheels of Justice were set in Emotion the woman who had once been a prominent figure in the community was now exposed for the ruthless deceiver she truly was it felt like a form of Revenge but deep down I knew that Justice needed to be served the pain she had caused the lives she had shattered demanded accountability however Justice came at a steep cost one that I could never have foreseen my baby sister just 14 years old was caught in the crossfire of our mother's Web of Lies with my mother's arrest my sister was thrust into the system a victim of circumstances she could not comprehend it broke my heart to see her suffer and I desperately wanted to Shield her from the pain I tried to explain the situation to my sister to make her understand that the actions I'd taken were necessary for justice to Prevail but how could I expect her to grasp the complexities of her mother's deception at such a tender age to her I was tearing our family apart and the resentment she felt towards me was palpable I longed to tell her the whole truth to reveal the depths of our mother's betrayal but I knew that she wasn't ready to bear that burden in pursuing Justice for the victims of my mother's deception I had unwittingly become the Catalyst for our family's unraveling as I navigated through the aftermath I found solace in knowing that Justice had been served and that the victims of my mother's deceit had found some measure of relief but I still wonder what my father would say if he could see me now would he have known about her Secrets or had he been blissfully unaware just like the rest of us would he understand the choices I had made the sacrifices I had endured or would he be disappointed that the family he had loved had been torn apart by the very person he trusted most you would like to think that they would understand what Opie did and understand that in op situation having that feeling and that conviction to serve Justice here and make things right is too important than trying to cover it all up just for the sake of keeping your family together I mean an OP situation if it bothers you that badly how are you going to even go back to just having a family like that you can't just learn some crazy dark truths about your own mom and then just pretend it didn't happen that was a funny piece of fiction I read there it's so crazy to stumble upon mom's creative writing days our next story is how I got my revenge on my evil best friend they say you've gone mad when you start to think about ending someone so I knew I'd lost all my sanity when I realized how badly I wanted to end Alicia for what she'd done to me Alicia and I had been besties since kindergarten she had a bubbly personality even then I can clearly remember the day she bounced over to my table in the lunchroom her golden curls jumping all over her head she'd sat across me and stared me dead in the eyes hi I'm Alicia she said with that serious look on her face we're both in Miss Julie's class you may have seen me I sit in the front row beside Rob the boy who's always farting I've seen you you sit beside Anna and you're always doodling in your notebook let's be friends I smiled at her do you always talk like that like what she'd asked clearly puzzled without taking a breath or bothering the pause she smiled proudly I have an impressive pair of lungs I've been told now answer my initial question I shook my head laughing okay Alicia sure I'd like to be your friend we walked back to class together that day and since then we became Inseparable at least we were inseparable my childhood was spent sharing crisps with her listening to her complaints about Rob's ceaseless farting they remain seed partners for almost three years accompanying her to the park and stealing my older sister's makeup to try on with her in the bathroom as we grew into teenagers we were always in each other's company we convinced our parents to always let us have sleepovers we shared crushes on the cute boys in the year above us we gossiped about the seniors who cut their uniform skirts so short even though we did the same in our final year we were the first people to know when we both got our periods and when I got my first kiss from a dude called Pablo she was the first person I called to rant about how anti-climactic it was to get kissed by a boy whose breath stink like onions he just finished a Big Mac burger before the kiss when we became 16 everyone that knew us concluded that we were twin sisters that had been separated at Birth I loved Alicia so dearly and I'd like to believe she loved love me too just not enough even as we grew into adults we were thick as thieves we met with each other practically every day shared fashion advice shared our struggles in the tough world and even shared Secrets good ones and nasty ones without judging each other I trusted her much more than I ever trusted my sister as the years rolled by we were separated by distance Alicia had to move to London to promote her journalism career I had to stay in America with my family and my underpaying job in a law firm we managed to stay in touch though there were late night face times on the days we weren't wiped out from work we tried to make sure we notified each other about the major changes in our lives we even had virtual dates but it wasn't the same we missed each other terribly and I couldn't get rid of the sinking feeling that we were drifting apart I dated Zach for two years when she notified me that she was transferring back to America she'd gotten a promotion and the headquarters happened to be in New York I was so excited I could barely contain the excitement in my voice as I told the news to my family the best part she was going to be sharing my apartment with me till she was able to get one of her own the night before her arrival I couldn't sleep I'd thrown a huge surprise party for her at my place I'd invited all of our old friends I had made sure everyone got her gifts and on the massive cake was written in capital letters welcome home everything seemed perfect but for some reason my heart was beating at an unusually fast rate it got even faster the next day when we were 30 minutes away from her arrival I told her I wouldn't be able to pick her up from the airport because I was stuck at work so I'd given her directions to the apartment and told her I'd hidden a spare key in the potted plant outside the door nothing was out of place and I was sure she had no clue anything was going on but I was still a bit anxious what if we've drifted so far that we become strange dangers to each other what if she hates living with me what if she prefers her British friends to me were we still best friends I swallowed hard and tried not to think the worst all would be fine I hoped the air Stood Still as we heard her fumbling with the keys and opening the lock it was as if everyone in the room had held their breath as she stepped into the room lights flooded the place and everyone screamed welcome back home I stared at her from the back of the room she looked different she hadn't told me that she dyed her hair brown and had cut it short we'd already put on our bonnets before most of our face times she walked differently and she looked like she hit the gym every other day but as our eyes met across the room they looked exactly as I remember and she smiled her wide childish grin we launched into each other's arms and all my fears were forgotten it was still Alicia and she was here in person and she looked amazing we party till late in the evening and caught up on a lot of drama that had been going on in our lives we were cleaning up from the party when Zach finally arrived hey babe he said planting a kiss on my cheek sorry I couldn't leave the gallery early you know how these collectors are I sighed and dragged him over to Alicia Alicia I called I'd like you to meet Zachary he's an artist and the only person in the world that always ends up arriving after the party is over she stared at me wide-eyed you mean Zach like your boyfriend yeah she shook her head you didn't tell me he was gorgeous Zach started to cough and I couldn't hold in my laughter Well gorgeous Zachary meet my also gorgeous best friend Alicia nice to meet you he said though I already feel like I know you she talks about you all the time it gets tiring his voice reduced to a mock whisper as he said the last part I playfully hit him on his torso and he pulled me in for a kiss Alicia rolled her eyes um too much Pete VA people get a room I laughed at her comment and left them to get to know each other I wanted all the people I loved to love each other a little while later I felt a hand across my waist I knew it was Zach he helped me with the rest of the cleaning and rubbed my feet as I told him about my day Alicia on the other hand was jet lagged and jumped into bed before we were even half done cleaning wouldn't it be weird for you having her here I could see the worry in his eyes as he asked not at all I answered he smiled I know you mean well and all but you like your space and you're kind of a neat freak I whacked his head with a pillow it was a neat freak he laughed and tickled me you know what I mean fine I sighed I do understand what you're saying but it's Alicia and I'm willing to do anything for her and I meant it being roommates with her wasn't bad it was a lot of fun and included a lot of weekend alcohol and Sheet masks sometimes she'd be home before me and would have prepared our dinner or randomly show up with some delicious treat from work it was only hard for me when I noticed her shoes under the bed or a pot in the dish rack or when she slept on my pillow as Zachary said I liked my space clean but no matter how many times I tried to remind her she seemed to forget one thing or the other she became friends with Zach and I'd always include her in any date plans if she wasn't busy and we tried as much as possible not to make her feel like a third wheel then all of a sudden they both started acting weird at first I didn't notice the slight changes in both of them when they were around each other but they became more obvious the controlled glances at each other now and then the restrain in their tones now and then and I refused to let myself suspect anything till I noticed how they avoided physical touch so carefully it wasn't like that before I was sure of it Zack used to ruffle her hair whenever she beat me at chess or she'd play choke him when he made dumb jokes but now they were being way too careful they'd keep a lot of distance between them when they were on the same chair and they wouldn't as much as let their breaths come in contact with each other and people only did that when they'd reached a level of intimacy they were trying to hide I was extremely bothered but I didn't want to make any dramatic decisions just to be proved wrong I didn't want to believe that what I was thinking was true but the more I kept quiet the worse things were getting at some point they both became almost unavailable to do anything with me Alicia would be stuck at a work meeting while Zach would coincidentally be occupied with some Art Exhibit or the other at the same time I tried to keep my tongue in my cheek but it was too much to hold in so I finally asked Alicia what was going on and why she never seemed to be around anymore she told me it was because she'd met someone and she liked him but she didn't want to tell me about him yet because she wasn't sure if it was serious or not the relief that course through me was instantaneous that was what was going on I must have imagined everything I thought I saw Alicia would never do that to me Zach loved me he wouldn't betray me either since I knew what was going on with Alicia we seem to have more time together she was always on her phone texting Mark the mystery guy but she gave me enough details about him to make me love him for making her so happy I teased her a lot though because she had this dreamy look in her eyes whenever she talked about him or when she texted him I told her how I felt like Zach was getting tired of me but she assured me that she'd never seen two people so in love we were doing sheet masks and having a gab sesh one Saturday when Mark hit her up it had to be him because her whole face lit up when she looked at her screen I laughed that Mark huh she said God am I that obvious we all know the answer but I never replied to that question because at that moment the fire alarm sounded in our kitchen which meant that the Forgotten pancakes she was making must have been black as Char just as she left for the kitchen her screen flashed with a notification from Mark then she got three more messages from him in less than a minute Alicia I called Mark must have something extremely important to say to you but before she could get back to the room he'd placed a FaceTime for her lo and behold Mark's face didn't fit his name because his real name started with a z and not an M right there on the screen his profile picture was flashing at me but the name on the screen was Zacks desperate to be proved wrong I accepted the call and just as Alicia walked into the room Zach's surprised face stared at me from the screen I stared at her while Zach was muttering some excuse from the phone how could you I asked expecting a full-blown apology but she stared back at me coldly and told me that I didn't deserve him and that he had stopped loving me a long time ago but he didn't want to leave me because I was too immature and he was scared to wreck me so I should grow up and realize that I can't have the world at my fingertips dumbfounded and filled with raging emotions I stumbled out the door into the nearest bar I could find I couldn't breathe this could not have been happening I was probably dreaming but I wasn't by the time I returned to my apartment she'd cleared out all her things and left a please don't contact me note on the kitchen table as if I was ever going to contact her I hated her men come and go but friendships were supposed to last a lifetime I would have been able to deal with Zach cheating with anybody else but the fact that she could betray me like that broke me I'd given her the best of my heart and she guiltlessly messed it up without a second thought I was never going to let anyone get that close to me again and she was going to pay very dearly for every teer-eyed shed a year later I received their wedding invitation in my mail and I couldn't believe that they'd handed me the opportunity to get my revenge on a platter of gold I didn't feel sad that they were getting married all I could feel was hate and anger I felt mocked but that was all right because soon they'd be crying out in anger and embarrassment the morning of the wedding I dressed up in my best black gown with a black hat and dark makeup when I walked into the church everyone turned to look at me but I didn't mind that was exactly what I wanted I kept my head low till the priest in charge of the ceremony asked if anyone had an objection then I marched with my eyes fixed on the confused looking people to the front of the altar I took the microphone from the priest and cleared my throat today I'm dressed in black I began not as a mistake but as a symbol of mourning I went on and told the whole church about how she'd betrayed me and stolen my boyfriend but I didn't stop there I revealed a very unforgivable secret about how Alicia had gotten pregnant when she was 20 and she left the baby outside of the orphanage as I walked out of the church I saw her parents getting up from their seats and leaving the church too I looked back and saw her crying on the altar with a shocked looking Zack staring at her but refusing to go close to her I watched the tears fall for a minute and felt something close to happiness some days later I heard that the marriage didn't take place you know usually it's just a formality thing when somebody says Speak now or forever hold your peace or whatnot but usually most of those people don't have quite such a big bombshell to drop to just utterly ruin the wedding op just basically oppenheimered the entire venue it was like the collective three years of their seatmate Rob the farting classmate was Unleashed and that venue and everybody just had to clear out I mean Dirty Laundry like that that was shared that's one of those ones where you're in the Pew you put your hands up you slap your lap and you immediately go to get up like I'm not getting involved in this I don't want to be a part of this memory in therapy but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeREVENGEONMYEVILBESTFRIENDRedditStoriesorig
:11.889 --> :16.340 About 10 years ago I worked for a local company that sold power equipment. :16.340 --> :21.020 Most of our clients were landscapers and contractors who either bought or had equipment repaired :21.020 --> :22.020 regularly. :22.020 --> :23.840 We knew all our regulars. :23.840 --> :28.939 It was a great place to work, partly because the owner and our manager has a zero tolerance :28.939 --> :33.870 policy for customers and clients who were sexist towards female employees. :33.870 --> :39.160 They supported us, trained us well, and didn’t gaslight us when we had to deal with jerks. :39.160 --> :45.390 For the most part our regulars were great, but the weekend warrior, DIY guys were terrible. :45.390 --> :49.350 Most of them had more money than sense and did not need anything we sold for their home :49.350 --> :50.410 projects. :50.410 --> :54.140 One summer we had hired a young woman to help on the sales floor on the weekend. :54.140 --> :56.960 She was still in college and kind of lacked confidence. :56.960 --> :01.600 She was great, she had an Ag background, she just didn’t know our products yet. :01.600 --> :06.250 One Saturday morning she got stuck with a weekend warrior who wanted to buy a mower. :06.250 --> :11.270 He was looking at something ridiculous; a commercial grade, zero-turn, Hustler with :11.270 --> :13.090 a 54” deck. :13.090 --> :18.200 He was not mowing acreage, he did not have a farm, he lived in the suburbs. :18.200 --> :22.590 She took him outside to look at some of the mowers and before long we could hear him yelling. :22.590 --> :24.280 The manager hurried outside. :24.280 --> :29.070 I was working on a special order when she came back into the store trying not to angry :29.070 --> :30.070 cry. :30.070 --> :31.350 The owner told her to take a break. :31.350 --> :35.399 The manager finished the sale and the man then had to go somewhere else to buy a trailer :35.399 --> :38.570 to haul it home because he hadn’t planned for that part. :38.570 --> :41.409 When the dust had settled I asked the manager what happened. :41.409 --> :45.530 He said the man started yelling and calling her a dumb b**** because she didn’t know :45.530 --> :49.299 how to turn on the mower and had offered to go get someone else. :49.299 --> :54.940 The fact that he was asking the question indicated he also did not know how to turn on the mower. :54.940 --> :59.460 I’m no longer shocked at the number of people who will drop thousands of dollars on things :59.460 --> :01.409 they don’t know how to use. :01.409 --> :06.009 Later that day the owner came over to me, sighed heavily, and told me the guy had called :06.009 --> :10.500 demanding we mail him a copy of the manual because he didn’t get one. :10.500 --> :14.850 All of the manuals and links to repairs and parts for all the products we sold were on :14.850 --> :16.010 our website. :16.010 --> :20.870 But no, he wanted hard copy because he had already been insulted enough and shouldn’t :20.870 --> :22.730 have to find it himself. :22.730 --> :30.090 When I brought up the manual it was 90 pages long, 45 pages in English, 45 pages in Spanish. :30.090 --> :33.190 I printed off the Spanish copy and left it for the mailman. :33.190 --> :36.810 I told the owner what I did when I arrived at work the next day. :36.810 --> :38.310 He just started laughing. :38.310 --> :42.290 When they guy called to complain, the owner apologized and told him a lot of our clients :42.290 --> :47.230 speak Spanish so we didn’t want to assume people only spoke English. :47.230 --> :48.690 The guy returned the mower. :48.690 --> :51.970 We’re pretty sure he couldn’t figure out how to get it off the trailer. :51.970 --> :58.269 We sold it a week later to a landscaping company. :58.269 --> :14.530 (Repost because I cannot spell) :14.530 --> :28.590 I run a small-ish online education institution and finally after 4 years got a magnificent :28.590 --> :32.300 team member to handle all the customer support and tech support questions. :32.300 --> :36.659 He’s great at that, patient, kind, the full package. :36.659 --> :41.250 And it took me a while but I finally learned to set my boundaries and send people his way :41.250 --> :45.110 so I can focus my energy on other things I’m more useful at. :45.110 --> :49.030 So this one student sends me a private email about out upcoming program. :49.030 --> :53.720 I forward the message to my trusty colleague and inform her that he will get to her, which :53.720 --> :54.720 he did. :54.720 --> :01.890 She replies to me - not him - saying his answer was too wordy and she only has a simple question. :01.890 --> :03.660 Basically tl;dr. :03.660 --> :10.780 Well, I did answer her… in as many words as him, including some direct quotes from :10.780 --> :12.800 his original message. :12.800 --> :18.000 I did not end with “should you feel like your enquiry was not addressed to your satisfaction, :18.000 --> :22.300 please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our team and we will address it :22.300 --> :25.810 with our utmost care”, as tempting as it was. :25.810 --> :15.919 I was just wordy enough. :15.919 --> :18.050 This happened at a restaurant a few years ago. :18.050 --> :22.080 We'll just call it "Bracker Carrel" or BC for short. :22.080 --> :26.909 So on a busy Sunday afternoon the church crowd was slowly winding down and we were nearing :26.909 --> :28.219 our dinner rush. :28.219 --> :31.640 This particular restaurant you can order breakfast all day. :31.640 --> :36.670 At around 3pm, two ladies were seated in my section and I greeted them promptly. :36.670 --> :39.450 Both ordered drinks their food as well at the same time. :39.450 --> :44.320 Guest 1 (G1 for short) ordered Mama's Pancake Breakfast with scrambled eggs and cheese with :44.320 --> :46.570 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA crispy bacon. :46.570 --> :50.770 Guest 2 (G2 for short) ordered the Grandma's Sampler with scrambled eggs and cheese with :50.770 --> :54.899 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA crispy sausage, bacon and ham. :54.899 --> :00.080 I put their order in EXACTLY as they ordered and told the cooks how they said they wanted :00.080 --> :02.940 to see NO PINK ANYWHERE. :02.940 --> :06.460 Cooks make the food, I expedite and bring out their meal. :06.460 --> :11.280 Everything looks the way they ordered it, charcoal bacon, sausage and ham. :11.280 --> :15.080 I set the food down and they immediately start running me. :15.080 --> :19.971 Never once did they ask for everything at the same time even AFTER I asked, "is there :19.971 --> :22.160 anything else I can get for you?" :22.160 --> :27.430 Every time I brought back something like hot sauce, ketchup or napkins they always needed :27.430 --> :29.450 something else. :29.450 --> :33.950 After 5 minutes of back and forth they said everything was fine and I went and did other :33.950 --> :34.950 duties. :34.950 --> :40.080 They hadn't touched their food until I had EVERYTHING for them they had me run around :40.080 --> :41.080 for. :41.080 --> :45.790 A few minutes later my manager on duty (MOD) comes to me and asks me about table 231 (G1 :45.790 --> :46.790 & G2). :46.790 --> :50.180 He says they are complaining their eggs are cold and their food is burned. :50.180 --> :54.150 I explained they said everything looked fine and their eggs wouldn't have been cold if :54.150 --> :59.270 they had asked me for extra napkins, hot sauce, ketchup and extra butter and jelly on one :59.270 --> :01.130 trip instead of 6. :01.130 --> :05.620 He goes back and forth with them and they are adamant they are NOT paying for the eggs :05.620 --> :09.020 or bacon and are ONLY paying for the pancakes. :09.020 --> :10.690 Cue Malicious Compliance. :10.690 --> :15.459 The Grandma's Sampler comes with 2 pancakes a sampler of meats, eggs and a side of your :15.459 --> :16.510 choice for $9.99. :16.510 --> :24.339 Two a la carte pancakes are $7.99 so $2 off (for all of you math geniuses out there 😉) :24.339 --> :30.600 Momma's Pancake Breakfast comes with 3 pancakes, eggs and your choice of meat for $7.99. :30.600 --> :37.210 Three a la carte pancakes are $9.99 which is obviously $2 more than the breakfast. :37.210 --> :41.970 MOD hands the receipts to each lady and both stop him before he can walk away. :41.970 --> :47.570 G2 is b****ing she is paying $2 less than what her breakfast would have cost and she :47.570 --> :49.630 felt that wasn't a good enough discount. :49.630 --> :54.740 G1 is b****ing because her meal is now MORE than what it was before. :54.740 --> :59.229 The only thing my boss kept saying to both of them was, "you asked to only pay for the :59.229 --> :03.729 pancakes and that is what I charged you for," and then he walked away. :03.729 --> :08.830 They paid up front b****ing the entire time at the cash register making a scene. :08.830 --> :12.330 Threatened to call corporate and said they will be returning to speak to someone higher :12.330 --> :14.010 than my MOD. :14.010 --> :18.100 MOD and I went into the back and kept laughing. :18.100 --> :24.469 You don't get many wins in the service industry but this one will always be a memorable one. :24.469 --> :42.890 I :42.890 --> :45.900 was working at a gas station about 20 years ago. :45.900 --> :51.590 One evening this lady comes in, dumps like five or six handfuls of pennies on the counter, :51.590 --> :53.370 and states her preferred brand. :53.370 --> :58.400 Ordinarily, our cashiers would just tell someone to f*** off if they were trying this, but :58.400 --> :03.330 I was pretty chill at the time and I had nothing to do but run the register and stuff my face :03.330 --> :07.610 with food from the deli case, so, cue malicious compliance. :07.610 --> :12.850 I just said, "Ok, but I'll have to take other customers, I'll count this between." :12.850 --> :16.210 She objects, "It's all there, I counted it already." :16.210 --> :21.580 I reply, "If my drawer comes up wrong I'll get in trouble, I have to count it, sorry." :21.580 --> :27.030 She starts stomping around the store all mad, throwing her arms around etc (I would later :27.030 --> :32.620 come to recognize this as tweaker behavior), and I start counting, meticulously setting :32.620 --> :39.130 the pennies aside in stacks of ten, and pausing every time a customer comes in, all the while :39.130 --> :43.130 this lady is acting like she's been stabbed through the hand. :43.130 --> :47.680 Maybe half a dozen customers and ten minutes later, I'm nearing the end of the pile, she's :47.680 --> :52.850 still standing by the door getting more and more impatient, b****ing at everyone who comes :52.850 --> :53.850 through. :53.850 --> :57.560 I was giving the other customers priority, so they didn't care, of course. :57.560 --> :02.130 Anyway, I finish counting and she's short, maybe 15 cents? :02.130 --> :03.780 Who could remember. :03.780 --> :08.040 It was fairly common for people to raid the penny dish to cover the cost of a pack of :08.040 --> :13.600 cigarettes they couldn't quite afford, and this was generally allowed (small town, and :13.600 --> :15.790 after all, who even cares.) :15.790 --> :21.910 But she promised me it was all there, and I got a bit of a bug up my a** about it, so :21.910 --> :26.870 I take the overflowing free penny dish and move it behind the counter before calling :26.870 --> :27.870 her over. :27.870 --> :29.150 "You're X cents short." :29.150 --> :32.530 "Can't I just cover it from the dish, where is it?" :32.530 --> :33.800 "What dish?" :33.800 --> :35.030 "There's a dish! :35.030 --> :36.140 There's always a dish! :36.140 --> :37.370 You took it away!" :37.370 --> :40.640 I give her a puzzled look, wave my hands over the counter. :40.640 --> :43.600 "There's no dish, I don't know what you're talking about." :43.600 --> :48.260 She is incensed and cusses me out for a while, I just shrugged it off. :48.260 --> :50.400 She left without her cigarettes, of course. :50.400 --> :55.130 My boss came over afterward and told me I didn't have to count those or even take them. :55.130 --> :15.460 Dude did not get me at all, but I just played it straight and was :15.460 --> :42.340 like "oh, ok." :42.340 --> :50.190 The guys at prorevenge argued that it better belongs here, so here I am. :50.190 --> :55.200 My house is surrounded by two gardens, one in the front, facing the street, and one in :55.200 --> :58.000 the back, bordering my neighbours' gardens. :58.000 --> :03.050 When my parents and grandparents moved into our house 26 years ago, they planted a thick :03.050 --> :05.490 hedge around the entire property. :05.490 --> :11.010 They also installed a rose arch over the pathway to our front door and my grandfather was always :11.010 --> :16.340 busy keeping up the garden, planting, weeding, keeping everything very tidy. :16.340 --> :22.610 My grandfather died in 2002 and after that, the garden was neglected for a few years as :22.610 --> :27.520 my parents were still working and my brother and I were in university/school. :27.520 --> :29.510 But then, ca. :29.510 --> :34.990 2005, my mum read something that we should plant stuff to help the bees and she took :34.990 --> :41.350 over the gardens, planting lilac, rhododendron, roses and various berries. :41.350 --> :46.580 Later we decided to also install raised garden beds with various kitchen herbs. :46.580 --> :52.410 My mum is now over 70 years old and has officially given the house over to my brother and me, :52.410 --> :55.980 so that we won't be taxed on inheriting it when she dies. :55.980 --> :59.180 Since then, I've been sporadically taking care of the gardens. :59.180 --> :04.610 I like them in their wild shape with all the birds, bees, bumblebees and butterflies flying :04.610 --> :10.150 around, in autumn we get hedgehogs and we've been visited by a fox recently (which send :10.150 --> :12.080 my cats into a panic). :12.080 --> :17.040 Then, recently, we received a letter from the city stating that our garden was interfering :17.040 --> :22.310 with the safety of the street, because the hedge was overgrowing the pavement and contained :22.310 --> :25.310 poisonous berries which were a danger to children. :25.310 --> :30.750 Now, my brother trims the hedge every month to make sure nothing is overgrowing the pavement :30.750 --> :37.360 in any way, and while the berries are poisonous, to get to them you'd have to be quite resilient :37.360 --> :39.550 because they're surrounded by thorns. :39.550 --> :43.350 They are also know to be ideal food for some local birds. :43.350 --> :48.740 So, I contacted our local nature conservation association and asked if they would like to :48.740 --> :53.460 have a look at our gardens and maybe tell us if we could improve anything to make them :53.460 --> :55.640 even more nature friendly. :55.640 --> :01.279 They came, looked around and then told us they rarely see gardens so in touch with nature. :01.279 --> :07.030 They approved our gardens as "especially nature friendly" and contacted the city to tell them :07.030 --> :12.370 that from their point of view, any changes would be considered unfriendly to nature, :12.370 --> :17.970 and since our city prides itself with once being one of the "green capitals" in our country, :17.970 --> :19.580 they had to budge. :19.580 --> :20.860 Don't mess with my gardens! :20.860 --> :22.250 I was 19 when this happened. :22.250 --> :23.250 Im a plus size girl who’s confident in my body. :23.250 --> :26.280 I’ve been working at the same big chain restaurant since I was 15 years old. :26.280 --> :27.280 It was my first job. :27.280 --> :28.280 (It’s what one would call higher end fast food) :28.280 --> :29.280 When I went to college I transferred stores and began working at the same place in another :29.280 --> :30.280 city. :30.280 --> :31.280 Everything was going great for about a year until we got a new boss. :31.280 --> :32.280 Immediately he singled me out and told me I needed to stop dressing the way I do because :32.280 --> :33.280 it was going to “lead to men harassing me” he would say this daily to me and also told :33.280 --> :34.280 me graphic stories of sexual assault he had witnessed at our workplace because of leggings. :34.280 --> :35.280 One day I stood up to him and told him it’s not appropriate that he says this stuff especially :35.280 --> :37.250 given all the people under the age of 18 we worked with. :37.250 --> :40.720 Later into his first week he yelled at me for something minor and told me I should just :40.720 --> :42.201 quit because he’s going to find a way to get rid for me. :42.201 --> :43.201 So I did :43.201 --> :48.230 He was transferred to another store and I came back under a new boss who was amazing :48.230 --> :50.089 and understood what the previous boss had done was wrong. :50.089 --> :51.089 I worked without incident for a month and then my original terrible boss came back. :51.089 --> :52.089 Again he singled me out and tried to make me uncomfortable by telling me I was going :52.089 --> :53.089 to get harassed. :53.089 --> :54.089 This time I fought back. :54.089 --> :56.710 I told him straight up if he continued I would sue him and the company for doing nothing :56.710 --> :57.710 after I reported it. :57.710 --> :58.710 He laughed at me and said go ahead and that I would never get a dime from the company. :58.710 --> :02.160 Cue malicious compliance, I quit on the spot that day and contacted a lawyer who advised :02.160 --> :06.920 me to file a complaint against the company with the EEOC for sexual harassment and retaliation. :06.920 --> :09.510 After a long year of waiting the company agreed to a mediation by an outside neutral party. :09.510 --> :10.890 I negotiated and was awarded 15K in damages. :10.890 --> :14.529 I’m not sure what happened to him but the company must be P*****. :14.529 --> :15.579 He messed with the wrong pre law student 🙄
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceIGAVEALADYCHARCOALFORDINNERRedditStories
:00.240 --> :05.280 today we have an entitled parent story of a Karen  at a water park we'll get into that in a bit but   :05.280 --> :10.680 first babysitting while dad's home sick just  wanted to get this rant off my chest my sister   :10.680 --> :15.240 is a teacher and has to work late about once a  month due to after school events and Theon night   :15.240 --> :19.560 was one of those nights she usually picks  up her son from daycare that closes at 5:   :19.560 --> :23.680 as her husband works until 6 she texted me  a couple of weeks ago letting me know that   :23.680 --> :27.760 she was working late and asked me to pick up her  son tonight and watch him until she got home from   :27.760 --> :33.560 work and I of course agreed today I left work  early to pick him up I generally work until 5:   :33.560 --> :38.720 but work an office job so not a huge deal to work  through lunch and leave work at 4:30 every once in   :38.720 --> :43.640 a while I was shocked when I got to my sister's  house to see her husband at home sick from work   :43.640 --> :49.160 and was cooking dinner just for himself I just  kept my mouth shut for a bit thinking maybe he was   :49.160 --> :54.640 too sick to drive and besides I'd already driven  all the way over here anyways so might as well   :54.640 --> :59.400 spend some time with my niece anyways I started  cooking dinner for my nephew and I and I spent   :59.400 --> :04.280 some time playing with him her husband didn't  help at all he was coughing but honestly didn't   :04.280 --> :09.640 seem super sick and was even working from home a  bit by the time my sister got home I was really   :09.640 --> :14.440 annoyed with his coughing everywhere I'm not sick  and don't want to be and the fact that I really   :14.440 --> :18.920 shouldn't have had to have been there in the first  place and confronted my sister I asked why she   :18.920 --> :24.840 didn't cancel on me and have her husband pick up  his child from daycare rather than me or at least   :24.840 --> :29.320 let me know that he was home sick I complained  as I left work early because I thought that her   :29.320 --> :34.240 and her husband had no other child care options  and that it's a privilege for me to be able to   :34.240 --> :40.200 leave early that could easily be taken away by my  boss she looked really surprised that I was upset   :40.200 --> :44.680 and asked why I didn't speak to her husband but  I told her that she's my sister and honestly I   :44.680 --> :49.680 didn't feel like it was my place to argue with her  husband over this when they should be figuring out   :49.680 --> :53.960 Child Care between the two of them then she got  mad at me for bringing up something her husband   :53.960 --> :58.560 did but I reminded her that she's the one who  asked me to watch your kid in the first place   :58.560 --> :03.280 and she could have canceled she also has the power  to tell her husband to pick him up instead when   :03.280 --> :08.800 I wasn't even aware that he was home and I can't  tell her husband what to do like she can she then   :08.800 --> :13.880 said I don't understand how hard it is to organize  and manage things because I'm not a parent and she   :13.880 --> :19.360 didn't ask her husband to pick up their son today  because it never crossed her mind I was doing it   :19.360 --> :24.280 lastly she thought I'd be happy to spend time with  my nephew I never said I wasn't and I felt like   :24.280 --> :30.040 this was using her kid for manipulation I was done  after that and left anyways I feel bad for just   :30.040 --> :34.440 leaving after an argument but I really thought  they were both being inconsiderate of my time   :34.440 --> :40.720 as a childless woman I think my favors will be  limited in the future this is definitely a great   :40.720 --> :46.520 way to make sure that your family never helps you  again I mean how inconsiderate is it for her to go   :46.520 --> :50.920 well I just didn't think about asking my husband  like what does that even mean I can tell you're   :50.920 --> :55.640 just lying to my face when you say that you didn't  think your husband would be an option to pick up   :55.640 --> :01.960 your guys's kid also hi I'm Steven and if you guys  enjoy these stories of entitled parents why not   :01.960 --> :07.000 hit those like And subscribe buttons down below  that's said our next story is mother-in-law buys   :07.000 --> :14.040 us a 2-day weekday hotel stay in her city as a  Christmas gift husband 37 and I 30-year-old female   :14.040 --> :19.640 live a 9-hour drive away from mother-in-law no  kids for Christmas without checking with us first   :19.640 --> :24.520 she bought us a hotel from Tuesday to Thursday  during a random week in the Summer she told us   :24.520 --> :31.040 it was a trip for us love birds to do whatever we  want sure Jan I started a new job last summer and   :31.040 --> :36.600 don't have paid vacation for a year government I  also have to have someone watch our two dogs while   :36.600 --> :42.560 we're away we are also responsible for paying for  our flights as well so it's a big hit financially   :42.560 --> :47.760 for a vacation we didn't want in the first place  anyway husband and I were doing some planning   :47.760 --> :52.680 for what we're wanting to do I have family in  their area and husband has other family as well   :52.680 --> :57.720 mother-in-law finds out and tells us we need to  spend the whole trip with her we were planning on   :57.720 --> :03.080 spending all Wednesday with her but then she goes  into a guil trip about how we never see her for   :03.080 --> :09.000 the record we saw her last summer and at Christmas  anyway she wants to spend Wednesday and Thursday   :09.000 --> :14.680 with us and is now saying the trip was for her to  spend time with us no crap but we fly in Tuesday   :14.680 --> :19.400 night and fly out Friday morning only flights  available which means I won't be able to see my   :19.400 --> :26.360 family unless I extend our trip and expenses I got  10 text messages at midnight p.m. her time   :26.360 --> :32.000 last night about why we need to focus on her for  the trip she has surgery not while we're there but   :32.000 --> :36.640 later in the summer for a shoulder injury she  doesn't get time off besides this I don't even   :36.640 --> :42.320 have this time off she can't travel Etc her tone  was rude and she's never talked to me like that   :42.320 --> :47.480 before today she told my husband she wants to sell  her house so she can contribute to a down payment   :47.480 --> :53.000 on a home we're saving for we said we don't want  to talk about that until after the summer how do   :53.000 --> :59.000 we put an end to the generosity that is actually  leveraged to control our behavior is there a way   :59.000 --> :04.520 to gently shut this down she doesn't listen and  isn't interested in our opinions or perspective   :04.520 --> :11.320 and doesn't respect boundaries LOL please help  me I mean whether or not you can gently do it or   :11.320 --> :18.200 firmly do it you just say no and whatever offers  they make you just say no I mean it's not like   :18.200 --> :22.640 they can force their wallet into whatever  exchange you eventually do for a house or   :22.640 --> :27.240 whatnot I mean if you got to start threatening  to go like low contact or something or be like   :27.240 --> :31.600 listen I'm going to just block you for a while  maybe until we get the whole house thing figured   :31.600 --> :37.040 out and then we'll be back our next story is my  grandmother tries to take advantage of my family   :37.040 --> :42.720 and feels to do so with a stroke of luck for my  father important people in the story grandmother   :42.720 --> :49.520 grandfather father and aunt also by disability in  this story I'm talking about disability insurance   :49.520 --> :57.080 setting Arkansas and Oregon the story so in  2018 my father quit his job at a warehouse store   :57.080 --> :02.960 because his 12-hour shifts walking on concrete  floors had destroyed his legs this made us lose   :02.960 --> :09.880 over 2/3 of our income I was 12 or 13ish at the  time so there wasn't much I could do neither my   :09.880 --> :14.920 sister who was only a year older from that point  forward he went to go file for disability since   :14.920 --> :19.240 that was the only way he could get us income  while in the meantime my mother ended up being   :19.240 --> :25.440 the breadwinner of the house with a measly 40,000  a year the doctors kept refusing to scan his legs   :25.440 --> :31.520 so he had a hard time getting disability insurance  he had to use a cane and still does to this day it   :31.520 --> :37.240 was devastating but 40,000 a year for my mother  was enough thanks to one thing I know what you're   :37.240 --> :43.120 thinking how did we survive as a family of four  for 40,000 a year well our grandmother actually   :43.120 --> :47.640 owned the house we lived in so we weren't paying  a dime for the house which lifted a lot of weight   :47.640 --> :53.680 off our shoulders my father tried and tried again  but the doctor scanning his body would not scan   :53.680 --> :59.800 his legs keeping him from successfully getting  disability money and somewhere mid 2020 he got   :59.800 --> :05.560 rejected when he first applied for disability  since his education could get him a good job he   :05.560 --> :10.840 was a high school dropout mind you this ticked him  off since he couldn't get any income whatsoever   :10.840 --> :16.720 and he hated that anyway so during summertime my  sister with the help of grandparents who lived in   :16.720 --> :23.000 Oregon went to Oregon for a few weeks at the time  my grandparents house had grandmother grandfather   :23.000 --> :28.920 and aunt and when she got back she was giving the  hint that she did not want to go back according to   :28.920 --> :34.960 her everything was covered in mold it was greasy  and apparently everyone who lived there had some   :34.960 --> :40.480 sort of hate towards each other mainly grandmother  and grandfather versus aunt aunt and grandfather   :40.480 --> :46.000 smoked so grandmother already had a distaste in  them but she didn't want to cause a scene so she   :46.000 --> :52.320 kept quiet mid 2021 and my grandmother made it  quite clear that she planned to move down saying   :52.320 --> :58.640 sometime by the end of 2022 so we had enough time  ahead to get a house of our own well we thought at   :58.640 --> :03.680 least at after hearing this my father who had  to walk with a cane sadly has to renovate the   :03.680 --> :08.720 house with the help of everyone else but since  he had the most knowledge and skill he pretty   :08.720 --> :15.120 much did most of the work this left him absolutely  destroyed and he managed to replace a tile floor   :15.120 --> :22.120 an entire exterior wall a quite large fence and  insulation in the ceiling I did as much as I could   :22.120 --> :27.480 but I tried to help at least remember when I said  my grandmother owned the house we lived in well   :27.480 --> :33.240 she decided that in mid April while we were still  working on some crap with a 3-week warning that   :33.240 --> :38.720 she was moving down from Oregon and everything  better be gone grandfather wouldn't tag along   :38.720 --> :43.760 since their Oregon house still needed someone to  be there and he wasn't retired yet aunt was not   :43.760 --> :48.880 trusted alone there since she wouldn't even be  there half the time so he had another reason to   :48.880 --> :55.960 stay anyways grandmother was pretty much kicking  us out but her plan was more complex she wanted to   :55.960 --> :01.680 take control of us since she knew we wouldn't be  able to purchase a house with only 40,000 a year   :01.680 --> :07.480 she wanted us to come begging to allow us back in  the house so she would have absolute control over   :07.480 --> :13.040 us as she knew we didn't favor being homeless  she knew my father didn't want to just abandon   :13.040 --> :17.880 everything he had worked on since he never got  a second to enjoy it she knew me and my sister   :17.880 --> :23.040 wouldn't be able to get jobs since we had a  huge workload with both school and the house   :23.040 --> :28.760 we all knew that and she knew that would be our  fate or so she thought my father had actually   :28.760 --> :34.320 success sucessfully got in disability a few months  prior and kept his bonus for a situation like this   :34.320 --> :40.160 but for more of a tornado based reasoning since  Arkansas had gotten quite the tornadoes at that   :40.160 --> :46.040 time with just a week of searching we successfully  got a home about half an hour away and immediately   :46.040 --> :51.240 got to work on moving in my school used Google  Classroom so I was able to miss a couple of days   :51.240 --> :56.120 while still completing schoolwork as we were  completely settled into our new home about 2   :56.120 --> :01.440 weeks after finding said home and I was there  to listen and my father got a call guess who   :01.440 --> :07.040 it was entitled grandmother this is a back and  forth between grandmother and father dad picks   :07.040 --> :13.560 up entitled grandmother says so how are you guys  sitting in a homeless shelter or even a storage   :13.560 --> :20.320 unit clearly waiting for a yes my dad laughs his  butt off well we actually got a home within the   :20.320 --> :25.440 time frame and we don't have to go under your  rules as we all know your plan she says what do   :25.440 --> :32.480 you mean you can't afford such your family makes  somewhere around $40 ,000 at Max father says take   :32.480 --> :39.560 a guess at who got disability benefits silence for  about 10 seconds she says you getting a house or   :39.560 --> :44.080 not your butt needs to finish renovating this  place from what I can see there's still some   :44.080 --> :49.560 missing insulation and you couldn't even finish  my bathroom also how dare you hide your disability   :49.560 --> :55.640 from me I am your mother I should be the first to  hear such father says had you given us the time   :55.640 --> :02.000 that could have been done by now but no we had  had to be gone by 3 weeks and what do you mean   :02.000 --> :07.680 hide my disability it's been clear I've walked  around in a cane for 2 or 3 years it was bound   :07.680 --> :13.120 to happen entitled grandmother mumbles something  and then hangs up a couple weeks later she settles   :13.120 --> :18.760 down to Arkansas as everyone acts as if nothing  happened but entitled grandmother decided it was   :18.760 --> :23.720 time to make an attempt at manipulating my father  to get him to continue working on the house as it   :23.720 --> :29.760 was nowhere near done he didn't have much to do  so he accepted knowing he would be in 3 days of   :29.760 --> :35.320 pain doing so since he had to walk with a cane  half the time she tried this again and again   :35.320 --> :40.760 but we kind of ignored it after a while until  one day around a.m. she tried to get my   :40.760 --> :46.480 father to work on the roof rather than care for my  sister who was in the hospital on the phone call   :46.480 --> :52.800 she acted as if her house was more important  than my sister's heart rate reaching 2113 he   :52.800 --> :57.960 explained the situation thoroughly so she knew  what was going on with my sister but she decided   :57.960 --> :03.200 her own life was more more important than hers and  tried to brush the situation off the conversation   :03.200 --> :09.280 ended badly but she was digging herself a hole  not us she really wanted to go back to Oregon   :09.280 --> :14.400 at that point after the small argument with her  grandfather called my father up with the sake of   :14.400 --> :19.400 not getting divorced from grandmother that he was  removed from the will clearly not knowing the full   :19.400 --> :25.200 story this was one of entitled grandmother's plans  to get us to beg again but they didn't really have   :25.200 --> :31.000 much as it didn't really affect us now yes they  still have the house in Oregon and didn't plan to   :31.000 --> :36.880 sell it anytime soon but she had already brought  down some heavy crap like her tractor so it was   :36.880 --> :42.880 either she sells it or she stays she held for  a little bit she made her decision after having   :42.880 --> :48.960 to spend Christmas alone since no one in Arkansas  who had a social connection to her pretty much my   :48.960 --> :55.040 family liked her she realized that her assertive  personality was catching up to her and that was   :55.040 --> :00.080 that we soon heard that Aunt was kicked out after  entitled grandmother return turned to Oregon and   :00.080 --> :05.640 we believe it was because entitled grandmother  had to yell at someone and we weren't there to   :05.640 --> :10.960 get yelled at she ended up getting an apartment  but she didn't talk to them anymore as far as I'm   :10.960 --> :17.160 aware and that is as far as it's gotten so far in  the meantime I started 11th grade as a 15-year-old   :17.160 --> :22.520 last fall and currently going to finish it up soon  entitled grandmother is back down to Arkansas the   :22.520 --> :28.160 spring break so I'll update if there's enough crap  going on as I am sure she's going to try to do   :28.160 --> :33.960 something I hope I don't jinx myself saying that  I'm so happy for Opie that they managed to get   :33.960 --> :38.920 into a situation right in the nick of time that  they could get out of there God forbid you get   :38.920 --> :43.600 stuck under somebody's thumb like that that wants  to just keep crushing you and smooshing you into   :43.600 --> :48.560 the ground under their shoe I mean what was the  point other than just being satisfied that she was   :48.560 --> :54.320 having control over you guys it just kind of feels  sick and twisted like they're fueling themselves   :54.320 --> :00.520 leeching off of your misery this next story is my  mom was pregnant prant and my parents blamed me   :00.520 --> :05.720 for losing the baby well now I know why my parents  tried to force me to move back in on Thanksgiving   :05.720 --> :11.360 my mom was pregnant with kid number six and I only  recently found out to start things off with one   :11.360 --> :16.120 of my siblings found my Reddit account not too  long after my last post and they showed it to   :16.120 --> :21.440 our parents who in turn showed up in my apartment  screaming at me about how I'd set them up to get   :21.440 --> :27.640 my mom arrested and made the world think they're  bad parents well they are I called them out while   :27.640 --> :32.720 standing in my doorway about all the crap they've  done right down to leaving my siblings at my door   :32.720 --> :38.200 on a day they knew I worked that's bad parenting  any way you look at it and it didn't really matter   :38.200 --> :43.160 that I set them up because I would have otherwise  called the police on my mom anyway when she left   :43.160 --> :47.960 kids at my door and in the end it would have  made no difference my dad looked like he was   :47.960 --> :53.600 ready to raise a fist to me and I said that action  alone proves me right that they're crappy parents   :53.600 --> :58.680 then stated that if he tried to hit me it would  turn out like last time and I don't think his Che   :58.680 --> :04.600 chestnuts could take another hit from my boots  and yes I was wearing them dad seemed to winse   :04.600 --> :09.240 and clench his legs together at the thought  of what I did to him last time so we ended up   :09.240 --> :13.760 leaving and dragging my mom out by the hand and  he yelled back before leaving the hallway that   :13.760 --> :19.320 he expected me to pay them back for the fine they  had to pay for child abandonment since it was my   :19.320 --> :24.880 fault I told them to freak off and that I didn't  owe them crap they didn't say anything back it   :24.880 --> :31.680 was just recently that I got some very bad news my  mom had been about 6 months pregnant and she lost   :31.680 --> :37.880 the baby after a bad fall at home when she slipped  on wet porch steps and landed face down and gravel   :37.880 --> :42.920 honestly I couldn't tell she'd been pregnant at  all the time I'd saw her prior to that she's a bit   :42.920 --> :48.840 on the heavier side and had always been clumsy but  not fat just enough that you really couldn't tell   :48.840 --> :55.560 if she was pregnant or not it's sad and this was  her first miscarriage so she really wanted someone   :55.560 --> :01.800 to blame and that someone had to be me in her eye  because I destroyed the family by not helping and   :01.800 --> :07.160 by costing them so much money she and dad showed  up at my apartment again with her and crutches   :07.160 --> :12.240 just to say it was all my fault she lost the baby  because I refused to come home and help when they   :12.240 --> :16.480 needed me it turned into a pretty big argument  where I called them out on how they were just   :16.480 --> :21.960 looking for free child care and looking to blame  me for something that's not my fault it's not my   :21.960 --> :28.000 fault they got pregnant again when Mom is 44 years  old and it's not my fault it happened anyway blame   :28.000 --> :33.640 it on the cten old porch dad was too cheap to  ever fix a replace well my father laid his hands   :33.640 --> :38.880 on me again when I said that and I got a sharp  right hook from him and then I ended up kicking   :38.880 --> :44.000 his butt one more time I'd never really stopped  working out at the gym and I'm even stronger than   :44.000 --> :49.440 I was when I took him down last Thanksgiving he  didn't stand a chance I blinked out in a rage and   :49.440 --> :54.480 ended up breaking his nose and knocking out both  of his front teeth before my mom's Screaming made   :54.480 --> :59.680 me stop police were called and I was put in cuffs  while my father had to be Tak Tak to the hospital   :59.680 --> :05.400 thankfully the hallways for my apartment complex  have CCTV and I had my phone camera going behind   :05.400 --> :10.240 me in my apartment as well that I'd started  recording when my parents knocked the footage   :10.240 --> :16.480 easily showed that my father attacked me first and  I defended myself I'm essentially in the clear as   :16.480 --> :22.160 it was labeled self-defense but now my parents are  wanting to sue me for my dad's medical bills and   :22.160 --> :27.040 the fine they had to previously pay Dad can't go  to work for some time due to the beating I gave   :27.040 --> :32.360 him he's in a neck brace with a broken nose  a black eye two lost teeth and who knows what   :32.360 --> :38.800 else his beard also had to be shaved off which  he's also very unhappy about he was also pretty   :38.800 --> :44.960 much dead to me even before this so I guess this  makes him double dead to me and what little power   :44.960 --> :50.840 he ever thought he had as my father is gone I'm  physically much stronger than him and soon I'll be   :50.840 --> :56.040 starting a new job that pays way better thanks to  all my hard work these past few months and maybe   :56.040 --> :00.840 with a few years of saving I'll get a much better  place to live my eldest sibling called me to say I   :00.840 --> :05.760 was their hero for beating the crap out of dad and  that they were planning on leaving just like I did   :05.760 --> :10.600 when they turned 18 but it was my next sibling  after them that found my Reddit posts after   :10.600 --> :15.760 hearing them on YouTube and that led to my parents  finding out because my mom heard them talking   :15.760 --> :21.480 about it and made them show my post to her they  said she was enraged and started breaking things   :21.480 --> :25.960 my siblings have apologized that they let Mom and  Dad find out and that they would have never have   :25.960 --> :30.520 said anything if they'd known mom was listening  both have also said that they're happy there won't   :30.520 --> :35.320 be another baby though they are already having to  do a lot of the child care for my parents right   :35.320 --> :41.160 now and they hate it they admitted to blaming me  for leaving it first too but they realized that   :41.160 --> :46.120 when you become an adult you deserve to take your  own path it's still up in the air whether or not   :46.120 --> :51.560 my parents actually will try to sue me but I think  I can safely say that it'll be a loss for them if   :51.560 --> :56.800 they do one of my friends uncles is a lawyer and  said he'd represent me if my parents decide to   :56.800 --> :01.960 Sue and he also says that that they don't have  much of a case since it was self-defense and to   :01.960 --> :08.960 my parents who will probably read this I only have  this to say leave me the heck alone You Don't Own   :08.960 --> :13.960 Me or my siblings and when the time comes for  them to be able to leave at 18 I'll help them   :13.960 --> :20.200 get out of your house you both have always been  selfish narcissists it's not my fault mom lost   :20.200 --> :24.640 the baby and it's not my fault you had such a  hard time without me in the house to be your   :24.640 --> :30.760 free babysitter consider that broken nose and  lost teeth is a good reason to never even touch   :30.760 --> :35.720 me again and don't forget that I've only told  a fraction of the crap that went on in my life   :35.720 --> :41.280 thanks to y'all here if I wanted to I could post  story after story of the crap that went on in my   :41.280 --> :48.560 childhood but that wouldn't bring me satisfaction  so just leave me the heck alone 1 million per that   :48.560 --> :54.040 was self-defense I think that's pretty clearcut  here I don't think anybody especially when we're   :54.040 --> :59.800 viewing the actual video evidence which I hope  op like went and got backups from the apartment   :59.800 --> :05.400 complex CCTV and stuff just to really make sure  there's no way Opie would be liable for any of   :05.400 --> :10.400 this and their friends's Uncle being pro bono I  assume is a pretty clear indicator that it's an   :10.400 --> :17.560 open and shut case our next story is Karen at a  water park again why are there so many anyway I'm   :17.560 --> :23.520 the same guy as the last water park Karen today  was a doozy so strap in all right so this time I   :23.520 --> :30.040 was on the play structure the literal snarkiest  kid I have ever dealt with showed up she was in   :30.040 --> :35.760 her early teens easily she told her little brother  I'm assuming to go down when he definitely wasn't   :35.760 --> :40.800 clear to go I had to yell to get his attention  to tell him not to go the girl then Taps on my   :40.800 --> :46.720 shoulder and goes my grandma said not to yell at  her kids I stared at her and then just said I'm   :46.720 --> :51.440 sorry but if I need to get someone's attention  quickly and they aren't listening I'm going to   :51.440 --> :57.760 yell she gave me a death stare and then jumped  down the slide when I didn't clear her she nearly   :57.760 --> :03.280 ran Amed into her brother strike one next time  she came up she was about to go down early and I   :03.280 --> :09.200 told her if you go down you're on strike too she  straight out turned to me and said I don't care   :09.200 --> :15.200 and went down strike two the next time she just  ran down the slide immediately and even had the   :15.200 --> :21.160 audacity to stick her tongue out at me on her way  down strike three the next time she came up I told   :21.160 --> :27.440 her not so happily sorry but you can't go down the  slide anymore today she pouted and said my grandma   :27.440 --> :33.200 says I can't can I looked her in the eyes and  replied with well your grandma isn't a lifeguard   :33.200 --> :39.520 I am what I say goes again I'm a little ticked  at this point she sticks her tongue out again and   :39.520 --> :45.760 goes downstairs and talks to her grandma May the  fun begin I watch this lady walk her way up the   :45.760 --> :51.600 stairs I'm super excited at this point why did you  tell my baby she can't go down the slide she can   :51.600 --> :57.640 go down the slide let her go down the slide she  came out the gate swinging I wasn't prepared for   :57.640 --> :03.360 that I replied with a simple she broke the rules  three times so she can't ride the slide anymore   :03.360 --> :09.160 today she yelled back what did she do huh she  didn't break any rules let her go down I'm trying   :09.160 --> :15.360 not to smile like an idiot this entire time I'm  sorry ma'am but as the Lifeguard I decide who goes   :15.360 --> :20.560 down the slide and she broke the rules she went  down the slide three times without my permission   :20.560 --> :26.360 endangering both herself and her brother on top of  that she outright taunted me she can't go down the   :26.360 --> :31.960 slide anymore she turned around and said I'm going  to go talk to your manager they'll agree with me   :31.960 --> :37.120 somehow it's the same head guard as last time  I feel like it's a curse at this point honestly   :37.120 --> :42.480 the woman comes back with my headu guard trailing  her this one he told my baby she can't go down the   :42.480 --> :48.440 slide my headu guard turned to me and just said I  saw the camera footage this was just a formality   :48.440 --> :52.960 then he turned to the woman and said ma'am this  lifeguard is correct your granddaughter broke   :52.960 --> :59.440 the rules three times and even taunted him she  cannot go down the slide and then the unthinkable   :59.440 --> :06.440 happened she slapped him she slapped my head guard  in the face he looked at her dumbfounded I stepped   :06.440 --> :11.920 in before he could explode all right ma'am you are  now being expelled from the premises I'm going to   :11.920 --> :16.440 take you to your room you're going to pack your  things and you're going to leave along with anyone   :16.440 --> :22.840 you came with she turned to me shocked for what  reason I paid to be here I'm going to stay I'm   :22.840 --> :28.640 just dumbfounded you assaulted an employee  it doesn't matter if you paid to be here now   :28.640 --> :34.440 let's go to your room so you can pack she just  grunted and said fine I didn't want to stay here   :34.440 --> :41.160 anyway my head guard put his hand on my chest and  stopped me I can handle it stay on play I nodded   :41.160 --> :46.080 and they walked away I watched him take her to  her family he explained what happened and then   :46.080 --> :51.680 he escorted them out so that was easily the most  insane thing I've seen at this park I'm writing   :51.680 --> :57.240 this on my break this happened about 20 minutes  ago you know I've heard of plenty of entitled   :57.240 --> :04.000 people that a amusement parks and things like that  fairs and stuff especially water parks not many of   :04.000 --> :10.400 them rise to the level of just bantly slapping a  guard right there across their face they're lucky   :10.400 --> :15.800 either the guard had some restraint but especially  that op was there because I could imagine anybody   :15.800 --> :21.840 in that situation guard or not employee or not  blowing up and giving a little bit of retaliation   :21.840 --> :28.960 in the sake of self-defense grandma or not I mean  just straight up striking them out of nowhere for   :28.960 --> :34.800 no reason at all but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   :34.800 --> :40.400 hear another crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :40.400 --> :46.240 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsWATERPARKKARENRedditStories
aita for refusing to go to my s's baby shower after she refused to support me when I had a still birth and stole my daughter's name 3 months ago I 28f gave birth to my angel baby whom I was going to name Siobhan my husband Dylan 30m and I are still grieving her lost we lost her due to preacher and premature rupture of membranes and there was nothing the doctors could do to save her my mother is Irish and I was going to name my baby after my great auntie we were so happy and now we are devastated my family rallied around us and so did Dylan's parents but his sister was a different story she has been helping Dylan but has told me I need to get over it it being in reference to our daughter my husband's sister CLA 34f just announced her pregnancy of 20 weeks and had her gender reveal on Instagram I'm happy for her but sad at the same time because I never got to meet my daughter she announced she was going to have a baby shower and sent out invitations last week when we received the invitation it said help us welcome our baby Siobhan I can admit I cried looking at the invitation CLA and my husband's family have no connection to Ireland or the name Siobhan and when my husband asked her why she chose the name Clare said it sounded pretty and because we weren't able to use it she was going to take it first and to clarify no she is not naming her baby after my daughter as much as I want to feel happy for CLA I just can't it feels like she's rubbing the fact that my baby is dead in my face and IR rsvpd no to the invite she called me on my private number and chewed me out for being a sour not being happy for her and being jealous over nothing I feel like I should be happy for her but I just can't I just want my baby girl my shoban aita
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtogotomySILsbabyshoweraftersherefusedtosupportaitaredditstoriesorig
my husband and my Mill were excited when I was pregnant with twins but when I got to know about the reason behind that excitement I was shocked I 28f am currently pregnant with twins and at first I was overjoyed my husband 30m seemed thrilled too and he's been incredibly supportive since we found out however I can't shake this nagging feeling that something isn't quite right when we first discovered I was pregnant my husband was excited but not overly so he hugged me kissed me and told me he was happy it was a normal reaction I thought we went to the first ultrasound together holding hands in the waiting room the technician did her thing and then she paused looked at the screen more closely and said congratulations it looks like you're having twins that's when things started to change my husband's face lit up like I'd never seen before he practically jumped out of his chair hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead he kept saying twins we're having twins over and over I was happy too but his reaction seemed almost over the top
give me a good story on MyHusbandandMyMilWereExcitedWhenIWasPregnantWithTwinsbutorig
final update my brother-in-law just told my wife he is in love with her this is likely to be my final update as I don't see much more happening after this besides divorce proceedings thanks for all the comments they have helped my wife some with the guilt anyway my brother-in-law returned home yesterday not because my sister wants him back but because she can't legally stop him they are done I think he realizes that now the lawyer tells my sister that since my brother-in-law's Behavior over the past few days has been documented there is a good chance she will be granted full custody he doesn't seem to even want to fight her on that my sister will be fine any love she had for him is gone and she doesn't seem to broken up about it the kids don't know what happened yet but my brother-in-law was never around much any anyway when the kids were home he slept at the fire station many nights and put in a lot of overtime but it is certain to be hard on them once they know what's going to happen many commenters have said that there must be more women but as far as we can tell there hasn't been it's really just the obsession with my wife she has blocked his phone but on the same night he returned home he sends my wife an email from account he just made it started with an apology but then took a turn he said he never got to finish at the restaurant that day then he went on for paragraphs and paragraphs about all the things he loves about my wife and the desperation he felt that lead him to do what he did he mentioned their mutual attraction again and the sexual tension that he always felt was between them and ended with a rather large section about me let's just say
give me a good story on FINALUPDATEMybrotherinlawjusttoldmywifeheisinlovewithher
inside a police station a group of five men has joined forces to confront the police commissioner who dared to apprehend an attractive woman after assaulting the commissioner they effortlessly exit the building without any opposition stepping outside they discovered that the street is deserted and even the theater stands shut the group's leader senses that something is amiss and attempts to retreat back to the police station but one of the policemen swiftly shuts the doors in a sudden twist they find themselves encircled by members of The Notorious ax gang converging from all directions the group of men attempts to seek assistance yet brother some the leader of the ax gang assures them that they will receive no Aid one of the men decides to escape but a gang member hurls an acts severing his leg completely without Mercy brother some brutally kills him using an ax meanwhile the woman pleads with brother some to spare her life although he claims not to harm women he disregards his words and mercilessly shoots her with his shock in this city it becomes evident that the gangs face obstacles and carrying paying out their operations without encountering resistance from the police due to the prevailing social turmoil and Chaos among these gangs the ax gang holds the reputation of being the most dreaded pigsty alley a destitute neighborhood consists of a cluster of houses controlled by an exploitative middle-aged couple they not only extract exorbitant rents from their tenants but also exploit them for food additionally the landlord shamelessly flirts with the women residing in the colony the residents of this impoverished Community are characterized by their poverty and diligent work ethic during an ordinary day while one of the residents is taking a bath the flow of water abruptly ceases from the tap seeking answers the tenant summons the landlady and inquires about the situation hurriedly descending the stairs the landlady responds by unleashing a torrent of curses upon the man she accuses the tenets of consistently failing to pay their rent justifying her decision to restrict water usage for four days a week without hesitation she proceeds to verbally berate each and every tenet before forcefully slapping the dissatisfied individual to the ground upon her return to her room the landlady discovers her husband engaging in flirtatious behavior and spying on women enraged by his actions she proceeds to physically assault him before forcefully ejecting him out of the window meanwhile sing and Bone make their way to Pig Stylee and enter a barber shop Singh requests a haircut for bone but after the barber does a remarkable job Singh confronts him questioning why he executed the task so skillfully to instill fear and assert dominance bone who has been posing as the ax gang boss unveils his menacing ax tattoos effectively intimidating the barber Singh pulls the barber aside and requests some money as a means to avoid facing the boss's anger however the barber refuses stating that he cannot harm him because there are numerous individuals like him their conversation is soon interrupted by the colony's residents who gather around them Singh remains unfaced and dares them to engage in a one-on-one fight he and initiates the challenge by selecting a woman granting her the first strike to his surprise her punch inflicts more damage than anticipated Singh then switches his opponent to an elderly man only to discover that the man possesses an impressively muscular physique once again Singh changes his choice to a child but even the youngster exhibits a fully developed and strong body at this point the barber has already contacted the landlady who begins assaulting sing with her sandal Singh retaliates by claiming affiliation with the ax gang and threatening to summon reinforcements to support his claim he ignites a firecracker and hurls it beyond the Alice walls the explosion catches the attention of the ax gang members including their Vice General who enter the alley Singh swiftly accuses the landlady of throwing the firecracker prompting her to flee and seek shelter beneath her blanket the vice General shifts his Focus to the barber preparing to attack but before he can strike an unidentified Force delivers a powerful punch that sends him flying into a nearby garbage can responding swiftly Vice General instructs his gang members to urgently request Becca in no time the formidable ax gang arrives in full force encircling the entire Colony with their suited men and seizing the tenants as hostages a distressing turn of events unfolds as one of the gang members pours gasoline on two tenants while brother some issues a menacing ultimatum to the entire Colony he demands that the person responsible for defeating his vice General be handed over or else he will incinerate everyone and the entire settlement in a critical moment brother some hurls a lighter towards a woman but it is intercepted by a resident from the Coulee class revealing his true identity the Coulee declares that he is the one who defeated the vice General simultaneously besieged by the entire ax gang the coulia deeply counters their attacks utilizing his formidable kung fu skills to defend himself amidst the Mayhem the tailor unveils his own Mastery of kung fu and joins forces with the Coulee to fend off the gang members surprisingly even the baker demonstrates remarkable Proficiency in kung fu showcasing his ability ability to shatter guns with his staff through their combined efforts the trio successfully intimidates brother some and his gang forcing them to retreat however that very night the ax gang captures sing and Bone holding them accountable for impersonating ax gang members and tarnishing their reputation as brother some issues orders for their execution Singh seizes an opportunity to free himself from his restraints using his lock picking skills acting swiftly he releases bone from captivity ultimately saving his life with Newfound Freedom Singh pleads with brother some to grant them entry into the revered ax gang a long-held aspiration of hits however some presents sing with a daunting condition he must take someone's life as proof of his loyalty to the gang subsequently during a conversation that same night bone and sing deliberate over their potential targets Singh discloses his intention to eliminate both the landlady and all the tenants residing in pixie alley bone expresses doubt and Singh's ability to carry out the killing highlighting his lack of kung fu skills in response Singh share his personal history during his childhood Singh encountered a Kung Fu Bookseller who recognized his physical attributes as ideal for becoming a Kung Fu Master intrigued Singh invested his hard-earned savings originally intended for pursuing a career in medicine or law to purchase a copy of the buddha palm technique from the vendor determined to excel Singh diligently read the book and devoted himself to daily practice sessions nevertheless when Singh attempted to rescue a girl from bullet he endured a severe beating and was ridiculed for his belief in mastering Kung Fu adding insult to injury the bullies even subjected him to further humiliation by urinating on him Singh discloses this heartbreaking episode from his past which contributed to his desire to become a killer subsequently Singh and Bone visit an ice cream parlor but they flee without paying for their treats the owner of the ice cream parlor a girl named Fong gives Chase but Singh and Bone managed to escape by boarding a tram teasing her as they make their getaway the following day the landlady reprimands the trio of kung fu Masters for failing to inform her about their martial arts prowess consequently provoking the mob's Pursuit the dispute erupts between the landlady and rabbit teeth chain prompting the other alley tenants to join unleashing a chorus of shouting directed at the landlady suddenly the landlady's piercing scream resonates with such intensity that it shatters glass effectively silencing everyone present meanwhile Singh and Bone also arrive at the scene harboring intentions to harm the landlady concealing themselves in a corner sing Endeavors to throw a knife at her but inadvertently it rebounds and pierces his own shoulder due to his injury Singapore's bone to take over the task however bones aim proves to be abysmal resulting in him striking Singh's other shoulder instead in a final attempt bone cautiously moves closer but during the knife throw the blade inadvertently lodges into Saint and only the sheath manages to make contact with the landlady following their unsuccessful Escape The Landlady spots sing and bone in an attempt to intimidate her bone seizes a large box unknowingly filled with snakes seeing desperately he tries to whistle them away but instead the snakes bites him on the lip a thrilling Pursuit ensues as the landlady relentlessly chases Singh along the highway miraculously Singh manages to outpace her and successfully evade's capture the next morning bone reunites with Singh only to discover that Singh has remarkably healed from his wounds bone admire sings extraordinary ability to recover quickly suddenly their attention shifts to two visually impaired men carrying a substantial back and they proceed to mock them unknown to all these men are skilled Kung Fu Masters specifically hired by the ax gang tempted by Brother some's proposition they agree to eliminate the three Kung Fu Masters residing in pigsty alley under the cover of Darkness the blind Kung Fu Masters arrive at pigsty alley swiftly taking action without hesitation one of the Masters swiftly dispatches the Coulee simultaneously the other blind Master engages in a fierce battle with the tailor initially the tailor gains the upper hand but when the confrontation spills outside he finds himself outnumbered by the two two adversaries utilizing a musical instrument as their weapon the blind Masters unleash a Relentless barrage of assorted Weaponry upon the tailor witnessing the dire situation the baker rushes to the Tailor's Aid however despite their combined efforts the Blind Men proved to be too formidable to defeat just as they brace for a devastating blow the landlady's piercing scream stops them in their tracks the landlord emerges in unleashing a brutal assault he tosses them around like ragdolls but they quickly recover and prepare a powerful counter-attack the landlady comes to the landlord's Aid unleashing a thunderous scream that sends the men fly tearing their clothes terrified the men plead for their lives and flee the landlady warns brother some never to cross her again the alley is filled with sorrow as both the Coulee and the tailor pass away amongst them only the baker survives expressing gratitude for having witnessed their remarkable presence before his own demise the couple then discloses their desire to lead ordinary lives as their kung fu skills resulted in the tragic loss of their their son the barber whom they encountered earlier requests to be trained in kung fu but the landlady refuses citing the extensive time and innate Talent required for Mastery despite his claims the Barber's skills prove insufficient as he is defeated with a single blow the following day sing and Bone encounter fall the ice cream girl once again and Singh intimidates her for money just as they are about to depart after robbing her Fong reveals a candy bar indicating through gestures that she recognizes Singh and shares a connection with him Singh recognizes the girl as the same one he had tried to rescue from bullies in their childhood resulting in his own brutal beating overwhelmed with emotions Singh discards the candy bar and fleas consumed by despair he urges bone to distance himself and hands him the stolen money instructing him to return to their Village however his Escape is short-lived as he is apprehended by two members of the ax gang Singh is brought before brother some who presents him with a crucial task that would secure his position within the gang subsequently he is escorted to a mental Asylum where the ax gang advisor furnishes him with a map and instructs him to release a specific individual from the last cell ignoring numerous warning signs Singh employs his lock picking abilities to cautiously open the sturdy iron door contained within the cell is a seemingly unremarkable middle-aged man named Mr Beast the ax gang transports Mr Beast to their headquarters where none of the members perceive him to be a formidable assassin the advisor inquires about his desired payment yet Mr Beast declares that he seeks only a worthy adversary not monetary compensation despite this brother some remains skeptical and orders his men to assail Mr Beast remarkably Mr Beast endures the assault with fortitude and seizes a firearm from one of his attackers astonishingly he proceeds to point the gun at himself but with Incredible dexterity he intercepts the bullet just moments before it would have struck him using only his two fingers filled with a mix of awe and fear the members of the ax gang pay homage to Mr Beast without warning Mr Beast strides toward a wall and unleashes a powerful kick shattering it and creating a path leading to the casino inside he discovers the landlord and Lady of pigsty alley poised to confront the ax gang once and for all a Monumental Clash of kung fu commence but it becomes evident that Mr Beast can effortlessly withstand their Onslaught unfazed he retaliates swiftly overpowering his adversaries even the landlady's piercing scream fails to face the indomitable Mr Beast who endures it with unwavering determination the battle rages on with Mr Beast asserting his dominance over his opponents left with no other recourse the landlady forcefully cracks open the upper portion of the funeral Bell channeling her scream through its Amplified resonance at long last her ear splitting cry manages to propel the Beast backwards simultaneously demolishing the entire structure of the house having finally recognized the formidable might of the landlady the Beast humbly bows in submission only to deceive them and make an attempt on their lives using his Lotus pen as a weapon swiftly he impales the men and traps the middle recognizing the overwhelming danger posed by the Beast brother some commands sing to strike him forcefully on the head with a wooden railing however Singh mistakenly strikes brother some instead inadvertently shattering the railing upon the beast's skull consumed by Fury the Beast forcibly releases the two masters from his grasp subjecting Singh to a merciless Onslaught the impact of his punches Drive sings face brutally into the unyielding concrete floor seizing the opportunity while the Beast is momentarily distracted the landlord and Lady sees sing and make their escape fuming at his failure to prevent their flight brother some berates the beast but is swiftly dispatched with a single devastating blow to his face back in pigsty alley the landlord and lady employee Chinese medicine and acupuncture to prevent Singh's demise marveling at his unexpectedly rapid recovery meanwhile outside the Beast encircles the alley with the entire ax gang poised for confrontation as Singh recuperates he AIDS the landlord and lady in finding respite gradually he emerges from the room triggering a climate tactic battle against the entire ax gang despite facing overwhelming odds Singh triumphs over each member displaying astonishing resilience after vanquishing all the gang members Singh approaches the Beast composedly launching a punch that propels him out of the building the two engage in a fierce battle that appears to exhibit an uncanny equilibrium between their abilities however the Beast soon unveils his true form employing the formidable toad style techniques that elevate his power exponentially with a single strike he sends Singh hurtling Skyward soaring high above the clouds in that moment Singh finds solace in the blessings of Buddha triggering a recollection of the buddha palm technique with a resounding impact he descends upon the Beast employing the technique to forcefully drive him into the ground however before Singh can deliver a fatal blow the beast capitulates in a desperate Ploy the Beast attempts to deceive Singh and strike him yet another unexpected attack jolts him miraculously a colossal palm-shaped hole materializes on the adjacent wall conceding defeat the Beast ignore knowledges sing as his master time passes and sing along with bone establishes a candy shop within the city a familiar face Fong appears outside the shop capturing Singh's attention finally the long-awaited reunion between the two unfolds as the movie draws to a close the Kung Fu book vendor Endeavors to sell another book to a young girl leaving their fate and future endeavors to the viewer's imagination and that's a wrap for today's episode of cinematic Chronicles we hope you enjoyed our journey through the story of this film if you did be sure to hit the like button and leave a comment below and don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more movie narrations until next time this is Cinematic Chronicles signing off
give me a good story on Hedemolishedathreestorybuildingwiththeforceofhishand
hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some entitled parent stories and our first story of the day is by red nry t entitled mother says her kid don't want to eat veggies so entitled mother decided to raid my fridge and cooked a dozen eggs i had visitors a week ago at my new house and some of them brought their kids lots of little kids aged 9 and below anyway i try to be a gracious host i entertain the kids and let them play on my video games switch so their parents and my parents can have time to talk and enjoy company of each other the kids pretty much enjoyed splatoon 2 and 4 of them can play at the same time my house was filled with laughter of kids and for breakfast since they came early i decided to leave the kids playing and the adults with their conversation and i prepared chicken soup i slipped in tiny slices of carrots and cabbages same recipe as how my mom does it to make it healthy for the kids by the time i finish i was surprised to see that one of the parents is now playing and the kids are now just watching anyway i called them over to the kitchen and served them breakfast the adults let the kids eat first since i have a small dining table only seats up to six people the kids loved it after a while one of the kids asked uncle this tastes so good what's your secret i was overwhelmed it's my first time cooking for other people than myself so feeling like a pro chef i explained that i blanched the veggies so when i put them in the soup they retained their crisp the kids are so amazed that what they actually ate just now are carrots and cabbages they said they hated this thing so now they're all gathering around and so eager for what i cook next now they're very eager to taste the rest of the veggies in my fridge so i told them i'll stir fry noodles topped with veggies for lunch using a chinese recipe i learned from my dad i showed them string beans sweet potatoes eggplant bitter melon garlic and some onion i was surprised that some of them don't even know what they look like yes they know the name because they say they learned it from school but they didn't have a chance to see it in person anyway as i showed them how to cut but didn't let them touch the knife because i was afraid they'd lose a finger one of the parents saw them and screamed at them she brought them out of the kitchen and as they left i can hear the kids so eager to tell their stories about vegetables so i proceeded on cooking and when it's time for lunch i called them over this time around the adults should eat with us so i took some extra chairs and i allowed some of them to eat on the couch now the kids are all excited to eat my veggies except one all the other kids kept asking each other how it tastes like and they all exclaim how delicious it was one even said it doesn't taste like any veggie she had ever eaten before but one of them was quiet and had an empty plate so i asked him why aren't you eating don't you like it poor kid i can see that he wants to say something but he glanced at his mom instead he doesn't eat vegetables oh okay is he allergic or something nope he's just a very picky eater oh why don't you have a bite and just don't finish it if you don't like it i said to the kid and the kid just glanced over to his mom again if you only knew how hard i tried to force him to eat them but no he cries his eyes out and throws his plates okay shall i cook you something else then bacon fried chicken just don't bother with him i'll just cook him eggs i gave up encouraging the kid to eat and just ate lunch myself after the entitled mother was finished she went over to my fridge and decided to take a tray of eggs out and started cracking them one by one i asked her if she needed any help but no she insisted on cooking herself she even said i must be tired of all the cooking so i should just relax okay so i left her and joined the kids they still keep on asking how i did it like it was some magic i envy their innocence how fun it would be to experience life as a kid again it took a while until the kid got back the other kids began teasing him that he was not able to taste my dish but now he's boasting about how many eggs both him and his mom had eaten a dozen eggs for lunch i am feeling sorry for the kid but i don't want to embarrass him he's proud of himself i'm not quite sure if this was normal for this kid and his mom to go visit another house and cook their food without asking permission or it's just that i was quite hospitable that they forgot they don't live here and for goodness sake a dozen eggs for lunch a dozen eggs is pretty ridiculous especially between one adult and one child they must have been eating nothing but eggs and that's it and even that's still way too many eggs to be eating just eggs in one sitting at lunchtime nonetheless what do you guys think is a dozen eggs between one adult and one child too much to have at lunch time let me know in the comments down below our next story is by aita crybaby cameron accuses a white boy of kidnapping his asian sister my girlfriend has a college friend named may she was adopted from china and brought to the u.s as a baby we were chatting in the dining hall when mae told me this bizarre story that happened between her and her older brother john note may is the only adopted child in this family joan's mom was busy one day and needed someone to pick up mae from middle school so she asked john to do it usually how it works is several supervisors watch all the kids and then guide each parent to their kid when jon approached this one supervisor aka karen she was skeptical that this was mae's brother jon explained his mom was busy so she asked him to do it he even showed her his driver's license but she was still skeptical karen told john to wait without calling mae over apparently karen tried to call mae's mom and dad but neither answered by then almost all the kids had already gone home may noticed her brother and tried going out to him and the following exchange was something like this mae says oh hey john karen says get back in the building we can't verify who this man is mae says miss karen that's my brother well we can't verify him so you can't leave with him jon says miss karen i am her brother may was adopted didn't my mom tell you for all i know you could be some stranger here to kidnap a little girl it's for her safety as well as ours may and john were both getting annoyed so they just waited before they knew it the police showed up karen says she suspected this young man of trying to kidnap his own sister and possibly even be a predator she also made snide remarks like i know i wouldn't want my kid to be in this situation john showed his license again and mae pleaded with the cops that this was her brother john called his mom and finally she picked up when jon told his mom what happened she was pissed karen tried to argue it was for the kid's safety one mom to another surely you must understand my position john's mom was having none of it she went off on the karen accusing her of being sexist for assuming her son was a predator and racism for assuming he wasn't related because he's white she said if jon was chinese or if mei was white she wouldn't doubt that they were related karen was arrested for her false accusations and later got fired i've heard of black caretakers being accused of kidnapping white kids but i guess asians aren't immune from this either in any event it sounds like may's got a good family behind her i was totally following the story up until op said that karen was arrested for false accusations op later clarified that the karen was arrested for making a false police report which is maybe a little bit more believable but still feels like a stretch but bottom line regardless of whether it's true or not this sounds like a very real story that could have happened and it's unfortunate i kind of understand it from the karen's perspective but once the brother is clarified they showed a driver's license with the address and made themselves pleaded that it's their brother that they're there to pick them up i feel like it shouldn't have propagated into such a big thing most places like this do have some kind of form or pre-registered people who are qualified to pick up a child so i feel like it might be on the middle school for not having a better process on the ways to handle this our next story is by ashton 055 entitled dad wants one year old to go on fast rollercoaster so for a little backstory this happened before corona on my birthday and i went to a chuck e cheese-like place there's a small roller coaster in there called crazy 8 that is 4 plus and goes super fast in a figure 8 and i decided to go on there now to the actual story i was waiting in line and in front of me was entitled dad holding his barely one year old when it was entitled dad's turn to go on this is how the conversation between them went down worker one says excuse me sir how old is your son entitled dad says he is one year old sorry he has to be at least four years old to ride the roller coaster points to the sign no no i said he's four years old sir you can't just change his age entitled dad's kid looks nothing close to 4 years old anyways please let me on sir i'm gonna have to ask you to go to a different game or ride that you can do with your child as it is not safe for him to go on this ride entitled dad says with impatience what do you mean let me on starts trying to go into the roller coaster at this point everyone in line including myself is getting impatient sir leave right now or i'm gonna have to call security entitled dad walks away freak you worker one says goodbye sir have a nice day excuse me why are you telling me goodbye and have a nice day literally said this word for word was the funniest crap i ever heard me and my friend were cracking up but he wasn't fully english so it's maybe why he didn't understand sarcasm slash being nice to the customer no matter what worker one ignores entitled that at this point and is letting me and other people on the roller coaster after a little bit i decided to go on it again and there's a new worker at the roller coaster and i was there in line for it and coincidentally look who's there right in front of me entitled dad worker 2 says how old is your son 4 years old ok step right ahead this is where i come in most likely stopping that little 1 year old from getting phone off the roller coaster because of him being way too small not fitting in the restraint properly i say excuse me that kid that you let on is 1 years old that dad lied about his age then i continued to explain what happened before with the other worker worker 2 says ok thanks for letting me know it wouldn't be my fault if he got hurt though as he lied about his age after letting me on the roller coaster i see her talking in a walkie-talkie probably calling security and confirming what i said has actually happened with her co-worker worker 2 walks up to entitled dad sir you have to get off this roller coaster as your son is too young to ride it what the heck do you mean he's 4 years old we have security coming right now so if you don't get off you will be escorted off the property no i don't wanna move okay you will be in a second yeah sure start this roller coaster security shows up the security didn't even have to say a word and entitled dad just bolts out of there okay listen op nobody likes a snitch okay just kidding the kid was one years old why are you trying to bring them on a roller coaster that has a minimum age of at least four and that's probably a stretch too it must have been a very junior coaster but still don't try to bring a one-year-old on a roller coaster of any kind this next story is by cheesy fryzo3 entitled ant wants me to organize a birthday party for her because i had one for my mom okay so this happened some six to seven years back the person in question is my aunt let's call her entitled and my mom had finished her phd that year it was a big deal for all of us firstly because on both sides of the family she became the most educated person and second due to certain problems her phd was delayed by a year and we all knew she had worked really hard for it on the day she formally received her degree there couldn't be a celebration because there was another thing that needed to be attended to nonetheless we made sure there was her favorite food at home and she felt cared for now her birthday was also close so we made a plan to have a really big celebration for her we made the entire day about her everything was planned according to her liking since she always preferred only the most closest people for her special occasions there was only the immediate family who lived close that included my grandparents parents and me and my sibling i got some gifts for her including a dream catcher important later made sure she was pampered and had a lovely rosette cake prepared like this one skipped to a month later we had extended family visiting and that included my mom's younger sister entitled aunt she happened to glance at the dream catcher prominently displayed in the house and kept asking me where i got it and if she could have it i told her this was my mom's birthday gift and no it's hers so you threw a birthday party for insert mom's name why wasn't i invited i told her how that was a small affair and blurted the details including the cake she got angry in order to have a birthday party for herself organized by me i got numb lady birthday parties are not asked for her own children would never go the mile for her because how she is lazy misogynist and typical patriarchal mindset mum later told me to let it go i don't wish her on her birthdays anymore it really tells you enough about the person when they see something or they hear about a birthday party that happened and their first reaction is oh throw one for me not something like oh happy birthday by the way or i hope it was fun or what did you do just jumping straight to do something for me do this for me i want that experience to happen for me it's not representative of what you want to see out of a family member and our final story of the day is by mexico99 entitled mom demands fifteen hundred dollars after i give her a puppy so this happened around a month ago i have two golden retrievers and they recently had a pupper not one pup they had seven and i wrote that because we'll be focusing on this dog i gave the rest to friends and family members it's already pretty difficult to look after my two dogs and a third one was driving me crazy so i decided to give the dog to someone for free i asked a couple of friends and family members and my mom said that she had a friend that was looking for a dog for months now so i messaged her and she said she would take it great we planned on meeting in a park so the dog would run around and such when i head there i saw entitled mother and her son i walk up to them with my pup on my arms they look at the dog the child plays with her while we talk the following is what happened entitled mother to her son did you like the dog honey the child nods while he's playing with the dog i say alright so i can give you some dog food and a leash for giving this puppy a good home that's it i mean i looked up what dogs needed to be taken care of and this is a bit too less don't you think me confused yeah this is not enough but i thought you could buy the rest normally when you get a dog from a shelter or anything you gotta get these things with your own money well i thought i could get some things from you since i'm friends with mom's name i looked at dog products on ebay and i thought you could give me around fifteen hundred dollars so we could get the products what no that's not how it works i have two dogs in my house and i need that money for rent entitled mother says that she doesn't have that much money so she won't get the dog and i thought that was it then entitled mother walks over to her son and tells him that they're not going to get the dog the brat started screaming and rolling on the floor entitled mother is a bit angry now and walks over to me see you made him cry if you just gave me the dog this wouldn't happen are you kidding me you're the one who asked for fifteen hundred dollars i'm not gonna give fifteen hundred dollars to a person just because they took my dog everyone could hear us now after a while of this a policeman came asking what's happening i had the dog on my arms he's trying to steal my dog he stole her from my son she pointed at the kid who was still crying are you crapping me i was trying to give this dog to you but you wanted money for taking her me speaking to the policeman explaining everything the policeman was confused as there was no proof of our stories until i showed him a picture where my dog was pregnant and another one where the puppy was born he believed me and i laughed the woman was screaming at me when i was leaving i immediately called my mom to tell her everything and that was that in retrospect i think that ops should feel happy that they didn't go ahead and give this dog to this person because i don't think they would have taken very good care of them if that's how entitled mother is acting i don't feel confident in their abilities to properly take care of the dog or any pet they can hardly take care of their own kid opie later said that they gave it to a good college friend so i'm glad it didn't go to entitled mother but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today let me know which one was your personal favorite and why in the comments down below and if you haven't yet please like this video and subscribe and turn notifications on because anything you do helps this channel grow so much more so no matter what you do whether it was just watching the video liking subscribing thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
give me a good story on rentitledparentsYourkidisNOTallowedinMYFridgeorig
my son came home crying after a trip with his friend's family my son is 13 he went camping with a friend from school and his family I was nervous when they invited him my son has only had sleepovers with family I've talked to the mom a little but I don't know them my son really wanted to go and my husband said it will be good for him I didn't want to be overprotective and shelter him he came home tonight and was upset and tired he brushed me off when I asked what was wrong but I could tell he was not okay later he said he was hungry so I made him a plate of food when he was eating he started to cry my son never cries anymore I asked what happened he first said he's crying because he missed my cooking then he said he didn't have fun and was just waiting to come home he told me his friend's mother and father constantly argue and yell he said the mom was always complaining to the dad he said they don't pay attention to their kids and that his friend's younger sibling is wild and they don't train their dog he said the food they ate made him sick he said the cabin was a mess I comforted him and told him I was sorry I told him not every family is like ours my son suggested it was because they're white but I told him that's not true I burn a lot of candles and he told me he tried to imagine the smell so he could fall asleep that made my heart melt he told me I'm the best he said I always take care of him and his brother and then I'm nice to their dad he said he thanks God I'm his mother and his father is his father I wish he had fun but it was sweet to hear him appreciate what he has
give me a good story on Mysoncamehomecryingafteratripwithhisfriendsfamilyaitaredditstoriesredditaitaorig
:00.190 --> :04.880 For reference, I'm 17 and am in school full-time, five days a week. :04.880 --> :09.200 I work 12-8 on the weekends and haven't had a day off other than for covid leave since :09.200 --> :10.200 August. :10.200 --> :12.559 Of course my seven-day week schedule isn't ideal, but I really appreciate the income :12.559 --> :15.279 and have grown to like my job. :15.279 --> :17.620 Last Summer, I really struggled to find myself a job. :17.620 --> :20.430 I was 16, and after dropping in and emailing 40 different employers and revising my cv :20.430 --> :22.260 about a million times I lost all hope. :22.260 --> :27.300 My parents decided that I was old enough to support myself and cut me off financially :27.300 --> :29.090 and stopped giving me bus money or lifts. :29.090 --> :34.300 I live in the countryside, about 20km away from all my friends so I spent the Summer :34.300 --> :37.019 completely alone which was really difficult for me. :37.019 --> :41.670 All of my employed friends had gotten their jobs through their parents or friends of their :41.670 --> :48.120 parents, but my parents still made no effort to put in a personal word on my behalf to :48.120 --> :50.140 any employers they were on friendly terms with. :50.140 --> :54.429 Anyways, August rolled around and I finally got a job at a McDonalds about a half hour :54.429 --> :56.409 drive from me after four months in isolation. :56.409 --> :00.809 My parents immediately turned their noses up at the mention of McDonalds but I wasn't :00.809 --> :04.980 in any position to be picky and I'm still very grateful for the job. :04.980 --> :09.200 They have always put massive pressure on me to do well in school, and so, to please them, :09.200 --> :13.530 I've been over-exerting myself for months and have a long streak of A's and B's. :13.530 --> :18.570 Unfortunately, I miss a day or two of school on average a month because of my period. :18.570 --> :23.370 For years, I've spent once a month paralysed with cramps and nausea which are a million :23.370 --> :27.110 times worse than what any other girl I've talked to about this has ever experienced. :27.110 --> :29.960 I'm convinced I have endometriosis and have brought the subject up with my parents again :29.960 --> :34.510 and again over the years and have begged them for a hospital appointment. :34.510 --> :41.390 Four years later, and I still havent seen anybody about my period pains and I still :41.390 --> :43.010 continue to miss school over it. :43.010 --> :47.200 Despite this, my parents are constantly on my back about the days that I've missed at :47.200 --> :52.190 school and yet neglect to get me any sort of help or treatment for what I'm going through. :52.190 --> :56.790 About two months ago, I missed a week of school because I was sure I had covid when in actuality :56.790 --> :57.790 I just had a bad dose of tonsillitis. :57.790 --> :03.090 My parents were furious when I tested negative for covid and nagged and argued with me about :03.090 --> :07.440 it for about another month until I actually did test positive and ended up missing another :07.440 --> :08.440 full week of school. :08.440 --> :16.100 I have since caught up on all the work I missed and I haven't broken my streak of A's and :16.100 --> :17.100 B's. :17.100 --> :21.040 Today and yesterday I stayed home from school because I've had another bout of tonsillitis(which :21.040 --> :23.540 went untreated last time and this time as well.) :23.540 --> :28.250 Apparently, this was the breaking point for my Dad and he called me down from my room :28.250 --> :33.770 and told me if I didn't either quit my job or drop down to one day a week he was going :33.770 --> :37.050 to go into my managers office and withdraw his parental consent himself. :37.050 --> :40.760 He blamed my illness on work and told me that it was unacceptable that I was missing school :40.760 --> :44.920 and told me that I needed to take a day off to dedicate wholly to study. :44.920 --> :51.880 I tried to reason with him and showed him my report cards and recent test results and :51.880 --> :59.330 told him my grades were perfect and that I couldn't be blamed for catching covid or tonsillitis. :59.330 --> :02.099 He shut me down and told me that my grades didn't matter because the fact remained that :02.099 --> :04.069 I was "still missing school." :04.069 --> :09.200 I'm unsure what to do or how to change my Dad's mind. :09.200 --> :14.710 I know a seven-day week is extreme for someone my age but I have no other option. :14.710 --> :20.120 In order to see my friends and do nice things in the city outside of school, I need funds. :20.120 --> :21.910 In order to have funds, I need a job. :21.910 --> :26.630 My parents want me to have both a school life and a social life, but won't give me a single :26.630 --> :30.200 cent out of their pocket to get me out of my countryside jail cell. :30.200 --> :32.709 Pocket money is out of the question; I've tried to negotiate my way into making some :32.709 --> :37.240 kind of deal with them by doing good in school and doing any chores my parents ask of me, :37.240 --> :42.400 but their argument is that I shouldn't be rewarded for doing the bare minimum of what :42.400 --> :43.940 is expected of me. :43.940 --> :48.180 Now that I have my own job, I'm financially independent and can no longer be guilt-tripped :48.180 --> :50.480 by them about money or by my "laziness." :50.480 --> :53.950 I am currently saving for a month long holiday during the summer and I already have deposits :53.950 --> :56.670 laid down and plane tickets bought. :56.670 --> :00.750 Still, I need to earn a little extra money to pay the entire thing off. :00.750 --> :10.040 It's my reward to myself for the effort I've put in at school and for all the hours I've :10.040 --> :11.310 worked. :11.310 --> :17.080 I really want to do something nice for myself before I hunker down and inevitably quit my :17.080 --> :19.269 job for my final year at school next year. :19.269 --> :29.000 For me, my job allows me to actually do nice things for myself and to see my friends—quitting :29.000 --> :32.110 it or slicing my income in half is not an option. :32.110 --> :36.230 Without it, my parents have made it very clear that they would not support me or give me :36.230 --> :40.110 any kind of pocket money to get a bus to see my friends or to treat myself. :40.110 --> :45.400 I've proved to my parents time and time again that I can excel in school, take care of my :45.400 --> :49.669 physical and mental health, see my friends and simultaneously work but they're still :49.669 --> :50.669 not satisfied. :50.669 --> :53.730 I'm very frustrated by this whole situation as I am an only child who is fortunate to :53.730 --> :54.919 have two working parents who are married happily. :54.919 --> :58.780 Still, it often bothers me that I have friends with five siblings and a single mother who :58.780 --> :00.560 have better financial support than me. :00.560 --> :03.500 Of course, I know people's financial situations are not nearly as straightforward as that :03.500 --> :10.720 and I don't mean to sound spoiled, but it is frustrating for me and I wish my life could :10.720 --> :11.720 be different. :11.720 --> :12.720 What can I do? :12.720 --> :14.910 Am I being an asshole by not obeying them? :14.910 --> :15.910 Is this fair? :15.910 --> :22.310 Any advice would be appreciated so much :,)) Few nights ago I was contacted by egg donor my :22.310 --> :28.850 “mother” I cannot call her that because a mother wouldn’t do what she did to me :28.850 --> :29.850 growing up. :29.850 --> :33.770 I am currently in therapy trying to deal with my feelings and letting go of every thing :33.770 --> :36.270 that has happen to me because of her. :36.270 --> :38.160 The moment I saw her message I froze. :38.160 --> :41.400 I had this sinking feeling in my chest but also I couldn’t breath. :41.400 --> :43.990 Every thing I worked so hard for to put her out of my mind came running back. :43.990 --> :47.910 The reason I cut her out was because of how toxic and a narcissist she is. :47.910 --> :53.090 All her insecurities were pushed on me, everything that was wrong in her life was my fault so :53.090 --> :55.400 to break free I cut her off. :55.400 --> :01.940 This is what she said to me, it might not make sense because it was translated to English :01.940 --> :05.740 but hopefully you get the gist of what she is saying. :05.740 --> :06.780 Egg donor: 1. :06.780 --> :12.800 I know that I was not the mother you wanted but there is a no book that they sell it and :12.800 --> :18.509 with time you will understand what a mother is like is always there for everything I always :18.509 --> :23.139 wonder what I did wrong and the answer ends in I love you with the Soul and in the end :23.139 --> :27.360 IT matters I want you to always be e are for life Although many times they are borrowed :27.360 --> :30.020 Excuse me for not being the mom What you wanted but sometimes you don't play what God didn't :30.020 --> :33.110 give Just remember What Here and wherever I carry you in my heart forever :33.110 --> :39.100 2 I understand if you don't want to keep contact with me but with your father do it He's already :39.100 --> :43.150 old and I think he needs you I ask you to put the good times with the As dad was always :43.150 --> :44.150 good :44.150 --> :48.020 3 Remember that I love you very much And no matter what happens, it will always be Your :48.020 --> :49.020 house :49.020 --> :50.020 4 don't answer me :50.020 --> :51.610 5 I don’t want any insults :51.610 --> :55.840 She said that because she saw me writing her back and I said this. :55.840 --> :00.770 Me: I don't care what you feel, you have never apologize once for how you treated me, how :00.770 --> :02.200 you insulted me or anything. :02.200 --> :03.630 You were never a mother. :03.630 --> :05.940 You stop being a mother the day you left me when I was 14. :05.940 --> :06.940 You are selfish, narcissistic, hypocrite. :06.940 --> :08.950 Your punishment is knowing you will never be in my life or my children life ever again. :08.950 --> :10.270 All your actions as a adult were clear. :10.270 --> :13.990 You are the most selfish person I have ever met and despiste how cruel and evil you were :13.990 --> :16.120 I am better than you because I never want to be anything like you. :16.120 --> :21.130 In this whole message you never once said I'm sorry, because you are so selfish, you :21.130 --> :23.639 only thing about you and what you want. :23.639 --> :27.889 You will never hear from me, my father will never hear from me no one will. :27.889 --> :34.930 The day you kicked me out and spat on my face is the day I died for all of you. :34.930 --> :37.440 I blocked her and I thought that was the end. :37.440 --> :40.690 The was the first message I ever said I’m those 9 months I been no contact. :40.690 --> :44.259 It broke me in a way but whatever an hour later she found another one of my social media :44.259 --> :48.139 ( a new one I created that no way she could have found me but she said this) :48.139 --> :52.220 Egg donor: Sorry for everything I know that sometimes words hurt more than words blows :52.220 --> :54.280 and I understood that too late But don't forget that we love you with the heart. :54.280 --> :55.470 That’s the most fakest apology ever. :55.470 --> :56.940 She couldn’t even say what she sorry for. :56.940 --> :58.860 SHE ONLY SAID SORRY BECAUSE I SAID IT. :58.860 --> :59.860 I blocked her. :59.860 --> :00.860 And deactivate my social media for a while. :00.860 --> :02.540 Anytime my phone vibrates I have the sinking feeling it’s her. :02.540 --> :06.020 I’m sorry for my whatever this is, I just needed to share it with people who aren’t :06.020 --> :07.020 close to me. :07.020 --> :08.020 It’s been weighting on me for days. :08.020 --> :09.830 No one deserve to have such shitty parents. :09.830 --> :13.260 I hope I can be better for me and for my child. :13.260 --> :17.840 First and foremost, I will not be giving you the name of my YT channel. :17.840 --> :22.230 Im not here to plug my channel but to share a story relating to it. :22.230 --> :28.289 Second, this is a part two to another story I've told on this reddit page, about 2 years :28.289 --> :29.289 ago. :29.289 --> :33.570 To summarize, my aunt wanted me to upload her son's (my cousin's) video to my channel, :33.570 --> :39.260 which I tried politely telling her no, but she didn't like that response and made a scene :39.260 --> :40.260 about it. :40.260 --> :44.720 2 years later, ive returned to give you guys another story relating to my entitled aunt :44.720 --> :46.680 which I've been waiting to share. :46.680 --> :49.470 With that being said, lets get into what happened.. :49.470 --> :57.290 So at this point, im at about 6,000 subscribers and things are going great for me on YouTube. :57.290 --> :58.290 People are enjoying my content. :58.290 --> :03.910 Since that interaction 2 years ago, my aunt hadn't really brought up my channel or asked :03.910 --> :06.209 me anything related to it since. :06.209 --> :11.380 I had seen her a few times the past 2 years, but we hadn't really interacted that much. :11.380 --> :13.390 Just a casual "hi" here and there. :13.390 --> :14.829 However, about a week ago. :14.829 --> :19.170 My cousin (whos well aware of my YouTube channel) decided one day to Google search me and ended :19.170 --> :24.170 up finding my reddit user, and from that.. had found that post I made 2 years ago, about :24.170 --> :25.440 my aunt (his mom). :25.440 --> :29.480 Now he's 13 years old, so I dont really blame him for this. :29.480 --> :38.560 But of course, he ended up showing that post to his mom, and she did not like it one bit. :38.560 --> :42.380 Later that day, I get a call and this is how the conversation basically went... :42.380 --> :43.380 Me: Hello? :43.380 --> :44.380 Aunt EM: Hey! :44.380 --> :46.330 I just had a question for you :46.330 --> :47.350 Me: Sure, whats up :47.350 --> :51.990 Aunt EM: So my son found this post online about 2 years ago, and he says you made it. :51.990 --> :57.680 Which talks about that time I asked you to upload his video to your YouTube channel. :57.680 --> :02.279 Me: (a little nervous because I never thought she'd see it) Oh? :02.279 --> :03.690 Yeah um, im sorry. :03.690 --> :05.830 I just didn't think you'd ever see that. :05.830 --> :07.770 I could delete it if you want. :07.770 --> :11.660 Aunt EM: Yeah, you need to delete that, that just seems very inappropriate, considering :11.660 --> :12.920 it was a private conversation. :12.920 --> :15.180 What made you think you could do that? :15.180 --> :20.280 Me: (a little annoyed at that) well, Aunt EM.. you did sort of cross a line when you :20.280 --> :23.680 tried to push that on me, especially when i told you no. :23.680 --> :25.100 Aunt EM: That's no exuse. :25.100 --> :28.580 I think this YouTube channel thing is going to your head. :28.580 --> :30.250 Me: Going to my head? :30.250 --> :31.970 What do you mean? :31.970 --> :36.791 Aunt EM: I think its making you act irrationally and mean. :36.791 --> :38.540 I dont think you should keep doing it anymore. :38.540 --> :43.760 Me: No offense aunt EM, but we haven't really spoken, you dont know how I am or what I do. :43.760 --> :48.500 Aunt EM: Well after making a post like that, I cant say it's making you a kind person. :48.500 --> :54.950 I think maybe you need to hand over your login information for YouTube so I can delete that :54.950 --> :55.950 post. :55.950 --> :59.850 (At this point, I realized she was confusing Reddit and YouTube as being the same platform) :59.850 --> :03.840 Me: Aunt EM, that post was made on Reddit, it wasn't posted on YouTube. :03.840 --> :08.990 Aunt EM: well I need the login for both of them, quite frankly you shouldn't be on either. :08.990 --> :10.570 Me: thats not gonna happen. :10.570 --> :12.470 You do realize im 23, right? :12.470 --> :14.600 Why do you even want my channel? :14.600 --> :18.770 Aunt EM: You act like I haven't seen the videos you've posted, they're very inappropriate. :18.770 --> :20.990 This is very immature for someone your age. :20.990 --> :23.030 Ill make it easy and delete it for you. :23.030 --> :24.279 Me: Do you hear yourself? :24.279 --> :25.490 Thats not gonna happen. :25.490 --> :27.010 I don't need your approval. :27.010 --> :32.160 Aunt EM: (Thinking she can scare me) you know, I could always just email these websites to :32.160 --> :33.370 have you taken off. :33.370 --> :34.589 Me: That won't work. :34.589 --> :36.470 Aunt EM: oh, I know it'll work. :36.470 --> :41.980 So just do me a favor and make this easier on yourself, I don't wanna have to get your :41.980 --> :42.980 mother involved. :42.980 --> :46.450 Me: (very annoyed at this point) yknow Aunt EM, just do what you gotta do. :46.450 --> :47.770 Im done with this conversation. :47.770 --> :50.130 Aunt EM: Oh I intend too, so watch out. :50.130 --> :51.180 Me: yeah sure, bye. :51.180 --> :55.430 After I hung up, the first thing Aunt EM did was call my mom. :55.430 --> :01.160 Telling her that I was a menace and a delinquent, and that this YouTube channel was messing :01.160 --> :02.220 with my head. :02.220 --> :07.500 And from what my mom told me later on, she told Aunt EM that she was delusional and out :07.500 --> :08.500 of line. :08.500 --> :09.540 Not sure if Reddit (or r/entitledparents) or YouTube received any complaints. :09.540 --> :15.210 But that post I made 2 years ago is still up, and I haven't received any issues. :15.210 --> :18.670 I haven't spoken to Aunt EM at all since that interaction. :18.670 --> :21.459 So I'm hoping that was the end of that. :21.459 --> :25.930 It might be petty to be making this post, and running the risk of her seeing it. :25.930 --> :32.960 But regardless, I wanted to share it you guys.So this is insane and I get that some won’t :32.960 --> :33.960 actually believe me. :33.960 --> :38.430 Honestly, it’s hard to believe at times myself due to the pure hate this woman has :38.430 --> :39.430 for me. :39.430 --> :42.040 My (28f) parents have always been my mom (stepmother) and dad. :42.040 --> :47.720 They didn’t tell me about let’s say Karen (not her real name) being my birthmother. :47.720 --> :53.060 (she left my dad and I for another man) Honestly, after everything happened— I know why. :53.060 --> :54.060 My birthmother is a horrible, lying manipulator. :54.060 --> :55.850 My mom tried to adopt me so that I wouldn’t get caught up in this senseless feud but she :55.850 --> :01.510 refused to give over parental rights (even though she left when I was 5 months old and :01.510 --> :02.780 didn’t dare try to contact me.) :02.780 --> :04.190 My 18th birthday rolls around and I get this message from her. :04.190 --> :05.190 I didn’t know who it was and I asked my parents. :05.190 --> :08.550 After a heated argument, they told me and I ended up being allowed to go meet her in :08.550 --> :09.720 a totally different state. :09.720 --> :14.390 I got to meet her and my two youngest sisters, unfortunately my eldest two sisters couldn’t :14.390 --> :15.390 come. :15.390 --> :19.079 The first thing she said upon meeting me was “you look like your grandma, I hated her.” :19.079 --> :21.680 That started off a roller coast of 6 years. :21.680 --> :26.230 I found out that she told everyone I died when I was a baby. :26.230 --> :30.360 That she told my sisters some pretty horrible things that weren’t true about my character. :30.360 --> :33.150 Convinced my great grandma who had Alzheimer’s that I stole money from her. :33.150 --> :39.079 She also went as far as claiming she never wanted me and I shouldn’t have existed. :39.079 --> :44.540 When I visited, it was like she didn’t want me there even though she was the one who demanded :44.540 --> :45.880 I come over to them. :45.880 --> :50.089 There’s so many more things she did, (a huge one was stealing things that were meant :50.089 --> :52.400 for me that my late uncle left for me). :52.400 --> :58.060 Well, I decided that I’d pray for her and just hope she’d find happiness in her life :58.060 --> :03.670 so that she didn’t do this anymore, I blocked her from my Facebook (I don’t have a Facebook :03.670 --> :04.670 anymore), everything. :04.670 --> :06.240 She didn’t exist anymore in my book. :06.240 --> :10.870 Jump forward to last year, I’ve been working on writing this novel for the longest time :10.870 --> :15.580 (fantasy novel I’ve been planning out for now over a decade) and I’m finally making :15.580 --> :17.160 good progress on it. :17.160 --> :21.040 I do talk to some of the elders in the family (that side is a huge arab Greek Orthodox family :21.040 --> :25.770 hell bent on keeping the family together and they accepted me and wanted me around) and :25.770 --> :30.430 a few cousins who I thought didn’t talk to her (the elders do have her on Facebook :30.430 --> :34.810 but they don’t really talk to her and have made a promise they won’t tell her about :34.810 --> :35.810 me). :35.810 --> :41.010 Anyways, My cousin told her that I was writing a book and that I was dead set on either sending :41.010 --> :43.990 it into publishers or publishing it myself by the end of 2022. :43.990 --> :44.990 She said “Oh really? :44.990 --> :45.990 That’s interesting.” :45.990 --> :49.710 My cousin who’s never actually thought shit through told Karen thinking it wouldn’t :49.710 --> :50.710 harm anything. :50.710 --> :59.930 He came to me and said that he may have made a mistake and to be careful about responding :59.930 --> :00.930 to her. :00.930 --> :07.330 The next day I received a message from my sister that I should unblock Karen because :07.330 --> :08.330 something bad happened. :08.330 --> :10.400 Not really connecting the two I unblocked her. :10.400 --> :14.310 She messaged me stating “Well, since you stole grandma’s money I’m going to sue :14.310 --> :16.830 you for every penny you get from that book.” :16.830 --> :18.880 “Karen, you do need proof about that accusation. :18.880 --> :24.740 I didn’t steal anything, to be honest, I don’t know where you got the idea from but :24.740 --> :26.510 I wouldn’t do that. :26.510 --> :29.160 I was taught better than that.” :29.160 --> :33.010 “YES YOU DID AND I WILL MAKE SURE TO GET THAT BACK!” :33.010 --> :34.060 “Karen, she’s passed away. :34.060 --> :38.589 I have nothing to do with great grandma’s missing money if there is any. :38.589 --> :44.740 Plus how will you sue me for a book I’ve yet to publish that’ll be under a pseudonym :44.740 --> :45.740 anyways? :45.740 --> :47.660 Are you going to just randomly sue me? :47.660 --> :52.199 I’m unsure where you think I have the money seeing as how I’m on disability? :52.199 --> :57.500 I mean, why don’t you use the money you stole from my trust fund grandpa set up for :57.500 --> :58.500 me?” :58.500 --> :05.029 “I have proof that you’re a liar and a cheat! :05.029 --> :06.329 You’re not disabled! :06.329 --> :08.480 Plus I have no idea what you’re talking about with the trust fund? :08.480 --> :12.160 🤷‍♀️” “grandpa told dad and uncle Danny about the fact grandpa set aside one :12.160 --> :15.959 for each of us and made YOU the beneficiary in our stead.” :15.959 --> :16.959 “That’s a lie!” :16.959 --> :18.800 “You know, I’ve left you alone. :18.800 --> :20.699 According to you, I don’t exist. :20.699 --> :25.310 I never tried to use you on my college applications, I never included you in my memorable moments :25.310 --> :27.540 because you demanded I act like you don’t exist. :27.540 --> :31.400 So you can take my trust fund and your fake memories, and go away. :31.400 --> :32.750 You’ll never see a dime.” :32.750 --> :34.370 “YOU OWE ME IM YOUR MOTHER!” :34.370 --> :38.150 “ “you should have been a***ted, it’s not like you have anyone who really wants :38.150 --> :39.150 you.” :39.150 --> :40.150 “ “what?” :40.150 --> :42.740 “ “You were never my daughter nor were you my friend until you realize that, don’t :42.740 --> :43.740 talk to me.”” :43.740 --> :44.740 “I don’t understand?” :44.740 --> :46.010 “You told me these things. :46.010 --> :47.730 You’re right, you’re not my mother. :47.730 --> :48.829 So, good bye.” :48.829 --> :54.399 Ya I haven’t heard from Karen since so maybe that taught her, I dunno, I just feel bad :54.399 --> :58.660 she has this much hate for someone who’s her flesh and bones. :58.660 --> :03.910 🤷‍♀️ guess you shouldn’t have kicked away your kid who loooves to write, that may :03.910 --> :09.899 be your downfall.😏 like I tell my friends, “Your words and actions can and will be :09.899 --> :13.989 used in one of my books and it may not be to glorify you.” :13.989 --> :17.610 I am sorry in advance this is my first time posting. :17.610 --> :22.319 My MIL and I don’t get along, I’ve tried for the sake of my husband but this last incident :22.319 --> :24.720 was the end of the line for me. :24.720 --> :29.720 My MIL has always had this overprotective aspect about her when it came to her kids :29.720 --> :31.940 which has significantly grown worse with time. :31.940 --> :35.799 Her reasoning behind this behavior is because she felt her mother always took the side of :35.799 --> :40.320 her SO and so she vowed to only care about her children and not their partners. :40.320 --> :44.679 That didn’t bother me initially, I figured if I was on her good side nothing to really :44.679 --> :45.679 worry about. :45.679 --> :48.429 Until you realize, this woman doesn’t have a “good side”. :48.429 --> :51.869 She would say rude comments to all of her children’s SO. :51.869 --> :56.840 She would always gossip about my SIL’s bf, saying he was a drunk and always took her :56.840 --> :57.840 daughters money. :57.840 --> :02.760 Even though her daughter didn’t have a job and the bf would be the one paying for the :02.760 --> :06.629 apartment her daughter lived in and all of her clothes and food. :06.629 --> :10.389 She hated my BIL’s now ex gf because she was Chinese… :10.389 --> :15.840 She would state things like she’s “dirty and gross” and wait for it… “gave me :15.840 --> :16.840 the coronavirus”. :16.840 --> :23.259 I have no doubt in my mind that my MIL is part of the reason why they ended up breaking. :23.259 --> :27.830 I never once saw my BIL stand up to his mom regarding any rude comments she ever said :27.830 --> :28.830 about his gf. :28.830 --> :32.110 He would simply turn away and ask everyone else to handle her, like really dude? :32.110 --> :36.929 I never understood her thought process because the things that she would come up with would :36.929 --> :37.929 be outright delusional. :37.929 --> :43.509 It was only a matter one time before that crazy would make its way towards me and boy :43.509 --> :44.509 did it! :44.509 --> :49.140 When we were at her house she blew up one night because I wasn’t doing anything. :49.140 --> :52.899 I didn’t help clean up or anything but neither did anyone else?!? :52.899 --> :57.559 Apparently I needed to clean off the dinner table and wash the dishes for 7 people while :57.559 --> :58.559 at her house. :58.559 --> :04.399 Even my BIL agreed, even though he will literally sit on his phone the entire time while everyone :04.399 --> :06.350 else does prep work or cleans. :06.350 --> :10.950 So the next night I did it, even though my husband protested against it because I was :10.950 --> :12.830 a “guest” at her house. :12.830 --> :18.840 She would be in these weird moods where she wouldn’t even acknowledge me when we came :18.840 --> :23.610 over, she just went straight to hugging my husband and saying how much she missed him :23.610 --> :25.549 while giving me a “who’s this bitch” look. :25.549 --> :29.929 My husband would sometimes force me to initiate to hello and hug but it came to the point :29.929 --> :32.919 where it was like why should I when she doesn’t like me? :32.919 --> :37.950 It started to get worse when I did something, even while at my own home mind you, she would :37.950 --> :42.150 flip out and start yelling and all of them would need to calm her down. :42.150 --> :48.129 When she would be at our house she apparently would expect to be treated with the utmost :48.129 --> :49.129 respect. :49.129 --> :51.370 Which is where my petty ass came back with a NO. :51.370 --> :01.559 You do not get to be disrespectful or callous to me in my own home. :01.559 --> :07.879 The icing on the cake is when my mom was with us and we stopped by to say goodbye before :07.879 --> :08.879 heading out. :08.879 --> :12.740 She was talking to my mom asking my mother all of these weird questions about her name :12.740 --> :13.740 and everything. :13.740 --> :18.149 She took pictures with my mom and then she looked at me and then snapped. :18.149 --> :21.940 She started going off about how I’m the reason her family has so many problems, she’s :21.940 --> :24.289 been through hell because she hasn’t been able to see her son for so long. :24.289 --> :25.559 I was in utter shock. :25.559 --> :30.099 I didn’t know what to say, I was simply looking at my husband like wtf is going on?! :30.099 --> :34.619 Then she gets up in my mother’s face asking her a bunch of questions about why we got :34.619 --> :35.619 married. :35.619 --> :37.509 Telling my mom that I take money from them and my husband. :37.509 --> :41.220 That she she’s me take away money from my husband and that I’m a bad person. :41.220 --> :45.749 My mother didn’t say a damn word but my heart sank when she started to cry… because :45.749 --> :49.619 my mom had gone through hell and back with an evil, vindictive MIL for her 35 years of :49.619 --> :51.289 marriage to my dad. :51.289 --> :59.299 My husband defended me and my mom, even with my MIL screaming at me that she was going :59.299 --> :02.940 to call the police on me and put me in jail. :02.940 --> :06.100 He tried to talk to his mom about her behavior and that it was unacceptable but she refuses :06.100 --> :07.919 to apologize and believes she did no wrong. :07.919 --> :12.009 Her whole reasoning for snapping like that it because her friend told her that women :12.009 --> :15.970 will sometimes marry men and have them kidnapped and killed to take their benefits. :15.970 --> :19.489 She does not think my mother is my real mom and that she is helping me in the process :19.489 --> :20.489 of “killing my husband”. :20.489 --> :31.869 At this point I am convinced my MIL belongs in a mental institution. :31.869 --> :44.309 My BIL and SIL believe that my MIL did no wrong and that she had every right to behave :44.309 --> :45.309 that way. :45.309 --> :55.840 They keep telling my husband that this is your family and that he should put them first :55.840 --> :56.840 before me. :56.840 --> :03.899 I told my husband that because of how disrespectful she was, I do not want her at our house anymore. :03.899 --> :20.349 If he would like to go spend time with his family he can freely do so by going to visit :20.349 --> :21.349 them. :21.349 --> :25.730 Is it wrong of me for being tired of being treated like I’m disposable to my in-laws? :25.730 --> :27.350 For asking for something as simple as common decency? :27.350 --> :48.870 I have never acted out or caused a scene in front of them, I have done so much for these :48.870 --> :51.559 people and they don’t see it. :51.559 --> :56.669 Till this day I’m still excluded from the “family” circle because I refuse to stand :56.669 --> :00.830 for this when behavior is rude and condescending. :00.830 --> :10.789 I don’t know if this is the right subReddit but this is the best place I can think to :10.789 --> :11.789 post. :11.789 --> :25.840 So I (16f) was walking at a park near my house. :25.840 --> :34.460 Since it was finally starting to warm up I decided to wear a skirt for the first time :34.460 --> :35.519 since like October. :35.519 --> :41.149 So I passed the playground and as I was walking away I hear someone running up behind me, :41.149 --> :59.379 as I’m walking out of the corner of my eye I see two hands grab the sides of my skirt :59.379 --> :04.590 and lift it completely exposing my panties. :04.590 --> :11.969 As soon as this happens I turn around and without hesitation backhand the person holding :11.969 --> :12.969 my skirt. :12.969 --> :18.659 Then I realize that it was some kid who looked to be 10 or 11. :18.659 --> :21.610 He looked pretty shocked that I slapped him. :21.610 --> :29.009 But before I could ask him “what the hell” this kid's mom who we’ll call Karen comes :29.009 --> :35.849 running out of nowhere and slaps me across the face and starts yelling at me. :35.849 --> :41.179 The conversation went like this Karen-“HOW DARE YOU!” :41.179 --> :48.279 Me-“ow what the hell” Karen-“ don’t you ever dare touch my baby” Me-“ how :48.279 --> :11.309 bout you teach your “baby” to not be a perv” Karen (slaps me again) “don’t :11.309 --> :30.200 you ever talk to me or my son like that, he’s just being curious, boys will be boys” Me-“ow :30.200 --> :49.750 it’s not being curious it’s sexual assault” Karen-“ maybe if you weren’t dressed like :49.750 --> :31.539 a slut (I just wearing a skirt that was one hand above my knee and a t-shirt) he wouldn’t :31.539 --> :56.749 get so curious” Me-“ maybe if you taught your crotch goblin how to respect women he :56.749 --> :09.500 wouldn’t be looking up skirts” Karen-“ where are your parents I doubt they let you :09.500 --> :50.679 leave the house looking like :50.679 --> :11.469 a slut” Me-“ yeah I think that’s what my parents would get mad about, the way I’m :11.469 --> :26.139 dressed and not that your son lifted my skirt” :26.139 --> :53.809 With that Karen got her son and left saying “ let’s leave we don’t talk to whores :53.809 --> :10.019 like her” and so I flipped her off as we both walked away. :10.019 --> :26.399 I wish there was a more satisfying ending to this but unfortunately, that's just how :26.399 --> :27.260 life goes
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsCRAZYAUNTDEMANDSIGIVEHERMYYOUTUBECHANNELRedditStoriesen
:00.160 --> :04.880 would you be the jerk for telling your own dad  to freak off and dragging his stepdaughter into   :04.880 --> :09.720 it we'll get into that in a bit but first am I the  jerk for telling my dad's husband I don't want him   :09.720 --> :15.760 to adopt me and his bringing up my dead father  is not winning me over I 16-year-old male have   :15.760 --> :22.200 two dads one died before I was born Daddy he was  my non- biofa and his best friend was my parent   :22.200 --> :29.200 surrogate she's my auntie Giga my dad is my biop  parent and my daddy's widower and yeah I say Dad   :29.200 --> :35.360 and Daddy and still say Daddy as a 16-year-old  guy dad always refer to Daddy as Daddy to me so   :35.360 --> :41.360 I use it a month before I was born daddy died my  dad changed completely that day because of where   :41.360 --> :46.880 we live even back then my daddy was still able  to be recognized on my birth certificate it was   :46.880 --> :52.760 a fight and involved the courts but it happened it  was really uncommon back then but he won the case   :52.760 --> :58.560 thanks to Auntie Giga and other family members  recognizing My Two Dads I grew up always knowing   :58.560 --> :03.760 about daddy and I always cherish the connection to  him I was always glad my dad won the right for the   :03.760 --> :09.840 both of them to be legally my parents I was also  always treated like their son Not Just Dads or not   :09.840 --> :15.720 dads and aunti gigas when I was four my Dad tried  to date again and he met Sam they dated for about   :15.720 --> :20.840 3 months but Dad wasn't ready and Sam didn't  like what he saw he felt jealous and insecure   :20.840 --> :25.400 that he wasn't being brought in as another dad  for me they reconnected when I was eight and got   :25.400 --> :31.400 married when I was 12 my relationship with Sam is  complicated and weird and he wants to adopt me but   :31.400 --> :36.840 I don't want him to be my dad I don't want to be  adopted by him or to have him take care of me if   :36.840 --> :42.040 I become an orphan he has always made it a point  to bring up the fact daddy wasn't my BofA in the   :42.040 --> :48.480 first place and how legally it was a miracle he's  even on my birth certificate I hate it it feels so   :48.480 --> :54.200 gross he has told me at least I'll know him while  daddy is someone who's just saintly in my mind   :54.200 --> :59.040 because I wasn't allowed to process only having  one parent even though I know I was raised by   :59.040 --> :04.760 one parent but I still had two he just wasn't here  but I read the book he was putting together for me   :04.760 --> :10.840 he documented a lot of the parenting journey and  surrogacy stuff and the pregnancy until his death   :10.840 --> :17.240 he was so excited he loved me so much he wanted  me so badly on Father's Day we had a big fight   :17.240 --> :22.520 over adoption dad was out and Sam brought up the  adoption to me he told me he's tired of feeling   :22.520 --> :28.200 like an outsider because I always treat him like  dad's spouse instead of my stepdad or my parent I   :28.200 --> :32.920 told him because that's what he is and he has to  learn to accept that I told him nothing changed   :32.920 --> :38.560 for me he told me it's stupid because I love one  stepdad so much more I told him daddy is more   :38.560 --> :43.720 than just a stepdad and then I told him I don't  want him to adopt me ever and bringing up daddy   :43.720 --> :49.480 isn't winning me over I told him if anything he's  making me wish dad had found someone better dad   :49.480 --> :54.080 doesn't know what happened but things have been  tense since and Sam said I went too far am I the   :54.080 --> :58.880 jerk I think as long as op's Dad is actually  going to be on the same page as them if they   :58.880 --> :04.160 tell them it's pretty important for everybody to  be on the same page so that hopefully this whole   :04.160 --> :08.920 thing can be addressed and handled maybe they  can salvage this and try to work with this with   :08.920 --> :14.680 their partner before even engaging with them is  a complete non-starter for op ready replacement   :14.680 --> :19.480 181 wrote you need to talk to your dad and tell  him everything does your dad know what Sam is   :19.480 --> :24.480 doing Sam has no right to try to erase your daddy  regardless if you met him or not he still is and   :24.480 --> :29.800 always will be your daddy you're not the jerk  Sam however is the jerk Opie responded saying   :29.800 --> :34.560 saying dad doesn't know I always knew this would  be the end of their marriage if he knew I want   :34.560 --> :40.160 my dad to be happy so I kept quiet but I guess  that's not such a great idea anymore especially   :40.160 --> :45.520 if it comes out in a more explosive way eventually  also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy getting   :45.520 --> :49.840 to decide whether or not all of these people  are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe   :49.840 --> :55.440 buttons down below that said our next story is am  I the jerk for wearing an American flag Speedo to   :55.440 --> :02.160 a pool party and embarrassing my girlfriend my  girlfriend 27y old female and I 28-year-old male   :02.160 --> :07.480 have been together for about 18 months we don't  fight often but our biggest fight came earlier   :07.480 --> :11.880 this year when I questioned what she wanted to  wear to a groom's dinner at my friend's wedding   :11.880 --> :16.360 I was in the wedding party and we had spent the  entire day setting things up for the wedding the   :16.360 --> :21.400 groom's dinner was that night and was going to be  a very casual affair since everyone was sweaty and   :21.400 --> :26.160 tired from working all day my girlfriend arrived  later in the day and asked me if I could meet her   :26.160 --> :32.120 at our hotel so she could change when we got to  the hotel she put on a pretty fancy dress kind   :32.120 --> :36.480 of like a cocktail dress that she would wear  to a club I told her that the groom's dinner   :36.480 --> :41.080 was going to be casual since everyone had worked  all day and people weren't going to be dressing   :41.080 --> :45.800 up she scolded me and told me that I don't get  to tell her what to wear she said she'll give   :45.800 --> :52.080 me a pass that one time but I should never again  criticize or question what she wants to wear I   :52.080 --> :58.280 dropped it but when we got to the dinner and she  saw how overdressed she was she got embarrassed   :58.280 --> :03.400 even though people commented on good she looked  this past weekend we were invited to a pool party   :03.400 --> :08.560 at my girlfriend's friend's house since it was  close to the 4th of July I decided to break out   :08.560 --> :14.280 my American flag Speedo that I got in college as  a joke I was trying it on before we left to make   :14.280 --> :20.440 sure it still fit okay and my girlfriend saw me  she asked me what I was wearing and told me that   :20.440 --> :26.840 I can't wear that I asked her why not and she told  me it's gross revealing and unattractive I told   :26.840 --> :31.320 her the same thing she told me at the wedding  that she doesn't get to tell me what to wear   :31.320 --> :36.760 she told me this is not the same situation at all  and I'm going to make a fool of myself I told her   :36.760 --> :41.720 that if I'm wearing this Speedo clearly I don't  take myself too seriously and that I'll bring a   :41.720 --> :46.800 spare swimsuit if she's going to make such a big  deal out of it when we got to the pool party I   :46.800 --> :51.680 took off my shorts to reveal the speedo and got a  few laughs from my girlfriend's friends I started   :51.680 --> :56.320 playing some pool volleyball with some of the  other guys there and just went about my day having   :56.320 --> :02.800 fun my girlfriend spent most of the day inside  by herself or with a few friends she barely came   :02.800 --> :07.920 out by the pool one of the few times she came out  she pulled me aside and asked me to please change   :07.920 --> :12.480 out of the speedo because I'm embarrassing her  I told her that she's the only one who's making   :12.480 --> :17.480 a big deal out of this and that if I'm in the  pool no one notices her cares anyway she went   :17.480 --> :22.880 back inside after that when we got home that night  she wouldn't talk to me so I gave her some space   :22.880 --> :27.600 she came to me a bit later and asked me if I was  going to apologize to her I told her I don't feel   :27.600 --> :33.920 like I have anything to apologize for and she told  me I embarrassed her all day even after she told   :33.920 --> :39.240 me to take off the speedo I told her she needs to  loosen up because she's making a big deal out of   :39.240 --> :44.440 a little fun joke but she thinks I'm the jerk I  mean it doesn't really sound like Opie and their   :44.440 --> :50.480 partner are all that on the same page here but  regardless Opie's not the jerk and Opie's right   :50.480 --> :55.800 and I would even argue in the first situation  Opie wasn't necessarily trying to control what   :55.800 --> :00.680 they wore they were just trying to heavily imply  that there's a dress code that other people are   :00.680 --> :07.000 conforming to that she is implicitly ignoring and  overdressing for not that op was standing there   :07.000 --> :13.480 going what are you wearing wear something else not  creative at all 16 wrote not the jerk you're right   :13.480 --> :17.640 she's trying to control what you wear you were  right to shut her down just like she did when   :17.640 --> :22.720 you try to stop her from going overdressed to an  event and we told to kick rocks she can't tell you   :22.720 --> :27.680 that you can't control her wardrobe and then turn  around and do exactly the same thing to you she   :27.680 --> :32.920 was also the one who was determined to have a bad  time because of your choice of clothing character   :32.920 --> :39.240 toe 2137 added and to be fair Opie wasn't trying  to control what she wore in the first incident   :39.240 --> :45.040 he provided her information so she can make an  informed choice and girlfriend overreacted our   :45.040 --> :50.480 next story is am I the jerk for telling my sister  there were consequences to not helping out our mom   :50.480 --> :55.800 so my mom and my sister live a state over around  a year ago my mom's home flooded and she needed a   :55.800 --> :01.440 place to stay until the insurance fixed it all my  sister lives near mom 30 minutes away and mom went   :01.440 --> :07.280 to her first for a place to stay she refused and  basically told her to kick rocks they had a good   :07.280 --> :12.200 relationship before this she won't even let mom  stay for a few days so one of us could pick her   :12.200 --> :18.480 up I drove 7 hours to pick Mom up and she stayed  with me for 2 months until her home was good the   :18.480 --> :24.520 family was ticked my sister and it resulted in a  discussion about how she never helps anyone out   :24.520 --> :28.960 everyone has experienced it at some point where  she didn't care enough to help out my biggest   :28.960 --> :34.440 example that pertains to me is when my car broke  down and my sister refused to pick me up so I had   :34.440 --> :40.480 to walk home and hitch a ride home this was before  Uber took off I got home and she was on the phone   :40.480 --> :46.880 dead scrolling everyone in the family has examples  we all decided to not help my sister anymore this   :46.880 --> :51.880 is the issue now she needs a place to stay since  she's moving to a new city and her lease on her   :51.880 --> :57.040 home ended so about a month to stay with someone  before she can move into her new apartment in the   :57.040 --> :02.680 city everyone has turned her down she called me  and asked if she could stay with me I told her no   :02.680 --> :07.520 and she started crying why the family won't help  her out I told her that there are consequences   :07.520 --> :12.720 to not helping out our mom when she needed it  she called me heartless and hung up I would   :12.720 --> :17.640 say wholeheartedly not the jerk and when it comes  to relationships I would easily say when one side   :17.640 --> :22.920 isn't putting in any effort it's understandable  why the whole relationship in general vanishes   :22.920 --> :27.800 disappears or there's no interest in helping you  out in return just like if you want to maintain   :27.800 --> :32.520 an active friendship or Rel relationship with  someone it can't just be one side always being   :32.520 --> :38.400 the one to reach out initiate Hangouts most times  it'll Fall by the wayside eventually not creative   :38.400 --> :44.560 at all 16 added not the jerk people who never  help anyone else out always stump me it takes   :44.560 --> :49.720 very little to be a decent human being your  sister let that title leave her long ago it   :49.720 --> :55.680 sounds like and then to be surprised when the  but where family argument doesn't work is funny   :55.680 --> :00.560 you can't refuse to help people every time they  ask but then put your surprise Pikachu face when   :00.560 --> :04.640 people won't help you when you need it I'm not  saying that in order for someone to help they   :04.640 --> :10.440 need to help out first I'm not that transactional  but in this case it sounds like this is a common   :10.440 --> :16.360 thing and her reasons for not helping out are  flimsy at best and in that case I wouldn't lift   :16.360 --> :22.080 a finger to help our next story is am I the jerk  for refusing to sleep on a pullout couch during   :22.080 --> :27.840 vacation I 28-year-old female planned a family  trip with my parents and my brother 25-year-old   :27.840 --> :33.000 male before I officially booked the Airbnb that we  would all be splitting the price on I sent each of   :33.000 --> :38.400 them the listing showing how many bedrooms what  accommodations Etc I made sure to double check   :38.400 --> :44.360 with my brother as the house is only two bedrooms  one room has two full-size beds the other a king   :44.360 --> :49.160 bed I asked if you would mind sharing a room with  me as three bedrooms in this area were harder   :49.160 --> :53.800 to find he said it was fine because we'd each  have our own bed and asked me to book it once   :53.800 --> :59.560 our parents signed off on it I booked it when we  arrive before we even have our first night's sleep   :59.560 --> :04.480 my brother declares he thinks he and I should  alternate sleeping on the pullout couch in the   :04.480 --> :10.000 living room I say I'm not going to do that if he  doesn't want to sleep in the room designated for   :10.000 --> :16.200 us that's fine but I'm not sleeping on a pull out  on vacation when there's two beds I asked why he   :16.200 --> :21.440 doesn't want to share a room and why this didn't  come up sooner he said we were adults and he was   :21.440 --> :27.160 too old to share a room I asked why he didn't  bring this up sooner he said he figured I'd agree   :27.160 --> :33.520 to the pullout situation I said he shouldn't have  assumed or at least had a conversation with me he   :33.520 --> :39.840 kept insisting and I said no if he wants to sleep  out there our whole vacation fine but I'm not   :39.840 --> :44.520 alternating when I paid for a bed him sleeping  on the pull out led to several conflicts with   :44.520 --> :48.640 our parents as he would get mad if they came into  the living room in the morning while he was still   :48.640 --> :54.760 sleeping but as they pointed out it's the living  room a public space if people wanted to hang out   :54.760 --> :00.280 in the living room at night he'd start bugging us  to go into our rooms so he could sleep as early as   :00.280 --> :05.960 8:00 p.m. we're on vacation we're going to stay  up a little later and hang out I always offer to   :05.960 --> :10.800 let him sleep in in the extra bed in the room  but he refused unless I promised that I would   :10.800 --> :16.680 sleep on the pole out that night which I didn't  do by the end of the 7-Day six night trip he was   :16.680 --> :22.000 irritated with all of us over this my parents and  I feel that he's the one who put himself in the   :22.000 --> :28.160 situation and that there was an alternative to him  sleeping on the couch but he chose not to however   :28.160 --> :32.560 my brother is in in that I should have swapped  with him am I the jerk for not sleeping on the   :32.560 --> :38.000 pole out Opie's obviously not the jerk here and  they're absolutely right all throughout this story   :38.000 --> :42.920 they should have spoken up if they had a problem  with it and also I just cannot avoid asking why   :42.920 --> :47.640 are they so against sharing that room with their  sibling it doesn't matter if you're an adult   :47.640 --> :52.560 there's two beds it's not even like you're sharing  the bed shoot me and my siblings are well adults I   :52.560 --> :57.720 wouldn't have a problem sharing the same bed like  what's the actual issue he can't even argue it's   :57.720 --> :01.880 like a privacy thing or that he wants to sleep  in the buff or something because he's sleeping   :01.880 --> :07.440 in the living room as an alternative Miss Finch  87 wrote not the jerk your brother was a jerk he   :07.440 --> :12.680 willingly agreed to the sleeping arrangements as  part of the booking process it was crucial to it   :12.680 --> :17.840 being booked that he withheld his alternative  plan of you two switching off on a Ral is just   :17.840 --> :23.320 plain weird given he had every chance to have  this conversation he was always welcomed to the   :23.320 --> :29.280 second bed as agreed but nonetheless he proceeds  to behave like a stroppy toddler about the whole   :29.280 --> :34.800 thing and about people utilizing the living room  he subsequently decided to sleep in he own gold   :34.800 --> :41.680 himself all the way with this one bitter position  740 added agree not only did the brother disrupt   :41.680 --> :46.560 the vacation sleeping Arrangements but he also  took over a common space meant for everyone to   :46.560 --> :50.920 share one of the perks of a common living space  is that it allows for people to have different   :50.920 --> :56.000 sleeping and waking times he doesn't have a right  to tell people they need to leave the common space   :56.000 --> :01.200 for him to sleep or avoid it when others wake  up first our next story is am I the jerk for   :01.200 --> :07.400 shrugging when my dad's wife told me they need all  of dad's money right now I 17-year-old male might   :07.400 --> :12.680 be the jerk and I might be a big one but I wanted  to get people's Insight so my dad left my mom when   :12.680 --> :18.080 I was 14 to be with his wife/ the woman he was  cheating on my mom with my dad didn't want me to   :18.080 --> :24.400 think badly of him but I did he knew I did and he  knew he couldn't change my mind easily we always   :24.400 --> :30.000 knew my parents would end up with shared custody  until I was 17 at least from experience the judges   :30.000 --> :35.880 and family court will only stop enforcing shared  custody when a kid turns 17 and speaks out any   :35.880 --> :41.000 younger and they insist on 50/50 I also knew Mom  would struggle on her own because while she did   :41.000 --> :46.760 work she never made as much as my dad she also  wouldn't get child support because of the 50/50   :46.760 --> :51.920 and it wasn't ordered even with the differences  in income so and Dad pleaded with me to give him   :51.920 --> :57.400 a chance to show he could still be a good dad and  said he would do anything for me I told him to   :57.400 --> :02.560 keep supporting mom and make sure she wasn't going  to end up struggling while he got off easy I told   :02.560 --> :08.520 him she deserved that at least after what he did  and that I deserved to see my mom as well my dad   :08.520 --> :13.840 agreed and he paid it as child support instead of  spousal support or whatever it's called it really   :13.840 --> :18.880 helped mom and she actually went back to school  so she could get a better job dad is still paying   :18.880 --> :23.640 that money he knows I appreciate him doing it  and he also knows it's one of the only reasons I   :23.640 --> :29.360 didn't just decide to say freak him and never want  a relationship again my mom is also less stressed   :29.360 --> :35.080 she has mixed feelings about my dad giving her  money when legally he doesn't need to but she also   :35.080 --> :40.000 knows this is the only way for me to not feel the  need to help support her where my dad's wife comes   :40.000 --> :46.200 into it is this she never liked that my Dad paid  this child support she never liked that I insisted   :46.200 --> :51.440 on it for my dad and I to have a relationship but  now my dad's house is struggling a bit and some   :51.440 --> :57.200 changes need to be made his wife son and daughter  were in dance football softball karate music   :57.200 --> :03.080 lessons and in art classes paid extracurriculars  my dad and his wife will also have a baby together   :03.080 --> :08.560 the wife's kids had to cut two activities because  they couldn't afford it anymore it upsets his wife   :08.560 --> :13.320 because if Dad wasn't paying the money they could  still afford those things she told me I should   :13.320 --> :19.440 stop obligating my dad to support mom because they  needed more and my mom isn't their problem I told   :19.440 --> :25.320 her she and her kids are not my problem she told  me they're my family while mom is not her or her   :25.320 --> :31.520 kids family or my dad's anymore I told her she and  her kids are dad's family but not mine she told   :31.520 --> :36.720 me they need all of dad's money right now before  more things need to be cut back on I Shrugged in   :36.720 --> :42.960 response she told me I was so callously flippant  and it wasn't a good luck to care so little about   :42.960 --> :50.080 my siblings lives only one of her kids the baby is  technically my half sibling am I the jerk I don't   :50.080 --> :55.160 blame op and I have respect for them for saying  you need to pay some kind of child support and if   :55.160 --> :00.920 not you're basically dead to me and bottom line  it's never like op said that the dad has to do   :00.920 --> :06.640 this he clearly wants to for the sake of keeping  that relationship op themselves has nothing to   :06.640 --> :13.080 argue about Z little 16 wrote absolutely not the  jerk dad didn't have to agree to pay your mom to   :13.080 --> :18.200 buy your acceptance and stepmom should have spoken  up then if it was a problem she probably did but   :18.200 --> :23.160 didn't push it so dad's conscience could be eased  stepmom is just paying the price for cheating   :23.160 --> :30.000 with a married man and dad is suffering for his  part too karma is a bench Opie responded saying   :30.000 --> :35.760 I think it's more likely she spoke up Dad did it  anyway and she was like freak it not going to end   :35.760 --> :40.480 things now when we come this far maybe she thought  it wouldn't last as long but I think there's a   :40.480 --> :46.400 reason she wants the request to stop to come from  me this next story is am I the jerk for telling my   :46.400 --> :52.200 dad to freak off and throwing his stepdaughter's  father in her face when I 25-year-old female was   :52.200 --> :58.560 10 my mom died when I was 12 my dad remarried  dad's wife has an 11-year-old daughter her dad   :58.560 --> :05.000 had a abandoned her dad went from being an okay  but not great dad to me to focusing so much on his   :05.000 --> :10.200 stepdaughter that there were times he forgot about  me after one incident where he literally left me   :10.200 --> :16.080 behind in a mall in another state he acted like  he felt so bad that he took me out as a sorry on   :16.080 --> :22.560 his stepdaughter's birthday from that day onward  she and I could not stand each other and we really   :22.560 --> :27.440 don't wish the other well we both want the other  to go away and we stay away from each other where   :27.440 --> :33.320 possible she told me hadn't deserved an apology  because she needed his attention and love more   :33.320 --> :38.640 than I did this happened twice more where Dad  would apologize and it would hurt his stepdaughter   :38.640 --> :44.120 but generally I got used to being the one he put  last I put distance between us after I left for   :44.120 --> :49.280 college and after a couple of years he realized  it was happening and he begged and pleaded with   :49.280 --> :54.200 me to try and forgive him I told him how much  it hurt for him to prioritize his stepdaughter   :54.200 --> :59.360 so much I brought up being left behind the fact  that he would promise me a certain gift and then   :59.360 --> :04.800 get it for his stepdaughter instead all the times  he took off work to support her and would miss all   :04.800 --> :10.280 of mine I told him how it made me feel and that  it made me not want him around after a while he   :10.280 --> :16.080 made a big effort to be there for me in the last  3 years especially and he was doing a lot better   :16.080 --> :21.320 he showed up a little more and took a more active  role again then during a lunch where he surprised   :21.320 --> :26.720 me by bringing his wife and stepdaughter we were  talking about my upcoming wedding and he asked me   :26.720 --> :31.960 to change the date because his stepdaughter wants  to book her wedding for this year and the only   :31.960 --> :37.280 date is the same as mine he told me I was willing  to get married next year so I could still change   :37.280 --> :43.360 it now and have time my wedding is scheduled for  December I asked what he was talking about his   :43.360 --> :48.240 stepdaughter said dad needs to be at her wedding  because he's giving her away and if I want him to   :48.240 --> :54.120 do the same which he already agreed to I need to  change or he'll be going to hers I asked Dad if   :54.120 --> :58.880 that was true and he said it doesn't have to be  I asked him if he would choose her wedding over   :58.880 --> :05.000 mine and he said yes so I told him to freak off  and forget about coming to my wedding then I   :05.000 --> :11.080 looked into his stepdaughter's stupid smug face  and told her to enjoy my dad since her own never   :11.080 --> :17.040 wanted her and never loved her but at least mine  had been good to me before her I also told him   :17.040 --> :22.000 that I hope my steps sister's dad came back and  she dumped him for the real one since he dumped   :22.000 --> :28.680 me for a fake dad texted me dozens of times after  the lunch saying I reacted too spitefully and his   :28.680 --> :34.160 stepdaughter did nothing wrong and I made her cry  in a cafe full of people so although I think what   :34.160 --> :40.800 op said was a very stinging thing to say I feel  like it was kind of just a massive truth bomb   :40.800 --> :47.120 and I don't blame op and I really don't think op  is the jerk it was really like a culmination of   :47.120 --> :53.640 years of frustration and being turned away and  put second or even lower than the stepdaughter   :53.640 --> :59.440 horsey girl wh wrote I'm really hoping this is a  fake post because I can't imagine that the only   :59.440 --> :04.200 date the stepdaughter could have picked had to be  the one day you picked for your wedding it sounds   :04.200 --> :09.520 like it's time to block your father if he chooses  his stepdaughter after this I'm so sorry your mom   :09.520 --> :14.960 died I'm a mom and I'm sending you virtual hugs  I hope your future in-laws will take you in and   :14.960 --> :21.160 love you like you deserve of course you're not the  jerk Opie responded saying it was so intentionally   :21.160 --> :25.920 done by her she had months to book if she was  that determined to get married this year she   :25.920 --> :30.960 just wanted to make this a choice again and he  chose she can keep him now and he should forget   :30.960 --> :36.920 I exist my future in-laws are super sweet and I  have my grandma who's the best and I'm seeing more   :36.920 --> :43.120 and more how amazing she is our next story is am  I the jerk for calling my sister-in-law annoying   :43.120 --> :48.440 and telling her I'm tired of hearing her joke  about me having a girl's name my wife and I have   :48.440 --> :53.960 been together since we were 19 and we're now 32  I met her family after we'd been together a year   :53.960 --> :59.120 sister-in-law was actually the first very first  time we met she blurted out that I have a a girl's   :59.120 --> :05.480 name sky and then proceeded to laugh about it  my wife told her to shut up and stop laughing it   :05.480 --> :11.160 didn't bother me at all back then I just laughed  and told her there are plenty of male Skies around   :11.160 --> :16.120 even my great-grandfather who I was partially  named after I was named after my great grandpa   :16.120 --> :22.760 Skyler who went by Sky his entire life and Sky  Masterson from Guys and Dolls so the first time   :22.760 --> :27.680 was no big deal some people have asked me before  if I felt like my name was a girl's name and not a   :27.680 --> :33.800 guy's name and I never minded sister-in-law joked  a lot about my name and our kids names when we   :33.800 --> :39.560 were expecting our babies it got a little annoying  but you know I was able to brush it off and my   :39.560 --> :44.200 wife would cut off her sister and would tell her  to leave if she went a little too far which only   :44.200 --> :49.000 happened once back then we didn't see her a lot  for a while but she got engaged last year and   :49.000 --> :54.960 was around more and seemed to have calmed down  a lot and now she's having her own baby a girl   :54.960 --> :00.880 and oh boy she really is testing my patience it  started with her husband asking what she thought   :00.880 --> :05.680 of the name sky for their daughter she joked that  they couldn't use the name because she didn't want   :05.680 --> :11.760 me to feel more like a girl than I already do my  wife told her to grow up and we left next time we   :11.760 --> :17.120 saw her they announced sky was the name they  decided to go with I said cool sister-in-law   :17.120 --> :21.920 said she was surprised I was okay with sharing my  name with a girl I told sister-in-law her daughter   :21.920 --> :27.360 wouldn't be the first and I wasn't insecure in my  masculinity and I saw no problem with sharing the   :27.360 --> :32.520 name girls or women next time we saw them it was  a joke about putting both skies in pretty pink   :32.520 --> :38.040 dresses when her daughter is born we stayed out of  her way for the rest of that visit then she joked   :38.040 --> :42.800 that I'd finally gotten embarrassed by my name  and was using my middle name because one of my   :42.800 --> :48.240 uncles who always called me by my middle name was  visiting and she heard him call me that more stuff   :48.240 --> :53.560 like that happened and then Saturday we were back  at my in-law's house for mother-in-law's birthday   :53.560 --> :57.880 and sister-in-law was joking with some of the  mother-in-law's siblings about my name and she   :57.880 --> :03.720 tried to invol involve me by calling me over to  tell her dumb jokes it finally got to me and I   :03.720 --> :09.760 asked her does she have to be so annoying I told  her how tiring it is to always hear her dumb jokes   :09.760 --> :15.960 which aren't even really jokes like she claims but  insults directed at me she called me sensitive and   :15.960 --> :21.960 I told her she's the person who hasn't given up  on my name in over a decade I told her everyone   :21.960 --> :27.840 gets it she sees sky as a girl's name but she's  not funny my wife told her that she was about to   :27.840 --> :33.080 become aom M and really needed to listen to us  and grow up we've told her to stop saying this   :33.080 --> :38.840 crap in the past too she always says she's just  joking am I the jerk Opie is not the jerk and I   :38.840 --> :44.080 think Opie had a pretty mature response but  yeah after so many years of hearing the same   :44.080 --> :49.600 thing how are you not going to get tired of it  and maybe to the sister-in-law it doesn't seem   :49.600 --> :55.160 like so much because it's spread out over so many  years but when your entire relationship over like   :55.160 --> :01.320 a decade of knowing this person anytime you see  them it's just haha girl's name the sister-in-law   :01.320 --> :06.800 needs to have the wherewithal to realize that  op's only conception of sister-in-law is the   :06.800 --> :12.200 person who relentlessly makes fun of their name  any chance they meet how cool of a sister-in-law   :12.200 --> :16.720 is that cake fool wrote not the jerk but you're  doing this wrong start going hard on that the   :16.720 --> :21.960 baby girl will have boy names and she's going to  be named after you when the kid's born make sure   :21.960 --> :28.920 everyone knows kid is named after you subjective  box added named after her uncle uncle uncle is   :28.920 --> :35.440 very proud for her to have his name very proud at  every corner bonus points for always referring to   :35.440 --> :42.640 sister-in-law as so Progressive for no reason but  as often as possible our next story is am I the   :42.640 --> :47.480 jerk for telling the bride I don't want to wear  the bridesmaid dress chosen for me I 40-year-old   :47.480 --> :53.080 female was invited to be a bridesmaid for my good  friend who I'll call Beth 32-year-old female we've   :53.080 --> :58.720 been friends for almost 8 years after we met at a  support group I happily agree to be Beth's bride's   :58.720 --> :04.400 and I assumed I'd be one of many however Beth told  me her friend just had a baby and her other friend   :04.400 --> :10.720 will be having gallbladder surgery at that time so  it'll only be me her three younger sisters and her   :10.720 --> :18.560 sister-in-law I was okay with this at first until  I actually saw them they look very very young   :18.560 --> :25.440 they're all between 19 to 28 and they're extremely  slim I look much older than all of them that made   :25.440 --> :30.560 me feel pretty uncomfortable on top of that she  allowed her sisters to choose the dress because   :30.560 --> :35.560 I wasn't able to go with them to the appointment  as it was too early for me the girls chose this   :35.560 --> :42.520 sexy silky satin dress that looks very very tight  on their bodies which on them looks fantastic as   :42.520 --> :48.120 they're young with younger bodies but on me  it will look terrible I just know it will I   :48.120 --> :52.280 was very nice and told my friend that I'd like  to choose a dress that would be more flattering   :52.280 --> :58.560 to my body type as I'm older and bigger than  her sisters it'll be the same color and fabric   :58.560 --> :03.480 just something that I want my friend was annoyed  and said her sisters chose the dress themselves   :03.480 --> :08.520 and already purchased it it's done we went back  and forth for several hours I was trying to make   :08.520 --> :13.760 her understand my point I will be the oldest one  there everyone's going to look at me and compare   :13.760 --> :19.480 me to her younger Slimmer sisters I don't want  that kind of attention my friend was irritated   :19.480 --> :24.600 and said that her fiance is also in his 40s  and his five groomsmen are between 40 to 50   :24.600 --> :31.360 years of age on top of that her sister-in-law  is actually 47 she just looks good for her age   :31.360 --> :38.080 that made me feel even worse she goes everyone  is different ages and sizes and I need to let   :38.080 --> :43.120 it go I thought we were making some Headway and  she was going to let me choose a different dress   :43.120 --> :48.040 until she left a nasty voicemail early this  morning she told me to get the dress or I   :48.040 --> :53.760 can't be part of it anymore I'm adding too much  stress to her wedding over stupid insecurities   :53.760 --> :58.480 and that her family isn't there to see me or to  see what I'm wearing or how I fit into the dress   :58.480 --> :03.840 they're there for her and her husband so either  I show up as a bridesmaid in the dress or I show   :03.840 --> :08.160 up as a guest and if I don't get with the  program she'll have her family member take   :08.160 --> :14.320 my place I feel she could have said it nicer  than she did she was very nasty towards me I   :14.320 --> :19.400 also feel she's not being sensitive I decided to  remove myself as a bridesmaid since she won't be   :19.400 --> :25.440 flexible but my husband said I was very rude  am I the jerk like I get it op obviously is   :25.440 --> :30.400 very self-conscious they don't want to stand out  they don't want to be perceived negatively I get   :30.400 --> :36.160 it but at the end of the day this is kind of  op's major insecurity and it's not really fair   :36.160 --> :42.120 to the bride for you to try to manipulate their  wedding and the bridesmaid situation because you   :42.120 --> :48.320 have these insecurities I suppose my question for  op is say they get the dress they show up they be   :48.320 --> :52.280 the bridesmaid do they really think at the end of  the day when everybody goes home they're going to   :52.280 --> :58.280 be saying you know that one bridesmaid was so  much more X so much more X than all the other   :58.280 --> :02.560 Slimmer younger bridesmaids or do you think  they're going to be more fixated on oh that   :02.560 --> :08.000 was such a beautiful wedding oh I hope they're so  happy together I'm thinking it's more the ladder   :08.000 --> :14.320 and honestly if this isn't something op can get  over for the bride's sake drop out but with that   :14.320 --> :19.520 being said that's all the time we have for today  now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy   :19.520 --> :24.680 am I the jerk here story check out that video on  the left or if you missed my latest video check   :24.680 --> :29.560 out that video on the right that said I'll  see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITAAMITOOFATTOBEABRIDESMAIDRedditStories
aita for losing it over fiance not using car seat for 4-year-old I was at work and was supposed to pick up our four-year-old from school in about 10 minutes I checked my phone and saw a text from 30 minutes before asking if he had 30 SM should pick her up early and then from a few minutes before saying they were home this would usually be a non-issue except I used the car seat from his car to travel last weekend and he still hasn't reinstalled it I texted asking what car seat he used as he had a key to my car that has a car seat installed and is in my trunk which was at my work about a 5-minute drive from our kids school he never responded my stomach sank for context 2 years ago when kid was two he drove them to care while she was seated in the front seat in a lap belt his explanation was they were running late for daycare I lost it I yelled and cried and told him I would leave him if he ever did it again that he was willing to put our kid at risk for his convenience and it eroded my trust in him I talked about the life altering injuries or death he was willing to put her at risk for to save a few minutes he seemed to get it and said he wouldn't do it again I told him I would leave him if he did his rational yesterday was that he didn't remember he didn't have her car seat until after they got to the car and he didn't call me to come because I hadn't answered my earlier text so I must have been busy he didn't want to bring her back into school so he could leave and get the car seat because he knew
give me a good story on AITAHforlosingitoverfiancenotusingcarseatforyearold
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video if you're not a malicious soul make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by lex not luther denied work from home for one day but got three days on sick leave happen over the december holiday season when i took a week off to celebrate christmas with family but unfortunately got a severe fever with a cold test a negative several times over for covet so my holiday week was spent late up in bed and or the couch watching netflix drinking soup and sleeping all socializing was canceled i work at a clinic so just to be safe i decided to err on the side of caution and take a work from home following the weekend i wasn't actively having a fever but i had a terrible cough that would leave me hacking up phlegm every hour i could do my work on a computer and it didn't require me to physically be at the clinic my company does not allow for self-reporting sick leave i know but we'll let you work from home if you need another day and aren't required to be around i called my immediate supervisor a new joinee on friday morning to request the monday as work from home she told me that she does not believe in work from home and needs a doctor sir to approve my day off and nothing else mattered come back on tuesday with a sick search she said alrighty then i went to a doctor on sunday who said i wasn't well enough to go into work and proceeded to give me the next three days off i read a polite email with the sixer attached to hr and the supervisor when i went back to work on thursday she was visibly unhappy and did not speak to me at all you can bet i was smiling all day the best part is i spent those three days outside in the sun and relaxing at a secluded beach just enough to make up for not being able to have a cozy christmas if you were trying to get a day off when you were actually sick would you go to the doctor and ham it up maybe a little bit just to try to get some extra time off let me know in the comments down below our next story is by green eyed wolfus shall we call a medium when i first enrolled in community college financial aid required tax information from both of my parents because i was under 25 i gave them my mother's enlisted my father as deceased two weeks go by i get a call we need your father's tax return this time i gave them a copy of his death certificate rinse and repeat four times the last time they said they would cancel my classes i made my way to the financial aid office requested a supervisor and said quite loudly that sleazeball kicked the bucket 15 years ago if he's paying taxes somewhere i want to know we have a few things to talk about funny no one asked for his tax information ever again this is a royal screw-up by this office imagine being so bad that somebody gives you five opportunities to write down and register that some relative is deceased and they missed it every single time until op goes there and literally says they died 15 years ago stop asking this next story is by voodoo 285 force clocking in leads to malicious compliance i started at a company and they didn't have clocking in machines people would show up quite irregularly a couple of minutes late not through reckless abandon but simply because traffic in the area was hugely unpredictable plus the car park was really far away and it takes time depending where you park to get into the office everyone was okay with this because they also would happily work considerably more than the three minutes they were late by working while eating lunch or by staying after five or a combination anyway the hr guy decided he had something to prove and got a clocking in machine he would then issue warnings on an escalating procedure from verbal to formal written to worse when people started to realize this was the case they all just started fully working to rule 8 30 a.m clock in exact 45 minutes for lunch always away from the desk and at 5 p.m you betcha there was a full-on rush to clock out there'd occasionally be a queue to clock out at five by 505 pm the place was an absolute ghost town apart from the sad act director and hr knobber that implemented the system they must have felt really smug with themselves that they stopped people being late they also must have lost an absolute fortune through lost productivity and a few good people hated it so they left what's great is nobody actually sent a memo out like hey let's work to rule it was just this unconscious thing after the first disciplinaries governments should study these people as it would be amazing population control if they could bottle it and put it in the water it's no surprise that being really uptight about when and how people work makes them not want to bend over backwards for you in any situation this next story is by visual suggestion 487 i did exactly what my nurse manager asked me and it caused her trouble alright i never thought i would have to make this post but here we go i used to work as a patient monitor at a hospital during the pandemic my role was to take care of mostly psychiatric patients for example monitor them talk to them chart it etc we're told to always stay one-to-one with patients until someone relieves us and exchange reports before we leave one day i got assigned to take care of a psychiatric patient and a specific wing of the hospital who happens to also have covet 19. no surprise here i'm trained on how to handle this for some annoying and unintuitive reason the hospital nursing office has this thing where if there's a patient monitor watching a covid patient then every two hours they must switch with another patient monitor who would watch a non-covet patient wouldn't that expose more people whatever so this meant that i would have to switch after my first two hours of my shift with another patient monitor who happens to be in the emergency room i'd also like to add that my first patient was very aggressive and worked up as he wanted to go home i was a bit on the nervous side because he punched the wall and kept jumping out of frustration after an hour and 45 minutes i had to push the panic alarm which calls security since he was being so restless since it was almost time for me to leave the nurse told me to step outside of the room and he'll stay with him as security talks to the patient eventually we were able to fulfill the patient's request and start discharge papers now i'm not sure how many of you know this but discharge paperwork takes a bit of time maybe an hour or two depending on how busy the staff are but anyways since it was two hours in for me it was time to switch with the other patient monitor as protocol like i mentioned earlier when i went to the er where the other patient was located i warned the other patient monitor about the aggressive patient and that she should be very careful another two hours pass by and i have to switch again with this patient monitor but someone has to watch this er patient till i go and switch so i kindly ask this patient's nurse to watch him until the other patient monitor comes back this is where things go downhill fast i had just gone to that wing of the hospital where i was taking care of the first patient and i still see the aggressive patient being so restless and wanting to go home the paramedics came to take him on a stretcher hospital bed that can be easily moved around to take him to the ambulance and take him home when i was walking to this patient's room his nurse tells me that he is not a one-on-one anymore which makes sense he's going home but i still had the er patience report on my hand to give to the other patient monitor so i still stopped by and give it to her at this point the patient monitor was not responsible for this patient as of this point and neither was i the other patient monitor was supposed to leave this patient and go back to her other patient in the er because of that i just went back to the nursing office to see if there was a new assignment i do get a new assignment and i'm with a new patient five minutes in the nursing office calls and needs me downstairs immediately when i get there they ask me didn't you say that the patient was leaving and got downgraded i say yes and that the other patient monitor should be back to her original patient in the er but they tell me that she isn't at this point the nurse from the er is asking where the other patient monitor is the nursing officer tried calling her and no answer i was told to go back to the er patient until the other patient monitor returns and i comply after 15 to 20 minutes with being with the patient in the er the other patient monitor returns and i asked her what happened and she told me that she was just staying with aggressive patient till they left i told her she was supposed to be here with her original patient and that either way she way past her two hours with this covid patient but now the nursing office wanted me with the er patient for the rest of the shift and to see the nurse manager after my shift i was so fed up at this point the other patient monitor went back to the nursing office and went to a new patient fast forward till after my shift was over the nurse manager wanted to speak to me and the other patient monitor because of that wild confusion and how we left the er patient alone for 5 or 10 minutes we both explain our sides of what happened and that nurse manager thinks that it was my fault that the er patient was alone and that he could have harmed himself i explained one i respectfully asked his er nurse to be in charge of him until the other patient monitor arrives two the aggressive patient was discharged so no more one-on-one so the other patient monitor needed to leave and proceed to the er patient three i did everything that was told the nurse manager still applauded the other patient monitor for staying with a non-one-on-one patient till the last minute and talked down on me for basically following protocol telling me that you should have never have left that er patient okay fine not even one week later i was with a patient who was getting discharged and i did exactly what the nurse manager told me to do stay with the patient till the last minute even when they aren't one-on-one anymore this time the nursing office knew that this patient was leaving and that they were expecting me back at their office soon but the discharge papers aren't done and three paramedics were with the patient waiting and told me that it's okay to leave as well as the nurses i told them that i needed to stay until the last second the nurse manager runs into an issue where she needs me with another patient she tried calling me where are you the patient you have is getting discharged and we need you here i tell them oh but i should stay with the patient till the last minute just like they disciplined me a couple of days earlier they kept trying to tell me it's okay and that they need me but i said no it's okay i insist they tell me it's fine and to come as soon as the patient leaves half an hour goes by and the patient still didn't leave and the nurse manager calls me back she really needs me but i tell her i can't i also say what if the patient hurts themselves the manager gets annoyed and hangs up later after i left the patient as she left i went back to the nursing office and the nursing manager can't make eye contact with me apparently they had to pull someone from a different role to watch the patient because i was busy if you're gonna praise something that is clearly informal and not against the structure of what you're supposed to do the next time that comes around you're gonna follow that exact informal thing that was praised too bad that the nursing manager realized it kind of sucks our next story is by shophopper a letter for our ceo mr johnson i just came back from a great skiing trip with a bunch of colleagues it was a short holiday in our private time and paid in full by anyone who joined the trip in other words it was a private trip with all attendees working at the same company the youngest person in the group was fresh out of school while others had been in key positions in the company for decades the company i work for is a dutch engineering firm with a thousand plus employees this field of work is dominated by men where a professional yet very informal organization where everyone addresses each other on a first name basis our former ceo is with us on this trip let's call her kathy johnson not only is she a great skier she's also a very outgoing person who loves to have fun and who hates pretentious behavior by the way the reason that she's not the ceo anymore but still works at the company is that we have a mandatory rule that requires the executive board to step down at the age of 55. the thought behind that is that the best performing fresh-minded leaders are generally not people who are well past 60 years of age on the day of our return trip a 10-hour drive we were carpooling we'd already vacated the hotel and went out skiing until well after lunchtime while we were changing clothes out in the open and the car parking she shared a great story while she was ceo she received many letters to the ceo mr johnson or mr c johnson these letters were all based on the false assumption that the ceo of an engineering firm must be a man she instructed her secretary to return every single letter unopened that addressed her as a man her secretary also a woman loved doing that she returned dozens of letters over the years stating that there was no mr johnson at our company when i asked kathy about the replies she told me that the senders invariably either sent a second letter with profuse apologies or were never heard of again you gotta love these companies that literally could not account for possibly having a female ceo got denied and then just never replied never to be heard from again and our final story of the day is by gentle whimsy boss gets exactly what he asked for and regrets it until the day he retired one of my first jobs out of college i was an admin in a small department in a large company one of my job responsibilities was to take notes for all our hands meetings then i would type it up and send it out to everyone seems simple right my boss was very particular and the biggest micromanager you'll ever meet so there was always something wrong or missing with my notes there wasn't the worst thing was there was no way to dispute him and he kept going on about how i needed to be more accurate my supervisor didn't stick up for me at all being tech savvy i saw a way to cover my butt and suggested that i record the meeting which i pointed out to him meant i would never make a mistake again boss had no choice but to agree and i never heard a peep about the notes again fast forward a few years later my boss retires and the new boss tells me that i don't have to record the meetings in fact he told me that as soon as i suggested recording the meetings our old boss knew he had gone too far but literally couldn't admit it best part was that i was no longer micromanaged in any other way either job went from the worst to the best just didn't pay well also this was more accidental malicious compliance but i still think it belongs here due to the outcome you kind of hope that this guy felt pretty shameful about it like realizing crap i really did go too far with this this person was so dedicated to trying to get their notes so right that they were willing to put 200 percent in and record the meeting as well just to make sure that my complaints don't i don't know happen anymore you gotta love how they kind of just sheepishly stop talking about it stop making any comments op unawaringly totally caught them up but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
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meanwhile The Joker continues to build his army by recruiting new members and he eliminates Campbell one of the Rival mob bosses Batman infiltrates lao's office in Hong Kong and successfully captures him bringing him back to God after leaving a note for Gordon Batman turns Lao over to Rachel Dawes for interrogation although Lao refuses to disclose the location of the stolen money he agrees to give up the identities of the mob bosses subsequently all the criminals are put on trial and are sentenced simultaneously by a judge Harvey Dent later meets with the mayor of God who expresses concern about the high number of criminals being sentenced and doubts that such a move will be effective in curbing crime in the city Harvey Dent considers the mass sentencing of criminals as a good starting point in the fight against Crime however the scene quickly shifts to a disturbing incident involving a copycat Batman who is found dead and hanging from a rope with Joker's signature face paint and a joker card
give me a good story on thejokersimpactongotham
aita for refusing to remove all alcohol from our house so that my S can move in my wife's younger sister Beth 26f is in recovery for alcoholism she is currently living in a sober house after getting out of rehab my wife wants Beth to move in with us after the sober house so that she has a support system both Beth and my wife feel like living with us would be good for her until she feels comfortable enough to live on her own my milil and fil passed away during the pandemic which was a big Catalyst for Beth's drinking so my wife and I are the only family that Beth has left I am not totally against the idea of Beth living with us I agree that she should have supportive people around her but what I don't agree with is my wife's insistance that we remove all alcohol from our house my wife isn't saying that we have to stop drinking so show solidarity with Beth but that we should remove all alcohol from the house at least at first it's not like I'm an alcoholic too I maybe have a drink two to three nights a week but when we bought our house it had an unfinished basement which I turned into a bar/ game room it's pretty fully stocked like stocked enough that we don't have room anywhere else in the house to store all of it also stocked enough that dumping all of it would be a huge waste of money and drinking all of it would require multiple
give me a good story on AITAForrefusingtoremoveallalcoholfromourhousesothatmySILcanmovein
aita for refusing to uproot my life and move back in with my parents so I 31 male moved out of my parents home when I was 19 years I've lived on my own and with different roommates for the past 12ish years my current problem is that my parents want me to move back home they need my help both financially to which I've already been sending them money whenever I can and to help take care of them they had me late in the game they are both in their early 70 I have four older siblings but because I'm the only one of us five that don't have kids they expect me to drop my life and move two states away so that I can move back in with them on my own dime too I told them no that I wouldn't do it I don't have the best relationship with my mother while my father is a basically a teddy bear my mother spent most of my life telling me how much I ruined her plan how I wasn't supposed to happen took a fit every time she had to spend money on me while at the same time never shying away from dropping do 20s and 50s in the communion basket during church screaming at me for being too small to fit in my older brother's hand me downs when he was always tall for his age while I've always been short I told him no my father seems to understand but my mother's gone on a rampage I've been getting calls from people in my old neighborhood that I haven't seen in years talking down to me about my decision my siblings have also been badgering me about it so Reddit AA for not wanting to uproot my life and move two states away on my own dime just to move back in with my parents
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtouprootmylifeandmovebackinwithmyParentsorig
what's the most messed up thing of friend has done this story comes from our community post at above average azuan 2684 one of my exes would at the time constantly tell anyone with an earshot of herself and say how her stepdad was leaving weapons just laying around the house note that I'm not an American and where I live gun laws are pretty strict anyways I was having a chat with a friend just having a drink shooting and petting his dog the dog was a very good dog by the way so I'm just talking to him and ask him hey M Sierra keeps talking about how her stepdad keeps leaving weapons around the house and like how her little sister Sarah keeps picking them up and stuff who do I even talk to about it now for the record Mal was a licensed security guard and had worked in the parliament buildings before so he knew his stuff he hands me his phone and says the number for the Provincial Police is on there call them and tell them what's going on so I do and they say due to the fact that it's not an active scene a Ka he's not there right now with the gun shooting them off like a whack job it's a matter of the city police so they redirect my call and I tell the dispatcher the situation give the address and confirm my number and off they go a while later they call me and the person on the phone goes I'm Sergeant guy in charge of this investigation is this name me yes speaking Sergeant guy in charge do you have a few minutes to answer some questions about your report you made about House address okay sure okay so you said in your report that you knew of firearms laying around the house is that correct yes and have you ever seen said guns around the house no I've never seen anything there bigger than a Nerf gun uh and can you tell me how you found out about these guns if you never saw them he's obviously kind of pissed at this point as I might as well have called in a fake swatting call um well my ex has been telling me and a lot of our mutual friends about this situation and I was talking to my friend about it and they suggested that I call it in I see this sex is is she your ex-wife no ex-girlfriend we have a lot of mutual friends that run in the same circles as we have certain hobbies that we're both a part of hm and uh when did you last hear about this well a couple weeks ago a mutual friend of ours was hosting a party and she was telling me and a few others about her stepdad leaving guns in the house I see and is the stepdad's name Julian I believe so yeah but you've never seen the guns in question is that correct yes I've never seen the guns there do you know of any reason why Sierra would want to spread such rumors I mean I think she's had a rough time with her folks with them kicking her out and such so that could be a reason uh do you have her address yeah it's number 17 is squid head Drive Unit 1709 obviously a fake address for keeping it private I see and just to confirm you've never seen any kinds of firearms there no have you ever seen anything there that in any way could res resemble a firearm uh do Nerf guns count are you sure they're Nerf guns yeah I saw the bright yellow and the Nerf branding on the side of the toys okay but other than that nothing else no nothing at all all right well thank you for the information here and just in case we need to ask any other questions here's the best number to reach you at local area code 8575309 yeah that's right do you think you might need any other information uh not at this point you've given me a pretty good understanding of what's going on with them we'll go back and have a talk about it with them and have someone else talk to Siara about this to get her side of the story okay sounds good thank you and uh sorry for bothering you about it all of that did actually happen turns out that Sierra was lying through her teeth about the weapons and everything else she was after a while confirmed arrested and it turns out that her folks decided to press charges afterwards with that little story now Sierra is now unable to find a job or even start hormone therapy due to the medication being a controlled substance and the likelihood of her ever getting a pardon is about as likely as me waking up tomorrow with a large purple unicorn in my bed that farts out pure 24 karat gold bars and spews out small fluffy kittens especially seeing as she still does not think she needs to admit she was wrong about anything she did if you guys listening want to be featured in any of our future videos please head on over to my channel and check out my weekly Community posts at the end of the week I pick out the best comment and add it to my video story two uh my former best friend had separated from my partner who she was living with and was trying to make some extra money because well life is expensive totally fine do what you have to do in fact I let her live with me at the time rentree to help save up her sister was involved in some sort of explicit waitressing and my friend got roped into this it involved a lot of uh extras that involved acts for amounts of money that she claimed at the time to not participate in again not really a big deal if that is what you want to be doing some time past she made her money and was saving up a ton I'd occasionally get funny stories about her shenanigans the next morning over breakfast and occasionally caution her to take care of herself because she could stay with me as long as she wanted and being unsafe wasn't worth a bit of cash we worked together at that time as well for a day job one night we decided to go out for work so we wrapped up our shift and change into our ganal clothes it was exciting for me because I was also in school full time and going out didn't happen often for me we take the train downtown when she gets a call from her sister and tells me she has to make a stop on her way to the pub it was sort of on the way so I agreed and waited in the lobby of this highrise about 10 minutes passes and I start to worry so I start calling her and she evades my question but gets me buzzed up to the apartment I go upstairs and it's clear that there is some sort of party happening I knock on the door and there are these guys that answer the door blitzed out of their mind they immediately try to hand me $300 in cash I try to push them out of the way and get to my friend I see that she and her sister are almost completely bare except for their drawers they're walking around flirting with these guys it is obviously a private party I found out later her sister's backup bailed so she tried to get my friend to go get her to make a quick Buck I will find out later me joining is also part of the plan I keep telling the guys no but they think it is part of the ACT they have hired girls and I am a girl and it appears like I am dressed up for them it was pretty traumatizing for me but it got to the point where they ripped off my dress I was humiliated wandering around this party terrified hoping none of them would try to do anything else things escalate as it becomes clear my friend has been given some sort of substance by them and is quickly deteriorating she's locked herself in the bathroom and screams for me by opening the door a crack this feels like it happened very suddenly I freak out and try to get all her stuff me and her and lock us back in the bathroom she initially tries to throw up so I go with that she had already tried taking a shower for some reason maybe to keep herself away I'm not really sure but she soaked I am certain we have to get out of there and I deeply resent her for making the choice to wear fake leather pants that night because there's no way in hell to get them back on her I tried calling my then boyfriend to get us but he was unavailable I tried calling almost everyone I knew just to come get us and the only person available was a newer friend of mine I knew that by asking her to help that she would probably never want to hang out again and I wasn't wrong when I knew she was close I took my chances With The Wolves outside the door and made our Escape AP I ended up throwing my 140 lb friends sort of over my tiny shoulders bear and all I have no idea how I managed I was still also mostly bare as well but managed to throw on my coat friend comes drives us back to my place one of the guys from the party proceeds to stalk me for a while one of the ones that ripped my clothing off I asked my former best friend to move out for putting me in that situation she bought the friend that drove us home that night flowers as a sorry but never apologized to me that wasn't the final straw in our relationship but we don't talk anymore I didn't call the police because her sister threatened me knew where I lived and said she would tell her boss about me and ruined my life if I told and at the time I didn't know what to do so I just got us out of there in retrospect I would have done a better thing but in those situations where you are scared for your life and are in shock I don't think I ever stopped shaking after my clothing incident the Deep quiver you get in utter Terror you just do the thing I was out of my body operating it taking the threats knowing the type of person her sister was and honestly afraid of what she would do to me I also was not wrong party dudes stalked me after because her sister told him where I worked I guess as punishment for leaving also my friend was totally aware of the situation I have no doubts that it didn't turn out how she planned but she did make a choice to involve me in that it all came out in later conversations that her sister was convinced that my look would make them a lot of money she started asking me if I would do it again with her now that I had had seen what it was like and that was when I asked her to move out I understand that trauma manifests in different ways but even if I was in an accident that wasn't my fault and someone else got hurt I would apologize I would be sorry they were hurt and she didn't really ever want to go down the road of apologizing for that wow that is so messed up on so many levels as a friend she sucks now if you agree that this was a total nightmare then please also don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel so you don't miss out on these crazy stories on my upcoming videos now let's go ahead and get back to these stories Story three I'm in High School junior year I think and at the time my main social life was with my Camp friends from my Jewish Camp who lived really far away from me needed to fly to get there I wasn't very popular in my school and my Camp friends were the most important friends I had the year before all of them had come to stay with me for New Year's Eve for a weekend and we had a great time which was a huge deal because it took a really long time to get permission from all of our parents and set up the flights Etc the summer of that year we all went on a six- week trip to Israel with our camp and had a miserable time how was your stereotypical awkward self-conscious teenager a girl on the trip decided she hated me for the first day on the trip for no reason said I look like someone else she hated and bullied me for the rest of the trip I was super unpopular and spent the trip trying to fit in completely unsuccessfully and all of my friends the one who visited me for New Year's kind of went along with it they didn't encourage it but ALS also didn't try to help me being a stupid kid in high school I was devastated but still thought my friends were close with me fast forward to the next New Year's Eve which I spent alone with my mom again not many friends in high school my Camp friends had told me they were staying in their home states that night I saw that they all posted photos to Facebook showing that they had actually flown all the way to my state and we having a huge party with all of the other kids from the summer trip including the girl who bullied me the party was 30 minutes away and not only had I not been invited they had all lied to me to keep it a secret it devastated me and I haven't spoken to them since it's been over 10 years and it's still stings even though I grew out of my awkwardness in college and have a great social life now story four this is going to be a long one so strap in I have a family friend we'll call her Jane that I grew up with and went to school with from fifth grade through high school we were off and on about being close friends because she wasn't the greatest at balancing friendships but at the time of senior year we were relatively close at the time she was dating a marine we'll call him John who was from our town but was living on base in North Carolina he seemed like an okay guy but I knew Jane's track record of being manipulative and controlling with her previous boyfriends she would tell me about how he would get pissed at her for random things like not checking in every second of the day or not being immediately available to answer phone calls or whatever I found out later that it was mostly her doing this but that's a different story so time passes and it's getting close to graduation and these two get engaged everything is fine and dandy and after we graduate she moves out to NC and they have a court house wedding cool now here's where I come into the story I had started talking to this guy who lived on the same base as Jane and John and had family that lived a couple hours away from there so I arranged to fly out to NC and stay with Jane so I could see my boyfriend and family she was excited because it had been months since we had seen each other I flew out there and on the first day we spent most of our time catching up and I got to know Jon a little better and further validated that he was a good guy everything was fine on the second day however I wake up and John is at work on base and Jane tells me I'll be home alone with him while she's at work later tonight that's fine I like this guy and we got along well so John comes home and makes dinner and he and I have a couple of drinks we're just being friendly with each other nothing weird don't get your knickers in a bunch then Jane comes home earlier than expected and starts drinking straight from the bottle that never really been around her when she drank so I didn't know what to expect an hour passes and we're sitting out in the garage talking about whatever and all of a sudden Jane's entire mood changes she starts berating John telling him that everyone he knows is terrified of him and so are his parents and the reason they won't admit it is because they are afraid he'll hurt them obviously this pisses off JN so he calls his mom to try to debunk this insane statement and Jane freaks out and just starts screaming at all of them I don't know how to handle the situation and I'm awkward AI off so I tried my best to act like I wasn't even there eventually Jane goes inside and I try to calm Jon down he cools off a bit and dumps what's left of the alcohol out on the ground I go inside to check on Jane and find that she's locked herself in the bathroom and is calling someone from back home I figure there's not much I can do so I go to my own room JN comes in to make sure Jane and I are okay I tell him I'm fine and that Jane is locked in the bathroom and he starts asking her to let him in Jane is screaming at him from the other side of the door saying all kinds of nonsense about him trying to rough her up if she lets him in but eventually opens the door Jon is trying to calmly diffuse the situation but I can hear her throwing herself against the door and the walls of this bathroom the reason I know it was her is because the sound of his voice never moved from behind the door but hers did Jane pushes him out of the way and runs out the front door banging on neighbors's doors to let her in it's like 2 am at this point so obviously she's gonna wake someone up and this is where it gets more interesting she eventually gets the immediate nextdoor neighbor to let her in and they call the police an ambulance now this is a military base so it wasn't just the county officers who showed up it was the base officers as well who are scary as heck the cops show up and I'm still at Jane and John's house because I don't really know what to do so they come in and ask everyone in the house to sit in the living room they asked me if I would make a statement and I agreed but as soon as they try to ask me questions another officer comes over from next door and says Jane is asking for me so I walk over with the officer and find her sitting on the floor in absolute hysterics saying she doesn't want to see Jon and she doesn't want him to end her and whatever I told her he's inside and that she and I have to go to the hospital it takes a few minutes to get her out of the house and she's still freaking out even when we get into the ambulance so we get to the hospital and they run a single urine test because she told them she'd had a miscarriage recently which seemed odd because to my knowledge they should have done a Toxicology test but whatever they also didn't give her an IV which I also think should have been done but again whatever I'm not a doctor then a second nurse comes in with a gallon siiz bag of medications they took from her house among those medications were bipolar medication and anti-depressants neither of which should be mixed with alcohol she never mentioned any of this otherwise I would have shut her down drinking immediately so now I'm stuck at the hospital with her with no money no ID and no way to get back home and the doctor just said we're going to just let her sleep at all off here so you can wait in the waiting area until she soers up I had to sit in that hospital for 2 more hours call the guy I was talking to and explain the situation to him so he would come pick us up and then explain to her the next day that I couldn't stay there anymore and needed to be driven 2 hours to my family's house I heard that type of thing happens a lot to Young married Marines they learned the hard way that a lot of their High School sweethearts aren't really that sweet and just like their paycheck and making things miserable Story five my best friend at the time pulled the school fire alarm fire trucks showed up and everything and it was a false alarm he blamed it on me saying that I dared him to do it and he caved in because best friends are supposed to do what their friends ask we both got in a ton of trouble and it took me a long time to live it down I asked him why he really pulled the alarm and he said the sign said pull and he was curious to see what would happen if you push the lever instead he dragged my name in to somehow deflect the blame off of him my parents and teachers never believe my story that was over 20 years ago and I'm still salty over it freaking a-hole story six my best friend and I parted ways for a while and are now back to where we used to be I got out of the military and he stayed in he got stationed in Germany and we used to FaceTime once a week he ended up getting together with this woman who was super controlling she didn't like the fact that he is also friends with my wife and could talk to her with such ease either way he comes back stat side I go visit him and he tells me he's planning on marrying her I tell him it's a horrible idea and I've never seen him so unhappy even after we lost a few good friends in the sandbox we get into an argument and basically just shake hands and walk away I had a void in my life as I no longer had a best friend he called me two years ago and told me he is getting a divorce he flies out to see me in my new home and we end up spending 12 hours catching up over two bottles of wild turkey and about three packs of cigarettes in the end he tells me he should have listened to me and he was sorry I named my first child after him and now he's getting married again to an amazing woman who respects our relationship and to whom I've grown to love as a sister I hope you guys enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm pretty sure you're also going to enjoy the next one why did you nope out of a friendship Story 2 was crazy I'll see you in that video and thank you for watching this one
give me a good story on WhatsTheMostFCKEDUPThingAFRIENDHasDoneorig
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a great compliance story getting extra money on the side but first the story from voyager vii whatever you'd usually wear this happened a long time ago in a friend group of mine julia 27 year old female at the time of the incident was having a garden party julia was basically a good person but stressed out over tiny details easily and when she was throwing a party she could sometimes get a little well whatever the equivalent of bridezilla is if it's not actually a wedding in this case she was driving all of us girls nuts with her vision for her party which included each of us in a different color coordinated pastel dress so that we'd make a collective rainbow and similar antics enter mickey 24 year old male mickey was and still is julia's best friend he definitely had a streak of mischief to him and he was also the only one who could usually make julia see how ridiculous she was being when she got like this we asked him to talk to her about it but he didn't get anywhere this time julia just said tiredly please let me have this i've been working on it for months eventually we ended up agreeing to wear what she wanted us to wear so long as she paid for the dresses which to her credit she did meantime though mickey asked her what he was supposed to wear now julia's vision didn't really include specific plans for how the guys were going to dress she just wanted them in suits or the like so when mickey asked her that in the middle of a harried moment she blurted i don't care just wear whatever you'd normally wear to an outdoor party cue malicious compliance or at least mischievous compliance since i don't think there was serious malice involved see mickey worked at a rent fair when he went to outdoor parties which he did several times every summer he attended as part of the staff and he had a very specific costume he was supposed to wear and so on the day of the party he shows up early along with most of the rest of us to help julius set up and he's wearing a full renfair jester's costume complete with cap and bells to julia's credit her first reaction was to laugh her head off her second was to swat him mickey did set up in the jester's outfit and then finally admitted just before the party that he had a different outfit in his bag if she'd like him to change he hadn't intended to really mess up her party only to break her brain a little before it started julia eventually did tell him it would be nice if he'd go change but she had to think about it she admitted she was starting to think it might be worth it just to see how everybody else reacted to this perfectly set up garden party with a pseudo medieval jester wandering around i'm just imagining everybody showing up in these pretty pastel dresses every other guy in a proper suit and then you just got the town jester walking around with bells ringing as they waddle along if you saw all of this go down would you hope that they got to keep that gesture outfit on and just kept wearing it for no reason or do you think that while the prank was funny they should go back to the formal wear that everybody else is wearing let me know what way you'd roll in the comments down below our next stories from advanced law 3507 confirmed people's addresses several years ago i worked for a telemarketing company doing what amounted to cold call sales they had a trick of offering bs prize draws to get people's numbers and consent thanks to the fine print of the draw they also had a super illegal policy that nobody was to be taken out of the database whether they asked yelled begged to be never called again threatened legal action or even pointed out that they were on my country's do not call list didn't matter we weren't allowed to take them off the list only if the caller was dead or no longer reachable at that number were we to strike them off i was a student that needed the money so i couldn't afford to fight the policy but i could ask any caller that gave me reason to are you sure that x lives there or have they moved away if i had a video i would have winked i had gotten it to two people no longer at that number a shift before management pulled me up and they hadn't proven what i was doing by the time i was finally able to quit honestly for all the people out there that get blown up from telemarketers and spam callers bless people like op that actually give them away to get off that list unless that company is a publicly identifiable us company you're probably not getting off that list otherwise our next story is from msb1678 threaten to sue me okay you brought this on yourself i work as a cashier for a small grocery chain we carry a lot and i mean a lot of produce so much so that we have multiple kinds of tomatoes peaches peppers etc organic and regular and in some cases different kinds of produce might have different prices different kinds of apples might have different prices a california peach maybe a dollar fifty more or less than a large white peach roma tomatoes and hothouse aka beefsteak tomatoes ring up a different price per pound amounts now the somewhat annoying fact from the perspective of the person who has to ring and away all this produce is that while most of our items have their produce code stickers on them not all of them do so sometimes cashiers have to guess now this incident took place in the middle of my shift on a sunday afternoon which is the busiest day of the week not kidding seriously our latest shipment of hot house tomatoes were a bit small so they were easily confused with our tomatoes on the vine believe it or not those are a category all their own so if there wasn't a sticker i would have to examine them to see if i could figure out what kind they were on this particular occasion the hot house tomatoes were on sale for approximately a dollar less than the vine an older guy we'll call him mr big shot who had that vaguely familiar face of a semi-regular rings his order through my line and he's made the semi-annoying choice to not only bag his tomatoes in one of those little rinky dink bags you found in the produce department but he's done it in such a way that to avoid hurting his tomatoes a real thing i've heard customers say the bag's been inflated and tied kind of like a chip bag this particular practice really only serves to make it harder to tell what kind of items are in the bag and of course after examination he's picked only the loveliest of tomatoes the kind that doesn't have a sticker so i give them a look and make the guess that these are vine tomatoes ring him up he pays i move on to the next customer however five minutes later he comes back up to me spinning fire and fury receipt clutched in his hand and demands to speak to my manager well tell me why just spits at me that i'd better call a manager or he'll have my job okay fine the manager comes over and mr big shot immediately launches into a full-scale tirade about how we scammed him he's a lawyer he's going to sue us the store the manager and me for everything we own over false advertising because we charged him the 2.69 cents per pound for vine tomatoes instead of the dollar fifty for the hot house the manager pulls him aside gives him a refund for the tomatoes a whole three dollars and forty nine cents and big shot sneers at me like he's won some huge victory over my lowly self as he leaves my manager then comes up to me and tells me that i have to be extra careful in the future to make sure what kind of produce i'm ringing up up to and including leaving my register to confirm the particular breed of tomato regardless of how busy we are no matter what now normally i'm a chill person however i'd just been threatened over an innocent mistake and then i'm reprimanded for it in the middle of a busy store full of customers cue malicious compliance mr big shot comes back in a week later and comes through my line with a smug little smile once again with stickerless produce and bubble bags i carefully ring up every item he has that isn't produce taking my time to ensure that a line forms i heard my wrist yesterday owie sorry i can't move as fast as normal then i take a bag of one kind of produce jostle it around in its bag so i can examine it and decide that nope i can't figure out what kind of apple this is so i look up at mr big shot and in my most sweet and saccharine voice ask him to show me where he got these apples from because i can't figure it out he grumbles but because he's bent the little female cashier into submission shows me the basket with the price tag this happens two more times but now he's getting impatient with me and snaps in me to just ring up the produce i explained to him that because he brought me produce without a sticker i had to make sure i was ringing him up for the right item the lady behind him is of course giving us both dirty looks and the people waiting behind her don't look too happy either mr big shot demands a manager so i quite happily go over to the loudspeaker and ask one to come over lo and behold it's the same one from last time big shot starts complaining loudly that i'm wasting his time being rude and making him walk over the store to figure out prices the manager turns to me confused and irritated and demands to know what the heck i'm doing i very calmly replied well you told me that i had to make sure even if it meant leaving my register well he had these items gesturing at the produce in question that don't have stickers they look close enough to other kinds and i don't know which basket they came from so i asked him to show me i'm only doing what you told me to the manager gave me a funny look assured mr big shot that everything would be taken care of later and left i finished ringing him up he paid and i moved on later that day another member of the office staff came over and told me that the manager had said that if there wasn't a sticker it was okay to just guess mr big shot came through my lane a few more times with less dramatic repeats of the same thing until he either learned his lesson or just realized he needed to stop coming through my lane either way i won now op says they won and they definitely got back in mr big shot here and equally the manager but working retail like that as a cashier did anybody truly win in that situation i feel bad for cashiers in general because it's like a inevitable game they play where at some point they're going to get somebody that is just awful to serve if there's one surefire place you're gonna end up getting a karen experience one way or another from it's gonna be in the shoes of a cashier or should i say maybe vest and our final story of the days by velocity boy zero zero wasn't made redundant like everyone else in the company so kept showing up to work until the end to do nothing this story is from june 2012 a week or so short of 10 years ago i've generalized my exact work for anonymity the story takes place in australia where we have very stringent laws around employment firing hiring redundancies maternity etc etc a little bit of background i'd started working for this particular company in march 2011. i was hired basically on the spot once i demonstrated my knowledge of the product that i would be working on and started two days later because of a deadline that had to be met i had a very specific contract for what i did i was thrown in the deep end a sleepless seven days followed but by the end i managed to do a decent job on the first of many products two months after i started my direct boss general manager was let go and not really replaced properly but a consultant took over their responsibilities i should also add that a majority of the operations were on australia while a smaller team operated in the uk which is also where the ceo was based despite 80 to 90 percent of products coming out of our office towards the third quarter of 2011 the ceo's contract ended and wasn't renewed so the hunt began for a new ceo who was eventually found and began also working in the uk location after a very busy 2011 hiring approximately 30 new employees and launching a bunch of new products business was booming until the second week of january 2012. by this point upper management couldn't stay on top of everything bringing in the ceo of the parent company to oversee operations in australia because we had a lot going on but the ceo was based in the uk and knew at this point we had a group meeting where we learned the future of the company and that operations in australia would cease on june 20 2012 end of the fiscal year in australia this was followed by management explaining that everyone except a handful of people would be made redundant with payouts the handful who would remain would instead be made redundant after finishing their projects at the end of 2012. so over the next five months as operations were slowly winding up and people started to exit the company i'd lined up a few job interviews one of these was my dream job based in europe working in the exact field i wanted to be in i kept this quiet telling only a handful of my closest friends at my still current job the recruitment process took quite a few weeks many late nights skype interviews general chats it was a big job in a massive interview process and towards the end of may i'm still in the running for this dream job and by this point pretty much everyone knows wishing me luck around comes the start of june and everyone starts to get their redundancy letters giving them 28 days of official notice outlining their pay schedules and all legal entitlements when i say everyone i mean everyone except me i find this very strange but quickly realize it's because if i hand in my notice i won't be entitled to a payout and the company gets to save a few thousand dollars this is where my malicious compliance kicks in i keep quiet and don't say anything by about the second week of june i find out that i didn't get my dream job and i tell one other person but make sure they don't tell anyone else fast forward to the last week of june and now there's just seven employees including me left in the office alongside the gm ceo and cfo everyone except me has packed up their desks and at this point just showing up to basically be social and reminisce on the second to last day i run into the ceo remember he was from the parent company brought in to oversee the winding up of operations next to my desk and he goes you must be sad and that tomorrow's the last day casually i respond with oh is it i know it'll be quiet but i didn't realize it's my last day he takes a closer look at my desk still not backed up has the most confused look on his face and responds with yeah it's everyone's last day why wouldn't it be your last i say oh i never got a redundancy letter at this point i can see the expression on his face go from huh to oh crap in the hope that i would get a different job and resign so i don't get redundancy entitlements among everything else going on between the gm coo and cfo they forgot to issue me an official redundancy notice at this point he realizes all this and goes oh come and see me in my office in 30 minutes half an hour later i go to his office he's sitting there with the cfo by his side but also kind of behind him there's a few papers on his desk i sit down and he starts sorry we didn't do this properly at an earlier point but here's all your redundancy paperwork the first piece of paper is the official letter i pick it up start reading and the first thing that catches my eye is the date it's been backdated to 27 days previously now this is a two copy letter that needs to be signed by both employer and employee i put it down and go that's not today's date he gets flustered and responds with sorry we forgot to get to you but the notice was issued on that day i say it might have been issued then but this is the first i'm seeing of it and you'll note it hasn't been signed by me he says yes but you knew this was coming i say i did but i assumed i'd be retained for longer because i wasn't given official notice he says what do you want us to do now i say put today's date on it and i'll sign it he says but legally we need to wrap up operations before the end of the month we can't do that i say you could try to fire me instead but i don't think fair work commission would be satisfied with your reason of me not wanting to sign a falsified redundancy letter by this point he's very flustered meanwhile i'm just laughing my butt off in my head he says okay let me change this for you he disappears comes back with another copy with the correct date okay here you go i say i'm not signing this yet he says why not i say well i've got 28 more days of legal employment now which means i'm owed an extra day and a bid an annual leave in my final pace schedule he looks at the cfo and the cfo looks at him and nods an agreement he changes my payout schedule adding another day of annual leave to it prints it out and hands it to me i carefully look over everything it's all in order now i sign the paperwork we both get copies he says so what will you be doing here for the next 28 days i say nothing i'm not coming back after today he says but you're legally employed for another four weeks we can't be paying you for nothing you should help out the it guy and pack up some boxes i say there's nothing in my contract about packing up boxes so i won't be doing that also if you read my contract it says i'm employed to work on this one specific project only and any other work outside of this needs to be agreed on separately and since you sold my project to the competition yesterday and is no longer at this company i have no further contractual obligations to fulfill by this point the cfo is barely holding in his laughter he says well that's not fair we have to pay you an extra month for nothing i say that's not my problem my contractual obligations have been fulfilled i'm going to pack up and go home at 5 pm he says ok please make sure it's not before 5 pm i get back to my desk and pack it up in less than 5 minutes put all my personal belongings in a box and just sit around doing nothing one of my colleagues who was remaining for a few more months comes over and asks what was that all about i explain everything in detail he lets out the biggest booming laugh goes to his office closes the door and continues laughing 15 minutes later the cfo comes over and goes you don't have to stay until the end of the day you can take off whenever you want and this is the story of how i got an extra month's pay due to management's incompetence i mean i totally understand why management did what they did but frankly at some level you gotta accept that it seems like this guy is not going to get a new job or leave on their own volition and you need to cut bait clearly whoever was responsible for that just kind of forgot at some point and it really cost them but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another malicious compliance story that was even more insane than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right and with that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
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today we have a crazy nuclear Revenge story of ruining somebody's sister's Life we'll get into that in a bit but first homie duped your friends off their money so we crashed their wedding one of my friends and our large friend group had a business idea after school that we all jumped in on her name is Catherine she was like the least ambitious of us all on campus all of us started our businesses and we try to get her to join in with us but she was always like there's things cut out for some people and some things not cut out for them not everyone will be an entrepreneur and stuff we accepted that but then during breaks and long holiday periods we also try to get her to apply for a job internships or Junior roles but she also won't her excuses were something like they need someone more qualified I can't juggle school and work I'm too busy to get a job this holiday at some point it started getting obvious to us that she just was not ready on one occasion our mutual friends and I joined in on telling her that she had given the same not qualified excuse for for so long someone who really wanted it would have sucked it up and gotten the necessary qualifications by then but not Catherine she preferred to live off her parents money with no plans for securing a future for herself we all knew that the end of the road was ultimately going to be ugly but there was another consolation she had her rich boyfriend Mark Mark knew Catherine's family Mark was just what her parents wanted for her and she loved him so much there was no doubt that she was going to be the first of us to get married after school as for me I was planning to further my education by getting a master's degree my friend Kennedy was going to go into her dry cleaning business Lola was becoming a chef and benedicta found an opening in a marketing agency there were more of us but not to be mentioned here you might be wondering why a couple of achievers like us hung out with someone like her well it wasn't really a thing then to cut people off and she was our friend long before we started becoming ambitious in college anyway the idea was that she would get married to her rich boyfriend and that would be the end of her friends bothering her about making money for herself well graduation day came and we said our goodbyes some of us traveled back to the countries we came from to study and others moved away to live in newer locations we stayed in touch with each other I bagged my degree and other business owners started to make waves in their industry video calls were more or less about us ranting about adult life comparing the life we had on campus to what we had now and arguing about which of us had life better Catherine was never about that life while some of us were coming back to the group chats with news about her new restaurant opening new houses new cars new man Catherine was always taking pictures in fancy places pictures of her by herself in Paris and when they went together to Dubai flooded our group chats it was like caddy was trying to prove to us that she didn't need to be hard working like the rest of us to be affluent in life life finally Mark proposed to her he was a gentleman so nobody was surprised he could not have dated her that long to leave her hanging truly what all of us were waiting for was the news and we had it so it came down to us asking Catherine when the wedding will be and where it'll be held somehow caddy who used to be so vibrant and responsive in the group chat came off as busy and totally ghosting us naturally we assumed it was all because of the wedding preparations a girl has to choose her dress pick a haul and organize things with her event planner but still no one knew the date of her wedding it took weeks but later Catherine came online again and instead of replying to the messages we left her in the group she went to each one of us privately apparently she had a new business idea my concern was reasonable was this business idea so important that it trumped all the other questions we had about her wedding was it that serious if the business idea weighed higher than the wedding in Catherine's scale then it's two things either the scale is broken or Catherine went through a life-changing turn of events that reorientated her mind it turned out to be the second one honestly we're still not sure what made Catherine want to get a job it had to be connected to the wedding someone said that Mark was not willing to pay for the expensive wedding that she desired another person said that she checked the financial demands on a growing family and realized that if she wanted to have kids she had to reduce her lifestyle that was traumatizing enough but from our calculations Mark's income alone should have been able to sustain their family something else was up something that was our inherent fear it has not yet been confirmed but we believe that Mark dropped in ranks where he worked as his pay was not quite high as it was before this kind of woke Catherine up to the reality she had to face because the wedding was soon and it had to be perfect just like she already imagined it to be so Catherine started a thrift closed business where she sold classic dresses palazzo pants chiffon tops and work Blazers to Chic women many of her clothes were on the expensive side but since we were supporting our friend and most of what she sold were incredibly fashionable we decided to buy some things from her however Catherine in the shop business were a little different there were things that were on pre-order and we could only get the things we bought if we pre-ordered them to help out I bought some gowns shoes jackets and camisoles all a totaling to the amount of 60 US dollars I know people who bought up to 105 US dollars or even two hundred dollars come on this was our friend and she was finally doing the business we so much wanted her to do plus whether she came clean or not we understood that they needed the money so Catherine posted some pictures and as she posted them we could choose the ones that we wanted and forward our invoice to her with our desired sizes and colors obviously to get her more customers all our friends forwarded these pictures pictures as many as we could to all the people we knew we pushed her young business like it was ours now this is where the real problem started from if it was left at just a friendship circle thing we could have easily let go but this was more others had reordered and sent their money and Catherine had told us to do we were excited to help and proud that we could get a number of women to participate too but sometimes your good ideas turn out to be bad ideas when it was time for the shipment to be made and for the goods to be delivered as promised Catherine came up with so many excuses as to why her Goods had not yet been delivered a month turned into two it wasn't getting clear that we were going to get those goods that we ordered but I had colleagues neighbors and relatives on my neck asking me about my friend's business when were they going to get their clothes apart from me others also had people to deal with paying customers who had given their money to receive their goods how are we supposed to disappoint them all Catherine went awfully quiet she wasn't responding to any of us we started having conference calls just because of her to know who had finally reached out to her and gotten a response poor Mark too he wasn't out of this but he assured us to get Catherine to respond to us but the chick was too afraid to face us one-on-one what happened maybe any of these few things her lack of exposure in business finally caught up with her because she needed to learn that it's not everyone you meet that you can do business with it was probably the business of a fraudster and now he had all the money and he disappeared or it was that Catherine herself was the fraudster and she was holding on to our money somewhere knowing she was never going to release the goods or it could actually really be delayed Goods or maybe the ship sank whatever just anything to get our money back or at least the dresses weeks passed again and I don't know what others started telling their friends and Families so that they would loosen their tight grip on our necks I felt very much betrayed embarrassed and foolish this was the same with everyone who tried to help her others were going on and on about how helping people has always been a bad idea I think at this point everyone gave up on Catherine and her boyfriend Mark she definitely knew that one day the noise would go down and after that she could come out okay again well as for me I genuinely forced myself to forget about it I knew Catherine was fine and would be fine in the end so I had to mind my business and leave her to mind hers there were speculations that she had duped her entire family and friends so that there wasn't even one person left to invite her to her wedding so they did it small that was how we liked to joke amongst ourselves surprisingly one of those days we heard about Catherine's destination wedding it wasn't going to happen in the states or in one of those very expensive exclusive mouth-watering Weddings But it was going to take place back in her African home the person who shared it in our group chat made fun of her that they would finally have to go small but I knew that these African weddings would cost her nothing less than a couple of million if it first started as a joke someone brought up the idea of crashing in and causing a scene I remembered that in all the Nigerian weddings I'd seen a lot of money was being thrown around we could each count our money back and get our specific amounts each some liked my idea others just thought it would be better to actually crash the wedding and bring everything down because Catherine didn't deserve any of it whatever our various reasons were we all found ourselves buying plane tickets to travel to Nigeria we found out the exact date and time of the wedding we booked a hotel very close to the venue and everything was set Catherine thought she was so sneaky by not telling us about her wedding we stood by her through everything on campus but because she messed up that was her way of saving herself from us come on we were originally supposed to be the Bridesmaids Mark knew this but he was still letting the wedding go on without us he knew his wife was a fraud and he also never talked to us about the money we had lost so any last strand of pity for them had left me long enough I was not in Nigeria to have a civil conversation we were there to make sure the wedding was not a success and we were going to do it the hard way I don't know how Kennedy got us passes into the place Security in these weddings are always top-notch but we got one ticket and that was how all that mattered Catherine was going to have one of the worst evenings of her life to remember for the rest of her days we were there too early so we stayed parked in our car under the tree for fear that someone might remember us there were four of us in the car representing a larger number of six girls it remained the goal to interrupt the wedding whether or not we could get our compensation just as long as Catherine cried for what she did to us we waited for quite a while it had to be when the the couple had entered inside and dancing was going on in the party that we sneaked in got to the mic and ended the whole thing someone even talked about wrecking the cake others about taking gifts with us but I think that would have been criminal so we did as planned Catherine had a live stream going on it was streamed on all her social media platforms she probably thought that we her friends were back in our different countries watching as she thought she could make us furious with a few picks on IG too about their traditional wedding pictures unfortunately her wedding was only a secret to no one when we saw that it was time for the bride and groom to dance in we got ourselves ready relatives and Friends danced around them spraying wads of cash we stepped down from the car fully adorned in our Nigerian attires makeup nails hair everything two of us marched to the stage while the other two of us went to pick up as many notes of cash could be found on the floor the look of dismay on Catherine's face was to die for even March stopped dancing the music stopped and when I got to the mic I told everyone to stay clear of us we were not party crashers we were her original bridesmaids who she duped and ran away to Nigeria with our money to have her wedding we were there to recover everything back and to make everyone know that they were celebrating with a fraudulent couple the mothers and aunties started to beg Catherine was crying I ended my speech with well happy married life this is the speech from the original bridesmaids the whole party was too stunned to speak everyone was too Frozen to stop us until someone called security maybe it was Mark but that was his mistake we could have gone without causing too much damage but when the security showed up we started resisting objects were broken and the party crashed completely people started running home for their safety the gift table was overturned if there was any gift remaining there that wasn't broken Catherine was very lucky well anyway we were able to bribe these men and we left scot-free back to the Instagram live and other streaming channels the comments there were so hilarious the wedding had to end on that note and Catherine well she came back to us to ask for our forgiveness how much do you guys want to bet that Catherine came back asking for their forgiveness but still didn't want to give any of the money back probably was also like well I spent it all on that wedding that you ruined as if anybody's going to take them back and be friends with her after all that that said our next story is I accidentally ruined my sister's life nothing hurts quite like betrayal from family the closer you are the more heartbreaking it is when my sister decided to stab me in the back the pain was worse than anything I've ever felt in my life what hurts more is the guilt I continue to feel for my retaliation I should provide some more context for this well how about I just start from the beginning Deborah and I were more than just sibling feelings we were best friends there was almost nothing we didn't share or talk about I always had her back and she always had mine there was almost nothing I wouldn't do for my kid's sister I remember having to deal with a fair number of her classmates who thought it was a good idea to bully her it was this annoying click headed by the silly girl Maddie who was jealous of my sister for beating her at the school spelling bee and then made the decision that she'd make my sister's life a living heck she and her Posse started taunting her and leaving all sorts of messages in her bag and Locker Debbie decided that she wouldn't tell anyone about it even me she thought she could just deal with it in that soon Maddie and her crew would leave her alone as is the case with bullies silence only enables them more and soon they got emboldened enough to actually attack her physically even then all she told me was that Maddie was being annoying it wasn't until their grades began to slip and are usually vibrant energy began to wane that I discovered that whatever it was she was racing with Maddie it was certainly more than just being annoying so I decided to figure out what was going on myself I've hit a guy in her class 10 bucks to tell me what I wanted to know when I finally found out what was going on I was livid no one absolutely no one bullied my sister and got away with it so I decided to get back at the girls I too started to drop creepy notes in Maddie's Locker obviously Maddie and her friends suspected that it was Debbie but they just couldn't prove it then one day I found out that one of Maddie's friends a short sticky girl named Anna lived close to our home I snuck over one evening stole their little pomeranian puppy and then left a note stating that if she and her friends didn't stop what they were doing the little pup might get to see his maker very soon obviously I wasn't going to do anything to the dog I'm not a monster however Anna seemed to get the message and soon Maddie and her click suddenly stopped bullying my sister I returned the pup after a week it wasn't just me looking out for her though when I first started dating I was with this girl named akua I was completely enamored and in my mind I considered myself extremely lucky to be with her there was almost nothing she asked me to do that I didn't do at the time I thought that I'd found the love of my life I had started thinking of how we'd be together forever and how I tell our children that their mother and I had been high school sweethearts everything seemed to be going swell and I was quite happy in the relationship however Debbie felt something was off when she spoke to me about it I dismissed it as her being overprotective but the feelings seemed to persist she started to try to get what made her feel like akua was bad for me try as she did she just couldn't put a finger to it however during summer vacation she decided to take a dance class well it turns out that akua was also taking the dance class and so they got to spend a bit of time together at first because of her skepticism Debbie was untrusting of her and was trying to figure her out however they soon started to get a little close and even hung out together a few times one day though Debbie decided to go through akua's phone she claimed that it was a final test to see if akua was really someone she could trust to be with me what she found was that apparently my girlfriend had another boyfriend in fact it seemed like I was the side piece and she was only with me because of all the perks she got for me when Debbie told me about it I was in so much denial I didn't speak to her for days but then I really started to think about it it was true akua was only really affectionate when she wanted to ask for a favor I confronted her about it and eventually broke up with her honestly I dodged a big bullet and it was all thanks to my sister now I'm sure you're probably thinking well things seemed to be going well between you and your sister so where did it all go wrong well to tell you about that I'll have to go forward a decade after the whole situation with akua when I was a 24 year old struggling veterinarian I had just finished with college and I got a job as an intern at a local vet hospital the pay wasn't impressive or anything but at least I wasn't starving I had this whole plan of how I developed myself over the next few years Debbie on the other hand had skipped College altogether and had gotten a job as a bartender to the best of my knowledge she was doing just fine I made sure we got to see each other at least once a week sometimes I went over to her workplace and tried to make small talk while she worked most times though we went out to see a movie or to visit our parents or occasionally have lunch it was pretty good things were just fine till things started to change for me first I got a new job it was a full-time role and it was more demanding than my previous role it also paid way better however the hours were pretty long and so I didn't have as much time as I did before this meant that I went from seeing Debbie at least once every week to seeing her once every other week Debbie let me know immediately that she was a little jealous of the fact that work was taking so much time she also mentioned that she was also worried that I was overworking myself but I assured her that I was fine then I met someone new Camila Camila was extremely sweet and I fell in love almost instantly there is just something about her that made her so lovable there wasn't a person who met Camila who didn't like her well except for Debbie at first she claimed that just like with my high school girlfriend akua something just didn't seem right with her I was actually worried about this as Debbie's intuition was usually right and so I started to wonder if I truly had made the right decision by choosing to be with Camilla I started to observe her cautiously but I stayed with her between work and spending time with Camila Debbie and I got to spend less time together well at least physically I made sure I still called often and we even used FaceTime a lot Debbie continued to subtly complain about me not spending as much time with her as I used to I didn't really think that that was an issue I mean we were grown up up and that was a part of the process right you move on with your lives and start to have less time for certain people and more time for other people I love my sister but I simply could not be available whenever she wanted me to be and that was just part of life I figured she'll get over it all soon enough Debbie however had a different plan I never assumed that I'd ever get to experience craziness like I was about to experience from Debbie no one ever thinks that they'd be the victim of a jealous loved one you read about and watch stuff like that and think well that'll never be me how can someone be so close to a psychopath well just like my sister sometimes these people are just regular folks you've known and loved for years it's kind of hard to think that they'd be capable of anything like that I was about to find out the hard way it started with random Anonymous texts to my girlfriend Camilla could not figure out why she kept getting messages with things like leave him alone and you're not the only one obviously she talked to me about it she she was concerned that I was probably cheating and that the person I was cheating on her with was the one who kept sending her the messages we spoke and I assured her that I wasn't messing around with anyone else I even went as far as to give her access to my messages and call log just to prove the point she blocked the numbers that were texting her and for a while it was relatively quiet I kept wondering who could have been responsible for the messages it certainly could have been a prank the whole point of a prank was to be funny and it usually didn't go on for that long it seemed apparent that someone somewhere was trying to ruin my relationship who I couldn't tell what was more puzzling than who though was why who would benefit from having my girlfriend break up with me a jealous ax some hidden arch rival somewhere I didn't know I couldn't tell I never once suspected Debbie though Debbie decided to go too far though she figured that since her plan to ruin my relationship didn't work why not try to attack my my career I mean if I was unemployed I'd have plenty of time to spend with her right I mean why bother about the implications it would have to my finances and mental health so she again started to send messages to my boss accusing me of All Sorts Debbie through anonymous messages claimed that I had said multiple women in college and I'd never gotten the justice that I deserved now a claim like this is a pretty serious one and so my boss decided that it'll be best to bring me in for questioning when she asked me about the accusations she had heard of I obviously denied it my parents had brought me up well and taught me about gender-based crime and how to be a good man by being decent I had never once essayed a woman in my entire life as a matter of fact I had once gotten into a fight in high school when a drunk football player tried to get handsy with a girl from my class and she said no the accusations were baseless and I insisted on my innocence I had no negative school or police record and I told her that if someone was alleging that I'd done something as awful as that they should come with some sort of proof I quickly realized that whoever it was was sending my boss these false accusations was probably the same person trying to ruin my relationship I was worried I started to get a bit paranoid concerned that there was someone out there who was trying to get me needless to say that this greatly affected my quality of life and even my relationship a bit I had to start seeing a therapist then one day I got the bright idea to use a private investigator services to figure out who was repeatedly attacking me so I could at least get some closure it took a while but eventually I got bold enough to actually do it it took the pi just a week to find out who was responsible in that week I was very nervous I kept thinking what if it's someone really close to me I kept wondering which one of my friends could be mad enough at me to try and ruin my life again I never once suspected Debbie the PIP came back with his findings Debbie was responsible for it all I was more confused than anything else why would she try to hurt me like that what was the whole point of it all my confusion turned into anger really quickly and I was determined to give her a taste of her own medicine I anonymously submitted a report to the police alleging that Debbie was a part of a drug trafficking ring I expected that the police would show up give her a bit of a scare and that after that I could tell her that I was responsible and warn her against attacking me however things escalated a little more than I expected when the police raided her home she had tried to put up a fight thinking that she was being robbed a police officer had tackled her and pinned her to the ground breaking a rib and dislocating her knee in the process she spent a week in the hospital and two extra months recovering from her injuries she lost her job too as if that wasn't bad enough even though the police had not found anything incriminating in her home the police officer who tackled her received no repercussion for his actions honestly I feel a little guilty about what happened to her I haven't been able to tell anyone that I was responsible for what had happened to Debbie even my girlfriend doesn't know sometimes I wonder if I should let her know that it was me and I was sorry about it all but I worry that if I ever told her it'll be so big an issue that she'd cut me off completely I did after all ruin her life on the plus side after that incident Debbie did seem to be more open about me not having time for her like before in fact she started to become good friends with Camila it has me wondering if maybe my action wasn't so bad maybe it was a good thing I heard my sister so much honestly I'm impressed after all that had gone on and you realize how mental and the lengths of which your sister is going to to try to get your time and attention that he would even entertain hanging around them or acknowledging them for a while like I feel like you'd have to see them go to therapy and take like a year away from this person before you'd start feeling like okay maybe we can start connecting again I mean a person like this what if they just relapse on their need for your attention but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIRUINEDMYSISTERLIFERedditStories
hello everyone my name is Steven and welcome to story time today we're going to be reading some our slash malicious compliance stories and quickly before this video starts I just want to say about 60% of you lovely people aren't currently subscribed so if you enjoyed these videos please make sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an upcoming video with that being said let's get into the stories don't want us to do it the right way alright you're the boss hello friends this is a happy little story from my time as a warehouse assistant some background first this happened while working for a small business the boss in question is actually a great dude but like all bosses he's under a ton of stress and has his moments this particular piece of compliance revolves around a nail gun in use in the warehouse don't worry no idiots were harmed in the writing of the story so every afternoon we have pretty large shipments getting sent out everything sold for the day would be popped on the pallets and shipped off to customers now pallets are surprisingly expensive and if not sized properly cost a fortune extra in Freight so we eventually started making our own in order to fit the size of the products being shipped using the previously mentioned and nail gun to put them together all was going well until the delivery guy told us that and I quote those freaking pallets of yours are shoot and keep falling apart stop using the freaking nail gun and put them together properly we looked into it and he was 100% right see the nails from the nail gun were super small thin and couldn't grip for shoot the warehouse manager could actually pull the pallets with his hands so yeah not good it was reported to the admin folks upstairs and the show went on from that point on we started using normal nails instead yeah it took longer but we were still saving money and the delivery folks were happiest clams now for the turn one Friday late in the afternoon the boss comes down and lets us know the sales team has just landed a bigan we need some pallets Louds I want to ship this afternoon grab the nail gun and throw some together ASAP no problem I'll get on it now boss goes back upstairs and I begin belting pallets together using normal nails five minutes later boss comes back down and he is fuming Oh P I can see you on the cameras what the heck are you doing hammering the pellets of boss as you said I said to use the darn nail gun well I would but when we used it last time no buts we bought that nail gun now you better bloody use it in fact I'll show you how Boz man takes the nail gun and slaps together a pallet in 20 seconds flat normally takes about three to four minutes by hammer there see now do it the right way or go home yes boss and so begins our compliance I pick up the nail gun and smash out five fragile pallets in the space of about three minutes exactly the same way the boss man did which I'm okay with it's a ton easier Oh while my co-workers giggled with glee [ __ ] shipping time I realized just why they were all giggling all the other four club users are out for the rest of the afternoon with local deliveries sickness and general excuses the only person with a fork licence whom was going to have to load the truck was you guessed it boss man so boss man picks up the first pallet and is about to load it onto the truck when the pallet is hit by a stray breeze and proceeds to fall apart on the forks the delivery guy says the fur did I tell you about those pallets are you idiots using that nail gun again boss stammer saying we needed them sent this afternoon and the nail gun should have done the job I don't bloody care I cannot take any of the pallets you've built with that nail gun if they fall apart in our position and damage something or someone it's a bloody nightmare do them again and I'll pick them up tomorrow and with that parting gift and his own act of compliance the delivery driver keeps to his word closes the truck and drives off without our shipment the boss sits in silence contemplating the thousands of dollars in product which has now experienced a nice big shipping delay did I mention this was Friday Opie yeah boss retire the nail gun and sorry about earlier don't worry about it want a hand getting these all back inside yup and if you've got some time before closing I would appreciate some fresh pellets as well on it I'll have them knocked up in a bit and the nail gun was never heard from again don't you all enjoy a happy ending although the bossman forced the use of the nail gun it was pretty good to see at the end that he was really reflecting on the poor decisions being made and even apologized to Opie so I would say no harm no foul in the story most likely besides of course the thousands of dollars of shipments getting delayed but sometimes that happens I guess a simple malicious compliance for my brother who wanted his drink to be not so cold so my brother and I are eating lunch at a restaurant our friend works at the friend is our server and grabs us drinks my brother being his usual smart but self says his coke is too cold and asks for it to be warmer our server also a widely known smart but says ok and takes his coke to the back he comes back to the table with my brother's drink in a huge smile and says that should be warm enough my brother took a sip and spit it out friend had a microwave the coke for two minutes lesson learned for my brother there's always a bigger fish unless the drink is literally at like borderline freezing who's gonna complain that a drink is too cold even borderline freezing is probably ok this right here is a perfect example of a jokester getting choked back even harder world's worst in voice enjoy the extra charge I worked as an accountant for a company that Auto charged a monthly for the use of their product part of my job would be to respond to customers who had questions regarding their invoices or credit card charges these emails would be delivered to a general accounting email address so my co-workers and I could tackle them together one day an email arrives to the subject line world's worst invoice oh how excited I was to open this beauty of a complaint the guy proceeds to go all caps throughout the email about how bad our invoices are and what the heck is he even being charged for he was gracious enough to attach a screenshot of the invoice itself turns out he was referencing the credit card receipt in his email being the thorough and diligent accountant I am I wanted to ensure he was being charged correctly I popped into the system to discover that he was actually being undercharged Oh No I corrected his account to confirm he to be charged correctly going forward I crafted my reply email thank you for pointing out the error in our system without your email the incorrect charge would have gone unnoticed please note that the attachment you provided was of our credit card receipt you may find your actual invoice attached for your reference your invoice will include the additional charge of $80 next month for the additional users that were incorrectly charged for previously I never received a reply so to be fair I kind of understand if it wasn't clear what he was being charged that somebody would be upset with the invoice that being said I don't agree with sending the world's worst invoice email and all caps and all that stuff obviously getting upset like that is not the answer asking to clarify that's acceptable and unfortunately in this situation it ended up being not the best thing to have done for this guy no exceptions game on haven't about nine years ago me a band director at Middle School in a large urban school district in USA in fourth year of my first job principal mostly good dude but Perona making up asinine policies that everyone has to follow in order to appear fair my first gig is a teacher my principal that had a bad habit of making new policies that were great for core language arts math science social studies teachers bub requiring electives art music PE shop etc teachers to follow them as well even though it made no sense to do it's annoying and I don't take kindly to being told to follow dumb rules for the sake of appearing fair I also hate the hypocrisy of being told to differentiate my lessons to accommodate different learners and then not being given the same professional courtesy from my boss in this particular case we're at a whole staff meeting and principal decrees that when students get into trouble and our place into in-school suspension a form of punishment in which they are confined to a small classroom sitting all day do their schoolwork and aren't supposed to interact with anyone except the teacher in charge of in-school suspension their teachers shall send the exact same they would be doing in their regular classroom that day had they not been in in-school suspension you see most teachers had a stack of busy work for students in in-school suspension since a student usually needs to be present for the learning portion of a lesson in order to complete the Associated assignment / homework students would then return to the class the day after in-school suspension and be a day or more behind and principal thought that the best way to solve this issue was to have students complete the same work their non in-school suspension confin'd classmates were completing without the benefit of you know actually being taught how to do it it may work sometimes but I immediately thought it was a dumb policy especially since my classes play musical instruments which I presumed would be rather disruptive to the quiet environment they tried to cultivate down in in-school suspension so back to the staff meeting after principal makes his promulgation a few he and shoot up presumably from folks with the same reservations as mine but a principal is having none of it no exceptions he declares I know it's only a matter of time before I'll have a student in in-school suspension so I make my plan I'll find out if there will in fact be no exceptions nary a week later it happened I arrived to work to find an email that my student whom we'll call Jose has been placed in in-school suspension please send down the work you'll be doing in class today no exceptions game on I grabbed Jose's saxophone and music folder and stroll into the in-school suspension room I tell the teacher in charge which pieces we would be rehearsing that day and even left a list of instructions on which sections were most in need of work etc the teacher in charge to look like a deer in headlights and my only true regret is that she was collateral damage in my little crusade whatever if she has to help students with all the subjects music should be no exception I head back to my classroom and plan the rest of my lessons for the day at lunch I notice an email from my principal that simply reads Oh P please see me in my office I had a bit of time so I head on down there here's a recap of our conversation do you think you're funny I'm not sure what you mean narrator he knew exactly what principal meant why would you send a saxophone to in-school suspension Jose needed it to complete today's lesson why wouldn't you just send written work in-school suspension is supposed to be quiet well I was going to ask at last week's meeting if that's what I should do but you said no exceptions and since today is a playing day in seventh grade band I sent the exact work we would be doing in class principal looks like he may have an aneurysm well clearly electives are an exception so to be clear I should send written work to students in in-school suspension from now on even if that's not what we're doing in class that day yes that's what I just said got it anything else no please leave yes sir leaves hiding a poop eating grin hole electives Department got an email that day from principal explaining that work sent to in-school suspension should be work that can be completed independently and quietly notably there was no line that said no exceptions if you're managing the workers under you and you're being extremely strict and you're saying no exceptions don't be surprised when some wacky weird or otherwise inconvenient things happen because you're giving people no leeway to do anything that's actually right no food upstairs okay then so this story isn't anything too big or dramatic but I thought I'd share my step-dad knows I bring up food in my room to snack on while doing work for college etc he's usually asleep when I grab a bite to eat though my mother is also aware of this and she's fine with it anyway I've been really into Nic Cage movies lately I know I have a poop taste in movies leave me alone and so I made myself some popcorn or about an hour before stepdad goes to bed it went like this me and stepdad on couch watching movie what the heck are you doing making popcorn where do you think you can eat that popcorn huh with Nic Cage haha and what makes you freaking think you're allowed to bring foot up there who told you that you could this isn't news to him he just likes to idiot me out mr. cage of course stepdad getting sick of my light-hearted joking not freaking allowed to bring foot up there so you better get comfy malicious compliance begins I bring my laptop downstairs and sit at the table clicking on my movie without earbuds mom and stepdad stare at each other in disbelief mouths a geek before my mom asks what the heck I'm doing oh I'm watching the movie since I can't eat upstairs do you have earbuds or something yeah what the Freak we're trying to watch something me too and no I don't I totally do I just felt like being spiteful since he's yet again complaining at me for some random bull I continue to watch my movie as they stared in frustration bickering about how I'm being too loud and disrespectful by shrugging to lower it lowered by one tell me again lowered until it's almost muted stepdad continues - idiot at me so I get up and go into the other room in sit on his big fancy desk chair with greasy little fingers maybe I took it a little far but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't sick of him complaining at me just because he's having a bad day so I don't see what's the bad thing about taking food upstairs it's one thing if they're notably messy like if they're obviously messy they are going to make a huge mess they have their greasy little fingers touching all over everything then I understand trying to be a little restrictive with that Opie hasn't said that they felt that way though so what I understand why you're being so restrictive about it what's wrong with taking food upstairs I just don't understand but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for listening to and watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and let us know what you thought about these stories in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel [Music]
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceAccountantmadeWorldsWORSTInvoiceorig
my narcissistic mom Uninvited me to her wedding because I looked like my father and her boyfriend didn't like it that's how she lost all her children I 15 F and my mother's only daughter whom she has from her previous marriage she has three children the rest being 18 16 boys this is important to know last week my mom was talking with one of her friends about the color she wanted the bridesmaid dresses to be my mom had been planning this wedding with her new boyfriend for the past two months or so they have been engaged for about one year the wedding is in December and on the day before my birthday me and my mom have been planning a party for me around the same time she was for the wedding she insisted it was all right and that her boyfriend and she would go on their honeymoon the next day while she was talking I asked her when we were going to look for my dress since she had asked me to be the flower girl I could see the dis appointed look on her face when I asked her which confused me she responded only a few minutes later and said we'll talk about it later a few hours later my mom came to me I thought she was going to talk about the dress situation but instead she sat me down and explained how her new boyfriend thought it would be a better fit for their three daughters to lead the wedding whatever I was cool with that but it's important to note that my mom has always wanted all girls I was a girl but I looked too much like my father which caused a strain in our relationship my dad explained to me how my mother had postpartum when she had me and just couldn't connect with me because of it so when she gave birth to my three younger Step Brothers who all looked like her triplets 6 years old she was obviously Overjoyed it hurt to see but I was happy for her my brothers had a similar experience but were significantly better because they looked more like her I know this is an overly dramatic thing to say but sometimes I feel like my mother didn't feel as connected with me at Birth because I was a let down right out of the gate after she was done I asked her again about the dress because I still didn't have one again that same disappointed look on her face came before she told me I wasn't invited to the wedding simply because her boyfriend thought I would upset his family because I was from my mom's previous marriage and he didn't like my dad she also explained how my birthday isn't happening either due to him wanting to go on their honeymoon right away it turned into a screaming match with me yelling I'm sorry I don't look like you enough for you to love me I'm sorry you were too conceited for you to get over the fact that I look like my dad I was kicked out by her boyfriend within the same hour because she had cried to him about what I said all my brothers know what happened and have now refused to go to the wedding which upsets her even more though I don't care about how she feels right now my brothers had an actual relationship with her and I probably just messed it up by letting my anger get the best of me a edit I live with my dad fulltime there isn't any custody agreement that I know of I usually visit my mom on my own free will or when she asks me to come over so I'm not obligated to go over there my parents were only married 2 years prior to having my my second brother divorcing after his birth they dated after the divorce as a way to make up with each other but it didn't work out but they had me edit all my brothers are full blood the girls my mom had are half blood I said step because I don't consider them to be related to me because I've never been in the room with them for more than 5 minutes due to my mom not allowing it my brothers were only invited because her boyfriend actually likes them and and his family getting pissed that I'd be there was an excuse to exclude me I honestly don't care anymore about the situation seeing as how my brother's got my back as for my dad he's been threatening to call CPS but I've talked him out of it because I don't want to get the three girls involved despite there being no relationship update this is going to be a long post so here is the tldr my mom tried guilt tripping me and lost all her kids in the process a video of my post showed up on my mom's phone today which resulted in her showing up at my dad's house unannounced my dad only allowed it because he thought being closer would be the best thing for me right now because he knows I'm over my mom we had a nice long chat about how sorry she is for making me feel bad and how she wishes to make things right with me I didn't say more than a word to her the whole time but she didn't notice because she liked hearing the sound of her own voice needless to say it ended with her hugging me thinking she won but instead it turned into me deciding to never speak with her again I'm not going to go into detail about everything she said but this is what stuck to me he said sorry for not being close but turned it on me saying I never made an effort he said sorry for not talking to me until now about what happened but called me immature for posting about it online kind of fair she told me she would never love a man more than me but would make more sacrifices she told me a phone works both ways last but not least she said she was sorry but until things calm down with her husband I was going to have to get my stuff from her house and stay with my dad while she was talking she also told me a long story about how she knew it was wrong to uninvite me and cancel my birthday but her boyfriend made her she said she wanted to contribute but said it was me or him guess who she chose everything she said to me kind of made me realize how I was wasting my time ever being in her life I realized she created so many issues for me growing up and it was all because I never got an answer as to why she never liked me while I did get love and support from my dad and brothers I felt like I was missing something by not getting the same from my mom the thing that makes this worse is that by doing this I'm losing the ability to ever receive those things but it's for the best since my mental health has suffered enough after she left I found out from both my brothers that she tried talking to them also my second oldest brother told me he only let her get about one paragraph in before silently leaving the room when she came to me she also tried talking to my oldest brother by showing up at his apartment without telling him she banged on the door for like a good 20 minutes and only left until someone threatened to call the police it's funny how desperate she gets when she knows she messed up anyway drama happened between my dad and me a few days ago that I'm just hearing about from him my mom's boyfriend threatened to sue him for custody of my brother because he couldn't keep true family apart if that's not funny enough my dad told him to go right ahead because I'm sure the court would side with a convicted drunk driver I'm not sure if that's true but from what my dad told me the boyfriend hung up immediately anyway that's it for now and thank you all for the support Second Story my fiance left me after he found out I had a gang dang I've been with my fiance for 2 years and engaged for two months I can go on and on about how great he is but I won't waste your time he's awesome he and my sister's boyfriend have gotten really close over the past year and they talk at least twice a week whether on the phone FaceTime or just hang hanging out with all four of us sister has been with her boyfriend since high school so obviously her boyfriend knows me very well as well as my dating history last weekend because of the quarantine we all thought it would be fun to drink and hang out over FaceTime it was a FaceTime double date and we all had a blast laughing and playing drinking games we all partied for over an hour and that's when I was over it and decided to leave the party to call my sister directly without the boys in another room my fiance and her boyfriend stayed on FaceTime and continued to get drunk together during this time I couldn't hear us HT because I was in another room and was talking to my sister her boyfriend goes and tells a bunch of stories about my college days and how many guys I hooked up with just so everyone knows I don't know the actual number my first three years of college were literally one giant party without being too descriptive I admit I was excessive but at the time it was just what we did I was single during that time and I and my friends did a lot with a slot of guys most of them I couldn't even pick out of a lineup but again I was in college anyway at one of the parties I went to I ended up hooking up with four different guys at the same time this is relevant later my fiance is handsome as F and I know for a fact that he's been with several women we talked a lot about our past at the beginning of our relationship I wasn't 100% honest with mine and I can only assume that he was after everyone hung up me and my fiance were laying in bed and about to go to sleep when he just calmly asked me did you get gang danged in college my response was WTF why would you ask that that's when he told me everything that my sister's boyfriend told him he told me details I'm not even sure are 100% true because again blurry but a lot of the information was accurate so I just told him yes it was one time he continued asking questions about the other stuff but the gang dang thing kept coming up and he had a lot of questions about it that I answered to the best of my knowledge fast forward to Wednesday things had been fine and normal on Monday but on Wednesday there was radio silence he hasn't texted or talked to me in 3 days the breaking point was tonight when he came home from work and asked me are you friends with any of the guys on Facebook again not lying to him I admitted that yes I was friends with all of them he left a few hours ago and I have no idea where he is or what he's doing I'm tempted to call the cops but I feel like that will just make it worse I feel like garbage i f hate my sister's boyfriend right now but maybe it's not even his fault maybe I should have been more honest I'm so lost he is the best thing to ever happen to me and I've never seen him like this before is this the end he refuses to return my calls or texts relevant comments from Opie I told him a lot of stuff that I did I happen to leave the worst part out does everyone's husband or wife know every single partner they each have yet yes there was a lot of stuff he asked about all of it and I answered everything the only thing that he kept coming back to and asking questions about was the worst part update this is the second time I'm updating because my first one got deleted he eventually came back in the middle of the night and we talked until the morning we both agreed that he needs to distance himself from the relationship while figuring stuff out he admitted the only thing he cared about was the G gang dang and he told me he couldn't get the visual out of his head he then told me about a three sum he had in college which I think is totally made up and he just wanted to get a rise out of me but who knows it just sounded so unbelievable and it felt like he was trying to get back at me we did make love before we went to sleep but it was not good and by not good I mean he felt like he was just trying to punish me once again everything was weird from the kissing to the ending being vague here because this part is probably what got my post deleted last time he left in the morning to go stay with his parents and I haven't seen him since we still text every day but it's different everything is different and at this point I'm almost positive we aren't going to get married and again at this point I'm okay with that I know I messed up and I know I lied and all I can do is live and learn as soon as this qu quarantine ends I plan on using my work program that helps people find therapists it's part of my benefits and I've never used it before and I'm legitimately excited to start working on myself for the future whatever may happen between me and him now to everyone who left me nice messages I couldn't reply to you all so I'm just saying thank you for your help and your advice none of you know me and you are all awesome and I wish everyone nothing but the best to the people who left me horrible messages yes I read all of them no your names do not hurt me I am not perfect and never claimed to be and I know I have a lot of work to do but I hope all of you have happiness in your perfect relationships with yourself and good luck with everything also I just want to point out that there was some confusion about who I was friends with on Facebook it was just the four guys from the gang bang that I was friends with not every guy I'd ever been with and I've since deleted every single one of them again my fup live and learn relevant comments from op I have over 3,000 friends on Facebook I don't talk to or interact with 99% of them I admitted I messed up and it's not like I was checking their post very stupid you're right if only every 19-year-old girl could be so smart and always do the right thing thank you for your comment I wasn't staying in touch I hardly ever check my Facebook I have thousands of friends on there I don't even know what they are up to or what they are doing but I admit I messed up I understand all the points of view here it's possible he is not the one there is someone out there who won't judge me for my past and that's who I will find thank you for your comment you nailed it back in the day you used to accept anyone and everyone as a Facebook friend nowadays I literally go weeks without so much as even opening the app thank you I'm not going to cut contact we still text every day and believe it or not no matter if he doesn't want to marry me he's my best friend I messed up but that doesn't mean he automatically stops caring about me thank you though undone lying whether admission or Omission I won't be dating anyone for a while until I do some work on myself thank you for the comment thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyNarcissisticMomUninvitedMeToHerWeddingBecauseiLookedLikeMyFatherAndBFDidntLikeorig
AI t for not giving my baby the father's last name long story short I 30f was with the father 31m head over heels in love with him and we planned childrenlife together the whole nine but 5 days after we discovered I was pregnant he dumped me and hasn't really been involved since when I asked what happened and what changed all I got was life happened I don't know what that means and I don't really care to anymore I've seen him twice since we found out in November 23rd and the baby is due in July 24th I invited him to my last ultrasound which is the second out of two times and he surprisingly showed up we were on okay terms he asked me if I had any names picked out for the baby and I told him my options which included my last name and he said wait you're not giving the child my last name my response was one we are not married and two he hasn't been there for me through this pregnancy at all he ignores SLG gives me the silent treatment me for week SL a month at a time his response was marriage has nothing to do with it and he has been preparing for the baby if I knew how I would say but I guess stocking up on Pampers but me not giving his last name is crazy I believe that marriage does play a big role in the child's last name not that
give me a good story on AITAfornotgivingmybabythefatherslastname
aita for telling my wife she's a childish horrible human being for not wanting my family to come over to our home after my mother's celebration of life my wife 37f and I am 39m built a new home and moved into a really nice neighborhood about 7 months ago she's a stay-at-home mom we have three kids she's white and I'm Mexican both were born in Dallas Texas we both are from the same suburb and we met After High School she loved my family and my family loved her when we first got together she was 17 and I was 19 her mom and dad kicked her out because they didn't want her to date another person of A different race it's all good now her parents admitted they were wrong and I love her parents and they love me and are children at that time I was living at my parents still had my own job car and paid rent my parents heard of her getting kicked out and they offered for her to move in with us rentree my mother and father loved her and took her in as one of their own I have three sisters who were all married at the time and we were always hanging out with my family at one of my sister's houses or my parents house we were always together and everyone got along as time went by I started to make more money and we were able to buy our first house together and finally moved out after living with my parents for almost 4 years we had our first child a son a year later which is when her parents finally accepted me and then our twin daughters 5 years after that right before our Twins were born I landed a great job made much more money than we had been making and I was able to buy a nice house in a country club where we lived for another 5 years after those 5 years I landed another job in the same industry but had a much higher salary that job allowed us to build a brand new home and move to a very nice Community with better schools which we just moved into about 7 months ago this is a pretty wealthy community homes here are valued at a million plus the reason I even bring all of that up is because I started to notice my wife started to change towards my family when I started to make more money I should make it known also that the town we lived in where we met was a pretty small town with low to Middle income families her family was better off than mine was though and although they weren't wealthy they were hell of a lot better off than my family was my parents house was very small and modest I didn't grow up with much and we were relatively poor as a kid growing up for the past 2 years she completely changed she acts like she doesn't want our children to hang out with their cousins my sister's kids she absolutely hates when they come over as a result I can't invite my family over anymore without her turning her nose up at it she gets very upset when I tell her I want them to come over on the weekends to hang out like we used to she barely wants my parents to come over and when they would come over she was very standoffish and rude it was very embarrassing she would tell me that she just her heart on her sleeve and that's why she acts the way she acts my parents and my sister still live in that same little town where my wife and I met and they still live in their small modest homes they don't have high paying jobs I've been very blessed with my jobs and I'm able to provide my wife and kids with more than anyone thought I could even myself I'm pretty sure I make more than her parents and all of her siblings as well the only reason I bring that up is because she feels like we can only hang out with her family she acts like her family is better than mine she's okay with them coming over as much as they want and our kids can hang out with her sister's kids it's like she thinks her family is it just better I still consider myself the person that I was back then and I was taught to treat people with respect always no matter who they are but my wife acts like she's better than everyone now like she's better than my family and she acts like our kids can't hang out with my sister kids because they might be bad influences my sister's kids are all good kids by the way she's even stopped talking to her childhood best friend from the same town where we are both from my mom passed away suddenly last month and I was devastated she was very supportive and loving to my family for about a week after her death and then she went right back to her normal rude self my mom was cremated so we had her celebration of life just this past Friday I wanted all of my family to come to our house after my mother's service since I have the bigger house out of all of my siblings and I knew I could host that many people since there were relatives coming in from out of town I was already nervous about what she was going to say when I told her my plans and as soon as I did she blew a gasket she said absolutely not and that we should do whatever we're doing at one of my other sister's house I was on a business trip when I told her about me wanting my family to come over so we were primarily arguing over the phone and via text I finally told her that I thought she was being so heartless and insensitive about the whole situation after her insisting several times that my family was not coming over I finally put my foot down and told her I wasn't asking her but that I was telling her we were going to do it at my house she was Furious fast forward to the day of the service and she wouldn't talk to me all day I spent most of the day preparing and cleaning our home to get it ready for our guests and she hardly helped me do anything she hugged me at the end of the service that evening but I think it was simply for show because she knew other people were looking after the service everyone came to our home I was walking around the whole time attending people and making sure everyone had what they needed every time I walked by my wife she gave me a dirty look and it was embarrassing because I didn't want anyone to notice her giving me those looks I was afraid it would make people feel awkward and want to leave I ignored her and didn't make a contact for the rest of the night as it got later most people started leaving but a few of my close cousins and my sister stayed and we were all hanging outside in my back patio having drinks and enjoying being with each other she of course made it known she was going to bed and she kept texting me and telling me to be quiet and that no one was to stay the night I will admit we stayed up late it was about 3:00 a.m. my children had went to bed upstairs at like as well as her but we were outside my kids were not being bothered she was not being bothered no one was being very loud and as I said it was just family and it was a Friday night she doesn't work and my kids had no school the next day all of a sudden she comes out of our bedroom and just awkwardly stares at everyone from the doorway it made everyone feel UNC comfortable and so everyone got the hint and left the whole time she just stood there with her arms crossed just tapping her foot it was so awkward and embarrassing the next morning I told her she was a childish horrible person I still haven't spoken to her and it's now sundaya
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmywifeshesachildishhorriblehumanbeingfornotwantingmyfamilytocomeorig
AIT ta for wanting to leave my husband because he refused to give me a massage I know it sounds ridiculous but hear me out we've been married close to 10 years and in our mid-30s he struggles to express his feelings fine wants to watch TV all day fine doesn't like to talk making me feeling lonely fine the one thing that I've always been so anxious about though is him not being there when I really need him when he fractured his ankle over a year back and took time off work I went straight into nurse mode and did all I could to be there for him and ensure he was relaxing whilst I watched our small child battled Co and looked after him at 8 months pregnant somehow I got through that period I don't expect him to show any appreciation but I should at least be able to count on him when I need him 2 days ago I woke and stretched my back and felt a sudden pain the pain was bad my lower back was fine but from the back of my neck and between my shoulder blades it's been hell Daye three and it's even worse I can barely move my neck or turn or lie in bed I'm guessing I've pulled a muscle but the pain is so intense with just even me sitting up it seemed to have got worse when I stood up last night for a good amount of time cooking I have small kids to look after and I don't know how I'm supposed to manage like this
give me a good story on AITAforwantingtoleavemyhusbandbecauseherefusedtogivemeamassageorig
AIT for refusing to Preparing the house for my brother M25 and Sil f25 family for their wedding my brother M25 is getting married in the coming week and my S just messaged me at 5:30 a.m. in the morning with a list of things to get ready in preparation for her family who are apparently coming today clean house beds and food in the fridge we've been asking for months when they would be coming and have now been told the day of for some context my brother has just moved out of a large house provided by the family into a small one due to a change of job which my mother f65 has also been requested to help clean up when she gets back so he no longer could house his in-laws so my mother offered to house them at hers a couple of months ago she has a large farm with five or so rooms we had already asked to stay beforehand at my mother's so have a room there already my mother is already paying for the wedding providing the meat and giving the a car so she told my brother in the beginning that if they stayed for free there that they would have to prepare their rooms and feed them my husband M24 my daughter F2 and I have been house sitting Farm sitting for my mother who has been overseas for a wedding up until today when she arrives home my mother also
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtopreparingthehouseformybrothermandSILFfamilyfortheirweddingorig
aita for telling my sister that IDC about the baby she lost I 20m and my sister 23 have been very close since she lost her baby she lost the baby at the end of 2022 when she was about 5 months pregnant obviously our whole family was shocked and very supportive initially however I really tried to help her through this and get her back on her feet coming to her apartment to clean and cook her food it also doesn't help that her baby daddy left shortly after my sister was unable to work because of her depression so my family would help chip in and pay her bills she remained like this for about 7 months when my parents told her that they couldn't no longer support her when all she does lay in bed and smoke a lot like 24/7 but they don't know that and that she at least needs to look for a job she lashed out and said she needs their support now more than ever regardless of them I began to solely supporting her mind you I still live with my parents and attending school that brings us to Last Friday I have about three semesters left of school and money has been getting tight I told my sister that I really need to start saving and that she needs to get a job or just move back in she lashed out on me saying that I could never understand 100% true and that I was a terrible brother for even mentioning it I said excuse me I've paying for your bills for over a year and have been the only one trying to help
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysisterthatidcaboutthebabyshelostorig
:05.640 --> :11.940 (I'm not an English-native speaker, so my  apologies for any mistakes) I worked for a   :11.940 --> :16.380 large multinational company some years back in  the logistics industry and I did a lot of my   :16.380 --> :21.300 work on the computer. Due to that I developed  a small infection in some small joint in my   :21.300 --> :26.220 wrist due to using the normal mouse provided by  IT. I asked my boss if I could order a vertical   :26.220 --> :30.780 mouse to relieve the pain in my wrist and  I was thinking company would provide it. My   :30.780 --> :36.540 boss referred me to our local HR (from heck).  Manager of the HR was called, behind her back,   :36.540 --> :42.780 grim reaper and she surely lived up to the nick  name. Got a message from HR that the ONLY way to   :42.780 --> :48.420 get another kind of mouse is to go through company  mandated Healthcare provider and to get a referral   :48.420 --> :54.540 from there. Thought it was stupid because vertical  mouses costs like 20-50€ and going to healthcare   :54.540 --> :59.940 would surely add costs to that. But let's do what  the HR tells you, since they know better, and   :59.940 --> :04.080 obviously don't care about money. (I'll add  the costs of everything to prove my point.) :04.080 --> :10.080 Cue malicious compliance and made the reservation  to meet our doctor(200€). She ordered some   :10.080 --> :16.260 x-rays(300€) and send me to to get instructions  and training exercises from company's dedicated   :16.260 --> :23.640 physiotherapist (3*100e). Went back to the  doctor on a separate meeting( another 200e)   :23.640 --> :30.900 and she forwarded me to some hand surgeon(450e)  for another opinion. Hand surgeon was kind enough   :30.900 --> :38.520 to inject some cortisone (100) to my aching  wrist and gave me one day sick leave ( 300e) to   :38.520 --> :43.800 recuperate from the injection. Spent that fishing  and enjoying the nice summer weather. After going   :43.800 --> :49.800 through all the hoops to get the referral for the  mouse, it took HR about 2 months to instruct IT   :49.800 --> :54.780 to deliver me the mouse. The cortisone actually  helped and I didn't have any use for the vertical   :54.780 --> :59.640 mouse, otherwise I would have ordered it myself.  I just used the two months to remind my boss about   :59.640 --> :06.540 the mouse on regular basis and asked him to  contact HR about it. It took close to 2000€   :06.540 --> :12.120 to go through HR mandated route to get the  relatively cheap mouse. But hey, everything   :12.120 --> :16.860 has to be done by the book, right? Here's the  kicker, immediately after I received the mouse,   :16.860 --> :21.780 I gave my two weeks notice. My resignation  and the mouse were totally unrelated,   :21.780 --> :27.720 but I sure made HR and my boss to think that it  was all about the mouse. I was one of the most   :27.720 --> :33.360 valued employees in our company, so me leaving  sure did sting them a bit. It never fails to   :33.360 --> :38.580 amaze me how stupid big corporations are when  it comes to providing employees with necessary   :38.580 --> :17.520 tools to ease their job. Back Story:  :22.140 --> :27.480 I used to work at for one of the world's largest  technology firms, as an on-site consultant. We   :27.480 --> :32.340 had one of the best banking products which  was sold globally. As a consultant, I had to   :32.340 --> :37.260 keep many people happy in the process. There were  offshore development team who write the software   :37.260 --> :43.220 (which I am part of as well when I am not on site)  , client-side manager and their IT side people. It   :43.220 --> :48.420 is very difficult position but thanks to my mentor  I had very good experience in handling them. :48.420 --> :52.620 Our work involved lot of things  from training IT people to setting   :52.620 --> :56.700 up the product in entirety make it  stable and implement customizations. :56.700 --> :02.400 I have been sent to different city on project  to one of a pesky client. To make it live,   :02.400 --> :07.500 we had to move a village, just 4 of us  had to struggle and against all odds we   :07.500 --> :12.060 made it Live. This information spread to  others in the company and soon were put in   :12.060 --> :16.320 various projects as we proved ourselves  in what we do. Thanks to my mentor,   :16.320 --> :21.780 I managed to pick up some of the key skills which  are never implemented before. I had the knowledge   :21.780 --> :26.520 apart from one other person in the company and  high-level document which has basic outline., :26.520 --> :31.680 I have decided to stay back in the same city  and took transfer. The team in that city did   :31.680 --> :36.300 not now the technology I was working on they  were working on very outdated technology   :36.300 --> :42.420 decades old. The manager ken(Male version  of Karen) Wanted to micromanage everyone. :42.420 --> :47.640 He doesn't value what people are putting  up onsite or offshore, when he is onsite   :47.640 --> :52.320 he would tell others who is on offshore isn't  worth working for and when he is offshore,   :52.320 --> :57.120 he would tell others that people world. There is  a dedicated support team who take care of sites   :57.120 --> :03.180 post live and those guys are very hardworking  and help clients and sometimes consultants to   :03.180 --> :08.220 resolve issues. My mentor trained me to share  as much as info as possible to them so that   :08.220 --> :13.020 we don't get calls in the middle of night as  well as help them as its mutual understanding. :13.020 --> :18.480 But this ego centric idiot son of bench  doesn't want to involve them and he had   :18.480 --> :22.560 called everyone in fo r meeting  and berated us for working slow   :22.560 --> :28.200 etc taking to much breaks . In this country  , if I open the door dozens of engineers   :28.200 --> :33.060 will come in and I can train them easily . We  don't need you for anything. Mind your work. :33.060 --> :37.980 This ticked off many people and many have  started looking for jobs at other places. :37.980 --> :45.780 Now we got another project with the same pesky  client with another ECBSOB at client side , as   :45.780 --> :51.540 is handling them is difficult adding to that  our ECBSOB was hampering the project . With   :51.540 --> :57.540 unnecessary difficulties pulled project got  delayed and went live . In this process , I   :57.540 --> :04.080 lost my health . This ECBSOB and another ECBSOB  denied me promotion , rubbing salt to the wound   :04.080 --> :10.020 they told on my face my work isn't groundbreaking  it can be replaceable. He even told me I destroy   :10.020 --> :14.640 things which are working [on the contrary,  on-site managers, clients and people in   :14.640 --> :21.060 distress reach out to me I am their 911 I helped  the same client on dozens of critical incidents]. :21.060 --> :25.860 I started looking for a different job, I got  several as I had good hands-on experience. :25.860 --> :31.800 Around the same time, support division and my  manager had big rift. He calls his entire team   :31.800 --> :37.050 and makes it clear for everyone that we are not  support to help support people no matter what .   :37.050 --> :43.500 Only if I call you and tell then only you attend  to it. He explicitly addressed me told me don't   :43.500 --> :48.660 take crap from them and spoil your sleep , just  don't answer their call you can put you phone in   :48.660 --> :54.240 silent . I nodded my head telling yes boss. This  gave me what I needed for Malicious compliance. :54.240 --> :59.760 I got another job, accepted their offer  and put in my notice for which ECBSOB   :00.300 --> :04.500 tells me what the problem and I was  told him pay was the problem. He told   :04.500 --> :10.080 me he would get it sorted and get me the  pay bump . It almost 60% more than what   :10.080 --> :14.370 I was earning there and there was no way  that we aren't going to give this bump . :14.370 --> :19.680 Just as luck would have it , Production server  craps up and bank is down in the middle of the   :19.680 --> :25.020 night where they do some backend processes.  Usually support team handles these incidents   :25.020 --> :30.420 and if they aren't not able to handle it the  will call site sop , that would be me but now   :30.420 --> :37.080 its ECBSOB. While handing over the site this  SOB didn't allow me to share the necessary. :37.080 --> :42.180 I kept my phone in silent mode and slept  away , there is a feature in my phone if   :42.180 --> :48.840 someone calls for more than 5 times it will  ring. That night from 1AM to 8 AM I received   :48.840 --> :56.400 548 calls from ECBSOB and some dozen from other  numbers. I knew something was up woke up at 6 AM,   :56.400 --> :01.980 finished my workout got ready for work and  then called ECBSOB . He was up all night   :01.980 --> :07.200 and just told me some disaster has happened in  production server and things were on fire , he   :07.200 --> :12.900 told me to go to site directly . I told him  boss - I just woke up, I kept my phone in the   :12.900 --> :17.880 other room as I was not getting sleep and it  was in silent mode with huge grin on my face. :17.880 --> :24.180 I rushed to the site, the scene at the floor  where production operations and IT sits was crazy,   :24.180 --> :30.480 VP of the bank, VP of the IT services and VPs  of many people were there on the floor at 8   :30.480 --> :36.000 Am and support folks, manager everyone  were on scene. The moment they saw me,   :36.000 --> :42.600 the had huge sigh of relief. By then my boss's  boss's boss and other bosses were on call and   :42.600 --> :47.520 pulled me into the bridge. I explained, what had  happened as we were told not to support or extent   :47.520 --> :52.680 help to support team. Nevertheless, I cleared  people and provided them what they need (some   :52.680 --> :57.600 needed logs , some needed some server stats)  etc and literally made some breathing room. :57.600 --> :03.240 I got to know the issue what was happening and  resolved it. It was super simple, I got the   :03.240 --> :07.800 server up and running and I took the charge of the  incident, spoke to head of support and explained   :07.800 --> :13.980 what has happened. By thing things were sorted  and higher bosses knew this ECBSOB is useless   :13.980 --> :19.140 dud when it it comes to the technology which  this site was on and waste of time and effort. :19.140 --> :22.740 Client , delivery manager and  production operations manager,   :22.740 --> :25.980 VP everyone thanked me for what I have done. :25.980 --> :32.640 Next day , ECBSOB realizes got to realize if  I am not there his upcoming 4 projects will be   :32.640 --> :37.440 screwed. He tried to arrange a promotion  and pay bump and next onsite opportunity   :37.440 --> :42.480 and arranged meeting with my bosses's boss.  They couldn't get the offer processed by my   :42.480 --> :48.540 last working day , on the last day in the  exit interview I told thing in detail to   :48.540 --> :55.380 HR . My boss's boss's boss (VP) also spoke  to me, I told him and politely declined. :55.380 --> :01.980 Later on got to know he was royally screwed  reprimanded and told to behave and all those   :01.980 --> :06.720 projects which were supposed to be under  him were given to different managers . All   :06.720 --> :11.460 in all I became sort of legend at multiple  sites and whatever little documentation is   :11.460 --> :17.640 there was drafted by me. People were happy. I  moved on and had wonderful career after that. :17.640 --> :22.200 People still recollect the help I did to them and  I keep in touch with people whom I have trained. :22.200 --> :49.140 Never put your ego first and be  helpful always. When I was younger,   :49.140 --> :53.280 I worked in an office for a printing  company, my boss was notorious for   :53.280 --> :58.080 his strict adherence to company policies,  particularly when it came to dress code. :58.080 --> :04.740 One day he made an announcement that all employees  must wear black footwear with no exceptions. This   :04.740 --> :09.540 rule caught my attention, and I decided to  have some fun at my boss's expense because   :09.540 --> :14.880 he really was an awful micromanaging boss, you  could never do anything right. So the next day,   :14.880 --> :20.760 I walked into the office wearing black flippers  (you know, diving flippers) instead of traditional   :20.760 --> :25.620 black shoes, which is clearly how black  footwear is meant to have been interpreted! :25.620 --> :30.900 As I made my way down the hallways, all  my colleagues couldn't help but burst into   :30.900 --> :36.660 laughter. The sight of a professional employee  strutting around in flippers was too amusing   :36.660 --> :42.420 to resist. Word quickly spread, and soon  everyone was giggling and peeking out of   :42.420 --> :48.780 their cubicles to catch a glimpse of my act of  defiance, or shall we say malicious compliance! :48.780 --> :54.840 When the boss caught sight of my unconventional  footwear, his face turned bright red with anger.   :54.840 --> :00.060 He stormed over, veins pulsating on his  forehead and everything, ready to shout.   :00.060 --> :04.140 However, before he got chance to say  anything, I pointed out that I was   :04.140 --> :08.460 indeed following his policy of wearing  black footwear. I think he was close to   :08.460 --> :13.740 completely losing it because he stormed off  into his office, grunting like a warthog. :13.740 --> :19.680 Technically, I had complied with his instructions,  and there was no explicit mention of traditional   :19.680 --> :24.600 footwear in the policy. He couldn't take any  disciplinary action without seeming unfair. :24.600 --> :28.860 My colleagues found the situation  even more hilarious at this point.   :28.860 --> :32.340 I got many compliments for  outsmarting our strict boss. :32.340 --> :38.280 From that day forward, my act of malicious  compliance became legendary in the office.   :38.280 --> :43.980 It sparked a newfound sense of rebellion, with  employees pushing the boundaries of the dress   :43.980 --> :50.580 code in hilarious and imaginative ways. Some  wore black sneakers with flashing LED lights,   :50.580 --> :53.400 while others donned black high-heeled slippers. :53.400 --> :00.420 The office became a more vibrant and joyful place,  with employees embracing their individuality while   :00.420 --> :05.040 technically adhering to his directives.  The absurdity of the situation left him   :05.040 --> :09.780 fuming but he didn't want to look stupid  by changing his policy again so quickly,   :09.780 --> :13.860 it's safe to say we didn't see him in  the main office much after that day. :13.860 --> :19.800 In the end, I hoped he learned an invaluable  lesson about the importance of specifics and   :19.800 --> :24.540 clarity, while also learning that people can have  fun while working to create a better morale and   :24.540 --> :29.520 improve the workplace, but a week later he  was gone. He was replaced by a lovely lady   :29.520 --> :34.980 that found this whole situation very funny and  complimented us all on how good the morale was   :34.980 --> :58.980 here. My husband was the on call person,  from 5:30 pm to 6 am the next day on his   :58.980 --> :05.700 days off ( Saturday, Sunday, and Monday)  and 5:30 pm to 7am tues-friday.. which he   :05.700 --> :11.700 gets $20 a day just to be on call. If he had to  punch in to take a call out, it was normal pay. :11.700 --> :17.040 His work started calling him on his work phone  to answer " quick questions" On his days off.   :17.040 --> :23.520 It got to the point where the phone was ringing  3-8 times a day. I finally said, "This is your   :23.520 --> :29.640 day off. Stop answering your phone! He wasn't  being paid to do this. It took a bit, but he shut   :29.640 --> :36.000 his phone off until his on call hours. Then they  started to call his personal phone. That did it. :36.000 --> :39.960 He told the bosses that unless he  was being paid his hourly wadge,   :39.960 --> :45.060 he would not answer phone calls on his off  time and to stop calling his personal phone. :45.060 --> :48.900 They got peey and decided to  stop the " on call" program. :48.900 --> :54.600 Now, when there is an emergency, the call-out  center has to call through the Seniority list to   :54.600 --> :59.880 try to find someone to take the job. The problem  is that only 4 people know how to fix certain   :59.880 --> :03.840 issues because it's an antiquated  system that is being phased out. :03.840 --> :09.420 1st guy is just biding his time to retirement,  so he doesn't take call outs. My husband is 2nd,   :09.420 --> :13.500 and he passes, #3 lives 2 hours from the garage,   :13.500 --> :18.360 and he's not going to drive that, #4  is also biding his time to retire. :18.360 --> :22.680 So, back around again. Everyone passes. 3rd time,   :22.680 --> :26.760 they can force the low petson to take  the job, but they have to pay time and   :26.760 --> :33.780 1/2 plus night differential. oops, #  4 has had a drink. So, #3- No answer. :33.780 --> :39.720 2 my hubby well, he guesses he can  take it 50+dollars an hour plus the   :39.720 --> :45.840 1/2 , night differential and after 50  regular hours, he auto gets time 1/2,   :45.840 --> :54.540 so he gets the extra half, on top of his 1/2,  with differential to equal about $ 130 + per hour.  :54.540 --> :58.320 They could have just given  him $20 a day to be on call,   :58.320 --> :03.360 not bothered him during the day then they  would have only had to pay him normal wages. :03.360 --> :04.680 Idiocy.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHOWISCAMMEDMYSTUPIDBOSSRedditStories
what historical fact have you learned that ruined everything you ever thought you knew about this life there was a Spanish explorer that first visited the Inca Empire and saw lots of prosperous cities and a great civilization and he later told his peers about it when he returned home but when other folks went to visit the Syed cities they found nothing but jungle and thought the Explorer lied about a story the fact that blew my mind is that we now know that his story was true and the people he encountered died from diseases brought into the new world and the cities and civilization they built were consumed by the jungle in the span of a few years
give me a good story on whatfacthaveyoulearnedthatruinedeverythingyouthoughtyouknewaboutlifeorig
if you usually listen to me on spotify and you've not been getting my latest episodes click the spotify link in the description so you can follow the updated podcast feed welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a lot of awesome stories and our first story of the day is from julian morrow you ordered it you deal with it a calculating malicious compliance happened years ago to a colleague he needed soil for his garden and had calculated that he needed 24 cubic meters about 850 cubic feet this was a regular terraced house not a park or anything my guess is that he had some 50 square meters of garden and somehow wanted the soil to be 50 centimeters deep of course the company flat-out refused to sell it to him explaining over and over that it was way too much he didn't listen and eventually they settled on 12 cubic meters plus the promise that he could order more if needed one fateful day the truck arrived and my colleague finally realized how much 12 cubic meters actually is he tried in vain to stop the delivery guy and spent days with friends with wheelbarrows trying to get somehow rid of everything it took quite a while before he could laugh about it i'm not gonna lie and pretend that i would be any better as far as measuring with volume 100 my weakest class in school was always math and when you get into cubic in square feet cubic and square meters not gonna lie you've already lost me are you guys any better than i am when it comes to cubic in square meters and feet cause honestly i would be panicking if i had to try to calculate how many cubic meters or feet my yard is let me know how you guys would do in the comments down below our next story is from his vera fara have fun working five jobs dm so i work at a small store my manager quit the assistant manager got fired for stealing money two other employees quit because of the new workload and now i'm stuck doing all of it so i told my district manager i'll expect a temporary increase to 29 an hour plus overtime to account for the extra work outside my job description the amount isn't random it's the sum of mine and my manager's wages expect me to do the work of five people pay me he says no and that i'm not expected to do any more than my agreed-upon job description his exact words were just keep doing your job nobody's expecting you to do the other jobs as well so i do just that i don't do the deposits the security briefings the sales reports the containment inspections etc all tasks that are outside my job description so my district manager gets mad saying none of the work is done i say you told me you were not going to approve my temporary wage increases because you were not expanding my job tasks therefore i only did my job he threw a fit about me obviously misunderstanding him and i stopped and told him i didn't misunderstand you i told you i would not do extra work without extra compensation i should also mention that i went from working 15 hours a week to 75. he called me lazy and greedy because i just want to make a buck um yes that is indeed how this whole employment thing works you need job done i agree to do job for payment you pay me to do job so i quit have fun working the entire store by yourself without overtime because you're an exempt employee district manager well i'll tell you one thing it's pretty easy to see why they lost so many people i mean besides the fact that they also had just some awful people also working for them they're definitely not going out of their way to try to retain anybody you're so lazy and greedy for not bending over backwards for minimum pay for me how dare you this next story is from mr sean taylor 1980. what do you want in your coffee not my story but it happened to a friend of mine like many canadians he worked in a famous coffee chain named after a hockey player these restaurants can get very busy during the peak times of the day so patients can run a tad thin in the workers my friend lived in a small town with a high retiree population so this coffee house gave a seniors discount and the seniors knew about it it was common that they would request their discount along with their order to ensure they would get their discount one day a senior woman came in during the afternoon rush and my friend greeted her as he normally did how may i help you the old lady says i want a small coffee and my seniors discount friend pouring the coffee into the cup says okay what would you like in your coffee she says i want my seniors discount they say yes ma'am i'll give you your discount how do you take your coffee the old lady getting more demanding says i want my seniors discount friend getting exasperated says ma'am i understand i will give you your discount but i first need to make your coffee what do you want in your coffee she says my seniors discount my friend had reached his end the senior's discount on a small coffee worked out to be around 10 cents so he reached into the cash till picked out a shiny new dime dropped it in the coffee put the lid on handed it to the old lady and said okay ma'am one small coffee with the seniors discount he immediately went for a break and never came back honestly i mean it doesn't excuse getting so angry and worked up but i wonder if they were like hard of hearing or just something was in the way that really made them misunderstand the situation because i think we can all agree that even for an old lady this seems like a very nonsensical reaction unless they literally interpreted how do you take your coffee as like asking how do you want to pay for it or something which i feel like is a stretch our next story is from swag's bags but the cheese cup my husband's old job was extremely picky about expenses several people from his office were sent to a half-day conference on the other side of the state so with travel time they were allowed to claim reimbursement for lunch they stopped at arby's i think he said and he got a couple of things off the dollar menu fry is a sandwich drink that kind of thing and then to dip the fries he got a 25 cent cup of cheese dip i'm sure it was plasticky and mediocre as heck but i try not to judge the man for his taste anyway he got back and filed his reimbursement for like four dollars several days later he was called into accounting to explain why he thought this cheese cup was a warranted expense as it was not part of his meal apparently the unofficial policy was that you could reimburse a meal deal but no extras after a short argument he convinced them to approve the 25 cents but he was politely asked not to pull that again so naturally on any subsequent occasions they were out over meal times he made a point to get whatever super-sized combo extravaganza was on offer costing two to three times what he would normally order and accounting was like yup that's the correct way to do food it's been years and my husband still gets mad when i casually drop the cheese cup incident in a conversation i think he has a right to be mad darn it that is the kind of thing where you bring up and you bring back every single moment where op just feels so justified and willing to go at bat for that 25 cent cheese cup it's one of those situations where you're like remember the cheese cup and their reaction has to be something like yes it's unbelievable that they would try to shortchange me for a 25 cent of cheese dip to this day i'll die on that hill the discussion they had over the 25 cent cup of cheese dip cost more than the 25 cent cup of cheese dip this company easily lost money and paid wages and time because they had this discussion our next story is from mixed love line alcohol free alcohol this is a short one back in the 90s i was in a club with my social circle now i'm a complete lightweight when it comes to drinking so i was often the designated driver in our group that is the guy who would not be drinking that night so he could drive everyone else home on this particular night it was one dollar pots and spirits a pot being a small beer and spirits meaning cheap watered-down spirits with a mixer i.e bourbon and coke as i wasn't drinking alcohol that night i walked up to the bar and asked for a coke with ice bartender says three dollars i say but it's dollar pots and spirits tonight and she said no that's only pots and spirits i then pointed out that i was a designated driver and surely she understood that the postmix coke was cheaper to pour anyway nope wouldn't budge i then asked for a bourbon and coke with no bourbon she says no worries pours me my drink and charges me a dollar i stared at her and she legitimately didn't seem to notice anything wrong with the interaction honestly considering opie was a designated driver i'm surprised to see the bartender give them a hard time from what i've often heard if you go up to the bartender and you've mentioned that you're the designated driver i've heard a lot of places will try to honestly work with you some places will even give you free drinks just imagine being stuck up that you're trying to get a deal for a non-alcoholic drink our next story is from voodoo285 can't talk to him he's dead x's dad passed he was a good guy all about family and making sure they were comfortable there were a few of these things but the one for dyson care stands out small direct debit to cover the vacuum cleaner wanted to cancel it after he passed the agent says we can't cancel the account without speaking to the account holder x says you can't he's dead the agent says we can't cancel the account without speaking to the account holder x says you can't he's dead do you want a copy of the death certificate agent says we can't receive that here and i can't close the account without speaking to the account holder hang up cancel direct debits specifically before the account is closed by the bank so they get notified they write a letter to him complaining he owes them money and will have to pay extra to continue his cover he can't he's dead well i guess you can say there's one thing that dyson confirmed dyson sucks our next story is from here at random give him the price he wanted i used to work in a jewelry store one of the large chains that's slowly dying due to us dastardly millennials not buying expensive shiny rocks every year there was a tax-free weekend sale sales tax was 8.25 percent of the time and my manager would just offer an even 10 off since it was a little more off for the customer and for the sales rep the 10 discount was its own easy to click button in our point of sale instead of manually putting in 8.25 percent every time win-win for everyone until mr tax free walks everything is going smoothly he picks out a nice ring and we go up to ring him up he asks about us taking off the tax to save him some money we tell him we're doing 10 off instead of tax free he begins to angrily demand his tax-free discount my manager quickly was like give the man what he wants so instead of taking 10 office purchase we take 8.25 percent off he walked out very satisfied with himself and never returned i don't know if he ever realized 8.25 is less than 10. i'm willing to bet that this guy didn't even honestly know what the sales tax was just that it exists like going back to when i was just a small kid i used to take things up to the register at stores and ask them how much it would be after tax because i wasn't able to calculate it in my little child brain i'm willing to bet this guy just didn't even know that sales tax was 8.25 percent and just thought they were getting ripped off this day stories from rainbows and burgers well they didn't say i had to assign them seats in short my wedding got hijacked ex-in-laws made me an ex-pay for a wedding filled it with 200 of their guests and left us with 30 places for my family and our friends to share well they said i had to invite their guests they didn't say how or what i had to do at the wedding so 200 people got slips of paper with the venue time and date printed on them i left it to the ex-in-laws to explain what they were invited to then i simply didn't do a seating chart for the in-laws guests and didn't have a wedding party so they couldn't ask anyone for help so amusingly they all turned up it was pure chaos 200 boomers all milling around like headless chickens mom was absolutely livid with me because she says in-laws are her people they're the same race and how could i treat her people this way the legal ceremony had been done earlier at home so that took one element of potential chaos out i simply shrugged and said nothing left ex-in-laws to sort their guests out i think my paternal grandfather was laughing i can't be sure and to top it all off my chaotic brother and his then girlfriend decided to get the laptop and replaced the wedding music with highway to hell and did a disappearing act honestly given that the stupid venue manager refused to let me cancel the wedding because she wanted to help the ex my mom took the exercise my dad got accused of being racist for suggesting gently that perhaps the in-laws could be less heavy-handed in this matter and i think the in-laws try to take me hostage during the wedding prep i can't find it in me to be sorry for any of that spoiler alert i left that mess as soon as i legally could the financial loss was ouch but it was less than if i had outright left and i was in a much better position when i left than i was while all that crap was going down i mean regardless of it all relatively working out for op i mean i can't help but feel bad for them for having wasted their money on honestly what is such a nightmare and crap show and our final story of the day is from emperor petty airport security overdoes it my bff and i travel on a budget and the nameless budget airline in question has a strict one bag one personal item per person policy when you don't check a suitcase we're on the return flight and before they even let us through to the x-ray machines we have a security in our face telling us that we're violating policy we each have one bag and only one of us has a personal item a tote bag that we had on our flight there with the same airline man's clearly got a problem and when i cite the actual policy he insists it's a baggage item so i do what any normal person would do don the bathrobe and cat-themed neck pillow only atoms in the bag fold up the tote and stick it in one of our bags man still clearly needs his power trip so now he sends us to another colleague to measure our bags they fit the measurements perfectly and as soon as we walk through his gate and hit real security i take off the neck pillow and bathrobe and stick them back in the bag was satisfying to see the guy bite his tongue from the other side you gotta love the modern airport security theater not only is it there to pretend to make you feel safer but they're also there to give you a harder time as well but with that being said that's all the time we have for today if you want to hear another compliance story that was way crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceAIRPORTSECURITYGoesTooFARRedditStoriesorig
:08.700 --> :13.200 I haven’t seen him in a long time and or  talked to him bc he is cut out of my life. :13.200 --> :18.840 My stepfather demanded I drop the order. The  thing is the protective order was finalized!   :18.840 --> :24.480 So he told a family member his sob story.  About how he was a good “father” to me and   :24.480 --> :29.280 it wasn’t fair that I hate him for no reason.  That I’m excluding him from my life because   :29.280 --> :34.440 he was the only one that told me no to things.  He told our family member that I was this “out   :34.440 --> :40.140 of control teenager” that I was known to “make  up stories”. That family member said I should   :40.140 --> :44.460 get the order dropped and give him another  chance and to unblock him. Then I told the   :44.460 --> :49.260 family member the whole situation and story.  She apologized for giving me any trouble,   :49.260 --> :03.540 and she said she’ll listen to my side  next time before assuming things. :04.500 --> :25.680 Unbelievable! My parents are constantly trying  to guilt me into having kids. My husband and I   :25.680 --> :30.540 have told them several times that at this point  in our lives we don’t want kids and are happy   :30.540 --> :35.520 without them. We are both very successful in  our careers and involved in our community and   :35.520 --> :40.080 my parents don’t seem to understand how hurtful  it is to act like we aren’t good enough unless   :40.080 --> :44.860 we have kids when we have worked so hard to get  what we have. They went as far as to say they   :44.860 --> :50.160 have decided to downsize their home because “there  is no point in living in a big house if they don’t   :50.160 --> :56.280 have grandkids” implying it is my fault that they  will be leaving my childhood home. Almost every   :56.280 --> :02.160 conversation I have with them goes back to “when  are you having kids?”. I am so fed up! How do   :02.160 --> :25.740 other non kid people deal with this?! After being  engaged for the last two months, I found out that   :25.740 --> :31.200 I was pregnant. Because It was unexpected and a  very personal thing for me, I decided not to tell   :31.200 --> :36.960 anyone but my fiancé until the second trimester.  We have now told family and close friends,   :36.960 --> :42.300 who have shown nothing but support and excitement  for everyone’s first grand baby. I still do not   :42.300 --> :47.940 plan on announcing my baby to the world or on  social media anytime soon, personal preference. :47.940 --> :54.420 However, last night we told my fiancés father and  to say him and I don’t have the best relationship   :54.420 --> :59.460 would be an understatement. For example  whenever my fiancé isn’t around, he’ll   :59.460 --> :05.940 make statements such as ‘you have birthing hips’  and other commentary about my looks or mention   :05.940 --> :13.260 my fiancé’s ex. To top it off, when we got engaged  he didn’t congratulate us once and instead bragged   :13.260 --> :18.360 to his friends and family about how my fiancé  just got a new job and graduated from college. :18.360 --> :24.840 Last night we told him I was pregnant and he made  the ENTIRE subject about himself and my fiancé,   :24.840 --> :30.120 saying ’finally a boy to continue our  blood line’ ‘I can’t wait to watch   :30.120 --> :34.920 HIM at sports practices’ we don’t know  the gender yet!! And the entire time,   :34.920 --> :41.040 my FIL talked about how my fiancé is going to be  such a great father…not a single congratulations   :41.040 --> :46.560 to me. And when his girlfriend mentioned buying  baby clothes he would cut her off and say ‘yeah   :46.560 --> :52.380 with what money? My money?’ But what really  irritated me was the fact he got mad at me   :52.380 --> :56.640 for waiting so long to tell him and wanted  to know why he couldn’t tell everyone about   :56.640 --> :02.340 it and share it on Facebook yet (even texting  me about it after I left). The entire time we   :02.340 --> :07.800 were there he referred to the baby as my fiancés  and told us our lives were over and that we’ll   :07.800 --> :13.380 resent the kid. But at the same time my FIL  wants to watch the child for weeks at a time. :13.380 --> :17.880 He believes he is entitled to be in the  room when the baby is born if he wishes to,   :17.880 --> :22.800 when I told my FIL I only wanted my  fiancé in there. He told me that it   :22.800 --> :26.580 wasn’t my decision and I needed to  include everyone in this experience. :26.580 --> :32.220 Let’s just say my fiancé and I have had  a long talk since then and for my sanity,   :32.220 --> :37.500 my father in law will not be seeing  me or the child for a very long time.   :54.780 --> :59.220 Do anyone else feel like parents act entitled  towards how we should behave with their kids? :59.220 --> :01.644 Don't get me wrong. It is not like I am anti   :01.644 --> :05.040 social or anything. I smile to  kids and try to be pleasant. :05.040 --> :09.360 But I never feel the urge to hold  the kid. Like I literally feel like   :09.360 --> :13.920 taking only one kid in my hands,  that's my niece. But before that,   :13.920 --> :19.560 at every family gathering or gathering of any  sort, people would push me to take their kids. :19.560 --> :23.760 These parents asks the kids if they  wanna come with me and irrespective   :23.760 --> :28.920 of answer try to hand them over. Never  asks me if I wanna take the kid. I don't. :28.920 --> :33.900 And if the kids are a little bit older,  they expect us to entertain them. As a kid,   :33.900 --> :38.400 I was repeatedly asked by parents of other kids  to play with them. Mind you, we are talking   :38.400 --> :44.700 about 10 year old me and 2-3 year old kids. And  when I refused, I was called lazy and scolded. :44.700 --> :49.380 Even now, I see parents just walking  up to me and asked to entertain their   :49.380 --> :52.620 kids. Hang out with them, take care of them, etc. :52.620 --> :57.480 At this point, I am called anti social cause  I don't want to entertain kids or hold them. :57.480 --> :59.760 So I am left to wonder this.   :59.760 --> :04.080 Why do these people feel it's okay to do  that? Where does this entitlement come from? :04.080 --> :08.880 I need to add that I am someone who likes  bright colours, smiles and plays a lot. So   :08.880 --> :14.400 kids actually love me. While I don't like the  attention, I still end up entertaining them so   :14.400 --> :39.120 as to not cause them disappointment. It's  the parents attitude that bothers me. I'm   :39.120 --> :43.740 28. I've lived on my own for 2 years. Just  last month I moved in with my boyfriend. :43.740 --> :48.600 My parents have always hated me not living  with them. When I moved out a few years ago,   :48.600 --> :53.160 my dad told me to stay at their house  because I wasn't ready to live on my own. :53.160 --> :56.940 When I had to move suddenly last  month they were the only people   :56.940 --> :01.620 who could've helped me move. My parents  suggested a few times that instead of   :01.620 --> :05.220 living with my boyfriend I could  go live rent free in their house. :05.220 --> :12.300 The thing of it is, I loathed that house.  I love my mom always and I love my dad now,   :12.300 --> :18.000 but he was abusive growing up mentally  and sometimes physically. That house is   :18.000 --> :23.160 so full of terrible memories, I cannot  live there. Also I'm a fire fighter so   :23.160 --> :26.880 I have to live somewhat close to the  station to be able to respond to calls. :26.880 --> :50.700 I don't know why they're always like this. Does  anyone else have a similar problem? 🤔 My parents   :50.700 --> :56.520 live about five hours away from us by car and we  have a toddler (20 months) so as you can imagine,   :56.520 --> :03.420 we don’t take trips very often because she  absolutely LOATHES long car rides. We drove an   :03.420 --> :09.300 hour away last weekend for a family get together  on SO’s side, and we had to make a stop because   :09.300 --> :15.360 she was so upset. And yes, we’ve tried all the  things. She just hates being in the car and it’s   :15.360 --> :20.460 been this way since she was a young baby. Anyway,  my mom has been badgering us to come visit them   :20.460 --> :26.280 because “it’s our turn” since they came to us  for Easter. I on the other hand just don’t want   :26.280 --> :31.320 to because we have a lot going on and mostly  because traveling with our toddler is really   :31.320 --> :36.840 difficult. This turned into a huge argument about  how I don’t make any effort to see them and that   :36.840 --> :42.480 I’m “keeping her” from our daughter and that’s not  the case at all. I then told her that I FaceTime   :42.480 --> :49.320 almost everyday and send her numerous pictures  and videos on a daily basis so the whole “lack   :49.320 --> :54.480 of effort” argument is invalid. So of course  she brings up the fact that “I’m not the only   :54.480 --> :00.180 one who has a toddler who hates the car and that I  should just suck it up and deal with it.” Then the   :00.180 --> :04.980 argument took a turn and she started bringing up  how I didn’t do anything for her for Mother’s Day   :04.980 --> :11.040 and that I didn’t contribute to the group gift my  siblings got her (I got her something else but it   :11.040 --> :16.500 wasn’t enough) and that she was disappointed to  see that my name wasn’t on their gift. Honestly?   :16.500 --> :21.780 At this point I don’t even want to freaking  go see her because of this bullcrap. Why does   :21.780 --> :26.520 she act this way? Why the freak would I want my  daughter to have a relationship with someone like   :26.520 --> :33.060 this. It’s so disheartening. I’ll always love my  mom but I’m considering taking a step back from my   :33.060 --> :04.980 relationship with her because she clearly doesn’t  respect me. I feel so bad for that little girl   :04.980 --> :10.080 because her pants were soaking wet with pee and  the mom couldn't be bothered to take her into the   :10.080 --> :15.240 restroom. Some bystanders watching the whole event  unfold told her to take the kid in the restroom   :15.240 --> :20.940 nearby. Since she was too busy on her phone, she  pretended to be shocked as she didn't notice the   :20.940 --> :27.720 sign (in huge bold letters) for the restroom.  She told her kid to stand up and put her pants   :27.720 --> :33.360 up (she was already squatting on the sidewalk  peeing) and scolded her for acting like a dog. :33.360 --> :38.400 One old lady who called for her attention  said she shouldn't scold her child like   :38.400 --> :43.140 that as it's her fault for not putting  diapers on her (she looks like 3 or 4   :43.140 --> :48.060 years old) or tending to her needs to  pee before she busied herself with her   :48.060 --> :53.340 phone. The mom reacted and screamed to "not  judge her and mind their own business". The   :53.340 --> :57.900 old lady reacted and said that if she helped  her kid to the toilet, this wouldn't happen. :57.900 --> :02.940 She viewed her kid peeing on her pants in public  because her mom couldn't take off her eyes from   :02.940 --> :08.940 the phone was an attack to her character. Yes,  it's an insult to you as a parent and as a human   :08.940 --> :15.000 being. I can't imagine letting a young child pee  herself because her mom couldn't be bothered. Some   :15.000 --> :40.620 people doesn't deserve to be parents at all.  So I was making car payments,paying insurance   :40.620 --> :45.720 premiums on a group policy. Both in my mothers  name. Car title couldn’t be transferred until   :45.720 --> :51.960 I paid the car off. Said car was damaged. EM  told me to shop around for the highest estimate   :51.960 --> :57.060 to get it repaired. So I did. The other party’s  insurance finally sent the check for the repair.   :58.020 --> :02.520 EM told me she had it (technically she was the  owner of the car at the time and the insurance   :02.520 --> :08.460 was on her group policy). Mind you I paid my  share every time the insurance needed renewed   :08.460 --> :14.220 and at the time she claimed my rates were the  cheapest on the policy. I told EM I’d have to   :14.220 --> :18.840 wait till summer to get the car fixed cause  I have children in school & they rely on me   :18.840 --> :24.840 for transportation. She assured me she has it  & wants to give it to me but first I “need to   :24.840 --> :30.420 get insurance in my name & pay off the car”. I  told her none of that “needs to be done before   :30.420 --> :36.660 the car gets fixed” but she insisted. So about  a yr goes by as I made the payments & switched   :36.660 --> :41.640 to my own insurance. Afterwards I told her  I need the repair $ to get the car fixed.   :42.420 --> :48.300 EM claimed she “doesn’t have it anymore”  after all “it’s been OVER a year” (which   :48.300 --> :53.640 means legally I can’t sue). I told her to get  the $ because she’s not entitled to it when I   :53.640 --> :59.040 made the payments. She blocked my #, threatened  to “call the police” if I show up to her house   :59.040 --> :05.580 and told me I “need mental health treatment”. How  convenient. Basically her relationships with her   :05.580 --> :10.500 own child and grandkids weren’t worth eleven  hundred bucks. That’s all it took to stab us   :10.500 --> :39.000 all in the back. This is a rant and very long  and messy so bare with me. I'm very upset. :39.000 --> :44.460 So, today was ugly. Me and my mama got into  an argument because my grandmother "who lives   :44.460 --> :48.300 with me and my husband" keeps letting  my cats out of the house. Even though   :48.300 --> :52.020 I've asked her many times to please make  sure they stay in when she opens the door. :52.020 --> :56.220 When they are let out they are gone  for weeks or more at a time and come   :56.220 --> :00.000 back with fleas, ear mites, and are always hungry. :00.000 --> :04.980 I noticed she had let them out today on my ring  doorbell camera on our porch. She did this while   :04.980 --> :11.820 I was at work. She 'claims' she was letting  my dog in (I have 2 cats and a dog) but my   :11.820 --> :16.380 dog was nowhere to be found on the recording and  I can see my entire front yard with the camera. :16.380 --> :21.900 Anyway, I find time to call her, upset, and  asked how she managed to let my cats out?   :21.900 --> :27.480 She yells to me to f*ck the cats over the phone  and then abruptly hangs the phone up in my ear. :27.480 --> :31.200 My mom then calls me a few minutes  later and tells me she's going to   :31.200 --> :35.760 find a new home for MY cats when the  cats comes back because she's tired   :35.760 --> :40.620 of the attitude I give my grandma over all  of this. She also says she's disowning me,   :40.620 --> :45.060 that I don't care about her or my  grandma and a bunch of other nonsense. :45.060 --> :49.680 Let me clarify that my mom moved out to  be with another man a few years ago and   :49.680 --> :54.840 left me to care for my grandma, I help her  get a bath, cook for her, do her laundry   :54.840 --> :00.300 etc. I also want to point out that my grandma is  slightly disabled but not to the point where it   :00.300 --> :05.160 greatly affects her life. So I've done this  for about 4 years now without saying much. :05.160 --> :09.600 I also pay all of the utilities,  me and my husband's car insurance   :09.600 --> :14.220 policies (joint policy) and me  and him split food costs 50/50,   :14.820 --> :20.400 and I pay 100% of everything regarding my  fur babies. The only thing I make her pay   :20.400 --> :25.800 out of her check is the mortgage (since she  lives there) her landline phone (I pay my own   :25.800 --> :30.840 cellphone bill and my husband pays his) and  all of her other bills, her health insurance   :31.380 --> :38.220 etc. The mortgage is also jointly in my name and  hers. I refinanced it last year and gave her her a   :38.220 --> :42.900 right to survivorship to the house. Meaning she's  free to live with me as long as she's alive. :42.900 --> :49.320 My mom has treated me this way my entire life  and I'm honestly so tired of her and my grandma's   :49.320 --> :54.780 mental abuse towards me. If I could afford to move  out me and my husband along with our fur babies   :54.780 --> :00.060 would be gone. I'd hate to leave my grandma when  she could use some help but the way they treat me   :00.060 --> :38.520 is horrible. I just feel so disrespected right  now. I (F22) am the only child of my parents   :40.140 --> :46.620 (M53,F50). My dad passed away 3/4 years ago. He  was the parent i was closest to. I did everything   :46.620 --> :52.980 with him and we shared the same interest. He also  TW me a lot in the name of discipline. Discipline   :52.980 --> :00.060 instrument of choice was a belt. It could be the  littlest thing from misbehavior to academics. I’d   :00.060 --> :06.180 be TW. I still loved/love him regardless.  Where i’m from (i’m not a US resident),   :06.180 --> :11.460 it’s pretty normal to discipline your child that  way. Growing up, i lived a comfortable life and   :11.460 --> :16.800 my dad did almost everything for me. My mum on  the other hand was almost never around as she   :16.800 --> :22.560 was always pursuing higher education. So we  weren’t friends and never saw eye to eye. We   :22.560 --> :27.840 spent family time together and spent time together  generally but i didn’t have the same bond that i   :27.840 --> :33.120 had with my father, with her. she would bitterly  complain to my father that he was spoiling me   :33.120 --> :38.100 and they have had a couple of fights of how he  spent on me even though they were a couple that   :38.100 --> :43.380 barely fought. I always knew deep down that  my mother and i could never ever get along. :43.380 --> :49.440 Fast forward 3/4 years ago, my dad passed away  from a liver disease brought on by either his   :49.440 --> :55.620 hypertension or diabetes. I still mourn  him till now and feel very empty without   :55.620 --> :01.260 him. He was my best friend, he just took the  wrong route in correcting me as a kid. I made   :01.260 --> :06.540 a comment before he passed away about how my  mother and i will never be able to coexist as   :06.540 --> :11.460 we were vastly different people. He passed  away shortly after and willed everything   :11.460 --> :17.040 he owned into my name. He jointly shared  everything with her so i just took his part. :17.040 --> :22.620 Now after the will is read, a probate is supposed  to be filed then we pay whatever tax we need to   :22.620 --> :28.200 pay and everything’s in my name. We got the  insurance shortly after he passed and my mum   :28.200 --> :33.720 promised to file the probate after we got it.  she didn’t. she also lied to a lot of family   :33.720 --> :38.820 members that i spent my part of insurance  when she took it and left me a measly sum   :38.820 --> :45.240 which i used for educational purposes. We also  fought nonstop after he died because one thing   :45.240 --> :50.160 i hate are lies against my name. To show you  the type of person i’m living with right now,   :50.160 --> :55.800 i once told her i wanted to start the gym to  lose weight, and she got angry and called me   :55.800 --> :00.960 an expensive girl. I kept quiet and let her rant  because that’s how everyone else deals with her   :00.960 --> :07.320 because she will not listen to you and create her  own narrative in which she’s always the victim. It   :07.320 --> :12.840 seems me not retaliating made her want to get  a reaction from me so bad that she said “i’ll   :12.840 --> :19.920 die okay. i’ll also die. you want me to die so i  can stop nagging you.” Dear reader, this was less   :19.920 --> :25.320 than 3 months after my father passed away. You can  imagine the shock on my face when she said that.   :25.320 --> :30.720 That’s just one instance where i’ve had to suffer  because she’s just a fuse waiting to blow up. :30.720 --> :36.000 Either December last year or January this  year, I asked her why we hadn’t filed the   :36.000 --> :40.500 probate yet because i didn’t feel comfortable  signing under my fathers name when we sold   :40.500 --> :45.240 properties since he’s passed. She threw a  tantrum. she claimed i was trying to take   :45.240 --> :50.760 properties from her and started to divide and  tell me what i can and cannot take from her   :50.760 --> :56.520 and what entirely belonged to her. I was in  shock. She proceeded to call my cousin and   :56.520 --> :01.260 tell her that my father didn’t even leave the  will in my name but rather just said he leaves   :01.260 --> :07.020 it to his daughter. And that if even if i put a  claim, it can be refuted since it’s not my name   :07.020 --> :12.840 on it. My full government name is on that will  and no one can claim anything from it except me.   :12.840 --> :18.540 I was so shocked when i heard this because  how can a biological mother think like this   :18.540 --> :23.580 of her child? She said other things that were  appalling that i cannot link here as it’ll make   :23.580 --> :28.860 this already long post, long. She also said  very disgusting things about my late father. :28.860 --> :33.720 Fast forward a couple of weeks later, we find  out there’s some money that we can claim from   :33.720 --> :39.180 my dads old job. Color me surprised when they  insisted we need the probate to go ahead with   :39.180 --> :46.260 filing and processing to get the money. Reader,  her attitude completely changed. Now she made it   :46.260 --> :51.480 seem as if she has always wanted the probate all  along and when we get the money she’d file for   :51.480 --> :56.820 it. I asked them again and they said we cannot  get the money without the probate and that’s   :56.820 --> :02.640 when she realized she had To get the probate to  access that money. So we started the process. :02.640 --> :10.260 For context, i tried to unalive last year and my  friends came to save me in the nick of time so our   :10.260 --> :15.660 bickering has reduced because she realized that  she’d lose her child and then people will ask her   :15.660 --> :21.000 what she did. So yesterday she said we had to meet  today for the letter that we were supposed to go   :21.000 --> :27.240 for yes last week to mail to a family member. i  told her that i had no money for transportation   :27.240 --> :34.020 and had a paper tomorrow so we should have gone  for it last week. She flew into a rage and called   :34.020 --> :40.140 me self centered and all sorts of names i’m sure  as i didn’t listen to the rest of her rage induced   :40.140 --> :46.080 voice note. i hate being called certain names and  mentioned certain things which delved into another   :46.080 --> :51.240 type of conversation which led to me reminding  her of how i’d always be beaten if i didn’t pass   :51.240 --> :57.420 my exams and that made me examination anxious and  how i’ve never shown her my results since junior   :57.420 --> :03.000 high school as i didn’t want to be punished  or shouted on. This woman completely turned   :03.000 --> :08.220 the entire thing around and said i said she and  my father were horrible and wicked parents and   :08.220 --> :12.660 the fact that they gave birth to me should have  been enough for me to forgive all the atrocities   :12.660 --> :18.360 committed against me. These are people who TW and  left marks on my body so i could tell my friends   :18.360 --> :22.980 they did it so my friends would see i’m a bad  child and not want to be friends with me anymore. :22.980 --> :29.400 The conversation just annoyed me as it was as  if i was speaking to a five year old. she said   :29.400 --> :34.800 i disrespected her by saying what i said and  continued to go on a tangent. The one thing   :34.800 --> :40.500 that would calm her heart was an apology and  she got it from me as i wanted it to end and   :40.500 --> :45.480 i thought that was the end. Reader, tell  me why i woke up to several messages and   :45.480 --> :50.160 voice notes trying to gaslight and guilt  trip me. She claims i said things i never   :50.160 --> :55.200 said and all you need to do is scroll up in  our chat to see that she’s lying. i pointed   :55.200 --> :59.940 it out and she said i’m disrespecting her by  saying she shouldn’t put words in my mouth.   :59.940 --> :05.460 I told her it’s enough and she should stop  attaching meanings to my word. she said i   :05.460 --> :11.700 implied that they’re horrible parents because  they TW meanwhile i had clarified earlier that   :11.700 --> :15.780 you can be good to someone and still hurt  them and that the fact that they were good   :15.780 --> :21.840 to me does not negate whatever was done to me.  They were good parents, but they still hurt me. :21.840 --> :27.480 I am throughly exhausted by this environment and  living with someone who can only be the victim   :27.480 --> :32.940 and not the villain. Oh i forgot to mention that  when i said stop attaching meanings to my words,   :32.940 --> :38.700 she said i was ordering her. I just want us to  finish filing this probate so i can thoroughly   :38.700 --> :44.760 speak my mind as my friends are equally tired  on my behalf and wonder why not cut her off   :44.760 --> :49.980 yet but i still need to be under her roof and  have nowhere to go. No one can live with her   :49.980 --> :24.300 but they expect me to be able to because she’s  my mother. So I (transm16) was in the mental   :24.300 --> :30.660 hospital recently and alot happened the week I was  there. I tried to overdose again and immediately   :30.660 --> :35.820 when my mom found out she said how "she should  kill herself she doesn't understand why I wanna   :35.820 --> :42.240 hurt her" Which made me shut down and unable to  cry, I mean I understand people handle situations   :42.240 --> :47.340 differently but it gets worse. At the hospital  we were waiting for me to be treated before I   :47.340 --> :52.620 go to the mental hospital and she started to  try to fight with me saying how I'm ungrateful   :52.620 --> :57.660 none of this would have happened if I'd talk to  her she doesn't understand why I wanna hurt her   :57.660 --> :03.480 ECT. I just looked down and didn't talk, she  took my phone and tried to look through it and   :03.480 --> :09.120 tried to find out if I had anyone to talk  to or friends. I put lots of locks on my   :09.120 --> :14.340 phone not because I'm hiding anything bad but  because I write my emotional state in allot of   :14.340 --> :20.460 my writing apps I draw what I feel on my drawing  app and I post it. I don't tell her about any of   :20.460 --> :26.640 this because last time she found out about how I  felt I was beaten and told I was lying, another   :26.640 --> :32.760 time I was forced to read the child named it and  told this is abuse and I shouldn't be depressed,   :32.760 --> :39.240 theses and more kinda made me shut my parents out  of my emotional state stuff. She got mad thag I   :39.240 --> :45.360 had locks and refused to open them so she threw my  phone back at me. The whole time she stayed at the   :45.360 --> :51.360 hospital she and I didn't talk again. Later that  same night I was taken to the mental hospital. I   :51.360 --> :57.720 stayed 2 days there since technically I was Baker  acted in the reg hospital too. My mom's gf visited   :57.720 --> :03.720 me because my mom was called into work, I opened  up about everything I went through and how I felt   :03.720 --> :09.060 and that I won't open up because my mom gets too  emotional and will threaten to hurt herself and   :09.060 --> :14.520 makes me feel uncomfortable it's hard to explain  but there's a lot more, and I said that my dad   :14.520 --> :20.460 isn't emotionally available he'll nod and ignore  me so I deal with it alone. When I had friends   :20.460 --> :26.640 they'd help alot but now I don't. (I secretly am  talking to 2 friends through different apps but   :26.640 --> :32.520 we rarely talk because it's so hard to) Next day  I was about to be released and I had to attend a   :32.520 --> :38.400 family therapy meeting and I was told that they  lost my dog and then my mom acted completely   :38.400 --> :44.280 different then she does at home making me look  crazy and a lier. I was released and at home I   :44.280 --> :51.360 cried so much that my dog was gone I just locked  myself away from my mom. Next day our 2nd oldest   :51.360 --> :57.540 dog died by age and I walked outside to feed her  finding that. I won't lie with all of that and   :57.540 --> :03.360 my mental health declining I just broke down and  cried the hardest I've cried in years. That night   :03.360 --> :09.540 I found my mom crying and i sat there holding her  while she cried saying how she's such a bad mom   :09.540 --> :15.360 and she never mentioned to hurt me and that my  dad caused her to hurt me. After helping her I   :15.360 --> :21.360 felt so confused and weird, like I understand my  mother and father had a very abusive relationship   :21.360 --> :27.240 I firsthand saw it each time they pulled me in the  middle of each thing, and my dad would scream and   :27.240 --> :33.300 her and she'd hit on my dad. It was very toxic  and it changed them both for the worse each time   :33.300 --> :38.940 I saw each argument my dad screaming calling her  everything you can think of and my mom hitting him   :38.940 --> :44.520 scratching him ECT. Both hurting each other but  that doesn't mean she's allowed to hurt me right?   :44.520 --> :50.460 Like everything she did to me everything that  happened she blamed my dad and how he hurt her,   :50.460 --> :56.700 that doesn't feel right to me. How can my dad make  my mom force me to babysit my siblings and clean   :56.700 --> :03.300 the house and walk back and to the store shopping  ECT? I dont understand and it made me cry,   :03.300 --> :09.780 maybe it was his fault maybe I'm just to Young to  understand. But still I remember each and every   :09.780 --> :16.320 hurtful things shes said to me saying how she  never wanted me how I was a mistake ECT how can my   :16.320 --> :22.140 dad make her do that to me? I really need advice,  I'm supposed to be getting a new therapist "the   :22.140 --> :27.480 mental hospital Gave me a address for one" but  my mom hasn't taken me to them yet. I feel like   :27.480 --> :32.280 I'll have to get my license (I'm getting it in  the summer) and I'll have to drive myself there,   :32.280 --> :38.040 she doesn't like her and I now have different  therapist, I won't lie I am happy about it.   :38.040 --> :43.320 Anyway I just am so confused now and I feel like  she's doing this again to make me sympathize   :43.320 --> :48.600 with her and push my mental health away to help  her with her own mental health and other stuff.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsILIVEWITHANEVILNARCISSISTRedditStories
husband expects me to contribute equally while I'm on maternity leave who is wrong I'm in need of advice yes I'm using a throwaway account so no stalkers please and I'm going to be cross posting my post on other subs to make sure I get advice this time because I tried posting this once before and I got zero responses and I need help and can't wait for answers any longer I've recently been on unpaid mat since January 23rd it ends in two more weeks yes my husband does help me with our baby we take care of our baby equally I'm struggling a lot with several things and I feel like I have no help I want to talk about how my baby won't latch and I'm having trouble producing enough milk so my husband is upset that he has to pay for formula some context if people are confused on my husband behavior my husband has always been a 50-50 type of guy I'm not used to dating guys like my husband and I thought it was different but in a good way when we first met he deems it to be fair on our first date he asked to split eventually and we have always equally split mortgage SL bills slates because my
give me a good story on HusbandexpectsmetocontributeequallywhileImonmaternityleaveWhoiswrongorig
a it ta for telling the father of my child that I won't share custody until I know he knows how to be a father edit I'm putting this one up here because it seems like the one at the bottom isn't being read I am going to court ASAP and I will let them sort it out thank you all for every bit of advice you've given it is much appreciated I'm going to start this off by saying he doesn't want to go to court to figure this out but I will if necessary so I just gave birth to a baby girl a few weeks ago my ex and I broke up while pregnant we argued way too much and both agreed that kind of environment is not good for a baby so please don't come at me for being a single mom we have been working together as a team to be the best parents we can be regardless of the split he wants shared custody but I'm very hesitant because he's admitted that he doesn't know the first thing about baby I've tried showing him how to change her diaper but it grosses him out he says he can just have his mom do it because he still lives with her I told him that as much as I love and respect his mom it is not her responsibility and she is not going to be the one with custody I'd trust her with both mine and my child's life but he is the father and he needs to know how to change her diaper another issue is he works a lot and a lot of the time
give me a good story on AITAfortellingthefatherofmychildthatIwontsharecustodyuntilIknowheknows
a ITA asking particularly for men's opinions as per the husband's request I had a baby 8 weeks ago my toddler is only 1.5 yo so two under two I took 3 months unpaid maternity leave had to save up during the pregnancy to afford it my husband didn't get any leave and had to keep working he works from home during these 8 weeks my husband has gone out to a couple of dinners a late meeting neighborhood committee a wedding that I had to tag along too unwillingly at only 6 weeks after a c-section to make him happy late drinks following one of the dinners he came home at 4:30 a.m. last week and is scheduled to go on a bachelor trip later on that was supposed to be a weekend in New Or and is now a 4-day international trip to Jamaica he also told me about having three couples over to our house which then turned without my previous knowledge into a 42 person get together yes you read that number right and he's telling me he can't end that event at 7:00 so we can put the kids to bed because he can't ask people to leave so he has not been deprived socially in any way now he's saying he wants to go to a double birthday party in NYC this Friday which will naturally mean a late night I'm arguing that as a father of two very young kids in the trenches of postpartum he should be sitting out of some of these events to stay home and help me at night our nanny is off the clock at 7:00 p.m. 5:00 p.m. on Fridays so it's at night that I need him the most he argued that one he's home all day instead of going out to the office and having drinks after and two he's able to wake up early after a late night to help with the kids however one it's not my fault his job is from home and I tell him he wouldn't get to be out for drinks every night if he has a baby at home that needs him in two while he does wake up at 7:00 a.m. after a late night he then proceeds to be in a sour mood about how exhausted he is and I end up picking up all the slack for the next couple of nights to help him recover so it all falls back on me anyway of note while I am on maternity leave now I'm with the kids all day along with a nanny so I'm not sitting around doing nothing I also have a mental illness that requires me to prioritize my sleep particularly in the postpartum period which I have been completely putting aside in order to favor my husband getting good sleep because he's working also he gets reasonable chunks of Break Time throughout the day so he is not working non-stop by any means am I being unreasonable isn't it fair that as a father he gives up some of these social events while his baby is a newborn should I just suck it up and let him be out and about for as many late nights as he wants edited to ad I am the bread winner I make more than triple what my husband makes so I am not a gold digger because I work I hired a nanny I simply didn't want to fire her just for 3 months of leave and lose her so I saved up during pregnancy to be able to keep her working people need child care simple as that my husband isn't a terrible person or I would have married him when he's home he's absolutely a dad to his kids especially on weekends when he's off work it's this one issue about the crazy amount of social events during this period that I'm having a problem with we did get tons of women's opinions in FB group so then my husband asked if we could also get men's I didn't know this would be a problem before kids or even after the first kid because this all began after my husband went back to school for his Masters and met all these friends that he now believes it's crucial he networked with they're not co-workers we are not relying on Reddit to fix our marriage we have recently started marriage counseling we were simply curious what everyone else unbiased third parties thought because we both believe we are right
give me a good story on AITAAskingparticularlyforMENsopinionsasperthehusbandsrequest
today we've got a crazy nuclear Revenge story against one person's own father we'll get to that in a bit but first my friend became my boss and messed up as a woman who was born disabled life had never really been easy I was born with Herb's palsy where complications before my birth caused muscles and nerves in my right hand to be weak and unresponsive as an adult I was born with a relatively smaller and way weaker right hand my parents had done all they could to have my arm fixed and they quite honestly spent a lot of money but the best result we got was me not needing to amputate the arm I had use of my arm it just was very limited use I couldn't hold things for long or use it intensively sure that affected my quality of living but it wasn't so bad I wasn't in a lot of pain and since I grew up using my left hand as my dominant hand it rarely affected me Gravely the biggest issue for me was getting picked on before Elementary School I mostly got asked questions about what was wrong with my arm from elementary school though the snide comments started coming in funny enough most of the comments I got at first came not from my classmates but from their parents the first time I actually had an experience with discrimination it was when the mother of one of my classmates walked up to me while I waited for my dad to pick me up she sat down beside me and started to ask me questions about my hands she asked if I could use my left hand well and if my defect was contagious as the child I was I didn't see anything wrong with the questions she was asking at first I happily told her what my parents had told me to tell anyone who asked about my arm that I was born a little different but that I was just like everyone else I proceeded to show her the painting I'd made of my family in class that day when she started to ask about my parents though I started to feel a little concerned she asked to my parents also had the defect so I politely told her that I didn't want to talk to her anymore and I walked away a few minutes after after that my dad came to pick me up by that time though I'd mostly forgotten about the incident it wasn't until we were seated at the table for dinner that I remembered and told my parents about what had happened I could swear I've never seen my mum so mad before she was absolutely outraged and insisted on calling the principal to report what had happened immediately the principal had assured her that there was no place for discrimination of any type in the school and had also said that he was going to personally talk to the parent in question I assumed that that was all there was to it until my parents got home one day from a PTA meeting looking very pissed my mom got on the phone with a lawyer while my dad took me into my room to ask me a few questions at first he asked if anyone had spoken rudely or mockingly to me especially my classmate whose mother had harassed me I told him no he asked if people treated me differently or refused to talk to me sensing what was going on instead of answering his question I asked if this was because of my hand he sighed and said it was apparently the same woman who had harassed me had spoken up at the PTA meeting saying she didn't feel it was safe for her child to be in the same class as a and that my parents moved me to a different school I would later hear that it took my dad and two other parents to keep my mom from pouncing on her and beating her butt however it didn't really end well the woman had called my parents and me all sorts of slurs and she had keyed my dad's car as she was being escorted out of the school premises my mom was so upset she had insisted on going legal and there was nothing my dad could do to dissuade her eventually my classmate's mom was sued by my parents but after losing her job due to the public storm that my dad stirred up he knew a few people in the media she issued a public apology and my parents dropped the lawsuit after that I still received discrimination but it was never ever for my classmate or their parents one thing I've always been proud of is my academic performance at school from the get-go I'd always excelled academically and it was something I was very proud of my parents were also quite proud of my academic excellence and so they supported me heavily As I Grew Older I started getting involved in a lot of extracurricular stuff too I was part of the chess club and I even headed it in my senior year of high school I was also on my school's debate team in a part of the drama club and all these things my parents were very supportive and where they could help they did I did get a fair bit of discrimination here and there though but I never let it get in my way I graduated as valedictorian from high school with scholarship offers from some of the top universities in the US I chose to study robotics at MIT though I'd always wanted to go to MIT it was while I was a student at MIT that I met Theodore Ted was also a student at MIT he had Big Dreams of one day owning one of the world's most successful tech companies in fact when we first started talking he spoke about it non-stop to be honest at the time I had hoped to date him he was brilliant funny and made a really mean spaghetti and meatballs with time though I realized that we just couldn't be together for one he seemed to be uninterested in me romantically he only addressed me as a friend and I took the hint if he were interested though it wouldn't have made a difference we simply weren't compatible our views on life were just different and I soon realized that there was no way we'd ever work out regardless of that we became very good friends and over the years we built a very strong bond when we graduated Ted's dad who was quite Rich invested in Ted's dream Ted started to build a robotics company from the start he let me know that he wanted me to work with him of course I agreed to that he was not only my good friend but we'd work together on quite a few projects at MIT and we worked really well together I got brought in as the chief technical officer based on my knowledge and skill regarding robotics sure I didn't have a ton of experience but I learned fast and my dedication was an asset it also helped that in University I had started developing a pretty Advanced and efficient way to develop robots that were extremely precise yet powerful as a matter of fact with this system I had developed a robotic Ram that could autonomously do anything from picking up a sheet of paper from a glass table to arm wrestling at different power levels without absolutely destroying the arm of its opponent together Ted and I built a range of products for businesses as we succeeded more investors were drawn towards us we quickly scaled up the company and tried to diversify it was really epic over the next five years I felt as fulfilled as I possibly could things started to change when one day a Ted came into my office to watch me work now that wasn't odd by itself but the fact that he spent hours there just staring at me made me start to feel uncomfortable I told him he was starting to Spook me and then he apologized he said he wanted to talk to me after office hours though so we arranged a meeting at a restaurant for dinner after work at dinner Ted told me that he was attracted to me and he was wondering if we could date I was quite flattered but at the same time confused I had liked Ted in the past but that was more infatuation than anything else there was also the fact that we worked together or to be more accurate I worked for him there was no way that wasn't unprofessional and even if there wasn't that there was the big fact that I felt nothing but friendship for Ted Like I said before we were quite different in our views about the world in a way that was quite deal-breaking for me however wanting to let him down softly I told him I was happy he decided to talk to me about it but I didn't see is anything other than a friend I apologized if I'd let him on in any way and I told them this didn't affect our friendship in any way he was quiet for the rest of the evening and even when I started conversations with him he gave Bland monosyllabic answers I understood that he must be feeling bad so after a while I kept quiet too after dinner he paid and simply left I didn't even know he had gone I had gone to use the bathroom and came out to see that he simply wasn't there I tried calling him but he didn't answer my texts went unanswered too the next day I saw Ted at work and tried to talk to him but he said he was busy and didn't have time to chat so I went to my office I was in the middle of work when he walked in and said he wanted to talk to me but after work he left immediately after and I honestly couldn't read his face to determine what type of mood he was in perhaps he wanted to apologize for ditching me at the restaurant perhaps he wanted to try is luck again perhaps I was about to get fired thoughts rushed through my mind each worse than the last by the close of work I was a nervous mess I waited for quite a bit for Ted in fact I was quite certain we were the only two people left in the building when he finally walked in the look on his face was one I had never seen on him he looked absolutely Furious he asked me what ride I had to reject him like I did the previous night he said he knew I liked them when we met and he had after all these years decided to pity me and return the affection and I dare reject him after all he had done for me I tried to tell him that there were a lot of reasons we couldn't be together primarily our incompatibility but that only seemed to make him angrier frothing at the mouth he said he could almost get any woman he wanted that there were so many people who would beg to date him and he certainly could do more than a that instant was is where something in me snapped all my life I had had to deal with people who mocked me because of my arm but I never had someone as close to me as Ted address me like that I wanted to cry but at the same time I wanted to tackle him and Pummel his face however I did something much wiser I stood up tall looked him right in the eye and with as much venom as I could muster I told him to move out of the way as I walked out I heard him utter Betty wait I didn't look back the tears didn't come till I got home when they came they came hot and steady I cried myself to sleep I woke up with a new resolve to deal with Ted he was not going to get away with what he called me I called in sick and missed a couple of days of work I refused to pick any of Ted's calls up or read any of his messages when I resumed work I started with my plan I was leaving the company but I was going to burn it on my way out I had already applied to a few other companies I knew would love to have me work with them then day by day I slowly started to erase every work I put in I cleared out coding took Blueprints and even tampered with prototypes for my team and I had built I made my exit as Grand as I could by dropping my resignation letter at Ted's desk on the day we were supposed to pitch our latest robot to our biggest investor at the bottom it was signed your favorite I was sure with the code that was now missing the robot couldn't function as it was I walked out of the office went to the airport and took my booked flight to Seychelles when I returned all heck had a broken loose many of the company's investors were pulling out and employees were resigning and moving to other competitors I had a bunch of mail from Ted some begging me to come back some cursing and threatening he had also dropped notes at my apartment one of them Was Written in Blood and said I will end you I saved them all to leverage if he ever considered going legal as the weeks went on I continued to observe the company Crash and Burn heck even Ted's dad was considering pulling out I on the other hand got a job with one of the country's top robotic companies right before I moved to start my new job I sent a bouquet of flowers to Theodore with a note that read there won't be a next time to your stupidity if you're wise you'll learn how to take rejections oh and if you as much as think of coming for me I'll make you as distressed as your crumbling company I didn't need to sign it he'd know who it was from it's been three years and I haven't heard from him good honestly if I was an OP situation I think I would have gone at least mildly legal about this and as soon as I got a letter Written in Blood saying I will end you that's an immediate report to the police in a restraining order like how do you downplay that or just be like uh I'll just file this for later just in in case that said our next story is broken promises from my father my parents love story was supposed to be the best love story I have ever heard about but life got in the way or should I say my father got in the way my parents met and fell in love at Orange County Community College Middletown campus New York my mother described the moment as instant and scintillating nothing looked fishy was it supposed to I mean my father Mr bakar a young East African immigrant in search of a Greener pasture in America was everything a woman could tag as a man crush forever to top it off he knew how to do this romance thing the way kdrama actors portrayed romance he was everything and more except that he never loved my mother the way she hoped he did and my father would go on to ignite deep hatred and Trauma in my mother and me this trauma was the result of all the broken promises made to my mother in their five years of marriage the same broken promises that made me question my identity and would later Set Me On the Path of Revenge I never knew I needed I grew up with low self-esteem because my childhood wasn't sugar and spice I had to live with quite a number of relatives as a child let's focus on my granny I lived in my maternal grandmother in Los Angeles California until I was 16. she was the first human that made me know that some individuals will never be good enough for some people no matter how hard they try it was strictly appalling with her I had to pay for the Disobedience of my mother yes my mother did not have the support to date my father we can't fathom why granny had a special hatred for black men but we knew she did although she took pride in her whiteness she wasn't a racist history has it that she once dated a black man who didn't take care of her art thus her vow was to not allow anyone from her family to go out with any black man again well my mom was different as far as she was concerned my granny's history should stay with her and should not be transcended to her children my mother loved my father and that was on period maybe my mother shouldn't have loved my father perhaps I would have found favor and love in the sight of my granny the way my cousins found favor and love in her sight as far as I can remember most of my Granny's grandchildren craved her Indulgence I was seen as different because my father wasn't loved or even present black men were not endorsed by my granny because they evoked unpleasant memories and my father was not any different I didn't know much about him but I was old enough to know that he was not welcome my granny didn't talk about her failed black love but her demeanor each time a talk revolved around it showed that she would be forever resenting the man that caused her pain there were times I wished my mother listened to my granny in regard to her love life maybe I would have experienced the love she dished out to my cousins I couldn't say she hated me but I knew I wasn't foremost on her love list something about me triggered her I bring her memories she didn't want to live with but she couldn't undo what my mother had done she referred to my mother's Disobedience as a mistake so much that I began to believe that I was a mistake so if she had any love despair for me it was after she had loved up on our other grandchildren she was the type that loved and loved so much and she was equally the type that hated with a special Grace yes she had Grace for everything including love and hatred she was Resolute firm and industrious she was bossy and carried around her an Air of importance I don't know how she saw herself but she always felt the world revolved around her why wouldn't she she had chains of businesses around Los Angeles and she was heavily invested in oil and gas she had money a name and even Fame oh did I not mention that her beloved husband Mr Greg my grandfather adored her he was her personal handbag as they were closely knitted except that Mr Greg was the quiet version of my granny he was less seen and less pompous even though he was not a poor man oh my Greg my granddadda he was a good man he was the reason why I didn't die of the low self-esteem my granny worked hard to instill in me he was my real G I remember when Granny took my cousins to Africa to visit one of its beautiful islands it was my grandfather that kept my head at Bay he made sure I had a good vacation with my aunt in Asia that summer as well I can talk about the Maldives because Greg was kind enough to secure that all expense paid trip for me that trip was going to be a major game changer for me a Asia changed me or should I say my aunt Melissa who lived and worked in the Maldives painted hidden pictures of me I never knew existed she grew up with my mother and they attended the same college she knew my father but she wouldn't tell me anything about him as she took me from one Island to another she gave a straight face and a mean look anytime a conversation revolved around my father on the day we visited male island in the Maldives I wondered if my father took my mother on a honeymoon when they got married I wondered why he left and why my mother made a Stern resolve to never allow me to speak to him or even see him it hurt badly the world is beautiful but I wondered why only a fraction of the world's population truly experiences its beauty my life was not beautiful even though I was on a beautiful island after my vacation with Auntie Melissa I didn't go back to my granny I Was preparing for college so I had a chance to spend time with my mom other in New York I had only been in New York when I was a kid and all I have of the city are faint memories when I got older I was not only intrigued by the Commercial Drive of the city I was awed by its congestion and attractiveness when I learned that different places are representations of different things I couldn't hide my days for instance Broadway is linked with theater 7th Avenue is linked with fashion and Harlem is the representation of the African-American dream then there was my mother who I wondered what she represented in my life I had spent a huge part of my growing years learning about my mother from afar when her marriage with my father went South she stayed back in New York and she left me at the mercy of my granny I couldn't really place what I felt for my mother but I knew it was in love at least not at the time I didn't like that she left me with Granny I wanted us to stay together I wanted to know her and touch her even though I had questions lots of them and when I had the opportunity to ask those questions all I did was stare my mother stood right in front of me after so many years and I was not only transfixed I was in awe I couldn't believe that my mother had been aging backward there was no ounce of Aging at all on her she was still this stunning and beautiful as ever she had all these and she was still without a man settling down with my mother in New York wasn't a piece of cake on most days we were like strangers to each other although we've spent years away from each other I expected our relationship to be better than it was not that my behavior around here was any better either and then I realized that all the trauma I had buried within me was beginning to surface how I was called the b word meaning child born out of wedlock in Los Angeles and how I got treated like one nothing else had hurt as much as the unwillingness of my extended family members to accept me it wasn't my intention to date Joshua one of the boys I got close to in New York but I dated him anyway Looking Back Now I was never meant to have dated him but he accepted me and I felt that was enough even though he was toxic and reminded me of all my traumas I stayed with him regardless I wasn't supposed to but my self-esteem made me do it I had believed all of the lies people around me told me over the years and I had a poor image of myself on the eve of my 17th birthday Joshua organized a surprise get-together for me I was surrounded by all the amazing young people I had met in New York it was supposed to be a spectacular night until everything went South Joshua lived on drugs and he got easily triggered by seemingly trivial things I couldn't believe Joshua would Rave madly because another boy danced with me on the dance floor as much as he was supposed to be very mad not to the extent of hitting me in the presence of everybody I didn't know the extent of his anger and his unfounded jealousy until I woke up in the hospital my mother was by my bedside weeping profusely I drifted back and forth into sleep I wondered what was wrong until I tried to move my body but was unable to I cried my body shook heavily as I did my mother could only SOB while she watched me when we both found our voices she held my hand and gave me a grave look I avoided her gaze I didn't like that look I asked her again for the umpteenth time where my father was I didn't expect her to yield to my request and I was grateful she did when I met your father I wasn't expecting myself to fall in love nor was I looking for love but he came with his sweet charm to sweep me off my feet I thought our love was pristine and would never have a blemish so I went ahead to get married to him even though we were young college students despite dead pain that I felt in my body I Brazen up to listen to more as my mother made her epic narration my mother continued even though my mother and my siblings were against our relationship and then marriage I was undeterred I loved your father with everything I loved his skin his shiny sparkling teeth with his Dental diastema were just as perfect as his smile Oh my days did I mention that he was just as cerebral as he was humorous despite that your father was hyper organized he was was equally fun to be with and then he loved me or so I thought we got married and he was granted Express entry into American citizenry I honestly had no reason to be sad or suspicious about our marriage as your father gave me no reason to as far as I was concerned we were young and in love then something strange happened during the fifth and last year of our marriage I saw a message on his phone from his wife in Kenya wife I didn't think much of it because there was no possibility in heck that a car had used me to get his papers he made lofty promises to me he promised to protect me in our love he said he loved you after disobeying everyone including my mother to marry him I didn't expect him to have such a huge secret that he kept away from me I interrupted my mother as she spoke I didn't believe he loved me because how could a father not look back for so many years after divorcing his wife he left me to go through life alone I'm his dog water yet he didn't protect me against granny and all the cousins that called me a child born out of wedlock for so many years if he wanted me he would have looked back no matter what well after much scrutiny and investigation I had to accept the bitter pill your father served me it was difficult to accept that I was the latter for picarda climbed to his American dream I had spent years wondering if your father could have lived a lie with me I wondered what he felt when he said he loved me and couldn't wait to watch you grow even though I couldn't face my mother your granny I had to keep you in Los Angeles after the divorce I was too broken to allow you to stay around me years have passed and I'm just as broken I didn't know what to say when I didn't know about my father I didn't hate him but when my mother stopped at her last sentence I made a resolve not to think highly of him again my mother couldn't trust another man after my father not that I was any better I was low selfish deemed traumatized and an Angry Bird when I finally finished College my father reached out I was marrying the Love of My Life After College after quite a number of therapy sessions and my father suddenly wanted to be a part of our Lives I thought he was a selfish man who only cared about the interests of his family in Kenya the family he eventually moved to the states how appalling I hated his guts I hated how he heard my mother and me how could he use us as bait how he could have cheaply looked for a contract marriage instead of involving emotions in his quest for a better life unfortunately life wasn't kind to him he didn't realize his American Dream because his Kenyan wife realized her selfish ambition through him I heard he was a poor and miserable man not that I wanted that for him but I didn't care much about him and the perfect revenge for me was to keep him shut out of my life the way my mother shut him away from her occurs after all his pleas and his obvious outbursts of emotions ladened with regret my mother and I didn't budge I didn't want him to be a part of my wedding and by extension my life even though he wished to be a part of it as far as I was concerned a man that couldn't keep his promises when things were Rosy would not keep his promises when things were not yeah considering this guy's track record I'm sure almost to uncertainty that he's popping up because he wants to milk some kind of new asset it's just maybe unclear what that is if they really wanted a relationship with you they had all of your life to try to do that before that point definitely far too little and far too late but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWMYFATHERRUINEDMYLIFERedditStoriesorig
:00.340 --> :13.400 I am one of those kids, that grew up, with an unloving motherly figure in my life, and :13.400 --> :17.990 this was not due to the fact that, my mother was not present in my life or anything, but, :17.990 --> :22.240 because of the fact that, my mother, Karen, was seemingly tired of the being together :22.240 --> :27.500 with my father, after being together for almost about 11 years, she decided to end their marriage, :27.500 --> :30.029 but not in the way that you would think. :30.029 --> :34.260 My name is Nathaniel, but both my friends and family members, call me Nat for short. :34.260 --> :38.391 I have always been the only son of my father, as both my parents decided to have me really :38.391 --> :42.790 later on in their marriage, the reason for that, is still unknown to me, but I do know :42.790 --> :47.960 for a fact, that, my dad, had always wanted to have a child, for as long as he can remember, :47.960 --> :51.970 and he would proudly say to anyone that asks for his age, or anyone that tries to point :51.970 --> :56.590 out the fact that he was already getting old, that, regardless of his age, even though he :56.590 --> :00.950 was just in his early 50’s, that he would still be able to “have a go at it, when :00.950 --> :02.480 the time calls for it”. :02.480 --> :07.090 I did not know the meaning of what he said back then, but later on, I think I perfectly :07.090 --> :09.060 understood what he meant by that. :09.060 --> :13.640 My mother on the other hand, was in a way, the polar opposite of my father. :13.640 --> :18.710 I know upon growing up, majority of children, tends to develop a specific liking for their :18.710 --> :22.869 mother, as opposed to their father, maybe it is due to the fact that, the mother tends :22.869 --> :27.990 to spend the most time with the child, before the child is born, and in my opinion, this :27.990 --> :32.100 would most definitely play a significant role, in determining, which parent the child would :32.100 --> :35.840 be more closer to, when such child is fully grown. :35.840 --> :40.509 Well in my case, my mother was not always around for me to even attempt to develop a :40.509 --> :45.560 stronger sense of familiar bond, and this greatly affected our relationship, and the :45.560 --> :50.119 reason for her lack of presence, was attributed by her, to the fact that, she was trying to :50.119 --> :54.479 work twice as hard as my father was, in order to make sure that our family had everything :54.479 --> :59.300 we needed, notwithstanding the fact that, my father, although retired, had already made :59.300 --> :05.500 more than enough money in his time of service, to last our family for close to 2 generations. :05.500 --> :10.119 Meaning that even though I decide not to work, from the moment I leave school, I can still :10.119 --> :15.180 live comfortably, with my children, and their children, before totally exhausting the total :15.180 --> :17.450 wealth, accumulated by my father. :17.450 --> :21.840 In my view, this was supposed to come as a pleasant news to my mother, considering the :21.840 --> :26.730 fact that, she had turned herself, into a workaholic and all that, but, I just did not :26.730 --> :31.060 seem to fully understand, why she could not just try to forge a connection with her only :31.060 --> :36.840 son, and why, to her, even after her husband has already accumulated enough money, to ensure :36.840 --> :41.750 that she can still live her lie freely, till her day of passing, she could still not just :41.750 --> :47.320 spend a whole weekend at home, with her family, undistracted by work or any other thing, of :47.320 --> :48.400 the sorts. :48.400 --> :52.769 These were the questions that have been running through my mind, for as long as I can remember, :52.769 --> :57.260 but I guess my questions, got meaningless at some point, because the events that transpired :57.260 --> :00.970 one very day, changed the entire foundation of my family. :00.970 --> :05.870 This very day, about 30 months to the end of their marriage, my dad had an issue with :05.870 --> :09.900 my mother, to which he had already been fed up, and he had no choice, but to voice out :09.900 --> :15.040 how he felt about things, and my mom, being the kind of woman that she is, obviously did :15.040 --> :17.209 not take things lying down. :17.209 --> :21.980 That particular evening, my father and I had prepared dinner for our family, as we wanted :21.980 --> :26.540 to surprise mom as usual, when she got back from work, because we knew, that when she :26.540 --> :32.170 got back, she would be so tired, as she would not be able to cook for either herself or :32.170 --> :33.220 the family. :33.220 --> :38.500 And when we were done preparing the food, at around 6PM, my father and I waited, because, :38.500 --> :41.750 this was the time, that my mom usually came back home from work. :41.750 --> :46.890 However even when it was already about 2 hours, well past the time which she was supposed :46.890 --> :51.810 to come home, she was nowhere in sight, and this really made my father worry, and quite :51.810 --> :56.390 a lot, as he had already tried phoning her several times, prior to the time that she :56.390 --> :59.590 was supposed to come home, and still, she was not reachable. :59.590 --> :04.290 My father told me at the time, to eat my food, and head on over to bed, all while trying :04.290 --> :05.500 to hide his worry. :05.500 --> :09.740 I did not want to give him something else to worry about, as he had his hands already :09.740 --> :15.460 full, so I went to bed at around past 11 that night, while my father, stayed up all night, :15.460 --> :16.910 waiting for her to come home. :16.910 --> :20.620 The next thing I remember that night, was the fact that, my mom was yelling at the top :20.620 --> :25.790 of her voice, all while trying to defend herself to my father, who at the time, was just trying :25.790 --> :30.360 his best to make sense, out of the senseless reason she had just given him, their noise :30.360 --> :35.419 woke me up, and immediately I came downstairs to see them, they immediately ceased their :35.419 --> :38.490 arguments, as my mother immediately found her way to their room. :38.490 --> :43.370 This was the very first time I had seen my parents argue, for as far back as my mind :43.370 --> :44.380 can recall. :44.380 --> :49.120 Anyways, right after their argument, my mom left the house, and she did not return for :49.120 --> :54.560 about a whole week, to which I posed the question to my father, asking him where my mom had :54.560 --> :57.550 gone, and whether or not this was her way of leaving us. :57.550 --> :00.040 My father told me not worry, assuring me that. :00.040 --> :05.070 She simply went to her parents place for a simple visit, but I just knew it then, that :05.070 --> :08.840 there was definitely something wrong with the both of them, and that their marriage, :08.840 --> :14.220 at the time was in trouble, but I did not let my concern show, for my dad’s sake. :14.220 --> :18.280 And true to her words, she came back at the time that she had stated initially. :18.280 --> :22.990 And right after she had returned to us, there was a seemingly noticeable change, in her :22.990 --> :25.889 behavior, and mostly in her personality. :25.889 --> :31.480 Well for one, it was a known fact that, she was in no way, performing her wife duties, :31.480 --> :37.220 and also her motherly duties, in some respect, but right from the moment she came back, she :37.220 --> :41.139 started to exhibit features of the perfect prize mother, and wife. :41.139 --> :46.740 I had noticed that, she was already making conscious efforts at, trying to get even closer, :46.740 --> :52.120 with me, and she was already finally cozying up to my father, and also, she immediately :52.120 --> :56.580 decided to quit her work, and took my father up on the offer, of living out the rest of :56.580 --> :00.100 both their lives, without having to work at all again. :00.100 --> :05.650 And so it was, not wanting to give it some grand name or anything, but this was the moment :05.650 --> :09.400 the woman I previously known as my mother, was no more. :09.400 --> :14.639 The reason for such a change, would remain a mystery to both my father, and myself. :14.639 --> :19.950 However, this did not last for too long, this was attributed to the fact that, the event :19.950 --> :22.210 that led to their separation, occurred. :22.210 --> :24.710 This was basically how the whole event played out. :24.710 --> :29.530 So following the fact that my mom was already without a job, and was living off my father :29.530 --> :34.000 at this point, my father, sought it fit, to at least provide her with more than enough :34.000 --> :38.760 allowance that was close to three times the amount of her previous salary at her previous :38.760 --> :39.849 work place. :39.849 --> :44.169 And to me, this was a fair enough deal for her, as she would not be constrained within :44.169 --> :48.690 the confines of a workspace in order to make comfortable enough money, so as to live a :48.690 --> :50.620 comfortable enough lifestyle. :50.620 --> :54.830 And also, if there is one thing I know for certain, it is that my father was not the :54.830 --> :00.580 type of man to force his partner into total submission, by using any means, so the thought :00.580 --> :05.199 of my father, maybe trying to tie her down with his wealth, by telling her to quit her :05.199 --> :07.520 job, was out of the question. :07.520 --> :11.919 Anyways my father, decided at the time to take a business trip, which was not really :11.919 --> :17.290 much, as he had just moved quietly to another hotel, not too far from our home, the reason :17.290 --> :21.800 for him doing this, was unknown to me at the time, but when he began explaining things :21.800 --> :26.930 to me later on after he was in police custody, this was when I finally understood the kind :26.930 --> :29.039 of woman, my mother was. :29.039 --> :34.379 So apparently, he went away, as a means to test the kind of character my mother had, :34.379 --> :38.979 so as to figure out whether or not he was going to include her into his will, for the :38.979 --> :43.199 distribution of his properties, in case of his untimely passing. :43.199 --> :46.419 And thus the need for his little vacation charade. :46.419 --> :50.690 He had actually placed some cameras around the house, and he also had some spies around :50.690 --> :55.750 the neighborhood, that were reporting the coming and going of every person in our house. :55.750 --> :01.080 To which he no sooner realized, that she apparently had another partner, that she was seeing, :01.080 --> :05.520 and that she brought in this other man, when she sent me to my friends place, for the weekend, :05.520 --> :11.349 of which I did not request, or ask for, and I still found suspicious, but I let it slide. :11.349 --> :16.590 After my father had found out all that he needed, he came home much earlier than expected, :16.590 --> :19.479 hoping to catch my mother in the act, but he could not. :19.479 --> :24.729 And no sooner had he come back from his trip, did he confront her immediately, and he began :24.729 --> :29.580 asking her to come clean, and he might even consider taking things easy on her. :29.580 --> :33.390 But she still refused, as he kept ono denying everything. :33.390 --> :38.279 My father then accused her of frolicking with another man, in his absence, and to this, :38.279 --> :42.250 she denied vehemently, and then the serious argument had begun. :42.250 --> :46.940 I could hear my mother shouting at the top of her voice, and then the noise just stopped :46.940 --> :48.130 in an instant. :48.130 --> :52.130 The next thing I could remember, was the police arriving in the house and putting my father :52.130 --> :54.570 in handcuffs, all while taking him away. :54.570 --> :59.560 I could not understand the situation, was everything was happening just so fast, but :59.560 --> :03.760 if there was one thing I could piece together, it was that, my mother apparently accused :03.760 --> :08.630 my father of domestic violence, as when the police came, there were signs of beatings :08.630 --> :10.029 on her body. :10.029 --> :15.300 So the police took him into custody immediately, and following this since my father did not :15.300 --> :20.029 have any piece of evidence at the time, he was given the sentence to serve time, of close :20.029 --> :26.080 to 7 years, with the possibility of early release on the account of good behavior. :26.080 --> :30.410 After visiting my father, countless times in prison, I finally understood the reason :30.410 --> :35.350 my mother did what she did, all of these was due to the fact that, my father, had decided :35.350 --> :40.510 to leave her entirely out of the will, so as to still have access to his money, she :40.510 --> :43.290 decided, this was the best course of action. :43.290 --> :49.820 But still, my father willed his entire property, to me, and it was only accessible on my 18th :49.820 --> :50.820 birthday. :50.820 --> :53.610 So my mother had no access to any of his money. :53.610 --> :58.279 When I found out this, I decided to wait things out until then so as to finally get back at :58.279 --> :03.279 her for what she did to my father, and apparently, she had a lot of debts to settle, and she :03.279 --> :08.750 had set her sights on my father’s money, but, I shattered all her hopes by, first selling :08.750 --> :12.620 my father’s house, which she lived in at the time, and then collecting and selling :12.620 --> :17.300 every car my father had in his possession, before finally leaving in the middle of the :17.300 --> :21.590 night, without her knowledge, to suffer for what she had put my father through. :21.590 --> :26.530 My father was released a few years after, as the option for bail was provided few years :26.530 --> :31.620 into his sentence, and we have lived happily since then, without her presence in both our :31.620 --> :32.620 lives. :32.620 --> :35.600 How my boyfriend destroyed my clothes and rendered me homeless. :35.600 --> :40.230 We’ve all done things that we are not proud of at different points in our lives, things :40.230 --> :41.360 that we regret deeply. :41.360 --> :43.130 Mine was cheating on my ex-boyfriend. :43.130 --> :49.040 He was my high school sweetheart and the absolute love of my life but I messed up and he never :49.040 --> :50.040 forgave me. :50.040 --> :52.110 We met at a dinner organized by our immigrant parents one summer. :52.110 --> :55.950 They decided that they should create a community of sorts and hang around more so all the Muslims :55.950 --> :59.079 in our neighborhood decided to come together to have dinner that evening and on consequent :59.079 --> :00.079 evenings. :00.079 --> :03.810 The adults had dinner in a different room while we kids had our dinner in another room :03.810 --> :05.100 supervised by two of the older teenagers. :05.100 --> :09.810 My ex and I were one of the younger teenagers in the room that evening. :09.810 --> :12.610 The other children were less than twelve. :12.610 --> :18.060 I sat just across from my ex (the seating arrangement was in such a way that the girls :18.060 --> :20.260 sat facing the boys) and our eyes just kept meeting. :20.260 --> :22.950 I would look up from my food and catch him staring at me. :22.950 --> :27.300 That happened the first two times and I felt a bit uneasy, but the third time, he smiled :27.300 --> :29.560 at me and I felt butterflies in my tummy. :29.560 --> :34.040 After dinner, the younger kids were made to wash the dishes and clean up after the adults :34.040 --> :36.370 while us older kids supervised them. :36.370 --> :40.339 “You’re very beautiful,” I heard my ex say in his heavy accent. :40.339 --> :45.240 I knew he was talking to me, even though he wasn’t exactly facing me. :45.240 --> :49.180 The adults didn’t exactly like young members of the opposite sex being chummy with each :49.180 --> :50.180 other. :50.180 --> :53.770 I knew he was talking to me though because I was pretty and I knew it. :53.770 --> :58.700 My mother was a very pretty woman and I looked just like her. :58.700 --> :06.120 Pregnant women would beg my mom to let me touch their bellies so they could have a daughter :06.120 --> :09.930 as pretty as I was as a child. :09.930 --> :14.560 I enjoyed the attention and wasn’t new to being told I was beautiful, but the compliment :14.560 --> :18.560 coming from a Muslim boy who was also very handsome made me feel even more special. :18.560 --> :19.560 “Thank you. :19.560 --> :20.560 I like your accent.” :20.560 --> :26.560 At the time, our backs were turned to each other, he complimented me with his back facing :26.560 --> :34.250 me and that became our way of communicating at every event our parents hosted. :34.250 --> :36.449 “I like your accent too,” he said. :36.449 --> :38.019 “I don’t have an accent.” :38.019 --> :39.019 He chuckled softly. :39.019 --> :41.170 “Oh, but you do have an accent. :41.170 --> :42.430 Everyone has an accent.” :42.430 --> :46.199 After summer passed and school resumed, I saw him at my school. :46.199 --> :50.089 It was after our first face-to-face conversation that I got to know about him. :50.089 --> :56.470 His dad was in the military and he and his mom lived together in their home country until :56.470 --> :01.060 three years before when they migrated to be closer to his father. :01.060 --> :05.480 My parents were also immigrants but they migrated before I was even born. :05.480 --> :11.640 My mom got a huge gig as a model and was taken in by a modeling agency that believed that :11.640 --> :15.220 she could do better in a country that afforded her more freedom. :15.220 --> :17.540 My mom agreed to leave the country and moved. :17.540 --> :22.639 Shortly after she moved, she met my dad who had also just left his home country, they :22.639 --> :24.440 got married and had my brother. :24.440 --> :27.139 That spelled the end of my mom’s modeling career. :27.139 --> :31.040 My mom resented my dad and us for the end of her career. :31.040 --> :35.329 She believed that she lost her beauty and body because she had children. :35.329 --> :37.740 She was replaced by models who fit the current beauty trends. :37.740 --> :40.800 She hardly had any time for herself since she had two kids on her hands and a husband :40.800 --> :42.279 whose job was two hours away. :42.279 --> :45.750 Growing up, my mom had a permanent frown on her face, she just wasn’t happy. :45.750 --> :49.830 I didn’t get to see her happy until I was eleven and she decided to pursue her second :49.830 --> :50.830 love; photography. :50.830 --> :54.920 Still, she bemoans her fate often and admits that she should have waited before getting :54.920 --> :56.300 married and having children. :56.300 --> :02.769 I’m making it a point to talk about my mom and her failed dreams because that informed :02.769 --> :04.510 my actions later in life. :04.510 --> :09.200 My ex and I officially started dating when one day, one of our teachers asked him if :09.200 --> :14.130 I was his girlfriend, he took my hand, squeezed it, and said yes. :14.130 --> :15.830 I smiled all the way home that night. :15.830 --> :19.180 I was in love with him and I felt a delicious tingling feeling all through the day. :19.180 --> :22.100 After college, I finally told my parents that I wasn’t going to work in a bank or whatever :22.100 --> :24.329 other corporate job they’d imagined for me. :24.329 --> :27.170 I was going to pursue my dream of being a singer. :27.170 --> :29.910 My parents were very disappointed in me, my dad especially. :29.910 --> :34.040 “We didn’t pay so much to put you through college so you can dress half-naked and sing,” :34.040 --> :35.509 he thundered after I told them about my plans. :35.509 --> :38.269 That night, my mom came to me and asked me to apologize to my dad. :38.269 --> :39.269 “Stop this nonsense,” she said. :39.269 --> :43.579 “Your dad is very mad at you, but you can still apologize to him. :43.579 --> :48.089 Tell him you’re sorry and that you didn’t know what you were talking about. :48.089 --> :49.089 I’m sure he will forgive you.” :49.089 --> :50.089 I refused. :50.089 --> :51.540 My dad promised to never support me in any way if I decided to go on with my plans of :51.540 --> :52.540 being a singer. :52.540 --> :57.459 That morning as I packed my stuff ready to leave my parents’ house, my mom told me :57.459 --> :59.740 again that there was still time. :59.740 --> :01.639 “Your father will disown you.” :01.639 --> :05.269 “I don’t care,” I slammed the door in her face. :05.269 --> :07.579 I moved to the city with my ex-boyfriend. :07.579 --> :10.170 All through college, my boyfriend and I had a great relationship. :10.170 --> :13.839 We spoke every day and visited each other regularly. :13.839 --> :21.540 When I decided that I was going to move to the city, he offered to let me move in with :21.540 --> :27.769 him even though we knew we were risking our families and friends being very mad about :27.769 --> :31.330 that because the idea of two unmarried people living together was frowned upon. :31.330 --> :35.480 Shortly after I moved in, I met someone who gave me tips on how to get discovered. :35.480 --> :44.190 She advised me to get a job in one of the busiest bars in the city. :44.190 --> :45.399 “You never know. :45.399 --> :54.680 Maybe one day, one of the singers won’t show up and then you can say “Oh, I can :54.680 --> :55.680 sing.” :55.680 --> :59.470 I took her advice and took a job at the bar. :59.470 --> :06.240 My boyfriend admitted that he wasn’t comfortable with me working in an establishment that serves :06.240 --> :10.230 alcohol but he would do anything to support my career. :10.230 --> :15.329 He was so supportive that I started to take him for granted. :15.329 --> :19.160 I stopped paying so much attention to our relationship. :19.160 --> :22.130 I just thought he’d always be there. :22.130 --> :29.300 I’d go out to my job in the evening, return very late at night or in the morning, go to :29.300 --> :36.510 bed, and then on most afternoons, I’d be out with friends trying to meet new people. :36.510 --> :43.839 A big change occurred at the bar, one that I thought would change my life, and it did, :43.839 --> :47.140 just not the way I wanted it. :47.140 --> :48.730 The bar was bought by a young man. :48.730 --> :55.589 When the other workers spoke about the new owner being a young man from a prominent family, :55.589 --> :01.959 I’d expected to see a handsome young man, but he wasn’t handsome at all. :01.959 --> :05.040 Young, yes but he wasn’t handsome. :05.040 --> :09.040 He did smell nice though and he had a way with words. :09.040 --> :18.140 On his first day as the owner, he put out a notice that he’d like to interview all :18.140 --> :23.569 the staff to see if we could fit into his “dream for the bar.” :23.569 --> :33.650 While the other staff thought of how to charm him and establish themselves as the best mixologists, :33.650 --> :42.280 the best bartender, and waiter, a new idea came to my mind; I was going to ask him to :42.280 --> :44.500 let me sing on some evenings. :44.500 --> :50.180 When I offered to sing in his bar free of any charge, he agreed but he mentioned something :50.180 --> :51.840 about me needing the right clothes. :51.840 --> :56.540 “If you’re going to sing up there, you must look the part. :56.540 --> :02.030 You already have shiny hair and you’re pretty, you just need new clothes.” :02.030 --> :04.450 I was excited but my boyfriend was skeptical. :04.450 --> :06.909 “He just doesn’t strike me as a good person.” :06.909 --> :08.250 I rolled my eyes. :08.250 --> :09.919 “You don’t even know him. :09.919 --> :13.600 I have decided to use my savings to buy these clothes.” :13.600 --> :14.600 “What?!” :14.600 --> :16.280 “Expensive clothes cost a lot of money.” :16.280 --> :18.620 “I don’t think that’s a good idea. :18.620 --> :23.740 That’s a crazy lot of money to spend on just clothes.” :23.740 --> :26.559 “I don’t see them as just clothes. :26.559 --> :27.770 They are investments.” :27.770 --> :33.850 By this time I was getting irritated and starting to wonder if my boyfriend wanted me to succeed :33.850 --> :34.850 as a singer. :34.850 --> :39.250 He’d been complaining about us not spending enough time together and I’d ignored his :39.250 --> :40.250 complaints each time. :40.250 --> :45.440 Some days after, I asked some of my friends to go shopping with me and they did. :45.440 --> :48.800 They took me to high-end places to buy fancy clothes and shoes. :48.800 --> :00.750 When all was set, I wore one of the dresses I bought to the bar, all ready to sing. :00.750 --> :04.860 “You look amazing!” he explained the moment he saw me. :04.860 --> :06.420 I was excited, finally, I’d get to sing. :06.420 --> :12.510 The bar was a high-end one and music directors and label record owners often came there. :12.510 --> :18.590 I’d hoped that one of these people would hear me sing and offer a deal that’d launch :18.590 --> :20.460 my career in the music industry. :20.460 --> :24.330 “Unfortunately, we have contacted another singer to perform this evening.” :24.330 --> :29.600 I was hurt but since he knew I’d gotten beautiful clothes, I was sure that he’d :29.600 --> :31.640 let me sing on some evenings. :31.640 --> :35.059 That evening, I felt a hand behind me and turned. :35.059 --> :36.419 It was my boss. :36.419 --> :39.179 I was shocked because he’d never done that. :39.179 --> :42.280 I wasn’t even sure how to interpret his actions. :42.280 --> :44.010 Was he sensually touching me? :44.010 --> :45.679 I just didn’t understand it. :45.679 --> :52.690 When my boss asked me to have a drink with him later that night, I understood what that :52.690 --> :53.750 touch was for. :53.750 --> :58.850 “I have a boyfriend,” I said, hoping that he’d push past that. :58.850 --> :04.539 Yes, at that point, I was desperate and ready to do anything to achieve my dreams. :04.539 --> :13.080 My boyfriend was talking about getting married and being a proper couple already at the time :13.080 --> :14.480 and that scared me. :14.480 --> :17.280 What if I ended up like my mother? :17.280 --> :19.480 Fat and unfulfilled, I didn’t want that. :19.480 --> :23.010 As I hoped, he insisted and we had a drink together. :23.010 --> :28.900 As we drank, he promised to introduce me to people who would help me become a household :28.900 --> :31.200 name in the music industry. :31.200 --> :35.380 I believed everything he said and we soon started sleeping together. :35.380 --> :41.860 One day he asked me to spend the weekend in his hotel suite with him and I did. :41.860 --> :45.440 I lied to my boyfriend that I’d be working at the bar. :45.440 --> :49.330 “We are hosting two events so we’re going to be busy all weekend.” :49.330 --> :55.170 On the evening of the first night, I was out with my boss at the hotel’s lounge of the :55.170 --> :56.940 hotel he stayed in and was seated on his lap. :56.940 --> :02.670 I saw a car that looked very much like my boyfriend’s drive-in but I looked away. :02.670 --> :07.150 It couldn’t possibly be my boyfriend’s but he got out and it was him. :07.150 --> :11.870 He was with a friend from work and I immediately guessed that they were there for a work-related :11.870 --> :12.870 matter. :12.870 --> :15.279 I was terrified but I didn’t know what to do. :15.279 --> :21.059 I didn’t want to get up abruptly or do anything that’d embarrass my boss, so I just looked :21.059 --> :24.350 away even after my eyes and those of my boyfriend met. :24.350 --> :26.890 Some minutes later, I saw my boyfriend and his friend walk out and they drove out of :26.890 --> :27.890 the hotel. :27.890 --> :30.850 My heart kept beating so fast, I was scared but I managed to keep my cool. :30.850 --> :34.820 I thought maybe he’d break up with me, but at least I had my boss. :34.820 --> :39.870 He was going to make me a star and I’d find a way to convince my boyfriend to forgive :39.870 --> :40.870 me. :40.870 --> :41.929 He loved me anyway. :41.929 --> :46.970 My boss let me stay in his suite all through the week but he never introduced me to anyone. :46.970 --> :50.950 I wasn’t getting anything other than meals from the hotel. :50.950 --> :54.310 After waiting for the whole week, praying that he would do something and mentioning :54.310 --> :59.400 it to him many times, I called my friends and told them about what had happened. :59.400 --> :05.350 “Oh my God, you are so naive!” one of the girls said. :05.350 --> :08.740 “Honey, your boss just conned you into sleeping with him.” :08.740 --> :14.860 In anger, I confronted my boss about it and he threw me out of his suite. :14.860 --> :19.281 One of my friends let me stay in her home for three days but I had to leave because :19.281 --> :20.640 she needed her space. :20.640 --> :25.440 I decided I was going to return to my ex-boyfriend’s, take the expensive clothes I’d bought with :25.440 --> :30.020 all my savings, and sell them so I could afford a month’s rent and start over. :30.020 --> :35.580 On one Monday, I returned home to find that my ex had shredded every single dress I bought :35.580 --> :38.270 with all my savings, packed his stuff, and moved out. :38.270 --> :40.690 All my beautiful dresses were gone. :40.690 --> :43.510 I had no savings and no family. :43.510 --> :44.510 I had nothing. :44.510 --> :46.460 That year was the toughest year of my life. :46.460 --> :48.920 I was homeless and I lost everything. :48.920 --> :52.590 I still find it difficult to forgive myself for being so stupid. :52.590 --> :56.500 My ex’s revenge ruined my life and guess who is still not a famous singer? :56.500 --> :58.330 I don’t even sing at all anymore. :58.330 --> :00.710 How My Family Had Revenge On That One Neighbor. :00.710 --> :06.799 As I reflect on our family, I can't help but see the threads of art that have woven us :06.799 --> :07.799 together. :07.799 --> :10.299 My husband, David, has an artistic soul that emanates from his very being. :10.299 --> :13.340 His hands are often stained with paint, his canvases bearing witness to his deepest emotions. :13.340 --> :17.570 You might say that his love for art is what actually made me notice him before I fell :17.570 --> :18.590 helplessly for him. :18.590 --> :23.720 Well, he did fall helplessly first and I had nothing to do but to follow suit. :23.720 --> :26.669 It was like a match painted on a canvas. :26.669 --> :30.269 My love for art propelled me to own an art gallery. :30.269 --> :36.029 My art gallery, nestled in the heart of our coastal town, became a haven for local artists. :36.029 --> :39.910 I made it my mission to support our community's creative endeavors, giving artists a platform :39.910 --> :40.910 to express themselves. :40.910 --> :44.020 It's a role I cherish and one that's brought me closer to our neighbors. :44.020 --> :45.409 All of our neighbors. :45.409 --> :49.490 Together, I and David created a vibrant and rebellious spirit. :49.490 --> :50.490 Alex. :50.490 --> :54.710 While my heart sometimes aches with worry for him, I can't deny the raw talent he exhibits :54.710 --> :55.870 with his graffiti art. :55.870 --> :59.460 His work transforms our mundane town walls into colorful bursts of urban beauty. :59.460 --> :01.640 It was as disturbing as it was innovative. :01.640 --> :05.730 Simply disturbing because, well, street art in the form of wall painting on property that :05.730 --> :09.929 wasn’t yours was kind of a big deal and he got into a lot of trouble for that. :09.929 --> :13.159 Aside from Alex’s constant trouble with the law, our lives were uneventful, marked :13.159 --> :17.270 by our collective love for art, until the arrival of Mrs. Turner, a newcomer to our :17.270 --> :18.270 neighborhood. :18.270 --> :20.280 Her presence cast an unexpected shadow over our tranquil existence. :20.280 --> :23.710 Still, in our small coastal town, we extended our warmest hospitality, hoping to forge neighborly :23.710 --> :24.710 connections. :24.710 --> :28.700 The idyllic facade of our peaceful life began to crumble when the first hints of discord :28.700 --> :30.899 arose with Mrs. Turner, our new neighbor. :30.899 --> :35.930 It was almost as if she arrived with an agenda, hidden behind a veneer of civility. :35.930 --> :39.370 At first, the disagreements were trivial, like the choice of paint for the community :39.370 --> :41.669 fence or the placement of garden ornaments. :41.669 --> :44.429 I thought such disputes were a natural part of neighborhood life, but Mrs. Turner's persistence :44.429 --> :45.549 soon revealed a more malicious intent. :45.549 --> :47.270 She unleashed a torrent of complaints against us. :47.270 --> :51.299 Our art gallery's events were too noisy, our garden decorations too garish, and even Alex's :51.299 --> :53.610 graffiti art, which I so dearly loved, became a target of her scorn. :53.610 --> :57.250 Don’t get me wrong, that was a problem when it was done on someone else’s property but :57.250 --> :58.490 she complained about our wall. :58.490 --> :02.730 I mean, it was ludicrous in the least and I couldn't comprehend her relentless animosity. :02.730 --> :06.470 Before long, she escalated her vendetta by involving the legal system. :06.470 --> :10.750 I remember the first day Deputy Thomas came to our door. :10.750 --> :16.309 He didn’t know how to put the words in a way that wouldn’t come out offensive and :16.309 --> :23.870 he wanted to be the one to tell us of her complaints so he opted to come over instead. :23.870 --> :31.340 We’ve been friends since high school and even he knew something was off about the complaints. :31.340 --> :33.169 But, he was the law. :33.169 --> :37.630 It was his duty to check things out and ensure that they were in place. :37.630 --> :42.640 Her complaints turned into legal actions, and it seemed that every day brought a new :42.640 --> :43.649 summons or notice. :43.649 --> :49.120 The tranquility of our coastal haven was shattered by the relentless barrage of legal documents, :49.120 --> :50.779 and our once harmonious existence was threatened. :50.779 --> :56.280 David and I, along with our friends in the community, tried to reason with her, but Mrs. :56.280 --> :57.280 Turner remained unyielding. :57.280 --> :05.419 It was as though she was determined to use the law to strip away our connection to the :05.419 --> :11.480 very art that defined us, leaving us powerless and bewildered in the face of her relentless :11.480 --> :12.480 campaign. :12.480 --> :13.480 I was pissed off. :13.480 --> :19.200 Yet, I struggled to understand why she chose to move the way she did. :19.200 --> :22.519 Still, in the face of Mrs. Turner's relentless hostility, we remained committed to finding :22.519 --> :24.559 a peaceful resolution to the escalating conflict. :24.559 --> :26.240 We were neighbors after all. :26.240 --> :30.360 We had to find a way to live peacefully amidst ourselves in the long run. :30.360 --> :31.950 David and I continued our attempts to negotiate with Mrs. Turner. :31.950 --> :35.720 We held cordial conversations, addressing her concerns and trying to find common ground. :35.720 --> :41.730 We emphasized our shared connection to the community and our love for art, hoping to :41.730 --> :43.929 bridge the divide that had grown between us. :43.929 --> :47.540 Simultaneously, we sought support from our friends and the local community, recognizing :47.540 --> :49.919 the importance of unity in times of adversity. :49.919 --> :52.200 Our fellow artists and neighbors rallied behind us, offering their encouragement and assistance. :52.200 --> :55.299 They understood the significance of our art gallery and Alex's graffiti as essential components :55.299 --> :57.240 of the town's identity. :57.240 --> :59.370 It became a nuisance, really. :59.370 --> :03.590 To the point where community meetings were held to discuss the situation, and a petition :03.590 --> :07.309 in support of the Porter family garnered widespread signatures. :07.309 --> :09.130 Local businesses displayed artwork in solidarity, and our neighbors organized art-themed events :09.130 --> :11.170 to showcase the town's vibrant creative spirit. :11.170 --> :15.180 These collective efforts not only provided us with emotional support but also demonstrated :15.180 --> :20.360 to Mrs. Turner that her actions were causing division in the community she had recently :20.360 --> :21.360 joined. :21.360 --> :26.670 We hoped that by highlighting the positive impact of art and community bonds, we could :26.670 --> :30.630 eventually reach a resolution that would restore harmony to our once-peaceful neighborhood. :30.630 --> :31.780 But did she yield? :31.780 --> :33.230 Of course, it did not. :33.230 --> :37.270 If it did there would have been no point in telling this revenge story. :37.270 --> :41.309 The turning point in our tumultuous relationship with Mrs. Turner came unexpectedly, like a :41.309 --> :42.750 revelation in a stormy sea. :42.750 --> :47.080 One day, while David was visiting the local historical society, he stumbled upon a newspaper :47.080 --> :48.520 article from several decades ago. :48.520 --> :52.390 It detailed a failed art career and a tragic incident involving Mrs. Turner, then known :52.390 --> :53.600 by her maiden name, Florence Monroe. :53.600 --> :56.280 He said it was the slight picture of the picture he saw that made him go back to check what :56.280 --> :57.280 the news was about. :57.280 --> :58.320 Who was in the picture? :58.320 --> :59.320 Well, you already know. :59.320 --> :03.789 The article revealed that Florence had once been an aspiring artist, her dreams filled :03.789 --> :06.630 with the promise of a flourishing career. :06.630 --> :10.530 However, a mysterious fire had destroyed her art studio, along with her life's work. :10.530 --> :14.490 The incident had left her emotionally scarred, and she had abandoned her artistic ambitions. :14.490 --> :18.860 The whole news was like reading a haunting tale of loss and shattered dreams that had :18.860 --> :19.950 remained hidden for years. :19.950 --> :22.769 But more than this, the impact of this revelation was profound. :22.769 --> :26.840 It offered a glimpse into the depths of Mrs. Turner's pain and the reasons behind her hostility. :26.840 --> :30.090 It became clear that her aggression toward art and artists stemmed from her own unresolved :30.090 --> :31.090 trauma. :31.090 --> :34.950 We felt a mix of empathy and sorrow for her, realizing that her vendetta against us was :34.950 --> :37.200 a misguided attempt to cope with her past. :37.200 --> :41.070 But don't we all have that one thing that haunts us from childhood, youthful days, or :41.070 --> :43.450 the years of early adulthood? :43.450 --> :51.860 I like to think that we all do and at the same time, we do not go around trying to make :51.860 --> :55.460 other people uncomfortable because of some unresolved history of trauma in our lives. :55.460 --> :57.850 That would have been pathetic and borderline unacceptable. :57.850 --> :02.320 Revenge was never our initial intention, but we felt compelled to orchestrate a plan that :02.320 --> :05.169 could offer both redemption and a deeper understanding of the value of art. :05.169 --> :09.269 David, with his artistic insight, took the lead in devising our intricate plan. :09.269 --> :14.440 We decided that our revenge would not be one of cruelty but of creativity, aiming to rekindle :14.440 --> :15.769 the artistic flame within Mrs. Turner's heart. :15.769 --> :20.510 We believed that if we could help her rediscover the beauty of art, it might heal her wounds :20.510 --> :23.260 and bring peace to our neighborhood. :23.260 --> :29.490 I was actually kind of hopeful that it would get her off our backs and keep the peace that :29.490 --> :31.399 we had on the street before she came along. :31.399 --> :34.080 Our revenge plan revolved around an elaborate art installation, a collaborative effort of :34.080 --> :35.390 local artists and our family. :35.390 --> :39.110 The installation would be centered around the theme of rebirth and renewal, with elements :39.110 --> :42.549 representing the destruction of Florence's art studio and the emergence of new artistic :42.549 --> :43.549 creations. :43.549 --> :44.549 The local community rallied behind our cause, contributing their talents to the project. :44.549 --> :45.549 Each piece of the installation would be thought-provoking and symbolic, designed to convey the resilience :45.549 --> :46.549 of art in the face of adversity. :46.549 --> :49.940 We aimed to use our creativity to awaken something dormant within Mrs. Turner, to inspire her :49.940 --> :52.820 to confront her past and embrace the healing power of artistic expression. :52.820 --> :53.990 Or, so we thought. :53.990 --> :57.930 As we worked tirelessly on the project, I couldn't help but feel a renewed sense of :57.930 --> :58.930 hope. :58.930 --> :05.040 Our revenge plan was not about revenge at all, but about a shared love for art and the :05.040 --> :06.550 potential for transformation it held. :06.550 --> :10.580 It was a gamble, a daring endeavor to change the course of a neighborly feud and bring :10.580 --> :12.980 about a positive, artistic renaissance for all of us. :12.980 --> :15.890 I got to do what I love doing, same as my babe. :15.890 --> :19.720 But more importantly, it would create a better communal harmony. :19.720 --> :27.170 The day of our revenge event dawned with a mixture of excitement and fear, for me at :27.170 --> :28.170 least. :28.170 --> :34.020 I was sure that Mrs. Turner slept soundly in bed that night and if David was nervous, :34.020 --> :35.940 he was sure not to show it. :35.940 --> :42.520 Our carefully crafted plan was about to unfold, and its success hinged on our ability to convey :42.520 --> :44.000 a profound message through art. :44.000 --> :48.830 The Heart of Our Revenge was an art installation that we created with the help of local artists :48.830 --> :50.470 and the community. :50.470 --> :56.560 It was a breathtaking transformation of the space that had once been Mrs. Turner's source :56.560 --> :59.140 of pain, her burned-down art studio. :59.140 --> :05.600 We had reimagined it as a phoenix rising from the ashes, a symbol of rebirth and renewal. :05.600 --> :07.400 And we made sure to invite her. :07.400 --> :10.120 As the event began, I watched Mrs. Turner's reactions closely. :10.120 --> :13.110 She arrived with skepticism, her face etched with curiosity and confusion. :13.110 --> :16.929 She couldn't help but be drawn into the artistic narrative unfolding before her eyes. :16.929 --> :22.740 The installation depicted the destruction of her past, but it also celebrated the resilience :22.740 --> :24.790 of art in the face of adversity. :24.790 --> :31.649 Each piece told a story, and the local artists' talents shone through as they explored themes :31.649 --> :33.490 of transformation and healing. :33.490 --> :38.529 My heart swelled with pride as I witnessed the impact our revenge had on Mrs. Turner. :38.529 --> :40.570 Well, I thought it was having an impact. :40.570 --> :44.490 I thought I saw her initial resistance gradually give way to a quiet contemplation. :44.490 --> :48.049 The next morning, there was no sign of Mrs. Turner. :48.049 --> :58.470 It was like she just decided to keep to herself and away from the whole community. :58.470 --> :03.679 To be honest, I did not think that much of it. :03.679 --> :09.320 Maybe she was not in a social mood more than she had not always been. :09.320 --> :13.590 Maybe she had a lot of work to do inside. :13.590 --> :25.549 I had a lot of maybes going through my head during the first three days that I did not :25.549 --> :26.809 see her. :26.809 --> :35.070 Wanting to be sure it wasn’t just me; I asked my husband what he thought of it and :35.070 --> :42.740 he had the same idea. :42.740 --> :43.909 So, all was fine. :43.909 --> :45.230 Or so we thought. :45.230 --> :51.080 By the next week, basically, six days after the art gallery event that we had, I saw the :51.080 --> :52.080 moving trucks. :52.080 --> :56.200 At this point, I could not pretend not to be concerned. :56.200 --> :03.919 So, what did I do? :03.919 --> :10.740 I matched straight to the front of her house and knocked. :10.740 --> :11.799 I did not meet her. :11.799 --> :19.799 I heard from the young man who I thought was a relative, most likely her child with the :19.799 --> :22.279 way they looked so much alike. :22.279 --> :30.980 He said that Mrs. Turner did not give him the details but she showed up at his house :30.980 --> :56.270 the morning after the event and asked that they help her move out of her house cause :56.270 --> :02.380 she couldn’t bear to be back there. :02.380 --> :16.950 I could not bring myself to tell him what happened the day before she came to his house. :16.950 --> :51.550 The only thing I could say was that I noticed that her presence was scarce in the last week :51.550 --> :07.530 which was why I came when I saw the moving trucks. :07.530 --> :14.870 After this, I went back into our house with the knowledge that in the end, we were not :14.870 --> :22.010 able to save Mrs. Turner, we ended up taking her run away from the town.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeEXBOYFRIENDSHREDDEDALLMYCLOTHESRedditStoriesRedditStoriesen
:00.160 --> :05.320 today we have a great malicious compliance about  tracking your time at work we'll get into that   :05.320 --> :11.560 in a bit but first well if you're quoting company  rules I'll follow them exactly as it is this was   :11.560 --> :16.760 done by an ex- colleague well this happened a few  years ago when I was working as a techno manager   :16.760 --> :21.760 in an Indian startup it firm it was a small  firm with less than 50 employees and there   :21.760 --> :28.160 were two Founders let's call them Vicky and Joel  Vicki had worked a short time in an MNC but was   :28.160 --> :33.920 not able to stand Authority and had to design  whereas Joel had no real workplace experience   :33.920 --> :41.120 Vicki managed the place like a king show Tantrums  anger Etc Joel was simply a yes man to Vicki now   :41.120 --> :46.960 we had an HR lady who was okayish with the older  employees and strict with the newer ones as for   :46.960 --> :52.880 me I was not that good technically compared to my  colleagues but was good at people management also   :52.880 --> :58.040 I was one of the longest serving employees too I  was friendly with most of the employees especially   :58.040 --> :02.880 the new ones this was due to the fact fact that I  knew it was not easy to work with the founders and   :02.880 --> :08.640 I wanted the show to continue as it was my first  company too so a new join e named Bob joins and   :08.640 --> :13.920 after 6 months he's assigned to a project because  of the time zone difference he worked up to 4:   :13.920 --> :19.280 to 5:00 a.m. and the client to was happy with  him since he was sleeping late this guy always   :19.280 --> :26.600 reported at nearly a.m. in office out of  the blue founder calls me an HR and asks why Bob   :26.600 --> :32.360 is late to the office and said he has to be in  the office by a.m. like other guys by the   :32.360 --> :37.560 way forgot to mention Vicky and Joel came into the  office only once in a while and it was pre- Corona   :37.560 --> :42.920 times but since they're Founders Let's ignore  that HR lady took the responsibility of asking   :42.920 --> :48.880 Bob about that at this point since HR lady is not  aware of Bob's working hours I interrupted and   :48.880 --> :53.760 told them that he's leaving the office by only 2:  to 4:00 a.m. and it's kind of unfair to ask him to   :53.760 --> :00.240 come early Vicki Cuts me off and says no he has to  follow the rules and this is the basic etiquette   :00.240 --> :06.880 when working in this office I said okay HR lady  calls Bob in her office and questions him about   :06.880 --> :13.240 the timings to which Bob says okay ma'am we'll  comply now Bob and me have a good rapport and he   :13.240 --> :18.960 comes directly to me and tells me what's happened  with HR then I ask him what are you going to do   :18.960 --> :24.960 to which he says I'll ask for a clarification VIA  mail and then we'll comply I understood where it's   :24.960 --> :31.240 going and give him a best of luck trying hard to  contain my laughter after 10 minutes HR comes to   :31.240 --> :37.600 me with her laptop in a panic and shows me the  mail which Bob has sent he has cced the founders   :37.600 --> :43.640 the client head he's reporting to and have written  something along the lines of hi client head name   :43.640 --> :48.600 this is to inform you that as a request from  my office to comply to the office timings from   :48.600 --> :58.080 Tomorrow onwards my work timings would be   a.m. IST to 700 p.m. is I.E p.m. to 7:30   :58.080 --> :04.080 a.m. Chicago time I request you to change your  meeting times to the times when I am available   :04.080 --> :12.360 and if there are any inconveniences please contact  HR Vicky or Joel thanks Bob I asked the HR if this   :12.360 --> :17.000 was somewhere mentioned in the offer letter and  she nods yes then I tell her to take the matter   :17.000 --> :22.920 to Vicki at Vicky's room since the narcissist guy  he is scolds HR for not doing this in the offer   :22.920 --> :28.800 letter then asks her to correct this she goes to  Bob and asks for a correction to which Bob firmly   :28.800 --> :35.520 says no to HR lady being stupid says that she was  told this because Vicky asked her to and Bob still   :35.520 --> :42.320 stands firm and asks HR if Vicki said it then  ask Vicky to formally reply in the mail thread   :42.320 --> :48.160 asking to revert to his old timings Bob also said  that he is not going to get back to Old timings   :48.160 --> :55.440 unless Vicky mails and they have approximately 4  hours to do so before the client reacts HR comes   :55.440 --> :00.680 to me for help and we go together to Vicki's  room and brief Vicky lashes is out at HR and   :00.680 --> :06.480 at this point I interrupt and say it's better  to address the issue as in 4 hours the client   :06.480 --> :11.760 will get involved and we have to make a decision  before that Vicki hesitantly sent out an email   :11.760 --> :18.160 saying it was a mistake as Bob's special case was  not considered during the decision making and Bob   :18.160 --> :24.240 can continue his earlier timings as I walked back  to the office I saw Bob looking at me and laughing   :24.240 --> :30.880 really hard and I had to hold a straight face as  the HR lady was also behind me needless to say   :30.880 --> :37.480 Bob has his timings intact in a situation like  this where they clearly don't fully understand   :37.480 --> :43.280 the circumstances and they're asking you to do  something that makes no sense at all do you have   :43.280 --> :48.320 any obligation to speak up and try to argue that  point and say you do know this client I'm working   :48.320 --> :54.200 for is in Chicago right or is it better for them  to just learn the lesson to be more attentive to   :54.200 --> :58.800 their workers and what their workers are doing  you know before going and giving them grief like   :58.800 --> :04.880 this ALS so hi I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy  awesome stories of malicious compliance why not   :04.880 --> :11.000 hit those like And subscribe buttons down below  that said our next story is I wasted 2 hours of   :11.000 --> :16.600 my sister's time because she refused to listen  to me when I was younger around a decade ago I   :16.600 --> :23.160 used to love two things cars and roads still to  this day I love cars but the way I loved roads   :23.160 --> :28.160 was through Maps my favorite activity when I was  bored was to go on the maps app and look on the   :28.160 --> :32.480 highways that surrounded my area area my oldest  sister at the time was the only sibling of mine   :32.480 --> :37.320 who had a license one summer day she was bored  and decided to take me and her boyfriend to an   :37.320 --> :43.040 amusement park an hour and a half away from home  The Story begins on the way back my father needed   :43.040 --> :48.080 the car at a car dealership as it was scheduled to  have routine maintenance done the next morning my   :48.080 --> :52.920 father sent her the address of the dealership and  requested that she drop the car off and he'll go   :52.920 --> :58.120 and pick us up at the dealer now that the context  is out of the way here is where my sister made a   :58.120 --> :03.560 mistake she typed in in the address and clicked on  the nearest place with that road the issue is that   :03.560 --> :08.880 the nearest place with that road was a town going  an hour in the opposite direction she gets onto   :08.880 --> :14.320 a road I'll call State Route 100 this intersects  with Interstate one which we were supposed to get   :14.320 --> :20.120 onto when she passes the highway this following  interaction ensues I say you were supposed to   :20.120 --> :25.840 make that right she says that's not what the map  says 5 minutes later I say again we are heading   :25.840 --> :30.560 in the wrong direction this does not go home she  says maybe it's it's an alternate route that's   :30.560 --> :36.920 faster I said I don't think a road going in the  opposite direction is faster she cut me off her   :36.920 --> :42.760 now annoyed listen I'm going to focus on what  the map says not on you just stop already and   :42.760 --> :47.600 with that I followed her instruction after all  why would I complain on going on a road I've   :47.600 --> :52.960 never been on from what I remember after that we  stopped for gas about half an hour in my sister   :52.960 --> :57.880 was still convinced that we were going in the  right direction but why should I correct her she   :57.880 --> :04.080 was listening to the map after all the Fallout  we hit an expressway and my sister is convinced   :04.080 --> :11.200 we made it home and is pleased with herself that  was until an overhead sign said Town B Regional   :11.200 --> :17.840 Airport 1 mile at this point my sister realized  her mistake she starts freaking out and saying I   :17.840 --> :23.080 didn't know this road went here I was following  the map op why didn't you tell me we were going   :23.080 --> :28.600 the wrong way I was scared of her getting mad at  me so I just said after you told me to stop I just   :28.600 --> :33.640 stopped paying attention to where you were going  she eventually pulled into a gas station and saw   :33.640 --> :39.800 where she set her GPS to after correcting her  mistake we had the opposite direction although   :39.800 --> :45.360 the car ride was rather silent we eventually see  signs for the amusement park we started at because   :45.360 --> :49.880 she had to turn left at the road I originally  told her to turn at and that is how I turned a   :49.880 --> :56.040 drive supposed to be an hour and a half into a 3  and 1/2 hour Journey years have passed since this   :56.040 --> :02.600 happened and I told my father who thought it was  hysteric I often consider telling my sister but we   :02.600 --> :09.320 sadly rarely speak anymore thank you for reading  have a happy New Year if I were an op's position   :09.320 --> :14.680 I don't think I would be able to sit there and  allow this malicious compliance to happen even if   :14.680 --> :19.600 you're afraid of upsetting them even if you know  they're going to blow up at you at some point when   :19.600 --> :24.280 you know that you're going the wrong direction  I would hate to have my time wasted like that   :24.280 --> :28.560 staying in the car for longer than necessary  especially if it's with somebody that you're   :28.560 --> :35.520 afraid of blow blowing up our next story is boss  introduces new time tracking tool to avoid time   :35.520 --> :42.040 manipulation backfires on him I work in a small  startup company of around 12 people it's a very   :42.040 --> :47.880 good atmosphere in the office and everyone pulls  their weight and is super motivated however our   :47.880 --> :55.080 boss likes to micromanage us even though he has  no expertise in any of our Fields Marketing design   :55.080 --> :00.040 accounting especially Us in marketing and design  suffer a lot from that since he'll make changes   :00.040 --> :06.120 to our strategies posts or website sometimes  without telling us and then gets upset at us   :06.120 --> :12.160 when the customer feedback is bad and we aren't  reaching our predicted goals so recently he told   :12.160 --> :16.320 us that the reason he thinks we aren't seeing  enough results is because we are manipulating   :16.320 --> :21.480 our hours and not actually putting in the work  we should until then we each wrote down our   :21.480 --> :26.720 hours manually in an Excel sheet but with the new  time tracking tool he would see how long we were   :26.720 --> :33.200 working down to the minute we could also Only log  in on our desk PCS and previously approved home   :33.200 --> :40.040 office devices but not mobile because if you're  not at your desk it is not work after our initial   :40.040 --> :45.160 shock passed and our boss left for the day our  manager called for a meeting and we came up with   :45.160 --> :52.120 a plan we would do as he says in the most just  following the rules way possible we would not   :52.120 --> :58.200 engage in work rated conversations with him unless  we are sitting at our desks and are clocked in   :58.200 --> :03.280 any questions by by him which are asked after we  clocked out will only be answered once we clock   :03.280 --> :09.360 in again the following day every phone call text  message or otherwise work-related things outside   :09.360 --> :14.680 of the office would only be answered once there  was an option for us to clock in either next day   :14.680 --> :20.480 in office or for some of us on our home office  device since we no longer have the option to   :20.480 --> :27.080 shift time manually all work minutes and hours  would be clocked exactly when they took place   :27.080 --> :32.920 side note in my country we s pay better Sundays  have to be paid double and working after 8:00   :32.920 --> :38.520 p.m. warrants additional Financial benefits by  law previously if we needed to post something   :38.520 --> :44.720 real quick or had a question we would just add the  weekend hours or late time to the upcoming Monday   :44.720 --> :51.240 basically out of Goodwill but no more of that we  would stop any independent activity like posting   :51.240 --> :58.400 on social media or writing an email and would send  him everything to approve before following through   :58.400 --> :03.320 after about a week our boss was so fed up with  this he gave us the option to clock in from our   :03.320 --> :09.320 mobile devices so he could get a more immediate  response to his questions however this of course   :09.320 --> :15.680 led to us clocking in way more frequently since  as I said he likes to micromanage and is therefore   :15.680 --> :22.360 asking a lot of questions I'm happy to report  that as of 2024 we have abolished the system   :22.360 --> :27.120 again and regained most of our independence and  even though our bosses still ticked about how   :27.120 --> :32.560 we exploited the system it brought the the team  closer together and hopefully taught him a lesson   :32.560 --> :38.000 honestly it just seems like in a place where the  time situation in general seems relatively good   :38.000 --> :45.240 and is working most of the time the attempts to  track it better or get more efficient especially   :45.240 --> :50.720 in the idea of trying to save the company more  money or be more efficient just ends up creating   :50.720 --> :57.160 more headaches than it's even worth our next story  is don't bother you anymore fine I won't I used   :57.160 --> :01.680 to live in an apartment building that had shops  on the main level the building next door was the   :01.680 --> :06.600 same the two buildings shared a wall my building  had aside parking and yellow paper notes to put   :06.600 --> :12.880 in our car windows a restaurant opened up in the  building next door their owner manager and staff   :12.880 --> :18.200 began parking in my spot as well as our neighbors  I spoke to the owner and she said she would talk   :18.200 --> :23.960 to them again but didn't think it would help they  were even parking in her spot every night I would   :23.960 --> :29.440 get home call them and ask that the vehicle be  moved I was getting tired of this when one night   :29.440 --> :34.400 they put the manager on because they were busy  and didn't have time to deal with my request he   :34.400 --> :39.840 did do it but told me that they wouldn't do it  again and I was to stop calling them I suggested   :39.840 --> :45.680 they stop parking in my assigned spot he told me  he had too many staff to control where they parked   :45.680 --> :51.240 and he was sure they were not parking in my spot  and it was probably a customer you know because   :51.240 --> :57.880 customers always park behind a business and then  walk around to the front to get in the next time   :57.880 --> :04.280 I worked I worked evening shifts I got home and  this time there was a Range Rover parked in my   :04.280 --> :10.600 spot I dutifully called the tow truck and not the  restaurant I had to wait for a second tow truck   :10.600 --> :15.480 because the first one was not equipped to move a  vehicle of that type something about being jacked   :15.480 --> :19.920 up and stuff they explained it and the waight was  because I didn't know enough to be able to answer   :19.920 --> :24.840 their questions about the truck so they could  send out the right truck first they towed it   :24.840 --> :31.680 and I went in and went to bed a few hours later I  was awake by a phone call from the towing company   :31.680 --> :38.200 I had towed the owner and he was telling them that  it was his parking spot and that I had no right to   :38.200 --> :43.960 tow him they were going to bill me for the tow  I told the caller about my landlord's parking   :43.960 --> :50.480 permits the numerous phone calls to have them  move about being told not to bother them anymore   :50.480 --> :56.160 and that his restaurant was in the next building  with a separate parking lot we said goodbye and I   :56.160 --> :02.440 never heard anything more about it I was was  also able to park in my spot after I told my   :02.440 --> :07.920 neighbor and he told me just to be safe I should  tell the owner of the other building I popped into   :07.920 --> :14.280 her shop and told her she replied with something  to the effect of you told the Range Rover I said   :14.280 --> :20.520 yes she started to laugh and basically said good  for you and told me it was the restaurant owner's   :20.520 --> :25.880 truck still makes me smile when I think of it I  mean I don't know what leg this guy thought he   :25.880 --> :31.880 had to stand on clearly with their business being  in totally separate parking lot and them having   :31.880 --> :36.720 legitimately no claim to that parking spot they  were just talking out of their butt were they just   :36.720 --> :42.240 hoping that op would be afraid and acques or maybe  they were banking on op not really knowing who   :42.240 --> :48.520 exactly owned the spot and just would be willing  to accept that this guy definitely owned that spot   :48.520 --> :53.040 I'd almost feel bad for the towing company being  caught in this confusing Crossfire if it weren't   :53.040 --> :58.560 for their businesses in those situations at  least as far as what I hear often sound kind   :58.560 --> :04.120 of predatory a lot of times a little too eager  to scoop up a vehicle and find somebody all that   :04.120 --> :09.560 money but with that being said that's all the time  we have for today now if you want to hear another   :09.560 --> :14.440 awesome malicious compliance story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :14.440 --> :20.120 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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my mom lied to me about who my real dad is and he just showed up for the first time my mom is 39 F I'm 17m and my real dad is late 30s maybe sorry if this is incoherent but my mind is racing right now my dad died when I was 8 years old well the man I thought was my dad did my mom dated other men but she's never remarried or had a serious live-in boyfriend since so I've basically been without a dad since I was eight but earlier today this man came into my work I work at a movie theater in the concession stand by the way so this man came in and kept letting people go ahead of him in line until I was done helping the customer I was with I didn't think anything at first but this guy was kind of nervous but was trying to talk to me he asked what I recommended eating and what kind of movies I liked he seemed friendly but shy and I was just being polite and having conversations like we're supposed to with customers anyway he paid and left and I didn't see him when his movie finished because it was busy or maybe he didn't even watch a movie I don't know anyway I got off work a little bit ago and when I got home that same man was in my living room talking to myom mom and it kind of creeped me out and my mom started panicking when I asked who he was and she just kept saying he's no one he's leaving but the man said he wasn't leaving until we talked and said she needed to tell me the truth well you can guess from the title he said he's my dad I just felt this twist in my stomach my mom started rambling saying that my dad who died was my real dad how much he loved me and took care of me and that this doesn't change that the thing is something happened last year that made me question my mom about my dad and my medical history she said she didn't know anything about it but today I just yelled at her that she could have told me then and there that he wasn't my biological father but she didn't I asked if this man was telling the truth and she just started crying and nodding I guess I didn't notice at the theater because it was never something I would even think of but looking at him it's pretty clear we related since he looks so much like me or I guess I look like he is more accurate he tried to talk to me and swore he never knew I existed or he would have been in my life my mom didn't deny any of this I asked her if this man was dangerous an abusive ex or something he was offended and she assured me it wasn't that at all she wanted to sit down and talk but I just felt so nauseous and overwhelmed so I just grabbed my keys and told my mom I was staying at my best friend Josh's house for the night I came here and Josh was sympathetic and let me vent but he fell asleep and now I'm just here awake and my brain won't shut off I feel so betrayed by my mom how could she not tell me the truth when I was little I understood but I'm old enough to know where I come from it feels so unfair that she denied me a father for half my life I loved my dad who died and I still miss him but I've wanted a father for so long there's so much I've gone through that I feel like having a dad would have been so much better and easier I love my mom and she's been incredible at raising me but it's not the same as having a dad especially when this guy is my actual dad and it seems like he would have been there if he knew I don't know what to say to him or to my mom I know I have to go home eventually but I just don't know what I'm supposed to say or do he probably hates me and thinks I'm a crybaby because I cried and stormed out I feel lost update one I think I did this right my first post is here sorry for the length I just wanted to answer all the questions I got in the first post also I tried to post this yesterday but it wouldn't let me because it hadn't been 48 hours yet I know I didn't reply to any comments after the first few hours that my original post was up I woke up the next morning and saw a bunch of new comments though I didn't reply I did read all of them good and bad I appreciate all the advice given and the kind words spoken but like many people suggested the only thing I could really do was talk to both of them to figure out what the real story was so I went home and talked to my mom I was much calmer with a clearer head and was ready to hear what she had to say I probably learned more than anyone should ever have to about their own conception it turns out my father really isn't an abusive ex my mom didn't cheat on My adoptive dad or anything shady like that I'm just the product of a one night stand my mom said she went out drinking by herself at a bar and met my dad who was celebrating his 25th birthday alone she said she had just been dumped by her fiance Not My adoptive dad a different man a week before that because she had learned from her doctor her that it was virtually impossible for her to have children naturally she said she and my dad used a condom and yet somehow she still got pregnant with me and I'm her miracle baby considering the circumstances she went back to the hotel that he took her to after she found out she was pregnant but they couldn't find any information on my dad ever staying there he didn't give her his actual first name explained in more detail later in the post she said this was before social media was a thing so she couldn't just search him online like we can nowadays so she decided she would just raise me on her own she also admitted she panicked when my biod dad showed up because to her he was literally just a guy she knew for one night 17 years ago she didn't really know who he was now or if he was going to try to get custody of me or if I was going to want to run away with him or something she admits she could have been calmer from the beginning and maybe we could have all talked and sorted it out that night but I don't blame her for it as for My adoptive dad the man who raised me she said she didn't meet him until I was almost two they got married when I was three he officially adopted me after they got married she showed me the adoption certificate reflecting on it now I realize I've never seen pictures of him and me when I was a baby just pictures of me as a toddler and up she said he accepted me as his own loved me and was a father to me I told her my BIOS shows that showing up doesn't rewrite history I'll never not see My adoptive dad as my father if anything it makes me love him even more that he treated and loved me as his own flesh and blood I also ended up talking to my dad he left his number which my mom gave me we met up for lunch he confirmed my mom's whole story I gave him sht about using a fake name it wasn't so cut and dry he said he goes by his middle name which is what he told her that night he showed me his business card which does have the name he told my mom that night and I've since looked him up using the name he gave my mom which nowadays he's very easy to find and his entire online presence uses his middle name he has comments on his Facebook from friends and family calling him that name going back years apparently he only goes by his actual first name for legal and business reasons like checking into a hotel he said that night he was depressed that his best friend didn't live to celebrate their 25th birthday to together they had the same birthday and that's why he drove to our town to get away from everyone and everything back home for a night he apologized a million times and said he would have been in my life if he had known especially because I inherited a medical condition from him and it really sucked dealing with that and having to learn to adjust to it alone he was diagnosed with it when he was 19 so he knew what I went through I could tell he genuinely felt awful about it I asked him how he even found out about me and apparently he has a son who is only 5 months younger than me so his ex-wife's mom is a teacher and she saw a picture that my schools website posted of the academic team I'm on she had sent it to my dad thinking I might be related to him because we look so alike he said he has a brother he hasn't spoken to in over 20 years so they both initially thought I could be his nephew but he found my Instagram which is public and he said when he saw a picture of me and my mom on it he instantly recognized her and he knew I was his and I know people will ask but no he did not cheat on his ex-wife with my mom he didn't meet her until a couple months after the night with my mom he even admitted they only got married because she got pregnant early in the relationship and they're divorced now because they're not actually compatible he offered proof and even called her himself right there to confirm but I told him it wasn't necessary he had visited my mom earlier the day that he visited me at work and confirmed with her even though he already knew between my face and the math lining up but he said he went to the theater anyway because even though he had seen pictures of me he said he had to see me for himself in person he said we still need to do a DNA test to establish paternity so he can add me to his insurance but between our faces my birth date and us having the same rare medical condition it's obvious he's my dad even the waitress made a nonchalant comment about us being father and son he asked if we could start having visits to get to know each other and of course I said yes I want to know him even though I still feel some anger toward him and I don't really even know why exactly I want to have him in my life my mom said I can't go to his house for Christmas or even at all he lives an hour away until she feels comfortable with me leaving to visit him but she said he could come visit on Christmas night and we'd go from there at the end of lunch I brought out my debit card to pay for half of the meal I didn't really know what the etiquette was for a first lunch with a biological parent as a teenager he just laughed and said I'm his son and I don't ever have to pay for anything when I'm with him I don't know why but that made me feel really good and then he made a joke about owing my mom 17 years of child support anyway which really just eased the whole situation he walked with me to my car and gave me a hug which made me start crying I know it's cringeworthy and I was embarrassed that I was crying in the middle of a diner parking lot but I just felt an instant connection to him when he hugged me even though he's still basically a stranger to me he said some stuff to me while he was hugging me and he just let me cry for a couple minutes it's still early I know but I can just tell he's a good man regardless of who he was when he met my mom and whatever happened that night I mean he sought me out after learning about me so that has to count for something right he could have pretended he never saw my Instagram or even after talking to my mom and her sending him away or after meeting me at the movie theater or after I stormed out when he came to talk that same night he had so many chances to walk away but he didn't give up that shows me that he really does want to have a Rel some time to set something up I also very briefly talked to my half brother on the same call our dad kind of put us on the spot I think he was just excited for us to meet we said hi and I said Merry Christmas and he said it back and then he told our dad I don't know what else you want me to say before walking away so yeah not the introduction I was imagining but he and I are set to meet in person on New Year's Eve so I'm hoping that meeting goes a lot better my dad showed up alone on Christmas night half his brother was at his mom's house for Christmas and brought two huge boxes of Christmas gifts he bought me a ton of clothes and shoes practically a new wardrobe and I can actually see myself wearing most of the stuff he bought he also got me an iPad Pro and a gaming PC he said he wanted to get me a PS5 but they're notoriously hard to get so he's going to keep an eye out and grab me one as soon as he can honestly I'm surprised he was able to get me as much as he did considering we made the plan the week before Christmas he also bought my mom a few things which I think really surprised her but she was very grateful I actually felt really bad that I only got him one gift in comparison but thankfully he really liked it I thought he didn't at first because he started crying looking at all the pictures of me and started apologizing again saying he was sorry he was never there but he did say he loved it and it was a very thoughtful gift he especially loved that I made a page for our first Christmas photo and that I asked if we could fill out the rest of the album together also I did include one page of pictures of Me and My adoptive dad I didn't want the album to be full of pictures of My adoptive dad so as not to seem insensitive but I also wanted my biological dad to know he was an important part of my life after that we just spent the night talking setting up my new pc and watching It's a Wonderful Life my favorite Christmas movie before I told him that it was my favorite he said it was in his top three Christmas movies but now it's his favorite too because we watched it together it got really late so my mom let him stay in the guest room so he didn't have to drive back home he lives an hour away in the dark and rainy weather he treated us to breakfast the next morning and invited us to stay at his house for New Year's Eve which surprisingly my mom said we could go one final note a few comments told me that my adoped dad was and will always be my dad too and I agree 100% a couple days ago I went to the cemetery to visit his grave and talk to him this is the first time I've ever gone there alone truthfully I don't know if I really believe in heaven or the afterlife but on the off chance that he is out there somewhere watching over us I wanted him to know that no matter how close I may get to my biological dad he will never replace My adoptive dad in my heart so that's about it I'm meeting my half brother in person in a couple days and hopefully my paternal grandparents soon after also we're getting the paternity test T done on Monday but that really is just a formality mostly for insurance purposes at this point thank you again for all the advice in both of my previous posts I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a happy New Year
give me a good story on MyMomsBeenLyingAboutWhoMyRealDadIsIFINALLYFoundOutorig
I looked through my husband's email and I think I found evidence of him cheating I'm not sure what to do I 30f don't know where exactly to start he 32m is working late tonight or that is what he says so I thought I'd take some time to write in and ask for advice sorry for this being disjointed I've been pretty emotional and crying a lot this evening we have been together since college and have been married for the last8 years right after college graduation for me we were perfect for each other many friendships have come and gone but we've always found contentment in each other we were both adventurous and did some traveling together when we were first married we argued but not a lot we had kids the first planned child was 6 years ago the second surprise child is now three since having kids it's been tough to get time together both of our parents live a few hours drive away so there aren't many babysitters we've found that can handle our rambunctious boys my husband works a demanding stressful job and has had to cancel vacation plans more than once over the last 6 years because of a terrible boss we were seeing each other for what felt like minutes every day and our children while wonderful demanded a lot of our time and energy his boss changed about 6 months ago immediately his hours became more reasonable and his stress levels went down still long hours and travel some days but better we had evenings together again but something was different it felt like We Were Strangers just roommates who had kids together we were just so exhausted from the last few years that we Must Have Spent A couple months using any spare time we had once the kids were in bed crashing watching Netflix Etc just boring stuff and all along I felt very disconnected from the man who was supposed to be my partner so we talked about it I told him I missed him we had a few conversations about feeling disconnected we hired a sitter went on some dates and things started to feel better he's been more loving and attentive he bought me flowers again I was feeling so hopeful like I was getting my partner back about a month ago I noticed something I think I wasn't supposed to he has been talking about this work trip coming up for a week in August It's been a bit of a sore spot for me since in my mind summer is for family vacations not work trips but I've been being understanding however when he was in the shower his phone beeped and I saw an email from someone named Allison entitled our trip I felt a little weird looking at it but when I asked him about it he checked his phone and told me it was a spam email I didn't think of it after that but since then I haven't seen his phone left out again I found something else about a week ago it was a receipt for a jewelry store and it was a sizable sum money has never really been terribly tight for us but even I was surprised by how much it was I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and I admit looked for his personal laptop to see if I could snoop through his emails but he'd taken his personal laptop to work something he'd never done I was getting nervous but somehow I didn't want to bring it up with him maybe I was trying not to believe it but this morning I found his credit card bill in his sock drawer why was he hiding it you asked there were transactions going back over the last month all for stores that men typically don't shop at I added them them up and he has spent a few hundred on what looks like women's clothing and lingerie I haven't seen anything from these stores in our house so who are they for he is working better hours but is still away some evenings he could be spending at least an evening a week with someone else I don't know what to think but I fear the worst is there someone else was I too unavailable when our kids were younger is he going on a trip with them is it this Allison person what am I going to do if he leaves me he's buying her presents for God's sake doesn't that usually mean a man is moving on or falling in love somewhere else I don't know what to do I don't know any of his passwords so I can't Snoop I could call his office to make sure he is actually there when he says he is but if I talk to anyone I think I'm just going to start balling again he should be home in a few hours what am I going to do I don't want to raise my kids alone I don't want to be alone the comments are making me very scared I am thankful for everyone who is talking to me though even when it's hard to hear I've calmed down a bit read no longer sobbing and I'm going to call my older sister to talk to a real person about this she lives a couple hours away but we have always been close and she knows my husband well I will try to update again later thank you again to everyone edit I just had a very strange conversation with my sister I told her everything I was getting really worked up and emotional and crying again she interrupted me and told me sis it's going to be fine you need to calm down and talk to your husband when he gets home I promise everything is okay hang up the phone take a bath or something calm down down and wait for your husband to get home then she said she loved me and she hung up what the hell is going on with my life today I feel like she just blew me off she didn't seem to react to what I was saying but most commenters here seem pretty sure that something bad is going on I feel like I'm going crazy edit three right after I posted my edit about my sister in the phone call my husband texted he said my sister had called him and he was on his way home update one I immediately freaked out because I did not feel ready to talk to him I was super pissed at my sister for calling him and to be honest I felt like the entire world was falling down around my ears I broke down I didn't even know where I was but when I heard the front door open I realized I was on my knees in the kitchen sobbing my husband skitted around the corner and when I saw him I just started crying harder he dropped to the ground in front of me and started apologizing and I just lost it I started shaking my head and saying no no no over and over again I couldn't even hear what he was saying he tried to hugg me and I held my arms out all stiff like a kid does when they don't want to hug just holding him back it took me a few minutes to register what he was saying but he was repeating over and over I'm sorry for scaring you please listen to me you need to hear what's going on I'm not cheating please listen to me just over and over I finally stopped and just said what I was just so drained and Confused it was good news I saw some of the comments in the original post saying maybe it was a surprise and you folks get the grand prize the story all came out after our big talk about reconnecting he called my sister for advice my sister's idea was to have him Spirit me away for a surprise weekend getaway while she and my bill took the kids she connected him to her friend a travel agent remember Allison to get the ball rolling the plan evolved into my sister and parents trading off with the kids for the week the jewelry receipt is for a necklace for me to wear out to dinner on our trip the credit card charges are for some fancy clothes in lingerie he got me for the trip he took some of my clothes with him to get the sizes right and got a lot of help from the salespeople he says they are my style but they could be bags for all I care at this point so why the surprise my sister told him that it would be better if it was a surprise because it would be romantic that way she didn't count on me finding out early and assuming the worst I have had mild anxiety issues all my life that have been worse since having kids but this was the worst it's ever been I've never felt so totally out of control in my life he didn't tell me all of this right away some of it came out in that first moment in the kitchen but when I realized it was not the end of my marriage I pretty much became incoherent with relief this is embarrassing but I sobbed so hard that I vomited a little at least it was on the lolium the rest he told me after I calmed down we talked until late last night he showed me all the emails showed me our destination and we got excited together I am not mad at him at all which he is relieved by apparently my sister called him with a red alert get home now before your wife calls a lawyer message she knows I have some anxiety issues so I may have to get after her about the decision to keep this all a big secret for me right now I'm too relieved to be upset I am a little concerned by how unhinged I became I think I need to work on that it's not like me what am I going to do if a real crisis comes along some people were saying that I'm codependent maybe they are right but that's for later for now I'm enjoying my day with the kids and looking forward to my trip thank you for all the advice and good wishes from you all I'm sorry for worrying anyone you are wonderful people to spend your time with ready to help a stranger through the screen I hope you're live can all take an unexpected yet wonderful turn
give me a good story on ILookedThroughMyHusbandsEmailandIThinkIFoundEvidenceofHimCheatingImNotSureWhat
aita for not buying my wife a horse I work in an intense unfulfilling job six days a week my wife has not had a paying job since we got engaged 16 years ago 7 years ago I quit M changed the world a job which paid little but conferred distinction and a sense of doing what is right for a mercenary awful job I hate but which pays 10 times as much my wife enthusiastically supported indeed urged my job changed to the higher paying but awful job for a while I held it all in but over time particularly recently I've told her clearly that this job is leading me to an early grave it is awful the people and crap I deal with every day it is immensely stressful and not rewarding in the least but of course as the pay rolled in our standard of living increased and the amount we spent each month is eye watering last night at a cocktail party with my friends my wife got drunk and on the way home tearfully told me that I just don't understand her and that what she truly needs to feel fulfilled is a horse we know many people with horses after a few questions where she kept replying that this horse or that wasn't good enough for her our discussion devolved into shouting I view this as a pretty simple thing I want to go back to a job I like someday I'd like to reduce our spending so I don't need to work until I'm 80 my son wants to visit Madagascar my point is that people's wants
give me a good story on AITAforNotBuyingMyWifeaHorse
:00.170 --> :03.880 I live in germany, work in an Electronics shop. :03.880 --> :06.120 This shop is inside a mall with some supermarkets. :06.120 --> :09.990 I was quickly grabbing something to eat in my break in a supermarket called "Aldi" , and :09.990 --> :15.530 while i stopped somewere next to a high shelf, an old lady (maybe around 70years old) asked :15.530 --> :21.910 me if i can give her a box that was at the very top of the shelf. :21.910 --> :30.460 I am a very kind soul and tried to get the box but i am 1,50m big so i am verrrryy small :30.460 --> :31.960 and couldnt reach it. :31.960 --> :35.980 I even jumped but i still could not get the box. :35.980 --> :43.030 I told her i cant reach it and she should ask someone else and walked slowly away while :43.030 --> :44.499 looking at my phone. :44.499 --> :45.789 The lady yelled at me " EXCUSE ME?! :45.789 --> :46.980 U dont want to help me?! :46.980 --> :47.980 Get me the manager. :47.980 --> :48.980 Quick!" :48.980 --> :54.079 Well the lady didnt notice that i dont work in the Aldi and had something else as workoutfit :54.079 --> :55.869 than the workers in the Aldi. :55.869 --> :59.319 The Aldi workoutfit is mostly lightblue but mine is navy blue / dark blue with a orange :59.319 --> :01.029 star on the right chest. :01.029 --> :09.549 The fact that the lady didnt knew: I am a daily customer and the manager knows and likes :09.549 --> :10.590 me a lot. :10.590 --> :15.729 I did like the lady told me, i brought her the Manager but told him beforehand that the :15.729 --> :16.790 lady is rude and mad. :16.790 --> :22.979 The Manager heard her side of the story while she was lying that i cursed at her, did look :22.979 --> :26.909 on my phone while work and dont care about customer wishes. :26.909 --> :32.039 Her words: "You should fire her cause she triggers my ptbs of my bad neighbours. :32.039 --> :35.619 I could have had a heartattack cause of your bad employee! :35.619 --> :36.619 " :36.619 --> :40.390 After that the manager said " Thats sad, but this girl did never work in my company. :40.390 --> :44.600 I dont know why you call out one of my dear regular customers. :44.600 --> :50.789 This girl is everyday here and the nicesest person who never swears infront of people." :50.789 --> :59.109 He called the security, and told her that she is not allowed to shop in this mall anymore. :59.109 --> :02.619 She was like load airhorn yelling and crying at the same time. :02.619 --> :06.679 Still screaming at me but crying to shop in that Aldi again. :06.679 --> :10.970 The whole time i was pretty chilled and enjoyed the show. :10.970 --> :15.349 At the end when she got escorted out, i even waved and smiled at her. :15.349 --> :18.530 When i told the story to my boss he went to the supermarket, watched the security cam :18.530 --> :19.560 footage and came back laughing. :19.560 --> :26.569 The last 4 hours of my shift my boss send me home and told me that i deserved that. :26.569 --> :31.180 Afterwards i thought about this situation and maybe the lady saw a person in a blue :31.180 --> :33.810 shirt and assumed that this person (me in that moment) works there. :33.810 --> :37.269 On the other hand, she could ask if this person works in this store. :37.269 --> :41.480 This is not a stupid question, it a totally casual one cause everyone can be a customer :41.480 --> :42.480 or on break. :42.480 --> :46.880 This wasn’t a super long experience, or as entertaining as some of the stories on :46.880 --> :47.880 here. :47.880 --> :48.880 Simple misunderstanding. :48.880 --> :52.430 For one of my jobs, I work at a retail store across the hall from a pet store. :52.430 --> :56.069 My Boss is my ride home, and my shift ended before hers today. :56.069 --> :59.980 So I figured I’d go across the hall to look at clothes for my dogs. :59.980 --> :02.450 I was folding the tiny sweater I was just looking at, and putting it away. :02.450 --> :03.450 Habit from working with clothes, so I guess this is what made me look like employee. :03.450 --> :04.450 A gentleman walks in, and says hello to me. :04.450 --> :09.930 I figured he was a customer from my old job that I just didn’t recognize right away, :09.930 --> :11.380 so I said hey back. :11.380 --> :12.650 Then this exchange happened. :12.650 --> :13.650 Him: Hello. :13.650 --> :14.650 Me: Hey? :14.650 --> :15.650 Him: Do you have fishnets? :15.650 --> :16.650 Me: ... I’m sorry, what? :16.650 --> :17.650 Him: Fishnets. :17.650 --> :18.650 Me: :18.650 --> :19.650 Him: :19.650 --> :20.650 Me: :20.650 --> :21.650 Him: :21.650 --> :22.750 Me: -realizes we’re in a pet store, and he is not asking about my wardrobe- oh uh, :22.750 --> :23.750 I don’t know. :23.750 --> :24.750 I don’t actually work here. :24.750 --> :25.750 He then apologized and walked away. :25.750 --> :26.750 I don’t know if he realized how unsettled I was at first. :26.750 --> :27.750 😂 I immediately left for my store, not leaving the employee room until home time! :27.750 --> :28.750 This isnt as crazy as stories you hear...and its pretty short. :28.750 --> :29.750 But it does count. :29.750 --> :30.750 Several years ago I had gotten a new cell phone number. :30.750 --> :31.799 Thats lets say was 123-212-4567. :31.799 --> :35.620 It was an easy number to remember (the actual number) but there was a downside. :35.620 --> :38.020 At least once a week....sometimes more then once in a day. :38.020 --> :40.180 Id get a phone call for the local sheriff's department. :40.180 --> :42.340 Reason was there number was (not real of course) 123-121-123-4567. :42.340 --> :43.340 Meaning very similar. :43.340 --> :46.030 Same digits but the first 3 after the area code were other way around. :46.030 --> :49.270 You'd think this would be enough to know what number you were calling....or if you make :49.270 --> :50.634 a mistake get the last digit wrong or something. :50.634 --> :51.634 Nope. :51.634 --> :53.580 Often I got phone calls looking for a sheriff, deputy, someone else was there, etc. :53.580 --> :56.450 Heck once to report a crime (I guess through none emergancy). :56.450 --> :59.310 Each time Id have to explain this was a private number. :59.310 --> :00.310 Explain their mistake. :00.310 --> :04.189 Thankfully no one got rude and thought I was lying so I can be lazy. :04.189 --> :05.189 Each time they thanked me and luckily never called me back. :05.189 --> :07.890 But it was a common issue that drove me nuts. :07.890 --> :11.220 I couldve ignored all calls I didnt recognize but theyd likely call me back. :11.220 --> :14.580 I shouldnt have to change outgoing voicebox message to say something like"you have reached :14.580 --> :17.460 "my name", if you are looking for sheriff, this is not them. :17.460 --> :18.460 call them at 123-121-4567." :18.460 --> :20.730 Eventually when I switched phone providers I had the chance to get a new number. :20.730 --> :22.900 So got a new number and the calls stopped. :22.900 --> :27.280 I do get a wrong number call but typical and very rare. :27.280 --> :32.860 I just hope the person who got my old number is as kind as I was if they still happen.I :32.860 --> :35.790 used to work retail at my local mall for a smaller company that sold casual women’s :35.790 --> :36.790 clothing. :36.790 --> :38.730 A few stores down you would also see places like H&M, forever21, Urban Behaviour and so :38.730 --> :39.730 on. :39.730 --> :43.040 I guess you could also say that the company I worked for had very similar styles to the :43.040 --> :46.400 bigger fashion brands but at almost triple the price point (won’t name where but it :46.400 --> :48.950 was a drop shipping type of store so they jacked up prices oop). :48.950 --> :54.390 One day during my break, I was out to purchase a belt at H&M since my store didn’t sell :54.390 --> :55.390 accessories. :55.390 --> :56.820 I was in a blue tie-dye tee with some baggy jeans and a yellow hat (all clothes from my :56.820 --> :00.470 store) but I guess my mistake was the fact that I had the store keys on a lanyard in :00.470 --> :01.470 my pocket. :01.470 --> :06.201 I was browsing the belt section looking for my size and a few folks looked at me and seemed :06.201 --> :07.201 like they wanted to ask a question but weren’t sure if I was worked here. :07.201 --> :08.201 Until one lady decides to start yelling “excuse me” repeatedly. :08.201 --> :09.300 I thought there was another employee nearby so I ignored her. :09.300 --> :10.300 I heard some angry footsteps and suddenly a very loud “EXCUSE ME” from behind me :10.300 --> :11.720 and I turned around to see a lady holding about 10 items. :11.720 --> :14.200 I didn’t say anything at first because obviously I didn’t know who she was so I just stared :14.200 --> :15.200 blankly, waiting for a response. :15.200 --> :19.670 Then there was some awkward silence before the lady said, “I’ve been trying to get :19.670 --> :20.670 YOUR attention and I need a change room.” :20.670 --> :21.670 I politely told her that I didn’t actually work here and that I was on my lunch break :21.670 --> :22.670 and she angrily asked, “then WHY AM I STANDING HERE?” :22.670 --> :23.670 I don’t know lady, your guess is as good as mine? :23.670 --> :26.240 I'm sorry if this is the wrong subreddit for this, it's a funny story and I feel like this :26.240 --> :27.500 is the best fit. :27.500 --> :31.640 I work for a very popular quick food chain that started in the Midwest. :31.640 --> :35.950 During Covid, we had to close our lobby for obvious reasons, so we resorted to putting :35.950 --> :41.360 up a tent (the ones you'd see at fairs) to take orders outside in addition to our drive :41.360 --> :45.940 through because we can get very busy, but we also don't want to waste labor by having :45.940 --> :50.480 someone out there all day, so we just send someone to run out after we get x amount of :50.480 --> :55.020 cars lined up in the drive thru and it remains unmanned otherwise. :55.020 --> :56.880 One day, we are having a slow afternoon. :56.880 --> :01.800 I work in kitchen and an order starts to pop up on the screen, which is weird because we :01.800 --> :05.910 have an overhead system that gives kitchen the audio when someone is taking an order :05.910 --> :11.570 in drive thru so I know we don't have a guest in drive and we have our breaks done, so it :11.570 --> :12.700 isn't one of my coworkers' food. :12.700 --> :18.110 I call up to frontline to ask who's ordering and they are at a loss, so I look at the screen :18.110 --> :22.620 again and it says that it's coming from the POS that we have outside. :22.620 --> :29.030 Our POS isn't the easiest to navigate, or at least wasn't at the time, and usually requires :29.030 --> :33.700 3-5 days of training to get someone used to all the different menus on it and to get them :33.700 --> :39.630 to remember asking for sauce on orders with tenders and condiments on burgers. :39.630 --> :45.450 Turns out, some customer had decided to take his own order on the POS outside, without :45.450 --> :47.370 issue, and cashed himself out. :47.370 --> :51.780 (We dont have a register out there, you can only pay with card, so we weren't worried :51.780 --> :53.060 about him stealing.) :53.060 --> :58.710 He even added his own side of sauce, he gave himself a number for the order, and he tendered :58.710 --> :00.600 it to the right location. :00.600 --> :04.860 A few of us managers were curious if he would be interested in a job because we are always :04.860 --> :08.140 in recruit mode, but he politely declined. :08.140 --> :12.450 Everyone on shift thought this was hilarious and the story was circulating around the store :12.450 --> :43.150 for a week or so because we found it so funny. :43.150 --> :44.470 Most recent case for me. :44.470 --> :49.050 I was looking around the store looking for something, I can't seem to remember what, :49.050 --> :53.680 when this women began to talk to me asking me where this type of alcohol was, now mind :53.680 --> :57.550 you I'm 16 I don't know, I told her I didn't know. :57.550 --> :59.710 She said I CLEARLY worked there. :59.710 --> :01.650 I sighed and said I didn't. :01.650 --> :04.870 My parents were at work and I would have called one of them if they weren't. :04.870 --> :08.780 This went on for awhile while I was walking looking throughout the store for this item :08.780 --> :14.120 for myself and then an actual employee who worked there asked what was going on and that's :14.120 --> :18.500 when I heard it, "This disgusting woman says she doesn't work here! :18.500 --> :22.140 She clearly does and I need help finding this alcohol." :22.140 --> :24.620 Now both me and the employee were weirded out. :24.620 --> :28.490 I had a they/them pin on and it was in a very obvious place. :28.490 --> :32.890 The employee apologized to me for the woman and said they could show her where it was. :32.890 --> :37.339 She threw a few more insults at me, which didn't faze me at all, and left. :37.339 --> :42.289 I just grabbed a few things I didn't go there for at all and payed and left going back on :42.289 --> :43.380 the bus. :43.380 --> :47.560 The lady saw me boarding the bus as well so I think she figured it out. :47.560 --> :50.661 I'd like to preface this by saying that the language used by the awful person in question :50.661 --> :51.661 is not language I condone or use myself. :51.661 --> :52.661 Realising that I've actually had two IDWHL experiences a few years ago, both hilariously :52.661 --> :53.980 enough within days of each other. :53.980 --> :55.160 This however was the rudest/worst person. :55.160 --> :59.660 Part of my job at the time was collecting food for clients, so I find myself entering :59.660 --> :02.150 an establishment that Prince Andrew loves and goes to a lot (jokes). :02.150 --> :06.660 When I go in, the host greets me and I give him my order number, he tells me it'll be :06.660 --> :08.080 about 20mins, but please wait. :08.080 --> :13.790 All good I tell him, I'm not in a huge rush and I've bought my kindle for this exact purpose.. :13.790 --> :17.580 So I can set the picture, it's winter, so I'm dressed in jeans, a big black, thick jacket :17.580 --> :18.649 and a bright purple beanie. :18.649 --> :22.209 The restaurant staff in question are in smart, white shirts and suit trousers. :22.209 --> :24.540 No beanies, no jeans, no thick, winter coats. :24.540 --> :29.990 There was a couch for waiting customers next to the host stand, so I sit down and start :29.990 --> :30.990 reading. :30.990 --> :34.860 At some point, the door opens and I'm vaguely aware of a draught of cold air. :34.860 --> :37.100 AH (girl): ahem, ahem, AHEM, AHEM :37.100 --> :39.880 I'm completely oblivious that I am the subject of the ahems. :39.880 --> :40.880 AH: foot stamp and another ahem :40.880 --> :44.120 I look up, see an angry heck demon practically jumping out of her skin. :44.120 --> :45.120 Her eyes buggy. :45.120 --> :48.839 She's well dressed but wearing a comically large hat that makes her looks like she's :48.839 --> :49.880 being abducted by a UFO. :49.880 --> :53.730 Me: oh, I'm being served, you can go on ahead :53.730 --> :56.550 AH: (she interrupted me) table for two. :56.550 --> :00.480 Me: err, sorry I don't work here? :00.480 --> :01.720 AH: DO . .YOU. :01.720 --> :02.720 . SPEAK. :02.720 --> :03.720 . English? :03.720 --> :04.720 TABLE FOR TWO! :04.720 --> :06.269 I'm baffled here, completely taken aback :06.269 --> :07.920 AH: ARE YOU DEAF? :07.920 --> :10.370 Me: ahh, I don't work here :10.370 --> :12.230 AH: ARE YOU RETARDED? :12.230 --> :20.010 I WANT A TABLE FOR TWO :20.010 --> :24.269 I gave up trying to speak and thankfully the host came over at this point. :24.269 --> :27.740 AH Girl gives me the filthiest look possible and mutters under her breath about me being :27.740 --> :30.240 'special needs and ugly' and stomps after the host. :30.240 --> :34.680 Her boyfriend/whatever sort of shrugged like this was normal behaviour and followed his :34.680 --> :36.000 awful girlfriend to their table. :36.000 --> :40.740 I work for a major transportation company and one thing that they have where I work :40.740 --> :46.009 is a phone since the phones are interconnected all you have to do is dial extensions we rarely :46.009 --> :47.810 get an outside of company call. :47.810 --> :51.740 Where I am working now I have to answer the phone for the specific section since I am :51.740 --> :01.500 the only one there and up until a certain time I only got work related calls. :01.500 --> :07.050 Than one day I answer my usual response mini load I get someone asking to make an appointment :07.050 --> :09.670 with a podiatrist. :09.670 --> :14.760 I had to say sorry wrong number while holding in a laugh thinking when did a podiatrist :14.760 --> :16.050 office move into a transportation warehouse. :16.050 --> :21.940 I think another wrong number came in for a person or pizza place. :21.940 --> :32.480 And the most recent was a person trying to do a survey or a petition. :32.480 --> :40.949 That woman was trying so hard to keep me on the phone even after I tried explaining you :40.949 --> :47.320 are calling a warehouse not a residence and we can't do what she is asking for. :47.320 --> :50.070 I ended up hanging up on her. :50.070 --> :54.630 I am still waiting for the car warranty scam to call.This morning I went downstairs and :54.630 --> :55.879 stepped on a granola bar wrapper. :55.879 --> :00.779 Confused, I followed the bits and found a trail of wrappers on the floor leading from :00.779 --> :01.779 the pantry. :01.779 --> :07.689 My puppy had somehow gotten the door open and broke into a box of granola bars. :07.689 --> :27.809 Panicked, I :27.809 --> :56.310 called the vet's number that is programmed into my :56.310 --> :22.009 phone as the bars had that artificial sweetener that :22.009 --> :25.390 can kill dogs. :25.390 --> :35.190 Reception: Garble garble new deal Sirius radio... :35.190 --> :56.939 Me: Basically shouting into the phone that I was worried my dog was dying :56.939 --> :20.379 Reception: Ok I hear you, but this is Townname Lexus.... :20.379 --> :24.480 Me: Can't you help me? :24.480 --> :34.830 Reception: I think you need to call your vet...but I hope your puppy is OK! :34.830 --> :44.399 Me: Suddenly dawning on me what she was saying...Whoops, so sorry! :44.399 --> :58.190 Readers, I was the confused customer. :58.190 --> :10.379 Lady at the Lexus dealership, thanks for being nice. :10.379 --> :50.480 I did get ahold of the vet who assured me the sweetener is not the kind that kills dogs, :50.480 --> :55.149 and since my puppy is already pretty big, that it should be fine. :55.149 --> :03.889 My pup just got a tasty snack and I got a memorable morning.
give me a good story on rIDontWorkHereLadyHOWIBEATTHEEVILKARENRedditStories
I fell for my married massage client who lied about being divorced caught him cheating years later teamed up with his actual ex-wife and ruined his life now he's jbless and homeless my stbx 40m and I 32f first started seeing each other just over 5 years now I'll be referring to him as Don just for privacy sake Don came in as one of my massage clients and we just sort of hit it off right away I had just gotten out of a previous relationship I had lost a bit of weight I just got back from a solo trip to South America and was feeling flirty and fun Don was coming in to get a massage one every 2 months at the time he was a police officer who had just transferred from a smaller town to the big city he said he was recently divorced and it had been rough and he asked for the transfer for some space from his ex-wife Miranda and her family he said he grew up in the small town so everybody knew everybody and it wasn't too popular for a man like himself to be walking away from his wife who was a stay-at-home mom to his two kids 14f and 11m he said she was incredibly manipulative and abusive towards him for years they had been together since they were 14 and it was a bit taboo for a man to be talking about how his wife was abusing him so nobody had really believed him and his parents were shaming him a bit for abandoning her anyways he was in rough shape and we had bonded over our recently failed relationships because I too was in a pretty manipulative and emotionally abusive relationship on the third appointment he built up the nerve to ask me out to this Botanical Garden just outside of the city he ended up picking me up at my place in his ghost car police cruiser and he was showing off and trying to be cute by putting the lights on and we'd speed through the streets and down the highways until we got to the gardens it was thrilling and hot at the time I will admit anyways he ended up having a really good time and he asked me out on another date we went on a few more dates after that in the span of two months and at the end of those two months I don't hear from him for a while I'm just thinking he lost interest so I just go on my Merry way then another month goes by and he calls me up and apologizes for not getting to me sooner and he feels terrible and tells me he has to tell me something and I say oh here we go here in my mind I'm thinking he's just going to tell me being in a relationship so soon isn't going well for him and he jumped in too soon and all of that BS I'm expecting him to say he's not interested in seeing me anymore well I agree to see him and he picks me up and takes me to this coffee shop by my house and drops this bomb that he's still married I say why did you lie he said he's in a bad relationship everything he said about her being abusive is true I just haven't actually moved out of the house yet because I'm too afraid and I don't want to lose my kids well I get up to leave and he begs me to stay and he says he's sorry for lying but he just hasn't ever felt this way before for someone blah blah blah so I entertain him and I stay and hear him out and I feel ashamed to say this but I actually believed everything he was telling me at the time because I had experienced such bad emotional abuse from my previous boyfriend that he just left me in a really bad place I could empathize with everything he was saying because I had experienced it too anyways blah blah I ended up staying with him but I said only if he moves out of the house he's in because he was off still living with his wife at the time and he starts the separation process K Don agrees within that same week he tells his wife he's leaving her he takes his trailer and Parks it at a buddy's property long story short here they go through the separation process where I'm from you have to be separated for at least a year in order to start the divorce process so within that Year Don goes from staying in his Park trailer and then winter comes and he moves in with me his daughter goes and see with him and he doesn't tell his friends or family about me because he doesn't want anybody catching on to the fact that he was still married when we started dating anyways fast forward a year and he files for divorce but she has a fit and claims that she's scared of him and what he's capable of and something along the lines of she's scared of what he'll do to himself she files a restraining order against him so he can't see his kidss or go by the house and because he's a police officer there's an investigation and they take his gun away and has to work behind a desk for some time before the investigation is complete his daughter is still NC with him too by now his mom and dad a few friends and his ex and kids know that he's seeing me but they think we've just been seeing each other for a few months fast forward about 6 months and the restraining order is lifted and the investigation is complete and he's back to active duty he's been deployed to a difference Province for work and training quite a few times as well so he's been gone quite a lot and away from home I don't think anything of it he's always talking to me and checking in and gives me a detailed schedule of what his days look like yeah I might have even Googled a conference or two and called the hotels he's claimed to be at making sure that he's actually staying where he says he's staying and that the conferences actually existed every time I had a doubt I always double checked and everything checked out a few years go by we end up buying our own place together and it's so beautiful literally the house of my dreams it's on about 4 acres of land and it's right off of a lake he tells me that the divorce is finalized he proposes to me we're engaged his son comes over every second weekend and spends the weekend with us Everything feels good we're happy well I go to start planning a wedding and book appointments to see venues but he becomes distant and uninterested he keeps saying there's no rush there's no rush and I say I know there's not but I just want to go and see so we can start making some goals so we know what we want when the time comes or just get little bits done here and there he obliges but when we go to see the venues and people are asking when we're thinking of getting married we can't give them an answer he says there's no rush we don't have a date yet then he says oh maybe in the next 2 to 3 years and I say what 2 to 3 years and then we start arguing in front of this woman who's showing us around this beautiful Hall she sort of gets the hint that I want to speak to Don privately and ends up giving us some space by this point I'm so embarrassed I'm like what do you mean by two to 3 years and Don said I don't want to rush into things after just getting divorced it looks bad and I'm like well why did you propose to me and he said because I love you I said then what are we waiting for then he comes out and says he hasn't been totally truthful to me I say what the does that mean and then he says that he's not officially divorced yet and I say I thought you took care of that he says there was something wrong with the paperwork and she didn't sign it and I said so you're technically still married and yet you propose to me and I said well I proposed because I signed the papers and sent them off to my lawyer thinking that she wouldn't have a problem with them and sign them she's just being a about it and is giving me a hard time because she doesn't want me to be happy I call BS and I say this engagement is called off and he says whoo wait he said I still want to be with you I want to marry you and I'm like I don't want to marry someone who's lying to me I said you've lied to me once before and I thought we were over that anyways long story short I ended up telling him to pack his things and stay at a buddy's place for a while until I go over some things he's gone for two weeks and in that time we do some talking and he said he didn't want to tell me because he didn't want me to leave him and he's so sorry and it's not that he doesn't want to be with me he said he's just afraid of Confrontation he says all these things and he's like let's go to counseling together I'm serious about this I'm serious about you blah blah blah i' Qui I didn't just call it all off at this point but dum agreed to coup's counseling but I still call off the engagement until he's officially divorced he moves back in and we go to counseling and private therapy 8 months go by and he is officially divorced I see it for myself the next day we go camping to celebrate and he takes me up into some hills through this path and down by a waterfall where he proposes again stupid me says yes but at this point I feel like we've made some progress in our relationship his daughter has also started talking to him again so we're feeling pretty relieved I chalk up his weird behavior in off days before that to the fact that his daughter had hasn't been talking to him and they were pretty close before he separated from his Miranda well in this time he's been deployed a few more times and has been away from home for weeks at a time I started running my own clinic and it's been crazy hectic I've been distracted with that one time he comes home from deployment he tells me he has to take a colleague of his out of Province because he can't drive on the medication he's on I say why can't he take a bus or a plane and he says that the guy has a fear of flying and he doesn't want to pass out on the bus with the medsis on well my guts telling me something's off and I try to tell him that I don't want him going and it's a back and forth but he says that since he's his Superior he feels like he can't say no so I'm like okay I guess so he leaves on a Sunday and he's back on a Tuesday then when he's back he's sort of distant and I see him on his phone outside while he's doing yard work and he's smiling and laughing and whatever and when I ask who he was talking to he says it's the colleague of his who he drove out of Province okay then about 2 weeks goes by and it's my cousin's wedding and we're at the reception he's had a few drinks and then a random person comes up a friend of my cousins and she's looking for an empty chair and then he straight up tells her that she can sit on his lap and tries to grab her and I'm sitting right there next to him in disbelief my other cousin looks at me and she's like the and she sort of tries to pretend it didn't just happen and the chick he told to sit on his lap sort of just laughs awkwardly and walks away then I go to the washroom and I'm completely pissed off and by the time I come back he's dancing with some other woman and I see my brother there and ask him to drive me home while I'm home I go onto his iPad because I'm curious to see if he's connected his messages to his iPad sure as heck there they are it's under some fake name Mark and there's flirting back and forth sexting nude picks and videos exchanged you name it and the days he said he had to drive a colleague you guessed it that colleague was in fact Mark who is in fact a woman with a blonde pixie cut who I'll call Liz he spent the days with her and on the days he's been deployed he's come back a day earlier than he told me he was and had go straight to her house to hook up and he'd drive to our home the next day pretending that he just got in from wherever he was i' take screenshots of everything and I send them to myself then I send them to him and tell him to not come home I tell him we're totally done I don't get a response right away he's probably passed out somewhere or hooking up with someone I've also locked the doors to the house and I know he can't get in because I took the keys home with me and my purse and we don't keep a spare outside anywhere my brother had picked us up anyways the next day I wake up to text messages and voicemails in the morning saying he's sorry all that jazz I block him then around noon I get a call from my cousin and she's saying that Don is sitting in the hotel lobby and he is saying I left him there without a way to get home and I said he should ask the woman he was dancing with for a ride home and she said what and I said he's not allowed home and she got the hint I then get a call from Don's brother saying that he's got to come over and pick up some stuff for Don and I said I'll have all of his packed and outside on the driveway his brother drives up the driveway and Parks outside the house and I can see Don come out in the clothes he was wearing at the wedding and he comes up to the front door and tries the door but it's not open then he goes around the back and tries that but it's also locked then I watch him try the windows to see if maybe we left any unlocked no luck he starts yelling my name and I'm watching his brother pack his stuff into the back of his truck he starts yelling at me saying that he's sorry and he's saying that I can't keep him out of his own house blah blah then after about 15 minutes they both leave a few days go by and I get a text from Miranda asking what happened with Don he was supposed to pick up his son from hockey practice but didn't show up and she can't get a hold of him she's checking to make sure he's alive well I text back and say I wish he were dead and she says wo hope all is okay then I do something that I've never done before and I call her I tell her that I'm so sorry that I ruined her marriage and that I up the girl code and I literally told her everything I said I dated her husband behind her back and I told her what he told me about her everything she honestly took it surprisingly well she said she figured that he was cheating on her she said he was never home and she said that her daughter caught him texting another woman may or may not have been me and she asked him about it and he totally denied it and gaslit her and made her think that she was crazy and then that's where the NC came about then she admitted that she got a restraining order because she was legitimately afraid of him because she wanted to Spill the Beans to their family and friends about what a scum bug he was but he threatened to kill her then he threatened her again and basically made her life a living hell with stalking and such until she lifted the restraining order this whole time I told her that he was telling me that he was afraid of her and that she was the abusive one she said it was totally the other way around she said he manipulated her enough that she was afraid to talk to anyone and she was super depressed she said there were so many times that she wanted to just call me and tell me everything but that she was afraid I would think she were crazy and wouldn't believe her Don told her that if he ever found out that she reached out to me that he'd get her arrested and take the kids away from her so yeah I get it well after talking a bit more I said that I was going to pick her up the next day and that we'd go and file a report against him she wasn't sure at first but I talked her into it and I said that she wasn't alone and that I'd have her back and that we're in this together so we filed a report they opened up an investigation I got word that he was suspended with pay due to domestic violence a few months went by and I got a call from Miranda and she said that he had been fired and she had a restraining order placed on him to protect her and the kids I ended up getting one two because we didn't know what he was capable cap able of he's currently living in his trailer on his buddy's property homeless and jobless he'll never be in the police force again and has been disowned by his parents and his kids won't talk to him he's been branded abusive and a cheater and his community hates on him his buddy had come by to pick up the rest of his stuff even though a lot of the furniture and house goods were mine he picked up a chair some outdoor things a gun safe and little things here and there Miranda and I have hung out quite a lot during this whole process and we become actually really good friends I still see the kids and his daughter is still iffy about me but she's warming up to me even though I totally understand where she's coming from I bought out the rest of the house and it's officially all mine I got that snake out of my hair and I still enjoy a nice cup of coffee on my deck in the morning overlooking the lake life is good thanks for listening to me ramble now on to the next story story two caught my wife cheating on me with her sister's husband so I checked her phone gathered evidence and exposed them in front of whole family now they're both divorced and disowned I 32 male was married to my ex-wife 28 female for 2 years it still shocks me that after all the promises my ex-wife made to me she stooped so low and cheated on me my wife and I first met at my cousin's college graduation ceremony she had also come to attend her brother's graduation and we got along well after the ceremony she gave me her number at request but it took me weeks for her to finally take my calls after weeks of her not taking my calls I coincidentally bumped into her one day and she apologized for not taking my calls and offered that we should go to the movies together going to the movies was our first date and from there multiple dates followed and we ended up marrying after a year of dating in the beginning marrying my wife brought me so much happiness she ticked all my boxes and everything was smooth between us she was great in bed a good cook and she took good care of me we were always so happy together and I loved what we shared while my wife worked as a data entry clerk I worked as a heavy machine technician and what we earned was enough to take care of us aside from being happy that I married my wife I was also glad she had a great family I grew up with my dad and he raised me as a single Le parent and the only cousin I had was my dad's younger sister's daughter one of the things I always looked forward to was a family of love and that's what my wife had she had two brothers and one sister plus her parents her family were so close to each other and since we all lived in the same town we used to hang out once every month as a family unit whenever we had a picnic family dinner or a gathering all of my wife's siblings would come with their spouses and this was how I got close to one of her brother-in-laws my wife's sister's husband we were around the same age which allowed us to bond well most times if my wife and her sister were hanging out or going out of town for the wedding of a mutual friend or an extended family member her brother-in-law and I would go out for a couple of drinks or watch football together as time passed he wasn't just my favorite brother-in-law we became very good friends months after my wife and I clocked a year together I noticed she was getting closer to her sister's husband it's not like there was anything wrong with being close to her sister's husband but I felt something was different with their relationship and some other changes followed for example if we went for a family dinner my wife would talk to everybody except her brother-in-law which was very unlike her and if her brother-in-law and I were hanging out and I mentioned my wife in our conversation he would avoid the topic and chip in something else regarding their closeness if we all went somewhere maybe the park or shopping mall my wife would prefer to hang with her sister and husband than with me if we sat at a table to eat together she would prefer to sit next to him and leave me alone wherever I was I quietly washed her for months to ensure my head was not messing with me around the same time I noticed all these changes my wife's attitude towards me changed two it got so bad that we could not Converse without her mentioning her brother-in-law's name our intimacy dropped too and she barely allowed me to touch her whenever I tried to she'd complain about being tired or not being in the mood sometimes she'd even say she was seeing her monthly flow even when I knew she wasn't before I suspected something was going on between her and her brother-in-law my wife did not care about her looks whenever we wanted to hang out as a family unit but she suddenly became so concerned she'd wash and curl her hair in advance pick out a dress that would expose her thighs and cleavages and ply makeup it became evident that she was trying to look good for a reason and even her sister and other family members noticed the great difference the whole time I had been suspecting my wife deep down I wanted to be wrong but one night after waiting for almost an hour for her to stop chatting and blushing on her phone and spend time with me she said she was tired as usual and slept off I was so hurt by her actions and neglect that I went through her phone to see who had been making her blush like that when I accessed her phone and went through her social media accounts I stumbled on her messages on Whatsapp with her sister's husband she saved his name as bestie with three love emojis and I suspected he was the one before I opened their conversation I could not believe what I saw when I went through their conversation Not only was my wife having an affair with her bill as I suspected but they had also exchanged nudes even that evening he had sent her pictures of his private part and wrote a long erotic text of all the nasty things he would do to her when they met again they planned to meet in a cheap motel in 2 days and they kept recounting their last Escapade together I was so disappointed and didn't know how to feel to even think that they were making jokes about her getting pregnant for him and keeping the child I felt so Betrayed at that moment I felt like stuffing her with a pillow I had to control my anger because she wasn't worth getting a life sentence for shortly after I was done with my emotional meltdown I had an idea to teach her a lesson so I took screenshots of their conversation especially the parts where he sent her his nudes and they mentioned meeting at the motel to have fun then I cleared all traces that I went through her chats that night I couldn't sleep at home because I was hurt and kept crying like a baby even though I suspected something was fishy I still could not believe my wife would break me like that after all our promises to each other the following day I went to work from the motel I spent the night at and she kept calling me the whole morning to find out why I wasn't at home when she woke up I cooked up a lie for her and I told her I'd be home after work when I got home that evening she could tell something was wrong but I told her I had a bad day at work meanwhile the following day she had planned to meet with my bill at the motel she didn't know I had called her sister and explained everything she was more shocked than I was and promised she would not confront her husband also I created a WhatsApp group chat added all her close family members to it and told them everything I found out I dropped the screenshots I took there so everyone could see and they couldn't believe it her sister kept doubting that my wife would do such a thing to her after everyone was out of their shock phase we all planned to go to the location of the motel they would be using so we could catch them in the act on D-Day which was a Saturday I watched as my wife dressed her best did her makeup and lied to me about going to see one of her oldtime friends who had just given birth I acted all calm and watched her as she left about 10 minutes after she left I drove to the location and notified her family that she was on the Move eventually we all rended at the motel as planned and decided to go to her room there were five of us excluding her father when we got to her room I knocked and pretended to be room service and she opened the door with a white towel wrapped around her chest the moment she saw that I was the one she froze then we all entered the room one after the other her bill was in the bathroom and when he heard voices and came out to see us he ran back into the bathroom and refused to come out my sister in-law was so heartbroken and she attacked my wife right there I told her to her face to not bother coming home and that she'd be hearing from my lawyer soon her mom and brothers could not even say anything to her they all stood there in awe I left the room and left them there so she could deal with her family immediately I got home I threw her stuff out of my house and contacted a divorce lawyer to start processing our divorce papers she tried to call me and beg a couple of times and I told her she was insane to think I'd take back a Shameless cheat like her the worst was that she had no one to turn to her family dis owned her and her sister cut all ties with her because she couldn't handle the Betrayal I had to divorce her and officially get rid of her her sister also divorced her husband and my wife had to move in with her friend before she left town later I found out that their Affair started under my roof and they had it going long before I suspected something was happening my wife claimed she continued the affair with her bill because he was not as boring as me I guess she will have enough fun living with disappointed family members for the rest of her life I'm fine now but I've decided to not marry again it's better to be alone so I don't experience such disappointment and heartbreak again
give me a good story on IFellforMyMarriedMassageClientWhoLiedAboutBeingDivorcedCaughtHimCheatingYears
first story abusive my mom allowed my stepdad to saw me and physically assault me from the age of three and kicked me out at 15 for confronting her after my stepdad broke my sister's collarbone now that she is homeless I refused to let her in and took my brother to raise him well but my delusional sister took him and left our mother for some background my mom and dad divorced when I was two and she met this 19-year-old kid she was 34 and married him 6 months after she met him when I was three they both terrorized me and my sister for the next 12 years I was saw at 3 years old by a babysitter and my mom knew and did nothing about a year later she beat me with a yard stick until it broke for sleep walking and having an accident on a chair shortly after this my stepdad would lock me and my sister in the closet with no food water or access to the bathroom all night so he could smoke weed and cheat on my mom he kept doing this until I was in kindergarten and told a teacher CPS was called and my mom took me out of school and I did not go back to school until fourth grade a little while after I was taken out of kindergarten he stabbed my mom on the side of her nose Bridge next to her eye she was 5 six months pregnant I had to see my mom with a knife in her face at 6 years old screaming and crying that they the police took her husband away he was in for attempted murder but she fought for him until he got out after and even a little before he went to jail he started stripping me completely naked and beating me not even letting me cover my private parts and and even hitting me there this happened until I was 12 years old and completely developed my mom would watch or just ignore it I also had to take care of my little brother changing diapers and feeding him since I was 7 years old and doing all the household chores since I was four whenever I was enrolled in school not very often my mom would tell me to fight any bullies for minor offenses and would take me to McDonald's when I got suspended my stepdad would make a stand in the corner for up to 8 hours for something as small as talking after bedtime on a school night my mom still brags about this punishment when I was nine my mom bit my hand until it almost drew blood because I scratched my new table while washing the dishes when I was 10 I was usted and strangled by the same babysitter guy and my mom was there and didn't even notice when I was 11 my stepdad busted my lip twice and bashed my head into a car window because they didn't have a certain game on Gamestop my stepdad was also very racist he said the nword even though he was n black and gave us lashings like a slave owner and his slaves after he stopped beating me naked he started secretly watching me get dressed and recording me around this time he strangled my sister for the first time he lifted me over his head and threw me I almost went out the window but my mom caught me I was 13 at the time my mom called me the arser for having trania hair pulling disorder and ripped out all my weave and had me and my sister put it back in until 6:00 a.m. then didn't let us go to S sleep my stepdad didn't let us use the bathroom until like 6:00 p.m. and I had a multiple year long UT I because of it we also never had beds and were sleeping on the floor on the couch or sharing my Godfather's twin-sized bed at my Godfather's house my mom spent all her money on cars and fur coats she told me to become a prostitute at 13 because I was too old for her to take care of me when I told her my stepdad was watching me get dressed she said you're lucky he didn't rope you and I let him keep doing it he strangled my sister until her eyes hemorrhaged from losing the car keys but finding them 20 minutes later she strangled me for going to my Godfather's new apartment instead of the library like I said I would beat me in the head with a paint can when I kicked her off of me blamed my friend for our bed bugs even though she never came into the house at that point when it was definitely my stepdad from when he ran away for a couple of months when we were 15 my stepdad broke my sister's collar bone after it happened we told our mom either him or us and she told us to pack our bags and called our Godfather to take us away saying that she hoped that he left us out to die in the snow we went to a teen homeless shelter group home and it wasn't that bad but half the staff were verbally abusive and accusatory we went to foster care after that and my mom sold the house that was not hers kidnapped our brother and ran away he was supposed to be in foster care with us and she was a fugitive from the state for 3 years I didn't see her until I was 17 and I didn't see my brother again until I was 18 after foster care I went to live with my grandma until I was 18 I was abused by my grandmother and emed by my dad the whole time it wouldn't have happened if my mom was normal my mom went to jail for a while and got custody of my brother after he got out of foster care right before I turned 20 my dad attempted to rope me and he broke my jaw and my shoulder I moved back in with my mom where she tried to throw bleach in my face and had me cook food for my stepdad who lived somewhere else at the time and when I found out I went to a domestic violence shelter it sucked the staff did not extend my time because this girl who was effing a staff member told them I wasn't looking for a place to live I was the only one filling out the Housing search forms and the only one with a job I had to go to another shelter where I had my sht stolen and I was as harassed and violated I got my own apartment through the first shelter and my mom lives in the same town she relapsed on crack and alcohol last year and got so again in February she was also never home for my little brother and forced him to drink whiskey and he hasn't been to school or to the doctor in 3 years she's always out with her sugar daddy and he abuses her in front of my brother recently she's been saying she's going to get a lot of money and I was thinking since my grandma just died and the rich Sugar Daddy's dad just died I think that there might be some inheritance involved but my little brother told me that it was actually because God apparently told her she was supposed to win the lottery my mom is also Al a religious conspiracy theorist like some flat earther Canon sht but she got evicted because she genuinely believed she was going to win the lottery and didn't need a job my little brother lives with me as of now and she's stuck in a homeless Hotel run by Social Services I called CPS and tried to get him put in foster care but they were not helpful at all we can't take a kid just because their mom is poor they said they haven't changed since I was a kid but she asked to live with me too and I said no if I could do it at 15 she could do it at 54 and that's where we're at thank you for reading edit thanks to everyone I will reply to people when I wake up it's 8:44 a.m. and I still haven't gone to sleep I have FML bipolar Mania am I right anyhow good night update it's apparent that nobody gives a f what happens to my brother besides me CPS said we can't take him just because his mom is poor when she's literally smoked crack in front of him and doesn't have him enrolled in school homeschools him but mostly only reads the Bible and tries to teach him Spanish while not knowing Spanish herself so I had him living with me in my apartment since like the beginning of May CPS said the only thing I could do was file for emergency custody which sounds fake as hell so you're telling me you can't put the kid in foster care but a random family member can just take him if they want for apparently no reason okay egg so I went to the courthouse and got the papers on Wednesday but literally the very next day as I was coming back and some I saw my sister leaving with him and he had his suitcase and a bag I was literally so effing confused when my sister said that he was supposed to tell me that mom was taking him nobody told me anything and like where the hell is he even going my mom does not have anywhere to live that's what initiated this whole effing thing anyway she took him back to our home city which is 45 minutes away from where we live now and put their belongings at a family friend's house apparently while they were there my mom renewed her nursing license with money she got from one of her tricks and found an apartment there that she plans on getting when she gets her nursing job back the thing that bothers me the most though is my sister's attitude towards the whole thing because I was in the middle of filling out the paperwork for getting custody of him and she just takes him back to our abuser then she says the plan the whole time was for Mom to get her stuff together so that our brother could go back to his mom um no the F it wasn't that was never the plan she was with me when I got the custody papers she says that as long as he goes to school in the fall it should be fine no no no this woman has let us get sawed and beat up since we were 3 years old she does not need to be around kids during this period and she still spends the majority of time with her sugar daddy and with her tricks instead of with her own son these people barely even pay her I know I definitely do not have the means to take care of him but I'd rather he be poor and safe with me than with her and potentially get sawed or beaten by whatever sleazy men she has around right now they're sleeping at my mom's friend's house around the corner from my place so I went to go see her and my brother and I got pizza for them from the place I work because my mom was trying to make my brother split the price of a pizza with her she scum to the core like you're supposed to be the parent and take care of your kid and you're making him scrape up whatever change he has to feed you she's a piece of sht my sister came with me and cried because my mom cut up the collar of her vintage shirt you know when I cried when the bee took my brother and I literally didn't sleep for 3 days after that I empathize with a vintage shirt I would have cried too but the fact that she didn't even cry about our brother and just delivered him to our mom I'm here just to post about trauma and I try not to talk too heavy on my twin sister because she's been through a lot and most of it is nobody's business but I feel like I want to document all the sht she's done to me too this is not the first time she has done something Shady like this and I almost want to call her an abuser too she scares the absolute essence HT out of me I hate everyone and everything right now Second Story my husband's side piece showed up at my house with her baby demanding that I move out so she can have it she claimed that my husband is going to divorce me and will inherit half of my properties not realizing he won't get a dime so I kicked her out of my house and filed for divorce now my M berates me for kicking out her grandchild my husband and I 40f and 41m have been together for 10 years and I consider these years to be very loving and happy but apparently not for him since he had a side piece I make furniture and make around €1 1 million a year my husband is a teacher it goes without saying that I provide for us I don't ask what he does with his salary we live way below our mean however because we are both minimalists but we have a big house nice cars and lots of art everything is mine however apparently he met his side piece f-25 under false pretenses and told her that we were legally married so he owned half my company and everything else I own when she got pregnant he started spending his salary on her I wasn't alarmed because I didn't know what he did with his money now he is in Dubai on vacation and her lease on her apartment expired so she just showed up at my door with her baby she told me she was his girlfriend and that he was getting a divorce so she might as well live in his house and I could live in a hotel because I could afford it she didn't have any money or a home she literally refused to step out so I called the police and locked myself in the greenhouse when the police came she was literally unpacking the child's clothes in the living area they escorted her out I was very shaken later I found out all the details I included above my husband's mother thought I was an idiot for kicking out a little baby on the street that was her only grandson I used and abused my money and power to control everything around me but honestly teachers make $60,000 a year so if as I found out later he gave her his salary I can't understand why she would be so homeless and destitute she had big designer bags a designer stroller and this vanle and Arpels jewelry when she showed up to my home but now I am the ah relevant comments commenter if your mother-in-law is so concerned about the baby she can take them in op she said she couldn't because she lives in a studio apartment commenter he can be homeless with her now NTA op absolutely he wants to take an early plane home to explain what is there to explain he said she tricked him into getting pregnant I know that people hate children but how do you trick people into having children so many questions and absolutely no desire to get any answers I feel only emptiness commenter you can't be tricked into pregnancy if you're not sticking your thing where it doesn't belong NTA op exactly how do you get tricked into pregnancy if you don't cheat commenter if he didn't want children he should have a vasectomy if you're interested in the explanation then sure get it but will it change anything you don't really owe him anything as if your relationship was based on mutual respect and monogamy then he's broken it op he didn't want to lose his manhood his literal reason commenter he hates children and is a teacher or does he teach older humans obviously you're an NTA but as a former teacher who left the classroom because I started disliking the kids it wasn't fair to them and my patience was about 97% gone I'm curious op yeah he teaches HS children he was always set on being childfree commenter how long has his mother known she has a grandchild op no idea wow I never thought about this I assumed she only knew after I called her but probably she did already commenter I hate that you think you could be an rcy hole for this op well I really hated the idea of a baby being homeless and I truly contemplated letting her be in the guest house but honestly I was terrified of her commenter minimalists that word does not mean what you think it means you are not minimalists OP haha sorry maybe it was the wrong word I just meant I don't go on shopping sprees have multiple Walkin closets or travel once a week commenter I'm confused if you're a common law spouse you will have marital assets and need a divorce so is the house your personal property or marital property but you still don't have to let the into your home and if it's important to Mill she can let them live with her op we have no marital assets and it was clear from the start when we moved in together that we have a separate economy we are not from the states and my assets are well protected commenter okay you may not be aware that in the US common law is a legal term for a couple who never signed a marriage certificate but are legally married due to living together for several years and presenting themselves as married op same definition here different rules commenter how long has your partner been in Dubai depending on the length of his stay he may not even legally have residency in your home anymore if it's legal I'd change the locks now op he's there for 10 days second comment there is one week left it was an end of school kind of thing I am going to gather all his things and send them to his mother what is left are my things he has no right to that and things we bought while living together 50/50 no matter who paid all gifts no matter how expensive belong to the receiver like his car PC watches Etc I don't mind my art Etc is protected by signed agreements that protect our assets any money or savings are protected by agreements commenter I have to ask how do you make $1 million making Furniture also NTA kick out the hubby too op long story short I started as an interior decorator and designer and I started designing what the market lacked in my opinion now it has gotten bigger more details and you could find me so update one week later many are asking for an update but what's really there to update here is what's happened this past week and what's going to happen I will never see him again it is over he is back from his trip he probably wasn't expecting to start his summer vacation this way my lawyer has already contacted him about what he's owed it will be trans reported to his mother's apartment whatever more he thinks he is owed he can sue me and I will be ready and I hope he can afford my lawyers when he loses whatever lawsuit he plans to file apparently the apartment that his girlfriend lost was his he was sending her money for the rent but she spent it on Prada instead he swears that the baby isn't his and that he is going to demand a paternity test like it would make any difference maybe for the baby yeah I hope to God that the child isn't his however so maybe there is still a small chance for that baby to have a better future and more loving parents I am moving in with my parents right now I am in a hotel but I have no desire to be in that house again with all the memories I am selling it and while I find a new home and sell this one I will just live with my family the girlfriend has contacted me a few times via social media because she needs to talk she wants proof that we aren't married because he told her that we are married I don't do delusion so I just blocked her she has tried to contact me her friends and mine so now everyone knows the truth without me needing to make an announcement I am not sure what more to update if I have missed anything I will leave it in the comments one last thing I am sorry for maybe using the wrong terms I am not an English speaker and Google found common law marriage as the term used in my situation but apparently it has certain laws in English-speaking countries our relationship is longterm and we live together we have a separate economy we have no rights to each other's property or estate we don't even inherit each other without a will however anything we purchased during the time we were living together falls under joint estate and is divided equally no matter who the purchaser is I have no problems dividing these Assets in half I have bought our house and some of my expensive art during the time we have been Partners it would have been joint assets if we didn't have cohabitation agreements in place around these expensive purchases he has no rights to them unlike prenups Etc they are not as easy to contest because he is not legally married to me under different circumstances I would probably have given him more than what he is going to get now because I am like that in general if he had ended things if he told me he wanted out and that he didn't love me anymore because I know that relationships end and people fall out of love he could have respected me enough to give me that at least but he didn't so I will literally be counting spoons and napkins and he will not get a dime over what he has owed relevant comments commenter I'm glad GF made your job easier by telling everyone for a second I couldn't figure out why she wanted you to prove that you were married which L but then I reread your original post and realized that it's because she's expecting half of everything has his mother said anything else to you how was it when St Beck returned op honestly I have no hard feelings towards his mother I have a mother myself and I have seen her happiness when my brother became a father my ex- partner is an only child and he was childless or at least he pretended to be one so she had no hope of becoming a grandmother imagine finding out that you are if there's any chance for that baby to get some love and happiness it will be with her she hasn't contacted me and I don't want her to she will probably tell my ex partner that I told you so about not popping the question I would never have wanted a legal binding paper from anyone but when I was younger and still didn't have my business I would probably have said yes and gladly so because I wanted so much for him to ask me I would have been singing a different tune right now it is these thoughts that make it easier for me to cope now it could have been much worse and sometimes you hate what's happening but a few years later you realize it was for the better commenter what has your family said about all of this I hope you have brothers to threaten his ARS when he keeps trying to get a hold of you op my family is as shocked as I am I think we all need some time for this to sink in and I will start the grieving process commenter tell us about his pleading and gring I want to hear about his suffering LOL I'm second Furious for you op you sound so cool and level-headed and that dummy blew it big time op he has been pathetic and trickle down like anyone like him does it was a one-time thing and she tricked him into having a baby the baby is not his and he can prove it she's just a friend who he helped with housing but she turned on him my last text from me personally was to grow up and act like a father now I only talk to him through my lawyer commenter I hope you get a full physical and STD panel run soon who knows what he has exposed you to his baby mama is the one you know about there could be others op I did my first test the day after I found out I will be doing it again in a month to it was all good third story my ex slept with a random guy after we broke up and made me believe she was having my baby now after 4 years I realized I have been raising another 's child so I revoked my parental rights and she had the audacity to blame me for ruining the child's life I am a 26-year-old guy who has been raising a 4-year-old boy and up until recently I believed he was my biological son his mom and I dated for about a year and shortly after we broke up she told me she was pregnant I accepted it without question and have been there for the boy ever since over the past few months I started noticing that he doesn't really look like me friends and family made casual com comments that fueled my suspicions so I decided to get a DNA test without telling his mom because I didn't want to cause any drama if my doubts were unfounded when the results came back they confirmed my fears I am not his biological father I confronted his mom about it she broke down and admitted that around the time we broke up she had a one night stand with another guy she wasn't sure who the father was but when she found out she was pregnant she figured it was easier to just let me believe the boy was mine she said it was a mistake and that she's sorry but she also insisted that I'm still his dad because I've been the one raising him I was devastated I felt betrayed and used I told her I wanted to cancel my parental rights and get my name off the birth certificate she pleaded with me not to do it saying that it would destroy the boy but I feel like I've been living a lie I talked to a lawyer and they said it might be possible to relinquish my rights but it's complicated in the meantime I've been distancing myself from the boy which has been incredibly hard he's confused and keeps asking why I'm not spending time with him my friends are divided some think I have every right to walk away because I was deceived others think I'm being heartless because biological or not the boy sees me as his father so a for wanting to cancel my parental rights and get my name off the birth certificate after finding out the boy isn't my biological son aah has no consensus bot the op was NTA relevant comments op on how the possibility can be if he's not the father when he was with the ex op we were together when she got pregnant she didn't find out until after we broke up I'm not even mad she cheated because that was years ago and we're not together she knew that might not be my kid and didn't say anything op on if he was there for the birth op no we broke up before he was born meet walrus 3813 NTA get that legal process started ASAP go see a therapist yourself even if only for a couple of months so you know how to talk to the little dude and can wrap your head around this craziness recommend that this child and his mother begin counseling yes even at 4 so she knows how to explain the situation to the kid Etc hard situation but not your kid not your lies not your problem op thanks I started the process already and I should be fine because I have a way better lawyer than her lar poris and readd it if she carried this lifee for this long she is capable of far worse should is pegging you for child support with your name on the birth certificate and you being the present father she can do some serious Financial damage to you and it could take a while and thousands of dollars before you can get out of the entire situation courts will not recognize privately done tests so get a court-ordered test done that way you can be freed of any financial responsibility except for that which you choose and you can still interact with the child if you so desire NTA update recovered from RAR it I wanted to given an update after my last post where I found out the boy I've been raising isn't my biological son this has been really hard and I appreciate all the advice and support from everyone I realized my first reaction was full of anger but deep down I couldn't ignore how much I loved the boy he may not have my DNA but for the past four years he's been my son in every way that matters I decided to call his mom and have a real talk I started by apologizing for how I'd been acting since the DNA test results I told her that my distance wasn't about the boy but about my own struggle to handle everything I said I wanted to stay in the boy's life even though he's not my biological son he's still my son I can't imagine life without him the thought of him growing up without a dad because of a mistake made years ago was too painful I promised her I wouldn't walk away she was relieved and grateful it was clear she had been worried about how my absence was affecting him we agreed to work together to make sure he felt loved and supported we talked about co-parenting and making sure he doesn't feel the tension between us after that call I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders by deciding to stay I felt like I was back where I belonged to everyone who commented on my initial post thank you your advice helped me see things differently you made me realize that being a father isn't just about biology it's about love commitment and taking care of the boy every day your words reminded me of the bond I have with him and helped me see that walking away would hurt both of us I'm committed to being there for him and being the best father I can be sometimes life throws unexpected challenges our way but it's how we respond that matters thank you for helping me see that my bond with him is what truly matters and for guiding me back to what's most important being a dad relevant comments squares spare 8723 just wait until your ex meets a guy willing to marry and adopt the kid she will definitely use DNA in court to try and strip you of your parental rights you are dad until something better comes along you will be cut out when that day arrives this will end poorly op I have custody I'm on the birth certificate Jasper jambur you can still be involved in her child's life while still protecting yourself legally this is just to protect yourself from being taken advantage of in the future considering she did literally take advantage of you over the last few years good luck f smtz n ta you should ask your attorney if there is any value in her son a statement claiming she believes the biological father is not you thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyHusbandsSidePieceShowedUpatMyHousewithHerBabyDemandingThatIMoveOutsoSheCanorig
:15.520 --> :18.560 My Cheating Boss Got a Taste of His Own Medicine. :18.560 --> :23.360 Being a young ambitious woman in the 70s was  never going to be easy, especially in the   :23.360 --> :28.640 north of England, but I never expected that  my first job would turn into such a palaver.   :28.640 --> :33.600 Still, I’ve never been a shrinking violet. I’d  grown up in a working class part of Newcastle   :33.600 --> :39.280 during the 50s and 60s. Tough families living on  a thruppence, hanging their hand-washed laundry in   :39.280 --> :46.560 the street where the kids played unsupervised. All  the mams had names like Agnes, Vera and Maureen,   :46.560 --> :50.400 walked around with a cigarette in their mouths  and chatted with their neighbours about what   :50.400 --> :54.880 the young lass at no. 28 had been doing with  the lad across the street. It was that sort   :54.880 --> :59.520 of life. I suppose you had to do something for  entertainment when you couldn’t afford a TV. :59.520 --> :03.440 They were good people, helping each other  out where they could, despite having little   :03.440 --> :08.800 themselves. However, I didn’t want my life to be  like that. I didn’t want to marry a dock worker   :08.800 --> :15.200 or a milkman, get married, get pregnant and spend  my life washing dirty undies in a tin bath. No,   :15.200 --> :20.080 I wanted my own career, and to have all  the nice things that the posh people had.   :20.080 --> :25.840 So when I left school, I grabbed the paper and  started scouring the job ads. Having aspirations,   :25.840 --> :30.080 I decided that I didn’t want to do factory  or cleaning work, so I looked at one of the   :30.080 --> :35.680 few other options available for a young woman  starting out — secretary work. I responded to a   :35.680 --> :41.520 few ads before I finally got taken on a by a firm  not more than fifteen minutes walk away from home.   :41.520 --> :47.280 When they rang back to tell me that I’d got the  job, I was chuffed! I felt like a proper grown-up. :47.280 --> :52.880 I remember how nervous I was on my first day.  By now, it was the 70s so I could slip into a   :52.880 --> :57.520 pair of high heels and miniskirt without half  the disapproval I would’ve got had I been a   :57.520 --> :03.040 young woman twenty years prior. In my mind, I  expected I’d be walking into one of the newish,   :03.040 --> :09.600 tall concrete monoliths that were in the area. A  big, booming business, I thought. As I walked down   :09.600 --> :16.480 the road though, address in hand, I got to the end  and couldn’t find Wilson Bros. Merchants. I nosied   :16.480 --> :22.640 past the bit of old fence beside me and peered  into grubby tract of land inside. Piles of rusting   :22.640 --> :30.080 metal and then in the middle, a grey portacabin.  My heart sank. There, plastered onto its front: :30.080 --> :33.120 Wilson Bros. Scrap Merchants :33.120 --> :38.880 My dreams of a posh office had just climbed  out the window and bolted for Brazil. Aye,   :38.880 --> :44.240 I’d been wet behind the ears to think I’d been  jumping into a cushy job straight out of school.   :44.240 --> :48.480 Mam always said I had an active imagination.  I knew I couldn’t go back though,   :48.480 --> :53.040 so I slowly made my way into no man’s  land, traversing the uneven ground   :53.040 --> :58.000 with a lot of trepidation! I’d definitely  misjudged my choice of footwear that day,   :58.000 --> :02.000 and not just because I ran the risk of  breaking an ankle. When I got inside,   :02.000 --> :07.040 there was a desk with a typewriter and phone  and behind that, the door to what I presumed   :07.040 --> :13.360 was the boss’ office. I knocked, got called in  by a booming voice and met the man in question. :13.360 --> :17.760 I’ve gotta tell ya, I was taken  by him almost straight away. :17.760 --> :22.480 He was a good looking man, middle-aged,  and dressed to the nines. He reminded me   :22.480 --> :27.840 a bit of Sean Connery. My face must have been a  picture. For a minute, I couldn’t take my eyes   :27.840 --> :34.080 off him. When he invited me to sit, I couldn’t  find my words. Even then, as young as I was,   :34.080 --> :38.800 I knew that he must have picked up on it  because he had a bit of a sly grin on his face.   :38.800 --> :44.560 I was mortified! He introduced himself to me  as Mike, ran me through my jobs and then got   :44.560 --> :49.120 me set up at my desk. Over the following  few days, I quickly realised that this   :49.120 --> :54.960 wasn’t exactly a booming business. The  odd few customers and clients each day,   :54.960 --> :00.880 a couple of lads working the scrap and that was  it. Just enough work to keep us all ticking over. :00.880 --> :06.080 After a couple of weeks into the job, I begin to  notice that Mike hangs around the reception more   :06.080 --> :10.880 and more, chatting and joking with me. I  found myself more and more taken with him,   :10.880 --> :16.960 and my heart fluttered every time he smiled at me.  He had this cheeky twinkle in his eye. One day,   :16.960 --> :21.200 he came in and sat on the edge of the  desk. He smelt of Old Spice, which,   :21.200 --> :25.200 to a young lass in the 70s, made  him as sophisticated as they came. :25.200 --> :29.200 He asked me if I’d like to go and see  The Great Gatsby with him at the ABC.   :29.200 --> :33.600 A romantic film starring Robert  Redford? You bet I said yes! :33.600 --> :39.440 That evening, I went home and got doled up,  making an extra special effort for Mike. I was   :39.440 --> :45.040 already smitten. I wasn’t going to tell mam about  it either, no, I was just going out with a friend,   :45.040 --> :51.120 I said. Jackie, that girl I went to school with.  I was going to have my secret romance and to hell   :51.120 --> :56.160 with what anyone else might’ve thought! I’d just  finished reading The Female Eunuch and had begun   :56.160 --> :02.160 fancying myself as a shining example of a modern  woman, breaking out of the domestic chains.   :02.160 --> :07.360 So off I went in my new orange dress and  kitten heels, catching a bus into town.   :07.360 --> :12.640 When I got to the cinema, I found him waiting  outside, looking debonair in his wool overcoat.   :12.640 --> :17.440 When he saw me, he turned and smiled, rubbing  his hands together to shake off the cold.   :17.440 --> :22.320 When we got our tickets and went in, would  you believe it, he led me to the back row.   :22.320 --> :26.800 As it happened, the first part of the film  was a relaxed and uneventful affair from an   :26.800 --> :31.520 “us” point of view. Well, apart from  dropping a piece of popcorn down my dress. :31.520 --> :36.400 When the first interval came, we both got an  ice cream from the usher and settled back down.   :36.400 --> :41.920 Gently, he notched up the dial by whispering a  few naughty jokes here and there. At one point,   :41.920 --> :46.320 an old woman in front turned and hushed me  because I couldn’t hold back the giggles!   :46.320 --> :51.120 After the film was over, we walked out and  stood looking at one another for a moment.   :51.120 --> :55.680 Then, he took my hand and kissed it, telling me  that he hoped he’d enjoyed the evening as much as   :55.680 --> :01.840 him. I attempted to keep it together but I fear I  probably came away looking like a gibbering mess.   :01.840 --> :08.080 I beat myself up for acting so girlishly on the  bus ride home, thinking I’d made a fool of myself. :08.080 --> :13.040 I put on a brave face as I went into work  the next morning, having no clue as to what   :13.040 --> :17.680 to expect. As it happened, Mike came into  the reception shortly after I’d settled   :17.680 --> :23.360 down and sat on the chair opposite, leaning  on the desk. Smiling, he asked how I was.   :23.360 --> :30.000 Well, my bottle went, didn’t it? I was back to the  awkward stuttering and blank mind. He outstretched   :30.000 --> :35.840 his large hands and placed them over mine—I  thought my heart might go bang—and said gently,   :35.840 --> :40.080 “Howay lass, there’s no need to be  shy. Take a breath and start again.” :40.080 --> :44.960 Well, I did and somehow, I found myself  again. I apologised for how I’d been   :44.960 --> :49.040 but he quickly assured me that I’d done  nothing wrong. In fact, he told me that   :49.040 --> :54.400 he’d been delighted by how mature I was for  my age. “A fine young lass” he called me. :54.400 --> :59.120 It was around a week or so after our first date  that he invited me to dinner at a new Italian   :59.120 --> :05.920 restaurant in the city centre. Did I say yes?  You bet! I was a 70s working-class girl who’d   :05.920 --> :10.960 just lived through the three-day week, I wasn’t  about to say no to a bit of luxury. I asked him   :10.960 --> :16.080 to pick me up a few streets away from my house,  to avoid my mam seeing. After we parked up,   :16.080 --> :21.200 we got out and started walking down towards the  restaurant when a moustachioed fella in a mac   :21.200 --> :25.600 called out to Mike. The man’s name was  Geoff and he was a turf accountant,   :25.600 --> :30.640 as well as a friend of Mike’s. I was introduced  as his secretary and when he learnt that we were   :30.640 --> :36.080 having dinner together, Geoff looked between  us with a slightly wary gaze. At the time,   :36.080 --> :41.600 I wrote it off as misgivings about the age gap. Perhaps I should’ve known better. :41.600 --> :48.640 The meal itself was wonderful; lots of laughs,  subtle flirtation and the food? A million times   :48.640 --> :53.840 better than beans on toast. I got to learn more  about him too. Like half of the male population   :53.840 --> :00.000 at the time, he liked football, beer and skimpy  negligees. On women, that is. He was originally   :00.000 --> :06.240 from South Shields, had a sister who scandalised  the family by having a baby at 15 and visited   :06.240 --> :11.280 his father’s grave every other Sunday. I asked  him why he wasn’t married. He coolly answered   :11.280 --> :16.320 that he’d not been in lucky in love; there had  been potential candidates, but they ultimately   :16.320 --> :21.440 let him down in the end. Still, he said, he  remained optimistic that he’d find the one,   :21.440 --> :27.200 before winking at me. A little smile crept onto  my face, regardless of whether I wanted to do it. :27.200 --> :30.880 When we’d finished, he dropped me where  I started, but not before we’d shared   :30.880 --> :33.498 our first kiss. It wasn’t just our first kiss  either — it was my first kiss. Warm and wet,   :33.498 --> :34.240 I thought. Nice. I felt myself blushing a bit  when he at looked at me afterwards. Being the   :34.240 --> :39.280 sophisticated young lass I was though, I kept a  stiff upper lip and got out of the car, sending   :39.280 --> :45.520 him off into the night with no more than a simple  goodbye. And so began our… romantic liaison. :45.520 --> :52.480 I lost my virginity in a rundown B&B by the  sea. Mike took the concept of a dirty weekend   :52.480 --> :58.160 altogether too literal by picking that grubby  hovel as our base. It came suitably paired with   :58.160 --> :04.240 a mad old woman who spat when she spoke and talked  to herself when doing her rounds. Mike assured me   :04.240 --> :08.720 that it used to be a great little place, that  it must have changed her hands, and that he was   :08.720 --> :14.320 sorry for this. I tried very, very hard to make  it seem like I was okay with the setup. I think   :14.320 --> :19.680 he persuaded himself that I was. Hell, I think  I convinced myself that I was okay with it. I   :19.680 --> :25.200 consoled myself with the fact that our room had a  nice view of the sea. Not that we saw much of it,   :25.200 --> :27.147 or any of the little town. That night, on nylon  sheets, I made love with him. It was an exciting,   :27.147 --> :27.294 frightening experience. The first man to see me  naked, to touch and explore my body. It felt like   :27.294 --> :27.440 I was tasting forbidden fruit, and I dare say in  the eyes of my Catholic nan, that was the case. :27.440 --> :31.680 It got to a point where I was lost in  the moment, in conniptions and then,   :32.320 --> :37.920 then… scratching noises on the door. I  jumped out of my skin until I heard meowing,   :37.920 --> :42.400 and then I knew it was the mad old woman’s  cat. My mood for the moment was starting to   :42.400 --> :48.560 wane. Then I heard footsteps and mumbling, louder  and louder until it was right outside the door. :48.560 --> :53.840 “Oh, you’ve had a tinkle on the carpet. Tut  tut.” The cat’s owner continued talking to   :53.840 --> :58.000 herself outside the door. Then she went  off and came back up a few minutes later,   :58.000 --> :03.680 rattling as she came. Then we heard her  scrubbing the carpet. Loudly. Right outside. :03.680 --> :06.080 Cat pee really kills the mood. :06.080 --> :11.040 After our interesting experience there, the  romantic arena was largely centred back in   :11.040 --> :15.600 Newcastle. In fact, I could pin most of it  down to that little portacabin. There were   :15.600 --> :20.480 two things that did yet immediately occur to  me at the time, a) That our relationship’s   :20.480 --> :26.560 romance has quickly but subtly disappeared and  b) We seemed to be going nowhere. It was just   :27.600 --> :32.160 sex. Great sex, I’ll grant you, but I started  longing for something a bit more substantial.   :32.160 --> :36.720 I always tried to pick the right time to bring  it up, usually after a dangerous but exciting   :36.720 --> :40.320 round of rumpy pumpy on my, or sometimes his,  desk. We nearly got caught by one of his workers   :40.320 --> :42.480 once. He was a trouser button away from getting us  both caught out. Somehow, we’d managed to keep it   :42.480 --> :47.680 discreet. I even had managed to keep my parents  out the loop. Thank god too. My mother would’ve   :47.680 --> :53.520 gone into conniptions if she’d had any clue. My  father, maybe not so much. He was more interested   :53.520 --> :59.280 in his pigeons, the horses and brown ale. It’s  fair to say he wasn’t a very hands-on father. :59.280 --> :03.040 Every time I’d confronted Mike,  he’d palmed me off with platitudes.   :03.040 --> :07.440 I got a bit fed up in the end and told him  straight, “I want more romance from you”. :07.440 --> :13.440 He promised me a proper holiday. No half measures  this time, he said. We would fly to Spain. A   :13.440 --> :19.280 foreign holiday? On a plane? This was a dream for  me. I squealed slightly and threw my arms around   :19.280 --> :21.920 him, lost to the excitement. He laughed and  then planted a firm kiss on my cheek, telling   :21.920 --> :27.520 me that he had to go but that he’d be back soon.  As it happened, he never did come back that day.   :27.520 --> :32.800 By early evening, I began to worry. One of  the workers, Terry, a sweet and chubby lad,   :32.800 --> :36.880 told me not to worry and to get off. He said  that this wasn’t the first time he’d done it,   :36.880 --> :41.520 and that he always turned up the next day.  He promised that he’d lock up and offered   :41.520 --> :47.920 me a lift home. I gracefully accepted, feeling  somewhat placated but still just a touch anxious. :47.920 --> :51.040 True to his word though, Mike  turned up the following morning. :51.040 --> :55.360 I asked him where he’d got to and he  apologised. Said a friend had called him over.   :55.360 --> :59.200 The friend was going through  a bad divorce. Was depressed.   :59.200 --> :04.480 Couldn’t leave him. Like a little fool,  I swallowed it hook, line and sinker. :04.480 --> :10.160 It wasn’t until I went to a record shop to buy  the latest David Essex record that I got smacked   :10.160 --> :12.400 by the truth. Whilst I was there,   :12.400 --> :16.480 I ran into Geoff. He asked how I was  and I told him on top of the world. :17.440 --> :18.000 “And Mike?” :18.640 --> :21.840 “Oh, he’s fine too. We’re both fine.” I smiled,   :21.840 --> :26.320 feeling giddy that I could refer to us as a  couple, even if it was only to his friend. :26.320 --> :27.680 He gave me a knowing look. :28.720 --> :31.040 “Ah, so you two really are…?” :31.040 --> :33.360 I looked at him, slightly perplexed. :33.360 --> :36.800 “Mike hasn’t told you? Surely,  I mean, you’re his mate, right? :36.800 --> :42.080 Looking back, I cringe at that moment.  How could I have been so eminently naïve? :42.080 --> :45.040 Geoff’s demeanour changed,  becoming a bit flustered.   :45.040 --> :47.280 “Thelma’s a good lass,” he whispered,   :47.280 --> :52.240 “She doesn’t deserve this. Did you know they’re  getting married? That she wants a bairn with him?” :52.240 --> :54.640 Understandably, I was stumped. :54.640 --> :57.440 “Thelma? You’re not telling me  that Mike is with someone else?” :58.240 --> :02.480 “Don’t soft soap me, lass. I weren’t  born yesterday. And to make it clear,   :02.480 --> :04.240 you’re the someone else.” :04.240 --> :09.600 With that, he stormed off. I just stood there,  not knowing what to think or feel. I put down   :09.600 --> :14.560 the record in my hand and walked out. There  was a little green space nearby with a bench,   :14.560 --> :20.080 so I ambled over to it and took a seat. I’m  the someone else? No, that can’t be right. Me   :20.080 --> :25.120 and Mike are a couple. We’ve been away together,  had dinner together. Spent time with each other.   :25.120 --> :32.080 We’re going on a big holiday. He’s told me that  he… no, that’s it. He’s not once said he loves me.   :32.080 --> :38.400 We’ve never talked about the future. That’s when  it hit home —I was just his bit of skirt. God,   :38.400 --> :43.280 I felt so sick. He’d been stringing me  along, using me for his own pleasure.   :43.280 --> :49.120 The deceit and disrespect wound me up no  end; I wanted to wear his balls as earrings. :49.120 --> :54.080 My first instinct was to barge into his office,  first thing tomorrow, and give him a piece of   :54.080 --> :59.040 my mind. By the time I got home though, the  initial fury was coming down to a simmer.   :59.040 --> :04.000 I decided that was too simple, so I thought  about more creative ways to get back at him.   :04.000 --> :08.880 Trash his office? Set fire to it?  Put an ad in the lonely hearts? :08.880 --> :12.640 “One cheating rat looking for  quickies on an office desk.   :12.640 --> :17.280 Must bring extra small condoms.  Mike Wilson of Wilson Bros.” :17.280 --> :22.400 It was tempting, but wondered if it would even  get published. Probably not. My choice of plan   :22.400 --> :27.760 took a few days to hit; I was chatting with  mam about films when she brought up Love Story. :27.760 --> :30.880 “That poor lass.” she said, “And the lad too!   :30.880 --> :36.160 They’d only been married five minutes. Had  me in tears by the end. Dear, oh dear…” :36.160 --> :41.680 My mind snapped back to the moment in the  record shop. He was getting married, Geoff said.   :41.680 --> :47.440 Over my dead body, I thought. My first problem  was knowing when and where. It was bad enough   :47.440 --> :52.960 that I had no timeframe, but there were dozens of  churches in Newcastle. How was I supposed to pick   :52.960 --> :58.240 out the right one? I’d have to poke around.  My first port of call was the ever reliable   :58.240 --> :02.960 Terry. I caught him on lunch break, trying  hard to make it seem like a chance encounter,   :02.960 --> :08.080 and tiptoed around the subject. Yes, he was  aware that Thelma and Mike were getting married.   :08.080 --> :12.720 No, he didn’t know when. He just knew  it was soon. Within the next few weeks. :12.720 --> :18.640 It wasn’t much but it was a start. What next?  It’s not like I could follow him. When I got back   :18.640 --> :23.680 inside the portacabin, I glanced at the door  to his office and then almost straight away,   :23.680 --> :28.000 I had an idea. I sat down at my  desk and waited, pretending to work,   :28.000 --> :33.440 until he passed me and went out for a loo break.  I dashed into his office and over to his desk,   :33.440 --> :38.400 looking for anything that could tell me what I  needed to know. Lots of papers scattered across   :38.400 --> :44.560 his desk, all work-related. I shuffled through the  drawers, finding a bunch of keys, mints, a bottle   :44.560 --> :51.120 of whisky and then, at last, something that might  help me — his year planner. I flicked through the   :51.120 --> :57.040 pages almost quicker than I could skim them, but  it didn’t take long before I found a telling page;   :57.040 --> :04.160 June 29th, a date I’ll never forget. Scrawled  into the box was “Day off” with a drawing of   :04.160 --> :10.160 two rings underneath. Just over a month away. I  started wondering how long they’d been together.   :10.160 --> :14.720 Surely longer than we’d been. If you  can even call what we had “together”. :14.720 --> :20.240 As my mind started wandering though, I heard  footsteps outside. I quickly closed the planner   :20.240 --> :24.720 and shoved it back in its drawer, shutting  it and taking a seat on the edge of his desk,   :24.720 --> :28.640 letting my skirt ride up just a  touch. When he came in and saw me,   :28.640 --> :33.360 he initially looked surprised but quickly,  his face morphed into one of lasciviousness.   :33.920 --> :39.120 Rat. He came over to me and tried to kiss me,  so I pretended to play coy by putting my finger   :39.120 --> :44.080 over his mouth and telling him that he’d have  to wait. He grinned. In that moment, I realised   :44.080 --> :49.840 that I had my work cut out for me because I’d  have to keep him at arm’s length for five weeks. :50.640 --> :57.440 I managed it, painfully, with moderate success. I  had to appease him a little once every so often,   :57.440 --> :03.360 just to keep him from suspecting anything, but I  managed to avoid sex. In the meantime, I gave his   :03.360 --> :08.560 office one more search. I eventually ended up  going back to the planner, where, at the back,   :08.560 --> :13.840 I found a section for phone numbers. There was  no church name listed but I did find the number   :13.840 --> :19.840 for another Wilson. An Edith Wilson. When I  got a quiet moment, I gave the number a ring.   :19.840 --> :25.600 An old-sounding woman answered. I introduced  myself as his secretary and she eagerly cut in,   :25.600 --> :30.640 exclaiming that she was Mike’s mother. She  was evidently proud of him. He’d done so well,   :30.640 --> :36.080 you know? Built himself up from nothing. I  felt sick again. I beared it though, tactfully   :36.080 --> :42.000 broaching the subject of his little boy’s wedding.  Thelma was a fine young woman. A classy lady.   :42.000 --> :46.640 Her father was a well-regarded local artist,  apparently. I said I was ringing because I   :46.640 --> :51.760 wanted to check the wedding venue. I had been put  in charge of making sure the business kept ticking   :51.760 --> :57.280 over in his absence. I didn’t want to bother  a busy man like Mr. Wilson with trivialities. :57.280 --> :03.600 Mrs. Wilson was very understanding. Of course  you don’t want to bother him. Of course you’ll   :03.600 --> :07.760 need to know where he’ll be, you’ll want  to ring him if anything urgent comes up.   :07.760 --> :13.760 I thanked her aloud for helping me, and silently  for putting the final nails in her son’s coffin. :13.760 --> :20.240 The end of June 1974 was sweltering. You couldn’t  sit for a minute without your knickers sticking   :20.240 --> :25.280 to your arse. I was never one for the  summer. Grey skies and rain for me. :25.280 --> :31.120 On the remorseful day, my first task was to decide  how to present myself. Part of me wanted to rock   :31.120 --> :36.960 up in full makeup, heels and naughtiest dress I  could find, just to show him what he’d be missing.   :36.960 --> :42.720 But then I changed my mind. This day was going to  be bad enough for Thelma without me ‘competing’   :42.720 --> :48.400 with her. Besides, the rat didn’t deserve my  best efforts. I decided to wear the formless   :48.400 --> :53.920 grey dress that I wore when going to my nan’s, the  prudish Catholic one I mentioned, with a pair of   :53.920 --> :00.000 flats and no makeup. I grabbed my black clutch  bag and off I went. Whilst I was on the bus,   :00.000 --> :05.360 I wondered if maybe I was in the wrong. Maybe he’d  be faithful once they were married, maybe they’d   :05.360 --> :11.920 have kids and a Ford Cortina, and live happily  ever after. Was I taking it all away? But then   :11.920 --> :19.120 I thought of Margaret and Barry two doors down.  She cheated on him. And then again and again. No,   :19.120 --> :24.640 why should he be any different? That poor lass  is planning a life with him, seeing far into   :24.640 --> :30.400 the future, whilst he can’t see any further than  his trousers. She deserves better, and so do I. :30.400 --> :36.080 When I got close, I peered round the church’s road  and saw the final few guests entering the church.   :36.080 --> :40.080 She would be here soon. I was  beginning to feel anxious.   :40.080 --> :46.400 About five minutes, a creamy-white Rolls Royce  cruised towards the church, complete with ribbons.   :46.400 --> :53.840 She stepped out and my jaw dropped — she was  beautiful. Older than me, late 20s or early 30s,   :53.840 --> :58.880 and immaculate. I felt daft for ever  thinking I could compete with her. :58.880 --> :03.600 When she went in and the doors had closed, I  slinked up to them and listened. I knew that there   :03.600 --> :09.360 was a moment when guests could raise objections,  so I waited. Although it felt like forever,   :09.360 --> :15.760 I heard the vicar say it. “Speak now or forever  hold your peace.” I pushed the church door open   :15.760 --> :21.120 without a second to spare, through the entrance  and into the church itself. Hundreds of eyes   :21.120 --> :27.840 turned to face me, but I met only one pair, and  his quickly filled with dread at the sight of me. :27.840 --> :33.600 I said “I have an objection, vicar. The  bridegroom’s been having a relationship with me.” :33.600 --> :38.480 The church was deathly silent. The  vicar didn’t know where to put his face,   :38.480 --> :44.880 the guests were gobsmacked and as for Thelma,  all she could do was look between him and me.   :44.880 --> :49.920 “It’s not true” he tried to communicate softly.  The echo in the church wasn’t about to let his   :49.920 --> :55.840 lie creep away quite so easily though. Not that it  mattered, it’s clear that he was lying. I knew it,   :55.840 --> :00.480 she knew it, we all knew it. He’d been  caught with his pants down, so to speak,   :00.480 --> :06.320 and there was no way out. I saw her face  contort into anger and expected her to slap him,   :06.320 --> :12.400 but she exceeded my expectations by lunging at  him, thumping him on the chest. She really went   :12.400 --> :18.000 for him. What happened after that, I don’t know.  I left them to it and never heard about either   :18.000 --> :23.280 of them again. Truth be told, I found the  whole thing a very sorry affair in the end. :23.280 --> :26.960 As soon as I could, I left  Newcastle and never looked back.   :26.960 --> :31.280 I found work and a new life in London,  and ended up training to be a teacher.   :31.280 --> :36.160 I’ve had a few boyfriends since Mike, some  good and a couple not, did a bit of travelling   :36.160 --> :41.600 with a new pal I made and made sure I never  wasted another minute more than necessary. :41.600 --> :48.560 Contrary to my younger self’s expectations, I  never did quite rid myself of domestic chains;   :48.560 --> :52.560 I married an accountant (someone  has to) and had a daughter with him.   :52.560 --> :57.040 When she was four, we settled into a lovely  house in Richmond, where we still live.   :57.040 --> :02.240 Lots of happy memories have filled this home over  the years — I wouldn’t leave now if you paid me!   :02.240 --> :08.800 She’s now all grown up and engaged herself, giving  me pause for thought. The cycle of life continues,   :08.800 --> :14.240 new adult lives are getting off the ground .  It’s quite a humbling realisation. Still, I’ve   :14.240 --> :19.440 no intention of fading into the background. You  can take the girl out of Newcastle ‘n’ all that… :19.440 --> :24.080 I still sometimes wonder whatever happened to  Mike. How many more women did he use before he   :24.080 --> :29.680 got old and shrivelled? Did he ever even get old?  Part of me wishes that I hadn’t done what I did,   :29.680 --> :36.480 even if only for Thelma, but then I remember that,  in the end, she was probably better off for it. :36.480 --> :39.040 Then the regret just vanishes!
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeIRUINEDMYBOYFRIENDSWEDDINGRedditStoriesen
AIT ta for saying just don't come to my stepmom when she and my dad told me she didn't want to attend my high school graduation with my mom BG my parents divorced when I 18m was three because my dad was having an affair with my stepmom my mom and stepmom were work Rivals and had a strong dislike for each other even before the affair there has always been speculation that this is why my stepmom willingly became the other woman because she disliked my mom I was aware of this and not because of my parents but because of drama that would kick off with my dad's side of the family and I was present for some of my dad's relative speculations about that my parents did not get along after the affair and tensions were high whenever my mom and stepmom were in the same room my stepmom had three pregnancies that ended in miscar the first two were I guess typical sln normal miscarriages but the third one caused my stepmom a lot of medical issues and that led to her being infertile so she and my dad never got to have a living child together after the third miscarriage my stepmom wanted me around because she wanted to feel like a parent and she wanted to know she would still have me she and my dad asked my mom if they could extend their time with me and my mom
give me a good story on AITAforsayingjustdontcometomystepmomwhensheandmydadtoldmeshedidntwantto
today we have a crazy story of Revenge of Smashing an entire gaming setup we'll get into that in a bit but first my neighborhood gangsters shouldn't have messed with my family I'd always sought solace in the quiet life Marlo my hometown provided the respit I craved after a turbulent career as a detective in the bustling City while Marlo's Serenity was a welcome change it couldn't erase the memories of a past I desperately yearned to forget but it was home regardless it detailed the life I desperately tried to erase but having decided to leave the force for reasons I chose not to share coming back to Marlo seemed like the only reasonable option at the time I saw my day settled into a semi- quiet routine I decided before I left the force that I was going to operate a modest private investigation agency in Maro I believe that it would seldom see action just mundane tasks and leisurely strolls through the park yeah I needed that yet even in Maro where life drifted along in the semblance of normaly Fate had a knack for unpredict ictable turns that Tuesday began like any other but by evening the call came shattering The Fragile peide built it was my estranged brother Daniel who'd Fallen victim to a vicious assault by the Infamous Gang the web spikes the call jolted my heart into a frenetic Rhythm as if the weight of my past sins had returned to haunt me Daniel embodied the concept of Innocence he'd always taken a different path from me steering clear of the turbulent Waters I'd swam in as a detective he could never come to terms with why I would choose to go into the force knowing that our old man died in the line of duty it was one of the reasons why we were a bit arranged yet he had somehow gotten on the radar of the web spikes he was assaulted brutally at that and he could name them because they were familiar faces in the neighborhood usually I suspected he might not have told me the situation of things if I'd still been in the city but since I was back in Marlo he reached out to me from what he told me I gathered that the police investigation into Daniel's assault swiftly unveiled the web Spike's pervasive influence within the city leaving Justice hanging by a fragile thread I was familiar with the name I knew the brand they portrayed and I could make out that they would not expect to pay for the crimes they had committed and suddenly the anger I felt when I held my partner's warm blood came up again I could feel the bolt of vacation hanging by my throat like I did with the gang that brought down my dead partner I needed to make them pay reconnecting with off Sullivan was like opening an old dogeared novel and revisiting familiar yet somewhat weathered pages mark had been my second partner back when I wore the badge the third of the trio for that ghastly operation but after that fateful operation that claimed the life of our colleague Mark and I went our separate ways each of us carrying our own burdens our own ghosts Mark had always been the pragmatic one the voice of reason he could read people like a well-worn book a skill that often felt uncanny he had a knack for spotting trouble a mile away but on that tragic day even he couldn't foresee the nightmare that awaited us resentment still lingered in the unspoken words and stolen glances the questions that had remained unanswered the blame that had been cast and never fully accepted I knew for certain that he was the only one who could help me get the justice that they deserved the pain and hurt we felt for my last case was still present it was on that premise that I informed him about the assault and Daniel if I'm being honest it was more than a fight for Daniel for both of us it was like we were having a doover to set things right from the way it went down the last time of course the details were different but the players were cut from the same clothes they were Terror gangs that grew too large and too much for the neighborhood to control becoming a hacker was a transformation I hadn't anticipated but necessity breeds adaptability with Mark as my guide I delved into the digital realm acquiring skills and knowledge that would be my passport into into the Hidden World of web spikes my online Persona was born a skilled hacker for hire with a reputation for getting things done half the things that said I done on the profile I didn't know of them the other half was a borrowed profile from some guy that officer solivan knows I knew that one misstep one traceable line of code could spell disaster I navigated the murky Waters of the dark web using pseudonyms and encryption tools to mask my true identity the deeper I went the more apparent it became that the web spikes were no ordinary gang there was something about the way that they operated that seemed like they had greater reach than the land of Marlo as I began to communicate with web spikes members I quickly realized that the complexities of their world mirrored the complexities of the individuals within it each member had their own reasons for being part of this criminal Empire and many had stories that could elicit both sympathy and revulsion it was difficult to separate at the villain from the victim and this blurred line weighed heavily on my conscience over time I formed a rapport with some of this web spikes underlings earning their trust with a carefully crafted facade these relationships were the building blocks of my infiltration and they were not without their challenges trust was a delicate thing in the criminal underworld and the wrong word or action could shatter the thin veneer of trust I'd cultivated but I had my reason for deciding to go undercover and I was not ready to back down without getting what I came for there was Ricochet the unflinching right hand who was fiercely loyal to his leader as the gang's Brute Force Sparrow the strategist who possessed a sharp mysterious mind with her motivations remaining cloaked in intrigue then there was Viper he was the digital genius who found power and Dominion in the virtual world overseeing the web spikes digital Empire with a Relentless Pursuit Of Control he was the one I had to be on the lookout for or should should I say he's the one that my online Persona had to be wary of in the pursuit of exposing all of them and making them pay for assaulting Daniel and every other person who could not stand up to them I delve deeper into their nefarious operations each Discovery unraveling the Sinister layers of their criminal Empire and its chilling reach into the very heart of Maro but what I would say was the crazy part of my investigation was getting to realize that the web of corruption reached far beyond on the web spikes criminal activities it was a system that corroded the city's foundations seeping into the dark corners of politics law enforcement and the economy at the side of the evidence that lay in front of me on the law enforcement agency I could then understand why their activities had gone unchecked for so long and why my younger brother could not get the Justice he wanted from them these officials were not merely corrupted they were puppets in the gang's nefarious schemes protecting the web Spike's interests while betraying The public's trust when I saw the rotten part of the law enforcement agency that was supposed to be for us the masses I knew that it would not be far-fetched to think that there was a political Intrigue to it and I was right web spikes had their fingers in the city's political landscape manipulating decisions fostering corruption and ensuring that the system remained tilted in their favor it simply came from being the dirty hands of those that we thought we elected to be a key instrument in the progression of the town the very institutions meant to safeguard Justice were tainted and the line between law and lawlessness blurred with this I could be certain that those in power were the reason why the media never really had a grasp of featuring a story or covering some of the activities of these guys I mean even on days when it seems like they're about to hit a nail on the head with their name they just divert into unknown guys as my actions intensified the tensions within the web spikes reached a fever pitch they felt the the new tightening and the pressure I exerted on their empire became palpable they knew someone was on to them but they did not know who and that gave me a good base to continue my plan I was sure that it wasn't like the gang members were United by a common cause it was really all about a shared pursuit of power and survival my infiltration had exposed the cracks in their Foundation setting off a chain reaction of power struggles and subplots the loyal enforcer who had once been the unchallenged muscle of the gang for one became challenged but my Relentless Pursuit had put him on edge his loyalty to their said leader was unshakable but that didn't prevent ambitious underlings from scheming to usurp his position his was the most noticeable among the group The Rising tensions were a volatile cocktail of ambition fear and mistrust for Mark The Showdown was personal it was a chance to avenge his brother Daniel then lay to rest the ghosts of our shared past the personal Vendetta burned in his eyes lending an intensity to his pursuit of the gang within the gang the web spikes were riddled with internal conflicts Ricochet struggled to maintain his grip on power while Sparrow and Viper grappled with their own Ambitions the tensions reached a boiling point and betrayals simmered beneath the surface the climax of my Relentless Pursuit was a night etched in the memory of Marlo The Showdown had been building like a pressure cooker the heat of Vengeance and the cold steel of Justice pushing us all to the brink I'd followed a complex trail of Deceit and treachery fueled by my unwavering determination to expose the black serpent their leader the pieces of the puzzle finally clicked into place revealing the Serpent's actual Abode it was a dilapidated Warehouse hidden in plain sight my heart raced as I approached every step echoing in the darkened alley the confrontation was a whirlwind of tension and Desperation Mark and I armed with the weight of our past and the deter DET mination to see Justice served confronted the black serpent his real name William connley was a revelation The Man Behind The Serpent's mask was a shadowy figure with Dee rooted connections to the city's corrupt power structure at this point it was not just about Daniel's assault it was about a city choking under the grip of organized crime and corrupt officials before we went into the building we had tapped a camera on a button on officer Sullivan's chest the good part was that we were not really expecting to come out unscratched so the video was reported live to Instagram when we got in he was alone I would guess that that was his Mo to not draw attention to himself but in the end that was his undoing I attacked him with what he did to my brother without mentioning a name knowing that we were on a live feed and then proceeded to mention all of the other things I'd found out at first he tried to play dumb but he was quick to realize that I was well informed the one thing he was stupid to think was that we were both nobodies and could do nothing because of this silly thought he went on ahead to recount his involvement stating that there was actually nothing we could do because of those that they had as the plan we had we left feeling dejected like that was all but it wasn't the feed from Instagram got the government more interested and they picked them up starting with their leader it would have been fun to watch but it was important that I disappear from the scene I couldn't take chances of them coming after me they could find me or find someone connected to me or something so I left but not without my revenge taking a toll on them I don't know if this leader guy is going to be able to put two and two together or if they would have their own kind of cameras to monitor things going on in that warehouse but I would feel like if you're able to get into this organized crime they would have like a background on you in some degree like they would know who you are because you're getting in like I'm surprised you'd be able to get into this thing without them knowing every detail about your life so that they can ensure that they have something to go back on if you cross them that said our next story is I broke my high school bully I can hardly compare the exhilaration I got from seeing Olivia getting treated the same way she treated me to anything else I'm a firm believer in karma and she got what she deserved you know that one girl from high school with funny teeth a weird haircut and nerd glasses all matched with ridiculous outfits that were way too young for her or had been out of fashion since the '90s that was me I had virtually no friends except for my parents was at the top of the grade and was every teacher's Delight for most of my life I was invisible to most of my peers that was until Olivia transferred to school the thing about being invisible is that you think you want to be noticed you would sigh and wish that one day you'd walk past your classmate in the grocery store and they'd recognize you at least that was what I wanted and with good reason too it was kind of lonely having only your parents parents as companions I never got invited to any special parties and when I did it was only because the person's parents had forced them to invite the whole grade I'd learned early enough not to bother even going to those because I'd end up feeling like a ghost but I would have given anything to go back to my lack of social media presence because when I finally started being noticed it was for all the wrong reasons yes I was pretty weird for a high schooler but Olivia and her minions were the first people to point it out Olivia had only attended in my school for a couple of months but she was somehow able to get the whole grade under her command she was one of that kids by all standards first her parents were divorced and she got to stay with her mom who was a cool parent and let her do whatever she pleased so she wore anything she fancied dyed all of her hair purple and got an extra piercing they weren't so popular then her parents had signed a prenuptual agreement which left her mom with a ridiculous amount of money and in extremely Grand Mansion with a private pool everyone wanted to be invited to and she had the latest everything phones watches designer bags maybe not everyone wanted to be her friend but being close to her clearly had a lot of perks so people started to suck up to her captain of whom were Pearl Jaden and rexa these three girls were plastic enough to graduate from acquaintances to being her minions they were always seated at the same table at lunch where they mostly gossip they hung out after school when they'd gossip some more and they revered every single word that proceeded from Olivia's mouth like it was from the sacred book if she decided that she didn't like Mr Simon's class then they hated it too if crop tops were her new thing then they were overly obsessed with crop tops nothing about them felt real they stopped looking at each other for approval like they had before Olivia's arrival and started to struggle for her approval I was in line for lunch one sad afternoon when she dramatically cut out from behind me when I'd gotten to the front of the queue I turned back to stare in confusion as her minions copied her actions not even the slightest look of understanding in her eyes uh she said feigning distress something or someone smells terrible she put her well manicured fingers to her nose as if trying to block out an offensive smell I sniff the air around me a bit to check if I would get a whiff of the stuff offending her nothing the air smelled like Teenage sweat in our lunch maybe it was the smell of the weird beef used in cooking our burgers that she didn't like it wasn't any of my business so I faced my lunch just as I turned back to put an apple on my tray she directed her drama at me I bet it's that hideous old sweater that smells like a stale fart CH fake whispered I glanced down at the green sweater I was wearing she's worn that for years now I heard she never washes it one of her minions continued it couldn't be me my sweater was fresh and clean my dad ad knitted It For Me 2 years ago and I loved it so much that I wore it whenever I needed some comfort which was a lot but it didn't smell bad it smelled like detergent and my deodorant I slowly looked behind me and saw the whole cafeteria Q staring at me Olivia and her friends had gesticulated enough to let the world know that they were speaking about me the back of my left arm started to itch and feel warm that always happened when I felt embarrassed I don't think she washes her teeth often either another Minion that needed to contribute added I hear that your teeth start to look like hers if you neglect cleaning them for a long time I quietly picked up my tray and began to walk away from the line tears clouded my vision as I tried to look around for a place to sit I didn't even want to be there I continued to walk till I found myself in a quiet section in the corner of the sports field eating anywhere but the cafeteria was prohibited but I needed the privacy of that space to cry so I did I set my tra Ray down slid to the grass and balled my eyes out I was so embarrassed after a well- needed crying session I dried my eyes and stared out at the food before me I didn't have any appetite so I dumped the contents of the tray into a bin close to me and hid the tray in some workout apparatus I mustered up some courage and walked into my next class hoping to slide unnoticed into my seat as soon as I walked through the door the class erupted with laughter I cringed and looked at my shoes is anything the matter dear the concerned teacher asked me but I just swallowed the tears threatening to fall she must be stupid too a voice unmistakably belonging to Olivia called out and the class howled with delight that did it for me I ran straight into the bathroom and sped home immediately when the bell was rung before anyone could see me luckily no one was at home so I didn't have to explain my red eyes or the tears streaming down my face immediately I headed for my bed and slept in till the the next morning it sucked to be embarrassed like that for no apparent reason I felt terrible but things were about to get worse Olivia must have decided that I was really easy to pick on so all of a sudden I went from being invisible to being the butt of everyone's joke all of my quirks became obvious to everyone like I'd been trying to hide them originally I couldn't tell my parents anything because I didn't want them to talk to the school authorities or do anything that would make people bully me more the funny thing was that I didn't realize that there was anything particularly wrong with me or the way I did things till everyone started to point them out somebody tell me why her bag looks like a rainbow vomited all over it some wannabe queen bee with a bored voice would say on a random sports day I'd hear comments like I wonder what she's doing all this running for no sane guy would look at her either way and when I actually got my period no one bothered to tell me I found myself trending on Facebook with the hashtag granny got her period that was the final blow I was so humiliated that I refused to go to school for a week that was when I finally let my parents know what I was going through at school my mom was outraged and wanted to make a scene but my dad was more reasonable wanting an easy and quiet solution they came to the conclusion that I'd spend the rest of my high school years in a new school abroad with my brother who had just graduated from college I was totally happy with the idea I couldn't pretend like I was f with my old school anymore I hated every single one of those kids especially Olivia and her minions I loved my older brother Steve and moving all the way to the United Kingdom would be an opportunity for me to reinvent myself the transition was easy I had to complete some counseling sessions before I could resume school so I used my free time to improve my wardrobe got a new haircut and insist on getting braces I made it clear that I wasn't anyone to be bossed around immediately if if I could my brother Steve was a hot shot so he had a lot of friends who cared for me and being his sibling upped my popularity status at school life became enjoyable and happier for me fast forward a couple of years later I had a stable job and a bearable life but my brother and I still shared his apartment I was going to move out after ID graduated from college Steve loved getting my opinion on his friends so he'd been wanting to show his new girlfriend to me and ask for my opinion and advice that he never followed I was 80% right most of the time I didn't have any real interest in his relationship but since we were both bored I started to ask questions about what she did where she studied and what she looked like she apparently finished from a reputable place and she was currently an actress quite impressive I finally asked for a picture of her and instead of my usual a she's so pretty Mantra I found myself gawking at the picture with a mix of anger and surprise of course she'd grad graduated she was the reason I was a year behind she's so pretty she's left you speechless huh my brother teased when I hadn't said anything for a minute I looked at him and he turned serious my face was obviously contorted with pain and anger seeing her made me want to run mad and pounce on her for all the evil she did to me I wasn't going to let my brother stay with her for my good and for his he didn't deserve to be with someone that evil and I was going to play the baby sister card till he dumped her I had to act out a bit of drama don't get me wrong I did feel bad but I was going to exaggerate and animate my feelings I started to let tears fall from my eyes then I ran into my room and refused to speak to him till dinner time he looked so confused and disappointed that my heart went out to him as I started to recount all of the events way worse than they actually occurred I chipped in some imaginary details here and there and when I'd fully described her as the Devil Himself I pretended to wipe some tears tears from my eyes and said but if you'd like to have her around I can cope with that he raised an eyebrow at me and I sniffled it would definitely be traumatizing to see her again in person but I'll manage his jaw tended and he assured me that he was never going to speak to her in his life he iced her out after that he didn't respond to her calls or reply to her texts and I just couldn't help sneaking to his phone and texting the words it's over to her thankfully all her texts were desperate and Confused just like all the others had been the next day I saw her from the kitchen window walking towards our apartment when Steve had left for some party with his friends it was the perfect opportunity I quickly slipped on some cool shorts and let my hair loose over my shoulders I strutted to the door with the air of someone very important hey remember me the girl you bullied well Steve said to let you know he no longer needs you in his life bye I breeed through the sentence without giving her space to reply I imitated her high-pitched bye at the end and I watched back to my room to this day I wonder if the shock on her face was because she thought I was his new girlfriend I really hope it was I'm starting to question how good of a brother op's brother is mostly because a they got with somebody who was a monster in high school which wasn't that long ago or that b they were in a relationship long enough that they never really found out about him having a sister that they you know live together maybe show them maybe see a picture and realize it's the girl she bullied if she cared enough maybe see a picture and remember it's the girl she bullied if she would remember our next story is friend tries to steal my girl so I smashed his gaming setup I'm the type of person that people think twice about before they mess with or at least they should think twice about before they mess with asides from the fact that I have a naturally big stature which I've trained and built to muscular Perfection I hav't intense anger management issues it's self- diagnosed so I don't know if I should call it that but in summary when someone pisses me off I get so mad and I make sure I get them right back now I might look intimidating which is why I said people think twice before getting on my bad side but I'm not a violent person I'm not a bully and I don't hit people I get them back in other ways more painful ways like releasing embarrassing things about them on the Internet or burning their car smashing their gadgets or just trashing their Apartments those kinds of things I find them more satisfying than a little beating where you have to stop because they passed out or they're bleeding way too much enough about that all I wanted to do was show you how I react to people crossing me as it would help you understand why I did what I did to my friend Jimmy but let me start the story from the beginning for context I met Jimmy for the first time at a Lakehouse party it was the summer after freshman year of college and I was hanging out with my roommate and best friend Alec in his parents house my place was too far to return to and honestly the journey wasn't worth it a few weeks before the new school year started we decided to go to the lak house which was owned by Jimmy's parents we had an arm wrestling competition where the loser had to strip down to his underwear and stand in front of the house where everyone can see him for 5 minutes after I won Jimmy did it one of the things that first endeared me to Jimmy was how he owned a situation that would have left the average person covering his head in shame it was really fun to watch after the party we pretty much hung out the next day and the day after that and just like that we were buddies School resumed a few days after and we all returned to campus I didn't go to class for the first few days after we resumed because I didn't feel like it I was the type of person who may not attend a single class and still do very well that's just how I was built so why bother after a week in my apartment and after finishing my Uncharted game for the fourth time I got bored enough and decided to go to school best decision I made that day I took a shower and went to my 1:00 class I got to the lecture hall and took the back seat where I could do everything but pay attention to the class without actually getting caught I arrived relatively earlier than most people and it took a while for the class to fill up when it did the class got Rowdy and I had to plug in my airpods a few minutes later someone tapped me on the shoulder I turned to my side and my mouth literally fell open at the beauty standing by my side I remember that she had a nervous smile on her face as she looked around the class she introduced herself as Laura she was a freshman and she was looking for her lecture hall I asked her what course she was doing and she said econ 102 it was at the other side of the campus and I offered to take her she declined at first because she didn't want to bother me but I told her that it wasn't a problem because I was going to leave the class anyway she said okay and we both walked to the lecture building we talked on the way and I discovered that not only is she beautiful but but she's also smart and funny we got along easily by the time we got to the building I didn't want her to leave but she was already late for class so I collected her number and she went on her way going to class had its perks after all that night I texted her and we chatted till midnight same thing the day after that and then the day after that soon enough we couldn't do without texting the other every day I thought that we'd run out of things to talk about eventually but that didn't happen it only got more interesting note to everyone out there if you get a girl or guy that completely gets you like completely gets your mentality and sense of humor and compliments that never let her go 5 weeks after we started texting I asked her out to see a movie and she readily agreed we went out one Saturday and then we went to an arcade the next Saturday and then dinner the next one and then I asked her to be my girlfriend to which she said yes all the while we were going out I didn't tell my friends about her back then I was the the guy who made fun of my friends for being too lovey-dovey with their girlfriends and even when they told me that I'd do the same if I had one I said it was impossible but it turned out that they were right and I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they were so I never told them that I was seeing someone but eventually Alec found out we were at the apartment one day along with Jimmy and our other friend Kyle Alec and Kyle were playing FIFA and we were all just chilling we ordered pizza earlier and I went to accept the delivery I left my phone on the couch and I received a text I had saved Laura's name with a single red rose and pink heart so there was no way to play it when the text came in Jimmy looked at my phone and he alerted the others they all laughed and made fun of me I didn't hear the end of it that day then Alec asked why I was hiding my girlfriend they said they wanted to meet her I told them I was going to do that in due time but the boys were very good with persuading me I didn't hear the end of it that day they talked about my mystery girlfriend till the end of the day and when I thought it was over they continued the next day I had no other choice I told them that I was going to introduce her soon and that was the only time they let me off the hook at least for the week exactly 5 days after the incident Alec asked again and it became a whole new thing eventually I got tired of their incessant pestering and since I knew Alex and Kyle's girlfriends I thought it would be fair to introduce them so I decided to invite her over to a frat party we were all going to on Friday evening we all went to the party and there I formally introduced her to them after the normal small talk I went to go get drinks the kitchen was crowded so I had to wait for a while to get it eventually I did and went back to Lura I was already worried that she was going to be bored but surprisingly Jimmy was keeping her company I returned to them and she asked me why I didn't tell her that Jimmy was also an econ major they were discussing a particular course and I hung back as they talked this went on for more than 20 minutes minutes and it got kind of annoying there's an unspoken rule that says that a friend shouldn't talk too much to his friend's girlfriend when his friend is standing right there I don't know if there is a rule like that but there should be it just makes sense after another 5 minutes I had to step in I asked her if we could go somewhere less crowded she agreed and we went outside to hang out when it was time to leave I called an Uber and before Lara and I could get in Jimmy asked if he could get Lara's number that was way out of line I mean speaking to her for that long while I was standing right beside him was way out of line but I could understand that they were talking about school but then he asked for her number before I could say something he quickly added that he wanted to send her some notes and materials he had for a particular course apparently she told him she was having a problem with it because she didn't have all the course materials yet I decided not to say anything since it's about school I let it slide but that was not the end a few weeks after that party Laura sent me a text she said Jimmy had been texting her and she couldn't tell if he was just being friendly or if it was something more at this point I got so mad and I asked her to send me a screenshot of all the texts they've had and so she did the beginning was just the usual greetings and mundane conversations and then it got to school stuff and then our relationship stuff can you believe this guy he was asking Laura if I was treating her well you'd think that's the worst thing he did but that's not all he went on to ask Laura if they could meet up he was offering to help her study why I have no idea but I needed to put an end to it I went to his place the next day and showed him the texts I told him outrightly to stay away from my girlfriend he replied saying that he didn't mean anything by the texts and that he was only being friendly I didn't want to hear it I told him once more to not text her again and I left but he didn't stop there he sent another text telling her how he didn't appreciate the fact that she showed me their chats he even went as far as insulting her calling her immature and all at this point I knew that I had to do something I had let it go on for too long and I had to put a stop to it I needed to teach Jimmy a lesson and I knew exactly how to do it Jimmy had a gaming setup in his apartment and he spent a lot of money making it professional he was aspiring to be a professional game streamer on YouTube and twitch and he'd already started to do some mini streams to test the waters that day I made sure he was on campus attending a lecture before I went to his apartment I knew where he kept his spare key and I let myself in he had an iron bat because he was a huge baseball fan that was what I used in smashing his entire setup to bits when I had smashed it Beyond repair I decided to let myself out the same way I came I made sure I wasn't seen so there wasn't anyone who would trace the vandalism to me I never spoke to Jimmy again after that day is it safe to to say that you should never ask your friend's girlfriend for their number like it's just too far right like even if they were in a position to help them study isn't it just too forward as a friend of a friend to say hey give me your number let's try to meet up sometime like that should just be impossible to do out of respect for your friend right but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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welcome friends to another r slash entitled parents video today we've got a crazy story of an entitled parent wanting to kick a refugee out on the streets but first a story from mipoos please parents accused me of ruining christmas every year now wonder why i hate christmas one of my parents many deep wounds is because that they grew up poor they never got the magical sort of hallmark kind of christmas they saw growing up on tv there but unfortunately for my brother and i who were raised upper middle class that meant that our christmases were more elaborate vicarious wish fulfillment role-playing scenes than they were a holiday while i was growing up christmas had to be this perfect event filmed and documented ad nauseum we spent just as much of the evening before and the morning of posing for forced family photos as we did anything else there was more yelling and screaming that things go exactly as planned than those photos suggested but back then i thought that was normal the big sticking point every year was naturally the most vapid and consumerist part of the whole event the presence for context i've always had one true passion my whole life i've been drawing sculpting painting and sewing since i was a very young kid i work professionally full time as an artist now i still have my first sketchbook from when i was five years old full of drawings of me trying to replicate the anime characters i watched on tv and i never had enough supplies i was always running out as i got older especially i was desperate for more advanced and expensive tools like resin casting and drawing tablets my point being there are clear and obvious choices for presence i put almost nothing but art supplies and maybe a ds or a specific book on the christmas list my mom asked for us to make for her every year only my mom had a very interesting gift-giving habit despite asking for christmas lists my mom would often only get one maybe two things on them she wanted the day to be a surprise so she often just bought whatever she wanted and when it came to buying gifts for me her daughter that often meant buying things she wanted things she would have liked when she was my age again trying to vicariously get the childhood she wanted not only that but my mom wanted to buy me things that she felt looked impressive to share online and art supplies wasn't impressive to her so she'd get me expensive jewelry and clothing weird gadgets extremely overpriced bathroom products for some reason and then maybe a few cheap art tools or materials which you know is fine i wasn't a greedy kid and i appreciate the thought of course i didn't complain but a polite thank you so much and a smile wasn't enough of a reaction for my parents i guess i wasn't a very good actor and they could tell when i wasn't being genuine about liking something they'd start interrogating me immediately don't lie why don't you like it what's wrong with it i thought you'd like it and then feeling backed into a corner i to be honest with them that i don't really like what they got me even though i appreciate the thought that always led into do you know how much i paid for that i would have killed to get something that nice for christmas you're so spoiled we grew up dirt poor and you don't know what it's like not to get a christmas at all etc i would end up feeling so guilty and ungrateful by the end of it often locking myself in the bathroom or going into my room to cry after which like it was tradition would prompt my dad to say to me every year you ruined christmas christmas to this day has become an unbelievably stressful time of year for me i can't look through photos of particularly bad years without crying still in my mid-teens i developed what was basically a nervous reaction where i'd be holding back tears and fighting to keep myself calm from the dread and anxiety of just having to open presents that made it worse because whether i liked what they got me or not they interpreted it as me being difficult and snobby so i'd get guaranteed yelled at and berated for hours afterwards christmas became nightmare ordeals prompting some of the worst fights i've ever had with my parents not really much to do with the gifts themselves and more so how i was never happy ever and how it was ruining the whole family this was particularly embarrassing when it happened in front of my extended family over the holiday i got a reputation in the whole family for being a bratty teenage girl because my parents would talk crap to them after the fight was over it was degrading and humiliating when i was 13 that was the first year i asked them to just not get presents at all for me that i just wanted to enjoy the time with my family that that's what really mattered to me i was thrown through a loop at the time when telling them this somehow it made them angrier at me they always brought up money how i wasn't appreciative of how much i have compared to when they were growing up so i thought this was the obvious solution i thought the problem was i had too much obviously and needed less they accused me of not wanting to participate in christmas at all even though i still wanted to celebrate the holiday with them that made everything even worse that year when christmas did happen every single year i begged them to just not buy me anything that i was fine that never worked and it was like we were all cursed to relive the same dramatic fight over and over again come december without fail they did the same thing to my brother accused him of being ungrateful and spoiled but he was always better at keeping his feelings on the inside he didn't understand why i couldn't just stonewall it like he could i felt so crappy about how every year no matter how hard i tried i'd crack and start crying i'm now an adult of course i don't live with them anymore i've asked them several times if they really even want me to come down and be there when they'll have a better time with just my brother i tell them i can come down and see them every other day of the year but as i ruin christmas without fail i shouldn't be there on the day itself for everyone's sake they get offended by the idea so i end up coming down they're utterly befuddled as to why i despise christmas as much as i do when it's such a happy time of the year i started telling them it's because i have a strong distaste for the consumerist aspect of it which is true but obviously it also very much has to do with the association of shame guilt and humiliation that seemed to have been the magic key though because this year finally they agreed to not get me any presents we compromised by them helping me get some new equipment for work which was very generous of them and i very much appreciate it i love my fancy new work computer that can handle all my work applications much better than my old one this last christmas went pretty well because of that they complained the whole time and acted like it was such a shame i didn't have anything to open on christmas day but i felt much more at ease i just kept reminding them how much i love my work computer i feel like a weight has been lifted and that christmases will be so much easier to manage now that presents aren't in the equation still though they know i have nothing but negative feelings towards it and that i refuse to celebrate it with any of the partners i've had since the last thing i want is for us to bring that nightmare holiday into my relationship would you guys agree with me that it doesn't have to be right now but at some point op should just come clean to their parents and their family about exactly what it is they experienced while growing up that makes them feel so off put about christmas do you guys think it would ever get through to these parents considering how they've been this whole time let me know what you guys think in the comments down below and by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below as well our next story is from madly angry entitled mom cuts off my education for an absurd reason entitled mother 45 cut off my education because i wasn't able to finish an art she asked me to do the night before i'm 17 years old and i'm in high school it's final season and naturally i'm very busy as i'm a stereotypical it's asian not beijing i also do digital art last night my mom messaged me when i was finishing a project asking me to draw her boss for free i let her know that i'll try because i have quizzes a class and a recitation the next day today our recitation got moved to the afternoon but i was still busy because i was doing my duties as the math class secretary afternoon came and we had class a short quiz and a recitation while i was waiting for my turn to recite i was already drawing my mom's boss after class i was rushing to finish coloring it she woke up at 4 pm her shift starts at 6 pm she has to travel for 2 hours and asked if i'd already finished i said i hadn't and she threw a temper tantrum she said that i'm lazy i'm a straight a student only child and i do the chores every day she told me that i only want to draw when i want to yes it's called a hobby and i'm not even getting paid for this plus i mostly draw for art related projects she kept shouting at them repeatedly at me sometimes even calling me useless i told her that art is not easy to do and i'm not even getting paid for it so it's really wasting my productivity time as well she said that if i have to be paid just for drawing then i should just pay for my own education now she cut off my education out of frustration i told her this but in tagalog are you kidding me what do you think i am i'm a student and it's final season naturally i have a lot of things to do i'm not joking when i said that drawing is not as easy as you think try it you know what your problem is you always want to prioritize you over everything else you are so entitled so yeah i think i just secured myself a homeless life in a third world country do i regret it a bit but it felt good to rub it in her face that the one she'll financially depend on for the rest of her life has finally lost respect for her i just couldn't imagine having that level of expectation being placed upon my shoulders not only expected to not just do well in school but to excel in school chores free hobby work i love my free time i love my personal time i just couldn't imagine ever surviving running a schedule where almost every waking hour is spent doing stuff that's never just for me imagine never being able to just turn off your brain and enjoying an afternoon because those expectations are just placed upon you especially at 17 years old this nice story is from oreobot299 homophobic entitled mom tries stealing my water bottle it's not surprising to me that this happened i live in a red state and the part of my town that i live in is overwhelmingly upper middle class conservatives the kinds of people who had trump 2020 signs in their yards in march of 2021 you get the type now i'm a fairly active person i'm at the gym regularly and i've never encountered anything like this i'm also openly queer and the water bottle that i bring to the gym shows that it has several stickers on it most of them bought off of etsy or things that people have given me over the years mostly important for this story i have a sticker that says trans rights on it that i bought when i came out a year and a half ago now my gym routine is simple but part of it involves entering into these hallways that my gym has where people work on mats and do bodyweight exercises i do my routine and i'm about to leave when i hear that all too familiar ahem from behind me now the hallway i'm in connects to the stairs so i assume she came up then without me seeing she's your stereotypical karen with obviously dyed blonde hair and a kid in tow this is unusual like most gyms the gym i attend doesn't let kids use the equipment until a certain age for hours it's 11 to use and 14 unsupervised and the kid can't be more than eight however there's a classroom on this floor that teaches kids as well as adults so i figured he's here for a class she's wearing a shirt that says no way vacay which has nothing to do with the story but i thought it was funny i'm mostly confused as to why she's talking to me to be honest i turn to look at her and the following conversation ensues i say can i help you she says this is a family place and i think you should keep that at home i say what she rolls her eyes and says don't play dumb that she points in my water bottle is unacceptable i say what it's worth noting at this point that although i'm publicly out and used they them pronouns everywhere i go i still present really feminine in most cases unless i introduce myself with my pronouns people just assume i'm a really enthusiastic ally there's many reasons for this but most of them stem from my own insecurities about my physical appearance so i won't get into them here karen says you're not even old enough to know if you're gay or not talk to me when you're an adult and with that she leaves i thought that was the end of it and i would leave with a funny story to tell my parents when i got home but i was so very wrong also worth noting before i get into the juicy part is that my 18th birthday is in less than two weeks i'm almost legally an adult so i would definitely class myself as old enough to know i'm pretty young but i'm not like a preteen still figuring out my sexuality and gender out i'm sure about it anyways after she leaves i leave my stuff behind to go grab a wipe to clean my mat so i can put it back given the title of the post i'm sure you can see where this is going i get back to my mat and my water bottle is gone i panic obviously homophobia or transphobia i can deal with it says more about them than it says about me but i have pretty severe anxiety and having my stuff touched moved taken or basically changed in any way is a huge no-no for me i put up my mat grabbed the rest of my stuff and had to find a staff member i walked back into the weight room and i spot her immediately and she's holding my water bottle she's standing next to her husband who's yelling something at the worker that sounds along the lines of my son should be able to use the machines age restrictions for safety reasons be darned don't you know who i am yadda yadda i walk over and tap karen on the shoulder she spins around and looks very smug to see me i say give me my water bottle back it's my property karen says you shouldn't have these things around my children we're a christian family and god says i cut him off and say my mom's a priest ma'am i know a fair bit about what god says and i don't think he would approve of stealing karen says and what does she say about these things you've plastered on your belongings i say she bought me some of them i need you to give me my water bottle back by now the staff member that ken was yelling at has noticed me the staff member says what's the problem here ladies i say she stole my water bottle and i want it back it's mine now most of the gym staff have a vague idea of who i am they don't know me by name or anything but i my dad and his parents are all regulars at this gym they do however still treat me as female what you gonna do i'm leaving for college in two months so the staff member says ma'am you'll need to give back her things karen looks pissed but she doesn't actually object she shoves the water bottle at me and walks off leaving her husband and son to trail after her i'm pretty visibly shaken i hate confrontation and i hate people taking my stuff even more the worker gives me a brief are you okay and i say that i'm fine just shaken he nods and walks off to do his job i leave the gym pretty much too shaken to finish my workout and tell my parents about it when i get home it's already one thing for the karen to have non-inclusive thoughts here personally i think just that alone is enough to put a bad taste in my mouth but the utter disrespect beyond that personally i think they deserve to have their can go outside and interact with the common public card revoked our next story is from cthulhu wizard entitled dad demands i hold a kitten aside for him this happened a few years ago but it still upsets me when it crosses my mind and is part of the reason behind why i have huge social anxiety so i used to volunteer for an animal rescue center and they have these small stores around the state that allows people to play with kittens but you can also adopt kittens and purchase merchandise for pets one shift i had was an afternoon shift and i was working alone not many people came by as the store closed late so i would play with the kittens give them their dinner and clean up the store just before i closed i had a father entitled dad and son walk in wanting to adopt a kitten for their mother for their birthday i gave him some info on the cat and told him how much it would be to adopt her he then told me he didn't want to pick her up today he would like to pick her up in two days time now our policy in the store and at the main shelter is that we cannot hold any animal aside for anyone even if they promise to return and pick them up i told entitled dad this and he responds telling me it'll be fine he'll be back to collector and asked if i can just take down the kitten's info sheet so no one else would adopt her before he came back after repeating to him that we can not hold cats for anyone i just took down the info just so he would leave as i had a clothes entitled dad returns two days later with his wife and both kids in tow and i happen to be working as they needed someone on shift as someone called in sick entitled dad walks up to me and says he's here to pick up the kitten i let him know that the kitten had been adopted the day before and apologize he then raises his voice and tells me that it was his cat and that he saw me take the info down i reply reminding him of our policy and apologize again he starts to yell at me the kid started crying and the wife now decided that she needs to put her two cents in she says look what you did you made my kids cry i said i'm sorry but we can't hold animals for anyone she says why would you make a promise you can't keep admittedly i did get a bit heated as it really grinds me when people blame me for something i didn't do i'm also autistic and have never dealt with entitled people before so and i feel really horrible about this i yelled back at her telling her i didn't promise her kids crap and titled mother then goes off for swearing at her kids for which i ignore as i'd felt bad immediately after yelling an entitled dad asks for my manager's number we don't have a manager to contact so i gave them the number for the woman who was in charge of our shifts and the store's kittens and merchandise entitled dad had given her a call shouting at her on the phone and demanding that i'm fired i didn't hear much after that as i'd taken myself into the back of the store to calm myself down the guy i was working with looked shocked himself over what had happened and made sure i was okay i ended up leaving work early and then leaving the position as i was now terrified to go back i was terrified those people would return and harass me again i was terrified to leave the house to go shopping for a little while after as well but i'm doing a lot on my own again again i might have made it worse when i yelled i feel really terrible about it and i would apologize to the kids if i could they shouldn't have had to have seen what happened personally i think op just has an abundance of caution i think any normal person can see right through this couple i just hope for opisic that they can move past this because they don't deserve to feel trapped in their house they deserve to feel like they can go out and experience the world and go shopping if need be and our final story of the day is from 13 year old girl entitled parents want me to kick out refugees ukraine 2022 me 29 year old male my girlfriend of five years 29 year old female girlfriend's entitled dad entitled mom and even grandma at some point girlfriend's friend z 33 year old female and z's mom as some of you may know we are at war since the 24th of february i live in a rather big house in the western part of the country which is relatively peaceful we've only had one rocket hit so far girlfriend and all other characters are living in kiev the capital we all realize that the war will happen and my girlfriend wanted to get out of the capital into my hometown i bought her a train ticket on the 23rd of february so she left the city a few hours before bombings begun later we were watching the fights on the streets in the neighborhood where she and her parents live also the rocket was shot in the air and debris fell in the house just a few blocks away from girlfriend's house well i took her out of there just in time on the second day here my girlfriend asks if she can invite her friend z and her mom and a cat to stay in my house as they were fleeing from kiev i have plenty of room so of course i agreed they arrived on the third day entitled dad and entitled mom stayed in the city a few days later entitled dad starts to ask girlfriend what zee's doing in my house and says that she should be careful because women are insidious and z's going to steal me from her and it's all because we're not officially married we were pretty pissed by this bs because our relationships are serious lasting five years i never cheated never gave a reason to worry that i will cheat i don't even really like z as a woman or even as a person and it's none of their business why i didn't propose yet but whatever we brushed it off though we were stressed because of the war another two or three days pass i know that from time to time girlfriend has these conversations about z and me at some point girlfriend says entitled dad wants to talk with you in private so he calls me and it goes like this he says hey opie i say hey he says where are the girls what are they doing can they hear us red flags red flags i say no they can't what's up he says look i know you're a good fella and you want to help everyone yeah thanks for that but i want you to find z and her mom another house to live i say why he says well me and entitled mom made this decision and yeah if you want to keep a contact and good relationships with us you'll do as we say otherwise we're going to speak to girlfriend about breaking up with you i'm stunned there's around 2 million residents of my region and as the war begun we had over a million refugees it's almost impossible to find a place to live right now and he knows it darn well because his colleague left kiev with his elderly mother wife and six-year-old daughter and they were sleeping in a car for a few days at freezing temperatures outside because there was no place for them to stay i say no i'm not going to kick anybody out of my house entitled dad says okay bye i told girlfriend about this decision and she's furious but they insist that i'll leave her for z entitled mother says that my girlfriend is a call girl for me i called her and there she is yeah never mind i saved your daughter from tanks and rockets ungrateful jerks the next day entitled mother calls girlfriend and says hey there's a way to evacuate to germany and stay there and title dad has already arranged everything andre a colleague who slept in a car is going to germany and they have a free seat in a car what do you say girlfriend's crying she's in a panic scared she wants to flee but she doesn't want to leave me i on the other hand want her to be safe so i don't mind her leaving but i have a very strong suspicion that all this evacuation is bs girlfriend agrees to leave calls parents and asks about when andre is going to pick her up and where exactly she'll stay entitled dad will call him and we'll let you know maybe today maybe tomorrow as for a place to stay we don't know yet entitled dad's going to call someone in germany that's the great plan it's a swiss freaking watch for an hour or so girlfriends sitting there nervous waiting for the call from parents checking the phone constantly and to spice things up every few minutes entitled mother sends her freaking memes via viper when we calmed down a bit we gave it a thought and started to ask questions how exactly entitled dad thinks andre is going to bring his family to germany if males 18 to 60 are not allowed to cross the border and no one else is driving how two young women with a small kid and only a grandma are going to cross slovakia without transport and get to germany what does it mean everything is set in germany if only now you're making calls tired of waiting girlfriend calls andre himself girlfriend says hey it's girlfriend where are you going to pick me up andre says pick you up she says entitled dad said you're going to germany and you have a free seat andre says oh that was kind of the sort of plan if things really messed up i was going to give my family a ride to a border and they'll somehow get to germany and i'm going back to fight but we found a house 25 minutes from you we're safe and warm we're not going anywhere so girlfriend calls entitled dad and asks what is the god darn plan why he wants to get her away from people who love her and care about her just send her into a refugee shelter alone with just a backpack and why wouldn't he evacuate himself or at least entitled mother even though they almost could see russian troops out their window no answer except for he'll cheat on you with z the next day they called girlfriend and apologized for this show they made saying we panicked yeah we panicked and decided to separate you from your boyfriend right the next day he refused to obey our decisions what a coincidence a month passed girlfriend keeps in touch with her parents and grandma even though she says i'm looking at them as they're different people after what they did from time to time the parents are talking crap about me grandma also thinks that since we're not married i'm going to cheat with every girl i see a few weeks ago girlfriend went back to kiev for a few days as she had some unfinished business there of course she visited her parents and when she openly confronted entitled dad about what he said about z this worm said that he never said that i should kick someone out and there was no ultimatum kick out z or we won't contact anymore it was just my decision to break contact with them also both entitled dad and entitled mom are mad about z for staying in my place for so long since it's already safe to go back in kiev even though the day before they said that a rocket hit a building four kilometers away from their house while in kiev girlfriend visits her grandma entitled grandma it was fine at first but at some point the entitled grandma says do you have a picture of z can i see it girlfriend says why she says just curious you've been friends for so many years 20 or so i'm curious how she looks girlfriend shows her a photo and she says she has long hair girlfriend says she does entitled grandma says she's taller right girlfriend says yes why the grandma says nothing it's just they say men prefer taller girls haha girlfriend doesn't say anything and the grandma says don't worry you're prettier at this point even entitled mother is shocked my girlfriend was just compared to another girl like some piece of meat and judging by tone comparison was not in her favor how messed up in the head do you have to be to say something like that well the story has no end as for now girlfriend keeps in touch with her parents and grandma they still try to convince her that i'm a cheating jerk but now it's just once in a while and can easily be stopped i've learned some other sick things about entitled dad but it's not relevant to the story and it's already too long i'm no expert here but it sounds like these people are really stuck in old traditions or beliefs i just think it would be crushing to be in either op or the girlfriend's shoes being committed to somebody for five years and just being labeled a cheater like that trying to get extorted with horrendous ultimatums like that throwing your friend out to the mess of the war and refugee shelters to me it feels like the girlfriend's parents and maybe even the grandma might not have a real heart but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another entitled parent story that was crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right with that said though i'll see you all next time with some more stories
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the film commences with a tragic event that occurred on July 4th 1969 at Lovers Lane in Vallejo California during the incident Darlene Farren and Michael Renault were ruthlessly shot multiple times by an unidentified assailant regrettably Darlene succumbs to her injuries while Mike narrowly survives following the brutal act the perpetrator contacts the authorities via a 9-1-1 call to report his action approximately four weeks later a letter from the assailant arrives at the editorial Office of the San Francisco Chronicle newspaper the initial encrypted letter sent by the Zodiac Killer marked the beginning of a series of such cryptic correspondence alongside the letter the killer also included a demand that it be published in the newspaper threatening further violence if ignored this prompts Paul Avery a renowned journalist and crime reporter at the San Francisco Chronicle to commence investigations into the case the encrypted letter also captures the attention of Robert Graceman a political cartoonist Robert astutely deduces that the identity of the the Killer is not encoded within the letter but his Insight is dismissed by Avery who does not include him in the initial investigations however over time a history teacher successfully cracks the encryption subsequently the Zodiac Killer sends numerous additional Cipher letters to the chronicle posing a challenge for law enforcement to decipher them all Robert makes diligent attempts to decipher the letters by scouring books from the library despite Avery's derisive comment however once Robert successfully decodes the letter Avery's attitude towards him changes and he begins to share more information Robert's investigation leads him to discover that the letter is a reference to the movie the most dangerous man which alludes to the concept of a man who hunts other humans the most dangerous prey during September of 1969 the Zodiac Killer strikes once more at Lake Berryessa in Napa County two individuals Brian Hartnell and Cecilia Shepard are stabbed during the attack tragically Shepard succumbs to her injuries while Hartnell manages to survive following the incident the zodiac sends a new letter to the chronicle proclaiming that man is the most dangerous animal of all subsequently a fortnight after the previous incident a cab driver named Paul Stein is fatally shot by the Zodiac in San Francisco's Presidio Heights district the killer then sends fragments of Stein's bloodstained shirt along with another chilling ladder to the chronicle the San Francisco Police Department assigns the case to two of their seasoned detectives Dave Toshi and his partner Bill Armstrong a letter surfaces from the Zodiac Killer revealing a Sinister plan to Target school buses in the city then on October 22 1969 barely two weeks after the cab driver's murder an individual claiming to be the Zodiac calls into a morning talk show expressing a desire to speak with lawyer Melvin belly the killer agrees to go by the name Sam during the conversation Melvin inquires Sam you need to confide in me and tell me what's troubling you Sam responds I don't want to face the gas chamber I suffer from severe headaches Melvin probes further asking how long Sam has been experiencing these headaches to this Sam reveals I've had headaches for a long time ever since I killed a kid as Melvin continues to inquire the call suddenly disconnects despite Sam's earlier agreement to meet he provides directions to a church in Dolly City Melvin and the sfpd swiftly Converge on the location only to discover that the caller is actually an individual from a mental institution even Brian Hartnell a survivor of a previous attack confirms that the voice does not match that of the man who shot them at Lake barius throughout 1969 and 1970 the Zodiac continues to send letters to both Melvin belly and the chronicle these letters serve to taunt the police and claim responsibility for various incidents however the chronicle eventually decides to cease publishing the letters as Avery raises doubts about the Zodiac's intentions and truthfulness Avery shares with Robert that he suspects The Gun Sight symbol used in the Zodiac's letters is copied from the logo of the zodiac brand of watch meanwhile Avery begins Ryan adding compelling stories about the Zodiac and is even rewarded with a personal letter from the killer along with a fragment of the cab driver's blood-stained shirt Avery's curiosity about the Zodiac leads him to seek out more information and he meets with an undisclosed Source in Riverside California he believes he has discovered evidence of the Zodiac's initial murder victim prompting Dave and Armstrong to travel to Riverside for further investigation despite the Striking similarities and evidence Dave and Armstrong are not convinced that it matches the profile of the Zodiac Killer however Avery's story gains traction with the public convincing many of the Killer's identity although Dave remains skeptical following Avery's article numerous individuals claim to know the true identity of the zodiac among all the interviews conducted Arthur Lee Allen emerges as a potential suspect Dave Armstrong and Mullinax question Arthur extensively but their efforts yield no significant progress due to their suspicions they also interview Arthur's Family who willingly provide handwriting samples for for comparison however Sherwood Mora upon examining the handwriting samples from Arthur and the killer finds no connection or match between the two after extensive investigation they discovered that Arthur has been relocated to Santa Rosa a warrant is obtained from the Santa Rosa PD and Dave and Armstrong's search Arthur's trailer Arthur returns home during the search and a new handwriting sample in fingerprint comparison or take but none of the evidence matches the information in the Zodiac file Dave becomes frustrated as he was convinced that Arthur was the Zodiac Killer four years have passed and life has taken different turns for everyone Robert has remarried and has begun rebuilding her family Paul Avery has left the chronicle and is now employed by the Sacramento Bee Dave Toshi has taken aback when his partner Bill Armstrong informs him of his decision to leave the homicide and transfer to the fraud department over the course of these four years the Zodiac Killer has remained inactive Robert's wife Melanie reminds him of the collection of zodiac related material he has accumulated a upon realizing this Robert pays a visit to Avery to discuss his intention of writing a book about the Zodiac however Avery appears disinterested and informs Robert that he has lost all the information pertaining to the killer much to Robert's disappointment Robert rushes towards Dave Toshi for help Dave initially claims he cannot assist but he discreetly advises Robert to seek out Ken narlo and knob after a brief period of Silence narlo instructs Robert to review the evidence collected by the Napa Police in the case of Darlene Farren and Michael Renault following a meticulous investigation Robert approaches Dave once again to share his findings Robert reveals that Darlene had multiple admirers and it is plausible that the Zodiac could be one of him he further explains that on the night of Darlene's murder she received suspicious phone calls with heavy breathing on the line based on the gathered information Robert becomes convinced that the killer had a personal connection with darling he expresses his desire to meet Darlene's sister but Dave suggests reaching out to Melvin belly instead as Robert waits for the the lawyer to arrive one of his housekeepers informs him that the Zodiac had spoken to her in Melvin belly's absence the Zodiac reportedly informed the housekeeper that he had committed a murder on his birthday Robert uses this information to narrow down the possible dates to December 18th through the 20th he follows Dave's recommendation and checks the Department of Justice for information but finds limited assistance from him shortly thereafter Robert receives a call alleging that Rick Marshall is the true Zodiac Killer and that Bob Vaughn has filmed canisters containing evidence that implicates Rick Robert consults Sherwood moral regarding fingerprints and handwriting samples of the killer in the meantime Sherwood reveals that a man named Wallace Penny had previously told him about a certain Rick Marshall being the Zodiac Robert is startled to learn that the same man who called him had also spoken to Sherwood at the chronicle Toshi urgently arrives after being informed that the department has received the First new zodiac letter in four years however some accused Dave of fabricating the letter for publicity leading to his removal from the homicide division Robert attempts to question Dave about Rick Marshall but Dave refuses to provide any answers Robert then travels to Napa to speak with Ken narla who reveals that he had previously interviewed Rick Marshall but was unable to obtain any fingerprints or handwriting samples from him in his quest to locate Marsh Robert contacts more and obtains the contact information for Wallace Penny Penny shares with Robert a poster that Rick Marshall had drawn for a silent movie theater moral identifies some minor similarities to the Zodiac style but requires further details Robert's obsession with the Zodiac case begins to take a toll on his personal life as he loses his job at the chronicle and his wife takes their children and leaves the house due to fear of the zodiac Robert has been receiving unsettling calls with heavy breathing on his phone despite this he persists in his efforts to locate Lind the sister of Darlene Farren for assistance he also reaches out to Bob Vaughn for help who reveals that he knew Rick Marshall from their days as theater projectionists when Robert asked Bob about the posters Bob claims that he himself had drawn all of them not Rick despite his efforts Robert's inquiries do not yield any significant progress however he eventually manages to meet Linda Darlene's sister who is currently incarcerated Robert questions Linda about a painting party where she had an uncomfortable encounter with someone but to Robert's surprise Linder refutes his assumption that it was Rick Marshall instead identifying the person as someone named Lee Robert quickly deduces that Linda is referring to Arthur Lee Allen he urgently heads to Dave Tosh's residence in the dead of night although Dave is initially reluctant they eventually go out for a meal and discuss the various suspicious individuals who could potentially be the Zodiac Killer they both agree that Arthur Lee Allen is a plausible suspect however Dave informs Robert that there is no concrete evidence to support this Theory leaving Robert at a loss for words Dave continues to offer his support for Grace Smith's book on the Zodiac case the story then progresses to December 1983 where Robert unexpectedly the encounters Arthur Lee Allen in a hardware store in Vallejo he is momentarily Frozen in shock unable to react and eventually leaves the store without saying a word in 1991 after the passage of eight years Michael Renault is invited by the authorities to identify potential suspects from a set of mugshots after careful observation he points out Arthur Lee Allen as the individual who is most likely to be the Zodiac the saddest reality of the movie Zodiac is the unresolved mystery that consumes the character from the taunting and Elusive Zodiac Killer to the toll it takes on the detectives and journalists the unending hunt devastating impact on victims family and constant fear and paranoia create a haunting and tragic atmosphere the film portrays the dark reality of an unsolved case where closure remains elusive leaving scars that never fully heal
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what is the saddest moment of your life I'll never forget when I got the most bone-chilling voice message from my mom and our family group chat at this time I was in school our class just ended and I was still sitting in the classroom I put on my headphones to listen to what my mom sent me all of a sudden I felt sick to my stomach I played the message and I heard deep emotional breathing my mom started talking she explained that she and my dad had been in a car crash I could barely understand what she was saying she was speaking frantically I couldn't tell if it was from the adrenaline or if she had been crying she said that our Dad loved us and cared about us at this point I started to cry I knew what was coming with a heavy heart she revealed that our dad had passed away on impact my heart dropped to the floor shattering into a million pieces I was still in a classroom and was unable to move she continued about how her dad loved us that we need to take care of each other and love each other after that she said she loved us one more time then the message stopped I couldn't believe what just happened I was hoping it wasn't real a part of me still thought they were still alive I saw my brother in the hallway goofing off and laughing with his friends after he said goodbye to his friends he saw me he came over to the doorway calling my name I was having a complete panic attack and wasn't able to answer my classmates looked at me like I was nuts but for once I couldn't care less my brother came over to me asking what was wrong but I wasn't able to speak how do you tell your brother that our parents passed my hands were shaking I pulled off my headphones and put them over my brother's ears I pressed play I watched my brother's facial expression go from worry to at her heartbreak he broke down in tears in my arms shortly after this my sister called we didn't even talk to each other we just sat there crying about an hour later a police officer came into my class they took me and my brother and we went into the car the whole ride was silent the policeman didn't say anything but I could see the pain on his face once we arrived at the station we saw our sister there the three of us just hugged and cried for a bit we all sat down the three of us and the two policemen they explained that our parents had been in a car crash that involved a driver under the influence apparently the driver had some minor injuries at this point I felt completely numb in between staring at the wall of the floor I asked the police officer for some details mostly about the driver he had nothing to say I looked his partner and he quickly avoided eye contact with me I knew there was more the officer who picked my brother and I up grabbed my hand and revealed to us that our mother had just passed away in the hospital my mind went blank the weeks after the accident were blurry I don't remember much but I know that we tried to stay together because my brother and I were still minors and we didn't want to end up in foster homes it has been almost a year now it's been the toughest year of my life we still live in our parents home our sister was able to be our legal guardian we take care of each other like my mom asked us too
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people who had a classmate disappear what happened he ingested rat poison in fifth grade the friend had multiple medical conditions since he was a baby he was very overweight had trouble speaking and his eyes were very weak and the docs had given maximum of three to four more years till he became blind even in class he had to wear thick glasses and basically stick to the page to see words clearly enough to read he used to be pretty depressed about the eventuality of losing his eyesight in a few years we used to try and include him in sports as much as we could but his weight and weak eyesight made it tough for him to play for long after a certain weekend he didn't turn up to class for three odd days eventually an announcement was made by our principal of his demise they obviously didn't mention the way he went it was later that the details filtered in and we came to know that while his parents had gone out for a few hours one day he consumed rat poison that he had stolen and kept hidden he was rushed to the hospital but it was too late rip my friend
give me a good story on peoplewhohadaclassmatedisappearwhathappened
is my husband ta for going through our daughter's phone and blackmailing me to keep quiet about it our daughter is 14 we got her iPhone 1 and a half years ago recently something happened and we needed to know where she was she called for a ride home but her battery died before she could tell us where she was my husband was there and said let's go I told him that I didn't know where she was but he said I know where her phone is at all times I said since when he said since we bought it after a brief conversation it turns out that he has access to everything on her phone I asked if he had ever snooped on her and he said yes but not really anymore he said that after snooping a few times in the beginning he discovered that she doesn't really do anything that she's not supposed to and now he considers it a waste of time I told him that I don't think it's right for him to go through her phone he immediately answered with it's not her phone I said what do you mean he said we bought it and we own it she just uses it I said that I don't consider her phone to be ours he said well I ours everything we pay for belongs to us I said that's ridiculous he said okay fine if it's not ours then it's mine I got frustrated but he just said paraphrasing look I bought it I pay the monthly bill it's under my name and I can access it whenever I want in the unlikely event that I feel the need to I will
give me a good story on IsmyhusbandTAforgoingthroughourdaughtersphoneandblackmailingmetokeepquietaboutit
:17.520 --> :20.640 I Got My Evil Fast Food Boss FIRED! :20.640 --> :25.280 The summer before my freshman year of college,  I worked at a local franchise of a fast food   :25.280 --> :29.280 chain that’s pretty popular here in the  US. I won’t say the name of the chain,   :29.280 --> :34.240 because I’d hate to tarnish their precious  reputation (or somehow face legal action all   :34.240 --> :37.920 these years later), but let’s just say  they’re well known for their delicious   :37.920 --> :43.600 chicken sandwiches and their ownership’s  unfriendliness towards the LGBT community… :43.600 --> :46.400 Anyway, this was the first real job I ever held.   :46.400 --> :50.240 I’d done random stuff here and there over  the years --- yard work for neighbors,   :50.240 --> :55.600 reffing basketball games, dog sitting --- but  nothing ever amounting to an actual position.   :55.600 --> :59.840 You know, something with wages and  a uniform and all that “good” stuff. :59.840 --> :03.280 At the start of the summer, I was  actually excited for the job, though.   :03.280 --> :07.920 Working at a fast food restaurant wasn’t  exactly the most glamorous thing in the world,   :07.920 --> :14.080 sure, but I knew I’d at least be making money  (something my teenage self had a definite lack of)   :14.080 --> :18.400 and I also knew several of my school friends  had worked at the same franchise before.   :18.400 --> :22.320 They never complained to me about  work, so how bad could it really be? :22.320 --> :27.120 I had also had a really pleasant interview to  get the job. The man who conducted it had been a   :27.120 --> :32.640 nice older gentleman --- graying hair, roundish  face, soft smile --- who had kindly reassured   :32.640 --> :37.840 me that the work wasn’t too bad and that I would  quickly receive a raise in my hourly wage once I   :37.840 --> :42.800 completed their mandatory training. At the time,  I had assumed that he was going to be my boss   :42.800 --> :47.840 and that it was going to be his calm presence  and kind demeanor running the work environment. :47.840 --> :50.320 Boy, how nice that would’ve been… :50.320 --> :55.040 Anyway, on my first day of work, I walked into  the restaurant and made my way into the back   :55.040 --> :00.320 kitchen area, where I was supposed to be working  that summer. Not seeing Mr. Carlson (the man   :00.320 --> :04.720 from my interview), I approached a kitchen  worker who was putting together sandwiches.   :04.720 --> :10.000 “Uh, excuse me,” I said, “is Mr. Carlson  here? It’s my first day, and I’m ---” :10.000 --> :14.000 “Mr. Carlson?” the guy interrupted.  “Mr. Carlson’s not here right now,   :14.000 --> :16.640 I don’t think. He doesn’t  really come in that often,   :16.640 --> :21.200 just for special occasions, prospective  employee interviews, that kind of stuff.” :21.200 --> :24.960 “But isn’t he the manager?” I asked.  “How can he not come in that often?” :24.960 --> :28.960 The guy looked at me confused. “Mr.  Carlson’s not the manager --- he’s   :28.960 --> :34.480 the franchise owner. She,” he said nodding  towards a middle aged woman, “is the manager.” :34.480 --> :38.240 I looked over at the lady he had  pointed out. She was short, thin,   :38.240 --> :43.680 and seemed to have a permanent frown carved  onto her face. It looked like she was chewing   :43.680 --> :48.960 someone out at the other end of the kitchen. As  I was studying her, she suddenly turned around,   :48.960 --> :52.800 locked eyes with me, and began making  her way over to where I was standing. :52.800 --> :56.000 The guy I’d been talking with  noticed her walking over too,   :56.000 --> :00.960 and quickly went back to his sandwiches. “Nice to  meet you, man, but I’ve got to get back to work.   :00.960 --> :05.600 The name’s Nate, though.” He paused for a  second and then looked back at me. “Good luck.” :05.600 --> :09.920 Before I had the chance to ask him what  sort of luck I would need frying nuggets   :09.920 --> :15.360 and putting together sandwiches, suddenly the  manager had made it across the kitchen and was   :15.360 --> :21.840 right at my side. “You’re late!” she said to me,  emphasizing the last word like it was a crime   :21.840 --> :27.360 on par with murder. “Not really a great first  impression to make with your new boss, is it?” :27.360 --> :30.000 “Late?” I asked, genuinely confused.   :30.000 --> :33.680 “I thought my shift was supposed  to start at , and it’s ---” :33.680 --> :38.960 “,” she said, like that had  somehow cleared the confusion up.   :38.960 --> :45.040 “Not one minute late, not two minutes  late, but three entire minutes late.” :45.040 --> :49.440 Was she serious right now?  “Well, I got here at ,   :49.440 --> :53.040 I just wasn’t sure where to  go, and I was looking for ---” :53.040 --> :59.120 “Uh uh uh, nope, nope,” she said, interrupting me  like a preschool teacher. “That’s not what we’re   :59.120 --> :03.840 gonna do right now --- make excuses like that.  That’s the kind of stuff that’s gonna get you   :03.840 --> :08.880 sent right out that door,” she said pointing  to the exit. “When I tell you you messed up,   :08.880 --> :13.840 all I want to hear is ‘I’m sorry, Ms.  Connie. It won’t happen again.’ Understand?” :14.560 --> :18.320 I gave Ms. Connie the most professional  nod I could muster in that moment,   :18.320 --> :23.840 but she made a sort of motion with her hand like  she was waiting for more. After a few seconds,   :23.840 --> :29.600 I got it. “I’m sorry Ms. Connie,” I said  with gritted teeth. “It won’t happen again.” :29.600 --> :34.320 She nodded smugly to herself, apparently  satisfied with my apology, then turned   :34.320 --> :39.360 around and told me to follow her. “And make it  quick. You’ve got a lot of work to catch up on.” :39.360 --> :42.480 After that, the rest of my eight  hour shift went about as well as   :42.480 --> :45.360 my first conversation with Ms. Connie had gone. :45.360 --> :50.000 There was genuinely a lot of stuff to pick up  about working in the kitchen, for one thing.   :50.000 --> :55.200 How to properly put on a hair net, how to work  the deep frying machines, how to operate the   :55.200 --> :00.960 industrial dishwasher, how to determine if the  pickle slices were too big or too small, how long   :00.960 --> :06.560 to keep the sandwich buns in the toaster for ---  the list of insanely specific instructions seemed   :06.560 --> :11.680 to grow bigger and bigger as the day went on,  and I struggled to keep it all fresh in my head. :11.680 --> :15.440 But that was nothing compared to  the nightmare that was Ms. Connie. :15.440 --> :19.840 I don’t even know how to explain it, other  than to say I basically experienced that   :19.840 --> :25.840 first interaction I had with her for the  entire day. On repeat. For eight hours.   :25.840 --> :31.200 There was just no relief from her presence.  At the frying station, at the dishwasher,   :31.200 --> :36.640 at the sandwich counter --- there she was,  breathing down my neck, watching me like a hawk,   :36.640 --> :42.800 criticizing my every move. When I finally got  a 15 minute break five hours into my shift,   :42.800 --> :47.680 I half expected her to follow me into the restroom  and critique the way I stood at the urinal. :47.680 --> :52.080 You’re probably assuming, from this  description, that Ms. Connie was at least   :52.080 --> :56.160 the one leading me around the kitchen and,  you know, showing me how everything was   :56.160 --> :01.440 supposed to be done. But nope! That job  went to my main man Nate from earlier,   :01.440 --> :07.360 after Ms. Connie had barked at him to “get over  here and show this idiot how we do things.” :07.360 --> :13.040 Ms. Connie’s job, in reality, seemed to  just consist of standing right beside me,   :13.040 --> :18.240 scowling, and interrupting whatever I was  attempting to do with some sort of insanely   :18.240 --> :24.560 specific, always unhelpful comment every 5  seconds. I kid you not when I say I didn’t   :24.560 --> :31.200 get through a single task that day without having  to endure some sort of infuriating little nitpick. :31.200 --> :34.560 As I was taking a container of  nuggets out of a deep fryer:   :34.560 --> :39.120 “You’re not holding that handle tightly enough!  Are you trying to kill us all with boiling oil?”   :39.120 --> :43.520 (I had both hands on the handle, and about  as secure a grip as is humanly possible.) :43.520 --> :46.800 As I was putting pickle slices on sandwich buns:   :46.800 --> :52.400 “That slice right there is not even close to the  right size! I said around the size of a nickel,   :52.400 --> :57.680 not the size of a penny! Are you even listening  to me?” (I looked it up later. The size difference   :57.680 --> :04.240 between a penny and a nickel is --- wait  for it --- 2 millimeters. 2 millimeters.) :04.240 --> :09.360 As I was scrubbing dishes in the back after  the restaurant had closed: “I can’t believe   :09.360 --> :15.920 I seriously have to tell you this! Scrub the pan  clockwise, not counterclockwise! I shouldn’t have   :15.920 --> :21.600 to be holding your hand through every little thing  you do.” (I’m not gonna even comment on this one.) :21.600 --> :24.880 Needless to say, by the end of  my eight hour shift that day,   :24.880 --> :31.040 I was beyond done with Ms. Connie. Ready to quit,  ready to leave and never return, ready to find   :31.040 --> :37.520 a new job --- ready, honestly, to do anything  else that didn’t involve being paid minimum wage   :37.520 --> :43.520 to spend eight hours in a hot, loud kitchen  with the most frustrating boss imaginable. :43.520 --> :47.440 Somehow, though --- with every sign  pointing at me to find something   :47.440 --> :52.400 better --- I decided to stay. I only had two  and a half months before summer was over,   :52.400 --> :56.720 I reasoned to myself. I could stick  it out for that long. And besides,   :56.720 --> :01.440 it couldn’t possibly get any worse than it  had been on the first day, right? Right…? :01.440 --> :08.720 Narrator voice: he was not right. It  could, in fact, get worse. Much much worse. :08.720 --> :11.840 As I would learn quite well through  my time working with her that summer,   :11.840 --> :18.560 Ms. Connie was not just rude or frustrating or  overly zealous about clockwise dish scrubbing. No,   :18.560 --> :23.760 that was just the surface level stuff --- the kind  of stuff you’d pick up on from one day working   :23.760 --> :30.560 with her. The real Ms. Connie had a whole laundry  list of nasty traits, some of which exposed her   :30.560 --> :37.040 as being a just generally horrible person, but all  of which exposed her as being a truly incompetent,   :37.040 --> :42.240 insufferable boss to work for. Let’s run through a  few of them, so you can hopefully see what I mean. :42.240 --> :44.960 Nasty trait number 1: Laziness :44.960 --> :49.720 There’s no beating around the bush on this  one: Ms. Connie was just downright lazy. I   :49.720 --> :53.280 had already gotten a glimpse of this side  of her from my first day --- you know,   :53.280 --> :58.960 when she got Nate to show me how to do everything  and spoke up only when she wanted to criticize   :58.960 --> :04.400 something I was doing --- but this experience  was actually a little misleading. Why? Well,   :04.400 --> :09.760 it turned out Ms. Connie regularly did even  less than she had done on that first day. :09.760 --> :15.200 A typical “work” day for her would involve sitting  on a folding chair she would keep in the center   :15.200 --> :20.480 of the kitchen, flipping through some magazine  or newspaper or scrolling through her phone,   :20.480 --> :24.000 and then periodically looking up  from her reading material to scream   :24.000 --> :28.080 at someone about how they were doing  something “all wrong.” The only reason   :28.080 --> :32.080 she would get up from her chair would  be to use the restroom or, more often,   :32.080 --> :36.800 to chew someone out if she felt they deserved  more than a regular, sitting down reprimand. :36.800 --> :41.840 The worst part about it was that we --- the  regular workers, I mean --- were never allowed   :41.840 --> :48.400 to sit down, not even for a second. And we were  working minimum eight hour shifts! If you’ve ever   :48.400 --> :53.600 been on your feet for more than four, five hours  at time, then you know what I’m talking about when   :53.600 --> :58.800 I say that towards the end of those shifts  our legs and feet were burning. But if Ms.   :58.800 --> :03.840 Connie ever caught one of us even leaning against  the counter to try to reduce some of that pain,   :04.480 --> :10.240 she was out of her precious chair in an instant,  yelling and screaming about how “unprofessional”   :10.240 --> :14.880 and “lazy” we were. (I don’t think she  really had a grasp on the concept of irony.) :14.880 --> :19.600 Nasty trait number 2: Incompetence  (others might say “Idiocy”) :19.600 --> :24.240 You would think someone with the gall to sit  in a folding chair all day, barking orders and   :24.240 --> :28.240 screaming about the “right way” to do something,  would at least know what they’re talking about,   :28.240 --> :33.440 right? You know, on a basic, “this is how this  machine works” kind of level? Well, think again,   :33.440 --> :36.800 because Ms. Connie knew nothing  about how the kitchen operated. :36.800 --> :41.360 I remember one time in particular when the  consequences of her incompetence were really   :41.360 --> :47.440 put on full display. It was a Saturday afternoon,  around lunch time, so we were at our absolute peak   :47.440 --> :52.560 hours of busyness. Frankly we were always  busy --- Monday, Saturday, lunch time,   :52.560 --> :57.840 dinner time --- it didn’t matter. People were  coming in droves. For whatever reason, though,   :57.840 --> :04.000 this particular Saturday was even busier than  usual. The drive thru line was wrapped two times   :04.000 --> :09.360 around the building, the inside dining area was  filled to the brim with people waiting to order,   :09.360 --> :12.800 and the kitchen --- well,  the kitchen was struggling. :12.800 --> :18.320 On this particular day, I had the great luck of  being the one operating the deep frying machines.   :18.320 --> :23.840 This meant, in essence, that the entire kitchen’s  rate of output was dependent on how fast I   :23.840 --> :29.760 could operate the fryers and push out fresh  chicken. I was frying as fast as I possibly could,   :29.760 --> :35.040 putting down basket after basket of nuggets  and filets, but we were still drowning in   :35.040 --> :40.400 orders. There was just no way to keep up with  the sheer number of people at the restaurant. :40.400 --> :43.840 After about fifteen minutes of  trying to remedy the situation   :43.840 --> :49.120 from the comfort of her folding chair, Ms.  Connie suddenly decided that enough was enough   :49.120 --> :53.120 and that she needed to help… by  getting in my ear and yelling at me. :53.120 --> :57.840 “You need to make the fryers go faster!”  she screamed. “This is unacceptable!” :57.840 --> :04.720 Now I had to simultaneously keep the fryers going  and keep up a conversation with my crazy boss.   :04.720 --> :08.960 “They’re going as fast as they possibly  can, Ms. Connie,” I tried to explain.   :08.960 --> :11.440 “I’ve got all of them running at max temperature.” :11.440 --> :15.920 “Max temperature? I know they can do  more than that! I’ve done it myself!   :15.920 --> :18.240 Set this next batch to a higher setting!” :18.240 --> :21.520 “If I put it on a higher setting,  the fryer could break or the ---” :21.520 --> :23.280 “Stop arguing and do it!” :23.280 --> :25.280 I knew there was no reasoning with her,   :25.280 --> :31.680 so I reluctantly set a new basket of nuggets  into the oil and clicked the fryer into a higher   :31.680 --> :37.600 setting --- something that Nate had specifically  told me never to do. After about thirty seconds,   :37.600 --> :42.320 the fryer started to make a whining sound,  like it was being strained too hard. :42.320 --> :45.760 “Ms. Connie, I don’t think this is  good for the fryer,” I said. “ I   :45.760 --> :48.480 need to put it back down to its  normal setting, or it might ---” :48.480 --> :52.720 “Quit with the backtalk and just cook! I  think I would know better than you, anyway!” :53.280 --> :59.120 Sure enough, though, after another thirty seconds  the fryer suddenly made a loud pop noise and all   :59.120 --> :04.880 the lights on its exterior turned off. I held the  power button down, desperately trying to reset it,   :04.880 --> :11.760 but it was useless --- the fryer was down. And  we still had nearly a hundred orders to fill. :11.760 --> :16.320 Ms. Connie was obviously furious at me.  “I’m not sure what you did to cause this,   :16.320 --> :18.320 but you are in deep trouble!   :18.320 --> :22.720 You better hope that fryer doesn’t need to be  replaced, or it’s coming out of your paycheck!” :22.720 --> :27.440 Fortunately for me (and my paycheck),  the fryer wasn’t permanently broken   :27.440 --> :33.280 and didn’t have to be replaced altogether. It  was, however, completely nonfunctional for the   :33.280 --> :39.360 rest of the day, causing our order backlog  that afternoon to become even worse and Ms.   :39.360 --> :44.240 Connie to become even more insufferable  as we struggled to keep up with demand. :44.240 --> :46.000 But wait --- there’s more! :46.000 --> :49.280 Nasty trait number 3: Racism :49.280 --> :54.080 Yes, you read that right. On top of  everything else --- the laziness,   :54.080 --> :00.160 the rudeness, the incompetence ---  Ms. Connie was also horribly racist. :00.160 --> :05.040 At first, it was just a couple questionable  statements here and there. Stuff about how   :05.040 --> :10.560 certain customers --- who always happened to  be minorities --- were making her feel unsafe,   :10.560 --> :16.960 or about how a black teenager playing rap music  in the drive thru line was “probably in a gang.” :16.960 --> :20.800 But then it started to get even more  obvious, to the point that there was   :20.800 --> :25.200 no way she could deny it. Sometimes she  would be sitting on her folding chair,   :25.200 --> :29.360 flipping through a magazine or scrolling  through her phone, and she would suddenly   :29.360 --> :34.960 look up and --- talking to no one in particular  --- say something blatantly offensive like:   :34.960 --> :40.320 “This country was so much better off before we  started caving in to black people’s demands”   :40.320 --> :46.400 or “I just wish I could snap my fingers and  get us back to how it was in the 50s.” Yeah… :46.400 --> :50.960 Luckily no one working in the kitchen was  a minority (in hindsight, I’m not so sure   :50.960 --> :56.160 that was a coincidence), so there was no one she  could outright target with that sort of stuff,   :56.160 --> :02.640 but it was still extremely uncomfortable to  have to listen to her crazed ranting and raving. :02.640 --> :08.800 Anyway, all that to say: working with Ms.  Connie was a nightmare, and truly one of the   :08.800 --> :15.200 worst experiences of my life. By the end of the  summer, I was frustrated and burnt out and done   :15.200 --> :21.680 with anything and everything kitchen, chicken,  and deep fryer related. The one thing I wanted   :21.680 --> :27.280 was to get away from Ms. Connie as quickly  as possible and without so much as a goodbye.   :27.280 --> :32.400 Until, that is, the opportunity to give Ms.  Connie a proper, fitting goodbye presented   :32.400 --> :38.480 itself --- the kind of goodbye that only someone  as horrible as Ms. Connie deserves… Revenge. :38.480 --> :43.680 I hadn’t been planning on trying to get any  sort of payback before I left. Like I said,   :43.680 --> :49.520 by the end of the summer I was just ready to get  as far away from Ms. Connie as humanly possible.   :49.520 --> :52.800 But one night, as Nate and I  were talking in the parking lot   :52.800 --> :56.960 after another horrible shift, a  plan started to come together… :56.960 --> :02.640 The conversation started out like any other.  “Well, that was fun,” I said sarcastically.   :02.640 --> :08.320 “I almost wish the restaurant stayed open later,  so I could work another eight hour shift.” :08.320 --> :13.680 Nate laughed. “Yeah, right. I think I’d  literally rather walk on broken glass than   :13.680 --> :18.480 spend another eight hours in that dungeon.” I laughed back. “Come to think of it,   :18.480 --> :23.520 I probably would too.” I paused for a  second. We had almost reached our cars.   :23.520 --> :27.680 “You know, Nate, as terrible as this  summer’s been, I’m glad I was able to   :27.680 --> :33.040 meet you. I’m almost sorry to have to leave,  and strand you here all alone with Ms. Crazy.” :33.040 --> :35.840 “Wait a second,” Nate said. “You’re leaving too?” :35.840 --> :39.760 “Too?” I looked at him confused. “Does  that mean you’re leaving soon as well?” :40.640 --> :45.280 “Uh, yeah man, I’m getting the heck out of  here. I’ve already wasted two years at this   :45.280 --> :51.200 stupid place. Surely I can find something better  than this.” He paused. “Friday’s my last day,   :51.200 --> :53.440 and after that, I’m gone.” :53.440 --> :58.640 “Dang,” I said, “Friday’s my last day too. I guess  that’s just gonna leave Mark and Brandon here.”   :58.640 --> :01.360 (Mark and Brandon were the  two other kitchen workers.) :01.360 --> :03.600 “Guess so,” he said. “Although you know,   :03.600 --> :08.880 Brandon has been talking about quitting  this job so he can do school full time.” :08.880 --> :11.840 “But if Brandon quits, that  would just leave ---” I looked   :11.840 --> :15.920 over at Nate to see if he was  thinking the same thing I was. :15.920 --> :21.040 He nodded. “That would just leave one  person here.” He laughed. “And imagine   :21.040 --> :27.840 if Mark left too --- it would literally just be  Ms. Connie in the kitchen! She would be screwed!” :27.840 --> :31.600 That’s when it came to me. “Wait,” I  said, “you know how Friday is supposed   :31.600 --> :36.160 to be super busy because of that basketball  tournament?” He nodded. “Well,” I continued,   :36.160 --> :42.000 “what if instead of quitting after  Friday, we quit before Friday,   :42.000 --> :48.400 and we convince Mark and Brandon to quit too?  Ms. Connie would be by herself in the kitchen,   :48.400 --> :53.280 trying to keep up with the orders on maybe  the busiest day we’ve had this summer!” :53.280 --> :58.080 Nate looked at me, smiling. “I think that  might be the best plan I’ve ever heard.” :58.080 --> :03.120 After that conversation in the parking lot,  all that was left to do was convince Mark and   :03.120 --> :08.320 Brandon to join in our plan. Brandon had been  planning to quit for some time, so he agreed   :08.320 --> :13.840 to the plan almost as soon as we proposed it to  him. Mark was a little bit harder to convince,   :13.840 --> :19.520 but he came around too once we framed it in terms  of finally getting some revenge on Ms. Connie. :19.520 --> :25.200 So the plan was set: after our Thursday shift was  over and Ms. Connie had left the restaurant (she,   :25.200 --> :30.960 naturally, was always the first one to leave),  we would all leave our uniforms in the kitchen,   :30.960 --> :36.320 along with a written note explaining why we had  decided to leave. I took on the responsibility   :36.320 --> :41.920 of drafting the note and went into super lengthy  detail about everything wrong with Ms. Connie,   :41.920 --> :47.520 from her ignorance of how the kitchen worked to  her frequent racist comments. I figured Ms. Connie   :47.520 --> :51.840 would probably find the note and tear it up,  but why not at least try to get her in trouble? :51.840 --> :57.760 When Thursday finally rolled around, everything  went exactly as we had planned. We endured Ms.   :57.760 --> :03.440 Connie’s normal abuse, got through our final  shift, and then, as soon as Ms. Connie had raced   :03.440 --> :08.720 out of the parking lot, left our uniforms and  the note I had written together in the kitchen.   :08.720 --> :14.480 That left just one thing: enjoy the chaos  that was sure to be breaking out soon. :14.480 --> :20.000 The next day, rather than idly sit by and imagine  everything that was going down at the restaurant,   :20.000 --> :23.600 the four of us decided to go at lunch  time and check it out with our own   :23.600 --> :27.280 eyes. And boy, were we in for a treat. :27.280 --> :32.320 As soon as we stepped through the doors, we could  tell that our plan had to be working. For one   :32.320 --> :37.280 thing, the line to order food literally stretched  from the front counter to just a few feet in front   :37.280 --> :43.360 of the doors we had just walked through. In the  two and a half months I’d worked here, I had never   :43.360 --> :48.480 seen a line that long --- even on the day that  Ms. Connie had caused the fryer malfunction.   :48.480 --> :54.000 That meant something --- or someone --- had  to be holding up the food in the kitchen. :54.000 --> :57.360 More interested in revenge than  ordering a chicken sandwich,   :57.360 --> :01.440 the four of us walked past the line up to the  counter, where you could see the front part   :01.440 --> :06.240 of the kitchen through a little opening in the  dividing barrier. That’s when we saw the sweet,   :06.240 --> :12.880 sweet fruit of our delicious plan for revenge:  for maybe the first time in her entire career,   :12.880 --> :18.640 Ms. Connie was out of her folding chair and  running, back and forth across the kitchen,   :18.640 --> :23.920 with the most frantic, worried expression  I’ve ever seen on someone’s face. :23.920 --> :28.560 It looked like Ms. Connie had gotten one or two  of the employees who usually worked out front   :28.560 --> :32.400 to help her in the kitchen, but I knew  their help would be basically useless   :32.400 --> :37.760 since Ms. Connie hardly had any idea how to  work the deep fryers. Sure enough, around   :37.760 --> :42.880 thirty seconds after we had started watching her,  I could sort of make out the sound of Ms. Connie   :42.880 --> :48.000 screaming something to one of the employees  about “I don’t know, just figure it out!” :48.000 --> :52.560 As soon as we heard her yelling, the four  of us began to crack up. Nate turned to me.   :53.280 --> :58.080 “You know, I’d be impressed if she’s even  managed to turn one of the fryers on.” :58.080 --> :03.280 I laughed. “Bet you a million dollars she’s  running them on too high of a setting right now.” :03.280 --> :08.640 After a couple minutes of enjoying Ms. Connie  frantically trying to run the kitchen from afar,   :08.640 --> :12.240 I decided I deserved a closer  look. “Wait here,” I told Nate. :12.240 --> :16.160 I walked past the front counter,  explaining to one of the employees that “I   :16.160 --> :19.360 left something here yesterday that  I need to pick up real quick,”   :19.360 --> :23.600 and then made my way into the kitchen.  Ms. Connie spotted me almost as soon as   :23.600 --> :28.160 I stepped through the door, running up to  me with a look of pure hatred on her face. :28.160 --> :31.680 “You idiot!” she screamed. “You  were supposed to be here three   :31.680 --> :34.880 hours ago! Where in God’s name have you been?” :34.880 --> :39.040 “Did you not get the note we left?” I asked.  “It should have explained everything.” :39.040 --> :43.040 “Note? What note?” she yelled. “You know  what, never mind --- it doesn’t matter.   :43.040 --> :47.280 Just put on some gloves and help me with  these fryers --- we’re swamped right now!” :47.280 --> :48.560 “No can do,” I said,   :48.560 --> :53.520 as I began to head back towards the exit.  “I was actually just about to be on my way.” :53.520 --> :00.400 “On your way? On your way?! If you step out  that door, you are fired! I mean, done here!” :00.400 --> :04.880 “No need for any of that,” I said as I  opened the door. “I quit.” As I closed   :04.880 --> :09.360 the kitchen door behind me, I could hear  the muffled sound of Ms. Connie’s yelling. :09.360 --> :12.960 After that, the four of us decided to  leave, having seen what we had come   :12.960 --> :18.560 to the restaurant to see, plus a little more.  In the parking lot we had a sort of impromptu   :18.560 --> :23.840 victory celebration, letting out a few  celebratory cheers and sharing a couple   :23.840 --> :27.840 “f you Ms. Connie” high fives.  Then we all said our goodbyes,   :27.840 --> :34.320 shook hands, and drove away in our respective  cars. The job was done. Victory had been won. :34.320 --> :39.120 I thought that was going to be the end of  the situation, but a week after that Friday,   :39.120 --> :40.720 Nate called me out of the blue. :40.720 --> :43.200 “Dude,” he said when I picked up the phone,   :43.200 --> :46.320 “did you hear about what happened  to Ms. Connie after we left?” :46.320 --> :52.000 I told him I hadn’t, so he proceeded  to fill me --- and man, was it good. :52.000 --> :55.520 Apparently at some point after we  had left the restaurant that day,   :55.520 --> :00.880 Mr. Carlson --- the franchise owner --- had  shown up, presumably after being told there   :00.880 --> :05.600 was some sort of problem with the kitchen  staff and ridiculously long lines for food.   :05.600 --> :10.560 When he got there, he obviously went straight to  the kitchen to see what the problem was, only to   :10.560 --> :15.600 find Ms. Connie --- along with two employees  who didn’t work in the kitchen --- attempting   :15.600 --> :20.240 to operate frying machines that none of  the three of them knew how to use at all. :20.240 --> :22.560 As if that wasn’t bad enough for Ms. Connie,   :22.560 --> :27.840 Mr. Carlson then found the uniforms and the  note we had left there the night before.   :27.840 --> :32.480 (Apparently in all of her frantic running  around and trying to operate the fryers,   :32.480 --> :37.520 Ms. Connie had never paused long enough to see  the note and get to it before someone else.)   :37.520 --> :43.680 Having read the note, Mr. Carlson then obviously  proceeded to fire Ms. Connie, which he could do   :43.680 --> :50.000 without severance pay because of the details I had  graciously provided in our little farewell letter. :50.000 --> :52.560 When Nate told me that part, I couldn’t help but   :52.560 --> :56.400 laugh. “Sounds like we really  got the best of Ms. Crazy, then.” :56.400 --> :01.360 He agreed. “And apparently, after Mr.  Carlson fired her, Ms. Connie started   :01.360 --> :07.120 to just go absolutely ballistic, too. Like  screaming at everyone, cursing up a storm,   :07.120 --> :11.680 yelling about ‘lawsuit this’ and ‘lawsuit  that.’ Someone who was working at the   :11.680 --> :16.080 front counter said people could hear  her all the way in the dining area.” :16.080 --> :20.960 I laughed. Now that was the Ms.  Connie I had had the distinct   :20.960 --> :24.000 displeasure of getting to know that summer. :24.000 --> :28.000 After that, I never did hear anything  else about what happened to Ms. Connie.   :28.000 --> :32.000 If I had to guess, I would say  she’s probably back to incompetently   :32.000 --> :38.160 managing fast food franchises and terrorizing  poor teenage employees trying to make a buck   :38.160 --> :41.840 over the summer. That always was the one thing she  was any good at.
give me a good story on rProRevengeIGotMyEvilFastFoodBossFIREDRedditStories
:20.880 --> :26.340 What is family? Well… for a while, I thought that  family was everything. They are the ones you turn   :26.340 --> :31.260 to when everyone else turns their back on you.  When the world says NO, they are the ones that   :31.260 --> :36.240 open their arms to you with a big YES. when you  are at your lowest lows, they are the ones that   :36.240 --> :43.740 bring you back up. Aww… that sounds good, and I  know lots of us want that. But the reality is far   :43.740 --> :49.980 from this. Especially when you have stepfamily.  My stepbrother completely humiliated me in school,   :49.980 --> :57.000 by telling everyone my deepest darkest secret.  A secret he swore to take to his grave. But not   :57.000 --> :01.620 to worry. I dealt with him in a way that  he’ll never forget. But first… details. :01.620 --> :06.960 My mom and dad had a bad divorce a few years  ago. They’ve been having issues back to back   :06.960 --> :11.940 for a long time, always having to go for marriage  counseling and stuff. I wasn’t really surprised   :11.940 --> :17.700 that they eventually ended it. What surprised me  was the circumstances leading to the end. My dad   :17.700 --> :22.440 caught her banging another dude in our house. I  had gone to school then, so I didn't get the full   :22.440 --> :28.440 details. But I know that the day before, my dad  had publicly announced at the dinner table that   :28.440 --> :33.360 he was gonna travel for a business trip the next  day. He even had my mom drive him to the airport.   :33.360 --> :39.660 But once my mom left, he turned around and went to  a motel, then snuck back home. Turns out that he   :39.660 --> :44.160 had already known that mom was cheating on  him, and he wanted to catch them in the act.   :44.160 --> :49.740 The dude mom was banging was some chiropractor or  something. That’s funny because I never thought   :49.740 --> :55.320 mom was into chiropractic. Anyways, they had a  huge fight that day, and mom left the house. Dad   :55.320 --> :01.260 sent her the divorce papers the next day. The  whole divorce procedure was finalized in two   :01.260 --> :07.140 months. Mom tried to gain custody of me, and that  part of the divorce was messy, but when it fell to   :07.140 --> :12.240 me to decide who I wanted to stay with, I chose  my dad. I was angry at the time, because of the   :12.240 --> :17.820 whole… “mom’s a cheater” tune I still had, ringing  in my head at the time. (but the truth was that   :17.820 --> :23.520 I didn’t know the whole story, because dad was  careful about his escapades. But mom found out,   :23.520 --> :29.040 and that was why she tried to retaliate… I guess)  anyways… I should have chosen to live with my mom. :29.040 --> :35.040 A few weeks after the divorce, a strange woman  started to visit the house more and more. I knew   :35.040 --> :39.600 her as the real estate agent, that sold the  house to mom and dad, and when she started to   :39.600 --> :45.060 come around often, I was under the impression  that dad wanted to sell the house. That made   :45.060 --> :49.020 sense. He didnt want to keep the house that  had the memories of mom’s cheating right?  :49.020 --> :52.260 Wrong! A few weeks later, she started to sleep over,   :52.260 --> :57.780 and that was when I knew that she hadn’t come to  sell the house. Dad just had a divorce with his   :57.780 --> :02.400 wife less than two months ago, and another  woman is already sleeping over. It looks   :02.400 --> :07.380 like dad wasn’t completely innocent after all. Anyways, a few days later at the breakfast table,   :07.380 --> :13.680 dad made some (really really bad) pancakes,  then announced to me that he was gonna marry   :13.680 --> :19.200 the real estate agent, and she was gonna be my  stepmom. I was mad at him, because it became   :19.200 --> :24.060 evident that he had been seeing the real estate  even while he was married to mom, and the whole   :24.060 --> :29.520 divorce was his fault. I didnt really have much  of a say in the matter, so I just went with it.  :29.520 --> :34.140 One day, a few weeks into their marriage, the  real estate agent came to visit. But she didnt   :34.140 --> :39.060 come alone. She came with her son CJ. CJ was a junior in my high school,   :39.060 --> :44.040 where I was a freshman. He had a big build and  was a wide receiver for the school football   :44.040 --> :51.420 team. The girls loved him because he was really  handsome. Brown hair, hazel eyes, a chiseled jaw,   :51.420 --> :56.160 and perfect teeth… the works. I would have  liked him too if he wasn't such a jerk to   :56.160 --> :02.100 me in school. I was a typical science nerd and  an ideal victim for all his bullying. He steals   :02.100 --> :06.960 my lunch money and gives me wedgies anytime he  could. It was horrible. And now he was being   :06.960 --> :14.220 introduced to me as my future older stepbrother?  I erupted. I yelled and begged my dad not to go   :14.220 --> :18.540 through with the wedding. I told him all the  horrors I've had to endure in school with CJ,   :18.540 --> :24.960 and how I can’t have those horrors follow me into  my home. My safezone. I even threatened to go and   :24.960 --> :29.820 live with mom, if he was gonna go through with  the wedding. Then a few days later, CJ and his   :29.820 --> :35.760 mom came back again. He apologized profusely for  all the terrible things that he had done to me in   :35.760 --> :41.580 school. He even told me things I wanted to hear,  about how much of a jerk he was, and that he was   :41.580 --> :47.580 only bullying me because he felt insecure about  a lot of things. I forgave him instantly (because   :47.580 --> :53.760 I was a stupid kid, who gets played easily). Well CJ stopped the bullying at the time. We   :53.760 --> :58.440 walked to school together, talked about girls,  and he even introduced me to some of his friends   :58.440 --> :04.020 on the football team. I was in too deep, that  I couldn't see the ruse. After the wedding,   :04.020 --> :10.020 CJ returned to his normal self. With the bullying  and everything else. I tried to tell my dad and my   :10.020 --> :15.480 new stepmom about it, but they didnt do anything  to help me. Nothing changed. It got even worse,   :15.480 --> :20.580 because he bullied me at school, and at  home. By the time I got to sophomore year,   :20.580 --> :25.980 and he was in senior year, I was happy, because  in one year, he’ll be done with high school,   :25.980 --> :31.860 and off to college, so I could enjoy the rest  of my school years in peace. Throughout all the   :31.860 --> :36.900 bullying, there was nothing much I could do, but  rant about it in my journal. (And no, It's not a   :36.900 --> :41.940 diary… it's a journal! I write things I don't want  to forget, or don't want to tell anyone in it)  :41.940 --> :47.340 One day, CJ decided to kick his bullying up a  notch. He came into my room and asked to borrow   :47.340 --> :52.680 twenty dollars. When I told him I didn’t have it,  he went back to his room. I went downstairs to   :52.680 --> :57.420 get some snacks a few minutes later, and he went  into my room again. (probably to steal my money   :57.420 --> :03.360 or something.) during his search, he found my  journal in my closet. When I came back to my room,   :03.360 --> :08.220 I couldn’t find the journal, and I immediately  knew what had happened. I hurried to his room   :08.220 --> :13.560 and begged him to give me back my journal he said  he would return it if I gave him fifty bucks. I   :13.560 --> :19.380 had only fifty-seven dollars and seventy-two cents  to my name at the time, but I gave him the fifty   :19.380 --> :25.080 bucks. He returned my journal to me, and I thought  that was the end of it. Unknown to me, CJ had   :25.080 --> :30.840 already taken photos of the notes in my journal.  The next day, he decided to read it to the whole   :30.840 --> :36.360 school during lunch break. I felt horrified when I  saw him climb the table, and announce that he had   :36.360 --> :40.980 something juicy he’d like the school to listen  to. He pulled out his phone from his jacket,   :40.980 --> :46.200 and read out some of my most embarrassing secrets,  leaving out all the parts where I wrote about the   :46.200 --> :51.360 bullying. The whole school laughed, and I was so  embarrassed. I told my dad about it one more time,   :51.360 --> :57.120 but once again, he didn't lift a finger. During  fall break, I decided to leave town to go to my   :57.120 --> :02.640 mom's. I needed some time away from home to  reflect and just… you know build back some   :02.640 --> :07.620 normalcy in my life. My mom was staying with a  boyfriend named Mark. he was a professor at the   :07.620 --> :13.920 local university. He was also a science nerd, and  we hit it off immediately. We did some experiments   :13.920 --> :20.160 together, and he even let me work on his ford  raptor F-150. It was fun, and I instantly started   :20.160 --> :25.140 to regret not choosing to live with my mom. Mark  had a son, who was a year older than me. His name   :25.140 --> :30.960 is McKay We stayed up one night talking about  family and school and stuff. I told him about CJ   :30.960 --> :36.900 and how he bullies me. McKay told me to hit him up  if CJ gave me any more trouble. I simply nodded.  :36.900 --> :42.480 I had to go back home a few days later, for  school, and all the hells that come with it. The   :42.480 --> :48.300 problems with CJ only got worse. It was as though  he was out looking for new ways to embarrass me.   :48.300 --> :54.000 He started sneaking into my room more often,  going through my stuff, looking for… something.   :54.000 --> :01.560 It was crazy! I wasn’t at ease in my own house.  I couldn't do… things I wanted to do in private   :01.560 --> :06.600 because I was always scared that CJ might be out  there watching. One night when I couldn’t hold it   :06.600 --> :12.900 anymore, I said goodbye to my dad and stepmom  after dinner, and went upstairs to “sleep.”   :12.900 --> :18.180 I made sure to walk past CJ’s room to make sure  he was asleep. I pressed my ear to his door,   :18.180 --> :23.460 and when I couldn’t hear anything, I decided  that he had gone to bed. I hurried into my room,   :23.460 --> :28.260 to get my lotion, then I walked into  my bathroom to… you know… do me.  :28.260 --> :35.520 And then the worst thing happened… I forgot  to lock my bathroom door. I was deep into… you   :35.520 --> :42.540 know… when I heard someone snickering behind me.  I turned around sharply and saw CJ standing behind   :42.540 --> :49.200 me with his phone, recording me as I jerked off.  I was completely mortified. I went on my knees and   :49.200 --> :55.620 begged him to delete the video. He said okay, but  I’d have to pay him first. I did. I gave him all   :55.620 --> :00.480 the money I was saving for a new gaming setup,  which was one hundred and twenty-two dollars   :00.480 --> :06.600 at the time. He deleted the video in my presence,  and for a while, I thought I was safe, until a few   :06.600 --> :13.080 days later, all the students received a broadcast  message during lunch. I checked my phone,   :13.080 --> :19.800 and there I was, in my bathroom, with my pants  down… (you know the rest.) I almost choked on my   :19.800 --> :25.680 cheeseburger, as I watched myself going at it. A  burst of Loud laughter erupted in the cafeteria,   :25.680 --> :30.000 as the students pointed at me as they watched  the video. I took one look at the sender,   :30.000 --> :36.000 and it was CJ. I couldn’t hold back the tears that  fell from my eyes. I ran out of the cafeteria,   :36.000 --> :41.400 into the hallway, then grabbed my bag from my  locker then went home. I didn’t bother to tell   :41.400 --> :46.080 my dad because it was way too embarrassing to  talk about, and I knew that he wasn’t going to   :46.080 --> :51.840 do anything about it. I kept it to myself, and  I didn’t go to school for a few days. I claimed   :51.840 --> :56.700 that I had the flu. When my dad tried to make me  go to school, I took a bus and went back to my   :56.700 --> :02.880 mom’s. I told McKay what happened, and he told me  not to lay low anymore. CJ wasn’t gonna stop if I   :02.880 --> :09.000 didn’t do anything. He said it was time for me to  go on the offense, and he was going to help me. I   :09.000 --> :14.280 went home a few days later, and I behaved like  I was okay. CJ came to my room that night and   :14.280 --> :20.100 apologized for humiliating me in school. He told  me it won't happen again. I told him it was fine,   :20.100 --> :25.740 and that I had forgiven him. But in truth, I was  biding my time. I started to hang out more with   :25.740 --> :30.180 him, to get a feel of what he was passionate  about. One night, we hung out on the porch,   :30.180 --> :35.400 and he talked about college, and how excited he  was to go. He had just been scouted by one of the   :35.400 --> :41.400 schools on his wishlist. All he had to do was keep  his grades up, so he could go. I smiled to myself.   :41.400 --> :47.160 I knew how to get my revenge. I texted McKay later  that night, and I told him how I would like to get   :47.160 --> :53.580 my revenge. I’m gonna make CJ fail his exams. That  weekend, I went to Mark’s to talk to McKay. We   :53.580 --> :59.760 brainstormed ideas on how to sabotage his exams.  At first, we wanted to hack into the school system   :59.760 --> :05.280 to change his grades after the exams, but that  was too risky. The school board might find out,   :05.280 --> :11.280 and I could get suspended… or worse. We decided  to make it look like he was cheating instead.   :11.280 --> :17.460 Firstly, I had to get his examination schedule,  then I had to buy a new smartphone. Then the day   :17.460 --> :22.680 before his chemistry exams, I compiled a list  of answers I got from a twelfth-grade textbook,   :22.680 --> :28.020 and I wrote them in two papers. I also compiled  some answers to the math exam he had done the   :28.020 --> :33.780 day before. Then I snuck back to school that  evening and used a piece of chewing gum to   :33.780 --> :38.700 stick the sheets under his desk. I used some  glue to stick the smartphone under his desk,   :39.300 --> :45.540 then I left. The next day, during his exams, I  left my class to “pee”, and I walked past his   :45.540 --> :51.060 examination hall. The students were all busy with  their examinations, and I saw him at the far end   :51.060 --> :56.880 of the room, scribbling furiously on his answer  sheet. I reached for my phone from my pocket,   :56.880 --> :03.360 then dialed the number of the phone under his  desk. All eyes turned to CJ as the phone began   :03.360 --> :08.580 ringing under his desk. The invigilator walked  over to him and removed the phone from under his   :08.580 --> :16.020 desk. She also retrieved the papers which looked  like answers to the exam questions. CJ strongly   :16.020 --> :21.600 denied having anything to do with the phone, or  the papers, but since he couldn’t prove it, the   :21.600 --> :26.280 invigilator walked him out of the exam hall. I had  to rush into the restroom, so they wouldn’t see me   :26.280 --> :32.580 as they walked into the hallway. The next day, my  dad and his mom were called and CJ was suspended.   :32.580 --> :41.040 He had to redo his final year, and his scholarship  was revoked. I have never seen CJ cry until that   :41.040 --> :46.620 day. Funny how I didn’t feel any guilt. He had it  coming. Anyways after the end of that school year,   :46.620 --> :52.560 I decided to go and live with my mom and her new  family, and I have to say… life has been good. :52.560 --> :45.360 Back in High School one of my best friends  suddenly started sneaking around, I suspected   :45.360 --> :45.960 something was up and I found out she was dating my  brother. They had been dating secretly for months!  :47.760 --> :53.820 My friends and I had been best friends for a long  time, I met the first in school and the second was   :53.820 --> :59.220 my neighbor, we have been very close ever since.  We did everything together and told each other   :59.220 --> :05.340 everything. My second best friend was particularly  closer to me because she was closer in proximity,   :05.340 --> :08.940 she lived in the house next to ours and  her family is friends with my family,   :08.940 --> :14.520 that was because her father and my dad taught in  the same university. My other friend lived closer   :14.520 --> :19.140 to school so we would go to her house after  school every other day for snacks and drinks,   :19.140 --> :24.480 and then go to my second best friend’s house.  She did not live close to us but she practically   :24.480 --> :29.580 lived in my second best friend’s house. It was  more convenient since my second best friend is   :29.580 --> :34.920 an only child and they had enough room in their  home. I, on the other hand, had three brothers and   :34.920 --> :41.640 the house was always full. Naturally, we hung out  at my second best friend’s house all the time but   :41.640 --> :45.780 sometimes, we hung out at mine, occasionally,  we hung out at my first best friend’s house   :45.780 --> :50.820 but that was usually when we had a special  party in school or school project to work on.  :50.820 --> :56.280 I was thirteen when I started hair styling. My  grandmother was a hairstylist so she taught me   :56.280 --> :01.080 how to style and cut hair too. Growing up, we had  a little salon in my first best friend’s house.   :01.080 --> :06.120 Girls from school would make their parents bring  them to the house so I would style their hair,   :06.120 --> :11.100 and I always did a good job. My friends and  I were always rocking great hairstyles anyway   :11.100 --> :16.560 so many girls wanted to look as good as we did. We had to shut down our little hair salon because   :16.560 --> :22.860 my mom was upset about how I already had a job  at fourteen. My dad also worried that my grades   :22.860 --> :28.260 would go low so that was why my best friends and I  packed up our one-month-old salon. I never stopped   :28.260 --> :32.820 styling hair though, I cut my mom’s hair and  that of two of my brothers. My older brother   :32.820 --> :36.900 never let me cut his hair even though he’s  seen that I did a good job with my brother’s   :36.900 --> :42.960 hair. I guess he didn’t want me to be as mean  to him as he was to me all my life. My brother,   :42.960 --> :49.560 like most brothers, was annoying. He teased me to  no end and would frequently rat me out to my mom,   :49.560 --> :55.020 I did not like him growing up and I made sure  my friends did not like him too. We would not   :55.020 --> :58.800 speak to him whenever he tried to talk to  us or get involved in our conversations.It   :59.640 --> :04.560 was not that I hated my brother or that he  was an asshole, we had good times and he   :04.560 --> :09.000 was a very supportive guy but he would do the  most annoying thing right after helping with   :09.000 --> :16.020 my assignments or helping me take my medicine . I had no idea my best friend and my brother were   :16.020 --> :22.140 dating, I never even suspected that they could  be together. Not even once. She, like me, always   :22.140 --> :27.660 thought he was gross and geeky. We even made fun  of his beards together. If anyone had asked me   :27.660 --> :31.860 which of my best friends I thought my brothers  would date, I would have said it was most likely   :31.860 --> :37.140 to be my first best friend. My first best friend  would let my brother bore us with his botany   :37.140 --> :42.960 talk and boring science theories. She once said  that he was even kinda cool. When she said that,   :42.960 --> :49.440 my second best friend and I rolled our eyes at  her. “Yeah, he’s so cool, he wants to talk about   :49.440 --> :56.040 trees and flowers from”, I had said sarcastically. “And where plants get their air from and what a   :56.040 --> :02.220 banana tree looks like'', my second best friend  added. She also once said he was cute. It was when   :02.220 --> :06.480 my brother’s article about plants was featured  in the school’s magazine and his picture was   :06.480 --> :12.060 on it. “Wow, you know, your brother is cute”,  she said. As usual, we rolled our eyes at her.  :12.060 --> :16.200 See? I had even thought at the time that  my first best friend probably liked him   :16.200 --> :20.760 but she started dating a popular guy in  school so I knew there was no way she   :20.760 --> :25.140 was interested in dating my nerdy brother. Shortly after my second best friend and her   :25.140 --> :30.540 boyfriend broke up, she started acting different  and weird. I figured it was because she was not   :30.540 --> :35.070 over her breakup. She and her ex-boyfriend  had been together for a short while but she   :35.070 --> :39.420 had liked him for a longer time and she did  not get to enjoy their relationship because   :39.420 --> :43.920 his family had to move to another state just  after they had started dating. They broke up   :43.920 --> :48.360 not long after he moved because they could  not sustain a long-distance relationship.  :48.360 --> :53.340 I noticed how she would spend time all by  herself and whenever I asked her where she was,   :53.340 --> :58.560 she would say she was reading a book  or some other strange excuse. Get this,   :58.560 --> :04.920 my second best friend NEVER just read books.  My first best friend was more of the reader.  :04.920 --> :10.500 My suspicion that something was going on grew when  one day I was standing in the garden in front of   :10.500 --> :15.300 my house and I saw my best friend all dressed up. I walked over to compliment her   :15.300 --> :19.380 dress and ask where she was going. “Oh I’m hanging out with some friends”, she said.  :19.380 --> :23.940 “What friends?” I asked. I didn’t  know any other friends she had. She   :23.940 --> :28.080 did not even make friends easily, she was  close to her mom and us and that was it.  :28.080 --> :31.200 “Oh they don’t go to our  school, you don’t know them”  :31.200 --> :34.800 I did not believe her but I  didn’t ask any further questions.  :34.800 --> :39.360 When I got back in, I asked my other first  best friend if our friend had told her about   :39.360 --> :44.880 going out with any friends and she said not. “Maybe she was going out with her cousins”   :44.880 --> :49.800 she offered and changed the topic. I’m sure  she did not understand why I was so puzzled   :49.800 --> :54.720 and did not think it was a serious issue. I suspected something some other time when   :54.720 --> :59.460 my second best friend was in my room, trying  out new pieces of jewelry with me. We were   :59.460 --> :05.160 talking about seeing a movie and I suggested  a recent movie. “No, I saw it some days ago,   :05.160 --> :10.860 let’s watch something none of us has seen before” “You went to the movies some days ago?” I asked  :10.860 --> :12.600 “Yes” “Really, with whom?”  :13.500 --> :16.080 “No one, I went alone” “You went alone?”  :17.160 --> :21.180 “Sometimes people like to go out and be  by themselves, is that such a bad thing?”  :21.960 --> :26.700 “No, but it is so unlike you” I turned to my  first best friend. “Isn’t that different?”  :27.660 --> :33.240 “Yeah kinda. This breakup is changing things  for you”, she said and pulled my second best   :33.240 --> :38.940 friend’s cheeks. I was not convinced that my  friend went alone but I had to shut up about it,   :38.940 --> :43.560 lest they start to wonder if I’m crazy. Her weird disappearance continued,   :43.560 --> :47.820 even at a carnival, her parents were  looking around for her, and she would   :47.820 --> :53.520 appear and reappear again. It was weird. I asked  my first best friend if she did not think it was   :53.520 --> :59.460 strange that our friend was missing in action. “I honestly have not noticed. I think you notice   :59.460 --> :02.400 more because you live close to each other” “I guess”  :03.480 --> :07.500 “Don’t worry, she’s fine. I don’t think  she’s that shaken up by the breakup,   :07.500 --> :12.540 she looks more beautiful and happier of late” I shook my head. “No, it’s not that I don’t   :12.540 --> :17.100 think she’s fine. Do you think maybe she has  a secret boyfriend that we don’t know about?”  :18.120 --> :21.840 “Of course not, why would she hide her  boyfriend? It’s not like she would date   :21.840 --> :26.760 some creep that she would need to hide from us. I agreed and we enjoyed the rest of the carnival.  :26.760 --> :31.380 My mom soon started asking my brother about  his new girlfriend. He had asked for some   :31.380 --> :34.680 money from the money he was saving  with her to take his girlfriend out.  :34.680 --> :39.840 “We want to meet her”, my mom said. I rolled my eyes and my dad tapped me to stop.  :39.840 --> :43.800 “When are we all going to just admit to  ourselves that he does not have a girlfriend?”  :43.800 --> :49.200 “I do have a girlfriend”, he said “He does have a girlfriend”, my mom affirmed.  :49.920 --> :52.680 “Yeah, in his head” My younger brother laughed   :52.680 --> :56.940 and said “I think he has a girlfriend” “I think I have a pony in the backyard   :56.940 --> :00.300 and a boat”, I replied. My brothers laughed.  :00.300 --> :04.140 “Don’t make fun of my baby” my  mom chided us and we stopped.  :04.140 --> :09.480 I could have wondered if my brother and my second  best friend were together. Maybe he was her secret   :09.480 --> :15.000 boyfriend and my brother’s girlfriend was not  imaginary but that did not even occur to me at   :15.000 --> :19.560 all. I just could not picture them together. I did not find out they were together until   :19.560 --> :24.840 one day when I was leaving for the dog shelter  where I was volunteering. I saw my brother’s car   :24.840 --> :30.000 parked just in front of my best friend’s house.  They could not see me because I was standing in   :30.000 --> :34.620 the garden and the bushes covered me. My second  best friend was sitting in the passenger’s seat   :34.620 --> :39.960 and my brother in the driver’s seat and they  were kissing. They were so engrossed in it,   :39.960 --> :44.580 I had to look away. Soon after they stopped  and my best friend came down from his car   :44.580 --> :49.380 and walked briskly into her house. My  brother drove forward. He was supposed   :49.380 --> :54.780 to be at the library writing a new article. I was so shocked by what I had seen that I   :54.780 --> :59.460 was very disconnected from the animal shelter.  I kept wondering why they would hide it from   :59.460 --> :03.780 me. Also some years back, her cousin came  over to her house and stayed with them for   :03.780 --> :09.720 a full year. I had a huge crush on the guy and  asked if I could ask him out but she said no.  :09.720 --> :13.980 “That would be weird dating my cousin  plus he would be gone soon anyway”  :13.980 --> :20.460 I agreed and never contested that but she  was dating my brother. What a hypocrite!  :20.460 --> :23.520 I asked my mom about my brother’s  girlfriend when I got home.  :23.520 --> :28.020 “I guess he’s been seeing her for some  months now. Your brother is smitten   :28.020 --> :31.740 by her but he wants to introduce  her to us when the time is right”  :32.460 --> :35.340 “Are you not bothered that you  don’t know who your son is dating?”  :36.180 --> :40.500 “Not really, he would be asking her to prom  anyway so I guess we will all meet her then”.  :40.500 --> :45.840 I was offended that my brother and best friend  had kept their relationship away from me but   :45.840 --> :50.400 were even madder at my friend because she  had stopped me from dating her cousin.  :50.400 --> :54.060 My brother was still away so I sneaked  into his room and checked his computer   :54.060 --> :58.200 to see if I could get more details. I saw that they had been texting each   :58.200 --> :02.940 other. In their texts, she told him she wanted  to tell me that they were dating but he asked   :02.940 --> :07.200 that she wait. “You said you wanted prom to  be perfect for you,” he said. “Why not wait   :07.200 --> :10.020 until after prom to tell her?” “She would figure something is   :10.020 --> :13.920 going on if I go to Prom as your date” “We would find a way to go together.   :13.920 --> :18.780 You don't have to be my girlfriend to go to  prom with me as my date” was his response.   :18.780 --> :23.700 I felt uncomfortable reading their chats  so shut his computer and left for my room.  :23.700 --> :27.660 It was prom season and some of the  seniors in school were already asking   :27.660 --> :31.680 me to help do their hair. When I told  my best friends about it, they pouted.  :31.680 --> :36.600 “You can style all the girls in school but we  are a priority”, my second best friend said.  :36.600 --> :41.940 “Of course, you need a haircut anyway”, I said “Yes,” she ran her hand through her hair.  :41.940 --> :45.360 “I’m getting a haircut too!”  my first best friend exclaimed.  :45.360 --> :50.760 I laughed “Everybody gets a haircut” I cut my first best friend's hair first and   :50.760 --> :57.000 it came out nice, everyone complimented her hair. My second best friend wanted a haircut too and she   :57.000 --> :01.440 wanted something similar to what I had done for  our friend. She had a picture of the hair she   :01.440 --> :05.940 wanted and she brought it along with her when she  came over to get her hair cut. I knew she would   :05.940 --> :11.400 see what I was doing if we sat close to the mirror  so I made sure she sat on my bed while I cut her   :11.400 --> :16.500 hair. When I kept cutting her hair, she asked if  that was not enough but I kept telling her no,   :16.500 --> :21.540 I had it all under control, I assured her. She could not touch me because she knew how   :21.540 --> :27.000 that upset me. I hated it when I was cutting or  styling someone's hair and they interrupted me   :27.000 --> :33.240 by repeatedly touching their hair. When I was  done, she walked to my mirror and screamed.  :33.240 --> :37.440 I was scared she would attack me, she  was a bit smaller than I was but I had   :37.440 --> :43.260 seen her fight many times, she was a feisty  fighter. I ran downstairs to my brothers.  :43.260 --> :48.840 She chased me screaming. When she got to  the living room, she burst into tears. My   :48.840 --> :52.260 brothers paused the video game they were  watching and stared at her in horror.  :52.260 --> :55.860 "What the fuck did you do?!"  My older brother said lividly.  :55.860 --> :01.440 "I know you two have been dating secretly," I  said triumphantly, still breathing hard from   :01.440 --> :04.020 all the running I had done. "So you give her a   :04.020 --> :09.480 terrible haircut, are you crazy?!" My brother was livid. So was my entire family   :09.480 --> :15.600 and my best friend's family. Our other best friend  was mad at me too. For two weeks, they all avoided   :15.600 --> :20.580 me. Nobody understood why I was mad. They just  chalked it up to being mad that my best friend   :20.580 --> :25.440 was dating my brother but it was beyond that. She had prevented me from going out with her   :25.440 --> :28.800 cousin and kept talking about how  it would be awkward and all that   :28.800 --> :33.840 only for her to go on and date my brother.  I didn't care that everyone was mad at me,   :33.840 --> :39.000 I had done what I wanted so I was not bothered. Her mother took her to a salon and the   :39.000 --> :42.660 hairdresser managed to make what's  left of her hair a pixie haircut.  :42.660 --> :48.540 We never moved on from that, my friend and  brother kept dating but she avoided me for a   :48.540 --> :53.160 very long time. Even when she started speaking  to me, she didn't want to be friends.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeSCREWMYBROTHERILLRUINYOURPROMRedditStoriesen
we've got a great Revenge story against an illegal Airbnb owner we'll get to that in a bit but first can't respect people by sharing their photos without consent you won't get to share anymore my father is the most obnoxious user of social media I've ever known he frequently posts private information and photos about his wife and kids without our consent on his public Facebook and Tick Tock even worse he frequently photographs women in public sometimes in compromising positions and posts their photos without their consent or knowledge think women in bikinis sunbathing on the beach yes I understand how disgusting and borderline illegal this is I've told them time and time again how this is inappropriate and how he needs to stop but he won't stop he Revels in the reaction he gets online from these posts every like View and follow we've had so many yelling matches about this I've lost count I've repeatedly used my own account to report his posts especially those of unsuspecting women to hopefully have them taken down he recently asked me to help him fix something on his phone I noticed he had his Facebook app open and was in the middle of posting another photo so I told him I needed to consult something on my laptop and walked away I proceeded to privatize all of his accounts delete a bunch of photos and modified his profile settings so that no one could see his past and future posts I then closed the apps fixed whatever he wanted me to do and returned the phone to him like nothing ever happened I'm not sure how long this will stick before he realizes and changes his settings back he's not the most tech savvy so I'm hoping you'll spend a good long time confused about why no one is liking his crap if they're not tech savvy you probably shut them down for a while but I think it goes without saying that you'd like to see a more permanent end to this creeper catalog also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of Revenge why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is won't give me my personal space enjoy this airdrop so I was reminded of this recently as my mother-in-law for Christmas got us tickets to Disneyland It's 2017 and personal space wasn't as big of a deal like it is today we were with family at Disneyland close and extended my oldest was seven if you've been to Disneyland then you'll know there's a Buzz Lightyear ride right by the space Rockets it was taking forever to move in the line lots of kids in our group wanted to ride the light year ride and not a single kid could go solo so as parents we had to suffer the weight with them we got to the point where we weren't moving and my oldest wanted to ride the Rockets we could see them from our place in line the wait for the Rockets was as long as it took the previous Riders to get off more or less tired of waiting the oldest and I jumped out of the light year line and stood for the Rockets there was maybe a half dozen people in front of us and they just loaded the Rockets So we had a little weight behind us comes along a mom and her daughter this girl was younger than my kid but not by much again it's 2017 and apparently personal space has not been introduced to this Duo at this time 2020 was probably very hard for them now what I haven't mentioned is that I was on my period And I tend to be a bit gassy when I am I was basically waiting to get on this ride and drop a silent but deadly in the air it would get dispersed midair as we Whirled away no one needed to suffer this mom and daughter kept stepping closer to us their fronts pressed against our backs we would take a step forward to put more space and they'd scoot in more her daughter started to dance in front of us between US just generally not being minded they weren't in danger of not making the next load of passengers I don't know why they insisted on doing this I got the feeling that the mom was trying to use her kid to cut in front oh my child's in front of you now I'll just get in front of you instead day we had seen it happen in a few other lines earlier that day I turned around and politely asked them to not crowd us to give us some personal space also for the sake of their noses if they bumped me my chamber was a loaded and just waiting just to take a step back the people behind them had given them enough room to do so the mother proceeded to snap that it didn't matter it was crowded the park maybe this ride no and so on just generally being a jerk about the whole thing I asked her to keep her daughter with her then gave the excuse that if she fell she could get hurt this she obliged with much murmuring I decided the next time they got too close I'd let my silent but deadly fart loose because that's the kind I get on my period so I made sure my kids stayed in front of me no unnecessary casualties needed didn't have to wait long felt them push into my back one last time and the package was dropped what I didn't know was it was the daughter who bumped me and her face was the same height as my derriere so I let it go this little girl went ew and then the mom made a noise when she got a whiff of it needless to say they took more than a few steps back and found a rocket to ride on the opposite side from us I think what op did here would be considered legally using a civilian's grade bio weapon honestly Justified though this next story is claim my music is yours have fun trying to remake it I met my roommate in college five years ago we were both going for Studio engineering and music production we became great friends Almost instantly we would often share beats with one another and also collaborate on some projects together at one point we were marketing ourselves as a Duo for music production we were trying to get noticed by more famous artists in our area we made trap and R B beats some local artists have used our beats but no one major here's a a quick side note whenever we would send out beats we would send them.wave files and it would always be in a loop never the complete beat never the actual project file this protected us from thieves during the holidays I went home and he stayed behind I sent him over a loop and a wave file a few hours I'm on Snapchat and he's in the studio with a local artist laying my loop at first I'm super stoked I try to FaceTime my roommate and he doesn't answer he just sends me a message saying send over the project file I tried to FaceTime him again and he doesn't answer right away I know what he's trying to do so instead I go over to the local artist's Instagram and check his story it's him in the studio with my roommate and the artist says yeah I'm here in the studio about to hop on this track to my man insert my roommate's name made now I'm livid I tried calling my roommate again he answers and my first question was why is he say saying that's your beat my roommate just says you know how it is man just send over the project file so I can arrange it for him he's ready to go right now I hang up and never send the file over he calls me over 20 times then he sent me a message saying that's messed up that could have been our big break you know he knows people in Atlanta and New York City I was gonna tell him it wasn't mine screw you bro you just ruined us now we left and you made us look stupid I didn't respond instead I messaged the artist explaining the situation and told him I could be in his area if he really wanted the beat I told him I lived 20 minutes outside the city and I could be there within an hour now remember this is a local artist no one Famous by any means he does know people but he himself is not famous So he responds and tells me to come through I play the Full Beat for him and he said he wasn't feeling it anymore which artists say a lot he then goes on to tell me that my roommate tried for hour hours to remake my beat but couldn't even figure out the drum pattern that's how he knew he lied about the beat being his he even called him out and my roommate still said that it was his but that he was drinking and smoking when he made it now he will never trust him again and he told all of his homies to do the same now the local artist doesn't want to work with my roommate because they don't know if what he brings is stolen or not which everyone knows in the music world is a really bad idea bottom line don't try and steal for me but now I gotta find a new place to live if I was in OP shoes I'd just be glad that this guy showed his true colors there before it went on long enough for them to actually backstab you our next story is can't behave yourself in traffic I'll nullify your free parking privilege not far for me there's a parking garage in the middle of a popular street level shopping district bakeries restaurants hardware stores Green Grocers butchers fishmongers cleaners bars book sellers head shops Cannabis stores liquor stores Banks pet supplies there's a supermarket a post office a musical instrument store Etc this parking garage charges non-trivially like two euros and 50 cents for every 30 minutes parking time however you can get 45 minutes free parking by entering your car's plate number and your parking stall number on the parkometer near each pedestrian exit One Fine Day in the main street of this District I happen to be in front of a toddler behind the wheel of an expensive luxury SUV I wasn't dawdling or anything when the lights turned green I promptly went ahead and I kept up with the speed of traffic but on the other hand I stopped for pedestrians Crossing all that brassed off hrh Lord High toddler who aggressively tailgated me beamed me with a super bright High Beam lights honked his horn kept trying to unsafely go around me I either in the bike lane or in the opposite lane revving his engine to make pop bang sounds with the exhaust I've since learned this is the result of petrol deliberately sprayed into the exhaust chamber to simulate the exhaust noise of old carbureted race cars from decades ago so wasting oil and creating CO2 just to annoy people isn't that nice Etc eventually it became apparent that we were both headed for the parking garage more honking and high beaming and aggression from behind as I waited for a safe Gap to turn across traffic and pedestrians into the entrance once inside the garage I selected a space and pulled into it thus getting out of his way as he drove past behind me he gunned his engine and leaned on his horn I guess to drive home whatever he thought his point was I collected my shopping bags locked my car stepped up to the parkometer and entered his plate number and one of the empty but reserved slash off limits for General parking stall numbers the thing of it is any plate number is allowed one free 45-minute Park up per day so when he went to get his own 45 minutes free parking he would be rejected maximum daily free parking exceeded select a paid parking option then I entered my own plate number and the stall number I'd parked in got my 45 free minutes validated went up to street level and did my errands returned to my car and drove away Petty but satisfying I mean obviously I imagine there's no great way to verify but it kind of sucks that it's so abusable that way this next story is Revenge from Beyond the Grave my sister-in-law died suddenly on Thanksgiving this year her Memorial was set for this past week her sons put on a very respectable event for about 50 people sister-in-law was divorced in the 1970s no contact with X High husband during the testimonial part one of her closest friends who only knew her post-divorce gave a short speech the friend related how sister-in-law's ax drank a lot and it was the cause of their divorce friend then told what sister-in-law did as the final act in her marriage she rearranged all of the furniture her husband came home after midnight stinking drunk and unable to maneuver throughout the house everyone had a good laugh at this brilliant passive aggressive behavior what the friend giving the testimonial didn't realize is that the ex-husband was attending the memorial sister-in-law sure got him back from Beyond the Grave our next story is body shaming me I'll let you all taste your own toxicity so I'm from Southeast Asia where it's very common for relatives to comment on your appearances AKA body shaming especially towards their nieces some of my aunts really like to comment on my weight my BMI is categorized as overweight but I'm actively trying to lose weight by switching to healthier food I already lost 8.8 pounds so far and my current BMI is only 2.2 pounds away from normal weight every time there were family gatherings these ants would always surround me and say wow op are you aware that you're getting even fatter every time I see you you're not that pretty so getting fat makes you look even uglier you should start dieting because no guy likes ugly girls let alone ugly fat girls on one of the family gatherings I already had a bad day thus my mood isn't the greatest then they surrounded me like vultures and started yapping the same crap I got so angry that I snapped and said wow Annie's upon closer look you all actually got fatter as well then walked away they were so shocked they all fell into silence I know it's not nice to do the same crap that they did because what makes me different than them if I also commented on their appearances as well but after receiving those reactions from them I committed that as long as they were the first to initiate the body shaming then I'd say the same crap they threw at me they told me I got fatter I also said that they got fatter as well told me I'm ugly them as well no guy likes me them either this repeated for a few more times within a few family gatherings then suddenly I'm not fat nor ugly anymore isn't it sad that you gotta throw it back in their face for them to realize hey it doesn't feel good to be told this stuff even if they genuinely think that keep it to yourself our next story is cheated on cheater then posted it online basically I'm a jerk here too but not really I was in a relationship of three years with this girl during the last two years my friends kept telling me that she's cheating on me everyone claims to have seen her with other guys but I always said that I trust her and that she wouldn't do that but in fact I did Trust them as I found clear evidence of this myself this went on for two years my entire friend group and people who knew me thought I was just into that after three years of a relationship with her I broke up she cried begged me I never told her that I actually knew she cheated I just broke up she went public with this guy right away one month later I posted a picture of my girlfriend's hand with an engagement ring on it with a caption after two beautiful years she said yes followed by a reel of a quick slide of our days from many vacations in these two years then I allegedly went to with my parents and siblings everyone I know including my ex raided my DMs she came to my doorstep to cry and assault me calling me cheater neighbors witnessed her throwing a big rock and breaking my window for humiliating her called the cops on her and she got arrested imagine I was kind of lazy to type the more intimate details of the story but I think it's necessary to note the following my ex besides the fact that she cheated on me was insanely manipulative violent psychotic and downright evil I actually tried breaking up with her but she threatened me that she'll get rid of herself with proof that I'm the reason behind it she could have easily bruised herself as proof of me being a violent guy I tried reporting her I tried helping her I offered for paying for therapy she denied everything and the cops never took me seriously because a 198 centimeter tall guy cannot get assaulted by a petite girl at the late stage of our crippling relationship I tried to walk out of the fight when she threw a porcelain vase on my head and ko'd me on the spot there was no way for me to win the only time cops actually took me seriously is when she broke my window in front of a whole neighborhood literally tried to claw my face with her nails that's when they file the restraining order for quite some time she'd been emotionally and mentally abusive if I showed her affection she would dismiss me instantly withdrew hooking up completely if I drifted away and showed signs or mentioned breaking up she would instantly crawl back and when I still proceeded to wish for a breakup she would start to threaten me given the metoo movement men and women are on equal paper but de facto in reality we are not equal in court had she cooked up a story made up random allegations my life would have ended I wanted to leave I couldn't now that we're broken up she's in a relationship with the earlier mentioned guy and she's getting beaten like a dog about my fiance she knew all of this and was one of the rare people who actually took me seriously ideally I would have broken up with my ex to go be with her but that just wasn't possible at the time there are so so so so so so so many things I could write right here so much mental manipulation that I saw just months later but I think this is enough to somewhat show the more accurate picture so op was in a relationship with their fiance and cheating on them for two years just to get revenge I guess there's no good guy in this story our next story is if you're going to discriminate against me make sure you can do your job without me First Once Upon a Time I worked for a health center in their building department I'd been there for quite some time already and knew the office inside and out staff turnover had actually been rather rare but when the office manager decided to retire things swiftly changed at first we got a brilliant ray of sunshine as our new office manager she really changed the office modernized how we did things and helped establish us as a stellar place to work I'd never been happier but good things can last forever she was a star and was offered a much better job at another health facility for a lot better pay and benefits we literally cried when she left we had adored her so much before I go any further there's a few things I need to add in details you know I have a mental illness called skitzio effective disorder it's the depressive type I actively have auditory hallucinations and frequent bouts of serious depression but I've had it for decades now and it's well controlled with medication and cognitive therapy one of the things that the office manager did for me was to make sure I had a number of accommodations set up one of them was the use of a special task oriented website and the other was to be allowed to listen to a noise generator website both of these were vital in helping me maintain concentration and get my work done efficiently and correctly about a week after the new and now old office manager left for her new job we got Karen I know the term is overused but my God stereotypes exist for a reason and the reason was this lady Karen immediately said about making her mark on the department all the good wheel we had built with our previous Supervisor was out the window in short order she immediately tightened restrictions on the office silence was in order we were not allowed to speak unless on the phones or talking to a patient at the front counter she even sent an email telling me if I had to blow my nose I had to get up and go to the bathroom to do it she also had a devil of a time figuring out how to do reports in our billing software as I'd been there forever I was tasked with showing her how to do things it was an exercise in patience and teeth grinding and futility she absolutely could not figure it out I tried everything to teach her printed things out highlighted things added things up and showed her the tape marked reports with arrows nope she wasn't getting it and she he blamed me for it so began what I can only describe as a two-year Terror campaign on her part to punish me she forced me to move from the desk I'd been sitting at for over a decade reminder I'm schizoaffective moves like that can easily cause chaos in my brain for months until I settle just thinking about it makes my heart start to race it was awful my new seat was now right by the door to her office and inside of everyone in the office my paranoia was at an all-time high she then began having it track all of my internet traffic if I checked the weather on a day we were supposed to get snow she had me in her office asking me what I was doing on non-work related sites any site I visited that actually was work related got questioned she made sure I knew she was watching me and everything I did this included two websites I was using as accommodations I explained how I used them and why and she was not having it she went to HR and explained the sites I used were unprofessional HR decided to side with her and then told me they were removing them and asked me to find a more professional way to do things then comes the Clincher from Karen she looks me dead in the eyes and says if you're too sick to work here then maybe you shouldn't work here and that was it I knew what she was doing was discriminatory nhr wasn't going to do anything to protect me so that's when I decided I was going to get a new job and make sure she crashed and burned on my way out I collected everything all her nasty Graham emails she'd sent out over the years all her sticky notes I kept copies of my spreadsheets and other things showing she was absolutely incapable of doing the job without assistance my assistance mind you I was doing eighty percent of her job for her these I assembled in a finder complete with date and time stamps and explanations I typed up and printed off as covers to each incident the binder was so thick I ended up having to start a second one as I did this I applied for another job at a non-profit they interviewed me and the HR lady asked for permission to speak to my current supervisor I hesitated and then explained why I'd okayed it but to expect her to attempt to tank me and boy did she I could hear the condescending tone of her voice through the door to her office even if I couldn't quite make out what she was saying and I knew she was talking to the potential new jobs HR lady HR lady called me after and asked if I was still in contact with my previous supervisor the one I adored I was we were friends on Facebook and as soon as I contacted her there she was glad to help me out by speaking to this potential new jobs HR they offered me the job the next day I cannot tell tell you how satisfying it was to walk into Karen's office and give my two weeks notice her face just fell she had been defeated and man it was a sour taste in her mouth that she couldn't contain because for all her Bluster that she wanted me to quit in reality she didn't really want me gone she knew she couldn't do her job without me and now that very reality was staring her in the face those last two weeks were Grand I blew my nose in the office I checked the weather whenever I pleased and I stopped doing her work just mine which I made sure was 100 caught up before I walked out the door she was stressed and struggling and asking me to do things for her before I left I said sure and tossed whatever it was into a drawer I didn't touch for the remainder of my time there of course on my last day I had my exit interview I didn't stay long I just informed them they had a very incompetent manager on their hands gave them the two binders of dirt I'd collected and reminded them that people don't quit jobs they quit bad management and poor HR decisions co-workers in the office kept me abreast of developments after I left for my new job she lasted less than a month after my resignation there had been a huge blow up in the middle of the office between one of the HR folks and Karen over her incompetence since I wasn't there anymore to clean up after her financials were a mess and they were in the red for hundreds of thousands of dollars that were unaccounted for all because Karen couldn't figure out how to do her job and she'd been there for over two years at that point it's been a few years now and I'm still super happy at my new job and from what I hear she's now working in an office of a dinky little place where she's in charge of absolutely no one for a fraction of the salary she was getting previously as it should be this next story is a league legal Airbnb owner too cheap to fix issues I want to note that I hate Airbnb and I think a majority of the hosts have no business being hosts I've had some bad experiences and have avoided using them in the past four years someone gifted me an Airbnb gift card and I had it in my possession for over two years I thought okay it's been four years wounds heal and maybe I can try it again and finally use this card also I'm not a Karen and I rarely leave bad reviews normally I try to be very understanding of situations and not vengeful but this experience had too many issues for me to ignore I planned a vacation to Canada and found a listing it was a condo 4.5 star rating 3 bedroom 2 bathroom price seemed okay and it had a designated underground parking space available for our car rental I booked the place and didn't think much of it three days before my reservation the owner sends me instructions on how to access this place the parking garage Etc there's a note in his instructions the property does not permit short-term rentals like Airbnb and if anyone asks I should lie and see I'm staying for a month okay whatever shady stuff you want to do find with me as long as I don't get into any legal trouble here I had no problems locating the condo and letting myself in using the instructions provided however there was a slew of other problems that I don't think I should have had to deal with the underground garage key button didn't work and cars would come in and out of the underground parking no matter what I pressed on the garage key it wouldn't work I messaged the owner who said try this try that get closer I fiddled with this thing for an hour I ended up parking on the street but that was permitted for overnight parking overall I spent like three hours on this dumb garage key issue during this whole trip his Solutions were go replace the battery on the garage key button but I didn't have a screw to free the battery from from inside the garage key I was also a bit annoyed that I had to spend my vacation time fixing an issue with his garage key he would send someone over well that person never came and he changed his mind four hours later to send someone he suggested I pay in a paid parking lot a one-way 15-minute walk away from the condo I would have to spend 30 minutes a day walking to and from my vehicle he would pay for parking but nothing else I suggested he pay for an Uber each day or give me a discount for the time I'm losing each day but he wouldn't a big reason I booked this Airbnb was because of the parking spot two why am I paying a cleaning fee the condo was not clean just the toilet was clean I think and the floor was swept the carpet floors had human hair all over it Gathering up around the corners and around the bed the beds were made but the bed sheets weren't washed you could smell body odors on it there was a washer and dryer in the condo so we threw all of the bed sheets pillow covers and towels in the watch it took around four hours to get through all of that laundry three the TV that sits on the TV stand was flimsy and broken if you put any weight on the side of the TV stand the top portion of it will dislodge and the TV will topple over which it did and a 15 year old flat screen TV was broken I took responsibility and replaced it with a brand new one he was fine with that I didn't blame him but did inform him the stand was broken and sent him a video of it he said he sees nothing wrong with it 4. while I was replacing the TV I also took the garage key with me and replaced the battery the garage key still didn't work I sent him the receipt for the battery purchase on my PayPal information I had to message him three times until he randomly sent me a wire using Canada banks that I couldn't accept and I couldn't accept the money because I have a U.S Bank he was just like too bad I had to take it up with Airbnb who reimbursed me after all of that the Airbnb host said his cleaning lady tried the garage key and she was able to get it work by standing really close to the garage Hub box I'm not sure what it's called I don't see the point in him saying that but whatever I left him a bad review on Airbnb but I just didn't think it was enough here comes my revenge I remembered on the first day of my stay someone knocked on her door and asked who we were I lied according to the host instructions that we were visiting from out of town and staying a month I looked up the property management company of that building and emailed them I informed them of his instructions to lie share the Airbnb listing link and specified what unit it was I got a response a few days later and the property management said it was unacceptable and they'll be speaking to the owner I'm not sure what the outcome is I'll check in a few weeks to see if the listing is still up let's see if I shut down his Airbnb business I've never personally used Airbnb but I'll tell you what after all I've heard over the last few years especially with some idiotic cleaning fees and things like that I would be extremely hesitant to do an Airbnb over just straight up a hotel but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeHOWISCREWEDOVERANAIRBNBHOSTRedditStoriesorig
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel our first story of the day is one that I find quite frustrating but let me not waste any more time the first story is by Sheik your booty no offense honey but I just don't think you're qualified back in my call center days a frequent issue among our female Tech's my team had about five to nine on average out of about 200 was to get someone who would insist on being transferred to a male Tech this happened at least once a week my friend Valerie got a customer who insisted that he speak with a man before even mentioning his problem saying no offense honey but I just don't think you're qualified if the customer ever requested to speak with another technician for whatever reason the policy was to tell the customer to call back when told this the customer demanded to speak with his supervisor so he did he spoke with the only female supervisor Liz on the floor who loved getting these kinds of escalations who asked the customer why specifically he felt the technician who transferred him wasn't qualified to assist him apparently Liz at a habit of letting any female new hires know that if a customer wanted to speak to a supervisor because they demanded a man they are free to let her know it gets better Lissa told me that normally these calls end with a very resigned and defeated customer being transferred back to a different and female tag to resolve this issue but the customer that had escalated from Valerie refused to believe that another woman would be in any position of authority in our company and demanded to speak with Liz's boss Liz told the customer that she was the final point of contact he was going to get and if he didn't like it he could call the corporate office the customer assured 'el is that he would do so and hung up a week later Liz finds out that the customer actually did call corporate to complain however unlike tech support the customer interaction department of the corporate office was mostly women when the VP of customer service got wind of this guy she made sure that the few male members of her staff were suddenly unavailable to speak with him and even spoke with the customer personally unfortunately ignorance often knows no bounds so the customer continued to call back and harass the staff using choice language and vague threats until he finally managed to speak with a man a representative of the company's legal department who let the customer know that all calls with him had been recorded that they consider any future attempt to contact them to be harassment and he can expect a cease and desist letter in the near future I'm not sure who this guy thinks he is I'm wondering what kind of profession or hobby or whatever this is where this guy feels so convinced that a woman would never be able to help him in a call center I would think a woman could do anything a man could do they'd probably do it better for all I know I'm wondering what would be the choice words to give this guy our next story is by thick like grits great name I run the store nothing moves without my say-so all right bet four years ago I worked in a store for a large well-known and well hated telecom in Canada I started out as a sales rep then was quickly promoted to assistant manager because I'm a fast learner I constantly crushed sales targets and always offer to train staff for new store openings Joe the regional manager seemed to like me and was nice which I thought was because I'm the only woman in a store with all men but tenured sales reps warned me that he was always nice to sales reps and rude to managers one day our store manager SM rig gets fired for skipping work to watch a hockey game he was actually seen on TV in the front row standing and cheering after calling in too sick to move and a few co-workers went out with him afterwards where he drunkenly bragged about calling in sick to see said hockey game Joe didn't hire a new store manager because of cost so he asked me to run the store but without the title or no problem I love my job and the staff I even come in on my days off to make sure the staff are okay and check on supplies I'm also the first black assistant store manager in the region in ages so I felt like I had something to prove a few months go by and a customer comes in wanting to open up a small business account with six lines I verify the company is real credit check HST number etc and processed the sale for her for black iPhone sevens a rose gold iPhone 7 plus any blackberry massive Commission for me even bigger Commission for Joe Joe comes to the store the next day wanting to talk about the sale I thought I messed up along the way or got flagged for fraud nope he was pissed that I sold the stores last rose gold iPhone 7 plus instead of holding on to it because he wanted to take it out of inventory to give it to his daughter for free which is against company policy and the rose gold iPhone 7 plus was on backorder I tell him that it's better for us to sell the phone and I didn't know he wanted to take it out of inventory to give away and it's against company policy anyway what happens next is this grown but six foot five man throws a tantrum I'm talking fists balled up the sides shrieking you don't run anything here this is my store you're not the store manager my name is on file the store manager and regional manager nothing happens in this store without my say-so nobody breathes unless I say so I calmly straightened out my uniform and nod thinking you run shoot and I just work here got it alright Denzel you're gonna learn today kill malicious compliance he leaves and the other staff asked what the Freak that yelling was about I say well boys I don't run shoot I just work here if you need anything and I literally mean anything at any time call Joe I stopped ordering scheduling etc and nothing for the next two days before my previously scheduled upcoming four days off day one of my day off and one of the staff calls me in a panic Opie I noticed there's only one roll of toilet paper left can you stop by and order more I said nope sorry call Joe if you need anything and don't call me on my days off anymore click my staff support me and ring Joe's phone non-stop for those four days with the most mundane shoot hey Joe we're out of toilet paper can you get us some hi Joe um the windows are dirty what should I do yo Joe what's the schedule for next week hope he didn't make one yeah Joe we're trying to process a bring-your-own-device Co a.m. monthly plan but I don't remember what the dummy IMEI is and I can't continue it in the system without it what is it hey Joe we're out of sim cards so we can't process any more sales involving phones at all hey Joe we're on the last few sheets of printing paper so we can't print contracts hey Joe I came in early to set up the new marketing but I noticed there's a light bulb out in one of the fixtures what do i do Joe Andy left roast chicken bones and cake in the break area out overnight and now the store is overrun by ants please send help Joe calls and texts me non-stop but I'm off for the next 4 days so I ignore everything sit at home make some cookies spend some time with my boyfriend now husband hit another mall and go shopping getting my nails done get my hair done and relish in the thought of Joe stupid face stress the freak out at an ant infestation and his stupid eyes bulging out of his head every time my staff call asking for toilet paper I come in for my next shift relaxed fresh silk pressed hair and killer nails and Joe is already waiting for me in the back Oh pee why is the staff calling and asking me ridiculous questions the last few days why are we running out of critical supplies that halt sales well Joe you told me that nothing moves without your say-so and that I don't run anything in the store you do so I told them if they need anything to call you the person who runs the store cue the confused peek you'll look on his face uh not like that I mean like just please please run the store as you see fit there are ants everywhere and the floors are sticky and I brought you guys some SIM cards he scurries out of the store I graduate from university that year and applied for a role that had office Joe got upset and said he didn't want to lose me at the store and dangled the thought of making me store manager if I stayed oh well at that point I just wanted out I aced the interviews and got hired I've been here ever since and I never have to interact with Joe freak you and the ants Joe this is a wonderful Power Move Joe comes in here trying to flex himself I'm the manager I'm the store manager I'm the regional manager if I want to take this expensive really limited item out of inventory and give it to my daughter for free even though it's against policy I'm gonna do it and then opie thick like grits steps in says no I actually run the store I'm going to show you the truth and then I'm gonna get an even better job than you do way to show your manager how it is our next story is by future pink 719 I sold the ring he wanted but he told me to I used to work in a pawn shop as both a sales associate and a pawn broker I have so many stories I could probably fill this subreddit but this one always makes me smile because of how smug the man was when I was a sales associate I sold a lot of jewelry I often had to tell people that we couldn't hold items because a someone might come in and want it and have the money right there and B we had a layaway program so unless you put some money down 20% holding it wasn't an option so one day this man comes in and is looking for a very specific type of ring diamond channel-set anniversary ring said in white gold size five the pawn shop I worked out had a vast collection of these types of things and many sizes and with many different carat weights he needed a specific size and a specific carat weight and he was very much in luck because we had been to have it most pawnshops are you get what you see and you can see what you get basically we don't have inventory or stock of any specific item and our jewelers are for sizing and dippin purposes only so I show my ring that I have in the case here you go exactly the size you need and just over the carat weight man pulls out a loupe looks at diamonds okay they're not as clear as I normally like them yeah I understand but the price is only 350 and at a regular jewelry store this would easily run around $1,500 so while the clarity isn't as nice it's still a really good deal and I don't know if you'll find another this size of the same carat weight man sighing okay well I know your sister store also has some rings right you think they might have a better one with better quality at this time there is a woman looking at rings and clearly listening to our conversation but I'm positive he hasn't noticed her she sees the ring in my hand and I see her eyebrow go up I'm not sure but they are a smaller store so their inventory is smaller if they do have one there isn't a guarantee the ring will be the correct size or the same carat weight hmm okay well can you hold the ring for me I want to go see their inventory I'm sorry we can't company policies that all items held must be put on layaway for holding if someone wants to buy an item and it isn't in layaway we don't want to stop them hmm well I'm gonna hold off and go check that store if someone comes in and sees this specific ring yeah go ahead and sell it but I doubt that's gonna happen he walked away with a kind of smug look on his face just as he left the woman who was listening to our conversation walks up can I see that ring he didn't want I hand it over to her she slips it on her finger and smiles I'll take it she didn't even hesitate she straight-up bought this ring after wearing it for five seconds during ring out I asked her why and she said she had been searching for a channel said ring for a few years of the pawn shops but none had caught her I like that one and it was her size which can be hard to find I told her have a nice day and cleaned it before she left 45 minutes later the man walked back in okay they didn't have anything so I guess I'll take that one I was looking at I'm sorry sir but just after you left a woman came up tried on the ring and bought it I don't have any more in the carat weight you're looking for I have some in the higher carat weights if you're interested are you freaking serious you know I'd probably be back why did you sell it well you did say I should if someone came in and saw it just because you doubt something is going to happen doesn't mean it can't so in my own thoughts I kind of feel a little bad for the guy let me clarify that obviously his attitude was nasty and he seemed entitled but also in a lot of situations where you would walk away for 45 minutes or whatnot you would think that that ring would probably still be there when he came back that being said this is kind of a learning tool if it's a free-for-all situation and it's a situation where you know you probably won't get a better option and you're happy with that option I think you should really heavily consider taking it and unfortunately this guy missed out but that's the chance you take our next story is by SM Warren boss wanted me to wear better clothes back when I used to work at a store I'll call forever 22 I worked with a manager who absolutely hated me her and I used to go at each other all the time over random crap well a couple of times throughout my time working there she'd comment on my choice of clothes usually it was things about how my clothes are too tight for a boy or they were too feminine and eventually I got fed up with it I read into our dress code and decided to really get under her skin on our last day working at forever 22 I wore a dress but she couldn't say anything since I follow the dress code guidelines perfectly I made her so dang uncomfortable my other co-workers who also disliked her except like - who were her friends complimented me I quit shortly after that and now I work in a pharmacy I definitely think people who are in managerial positions should really try and focus on making employees and people's experiences in general happier not try and put people down I think it's rather frustrating to see nasty people getting these managerial positions I say if Opie wants to wear a dress regardless of who they are what they look like and it makes them happy and it fits the guidelines by all means go for it and our final story of the day is by smoke one I want to speak to the owner my wife and I opened a store together that she ran I was just the technical contact for most things she was listed as owner I was listed as mingler customer comes in and starts asking the wife questions and the customer doesn't like the answers he was getting because girl don't know nothin speculation on my part but it fits in demands to speak to the manager wife mentions that it won't be in for an hour and he was free to wait or come back and speak to the manager he decided to come back but that just meant he sat in his car for an hour until I got there I finally showed up and the guy follows me in asking this off-the-wall question and I stopped and thought about it and said I don't know let me ask my wife and he said I already asked her employee and she doesn't know what she's talking about so I asked for the manager I see that's not getting me anywhere either I want to speak to the owner now I turned around to the wife and said he wants to talk to you again apparently the customer then said a woman can't own a store like this so I handed him her business card that said owner and said if he'd like to look it up on the business registry he could my wife being the absolute Saint she is even helped the guy after he calmed down a bit I love the dynamic here between Opie and his wife and also him calling himself a Mangler instead of a manager nice touch there these two honestly sound like a nice lovely couple and the wife as Opie said is an absolute Saint for still helping this guy out even after he was a hothead and asking for a man and saying a woman can't even own a store like this but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so I want to say thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you like what you heard today please consider giving the video a like if you haven't yet please consider subscribing to we're growing each and every day we're currently at a hundred and sixteen thousand and just climbing constantly so thank you guys so much for that but again thank you all so very much for watching liking subscribing whatever you do for the storytime channel and I hope you all have a great day
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceIMTHEMANAGEROFTHISSTOREDOWHATISAYorig
what are some unethical life hacks there's clothing that allows you to do virtually everything want to do graffiti wear one of those white papery overalls steal a street sign carry a toolbox dress like a mechanic and you're good to go dress up like a technician walk into an office tell somebody you were told to take that PC and you can just walk out with it be where you don't belong hold a clipboard and look stressed never underestimate how little people question the uniform a clipboard and a stress face got me into my son's school passed three teachers and into a room where I collected evidence for use in his defense after he was tormented by other kids five kids swarmed him in seventh grade while he was in nothing but boxers after the gym
give me a good story on WhatUNETHICALLIFEHACKCanYouSharepart
what is the most messed up thing someone close has confessed to you a former cooworker hooked up with a random guy and got pregnant with twins several months since she reached out to the guy and after they chatted more he mentioned being mildly autistic her response was to start buying every pill and Drug she could off the street to try to miscarrage the twins that were pretty far along because she refused to have autistic children what ended up happening though is it didn't work and she permanently up those kids for life they were born underdeveloped and have a ton of medical issues no clue why she decided to tell us that I can't imagine how their dad felt
give me a good story on Whatisthemostmessedupthingsomeoneclosehasconfessedtoyou
in this sequence of events Perkins discovers that Jon and Marcus have been communicating in alerts Viggo as a result Vigo dispatches his henchmen to Marcus home as payback for yosef's death and their inability to kill Jon they brutally assault Marcus until Vigo and Perkins show up and fatally shoot him as Vigo prepares to depart the scene he contacts Jon to inform him of his friend's demise finally Viggo heads to a waiting helicopter planning to flee the city John and Marcus devise a plan for John to meet Marcus at his house but Perkins plans to Ambush Jon while waiting for Jon to arrive Perkins is called to a meeting with Winston the owner of the Continental Hotel they meet at the Bethesda arcade in Central Park along with four other men Winston tells Perkins that she has violated the hotel's rules and her membership has been revoked the four men execute her
give me a good story on johnvsviggo
boyfriend bought his ex-wife's daughter a car while I'm riding the bus my boyfriend my baby's dad bought his ex-wife's daughter not his child a brand new car while I haven't had one in 2 years while I'm riding the bus with my baby he doesn't have that much money he works a lot but has a lot of debt but he bought her a car she's 26 the thing that pisses me off is that she was complaining about how she needs another nose job because the one she got last year as well as breast augmentation last year is botched I'm riding the bus with my baby she can buy herself a car I don't expect my boyfriend to buy me one but at least don't buy another woman a car we don't even have any Furniture besides a box spring and a mattress everything we've ever gotten for our baby is secondhand as a matter of fact I did not have insurance while I W pregnant and I did not see a doctor for 8.5 months and I also found out he was selling her $1,000 every month all that while I was panicking every day because I didn't know if the baby I was carrying was okay he never told me what he was buying or spending I found out a few days ago while looking through his phone when I confronted him about it he said she had problems paying her rent so he was helping her out she also needed a car but I remember her having a new CRV last year he told me what he was doing with his money was none of my business when when I ask him for a ride somewhere he freaks out I needed tampons on Thanksgiving and he lashed out on me that it wasn't his job to take me to the store that I needed to figure out how to take myself to places and probably a big red flag I should not have ignored he bought a house a few years before we started dating and he put the title in his ex-wife's daughter name so she would inherit it because she has three children which you know what whatever it's not my house to begin with but he then said that if something were to happen to him he works a somewhat dangerous job I would need to figure something for me and my son because his ex-wife's daughter doesn't like me and wouldn't he want me to live in the house I currently live in at this point I'm just going to leave him and move far with my child but to work full-time I need to find a way to put my baby in daycare I don't know I feel kind of humiliated I'm his partner the mother of his baby and the woman who has been on his side for years I feel like me and my child should come first this is more of a rant than anything else I am just typing as I'm as thinking I think I'm an idiot who must love to date people who really don't care about me
give me a good story on Boyfriendboughthisexwifesdaughteracarwhileimridingthebus
what would you do when a friend is giving you this silent treatment because you wouldn't drop them off for their appointment for surgery we'll get into that in a bit but first husband 31-year-old male got reprimanded at work for making a coworker 23-year-old female uncomfortable and somehow this is set him off the deep end we met in college got married in our mid-20s and we're raising two children he's hardworking loving and has a healthy and large circle of friends and family who think the world of him so I cannot overemphasize how caught off guard I am by the last few months one of my close friends has a friend who works in the same company and reached out to me basically recapped an incident in November Maya is a 23-year-old customer rep that's been working for a few months in their company and in November went to HR to file a complaint over my husband UGL at her and making her feel uncomfortable he called her Pocahontas in the breakroom another cooworker an older more established person in the company vouched for the disrespectful way my husband spoke and acted towards her and how she had to tell my husband off he got reprimanded and written up when I asked him he didn't deny what happened and instantly assured me his job wasn't in any real danger and how I know the boss loves him and they go way back I told him it wasn't about that and it's about what possessed him to harass a girl and he excused it by saying his eyes wandered and he didn't mean to offend her when he nicknamed her I called BS on that and told him he didn't even sound sorry he told me he was but that he learned from it and it wouldn't happen again my friend later told me Maya was freaked out over a very expensive Anonymous set of gifts that was sent to her apartment and how there was no proof but that Maya knew it came for my husband and that during work my husband didn't cross any lines but that the poor girl still felt icked out whenever she had to share a room with him my friend told me I only had her word to go on but that she herself caught glimpses of my husband checking out Maya during lunch or meetings and only Maya got the those types of stairs from him I hated having to do this but I checked my husband's bank accounts and his cell phone to maybe find a purchase order nothing out of the order except for a major transfer to one of his friends Almost 8,000 I confronted him and he said that his friend just needed some help and how I know said friend is in a tight bind and how he has kids and Christmas was coming up I couldn't argue and had to swallow my worries and bad feelings because he kept reassuring me how everything was fine at work in January Maya reported him to HR again and this time he told me the same day likely because he knew I'd find out otherwise and he was acting like a victim saying Maya would act like his friend one moment and then get him in trouble the next I told him to stop lying to stop making excuses and to stop insulting my intelligence I screamed at him to get out of the house and stay gone then it's like his brain broke or I don't know the real him came out maybe he went on this demented rant about how I don't have to worry that I'm his wife the mother of his children how everything is airtight and what's his is mine and how his attraction to Maya was just animalistic and how someone like her would never threaten my place I was stupified as I heard my husband go off on this sick tangent including referring to this poor girl using slurs I kicked him out and couldn't even stand to look at him for 2 weeks a day after he tried taking it back saying he was stressed and felt like everybody was attacking him but I couldn't stand to speak with him much less look at him he promised to work on himself and us and said we should go to a couple's therapy when I'm ready and in the meantime he'll give me my distance I told him he needs to see a therapist by himself and he didn't argue back at all he even confessed that he did send Maya that Anonymous expensive gift and had his friend put in the order it's been 3 weeks he's gone on two sessions with a therapist and we're scheduled for our first session of coup's therapy at the end of February thus far he's shown he's willing to put in the work to get better but how do you get better from that is there even a point to couple's therapy I feel so lost I don't recognize the person I married but I also don't want to break up our family if there's a chance he can get reformed so personally I feel like the issue here is is this a couple's therapy thing this sounds more like a personal therapy thing that he needs to work through first this isn't like a relationship issue and ultimately did he admit to that 8,000 transfer actually being all for Maya I mean how much of coup's therapy can really fix that also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy tricky relationship topics why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is found husbands 50 years old condoms he denies we're a husband 50 wife 36 I wife found two three packs of condoms this weekend in his bag he travels a lot and we were just reunited after 2 weeks of being apart also found them with two prepaid $200 cards doesn't look good his first response was those have been there forever I know they haven't I've looked in the bag within the last month and we've been married 14 years haven't used them for at least 12 forgot to look at the expiry unfortunately he also responded with I'll take a lie detector test to me a huge red flag like who says that we were apart a lot because of his job and he travels quite a bit part of me wants to believe there's an explanation like easier cleanup if he's using a toy but I can't get past the prepaid cards and knowing that he's taken care of himself at home before without using them just having a major what moment here don't know how to proceed I've had moments in the past where I felt like he wasn't being truthful but he made me believe he was faithful in my opinion I do think he has an adult entertainment problem and I know he needs a lot more sex than I do what in the heck do I do to try and get more information out of him he just made me feel like I was crazy I mean I think you just need to be upfront with him and say listen I know they weren't always there don't try and insult me and act like they were just be honest with me tell me the truth maybe we can move forward with things but if there's no answer or just a whole bunch of BS there's no way you can move forward our next story is telling friend female 30 that I female3 can't pick her up and send her back all the time my friend and I attend a pottery Workshop every weekend I drive and she doesn't anxiety issues she would like me to pick her up and send her back every time the drive to her place is a 15-minute detour and picking her up and sending her back would add around 29 km to my drive she's quite a nice person and offers me gas money but the drive and time I have to allocate tires me out not to mention the planning of my day around the commute weekends are when I spend my me time and sometimes I'd like to go somewhere else after the workshop to which she'd offer to tag along and I could send her back after I like the option of getting to drop by the workshop whenever I can which I can't if I'm having to detour or set a pickup time she's not too familiar with public transport or car ride services and is of the opinion that they're too expensive fair enough the fairs can get a bit High there's a train station near me I'm thinking of asking her to take a train so I can just pick her up from there but that would mean her spending more money or getting her aging dad to send her to the station am I being too in sensitive over this since my reasons are not really urgent and she is a good longtime friend I don't blame op in this situation I get being helpful especially if they're a good longtime friend but at some point it just becomes quite a burden for somebody that you're not really supposed to be responsible for and especially if you're in a situation where after a while you might want to go do something else after the workshop on your own and you can't because you have to drop your friend off every single time I could see why you would would become kind of resentful I do think she has to figure something out for herself one way or the other it's one thing to do a favor for a friend but when you start to resent it and you start to hate doing it it's no longer doing a favor it's an obligation or a chore our next story is I male 25 saw my sister female 24 cheat on her boyfriend and now I'm stuck so full disclosure I made this Reddit account a week ago and I've been typing this and deleting it every day out of anxiety my step sister female 24 and her boyfriend male 27 have been together for about 2 and 1/2 months I've only met the guy twice he's pretty introverted so I haven't been able to get a great feel for him but he's a nice guy has a good job and treats my sister very well which makes this freaking mess even worse two weekends ago me my sister and her best friend who I'm close to as well went to a show about an hour and a half away we had pit tickets so when we got there we got drinks and stood for a few minutes it's trying to get a feel for the crowd as the opening band began to play a group of guys filled in behind us there were four of them all tall pretty handsome one of the guys complimented her best friend's tattoo and we started talking in kind of merged groups there was one who kind of dialed into my sister and they started talking as they were talking she had pretty flirty body language laughing smiling touching his arm she's a very outgoing person and this isn't totally out of the norm for her so I kind of looked the other way way however as the night went on they kept talking as we were listening to music they got closer until he was standing behind her with his hands on her hips and her hands on his like couples do at shows the group was pretty drunk at this point so it felt like I was the only one noticing I make eye contact with her and tilted my head as to ask what she was doing she smiled and separated herself from him whatever a momentary lapse of judgment I was willing to call it over however an hour later I was in in line for the bathroom and I saw them in an area towards the back with her hands wrapped around his neck and his on her hips talking and laughing in this Embrace not proud to say I froze then elected to stay in line and use the bathroom when I got to the back of the group they were gone they returned about an hour later what happened in that hour I have no idea but I just feel like it was nothing good the drive home was quiet as the girls had drank a lot I dropped them off and haven't been able to stop thinking about it since so obviously I need to tell him like I said before don't know him well but he seems like a good dude here's the thing though I don't have any contact information for him the only thing I know is where he works in his hours I don't really want to show up at buddy's work with life changing news so like I said just feeling very stuck my sister is a genuinely good person and I love having her in my life but I can't just pretend this didn't happen I think especially considering their relationship with their boyfriend is is only a two-month thing op probably should confront their sister first about this and tell them that it's weighing heavy on your conscience and that they need to own up to it if you're afraid of blowing up a relationship with your sister here don't go relationship Batman for the guy that she's been with for 2 months instead talk to the person who you're more worried about retaining that relationship with our next story is boyfriend got rid of some of my clothes how do I talk to him about this in a productive way boyfriend 28-year-old male and I 22-year-old female have been together for almost 2 years we recently moved in together so we've been trying to adjust to that I recently went with my family for a week to see another side of my family boyfriend didn't want to go but was very much invited he didn't want me to go because he thought I was being irresponsible i disagreed because I told work in plenty of time and could afford it I got back last weekend and when I got home he rearranged almost everything I was sort of upset because I think he should have talked to me first I didn't think it was worth making a big deal about it so I didn't say anything I noticed my closet had a lot less in it but thought he put some of them in the guest room where I already had some of my stuff I realized yesterday I was missing a lot of my stuff and couldn't find things I asked him about it and he told me he went through everything in the house and got rid of some of my stuff because it was taking up space and don't wear them I did wear a bunch of those things and I know he hasn't kept track of what I do and don't wear in his head he bought me a necklace when I got home home so I haven't talked to him about this yet because I would feel like a jerk I want to sit him down this weekend and go over it without getting into an argument I don't want to be walked all over but also don't want to make this a huge deal should I bring this up I already told him not to do that in the future I mean I feel like op already is kind of being walked all over it's the lack of a backbone here in the situation and pressing him on this stuff that's the issue he went and threw away a lot of your stuff that you do wear and op's obviously upset about it but they can't communicate that to their partner for fear of getting into an argument he already showed some kind of controlling Behavior trying to prevent you from seeing your family when it made a lot of sense for you to be able to go now you're afraid of confronting him when he threw out your stuff this next story is my 21-year-old female gay boyfriend 23-year-old male of one year says he's straight for me but I don't believe him my boyfriend 23-year-old male and I 21-year-old female have always been friends and I knew that he was gay since the start of our friendship about a year ago my boyfriend told me that he likes me before we started dating I was confused because he's made it very clear that he's a gay man but when he was confessing his feelings he told me that I'm the only woman he's ever been attracted too I liked him too yes knowing he's gay and we started dating he's a great partner that has treated me well over the past year but one thought I can't seem to shake is that I feel like one day he's going to realize that that he isn't attracted to me and that he will end up leaving me while I know it's been a year and he's shown no signs of it it is something I can't seem to shake yes I've talked to him about it before and honestly he just gets upset when I bring it up which just makes my anxiety with it worse to me it feels like he's using me as a way to portray a straight Persona to his family as his mom is extremely homophobic or he's attracted to me now but will change his mind in the future I really do love him but I don't know how to get rid of this feeling or really even talk to him about it because he just gets upset when I bring it up how should I get rid of these feelings or bring it up to him again update thank you all for all of the comments and support it was really helpful to hear about all of the different perspectives I took the advice for a majority of people and decided to have a sit-down discussion with him about everything the comments he makes our sex life his mom the way he gets upset when I bring anything up Etc and I think it went okay He listened to everything I had to say and apologized for how he's acted he also gave an honest explanation for why he continues to say that he's gay which some were right he just doesn't care to put a label on himself that he knows doesn't matter but that he'll no longer bring it up with people unless it's asked about he also said that it was hard for him to come to terms with liking a woman so that's one of the reasons he's reacted in the ways he has as for sex he thinks that it's just because he's new to it in general I'm his third sexual partner and the first woman partner with that he says that he's never really thought he'd end up needing to know how to pleasure a woman correctly but that if I help him with it he is willing to learn there was another thing he mentioned as well but it is extremely personal and I'm not going to share that information he did however say that I need to learn to cope with the anxiety about him leaving me and that he's willing to help with that as well but if I'm unable to he doesn't see how the relationship can continue I would 100% get and respect that and I will work on it thank you all once again I mean it sounds to me like he's just kind of struggling with his own kind of identity especially as evidenced by what he says at least I certainly hope that's the case and it's not like a ongoing thing where he's just trying to use op as their beard I guess if I were in OP shoes I'd be watching for a hawk for any reason why he would want to have that kind of portrayal around the people in his life otherwise yeah I think it's maybe just a personal struggle they're going through somebody that was so confident and dead set in this is who I am and suddenly somebody does come along who's so awesome who's so amazing you begin to question your whole identity you could see where it would be conflicting right our next story is my wife 45-year-old female and I 46-year-old male could not be in the same city on Valentine's Day so she had dinner with a coworker and I need a reality check to see if I'm overreacting background info we've been married 18 years and have kids but we don't seem to want the same things out of marriage I believe she likes me and is fully committed but being in a romantic relationship is just not a big part of her identity whereas my relationship with my wife and kids are the most important part of me we've never had many dates together partly because she travels frequently and often goes out to eat as part of her job so it's not a special thing for her however last night was not a work dinner it was social with the cooworker whom she seems the most chummy with I don't know anything about the guy's intentions but they both are attractive and have appealing personalities he was also traveling so he too was away from his family she called while I was making dinner for our kids so I just asked what her plans were and she told me I wouldn't have thought much of this if this was a different day but isn't it weird to have dinner with another guy on Valentine's Day doesn't it have a certain appearance I didn't know how to react so I changed the subject but when she was saying goodbye I said enjoy your date maybe to let her know that I was a little hurt and needed to process she sounded deflated not expecting me to be upset and said you want me to eat by myself like she was already resigned to cancelling with the guy I trust her and have no interest in trying to control anyone so I told her to just go and I assume she did she called about an hour later but I didn't answer because I still felt hurt I know she didn't mean anything by going out but I didn't feel like I could pretend it didn't bother me and if I did tell her it bothered me I would feel like I was making too much out of it am I blowing it out of proportion how would you react act she has never taken Valentine's Day that seriously maybe just getting me a card or nothing at all but I always try to do stuff to make it a little special I don't think anything's going on with them I'm 98% certain my wife would not cheat on me that's not what the post is about it's about me checking to see if I'm being irrational here would you think anything of it if your spouse did this I would have at least expected her to have mentioned going out with someone on Valentine's without me having to ask but I think their plans were so so casual that it didn't register with her I could be bothered by it I mean I think this is more of the greater relationship issues kind of manifesting themselves here if op is absolutely sure nothing nefarious was going on here I think it's just op's lashing out a bit you know they just want more out of their marriage and their relationship they want date nights they want to feel a little special they want to feel celebrated and acknowledged and stuff and I can't blame them I would want the same thing things I think op's just kind of feeling a little unloved in the moment our next story is my 26-year-old female fianceé 29-year-old male canceled wedding one week before the ceremony what do I do next my fiance canceled our wedding one week before the ceremony he said he'd been having a builtup of a nervous feeling over the past 3 months and he finally decided he can't go through with it he said he feels like getting married would mean that he is trapped for the rest of his life he decided he wanted a short break so I went to stay with my parents 4 days later he texted asking me if I could come home and that he misses me and loves me he has arranged to see a psychologist SL counselor chiefly he wants to figure out one why this happened two does he not want to marry at all or just not want to marry me three does he still want to have kids at all or is it just that he doesn't want to have kids with me thought it might be worth mentioning that he's always told me he wanted a family previously and this is all coming as a surprise for me for context we've been dating for the past 3 and 1/2 years how should I be feeling about this what should I do next should I continue living with him while he figures this out should I go on a long holiday somewhere else while he figures this out should I just leave him for good once and for all honestly it's probably for the best for op to go on the holiday and let him just try to figure this stuff out op got blindsighted by this and it sounds like it's really him trying to find whatever he wants I say rather rather than let yourself get dragged down any further try to just refresh and take your mind off of it and hopefully come back to him actually having an answer this next story is my boyfriend male 23 missed Valentine's Day with me female 21 should I break up with him my boyfriend has had a history of missing or canceling events or holidays on me for his friends or because of his dog we've been seeing each other since July he canceled on me for this past Christmas because he claimed his family wasn't celebrating it and he and his friends were going to do a celebration that day I was not invited missing Christmas with my family and I had to give him the gifts my family got him the next week then came my 21st birthday he loves going to the bar and was super excited for me to be 21 he booked a trip to go see his family and scheduled his vacation time the week of my birthday and missed it he left the day before my birthday and came back 4 days later he told me it was the only time his family could see him then that weekend my friends and I went to a bar to celebrate since he couldn't be here on my actual birthday he didn't get there till about 9:45 p.m. because some of his friends came home from college for the weekend and he just had to go to the bonfire at their house I offered for him to bring them with us so I could meet them and we could all hang out but he declined all of my friends have been telling me to break up with him since he always cancels on me then yesterday we had dinner reservations around 8:00 p.m. for Valentine's Day and he called me at 5:00 p.m. to imply that he wanted to cancel because he had a stressful day at work and felt bad that he had to leave his dog in the cage while we were out even though the dog hasn't been in the cage all day because his mother worked from home I'm a full-time college student in my senior semester with an internship I go to twice a week and work a part-time job there are times when I'm stressed or my friends want to do things but I don't cancel our plans because I value the time we have together everyone in my life is telling me to break up with him but I don't know if I should honestly it just sounds like op's the girlfriend when it's convenient like they're just popping by and being there like when they can or when they want to it doesn't really sound like op is a priority in the guy's life our next story is my 27-year-old female Grandma 65-year-old female feels entitled to my inheritance money my mom passed away a year and 4 months ago I was listed as the sole beneficiary for her 401k and life insurance so I received everything plus before she passed she had terminal cancer she directly told me that she wanted me to have everything and even talked to me about taking money out of her 401K early before passing to ensure that I would receive it after my mom's death my grandma has acted entitled to my money on several different occasions and has expressed along with my mom's partner that they think the money should have been distributed amongst the family equally I'm my mother's only child and my father passed years before her so even if she didn't explicitly Express her wish for me to receive the inheritance verbally I would think that I meant to receive all of the inheritance just by the natural order of things my grandma texted me on Valentine's Day without wishing a happy Valentine's Day or even a simple hello first telling me that I forgot to cash a $700 healthc care refund check my mom received after her death and said that she sure could have used the money for her federal taxes if she knew I was going to lose the money dealing with probate after my mom's death was very stressful alongside the grief and it was never my intention to forget to cash a check obviously and I guess I understand her mentality that the money is useful and should be utilized but it really bugs me the way that she came at me and the fact that she feels entitled enough to say that she could have used it for her taxes when the money isn't hers whatsoever that call isn't even hers I'm the pr of my mom's estate and why would this money be used to pay her federal taxes I don't really know how to respond to her how would you navigate this situation or how would you reply I mean thank her for bringing that to your attention that the check slipped your mind I really don't know the best way to reply to them but the bottom line is that's your money that you're entitled to and really no matter what type of way they're feeling about it it doesn't matter I mean maybe kill them with kindness or even kind of Silence just than them for bringing it to your attention and maybe ignore everything else our next story is my female 25 friend female 29 is giving me this silent treatment because I wouldn't drop her off to a doctor's appointment for surgery before I begin here's a bit of context m is really beautiful like 10 out of 10 gorgeous she dated guys with money who buy her nice gifts and her recent ex T bought her a lot of gifts and helped her out a bunch when she had a hard time in effort to win her back T was very manipulative and emotionally abusive so she didn't get back with him a few months ago em had a situation with her Audie car that it cost a few grand to fix and it wasn't worth it to her so she sold her car and saved to get herself a newer car during that time mem had recently broke up with her ex T in January last year even though they were broken up he was still trying to get her back by driving her places since she didn't have a car so she could get groceries run errands Etc after a few months of this m stopped contact with t since she was 100% done with him so she didn't have anyone to give her rides she asked me to grab her when I would go do my Costco runs which I do one or two times a month and I agreed her place is about 25 minutes from me but I wanted to help her out and I was going there anyway so it wasn't a problem for me there were also times when she wanted to go to the mall or go out to eat so I would pick her up go to the place and drop her off before getting home 25 minutes later myself I truly did not mind this because she's one of my closest friends and I wanted to spend time with her and help her out as well I never asked for gas money and EM had paid for my meals a couple of times as a thank you which I appreciated mem finally got a car last month and all is good we still talk and hang out mem had a surgery on Tuesday where she would be on anesthesia so she called me last week if I can drive her since the clinic was near my place I asked her what time and she said it was at 7:15 a.m. I was driving at the time and said oh let me look at my schedule and I'll let you know in a few and texted me then asking if I could just drop her off at home and she could find a ride there I was still driving so I didn't respond right away and then a few minutes later she messaged me saying that it's okay she'll figure it out I told her sorry I was driving but that I can drop her off after her appointment no problem I explained if I picked her up before her appointment I would have to get up at 5:30 to get ready and leave my place by 6 so I can get her and that it's too early for me but I have no problem getting her after her appointment she replied I just don't want to be a burden and I reassured her that I'm fine with getting her after she didn't reply to that but I thought nothing of it I tried to do small talk with her a couple of days later but she only responded with a thumbs up so I didn't say anything until Monday I asked if she needed me to pick her up and she said no that she has it covered on Tuesday I texted her wishing that the surgery went well and to let me know if she needs help with anything got left unread with no reply since I'm thinking about sending her a text later asking if I upset her but I'm honestly flabbergasted that she's giving me this silent treatment over this I still offered to get her just not both times it would still be an hour out of my day to help her out and this was after all the other times I've driven her the previous few months how should I bring this up to her honestly I feel like if op's already tried to reach out a few times tried to make small talk about it I would just probably leave her to herself and hope that at some point they get over it and reach back out and shoot if they still need help dayto day they probably will be reaching out sooner or later if anything though this would make me extremely hesitant to consider doing so again in the future but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely tricky relationship topic check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rRelationshipsGRANDMAWANTSMYINHERITANCEMONEYRedditStories
aita for breaking up with my fiance after he caused a massive problem with the police after a bouncer took his driver's license my ex- fiance Greg has a baby face he is 28 but could pass for 16 we were on vacation for Marty gr and for some reason the bouncer thought he had the power to confiscate a Wyoming driver's license Greg said fine we won't come and just give me back my ID the bouncer said no and tossed it in the trash behind it I tried to pull Greg away but he wouldn't let it go he called the non-emergency line but as you can imagine they were kind of busy I told him that I would pay for a replacement I said we had his passport since we were going on a cruise as part of our vacation he didn't need his license back he was pissed that the cops wouldn't help so he told the bouncer that he was going to his car to get his gun and get his ID back then we left we heard from other people that the area was a show afterward and the bucket full of fake or real ID got kicked over in the rush and his ID was lost in the crowd Greg acted like it was all a big joke people could have gotten seriously hurt he went on the cruise like nothing happened I thought a long time about it and I can't imagine a future with someone who thinks this is accept
give me a good story on AITAHforbrkupwithmyfianceafterhecausedamassiveproblemwiththepoliceaftera
I did what my husband wanted and now it's not enough refer back to my previous post I decided to put my salon up for sale and come home to be a stay-at-home mom but as the title says he's still upset with me now almost every day I hear how I make him miserable he wants to divorce me I never giveth only taketh his words I'm still currently working at my salon because it hasn't sold yet he wants me to go ahead and be home I guess but I just really don't understand what's going on I'm finally putting in motion what he wanted so badly for me to do and it's like he hates me more now I just want my marriage to work I'm giving up everything to do so and now I feel like I'm giving up my whole livelihood to come home to be mistreated and probably in the end just divorced anyways I mean if you had been trying to get your spouse to quit their job for years and they finally start the process of doing it what would be your stance my salon SL clients have been a huge part of my life for the past eight years I'm very close with all of them I have no support at home my husband doesn't talk to me about really anything surface level much less my feelings about anything I've begged him to go to counseling but he won't go he's going through a custody battle with his first child and I think that may be what he wants to do with me too he's mentioned that he would just give his lawyer a bigger retainer and they could just fight us both at the same time the more I type this out the more stupid I feel for putting my salon building up for sale but I love my husband and would love nothing more than for us to have a good relationship and make it through this ETA thank you all for your comments I don't know if it's the fact that I've been gas lit for so long or what but since all of you have the same opinion I want to make sure I'll am 100% honest to make sure that I've have given every single bit of information I can to get accurate advice my husband pays for all the house bills I pay my car note which I just paid off and for my child's daycare he has a very demanding job that does pay for most of our expenses he says my salon doesn't allow me to be home so I'll can do my responsibilities here supper cooked every night laundry always done Som run any errand he needs Etc he also wants me to sell my salon because when I bought it he put 30k in it to renovate it so when I sell it I do have to give him that back he's made it clear that this is not about what's best for me but what's best for the family ETA again I am very blessed to have awesome parents that love me despite me not having a ton to do with them since I've been with my husband it's always a fight anytime they want us to go eat come over Etc I know that I could live at one of their properties if something happened I'm also from the south where the patriarchy is wild abuse has been widely used in these comments he's hit me with an open hand on a few occasions one being here recently after a night out I apparently disrespected him after he stormed out of the bar because the band didn't play a song after he tipped them $20 bucks to play it he apparently also got mad at me because the band said if you have ever had a broken heart let me hear you scream I screamed and I guess that embarrassed him I obviously have a lot to think about I also need to go see a counselor and a lawyer thank you for all of your input it has helped me tremendously
give me a good story on Ididwhatmyhusbandwantedandnowitsnotenough
:00.060 --> :06.060 This event has been over and done with   :08.340 --> :09.416 now for a while, but I was browsing the  subreddit and figured I'd share the story,   :09.416 --> :09.960 if for no other reason than to air out  some unresolved feelings of frustration. :09.960 --> :16.020 My grandmother is, shall we say, a stubborn  person. Normally this stubbornness would   :16.020 --> :20.640 manifest itself as wanting to cook a meal a  certain way (even if she isn't the one cooking)   :20.640 --> :25.860 or simply not backing down about a disagreement  until she hears you say she's right and you're   :25.860 --> :30.540 wrong. Aggravating stuff but for the most  part we got along because I saw her in small   :30.540 --> :35.940 doses. I'm also her only grandchild so she was  thrilled whenever I would come visit, and that   :35.940 --> :41.100 largely outweighed any clashing we had. I got the  sense it was also because she felt determined to   :41.100 --> :46.020 have a good relationship with me after screwing  things up with my mom, her daughter. Long story   :46.020 --> :51.120 there and it's not mine to tell, but she went  no contact with my gran in high school and only   :51.120 --> :55.380 reconnected with her after I was born, but  things always remained tense between them. :55.380 --> :00.000 Anyways, things began when my grandmother's  lease went up and she didn't want to renew it,   :00.000 --> :04.500 so she moved out of her apartment and in  with us. This was not an arrangement any   :04.500 --> :08.160 of us were looking forward to, mainly  because my parents have been trying   :08.160 --> :13.140 to move out of our house since they bought  it two decades prior, and also we all knew   :13.140 --> :18.240 prolonged exposure to my gran without a way  to escape would cause problems. But she's   :18.240 --> :22.800 family and even if none of us were psyched  about it, we're the only relatives she has,   :22.800 --> :27.180 so we did the right thing and took her  in. She was also not very excited about   :27.180 --> :31.500 it because it meant she would be giving up an  entire living space she'd been accustomed to. :31.500 --> :38.580 Living with her rapidly became difficult. She  is, put plainly, a slob. She would carry a box   :38.580 --> :44.160 of tissues with her everywhere, and when she used  the tissue, instead of throwing it out she would   :44.160 --> :50.040 jam it wherever she was sitting, so our living  room sofa quickly became a snotty mess. She would   :50.040 --> :54.900 take food upstairs and never bring it back down,  more than once our kitchen was entirely empty   :54.900 --> :01.500 of silverware, bowls, plates, etc. We had to go  upstairs and remove all the moldy, crusty dishes   :01.500 --> :06.480 and take them downstairs to be washed before we  could use them. We asked her multiple times if   :06.480 --> :11.340 she could help by just taking one dish down with  her whenever she used the stairs. She would smile,   :11.340 --> :16.260 nod, and then just not do it. Her bedroom  looked like an episode of Hoarders,   :16.260 --> :21.900 because she used an ungodly amount of tissues  and would fill entire trash bags with them,   :21.900 --> :27.960 and that's not even counting the endless magazine  subscriptions. She would also drink excessively--I   :27.960 --> :31.680 used to run out to the store and get her  her favorite bottle of wine at her request,   :31.680 --> :38.640 and she quickly graduated to drinking an entire  large bottle in one, sometimes two days. It got   :38.640 --> :42.900 to the point that my parents and I had a  mini-intervention and told her point-blank   :42.900 --> :47.100 that we would not get her anymore. She started  getting it delivered to the house from online. :47.100 --> :53.820 One problem that affected me specifically was her  radio. Her bedroom was next to mine and the walls   :53.820 --> :59.400 had no insulation, so sound carried over easily  and she would blast the radio all through the   :59.400 --> :04.080 night, preventing me from getting any sleep.  Multiple times I would creep into her room at   :04.080 --> :09.660 night and turn it down, only for her to suddenly  wake up and turn it back on. Whenever I confronted   :09.660 --> :13.800 her about it she would get angry and say I  should accommodate her being hard of hearing,   :13.800 --> :19.980 and that I need to compromise--as if waiting until  2 am to try to turn it down wasn't compromise   :19.980 --> :24.900 enough. I bought her headphones, as well as a  special pillow with a speaker inside it, so that   :24.900 --> :29.700 she could better hear the radio without needing to  turn it up so loud. She never even opened the box. :29.700 --> :34.860 The spoiled food problem eventually got  so bad that there was a permanent smell,   :34.860 --> :39.480 and when she found bugs in her room she  freaked out and blamed it on the house,   :39.480 --> :44.880 which was a bald-faced lie because my dad  had gutted and remodeled the entire house   :44.880 --> :50.040 with his bare hands. It was bought originally as  a fixer-upper, hence why they were planning on   :50.040 --> :55.920 selling it. Also, literal piles of rotting  food tend to attract insects, who knew. :55.920 --> :01.860 She eventually developed pneumonia and also blamed  that on the house, even though by this point she   :01.860 --> :06.540 wasn't leaving her room and hadn't bathed once  in the six months she'd been living either us.   :06.540 --> :12.540 She even got my dad to screw metal handlebars into  the bathroom wall tile so she could use the tub,   :12.540 --> :18.060 but never used them once. She was prescribed  medicine for the pneumonia but would not take it,   :18.060 --> :23.160 eventually requiring a nebulizer because  of how severe it got. I think it actually   :23.160 --> :27.300 might have transformed into something  worse, but i can't remember the name. :27.300 --> :32.460 Two or three times she had to return to the  hospital because her condition worsened despite   :32.460 --> :37.500 everything we did to keep her room clean and make  sure she took her medicine. When this happened,   :37.500 --> :43.680 we would pull all the furniture out of her bedroom  and scrub the carpets, remove any mold and bugs,   :43.680 --> :48.900 and pick up any trash and rotting food. Instead  of being grateful or changing her habits,   :48.900 --> :53.280 she would be upset that we touched her  belongings and "violated her privacy".   :53.280 --> :58.800 The damage that she was doing to that room also  meant that selling the house was impossible,   :58.800 --> :04.200 but her presence there meant the room would never  have an opportunity to improve or be worked on. :04.200 --> :08.220 It was around the second hospital trip  that she started taking the little trash   :08.220 --> :13.260 cans we had scattered around the house  and using them as toilets. For context,   :13.260 --> :17.940 the upstairs bathroom bathroom is literally  next door to her room, she just couldn't   :17.940 --> :23.700 be bothered to go to it. I vividly remember  picking up a plastic can and it being full of   :23.700 --> :28.320 urine. She also had an incredibly old cat that  she'd brought with her who was a sweetheart,   :28.320 --> :33.540 but would defile the room with her waste  because my gran couldn't clean the box herself. :33.540 --> :38.580 I'm definitely forgetting more things she did,  but one thing I remember was my parents had   :38.580 --> :43.800 gone away for the weekend and my boyfriend at  the time came over. We ordered Indian takeout,   :43.800 --> :49.260 which I knew my gran loves, so we offered to  get her something as well. She took us up on it,   :49.260 --> :55.260 and my boyfriend paid for it despite my protests.  We gave her her food, only for her to call us   :55.260 --> :00.180 back a few minutes later. She told my boyfriend  that the rice in the takeout was the wrong kind   :00.180 --> :05.460 and that she would not be eating it, could  he please take it away? I was flabbergasted   :05.460 --> :10.380 my the rudeness of it all. My parents scolded  her about how inappropriate that is to act,   :10.380 --> :14.760 especially toward someone who isn't  even a relative, but she tuned them out. :14.760 --> :20.640 Not once did she ever say thank you. Not when  we cleaned her room, or bought her groceries,   :20.640 --> :25.320 or cleaned up her waste, nothing. My  mom wanted nothing to do with her,   :25.320 --> :30.720 my dad wanted to help but was too busy with  work to really do anything, and even he reached   :30.720 --> :35.400 his limit when her lifestyle began to damage  the house. I was the most sympathetic to her,   :35.400 --> :40.200 but she would summon me and ask me to do  things, then send me away as if she were   :40.200 --> :44.700 dismissing a servant. Even when I called her  out on it, she didn't express any gratitude. :44.700 --> :49.500 I fully believe that she was exhibiting  a textbook case of Diogenes Syndrome,   :49.500 --> :55.380 or senile squalor syndrome, because all of the  behavior matched. She was depressed about not   :55.380 --> :00.120 having her own space anymore. We were sympathetic  to that and tried to get her out of her room many   :00.120 --> :06.480 times. But she fought us every time, and would  refuse to admit her behavior was unhealthy. When   :06.480 --> :12.060 we would point out how ungrateful and rude her  behavior was, she would get defensive and end   :12.060 --> :18.360 the conversation. She needed psychological help.  At the very least she needed some sort of cleaning   :18.360 --> :24.360 service or in-home nurse aid, but she refused  the idea of one every time it was brought up.   :24.360 --> :30.240 Her behavior caused so much stress that the  entire family was on edge and at each other's   :30.240 --> :34.980 throats. It eventually reached a point where we  admitted to ourselves that we were unfit to care   :34.980 --> :40.020 for her because she needed professional help.  We brought it up to her and she shut down the   :40.020 --> :46.740 conversation so fast. I understand not wanting to  go a nursing home. I don't begrudge her that. But   :46.740 --> :51.420 she would insist that she was independent when  the fact was that if we ignored her requests,   :51.420 --> :56.580 she'd be unable to fend for herself. She told  us her solution was to keep things as they were,   :56.580 --> :00.420 as long as we did things for her she  could take care of herself (because   :00.420 --> :05.160 that's definitely what independence is).  It was like talking to a brick wall. :05.160 --> :09.960 One day while everyone was out of the house, we  received a call that she had tried to go down our   :09.960 --> :15.900 stairs, fell, and broke her back. The fall was not  lethal nor would it cause any permanent damage,   :15.900 --> :21.300 which was a relief. But it meant that she would  require lots of physical therapy and caregivers.   :21.300 --> :25.680 The hospital assigned her a social worker,  I think because of the care she would need,   :25.680 --> :30.240 but she refused them by citing that her  family (us) would take care of her needs. :30.240 --> :35.400 My father and I work full time and my mother  has a slew of health problems and chronic pain   :35.400 --> :40.860 that make it difficult for her even to look after  herself at times. The idea that all three of us,   :40.860 --> :45.420 even if we weren't fed up with her, would be  able to drop everything and take care of was   :45.420 --> :51.420 as hilarious as it was insulting. When she told  us that was her plan, we had become so embittered   :51.420 --> :56.400 toward her that our decision was easier than it  should have been. We removed all of her belongings   :56.400 --> :01.500 from the house and put them into the storage unit  that contained the rest of her items she'd moved   :01.500 --> :06.540 out of her old place with. We called the social  worker and told her in no uncertain terms that she   :06.540 --> :10.800 would not be allowed to move back in with us,  and would need to find another place to live. :10.800 --> :16.920 She was furious. She sent a slew of emails  threatening to sue for wrongful eviction (she   :16.920 --> :21.780 didn't pay rent and signed no contract with us)  and theft of property (because we had touched   :21.780 --> :25.500 her stuff, but we technically returned it  to her because it didn't belong with us,   :25.500 --> :30.960 and my dad paid for that storage unit). Those  emails stopped pretty quickly when it became clear   :30.960 --> :35.520 she wouldn't have a case and wouldn't be able  to intimidate us into letting her move back in. :35.520 --> :40.680 When she was discharged, she did go to an assisted  living facility that the hospital partners with.   :40.680 --> :45.840 She stayed there until she'd recovered, and  despite everything being in the hospital   :45.840 --> :51.120 environment and the care facility improved the  rest of her health a lot. But instead of staying,   :51.120 --> :56.760 as soon as she was able to discharge herself, she  did. She moved into a hotel and has been there   :56.760 --> :02.640 since. I visited a few times to deliver some stuff  that had been left behind. Each time I visited the   :02.640 --> :07.500 hotel room was in a worse state. We're pretty sure  she'd been refusing room service because she's   :07.500 --> :13.440 embarrassed by it, but without anyone cleaning  it's become caked in mold, dirty cat litter, and   :13.440 --> :18.540 unwashed clothes. It's been over a year now and I  shudder to think what that place looks like now. :18.540 --> :23.100 It's terrible, but at this point we are basically  just waiting for the call that tells us she's   :23.100 --> :28.680 passed. I know that her age and mind are partial  causes of this, but there is only so much behavior   :28.680 --> :33.420 and borderline abuse you can excuse away with  that. Family accounts from relatives that go   :33.420 --> :39.600 back decades before I was born also confirm that  this is just how she is and has always been. I've   :39.600 --> :44.280 moved in with my partner and my parents moved to  their dream home, and none of us have any contact   :44.280 --> :49.800 with her. And she has no one to blame but herself.  I'm not sorry that she's essentially getting her   :49.800 --> :25.500 comeuppance, but I'm not happy about it either.  So I pulled my mom down during her lunch break to   :25.500 --> :30.900 talk to her. Just for a quick preface, me and my  mom work in the same hospital. She, like I stated   :30.900 --> :35.520 before, is a nurse while I am just a barista  at the café on the main floor of the building. :35.520 --> :40.740 I asked her why she never stuck up for me when it  came to pops and she tried to use every excuse she   :40.740 --> :46.620 could. Saying "You need to let it go" I told her  "I've been letting it go for 10 years now! And I   :46.620 --> :51.240 deserve an explanation to why you would let a man  who has told me from day one he is not my father   :51.240 --> :57.000 and made me fear him rather than love him do what  he has done to me for so long." She tried to say   :57.000 --> :02.700 that if she intervenes that things would only get  worse and he would explode. I told her "Good. Let   :02.700 --> :08.400 him explode. Let his probably last daughter see  him for how he truly is, and call the police." :08.400 --> :14.280 She finally caved. She explained that she DOES  NOT want to be married to him because of his   :14.280 --> :19.620 actions. She said he won't let her put anything  in her name. The house, the cars, none of it is   :19.620 --> :25.080 in her name. I asked "Why not leave and use your  savings to get by for awhile? I'm sure living   :25.080 --> :29.640 in an apartment and getting a less expensive car  would certainly be better than dealing with him."   :29.640 --> :35.580 She admitted to me she used all her savings to  get herself through nursing school. Now I should   :35.580 --> :39.960 say that the nursing school my mother went to  was a bit different than a normal one. Rather   :39.960 --> :46.020 than go through years of college, spacing out the  classes they cram everything into one super high   :46.020 --> :52.860 stress school year. The program isn't cheap but  has an EXTREMELY high hiring rate at nearly 100%   :52.860 --> :58.920 of students get hired into a hospital or clinic  before they even fully graduate. My mom had done   :58.920 --> :04.500 this program in 2020 while my dad was deployed  and then covid hit. Me and my sister were stuck   :04.500 --> :10.980 in online school but my mom was not. So her school  work coupled with both her kids stuck at home and   :10.980 --> :16.500 no support from my dad other than him barking  orders at her over the phone stressed her out so   :16.500 --> :21.720 much that she failed at the tail end of the school  year. The class would kick you out if your grade   :21.720 --> :28.140 dropped below a 70% And she unfortunately missed  one to many questions on one of her last tests   :28.140 --> :32.520 but the director of the program begged her  to come back again the next year because she   :32.520 --> :38.280 knew my mom could do it. It used the last of her  savings but she did it but now has to earn back   :38.280 --> :43.320 all that money. She told me it's hard because now  that she has a job, my dad thinks he can just buy   :43.320 --> :48.120 whatever he wants. I've heard her get onto him  multiple times for spending money on PlayStation   :48.120 --> :53.700 but he always says "I thought the new call of duty  weapon pack looked cool so I bought it. Whatever,   :53.700 --> :59.520 it's MY money anyway." or how he instead of  putting things in the amazon cart and talking   :59.520 --> :04.320 to my mom about it will just now buy it if  he feels like it. I told my mom that I can   :04.320 --> :10.080 sympathize with that but asked why she never told  me and rather made it seem like I was alone in my   :10.080 --> :16.500 dislike for his actions. She told me "It's an  adult situation." I said "Mom. I'm 19, gonna be   :16.500 --> :23.280 20 in June. I AM an adult. I have 2 jobs and even  pay or help on some of the bills and groceries.   :23.280 --> :29.100 You should've told me a longtime ago whether I was  an adult or not." She apologized and said she was   :29.100 --> :33.660 ashamed of herself. She than explained that she  understood that I was right and that I didn't   :33.660 --> :38.460 need to deal with his bull sh*t any longer than  I already have and that she would help me find a   :38.460 --> :43.260 place. Even offered to help me talk to my friends  family and see if I can't go back home with them   :43.260 --> :49.020 after their trip as a temporary place to stay. But  she asked that when I leave to not to do it in a   :49.020 --> :54.540 super dramatic way and to just either leave when  he gets deployed for a month in April or to tell   :54.540 --> :59.340 him way before hand and to make sure there's no  way he can try to shoot it down. She said there   :59.340 --> :04.500 isn't anything she can do about the car and she  knew he wouldn't let me take it but she offered   :04.500 --> :10.320 to ask some friends and co-workers to help me move  whenever I find a place and are able to leave. :10.320 --> :15.480 So I guess mom is on my side. I told her  I appreciate it but it will take longer   :15.480 --> :20.160 for me to forgive her for letting him  hurt me all these years and she said she   :20.160 --> :24.900 understands and will likely never forgive  herself for it either. I will update you   :24.900 --> :28.860 guys with another post when the situation  changes. Thank you all for your support,   :28.860 --> :41.460 it means the world to me and feels  amazing letting this off my chest. read. :59.280 --> :04.260 So, for months I already had in mind that  my father might be an entitled parent,   :04.260 --> :09.300 since he always has in mind that I MUST  do everything he says immediately just   :09.300 --> :13.920 because he's my dad. Well, I guess that  was just a supposition... Until now. :13.920 --> :19.560 Today I'd have my second Krav Maga class this week  (for those who don't know, it's a self-defense   :19.560 --> :25.200 martial art), which I do just for fun and to make  some physical activities. My dad asked me earlier   :25.200 --> :29.700 to take the clothes that were just been washed,  and I said I'd do it when I was going to take a   :29.700 --> :35.340 shower. At first he didn't say anything about it,  so I stayed in my room watching some videos. After   :35.340 --> :40.500 some time, he came in questioning about my future,  like "How are you going to live alone someday if   :40.500 --> :45.420 you can't even do what I tell you?" (That because  I said that next year I'll hopefully live alone in   :45.420 --> :50.520 another city due to university and crap). I took  a deep breath and said "I told you I was going   :50.520 --> :55.980 to do it before taking a shower" and he started  screaming saying that I was being disrespectful   :55.980 --> :01.260 and that I must do what he tells me to do because  he pays for everything here. After that, I asked   :01.260 --> :06.780 him "Why do you need to yell? I'm talking normally  to you" and he interrupted me saying "I'M YELLING   :06.780 --> :11.820 BECAUSE YOU'RE BEING FREAKING DISRESPECTFUL TO  ME", and that continued for a couple of minutes. :11.820 --> :16.440 After hearing lots of yelling, I went to do  what he told me while he was still yelling   :16.440 --> :21.600 and saying I'll have no future, that I'm being  disrespectful and... Yeah, all those entitled   :21.600 --> :26.400 parent arguments you already know. After that,  I said "Ok, I'm doing what you told me to,   :26.400 --> :31.080 can you please stop yelling now? No one needs  to hear that we're arguing" and guess what:   :31.080 --> :37.020 He yelled even more and came close to me, trying  to intimidate me as he was almost spitting on   :37.020 --> :42.660 my face while talking to me. As I learned on the  Krav Maga classes, I kept my hand raised in case   :42.660 --> :48.360 he tried to punch me or something, but started  to pop my fingers, and he saw that and said "Oh,   :48.360 --> :53.160 you raised your freaking hands?? What are you  gonna do, huh? Punch me??? Then do it, come on!   :53.160 --> :58.680 I wanna see if you're brave enough!". I, again,  took a deep breath and said "I'm just popping my   :58.680 --> :03.360 fingers.." and he went away saying he wouldn't  let me do the Krav Maga classes anymore because   :03.360 --> :09.300 I was "using it against him", thing that made me  really freaking angry, but I managed to stay calm   :09.300 --> :14.220 and don't start yelling like him, since then  I'd just destroy every point I had until then. :14.220 --> :19.860 In the end, after lots of yelling from him, I  tried to say that he was being childish because   :19.860 --> :24.000 he always yells and tells me to shut up when  I say something and that he doesn't even try   :24.000 --> :29.340 to hear what I say, and he said "I don't need  to hear what you say! You have no autonomy in   :29.340 --> :33.900 this house! Once you start paying for your  things I'll start trying to hear you!" and   :33.900 --> :38.580 it ended with me saying "I really hope you  think about what I said here. I wanna live   :38.580 --> :42.240 peacefully with you, thing that won't  happen if you continue being like that". :42.240 --> :46.080 Well... I think that was just another  reason to start making some money to   :46.080 --> :09.180 live alone as soon as possible... So today  was my grandpa's birthday lunch and we sat   :09.180 --> :14.940 on a restaurant. My mother couldnt stop doing not  very pretty comments like how slow i was eating,   :14.940 --> :21.660 or how i should instead "watch" rather than eat  all with that snobish faked accent. Then she went   :21.660 --> :26.520 a step further by saying to my dad that i hurted  her that morning (a thing that wasnt true btw).   :26.520 --> :31.980 After some more mocking of my mother she said  it was a "torture to eat with me and my sister"   :31.980 --> :37.380 which i answered that she was the torture. Then  i cannot remmember what happened because was too   :37.380 --> :42.900 fast. My mom said i was somehow spoiling the  party and everyone was looking at us(on an   :42.900 --> :47.520 empty isle of the restaurant...) and she went  outside to smoke and we havent talk since yet. :47.520 --> :53.340 At first i though i did spoilt in indead so i  said sorry to my grandpa but now that i think   :53.340 --> :22.740 this was pretty surreal. For context, I’m a 25F  living in a different country than my parents.   :22.740 --> :29.100 I live in an expensive city where I pay my own  bills. I work and study full-time. I was recently   :29.100 --> :34.320 promoted from being an intern to a full-time  employee and the first thing my dad says is   :34.320 --> :40.620 “oh so you’re giving us your first salary?” It was  more telling than asking. All my life I’ve heard   :40.620 --> :47.640 my dad say “I will die the day I have to take a  single penny from you.” The irony. Moreover, they   :47.640 --> :53.700 are well-to-do. Anyway, knowing the narcissistic  rage I’d face if I didn’t heed them, I gave them   :53.700 --> :59.160 all my salary and dug into my savings for my  expenses. I also just recently paid for a part   :59.160 --> :06.060 of my sibling’s (20M) vacation when he visited me.  And yet, they go around telling people how I “used   :06.060 --> :11.940 them” only because I am opinionated, like to be  independent and want to marry the man I’ve loved   :11.940 --> :17.700 for 8 years as opposed to the man they would have  arranged for me. It makes me so upset and angry. :17.700 --> :23.520 My parents are narcissists so I’ve had my fair  share of physical, emotional and verbal abuse   :23.520 --> :27.900 since my childhood. I was sent away to  a boarding school in a different country   :27.900 --> :34.140 as a means of punishment when I was 11 because I  started “acting out” (lying to go hang out with   :34.140 --> :39.840 friends) due to physical and emotional abuse  at home. So, I basically grew up independently   :39.840 --> :46.440 and learnt everything on my own. I knew financial  independence was my only ticket to freedom. By 18,   :46.440 --> :53.160 I learnt some skills, got part-time gigs. Then I  did tons of internships, saved up, bought gifts   :53.160 --> :57.300 for my family because it was expected of me.  I love buying presents for my friends though. :57.300 --> :02.340 At 22, I had to pursue a masters degree  because there was a threat of an arranged   :02.340 --> :07.800 marriage and I felt that studying in a foreign  university would buy me time and some physical   :07.800 --> :14.280 distance . I knew my parents would use financial  means to control me so I suggested taking a loan   :14.280 --> :19.800 to pay for my education. My dad turned  the house upside down and was seething   :19.800 --> :25.380 with so much anger at the mere suggestion.  Anyway, all while I’m studying full-time,   :25.380 --> :32.460 I’m also working full-time to pay my bills. It  was exhausting. My parents just piled on with   :32.460 --> :37.440 nasty and hurtful comments every chance they  got because they felt I was enjoying my life. :37.440 --> :44.388 I graduated top of my class, got a good job and  yet nothing makes them happy. All I hear is “you   :44.388 --> :50.160 are in this position only because I worked so hard  to provide for you,” and “we gave birth to you and   :50.160 --> :55.740 you should respect us.” So then, I am coerced into  giving them my salary while I actually need it to   :55.740 --> :00.780 sustain myself. On top of that, they treat me  badly and say crap about me to their friends.   :00.780 --> :05.940 I might not have minded giving them my salary,  but for parents who never treated me like a human   :05.940 --> :37.560 being and have so much pride, this infuriates  me and yet I feel helpless. Hello everyone. Hope   :37.560 --> :41.400 everyone had a good Valentine's day. I have  an interesting story to tell you all about   :41.400 --> :47.100 my grandma. Now this is entirely new behavior  from her and it honestly doesn't make sense. :47.100 --> :51.960 I recently started growing my hair out. It's  not terribly long right now but it's getting   :51.960 --> :56.940 to a length I'm happy with. And my grandma  wants to cut it. Not take me to a barber,   :56.940 --> :00.600 physically cut it herself.  I of course object to this,   :00.600 --> :05.400 I hate getting my hair cut and didn't want  to get any major hair cuts anymore. The minor   :05.400 --> :10.200 cuttings to get rid of dead hair I could deal  with. But my grandma isn't having any of it. :10.200 --> :15.720 She whines that it'd make me look better for  school and for photos. Of course I tell her   :15.720 --> :21.060 that if I'm getting my senior photos done, I'm  dressing how I look when I finish highschool. None   :21.060 --> :27.000 of this suit and tie BS, I'm doing a comfortable  hoodie, pants, basketball shoes, and long hair.   :27.000 --> :31.977 Here is a conversation of her and me going back  and forth about it (G for grandma, M for me) :31.977 --> :35.880 G) I just want you to look good for your  pictures. What happened to my baby boy? :35.880 --> :41.760 M) Grandma what are you on about. I'm still me,  I'm just growing up, and as for my pictures,   :41.760 --> :46.140 I'm gonna be dressing how I want to  dress. I'm not conforming to anyone. :46.140 --> :50.820 G) But these photos will be the ones that  everyone remembers what you look like in   :50.820 --> :54.840 your senior year. And everyone wants  you to look nice. It's not only me. :54.840 --> :00.180 M) Grandma I understand why you want me to look  a certain way, but I don't want to dress in a   :00.180 --> :04.620 way that won't be a representation of who I  am. I want to be remembered the way I want   :04.620 --> :10.200 to be remembered. Not how anyone else wants me  to be. I'm sorry but that's my final decision. :10.200 --> :14.520 Now that's just one interaction. She  hasn't dropped it since I moved in   :14.520 --> :19.320 with my mom. See my previous posts  for that info. I love my grandma and   :19.320 --> :22.860 I understand where she's coming from  with the photos but I also want to   :22.860 --> :27.060 be remembered in a way that represents  me. I'm not gonna be fake for anyone. :27.900 --> :39.600 Sorry for the rant but this has been bugging me   :39.600 --> :59.640 for a while. Hope everyone has a good week. I'll  see all you lovely people in the commentsSo this   :59.640 --> :06.900 happened around 2009/2010(i forgot), it was the  24th of December and we were having a family lunch   :06.900 --> :11.760 at one of our favorite restaurants. My parents  and I were eating and my mom brought up the topic   :11.760 --> :17.700 that tomorrow is her birthday. My dad responded  with, "Okay, tomorrow we can go to the mall and   :17.700 --> :24.000 buy some shoes". My mom's face turned sour and  she sulked and stayed quiet the whole trip back. :24.000 --> :28.260 When we reached my dad's apartment building,  my dad dropped us off as he had to return   :28.260 --> :33.720 to work. My mom starts talking about how  stingy my dad is and how for his birthday,   :33.720 --> :39.840 my mom bought him clothes, a rolex, etc. When we  reached the apartment, we sat down in the room and   :39.840 --> :45.360 my mom called my dad. I still remember her exact  words, they were "I don't want to fight okay,   :45.360 --> :52.320 I don't want to fight. If you don't want to give  me present... DOOOOOOOOOOOONT (yes, the O was very   :52.320 --> :57.780 long) give me present! I don't want to fight!"  She then hangs the phone up before my dad could   :57.780 --> :03.180 say anything. After the call, she then lays on  the bed with her back slightly upwards, telling   :03.180 --> :09.420 me these exact words (with my name changed, obv).  "SLMoon, mommy don't need present SLMoon.. Mommy   :09.420 --> :16.200 only need SLMoon and daddy love mommy. Mommy don't  need present SLMoon!" with a sad but strong face. :16.200 --> :19.920 The evening when my dad came back from  work, she just stayed in the room,   :19.920 --> :25.140 pretending like nobody came home so my dad  carried on with his day. When midnight came,   :25.140 --> :30.720 my dad and I wished her a happy birthday. The next  morning, we decided to go to TGIF and the whole   :30.720 --> :36.000 car ride she was looking outside the window with  a sulk on her face. We then sat at a long table,   :36.000 --> :42.180 then "coincidentally" met my dad's best  friend and his family. We ate together and   :42.180 --> :47.460 after a short period of time, waiters all  came to deliver her cake which was ordered   :47.460 --> :52.260 and booked MONTHS prior to her birthday.  They all sang her happy birthday and some   :52.260 --> :57.360 other birthday songs which I didn't know.  My mom's face turned red with a huge smile,   :57.360 --> :02.640 she then made a speech with the ketchup bottle;  she made a short speech. Gifts were later given   :02.640 --> :08.280 by the waiters as he had asked them to "hide"  them. She was so happy that day, and of course   :08.280 --> :14.340 me being the prankster than I am made fun of  her phone call while laughing my butt off. xD :14.340 --> :49.800 So here's my first post, sorry if there wasn't  any conflict like other posts. Hope you enjoy!
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsHOWISURPRISEDMYMOMONHERBIRTHDAYRedditStoriesen
wibta if I skip my BFS graduation pictures to see my sister's dance recital please help I genuinely don't know what to do and whatever I choose someone will still be hurt for context my BF M24 and I F20 have been together for 2.5 years my sister F14 is a freshman in high school and has followed my footsteps and joining the school dance team I'm saying this BC I know how hard these girls work all year attending football games pep rallies competitions and now the final recital to close out the school year which is this Friday at 7:00 p.m. I try my best to show up for her dance events BC was always at mine even if it was force LOL and we are just very very close and I hated when she couldn't come to my dance event so at the feeling of not having your besti be there for support I've been planning on going to the show since she joined the team last year but didn't know the exact date till about a month ago all this to say my boyfriend's graduation pictures are at 600 p.m. the same day on our college campus the thing is my sister show and my hometown is 3 hours away my BF has had to reschedule the pictures twice already and this is the only photographer that has good quality pictures for a decent price he wants me to be there not only to support him but to take care of his dog basically ours at P let's call him Greg while he's being photographed so Greg can can join in on some of the pics and we can all get one together as well really we can get pictures together when I graduate this fall so that's not the main issue it's just Greg BC there's no one else to watch him and my BF only gets a 45-minute session when I brought this up to BF and my mom they both felt hurt and that I don't give them enough time obviously I see my BF more BC we live in the same town and go to the same college and I visit my family as often as I can it's just been hard recently with work and me and my BF also had to take a last minute trip over spring break to see his sick Uncle he is Parkinson's and we don't know how much longer he has my thing is it's just pictures and we can make up for them when I graduate but at the same time he only graduates once and while he does have friends here he wants my support for the pictures and I don't want to miss my sister's performance it's her first year on the high school team and it's a big deal for her I don't want to miss either one but would I be the for skipping my BF grad pictures it gets long but I tried to give as much detail as I could I'm a big fan of the tht show I definitely need some advice ASAP though update thankfully he was able to get the pictures rescheduled for the day before so that problem is solved I also ended up apologizing to my mom for even considering missing the recital I mentioned this in the comments but my BF was making a very big deal about me missing and I think that got to my head I'm very close with my mom so I went to her for advice but now I know I shouldn't have BC I know it hurt her thinking I would even do that to my baby sister thank you for all the advice I truly appreciated every comment even if I didn't reply if y'all are curious before the pictures got rescheduled we were able to agree that I should go see my sister's recital but we don't have to worry about me missing pictures anymore smile
give me a good story on WIBTAifiskipmybfsgraduationpicturestoseemysistersdancerecital
I made my depressed friend homeless for my own comfort in November a friend 28m mentioned that he was currently homeless and alternating between living with his sister and her big family in a trailer and his car with his cat I 31f offered to let him live in my storage room spare bedroom to get back on his feet there was no rent or utilities discussed he's never paid a dime him staying here has always been understood to be a temporary thing but no actual time limit had been disgust he's been a very considerate roommate he stays in his room most of time he cleans up his messes he's polite Etc and I absolutely cannot stand living with him I've lived alone since I was 19 and I hate hate hate having someone else in my private space I thought I'd be okay but I'm tense and on edge all the time listening for his footsteps breathing anything I had a very abusive childhood and until I moved into my own apartment I was never safe at home I get unreasonably annoyed at the tiniest pettiest things I want my house back I want to make soup and french toast at 3:00 a.m. I want to vacuum at 10 p.m. super petty like that however he has nowhere to go he's getting a student loan check in 2 weeks but other than that he has no income rent is through the roof and we live in a housing desert when I moved out at 19 I paid doll 780 for a one-bedroom apartment by myself he's looking at over1 1,200 for an apartment the same size I genuinely think he won't be able to afford or qualify for any apartment in town and he hasn't done anything really wrong to me I'm just neurotic would I be the for telling him I'd like him to leave by the 1st of February how about the 1 of March update 1 we just had the uncomfortable conversation and I went in softly I did not end up giving him a deadline at this time I reminded him this was temporary and grilled him on what he's been doing to look for for an apartment he admitted he had been doing nothing and he had absolutely no plans no leads and hasn't made any attempt however I think he will leave soon of his own valtion he is very conflict avoidant and I'm very Furious after he admitted that he hadn't been looking for a place to live nor was he looking for a job I told him that the place where I work my second job was hiring he told me he had a confession to make I smoke weed no Sherlock I can smell it every day it's super strong and my entire house smells like weed it just wasn't a problem since I smoke sometimes too would have been nice if you asked but whatever anyway he says he can't get a job because he smokes weed and thinks he can't pass a drug test I suggested he stopped smoking weed for a couple weeks he kind of went May so if he legitimately believes he can't get a job because of weed in his urine he's choosing daily weed over being a self-sufficient adult I think it's an excuse he would rather smoke pot than get a job so I should support him that's the actual choice he's making I reminded him several times that him staying with me was always a temporary thing he needed to start planning to leave but he could take a couple months get on his feet I'll help him get on his feet and get a plan in place I explained why I was incredibly clear and repeated myself several times now I'll be pinning down his conflict avoidant ass for uncomfortable conversations about job applications and housing resources at least twice a week I'm going to be getting info from managers employees at a bunch of different places about how they don't care about weed in the Yuri it's legal where we live I'm going to be researching and finding info on housing resources apartments for sale and all that research is one of my strongest skills I'm going to be so helpful that the only way he'll be able to avoid getting a job is to move himself out and if that doesn't work by the time he gets his big check in a couple weeks I'll give him the March deadline I think Miss nice girl just flew out the window and I'm going to be making french toast at 3:00 a.m. with no shame update 2 he came out of his room a little while after our conversation and told me he's moving back in with his sister tonight I told him he didn't need to I wasn't kicking him out I just wanted him to start planning and getting ready to be on his own he was in a passive aggressive rage though packed all his things except his cat and moved out I now have another cat I don't know if at some point he'll want the cat back or not he's gone I'm on my way to Home Depot I'm changing the locks tonight
give me a good story on IMADEmyDepressedFriendHOMELESSForMyOwnComfort
one is lying the right thing to do a young German Soldier during World War II was ordered to check the house for Jews after minutes of searching he declares the house clear his commanding officer is unconvinced Xiao and Zee and Den dock Bowden he orders check the attic die Lucas dolphin die warden's ishnish Dort versteken the young Soldier says the attic door is wide open surely they wouldn't hide there his Commander shakes his head Xiao and Zee trots named knock go check anyway the soldier climbs the ladder as he peers into the darkness he sees at least a dozen Jews hiding in the Attic all women and children their terrified faces look back at him nobody dares to move the young Soldier turns and shouts to his Commander Alice clar all clear the soldier closes the trapdoor leaving the Jews in the dark he will never see them again decades later one of the young children in the Attic will recall the anonymous soldier's kindness every single person in the Attic survives the war many attribute their lives to the young man dishonesty is right when it saves innocent lives
give me a good story on Whenislyingtherightthingtodo
AIT for refusing to wear white at my brother-in-law's gender reveal party my brother-in-law is hosting a gender reveal party for his first child let's call brother-in-law Sam I'll be using fake names so Sam invited my fiance Dean again fictional name yes I'm using Supernatural characters because I have no creativity LOL and told him I should be his plus one okay nothing wrong with that I thought it a bit odd because the invite said the following every guest in their plus ones must each bring gifts to the party yours is medium diapers 108 pants or more plus a gift to Mom and Dad the sheer Audacity Of asking mom and dad had a gift and not the baby moving on the invite didn't set a word about the dress code so I thought of wearing business casual which is what I wear on a daily basis it wasn't until yesterday I found out Sam and his girlfriend wanted all the invitees to wear allh I freaked out because Dean my fiance has an old all-white formal attire he's borrowing from his dad but my family in general just hates white clothes so obviously I had nothing not even a shirt I asked Sam if it's okay if I choose to wear a jumpsuit and showed him a picture I'll attach here the style it's pretty close of what I wear on a daily basis so I thought maybe I could pair this with black or maybe chose a color to go with it and use it afterward
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtowearwhiteatmybrotherinlawsgenderrevealparty
:00.229 --> :03.469 Posted by u/SJ1026 :03.469 --> :06.710 19 hours ago :06.710 --> :11.950 My brother and SIL put my unknowing teenage niece into a lifetime of debt :11.950 --> :15.260 M My bro and sil are extremely irresponsible :15.260 --> :20.130 with money to the point they have already been bankrupt twice and are working on #3 :20.130 --> :24.620 right now it just hasn’t been enough years yet since the last time. They both owe over :24.620 --> :30.269 $150,000 in student loan and credit cards plus they owe more on their home than it’s :30.269 --> :34.460 worth because they take out every cent of equity they gain immediately saying they are :34.460 --> :39.030 going to pay off debt with it but blow it on more impulsive luxury buys. :39.030 --> :43.430 They have 3 kids, the oldest is 18 and in college. I just found out that they took out :43.430 --> :49.560 massive student loans (in the kids name exclusively) way beyond what was necessary and they blew :49.560 --> :54.260 it on themselves! They already scammed the kid out of her life savings last summer buying :54.260 --> :59.100 her a car but they pulled a switch on her by purchasing a manual transmission that she :59.100 --> :02.910 doesn’t know how to drive. I know they did it on purpose because my bro wanted the new :02.910 --> :07.520 car for himself and said it was a fair trade to give her the old beat up ugly mini van :07.520 --> :11.610 instead but didn’t give her the money she put up for the new car back. :11.610 --> :16.330 The in laws set up a college fund for her as a small child and every holiday instead :16.330 --> :21.600 of gifts money was put in. When it came time to use the money she discovered it was all :21.600 --> :27.450 gone. They spent it all behind her back and she had no idea until she needed it and found :27.450 --> :28.450 out. :28.450 --> :32.299 I just found out that they got her deep into student loan debt way beyond what she needed :32.299 --> :37.040 and she hasn’t even started her second year yet. They thought Biden was going to forgive :37.040 --> :43.780 $20k so they went and blew through it thinking it’s free money! This poor kid has no idea :43.780 --> :48.070 the magnitude of what they have done to her long term. They screwed up their own lives :48.070 --> :53.070 and finances beyond repair and just couldn’t resist taking advantage of their own kid by :53.070 --> :58.259 putting her deep in the hole where she will never be able to pay it off or will be trying :58.259 --> :03.630 for the rest of her life. The career path she is pursuing is not a high earning job :03.630 --> :08.360 so she is already going to struggle with supporting herself on her own after college. I don’t :08.360 --> :12.270 think she knows how much debt is being racked up in her name and if she decides to quit :12.270 --> :17.100 school or choose another path she will be stuck with a huge payment regardless. :17.100 --> :21.519 Tuition is super cheap as she stayed in state so they could have easily paid out of pocket :21.519 --> :26.610 and avoided putting her into the same situation they are in. I am disgusted at the level of :26.610 --> :32.810 entitlement they have to literally rob their own kid out of every cent she had which wasn’t :32.810 --> :38.390 much to begin with then proceeded to sentence her to massive debt for life on top of it :38.390 --> :44.920 so they can keep spending frivolously on everything from eating out every meal, new tech gadgets, :44.920 --> :49.709 trips, 2 new cars for themselves, clothes and home decor etc. :49.709 --> :53.950 They owe my parents tens of thousands for all the bailouts to save their house from :53.950 --> :59.870 foreclosure several times. It would take all day to go over all the rotten greedy entitled :59.870 --> :05.540 things they do but screwing over your own kid is next level and they have 2 more kids :05.540 --> :12.520 to take advantage of coming up besides. :12.520 --> :27.400 Posted by u/Godzilla_Cheese :27.400 --> :42.280 8 hours ago :42.280 --> :53.860 My aunt bullcraps me and thinks she can freak :53.860 --> :56.220 me up with 3 euros an hour. S :56.220 --> :02.500 My aunt hired me to work for her as a helper (i'm 12 but I consented(my worst idea)) and :02.500 --> :08.530 pays me 3 euros an hour and wants me to:sweep the entire place(about 500meters cubed), clean :08.530 --> :14.200 her setup and tools, wash the dishes, prepare for the clients and go shop for her to name :14.200 --> :19.910 a few and when i asked for at least 50 cents more she told me to shush and I yelled at :19.910 --> :24.930 her but that bench wouldn't budge. She called my dad and I got sent home and won't even :24.930 --> :45.979 get paid for today. (I've worked for 3 days now) Whose :45.979 --> :47.280 in the wrong? :47.280 --> :50.430 Posted by u/Natural_Constant8203 :50.430 --> :53.580 2 hours ago :53.580 --> :04.690 I almost got my Legos stolen at Lego land S :04.690 --> :08.270 So today I posted on here for the first time today (if you want to read it that you can :08.270 --> :13.230 go to my post history) and it made me remember some other stories so here is one of them. :13.230 --> :18.041 Over I think fall break one year my parents took my brother and I to Lego land (I was :18.041 --> :24.200 and still am a huge Lego fan). Anyway at the time Ninjago was a huge deal and I got Jay :24.200 --> :28.970 and Garmadon minifigs and brought them to breakfast to play with. For more info the :28.970 --> :34.150 breakfast was only for people staying in the hotel and they would use large 2x2 Lego bricks :34.150 --> :39.310 to mark which tables were taken. Now I sat down with my 2 minifigs and the restaurant :39.310 --> :45.020 was a buffet so I got up shortly after my parents and left my minifigs at the table :45.020 --> :50.370 (I don't know why I did this). So I get my breakfast and come back to see people sitting :50.370 --> :55.340 at our table, my parents call me over and tell me they took our table so I tell them :55.340 --> :00.240 i left my minifigs there and we ask them if they have them and they say that they didn't :00.240 --> :05.240 see them even though I remembered I put them in front of me and they weren't there. I accused :05.240 --> :09.960 them of being thieves (I was 8 or 9 at the time) and the mother at the table said that :09.960 --> :14.479 "if I wanted to keep my stuff I should have kept it with me" and they didn't even bother :14.479 --> :18.360 too look for them. A staff member (I think the manager) tried to keep the peace and asked :18.360 --> :23.330 which set they were in to try to get me new ones (Shout out to him). Anyways we eventually :23.330 --> :28.990 sat back down and the staff member had a talk with the family when they "magically" found :28.990 --> :33.830 the characters under the table. Not only that but they also weren't staying at the hotel :33.830 --> :38.910 which was a big no no and got kicked out. :38.910 --> :47.300 Posted by u/Natural_Constant8203 :47.300 --> :55.699 8 hours ago :55.699 --> :57.810 A Mother Grabbed Me at Disney S :57.810 --> :01.650 I'm not so sure if this fits here but I'll post it anyway. When I was in elementary school :01.650 --> :07.330 (probably 1st or 2nd grade for those not in the US I was 6-8 years old) my grandparents :07.330 --> :13.250 had saved enough money to take me, my brother, mom, dad, cousin, aunt, uncle, and themselves :13.250 --> :18.680 to Disney World as a family trip for a couple of days (They are awesome I know). One day :18.680 --> :22.729 we went to this Finding Nemo thing where you could take a picture in this sharks mouth :22.729 --> :27.020 and I think you could do other things there. I did not know that it was for pictures and :27.020 --> :32.169 went to the sharks mouth next to this woman and her young (probably 4 year old) daughter. :32.169 --> :36.500 Now instead of tapping me on the shoulder and asking me to move she grabbed my arm, :36.500 --> :42.129 dragged me away, (I was in tears at this point) and when my parents saw her and came over :42.129 --> :46.580 to me I explained what happened, crying, and she said something like "He shouldn't have :46.580 --> :51.960 attacked me and my daughter." Keep in mind I was young and had just walked over to the :51.960 --> :56.270 shark's mouth. Anyway after that there was an argument and we just ended up leaving the :56.270 --> :57.879 building. :57.879 --> :08.710 EDIT: Thank you everyone for the support. Sadly there are other people in the comments :08.710 --> :17.479 who have had similar situations. But thank you for reading! :17.479 --> :19.520 Posted by u/Humble-Stock-5397 :19.520 --> :21.560 2 hours ago :21.560 --> :26.060 Mom sells my stuff to buy Christmas presents for dad "without using his money" :26.060 --> :29.020 M Okay, I have an entitled mom. She does things :29.020 --> :34.279 her way, and devil take the hindmost. But this story is really the first couple of times :34.279 --> :36.919 I "realized" she was entitled. :36.919 --> :42.589 I'd been a novice guitar player, and while I enjoyed it, I wasn't a fast learner. Still, :42.589 --> :48.330 I had an acoustic guitar that I dearly loved. Then, one day I didn't have an acoustic guitar. :48.330 --> :53.160 Why? Here's how my mom explained it. "I hate to take dad's money to buy him a Christmas :53.160 --> :58.280 present, so I sold your guitar ... after all, you weren't using it ..." :58.280 --> :05.550 Uh, yeah, right. I practiced every day except on days when my other passions - the boy scouts, :05.550 --> :10.850 comic books, etc. - got in the way. I'd even been talking about starting a band, and practicing :10.850 --> :16.040 in our basement. Do you begin to see another motive for selling my guitar when I wasn't :16.040 --> :20.769 looking? Not surprisingly (though it was a surprise at the time) she refused to replace :20.769 --> :23.820 my guitar when I told her I wanted it back. :23.820 --> :28.810 Another example - not quite so clear-cut, but still ... backstory. My dad served in :28.810 --> :34.190 the Navy, in the Pacific, during WW-II, and as a souvenir, he brought back a Japanese :34.190 --> :40.030 army rifle, an Arisaka. Now I knew even as a teen-ager that dad didn't see land combat, :40.030 --> :44.839 so he must have bought the rifle from a Marine or soldier, but still, it was a rifle and :44.839 --> :50.010 therefore way cool. I'd started shooting (targets) while in the scouts, at summer camp, and I :50.010 --> :54.730 quickly realized I had a gift for that - I later went on to shoot on the college rifle :54.730 --> :59.900 team, so, yeah, I was good. And as the only son, I figured the rifle would be mine when :59.900 --> :07.090 I turned 18. But no, one day I found the rifle gone, and yeah, mom sold it to buy dad a Christmas :07.090 --> :12.649 present, but not with "his" money (she didn't work out of the home, so earned no money of :12.649 --> :13.800 "her own"). :13.800 --> :18.830 One final story about entitled mom. When I went off to college, I did two things. I bought :18.830 --> :23.450 a reel-to-reel tape recorder (at that time, this was state-of-the-art) and copied all :23.450 --> :28.010 of my extensive collection of records onto tape because they were easier to store in :28.010 --> :33.279 a dorm room. I left my albums at home, but I had not abandoned them. Until my mom sold :33.279 --> :38.160 them - without asking (and these I'd bought myself - there wasn't even the excuse that :38.160 --> :43.310 "I bought you your guitar, so it's mine to sell if I want."). When I found this out, :43.310 --> :50.500 I went ballistic - then, a horrific thought hit me, and I raced up to my room and ... :50.500 --> :56.980 ... my comic book collection was gone. "You're too old to collect comics," she explained, :56.980 --> :01.260 then again noted that this was the only way she could afford to buy dad a birthday present :01.260 --> :07.440 without using his money." Now sure, these were well-read comics, but still. I had the :07.440 --> :14.240 first (and the first hundred or so) Fantastic Four comics. The first (and first hundred :14.240 --> :19.819 or so) Spiderman comics. The first .,. well, you get the picture. Even well-read comics :19.819 --> :25.240 - if they date back to the origins of Marvel as a comic powerhouse during the Stan Lee/Jack :25.240 --> :31.620 Kirby days - are worth thousands or more today. But only if you actually still own them. :31.620 --> :37.870 Sigh. Did I mention that mom died a multi-millionaire, but she made sure that us kids got nothing :37.870 --> :43.180 - most of her estate went to St. Jude's - a good charity, but with her wealth, sharing :43.180 --> :49.019 even a small percentage of that wealth would have still left St. Judes with many millions :49.019 --> :11.690 - but, as the song goes, "and she's buying her way to heaven ..." (or so it seems :11.690 --> :13.270 to me. :13.270 --> :17.610 Posted by u/trying-to-get-by-11 :17.610 --> :21.950 38 minutes ago :21.950 --> :25.870 Crazy entitled neighbor freaks out about me "watching" her kids :25.870 --> :28.800 L So a bit of background first; I broke my ankle :28.800 --> :34.699 back in May. I've never broken anything before and I managaged to break my bone in two places :34.699 --> :39.550 so healing has been slow and new to me. I was told I needed to keep my foot up to avoid :39.550 --> :44.260 swelling, and frankly, you didn't have to tell me twice as putting my ankle down to :44.260 --> :49.190 the ground level felt like all my blood came rushing back and it was going to explode, :49.190 --> :53.620 and so it was super painful for a while. I'm getting to the stage where it finally no longer :53.620 --> :58.410 hurts to sit up normally with my foot on the ground, and thank god because I'm beyond tired :58.410 --> :03.560 of laying down. I can really only exist in two places in my home comfortably now, my :03.560 --> :08.830 bed and our couch. But moving me from the bed to the couch is a lot for both me and :08.830 --> :13.970 my boyfreind, so we only do it on weekends and I work from home in bed during the week. :13.970 --> :18.010 So since I'm tired of laying down and now in a phase where I should be working on movement :18.010 --> :23.280 with my ankle, I have been sitting on the edge of my bed for a bit everyday to eat, :23.280 --> :28.470 work, move my foot, etc. At my side of the bed is a giant window, and my boyfreind opens :28.470 --> :31.610 the window daily for me so I can enjoy the sunlight. :31.610 --> :36.199 So, today I had been doing things as normal, sitting on the edge of the bed to work and :36.199 --> :40.570 just enjoying the summer sun. I live in a condo building so a lot of times kids will :40.570 --> :46.040 play outside in the parking area, and I hear them so much (not super loudly by any means) :46.040 --> :51.070 that I just zone them out when I work. I can see them sometimes but most of the time they :51.070 --> :55.660 are over in an area I can't really see from my window. My boyfreind had just gotten back :55.660 --> :00.720 from the grocery store, and he was definitely not in the best mood since the air conditioning :00.720 --> :06.370 on the car stopped working and it was painfully hot outside. He was mumbling to himself about :06.370 --> :11.130 having to go outside when it's a bit cooler out and take a look at it when we heard a :11.130 --> :16.300 pretty aggressive knock on the door. Everything from this point forward is my boyfreind re-telling :16.300 --> :20.009 me the story since I was in the bedroom and not near the door. :20.009 --> :24.940 As soon as he opens the door she goes off instantly, "You need to tell that women to :24.940 --> :31.060 stop staring at my kids. It's creepy." My bf finds this incredibly hilarious even though :31.060 --> :35.889 he has no idea what in the world she's talking about and his first reaction was to immediately :35.889 --> :42.050 laugh and just responded "What?" as best as he can though him losing it. She did NOT like :42.050 --> :47.279 this reaction, and started on a tangent, saying things along the lines of "It's weird for :47.279 --> :52.779 her to be sitting there staring out the window during the day", and that "she (me) needs :52.779 --> :57.440 to come out here and explain herself" and if I didn't come out there and apologize and :57.440 --> :04.329 stop she would "report me for being creepy", and how my bf was likely "equally as creepy". :04.329 --> :09.810 My bf was over this as fast as it started and once he could pull himself together, inform :09.810 --> :15.160 her that I could not come to the door, and she needed to stop jumping to weird conclusions. :15.160 --> :19.620 Of course, she asks why I "don't have time to come to the door but plenty of time to :19.620 --> :23.670 stare at kids." He tells her I'm sitting on the edge of the bed like that because I'm :23.670 --> :29.019 stuck in the bed due to a broken ankle and I can't walk. As she starts to go off about :29.019 --> :34.339 not believing him, he simply shuts the door in her face. He said she knocked on the door :34.339 --> :37.940 on and off over the next hour before giving up. :37.940 --> :42.269 A little later my boyfreind walked outside to deal with the car air conditioning and :42.269 --> :46.103 decided to look into the window I was sitting in front of. He said you can see me, but you :46.103 --> :51.580 need to get pretty close, and I'm clearly looking down most of the time and when I have :51.580 --> :55.880 my laptop in hand you can clearly see the top of it. He's said it's more creepy that :55.880 --> :58.650 she came this close to the window to watch me. :58.650 --> :03.170 She hasn't come back again, and I hope she never does. We have window shades that slide :03.170 --> :08.079 down from the bottom and top, so we decided to switch them so this weird lady can't look :08.079 --> :12.670 inside. Just a bit sad because I did enjoy having the trees visable in the background :12.670 --> :13.690 while I worked. :13.690 --> :15.910 Posted by u/MythicCell :15.910 --> :18.120 1 day ago :18.120 --> :25.490 Important update on my situation. M :25.490 --> :38.110 Since the last post, there have been many important developments. :38.110 --> :42.720 At approximately 1am, I was brushing my teeth, as I had struggled to gather the motivation :42.720 --> :47.750 to do it earlier, and the house was relatively peaceful, as my mother was asleep and nobody :47.750 --> :52.930 else was here. But my dad came home with my sister to bring her back from work, and he :52.930 --> :57.940 started knocking on the door. I was annoyed and didn't open, as I just wanted to finish :57.940 --> :59.680 brushing my teeth. :59.680 --> :04.140 Massive mistake. My father was at the door, and when he saw that I was brushing my teeth, :04.140 --> :09.870 and that my phone was there, he went BALLISTIC. He kicked me in the butt, while demanding :09.870 --> :14.490 that I plug my phone in and threatening to break it into my head. After I put it down, :14.490 --> :19.520 I was ordered to finish brushing my teeth in the kitchen, so I obeyed. :19.520 --> :24.110 Strike 2. I was in a corner, which ultimately led to my dad cornering me and yelling at :24.110 --> :29.679 me over me not brushing my teeth fast, my math grade, as well as him trauma dumping :29.679 --> :35.830 for countless minutes. His screaming intensified and got more violent, starting to throw punches :35.830 --> :41.211 and kicks at me, while hollering death threats at me if I didn't pass my summer class. After :41.211 --> :46.900 approximately 10 minutes of being threatened, this nutshow ended. I finished brushing my :46.900 --> :51.780 teeth and went to my bed, having a panic attack in the process, as I did not know what to :51.780 --> :52.780 do. :52.780 --> :57.830 Strikeout. My father then went into my room to continue screaming at me. By now, it was :57.830 --> :02.419 1:30am, I was struggling to hold it together, and I was ready to beat the heck out of him :02.419 --> :07.260 and run out to never come back. He continued to trauma dump and hit me with a cloth, before :07.260 --> :08.799 finally leaving. :08.799 --> :13.840 Arrogantly enough, he said Good night, which I ignored. That ticked him off, as he said :13.840 --> :19.210 I said good night in a furious voice. I just said a faint good night, as I was struggling :19.210 --> :22.980 to breathe and fathom what the heck I was just subjected to. :22.980 --> :28.730 This morning, he acted as if absolutely nothing happened, which particularly infuriated me, :28.730 --> :33.309 as I was unable to sleep for more than four hours and still had painfully high heart rate :33.309 --> :38.360 (which I still do as of writing this). I have since filed a report with the police and I'm :38.360 --> :40.409 hoping something happens soon. :40.409 --> :45.240 I don't feel safe at all, so any help would be appreciated, whether it be advice or a :45.240 --> :49.190 word of kindness. Thank you for reading this. :49.190 --> :55.429 Posted by u/Mr-Priate-Foxie :55.429 --> :08.780 1 day ago :08.780 --> :12.070 Do people expect fast food workers to know their political opinions? :12.070 --> :15.020 S So, I work under the golden arches, and a :15.020 --> :19.970 few days ago, someone left us a review that went like this, and I'm not sure if this belongs :19.970 --> :24.950 here, or somewhere like r/choosingbeggers so let me know if this belongs to a different :24.950 --> :25.950 sub :25.950 --> :32.200 Dissatisfied My order number was AK 17 and I was told that was a good number because :32.200 --> :39.190 of AK-47 rifle. In this current political environment and as an outdoorsman and Hunter, :39.190 --> :43.900 I found it, pretty tone, deaf in light of the current political environment and republican :43.900 --> :49.480 congressman calling for war. As an outdoorsman and hunter, I found it pretty tone deaf in :49.480 --> :53.970 light of the current political environment, and Republican congressmen, calling for war :53.970 --> :08.120 Posted by u/somethingig686926 :08.120 --> :22.259 20 hours ago :22.259 --> :27.100 My em and her girlfriend are pushing my little sibling to their breaking point,they'll end :27.100 --> :28.230 up like me M :28.230 --> :36.470 I (transm16) have 2 bio siblings (14nb, 8b), my parents are getting divorced and my mom :36.470 --> :40.890 has a girlfriend that gave birth to a baby earlier this year. We live with our mom and :40.890 --> :45.659 her girlfriend mainly because my dad is a truck driver so he can't support us and his :45.659 --> :52.090 girlfriend lives far away and has 5 kids. Now me and my sibling (14 we'll call o) have :52.090 --> :57.480 been taking care of my mom and our step brother (3-5 months). We get up early take turns through :57.480 --> :03.080 out the day with the baby and our mother cook clean watch my little brother ECT. I've recently :03.080 --> :09.179 been noticing O has been sleeping more crying secretly and overall showing signs of being :09.179 --> :13.220 mentally worn out. I've tried to take more of the load off them by staying home with :13.220 --> :17.520 the baby while they get to go out when the girlfriend goes shopping getting up in the :17.520 --> :22.370 morning having a longer turn ect but its still very stressful. :22.370 --> :27.299 Today after going to visit one of our cousins O came to me crying saying how our mother :27.299 --> :32.380 and her girlfriend called her our grandmother (the woman who hurt us stole alot of our things :32.380 --> :37.320 ect) said how they are so lazy, and basically called them worthless because the house had :37.320 --> :43.330 the babies and our little brothers toys everywhere. I had to calm them down by us watching something :43.330 --> :49.720 together remind them they arent useless and put them to sleep. I was(am) very upset because :49.720 --> :55.650 my mom and my dad did the same thing to me calling me worthless throwing loads of things :55.650 --> :01.910 I can't handle onto me till I broke, which caused me to spiral into getting groomed s/h :01.910 --> :07.520 trying to kms and lots of mental problems. I don't want O to go through what I went through :07.520 --> :12.200 so I went to my mom. We got into an argument due to this and I kept asking them to help :12.200 --> :17.299 O. Obviously they aren't mentally well obviously they need a therapist and if they wait to :17.299 --> :21.940 help just like how they waited for me they'll see another child in and out of the mental :21.940 --> :26.920 hospital. My mom just said I'm accusing her of being a terrible mother (if the shoe fits :26.920 --> :32.460 but whatever) and said she'll "look into it". The girlfriend was just apologizing over and :32.460 --> :37.080 over and wanting to talk to O but I didn't allow it mainly because I don't want them :37.080 --> :39.049 cornered by two adults. :39.049 --> :43.660 Now I'm looking even harder for a job so I can put aside trying to move out quickly, :43.660 --> :48.490 and pay for my siblings therapist and anything else they need. I'm so tired of this and O :48.490 --> :54.610 is too, this is a cycle and I'm tired of following it. It happened to me and I won't let it happen :54.610 --> :00.100 to O, as much as O irritated me I love them and I'll help them. I don't want them as bad :00.100 --> :05.190 as me, it sucks knowing that I'll never be mentally ok and be normal. My dad is asleep :05.190 --> :09.750 but I'ma try to talk to him see if atleast he'll help find them a online Therapist. The :09.750 --> :14.179 bare minimum. :14.179 --> :25.770 Posted by u/pinkpeachy345 :25.770 --> :37.360 21 hours ago :37.360 --> :41.670 My parents don't like my boyfriend. He hasn't done anything to me, and he has never abused :41.670 --> :46.679 me. It is mostly my mother I notice that doesn't like him, and my dad really likes my boyfriend :46.679 --> :50.809 but usually plays along with my mother. Why does my mother not like my boyfriend? :50.809 --> :54.540 S My boyfriend is 23 and I'm 21 we been together :54.540 --> :59.500 for 6 years and I have notice that my mother seems to not like him because whenever she :59.500 --> :04.620 is around certain group of her friends like her friend asked me "you have a boyfriend" :04.620 --> :10.279 mother said "yes she does but we will see how long that lasts and smiles at me" I just :10.279 --> :15.090 look at her like why would you say that or another time she said " I don't know why you :15.090 --> :20.110 don't break up with him and go be with other guys when I was your age I dated lots of guys :20.110 --> :24.409 before I married your father you should go and exlplore the world instead of staying :24.409 --> :29.900 with one man for the rest of your life" I always never say anything but I always looks :29.900 --> :34.690 at her and ask her why would you say something like that and she usually never answers me :34.690 --> :39.809 back but I never understand that she pretends to like my boyfriend espically whenever he :39.809 --> :44.490 started his bussiness and things were going good she called him randolmy and said "if :44.490 --> :49.840 you ever need anything I'm always here" I know she never usually calls him so but my :49.840 --> :55.240 point is why doesn't my parents like my boyfriend espically my mother and my boyfriend told :55.240 --> :00.309 me "I don't feel appericated by your parents I just feel toltered by them whenever they :00.309 --> :05.390 invite me anywhere or whenever I'm at your house mostly your mother I notice she likes :05.390 --> :10.140 to keep herself with high standards and she doesn't like to be seen in public with people :10.140 --> :16.179 she thinks are below her which I know that is how she treats me but I don't care so"My :16.179 --> :20.919 boyfriend parents always treated me like thier own daughter and always very welcoming of :20.919 --> :26.529 me inside thier home and invite me places with them or call or message me to check on :26.529 --> :30.799 me and they introudce me to their friends and family as thier sons wife although I'm :30.799 --> :35.549 not married to their son yet I noticed the difference with how my parents treat my boyfriend :35.549 --> :40.570 and how my boyfriend parents treat me complety oppsite and we always wonder why our parents :40.570 --> :42.080 treat us like that. :42.080 --> :06.880 What is your advice on :06.880 --> :08.280 this situation? :08.280 --> :11.380 Posted by u/guilhermej14 :11.380 --> :14.490 3 days ago :14.490 --> :18.010 Would this piece of news from Brazil fit here???? cuz I think it would.... :18.010 --> :20.610 S So basically what happened is that a cop decided :20.610 --> :27.010 to literallty (And sorry for the capslock here) THREATEN A TEACHER WITH A GUN POINTED :27.010 --> :31.320 TO HIS HEAD after he had an argument with his child and all. :31.320 --> :35.399 Now this would be bad enough, even if the kid himself was innocent. But the reason the :35.399 --> :40.690 teacher decided he had to you know, pull him up to a private conversation and deal with :40.690 --> :45.700 him. Is the reason the teacher chose to pull him up for a private conversation and reprehend :45.700 --> :46.700 him: :46.700 --> :54.900 The reason my dear readers... is that he was unironically defending Nazism during a lecture. :54.900 --> :00.090 That's right, the parent literally had a son defending some of the most disgusting human :00.090 --> :06.159 beings in human history, and an ideology that has killed a crap ton of people, and continues :06.159 --> :11.690 to cause harm to THIS VERY DAY. And decided that the best course of action is to threaten :11.690 --> :17.350 to arrest the teacher, and when that fails, pull a freaking gun on his head. :17.350 --> :22.120 Also the teacher was target of frequent mockery from the student. (Not surprising considering :22.120 --> :25.289 how little respect people in Brazil has for teachers...) :25.289 --> :30.330 But either way, what do you guys think? Do this little.... incident, fit here? I think :30.330 --> :35.460 it does, this has to be the most primal example of an Entitled Parent I've ever seen. :35.460 --> :36.460 Posted by u/Ok-Extension238 :36.460 --> :37.460 5 days ago :37.460 --> :38.930 Ex mil strikes again S :38.930 --> :43.050 My former bf and i broke up because of his mother and I haven’t heard from him for :43.050 --> :44.050 a couple of months (thank god). :44.050 --> :45.050 His mother came to my door demanding that I take him back as he is blaming her for breaking :45.050 --> :48.990 us up and that he barely talks to her now a days. She demanded I take him back as she :48.990 --> :51.350 wants him to start talking to her again. I bursted out laughing in her face for about :51.350 --> :52.350 4 min and I couldn’t stop which made her even more angry. I closed the door in her :52.350 --> :54.650 face and got ready to go to work. This woman FOLLOWED me to work and again demanded I take :54.650 --> :56.970 her son back and I just continued laughing in her face. :56.970 --> :59.012 In the end I told her to freak off and that she made her bed and she can rot in it. She :59.012 --> :00.012 looked stunned as I don’t usually talk back to her (because I didn’t want to upset my :00.012 --> :01.012 ex). I told her if she continued to harass me I would go to the police. She seem to back :01.012 --> :02.012 of after that threat. Good riddance. :02.012 --> :03.012 Posted by u/strawberryprincess81 :03.012 --> :04.012 3 days ago :04.012 --> :05.012 Wanted her to move out... now she wants her new house :05.012 --> :07.140 S When my friend was 19 she lived with her father, :07.140 --> :11.871 stepmother and half sister in a four bedroom house. Her stepmother wanted her to move out :11.871 --> :16.450 and go live with her aunt and uncle so her real daughter could move in. Her daughter's :16.450 --> :22.040 husband left her after she adopted a kid after finding out she can't have kids. The husband :22.040 --> :26.840 wanted biological children. Her bedroom was going to her stepsister and the fourth bedroom :26.840 --> :32.370 going to the granddaughter. Her aunt and uncle decided to have a custom made shed transformed :32.370 --> :38.309 into a four bedroom house. Her aunt and grandmother decorated the house its beautiful (I'm seen :38.309 --> :43.320 it) Her stepmom saw it and immediately wanted her daughter to have it because she need her :43.320 --> :48.309 own place and its too much house for just one person. Her father finally told his wife :48.309 --> :53.750 no it's his daughter house to leave her alone. Her stepmother was giving her the side eye :53.750 --> :59.580 the entire time during the house warming party. Here's the thing her stepsister never wanted :59.580 --> :04.799 to move in her. Her stepsister is nice and her father did the same thing turned a shed :04.799 --> :10.220 into a nice house. Several parishes from her mom. The stepsister and a new job and kid :10.220 --> :15.310 has adjusted well with a new school. My friend's boyfriend moved in with her. The stepmom has :15.310 --> :27.320 stopped bringing :27.320 --> :56.860 up :56.860 --> :00.830 the house.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMOTHERTRIESTOSTEALMYHOUSERedditStoriesen
a it ta for not wanting my boyfriend's family in our future this story is long and very confusing but I'll do my best to explain everything that needs to be explained I 21f and my boyfriend 23m started dating after we met each other at our job his Aunt Sarah 35f was our manager and she did not like me from day one however when I met his mother's family on his 21st birthday they seemed fairly open with me when my boyfriend came to visit my family they were nothing but accepting and loving to him which makes the situation frustrating to make a long story short we lived in an apartment under his Aunt Sarah's name she decided to move her disabled mother and disabled brother into one of the bedroom of our two-bedroom apartment without asking granted I understand it was her place however her mother had already been evicted from the property and legally was not allowed to live there she was friends with the landlord shortly after Sarah's brother Sam 30m got out of prison and decided that he was going to live in our apartment you can't live in my apartment complex if you're a convict which caused even more issues he would do drugs in our bathroom and steal from us I learned this after everything happened Sarah his aunt would walk into our apartment and start yelling at us over things that happen inside the apartment examples including asking my boyfriend's uncle to clean the bathroom after he peed on the floor his grandmother spread rumors that I was abusive to my boyfriend she heard us fighting and assumed I was beating him her mother claimed she felt like a slave because she was constantly washing dishes nobody asked her to it was literally the only thing she did the first time I met my boyfriend's father he asked to look at my wrists claimed I wasn't going to be in his son's life for long and then proceeded to speak only to his son not acknowledging me ever since then I've had bad blood with him there has been more instances but that's the only one that truly matters thankfully his aunt-in-law Angel 30f so how much we were struggling and helped us put a down payment on our own apartment so we didn't have to live in that that anymore Sarah decided that this was an active betrayal and started talking about me to family and co-workers saying I was a gold digger and didn't work hard enough I was the one who bought all of our furniture our groceries Etc as a drama with his family continued my boyfriend mental health began to decline and I was also becoming increasingly more depressed and decided that we needed a break from each other this caused talking amongst his family about how terrible of a person I am which caused a strain in my relationship with his mother's family as have other issues happened but I don't have space to type we have since got back together but I can never see myself in the future wanting his family to be any part of our lives so am the
give me a good story on AITAfornotwantingmyboyfriendsfamilyinourfuture
told my parents that my 18m girlfriend 18f is pregnant my girlfriend and I are 18 and about the graduate high school we're both planning to go ton College in the fall we up and she got pregnant I tried to get her to take the Plan B pill right after we had unprotected sex but she was too scared she wanted to let the universe take its course now she's around 8 weeks pregnant she hasn't been to the doctor or a Planned Parenthood or anything like that to confirm any dates but online calculators say she's 8 weeks she's not taking any action right now it's like she's just ignoring it and hoping it'll go away she regularly freaks out and cries to me about it saying she can't be a mom I offered to help her get an abortion and to be with her she's too scared of that I think she really needs to tell her parents now because I don't know what else to do I think she just wants to hide it for as long as possible and that honestly freaks me out so I warned her I was going to tell my parents I gave her like 2 weeks and she did nothing so I finally told my parents last night we were all in the living room and I just decided to say it because there was never going to be a good moment to say it I basically just told them I did something
give me a good story on ToldmyparentsthatmyMgirlfriendFispregnant
a ITA for only buying my parents stuff that cannot be shared or taken while my brother and his family live with us my brother 32 has been knocking up his wife 32 since they were in high school their oldest is now 13 but they have three more she is a stay-at-home mom and he works as cleaning staff at a fifo camp it's pretty good money but they waste a lot of it they have multiple gaming systems and the two oldest kids have very new iPhone I 28 live in The Loft above my parents' garage I do not pay rent because my folks want me to say up for my future I help out around the house and I buy groceries for my parents as well as myself my brother and his family live in the in-law suite in my parents' basement it was supposed to be a rental to get them some extra money for when they retire but after my brother lost his job because he would not get vaccinated our folks let them move in I also love to buy them gifts but my brother and his family always needed exactly what I happened to give them for example I brought my mom a very colorful bag from Columbia called the mochila it is just a woven C cotton shoulder bag made with very vibrantly colored yarn my niece nine saw it and wanted to use it for a project at school where she promptly lost it I got my father a bottle of Van Winkler bourbon since he loves to have a drink after a long day my brother and his wife found it and drank it mixed with orange juice because it was so strong tasting so now I do other stuff I took my mom to go see Anastasia and I got us really good seat no one else was invited I took my dad out for a steak dinner and then to a speaky in our city and treated him to a $160 cocktail these are things my parents love doing but won't waste money on I keep the groceries I buy in my loft I will make meals for my parents and have them over or I will bring the ingredients and cook with my dad my brother started asking why I don't leave the groceries in the freezer fridge or Pantry that they have access to and why I stopped buying my parents gift he says that I'm living there for free and I should give them more I asked him how much he was paying them in rent or how he was contributing to the household and he said he was tired on the weeks he was home and that his wife and kids were too busy to help I work a full-time job I volunteer at a cat rescue I do theater Sports as a hobby and I still manag to help with yard work housework errands and helping with my grandmother who is in a locked in facility for dementia patient I pointed this out and he said I was being a little I said I wasn't stupid enough to leave anything around that he or his family could steal now we are fighting and my parents are upset his wife called me an for not sharp the treats I buy from my parents I can afford to buy treats for my parents and I but not for five more people who do not contribute
give me a good story on AITAforonlybuyingmyparentsstuffthatcannotbesharedortakenwhilemybrotherandhisfamily
a it for not supporting my sister so she can adopt my brother's son this is a throwaway because my relatives use Reddit all names are fake when my brother M35 Jake went to jail for a short stint I am30 was on paper the best candidate to take care of his son M7 John the issue was that I did not have the qualities needed to be a good parent and even if I did my brother's son to put it lightly was a very difficult child I eventually caved into family pressure and manipulation however I did not agree to taking John unconditionally I made it clear that I could not do this alone and extracted Promises of support from many relatives in hindsight I was incredibly naive as soon as the ink was dry my relatives abandoned me it was by far the most miserable experience of my life I was in no way equipped to deal with a child much less one with as many issues as Jon all of my pleas for help were at best ignored at worst I was blamed SL shamed while I'd like to believe that I didn't take my resentment SL regret out on John I most certainly did not support his emotional needs at best I was a distant caretaker SL ATM and when Jake got out of jail I couldn't hand Jon back to my brother fast enough yes I knew that my brother a terrible parent but so was I and Jake at the least did not regret having Jon the issue is that my brother has gotten in trouble with the law again again I was nominated for guardianship but I didn't fall on the same trick twice I stood my ground and burned many bridges in the process I've been called heartless selfish a monster and more I've been told that I have a duty to family and so on my sister Jane f25 eventually volunteered but she can barely support herself never mind a child she has asked me for financial assistance and I refused while money is no problem for me I have no obligation I made it clear that I would not be in her Village prior to her adopting John and furthermore she was one of the relatives that reneged on her promise to help me when I was in her shoes I don't care what my relatives think but when I confided in my friend she told me that I did owe JN even if I didn't owe my relatives because I had agreed to be his Guardian I disagreed because I was tricked into it Ida edit I guessed that I didn't make this clear but I'm not close to John I was always the uncle that you awkwardly said hi to because your parents forced you to I also didn't grow any more attached to him during the time that I was his Guardian edit two Jane was 23 when I first became Jon's guardian and while I did expect her to help with Jon I expected her to be only one villager amongst the whole village and she wouldn't even do that and the reason why I am so detached towards Jon is because I regretted slash didn't want to be be his caretaker in the first place I'm like an IRL worst case scenario regretful parent Horror Story
give me a good story on AITAForNotSupportingMySistersoSheCanAdoptMyBrothersSon
aita for kicking out my pregnant little sister I F35 live with my little sister f25 she moved in with me and my son male in 2022 September I am a single parent working she was just back at home in a very samel town with not move aspects of an ambitious person so I asked her to move with me in the big city for more opportunities for H herself before she moved I had enrolled her in a teching diploma back home which she dropped out without my knowledge because she did not like the course her moving in with me was the family myself and her agreeing to a second chance I stopped talked to her when I learned she dropped out we come from a deep poverty and I managed to get myself through school through scholarships and bseries and now I'm settled in building my career at a comfortable rate back to my sister she stayed with me for a year and a half in all this year not look for a job missed all University applications deadlines gives me a tude stays up God knows where checky to me and always fighting with my six-year-old son this year a week before the Easter holidays I've made up my mind that I she needs to go back home she has been nothing but a pain since staying with me attitude lazying around Couch Potato sleeping all day a week before she had to move out she told me she is pregnant 4 months I take her to the doctor and she is actually 7 and a half months pregnant because of the feuds and fighting I've tried to avoid her as much as possible in my own house I did not see the pregnancy I am now even more livid than ever and want her out of my house our family want me to think things over and give another chance a ITA for kicking out my seven and a half baby sister out
give me a good story on AITAHforkickingoutmyPregnantlittlesister
AIT for telling my sister-in-law our finances are not her business background I 27f have been with my husband 38m for about 6 years married for three when we met he had horrible depression and when his mother passed away a lot of things went wrong in his life he started a new career where we met a year later spent all his savings Etc I was finishing my last year of college online and was working a big girl job making the same amount of dollar us after dating we got pregnant with our beautiful daughter after doing the deed for one week after we had my daughter I ended up quitting my job and bringing her to Nanny with me we got married 2 years after she was born and he supported me going back to school getting my Nursing degree BSN our current life now I'm a travel nurse I paid off all my student debt $20,000 we bought a two-bedroom bedroom fifth wheel cost $90,000 and I recently bought my husband the truck of his dreams $110,000 he stays with our girls we homeschool and we're planning on traveling for another few years we plan on settling down by the time my oldest goes into Middle School by then both of my kids will be set up financially to go to college and we will have enough money to put a large down payment on a do two mil home now here's the problem I took an assignment near his hometown so we can see his family for Easter one of my sister-in-laws is more of a petty woman who can't keep her mouth shut when my husband's brothers were asking about his new truck Sil chimed in saying well he wouldn't have anything if it wasn't for insert my name here I reminded her that I wouldn't have anything I have now without him either Sil proceeds to ask how much our fancy trailer and fancy truck and fancy trips are costing me in front of his whole family I was calm when I responded and just simply said it's none of your business what my finances are but if you need some money let me know needless to say things got awkward and she left shortly after now Sil is refusing to talk to me and I'm getting pressure from his family to apologize I don't really feel sorry because I feel like she undermined all of my husband's sacrifices for our family but my husband says I should just apologize to keep peace thoughts
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysisterinlawourfinancesarenotherbusiness
trigger warning psychological manipulation gaslighting emotional abuse stalking and harassment I think my girlfriend has been trying to get me fired from all my jobs I'm shaken please help me I'm M24 and I've been with GF 29 let's call her Janice for 2 and 1/2 years I just finished my education when we started dating and I have been doing all sorts of jobs since sometimes two at a time I did this to expand my resume and gather job experience I worked in cafes bookstores a library a grocery store and as an English tutor most of those jobs lasted about 3 to 5 months my shortest stay was 2 and 1/2 Weeks my longest 8 months but since I didn't have a hard time applying for new position I tried to block it out though it was kind of eating me up internally people called to complain about me people left bad reviews about me people used my employee Wi-Fi access to look up sketchy things on the internet under my name former employees called to inform them about me right name and all and much much more subtle stuff that I couldn't Des Pro but I was too anxious to do anything about it I just told my girlfriend she comforted me and supported me every time I got my life ruined by these people but I kept going though they kept finding me fast forward to this week I currently hold a part-time position at a bakery I've been working there for 2 months and a half it's going okay but my manager approached me about something regarding our Google reviews someone was complaining about an employee and their description of them could only really fit me it was on a day where we're pretty short on staff so I could have been the only person in the store on that day for all I know anyway their review contained some pretty elaborate and nasty comments about me this has happened on one or two of my jobs already I told my manager that it was all pretty bogus and that someone had a vendetta against me as it has happened before she believed me and told me that she' dismissed the comment on my break I checked out the review myself their username was kind of stupid I'm not going to type it out here since I still work there but I'll just call them MC Myrtle as it was in the same range of sound kind of fake but not really anyway I come home but don't tell Janice about it she has heard it all before so I didn't see the point in complaining about another time I almost lost my position we chat all is well and she leaves the room her phone is on the table and suddenly she gets a notification or an email of some sort from Google I don't remember what it said exactly but the popup reads something along the lines of Mick Myrtle manager has responded to your review my heart dropped I've been trying to ignore it since this was 2 days ago it just fits the picture of bad reviews it fit in the picture of the phone complaints my workplaces have received about me in the past it fits in the picture of all the sketchy things I've been fired for why would she do that though I'm looking for an explanation this literally can't be she's the only thing keeping me saying I don't know what to do update hello people who are still invested I'm sorry for not updating you guys early a lot has been going on first of all yes we broke up that's why I'll be referring to her as my ex from now on and anyway let's start from the beginning on Monday of the following week I couldn't take the uncertainty anymore I told my ex that I needed her booking account to book a train ticket to visit my dad for a few days she complied and when she was in the shower getting ready for work I booked my ticket and started looking through her emails after some digging I found an email to herself that contained a spreadsheet file I sent the file to myself printed it out and took a screenshot why the spreadsheet contained about every single piece of information about me that there was numbers emails passwords work times colleagues their numbers and social media as well as some emails and passwords that she used for accounts to ruin my life with everything was on there conveniently sorted for her to ruin my life as efficiently as possible when she left for work I decided it would be best to immediately pack my stuff nothing that mattered would be left behind I felt like a wanted man I felt like I was being hunted despite nothing seemingly out of place I called my boss told her I would be taking some time off from work and headed out to see my dad needless to say he was the sanity I needed I cried about everything I saw I panicked for a whole two days straight about how my life was ruined and I didn't know what to do he had to sleep on the couch in the guest room because I was so scared of my ex coming in he handled it like a champ I love you Dad he called the police a lawyer and most recently a therapist for me because I was in the most horrible state of my entire life we're currently sorting out the legal stuff I haven't talked to my ex except for letting her know it was over and she's a sick psychopath my dad handled the rest I changed all my passwords and I'm now looking for a place to live sorry for the brief update my mind is Tangled please ask questions if you want to know more edit by the way thank you to every single person who gave me advice talk to me over DMS and was generally concerned about me I appreciate every single one of you I went back on here and saw a bunch of DMS and some of y'all came here quite recently I've answered all of the DMS so far and before I let the next batch of people wait wait you'd think there wouldn't be after 2 years I'll give you a quick update spoiler it isn't that interesting tldr we ended up not taking her to court over it this is quite controversial considering the abhorent things she's done to me but I do not regret this decision the satisfaction of seeing her get punished would have been overshadowed by the sheer amount of dread anxiety and fear I would have faced in those Court hearings I was a nervous mess I couldn't eat for weeks without throwing up my dad had to settle most of the important stuff because I physically couldn't thank you Dad on the bright side our lawyers settled the situation beautifully in private and I haven't had any problems with her since I've moved houses gotten a stable job and found the closure and Justice I was looking for through therapy I hope she did as well we've had no contact since then and I still haven't read any of the messages she sent me those years ago of course I'm nowhere near done with my journey I still have all of my social media accounts set to private and insist on keeping a low profile online I still get anxiety especially when there's a problem at work but I haven't had any panic attacks in months and my therapist has been great I don't know how she's doing I don't know if she's moved on or if she's seen this story float around the web hello YouTube Tik Tok and Snapchat I don't know how much she knows about how my life is currently going but nothing's happened since then that I could attribute to her schemes sorry if this update is kind of a jumbled mess I just woke up and I've repressed a lot of what happened thank you all for your kind messages cheers thank you for watching the video if you enjoy listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on IThinkmyGirlfriendHasBeenTryingToGetMeFiredFromAllMyJobsorig
Story 1 my wife left me after she got in shape and now wants to get back together original post May 6th 2024 I am not sure why I am posting this I probably want some validation as my life turned upside down recently I 32m was married to my wife 33f for 4 years and we had a great marriage so far I was madly in love with my wife she fell into depression mainly due to her job in 2022 I tried to support her in every way and suggested her going to gym or doing any kind of sports to de-stress I had my own depression episode before we got married and what saved me was going to gym she agreed to that and we started going there together I could not go as frequent as in the past since my workload got heavier after my promotion however I tried my best to be there with her she used to be a bit chubby which I loved and after seeing some changes with her body she started to go there regularly it also helped her with depression and she got better I was really happy to see her get better and livelier she looked more confident got more aggressive in bed and so on however after a while that confidence level started to affect our relationship for worse she started going to the parties and going outside to a point she completely stopped doing her share in the house that proceeded with me seeing her getting flirty with a guy at a Meetup we went I communicated my feelings to her and she dismissed these after several of these I had her sit down with me and told her that she is Riding High on her newly found confidence and emotions right now I clearly stated she should not make decisions or action according to that confidence right now I know it well it was one of my worst traits I used to be extremely emotionally driven in the past I suggested we go to a marriage counselor and Hell broke loose she said vile things to me like how she realized she settled down with me after getting better and she could do much better than me she said I am insecure and other things this woman used to be sweetest person on the earth and I was shocked after hearing the things she said to me she filed for divorce the following month and I did not hear much from her other than some lawyer talks our court seeeing is scheduled to be next month and my lawyer told me there is a high chance it'll be concluded then there is not much to share similar income only shared asset is our joint account similar savings and no kids house is my mom so it's out of division I accepted my marriage is going to end like that last week she called crying and told me she regrets everything she apologized over and over again but I felt disappointed not angry not sad but just disappointed she did not text me nor call me even once since the divorce started I did not even know where she was since she just left the home I told her there is no going back now she has been messaging me non-stop my family supports my decision and tell me I should not back down my in-laws were shocked when they heard about the divorce they are now telling me to rethink everything I will 99.9% not back down but as I said just looking for validation and maybe wanted to vent thank you for reading relevant comments oop responds if there was a real reason why his wife left him after getting healthy oop I did not even understand why she left me after getting in shape I am in shape too it's not like I was overweight it has been a while since going to the gym before we started together but I was not in bad shape at all I could probably get back to my shredded years with one year of regular workout imaculate 329 how long were you separated did she tell you why she made the mistake oop about 5 months she did not specify it I am not sure what happened that made her call me crying oop on if his wife was having confidence with her waight or not oop thank you for sharing your perspective my wife was not even overweight or extremely big just chubby it actually made her more attractive for me with all the curves I would even go as far as to say she was more attractive for me before she lost weight that behavior shift just from losing weight seemed incredibly weird to me update June 23rd 2024 we are officially divorced there was not much to share so it went smooth as a butter according to my lawyer I've never talked to her other than through lawyers as much as she wanted me to she tried to talk to me one on one and get closure but I just do not want that it's not that I do not care why she left me what she did during that time I just do not want to know I've been living without her for months now at first it was difficult and I cried all night some days but after a few months I feel like I came to accept everything what peace will it give to learn what and why when I already accept everything other than hurting me for once I want to prioritize my peace of mind in this whole process my parents and friends are here to support me me and I am glad that I have such a great support Circle as for what my plans are renovate my office room in the house get back to the gym and live my best life I've been wanting to renovate my office room for a while now and that's what I'll start with I started hitting the gym at the same time I believe my body is good but I have some extra fat dieting proved itself difficult because I am a Tiramisu addict for the dating part I uploaded few apps and tried out how I am doing I got decent number of matches but realized I do not feel like doing it right now I'll focus on my own Hobbies well-being and wants for now thank you for all the support and help in the last post relevant comments Shenanigans 20 I'm really sorry you had to go through this awful experience I agree with you that closure is just for her as you shed all the tears and pain you needed to all the best for you keep looking after yourself and I am proud of how you have handled yourself during this difficult time from a cyber friend oop I think I gave myself my own closure and the conclusion is having my best life and moving on that's the best thing can do thanks for the good wishes Cho choore when the person who chooses to leave wants closure just shut the door and keep it shut they only want to make themselves feel better about their decision no matter how bad it screwed you over bigger and better things to look forward to op all the best Story 2 aita for walking out of my engagement party and refusing to answer calls for 3 days my now ex-boyfriend proposed 4 days ago let's call him Tim Tim and I have been together for 2 years we talked about marriage we are both 26 and kids Etc until last week I thought I had the perfect love life now Tim has his best friend Mimi fake name Tim also has a friend group he is very close to the problem throughout our relationship was that Tim would Place me last whenever his friends were involved he missed a promotion dinner for my work because Mimi's Dog was throwing up he missed thewall celebrations with my family because his friends wanted him to help paint their new house plus some issues during his teenage years involving his friends resulted in his dad threatening to take away his inheritance and distribute it to relatives for context his dad introduced us until last year before I left the workplace which I joined straight after college his dad was my boss I still see him as a father figure and respect him a lot now I have outright told Tim that I don't like public proposals I am very introverted and having eyes on me during a loving moment will only cause me anxiety Tim said he understood and promised he wouldn't do one when he proposed another thing I told Tim was that Mimi treats me passive aggressively because I'm kind of an anxious person I have mild OCD and asked him to not involve her in our Affairs Tim said Mimi only wants the best for us I kind of didn't press the issue after he got defensive Thursday after I entered my flat I was greeted by all of Tim's friends with Tim in a suit and a ring in hand I kid you not my flat was swarmed there were people I didn't even know before Tim even said anything Mimi chimed in and said chill op dear God this is not the time to make that face I saw red I was having a severe anxiety attack as I don't do well with lots of people I calmly told them that there would be no proposal and to get the hell out of my flat they looked like in shock so I just left my flat with just my purse called my best friend on the way and told her to get them out and just called a car service and sat in the car crying for 2 hours and went to my cabin I brought I texted my parents so they wouldn't worry and told them to not take Tim's calls switched off my phone and stayed there luckily I had enough cash to make a grocery run and the cabin was used last month I only switched my phone on when I was calling a car and saw the barrage of calls and texts I called Tim in the car and he sounded defeated and kept on apologizing and crying I told him it was over turns out my best friend told his dad who was so mad he told him that he would only get half his inheritance I now feel that I reacted very badly and could have handled it with Grace I might have let my anxiety take over and overreacted and I cost him his money ITA edit my xbf and I are both Indians one of the reasons why Tim's dad likes me is that I am from the same culture though I am not comfortable with this reasoning I am a lawyer and make enough money to buy and maintain a flat and a cabin Tim only has access to my flat update June 23rd 2024 most people in both my previous posts said that it wasn't my fault and after properly speaking to my family and friends I realized that I was indeed not that wrong the bti about changing the locks I'll get to that later but my best a friend who is staying with me for a few days said that she checked and everything in my flat was in the right place so I guess that's one problem less people who keep sending me DMS saying it is fake because I own a cabin I have no answer for that yes I make enough money to live comfortably on my own and also have an extra place that I like to go to alone and to some really funny gentleman who have sent me more DMS on how I'd never find a husband if I didn't learn to keep my mouth shut please eat I don't have the mental space to argue with ink El's right now for the main update I went and spoke to Tim's dad first he was very mad at his son he kept saying that Tim had finally crossed limits with that group and asked me to forgive his son I respectfully told him that even if I got back with his son my dad wouldn't approve which was true and I said that because I knew for Tim's dad my dad's opinion mattered more his dad then said that he was deeply sorry and that he would still support me if I needed help in the future and I decided to take the things he left at my flat to him because I didn't want him over mine ever again Tim said he was very sorry that he hadn't thought I was being genuine about my social anxiety he has seen me get panic attacks and crowds and he thought that his friend's enthusiasm would be a positive thing I asked him why none of my friends were there and he said that because I have a very small number of friends he thought we would have a nice dinner with them to share the news not going to lie his words hurt because his friends deserved to be at the proposal but mine didn't because there were only five of them Tim also mentioned that Mimi didn't like one of my friends because she was a single mom and it just made me more mad I told him that he would be better off marrying MiMi because it was quite clear everything in his life was about her I told him that he was a partner and the reason why I wouldn't marry him and his dad is going to cut off his money is because he has let Mimi bully me throughout our relationship and it was Mimi's words that made me leave the proposal Tim looked very hurt and started apologizing he also said that he never cheated on me that he loved me and he promised to do better I told him I'd give him a chance if he cut off every one of his friends and moved with me to another city he started crying at that and said he possibly could couldn't live that way and asked me to reconsider I told him I knew he would never choose me over his friends and I was feeling very Petty so I told him that Mimi would also never choose him over her successful boyfriend nor would any of his friends choose him over their own families he told me he was very sorry and that he would limit contact with them but I told him there was no way I was going to be with him I dropped his things and I wanted to cry because he wouldn't even get up from the sofa or apologize or say that he wouldn't speak to Mimi again he just turned his face away I left Mim later came by to my flat and asked if we could talk so I let her in my friend says it was a dumb move but I was working and crying at the same time so I wasn't thinking much she said that Tim yelled at her for ruining his relationship and she didn't know what she did wrong I honestly had zero energy for her and just told her if she was done talking to please leave Mimi said that she just wanted to be there for Tim and me making his dad cut him off was an awful thing to do I then asked why she made a comment she knew would piss me off when I was being proposed to Mimi replied that it was a joke and I shouldn't have taken her seriously I just asked her to leave after that she said she hoped I would be happy in the future so I guess that was it all of Tim's friends numbers are blocked including Mimi I blocked Tim and I'll get the locks changed next week I wish I could write something positive here but alas hopefully there will be no more updates on this relevant comments responsible of front 900 I think you did the best but if possible could you explain these are friends of your ex better to me like is it some kind of friendship relationship where they only stay close to him because he pays for everything for everyone o op they are friends from school Mimi included they are a group of eight to nine people and two of them are engaged and one is married Tim is technically the most well-to-do guy in the group well his dad is plus Tim always helps them out he helps build projects always sets up decorations at parties himself whenever any of them hosts and even pays a few of their bills and always gives them gifts I thought he was a very good man and very generous but never did any of that stuff for me nor for his dad he only helps out his friends
give me a good story on Mywifeleftmeaftershegotinshapeandnowwantstogetbacktogetherorig
aita for being cautious about letting my ex back into our daughter's life after 5 years I 29f have a 5f with my ex 32m we were engaged but never really planned to have kids before marriage or at least for the next few years I was on the pill and he used protection sometimes but I ended up pregnant since it was unplanned abortion was on the table he was more into making it work so both of us decided to keep the baby I wasn't emotionally prepared but for him love is all it takes to make everything work fast forward 6 months he started to change he would give me the silent treatment if I do something wrong he wouldn't engage in any conversation about the baby and would just yell at me if I ask what's wrong I was almost 8 months pregnant when he told me he's just not ready to be a father and can't do both things it's either fatherhood or his career I was scared to be a single mother so I told him it's fine I can take care of our baby and be a s until things get better for him but he refused and made it clear everything is over since the house was his I left and went to live with my mom until I found myself a place I gave birth to my baby girl and he never came to see her his mother and sister were there for me and to this day they're still part of my daughter's life as for him he gave up his parental rights and granted me full custody legally but was willing to contribute financially through child support he voluntarily provides financial support in an
give me a good story on AITAForbeingcautiousaboutlettingmyexbackintoourdaughterslifeafteryears
AIT for faking my giving birth note I posted this on am I the but it got deleted for breaking the rules my fault I got many messages asking for re-upload and this site seems right I also didn't get a judgment on the previous post I'll keep this as short as possible I 25f and pregnant with the baby due in a couple of days my husband 25m promised that he would be the one to drive me to the hospital and that he will be glued to the phone until birth he works only 10 minutes from our home and his boss agreed to let him go when the birth happens the problem is my mother-in-law my husband and her have an unhealthily IMO strong bond and she is overly involved in our relationship which has caused many issues in the past she requires his attention every day she has suggested moving in with us ever since I became pregnant she also has emergencies whenever we have anniversaries important occasions like my birthday Etc as the date is approaching I became increasingly worried that his mother will have an emergency during birth and I will have trouble getting to
give me a good story on AITAforfakingmygivingbirthorig
would it make you the jerk if your friend had a lawsuit and you helped the opposition against your friend we'll get to that in a bit but first am I the jerk for telling my child's daycare teacher that my child won't finish cleaning up my two-year-old daughter's been in a home daycare for a few months now the teacher Sasha is very nice I'm normally all for my daughter cleaning her own messes however I find when I arrive Sasha expects my daughter to finish cleaning up whatever she was playing with which again would be fine but it delays us getting out the door and heading home sometimes we have plans Etc I started texting Sasha when I was so many minutes away asking her to get my daughter ready and that seemed to work my daughter would be in her jacket and reading a book easy to put away versus a huge Duplo project or similar until today things were crazy and I was in a rush we had a lot to do this afternoon and I was running behind because I had car trouble when I arrived my daughter and some friends were in the middle of cleaning up a big mess I told my daughter that we had to go and get her code Sasha said that she needed to finish cleaning up her part I said any other day sure but I'm running late and we cannot miss this appointment Sasha tried arguing that the kids need to learn responsibility and I flat out said no I grabbed my daughter put our coat on and left as I said hectic afternoon so we only just now had time to check my texts I had one from Sasha saying poor planning on my part doesn't mean I can break rules I pointed out this is not in the contract and I can bring my child home whenever I need or want she accused me of undermining her Authority I was given a verbal warning which I found ridiculous am I the jerk I kind of see both sides you definitely want to encourage the daycare teacher's sentiment but at the same time you can just pick your kid up and go whenever you want and pickup should not take 10-15 minutes every single time I mean let's boil this down to the simple reason why those kids are usually in a place like daycare it's because these are working pair with obligations that can't otherwise watch their kids so I think it's more than understandable that any parent is going to be frustrated if over and over again because the way the daycare operates you have to pick everything up every single time and wait around I think that just shows poor planning on the daycare teacher's part when it gets close to pick up time messy activities should not be allowed also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks want to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for calling my boyfriend's little sister racist because she likes K-pop for background my parents and I female 21 moved from South Korea to America when I was 13. both my parents are Korean too my boyfriend male 22 and I have been dating for six months we go to college together my family lives in the same city that our college is his family however lives in another city so I haven't had the chance to meet them until now his parents invited us spend the weekend over at their house so they can meet me up until now I've only spoke a few times on the phones with his parents but not with his siblings he has three siblings an older brother 25 sister 13 and brother nine the problem with his sister is that apparently she's a K-pop fan my boyfriend had already told me this prior to meeting her and he told me to get ready I thought that meant that she would ask me to say something in Korean or something like that it's happened to me before even by strangers in the street it's annoying well first things first she greeted me with an hello in Korean I faked a laugh and greeted her too it wouldn't have been such a big deal if that was it but then she continued calling me Ani and asked me if I called my boyfriend oppa in such things she then started asking where did I live when I was in Korea if I'd met any Idols if I ever tried to be an idol myself Etc she insisted on sitting next to me and she was taking photos of me eating because I looked like an idol like what does that even mean I'm just trying to eat her mother had to tell her to stop because I was very visibly uncomfortable after eating she wanted me to go dance some K-pop choreographies with her because you know every Korean knows how to dance I guess we stayed there over the weekend so it was two days of non-stop of this kind of behavior I was so glad when it was time to leave as soon as we pulled out of the driveway I told my boyfriend you were not kidding your sister is worse than I imagined he laughed and said it was expected of her to act like this so I told him so she's always This Racist huh he took offense on that he told me that his sister wasn't racist at all she was only excited to meet me I said that all she did during our visit was to make assumptions about me and talk to me in a racist way like come on calling me Ani when she doesn't even know the context of the word has to be racist for Americans too right now he's mad at me I'm mad at him too for not understanding my side too so who is right well I obviously can't be the authority on whether this is truly right or wrong but I do think a lot of what matters here is the spirit and intention behind the things that are happening they may be misinformed or kind of dealing with things in a somewhat inappropriate way too forward to miscalculated or misunderstanding of what a social Norm should be in that situation but you cannot say that there was anything hateful intended here when you go and you label somebody as racist you would do so because they're doing things in a hateful way or making a mimicry of people I mean all of this was just coming from somebody that loves that culture so much they want to indulge themselves in it and by extension know anything possible about your connections to it too that said I definitely agree that what she did was just way too much way too forward and way too assuming at the end of the day she's 13 and probably just doesn't know better our next story is am I the jerk for refusing to go to a child-free wedding if my son can't go there's a lot of Stories on here regarding weddings and child-free weddings and overall entitlement but I want to know if I'm right by saying this situation defers to the rest or if I'm truly being a jerk my younger brother and sister-in-law are getting married next year 2024 and sent out the RSVP earlier this February which is when this whole fight started the invitations included tickets to the wedding along with the dress code and a semi letter letting the attendees know that this is a child's free wedding along with a few other formalities or rules or whatever they want to call them not my wedding not my rules to make plus I don't have children my only kid is 16 years old and I'm a single mom so the whole idea of going to the wedding to enjoy a fun night to myself without kids is not something new nor is it something I've had to worry about for a while the issue issue isn't with the rule the issue is that the invitation originally came with two tickets and we didn't think much of it because he's not a child so why wouldn't he be invited turns out the No Child rule involves anyone under the age of 18 and we found out when my son brought up the wedding during a family dinner and both my sister-in-law and brothers seemed taken aback which then led to questions and them finding out that they'd accidentally sent out two tickets which then led to an awkward conversation and my son getting Uninvited in front of the people present I'm genuinely trying really hard to understand their side and the fact that it's their wedding not mine but I can't get past the idea of the way they did so and how they made my son feel also the fact that I had my son at a really young age and his dad was never present so my brother was like a big brother to my son so I think my son and me are quite hurt at the idea of my son not attending I would say me choosing to not attend is nothing personal but I'd be lying if I did so I've been getting called immature Petty and a witch but I think the situation would have been different had it been made clear my son wasn't going to be invited from the start and not get his invitation revoked randomly maybe it was an honest enough mistake and op should have still gone but the moment people start calling op a witch calling them immature calling them Petty maybe it is best for them to sit this one out and stay away from those people I mean how is that ever gonna change somebody's mind I mean how many times in history is somebody called another person a witch and that person immediately goes ah you're right I've changed my mind our next story is am I the jerk for telling my sister she's stupid and toxic for comparing boy girl parenting I male 33 am a single dad to my daughter female 15. she's my buddy and I honestly love her so much my sister female 38 has three boys and has made being a a boy mom her entire personality she always goes on about how she loves being a boy mom and how raising boys is so much easier than having a girl I usually just ignore it my daughter is a huge Taylor Swift fan and I took her to the opening night of the eras tour I'm not a Taylor Swift fan honestly but it was really fun seeing my daughter have so much fun and just overall being so happy last night I was over at my mom's and my daughter pretty much only wanted to talk about the concert my sister happened to be there too my daughter ended up talking about having to wait about an hour to get merch my sister laughed and ended up going on a rant saying how she's so glad she doesn't have a daughter and how easy it is Raising boys compared to girls and even went as far as to say that she feels bad for me having to be a girl dad my daughter didn't want to talk anymore and was clearly upset by my sister's words that was very upsetting to me I told my sister she was so wrong to say those things especially in front of my daughter and that she's toxic and honestly stupid for thinking raising boys is easier than raising girls I told her she needs to find a new personality outside of being a boy mom she ended up leaving while calling me the biggest jerk my mom also accused me of being rude and basically a jerk because my sister just loves her boys and I shouldn't judge her for thinking girls would be more difficult to raise so am I the jerk I don't think Opie's The Jerk they were standing up for their kid that got unnecessarily slighted right in front of them I mean here's this kid happy and just going on about things that made their week and they basically get a verbal slap upside the head way to make them feel bad about their entire existence for no reason our next story is am I the jerk for ruining precious childhood memories I wanted to pour a new walkway from the end of our driveway which terminates in our front yard by the sidewalk around the the house to our backyard where we have a nice little garden and gazebo set up there are a lot of kids and stroller moms and dads in our neighborhood some children saw the wet concrete drying and stuffed sticks and rocks into it and some carved their initials in as well along with their palm prints well I was not thrilled I dug out the debris then smoothed the concrete back over and put up a sign Reading Please do not disturb drying a mom I'm usually friends with we've walked our dogs alongside each other said I was a mean old curmudgeon who was ruining precious childhood memories for the kids who may want to go back and look at their initials and palm prints one day and reminisce someone else took down my sign I noticed the next day it was lying in my yard by the bird bath far away from where I'd placed it am I really the jerk for this it's my private property these aren't my kids you know I would maybe say something if it was op's kids and like it was the mom who was you know enjoying celebrating that with the kids and Dad's being a mean old curmudgeon smoothing everything over but no all of these people in the neighborhood need to control your Offspring I'm sorry that fixing my ruined backyard walkway constitutes as ruining your newly founded childhood memories let's expand on those childhood memories and get a vandalism charge to go with it shoot we'll get a copy of the paper of that charge put it in some epoxy and cement it right into the walkway this next story is am I the jerk for making my kids shower too often so I 31 year old female have been married to my wife 35 year old female for two years now she has two kids from her previous relationship nine-year-old male and seven-year-old female but their dad isn't in the picture and I consider them my kids and they see me as a parental figure even though they don't call me Mom or anything like that because I work remotely and start work later than my wife I'm in charge of getting the kids ready in the morning and taking them to school which can be a hassle it's usually a fight to get them out of bed which leaves us with barely enough time to get ready and get to school on time I always enforce they take a shower when they wake up too that's how I grew up and I feel I just feel more refreshed and actually ready to take on the day however trying to get everything done in the morning has led to a few late drop-offs at school to the point where my wife was notified she asked me what was up and she was confused why the kids had to shower in the morning when they already shower at night I told her the two showers a day serve different purposes a short one for waking up getting a jump start on your day and a longer one for cleaning up after running around all day and it's not unreasonable it's what I do personally she says since it's making the kids late to school it is unreasonable I said then the kids got to get up earlier which she was not happy about obviously I I don't want the kids to be late to school but part of the issue is these kids don't want to get up and get started and we've never been significantly late before so I don't know anymore so am I the jerk for making my kids shower twice a day 100 in my personal opinion if you shower at night you don't have to shower or freshen up in the morning I mean yeah you gotta brush your teeth but how messy is your kid's bed that they need some kind of spritzing start shower just shower once at the end of the day and be done with it I mean shoot I know kids will run around and get messy but you don't even have to shower every single day our next story is am I the jerk for reminding my relatives not to touch my stuff because of what they did last time I live on the west coast and I regularly host my relatives from the east coast in Europe I love the back country here and showing it off to my relatives is one of my favorite things to do I'm a geologist for a mining outfit so I have all kinds of equipment and training my uncle from Germany brought his family here before kovid and we had a great visit until one of my cousins started looking through my garage when we were packing up for a short camping trip I made sure that they were all aware of the reasons for using bug spray Beyond mosquitoes we have ticks in the area and long pants are the best way to avoid them but insect repellent is also a good idea my idiot cousin found my bear spray and thought she might like to try and give herself a nice coating to be safe from bears if you do not know bear spray isn't meant to be worn as a topical application you spray it at a bear's face to get it to bugger off she ended up coughing her lungs out and covered in all the milk products in my house plus some extra that my wife had to go buy and every once in a while I'll move something in my garage and catch a whiff of the capsaicin my cousin wants to come back for a visit now I was reluctant she asked me why and I reminded her of her last visit to my home four years ago I asked if she had gotten better about keeping her hands to herself I guess her and her boyfriend share the Facebook account that she contacted me from he asked what I was talking about so I told him what she did now her dad is mad at me for bringing up a stupid mistake she's mad at me because her boyfriend is laughing at her and my wife is mad at me for sharing family information I wasn't trying to embarrass her I just hate how much time and effort I had to put in to clean my garage and my gear honestly I think this is one of those stories that they need to learn to just take in stride because it's honestly kind of hilarious and like would be the perfect story to be able to share if you have humility just imagine sitting around and you get a big old laugh because he talked about the time you looked around in the garage you saw a bear spray and you thought to yourself oh well I don't want Bears to come near me so I use it on myself next thing you know I was double fisting milk cartons trying to keep my eyes from burning that's a great story and it's a very valid thing to be like reminder don't touch anything our next story is am I the jerk for making my girlfriend cheap lasagna I 24 year old female make a delicious lasagna from scratch that takes hours and lots of money to make it's so good that friends and family ask me to make it for them for birthdays instead of getting them a gift last month I decided to make it for my girlfriend 23 year old female I spent a lot of money on the ingredients and then more than half the day making the herb infused fresh pasta dough the Ragu Etc when she came over she took a couple of bites and said that she didn't understand why I spent so much time and money on it because it tasted exactly like the Lasagna she would make with canned panzani bolognese sauce and Boxed Pasta sheets not similar not kinda like but exactly like it my feelings were a little hurt and not gonna lie but I understand that to each their tastes and and I just told her that I'm sorry she didn't like it that much and then kept pushing it and suggested we watch a movie Flash Forward to yesterday she was coming over for dinner and I asked her what she wanted to eat and she said lasagna so I bopped over to the store and got panzani sauce and pasta sheets to make it because a she said my lasagna and the quick made one tasted the exact same so no need to spend on a lot of ingredients and B because even if I wanted to make my recipe I wouldn't have the time since it takes me an entire afternoon which is why it's a special occasion thing so she showed up in my house took one bite of lasagna and then spat it out and said that it tastes different when I told her I made it how she did she got really upset at me and said that I wasn't putting in effort and that she was expecting me to have a real meal and not something cheap I pointed out the comments she made last time and she rolled her eyes and said she was clearly exaggerating so then I got upset because what the heck the situation got brought up to our mutual friends most have stayed out of it but two of them think I'm the jerk because my girlfriend clearly meant she wanted my special lasagna which is why she asked for it as dinner and that I should have let her know beforehand that I was going to make one using pre-made sauce Etc I think it's clear that that's what I was gonna do because she literally asked for lasagna two hours before coming over which is not enough time to make this special one even if I wanted to am I the jerk to clarify the cheap lasagna tasted just fine pretty tasty even just not at all comparable to the original one in my opinion I mean could Opie have mentioned it sure could they have known it's possible that they didn't know that it took that long but is Opie The Jerk after those comments she made definitely not you know if I spent a lot of time trying to make like a really good mac and cheese and somebody said oh that's exactly the same as crap then yeah next time I'll just make you craft because it takes 15 minutes our next story is am I the jerk for not letting my sister-in-law use my wedding dress for her wedding even though she can't afford one my 28 year old female younger brother 24 year old male and his fiance 23 year old female are supposed to get married in the spring after being engaged for about a year my younger brother has always been the Golden Child between the both of us to my mom not to my dad him and his fiance currently live with her rent free might I add my dad and I on the other hand have had mixed feelings about this wedding we both feel like my brother's rushing into things and not being financially smart he just finished his bachelor program a year ago and is still trying to get on his feet and find a good full-time job in his field and decides to spend thousands of dollars on a wedding we sat him down and explained this to him and asked him what the rush was why not push it off for a few years and say gave up so you guys can really have the wedding of your dreams he explained to us that his family is pitching in a couple of thousand for the wedding my dad's reluctantly pitching at a couple thousand as well all important later well a few nights ago I'm eating dinner with my husband when I get a call from my future sister-in-law convo starts out normal hey how are you crappy weather we're having etc etc until she tells me that she has a serious question to ask me she asks me if she can use my wedding dress that I wore to my wedding just over a year ago she explains that she can't afford one herself that she absolutely loves mine and that it would be her Something Borrowed I immediately shut her down and said I'm sorry but no this is a thousands of dollar dress we're talking about that she'd have to get altered to fit her by the way too so no way we're also not even close at all and barely talk so like what the freak she starts begging and even starts crying and going on about how she can't afford one I told her I'm sorry but no she then starts going on about how I'm not even financially helping her and my brother pay for the wedding so the least I can do is let her use my dress I told her the honest truth that I think they're rushing into having a wedding and not being financially smart she said she didn't care she has a timeline and wants to be married by 25. I basically said to her that she made her bed so now she has to lie in it and figure it out herself and if she can't afford her wedding dress then she shouldn't be having a wedding simple as that she ran back to my mom and my brother to tell them what I said they think I'm the jerk because I have the money to financially help my brother and his fiance but I'm being selfish and unsupportive they also think it's just a dress so what's the big deal my dad's on my side and defending me and is now thinking of taking back his financial help due to the sheer audacity of my brother's fiancee asking me such a thing yeah I think Gopi has absolutely no obligation and anybody who tries to convince Opie that they do have some obligation to pay for any part of this wedding is ridiculous this next story is am I the jerk for not agreeing to change our son back to public school so I got a job at a private high school the school gives free admission to the children of faculty and staff as well as to their lower grade schools these schools are way better than the public schools in my area I want to send my son to the private elementary school unfortunately my son's mother was not really on board with this she thought it would make things difficult since she also has a daughter who will be starting school next year our child custody agreement has a part where we cannot change our son's Education Without both of us agreeing so my son couldn't go unless her mother said yes since the main issue she had was her daughter not being able to attend next year I told my ex about the school's policy that siblings of current students have priority on the admission list so with our son enrolled she'll also be able to enroll her daughter my son's mother was happy with the idea after that and agreed the school has really early deadlines for things so my son's mother was trying to enroll her daughter for the next school year that's when she found out that while her daughter would get priority admission she would have to pay tuition the school does offer scholarships but they're more for exceptional or diverse students so her daughter is way down on the list my son's mother is now very upset by this and thinks I tricked her even though it was obvious her kid wouldn't get in for free since she's not my kid she's still insisting it's going to create problems down the line for example she thinks it'll cause animosity between her daughter and our son as he will have more opportunities she also said it would be hard to deal with the kids being in different schools because they're far apart about a 15 to 20 minute drive difference she wants to change her son back to public school but she can't unless I agree to it I still don't see the point she hasn't made a convincing argument on my side the school is way better than his old school and he's happy and settled and has friends at his new school on her side her daughter may get a little jealous and she may have to drive a little more on the days she has our son honestly I think the mother's behavior in this is a little disgusting they're kind of putting their wants and their needs over the ones of their own kids education I mean God forbid Opie goes out there and does whatever they can to get their son the most opportunities possible our next story is would I be the jerk if I brought my own food to a vegan dinner party so I've been invited to a vegan household for a dinner party of the total people going six of nine aren't vegans anytime a meal is hosted elsewhere where we have two meals one vegan and one not so everyone can enjoy what they like not here though this is a strictly vegan household no cooking meat products on the barbecue no cheese no eggs no fish I get not wanting to cook meat on their barbecue I have an entire section of my grill sectioned off for vegan and gluten-free cooking I found out what they're making for everyone I'm allergic to mushrooms and they know it and their main course is a Portobello steak it feels on purpose I would feel disrespected as a host if a guest brought their own food to my dinner party then again I try really hard to make sure everyone has options for them at mine so would I be the jerk if I brought a George Foreman and some burgers to cook up outside I think both sides are wrong here because obviously if Ops allergic to it and they know it they shouldn't be serving something that Opie's allergic to or you know offer something else for op but also I think it's a little too far if this is a very clearly straight quickly vegan household NLP brings over a George Foreman and starts grilling burgers our next story is would I be the jerk if I gave my dentist a written statement to help defend him against my friend who's trying to sue him I 55 year old female have a friend Gene of similar age she's not what I'd call a close friend but I've known her for a long time she's the type of person who always thinks she's right and won't back down easily from anything a few months ago she had a toothache and asked me which dentist I used my dentist is amazing so I recommended him she has a dental phobia and asked me to go with her to her appointment he was lovely to her spent a long time talking to her explaining everything put her at her ease she had a big abscess under one of her back teeth he said it either needed root canal and a crown or extracting the root canal Crown would be the best part of a thousand British pounds total and he was really clear that it was a big abscess and there there was no guarantee root canal would work he actually said the odds were 50 50 and it might be better to extract the tooth and put that money towards an implant or Bridge instead he said he could offer no form of guarantee or refund if problems happened he was clear in what he said and I know she heard and understood that the odds weren't great she decided to go ahead with the treatment I went with her to one further appointment but not all of them fast forward a few months everything was okay initially after the root canal and Crown but then she got another infection she had antibiotics but the problem persisted and she ended up having the tooth out she is a livid you'd think he was the worst person in the world from what she says about him she wants to sue him and has been to a lawyer to get advice she's claiming that she wasn't properly warned that the treatment may not work apparently the lawyer is confident she'll get a payout he's told her that it'll be hard for him to prove he properly warned her and dentists are insured for the stuff they think his insurance will pay out because it won't be worth their time to try and defend it I'm really annoyed at her for this because I know she's lying about not being warned I really like the dentist and I feel awful for him that he faces legal action for this and that I was the one who introduced her to him I worry that it'll reflect badly on me in his eyes when I see him in the future I've never argued with her about it because I witnessed him warning her but she says it's none of my business her view is it doesn't hurt him because you'll have insurance like I said she doesn't back down from things I feel so strongly about this that I want to send a written statement to the dentist that he can use back against her I would state that I witnessed the appointment when he warned her and that she clearly heard and understood what he said I know that in doing so I would probably lose her as a friend but to be honest I don't care about that at this point my husband thinks I should do it he's never liked Gene he describes her as an Nightmare and thinks I'm best off without her as a friend so would I be the jerk if I did this I mean morally if it feels like the right thing and you also really like this dentist and don't want to be on bad terms with them I don't blame you for going out on a limb and sticking up for them in a situation where you know they weren't wrong but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy am I the jerkier story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITAIWENTAGAINSTMYFRIENDINCOURTRedditStoriesorig
I handed him divorce papers today over his Reddit account and a bag of chips obviously it goes without saying it wasn't just the bag of chips but Hot Cheetos were my breaking point I couldn't take it anymore I had already had the terms of Separation drawn up 6 months ago when during a heated argument he said we don't have kids you should be thankful it's only me you clean up after I kept hearing it in my head thankful for cleaning up behind a grown man 10 years older than me he apologized the next day in detail and told me why would he said was wrong and that he doesn't believe it but maybe it's just out of my character but I don't think the things you say in those moments are just hurtful words little bit of Truth in them and then I found his Reddit account a few days ago I accidentally saw the username when he showed me a screenshot I tried lount not really not to memorize it and it took me two days to get the courage to look in between the comments on NSFW subreddits was complaints about me and posts about me too one post he'd be ripped to shreds and told he was a piece of crap reading those comments made me realize I was nothing but a idiot to think love can fix things I was 20 when I met him and he was 35 I thought people were being dramatic or annoying about our age Gap because my single father who raised me didn't have
give me a good story on Ihandedhimdivorcepaperstodayoverhisredditaccountandabagofchipsredditaitashorts
I pretended to investigate a cheating spouse for a client but use the money to have fun with friends instead what happened when the client found out I was a pie and some rich hired me to check if his wife was cheating on him after weeks of surveillance I found nothing suspicious he wanted me to keep going for another month but I knew there was no point in it so when he called again ready to give me more money I told him the truth that she wasn't doing anything wrong but this guy wouldn't take no for an answer and demanded that I keep following her until he got what he wanted F that so instead of tailing her I used his money to hang out with my friends and have a good time while he remained clueless about what was really going on eventually the dude asked for a meeting at his house so we could discuss the case which didn't exist in the first place when we met up he showed me every room except the one where we were supposed to talk about his wife's Fidelity because it didn't effing exist when confronted about this deception he got aggressive but eventually agreed to pay me back for all my time and expenses after leaving his house I went straight over to his wife's place and told her everything that had happened which helped her secure a divorce settlement quickly afterwards to top it off we started dating soon after
give me a good story on ipretendedtoinvestigateacheatspouseforaclient
today we have a crazy entitled parent story of an entitled Disney adult we'll get into that in a bit but first left her kid alone in a bookstore for hours thought it was totally normal this year happened a while ago I recently got reminded of it after meeting an old friend thought I'd share the story because I know after 13 years in retail and customer services that many people would think that what she did was okay back when I worked in a bookstore in a shopping mall there was this little girl maybe 5 to 6 years old just sitting quietly in Corner looking at the pictures of a book at that moment we had just noticed her because she was kind of hidden tucked in a corner and was totally silent we asked where her parents were she said her mommy was in the shop next 2 hours and told her to wait in the bookstore we asked if she knew how long it had been and she pointed to the hands of clock where they had been when her mom left it had been nearly 3 hours I still can't believe that kid stayed quiet for so long and I'm still kicking myself for not noticing her sooner we took her to the mall security and they started looking for the mom that brainless woman was in another mall next to ours three smaller shopping malls on the same street next to each other the mall security were shocked one of them was a dad and went to get the kid biscuits and an apple juice he knew right away she was really hungry after 3 hours all alone waiting I never forgot how happy she was munching on those chocolate chip cookies and sipping her juice box they called the police and child protection services me and my colleague waited with the kid we had actually brought the book with us for some reason reason so she wouldn't be too scared when the Mom finally arrived I swear she did not understand at all why what she did was wrong and she got ticked at us for going to security she argued that her daughter was safe in our store and that she knew to not cause trouble that got the police suspicious because the kid was indeed very quiet and eerily well behaved looking back it's kind of obvious that she was scared into being this quiet and calm child the mother's justification was basically that since our store was selling books for kids and some toys we were essentially babysitters and that we were the ones in the wrong for not wanting to do our job and watch the children needless to say the cops were just totally done with her and took her to the police station the kid went with Child Protection Services the mom was kicking and screaming threatening to sue us for slander and defamation of course that never happened but I hope that this little girl is now with better people that she's now with people who love and cherish sure if there really is like a notable subsection of people who believe leaving your kid alone unattended in any kind of store and I don't mean like wander around and look at the wees alone while you're shopping somewhere else I mean how many of us wanded off to go look at the toy aisle or the electronic section while the parents did all the shopping but purposely leaving your kid in a bookstore and then going to an entire different building not only is that ridiculously unsafe not fair for the staff but also I think you could really freak out your kid doing that I remember as a kid going to the grocery store with my mom and I wandered off looking around at stuff while she did the main shopping and after a while I wanted to find her and I just could not find her and I almost started just panicking I started worrying did she leave without me in reality we must have just moved perfectly in sync around each other so that we could never just run into each other this Daydreamer wrote I used to work in a book store and it was really upsetting how many parents would do this once it was a 5-year-old old left in charge of an infant we're still not sure where Mom went but she did return just in time yeah Mom was dang lucky we hadn't called CPS another time the mom was in the same store but it was a massive store her four-year-old daughter sought me out in tears because she couldn't find Mommy we paged mommy by name several times and got no reaction finally I took the poor kid by the hand through the store to see if she recognized anyone mommy was about two aisles from the information desk and she barely ackowledge the kid even after I pointed out that her kid had sought me out scared to tears the girl got a single pat on the back and that was it no eye contact was involved she did admit to me that she had heard and understood the pages though and then there was the day when I was doing Zone work right by the center aisle I was minding my own business until I saw a four-year-old boy walking up the center aisle looking scared and clutching a large picture book lovely he didn't want to talk to me at all because I was a scary stranger so I had to pretty much chased the kid through most of the store I finally got him cornered in the cafe and squatted down to his level and asked where his mommy was she went to the grocery store freak just in case with just a trace of wistful hope I asked did she leave you with a grownup not everything is a tragedy the answer was yes mommy's best friend was busy tearing apart the children section looking for her charge and was already talking to staff for help he had told her he was fine putting a book back in the next aisle maybe not so much I get it kid I don't have a sense of direction either we did have too many parents leaving their children in the section with books for young people but we didn't have any horror stories purely by good luck hello parents we never had the staff to offer babysitting I haven't worked there for years but I know they have fewer employees now creeps are out there keep an eye on your kids yeses also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy crazy entitled parents stories want to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my mom isn't allowing me or my brother to receive our inheritance in full is she in the right so November last year my great uncle passed from a stroke he lived in a farm Bungalow with quite a number of Acres that he owned after his death his land was sold for a very large amount of money The Bungalow hasn't been sold yet but not many people are in the market for one nowadays anyway fast forward a few months and our mom's explaining to us about the inheritance and I thought nice I'll be able to get a new car and potentially put a mortgage down for a house I'm only 18 so I probably won't until my 20s then another couple months down my brother managed to crash his second car in a month jerk I know and as he had smoked recently to that crash when the police arrived they drug tested him and he got done plonker since this incident our M has been drug testing us every week and if we test positive for anything we get the boot I didn't help my cas as I'd gone to a weekend festival and did a couple drugs my only argument is that it's the most typical setting to do the drugs I did and at the end of the day I'm 18 and wanted to have a bit of fun try new things you know and when I got back I was welcomed with a drug test and I was out of the house for a week before I tested negative on the drugs I did after this she spoke with both me and my brother and told us she will not be giving us our inheritance and monthly installments each month we have to test negative every week and if we don't for even one week of that month we don't receive the month's installment all I'm after is can she do this she reckons she can but I don't know I've tried researching but I can't find much if I can get an answer that'll be great so if the great uncle specifically left inheritance to you as in she's not like an executive of the will or anything like that she's not the trustee that is intentionally processing installments for you it's actually said in the wheel that you get these monthly installments no no matter what then yeah she can't weaponize it and I don't understand why there would be a chain of custody going through her giving that money to you guys but it sounds like if you're going to contest that it probably is going to get messy and very legal very quickly heck no no wrote as beneficiaries of the will you have a right to see the will and if there are any stipulations who is the executive of the will I would talk to them and if it's your mother then you're going to need a lawyer I don't know what the laws are where you live but it sounds very very unusual for a beneficiary of an estate to have someone else decide when slash if they get the money do you even know how much money you got our next story is told my mom I got married 3 years ago am I the jerk hear me out my mom has a long-standing pattern of disliking all my boyfriends every single one she is so so with my female friends but every time I brought a BF home three times she started talking badly about them blowing up the littlest things for examples I didn't like this one because he left his shoes in the hallway I didn't like that one because his feet are too big this one has a baby face does he even have hair on his chest and so on my third boyfriend turned out to be serious we've been together 17 years traveled the world super happy he is my best friend we even bought an apartment together which she knows during Co we got married at the Town Hall just the two of us we like to throw parties for the people we like but weddings are just not our po thing it really wasn't a big deal for us and even our friends we only told when it came up I mean 17 years in a life together who would be surprised anyway told my mom over dinner the other day I visit her about once a year as I live on a different continent she totally flipped first she acted like she wanted to celebrate I was surprised but thought okay whatever and went to open a bottle then she goes let's cheer to burying this topic forever to which I obvious ly say no if she can't be happy for me what should we be cheering too I went to my room now the next morning she still can't get over it bringing up the fact that I didn't tell her for 3 years over and over she's really upset about it and says it's because my now husband is dominating me she only ever met him twice 15 years ago and was so rude I never brought him back it's like she wants the Antics and status of a wedding in mother-in-law without putting in the emotional work of at least trying to connect to the ones I love I just don't get her reaction thoughts honestly hearing this whole story first of all I'm going to say op's not the jerk my only thoughts are I understand why you didn't tell her for 3 years that reaction is all you need to know about why you don't tell this person any kind of news regarding this stuff Magnus wrote why are you bothering with her you said yourself that she's never going to be happy about anyone you know Opie responded saying I know she's still my mom I I try to keep at minimum contact because I do love her even if I don't like her but considering going back from a week a year to a weekend our next story is entitled parents want me to stay open 30 minutes after closing I work in a small souvenir shop in a park it's quite remote so it takes around 5 minutes to access via tractor/trailer ride and 10ish minutes walking every day I have to shut at 3:00 p.m. company rules so can't change it one day around an hour from closing a couple come to my shop and grab a few snacks for themselves and as they pay ask what time I'm closing I say 3:00 p.m. they thank me and carry on their way I was a bit confused why they asked is there's three plus signs at the entrance to the park and on my shop explaining closing time and also the tractor driver says our opening hours to everyone who catches the tractor trailer but I Shrugged it off they may not have been paying attention as I'm starting to close everything is packed away everything is turned off the couple come back again it's important to mention the woman looked like a young cigarette mom so I was expecting a little bit of trouble she buys a few ice creams and again asks me when I'm shutting I say 4 minutes she rolls her eyes and TS she says well can't you just stay open an extra few minutes my kids are waiting to come down on the tractor and have been waiting for ages the driver keeps forgetting them they're only five and seven I tried to not act shocked she was leaving her young kids alone in a busy Park but I calmly explained to her that we were shutting and there's literally nothing I can do I could not have kept open even if I wanted to she did not like this answer and the dad started rolling his eyes asking if I could just stay open another 30 minutes so his kids could have a look around and buy some things I said no again they then intentionally started taking their time to buy things so I carried on packing up around them by the time they were done deciding all I had to do was turn the till off as soon as I put their things through they demanded my radio so they could ask the tractor driver to make me stay open he can't do anything they stormed off to get the tractor back to the entrance of their park screaming at the tractor driver to be quick so they can bring their kids down I closed that till in the door faster than I ever did before when the tractor returned the parents were screaming wondering why the shop shut down the tractor driver said he got an earful from the parents when he suggested they just go to the main shop in the park instead of mine it sells literally the same things entitled parents I hope not to meet again I think it's either hilarious or horribly stressful when somebody asks oh when do you close and then the reaction to the information is essentially no that's not going to work for me can we do something else just one big oh boy here we go Mountain girl 60 wrote I literally used to look people like this right in the eye and lie to their face I would let them know they had about 2 minutes to get up to the register so I could get them checked out because the register was on an automatic shutdown when Closing Time came it would allow me to finish whatever transaction I was doing and that was it after that transaction I couldn't do anything else but close it and honestly there are registers that do this but they didn't know mine didn't and I didn't care because we were literally open for 12 hours of the day you had all day to do this our next story is moved for empty promises so I figured I'd share my family story involving my wife's parents I was in the Army for a better part of a decade meaning we moved often and were typically pretty far away from any family my wife's parents for all of those years would constantly tell us how much they wished we would live closer and how they would help with our three girls and spend time together I ended up getting out in 2018 and took a job around 12 hours from them they were really upset but I needed to provide for my family so I took the best job I could find they continued telling us the same things if only you lived closer we could do X Y and Z together yada yada Q 2020 in the world shutting down and there was Zero outside socializing my wife and I decided to uproot our family to move closer to hers because we thought it was as good a time as any and we thought it would be good for the kids and wouldn't you know it we see them less now than when we live 12 hours away the excuse now is that because we live 30 minutes from them it's too long of a drive to visit each other regularly the guil trips never stop though they still complain if we don't drop everything for something they want to do we finally call them out not on their BS we're only here for their convenience we are play things to them that they can pull out whenever they're feeling bored and then put us away and ignore us for the rest of the time they rarely spend time with their grandkids and only really want to see us on major holidays we're now low contact and plan to move as soon as possible they act like we somehow betrayed them and make statements like we don't want to live communally like a cult by the way that was in response to us suggesting a once a week family dinner so yeah turns out the people who I previously had a lot of respect for are full of crap and extremely selfish really sucks though because my family is absolute garbage physical and mental abuse my entire childhood so I was really happy to have married into a loving close family guess not I feel like this is a genuine like behavioral issue I don't know if I've ever heard a specific description of what this is but it's that kind of thing where something you do want is out of your grasp so you act like oh only if were within my grasp I would use it all the time and you do get that and it might be even good and like you described for a short amount of time until you get bored of it and let it go again to just put it kind of the best way I can it's never fun to be treated by your own family like you're their new year new me exercise bike purchase that they've gotten tired of after using it for a month furry bat 007 wrote that's actually incredibly crappy on their part they wanted you and your family to move closer by saying that they would help you raise raising your three kids and then once you move and they're just 30 minutes away they don't help in any way what makes it even sadder is they probably know you were raised by abusers so you were looking forward to having good in-laws and family but those jerks just had to go and be toxic and manipulative Opie responded saying it is really crappy the cherry on top was we were going to back out of buying the house we're in now because there were serious issues that needed to be fixed father-in-law said to go ahead and buy it and he'll help me with the repairs after a year of ask asking him to come over and help with them he told us that he didn't have time to and to just hire someone to do it our next story is neighbor thinks her kids bedtime should decide when I can do my hobbies my neighbor female 27 has five kids and one more on the way she doesn't work she's not ill or anything just chooses not to lives off benefits and is all sorts of entitled tonight I was working on my brother's birthday present and this included needing to make a few Cuts with a chop saw it was 900 p.m. and I was done by 9:15 p.m. in my country the curfew for noise or noise disturbance is p.m. she then sends me this long Facebook message about how her kids bedtime is 8:00 p.m. and therefore I need to not use power tools after that time and could I only use them in the daytime so as to not wake her kids I replied saying that I was done now bear in mind she sent that message after literally less than 10 minutes of noise and that I couldn't confine my usage to daytime because I have a job up I could have said a lot more I felt like saying to her your kids are going to be living with a screaming newborn in a few months so maybe focus on teaching them to sleep without it being perfectly silent but I restrained myself even so the very little light did say clearly set her off she sent me another paragraph about her kids needing to be ready for school at 8:00 a.m. before blocking me I feel like there's kind of two sides to this I mean personally I don't know if I'm going to ever feel perfect comfortable using power tools in the neighborhood after 900 p.m. but at the same time you got to do what you got to do and also it's not even breaking any kind of noise disturbance law is it maybe the most considerate thing maybe not but in the grand scheme of things does it genuinely matter probably also not crew Jones 43 wrote I have a shop and I always try to keep the power tools off after 9:00 p.m. Noise by law a 11 however one day in the dead of winter our furnace died I wanted to start up my wood stove as I have a wife two kids and water pipes I didn't want to burst I had no small pieces of wood ready I needed to chop enough to get the fire started at 6:00 a.m. I absolutely hated my neighbor but I still felt so bad making noise I swung the axe four times at the wood pile between our houses and then got the fire going he told all my other neighbors that I always chopped wood at 6:00 a.m. Opie responded saying yeah I totally get get that I wasn't reving in making noise I was as quick as I could be and it's the first time I've ever made noise in the evenings our next story is update on my parents assume they'll live with me when they're old my 29-year-old female husband 28-year-old male and I are house hunting as we're expecting our third baby in November and are hoping to move out of our trailer park by the end of summer we were interested in a house that was essentially my dream home Victorian built in 1900 but completely refurbished on the inside but with all original wood floors and detailing gorgeous a house like this would easily be $200,000 last year or the year before but the housing market is dropping and we found it for approximately 140,000 we live in the midwest it has four to five bedrooms and two full bathrooms my parents the other day asked where they would stay when we come to live with you this was never a discussion they just always assumed they would live with me when they're older I always said no well we messaged the finance person about what the monthly payments would really be on the app it estimated $950 plus a month we figured we could swing that but needed to know for sure before putting an offer in she came back with over $1,000 not doable for us we're going through a program and have a grant so we aren't Rich lower middle class at best thankfully we have another house we had in mind a craftsman style built in 1920 with built-ins wood floor floors and a nice sized fence in the backyard the basement even has a slightly finished room perfect for hiding from storms and tornadoes and it's $20,000 less than the Dreamhouse it's just a little smaller and the bedrooms were pretty small but it's something I was willing to deal with we saw it before we saw the Dreamhouse well when updating my parents on the house situation my mom all but through a fit you don't have to go with the first house you see I say it wasn't she says you can wait until something else comes up I tell her actually no we can't some weird law was passed in our state in regards to Realtors and our realtor wants us to find a house before it goes into full effect in July or August which just gives us more incentive to find a House Pronto so far no other houses have popped up in our area in our budget she says you're about to have your third kid where are you going to put him I reply bunk beds are a thing she says are you going to sleep in the basement if you have more I say we'll cross that bridge with we get to it she says it's so tiny I reply it's bigger than what the pictures show but yes compared to the Dreamhouse it's definitely smaller than that but it's also more realistic I knew what she was really worried about where will we stay but she didn't say it she started looking at other houses on the app and tried to bring them up to me they were all houses we had already looked at or were too far away from my husband's work she was really trying my dad was pretty chill about the whole thing she she even brought up a house that needed serious work we want to live in the house Mom and we don't want a money pit she practically growled at me the call soon ended after that ETA for all of those explaining the realtor law thing to me in the comments thank you my husband did explain it to me as well but I do better with reading information than hearing it also I mentioned this in a few comments but it might be buried soon the Craftsman is not looking doable for us either unless it goes down in price by like $10,000 we only qualified for 3% down on our program so we would still be paying more than we can or want to each month we're looking at other houses some a little further away from my husband's job it seems all the more affordable houses that are in decent shape are almost an hour commute from my husband's work which is something we are okay with we aren't overly happy but are willing to roll with it because it's not the worst thing in the world so needless to say a realtor saying oh there's some new law being passed so we've got to make sure to get this new house purchased right away definitely sounds like in the best interest of the realtor and not the person looking to buy their I don't know if it's forever home but a purchase to the level of buying a house anyway that said it doesn't surprise me that all the more realistic affordable options coincidentally seem to be about an hour away from op's husband's work that's probably the main reason why they're so affordable is because they're way out in the middle of nowhere shoot the commute to the local grocery store is probably not negligible no clever nickname 2021 wrote do not let your realtor pressure you until you look up that new law I believe it's the one that will not allow them to set their commissions as high SO waiting could save you money good luck with the house search and your delusional mother Opie responded saying it's actually something about us having to legally pay him out of pocket in combination with the commission he thinks it's stupid he was fine with the commission he was recommended To Us by my husband's sibling he's more concerned about finding us a decent home than the commission which is why he's so popular he's a rare breed of realtor our next story is father-in-law wants his son to face me like a man my father-in-law is an immature conceited Manchild he wants us to spend more time with him and thinks that threatening us will make that happen everything blew up on Father's Day because we didn't visit him my husband chose to spend time with us because he's also a father we spent time together with the kids went out to eat a peaceful day with the family then father-in-law loses his crap in the family chat because he apparently expected us to show up at his house on the other side of the state he called my husband all kinds of names threatened him said he needs to face his dad like a man whatever that means my oldest is on the family chat and read all of it so now we've no contact with a family vacation coming up he's not welcome and if he shows up which we've been assured he won't we are leaving I hate that this man's attitude is potentially ruined a vacation for my kids and and I hate even more that they don't have a grandpa anymore not that he was ever much of one anyway thanks for reading just needed to vent although op describes it as potentially losing a grandfather like op said I don't think they were ever much of one to even begin with and obviously it is much better for them in the long run if they don't have to associate with someone like that sock full of Nichols wrote my father during the last blow up from breaking no contact said that I need to stop hiding behind my mother's skirt and face him like a man in I'm 41 married own my own home and have a normal relationship with my mom he says that because I'm still in contact with her and he hates that she has access to me the last time we were in each other's presence around 13 years ago he swung at me and got knocked the freak out when I reminded him of that he lost his freaking mind and spam calleded me like 30 times and sent barrages of texts life is tough enough without going through it angry and stupid our next story is entitled Disney adult demands that I change clothes in the middle of a crowded restaurant to preface the situation came up a few years back but still lives rentree in my mind from how absurd it was I was on a family vacation at Disney World a few years back I 19 at the time was staying on property at a resort but on our first night we had dining reservations at a different hotel that was a fair distance away it was a casual buffet style restaurant so there was no dress code or reason to be fancy so I wore a pair of shorts and a graphic tea of a unicorn that said everything sucks in a glittery cursive font about halfway into dinner when I got up to seconds a woman probably in her 40s stepped up to physically block me and immediately started shouting in my face about my obscene clothing I just stood there completely baffled while she went on and on about her young children who were calmly eating on the other side of the room being distressed by my disgusting and inappropriate shirt and then demanded I take it off in the middle of the restaurant when I told her I don't exactly carry replacement clothes with me she demanded that I go to the gift shop and buy a new familyfriendly shirt specifically one with Disney princesses or mini on it because that's what her children would like to see at that point I didn't want to deal with her anymore and said that I'm not here to appeal to kids I don't even know the waitress would have stopped me at check-in if there was a problem with my clothing and I just wanted to eat my dinner and leave I walked away to get the rest of my meal and left her screaming at me for a few minutes before she eventually gave up hope those kids turned out okay you know chances are growing up with a parent like that what are the chances those kids did turn out okay although to be fair there are a lot of stories here where there will be some entitled livid parent making some ridiculous statement or demand and a very apologetic looking young teenager who looks like they want nothing to do with any of that but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parents story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsCRAZYDISNEYADULTMAKESMESTRIPINARESTURANTRedditStoriesorig
ITA for telling my friend she is ruining her child's life with the name she gave her so I 21f have been friends with Loren 22f for 17 years now and we're really close she recently gave birth to her daughter and her and her husband recently told us the name they decided to name their daughter gilet pronounced Juliet and her middle name is Maria I thought the spelling was a joke until she told me they are serious I told her that with that spelling of a simple but beautiful name is just going to ruin that little girl's life she got mad and told me to stop ruining her mood and then I'm being mean I'm completely honest the spelling is just bad nothing else can explain it why ruined such a beautiful name by including letters that don't belong there I texted her yesterday and told her that the little girl will try to change her name or at least go by her middle name since it's normal she told me to stop texting her that I'm a bad friend and that I'm being the for making fun of the name I don't think I am when I told her that the spelling is just bad
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmyfriendsheisruiningherchildslifewiththenameshegaveher
:00.269 --> :19.850 So, on today's episode of wtf from the nighbours..... I need to have them approve when I do things :19.850 --> :22.230 that make any sort of noise. :22.230 --> :27.430 My neighbor just ran my doorbell to tell me his wife said to stop hammering. I was dumbfounded. :27.430 --> :31.970 I just kinda stared and said excuse me? And he infor.ed me that we would be unable to :31.970 --> :37.280 make any sort of noise for the next few months because of their baby. To which I laughed :37.280 --> :42.560 in his face and closed the door. And now his wife is screaming at my door and he is messaging :42.560 --> :45.440 me to please just so what his wife says. :45.440 --> :50.670 So some background. My spouse bought this house in 2011. Both houses are single fsmily :50.670 --> :57.870 detached homes. Both lots are 1.5 lots so there is 33ft roughly between our houses compared :57.870 --> :02.570 to the 6ft for the reat of rhe street. Neighbor husband was already in his house. I moved :02.570 --> :07.149 in 8 years ago. Shortly after, saw the neighbor for the first time and it was someone I've :07.149 --> :12.080 know since I was 4. Went to school all the way through hughschool together. We are 40. :12.080 --> :17.079 3 years ago he met someone. She had at the time a 2 year old girl. She woukd stay at :17.079 --> :21.679 his house and I woukd constantly find the kid wandering the streets. They woukd just :21.679 --> :27.670 send her outside with no supervision, no toys, no fenced yard and expect her to entertain :27.670 --> :33.750 herself. The child was and still is nothing but a brat. 2 years ago she moved in with :33.750 --> :39.290 her daughter. I run a daycare so my yard is full of fun toys. But we also have 3 other :39.290 --> :45.779 fenced off areas. 1 for our pool in the summer, 1 for our dogs, and 1 for our hottub. All :45.779 --> :51.099 have seperate fences and self closing gates plus my external fence is 6ft. During 2020 :51.099 --> :55.679 when covid hit bad the kids were doing virtual schooling from home. She never actually did :55.679 --> :00.459 it. She woukd be riding my doorbell in the middle.if the day asking me to open my yard :00.459 --> :04.889 for her. I would explain that she can't be here when I have daycare kids and my daughter :04.889 --> :09.610 will come out to play after supper. She went to their backyard, dragged patio furniture :09.610 --> :15.740 to my fence and climbed in. Who know how long she was actually in there. But she decided :15.740 --> :20.530 she was done and then couldn't get out. The latch for my main gate is at the very top :20.530 --> :26.080 so the babies can't open it when my bzck is turned. She started screaming, I ran out in :26.080 --> :31.510 a panic. Took her home, explained what happened to mom and mom gave me s*** for just not allowing :31.510 --> :38.980 her to play. I face $100k fine if she is caught on my property during daycare hours. I explained :38.980 --> :44.440 this, she still snapped and called me a b****. I left it at that. Happened a handful more :44.440 --> :49.930 times. I started sending them daycare invoices. Still kept happening, I finally told them :49.930 --> :55.380 I would have to call the police next time. Which I did. Except this time, mom and grandpa :55.380 --> :00.230 were both sitting outside on the stairs and watched her do. Also never bothered to come :00.230 --> :05.650 help her open the gate when she started screaming. Police gave them s*** and told them to stop :05.650 --> :10.690 or mom would be charged with child endangering. I know have proximity sensors at the top of :10.690 --> :15.930 my fence and get a notification if anything goes over my fence. It's gotten better as :15.930 --> :20.830 she has gotten older. So last summer, we setup our above ground pool. Just ordered a new :20.830 --> :27.430 pump system and heater. Pool was half filled. I had also just done up all my planters. I :27.430 --> :33.320 casually glance at my security cameras and see her by the pool. I head out. Main gate :33.320 --> :38.600 was open as the nughborhood kids were running from yard to yard playing. She took it upon :38.600 --> :44.770 herself to go to the pool and take buckets of soil from my planters and dump it into :44.770 --> :53.290 the pool. $400 damage to my brand new $1000 pump/heater system that was up less than 4 :53.290 --> :59.220 hours. I snapped and screamed at her to get out if my yard and not come back. She is not :59.220 --> :03.220 allowed in my yard at all unless me.or my spouse is out there. :03.220 --> :09.150 Now to current time. They had a new baby last week. And me hammering in my basement is disturbing :09.150 --> :15.960 them in their house 33ft away. And they expect me to wait until the fall to finish my project. :15.960 --> :20.769 So I'm currently sitting on my bench outside enjoying a glass of water with my outdoor :20.769 --> :25.960 speakers playing metal while I mow the lawn. Which is much more louder than the little :25.960 --> :29.660 bit of hammering. Ill finish that tonight after dark. :29.660 --> :31.710 EDIT: Lots of people are saying to call police and cps. I do call police when I feel it's :31.710 --> :35.940 neccessary. We have a major drug gang issue and they are busy with that and overdoses. :35.940 --> :41.590 If i call, because it's non violent and rhey recognize the address it's at least 24 hours :41.590 --> :45.070 or usually not at all. I've spoken with child protection agents and this does not fall under :45.070 --> :47.249 their umbrella. It's not neglect. The kid doesn't listen. End of story. It's not like :47.249 --> :49.330 the parents are telling her to do it. As for those concerned about her wandering the neighborhood, :49.330 --> :52.810 I'm in a smaller city. My kid has been playing by herself in the neighborhood with regular :52.810 --> :54.190 check ins since she was 4. I have no issues with that. At 2 and 3 when she originally :54.190 --> :55.990 did it was ridiculous. As for saying not to let my daughter play with her, i cannot take :55.990 --> :57.610 away my daughters entire friend group which is exactly what would happen. We are 1 of :57.610 --> :00.360 3 houses in a row with kids. House 1 has 3 kids, house 2 (problem house) has 2 kids, :00.360 --> :04.469 house 3 (me) has 1 kid. House 1 and 2 all go to the same school. They are already outside :04.469 --> :05.590 playing by the time ny daughter gets home. My daughter does activities saturday/Sunday :05.590 --> :09.240 mornings so same thing. So not allowing my daughter to play with 1 kid, also takes 4 :09.240 --> :13.259 others away.So this story takes place years ago when my daughter was learning how to swim :13.259 --> :17.919 at the local YMCA. I had bought her a nice pair of goggles so she could see in the water :17.919 --> :21.860 while learning how to swim. There is a group of three or four kids that were playing nearby :21.860 --> :26.229 that caught her attention. The one little girl came over and was being really nice to :26.229 --> :31.189 her and started talking to her. I was very excited for her because I know making friends :31.189 --> :36.699 can be difficult. So the kids start striking up a conversation and I noticed that my daughter :36.699 --> :42.160 took her goggles off and handed them to little girl. The little girl then puts them on and :42.160 --> :47.849 swims away from my daughter. My daughter just kind of sat there frozen in the water looking :47.849 --> :52.309 deflated. I saw her try to go over and talk to the girls but then they started to swim :52.309 --> :57.199 away from her, ignoring her completely. I went over to where my daughter was and I asked :57.199 --> :01.479 her what the problem was. She said the little girl was talking to her and ask her if she :01.479 --> :06.879 could play with her but wanted to use her goggles. So my daughter as generous as she :06.879 --> :12.779 is, let her the goggles. However, as soon as the little girl got her hands on the goggles, :12.779 --> :17.699 She didn't want to have anything to do with my daughter anymore. I was mad. I went over :17.699 --> :22.379 to where the little girl was and I told her that I needed the goggles back that you borrowed :22.379 --> :27.499 from my daughter. She looked at me nervously, but gave me the goggles back. Then her and :27.499 --> :32.589 her friends swim away towards where I'm assuming their parents were. Of course about five minutes :32.589 --> :37.469 later, the mother comes over in my direction. She said to me " why did you take those goggles :37.469 --> :43.159 away from My daughter.? They aren't yours.!" I said " you're right. They are my daughters.!" :43.159 --> :48.100 She says " well she isn't using them , she can barely swim. She should just let her use :48.100 --> :52.530 them instead of hogging them to herself. " I then told her that if she did a better job :52.530 --> :57.400 at raising her daughter, then the two of them will be sharing, playing together, and having :57.400 --> :03.309 fun . but here we are, because her daughter manipulated mine into handing over her goggles :03.309 --> :07.150 and letting her think that they were going to play together. I told her that I didn't :07.150 --> :12.559 have time to deal with garbage human beings and she should get back on her side of the :12.559 --> :17.369 pool. She gave me a dirty look as she walked back to her seat. It definitely became apparent :17.369 --> :22.729 that my daughter felt uncomfortable after that and wanted to leave. It's such a big :22.729 --> :57.710 pill to see my daughter have to swallow realizing that people could be so crappy sometimes.Disclaimer: :57.710 --> :10.759 My :10.759 --> :15.789 dog used to be an owner trained SDIT (service dog in training) currently this is under review :15.789 --> :20.919 as I’m questioning washing him. So I will be saying “was” in referring to him as :20.919 --> :22.629 a working dog for now. :22.629 --> :28.809 Colton is my 100 pound, 1year old, GSD and I’ve had quite a few incidents involving :28.809 --> :34.721 entitled parents pawning their child or children off on my dog without permission (in and out :34.721 --> :39.260 of vest). But there is this one incident in particular that definitely takes the cake :39.260 --> :42.040 as the worst EM I’ve ever met. :42.040 --> :47.500 At the time of this incident Cole was probably around 9months. I was at a local pet-friendly :47.500 --> :52.390 park to go over public training with Cole. I go to this particular park quite often and :52.390 --> :57.880 had never run into any problems until this point. This is probably where I should mention :57.880 --> :04.520 why I had a SDIT, I had Cole for multiple reasons but the main reason was for my anxiety. :04.520 --> :10.270 I am prone to severe panic attacks that can hinder my ability to go about life as normal, :10.270 --> :12.780 and Cole was tasked trained help with this. :12.780 --> :17.630 During the park trip things started off relatively normally, I was going over basic commands :17.630 --> :23.660 with Cole. But after awhile the park started getting unusually busy for the times I go :23.660 --> :28.960 and I started feeling slightly overwhelmed. I contemplated leaving but considering I hadn’t :28.960 --> :33.640 even gotten halfway through the training session, I just moved further away from the larger :33.640 --> :39.190 crowds near the jungle gym part of the park to a quieter, shadier area. :39.190 --> :43.940 After going through the basics for awhile longer I move on to DPT training, for those :43.940 --> :48.650 who don’t know what DPT is it stands for deep pressure therapy, it’s a technique :48.650 --> :54.450 used to ground anxiety patients. Essentially I lay on the ground and my dog lays over top :54.450 --> :00.840 of me, think weighted blanket. Relaxing slightly I decide to close my eyes, two minutes later :00.840 --> :06.680 though I hear kids running around me and open my eyes to a group of 4-5 young kids playing :06.680 --> :12.960 tag. No big deal I thought so I closed my eyes and ignored them. Literally moments later :12.960 --> :18.110 though I feel Cole moving more on top of me, and then he all but jerks to the side. :18.110 --> :22.810 I open my eyes to see the group of kids that were playing tag, now standing and sitting :22.810 --> :28.460 around me petting and pulling Cole’s harness. How I didn’t notice sooner is beyond me :28.460 --> :33.990 but neither the less I was mad (for like two seconds) until I reminded myself that these :33.990 --> :37.710 were kids and decided I’d use this moment as a teaching lesson. :37.710 --> :40.760 Me- “Excuse me? Please don’t pet my dog.” I said politely :40.760 --> :43.860 Kid- “why not? He’s just laying down?” :43.860 --> :48.650 Me- “Well you have to ask people before petting there dogs, they may not be friendly :48.650 --> :53.660 or they could be nervous around people. You see my dog is working, this vest he wears? :53.660 --> :58.180 It says ‘do not pet’ because he’s doing a very important job right now and can’t :58.180 --> :00.790 be distracted. It’s for my safety.” :00.790 --> :05.260 The kids ask a few more questions which I answer to the best of my ability’s, and :05.260 --> :10.550 they apologize and walk away. I was happy with myself I managed my anxiety and handled :10.550 --> :15.700 the situation pretty well, I also managed to teach these kids some important manners :15.700 --> :23.620 about meeting dogs and SD’s. I was content, so I closed my eyes again and laid back, assuming :23.620 --> :25.300 this situation was over. :25.300 --> :27.370 I was poorly mistaken. :27.370 --> :32.020 I just want to say now, that I do not blame these kids for what’s about to happen. :32.020 --> :36.350 A good amount of time later, I hear someone’s footsteps heading in my direction allowing :36.350 --> :41.710 me to know someone was walking up to me, but not just walking up to me they were stomping :41.710 --> :47.580 up to me. And then I hear someone obnoxiously clearing there throat. I open my eyes to see :47.580 --> :51.440 this middle aged women with her hands at her hips glaring at me. :51.440 --> :57.030 EM- “Excuse me?!” This women sounded very annoyed and impatient, now another thing you :57.030 --> :02.210 all should know about my anxiety is that I’m not good at confrontation, like at all. :02.210 --> :05.980 Me- “Is something wrong ma’am?” I asked politely trying to stay calm :05.980 --> :11.850 EM- “Uh.. yeah ‘somethings wrong’” she sassed. “Did you tell my child and there :11.850 --> :14.310 friends that they can’t pet your dog?” :14.310 --> :20.510 Me- “uhh… I don’t know, who your kid is, but yeah I did ask a group of kids earlier :20.510 --> :22.350 to not pet my dog, why?.” :22.350 --> :27.640 EM- “Uh huh, well that was my kid. And I just want to know why you think you have the :27.640 --> :32.950 right, to parent my kid and there friends and tell them what they can and cannot do.” :32.950 --> :39.530 Me- “E-excuse me?” I was stuttering and utterly confused. My people skills aren’t :39.530 --> :45.330 great, my social skills lack a lot and my anxiety makes communication and confrontation :45.330 --> :50.140 really hard. I know these things and except them, I fully understand that I may not pick :50.140 --> :56.871 up on every social cue and can be overly sensitive at times. But even without my anxiety, you :56.871 --> :01.310 have to keep in mind that I’m a mirror whose laying on the ground with a grown a** women :01.310 --> :05.280 literally standing over top of me. The situation wasn’t great. :05.280 --> :11.730 EM- “you heard me!” She shouted “or are you stupid or something!” (FYI, the :11.730 --> :13.770 word she used wasn’t stupid) :13.770 --> :19.980 I swear, I was shocked! I couldn’t believe an adult actually said that out loud and to :19.980 --> :27.060 a child none the less. I could feel my anxiety rising by the millisecond, and Cole was positioning :27.060 --> :33.160 himself further on top of me to keep me from shaking like a leaf! I didn’t respond right :33.160 --> :36.480 away and it took me a moment to gather my myself. :36.480 --> :43.130 Me- “Ma’am. My. Dog. Is. A .Service. dog. He literally has patches on him that say ‘do :43.130 --> :49.690 not pet’ your kids distracting him can put my life at risk! He’s not here for entertainment, :49.690 --> :50.690 he-” :50.690 --> :52.940 I was cut off by… you guessed it EM :52.940 --> :58.880 EM- “That doesn’t matter, you’re probably just faking for attention, and besides your :58.880 --> :04.620 dogs just laying there, he’s not doing anything! So my kid and there friends should be allowed :04.620 --> :06.040 to say hi!” :06.040 --> :10.160 At this point I’m on the verge of tears and I’m gripping Cole’s harness for dear :10.160 --> :14.980 life, I’m at the point we’re I can no longer formulate words or keep my thoughts :14.980 --> :19.670 straight! I knew I was about to have a panic attack, cause I was a mess. :19.670 --> :24.630 Luckily though the commotion seemed to have attracted other people, specifically adults :24.630 --> :29.930 who came over to help. I don’t remember much, just people talking to EM loudly and :29.930 --> :34.680 her stomping away with her child I presume. And some adults crouched beside me asking :34.680 --> :36.050 if I was okay. :36.050 --> :40.990 I managed to convince the adults I was fine. And I called my parents to pick me up. I explained :40.990 --> :46.730 some of the situation and they were p*****, rightfully so, and even considered filling :46.730 --> :52.060 a report but I was against it. I never saw the mom or kid again but I did see some of :52.060 --> :56.960 there friends, on a walk past the park. They all apologized to me, and said all they told :56.960 --> :01.880 their parents was how nice I was being and explaining everything they learned about SD’s. :01.880 --> :04.540 EM just took it way out of hand. :04.540 --> :08.940 But it’s okay. It’s almost been a year since this happened and I’m over it. I actually :08.940 --> :48.230 find it pretty humorous and laugh at how crazy EM was now. Glad I’ve never run into her :48.230 --> :23.670 again though.I (f21, southern US) nannied for EM for 2 years. I have a chronic illness :23.670 --> :30.100 which nobody knows the cause of, but is theorized to be autoimmune as over 90% of cases test :30.100 --> :35.090 positive for autoimmune antibodies. If I get a flare up, I will be sick for a week and :35.090 --> :41.280 a half while a normal person might be sick for 3 days. I also get deconditioned and fatigued. :41.280 --> :47.290 EM was told of my illness at the beginning of my job. I cared for EM's two children, :47.290 --> :49.800 Max (5) and Daisy (8). :49.800 --> :54.470 Max is not potty trained despite being 5 (edit for clarity: he just turned 5 recently and :54.470 --> :59.110 EM mentioned several times she was trying to potty train him, I saw the kid potty but :59.110 --> :05.360 he didnt use it while I was there) and refuses to wipe himself. I have let him sh## directly :05.360 --> :11.410 into my hands while he was lying on the floor not 3 feet from the nearest toilet because :11.410 --> :17.750 he threw a tantrum and "didn't want to". And yes, I wiped his a## after. He throws toys :17.750 --> :23.550 at me and tantrums often. He breaks things and then point to me to yell "it's your fault!" :23.550 --> :28.130 Daisy has bullied kids and screams bloody murder randomly to get attention. She calls :28.130 --> :34.941 Max names (stupid, dumb, annoying). Her favorite game is "rich vs poor" where of course, every :34.941 --> :41.190 time she makes me poor. If I go to the bathroom she will stand outside and . She sneaks around, :41.190 --> :45.910 steals things she isn't allowed to have, goes through my belongings, grabs things without :45.910 --> :51.470 asking, and has broken my phone before. One time I told her I ran out of phone data so :51.470 --> :55.500 I couldn't let her use it and her response was "just buy a new one". :55.500 --> :00.880 I want to be clear, I am NOT blaming the kids. They mimic behaviors that were modeled by :00.880 --> :05.560 others. They seem normal but I dont know if they have any issues. This is to show how :05.560 --> :07.300 much I gave to the job. :07.300 --> :14.120 EM neglected to tell me the kids were sick FOUR TIMES during the past few months: :14.120 --> :18.480 First time: Daisy is always hyper. I try to be patient with her because I genuinely don't :18.480 --> :24.210 know if she has behavioral issues and it's not my place to ask. Today, she was calm and :24.210 --> :31.060 had bedhead. She was in casual clothes but I thought nothing of it. The EM says nothing. :31.060 --> :35.610 When she's gone, Daisy brags to me that she stayed home from school. I asked why, and :35.610 --> :41.170 she said "I'm sick!". I panicked but I figured EM was just busy taking care of two young :41.170 --> :46.800 kids and forgot to mention it. When she came home, she made a beeline to Daisy. I think :46.800 --> :51.780 she thought she was out of my earshot because she whispered to her quietly saying "poor :51.780 --> :57.160 baby, how are you? Do you feel better?" Luckily I have great hearing and caught it. As soon :57.160 --> :59.360 as I went home, I cleaned off. :59.360 --> :05.690 2nd time: again, EM acted like nothing was wrong. I was not told her kids were sick. :05.690 --> :12.770 When she left, they said "guess what?" I ask "what" and Daisy AGAIN says "we're sick" :D. :12.770 --> :19.150 I decided to probe and asked "how do you know?" Max says, "I threw up TWICE." Daisy jumps :19.150 --> :25.300 in, "I threw up ONCE!" I asked when and Max said "yesterday!". I got a cold as soon as :25.300 --> :28.990 I got home and was mildly sick for the rest of the week. :28.990 --> :34.460 At this point I realized I was intentionally not being told and told family members I wanted :34.460 --> :40.321 to quit. They told me how mean and terrible I was because "you're helping a mother" and :40.321 --> :43.440 "they can't help it" and "muh babys!" :43.440 --> :50.080 3rd time: I went to take care of Max. I was told it would be "easy" and only for a few :50.080 --> :56.760 hours. Within 15 minutes I hear earsplitting crying and go upstairs to find Max sobbing :56.760 --> :03.170 that he had diarrhea and nightmares. I felt bad so I changed him and wiped the liquid :03.170 --> :09.620 sh## off his bare a##. I put him back to bed and he woke up again with MORE diarrhea. I :09.620 --> :14.900 repeat the cycle and he tells me after I'm done "can I tell you a secret?" I say "yes :14.900 --> :20.730 of course what?" He says "I'm sick. I have a cold". He hugs me because he's scared and :20.730 --> :29.840 sneezes into my face. EM again mentions absolutely nothing when she comes home. After that session, :29.840 --> :36.460 I was sick for a week with diarrhea, stomach cramps, brain fog and joint pain (during finals :36.460 --> :37.460 week). :37.460 --> :42.400 At this point I decided I was going to quit. Yet again I was gaslit and told I would regret :42.400 --> :44.820 my decision. But I made up my mind. :44.820 --> :49.530 4th time: This was the last day after I made up my mind to quit. :49.530 --> :52.640 I was told again this day would be "easy". :52.640 --> :58.300 Max woke up within 15 minutes sobbing. I waited a few minutes to see if he goes back to sleep. :58.300 --> :04.130 I then hear the biggest fit of coughing I've ever heard so I go upstairs and lo and behold, :04.130 --> :09.730 he is coughing up a storm and says he woke up with nightmares and needed to be changed. :09.730 --> :15.590 I changed him (luckily not diarrhea but still vile) and he told me again "can I tell you :15.590 --> :22.260 a secret? I have a little cold. I feel nauseous and I have diarrhea and cough." He was terrified :22.260 --> :27.640 so I stayed in the room with him until the session ended. He coughed the whole time. :27.640 --> :30.059 Again EM mentioned nothing. :30.059 --> :34.870 I should mention that out of these times, 3/4 of them were date nights. Only one was :34.870 --> :40.920 school related. Also, EM knew that I had gotten sick after one of the dates. The "I have a :40.920 --> :46.160 secret" phrasing makes me think the kids were told not to tell me they were sick. I don't :46.160 --> :50.640 regret being there for the kids while they were sick or being there with Max when he :50.640 --> :56.020 was scared and couldn't sleep. I DO feel upset that I'm missing an important event because :56.020 --> :02.620 of something that was easily preventable. The EM was nice and accommodating otherwise :02.620 --> :06.240 but this was something serious tha affected me a lot. :06.240 --> :11.970 So here I am, sick for 4 days, with my 21st birthday 3 days away. And I will spend it :11.970 --> :19.570 ill, unable to go anywhere and with an autoimmune flareup. My birthday, health (and MDW for :19.570 --> :26.110 that matter) is ruined because EM decided that her being overwhelmed was a bigger problem :26.110 --> :51.130 than me being chronically ill. :51.130 --> :09.520 I just needed to rant. Tried to post before but didn't have enough karma. Thank you for :09.520 --> :19.410 listening. I love you all, hope you have a blessed dayCast :19.410 --> :23.910 Me(M) My husband (M) EM (F) :23.910 --> :30.271 Background: My husband has a lot of old sh scars and other scars on his arms/legs, which :30.271 --> :32.970 are pretty hard to hide without long sleeves and pants. :32.970 --> :37.740 We went out to a park that was pretty close to our house that I used to go to a lot alone :37.740 --> :42.120 (stopped going alone since they built a playground there and there were a lot of kids and the :42.120 --> :48.220 moms always gave me side glances if I sat around too long, I get why, but it still sucks) :48.220 --> :52.220 We walked around for a while and decided to sit at a bench that was pretty close to the :52.220 --> :56.760 playground (neither of us felt like walking to find another one, and it seemed fine to :56.760 --> :57.760 sit there) :57.760 --> :02.350 My husband ended up taking off his hoodie just because it was very hot out, 15 or so :02.350 --> :04.470 minutes later this lady comes up to us :04.470 --> :09.170 EM: hey, could you maybe leave? My son is playing over there. :09.170 --> :11.560 H: wait, why do we have to leave? :11.560 --> :17.440 EM: I don't want my son to see those… Gross things (referring to the scars) :17.440 --> :20.050 Me: we're not doing anything, just ignore us :20.050 --> :26.380 EM clearly gets upset that we didn't listen to her and storms off, I wanted to leave since :26.380 --> :31.580 I was pretty uncomfortable, but we ended up staying for a little longer. EM comes back :31.580 --> :32.690 after a little while. :32.690 --> :35.680 EM: I thought I told you to leave. :35.680 --> :39.920 H: It's a public park, we don't have to leave just because you said so. :39.920 --> :45.660 EM: (talking to me) why don't you and your friend just leave. Those marks are disgusting. :45.660 --> :53.260 Me: (shows ring) he's my husband. Also, his scars are none of your d*** business to begin :53.260 --> :55.800 with, we aren't hurting you in any way. :55.800 --> :02.600 EM: (looks offended) oh ew you're one of those… (Drops f slur) no wonder you are over here, :02.600 --> :03.710 you pedos! :03.710 --> :06.000 H: don't call us that. :06.000 --> :11.510 EM: whatever! I'm calling the police on you (Drops f slur again) :11.510 --> :14.910 Me: do it, since you're clearly the one harassing us. :14.910 --> :19.970 EM: (walks off to call the police or something, and we wait for the cops to come) :19.970 --> :23.170 We waited for a while and eventually the police came. :23.170 --> :25.710 Cops: what's exactly the issue? :25.710 --> :32.210 EM: They are harassing me! These (f slur. Again. I swear, if you're going to insult :32.210 --> :38.741 me based on nothing but my sexuality at least get creative with it, smh homophobes) are :38.741 --> :42.460 pedos, and they clearly like my son! :42.460 --> :46.711 We explained what actually happened, they seemed pretty annoyed that they had to come :46.711 --> :52.820 for something so dumb, they ended up giving EM a ticket for disturbing the peace or something :52.820 --> :58.929 and left pretty quickly. EM kept throwing a tantrum, but we left afterwards, not really :58.929 --> :04.060 wanting to get called more slurs. (Also because she was giving us both bad flashbacks from :04.060 --> :06.370 our own homophobic parents) :06.370 --> :57.220 I feel bad for EM's kid through, hope he can get away from her once he grows up.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsCRAZYMOTHERCALLMEAFGGOTRedditStoriesen
Welcome Friends to another r slash am I the jerkier video today we've got a lot of hard-hitting questions and our first story of the day is from Bubble Bash Joe am I the jerk for telling my overweight sister she should wear clothes that fit her I 30 year old female love my sister 24. we get along great growing up not so much my sister has always struggled with weight issues to the point that we were never allowed to use the word fat even if it wasn't to describe a person she had worked through a lot of her confidence issues but once her mom passed she regressed mentally and began binge eating she's now much heavier but refuses to buy new clothes this has been over the past couple of years I never said anything before because of how sensitive this topic is for her well she got a big girl job she started a week ago we met up for lunch and as she walked in her stomach was hanging out she fixed it but then immediately it came out again I asked her if she was work from home or in in the office she said in the office and I told her her stomach was out and she said that she knew and was fixing it all day I told her to go shopping with me this weekend and we'll get clothes to fitter and I'll pay since she hadn't gotten a check she said they do fit her and that I shouldn't body shame her I explained that she can wear whatever she wants but it's not appropriate for an office job she started crying and stormed out am I the jerk I think Ops just trying to be honest and they weren't commenting about the weight they weren't saying it's a negative thing they were just saying that the clothes that she's wearing don't appropriately cover her nothing to do with weight nothing to do with appearance it's just you shouldn't be wearing clothing that allows your stomach to show all the time do you guys think in a situation like this there was ever going to be some kind of wording to get the point across that doesn't upset them let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from djdkgj-e-i-s am I the jerk for bringing up an embarrassing story a week ago go I went out with friends and one John got so drunk they couldn't walk my friend was going to Uber John home but I said I'll let him sleep at my place when we got to my apartment John got out of the car fell asleep in a puddle when it was raining like crazy I had to drag him inside I left him there and he's twitching his head and can barely move he was dead weight I went into another room and he peed himself the next day John was extremely embarrassed he said he was sorry he was a burden and thankfully took care of him he made me take fifty dollars to buy cleaning supplies and bought me breakfast and then Uber to his car he cleaned up too I didn't see him since until a friend had a dinner party at the dinner party I kept saying John had an uh oh the other day John why don't you tell everyone and then he kept saying no and this isn't respectful of his boundaries to keep pushing if he said no then I showed everyone a video of John twitching and passed out because I thought it was harmless and funny John was like this isn't the play and then I was like John tell everyone what happened the next day John texted me listen sorry I was a burden but I didn't intentionally do that I think it was unnecessary and cruel that you try to humiliate me at a dinner party with all our peers and then blocked me I didn't think it was that big of a deal as he made it am I the jerk for sharing an embarrassing story of a friend so I don't know if op is just doing a bait post here but I would hope that most people can agree that op is definitely the jerk here I know if I had an experience like this where I went a little too crazy and I had an uh oh as Opie calls it first of all I think it is extremely weird and extremely creepy that Opie's taking videos of their friend if I was John I know I would be livid at op I would not be able to trust op and I would be looking to cut Opie out of anything imagine that being one of the lowest moments of your life maybe one of the biggest mistakes you've made to end up in that kind of condition and it's being broadcasted to a bunch of people who know nothing about it and don't need to know anything about it and then video proof of it too our next story is from Mrs stewart21368 am I the jerk for flipping out of my husband for canceling my daughter's job interview my daughter Mia is 23 years old she's a college graduate and recently started looking for a job her stepdad my husband has been begging her to come work at his company but she refused because she said that most employees there are men and that they make uncomfortable comments about women and they make her feel uncomfortable she went to the company many times and was feeling uncomfortable she said that in those 30 to 40 minute visits she couldn't handle the negative Vibes so she couldn't imagine working eight hours plus every day my husband insisted and basically gave her a prose list that he thought is enough to make her reconsider she still refused her best friend found her a job opportunity at a company that's well known in our area and Mia was excited beyond measure she even went shopping for new clothes just for the interview however the day of the interview I got a call from her crying saying her interview was canceled I was confused thinking something must have gone wrong but she said that her stepdad got home and told her he canceled the interview using her email which led to an argument I was livid I went home and I flipped out at him like I just lost it on him and he was shocked by my reaction he defended himself saying he did this for her own good and that he was frustrated after she kept turning down his offer to join him in the company he lashed out saying that instead of siding with her I should be encouraging her to join the company and help make it better instead of working for others I got out of the room and he shut the door and stayed inside the whole time we're still on non-speaking terms but he occasionally threw in how he just wanted what's best for the whole family but now Mia missed an opportunity to work with respectable company and gain the benefits that it helped her progress in her career I think not only is op not the jerk I think they're a good parent for flipping out over this because I think Opie is right on the money it is unfathomable that this guy would go and do that considering what the husband just went and did it is no wonder why there's such a terrible environment being fostered at his workplace the dude went and canceled her interview and is trying to force her to accept to go and work for him after Behavior like that I'm saying this step dad maybe shouldn't even be involved in her life you know go and sabotage the kid in the kid's dreams our next story is from throwaway3490771 am I the jerk for wanting to tell my stepdaughter that her dad installed a tracking device in the new car he bought for her 18th birthday I female 36 have been married to my husband for three years he has one daughter Christine she'll soon be 18 years old and he's bought her a new car as her birth Day gift here's the thing Christine's mom is deceased she has a good relationship with me in fact not too long ago she told me I was like a second mom to her this of course means everything to me however she and her dad don't get along that much I have to say that he's incredibly overprotective of her but has done things that affected their relationship like how he caused her to break up with her ex-boyfriend after he got diagnosed with multiple health conditions because of that Christine's grown distant from her dad for her 18th birthday he wanted to throw her a big celebration and buy her the car she always wanted as a way to reconcile with her they're on okay terms now but he says he wants to gain back her trust two days ago I overheard him speaking with a friend of his about installing a tracking device in the new car I was stunned I brought it up with him later at night and told him how wrong this was he said it was none of my business but I told him that if and when Christine finds out then there's gonna be trouble he got upset and went on about how he's just doing this out of concern and protection for her and said it was none of my business whatsoever since I didn't buy the car I called them unreasonable and said that if he doesn't back off then I'll tell her at the party and when he hands her the key he was shocked at this he called me crazy and said I shouldn't have been snooping and listening to his private talks in the first place I said I'd tell her but he told me to stay out of it since it's his daughter not mine and that if I wanted to parent my way then I was free to have my own children this stung because he knows I can't have kids due to infertility problems we argued about it and I said I'd still tell her he called me unhinged and said I get no say nor do I have the right to get involved whatsoever just stay out of it he kept repeating I consulted my mom and she agreed it was none of my business she told me to stay out of it and not try to stir drama and cause scenes she said I should know better and stay on my husband's side since step kids are always flippant I'm torn on this but I'm still insisting on it am I the jerk honestly in situations like this I think op has a responsibility to tell her I don't think anybody deserves to be spied on tracked around without their consent especially a fully fledged adult I also have a personal issue with the whole well you shouldn't have been listening to my private talks at all as if that washes away what they're doing honestly it's kind of hilarious whenever people say that well you shouldn't have been listening to me in the first place they're basically saying well if I had it my way you wouldn't even know about it anyways therefore you should let it go like that makes some perfect sense or something our next story is from Caterpillar Wings am I the jerk for putting a debt on my daughter my wife and I are in the fortunate position of being wealthy we had to work our butts off to get where we are and we never forget where we came from our kids grew up rich kids but we never spoiled them even when we could have they went to nice schools had nice things but they also had summer jobs and after school jobs to pay for their own extras we also pushed philanthropy in our family so our kids recognize they're privileged and that our life isn't even remotely how regular people live I'd say for the most part our kids have grown up to be respectful and good people our oldest children are twin boys and their sister who's 18 months younger than them all three are in college now our youngest two are in eighth grade I got a call from our bank a couple days ago saying that someone had cashed a check that was charged to our bank account in the amount of sixty one thousand three hundred forty seven dollars and that the check had been made out to the tuition Office of the University my oldest three kids attend naturally I investigated the matter myself with the university and got some answers I pieced together that one of my kids snagged my checkbook and wrote a tuition check for a friend of theirs there's a much bigger story behind why this kid couldn't pay but that's private and my wife and I agreed to fund this Young Person's education because of their private struggles I grilled my kids and figured out that it was our daughter Joanna Joanna was apologetic but she was also quite insistent that she stood behind her actions I respect my daughter for her convictions and she really did have good reasons for why she did it but the fact remains that she stole and then she hid it Joanna asked what her punishment is and I told her to get a job because she now owes her mother an eye sixty two thousand dollars here's the thing I don't expect Joanna to pay us back and if she came to me tomorrow with the money I wouldn't take it what I want to see is an effort made an acknowledgment of her actions and the consequences if I see that she's actively trying I'll tell her that she doesn't have to pay me back she's my kid and I love her so all I want is for her to learn a lesson but Joanna doesn't know all this all she thinks is that she owes me 62 thousand dollars so naturally I'm a horrible father and a very mean person am I the jerk I definitely don't think op could be the jerk in the situation I think they're very composed considering the amount of money that's at stake here not very often can you say my kid stole sixty two thousand dollars for me and all I want is for them to make a Earnest effort to pay me back that money and you know what I don't even actually want the money back I mean hey go off Opie our next story is from rudecover2472 am I the jerk for going through my daughter's room while she was asleep I 49 year old female have a 17 year old daughter throughout middle and high school she's had some problems with smoking weed and vaping I've gone through a room and belongings on several occasions when she hasn't been home to try and make sure she's not doing anything illegal and most of the time I don't find anything but I can never be too sure she's over a month into her senior year and has really let her grades slip she's normally a straight AAP student but she has several bees in the grade book right now I'm very disappointed in her as this is her senior year and she should not be screwing around like this last night while she was asleep I decided to go through her room because I figured if her grades were this poor she must be misbehaving I looked through her drawers and closet but I couldn't find anything so I decided to look through her phone to do this I had to get on her bed and reach over her as she sleeps with it by her pillow facing the wall while grabbing her phone I saw her wallet and decided to look through that too I gave up on looking through her phone because I couldn't figure out her password so I opened her wallet and started looking through it in her wallet I found an empty Vape pod and saw red I woke her up at about 5 30 and confronted her about it she told me she didn't even know it was in her wallet and that she didn't even understand why I was mad because I know she quit months ago she then asked me why I was even going through her stuff in the middle of the night especially since she gave me no reason to and then she said I was a jerk and completely betrayed her trust so am I the jerk for going through my daughter's room while she was sleeping I've never been one that's crazy about a A plus 100 so to me I think B is like a perfectly good enough grade I mean maybe you could get away with like looking through their room or whatever if they're not around but I think you're definitely the jerk for looking through their rooms scouring through their things reaching over them while they're sleeping and trying to look through their phone and their wallet because they slipped to a b grade God forbid a 17 year old to really slip up that bad it's just a bit over the top I think and I think Opie's The Jerk our next stories from throwaway stealing ml am I the jerk for breaking into my mother-in-law's bedroom throw awake as some of my in-laws use Reddit we're pregnant with our rainbow baby and we couldn't be happier on Friday we had our 12-week sonogram and got plenty of pictures to take home my mother-in-law and father-in-law came to visit so they could see them and eventually the pictures disappeared I asked them for help to find them but they were just nowhere to be found my mother-in-law was pretty eager to leave and that didn't sit well with me after they left I couldn't stop thinking about it so on Sunday we went to their place for lunch and when I went to the bathroom I went into their bedroom and found the pictures in her nightstand I was fuming we were planning to give each side of the family copies of the pictures and a framed one and we told them but of course she just wanted them all I confronted her when I came back and she just said she thought they were for her which is clearly a lie I asked them for help to find them for crying out loud and was visibly upset it's not the first time she pulls something like this and while my husband defended me in front of them when she protested for my snooping he then told me I'd cross the line when I opened her drawers I know it wasn't the nicest thing to do I regret having to stoop to her level but I was just so angry so am I the jerk I think Opie's not the jerk because obviously it's pretty apparent that the Mother-in-law had stolen them I mean the behavior was just way too suspicious and these are things that are near and dear to you and you know those get messed up or those get lost and those are moments in history of your kid that I think would be just gone I don't think they keep backups at the hospital well actually I have no idea how that works but maybe they do either way I think op's not the jerk on next stories from Piper Lavoy am I the jerk for calling my mother a lunatic and a Jesus freak I'm 16 year old female my mother 40 is very very Catholic and for as long as I can remember she's forced this on me in almost every aspect of my life I don't intend to be dramatic but it's ruined a good chunk of my life and all of my childhood I wasn't allowed to consume any media that the Bible looked down upon for my entire childhood I was interested in Grunge music and when I'd been gifted a Nirvana and Soundgarden CD as a kid she found them and threw them away she has always scolded me for having interest that didn't line up with her beliefs and it's made me feel trapped I may sound like a bad person when I say this but I can't tell if I just resent her or if I really truly hate her a couple years back a friend of mine introduced me to spirituality witchcraft astrology Etc and it's something that really resonates with me and makes me happy I knew and I'd know that it was a risk to buy tarot cards crystals and runestones of my own but I kept them hidden in the ceiling because it moves up Joe Goldberg from you taught me that one I feel like I have the right to my own individual beliefs and spiritual practices regardless of what my mother says or wants well she found them don't ask me how because I have no idea but it started a huge argument which ended in her calling me a disrespectful witch a devil worshiper and destroying all of my spirituality books my tarot cards my crystals everything I called her a hypocritical lunatic Jesus Freak who thinks she gets to project her beliefs onto all others and that's probably why my father divorced her she paused and then began crying calling me an ungrateful child from hell and told me she's kicking me out come next month I don't know what to do I know it was a low blow but in the moment I didn't care air and I'm still debating on whether or not I should care am I the jerk so granted personally I'm not practicing any religion but I can imagine it's very difficult to be growing up in a family where there is an expectation for you to be a devout follower of whatever religion op is 100 entitled to follow and practice whatever religion they want to or whatever beliefs they want to and that definitely extends to tarot cards crystals runestones anything like that I think this is one of those situations you're gonna have a long maybe lifelong battle with your mom over considering they're so devoutly Catholic but I think Opie is definitely not the jerk here also does Opie even live in a place where it's legal for their mom to kick them out they're 16 years old our next story is from Ripley Crow am I the jerk for making my wife get out of bed at 6 15 in the morning my wife has a habit of setting an alarm clock to go off at 6 15 a.m every morning she never ever wakes up for it she rolls over hit snooze and goes back to sleep over and over again until 7 05 am this is incredibly annoying for me I'm a very light sleeper the second that alarm clock goes off the first time I'm up for the day my own personal alarm clock is set for 7 15 am I haven't even heard it go off in many months this morning the first time her alarm clock went off I tapped her on the shoulder and asked why am I the only one that has to get up at 6 15. she said because we can't wake up so I figured I'd help her I got out of bed and turned all the lights on admittedly I stomped around the room a little and was a bit loud getting dressed I know this was at least a little petty but am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk I think it's okay to be the kind of person where you set 10 alarms or you keep hitting snooze over and over if you're by yourself Lord knows I am exactly that type of person and I said like five different alarms but if you got a partner or you've got some thin walls and you've got some siblings and family members or you're in like a dorm room please for the sake of everybody don't be that person and just learn to get up on the first one more than anything it's either a a self-discipline issue or B you're probably not getting enough sleep or you got like sleep apnea or something our next story is from only shoe am I the jerk for humiliating my father in front of other family members I female in my early 20s work two jobs one of them is a corporate job in the industry I specialized in after uni in the morning the other is a teaching job in the afternoon I work from 9am to 10 p.m most days but I chose to that is true my goal is to save up and buy a parcel to build on eventually my dad's been unemployed for around a decade and he's taken up the role of stay-at-home husband but does very little chores and never Cooks I don't have any say in this because my mom asked me to stay out of there marriage arrangements and so I do yesterday my aunt Dad's cousin and her husband were at my parents house and so was I I live here my aunt was flattering me and telling me how hard working and responsible I was to which I replied with similar compliments for her children my dad went into the conversation and started to underestimate my efforts saying how easy both my jobs were and how Unworthy of any compliments I was for it I politely clear that they weren't all that easy and they were meaningful to me and of course tiresome to me I said of course my jobs were more comfortable than agriculture or Warehouse working some of the jobs he worked in the past but that they're equally as important he got a rooter and started saying I only knew how to whine and then working two jobs as no merit he also added that I didn't even make a lot of money and I refuted that I make Fair money I got offended and said he shouldn't be the one to speak given I worked two jobs and he works zero and my salaries pay for a lot of our household expenses more than is strictly Fair he said he keeps the house and I said I do way more chores than him as well as my mom I dropped it and changed the topic after my aunt started scolding him for not appreciating my efforts later on he screamed at me and called me a jerk for defending myself and humiliating him in front of my aunt by saying he doesn't have a job he said it's normal to talk bad about your own children's accomplishments and I should have taken it am I the jerk so first of all I think op's not the jerk but did this father grow up in a bad negatively out looking household as a child How can any father say it's normal to talk bad about your own children's accomplishments that's normal that's the thing that should be normalized talking bad about your kids accomplishments there's some serious ideology conflicts going on here with I think specifically this father and and the majority of the rest of the world who actually want to build up their own children our next story is from happymind2618 am I the jerk for firing an employee returning from maternity leave I feel like the devil right now so I'll accept whatever judgment you all have I run a team of about six people our company offers a large amount of maternity leave 10 months one of my employees got pregnant recently I'll call her Jess our team does project-based work and in the period between her leaving for the maternity leave we finished up the project we were working on when she left and started working on a project without her during this period our team had to adapt to working without her expertise in certain matters we adapted and eventually some of us develop the skills needed to do some of her workload the situation we have now is me and two others split half the work that Jess used to do and we hired someone new to come into the team to handle the other part of Jess's workload and then some this new employee came at a significantly reduced cost as he was straight out of uni and we paid him a fraction of what Jess costs currently now Jess has come back to the team but there's another issue our firm has informed us that for some freaking reason we no longer have the budget for a seven person team and we'll have to let someone go this news came about when I submitted the paperwork for Jess's return we are five months into a project that should take an estimated 10 months and my decision came down to Jess and the man we hired to replace her the reason we hired a replacement which is not normally what we do is because we anticipated that for this project the workload would be far greater than our current capacity which it is not as you can tell by the title I chose the replacement I did so for the following reasons far cheaper thus freeing up a lot more money than keeping Jess on he was up to date with the project and would be able to move forward seamlessly whereas with Jess we would have to have taken time to catch her up to speed on half the project the clients already knew and liked working with them whereas they didn't know Jess at all she's been out of the field for a prolonged period whilst he's been here for the past nine months so she may or may not find it hard to adapt back to work life whilst with him it isn't a question and he performed his work better than she did hers and interacted better with the team obviously the ideal situation which I wanted was to keep both and not put a new single mother with no other job lined up out in the cold but I had to do right by the team in firm I told her I'd rather a brilliant letter of recommendation and that in a few months she could try and apply for a job at our firm hopefully we'll have the budget but she snapped at me and told me not to bother and called me a runt and left I know I sound cold and heartless but I had to be fair to both employees not just Jess right am I the jerk I think op is the jerk and I don't know they might have some kind of legal issue on their hands I mean she went on break because of maternity leave and I don't think she got a chance to properly return before getting fired so I mean whether or not the true reasons you fired them were not related to the maternity leave the timing is just horrendous and yeah you gave away the spot that belonged to her to another person who was only ever supposed to be a replacement temporarily this next story is from the bone Throne am I the jerk had tree cut down without giving neighbors a heads up as the title says we had a tree next to our privacy fence that needed to be taken down long ago it had been struck by lightning three times and was close to dead multiple large branches have come down in the past few months one on top of our patio furniture The Neighbors on the other side of the fence had a hammock swing hanging from a large branch of the tree that was on their side we failed to let them know that we were having the tree removed honestly didn't even think it about it when we initially got the estimate and it took a while for the tree service to come back out due to being busy and now the neighbor is pissed because the tree is gone the tree service took the hammock swing down for them and nothing was damaged am I the jerk for not giving them a heads up if I am the jerk is there a way to make this right with the neighbor as long as the tree was illegally on your property and belonged to you you owe the neighbor nothing I mean it sucks that they lost their hammock swing or whatnot but you chose to take it down and for good reason it was dead you have one really good thunderstorm come through that thing could probably fall on you or the neighbor's house and our final story of the day is from bom bom bom bom and by the jerk for leaving my neighbor's packages in the rain I work from home and my neighbors know this I automatically bring in any packages I see by our building entrance as there are a lot of porch pirates in my area sometimes they directly text me and ask me to bring them in if they're important or expensive items the thing is when I ask them to do the same for me when I'm not home usually on the weekends not only do they not I don't even get a text back I've lost several packages of mine and it's obviously not my neighbor's fault nor is it their responsibility to bring them in but I got kind of bitter and resentful over time I still bring in packages when I see them when I leave my house but I stopped answering texts from my neighbors a few days ago it was pouring rain and one of my neighbors frantically texts me asking me to bring in his packages he even called but I ignored him because although he'd asked me several times to bring in his stuff he never responds to any of my texts later that day he bangs on my door all upset and tells me that his cat litter got soaked in the rain I was like wow didn't see you texted too bad and he called me a jerk I scoffed and closed the door and he kept yelling through the door I feel the bit guilty though because he's a single dad and I'm sure he's got a lot going on so am I the jerk I think op is definitely not the jerk here but I so desperately wished that Opie would have just owned up to it and told the guy to the face well next time I text you and ask if you could bring something in maybe you should at least respond to me like lay it out there let's get it all out there and get the truth known that because this guy couldn't ever return a slight favor to you where they walk outside grab something and walk back in you're not doing it anymore for them am I the jerk for losing it on my husband for lying about an emergency to get me to leave my brother's wedding early my husband's been sick for a few days he got sick around the time of my brother's wedding I took care of him 24 hours for days he's on meds and can move and go to the bathroom and eat on his own I told him I was going to my brother's wedding and he threw a fit saying I couldn't leave him alone while he's sick I told him that he wasn't that sick it's just some stomach ache that he's getting treatment for or and suggested he called his sister to come stay with him he told me no and told me to miss it I got upset and bluntly said no and that he could survive for a few hours while I attend the wedding he sulked and as I was leaving he said he hoped I won't ever come back it hurt my feelings but I know he was just mad and didn't mean it at the wedding I got a text from him saying he lost balance and fell off the stairs and hurt his back he said he was in a lot of pain he threw up and couldn't move and insisted I get home ASAP I freaked out and started calling his phone but he didn't answer I thought he must have passed out and I freaked out even more I got on my car and drove back to our house immediately when I got home I rushed towards the stairs while culling out his name but he wasn't there I started to really freak out I rushed into the bedroom and found him in bed drinking juice and as soon as he saw me he put the phone down I instantly knew he lied so I lost it on him and started yelling saying he freaked me out and caused me to I missed my brother's wedding for nothing absolutely nothing he said that he already told me I couldn't leave him alone in the house and that this very scenario could have happened if I stayed there any longer I yelled at him calling him horrible which made him cry he started crying and throwing his juice all over the place I had to step out and call his sister thinking she'd come help but she came and started cussing me out saying I had a lot of nerve expecting her to back me up after I so carelessly left her brother alone at the house in that state just to attend a party we got into an argument and I went to stay with my family my brother understood when I explained the situation to him my husband and I haven't seen each other since then but his sister kept saying I had no right to scream at her brother and cause him a panic attack and so that he was at least clear with me from the start but I chose to be dismissive was what I did dismissive this guy sounds unbelievably too attached and reliant on op and on honestly I think this kind of behavior should not be tolerated or put up with at all would you guys agree with me when I say that op needs to shut this down ASAP and also that op is clearly not the jerk here like this is concerningly bad behavior from the husband let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from throw ra say three four five six six am I the jerk for refusing to let my sister's boyfriend have the password to her safe while she's away I female 22 I'm currently staying with my eldest sister Natalie female 32 and her boyfriend Micah male 36 as I finish my semester in college Natalie has a safe of all her valuable jewelry and other antiques that she keeps in a safe since some of the stuff she has is from our grandmother she let me have the password to be able to access the safe anytime I wanted but under the condition that I tell her first and not give the password to anybody else she went away on a trip with her girlfriends two days ago and won't be back till Wednesday this this morning as I was cleaning up Micah showed up and started asking me questions about the safe I tried to give him one word answers and he sensed that I was being secretive but really I was just being straightforward he then asked me to give him the password to the safe I was taken aback I said why and he said that he'd always been curious about what's in there and wanted to get a quick peek I said I didn't have it but he told me to quit lying because he heard Natalie say that I could open the safe anytime I wanted I told him that still it's not my property and I can't share the password with him he said it's really not that big a deal but I politely told him no he got upset and reminded me who he is to Natalie and how I was just a guest in their house I said that being a guest is completely irrelevant in this case but he chuckled and said that I was being ridiculous I suggested he wait for Natalie to come home but he got more upset and said that she's already refused to let him take a look I Shrugged and said that it wasn't my problem we got into an argument and I tried calling Natalie but her phone's been off for hours he yelled at me saying I was disrespecting in his own home and rushed out I'm home alone now and feel completely shaken because of how he yelled at me I'm an awkward person with little to no confrontational abilities and now I think I might have escalated the situation and made him feel upset and as if I don't trust his word when he said it'd just be a minute am I the jerk for standing my ground on this should I just let him have it when he gets back and asks for it I think absolutely not the jerk and should not give access to that honestly considering all the circumstances it's concerning to me that Ops even marginally considering it it's Natalie safe that she has not consented to opening and the boyfriend even went and said that she told him specifically no he can't open the safe himself so why would that ever change with op in any situation our next story is from baby boy name aita am I the jerk for essentially telling my husband that the apparent meaningful name he was or is insisting on for our unborn son is utterly unfit I'm 27 year old female my husband 29 year old male Mark and I are expecting our first child boom we've been planning on naming Zachary for the short duration of our IUI Journey the name's rather meaningful to Mark as it was Slash is his deceased grandfather's middle name I on the other hand just happen to rather enjoy the sound of it I also happen to favor how common it is as I can acknowledge that my brother-in-law's son 12 year old male Caleb's classes are filled to the brim with children named Greenlee and Atticus according to his wife anyhow Mark and I were recently discussing our future son's name as we felt the need to double check everything before our sun arrived as I'm seven months along I decided to write the name on Mark's dry erase board just to clarify our decision understandably I wrote it down as Zachary as that is slash was the main spelling that I'm aware of within seconds Mark said no know and claimed that I had spelled it incorrectly I decided to write it down as z a c k a r y then assuming that he was referring to that spelling in common fashion to Zach though he vetoed it in a last attempt I scribbled z-a-k-a-r-y under the aforementioned board though shockingly Mark informed me that I'd spelled the name wrong finally I asked him what spelling he was considering he stood up took the marker and wrote x a i q u i r i on the board carefully I asked him if he was joking but he said no I told him while this feeling surrounded our son's name were and are certainly valid that I did not support his idea of naming our son Zachary unfortunately he refused to listen despite my commentary and insisted on Zachary eventually he even said that it was Zachary or nothing I told him that because he seemed against the Zach and I was against his suggestion we may have to go back to the drawing board and pick a new name as naming a child is a 2 yes business Mark told me I was being very unfair and that Zachary with an X was a perfectly normal name I told him that I was sorry but we would have to find a new name since neither of us could agree needless to say Mark was incredibly frustrated and he decided to go to his room I feel slash felt that I may have been the jerk and said situation because I may have been too harsh on him as he claimed that the name was rather meaningful to him it would have certainly been possible to refuse the name in a Kinder way without having Mark storm off or having felt hurt so am I the jerk I don't think Ops necessarily the jerk because they just feel uncomfortable with that name I mean I think it's pretty clear that that spelling is not gonna be very common and honestly I think it is practical to be conscious of how that might affect them throughout their life Honestly though I kind of think the name Zachary's really cool with the X but I totally get rural piece coming from and they had no clue it was spelled this way and I just hope that op and their partner can have more civil talks about the name and more specifically where to go with things but I don't think op's the Jerk by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from raver Graver am I the jerk for instituting a strict no plants or animals inside the house policy my children really wanted pets and so did my partner they got a mixed breed puppy from the pound and two kittens as these animals grew none of the humans in my house did anything to care for them besides play with them and cuddle I got up at 5 30 a.m to walk the dog before work I clean the kitty litter boxes out I took them to the vet I had to buy and serve all their food and cleaned up their eating areas afterward people would just forget otherwise naturally I also had to clean up after to them when I'd arrive home and inevitably no one had bothered and there would be messes all over the floor if I made my partner or kids do it they would half-heartedly do it to the point where they may as well have not bothered same way with plants partner wanted house plants and to start an indoor herb and vegetable garden had fun with it the first week and then totally ignored Dead Leaves spilled soil bugs Etc now proliferate in the garden area if I don't water and groom the plants it doesn't get done I'm busy and these are not my chosen Hobbies I like animals well enough but they're a lot of work and when they aren't attended to destroy the house I grew up with a family that hoarded pets and our house was always nasty and smelly and embarrassing I swore when I had my own place it would be different the cats pee and spray everywhere if I can't get to the litter box in time and the dogs chew up stuff and leave big messes on the floor if I don't walk it I'm the one who will walk him when it gets cold we have a fence backyard I bought a dog house and announced that you live outside from now on till they can prove they can take better care of him same with the cats they're now outdoor kitties till my humans can show me they're ready for indoor ones of course if the weather's extreme I'll let them in the plants are all going out I'm done am I the jerk I don't think Opie's the jerk if Opie makes sure that despite being outside they still get adequate care like you can't just shove all of these animals outside put some food out there for them occasionally and just accept that that's how it is I mean you still have to walk these animals you still want to engage them you still want to play with them and whatnot and I mean you're gonna want to clean up the backyard unless you want nothing but Brown landmines back there I don't think gopi's the jerk especially if they're doing this as just like a first level threat to see how they react like maybe that'll actually inspire them to kick start taking care of these animals properly and if that doesn't then maybe op needs to start considering re-homing our next story is from throw ra selfish parent am I the jerk for the way I reacted to my parents open relationship and no longer paying rent I 18 year old male live with my parents I've been paying rent since I was 16 since my parents would be financially screwed if I wasn't helping out my parents told me they're seeing someone and that the relationship is open I didn't give a care since it wasn't affecting me until this guy they're seeing started staying nights he treats this place like it's his tries to tell me what to do and eats all our my food I tried talking to my parents about it but they just said it's their house so they can have who they want here I really tried to put up with it until this guy tried to discipline my dog I flipped my crap it was most certainly not the way you discipline a dog and I'm already sick of his crap I yelled the house down calling him all sorts like dumb runt piece of crap free load and some more vile crap that's probably way too messed up to say here my parents rushed to see what's going on and tell me off but instead I told them off calling them terrible parents that they can shove their house up their butt and I'm not going to pay rent to live in a house I have no say in that dumb runt can cover my rent I've since been staying with my boyfriend my parents recently texted me asking for my rent I told them screw off and reminded them of what I said I feel like I'm not wrong to not pay rent anymore but I went so overboard with my words am I the jerk maybe Opie was a little fiery here maybe a little harsh with their words but the main sentiment here I don't think they're the jerk they were paying rent and helping out their parents in a situation where they weren't respected in any way and especially their animals and I care a lot about animals so to have some jerk who doesn't respect you eats all your stuff and then mistreats your animals I'm with Opie this next story is from hot cranberry 612 seven am I the jerk for my husband's aunt's tree being cut down my husband rented his aunt's home before we got married he signed a month-to-month lease when he moved in I moved in with him after our marriage because the rent was super cheap my parents recently came to me asking if they could park their RV at our home I didn't see a problem with this our yards are really big in their space because of city ordinance the RV has to be parked in the backyard there was no RV gate in the fence my husband went to his aunt and asked if he could install an RV gate his aunt said no my husband relayed the message to me and my parents seemed upset when I told them two days ago I came home from work and saw that my dad had a construction crew at our home and had removed part of the fence for the gate there was an apple tree in the way they couldn't fit the RV in the yard my husband angry told my dad not to continue and that they needed to repair the fence at this point I felt like it was pointless the fence guys already built the columns for the gate it would cost a lot more money to rebuild the fence I told my dad to finish the job but make sure it was left super clean that it looked nice I planned on talking to the end later and explaining what happened what I didn't know was my dad told the guys to remove the tree my husband's aunt came by and saw the tree cut down and started to cry she refused to talk to my dad or me when my husband came home he found a 30-day notice on our door terminating our lease he tried to call his aunt and she didn't answer the phone he then called my mother-in-law and she went to talk to our Aunt later I got several messages calling me a jerk for cutting down the aunt's late husband's tree I had no idea he planted the tree now my husband and his whole family are really angry at me I never told them to remove the tree I feel like I'm being thrown under the bus here am I the jerk here the only reason I think op is really the jerk here is because I feel like their reaction to their dad going and just going Rogue and doing this work was very very minimal like I feel like op should have laid into them and then also with all of that work going on why didn't op even hang around especially considering it was something their dad was doing I feel like op should have been obligated to watch everything and make sure it was done well enough also they didn't listen to op's husband when he said no even if it would have cost more money they probably should have just gone back to the way it was that's what the ant was asking for she never consented to any of it also tree law is not an insignificant thing there can be a legitimate lawsuit here our next story is from superb prior 1641 am I the jerk because I made my parents homeless for getting rid of my dog I female 27 lives with my parents until last week I have a dog that I love she's been my best friend since I graduated University I'm not very social and I prefer her company to most people I know I've had boyfriends and even a short relationship that ended amicably I'm just not really interested in much beyond my work in my dog my parents think that this is a shortcoming but I do not my brother also lives with us he's in high school and he doesn't pay rent I pay about 50 of everything in the house including groceries it's about the same as rent would cost and I get the basement Suite it isn't a legal Suite in the sense that it could be rented but it's fine for a family member it's because of building codes and stuff it would cost a bunch of money to make it suitable for a renter so my mom decided that the reason I'm not actively looking for a husband is because my dog takes too much of my attention my pup has some health problems but nothing I can't afford and nothing that affects her quality of life so my mom gave her away while I was at work I came home and she was gone along with all of her stuff her toys her leash everything I lost it on my mom I told her if she didn't tell me where my dog was I was calling the cops and saying that they had stolen my dog and having her charged I went to the place where my dog was and got my dog back I then went back to my parents house and packed all my stuff that was important to me and went to a friend's house my dad's been calling and texting me asking about money for October I told him he should have thought about that when he allowed a crazy person to steal for me since my dad lost his job because of the current world disease they can't afford all the household bills without my help my dad says that they'll be out of money in three months without me I don't trust them anymore my family thinks that I'm the jerk for caring more about my dog than I do about them to answer some questions I know will come up yes I am on the Spectrum I may also lean towards Ace even though I have enjoyed you know what with men before am I the jerk to me someone's dog is family that's honestly how much I care about my dogs so for somebody like op's parents to take their dog and take them to a shelter or something to me it would be like taking one of your own children and just throwing them away telling you to get over it and get out into the dating pool Opie is definitely not the jerk and I agree with OP I couldn't trust living around people like that who go and take your dog and just give them away behind your back this next story is from aita locked lock am I the jerk for not opening my room door to my stepsister when we were alone I'm 16 year old male my stepsister 14 year old female stepmom's child suffered something traumatic six months ago and she's now afraid of being alone she's attending therapy and everything we've never been close and since I don't spend much time at my Dad's because my school's closer to my mom's not because we don't want to be together then we don't interact much we would fight sometimes though because she's always been prone to go into my room and take my things or just spend time there I don't know why even when she knew she's not allowed for this my dad allowed me to install a lock on my door and only he and I have the keys for it well ever since that happened to her she's begun to go into my room at random times usually when both our parents leave for something and were left alone and do small talk or she sits on my stuff it's rather uncomfortable for me I'm trying to be sympathetic for her but as I said we've never been close and to be honest I'm not used to people just coming to my room and trying to spend time with me as I'm an only child plus she still enters as she pleases and doesn't knock two or three weeks ago she begun to enter again sit on my puff and after a few minutes she starts to sob I asked what's wrong a few times but she doesn't answer and I basically have to leave my own room until she finishes then she acts like nothing happened I told my dad about this and he told my stepmom and my stepsister's therapist my dad promised he'd talk to her too and Wallace didn't have happen as often it still happened and I was growing tired so I just started to lock it she tried to open it a few times and then knock I would ask if she needs something and if she says no or doesn't answer I say I'm busy then a few hours ago our parents went for food and she came to my room knocking and trying the door I asked again if she needed something and said no and again I said I was busy and yes I was then she asked me to please let her in but to be honest I was really tired and I didn't want to have her there sitting in sobbing so I said no when our parents came back they saw her sitting outside my room and my stepmom called me the biggest jerk because I should care more for her and that if she knocks I have to open the door for her always it made me sad because I'm not being rude or anything and my dad asked me to go to my room for the rest of the night and that he'll bring me food over I feel bad for the girl because she's clearly going through some stuff and dealing with some stuff but it's not op's responsibility to be that crutch when the parents go out and I think it's unfair to saddle Op with that extra responsibility I think Ops not the jerk and it's concerning that the dad's not sticking up for him our next story is from environmental goal 943 am I the jerk for going topless at a nude beach in front of friends I was invited to a three-day vacation with three of my girlfriends and their husbands plus two of the husbands single guy friends on the last day we were exploring the city and Came Upon a beach it looked nice and fun so we hung out there for a while before stumbling on an adult's only nude section of it there weren't many people overall but I did see a few other women in the distance without tops on so I felt it was clear to take mine off as well it was great nobody else joined me though we all continued to talk and joke in a circle for a while and I thought we were all having a really fun time then one of my friends said she felt sick so we left abruptly early and our conversation on the way back was basically uncomfortably silent with the exception of low talking that I wasn't part of and some of the guys goofing around later that night at the main room I find myself avoided by almost everyone until I'm confronted like it's an intervention by the three girls about how inappropriate it was for me to expose myself in front of their husbands I was shocked and told them I didn't mean anything by it they said isn't it obvious that you don't just go naked in front of your friends husbands and were like notice how you were the only one and you didn't wonder why this exploded into a further argument with me calling them insecure about their relationships until it culminated eventually into them all saying they don't trust me to be part of their friend group anymore all I thought I was doing was enjoying myself at a beach not exposing myself to their husbands am I the jerk I think op is the jerk in this situation because this wasn't like a predetermined thing and from the way Ops describing the situation it's not like they propose the question like hey should we join in they just kind of went and did it in front of people that they know and I think whether or not you stumbled upon a nude beach or not it's just kind of the thing you clear with people before you go and do that don't get me wrong everybody has the right to do whatever they want with their clothing but from the way this was described it wasn't like something that they were intentionally going for they stumbled across it what do you guys think am I wrong here was Opie not the jerk this next story is from gifted older brother am I the jerk for causing a scene on my father's birthday by telling my elderly parents that my brother isn't special because he was gifted as a child or changed the fact that he's doing nothing with his life I'm 38 year old male my brother 40 year old male Alex was a gifted child he believed that he was above others because he got good grades without studying our parents enabled it and always told them he was special the school often requested parent meetings to explain that Alex was being rude to others kids they would come home and say how the school was jealous of Alex since he was so much smarter than a regular kids Alex cruised through elementary middle and high school but he crashed and burned in college because then he couldn't Ace an exam by skimming the textbook once none of the other students wanted to work with him or invite him to study groups because of his bad attitude Alex barely graduated Alex is unable to keep a job because he cannot work with others and wants everything his own way he lives with our parents who handle all his adult responsibilities and tell him the world is wrong because he's special and average people just can't understand his problems I can't deal with Alex most days and I only visit my parents on special occasions like last week last week was my father's birthday I my wife and stepdaughter 13 year old female Christina came to their house for dinner Christina is a great kid and my wife and I are both extremely proud of her we just finished dinner and we're talking at the table so Christina went to the den to practice her lines she was cast as Ophelia and her school's production of Hamlet Alex asked where Christina went and I explained that she was practicing for her school play Alex started saying theater was a useless and it was just for obnoxious people who aren't of a high intellectual standing like him I told Alex he was out of line and to drop it Alex responded that hey I know she'll never be as smart as me but she can at least do something useful with her time I told Alex to shut the heck up and he would know a lot about being useless because at 40 he's living off our parents like a baby my parents tried to scold me while insisting Alex is exceptional and other people don't understand him I told him that Alex isn't special nor exceptional just because he was a gifted child and he has no right to attack Christina's passion especially when he's doing nothing with his life my wife and I got Christina from the den and left I've been getting non-stop calls and texts from the rest of the family telling me what an immature jerk I was they're saying how Christina couldn't even hear what Alex was saying from the den but I had to cause a scene on my father's birthday and give my elderly parents stress by calling Alex useless and arguing with them they said that they don't approve of Alex living with my parents but their lives are their choice and I should have shown sympathy because I know it can be hard with Alex I won't apologize for defending Christina but my family's making me worry that I did it the wrong way I think op is definitely not the jerk and I think what they said is very in line and fair Alex had no room to say any of those things about Christina Christina's passions or anybody's life choices really and our final story of the days from okay awareness2828 am I the jerk for refusing my co-worker's apology and being nasty back I have ADHD and autism I've been with my job for 12 years in July 2021 the company hired four new people Tom Jamie Alana Deanna fake names to make the team that I work on unfortunately none of the new people on my team are very nice to me because I'm odd the only person who's ever kind of me is the new manager of our team the new people started holding potluck meals the first time I found out after the fact while they were eating without me I asked them to let me know the next time and I would bake something the second time it happened they said it was an oversight oops by the third time I got the hint I wasn't welcome I was hurt but I let it go and did my job our new manager asked why I never participate in the team potluck I told her the truth I'm never invited but she swore Alana texted me I told her none of them ever contact me except for Essentials by email only and they make it a point to avoid me when my manager confronted the group they lied and swore they asked me but weren't able to produce the promised text my manager and boss decided to no longer permit potluck's on company property the next day they cornered me in the break room when I went to eat lunch and began to shout at me for ruining their lunches I ended up having a meltdown I told them I didn't ask our manager to do anything about it that our manager said they called it a team lunch that I was a part of the team to and she was bothered that I was excluded and took it upon herself to do something about it I said that I knew I was weird and that that was why they didn't like me I told them that I have ADHD and I'm autistic and I'm doing the best I can to fit in but I'm not stupid I know I'm always being left out on purpose and lied to and about and that it hurts to never feel like I fit in or matter to anyone by the end I was sobbing myself sick and my mom had to pick me up early because I was panicking so badly I found out later my co-workers were put on administrative leave without pay and forced to go to sensitivity training before they could come back to work a few days later Tom approached me to apologize and said his nephew was autistic too and he should have realized and done better I asked him if someone treated your nephew the way you treated me for over a year and only apologized after getting caught and punished for it what would you tell your nephew to do would you tell him to accept that apology he quietly admitted he wouldn't that he would tell his nephew to tell them to go freak themselves I told him to go tell him that get back to work and leave me alone no one else even tried after that my manager is now saying I overreacted and should just accept the apology and give them another chance to keep the peace my job coach says I should apologize too but I really don't want to am I the jerk I think gopi's not not the jerk here and I think if you want to keep the peace then yeah you can accept it but I think considering everything and how Opie was treated and cornered and accused they don't owe it to anyone to accept any of their apologies listen I think as long as op isn't going around and treating everybody else badly like being aggressive with them calling them names like if they're staying strictly professional then yeah I don't think op owes them anything else beyond that but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy amyla jerk here story click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITACOWORKERSBULLYAUTISTICEMPLOYEERedditStories
would you be the jerk for telling your long-term social worker that you don't give them any credit for your good outcome we'll get into that in a bit but first am I the jerk for using my husband's salary to make a point to his family after he told me I should stand up for myself instead of expecting him to do it for me my husband and I are doing okay financially we make enough not to worry about rent and Necessities we're saving a decent amount and have scope for growth in our careers I make a little more than onethird of our combined income we're both in our late 30s and we have two six-year-old old boys I've never liked my husband's family most of them anyways because they have a lot of old-fashioned opinions and don't really approve of me we don't have a lot of contact so it's okay though my husband's cousin's wedding is this week and we're getting married in our city so he offered for his parents and aunt and uncle to stay with us bride and groom are renting a place it is a bit of a squeeze but it is working they've been here for 2 days now and on the first day I heard them have a whole discussion on how it's so sad that our children won't get to have a proper childhood with a mom at home like my husband and his cousin got I was stewing but I don't really like confrontation so I didn't say anything later I asked my husband if he could please tell them to shut up with the SN comments about me he said that's just their opinion and it's not really hurting me if I'm bothered I should learn to stick up for myself and that he can't always do it for me this sort of struck a nerve because it's true that I usually ask him to do small things like telling the drive-through person if our order is wrong because it just makes me feel weird and guilty but somehow it feels like more his responsibility because it's his family involved here anyway so today my father-in-law made one more pointed comment during dinner and I said your son makes so and so we live in a big city and rent is so and so we literally cannot live on his salary so I don't know why you think I should be home all day they were pretty quiet after that now my husband's really angry with me because I put him down in front of his family who are all richer than us and will look down on him am I the jerk I don't think go is the jerk here because realistically they gave their husband the platform to kind of dispel this stuff and really defend himself in whatever way possible op just turned around and said the truth that understandably hey they don't want to be judged by their in-laws and this is exact clear evidence of why they can't do this suggestion they're beating op over the head with enforcer 1971 wrote definitely not the jerk your husband and in-laws however Common Sense dictates that if your family is a problem with your spouse you have their back still I think you handled things perfectly given the fact that your husband is a textbook jerk and doesn't defend you when he should he doesn't get to be mad for the way you chose to do what he said you just took his advice also is he a teenager why is he so pressed about his family knowing Such trivial things as your rent and general income if he didn't want you to say those things he should have had your back I guess also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for telling my stepdaughter she can have her dead dad pay for the wedding edit she is 27 right now I may have gone too far my now wife divorced her Rex when her three kids were young he was an addict she met me a few years later and we dated for 2 years before she introduced me to her kids two kids really hit it off and Kelly did not like me just passive aggressive stuff but it became much worse when her dad passed away she did not take it well and resulted in a lot of outbursts I wasn't living there at this time she went into therapy but overall didn't seem like it helped she threatened to run away if I married their mom so I stayed away but continued to date their mom over time the other two kids started to stay at my place in order to get away from the drama it was a rough time for them and we bonded even more when Kelly was 18 the two of us decided to stop putting our life on hold and get married Kelly hated this the other kids were happy though every interaction I've had with her has been Pleasant and I don't see her as one of my kids I eventually adopted her siblings when they were 16 and 17 they asked me during that time she destroyed a lot of her sibling stuff for betraying their dad now I rarely see her and I prefer it that way the two kids have an on andof relationship I paid for my two kids wedding I got a call from her asking me to pay for her wedding since I paid for the other two I told her no this started an argument about how it's unfair I had enough and told her to have her dad pay for the wedding she hung up after some lovely names I may have gone too far which makes me a jerk so do I think the comment was unnecessary yeah you probably shouldn't have gone that far but I get where op's coming from and ultimately I don't really think they're the jerk I mean let's put it this way Opie wasn't really ever looking for any kind of relationship with this kid to happen before or after this conversation happened I mean realistically Opie's been on the defensive around this person anytime they ever been around this person it's not like this conversation changed anything and if anything just kind of solidified where they both stand with each other pure relationship 125 replied yeah it was a stupid hurtful and immature thing to say but I get it I understand this was the oldest girl and probably closest to her father and of course she probably resented the divorce but that's something you should grow out of once her father died you'd think it might have opened up her heart a little but apparently that was not to be and you know so be it it's her life it's her choice but it takes a lot of balls to then come skipping back and wanting you to pay for her wedding I don't blame you for refusing but I am curious as to what your wife thinks a tiny you're the jerk on the comment a big not the jerk on not paying for the wedding op responded saying yeah it was petty thinking about it it was resentment building up for how many times I just took her anger it was like finally standing up to a bully after so many years of taking it it sure felt great to give it back no matter how how Petty it was that said our next story is am I the jerk for not declining or signing over my portion of my ex-boyfriend's life insurance payout to his mom I recently learned that my ex-boyfriend passed away of cancer in March his mom called me last week to inform me of his passing and to inform me that myself and her are listed as beneficiaries on his life insurance from his employer she instantly tells me that she doesn't know why he never changed it but I can decline or sign the check over to her once I receive it instantly I am in shock he's gone and he left me on there why I went back and forth wondering if this was on purpose or accidental it had been years approximately six since we mutually civil split up I was informed that he had a new girlfriend that lived with him and she has two kids from a previous relationship that threw a wrench into things more is there a reason she never got put on it was this all just a big mistake today it's been one week and this has been very hard especially since his mom has been terrorizing me all week trying to get me to agree to give her this money she has said the most hurtful things and has sent me the most disrespectful photos and videos of her son in his last moments as of right now I haven't even gotten in touch with the insurance company I have no idea how much this is or if I need a lawyer's help at this point well today is the day I woke up knowing 100% I am keeping the money and I'm not going to feel bad at all for helping my family with a gift my ex left for me unfortunately part of me still wonders if it's the right thing to do by my ex and if these were his wishes in the end a little info to add my home burnt to the ground 3 years ago July 20th and October first 2 years ago my mom passed from cancer as well it's been a long hard few years and this money would literally buy myself a new bra for the first time in 3 years my little Clan could really use this money and I think my ex knew that I would say op's not the jerk I mean you're definitely going to burn some bridges with this family at least the mom for sure I think it would also especially if the amount is enough to justify it try to get some kind of legal advice I just wouldn't want to find myself in a situation where I did cash that check and then all of a sudden there is some kind of like legal challenge or claim that mom had Carl Zone 87 wrote not the jerk but I would be getting legal advice before spending a scent of it depending on where in the world you live these things can be contested in court op responded saying I don't have any info yet other than I'm a beneficiary but I do plan on taking a free consultation from a lawyer once I get more info because I have no idea how all this works thank you for the suggestion our next story is am I the jerk for abandoning my parents at an island in the Caribbean so I could get back to our cruise in time I graduated from high school in December as a gift my parents got me a cruise it was also for my 18th birthday it was also a family vacation we usually stay at an all-inclusive resort but I've always wanted to go on a cruise I told my parents it was different and that if we went on excursions we had to follow the schedule no matter what well it was a week-long cruise and they would not head back to the ship when I said it was time to go they were busy shopping and bargaining with the locals I finally said that I was heading back to the ship my mom waved me off they missed the departure by a lot like 45 minutes they got a hold of me through WhatsApp they wanted to know why I didn't get the boat to wait for them I wanted to scream that they were not going to inconvenience I 3,998 people because two could not understand what a schedule was they ended up having to fly to the next Port from there and it was expensive they are ticked at me for leaving them behind I don't know what I was supposed to do they literally told me that they knew what they were doing I wish I'd never asked for this they are making me miserable because I left without them not only is op clearly not the jerk here but I hope that op does not relent here that op asserts they were right they told them to leave they're not going to hold up a cruise ship with thousands of other people because you decided to do a little bit more shopping owl pal 9182 wrote not the jerk they seriously think the ship will delay for 45 minutes yeah no the docks and ship have a schedule to keep they are adults and need to be responsible for getting back on time which is something you figured out in less than 6 months of being an adult at least you don't have to go on any more vacations with them after this this next story is am I the jerk for telling my dad's wife she's not included in any pre-wedding activities because her one-sided contest with my mom is pathetic my parents got divorced when my siblings and I were in Middle school/ High School we're now in our 20s dad got married 2 years after the divorce he met his wife and married her in 6 months because she was planning to move back to her home state and he didn't want to do the longdistance thing so he didn't really know her when he told us they had eloped in Vegas she however thought we were all super close and was really disappointed when our reactions were pretty muted to their news this started her off being jealous of my mom she was jealous of the closeness we had with Mom then she was jealous of the fact that we got along so well with our mom's partner and we're still close even though mom and him never got married dad's wife started showing up all Glam to school functions and football games that we were involved in she looked like she was attending a wedding or a red carpet and she would make snarky comments about dressing up to support her kids while looking right at my mom she would throw us these lavish birthday parties and invite both sides of our family and then attempt to dress Us in matching outfits the birthday kid and her it always made her Twitchy when we didn't want to dress like her when my twin siblings turned 16 and my sister and Mom had matching necklaces my dad's wife actually went home to change and wore the same color dress as my sister she talks like Mom is somehow less than her because she's not remarried she gloats that she has a ring on her finger that she shares the same last name as us the kids just all kinds of petty things she's someone we tolerate but we don't like her and if we could exclude her from our lives without losing our dad we would I'm getting married and so is one of my brothers the twin my dad's wife has not been invited to any fittings tastings viewing Etc by either my fiance and I or my brother and his fiance but Mom has been invited to stuff on both sides and my dad's wife was so upset by it she asked my brother about being invited to something first and he said no just no nothing else and she pestered him for a while before moving on to me and she broke down over it and said she can't understand not being included in pre-wedding activities I told her she's not included because her one-sided contest with my mom is pathetic and none of us want to deal with that she said it was such a mean thing to say and all she's ever tried to do is earn that spot as our mom but we treat our mom's partner who isn't even our stepdad like he's more important than her she was crying harder while saying all this am I the jerk so the major problem here is from the get-go she's trying to force things she's acting super jealous you're just never going to be the most willing to open your arms and embrace somebody who's so clearly acting that way let alone the fact that you're already basically adults by the time they came into your life and in general anybody that tries to force the I'm the new parent make me the new parent treat me like a new parent parent shtick is Almost Never Going To Succeed tenis sad wrote not the jerk she asked why you told her she's a grown woman her behavior is just toxic and bizarre you obviously will have your brother's support don't explain further don't argue go stuck record and keep repeating just what you've said already hope you and your brother have lovely weddings music with rocks in said I wish step parents would understand that the best thing they can do to help their new family is take a step back and give the kids space to spend spend time alone with their parent you don't become a mom by demanding to be a mom you become a mom by putting the kids' needs and wants before your own our next story is am I the jerk for telling my former social worker I don't credit her for my good outcome I'm a former foster kid who ended up with an incredible Foster family who eventually adopted me when I turned 18 because I wanted to create those legal ties with them I credit them with giving me a good life after 7 years of a crap one but I don't credit my former social worker for for that success at all so background my mom lost custody of me when I was five and her older kids when they were 11 and 12 they had a different dad to me I'm not sure what happened but when we were first taken from our mom we were placed with a family member who eventually decided she didn't want us and we were then placed in the same foster home but my half siblings hated me they were always telling me I shouldn't have been born trying to make me cry they said my dad was dead and they were glad because he was crappy and that I was crappy too and I should be dead like him I never knew who my father was and I don't know his name no name on my original birth certificate this started before we were taken into care but continued until I was finally separated from them after an incident when I was six I was placed in seven different foster homes before finding my family my former social worker fought against me and my half siblings being separated and even when she lost the ability to keep us together she insisted on visits between the three three of us I told her how they treated me I recorded it once with my family's camcorder and she didn't care the visit stopped once my half siblings aged out of the system it was such a relief to no longer have them in my life I knew they hated me I was terrified of seeing them I used to not eat and sleep before those visits and my parents tried to protect me but they were ordered to maintain the visits even after they ended my former social worker would tell me I should keep in touch with my half siblings and she would tell me I'd thank her one day I ran into my former social worker recently and she approached me and said I was one of her best success cases I didn't want to hear it and I told her I don't credit her for that good outcome that she forced me to endure years of bullying and verbal abuse at the hands of BIOS siblings who she knew hated me and insisted it was in my best interest when it was the worst thing she could have done I told her that I hope she learned from it and does better but I'll never give her the credit for how great my life has become I walked away away from her and then last week I ran into her again and she told me I had no reason to be so bitter and hateful toward her and that I'll one day see why she did what she did and understand she acted in my best interest she told me to grow up and learn how to see Nuance in these situations I told her that I wouldn't see crap any differently and she responded that I can't keep her a villain in my story forever am I the jerk not only is op not the jerk in my eyes I honestly would love if op said that they really rout even harder after being told you can't keep me a villain in your story forever trust me me forcing you to keep these people in your life that never cared about you treated you horrendously and at the slightest of chances that they get to never see you again took it was all for the best you just aren't even old enough now to understand how all that abuse was good for you I would be trying to search for the words that would make it click for her that would understand how devastated you were telling her that I guess she'll never realize to truly listen to those kids who were crying out about terrible situations and intentionally hearing what they have to say ignoring it and forcing them to keep doing that for years but hey I guess you know a few more years down the road I'll understand how all that abuse and the people I never associated with as soon as they could get away from me ever again was a good thing for me but let's be real here I don't think that social worker no matter what combinations of words you put together would ever understand or ever admit defeat and frankly it might even just be because doing so is basically admitting that they should not have that job aart ad 6518 wrote not the jerk I used to not eat and sleep before those visits and my parents tried to protect me but they were ordered to maintain the visits the social worker shouldn't have insisted on visits when you became of sufficient age and understanding to say that you didn't want them and why more so when your parents supported that I was one of her best success cases that's unprofessional it's not for her to make that assumption or repeat it to you ditto the villain in the story comment I'm glad things turned out well for you if the childhood things you went through do intrude as you go on then please consider therapy all the very best to you Boeing 36780 wrote op be as bitter as you want to be it's your life you lived it social worker sounds like someone you could usefully go no contact with and refuse to talk to if you ever run across again our next story is am I the jerk my stepdaughter's daughter mentioned me in her graduation speech and not my stepdaughter I'm sorry this title is absolutely horrid I'll try to make this make sense I'm 62-year-old female my stepdaughter K has been in my life since she was 8 I met my late husband when I was 34 and he was 37 Kay is his daughter from his previous marriage we got married when Kay was 11 she was close to her mother so she never considered me a mother but we had a good relationship unfortunately my husband and I weren't able to have children just after Kay finished high school she got pregnant she had only been dating her boyfriend for a few weeks and he didn't want to stay with her Kay really wanted to keep the baby though but she was planning to go out of state for college so we had a long talk about it her mother didn't want to be involved as she was very disapproving of the whole thing she was justifiably I suppose angry at Kay for making stupid choices that could alter her future and Kay sort of pulled away from her after that so I quit my job to raise her baby H Kay decided to switch to a college closer to home so she could visit H every weekend she called almost every day to see her she was trying very hard to balance staying connected to her child and also setting up a decent future but obviously H was much closer to me I was with her every day until she was 4 and she only saw her mom once a weekend on video call I tried telling her that Kay was her mom and I was Grandma and she didn't call me Mom but she was closer to me after college Kay did a postgrad degree for three more years then she moved back to our city she tried really hard to build a close relationship with h but by that time she was seven and even though they did become close she would always sort of come to me first for things Kay was sad about this but we didn't really talk about it eventually Kay got married and H lives with them but she visits me multiple times a week and we text every day Kay's dad also passed which was really hard for both both of us so H just graduated from high school and she was selected to give a speech because she was a standout student she called me and asked if it was okay if she mentions me I said that's really sweet of her and of course Kay and her husband and I went to it together in the speech H talked about how her best childhood memories are the stories I told her and it was really sweet She only mentioned K in the bit at the end where you think everyone who helped you get there and whatnot Kay didn't say anything during the party but afterwards she told me she felt like I always encouraged H to stay closer to me than her like I was competing with her she said that I wanted to be a parent so badly that I took it from her I just want some unbiased opinions I think Opie is definitely not the jerk here and now I don't mean to compare a grandkid to a puppy but let's put it simply during some of the most formative years of their life you were always there taking care of them and being a good motherly figure to them just like it would be if you were around somebody's puppy more than the actual owner was they're probably going to be imprinted upon you a lot more than the actual parent all that I see here is a sign that Opie was being a great parental figure to that kid all throughout that kid's life it obviously was never a competition and if anything Kay should just be grateful especially before she goes and allows this to somehow potentially ruin the relationship she has with her kid hob storm wrote not the jerk your stepdaughter just can't understand that you can't have your cake and eat it that was her decision to let someone else raise her child while she was studying you did enormous effort to help her by quitting your job and taking care of her kid while I might understand that you might have done it simply because you couldn't have your own kid it doesn't change anything you sacrificed a portion of your life for both of them and both of them should be grateful to you and while your grandchild understands it your stepdaughter doesn't you didn't take anything from her she did it by herself our next story is am I the jerk for reminding my friend that she married for intelligence and look where it got her I 35-year-old female met my husband Vince 36-year-old male after he saved me from drowning at a pool party when I was 18 I took him out for lunch the following week to thank him for saving me and we soon fell in love and began dating at the time Vince worked a bluecar job while I was studying in University we ended up getting married and Vince supported me throughout my entire education up until I got my PhD Vince always told me that he wanted to study in University but had learning disabilities that made it difficult for him to study in a classroom at times he was embarrassed by the fact that he had to work twice as hard compared to people around him but I always found that to be admirable about him when I finished my studies and got a well-paying job I convinced Vince to give his dream of studying another go last year he was finally accepted into a nursing program at our local University he is working hard to achieve his dream and I'm incredibly proud of him last week my friend Alba 36-year-old female came to visit with her son so our children could play together Alba was my roommate during my first year in University she began dating her husband Leo around the same time I started dating Vince Leo was an obnoxious law student who later on became an even more obnoxious attorney he was a knowitall who prided himself on his intelligence which for some reason attracted Elba at the time Alba would sometimes tease me that I could do better than Vince and would offer to set me up with one of Leo's law school buddies but I would always refuse and she eventually dropped the subject Alba and Leo are currently going through a nasty divorce that stems from him cheating on her quite frankly he is dragging her through the mud and is using connections to try and leave her as pennyless as possible as we were chatting and catching up Elba began to express concern over the fact that my eldest son 7-year-old male was recently diagnosed with dyslexia Alba began telling me how she's worried that my son will be acad Ally challenged like his father and what that could entail for his future before I could respond she told me how I should have married someone smart while I had the chance so I would have had kids like hers Alba's son is an incredibly bright boy and a straight A student I told Alba her advice was unnecessary and reminded her where marrying for intelligence got her I then proceeded to tell her that I would rather have my son grow up to be an honest hardworking person like his father than an academically gifted jerk who wasn't smart enough to know sleeping with his sex secretary could have consequences on his marriage like her husband Elba was deeply hurt by what I've said and stormed out with her son some mutual friends are now chiming in and are telling me that I was too harsh on Alba for using her failing marriage to prove my point and should apologize small update first of all I want to thank you for all your replies I wanted to address a couple of things many of you asked why Alba and I remained friends despite her previous remarks Alba and I grew apart during our third year in University we only remained friends by Association since we have a lot of shared mutual friends we became close again after our son started playing basketball together at the local community center and became friends I figured that becoming a mother made her more mature and she didn't give me any reason to suspect otherwise I've decided to send her a message saying that the way she spoke about my husband and son was unacceptable and therefore she's no longer welcomed in my home however I don't want our sons to lose their friendship and therefore I'm willing to remain civil around the kids and still organized playdates she didn't reply to me just yet but I truly hope she loves her son enough to put her ego aside and remain civil for the sake of our kids I'm yet to notify Vince about this entire situation since he is vigorously studying for an important quiz that's coming up next week and I know if he heard what Alba said about him and our boy it would make him upset and he wouldn't be able to continue studying properly unless something crazy happens in the meantime I'll probably update him next week after done with the quiz Opie's a million per not the jerk it was an incredibly rude thing of her to say and clearly she feels that op's family is of a lower class than hers she also clearly doesn't even understand how dyslexia even works somebody who has dyslexia is not just going to automatically be worse academically than most people it just means reading is a little bit more difficult you can still be the next Einstein and have dyslexia Corgi Huntress wrote okay can I just say that intelligence doesn't have any anything to do with dyslexia that incredibly intelligent people can have it and they can also have other learning disorders or be kinetic Learners because for her to say that your husband isn't intelligent is just a level of jerky that's completely unacceptable having an education versus no education is also not a measure of intelligence trust me I have a PhD too I also know a lot of brilliant people without College diplomas now that my rant is over not the jerk and while certainly you should be concerned if your child has a learning disability and you should pursue support for him that doesn't make him stupid or otherwise lacking AOG kiwi wrote just to pile on a little high intelligence does not guarantee success I know plenty of highly intelligent people who are not successful for a variety of reasons having two jerks for parents might be a reason some smart kids don't end up being successful just saying but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy am I the jerk here story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
aita for giving my wife three options so let me start out by giving you all a little history of my wife 39 and I 38 we were high school sweethearts but ultimately I broke it off with her because our lives said that were going in opposite directions I was laser focused on Sports and higher education and she wanted to party with friends fast forward about 20 years and I am back in our hometown visiting my family and I run into her working at the local Walmart we exchange pleasantries and make a plan to meet for a dinner to catch up well everything goes well and we talk well into the night and it feels like we've been friends forever even though we haven't talked for about 15 years so we decide to start dating but we live 1,200 miles apart so I would fly her down to my place about every other month for a week or so for a year and a half then we start talking about her moving here well here's where things start to get complicated she has a young son yes the father does spend a little time here and there with his son but very little when his son goes over there his father mostly just plays video games and his son watches the father works very part-time under the table and pays for nothing for his son and pays no child support So eventually my girlfriend at that time moves in with me and the father of their son agrees to let her bring their son we have never kept his son from him I have also flown the Father Here multiple times so he can spend time with his son we sent
give me a good story on AITAHforgivingmywifethreeoptionsorig
AIT for telling my best friend she's stupid for wanting to get pregnant right now I 27f and my best friend 27f have been friends for over 6 years now throughout this time she's always been with the same guy and they actually just recently got married for backstory her husband spent over eight months unemployed in 2023 and actually just got a new job within the past month this caused them to have to move in with her father four months ago because they couldn't afford their bills on her income and his unemployment they also wanted to take it as a chance to build their Savings in the hope of buying a home after a year my friend and her father have always been extremely close and he is probably the most important person to her recently she's mentioned having a child and the biggest reason she mentions is it's so important to my dad to be a grandpa he's getting old I want them to have as much time as possible Etc while I don't believe this is a good reason to decide to have a child it's just the tip of the iceberg considering their horrible financial situation and overall relationship issues which I won't go too much into
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmybestfriendshesstupidforwantingtogetpregnantrightaitaredditstoriesorig
hey everybody my name is steven and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day my mom wanted to force me to let her into my psychiatrist appointment because she was worried what i'd say about her background i'm a 21 year old on a high amount of meds for epilepsy and i dropped out of college to deal with my medical issues since i used to have a seizure once a week i'm currently going to a community college to transfer to a better university in a different major so i will graduate two years later than all classmates so i was talking to my psychiatrist on video chat since i couldn't go to the hospital since this is a first appointment he is asking some basic questions like do you hear voices or have you had thoughts of self-harm type things i answer honestly i mention my mother and family issues like how my mother and father have been fighting since i was born and blame me for their deteriorating relationship oh and my mom tends to insult me a lot calling me a failure in the r word because i'm going to a community college right now i also have anger issues and after she screams and calls me swear words and phrases over 40 times in a minute i counted i wasn't lying for more than a minute while i helped her for two hours then slapped me twice hard for stepping on something i forgot what so enraged i pinched her forehead tried to lightly slap her cheek and stormed off me panicking wait please don't tell the police or anyone what i've done psychiatrist says it seems like we need to talk again don't worry though we want to help you we won't tell anyone what you or your mother has done i mentioned it to my mom one thing over a two-hour session and it was a huge mistake my mom didn't care about my suicide attempts my depression or how i felt how could you tell them something like that you narcissist what's wrong with you but i sent you what i said exactly you're a liar nothing you say is true you're the last person i would trust mom i'm sorry but i don't lie i told them what i did and what you did no matter what and they said don't you dare call me mom you dumb reward you're lucky to be living with me at 22. i'm 21. all your classmates and friends are graduating two years before you i'm sorry i won't mention you again mom rants and raise you never stop talking or starting arguments you could have gotten me arrested well i'll get you a residue pos i wish i had an abortion me saying nothing now make sure i'm in your next appointment or i won't let you see your psychiatrist but shut up and only talk to them about your anger issues you useless r word failure god how can you still be talking about your family at 22 i mean it's not like i your brother is 30 and doesn't complain or argue with me me silent even though i know that's not true if my mom insults him when he visits he will leave the house and go to his apartment immediately then depending on how she acted come back later also my mom is comparing me to my brother who is around 9 years older with no medical issues but he lived at home until he was 26 and got his first cs job mom insults me for another hour then is quiet edit my mom and i get along so well for like two days and three days there's nothing really but two days it's like this second edit thank you for the advice and kindness everyone but most of all i never realized how supportive and caring an online community could be until this post i really appreciate it edit for clarification next year i'm transferring to an out of state university so she won't have to contact me unless she wants to which will probably be rarely but yeah as long as i deal with her a little longer next year i'll transfer out of state for the rest of my undergrad i'm just hoping op can hold out if you were op in this situation this very incredibly tough situation what would you do let me know what you think the best idea for op would be in the comment section down below entitled mother almost stops an ambulance from getting to a heart attack patient this happened at the end of last summer and i wasn't with an earshot for most of it so i can't give great detail as to what exactly was said but i'll try my best background i work at a summer day camp and everyone is like family there i went to the camp myself from age 6 to 15 before working there the staff usually are rehired when possible especially directors so returning campers see the same faces every year so some of the younger staff have known the veteran staff for almost our entire lives that's why it is very common for the camp counselors to have been campers once themselves like me this is important to remember as those involved in the story include both two veteran staff and multiple former campers now counselors including me okay now to the story it is the very last day of camp for the summer all of the campers have said their goodbyes and have left on their respective buses the only people left are the staff and the kids who are in the after care program for kids whose parents either work late or they need to be picked up from the camp directly there is almost no parking not enough for staff so they bust the kids in every day the staff wrap up their last staff meeting for the season and we all make our way to the front of the camp one of the counselors who i think was two years older than me carter ran up ahead because the lunch lady chris was about to leave and wanted to say goodbye as we were rounding the corner we hear carter call out for chris and she is laying on the ground everyone is ushered into the bus that was going to take us to where the staff parking was while one of the directors calls the ambulance carter is in tears he was especially close to chris not to mention that this is the second veteran staff member to be hospitalized that summer he tells us that he had just said goodbye and turned to walk away when he glanced back she was on the ground and not responding chris was a bit of a bigger woman so everyone was worried about if the cpr would be successful since the only people there were very small build thankfully another vet staff arrived and he was able to take over cpr which we later discovered if it wasn't for him she would have died so the ambulance is on the way but the problem was that the road the camp is on is a major road in our city and it was right during afternoon traffic rush not to mention the street was having construction done which turned it into a two-lane street then a small car pulls up and it is a mom looking to pick up her kid one of the staff is quick to tell her to pull off to the side the driveway is very narrow and can barely fit one bus at a time she is understanding and gets out of the way she even gets out and tries to talk to the staff who are waiting on the bus i believe she even tried calming some of us down one of the directors drove a golf cart to go and get her kid so she waited there with us enter entitled parent i am not 100 sure if she was a karen or just someone who was a bit dense but she still nearly caused a woman to lose her life this big black suv pulls up and already she sees that something is off being the intelligent person she is she stops her vehicle in the middle of the driveway and asks what's going on again she is being directed to park off to the side but she doesn't want to move the lady just sits there and tells the staff worker that she is there to pick up her kid note chris collapsed right in front of the entrance to the camp so this woman has a front row view of people performing cpr on this woman she doesn't have your typical karen voice but still she isn't moving and keeps asking what's going on it had been a few minutes now and you could faintly hear sirens in the distance the ambulance was near and this woman was still blocking the only way into the camp at this point i storm out of the bus and run over to her by this time carter has noticed the suv and has made his way from staying next to chris to getting up in this woman's face and just goes to town on her i can't remember what he says and it didn't help that he was screaming through his tears but the lady eventually got the hint and went off to the side i was ushered back into the bus this time carter following behind me once we are inside the bus he just breaks down i am still in shock when i hear something from next to the bus remember that other mother from before well now karen was drilling her about what was happening the first mother not knowing fully tried to calmly explain the situation as best as she could then the kieran turns to the bus full of crying 20 or so year olds she is right outside my window but as i am a lower rank she addresses one of the other staff i am here to pick up my son i'm sorry miss but we are kind of dealing with something if you could wait why am i parked over here this isn't the pickup why won't you let me go pick up my son note chris had collapsed in the road that runs through camp there was no way to get any vehicle other than a golf cart into the main camp because they were trying to save a woman's life the director of the camp comes over and explains this to her but karen isn't having it i want my son he is scared let me go get my son ma'am we can send for your son but are you sure you want him to be here to see this by now the ambulance has arrived they actually got into the camp easily considering the construction we are ever grateful as it turns out they had arrived just in time i don't care i want my son now a few minutes later a golf cart pulls up with both mom's kids in it the first mom ushers her kid into the car and gives him something to keep him entertained as to hopefully distract him from what is happening then the karen gets in her car and tells her kid to do the same karen starts her car and tries to leave by now there are three police a fire truck and an ambulance in single file along the driveway there is no way karen is getting out i see karen sai and gets out of her car she goes back to the director and tells him that she needs to leave he looks at her looks at the driveway clearly not knowing how to respond he tells her that they can't just move the ambulance and the other first responders vehicles just so she can leave she huffs and crosses her arms their exchange continues for another few minutes until the police officer has to come over and tell the woman to get in her car and stay there she had been trying to follow the director as he tried to leave the conversation as to give a statement as to what happened the mom reluctantly went into her car and spent the next 10 minutes getting death glares from a bus full of at least 50 something pissed off staff well at least she didn't get physical but she ticked off just about every other box leading up to that this lady was clueless entitled father yells at me and tries to destroy my phone because he got wet on a water ride background information i was at this theme park in the uk it's quite big called alton towers in staffordshire and in the park they have a ride called the battle galleons around the ride they have water cannons that you can use to wet the riders they also have them on the ride cast me is me ef is entitled father es is entitled son ps is park staff em is entitled mother e.d is entitled daughter the story so entitled father was on the ride so naturally i went on to one of the water cannons to whet the people on the ride i then made a mistake a wedding titled father an entitled son they are visibly upset however i think nothing of it they then exit the ride and i see them running up to where i am what gives you the right to let me and my child it's a water ride that's the point did i give you permission to do that i don't need permission it's a water ride me and my child are now soaking wet all thanks to you i will make sure to have you removed from the park and banned for life entitled son says daddy i'm cold don't worry daddy's here entitled father then attempts to grab my phone out of my hand to throw it into the water rides area at this time park's staff is walking by so i call them over this man is yelling at me because i wet him and his child on a water ride he also just attempted to grab my phone out of my hand and throw it into the water entitled mother an entitled daughter then come off the ride and spot the ruckus going off down at where i am entitled mother begins shouting and screaming at me and park staff what the freak is going on over here please don't use that language around children ma'am this boy want be an entitled son why the freak would you do that they're just trying to enjoy their day out it's a water ride entitled daughter then tries to snatch my phone just like entitled father park staff says i think we've seen enough here enjoy your day park staff then escorts entitled father son daughter and mother to the park exit and i get on with my day like nothing happened with my phone safely with me if you're at a water park and you don't want to get wet don't go on the water rides don't go on a ride that has specific cannons set up to wet people on the ride also i hate how petty they are just trying to go straight for the phone trying to get some kind of payback oh you got me wet on the ride i want to try to damage something worth hundreds of dollars that you own how dare you pay my son more than you make per hour to do yard work for literally five minutes after he asked you if you had any work he could do so today i got home after biking and rock hunting on the river it had been a great day as soon as i parked in my driveway there was someone at my car door it was a local neighborhood boy we will call them t he was with his friend who introduced himself as lil jay they asked if i had any yard work they could do i had paid tea to do a few things before 12 dollars an hour yard work he is like 10 years old he seems like a good kid as it turns out we just put our house on the market yesterday we got a full asking price offer the same day yay so i had just done a ton of work our yard was immaculate i told the boys this then i told them i had one tiny job they could do but i only had 250 total in cash and it was a quick job i told them i needed them to spread one extra single bale of pine straw over a flower bed i had made the previous day it was a 15 minute job max well jay immediately piped up and said man don't you think you could give us five dollars a piece i said no you get a dollar 25 and that's plenty for such a small job if you guys don't want the job i'll just do it myself real quick that's literally all the money i have and the only possible job you could do for me they grumbled a little but quickly accepted the job it took them literally five minutes i went out checked the work paid them and shook hands and they were off i felt good about it i didn't really have anything at all i needed them to do i just had a tiny bit of cash and a tiny job they could have done so i figured what the heck i like employing neighborhood kids it promotes a good work ethic five minutes later enter entitled parent t's mom knocks on the door angrily as soon as i open the door she aggressively says did you just pay my son to do yard work for you i said yes well don't you think my son is worth more than 1.25 i retorted well ma'am i don't think your son has a monetary value but the five-minute job he did was certainly only worth a dollar twenty-five i myself only make a barely livable wage of 12.50 an hour a dollar twenty-five for five minutes of work is equal to fifteen dollars an hour i'm not sure what you want me to say i beat him more per hour than i make and he was done in five minutes that's all the work and all the cash i had then she screamed well my son is worth more than a dollar next time just tell him you don't have anywhere for him to do it all and stormed off cursing me up and down making a scene all the way down my driveway across the street and into her house i just watched her fume back trying to hold back from bursting out laughing closed the door and went on with my knight it was a peculiar experience thank goodness we are moving in a month i thought y'all might appreciate the story i get that she felt like they deserved more money but it was a five minute job that's all they had i think op should have gone ahead and just let that laugh out anyways but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what i want to know is which of these stories that i've read to you today are your personal favorite and why let me know which of these stories in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rentitledparentsSheSTOPPEDanAMBULANCEfromgettingtoapatientorig
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a great story of getting the big boss fired but first a story from al horst i need to do some work fine i will so i'm a security guard in a store one of the big things about my position is that i don't work for the store itself i work for the security division in the company that means that i have my own manager who's separate to and outranks any store manager retail is an unpaid industry this goes for the store managers as well this also means that a large portion of the people who accept becoming a manager do so because they're okay with a pay cut as long as they get to boss people around this also means that store managers become angry and confused when they find out they can't order me around as they're literally not my boss after a month or two we usually come to an unspoken agreement life is a lot easier if we all get along this brings me to now we got a new store and deputy manager a couple months back and they were the same way first they wanted me to work on the teals so they could save money on staff which i told them is not happening and then they wanted me to help them out on the shop floor now i do help out usually with lifting heavy items or helping out customers but that's part of the whole make each other's life easier part not because i have to both the managers didn't really seem to understand this they wanted me to move an entire aisle of furniture which they could have done themselves but couldn't be bothered i helped with a few but my back was hurting at the time so i said i couldn't do more the deputy manager then told me that if maybe i do some work my back would stop hurting i then later found out that the store manager also reported me to my manager for not moving the isle of furniture my manager said what i said not my job do it yourself this really pissed me off but i took it to heart you see both managers didn't know that i knew they were stealing as far as i was concerned the company was screwing all of us so as long as they were only taking a small amount like an energy drink or a bit of food i didn't care but since they wanted me to do some work i did i spend the next couple of days going through the last month of cctv burning off any discs of footage of them stealing and meticulously making records of who when what and where their face when my manager and their boss the area manager came in and said they need a private meeting with them over some security concerns absolutely beautiful i don't know what was said in the meeting or decided on it's only a couple of days ago and when it's on a store manager level it needs to go through multiple reviews and meetings but they are both suddenly a lot nicer to me considering everything op documented here do you think it's safe to say that these managers are on a fast pass to getting fired if somebody documents numerous times of these managers basically shoplifting from their own place do you think they're doomed they're gonna get fired let me know in the comments and by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below every single video has awesome stories like our final story of the day from warrior four four but as his boss threatens to fire me i accept and get himself and his friends fired this whole story happened in 2021 and ended in october darn time flies and it is something that puts a cheshire smile on my face in january 2021 i began working for a very big american company in europe that was and is in the energy sector at the factory plant i began working at the parts of gas turbines get assessed for restoration and reworked so they can get used again each single part would cost several thousand when produced new and hold for like a decade or so reworking cost like one-fourth of that and the part would be good for another eight to ten years with more inspections of course for safety the customers would pay like half or three-fourths the cost of a new part and since we're talking two to eight thousand per single part and a gas turbine containing thousands of pieces we're speaking several million for each gas turbine customer would save a good chunk and of course the company was sitting on a golden goose over the decades that meant that the facility where the stuff was reworked had an absolute uncontested income without much competition since their parts were their own design and production and a win-win for the customer and company over time that led to the problem that competence invention or even honesty were not needed by the management of the facility anymore as long as the workers stick to the already developed and tested processes and did their job money would keep flowing in regardless what the office did or did not you can see where this is going so i was hired there as part of quality control specifically i was to operate a 3d computer managed measuring machine gas turbines get as you can imagine pretty hot and spin fast and a decade of heat combined with dynamic stress has the nasty habit to deform stuff can't have that for sure so you have to measure the stuff really precisely so that the production knows what section of which piece needs reworking or if a piece is too out of form to be used again at all the operation of such a machine is not too complicated put the piece into bracket clamp it down load the correct model and start the program you then get the measurement report then as a text file an xl as well as a pdf the pieces usually rotary blades nearly always came in sets 24 to 216 depending on the size when all are measured you compile all the reports the machine made into one excel with a somewhat complicated method wasn't hard i learned that all in a week that machine was immensely important for the facility running in two to three shifts per day like 80 percent of all the pieces that went through the reworking process had to be measured at least twice as nearly anyone with a technical background can guess operating a machine and understanding what it's actually doing are two big different shoes when i started there there were only three guys that understood the machine properly as well as a technician vladimir who could actually fix codes or reprogram a 3d model if there was a problem vladimir however was the technician for the entire facility very busy guy and when he had to come over his time would need to be paid by the department something the bosses didn't encourage so to say of the three guys who knew the machine antonio is important he'd been working there for a few centuries at least he knew every nook and cranny and while being a simple worker if crap went wrong he was the guy he turned to he had a bit of a short temper and a very blunt language but he was honest open and very fair i myself am not the most social person always held back with a brutal honesty and i take my professional cold attitude a bit too serious i guess in general if people share my principles of honesty fairness and taking responsibilities serious then we get along greatly but with people that are less trustworthy i basically turn to an ice block not perfect i know but hey i don't work in retail for good reason so thing is despite some heated arguments antonio and me really got along swimmingly what no one knew was that antonio had over the decades collected such a backlog of days off overtime and whatnot that he could retire two years early and he was 63. he had decided to groom me as his successor and began teaching me every little detail about the measuring machine how to fix stuff how to do proper maintenance why it did certain stuff and so on he was a perfectionist but so am i so i really appreciated it what i noticed in my first week in the company was the biggest problem there the facility had a massive problem with clicks clans and little circles if you were part of the correct click you can do what you want to remain untouchable if you aren't well your credit goes to anyone but you and you are a fine scapegoat i didn't care much about it to be honest i'm a bit of a rule fanatic and stick to them even when everyone else ignores them for me this was a well-paying job with a horrible commute one and three-fourths hours in one direction so i wanted to stay there for as long as i could earn my money and then just take the next job there was a fourth guy who was operating the machine i don't remember his name so let's call him igor igor was part of the same click as my boss manuel and my boss's boss freddie and of course his own boss boris who was also his brother he was working the measuring machine simply because it was the most comfortable job he could perform he was usually doing the night shift as those paid extra he occasionally took the late shift while i always took the early one was the least popular due to the start at 6 00 am but i liked going home at 3 pm igor was well as a light bulb he was like a wet match in a dark basement somewhere in a black hole i might be a bit too harsh on him now but that was all i ever got to see from him he was also pretty lazy rude and arrogant after all he had an untouchable status due to his brother's best friend being boss of the entire assessment department a good six months after i started there there was the first incident with the measuring machine we received the material and pallets and it was the firm rule that their rotary blades had to be sorted in numerical order each had a serial number and a set number stuff went a ton faster and easier if all was sorted clean 1-82 or whatever the set went up to occasionally an order which were usually 2-4 pallets would arrive unsorted at the measuring machine then we had to sort them since we had to lift the blades out one by one anyway to measure them it wasn't that big of a deal just a tad annoying igor never finished a set if he could help it leaving just one or two blades left for measuring and even when he had to finish a set and start a new one he would never compile the reports into one xl i'm pretty sure he didn't even know how that worked one morning i came to work and like so often there was just three blades left to measure i shrugged without care and wanted to just finish the order and start the next problem was the pallets were a complete mess completely unsorted despite them being measured igor had worked the late shift the day before and would also work the late shift that day so i would actually get to see him for a few minutes when i handed my shift over this of course meant that i would have to sort all of the pallets while also operating the machine with the next order as to avoid a delay the machine was a bit of a bottleneck in the facility usually this is a chill post the blades are never heavier than 48 pounds ish and you had like 6 to 14 minutes between the measurement cycles to lift them out and exchange them with the last measured blade sorting the last order took me two hours of quite sweaty work while also operating the machine nearby so i was somewhat annoyed when igor came in in the afternoon i asked him in a polite manner why he hadn't sorted that one order he replied in a rude tone that he wouldn't do that i was a bit baffled and asked if he didn't know that it was mandatory to do that he simply replied in a pretty rude tone again that he wouldn't speak about that outright refusing to speak about a problem what the heck i told him that if he didn't want to speak about it i would have to speak about it with my boss he just smiled in a smug fashion and told me to do that well i did just that i asked my boss about it in the fashion of hey i thought we were supposed to sort that stuff or did we change that this led to a four-way talk with my boss igor as well as boris boris was not happy at all and my boss was rather embarrassed because it was all clear that i was correct but neither of them wanted to admit that their friend had done anything wrong i did my usual ice block impression showing a blank face replying in very accurate and short words and staying all polite and professional it came out rather inconclusive with a kind request that we should sort the palettes if they all came in as a mess igor just shrugged and it was clear that he didn't care it happened three more times that stuff came in unsorted but igor managed to avoid doing it ever okay strike one out of three six weeks later there was the second incident every morning before i started i would maintain the machine like antonio had showed me to do cleaning everything and rubbing special liquid into the stone tread the machine's arch ran on back and forth one morning i came in and turned the machine into manual mode like every morning so that i could run the arch to the end of the tread for maintenance a second thereafter i heard a grinding noise and instantly stopped the machine the arch was an air-cushion-based runner kind of like a hovercraft as where the bottom of the arch would always remain a tiny bit above the surface to ensure minimum vibration so a grinding sound is really really bad i quickly inspected the thread and found quite the deep crater in the stone surface maybe two to three centimeters deep an inch and wide as well that was enough for the air cushion to lose pressure so the arch was sliding over the stone surface of the tread this inspection also revealed scratches along nearly the entire length of the tread so it was pretty clear that the machine had been running with this crater for a good bit i immediately shut down the machine informed vladimir as well as my boss that some big crap was going on here i also took pictures of the damage with timestamps just out of my usual paranoia the machine was put out of commission as the arch had taken damage the entire stone tread had to be reworked and the machine needed recalibration it was out for over a month due to that crater that crater by the way looked exactly like the bottom corner of one of the blade as if one had been dropped under the stone tread and the previous shift before me had drum rolls igor of course he denied that he'd done anything wrong and he also couldn't recall seeing any scratches or hearing any grinding noise during his shift he tried to blame it on me but i'd reported the stuff like five minutes into my shift with the last blade igor had measured still in the machine again it was clear to all who had messed up but again not even a harsh word to him while the machine was getting fixed and reworked we were put to different work i got into the pre-assessment team where the pieces get their first evaluation i made good friends there which would serve as my ears later on strike two out of three after the machine got fixed a good month later we'd collected a massive backlog to the point that the other departments who did the repair were struggling to find something to do that didn't need measurements the machine was supposed to work in three shifts but antonio had left for his two-year vacation when the machine had been put out for repairs and the other two colleagues who knew how to run and maintain the machine had left for better jobs so it was only me and igor by then with me working quite some overtime for good pay all bs aside hourly wage was really proper one morning i noticed something pretty weird the order i had just started the previous afternoon on was still not finished again with just two blades remaining every measurement report has a time stamp which i quickly had a look into the measurement cycle for these was like three minutes plus one minute exchanging one blade for the next for some reason the measurement reports from igor's shift had like 10 to 15 minute gaps in between some even half an hour igor was still around as he had the night shift i knew he was a bit of a slacker but these gaps were quite big so i first thought there'd been trouble with the machine i asked him if he had any trouble with the machine last night and he snapped at me that all had been fine i asked him if he was sure and he in return inquired why i asked i told him that there was quite some heavy gaps in between the measurement report and that i couldn't find any error messages of sudden stops or such igor looked at those timestamps for a moment back at me and just shrugged before he went home that would have been the end of it if it wouldn't have been even stranger the next shift monday i had for once not worked on saturday so igor had three shifts in since i'd clocked out i came in as usual did the maintenance in cleaning and wanted to check how far he'd gotten four orders had went through since my last shift so i assumed that as usual i would have to compile the reports but there were none i was pretty confused searching the order's numbers checking the machine protocol and all the measuring machine had been running over the weekend with no shutdown or restart visible in the log but also no measurement reports at all i called in vladimir as well four orders worth of reports missing is a big deal according to rules i also informed my boss that the machine was stand still due to technical issues both vladimir and my boss came into the measuring room and we three searched for the problem it took us a while to figure it out simply to it being absolutely not expected someone had turned off the output of the machine maybe to avoid the time stamps this again caused quite some ruckus as all four orders had to be measured again with reports and production was a really struggling now to have something to work on again all clear who messed up and finally freddie had enough but not of igor the malicious compliance the afternoon of the same day freddy the boss of the entire assessment department came into my measuring room nice expensive suit tie polished shoes and went straight into my face i was currently sitting in my chair compiling the results of the re-measured first order when he stood before me giving me no room to get up he looked down on me and snapped at me that he was sick and tired of me bullying my coworkers he handed me a letter which were the sign papers of my contract termination signed by him of course he informed me that i had exactly two options now i could either promise to do better apologize to my coworker igor and admit i was at fault or i would be fired immediately well the good thing of being bullied and terrorized for most of your childhood is you learn to keep a cool head under stress so i reigned in my first urge to discuss with him or tell him that such was illegal instead i took the letter and read through it before nodding a few times due to my cold professional attitude i was known for often remaining silent so he took my nods as my compliance he informed me that he awaited my written apology before 2pm all of the bosses went home by 2pm and he came in around 8 or 9. well when he turned around and marched out with a smug grin he left me with the termination letter with his signature on it fun fact when both parties agree to it a contract can be cancelled immediately without any further responsibilities besides paying for already issued hours which go directly through human resources via the electronic timestamps of our clocking i had two hours left until this deadline and i spent it carefully cleaning my workplace making a backup of my work laptop according to the rules and then also according to the rules cleaned the hard drive completely the backup was put into the assigned server with all my data correctly named and compiled but of course the server for backup data is marked as unsearchable to avoid your search list getting cluttered after all the same parts types came in again and again with the same material numbers of course if you know the rules and knew you were to search you would find the stuff within 20 seconds if not well good luck mate it's only like 10 terabytes or so i made a copy of the termination paper signed by me now too and sent them to my email which was allowed put the original back into the envelope and packed my things up then i went up to my office envelope in hand the big boss showed his smug smile again the moment he saw me but was quickly confused when he saw me with my laptop work phone and all that too i handed him the letter offered a polite nod and turned around again he shouted where the heck was i going him still holding the envelope in his hand you terminated my contract according to the rules i'm to hand over all personal equipment i'd been handed by the company before leaving exception according to paragraph b are safety shoes and safety glasses i bid you a fine day mr freddie i said that with a cold calculated voice trying my best to sound like a lawyer simply because i knew that he hated my professional attitude then i went to my own boss and piled my stuff on his desk my boss was confused as heck asking me what was up i briefly informed him that my contract was terminated and that once more quoted the rule my boss was a smug butt too but he wasn't all dumb his eyes went big as he immediately realized that i was the only person he had left that actually knew how to maintain and properly operate the measuring machine and that he had such a backlog already that other departments relying on the measurements had started to enforce short time work he was first lost for words and then rushed into freddie's office to see that termination letter meanwhile i changed my clothes in a locker room went to the gate and asked the security guards to please have a full inspection of my person and my backpack that was likewise regulation for personnel that was terminated on short notice and while the security guards were pretty baffled that i asked to be searched they complied they searched me fully and handed me a written confirmation that i had nothing on me that belonged to the company my now ex-boss tried to call me all the time on my way home but i dislike having phone calls in public transport so i simply muted them and continued reading my book until i got home there 4 pm by now so well past his own time to go home i finally answered his call he tried to convince me that i needed this job and that this all could be sorted my reply i'll have a new job within a week you will need to take at least a month to train someone new on the machine if you had anyone that could train a new person i'll tell you what give me a solid contract with triple the pay and i come back oh and i want a written apology from freddy to as well as my piece when working he told me that i was completely unreasonable with such demands again i say so to get this clear three times i discover massive bs happening three times you guys try to heap the blame on me and then you guys literally try to humiliate me and freddie does actually fire me and you want me to be reasonable well guess it would be reasonable then to just ignore you then please be well i hung up on him and blocked his number as well as any other number which he would try to call me with later on the aftermath as i mentioned before i still had ears in the company so i have a good idea what followed the facility suddenly had its most sensitive bottleneck tightened even further and then clogged full of concrete soon after no one maintained or cleaned the measuring machine anymore and being a precision machine it didn't take that lightly vladimir was soon called in multiple times a day to fix a problem which in return built up a backlog for him in other places things i or previously antonio had fixed within a minute now took hours just for vladimir to find time and come over and fix it in a minute he tried explaining stuff to igor but yeah didn't work well other departments ran completely dry of work and of course they didn't want to bear the blame for missed deadlines so the whole issue was pretty quickly reported up the ladder and with no one wanting to take the hit it climbed higher and higher before it eventually got onto the desk of the national ceo of the company the highest entity of the company this side of the great pond found that out by a friend in hr was followed with the arrival of the proverbial kill squad you know the modern equivalent to an executor a bunch of guys in very tight suits no sense of humor cold eyes and the strict command to find someone's head to put on a silver plate as far as i heard even a prosecutor from the usa was among them i was called by the company a month later asking if i could come in for an interview not a job interview mind you but they asked me to give my statement on the whole affair this wasn't a legal thing and they had no way to force me to make a statement as it was an internal investigation but i still happily complied and even gave my signature that i told the truth gave them the entire story as accurate as i could and openly admitted what i didn't know or where i was only guessing they thanked me and apologized honestly i felt that they couldn't pay me for the time they took for me due to legal reasons i was fine with all that and went home igor got fired for careless negligence his brother boris likewise got the immediate boot in the butt my boss went down under as well he and boris were fired for mismanagement their boss however freddie he got not only fired but dragged in front of court no idea how that went on as he was dragged to the u.s but given how ridiculous that justice system is and that he'd been designated as a scapegoat by one of the biggest companies worldwide wouldn't be surprised if he had a hold very tightly on the soap for a good while the entire facility went firmly in the reds for that year due to nearly all contracted reworks missing deadlines which means a daily fee of tens of thousands per contract my ears in the company soon sought themselves new jobs despite in one case being there for 20 years last i heard is that the company had to contact the producer of the measurement machine to train the new employee how to operate it properly i had asked for triple mypay well those guys were more like triple the zeros at the end oh and i did find a new job within one day i was fired on monday had the interview on tuesday a test work day the thursday and i was asked at the end of that day when i could start which was next monday i do manual measurements now in an incoming quality control department the boss is a blast the team is all friendly and my commute is 18 minutes with an electric scooter i've worked there for nine months now and i'm already the de facto team leader for the first sample stuff and best of all i'm appreciated for the work i do too hope you like this long story i mean looking beyond the simple fact that this was awful nepotism at place here i think this really also highlights why you don't really want to work with your friends or family if at all possible it's one thing if it's a family-owned business but in this situation you can see it pretty clearly you don't want to blame your own brother or hold them responsible for something that they're doing wrong but the problem is you're doing that as an integral part of a multi-billion dollar business needless to say blood is thicker than water but is it really thicker than a stack of billions of dollars that said though that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another malicious compliance story that was crazier than both of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right that said though i'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHOWIGOTTHECEOFIREDRedditStoriesorig
AIT for telling my husband that I don't want any more kids so my husband 29 and I 23 have a son too together we have been married for almost 5 years up until our son was born we used to live away from each other like in different countries after having him we decided to move in together to help our son have a future together with both of his parents our marriage was arranged so that I had no idea what kind of person he was before our marriage we dated for like four months before we got married we decided on at least three kids so after moving in with him I felt like I could be closer to my husband and happy unlike when I used to live with his parents a whole different story he works 14 hours a day so initially I thought that was the reason for him neglecting his duties as a parent he came home tired and refused to do anything with me unless to have sex and he would not play with the baby occasionally he would play with the baby while I make dinner but if the baby starts crying he would scream my name to come look after the baby then he would take his phone and start avoiding us again when I tell him to do something around the house he would say that I'm whiny all the time and he is tired of hearing me whine in all the 25 months that my son has been here not once has my husband changed his diaper and he might have bathed him six or seven times he does nothing at home but wash his own dishes and later when I ask him to help me with chores he would say that I'm lucky that he washes his dishes and he is too tired to do anything else he thinks looking after a baby and washing one dish is the same and if something happens to the baby if he gets a cold or if he accidentally falls from the bed it's all my fault for not having my eyes on him all the freaking time now 2 years later I have a remote job a toddler who loves to climb on everything he sees and a ton of house work my husband still refused to admit that I have lots of work even when I'm at home according to him I'm free 24/7 and I'm constantly lying around the house with absolutely no tension about paying the bills it's true I don't pay the bills because I didn't have a job or anything before and he promised he would provide for us but the baby wasn't made just by me we had a huge fight about this last night and I told him that I'm not going to have any more kids because it already feels like I have two he got angry at that and is now refusing to talk to me I don't know if I'm the a-hole in this situation or not he says that I was leading him on all this time and I om him te
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmyhusbandthatIdontwantanymorekids
today we've got a crazy bombshell being dropped to somebody's niece we'll get to that in a bit but first best friend slept with my boyfriend so I sent her to the hospital there was a time that I believed I got murder instincts if I was not stopped I would have gotten in pretty serious trouble against the state I mean I could have literally ended someone trust me I don't have anger issues or a short temper but In the Heat of the Moment I picked up a vase and I was running in full speed to smash it on someone's head it could have killed them or better just made him unconscious but if you think that this was at the spur of the moment or done without deliberate thinking then maybe you need to hear the whole story hi I'm Lana I had a best friend called Pamela and my boyfriend was Joshua this is my story of how my ex-boyfriend cheated on me with none other than my former best friend yes they were both replaced we were all in the same high school before I decided to travel to Turkey to further my education I wanted to be a doctor and my father attended a Turkish school too and and became a fantastic medical doctor so yeah he pretty much wanted the same for me also some of his classmates were now working in the school and his former lecturers were still there somehow my dad still had affiliations with his school but hated the American school system it helps to say at this point that my family's from turkey and we still have relations there my mom and dad met and lived there until they decided to relocate to America for better opportunities I was born in America and attended American High School though luckily for me I didn't get all that bullying and racism maybe I did but I didn't recognize it I was also called the prettiest girl in every class I was in my beauty always got me some advantages like how before I got out of high school I dated about four or five boyfriends I was was also a smart student my best friend at that time was a white girl we were both science freaks as my dad would not let me introduce a girl who was not as brilliant as me as my best friend because of this we had unhindered sleepovers that we turned to studying we would do a little bit of studying and then go on talking about boys and stuff Pamela was also pretty and she had a boyfriend at that time but a new boy got into our school who was so hot and she thought I should date him I was dismissive of her offer because I had just recently broken up with another boy but she was insisting I finally saw what she was saying and agreed based on these Petty ideas if I was the first to date him then he would forever be my ex and if another girl dated him later she would be dating my ex Pamela convinced me that it was better for some girl to be dating my ex than me dating any ones secondly she told me to test my sexiness on him if he calls for me and agrees to date me then I can be sure that I still got it if not then I don't she wanted me to challenge myself to get a new guy thinking about it now those were probably the world's lamest reasons to get into a relationship what if I found out that I could woo a guy but didn't want to date him it wasn't okay with Pamela for him to just like me to her that didn't prove anything until I was able to get him to ask me out I agreed to her challenge we always challenged each other and academics Sports as well as boys Joshua was tall a sexy jock who wasted no time settling in with the boys he had brown hair and green eyes he brought his skateboard to school even though it wasn't allowed so that pretty much gave him the bad boy narrative and he was so cute I didn't doubt my beauty anyway even though he became friends with my ex the guy I had just broken up with so every class that day I sat next to him and started a conversation sometimes it was just sighing and calling the class boring but he noticed how smart I was so that intrigued him in math class my teacher would always check on me before other students and say Marianne has gotten it correct I wonder why the rest of you are finding it difficult it didn't take long for Joshua to get interested in the hot chick who knew her algebra in physics formulas the next thing I knew before every class he was asking me if I was taking the next before the end of the day he changed his elective class because of me and also told me it was rare to find a smart and pretty girl that was also nice we exchanged contacts and I told Pamela about everything she already knew most of the things I told her because she was literally in the same class she heard people say that I slept around and I was a user because I went for the new guy but she encouraged me to keep trying as long as I really wanted him I could ignore them at that point I wasn't sure if I even wanted him I didn't even know the kind of person Joshua was so the next day we hung out I mean he actually took me out and we got talking you know I wanted to become a doctor and he wanted to be a computer scientist there were many intriguing things about him that eventually made me start liking him skip to the important part he asked me out not long after that day we thought we were too good for each other not to date and since there was only one holiday and another term before the end of the school year we had to date quickly I never felt pressured to do anything like that before not even to major in medicine when Pamela found out that he asked me out she hurried me to give him a response he asked out via iMessages his reason was that we have to at least see if we're good for each other and not pass up the opportunity unlike me he didn't have a friend cheering him on my ex-boyfriend at that time just stopped talking to him when Joshua started hanging out with me a lot the only motivation Joshua would have gotten was probably that I was good looking and the other boys probably confirmed it I couldn't resist not because of Pamela but I also also started getting attracted to him his brains and cool demeanor were very attractive plus if I passed that opportunity I knew I would regret it so I went for it and replied to his text he sent flower emojis right after and the very next day in school we were the couple everyone was talking about Pamela and I used to go out a lot and now that I had a boyfriend she suggested that I spend more time with him or we could double date it was a pleasant idea because Rob Pamela's boyfriend was very witty the double dates were Rob and Pamela's chances to really meet Joshua as far as I knew we got along so well the holiday season was probably the best time of my life Joshua's parents were rich and surprisingly he could take me home and I could even meet his parents but not mine obviously my parents were very strict whenever we were in his room we were always up to no good and I bet you understand with this whole teenage hormones and every everything the bedroom was always hot we went out to fancy restaurants and he bought me everything I wanted I didn't get expensive Dior Handbags and Chanel shoes I mean stuff like Teddy Bears phone cases and flowers maybe because I never asked for expensive things my parents trained all their kids not to desire costly items badly would always act like she's happy for me she would usually say things like oh I need to get this but you Marianne you don't have an issue just ask Joshua and he'll get it for you I was happy that I had him and all we stayed together until the last day of school and on graduation we agreed that we could continue our relationship long distance he promised that with his money sometimes he could fly me back during the holidays even if my parents said I should stay with my relatives in Turkey he promised many things and it was all because we could not bear being away from each other for so long the time came for me to go to school I cried but my parents thought it was because I was going to miss them it was mostly Joshua and Pamela they were like family to me at that point I couldn't imagine what school would be like without my best friend the first month was hard with the new language and everything being I had Joshua and Pamela to do group video calls with sometimes but our workload began to get so bulky that we didn't have time for that anymore I forced myself to fit in during the weekend I would call my boyfriend and talk about the food the difference in culture and the way the teachers taught he would tell me about his own experience in school and we would laugh about other things my parents sent me money monthly to keep up Joshua sent some too so I had enough money to save up when things started getting suspicious was what I'd call Joshua and Pamela was with him or I'd call Pamela and Joshua was there they said they were just hanging out and I believed them then things became hard between Joshua and I I originally thought it was because we got too busy I almost called this GS off because it was so frustrating trying to get him to be conversational with me and him just being a brick wall I talked to Pamela about it she didn't give the response I expected from her she was like you know he's busy and everything you shouldn't think much about it I asked her if she knew anything that was going on that was frustrating him she said she didn't but it could be anything later I put the two things together Pamela had broken up with Rob Joshua was distant from me and used less words while he was always hanging out with Pamela I saw it on their Instagram stories and snap they seem to have gotten really close closer than they were before I left in retrospect Pamela was the first one to call Joshua cute and tell me to go for him so she definitely was attracted to him I was getting too worked up about the whole matter there was nothing I could do from Turkey so I stopped bothering either of them about anything and they stopped texting me too just once in a while during the holiday I told my parents I wanted to go home I think they missed me too so they surprisingly agreed and I got perfect grades that semester they said I deserved what I wanted I went home silently and didn't tell Pamela or Joshua about it crazily enough I stocked them both I followed Joshua around on my parents car and sometimes I saw him meet Pamela but only in public places this is where I thought I was really losing it acting like a psychopath obsessively following people I decided to give up but not totally I still didn't let any of them know I was in town his birthday was getting closer I planned to surprise him I packaged a lovely present with the money I saved up there were shoes a cake goodies a new suit perfume and a PS5 after packaging it beautifully and putting it in my mom's car I thought about something crazy what if I got there and saw him kissing Pamela I brushed it off but before I did I imagined myself smashing a heavy object on his head it wasn't just an imagination it was like I was devising a plan because I believed that they'd been making out just that I never caught them he was throwing a party in his house that afternoon so I got there earlier to surprise them his mother opened the door and just before I could greet her or she could announce my presence I ran up the stairs to his room and just as I thought Pamela was there she was wearing a bra and shorts and he was only in shorts like I premeditated I got a vase from where I knew it would be and I was charging after Joshua in full force thankfully before I get there Pamela saw me in a rushed to hold me thank God she was fast because I could have killed someone and gotten in real trouble but as she got a hold of me I instinctively used my elbow to hit her jaw and destabilize her the vase fell from my hand and broke but I continued to fight screaming and scratching Joshua's mother heard the commotion going on and rushed to the door she managed to separate us but the damage had already been done I found out later that Pamela's jaw had been hit so hard the bone dislocated I was lucky because it didn't require surgery or anything like like that but she had to go to the hospital to nurse some wounds and fix her jaw while I was unharmed that would teach her not to mess with me I was heartbroken and I should have heard Joshua too but something told me that if I went for him I would also land in the hospital Joshua's mom decided to pay the hospital bills herself and not tell my parents because she was wrong to not tell me that my boyfriend was cheating or something along the lines of not training her son well she apologized that she didn't know that we were still dating anyways I was lucky Pam's parents didn't find out either Pamela lied to them that she got into a fight with some students in her school I flew back to Turkey yeah I was gonna say the guilt is very obvious here because it didn't seem like op was gonna talk about them getting in trouble or legally financially honestly it kind of sucks that the mom had to pay for it because it's not really the mom's fault in any way but at least she knew that Joshua her son was in the wrong and you know what hopefully she tries to hold him little bit more accountable for being a crappy person our next story is I exposed my sister's long-term secret and revealed to my niece that she was adopted I wanted to get back at my sister by revealing to her daughter that she was adopted but things got even worse than I anticipated and my sister's life changed and no it was not for the better at the time I carried out my revenge my sister was 46 years old and I was 36. yes my sister was 10 years older and she was a bully because of it well that and the fact that my mom enabled her bad behavior all my life she has hated me she hated me for having a present dad for having healthy hair for being beautiful for pursuing an education and for generally being liked by others she hated me for these things not minding the fact that she had all of that except for the first and last ones my sister is my mom's first child our mom had her with her dad when she was fresh out of college her dad belonged to a different race culture so his family never accepted my mom not even when they found out she was going to have a baby my maternal grandmother according to my mom would always advise her kids and even her grandkids my cousins and sister I never met her to never marry or date someone whose culture was vastly different from theirs my sister's dad was going to marry our mom but his family was very bitter towards her they clearly did not want her for their son and brother and they wanted someone from their culture my mom decided that she could not deal with having in-laws who can't stand her she added things with my sister's dad and moved on with her life her ex-boyfriend was mad about that he wanted them to continue her relationship even though he never stood up to his family for her he was so mad that he disappeared from my mom and sister's life so he won't have to be responsible for my sister my mom refused to bother about child support she never sued or filed a complaint against him she accepted being a single mother and started to raise them alone until she met my dad who married her and took responsibility for my sister despite my dad loving her like she was his and treating her like a literal princess my sister was spoiled and rude my dad and mom would assume that she was acting out for different reasons and rather than said boundaries or create consequences for her actions they would let her get away with anything even bullying my dad's nieces and nephews who often came to our house to visit my earliest memories of my sister were her bullying and teasing me she said the meanest things to me and for no reason too my dad could hardly caution her or tell her off because then my mom would accuse him of scolding her because she wasn't his child mom always tried to overcompensate for the absence of her father my mom only scolded her when she'd done something very terrible so terrible that my mom can't look away my mom indulged my sister so much that she soon got out of control I remember an incident that happened happened when I was seven or eight my mom and sister argued and my sister called my mom a witch my mom was enraged and she slapped my sister my sister surprisingly slapped her back we my mom my aunt and me were all shocked my mom asked her to leave the house and my sister did she moved in with her boyfriend but they kept having several issues so she returned home later to the annoyance of my dad who had had enough of her nasty attitude and unruliness she kept getting into trouble and all of that so my mom made her leave town and move far away from where we all lived she just wanted some peace and she got it while my sister was away sadly there was an unfortunate accident when my parents were out on a road trip and they both died I was 19 at the time and I was still trying to figure life out my sister asked if she could move back home with me and I agreed I thought it made sense at the time she was my only family and I needed Comfort during our first year together we supported each other and she was like my mom but I soon started to see certain qualities that I did not like about her she never moved back out and she gradually went back to being my biggest bully a thorn in my flesh the house we lived in belonged to my parents it was fully paid for too my parents never rode a wheel or anything but naturally the home ought to come to my sister and me that was what I thought until one day I saw a letter outside our home it read that our parents had borrowed money from a certain private money lender and that the house was used as collateral they proposed that we pay up the loan or vacate the premises they even added that they were willing to give us the time to do it I was devastated when this happened I was young and working at a local Diner I hardly had any money and was looking to save up to go to film School my sister wasn't home that night because she had traveled to spend the weekend with her boyfriend when she returned I showed her the mail I had gotten and she was also devastated did she cried and I cried with her where are you gonna go she asked me I don't know I replied to her I truly had no idea what was next for me my dad's home was quite big it had four bedrooms and a large backyard we moved there when I was six and I've loved it there ever since I loved my room the small Library the space and everything I couldn't imagine anyone else living there and I told my sister this she said we can't leave this house we can't let them take it we don't have a choice I told my sister I just hope that if another family buys it and moves in then they make fun memories as we did I'd hate for this place to be turned into a fancy restaurant or some other impersonal space my sister looked very sad and I remember giving her a big hug I'd already started to look into my savings and what kind of place I could rent in town after the three months we were allowed to stay in our home elapsed when my sister knocked on my bedroom door I answered and she came in looking a little cheerful talk to my boyfriend about everything that's happened and he's agreed to pay off the loan With a Little Help from me of course I didn't understand what she had said at first what she said yes he offered to pay off the loan and kind of buy the house I thought about it for a while and asked if she thought that was a good idea I mean it's our home what are we going to do after he buys the house are we going to have to buy it from him in the future she said no it'd become his house our house really because I'd be chipping in my entire savings too I said so the house would belong to you too I wasn't comfortable with our house belonging to my sister and her boyfriend I didn't like her even though I loved her and I didn't like her boyfriend either I'd only met him once but he was quite unpleasant he was loud and unnecessarily rude to people the one time he took my sister and me out for dinner he was very mean to a male waiter and for no good reason too the thought of him owning our home terrified me I don't think that's a a good idea I told my sister I needed to take a nap as I was very tired and she left the next day she asked if I still thought it wasn't a good idea to have her boyfriend pay for the house listen I understand your fears but we'll get married soon when we do get married the house will belong to me that way the house stays in the family even in the event of a divorce I agreed with my sister I would rather my sister retain the house and I can visit whenever I want then to have a stranger move in it or have it demolished and turn into a commercial building by developers I told her to go ahead and have her boyfriend pay off the debts that weekend her boyfriend came over to our house and they went together to see the money lenders he stayed a while longer since it was a weekend and they needed to complete signing the papers I was very naive at the time I never bothered to inquire into the whole thing to visit the money lender's office myself and ask exactly what was going on I trusted my sister to handle everything a year later my sister and her boyfriend got married and he moved in with us it was heck having to deal with my sister's tantrums and horrible treatment she was so self-absorbed and she wanted her mood to dictate everyone else's when she was sad she wanted us to be sad and whenever she was happy we had to be happy her husband got tired and would randomly pack his bags and Escape but I had nowhere to go one day I decided to leave I couldn't deal with my sister's nastiness any longer but my sister came begging she revealed that she was struggling with fertility issues and that it was affecting her behavior I knew that she wanted a child but I didn't know that she'd been diagnosed with a fertility problem so I felt sorry for her while I felt sorry for her I knew that my sister's Behavior had nothing to do with her situation she'd always been a self-absorbed bully at home and even in school still I stayed out of pity when I went off to college my sister adopted a child a a beautiful girl I was away in college so I wasn't a part of the process I didn't even know that she was considering adopting a child until the process had worked out and she told me about it I was happy for her because I knew how much she longed to have a child after college I moved back to my sisters I honestly thought that things would have changed if she was now a mother but she was still very mean and unkind even to her own daughter and husband her husband filed for a divorce and that hurt her even more and made her meaner toward me and her daughter I decided to move out and live on my own it made sense to do that anyway as it was long overdue I moved out but that angered my sister who felt I'd betrayed her by moving out she wanted me to stay and take care of her since her husband had just left but I couldn't because her frequent Tantrums got to me even after I'd moved out of my sister's home I still dealt with so many insults from her she would call me on the phone and tell me that I'm evil and insensitive for leaving her so I decided to cut her off all together I stopped taking her calls and I moved out of town many years later my niece became a very fun young teenager she looked me up on Facebook and we became friends very often she would have issues with her mom and tell me about it I think her mom snooped on her phone and saw her conversations but also didn't want her daughter to think she was the bad guy she invited me to her home and we reconciled she then revealed to me that her daughter didn't know that she was adopted and made me promise not to tell her I promise not to even though I didn't agree with that decision I went on a date and that date changed everything for me I met this guy who was a developer and he told me about the private money lending business somehow I mentioned how some years back my ex-brother-in-law had paid off my parents debt the whole thing sounded fishy to him and he asked more questions he was very interested and asked if I could recall the name of the lending company I told them I could I'd kept the original letter for a long time and I never forgot them because they took my home for me well after a lot of Investigations on both our sides it turned out that my sister and her ex planned it to dupe me of my inheritance I called her X and he couldn't deny it he was ashamed of himself I never confronted my sister I simply told her daughter that she was adopted I knew that would make things even worse between them because they had a crappy relationship and I knew my sister was trying to fix their relationship her daughter was all she had at this point as I predicted and wanted badly her daughter was hurt she was mad at me too for not telling her earlier but I didn't care there was nothing compared to the anger she would unleash on her mother all I wanted was for my sister to suffer for putting me through heck to have duped me like that because I was young and naive was simply unforgivable the next time my niece and I spoke my sister had been around rested it turned out that even her adoption was illegal and my niece called the cops herself she had done some research on her own and found out many irregularities and then when she confronted her mom and her mom tried to shut her out she called the police it was a very messy situation and I tried my best not to get involved in all of that I never got home because I never tried and my sister had ruined all the good memories anyway but I got my revenge and it felt so good to see my sister crumble I mean although op got their revenge and op seemed satisfied enough if I was in OP shoes I don't know if I would be that house sounds like it's worth quite a bit and to be completely just gone of that entire inheritance I don't know if it's too late now and I know op said the memories are all gone but they should try to go back and get some of that for themselves but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeSISTERSTOLEMYINHERITENCERedditStoriesorig
AIT for not watching my kids so their father could visit his wife in the hospital me and my ex-husband divorced 4 years ago we have two daughters together my ex-husband remarried one year ago and I knew that he and his wife were accepting because my daughters told me that they would get a sibling now this Friday it was his week with the girls he called me and asked if I could please take them earlier when I asked him why he told me that he needed to be with his wife at the hospital I said no that is not a reason to disobey the court order and that he either could stay with the girls leave the girls with a babysitter or take them with him to the hospital I hung up before he could continue he texted me about 2 hours after telling me that I was extremely sick in the head and that for once he was in a situation where he needed my help and I refused his best friend who was a mutual friend of ours until the divorce also texted me and said that he hoped I was happy with myself I don't get how I could be an but it obviously seems like he and his best friend has come to that conclusion if I am the yes I will apologize but firstly I need to know
give me a good story on AITAfornotwatchingmykidssotheirfathercouldvisithiswifeinthehospital
today we have a crazy Revenge story of destroying somebody's career we'll get into that in a bit but first I got back in my partner after he abandoned his family being a mother a single mother at that is hard enough already as it is there are quite a lot of things that a woman in my shoes or situation is meant to be on the lookout for but most importantly the number one thing that tends to prove to be quite a huge problem is the fact that I have to step up and assume the role of both the father and mother to my child and I know what every single one of you might be thinking this is whether or not I was careless when I was still in my teenage years and all that but I can tell you for a fact that the father of my child who was at the time my apparent high school sweetheart left me at that point in my life when I needed him the most and quite literally left every single one of the responsibilities that was waiting for him and this was not while we weren't together no quite opposite in fact as at the time we had decided to get married as soon as possible and then he just left leaving me to saddle the responsibility of taking care of our child for quite a long period of time but then again he could have only have run for so long as there are quite a number of ways I could have paid him back but the one way I did choose to resort to was the one that I felt the most satisfied with and the one that I knew for a fact was going to affect him the greatest I female 20 and my then partner male 22 were at the time together in a relationship and not just any kind of relationship but the kind that quite literally every single student in our school at the time was overly envious of we were like a match made in heaven people always said that we were perfect together and that we were made for each other and this was honestly how I felt about him at the time for reference purposes let's call him Andrew so the story about how Andrew and I met is a funny one as one could never imagine things would have turned out the way it did with the both of us first off we were never on speaking terms with each other as while we were in school at the time there was an incident and while I was involved in the separation of those involved in the incident I wasn't particularly among those that were having issues and quarreling at the time and while the whole thing was going on Andrew stood there and was staring down at me with this look of disgust it was almost as if he was totally disappointed with the situation I was in as it looked like I was involved with whatever was going on at that particular point in time anyways after that day although we had never for once engaged in proper conversation with each other I would always feel that stare from him whether or not he was around me at the time and this was already starting to become a problem for me and so one day I confronted him and made several attempts to figure out what exactly was going through his mind whenever he saw me and his response made me forget every single thing I was thinking at the time and just burst out into laughter apparently he had thought that I was the one that initiated the fight and he said from that moment onwards he was always scared of crossing paths with with me as to him this might lead to another fight or quarrel similar to the one that had occurred when we first crossed paths I simply laughed at off and assured him that I wasn't that kind of person and that things were not too complicated on my own end and it was from there we picked up the conversation and we basically started all over by introducing each other and making our acquaintances he began complimenting me right then and there and I must say this was when I totally lost it I was already beginning to see him in some very notable features which included his broad shoulders his tall and well- belt physique and also his horse voice which sent shivers down my spine all of these totally made me forget the particular reason why I came on over to meet him in the first place and by the end of our conversation at that time he had already gotten my number as he said he would love to continue the conversation on a later date probably over dinner or something and this was where I knew that I was totally gone and anyways fast forward a few months later we had already given what we were a tag and to the greatest surprise of quite literally every single one of our friends we were already together in a relationship a happy one at that I might add there was quite literally no fault in his person he had everything a woman could ever ask for in a man and I couldn't have wanted him any other way this was not withstanding the fact that he was extremely handsome and it was already noticeable that every other girl or lady at the time had their eyes on him but the one thing I was sure of was the fact that he was not going to leave me for any one of them or so I thought right after high school we were supposed to submit our applications for the colleges of our choice and at the time I had my dream College in mind but then again when I considered the fact that I was going to be apart from him I was already beginning to reconsider my choices and all but I didn't know how he would have taken or handled that piece of information and then when I asked him he made me know that nothing would make him happier than me applying for the same College as he was and I don't know why I felt that way but the sudden urge to do just whatever it was that he asked of me just completely took over and before I knew what was happening I was already accepting the admission given to me by the same College Andrew had chosen I just knew that things were going to be all right for the both of us and there was nothing that could come between us I knew that he was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and nothing nothing was going to change my mind not even in the slightest bit and then while we were on campus our dorms were not too far from each other and so seeing each other on a daily basis was no issue at all the area where we begin to have issues was when he had started demanding that both of us to be intimately physical with each other sure I was with him 100% and there was no other person that had the keys to my heart at the time but then again this was seeming like quite a huge step to take in our relationship and I didn't want to make any rash moves and so I told him off and he brought this up over and over and over again multiple times in fact it got to a point where I was already starting to feel guilty about turning him down that many times but I made a promise to myself and I was determined to keep that promise by all possible means necessary and when I informed him of this it resulted in an argument that almost led to the end of our relationship at the time the only thing that stopped him from ending things was the fact that he definitely wanted to make me regret my decision but this was unknown to me at the time anyways after quite a long period of back and forth arguments as regards this physical intimacy we finally decided that we were going to get married right after college seeing as both wanted each other and there was nothing stopping us from doing so immediately after we were done with getting our degrees and all and just like that we had already made and for our future with each other together and just as planned right as we were done with college We Got Married the year after as we took quite a long time planning the entire wedding inviting friends and family and all those other necessities but then right after that we finally had the chance to be with each other in the realest of all sense because at this time I truly felt safe and secure with him he had officially become my safe space and I knew for a fact that he is always going to be there for me seeing as we had both tied the knot or so I thought so naively in fact almost a whole year after we had gotten married I was still in my early 20s at the time and I hadn't secured a job for myself at the time Andrew however on the other hand had already succeeded in making a name for himself in his place of work even though he was only working there for a little over a year he was making great strides and this was a win for the both of us so of course I was happy for us this was until I found out that I was pregnant with a bouncing baby boy and I just couldn't wait to bring break the good news to him and his reaction showed how this really meant to him and how he truly viewed me I was happy for myself and my baby boy as this was the moment where I truly knew that we were truly in safe hands fast forward a bit to where things got a real interesting real quick this was almost a week to my due date and then he just decided that he wanted to attend a conference meeting in a whole other time zone I was against this as it would mean that he wouldn't be there to see his baby being born but then again I didn't know that it was all his plan as that was the last time I set my eyes on him I had our son alone and even weeks after I'd left the hospital I was still taking care of our son alone the bills were having my neck and trying to cater for the needs of my newborn was also having its way with me all this while he was completely unreachable several nights would go by and I would cry myself to sleep every other night all while holding on to the slightest hope that he would return with a plausible explanation he didn't and after six whole years he finally called back with a private number asking to meet me I was filled with rage and uncontrollable anger I thought of what I could say or do but I decided to control myself as best as I could and hear him out and after agreeing to the Meetup and after hearing what he had to say I was completely disappointed and I knew right then and there that he wasn't worth all the time and attention I'd wasted on him all this while as this was when he explained that he just got married to me to get back at me for back when we were in high school and when he found out that he was going to be a father he panicked and ran away but then he said he was back and he was in a state of true regret he wanted to be in his child's life again and mine too but I wasn't having it I wanted to get back at him and the only way I knew I could was by getting a divorce and also full custody of my child as I knew that through the divorce I could get alimony for all my struggles and also through the full custody scheme he would never get to see his child again and all of this was easily made possible by a friend of mine who was a lawyer until this day I've never set my eyes on him as that was the last encounter we ever had with each other the only Solace I took from all of this was the deprivation of his right to see his child and of course financial compensation and this was enough for me as I had already moved on from him I think he made it really easy for op to do this Revenge which honestly I think is maybe just the right thing to do not just for op but for the kid as well him showing up and saying oh well I just got married to you because I wanted to get back at you for what you did in high school doesn't make any sense at all and is the flimsiest excuse and he was probably just looking for the opportunity to mooch off of op he probably burned some other Bridges elsewhere and had nowhere else to go who knows maybe he knocked up somebody else and was trying to get back to the first situation that said our next story is how I got around a non-compete Clause with a former boss many years back I met someone very rich he came from money and had a lot of money of his own but he didn't know what to do with his money it is funny now that I think about it but that's what it was at the time he had a lot of money but was confused about what to do with it specifically how to multiply it at the time I was 23 I had just graduated from college and my head and mind were swimming with ideas I had many IDE ideas on how to make money but one needed money to make money and not only did I not have any money I had student loans to pay up when we met I mentioned that there are many ways to make more money in the city we met and he became very curious and started to ask me questions my answers were vague mostly because I didn't want him to steal them of course I was being cautious and he caught on to that he then assured me that he wanted to know because he would love to invest in me he then told about how how for a long time his father never respected him his two other brothers were respected by their father but his father just saw him as a spoiled boy who could not do anything right he had access to some of his dad's money and like I said he was a rich dude but he craved his dad's respect he wanted to multiply his dad's money like his brothers were already doing I was impressed that despite being handed money on a platter he still wanted to earn respect for himself and I shared some of my ideas with him I figured since he wanted to invest in me he could easily be a silent investor while I did all the work and shared profits with him I shared different ideas with him but only one stood out for him he asked more questions about it and then decided to start a business together we exchanged contacts and he asked me to come to his home the next Friday he said by then he would have discusted with his lawyers and we can come to an agreement that day I was glad I went to the businessman's networking event where I met him my Dad's friend had suggested that I attend such events regularly to meet and rub Minds with like-minded people he said it would help me grow faster in my career when I returned home after that event I called my ex-girlfriend she had just graduated from law school and I figured it would be more affordable to have her represent me I suggest he talk to someone more experienced in corporate law my ex said to me when I told her but I refused I wanted her to represent me because I figured she was the only one who could do that for the price I was bringing to the table plus I trusted the man I'd met and didn't think there was much to be done he was after all going to come with the money so if anyone had caused to lawyer up well it was him my ex agreed and we showed up in his home a month later to pick up the agreement the arrangement was for her to read through the documents so we could talk about it later the next day she was at my house and the first thing she said when she saw me was you cannot accept the terms in that contract what the rich duded told me was that he was going to invest in my ideas the idea he passed was that he would be a silent investor of sorts and that I would make him money the contract however seemed like an employer employee contract he was going to start a business built from my ideas and then employ me to work for his business I was very upset when my lawyer explained it to me I told her we were going to turn him down and she agreed but later that night I started to wonder if that was a good idea there was someone who had my ideas and the money to make more money for my ideas if I turned down his offer and walked away he could still start the business without me he already knew what the plan was and could do it all on his own or employ people to execute the plan for him we also didn't have a contract or anything of the sort when I shared my plans with him I depended solely on his Goodwill and hoped he wouldn't betray me the next morning I told my ex that I was going to see see him about the contract in person I just believe that if we left out the lawyers and made things very personal you would be more willing to review the contract when I met with him I expressed how I felt and told him I was upset when my lawyer showed me the contract we didn't agree on an employer employee business Arrangement when we met he first apologized and implored me to calm down he then said that his lawyers thought it was a good way to protect himself and his money if we had an employer employee contract rather than a business partner contract he pointed out that he was taking a loan from his father to start the business and he could not afford to fail and embarrass his father he then assured me that the employer employee thing was just on paper I had all the brilliant ideas and would be the brain behind the company he would just be in the background making sure everything was running well he promised that I'd have a healthy degree of control of the business and even said I could buy him out if the business grows and can afford to pay him off again I thought it was a good deal so we shook hands on it the next morning I told my lawyer that he'd given me his word and explained how things were going to work to her she was skeptical and asked me to think about it again after convincing her that he was a good person and that he'd never do anything that would jeopardize my trust in him she agreed and we decided to accept and sign the contract the contract came with a 10-year non-compete Clause but that didn't bother me the thing with contracts is that one never really bothered with these rules because we're certain that we'd never breach them anyway also I thought it was fair that a non-compete Clause was added to the agreement it would be unfair to him if we started this business with his money I made some money and then went on to be his competitor after we had established the business I found out that my new boss had been very economical with the truth he was not just the silent investor he had promised he would be he was fully involved in the business he was my boss I was the brain behind the business but we used his money and I reported directly to him when we decided to hire vital staff I assumed I'd be given a degree of authority in that area but I wasn't I was completely sidelined by my boss for the first 3 months I wasn't paid I thought it made sense because the business was still in its growth stage and we did a lot of trial and error that led to us losing money but my boss was refusing to pay me because he treated me like a partner in the business now naturally Partners were to Bear losses and gains so as a partner I shouldn't expect to make money when the business was still struggling the problem however was that my boss was not treating me like a partner he was treating me like an employee while refusing to provide the benefits of being an employee the whole Arrangement just felt like my boss felt he did me a favor by employing me I ignored many of his condescending actions until one day he took a decision that I felt I should have been involved in naturally I shouldn't care because I was an employee not a partner but since this wasn't our initial agreement I felt sidelined and questioned my boss about his decision he got so mad that I confronted him I'm not going to lie my tone was not so pleasant I was mad and I felt and still feel like I had a right to be he kept taking action after action to show that he did not value me at all it was as though he was reminding me of my place in the business he was also taking credit for all my work and Innovations whatever I did he took the credit as long as it worked out he immediately took the credit his dad would praise him and so would his brothers he never not even once gave me credit for all my hard work it was at that point that I understood why my mom always said that many wealthy people made money through unethical means and that it was impossible to amass certain kinds of wealth without doing unethical stuff my boss apologized for yelling at me the previous day and I accepted his apology but I still planned my resignation I was ready to let it all go I was still thinking hard about my decision when my boss employed someone to film my role that man employed someone to be the company's director at a time when I was the director he then called me privately to his office and he told me something about me reporting directly to the new director instead of him in other words the new director was to be my new boss I typed my 14-day notice that evening printed it and sent it to my boss's desk the next morning when my boss found out that I'd sent in a notice what he did was unbelievable my ex had predicted that he'd make a better offer anything to keep me around well my former boss didn't do that he sent me a counter letter threatening me attached that letter was a copy of our initial contract reading that contract all over made me very sick I felt stupid for or even agreeing to all the ridiculous terms in the first place I realized how much my desperation had cost me I was so mad that I texted my ex because I needed to talk to her about ways to get around the non-compete Clause after talking about it in person the week after I decided on the best way to get revenge against my boss the agreement was that I could not start a business of the same type as my boss I could never be his competitor but the agreement did not say that I could not work for another competitor I then decided to sell my ideas to someone else in less than two months I met with someone who also had the money and was interested in my ideas this time I elected to be an actual employee I negotiated for the position of director and my new employer put me in charge I was never treated like a partner but I got all the benefits of a senior employee my new boss respected my contributions to his business and I was fully conf compensated for my brain work my old boss tried to sue my new boss but after two attempts by the lawyers on both sides to have an outof Court settlement they gave up knowing that they had no case my new boss's business flourished and for good reason he had me on his team and I was great at coming up with fresh ideas my old boss packed up his business and ventured into a new one when the competition became too much for him to handle he was never passionate about the business he just wanted to make some good money and have something to his name like his dad and brothers not surprising that somebody that's even just starting to try to find some kind of business with his money in the world is still going to be absolutely greed seeking I guess this just goes to show if you're going to be involved in corporate facing stuff probably should hire a lawyer that is more involved and knowledgeable in corporate law but also more importantly if your lawyer says I do not think you should sign that you probably should value that a lot more our next story is I destroyed my rival's career after she stole my ideas okay so I destroyed my rival's career that has got to be classified as bad business ethics but wait till you discover exactly why I did that you might be saying who doesn't get their idea stolen once in a while this is worse imagine working so hard to be original in some lying stealing entitled person steals your ideas and then flaunts it in your face that's my story hi I'm Jasmine 23-year-old female and as long as I can remember I have been obsessed with art it quickly became evident to my parents that I was going through a phase and I didn't just Doodle for fun when I was around 5 years old not to brag but by the time I was five I didn't have trouble drawing both eyes to look the same way artists would get how tough the struggle is you draw one eye and you think it's the best thing you've ever done then you begin to draw the second eye and you end up with a lady that has the eye of Godzilla not me though it didn't take me long to figure it out or maybe I'm just that good thankfully my parents are not the type to think you cannot make a career out of being an artist or painting or maybe they just had enough faith in me to believe that my talent was something that could be nurtured into a beautiful thing and they did everything they could to make sure I did well with it it was a win for me because art is pretty much my life I grew up in a small town and soon people knew that I could draw so well that it only took me an hour to draw full almost realistic portrait of them so if you're ever in my town at least a few homes will have something signed Jazz M my parents entered me in a few competitions and it was amazing experiences but nothing big enough to make me famous I went on to study art in school now I didn't go to the Art Institute of Chicago because my parents couldn't afford the money so I got a degree in Fine Arts at a community college while teaching myself to be better I would sometimes post my Works online and many would Marvel at my talent but it wasn't enough to make me famous maybe that was my undoing I sold a few pieces here in there to keep the bills paid especially after I moved to Chicago when I turned 20 I lived an okay life for a 20-year-old I knew it was going to be better since I wasn't depending on my talent alone I was working hard too and I thought everyone appreciated that as well I was so wrong I thought only famous people were victims of copyright theft what people don't tell you is that some famous people steal your works and that's exactly what happened with Olivia I discovered her account when a friend advised me to get into posting my works and processes online I was amazed at her follower count when I saw she had more than 700,000 followers on Instagram I was barely pushing a thousand and I was okay with it but I kept on posting my works and soon more and more people began to see my work I didn't go back to Olivia's page as much anymore because commissions began to pile up until one day I posted a compilation of art pieces I'd done for a few months and the first 10 comments were people accusing me of stealing someone else's works I was shocked to the Bone I've never even attempted to recreate anyone else's work since I started painting I didn't know where this came from until I started seeing more people say I was stealing Olivia's work so I went to Olivia's page and found out that she had been posting replicas of my pieces that wasn't all she would even make sure to caption the pictures she posted original Piece By Me original piece by who I was livid and shaking so bad that I broke down in tears how could she claim she made these pieces these were drawings and paintings that took me hours days and even weeks to finish some of them was it because I wasn't famous I was so sad and felt extremely cheated out of what should have been mine when I say what should have been mine I I mean the fact that Olivia had entered a few competitions with my original pieces and won all but one one of them even awarded a whopping $110,000 as cash price what is funny is that I entered into the same competitions and kept getting disqualified for reasons I didn't know I just thought that I didn't make the short list or that I didn't follow the guidelines to apply correctly that was until I found out the reason I was being disqualified because the pieces I ENT were considered plagiarism and then I was angry with the Committees in charge of these contests why did they assume my work was the plagiarized one instead of Olivia's I wondered why they didn't reach out to me to ask for proof of ownership or to compare they just assumed that Olivia was a big shot and there was no way that she could have stolen someone else's work I was so dejected that I immediately sent a message to Olivia on Instagram I asked her why she stole my works and my ideas and passed them off as her own I was very angry in the message depicted that I waited for a reply but I didn't get one until I fell asleep I was tired from crying I woke up in the morning with a headache and a message that sent me into a destructive pattern the text was from Olivia and it read are you really accusing me of stealing your little ideas you are in over your head it is quite hilarious to see that you're trying to bring me down with your stupid lies I'm not worried you're not in my league never will be because you are nowhere as talented or famous as I am and besides even if I did borrow your ideas they weren't even that good to begin with who's to say my genius self didn't make them better so shut up lay low and I won't drag you for Filth bye loser it was at this moment I knew I was going to take matters into my own hands so I came up with a plan after hours of deliberation the first thing I did was to compare the period in which the works were posted then I called my Arts professor at the college I graduated from and explained everything that had been going on luckily I was his best student so he was ready to help me with my plan you're asking what plan a fake Arts exhibition my Arts professor and a few of his friends in the field after listening to my story agreed to help me out so there was going to be an Arts Exhibition at my community college and the plan was to invite Olivia as the guest of honor to exhibit her own pieces as well she was required to bring six Works which were within the time frame of six months the requirement was so that she only brought my works and nothing else a smarter person would have discovered the ruse but not Olivia definitely thankful for that then I was going to bring the originals as well and set them up side by side with my stolen ideas and expose Olivia the day finally came and many people turned up my old classmates were excited to see my works again and came from all over to too my professor also got some influential critics and collectors to come to the exhibition as well and so the day was here I waited in the back room until Olivia set up her stolen replicas and then set up mine it didn't take long before people started noticing that something was wrong the pieces looked too similar you could almost think that they were copies then the murmur started intensifying Olivia noticed from where she was talking to another artist and walked back up to the front of the hall she saw what was going on and all the color immediately drained from her face she started to yell to my disgust you Thief how dare you steal my work I'll have you soon I didn't believe that she could still have so much audacity after stealing from me I remained calm amidst the murmurs and Olivia's shouting my art Professor then asked if he could have everyone's attention Jasmine has something she would like to show you all so if you could please turn your attention to the projector up there that was my cue to talk I walked up to the laptop we had set on the table and opened up the text message Olivia sent to me I told everyone to read through the conversation from my Angry message to her rude response the first thing people noticed was that I was the one that texted her first one of my old classmates who was standing at the back of the hall said that makes sense Jasmine's always been original in everything she does a few others that knew me agreed as well Olivia started saying the messages were edited and she never wrote anything like that I wasn't bothered by her constant denial and walked where my Works were and the ones Olivia stole I told the crowd to gather and showed my final card remember how I said I always signed my drawings and paintings with the name Jazz M what I didn't mention was that I did it in the most creative ways I would draw it into the fires if I was drawing a fireplace and I would paint a flower to write jazz M around the edges those were my unique signings it became a game for the people who knew this to try and figure where exactly I signed except Olivia didn't know this this was my Saving Grace I began to point out my signatures in the original paintings and surely enough they were in the replicas as well I discovered that she had just copied my Works line by line and Stroke by stroke I started pointing out that there was no way that she could have added Jaz as M to her works when her own signature was just Olivia you didn't have to be there to know that everyone was shocked that a big shot like Olivia could be stealing from me by that time Olivia knew the game was up she confessed that she started taking my ideas and replicating my pieces after someone told her that her Recreation of one of my older Works was really good she had sold the piece for a lot of money and thought she could just continue doing the same I felt extremely cheated but Olivia didn't even think to apologize she just kept on saying I had ruined her career I felt completely Justified and told her she deserved it as she stormed out of the building some of my old classmates carried the stolen pieces and took them to the dumpster while the critics and collectors began to tell me how much they loved my pieces even though the exhibition was supposed to be fake I sold all my pieces that day for the highest prices I'd ever been offered since I started painting I got a lot of commissions that day as well and it's safe to say that it was the happiest day of my life that night I went online to see that people that attended the exhibition had posted the whole ordeal online Olivia was exposed online and she lost more than a half of her followers a lot of people she sold my Works to demanded refunds as well I started to get recognition for my own works and it paid off eventually I ran into Olivia a few months after where she was live painting on the street in order to get people to know her real skills b s she looked at peace with what she was doing but I didn't talk to her I wasn't bothered by the fact that she never apologized because all my hard work paid off safe to say she wouldn't be stealing from anyone again shoot for all you know she's just going to start stealing from archives of somebody that isn't around anymore these days with like reverse image search it's just a matter of time right either way I'm sure there's a number of people Beyond just me that hears the story and is like it was cool and fun how they got the revenge but why didn't they just go the legal route especially when they were selling these pieces I mean it's nice to get the recognition and all and kind of jumpstart your career but wouldn't have reclaiming some of that money been even better but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIRUINEDANARTISTSCAREERRedditStoriesorig
girlfriend is angry I left her during our anniversary trip because of her friends my GF Sarah 29 and I male 28 have been dating for 5 years and I wanted to go on a vacation with her to celebrate I planned the trip for several months of course I shared my plans with her and decided on skiing snowboarding other winter activities in Co the activi seemed perfect and I was looking forward to this for months because I wanted to propose to her at the end of the trip 5 days before the trip Sarah dropped the ball on me that she invited two of her friends to meet her there I was upset because I wanted to spend one one time with Sarah for our anniversary I feel like it was plain and clear that this was a trip for justice even though I expressed my concerns Sarah insisted that her friends already made plans to come and won't back out I decided to accept this because there was no way for me to force her friends to not come I wish I fought more on this I figured we could make some changes to our plans and I would still be able to propose to her privately Sarah essentially blew me off for her friends and we didn't get any private time after 3 days of being in second place I decided to leave the trip and head home I told Sarah why I was leaving and she was up said she told her friends about my decision and I was ganged up on they said we were all having a great time she thinks I'm being a jerk for making her pick between her friends and me even though her friends weren't invited in the first place I never had personal issues with her friends prior to this trip I never made Sarah pick between me or her friends because everyone needs friends outside of a relationship I'm at home now and thinking about everything I have a day to myself before Sarah comes home so at least I get to relax a bit Sarah and her friends think I'm overreacting and think I ruined the trip I think Sarah was disrespectful and rude to me by ruining the the purpose of this trip and having her friends gang up on me am I the jerk for leaving a vacation I planned for my GF after her friends came along edit this was a planned anniversaryromantic trip I was clear that we have plans for just us two we've been on other anniversary trips together without her friends there we did discuss marriage beforehand so it's not like a proposal wouldn't been out of the blue more info we talked about our potential future together after being together for 2 years so 3 years ago we both wanted to get married travel Etc we moved in together 1.5 years years ago because we both believe that you need to live together before marriage to see how the other person lives and to see if you are compatible now this was a planned anniversaryromantic trip so the nature of it was plain and clear we've been on other trips for our anniversary when her friend showed up I was direct with her that I didn't want her friends coming and I was direct regarding my reasons for leaving I didn't tell her I was going to propose we have discussed marriage before and we both agreed to not want a big proposal so it wouldn't have been a complete surprise to her maybe I messed up because I didn't want to tell her friends the news before I asked Sarah to marry me I wish that I contacted her friends privately about my reasons for not wanting them to hang out with us that was dumb on my part but still they had to know it was an anniversaryromantic trip although I don't know everything that she tells her friends I'm hoping that she doesn't tell them everything because they don't need to know every detail about me/ my secrets I wish there was more balance between me and her friends during the time I was with them on this trip I would say half the activities involved all four of us and the other half involved the three of them I could have followed them around but that's a shitty situation and it's not fun and it's not like I hate her friends it's just that I don't want to spend all my free time with her friends I've never demanded or expected her to pick me over her friends because that's unhealthy and unreasonable but she has canceled on me in the past multiple times in favor of her friends in terms of past disagreements she has rarely involved them we are able to settle disagreements between us most of the time like 98% the other 2% she has involved her friends maybe she invited her friends because she doesn't want me to propose and I understand cold feet but the least she could have done was talk to me I would hate to make other big decisions with her and her being too much of a coward to talk to to me like an adult and later change her mind I can't force her to marry me I just wish she actually talked to me about her fears if she had any now that I'm home having this alone time is important to me having alone time is critical to gather my thoughts and sorting my emotions I didn't want to potentially blow up at her on our way home so far she has tried to call me twice but I rejected her call the only thing I told her before I left was we will we talk about this when you return these types of conversations need to happen in person anyways I'm thinking I deserve better I guess we'll find out what happens when when she returns home tomorrow minor update my friends are here at the house and they have been running potential interference just in case her friends try to bombard and harass me they've been great and I'm so glad to have them minor update number two none of Sarah's friends came by the house or harassed me yesterday SL last night which is good Sarah hasn't come home yet I figured out what I want to say and have it written out update am I the jerk for leaving a vacation I planned for my GF after her friends came along I decided that I wanted to end this entire relationship I packed my important belongings X passport clothes and arranged with my best friend to crash at his apartment until I can find my own usually when small issues happen in a relationship it ties into a bigger issue of that relationship the main reason why I decided to break up is because I realize that her friends will always be closer to her than me Sarah has favored her friends over me and blown off some of our plans for her friends more than once I was lying to myself for years because I didn't want to face reality yet I had hoped she would change but this trip really opened my eyes that I will always be in third place to her dot I expressed my feelings multiple times and Sarah promised she would change and she didn't Sarah came home late yesterday I said I have a lot to get off my chest and I want to get through my notes before she talks or tries to interrupt me the first question I asked Sarah was how she thought the trip went she said we all had fun and it was memorable I shouldn't have to feel like the third will in my own relationship especially on a trip that I planned my next question was why did you invite your friends in the first place you knew this was an anniversary trip for us she talked about the trip with her friends since the beginning and they never been to co she thought it would be a good idea to allow them to come just so they can have fun in Co with us I followed up with my lack of knowledge of her friends coming along until days before it's one thing if they came and did their own activities but it's another thing that every activity became a group activity I signed up for a monogamous not poly relationship my last question was did you know that I was going to propose to you Sarah said she didn't know at all the thought never occurred to Sarah that I was going to ask she claimed that she wouldn't have invited her friends to come along if she knew but I responded that it would ruin the surprise if I told you Sarah begged me to stay with her and believes we can work everything out she didn't want me to throw 5 years away after this one bad trip I listened to her promises to change for years regarding her friends but nothing happened I ultimately left Sarah with this it's clear that there isn't enough room in your heart for your BF and your friends as much as I love Sarah I can't stay in a relationship where I'm not respected enough I left Sarah in the house by herself and I drove off to my friend's place I'll figure out how to get my name off the lease and I'll plan to get the rest of my belongings as for the ring I will return it this weekend extended from op's comments part of the reason why she stayed back was that I said I wanted to go home alone and think I know that couples shouldn't storm off after a fight but it was kind of important to separate for a bit to gather my thoughts also she didn't ask me if I was still going to propose she got upset hearing that I was about two but didn't ask the fairy tale side of me wishes that it all could have magically been better some stuff can be fixed but I didn't see any progress on sarahm to fix things I said I'll text her when I'm ready to get my things I have her blocked I believe that people shouldn't put their friends before their long-term Partners you can have both but the love between friends and a partner needs to be evenly matched it would have been terrible of me to make her pick between me and her friends because everyone needs friends and relationships outside of the Romantic partner but not prioritizing the partner isn't good at all at this point I rather being single and happy than be in a relationship and not feel respected and loved I have to say that tons of people in this comment section and in my private messages essentially told me to give this relationship another chance because we spent so many years together and we wanted to get married these people are playing right into the time sunk fallacy and I think it's because they're afraid of being single so they often put up with a subpar partner that doesn't fully respect SL love them they are too hopeful that their partner will change so they wait forever until their dreams come true I think more people need to learn how to be single if I find someone I truly love when I'm 60 and get married at that age then so be it final update hello everyone I got my stuff this past weekend for my house I'm glad I didn't have much stuff or more heavy items Sarah and I talked a lot about our relationship and what happened during the trip Sarah said she is going to see a therapist and wanted to become a better GF in the future I'm not opposed to getting back together years down the road but I have zero intentions of being those people that are constantly on and off if life does bring us back together then so be it people that do get back together need to spend months SL even years apart to actually grow and change I didn't make any promises to Sarah about the possibility of getting back together because Sarah should change for herself and not me
give me a good story on GirlfriendIsAngryILeftHerDuringOurAnniversaryTripBecauseOfHerFriends
I 27m broke up with my fiance 27f after she asked for open merit how do I get her and our families to leave me alone at 27m have been with my fiance 27f for 5 years we had many things in common and I really loved her I proposed to her 10 months ago she accepted our families were excited for it there been a real help with the planning and the financial input I'm not much of a planner but even I got caught up with the preparation but then the conversation as the tile States took place that made me break up with my fiance and it's caused an upo and both our families and mutual friends we were having dinner and I asked her if her uncle has gotten back to her about officiating our wedding she just looked at me with this weird look on her face and then she asked what did I think about open marriage I was surprised call me old school on this mindset but I believe when you're going to marry a person you are committing to that person for life and that there nobody else in that marriage but you and that person I told her exactly this and she said we were still young and she loves me and wants to marry me and eventually have children but she hasn't had much experience before our relationship I asked her what is wrong with that but she spoke right over me and said she just wondered if I would consider an open marriage I said no I just told you how I felt about it and got up to leave and she said you haven't even given it a chance you might change your mind I just looked at her and everything I felt for her just died in that very moment I told her if that's what she wants then she's more than welcome to go do that with someone else because me and her were over she tried to backtrack and say it was just a suggestion and she didn't actually mean it but I didn't want to hear it I went into our spare room and locked the door she tried opening the door and crying and saying she was sorry and she didn't mean it I just cried she eventually stopped knocking I eventually fell asleep next morning I went to work and told her friend what happened and asked if I could stay with him he agreed so the same day I moved out she was at work when I moved out and she eventually came home and found my stuff gone and she blew up my phone I answered the call and she was crying and saying what was I doing I told her that last night I was serious
give me a good story on IbrokeupwithmyfianceeaftersheaskedforaopenmarriageHowdoIgetherandredditstories
welcome to the story time channel my name is steven and we have some pro revenge stories our first story of the day is by spongebob no pants live in a rental for over a year without paying rent good luck in jail last summer i bought a house trailer and decided to rent it out it needed some work so i posted two months free rent for putting carpet down in the living room hooking up the hot water heater and putting in a toilet got a nice couple with a newborn willing to do it great no lease month to month no security deposit and the rent was 450 a month so they did the work so i didn't ask for rent for two months everything was fine side note there are a few little state laws that come into play if you don't pay rent for three consecutive months you are considered a squatter which means the landlord doesn't have to fix the property and can actually padlock it and deny you entry if you're on house arrest and get formally evicted you could be violated for it also you can be formally evicted even if you have already moved out so the landlord can get rent due also even though there are eviction bans if it happened before the ban then it can still go through plus a few other conditions that still allow someone to be evicted it's up to the judge really fast forward five months and still no rent money yes they had a newborn and they were young and didn't have a lot of money but the husband can spend fifteen hundred dollars on a new engine for his project car they can afford to go out to eat and spend money on electronics but no rent so after the third month i did nothing the weather was turning cold i didn't put in the furnace like i promised and if they hadn't had a newborn i would have padlocked the house they were bragging about their tax refund i gave them a shot to catch up and they basically said they knew their rights and were in a wrench strike illegally i might add you will see later cove it happened husband got laid off so i gave them a break when he went back to work i asked for back rent again and was told to freak off i finally had enough i told them they had 14 days to get out or i was doing a formal eviction and seeing he was on house arrest he knew what that meant i honestly was trying to keep him from having to go back to jail and keep an eviction off of their record i was trying to be nice and civil so they left and i cut my losses until i checked my property everything they put in they removed everything they got free rent for was gone i got pissed and filed for a formal eviction it didn't go as they hoped they said i didn't provide heat so they went on a wrench strike only they didn't file that with the courts or hold the money aside they just thought they could stop paying rent what they put into the trailer was less than the rent the judge agreed with me that seeing they took everything i was due those two months rent and the biggest he started slamming my character so i said well you didn't tell me that you were going to be on house arrest when you rented the property before then the judge looked bored but he perked up he asked them if that was true they responded that it was and he was ready to make his ruling i received 15 months back rent at 450 dollars a month and two thousand dollars in damages because the way they removed the stuff they damaged a lot of things as for him the judge said he had no choice but to turn the eviction over to his parole officer fast forward to this month his house arrest was violated and he was arrested they actually had the nerve to ask me to speak on his behalf i didn't ruling was his remaining six months are now spent in jail they have a bad eviction on their record and they owe me money know the law before you play the game so if you were renting a place and the first two months were free if they did these installations and they did but then the third month went by and they didn't pay you but you do know that it's getting cold they have a newborn and you didn't put in any of the extra stuff you promised because they didn't pay would you have been a little bit more pushy about getting that money or would you have done the same thing op did and eventually lead to this five six plus month ordeal let me know in the comments down below our next story is by electro bonus i'm not gonna pay for your comfort this happened last month by some universal coincidences me and my girlfriend ended up living with another couple in a rented house to split costs it was a big house so each couple would have their own bathroom bedroom and we shared the common places like the kitchen and the living room the house was originally rented by a co-worker who by the time of this story was no longer in the house anymore but all the furniture was his and he gifted it all to me when he left the other couple was really annoying they would leave their dirty dishes in the sink with rotten food and only wash them until the weekend or leaving their dog to poop all over the house one time the guy was cooking in a torn out shorts and his underwear was very visible this was really uncomfortable to my girl anytime i talked to them about all the issues that bothered us they used to change their habits for a few days and then it was all the same but the house was rented and they arrived first so i wasn't able to kick them out and if i tried i was afraid of the guy since he was a bad tempered a-hole the last straw was this summer it was really hot and these jerks like the ac at full blast day and night even when they weren't home and if i turned it off they would get mad and immediately turn it on after telling me how they could not sleep without the ac at max okay i did my best to wear a hoodie and sleep with my winter clothes in the middle of the freaking summer inside the house just so they would be comfortable and for the sake of saving a few bucks in rent money and of course the inevitable happened the electric bill came in and it was four times higher than the usual and it was a lot so i talked to them about how their use of the electricity was out of control and why we should split the bill 2575 since me and my girl are almost never home it turned into a huge fight and his only argument was that we all used the electricity so we should all pay the same he wouldn't listen to my arguments and there was nothing i could do i ended up paying the same amount after this jerk and his girlfriend made me pay for their comfort they started doing a lot of passive aggressive stuff like throwing out my unspoiled food while they would leave their rotten food on my fridge or using their tv at the highest volume while i tried to sleep i get up really early to exercise before work so i go to sleep really early and a lot of things like that in a very childish manner in addition of still leaving on every kind of electrical device in the house while they were out then i knew i had to get out of that house there was no money saving anymore due to the high costs of the bills so me and my girlfriend started to look for a place for only the two of us and our two rescued dogs we found an affordable and comfortable house with plenty of room for our dogs so we pulled the trigger we talked to the owner of the previous house about us leaving and he had no problem at all so it was all set we waited until the other couple were out of town for the weekend and took every last thing we owned out of that house and moved out i left them without any furniture i mean no stove no microwave not even a table to eat in i left my keys at the entrance of their bedroom door and a note that said we couldn't bear your attitudes anymore so we left with our belongings have a nice life wasting your own money o.p the owner of the house which became a very good friend of mine later told me that they told him how i took out all of their belongings he knew that they were mine and told them i wish i was there to look at their faces have fun eating fast food on the floor a-holes these people kind of checked off all of the boxes on bad roommate material it's only fitting that at the very end they basically took everything out of there that they were allowing them to use and left them with basically nothing to wallow in their filth in their just bad ways i'm sure the couple didn't stay there very long after they had to shoulder that entire ac bill which is ridiculous our next story is by max titanium sharing is caring and karen ain't caring one day i was walking through city market with my mom the quiet buzzing of the lights only slightly annoying all seemed well and i decided to get one of the sample cookies from the back seems perfectly normal right so i grabbed my cookie which happened to be the last non-burnt one as another family is coming into the back aisle i'm not a particularly social person so i started to walk away this family consisted of a mother and son the son being maybe five or six years old by my estimates wearing a vibrant and disgusting shade of yellow the mom had a typical karen haircut and a bland red colored sweater on over a bright white shirt and brand new looking skinny jeans that didn't sound like a good time to me they realize that there aren't any more non-burnt cookies which in my opinion shouldn't be a problem cookies are cookies especially free ones the child wails horrifically and notices that my cookie that i haven't yet taken a bite out of wasn't burnt wonderful observation skills little timmy the mom approaches me and asks in a sickly sweet tone one you can tell is obviously faked if i would mind giving my cookie to her kid i wasn't sure if the tone was from her having a headache from dealing with her kid or if she wasn't a nice person but seeing as the kid was young i chose to be nice and broke my cookie in half offering one of the halves to the kid because i wasn't about to miss out on eating my cookie nor was i about to go grab another one as i felt it would just be rude to the next people the kid looked confused at this which immediately felt off the mom's face contorted from nice to confused to offended very quickly as if not offering the entire cookie had somehow forsaken her entire family and she stared at me like i was going to sacrifice a goat in order to curse them i naturally was confused and realizing what was happening a bit too late backed away and tried walking away the lady placed her hand on my shoulder preventing me from walking away i was maybe 12 at the time so i was a small boy she held out her other hand as if expecting me to just hand my cookie away let me once again state that i had tried to share but karen and her little hex spawn don't seem to understand the concept of sharing evident by the atrocious wailing the child was releasing from the depths of the underworld itself i hate the sounds of children crying i managed to pull away from the iron grasp from this lady and speed walked away the guttural ree released from both her and her entitled child gave me the chills and she marched up to me and tried to take the cookie from me before she could a light bulb flickered on before bursting in my head from the excitement to see the next levels of rage and profanities my plan was about to induce i stuffed the entire cookie in my mouth now these cookies were fairly big bigger than the basic sugar cookies they usually give so my mouth was stuffed for a moment karen and her child are silent stunned at what they had just witnessed 10 seconds later the gates of hakka ripped from their hinges karen exploded at me screeching profanities at me many of which i surprisingly hadn't heard before i stood there the smuggest grin on my little face as i slowly chewed on the cookie continuing to rub salt in the wound until the profanities turned into indiscernible noises was it wrong of me to do so probably do i regret doing so absolutely not after maybe three minutes of random sounds ejecting from the deep dark chasm this woman produced she stopped to take a breath i had swallowed the cookie by now and was getting tired of listening to the white noise this lady was projecting so i began to walk away i'm not done with you she yelled after me obviously i chose to ignore her at this point as i was just done with her as soon as i was out of the aisle i booked it back to my mom and continued on like nothing happened so op said in this story was it wrong of me to do so i don't think it's wrong of op at all to eat the cookie like that they got the cookie they were there first it was kind of them to even offer the half of it it was all entitlement from the other people and op learned something today some new curse words and our final story of the day is by reckless raven 3 who has the stuffed shells a few years ago i received wic checks for my children not sure if it varies by state but in my state each check is one transaction so essentially you can have five or six transactions while using them so i go to shop right it's evening and very busy i wait on a line of four people finally my turn comes and it was taking a while i had four or five checks can't remember so some rude lady starts berating me she's two people behind me she goes on and on saying how it's rude that i didn't tell her that i had all different transactions loudly mind you also please keep in mind that every line was long so i tell her to mind her business and wait her turn like an adult she keeps going so badly her husband walks outside so here's for the revenge i worked at a local pizza restaurant at the time one evening shortly after this incident that a lady comes in with a large group that happens to be one of my regulars i wasn't waiting on them but i know she recognized me i saw her whispering to my regular and looking at me i know she was telling her about the shoprite line situation so i told the server she had to let me know when the food was coming out and asked the server what she ordered and i told the server the whole story and she agreed to let me serve her food now please note i did not mess with her food but the look on her face as i walked to the table with the food was priceless even better as i said who had the stuffed shells and i placed that dish in front of her and she looked horrified i didn't mess with her food but all she thought i did she barely ate her meal you gotta love it when it's shocked up to them only being able to speculate what might have happened and they can't call you out on it because it's ridiculous to assume that they would mess with your food i mean they can but it will cause a whole scene and it will lead to nowhere because obviously op didn't it was all intimidation and it worked out beautifully but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't also please consider turning on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video too no matter what you did whether it was viewing the video liking commenting subscribing thank you all so very much for supporting the story time channel every little thing that you guys do helps the channel grow more and more every single day and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a great day and i'll see you all next time right here [Music]
give me a good story on rprorevengeTrytoliveRentFreeEnjoyJail
my 30f husband 32m won't stop calling me a poop monster because I had bowel issues postpartum advice hello all my husband 32m and I 30f have been married for 3 years I have a 6-month-old baby when I was newly postpartum I suffered from diarrhea constipation and other stomach issues on top of my IBS I always had also passing regular bowels was extremely painful to me after vaginal birth because I suffered from tears down there and I had to immerse my body body in warm salt water to do the deed in the tub I'm sorry this is gross but it was just as bad for me on top of the pain at first my husband was repulsed by it but he was supportive all round he didn't shower in that bath and used the second bathroom downstairs to do so at first it was hurtful because I used to sanitize the tub after every use even though bending down to clean it hurt like a but I understood my condition improved after a few weeks and I was able to use the toilet seat my husband hired some cleaners I did not know this the week I Stay at my mom's place with our baby and had the cleaners bleach and sanitize the entire bathroom I bit my tongue at the time although I wanted to have a hormonal meltdown over him for doing that he started using the bathroom again ta I was upset that he didn't tell me what exactly he wanted to feel more comfortable again I wouldn't have any issues if he wanted it cleaned more thoroughly However the fact is him not using the bathroom at all made me feel like I am some disgusting Pig the least I was expecting was a little consideration also he didn't need to get it professionally cleaned we have a lot of expenses already and the money could have been spent elsewhere I would have been more than happy to bleach it myself he spent like $300 for it from our joint account and didn't even bother telling me so now like any other baby one day a few months ago she pooped in her diaper that my husband recently put her in we both were laughing as I was fetching him one and he went she probably took that from you I was confused and asked him what he meant he laughing cried said that our baby is as bad of a poop monster as her mother is I was extremely embarrassed and mortified from his remark as he was referencing the time it was painful for me to pass bowels at first I ignored it but then he started using the term poop monster as a term of endearment for me which I don't think should be a term of endearment at all all it does is make me feel gross about it on top of my already momod which I want to get rid of naturally I do have body image issues however my husband's remarks makes me feel extremely unattractive and hurts my self-esteem when I brought it up to him he simply waved his hands and told me not to take it personally I've told him several times not to call me that but he doesn't understand that this hurts me a lot yet he continues calling me a poop monster tldr my husband used to be supportive during my postpartum struggles but now he calls me a poop monster as a term of endearment referring to a painful time when I had stomach issues and tears from childbirth it's hurtful and makes me feel unattractive when I brought it up he dismissed it
give me a good story on MyFHusbandMWontStopCallingMeAPoopMonsterBecauseIHadBowelIssuesPostorig
BFF broke my trust by getting pregnant with my husband while he cheated and then my own mother tried to convince me to give them full custody of my kids my husband Dev and I have been dating since I was 21 and he was 23 we were a thing for nearly 2 years before he proposed to me we have been married for the last 12 years and have two kids together during our second year of dating Dev introduced me to his mother mallerie I liked her from the first meeting and tried my best to impress her but unfortunately the feeling wasn't Mutual you see mallerie had been a widow for a long time since her husband passed pass away from a heart attack years ago she has raised Dev alone so they are obviously really close you can say that he is a bit of a mama's boy and was nervous about letting me meet his mother he has always desperately wanted her approval in everything he does the main reason mallerie has never liked me is because I come from an upper middle- class family with parents who own multiple businesses growing up I had quite a comfortable life although my parents supported me by covering my college expenses and buying me my first car so I could get to work on time they also instilled the value of being independent and finding my own footing in life I've always worked hard to support myself and never asked my parents for any financial help after I graduated college contrary to my life my husband had a more difficult life his father worked in the military so he was seldom present in his life and after his father passed away he and mallerie were joined at the hips mallerie was an alcoholic sodev from a very young age had to take care of his mom he started working at McDonald's very young as a part-time job to earn extra money when he was in college he had to drop out because he didn't like pursuing his communications degree anymore he has told me how un happy he was during this time being a College Dropout it was very difficult for him to find a job which is why he started to look for easy options that would not require a degree he started working as a freelance writer and surprisingly was able to do quite well for himself he loved traveling and was a digital Nomad for a few years before finally meeting me and settling down throughout all this his mother would ask him to send her monthly allowance which he willingly provided despite the strain it placed on his finances when our relationship started getting more and more serious I finally decided to tell him about my family and our generation wealth he did not believe me but was shocked after he Googled my family Dev got pissed at me that I'd been hiding it for so long and accused me of not trusting him I tried to clarify to him that a lot of people in my past wanted to be with me because of my family which is why I had learned to wait before revealing my generational wealth he understood and was mostly fine with it but occasionally he would taught me about how I never have to try so hard or how I will never know how it feels to work hard this would really offend me because despite what my parents had offered me in life I did work hard to establish myself in my field I loved man Ing influencers and Brands and this is how I funded my entire lifestyle without needing my parents help Dev never understood this and this should have been my first red flag when we decided to move in with each other Deb was quick to say that he should move in with me since I had a bigger place I agreed and then started discussing how we would be splitting rent but devb didn't like that he started telling me how he earned so little as a freelance writer and that because I come from old money I should prove my love for him by helping him out in this case it would be by paying for his share of the bills as well as rent I told him that although I didn't think this was fair I could let him go for the rent but he had to pay his own bills this made Dev raise his voice on me and he started to go off on a rant about how I was selfish and that if I didn't agree to pay his bills then it would show how cruel I was we argued back and forth and I finally caved in I had to cut back on a lot to pay for all our bills but I was madly in love with him meanwhile Dev would continue sending his mother monthly allowances and buying her extravagant gifts through all this whenever I would point out how he had the money to send to his mother yet he wouldn't pay the bills he would get angry and tell me how his mother needed the mother more than us and that she was just a single old parent I would then feel guilty about it so I stopped bringing this up again altogether when Deb proposed to me for marriage I was ecstatic to be honest looking back he put the least effort into proposing to me I thought at least for once he would not be stingy and would go all out for the proposal but turns out he thought proposing to me in our backyard was a good idea to his credit he did ask my parents for my hand like a gentleman my mother who absolutely adored Dev suggested to him that he should get help from my best friend Kylie to plan the proposal for me he agreed and they both came up with this genius idea face palm of proposing to me in my backyard in front of my entire family and friends you see Kylie had been my best friend since I went to high school her family is like my family and vice versa my mom and her mom grew up together since their childhood which is how we both became friends we have always been solid with each other she was like my sister and my soulmate we have done everything together her mother absolutely adores me just like my mother loves Kylie like her own daughter when Dev and I started dating I of course introduced him to Kylie and they became good friends also so Kylie helped Dev not only plan the proposal but also choose my ring to be honest I was a bit taken aback by the surprise proposal but seeing how all my family was gathered there to celebrate my happy day with me made me feel much better even though I was a bit disappointed about being proposed to in my backyard my mother Kylie and Kylie's mother were the first ones to hug me and congratulate me dev's mother mallerie was also happy for us and told me how she had high expectations for me as a daughter-in-law and that she hoped I would do everything in my power to keep her son happy that was a happy night for all of us eventually Dev and I did get married and even after marriage I have continued to pay for everything around the house while he doesn't spend a penny on me I continued to pay for our weekly dates or our yearly vacations because Dev insisted that he was saving up money for our future when I got pregnant with James our first child I was forced to quit my job since it was a difficult pregnancy Dev didn't like that when he first found out and started arguing with me about how I needed to work otherwise we would not have money to sustain ourselves with a child this made me cry a lot and this is when I opened up to my parents for the first time about our situ ation while my mother sympathized with Dev instead of with me telling me how Dev was right and that there are hundreds of mothers who continue to have a job while pregnant my dad on the other hand was pissed he called my dad to give a piece of his mind and told Dev firmly that it was time for him to be a man and step up for his family he warned Dev that if he continued to behave this way with me then he would not make his daughter go through his suffering and it was better for us to get a divorce this made Dev quite nervous hearing my dad bring up divorce although I never wanted to divorce my husband he and I had signed a prenup at the insistence of my father before our marriage which meant he knew that I would no longer be there to fund his extravagant lifestyle and he would lose this house and his expensive car which were all under my name so for the first time ever Dev stopped sending his mother any allowance and started paying all the bills around the house I did continue to pay the rent since I had more than enough savings because he stopped sending mallerie any money this made her resent me even more she was getting to freely sponge off her son and when he stopped giving her any access she blamed me when I first gave birth to James I was extremely happy everyone visited me and our brand new baby in the hospital to congratulate us Kylie stayed with me at the hospital for days until I could recover and come back home since Dev was busy with his work and refused to look after me or the baby once I was back home being a new mother made me quite nervous this is when my parents and Kylie's mother would help me out as much as they could mallerie on the other hand would do nothing to help whenever she would come to visit James she would only remark negatively about me like how I needed to start losing weight or how I should tend to James as soon as he started crying her unsolicited comments were always directed at me and never once at her son who didn't lift a single finger to help me out after giving birth to James I found myself overwhelmed with a profound sense of exhaustion and loneliness that crept in I did not know at that time but I was going through postpartum depression PPD which a lot of mothers go through but seldom talk about despite my best efforts to communicate my needs and share the responsibilities of parenting Dev remained distant and unwilling to engage in any way he would tell me how it was solely my responsibility as a mother and that he didn't want to look after a baby since he had no idea how to do anything as I grappled with the demands of caring for our new newborn managing household tasks and coping with PPD dev's reluctance to help out only deepened my sense of Despair he would even refuse to change a single diaper or feed James with each passing day the weight of my responsibilities grew heavier and the burden of PPD became increasingly suffocating despite my attempts to reach out for support I felt as though I was drowning in a sea of overwhelming expectations and unmet needs this is when I decided to open up to my parents about my mental health while my dad was understanding my mother refused to believe that there was anything wrong with me she told me that PPD was not a thing and that I should be strong enough for my baby to get through anything when I complained to her about Dev refusing to help me out she scolded me saying that Deb is the father and I should do a better job as a mother it hurt that my own parent couldn't see how hard I was struggling and it felt like I was drowning with my mother's refusal to believe me dev's lack of effort and my Mill's constant negative taunts I continued to remain in depression my best friend Kylie on the other hand was my constant support I would tell her everything about my marriage and she would sympathize and hear me out she would also tell me how Dev was a shitty husband and a parent and would get pissed at his Antics it felt good to know that besides my dad I had Kylie's support as well at such a tough time a year later to my shock I found out that I was pregnant again this was an accident because I definitely didn't want another child so soon but I wanted to trust in God's plan so I decided to go along with it Dev was pissed to say the least he told me that I needed to abort the pregnancy ASAP since we couldn't afford another baby this made us argue and in the end I decided that it was time for me to get back to work I contacted my old boss who was happy to have me back as a freelancer until a more permanent position would open up although my second pregnancy was difficult as well I was determined this time due to my added responsibility as a parent this time when I went back to work I decided to no longer deposit my entire paycheck in our joint savings account I wanted to think and be prepared for my future as well as my kids so I started to keep 50% of my paycheck and only the rest 50% would go to our joint account once I started earning money Dev would become lazier every day he suddenly started to complain every day how he disliked his job and that he wanted to quit it I would try to talk him out of it reminding him how he doesn't have a college degree so he needed to stick with this job that paid him so well this would piss him off since he didn't like to be reminded that he was a College Dropout Dev would tell me how I had taken a break so he deserved to take a break also I argued with him that I never took a break but that I was pregnant and struggling while forming another human being inside of me despite our arguments Deb decided to quit his job saying that we had enough savings and that now that I was earning money he could rest for a while he would then spend his entire day video gaming while I would do household chores look after the baby and work at my job I would leave James with my parents whenever I went to work since my mother didn't mind watching him when I would come back home after picking up James from my mother I would see Dev sitting in the same spot on our sofa playing his video games this went on for a while and I started to grow tired of picking up all the responsibilities as a parent so in anger I confronted him about how he needed to spend time looking for a new job James didn't like that which is why he started to go to his friend's place every day where they would both play video games his friend Clinton was a middle-aged divorce whose wife had cheated and left him this made Clinton resent every woman and he was quite misogynistic this is also why I didn't like meeting him or going to his place as Dev started to spend more and more time at his friend's place our arguments would also increase I was getting tired of being a single parent since Dev literally contributed to nothing but I held on for the sake of my children when I gave birth to nah our second child devb was apparently so busy that he forgot to check my multiple calls and messages when I went into labor which is why he missed it I never once suspected him even though these red flags were clearly VIs ible Kylie was also missing when I called her for help so in the end my parents had to take me to the emergency room she came the next day to visit me and the baby and told me how sorry she was for not being there for me since she was stuck at work which was quite all right with me after nah was born I finally put my foot down and told Dev that this was his last chance and that if he didn't go back to work then I was going to pack my things and leave this resulted in a huge fight between us but I didn't care anymore I knew that as my children's Mother I needed to be with someone who could be equally responsible because it would be impossible for me to take care of everything now I told him that I would never hold anything against him and that he was free to walk away but James told me that he would start looking for a job the next day this was unexpected of him to say since I expected him to resist or start arguing with me but surprisingly he agreed with me or so I thought the next day while my husband was in the shower and I was taking his dirty clothes for laundry I heard a ping on his phone I turned my head to see a message on his locked screen from a familiar number I stopped breathing as my eyes widened in shock I picked up the phone to click on the message that said when will you be telling her about us I am pregnant and can't hold off the news any longer I was frozen in place as I kept rereading the message when my husband got out of the shower he saw me standing still with his phone in hand he rushed to snatch his phone from my hands but it was too late I kept the laundry bin down walked towards my husband and slapped him as hard as I could I didn't even think twice and it felt like my body was possessed by someone else I was shaking in anger and my husband was shocked by my reaction as well his eyes widened in shock as he put two and two together and started stammering about how this was all just a big misunderstanding I looked him straight in the eyes and told him that he was dead to me I packed my bags and packed the kids bags and drove them to my parents my parents were shocked to see me standing in their doorway with my children and luggages in toe seeing them I broke down and told them everything I have been crying continuously for the last 2 days as I just can't believe how my life has ended I have told my boss everything and she has graciously allowed me to take a few days off honestly I am at a loss for words which is why I on Reddit my best friend of 20 years decided to betray me by sleeping with my husband of 12 Years not only this she is now pregnant and this means that Dev and my marriage is pretty much over Dev and Kylie have been calling me multiple times and sending me messages saying how I should at least hear them out but I refuse to do so Dev is begging me to not divorce him saying how I should think about our children Ida if I went on to divorce my cheating husband and take away everything from him update one hey guys thank you for your multiple messages and comments on my post I know it's been a month since I left you all hanging without an update but a lot has been happening in my life so I been dealing with it I am back at work since no matter what happen happens in life I can't miss my work for so long honestly work feels like a welcome distraction to me during this time a lot of you people suspected right about Dev and Kylie of cheating on me for a long time Kylie sent me a long message saying how she didn't mean to but she has apparently fallen in love with Dev and now that she is going to be a mother she has to think about herself which is why she had been pushing Dev to tell me while Dev on the other hand knew he would lose access to an extravagant life if he lost me he knew he had made a mistake and in his words he just wanted to sleep with Kylie but because she is now pregnant he has no way out he has been begging me to forgive him and even has gone as far as to tell me that we can probably convince Kylie to give up her baby and raise the baby together I mean his delusions and entitlement fuel my anger even more now as for how they both got together it turns out Dev had been opening up to her for a while behind my back while he was out playing video games the whole day about how he is mentally distressed in his marriage with me since I had been forcing him to get a job he said how Kylie understood him and listened to his problems and when he opened up about this to Clinton his best friend instead of telling him how wrong this was started to encourage him to meet up with Kylie saying how she was clearly more of a woman than me this is how Kylie and he met up one day just to talk and that two-faced woman decided to sleep with my husband I don't know what her motivation was even though she already knew how shitty of a partner Dev was to me but at this point I honestly don't care Kylie has also mentioned in her messages how I should be happy that I was taking him off my hand since I had wanted to leave him but didn't have the courage to do so maybe this was her plan all along but who knows honestly I glad that she decided to take my trash and now she can live her whole life regretting ever meeting a man like Dev I am also sure the day I went into labor they both must be together which is why both of them had not picked up my calls for help but this isn't even the cherry on the cake when I first told my parents about Devon Kylie my mother refused to believe me while my dad called Dev and shouted at him for a good 15 minutes even when I was crying my mother tried to say how I could be wrong about this since there was no way that Kylie would betray me this way I called up Kylie's mother to tell her everything and unlike my mother she was pissed she didn't even question me and was completely on my side since she knew I would never make up such a thing she kept repeating how sorry she was and she cried with me for a while she really understood how betrayed I felt at the moment after talking with my dad I have decided to file for divorce we already have a lawyer in mind and with my prup and dev's cheating this divorce proceeding is going to be easy what might be tricky is when it comes to the custody of my children but I know that James will never want any responsibility for them so I am confident I will get full custody but throughout all this my mother has been vehemently against my decision to divorce when she realized that no matter how much she requested me to not get a divorce I wasn't going to listen she seemed to have changed her tactic suddenly and started saying how I should give up full custody of my children to death this took me by surprise when she first suggested it but I thought she was joking at first but when she continued saying this for the last few days I finally lost my temper today and started shouting at her about how dare she suggests something like this to me but she didn't say anything and walked out of the room her behavior has started to make me feel extremely suspicious why would my own mother ask me to give up custody of my children when she knows that devb is not a capable parent I feel I need to sit down and confront her in front of my dad to find out exactly what she has in mind mind update 2 it's only been a few days since my last update but my DMs are flooded with people coming up with their own theories I know for some of you this might seem like an entertaining story but for me this is the reality of my life my lawyer has served divorce papers to Dev and he called me crying like a Manchild begging me to forgive him but I just laughed at his misery and told him to get ready to lose everything James and nah are doing well despite this family turmoil Dev never spent much time with them so they hardly notice that he is missing it has been very difficult for me to take care of a baby while going through all this but I'm glad to have my dad support Kylie's mother also came to visit me since she lives in another city she hasn't bothered to even talk or listen to Kylie and has told me how she plans to cut her off since this is an embarrassing situation not just for my family but also for her family she says how ashamed she is of her own daughter she also knows how dead beat of a father dev has been so she knows that eventually Kylie will be contacting her for financial assistance which she is vehemently against the news of my divorce due to Kylie's backstabbing has spread to my friends group as well as my relatives and everyone is on my side people are not that forgiving so they started sending foul messages to both Kylie and Dev abusing both of them this is when mallerie finally gave me a call throughout the last month she didn't have a single ounce of decency to call me for comfort or to apologize I am sure she knew about all this and was probably ashamed that her picture perfect son messed up his great life and knocked up another girl she called to tell me how devb was suffering so much since everyone in his family had also found out about his indiscretions and was pissed at him I kept quiet as she unabashedly continued to say how as a good daughter-in-law I should return back to him and retract the divorce proced proceedings she tried to justify her son's vile actions by saying how men can sometimes Stray From the Path but that it was our responsibility as women to bring them back I couldn't hear her nonsense any longer so I asked her to shut up she was taken aback by the sudden rise in my voice since i' had always been good and respectful to her I told her that she should be ashamed of giving birth to a worthless man like Dev who was nothing but a leech and that if she ever called me back I would make sure to take every single penny of his during our divorce by bleeding him dry I reminded her that I was the one who had taken care of her Manchild our entire marriage so she had no right to ask me for anything more now that he has knocked up my best friend mallerie tried to apologize as a last ditch effort to protect her son but I warned her that I would take legal action against her if she ever called me again it felt good to finally stand up to her and show her that I was not the same timid Dill that she had met devb was going to get exactly what was coming for him and no one will be able to protect him I also sat down to talk with my parents yesterday to have a talk regarding my mother's suspicious Behavior I had already given a heads up to my dad about how she had been forcing me to give up full custody of my children so he was ready to find the truth from her I straightforwardly asked my mother why she had been asking me to give Dev full custody of my children even though it was never going to happen my mother first hesitated but my dad kept grilling her and finally she opened up to our shock my mother told me how after I had revealed to my parents about Kylie and my husband sleeping with each other she had decided to confront Kylie about it since she didn't believe me they met up and Kylie started begging her for forgiveness my mother couldn't believe that Kylie had really done something like this but then Kylie started to tell her how she was pregnant and she needed Dev to raise her child my mother instead instead of shouting at her apparently felt sorry for her she promised to help her out financially and tried to convince her to not break up my and dev's marriage saying how Dev could continue to support her child even if he was married to me Kylie didn't want that so then my mother changed her tactics and started telling Kylie that if she was responsible for breaking up our marriage then she should be responsible for raising the kids as well Kylie was shocked at first to hear this but my mother told her I suffered from PPD so I was not a capable mother the least that Kylie could do was raise dev's children all together as a family since they all would be siblings anyway she told told her that I was never going to let dev be a part of my children's lives and according to my mother apparently my children needed a healthy parent like Dev more than me since according to her I am mentally sick my mother even went as far as to convince Kylie by saying that if I gave up full custody of my children then I would be required to pay a hefty child support which Kylie could used to take care of her child also this convinced Kylie which is why my mother had changed her tunes and had been forcing me to give up custody of James and Nah when my dad and I grilled this information out of her we were disgusted to say the least I couldn't believe that I was facing yet another betrayal in my life my own mother thought because of my PPD I was incapable enough to raise my own children and she would rather have Kylie raised them than me it shocked me that my mother failed to see how I fell into PPD in the first place because devb refused to help me in any way how I used to beg him to be an equal parent while he would feain ignorance how I would single-handedly take care of everything while he would look for an excuse to give up responsibility in any way started to cry since I didn't know how she could betray me like this after my husband and best friend did the same thing my dad who had been quiet for a while asked my mother to simp simply get out of the house my mother started crying as they kept arguing but my dad told her that their marriage was over he didn't want to see her face anymore I don't remember much but eventually my mother left to stay at her sister's place I honestly don't know what to do it feels like I can't trust anyone anymore everyone seems to betray me like I mean nothing to them update three it's been 6 months since my last update and I know it's been a long long time thank you again seriously your comments your support your messages all of it has been one giant breath of fresh air just knowing I have a whole online community willing to go to bat for me has kept me Treading Water these last couple of months your comments have popped up in my notifications when I felt like just giving up on my life when it was too hard and has kept me going first things first I got my divorce last month my dad who has been my backbone this entire time kept me pushing we went ahead with my divorce proceedings and as expected James got nothing out of me thanks to my preup agreement when it came time for the custody of my children he fought hard for full custody at first but when that was refused he tried to go for equal custody my lawyer argued how he had been a deadbeat father our entire marriage how he didn't have a proper job how his mother was an alcoholic and how he had even cheated on me and got another woman pregnant this argument cost James dearly and I was awarded full custody of our children while James would pay me monthly child support checks nothing made me feel more satisfied than watching his face droop in sadness and defeat I looked back to see mallerie looking at me angrily and I gave her a smirk just like I had promised I got what I had wished for secondly coming on to my mother she has begged and begged me and my dad for forgiveness my dad has firmly refused to let what she did go so easily and has asked her to go to therapy about her internalized misogyny so she can understand exactly how wrong she was to have treated me this way when I was so vulnerable I know my parents love each other and it breaks my heart to see them apart but I do understand why my dad wants to talk to a therapist my mother to her credit has been religiously going to therapy while she continues to stay with her sister I don't know if it will help her in any way but I hope she does change although I have blocked Kylie I am still in contact with her mother Kylie's mother just like she had promised me has cut off all contact with her daughter she informed me how Kylie has even been removed from her will and they have added me instead it seems comical to see how karma is slowly but surely catching up to Kylie I have also heard from the grape vine that Dev doesn't want to marry Kylie and wants nothing to do with a child just like I had always known mallerie is furious with Dev since she has already lost two grandchildren James and nah because of him but he remains adamant in his decisions as for me I am doing a lot better since my divorce I am focused solely on my children for now and don't want to keep holding on to the past I won't say that this journey has been easy but I will say that I don't regret anything that I have done I am glad I loved Dev and married him because otherwise I would not have these two beautiful children I am also glad he cheated on me because this was the final push that I needed to break away from him otherwise I might have been still stuck in a Loveless marriage I guess everything happens for a reason and I believe in God's plan always
give me a good story on BFFBrokeMyTrustByGettingPregnantWithMyHusbandWhileheCheated