1 value
called the police on my 14yo daughter we've been having issues with my daughter 14 skipping school at this point in time she is one full day away from receiving the truancy fine we met with the administration at her school to discuss our options and potential repercussions for her she was brought down after we chose a path for her and informed her that every day she needs to show up in the office and say hey I'm here that was last week Thursday she did fine on Friday then apparently forgot on Monday we allowed her to have her phone back on Thursday with the stipulation that family 360 get added and and she is under no circumstances to alter the app delete it or whatever we all have iPhones and have screen time restrictions and other restrictions on everyone's phones so everyone got the app and All is fair in that sense Monday she didn't check in at the school office I was at work when I received a text from my husband that said nothing more than do you see what I see I opened the family 360 app and there she is in her Infinite Wisdom off- campus waiting for the city bus I tried calling the school several times to see if she had checked in but no one was answering their phones so I waited it out texted
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welcome friends to another r slash pro revenge video today we've got a story of wrecking a marriage a relative's one at that but first a story from the lost pb confetti wars a few years ago the wife and i left town with our new baby to go visit family in the fog of new baby we left the bag that contained our milk supply for the baby on the kitchen counter no big deal milk is cheap and we'd gone too far to turn around and get it rather than come home to rancid milk i called bff to see if he could swing by my place to put the milk in the fridge he's on it when we get home i immediately noticed a problem there is hot dog shaped confetti in the ceiling light fixture it's everywhere it was in the fridge and cupboards it was in coat pockets dvd cases the wedding album my hockey gear we've been finding them for years we've since moved houses and still find some to this day fortunately all is not lost my wife is very creative and resourceful she found and sent him the perfect petty revenge here's the text transcript bff says well i suppose i have a story to tell you i say sure they say i guess i have to start with my normal morning he had recently moved out of town for work and met a new significant other they say i wake up at girlfriend's place then make my way over to my place poo shower shave and get to work five minutes early today i find myself showing up at work five minutes late so this morning i get home and remember that i need to get the mail so i'm like crap the mailbox is a five minute round trip there goes my wiggle room i'll be showing up to work right on time today so i run to get the mail next to save times i have two packages i sit on the pot to take my morning poo with these two parcels i say go on they say open the first one sweet my leds i ordered are here set that one aside so i grabbed this tube-like one give it a quick look over one end is stapled not only stapled but overkill stapled so we look at the other end one piece of fiber reinforced tape okay no brainer tape end it is so i take my knife and cut the tape set my knife down on the counter meanwhile thor the cat decided he was interested in what i'm doing so he comes and sits on the counter beside me so i grab the plastic cap and give it a tug next thing i know the cat is flying through the air attacking a thousand hot dogs as they rained down on us as i'm taking my morning poo opie laughing saying so good the bff says so now i'm on the crapper trying to keep the cat from eating hot dogs while i wipe my butt opie says i'm gonna fall off a ladder i'm laughing so hard they say so luckily i was able to just toss the cat out and close the door for the day so now i'm five minutes late and still have thousands of hot dogs to take care of after work as long as they're all having fun in this hot dog war i think that's all that really matters do you have a good enough friend that could hot dog your entire house and just about everything you own and for you to not get perpetually upset with them let me know in the comments down below our next story is from denise de nephew three month notice period the right way my old job had a three month notice period for management level after working seven years there and being constantly told that i'm going above and beyond in every review i was very happy but then i got shouted at by my line manager that is a 55 year old fully grown woman yelling at a 30 year old man like i was their child in front of my whole team about something that was completely out of my control and a completely harmless fixable non-issue i was livid i complained but demanded payment for the abuse and embarrassment that was put on me i received an apology and a 3 000 british pound pay raise after i accepted the pay raise i handed in my three month notice due to their stupid contract and the fact that i had access to all the data drives in the office and how upset i was about my line manager's inability to control their emotions i basically enjoyed dossing around for three months with my new pay raise money doing the bare minimum because they had to remove my access to most of the drives they said you don't have to honor our three-month policy you can do one month if you want and i simply just went no thank you i'll stick to three lovely pay for three months just chatting to colleagues and complaining about the managers was also lovely to hear how many of them were applying for other places and hearing some of them were already doing interviews they say don't burn bridges but they never said don't siphon them for every penny my question is what kind of blackmail does that line manager have on somebody else there who calls the shots to be able to have gotten away with it for seven years and even to the point where op got this pay raise and they're gonna quit too and from the way it sounds it sounds like this manager still didn't get any kind of reprimanding or consideration for being fired by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from someone with issues cousin tries to paint me in a bad light so i become an informant to his wife and his baby mama i'm 25 year old female south asian and i don't know why but most of our dad's side of the family is toxic as freak and mine is no exception while my mom's side is more open-minded and basically a carefree bunch dad's side are a bunch of misogynistic toxic constantly in your business and the most judgmental people you'll meet regardless we live in the same community which means we still have to interact with them and see them from time to time this one ant and our whole devil spawn children take the cake though hate being around her daughters because they enjoy humiliating people and making fun of them sons are literal trash and are expert liars and manipulators they have every auntie in the family believing they're basically god's gift to our community this one male cousin 32 year old male though off where to begin he's been a freak boy since secondary middle school has zero regard for the female race and constantly brags that no woman will be able to tie him down and he won't give any woman the time of day because that's the type of man he is the fact that i hate him isn't the secret and i'll constantly say things that'll have all the toxic antis on my back and 99 it's absolute lies a suitable fake name for him would be freak boy trash but fbt will do so back in 2012 fbt can do no wrong perfect mama's boy the apple of all toxic auntie's eyes and just perfect muslim boy has multiple relationships at once and manages to get one non-muslim girl sophie pregnant three months before she graduates uni sophie decides to keep the child even though devout muslim fbt begged her to abort the baby he manages to keep this from his mom and the bulk of the community with the help of his brothers and his male cousins as well sophie has the baby around the same time fbt's mom who still doesn't know about her but gets a feeling that her baby boy is straying and in her mind the solution is to marry him off to a simple girl from the home country she arranges the marriage fbt and his entire family go to pakistan the marriage happens he spends a total of four days with his new wife and then runs back to the uk he makes no plans to bring back his wife to the uk but his parents end up doing all the work for him bringing her to the uk two years later now his wife farya was raised that she must constantly serve her husband and whatever happens she cannot leave him sophie comes to know about his marriage but instead of ending it with fbt she continues the relationship but starts taking pictures of fbt with their daughter and post them to instagram making sure to tag him in every photo basically 25 to 30 pictures in the span of a week so now everyone in the community knows and even faria finds out now this makes my blood boil even recalling this fbt auntie and his brothers go on a massive smear campaign saying he was young and didn't know any better and how this crazy white lady is blackmailing him and he's only doing it for his daughter he's planning on earning her trust so he can take full custody of his daughter and raise her a muslim as he doesn't want his daughter to be raised in that environment just so there's no confusions this is all lies and he never intended on taking full custody of her everyone just believes him and he comes out of everything just unfazed meanwhile with farya he barely talks to her refuses to give her the time of day stays out all night and basically thinks of her as a free maid for himself and his parents faria to her credit does have a mouth on her and starts berating fbt fighting with him in private about his treatment towards her whenever he's out she blasts his phone as he's with other girls or friends out all night only showing up in the morning she also starts sending him voice notes in whatsapp angry at him even screaming his name swearing at him and his parents how do i know about this cause fbt ends up showing the messages to everyone in the family telling them how he's stuck with an illiterate b-word and that's the reason why he refuses to spend time with her that it's been like this from day one and giving oscar-worthy lines like could you imagine being with someone like her do you actually blame me for not wanting to be around her farya ends up having two daughters with him but the sad part she won't admit she doesn't love him in public making it seem like they're a perfectly happy couple to save face and fbt's mom helps her the fact that fbt and i don't get along isn't hidden neither does my dad to his credit he's the only one who sees through their lies and calls them out for how they are none of his family like him or us for that matter for that very reason but i count this as a blessing more than anything fpt would still go out of his way to make it basically impossible for me to be at any family gathering without any harassment from family members i gifted my uncle a coat fbt told him in front of me to throw it away and i have bad taste he tried to trash my dad cause he isn't as close-minded as his family calling him a bad muslim and even went as far as lying saying i have multiple boyfriends at once when i would defend myself he'd act dumb and say why do you always blame me you really think i care to talk about you of all people by 2017 i had it i don't remember specifically what he did but i contacted sophie and immediately told her everything then also befriended faria and started telling her any lies he would tell the family about her so from sophie i found out that all this time he'd been promising her that he'll divorce faria and marry her and she's holding on to this dream i try to convince her fbt isn't worth her time but she was adamant that he loves her and only her so i stopped trying to convince her but texted her and informed her of all the nice things fbt has been saying lately about her so she doubles down on harassing him he was completely caught off guard sophie found out about his fake plan to get full custody of their daughter and has made their life a living heck sofia turned him into her personal chauffeur and aaron boy and for some reason he does everything she says i don't know what she has on him but it must be big because he was on our instagram again taking his daughter to haircuts taking them on shopping trips the beach and basically buying her anything she wanted as for faria i helped her out by setting her info on his whereabouts and at the time side pieces at first farya kept everything a secret from her family but after someone convinced her she told them everything first her parents started an absolute war with fbt and his parents to save face fbt had to apologize and said he'll straighten up his act faria has brothers in the uk and they constantly check on her if fbt slips up even a bit they come over take pharya away with her kids and don't send her back till fbt apologizes and promises all over again to be a good husband to understand why farya just doesn't leave him where she's from people look down on divorced women and to her living with a husband like fbt is better than living in such shame makes you wonder why auntie chose to get a girl from there for fbt now in 2022 sophie and fbt aren't a thing anymore but she still has him as her errand boy threatening to take him to court if he isn't there for his daughter apparently there's no side chicks anymore but not because he suddenly learnt to love and respect for his wife but cause fbt has recently been having some trouble in the bedroom department unfortunately someone found out and now everyone knows my poor aunt blames it on black magic that the white girl learnt and somehow performed on him farya still lives with him but has managed to get some leverage to move out of the in-laws home and live in a separate house fbt comes home in a timely manner they still don't have the best relationship and fight constantly but what can he do fbt knows someone is after him and thinks it's one of his male cousins and now is in constant paranoia about who keeps informing sophie about what he says and does he also thinks the same male cousin is an informant to faria's brothers so now he's basically withdrawn from family functions and even if he does attend gone are the days of flaunting his greatness while i still talk to sophie and faria giving them any morsel of info that comes my way and will probably continue to do so for a long time all i gotta say is this just goes to show that sometimes it can be the people you least expect fbt said in the story why would they care to talk about op well little did they know they could have had a great reason the entire time had they known our next story is from the medium chunk my petty revenge parking lot edition today i had a bad day at work and just really wanted a margarita i pulled into a local mexican joint that has 12 dollar pitchers found a spot and began to pull in just for a white prius to cut me off and take my spot i was annoyed especially because they passed a spot a few feet further in favor of cutting me off i got out of my car and as i was walking in the girl driving told her friend husband or whatever make sure you get us a booth my original plan was to be passive aggressive and just get inside before them as a small victory but when i got inside i noticed that there was only one more booth available it wasn't a huge revenge plot but you better believe i asked for that booth i happily sipped my margarita and queso while they waited for a booth it's the little things i'm not gonna lie though margaritas and kiso sounds like it would kind of slap like if there was ever a time to do any kind of revenge no matter how petty it may be doing it whilst having a treat like that sounds like a pretty good time our next story is from magic 8 balls you're not supposed to be working this happened to me about 20 years ago so the details might not be a hundred percent accurate at the time i worked as a cook bartender server at a local pizza place yes every employee was trained to do all three jobs and if you opened for the day you did all three jobs by yourself for at least four hours sometimes five or six hours i was scheduled to open every sunday at 11am the people who own this place own another pizza place in a town 30 miles away but the place i worked was their head office for a lack of better word that's where the supplies for both places were shipped since the other pizza places didn't open till 3 pm on sundays the manager of the other restaurant would come into the restaurant i was working at around 2pm to pick up supplies let's call her k normally i would get along with her just fine unless she went into witch mode then she was unbearable usually every week i would have everything she needed ready and waiting for her if i wasn't too busy cooking or helping a customer i would even help her load it into her car then she would leave and i'd continue doing my thing the sunday my story takes place was mother's day i was already upset because i had to work instead of going to lunch with my mother almost as soon as i walked in i started getting orders because well it's mother's day around 2 pm kay walks in and she was obviously in witch mode that day because not only was the restaurant i was running at the moment supposed to be closed for mother's day which the owners completely forgot to mention to me i have other stories about them but she still had to work and she started tearing into me for having the audacity to milk the owners for a few extra hours worth of pay i wasn't entitled to i called up the owners who confirmed i was supposed to be closed that day and they forgot to let me know i was livid not only did i miss family lunch for mother's day i now had to call customers to tell them their orders were now cancelled while listening to kay all but accuse me of theft finally as i was about to leave kaye asked me if i could help her load stuff into her car i looked her dead in the eye and said i'm not supposed to be here remember then i walked out leaving her to load everything by herself i'm not sure if this qualifies as petty revenge but i felt a little better for it god there is nothing worse than being in a situation where you're just frustrated you're not happy to be someplace you're really struggling through that grind and then somebody comes in and starts complaining at you about something stupid it makes you want to just like slap him upside the head and say shut up our next story is from quetzal rust revenge as an adult my parents were very harsh with me as a child they recognized they were harsh with me and my mom's even lamented how she treated me none of us are rich especially my dad he doesn't save money gives it all the way to family and buys stupid crap like broken down volkswagens he'll never fix so now every month i send them money because i'm able to my mom and i have it set up automatically because she administers their finances and pays for food my dad i don't i only send him money if he asks and i play dumb i tell them to wait and see if it gets deposited in a couple of days i make a mask several times and i can see that it embarrasses him and makes him feel awkward and what i send him is a pittance anyways because i know he blows it sometimes i play dumb long enough that i don't even send it because the month is almost over it gives me a small amount of pleasure to hold it over his head should i stop probably but every time i'm about to finish setting up the automated transaction forum i exit out of the bank website i think this story explores a very interesting reality sometimes that you can love somebody and want to support someone but if you know that they're just going to make a bad decision with whatever it is you give them sometimes it's better to just try to help them by not giving them something and hoping they can figure out how to maybe be a little bit more responsible before they have absolutely nothing this next story is from amazinglibrarian805 i waste a rude customer's time over 15 years ago i worked in a retail stores electronics department the store had a policy that any product behind a locked cabinet had to be paid for within the department before continuing on to shop through the rest of the store one guy didn't like this and in the most condescending tone possible asked to speak to my manager because he didn't have time for this even though it only took a minute to pay for stuff i knew managers in the store were notorious for taking their sweet time to come talk to angry customers it wasn't unusual to page for a manager many times so i obliged i picked up the phone and dialed into the intercom i paid for a manager a few minutes go by and nothing i paige again no response the customer is turning red with rage in the end i wasted over 30 minutes of this guy's time as much as op likes to say that they wasted 30 minutes of this guy's time there was 30 whole minutes where this entire thing went on and went by where the guy wasn't just like screw it forget it come help me at the cabinet i just want to get this and get out of here they chose to waste that 30 minutes and was the end result worth it probably not this next story is from hokey pokey guest list bucket woman versus my scraps bucket this is why we had motion activated lights installed i meant to share this one a while ago but i got sick for a few weeks and didn't have the energy after the vicious dog attack our old side gate started to wobble alarmingly almost like someone ran into it full tilt while escaping an angry house cat we reluctantly decided to demolish it knowing that would leave us more open to bucket woman visits but since the new gate was due to be installed later that week we reasoned that nothing that bad could happen this is also the story of how wrong we were martin demolished the old gate on sunday afternoon neatly stacking the remains along the side of the garage near the bins later that night about 11 pm i took my bucket of kitchen scraps out to the green bin i didn't bother turning on the light because i was intending on a quick trip out and in and there was enough available light it's the middle of winter and close to freezing and i wasn't planning on staying out there very long i waddle out into the dark wearing my dressing gown and slippers i had just reached the bins when i heard a noise in the yard behind me i called out who's there no answer i call out again who's there this time a shapeless figure silently came towards me i hurled the scraps bucket at it the figure screamed so i screamed louder since my brother wasn't available i grabbed one of the bins and tried to use it as a shield but i tripped and fell over the old gate then the lights came on and everything flooded outside i was sat on my butt looking up at the bucket woman now wearing my kitchen scraps babbling and waving some papers disclaimer i didn't score a direct hit with the bucket the contents just splashed her martin grabbed a cricket backet and growled at her in a voice that would have frozen hades get out now the bucket woman tossed her papers in the air and fled shedding potato and onion skins as she ran okay my irrational brain insists on replaying it like that even though i know i only splashed her my daughter rang triple zero the neighbor's ring and so did the bugged woman she said she'd come to serve legal documents on me and i'd assaulted her the police took the papers away but left the scraps so i limped away from this encounter slightly wounded but still a free woman and triumphant when i'm old and in a nursing home the memory of the bucket woman with my leftovers globbed on her legs will still make me smile but wait there's more sunday afternoon martin looked out the window at the remains of the old gate and i could see an idea forming then he disappeared i next saw him humping the old gate across the backyard and neatly piling the remains up against the shared fence on top of the old fence posts he came back in and said he'd moved it to the hard waste pile because it really is an eyesore for the rest of the street and the bucket woman doesn't like it when we make the street look messy the words hoist and petard spring to mind i would love if anything if there was some kind of like camera footage of this encounter not for me to personally watch it but to show it to somebody like the police where this lady's like oh they assaulted me i just wanted to serve them some papers and like in the video you could probably see it was pitch black night vision fully on being able to see that somebody walked up on them in the dark and knowing how terrifying of a situation that is when it's almost pitch black out and somebody walks up with something in their hand i imagine the last thing you think it is is a bunch of papers for legal purposes i'm sure op was in that situation thinking oh my god this might be it frankly i think bucket woman is lucky all they got was a bucket of kitchen scraps hurled at them in our final story of the days from santa's other brother press set up man doesn't want to do his job has to do more work my first real job after my apprenticeship i was doing repair and maintenance on progressive dies for a manufacturer of energy controls almost all of their dies were small easy to lift their largest two dies were too heavy to lift manually so they had carts the correct height slide the die off a cart into the press run the parts then slide back onto the cart more difficult than it sounds i did the maintenance on these two large dies one day i'm summing to the press department one of the largest dies is in the press setup man says that i screwed it up and he wants me to fix it after some quick diagnosis i try to politely explain that the dye is crooked in the press and not centered on the feeder his responsibility won't hear it all my fault i have to fix it he wants me to do his job that is not going to happen the tool maker says okay take it out and i walk away the setup man says but but but take it out means undo all the bolts slide this 300 pound lump onto its cart and push it the length of the building to the tool room these carts didn't roll very well this was a big pain in the butt he does this and then says i'll call you when it's ready i knew there was absolutely nothing wrong with this die so i let it sit there all day less than 90 minutes until the end of the shift toolmaker says it's ready come and get it now he has to push it the length of the building again put it back in the press and set it up again back where we were that morning but this time it runs perfectly i made no changes didn't even look at it all in the setup the next day the production supervisor comes by wants to know why he missed a day of production i told him exactly what happened he was not happy six months later dead of summer same thing happens same result the toolmaker says take it out he pushes it the length of the building it sits there all day he pushes it back he sets it up correctly and it runs fine i made no changes didn't even look at it all in the setup the next day production supervisor comes by again i told him exactly what happened he was not happy i think the manager finally clued in on exactly where the problem was because it never happened again honestly i think what i love most about this story is there's management that actually hears the workers out so many times i feel like you hear stories like this where the worker who just loves to shift the blame and not take responsibility for possibly messing anything up will continue to try to shift the blame to the sun comes up and often these managers will end up taking their side because well i imagine it's a little bit more convincing when somebody comes to you and says no no this is exactly what's going on here not only do they hear and believe op and know the steps in the process but i love the fact that op had this guy do all this work to wheel it into another room op could basically wiggle their fingers and pretend they're doing some magic juju spell and everything would be magically fixed and all better again and opie would have corrected whatever it was they did wrong too bad opie wasn't there when they put it in initially so they could do some finger wiggling then too then according to the tool maker it never would have been wrong but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another revenge story that was way crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
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aita for not wanting to help my mom after she didn't buy me food I am 16f and I live with my brother 17m along with our parents since I'm an artist my mom asked me to paint something for a project she's working on at first I was hesitant and originally not going to do it since I don't make art for free but she was being very persistent so I agreed to help just to get her to stop asking today she went to drop off some library books and asked me to go with her she told my brother 17m that she was going to stop to get some lunch and asked him what he wanted he said he wasn't very hungry and not to get him anything she never asked me what I wanted but I assumed since I was going with her she would ask me once we got there we dropped off the books and she started making her way home I asked her if we were still getting lunch and she said no your brother isn't hungry I said well I'm hungry I haven't eaten today and there's no food at the house and I'm not exaggerating we are out of food because my parents need to go grocery shopping my mom said she'd do it tomorrow
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a it for consoling my girlfriend's friend I 30 male and my girlfriend 30f have been together for a little under a year we have lots in common and I do love her I've always viewed her as a kind generous caring person she has a group two other girls that she's known since high school they are fine and we all get along I don't know either of them that well and have never went out of my way to overly engage with them for my girlfriend's birthday we all planned a trip to Venice Italy we all had been so far having a great time for my girlfriend's birthday she wanted to go to a very popular club we are white while one of her friends is black while the bouncer denies her friend entry and when we ask why he says no darks you should clearly see my girlfriend debating to still go in I was honestly shocked her friend quickly says it's fine you guys go and I'll go back to the hotel or maybe find another bar My Girlfriend plays the whole you sure role but I feel like it was clear she wanted to go in I can see hurt on her friend's face and I quickly say to be safe I'll ride back with her and come back my girlfriend quickly agrees and her and the other friend go in once we are in the taxi I can see tears streaming down her friend's face I tell her it's okay that that guy is an and doesn't deserve her tears I hold her in a platonic way I tell her you know what that guy is not going to ruin the night that she didn't get dressed for no reason I tell her let's go to a bar we find a place I text my girlfriend and say I'm going to stay with her friend she just responds okay we go to the bar have some drinks and have an overall good time she seems to feel better we don't talk about my girlfriend who honestly I'm kind of pissed at we still end the night pretty early I drop her back at the hotel and go to the club my girlfriend is at I tell her I'll wait outside for her just because I want to make sure she and the other friend get home safe she keeps saying why won't I come in I tell her why the hell would I pay money to a racist place that made her friend feel like she gets all upset and says I'm turning her into the bad guy and that her friend literally didn't care I said they why did I spend hours consoling her cry crying friend she blows up on me and I turn into the a she says it's completely inappropriate starts accusing me of things saying I spent her birthday consoling her friend not worried about her and I said someone had too we've both been pissed at each other when the next day came but the worst part is somehow she's pissed at her friend and her friend is pissed at me for sharing a private vulnerable moment she said she just wish I didn't mention she cried I apologized to her friend but refused to apologize to my girlfriend which is causing more anger the whole trip is soured now I feel bad overall and I'm wondering if I'm really the a in the situation
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pandemic locked me in the house with my cheating wife I've pondered a lot the idea of me posting this story and based on the title I'm sure you realize that this story is now closing in on 3 years old however I felt at this point that it is good to get this off my chest at the time I 30m at the time was happily married to my 30f wife we had been married around 6 years I will refer to her from here on a Sarah not her real name we traveled ate together and spent time together basically every night for the first 6 years of the marriage during 2019 I started to see some warning signs that in retrospect should have told me something was up in early 2019 I had to be out of town for a work conference the first time that I had ever been gone overnight from home without her she immediately suggested that her friend might come visit and even stay over those days now for context this friend 29m I will refer to him as Mark is someone she texted all the time they were close friends and I know for a fact had been intimate with before we met I put my foot down and said no pointing out he never came over in six years except the one time I was gone while she got mad she respected my wishes to the best of my knowledge and the scenes from the security cameras there were other things as well that gave me pause but for the interest of time I will move on now we arrive at the end of 2019 as we are in a movie theater together I notice her writing messages to someone on her Apple watch during the movie this was very unusual for her to do and the messages although I can't remember them were a bit strong for a cooworker at a new job but nothing overtly sexual SL romantic I ask her about it after the movie and she brushes it off her Behavior changes sitting away from me on the couch changing in a different room and so on I start to wonder am I being cheated on or what is being hidden from me I feel tremendous guilt for even thinking about checking her phone for confirmation feeling that if I do and I am wrong there's no point in continuing to be married after thinking about it for days I decide to check in January 2020 now her phone is always close by and I don't know the passcode luckily her watch is accessible and she made the code our anniversary irony abound what I discover next is horrifying Sarah and Mark discussing her hookups with a cooworker them mocking me for not noticing what is going on Sarah discussing how the idea of me touching her is revolting how she can't imagine having kids with me we had been trying in mid 2019 so this especially hurt then I read the messages between Sarah and the coworker we will call him Carl those messages are explicit and Sarah shows more affection for him in every way than she shows me now and each message tells me a new revelation that hurts more that a trip she said was to console a friend was really so that the friend could meet Carl that she began changing in the bathroom so I wouldn't see the hickeys on her body that her therapist knows all of this and says I should be made aware but that she should be happy with whoever I stay up till 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. reading these messages and taking pictures of everything I don't sleep that night my jaw clenched so hard all night had caused issues for months she leaves for work I'm off that day and my first phone call is to a lawyer what are my options when I confront her what can I say/ not say legally I wait for her to come home reading over the messages to confirm it wasn't the worst dream I ever had when I confront her I tell her what I know without revealing I had been in her texts I tell her I spotted the hickey a lie but she mentioned it in the messages that I know she's texting someone Sarah lies tries to argue it is someone else that gave her the hickey but finally I read a message from her watch I guess what I expected was for her to break down and admit everything instead Sarah explodes in Rage that I violated her privacy the insanity and gaslighting of trying to convince me that I was the bad guy here blew me away she stormed out of the house and disappeared for 3 days no communication as to where she was even though I asked her to tell me where she was staying so I knew she'd be safe to this day I only know a small part about where she went or what she did when she comes back she tells me she wants to try to fix things and spend some time together it doesn't go well I catch her sneaking off to meet with him once again as she foolishly leaves the watch behind and I can read the messages in real time I finally tell her in February 2020 that I contacted a lawyer she insists she won't sign anything in until we attend couples counseling I humor it but it goes off the rails immediately when after I explain we're here because she had an affair that she argues my word choice Affair was too strong a word she also lies about the fact that she cheated on me before Carl with a married man something I discovered at a later date going through her watch once again she admits her plan was to find an apartment then hand me papers without me ever knowing what is going on she even tries to blame the whole affair on me using in the therapist view minor disagreements as proof of my cold and uncaring demeanor one example I didn't immediately scream at my parents for a Christmas gift she didn't like or at her parents when they playfully made fun of her at this point the decision is made I need to divorce her as she will never tell the truth we agree Sarah will move out of our house and I even help her find an apartment anything to get her out of the house faster one day in March 2020 I watched the news of Co come in and all construction work stops her apartment was almost ready but was being renovated now there's nowhere for her to go I'm stuck in the house with her from March to June of 2020 for for those wondering she has enough legal knowledge to know that leaving would make her case harder and might still have to pay expenses those three or so months were hell trying to do my job and live in a house with a person who had wronged me and ridiculed me was unbearable at times we tried as best we could to keep it civil and not scream at each other every time we passed each other imagine spending 90 plus days cooking meals passing by and seeing no one else in the world but the person who ended your marriage and broke your heart every day featured me essentially locking myself in a room for 8 hours then doing yard work or working out to avoid speaking with her she moved out for the most part in late June once the world started to open up a bit and had all of her items out by July knowing that I wanted the house she definitely manipulated the situation to her advantage to avoid her being publicly shamed her family to this day doesn't know what caused the divorce she didn't tell them the divorce was happening at all till after the papers were signed and essentially forced me to pretend we were still together until then at which point I told her to tell her parents or I would they never asked me what was the cause although one or two did wish me well I never felt the need to tell them as despite the pain and gaslighting she caused I didn't feel the need to hurt them her parents never wronged me Carl and Sarah didn't last when I found out Carl told her to leave me and be with him but she tried to mend our relationship and he walked away from her so she ended up with no one Sarah and I rarely speak now unless it's absolutely necessary which is rare I've wondered at times if maybe I was wrong for not publicly outing her infidelity the people who are important to me know the truth I also never confronted or spoke to for that matter Carl or Mark or her friend who knew about all of this but never warned me as for me I found someone who is truly a good person and have a great relationship I've never told Sarah as it's none of her business much like telling her family about her cheating I thought about telling Sarah how well I'm doing but I think that is just shod and FDA thanks for reading and I'd love to hear your thoughts Second Story my husband killed someone and can't cope 5 months ago a woman purposely walked in front of my husband's truck he struck her and was killed much like the people who killed their family before killing themselves she was so selfish basically taking him with her he quit on the spot his employer should have recognized that he was in distress and given him some time off instead of accepting his resignation but they didn't I'm 8 months pregnant and before someone says you shouldn't have kids if you can't afford them I know we are in a world of hurt right now and it's only going to get worse the accident brought up bad ju guu from an accident 10 years ago where he lost his wife and son he has anxiety that he didn't have before he goes to therapy but hasn't driven since the accident he would rather walk in 100 re heat than get behind the wheel he has driven trucks for nearly 13 years it's all he knows I know mental health is so important but we are at a dead end I won't insult him by acting like I know what he is going through or what he is feeling but we can't afford for him to grieve any longer I have been telling him for the last month that we are running out of money we have less than $100 dollars to our names and our pantry is bare life can't wait for him to get ready I don't know what ultimatum I can give him that will snap him back to reality but next week we are going to be living on the street we are on a month-to-month lease because we don't have the best credit so if if we don't pay we are out I've already pushed our car payment back as much as I could we've used our get out of jail free cards used all generosity from our family and friends and I've exhausted local resources I work full-time in a salon and simply don't make enough to support us I try finding outside jobs but I'm limited until after I give birth I don't want to come off as insensitive but he needs to go back to work we had a small savings that we have been using but that money is gone my husband insisted he help out the woman's family with final expenses which I was against but he did it anyway he feels guilty and I feel like the worst [ __ ] wife in the world saying all this but I can't do this alone update number one my husband took his life in front of me this happened a few days ago and it's a cruel Twisted irony that I made this Reddit asking how hard I should push him to go back to work my last post was about how we were going to lose our place because my husband couldn't recover after a woman stepped in front of his semi- 7ish months ago I said it was like she took him with her now he is actually gone and it's not even the same before I get some [ __ ] asking why are you posting right now I don't know what to do I notified his family after my last post I pushed him to try to get his job back and they took him back with open arms which was a huge blessing and surprise when I called his boss yesterday to tell him my husband wouldn't be coming back he told me that the company would pay for his funeral he had been with them for nearly 10 years before he abruptly quit the day of the accident he needed therapy and time off but thought the best thing the easiest thing would be to quit and try and handle it alone if you have people in your corner and if you have resources available to you please use them did you know if someone unives themselves in your house you are respons for cleanup if you are renting and don't have renters insurance it's on you I'm 8 months pregnant and I'm being induced next week and I can't even go inside my house I contacted the church we had been to on and off where we got married and suicide is a sin so no help there I think I was too hard on him in the last few weeks I had let the stress build up and didn't tell him how bad things were until it was too late he thought oh she can handle it like she always does we have to stop thinking like that and be we I mean anyone who is reading this because I'm sure you do it too I brought up adoption because who would would choose to bring a child into this world being poor that is what a lot of comments told me and they were right I'm being induced next week and I don't even have a clean environment to bring a baby back too it's the last piece of my husband and I don't know if I deserve to raise him I know I might have seemed like an [ __ ] about my husband I was Slash him just stressed but he was a good man who deserved to be a father and he deserved to be here he just didn't see that and I think I'll have a broken heart for the rest of my life if anyone is in my area who wants to sit on the curb and drink lukor bottle water with a stranger my DMs are open if you are struggling please get help you are not weak or less than mental health is so important and serious please update wow I can't keep up with the comments for privacy sake I'll just say Illinois I have a lot of places to call so then you do every single kind comment and message I Won't Say I'm okay or that I will be anytime soon but I'm safe update number two 8 lb 5 O and 19.5 in this is an update to those of you who asked on my last post got removed NSFW so I hope it's okay that I do so I had my baby boy this past weekend 8 lb 5 O and 19.5 in I wanted to share the news because when I texted his family the day he arrived I was told they wanted to know nothing about him and didn't want to see any pictures heart crushing is an understatement trying to sign up for survivor benefits and Wick while also filling out life insurance paperwork is surreal I just hope it's approved ASAP I'm keeping my baby no matter how hard it'll be I never thought I'd be sending my husband to heaven and welcoming his boy within a week of each other I want to believe they somehow crossed paths up there because the thought of him not meeting or never knowing his precious son is unfathomable
give me a good story on PandemicLockedMeintheHouseWithMyCheatingWife
have you ever seen a doctor yell at their patient I was that doctor I yelled loudly not at the patient but at her aunt so I was working in the ER a little kid of around 10 or 11 came late one evening she had a massive blow to her skull and was having seizures it was all bloody but surprisingly she was conscious her aunt was very caring and hovered over us she told me the girl fell off a bike I pacified her and told her to wait outside while I provided Primary Care to the child before transferring her to a higher Care Center when the aunt was outside I asked the girl what happened her aunt had hit her in the head with a hammer that vile lady had hit her ten-year-old niece in the head with a hammer I was horrified and enraged I was mad I stabilized her came out and called the N inside as soon as I saw her I just lost it I yelled at her at the top of my lungs I don't even remember all that I said but it lasted long enough for the ward boys nurses and ambulance driver to gather it also lasted long enough for the ant to break down and confess I called the girls parents and they called the police and register the complaint my behavior was unprofessional but I have never regretted it I don't usually lose my cool but I'm glad I did that day
give me a good story on Haveyoueverseenadoctoryellattheirpatientaskredditredditredditstoriesorig
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel we've got some malicious compliance stories so let's jump right into our first story of the day by thin letter m20 i'm not sure it qualifies because it wasn't particularly malicious in the mid 90s i got my first tech support job working for a company called cps payment systems in tennessee the company irked me because their name was company payment systems payment systems that's close to its real name i was doing sub subcontracted tech support for a company i'll call webcon but that's not its real name this company sold lifetime internet over dial up through our infrastructure from our parent contracts backbone they sold these packages for 200 or so at state fairs they got away with this thanks to a very strict user agreement any concurrent logins or access for more than eight hours a day and validated the agreement they were fond of cancelling the accounts of people who got ghosts dropped and dialed back in the day before this happened we had a meeting myself and my buddy tom that's not his name with the qa team who had received a complaint from the webcon people about us incorrectly categorizing our tickets me and tom were the only two agents working for webcon five days out of the week neither of us really knew what the problem was as they didn't have any specific examples but we promised to do as they said and always choose the most appropriate category to close the ticket under this was their very specific instruction in writing on the review forms they had us sign the next day i got a call from a nice old man who couldn't get his internet connection working it turned out he had actually forgotten to dial in and had just opened his browser after he realized the mistake he was very apologetic and ended the call with i was just stupid sorry to bother you those exact words when i was closing out the ticket i looked through the category list harder than i had before and noticed that while the first 25 or so were very professional there were dozens more under it that were snarky sarcastic or just plain mean you just had to keep scrolling i giggled a bit as i looked through them near the bottom was one that simply said customer was stupid i smiled a bit told tom about it and we laughed for a bit then i closed it out customer was stupid two days later i called into hr they accused me of being abusive towards the customers and unprofessional i asked what it was about they showed me the printout of the ticket explained how saying a customer was stupid was not acceptable and they were going to have to let me go this was not my first visit to hr sadly they believed i had hacked the system planted the offensive category description and then used it i tried to explain about the qa meeting the need for accuracy the customer's verbal statement in the large number of other very questionable closing categories that were in the database which i could only choose from and could not add delete or edit they didn't want to hear anything about it and i was fired i signed the paperwork and my supervisor stood up with me to walk me out of the building a few feet from the hr office the director of the building was talking to someone i had never met him personally but i recognized him me and my supervisor were talking pretty emphatically about what happened being wrong and possible appeals etc the director asked what was going on my manager explained the situation and the director told us to wait there stepped into the hr office for two minutes and came back out he asked me if anyone who was still employed there could show what i had explained from the ticketing system and i said sure enough tom can do that ten minutes later he came back hr manager in tow and ordered her to reinstate me on the spot now that is an absolutely stand-up director to be honest it's just filing a ticket so i doubt the customer would ever actually see customer is stupid let alone the fact that that is what they said all that said if it was you would you have gone ahead and filed it under customer stupid for the joke or would you have tried to keep it a little bit more professional let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is by sugardaddy24 phone sorry just my diabetes pump my school was quite small we had a graduating class of 92 so everyone knew everyone all the teachers were amazing and very involved in our academic lives but for the most part had nothing but good intentions unfortunately there was one teacher our english ap teacher who was just an absolute jerk she was the type of teacher that if she saw you with your cell phone out even during lunch or in between classes that she would take it give it to the principal and give you a detention i decided to mess with her one day because she was quite clearly in a pissed off mood and the opportunity was perfect i was standing in line for lunch and i got my pump out i was diagnosed with diabetes at age 8 and have had a pump since 9. it looks a whole lot like a cell phone other than the tube running from it to my body without really looking closely it can easily be confused with a cell phone she sees me playing with my pump and comes over to me this is obviously not exact words used i more than likely was a little more disrespectful but i definitely knew the boundaries and would never be so blatantly rude or disrespectful that it would deem necessary to get a detention give it to me now and follow me to the principal's office um no i need this to live give it to me now i will not ask again no leave me alone i just want to eat my lunch she then grabs my arm and drags me to the principal's office i was very close to the principal as i was the class president so i spent a lot of time with her planning school events and such this student had her phone out during lunch refused to give it to me and was rude and back talked me principal says is this true no ma'am my cell phone is currently in my locker i saw you playing with it in line principal says op please give us your cell phone i say okay follow me to my locker then no give it to us now it is in your pocket no it's not then empty your pockets i proceed to empty my pockets which was a pack of gum and then i have my pump in my hand because it's connected to me so i can't put it on the table why would you lie to me when you obviously have it in your hand this is my diabetes pump why didn't you tell me you never asked if it was a cell phone you just tried taking it away from me this is ridiculous you need to show more respect principal says i think we are done here teacher you can leave i will talk with op teacher leaves and is quite obviously pissed off about the situation i tell principal the truth about the trap i set for teacher and that i hope she isn't pissed at me and i won't do it again she chuckles a little bit tells me to go eat lunch and she will see me later for a school fundraiser event i never had another encounter with teacher and during class she made it a point to tread it out to talk to me well i see this as an absolute win this angry always out to get you kind of teacher backed off and was trying to avoid you because you had a diabetes pump it was all just a prank and it actually ended up giving you a very nice reward not having to deal with this teacher watching over you like a hawk this next story was written by eric davis1240214 sorry replacement i'm not training you this happened over 18 years ago but i remember it like yesterday i had worked for a law firm in a clerical role for about three years though not a lawyer i ended up doing a lot of work that lawyers normally handled but not for lawyer pay anyway i landed my dream job in another field more interesting better hours better benefits double the pay i hit the jackpot and was on my second from last day at the law firm having respectfully given and honored my two weeks notice as it happened i needed to take an extended lunch break one day to handle some business related to my pending new job i arranged it ahead of time and even came in two hours early to make sure all my work was completed on time darn i was too conscientious anyway my lunch business took me longer than expected and i returned about an hour later than planned no big deal right i had very little left to do and only two more days of that job anyway nope the hr manager found me as i got to my desk called me to her office and fired me on the spot i managed not to smile and thank her because i was thrilled to have an extra couple of days off before heading to my new position i had a little spring in my step as i walked to my desk to pack up my stuff i can either confirm nor deny that i was whistling a happy tune in truth there was only one thing i still had needed to do on my final two days though not a lawyer i essentially took care of all the estate planning clients wills advanced medical directives and such i take all of the info from the clients generate all the forms check for compliance with all the laws and hand it to the attorney he'd skim it sign it and bill his hourly rate for the hours i worked it was a cash cow for the firm because i made next to nothing anyway though i was good at the work the files were rather a mess let's just say my system works for me but it was eclectic as i was packing my desk i left them piled in a box on the floor moments before i was preparing to walk out of there for the last time the young attorney yes attorney who had been assigned to take over that part of my work came up to my desk he said hr manager told me to come find you and have you show me the estate planning files she said you'd show me what i need to do i had the incredible pleasure of being able to look at him and say with the most sincere and innocent tone i'm sorry i don't work here then i pointed at the pile of files and suggested hr manager would have to help him then i picked up my box of personal effects and walked away and just as sweet as could be poked my head into the hr manager's office on my way out to assure her that there were no hard feelings and to let her know young attorney was probably going to be looking for her yeah they really shot themselves in the foot there you're already on the way out and you're still working there and you're still being a contributing worker and not only that but you're valuable to the development of the staff that still works there but no the hr manager has to be a stickler and kick you out of there and now guess what they're pretty screwed the next story is by face full of kittens she said save everything so i did until december of last year my stepsister 30 lived with my father 78 along with her boyfriend 40 and their four kids my father supported them all financially leaving him unable to retire in april i had free time so i went to florida to help my father prepare to sell his house i arrived to find it was completely trashed like if he hadn't been so rural health department probably would have condemned it trashed the three rooms occupied by my step and her kids were the worst literally shin deep in beer cans cigarette butts soiled diapers pet waste it was awful it took over 400 labor hours to get the house clean and repaired and i used to be a professional cleaner so i'm fast when i got to her spaces she informed my father that that witch better not throw any of my stuff away or i'll kick her butt so i didn't i went into the rooms and shoveled literally everything dirty diapers and all into trash bags and put them into the garage for her to pick up at her convenience i'm just worried for whatever kids and pets are involved in the situation soiled diapers and pet waste these kids shouldn't have to live in conditions like this and those pets i'm worried how well they're taking care of the pets that's for sure and our final story of the day is by caligula the ruler man asks for everything on his burger proceeds to get everything on his burger this story takes place back to when my mom was in high school working at a dairy queen she was working the grill while her co-worker was at the drive-through a guy orders a double cheeseburger and then asks to put everything on it the co-worker explained what everything was at the time lettuce tomato onion and pickles with condiments the guy explains that's not what he meant and raises his voice i said i want everything so you better give me everything the co-worker calls him to the window and the manager again explains to him what everything was and repeats what co-worker said the guy who just ordered is now getting pissed for no reason and is just being an absolute tick at this point mom drops the guy's bag to be handed to him and hears the guy starting to cuss at her manager the guy eventually cuts the manager off and yells just give me everything you have back there the manager slams the window and takes the order to the back with my mom right behind mom is told to grab whatever food she can find and to put it on the burger she doesn't remember everything as this was over two decades ago but it had chili horseradish chicken bacon and then a full hand of pickles for good measure pretty much take a look at the menu back then and they made sure it was on the burger everything except for ice cream mom and her manager looked at each other with a grin on their face they needed three sheets just to even wrap it the manager then walked the order out to the guy himself and told him to enjoy i guess the guy didn't like it as he never came back i can only imagine what was going on in this guy's life to make him act like this all belligerent and upset oh i want everything on it if you're gonna ask for everything can't you clarify as the customer who is ordering what everything is and then when the workers explain to you what everything is that's not good enough and you get belligerent over it hopefully he enjoyed his horseradish weird chili bacon pickled handful sandwich burger thing obviously he never came back so he probably didn't but still he got what he deserved but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and make sure to click the bell to turn notifications on too so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel it all helps the channel grow immensely so thank you so very much for supporting me i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be reading even more stories to share with you guys right here on the story time channel you
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceImNOTtrainingmyreplacementorig
I called a meeting with my family to break the news that I'm sick and might not have much time left my brother and his wife thought it would be a good time to announce their pregnancy and are pissed bit of backstory my brother and I are very close his wife and I not so much we've had our fair share of tension anyway I fell sick in the middle of May but held off getting checked out because of covid and safety reasons eventually when June started I decided to go check it out turns out it was stage two breast cancer I decided to tell my family 2 days ago since down laws have been lifted so I invited everyone over and when I told my brother and his wife he said okay that's fine because he has news to share too so our family gathered and my brother decided to go first he did ask me and he announced that his wife is four months pregnant of course everyone was overjoyed after about an hour they asked about my news and I knew this was probably the last time in a long while before I had everyone here in person so I told them and of course the initial joyous atmosphere was gone the rest of the evening was a lot of support for me and not a lot of attention on my brother and his wife my brother didn't seem to mind this as he was quite distraught with my news but I saw his wife pretty upset and cornered off so I decided to approach her and I apologized for the timing of it all she told me I could have waited a bit and Skyped everyone with the news as it's just stage too and let my brother and her have this moment with their family I told her I initially called this meeting for this exact reason and she said she knows but I knew my news would damper everyone's mood so I told her she's being ridiculous and I wanted to tell my family in person since they are my family after all and she burst in tears and demanded to go home which my brother obliged to even though he was confused he promised he would come see me soon since he stays close by to me later that evening I get a message from him asking if I told his wife that she isn't part of the family and that I deliberately wanted the attention on me because that's what she's upset about also the next day my parents called me to check up on me and my mom mentioned that my brother's wife called yesterday evening really upset telling them what I said and claiming I'm because she's pregnant and I'm trying to ruin her life I told my parents what actually happened and what I really said and it's caused not only tension between his wife and me but my parents and her too and now she's also blaming me for my parents not being her biggest fans my brother is torn but has been trying to talk to her which results in more tears and a strain in their marriage all this drama is making me think that I should have just called up everyone rather or just told my brother that his news had to wait even though that would have been selfish of me I really wanted my family's support that day but I'm starting to rethink whether it was worth all this drama and potentially causing further problems so Reddit a edit wow I didn't expect this to get so so much lovely feedback and to think I was slightly scared to post this thank you all for the unnerving support love and Huggies I read and still reading every single comment made and I really really appreciate it I will most definitely fight through thank you all so much just wanted to add a a few points when brother told me he had news too he was really super excited and added it as a just by the way I'll announce mine too he did apologize and admit afterwards if he had known what my news was he would have held off his because right now what's important is my recovery he also admitted he wrongfully assumed that my news would automatically be good I'm usually always the happy chirpy one his wife wasn't too fond of this either brother's wife also had a miscarriage beginning of the year which is why this pregnancy I suppose was extra special I'm truly happy for them I just wish she could understand like one user pointed out that this isn't a competition I don't know why I couldn't tell him over the phone we are really close and I knew it would have crushed him I couldn't steal him away at the Gathering either because he was the last to arrive and when he did he just quickly mentioned hey op mind if I go first and I was frozen on the spot so I said sure also pretty silly on my part it's hard to explain that feeling where you absolutely Frozen and there's a big lump in your throat that prevents you from speaking but saying that news in the first place was really difficult to begin with edit edit just another point to clarify I'm not a saint but my brother does mean a heck of a lot to me it's exactly why his wife and I cleared the air between us before because I wouldn't deliberately make his life hell by pissing her off hence why when I saw she was upset I approached her and when she told me I could have Skyped I responded with I wanted to tell them in person since they my family and they would probably want to be there with me when I broke the news news I never once implied she wasn't a part of it my brother and parents know this update sorry this is so late A lot has been happening the past month since the news came out and since I've received a tremendous amount of love from Reddit I thought it would be only fair to let you all know what happened first and foremost I've started treatment also one of the reasons I couldn't update sooner thank you all for your well wishes I plan on bouncing back as soon as I can anyway I could see that my brother was under a lot of stress and I finally sat him down to talk about it properly he showed me a bunch of texts that his wife sent him telling him he is a shitty father for choosing me over his family she said I was seeking attention and nobody cares about her and one thing that really got to me was that she told him to choose once and for all and if he picks me he loses her and his child and if he picks her she doesn't want me in their lives at all I felt terrible not only for him but knowing that I could have prevented all this I took the time to apologize for putting him in this position and if I had just pulled him aside soon enough and given him a heads up he would have truly understood brother tells me I shouldn't apologize because he should have been more considerate He also mentioned that his wife would have probably still gotten mad at him whether they did or didn't give the news on that day so I decided I should invite her over for coffee to sort out everything I spoke to her alone I asked her about everything she was very cold and didn't really answer so I started talking first by apologizing if I made her feel excluded from the family or that her pregnancy was of any less importance I explained that I should have given them a heads up up so we could have avoided what had happened all together and that was my fault and that I was very sorry but I also mentioned that the way she reacted and went to the extent of lying wasn't okay she then started crying and vented out about how angry she's been and that my brother always put me first and recently they've been going through a rough patch and when he sided with me it made her even more upset and feel even more lonely she admitted she lied to my parents and my brother saying that she was hoping they would show her more sympathy and when they were cold to her she got even more upset after hours of talking she apologized for how she acted and has been acting and she would like if we moved on from this my brother came later and they both went home he texted me saying they both spoke for hours and agreed to couples therapy my parents are currently living with me and helping me out tremendously but they not quite happy with my sister-in-law yet although they promised to try to work things out things finally seemed to calm down and let's hope it stays that way none of this would have been possible without the feedback you all gave me and indebted to that so thank you edit to add all of you are so kind honestly but I wanted to clarify that I'm no saint nor am I selfless I know what happened wasn't entirely on me however in order to focus solely on my recovery I can't be stressed out about this whole situation and have all this tension around seeing my brother being put in that position and my S as hurtful as she was being upset and holding hatred can affect herself and the baby I did what I could to fix things so that everyone can focus on being healthy and being positive without holding any grudges I know I sure will I know my sister-in-law she can be very stubborn and unreasonable and if I left things in her hands I'm 99% sure it would have resulted in much much worse circumstances than me putting the first hand forward at least now I can focus on my recovery without any distress or toxicity I'm human I felt angry I felt upset yeah I wanted to give her a piece of my mind but in doing so isn't helping myself her my brother or my family only damaging things further this realization is what prompted me to let it all go and focus on positivity and my mental and physical health last edit I spent all day on Reddit reading every little or big comment made and honestly I didn't know you could feel so much support from people you never met you are all the amazing humans thank you all for the upvotes comments and awards and I'll still read every single comment but this will be my final edit and for the people who asked I'm 24
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have you ever had a car crash where the other person was at fault but they acted like the victim yes when I was a teenager there was a line of vehicles behind a bus waiting for the light to change when it turned green the bus moved through the intersection and stopped to let someone off I was the third car in line the large truck in front of me decided he didn't want to wait so he backed up into me there was a car behind me so I couldn't back up I was blowing my horn the whole time but he continued to back up right over my car crushing the front end the car behind me went around when the police came the truck driver told them I'd run into the back of him while he was waiting for the light I tried to tell my side of the story but the officer looked at me and said shut up he then had the truck driver without a sworn statement and sign it he went to his car and got his ticket book I said aren't you going to hear my side he said no he then wrote out the ticket turned to the truck driver and said here's your Citation for careless operation for causing an accident turn around you're under arrest for falsifying a police report he then cuffed the driver and put him in his unit seems he was parked across the street in a gas station looked up when I started blowing my horn and saw the whole thing
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my brother landed himself in hospital and ruined our vacation plans I am having a hard time letting go of my anger I 33m have always loved my brother 31m even as I felt he could be a little selfish growing up as the older sibling in a single parent home we have always been taught to take care of each other by our mom as we only had each other I love my mom and bro very much and have always tried my best to take care and provide for them using all my salary recently I've been getting a little annoyed at his self-center ESS this annoyance has been building up I now realize as I'm typing this for a while already last year there were several short overseas trips that Mom and I prepared everything for and bro tagged along passively we had to beg and fight over work leave dates with him for these trips and even pack his luggage for him in contrast trips with his friends were a breeze we had planned a longer holiday for December in part to celebrate my promotion and that sweet pay raise and because we could finally afford such a family trip to Europe
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AI T ah for not being happily married to my husband my husband 29m and I 24f have been married now for 4 years I was 19 when we got married and my husband was 25 we got married after a few months of knowing each other which is not the issue of our relationship our first two years of marriage were great we were both extremely happy and genuinely in love things started going downhill after I had our daughter I had bad postpartum depression and was pretty much mentally checked out or drained during this time I stopped wanting to have sex with my husband fast forward almost 3 years later current time my husband just got back from deployment before he left for his 9-month deployment he was gone two times one for a month and the other for 2 months so essentially he has been gone for a year before he left he seemed checked out he would stay late at work and when he was home would constantly be on the phone with his work buddies or playing video game during this time we really lost our connection when he deployed I finally started going out and making friends for the first time in my adult life I started going to bars and getting drinks with friends on weekends it's nice to
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aita for wanting my wife to not tell her family about our financial situation I recently found out I will be inheriting some properties and a significant amount of money I told my wife but made it clear that this is only between us and she's not to tell anyone especially her big mouth sister I don't want anyone to know about the inheritance invest almost all of the money hire a property management company and intend to keep our current lifestyle last night at dinner with her parents and siblings her father congratulated me on my impending windfall and my brother-in-law pulled me aside to ask about the houses I'll be receiving he and his wife my wife's big mouth sister have been saving for a house but haven't saved enough yet and their credit scores are low I was very angry with my wife the entire night but I kept it in check on the drive home I yelled at her I had it wasn't my finest hour but she did the exact thing I told her not to do she argued that my secrecy demand was not right and that she had the right and duty to tell her family about our financial situation because it is also her financial situation we argued for hours so when I finally had enough I told her she can't be trusted to keep our secrets and that I'm not telling her anything else about the inheritance from this minute on I said that In the Heat of the Moment but the more I think about it the more it makes sense she tells her sister everything and whatever her sister knows everyone knows I don't want the entire city to know what's going on with our bank account we're due to meet our attorney and lat her a financial adviser next week but I think I'll change that appointment to just me just to be clear she's free to discuss anything with her family I've only had two topics she's not allowed to
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welcome friends to another r slash i don't work here lady video if you don't work here but you want to do something to help out make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by used refrigerator 13. awesome i was dressed in business professional attire skirt blouse jacket and heels and ran by the grocery store on my way home to grab lunchmate as i was looking for what i wanted an older man stopped me and asked if i knew where something else was politely i looked at the aisle numbers and told them specifically where the isle was i believe it was down i frequented this location a lot he then realized i didn't work there and apologized to me for bothering me i assured him it was no problem and we both went our happy ways be honest if you're at the store minding your own business doing your own grocery shopping and an older man walks up asking if you know where things are would you stop and try to help them even if maybe you didn't even have a clue or would you rather just say you don't know you don't work there and hopefully just kind of weasel out of it let me know in the comments down below our next story is by food rage don't wear red and super c a few years ago i went to a super c close to my home wearing a red t-shirt coincidentally the same color of the employee's uniform and i was searching for something don't remember what exactly and a lady came to me i was listening to music on my big headphones so i take them off when i realized she was talking to me yes i asked you know it's very unprofessional to listen to music when you're working i don't work here she apologized and left and that is the story of my first and last time wearing that red t-shirt well at least they apologized right frankly considering some of the cairns we experienced in these i don't work here ladies stories i feel like opie got off pretty light actually just goes to show though that some colors are just not salvageable in some stores you go to mall wart wearing blue you're in trouble buddy don't even consider wearing a vest either this next story is by katie vicki i don't work here lottery mat version this morning i finally had my first i don't work here moment and it had a happy ending no karen's were harmed in this interaction no managers were called just a nice fellow that confused me for a laundry mat attendant so on to the story every friday morning after working my last third shift of the week i make my weekly trip to the local laundry mat that has a car wash attached to it the car wash will be important in a moment here i am sitting there with my ipad in hand playing some mahjong minding my business as i wait for all of my clothes to wash so i can throw them in the dryer and this nice guy walks up to me and asks about the car wash that's next door apparently the car wash won't work for him after putting his money in and when he walked in he simply made a mistake and confused me for the attendant that works there he was a good sport about it when i told him i was just there doing my laundry and walked over to the counter where people go for the dry cleaners part of the business so there it is short sweet and to the point with a happy ending this next story is by shell looser 42 week in front of the store manager no drama reading all these stories i'm becoming convinced that shopping in the us is a whole lot more dangerous than shopping in the netherlands sure we have our share of entitled people but i never came across such extreme situations over here very happy about that too today my girlfriend came over to visit and she even brought homemade sushi now we nearly always eat sushi with beeru beer because we can both enjoy that i still had three half liter cans so cheers the sushi was amazing and the beer tasted great too but i made an ominous discovery if there's two people drinking beer then your beer reserve depletes twice as fast who would have known so after we had a can of beer and split the other we were pondering what to do but eventually decided we'd grab a few more cans for later in the evening on to the supermarket we went we grabbed a few groceries decided on some shrimp salad later and eventually made our way to the beer section where a store worker was filling the shelves ah great the brand we wanted to buy was still lying on a store cart fully packed in cardboard trays so i figured i'd ask the store worker if it was okay with him that we grabbed some beer from the store cart he answered sure thing so my girlfriend and i make our way to the big loading cart and some trays with another brand relying on top of the ones we wanted we were both a bit intoxicated in a funny mood so we both decided that we weren't going to be lazy and make the store workers lives any more difficult a full tray is much easier to carry than an open one so girlfriend and me decided to put those other trays where they should be we knew because we come there often and after we placed both trays in place the store worker grinden said you guys really don't need to do that but thanks i told him it wasn't a problem at all because the last thing we want to do is bother him with his work so we grab a tray of the brand we want open it ask my girlfriend how much we should buy we decided on 12 so half a tray and thus i unpacked the tray meanwhile my girlfriend was looking at the card and said well since the sports schools are still closed due to covid i might as well work out a bit like this so she continued unloading the cart and placing trays of beer on the bottom shelves with a big grin on her face she asked the store worker again if he didn't mind and if we weren't bothering him and he's like are you kidding if you guys don't mind then i'm going to move across to the line section and quickly fill out that place no problem after i grab the 12 beers from the tray my girlfriend scolded me in a friendly manner by telling me not to be lazy and put the remaining 12 cans onto the top shelf so other people could grab those oh well why not while i was doing that my girlfriend finished with the last tray of beer and right at that time a store manager came around the corner apparently he saw the cart being nearly empty and said great work you guys that was fast if you're done here could you help clean up wait you guys don't work here do you we apologize for the confusion quickly explained ourselves that we were in a funny mood and how my girlfriend figured she might as well do some beer training this door worker also came over and told the manager how we asked and that he figured he'd let us be for a moment the store manager thought it was funny thanked us for our help and after my girlfriend asked again he assured us that it was perfectly fine made us feel really good well it's definitely a long lasting memory where you go to the store kind of drunk tipsy feeling some kind of weird way and you just i don't know end up helping out around the store it only would have been more complete if you had actually gotten the mops out and were like actually mopping up and for both the worker and the store manager i bet that would have been so funny and hilarious and totally wacky and zany if you went and did that our next story is by napole cameron karen upset because she needs to get a mini bluetooth speaker the story took place an hour ago or so i was coming back from work and had to stop at galmart's to get new headphones for work since i'm a sign waver and mine decided to break i got to golmart's fast trying to just go in and out of the store with the headphones i went straight to the back where the electronics are looking everywhere i was having trouble searching for them so i went to the help desk to ask till this lady let's call her glenda stopped me and asked hey do you know where the bluetooth mini speakers are this lady looked nothing like a karen she looked calm and respectful with me i told her oh actually i'm not sure she quickly cut me off fast asking if i could ask the employee behind me i was like sure whatever a good deed for today the guy pointed in a direction for the speakers and she quickly left after a small thank you i had to interrupt the guy again for the headphones and he told me the same lane as the speakers i went to look and the lady came up to me realizing i wasn't an employee and said oh sweetie i'm so embarrassed i thought you were employee when i asked you about the speakers i giggled and told her it's okay i don't mind at all we both left back to the electronic desk to ask to open the locked items me and glenda noticed that the employee was just chatting and chatting with these two boys till he realized we were waiting and asked glenda what she needed glenda quickly told them about the speaker but was cut off and the employee said and the employee said i'm not actually employed by gal marts but work with a phone company that has a contract with them i don't have the keys and the employee that's supposed to be here is late but he'll arrive in 15 minutes or so glinda just stared at this guy for at least a minute and a half i jumped back as she let out the loudest scream ever she was screaming manager manager manager give me the manager now this is unacceptable i was right next to her as well and i backed away and left back to the headphones i decided to wait until the other employees came till i saw glenda and a manager walking to the lane i was in or the speaker i stopped the manager before he left politely asking if he can open this one too but i was cut off by him saying i'm sorry you have to go too he was cut off we were both stunned as glenda started screaming no no no help her now she was right after me and she helped me when she doesn't work here she was respectful not like your other employee help her now i was so embarrassed the manager looked so pissed at me too and we walked back up to the register that's there once glenda finished paying she stopped looked me up and down and patted my back and replied thanks girl i think these employees are racist but you respected me so i got you and she left i quickly told the manager i was sorry and that i wasn't expecting any of that to happen he nodded his head and i left i was actually stopped again by a man asking for help but he noticed my lanyard around my neck and was sure i worked there till i was finally able to reply i didn't but i was able to flag down another employee to help him before i left i wasn't expecting this at all i think the worst thing about this is being like the accomplice to somebody who's being a total idiot when you had nothing to do with it and you just happened to be around while it was happening this is like some school level incident where you're sitting next to a kid who's a troublemaker and shooting spit balls all over the place and the teacher turns around and punishes both of you because you just happen to be in the same spot you absolutely just hate that feeling when the manager's like no no you gotta leave too it's like i didn't even do anything our next story is by didn't know you can read i confused the nurse a couple of years ago i was admitted to a hospital via an ambulance and to check if i'm okay they cut up in my shirt hoodie and winter jacket when i was finally released they gave me some scrubs to wear as the only thing i had left were my pants but i was furious and frustrated because that was my only good jacket when i got home i drowned my foul mood and alcohol i leaned against my washing machine in the basement as it showed there were only a couple of minutes left so i decided to wait while waiting i dozed off and kind of fell over of course it had to be this moment one of my neighbors came by at 10 pm and called an ambulance again keep in mind i hadn't changed yet the next day when i was ready to go home again i was looking for the exit but couldn't find it in my sweetest voice and kind of embarrassed i asked the nurse that came along where i could get out of the building as i got lost when i was a couple of steps away she talked to a co-worker and asked her where they got this sweet little girl and if i was doing an internship or something you know that's a patient don't you they said what but she was so nice you mean to tell me i turned around and said yeah i don't work here sorry for the confusion and went home smiling not a very climactic story but sometimes it's the little things that make your day the story feels really weird because it feels like almost video game like like it feels like op just kept respawning in the hospital wearing scrubs they respawn they're like okay here we go again how do we get out of the hospital this next story is by deerkiller14 famous blue store that rhymes with malmart last summer i stopped at malmart to get a fishing pole and some snacks for a day of fishing at a nearby lake i grab a cheap hole and i'm walking through the chips aisle when i see a sweet old lady ask for someone in a blue shirt for help reaching an item on the top shelf the person responds with i don't work here and moves along i'm six foot and couldn't reach the top shelf but i use my fishing pole i'm carrying to drag the item down she wanted and then hand it to her she thanked me profusely and i proceeded on my day seriously in walmart there's some shelves that are like stupidly tall for some reason in my experience and at my malmart it was like the bedding section there were aisles with there were aisles with sheets and blankets that were on like eight or nine feet tall shells tall enough that unless you're an nba player or just really gifted in height or a good leaper and you want to risk grabbing it you're not getting them off of there unless you go grab an employee our next story is by catastrophizer blurry but wholesome on wednesday last week i went to see an eye specialist to do some tests during that time they put some drops into my eyes to dilate them my vision was blurry as freak for the next two hours as i couldn't drive home just yet i went into an aldi to pick up a few essentials caramel popcorn's essential right that stuff is amazing while i'm there a lady stops me and asks me to read something on some packaging as her english wasn't great she's lovely and polite and looking a bit stressed i wanted to say i didn't work there but i couldn't see any nearby staff couldn't see much of anything to be honest so i tried my best after a lot of squinting and some back and forth i think i found what she needed i haven't been stopped in a store in years but of course though one day i couldn't see properly i'd be asked to read something let me tell you man if you haven't been to the optometrist and they put those drops in your eyes and they kind of sting a little bit it's probably the least pleasant part of a full on exam though i know of a few people who absolutely hated the part where you have to put your face up to the machine and you look at a farmhouse in a field and then all of a sudden they just shoot air right in your eyeballs you wrench your head back like oh god if you have a tendency to flinch too and you know it's coming it gets even worse i have friends who anytime the mere mention of an eye exam comes up they just talk about how much they hate looking at that little farmhouse in the field that puff of air will be the death of them but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
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Welcome Friends to another r slash am I the jerk Here video today we've got some hard-hitting questions and our first story of the day is from routine let 2090. am I the jerk for telling my former friend turned sister-in-law that I'm never going to be her Comfort person again I 25 year old male used to have the biggest crush on my childhood friend Emily 26 year old female as a teen I wasn't very assertive and a little awkward so I never made a move and just hope that one day Emily would realize that I was the guy for her the only person who I openly admitted my crush although it was kind of obvious too was my brother Liam 28 year old male he was much more assertive and confident than I was and would run through girls like water so I went to him for advice about Emily given the situation at the time you can imagine my surprise when I caught Liam and Emily hooking up I know that she technically was never my girlfriend but it still sucked and I did feel betray trade turns out they hooked up at a party once and liked the encounter so much that they kept meeting up to do it when no one was around I felt completely sick and basically just distanced myself from Emily after that which could be really awkward because we had a lot of classes together and had the same shift at the part-time job we had a job that Emily frequently depended on me to give her rides to I just wanted to remove Emily from my life completely but during the summer of our senior year she and Liam sat me and my parents down and explained that Emily had gotten pregnant and they were planning on keeping the baby my parents weren't happy while I just got up and locked myself in my room all I could think was well crap now she's never going to go away I purposely transferred to an out-of-state college so I wouldn't be home as much and lied about getting stuck in traffic when I missed Emily and Liam's wedding and I showed no interest in my niece Daisy eight-year-old female although I still make an effort to be polite when I'm around them recently Emily's father had passed away and she's really going through it because despite him not being around she always desired a relationship when we were kids I remember all those times I was a shoulder for Emily to cry on whenever she felt sad about her dad and I guess she was longing for that type of comfort for me and kept reaching out one day I relented and let her vent but I maintained a silent and formal demeanor on the matter after spending about an hour crying I offered Emily some water and then she asked me why I was being so cold how I know how much he needed a friend right now I calmly yet firmly told her that we were just kids then and that if she wants that level of emotional intimacy then she needs to go to my brother her husband because I stopped being her Comfort person a long time ago Emily cried even more left and has managed to send Liam my parents Emily's Mom and from mutual friends to call me up and tell me I'm heartless and sad for being so spiteful I can honestly say that I'm now over Emily but that doesn't mean I'm willing to be as close to her as I used to so am I the jerk in that situation knowing that they're only reaching out because they used to rely on you as a person to just hear them out and let them vent and you just treat them so coldly over something that they have no I assume preconception about I would say that makes OPI The Jerk now considering this is so far long gone I feel like most people would probably say that op should just have moved past it and accepted it by now but do you guys think that this might be something that op should honestly just be honest about their feelings about with everybody like should op sit their brother and Emily down and explain how they felt for all this time or is it just too much I'd like to know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from throw ra Birthday song five am I the jerk for telling my fiance that he embarrassed me when he started singing the Happy Birthday song to his five-year-old son at the restaurant I female 30 have been with my fiance Ned male 36 for a year and a half he has a five-year-old son with his ex-girlfriend they don't have a custody Arrangement but he has a most of the week because the mom is currently sick his son is lovely but I noticed that Ned takes him everywhere he goes including places that aren't child friendly and we have an issue with that now but we're working on it his son's fifth birthday was days ago Ned took us out to a restaurant to celebrate the place was nice and looked a bit unfitting for the occasion because it was a somewhat expensive place anyways we ordered food and then got the birthday cake which was a surprise to me because I thought we were going to celebrate at home so we could be free to sing and play however we wanted I still had no issue with that till Ned started singing the Happy Birthday song to his son I was stunned I almost dropped my plate he was singing it at the top of his lungs not even looking around or paying attention to how many people were staring at us awkwardly I felt so embarrassed I kept Whispering for him to stop but he ignored me of course my future stepson was hyped and a little too active which isn't good when we're at a public place I expected the staff the manager anyone to get involved and stop him but no one did in fact some woman came up to us and offered that she helped him take a video recording I wasn't in it at all I Frozen my seed looking stunned and a little angry he looked at me later asking what was wrong I didn't say anything except thanks for finally noticing he didn't understand what I meant and I didn't explain until we were in the car I flat out told him that he embarrassed me the second he started singing in the restaurant he looks shocked saying he didn't get why I would be embarrassed by him celebrating his son's birthday and cheering him up I told him we could have done this at home when we'd be more more comfortable and free he took it as in I was ashamed of him and his son but I denied it and said that it just felt awkward and embarrassing too maybe because I've never been in this situation and also judging from the restaurant we were at he said that his mom's sick and he's trying to do all he can to cheer him up and that all families do that and no one had an issue with that except me then when I tried to explain he got mad and said he no longer felt like talking we haven't been speaking since then it appears he's still salty about me saying what I said and insinuating that I see him and his son as an embarrassment am I the jerk I think he's being too harsh with the whole ignoring me thing instead of talking it out I think op is the jerk here I feel like they have some kind of social issue I mean I'm a heavy introvert myself so maybe it'd be a little uncomfortable for me but I don't think it's crazy for a dad to sing Happy Birthday to their five-year-old kid in a restaurant and even if it's a slightly fancier place I'm sure somebody looking around seeing a father singing it to their kid with a birthday cake they're not gonna be upset I think it'd have to be cold-hearted to not put things on pause for a minute and honestly kind of enjoy a father singing happy birthday to their own kid I think Opie was The Jerk by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos this next story is from Plenty limit 2874 am I the jerk for suggesting my stepdaughters overreacting over her milk my wife and I both 40 have a kid each from previous relationships mine is Connor 18 year old male and hers is Sasha's 16 year old female my son has a girlfriend Hannah 17 year old female and both her and Sasha are lactose intolerant Sasha spends half the month with us so we always have normal and lactose-free milk I'll admit Sasha's milk is quite expensive because she only likes a certain kind that she can also drink alone and not just with coffees or smoothies now the issue is Hannah spends almost three to four days here and my wife and I don't mind at all but Sasha's complained several times that Hannah drinks her milk as fuel during those days and barely leaves anything for her we go to the supermarket every two weeks Sasha can go to any nearby store and get more though not the one she likes and has asked us to either buy a gallon for her only and one for Hannah or tell her to go buy her own milk my wife decided to just buy Sasha a small fridge to keep in her room so she can store her milk and other things there which I find very disrespectful I mean it's just milk we could always buy more this has caused Hannah to ask if she can borrow a bit of milk every time she wants to drink a coffee with us and Sasha says yes most times but when she decides Hannah's had enough milk she says she's almost running out which is a lie a few days ago before Sasha was about to come back from her father my wife and I bought the groceries and I put the milk in the fridge then Sasha came and attempted to take it to her room and I said that she wasn't allowed to do it because it was for the whole house so she had to leave it there she didn't say anything and just went to her room and about five to six hours after that Sasha's Dad pulled over and bought her a gallon and told us that we didn't have to buy any more lactose-free milk for Sasha since he'll be taking care of it from now on but then my son's girlfriend wasn't allowed to have any so we had to provide for her if we wanted to my wife is mad she said we should have let Sasha have her own milk and bought another for when Hannah is here even if it's not as expensive but I think Sasha's being a brat am I the jerk if you're gonna have somebody over and you're gonna allow them to consume some stuff there that is expected for the people who actually live there and it's not enough then yeah you should supply enough that both people can have some what I'm struggling on is why wouldn't they just provide enough that Hannah and Sasha can have some that was the Crux of this situation I'm not gonna lie op kind of just sounds like a bad stepfather why not just supply enough for your step kid and your son's girlfriend to both have some and have it not be an issue the fact that they'd go and just buy a whole different fridge rather than just buying an extra gallon is just astounding buy an extra gallon or put your foot down with Hannah I think Ops definitely the jerk I don't want to go on too long but Opie literally wrote I mean it's just milk we can always buy more then why didn't they just buy more our next story is from unlikely strategy 596. am I the jerk for telling a stranger it's weird you chose to sit right next to me when there's so many other seats available on the public transit so I took the transit today and the streetcar was totally open and available it's really nice because there were about 30 different seats available and I was alone I was sitting on the window seat in some random stranger just came up to me and sat next to me I was thinking why is this guy sitting next to me there's like 30 available seats at the front and back and he sat next to me so I said to him why did you sit next to me there's so many other seats everywhere on the streetcar it's just a little strange he said well do you own this seat is this your seat I can sit wherever I want you're being unreasonable here I said correct I don't own this spot I just don't understand why you chose to sit right next to me when the entire street car is empty and you can sit anywhere you want on the street car he responded the same thing and I thought okay I don't want to conflict with a random stranger I don't even know I ended up getting up and moving because the situation was perplexing to me it's like an Unwritten rule that if there's an abundance of available seats you sit alone so am I the jerk in this situation as a person that cherishes their own personal space I think op's not the jerk here also if anybody jumps to conclusions op is male so it lowers the chances of one of those common preconceptions there this is kind of like the unwritten code about urinals if you walk into a men's restroom and let's say there's four urinals and somebody's at the first one you go down to number four it is an Unwritten code that you do not pull up to another person right next to the urinal if you can help it I would think same goes for public transport seating our next story is from throwaway scraps am I the jerk for feeding my dog table scraps from a dinner my boyfriend made for us I 24 year old female have been dating Jay 28 year old male for four months he's handsome smart funny well-educated has an awesome job and is a sweetheart Sunday he had a whole day planned for us we were going to walk a nature trail and then go back to his place for dinner he was making I was so excited because it was going to be the first time I'd be at his house since we were hiking he said I could bring my dog Shelby with us he made us a roast and some vegetables for dinner I finished my plate before Jay did and took it to the kitchen there was still about half the roast left and it was close to Shelby's dinner time so I took half of the half of roast and some still raw vegetables from the fridge to put on a plate for Shelby I was carrying the plate to the back door with Shelby to feed her outside and Jay asked me what I was doing I told him feeding Shelby Chase said something like well that's not dog food Jane knows I mainly feed Shelby a raw diet I opened the door to put the plate down for Shelby and Jay got up took the plate away from her went to the kitchen and came back with it wrapped up in tin foil and told me to leave his excuse was that he made dinner for me and him not me him and my dog and that I should have asked before I helped myself since he would have used his leftovers I did leave but not before telling him that he made that meal for us so I could do with some of it as I pleased and he knew darn well how I feed Shelby I tried talking to my friend about it later that night but she said Jay was right to be upset but this friends never really approved of how I treat my own dog so I feel like she was probably a bit biased and the wrong person to ask am I the jerk for just feeding my dog like I normally would considering he made the food and he never consented to giving any of it to the dog and you never asked I think Ops pretty clearly The Jerk I'm not judging the way Opie feeds their dogs it definitely isn't the way that I would feed my own dogs personally if I made food and there's a lot of leftovers I'm saving it and I'm having it for myself later I think it's honestly really inconsiderate of op to just go and section off food that their boyfriend made in their boyfriend's house without ever asking also a quarter of a roast I would not call that table scraps our next story is from ta homeless parents am I the jerk for not feeling sorry for my homeless parents and not offering my house for them to stay or help I'm a 30 year old female my parents had me at age 15. my whole childhood was heck they never put me up for adoption or anything like that because my grandparents would help and every time CPS was triggered they suddenly became the best parents in the whole world and blackmail me to lie but the reality is I lived alone most of the week and at eight years old I already knew how to make myself a meal and by myself while my parents were partying traveling drinking or fighting when I was 15 they fell in love again and had kids like rabbits fifteen-year-old male 13 year old female 12 year old female 11 year old male and nine-year-old male I left home when I was 18 years old it hurt in the bottom of my soul to have to leave my siblings but I couldn't stand it and I had no Financial condition at 24 I passed a public contest that pays me very well I scraped my butt off to study and work at 25 the CPS contacted me saying they'd taken away my parents custody of all of their children and asked if I was able to take care of at least one they were looking for relatives I said I would take care of everyone I know it's not my responsibility but a part of me I always wanted them to get out of that and only now I had a good job my house isn't very big four bedroom two bathroom but my husband and I he also wanted to were able to accommodate everyone and we're not so tight financially they're good students polite and affectionate I don't regret having welcomed each one and my husband treats everyone as if he were a big brother or a father younger my parents tried to get them back as my grandparents cut off the help after they lost custody but they couldn't and custody became permanent for me we haven't had contact with them for two years my father's sister called me these days saying that she was shocked seeing my parents as a homeless person asking for money on this Street the family's moving to see if someone can shelter them and they decided to come and ask me if I could shelter them or help financially since I had a good job I replied nah I pass for them no and I'd rather give this money to their children I raise my father's whole family started to fill me with messages saying that I'm turning my back on two people who slept on the streets how cold-hearted I am to do this and I don't even want to help when I can I blocked everyone my husband said that he's on my side but that I should give a symbolic amount so as to not have a weight on my conscience am I the jerk absolutely not the jerk these parents never truly cared for Opie and gave them a tumultuous and awful childhood where they had to learn to fend by themselves from a very young age and then went into the same thing to five other kids and then dumped them all on op op doesn't owe them anything and I agree with OP that that money that they would give would be better served going to the five kids that have legitimate Futures all these other family members sure are complaining an awful lot despite not doing anything and not taking them in themselves our next story is from throwaway 663-0685 am I the jerk for telling my husband if he wants to give money to my stepdaughter the same amount should be given to my daughter as well me 46 and my husband David 51 have been married for five years I have a daughter Amy 21 and David has a daughter Aaron 21. they're only a few months apart both started college a few years ago Amy got a scholarship for her school which combined with the funds me and my ex had for her pretty much covered everything Aaron moved out of state to Massachusetts and her school doesn't offer scholarships David had a college fund for her and the rest she'll cover herself what's going on now is David said we have a fair amount of savings and he wants to give some of that to Aaron for her student loan that's not exactly fair to Amy he said that hers are paid off but I replied that he should give the same amount to Amy for rent or something even if she doesn't have college fees this is just the tip of the iceberg Aaron plays violin with the local Orchestra she had her first small show about a month ago we went all the way to Massachusetts because David wanted to see her perform he was also the one who bought her the violin as a gift when she got into college but no gift for Amy we argued over this and David said that it's difficult for Aaron alone I replied then she should have stayed here instead of running off to a different state and picking up things like a violin to show that she's better than everyone he got really mad at me for saying that I'm just trying to be fair but am I the jerk so I don't necessarily think op's the jerk for the money thing but I think op is a big jerk for saying that oh she shouldn't have run off to Massachusetts and picked up a violin honestly what the heck is that at why does OP feel the need to have to attack these Life Choices that David's daughter made why is it bad that David wants to go to Massachusetts to see their daughter perform for the very first time that's a bad thing the first half is one thing but Opie's definitely the jerk here for the second half where they show like some kind of weird biased hatred for their stepdaughter well she shouldn't have picked up that violin to show she's better than everybody our next story is from pluto902 am I the jerk for giving my friend a necklace that my husband gave me and refusing to ask for it back my friend didn't have a necklace to go with her dress So I offered her one of mine she kept telling me how much she loved the necklace so I told her to keep it as I never wear it anyway I gave her the necklace four months ago but she recently wore it to another party and my sister-in-law mentioned how I had a necklace that looked exactly like that my friend told her that I'd given it to her and my sister-in-law made a comment about how that was nice of me I thought that was the end of it but she told all of my in-laws and my husband now my husband's demanding I get the necklace back and everybody's angry at me and I don't understand what the big deal is I've told him I can't ask for the necklace back since my friend clearly loves it so much but he said I have a week to get it back or he would get it back himself and that he would think twice before giving me anything from now on am I the jerk it seems like the majority sentiment on this post is that op was the jerk but I don't necessarily think that op was the jerk I mean there's definitely some questions you'd have to have to understand to really know for sure stuff like how expensive was it what was the situation in which he gave it to her like was this a thousand dollar necklace was this a 50 necklace was it an anniversary gift or was it just a I was thinking of you kind of gift there's definitely some important context here but just Baseline I don't think it necessarily makes op be the jerk let's say the situation was just uh they got it out of the blue for op nothing special would you be a jerk for re-gifting that later down the road if you didn't wear it that much let me know in the comments our next story is from throw Waddy am I the jerk for ignoring my daughter for a week I have a daughter 11 with my ex-girlfriend we broke up before she was born and I know that it was my fault because I was an awful boyfriend and I cheated on her and other things but I've changed she didn't tell me about my child until a while ago when I accidentally found out about her and suspected she might be mine and got a DNA test to confirm I've been trying to be involved in her life but my ex makes it very hard for me I know she's still mad at me for the things I did when we were together but she's poisoning my daughter's mind and turning her against me the other day she asked me why I cheated on her mom who says that to their child now every time she's with me she misbehaves I've been showering her with gifts and attention and but she's always like I wish you weren't my dad even though I've been nothing but nice to her so a week ago I finally snapped and told her I won't be her dad then I still prepared food for her and took her to school and made sure she has everything she needs but I didn't give her gifts didn't play with her or talk to her for a week my parents say I'm a jerk but I think it was good for her I'm gonna say op is the jerk I don't necessarily think that it was the right way to go about it I think although it really hurts Opie should find comfort in just knowing that they're trying to be the best dad they possibly can even if the kid isn't necessarily returning any of the love that you're trying to put towards them I think you should just try your best to continue to be loving and supportive and I don't think you necessarily have to shower them with gifts but try to take them to experiences they love tell them nice things tell them you care do what you can to take care of them also I think it's fair for the kid to understand why their parents aren't together I would just say if you want to be the best ad possible from this point forward don't ignore or abandon your kid and just continue to just put your best foot forward even if they're not necessarily returning it our next story is from aita throwaways am I the jerk for asking a bakery if the pastries they were selling were made that day I went to a bakery when they opened 7am asking about pastries she told me that the ones I wanted were not ready yet a little background this Bakery always has items in their display case even at opening and closing but makes fresh ones as needed so there's always stuff in the display case and it's pretty much impossible to tell when they were made two hours later I finished my errands and stopped back on my way the pastries in the display case now showed what I wanted remember that there were also pastries in the display case at 7am I just didn't get a good look at them I've been sold stale items at this Bakery before and so have Google reviewers so I asked the owner if they were made that day just to make sure they weren't mixed up with whatever was previously in the display case when they opened she was extremely offended and went off on a huge rant going off on me which included these points you came here earlier and asked there was nothing there now you're asking if these are made today if I had these I would have sold them to you last time don't keep asking if these are fresh it was a much longer rant but that was the gist of it well I told her that there were items in the display case when I went earlier I.E not nothing there like she claimed as the shelves always have something in them and that's why I was asking I ended up buying what I wanted anyway but she was extremely rude and clearly didn't want to sell to me at all or expected me to walk out or something from my point of view it's an innocent question to ensure the pastries I was buying were not day old because again this has happened to me and many others at this Bakery before but I also might be a jerk that questions us small businesses practices and its offerings and disrespect to the owner with an offensive question am I the jerk it seems like everybody in the comments are piling on op and like yeah they should have gotten the memo that it wasn't there when they walked in and then later they are there so clearly they were made that day but I don't think asking the question necessarily makes op the jerk op wasn't like pointing fingers or accusing them of anything honestly if anything I feel like the owner was a little too reactive people in the comments are like oh he's going to this place multiple times and badgering the staff is really like going to this place two times in one day both times asking hey are these things fresh badgering the staff is it really stressful to say yes they're fresh yes they were made today is that too much and our final story of the day is from PLU 2120 am I the jerk for making my daughter sleep at my sister's house after she made fun of her brother and his friends my husband 38 year old male and I have two kids four 14 year old male and 14 year old female our 14 year old son is autistic and gay very feminine boy up until a few months ago all of his friends were girls a few months ago he started hanging out with a group of athletic boys which me and my husband found odd at first about a month into this he told us that one of the guys was his boyfriend the boys who he was hanging out with are extremely close to his boyfriend he said his boyfriend's friends are very sweet to him ask him questions about jewelry and makeup and were amazing in the past few months they've been coming to our house with their friend and they definitely are very sweet they share some common interests like anatomy and physiology the boys like it because of sports and my son's just a science nerd my son also loves collecting stuffed animals we see nothing wrong with this one of my son's new friends collect plushes of baseball football Etc players the boys recently came over for a sleepover the one boy brought out over his baseball and football player plushes and him and the other boys started playing with them as well as my son's stuffed animals I had them leave the door open son's still with his boyfriend after all and when my daughter walked by his room she started to make fun of him and his friends and so it was embarrassing that her twin brother played with stuffed animals as a freshman in high school the boys ignored her but then she started making sounds imitating a baby and a toddler when I heard those sounds I went upstairs to see what was going on as she was being pretty loud I saw she was mocking the boys I immediately made her go to her room and apologized to the boys for her behavior I planned on talking to her after I made dinner as I was cooking dinner I get a text from my brother saying that his son my nephew saw my daughter was recording the boys and making fun of them on her Instagram story after that happened I was worried for the safety of the boys I didn't want her to hurt their feelings anymore or they weren't doing anything wrong I called up my sister and told her I needed her to take my daughter for the night my daughter knows her aunt well and has a good relationship with her my sister's a teacher so I thought she could give my daughter a good perspective on bullying I went in her room to tell her her aunt was picking her up and she started screaming at me she eventually agreed to go after I threatened to shut off her phone the next day I get a call from my mom asking why I abandoned my daughter and how it's natural for her to be embarrassed by her brother playing with plushies at that age she also said it could be traumatizing for her to sleep there instead of with me my sister keeps reassuring me I did the right thing am I the jerk I think op wholeheartedly did the right thing here I think op's not the jerk and they were just looking out for a bunch of kids who did not deserve to be bullied for just trying to have fun frankly the daughter's Behavior was just straight up awful but with that being said that's all it time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy am I the jerk your story click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
a little boy goes to his dad and asks what is politics dad says well son let me try to explain it this way I'm the bread winner of the family so let's call me capitalism your mom she's the administrator of the money so we'll call her the government we're here to take care of your needs so we'll call you the people The Nanny will consider her the working class and your baby brother will call him the future now think about that and see if that makes sense so the little boy goes off to bed thinking about what Dad has said later that night he hears his baby brother crying so he gets up to check on him he finds that the baby has severely soiled his diaper so the little boy goes to his parents' room and finds his mother sound asleep not wanting to wake her he goes to the nanny's room finding the door locked he peaks in the keyhole and sees his father in bed with the nanny he gives up and goes back to bed the next morning the little boy says to his father Dad I think I understand the concept of politics now the father says good son tell me in your own words what you think politics is all about the little boy replies well while capitalism is screwing the working class the government is sound asleep the people are being ignored and the future is in deep
give me a good story on boyandpoliticsorig
a it ta for telling my sister her husband stink throw away because this is just embarrassing I'll get straight to the point my bill does not like showering my sister has casually mentioned in the past how he showers once every four to 5 days because he doesn't really get dirty he is extremely strong Bo and I don't think I've ever been in a place with him where he did not stink even fresh out a shower you can still smell very strong hints of sweat and other types of smells when you're standing near him people have brought this up with her in the past and every single time she just shuts them down and says that they're looking for excuses to hide that they do not like him one of our mutual friends is getting married in 3 weeks and it's about 9 hours away from where my sister's family and I currently live we do not live together but we're about 15 minutes away from one another my sisters informs me a few days ago that she will be riding with me to the wedding because their car is having some engine issue none of this was discussed she just informed me like she was relaying a message I cannot explain to any of you how much I shiver at the slight thought of being in the same car with her husband for nine whole hours he does not like sitting in the back and will most likely ride shotgun to avoid this I offered to lend my boyfriend's car to my sister as he is out of state for the next few months and will not be using his car she repeatedly said no no matter how many times I insisted so I decided that the best choice for me is to just book a flight to the location and rent a car from the airport when I land I have some points I can use to get a discount so it all works out I tell my sister that I'll be taking a flight instead of driving and I told her that she can feel free to use either my car or my boyfriend's car if she'd like to drive there at this point I haven't booked my flight yet because I wanted to inform her before I went ahead she fully blew up on me and demands that I cancel my flight because she thinks already booked it and says that we will be going forward with her plan instead continuous arguments led to the truth where she lets it slip that their car is fine they just didn't feel like driving or wasting money on gas and tolls and were just looking forward to a relaxing drive across the country I was tired of beating around the bush so I just told her the truth in a very polite way because at the end of the day she is my sister and the person I'm talking about is her husband so there's no point in being harsh she gets Beyond upset and just blasts me with at least 50 texts about how I'm an a-hole I feel bad about this but I'm truly conflict edit I forgot to mention she is also texting the bride and informing her that she won't be attending the wedding because of the Bride is now stressed out and keeps contacting my sister for more information but my sister is just icing both the bride and myself out
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysisterherhusbandstinks
I refused to give my wedding dress to my daughter I found it ripped apart by my daughter's dogs I spoke to my daughter and I told her about my love for my dress and the memories it brought me my mother passed away not long after my wedding in 2008 she had hidden her illness from me and my siblings because she didn't want to ruin my big day I thought I could get through to her I suggested that we could meet up with the seamstress and make a similar dress and I could help with the embroidery since it's what takes time and patience she agreed Friday when I was out my daughter went home to me she has two dogs and they were with her anyway the dress was ruined according to her she didn't see anything she took out the dress to take pictures and she guessed she left it out and the dogs ripped it apart I was when I saw my dress in my bedroom ripped into pieces I started sobbing but my daughter said that I was exaggerating like it was her fault when it wasn't she just Shrugged me off and said to get help because I'm being creepy my husband asked her to leave next day she blew up my phone crying and saying that she was sorry because she thought that I hated her now because of a dress I said that I didn't hate her and would never do that I love her later my sister called me to talk and she then asked me that now I might as well give the parts that weren't ruined to my daughter so the dress could at least be useful I agreed and my daughter came in the evening to pick up the embroidered Parts she stayed in the car while her fiance came to pick up the dress I am not angry or anything just feeling terrible sadness
give me a good story on Irefusedtogivemyweddingdresstomydaughterorig
AIT ta for not taking my ex's kids to Disney I 40m have two biological kids 10m 19f with my ex-wife 50F she has four other children 24m 8m 6m and 3M her oldest my former stepson 24m was five when I came into his life I was an active figure even and continued to care for him after she and I split we had shared custody of our shared children and I took my stepson whenever I had my bio kids I consider him my own the other three boys have different father I planned a dis trip for my youngest birthday I'd be taking and paying for my stepson and two biological children the total cost including travel accommodations and food will be at least 12K this is something I've saved up for for months my ex is thrilled but is insisting that I'd be creating jealously among my son and his half siblings she wants me to take all three of my son's Brothers even her three-year-old across the country on my dime she said that she wants to go as well but wouldn't mind staying home I told her that she was crazy and I would not be taking her kids I would be the only real adult there aside from my 19-year-old daughter and 24-year-old son I'm not going to ask them to spend their vacation babysitting our son had a birthday party prior to planning this trip and his three half brothers were all invited and present I paid for everything and even kept them all for a weekend because my ex claimed she had to work extra shifts turns out she was actually out drinking I pay child support for our son I make sure that he is fed and clothed on top of doing my duty as a father I have also paid for her other children's meals because I can't just send her money for my son to eat and let them go hungry I've paid for their Christmas presents so that they don't feel left out if those boys need something it comes out of my pocket every other week or so I'm buying diapers for another man's child their dead beat dads contribute nothing I don't want to make these other kids feel less than or like they aren't being included but the simple fact is that they're not mine and I don't have the money to take them to Florida for a week I have no issue taking them out for an occasional dinner or movie when I do something special with my son if my ex were willing to pay I'd take the six and 10-year-old AIT for this I know that it's generally expected to include every child but something so expensive makes it damn near impossible
give me a good story on AITAHfornottakingmyexeskidstoDisneyorig
:00.110 --> :03.939 Posted by u/OwnMusic9387 :03.939 --> :07.779 5 hours ago :07.779 --> :12.110 AITA for telling my sister I don't care what her dad wants? :12.110 --> :16.821 POO Mode Activated 💩 I (25F) have a sister (15F) who is my mom's :16.821 --> :18.529 daughter with her second husband. :18.529 --> :23.060 My mom married my sister's dad when I was 8, just a few months after my dad died. :23.060 --> :26.359 My parents marriage was over pretty much when he died. :26.359 --> :31.160 I'm almost positive she was with my sister's dad before my dad died and before the marriage :31.160 --> :32.710 was basically over. :32.710 --> :36.010 But their marriage was crapy so maybe it doesn't matter. :36.010 --> :38.670 Not sure dad would have even cared at the point when he died. :38.670 --> :40.050 They were not good together. :40.050 --> :43.830 My mom's husband/sister's dad is my stepdad. :43.830 --> :45.590 But really he's my mom's husband. :45.590 --> :47.020 I'm not close to him. :47.020 --> :48.739 I don't have much to say about him. :48.739 --> :52.989 I think he can be a jerk but he's good to my mom and good to my sister and brother (12M). :52.989 --> :57.210 He would have adopted me and been good to me but he's not someone I would have wanted :57.210 --> :00.930 to be adopted by, if I wanted to be adopted. :00.930 --> :05.790 It's a lot about him as a person and his views and stuff he says about people and somewhat :05.790 --> :11.799 about him not being so great about my dad after he and mom got married but I digress. :11.799 --> :15.270 My sister knows I don't really have much of a relationship with her dad. :15.270 --> :20.590 I do the bare minimum and if mom died tomorrow or they divorced tomorrow, I wouldn't remain :20.590 --> :21.799 in touch with him. :21.799 --> :22.799 He knows it. :22.799 --> :23.799 Mom knows it. :23.799 --> :25.329 My siblings at least pick up on it. :25.329 --> :30.360 I gave my son a name that honors not just my dad but my aunts and uncles and grandparents :30.360 --> :31.360 too. :31.360 --> :34.950 It's a name that connects to the family as a whole but gives him his own identity and :34.950 --> :38.700 is also a name we (my husband and myself) love. :38.700 --> :42.810 After my son was born my sister made some comments that I should have honored her dad :42.810 --> :44.430 in his name somehow. :44.430 --> :48.329 I told her that wasn't something we wanted to do but she could always do so in the future :48.329 --> :49.700 if she wanted. :49.700 --> :51.439 She did not let it drop. :51.439 --> :54.650 She mentioned it every time I saw her for the next month. :54.650 --> :59.740 When I did not give in and add a different middle name or change his name completely, :59.740 --> :04.479 she told me her dad was upset that we honored my dad and his side of the family but didn't :04.479 --> :06.030 honor him at all. :06.030 --> :08.429 I told her again she could always do it. :08.429 --> :12.460 I told my mom and her husband they needed to speak to my sister and tell her to stop :12.460 --> :17.560 mentioning it and I told him to stop letting my sister know he hates not being honored. :17.560 --> :22.490 They didn't listen and just before Christmas my sister came over to tell me yet again that :22.490 --> :27.930 her dad wanted to be honored in my son's name and hates that he wasn't and that he feels :27.930 --> :28.930 hurt. :28.930 --> :31.030 I told her I don't care what her dad wants. :31.030 --> :36.319 He's not my dad and I honored my dad and my paternal family and that's my right when my :36.319 --> :39.230 son is mine and my husband's child. :39.230 --> :44.280 I told her to honor her own dad when she has kids if she wants. :44.280 --> :48.240 She got really upset and told me I should care about what her dad wants because he has :48.240 --> :57.050 been my dad too since I was 8 and I shouldn't dismiss him so easily. :57.050 --> :01.630 AITA? :01.630 --> :15.379 Posted by u/StoryPlayful1056 :15.379 --> :29.129 9 hours ago :29.129 --> :38.239 AITA for telling my father's daught's foster parents they can't force me and my siblings :38.239 --> :39.239 to play pretend? :39.239 --> :42.280 POO Mode Activated 💩 My father's daughter (4) went into foster :42.280 --> :47.290 care in July/August after my father and her mother (my aunt) died. :47.290 --> :55.950 I (18M) along with my siblings (20F, 22M and 23F) did not have a relationship with either :55.950 --> :01.120 of them after we learned they started an affair while our mom was undergoing cancer treatment. :01.120 --> :04.980 She discovered the betrayal halfway through her treatment and she filed for divorce while :04.980 --> :06.939 she was going through so much. :06.939 --> :12.120 She also disowned her sister and told her she never wanted to see or hear from her again. :12.120 --> :16.060 None of us met their daughter but when our father and aunt passed away this past summer :16.060 --> :18.030 we were contacted twice. :18.030 --> :21.720 Once to inform us of the death that happened in another state and a second time to hear :21.720 --> :26.930 their child was in foster care and questioning if any of the family would take her. :26.930 --> :28.440 We all said no. :28.440 --> :32.460 None of us wanted to establish contact or a relationship with her. :32.460 --> :37.580 Early December my oldest sister and I both got messages on FB from someone claiming to :37.580 --> :39.780 be fostering our father's daughter. :39.780 --> :44.180 She said she and her husband wanted to try and facilitate contact between her and her :44.180 --> :49.510 biological relatives but that they also wanted her to hear stories about her parents. :49.510 --> :52.639 My sister responded and I ignored the message. :52.639 --> :58.050 All she said was thanks for thinking of us but we weren't interested and we had no contact :58.050 --> :03.669 with our father or aunt prior to death due to a difficult family situation and she would :03.669 --> :07.009 appreciate if they could respect that and leave us alone. :07.009 --> :10.160 She was polite in her rejection but was also clear. :10.160 --> :12.979 She got three more messages until she blocked them. :12.979 --> :14.280 Then I got two. :14.280 --> :18.660 Our other two siblings don't have social media so were harder to reach but the last one I :18.660 --> :23.720 got basically said we were all monsters and we could at the very least look beyond a difficult :23.720 --> :28.750 family dynamic and give their child some nice stories and memories and feelings about the :28.750 --> :30.990 parents she won't remember. :30.990 --> :33.500 That she's innocent and deserves that connection. :33.500 --> :38.120 I was tired of pushy nature of the messages at that point and I responded that they can't :38.120 --> :43.030 force me and my siblings to play pretend and act like we have a good thing to say about :43.030 --> :47.440 either parent and would they really want her to grow up hearing how much her parents are :47.440 --> :48.920 despised. :48.920 --> :53.150 She responded back that I did not have to be so rude and did not have to take this out :53.150 --> :54.150 on her. :54.150 --> :57.650 She said they were trying to look out for their foster daughter like they do for all :57.650 --> :01.919 their foster kids. :01.919 --> :05.310 AITA? :05.310 --> :12.789 Posted by u/copystring :12.789 --> :24.470 6 hours ago :24.470 --> :30.180 AITA my wife didn't come to my dad's funeral? :30.180 --> :32.550 POO Mode Activated 💩 So my dad died. :32.550 --> :37.360 I asked my wife if she'd come to the funeral, but wasn't surprised she didn't come because :37.360 --> :40.460 she didn't know him too much and she said, she had to work. :40.460 --> :41.710 This was fine with me. :41.710 --> :42.910 I went there with my daughter. :42.910 --> :46.110 While we were still at the funeral, my wife finished work. :46.110 --> :48.310 She texted me if I'm still at the funeral. :48.310 --> :49.620 I said yes. :49.620 --> :54.020 She then texted me "nice that you asked me if I would come after work". :54.020 --> :55.630 She obviously meant the funeral. :55.630 --> :00.740 I came home and she is angry with me, I didn't ask her if she'd want to come after work. :00.740 --> :05.550 I said so her, she could have decided herself if she'd want to come after work. :05.550 --> :11.000 On another funeral she also decided she would come and I didn't ask her for that one. :11.000 --> :15.470 So am I the jerk? :15.470 --> :25.910 Posted by u/Any-Might7823 :25.910 --> :32.930 12 hours ago :32.930 --> :51.180 AITA for :51.180 --> :55.150 the meltdown I had on Christmas day which caused my dad's wife to cry? :55.150 --> :58.090 POO Mode Activated 💩 The background starts with my mom dying. :58.090 --> :03.629 I (17F) was 11 and my sister's were 16 and 18. :03.629 --> :07.660 Our dad met his second wife a couple of years later (when I was 13). :07.660 --> :12.580 The expectations for my relationship with her and my sister's were very different. :12.580 --> :17.150 My sister's were expected to be civil but if they weren't close it was no big deal. :17.150 --> :22.310 But almost everyone (minus my sisters and minus my mom's family) expected me to see :22.310 --> :27.620 my dad's wife as some second mother or maternal/parental figure. :27.620 --> :29.630 They got married when I was 14. :29.630 --> :34.580 My dad's wife wanted me to divide Mother's Day between my sisters and maternal side with :34.580 --> :35.580 her. :35.580 --> :37.840 My sisters were not expected to do the same. :37.840 --> :41.110 But she would say she wanted to celebrate the day with her kid. :41.110 --> :43.419 She signed us up for mother/daughter things. :43.419 --> :46.990 She would get hurt when I didn't want to go and would never ask my sister's. :46.990 --> :51.660 I asked her before why she expected me to do these things with her but she never invited :51.660 --> :53.070 my sisters. :53.070 --> :57.460 She said she was raising me and wanted to be a mother presence in my life but they were :57.460 --> :58.460 grown. :58.460 --> :03.570 I told her (and my dad on separate occasions) that I didn't want or need and wouldn't accept :03.570 --> :06.160 someone else into that kind of figure. :06.160 --> :07.310 I was ignored. :07.310 --> :11.550 I had a small run in with my sisters when dad was getting married because I said he :11.550 --> :16.310 shouldn't and they said he should be allowed to move on and mom would want him happy. :16.310 --> :20.380 When I explained what was going on they realized why I was feeling that way. :20.380 --> :23.029 They tried talking to dad but it did no good. :23.029 --> :26.800 My dad's side of the family would all make comments that I was lucky to have another :26.800 --> :32.339 mother figure, or how I don't seem to give her the care and consideration she deserves. :32.339 --> :36.660 They would ask why I seemed to spend no time with her of my own free will. :36.660 --> :39.360 Or why I was never loving toward her. :39.360 --> :43.450 My dad told me I should show her more love and affection and he told me I made her feel :43.450 --> :48.110 left out when I didn't tell her stuff or when I made plans with others but not her. :48.110 --> :51.700 I know some people would love to have someone like this in their lives. :51.700 --> :55.000 But I want the same relationship my sisters have with her. :55.000 --> :56.970 But more is expected. :56.970 --> :02.120 So Christmas Day came and everyone was at our house for Christmas (minus my mom's family). :02.120 --> :07.839 My dad and his wife gave me a card "from my parents" and my sisters got them with "dad :07.839 --> :09.410 and his wife". :09.410 --> :13.899 Then when it became time for family photos we got one with the three of us and dad but :13.899 --> :18.860 then my grandparents wanted me in the family one with my dad and his wife but my sisters :18.860 --> :20.500 weren't expected to be in it. :20.500 --> :25.970 I tried to step out and my dad's wife said it wasn't a family photo without their kid. :25.970 --> :31.400 This was the point where I lost it and I told her I am not her kid, she is not my mother :31.400 --> :36.920 figure, that she is dad's wife just like she is to my sisters and I want it to be that :36.920 --> :37.920 way. :37.920 --> :42.120 I said I do not love her and hate how they all treat her like she suddenly became a parent :42.120 --> :43.120 to me. :43.120 --> :48.110 My sisters were on my side but my dad was furious and his wife cried and cried harder :48.110 --> :52.420 as I continued. :52.420 --> :56.200 AITA? :56.200 --> :07.560 Posted by u/clanton :07.560 --> :18.910 1 day ago :18.910 --> :25.390 AITA for not repaying my friend $18 for a pizza? :25.390 --> :28.380 POO Mode Activated 💩 So yesterday I got a text from my friend, :28.380 --> :29.620 let's call him john. :29.620 --> :33.130 He was like 'hey, can you send me $18 for the pizza' :33.130 --> :36.780 To which I responded 'when did we order pizza?'. :36.780 --> :40.160 John responds with 'The pizzas I cooked at boardgames night' :40.160 --> :41.970 Now to preface this 1. :41.970 --> :47.930 He offered to make pizza and host boardgames, which he decided to do on his own accord and :47.930 --> :48.930 2. :48.930 --> :54.300 Did not ask anyone for money for doing so beforehand or say it would cost $$. :54.300 --> :59.160 So with a bit of conversation back at forth (since I've never had anyone ask me for money :59.160 --> :03.779 for a home cooked meal)... he said he was asking for money since I asked him for money :03.779 --> :05.510 for fish and chips. :05.510 --> :10.160 Now the fish and chips were not home cooked and it has ALWAYS been the case that we pay :10.160 --> :14.630 for ourselves at a restaurant or fast food/take out. :14.630 --> :17.769 And I would expect to give him money if it was the other way round. :17.769 --> :22.980 I mentioned this to him and he said he sees it differently quote "a meal for a meal". :22.980 --> :27.589 I then asked if he has requested $18 off any of our other friends. :27.589 --> :28.830 Which he said no. :28.830 --> :34.120 So I said 'this is unfair and he's changing how we usually handle these sort of situations :34.120 --> :37.310 and specifically targeting me for some reason... :37.310 --> :42.089 And he said it was because the other friends will bring drinks and smokes etc and share :42.089 --> :44.360 it with him, which I do not. :44.360 --> :49.510 To which I responded, 'well I don't drink or smoke' and also I've NEVER charged you :49.510 --> :51.370 for a home cooked meal.' :51.370 --> :55.810 Then some angry messages were sent my way and we have not spoken. :55.810 --> :58.980 I can send him $18, it's not about the money... :58.980 --> :03.740 It's just how he has handled the situation, is singling me out, and especially charging :03.740 --> :08.860 me after the fact (which has never happened before and is not normal behavior). :08.860 --> :49.899 AITA for not giving my friend $18 for :49.899 --> :52.240 a home cooked pizza? :52.240 --> :56.170 Posted by u/AUTLIVE :56.170 --> :00.100 18 hours ago :00.100 --> :07.670 AITA for stealing back a hat from nephew he stole from my wife? :07.670 --> :08.670 POO Mode Activated 💩 Cliffs Notes: :08.670 --> :10.890 Had birthday party for wife at friends house. :10.890 --> :14.070 She got a gag gift birthday baseball cap. :14.070 --> :19.190 Lots of people attended 20+ friends/family Went to pack up to leave house few days later, :19.190 --> :20.690 couldn’t find hat. :20.690 --> :25.519 Week or more go by and we visit nephew’s (12-13y/o) home to see his parents. :25.519 --> :28.640 Wife sees specified ballcap on his dresser and tells me. :28.640 --> :33.480 We don’t tell anyone and go back next day and I steal it back without anyone knowing. :33.480 --> :35.720 Except the nephew knows I took it back. :35.720 --> :37.790 No he didn’t say a word to me though. :37.790 --> :41.320 He knows it’s gone though bc he mumbled to himself where’s my hat? :41.320 --> :44.890 And was pacing trying to not be obvious he was looking for it. :44.890 --> :47.160 Acting all nice and weirdly to us. :47.160 --> :52.240 I heard him in his room moving stuff as well mumbling something about “my hat”. :52.240 --> :58.410 AITA for letting him sweat or should I tell his parents even though, well you know “my :58.410 --> :02.579 kid wouldn’t yadayadayada” or he’ll deny it and nothing happens. :02.579 --> :06.380 Or he’ll admit it and nothing happens and it’s getting worse and worse. :06.380 --> :07.660 Should I tell parents at all? :07.660 --> :11.100 I’m just in the camp of dang this os a crapy situation. :11.100 --> :15.580 And one day the police are gonna be the ones telling Dad that his sons in juvenile. :15.580 --> :19.720 Not myself telling him he stole. :19.720 --> :22.579 Peace! :22.579 --> :31.149 Posted by u/Crazy-Procedure-2912 :31.149 --> :39.730 1 day ago :39.730 --> :45.620 AITAH for telling my sister’s fiancé that she can’t have kids :45.620 --> :49.829 POO Mode Activated 💩 I(18f) have a 34 year old sister. :49.829 --> :54.610 My sister has one son from a previous marriage but after giving birth the hospital found :54.610 --> :56.529 a tumor in her chest. :56.529 --> :00.279 She had gotten it removed but she lost a lung in the process. :00.279 --> :05.089 Now onto the problem, after a messy divorce, my sister found a man that’s much younger :05.089 --> :06.139 than she is. :06.139 --> :10.579 He’s young so he wants to have a lot of children plus he comes from a culture where :10.579 --> :13.250 children are a major factor in marriage. :13.250 --> :15.380 He said he wants at least 3 kids. :15.380 --> :19.200 At first I thought after a while of dating my sister would tell her partner that she :19.200 --> :21.940 can’t give birth without major risked. :21.940 --> :24.010 She could literally die. :24.010 --> :26.389 She never did, now they are planning the wedding. :26.389 --> :30.019 When me and my other siblings confronted her she said that she’s willing to take the :30.019 --> :32.580 risk and that she wants more kids. :32.580 --> :38.060 I don’t agree with this because if she dies she leaves behind her already living son. :38.060 --> :43.699 So when my family was having dinner this Christmas I decided to bring up my sister’s surgery :43.699 --> :45.440 and the risk of getting pregnant. :45.440 --> :49.170 She left soon after cursing me out and yelling that I’m a lier. :49.170 --> :54.029 Her fiancé yelled at me, saying that surgery isn’t something I should lie about and how :54.029 --> :58.209 an immature teen doesn’t understand what the risk of pregnancy. :58.209 --> :02.389 My siblings agree with me mentioning it but my parents think that I should’ve never :02.389 --> :03.470 said anything. :03.470 --> :04.470 AITAH?? :04.470 --> :05.470 Edit:Hi. :05.470 --> :09.610 I’m getting a lot of questions about certain information I forgot to share. :09.610 --> :13.970 my family all know that he doesn’t know, my sister asked us to help her hide it and :13.970 --> :20.290 told us.We know there is a high chance she probably die from giving birth, a doctor explained :20.290 --> :24.939 it and told us the risk after her surgery and advised my sister to find alternative :24.939 --> :25.939 ways. :25.939 --> :29.970 My sister and her fiancé have been together for almost four years now. :29.970 --> :35.110 My sister does have other underlying things like diabetes as well as a problem with her :35.110 --> :39.160 heart(I don’t know the name of the problem but I know she has it) which is why she almost :39.160 --> :40.870 dies during her surgery. :40.870 --> :44.059 She had also almost dies giving birth to my nephew. :44.059 --> :48.870 I had never told her she can’t have kids, I am sorry the title is wrong I had thought :48.870 --> :52.750 Cant and shouldn’t mean the same thing in English. :52.750 --> :56.710 Me and my family have told her that she should tell him but she is pushing it off. :56.710 --> :01.190 I don’t want to ruin their relationship but she should tell him because of the risk. :01.190 --> :05.620 I know she only wants a family because he wants a family she had explained that to us :05.620 --> :07.280 when we asked her to tell him. :07.280 --> :10.520 My sister is amazing she just didn’t tell him. :10.520 --> :12.630 I worry about her dying from birth. :12.630 --> :13.630 Posted by u/Miserable-Day-8244 :13.630 --> :14.630 2 days ago :14.630 --> :16.799 AITA for kicking my daughter out of my house for being pregnant :16.799 --> :19.120 POO Mode Activated 💩 I45f have a 27 year old daughter. :19.120 --> :21.200 She has 6 kids, between the ages 10-11 months. :21.200 --> :26.840 There are 3 different fathers, she receives child support from 2 of them, and she is still :26.840 --> :28.440 with the 3rd one and they have been for 5 years. :28.440 --> :32.400 My daughter works part time, and her fiancé is a chef full time. :32.400 --> :14.480 They have lived with us for the past year and a half, due to getting evicted from their :14.480 --> :15.560 last home. :15.560 --> :20.299 The kids and them have our upstairs bedrooms (there’s 2) but that’s still crowded for :20.299 --> :21.450 6 children. :21.450 --> :25.820 They are constantly asking me for help with phone bills, My husband and I have asked for :25.820 --> :30.120 no rent so they’d be able to save money to get a home, which I do not believe they :30.120 --> :31.120 were doing. :31.120 --> :35.450 I have put up with loud voices through out all hours, and waking up at different hours :35.450 --> :38.700 to cater to children, because I love my grandchildren. :38.700 --> :43.270 I never complained to my daughter because I believe family is very important. :43.270 --> :48.520 It’s just that my children are all grown up, my youngest moved out 4 years ago and :48.520 --> :50.900 my husband and I had hopes to remodel. :50.900 --> :53.510 We didn’t expect them to be living here this long. :53.510 --> :57.710 On Christmas Eve, my daughter gathered us all around and announced they were pregnant :57.710 --> :00.090 with baby #7. :00.090 --> :02.700 Everyone was all excited, but I felt dread. :02.700 --> :06.080 That would mean another child in our house with not much room. :06.080 --> :10.870 I looked over at my husband and could tell he felt the same, we discussed later and decided :10.870 --> :13.740 we were going to have to ask them to move out. :13.740 --> :17.850 Last night at dinner I brought it up to my daughter and her boyfriend and we told them, :17.850 --> :23.460 they have 2 months to find a place because we cannot have another child here. :23.460 --> :28.169 My daughter started crying, saying she couldn’t believe I’d throw her to the streets for :28.169 --> :32.300 having a baby, that this was completely unfair and not enough time. :32.300 --> :37.330 I told her I was sorry, it was painful for me as well, but these living conditioners :37.330 --> :38.980 were impossible. :38.980 --> :44.360 She demanded I give her more time or she’d go to the courts and I told her news flash, :44.360 --> :46.770 the courts only gives you 30 days. :46.770 --> :50.890 She then said my grandchildren were going to be homeless because I was selfish. :50.890 --> :55.320 She made a Facebook post asking for rooms to rent because “she’s pregnant and has :55.320 --> :58.510 nowhere to go and her family don’t give a sh*t about her.” :58.510 --> :59.510 AITA? :59.510 --> :00.510 Posted by u/girlwantstoknow1029 :00.510 --> :01.510 2 days ago :01.510 --> :02.510 AITA for not letting my niece wear white at my wedding? :02.510 --> :03.510 POO Mode Activated 💩 My partner and I are getting married in February. :03.510 --> :04.820 On Christmas Day my soon to be sister in law asked if her 5 year old daughter could wear :04.820 --> :05.820 a white dress to the wedding. :05.820 --> :06.820 She told me it was in a shop front in our local shopping centre. :06.820 --> :07.820 I was so stunned I didn’t really respond either way. :07.820 --> :09.860 Afterwards I told my partner and he said he would speak to his sister. :09.860 --> :13.609 Today I saw the dress and it is basically a wedding dress, big and white tulle with :13.609 --> :14.609 a detailed floral lace body. :14.609 --> :18.000 This is after she asked us to order her daughter a flower crown so that she can have flowers :18.000 --> :19.000 to match mine. :19.000 --> :22.140 She isn’t a flower girl, we aren’t having any bridal party as part of our day. :22.140 --> :25.500 AITA for wanting to tell her no and refusing to get her a flower crown? :25.500 --> :26.500 Posted by u/RightAttorney7007 :26.500 --> :27.500 1 day ago :27.500 --> :31.900 AITA for receiving racist abuse from in-laws or being overly sensitive? :31.900 --> :35.250 POO Mode Activated 💩 I am black-Caribbean and my wife is white. :35.250 --> :39.940 Having evening drinks, my white father-in-law proclaims that in his opinion, he should be :39.940 --> :45.280 free to use the n-word and the p-word because “they” call themselves that. :45.280 --> :46.309 I walked out. :46.309 --> :50.530 I would like to think that I did it gracefully, but I was pretty angry. :50.530 --> :55.030 Later in the evenings, my wife’s other family members suggested that, if my wife went away :55.030 --> :59.799 alone on holiday, they would need to come and look after our two teenage children; I :59.799 --> :02.720 was not trusted to look after them on my own. :02.720 --> :06.669 Furthermore, they gave me the advice that need to work harder in the house. :06.669 --> :11.980 I am a middle aged professional, working 2-3 jobs, including running my own business. :11.980 --> :15.230 I earn about £200K a year. :15.230 --> :18.230 I work 72+ hours a week. :18.230 --> :19.929 I told them I worked hard enough! :19.929 --> :25.790 I am angry that they have applied two classic racist tropes, that black people are bad fathers :25.790 --> :28.030 and that black people are lazy. :28.030 --> :33.410 I had overt racism from the father and then covert racism from the rest. :33.410 --> :36.520 My wife is angry that I have made stuff up and I am oversensitive. :36.520 --> :39.680 Am I oversensitive or am I the victim? :39.680 --> :40.680 Posted by u/Acceptable-Quail-357 :40.680 --> :41.680 2 days ago :41.680 --> :44.310 AITA for doing what I was told on Christmas? :44.310 --> :47.700 POO Mode Activated 💩 17m had my boyfriend 17m over for Christmas :47.700 --> :51.220 because his family weren’t really doing anything due to unfortunate circumstances. :51.220 --> :56.490 My mum said it’s fine to have him over but didn’t want me to just clear off upstairs :56.490 --> :01.620 with him for the full day when we have family over and she would like me to at least stay :01.620 --> :03.480 downstairs as much as possible as to not be rude. :03.480 --> :04.480 So after dinner we stay in the kitchen for a bit but my mum and relatives are just chatting :04.480 --> :05.480 amongst themselves. :05.480 --> :06.480 But to keep to my mums wish for staying downstairs me and my boyfriend move into the living room :06.480 --> :07.480 and stay in there watching movies rest of the day. :07.480 --> :08.480 Sometimes people would walk in and say hi and I’d chat with them. :08.480 --> :09.480 When everyone was gone my mum started having a go at me because apparently she would’ve :09.480 --> :10.480 wanted to move into the living room with people but she felt like she couldn’t do that because :10.480 --> :11.480 me and my boyfriend “took over in there” :11.480 --> :12.480 I asked why she couldn’t just have asked me to go elsewhere plus there was room in :12.480 --> :13.480 there for people so what’s she talking about? :13.480 --> :14.480 She said it was uncomfortable the atmosphere we created in there, like we wouldn’t have :14.480 --> :15.480 wanted anyone else in there and no one would want to go in there anyway because of said :15.480 --> :16.480 atmosphere. :16.480 --> :17.480 I was completely unaware of this “atmosphere” and don’t know how we could’ve been creating :17.480 --> :18.480 it. :18.480 --> :19.480 I brought up how she wanted us to stay downstairs and my mum told me I should had the sense :19.480 --> :20.480 to know that didn’t matter anymore at that time? :20.480 --> :21.480 Posted by u/burner3584 :21.480 --> :22.480 2 days ago :22.480 --> :23.480 AITA for going to my moms wedding drunk POO Mode Activated 💩 :23.480 --> :24.480 My dad died almost a year ago and my mom started dating her husband like a month after my dad :24.480 --> :25.480 died. :25.480 --> :26.480 Her husband expected me to call him dad when he first moved in with us. :26.480 --> :27.480 I (M16) don't like him he's such a dick and my mom and him both know what I think of him. :27.480 --> :28.480 He's trying to replace my dad it's freaking annoying. :28.480 --> :29.480 They got married a few days ago. :29.480 --> :30.480 I didn't want to go to the wedding but my mom made it pretty clear that if I didn't :30.480 --> :31.480 go out relationship would never be the same again. :31.480 --> :32.480 I got really drunk beforehand so I could actually get through the wedding and because everything :32.480 --> :33.480 is way better when you're drunk and maybe a little stoned. :33.480 --> :34.480 I got to the ceremony like 25 minutes late and that really ticked my mom off but I was :34.480 --> :35.480 still there so my mom should probably just be grateful that I was there at all ngl. :35.480 --> :36.480 Like I had a plan to ruin their wedding but I thought I'd just be wasting my time so I :36.480 --> :37.480 didn't. :37.480 --> :38.480 My mom and her husband have been so ticked at me since they said it was disrespectful :38.480 --> :39.480 going there drunk and that I ruined their wedding. :39.480 --> :40.480 I don't really know how I ruined their wedding the only thing I did which could be considered :40.480 --> :41.480 bad is making out with a guy but I don't think that's that bad so i don't really understand :41.480 --> :42.480 what the problem is tbh. :42.480 --> :43.480 But yeah I don't know I could be the jerk, they're both pretty upset at me and they haven't :43.480 --> :44.480 really spoken to me much other than to shout at me. :44.480 --> :45.480 Posted by u/No_Anybody_8997 :45.480 --> :46.480 2 days ago :46.480 --> :47.480 WIBTA for not allowing my dying cousin to walk down the aisle? :47.480 --> :48.480 POO Mode Activated 💩 My(27f) cousin(23f) was diagnosed with leukaemia :48.480 --> :49.480 and is not doing well. :49.480 --> :50.480 I feel terrible for her, but I was never close to her growing up. :50.480 --> :51.480 We grew up in different countries. :51.480 --> :52.480 I’m getting married in March 2024. :52.480 --> :53.480 My aunt came over two weeks ago to discuss something. :53.480 --> :54.480 She wants me to let my cousin walk down the aisle with her dad before I walk. :54.480 --> :55.480 I don’t feel comfortable with this because, yes, it’s sad that she won’t get to experience :55.480 --> :56.480 this, but isn’t it my day to shine? :56.480 --> :57.480 My aunt says that I’m being selfish for not doing this. :57.480 --> :58.480 She spoke to my parents about this, and they don’t seem too happy. :58.480 --> :59.480 My in-laws are not pleased too. :59.480 --> :00.480 But they still want me to decide. :00.480 --> :01.480 My fiancé doesn’t feel comfortable too. :01.480 --> :02.480 My aunt brought my cousin to my place to discuss it last week. :02.480 --> :03.480 Cousin cried, saying she wanted to walk down the aisle and that I should let her. :03.480 --> :04.480 I told her it was my wedding day, so it was not right for her to take over. :04.480 --> :07.059 She then called me selfish and a bridezilla for not caring about her. :07.059 --> :11.659 Like I said, we were never close, so I don’t know why she’s trying to do this on my wedding :11.659 --> :12.659 day. :12.659 --> :17.720 I told her I needed more time to think, so She’s on IG posting cryptic stuff, obviously :17.720 --> :18.760 attacking me. :18.760 --> :22.700 I talked to my friends for non-biased opinions, and they were divided. :22.700 --> :27.659 Some want me to allow her to walk down the aisle because she would never get to experience :27.659 --> :29.860 that, and I’ll be doing something nice. :29.860 --> :34.370 WIBTA if I say no? :34.370 --> :43.950 Posted by u/SoberNewYearsWedding :43.950 --> :53.529 2 days ago :53.529 --> :01.140 AITA for last minute declining to go to a friends wedding that is dry on new years eve :01.140 --> :04.730 POO Mode Activated 💩 My buddy (33M) is getting married to a girl :04.730 --> :07.580 that our friend group is not in love with. :07.580 --> :10.050 He loves her though so we support him. :10.050 --> :12.840 We have known for months this was a new years eve wedding. :12.840 --> :16.309 I RSVP'd yes months ago with my wife. :16.309 --> :20.440 Several friends and I operated under the assumption that there would be booze at the wedding, :20.440 --> :23.090 especially considering it is on New Years Eve. :23.090 --> :27.770 Well I found out yesterday that it is a dry wedding, turns out it is because of his Fiance :27.770 --> :29.029 and her family. :29.029 --> :32.549 I asked my wife if she knew this and said no and was ticked. :32.549 --> :34.900 I texted the groom buddy and asked. :34.900 --> :36.000 He confirmed this. :36.000 --> :39.620 I told him this is something you should have told us a long time ago. :39.620 --> :42.039 I told him that Wife and I wouldn't be going. :42.039 --> :43.570 We want to spend the night drinking. :43.570 --> :49.200 I texted the rest of my friends about this and oh boy, the group chat went off. :49.200 --> :51.700 This led to several more people backing out. :51.700 --> :55.210 This is not how a bunch of us expected to spend New Years Eve. :55.210 --> :58.790 Really the only ones that didn't back out are the 4 members of our 12 person group that :58.790 --> :00.510 are in the wedding. :00.510 --> :02.880 Groom buddy reached out to me and went off. :02.880 --> :07.830 Pretty much he is now overspending on catering, he is having 20ish less guests show up than :07.830 --> :09.820 planned and this is all last minute. :09.820 --> :15.060 I've been called an jerk among other things for "leading the charge" in people not going :15.060 --> :17.409 to the wedding. :17.409 --> :18.409 AITA? :18.409 --> :26.580 Posted by u/RegalTattoo :26.580 --> :47.789 2 days ago :47.789 --> :05.440 AITA for refusing to babysit a special needs stepnephew :05.440 --> :09.269 POO Mode Activated 💩 I (24f) recently moved to the same city as :09.269 --> :10.269 my brother. :10.269 --> :14.240 My brother has my niece Olivia (10f) with his late wife. :14.240 --> :18.830 He’s been married for two years to Kate who has a kid from a previous relationship, :18.830 --> :20.019 Tim (7m). :20.019 --> :22.399 Tim is autistic. :22.399 --> :25.929 Tim alternates one week with his dad and another with my brother and Kate. :25.929 --> :30.929 I agreed to babysit Olivia today while my brother and Kate run some errands for 5-6 :30.929 --> :31.929 hours. :31.929 --> :33.630 Tim was supposed to be with his dad. :33.630 --> :38.649 The night before, Kate called and asked me to watch Tim as well as there was some emergency :38.649 --> :42.190 at his dad’s and he dropped Tim off at her place. :42.190 --> :45.909 Kate said Tim would be fine just watching some movies and then a nap. :45.909 --> :49.450 As long as I stick to this routine there should be no problem. :49.450 --> :52.830 She would provide the movies and the snacks he was comfortable to eat. :52.830 --> :57.750 The thing was, I planned to take Kate to a cafe she told me she wanted to visit. :57.750 --> :00.340 It was supposed to be a surprise. :00.340 --> :04.279 Having to stay home with Tim would greatly change the flow of our day. :04.279 --> :08.130 In addition, I have met Tim like twice and don’t know him well. :08.130 --> :12.230 I have no experience with special needs kids and didn’t think I was equipped to look :12.230 --> :13.370 after one. :13.370 --> :16.799 Due to these reasons, I refused to babysit Tim. :16.799 --> :20.529 I told them I could only take Olivia as previously agreed. :20.529 --> :23.409 My brother and Kate called me AH for not helping out. :23.409 --> :27.970 They told me an extra kid costed me almost nothing while their only other option was :27.970 --> :32.670 to bring Tim to Kate’s mom who can’t drive and lives almost an hour away. :32.670 --> :35.850 They still brought Olivia over and we had a great time. :35.850 --> :40.630 They picked up Olivia 2 hours later than they were supposed to and Tim was crying. :40.630 --> :45.289 My brother and Kate said all this could be prevented had I just help out because Tim :45.289 --> :49.690 would be relaxing at my place instead of stuck in traffic and getting cranky. :49.690 --> :54.890 I just told them emergencies happen and I really was not ready to be their plan B. Kate :54.890 --> :26.220 called me playing favorites and not seeing Tim as :26.220 --> :27.909 my family. :27.909 --> :29.369 AITA?
first story abusive NC grandmother kidnaps her daughter's baby with the help of her church group because her daughter is a Godless W and that's how she got arrested I apologize as I am typing on behalf of my friend who is too frantic to type I will try to include as much information as possible and answer any questions needed if I forget anything about 4 hours ago my friend's abusive mother showed up with the police handed over paperwork for a suit affecting the parent child relationship and restraining order and took her child the paperwork was real I called the local police department it states no information other than a suit affecting the parent child relationship and a restraining order has been granted by the judge no investigation was done apparently it was filed under emergency dress with drug use being listed as the reasoning my friend has never used drugs they told her that they cannot test her until tomorrow and she cannot have the child back until the 17th when she is to appear in court the grandmother who currently has the child has several different alias she uses she has charges for neglect and child abuse for my friend and her sister as well as many animal abuse and neglect charges you can actually find her many lawsuits and neglect cases in various news articles she has a history of fleeing states to avoid persecution and changing her name we have page after page of various Facebook rants she has posted regarding my friend as a Godless W and asking for prayers we think she utilized a local church group to pay for the lawyer who filed the paperwork shortly before this happened my friend left her abusive marriage and moved into an apartment of her own with her child my friend's sister came down to help her get situated and the grandmother somehow found them followed them into an IHOP and started screaming Bible verses at them until the police were called she also admits to doing this on Facebook as of right now mutual friends and family including the grandmother's sister are very worried for the child's safety the grandmother has disappeared with the child we are looking for any resources and advice on what to do in this situation I am also curious if this is a typical move by the court to Grant temporary custody with no prior investigation or serving of paperwork we have no idea how this happened the grandmother has never had the child in her care and my friend has never lived with the grandmother with a child involved according to the grandmother she ran away to be with the devil at 17 any help would be amazing also once again I apologize for any missing information this happened very suddenly and everyone is quite frantic and emotional edit to add the grandmother is not a resident of Texas she currently has a listed residence in Colorado she is being funded by a local church group in Texas however we tried to contact the group funding her and they discounted me as a Godless Satan worshipper edit I will post screenshots as some proof names censored of course but I am not sure of the rules for that if a moderator could let me know that would be great update we have currently been informed that the grandmother is no longer at the hotel she was checked into once again we just found out that she is not a resident of Texas CPS has been called and a check is being initiated at this point we are wondering the legalities of posting her face on Facebook for people to keep an eye out update we just spoke with the police chief the woman I spoke to earlier to verify that the officers who showed up were real was mistaken and no officers were sent to the scene to help take the child we were able to discover that the man who went with the grandmother was a friend of hers from the church they lied about being police the order was not granting custody but rather a notice of custody change right now we have no idea what to do or who to speak with the police say we cannot do anything without an address for the grandmother and she apparently gave the lawyer an address to a local church she is gone we have no clue what to do the police are being of no help and telling us that they cannot do anything without information update two the police officer basically treated my friend like she was a lunatic and told us there was nothing we could do he wouldn't let us speak and as he spoke to her she became more and more emotional to the point that he asked her if she needed him to take her to the hospital if she felt unsafe we are lost thank you all for your help so far update three we are calling the local FBI field offices now we have more information that we are not going to post publicly at this point Thank you to the person who gave me the numbers to call probably radio Silence from this point forward until we have word of an Amber Alert or something along those lines update four thank you to everyone for the help our last update for the night is that I looked over the paperwork that she served to my friend it is not completely filled out there looks to be a blank template page in it and it is stamped with copy on the top the grandmother used the ex-husband who my friend was trying to escape to get evidence of abuse in the household the ex-husband is now working with us to try and get the baby back and none of the local law enforcement is helping we don't know why other than that they keep using the excuse that this is a civil legal matter and they can't be involved my friend is tired she sounds empty and lost once again we have a ton of proof that this is real and we provide it to moderators if need be it sounds so insane but I promise it is really happening a church helped an abusive woman abduct her grandchild and in the last 10 hours has by all accounts disappeared we don't really know what we can do at this point but we will be making a ton of calls tomorrow morning ASAP if anyone has any more information resources or anything else please let us know update 5 no word from my friend this morning we will be going around to lawyers as soon as they open today if things do not change for her since I last spoke with her the last time I heard an officer from a different police Branch was sent to investigate the claims of abduction I'm sorry I can't give much more than that at this time but I will post another thread when we get some clear answers final update until we speak to the lawyer we finally received word from the police that the grandmother did give them an address this address is several years old and was the address for an old horse farm she used to be affiliated with it no longer even has a house on it they did not check the address and apparently they will not check the address we were informed that this is a matter for the courts so we are doing just that we have given word to the State Bar about the lawyer involved and they are looking into it the judge has given us confirmation that the paperwork filed was not served and was not an order granting temporary custody the paperwork filed was a motion for a hearing for temporary custody to be heard in court on the 17th we were basically hinted that a lawyer specializing in lawsuits may be in order update one the post got muddled and this will most likely be my last update for a bit as this is now an active case my friend was able to speak with a lawyer we are currently Gathering funds from friends and family for the retaining fee but we are covered in terms of legal help I'm going to put what we know official in bullet points to keep it short and concise my friend technically gave the baby over of her own free will despite being manipulated to do so which is an explanation as to why the police and other authority figures have not responded accordingly they basically chalk this up as a civil matter and will only take further action on a legal request a lawyer has been retained and has taken the case we were informed that the paperwork we were given was technically legal but not what the grandmother stated it was the judge should have also never allowed the paper work to be filed in the first place the grandmother gave falsified information in the documents and to the police including her address and location we do not currently know her or the child's whereabouts the grandmother is being helped financially and possibly in other ways by a rather large Church organization that is known for this kind of stuff they are incredibly radical in their faith we cannot talk to them and have been advised to steer clear of them entirely think of westbo Baptist type people we are fighting against a legion the lawyer is going to be doing all he can legally to get the baby back I will only update once we have the child back in custody or an official alert has been issued no further information will be shared we are still open to support kind words prayers or whatever we just cannot share much more detail about what has happened now that the lawyer is involved we want to thank everyone who helped from the bottom of our hearts the fact that this can really happen is horrifying and we hope that this gets resolved and can help anyone who may have this happen in the future update 2 this will be short it will not have a ton of information but I want to post it to at least let people know that the baby is alive the grandmother has been seen this has been confirmed I want to make it clear that she has left and has been confirmed seen the baby has been confirmed to be alive we have a lawyer we are currently taking all necessary steps it must be very clear that I cannot divulge too much information through public channels at this time the baby is alive his grandmother has taken him many many people are in this situation right now thank you so much for all of your support and help we cannot thank you enough right now we fight edit to add we have things under control and being taken care of by the property authorities no Amber Alert is issued at this time for a reason nothing personal is to be shared publicly until we have permission to do so we have to be careful that she does not get spooked thank you everyone update three I've gotten quite a few messages so I'm going to update as little as I can there was a hearing today the grandmother still has the baby she did show up to court the court ended for the day and will reconvene tomorrow I cannot put any details of the hearing or anything along those lines up yet as much as I want to feed the drama llamas with enough feed to fill them for a year I have also been asked not to divulge any details in PM for now we are all kind of in limbo right now so we just ask for good thoughts and happy Vibes thanks to everyone for their continued support and Care once all is said and done we shall anoint our lovely God warrior with a nickname just for brevity sake final update I'm waiting on confirmation of what kind of extras I can post so this isn't going to be as detailed as I wanted it to be when I know the rules on censored screenshots and stuff like that oh man I'll be posting the Epic tale of God Warrior kidnapping Grandma the picture book until then here's a smaller update and a happy ending we won we won the baby is back with his mother and gwk grandma has been sent packing back to Colorado where a warrant for animal abuse awaits her not related to this case but still hilarious the hearing was absolutely insane the wicked stepchild of Judge Judy and a televangelist gwk grandma actually yelled Praise Jesus and jumped out of her seat whenever something went her way her lawyer tried just about everything he could to win he tried claiming we faked the drug tests there were three different types that my friend had done by an accredited office he told the judge that my friends Witnesses should not be able to testify because they are satanists and practice SX rituals I wish I was making this up he actually said that the testimony of gwk Grandma's eldest daughter shouldn't be taken into account because she is a polygamist and her father is a trans chual the eye roll the judge made at this was beyond epic it was just ridiculous my friend was gorgeous she wore an amazing little blazer and looked absolutely Angelic I'm so proud of her the entire support crew that showed up for her was so well-mannered and nice it was just fantastic gwk Grandma actually showed up to court on the first day with a baby completely soaked through his diaper poop and all and a horrible diaper rash and tried to blame it on my friend she actually told the judge she didn't have enough money that my friend didn't give her enough diapers and that my friend was failing as a parent for not having this 9-month-old baby potty trained already K during the break our side went and got him fresh diapers took care of his poor little butt and sent her a 48 pack because she got to keep him overnight don't ask me why I wish I knew she showed up the next day with the baby still and the same dirty clothes another soaked diaper and no extra diapers we all wondered what she was doing but considering she posted at least four posts every 5 minutes on her Facebook all the way up until the moment of the trial I can imagine she was doing that either way this is over restraining orders are being handed out like candy she threatened us sort of by saying evil people will die and know the Lord soon or whatever and she's going to be in jail soon my friend just wants to never hear about or from her again so she's leaving it at that the judge admitted he made mistakes in this case the lawyer had supposedly given him several good reasons or whatever to cause him to act as he did but he still admits he should have looked further into the situation as for the lawyer I'm kind of trying to talk my friend into reporting him he was the shadiest slimiest human being I have ever seen in my life there is no way he's even seen the code of ethics anyway for now that is the update we all needed we are going out to celebrate and cuddle with a freshly washed baby Second Story a Manchild boyfriend browses through op's mobile to see if she is cheating because he was cheated on by his ex then confesses he cheated on Op with the X the other day at 21 F was baking and my boyfriend 22 came into the kitchen to hang out with me for a bit so we're talking and laughing and at this point I was basically elbow deep in flower so when I got a text I asked him to look at it and reply to it for me it wasn't anything bad just my friend asking if I was home so she could come over I told him to text her yeah yes she could and after he did that he started looking through my phone when I asked him what he was doing he said I'm looking through your chats it's no big deal um sir this is not how this works I just felt annoyed that he would use that opportunity to look through my phone so I asked him why he just said he wanted to see what I was up to now I don't have anything to hide but the reply angered me and made me think he didn't trust me also the way he went about it was a little irritating because I asked him to do something and he took advantage of that opportunity would I rather he do it secretly he asked no in fact I'd rather he didn't do it at all of course the predictable if you didn't have anything to hide then you wouldn't be I rate right now pissed me off even more I'm literally kneading furiously at this point and asking him repeatedly to please drop my phone he refused and went to our bedroom and locked himself in there I not one to do too much and I also had nothing to hide so I waited for him to come back from his little Expedition and come and answer to me when he didn't find any it was about 20 minutes when he came back in with a goofy smile and dropped the phone back on the counter I asked him if he found anything and he said know that maybe I'm just good at hiding with that same sht eating grin at this point I'm boiling and ask him how he feels about invading my privacy and he says that my privacy is his privacy I tried to explain that I didn't like how he went about it and I don't like that behavior at all but he was countering saying that if I wasn't cheating or being dubious then this shouldn't be a big deal if I want to looked through his phone too I'm welcome I just silently walked away and have been seething for 2 days he tried to apologize but he still doubles down on the fact that if I had nothing to hide I wouldn't be pissed but I didn't like ffs I just don't like my privacy being invaded like that like what's so hard to understand I'm hurt and frustrated because it's the principle that matters I won't be out here looking through his phone and if I wanted to i' just ask and it's the same here if he just asked I'd have let him he's an amazing sweet man to me and I love him with all my heart but he gets jealous sometimes and when I react to it he tries to push it off like it's no big deal he says he trust me and he just felt like seeing what I've been up to am I looking for tits on an ant here sorry HW reference couldn't help myself but I feel like I'm going crazy what can I do edit I'll be speaking to him tonight and laying down clear ground rules might have to make an ultimatum if all else fails we'll update you on what happens I'm really scared and sad and I feel betrayed I've been with him for a year and a half and this is the most hurt I've ever felt from him I will break up with him if it comes down to it because above all else I prioritize myself and my mental health update 3 days later I wasn't able to post on our relationship advice I don't know why so I decided to just post here for anyone who wanted an update I may try to update the OG post whenever I can this is a little long I'm sorry firstly I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart the responses I got here were so I opening things I never thought of before I realized that his jealousy wasn't normal me being able to handle him when he gets like that was me literally getting used to the cycle of abuse I had told a commenter that he was cheated on really badly by his ex people were asking if it was true and it was I was the person he came to when it came crashing down and he has receipts so I never thought he was lying we didn't get together till a year after they broke up though because in that time we had gotten closer and I really felt for him I feel like being with him while he healed was not a good idea especially as I've been so involved with him as sort of an emotional crutch after the fact of his breakup one way he found out about his ex's cheating was by testing her this should have been a red flag I however told him later in our relationship that he should do nothing of the sort I won't tolerate it on the day that I posted I went to meet up with my friend whose sort of a tech whiz interestingly she's the same friend I asked him to reply to she combed through my phone laptop and iPad and confirmed there were no bugs or anything cloning or spying through my devices that was a effing relief when I got back home he had made dinner for us got me my favorite snacks and really wanted to talk I was receptive to him and I really thought he had thought about his actions and was ready to apologize properly boy was I wrong he admitted that he was testing me playing manipulative mind games with me he thought that if he made me scared about finding something out I would break down and confess when I did didn't and he didn't find anything on my phone he started feeling guilty I asked him why he just didn't come to me if he was having suspicions and he said that that would have given me an opportunity to lie and that the way he went about it was a sure fire way for me to not have any time to cover my tracks what and rcy hole so why did he keep doubling down man you're going to have to ask him he just said that the guilt made him do stupid things but I didn't believe that I asked him outright if he was cheating on me he said no taking advice from I asked him for his phone so I could look through it and I did he sat there with his leg rattling under the table I think it was nerves another red flag to me I think he deleted some messages because his boy's GC whom I know for a fact he always spoke in was not there and there were gaps in a conversation with a girl he knows I don't like because she had been texting him earlier in our relationship and he had told me not to worry about her the messages that were there were just regular conversations with the occasional trauma dumping from her and vice versa they I thought he could only feel comfortable telling me when I asked about this he denied having anything scandalous to do with her she was a close friend and if he told me about him talking to her he knew I'd freak out and break up with him I just didn't believe him I had such a nagging feeling I didn't want to see anymore so I just dropped the phone and my heart was breaking and breaking and breaking he showed me that he had booked a flight to Bali for a coup's trip to show me how sorry he was I was stunned because how can I find something Booky on your phone when you can confess to testing me and you're still trying to do damage control funny enough in my head I was imagining scenarios of him taking my passport and leaving me stranded if something happened that he didn't like I started realizing that if I could think that he could do something so heinous he probably would I told him that he hurt me badly because of his insecurities and he crossed a huge line by infringing on my privacy in such a way not hearing my know and I didn't think that I could continue being with him from that point on I told him that even if I had nothing to hide what about about the privacy of my friends and the trust they had in me for their issues to not leave my own eyes why did he feel okay jeopardizing that for his own fruitless cane he said he wasn't thinking about that and just begged pleaded and said he didn't want to lose me but it made me sick to my stomach how he felt so comfortable manipulating me I told him he has to work on himself because I'm done trying to navigate his possessiveness and insecurity after that I said he could stay the night on the couch but I'd like for him to move out tomorrow he's tried to beg and plead some more but I'm not hearing it I didn't even have to do an ultimatum because I just wasn't interested in continuing this anymore how do you claim to love somebody but at every turn question their motives with everybody especially when I'd never given him a reason to it got way worse because this morning he confessed I guess as a last ditch effort to show me transparency the irony that he cheated with the girl once in the early stages of our relationship and that was the guilt that was eating at him he tried to lock himself in the bathroom another one of his manipulative tactics that I realized he liked to to do when something didn't go his way lock himself in a room till I conceited but I told him I'd call the police I've never said that before and I guess he realized I was serious so he came out and took some things and went to his brothers I'm heartbroken I'm hurt and I feel like I've lost a part of myself I feel like my whole relationship was a Power Trip filled with control and lies I used to see myself as strong but thinking back on our relationship I realized the many things I endured just because I felt I was handling it one thing though I am glad I came here you helped me realize that this could have gotten worse and that my life could have been in danger later down the line if not that then I'd have been filled with more pain and regret later had this come up or if I had allowed this to continue so yeah that's where we're at now I'm going to post his shd to his brother's house and as for those tickets I'm going to try to see if I can use them and go with my tech friend as a thank you so we could go on vacation or try travel dancing at a club around there or something just to keep my mind off I guess thank you guys so much again if you have any questions please ask and I will try my best to answer them tldr he was testing me because of his own indiscretions about a girl he told me not to worry about dumped him and then found out he was in fact cheating with s girl thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on AbusiveNCGrandmotherKidnapsHerDaughtersBabywiththeHelpofHerChurchGroupBecauseHerorig
sister left her kids on my doorstep and disappeared for two days I was on vacation and had no clue until she showed up accusing me of losing them hi everyone I 28f have an older sister Jackie 32f who has two kids an older son and a younger daughter her son is 14 and her daughter just turned 12 a couple of weeks ago their father is not in the picture anymore and my sister's a single mother I wouldn't say that Jackie and I are close but we're okay we aren't Arch enemies either like some other siblings here I guess you could say that we're just in different to each other now about 6 hours ago Jackie turned up at my house and asked me where her kids were I had no idea what she was talking about because I hadn't even been at home for the past 4 days I've been away on a beach trip with my boyfriend so I didn't understand what she was referring to she told me that she dropped off her kids at my house 2 days ago and told them to ring the doorbell so I could take them in while she ran some errands she told me that she texted me about it but I didn't recall receiving any text of the sort and even showed her proof of it on my phone but while going through my phone she was able to discover the text that she'd sent before she dropped her kids off and I'd somehow missed it probably because I was on vacation and wasn't checking my phone often she started to panic and accused me of being careless because now neither of us knew the whereabouts of her kids she told me that apparently she'd driven away before she saw that her kids were safely inside the house because she was counting on me to take them in she told me that she had gotten into some legal trouble that she didn't want to speak about and that's why she'd been missing for 2 days but now that she was back she wanted her kids and she wanted them now I didn't know what to do so I suggested that she go to the police or something because I literally had no clue where the kids could be they didn't even have their phones on them so there was no way we could get through to them Jackie didn't want to go to the cops because she just finished dealing with a lot over the last two days and the police's involvement was the last thing she needed she turned my house upside down and accused me of being selfish and not thinking about my niece and nephew she said that she'd been counting on me to help her out in this tough spot but I'd let her down she left in tears and said that she was going to knock on every relative's door until she was able to find her kids I feel like a total idiot right now even though I don't have understand how this is my fault Ida for missing a text from my sister where she told me to take her kids in because I was on vacation update one okay folks it's been 4 days and I finally have good news I've been in touch with Jackie because I really felt guilty about not noticing that text even though it wasn't my fault today she told me that her kids had somehow managed to find their way to their uncle's house and that's where they had been for the past couple of days now this wasn't our cousin but it was Jackie's ex-boyfriend's cousin and he apparently had still continued to talk to his nephew online because he knew that his mother wouldn't let him stay in touch with him otherwise I thought it was a little creepy at first but then I realized that this Uncle of theirs Frank 28m had practically saved their lives by taking them in in Jackie's in my absence Jackie apologized to me for Behaving Badly the other day and said that it was pretty out of character for her to freak out at people like that and I agreed because she was usually a pretty level-headed person she told me that she hadn't slept a wink in the past couple of days because she was so worried about her kids and where they were I finally asked her why she hadn't gone to the police and what kind of trouble she had been in exactly before this which required her to leave her kids behind so she finally confessed that she'd gone to gather evidence against the company that she was currently employed in because she'd heard from a particular source and they were planning to blame her for embezzlement since the company was facing a huge financial crisis and they needed someone to shoulder the blame so upper management had figured that she could take the blame as she was the head of accounting and had the most access to the company's Financial records she knew that she'd be fired within a few days so she decided that she would collect all the evidence that she could in her favor from the office then she even went out of town to speak to her ex-boss about this and asked him to be on her side if she needed him to testify against the company during the hearings that took a couple of days and she really did feel guilty for leaving her kids behind and not even bothering to check if they were doing all right during that time because she was just so frustrated with how this situation was turning out especially since she'd always been an extremely honest employee she didn't want to go to the cops because that would reflect badly on her and might even end up with her kids being taken away from her which she didn't want she broke down and told me that she hadn't even bothered to pack warm clothes for her kids even though it was pretty cold outside and she just completely neglected them because she was facing a crisis I tried to console her but I knew that it was pretty messed up to treat your kids like that no matter what you're going through personally Jackie and I aren't really in touch with our parents anymore and haven't been for a really long time so I'm pretty much the only person that she can count on and I know it's the same for me if it really comes down to it so we might not be the best of friends but we always have each other's backs it's been that way since we were kids and I was disappointed that I couldn't look after her kids this time around she was really lucky that her son had remembered Frank's address from when when they used to talk online she found out by accident when she logged into her son's Instagram account and went through his chats she was so out of it that I didn't even occur to her until she opened her laptop her son would occasionally use her laptop to play games or to talk to his friends online and when she remembered that she instantly logged in and that's how she was able to discover Frank that guy didn't have Jackie's number so he wasn't able to contact her when her kids showed up at his house Frank used to visit a lot before his cousin gave up custody of the kids four years ago and after that Jackie wanted nothing to do with his family so Frank wasn't able to visit the kids again but he was able to reconnect with his nephew online and it was actually surprisingly Jackie's son who tracked his uncle down online and sent him the first text I guess kids do remember who was there for them the most as kids so anyway I'm just glad that Jackie was able to find her kids and I don't have to carry around the guilt of not noticing that text sooner I just hope that she's able to deal with her baggage better so that her kids don't have to suffer anymore update to it finally happened Jackie's company fired her and they're also planning to come after her legally just like she'd expected they accused her of of embezzlement and said that they would make sure she ended up behind bars the poor woman is scared beyond words and has been texting me almost every hour just so she has somebody to talk too she does have a lawyer and a pretty good one at that but even then she's going up against a pretty big Force so there's no telling what might happen next she has asked me in Frank to look after her kids and help her out whenever she needs it because she would hate to end up neglecting her kids like she had the first time around and both of us obviously said yes to the job because she's going through a horrible thing right now and needs all the help and compassion that she can get update three so Jackie and her company's representatives are meeting with a courta appointed mediator today and she left the kids with me they're quite good kids and it's horrible that their mother has to go through something like this I guess the only Silver Lining here is that this has really helped Jackie and I Von together she dropped off the kids at my house last night and I demanded that she stay for dinner because I really didn't want her to leave and face the night before this morning all by herself after the kids had fallen asleep Jackie had a total meltdown and told me how she dedicated almost a decade of her life to this company and now they were screwing her over without as much as a second thought I consoled her through the night and insisted that she spend the night here because I just couldn't let her drive back home in that state even when she woke up this morning she seemed nervous and anxious and I guess it's totally normal for her to feel that way even if she's innocent I offered to drive her but she told me not to because she needed somebody to watch the kids and drop them off at school I also needed to go to work after i' dropped them off at school so she went on her own Frank will pick the kids up after school ends and drop them at Jackie's house it's a pretty neat system that we've worked out and I'm really hoping that we don't have to stick to this for long that Jackie can resume her normal life soon I know this isn't the drama filed update that a lot of people wanted to hear but I'm really scared for Jackie and I just need a place to vent so I'm turning to rdit for help right now update four I just got to know something insane from Jackie and it finally makes sense why she was so nervous and jittery before the meeting even though she hadn't really done anything that she had been accused of apparently Jackie had been in a relationship with one of her subordinates for almost 2 years before this and that's what she was really scared of that her company was going to try and use this against her and that is exactly what happened she's even more screwed because unfortunately this was not a relationship that HR had been told about so it was kind of frowned upon what was even worse was that she was the one who had initiated this relationship and she hadn't even told her lawyer about it so he was completely blindsided when they brought this up during the meeting Jackie's boyfriend had pretty much submitted all their texts and stuff as evidence to the company and stabbed her in the back pretty badly he called her later on saying that they'd offered him the position that she used to work in for selling her out and he just had no choice truth be told he did have a choice he just made the one that would benefit him if the cost of his relationship Jackie came home today and told me all of this and I really gave her an earful because this was really irresponsible and stupid of her Not only was she putting herself in danger by not being completely honest with her lawyer and the people who cared about her but she was also not even thinking about her kids who were looking forward to having her around all the time again she was crying yet again but today I was just too mad at her to feel bad about it I told her that we all deserved better and so did she but if she wasn't willing to be honest and transparent then there was very little the rest of us could do to help her out after today's meeting her lawyer had almost even quit because she hadn't been completely honest with him I explained to her that this wasn't the time to be thinking about her image and socalled reputation but to be thinking about how she could save herself from Landing up behind bars and for that if she needed to bring out every single Dirty Little Secret that she had then she should do that and look out for herself she seemed to hesitate a little bit but she did tell me that she'd been considering getting her now ex-boyfriend to tell her why he'd sold her out on text so that she would have proof of the company trying to screw her over on purpose I thought that was a great idea so I told her to call her ex and get him to tell her how the company had offered him her job in exchange for all the screenshots so she called him up and then it was a pretty easy task to get that egoistic idiot to confess on the phone and we recorded it and sent it to her lawyer immediately we don't know if it'll be helpful or not but at least we know that we tried as for the other proof the company will literally have nothing on her unless they decide to go ahead and falsify proof against her just to frame her luckily she has all the original documents of their financial records which she'd gathered before she was fired so they won't exactly be doing themselves any favors by trying to plant false evidence the biggest thing that they had against Jackie was her affair with her subordinate but that's over now and that's technically not even the point of this lawsuit so it's not even relevant it was only just a way to spoil her character update 5 so I've been hounded by you guys for almost 2 weeks now because you want to know what happened between my parents and us and why don't we speak to them anymore I was trying not to talk about that because it isn't really relevant to the whole Jackie thing but since you guys have been insisting for days that I tell you so well here goes my parents were both drug addicts who pretty much neglected us our entire childhood and were the worst parents on Earth we lived off of our neighbors and relatives kindness and generosity because our parents had taught us not to expect anything from them from a very early age they were never there for us in any capacity so of course Jackie and I gave up being fairly independent and didn't rely on anyone because we knew that we couldn't trust them they kicked us out the second I turned 18 and told us that we could now make a life for ourselves separate from them because they were tired of taking care of us even though they barely ever had two neither of us ever knew who our grandparents were and the only relatives we had were an old anunt on my mother's side and my dad's second cousin who used to live on the same street and helped us out once we got kicked out he helped us through college but then when Jackie graduated he took up a job out of state and that was the end of our relationship since then it's just been the two of us and we somehow managed to build a life for ourselves away from our horrible parents and crazy past I think the last time that we even spoke to our parents was about 6 years ago my mother had called to inform us that our father had been diagnosed with dementia she didn't invite us to come home or anything and just told us that she felt like we should know because he kept asking about us Jackie and I did think about visiting them once but then we forgot about it because we got too busy with our lives after that we never received any other phone calls from our parents and neither did we bother to go check on them to be honest we don't even know if they're alive or not and we'd feel a little too guilty to go and find out at this point so we've just let it be our lives are going on just fine without them they aren't bothered about us so we don't have to bother with them either it's only the fair thing to do maybe that makes us terrible children but honestly they were pretty terrible parents to us as well well so whatever update 6 hello to everybody who'd been following Jackie in my story I told Jackie about the overwhelming response that we received and she is eternally grateful for each and every one of you who bothered to write sweet comments or send supportive messages to her through me she's finally done with the case and no longer has to worry about whether she is going to be there in her children's future or not she came to an outof Court settlement with a company where she was paid a substantial amount of money so she would keep her mouth shut about the false evidence and all the false accusations that had been leveled at her she is no longer going to work work there obviously and is already looking for new jobs which should be easy given her experience and knowledge in her field for the time being she's using the money from the court case to pay her bills and stuff she's finally back to living a normal life now and I really couldn't be happier for her it's been almost 4 months since I posted here for the first time and since then so many things have happened that I almost feel like you guys are an equal part of the journey that the two of us went through actually three if we count Frank all of us have a weird unspoken Bond right now and we know that we can always count on each other no matter what because after what we've been through I hardly think there will be greater challenges in the future that we won't be able to handle even Frank and I became pretty great friends over the past few months because we would meet often when Jackie would be busy with her attorney and would need either of us to watch the kids so it would either be him dropping them off at my house or the other way around eventually we exchanged numbers and started talking to each other as friends he's a pretty funny and sweet guy and it's crazy that we met under such stressful and strange circumstances but still became such great friends in such a short amount of time Jackie thinks that he has the hots for me but I really don't think that's the case and even if it is he's really not my type and I'm not looking to date so it's never going to happen and we're always just going to be really good friends but anyway coming back to the topic Jackie's finally done with the lawsuit and she showed those people where they belonged because they're the ones who ended up having to pay her hush money and also sign an NDA so they wouldn't have to worry about her dragging their company's reputation to the ground once she was done with it they're lucky that she didn't want any more drama or legal trouble which is why she took the money quietly and left the situation as it was she told told me that she's going to get therapy for both herself as an individual and family therapy with her kids because after what happened she really doesn't trust herself to be a good mother and feels like she's going to continue making mistakes that are eventually going to affect her children pretty badly I offered to let her move in with me for a while so we could all live under the same roof and I could look after her kids whenever she needed me to or whenever she felt a little too overwhelmed so she doesn't end up putting her kids in any sort of danger and neglecting them like before she hasn't responded to that yet and has told me that she needed a little more time to think because she doesn't want to take on such a huge responsibility and she also needs some time to think as it is a pretty big move after all not just for herself but also for her kids so she's going to have to make sure they're okay with it as well I told her to take her time but I really feel like it'll do them all a world of good to live with me and I get pretty lonely at times as well so it was very nice to have them over so frequently over the past few months and I would love to turn that into something permanent or at least semi-permanent for the time being because I really do hope to have a family of my own someday as well I don't know what's going to happen but I'm honestly just relieved that the worst is behind us now update 7 hi so it's almost been a year since the last update and wow I can't believe I'm back here after so long I guess if you go back to my last update I was talking about how Frank seems to be into me but I said something about him not being my type and yet Jackie was very sure that we'd end up together at some point it's crazy but she was right Frank and I have been in a relationship for almost 6 months now and I just remembered about this thread and felt like I had to share this bit of information with you guys so yeah I guess he is my type and even if he wasn't before I can't imagine being with anybody else apart from him now of course Jackie is very happy about all of this because I just proved her right and she thinks that at least some good has come out of her insane goof up last year with her kids and everything but she's doing a lot better now and working in a much more stable company in a better position with higher pay she moved out just a couple of weeks ago but she's moved just down the street so I can visit her anytime and it won't be any different than her living here another reason that I don't mind her moving out is because Frank is planning to move in with me next week and I couldn't be more excited for it if I tried I haven't dated anybody in the past 5 years so this is a pretty big deal for me and I hope that this works out I actually kind of know that it will deep down because Frank is just the best guy that I've ever met in my entire life he is sweet and sensitive and so insanely funny I can understand why my nephew contacted him the first thing as soon as he made his social media account the kids are doing better as well and my niece is actually the top of her class right now so that's something to be really proud of my nephew isn't really one for academics but is doing great at football and if he keeps this up he might even make the varsity team in the future everything is great now and going through my post from last year just makes me feel so much more grateful for everything that we have now
give me a good story on SisterLeftHerKidsonMyDoorstepandDisappearedforDaysIWasonVacation
I agreed to open our relationship since my girlfriend wanted and it wrecked her life my partner 24f and I 27m have decided to enter into an open relationship after 5 years of monogamy we dated back in high school but when I went off to college we broke up because I thought maybe she didn't like me anymore years later she revealed to me that it was because she knew I needed to spread my wings and live my life while in college while I was off at College her mother became very strict after finding out that she had a boyfriend and lost her virginity she wasn't allowed to hang out with friends or go anywhere and because she was financially dependent on her when she entered College she was still under her mother's rule I was out dating and having an a messiah and trying to enjoy life even though I still missed her all while she was locked away when we finally reconnected and started back dating she told me stories of her mother's treatment and I would also tell stories of my college Adventures we moved and together in 2016 and have been living together since within the last year she started expressing feelings of wanting to experience new things in theory I was a bit jealous but I understood the first time we considered opening our relationship the guy she showed interest and turned out to be pretty trash so she decided against it within the last few weeks she's made a friend at work and she told told me that she would like to experience him they have been talking pretty consistently and they haven't moved forward with sex meanwhile I've been on dating apps and chatting with people trying to also make connections I'm realizing more and more that I don't care about anyone else and all I want to do is spend time with her and be with her it's heartbreaking for me when I'm at work and we don't see each other much during the week and then on the weekend when I'm off she's hanging out with him it seems like I've taken a backseat to this whole experience and I can't help but feel like extremely lonely and isolated I'm not sure what to do and it feels like every time I talk to her about feeling odd about this she tries to cancel the whole thing and close our relationship back up she is stated that she knows that this is an itch that she has to scratch and if she doesn't she'll wonder about this forever I think mostly I just need someone to express my emotions to and work out how I'm feeling I have an appointment with a therapist so that'll help a lot I'm sure me 27m and my GF 25f opened our relationship and have started to lose our spark July 7th 2022 we opened our relationship at the beginning of the year after 5 years of monogamy because she expressed that she wanted to gain more sexual experiences after growing up in an overly strict household there were bumps in the road starting out because I'm very monogamous and I was having difficulty finding Partners while she was able to secure a lot of encounters and dates almost instantly things got a lot better after I went to therapy and learned to express my concerns and emotions in a healthy way or intimacy life with each other remained healthy through this but it started to improve after I learned to communicate my feelings I met someone who's a great friend and also a great sexual partner after realizing that unlike my GF I'm not able to have intimacy with strangers without a bond and that I had no real desire to gain much more sexual experience because I grew up with significantly more freedom my girlfriend started to become jealous of the bond I had started to create with this new partner and would do things today to interfere with our UPS like calling my phone constantly while I was with this person or throwing herself at me sexually right before I was about to leave this Behavior started to reveal a pattern to me before this year my GF was very responsible she was pretty good with money even when we didn't have much she held down a steady job with steady hours and she enrolled in college the previous fall in order to obtain a bit of upward Mobility but leading up to us opening our relationship she began to almost regress it started with spending her entire check on tattoos and piercings which I didn't mind too much because I love outward self-expression but then she started antagonizing her supervisors and showing up hours later daily or leaving early with no warning then this semester in school her grades declined and she stopped showing up to class little by little until she had no clue when midterms or spring break were and didn't have a clue that finals happened and the semester was over a month or two after I started hanging with this new partner and getting to know her even more and growing closer my GF took a leave of absence from her job for 2 months she said it was for her mental health but when I suggested therapy she refused she narrowed her encounters down to one consistent guy and stays with him for days at a time this would be more of a red flag for me if I hadn't started a job this year that's 12- hour swing shifts she told me she hates being home by herself and because I work so much it makes sense that she'd try to find somewhere to be while I'm gone but then she started the food delivery services she doesn't have a car or a license so it would make more sense if I didn't already buy groceries and keep the house stocked with food and because she wasn't making any money she was spending my money it's as if she has lost all sense of maturity she gets frustrated when I bring up the money or the fact that when I'm at work and she's home all day she does absolutely nothing except order food and lay in bed she also shuts down when I attempt to have a healthy conversation about how I feel in our relationship where she'll say that she doesn't notice anything different and that maybe I'm just making up things in my head she eventually quit her job without having anything else lined up and all of this caused me to grow distant from her physically and emotionally because it felt as if my needs in our relationship weren't being met and she noticed immediately she felt that I didn't find her attractive and was upset that I stopped initiating gint Messiah and that the quality of her intimi deteriorated I tried to fix it and express how I felt in the relationship and why it was hard for me to want intimacy from her but she kept saying I was just always calling her a problem so now we don't have antim asiah or even cuddle we talk a lot still but mostly about her sexual partner I hardly see her now I still try to initiate the intimacy but she's always tired or on her period or any other excuse and when she tries to initiate sex it's usually at the most awkward or in opportune times all of the intimacy is gone and we haven't had Intimacy in almost two months I want to bring this up to her but her frustration with these types of talks has pushed her to threatening a breakup or says she's feeling like I'm never satisfied with her she says constantly that I'm the man she wants to marry and that she can't see herself with anyone but me so it's a bit confusing my working Theory right now is that what I need in my life is maturity and the partner I found is exactly that responsible but fun and is all about balance and fairness on the other hand my GF f is looking for thoughtless fun and availability and her partner embodies that as well he is none of his own things rarely goes to his job and is easily aroused no matter what I don't want to leave my GF and I know who she was and that the person I fell in love with but I'm not sure that I care for who she is now we've tossed around the idea of couples therapy once we get our finances back under control but she doesn't honestly seem very interested in the idea I'm just not sure what to do at this point update number one the same day I posted this she got a call from her mother who was the main antagonist of her childhood they've had a sort of surface level relationship since she left home her mom stated her brother was going through a bit of psychosis due to self-isolation for the better part of his late teens and that she had some realizations about how she parented her children and apologized to my GF it seemed to have unlocked something in her and she let out a lot of held and resentment she asserted to her mom that she's going to start therapy because she's realizing that she's becoming her mother and she doesn't want to hurt people like she was hurt as a child I'm not sure how much she meant this being that she was extremely emotional about it but while on break at her new job that she started last week she's been applying for a second job saying that she thinks she thinks having so much free time this year has been affecting her negatively and she wants to work to have some emotional and Fin ccial Independence this is all good and well but a lot of you in the comments have brought up some amazing points and I think this is ultimately about figuring out what I actually want I don't think hopping out of one relationship to another is something that would benefit me or anyone else in the long run and I realize I do deserve to have some say of my own life and boundaries and desires but I also know that relationships are work but that work has to be mutual I'm going to do a lot of thinking and I'll update this post if there are any developments update me 27m and my GF 25f opened our relationship and have started to lose our spark November 16th 2022 so it's been a few months and I figured I'd update you all on the situation if you're still curious so a week or so after the original post I realized things weren't improving I went to some friends about the situation and it was unanimously time for a break up I knew it it was my decision to make ultimately and I read through all of the comments from the original post and decided that I deserved to figure out how I wanted to live life so I broke up with her and told her all the reasons why I told her all of the things I didn't like and would need to change if there was even any hope of ever considering getting back together she cried and we talked over the phone because she was never home when I was home so we couldn't talk in person she seemed to understand my reasoning and was saying she was going to work on herself it was getting close to the end of the lease and I had found a new place with my roommate and she was under the impression she was going to move in with me I considered letting her move with me but ultimately decided it was a bad idea especially because she went on a rant about my friends and how she wanted to hurt them because she found out that they agreed that I should break up with her so finally I told her she couldn't move with me she went to live with the dude she had been seeing and she kept in contact she never put forth any effort to improve she constantly gave me updates of how shitty the guy is and offered manmy in occasions her situation with him started to or how she treated me and immediately she realized that how he treated her was abusive and toxic I explained all the parallels between her situation and our situation and she gave a half-hearted apology I got back into therapy and I've been doing great ever since my finances are more stable than they've been in years and I'm now dating the girl I was seeing before this has been the easiest relationship I've had in my life our styles of communication are similar and how we show affection and Care are the same it was jarring at first because I've been so used to chaos and abuse even in relationships before my ex dating this girl feels like finally having someone on the same team as me someone dependable and assistant took a while to break habits of codependency and realize that I'm allowed my own space and freedoms with her I had to get back into my hobbies and I started going back to the gym because I had started thinking back over the last six years of my life and all of the [ __ ] I put up with and sacrificed for my ex and I kept blowing up on her and my therapist told me it wasn't healthy for me to channel my frustrations out like that so I've been a lot more productive and creative these days
give me a good story on IAgreedToOpenOurRelationshipSinceMyGirlfriendWantedAnditWreckedHerLife
BF cheated and got my sis pregnant so I left him but Mom insisted me to forgive them so I cut my family off for years after reconciling I found out mom had been sleeping with my ex's dad this incident dates back to 14 years ago when I was still in high school we were a close-knit group of three folks I Becky and Rob 17f 17f and 18f back then Rob had to repeat a year when his parents moved back to the States from Prague so we three were in the same class more than friends we were a family our fathers were best friends while my dad and Becky's dad settled here after their college Rob's father moved to Prague for work but they moved back when Rob was seven Becky and I had known each other ever since we were in diapers Rob became our friends when we were six and Rob was seven so we had known each other since ever Becky Rob and I pledged to be lifelong friends just like our parents Rob and I started dating when I was 15 it was not just a teenage fling we dated for two years and we were kind of serious at least I was and he pretended that he was two we planned on enrolling in the same College and then getting married people used to call Becky the third wheel in actual Becky and I were so close that Rob said he felt like third Wheeling between us perhaps I was the extra wheel I'll get to it eventually when we were 17 Becky got knocked up she was so terrified that she locked herself up in the school's washroom I was horrified too to see those two pink lines I asked her who the guy was she didn't say anything all she did was cry and Dread about her parents reaction to this she tested it twice in front of me in order to calm her down I asked her her to see a doctor first before telling her parents I took her to the doctor her pregnancy was confirmed she was so scared of her parents that she kept it hidden for almost a month that one month was equally tough for me I brought her supplements ensured that she had a proper meal got her snacks and juices and lent her a shoulder to cry on she confided in me about her fear anxiety and uncertainty I was her only support yet she was not willing to reveal the guy's name despite her keeping that a secret I supported her through all means I finally convinced her to speak to her parents before it became evident she asked me to be with her when she told them I agreed to be game it was not unusual for our parents to see us bailing each other her parents thought it was one such matter the moment she revealed that she was pregnant her parents called up mine to share their distress she didn't reveal the guy's name even in front of the parents she cried so profusely that my parents asked her parents to calm down and give time to Becky to confide in them two days later my mom tells me not to visit Beckley so often and that I should focus on my studies rather than being a babysitter to my friend this restriction was not like Becky is bad company for you because she was very protective towards her a week later I got to know why she was asking me to stay away from Becky not to protect me but to protect her that evening I randomly showed up at Becky's there I found Rob with his parents both Becky and Rob were crying even my parents were present there as soon as my mother saw me she rushed to me and asked me to go home I asked her what's the matter she said none of my business seeing me Rob and Becky both got astonished and I instantly understood what's the matter I screamed at them the baby is robs you both were fooling around behind my back they both rushed to me and kept saying we can explain I said no explanation the truth is out and open my boyfriend and my best friend is hooking up behind my back and my best friend is having his baby my parents dragged me out from there because I was screaming out so loud I came home and locked up myself I cried for days curling up inside my bed it was beyond heartbreaking I trusted her blindly and supported her by all means in tough times while she was my boyfriend in her backyard the worst part was everyone was so occupied with caring for the would be Mama that no one even thought about my pain surely Becky and Rob tried to reach out to me but I slammed the door on their face I blocked both of them on all social media platforms it was understandable for Becky's and Rob's parents to not care about my heartbreak but even my parents were least empathetic about it my mom was like get over it be happy your best friend is going to have a baby you'll be a fun and of cute little munchkin she acted so delusional I mean my best friend is carrying my boyfriend's baby and she wants me to be happy about that she said oh come on don't spoil this for everyone all of us are so happy to welcome the baby into our lives don't ruin that it's not a big deal for Rob to sleep with your friend it's very common in teenage years don't take it to your heart I'm sure you'll soon find another loving boyfriend she winked and said more handsome and Tall than Rob my mental condition got worse I couldn't place my finger on when this would have happened and how could I not see that coming no one was there for me to confide in my sister 15f back then was dating Becky's brother so she was definitely on her side when I cried in front of her she said how could you not guess that Rob was the dad you three are always together if any of you two are having a baby it has to be robs she also preached me the same thing move on don't spoil our relationship with them school was the worst Rob and Becky had dropped out Rob couldn't take the bully and Becky dropped out for obvious reason I had no friends besides these two losers and everyone in the school knew that me and Rob were dating then Rob made Becky pregnant and they both dropped out leaving me at the mercy of the bullies my family was more concerned about their friendship with Becky's and Rob's parents than about my feelings dad was still better he used to check on me sometimes but Mom was worst she was supplying Becky with handmade cookies while I was crying and sulking in my room she basically belittled and laughed at my feelings as her pregnancy grew my condition became worse it was just so difficult to see Rob taking Becky for walks for checkups and for dates to ease her anxiety my family asked me to look away from them and move them I don't know how I could possibly move on I mean they both were my neighbors it was not only difficult but impossible to not run into one of them at least once a day on top of that my family was constantly engaged in the conversation about their baby apparently they called themselves to be wouldbe grandparents yeah our families have been close if she was having a baby with anyone else I would have shared the same happiness as them but not anymore my mental state went for a toss it got so bad that on the day of my final exams at high school I packed my bag to run away from home I've been planning for this ever since their baby making news came out I was saving up for it I had sold all my books Comics gadgets watches and whatever little jewelry I owned I told I was going on a trek with my friends my family was so done with my sulking that they didn't ask anything and said sure have fun I left home never to come back again I went to the next town lived in a hostel and waited table for a living it was stressful with immense uncertainty about the future but I felt so much better than to be at home after a month my parents started contacting me asking me when I would return home had changed my number they emailed me I blocked them from there too they used others email IDs to write me so I told my sister that I was not returning home ever and asked them not to contact me they were emailing me from other rids so I changed that too that was it I don't know what did they do to find me living alone was not hunky dory but eventually I navigated I waited tables for 2 years then took up a receptionist for another year and lastly landed up a sales job which lasted for 3 years I met my husband when I was working in sales he was a marketing guy we both connected over our troubled family issues he lost his mom at an early age and his dad married a teenage girl of his age and forced him to call her mom other gaslighting and verbal abuse followed until he ran away from home we had known each other for just a year when he said he wanted to fund my college education which I can pay him back later he wanted me to do better in life I accepted his offer and went to college I continued to work part-time during college to take care of my other expenses I studied accounting and grabbed a decent paying job right after my graduation on my first day after work he proposed to to me and we got married a year later we have a son now life is good a month ago we went to Disneyland and there we bumped into my sister who was there with her family she had married Becky's brother and have a son with him I hugged her son and the moment was so surreal I hugged my sister and we cried she hated me for ghosting her she and her husband Becky's brother both apologized for not supporting me enough I said let the bygone be bygone and let's enjoy the trip we all enjoyed like a family I exchanged contacts with her she made me promise to stay in touch with her now she went home and told Mom about bumping into me she texted me that mom is asking for my number I was still not sure if I want to get in touch with her my husband advised me to make peace with my family and move on so I gave the green signal to my sister about sharing my number just an hour later to that I got a call from my mother she was sobbing over the call she relented her mistakes she said she was sorry that I had to go through all of this she said she was yearning to meet her grandchild she is insisting me to visit home with my family while I didn't say yes or no yet I'm thinking what to do edit I missed one important point my sister was showing me the pictures of my brother's children and while scrolling through the gallery I stumbled upon her family picture it had Becky and Rob my sister told me Becky and Rob got married four years after I ran away from home they had two more boys apart from the first girl baby I just smiled and said nothing she wanted to say more about them but seeing me not interested she backed off update one hey guys sorry for not updating this earlier let me start from where I left after a lot of contemp infation I went to meet my family my parents hugged me and cried yeah they apologized for neglecting my feelings it was a Bittersweet moment for us my sister was there with her husband and kids her husband Becky's brother also apologized to me and requested me to be in touch it was so nice to meet them all we all grew up together like a family my brother who was 10 when I left is also married now and has a 2-month-old infant it felt so good to hold and play with my nieces and nephews we went there for 2 days trip the first day was so emotional and beautiful in its own way my parents met my husband and my son who was so delighted to meet his grandparents on the second day I was casually chitchatting with my sister and my mom comes in and says see I told you you would find a better man than Rob and see you did find such a good husband you unnecessarily blew up the entire situation my sister gave her a look and asked her to stop but who could stop her she continued oh that's okay Charlie me is over her past now look how happy she is in her life I said surely I am she sat beside me and said then why not make peace with the past forgive everyone and move on I said I did make peace with the past and I have forgiven you all she said she didn't mean them but Rob and Becky she wanted me to forgive them and get into talking terms with them so that we all can hang out as a family like before I said why do you want me to do that you guys still hang out with them without me she said It embarrasses them that I don't talk to their children Becky and Rob but their children are so nice to my parents I said but your other two children my brother and my sister are nice to your friends be happy with that why bother me me she insisted that I forgive Becky and Rob and become their friends again I said no way and it is none of your business she started preaching me the importance of forgiveness and Jesus stuff then she said Becky wants to meet you and your husband can I call her for dinner I said if you do that I'm leaving the house now and never coming back at this point my siblings also got pissed off at mom that why she told Becky about my visit to her defense mom said Becky's dad saw me through the window and he might have told Becky and then Becky called Mom and requested her to patch me up with them I got so furious at lame excuse that I stood up and went inside my room my sister followed me inside the room and said mom has a weird obsession with Becky's family I mean yeah they all are friends from four decades but the way Mom cares to keep the friendship smooth it looks so fishy now I asked her what made her say so she said last year she and her husband were going through a turbulence in their relationship my sister casually mentioned to Mom that if her husband continues his gaslighting habit she might divorce him mom lost her and said outrightly that there would be no divorce whatever happens sister has to adjust even if cheated on her because we cannot ruin their friendship sounds weird me and my sister looked back in the past and realized mom had always been like this she always loved Becky and her brother more than us back then we never complained about this because Becky was my best friend and her brother was my sister's boyfriend discussion over we came back home I almost forgot about this talk with my sister last week my husband showed me a video where a middle-aged couple is making out at a bar that couple is no one but my mother with Becky's Dad yes it blew my mind my mother's obsession with keeping a good relationship with them makes so much sense now they can hang out anytime they want my husband went next town not my hometown for a work trip and there he saw them he recognized that it was Mom but didn't recognize that the man was Becky's dad he recorded it to show it to me because there was no way I would have believed him without the video after seeing the video I was choking I really needed to spit that out so I called my sister and asked her to come down next day she sensed it was urgent and she rushed I showed her the video and she is equally shocked my sister has not told her husband yet because he would be equally freaked out now we are at a fix what do we do now do we tell Dad about this or should we confront mom and ask her to M her ways but wouldn't that be cheating on dad again it's getting complicated update too my parents are getting divorced yes for obvious reasons my sister and I spent weeks thinking what to do I at least could discuss it with my husband and vent out but my sister's condition was worse she can't even discuss that with her husband her anxiety and silence were spoiling her relationship we had to do something so we did what any other siblings in the world would do we told our brother thinking he might come up with a better idea to deal with the situation on seeing the video he absolutely lost it he went straight to Mom and confronted her in front of dad she denied it and he rubbed the video on her face I don't know if it was wise or foolish of us to involve him but at least he offloaded our burden brother told us that he was absolutely pissed with Mom all his life because she had been ignoring him in front of Becky and her brother he said he hated me and my sister because of our closeness with that family but when he grew up our closeness made sense but moms didn't dad and my brother almost barged into their house and showed the video to Becky's mom who broke down on seeing her husband making out with our mother to simplify the matter to you guys mom was basically sleeping with dad's best friend yeah by then everyone got to know the truth including Rob and his parents dad and Becky's mom became a team and grilled mom and Becky's Dad we wanted to be neutral but we couldn't after knowing that they had been fooling around ever since we were a child initially they claimed it had started recently as a midlife crisis but their stories were inconsistent dad threatened to throw her out of the house right away then they spoke the truth of cheating for over 25 years yes they have been doing this under everyone's nose and no one ever suspected them Dad tried to hold the fort for the sake of the family but he grew miserable one day he just showed up at my door hugged me and cried like a baby he said now he understood what pain I must have gone through when my boyfriend cheated on me with my best friend mom did the exact same thing with Dad sleeping with his best friend it's terrible it's like getting stabbed from both ends dad called all three of us me my sister and my brother for a meeting he said he was sorry but he could not forgive mom and live with her anymore pretending nothing happened mom was telling him the same thing she told me forgive and move on dad was proceeding for a divorce and before that he wanted to inform us all three of us let our support to him that we are with him whatever he decides apparently when Mom got to know that Dad is going to serve her she blacked out she pleaded with him to give her one last chance for the sake of the family I was not present at that time but my sister was and she gave Mom a piece of her mind it was one huge drama in the family dad ultimately got her served and moved out a similar story happened with Becky's parents her mom has filed for a divorce and she has also moved out of the house so in my house mom is alone and in her house her dad is alone they might just move in together who knows blessing and disguise for them who knows they both might have been waiting to live together anyways I'm out of this I have my own family to care for these divorces have been rough on my sister because her both side of the family is affected she and her husband are going through tough times I hope their relationship doesn't suffer in between all this and they sail through this rough patch thanks for all the love I'll update the threat if anything develops now on to the next story story two husband wanted to name our daughter stuarta as the feminine form of his own name after 18 hours of Labor I impulsively named her after our kind nurse instead so my husband 38m and I 36f are expecting our first child a bouncing baby girl do in a few months we were both over the moon when we found out the gender but now things have gotten complicated to say the least see when we first started talking about names the boy name was immediately decided Stuart Jr after my husband no problem there it's a classic name and Carries family meaning but for a girl things got murky my husband suggested stuarta no you're not having a stroke apparently his logic is that since Stuart ends in t we can just add an a to make it feminine I tried explaining why that doesn't quite work how it sounds more like a a furniture brand than a human name how she'd be endlessly correcting people and explaining its origin he's adamant though says it honors him while giving our daughter a unique name I've suggested Alternatives feminine names that maybe share a similar sound or meaning to steuart names he's mentioned liking in the past even just going back to the drawing board entirely but he's fixated on stuarta now I love my husband dearly and I understand wanting to honor family but I can't imagine subjecting our daughter to a lifetime of awkward stares and endless questions about her unusual name I also worry about potential bullying and the impact it could have on her self-esteem so Reddit am I the jerk for refusing to budge on stuarta is there any compromise I haven't considered help us soon to be Mama out looking forward to your thoughts and hopefully some sanity checks edit please no suggestions for other T names the man clearly has a theme and I need to gently steer him away from it not fuel the fire comments po Pony 1993 NTA naming a child is a two yes and one no situation means you need two times yes for a name to be it in one know to make sure that name is not the name you choose works both ways if you'd ask me also I am not a fan of naming the first name of a child after a parent because then the child will always be compared to their parents and need to fight harder to be their own person I have less problems with the middle name being connected to someone else parents grandparents because that is only a formal name and not used in everyday business why is he dead set on stuarta I mean there are so many beautiful names but he only wants to name his daughter after him why not after the mother like your name junor Junior it is a bit misogynistic to only want to name the baby after the father whose last name will the baby get his as well maybe you could find a way like name the baby with the same first letter as your husband Stella Sally SAA Etc make sure the baby has a middle name if she shares the same last name as her father because it will be annoying for simple things like mail and stuff shell 37628 to piggyback on this what's his middle name could there be a feminine version of that that's less objectionable SL actually a name rather than just a weird mish mash of sounds lost random dude I suppose if you go by the meaning of the name Stewart / Stewart means guardian of the house so perhaps hesa Vesta I suppose Stacy is an option but I presume op doesn't want to be Stacy's mom deleted girl it is super simple he gets to choose the name when he pushes out the baby why is it only him being honored and not you by the way you need to let your nurses at the hospital know about this I have read some horror stories here on Reddit where dads or Mills have named the baby and signed the birth certificate NTA curious katkins 96 the idea of having children as a means of honoring the parent is so incredibly up and bound to lead to a lifetime of dysfunction but then I'm flat out against ever naming a child for anyone else anyway except that you're not having a baby you're giving life to a human and raising them to adulthood give them their own identity For the Love of All That's holy llama noore drama this is why I tell people Parenthood scares the out of me you aren't raising a baby or even a child you are raising an adult a whole ass human that will exist on and interact with this planet for 70 plus years years I feel like having a baby is basically making a covenant with Society not to raise an unspeakable adult definitely don't make it harder by giving them the stupidest name I've ever imagined princess unor ferocious NTA tell him he only gets one kid named after him so if he goes with stuarta now he'll never get a Stuart Jr and how come it's so important that he' be honored but not you see how he feels about naming a futur on a male version of your name remind him that baby names need a yes from both parents or it's a no you both need to be able to live with whatever you go with even if that means both of you missing out on the one you want most update first the good news we have a beautiful healthy baby girl she weighed in at 7B 4 o and already has the most incredible head of dark hair seriously where did that come from labor was a marathon not a Sprint 18 hours of fun but the amazing nurses kept me fueled up on ice chips and cheesy encouragement now for the not so good news the name situation buckle up because this might take a minute right before pushing started things got a little heated between me and Stuart apparently the stress of contractions made him even more attached to stuarta he was pacing the room muttering about family Legacy while I was doing some very impressive Lama's breathing exercises suddenly my water broke with a rather impressive Pop Let's just say it startled everyone in the room including Stuart the nurse bless her heart took advantage of the distraction and very calmly started prepping for delivery everything after that was a blur of pushing encouraging words and the most amazing head of dark hair emerging into the world the second our daughter was out screaming her little lungs out a wave of pure Primal love washed over me it was in that moment staring at this tiny perfect human being that the name debate completely evaporated there was no way I could call this beautiful little girl stuarta so what did we end up with in the haze of postpartum Bliss I blurted out the first name that popped into my head the name of the incredible nurse who' coached me through Labor Ella yes Ella not exactly the most adventurous choice but in that moment it felt perfect strong steady kind just like the woman who'd helped bring our daughter into the World Stuart bless his confused heart just looked at me then at our daughter then back at me again finally he let out a shaky laugh and said Ella it is thanks for all the support and hilarious stuarta comparisons here's to sleepless nights endless diaper changes and The Incredible Journey of Parenthood comments tank words don't name your kids a name they have to explain for the rest of their life it's a selfish Indulgence by a parent and the biggest thing you can do to a baby that's done nothing to deserve it Ella might not be the most adventurous name ever but it'll never be a negative for your kid good show rejecting stuarta Sunny Samantha I knew a guy whose dad's name was Al he got named Al X Alex his sister Al s Alice his mom finally stepped in and the third kid got a normal name to be fair none memorable and I also knew a happy guy and Buddy Guy I just want to name a kid something they'll find on a toothbrush or keychain smashed potato imagine needing your child to be named after you badly you think anything even remotely resembling stuarta is a good idea acceptable _ boxcore 7,500 damn it Stuart if you're so desperate to have something named after you why don't you go discover a new planet or something don't have a holess kid acceptable uncore boxcore 7,500 I truly cannot imagine naming my child after myself I don't understand that impulse at all I certainly can't imagine being so hellbent on self-aggrandisement that I do my kid to a name like stuarta
give me a good story on BFCheatedGotMySisPregnantSoILeftHimbutMomInsistedMetoForgiveThemSoICutMy
aita for telling my sister she should listen to the therapist who told her to wait a few more years and live apart my sister and her kids have been going to therapy for the past 4 months my sister lost her husband 3 years ago and started dating again 2 years ago now she's engaged to a guy Kev and he's living with her and the kids the kids are 11 8 and seven my sister had this idea that the kids would be crazy about Kev and would be so excited to have another man around and that they'd think of him as another dad figure per second d/ bonus dad or however people prefer to title it Kev does seem like a pretty decent guy from what I know of him but I also know the older two kids remember their dad really well he was actually the SI in the relationship and the youngest despite being four when his dad died also has some memories of him so it's not easy for them to accept Kev being there the kids pulled back for my sister after she told them she was dating someone and they were very closed off with Kev when they met despite this they moved in together and got engaged my sister decided they needed therapy together because the kids would try to stay out of the way after Kev moved in they weren't enthusiastic about time with her or with Kev if they weren't at a friend's house or playing outside they would hold up in their rooms my sister tried coaxing them out
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysistersheshouldlistentothetherapistwhotoldhertowaitafewmore
:19.650 --> :24.070 My evil former boss stole my idea and gave it to her daughter so she could get ahead :24.070 --> :26.450 of me, here's how I dealt with her. :26.450 --> :29.640 This happened years ago, shortly after I got out of College. :29.640 --> :34.260 That year, I got invited for an internship interview at a Magazine I loved. :34.260 --> :38.879 It was a great way to start my writing career and I was grateful and elated about the opportunity. :38.879 --> :43.950 I prepared very hard for the interview, read, and did a lot of research on the company and :43.950 --> :45.720 my would-be interviewers. :45.720 --> :50.370 I knew I had done my best but was still a bit worried at the time, many young people :50.370 --> :55.530 would also be at the interview and these were people who have graduated from prestigious :55.530 --> :57.340 and reputable universities. :57.340 --> :01.910 Luckily, all my hard work paid off, I did well at the first interview, was invited for :01.910 --> :04.510 another interview and I was selected. :04.510 --> :09.400 Twelve of us were selected for the internship and divided to work in different departments, :09.400 --> :14.510 some got fashion, some were in politics and three of us were selected to work in the entertainment :14.510 --> :15.510 vertical. :15.510 --> :19.720 We worked with different columnists and did whatever was required of us including the :19.720 --> :24.290 traditional serving coffee and buying lunch and we had a boss who was the head of the :24.290 --> :26.360 entertainment department and the Editor-in-Chief. :26.360 --> :32.080 She was a nice middle-aged lady and she spoke so much about fairness, justice, and doing :32.080 --> :35.409 the right thing so I deeply respected her. :35.409 --> :38.870 Her daughter was one of the internees and people gossiped about her. :38.870 --> :42.960 They said she did not deserve a spot in the internship program and that her mother had :42.960 --> :48.320 manipulated Human Resource into accepting her and all of that but I did not believe :48.320 --> :49.320 it. :49.320 --> :51.870 My boss didn't seem like the kind of person who would do that. :51.870 --> :56.580 She was big on working hard for whatever you want and from what I saw at the time, she :56.580 --> :59.740 would never be involved in that sort of workplace nepotism. :59.740 --> :01.870 Well, I thought wrong. :01.870 --> :05.440 I started to have second thoughts when I worked closely with her daughter. :05.440 --> :10.600 First, she was not so bright and she looked and talked like she had some growing up to :10.600 --> :15.690 do, she was quite immature and would roll her eyes and pout like a teenager. :15.690 --> :19.860 I don't mean that she was a total dumbo but I knew that there are people amongst those :19.860 --> :24.819 who came for the interview who deserved this spot more than her, it was clear that had :24.819 --> :28.909 her mother not been a senior staff, she would never have been selected. :28.909 --> :34.159 It was obvious that she did not do much work like the rest of us to secure the internship, :34.159 --> :38.720 she was lazy and uninterested in doing anything and she complained a lot. :38.720 --> :43.430 Her lackadaisical attitude towards work only happened when her mother wasn't around though, :43.430 --> :48.099 whenever she sees her mother around, she would pretend to be busy or would be walking around :48.099 --> :51.040 asking people if they had any job for her to do. :51.040 --> :52.040 It was funny. :52.040 --> :55.999 I honestly did not have a problem with her or with the fact that the writers and other :55.999 --> :00.879 workers never asked her to get coffee, buy their lunch, or hold stuff. :00.879 --> :05.639 I have always known that all fingers are not equal, some people have to prove themselves :05.639 --> :10.769 more than others to achieve the same goal and I didn't exactly like it but it's simply :10.769 --> :12.440 the way things worked in life. :12.440 --> :17.459 My Dad always said "it doesn't matter if you have to do the extra work, do it anyway" and :17.459 --> :18.459 I did. :18.459 --> :22.700 The other intern was just as hard-working, he was always trying to help and make things :22.700 --> :28.519 easier but I noticed that he relaxed a bit on the hard work when he saw that our boss's :28.519 --> :32.590 daughter was not as bothered, from what I knew, his brother was a popular stylist so :32.590 --> :36.599 he had a wide range of network and choices that I did not. :36.599 --> :40.180 I could not afford to just sit around too, so I did not. :40.180 --> :44.900 I needed the internship to work, I wanted to get retained after my internship program :44.900 --> :48.450 had ended and I didn't want anything getting in the way of that. :48.450 --> :53.999 A month to the end of the six months internship, the head of Human Resources invited all interns :53.999 --> :58.010 into his office and shared important information with us. :58.010 --> :02.329 He said we all had to come up with a big idea for an article. :02.329 --> :06.980 We would be supervised till the idea is published in the magazine. :06.980 --> :11.610 After all, the articles have been published, one of us would be selected and given a full-time :11.610 --> :16.600 job at the magazine and the other two would have been published and compensated for their :16.600 --> :20.829 works which is also a good deal for a writer who is just starting. :20.829 --> :25.780 He said the article does not determine whether or not we would be retained as that was dependent :25.780 --> :30.520 on several things but having a good idea for an article was a plus. :30.520 --> :35.260 I left that office determined to come up with something big, only one out of the three of :35.260 --> :40.940 us could be retained in each vertical and I was determined to ensure I was selected. :40.940 --> :46.650 I already had a good relationship with virtually all the people in the department, I was respectful :46.650 --> :52.389 and helpful, all I had to do was get a great article together and I could be a full-time :52.389 --> :53.389 employer. :53.389 --> :58.150 I had thought up an idea and went into my boss's office to run it by her before officially :58.150 --> :01.090 presenting my pitch to the other editors. :01.090 --> :03.900 She asked me to briefly write it down and I did. :03.900 --> :07.850 "That's a fine idea", she said with a big smile on her face. :07.850 --> :12.250 She then asked if I had any other ideas, and I replied that I didn't. :12.250 --> :17.030 She advised me to not shut the door on my creativity and think of more ideas. :17.030 --> :19.129 I thanked her and left her office. :19.129 --> :24.409 I told my close friend what I had planned and she loved it too, she thought it was brilliant :24.409 --> :26.600 and would earn me a job at the magazine. :26.600 --> :27.830 I was glad. :27.830 --> :33.001 The next day, my boss said I couldn't use that idea, I was surprised because she had :33.001 --> :37.460 been glad to hear it and was supportive, she didn't even provide a strong reason, she just :37.460 --> :40.610 muttered something about it being too controversial. :40.610 --> :44.009 She "advised" me to think of something else. :44.009 --> :48.480 I wanted to not take her advice but I knew it could get me in trouble, she was going :48.480 --> :53.840 to be one of those who'd decide I could publish the article anyway so I didn't want to risk :53.840 --> :56.590 it but I had issues with her reason. :56.590 --> :01.630 The magazine is known for publishing very controversial articles, it has contributed :01.630 --> :04.860 to the growing number of readers they have all over the world. :04.860 --> :08.380 I decided I was going to think of something different. :08.380 --> :13.240 My friend was disappointed because she believed the idea was superb but I couldn't pitch it :13.240 --> :15.270 anymore so I chose something else. :15.270 --> :19.750 I only had three days to come up with something since we were to present at the end of the :19.750 --> :25.060 week and I did but it wasn't well thought out, not as much as the first one. :25.060 --> :30.020 I did my best to make a good presentation of my pitch to the editors and it was accepted. :30.020 --> :35.669 I had started to work on my article as were the other internees when one day, the third :35.669 --> :41.050 internee in Entertainment came to me, he asked about how my article was going and we talked :41.050 --> :45.759 briefly about his, then to my utter shock, he mentioned that my boss's daughter was not :45.759 --> :50.930 at work at that moment because she had gone out to interview a group of people. :50.930 --> :57.690 The idea I shared with my boss involved interviewing these same people so I just figured she handed :57.690 --> :01.229 my idea to her daughter and that was why she didn't want me to use it. :01.229 --> :06.039 I asked him if he knew what her article was about and he told me, confirming my worry. :06.039 --> :09.639 My boss had betrayed my trust in her daughter. :09.639 --> :12.020 I was sad and felt oppressed. :12.020 --> :15.300 She could have found a way to get some sort of employment for her daughter instead of :15.300 --> :17.400 just stealing my idea. :17.400 --> :22.111 I told my Dad about it when I got home that day and he advised me to go to HR, it was :22.111 --> :27.210 the right thing to do but I was not sure it would be handled properly plus it was my word :27.210 --> :28.569 against hers. :28.569 --> :34.379 She had this air of moral superiority about her and people might not believe me or they :34.379 --> :36.680 will believe me and still not care. :36.680 --> :41.680 I was not about to start my career as a journalist like this, these top journalists speak to :41.680 --> :46.660 one another and I didn't want to have to deal with so much hate that early in my career. :46.660 --> :50.560 I decided I was simply going to have to get my revenge. :50.560 --> :55.210 I was eventually going to take the matter to Human Resources but I would get my revenge :55.210 --> :59.370 first, that way, if they did nothing, I'd at least know I dealt with her. :59.370 --> :03.940 My boss was away on a work trip for five days but when she returned to work, I confronted :03.940 --> :05.780 her calmly about what she had done. :05.780 --> :09.599 I remember the first question she asked was "how old are you?" :09.599 --> :12.279 I didn't know why that was important but I answered her. :12.279 --> :13.659 "Twenty-three", I replied. :13.659 --> :16.409 "Do you have plans to be a parent one day?" :16.409 --> :18.379 I nodded affirmatively. :18.379 --> :24.349 "Then you will understand why I did what I did, maybe not now but when you have a child :24.349 --> :26.289 of your own, you will get it. :26.289 --> :30.550 As parents, we are willing to do even the craziest things for our children". :30.550 --> :35.710 I have never hated anyone as much as I hated her at that moment. :35.710 --> :41.070 The fact that she was justifying stealing from another person's child for hers was just :41.070 --> :45.980 revolting, I was beyond angry, I however did not show it. :45.980 --> :48.240 I walked out of her office calmly. :48.240 --> :52.780 What pissed me off was how she acted like nothing had happened, afterwards, she spoke :52.780 --> :55.410 to me like she used to with a very friendly tone. :55.410 --> :59.810 I didn't know exactly how to get back at her until my friend from college asked to hang :59.810 --> :00.810 out. :00.810 --> :03.220 She worked in another magazine at the time and had a column in it. :03.220 --> :08.000 I told her all about what happened at work and she was mad about it. :08.000 --> :12.960 She knew my boss and had before the incident respected her but was disappointed at what :12.960 --> :13.960 she did. :13.960 --> :15.200 "What are you going to do about it?" :15.200 --> :16.200 She asked me. :16.200 --> :21.260 I sighed, I didn't know what to do and I told her that, I was going to just resign to fate. :21.260 --> :22.480 "No way! :22.480 --> :25.891 You have to do something, let me know how I can help when you make up your mind". :25.891 --> :31.501 On my way back home, I thought of what I could do, I was going to get my friend to publish :31.501 --> :37.260 my original idea in her column and pass it off as hers and she would do that before my :37.260 --> :43.010 evil boss's daughter published hers, that way it would look like she copied the idea :43.010 --> :45.530 and it would never get published. :45.530 --> :50.790 That night I texted my friend and asked if she could publish my idea in her magazine, :50.790 --> :55.670 she said yes and that was how we kicked off our revenge mission. :55.670 --> :59.560 My friend and I met to discuss this again and she thought it was a creative way to get :59.560 --> :04.980 back at my boss but she also worried that I won't be getting credit for an idea I came :04.980 --> :05.980 up with. :05.980 --> :10.380 I was not bothered about that though and I made that clear to her, I simply wanted to :10.380 --> :13.640 get back at my boss and her brat kid. :13.640 --> :18.320 To make it even worse, I tried as much as I could to peep into my boss's daughter's :18.320 --> :23.080 work and see what changes were made to my original idea so I could tell my friend about :23.080 --> :28.300 it, no changes were made but I sent the exact article title to my friend. :28.300 --> :33.370 My article was published first because I finished quite early and it was edited just after, :33.370 --> :38.690 three days before my boss's daughter's article was supposed to go live, my friend published :38.690 --> :39.810 hers. :39.810 --> :44.710 Nobody knew about it at the office until the next day when one of the editors found out :44.710 --> :46.190 and was alarmed. :46.190 --> :51.440 The whole department was thrown into a frenzy but one thing was certain- she could no longer :51.440 --> :57.090 publish hers and it was too late to publish a new article because it would take time and :57.090 --> :00.820 the evaluation was supposed to happen at the end of the next week. :00.820 --> :07.480 It seemed very suspicious to everyone that my friend's magazine copied the exact headline :07.480 --> :09.120 and covered the same story. :09.120 --> :12.300 My boss and the other editors decided to look into it. :12.300 --> :14.920 I was called into the board room and questioned. :14.920 --> :19.450 My boss's daughter was present in the room, her eyes welled up in tears. :19.450 --> :24.540 Of course, I told them I knew nothing about it, I said I didn't even know what my boss's :24.540 --> :25.990 daughter was working on. :25.990 --> :30.700 She was asked if she had ever told me about her article, she said she hadn't and I was :30.700 --> :31.700 released. :31.700 --> :35.570 I kind of felt bad for the girl, she probably did not know her mother stole the idea from :35.570 --> :41.330 me or she knew, I didn't care, as long as she looked stupid and comes off as a chatty :41.330 --> :46.520 person who can't keep what she was working on a secret until it was published, I'm good. :46.520 --> :50.650 Before the end of the day, my boss called me privately into her office and asked if :50.650 --> :51.650 I did it. :51.650 --> :54.780 I laughed hysterically and excused myself. :54.780 --> :58.330 At that point, I was not even interested in working at that company anymore. :58.330 --> :01.220 I had gotten the experience I needed anyway. :01.220 --> :06.060 I decided I was going to let HR know before leaving, now that the exact article had been :06.060 --> :10.620 published elsewhere, they will probably believe I came up with the idea. :10.620 --> :15.630 I told them all that happened and informed added that I was not interested in being retained. :15.630 --> :20.450 One of them tried to convince me to stay but I decided against it, I didn't want a situation :20.450 --> :25.510 where I'd start on an uneasy note with my coworkers so I politely declined. :25.510 --> :28.700 I left the company that day and never returned. :28.700 --> :31.740 I heard one of the editors take my former boss's place. :31.740 --> :36.240 She was demoted based on my report and the fact that she has had other issues in the :36.240 --> :41.440 past but she could not handle the shame so she turned in her resignation and left to :41.440 --> :43.940 work as a chief editor for another magazine. :43.940 --> :47.700 Of course, the bratty young lady was not retained either. :47.700 --> :53.271 I was super proud of myself for standing up to my bully boss and not letting her just :53.271 --> :10.310 steal my idea and get away with :10.310 --> :11.310 it :11.310 --> :12.310 —------------------------------- :12.310 --> :30.740 —--------------------------- :30.740 --> :37.340 We all know a smart person that shows off, is a bitch, and treats other people like they :37.340 --> :39.100 are completely stupid. :39.100 --> :44.390 Sometimes they're a distant acquaintance, the popular girl at school, or even your own :44.390 --> :45.390 parent. :45.390 --> :47.380 In my case, they were one of my best friends. :47.380 --> :49.060 It wasn't always like that. :49.060 --> :52.300 We were basically born to be best friends. :52.300 --> :56.200 Our mothers had us exactly a month apart, but they didn't really meet each other until :56.200 --> :01.530 a few months later when we were falling sick like all the time and had to be at the hospital :01.530 --> :02.530 a lot. :02.530 --> :06.890 Our parents met each other at the ER and decided that it would be a good idea for their two :06.890 --> :10.300 sickly children to be friends, and it worked. :10.300 --> :16.130 We were tight as thieves from the first time we met and for most of our lives, we did everything :16.130 --> :17.130 together. :17.130 --> :21.640 Things started to change when I turned fourteen and was diagnosed with dyslexia. :21.640 --> :25.951 Between us, my best friend, (we'll call her Sarah which is an obviously fake name) had :25.951 --> :27.700 always been the smart one. :27.700 --> :31.440 My parents tried not to compare us to each other, but when you're an Indian kid with :31.440 --> :36.480 strict parents and your best friend is a white kid that's so much smarter than you, it tends :36.480 --> :39.480 to make things a little weird between your and your parents. :39.480 --> :43.800 I still believe that despite how much they disliked that Sarah's parents were so lenient :43.800 --> :49.790 with her, they let us be friends because she was smarter and by association, maybe one :49.790 --> :51.930 day I would be smart too. :51.930 --> :56.390 Sarah was sweet to me and she was the best friend any girl could ever ask for. :56.390 --> :01.720 She was pretty much also perfect, with perfect hair and blue eyes and perfect grades. :01.720 --> :06.890 Her parents were even perfect, being the stereotypical high school sweethearts that got married after :06.890 --> :09.970 also attending the same community college. :09.970 --> :13.810 Not that I had any problems with how I looked or the fact that my parent’s marriage was :13.810 --> :19.430 arranged, but between Sarah and I, she was automatically everyone's first choice. :19.430 --> :24.070 We didn't really start to have problems until after I was diagnosed with dyslexia. :24.070 --> :28.530 My parents had just dramatically announced it to me after assuring me that they still :28.530 --> :30.660 loved me no matter what. :30.660 --> :34.930 Because I was so distressed and upset about the diagnosis, they decided to give me one :34.930 --> :37.610 chance to do whatever I wanted. :37.610 --> :43.840 It was a Friday night, so I asked for permission to go to a party, and they begrudgingly agreed. :43.840 --> :48.990 If you have immigrant parents and are a 14-year-old middle schooler, I'm sure you understand how :48.990 --> :51.110 much of a big deal this was to me. :51.110 --> :55.840 I went with my best friend and we were having a good time until it was time to play the :55.840 --> :58.340 dreaded spin the bottle game. :58.340 --> :02.850 Even then I knew that the game was trouble and nothing good would come out of it, but :02.850 --> :05.930 my best friend convinced me that it would be harmless. :05.930 --> :10.930 The game went okay until the bottle landed on her and she chose to tell the truth. :10.930 --> :15.791 I cannot recall the question, but her answer was basically blurting to about half of my :15.791 --> :19.430 middle school classmates that I was dyslexic. :19.430 --> :24.090 Note that I had only just let her know about it barely an hour earlier while her mother :24.090 --> :25.790 drove us to the party. :25.790 --> :30.030 There were a lot of other things that she could have said, but the fact that she chose :30.030 --> :33.450 that particular secret to spill made me really sad. :33.450 --> :37.420 I stomped out of the room where the game was being played and sat with the host's family :37.420 --> :40.550 until Sarah's parents came to pick us up later that night. :40.550 --> :43.910 We didn't speak on the whole ride home, and for the rest of the weekend. :43.910 --> :49.170 I thought that my best friend would realize that she offended me and apologize by Monday, :49.170 --> :53.790 but she just pretended that everything was okay and went straight into talking to me :53.790 --> :56.500 the moment we entered the school halls. :56.500 --> :00.120 When I did try to let her know that I was offended by the stunt she pulled on Friday :00.120 --> :03.290 night, she brushed me off and called me dramatic. :03.290 --> :09.679 At that point, my 14-year-old self knew that things would never be the same again. :09.679 --> :14.660 Word traveled fast and as much as I got teased and harassed by people, I also found other :14.660 --> :19.470 people who suffered from dyslexia and we formed a club, sort of. :19.470 --> :24.520 As I got closer to these people, my friendship with Sarah started to hit rock bottom. :24.520 --> :29.820 After getting my diagnosis, the school I attended realized that they had quite a number of dyslexic :29.820 --> :34.520 learners and decided to employ different teaching tactics for us. :34.520 --> :39.550 Once it was established, I found that I was actually very smart and could do very well :39.550 --> :42.920 in my studies if just given the chance. :42.920 --> :47.840 Sarah did not appreciate that, and somehow our already suffering friendship went from :47.840 --> :54.500 us walking quietly home every day after school, to having to be forced by our parents to spend :54.500 --> :55.720 time together. :55.720 --> :00.750 She continued to try really hard to be better than me, and if I ever asked questions in :00.750 --> :03.750 class, she made sure to ridicule and make fun of me. :03.750 --> :07.860 God forbid that I asked her for help because I would only leave even more frustrated than :07.860 --> :08.930 I started. :08.930 --> :14.290 It didn’t help that she was already at the top of most of our classes and she was automatically :14.290 --> :18.640 recommended to me by teachers whenever I needed help in school. :18.640 --> :23.640 Eventually, we figured that there was no way that we could continue being friends, but :23.640 --> :26.170 we had to pretend for the sake of our parents. :26.170 --> :31.420 I got a boyfriend in high school, and I used the excuse of going over to hers, to go see :31.420 --> :32.910 him all the time. :32.910 --> :34.800 She did the same, but with parties. :34.800 --> :37.730 I’m still even surprised that she didn’t rat on me. :37.730 --> :41.180 We drifted even further from each other until high school was over. :41.180 --> :45.570 Our universities were in different states, and we had one last sleepover before we both :45.570 --> :48.720 moved and went non-contact with each other. :48.720 --> :52.150 Uni was a little more accepting and honestly, a little fun. :52.150 --> :56.960 I was able to manage my dyslexia enough to go through it as smoothly as I could manage :56.960 --> :59.860 until I graduated and got a job out in the city. :59.860 --> :04.720 I got my own apartment, started earning adult money, and could do whatever I wanted. :04.720 --> :09.560 I also had a boyfriend who loved me and my relationship with my parents was as good as :09.560 --> :12.730 it could get (when they weren’t screaming at me to come home). :12.730 --> :16.760 My life was far from perfect, but at least it was progressing positively. :16.760 --> :21.540 On a random day, I got a call from a strange number, and when I answered it, it was my :21.540 --> :23.910 former best friend, Sarah. :23.910 --> :29.710 I was super shocked because we had not spoken to each other in about five years, but I answered :29.710 --> :31.070 the call anyway. :31.070 --> :35.500 It started as an innocent little call to catch up on each other and talk about everything :35.500 --> :38.410 that had happened in the past couple of years. :38.410 --> :43.340 It was nice to just catch up, but then it seemed like luck hadn’t been on her side. :43.340 --> :48.110 She went on a long rant about how she was in between jobs, about to be homeless, and :48.110 --> :49.550 in need of a fresh start. :49.550 --> :54.340 Of course, I felt bad for her, and I knew that there were a few openings at my job. :54.340 --> :59.960 She didn’t live in the city like I, but she lived only a few hours away, so I convinced :59.960 --> :03.380 her to come over, and even promised to let her stay at my place. :03.380 --> :05.110 It was nice when she first came. :05.110 --> :09.570 She looked great and seemed very carefree and even almost a different person than who :09.570 --> :12.190 she used to be towards the end of our friendship. :12.190 --> :17.020 I let her have the spare room in my apartment and she was supposed to only stay for a month, :17.020 --> :18.900 which I had prepared myself for. :18.900 --> :23.950 When Sarah and I talked some more, I found that she had dropped out of college just before :23.950 --> :25.380 her final year. :25.380 --> :29.770 It shouldn’t have been a problem if she had told me earlier, but she didn’t and :29.770 --> :33.670 there was only so much of a good word I could put in for her at work. :33.670 --> :39.460 She did get the job, but it was a lower-paying one, which she outrightly blamed me for, just :39.460 --> :43.660 before stating that she would need to stay at mine for three months longer than we originally :43.660 --> :48.260 planned because her salary wouldn’t be enough to get her a place in the neighborhood that :48.260 --> :50.130 she really wanted to live in. :50.130 --> :54.800 I was eager to rekindle our childhood friendship so a part of me thought that it would be the :54.800 --> :58.520 best idea to let her do what she liked for the most part. :58.520 --> :03.050 It started with me always having to clean up after her, and then graduated to me being :03.050 --> :08.650 her mom and having to wake her up and make her shower, have breakfast, and dress up in :08.650 --> :10.850 time so we would get to work early. :10.850 --> :15.120 I introduced Sarah to all my friends; my work friends, friends from college that I still :15.120 --> :20.260 spoke to, and even my boyfriend, and they all loved her instantly. :20.260 --> :21.260 Who wouldn’t? :21.260 --> :24.970 I was just glad that they got along and happy that she wouldn’t feel so lonely. :24.970 --> :30.530 With time, it started to feel like I was being left out of things within my own friend group, :30.530 --> :33.190 but I gaslit myself to believe otherwise. :33.190 --> :37.610 During lunch at the office one day, Sarah was huddled over with my work friends and :37.610 --> :39.960 they were all glued to their phones. :39.960 --> :44.770 I went over and inquired about what was so interesting to them, and I was introduced :44.770 --> :45.770 to Wordle. :45.770 --> :49.540 If you don’t know what that is, it’s something like a digital crossword puzzle where you :49.540 --> :51.540 get a few tries to guess a word. :51.540 --> :56.050 Now, because of my dyslexia, I tend to stay away from crossword puzzles and things of :56.050 --> :00.720 the sort, but I wanted to give this wordle a try because according to them, it was really :00.720 --> :01.720 fun. :01.720 --> :06.100 When I expressed my eagerness to play and asked someone to explain further, Sarah made :06.100 --> :10.590 a joke about me being too dyslexic to really understand anything. :10.590 --> :15.660 It hit me like a ton of blocks because not only was this the second time she was doing :15.660 --> :19.410 this, but none of my work friends knew about me being dyslexic. :19.410 --> :23.580 It wasn’t like I was embarrassed about it, but my theory was that if I could manage it :23.580 --> :27.010 just fine, why did the rest of the world need to know? :27.010 --> :32.130 Thankfully, my work crowd was a little more mature than middle schoolers and they instantly :32.130 --> :34.790 understood that my condition was not a joke. :34.790 --> :38.650 It didn’t stop it from still being extremely humiliating. :38.650 --> :42.740 I thought that confronting Sarah this time would be different since we were a little :42.740 --> :47.100 more grown up, but it was the same damn thing. :47.100 --> :50.950 She insisted that it was just a little game and that there was no need to get all worked :50.950 --> :52.000 up over it. :52.000 --> :58.240 I demanded an apology from her and she burst into tears, adding a little sob story that :58.240 --> :02.690 I didn't care enough to listen to, because of how angry I was. :02.690 --> :08.250 She was right about Wordle just being a game but telling me that the only reason I couldn't :08.250 --> :13.220 play was because of a condition that I had, was just downright mean. :13.220 --> :18.720 I realized then, that whatever friendship I was trying to salvage with her, was gone. :18.720 --> :23.830 She was still as childish as her high school self and there was no helping that. :23.830 --> :30.230 The world incident was just the cherry on top of the pie of all the other annoying things :30.230 --> :36.370 that she did to irritate me, so I sat her down one fine day and let her know that she :36.370 --> :38.240 needed to move out. :38.240 --> :43.720 Sarah did try to guilt trip me by using the history we shared, but I had been desensitized :43.720 --> :45.460 to her tactics already. :45.460 --> :51.280 When she found that there was no way to talk me down, she tried to demean me some more, :51.280 --> :53.840 but I threatened to call the police on her. :53.840 --> :58.020 She didn't move out of my apartment until a week later when I was at work. :58.020 --> :03.360 She took a sick day off that day and moved her belongings out, but not before smashing :03.360 --> :10.130 eggs all over my white walls and writing some very mean things with a red marker. :10.130 --> :14.300 It was a pain to get the stains out, but I am just glad she’s gone. :14.300 --> :19.250 Sarah eats lunch alone at work now, because everyone knows who she really is, and it feels :19.250 --> :22.350 like karma really did her thing on my behalf. :22.350 --> :26.740 Even though I did have plans of getting my own revenge on her, being in the same place :26.740 --> :33.040 as her, while she learns about what it means to have no friends, is revenge enough. :33.040 --> :37.690 About the wordle game, it was hard getting adjusted to it, because dyslexia makes simple :37.690 --> :46.730 things like that, difficult, but I think I’m beginning to get the hang :46.730 --> :39.880 of it! :39.880 --> :45.880 —-------------------------------
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeWORDLERUINEDMyRelationshipWithMyBestFriendRedditStories
what were the best comebacks you've ever heard I wasn't present but my friend told me this story this is potentially very offensive but I should make it perfectly clear that every party involved in this Exchange took it in Good Humor that it was met as my white friend is in a racially diverse Friendship Circle in which the majority are black and those guys frequently engage in racially charged banter with each other the non-black members generally don't join in and are always left feeling awkward when it happens one day one of his black friends enters a room saw that my only friend and a bunch of other white friends were present he then said in a joking manner what up Ma N word oh no wait you can't say that can you one of my white friends rounded on him and said maybe not but there are plenty of things we can say like thanks for the warning officer and hi Dad his black friend apparently roared with laughter just sharing another story my cousin was in town for Thanksgiving he goes up to my 10-year-old skinny nephew and jokes hey it looks like you are gaining weight my 10-year-old cousin without skipping a beat tells him hey it looks like you have diabetes my cousin is 300 plus pounds he hasn't been back to visit since yo kids especially that kid are Savage I swear kids say the most darnest things or rather hurtful things in this case story two so back when I was in junior high wearing Arrow pus style was a thing but it was fading out of popularity me and a buddy were at Islands of Adventure in Florida and we were waiting in line for the dueling dragons roller coaster as we were next in line to get on the coaster I heard somebody yelling from on the ride I looked over and realized some security selling looking Bros were yelling in our Direction so I yelled back what aerop Pas style sucks D I looked over and realized my buddy is wearing an Arab hastyle shirt the ride then starts to exit the tunnel and right as they pass say I yelled back yeah so does your boyfriend they didn't like that but we were gone by the time they came back there was this time I was getting my haircut and this mother and her four kids came in immediately I felt bad for the mother because one of the young boys was running around like he just drank two red bulls at one point the mother snapped after telling him to behave four or five times and threatened to take away his PS3 the entire Place went silent because she yelled and you could tell she was already embarrassed what came out of her son's mouth was to this day the funniest thing I've ever heard he yelled if you take away my PlayStation I'm going to tell Grandma that daddy puts his pee pee in your mouth the mother didn't even respond she just grabbed her kids and left the barber shop everyone burst into hysterics afterwards all right again see what I'm talking about here kids Savage Story three our economics teacher was a complete Legend but one semester he had to take off because he broke his leg badly surfing so we had a replacement she was not a legend one time we were all talking year 12 so final year of school and she got sick of us so she said that we could only talk if it was about the work we were doing which at the time was to do with the economic impact of unemployment after about 5 minutes of that we started talking about random stuff again my mate was telling us about how his older sister had just had a daughter and he'd gone to meet her the weekend before we obviously were a bit too loud and the teacher heard us and called out excuse me table in the middle it doesn't sound like you're talking about your work and without any hesitation I turned around and said of course we are miss his niece is unemployed I didn't think it was that great of a comeback but the class lost all their crap and one of the guys came up to me after class and said crazy you've always been a pretty funny guy but that was freaking hilarious I didn't have much self-confidence at the time so it meant a lot to me related to school after College during the summer I had an internship at a co-working space the boss asked me to create and distribute a survey to all companies that work there to collect data for an internal event as his request I added questions for names emails and phone numbers so that the manager the co-working space can easily contact everyone when needed that information was not compulsory of course if someone doesn't feel like sharing anyway there was this woman probably some boss of whatever company came to our office office and demanded the age of the person who made the survey I raised my hand and said I was 19 she then proceeded to smirk and claimed makes sense after that she continued to irritate the whole office with her bossy tone teaching me not to ask for other personal information and all that jazz after 5 minutes of her delivering her lifetime speech I could not take it anymore and simply cut her with yes ma'am I understand I will take your advice next time she stayed silent for a few seconds then looked down on me and asked which uni do you go to with a belittling tone so I answered that's also personal information ma'am she immediately shut the f up then laugh story four a little context I was 17 and a moderately overweight guy I was at a friend's 18th birthday party at her house it was a big house out in the countryside so everyone was staying there overnight about 50 of us so everyone's drinking laughing and having a great time a apart from this one girl nobody really likes her as she's just massively a prick about everyone and everything but small school so kind of had to invite her she's being extremely negative complaining all the time just generally bringing everyone down it's the end of the night and everyone's kind of winding down but still awake we're all in this one large room with mattresses on the floor now I've been drinking since about 2: p.m. and it's now about 3:00 a.m. and I'm a rambling drunk just constant BS but it's it's funny I think and I'm still actually talking to people not just myself then this girl just out of nowhere says shut up dibs 234 no one cares screw off stie just cuz my melons are bigger than yours doesn't mean you need to be jealous never in all my life has a response come out of my mouth that fast and this was straight bypass the brain go straight to the mouth stuff moment of silence and just endless laughter she kept trying for a comeback of her own but everyone just kept laughing l l l at her face while she stormed out I was talking to the birthday girl later on and she kept saying she was so happy I said that to her everyone's been getting sick and tired of her crappy attitude all year and she was glad someone had finally said something to her she never recovered socially everyone was just done with her the class wall was broken and all of a sudden no one was taking her crap anymore so that was my favorite comeback Story five working the seafood counter at the grocery store is a huge pain so many huge orders for the holidays apparently it is or was a tradition for Italian families one older lady comes in wearing her fur coat dripping in nasty perfume all sorts of jewelry pushes to the front of the line and starts yelling her name to get her order as soon as I heard the name and saw the lady I knew it would be a problem she had placed the order for live dungeoness crabs to be picked up on Monday I'm forgetting the actual days of the week but you get my point they ared then and she says she will pick them up Tuesday and Wednesday I guess her holiday gathering was moving dates or something eventually she says she will get them on Friday by the time Friday Rose around they died so we cooked them up to at least keep them edible so now she barges her way in expecting live crabs that we already cooked and I tried to explain it but she flipped saying we messed up she never changed the date Etc I showed her the log book we took orders by hand back then and I showed her all the pickup dates that were CR off in time with a change noted on each she continues to freak out starts demanding free stuff to compensate manager walks over to me and says not so quietly just give her whatever the hell she wants and get her out of here she blows her top and screams like actually screams you don't f with the 54-year-old woman me what's your daughter have to do with this oo she probably needs some eyes for that burn and those crabs the story sick backstory I live in Australia and in the Australian car scene there's been a long running rivalry between Ford and Holden fans fueled by their participation in motorport there's a lot of banter and trash talking but it's mostly just kidding around some people however are serious about it the guy in question was a Holden Fanboy and would take any and every opportunity to rag on Ford frequently spouting the old adage Ford at least they Circle the problem in reference to their logo and and badge I didn't particularly like him as it was and on this day I was just tired of listening to him complaining about a loss from Holden and the V8 Supercars when the leading driver who had ignored warnings from his crew ran out of fuel in the final corner of the final lap and Dro from first to fifth him it was a BS win by four they should have lost wind cup was cheated me he ran out of fuel part of racing is managing your car and making decisions on when to push and when to conserve he chose poorly and lost it was a fair and legit win him whatever Ford still crap and they'll lose next time you know what they say about Ford at least they circled the problem me as opposed to Holden who circled their customer base giant wuss that doesn't have a pair he didn't know what to say to that and thankfully shut the hell up story seven my sister was getting married and didn't want to pay hundreds of dollars for a cake they had already spent up of 10g and it just wasn't a priority to her nobody likes wedding cakes anyway she was going to do a dessert potluck and ask gu to bring dessert for the table I have this quote unquote confirmed Bachelorette Aunt who dated a guy once in the 70s and has sworn off marriage ever since because he broke her heart so badly we all know the real reason she hasn't married but the rest of my family is heavily involved in a very cult-like Religion she is especially involved in said religion now stay with me here I promise to is going somewhere so my family from out of town are visiting and we all get together at Grandma's we have a nice dinner and my sister's wedding plans come up every once in a while eventually my sister has to explain to someone for some reason that they aren't having a traditional wedding cake confirmed Bachelorette Aunt doesn't like the thought of that one single bit you can't have a wedding without cake it's the reason people go to weddings she goes on and on with this crap all night my sister is obviously getting uncomfortable my sister and and I were basically raised by grandmother and I noticed my grandma noticing these exchanges so my grandma who was passing around plates of fruit and honey I know but that's what we have for dessert sometimes hands confirm bachette a her plate and says well Linda when you have your wedding you can have any kind of cake you like I swear to God you could have heard a pin drop I had to leave the room because the tension and hilarity were too much and I was going to burst out laughing I love my grandma she has a lot of these zingers she also chooses her words very carefully dang granny flipped on the aunt I don't know what hurts more burns from kids or burns from grandmas if you don't want to experience the shame brought by grandmas and kids how about hitting the like button and subscribing to the channel it really helps me out story8 some lady on r/ relationships had cheated on her husband gotten pregnant and ended up terminating the pregnancy and came crying to us about it while she was defending her own actions I witnessed this Comet thread pop up between her and one redit user redditor what were you going to name your baby lady why would you ask me that what kind of messed up person do you have to be to ask such a thing redditor I was just asking it would give me some insight into your feelings about your child lady Molly after my late grandmother redditor ah now both mollies are looking down at you and disappointment Savage another story I have to share recently a guy tried to call me out in line for the self checkout machines I was ahead of him but he started yelling and claiming it was his turn the clerk who watched over the self checkout area didn't see what happened only heard the complaint and asked me to step back I was pretty whatever about it and Ste back in line the machine then became free and the guy who yelled at me offered to let me go ahead I just looked at him dead in the eye and said nah you can have it if it's that important to you and you could almost hear the sigh in his head as he realized what a jerk he'd been my favorite comeback ever though was from my teens I used to have that awkward emo phase that Most teens have and I was living at the school on weekdays and with my parents on weekends the kids became really close because we were always together but I especially bonded with this emo chick over being emo we were stupid emo kids who thought writing 666 on everything was cool and listening to slip snot made us extra granted I still listen to slipnot and love their new music but you know all the classic emo stuff for us the school Place had a lot of classic quote unquote pop girls as we used to call them girls with makeup everywhere blonde hair and blue jeans two sizes too small one day this emo chick came to class hours looking like one of them I walked up to her and asked her what she was going on and she responded with well I'm normal now I want to look normal and and listen to normal music I looked at her classic elevator glance the kind you see in movies and told her I feel sorry for you for feeling like you have to be fake to fit in and we never spoke again I was pretty proud of the 14-year-old me there and for wanting to stick with my emo style rather than pretend to be something I wasn't especially considering how hard that is when you're a kid story nine I have a few this happens all the time in my family my mom made cupcakes one day and they collapsed in the center for whatever reason my husband at the time looked at them and told my mom they look like and she replied I was thinking of you when I made them easily the most witty and quickest comeback I've ever heard from her dad was boasting about his looks at 65 the nurses said I look very good for my age me you were there for a colonoscopy are you sure they were looking at your face many years ago when I was 12 I got into an argument with my mother and father exasperated my mother said you talk like you think you're your father I don't have a brain between us I immediately said no I do think you have a brain between you my father burst out laughing and of argument back in teenag them arguing with my mom about chores mom you think I should wipe your butt for you too me beats doing it myself mom wipes my face we both laugh so hard we forgot about the argument damn this family is something else with their jokes funny as hell though story 10 my old roommate's wife was a waitress she's serving a table one night for a couple of middle-aged businessmen who have been drinking they're mostly polite but one dude is starting to get pretty drunk and really forward with his comments he tells her I really want you to sit up my face without missing a beat she replies because your nose is bigger than your D the rest of the table went nuts the dude turned bright red and left her alone although she later admitted he wasn't being that rude just got too comfortable meanwhile I got in an argument with some people drinking alcohol smoking and spitting in the shopping center near where children frequent they started getting really aggressive so I walked away and the woman yelled suck my D you witch and without thinking I responded you look like you have one then the comments made by them I cannot repeat my poor mother was shocked story 11 I'm not really sure it was a comeback a few years ago there was a new guy at my job let's call him Peter we all worked in an open plan office except for our boss but her secretary carry let's call her Mary shared the space with the rest of us Mary is one of those helpful talkative priy women who are generally liked by everybody even if they can be a little pushy and over the top sometimes it is important to the story that Mary and I were getting along really well and everybody else knew this one day as we were all filing through the office door for the weekly meeting Peter accidentally slams the door into Mary who was right behind him everyone else sees it it's obviously an accident Peter realizes what he has done gets embarrassed and starts to apologize profusely that creates a little Jam of onlookers this is when I pull a 10 lb note out of my pocket give it to Peter who is still spouting his apologies and say I know it's not much but it's from all of us a measure of hilarity ensues story 12 think tribal for this one my friend is Samoan and was back in Samoa for a funeral traditionally every family that is related turns up and gives money towards the cost the cost is large because these things last several days and everyone has to be fed especially dignitaries like ministers or visiting Chiefs for anyone to leave Hungary is highly shameful the culture is very authoritarian and respect is expected unlike in Western culture where respect must be earned anyway at the end of the whole thing as is customary they were dividing up canned food and other gifts to be parceled back to the families who attended one Chief representing his particular Village stood up and attempted to elevate a himself above everyone else by announcing that he and his family wanted all the food and not to give any to any of the other Chiefs or their families the response of the hosting Chief was outstanding without skipping a beat he goes okay give his family all the food however if you and your family do not eat all of this food within 7 days you are forever banished from this Village the other Chief apologized immediately dude honestly the Simone culture amazes me but just in case a happens because of that that would be brutal now hear me out guys imagine a fight scene in some movie with Dwayne The Rock Johnson versus Jason Mamoa epic fight scene story 13 in Belgium there are two dialects that get ridicu the most one the coastal Province West vams and another limberg's I speak the latter at a festival I started chatting with a girl next to me who spoke Wes Vamps she immediately started making fun of my accent at first kind of ignored it but it kept coming up so we started to have a discussion about it limberg is quite a slow dialect so people say everyone who speaks it is dumb I said we actually speak slowly because it makes it easy to understand while Wes vams is more like grunting vowels which no one will understand and sounds primitive she kept dissing limberg so I just acted like I didn't understand anything she was saying because of her dialect at which point she said in English whatever floats your boat to which I acted surprised and responded hey I understood that because it was in English she burst into laughter and was a good sport about it the dialect didn't come up anymore afterward story 14 this was about 10 years ago so I'm paraphrasing playing Xbox FPS in a private game with Mike and Mike Jr and just our group of eight people Mike and junor were on opposite teams Mike junr I sniped you from across the map you terrible Mike junr I snuck off and knifed you from behind Mike junr everyone here is better than you finally Mike had enough I had fun with your mom silenced for a minute then Jr logged off and we all burst out laughing then you hear Jr yelling at dad over Dad's mic he just says well I did all right I hope you guys enjoyed the stories in this video and if you made it this far all the way to the end I'm sure you're going to enjoy what's the most epic I don't give a f moment you've witnessed Story 3 was just way too much for me go ahead and make sure you watch that video and feel the same way I'll see you in that video thank you for watching this one
give me a good story on WhatsTheBestCOMEBACKYouveEverWitnessed
AIT for leaving my friend's bachelorette party early because she embarrassed me I 26f recently attended my friend Becca's 28f bachelorette party in Paris I had been recently diagnosed with a illness disability that severely impacts my mobility and has led to considerable weight gain making it difficult for me to look at myself in the mirror I had communicated this to the bride beforehand explaining that I would participate in photos minimally because of how much I'm struggling with self-image and serve as the designated photographer upon arriving in Paris the planning did not account for my limitation when I suggested using Uber or taking the metro for transportation and meeting everyone at each destination I was met with accusations of being boring by the bride I decided to suck it up and go through the walks despite enduring 2-hour walks and being left behind by the bridal party anyway it again made me wonder why I was being made to put myself through pain when I would just be left behind and ignored I wish I was kidding when I say taking photos of the Bride would last around 5 hours and whenever any of the bridal party would Branch off to do anything other than take photos of the Bride like take phone calls or
men have read it what stereotypically girly things do you enjoy a really good cry I've been pretty emotional lately just sad and I'm not sure why a midlife crisis maybe but a few weeks ago I broke down in my truck at work and started crying man I felt so much better afterwards I told my wife about it later when I got home and she hugged me and gave encouragement I felt ashamed at first but now I approach with strength the strength for me to realize that something is bothering me and my mind is trying to tell me to talk about it
give me a good story on MenofRedditWhatstereotypicallygirlythingsdoyouenjoy
AIT ta for calling my fiance's friend's baby name yes I know automatic points off for saying the word it's a part of my vocabulary that I got very used to saying as a kid that I'm trying to phase out I'm sorry my fiance 20f has a friend Lexi 20f who got pregnant last year her and her baby daddy Nick were living with her dad and were trying for a kid while under his roof once they announced their pregnancy Lexi's dad who they already had a strained relationship with you kick them out they moved in with Nick's grandparents while she was pregnant but he quit his job total his car and committed crimes and then his grandparents kicked him out now they're in a shelter he's on parole no car no job with a baby for a while my fiance cut contact with Lexi because she became toxic while pregnant but later apologized and got over herself now they're friends again when the baby was born they announced his name which is bican pronounced Breon when my
give me a good story on AITAforcallingmyfiancesfriendsbabynameretardedaitaorig
welcome friends to another r slash and tuttle parents video today we've got a lot of great stories and our first stories from atlanta an entitled mother insists that i share my nintendo switch with her child on my flight this just happened the other day and after sharing the story with friends and family a few of them suggested that i share it here the scene is a southwest airline flight i was sitting in a window seat next to two lovely women and directly horizontal from us was an empty seat a mom and her son the flight was taking off for those who don't know you're required to stay seated and keep your seat belts on for the beginning of the flight until the captain says otherwise i was strapped in my seat and decided to take out my nintendo switch for my carry on beneath my feet excuse me ma'am i didn't realize at first that the mother in the seats horizontal for me was trying to get my attention she unbuckled her belt and moved to the empty seat by the aisle closer to me she said ma'am with the video game i left in my head but the stranger next to me nudged me as well that lady wants to get your attention the woman next to me muttered i turned my head to see this woman leaning across the aisle with her hands on the armrest of the aisle seat of my row sorry she began i just wanted to know if there was any way that my son could use that game for a little while i'm so sorry i begin my nintendo switch is just really important to me i don't feel comfortable giving it to anyone i don't know i don't even let my sisters play with it i was going to continue but the woman cut me off oh my son's not like most kids she replied he's not destructive his cousin has one of those and he knows how to play she smiled and set her hand out the two women seated next to me looked at me as if they were also in disbelief i'm sorry i said again i just don't feel comfortable i brought it for me how old are you the woman said with a huff retracting her hand and slapping it on her lap i'm 25 but i don't see how that matters i replied growing exceptionally uncomfortable well she began clearly sounding agitated my son is eight this is an hour and 45 minute flight and he just wants something to do he can't see it for a few minutes i said no i'm not comfortable with that i'm sorry but i'm expecting you to understand since this is my property i put my head down and unpaused my game as to ignore anything she had further to say are you serious she seemed genuinely livid well insert child's name here sorry buddy not everyone knows how to share the woman said to the kid next to her her child started whining and kicking the seat in front of him thanks for this she said to me a sweet kid just wants to share with you and you're being ignorant about it before i even open my mouth one of the ladies in my rose snapped back at her how dare you bring that energy on this plane she told you so kindly that she doesn't feel comfortable with passing her electronics to a stranger the mother wasn't having it she's an adult and can't share with a child for a few minutes of a nearly two hour flight you should have brought something for him to do then the woman in my row responded it shut her up good at the end of the flight the woman collected her luggage from the overhead bins and said i hope you're happy going against god's word not sharing with a child some of the people around us giggled i'm sure that they all overheard the drama at the beginning of the flight i've come across entitled people in my life but this strange lady took the cake if you were sitting in a nearby row and you saw this kind of conversation going down between two strangers and one of their kids would you call that karen out yourself or would you rather just turn up the volume on your headphones and hope the rest of the flight goes smoother than that let me know how you would handle it in the comments down below our next story is from sad girl loves life and title day tries to make me give up my new cooking book as i'm too young to have it i love cooking it's one of my greatest passions it makes me feel relaxed so two days ago me and my mom are shopping at walmart we passed the book section now i'm not sure if other walmarts are like this but in ours the cooking books are in the book isle yes we have a book aisle i'm 13 and like i said before i love cooking my mom sees the book and asks me if i want to buy it now you might be thinking why would your mom want to buy you a cooking book if she could just teach you well my mom has a very life-taking job if that makes any sense i'm not quite sure what she works as she never really told me but i do know that when she's home it's usually for a couple hours and then she's back to work i'm at an age where i'm responsible enough to be left at home so anyway i say yes because i love getting new cooking books i have about eight at this point without this book so my mom buys the book it's about 15 and once we get home i immediately take it out and start reading through the pages i cook dinner for me and my mom and it turns out to be great the following day my aunt and her daughter decided to come over to my house because they hear i got a new recipe that i want to try out as it's my cousin's two-year anniversary of beating cancer once they arrive kind cousin and entitled dance sit and i make dinner my mom's in her room on her computer finishing up a meeting once dinner's made i called my mom and she comes out and sits down at the dinner table along with everyone else you might be thinking that this is a lot of responsibility or that i'm not acting my age but honestly like i said before cooking is something that i really enjoy and it relaxes me and i'm glad that i can make other people happy with my food like my cousin especially considering that day was the two-year anniversary of her beating breast cancer after dinner the kind cousin and my mom start talking about her school life while i ask entitled aunt to help me do dishes this is me being open to have conversation with her after a while she starts bringing up the new cooking book that's currently sitting on the counter next to me she starts asking where i bought it and things like that once i tell her it was the last one she immediately starts getting aggressive she says what do you mean that was the last one i say i mean that was the last one there's no more left she says but time cousin deserves one today's a special day for her at this point she's no longer helping me but just staring at me i say well i'm sorry but i can't give up this cookbook it was the last one and my mom's going on a trip for work she won't be back for a week and a half so i needed to cook dinner sure i could use other cookbooks i have but i really wanted to try this one out she was furious well i don't care today's about my daughter who beat cancer and you're too young to have it anyway at this point i'm speechless i don't understand why she wants it so bad she says i'll tell your mother that you hate us but the thing is while she's been yelling my mom heard the entire thing my mom says i'm sorry but i'm gonna have to ask you all to leave and at this point kind cousin was practically dragging my entitled ant out the door later on kind cousin apologizes for her mom's behavior and i told her it wasn't her fault and she shouldn't have done that especially since it was such an important day to her i also told her if it was such a big deal she could borrow my cookbooks from time to time kind cousin agreed and right now i'm letting her borrow one of my older books the call today i got a call from my entitled aunt demanding that i take the old book back and give khan cousin the new book that i got i told her no and that khan cousin was happy with the older book and even said that she would give it back as soon as she could my entitled went insane screeching over the phone about how unfair it was and that i was too young to be cooking alone in the kitchen question should i just give her my brand new book first of all it's awesome to hear about the cousin beating cancer because absolutely screw cancer that said op has no obligation to give anybody their brand new book that they purchased for themselves in no way should op feel guilted into giving up something that they bought for themselves by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from no sandwich 9822 entitled neighbor demands i driver haven't spoken to my neighbor for three years after i began refusing to be her taxi we had a decent relationship for a time always cordial neighbor doesn't drive and at the time i was a stay-at-home mom with a toddler and two in school she first began by coming by one afternoon asking if i could take her and her kids to the dentist okay sure it's not far then another time our child needed to be seen at an urgent care and she needed me to take them but this is when the issues first began that particular day i had a contractor at the house and needed to finish with this she told me i needed to hurry i told her it wouldn't take long but if it's an emergency call for emergency services or an uber she said it would wait so my contractor's done and we go and i pick them back up well this goes on for a while off and on frankly it's a little frustrating but i'm trying to be neighborly but then she began flipping a little one day i get a text asking if i've left to take my kids to school i had she said hers overslept and wanted me to drop them off for her our kids went at different schools i say yes but she needs to come too because i won't sign them in she agreed and overall i spent an extra 40 minutes out of my morning with my toddler who doesn't love being in the car but okay again being neighborly then a pattern emerges the kids keep over sleeping and knocking on my door or texting i often try to run errands after i drop my kids off so i'm out i get a text where are you will you be back from taking your kids to school soon i need a ride i say no i won't be home and then she asks if my husband can do it since he works from home um no he's working she got snippy and said she'd have to call him out of school again and they've missed too much i ignored that and one about my errands my toddler had some health complications so we're often at the dock got another text asking where i am and when i'll be home i say i'm in the next city over and no idea needs to call an uber she claims uber is unsafe and she'll get killed then says she'll get a ride to her appointment in the same city and i can wait for her to be done and take her home i ignored her after that next week i'm at a doctor far from home again get a text this time it's where are you you're not home again and your husband won't answer the door we need to ride to the dentist in 30 minutes or i'll have to cancel the visit can you hurry home i am beyond tired of being questioned about my whereabouts my husband doesn't even do that so i ignore her finish the visit and take my kids to get treats then a text are you coming i need you to hurry again i ignore i'm over it at this point then never mind we missed it final straw was two weeks later she meets me outside while i'm doing yard work she said her kid got signed up for an orthodontist and needs me to drive them to monthly appointments and she'll pay gas and the kicker orthodontist is about 40 minutes drive in a bad part of town considering the appointment can take an hour and then 40 back every month for roughly two years she said i could just wait with my toddler or their shopping nearby i told her flat out no i don't like being far from the kid's school in case i've gotta get them and my toddler will be miserable and that's just too far i asked her why she booked an orthodontist that far when she doesn't drive and she said because it's cheaper she kept arguing but i stayed firm in my no she was very frustrated with me and had been frustrated i hadn't been around more lately to help her out my husband's mad at this point and it told me to stop completely because she's using me and he doesn't like that he was right i told her i won't change my mind she grew cold towards me she got another ride but then one month later her ride bailed on her and she came and asked if i would take her i told her no i explained it last time and that's not changing she was furious and legit never spoke to me again and i certainly won't reach out for more of that would you guys agree with me that it's already more than you would reasonably expect being neighborly to drive somebody around to multiple appointments i could imagine bailing them out once or twice in a blue moon but would you guys agree with me that it's beyond already neighborly just to give them that ride let me know what you guys think in the comments our next story is from glazafruix oh great i'm a freaking jerk now this is a rant because it happened a couple hours ago and i'm still seething something mad it'll help me calm down and sleep back story i'm 35 year old male fully employed single living currently with my dad at my sister's house their house is big she and her family occupy the upper levels while me and dad dearest live downstairs in a decently sized apartment basically the reason being i bought myself a house last year and it needed some heavy renovations my mother and grandmother passed in the span of the last year six months apart and it hit us quite a bit financially so in order to afford both the mortgage and the renovations it's been decided that i'll move in with the old man and to also keep him company after my mother's passing and he'll be helping me with the house can't fault him here he knows mostly what he's doing my dad is to remain polite a freaking control freak it's like i'm back being 14 again as far as i remember his only ways of communicating with us are ordering around and berating in that order we have nothing in common i can't start a conversation with him without a turning about me being a naive idiot who knows nothing about life me and my day yada yada also the way i hold my fork is wrong i shouldn't sleep past 9 a.m because other adult people are already up and about doing whatever adult people are doing like repairing cars or some crap etc so after working all day all i want is to be left alone and not subjected to his life lessons which rarely happens because i have basically zero privacy and he just loves to tell me i'm a failure of an adult on to the story so today i left work a bit later because i hate leaving crap unfinished and the client wanted his stuff done i work in i.t if half an hour extra paid by the way would mean i wouldn't have to return later it works for me which earned me another lesson about how i should prioritize family matters first and ditch work 4 hours earlier if necessary right and then getting fired but for some reason he doesn't seem to understand the nuance all because he asked me to drive by the house in order to check the work done and i for some reason didn't ask the workers to stay past 6 pm in order to discuss things with them i just knew the evening would be crappy and it was indeed see while i've been admiring my new walls and paint i've noticed a note in my mailbox some dude wanted to know if i wanted to keep the old doors and if not if he could have them great i thought i would need to throw them away myself and i told dad about it big mistake and when my dad asks ney orders you to do something it has to be done as he said in a right freaking now so here i am still chewing my dinner calling the dude about the doors her usual protocol he's hovering around telling me what to say and how to say it while rolling his eyes when i kindly tell him to freak off in a distance because let's be frank it's annoying as heck and he's been doing it for years he can only hear my side of the conversation and the door guy basically confirms by himself what my dad wants to know but because i didn't ask like my dad said i should it made him increasingly annoyed why would i ask for information that's already been confirmed right by the end of the call he's been yelling at me and calling me names which shouldn't be uttered to your own children and i laid it unto him because i don't like being insulted even less by my own family he then went to his room pouted for five minutes then went back to me and threw his copy of the house keys in my face telling me i'm on my own and he wouldn't help with the house anymore an empty thread he likes to throw around when he can't get his way i told him that the next time he calls me names and acts like a child i'll deck him hard enough he'll need a straw for his next dinner we're not talking to each other now the silence is golden i feel for op because people like this are not easy to deal with all i would say is if you're ever dealing with a person like this it's definitely all about control and narcissism and thinking their way is the absolute right way basically i would say don't give these kinds of people an inch and also try to avoid letting them have anything they can possibly hold over you because they will use that against you our next story is from love and caution my family came to visit me for two weeks and stole 500 dollars plus of stuff for my apartment i live in a tiny one bedroom my parents invited themselves over to live here for two weeks they live over a thousand miles away and drove here to my city they couldn't afford to pay for a hotel and i felt rude if i didn't let them stay it was a mess they slept on blow up mattresses and i couldn't walk anywhere without tripping the first day my mom threw everything out of my bedroom closet because i needed to organize and she took photos of everything i noticed my mom stashing some of my clothes away in my little sister's suitcase when i called her out she called me selfish and denied it she had several meltdowns and temper tantrums when i told her to stop going through everything i own sneakily over the first week she kept digging and finding stuff i was hiding on purpose she got mad at me for having condoms and alcohol my dad got really upset about that too spent a couple days since they left and i just noticed all the clothing they stole for me and the makeup i had hundreds and hundreds of dollars of makeup that i can't afford to replace my bathroom cabinet was wiped out i honestly feel betrayed and feel like i have nobody to trust now not even my own family my mom and sister are denying everything they said i never had it to begin with honestly i don't really care who they are to you if they wouldn't do that to me i would call them up and demand them to give every last thing that you can identify back or you're going to file a police report about it also i think this goes without saying but op should never let them in their house ever again they are not to be trusted our next stories from perspectivedry9601 mom insists i go to college or she'll turn my phone off i'm 19 year old female turning 20 this year and college just costs too much for me to want to collect a debt i'll struggle my whole life to pay back my mom is very mad about this although she never graduated or attended college herself my younger brother 18 graduated this year and plans on going to college in a year and this set my mom off she started telling everyone i need to pay my phone bill or else she'll shut it off because i'm just sitting on my butt all day doing nothing but i have a job and a whole house with four pets me and my boyfriend 20 are taken care of we think she's pushing me to go to college because i'm the oldest girl and she wants a role model for my five younger siblings but they already called me mom growing up so they had a good role model until she kicked me out four years ago i'm willing to pay for my phone but why threaten your child for making decisions about their future yet she wants me to drop everything and help her out again what i would say to op is definitely pay for your own phone get your independence and know that you don't owe them anything as far as what you want to do with your future college isn't for everybody and our final story of the day is from left to can't this ita 295 entitled parents tell me to cover more of my body if i don't want their son staring at me this happened on one of my family summer trips when i was 16 my family and i went to the beach for our usual summer vacation trip everything was going great until our fourth day we woke up went to have breakfast went to the gym and after our workout we decided to go to the pools to freshen up while getting changed to our swimsuits i decided to wear a cute bikini that i bought for the trip exclamation here the bikini wasn't very revealing it was a high-waisted bottom with a cropped short sleeve shirt top with an oversized t-shirt as cover and one on my merry way to the pool when we arrived there we got installed in some chase lounges and i removed my t-shirt because it was a bit hot to be using it while putting it away i first noticed a family that was about seven feet away from us that had a son who seemed my age the thing is that the sun was staring at me more specifically my body and not in a friendly or comfortable manner even if he knew that i already caught him staring he didn't look away at first i ignored it and laid on the chase to relax a bit and read but i felt him still staring about 10 minutes after lying down i decided to go for a swim and again on my way to the pool i felt him staring now at my rear end i ignored it again and went for a swim after swimming for half an hour i returned to my shades and surprise surprise he was staring at me again i was getting annoyed but i didn't want to cause a scene either so i told my mom and my dad they got upset and to my surprise because they always try to avoid drama as well they stood up to go with the guy's parents to tell them about their son's actions once they told the parents what their son was doing they only said and i quote our son has every right and freedom to look at however he wants with that comment my dad got angry and started talking to them again about how that wasn't the right thing to do and that i was starting to feel annoyed and uncomfortable and the mom answered and again i quote if your daughter is so delicate and doesn't want anyone to stare at her she should cover up more of her body it's not our son's fault that she decided to expose herself like that at this point i was pissed and stood up to make my way over there to defend myself which led to an argument after a few moments someone from the hotel staff came to us asking what the problem was and my family explained the situation the staff took our side and asked the guy's family to either stop the guy move to another area of the pool or leave the pool the three family members got furious at this and started throwing shade at me even you know what shaming me everything to make their son seem like he is not to blame in this situation seeing that they weren't going to do anything to solve this my family and i decided to leave when we were leaving the guy kept staring at me and even had the nerve to make the sign of body curves with a chef's kiss while i was looking at him even if i support the the problem or not the clothes ever since that day i honestly haven't wore a bikini to avoid another situation like this i guess i just subconsciously avoid wearing one i think it's disappointing when there's an obvious creeper like this who isn't getting called out for being creepy imagine sitting there knowing your son is absolutely ogling and constantly staring at some girl who's just trying to enjoy her time there and saying it's somehow the girl's fault it starts with approving that kind of behavior that leads to people acting out in even more serious ways but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another entitled parent story that was crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right but with that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsENTITLEDMOMSPERVYSONKEEPSSTARINGATMERedditStories
first story after abandoning me for 9 years my narcissistic father contacted me to invite me to his wedding I refused and hung up now my step siblings are forcing me to reconcile and his new fiance made a Facebook post saying how her perfect husband has terriable children by 17 haven't had a relationship with my dad since I was 8 years old it broke me when my dad left because it wasn't just him I lost my aunts and uncles cousins and grandparents they all stopped talking to me I've been in therapy since I was 11 I worked out a lot of my issues with my dad my mother remarried when I was seven I have a stepdad and two brothers whom I love very much I am applying to colleges and I feel happier than I ever have 3 weeks ago I got a call from my dad he told me he was engaged he was getting married in the fall and he wanted me to come to a reunion so they could get to know each other's families and I could get to know my new siblings he said she wanted to meet his kids before they got married my father has three kids me my brother brother and my sister I have a relationship with my sister but we're not close because she lives far away I hung up I couldn't deal with it I was emotional and I bowled my eyes out the next day I called my dad and I told him I had no interest in meeting his new family that he was cruel for abandoning an 8-year-old and even more cruel for reaching out because he was forced to do so I already had a family I was happy and secure with them and I had no interest in him being in my life because he was no longer my dad and to not contact me I called my sister to ask if he reached out to her he did and she was going to go I told her the conversation and she said what I said was appropriate because it was true but I could have been nicer about it I was a bit sad but my family was there to comfort me my sister sent me a link to a Facebook post that my new stepmother had shared saying she couldn't believe that a perfect man could have such terrible children my sister told me she was not going to go to the reunion because she agreed she didn't want to meet this woman after what she said about us I thought that would be the end of it and though that post upset me I tried to let it go but I started getting calls from my father's side of the family even my brother telling me I was a bee and an arole for ruining the reunion by telling my dad he wasn't my dad they told me that he canceled the whole thing and he was questioning whether he should get married at all they told me I could have reached out it wasn't fair that they were the ones blamed for the falling out I have since blocked them but I did see a post on Facebook saying my dad postponed his wedding but now I can't stop thinking about what they said I mean yes I could have reached out but I feel that's not fair because since I was eight I shouldn't have to be the one who makes amends I know that I was harsh and could have gone about telling him I didn't want him in my life in a nicer way but I don't think I did anything wrong maybe that's because everybody around me is taking my side I've had multiple people tell me I'm an RC hole I feel guilty and I want an outside perspective aah edit I just want to add some stuff my sister is 23 and my brother is 28 my mother had nothing to do with my family cutting me out 2 years ago I called my dad under the advice of my therapist when he answered I started crying and he didn't say anything he just hung up on me I think that's when I really moved on from my dad relevant comments therapy and brother relationship hello thanks for your kind words I am currently still in therapy I don't plan on leaving anytime soon and I know that I need it and that it benefits me in more ways than one I am my mother's only biological child and she has said that I should cut ties with my brother I have also been talking to my sister quite a bit today about what to do about our brother we only share DNA from our dad the same as I do with my sister she says that I need to cut ties with him completely as well but at the same time I do feel bad because he went through the same abandonment that I did it's just that my dad actually came back to him he didn't come back to me or my sister as of right now I haven't cut ties not officially anyway with my brother but it does seem like that's where it's headed what on Earth did he tell his family when he stopped talking to you I don't know what he told his family or his fiance but when I started building a relationship with my sister he did tell my sister's mother that my mother had filed a restraining order against him and that was the reason that he couldn't be around me which was 100% not true I can assure you there was never a restraining order filed my sister's mother figured that out and when she talked to my father about it he admitted that he lied about the timeline of her parents marriage my parents got divorced when I was two for the next 5 years I would go back and forth from my mom's house to my dad's house over the last two years that I had a relationship with my dad those visits went from every weekend to every other weekend to once a month to every other month and then there was nothing from my dad or any of his family one day they just stopped talking to me about 3 months after my father had not come to pick me up for his annual visitation my mother took me to his house and we found out that he moved back to Mississippi where his family was from after that we never talked again until I was around 12 and he called me to tell me happy birth day he called me one more time the same year to say Merry Christmas after that I didn't hear from him again until 3 weeks ago when he called me my dad was such a jealous freak like to the point where he would be mad when she went to work there was this guy that my mother worked with and he was super jealous of him and one day he finally just accused her of cheating and she said she didn't cheat and he didn't believe her and he left and then he came home the next day he admitted to having SX with another woman and then they got divorced about 2 years later my mom started a new job and she ended up dating her boss they got married when I was seven and now he's my stepdad but I also only hear my parents side of the story I've never heard my dad's side of the story he's never really thought it was important enough to tell me his side of the story but that's what I know of the whole situation I really don't know the true story because I was too when everything happened and me and my dad were never really close he never told me important things about his life we didn't talk much when I was with my dad I mostly spent the time with his boyfriend dads messed up marriages me and my siblings all have different mothers my father has been married four times if he does marry this woman this will be his fifth marriage I didn't even know of my sister's existence until I was 9 years old my sister's mother reached out to me when she noticed that her daughter's child support had gone down because my father wasn't meeting his mandatory visitation rights and had to pay more child's support towards me Lort told my sister's mother that he had two other children and she reached out to my mother we had dinner together she also reached out to my brother's mother but they had no interest in knowing my sister I don't know if my father has other children as far as I'm aware he doesn't but he lied to me and my brother about my sister and he lied to my mother about the existence of my brother before she had me so honestly who knows but I do know that his fiance has children between the ages of I believe 3 and 19 what the heck did he say to you on the phone the way I remember the conversation going was him saying hello this is so and so I just wanted to let you know that I'm having this family reunion because recently I got engaged and I'm going to be getting married in the fall and I was hoping that you would be interested in coming to the reunion your brothers are going to be there as well as the rest of my family and you can meet my fiance and your new Step siblings that's not exactly word for word but that is is the gist of the conversation and no he did not apologize when I called him back the next day he actually sounded quite mad that I hung up on him in the first place and he said relatively the same thing just in a harsh tone with fewer words and that's when I told him that I didn't want to meet his family he called me about 40 times after I hung up over the course of the next two days op is voted NTA update same post update I've talked to my dad and his fiance I told her everything about everything their wedding was on off for 11 days but now it's back on she didn't really say much to me about it she mostly just brushed past it they want to come out here where I live and have dinner with me and my mom my sister has also agreed to come to the dinner but now he's talking about coming to stay with him for a little while and I don't want to do that I'm a little nervous about the whole thing now and I just don't want to start another dance with my father that ends badly for me relevant comment I don't plan on going to the wedding or any other events that include my dad after the dinner the only reason that I agreed to go to the dinner was because my sister asked me not because he asked me I don't have any interest in having a relationship with my dad but I do think that it would be healthy if I didn't have any hatred for him I don't want to be in this limbo where I just feel shy for the rest of my life because I have hatred toward my dad and I felt like this was an easier way to just deal with it and move on and let it go update two same post one and a half months from the OG post final update I had dinner with my father and and his new fiance as well as her children on May 18 I feel like I got a lot of childhood feelings off of myself I explained to my father his fiance and her family why I felt the way that I felt as well as my reasoning for not wanting to come I told him that I had no intention of being in his life for the necessary amount my dad did ask me quite a couple times if I was going to be up to go to the wedding I did agree to go but I made it clear that I don't want to be involved as an official member in his life more so someone he might see around the holiday days birthdays or special events but other than that I have no intentions of seeing or interacting with him he seemed fine with that and it was a perfect solution for me I've been told by many of you as well as people in my personal life that I should just cut him out of my life and move on I just feel that having unresolved feelings is unhealthy not having answers to things that you could have answers seems kind of ridiculous if you have the option to get the answers that you want my relationship with my father is never going to be great it's never going to be perfect it's probably never going to be anything other than okay because I don't really think I can see him as anything other than a deadbeat dad but I'm going to try my best to be civil because I don't want to have any more unresolved feelings with anybody else I know that it's been over a month since my last update but during that time I finished my senior year with Four B's and Four A's I turned 18 on the 21st of May I graduated high school and started a new job it's been a pretty busy month and so honestly I wasn't even nervous about talking to my father because I felt like it was just another thing to do but I'm glad it's over and done with and I can move on with my life Second Story my delusional wife is extremely controlling our 12-year-old son's life believing he might develop toxic masculinity and even accuses me of having them when I try to help my son had enough and lashed out at her now she attempted self harm and my son is traumatized a bit of backstory I am from Puerto Rico and my wife is from Suburban Kansas City I moved to New York City in 1984 and she moved here at 18 for college and fell in love with the city we actually met at a bar and had a one night stand and she got pregnant at first we wanted her to get an abortion but we kind of fell in love at the first one night stand and got married when our son was 3 months old we are very very different people I am from the South Bronx and grew up extremely rough I got into fights have gotten stabbed have gotten shot at not a great upbringing I wasn't the worst kid but my friends were truly bad people and I mostly got out of that lifestyle by the time I met her so basically we've raised our son and have had our ups and downs but we are both successful at our jobs and whatnot but in the past year or two her attitude towards certain things has changed here's just a list of what I'm talking about she refuses to eat gluten this should give you a staple of The Stereotype she fits into now she is now 100% vegan and gets extremely mad when we eat meat in the house she goes to yoga three times a week and she cries when we don't want to go with her she suddenly doesn't like movies with violence drugs or partying she gets extremely protective of our son because of this she doesn't let our son hang out with his friends sometimes because the friends are too rowdy and come from uncultured families she doesn't let our son bike around the neighborhood with his friends at all she needs to constantly be with him when he is hanging out she literally took his iPod and changed the music to what she considers good music this consists of Justin Timberlake and Mumford and Suns mmore Taylor Swift type stuff mostly our son liked electronic dance music and metal a lot this was one of the worst things she did in my opinion she thinks that I am too masculine in the way I act and constantly tries to correct the way I act saying I have toxic masculinity in me she uses this near constantly when I tell her I don't like how she babies our son she calls the cops on basically any crime she sees including one time when we walked by a house party and she called the cops because underage drinking was happening and she wants to keep her community safe one time she also called the cops because a few Spanish teens were playing soccer in the street and she just assumed they were up to no good that made me insanely upset honestly this is just the tip of the iceberg this has been her for the past 2 3 years and we have gotten into near constant arguments about it I tell her she is too sensitive about nearly everything and then she goes off on Rants and tries to show me all these weird articles about how what I am doing is gaslighting her she is also trying really really hard to act young like she goes to Indie shows in Washington filled with 22-year-old hipsters and tries to chat people up to make friends then when she gets rejected or something like that from those Indie circles she comes home cries in my arms and is depressed for days she wants so badly to be part of that crowd she seems to have anxiety and depression issues I do honestly feel bad for her she keeps up this insane Persona she describes herself as a modern-day hippie she spends all her time checking out new cafes and brunch spots with her friends I know how this started she got a job at this new office filled with young yuppies basically right after that she changed into this I think to keep up with her co-workers but it clearly turned into something much more devastating and damaging to her self-esteem than that I just want her to be herself not this crazy person trying to perfect everything around her to fit her worldview interestingly enough if you have ever seen season 3 episode 1 of Black Mirror she reminds me insanely of the main character of that episode but she is more willing to disrupt everything around her to fit what she wants even if it inconveniences others but this is all recent she was never like this four years ago she was just a regular working woman who liked to relax and hang out and didn't take much seriously like she does now we used to get drunk at dive bars together and we used to party a bit it all hit a bad point about a week ago when my son who has also been in conflict with her nearly constantly got into a major argument with her the argument was over whether he could hang out with his friends who were outside and she said no because there were too many of them and she thought it was bad to hang out in such large groups this is the type of sht she thinks about I know she really didn't want him out there because the kids were mostly black and Spanish but he is half Puerto Rican he got so mad he took dishes and began shattering them on the ground then he left and didn't come back for 5 hours while my wife hysterically cried and called the cops to find him since then he has not been allowed to leave the house and my wife has cried nightly for losing our son she has become extra horrible towards me and my son she thinks I am on his side simply because I tried to defend him and said she was overreacting but every time I say she is overreacting she has a breakdown and says I am just doing what men do to women I don't even know what to do anymore I know that this isn't her I know that she has developed some serious mental problems in the past 2 3 years I know this isn't normal for her I don't want to divorce her but I'm not sure if I can handle this any longer she is broken down she is in bed crying nearly all day she will sometimes go off yelling at me that I am the epitome of toxic masculinity and then an hour later be crying in my arms saying she loves me more than anything is this some type of Personality Disorder does she need therapy what can I say to make her calm down I was thinking about writing a heartfelt letter about the way she has been acting that way she can't interrupt me like she usually does with a screaming I don't want to argue I just want to make my point and have her respond but I don't want to seem as if I disapprove of her her entire lifestyle and everything she has done what the hell do I do I feel so passive in this situation and she goes nuts when she sees me acting completely normal while she is crying yelling or whatnot as if every time she is acting crazy I have to act crazy too about whatever she is crazy about at the moment what the f do I do I do not want a divorce I want to help her we both still very much love each other despite this madness tldr the wife is becoming insanely controlling and is trying to to warp our family into her crazy way of life recently our son got into a massive argument and broke stuff in the house and since then she has fallen off the iceberg of insanity I do not want a divorce relevant comments louva monster I think your wife has fallen into the perfect Modern Woman trap a lot of women get this idea in their heads that they have to be a perfect model of femininity feminism motherhood strength exuality youthfulness social awareness cultural awareness Etc and frankly there there's no woman alive that can be that perfect so it just spirals into panic and feelings of failure your wife needs therapy you have to sit her down lay it all out and tell her therapy is a must for your family to feel whole and peaceful she needs to understand how serious this is op Li almost exactly I am so glad you wrote that because it really makes me realize a lot of what she is trying to do and why it is causing her so much stress also it helps that it seems to be a common problem with women her age so she is isn't alone I just want her to know that especially because I bet she looks around and believes all the women around her especially at her job our perfect modern women LP let me share something with you as an ex vegan her emotional distress could very well be due to a vitamin D and or B12 deficiency I know it sounds crazy but that sht is real and it makes you a depressed weeping wacko vegans usually do not get enough vitamin D or B12 through their diet and both should be supplemented this is scientific ly documented is she taking a B12 supplement her other crazy behaviors are more likely related to depression and a sudden feeling like she has no identity she really could benefit from some therapy or at least some parenting classes to help her find tools to connect back to your son without damaging the relationship personally I think she sounds too controlling over him but a lot of parents start this kind of behavior when they suddenly realize their kids are independent first tell your wife she needs to be taking B12 supplements at the very least and ideally vitamin D2 see if that helps mellow out her moods I was shocked at what a difference it made in mine op feeling like she has no identity is the perfect way to describe it she came to NYC as a totally normal girl in a city of extremely interesting people and I think when she came face to face with that side of the city at her new job she just became overwhelmed with jealousy for that lifestyle it's almost like if she can't be the perfect Modern Woman as someone else who commented described it she can't be anything I am definitely going to ask her about the B12 thing that could easily be a solution but it's not going to solve her ongoing issues she only became vegan like 6 months ago these issues have been going on for years now Kitt meow meow God Almighty man I'm so sorry for you you need to give her an ultimatum and I usually think that's a bad idea of couples and individual therapy you may have to start with couples or you may have to find a divorce lawyer this is seriously stunting your poor son never mind yourself now is the time to be a good father and intervene in a way that helps your son live a normal life op I am thinking about this but I have mentioned therapy before and she accused me of gaslighting her and got even more sad I am going to make a true heartfelt request that we both go to therapy I don't feel as if I need it for myself but I know she will feel better if I act as if we both need it update two months later I figured I would update this with all the craziness that has happened my wife had an absolute breakdown with both me and my son and she basically ran away and got drunk at a bar then came back and threatened to kill herself with pills I called the police they came and by the time they came she was just crying on the couch and the cops left I didn't really know what to do my son was crying and everything I told her she had to go to a mental hospital or see a doctor as soon as possible and she then got even more mad at me and then she went upstairs and just started screaming like an insane person she did end up going to the Doctor Who diagnosed her with with B12 deficiency at a severe level just like you guys said she has been taking pills and I can't even describe what has changed in her she went from an absolute downward spiral into madness and controlling everything to becoming a much more clear-minded calm person she sometimes feels weird about admitting just how wrong she was about certain things and she said she never realized how blind she was to how horrible she was treating the people around her she said her anxiety over things would sometimes Spike through the roof and she relied on blogs she read on on the internet to help control her life I am glad she has been able to admit these things I honestly feel like some of it wasn't entirely a B12 deficiency though or at least she might be retracking a lot of the stuff she did and said that had nothing to do with the deficiency like her going vegan was a symptom of the original problem not like veganism is bad she was desperate to fit in with the young yepy crowd I'm not sure if she is purposely blaming all of her old weird problems on B12 deficiency but that weird stuff started before she went vegan so I think there were still some insecurity problems there I'm just glad she has spent the last 2 weeks realizing how problematic she has been she said she was in a trance where she thought the entire world was against her and the things she read on the internet confirmed that there was some Global conspiracy as she describes it to make her a dependent person or some sht like that I'm just so glad she's back so so glad the wife had a severe B12 deficiency causing her to go mad thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyDelusionalWifeIsExtremelyControllingOurYearOldSonsLifeBelievingHeMightDevelo
it's fake Photoshop AI I just found out that my husband has a whole other wife and child I'm shocked and don't know what to do this is a long and complicated story I'm sorry if some things are confusing or don't make sense I am a mess right now and trying to wrap my brain around everything as well I met my husband Jake fake name about four years ago on Tinder Jake comes from a different country than where I am from but he was my type and when we started talking I was blown away by how charming and sweet he was this version of Jake never went away he has always been this amazing ly charming and sweet person he's the type of person who when you finished having a conversation with him makes you feel better about yourself just to give you some context he and I fell in love quickly and got married fast two he was very eager to start a family as it gave his citizenship in my country more legitimacy by our second anniversary we were married and I was pregnant with our son Jake still works in his home country and so every few months he flies back and stays there with his mother or so I thought completes the work required and then flies back the rest of the work he can do at home the last few years with Jake have genuinely been the most amazing years of my life and this is why the last week feels like such a fever dream this is hard to explain but a person on Facebook messaged me last Tuesday claiming that Jake had been cheating on me and that they had proof I genuinely didn't believe this person and at first just ignored them but then curiosity got the better of me and I messaged back and asked what proof they had they proceeded to send me a large collection of photos of Jake with another woman and two boys I know these photos were relatively recent as he dyed his hair blonde for the Barbie movie at my request and has kept it like that ever since the person told me that the woman in the photo was his wife and the two boys were his sons I obviously didn't want to believe it so I tried to find ways it was fake Photoshop AI whatever I don't even know I think the person blocked me after that as their account just comes up as Facebook user now when I look at the chats when I got home I confronted Jake and he started crying and confessing that everything was true and that he had a wife and two sons who looked to be about 13 and N but I could be wrong that's just my best guess in his home country and that he was still married to the woman I asked him how he could do this to me how could he have lied to me for so long I told him I was going to expose him to the other wife and he said not to bother because she already knows and supports him I left and I have been staying with my mother ever since this has been the hardest week of my life and some days I genuinely haven't wanted to get out of bed Jake has been texting me saying that he will break things off with the other wife completely if that's what I want and he texted me saying he thought I wouldn't mind which genuinely made me SOB into my pillow I have never felt so low part of me stupidly I know wants to take him back the years I had with him were the best I have ever had but this betrayal is just I don't even know how to explain the hurt I feel update one sorry I've had to post this update on a Reddit account for some reason Reddit won't let me post it for my original account I have edited the original post to say there is an update here hi guys first and foremost I would like to thank you all for all the advice and support everyone has given me since I posted my original post 4 days ago it's been over a week since I left to go stay with my mother and this time away from Jake has been so so good for me and allowed me to see what was really important to me since I originally posted Jake and I have been talking and he let me know that he has broken things off with his other wife apparently apparently it wasn't even a legal marriage thing he explained to me that when he was a child his parents and his wife's parents arranged for them to be married this happened when he was 7 years old BTW but it wasn't a legal wedding just a ceremonial thing that links his family with hers he said that he never actually loved her but was required to marry her or that his father had to pay so much to his wife's family as like punish M I guess I felt really bad for him I could tell he didn't want to be with her at all and was only doing it so his family was okay the relationship isn't real on either side which is what he was trying to tell me when he said his wife supports him they're only married because they're required to be I'm so relieved now that he's explained everything to me he told me he wouldn't be contacting her again but because of this we will have to send a small amount of money to the wife's family for the foreseeable future which of course is not ideal but it is better than the alternative of him going over to be with her every few months I wish he had just told me the truth from the start but don't worry I've signed us up for coup's therapy I know this is likely not the result you guys expected or wanted so many of you were so bloodthirsty for him without even understanding what he was going through the thing that kind of concerns me now is what the relationship will be like between my son and his other half siblings I think I would like to foster a relationship between them if I can I'm just glad to be back with Jake I love him so much edit okay I'm out of here you all are bigoted to other cultures and traditions you know nothing about me and Jake and the fact that so many of you have tried to say he is a groomer shows how sick some of your World Views are get yourself sorted and get your axe together story two AA for wanting to reveal my Affair partner's cheating to her husband I've been involved in an affair actually my girlfriend SL partner has been having an affair with me for the last four months I won't go into detail but I feel horrible and disgusted I've always hated cheating and I never want anything good to come to cheaters but now I've gotten mixed up in it and it's eating me alive so 4 months ago I met this woman she is 29 at my gym and we pretty much connected instantly over the course of 4 months we became a couple went on many dates and had sex plenty of times I was a virgin before I met her I never had a girlfriend or sex and I really felt that life finally kicked in for me and that things would get better I'm 24 and before I met her I always felt like a reject and a weirdo because of my lack of success in dating and relationships the other day by chance I found out she has a husband and I wanted to bury myself on the spot I felt so bad I can't put it into words she wanted to have sex after we had a date but I lied and told her that I couldn't do it that day because I had something planned I came home and I was ashamed of myself I managed to find her husband on social media and I've been going back and forth on wanting and how to reveal everything I saved all our chats pictures and I even have some receipts from our dinners I talked to my mom about it and she told me that since I managed to find him and since I have evidence I should inform him my mom told me that he deserves to know and if it were up to her she would have revealed everything but she told me that it's my decision to make I feel like this woman played both me and her husband and now I hate myself update short and straight to the point I used a fake and Anonymous account to send him details and some pictures I also told him that I have more evidence that I would like to share he didn't respond until yesterday where he said that he wants to know more today I sent him everything and explained everything in detail turns out he already suspected her of cheating he just didn't have any proof he wasn't angry or sad he was just disappointed a lot he also thought I would be older he said that he doesn't blame me it was wasn't my fault he told me that he owes me big time because he wanted to hire somebody to find out if she was actually cheating so I actually saved him both time and money after I explained everything he was mostly relieved and thanked me for helping him and asked if there is something he could do to repay me I said that he should help somebody else and that will make us even he thanked me told me that I'm a good guy and that was mostly it he will file for divorce in case anybody is wondering I haven't heard from my AP for a few days now and I'm pretty sure he didn't tell her where he got all the proof from because she didn't call and yell at me I blocked her on everything anyway after my talk with her husband and it's time to move forward shitty experience from a first relationship but what can you do my ex was badly injured in a motorcycle accident Ida for divorcing him my wife and I separated last year she found someone she liked better and he left his wife for her not going to lie it hurt we did the legal separation and started on the divorce she is on my health insurance until the divorce is final I have met someone new through my sister we are taking it slow but she seems to like me two weeks ago my ex was out with with her boyfriend on his motorcycle they hit a patch of gravel and crashed unfortunately he was knocked unconscious and ended up in the ditch where he drowned she broke her femur and is in the hospital still I went by to check on her and she asked me if we could put a hold on the divorce I said I would think about it I spoke to my lawyer and she said that it was a bad idea to change the timeline we had established for the dissolution of our marriage my ex will be getting money from the accident I imagine however her boyfriend's ex-wife and kids will be getting his estate and insurance payout my mom and dad think that I am being evil to cut her off in her time of need I'm conflicted I do not wish this situation on anyone but she is not really my problem anymore I looked through my husband's email and I think I found evidence of him cheating I'm not sure what to do I 30f don't know where exactly to start he 32m is working late tonight or that is what he says so I thought I'd take some time to write in and ask for advice sorry for this being disjointed I've been pretty emotional and crying a lot this evening we have been together since college and have been married for the last eight years right after college graduation for me we were perfect for each other many friendships have come and gone but we've always found contentment in each other we were both adventurous and did some traveling together when we were first married we argued but not a lot we had kids the first planned child was 6 years ago the second surprise child is now three since having kids it's been tough to get time together both of our parents live a few hours drive away so there aren't many babysitters we've found that can handle our rambunctious boys my husband works a demanding stressful job and has had to cancel vacation plans more than once over the last 6 years because of a terrible boss we were seeing each other for what felt like minutes every day and our children while wonderful demanded a lot of our time and energy his boss changed about 6 months ago immediately his hours became more reasonable and his stress levels went down still long hours and travel some days but better we had evenings together again but something was different it felt like We Were Strangers just roommates who had kids together we were just so exhausted from the last few years that we Must Have Spent A couple months using any spare time we had once the kids were in bed crashing watching Netflix Etc just boring stuff and all along I felt very disconnected from the man who was supposed to be my partner so we talked about it I told him I missed him we had a few conversations about feeling disconnected we hired a sitter went on some dates and things started to feel better he's been more loving and attentive he bought me flowers again I was feeling so hopeful like I was getting my partner back about a month ago I noticed something I think I wasn't supposed to he has been talking about this work trip coming up for a week in August it's been a bit of a sore spot for me since in my mind summer is for family vacations not work trips but I've been being understanding however when he was in the shower his phone beeped and I saw an email from someone named Allison entitled our trip I felt a little weird looking at it but when I asked him about it he checked his phone and told me it was a spam email I didn't think of it after that but since then I haven't seen his phone left out out again I found something else about a week ago it was a receipt for a jewelry store and it was a sizable sum money has never really been terribly tight for us but even I was surprised by how much it was I felt a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach and I admit looked for his personal laptop to see if I could snoop through his emails but he'd taken his personal laptop to work something he'd never done I was getting nervous but somehow I didn't want to bring it up with him maybe I was trying not to believe it but this morning I found his credit card bill in his sock drawer why was he hiding it you ask there were transactions going back over the last month all for stores that men typically don't shop at I added them up and he has spent a few hundred on what looks like women's clothing and lingerie I haven't seen anything from these stores in our house so who are they for he is working better hours but is still away some evenings he could be spending at least an evening a week with someone else I don't know what to think but I fear the worst is there someone else was I too unavailable when our kids were younger is he going on a trip with them is is it this Allison person what am I going to do if he leaves me he's buying her presents for God's sake doesn't that usually mean a man is moving on or falling in love somewhere else I don't know what to do I don't know any of his passwords so I can't Snoop I could call his office to make sure he is actually there when he says he is but if I talk to anyone I think I'm just going to start balling again he should be home in a few hours what am I going to do I don't want to raise my kids alone I don't want to be alone the comments are making me very scared I I am thankful for everyone who is talking to me though even when it's hard to hear I've calmed down a bit read no longer sobbing and I'm going to call my older sister to talk to a real person about this she lives a couple hours away but we have always been close and she knows my husband well I will try to update again later thank you again to everyone edit I just had a very strange conversation with my sister I told her everything I was getting really worked up and emotional and crying again she interrupted me and told me sis it's going to be fine you need to calm down and talk to your husband when he gets home I promise everything is okay hang up the phone take a bath or something calm down and wait for your husband to get home then she said she loved me and she hung up what the hell is going on with my life today I feel like she just blew me off she didn't seem to react to what I was saying but most commenters here seem pretty sure that something bad is going on I feel like I'm going crazy edit three right after I posted my edit about my sister in the phone call my husband been texted he said my sister had called him and he was on his way home update 1 I immediately freaked out because I did not feel ready to talk to him I was super pissed at my sister for calling him and to be honest I felt like the entire world was falling down around my ears I broke down I didn't even know where I was but when I heard the front door open I realized I was on my knees in the kitchen sobbing my husband skitted around the corner and when I saw him I just started crying harder he dropped to the ground in front of me and started apologizing and I just lost it I started shaking my head and saying no no no over and over again I couldn't even hear what he was saying he tried to hug me and I held my arms out all stiff like a kid does when they don't want to hug just holding him back it took me a few minutes to register what he was saying but he was repeating over and over I'm sorry for scaring you please listen to me you need to hear what's going on I'm not cheating please listen to me just over and over I finally stopped and just said what I was just so drained and Confused it was good news I saw some of the comments in the original post saying maybe it was a surprise and you folks get the grand prize the story all came out after our big talk about reconnecting he called my sister for advice my sister's idea was to have him Spirit me away for a surprise weekend getaway while she and my bill took the kids she connected him to her friend a travel agent remember Allison to get the ball rolling the plan evolved into my sister and parents trading off with the kids for the week the jewelry receipt is for a necklace for me to wear out to dinner on our trip the credit card charges are for some fancy clothes in lingerie he got me for the trip he took some of my clothes with him to get the sizes right and got a lot of help from the sales people he says they are my style but they could be bags for all I care at this point so why the surprise my sister told him that it would be better if it was a surprise because it would be romantic that way she didn't count on me finding out early and assuming the worst I have had mild anxiety issues all my life that have been worse since having kids but this was the worst it's ever been I've never felt so totally out of control in my life life he didn't tell me all of this right away some of it came out in that first moment in the kitchen but when I realized it was not the end of my marriage I pretty much became incoherent with relief this is embarrassing but I sobbed so hard that I vomited a little at least it was on the lolium the rest he told me after I calmed down we talked until late last night he showed me all the emails showed me our destination and we got excited together I am not mad at him at all which he is relieved by apparently my sister called him with a red alert get home now before your wife calls a lawyer message she knows I have some anxiety issues so I may have to get after her about the decision to keep this all a big secret for me right now I'm too relieved to be upset I am a little concerned by how unhinged I became I think I need to work on that it's not like me what am I going to do if a real crisis comes along some people were saying that I am codependent maybe they are right but that's for later for now I'm enjoying my day with the kids and looking forward to my trip thank you for all the advice and good wishes from you all I'm sorry for worrying anyone you are wonderful people to spend your time with ready to help a stranger through the screen I hope your lives can all take an unexpected yet wonderful turn my boyfriend told me that he prefers pink cat but I'm black this is so embarrassing so I made this throw away my boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and everything is moving forward smoothly we have great chemistry and the sex was mind-blowing until about 2 weeks ago when we were having pillow talk after a great sex session then he opened up and mentioned that he loved pink Pussycats and that it made him go crazy that he preferred it I told him that well that means the majority of Po girls aren't preferable to him he Shrugged and said that this was what everyone actually preferred but it doesn't take from the girl I told him that I disagreed with everybody because not everyone subscribed to the white ideal he Shrugged again honestly I didn't care much about it at the time personal preference I thought but now I been avoiding him like the plague the thought of him gives me shutters he has been texting me every day and trying to call but I am not ready to talk to him yet I think I am ending things with him but I don't think it is polite to do it via text when we have been together for a year and I am simply not ready to see him yet so I've been avoiding him my friends call me the [ __ ] but for different reasons the majority because I am insecure and feel inferior dumped a man because of his preference when everything else is great and he loves me he made it very clear that this preference doesn't have anything to do with what he wants from a partner I honestly don't think this is the issue here but I feel insecure others because I didn't react strongly enough but then again I didn't really think that I had any right to scold someone over their preferences there's no right or wrong have I messed up update so I did it and I sent him the text suggested by one of your beautiful Reddit users he texted me that he wanted to see me and at least he wanted to know what's wrong and if he did anything to make me mad so I texted I think we should see other people he answered about an hour later saying he wanted to come over to talk so I guess we are having the talk later this evening wish me luck update to so he was here and we talked I let him do almost all the talking and he started saying that he missed me and that he loved loved me I told him that I felt like something switched off and I got the ick I don't think it is fixable he got angry and called me insecure saying that he didn't mean it that way these things aren't important in the scheme of things and I am the best he's been with not only sexually I disagree that I am insecure because I don't recognize myself as one I am just turned off and I thought we should call it quits before we waste more of each other's time we had a conversation and this is how it went it is not like I am the only one who thinks that everyone does think what you know ask anyone and those who say otherwise are lying like ask who like my friends they all like white girls okay I see you are being insecure again I don't care because I love you it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter at all but at the same time I am not really attracted to you anymore we can't control these things he got upset and said see we want to give you plural a chance but you are always so dramatic and you wonder why we prefer white women just relax be fun you just said you didn't care silent then he said look I didn't mean it that way but you really need to relax I love you you are the best sex I've had then it just got awkward and quiet afterwards so he said he was leaving and asked to just not jump into things he texted later that things didn't go as he hoped and that he was sorry and didn't mean what he said then at least think before giving him an answer I answered that I was very sure that this was over and that I didn't need to think things through he called me easily offended then the texting bubble was there for almost a minute so I texted before you write something stupid In the Heat of the Moment don't it wasn't n't Worth US sinking this low I prefer ending things on good terms the bubble disappeared and he just wrote I just can't believe I'm losing you over this then I love you this is it I didn't and won't answer him BS everything is paraphrased besides the text the conversation was longer but went in this direction this is my update now good night final update today I had a talk with my ex-boyfriend's best friend's wife her husband told her everything and as many here suspected it wasn't just an innocent comment or a preference was negligible my ex-boyfriend meant to say it to me to make me feel insecure and even grateful that he sticks around like oh he must love me if he doesn't mind how I look basically he thinks I am too awesome to be with someone like him so he's been terrified that I would leave him well it backfired because I kind of get turned off by someone making me insecure I am even the opposite I am very needy of feeling praised and appreciated to feel attracted to someone he must be dumb as hell not to know this about me after a year of dating the more I appreciate it the more affection and compliments I get from him he thought comparing a brown girl to a white girl was a good idea because apparently we are all too insecure when it comes to white girls my question now is to you does putting your girlfriend down really ever work to keep her is this really a thing it must be because so many have suggested it and it turned out to be the case here do people really stay with someone who puts them down it hit me now that the relationship has ended and I feel terrible sadness about it what a silly thing to pull off on your girlfriend and blow a perfectly happy relationship what a waste of good love he was story two my friend friend 36f manipulated me 28f into believing my boyfriend 27m was having an affair this is a complicated story so I'll use fake names for everyone boyfriend Tom my friend Jess boyfriend's friend Kim my techsavvy friend Rich Tom and I have been together for 3 years and he's been a very affectionate and loving boyfriend during that time I would have said yes if he had proposed to me Kim is a friend that he knows from work I've always been a little uncomfortable with their relationship but I never had a reason to believe that Tom and Kim were doing anything behind my back until Jess told me that she saw them at dinner together on a Friday night where Tom told me he was working late obviously I was devastated Tom is the most standup and honest man I know so I never expected in a million years that he would even lie to me let alone have an affair I didn't believe Jess at first but then she showed me a blurry picture of the two together I couldn't see either of their faces but I saw body figures that greatly resembled both of them I also saw the man wearing a watch Tom always wears a watch and Tom's favorite Vineyard Vine tie thrown over his shoulder I was convinced Jess told me that if I could get my boyfriend's phone she'd be able to bypass the password and get all the messages that were on it even the deleted ones she gave me a stack of papers that she claimed were correspondence between Tom and Kim which clearly indicated an affair between the two again I was devastated the papers show that he called her the same nickname he called me that cut really deep I tried to approach Tom with this information in mind casually do you have anything to tell me I tried to be extra affectionate and loving with him throughout this and he always reciprocated the love which disgusted me but gave me hope that he'd end his alleged affair with Kim every time I jumped through Jess's Hoops to check Jess would tell me that the affair was still ongoing after two weeks yesterday I confronted Tom with everything and unsurprisingly he denied it I told him that I was willing to fight for our relationship if he was willing to meet me halfway Tom continued to deny everything and he told me that if I didn't believe him then we had no relationship I didn't believe him he slept on the couch and promised me he'd be out of the house by the end of the week I was so upset last night that I could not sleep I cried for a really long time and Tom heard me crying he even tried to come in and comfort me but I cussed him out and told him to leave this morning Jess was busy with work so I went to a tech savvy friend Rich for help with what Jess had done traditionally I gave Rich the phone and he told me that my demands were impossible he said you cannot bypass the password on my boyfriend's phone it's a work phone without deleting the text messages I teased him about not being as familiar with this stuff as he thought but he adamantly stuck with his claim when I showed him the papers that Jess gave me he told me they were fake and he proved to me they were fake by making his own [ __ ] my life I have absolutely no idea what to do and no one to talk to about this Rich told me he's looking into everything but I don't know if he'll come up with much when I came home Tom was already gone with his stuff and I have no way of reaching him directly because I'm the one with his phone I don't know what to do I don't even know what's really going on in my life anymore edit there are lots of questions about this so I'll try to clarify I took my boyfriend's phone when he went out for his run since he doesn't listen to music when he's jogging the Run sort of contributed to my suspicion but he's been doing this since I've met him when I confronted my boyfriend I didn't show him the proof but I told him I had conclusive evidence and he said that that was impossible at the time I thought he was lying Jess has not replied to any of my voicemails or messages update one I returned Tom's phone to him and we talked about the situation I tried to explain everything but he told me that trust in our relationship was irreparable and that I needed to learn how to effectively communicate my concerns he's a firm believer that without trust there is no relationship so officially split up he initiated NC and I have not spoken with him since I finally got a hold of Jess through the phone and she admitted she lied but she won't tell me why I'm sure she has not slept with Tom but I can't be sure she isn't trying I'm unbelievably mad right now mostly at myself story two my fiance had a sexual relationship with an older man who works for her father and I don't want him at my wedding prior to getting together with my fiance she had a long-term relationship with an older man he's 52 now but he was 46 when they started up she was 19 at the time this relationship has never been exclusive her father is a contractor and this man has worked with him for many years my fiance initiated the relationship and it has been a secret between the two of them my fiance told me that when we became exclusive there would be no secrets but their physical relationship went right up until she started dating me the problem now is that she sees him often due to his relationship with her father and he's invited to the wedding their relationship has been exclusively sexual and it angers me when I see them around each other to the point that I'm using sex to cope the last time I saw them together was at her father's 61st birthday party and I got so angry that I took my fiance upstairs and we had sex in her childhood bedroom while the party was still going on to my fiance's credit she lets me cope this way but it isn't healthy I don't want him at the wedding but if I say anything I will need to provide a reason her father would beat the bag out of him if he knew about it in addition to firing him so my fiance doesn't want to say anything since she says he really didn't do anything wrong she was an adult before anything happened and he hasn't tried anything since we've been together but this guy knew her as a kid and the whole thing is creepy what should I do am I out of line here this is a throwaway account since the parties involved know my Reddit account edit thanks for all the comments at least I know that I am not being unreasonable my fiance also understands how I feel and doesn't want him at her wedding either and the wedding isn't the only issue it's his continued presence in our lives which she doesn't want as much as I do but the situation is combustible she feels responsible for initiating the relationship in the first place and is embarrassed she thought at the time that hooking up with this older guy made her a badass she certainly doesn't think that we anymore and doesn't want her whole family to know what she did and believe me I get that whatever I ask her to do to make me feel comfortable she will do but I love her and I don't want to embarrass her in front of her family or make her feel guilty for Wrecking this guy's life perhaps I just need to be stronger update I believe my problem has been resolved and by some miracle has worked out for both myself and my fiance we started talking this weekend and I told her that I could get through the wedding at the the old guy was there but I would always feel uncomfortable around him but I had also decided that I would feel worse if I forced her to reveal the relationship to her family so I said I could be strong and get over it she started to cry a little and said she didn't want me to have to be strong she legitimately doesn't understand why I feel threatened by this particular guy she said he's an overweight 52-year-old who didn't finish high school he's no threat to you she had turned him down multiple times before we even met she got out her old phone which had the text to prove it but the sexual nature of those texts on his part made me feel worse than when we started the conversation my fiance could tell and she even looked offended when reading them again I could see her getting pissed the longer she looked at them so right there she just dialed his number and put it on speaker she told him that she'd been reading some old texts and she's thinking that she doesn't want to see his face again but wanted to give him a heads up before she told her father he begs and apologizes he thought she liked it this went on for a while and my fiance can run a bit hot so some things were said that even I thought were a bit harsh if anyone wants to hear them ask I'll reply in the comments anyway she hangs up and gets a text from him this morning that he is moving to Florida he's got a cousin down there he can work with so the problem solved on my end if he stays true to his word and stays away my fiance won't have to tell her father so it went all around thanks for all the advice everyone it was appreciated my mom kicked me out 2 years ago all in favor of her new boyfriend who bullied me in high school and now she wants to amend things my dad passed away when I was only one it's been me and my mom ever since as you can guess my mom and I were very close when I was a sophomore in high High School my mom got a part-time job as a gym teacher at my school I supported her when she asked if I would be comfortable with it it was extremely uncomfortable when guys would make comments on my mom's appearance it also gave ammo to Brad who bullied me in high school he would make inappropriate comments about her towards me Brad was a year ahead of me so I thought I was finally rid of him after he graduated I was wrong when I became a senior my mom started going out very often initially I was happy for her because I wanted her to find someone nice however it came to a point where barely got any time together to be frank I thought she was avoiding me this was because whenever I tried to make plans with her she had already made plans before I sort of kept it to myself because I didn't want to come off needy I didn't complain when she missed my birthday because she was out all night when she tried to apologize the next day I told her it was okay after 6 months of this Behavior I decided to take action I asked my mom if we could have dinner together just the two of us she said she was too busy I got fed up and told her to stop ignoring me she said that she wasn't ignoring me but that she had a life to live that really hurt me a lot out of anger I started to ignore her for a few days after those days passed she finally apologized to me however she said she needed to talk to me about something important she wanted to introduce me to her boyfriend at dinner she didn't sound excited about it it sounds like she almost dreaded it when the door rang my mom opened it up and introduced the guy to me I was in extreme shock it was Brad I almost screamed at my mom asking her what is he doing here Brad came forward to acknowledge that this situation was uncomfortable but he's sorry for how he treated me in school and that he really cares about my mom my mom asked us to sit and let her explain how this all happened I remember screaming I don't give a [ __ ] about your explanation you toss me aside for this piece of [ __ ] you're a pathetic excuse of a mother my mom then defended him when said don't you dare call him that she then said she tried to accommodate everyone in this tough situation by keeping the relationship away from me she then said like it or not Brad is here to stay if you don't like it you're more than welcome to leave I packed my bags right there and then I called my grandma and told her about the whole situation she drove to my house and confronted my mom after a shouting match between them I left with my grandma my mom tried calling me several weeks after but I blocked her she tried to visit me but I called the cops on her after that she sort of gave up it had been 2 years since I'd heard from my mom then I get a call from her yesterday she said it's urgent and we need to meet up I don't know if I should go update well curiosity got the best of me there was also a burning desire to unload on her I finally texted back my mom asking where should we meet she said we could meet for for lunch at the restaurant at p.m. I didn't have any class today so I was good to go when I arrived at the restaurant I heard some woman scream my name it was my mom who I haven't seen for 2 years she asked how was I and said she would hug me but said she knew I would reject it her voice was shaking when she asked me to follow her to her table unsurprisingly Brad was sitting there he didn't even look me in the eye as we sat down he just nodded his head as if to Simply acknowledge my arrival as my mom sat down she started shooting out multiple questions what you've been up to are you in school how's it going I got annoyed and told her stop wasting my time with these questions what do you want from me she responded well before we tell you can we explain how all of this happened I said sure for those of you asking me to get her ass in trouble with the school board I hate to break it to you but they never interacted with each other when Brad was in school Brad only knew about her because his friends would take pictures of her before gym class started and share them with everyone it was Brad who approached her at a bar she didn't recognize him so he told her he went to the high school she works at and graduated recently my mom was lonely and jokingly told him she wouldn't tell anyone that he wasn't 21 as long as he hung out with her they exchanged numbers and made a promise to hang out with each other she said she knew that I wouldn't be comfortable with her seeing a peer of mine so she kept it a secret and convinced herself it was going to be a short and Casual relationship eventually the relationship got serious when she was hanging out at his house she asked him about introducing him to me he told her it wasn't a good idea she responded by saying I'll get over the age Gap relationship he was forced to come clean about the relationship I had with him in high school that's when my mom started tearing up and her voice was shaking she said she was in shock about what she had done she couldn't sleep at night because of the guilt she couldn't even look at me without feeling immense guilt she had him blocked on her phone after a week he sent him a message on Facebook to at least meet him once she obliged he showed up with roses and begged for forgiveness he even said he'll apologize to me in person and that he's a changed person she took him back the next was the day she invited him to dinner my mom burst into tears and begged me to forgive her for hurting me she then said these two years have been painful for her finally Brad spoke and admitted she misses you like crazy dude she still needs you in her life my mom said I am sorry for being an awful mother we want to make it up to you we're moving to California and we want you to come with us we will foot the bill for your education and everything else you won't have to work at all you'll have a permanent place in our home I don't know what the hell came to me but I started laughing like crazy like a madman it was the most ridiculous proposition now this is what makes me the monster this is what I really came there for after I calmed down this is what I said to her mom you must be the most delusional [ __ ] if you think I'll ever forgive you you are dead to me for good the only acknowledgement you'll get for me is me pissing on Your Grave when you pass away then she was hysterically crying I got up from the table and left the restaurant only a minute after walking to the parking lot I hear my mom screaming at Brad to stop following me I really wanted this confrontation the moment he grabs my shirt I turn around and suck or punch him in the face he drops on the road with his mouth bleeding my mom comes to physically restrain him from hurting me until he calms down I told them this is what I think about your proposal it's been 4 hours now after the incident I know deep down I should be ashamed of myself but I feel amazing inside I don't know if adrenaline can last that long it feel like I took my power back edit I don't what job Brad has my mom on the other hand has been saving up money ever since my father passed I remember her telling me if I got good grade she'll take out a loan for me to pay for my school and pay it back herself story two my best friend from childhood invited me to her wedding but forgot to assign me a seat I spent the night alone in a separate room my childhood best friend 23f got married this weekend and I was so excited to be there to support her on her big day I'm a chocolate here so the bride asked me if I could create the wedding favors and dessert table I was ecstatic to help with the wedding and went above and beyond to create a gorgeous table that was a huge hit on the day I was told early on that the wedding was over budget and to keep costs low my boyfriend was not invited I was extremely understanding and even reduced my rates for the sweet table as my present to the couple a couple weeks later after reviewing the guest list the bride informed me that my boyfriend could come as my plus one but if he did I would be moved from the head table my boyfriend is a wedding photographer and is looking to build his videography portfolio knowing that the couple didn't have a videographer he offered to film a professional wedding video free of charge the bride was exstatic and offered to move us to the vendor table so that we could network with the other vendors we loved the idea and it was confirmed that we would be sitting with the vendors the day of the wedding we arrived 4 hours early to help with the event my boyfriend spent the time filming while I set up the dessert table and helped the the event coordinator set the dinner tables after the ceremony guests were moved to the cocktail room while the original room was converted into the room for the reception while helping convert the room I noticed that our names were not on the seating chart I asked the event coordinator where we would be sitting and she said good question and left to find out she came back to say that there was no vendor table and that if we were staying for dinner my boyfriend and I would have to sit in a separate room as we were not on the list the room was closed off from the reception so we couldn't hear or see anything let alone talk to anybody I told the event coordinator that we were in fact guests and that we should be moved into the reception room the event coordinator herself was seated at one of the tables in the room I told her I was a longtime friend of the bride and even originally meant to be seated at the head table however the event coordinator said she couldn't do anything about it I approached the bride to explain the situation she mentioned that it was definitely a mix-up and that we should be in the room the bride mentioned that she didn't want to undermine me as a businesswoman so she never told the event coordinators that we were friends or that I was a guest she left the coordination of the vendor table to the event coordinator and left it off of the seating chart the event coordinator was not made aware that any of the vendors besides herself and the MC were staying for the reception and therefore didn't think to add us in although I understand the mixup the bride did nothing to get us moved to the main room my boyfriend and I were cut off from the reception with no one to speak to no way to see or hear and even had to ask to be fed as a result I missed the entire wedding and spent the majority of the evening crying in the bathroom waiting to move the dessert table into the main room after dinner so that we could leave my boyfriend continued to film everything as he was committed to getting a beautiful video for his portfolio the next morning I emailed the bride about the experience she apologized profusely and said she was scatterbrained on the day and didn't think to do anything about it she feels extremely guilty and would still like to be friends I would like to forgive her but I am still extremely hurt update one after reading everyone's responses and doing some reflecting I've come to the conclusion that she's not my friend our relationship in the past few months has mostly consisted of her blowing me off and me interpreting it as though she was busy she moved across the country 2 years ago but flies here often most of the coup's friends friends and family still live here which is why they decided to have their wedding here every time she's come to visit we've tried to make plans which would end with me being blown off the excuse was always that some last minute thing came up which is why she didn't have time to see me she called me months before her engagement party to let me know that I would be invited to it but I was never actually invited I responded to pictures of it online just saying gorgeous and she explained that I wasn't invited because her Mill planned and didn't know her friends moral of the story The only time I've seen her within the past year was to do a free tasting for her wedding after she mentioned that she would not finalize her order without a tasting we had plans to meet up the same week of the tasting which she blew I reread her apologetic email and interpreted it differently the second time the email mainly followed the structure of excuse backslash but that's not an excuse in one section she wrote that although she would still like to be friends she understands that I may not want to and that's fine to me it seemed as though she was saying she wouldn't care if we were to no longer be friends at the end of the email she added PS we would still like the video despite making it a point prior to the wedding to let my boy friend and I know that she couldn't care less about the wedding video although she mentioned in her email that she would make it up to me I haven't heard a word from her since I responded back to her email naively accepting the apology the day after the wedding I watched my boyfriend's rough edit of the wedding video this week and listened to her speech she added a section where she thanked her friends for transcending the lines of friends and family she called out a long list of names from the friend group mine wasn't included which sealed the deal for me especially since I was so involved in the preparation of the wedding that she wouldn't have just forgotten my name moving forward I will be a lot more cautious with my circle and I'll definitely be more strict with doing business with friends no more paying out of pocket my boyfriend has agreed to not go out of his way to send her the video If she asks for it he will send a link to a shortened version on his website I couldn't convince him to add a watermark although that was my favorite solution thanks everyone for your recommendations so we'll see if she comes around in a month or so I will definitely not be reaching out my parents are trying to make me agree to let my sister's boyfriend propose to my sister at my wedding I'm thinking about disappearing for forever maybe this is the wrong place but I'm going to explode with rage and disappointment at my family my baby sister is the golden child or maybe that's unfair to say she survived cancer when she was a child it was the darkest period of my parents life I don't remember much of it because my parents shielded me from the horrific truth I knew she was sick and I remember all my childhood spent in hospitals but never did I know that my sister almost died until many many years later I was 12 and she was 10 after she beat her sickness she became the obvious favorite in the house she got everything she wanted and sometimes it was at my expense I resented that but I always heard that I was a naughty girl for being jealous of my hero sister my sister grew up to be a brad now 20 years later she's still bratty although we get along a lot better than when we were teenagers SL young adults my wedding is in July neither my fiance nor I have the money for a big wedding we settled for small wedding 30 people at my fiance's grandparents who have a beautiful house with lake view my parents parents when they heard this said no way and offered to pay for a bigger wedding and better venue we didn't agree at first but later we did not want to disappoint them it seemed like it was important to them last week my mom invited me over my dad mom and my sister's boyfriend asked me what I would think if my sister's boyfriend proposed to my sisters during the wedding so it becomes an engagement party as well as a wedding mom has seen reels on Instagram about people proposing to maid of honor SL bridesmaids and thought it cute my sister is my maid of honor I said no that's ridiculous and laughed my mom was livid she told me I was selfish and ungrateful and I accused her of favoritism I told her I always thought it was odd that you'd pay for my wedding but now I know the reason why she started crying and kicked me out of the house later both she and my future brother-in-law sent me texts warning me from exposing their plan to my sister my fiance was disappointed but not sure what we could do my parents have spent almost $30,000 and it's too late to cancel my mother called me today to plan the proposal and I begged her not to ruin my day she told me since she was paying she can make requests and that I should let go of my jealousy and resentment towards my sister because she's innocent in all of this but the thing is this day will be about my sister I told my fiance to ask his grandparents if they're still willing to host my wedding if there I'll revert to our original plan if not I will just alope not sure yet if I'm going to tell my family and cancel the wedding or just let them have their grand proposal party none of my family is invited to my wedding including my sister thank you for listening update one I can't tell her since she has no idea her BF is going to propose and this would ruin the whole thing at the same time it would be ruined anyway when I alope and she wonders why but as of this morning my mom still says they're going ahead with a proposal even without my help the original plan is that I should be the one making the speech and telling my sister there's a surprise for her and today is about us too blah blah blah and then her girlfriends and boyfriend do so rehearse dance to their favorite song and then he proposes if I know her well she wouldn't mind being proposed to on my wedding day so it's a lose lose situation for me sometimes I think maybe I should agree and get it over with but I'm so angry and my fiance actually doesn't want me to cave this time since we both were happy with the backyard wedding we even asked Mom to donate what she had planned on spending on the wedding to the Childhood Cancer Fund in our names like what we've requested as a wedding gift from our guests but she insisted on a party for the extended family I had a back and forth texting with my future brother-in-law where he called me jealous and bitter I have now blocked him he texted my fiance apologizing but we didn't answer my plan now is to get married a week earlier at my grandparents-in-law with 20 guests because we have managed to change our honeymoon trip booking to be three instead of two weeks with departure day the morning after the wedding my mom's wedding is already paid in full with no refund possibilities with such short notice 3 weeks that was the whole point I think to Spring this information on me so close to the wedding date so I can't really do anything about it now they will have one week's heads up any anyway when they see my wedding pictures on social media they will probably just turn the wedding into an engagement party and have a blast so it's a win-win I hope update two I really want to thank everyone that showed me support I'm now happily married and in Ko Italy for my honeymoon I tried to stay away from my phone but I was so curious to see my family's reaction to my elopement a week earlier than planned it was really ugly I must start with saying that I really tried my best to negotiate and compromise with my family and truly explain that this was was hurting me I have nothing against my sister in TBH nothing against her getting engaged on my wedding but the principle that it was made very clear to me that I had absolutely no opinion or say in what was going to happen on what supposed to be my special day was where I drew the line it wasn't a wish or a request it was a matter of fact and it was decided so I told my mom that I'm not going to attend the party she's paid for maybe they should just make it an engagement party instead she got very upset and told me that the engagement was supposed to be a surprise I told her that I was just giving her the heads up since she's about to lose an insane amount of money she didn't take me seriously like I wasn't going to cancel my wedding because of a trivial thing what she didn't know is that I've already made plans to get married a week earlier at my grandparents-in-law we invited our closest friends and some even had to book earlier flights and take more vacation days for these people I was extra grateful what was left was my sister I've been back and forth arguing and negotiating with my parents and Bill I decided that even if this would ruin her surprise I had to tell her so I did she wasn't really happy with my mom but she was more upset that I ruined her surprise and she as I expected thought I could have just sucked it up and gone with a flow I didn't tell her about my new Wedding Date the wedding was dreamlike in the back of my head I was hurt the people who loved me the most weren't there but I pushed the thought away and refused to let it ruin our day my husband was amazing he promised to make me happy for the rest of my life and to make up for every heartbreak I've experienced in my past my in-laws surprised us with upgrading our honeymoon to a five-star hotel I had my friends and some cousins in my favorite an attending we asked them not to live stream or upload any pictures to social media until we're already on our honeymoon we also asked them not to engage in any altercations online with my family today my mom made long FB twitterinstagram posts bashing me and my husband calling me ungrateful and disrespectful with pictures of my wedding telling people I've cost her a big chunk of her savings and she's now demanding compensation her FB post was shared about 200 times and the majority of my extended family is angry with me she never once tried to contact me I really thought she would bombard my phone instead both her and my Dad announced that they're cutting me off and are expecting compensation bill commented that I ruined his surprise and my sister made a post about being tired of jealous [ __ ] and haters none of the people we invited has commented even though some of them were directly attacked so they respected our wishes I don't know if they're going to go ahead and turn the wedding into an engagement party now I really hope they do so the money isn't wasted it's on Saturday I'm sorry the update got too long but with the amount of people asking for an update I hope this was what you wanted PS English isn't my native language and it's too long of a post to proof reading especially when it's written on my iPhone ink spiller's here someone in the comments asked if the wedding ended up being a party for her sister here's the response yes they did and they blew the internet with pictures and posts about how magical the night was little sister made sure to write about haters not ruining her special day and how she surrounded by the people that mattered from what I gathered about 30 to 40% of the guests that were invited showed up this means they can't sue me for the wedding so all is good I deleted my son's Minecraft world because of his attitude Ida I have two children a 9-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter my son had a Minecraft world where he built quite an impressive Castle on an island which he was very proud to show to me since school was canceled he has had issues with waking up on time he is supposed to wake up at 7:00 each morning but for the past month he has been sleeping in until about 9 9 or 10 I always set an alarm for him but he sleeps right through it I don't wake him up because waking himself up is a skill that he needs to learn I told him about two weeks ago that there are going to be consequences for him if he continues to sleep in every morning at first he understood and was waking up on time every morning but for the past week or so he has fallen back into Old Habits I told him yesterday that this is his final warning today he slept in until 11: so I followed through with my warning and went on the computer and deleted his favorite Minecraft world I also took away computer privileges for the next month when I told him he started screaming and crying he told me that he spent a whole year working on that world and he's very distraught that he's never going to see it again he has been crying and sobbing throughout the day and has refused to eat any of his meals my wife informed me she slept with the best man at sister's wedding the time frame is important here we have been married for 3 years we were together as a couple for 2 years before that so we've been together for about 5 years two weekends ago her sister got married and of course my wife was in the wedding party so as you would expect she spent the two weeks prior to the wedding helping her sister get everything ready no big deal at all she kept me informed and I knew this was going to happen she took that Wednesday to Friday off of work to help her and in fact stayed with her 3 days I certainly know her sister but I barely know the guy who is now my brother-in-law in fact only met him a few times but he seems nice enough I show up Saturday morning a few hours before the ceremony in hopes of stealing just a few minutes to see her not wanting to intrude on the day since I know she is busy but I hadn't seen her since Tuesday she sees me outside of her parents house and sends her brother out to tell me that she will come out and see me at the car which I thought was odd but whatever she finally comes out and say in the seat next to me and gives me a kiss but instead of acting happy to see me or whatever she tells me that she has to talk to me and she doesn't want it to ruin her sister's day she informs me that at the reception if I still want to go I might hear some things about the best man in her and she didn't want it to be awkward or weird I just kind of sat there stunned she said that about 4 years ago she had a fling with him and that it didn't mean anything but she was aware that by Nature I'm somewhat jealous and she wanted me to know in advance so that if I heard something that I wouldn't be surprised again I just kind of sat there this was not how I thought my morning would go but I told her I appreciated knowing it and that it certainly wasn't a big deal now she went back in the house house and I went to eat lunch and decided to meet her at the church as I'm eating and reading my phone it Dawns on me she said she had a fling with him four years ago and we've been together five my first reaction was to blow it off and think that she just told me the wrong time but the more I thought about it the more I started to remember about a year and a half of us being together she had a phase where she was really sketchy about her behavior wasn't available when she normally was and went on two weekend camping trips that were with friends from work of course I'm a little knotted up over this but I know I have a long day ahead of me I go to the wedding and sit there watching everything after the wedding they have a line that you walk by and congratulate the bride and groom and the wedding party is standing in line as well my wife is standing with some other guy I don't know him at all but the best man was there and I just went down the line and acted like no big deal get to the reception and it takes forever for them to come because of photos she finally gets there and sits with me I decided not to say anything as I didn't want to distract from the day but instead of just letting it go she then tells me that each of the Grooms men and bridesmaids are going to dance and that she is going to be dancing with him I asked why when she was not his partner for the party and she said that the maid of honor and her partner were actually married and wanted to dance with each other at this point I'm a little more than perturbed but I try and not let it show thankfully I was smart enough to not drink because I freely admit I'm an angry doctor nknk so I know when not to even partake she talks to everyone around her and then the dance comes and he comes over and extends his arm and she gets up I try not to watch and in fact I make it a point not to she comes back with him in toe and they are joking like the best of friends she decides that it would be a good idea to introduce us and while I didn't say to f off like I wanted to my greeting to him was probably than cordial but it did not deter him from sitting and talking with her for a few minutes the more they sat and talked and reminisced about old times and places the matter I got eventually I got up and went to the bathroom and when I came back he was gone she decided to tell me that she thought I was rude which was not what I was all about hearing at the moment I told her that this wasn't the time or place to talk about it but rest assured we would talk later she sat there and then said that she was going to change cloths and as soon as she got back she was telling her sister that we were leaving because I had ruined her day but she didn't want me to ruin her sister's day as well I told her that I was perfectly capable of not being a bother to her or her sister the rest of the day and that I did not want to be the cause of any drama so I would prefer to just stay she went and changed clothes and then came back all in a huff Now understand I have not said a word to her I even shook the other guy's hand I guess I just looked miserable so that is what she was basing this off of she was adamant about not staying and so I said that if she really wanted to go we could go but if she would rather stay I would be happy to stay or if she would like since I came in my own car I would leave so she could stay she at first said that we should stay but then said If I couldn't act any better I should leave I asked how I was acting and she said it was obvious I was trying to be like a Silverback Gorilla wanting to fight I didn't know whether to laugh in her face or be offended I went back in and sat down while she mingled with the other guest I talked with her brother for a while but then ultimately ended up back at our table talking with her grandma we leave at the same time and I arrived home just before she did I was sitting in the living room waiting on her when she came in and did not beat around the bush I simply asked her to retell me the story about this other guy and she said it word for word like before after sitting and looking at her for a time I just said are you sure about the time frame and she said she was I then reminded her that we had been together for 5 years so this fling was well over a year into our being together what happened next I can't really put into words instead of being flustered or denying or anything she simply said I know so I asked her to explain and she tells me that they worked together and that it was just a physical thing and she felt like we weren't in a great place at the time and that she never had any feelings for him and never had any real intentions of leaving me she just was having some fun for a few weekends she said that it was probably a mistake on her part to tell me now but she didn't want me to get blindsided I did not take this the way she thought I would I guess we had a very large argument and ended when she told me I was being a child about all of this that we were married and this happened way before that and our life together now has nothing to do with him or that time well two things one I adamantly disagree about this is no bearing on us she effing cheated on me and doesn't even have the goddamn decency to feel guilty about it to I hate being told I am childish when I get upset over something it pisses me off to no end because that is her way of acting Superior to me I told her I needed time to think and she told me there was nothing to think about we loved each other and this didn't change anything that was two weeks ago and I still am not over it she has been trying the past few days to get me to talk to her but I admit that for whatever reason I'm not viewing her the same as I did before this part of me is like that this is stupid it happened a few years ago and we are married now and there hasn't been any problems at all but then part of me is like I just found out she cheated on me and it hurts like a mother AF her and what makes it worse is that instead of trying to understand how I feel she is trying to guilt me into just not even thinking about about it I don't know what to do I'm sorry for the length I probably should have cut out some of the wedding stuff but it all came out at once update my wife informed me she slept with the best man at sister's wedding my wife informed me she slept with the best man at sister's wedding first I want to clarify something from my first post that I really did not spell out very well it doesn't have any real bearing on anything but for some reason it bugs me that I made this part sort of murky the maid of honor not my wife was married to the groomsman who my wife walked down the aisle with there were some people who felt my wife was trying to arrange the dance but I do know for a fact that this part was legit however it doesn't mean she didn't try and offer to let them dance or any other form of manipulation but I just wanted to try and clear that part up a little I'm here because I have gotten honest to God over 40 requests for an update since last week thank you for your guys concern on this and I wish I had some really ballsy statement to make about how I stood tall and kicked her to the curb but sadly that is just not what happened to be blunt I'm in limbo there have been developments but all they have done is make it harder for me to decide last week I was mostly angry then as the weekend progressed I became mostly sad I want to be able to hate her and flip that switch that tells me I'm being walked on and I'm a sucker but it's just very hard for me to do that because I still love her and this is me apart here is what has happened of any consequence she finally came to the realization that I was not going to just get over this this then brought her to the realization that I might want out of the marriage this then brought on a near nervous breakdown from her someone hell a lot from the first post stated that she would try and manipulate me like that and believe me I was taking those words to heart when I thought she was having crocodile tears but it soon became apparent to me that she wasn't acting or faking she was having a legitimate panic attack this led to an ER visit an that led to an overnight stay in the hospital and then to new medications and a scheduled followup with her doctor for later next week this brought her family into it and that in turn led to Long conversations all the way around when we got home with her family and toe I asked what she wanted to do since there was a house full of people and she said she wanted to be with her mom for a while that was fine with me as I had no desire to hang around all day with her dad or sister so I said I was going to go finish up something at work and would be home later 2 hours after I get there I get a text from her begging me to please come home and that she really needs me to talk with her so I finish up what I was doing and head home I am greeted on my own front porch by her dad who asks if he can talk to me for a minute my anger level was already somewhat high but I was ready to to go to war if she had dumped a crap sack of lies on me with her dad I mean it's not like he and I are best friends in crap but I've never had a bad moment with him so I really wasn't going to be happy about being the bastard who broke his baby's heart we sat on our deck chairs and he effing floored me with his opening Salvo I was expecting to hear anything but what he said he said that she told them what had happened and that he wanted to apologize to me because he said that he felt like he did a really crappy job as a parent and that this mindset that she had was really a creation of her mothers and that while he loved both of them he said they were wrong and he had told his wife years ago that telling the girls that whatever happens before marriage doesn't count was a horrible idea and value system to install in them he then said that he wasn't there to stand up for what his daughter did but he just wanted me to be aware that what she was saying and how she was acting was simply because she honestly believed that being married was an entirely different life in that they mom and dad had romanticized marriage to the point that she wasn't understanding real life basically he was kind of throwing his wife under the bus but again this is not what I was expecting at all we shook hands and he said that no matter what I decided he still thought very highly of me which Honestly made me feel really good for that moment I then went inside and my wife is curled up in a ball on her mom's lap and you can tell she has been crying the entire time I've been gone mom gets up and comes and hugs me and tells me she is sorry and that she loves me and she is praying that we can work this out my wife is laid out on the couch at this point her mom and dad leave and she sits there looking at me and crying okay this is where I'm going to piss off everybody and just tell you that I couldn't take it I went to her and we hugged for a long time with her telling me over and over how sorry she was hey I know it was the weak thing to do but again I have to say in my defense that just before this incident occurred I loved her with all of my heart and would have done anything to not see her in pain whatever she had done I still didn't want to see her like that look it's very possible that she was putting on an Oscar worthy acting job but I don't honestly think so she really seemed broken at that point in time after a while when she calmed down I asked her what she wanted me to come home and talk about and she said she wanted to get everything out in the open so I didn't feel like I was being lied to or manipulated so she wanted me to ask her questions and I wish I had written down a list but I came up with a few off the top of my head she was brutally honest with me and some of the questions I asked I probably shouldn't have because now the mental image is stuck in there but honestly was there any way I just now have confirmation first I asked for dates or at the very least approximate dates I didn't tell her about the engagement concern I had because I didn't want her to change stories and she remembered exactly when they occurred fortunately this happened a little earlier in our relationship than she told me initially and so we were not engaged when this happened I can't tell you what a relief it was because I became physically ill when I thought about that when someone said it in my last post second I asked how many times she went overboard with this because instead of just telling me how many different dates she decided to tell me how many times there was penetration she wasn't doing it to be mean she honestly thought that is what I wanted to know this part of the conversation did not help me any at all and in fact almost broke me down in truth it wasn't that often and in fact there were really only three different days it happened on but there were several times during those three days then came the part why did she do it okay again I'm not the most manly of man and I am ashamed to admit this but I couldn't get this out without starting to cry I asked why wasn't I good enough why am why did she not just leave me it was her turn to hold me because at this point everything came rushing at me her telling me me having to watch them laugh with each other her now telling me how many times they did it and where they did it she talked during this but to this moment I have no idea what she said I was too upset and honestly nothing she was going to say was going to make a bit of difference anyway but after I composed myself I simply told her that the Betrayal was horrible but honestly her response to me when I found found out was just as bad if not worse she agreed with me and she apologized for calling me immature she said that she honestly believed that it wouldn't matter to me now because we were married when she said this my blood started to boil again I started to say something about it but she jumped in and said that after talking with her parents she now sees that this was very wrong of her and that cheating is cheating but she still feels like that our happiness that we have shared since being married should count for something I then replied that I kind of felt like that happiness was built on a lie this led to another breakdown on her part and almost another ER visit but between Adavan and having her breath into a paper sack we got her calmed down I let her sleep the rest of the night feeling like emotionally we were both tired but come Sunday we were talking again by this time I wasn't as sympathetic as I had been when we got home from the ER I told her that I thought her introducing him to me was crappy me having to watch her dance with him was extra crappy and the fact that she only told me because she was going to get caught was an elite level of crappy which then I demanded to know why did she think I would find out and how many of the effing people at the wedding knew besides me well obviously the guy knew but then his best friend in the world also knew did I mentioned that fur is now my brother-in-law which then led to her sister finding out and she was afraid her sister was going to be the one to tell me I asked how often she sees this guy and she said that the wedding is the first time she has seen him in 3 years then I lost my crap and asked her if she Eed him during any of the leadup to the wedding she got all pissy about it acting like she wouldn't F anyone because she was married and I just lost my crap and had to leave for a while because once again I felt like she was living on married planet or some such crap in the world there is a different place then for the rest of us I finally got cooled off enough to come home and try and be civil about things she finally asked me what she could do to help me get past all of this which may not sound like much but it was the first time she offered to help me really so it was at least a nice gesture I told her I wasn't sure what she could do if there was anything either of us could do and that I may never get over this she said that she wanted to help because she didn't want to see me in pain and that over the years she hopes I'll be able to judge her based on who she is now she would do anything I wanted to work this out she also wanted to be sure that I knew that she has been 100% faithful since we've been married and would never cheat on her vows I sarcastically thanked her which I admit wasn't the most mature thing to do I then asked for a moratorium from further talks till at least Wednesday I have two projects I have to get done and honestly I'm just exhausted and know I have no effing clue what I want to do I shift between periods of red hot anger where I want to kick her out and then periods of deep emotional turmoil I want to just forget this and move forward with her yes I know this is not what anyone wanted to hear and no I'm not proud to type it but it is what it is at the moment update 2 my wife informed me she slept with the best man at sister's wedding I been absolutely overwhelmed by the responses I received over this I have gotten over 400 private messages and I just cannot respond to all of them or any of them anymore as it would take me a week to do that I want to thank all of you who have written to me and those of you who this struck a chord with all I can say is that I'm sorry you had to go through this as well I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy I do want to say one thing though is the vast majority of the people contacting me via PM were all afraid to bring up their point of view in the open for fear of being harassed I have honestly taken both points of view into consideration and there's been some great advice and some not so great but I think people's hearts are in the right place I just wish that if people disagreed with each other they wouldn't feel the need to demonize a person because of a point of view okay for the hundreds of you that have been clamoring for an update here it is as you know I asked to just drop it till last night so I could focus on a job related item I had to get done she kept her word about it but I could tell she was very emotional and honestly nervous she is taking some strong benzo aines for her anxiety but even as strong as it is I can still see how how anxious she had been I wasn't intentionally trying to punish her in fact quite the opposite I really was trying to give her a break as much as me but she told me last night that not holding her or showing any real affection towards her was almost torture to her well last night finally arrived and we had what my dad always called to come to Jesus meeting I got home from work and I brought dinner so there would be no distractions of clean up or anything we started talking around 6 and finally ended around 2ish in that time frame we laid out a lot of issues that have been present in water if we are both willing to do to move forward long story short starting today I'm living with my brother for the next few not sure she is understandably upset by all of this and I am making an effort to communicate openly with her so she does not feel abandoned or neglected if you're wondering how we got from talking to me living with my brother here it is in a nutshell I know this is not going to make several of you very happy but here is where I'm going with this I want to save my marriage but I can't do it living what I feel was somewhat a lie I know she never intended to lie once we were married but when I sat down and thought about this one question would I have stayed with her if I had known at the time she did this each and every time I answered no so to me she took away my ability to choose whether or not I wanted to continue and we built the next few years based on the foundation of something that wasn't quite true however the truth is we still built something sometimes foundations can be repaired and sometimes you have to tear them down to build new on this is what I'm hoping to do I'm hoping to shake things up enough for both of us so that we can start over like I said in the very first post our marriage until this point had been what I would consider to be perfect or as perfect as any one thing can be but there were some very troubling things that occurred due to this and here is a brief synopsis of our talk I laid out the fact that while I absolutely was upset about the cheating and yes I still consider it cheating which she has now come to realize that this is the way it is and is going to be considered I was equally upset by her lack of consideration for my feelings on this I told her that I resented being told I was immature and a child for something that objectively speaking I had every right to be upset about her response was to apologize and tell me she was in the wrong and that while she admits fault and sees what I'm saying that at the time she had convinced herself that because we were married that I was wrong to be upset about something that happened beforehand but she now sees where this is wrong I then told her that I felt very disrespected by her associating with this guy right in front of me and that I felt humiliated having to shake his hand her response was to once again apologize and she said that in her mind at the time she felt like she was trying to show me that there was nothing there she said she felt like if she avoided him or acted Shady around him that I would be more upset I told her she was wrong she said that out of all of the things this is the one that has hit her the most in the face because even her sister has told her how poor this was for her to do to me and she was deeply hurt by this because it had hurt me which she never wanted to do I then talked about her lack of remorse over being with someone else while we were together her only response was to say that she was very sorry how that at the time she just used very poor judgment and if she could go back and change the past she would then came the talk that got the most discussion how I felt like she really wasn't sorry for anything but that she was just sorry that I didn't shrug my shoulders and say that everything was going to be okay that there were going to be repercussions for what I considered to be an act of betrayal and then an act of not caring about me I'll give her full credit here she was brutally honest about this and at least she was so we didn't have to spend hours trying to work our way around it she admitted that when we got home after the event she started to realize that I wasn't going to let this go and then as time went on she knew that this was an issue her first instinct was to be mad at me for being mad at her but then realized even from her own point of view how stupid that was but again she had it beat into her head that she was my wife and that I should easily forgive and forget something that happened way before we were were married she also admitted that when it became real she frankly outright panicked thinking about losing her marriage nobody on either side of her family is divorced so she could be the first and she admitted to that being a big factor in her panic attack but as the week has progressed and she has spoken more to her family she is seeing that what she has put in her mind about marriage isn't the end all be all she thought it was she also did really feel bad about bringing the guy around to me however you will notice which I did too that she never said she felt guilty about being with him now I want everyone to know this as well what I have given you from above is a brief synopsis of events she sounds like a robot in this version of believe me she was not there were lots of Tears real honest tears I've seen her oh wo as me tears before so I know the difference there were a few curs words and there were even moments of pleading and begging as I said this went on for 8ish hours so by the time we were done she was physically exhausted I have set out the following steps if we are to reconcile and it is totally up to her if she wants to stay together she is very very adamant about staying together by the way I don't care how illogical it seems she is to never have contact with him again this is an absolute for me and a deal breaker and I was absolutely clear on this we have to have couples's therapy while I living with my brother we are still legally married and this is not an invitation or excuse for either of us to see anyone else again deal breaker in a second if either of us uses this as an excuse believe me I will not and I don't believe she will either we start over to a point I have to view her differently now even if I didn't want to I can't just forget that she chose to cheat so that's where we are now I know that is not what some of you wanted but ultimately I have to go with what I believe will make me happiest in the long run my head says be aware and I am going to guard my heart for a long time but my heart is still in love with her we are going out on a date Friday night which she is really looking forward to I I have no idea how long I will be with my brother hell I may not make it past Friday but if nothing else I feel like I have some control here which I felt prior to the talk I had almost none in the end I held her for a long time and we slept together I do not want a broken woman right now that is kind of what she is I want her to be my partner for life but I do want her to know that to be a partner she has to equally care about my feelings as I do hers PS I had to do some real hard thinking about my new brother-in-law again I've only met him a few times and he seems like a nice enough guy but at the end of it all he certainly was aware of the issue but just to keep peace in the family I'm going to not make a stink about him because that will certainly make every holiday tough going forward as long as he never mentions the incident or the guy ever again to are around me I can live with it final update my wife informed me she slept with the best man at sister's wedding thank you all who keep sending me messages of encouragement and wondering what has happened for those of you who have asked me to give you an update here is a brief one I've been staying with my brother for a little over a month I cannot say enough nice words about him he has bent over backwards to help me and I've come to appreciate him in a whole new way growing up we were close but never really close if you know what I mean this has shown me that our bond is much stronger than I ever imagined it was the big news is that I have delivered her with divorce papers now before those of you who wanted me to dump her jump for joy let me explain something I went to a divorce lawyer and explained everything including the fact that I did not want to go through with the divorce but wanted everything in place just in case he drew up a divorce decree and made three copies one he kept on file one for her and one for me I decided to take the paperwork to her myself because I knew she would be upset and I wanted to explain to her what was happening I gave her the paperwork in a manila envelope and explained what it was before she opened it I also made very clear to her that I was not going to do anything with it unless we both failed to meet the conditions we both agreed upon I explained that I was committed to us but I really needed to see that we were headed in the right direction and that this was only there as a standby in case she didn't think I was serious well this did not go over as well as I had hoped and in retrospect this was a mistake on my part she had been doing everything in her power prior to that to live up to the agreement we had been out on several dates prior to this that were great for both of us in other words my timing sucked my intention was good but it did make it look like I was not acknowledging the steps she was taking to make this work this led to another giant anxiety attack that we could not get under control with her Med so off to the ER we went again this time they gave her a shot and sent her home and we both agreed that we would keep her family out of it this time I stayed with her for two days just to make sure she was okay this of course came up in our counseling session and well let's just say that I came across looking like a manipulative butthole which again in retrospect I was I ended up taking my copy and her copy and tearing it up in front of her she doesn't know there is a third copy but I plan on having him discard that as well so now I pretty much feel like a monster because the look on her face when she got the divorce papers was something I never want to see again she was so happy to see me that day and then I gave her that and an instant combination of sadness and Terror other than that bump in the Road things have actually been going very well well enough in fact that I moving back home this weekend my brother has been great but I am cramping his style no matter what he says it's been fun playing Xbox every night though I won't deny it but mostly I'm going home because she has done everything I have asked of her and I have put her through hell I think she's paid a steep enough price and I know she knows how serious this was also in case I didn't mention this before I do love her she made a very stupid selfish mistake but it was years ago and she had been almost the perfect wife up until the discovery so I'm sorry to disappoint many of you and I'm sure I will once again get many PMS telling me that I A hold and an embarrassment to all men but I don't live your lives and you don't live mine so this should be it there hopefully will be nothing to update going forward we are not cured or healed by any sense of the imagination but we are on our way and it's just going to take time patience and understanding for all these years my cheating husband has been hiding his best friend from me I've been stabbed in the back by everyone and there's nothing I can do I'm writing this on a throwaway because I have friends that used read it on occasion I 26f have been married to my husband Dylan 26 MERS for 3 years we got together in when we were 17 but we've known each other since the fourth grade I love my husband he's the total package funny sweet smart and attractive he's made my life amazing and he's who I fully intended on spending the rest of my life with we attended all the same schools from the time we met up until College in that time we've both made our own friend groups he's been more connected with his friends than I have and because of that I've become a part of the group as well I'd like to think in that time I've been at around 50% of their group Hangouts mostly because of my job but sometimes I'm just straight up not invited I didn't question any of this because hey there his friends he doesn't see them nearly as often as he sees me it's not my business my husband met his best friend Caro 27 M long before he met me I knew almost nothing about Caro up until recently he wasn't at our wedding nor did he attend any of the same schools as us and I was under the impression he wasn't friends with anyone in our group I thought all of this was because of his line of work as I was told he traveled a lot last year me and my husband went to a barbecue hosted by another couple in the group Carol was there I didn't recognize him at first but when I realized who he was I was honestly kind of shocked I'd seen him in person before but he always kept a very very good distance from me which I'm realizing now was intentional anyways he's totally stunning he looks like he could be a supermodel when I attempted to make conversation with him he seemed really nervous and totally shut me down after a few sentences when I mentioned this Behavior to anyone else they also shut me down saying things like that's just how he is or maybe you said something that offended him in short no one would tell me anything about Carol at all any conversation that involved him was a no-o at the end of that night I tried talking to Dylan about his behavior he told me Carol didn't like me I was confused because I'd hardly seen him in person at all let alone actually talk to him the excuse my husband gave was that he disliked me because I cheated on my husband once in college and Carol was too stubborn to let it go I've seen Carol less than a dozen times since then mostly at birthday parties huge get togethers and on one occasion he came to our house to watch a football game with my husband and a few of their other buddies anyway a few weeks ago my husband went fishing with his cousin that same night I had some of the girls in our friend group over for a girls night type thing Lily 24f was scrolling through some social media I was glancing over her shoulder when I saw a selfie of Dylan and Carol sitting next to each other in a hot tub the selfie had been posted maybe 30 minutes ago I asked Lily about what I had seen and she went pale she tried saying nothing but I snatched the phone from her and went to the profile that posted the photo the profile belonged to my husband it was a private profile and scrolled in through the photos most of them were dirty jokes or memes but the rest of them were photos of him and Carol either they were hanging out alone or with the rest of the group minus me most of the photos they seemed way too close too touchy or doing things that seem too personal or intimate for friends to be doing I spent a good 10 minutes looking before I couldn't take it anymore I was horrified all of the photos were dated tonights my husband told me he was working late hanging out with this relative or that times that he told me he was doing something else and obviously Hangouts I wasn't invited too Lily just sat they're looking dumb she didn't say anything but all the girls were looking at us like a bomb had just gone off they clearly knew what I had seen and their reactions were enough to confirm exactly what I was afraid of I was livid I started yelling Lily was crying and the rest of the girls were freaking out when I started to calmed down and demanded that they explain what was going on Lily told me everything Dylan and Carol had been sleeping together and very essentially dating behind my back since before we even got married they got together during a one-month break me and Dylan had during college and they stuck together ever since they all knew and none of them told me until I found out the hard way Carol wasn't at our wedding because he felt guilty he avoided me like the [ __ ] plague because he felt guilty they arranged group meetups in a group chat I wasn't in because they all like Carol enough to spare his feelings even the guys in the group felt the same way about him apparently Carol was never as distant as I thought he was he was just being hidden Dylan was hiding him from me because he didn't want me to find out they were together by the end of it half of us were sobbing and everyone who wasn't was apologizing to me I was so angry I made them swear they wouldn't say anything to Dylan or anyone else I kicked them all out and cried myself to sleep I was basically in denial like it was some kind of sick [ __ ] prank my husband didn't come home until the next morning he told me all about the supposed fishing trip he'd went on I didn't say anything about what I knew I guess he could tell something was up because he kept asking me what was wrong all day every five [ __ ] minutes eventually I just told him I'd been in an argument with my sister by the end of the week I was totally numb last night while my husband was handing out out candy to kids I saw a notification pop up on his phone since I knew his password I opened it it was a text from Carol I looked through the conversations they'd had it confirmed everything it was devastating Dylan texted Carol the exact same way he texted me he told Carol he loved him every sweet thing he said to me had been said in his conversations with Carol I was hardly mentioned I put his phone back before he noticed Dylan is at work now I don't know what to do I could never imagine myself leaving Dylan because he's such a loving partner and a good man but I can't see myself winning in a competition against Carol if that's what it comes down to I can't even make myself be disgusted or angered by Dylan I love him too much I'm not even upset with Carol but I'm so hurt I don't want to risk losing my husband and I don't want to share him I called Lily and my sister this morning and told them about what I had found they both asked what I'm going to do and I had nothing to say I don't know what to do at all update hi I really appreciate the support and advice I was given on my last post Dylan came home last night around 10 I had a whole speech prepared prepared to confront him with but I could only end up saying I know about you and Carol I'll spare the details of the conversation because it's still raw but he left around midnight he only took a few of his things I haven't spoken to him since aside from him telling me he was coming to get more of his things and after our conversation I've decided to go through with divorce I've collected all the necessary information and I'll be getting in touch with a lawyer shortly again thank you all for the advice and help to come to my censes update two I was unaware it was a big Trend to repost Reddit posts onto Tik Tok this is what happened with my first post and the video has almost 700k views a friend of mine Noah who I am nam dropping because I know he will see this and I appreciate him dearly forwarded me the video because he knew it was my post I explained the situation to him prior and he knew I had posted it there are several things I want to address and I ask that whoever made the video because they clearly use Reddit posts this too to clear my name everybody in my life Knows by now so I see no harm in addressing you personally to recap yes I am leaving Dylan no I did not actually cheat on it was a huge misunderstanding between the two of us that lead him to believe and tell people that I cheated I don't even know if what he told me about Caro dislike for me is or was true no I am not going to sue him for everything he has I will no longer be speaking to anyone from that group I may have been naive but I am not stupid no I still do not know why they chose to betray me like that and I don't intend on finding out yes while his parents were accepting of lgtbq I don't think they would have been okay with Dylan marrying a man from here on out I doubt I will have anything to say that is all thank you also I have never watched Brokeback Mountain but the jokes about it did make me chuckle update two about 8 months ago I posted here seeking a release from an ugly brutal situation involving my cheating now ex husband I've been working really hard on getting better for myself and since then I've done okay until a week and a half ago 10 days ago I heard from one too many distant mutual friends that Carol left Dyan it makes me so happy to hear that he got what he deserved the man he had to have left him unfortunately car hasn't received his end of the karma and is still just as [ __ ] perfect as the day I found out he was having an affair with my husband however I'd be lying if I said I cared or had any ill will towards him I don't just my ex-husband hell if I saw him in a parking lot I'd Sprint over shake his hand and tell him I'm glad he delivered my ex-husband as much deserved Karma I don't know how Dylan is doing now but I hope he sees how it hurts being betrayed like that anyways you can consider this the end of the line no more updates no nothing all I can and will do from now on is heal 10 years AG AG go my girlfriend abandoned me and my 5-year-old daughter now she wants her family back my Story begins 16 years ago when I met Lucy she was an amazing girl intelligent beautiful Fancy funny just the greatest girl I ever met I felt so lucky when we start dating and after a year into the relationship we had a baby I was living the dream living with my girlfriend raising our little daughter being a happy family I loved Lucy so much and after some years we were finally getting married our daughter was the most excited one about the wedding she was going to be the flowers girl everything seemed to be perfect until one day when I was heading back home a guy wanted to talk with me at first I believed he may want to sell me something until he mentioned Lucy politely he asked me to talk in a private place he then asked me to please stop everything about the wedding and step back because he and Lucy wanted to be together I didn't believed him until he started to tell me a lot of details about her that would be impos to know I returned home as fast as I could I didn't wanted this to be truth and told her about it hopping all was a mistake but no it wasn't the next hour she told me everything she has been cheating on me from the last 2 years she told me about how all the time she said she loved me that she wanted us to be together and she loved our family were all lies how her new man was younger stronger handsome and better lover she said that she didn't wanted to be tied to me how she lost her freedom for being a mother and she didn't want her to be a wife that she wanted her Freedom back the stab was when she said she was happy that I finally knew and now she was able to leave I cried begged humiliate myself and got on my knees asking for another chance to try fix our relationship but she didn't want it she wanted the thrill and excitement that this new guy maker feel by the next day she left us I felt broken humiliate emasculated but my daughter needed me she was heartbroken her mother left and she believed it was her fault she heard when Lucy said she didn't wanted to be a mother anymore she needed me me and I needed to be strong for her fortunately we had help my family and Lucy's family supported us in any way possible her parents were so ashamed for their daughter's actions that they couldn't look me to the face without apologize for everything she did I will be in debt with everyone forever for all their help fast forward 10 years later after lots of time and therapy my daughter and I are living happy she is the light of my life a beautiful 15 years old lady who I love our wounds are healed and we have a very good life but then she came back when me and my daughter were getting back home we found Lucy in front of our apartment waiting for us wanting to talk I recognized her immediately and I would like to say that I did something cool like ignoring her asking her to leave or at least be hostile with her but no im an idiot my heart skip a beat in the moment I saw her she still was beautiful as before but somehow she looked even better maybe the age Mak her look mature and elegant maybe the dress or the makeup I don't know but I let her in while our daughter gave us some space and went to her room she told me everything she did since she left basically she lived with that guy for some years she said how much she enjoyed it all the fun she got and how she believed those were the best years of her life until she noticed that the excitement of that new relationship was fading slowly in some point she started to cheat on that guy too a according to her she wanted to feel alive and excited eventually that relationship ended and she started dating other guys every relationship became shorter than the previous one until she only had casual ual hookups she also said that sometimes she thaank about us our family [ __ ] she said she was too proud to admit she made a mistake until last year she got Co and it hit her really hard yo the point that she believed she would die and realized how alone she was how stupid she was and the mistake she made so long ago after all of that she said she regretted everything she did and said and now she was ready to marry me and be the family we always meant to be when she was done I asked her to leave to give me some time to think she accepted saying she would be back the next day for years I dreamed about her coming back and now it was happening but it just felt wrong since then she visit almost daily wanting to talk about the best years of our relationship and how we could be a happy family again I asked for help to my family to my friends most of them said I would be making the worst mistake of my life if I take her back others said that I could give her a chance it took me a lot to heal and some more time to start making new relationships and I would be risking everything one night my daughter and I had a deep conversation about all this I always try to involve her in every part of our life and this issue concerned her too because it's her mother sometimes she surprised me being so wise and mature because she told me can you really love someone that hurted us so much and that was everything I needed I would never forgive myself if I let her hurt my daughter again and I said that to Lucy if she want to be around or have a relationship with our daughter I'm okay with it only if my daughter want it but I told her we are not getting back Lucy only said that she would make me fall in love with her again and that she would not give up update I didn't expect so many answer so thanks to everyone for your answers and advices thanks to the ones who made me open my eyes and helped me to realize I still having issues with my ex and am not over with her and overall to the ones who pointed the risk of hurting my daughter that is letting her back in our lives I can recognize my weakness but am not letting her to hurt my baby again so don't worry am not getting back with her since the post she had been insisting on meeting she wanted to talk I decided to have one last talk with her in setting my boundaries we met in a public place the talk was long and hard I wanted her to be honest AMD I told her the moment I cck the lie I was leaving I asked if she was really sorry or are we her last option did she really love us or are we just a consolation prize did she came back For Love or because she was unable to find another man anymore she was unable to answer any of that she only said things like it's not like that you need to understand me I'm not like this anymore she kept insisting on giving her another chance that we can love each other again that we could be together she never even mentioned our daughter in any moment only after I pointed it she started to mention her when I tried to settle that we were over she grabbed my hand and as some of you told me she would do she tried to seduce me pulling down her blouse showing me her cleavage and saying we can find a room so I can do whatever I wanted with her that she wouldn't say no to anything to compensate me I didn't recognize that woman she wasn't the amazing girl I met she wasn't the mother of of my daughter I didn't know who that woman was but she wasn't my Lucy I said her to let me go that we were over neither I or my daughter wanted anything with her so please leave us alone we were living a good life without her she then went mad saying I couldn't left her that it wasn't my choice that she doesn't have anything else that I can't take away her daughter I still don't know why but that last sentence triggered me the next are not my exact words but are close of what I said on that moment your daughter your daughter you are not her mother you only gave birth to her but you are not her mother tell me where you were when she was sick where you were when she had fever when she was scared on the night when her first teeth fell when she cried on the nights because she missed her mom where you were on her first day of school when she had her first period when she had her first boyfriend when her heart broke for the second time because the first one who broke her heart was her mother which dick were you riding when she needed a mom you have no rig to claim you were her mother because you never acted like that that she tried to reply but I saw how she was unable to find the words I left her back at home she sent me some texts asking for another meeting for another chance that she loves me and she can change but I'm done you all were rigged she doesn't love me or our daughter at all she only loves herself having her on my life would be bad toxic I don't need that I don't need her my daughter and I are going back to therapy soon some of you were right I need to work on myself be stronger and get over those feelings for her because they're not real just a memor of what I th she was e e e
give me a good story on RedditStoriesforYourtoRELAXtoorig
a it TAA for not attending my daughter's wedding because she will not allow me to bring my fiance please forgive me if I'm not doing this properly I do not understand this website my son is trying to help me and he said that I need to hear unbiased opinions he said to post here my wife was in a car accident about 5 years ago my children were in the car with her my son lost his right arm and my daughter was banged up my wife suffered a traumatic brain injury that left her in a persistent vegetative state she was basically brain dead and only her brain stem was keeping her alive after talking to doctors and her family I was ready to let her go my daughter couldn't accept that I took her for counseling we went separately and together with her brother she could not let go thanks to my employer I have excellent insurance I also earned enough to not really have any monetary concerns I started attending a grief support group I met a woman there who had lost her husband we connected maybe a year after we met we started a relationship we weren't as careful as we should have been and she got pregnant we discussed our options and we decided that we had a future together when she was 7 months pregnant she was put on bed rest I moved her into a room in my house my daughter did not handle it well she said I was having an affair she has never treated my fiance with basic respect I know I'm moving on very fast but my wife and I had a strained relationship for the last few years she had substance abuse problems and I spent 6 years trying to hide that from the kids I still loved her and wanted her to get better she was high when she crashed her car I was and am very angry about that my wife's body got pneumonia and died a year ago that's when I got engaged my daughter got engaged when she was 18 I wasn't thrilled but I tried my best to support her I got my invitation and it didn't include my fiance or even a plus one I called her to ask about it and she said that I was a guest and to be grateful I was even invited by myself considering I was having an affair I said that I wanted to bring my fiance she adamantly refused I RSVP that I would not be attending I still paid for the wedding I took my fiance and son to Orlando for that weekend my daughter has been telling everyone that I chose to go to Disney World instead of her wedding she is saying that I'm an absolute for putting my replacement family ahead of her I just want to move forward my son said to include that I was just a guest at the wedding and not a part of it at all like I wasn't going to walk her down the aisle or anything I think my daughter is being incredibly unfair to my fiance and her half brother none of this is their fault
give me a good story on AITAHfornotattendingmydaughtersweddingbecauseshewillnotallowmetobringmyfiancee
aita for refusing to pay for the full night and pointing out a pattern I live with my partner and one thing I've started noticing is she will regularly suggest days out or dates or trips away Etc and then if we plan it out she'll complain about actually being short of money so she doesn't think she can afford to go she'll expect me to offer to pay for most things while we go away a couple of times doesn't bother me but it's starting to become more frequent an example is that this week we had a nice restout book to go to NE my GF decides to but some new clothes and Furniture once she bought that she then said she can't afford the meal so I'd either have to pay or we'd have to cancel an example of this is next month I am getting a pay rise at work so I decided to take a month to treat myself instead of saving any money I plan to take my GF out for a nice meal and we are going on a double date with my friend and his girlfriend in a nearby City I have paid the hotel and travel costs and told my GF I'll be getting our meal when we're there so all she'll need is money for drinks she said this was fine now she's saying she thinks I'll need to pay for the full night since she's seeing friends next month and has other things to pay for I told her no and her response was just that we'll have to cancel the night then she's also started mentioning the amount of money I'm planning to spend next month and keeps asking if I'm going to get her a treat or a present Etc I point out that I am taking her for a meal and a night away and she just changes the
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtopayforthefullnightandpointingoutapatternorig
a it ta for telling my sister I'm so Fu King tired of her taking from me and acting like it's what I was born for so I technically was born for her to take from I'm a savior sibling and that was the only reason my parents had a second child they were one and done with my sister but when she was two she got sick and so they had me to save her growing up I felt every bit of a lack of Interest my parents had in me I knew before I hit Middle School that my parents had me for one reason only yet I saw them adore and spoil my sister and make sure she had everything I grew up watching her grow up with devoted parents while I had none because of the way we were raised my sister and I were never close she was used to getting what she wanted and being spoiled I was forgotten until she needed something like blood if I ever happened to have something she wanted you bet my parents let her have it and they had no time for me complaining about it they had no time for me period I'm sure on some level they were grateful that I had fulfilled my purpose but nobody will ever convince me that they love me now we're both in our 20s and my sister has tried to have a relationship but it's still a lot of her wanting her way and for me to pay for her but she gets to choose where we go and what we do I'm expected to give her food off my plate she ignores when I bring up how her childhood wasn't perfect like she talks about she brings up I wasn't present for stuff and in the same sentence we'll talk about it being the best day eventually I stopped saying yes or if I did I refused to pay and refused to go along with what she wanted and we saw each other far less I also heard from her far less which to me said she didn't really want a sister she just wanted the person she was used to getting whatever from a couple of weeks ago she showed up at my house where I live with friends and our partners and she told me she needed a place to stay and attempted to invite herself in she looked rough so I told her she could get some food and something to drink but she needed to stay someplace else I suggested she call our parents she didn't want to go anywhere else and was trying to befriend my boyfriend and the other partners since she knew my friends didn't like her I made it very clear and insisted she figur something else out she told me I should be more willing to help her out and why do I never want to do anything for her I snapped at her saying that and I told her I am so tired of her taking from me and acting like it's what I was born to do I told her our parents might have had me for that reason but I'm more than that and I never had a say in any of that and if she wants to talk about things not being fair then she should think more on that she had a very explosive reaction and left she said afterward I suck for blaming her for our parents actions it just frustrated me because she doesn't acknowledge her own actions in that a Ita
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysisterImsofukingtiredofhertakingfrommeandactinglikeitswhatIorig
first story op's girlfriend of six years stole all his money and ditched him for a guy she met on an online game and her entitled mom claims it was Dowry for keeping her daughter on hold now a year later his ex has contacted him begging for forgiveness and Reconciliation as the title says my girlfriend of 6 years left me for someone she only met online and never met in person she took everything from our joint wedding account while I was busting my ARS off working 12-hour shifts yes even during this pandemic for the past year to get her dream wedding believe it or not she met the guy playing a mobile dance sort of game and suddenly told me she feels an instant connection and chemistry that we never had I can't do anything about the account as it's a joint account both parties can withdraw with no problems I'm in a city far away from home working for a job I don't enjoy for something that's never going to happen I'm just lost I don't even know what to do anymore thanks for reading strangers sorry I took your time update she informed her father about the situation and he is not happy to say the least he asked for my bank statement to work out how much of the money was in the joint account that was mine and he will work out a payment plan I don't know whether it's from him as he is retired or from her my ex is pissed obviously she is saying I'm immature for involving her parents on our issue when we should just settle it like two adults getting barraged by calls and texts from her and her friends I didn't bother picking it up or reading it all this while I'm at work total headache moment second update both my parents and her requested a meeting tomorrow to discuss things except for the payment plan I don't know what there is to discuss TBH leave was approved and we will drive back home tonight I still love her but as most of you pointed out a bullet Dodge was a major red flag not going to lie I still don't know what will happen when I see her face to face tomorrow third update I arrived safely at home and my parents are supportive they didn't ask me anything they just ate dinner and had small talks I tried asking for their opinion but they just told me to get a good night's sleep and not think things through tonight I don't know if I'm capable of not thinking things through tonight especially when I'm drawing blanks on what to say or how to act it was decided that we would meet them for lunch tomorrow my parents want me to make my own decisions they refuse to Give opinions so that I won't be influenced by them they wouldn't even answer when I asked them about the money my father just said it is your money your joint account last update sorry I took my time still processing what happened to my supposedly carefully laid plan to get married in September this year the meeting could have gone better my ex went out probably thinking of skipping it all together but her father made her come back home during the meeting her mom took her side surprisingly saying the same things my ex did yesterday I'm not here I can't blame her for being lonely I'm just being unreasonable and overly jealous about the whole thing Etc her mom also Justified her taking the money by saying I know it's wrong for her to do so but under the circumstances Yumi should understand she deserves it as her Dowry or present because Yumi wasted her time for 6 years I kept her waiting for nothing I let her talk as my father told me prior to the meeting let whoever's doing the talking finish and just listen it might be all the emotion talking without much sense included after all the yelling I stated that I'm not here to justify clarify or blame anyone or anything I'm here solely because I want to know the status of the funds if she is happy with whomever I can't and won't do anything about it she interrupts and says she is better without me at this point and I won't survive without her for long and she goes on and on I just told her that even if I don't it is not of her concern anymore I gave my bank statements to her father who remained silent during the mom's outburst and verified that for a total of $6,200 my contribution was $4,800 my ex immediately claimed I edited the figure while her mom had what appeared to me as a genuine surprise face my ex claims I'm good with computers hence being able to doctor the bank statement as proof I asked her father for his phone logged into the bank where my salary is credited every month and proceeded to show the deduction made every month coincided with the joint account receiving the transfer you can only show the previous 12 months any further than that needs to be done at the bank counter I can't log into the joint account as I closed it my mistake I know I offered to go to the bank to get another copy of the statements but her father decided that this was proof enough and gave me 3K that my ex didn't spend direct transfer and another 1K cash out of their Collective pocket I guess didn't ask he said the balance of $800 and change will be paid in the next two months her father asked me to send an email to him as proof I acknowledged that I received the total amount of 4K and the balance Arrangement which I did I apologize to her parents for any perceived wrong I did and any inconvenience caused by me for the duration of our relationship my my father asked me to say this and we left my parents didn't say anything during the meeting as they informed me that they were there to keep me level-headed during the meeting and wouldn't interfere in any way I found out about this from my father a few hours after we got home her father called me my father they had a professional relationship prior to their retirement and a cordial one afterwards apparently she told her parents she only took a total of 2K from the account and left the balance still in it that's the whole reason her father asked for my bank statements he didn't believe me presumably and her mother's Outburst they thought I accused her overreacted and made up accusations about the cheating out of jealousy it is a ridiculous story I made up about how she my ex could fall in love with someone she never met is one of the Yarns she spun to her side I didn't feel the need to show any screenshot to them or anyone as I still deemed it private besides to me it's over and done with I kept screenshots just in case new update welp she admitted that she was wrong and wants to start over I just thought you guys would appreciate that she dared to text me using her mom's phone to do this to everyone who read this I sincerely thank you as I read all of your comments and your advice I thought about what to say and how to act but truthfully I didn't know what to do even until the moment of the meeting currently I'm just sitting by myself I feel nothing no satisfaction no longing or anything I feel like I'm just here I know I still love her and I know I will still miss her after a while this feeling for her for the past last 6 years will not go away anytime soon I won't get back to her because as some of you help me rationalize even if we get back together whatever happens whether it's really her fault or not after this I will doubt her first that doubt won't go away once again redditors thank you P.S if any of you are interested my steam ID is Panther 90 I won't be online today though I just need time alone to gather my thoughts and focus on some stuff I apologize if the whole thing is too long and for taking your time again I can't thank you enough so thank you so much Second Story a boy bullying my son at school after he rejected his romantic proposal and the school wants to keep the two boys together so they can work things out WTF I'm changing my son from this school my 13-year-old son is in the seventh grade at a local private school the school goes from prek to 8th grade A boy transferred from another school to my son's class at the start of the Year my son and this boy became friends but the boy developed a romantic infatuation with my son my son started trying to avoid him but the other boy became more persistent we had to talk to the school principal about it the principal in turn had a meeting with the boy and his parents and the boy was told to stay away from my son he also asked the teachers to keep the boy away from my son in class now the boy is alternating between trash talking my son to their classmates while also still doing lots of little things to try to get my son to notice him it has come to the point where we have decided that my son will finish the school year at this school and then we will transfer him to another school for 8th grade my son along with many of his classmates has attended the school since prek and he was looking forward to graduating e8th grade at the school with his friends now that is not going to happen because of one shy classmate the reason we're going to finish the school year at the school is because we signed a contract the contract gave us a discount on the tuition and returned for committing to the entire school year edit we are not going to the police because there is no no physical threat we are also not going to lawyer up the area I live in has many private schools and even the public schools are pretty good some families not us obviously move their kids from one school to another every couple of years the only reason my son isn't going to a public school is because the public school classes are larger than the private schools and we think our son will do better with the smaller classes offered by the private schools edit to my wife didn't know I was going to post this she's read my posts and the responses she reminded me that over the last 3 years three of my sons classmates have left the school because they were the target of harassment and bullying and the parents feel the school didn't do enough about ending it relevant comments J Clarity 123 I assume your son has tried saying he isn't interested when he said he wasn't interested did the boy just continue his pursuit or was the Friendship terminated because of the romantic interest do the other kids listen to the new kid even though your son has been their way longer why is that other than the trash talk what else is this kid doing that would make you want to pull your son from school is it sa he said lots of little things are these little things that the school has noticed it seems like an overreaction to remove your kid without making the school address it first this is a failure on their end for sure is this a religious school is the boy openly out of the closet already and if so how did the school react op replied this is a Catholic school I would describe it as Catholic light they have a short prayer as part of their daily announcements a few hours of religious instruction each week and a mass a couple of times during the school year yes my son has made it clear he isn't interested it was when the other boy persisted that we escalated this to the principal for what I assume are privacy reasons the principal will not tell us much while there are several kids in my son's class that have been there a long time there is some churn of new or departing students each year several of the other boys in his class that transferred in over the the last few years came from the same school as the problem child the boy's parents likely decided on my son's school because the other kids were there examples of little things are trying to sit next to my son or talk to him during break even though he's been told not to or when my son is talking to some of the other boys this boy will come up and try to get into the conversation one day he accidentally took my son's lunch returning it about 10 minutes later he said he didn't notice my son's name on the package when he took it and then there's the sht talk I already wrote about update we talked to the principal about continuing problems with the other boy trying to get close to our son the principal said he talked to him and his parents again he suggested getting the boys together to work things out my jaw hit the floor at that suggestion the other boy was doing everything in his power to be with my son and this would be giving him exactly what he wanted so that was a hard no we made plans to change schools for our son's 8th grade we applied to two other private schools and were accepted by both one is secular but it is too expensive and we didn't qualify for financial aid the other turned out to be way too religious for my comfort I can tolerate the Catholic light he's had but this other school was over the top in my opinion in the meantime the other boy switched his attention to someone else in the class and stopped trying to get close to my son then the boy made a threat against another student with an earshot of a teacher and that's all she wrote the boy was suspended or expelled I don't know which because the school would tell us either way he did not return for the remainder of the school year and it is our understanding that he will not return in the fall since our son wants to finish 8th grade at his current school and the problem kit is gone we reluctantly signed him up for another year at the school we bought tuition insurance so if the other boy does return or we have other problems we can pull our son out without being stuck paying for the entire school year of tuition however we're only kicking the can down the street we're not going to send our son to a private high school because they're too far away and too expensive so our son will be attending a local public high school unfortunately we're in the same High School District as the other boy we'll have to deal with that next year tldr version of the update we made plans to change schools another boy got himself suspended or expelled and will not be at school next year so my son's not changing schools third story immature o manipulated his story to paint his parents as narcissistic ones for kicking him out of their house but the truth eventually came out and he made a response post parents divorced at an early age my stepdad was strict but he was a good father I'm the oldest child due to co I didn't go to college this year I skipped it and rightfully so as I have health issues I'm taking classes online I don't work and haven't for at least 2 weeks I left my job at GameStop after they stopped giving me hours and weren't promoting me my stepdad came in while I was finishing up my coursework he told me I had two weeks to get out or he was forcing me out I asked him why and he said I have no Direction no goal and I'm doing nothing with my life I'm 18 you can't seriously expect me to figure my life out but he disagrees and claims that yes I should have a good idea of what I want he says that a parent job is done after I turn 18 all I do is play video games I don't have girls over no friends were in a pandemic I only go out to work F off I'm wasting time inside when I should be doing more I told him I was looking for a better full-time job that had a good career path and I was taking online classes I even offered to pay rent he said no from his POV I'm wasting away and he won't allow me to become a loser adversity brings Innovation and strength and life will be hard but he knows I will look back and thank him I don't know what else to do I feel like he thinks I'm worthless I spent a lot of time inside last year for good reasons we are in a pandemic I don't want to die am I being unreasonable my dad says yes yes I am I don't know what to do this isn't really just my mom mostly goes along with what he says but I don't know how can I convince her to convince him to let me stay or is my dad Justified I am a loser for not having any plans past 18 relevant comments in response to a now deleted comment op you sound like an Ry hole go figure your parents have zero obligation to support you just dump them and hope for the best at 18 I won't take care of you when you're old by that logic you failed to consider them and just presumed that you could stay there indefinitely without even talking with them then you didn't go to college then you quit your job speaking as a parent that's what set your dad off he didn't read I went to online classes I guess this pandemic doesn't exist for you does it I forget that you morons always act as if the pandemic isn't real your reasons for avoiding college and quitting your job don't sound particularly strong you're a [ __ ] go figure a pandemic isn't enough I'd rather not get sick and die I've already had a friend die I don't know why that's not a good reason without another job to replace it it just sounds entitled you don't read do you I left because I was going nowhere and getting no hours I'll give you no job lined up but F off I made a mistake I didn't realize it was my first job not everyone is perfect like you I wanted something more more hours not 8 12 hours a week that's nonsense I was only making barely anything it was my first job you're a effing arole you're probably making yourself look a little better in this interaction which is fair enough by your own description this is in character for your SD and he's likely trying to help you and motivate you if I had to guess he's probably tried to give you advice and Direction but maybe he's thinking you just want the free ride don't give up hope if they have been good to you this far work with them to find your path life can be so much easier when you are not doing it alone with your family's support and resources of time money and experience put aside your video games and see if they want to spend more time together where you can discuss these things naturally and let them feel like they're a part of your life and you value their opinions just some thoughts to see if anything Rings true op I mean I got advice work harder and never settle for less I was tired of so few hours at GameStop I begged I busted my ARs and I got no reward no thanks nothing but more hour Cuts so he says all you do is play video games how close is this to the truth you eventually need to become a productive member of society who is financially self-sufficient your parents should reinforce that you should be working training for a job or getting educated or both you just quit a job with no better job to move into a bad idea are you spending 40 hours a week looking for another one if not start doing this now 60 hours a week if you are in danger of being kicked out generally the rule is don't quit a job until you have a better one it is okay if you don't know what you want to train for at 18 in that case work minimum wage jobs until you figure it out then take classes to get that job if you can afford it go to college a satisfying High wage job with great promotions is not going to fall into your lap see if you can get a job and stay at home trying to live independently is no joke living in a shelter will get you everything you have stolen even your shoes don't go there op it is true true in my defense it's miserable I'm not used to being indoors but this pandemic has made everything so bad my area is just horrible I'm just deathly afraid to really risk my life in this pandemic I risked my life working at GameStop and now I have the vaccine so I'm not as afraid but yeah I have underlining health issues and I'm afraid of getting covid-19 I guess that makes me a failure I realize I should risk my life to make money when you say Dad near the end do you mean biod Dad or stepdad I would hope your biological dad would not agree with your stepdad not because of any conflict between them but because you're his son and no one should be treating his son in such a disgusting manner where is your mom in this tell your stepdad to f off HEK not your father is the house the one you lived in before your parents divorced so then it's your mom's house first of all unless stepdad has his name on it I'd still tell him you live there first he should find another house to live in that is your home I'm 28 I moved out when I was 27 after I got married different circumstances for me though my husband is in the Army and was gone for a while so I lived at home rather than move all over the country and waste money but even now my mom says I can come back and live with her whenever because it's my home it's one thing to kick someone out after months or years of them not showing initiative but you are online classes are doing something hell I can't even attend inperson classes right now they aren't offering them you you've only had a job for 2 weeks not months your stepdad is an Ry hole he's being completely unreasonable op step my biological parents broke up when I was young biod dad had a new job opportunity in Ireland he actually is from Ireland and has family near Dublin which is where he was going my mom refused to uproot her entire life to move across the world they divorced I see my dad every year my parents are still on good terms and my stepdad and bod dad are friends most step's mom bod dad is married to his job but the house is my stepdad's and Mom's home they bought it together update I lied okay I'm sorry Reddit I admit I lied I know the reason and always have it's the same reason my parents divorced my anger issues it's the reason why I quit my job I got angry and stormed out without really being a mature adult about it my parents see the writing on the wall and see that it's only getting worse I confronted my mom and after a shouting match she came up to my room and tearfully told me this is why we want you gone you can't control your anger and it scares us I fly off the handle at the slightest provocation when I play games I get super game rage and Destroy things I do have a habit of breaking things and myself harm stepdad told me they'd let me stay if I got help and proved I could control my anger he thinks maybe if I have direction or goals I can manage my anger but I have to prove I can until I do I have to get out they're afraid of me they're afraid of my anger and they don't know what else to do they've tried talking to me before they can't afford therapy they just hoped it it go away but it hasn't and frankly it's getting much worse I don't disagree I exploded in rage on someone's last threat I got so mad that I broke my keyboard in rage over what a comment I didn't like don't even ask what I did when they initially told me I was being kicked out but yeah I have anger issues and I don't know how to control them I'm sorry for the deception I just didn't want to admit that I have anger problems I still see myself as innocent I know deep down I messed up but my emotions say otherwise I wish op the best and hope he's able to get help thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPsGirlfriendofYearsStoleAllHisMoneyandDitchedHimforaGuySheMetonanOnlineGamorig
I was gifted a family ring by my grandmother but my parents are stopping me from proposing because my sister has to be married first just need to get this off my chest my girlfriend's birthday is on Saturday and I plan on proposing to her our anniversary is 6 months from Saturday April 29th and I think that would be a great day for a wedding when my grandma died she left all kinds of jewelry to my mom she always said if I wanted one of her rings to give to a woman in the future she would let me pick I know my mom knows she said this I asked my mom for one of the Rings but my mom said not yet she and my dad said my sister will be upset if I get engaged while she is still single and not married it's not a secret that she's desperate to get married but that's not my problem my sister turned 29 in March and I turned 31 last month my parents said she'll be upset if I get married a month after her 30th birthday so I went out today and bought a ring it was never about money because I can afford to buy one I thought it would be special to give my girlfriend a family ring I'm still proposing on Saturday despite my parents for bidding me to I'm just pissed off that they asked me to hold off until my sister is married when she isn't even in a relationship pisses me off but I don't want anything to spoil my girlfriend's birthday update 3 days later I proposed on Saturday like I originally planned to I proposed with the ring I bought after my parents denied me one of my grandmother's rings as I said in my original post it wasn't about money I could afford to buy a ring it was about being sentimental because my grandmother always told me I could have one of her rings I didn't do anything elaborate or public I proposed over breakfast and she said yes she called it the best birthday gift she's ever gotten she had the same idea as me and had suggested we get married on April 29th our 3rd anniversary before I even brought it up so that's what we are doing we both agreed we don't anything huge or expensive so we're going to keep it small it's 1:15 p.m. now about 28 hours since I proposed when we announced the news my sister was upset just like I knew she would be and my parents were mad I didn't listen to them I'm 31 and don't rely on my parents for money I told my parents and sister if they are unhappy they can skip the wedding it would suck if I didn't have any family there but I also don't want them to spoil this I wasn't going tell my fiance what went down but I did once my sister started melting down so she wouldn't be blindsided by any of it she assured me she loves the ring and thinks my family is wrong her family had the exact opposite reaction as mine and they are all happy for us so that's it all is well my fiance is currently at work and it may sound stupid but I miss her she told me her co-workers are happy for her and I know mine will be too when I go in later today edit I also appreciate all the supportive comments in my last post so thanks for those update 2 years later my original post and the first update can be found in my comment history but the gist of it is my grandmother loved jewelry and always said I could have one of her rings for my future wife when she passed away she put in her will that I was to be allowed to pick one out if I was getting engaged the other hundreds of people pieces of jewelry got left to my mom to be eventually passed on to my sister the Rings I was supposed to pick from were not her engagement ring or any of the most expensive jewelry she had in October of 2022 I asked my mom for a ring because I was going propose to my then girlfriend of two and a half years but my mom said I could not have one and my dad backed her up it was because my sister would be upset that I was getting married first my parents forbid me from proposing I was 31 years old when this happened and I live in a different Province so they had no ground to forbid me from anything my grandparents on both sides came to Canada from Scotland there's nothing in either culture that says I am supposed to wait until his younger sister gets married first I bought a ring and proposed to my wife on her birthday my parents were angry I didn't listen to them my sister had an absolute meltdown when she found out about my engagement I had not told her in advance I was going to propose because I knew she would react badly even though she was 29 years old at the time my wife and I got married 6 months after I proposed in April of 2023 it did suck not having any of my own family at my wedding but I just focused on my wife instead my update I went 18 months without speaking to my family from a couple of weeks after I proposed until earlier this month I guess my mom had a health scare and even though she is fine it got her and my dad worried enough to get back in touch a couple of weeks ago my wife told me she would support me in whatever I decided I told my parents we can't go back to the way things were before and I will not let them talk to my wife right now after the way they acted my wife and I don't want kids but if we did I would keep my parents away from them too they were surprised I got married without telling them I said I'm an adult who doesn't need their permission we are going go start with occasional emails for now and go from there my parents said sister is still upset that I'm married and she's not she has never apologized for the way she carried on or the way she spoke about my wife I have no plans to resume contact with her and I told my parents not to bring it up again thanks to those who left supportive comments in both of my posts I forgot I had posted here until my wife said something that reminded me of it and I had some messages asking for an update story two mother wants to legally force me to live with her even though I am 39 so my mother 60 has always had a flare for Dramatics and will convince herself of things that are just not true and of course her brothers my uncles think it's hilarious and will get her worked up even more while making fun of her for being so gullible behind her back I cut her out of my life four years ago we are in Michigan someone I trust in the family came to me with concerns that my May lie to try to get conservatorship over me here is what I know her current belief is that I am an unemployed alcoholic living in my car and being taken advantage of by evil men from the political party that she hates this is not true I have a place pay my bills and had a full-time job last time we spoke I did leave that job but I also returned to school full-time on GI bill which includes a stipend for living expenses and found a sweet part-time job in an aircond conditioned office on campus as far as I know she has no idea I am back in school and I haven't told anyone in my family even the ones I trust what is going on in my life problem is that she lost her job of over 20 years during a mass layoff sometime since we last spoke these new co-workers haven't known her long enough to recognize how she doesn't keep her stories straight or how she flip-flops things around basically she has led everyone she works with to believe I am only in my early mid 20s and haven't quite finished my teenage rebellion phase and she is a good mommy who just wants to save her baby from the evil political party they have all been helping her with research and believe because I have a disability rating from the VA it means I am mentally incompetent it does not at all mean that now I am positive that none of them actually understand how a VA disability rating actually works my mother likely lied to them about it her new friends believe she can have me declared incompetent force me to live with her for monitoring and finally take control of my finances thus getting control of my disability payments I have an 80 rating which is currently just under $2,000 a month my concern isn't that my mother could prove I am incompetent but it's that she could use Court proceedings to get a hold of my address school or workplace I guess my question is about rules of Discovery when it comes to conservatorship cases can my mother or any lawyer willing to take her case on actually get a hold of my personal info I don't want her to have if I provide courts with documents proving my competence and ability to care for myself do I have the right to ask the court to seal or redact any information or documents with info I don't want her getting she sabotaged me going to college around 20 years ago and I don't want to go through that again I am assuming that the first person I would ever have to deal with would be a social worker and I want to know if I have any legal recourse to prevent the social worker from sharing my info with my mother update I tried to update the original post and couldn't and the update comment I left got buried at the bottom backstory mother wanted me declared incompetent to gain control of me and my veteran disability payments so I talked with another family member who confirmed what the first said everyone is angry because I wasn't supposed to find out what happened because they were handling it I refused to tell who told me which is causing more anger but whatever so this situation had resolved itself last week my mother was talking a big game about how she was calling lawyers and Adult Protective Services after a few days she started trashing on all lawyers and saying that APS was wasting taxpayer dollars apparently she has forgotten all about this whole mess her job got a new summer internet and my mother is obsessed every conversation anyone has with her is about this guy my poor grandma has to have no less than a 1 conversation with my mother every day about this guy the guy comes from a lot of money which in the end was what I think she wanted with me this guy just turned 20 and my mother is 60 update 8 days later I was able to squeeze in meeting with the social worker who works at my VA Clinic I gave her the rundown and even showed her my two previous posts she thought it was kind of funny she informed me that if a state SW were to be informed of a veteran in a need they would reach out to the VA and she would likely be a first point of contact she said that no one from the county or state has contacted her about me yet but she would make a note apparently the whole Britney Spears conservatorship has made a lot of people think it's super easy to get conservatorships she said some people think they will get paid a lot of money to do it her best guess is that if my mother did call it was explained to her how complex the process is and that I would be guided to the VA to receive treatment first before declaring me incompetent she did agree with many of the comments that said my mother could find me pretty easily if she really wanted to the SW used to work at the State office office and while she didn't work at Adult Protective Services but she had friends and co-workers who did Money seemed to her to be a really big factor in how hard people fought to get conservatorship she was surprisingly compassionate towards my mother and said sometimes parents just get worried and worry makes people do stupid things she said some parents have a hard time adjusting to their children becoming adults and moving out sometimes it's because they are losing child support or they're losing the person who did all the chores or because they just don't want to face reality that they're baby grew up and these parents will lash out at the world instead of accepting the truth she told me about a case a friend of hers had where the parents of an adult woman who had moved out couldn't face reality her parents had been relying on her to do all the housework and raise her brothers with her gone everything fell apart at home these parents blamed their daughter who had moved out instead of taking responsibility for their own lives her friend was so stressed by the case because she got yelled at by the parents almost daily about how the state needed to force their daughter to move back in with them they never got their wish and almost lost their other kids a grandparent found out what was happening and stepped up to set the parent straight someone had messaged me saying my post was blowing up on social media and I went looking for it and couldn't find it they pointed out my family could see it but I've decided I don't care if they do so basically if my mother really wants to find me she can but the conservatorship isn't that easy to get and I know my mother well enough to know she doesn't have the patience or money needed to pursue this anymore also there seems to be a lot of rules surrounding conservatorship that I don't think my mother would have liked following so I should be good for a while
give me a good story on orig
:00.280 --> :05.800 Welcome Friends to another nuclear revenge  video today we've got a story of a dream job   :05.800 --> :13.320 turned bad our story of the day is my dream job  turned out to be a nightmare I love Comics more   :13.320 --> :18.600 than anything it's because growing up it was a  point of bonding between me and my nerdy dad so   :18.600 --> :23.240 when I was old enough to start looking for work I  spent a few years trying to get a job within that   :23.240 --> :29.160 sphere I didn't care too much what it was I just  wanted to contribute in some way to the process so   :29.160 --> :35.360 when I found a job working for Marvel Studios as  a secretary I didn't hesitate to uproot myself and   :35.360 --> :40.880 move States just to grab this foot on the Dream  Factory ladder being a young woman in her early   :40.880 --> :46.840 20s one that had barely ever traveled tells you  how much of a big deal this was to me so I packed   :46.840 --> :52.840 my bags left my family behind and moved into a  tiny apartment not far from my new job my first   :52.840 --> :00.040 day was really really good I felt so excited  when I saw the big film Real designs stencl on   :00.040 --> :05.480 the front of the office building the interior  of the complex was stacked with Marvel stuff   :05.480 --> :11.840 costumes murals anything you can imagine it was  so fun everyone was really friendly and one of   :11.840 --> :17.120 the higher-ups gave me a little tour and got  me settled in she was so kind and forgiving of   :17.120 --> :23.160 my new girl blunders eventually I got to meet the  professional that I was working directly under who   :23.160 --> :29.120 to my surprise was only about my age office gossip  quickly revealed to me that this man was the son   :29.120 --> :36.000 of a wealthy influential figure Q my reservations  well he was in a pretty good position for someone   :36.000 --> :41.120 so young he'd seemed decent enough when I first  met him but I was sure that he'd turned out to be   :41.120 --> :47.560 a hell raising spoiled snob over time they always  do don't they daddy fulfills their every whim and   :47.560 --> :52.640 so they never have to build any character to  learn how to handle rejection well after our   :52.640 --> :58.400 first few weeks I became increasingly convinced  that my initial Notions had been both wrong and   :58.400 --> :04.240 unfair he was a very Hands-On worker dedicated  and really engaged with his colleagues including   :04.240 --> :11.120 me most of all he was funny charming and quite  good-looking even if not Richard Gear handsome   :11.120 --> :16.000 he was an old-fashioned gent that would hold the  door open for you and talk to you with respect   :16.000 --> :21.520 and consideration I even started to like him in  fact we seemed to be getting on really well we   :21.520 --> :26.880 both shared similar interests and had an even  more similar sense of humor we really clicked   :26.880 --> :31.720 so a few months after starting there he asked me  out for a drink drink after work one evening and   :31.720 --> :37.720 I accepted I met a met his car after I'd finished  and surprise surprise it was a sports car don't   :37.720 --> :42.680 ask me what kind though I have no clue when it  comes to knowing what cars what all I can tell   :42.680 --> :48.160 you is that it was green had two seats and moved  like a beaver with a rocket up its butt it was   :48.160 --> :53.680 a pretty short trip to the bar about a couple of  Miles which was a blessing because he drove with   :53.680 --> :59.640 his foot to the floor and I am the opposite of an  adrenaline junkie honest to God my main thought   :59.640 --> :05.320 the the whole time I was in the car was don't  be sick don't be sick don't be sick when we got   :05.320 --> :12.400 to the bar I was stoked to find it was a cool old  bar really atmospheric inside there were deep blue   :12.400 --> :18.320 lights running the lengths of it making it feel  really moody I like that we sat at the bar Matt   :18.320 --> :23.560 name changed ordered a beer for me and a p colada  for himself the bartender served our drinks the   :23.560 --> :28.400 wrong way around but I suppose you couldn't blame  them at least we got our drinks and in good time   :28.400 --> :33.240 to boot despite it being already busy it was fun  getting to know more about him he told me about   :33.240 --> :39.360 the countries he' visited showed me pictures of  him in Italy Japan and Cyprus among other places   :39.360 --> :44.600 and told me about his family there was a bit of  showing off but I wasn't convinced it was so much   :44.600 --> :51.320 pure vanity as insecurity I sense that he was just  trying to establish his character maybe struggling   :51.320 --> :56.680 a bit and trying to fill the patches with status  I'm pretty good at getting people to feel at ease   :56.680 --> :02.920 though getting them to open up so I just worked on  them a bit and eventually with the help of alcohol   :02.920 --> :09.320 got him to be more natural with me I did ask him  one cringe worthily cliche question do you come   :09.320 --> :15.400 here often but he gracefully replied that it was  his favorite I'd been more than a bit wrong about   :15.400 --> :20.800 him he hadn't had such a breeze of life after  all his parents divorced when he was young and   :20.800 --> :27.280 he never saw his mother again I asked him if he  was angry about that he said not anymore no just   :27.280 --> :32.800 disappointed then like a Thunderclap he hits me  with a confronting question you thought of me as   :32.800 --> :38.000 a rich kid didn't you I pulled that scrunched up  face people do when they're hesitantly admitting   :38.000 --> :43.800 something and nodded he laughed he said he liked  my honesty he didn't hold it against me either   :43.800 --> :48.720 it was forgotten and we carried on chatting and  laughing until he dropped me off home there was   :48.720 --> :54.560 a click moment in the car where we just quietly  looked at each other he smiled at me which made   :54.560 --> :00.520 me smile and feel elated amongst other things next  thing I knew I was waking up next to him in bed   :00.520 --> :05.880 afterwards we sat down and had breakfast straight  to the point he asked me if this was a one-time   :05.880 --> :11.920 thing or whether we might do it again coily I said  I might want to go there again and that's what it   :11.920 --> :18.280 did it turned into a full-on friends with benefit  situation every so often there was no regularity   :18.280 --> :23.920 to it we'd meet up at my place and have fun things  stepped up a notch after a while when he started   :23.920 --> :30.320 inviting me over to his apartment the first time  I went there my jaw dropped it was stuck stunning   :30.320 --> :36.440 lots of space a Swanky kitchen and a panoramic  view the situation went on from there for just   :36.440 --> :41.920 over a year by which time I was starting to feel  disenchanted I invited him over to my place to   :41.920 --> :47.200 talk he came clearly expecting a good time but  quickly caught onto the fact that we were going   :47.200 --> :53.240 to have the breakup chat at first he seemed to  be taking it well and I started to feel at ease   :53.240 --> :59.760 unfortunately I was really wrong in fact he hadn't  really been listening at all he said it was fine   :59.760 --> :05.600 if I needed a break I said no I'm sorry Matt I  want to end things all together he still wasn't   :05.600 --> :11.160 listening he said you're just in a bad mood come  on let me cheer you up he pulled me in close and   :11.160 --> :17.000 tried to kiss me but I lurched back and said no I  don't want this he still persisted and did other   :17.000 --> :23.000 things forcing me to Parry his arm away I stood up  and stepped back to put some distance between us   :23.000 --> :28.880 and for a moment I thought he was finally paying  attention he sat smiling at me quite still but   :28.880 --> :34.800 then he suddenly got up and slowly started towards  me he ran his fingers down my arm and I just felt   :34.800 --> :41.440 so uncomfortable he grabbed my arm and I yanked it  back but he didn't let it go and a struggle ensued   :41.440 --> :46.520 we were shouting and pulling each other about  until there was a loud knock at the door a man   :46.520 --> :51.880 asking if everything was all right we stopped dead  in our tracks I told Matt that he'd better leave   :51.880 --> :58.280 or I'd scream the place down he bitterly let go  and walked out passing my waiting neighbor as he   :58.280 --> :04.360 went Robert the neighbor asked me if I was okay I  sheepishly nodded and thanked him for stopping by   :04.360 --> :09.720 I asked him if he'd like to come in for a coffee  and he said yes I told him all about Matt and he   :09.720 --> :15.080 listened attentively I noted that we just had  a bit of an argument and that's what he heard   :15.080 --> :20.240 when I told him the nature of it though he had  a quizzical look on his face I asked him what   :20.240 --> :25.400 was wrong he said doesn't sound like it was an  argument sounded more like he was trying to force   :25.400 --> :31.720 himself on you it's so stupid that it didn't occur  to me straight away but it was true all I could do   :31.720 --> :36.920 was say you think he tried to you know what me  he thought that at the very least he definitely   :36.920 --> :43.200 assaulted me would I call the cops I said I needed  more time to think about it I really considered it   :43.200 --> :47.920 but I was afraid that it would affect my job  and not having much in the way of savings I   :47.920 --> :54.560 couldn't afford to lose it I was totally on my own  I decided to take a risk on the following Monday I   :54.560 --> :59.600 went into Matt's office early in the morning  to confront him I told him that he's a dis   :59.600 --> :05.120 grace to the company and that he should quit  he smirked and said and what if I don't and I   :05.120 --> :10.800 told him that if he didn't I'd go straight to the  police and tell them that he assaulted me this is   :10.800 --> :15.640 where I bluffed a bit I said that Robert had not  only heard everything but had peeped Through the   :15.640 --> :20.960 Keyhole and seen him grabbing me aggressively I  felt confident that he would do the trick watching   :20.960 --> :27.440 him though seeing how unfazed he was made my  confidence start to slip with an infuriating   :27.440 --> :32.960 Cockiness he said go ahead try it before you do  though tell me how you think it'll play out who   :32.960 --> :39.000 are they going to believe the respectable son  of an influential family or the Disposable who   :39.000 --> :44.800 are throwing herself at me he said there's no way  in hell they'd believe me and that once it failed   :44.800 --> :50.920 I would be looking up job ads online desperate  not to lose ground I made a last ditch attempt   :50.920 --> :57.040 to scare him by saying I'd tell everyone in the  building what he'd done he got up so swiftly that   :57.040 --> :03.280 I jumped and then he came over to me and got  uncomfortably close don't be so stupid he said   :03.280 --> :09.800 if you do that I'll have to take you seriously  whatever that specifically meant I had no idea   :09.800 --> :15.400 but it was obviously menacing and enough to make  me retreat in my lunch break I ran into the higher   :15.400 --> :20.720 up that I mentioned earlier and felt compelled  to talk about it with her at the very least I'd   :20.720 --> :26.280 have someone in my corner or so I thought she  invited me to sit in her office and we could eat   :26.280 --> :32.200 and chat there I told her about what had happened  expecting and hoping for sympathy only for her to   :32.200 --> :37.960 chuckle and handwave it as horse play I pulled  up my sleeve and showed her the bruise marks on   :37.960 --> :45.560 my wrist she didn't even bat an eyelid suddenly I  felt very out of place like I was a leper I finish   :45.560 --> :51.680 that lunch not feeling some supported as I'd hoped  but utterly dejected I went home that evening and   :51.680 --> :57.120 cried I didn't eat a thing and I didn't know  what to do I felt like an insignificant piece   :57.120 --> :02.480 of trash that had been kicked about I lived the  next couple of weeks on autopilot feeling like   :02.480 --> :07.560 an outsider in my own workplace I wondered if  I should just give the whole thing up and fly   :07.560 --> :13.400 back home but my stupid Pride was saying if you  do that it'll look like you couldn't hack it I   :13.400 --> :19.240 felt like enough of a failure as it was without  the patronizing sympathy of my parents I could   :19.240 --> :27.000 just imagine their faces that gut-wrenching look  of sympathy no I couldn't do it so I stayed weeks   :27.000 --> :33.160 and weeks passed and I just got worse and worse  I lost weight paid less attention to grooming and   :33.160 --> :39.160 felt empty work and home that's all there was to  my life where I'd enjoyed going out on spontaneous   :39.160 --> :45.800 little trips and making friends now there was just  me and instant Ramen if I felt up to it I decided   :45.800 --> :51.240 to make a general call to a cousin who I'd been  close with not to talk about my situation just   :51.240 --> :58.920 to hear a friendly voice a voice of home for that  30 minutes hearing about my uncle's new DIY hobby   :58.920 --> :04.080 yeah required more Hobbies than a bored housewife  how their old dog was doing and about their little   :04.080 --> :11.120 girl's first day at school all the normal stuff  it proved both a blessing and a curse on the one   :11.120 --> :18.480 hand it was comforting but on the other it made me  ache for normality for security in the end it made   :18.480 --> :24.760 me feel even worse I'm not very good at giving up  though so I mustered the scraps of energy spare to   :24.760 --> :30.840 book a holiday the cheapest possible holiday same  state and really not more than a Stones Throw for   :30.840 --> :36.640 my apartment still it was something I spent the  first few days doing not much at all lounging   :36.640 --> :43.000 around in the beach dipping my toes in the water  just as I was finding a cintilla of Solace on the   :43.000 --> :49.680 Wednesday whilst I was sunbathing I hear a man's  voice above me I asked him who the heck he was he   :49.680 --> :54.760 said that he dropped by to check up on me wanted  to make sure I hadn't tried anything silly he told   :54.760 --> :00.240 me that he'd be keeping a close eye on me from  now on then he walked off I I was stumped on a   :00.240 --> :06.080 few fronts but one obvious thing was that this  warning was courtesy of Matt the most pressing   :06.080 --> :12.240 question for me was why now I gave up on the  holiday after that my mood plummeted like a   :12.240 --> :18.480 lead balloon and now I had to contend with added  fear and anxiety I went back to work and for a   :18.480 --> :23.760 couple of days tried to pretend everything was  normal I couldn't manage it though the darn thing   :23.760 --> :29.800 was eating me up so in the middle of a shift  I stormed into his office and de demanded to   :29.800 --> :35.040 know what the heck he was playing at he just  Shrugged his shoulders the whole moment was a   :35.040 --> :41.280 weird Haze because I was so scared and angry that  I didn't know what to do with myself I later found   :41.280 --> :46.640 out that the Gap was because that other colleague  had casually mentioned it and crossed wires that   :46.640 --> :52.360 he thought I was going to tell the cops not that  this piece of hindsight knowledge helped me then   :52.360 --> :58.440 every moment after that felt like a cross between  a horror movie and a reality TV show that my life   :58.440 --> :04.920 was under SC scrutiny by some lurking monster I  became a nervous wreck I couldn't sleep for fear   :04.920 --> :10.120 that that man would come bursting through the  door and I certainly couldn't eat the sight of   :10.120 --> :16.800 food made me feel sick the stress he put me under  got so bad that my hair started falling out I was   :16.800 --> :23.360 reduced to skin and bone and I started skipping  work eventually I was fired he'd pulled the rug   :23.360 --> :28.840 from under my feet not that I cared initially  but without me noticing he'd driven me to the   :28.840 --> :34.840 end end of my tether he'd broken me completely  the only way I can describe how I felt is to   :34.840 --> :41.440 say I felt hollowed out by then I wasn't even  washing myself anymore didn't go out and didn't   :41.440 --> :47.600 talk to anyone not even Robert naturally with no  money coming and nothing coming in the bills just   :47.600 --> :53.360 started piling up reaching a point where I was  days from eviction I wanted to end everything   :53.360 --> :59.160 and I seriously considered doing so in the darkest  few days I did nothing but think of the most quick   :59.160 --> :04.760 K and painless methods I came to the conclusion  that the best option available was for me to LEAP   :04.760 --> :11.040 from the top of the apartment complex eviction day  came and went the landlord came knocking got no   :11.040 --> :17.560 answer he slid notes under the door but I didn't  read them I couldn't I felt dread just seeing them   :17.560 --> :22.600 then one day there was a different knock at the  door but it was still faintly familiar when they   :22.600 --> :30.600 got no answer a familiar voice sounded it was my  dad mom too spoke up at first I felt horrendous   :30.600 --> :37.360 shame but something deeper more powerful overrode  my embarrassment before I knew it I was up and   :37.360 --> :43.520 making a beine for the door when I opened it I  could see their shock still and despite the fact   :43.520 --> :50.640 that I smelt a bit funky my Dad pulled me in for a  hug my mom cried I cried so much so that it seemed   :50.640 --> :57.120 I'd never stop we went into the apartment and sat  down and I told them only that I'd been struggling   :57.120 --> :01.720 with my head I feared what either NE of them would  have done had they known the full extent of the   :01.720 --> :07.320 situation either way I really needed them and they  stepped up Dad went to the store and bought some   :07.320 --> :12.480 food whilst my mom cleaned up the place in the  meantime feeling that there was a little light   :12.480 --> :18.120 at the end of the tunnel I felt enough momentum to  take a shower my dad cooked us my favorite mac and   :18.120 --> :24.360 cheese and when we sat down to eat it I felt happy  and safe it was all I could do to stop myself from   :24.360 --> :30.080 crying happy tears I was reminded that I wasn't  alone no matter how much mad had wanted me to   :30.080 --> :35.600 feel otherwise my parents stayed for a couple  of weeks essentially nursing me back to hell   :35.600 --> :41.000 not exactly the West Coast break that my parents  probably had hoped to have during that time they   :41.000 --> :46.080 suggested I might move back and stay with them  for a while although a big part of me wanted to   :46.080 --> :52.760 say yes I was feeling A Renewed determination to  stay and try to make something of my life here   :52.760 --> :58.160 I got the impression that Matt was satisfied and  would leave me alone and after everything it would   :58.160 --> :03.560 seem a waste of didn't at least give it one more  try they said they understood and that the offer   :03.560 --> :09.920 will always remain open after they left my first  job was to ring the landlord I told him about my   :09.920 --> :15.520 situation and asked if he might give me a second  chance he said yes we agreed on a payment plan   :15.520 --> :21.880 for the aers and thanks to Mom and Pop I had money  to pay that month's rent I found work as a cleaner   :21.880 --> :28.160 it didn't pay well but it was something and got my  life back on track by the time my debt was nearly   :28.160 --> :34.200 clear I decided I couldn't move past what happened  whilst I stayed here and I felt like I was getting   :34.200 --> :40.640 nowhere so I settled on sorting out my Affairs  here and then moving back home ASAP but I didn't   :40.640 --> :46.400 want to leave without giving Matt a little gift to  say thank you for everything one evening I dressed   :46.400 --> :51.920 myself in such a way that I would neither Stand  Out nor be easily recognized by anyone who knew   :51.920 --> :57.200 me then I headed to the bar we'd gone to on our  date and hung around outside for a while I had   :57.200 --> :03.160 to do this on three consec of nights before I saw  Matt's sports car roll up note that I'd also been   :03.160 --> :07.880 keeping track of other people pulling in before  he'd arrive too when he went inside I pulled out   :07.880 --> :13.600 my door key and scratched a pre-selected red  Saloon along the length of its doors before   :13.600 --> :19.520 slipping into the bar I was so scared that Matt  would spot me but I knew I couldn't back out now   :19.520 --> :24.560 I went searching for the man with short Ginger  hair and a black top and thankfully I found him   :24.560 --> :29.600 fairly quickly he was standing at the end of  the bar talking to another man I went over to   :29.600 --> :35.240 him and asked him if he was the owner of the Red  Saloon outside he gave me a cautious yes before   :35.240 --> :41.880 I informed him that I'd seen a man keying his car  and that he was in the bar right now he sped out   :41.880 --> :47.120 of the bar and I followed behind pretending  to leave alt together but in reality I went   :47.120 --> :52.440 across the road and up a bit back to my Hiding  Place I watched the poor man throw his hands up   :52.440 --> :58.160 in the air before storming back inside after  a couple of tense minutes I saw him come back   :58.160 --> :04.240 out prac practically dragging Matt by the collar  they argued loudly going back and forth between   :04.240 --> :11.160 you need to pay for this and I didn't touch your  car eventually shouting escalated into pushing   :11.160 --> :16.160 and pushing into a full-blown fight I didn't  stick around to watch for long only enough to   :16.160 --> :21.760 see Matt take a couple of hits I figured that was  probably equivalent to what he had done to me I   :21.760 --> :28.200 left California as quickly as I could after that  and never wanted to go back I went home moved back   :28.200 --> :34.480 with my parents for a while and at first I worked  part-time in my sister's shop I can't tell you how   :34.480 --> :40.120 amazing it was to be back on home soil comforted  by familiar surroundings and close to the people   :40.120 --> :46.120 I love some might say that I'd taken the easy  way out that I'm a quitter but I want to remind   :46.120 --> :52.360 those people that I'd been assaulted in my home  until I hit what I now realized was a very severe   :52.360 --> :58.720 depressive episode as severe as it can get and  God knows I tried to make it work despite every   :59.360 --> :03.680 but I couldn't do it with my own home being  a constant reminder of what turned out to be   :03.680 --> :10.840 the worst period of my life so far and hopefully  forever more as for the current me I've moved back   :10.840 --> :16.440 out of my parents' place and into an apartment  nearby it's amazing really just a short time ago   :16.440 --> :22.240 I couldn't wait to get away from here and explore  the great world Beyond now there's no other place   :22.240 --> :28.840 in the whole wide world I'd rather be and I'd be  happy to stay here for the rest of my life as for   :28.840 --> :34.400 work I decided that I wanted to try something  more handson after seeing my dad throw himself   :34.400 --> :40.400 into his DIY passion after a lot of research  and consideration I decided that I wanted to be   :40.400 --> :46.520 an electrician I started an apprentice ship and  to my delight found I really enjoyed it now I'm   :46.520 --> :51.960 fully qualified and it's my full-time job I've  reconnected with some old friends resurrecting   :51.960 --> :57.960 my social life in the process and there's barely  a day that passes without me finding something   :57.960 --> :04.000 to smile about out I'll never take this life for  granted whilst I'm much happier and whilst I got   :04.000 --> :09.080 some sort of Revenge on him I can't help but feel  AG grieve that Matt got away with as much as he   :09.080 --> :14.840 did the business rallied around him because he's  well connected and every time I think about it I   :14.840 --> :20.000 wonder if I was even his first if there's one  thing I'm sure of unless something's properly   :20.000 --> :26.320 done about him I won't be the last and what if  his next victim is less assertive than me what   :26.320 --> :32.240 if she feels like she has no choice but to lie  down and take what he gives I don't believe for a   :32.240 --> :38.560 second that he has any kind of boundaries and what  will become of such a woman I'm pretty sturdy but   :38.560 --> :43.560 I wouldn't have managed to get out of that rut I  don't think without my parents to back me I'd hate   :43.560 --> :51.280 to think that someone anyone would end it all over  that lousy scum he bullied me into silence using   :51.280 --> :57.200 his power to get his own way and that's not right  I would sincerely like to see proper Justice done   :57.200 --> :03.520 but well I'm just one person one electrician they  made sure to drill into me that I couldn't battle   :03.520 --> :09.000 corporate might by myself to show me that they  could ruin me trample all over my life and that   :09.000 --> :14.960 it would barely require any effort on their part  is the ending of the story really going to be me   :14.960 --> :20.880 just praying blindly for karma whilst he goes on  living the big shot life using and abusing women   :20.880 --> :27.240 as he pleases I can't lie that really upsets  me I don't know how you can hear the story and   :27.240 --> :34.360 not feel terrible for op and op is dropping some  really heavy truth bombs in that last paragraph   :34.360 --> :39.480 not everyone reacts the same way in situations  like that where somebody's basically forcing   :39.480 --> :45.160 themselves on you you know a lot of people their  natural reaction is just to kind of freeze up op   :45.160 --> :50.800 having their family to support them was Monumental  and I'm glad for their sake that they were able to   :50.800 --> :56.680 have them in their life there is some Revenge  here but let's be real the true Revenge isn't   :56.680 --> :03.360 there until this guy is locked up Behind Bars do  you guys think that for guys like Matt who go and   :03.360 --> :08.680 do these things to innocent women that eventually  it'll catch up to them that eventually they'll be   :08.680 --> :13.680 held responsible or is that just fairy tale  thinking let me know what you guys think down   :13.680 --> :20.120 in the comments below is revenge against my crazy  cat lady girlfriend my girlfriend was a cat lady   :20.120 --> :25.600 she wasn't a lady in the way that she had dozens  of cats and she was living alone instead she was   :25.600 --> :32.480 obsessed with one cat her cat she had an expensive  pedigree cat that was the center of her Universe   :32.480 --> :36.480 every part of her life revolved around it my  girlfriend came from money which is how she   :36.480 --> :42.120 was able to get the cat in the first place it was  a gift for her 18th birthday from her father she   :42.120 --> :47.400 had put that cat through grooming and training  schools so that she could enter it into pedigree   :47.400 --> :53.800 competitions her entire social standing was based  around her cat I of course didn't know this when   :53.800 --> :58.600 we first started dating we were introduced through  some mutual friends and sort of got into a r   :58.600 --> :04.000 them and found ourselves living together I didn't  come for money but I worked hard I went to college   :04.000 --> :08.600 and got a job the only thing that I had in my  life that one would call an expensive thing was   :08.600 --> :14.480 a car that I inherited from my father it was a  vintage Hot Rod that he got from his dad I loved   :14.480 --> :19.120 that car most of the money I made went into our  apartment and the business that I was trying to   :19.120 --> :23.920 build most of the money she got from her parents  went into traveling to different cat shows around   :23.920 --> :29.920 the country she didn't even have a job even though  she graduated from a very p prestigious University   :29.920 --> :34.960 she was basically living off her trust fund of  the two things I didn't understand about her the   :34.960 --> :40.400 one that confused me the most was the fact that  she hated spending her own money she was always   :40.400 --> :46.720 borrowing money from me or our friends and rarely  did she ever pay for things when we went out the   :46.720 --> :53.280 second thing is that she never won someone always  beat her someone's cat was either better groomed   :53.280 --> :58.840 better trained or of a better pedigree and she  was forever sending the cat to school schools   :58.840 --> :04.440 and parlors the cat didn't live with us because  she wanted to have the best care possible so the   :04.440 --> :10.440 cat had its own apartment where there were people  taking care of it we would visit the Cat every   :10.440 --> :16.000 day and on the days where I couldn't make it she  got upset with me I had just about had enough and   :16.000 --> :22.160 was ready to break up with her when she did the  most unspeakable thing I could ever imagine she   :22.160 --> :27.680 wanted to go overseas for a cat show but didn't  feel like paying her way there instead she sold   :27.680 --> :33.240 my car for for less than half of what it's worth  and use that money to go to the competition and   :33.240 --> :38.760 still not win I didn't drive my car very often  because it was a vintage car and I didn't know   :38.760 --> :44.480 that it was sold for almost 2 weeks after the  fact I initially thought it was just stolen and   :44.480 --> :51.040 so when I told her she just nonchalantly said oh  she sold it her justification was that the car was   :51.040 --> :56.440 just an object that was costing us money because  I was paying for special parking but that our cat   :56.440 --> :02.160 was a living being I knew that was no way I was  going to get my money back from her and I also   :02.160 --> :06.880 knew that there was no way I was getting my car  back because anyone who'd buy that car for that   :06.880 --> :13.480 price was never going to give it up so I set about  getting my money back from the person who robbed   :13.480 --> :18.840 me of it the first part was not complicated I had  access to the cat's apartment and I knew when the   :18.840 --> :25.760 cat was alone so one day during our regular visits  to his Royal feline Majesty I made sure that one   :25.760 --> :31.360 of the apartment windows were open before we left  now while all the stereotypes of pedigreed cats   :31.360 --> :37.920 being snobs are true cats are still cats and this  was being raised like an Olympic Athlete it was   :37.920 --> :42.640 on a very strict diet designed to make sure that  it never got fat and a bunch of other things I   :42.640 --> :47.560 didn't understand about shiny coats but I did  pick up on a few things here and there after   :47.560 --> :53.920 a few years of listening to my girlfriend prattle  on and on the point was that this cat was starved   :53.920 --> :59.720 for real food and so one night I snuck over to  the apartment and lured the cat out the window   :59.720 --> :04.840 with a tin of tuna I still had the storage space  where my car used to be parked and that's where   :04.840 --> :10.640 I kept the cat the ransom note arrived before the  cat's caretakers reported it missing my girlfriend   :10.640 --> :16.680 went from confusion to hysteria in a slow steady  decline of Sanity At first she couldn't believe   :16.680 --> :21.760 it because she didn't know her cat was missing and  often when she found the cat was gone she did good   :21.760 --> :28.400 and accepted I saw a side to her I never knew  she was threatening all kinds of evil upon the   :28.400 --> :33.480 person who took her cat if she ever found them I  was honestly scared and wondered if I'd done the   :33.480 --> :39.560 smart thing by taking this cat I knew I had to  be extra cautious not to get caught under normal   :39.560 --> :45.240 circumstances I imagine she would have informed  the police and done everything to catch whoever   :45.240 --> :50.720 took your cat but I made sure that she wouldn't  I kidnapped the Cat 2 days before the biggest   :50.720 --> :56.640 competition of the year it was a local competition  and everyone she knew and respected was going to   :56.640 --> :02.480 be there so I knew she would do everything to  get that cat back before anyone found out what   :02.480 --> :08.760 happened the ransom was for twice the amount of  what my car was worth and she paid it immediately   :08.760 --> :13.840 that night the cat mysteriously found its way  back to the apartment but only after I'd done   :13.840 --> :20.240 a few modifications on it I discreetly shaved  some of the cat hair and replaced it with dyed   :20.240 --> :26.280 hair belonging to another cat I also had a new  certificate of pedigree forged for the cat she   :26.280 --> :31.840 entered her cat as usual and of her socialite  friends were there as soon as the competition   :31.840 --> :38.120 began I slipped a note with the forged certificate  of pedigree to the judges when the judges came to   :38.120 --> :43.800 examine her cat they immediately started looking  for the hair that I replaced these people are   :43.800 --> :48.840 experts when it comes to cats and they knew  fake hair from real hair instantly they then   :48.840 --> :54.440 produced the forged certificate that I gave them  to show them my girlfriend's cat was actually not   :54.440 --> :00.320 a pedigree cat they accused her of Shaving her  cat and placing The Telltale spots of the hair   :00.320 --> :06.720 from mixed breeding she was shamed in front of  everybody she respects and banned from competing   :06.720 --> :13.960 in any other competitions nationally she was also  reported for cruelty to animals and fraud well   :13.960 --> :19.480 let's be real here the cruelty to animals charge  I don't think that's going to stick because what   :19.480 --> :24.800 cruelty did they do to this cat like yeah the cat  might want some tuna but I imagine the cat's in   :24.800 --> :31.840 really good shape and by all means is probably had  a very very pampered life that honestly might have   :31.840 --> :37.440 been treated better than most humans I got to  say though I'm usually pretty staunchly against   :37.440 --> :43.440 doing anything involving people's pets I'm a huge  pet lover but a person like this who can go turn   :43.440 --> :48.080 around behind your back and sell your car off  and then not even tell you about it and pocket   :48.080 --> :53.080 the money I don't feel too bad about what op did  here at all although I think we can all agree what   :53.080 --> :59.440 op did here was pretty crazy do you think op was  justified or went too far and what they did let   :59.440 --> :03.880 me know what you guys think down in the comments  by the way if you're enjoying these stories make   :03.880 --> :09.000 sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down  below so you never miss any of my daily videos   :09.000 --> :15.400 our next story is from NOA co-workers all laughed  at my assault got them deported I know it sounds   :15.400 --> :21.920 bad and maybe I did overreact I was 18 years old  had been kicked out of my mom's and was living   :21.920 --> :28.280 with my cheating didn't know at the time boyfriend  while working three jobs to make ends meet I had   :28.280 --> :33.360 just started at this Sushi chain in our small  City when one of the chefs middle-aged offered   :33.360 --> :38.840 to make me a roll even if it was comped it still  let it be entered into the point of sale system I   :38.840 --> :45.960 didn't know how and asked him to help as he walked  around me he made a point of slowly aggressively   :45.960 --> :52.680 rubbing himself against my butt an entire backside  in front of the kitchen crew who were all watching   :52.680 --> :58.640 I left the room to gather my composure I felt so  violated and embarrassed after after deciding to   :58.640 --> :04.000 walk out I went back in to grab my things from  the cubby I entered the room to find that every   :04.000 --> :10.160 single one of them were eyeing me and laughing at  me it was cruel and humiliating on the way home I   :10.160 --> :16.920 got pulled over for driving a bit erratically  I was extremely emotional got a $900 ticket I   :16.920 --> :23.520 absolutely could not afford I was so absolutely  infuriated with the chef and everyone there who   :23.520 --> :29.480 laughed at me and delighted in shot and frda at  my assault I I guess now it's worth mentioning   :29.480 --> :35.720 that they were all clearly immigrants I'm not  necessarily proud of it but in my anger I sent   :35.720 --> :41.680 an anonymous tip to ice a few months later I saw  their Yelp reviews had tanked and all the recent   :41.680 --> :46.800 ones were complaining that the entire kitchen  had closed their kitchen crew were all gone   :46.800 --> :51.800 the waitresses were huddled behind the counter  talking about lawyers they didn't serve any hot   :51.800 --> :58.040 food anymore and eventually they shut down an  old coworker confirmed my suspicions were true   :58.040 --> :05.040 as well I'm not racist at all I wanted revenge and  took the cheapest route I'll admit but in my heart   :05.040 --> :11.280 I still believed every one of them deserved it the  ticket was for speeding in a school zone 33 and   :11.280 --> :18.400 a 20 mph it wasn't a school but rather a historic  SLU park with a Crossing light that fell into that   :18.400 --> :24.400 category for traffic citations failure to yield to  pedestrians they'd barely reached the sidewalk and   :24.400 --> :31.160 I didn't slow down yes I was wrong driving without  Pro proof of registration and insurance I had both   :31.160 --> :35.760 but had misplaced the registration and didn't  know the login info to the insurance app this   :35.760 --> :41.840 all got thrown out in court for a forgiveness law/  program they had for young drivers the manager who   :41.840 --> :48.360 I reported this to after I left got charged  by the restaurant for embezzling $10,000 and   :48.360 --> :53.960 was fired after this the owner tried not paying me  for weeks until I threatened him with lawyers then   :53.960 --> :01.200 a guy showed up and paid me in cash instead this  next door from David emag X your bully son messes   :01.200 --> :08.960 with us and you kill our dog prepare for Dad this  happened in 1995 in a small rural town in choco   :08.960 --> :15.760 Province Argentina everybody knows each other here  until this very day my father was an electrician   :15.760 --> :21.480 the only one in town so he was constantly meeting  people and as he was born and raised here he was   :21.480 --> :27.040 very well known by everyone he grew up with many  of the police officers from back then and even   :27.040 --> :33.920 had aad together Argentinian barbecue at least  three times a month for years my father was not   :33.920 --> :39.400 a violent man that was the only time I saw him do  something like that the other man with his busy   :39.400 --> :45.400 son they were not from town they had moved here  a year or so prior they were from Buenos Aries I   :45.400 --> :51.960 didn't really know the guy only his kid who was an  absolute butt hat to almost every kid in the block   :51.960 --> :56.400 and he constantly picked on me and my brother  since we were the youngest of our neighborhood   :56.400 --> :01.160 therefore couldn't defend ourselves elves our dog  Bucky wasn't trained since we didn't know about   :01.160 --> :07.880 training but he was loyal and playful with every  kid one thing's for sure though he was protective   :07.880 --> :13.720 one afternoon we were playing in the park and out  came the bully kid who at first threw rocks at us   :13.720 --> :19.640 then he got closer and started calling us names  and us being little got scared he was bigger than   :19.640 --> :25.160 us we tried to leave but he blocked us and started  hitting my brother I tried to stop him but he did   :25.160 --> :30.320 the same to me Bucky heard us crying and came  running jumping and getting the bully's arm at   :30.320 --> :37.080 once he bit Shook and released staying between  us and the bully barking like mad until the kid   :37.080 --> :42.720 left running we saw him get inside his house  and a few seconds later came his father with   :42.720 --> :49.120 a sledgehammer Bucky stood in front of us hairs  raised and barking but the man didn't stop he got   :49.120 --> :56.360 close raised the sledgehammer and didn't do it  once he hit him five times the first blow I'll   :56.360 --> :02.200 never forget the pain painful whimper of our dog  Bucky got knocked with the first blow my brother   :02.200 --> :08.360 and I were frozen in place scared to death crying  a lot The Jerk dad said something which I don't   :08.360 --> :14.400 remember now and left we were unable to move for  a moment such was our fear finally I grabbed my   :14.400 --> :19.280 brother and went home dad was fixing a fan when  he saw us and asked what happened we told him   :19.280 --> :25.160 and he just said right okay let's wash your faces  and grab some ice cream yeah that's what our dad   :25.160 --> :30.640 did took us for ice cream he did it pretty pretty  good job to mask his emotions and showed himself   :30.640 --> :36.000 cheerful to us that night when brother was asleep  and I was playing in the kitchen he grabbed the   :36.000 --> :40.800 wrench told Mom and I he had to fix something  over at the neighbors I assumed it was another   :40.800 --> :46.000 neighbor since it was a common thing for my dad  to get asked by neighbors to fix things nodded to   :46.000 --> :54.120 Mom Mom nodded back yes she knew and left he came  back some minutes later told me to go to bed and   :54.120 --> :00.040 that was it a decade later we came to know what  happened he went to the guy's house knocked on the   :00.040 --> :06.280 door and punched the dude so hard had rocked his  head back he told him he would break one limb for   :06.280 --> :11.400 each of his children whom he made cry I can only  imagine what he would have done if there were more   :11.400 --> :17.880 than two kids proceeded to beat the guy some more  in front of his family and then took the wrench   :17.880 --> :24.640 and broke his legs he then left the house went  home asked me to go to bed talked to Mom and went   :24.640 --> :30.320 straight to the police turned himself in and was  actually delayed until the police went and checked   :30.320 --> :35.520 with the other guy my dad also showed our dead dog  to them and the police found the sledgehammer in   :35.520 --> :41.360 the bully's house with blood still on it and they  let my father go they also spoke with the dude   :41.360 --> :47.040 when he got better and suggested him to leave the  town if they weren't liked before they would never   :47.040 --> :53.520 be now to this you got to understand the mindset  from some small rural towns we looked at outsiders   :53.520 --> :58.840 with mistrust back then and it took a while for  people to get used to you if you were new in town   :58.840 --> :04.200 however these people came and weren't very much  liked apparently because of the kid and the father   :04.200 --> :10.760 was also a jerk I don't condone the actions of my  father nor am I justifying in any way the events   :10.760 --> :17.720 that transpired then but as a father myself I can  totally understand to what extent a man can react   :17.720 --> :24.000 when their kids are at play I loved my dad and  I have mad respect for him rest in Peace Dad we   :24.000 --> :31.520 miss you greatly like I said earlier I am a dach  ped lover this story honestly broke my heart and   :31.520 --> :36.800 there were extra details about the sledgehammer  and whatnot that I just didn't feel comfortable   :36.800 --> :42.680 reading and had to skip over like I know in that  dad's situation they saw a dog that bit their kid   :42.680 --> :48.320 but even then I couldn't ever imagine doing that  to an animal I really genuinely think you've got   :48.320 --> :54.360 to be a absolutely cold-hearted sadistic person  to be able to go and do something like that   :54.360 --> :00.280 especially in front of some kids and personally  I agree a lot with what op said here I wouldn't   :00.280 --> :07.000 condone what the father did but like considering  it's your kids and also your dog I get it and I   :07.000 --> :12.320 get why for somebody who went and did that to a  dog that was only looking out for their humans I   :12.320 --> :19.840 have absolutely no remorse for any of that and  our final story of the day is from our ad 8095   :19.840 --> :25.400 my school actually protected me even though I  was harassed outside the school premises this   :25.400 --> :30.920 occurred over a decade ago it happened at the end  of my senior year of high school I'm from India   :30.920 --> :36.440 and girls are still afraid to tell others about  being harassed because of Shame and Society I was   :36.440 --> :42.040 enrolled in a big school there were almost more  than 800 students at my school so you can imagine   :42.040 --> :46.880 the rush and crowd while leaving the school it  used to get so crowded and chaotic because there   :46.880 --> :52.320 were parents Cars and auto Rick Shaws waiting  to pick up the kids some kids are riding their   :52.320 --> :57.680 bicycles through the crowd While others run to  the nearby vendors for Penny Puri and samosas   :57.680 --> :02.760 it's almost like an amusement park one day while  walking hand inand with my friend I spotted this   :02.760 --> :07.880 weird straggling man looking through the bunch  of kids I thought he might be looking for someone   :07.880 --> :13.760 specific and didn't think much about it but I must  admit he was creepy I saw him again a few more   :13.760 --> :19.320 times daily but one day when I was walking with  my friend making our way through the crowd that   :19.320 --> :24.480 man crossed me I was about to collide with him  and tried to avoid him but instead he pushed me   :24.480 --> :31.520 and grabbed and pinched my chest area so hard that  it began to hurt a lot he was so smooth with his   :31.520 --> :36.640 actions that my friend who was by my side couldn't  tell what happened she kept asking me what was   :36.640 --> :42.440 wrong but I just walked mindlessly to my auto  rickshaw and sat there and told her to go away   :42.440 --> :48.200 she understood and walked away as she used to live  nearby I was so shaken that when I got home and   :48.200 --> :55.000 saw my parents I burst into tears because I'm the  only child I was never afraid to tell my parents   :55.000 --> :02.160 anything and I told them everything thing my dad  was pissed and that's where our revenge started   :02.160 --> :08.400 I've never seen my dad so angry before he drafted  a plan to trap the SLE ball with his friends we'll   :08.400 --> :13.720 name them Uncle one and Uncle 2 my dad was friends  with our school principal he visited them when I   :13.720 --> :19.040 was attending my school the next day as if nothing  had happened as they told me not to tell anyone   :19.040 --> :23.680 our principal was great and assured us that even  though it happened outside the school they would   :23.680 --> :29.240 fully cooperate to trap the SLE ball at lunch they  called me into the principal's office and told me   :29.240 --> :34.600 that Uncle one and Uncle 2 would be scattered  in the crowd with my English teacher the school   :34.600 --> :39.920 gatekeeper will be near me and my dad will be  near the shop where I usually spot the man they   :39.920 --> :45.560 instructed me to walk normally with my friend and  avoid them as if they were strangers but to alert   :45.560 --> :51.280 the nearest person as soon as I spotted the SLE  ball my dad and others were there the whole day   :51.280 --> :57.400 and at 5:00 p.m. it was time to execute the plan  as I was instructed I was walking casually with   :57.400 --> :03.080 with my friend she asked me several times because  she knew something was odd but I told her to   :03.080 --> :09.680 shush and enjoy the show and then I spot the SLE  ball actually harassing my other classmate and I   :09.680 --> :15.200 quickly alerted Uncle one initially it was planned  not to hit him and just call the police but he was   :15.200 --> :22.040 caught in the act so Uncle one dragged him away  and started beating him soon my dad Uncle 2 and   :22.040 --> :27.640 the gatekeeper joined him then my English teacher  handled the situation and dragged the slee ball   :27.640 --> :33.760 inside the school Gates and into the principal's  office my classmat surrounded me with questions   :33.760 --> :39.000 and I gladly answered them and stayed outside  the gates with them after a few minutes I was   :39.000 --> :43.960 called into the principal's office where I saw  the SLE ball I thought they might ask me some   :43.960 --> :49.360 questions but the principal gave me some apple  juice and told me to relax SLE ball was there   :49.360 --> :55.760 crying begging to let him go as he would never do  it again he was badly bruised and his clothes were   :55.760 --> :02.040 torn after a few minutes the police came and took  the SAS ball and he was giving me such a deadly   :02.040 --> :07.640 look that it still gives me the chills my father  and everyone else in the room were so happy and   :07.640 --> :12.880 smiling as if there was a celebration and told  me that they were so proud of me as I'd saved   :12.880 --> :18.720 a multiple girls that day I still don't know the  details but the school took full responsibility   :18.720 --> :25.360 for our safety put that man into jail and cctvs  were installed within a week even in a parking   :25.360 --> :31.200 lot to cover the area outside the school honestly  it's really disappointing to hear about Creepers   :31.200 --> :36.840 being able to get away with stuff for so long in  these kinds of areas but in a place like India   :36.840 --> :42.160 where everything is so hustling and bustling and  really kind of Madness in the streets as school   :42.160 --> :47.480 lets out you kind of sadly see where some of these  creeps can just slip through the cracks like that   :47.480 --> :52.920 especially praying on kids who don't know any  better and they might be shy or uncomfortable   :52.920 --> :57.720 mentioning something that happened I don't feel  one bit of remorse over this dude getting beat   :57.720 --> :03.200 up over praying on kids like that and not only  honestly was this guy asking for it but they kept   :03.200 --> :09.120 showing up to the same spot and harassing the same  people this dude was bound to get thrashed at some   :09.120 --> :15.600 point right is revenge against my father's gold  digging exwife my father's birthday was a few days   :15.600 --> :21.440 ago and I threw him a nice little party watching  him just be happy and content made me realize just   :21.440 --> :27.200 how protective I am of him for context I'm telling  a story of how I taught my witchy stepmother who   :27.200 --> :33.880 try to take advantage of my father a lesson she  will never forget as long as she lives my father   :33.880 --> :39.120 is 60 years old and all of this started about  2 years ago when he got married to the woman   :39.120 --> :43.800 who became my stepmother she was 32 at the time  of their marriage and they'd only been together   :43.800 --> :49.080 for about 6 months I found it a little weird and  I think that should have been the first red flag   :49.080 --> :54.720 to my father but the poor man was probably just  too lonely to think too much about it we used to   :54.720 --> :01.000 be a perfect nuclear family my father my mother  and me I'm the first son and only child of my   :01.000 --> :06.720 parents who had me when they were well into their  40s so I was basically pampered and well taken   :06.720 --> :11.280 care of of course my parents made sure that I  didn't go the wrong way but it was all taught   :11.280 --> :17.320 through gentle parenting there was never a reason  to yell or be loud in my home on my 13th birthday   :17.320 --> :23.640 my parents broke the news to me that my mother was  very sick and didn't have much longer to be around   :23.640 --> :30.080 like any other kid I was devastated and very upset  learning that I was going to lose my mother soon   :30.080 --> :36.640 did a number on me being in the peak of puberty  and having so many new emotions was not exactly   :36.640 --> :42.520 a walk in the park but my mother dealt with me  patiently until almost 2 years after when she   :42.520 --> :47.840 passed away in their relationship my father was  always the more emotional one and while I took   :47.840 --> :54.720 my mother's death relatively well my dad was a  complete mess he couldn't eat or sleep for over   :54.720 --> :00.240 a week only starting to feed himself after passed  out and had to go to the hospital all we had was   :00.240 --> :05.720 each other for about a year and a half until I had  to go off to college before I left for college I   :05.720 --> :11.440 did everything for him from cooking his meals  to cleaning up after him he was diagnosed with   :11.440 --> :17.200 depression and needed a caretaker and I was all  he had it wasn't a chore for me because it felt   :17.200 --> :22.240 like I was doing my late mother a huge service  by being there for my dad a few weeks before I   :22.240 --> :27.160 had to leave for college I had my father join  a support group for other widows and widowers   :27.160 --> :32.200 like him and I also employed a caretaker on  his behalf so that he would always come back   :32.200 --> :38.000 to a clean house and warm food my University was  several states away and I didn't want him to miss   :38.000 --> :43.320 me so much that it distressed him during my first  few months away I was worried that my father would   :43.320 --> :48.480 relapse but he turned out just fine he went  on cruises and picnics and group trips with   :48.480 --> :54.560 his friends and I was at peace I did go back home  whenever I could manage but my father was doing   :54.560 --> :59.640 pretty well in my sophomore year I went home home  for Thanksgiving just to find that my father was   :59.640 --> :04.840 in a relationship with a woman he met from the  widows and widowers group she was nearly half   :04.840 --> :11.320 his age but she was gorgeous and overly nice to  me being protective of my father I tried to figure   :11.320 --> :18.080 out her intentions but it translated to hostility  on my part and my father was not having it he   :18.080 --> :23.360 yelled at me which was very out of character  because my father had never raised his voice   :23.360 --> :28.680 in all my 19 years of knowing him this didn't  seem like him at all and when I tried to speak   :28.680 --> :35.720 to him he became even more withdrawn and cold his  girlfriend however suddenly seemed more energetic   :35.720 --> :41.160 and began acting even more nice to me I didn't  stay longer than a few days after Thanksgiving   :41.160 --> :47.120 heading back to UNI because of how uncomfortable I  was at home on one hand I was happy for my father   :47.120 --> :52.400 about finding someone but on the other hand it  pissed me off that he spoke to me in that way   :52.400 --> :57.200 in front of her when I was only trying to look  out for him my friends who I shared the Dilemma   :57.200 --> :03.320 with told me to look into the situation a little  more as things may not be what they seemed and I   :03.320 --> :08.280 took their advice I went back home for Christmas  just to hear that my dad's girlfriend let's call   :08.280 --> :14.720 her G for gold digger had moved into the house  permanently I wasn't even that mad until I heard   :14.720 --> :20.480 that she moved all of my mother's belongings from  the attic to the basement because she needed space   :20.480 --> :27.400 for her shoes I was upset and rightfully so but  trying to talk to my father about it was pointless   :27.400 --> :33.080 because all he could do was shrug helplessly and  smile I understood that he had feelings for her   :33.080 --> :38.280 but it was very upsetting how much he let her  get away with after inspecting that my mother's   :38.280 --> :44.960 things were intact I decided to forget about all  Grievances and just enjoy my Christmas break it   :44.960 --> :50.960 was relatively easy to stay out of G's way because  I either stayed cooped up in my room or went out   :50.960 --> :57.160 with friends basically doing my own thing until  uni resumed again my late mother loved Christmas   :57.160 --> :02.240 more than any other holiday and we always spent  the day cooking and then relaxing to watch the   :02.240 --> :08.040 same selection of Christmas movies my dad and I  had done it alone the Christmas after she passed   :08.040 --> :13.400 so I thought that we would be repeating the same  tradition instead his girlfriend decided that she   :13.400 --> :19.240 wanted to go shopping and see a new Hallmark movie  that came out at the movie theater I expected my   :19.240 --> :25.240 father to tell her of our plans but I was left  beyond hurt when he agreed and put on his winter   :25.240 --> :31.280 coat walking behind her as if it wasn't enough  that she had trampled all in my mother's memories   :31.280 --> :37.800 G also made my father get her a very expensive  ring and then proposed to her in the middle of   :37.800 --> :45.040 the mall mind you they'd been together for about  4 months and I did think it was too soon but my   :45.040 --> :51.080 father seemed excited about something that wasn't  golf Bingo or going to bed at 6:00 p.m. so I had   :51.080 --> :55.440 to pretend to be happy for him they had their  wedding the following year in February and it   :55.440 --> :01.960 was so huge and lavish my father wasn't poor but  I didn't think he was rich enough for a wedding   :01.960 --> :08.520 that big and a honeymoon and Bali but apparently  he was I was stunned at all of the plans that were   :08.520 --> :14.160 made without involving me and even when I tried  to involve myself he allowed his new wife to push   :14.160 --> :20.120 me away I knew something still wasn't right but  my father explicitly let me know that he didn't   :20.120 --> :26.160 need me to be anything but his son because he now  had a wife my visits at home were now limited to   :26.160 --> :32.480 just h holidays people called it jealousy but  I knew that something was not right I wasn't   :32.480 --> :38.360 allowed to look into it however so staying away  seemed like the best option when it was almost a   :38.360 --> :43.120 year into their marriage I went back home for  Christmas and I was a little surprised by what   :43.120 --> :51.280 I saw my 59-year-old father looking so emaciated  and sick as if he hadn't eaten in a few weeks he   :51.280 --> :56.880 welcomed me with smiles but I could see that  it wasn't real upon closer inspection of him   :56.880 --> :03.920 I also saw a yellow mark on his cheek that looked  to be a healing bruise in rag I bugged him until   :03.920 --> :08.600 he told me what happened she hit him in the face  with the bottom of her shoe when he refused to   :08.600 --> :14.400 give her access to his accounts although my dad  asked me not to take any action I felt like all of   :14.400 --> :21.400 the evil stepmother movies I'd ever seen prepared  me for this moment at this point my now stepmother   :21.400 --> :27.040 barely paid any attention to me she acted like I  didn't exist only showing me any effect inection   :27.040 --> :32.520 when she was right in front of my father I didn't  care because I didn't like her anyway just before   :32.520 --> :39.000 I went back to college I burrowed my father's card  and went shopping for cameras and audio devices so   :39.000 --> :45.080 I could have evidence of G abusing my father I'm  not a pervert so I enabled a filter setting that   :45.080 --> :50.360 blurred any nudity that would appear and then  I connected my devices to it neither of them   :50.360 --> :56.880 had any idea of my sneakiness and I often felt  bad for creeping up on my father's privacy like   :56.880 --> :04.000 F but I didn't want to lose him to a Witchy  Woman Who had no conscience on his 59th birthday   :04.000 --> :09.000 instead of giving him a present my stepmother  threw things at my father because he had me as   :09.000 --> :14.880 the main benefactor on his will and not her my  dad's will was hidden in a small box under his   :14.880 --> :21.840 bed so she had to be majorly snooping to find it  I FaceTime my father as often as I could to assess   :21.840 --> :27.960 the damages but he hit his face from me while  putting up a smile and looking significantly   :27.960 --> :33.440 thinner I couldn't sit back and watch my father  suffer like this anymore so I took matters into   :33.440 --> :39.240 my own hands to make sure that they were divorced  as soon as humanly possible it started with trying   :39.240 --> :45.440 to convince my dad that he was actually being  abused which took some time but it worked after   :45.440 --> :51.040 I reminded him of how my mother used to treat  us before she passed and how it was nothing   :51.040 --> :56.920 like how his new wife treated him it was very  saddening bringing up the memories of his late   :56.920 --> :02.760 wife in comparison to how another woman treated  him but it had to be done thankfully he did see   :02.760 --> :09.240 reasons with me and agreed to file for a divorce  as soon as he could I had other plans of course   :09.240 --> :15.040 no one could treat my father like crap and expect  to go unharmed I started with adding small doses   :15.040 --> :21.400 of laxatives to her coffee at random times so it  didn't seem like a pattern and then I graduated to   :21.400 --> :27.680 poison ivy in her body lotion a very small amount  that made her itch un comfortably throughout the   :27.680 --> :34.320 entire day till she was red in the face she tried  to accuse me but this time my father stood up for   :34.320 --> :40.240 me and told her that his son would never do such  a thing it was a stark difference to the man he   :40.240 --> :46.320 was a year ago and although he knew that I was  responsible for these childish games he defended   :46.320 --> :53.560 me the idea was to torture her until she decided  to leave first G was so adamant on being added to   :53.560 --> :58.960 the will that she was willing to stay through all  of the torture that's when I decided to pull out   :58.960 --> :05.000 the big guns after slipping her some sleeping  pills I photographed her in some compromising   :05.000 --> :10.520 positions with the help of a friend and then  we drew hot dogs on her face and posted them   :10.520 --> :16.360 to her Instagram it was hilarious because she  took her social media as seriously as one would   :16.360 --> :22.880 a real job speaking about her followers like they  were faithful worshippers my stepmother was livid   :22.880 --> :28.120 when she woke up and she threatened to sue me for  blackmail and a couple of of other things I simply   :28.120 --> :34.200 played her a compilation of all the evidence I  had of her abusing my father and making phone   :34.200 --> :39.920 calls about killing him off soon she was beyond  stunned but Tred to talk herself out of the   :39.920 --> :46.360 situation she even tried to offer hooking up with  me in exchange for destruction of the evidence I   :46.360 --> :52.240 was beyond disgusted but I did well to let her  know that my father was aware of everything that   :52.240 --> :58.320 was going on and needed her to leave the premise  before he got home from work it was the ultimate   :58.320 --> :03.680 Walk of Shame watching her move out with all of  her luggage and waiting for an Uber that decided   :03.680 --> :09.520 to take its sweet time I know it seems now like  I'm such an evil and spiteful person but it felt   :09.520 --> :15.800 like my responsibility to protect my father from  everyone and everything that intended to harm   :15.800 --> :22.720 him this woman was unfortunately a good Forno gold  digger who wanted my poor clueless father for just   :22.720 --> :28.400 his money he didn't even have that much a week  after she had left my father sent her the divorce   :28.400 --> :33.760 papers and they only saw each other during the  court proceedings in her true fashion she tried to   :33.760 --> :39.680 beg him for another chance but my father gave her  no attention and even filed a restraining order   :39.680 --> :45.080 against her when she would not stop showing up to  his home and doing weird crap she tried to Target   :45.080 --> :50.640 me as well but I blatantly ignored her until she  stopped a few months after it had all had blown   :50.640 --> :56.520 over we heard from a few sources that my father  was her third unsuccessful marriage and she had   :56.520 --> :02.920 never lost a partner to death she just lied so she  could get into those widower and Widow meetings   :02.920 --> :07.680 because apparently those were the only kinds of  men she was into my mother would be turning in   :07.680 --> :13.600 her grave if she saw the actions I took to get rid  of my father's gold digging exwife but I know that   :13.600 --> :20.440 I did the right thing and then some is forcing my  cheating girlfriend to flunk my girlfriend cheated   :20.440 --> :25.560 on me with a sound engineer at work and this is  how I got back at her my girlfriend and I have   :25.560 --> :30.520 been together since freshman year we actually went  to the same high school but didn't date and hardly   :30.520 --> :35.800 even spoke to each other in high school but when  we met in college we naturally gravitated towards   :35.800 --> :41.400 each other we both majored in the same course  so we saw each other often she asked me out   :41.400 --> :47.240 and we decided after a while to date each other  exclusively I never really got to place why but   :47.240 --> :53.120 I always felt my girlfriend was using me okay  maybe I know why you see my girlfriend is very   :53.120 --> :00.280 pretty and has the most amazing body she is very  hot guys drool over her all the time when we go   :00.280 --> :06.520 out I'd feel insecure about that but I was certain  that she loved me plus I was quite the catch too   :06.520 --> :12.360 while my girlfriend is insanely good-look I'm not  exactly bad when it comes to looks either I know   :12.360 --> :17.440 I'm cute and I'm insanely brilliant always have  been I made a lot of money and I'm still making   :17.440 --> :23.200 a lot of money from my smartness in high school  I used to charge all the cool kids good money to   :23.200 --> :28.120 help with their assignments and be their study  buddy we had an an actor in class who was always   :28.120 --> :33.080 busy and I helped with most of his assignments  and tutored him all through senior year when my   :33.080 --> :38.960 girlfriend wanted to drop out of school to pursue  a career in singing I encouraged her not to I did   :38.960 --> :43.640 this mostly because I knew she wanted to go to  college she's the first to go to college in her   :43.640 --> :49.840 family and she wanted to finish college so bad  but she also badly wanted to be a singer and she   :49.840 --> :56.000 constantly worried that if she did not start early  time may just pass her by I decided then that I'll   :56.000 --> :01.760 do most of the heavy lifting for her I'll write  her assignments and study with her so her burden   :01.760 --> :07.000 is lighter we signed up for the same courses to  ensure that our plan materializes and it worked   :07.000 --> :12.560 for us my girlfriend was a backup singer for a  popular artist and she was away from school most   :12.560 --> :17.360 of the time I kept her AB breast with all that  was happening in classes and studied with and   :17.360 --> :23.320 tutored her that way she maintained good grades  her sophomore year was a breeze because she was   :23.320 --> :28.280 able to get ahead in her music career while  still Main maining decent grades in school   :28.280 --> :33.560 the next year we decided to move in together we  rented a bigger place and it was easy because   :33.560 --> :39.160 she was making money and I was making money from  tutoring other students too my girlfriend was not   :39.160 --> :45.160 the most brilliant student but she made a huge  effort towards getting a good cgpa each year   :45.160 --> :51.120 it was very important to her that she graduated  from University with decent grades and we worked   :51.120 --> :58.080 both arduously to make that happen we did move in  together and things continued to go smoothly until   :58.080 --> :04.800 she started to get very secretive I noticed some  weird Behavior first she was extremely protective   :04.800 --> :09.160 of her phone she would carry it with her wherever  she went and would be startled whenever it   :09.160 --> :14.280 vibrated one day we were sitting on the couch  I was giving her a summary of a book we were   :14.280 --> :19.880 reading in class when her phone rang I was closer  to the phone and wanted to pick it up and pass it   :19.880 --> :26.160 to her but she slapped my hand off it and quickly  picked it up that was when my suspicion arose   :26.960 --> :32.440 I just did not get why she was so protective of  her phone we don't go snooping around each other's   :32.440 --> :36.960 phones but I won't deny the fact that I was  tempted to do that later in the evening while she   :36.960 --> :43.760 took a nap that was the first sign that something  strange was happening the second was her constant   :43.760 --> :49.880 absent-mindedness sometimes we'd be in the middle  of a conversation and she'd just stare blankly at   :49.880 --> :55.520 me at a point I had to call her out on it I needed  to be listened to when I talked about my day and   :55.520 --> :01.160 it was hard feel like I was being heard when all  she did was stare blankly at me as I spoke to her   :01.160 --> :07.000 we had a big fight about it she accused me of  being insensitive despite knowing how severely   :07.000 --> :13.240 stressed she was and how much pressure she was  under I felt bad that day and apologized she   :13.240 --> :19.000 accepted my apology and we were okay afterward  my girlfriend also stopped talking about work as   :19.000 --> :26.120 much she would simply tell me her day went good it  was very much unlike her because usually she lik   :26.120 --> :32.080 likes to talk she would go on and on and tell me  even the smallest details of what happened at the   :32.080 --> :38.200 studio she would talk about the singer she works  for the other backup singers the dancers and all   :38.200 --> :43.600 of that my girlfriend also stopped insisting on me  having come with her wherever she was performing   :43.600 --> :49.080 with the artist she works for before that time we  traveled together sometimes I usually stayed back   :49.080 --> :54.800 in the hotel room though since I don't do well  with crowds and I always had work to do anyway   :54.800 --> :58.840 she would make me come on the trip with her  but at some point she just stopped asking me   :58.840 --> :04.520 to come along with her I assumed she was tired  of convincing me and let it be I figured she was   :04.520 --> :10.160 stressed from traveling around with the artist  the rehearsals and the stress from school so   :10.160 --> :16.120 I tried as much as possible to not compound her  problems by pushing deeply to know what was wrong   :16.120 --> :21.120 but I certainly could feel that things were off  eventually I decided to have a conversation with   :21.120 --> :27.000 her about it and she said she was fine I'm just  really stressed most times and you know I have a   :27.000 --> :32.880 lot to worry about she said it wasn't until 3  weeks after that that I found out exactly what   :32.880 --> :38.160 was going on with my girlriend I'd gone out to  tutor a group of students who pay for my services   :38.160 --> :42.560 I thought I'd be turning in late but I didn't  stay for that long because the group had other   :42.560 --> :47.840 commitments I returned home to see my girlfriend  passed out on the couch she had rehearsals all   :47.840 --> :52.840 through the night and was tired her phone  was beside her on the couch and I became very   :52.840 --> :58.400 curious I picked it up and left for the bedroom  for minutes I debated with myself on whether I   :58.400 --> :04.160 should Snoop or not it was wrong to Snoop I know  my girlfriend would be upset if she caught me and   :04.160 --> :10.480 I didn't want to risk that happening especially if  I found out nothing was going on I decided to risk   :10.480 --> :16.120 it and do it anyway I imputed her password but  was denied entry it turned out she had changed   :16.120 --> :21.280 her password I used to know her password she had  just won for a while until she went to perform at   :21.280 --> :26.960 a concert in another state and visited her sister  who resides in that state her nephew managed to   :26.960 --> :32.320 find out what her password was so she had to  change it but she told me what her new password   :32.320 --> :38.760 was when she returned she had changed her password  again and I didn't know what it was that made me   :38.760 --> :45.320 even more Curious I had to get into that phone and  figure out what she was hiding I decided to check   :45.320 --> :51.440 her journal you see my girlfriend doesn't exactly  have a strong memory she always write stuff down   :51.440 --> :56.960 from song lyrics to her students ID numbers and  she would write those sorts of things in her   :56.960 --> :04.320 journal I carefully perused her journal and found  a number she wrote PW right before it so I figured   :04.320 --> :10.480 it was your phone's password well I was wrong I  started to get anxious but I was determined to   :10.480 --> :17.280 go through it it then occur to me that I could use  her thumb to unlock her phone but what if she woke   :17.280 --> :23.360 up abruptly I could lie about wanting to use her  phone for the paper I was writing I sneaked back   :23.360 --> :29.160 into the living room and pressed the phone lightly  on her thumb it unlocked and I hurried back into   :29.160 --> :35.720 the room back in the room I scanned through her  direct messaging app and my heart raced perhaps   :35.720 --> :42.520 she was no longer interested in our relationship  maybe I had started to bore her or she met someone   :42.520 --> :49.920 else well the last part was true my girlfriend  had met someone else I saw a chat where she told   :49.920 --> :56.000 her sister about him she mentioned his name and  said he was a sound engineer so I searched for his   :56.000 --> :01.040 name on her phone and skimmed through their text  from what I could see they had been talking for a   :01.040 --> :06.600 while now there wasn't time to read all through so  I just read the latter part of their messages she   :06.600 --> :12.120 had invited him into her hotel room on their last  trip and they had hooked up she was telling him   :12.120 --> :19.520 how guilty she felt and was considering confessing  to me I surprisingly was not so angry not as angry   :19.520 --> :24.440 as I'd always imagined I would be if my girlfriend  cheated on me I dropped her phone back on the   :24.440 --> :31.040 couch where she lay but not so carefully this time  she didn't even Flinch she has to be exhausted I   :31.040 --> :36.240 thought and hated myself immediately for even  caring for all I know she could have spent the   :36.240 --> :41.680 night with him I picked up a few books changed  my shirt and left for the library I had no idea   :41.680 --> :46.360 how to handle the information I'd just gotten I  didn't want to break up with her though I know   :46.360 --> :51.040 I couldn't do that at least not at that time  I could not handle dealing with the end of a   :51.040 --> :56.920 relationship and studying for exams at the same  time plus I had two major assignments to do and   :56.920 --> :03.040 I could not imagine failing them that night I went  back to the house and acted as if nothing happened   :03.040 --> :07.880 she made us both dinner but I was too irritated  to eat it was clear though that something was   :07.880 --> :13.120 wrong because I barely spoke to my girlfriend I  could tell she was battling with guilt because   :13.120 --> :18.600 she kept hovering around wanting to do things for  me without even being asked the next morning she   :18.600 --> :23.920 said we needed to talk I was honestly terrified  I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth and   :23.920 --> :28.960 joined her later in the kitchen to discuss just  whatever she wanted to talk about I could not let   :28.960 --> :34.600 her confess to me first I had to tell her that I  knew she was cheating I wondered if she had just   :34.600 --> :40.440 decided to pick the guy over me that was probably  why she wanted to talk she had decided that it   :40.440 --> :45.840 would be best to be with cool sound engineer and  was leaving me I left for the kitchen and quietly   :45.840 --> :53.000 said I know she says what do you know I say I know  about the sound engineer dude her countenance did   :53.000 --> :59.320 not exactly look good before but now it looked  even worse she started to apologize but I cut   :59.320 --> :05.520 her off I say if you want to break up that's fine  I'll move out no no no I'll move out she pressed   :05.520 --> :11.160 her face to the kitchen counter and cried I looked  away from her she cried for minutes and just stood   :11.160 --> :17.440 there refusing to look at her I love my girlfriend  okay I could not imagine a life without her she's   :17.440 --> :23.200 a big deal to me and I wanted nothing more than  to wrap her in my arms and tell her it was okay   :23.200 --> :30.280 but I was hurt too and it certainly was not okay  I say well what do you want to do do you want to   :30.280 --> :37.920 break up move out I needed to know what exactly  her plans were anyway she says no I say no she   :37.920 --> :43.400 says I don't want to break up with you I don't  ever want to break up with you I hate myself she   :43.400 --> :50.080 said in between sobs I simply walked back into the  room one thing was clear though she was not going   :50.080 --> :55.840 to leave me the next few weeks were not easy  for my girlfriend and me I barely spoke to her   :55.840 --> :02.400 and she walked on eggshells around me eventually  we started to talk in mono syllables and it got   :02.400 --> :07.960 better but things remained a bit tense she would  let me know wherever she went who she was with   :07.960 --> :13.080 and what they were doing probably to build the  trust again meanwhile it was getting close to the   :13.080 --> :18.440 deadline to turn in a major assignment and we'd  agreed before I found out she was cheating that   :18.440 --> :24.400 I was going to do it for her and she would just  turn it in I had written the abstract and I only   :24.400 --> :29.760 needed to continue with my research and give it  to her but I could not bring myself to continue   :29.760 --> :37.080 with it I decided on the perfect way to get back  at her I was going to make her fail the course   :37.080 --> :43.680 don't judge me please my girlfriend had been very  selfish I did everything for us I took care of her   :43.680 --> :49.920 schoolwork proofread her assignments tutored her  and wholly supported her budding career in music   :49.920 --> :56.200 and she paid me back by cheating on me with some  sound engineer it was unfair to me and I had every   :56.200 --> :01.760 right to be angry I didn't want her to leave but I  had to get my revenge so I could feel better about   :01.760 --> :07.200 it I was undecided about whether or not to follow  through with my Planet first but I chose to do it   :07.200 --> :13.680 eventually I was not going to let her off easy she  had to feel what I felt and I knew the best way to   :13.680 --> :20.520 do that was to hit her where it hurt her academics  I downloaded an essay written by a famous author   :20.520 --> :27.080 on the subject copied them word for word and gave  it to her to turn in emailed it right away before   :27.080 --> :33.440 me and I immediately felt bad about it but I  could not tell her as it was too late anyway   :33.440 --> :39.400 I had a soft spot for her but I was not going to  let it get in the way of getting my pound of Flesh   :39.400 --> :45.160 months later as expected the lecturer invited her  over to his office and informed her that she was   :45.160 --> :53.320 going to have to sit before a panel for turning in  a 100% plagiarized paper it was a lot of trouble   :53.320 --> :59.640 for her but she managed to convince the to let  her off easy our university has zero tolerance for   :59.640 --> :05.360 plagiarism but she was able to plead her way out  of getting suspended or getting expelled she did   :05.360 --> :11.240 fail the course though what happened at home you  may Wonder well she was mad at me she cried and I   :11.240 --> :18.760 cried because I genuinely felt bad but I also felt  good that she felt what I felt when she cheated I   :18.760 --> :25.080 insisted though that it was not deliberate I told  her I was mad at her and very hurt and I just did   :25.080 --> :30.120 a lazy job because I could not get my thoughts  together to write something original I also   :30.120 --> :35.880 said I didn't think about the school's policy on  plagiarism she moved out for a while but we came   :35.880 --> :41.120 back together months later and are trying to move  on from the pain we've caused each other I feel   :41.120 --> :47.320 bad about what I did but I wouldn't say I regret  it I mean honestly if they can regroup and move   :47.320 --> :52.880 on together from what both of them did to each  other my hat would be more than off for them all   :52.880 --> :59.320 I know is is if I was an OP situation I wouldn't  have nearly the amount of forgiveness op had so I   :59.320 --> :04.360 don't know whether most people would think it's  dumb or impressive but I definitely think what   :04.360 --> :10.120 op did here zagged pretty hard against what most  people would zigg is how I ruined my girlfriend's   :10.120 --> :15.960 sister's Wordle strak this has to be the pettiest  thing I have ever done but I had a really good   :15.960 --> :21.120 reason for it and that's the point of writing  this I guess so here goes my girlfriend and I   :21.120 --> :26.120 are super competitive it's one of the reasons why  I was attracted to her the first time we met I was   :26.120 --> :31.440 new in town fresh out of college settling into  a new job and my friends from work had convinced   :31.440 --> :36.600 me to try out this bar that hosted trivia nights  because they knew how much of a trivia head I am   :36.600 --> :42.600 decided to go with them one Friday evening and I  met the love of my life after battling it out in   :42.600 --> :47.400 trivia for an hour I was leading the team for my  work and she was with a couple of her girlfriends   :47.400 --> :52.400 out to celebrate a promotion her sister had been a  part of the team but I didn't really notice any of   :52.400 --> :57.600 them after my girlfriend got the correct answer  to how many pints of blood are in the average   :57.600 --> :03.760 human body after we started dating we called the  story about how we met the nine pint because the   :03.760 --> :08.920 answer to that question was nine pints but she'd  been drinking we were all drinking way too much   :08.920 --> :15.520 for 7:00 p.m. on a Wednesday anyway and when she  answered she said pins waited 2 seconds and then   :15.520 --> :21.760 shouted I forgot the tea everyone laughed about  it and I couldn't take my eyes off her so long   :21.760 --> :28.800 story short I used her Outburst as an entry for  an equally wacky pickup line after her team won   :28.800 --> :34.240 and she liked my face well enough that she wanted  to see what was in my head her words not mine so   :34.240 --> :39.000 she agreed to get some burgers with me that night  now this Revenge story isn't about my girlfriend   :39.000 --> :43.800 it's about her sister I just needed to explain  how we met and a little about our relationship   :43.800 --> :49.080 Dynamics so you can understand why things went  down the way they did I'm a competitive person   :49.080 --> :56.120 and so is my girlfriend but her sister takes it to  new levels she is downright vicious and toxic on   :56.120 --> :00.640 the night we met my girlfriend and her sister  had an ongoing bet that whoever was able to   :00.640 --> :06.280 land a date first would get to pick their social  activities for the next couple of months knowing   :06.280 --> :11.600 how much my girlfriend loves trivia Kad motivated  their friend group to come to the bar that night   :11.600 --> :16.480 hoping that while my girlfriend was busy with  the game she could score a date for herself but   :16.480 --> :21.560 she hadn't factored in the fact that someone  as interested in trivia as her sister would   :21.560 --> :27.720 find her attractive long story short she hates my  guts even though it's been three years at family   :27.720 --> :33.880 dinners in their parents home she actually refuses  to pass anything to me and after she accidentally   :33.880 --> :40.000 kicked my shin one time I try not to sit anywhere  within proximity of her pointy shoes my girlfriend   :40.000 --> :44.840 thinks Kade doesn't really remember the reason  why she started hating me and she just Hates   :44.840 --> :50.080 Me by default at this point but I know that she  does I'm a constant reminder of a challenge she   :50.080 --> :55.520 lost to her baby sister and considering the fact  that Kay hasn't had a relationship in the past   :55.520 --> :00.400 years there's more than enough material for her  to hate on me for but my girlfriend still hangs   :00.400 --> :04.800 out with her because their group of friends have  stayed together since they were kids and I'm not   :04.800 --> :09.760 going to be the disruption to that part of her  life I honestly don't mind Kay's animosity and   :09.760 --> :14.600 I did my best to stay out of her way over the  years but in the rare events that we share space   :14.600 --> :21.280 and have to interact K will do anything and  everything to prove that she's better than I   :21.280 --> :27.280 and my girlfriend my girlfriend who was fiery  to everyone but her big sister was quick to   :27.280 --> :31.880 tell her it was all right and we would just get  something else to share so instead of risking   :31.880 --> :37.880 another situation like that we just try to avoid  Kay and anything that has to do with her as much   :37.880 --> :45.120 as possible Kay however is Relentless and uses  every opportunity she sees to create chaos one   :45.120 --> :50.240 time my girlfriend and I went to Vegas for the  weekend we were celebrating her promotion at work   :50.240 --> :54.960 and although I suggested that we take our dog to  my friend's place for the weekend she had asked   :54.960 --> :00.480 k to watch the dog while we were out as you can  imagine I wasn't comfortable with this idea for   :00.480 --> :07.440 many reasons K in our apartment alone with our dog  it just gets worse but I didn't want to upset my   :07.440 --> :13.040 girlfriend and I told her it was cool but if our  dog developed any health issues I would call the   :13.040 --> :20.560 cops and report K she laughed thinking I was being  dramatic but I was serious our weekend was fun but   :20.560 --> :26.040 it was over pretty quickly and as we were heading  back home I remember thinking that I'd not been   :26.040 --> :32.040 worried about the dog or the apartment while we  were away but as soon as we entered Town my nerves   :32.040 --> :38.160 were on high ends my girlfriend thought it was  funny that I was so worried but I was so confident   :38.160 --> :44.280 that Kay would have been up to no good and I was  right she had been bored and had taken all the   :44.280 --> :49.600 frames that held pictures of me and my girlfriend  and moved them from the living room to our bedroom   :49.600 --> :55.000 then replaced them with pictures of my girlfriend  and their family like that wasn't bad enough she   :55.000 --> :00.480 had taken our dog to get a trim in styling but  according to her the attendant at the pet shop   :00.480 --> :06.520 was new and there was a bald patch on our dog's  back I was furious and I just left the apartment   :06.520 --> :11.360 for a few minutes while she got her things and  left I spent the rest of that day reassuring my   :11.360 --> :18.400 fiance that Kay could never change anything about  the way I felt about her or our relationship but I   :18.400 --> :24.400 made her promise to keep some distance between me  and Kay as much as she could and she did just that   :24.400 --> :29.080 if the girls want wanted to go out she wouldn't  agree for them to meet up at our place and if   :29.080 --> :34.960 their family had any plans that would only be her  parents she and I and K we would make up an excuse   :34.960 --> :40.840 for me to be absent her mom knew what was going on  and tried to apologize for Kay's Behavior but it   :40.840 --> :47.240 seemed to me like they were all excusing what was  outrightly unacceptable behavior and nobody was   :47.240 --> :53.320 actually talking to the person at the center of it  all K I know it's not up to me to correct anyone's   :53.320 --> :58.840 Behavior especially someone that everyone knows  we don't see eye to eye so I just stuck with the   :58.840 --> :04.680 status quo and there was no incident except the  random oh I forgot you were joining us I didn't   :04.680 --> :11.560 get XYZ for you then 3 months ago I proposed to  my girlfriend it was a month after our 3-year   :11.560 --> :16.840 anniversary and it felt right so I whisked her  away for a trivia themed treasure hunt around   :16.840 --> :21.800 downtown and at the end of the hunt we were at  the bar where we met and her family was waiting   :21.800 --> :29.040 to surprise her it was emotional and beautiful and  it was perfect because Kay was absent she had been   :29.040 --> :34.600 at the hospital she had an emergency appendix  surgery but I sincerely believe that it was   :34.600 --> :39.880 the influence of someone up above some higher  power that was looking out for my fiance and   :39.880 --> :45.160 I the proposal went on without incident Kay was  recovering in their parents' home and there was   :45.160 --> :50.560 such a calm in that period that I should have been  instantly suspicious about but I was enjoying the   :50.560 --> :56.240 feeling of not having to look behind my shoulder  or holding my cup for hours so Kay wouldn't drop   :56.240 --> :02.240 a laxative in it she once did that to her younger  sister so I wouldn't be surprised a month after   :02.240 --> :08.120 the proposal in Kay surgery my fiance and I had to  help kay move back to her apartment their parents   :08.120 --> :13.120 were away the girls in their friend group were  all occupied and they didn't want Kay to strain   :13.120 --> :18.560 herself and I was definitely not going to let  my fiance help her out alone because she would   :18.560 --> :23.360 end up doing all the work herself so I helped K  pack all the stuff she had brought over to her   :23.360 --> :28.880 parents place while recovering and we moved them  to her apartment when everything was sorted Kay   :28.880 --> :35.240 was very insistent on treating us to lunch which  was odd but I didn't want to create a scene so I   :35.240 --> :40.720 agreed she chose a restaurant that was close to  my fiance and I's apartment and after we ate she   :40.720 --> :46.400 said she needed a nap really quickly because her  pain meds were wearing her out it made sense and   :46.400 --> :52.200 she'd been relatively normal all day so there was  no reason to question it not until 2 hours later   :52.200 --> :58.880 when I asked myself why I ever thought it would be  a good idea to think of Kay as a real person Kay   :58.880 --> :04.000 slept in the guest room where my fiance kept most  of her Collectibles from competitions and stuff   :04.000 --> :09.440 like that and when Kay woke up she thought to play  a prank on her sister by taking a collection of   :09.440 --> :15.640 coasters from all the places where my fiance had  won a trivia game and dumping them in the trash   :15.640 --> :21.880 in the bathroom it wasn't until 2 hours after she  left that we figured out what she did my fiance   :21.880 --> :26.720 was talking about making a memory book for our  wedding which is an 8 months and she wanted to   :26.720 --> :32.000 include a picture of the bar coaster from the  night we met we searched every corner of the   :32.000 --> :37.000 guest room for it and it was when she checked  the bathroom for the second time that we found   :37.000 --> :43.440 the coasters in the bin obviously she was furious  at her sister but I knew it would fizzle out and I   :43.440 --> :49.320 knew I had had enough Kay may be too old to learn  a valuable life lesson but she can never be too   :49.320 --> :55.120 old to be hurt through something that would have  value to her so I took my time I thought about   :55.120 --> :00.480 everything I know about her and then I remembered  that she'd been keeping a streak on wle after she   :00.480 --> :05.120 got into playing it at the hospital and then  during her recovery she and some people she   :05.120 --> :12.120 found online were in this chart contest SLB thing  and whoever got to a day 100 streak first would   :12.120 --> :19.760 get about $1,000 or so Kay being the competition  monster that she is was eager about both the money   :19.760 --> :25.360 and the chance to prove that she was better than  someone and she kept the streak religiously every   :25.360 --> :31.560 day at 8:00 p.m. when she wouldn't be distracted  she played the game my fiance had told me that   :31.560 --> :36.480 on more than one occasion Kay had combed the  internet in search of the word for the day when   :36.480 --> :42.000 she couldn't crack the answer it was the perfect  plan as far as I'm concerned it was something she   :42.000 --> :48.040 worked hard at held value for her and it would  be horrible if she lost at a time when it would   :48.040 --> :53.760 really hit her deep it was easy to bait her into  a conversation about wartle a few weeks after she   :53.760 --> :59.840 trashed my fiance coasters all I had to do was  tell her I'd heard about an ongoing bed about wle   :59.840 --> :07.160 in town and I was thinking of taking it seriously  ever dismissing she said I'm not sure you have   :07.160 --> :13.640 the brains for it there's only two of us on Day  94 it's a lot of catching up but the only thing   :13.640 --> :20.400 I needed to play catch up was between her and the  consequences of her actions she needed to feel at   :20.400 --> :28.120 least 1% of the mental stress and pain she had put  us through my fiance knew Kay's phone password and   :28.120 --> :33.160 most of her other passwords because Kay was crappy  at remembering stuff like that so I told her about   :33.160 --> :39.080 the plan to ruin K streak and she was fully on  board she could get back at her sister and make   :39.080 --> :46.480 her a loser so it was perfect on day 98 my fiance  called her sister and told her I had a friend   :46.480 --> :51.920 coming over who would really like to meet her  Kay was quick to accept surely thinking that it   :51.920 --> :57.840 would be an opportunity to say some unflattering  things about me or my fiance I met with one of my   :57.840 --> :03.080 friends from the gym and told him I was trying to  teach Kay a lesson he was down for it and his role   :03.080 --> :10.360 was simple be as Charming as humanly possible so  she would be distracted on day 99 of her streak   :10.360 --> :16.280 K came to our apartment we had dinner at 6:00  p.m. and at 700 my friend who'd been laying it   :16.280 --> :22.200 on thick told Kay that he would like for them to  share a glass of wine on the balcony and watch the   :22.200 --> :28.120 sunset she was quick to agree and from where we'd  been watching them in the kitchen my fiance and I   :28.120 --> :35.400 exchanged a look as soon as he slid the balcony  door behind them my fiance unlocked K's phone   :35.400 --> :40.600 we quickly opened the worldle site and signed her  out of the game so if she even remembered to play   :40.600 --> :45.960 it later on it wouldn't be recorded as a streak  the whole thing took us about a minute and by the   :45.960 --> :51.440 time the sun had fully set and Kay was back inside  the apartment with my friend it was like nothing   :51.440 --> :57.680 happened 8:00 p.m. came and went but K was too of  absorbed to my friend to even notice and by 10:   :57.680 --> :02.680 p.m. my gym friend was ready to leave he  later told me that although she was obviously   :02.680 --> :08.240 self-absorbed and insensitive he was still willing  to date her after the whole drama was over so he'd   :08.240 --> :12.920 gotten her number but that's not something I  want to get into right now Kay left our place   :12.920 --> :18.680 about 30 minutes later eager to get home and hear  from her new man and she was pleased to remind   :18.680 --> :24.800 my fiance that he was taller than me and had more  muscles than I could carry but I couldn't be faced   :24.800 --> :31.000 in less than an hour the whole thing would have  been worth it at about that night Kay called   :31.000 --> :36.840 my fiance and was having a panic attack because  she had forgotten to play wartle and she could   :36.840 --> :42.480 lose her streak oh yeah we'd cleared it out of  her browsing history too so she couldn't find it   :42.480 --> :49.000 my wonderful ever calm fiance reassured her sister  and sent her the link urging her to open it with a   :49.000 --> :54.720 different browser in case there was a problem on  her phone Kay was super grateful and hung up 15   :54.720 --> :01.480 minutes later kay was firing up their family group  chat with it's gone my streak is gone messages and   :01.480 --> :08.360 calling my fiance repeatedly so what did we do my  fiance and I spent the evening cuddling with some   :08.360 --> :14.680 wine and are now fully and evenly furred dog  the win was in two ways we'd made her lose an   :14.680 --> :19.720 important game and if things worked out with her  in my gym friend even briefly we wouldn't have   :19.720 --> :25.320 to deal with her for a good while we ruined  K's whle streak last week and I haven't seen   :25.320 --> :32.800 her since then life is good our next story is  revenge against my party pooper boyfriend this   :32.800 --> :38.320 was how I got back at my boyfriend for leaving me  to myself at a party dominated by his colleagues   :38.320 --> :44.760 and friends my boyfriend is generally a sweet guy  but everything changes as soon as we have company   :44.760 --> :51.360 he's very outgoing and likes to have fun and enjoy  himself and sadly sometimes this means him acting   :51.360 --> :57.120 like I don't exist when we go out for functions I  complain twice but he never did anything about it   :57.120 --> :02.720 until I got back at him this happened 2 years ago  almost a year after my boyfriend and I started to   :02.720 --> :08.640 live together we decided to live together after 3  months of dating exclusively and while it may seem   :08.640 --> :14.200 too early for some people we were totally fine  with it excited even well we were in love and it   :14.200 --> :19.480 seemed like the perfect time to do it so we went  for it at the time we didn't have a lot of issues   :19.480 --> :24.520 save for the minor issues a couple has to deal  with after moving in together and one reoccurred   :24.520 --> :31.360 uring issue my boyfriend is very extroverted and  it was very annoying don't get me wrong I always   :31.360 --> :36.800 knew he was an extrovert and I loved him for it we  compliment each other but sometimes when we were   :36.800 --> :42.880 in public he would get so soaked in conversing  with other people that he'd forget about me the   :42.880 --> :46.960 first time this happened was when we hung out  with a couple of his friends in their house they   :46.960 --> :52.200 were all busy playing games and having fun and I  sort of felt left out because I didn't know them   :52.200 --> :57.360 that well and the group was sharing inside jokes  and laughing their butts off my boyfriend barely   :57.360 --> :01.640 even spoke to me the whole time we were there  he was busy entertaining the guests and trying   :01.640 --> :07.240 to be a host never mind the fact that he wasn't  even the host I felt so awkward it was like high   :07.240 --> :12.880 school all over I was quite the nerd in high  school so I was hardly invited for anything it   :12.880 --> :18.200 didn't help that my parents were strict and very  religious so I hardly had any friends either I   :18.200 --> :23.200 was mad at my boyfriend and I spoke to him about  it he said it wasn't deliberate and that he was   :23.200 --> :28.960 just having his fun while he apologized for his  behavior I knew he didn't mean his apology or   :28.960 --> :34.760 even understand what I was talking about or why  I was offended but I didn't push it I assumed   :34.760 --> :40.080 that since he had apologized we could simply just  move on from there the second time my boyfriend   :40.080 --> :45.280 completely ignored me was when we went for his  parents marriage anniversary I'd only met his dad   :45.280 --> :51.440 twice and his mom Thrice so we didn't have a very  close relationship yet he has a large family so   :51.440 --> :57.480 his aunts cousins and uncles were present they all  know each other and everyone was laughing talking   :57.480 --> :04.160 and catching up while I was just there feeling and  looking like the odd one my boyfriend ignored me   :04.160 --> :09.080 all throughout that party many of his childhood  friends and co-workers were at that party and   :09.080 --> :14.200 he was more interested in chatting with them  getting noticed and just generally being his   :14.200 --> :20.960 usual Mr entertainment self his mom must have  noticed how lonely I was because she randomly   :20.960 --> :26.200 checked up on me asked if I was doing okay and  encouraged me to mingle with other people at the   :26.200 --> :32.360 party it was hard to do that though I'm naturally  introverted and I'm not one to start conversations   :32.360 --> :37.640 with people I don't know sometimes I envied how  my boyfriend would just get along with people I   :37.640 --> :42.200 did not have that going on for me and it took a  lot of time and effort to get comfortable with   :42.200 --> :49.120 people I didn't enjoy myself at the party and  I felt bad and even guilty about it my not so   :49.120 --> :54.440 good mood was obvious and many people present saw  that I was afraid they would simply think of me   :54.440 --> :00.000 as a stuck up person or just someone with a nasty  attitude which was really what many people thought   :00.000 --> :06.560 of me in high school I felt even sadder because  my boyfriend knew how very shy I got in public   :06.560 --> :12.200 yet he left me to myself all through the party  he didn't even bother to get me drinks on our   :12.200 --> :18.880 way home I confronted him and he apologized but I  wasn't having it he had done it before anyway and   :18.880 --> :24.400 at this point I wasn't going to just settle for  another half-hearted apology we argued in the car   :24.400 --> :30.520 and he blamed me for not finding a way to enjoy  myself and meet new people at the party he also   :30.520 --> :35.440 dismissed my feelings and said I was making  a big deal out of the whole thing I was angry   :35.440 --> :42.000 at how insensitive he was since I barely knew his  people it was only fair that he stayed at my side   :42.000 --> :48.680 introduced me to people and carried me along in  conversations we were both mad at each other and   :48.680 --> :53.760 didn't speak to each other until we decided to  move on from that incident and he promised that   :53.760 --> :59.400 he was going going to make sure I would never feel  that way at an event again like the previous one   :59.400 --> :06.080 this apology sounded fake and was lacking in depth  it was obvious that my boyfriend didn't mean the   :06.080 --> :11.400 apology and he still didn't get why I thought  his actions were insensitive later that year my   :11.400 --> :16.920 boyfriend's cooworker and friend at the law firmy  Works in was promoted and his wife organized a   :16.920 --> :23.160 party she invited his co-workers and Friends of  course my life of the party boyfriend was invited   :23.160 --> :29.160 and I had to be there with him when my boyfriend  told me about it I blatantly said I was not going   :29.160 --> :34.200 to go I knew how lonely I got when my boyfriend  and I are out with people and I wasn't ready to   :34.200 --> :40.160 deal with that again so I refused my boyfriend  however convinced me to go with him I brought   :40.160 --> :45.760 up his habit of ditching me and he promised that  it was never going to happen on this occasion I   :45.760 --> :52.280 trusted him so I agreed to go with him that was  a big mistake on my part I should have insisted   :52.280 --> :59.080 and stayed home but he was so so convincing and  I agreed I'd forgotten that convincing people was   :59.080 --> :05.120 literally what my boyfriend did for a living and  he was very good at it that evening my boyfriend   :05.120 --> :10.280 drove us to the party's venue and just as we  got there he saw one of his friends from law   :10.280 --> :16.040 school he almost jumped out of the car happily  it was like a puppy that just saw its owner it   :16.040 --> :22.360 would have been cute to me if I didn't immediately  realized that I was going to get ignored all night   :22.360 --> :29.040 again my boyfriend gave me the car keys and left  me to park the car properly for 30 minutes he was   :29.040 --> :34.960 talking on and on with his friend from law school  I just stood by the car in my gorgeous dress and   :34.960 --> :40.560 heels staring into space they were so engrossed in  their conversation that my boyfriend didn't even   :40.560 --> :46.400 bother to make a proper introduction until his  friend pointed at me and asked is that your woman   :46.400 --> :51.120 he then said yes and brought his friend close to  the car where I was still standing and introduced   :51.120 --> :56.880 us I was already pissed because I knew how the  was going to go he would see his friends they   :56.880 --> :02.320 would all laugh and talk and he would forget that  he even came with someone the party had barely   :02.320 --> :07.880 started and he'd already abandoned me to chat with  his old pal anyway as soon as we got into the Hall   :07.880 --> :14.360 he turned to me and apologetically said sorry babe  I see someone I want to talk to and disappeared   :14.360 --> :20.080 that was how our evening went he would randomly  walk up to me ask if I was doing okay and leave   :20.080 --> :24.760 again I knew he was just doing that so he could  tell me that he at least checked up St on me if   :24.760 --> :30.400 I bring up his disappearance later I felt he was  manipulative and I spent my evening at the party   :30.400 --> :36.600 planning my revenge wondering what I could do to  make him feel just as I was feeling the celebrant   :36.600 --> :42.200 wife caught me watching my boyfriend laughing  and drinking from afar and tapped me lightly on   :42.200 --> :48.600 the arm he's such a funny guy you're lucky she  said I rolled my eyes and said it would be nice   :48.600 --> :54.160 if he was more attentive she sighed and sat on  the chair just before me have you spoken to him   :54.160 --> :59.320 about this the concern in my voice made it clear  that she very well understood what I was talking   :59.320 --> :05.760 about yes I have he promises to change each time  but we go out again and he acts like I'm not even   :05.760 --> :10.840 there she chuckled lightly and stopped a waiter  who was just passing she picked two glasses and   :10.840 --> :15.960 handed me one but I declined I'd already had three  glasses and that was more than enough for one   :15.960 --> :21.640 evening too much alcohol was certainly not good  for my system especially when I'm in a foul mood   :21.640 --> :26.800 I told her that and she giggled about not wanting  out alcohol especially when I'm already upset she   :26.800 --> :32.480 said honey I've been married for 10 years and if  there's one thing I've learned men don't listen   :32.480 --> :38.280 when you talk you have to let your actions speak  for you she patted me on the arm and walked away   :38.280 --> :44.160 I had planned to get back at him but I became  even more gingered to do it I was determined   :44.160 --> :50.240 to let my actions speak for me on our way home I  didn't say anything about what had happened I was   :50.240 --> :55.800 quiet all through the ride and my boyfriend asked  if I was all right at in intervals I said I was   :55.800 --> :01.720 okay at each time and we continued our journey  back home in silence I was in my boss's office   :01.720 --> :06.480 some weeks after that night when I overheard my  boss on the phone he was telling his wife about   :06.480 --> :12.080 some tickets she got and expressing displeasure  about not being able to go to the concert my boss   :12.080 --> :17.840 and I have a good relationship and we spoke quite  often so I asked him what it was about my boss's   :17.840 --> :23.400 wife had gotten tickets to a John Legend concert  but he'd also planned a weekend trip for them she   :23.400 --> :28.200 didn't tell them because she wanted to surprise  him and he didn't tell her for the same reason do   :28.200 --> :34.040 you want the tickets my boss asked me I wouldn't  want it to go to waste I excitedly said yes my   :34.040 --> :40.680 boyfriend loves concerts and he was a huge fan of  John Legend I was surprised that he didn't already   :40.680 --> :46.320 know about the concert and have tickets already  when I got home my boyfriend was upset he'd   :46.320 --> :51.480 asked his assistant to get him tickets to John  Legend's concert but his assistant wasn't able   :51.480 --> :56.800 to I heard him telling this to a friend in a voice  voice message I was going to announce that I had   :56.800 --> :03.440 tickets to the concert but I decided against it it  was my perfect chance to get back to my boyfriend   :03.440 --> :09.440 and I was going to take it that Saturday I told  my boyfriend I had plans with a coworker and he   :09.440 --> :15.440 just nodded my boyfriend is not used to me having  a social life and he was probably even happy I was   :15.440 --> :21.040 going out without him I knew he'd be more curious  if he knew who I was going with because I was sure   :21.040 --> :26.920 he just assumed it was a lady at work I was going  to the concert with one of my co-workers whom my   :26.920 --> :32.240 boyfriend heavily disliked when we first started  dating my boyfriend would say that the guy liked   :32.240 --> :38.760 me and he felt we were too close I knew it would  crush him to find out I went to a John Legend   :38.760 --> :43.800 concert with this guy but that didn't care my  boyfriend was taking a nap when the cooworker came   :43.800 --> :49.600 to pick me up and we went to the concert together  just as we were going in I started to feel very   :49.600 --> :55.680 bad about not taking my boyfriend I knew he would  have killed me the concert I planed to rub it   :55.680 --> :01.320 in his face that I had tickets to John Legends  concert but chose not to take him but chose not   :01.320 --> :08.320 to take him before but I changed my mind I decided  that I was going to simply not mention the concert   :08.320 --> :13.880 well it was too late one of his friends saw me and  he came over with his wife to say hello I knew his   :13.880 --> :20.000 friend was going to tell him so I had to tell him  too my coworker and I had so much fun that evening   :20.000 --> :24.640 and it was nice to see what he was like outside  the work environment when he took me back to our   :24.640 --> :30.000 apartment my boyfriend was just outside to this  day I don't know if he'd been going out to get   :30.000 --> :35.880 something or if he was waiting for me because his  friend told him he saw me and a guy at the concert   :35.880 --> :42.520 the two men said a cold impersonal hello to each  other and my coworker drove off my boyfriend was   :42.520 --> :49.320 silent all through the elevator right up to our  apartment immediately we got in he exclaimed you   :49.320 --> :54.720 went to a John Legend concert I Shrugged like it  didn't matter and walked to the room my boyfriend   :54.720 --> :01.080 followed so it was like a date you two went  out together I frowned I said nope listen it's   :01.080 --> :07.000 not a big deal my boss gave me two tickets to the  concert and I took them this riled up my boyfriend   :07.000 --> :13.040 even more and I wasn't surprised I knew it would  anger him he sat on the bed and spread his palms   :13.040 --> :18.320 all over his face I don't know why you're making  a big deal of it I said casually removing my   :18.320 --> :24.040 earrings and placing them on the vanity table that  was unfair you had tickets to John Legend's concer   :24.040 --> :29.480 and you didn't take me you took him instead  my boyfriend's face wrinkled in disgust when   :29.480 --> :35.280 he said him I knew it would greatly offend him  if he found out that I took that coworker but I   :35.280 --> :42.440 didn't expect this level of anger and irritation  I apologized just like he apologized to me in the   :42.440 --> :49.280 past a short impersonal apology my boyfriend was  not having it though I don't think you know what   :49.280 --> :55.160 you've just done he said and left the room I left  him to himself and and he didn't speak to me until   :55.160 --> :59.720 the next day when he wanted to know why I did  it I told him why I did it and explained that   :59.720 --> :05.800 I felt just as hurt when he ignored how I felt  at parties he apologized this time and I did   :05.800 --> :11.200 too he made me promise though that I would never  deliberately hurt him like that again we hugged   :11.200 --> :18.120 it out and now we have better ways of expressing  our dissatisfaction do I regret what I did nope is   :18.120 --> :23.480 revenge against my awful new boss I know for  a fact that many of us can relate to working   :23.480 --> :29.840 in crappy environments sometimes our bosses and  even colleagues can be complete jerks and being   :29.840 --> :35.240 stuck in the same workplace as them is not always  the most fun experience I went through something   :35.240 --> :41.760 similar with my boss and after a little while of  taking all his crap in silence I finally snapped   :41.760 --> :47.360 and I'm going to give you the entire story I'm a  24-year-old female and I graduated from Community   :47.360 --> :52.960 College with a degree in literature like a true  nerd I worked at the library from the moment I was   :52.960 --> :58.040 old enough to get a job and it was actually  the best thing in the world it goes without   :58.040 --> :04.280 saying that I'm an Avid Reader with an unhealthy  Obsession for fictional men and situations and   :04.280 --> :09.040 although it did earn me a few snide remarks here  and there I always had my nose buried too deep   :09.040 --> :15.080 in a book to actually notice anything or anyone  once College was over I continued to work at the   :15.080 --> :20.000 library until an acquaintance from high school  that I ran into let me know about a job opening   :20.000 --> :26.040 for editors in the publishing firm she worked at  I applied for the job and edited a few manuscripts   :26.040 --> :32.080 as a little test since I had no prior experience  but was recommended by a staff member before I was   :32.080 --> :37.600 finally accepted working at a publishing firm  as an editor was a lot of fun in the beginning   :37.600 --> :44.040 I got to do what I loved for a living to read and  make necessary corrections to stories taking them   :44.040 --> :49.280 from their raw form until they're all ready  to be published I was a natural at it and my   :49.280 --> :55.080 turnover raid was also really incredible and fast  while I worked at the The Firm I meet a few other   :55.080 --> :00.680 friends and we ended up getting very close one of  them was also an editor but in a different sector   :00.680 --> :06.920 of the firm While others were staff writers we  were soon Inseparable and had lunch together all   :06.920 --> :11.800 the time and shared our lives with each other I  also made other friends in my workplace and it was   :11.800 --> :17.040 nice because they didn't judge me for preferring  the fictional world to the real one because they   :17.040 --> :23.560 were all the same I finally found my own people  and a job that I actually liked life was great   :24.120 --> :28.800 things started to shift from the normal that we  all knew at the firm when the leadership of the   :28.800 --> :35.480 firm changed hands the former boss was a lovely  woman in her 60s that acted like a mother hen to   :35.480 --> :41.560 everyone she was super kind compassionate and  understanding and she ran the firm really well   :41.560 --> :46.280 not that I knew much about running a firm well  but she did a good job by my standards while   :46.280 --> :52.440 still managing to be firm enough that no one took  her niceness for granted or insulted her efforts   :52.440 --> :57.120 she also gave smaller authors a chance for their  Works to be published and hosted signing events   :57.120 --> :03.400 for these authors as well everyone loved her and  we were all sad when she decided to retire the   :03.400 --> :07.840 new head of the firm was introduced during the  sendoff party that we hosted for our retiring   :07.840 --> :14.000 boss and the first thing we noticed was that he  was much younger than the old boss initially no   :14.000 --> :20.360 one had any idea who he was or how he even came to  be the new head of the firm but we still respected   :20.360 --> :26.320 him either way my first observation was that he  was was mostly quiet and kept to himself it wasn't   :26.320 --> :33.000 like we at the office needed to be told what to do  but he barely left his office until closing hours   :33.000 --> :38.520 it was obvious that he was trying to figure out  how the firm could generally run by itself before   :38.520 --> :43.960 he would add his input but we also did try to make  him feel as included as possible we ran things   :43.960 --> :49.400 by him before taking the final decisions and he  would just smile and agree with whatever we said   :49.400 --> :55.200 after a couple of weeks the new boss we'll call  him Chad held a meeting with the entire firm and   :55.200 --> :00.440 the first thing he let us know was that he hated  how our former boss ran the firm and that he was   :00.440 --> :06.320 here to make sure there was some kind of order it  was a weird switch up from the nice-ish quiet man   :06.320 --> :11.560 that had been watching us for the last month he  also called us lousy and lazy and said that the   :11.560 --> :17.640 younger women in the office dressed like who ARS  among many other things that I wouldn't like to   :17.640 --> :24.600 recall in essence he insulted basically everyone  and made us feel like what ever we'd been doing   :24.600 --> :31.480 was utter rubbish it made most of us feel terrible  about ourselves but what could we do he was our   :31.480 --> :37.080 boss after all it seemed like the new order was  basically to overwork us to death because he made   :37.080 --> :43.160 everyone do double the work that they'd been doing  before in half the time I was suddenly editing two   :43.160 --> :48.680 times the number of books that I was doing before  and had to skip my lunch break and stay in later   :48.680 --> :55.960 than usual just to be able to catch up quickly I  went from loving myob job to absolutely detesting   :55.960 --> :02.160 the very Act of waking up in the morning just  because of my work I had manuscripts piled   :02.160 --> :08.040 on my desk every morning and they didn't reduce  whether or not I finished the day's work now I'm   :08.040 --> :13.720 not a very extroverted person unless I'm around my  friends which means that I usually ignore things   :13.720 --> :19.040 that I'm uncomfortable with until it gets to the  point that neither I nor the people around me can   :19.040 --> :25.520 ignore it anymore and then someone else speaks up  about it I never confronted situations myself but   :25.520 --> :31.760 in this case I was livid at the inhumane amount of  work that we were being given a few older workers   :31.760 --> :36.360 at work had been laid off because they couldn't  keep up with the new boss's work rate one of them   :36.360 --> :42.520 had even ended up in the hospital because of a  lack of rest and an increase in stress levels   :42.520 --> :47.960 he basically fired her when she called to take  a sick leave this man was cruel and we couldn't   :47.960 --> :54.600 do anything about it that was until I decided  to finally stand up to him if I'm being honest   :54.600 --> :59.880 it was more anger than anything else because I  normally never would have even had the courage to   :59.880 --> :05.840 stand up to a waitress who got my order wrong and  talk less about my boss in the workplace it was a   :05.840 --> :11.800 Friday afternoon and I was just finished with all  the work I had during the week about 2 weeks prior   :11.800 --> :17.400 I had applied for a half day that day and was told  that it would only be granted if I finished all of   :17.400 --> :23.440 my work by the time I had to leave I was done an  hour before the time I had to leave and was busy   :23.440 --> :30.560 cleaning my desk when my boss walked in with a  pile of files lined up on his arm and dropped them   :30.560 --> :36.440 on my table without waiting to listen to anything  I had to say he walked back to his office and shut   :36.440 --> :42.440 it behind him I got really mad and went in behind  him to express just how upset I was at the way he   :42.440 --> :49.240 overworked us the entire head office heard my  outburst and everywhere was eerily silent as I   :49.240 --> :54.320 gave my boss a piece of my mind I can't recall  everything I said to him but I did speak of the   :54.320 --> :59.120 way things were run in the office and how we  all hated it in the way of a true narcissist   :59.120 --> :04.520 he began to let me know how hard it was to run a  company full of incompetent people and that he was   :04.520 --> :09.680 trying his best to make sure we earn more money  than other publishing firms around I tried to ask   :09.680 --> :14.480 whether our health wasn't important to him but he  didn't care much for what I had to say I tried to   :14.480 --> :20.440 bring up some other things but I Was Defeated as  he only ended up dismissing me for the day I was   :20.440 --> :26.720 so anxious for the entire weekend that I could  bear even sleep it felt like the end for me and   :26.720 --> :31.760 my friends from work even may seem so with how  often they called to check up on me at work on   :31.760 --> :37.360 Monday Chad called me to his office and let me  know that my job as an editor was now part-time   :37.360 --> :44.040 and I would be his new personal assistant I hated  the idea of it and tried to talk my way out but he   :44.040 --> :49.120 let me know that it was either I accepted the  job or I would be fired having just moved out   :49.120 --> :54.400 of my parents home into my own place I knew that  I couldn't afford to lose my job job working as   :54.400 --> :00.880 Chad's personal assistant was basically me being  his little errand girl and part-time maid my work   :00.880 --> :06.720 area was moved closer to his and when I wasn't  editing mountains of manuscripts I was getting his   :06.720 --> :12.920 coffee buying him lunch or helping to pick up his  son from elementary school this was when I found   :12.920 --> :19.760 out that he was indeed married and his wife also  worked somehow my job changed to being his child's   :19.760 --> :25.120 babysitter there was nothing said about it I just  some somehow fell into the role and had to keep   :25.120 --> :31.280 his kid busy during the weekends just like his  father Minnie Chad was a spoiled brat that felt   :31.280 --> :37.680 the happiest when he was making me a slave for him  he was just such a nasty little kid and I disliked   :37.680 --> :43.480 being around him it was worse because his parents  believed everything he said over what anyone else   :43.480 --> :48.720 did so if I ever tried to let them know that they  were raising a monster I would get laid off for my   :48.720 --> :54.280 job immediately being a personal assistant to  Chad meant that I didn't have a personal life   :54.280 --> :59.920 anymore because I had to be at his beck and call  every other day hanging out with friends was a   :59.920 --> :06.280 luxury that I could barely afford and dating was  definitely out of the question somehow through all   :06.280 --> :11.120 of the stress that I went through I barely even  thought about quitting now that I think back to   :11.120 --> :15.280 it maybe that was the reason that Chad thought  he could be a jerk to us and get away with it   :15.280 --> :20.480 the people who worked at the firm had been there  a while and having to find new jobs was a hassle   :20.480 --> :25.520 for them things changed for me when I asked Chad  for a raise because I was still doing my regular   :25.520 --> :31.640 editing job while turning into his and his son's  permanent babysitter he decided that I wasn't   :31.640 --> :38.920 doing enough work to be deserving of my salary  and he cut me 20% off I was mad enough to quit   :38.920 --> :44.600 and I'd started to apply for jobs in my spare time  but I also decided that maybe it was time to give   :44.600 --> :50.720 Chad a taste of his own medicine as his personal  assistant I had access to his schedule and I also   :50.720 --> :55.720 made a few of his appointments I wanted to let  him have an inkling of what it was like to be me   :55.720 --> :01.280 so I started to set his appointments too close  together he barely had any time to rest as he   :01.280 --> :06.880 attended meeting after meeting he had something  going on nearly every hour of the day for about   :06.880 --> :13.600 a week and he could barely even last 2 days it was  hilarious watching my boss barely have time to get   :13.600 --> :19.200 himself ready and dressed and the once very well  put together man looked a mess when he stepped   :19.200 --> :24.680 into work one time he even wore a mismatched  suit because of how much she needed to do he   :24.680 --> :31.240 lived just one week in my shoes and he was such  a mess that he had to take a month off work for   :31.240 --> :36.600 a vacation with his family of course I still work  during that time but I was in charge of booking   :36.600 --> :42.360 the hotels and organizing the events that they  would attend coincidentally there was a billy ish   :42.360 --> :48.160 concert in town and his son really wanted to go I  was asked to purchase three tickets for his entire   :48.160 --> :54.520 family and I did so apparently he wanted tickets  with backstage passes and I should have known that   :54.520 --> :00.040 without him having to have said it he insulted  me so much that I decided to keep the tickets   :00.040 --> :07.160 for myself they were virtual tickets and I forgot  to send them to his email while he was turned back   :07.160 --> :12.600 at the entrance of the concert I was inside with  three of my friends from work listening to The   :12.600 --> :18.680 Talented Billy ish entertain us of course he tried  to reach me but my phone was turned off because   :18.680 --> :24.680 I deserve the weekend off I turned my resignation  letter in not to too long after that and went back   :24.680 --> :31.000 to working at the library until I got a better job  because honestly anything was better than working   :31.000 --> :36.480 for an ungrateful man who didn't appreciate the  work that people did for him I still work at the   :36.480 --> :41.320 library but I have an interview at a different  publishing firm next week so wish me luck with   :41.320 --> :48.320 that honestly if anything I think op put up with  this a little too much I just can't imagine doing   :48.320 --> :55.160 like a dream job at a publishing firm and ending  up being okay being like an on call babysitter by   :55.160 --> :00.200 the end of it all I know is Opie must have really  been strapped for cash at that point to allow   :00.200 --> :04.960 that to happen but I wish op the best and I hope  they get the new job the new publishing firm is   :04.960 --> :11.200 standing up to my bully boss my evil former boss  stole my idea and gave it to her daughter so she   :11.200 --> :16.360 could get ahead of me here's how I dealt with her  this happened years ago shortly after I got out of   :16.360 --> :22.680 college that year I got invited for an internship  interview at a magazine I loved it was a great way   :22.680 --> :28.040 to start my writing career and I was grateful and  elated about the opportunity I prepared very hard   :28.040 --> :33.840 for the interview read and did a lot of research  on the company and my wouldbe interviewers I knew   :33.840 --> :38.960 I had done my best but was still a bit worried  at the time many young people would also be at   :38.960 --> :44.160 the interview and these were people who would  have graduated from prestigious and reputable   :44.160 --> :49.720 universities luckily all my hard work paid off I  did well at the first interview was invited for   :49.720 --> :55.360 another interview and I was selected 12 of us were  selected for the internship and divided to work   :55.360 --> :00.960 in different departments some got fashion some  were in politics and three of us were selected   :00.960 --> :05.720 to work in the entertainment vertical we worked  with different columnists and did whatever was   :05.720 --> :11.480 required of us including the traditional serving  coffee and buying lunch and we had a boss who was   :11.480 --> :16.520 the head of the entertainment department and the  editor-in-chief she was a nice middle-aged lady   :16.520 --> :23.040 and she spoke so much about fairness Justice and  doing the right thing so I deeply respected her   :23.040 --> :28.040 her daughter was one of the internees and people  gossiped about her they said she didn't deserve a   :28.040 --> :33.960 spot in the internship program and that her mother  had manipulated Human Resources into accepting her   :33.960 --> :38.960 and all of that but I didn't believe it my boss  didn't seem like the kind of person who would do   :38.960 --> :44.280 that she was big on working hard for whatever  you want and from what I saw at the time she   :44.280 --> :50.440 would never be involved in that sort of workplace  nepotism well I thought wrong I started to have   :50.440 --> :56.160 second thoughts when I worked closely with her  daughter first she was not so bright and she   :56.160 --> :01.560 looked and talked like she had some growing up to  do she was quite immature and would roll her eyes   :01.560 --> :06.760 and pout like a teenager I don't mean that she  was a total dumbo but I knew that there's people   :06.760 --> :12.360 amongst those who came for the interview who  deserve this spot more than her it was clear that   :12.360 --> :17.720 had her mother not been a senior staff she would  have never have been selected it was obvious she   :17.720 --> :23.440 did not do much work like the rest of us to secure  the internship she was lazy and uninterested in   :23.440 --> :29.320 doing anything and she complained a lot her lack  ofical attitude towards work only happened when   :29.320 --> :34.240 her mother wasn't around though whenever she sees  her mother around she would pretend to be busy   :34.240 --> :40.200 or would be walking around asking people if they  had any job for her to do it was funny I honestly   :40.200 --> :44.960 didn't have a problem with her or with the fact  that the riters and other workers never asked her   :44.960 --> :51.840 to get a coffee by their lunch or hold stuff I've  always known that all fingers are not equal some   :51.840 --> :57.320 people have to prove themselves more than others  to achieve the same goal and I didn't exactly like   :57.320 --> :02.440 it but it's simply the way things worked in life  my dad always said it doesn't matter if you have   :02.440 --> :08.520 to do the extra work do it anyway and I did  the other intern was just as hardworking he   :08.520 --> :13.960 was always trying to help and make things easier  but I noticed that he relaxed a bit on the hard   :13.960 --> :18.800 work when he saw that our boss's daughter was  not as bothered from what I knew his brother   :18.800 --> :24.760 was a popular stylist so he had a wide range of  networking choices that that I did not I couldn't   :24.760 --> :31.200 afford to just sit around too so I didn't I needed  the internship to work I wanted to get retained   :31.200 --> :36.640 after my internship program had ended and I didn't  want anything getting in the way of that a month   :36.640 --> :42.000 to the end of the six months internship the head  of Human Resources invited all of the interns into   :42.000 --> :48.720 his office and shared important information with  us he said we all had to come up with a big idea   :48.720 --> :55.080 for an article we would be supervised till the  idea is published in the magazine after all the   :55.080 --> :01.360 Articles have been published one of us would be  selected and given a full-time job at the magazine   :01.360 --> :06.040 and the other two would have been published and  compensated for their Works which is also a good   :06.040 --> :10.720 deal for the writer who is just starting he  said the article does not determine whether   :10.720 --> :16.480 or not we would be retained as that was dependent  on several things but having a good idea for an   :16.480 --> :22.760 article was a plus I left that office determined  to come up with something big only one out of the   :22.760 --> :29.120 three of us could be retained in each vertical  and I was determined to ensure I was selected I   :29.120 --> :34.520 already had a good relationship with virtually all  the people in the department I was respectful and   :34.520 --> :40.960 helpful all I had to do was get a great article  together and I could be a full-time employee I had   :40.960 --> :46.800 thought up an idea and went into my boss's office  to run it by her before officially presenting my   :46.800 --> :53.040 pitch to the other editors she asked me to briefly  write it down and I did that's a fine idea idea   :53.040 --> :58.960 she said with a big smile on her face she then  asked if I had any other ideas and I replied that   :58.960 --> :05.280 I didn't she advised me not to shut the door on  my creativity and think of more ideas I thanked   :05.280 --> :10.520 her and left her office I told my close friend  what I'd planned and she loved it too she thought   :10.520 --> :17.520 it was brilliant and would earn me a job at the  magazine I was glad the next day my boss said I   :17.520 --> :22.840 couldn't use that idea I was surprised because  she'd been glad to hear it and was supportive   :22.840 --> :27.040 she didn't even provide a strong reason she  just muttered something about it being too   :27.040 --> :34.320 controversial she advised me to think of something  else I wanted to not take her advice but I knew it   :34.320 --> :38.800 could get me in trouble she was going to be one  of those who would decide if I could publish the   :38.800 --> :45.280 article anyway so I didn't want to risk it but I  had issues with her reason the Magazine's known   :45.280 --> :51.040 for publishing very controversial articles it's  contributed to the growing number of readers they   :51.040 --> :56.600 have all over the world I decided I was going  to think of something different my friend was   :56.600 --> :02.120 disappointed because she believed the idea was  superb but I couldn't pitch it anymore so I chose   :02.120 --> :07.400 something else I only had 3 days to come up with  something since we were to present at the end of   :07.400 --> :13.480 the week and I did but it wasn't well thought  out not as much as the first one I did my best   :13.480 --> :18.560 to make a good presentation of my pitch to the  editors and it was accepted I'd started to work   :18.560 --> :25.040 on my article as were the other internees when  one day the third inter in entertainment came   :25.040 --> :31.480 to me he asked how my article was going and we  briefly talked about his then to my utter shock   :31.480 --> :36.480 he mentioned that my boss's daughter was not at  work at that moment because she had gone out to   :36.480 --> :43.080 interview a group of people the idea I shared  with my boss involved interviewing these same   :43.080 --> :48.080 people so I just figured she handed my idea to  her daughter and that's why she didn't want me   :48.080 --> :53.880 to use it I asked him if he knew what her article  was about and he told me can confirming my worry   :53.880 --> :00.240 my boss had betrayed my trust in her daughter I  was sad and felt depressed she could have found   :00.240 --> :05.200 a way to get some sort of employment for her  daughter instead of just stealing my idea I   :05.200 --> :10.240 told my dad about it when I got home that day  and he advised me to go to HR it was the right   :10.240 --> :16.640 thing to do but I wasn't sure it would be handled  properly plus it was my word against hers she had   :16.640 --> :22.560 this air of moral superiority about her and  people might just not believe me or they will   :22.560 --> :28.440 believe me and still not care I was not about to  start my career as a journalist like this these   :28.440 --> :33.240 top journalists speak to one another and I didn't  want to have to deal with so much hate that early   :33.240 --> :39.680 in my career I decided I was simply going to have  to get my revenge I was eventually going to take   :39.680 --> :45.600 the matter to Human Resources but I would get my  revenge first that way if they did nothing i' at   :45.600 --> :50.440 least know I dealt with her my boss was away on  a work trip for 5 days but when she returned to   :50.440 --> :55.280 work I confronted her calmly about about what  she had done I remember the first question she   :55.280 --> :01.640 asked was how old are you I didn't know why that  was important but I answered her 23 I replied   :01.640 --> :08.120 do you have any plans to be a parent one day she  said I nodded affirmatively she says then you'll   :08.120 --> :13.960 understand why I did what I did maybe not now but  when you have a child of your own you'll get it   :13.960 --> :20.600 as parents we're willing to do even the craziest  things for our children I have never hated anyone   :20.600 --> :26.040 as much as I hated her at that moment the fact  that she was justifying stealing from another   :26.040 --> :33.840 person's child for hers was just revolting I  was beyond angry I however did not show it I   :33.840 --> :39.520 walked out of her office calmly what pissed me  off was how she acted like nothing had happened   :39.520 --> :44.320 afterward she spoke to me like she used to with  a very friendly tone I didn't know exactly how   :44.320 --> :49.160 to get back at her until my friend from college  asked to hang out she worked in another magazine   :49.160 --> :55.200 at the time and had a colum in it I told her all  about what happened at work and she was mad about   :55.200 --> :01.000 it she knew my boss and had before the incident  respected her but was disappointed at what she   :01.000 --> :06.520 did what are you going to do about it she asked  me I sigh I didn't know what to do and I told her   :06.520 --> :12.240 that I was just going to resign to fate they say  no way you have to do something let me know how I   :12.240 --> :17.960 can help you when you make up your mind on my way  back home I thought of what I could do I was going   :17.960 --> :24.080 to get my friend to publish my original idea in  her column and pass it off as hers and she would   :24.080 --> :30.120 do that before my evil Boss's Daughter published  hers that way it would look like she copied the   :30.120 --> :36.040 idea and it would never get published that night  I texted my friend and asked if she could publish   :36.040 --> :43.680 my idea in her magazine she said yes and that was  how we kicked off our revenge Mission my friend   :43.680 --> :49.120 and I met to discuss this again and she thought it  was a creative way to get back at my boss but she   :49.120 --> :55.040 also worried that I won't be getting credit for  an idea I came up with I was not bothered about   :55.040 --> :01.400 that though and I made that clear to her I simply  wanted to get back at my boss and her brat kid to   :01.400 --> :07.480 make it even worse I tried as much as I could to  peep into my boss's daughter's work and see what   :07.480 --> :12.520 changes were made to my original idea so I could  tell my friend about it no changes were made but   :12.520 --> :18.520 I sent the exact article title to my friend My  article was published first because I finished   :18.520 --> :23.720 quite early and it was edited just after 3  days before my my boss's daughter's article   :23.720 --> :29.640 was supposed to go live my friend published  hers nobody knew about it at the office until   :29.640 --> :35.360 the next day when one of the editors found out  and was alarmed the whole department was thrown   :35.360 --> :40.760 into a frenzy but one thing was certain she  could no longer publish hers and it was too   :40.760 --> :46.360 late to publish a new article because it would  take time and the evaluation was supposed to   :46.360 --> :52.600 happen at the end of the next week it seemed very  suspicious to everyone that my friend's magazine   :52.600 --> :58.920 copied the exact headline and covered the same  story my boss and the other editors decided to   :58.920 --> :04.400 look into it I was called into the boardroom and  questioned my boss's daughter was present in the   :04.400 --> :10.960 room her eyes welled up in tears of course I told  them I knew nothing about it I said I didn't even   :10.960 --> :15.760 know what my boss's daughter was working on  she was asked if she had ever told me about her   :15.760 --> :21.560 article she said she hadn't and I was released I  kind of felt bad for the girl she probably didn't   :21.560 --> :27.840 know her mother stole the idea from me or she knew  I didn't care as long as she looked stupid and   :27.840 --> :33.480 comes off as a chatty person who can't keep what  she was working on a secret until it was published   :33.480 --> :39.440 I'm good before the end of the day my boss called  me privately into her office and asked if I did it   :39.440 --> :45.080 I laughed hysterically and excused myself at that  point I wasn't even interested in working at that   :45.080 --> :50.680 company anymore I had gotten the experience I  needed anyway I decided I was going to let HR   :50.680 --> :56.240 know before leaving now that the exact article  had been published elsewhere they will probably   :56.240 --> :01.760 believe I came up with the idea I told them all  that happened and added that I was not interested   :01.760 --> :07.600 in being retained one of them tried to convince me  to stay but I decided against it I didn't want a   :07.600 --> :13.680 situation where I'd start on an uneasy Note with  my co-workers so I politely declined I left the   :13.680 --> :19.480 company that day and never returned I heard one  of the editors took my former boss's place she   :19.480 --> :25.280 was demoted based on my report and and the fact  that she's had other issues in the past but she   :25.280 --> :30.440 couldn't handle the shame so she turned in her  resignation and left to work as a chief editor   :30.440 --> :36.800 for another magazine of course the bratty young  lady was not retained either I was super proud of   :36.800 --> :43.240 myself for standing up to my bully boss and not  just letting her steal my idea and get away with   :43.240 --> :50.160 it honestly I think what Opie did here was a big  sacrifice imagine having such a great idea that   :50.160 --> :56.680 you think is a home run idea aidea somebody steals  it from you and in an ultimate sacrifice so that   :56.680 --> :02.120 that person can't get away with it you give it  up to another person for free without any credit   :02.120 --> :07.560 just so that Thief cannot steal your thunder if  you were in OP shoes would you be happy with the   :07.560 --> :13.440 overall outcome or would the whole situation  always bother you in at least some small way   :13.440 --> :17.720 let me know what you guys think down in the  comments and our final story of the day is   :17.720 --> :24.520 my formerly smart best friend we all know a smart  person that chose off is a witch and treats other   :24.520 --> :29.880 people like they're completely stupid sometimes  they're a distant acquaintance the popular girl   :29.880 --> :36.520 at school or even your own parent in my case they  were one of my best friends it wasn't always like   :36.520 --> :42.440 that we were basically born to be best friends  our mothers had us exactly a month apart but   :42.440 --> :47.480 they didn't really meet each other until a few  months later when we were falling sick like all   :47.480 --> :52.920 the time and had to be at the hospital a lot our  parents met each other at the ER and decided that   :52.920 --> :58.320 it would be a good idea for their two sickly  children to be friends and it worked we were   :58.320 --> :04.560 tight as thieves from the first time we met and  for most of our Lives we did everything together   :04.560 --> :10.760 things started to change when I turned 14 and was  diagnosed with dyslexia between us my best friend   :10.760 --> :15.800 we'll call her Sarah which is an obviously fake  name had always been the smart one my parents   :15.800 --> :20.640 tried not to compare us to each other but when  you're an Indian kid with strict parents and your   :20.640 --> :25.600 best friend is a white kid that so much smarter  than you it tends to make things a little weird   :25.600 --> :30.600 between you and your parents I still believe that  despite how much they dislike that Sarah's parents   :30.600 --> :37.360 were so lenient with her they let us be friends  because she was smarter and by association maybe   :37.360 --> :43.360 one day I would be smart too Sarah was sweet to  me and she was the best friend any girl could ask   :43.360 --> :49.840 for she was pretty much also perfect with perfect  hair and blue eyes and perfect grades her parents   :49.840 --> :55.200 were even perfect being the stereo typical high  school sweethearts that got married after also   :55.200 --> :00.400 attending the same Community College not that I  had any problems with how I looked or the fact   :00.400 --> :06.320 that my parents marriage was arranged but between  Sarah and I she was automatically everyone's first   :06.320 --> :12.280 choice we didn't really have to start problems  until I was diagnosed with dyslexia my parents   :12.280 --> :17.600 had just dramatically announced it to me after  assuring me that they still loved me no matter   :17.600 --> :23.080 what because I was so distressed and upset about  the diagnosis they decided to give me one chance   :23.080 --> :29.520 to do whatever I wanted it was a Friday night  so I asked for permission to go to a party and   :29.520 --> :35.560 they be grudgingly agreed if you have immigrant  parents and are a 14-year-old middle schooler   :35.560 --> :40.360 I'm sure you understand how much of a big deal  this was to me I went with my best friend and   :40.360 --> :46.400 we were having a good time until it was time to  play the dreaded spin the bottle game even then   :46.400 --> :51.960 I knew that the game was trouble and nothing good  would come out of it but my best friend convinced   :51.960 --> :57.600 me that it would be harmless the game went okay  until the bottle landed on her and she chose to   :57.600 --> :03.640 tell the truth I can't recall the question but her  answer was basically blurting to about half of my   :03.640 --> :10.120 middle school classmates that I was dyslexic note  that I'd only just let her know about it barely   :10.120 --> :15.240 an hour earlier while her mother drove us to that  party there were a lot of other things that she   :15.240 --> :21.240 could have said but the fact that she chose that  particular secret to spill made me really sad I   :21.240 --> :25.480 stomped out of the the room where the game was  being played and sat with the host's family until   :25.480 --> :30.280 Sarah's parents came to pick us up later that  night we didn't speak on the whole ride home   :30.280 --> :35.080 and for the rest of the weekend I thought that my  best friend would realize that she offended me and   :35.080 --> :41.040 apologized by Monday but she just pretended that  everything was okay and went straight into talking   :41.040 --> :46.360 to me the moment we entered the school Halls when  I did try to let her know that I was offended by   :46.360 --> :52.120 the stun she pulled on Friday night she brushed  me off and called me dramatic at that point   :52.120 --> :59.040 my 14-year-old self knew that things would never  be the same again word traveled fast and as much   :59.040 --> :04.600 as I got teased and harassed by people I also  found other people who suffered from dyslexia   :04.600 --> :10.320 and we formed a club sort of as I got closer to  these people my friendship with Sarah started   :10.320 --> :16.360 to hit rock bottom after getting my diagnosis  the school I attended realized they had quite   :16.360 --> :22.120 a number of dyslexic Learners and decided  to employ different teaching tactics for us   :22.120 --> :27.440 once it was established I found out that I was  actually very smart and could do very well in   :27.440 --> :34.680 my studies if just given the chance Sarah did not  appreciate that and somehow our already suffering   :34.680 --> :40.960 friendship went from us walking quietly home  every day after school to having to be forced by   :40.960 --> :46.880 our parents to spend time together she continued  to try really hard to be better than me and if   :46.880 --> :52.040 I ever asked questions in class she made sure  to ridicule and make fun of me God for forbid   :52.040 --> :56.720 that I asked her for help because I would only  leave even more frustrated than I started it   :56.720 --> :02.120 didn't help that she was already at the top of  most of our classes and she was automatically   :02.120 --> :07.640 recommended to me by teachers whenever I needed  help in school eventually we figured that there   :07.640 --> :13.880 was no way that we could continue being friends  but we had to pretend for the sake of our parents   :13.880 --> :19.880 I got a boyfriend in high school and I used the  excuse of going over to hers to go see him all   :19.880 --> :25.360 the time she did the same but with parties I'm  still even surprised that she didn't rat on me   :25.360 --> :30.520 we drifted even further from each other until high  school was over our universities were in different   :30.520 --> :36.120 states and we had one last sleepover before we  both moved and went non- contct with each other   :36.120 --> :41.800 uni was a little more accepting and honestly  a little fun I was able to manage my dyslexia   :41.800 --> :47.000 enough to go through it as smoothly as I could  manage until I graduated and got a job out in the   :47.000 --> :53.240 city I got my own apartment started earning adult  money and could do whatever I wanted I also had a   :53.240 --> :58.440 boyfriend who loved me and my relationship with  my parents was as good as it could get when they   :58.440 --> :03.480 weren't screaming at me to come home my life was  far from perfect but at least it was progressing   :03.480 --> :09.240 positively on a random day I got a call from  a strange number and when I answered it it was   :09.240 --> :16.000 my former best friend Sarah I was super shocked  because we hadn't spoken to each other in about 5   :16.000 --> :21.640 years but I answered the call anyway it started as  an innocent little call to catch up on each other   :22.200 --> :27.880 and talk about everything that had happened in the  past couple of years it was nice to just catch up   :27.880 --> :32.960 but then it seemed like luck hadn't been on her  side she went on a long rant about how she was in   :32.960 --> :39.640 between jobs about to be homeless and in need of  a fresh start of course I felt bad for her and I   :39.640 --> :44.320 knew there were a few openings at my job she  didn't live in the city like I but she lived   :44.320 --> :51.040 only a few hours away so I convinced her to come  over and even promised to let her stay at my place   :51.040 --> :56.320 it was nice with when she first came she looked  great and seemed very carefree and even almost a   :56.320 --> :01.040 different person than who she used to be towards  the end of our friendship I let her have the spare   :01.040 --> :05.920 room in my apartment and she was only supposed  to stay for a month which I'd prepared myself   :05.920 --> :11.720 for when Sarah and I talk some more I found out  that she had dropped out of college just before   :11.720 --> :17.600 her final year it shouldn't have been a problem if  she had told me earlier but she didn't and there   :17.600 --> :23.440 was only so much of a good word I could put in for  her at work she did get the job but it was a lower   :23.440 --> :29.200 paying one which she outrightly blamed me for just  before stating that she would need to stay at mine   :29.200 --> :34.160 for 3 months longer than we originally planned  because her salary wouldn't be enough to get her   :34.160 --> :40.080 a place in the neighborhood that she really wanted  to live in I was eager to rekindle our childhood   :40.080 --> :45.200 friendship so a part of me thought that it would  be the best idea to let her do what she liked for   :45.200 --> :50.800 the most part it started with me always having to  clean up after her and then graduated to me being   :50.800 --> :57.040 her mom and having to wake her up and make her  shower have breakfast and dress up in time so we   :57.040 --> :02.680 would get to work early I introduced Sarah to all  my friends my work friends friends from college I   :02.680 --> :09.560 still spoke to and even my boyfriend and they all  loved her instantly who wouldn't I was just glad   :09.560 --> :14.840 that they got along and happy that you wouldn't  feel so lonely with time it started to feel like I   :14.840 --> :21.080 was being left out of things within my own friend  group but I gastl myself to believe otherwise   :21.080 --> :25.680 during lunch at the office one day Sarah was  huddled over with my work friends and they were   :25.680 --> :31.760 all glued to their phones I went over and inquired  about what was so interesting to them and I was   :31.760 --> :37.040 introduced to wle if you don't know what that is  it's something like a digital crossword puzzle   :37.040 --> :42.200 where you get a few tries to guess a word now  because of my dyslexia I tend to stay away from   :42.200 --> :47.480 crossword puzzles and things of the sort but I  wanted to give this Wordle a try because according   :47.480 --> :52.480 to them it was really fun when I expressed my  eagerness to play and asked someone to explain   :52.480 --> :58.680 further Sarah made a joke about me being too  dyslexic to really understand anything it hit me   :58.680 --> :04.720 like a ton of blocks because not only was this the  second time she was doing this but none of my work   :04.720 --> :09.960 friends knew about me being dyslexic it wasn't  like I was embarrassed about it but my theory   :09.960 --> :15.480 was that if I could manage it just fine why did  the rest of the world need to know thankfully my   :15.480 --> :20.920 work crowd was a little more mature than middle  schoolers and they instantly understood that my   :20.920 --> :27.160 condition was is not a joke it didn't stop it from  still being extremely humiliating I thought that   :27.160 --> :32.320 confronting Sarah this time would be different  since we were a little more grownup but it was   :32.320 --> :38.360 the same darn thing she insisted it was just  a little game and there was no need to get all   :38.360 --> :44.800 worked up over it I demanded an apology from  her and she burst into tears adding a little   :44.800 --> :51.560 sob story that I didn't care enough to listen to  because of how angry I was she was right about   :51.560 --> :58.320 wle just being a game but telling me that the only  reason I couldn't play was because of a condition   :58.320 --> :04.760 that I had was just downright mean I realized then  that whatever friendship I was trying to salvage   :04.760 --> :11.000 with her was gone she was still as childish as  her High School self and there was no helping   :11.000 --> :18.280 that the wle incident was just the cherry on top  of the pie of all the other annoying things that   :18.280 --> :24.640 she did to irritate me so I sat her down One  Fine Day and let her know that she needed to   :24.640 --> :31.800 move out Sarah did try to guiltrip me by using the  history we shared but I'd been desensitized to her   :31.800 --> :37.760 tactics already when she found out that there  was no way to talk me down she tried to deean   :37.760 --> :43.560 me some more but I threatened to call the police  on her she didn't move out of my apartment until a   :43.560 --> :49.960 week later when I was at work she took a sick day  off that day and moved her belongings out but not   :49.960 --> :57.800 before smashing a egg all over my white walls and  writing some very mean things with a red marker   :57.800 --> :03.400 it was a pain to get the stains out but I'm just  glad she's gone Sarah eats lunch alone at work   :03.400 --> :09.200 now because everyone knows who she really is and  it feels like karma really did her thing on my   :09.200 --> :15.240 behalf even though I did have plans of getting my  own revenge on her being in the same place as her   :15.240 --> :22.080 while she learns about what it means to have no  friends is Revenge enough about the world game it   :22.080 --> :27.840 was hard getting adjusted to it because dyslexia  makes simple things like that difficult but I   :27.840 --> :32.600 think I'm beginning to get the hang of it I'm not  going to lie I was super into the wle thing for a   :32.600 --> :36.960 minute there so to see it pop up in one of these  stories is kind of neat I think there was like a   :36.960 --> :42.240 good chunk of people that regardless of what topic  the original circle of people that gathered was   :42.240 --> :47.400 about there was a stretch there where everybody  shared their like wle records for like maybe a   :47.400 --> :52.800 couple weeks before finally giving up like I saw  in like a sport Sports Chat somewhere that there   :52.800 --> :57.360 was like a stretch for a while that there was just  like a bunch of wle things going on and people   :57.360 --> :02.720 talking about oh that's a crazy word I've never  heard that before it would make me no happier than   :02.720 --> :07.600 to hear about op huddling in a circle with all  of their friends while Sarah is sitting at the   :07.600 --> :13.560 sad solo table and op and all their work friends  going and talking about the new worldle I tattled   :13.560 --> :18.920 like a snake because sometimes blood isn't so  thick when people say blood is thicker than   :18.920 --> :24.360 water I can bet that they've never met a family  like like mine my family was picture perfect and   :24.360 --> :29.720 I mean that in every way the phrase has been used  in time past but what was beneath the covering of   :29.720 --> :36.000 that perfect look was way more disturbing than  anybody could imagine in truth I should not be   :36.000 --> :42.120 telling this story to anyone but what else have  I got to lose anyway I've lost my job family and   :42.120 --> :48.520 the one person that truly cared about me and to  be fair I am on the brink of losing my sanity but   :48.520 --> :53.400 that's fine I'm not going down alone at least  I'll have my family with me we would all go   :53.400 --> :59.320 down that rabbit hole that stinks of betrayal and  deceit I never imagined that beneath the Serene   :59.320 --> :05.760 facade of our Suburban home lay a Web of Lies and  deception that would shatter my world my name is   :05.760 --> :10.560 Michael and this is the story of how I stumbled  upon a long buried secret that exposed my mother   :10.560 --> :16.840 Janice for the betrayer she truly was it All Began  innocently enough with a harmless search in the   :16.840 --> :23.480 attic for some old family memorabilia amidst all  the dusty boxes forgotten belongings I came across   :23.480 --> :29.160 this weathered envelope that piqued my curiosity  I knew I'd never come across this envelope before   :29.160 --> :34.920 and if I remembered correctly I'd helped ma  pack the contents of this particular box so   :34.920 --> :41.520 conventionally I should not see anything strange  Inside the Box however inside it I found something   :41.520 --> :48.080 more unfamiliar a collection of yellowed letters  photographs and a side of my mother that I'd never   :48.080 --> :53.680 come across before the first letter was dated  years ago addressed to Janice and signed by a name   :53.680 --> :59.520 I did not recognize the words on the page hint at  a clandestine relationship and the consequences   :59.520 --> :05.800 of their actions as I read on the truth slowly  unfolded before my eyes like a dark and twisted   :05.800 --> :12.280 tale Janice Anderson who I refuse to believe is  the same woman that raised me nothing shy of 19   :12.280 --> :18.760 years a woman whose facade of Charisma masked a  Labyrinth of Deceit and betrayal was a prominent   :18.760 --> :24.000 figure in the Suburban town we called home to  the outside world she was an accomplished Finance   :24.000 --> :29.080 professional a loving mother and a pillar of  the community however beneath the surface of her   :29.080 --> :35.280 seemingly perfect life lay a complex and shadowy  past and I will learn the truth first from the   :35.280 --> :41.440 letters as I recount this story I wondered what  her Ploy was and why she never thought to destroy   :41.440 --> :46.360 any evidence that could lead to the discovery of  the life she once lived was she expecting me to   :46.360 --> :51.240 find the truth someday or did she just believe  that I would never be smart enough to figure out   :51.240 --> :57.440 all out but she was wrong very Janice's ambition  was evident from a young age she was determined   :57.440 --> :02.600 to rise above her modest beginnings and make  her Mark in the world as she entered adulthood   :02.600 --> :07.960 her drive led her to pursue a career in finance  where she showcased exceptional skills in handling   :07.960 --> :13.680 numbers and making calculated decisions during her  Ascent in the financial World Janice encountered   :13.680 --> :19.240 influential individuals who would play pivotal  roles in her transformation she was welcomed into   :19.240 --> :24.880 a circle of power and privilege rubbing shoulders  with the town's Elite these connections opened   :24.880 --> :30.920 doors for her propelling her career to new heights  in the early stages of her success Janice made   :30.920 --> :37.280 her Mark by leveraging her Charisma and charm to  forge alliances she was a master at reading people   :37.280 --> :42.840 she still is to a large extent sensing their  vulnerabilities and using them to her Advantage   :42.840 --> :48.560 many admired her business Acumen but just a few  saw the ruthless tactics she employed to climb   :48.560 --> :54.000 the corporate ladder it was this ambition that  led Janice to uncover a secret that could have   :54.000 --> :01.040 potentially destroyed the reputation of one of  the town's most influential figures the truth gave   :01.040 --> :07.240 her leverage over powerful individuals which she  shamelessly wielded for her own gain if you know   :07.240 --> :12.960 who paraded herself to be my mother now you would  predict her next line of action was to expose the   :12.960 --> :19.640 evil right well this is because like me we did  not both know the real Janice instead of exposing   :19.640 --> :25.280 the truth Janice made a faithful decision that  would forever alter the lives of those involved   :25.280 --> :31.880 she chose to use the knowledge to secure favors  cement alliances and Advance her career and if   :31.880 --> :36.720 I read through those letters correctly this was  at a point where she began trading the truth for   :36.720 --> :42.720 power and she set herself on a path that would  lead to the eventual unraveling of her carefully   :42.720 --> :49.240 constructed life of Lies as she became entangled  in a web of Deceit she found herself making deals   :49.240 --> :55.360 with unsavory characters whose motives were far  from honorable she underestimated the consequences   :55.360 --> :01.080 of her actions believing that she could maintain  control of the situation but the web of deception   :01.080 --> :06.560 she spun would soon ens snare her as well I  like to believe that she was never this bad   :06.560 --> :12.440 I like to believe that all I read was a lie but  it wasn't the woman I knew was false a figment   :12.440 --> :18.240 of my imagination and as I sat in the dim light  that day processing all I had read I began to   :18.240 --> :23.360 recount events that might have shown the lapses  in her acts one of those nights in her Greed   :23.360 --> :29.080 for a seat at the table fueled by her thirst  for control and power Janice made a critical   :29.080 --> :34.320 mistake that reverberated through the lives of  many she betrayed the trust of close friends   :34.319 --> :39.519 implicating them in a fraudulent scheme that was  designed to protect her own interests innocent   :39.520 --> :44.960 lives were upturned relationships shattered  and the Tranquility of the Suburban town was   :44.960 --> :51.439 forever shattered in the aftermath of her actions  Janice's World began to crumble the consequences   :51.439 --> :56.599 of her deceit weighed heavily on her conscience  and she struggled to maintain the facade that she   :56.600 --> :02.640 had so carefully crafted people began to question  her integrity and the once admired figure found   :02.640 --> :09.120 herself ostracized and isolated as the truth  slowly emerged families affected by Janice's   :09.120 --> :14.880 actions sought Justice and closure the pain she  caused was immeasurable and forgiveness seemed   :14.880 --> :21.000 like an insurmountable task for those she had  wronged she had shattered their trust and she felt   :21.000 --> :26.520 it could never be fully repaired my mind struggled  to comprehend the in congruity between the loving   :26.520 --> :32.520 mother I had known and this woman who had caused  such Devastation the memories of laughter and   :32.520 --> :38.440 warmth we shared now clashed with the revelations  of her past actions I couldn't help but wonder if   :38.439 --> :44.280 the affection she had shown me had been a facade  all along during my quest for truth I reached out   :44.280 --> :49.319 to Old family friends and acquaintances seeking  to understand the events that had unfolded in   :49.319 --> :55.920 the past each convers ation peeled back another  layer of deception revealing a sight of Janice I   :55.920 --> :01.600 had never fathomed the people who had once admired  and respected her now spoke of her with a mix of   :01.600 --> :07.201 pity and disdain I tried to make sure she would  not see me coming from the Shadows I wasn't sure   :07.200 --> :11.840 what she would do to keep her past a secret if  she found out I'd been poking around but that   :11.840 --> :17.680 was not all there was one last piece of paper one  letter that seemed different from the rest in the   :17.680 --> :23.320 pile that I found I couldn't understand what I  read but I knew I had to find out in the dark   :23.319 --> :29.280 room where I sat with the letter I clutched the  letter tightly in my hand my heart pounding in   :29.280 --> :35.399 anticipation and dread the words etched on the  paper had sent shivers down my spine revealing   :35.399 --> :40.960 a dark secret that challenged everything I thought  I knew about my mother so I decided to follow the   :40.960 --> :46.800 address on the letter hoping to find answers that  had remained hidden for far too long but now I   :46.800 --> :52.440 wish I didn't at least I wouldn't hurt so much  the letter was addressed to a prison and from   :52.439 --> :58.439 Googling the location I realized that it would  take me 12 hours on the road to get there but   :58.439 --> :03.879 if that was the price I had to pay to understand  everything I was willing to do so as I approached   :03.880 --> :10.319 the prison a mix of fear and curiosity gripped  me I could not have anticipated what awaited me   :10.319 --> :17.080 within those Cold Steel walls my mind raced with  questions as I stepped into the visitation area   :17.080 --> :22.200 searching for a man who had written the blackmail  letter finally my eyes met the Gaze of a weathered   :22.200 --> :27.359 man seated across the table his eyes held a  glimmer of cunning knowledge the weight of his   :27.359 --> :33.799 own sins evident on his face his face looked  awfully familiar like I knew him or I'd seen   :33.800 --> :39.840 him before yet I struggled to narrow down where  I'd seen him the first words that would proceed   :39.840 --> :46.080 from his mouth were that I looked just like my  grandfather when he was in his 20s now this got   :46.080 --> :52.319 my attention immediately because as far as I know  I've never met my grand grandfather so why would   :52.319 --> :58.040 a stranger in prison miles from where I've been  all my life know I looked like my grandfather I   :58.040 --> :03.439 introduced myself and he nodded knowingly as  though he was acknowledging that he knew what   :03.439 --> :09.479 had let me come to him the man's name was Robert  and as he spoke the pieces of the puzzle began to   :09.479 --> :15.359 fall into place he revealed that my mother was  in fact The Mastermind behind how he landed in   :15.359 --> :22.439 prison with a 20year sentence from the judge he  had once been one of her close IST Confidant but   :22.439 --> :28.200 his knowledge of her nefarious actions made him  a threat that's when she decided to take drastic   :28.200 --> :34.319 measures in a voice tinged with bitterness Robert  recounted the tragic accident that had cleaned the   :34.319 --> :40.679 life of my True Mother Janice's best friend  and his wife it had been a fateful night and   :40.680 --> :48.201 the events that unfolded were far from accidental  my mother's web of Deceit had spun out of control   :48.200 --> :53.160 the paper trail for embezzlement was being linked  back to her department but she was smart enough to   :53.160 --> :58.840 divert the attention to him since they worked in  the same Corporation then Robert claims he has no   :58.840 --> :03.200 proof of how his wife died but he swore that  it was the people who thought he had wronged   :03.200 --> :09.399 them that decided to take it out on him through  his wife it meant one thing it was my mother's   :09.399 --> :15.519 fault tears welled up in my eyes as I learned  the truth about my identity I wasn't Janice's   :15.520 --> :21.640 biological child I was the child of the close pal  she had betrayed the weight of this Revelation   :21.640 --> :27.241 threatened to crush me and I struggled to come to  terms with the lies that had been woven around me   :27.240 --> :33.920 my entire life as I listened to Robert's account I  saw the complexity of human nature unravel before   :33.920 --> :41.680 me my mother driven by ambition and the desire to  protect her carefully curated life had sacrificed   :41.680 --> :47.680 the well-being of others her thirst for power  and control had led her down a path of Deceit   :47.680 --> :54.000 and betrayal but there was one thing I could not  understand why did Robert not fight against it   :54.000 --> :58.880 why did he leave her for so long what was the  point of the blackmail letter he sent to her 7   :58.880 --> :05.200 years ago I left the prison that day with my mind  a whirlwind of emotions I felt anger towards my   :05.200 --> :11.160 mother for the Web of Lies she had spun around me  I felt grief for the mother I'd lost and confusion   :11.160 --> :16.599 about my place in this Tangled narrative I thought  I would get the whole truth but I didn't not from   :16.600 --> :22.000 Robert at least I knew that I had to confront  her it was only her that could set me free from   :22.000 --> :28.479 the chains of deception that had kept me bound to  her for years and this was exactly what I did as   :28.479 --> :33.280 I stood before my mother clutching the pile  of incriminating letters my heart was Heavy   :33.280 --> :38.800 with both determination and sorrow I had hoped  that confronting her with the truth would elicit   :38.800 --> :46.000 remorse or even a glimmer of acknowledgement but  instead she chose to Fain ignorance the weight of   :46.000 --> :52.160 her deception crushed me and I knew that Justice  demanded action in the days that followed I made   :52.160 --> :57.680 the difficult decision to leave home and report my  mother's crimes to the authorities armed with the   :57.680 --> :02.920 evidence i' uncovered I approached the police  to report the stolen identity and the tangled   :02.920 --> :08.680 web of Deceit that had ens snared us for far  too long the officers initially skeptical of   :08.680 --> :14.080 my story eventually decided to delve deeper  into the matter and as the truth began to   :14.080 --> :20.880 surface the police uncovered the full extent of  my mother's actions the evidence was irrefutable   :20.880 --> :26.760 and the wheels of Justice were set into motion  the woman who had once been a prominent figure in   :26.760 --> :32.600 the community was now exposed for the ruthless  deceiver she truly was it felt like a form of   :32.600 --> :39.560 Revenge but deep down I knew that Justice needed  to be served the pain she had caused the lives she   :39.560 --> :45.880 had shattered demanded accountability however  Justice came at a steep cost one that I could   :45.880 --> :52.279 never have foreseen my baby sister just 14 years  old was caught in the crossfire of our mother's   :52.279 --> :59.240 Web of Lies with my mother's arrest my sister was  thrust into the system a victim of circumstances   :59.240 --> :05.279 she could not comprehend it broke my heart to see  her suffer and I desperately wanted to Shield her   :05.279 --> :10.639 from the pain I tried to explain the situation  to my sister to make her understand that the   :10.640 --> :17.040 actions I'd taken were necessary for justice to  Prevail but how could I expect her to grasp the   :17.040 --> :23.240 complexities of her mother's deception at such a  tense under age to her I was tearing our family   :23.240 --> :29.519 apart and the resentment she felt towards me was  palpable I longed to tell her the whole truth to   :29.520 --> :35.201 reveal the depths of our mother's betrayal but I  knew that she wasn't ready to bear that burden in   :35.200 --> :40.720 pursuing Justice for the victims of my mother's  deception I had unwittingly become the Catalyst   :40.720 --> :46.440 for our family's unraveling as I navigated through  the aftermath I found solace in knowing that   :46.439 --> :52.479 Justice had been served and that the victims of my  mother's deceit had found some measure of relief   :52.479 --> :57.120 but I still wonder what my father would say if  he could see me now would he have known about   :57.120 --> :03.040 her Secrets or had he been blissfully unaware  just like the rest of us would he understand the   :03.040 --> :09.080 choices I had made the sacrifices I had endured  or would he be disappointed that the family he   :09.080 --> :16.559 had loved had been torn apart by the very person  he trusted most our next story is how I got my   :16.560 --> :22.480 revenge on my evil best friend they say you've  gone mad when you start to think about ending   :22.479 --> :28.559 someone so I knew I'd lost all my sanity when I  realized how badly I wanted to end Alicia for what   :28.560 --> :34.280 she'd done to me Alicia and I had been besties  since kindergarten she had a bubbly personality   :34.279 --> :39.559 even then I can clearly remember the day she  bounced over to my table in the lunchroom her   :39.560 --> :45.840 golden curls jumping all over her head she'd sat  across me and stared me dead in the eyes hi I'm   :45.840 --> :51.400 Alicia she said with that serious look on her face  we're both in Miss Julie's class you may have seen   :51.399 --> :57.519 me I sit in the front row beside Rob the boy who's  always farting I've seen you you sit beside Anna   :57.520 --> :03.520 and you're always doodling in your notebook let's  be friends I smiled at her do you always talk like   :03.520 --> :10.360 that like what she'd asked clearly puzzled without  taking a breath or bothering to pause she smiled   :10.359 --> :16.599 proudly I have an impressive pair of lungs I've  been told now answer my initial question I shook   :16.600 --> :22.201 my head laughing okay Alicia sure I'd like to be  your friend we walked back to class together that   :22.200 --> :28.920 day and since then we became Inseparable at least  we were inseparable my childhood was spent sharing   :28.920 --> :33.880 crisps with her listening to her complaints  about Rob's ceaseless farting they remained   :33.880 --> :39.680 seed partners for almost 3 years accompanying her  to the park and stealing my older sister's makeup   :39.680 --> :45.000 to try on with her in the bathroom as we grew  into teenagers we were always in each other's   :45.000 --> :50.600 company we convinced our parents to always let  us have sleepovers we shared crushes on the cute   :50.600 --> :57.000 boys in the year above us we gossiped about the  seniors who cut their uniform skirts so short   :57.000 --> :01.399 even though we did the same in our final year we  were the first people to know when we both got our   :01.399 --> :07.519 periods and when I got my first kiss from a dude  called Pablo she was the first person I called   :07.520 --> :14.360 to rant about how anticlimactic it was to get  kissed by a boy whose breaths stink like onions   :14.359 --> :20.920 he just finished a Big Mac burger before the kiss  when we became 16 everyone that knew us concluded   :20.920 --> :27.480 that we were twin sisters that had been separated  at Birth I loved Alicia so dearly and I'd like to   :27.479 --> :33.839 believe she loved me too just not enough even as  we grew into adults we were thick as thieves we   :33.840 --> :39.600 met with each other practically every day shared  fashion advice shared our struggles in the tough   :39.600 --> :47.121 world and even shared Secrets good ones and nasty  ones without judging each other I trusted her much   :47.120 --> :53.559 more than I ever trusted my sister as the years  rolled by we were separated by distance Alicia   :53.560 --> :58.920 had to move to London to promote her journalism  career I had to stay in America with my family   :58.920 --> :03.960 and my underpaying job in a law firm we managed  to stay in touch though there were late night   :03.960 --> :09.040 facetimes on the days we weren't wiped out from  work we tried to make sure we notified each other   :09.040 --> :15.519 about the major changes in our lives we even had  virtual dates but it wasn't the same we missed   :15.520 --> :20.400 each other terribly and I couldn't get rid of  the sinking feeling that we were drifting apart   :20.399 --> :26.040 I dated Zach for 2 years when she notified me that  she was transferring back to America she'd gotten   :26.040 --> :31.720 a promotion and the headquarters happened to be in  New York I was so excited I could barely contain   :31.720 --> :36.640 the excitement in my voice as I told the news  to my family the best part she was going to be   :36.640 --> :42.241 sharing my apartment with me till she was able to  get one of her own the night before her arrival I   :42.240 --> :48.000 couldn't sleep I'd thrown a huge surprise party  for her at my place I'd invited all of our old   :48.000 --> :54.080 friends I'd made sure everyone got her gifts and  on the massive cake was written in capital letters   :54.080 --> :00.559 welcome home everything seemed perfect but for  some reason my heart was beating at an unusually   :00.560 --> :06.920 fast rate it got even faster the next day when  we were 30 minutes away from her arrival I told   :06.920 --> :11.760 her I wouldn't be able to pick her up from the  airport because I was stuck at work so I'd given   :11.760 --> :16.640 her directions to the apartment and told her I'd  hidden a spare key in the potted plant outside   :16.640 --> :23.640 the door nothing was out of place and I was sure  she had no clue anything was going on but I was   :23.640 --> :29.560 still a bit anxious what if we've drifted so far  that we become strangers to each other what if   :29.560 --> :35.520 she hates living with me what if she prefers her  British friends to me were we still best friends   :35.520 --> :41.680 I swallowed hard and tried not to think the worst  all would be fine I hoped the air Stood Still as   :41.680 --> :47.400 we heard her fumbling with the keys and opening  the lock it was as if everyone in the room had   :47.399 --> :53.120 held their breath as she stepped into the room  lights flooded the place and everyone screamed   :53.120 --> :58.960 welcome back home I stared at her from the back of  the room she looked different she hadn't told me   :58.960 --> :04.680 that she dyed her hair brown and had cut it short  we'd already put on our bonnets before most of our   :04.680 --> :11.201 facetimes she walked differently and she looked  like she hit the gym every other day but as our   :11.200 --> :18.840 eyes met across the room they looked exactly as I  remember and she smiled her wide childish grin we   :18.840 --> :24.560 launched into each other's arms and all my fears  were forgotten it was still Alicia and she was   :24.560 --> :30.040 here in person and she looked amazing we party  till late in the evening and caught up on a lot   :30.040 --> :34.720 of drama that had been going on in our lives we  were cleaning up from the party when Zach finally   :34.720 --> :40.241 arrived hey babe he said planting a kiss on my  cheek sorry I couldn't leave the gallery early   :40.240 --> :46.200 you know how these collectors are I sighed and  dragged them over to Alicia Alicia I called I'd   :46.200 --> :51.120 like you to meet Zachary he's an artist and the  only person in the world world that always ends   :51.120 --> :58.200 up arriving after the party is over she stared  at me wide-eyed you mean Zach like your boyfriend   :58.200 --> :04.399 yeah she shook her head you didn't tell me he was  gorgeous Zach started to cough and I couldn't hold   :04.399 --> :12.120 in my laughter Well gorgeous Zachary meet my also  gorgeous best friend Alicia nice to meet you he   :12.120 --> :17.960 said though I already feel like I know you she  talks about you all the time it gets tiring his   :17.960 --> :23.080 voice reduced to a mock whisper as as he said  the last part I playfully hit him on his torso   :23.080 --> :30.319 and he pulled me in for a kiss Alicia rolled her  eyes um too much P people get a room I laughed   :30.319 --> :34.840 at her comment and left them to get to know each  other I wanted all the people I love to love each   :34.840 --> :40.440 other a little while later I felt the hand across  my waist I knew it was Zach he helped me with the   :40.439 --> :46.160 rest of the cleaning and rubbed my feet as I told  him about my day Alicia on the other hand was jet   :46.160 --> :51.160 lagged and jumped into bed before we were even  half done cleaning W it be weird for you having   :51.160 --> :57.680 her here I could see the worry in his eyes as he  asked not at all I answered he smiled I know you   :57.680 --> :03.000 mean well and all but you like your space and  you're kind of a neat freak I whacked his head   :03.000 --> :09.760 with a pillow who's a neat freak he laughed and  tickled me you know what I mean fine I sigh I do   :09.760 --> :15.840 understand what you're saying but it's Alicia and  I'm willing to do anything for her and I meant it   :15.840 --> :21.640 being roommates with her wasn't bad it was a lot  of fun and included a lot of weekend alcohol and   :21.640 --> :27.360 Sheet masks sometimes she'd be home before me and  would have prepared our dinner or randomly show up   :27.359 --> :32.000 with some delicious treat from work it was only  hard for me when I noticed her shoes under the   :32.000 --> :39.080 bed or a pot in the dish rack or when she slept  on my pillow as Zachary said I liked my space   :39.080 --> :44.080 clean but no matter how many times I tried to  remind her she seemed to forget one thing or the   :44.080 --> :50.080 other she became friends with Zach and I'd always  include her in any date plans if she wasn't busy   :50.080 --> :55.200 and we tried as much as possible not to make her  feel like a third wheel then all of a sudden they   :55.200 --> :00.399 both started acting weird at first I didn't notice  the slight changes in both of them when they were   :00.399 --> :07.359 around each other but they became more obvious the  controlled glances at each other now and then the   :07.359 --> :14.080 restrain in their tones now and then and I refused  to let myself suspect anything till I noticed how   :14.080 --> :20.359 they avoided physical touch so carefully it wasn't  like that before I was sure of it Zach used to   :20.359 --> :27.120 ruffle her hair whenever she beat me at chess or  she'd play choke him when he made dumb jokes but   :27.120 --> :32.120 now they were being way too careful they'd keep  a lot of distance between them when they were on   :32.120 --> :37.399 the same chair and they wouldn't as much as let  their breaths come in contact with each other   :37.399 --> :42.599 and people only did that when they'd reached  a level of intimacy they were trying to hide I   :42.600 --> :49.080 was extremely bothered but I didn't want to make  any dramatic decisions just to be proved wrong I   :49.080 --> :54.200 didn't want to believe that what I was thinking  was true but the more I kept quiet the worse   :54.200 --> :00.760 things were getting at some point they both became  almost unavailable to do anything with me Alicia   :00.760 --> :06.840 would be stuck at a work meeting while Zach would  coincidentally be occupied with some Art Exhibit   :06.840 --> :12.720 or the other at the same time I tried to keep my  tongue in my cheek but it was too much to hold   :12.720 --> :18.760 in so I finally asked Alicia what was going on and  why she never seemed to be around anymore she told   :18.760 --> :24.080 me it was because she'd met someone and she liked  him but she didn't want to tell me about him yet   :24.080 --> :30.960 because she wasn't sure if it was serious or not  the relief that coed through me was instantaneous   :30.960 --> :36.279 that was what was going on I must have imagined  everything I thought I saw Alicia would never   :36.279 --> :44.279 do that to me Zach loved me he wouldn't betray me  either since I knew what was going on with Alicia   :44.279 --> :49.639 we seemed to have more time together she was  always on her phone texting Mark the mystery guy   :50.160 --> :55.680 but she gave me enough details about him to make  me love him for making her so happy I teased her   :55.680 --> :00.880 a lot though because she had this dreamy look in  her eyes whenever she talked about him or when   :00.880 --> :06.600 she texted him I told her how I felt like Zach was  getting tired of me but she assured me that she'd   :06.600 --> :12.400 never seen two people so in love we were doing  sheet masks and having a gab sesh one Saturday   :12.399 --> :17.839 when Mark hit her up it had to be him because her  whole face lit up when she looked at her screen   :17.840 --> :25.200 I laughed that Mark huh she sighed God am I that  obvious we all know the answer but I never reped   :25.200 --> :30.720 to that question because at that moment the fire  alarm sounded in our kitchen which meant that the   :30.720 --> :36.280 Forgotten pancakes she was making must have been  black as Char just as she left for the kitchen her   :36.279 --> :41.399 screen flashed with a notification from Mark then  she got three more messages from him in less than   :41.399 --> :47.240 a minute Alicia I called Mark must have something  extremely important to say to you but before she   :47.240 --> :54.200 could get back to the room he'd placed a face PE  time for her lo and behold Mark's face didn't fit   :54.200 --> :01.279 his name because his real name started with a z  and not an M right there on the screen his profile   :01.279 --> :08.120 picture was flashing at me but the name on the  screen was Zach's desperate to be proved wrong   :08.120 --> :14.080 I accepted the call and just as Alicia walked  into the room Zach's surprised face stared at   :14.080 --> :20.559 me from the screen I stared at her while Zach was  muttering some excuse from the phone how could   :20.560 --> :26.560 you I asked expecting a full-blown apology but  she stared back at me coldly and told me that I   :26.560 --> :32.000 didn't deserve him and that he had stopped loving  me a long time ago but he didn't want to leave me   :32.000 --> :37.880 because I was too immature and he was scared to  wreck me so I should grow up and realize that I   :37.880 --> :44.359 can't have the world at my fingertips dumbfounded  and filled with raging emotions I stumbled out   :44.359 --> :49.639 the door into the nearest bar I could find I  couldn't breathe this could not have been happen   :49.640 --> :55.280 happening I was probably dreaming but I wasn't  by the time I returned to my apartment she'd   :55.279 --> :02.559 cleared out all her things and left a please don't  contact me note on the kitchen table as if I was   :02.560 --> :08.560 ever going to contact her I hated her men come  and go but friendships were supposed to last a   :08.560 --> :15.040 lifetime I would have been able to deal with Zach  cheating with anybody else but the fact that she   :15.040 --> :20.200 could betray me like that broke me I'd given her  the best of my heart and she guilt lessly messed   :20.200 --> :25.599 it up without a second thought I was never going  to let anyone get that close to me again and she   :25.600 --> :32.600 was going to pay very dearly for every teared shed  a year later I received their wedding invitation   :32.600 --> :38.360 in my mail and I couldn't believe that they'd  handed me the opportunity to get my revenge on   :38.359 --> :44.120 a platter of gold I didn't feel sad that they  were getting married all I could feel was hate   :44.120 --> :50.519 and anger I felt mocked but that was all right  because soon they'd be crying out in anger and   :50.520 --> :56.760 embarrassment the morning of the wedding I dressed  up in my best black gown with a black hat and dark   :56.760 --> :02.480 makeup when I walked into the church everyone  turned to look at me but I didn't mind that was   :02.479 --> :08.359 exactly what I wanted I kept my head low till the  priest in charge of the ceremony asked if anyone   :08.359 --> :15.040 had an objection then I marched with my eyes fixed  on the confused looking people to the front of the   :15.040 --> :20.960 altar I took the microphone from the priest  and cleared my throat today he I'm dressed in   :20.960 --> :28.160 black I began not as a mistake but as a symbol of  mourning I went on and told the whole church about   :28.160 --> :35.000 how she'd betrayed me and stolen my boyfriend but  I didn't stop there I revealed a very unforgivable   :35.000 --> :41.200 secret about how Alicia had gotten pregnant when  she was 20 and she left the baby outside of the   :41.200 --> :46.599 orphanage as I walked out of the church I saw her  parents getting up from their seats and leaving   :46.600 --> :52.080 the church too I looked back and saw her crying  on the altar with a shocked looking Zach staring   :52.080 --> :58.000 at her but refusing to go close to her I watched  the tears fall for a minute and felt something   :58.000 --> :04.720 close to happiness some days later I heard that  the marriage didn't take place you know usually   :04.720 --> :10.520 it's just a formality thing when somebody says  Speak now or forever hold your peace or whatnot   :10.520 --> :17.520 but usually most of those people don't have quite  such a big bombshell to drop to just utterly ruin   :17.520 --> :24.041 the wedding op just basic Bally Oppenheimer the  entire venue it was like the collective 3 years   :24.040 --> :28.840 of their seatmate Rob the farting classmate was  Unleashed in that venue and everybody just had   :28.840 --> :33.880 to clear out I mean Dirty Laundry like that that  was shared that's one of those ones where you're   :33.880 --> :39.080 in the Pew you put your hands up you slap your  lap and you immediately go to get up like I'm   :39.080 --> :44.559 not getting involved in this I don't want to be a  part of this memory and therapy maybe Hal truths   :44.560 --> :50.520 aren't so bad when pitching ideas it is important  to withhold important information at least till   :50.520 --> :55.560 the contract is awarded this helped me get my  revenge against a dubious investor who wanted   :55.560 --> :02.000 to cut me off from a potential lifechanging deal  making a great impact in life and making loads of   :02.000 --> :07.640 money is the dream of every young man especially  after completing his degree this was my life after   :07.640 --> :12.440 my degree in architecture I've always been of the  opinion of setting new standards and bringing out   :12.439 --> :17.960 the best of myself and others and this is why I  decided on putting efforts into self-development   :17.960 --> :22.880 and understanding the scope of the real estate  World getting good projects requires having a good   :22.880 --> :28.240 portfolio and this cannot be done without having  enough money which is something I lacked after   :28.240 --> :33.679 my first degree which made me turn my hopes on  investment bankers to fund my projects and in turn   :33.680 --> :38.720 help us make more money the real estate world is  one filled with many competitors with high capital   :38.720 --> :44.440 and good funding I'm just coming in with ideas and  low funding I knew what I had to do and I started   :44.439 --> :49.439 with it I sent proposals out to a lot of companies  pitching different ideas based on their area of   :49.439 --> :54.240 interest in recent projects I was able to meet  with a couple of investors who were able to key   :54.240 --> :00.399 into the ideas but many of them didn't see me as  a reliable candidate for the job and as such I   :00.399 --> :05.719 got disappointed more than a few times I didn't  get discouraged I only sought after everything I   :05.720 --> :10.800 could learn during that period it wasn't until  the height of it when everything before I met   :10.800 --> :16.800 Mr Andrews an investor who saw the beauty and  infrastructure I went for an interview to defend   :16.800 --> :20.840 some of my works and he happened to stumble on  my work work during a meeting with his friend   :20.840 --> :25.440 who was a member of the board meant to interview  me he scheduled a meeting a few days later with   :25.439 --> :30.319 me to discuss options for growing the business and  getting adequate funding for it we had the meeting   :30.319 --> :35.639 over lunch and he appeared to be so interested  well who wouldn't be interested in a potential   :35.640 --> :41.360 money-making deal he saw the beauty of the work  and decided to work by partnering with me this   :41.359 --> :46.759 deal got me having doubts about the possibility  but I had to keep cool and promise to look into   :46.760 --> :51.920 it and get back to him I went back to him after  after a lot of consideration and recommendations   :51.920 --> :57.720 from my administrative team and my legal team we  decided that since he did the funding in place   :57.720 --> :04.080 of incorporating it into his company he should  buy in for 50% on every deal leaving my company   :04.080 --> :10.040 autonomous and self serving Mr Andrews didn't like  the sound of that also but we worked way around   :10.040 --> :15.000 it putting us under his company well it's just  the beginning of what I can call a Bittersweet   :15.000 --> :20.359 experience work commenced and the first few  months were like Bliss we were always up and   :20.359 --> :26.279 running keeping contact with potential clients  and setting up blueprints for our Master project   :26.279 --> :31.279 we had started work on some mini projects and  were able to install some of the latest security   :31.279 --> :36.519 systems into every apartment in each building  that was the goal to ensure adequate comfort and   :36.520 --> :42.081 security for our clients working with Mr Andrews  gave us enough leverage as we were able to develop   :42.080 --> :47.279 our software to match up any breach as well as  have funds to research and design more buildings   :47.279 --> :53.719 to get more relevant within the space it was as if  I'd gotten access to my dream of being independent   :53.720 --> :58.560 everyone on my team had enough to work with and  there was enough to pay everybody it was like a   :58.560 --> :04.760 dream coming into existence we were able to submit  more proposals and jobs were coming in with the   :04.760 --> :10.280 help of Mr Andrews we were able to get funds from  investment Banks to Kickstart a lot of projects   :10.279 --> :14.559 which would give us quite a good chance of making  a good profit on them since it's shared based on   :14.560 --> :19.920 the agreed percentage I was already looking at  how far this partnership would go when the first   :19.920 --> :25.720 tragedy struck Mr Andrews never looked to me like  a man who would meddle in Petty Affairs or would   :25.720 --> :31.520 be willing to exploit his Partners well it first  started with trying to fit people into the team I   :31.520 --> :36.041 had always worked with my own team and we always  had a mutual understanding of the job and how it   :36.040 --> :42.279 should be done then Mr Andrew started calling in  favors by employing people and sending them to   :42.279 --> :47.960 us first it started with him calling in favors  to fill in and help out on some personal jobs   :47.960 --> :53.960 off the record with our software it seemed odd at  first because we agreed on not including personal   :53.960 --> :59.960 jobs in the business but I overlooked it and saw  it as something that I could do for a friend a few   :59.960 --> :05.720 months before the completion of a major project  Mr Andrews came with a new employee and claimed he   :05.720 --> :12.000 was his candidate to join the team as a software  engineer and subin as an interior designer this   :12.000 --> :17.439 caught me unawares as I headed the software and  architecture team and I didn't place a demand   :17.439 --> :22.919 for a new member on the team neither did I say we  were short of hands to complete our jobs I decided   :22.920 --> :28.000 to kick against it and rejected the offer stating  the obvious fact that we didn't need new hands on   :28.000 --> :33.399 the job he called the board meeting of all Team  Heads as regards the issue and the board voted   :33.399 --> :38.759 that the new employee be approved but kept under  supervision for a couple of weeks the thought of   :38.760 --> :44.600 this got me fuming and angry as it was an attempt  to undermine my autonomy as the head of operations   :44.600 --> :50.080 and a partner to the business Mr Andrews had  sent a message he could Force his will on me   :50.080 --> :55.240 and make me do it even when I don't want to I on  the other hand was ready to hit the nail on its   :55.240 --> :02.200 head by clipping his grasp off my company yes my  company because I own it and run it with my team   :02.200 --> :07.840 I had hoped things would go on smoothly between us  and we'd be able to grow together but apparently   :07.840 --> :13.480 Mr Andrews didn't seem willing to make things work  well that was just the beginning Mr Andrews kept   :13.479 --> :19.200 on trying to frustrate every effort I made to  keep the peace amongst us and maintain a health   :19.200 --> :25.000 working environment As Time passed there was a  series of activities going on which were all aimed   :25.000 --> :30.720 at undermining my authority on the team one time  the software Guy Mr Andrews forced on us refused   :30.720 --> :36.520 to carry out a task and said he would need to seek  permission from his boss Mr Andrews before he can   :36.520 --> :42.400 proceed with the task I looked at him fuming with  annoyance trying to understand what a frony he had   :42.399 --> :47.359 to look at me and talked to me in such a manner  I shut him up and told him to either carry out   :47.359 --> :53.240 his task or leave the office office with all his  belongings and never come back I had to also meet   :53.240 --> :59.000 the supposed boss and warned him to stop meddling  in the Affairs of my team I knew the entire drama   :59.000 --> :04.600 unfolding was aimed at one thing but I wasn't  sure of what it was I tried to cushion whatever   :04.600 --> :09.201 effect it was going to have on the company but  I wouldn't have expected to be kicked off my   :09.200 --> :14.920 project Mr Andrews had made plans to kick me off  my projects and take over my company with the   :14.920 --> :21.160 guys of rebranding and setting up a new company he  had his mind set on one thing and I didn't see it   :21.160 --> :26.479 early enough he wanted me out of the business the  events that came up within the cycle of 4 months   :26.479 --> :31.679 were quite annoying but then I felt it was just  actions of a man trying to assert his position   :31.680 --> :36.840 as a man of authority over everyone around him  until the day I got served with a notification   :36.840 --> :43.160 of termination of contract and this was at the  edge of getting a very huge contract Mr Andrews   :43.160 --> :48.439 notified me that they wouldn't be able to continue  sponsoring our projects and standing in for loans   :48.439 --> :52.919 this caused cused me a lot of trouble because it  was a sign that things were going to get rough the   :52.920 --> :57.880 next thing I discovered was that Mr Andrews had  started a new real estate company and was already   :57.880 --> :03.840 bidding for contracts that we were pursuing while  working together it's one thing to betray my trust   :03.840 --> :10.360 and try to steal or get contracts off my hands  but poaching my team members and clients that's   :10.359 --> :15.559 extra and I wasn't going to take that without a  fight it's going to be like Newton's third law   :15.560 --> :21.680 for every action force and nature there was an  equal an opposite reaction I'd have to get my   :21.680 --> :27.080 revenge and save my company I had to take a step  backward to analyze what was going on and how   :27.080 --> :32.600 much damage had been done I checked with my team  members and every one of our staff to see how many   :32.600 --> :37.560 of them were willing to remain with us and worked  dedicatedly even though it was obvious that things   :37.560 --> :43.081 would be more tedious for us all a few of them  apologized that they had better offers elsewhere   :43.080 --> :49.519 and would love to explore their options which I  agreed with and we parted ways on good terms next   :49.520 --> :54.960 my clients I started by planting malware with  multiple encryptions on the software installed   :54.960 --> :01.319 on our security network making all security  appliances installed for every client malfunction   :01.319 --> :06.359 at different times I understood how it worked and  notified all clients that stuck with us on how   :06.359 --> :12.399 we plan to review the software and update their  security system unfortunately Mr Andrews retained   :12.399 --> :18.839 the software and it affected all his clients every  time his guys tried they couldn't get rid of it   :18.840 --> :24.319 I knew their capabilities individually  and collectively so it was quite easy I   :24.319 --> :29.679 started approaching my former clients and his new  clients with a solution to the problem and trust   :29.680 --> :36.400 me it worked I had secured a greater number of my  clients back and my business was back we were able   :36.399 --> :41.519 to secure funding from some banks through loans  and payments from our newly acquired clients as   :41.520 --> :46.880 soon as I was sure my company was back on track it  was time for Revenge I didn't know what I could do   :46.880 --> :52.640 to Mr Andrews for everything he did did but I was  sure something was going to come up I started my   :52.640 --> :59.520 research on him from taxes to Offshore accounts  traveling in medical history crime history and   :59.520 --> :04.840 even family life this man appeared clean on the  outside but I was pretty sure that it was too   :04.840 --> :10.640 good to be true so I kept on digging I felt doing  it alone was making me less effective so I called   :10.640 --> :15.320 my best friend Leo and asked him to come around  he already knew about everything Mr Andrew had   :15.319 --> :20.639 done to me and how he stabbed me in the back  just because he wanted my company for himself   :20.640 --> :26.320 we continued digging and this time we found some  traces of some accounts running as expenses for   :26.319 --> :33.639 his company but being diverted into cryptocurrency  through an offshore Bank we struck gold Mr Andrews   :33.640 --> :38.800 had been stealing from his company in the board  without anyone knowing or suspecting Leo felt   :38.800 --> :44.160 that was enough but I wanted more he wanted my  company for himself but he couldn't have done it   :44.160 --> :48.880 without support from the board there's only one  reason why Mr Andrews would have been stealing   :48.880 --> :54.920 without anyone noticing either there's a front  for moneya laundering or tax evasion we kept on   :54.920 --> :00.800 digging and found more we discovered that the  company had reduced its profits by 50% through   :00.800 --> :07.279 an offshore account to evade taxes I believed it  was time for revenge and it was going to be fun   :07.279 --> :12.800 for me though remember the time I had installed  some software on Mr Andrews laptop it gave me   :12.800 --> :18.920 the perfect start to my revenge which was making  him appear negligent in his duties I was able to   :18.920 --> :24.800 access his emails and personal schedules and found  out he had a meeting to defend a project proposal   :24.800 --> :30.520 I was able to delete the original presentation and  replace it with just mere drawings I didn't care   :30.520 --> :35.320 about him losing the contract I can always imagine  the disappointment in the eyes of the investors   :35.319 --> :42.200 when what was displayed wasn't what was expected  after this I heard Mr Andrews fired to secretary   :42.200 --> :47.840 she was just collateral damage in my quest for  Revenge we decided to carry else the action in our   :47.840 --> :54.080 plan by sending an anonymous message to finsen a  bureau under the Department of Treasury notifying   :54.080 --> :01.080 them of a case of tax evasion by Mr Andrews and  his firm resulting in the investigation of the   :01.080 --> :06.960 firm and auditing of the firm's accounts in order  to establish if the firm is truly guilty of tax   :06.960 --> :12.279 evasion before the federal Auditors came around  the board hired external Auditors to check their   :12.279 --> :17.359 books and ensure that it's full proof of any  crime however during this audit we made the   :17.359 --> :23.920 launch of our last attack on Mr Andrews by making  a wire transfer through his account to the same   :23.920 --> :29.960 offshore account he uses to steal from The Firm  the board had no choice but to relieve Mr Andrews   :29.960 --> :35.040 from his duties in The Firm since it was evident  that he was guilty as charged the firm couldn't   :35.040 --> :40.000 rid itself of the hook totally in regards to the  case of tax evasion and the board was find the   :40.000 --> :47.279 sum of $2 million and compelled to pay every penny  owed the government couldn't find every loophole   :47.279 --> :52.519 and possibly some of officials were bribed to  mitigate the Damage Done To The Firm but still   :52.520 --> :58.640 they were paid and were placed under government  supervision for some time leaving them vulnerable   :58.640 --> :04.080 as for Mr Andrews he had lost his job being a  powerful person it wasn't something that could   :04.080 --> :09.920 be kept hidden so his image was tarnished and I'm  sure it's going to be difficult to redeem himself   :09.920 --> :15.640 afterward I'm pretty sure he would imagine till  today what happened exactly and why everything   :15.640 --> :20.800 went so bad but I'm sure it would be difficult  to trace it all back to me since I only helped   :20.800 --> :26.400 to bring to the open what was kept hidden before  my business is up and running growing and making   :26.399 --> :31.519 an impact I'm not where I want to be yet but  I'm moving forward and I would not give room   :31.520 --> :37.320 for anyone to think they can mess with me and get  away with it obviously this is kind of a worst   :37.319 --> :42.679 case scenario but it's definitely something  to look at and consider if you own your own   :42.680 --> :50.000 business when you approach that idea of selling  or partnering or really being acquired even in a   :50.000 --> :55.080 situation like this where it appears that you're  going to have full autonomy you have to be careful   :55.080 --> :00.600 of every loophole that said our next story is  how I got back at my ex-boyfriend for stealing   :00.600 --> :06.640 my movie script my ex-boyfriend was married to a  spoiled brat a daddy's girl who got everything she   :06.640 --> :12.080 ever wanted from her father including one of his  very attractive employees whom she eventually got   :12.080 --> :18.200 married to according to him her dad darn near made  him marry her she got pregnant and he threatened   :18.200 --> :23.200 to ruin him if he doesn't set a wedding date and  marry his daughter immediately interestingly she   :23.200 --> :29.120 had a miscarriage just after the wedding for a  long time my ex held that she lied and only told   :29.120 --> :34.519 everyone she was pregnant so her dad could coer  him into marrying her he wanted nothing more than   :34.520 --> :40.201 to rise to fame and wealth and be one of the  most powerful men in the world a man like his   :40.200 --> :46.840 father-in-law who had a lot of money many children  and a favorite child and real power he Dreamed a   :46.840 --> :52.840 lot but sadly he did didn't have what it took but  somehow he always thought he did my ex-boyfriend   :52.840 --> :00.440 was as deluded as he was ambitious he had no real  talent and was average in intelligence I knew that   :00.439 --> :06.519 his wife knew it but I let him get away with it  because darn he was the most handsome man ever   :06.520 --> :11.920 he wasn't just good-looking he was beautiful he  had the perfect body the kind of body that many   :11.920 --> :18.080 men worked hard for but still don't have nearly  as much the perfect face the perfect dentition   :18.080 --> :23.559 and and he was a smooth talker too that was what  attracted me to him and I'm sure that attracted   :23.560 --> :28.720 his wife too they met in her dad's company on his  birthday she had just flown into the country and   :28.720 --> :34.960 went directly to her dad's office to wish him a  happy birthday when she saw the finest man ever   :34.960 --> :39.080 that was how she described him to a magazine  that interviewed them after their wedding he   :39.080 --> :43.680 said she walked up to him and asked for his name  and he told her she's Fallen hard in love with   :43.680 --> :49.160 me ever since he joked when they started dating  she did everything to make him marryed her even   :49.160 --> :53.920 though he had many doubts and so did his mother  his mother was skeptical about him marrying the   :53.920 --> :59.640 daughter of a famous and powerful man because they  didn't have a lot of money his mom was a retired   :59.640 --> :05.360 High School principal my ex told me that his mom  warned him many times that his wife's family would   :05.359 --> :10.399 treat him like a gold digger and that they would  never respect him it was even worse because he   :10.399 --> :16.080 worked for her dad he refused to listen though he  said he was in love with her but that wasn't it   :16.080 --> :22.559 he just wanted her money you see my ax had lots of  plans and goals ideas that he believed would make   :22.560 --> :27.480 him the rich powerful man that he'd always wanted  to be he always said that he just needed money to   :27.479 --> :33.239 finance those plans he needed Fame and money so  he could prove to himself and everyone else that   :33.239 --> :38.800 he had it in him what he wasn't really saying was  that he wanted to be rich and Powerful so he could   :38.800 --> :44.120 be free from his wife and her family the day I met  him at the restaurant where I worked he was having   :44.120 --> :49.319 an early dinner with his father-in-law his wife's  stepmother and his wife even though he looked very   :49.319 --> :54.840 good he looked small at the table something about  him was just off he had the look of someone who   :54.840 --> :00.520 didn't feel confident about being at that table  someone who didn't feel like they belonged there   :00.520 --> :05.121 hello it's a pleasure to have you eat at our  restaurant I'll be waiting on you tonight as I   :05.120 --> :11.120 spoke I caught him struggling not to look at me I  don't mean to brag but I'm a very beautiful woman   :11.120 --> :17.080 myself I always got complimented for my beauty in  school and even when I worked at the restaurant it   :17.080 --> :23.000 wasn't uncommon to have men make passes at me even  married men who came to eat with their wives Andor   :23.000 --> :28.720 children I always ignored them because I could  never bring myself to date a married man but my ex   :28.720 --> :34.280 was someone I'd always had a crush on ever since  his face got in the eyes of the public for dating   :34.279 --> :39.840 the daughter of a popular movie and TV series  producer I felt an insane attraction towards   :39.840 --> :46.080 him I even secretly believed that his wife was not  deserving of him yes she was rich and was part of   :46.080 --> :52.239 an influential family but she wasn't n pretty at  all if her dad wasn't so rich she would be a very   :52.239 --> :58.279 unremarkable woman she had the most plain features  for a girl who was born into money despite her   :58.279 --> :03.960 expensive skin care products and designer  clothes and accessories she didn't look it   :03.960 --> :09.800 her face no matter how much makeup she wore just  never looked pretty but she was rich and had a   :09.800 --> :16.080 commanding presence so everyone worshiped her just  like my ex-boyfriend she had no Talent she hardly   :16.080 --> :21.439 ever even worked she had siblings who were Making  Waves in their various Industries but all she did   :21.439 --> :26.960 was look beautiful and attend social functions  with her husband my super cute ex-boyfriend on   :26.960 --> :32.200 her arm people always told me that I wasn't all  that and I laugh and tell them well I married   :32.200 --> :37.880 a very handsome man and I honestly wish our kids  look just like him she had said in a TV interview   :37.880 --> :43.640 one day they're right about you not being all that  I muttered to myself while watching the interview   :43.640 --> :48.960 when I noticed that he was trying not to look at  me I snuck to the back and adjusted my dress so it   :48.960 --> :55.359 outline my chest that worked because all through  that evening I caught him stealing glances at me   :55.359 --> :00.960 at one point his glances got so frequent that  his father-in-law almost caught him I figured   :00.960 --> :06.160 if I didn't encourage him in any way he'd forget  all about me so whenever I caught him glancing   :06.160 --> :12.359 at me I'd smile coily and look away he got the  message it wasn't the first time I'd done that to   :12.359 --> :17.319 a customer I'd done that to an actor in the past  he was at the restaurant to have lunch with some   :17.319 --> :23.239 of his colleagues and I noticed that I'd caught  his interest I smiled quily at him and he came   :23.239 --> :29.040 back to look for me just as I'd predicted my ex  came back to look for me he asked to be friends   :29.040 --> :34.720 and we started hanging out secretly we'd stay  together at motels and my tiny apartment because   :34.720 --> :39.680 he was terrified of his wife finding out about  us if he was caught cheating on his wife that   :39.680 --> :46.080 automatically spelled the end of his career he was  thirsty for respect for a sort of validation and I   :46.080 --> :52.239 provided him that I made him feel loved honored  and important also the class difference left me   :52.239 --> :57.719 in awe he told me about the celebrities he' met  those he knew and those who visited their home   :57.720 --> :03.520 frequently I gave him something that he clearly  was not getting from his wife my ex was having a   :03.520 --> :07.880 difficult time at work because he wasn't getting  the promotion he believed he deserved he had a   :07.880 --> :13.239 big idea for a movie and he needed someone to  sponsor it he doesn't respect me I ought have gone   :13.239 --> :18.880 farther in my career he'd rant to me about his  father-in-law one day he decided that he needed   :18.880 --> :24.400 to put his foot down so he quit his job at his  father-in-law's company I just want to do things   :24.399 --> :30.200 my own way going forward he said to me he started  asking around for funding for his movie using his   :30.200 --> :34.920 wife's connections and talking to her friends  can you believe she said I was embarrassing her   :34.920 --> :40.239 by calling our friends to ask for their help  he ranted to me one day she wants me to ask   :40.239 --> :45.800 her dad for money but I'll never do that that was  something else that my ex-boyfriend struggled with   :45.800 --> :51.560 he had the pride and ego of a man who had made it  even though he wasn't close I persuaded him to ask   :51.560 --> :56.640 his father-in-law for money for the project he had  promised that as soon as he'd made big money from   :56.640 --> :02.640 the project he'd get a divorce and we'd be free to  date openly I waited patiently for when that would   :02.640 --> :08.280 happen when my ex told me that his father-in-law  rejected his script and tossed it away I offered   :08.279 --> :12.840 to write a new one for him I had a strong  background in screenwriting and used to work   :12.840 --> :18.239 for a screenwriter before she died the only reason  I wasn't close to realizing my dream was that I   :18.239 --> :23.359 was still saving money to go to college to study  creative writing I assured him that I could handle   :23.359 --> :30.399 it my ex was also a screenwriter but I'd seen his  work and it was honestly below par I just knew he   :30.399 --> :36.279 couldn't do it alone so I stepped in to help so we  could properly be an item he shared his idea for   :36.279 --> :42.359 the movie with me and we discussed what could stay  and what couldn't I realized why his father-in-law   :42.359 --> :48.479 was very skeptical because he had no idea what he  was doing and was very stubborn about about taking   :48.479 --> :54.839 out stuff that was just unnecessary after a lot of  back and forths we agreed on the plot and I got to   :54.840 --> :00.680 work I spent a whole month writing the script and  working different shifts every day at work when I   :00.680 --> :05.280 was finally finished with the script I gave it  to him and he passed it on to his father-in-law   :05.279 --> :10.639 who was very impressed the agreement I had with my  ex was that he'd include me in the credit for the   :10.640 --> :15.680 script we even planned to Grant interviews where  we lied about working on the script together but   :15.680 --> :21.360 not doing anything sexual or even liking each  other while he was married I was excited to   :21.359 --> :26.920 see what the future held for me he showed me the  compiled script and I was included as a writer   :26.920 --> :32.279 the names on it were mine his name and that of  the editor he hired his father-in-law decided   :32.279 --> :38.239 to release funds for the movie but he had to set  everything in motion first from choosing the lead   :38.239 --> :44.319 actors to the best assistant director to costumier  and all of that I was watching his interviews one   :44.319 --> :49.639 afternoon where he was creating a buzz for the  movie and and said the only information he was   :49.640 --> :55.120 going to reveal was the screenwriters then he went  on to name himself and one other popular female   :55.120 --> :00.720 screenwriter as the writers of the script I was so  heartbroken that I went to my manager and told him   :00.720 --> :05.880 I was sick and had to take the day off I needed  a popular name on the project someone that would   :05.880 --> :11.960 make people anticipate the movie he explained when  we saw if you wanted someone that popular then did   :11.960 --> :18.600 you not go to her in the first place listen she's  expensive okay I cannot afford to pay for her work   :18.600 --> :24.161 I told her I wrote a screenplay and needed her  name on it and she read it and approved oh she's   :24.160 --> :30.439 expensive and I'm cheap I realized then that my ex  hasn't paid me a dime for my work I remembered the   :30.439 --> :36.080 nights when my fingers got sore from typing on  my computer and how much time and money I spent   :36.080 --> :41.439 on doing research at different libraries my ex  didn't have a lot of money all his wife's money   :41.439 --> :46.719 came from her father and his money came from his  salary which admittedly wasn't a lot of money in   :46.720 --> :52.440 their world but compared to what I was making  it was huge he could have paid me to at least   :52.439 --> :57.839 appreciate what I did for him my ex complained  about his wife and her family not treating him   :57.840 --> :04.400 well but he was doing the same and even worse to  me since I was simply a ghost riter on the project   :04.399 --> :11.559 I asked him to pay me pay you he glared at me yes  it's only fair I always suspected you were after   :11.560 --> :18.081 my money and only wanted to use me he said in a  voice that didn't even sound like his to this day   :18.080 --> :24.399 I get very irritated just thinking about that  statement I asked him to leave my house and   :24.399 --> :30.120 he did I was mad at him but somewhere in the  corner of my mind I hoped he'd apologize and   :30.120 --> :34.960 we'd sort things out instead he sent me a  message that evening calling me a stupid   :34.960 --> :41.279 witch and telling me that I wasn't a great writer  anyway that pissed me off I decided to set him up   :41.279 --> :47.719 I called him and apologized and he accepted but  not after gloating we resumed our relationship   :48.239 --> :53.599 and while he continued to gather materials  for his big project I gathered materials for   :53.600 --> :00.201 my revenge I took pictures of us naked together  and took pictures of him napping in my room one   :00.200 --> :07.040 day after we just left my house I printed all my  evidence and mailed them to his wife's office she   :07.040 --> :13.160 was devastated as I thought she'd be a woman of  her status would certainly be more offended that   :13.160 --> :19.639 a man who was nowhere near level socially would  do that to her I left my contact information in   :19.640 --> :25.320 the file and she called me I don't know how but  when I saw that unknown number I knew immediately   :25.319 --> :31.200 that it was her she went off on me saying lots of  stuff that I cannot remember because they were too   :31.200 --> :37.239 hurtful but the only statement that stood out for  me was you two deserve each other I'm leaving him   :37.239 --> :42.519 for you I didn't care if she left him or not  what I really wanted was his father-in-law to   :42.520 --> :48.121 cancel the project and that was what happened  his wife took him back according to the Tablo   :48.120 --> :54.559 but not long after she filed for a divorce stating  irreconcilable differences as a reason knowing   :54.560 --> :01.040 their family they probably paid him to shut up I  still worry that my ex may find me and get revenge   :01.040 --> :06.279 but it's been years and I haven't seen nor heard  from him since I was always scared to tell this   :06.279 --> :11.719 story because people are wanting to blame me for  willingly being the other woman but I genuinely   :11.720 --> :17.840 thought I was saving him from a family that did  not respect him I wanted to help build him up and   :17.840 --> :23.560 him the love and respect he said he wasn't getting  from his wife and her family alas the problem was   :23.560 --> :29.680 never that his wife or her family did not respect  him he had high hopes for their relationship does   :29.680 --> :35.960 anybody else agree that this story just reinforces  the fact that you just shouldn't go after somebody   :35.960 --> :41.680 that is in a committed relationship regardless  of even being married morally it seems screwed   :41.680 --> :48.201 up and overall I think it has way too many chances  to just go totally sideways she stabbed me in the   :48.200 --> :53.399 back and I drove a knife through her chest if  you did not know let me put this disclaimer out   :53.399 --> :58.599 there this is not the regular out ofyn friendship  experience where you easily find a way to get back   :58.600 --> :03.760 into whatever Rhythm you had from the start this  is what someone I had considered to be my family   :03.760 --> :09.080 did how she came after me in the most unimaginable  way a friend could but while she thought of me to   :09.080 --> :15.080 be weak the score would be settled and Justice  would be served well at least to me making her   :15.080 --> :22.200 loser winning streak was pure Justice it felt like  a big bowl of vanilla pudding with a lot of extras   :22.200 --> :27.239 okay this might sound crazy but you didn't know  her you had no idea what it was like to be her   :27.239 --> :32.840 friend you had no idea what I had to endure for  years but to make this all make sense I would   :32.840 --> :37.160 give you my account of what actually happened  the moment I met Daisy in the hallways of our   :37.160 --> :41.800 high school I could never have figured out that we  would come close to being what people would think   :41.800 --> :48.960 of as best of friends her Charisma was infectious  and her radiant smile drew me in like a moth to a   :48.960 --> :54.840 flame but I was not and to be honest that should  have been the signal that we were two entirely   :54.840 --> :59.720 different people and that we were bound to come  across a certain imbalance in our friendship but   :59.720 --> :04.640 at that point I could not refuse the only hand  of a friend I'd gotten since I began High School   :04.640 --> :09.800 I could not be The Loner that gets picked on  for always being alone and having no friends   :09.800 --> :15.760 so we clicked instantly as if two puzzle pieces  finally found their Perfect Fit And while we were   :15.760 --> :20.239 different people at heart there were things that  we found a common footing on this revolved around   :20.239 --> :26.120 our shared interests and dreams especially our  love for science which solidified our bond making   :26.120 --> :31.920 us somewhat Inseparable Daisy was everything I had  admired in a friend confident charming and full of   :31.920 --> :37.359 life whenever she was around the world seemed  brighter and her laughter was like music to my   :37.359 --> :44.040 ears I felt incredibly lucky to be her Confidant  her chish companion in the Journey of high school   :44.040 --> :49.720 our passion for science brought us even closer  we spent countless hours discussing theories   :49.720 --> :55.000 conducting experiments and dreaming of the impact  we could make in the world through our scientific   :55.000 --> :01.040 Pursuits in each other's company we found solace  and encouragement and our shared dreams motivated   :01.040 --> :06.760 us to strive for excellence she had this ability  to make me feel better about myself I could not   :06.760 --> :12.280 explain it most times with her by my side I felt  I could conquer any challenge that High School   :12.279 --> :17.759 threw our way her approval and attention meant the  world to me and I cherished every moment we spent   :17.760 --> :22.360 together however beneath the surface of our  picture perfect friendship there lurked a   :22.359 --> :27.839 subtle undercurrent of Cruelty it started with  Innocent jokes and playful banter that I assumed   :27.840 --> :33.279 was just part of her sense of humor But as time  went on these remarks began to chip away at my   :33.279 --> :38.800 self-esteem in retrospect I think it started  from her knowing that no matter what she said   :38.800 --> :43.440 I could not be able to move on I had no other  friend and would be stuck with her through High   :43.439 --> :49.559 School irrespective of how she jokingly insulted  and passed out rude comments to me Daisy had a   :49.560 --> :55.161 way of belittling me in front of others making me  feel small and insignificant at first I brushed   :55.160 --> :00.519 it off thinking she was teasing me or that I was  being overly sensitive I laughed along with our   :00.520 --> :06.600 friends trying to convince myself that it was all  in good fun to be honest they were not our friends   :06.600 --> :12.400 they were her friends the only friend I had was  Daisy or at least I thought I had her comments   :12.399 --> :18.000 were always bad and they started a couple of weeks  before our meeting but it increased in frequency   :18.000 --> :23.279 and intensity as the months turned into years  I found myself questioning my worth wondering   :23.279 --> :29.000 if I was truly valued in our friendship or if I  was merely there for her Amusement doubt clouded   :29.000 --> :35.160 my judgment and I began to second guess myself  unsure of how to respond to her hurtful remarks   :35.160 --> :40.960 despite my growing pain I hesitated to confront  Daisy about my feelings I didn't want to risk   :40.960 --> :46.680 jeopardizing our friendship or causing unnecessary  drama I feared that speaking up would only lead to   :46.680 --> :52.000 more hurt and misunderstandings between us this  is not to say every moment I shared with her was   :52.000 --> :57.920 filled with sadness if it was I would have ditched  her company a long time ago but in the depths   :57.920 --> :03.800 of my heart I cherished the moments of joy and  laughter we shared I loved being her friend but   :03.800 --> :09.800 the pain caused by her subtle cruelty couldn't be  ignored the power Dynamic felt unbalanced as if I   :09.800 --> :15.239 needed her approval to feel worthy and validated  it wasn't until one day when her comments hit   :15.239 --> :20.479 me harder than ever before that that I finally  mustered the courage to speak up we sat in our   :20.479 --> :26.200 favorite corner of the school cafeteria surrounded  by friends the room was filled with laughter but   :26.200 --> :32.000 her remarks left a bitter taste in my mouth  as we enjoyed our lunch break Daisy playfully   :32.000 --> :37.560 turned to me her eyes glinting mischievously  hey Christa I know you thought about becoming   :37.560 --> :43.560 a scientist all right but you know someone has to  make the coffee for the real scientists right her   :43.560 --> :48.600 words were hurtful but what made them sting more  this day was the way it was followed by laughter   :48.600 --> :54.560 from her friends it felt like more there had been  conversations about me that I'd not been a part of   :54.560 --> :59.600 where I'd been disregarded by all of them this was  not the first time Daisy had made such a comment   :59.600 --> :05.640 about me being less of a real science geek than  she was and each time it left me feeling small   :05.640 --> :11.560 and insignificant I tried to shake off the hurt  convincing myself that she was just teasing that   :11.560 --> :16.640 her words were harmless banter and to be fair  it was weird that she ever allowed herself to   :16.640 --> :21.840 think this way way since I'd always been the one  carrying her science assignments like mine because   :21.840 --> :28.760 we were friends so why not it felt like a mockery  of my dreams and aspirations as if she didn't take   :28.760 --> :34.560 them seriously it made me question if she truly  valued our friendship or if I was just there for   :34.560 --> :40.360 her Amusement obviously it was the latter but I  needed to get my facts right first I took a deep   :40.359 --> :46.359 breath mustering my courage to address the issue  that had been festering within me for far too long   :46.359 --> :52.439 Daisy can can we talk for a moment I said trying  to steady my voice Daisy turned to me curiosity   :52.439 --> :59.519 evident in her eyes sure what's up she replied  her tone casual it's about the comments you make   :59.520 --> :06.360 I began my voice tinged with emotion they may seem  like jokes to you but they hurt me I don't want to   :06.359 --> :11.559 be the butt of your humor especially when it comes  to something I'm passionate about her eyebrows   :11.560 --> :17.880 furrowed momentarily but then her expression  hardened and a hint of annoyance liquored across   :17.880 --> :25.319 her face wow Christa I was just joking in her also  familiar attempt to dismiss the conversation you   :25.319 --> :31.040 can't take a little teasing guess you're not as  tough as I thought her words stung but I refused   :31.040 --> :36.960 to back down this was a pivotal moment and I knew  I had to stand up for myself it's not about being   :36.960 --> :42.480 tough I said firmly it's about respect I thought  we were friends but I can't be friends with   :42.479 --> :48.439 someone who doesn't respect me and my passions the  room fell silent and our friends exchanged uneasy   :48.439 --> :55.040 glances sensing the tension in the air I held my  breath uneasy of how Daisy would react confronting   :55.040 --> :59.760 her had been a daunting decision but it was  one that I knew was necessary for the sake of   :59.760 --> :06.160 our friendship and my selfworth her eyes narrowed  and she looked away seemingly avoiding eye contact   :06.160 --> :11.960 with me the conversation had struck a Nerf and I  could see her once confident facade starting to   :11.960 --> :17.960 crack it was a moment of vulnerability and it made  me wonder if there was more to her joke CS then   :17.960 --> :24.279 meets the eye in the aftermath of our conversation  the atmosphere in the cafeteria returned to normal   :24.279 --> :30.040 but everything felt different I couldn't ignore  the weight of what had just transpired that day   :30.040 --> :34.680 Daisy went home without me not that I cared at  that point because I was pissed about how she   :34.680 --> :41.160 didn't seem to see the wrong in her actions but  as the days passed her behavior towards me changed   :41.160 --> :46.800 and it was not in the way I expected it would she  began to ignore me and the warmth and closeness   :46.800 --> :52.920 we once shared seemed to fade away it was as if  she was distancing herself from me like I'd meant   :52.920 --> :58.840 absolutely nothing to her dey's reaction to my  heartfelt honesty had caught me off guard her   :58.840 --> :04.440 initial annoyance quickly gave way to a defensive  attitude as if she was unwilling to accept any   :04.439 --> :10.799 responsibility for the hurtful remarks she had  made despite my hopes for reconciliation it became   :10.800 --> :16.680 clear that our friendship had irrevocably changed  Daisy had withdrawn shutting me out emotionally   :16.680 --> :22.280 and mentally it was a bitter pill to swallow  realizing that the person I once considered my   :22.279 --> :28.120 best friend now treated me like a stranger but  it was more than that I could turn a blind eye   :28.120 --> :34.760 to her insults what I could not do was sit still  while she passed untrue rumors about how I managed   :34.760 --> :41.480 to pull straight A's in schoolwork I confided in  Daisy with a deeply personal secret something I'd   :41.479 --> :46.639 shared with no one else there was one person that  knew I'd cheated on a math test in middle school   :46.640 --> :51.201 and that was was because I told her I trusted  her implicitly believing that she would keep   :51.200 --> :57.160 my confidence but to my horror that trust was  shattered when my secret leaked spreading like   :57.160 --> :03.000 wildfire through the school now it wasn't just  that one minor instance of noting a formula in the   :03.000 --> :09.720 palm of my hand the rumors painted me as cheating  my way through every exam I felt a suffocating   :09.720 --> :15.920 mix of emotions anger humiliation and profound  hurt it was devastating to know that someone I   :15.920 --> :21.880 had trusted with my innermost thoughts had turned  against me DA's denial only deepened the wound as   :21.880 --> :27.960 she pretended innocence while secretly reveling  in the chaos she had created I felt exposed and   :27.960 --> :33.560 vulnerable like my private world had been laid  bare for everyone to see the once confident   :33.560 --> :39.121 version of myself I was trying to build after my  Fallout with Daisy retreated and was replaced by   :39.120 --> :45.479 a more lonely paranoid Persona as the school year  progressed fate seemed to Revel in its Twisted   :45.479 --> :51.279 sense of humor seeing as despite our fractured  friendship Daisy and I were assigned to the same   :51.279 --> :58.319 lab project it was a cruel Twist of irony forcing  us to work together closely once again when I saw   :58.319 --> :03.719 our names on the project list I couldn't help but  feel a mix of dread and disbelief the universe   :03.720 --> :09.240 seemed to be playing a cruel joke on me as if it  wanted to test my resilience and strength I knew   :09.239 --> :15.160 working alongside Daisy would feel like walking on  eggshells uncertain of what her next move would be   :15.160 --> :20.199 I knew that the project was an opportunity for  her to inflict more pain to remind me of the   :20.199 --> :25.840 secrets she had divulged and the chaos she had  Unleashed but I was determined not to let her   :25.840 --> :32.000 control my emotions anymore I had endured enough  hurt and it was time for me to take back my power   :32.000 --> :37.080 as we began working on the project I tried  my best to maintain a professional demeanor   :37.080 --> :41.559 I focused on the task at hand refusing  to engage in any personal conversations   :41.560 --> :47.000 with Daisy it wasn't easy as memories of her past  camaraderie often threatened to break through the   :47.000 --> :52.920 barriers I'd built Daisy on the other hand seemed  to be reving in the discomfort she was causing me   :52.920 --> :59.000 she maintained an air of indifference as if the  pain she had inflicted on me was inconsequential   :59.000 --> :04.319 it was as if she had moved on leaving me to  pick up the pieces of my shattered self amid   :04.319 --> :10.239 the project I realized that my revenge wouldn't  come from sinking to her level or causing her pain   :10.239 --> :15.719 in return instead it would come from proving  to myself and everyone else that I was strong   :15.720 --> :21.360 enough to rise above her cruelty it was time to  show her that I would no longer allow myself to   :21.359 --> :28.040 be a victim of her toxic behavior of course she  was never helpful not in taking the lab notes not   :28.040 --> :33.120 in noting the measurements and not in making as  little research as she could with determination   :33.120 --> :38.880 in my heart I poured my energy into the project  using the skills and talents that Daisy had once   :38.880 --> :45.120 depended on in me it was a way for me to reclaim  my identity to remind myself of the capable and   :45.120 --> :51.120 resilient person I'd been before or she tore me  down in the days leading up to the presentation my   :51.120 --> :58.239 emotions were a whirlwind I felt a mix of anxiety  anger and a glimmer of empowerment I was no longer   :58.239 --> :03.920 the same person who had once cowered in the face  of Daisy's cruelty I'd found my voice and I was   :03.920 --> :10.040 ready to use it to expose her true colors as The  Ungrateful and lagging student I knew her to be   :10.040 --> :15.560 before I'd started to pick up her slack the day  of the presentation arrived and as I stood before   :15.560 --> :21.760 the class my heart heart pounded in my chest I  made the presentation as perfectly as I could   :21.760 --> :26.360 and when the teacher asked her to make her part  of the presentation I boldly explained that the   :26.359 --> :32.080 work was purely mine and I had no help from her  since she was too busy and had other commitments   :32.080 --> :38.600 that finishing what makes up 60% of our schoolwork  of course she tried to argue she tried to accuse   :38.600 --> :43.920 me of sabotaging her but our teacher could see  through the facade of her lies he proceeded to   :43.920 --> :49.640 ask her consequential questions she should know if  she had bothered to even read the final report I   :49.640 --> :55.360 submitted for review as he expected she found  it hard to successfully explain the evidence   :55.359 --> :01.239 was clear and the room fell silent as my words  reverberated through the air at that moment I   :01.239 --> :07.639 felt a surge of strength and Vindication at that  moment I realized that my revenge had not come   :07.640 --> :13.240 from causing her pain but from standing up for  myself and revealing her true nature I'd Found   :13.239 --> :19.319 the courage to confront her to demand the respect  I deserved and to reclaim my power and I did not   :19.319 --> :24.040 care that the rules would have to penalize me  for doing the project alone all I cared about   :24.040 --> :29.160 was that I got to show her what the taste of  betrayal felt like and that in doing that I was   :29.160 --> :34.479 exonerated of the crimes everyone accused me of in  their minds like they weren't the usual cheaters   :34.479 --> :39.839 in exams now I get stairs when I walk down the  hallway but at least it's from people knowing I   :39.840 --> :45.080 would bite if I was pushed too far into the wall  I preferred that rather than being seen as the   :45.080 --> :51.160 girl who cheats her way through School our next  story is I refused to testify for my ex-husband   :51.160 --> :56.800 in court after promising that I would when I met  my ex-husband at a book club that I newly joined   :56.800 --> :01.560 when I moved to that part of town and he asked me  out to coffee so we could discuss a book everyone   :01.560 --> :07.320 but I had read I happily accepted his offer  he was a very handsome man and was just the   :07.319 --> :13.599 right age for me I was in my late 20s at the time  and was getting advances from only younger men I   :13.600 --> :17.960 don't know if it's because of how young I looked  people often told that I looked younger than I   :17.960 --> :23.600 actually was I wanted a mature man someone who  was ready to settle down growing up I wanted to   :23.600 --> :31.880 get married in my early 20s I'd even given myself  a deadline 26 by 26 I had to be married but I was   :31.880 --> :37.880 28 and still unmarried at the time the clock that  I'd set for myself ticking fast and quickly in my   :37.880 --> :43.720 head I'd left a relationship of 4 years because  he wasn't popping the big question I subtly tried   :43.720 --> :49.760 for 2 years to get him to propose and when I was  was sick of trying I gave him an ultimatum I'm   :49.760 --> :55.560 still embarrassed to tell people that the time  I gave him elapsed and he did nothing I prayed   :55.560 --> :00.800 and hoped that he had something up his sleeve I'd  seen movies and read books where the man pretends   :00.800 --> :06.600 to not take the woman seriously while planning to  surprise her with a proposal but that was sadly   :06.600 --> :12.680 not the case with my ex-boyfriend he refused to  propose and ignored my ultimatum I was beyond   :12.680 --> :18.280 hurt and torn between staying and leaving him I  decided to leave while still hoping that he'd come   :18.279 --> :24.279 after me but he never did eventually I comforted  myself with the knowledge that he probably wanted   :24.279 --> :29.960 me to leave anyway and that was why he snubbed  my ultimatum barely weeks after I broke up with   :29.960 --> :35.960 him he started dating someone else I felt so  embarrassed about the whole situation and fled   :35.960 --> :42.199 town when I met my ex-husband I thought I'd try  him since he'd been married had a child and was   :42.199 --> :47.479 interested in having a family again him my friend  asked when I told her about the guy from the book   :47.479 --> :54.279 club that I went out with that guy's ex is very  crazy she said really he did say she was sick   :54.279 --> :00.639 in the head but I thought he was being a man men  always say their Rees are crazy nah this one was   :00.640 --> :06.000 really crazy but he was also crazily in love with  her he'd never leave her everyone tried to get him   :06.000 --> :13.239 to leave her but he refused I asked why I don't  know love I guess he didn't leave her not until   :13.239 --> :20.000 she left him I said he didn't leave her no oh did  he tell you that he did I said nah I just assumed   :20.000 --> :24.800 that since he'd had so many issues that's the  thing he loved her too much and he didn't believe   :24.800 --> :30.920 in divorce I know it was pathetic but hearing  that he didn't believe in divorce was soothing I   :30.920 --> :35.279 certainly wanted someone who wouldn't leave after  we'd had a silly fight if he could stay with his   :35.279 --> :41.519 ex despite her weird Behavior he certainly could  be with me who was not quite problematic I'd say   :41.520 --> :46.600 be careful my friend warned I'd heard he's  not over his ex yet they'd been divorced for   :46.600 --> :52.640 a year and separated for two I don't know that's  what I heard I think I'm willing to try I told her   :52.640 --> :58.280 they're barely even communicating anymore they  have a daughter and she let him have custody ah   :58.279 --> :04.840 yes he has a daughter whom he absolutely dots on  from what I heard he's a great dad plus he's kind   :04.840 --> :11.840 and goodlooking too I thought why wouldn't I want  to date a man who was a great husband a great dad   :11.840 --> :17.920 and very handsome we started dating and I'll admit  he was great I always thought my ex-boyfriend was   :17.920 --> :24.279 insensitive but my ex-husband was the right amount  of sensitive he was genuinely interested in me   :24.279 --> :30.120 and always wanted to hear about how my day went we  went on intimate dates and he wasn't in a hurry to   :30.120 --> :35.880 hook up he just seemed like the perfect man when  we started dating for the first 4 months I didn't   :35.880 --> :40.760 meet his daughter but when we decided on what we  wanted from each other he let me meet his daughter   :40.760 --> :47.080 she was a sweet pleasant girl who adored her dad  and just as my friend had told me he really did   :47.080 --> :53.359 dot on her he was fully devoted to her and would  refuse to go out and have fun just to spend time   :53.359 --> :58.359 with her in the first months of our relationship  when I hadn't met her he paid a sitter to watch   :58.359 --> :04.080 her but as soon as I met her we stopped going out  as often rather than go out he would invite me to   :04.080 --> :08.880 his home and cook me dinner we'd have dinner with  his daughter and after that she'd go to bed while   :08.880 --> :13.960 we stayed up to watch a movie after nearly 9  months of being together he asked me to move   :13.960 --> :20.560 in with him but I refused I lived with my ex for 2  years and I still blamed myself for doing that if   :20.560 --> :26.360 I believed that I hadn't done that he'd probably  have proposed when we broke up I made up my mind   :26.359 --> :32.000 that if a man wanted me to move in with him then  he must have asked me to marry him and in fact set   :32.000 --> :39.199 a wedding date after a full year of being together  he asked me to marry him I was happy to say yes   :39.199 --> :44.519 why not our relationship was not perfect but he  was better than any guy I'd ever been with and   :44.520 --> :50.200 we wanted the same things I was was tired of being  with guys that I had to ask what their plans were   :50.199 --> :55.639 my ex made his plans clear in the fourth month  he wanted marriage he wanted one more child and   :55.640 --> :01.800 a huge house in the suburbs I agreed to marry him  but was soon confronted with the real reason he   :01.800 --> :08.199 proposed his ex-wife was getting married I visited  him one evening and asked about his daughter oh   :08.199 --> :15.960 she's with her mom he replied trying to be casual  something was not right his child was hardly ever   :15.960 --> :21.000 with her her mom and even when she was he was  worried about her do you think she'd tell her   :21.000 --> :27.160 bad stuff about me he'd ask nervously relax your  daughter knows you're a good dad and nothing your   :27.160 --> :32.479 ex tells her will change that he wasn't as worried  as he usually was whenever she went to be with her   :32.479 --> :39.279 mom okay tell me what's up what he asked again  he was trying to be oblivious my ex-husband did   :39.279 --> :45.719 a terrible job at acting when he felt guilty the  guilt was always all over his face I frowned at   :45.720 --> :52.920 him to let him know that his fake puppy face was  doing nothing for him I'm sorry I was alarmed what   :52.920 --> :59.319 happened I didn't tell you my ex-wife is getting  married my daughter's at her wedding I was livid   :59.319 --> :05.120 too mad to even utter a word I just picked up  my person left I refused to see my ex for a   :05.120 --> :11.599 full week the only reason he proposed was because  his ex was getting married and he probably didn't   :11.600 --> :17.520 want to feel left out I knew he wasn't over his  ex everyone at the book club talked about it   :17.520 --> :23.000 my friend said when I told her about it maybe it  should be called the gossip Club because everyone   :23.000 --> :28.960 there sure gossips a lot I snapped in my friend  and went into my room that night my ex came over   :28.960 --> :34.800 with a dozen roses please just let me explain  he said when I opened the door and saw him was   :34.800 --> :40.080 that why you asked me to marry you to show her  that you'd moved on too at first I wanted to do   :40.080 --> :46.640 that yes I wanted to marry you because since she's  moved on it was only fair that I did too but that   :46.640 --> :52.000 wasn't just why at least when I thought about it  I decided that I wanted to do more than just prove   :52.000 --> :59.319 something I stared blankly at him listen I love  you I want to marry you and yeah it did take my ex   :59.319 --> :05.559 getting married to realize that but I want you to  be my wife my ex was an Avid Reader but he wasn't   :05.560 --> :11.960 exactly great with words hearing him say that was  very refreshing I let him come in and that was how   :11.960 --> :17.560 we continued our engagement my friend was certain  that my ex was still in love with his ex and it   :17.560 --> :23.320 irritated me I was just sick of hearing her say  it repeatedly my ex did not show any sign of Still   :23.319 --> :28.479 Loving Her aside from the lie about what prompted  him to propose and how worried he gets when his   :28.479 --> :33.599 daughter was with her he hardly ever mentioned her  we had a small wedding with both of our immediate   :33.600 --> :38.680 families in attendance and started our lives  together as a married couple months after we got   :38.680 --> :44.600 married I started to worry about my biological  clock I wanted to start having kids right away   :44.600 --> :50.480 let's wait until I get my promotion at work he  said first after we got the promotion he wanted me   :50.479 --> :55.799 to wait until his daughter was old enough to watch  her baby brother I spent so much on enrolling her   :55.800 --> :01.360 in private school and all those dance classes she  may as well watch her sibling to pay me back he'd   :01.359 --> :07.399 said I didn't want to be an inconsiderate wife  or stepmom so I agreed to wait while we prepare   :07.399 --> :14.639 in every way to have our baby I was soon greeted  with the shock of my life my husband was cheating   :14.640 --> :20.480 on me with his ex-wife they were even planning  to abandon both their spouses and a lope I got to   :20.479 --> :26.040 find out about this from his ex's husband he came  over to where I worked and asked to talk I didn't   :26.040 --> :31.359 believe it at first until he opened his computer  and showed me proof of their chats he also let me   :31.359 --> :36.479 listen to the voice messages they shared he  suspected that his wife was cheating and as   :36.479 --> :41.959 a computer professional he hacked her phone and  got the information he needed he was leaving her   :41.960 --> :47.120 but he just wanted me to know that was going on  because he thought I deserve to know I was shocked   :47.120 --> :51.080 because there was no way I could have guessed  that my husband was cheating so much more with   :51.080 --> :57.160 his ex-wife I confronted him about it and when he  didn't deny it I kicked him out that week was a   :57.160 --> :03.199 most devastating one for me I started to believe  and accept that I probably was not destined to   :03.199 --> :09.720 find love not everyone will have a family or find  love and perhaps I was one of those people I'd   :09.720 --> :14.960 been hurt so many times but that one was the last  straw for me I didn't want to go down without a   :14.960 --> :21.120 fight but there was no way to get back at my ex we  didn't have a child together or anything even if I   :21.120 --> :26.760 got the house I could never live in the house I  shared with him I considered myself a loser not   :26.760 --> :32.480 until one day when the universe blessed me with an  opportunity to get my revenge my ex-husband called   :32.479 --> :37.519 to tell me that he was coming over to pick up some  of his clothes and files he asked me when I was   :37.520 --> :42.800 going to be home and I told him that afternoon he  came over and picked up his stuff while I stayed   :42.800 --> :48.040 upstairs in my home Workshop doing some woodwork  I heard someone kicked the door down and raced   :48.040 --> :54.920 downstairs wondering if my ex was going to break  my door it was my ex-husband's exwife it was also   :54.920 --> :59.680 my first time seeing her up close I stood at the  head of the stairs and watched her call for my   :59.680 --> :05.520 ex-husband I know you're not sneaking around to  hook up with her she said no I honestly just came   :05.520 --> :11.240 here to pick up my stuff he replied to her what  looked like fear dancing in his eyes his ex was   :11.239 --> :17.960 indeed crazy did you follow me I knew you were  lying to me she yelled I was surprised to find   :17.960 --> :22.760 out that when he moved out of the house we lived  in he moved in with her I was going to let them   :22.760 --> :28.000 keep arguing when she picked up a small ceramic  vase I'd made and threw it at him he dodged the   :28.000 --> :33.120 vase and it hit the wall and broke into pieces she  started to chase him around the living room while   :33.120 --> :39.080 I watched in shock she grabbed him by the neck and  tried to choke him I continued watching in shock   :39.080 --> :44.479 my ex-husband held her hand and pushed her away  from him he shoved her with so much force that   :44.479 --> :50.799 she hit her head on a piece of in the living room  and she passed out instantly I ran downstairs and   :50.800 --> :56.480 examined her head she was bleeding he carried her  and drove her to the hospital while I sat in my   :56.479 --> :01.959 living room pondering over all that had happened  I could not believe that my ex left me for someone   :01.960 --> :07.080 that violent and that strengthened my resolve to  get a divorce while we were still in the process   :07.080 --> :12.720 of getting a divorce my ex came to me to ask for  a favor his ex-wife had filed for custody of his   :12.720 --> :18.360 daughter to get back at him he told her he was  done with her and and that angered her please you   :18.359 --> :23.279 have to come and testify you witnessed all that  happened that day in your house she's telling the   :23.279 --> :29.120 judge that I'm violent and has taken pictures of  her injured head I agreed to do it but of course   :29.120 --> :34.800 I wasn't going to that was going to be my way of  getting revenge my ex knew how much I wanted to be   :34.800 --> :40.800 a mother and he didn't just waste my time he broke  my heart too I was busy being a loving wife and a   :40.800 --> :46.880 mother to his child while he pined for and begged  his ex-wife to aope with him I promised to show   :46.880 --> :52.120 up and he thanked me every other day he'd call me  and remind me of the court date and tell me how   :52.120 --> :58.359 to dress up for it and I would in turn assure him  that I'd show up the day came and I turned off my   :58.359 --> :04.439 phone and went skydiving with a guy I just met he  called me again begging me to show up at the next   :04.439 --> :10.319 hearing I told him that I won't be showing up and  hung up on him I never heard from him again but my   :10.319 --> :16.160 friend who heard all the gossip told me that the  court granted his ex-wife custody that satisfied   :16.160 --> :22.559 me although to be fair in this situation it  probably would have been nice if op did show up   :22.560 --> :28.720 considering it really wasn't this guy's fault what  happened to her and she did seem kind of crazy I   :28.720 --> :33.240 don't blame anybody for not wanting to get in the  middle of that domestic dispute especially when   :33.239 --> :39.000 somebody's displayed that crazy of behavior and  obviously knows where you live now I blackmailed   :39.000 --> :45.000 the barber shop Predator a lot of people don't  like to talk about abuse especially sa it could   :45.000 --> :50.520 be because of the unpleasant memories it brings  up or it could be the stigmatization associated   :50.520 --> :55.840 with it but the fact remains the same so please  allow me to Buck the trend for a little bit I have   :55.840 --> :00.480 to first clarify that I wasn't the main victim  of the story even if I did have an experience   :00.479 --> :05.359 of my own with the main villain I used to live in  a Suburban neighborhood the kind of neighborhood   :05.359 --> :11.960 people would usually classify as safe or Serene  and indeed it was for the most part but you know   :11.960 --> :17.439 what they say everything is Never As It Seems I  worked as a barber in one of the popular barber   :17.439 --> :22.040 shops in the neighborhood while I lived there so I  was able to get a scoop on the type of people who   :22.040 --> :27.720 lived there because people usually got gossipy  at the barber shop for some reason from one of   :27.720 --> :33.320 those gossip sessions I found out that there was  an actual drug ring operating from inside the   :33.319 --> :39.239 estate which I found really crazy because up until  that point there had never been a bust or Showdown   :39.239 --> :45.160 I was aware of so whoever was running these Rings  must have been very discreet I would go on to find   :45.160 --> :50.840 more about some of the popular people who lived in  the neighborhood and basically any tea I needed on   :50.840 --> :56.279 someone popular I could have sourced well at my  job but that's by the way there was this guy who   :56.279 --> :01.800 used to come to the barber shop to get haircuts  regularly and sometimes I handled it while other   :01.800 --> :06.720 times it would be handled by my other colleague  but it was obvious that I was his favorite Barber   :06.720 --> :13.280 for some reason now I wasn't bad at my job but  I wasn't the best in the shop by any means so I   :13.279 --> :17.960 felt this preference for me was for something  other other than my handwork and probably had   :17.960 --> :24.040 something to do with my homeliness or Charm I was  quite the smooth talker if I do say so myself as   :24.040 --> :29.279 time went on we would begin to get more familiar  because he was always willing to open up whenever   :29.279 --> :34.199 I was giving him a haircut and sometimes he'd  even reveal so much that I'd have to change this   :34.199 --> :39.720 subject plus he always gave good tips whenever  I was done we became tied and one day he would   :39.720 --> :45.040 called a request for some home service which  wasn't uncommon as most of our high-end clients   :45.040 --> :50.479 Preferred Home service so I guessed he wanted to  try it out for the first time and accepted his   :50.479 --> :56.639 request I got to his house with my barbing kit and  the first thing I saw were kids which came as a   :56.640 --> :02.440 surprise to me because he'd never mentioned having  kids so I asked if they were his and he confirmed   :02.439 --> :07.239 that they were indeed he then showed me to the  room where I was to give him the haircut and   :07.239 --> :12.319 told me to get comfortable while they got ready he  also gave me a glass of wine while I waited which   :12.319 --> :18.000 was a nice touch after a few minutes he came out  looking and smelling different he was now sporting   :18.000 --> :24.920 a net singlet and was wearing probably the fuest  smelling cologne I had no idea what was going on   :24.920 --> :30.760 and thought it was one of those rituals I heard  high-end clients sometimes did so I stayed koi   :30.760 --> :36.360 and got my stuff ready to give him a nice trim a  few seconds into the trim I began to suspect that   :36.359 --> :41.479 this wasn't going to be the regular trim because  he started to ask if I liked the way he looked   :41.479 --> :47.959 even before I started I obviously said I did it  began to to get weird when he started making lwd   :47.960 --> :53.600 comments towards me talking about how he found  me attractive and that if he wasn't married he   :53.600 --> :59.800 would have taken me to his favorite spot at this  point I felt uncomfortable but I was determined   :59.800 --> :07.000 to finish the job and to also do it as cleanly as  possible so I kept doing my thing regardless and   :07.000 --> :12.640 I was foolish for not seeing the signs because  after a while he would begin to sensually rub on   :12.640 --> :19.360 my arm while making what I'd assume were sex see  faces I asked what he was doing and he told me he   :19.359 --> :25.960 wanted me and was ready to pay any amount for my  services and that was when I realized he wasn't   :25.960 --> :32.000 just playing and actually wanted something other  than a haircut I instantly rejected his offer and   :32.000 --> :36.840 asked him to let me finish so I could leave but  he suddenly turned around and pushed me towards   :36.840 --> :42.440 a couch that was behind me and I was too filled  with shock and disbelief to even react so he   :42.439 --> :47.759 began to put his hands all over me while telling  me to give it a try my eyes were fixated on the   :47.760 --> :53.640 door at this point so once I overcame the shock I  managed to escape before he could go any further   :53.640 --> :59.120 I even left my barbing kit at his place i' had  been sa for the first time in my life when I got   :59.120 --> :05.120 home later that day he began to bombard me with  calls and text messages and I didn't respond to   :05.120 --> :10.519 anyone because I just wanted to forget about the  whole incident I didn't even care about my barbing   :10.520 --> :15.520 kid which was important to me at work and I spent  the next few days at home feeling traumatic after   :15.520 --> :20.480 after clearing my head I decided to resume back  at the shop and when I got back I was surprised   :20.479 --> :26.080 to see my barbing kit was at my table apparently  he'd come to return it a few days earlier and lied   :26.080 --> :31.519 that I must have forgotten it at his place this  brought out some flashbacks of the incident but I   :31.520 --> :36.640 was determined to forget about it so I went about  my work during lunch break that day one of my   :36.640 --> :41.760 colleagues approached me to ask what had happened  when I went for Home Service the last time and I   :41.760 --> :46.920 was going to brush off the question but then he  asked if the man had tried anything funny and   :46.920 --> :52.880 when I asked him what he meant the answer he gave  shocked me apparently he was aware of the antics   :52.880 --> :58.600 of the man and told me that was the reason no one  else ever accepted his home service requests this   :58.600 --> :03.320 whole time I thought I was his favorite Barber  but it turns out he was just trying to get me to   :03.319 --> :09.840 satisfy a fetish after this conversation I decided  to fully cut the man off and never respond to his   :09.840 --> :15.760 requests even if we ever met afterwards but  as fate may have it I wasn't going to escape   :15.760 --> :20.320 that easily a few months had passed without  seeing the man and I thought he'd found a new   :20.319 --> :25.719 salon to get his haircuts I always tried my best  not to think about the incident but trauma has a   :25.720 --> :31.560 way of making you remember unpleasant things in  general I was feeling much better at that point   :31.560 --> :38.240 and I'd almost had suppressed the memory until one  incident would bring it all back it was a Friday   :38.239 --> :43.559 and I usually got to work in the afternoon due to  some classes I used to take every Friday morning   :43.560 --> :49.040 on getting to work I was met with a a minor  scare I recognized the kids of my now former   :49.040 --> :54.840 client waiting for their haircuts I almost had a  panic attack but to my relief they weren't with   :54.840 --> :00.279 their father and were instead accompanied by a  young man who could have been no older than 16   :00.279 --> :06.000 I was curious to find out who he was so I offered  to cut his hair which he accepted while trimming   :06.000 --> :12.399 his hair I began to ask him a series of questions  and usual Barber Shop gossip fashion to find out   :12.399 --> :18.439 more about who he was and his relationship to the  man and found out he was literally a ward to the   :18.439 --> :24.000 man and had been around helping with chores for  a few months probably after the last incident we   :24.000 --> :29.560 had I began to pry further because I had some  suspicions and after some more interrogation I   :29.560 --> :34.480 opened up to him and he reluctantly told me what  I'd been suspecting all the while he was being   :34.479 --> :40.239 abused by his Guardian all the fear that I'd  been feeling towards the man before had turned   :40.239 --> :46.239 into rage because this boy was obviously not an  adult and he had very little chance of defending   :46.239 --> :51.359 himself because he had nowhere to run to he also  revealed to me that he wasn't the only victim and   :51.359 --> :56.479 that he knew at least two who were around the same  age range as him at this point I knew I had to do   :56.479 --> :02.040 something to avenge the absolute tribulations this  Predator had probably put all those boys through   :02.040 --> :06.920 I was able to escape but they weren't so lucky  I told the boy not to reveal what was said in   :06.920 --> :12.600 our conversation then went back to the colleague  of mine who first exposed the man's Antics to me   :12.600 --> :17.800 to tell him about my Discovery and discuss any  possible strategies we could devise to make sure   :17.800 --> :23.279 he never did this to anyone ever again after some  deliberation he decided we were going to find a   :23.279 --> :29.160 way to bait the man and either blackmail him till  he confessed or expose him outright creating the   :29.160 --> :34.160 perfect plan wasn't easy but I'd extracted enough  information from the boy to know where the man now   :34.160 --> :39.840 had his haircuts so I went there to know more  about the place it was also a popular salon   :39.840 --> :45.360 in another end of my neighborhood which led me to  think he had a pattern so I tried to envisage what   :45.359 --> :52.399 the pattern was and went full what would he do  here mode as I stepped into the salon it looked   :52.399 --> :58.399 astonishingly similar to mine so astonishing that  the first question I asked anyone was if it was   :58.399 --> :04.519 the same interior designer who handled the salon  I worked at and it turns out it was what were the   :04.520 --> :10.560 chances the guy who responded to me was the salon  manager and he didn't cut hair he just happened to   :10.560 --> :15.360 be there at the time so I tried to describe  the man to him and he was able to recognize   :15.359 --> :21.120 what I meant then he showed me the chair where he  usually had his haircuts after he left I went over   :21.120 --> :25.559 to the chair to see if I could find the barber  who worked there he wasn't there but one of the   :25.560 --> :31.000 other Barbers told me he wasn't so far away so  I decided to wait for him to return he returned   :31.000 --> :36.399 about 20 minutes later and then I approached him  for a few questions and when his answers were   :36.399 --> :42.279 consistent with what I expected I knew he would be  down for the plan the plan was for him to bait the   :42.279 --> :48.519 Predator into requesting home service and and then  make recordings of whatever happened as evidence   :48.520 --> :53.680 and he understood the assignment because within  2 weeks of sharing the plan he called us to tell   :53.680 --> :00.159 us he had secured a home service appointment it  was now time for Phase 2 get recorded evidence   :00.159 --> :05.120 Phase 2 was rather straightforward because it had  a previous experience so I knew planting a camera   :05.120 --> :11.239 in the room where he had his haircuts was possible  as he always took a few minutes to get ready my   :11.239 --> :16.840 inside guy the other Barber was spot on with a  task once again again and was able to get a full   :16.840 --> :21.520 event recording and when I saw the recording  I began to wonder if he put a spell on the   :21.520 --> :27.081 man because while trying to seduce him he would  confess to some of the heinous things he had done   :27.080 --> :33.279 in the past at the end my guy was smart enough to  evade any real abuse by convincing him to set up   :33.279 --> :39.159 something more discreet it almost seemed like he  was sent for this particular purpose we now had   :39.159 --> :44.279 the video we sought after and it was time to move  to the next phase which was either to blackmail   :44.279 --> :50.519 him to his wife until he confessed or report him  to the authorities my guy suggested we could do   :50.520 --> :56.400 both but I decided to let the reaction of the man  decide the higher the level of desperation in his   :56.399 --> :01.679 reaction the better our chances of doing both and  when we used an anonymous account to send him a   :01.680 --> :06.960 threat attached to the video of what had happened  with my friend's face blurred out he went into a   :06.960 --> :12.840 panic and sent probably a hundred replies to the  account asking us to name our price and begging   :12.840 --> :18.760 us not to expose him we knew we had just hit  the jackpot and decided to milk him as much as   :18.760 --> :23.440 possible this wasn't in the initial plans but  I think it's fair to say the money clotted our   :23.439 --> :28.319 judgment and it took until his Ward reported  another attempted assault while I was giving   :28.319 --> :34.679 him a haircut for me to realize I'd let external  influences alter my primary objective which was   :34.680 --> :39.680 never money and decided I had to report to the  authorities the other guys who were in on it   :39.680 --> :44.560 just wanted the money so they tried to discourage  me but I was able to make them see the moral side   :44.560 --> :50.520 of things and we agreed to send a police report  and also to let his wife know the next day we sent   :50.520 --> :56.121 out the evidence to all the necessary parties as  planned and also tried to explain the case he had   :56.120 --> :01.279 with the boy who helped around his house and by  that evening news broke out that he'd been taken   :01.279 --> :06.759 into police custody for interrogation and there  was also news of his wife going into cardiac   :06.760 --> :13.239 arrest although she would be quickly recited the  man was finally arrested after 2 months of further   :13.239 --> :18.960 investigations and the last heard of him he was  still rotting in prison I feel no remorse for him   :18.960 --> :24.600 and no regret for even extorting him initially  because he continued to traumatize young people   :24.600 --> :29.400 even after we showed him the evidence against  him I feel sorry for his wife though her husband   :29.399 --> :34.479 was living a double life and parading himself as a  good husband and father while ruining the lives of   :34.479 --> :39.879 other people's kids last I heard they got divorced  shortly before he was arrested and she was able   :39.880 --> :44.920 to secure the house and the kids so I think she  got some form of compensation if I want to look   :44.920 --> :50.399 on on the bright side I might have resorted to  Blackmail which wasn't the best means possible   :50.399 --> :55.879 but in my mind I felt fulfilled that I was able  to save those young people from a very dangerous   :55.880 --> :01.080 predator and I wouldn't have been able to do it  if his Ward hadn't spoken up so it's important to   :01.080 --> :07.279 know that speaking up is one of the most important  steps to saving yourself from abuse although some   :07.279 --> :12.880 of the moral lines were blurred here I do think  they did a net good thing honestly anybody like   :12.880 --> :17.720 this that's no longer doing this on the street  streets it's for the best that said our next   :17.720 --> :25.199 story is I exposed my boss's dirty secret to his  fiance having an awful boss at work is probably   :25.199 --> :30.960 the most relatable experience to adults everywhere  nearly every single person has a tale of a boss   :30.960 --> :36.120 who would actively try to piss them off at their  place of work and my case isn't any different in   :36.120 --> :41.040 fact I've probably had this experience at every  place I've worked don't look at me negatively   :41.040 --> :47.960 I'm a mostly diligent worker but I also belong to  Jen's Z so I definitely don't accept situations   :47.960 --> :53.159 that could cause me some long-term discomfort and  some people may not agree but I think that should   :53.159 --> :58.639 be the standard my first experience with a wicked  boss happened before I even became an adult fresh   :58.640 --> :03.960 out of high school I got a job at a pharmacy so I  could save up some money for a new phone I started   :03.960 --> :09.520 the job with all the enthusiasm of an adolescent  boy who was about to start getting paid but would   :09.520 --> :15.081 quickly realize how Joys sapping the labor  market could be when you have an awful boss   :15.080 --> :19.199 the signs might have been there at the beginning  but when you see the world through a rosec colored   :19.199 --> :24.800 lens you tend to be blind to these things first  red flag was when one of my co-workers excitedly   :24.800 --> :31.080 quit shortly after I joined it felt as if I had  come to liberate him from his shackles but I still   :31.080 --> :36.439 didn't ask anyone why probably because I thought  I was going to have some privileges for being a   :36.439 --> :42.519 literal child at the start I would indeed have  some privileges for being how young I was but   :42.520 --> :48.240 they usually came from my co-workers who were just  happy to have some childlike innocence around my   :48.239 --> :53.679 boss on the other hand didn't really care for my  age and even at the start would treat me like any   :53.680 --> :00.040 of the other guys at the pharmacy I didn't mind  this too much as I saw the behavior as similar to   :00.040 --> :05.439 probably every high school math teacher ever  but as months went by the requirements would   :05.439 --> :11.639 get progressively worse it started when my boss  would begin to send me on nonwork errands such   :11.640 --> :16.960 as getting him his lunch I had to actually go out  on the street streets to buy his lunch this didn't   :16.960 --> :22.680 cause too much discomfort but he never showed any  gratitude and it looked as if that was part of my   :22.680 --> :28.880 job description he continued to subtly add side  quests to the job I was hired to do but nothing   :28.880 --> :34.480 was crazy enough to make me quit until he started  to take advantage of the proximity of my house   :34.479 --> :39.879 to the pharmacy one day he would call me at 4:00  a.m. to summon me to the pharmacy because he had   :39.880 --> :44.840 to travel and needed someone to help him set up  shop before he left and I was the closest to the   :44.840 --> :51.040 the pharmacy I only obliged because I felt some  sense of responsibility as he had to travel and   :51.040 --> :56.640 besides I lived close by in hindsight I should  have said no because as soon as he got back from   :56.640 --> :02.360 his trip not even up to 2 days later he would make  a similar request and when I told him I couldn't   :02.359 --> :09.159 make it at 5:00 a.m. by the way he got infuriated  that was my cue to know my time there was nearly   :09.159 --> :15.159 up I would continue to rebel against him until  the month elapsed and I could finally quit   :15.159 --> :21.279 that would be my only job until I got into  University and if I thought my boss was bad then I   :21.279 --> :27.880 was soon about to see heck as a university student  I was required to go on post session internships   :27.880 --> :33.520 for my second year some internship periods were  longer than others but the one in the fourth year   :33.520 --> :39.960 was always the longest for my second year I worked  in a company that produced chemicals and even   :39.960 --> :46.399 though I had the regular awful boss experience it  lasted only a month and nothing really spectacular   :46.399 --> :52.479 happened so it was hardly a memorable experience  I couldn't find a placement for internship in my   :52.479 --> :58.359 third year so I just followed my dad to his job  for around a month to get some work experience   :58.359 --> :03.479 fourth year internship was always the big one  everyone looked forward to it because it lasted   :03.479 --> :08.359 half the year and you could get paid some good  money if you worked at the right place I wanted   :08.359 --> :14.359 to work somewhere popular so I could get some Top  Class exposure but my dad tried to persuade me to   :14.359 --> :19.599 just do do the internship at his workplace not  that his place was bad but there were no workers   :19.600 --> :25.121 at my age range working there and I felt they  had to be around my peers at such a vital time   :25.120 --> :31.479 so I rejected his offer and continued to apply to  some of the biggest names I could think of and I   :31.479 --> :37.199 was eventually able to secure a spot at one of the  biggest chemical processing firms in the country   :37.199 --> :43.880 after what seemed like ages I was finally able  to resume at my new job or internship and just   :43.880 --> :49.359 as I thought there were a lot of my peers there  so I was ready to bring my Competitive Edge to   :49.359 --> :55.519 the playing field we were each assigned a Handler  technically a boss who we would answer to and some   :55.520 --> :01.320 handlers had multiple interns under their control  I said control because the handlers were in   :01.319 --> :08.159 charge of basically everything that happens to an  intern from firing and suspending to recommending   :08.159 --> :14.920 permanent employment to determining how much you  deserved to be paid they were like workplace gods   :14.920 --> :20.040 and the authorities allowed it to be that way  I had never seen anything like it but I wasn't   :20.040 --> :25.199 going to let it deter me because I worked so  hard to get there plus it would look good on   :25.199 --> :31.040 my CV my handler was one of the two male handlers  out of these seven possible ones I could have been   :31.040 --> :36.600 assigned to he wasn't too tall but I can't say  he was short even though I was taller than him   :36.600 --> :42.920 he also sported a shaven head I couldn't tell if  he was bald or if he just loved a shiny head I   :42.920 --> :48.840 also noticed from quite early how flirtatious he  was with his female colleagues so at some point   :48.840 --> :54.000 he seemed jovial enough to me but after I got  assigned to him the first thing he told me was   :54.000 --> :00.000 to get rid of my Afro if I was going to be one  of his interns I had no option but to shed my   :00.000 --> :05.800 fro which I'd been sporting for close to a year it  was a tough decision but nothing unbearable since   :05.800 --> :11.199 I presumably wouldn't be doing much else for the  next 6 months I had a female co- intern under the   :11.199 --> :16.319 same Handler we were the two interns assigned to  my Handler but he would treat her vastly different   :16.319 --> :21.519 to me while we both shared the same duties in the  company I was the only one our Handler decided to   :21.520 --> :27.840 use as a rag and all she ever had to do was get  him coffee meanwhile I helped him sort his mails   :27.840 --> :34.520 cleaned his office desk daily and ran on multiple  errands to other departments I Ran So Many errands   :34.520 --> :40.400 that all the other interns would know me by name  within the first month at this point I didn't have   :40.399 --> :46.080 any major issues with it I was getting paid after  all got my first PID check felt satisfied about   :46.080 --> :51.120 the work I'd done and how I adapted my work ethic  but believed I only had to work that hard because   :51.120 --> :56.519 it was my first month and they probably wanted  to just test me so I went into my second month   :56.520 --> :02.320 with a fresh mindset it was a new month and I was  feeling a bit more settled now I got a bit more   :02.319 --> :08.279 vocal around work and people would begin to take  notice including my Handler I began to challenge   :08.279 --> :14.679 unjust orders a lot more especially from my  Handler and I think he was shaken because he began   :14.680 --> :20.240 to try and assert dominance over his Zone he  became more reactive and was always trying to   :20.239 --> :26.719 set me up so I get in trouble with the authorities  but I was always a step ahead so he seldom had his   :26.720 --> :31.680 chance this didn't mean that I rejected all the  errands from him though I just went for the ones   :31.680 --> :37.440 I felt were necessary all this time all my co-  intern still did for our handler was to get him   :37.439 --> :43.319 his daily coffee nothing more nothing less and he  never felt the need to even switch it up after I   :43.319 --> :49.399 began to test his olve so I began to observe  their relationship more closely to know what   :49.399 --> :55.399 was up my Handler being flirtatious was common  knowledge around the company ground he was ever   :55.399 --> :00.799 the smooth talker when it came to women and he  had a couple of nicknames for his behavior what   :00.800 --> :06.960 he did wasn't harassment by any means but it was  certainly Superfluous because they began to look   :06.960 --> :12.960 like him fulfilling a habit rather than genuine  compliments there were a couple of us guys male   :12.960 --> :19.040 interns who didn't like his bipolar treatment  of interns because even though we knew how he   :19.040 --> :25.519 treated female interns he didn't seem to care  that he treated us in the exact opposite way so I   :25.520 --> :30.960 explained my hunch to them and asked them to also  observe his relationship with my co- intern while   :30.960 --> :36.399 I was observing my Handler he was also looking  for ways to get me in trouble and he would finally   :36.399 --> :42.759 have his chance it was on a Friday and work was to  close at 3:00 p.m. as opposed to the regular 5:00   :42.760 --> :48.800 p.m. so I made plans for postwork activities with  some of my fellow interns getting to the close of   :48.800 --> :54.000 work my Handler called me to help him sort a heap  of documents that had been piling up for probably   :54.000 --> :59.960 3 or 4 weeks he said he wanted them filed properly  and I told him the documents were too many for me   :59.960 --> :05.120 to file before the close of work and he told me  he would let me go when he was satisfied with   :05.120 --> :10.479 the work I had done and then I asked if I could  get some help for my co- intern so we could get   :10.479 --> :16.719 more work done and he declined telling me he'd  given her some work of her own even if he hadn't   :16.720 --> :21.600 I began to sort the documents as fast as I could  so I could get a decent amount of work done before   :21.600 --> :27.400 the close of work but there were so many and even  at the close of work I'd barely gone halfway I   :27.399 --> :33.279 continued for a few more minutes after work hoping  my Handler would be satisfied and let me go home   :33.279 --> :38.840 but he probably decided he wanted me to finish  it all and just didn't show up to permit me to go   :38.840 --> :44.560 after about 25 minutes past closing time I felt  I'd done enough work and was ready to continue   :44.560 --> :51.280 on Monday if I had to so I went home and joined  my intern friends for some weekend fun Monday came   :51.279 --> :56.639 and the first thing I would see on my desk was a  query from the authorities apparently my Handler   :56.640 --> :01.960 had reported me for negligence and the head of  HR believed him so they summoned me to appear   :01.960 --> :08.000 in front of a small panel after explaining myself  they sided with my Handler and told me that it was   :08.000 --> :14.319 company protocol for me to do whatever my Handler  tells me within my department they also handed my   :14.319 --> :19.719 Handler the power to select what punishment  he deemed fit I was expecting something light   :19.720 --> :26.040 like doing some extra hours after work or cleaning  more desks for a week but nothing happened I was   :26.040 --> :30.960 surprised that the guy who had been looking  for a chance to show his power just decided   :30.960 --> :36.760 to let me go when it finally came but I wasn't  complaining though little did I know that he had   :36.760 --> :42.440 something evil in store for me the second month  ended and it was time for interns to get their   :42.439 --> :48.399 salaries everyone got theirs before the end of the  second month but there was a delay for me and I   :48.399 --> :54.559 would later realize that my Handler had used his  powers to strip me of my salary as my punishment   :54.560 --> :00.920 I was absolutely fuming so I confronted him and  he told me he was well within his rights and from   :00.920 --> :06.319 that exact moment I made up my mind to get back  at him i' had been observing his relationship   :06.319 --> :12.040 with my co- intern for a while now along with  some other of my intern friends and we started   :12.040 --> :17.680 to suspect that they were having an affair because  she would often follow him home on Wednesdays and   :17.680 --> :22.159 so my revenge plan was straightforward after  that meeting find enough proof to expose the   :22.159 --> :27.040 affair while most people at the office knew  my handler was a flirt many didn't know that   :27.040 --> :32.640 he had a fiance one of my intern friends who had  been observing him found out and told us about it   :32.640 --> :38.600 so at this point my revenge plan was basically  about saving her from the flirt monster as my   :38.600 --> :44.480 Handler went home on the Wednesday of that week he  would once again be accompanied by my co- intern   :44.479 --> :50.359 so I followed closely behind them and even though  I was expecting something controversial to happen   :50.359 --> :55.559 I was still shocked when I saw them drive into one  of the hotels not too far from where the company   :55.560 --> :00.640 was located as they stepped out of the vehicle  I got my phone out and took a couple of photos   :00.640 --> :05.720 and continued to Trail them by the time they got  to their room I could already confirm they were   :05.720 --> :11.480 having an affair just from their conversation so I  pulled my phone out once again and began to record   :11.479 --> :16.319 as much of their conversation as possible even  after they'd gone into the room thankfully the   :16.319 --> :21.319 doors of the local hotel weren't soundproof  after I felt satisfied with the evidence I'd   :21.319 --> :27.439 gotten there was only one thing left to do get  them to his fiance getting his fiance's number   :27.439 --> :32.960 wasn't easy but thanks to my intern Brothers we  were able to fish the information out within a   :32.960 --> :38.760 few days and so I anonymously sent all the  evidence I'd gathered to her explained what   :38.760 --> :44.320 had been happening and crossed my fingers  hoping my plan had worked and it did the day   :44.319 --> :50.319 after I sent all the evidence my handler was  uncharacteristically absent from work and people   :50.319 --> :55.759 began to wonder what had happened and before  you knew it Whispers had begun to spread around   :55.760 --> :01.760 that his fiance had caught him cheating and that  they'd had a big fight that morning my co intern   :01.760 --> :07.280 was looking visibly uneasy at this point and was  probably the most silent one out of all of the   :07.279 --> :13.679 interns because the rest of us were absolutely  loving it and making jokes from it days went by   :13.680 --> :18.000 and we still still hadn't heard from my Handler  before news finally broke that his marriage had   :18.000 --> :23.560 been called off call me evil but that was the  best announcement I'd ever heard in the company   :23.560 --> :30.081 up until that point my revenge plan had worked  to a te plus I was free from the shackles of my   :30.080 --> :35.880 Handler for over a week which made it feel better  he would eventually return to work after 2 weeks   :35.880 --> :41.000 and still looked obviously distressed he never  found out it was me who leaked his secret but   :41.000 --> :47.800 from that day onwards he became less flirting ious  and also try to assert his dominance less I felt   :47.800 --> :54.080 a bit sorry for ending his relationship but at  the same time I also felt a sense of satisfaction   :54.080 --> :00.760 for saving his fiance from a potentially toxic  marriage and myself from a toxic workplace see   :00.760 --> :06.720 what you want but in the grand scheme of things  I think I did something good I mean ultimately if   :06.720 --> :13.240 you can't report this guy because for some reason  his overly flirtatious behavior is excused then I   :13.239 --> :19.319 guess you can just justify what was going on here  I mean really wouldn't it have been better for op   :19.319 --> :25.000 to anonymously reveal this information to their  workplace and reveal that this workplace Affair   :25.000 --> :29.680 had been going on cuz wouldn't that put the boss  in hot water wouldn't they have maybe have gotten   :29.680 --> :35.360 fired or relocated in the company and maybe  saved op from even having to deal with them   :35.359 --> :40.399 but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   :40.399 --> :45.479 absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   :45.479 --> :51.199 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on BestofrNuclearRevengeRedditStoriesen
aita for telling my mother she was a pathetic parent and she isn't invited to my wedding hi I am 26 I am getting married at the end of the year when I was a kid my dad divorced my mom and she was a s at that time in short he felt like she was lazy and spending all his money at the time I didn't see it and was quite angry at him he had us for weekends and the rest was mom she had to find a job and worked long shifts that would be fine if she didn't forget about us she would get home and not help us with homework and anything it was my job to clean everything and keep my younger brother in line it sucked when I was a teenager I moved in with Dad and my life got so much better funny enough since I went full-time and my brother soon joined she had to pay child support she was pissed about that and basically stopped talking to us anyways my invites for my wedding went out one went to my aunt and I believe she mentioned it to my mother I got a call asking about her invite I told her she wasn't invite and this started an argument I told her she was a pathetic parents and she called me heartless edit I have a few comments on this my mom did not take care of us she paid the bills but did nothing else I was the one that made the home clean took care of my brother made food I had to go buy groceries with dad's money starting when I was 10 so we could have a hot meal that wasn't junk he also went back for custody and got rewarded an
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmymothershewasapatheticparentandsheisntinvitedtomyweddingorig
I found out about my wife's Affair when the police called to ask about her partner I don't know what I'm doing right now I don't know if this is the right sub or even if I should be posting this but I don't have a clear mind right now and I'm here to ask for some direction I've been married to my wife for 12 years we have an amazing 11 years/ o son until last night I thought we had a good marriage I thought I was always really good to her we have no money problems no intimacy problems and I have never taken her for granted I honestly wake up every morning and thank God she is my wife now I don't know what to think I got a call from my local PD as I was getting off work yesterday day they asked if I could come to the police station as soon as possible I panicked I asked if something had happened to my wife or son but they said not to worry just get to the station ASAP when I got there they put me in a room with a table and some chairs they asked me my name which I gave then they started asking all these questions about a guy my wife works with I haven't seen or spoken to this guy literally since December 2019 at my wife's company Christmas party the two officers kept asking me things like how long have you known and how did you find out the only answer I could give was what are you talking about after about an hour of this I just stopped answering their questions and kept asking where my son and wife for and were they safe we just kept going around and around until after about 2 hours on and off because they would periodically leave the room for 15 to 20 minutes then come back and start it all over again like some cheap cop show the last time they came in the cop handed me a tablet and showed me a video of my wife and the guy from her work having sex I don't remember much right after that I just remember screaming what the f is this over and over again I had a full-blown panic attack right there in the middle of the police station the police had a paramedic check me out and he said my blood pressure was something like 170 110 he wanted me to go to the hospital but I refused and said I needed to find my wife and my son after I calmed down the officers explained that the guy in the video had been having an affair with my wife and apparently several other women he had been found that morning in his driveway beaten raped and set on fire he was still alive but in critical condition and they didn't know if he would make it his wife had given them permission to go through his phone and computer and that's where they found the video of my wife they asked me where I was that morning and I told them the gym then work about 10 minutes from my gym at that point they said I could go but that I might not want to stay at my house because they didn't know if his affair with my wife could be why he was attacked they also said my wife wasn't the only person he was having an affair with that's when I rushed home my son was staying with our neighbors so I got him and went home we packed some clothes and his laptop for school I grabbed my gun and we headed to my parents house 45 minutes away I still haven't heard from my wife her phone is going straight to voicemail I've called the officer who gave me his card and he said she is at the hospital with the guy she's been cheating with I am sitting here in bed with my son on one side of me and my 38 on the other my dad is sleeping in his chair in the living room with a shotgun across his lap and I've not slept in over 30 hours I don't even know where to start anything would be helpful right now any advice or ideas I am in a fog edit just got off the phone with my in-laws apparently my wife just checked herself into the psych ward update I'm completely lost because I just found out that my wife 36f of 12 years has been having an affair from the police who called me in for questioning involving the assault of her lover I attempted to post this on Saturday but it didn't go through and I got blocked from reposting because I asked a yes/no question anyway here it is again I am working a bit so I may not be able to reply that much right now my original post was removed but a lot of people messaged me and asked for an update I thought I would fill everyone in on what has happened this week because the replies I got helped me so much I really feel like I owe this community a big thank you for helping me get my head on straight and pointed me in the right direction to get everything done as fast as possible for those people who said my post was fake my only reply is I wish from the bottom of my heart it was sometimes the truth is Stranger Than Fiction for those who said they couldn't find a new story apparently due to the nature of the attack a lot of information was withheld even our local news outlets only reported it as an assault and it was nothing more than a blurb on our Nightly News for those who implied or directly stated the police wouldn't do that you are 100% wrong because they did I found out from my lawyer that police can literally do or say anything they want especially if you aren't under arrest short of direct threats of harm that includes lying directly to your face which they did it turns out my wife wasn't at the hospital with her lover when I contacted the detective she had been admitted to that hospital psychiatric facility much earlier in the day while he was still in surgery I don't know why they would lie about that but they did needless to say this situation has caused me to become very suspicious of law enforcement after I woke up that afternoon I contacted my uncle's law partner who is a family friend he actually came to my parents house and sat down with me to go over my options his entire Law Firm is now representing me both in the divorce and criminal defense that day Sunday he got me an emergency custody order and a protective order against my wife for me my son and my parents our court date is in 60 days the police served her on Monday as she was leaving the psych Hospital according to her brother who is a close personal friend of mine she did not take it well she is staying with her parents for the time being I still haven't talked to her and she hasn't made any attempt to speak to me either whether that's due to shame indifference or the order of protection I don't know but I'm glad of it all the same my wife is not the person I thought she was and I'm ashamed of myself for not see it sooner I had to tell my son something so I decided to tell him the truth age appropriate and literally the first words out of his mouth was please don't let Mommy Take Me Away I asked him why he would say that and from what he tells me my wife has been treating him very badly when I wasn't around and told him if he told me she would take him away and my son would never see me again she has been emotionally torturing our son and I was too blind to see it that wrecked me more than the video to be honest I told the lawyer about what my son said and he used my son's statement and her mental state and commitment to get the emergency custody I have contacted his school for therapy resources and he will start therapy after the first of the year I feel like the worst father to ever walk the face of the Earth at this point as for our families her parents contacted me Tuesday and asked to come see us I was still at my parents at the time and I told them they could come but she was not allowed anywhere near us they agreed they were so apologetic and her poor mother didn't stop crying the entire time she was with us her father was heartbroken and kept referring to my wife as that girl they both said they felt like something was going on with her and they did not raise her to be this way we hugged and cried before they left and I told them they will always be a part of our Lives no matter what happens with the divorce after what my son told me their visit was the hardest part of our whole ordeal my lawyers have been doing amazing work so far they found out that the man my wife was sleeping with has a long criminal record one of the lawyers informed me that when they went to print out the guy arrest record the printer ran for 5 minutes straight from what they could learn he is currently on parole for substan offenses and has had gang affiliations in the past he is still alive but in critical condition and still may not make it the firm has an investigator who contacted the cooworker who drove my wife to the hospital the cooworker informed them that my wife's Affair was an Open Secret around the office my lawyers think that's how the police figured out who I was and who my wife was in the video there are several photos of last year's Christmas party at her work and my wife and I are in several of them that's where I currently am in this whole situation I am just numb still lost and heartbroken how long does the numbness last and is there any way to get past this emotional lethargy faster I mean really numb like a dream everything I've just said has felt like it's happening to someone else update I'm completely lost because I just found out that my 42 M wife 36f of 12 years has been having an affair from the police who called me in for questioning involving the assault of her lover I will start off again by saying thank you to everyone who replied to both my original post and my update this sub really did help me so much if I didn't respond to you directly I'm sorry but I got so many messages I can't keep up with them all first my my son is doing so much better he started therapy the first week of Jan and the difference is already noticeable I asked him if he felt comfortable with me talking to his therapist and he said yes so I've had a few discussions with her according to the therapist my stbx would verbally and emotionally abuse our son whenever they were alone together he was not allowed to make noise or bother her in any way when he was home she would leave him alone for hours on end and even overnight if I was out of town she would then threaten him with being taken away and never see me again if he told me or anyone else the therapist said this has made him feel powerless and dependent in a time in his development that she should actually be feeling empowered and self-reliant So to that end I have bought him his own phone and helped him memorize family members phone numbers and as many addresses as are relevant I've also been teaching him situational awareness to pay attention to street names and how to read addresses on buildings we've also role played how to ask people for help how he can clearly explain to strangers that he's in trouble and he doesn't feel safe I know this may sound silly but my son can be a bit introverted and shy when he doesn't feel comfortable even though we've only been doing this for a few weeks I can see that it's really building his confidence any suggestions on how to continue to build his self-reliance would be really helpful his safety and well-being is still my number one concern right now as for myself I'm doing as good as can be expected I started therapy around the same time as my son and although I don't speak to my therapist as much as he does it has helped to be able to talk through my thoughts and feelings about everything that has happened to us and our family the numbness is gone but it was replaced by a white hot ball of anger in the pit of my stomach whenever I think of my stbx and what she's put our family through funny enough although I hate feeling angry it's a lot easier to deal with than the numbness my therapist says this is part of the grieving process and it's not how we feel but how we Channel those emotions that matter my legal situation well I'll be honest is the scariest thing I've ever dealt with in my life I was awarded temporary full custody and child support which I didn't want but my lawyer pretty much demanded we ask for as well as a continuation of the order of protection for myself and my son at the request for an order hearing which neither my wife nor her lawyer showed up to the judge asked if we would allow supervised visitation but my son absolutely refused which was why my lawyer told me to bring him along the judge asked my son if he would speak to him alone and he agreed the judge stenographer and a child welfare officer went into Chambers with my son and met for about 10 minutes after their meeting the judge granted the temp orders and ordered therapy and psychological evaluation for my son luckily the therapist he is seeing is somehow involved with or accredited to work with the court so he doesn't have to see another therapist my lawyer said this is a good thing because it means his therapist can give a recommendation for custody but it still scares the hell out of me that she could get some form of custody after what she put him through as for the AP I Don't Know Much from what my lawyers have gathered he's alive but still in the hospital I haven't heard from the police since my initial interview so nothing new to report there as for my stbx I still hadn't seen her since the day I was questioned until Thursday she has attempted to call me a few times but I haven't answered and when she called from another number I hung up immediately I have nothing to say to her and I don't want to hear anything she has to say to me her lawyer requested a preliminary hearing for our courta appointed mediation she was served the second week of January she was there with her lawyer and I know this will sound Petty but even with the mask she looked bad my stbx was always an attractive and athletic woman I swear in our wedding photos she looks like a supermodel but now while she's lost lost so much weight it's disturbing she looked sick and frail she didn't even look at me she just sat with her face down through most of the meeting long story short everything they asked for was ridiculous they wanted visitation during the divorce proceedings and shared custody after they want us to drop the Ops she wants to cohabitate until the divorce is finalized I'm not joking after all this she wants to live in the same house it was so insulting that my head throbbed through the whole meeting but it was all worth it for the big reveal we gave to her lawyer her lawyer asked how we should handle Discovery for the division of assets to which my lawyer got this shocked look on his face and said said what division of assets read the prenup the look on her lawyer face was priceless she hadn't told her lawyer about the prenup my late Uncle who was the founding partner of the law firm I use wrote that prup and actually hired her a lawyer to look over it for her before we married according to my lawyer it's a thing of beauty because we never mixed finances for my uncle's instructions the house we live in was a gift to me from my uncle before we married all the utilities and insurances are in my name all the vehicles are registered in the owner's name only and we never had to sign for any debt for each other we have one shared savings account that is used for household m maintenance and an emergency fund it is around $8 in it which she is already drained there is less than $300 in it now the prup states that all marital assets and debt are to be divided 50/50 in ownership of all intangible assets and personal debt reverts back to the individual who accruit it the adultery Clause simply states that we agreed that if either party is caught or admits to committing adultery they lose the right to claim any form of spousal support there's a lot more to it than this but my lawyer assures me that trying to break this prup will be damn near impossible because it is the most Fair prup he's ever read but the last thing her lawyer asked for was what is really messed with me he asked that we postpone the official mediation for 6 months while my stbx attends an impatient Rehabilitation facility for substance abuse some people in both my last post stated that she might have a substance abuse issue but I didn't even think about it because I couldn't even fathom that I talked to my lawyer and he said that we would discuss it and get back with them about our decision on that before we left my stbx spoke literally for the first time and asked me to read a letter she had written me my lawyer gave me that this could be a snake so be careful look and I debated with myself for a moment but decided to take it when I got home I read it and now I wish I hadn't it started off with all those busted cheater platitudes that everyone warned me about I love you I love our family I know I'm mistreated son and I hate myself for it I want us again but she did explain that after a major surgery she had about 2 years ago she started abusing her medication after a while she started buying them from some of the people she worked with including AP he became her go to guy and when she ran out of money she started sleeping with him to make up the difference she said she hid this from me because she was afraid I would make her stop and she couldn't feel right without them anymore that he meant nothing to her but a fix and she hates her for doing what she's done both to herself and to us now she says she understands how awful what she's done is and wants to get better for our family and asks me to at least give her some time to prove she wants this and let me State for the record I will never get back with my wife our marriage was over the moment she cheated on me and abused our son but damn where the F was I while all this was going on I just feel like the most naive obtuse idiot to ever walk the earth and furthermore how should I approach this from here am I just throwing her away or am I still justified in feeling betrayed I feel like such a failure as a husband and a father right now I mean I feel nothing for her but anger and resentment but is this how you treat someone fighting the Demon she's fighting more info I know that she doesn't get the benefit of the doubt anymore and I can't risk my sonk well-being for her anymore she has to do this on her own after reading the comments here I'm wondering if she didn't send me that letter to set herself up so she would have an excuse to keep going down the spiral so to speak I was told that not showing compassion is not the same thing as being vindictive I need to internalize that for myself letting her fall isn't the same thing as kicking her when she's down she has put me in an impossible situation to help her because I cannot risk my son feeling betrayed by me I am still going through with a divorce but I may contact her treatment facility to see if I might be able to support her from a distance I want to support her as a fellow human being and for the love we really did share at one point in time but my son is my number one priority right now also my lawyer was ready to pop the champagne when I read him her note he said it's a clear-cut admission of untreated addiction which pretty much guarantees me full custody
give me a good story on IFoundOutAboutMyWifesAffairWhenThePoliceCalledToAskAboutHerPartner
AIT for refusing to attend My Best Friend's Wedding because she wants me to wear an oversized suit I'm a woman Rita 29f and I 31f have been best friends for nearly a decade but ever since she announced she was getting married our friendship has been unraveling at supersonic speed starting with her picking her sister-in-law to be her maid of honor even though they barely knew each other I've been getting over all of the shenanigans she's been pulling by saying that it's her wedding her rules but this one is the straw that broke the camel's back Friday she revealed what dresses she picked for the bridesmaid very Lov green gown she then took me aside and requested that unlike the other bides Maids I wear a suit not just any suit but one she picked herself which was an oversized badly tailored green suit that honestly looked like something The Riddler would wear if he had to shop in a Gotham Goodwill on a tight budget I'm not talking trendy oversized I'm talking a 10 times too big badly tailored men's suit her reasoning was that me being in a dress at her wedding would make her uncomfortable and she would overthink that I was drawing too much attention because of my body shape I'm a small woman with big assests and an exaggerated hourglass figure there's nothing I can do about it it's just how the women in my family are built and if anything I were loose clothing to avoid any unwanted remarks or attention and because I'm not the biggest fan of how I look I've never worn a suit in my life but I tried to reason with her and ask if I could pick the one I had to wear myself but she refused I floated like 10 dresses by her which were very unflattering on me and loose as hell but she still refused I told her me being dressed like a clown would be what would actually attract the attention but she's adamant that's the only solution so I tore off the Band-Aid myself and told her I wasn't coming to her wedding since there was there was no way I was going to wear what she wanted me to she accused me of being selfish uncaring and vain I live in a small town and news of this traveled fast since her soon Tobe husband thought it was appropriate to spread the info to anybody and everybody a couple of people have made some passive aggressive remarks saying I should basically suck it up since she's been a great friend towards me for a decade which is true I feel like since I've just lost my one best friend over something so stupid but at the same time I feel like the whole thing is humiliating with how outrageous it is AIT a Reddit should I have tried to reason more
give me a good story on AITAHforrefusingtoattendmybestfriendsweddingbecauseshewantsmetowearanoversizedorig
busted my wife cheating so I ended her a fair partner's marriage I'm at a complete loss I don't know what to do there were signs and I overlooked them I was blinded by love and never imagined this would happen to me not with her my wife and best friend of nearly 20 years I work out of town and wasn't supposed to be back until tonight we were supposed to leave for a twoe road trip tomorrow things were slow at work so I came home yesterday afternoon this trip was to give us a little alone time since we've been so busy with family and friends this summer when I got home there was a truck in my driveway that I didn't recognize my neighbor just recently asked me how I like the new truck but I thought he was mistaken and didn't think much of it as soon as I could see the truck I got a terrible gut feeling I love my wife and trusted her completely but that feeling was there and strong I snuck around the side of the house to our bedroom window it was open and I could hear them as I got close I looked in the window and my worst fear was confirmed they were right there completely naked on my bed I walked away I've been fighting the urge to do something that I know I will regret I'm struggling to care what happens to me at this point I went to my family's cabin for the night and drank everything there today I was on my way home to conf front her and decided against it I'm not ready all I can feel is anger all I can think about is violence I'm not in a good place right now not good enough to see her I'm back at the cabin right now I have a 60 ounces of rum and I've been staring at it for an hour I want to get drunk and forget this but I don't want to get drunk and make bad decisions I know this is a critical moment in my life and my actions in the coming days will dictate the rest of my life that's why I'm here I need help I'm not ready to speak to family or friends so I'm reaching out to strangers this world update busted wife cheating the amount of support and advice I've received is unbelievable I actually got choked up just realizing how many great people there are out there willing to help a stranger it gives me a bit of Hope for the world at a moment when I needed it most the downside to all of this support is that I am struggling to respond to people I have over 600 private messages on R and several hundred comments on red I want to say thank you to everyone individually and I'm going to make an effort to do that but it won't be quick so I will just start by giving a big thank you to everyone for your kind messages and helpful advice it really means a lot to me I have noticed several comments and questions that keep popping up and wanted to provide clar in addition to my minor update if you can't tell I am feeling a lot better today the pain almost completely went away I still feel like I've been punched in the gut but otherwise I begun looking to the Future it has been 2 days so this doesn't seem right to me is this a calm before the storm or am I just freakishly resilient as for the questions and comments I've received here are some cliff notes to clarify some things when I said wife and best friend I was referring to the two roles my wife played in my life the other guy was not my best friend or even someone I knew I didn't get a great look at him but from the quick and seeing his vehicle I don't feel like this is someone I know we do not have kids we were planning to have them soon though we recently sold our house and we set to move closer to my job in September when the new owners take possession I am going to thank my neighbor but I'm going to do it subtly like he did for me a lot of people have been asking me about the signs I mentioned overlooking off the top of my head here are a few was texting abnormally late at night went for after workor drinks with friends regularly this was not like her but I was glad that she was being social she had yoga once a week but was apparently not paying because one of her co-workers was the instructor and she was helping with setup and cleanup I also thought she was very inflexible for someone who went to yoga unknown caller Hang-Ups we regularly answer each other's phones if we are closer to it several times she had an unknown caller who would hang up as soon as I answered we get a lot of spam calls but usually it's a telemarketer or a debt collector looking for the previous owner of the number rarely it's a hang-up the update is a work in progress when my brother arrived we had a good long talk he has been my true best friend and I realized I need to always remember that and know that he will always be there for me without judgment the same way I would be for him he really sets the standard for what a true friendship is even if we fight on occasion since I was supposed to be home last night I decided to respond to my wife's text we aren't allowed to have phones on site so it was reasonable for me to only be texting her she knows it's easy for me to sneak in some texts I wrote her and said I needed to go to one of my company's remote sites and wouldn't be able to call her until the end of the weekend I told her that I would cancel all of the reservations and rebook later she said she could take her best friend with her this weekend to the romantic bed and breakfast on a Vineyard that I booked I knew it wasn't the best friend she wanted me to think would be going I told her that I already gave it to my brother and his wife since it was non-refundable and they would pay me back in a month this morning I canceled all of the reservations except the Romantic one my brother is coming with me fortunately the hotel let us switch from the honeymoon suite to a room with two beds there also happens to be a really nice Lake and boat rentals nearby so this just turned into a long overdue fishing trip with my brother this means I free for the weekend I don't have to write her or talk to her for a few days so that relieves some stress and gives me more time to think I am currently in the mindset to get a divorce I honestly can't see it any other way my brother is supportive of this but has asked me to take a few weeks and speak to someone his wife has a friend who is a couple's counselor and is willing to talk to me on Monday I don't see it changing my mind but at least it might help untangle some of this mess for me I am also taking a bunch of the advice on here and starting to speak to lawyers at the very least to prepare for what I think is inevitable I want to do this right I've never thought of her as someone who would try to screw me over but I also never expected her to cheat so I think I need to be prepared for anything thanks again everyone I'm going to try to enjoy my weekend as much as possible update 2 busted my wife cheating a lot has happened in the past few days I'll start with the less important stuff my brother Matt and I drove nearly 5 hours to the BNB on the vineyard I really appreciate him being there for me through this it was more of a venting session than anything but it really helped clear my head after spending the better part of the drive whining to him I just wanted a little alone time while he wanted to go out for dinner I stayed in the room and he went out to eat and took me back some food he also managed to rent a boat for the next day on Saturday we hit the water the owner of the BNB knew about our plans for fishing and was nice enough to pack us a small cooler of food and drinks it was their way of making the Romantic package more useful for two brothers it was a nice gesture fishing wasn't good we both caught a couple of trout that we had to release due to their size so the snacks from the BNB worked out great we stopped fishing at midafternoon and then drove around to all of The Vineyards and fruit stands buying food and cases of wine for Matt's wife Jen that night we went for the biggest Tomahawk Steak we could find on Sunday we drove back to Matt's place he lives in the next town over for me which is about an hour away from my place when we arrived Jen was there and we all sat and cracked a bottle of white we had chilling in the cooler this is when the weekend officially ended for me Jen told me that while we were away that she decided to go spy on my wife she told me that the guy was at my place on Friday night all night but on Saturday morning she managed to get there just as he was leaving she followed him home and found the apartment where he lived my wife stayed over there on Saturday night the same time she was sending me text messages saying she loves me and misses me Jen said that she was splitting her time between visiting family who live in my town and stalking my wife she said that she happened to catch my wife leaving his apartment on Sunday morning and took a few pics of them hugging and kissing before she got into her car I don't want to see them that pretty much sealed the deal for me I don't think I could ever trust her again if she can turn it on and off so easily to tell me she loves me while being with a different guy still I decided that I am not going to jump to a knee-jerk reaction based on emotions I need to remain calm and level that's when Jen told me that Sharon was coming over for dinner Sharon is the counselor that Jen set me up with an appointment for to clarify she has never met my wife and this was my first time meeting her as well Sharon was a very nice person and we got along great after dinner Sharon and I went for a walk around Matt's neighborhood Hood to walk the dogs and have a bit of a private conversation Sharon was really helpful in the fact that she was a great listener and made me feel like I didn't need to be guarded it was theraputic to be that free with describing my feelings as much as I am comfortable with my brother this was just different and very needed it's the same reason why I like writing this on Reddit it's event session that helps me untangle some of the mess in my head our walk lasted an hour and the only real advice that Sharon gave me was to not delay the conversation with my wife she said that the longer I wait the harder it will become to talk to her about this she said I need Clarity more than anything at this point and my wife is the only person that can give that to me later that night Jan and Matt offered me to stay with them for as long as necessary I know that Matt and I have an expiry period for being in close quarters with each other so I spoke to my boss who was able to set me up in company housing I've been staying there every second week for a while but have to leave on days off he managed to make it work for me to stay full-time for a few months if I needed I decided to rebook with Sharon for later this week I figured our walk sufficed for the first session she agreed I spent the night on Sunday just laying in bed thinking about how to approach this I struggled with this because even the imaginary scenario in my head was making my angry or sad I decided I would just wing it I'm usually good Under Pressure yesterday I woke up and said my goodbyes to Matt and Jen I drove towards home and was thinking what if he was there when I arrived then I thought that it would likely just put me back in the angry spot I was a few days ago I decided to do a drive by first neither his truck or my wife's car were there I went inside and grabbed a bunch of Essentials and things I don't want to part with mainly just some photos and old family heirlooms I got them all packed up in my truck and then headed over to the guy apartment her car wasn't there either but his truck was I decided to ride her to see where she was she said she was getting groceries I trust her so little right now that I drove by the grocery store and actually confirmed she was there I feel so dirty admitting that I did that but my trust is broken and it's the only way I can be certain of anything I wrote her again and told her to just come home because we need to talk she wrote back what's wrong I just responded and said she needs to be ready to be honest and then turned my phone off she got home 15 minutes later when she came in she came over to give me a hug and kiss like she does every time I turned away from her she asked me again what was wrong so I told her that she needs to start being honest with me she played Dumb and said she had no idea what I was talking about I said okay if you can't be honest them I am leaving she started panicking at this point and said are you talking about yoga I figured it was a start I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that she hadn't been going to yoga here's a bit of a breakdown of the rest of the conversation me if you weren't going to yoga then where were you going her I was taking walks to relax because I've been so stressed lately me why were you so stressed and why did you lie to me about what you were doing her prepar for the move has been stressing me out and I just didn't know how to tell you me so lying was the decision you made what was your concern with telling me that you were going for a walk to D stress her I didn't mean to lie I was worried that my stress would add to your stress me but I'm not stressed it really seems like you are not telling me everything her what do you mean me I think that you're lying about more than just skipping yoga I am asking you again to be honest you've already lied to me so this can't work if you keep lying her I don't know what else to say oh are you talking about last week weekend when I went for drinks with some friends and came home late I had a feeling that bothered you I had no clue that she went for drinks or was out late I was at work a couple hours away me is that what you actually did that night or was that a lie as well her I went for drinks that night but I didn't see her best friend who she supposedly was with that night me who did you see her no one I just drank alone me you drink alone now her yeah maybe I have a problem me maybe we'll talk about that later last chance be or I'm leaving her um I don't know what else to say me okay I'm leaving at this point I got up and left usually when we have an argument I go for a drive to get away from her she probably thought this was the same then she realized I took my clothes and toiletries as well as the Xbox that's when she began blowing up my phone I told her that I gave her a chance to be honest and she didn't so there's nothing left to say she begged and pleaded with me to come home to talk about this in person she said she had no idea why I was so upset or what I think she did she repeated that she loved me and would never hurt me just hearing her say that really tore a new hole in my chest it was always comforting words that I believed without question now it's a dull Jagged knife sawing through my heart in the most devastating way I couldn't handle it so I hung up she called back about 40 times before I was ready to answer again this time she said did you talk to Karen her best friend I asked why and she said come home I don't want to say this over the phone I agreed and drove around a little longer to get my heart rate back down then I went home that conversation went like this her I assume you spoke to Karen me her well a few weeks ago while you were at work we went for drinks a couple of guys started buying us drinks so we just played along when we were leaving one of the guys tried to kiss me I pulled away immediately and told him I was married I felt so bad about it and wanted to tell you but I'm an idiot and just decided to hide it from you Karen hooked up with the other guy and gave his friend my number without asking me he has texted me a few times since but I have never written him back me can I see your phone her yes she showed me her phone which was completely empty of texts except for myself and her mother she never deletes her texts so this was new I looked at her photos which was also clean but then I checked the deleted photos and found one of a guy I didn't recognize me who is this her that's the guy who tried to kiss me me why did you take a picture of him her I was just being stupid me that's not a reason why did you take a picture of him her I don't know me is that everything you want to tell me or is there more her that's all I can think of once again I left I didn't want to be trickle truthed I got in my truck and drove away she ran out side trying to stop me but I was already Out Of Reach I went to the park nearby and just sat on my tailgate and ate my lunch trying to figure out what to do next while there I began remembering other things that I should have been more aware of things like I was working a weekend shift and was in bed early my wife went out to the club with a few of her girlfriends I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and she still wasn't home I called her a few times but there was no answer about 30 minutes later she called me back and asked if I would come and get her when I picked her up she told me that they were trying to hail a taxi but had no luck a couple of guys that her friend knew stopped and offered them a ride but wanted to stop at home first when they got to the GU house her married friend went into room with one of the guys my wife said she spent some time looking for her but then eventually gave up and just had a drink in the kitchen with the roommates while she waited she claims she didn't hear her phone when I tried calling we fought about this and she was disgusted by her friend's actions so she cut that friend out of her life I thought that was over another time she traveled to visit a close friend in a different city it was a planned girls night there were four girls all getting drunk and watching movies in their PJs at least that's what I was told then she called me around 1:00 a.m. to say a good night we spoke for about 20 minutes and she repeatedly told me that they were having a great girls night then I heard a guy's voice in the background I asked who it was and she denied hearing anything at first then it happened again loudly she couldn't deny it so she was like oh yeah X took a couple of guys with her everyone here is super pissed about it she was drunk and 3 hours away she left me no choice but to trust her again we fought about that and why she refused to tell me they were there she promised never to put herself in that type of situation again clearly that didn't stick after remembering all of those things and the conversations we had about them I was ready to give this one last shot I turned my phone back on and almost immediately it rang I answered and she was screaming for me to come home I drove back to the house I walked inside and was immediately confronted by her balling her eyes out she was sitting on the couch repeating I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I asked her sorry for what she began rocking back and forth like a crazy person it took her a good 5 minutes to catch her breath enough to speak her I lied about the guy who tried to kiss me me okay tell me what happened her the four of us actually went back to his place that night we fooled around I knew it was more than that but just hearing her say it made me feel dizzy it felt like the room was getting smaller and there were a million people speaking into my ears at the same time I think I was having a panic attack I went to the bathroom and washed my face in cold water until things returned to normal me what did you do her do you want me to actually tell you me yes her he fingered me and I gave him a blow job me was that it her yes me I'm not playing this game any longer you either tell me everything right now or this will be the last time we speak she began balling again and took another few minutes before she was able to speak her we met up again and had sex I'm so sorry I love you and we do anything to make up for this me just the one time her if I tell you the truth please give me a chance to do anything I can to make up for it please me I'll think about it her it was an affair we had been hooking up while you're out of town for work it's been going on for almost a month now he is married and they are about to get divorced me does he know you're married her yes me if he's having an affair because his marriage is failing does that mean you think ours is failing is that what you told him her no I don't think ours is failing I'm so stupid I hate myself please don't leave me I can fix this me how her whatever you want me if you were in my shoes or even his wife's shoes what would fix this for you her knowing the truth being able to trust you to mean what you are saying you can trust me I screwed up and won't do that again me if you were his wife wouldn't you want to know the truth her yes me then fix this her you want me to call her me if you think that is what you would want she tried calling but never got an answer a few minutes later her cell phone rang it was listed as Karen work she looked shocked so I knew that wasn't Karen I asked if that was him she said it was I answered and being the coward he is he said oops I must have the wrong number I said no this is the husband of the girl you've been cheating with I'm going to let you speak to her because she has something to say to you I passed her the phone her I told him everything he knows the entire truth we're done it was just a fling and now you need to never contact me again I asked to see the phone before she hung up me what divorce lawyer are you using him I'm not getting divorced me oh but didn't you tell me wife that you were him no me okay then can I speak to your wife I feel she has as much right to know about this as I do him please man I didn't know she was married don't ruin my marriage over a mistake me you ruin mine over a mistake it's only fair that I tell your wife him please don't she's at work right now I will tell her everything when she gets home I swear me okay you do that that's where I hung up I asked my wife if she knew where his wife worked and her name she did I had my wife call over and ask for her at work she did get her on the phone and told her to take a seat this woman said she was just getting ready to leave for the day and she would call my wife back from her car she did his wife what's going on my wife I have something terrible to tell you and I don't want to cause any accidents please don't drop his wife OMG did something happen too his name my wife no no he's at your apartment right now I am just letting you know that we have been having an affair for a month now I'm coming clean to my husband right now and thought you should be given the same respect she went silent for about a minute then said If this is some sick joke I will find out who you are then she hung up not even 10 minutes later my wife got a text from Karen work saying thanks you just ruined my life I grabbed the phone and wrote back you just ruined four lives and two marriages don't forget that this was your fault you piece of for the next hour my wife begged and pleaded with me to stay with her she offered counseling she offered to never leave my side she even offered me sexual favors this was everything that I expected thanks to the comments in here she then said we should go on that vacation her treat we need time away was her reason we need to spend some quality time together because my work schedule has been pushing us apart lately also exactly what I expected her to say she wasn't expecting me to tell her that I went anyway she also wasn't expecting me to tell her that I already have counseling booked for myself she definitely wasn't expecting me to tell her that I busted her on my very own bed I could only imagine she didn't expect me to have a place already lined up to stay when I told her all of that she fell to the floor balling she started saying how she doesn't deserve to live she told me I should just kill her right now because she's too terrible to be with anyone it went on like that for a while I stayed for a total of 4 hours listening to her make excuses then try to hug me or cuddle me or even blow me if I would just stay and work through this with her in the end I called Karen and told her that her cheating friend is suicidal and that she should come keep an eye on her then I left it's been almost a full day since that went down and I haven't spoken to her since she has been calling and texting me all day her friends and family have been calling and texting me all day everyone has a different excuse or a different plea for empathy her father is the only one who wrote me and told me that I need to do what is best for me and that he will always love me like a son no matter what happens reading that was what made me have a good cry for the first time since all of this began I meet with Sharon my counselor tomorrow and a lawyer on Thursday I think I know where this is going but until it happens I'm just not sure about anything I'm sorry for the overly long-winded story it just helps to vent in this way again I really appreciate all of the comments and messages the people sharing their own stories like this are really helping me feel less broken and giving me more hope I sincerely appreciate everything you've all said and done for me
give me a good story on BustedMyWifeCheatingSoIEndedHerAffairPartnersMarriage
aita for leaving photographic evidence of my husband cheating somewhere his parents should not have looked tldr my husband cheated with a man I had pictures his mom Snoop his parents are making his life difficult I f30 ke asteris K my husband 28 out of my house it was my house prior to us getting married and it remains my house now I knew when I married him that he was Bice asterisk U I was okay with it as long as he understood that we were monogamous I said that I would never agree to an open relationship and if that was what he wanted he needed to be with someone else he agreed and said that I was the person he wanted to be with and that I was more than enough to satisfy him he lied I found out he was having an affair with a man I went through his iPad and took all the pictures for myself graphic in a maple Thorp kind of way when I confronted him he became physically aggressive I was scared he calmed down when I got Siri to call 911 he left anyway I did not want him in my house again ever when he wanted his things I asked him to make a list and send it to me I found every single thing on the list I asked him where to send the box he said he would pick it up I told him that I would not let him set foot in my house and that I would call the cops if he tried he said he would send friends to get his stuff I said I would leave his box ow a crap with the front desk at my work he didn't want to make them drive into the city we compromised and I agreed to give his parents a temporary code for my house they are lovely people and I trusted them I could see everything on my security system and I would know if he tried getting into my house the deal was that they would use the code get the box from the front entrance then close and lock the door easy peasy lemon squeezy instead it went difficult difficult lemon Fu asteris Ked I guess he didn't have everything on his list he asked them to get something from my bedroom not the deal at all I had my pictures of his infidelity in my room and my chest of drawers in an envelope so to reiterate to find these pictures his mom had to go past our agreed limit into my house she then had to enter my bedroom open my chest of drawers open an envelope and look at what was inside I felt violated watching the video then I giggled like a little kid it was hilarious I see them come into the house they use the code and open the door his dad comes in and grabs the box he goes back to their vehicle with the Box his mom hesitates before walking into my house and going to my room she goes to my chest and opens the top drawer where we kept a box full of jewelry she sees an envelope with his name on it she looks around I'm not sure why then she looks at the cont tense she screams I assume since I have my feet on video only then she Stuffs the pictures back and closes the drawer and goes running for the truck my father-in-law comes to the door locks it and leaves I guess he never told his parents about his proclivities to say that this has created a problem for him is to take it lightly I get a call from him he says I left the pictures out for his parents to find I did not I should have scattered them on top of the box his parents picked up but that felt cruel and unnecessary like I said I have always found them to be love people I told him where the pictures were he said that he forgot about a ring he left off the list and he told his mom where it should be I said I would have tossed it in the box if he told me he said he forgot until they were on their way he is upset that his parents know he is a power bottom he is not happy at their house now and he is going to find somewhere else to stay he said I'm an for causing this problem I think there are other candidates for Hood him for cheating him for getting his parents to go against our agreement his mom for going against our agreement his mom for snooping his parents for homophobia
give me a good story on AITAHforleavingphotographicevidenceofmyhusbandcheatingsomewherehisparentsshouldnotorig
it TAA for serving my son-in-law's food on a kid's plate I will try to make this quick I host dinners for the family and that includes all of the in-laws the past year and a half has been a nightmare my son-in-law cannot deal with food touching that's fine so when I plate up his stuff I make sure it's not touching at any point in the meal if the food falls into the other food then he apparently can't eat it then he makes a huge deal about it and I either have to give him more or deal with him usually needing with an argument I have tried to get the whole family to just serve themselves but they think it is rude so that doesn't work I have given smaller portions to him to make sure nothing ever touches but if I do that I get accused of starving him also I have talked about this so many times with him and my daughter I had a dinner yesterday and search is on one of those kids plates since I figured it has the mini walls and will prevent everything from touching he blew up and we got in an argument the rest of the family is split on the issue but some found it funny a it t a
give me a good story on AITAforservingmysoninlawsfoodonakidsplateaitaredditstoriesredditaitaorig
wibta if I am 14 refuse to attend family Christmas unless my parents did something for me and not for my adopted siblings we have Christmas May 12th family tradition it's a whole thing I'm planning to not attend unless my parents say they'll pay attention to just me for something a gift a dinner anything my parents really like things happening exactly how they imagine them if I'm not there they'll be pissed that's what I'm going for I guess because there's nothing else I can reasonably use except whining to get them to listen to me I'm not going to threaten to not fix the shed or anything just because of this every single year my siblings get very personal loving gifts that took time and effort and affection I've pleaded for years for them to get me anything similar not even anything on the scale they give my siblings just like a $10 bracelet off Etsy with our last initial or something every time I do something our parents are very careful to praise my siblings along with me they're very devoted to the idea of making sure otuma 15 and M 12 never feel insecure in our family which is sweet but they're not worried at all that I might be every reward I get they get too it doesn't work in Reverse my birthday is a celebration of all of us their birthdays are just about them to the point I was politely told not to tell anyone I got a 100 on my Greek exam because the full focus should be on autumn
give me a good story on WIBTAifIrefusedtoattendfamilyChristmasunlessmyparentsdidsomethingformeandnot
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video we've got some awesome stories of malicious compliance today and our first story is from moonlover10792 you want a man to help you no problem one will clock in soon this happened 16 years ago when i was 20 years old i was a department manager in a big box hardware store people said i acted 25 but i didn't even look 18. as a young female i saw my fair amount of sexual discrimination but the worst always came from women this is the story of one such woman i managed the paint department i had three associates who worked for me they loved me as a boss because i bought them at apartment radio and took the shifts they didn't want worked friday close and saturday mid so my two younger guys could have time to have fun on friday nights and the older gentlemen took early saturday mornings so they could sleep off their fun in trade i gave the older gentleman his ideal schedule my team was awesome one day i was in the department alone and a lady came up and asked me where she could find the 5 gallon oil based primer i let her know that my location didn't carry the 5 gallon size of that primer she told me that we did and said that it was shelved right there while suggesting that i was too stupid to remember her husband gave me an apologetic look i let her know that another location had what she was looking for and that it was in that exact location in that store she let me know how stupid she thought i was for thinking she could mix up stores then she began yelling loudly and insisting that i get a man out there to help her because she wanted someone competent and not a stupid little girl her husband actually tried to step in at that point but i just smiled and let her know that a male pain associate would be clocking in any minute and that i'd be happy to direct him to her as soon as he's on the clock i smiled and waited for joe to clock in joe was great and i knew he could handle this or i wouldn't have put him in this situation but joe was also new he was learning things super quick but still relied on the rest of us for help when i saw joe walking up i quickly said that there was a customer who needed help i let him know that she was upset and asked him to do his best to answer her questions joe walked up to the lady she said finally a man she asked her question explained where the product should be and waited joe calmly let her know that he had never seen us carry a 5 gallon size of oil-based primer but said he could check with the paint department manager she was happy and loudly said she was happy to be getting some real help joe walked up to me and started to ask me about 5 gallon oil-based primers the lady quickly walked up and asked him what he was doing he turned and said this is my manager she runs this department the husband laughed out loud the woman stormed off and i bought joe lunch despite it working out do you think it was a little mean for o.p to use joe like this without clueing them into exactly what was going on or considering everything went to plan was it no harm no foul let me know in the comments down below our next story is from remarkableyouth504 don't want me to work my notice okay i won't work during my notice this happened almost five years ago some details are intentionally vague this will be a long read but i promise it will be worth it in the end i was working in an organization that was super toxic so much so that we were a revolving door most employees stayed only a few months to counter this our management put three months notice into everyone's contract including existing employees it's not strictly illegal where this happened but very unusual i believe the idea was to make it harder for employees to find a job outside as employers don't usually want to wait for three months however this didn't work as people simply quit and waited for a month or two before starting their job hunt i was there almost four years i needed the money so i put up with whatever abuse of crap was thrown at me my boss was a guy we'll call vince not the actual name now vince was not particularly good but he sometimes respected the fact that i was the most tenure to grunt in the organization enter rajesh not the actual name rajesh was brought in from outside for strategically improving our division this was quite strange given our division generated the most profits within months rajesh made the environment even more toxic he pulled vince's team under him and got vince fired and he actively encouraged us grunts to spy on each other rajesh also headed out for me from day one to the state i don't know why he started making my life more harder than the others this culminated in him taking me aside and telling me that i was not pulling my weight now at this point i was doing quite well in the organization plus i was doing a lot of additional work since only i knew certain systems and processes see high attrition above so i was quite angry i started looking out i still wasn't brave enough to quit and start looking fortunately i was able to find a job that was willing to wait the three months so it was my turn to take rajesh aside and tell him i quit boy rajesh was pissed he went from denial you can't quit to negotiation what if i give you a raise at the year end to acceptance thus i was serving my notice and working away like an honest bee my usual work plus the additional work at this point i was called by hr and told that rajesh wanted me gone the insane part was that they wanted me to pay the company for the two and a half months shortfall in notice i obviously refused then went back and checked the contract turns out a notice of less than three months could only happen through mutual consent and the initiating party company if they wanted me gone sooner or me if i wanted to leave earlier had to compensate the other party for the shortfall cue the malicious compliance the next day i stopped doing anything at all i logged in and logged out my hours and did nothing not my work definitely not the additional responsibilities soon there was a complete meltdown all around rajesh would pull me into meetings and scream and try to bully me and i would say nothing but smirk then they tried to have someone else learn from me so that they could do what i did remember i said earlier how i was the only one who knew some of the old systems and processes well now i claimed i didn't really remember any of them so obviously there could be no hand over soon my workplace turned into a dumpster fire the hr slash rajesh smartened up and offered to buy out my notice if i cooperated and helped transition my work i refused then to twist the knife further i started having meetings with fellow grunts remember everyone was always a newbie and encouraging them to leave as well hr tried to get me to leave twice more but i ended up serving the full three months remember the mutual consent part i just love that knowing like probably a week into this that they were able to look at this situation and realize man we really messed up making it a mandatory three-month notice they thought they were creating a potential fix or a band-aid to something without realizing how badly they were hampering their whole operation somebody can just basically do nothing at all and get paid for three months because of them if anything the best thing op could do was work out that notice then after they're finally gone say they had a change of heart and if they hire you back you'll teach somebody new and when they hire you back then go back on to another three month notice by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below if you do so you'll never miss any of my daily videos which are chocked full of great stories like our next one from attack moose gomer not enough onions still okay when i 33 year old male was 23 i worked at a fast food restaurant chain just off of a busy freeway slash highway interchange so we were constantly busy i was one of the people working the line prepping and wrapping burgers and we had these onions that came in a bag they were freeze dried that always tasted a little strange to me but customers seemed to like them a lot while working an incredibly busy friday afternoon shift we had a gentleman come in through the drive-through made his order a few burgers and fries but one of the burgers he wanted extra of those onions no big deal just add the onions wrap up the burger send it to the runner and out the window the gentleman took his order pulled up a little way past the drive-through window and checked his food at the time those of us on the line had no clue yet he did this and then he pulled back around in our drive-thru line as we were busy he waded through a line of his six cars and when he finally got back to the order box he told the person on the speaker we didn't make his extra onion order with enough onions okay again no big deal as we usually put a small pinch as per company procedure on the burgers generally so when they say extra it's just another small pinch so he gives us back the burger and we remake it this time with a couple generous pinches wrap up the burger give it to the runner into a bag and out the window he pulls forward as we're busy and rinse and repeat well he comes around again and this time he was being a jerk and started yelling at us that we were incompetent and didn't know how to do our jobs cue malicious compliance i had just pulled a fresh ready batch out of the fridge stuck my hand into the bottom of the container and pulled out a pound and a half of these rehydrated onions took a look at my 17 year old manager who knotted his head and piled it on top of his burger which made it three times the normal size wrapped it up and sent it to the runner who bagged it and gave it to the customer this time all from the line piled up in the drive-through to wait and see what would happen as we're watching the back of his car all we see him is looking down shaking his head and driving off so we figured that was it until the next shift when we came into questions from our store manager early 40s about a complaint the customer had made about unacceptable food practices and indignant service we explained our side of the story with our 17 year old manager present with her she laughed and then said that she had to give us verbal warnings for not following company procedure which we didn't mind and went about our day i mean what else are you supposed to do when you've got a customer like that who's berating you and saying no no more i want more you're not giving me enough at some point you're just like screw it take the whole container and just leave you might as well have just lifted off the top bun put the whole thing container and all right on top of the patty put the bun back on and then just gave it to the guy in our final story of the days by district equivalent 79 you want to talk to my manager okay this happened about 13 years ago i was a field service engineer for a national retail chain basically i was the i.t guy who drove around on a company vehicle servicing the computer networks in the stores the way the company was organized there were corporate employees and then there were retail employees being a corporate employee i received corporate stock as a small part of my salary and my starting pay was 3 times the rate of any store manager because i was always putting out fires i often found myself in the awkward position of dealing with storm managers who honestly thought that they were the store owners and that i was just the hired help this was truly ironic as i actually did own a very small piece of the corporation whereas the store manager did not one day i got orders to replace a server in a store not too far from my house i worked out of my house but kept parts in the truck and also the back room of another store nearby so i show up to the store where the server needed to be replaced it was my second stop of three scheduled that day i walk in the store wearing my very obvious corporate uniform and named agwith logo the store owner or retail manager instantly demands to know what the freak i'm doing in her store i get this all the time nothing new i calmly explain that my boss wants me to upgrade one of the store servers hardware replacement and i even show her where it is that i'll be working i explained that it'll take one hour and that the point of sale registers might go offline for about five minutes she isn't happy but she reluctantly allows me into the room where the server is and i start working when i'm just about done the point of sale registers go down as i'm switching them to the new server which isn't fully hooked up yet it was at this point where i realized i've forgotten to bring in a couple of cables that i need to finish hooking the new server into the store network so i run out to the truck to get the required cables i'm gone about two minutes when i get back the store manager is sitting at the table in front of the server and she's got food spread out all over the table the server is under the table i tell the store manager i need to finish hooking up the server gesturing under the table the store manager tells me i'll have to come back in an hour after her lunch break i'm shocked into total silence then a cashier bursts into the room panicked that the registers aren't working and the checkout lines are getting backed up i explained to the manager that i have to fix the server now or the registers won't work the manager tells me i should have thought of that before i started working in her lunch break area i calmly tell the store manager that she'll have to take a break later or find somewhere else to eat her lunch she tells me i'm rude and incompetent and demands to speak to my manager immediately okie dokie i call up my manager using my corporate issue iphone and quickly explain the situation and then walk into the server room to hand the iphone to the store manager while she's on the phone with my manager i head out to the front of the store to explain and apologize that the registers are going to be down for a few more minutes i can't hear exactly what the store manager is telling to my manager but i can tell that it's a heated conversation and i clearly hear the word fired mentioned a few times it's clear that the store owner their retail manager wants me to be fired for daring to try to interrupt her lunch break unfortunately for her my direct supervisor was about five to six levels above the retail district manager so the store manager was complaining loudly about interrupting my work to the manager of her manager's manager's manager's manager's manager's manager a few minutes later the store manager walks out of the room awkwardly balancing bits and pieces of her lunch spread i immediately go back to work getting the new server up and running and rebooting the point of sale registers so that they'll be on sync with the new server and cashiers can get back to work everyone's happy now except the store owner because her lunch break was ruined the main part of my task is done now but it takes me about another 15 minutes to clean up my mess and reorganize my truck to get ready for my next stop which will be about an hour drive from my current location as i'm doing this i see the retail district manager i've met her before going into the store she walks back out of the store with the former store manager who's carrying a box of her personal items somebody let the power of being the store owner or retail manager go to their head and they wanted to go on a little power trip like they probably regularly do to somebody who's coming in to fix stuff up but little did they know as far as hierarchy goes they were just a house cat hissing at a lion cub who had the real lions on speed dial bye bye house cat but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
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what was the incident at your high school when I was a freshman in high school we went into lockdown for an active shooter there were cop cars swarming the building and helicopters flying above the school it was a whole ordeal and every student and teacher were obviously scared there was a rumor floating around that the shooter was in the science hallway which was the hallway I was in at the time due to all the rumors circulating one science teacher decided to make a Molotov cocktail to throw at the potential shooter and another science teacher broke one of his golf clubs he had stashed away in half for self-defense it turned out the shooters were people with paintball guns and both of these science teachers were fired the next day it was always talked about the remaining years I spent at the high school about how terribly unfair it was for firing teachers that were in theory trying to defend their students from a potential shooter
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he refuses to marry her she says itah when our first child was born my ex forced me to quit my job when our second child was two I found out about his affair by then he was extremely verbally emotionally and sometimes physically abusive when he abused our firstborn I put him out that was in 2012 I couldn't afford daycare to work and had no family support he refused to give me any money to take care of the kids saying the courts haven't ordered me to give you a dime he lied to the bank and had my accounts Frozen and even assaulted me when I filed for default in the divorce the judge finally ordered him to pay child and spousal support 6 months after I kicked him out it was 2 , 562 a month he refused to pay it until the garnishment kicked in and by then he was 6K behind in support I used that to get permission to move away I remarried a year after the divorce I checked the court docks and there was a little box that said spousal support stopped upon remarriage if that box was checked it wasn't checked so I figured I was good instead of filing for his retirement I just took the year of spousal support 12K and left it alone spousal support was only ordered for 2 years in 2017 he filed for sole custody of the kids out of nowhere that was when he found out I had remarried and he had paid spousal support to me during the first year of my marriage
give me a good story on HeRefusestoMarryHerSheSaysITAH
:00.120 --> :00.900 Posted by  :01.440 --> :05.700 u/Kitchen-Cook7066 4 hours ago :05.700 --> :10.020 AITA for not inviting a kid to  my kids birthday party because I   :10.020 --> :11.143 don’t want to deal with her parents Edit: some asked for more stories,   :11.143 --> :11.220 I made a post explaining more. Just  click on my user name and you will see it :11.220 --> :14.880 I have a child in second grade. The  rules of the school is that if you   :14.880 --> :20.100 hand out invites on school grounds  everyone needs to be invited. So I   :20.100 --> :23.940 instead sent the invites in the mail to  basically the whole class but one kid. :23.940 --> :28.440 The reason is the mother and father  are a nightmare. Their son is fine,   :28.440 --> :33.840 but their parents are awful. I could go on  for a while but a few examples. The mom has   :33.840 --> :38.280 chased a kid until she was crying since  she grabbed a toy. The father is know to   :38.280 --> :42.120 get it to fights if anyone has a different  opinion. Mom will freak if you don’t do   :42.120 --> :46.560 stuff their way and they refuse to leave  even if no other parent is there. The mom   :46.560 --> :51.120 tried to stay over a their kids sleepover and  freaked when the person hosting was confused. :51.120 --> :56.700 They are a nightmare and not really  friend with my kid so no invited. They   :56.700 --> :00.720 found out and were ticked. The other  parents are also mad that I excluded   :00.720 --> :04.680 a kid and now some are not going to the  party. They have told me I am a jerk. :04.680 --> :08.040 Am I? Should I just send an  invite and deal with the parents. :09.720 --> :10.860 Posted by  :10.860 --> :25.320 u/Immediate_Law132 5 hours ago :25.320 --> :41.820 AITA for telling all my parents  guests that my room has cannabis   :41.820 --> :45.060 candy everywhere but that they are still  welcome to let their kids play in it.  :45.060 --> :50.100 I live at home and pay rent. I graduated from  university and I have a good job and I don't   :50.100 --> :53.940 mind contributing to my household. It is  a nicer neighborhood than I could afford   :53.940 --> :58.140 to live in otherwise and it is close to  a bus route that takes me right to work. :58.140 --> :01.920 I keep all of my belongings in  my room including my computer,   :01.920 --> :04.500 my television, and my gaming consoles. :04.500 --> :08.580 My parents often host family and friends  who have children that are bored because   :08.580 --> :13.560 my parents really have nothing for kids since  all of my older siblings and myself got old. :13.560 --> :18.000 I thought I was being nice when I bought an old  Switch and hooked it up in the family room and   :18.000 --> :23.460 added it to my account. That way kids can play  Mario or Zelda and my stuff gets left alone. :23.460 --> :27.900 Recently my aunt came over with  my young cousins. They played for   :27.900 --> :31.500 a while but got bored and wanted to  see what other games I had. I said   :31.500 --> :35.820 my room was off limits and my mom and aunt  immediately tried to get me to let them in. :35.820 --> :38.940 I said no problem but make sure you don't eat any   :38.940 --> :43.260 of my candy or gummies they see in my  room because they are all weed edibles. :43.260 --> :48.660 Nope. My aunt almost put her kids behind  her like she was protecting them from the   :48.660 --> :52.320 devil. My mom said that I could clean  up my room and put them somewhere safe.   :52.320 --> :57.060 I reminded her that we agreed that if I  was paying rent I got privacy in my room. :57.060 --> :00.840 My dad agreed with me and he got a  locking door handle from the garage   :00.840 --> :06.360 and installed it while my mom fumed.  (He has EVERYTHING in that garage). :06.360 --> :10.680 My mom said that I'm being rude by  not sharing my stuff with guests. I   :10.680 --> :13.860 asked my aunt if I could borrow her  car to go out with some friends and   :13.860 --> :18.960 she immediately said no. I said it was rude  not to share and she called me a smartass. :18.960 --> :22.920 I went to my room and put on my noise  cancelling headphones and played Diablo   :22.920 --> :27.120 and had a couple of gummies from my stash  in the back of my closet where I keep them. :27.120 --> :27.865 Posted by  :27.865 --> :30.840 u/ProfessionalAge4351 8 hours ago :41.160 --> :46.560 AITA for taking away my niece's  car and kicking her out?  :46.560 --> :50.940 I have a 19 years old niece. Both her  parents were deadbeats so my siblings   :50.940 --> :55.500 and I ended up raising her. She is like a  daughter to all of us and we all adore her. :55.500 --> :57.960 When she was 16 I bought her car for her. :57.960 --> :03.540 When she turned 18 my siblings and I decided that  it's time she become independant. We gave her some   :03.540 --> :08.880 money and told her that while she is welcome to  visit us she can no longer live with any of us. :08.880 --> :13.860 She just started crying and left without a word.  She didn't tell us where she wants to live,   :13.860 --> :18.720 didn't give us any address and didn't  even answer our calls for a year. I   :18.720 --> :22.740 finally found her and convinced her to  attend my birthday dinner. My siblings   :22.740 --> :27.480 and I were all very happy to see her  again however the dinner was a disaster. :27.480 --> :31.800 She was clearly still mad at us and  insulted every single one of us. :31.800 --> :36.900 She called my sister pathetic and dumb for not  realizing that her husband is cheating on her   :36.900 --> :42.600 which started a huge fight between them. She  called my younger brother a whiny baby that no   :42.600 --> :47.820 one likes and we all only tolerate. My younger  brother has self esteem issues so hearing this,   :47.820 --> :52.020 he believed her and was very mad at  us. She then told me that I really   :52.020 --> :57.780 suck at my hobby(I play guitar) and should  do everyone a favor and stop playing it which   :57.780 --> :02.760 really hurt my feeling and she called  my older brother the f word(he is gay) :02.760 --> :06.600 That's when I decided I've heard  enough. I took away her car keys   :06.600 --> :09.420 and kicked her out. My brothers  all think I did the right thing   :09.420 --> :13.860 but my sister is very upset that I kicked  her out and she is worried that she will   :13.860 --> :18.540 go nc with us again but I couldn't just  stand there and let her insult all of us :18.540 --> :24.360 Edit: ok ok I get it now. We thought kicking  her out at 18 was ok because that's what our   :24.360 --> :29.040 parents did when we turned 18. Looking  back, choosing my parents as role model   :29.040 --> :33.540 was probably a mistake, there is a reason  none of us talk to our parents anymore. :33.540 --> :38.160 Anyway I'll give her car back and I'll  tell her she can move back in and I'll   :38.160 --> :41.760 support her as long as she needs it  though I don't think she'll move back   :41.760 --> :45.840 in with me. We will all apologize  and hopefully she will forgive us :45.840 --> :49.800 Though I still expect her to  apologize from her aunt. My   :49.800 --> :53.520 sister has been nothing but nice to her  and she was the only one who didn't want   :53.520 --> :57.060 to kick her out and only had to do  it because her husband forced her. :58.440 --> :58.680 Posted by  :58.680 --> :15.900 u/ZealousidealTea5062 15 hours ago :23.040 --> :37.800 AITA for refusing to stop kissing my own baby? My husband (M25) and I (F25) have a six-week-old   :37.800 --> :41.700 daughter. She's our first baby and the  first grandchild in both of our families.   :41.700 --> :46.860 We were advised by our pediatrician to  not allow anyone besides ourselves to   :46.860 --> :51.480 kiss our baby for the first 8-12 weeks  minimum. This has been communicated to   :51.480 --> :55.560 both of our families who have been  respectful of this (as well as our   :55.560 --> :00.120 other boundaries/rules) despite a little  bit of grumbling about it from his side. :00.120 --> :05.400 Last weekend we were over at my in-laws house and  I had just finished breastfeeding my daughter,   :05.400 --> :10.560 so she was all sleepy. I kissed her forehead  before settling her to nap on my chest. :10.560 --> :16.200 My MIL noticed and immediately remarked on  it in a super passive-aggressive manner:   :16.200 --> :21.660 "Oh, I'm so glad that we're able to kiss [baby]  now! Did your pediatrician update the rules?" :21.660 --> :27.540 I was super confused and asked her what she meant  and that the pediatrician's recommendation hadn't   :27.540 --> :33.000 changed. She then accused me of violating the  rules by kissing my own baby. I told her that   :33.000 --> :37.800 the recommendation was that no one besides  myself and my husband kiss our daughter,   :37.800 --> :43.200 and she argued and heavily implied that I  was being dishonest because I'd previously   :43.200 --> :49.020 said "nobody can kiss the baby" rather than  "nobody but husband and I can kiss the baby." :49.020 --> :54.420 She went on and on about this until I snapped  that it should've been obvious that the rules   :54.420 --> :00.120 we told her regarding our baby were about what  we would/wouldn't allow OTHER PEOPLE people to   :00.120 --> :05.460 do. She called me a hypocrite so I got up  and shut myself in the guest room while my   :05.460 --> :09.240 daughter continued to nap on me. A little while later MIL came in   :09.240 --> :15.780 and "apologized," claiming it was a kneejerk  reaction and she was just confused and upset.   :15.780 --> :20.820 She said she understands now that the rule  only applies to other people. She then asked   :20.820 --> :25.500 me if I would avoid kissing my baby in front  of her until she's allowed to do so as well,   :25.500 --> :28.920 because it's upsetting to see me  doing that and knowing that she can't. :28.920 --> :34.620 I told her I can understand that it's frustrating  to have strong urge to kiss a baby and not be able   :34.620 --> :40.800 to. But I am personally not going to stop kissing  my own baby for the sake of her feelings. MIL   :40.800 --> :51.840 is calling me disrespectful and a hypocrite and  has gotten SIL on board with this as well. AITA? :53.400 --> :54.960 Posted by  :54.960 --> :03.300 u/MayhemBabies 15 hours ago :04.200 --> :13.140 AITA for telling my brother that I told him  so and that his personality is the problem?  :13.140 --> :20.940 My (F28) brother (M30) has always been a  bit "my way or the highway". He also loves   :20.940 --> :25.620 to tell you that he told you so if you dare  to do something differently to his suggestion   :25.620 --> :32.220 and it goes the wrong way. My brother's wife,  Cindy (F29), is honestly an angel of a person,   :32.220 --> :36.660 and her patience is never ending. I genuinely  believe that their marriage is held together   :36.660 --> :41.940 by her patience, because I would have had  it with my brother a long time ago. They   :41.940 --> :46.560 were married five years ago, and Cindy gave  birth to a beautiful baby boy a month ago. :46.560 --> :51.540 During the pregnancy, whenever I would ask about  names, Cindy always said that they had not been   :51.540 --> :56.820 able to agree on anything yet. During these  conversations, my brother would say, "Well,   :56.820 --> :00.540 we all know what I think we should name  the baby, and it is up to Cindy to come   :00.540 --> :04.080 up with something better if she doesn't  like it." Cindy would always laugh when   :04.080 --> :08.160 my brother said this and would say something  about finding something they both agreed on,   :08.160 --> :12.300 but it certainly seemed like my brother  had made up his mind. For reference,   :12.300 --> :17.640 the name my brother was adamant about  was Joseph, which Cindy really disliked. :17.640 --> :22.560 By the time Cindy went into labour, her and my  brother had a short list of three names which   :22.560 --> :27.540 Cindy said they would choose from once they  had met the baby and seen his face. Joseph was   :27.540 --> :33.180 not on the list. Unfortunately, there were some  complications during the birth and Cindy had to   :33.180 --> :38.760 be rushed to emergency surgery while my brother  dealt with all the paperwork. I am sure you can   :38.760 --> :44.700 see where this is going - he put Joseph on the  birth certificate while Cindy was unconscious. :44.700 --> :50.640 It seems that this was the straw that broke the  camel's back, and Cindy has filed for divorce.   :50.640 --> :56.100 My brother is suddenly crying to the world  and their dog that his wife's pregnancy and   :56.100 --> :01.200 post-partum hormones have gotten the better of  her, and she is throwing away their lives over   :01.200 --> :07.500 a temper tantrum. He also said that she would come  to realise Joseph is a good/strong name. I admit,   :07.500 --> :12.840 it was probably not my finest moment, but I  have been telling my brother for years that   :12.840 --> :17.220 Cindy's patience would come to an end,  and so I said that I had told him so. :17.220 --> :23.160 I also told him that I will do anything and  everything I can to support Cindy through this,   :23.160 --> :29.040 and that if he is looking for someone to  blame, it is 100% on him and his "my way   :29.040 --> :33.720 or the highway" personality. I said that  no reasonable or kind person would have   :33.720 --> :38.160 used their wife being unconscious as  an opportunity to get their own way. :38.160 --> :43.380 Now my family are telling me I used this as  an opportunity to be vindictive rather than   :43.380 --> :49.980 supportive, and I can't possibly understand  what divorce is like. My mom (F58) told me   :49.980 --> :54.420 that I have clearly been holding a grudge  against my brother and couldn't wait to rub   :54.420 --> :58.920 his face in something. She has said that I  am not invited to any family events until I   :58.920 --> :03.540 apologise to my brother and promise to  support him in the divorce over Cindy. :04.860 --> :06.300 Posted by u/IndividualSource7810  :06.300 --> :07.800 18 hours ago :11.220 --> :29.280 AITA for teaching my son to call  me dad against his mother's wishes?  :29.280 --> :35.520 I had a one-night stand with a woman (Mary) I  didn't know at a party in 2016. About a year   :35.520 --> :40.860 ago someone reached out and told me she  knew Mary and her (now 6yo) son was mine.   :40.860 --> :44.520 This person hadn't known my name until  meeting another friend of mine and they   :44.520 --> :49.860 figured it out. Apparently Mary had started  dating someone (Jon) just after we hooked up,   :49.860 --> :56.580 then found out she was pregnant. Mary and Jon  got serious, got married, and Jon adopted my son. :56.580 --> :01.620 After I found out, I got a lawyer and  filed for custody in my state. Mary and   :01.620 --> :04.860 Jon fought me through the whole  process, telling me not to break   :04.860 --> :09.900 up their family (they have a younger  daughter). After lots of legal fees,   :09.900 --> :16.380 I finally forced a paternity test and got every  other weekend. My intent is to keep pushing until   :16.380 --> :22.380 I have 50/50 custody. I looked into reversing  the adoption but it is basically impossible,   :22.380 --> :27.600 so I'll probably have to wait until my  son is 18 and then do it with his consent. :27.600 --> :31.980 I have been having my son over for the past  few months and it's been great. He gets along   :31.980 --> :37.620 great with my GF too. He understands that I'm  his father but of course he calls Jon dad. I'm   :37.620 --> :42.060 not trying to get him to stop that because I  don't want to confuse him or make him uneasy,   :42.060 --> :47.760 but last weekend I did tell him that he can  call me dad too instead of Mr. Lastname like   :47.760 --> :51.900 his mom told him too. He seemed fine with  it and called me dad while he was with me. :51.900 --> :55.620 His mom found out and has  been pestering me all week,   :55.620 --> :00.960 saying I'm a sperm donor and Jon is his real  dad and she'll take me to court for parental   :00.960 --> :06.360 alienation. The last thing she said was that  I can be an uncle but my son only has one dad. :06.360 --> :08.400 I'm ignoring most of what she said,   :08.400 --> :13.380 but I am wondering if AITA for asking  my son to call me dad in this situation. :16.740 --> :19.380 Posted by  :19.380 --> :30.420 u/Substantial-Gas5463 20 hours ago :32.640 --> :42.646 AITA for telling my wife I  don't care if she likes beards?  :42.646 --> :44.040 Not the A-hole My wife and I have been married   :44.040 --> :49.920 for going on 10 years. We met in our mid-20s and  are now in our mid 30s. When my wife and I met   :49.920 --> :55.740 my facial hair admittedly was patchy. But as the  years have passed and I have aged my facial hair   :55.740 --> :01.860 is now full and supple. I have always wanted to  grow a nice long beard like the masculine men I   :01.860 --> :07.140 saw growing up. I always admired it. Throughout  my relationship with my wife I have normally   :07.140 --> :12.960 kept just scruff on my face. But I have also told  my wife about my desire to grow out my beard. Her   :12.960 --> :19.020 reaction is always to tell me who that's gross or  you need to shave you look disgusting. This is now   :19.020 --> :24.600 happened enough times that I finally blew up and  said babe I I don't give a f*** if you like beards   :24.600 --> :29.940 or not! So am I the a****** for telling my wife  I don't care about her preference on my beard? :31.560 --> :31.663 Posted by  :31.663 --> :31.980 u/Backupakcount 1 day ago :34.260 --> :58.786 AITA for laughing at my Ex and her husband for  asking to have our daughter for another month  :58.786 --> :00.060 Not the A-hole For some context   :00.060 --> :08.760 I(46M) was married to my ex-wife Ida(46F) for 21  years before she cheated and remarried to her now   :08.760 --> :13.800 dick of a husband Dan(48M). We  have 4 kids together. Henry(28M),   :14.880 --> :22.800 Zach(26M), Cam(25M) and Rory(15F). This  situation only really involves Rory. :22.800 --> :27.780 Since My boys were teens/young adults when we  divorced they got to choose who they lived with.   :27.780 --> :33.360 Rory on the other hand didn't. I have Rory  most of the time I pay for her schooling,   :33.360 --> :39.000 medical, extra curriculars, ect. While Ida and  Dan get her every other Holiday and don't really   :39.000 --> :44.460 pay for stuff. Well For the 4th of July Rory  went over to Ida and Dan's then stayed there   :44.460 --> :49.260 until about a week before school started.  Rory confided in me that the whole time she   :49.260 --> :53.520 was there She couldn't really do anything fun  and was stuck watching her younger siblings   :53.520 --> :57.840 while Dan and Ida went out. She told me she  felt like a babysitter more than a daughter,   :57.840 --> :02.820 which hurt my heart for Rory, since she  was really excited to see her mother. She   :02.820 --> :07.320 also told me she'd like to stick with visits  again and not staying for a whole month or 2. :07.320 --> :13.980 Well about 2nights ago I got a call from Ida, she  seemed happy and started talking about Rory and   :13.980 --> :19.080 how she liked it there. She continued to ramble  a bit before asking for me to ask Rory about   :19.080 --> :25.500 staying another month. I laughed which caused  Ida to be mad and she hung up. Dan texted me   :25.500 --> :30.660 calling me an butt for laughing at her, and my  brother said it was kind of mean to do. AITA?? :30.660 --> :31.725 Posted by  :31.725 --> :35.760 u/morningstarbuckspost 21 hours ago :37.740 --> :53.760 AITA for not getting my younger kids  Starbucks every day because my wife does   :53.760 --> :54.780 it with our older two? Not the A-hole  :54.780 --> :01.980 My wife and I adopted Mila (10), Grace (5),  and Lucas (4) from foster care. Grace and   :01.980 --> :05.610 Lucas were in a very loving home that  would’ve adopted them if they could. We   :05.610 --> :09.360 are still in contact with their foster  parents and see them every few months. :09.360 --> :13.380 Mila’s home was horrible. She was  the first one that came to us and   :13.380 --> :17.820 we spent nearly a month in the hospital  and she needed a feeding tube when she   :17.820 --> :21.960 came home. Mila has some special needs  that are a direct result of that home. :21.960 --> :27.120 A few months ago we got a call asking if  we could take a 14 year old girl, Cassie,   :27.120 --> :32.640 from the same home that Mila was in. Cassie’s  needs aren’t as severe as Mila’s but between that   :32.640 --> :37.740 and the fact that she’s years behind in school  normal schooling would’ve been difficult for her. :37.740 --> :41.820 My sister was a teaching assistant for  special ed at our local school district.   :41.820 --> :47.460 It was so bad that she didn’t even last a  year there. When she heard about the girls,   :47.460 --> :51.360 she said to not allow them to end  up in special ed in our district. :51.360 --> :56.100 My wife quit her job and homeschooled  Mila for the first few months but she’s   :56.100 --> :59.760 not a teacher and she doesn’t know how  to help Mila the way she needed it. :59.760 --> :03.420 We started looking for special needs  schools and found one over an hour   :03.420 --> :09.120 away that we love. My wife got a job in the  office there so we got cheap tuition for Mila   :09.120 --> :13.320 and eventually Cassie when she started  school there. The girls are doing great   :13.320 --> :17.940 at this school and we’re considering moving  closer to it to make life a little easier. :17.940 --> :24.574 The issue is my wife, Mila, and Cassie are  out of the house by 6:30 every morning. Cassie   :24.574 --> :29.400 is up by 5:30 and Mila is up by 6. They’re  all tired when it’s time to go to school and   :29.400 --> :35.040 work so as a treat, they go to Starbucks every  morning. Mila gets a hot chocolate, Cassie is   :35.040 --> :38.940 allowed to get a small coffee, and my wife gets  a coffee to help them get through the morning. :38.940 --> :44.040 They are not always the best at getting the cups  out of the car by the time the younger two see it   :44.040 --> :48.780 and lately they’ve been throwing temper tantrums  every morning when we pass by a Starbucks. :48.780 --> :53.640 My wife thinks we should just get it  for them but I don’t want to. I think   :53.640 --> :56.640 it’s a waste of money and they  can have chocolate milk at home. :56.640 --> :58.860 AITA for not getting them Starbucks? :59.820 --> :59.880 Posted by  :59.880 --> :08.700 u/TiredofInfluencing 20 hours ago :18.180 --> :30.226 AITA for making a Tiktok that somewhat  exposed my influencer parents?  :30.226 --> :33.180 Not the A-hole I'm (16m) banished to my   :33.180 --> :37.980 aunt's house right now and while she agrees with  me that I'm not an jerk for having these feelings,   :37.980 --> :42.780 she says she agrees with my parents that i was  an jerk for the TikTok that I made about our   :42.780 --> :47.940 real lives. Without saying too much, my parents  had me while they were in college and i lived   :47.940 --> :52.500 with my grandparents until they graduated and  got married. I have three younger siblings and   :52.500 --> :57.060 we all live in a large city together. My  dad has a real job and my mom basically   :57.060 --> :04.800 just writes a blog and has social media accounts.  She NEVER mentions me. I'm never in pictures. My   :04.800 --> :08.400 siblings are because they were written about  from the time my mom was pregnant with them,   :08.400 --> :14.400 after they got married. She writes a lot about  our "lifestyle" and brags about how thrifty she   :14.400 --> :19.740 is and simple but she doesn't tell people that  my grandparents give us money and that she blows   :19.740 --> :25.680 it on really expensive things like buckets  and sweaters. Trust me when I say that NONE   :25.680 --> :31.560 of what you see online about my family is true  except for where we live and our names. Anyway,   :31.560 --> :36.660 I vented a little bit to my friend about how my  parents go back and forth on pretending to be   :36.660 --> :42.540 poor but then not and then back again, depending  on who they talk to. And i said that sometimes   :42.540 --> :47.460 that meant that my mom buys something expensive  and stupid to brag about but then I have to hear   :47.460 --> :54.060 about eating less or being "more simple" about  birthday wishlists because life is too expensive.   :54.060 --> :00.180 So we made a Tiktok at my house. I pointed out  stuff like "here's my mom's ONE sweater that   :00.180 --> :07.380 cost $400 and that's why i got this for Christmas"  and pointed to a kid's art set. I pointed out some   :07.380 --> :12.600 stuff that she told her readers she was gifted  that she actually bought, too. My Tiktok doesn't   :12.600 --> :17.940 get much attention at all but one of my friend's  showed it to her mom and her mom showed my mom. My   :17.940 --> :22.380 parents are mad and say that doing stuff like  this hurts the whole family because it could   :22.380 --> :29.160 affect sponsorships and maybe book deals and Dad  said i was an jerk for doing the video. So, am I?   :29.160 --> :33.900 I think I have a right to say the truth but maybe  I should have kept it more private between me and   :33.900 --> :39.360 my friends. By the way, they made me delete the  account so no one else is going to know. Thanks. :39.360 --> :44.400 An update: thank you everyone who voted. I  showed my aunt this post early this morning   :44.400 --> :49.740 and she's kinda mad that I made it. I won't  respond to anyone else. I'm sorry! My aunt   :49.740 --> :54.480 and grandparents are going to help me ask if  I can just stay with my aunt for a while maybe   :54.480 --> :00.240 even until I'm 18. I can answer a few questions  that I got a lot of but I truly don't want to   :00.240 --> :05.160 expose my family (because I'm part of them!  and my siblings are young and don't deserve   :05.160 --> :09.840 it.) and I don't want any more people to figure  out who my parents are. No they aren't Christian   :09.840 --> :16.620 vloggers. There is not YouTube or X or TikTok or  Facebook for my mom. She just has an old blog and   :16.620 --> :22.500 she posts on IG. Her blog and some side projects  from it do make money. My grandparents do know   :22.500 --> :27.660 where the money goes on stuff because they see  it in the house and on the blog and on IG. Yes,   :27.660 --> :33.540 a bucket. Really. $300 from England. And then  she'll wear our housekey on a rubberband on her   :33.540 --> :37.860 wrist and tell her followers what a simple  life we live. It's that kind of thing that   :37.860 --> :42.240 feels like a lie. Her followers will send  her pictures of buying the same stupid   :42.240 --> :47.400 bucket and also donating their keyrings  and using a rubber band now. Ridiculous. :48.600 --> :53.340 Posted by  :55.800 --> :02.340 u/motherbeeee 22 hours ago :02.340 --> :20.386 AITA for punishing my son for his, “preferences”?  :20.386 --> :25.140 Not the A-hole I (41f) have 2 children, 14m   :25.140 --> :31.440 and 11m from my previous marriage. My 14 year old  is the subject of this post. I’ll call him Andrew. :31.440 --> :36.360 Andrew has recently begun his first year of high  school. He doesn’t have a lot of friends because   :36.360 --> :40.680 we live closer to a different high school  than most of his former classmates ended up   :40.680 --> :45.360 at. Luckily one of his very close friends  from a few years back goes to his school.   :45.360 --> :51.180 A girl I will call Dana. They have become close  again over the last 6ish weeks. They spend time   :51.180 --> :56.460 together at school and she has been coming over  on weekends, or him at her house. Andrew talks   :56.460 --> :00.780 about her a lot. To be honest, I thought  they had crushes on each other. By the way,   :00.780 --> :06.360 Dana is mixed black with Vietnamese and we  are white. Unfortunately that is relevant. :06.360 --> :12.000 Last weekend Dana was over for dinner. Things were  going normally until my 11 year old made a joke   :12.000 --> :17.580 about Dana being Andrew’s girlfriend. My husband  and he have been lightly teasing Andrew for a   :17.580 --> :22.980 couple of weeks about Dana being his girlfriend  and he always denies it hotly. That night after   :22.980 --> :30.120 my 11 year old’s joke, Andrew not only denied it  but spouted a, “I DON’T LIKE BLACK GIRLS!” loudly   :30.120 --> :36.480 for the entire table to hear, including Dana.  I was stunned. Dana looked highly embarrassed.   :36.480 --> :41.100 I knew in the moment I would talk to him later,  but just for the time being said something like,   :41.100 --> :46.200 “hey, that isn’t cool.” The remainder of  dinner was very awkward and then Dana left. :46.200 --> :51.180 Once she was gone I told Andrew how  he probably hurt Dana’s feelings. I   :51.180 --> :55.860 explained how black women and girls already  struggle with feeling accepted in society,   :55.860 --> :01.800 and that he was ignoring the other half of her  race entirely. Not to mention the bad example he   :01.800 --> :07.680 was setting for his brother. He went on defensive  mode and said he just thinks dark girls are   :07.680 --> :11.460 “ugly” and is tired of people at home  and at school thinking he would date,   :11.460 --> :18.000 “someone like her.” After that conversation I told  him that he was grounded until he offered Dana   :18.000 --> :23.880 a sincere apology and made an effort to learn  about miogynoir through reading. I then told   :23.880 --> :29.280 him that if I were Dana, I would not want to  be his friend anymore after his racist remarks. :29.280 --> :36.000 To my astonishment, this has been unpopular with  my ex as well as my current husband. My current   :36.000 --> :41.580 husband is puerto rican, so I was doubly surprised  he didn’t side with me. They both say that Andrew   :41.580 --> :46.980 is entitled to his own preferences when it comes  to girls and I am wrong to punish him. I took it   :46.980 --> :52.260 more seriously from my current husband who has  been on the receiving end of racism. I now do   :52.260 --> :58.560 not know what to do. Andrew has apologized to D,  but has yet to find a good book on misogynoir and   :58.560 --> :07.320 read it. Am I wrong for punishing him?  Should I let him off the hook? AITA? :07.320 --> :08.100 Posted by u/Fine-Cabinet2007  :12.600 --> :31.440 1 day ago :40.020 --> :04.500 AITA for telling my wife that I’ll be taking the  kids to visit their grandparents on Thanksgiving   :04.500 --> :05.280 weekend? Jerk  :05.280 --> :07.680 Bear with me as this is my first time using Reddit :07.680 --> :15.060 I (M41) have six kids from three different  relationships. With my wife Olivia (F38),   :15.060 --> :23.940 I have two kids (M7 and F5). With my ex-wife  Emma (F40), I have three children (F10, M8,   :24.540 --> :31.540 F6), and from my ex-ex wife Sophie  (F42), I have one child (M12). I   :31.540 --> :36.000 have maintained very good co-parenting  relationships with Emma and Sophie,   :36.000 --> :40.200 and even though we're separated now, I  consider them to be very close friends. :40.200 --> :44.160 All my children live with their mothers,  and since we all live in the same city,   :44.160 --> :47.640 they see each other regularly. The  kids are close to each other and   :47.640 --> :51.480 consider themselves normal siblings,  which has also made things easier. :51.480 --> :56.460 Recently, I've been planning to take my  children to visit my own parents (M75   :56.460 --> :01.320 and F71). They both recently retired,  and I think they're starting to get   :01.320 --> :05.700 bored with staying at home most days. So, I  thought seeing the kids would cheer them up,   :05.700 --> :10.380 and the kids are more than happy to see  (and get spoiled by) their grandparents. :10.380 --> :17.880 My brother Brad (M37) is also going with his  wife Samantha (F35) and their two kids (M6   :17.880 --> :21.420 and F4). So, the kids will get  to see their cousins as well,   :21.420 --> :24.660 which is nice. I planned a date  with my brother and parents,   :24.660 --> :30.300 and we decided that Thanksgiving weekend (which is  next weekend in Canada) works best for all of us. :30.300 --> :34.560 While Emma and Sophie are alright  with the idea of me taking the kids,   :34.560 --> :39.960 Olivia is not. When I told her about the idea  this morning, she told me that she wanted us   :39.960 --> :44.040 to go out for dinner or something over the  weekend since we hadn't gone out in a while. :44.040 --> :48.480 She only expressed this to me after I told  her about the plan. When I mentioned that   :48.480 --> :52.620 the kids wanted to see their relatives (as  they all expressed interest in the idea),   :52.620 --> :59.520 she said that I needed to prioritize spending  “expected time” with her over “entertaining my   :59.520 --> :04.860 extended family.” I asked her then if she wanted  to accompany me and the kids to my parents' house,   :04.860 --> :09.120 and then we could find some time to  go out, but she refused this proposal. :09.120 --> :12.840 I was a little annoyed at this stage,  so I said that I thought she was being   :12.840 --> :17.580 difficult and not willing to compromise. We  argued for a bit, and then she said she had   :17.580 --> :23.220 to go to work. Before she did, I reiterated  that I’d be taking the kids to my parents. :30.600 --> :30.720 AITA?
give me a good story on rAITADIDMYHUSBANDKIDNAPMYKIDSRedditStories
my sister accused me of not helping out financially for her wedding but then I found out about this elaborate scam her fiance's decision shocked everyone I 28f have an older sister named Jane 32f we grew up in a middle- class family and our parents always tried to treat us equally they paid for our college education and helped us start our careers after college I got a job in marketing while Jane became a teacher 5 years ago I took a big risk and started my own business it was really tough at first with long hours and a lot of stress there were times when I wondered if I'd made a mistake but I kept pushing forward slowly but surely things started to improve now my business is doing well and I'm making good money Jane has continued working as a teacher all this time she makes less than I do but she really loves her job and finds it fulfilling looking back I can see that even though our parents tried to be fair there were times when Jane seemed to be the favorite when we were kids Jane always got to choose the movie on family movie Nights if we both wanted the same toy Jane usually got it Mom would often say things like
give me a good story on MySisterAccusedMeofNotHelpingOutFinanciallyforHerWeddingbutorig
aita for not leaving a baseball game with my girlfriend and her friends Emma keep this short and sweet yo 26m and I have been dating my GF for 9 months we both live in Chicago and the game in question was the Cubs walk-off winner on Saturday she had friends from college coming into town who I have never met before and she was excited for me to meet them part of their plan was going to the Cubs game Saturday afternoon and going out afterward important detail alert I paid for mine and my girlfriend's tickets I'm also a big Cubs fan so I was thrilled to go but Wrigley Field is a major tourist place and a lot of times people go just to go and don't really care about the game like my GF and her friends in the seventh inning her and her friends started getting bored they decided to leave to go to a bar as my girlfriend got up I stayed seated and told her I would meet them afterward because I want to watch the game she didn't want to argue in front of them so she said okay and left she texted me after leaving saying that the objective of the day was to hang out with her friends and not for me to watch baseball I said I paid for the ticket so I don't see anything wrong with me staying and using the ticket I paid for she told me her friends think I'm weird for wanting to stay by myself and were wondering why I didn't come with she said if the group wanted to leave as a whole I should have left with them she thinks I made her look bad and it looks like I don't care to get to know her friends she said the point of today was
give me a good story on AITAfornotleavingabaseballgamewithmygirlfriendandherfriends
AIT for cutting contact with my sister after she said to me that all I am is lipstick on a pig so I 16f used to be a bit of a tomboy and didn't pay much attention to my appearance but over the last few years I've gotten really into makeup and skincare it's been fun to care more about how I look and how others see me I've also been hitting the gym quite a bit and I think the results are showing I've been getting a lot of compliments from people around me including strangers and family member however my sister 26f has started to make snarky comments like do you really need to wear that much makeup and don't you think you're overdoing it a bit it's really starting to annoy me I tried to ignore it but I even talked to my parents about it and they haven't done anything to help over Christmas I did my best to avoid her every time she came around I'd rush off to my room and when she tried to talk to me I'd give her short answers so the day before Christmas Eve me and my siblings who were all in their late 20s to mid-30s got together at our parents place when it was time to open gifts I went first since I was the youngest I opened the smallest gift and found the most amazing thing inside my older brother
give me a good story on AITAforcuttingcontactwithmysisteraftershesaidtomethatallIamislipstickonapig
AIT for being annoyed that my partner came to the Opera in jym attire and ate during the play due to a project we recently did at work my colleagues told me we can get free opera tickets with A+ one I was really excited since I love Opera and asked my partner to join me he told me he would join after the gym and we will meet on the spot so we meet at the location and he is wearing gym stuff sports shorts and a sports vest he joked how it is probably too snobbish of a place for it and he took a pair of jeans with him and a shirt but he doesn't really want to bother now since I was a small kid and we went to to the theater with my school or parents where I am from theater sloper ballet tickets are super cheap for school kids and it is a very common school activity to go with your whole class I knew that it is basic common sense to look decent at such places I am no fan of fancy overdressing myself and my partner knows it however is it not okay to expect at least plain jeans and not sweatpants and not to talk loud eat or drink during the life performance on stage so seeing all the actually nicely dressed people arriving to the venue my partner annoyingly said that I would probably want him to wear the jeans and now we have to find a place for him to go change even though he is not so keen on it I was relieved and did not want to argue so I did not say much about it and we had to go around the corner for him to change the First Act was good and we went to get some snacks in the break but due to the long queue we did not have the time to eat them so we come back to our places my partner sits between me and my colleagues and with my side Vision I see him taking the food out now as I mentioned we are adults in our late 30s and as far as I am concerned I do not have to tell a 35 plusy Old adult basic etiquette but I had a bad feeling about it so I I turned to him and whispered don't he laughed and I was relieved thinking he was just doing a weird joke or whatever 30 seconds with my side Vision I see him eating the snack I was absolutely mortified and speechless I poked him with my elbow but he just kind of laughed and ignored me I was ready to melt though the floor from embarrassment I Cann not believe I am seeing a grownass person eating during an opera and even worse that being my partner right next to my colleagues who invited me here a few minutes later my partner leaned to tell me something but I was still burning from shame and anger and did not reply so he asked is it about the food and then rolled his eyes sighed loudly and stopped talking to me I could not enjoy the rest of the Opera at all and when my colleagues gathered to discuss it afterwards I was still feeling too embarrassed excused myself and left ASAP my partner caught up with me outside and was annoyed at me being so stuck up about such a petty thing according to him it was dark and he wasn't sitting Direct in front of the stage so who cares it is okay I told him it is about how far he sits it is common sense to not do such things in a theater he rolled his eyes and told me there is no such rule it is not written anywhere and that I am making up some imaginary rules just to go at him I really cannot wrap my head around this so I started questioning my sanity he also told me that in his opinion it is me who has a problem and I should discuss it with my therapist that I care too much what people think I am in therapy for different reason he was actually the one who encouraged me to start therapy in the first place I mean it is not just about what people think as an artist myself I find it insanely rude uncultured and disrespectful both to actors and people next to you to bring food to the Opera and eat it during the live performance we came here specifically for this live event can you really not wait for like an hour AIT for being angry and disappointed with the whole experience
give me a good story on AITAforbeingannoyedthatmypartnercametotheoperaingymattireandateduringtheplayorig
aita husband insists I wake up every day with him even days off I defer wanting to wake up naturally one day a week my f56 husband m55 insists I get up with him every day I set the alarm for 3:30 a.m. every day he works get up wake him up make coffee take the dog out feed the rabbit he was given get his clothes together and talk to him while he gets ready for work once he leaves for work I go back to bed on his days off he wakes up by himself and gets up around 430 or 5 a.m. if I am not awake by 7:00 a.m. I'm being woken up and told that I sleep too much I have chronic illnesses and the major Hallmark is chronic exhaustion I very rarely feel rested I do not have energy to even get through my day without laying down for an hour in the afternoons yet I'm expected to be s W and all it entails cooking cleaning making menus paying bills Etc my house is presentable for the most part but sometimes dishes pile up as he'd rather eat and than help he works 40 hours a week and just lately has been getting 5 to 10 hours OT a week he currently makes less money than I do on my disability pay he also has health issues but of a different kind degenerative discs and a failed cervical fusion I get paid long-term disability and pay for the majority of household expenses natural gas electric water sewer trash streaming services groceries my credit cards and contribute to the house payment he pays the mortgage cell phone because his kids are still on the plan even through their all 20 plus yo and his credit card bills I've been fighting for SSI
give me a good story on AITAHusbandinsistsIwakeupeverydaywithhimevendaysoffAitaforwantingtowakeuporig
am I wrong for slowly cutting off contact with my friend of 15 years after she rejected me I 25m was friends with Jesse 25f for almost 15 years she was my next door neighbor in a secluded town so we became close friends at a really young age because there were no other kids our age who lived in our neighborhood she lost both her parents at a really young age and was an adopted child but unfortunately her adopted parents were horrible to her we remained pretty close friends in middle school and high school we shared everything with each other we were both each other's comfort zone high school was rough for both us and we both got bullied but we both luckily survived it and went to same in State College college was amazing compared to high school and we both graduated out of college with really good jobs a year ago I foolishly asked her out I'll admit I badly misjudged the situation and I thought there was a potential we could be more than friends but she was not ready to date and she considered me more like a really close lifelong friend which was heartwarming but also slightly awkward when she told me that she apologized a lot for rejecting me even though she had no reason to and asked if this would in any way change our friendship because she really wouldn't be able to handle losing the only person in the world she could trust I gave her my full reassurance that it wouldn't happen it's been a year now and it unfortunately has sort of happened and it is my fault for example I respond to her text a few days later I make excuses for not wanting to hang out with her and I did not invite her to my birthday or go to her birthday even though she invited me I hung out with her yesterday for the first time in a long time and it was really emotional she wants to be in a relationship with me now but I think she just wants to do it to keep our friendship I'm not sure she actually wants to date me
give me a good story on AmIwrongforslowlycuttingoffcontactwithmyfriendofyearsaftersherejectedmeorig
:00.000 --> :01.000 Posted by  :00.000 --> :00.920 u/itchyspiderbutthole 8 hours ago :05.800 --> :11.880 My roommate sucked, but I sucked even worse. So let me preface with, I was 22, stupid,   :11.880 --> :15.680 and a bit of an immature jerk. I’m  in no way the victim of this tale,   :15.680 --> :20.320 but I do think it’s a funny enough story worth  sharing of the battle of two crapy roommates. :20.320 --> :24.480 I had just moved in with my boyfriend, as one  of his roommates was moving out. When I met   :24.480 --> :28.800 his second roommate (we’ll call him Split  Pea) I knew I was in trouble because his   :28.800 --> :34.640 way of introducing himself was lecturing me on  teas when he found out I was a tea enthusiast. :34.640 --> :40.040 Still, there’s no rules against being a  mansplaining douche, so I stayed positive   :40.040 --> :44.240 and indulged his tea lectures. But  then it started getting worse, quickly. :44.240 --> :48.840 Split Pea worked as a sound tech  at a goth club. He was constantly,   :48.840 --> :53.800 CONSTANTLY bringing women home from the  club, then taking ecstasy and having crazy   :53.800 --> :59.240 sex in his room, not subtly. Again,  we all get our bang on, I ignored it. :59.240 --> :04.640 But then, he started using my cat as a method  of impressing women. My cat was on a strict diet   :04.640 --> :09.560 of a specific type of food. I’m a cat nerd  and I knew that keeping her on a regularly   :09.560 --> :14.360 scheduled diet would prevent her learning  to beg for food and would prevent obesity. :14.360 --> :19.520 Welp, Split Pea (who has no animal experience)  started pointing out to his women guests that   :19.520 --> :25.520 my cat’s bowl “was always empty”. I had suspected  he’d been feeding her more behind my back because   :25.520 --> :29.840 she’d gotten overweight and started begging,  but I finally overheard it happening where   :29.840 --> :35.600 he said to his guest “yeah, they constantly  neglect this cat. I always have to feed her.” :35.600 --> :39.800 I walked in and said “hey! I overheard  you and I know you have felt this way a   :39.800 --> :44.480 long time without ever speaking to me, but I  actually don’t appreciate you messing up my   :44.480 --> :49.760 cat’s food schedule by feeding her more than she  needs.” Even though he had just filled her bowl,   :49.760 --> :55.960 he looked at me with the most gaslighty eyes and  said “oh no I’ve never fed her!” The woman he was   :55.960 --> :02.240 with became uncomfortable, probably because of how  blatantly and embarrassingly he lied, and left. :02.240 --> :07.040 This is all just to give you a feel for what  kind of a cowardly diaper he was, but I didn’t   :07.040 --> :12.320 even get mad yet until he started bringing women  from the club (at 3am when he got off work) to   :12.320 --> :17.080 our apartment, having sex with them, and then  telling them to leave without walking them out. :17.080 --> :22.000 We lived in a dump of an apartment as it was all  we could afford. This means our front door would   :22.000 --> :27.280 only shut if it was locked. So asking someone to  see themselves out just meant that our door would   :27.280 --> :33.000 hang wide open in a really rough neighborhood…and  we had a cat he supposedly cared about. :33.000 --> :37.560 I kept asking him to walk these women out  so he could lock the door, I begged him,   :37.560 --> :43.840 I reminded him my cat that he loves so much  could run away. He didn’t care. It got so bad,   :43.840 --> :48.880 my cat actually learned to alert us when the  door was left open. Literally, she’d come wake   :48.880 --> :54.760 me up at 4am and then lead me down the stairs  and show me the open door. Are you kidding me? :54.760 --> :57.480 This is when I knew I hated  him more than anything I could   :57.480 --> :01.800 presently think of and needed to start  preparing to make his life unpleasant. :01.800 --> :06.920 It started off pretty simple. He was about to  go on vacation for a week. We reminded him daily   :06.920 --> :12.360 for four days before he left to please wash his  dishes, as we don’t want to wash his dishes for   :12.360 --> :16.880 him anymore. I even went to see him the night  before, while he was packing, and told him   :16.880 --> :21.560 it was just another friendly reminder to get  that done. Guess who didn’t do their dishes? :21.560 --> :26.440 So I picked up all of his dirty dishes and I left  them on his bed. I told my boyfriend that if he   :26.440 --> :30.680 gets upset we can just tell him the dishes were  in the way and we put them where he could find   :30.680 --> :35.800 them. My boyfriend is a peacekeeper, so instead  he picked up all the dishes and washed them. :35.800 --> :40.160 When he came back, we told him he needed to  leave. We couldn’t deal with him anymore and   :40.160 --> :45.160 the dishes were the final straw. For three months  he claimed he couldn’t find another apartment. :45.160 --> :49.480 By this point I was done. I couldn’t deal  with this dynamic that resulted in our   :49.480 --> :54.080 roommate treating us like doormats.  I decided it was time to get crazy. :54.080 --> :00.160 So I sat on the kitchen floor and, as soon as I  heard him come in, I just started crying. Wailing.   :00.160 --> :05.680 Split Pea came in, alarmed, and asked what was  wrong. I started scream crying at him that my   :05.680 --> :10.400 boyfriend would never marry me if I couldn’t get  rid of our roommate. That it was time for me and   :10.400 --> :15.240 my boyfriend to start picturing our forever  here together and Split Pea was ruining it. :15.240 --> :20.360 For three days, I just walked around the apartment  scream crying and wailing about how “this would   :20.360 --> :24.960 be the nursery but our roommate won’t leave  and let us share our love.” He would bring   :24.960 --> :30.480 women over and I would ruin their night, I would  wait up until 3:30am when they would get home,   :30.480 --> :35.760 offer his guest a bowl, tell them about all  the other guests he has at this time of night,   :35.760 --> :39.560 and then start crying and talking about  how I just wish he would move out. :39.560 --> :42.840 I guess three nights of women  leaving because of me was enough,   :42.840 --> :47.560 because he suddenly found a great  apartment and would be moving out ASAP! :48.960 --> :50.080 Posted by  :50.080 --> :03.360 u/amethystjade15 4 hours ago :19.120 --> :20.600 See how you like it  :20.600 --> :24.240 The story does involve mild  violence, not sure if that’s okay. :24.240 --> :28.720 Years ago I worked for a retail clothing  store out of desperation. The store   :28.720 --> :33.600 manager was aggravating but liked me for  whatever reason, and I needed the money. :33.600 --> :38.600 Among her irritating habits was smacking my  butt when she walked past me. Not only was   :38.600 --> :43.640 it irritating, but she did it HARD.  I asked her to stop multiple times,   :43.640 --> :45.640 but she just laughed and ignored me. :45.640 --> :47.800 I had complained about it to my now-husband,   :47.800 --> :52.080 and he even said something to her about it.  Didn’t help, and she was annoyed I told him. :52.080 --> :56.280 So the next time he came to pick me up from  work, he strolled back to the register,   :56.280 --> :03.720 greeted my manager cheerfully, and smacked the  HECK out of her butt. She was stunned silent. :03.720 --> :06.880 But she never touched me again. :) :12.720 --> :17.880 Posted by  :18.920 --> :27.840 u/anonymousfemale404 7 hours ago :29.480 --> :32.920 Couchsurfer gets petty revenge  on me after I kick her out  :32.920 --> :36.840 This is a story from a few years  ago, and it isn't much really but   :36.840 --> :41.360 it's a funny (in hindsight) incident that  happened to me in my early adult days. :41.360 --> :47.040 21F who just moved out with boyfriend in tow.  We were renting a place in a college town,   :47.040 --> :51.040 rather small location for the amount  of bodies stuffed in the apartment: Me,   :51.040 --> :59.400 21F, My bf, Roommate Jake 25M and his  gf in a place that's roughly 600sqft. :00.360 --> :04.520 We all worked part-time, and together we  could afford rent by the end of the month,   :04.520 --> :10.160 but we definitely lived frugally to make ends  meet. We weren't the most social group either,   :10.160 --> :14.120 generally staying in our rooms and  leaving the living room mostly unused. :14.120 --> :19.600 About half a year in, Jake comes over to tell me  (lease owner) that he met this girl who's recently   :19.600 --> :24.920 homeless and needs a play to stay for a bit so she  can find a new place, and he wanted to know if she   :24.920 --> :30.458 could sleep on our futon in the living room. After  some discussion, we agreed, and enters Kate, 23F. :31.880 --> :36.520 Kate takes up residence on the futon and ends  up bringing over a few things from her mom's   :36.520 --> :41.560 house (???) into our living room and strings  a shower curtain across our living room to   :41.560 --> :46.960 section it off from the rest of the house. She  spins a tale about her baby daddy being in jail,   :46.960 --> :51.880 and how her three kids are currently staying  with her mom while she's here, and how her   :51.880 --> :57.160 sunlight sensitivity makes it really hard to  get a job (???). She couchsurfs for a month,   :57.160 --> :01.840 just eating our food and browsing on her  phone all day long. We tell her she has to   :01.840 --> :07.560 get a job within the week or she's out, and  she begrudgingly gets a job at mcdonalds. :07.560 --> :13.800 She comes home that same week with a guy in tow,  introducing him to us has her bf. Said bf now   :13.800 --> :19.360 hangs out regularly at our 600sqft apartment  with 5 people already living in it. We tell   :19.360 --> :25.240 her that's great, but we don't want her having  conjugal relations on our futon. Says she won't,   :25.240 --> :30.760 but the smell we come back to after work tells  us she doesn't intend to keep that promise. :30.760 --> :36.800 She asks us if her bf can move in with her and  we tell her absolutely not. She's not paying any   :36.800 --> :43.600 rent to us, is not respecting our wishes, and is  overall rude. I tell Jake he has to kick her out,   :43.600 --> :47.280 since he brought her here in the first  place. He looks uncomfortable and she   :47.280 --> :52.120 and bf are definitely not happy, but a week  goes by and one night she leaves while we're   :52.120 --> :56.960 at work with most of her stuff. I say most,  because she left the living room in a state,   :56.960 --> :03.440 with a bunch of trash behind and under the futon,  abandoned belongings and decorations left behind,   :03.440 --> :07.960 and the jury-rigged curtain still up. Being  concerned that she moved out while none of us   :07.960 --> :12.920 were at home, we take stock of our things to see  if she might have taken anything. Lo and behold,   :12.920 --> :18.760 she had taken ALL of my left shoes,  JUST the left one, but to make it fair,   :18.760 --> :25.200 she left a few of her own size 12 gorilla  feet unmatched shoes for me. How kind of her. :25.200 --> :28.440 I was mad at the time because who tf does that,   :28.440 --> :38.889 but the end situation was bizarre  and entertaining in hindsight. :38.889 --> :39.153 Posted by u/Chuawkuy  :39.153 --> :49.720 17 hours ago :57.640 --> :01.760 Refused to take the deposit and  just let me go? Now you have to pay.  :01.760 --> :03.880 I rented a house at the beginning of the year,   :03.880 --> :07.320 but I couldn't stay there a minute  longer. It was a crapy house,   :07.320 --> :12.120 and everything broke down days after I moved  in. I had major leaks, flooding in the kitchen,   :12.120 --> :18.240 mold, etc. I told the landlord, and she said,  "Fix it yourself. It's not even a big issue." :18.240 --> :20.880 After three months, I gave her  a one-month notice that I was   :20.880 --> :24.400 moving out. I told her she could have  the deposit since I was breaching the   :24.400 --> :28.040 contract (the contract stated that  I would rent her house for a year). :28.040 --> :31.960 But no, she said I had to pay her  the rent for that month too (it's   :31.960 --> :36.080 already included in the contract, in  the case of moving out, I don't have   :36.080 --> :39.960 to pay for the rent for the last month I  live there. Because it's already include   :39.960 --> :45.560 in the deposit). She also wanted "fees"  for her time to look for a new renter. :45.560 --> :48.720 Heck no I wasn't doing that. I  consulted with my real estate   :48.720 --> :53.200 agent friend and showed her the contract.  I asked for her help on what I could do.   :53.200 --> :57.200 I didn't want to pay for the last month's  rent since I was only there for 10 days. :57.200 --> :00.640 My friend told me that the landlord couldn't  do that, and that she had already overcharged   :00.640 --> :04.600 me for the deposit stated in the law.  But since I had signed the contract,   :04.600 --> :11.120 I still had to give her the deposit. However, I  could sue her for overcharging me and extortion. :11.120 --> :17.280 So, I sued her. I didn't have to pay the last  month's rent, and she had to pay a big fine. :18.400 --> :18.960 Posted by  :19.800 --> :25.920 u/silafian 7 hours ago :40.440 --> :43.262 I created a fake religion by revenge  :43.262 --> :43.320 Sorry for my bad grammar english  is not my first language) :43.320 --> :48.760 So all started when i was 10yo, i grow up in a  little town and my home was just in front of the   :48.760 --> :53.640 church. my parent are atheist so the sunday  was a free day for me. i was on the side of   :53.640 --> :59.560 the road past the church ,my parents a little  behind me and my cat mrs Pawpie following me,   :59.560 --> :03.720 it is when some car going to church started  to arrive and one of them came really fast   :03.720 --> :08.680 and startled pawpie by honking, my cat ran  directly in the direction of our house but the   :08.680 --> :14.720 car shoot him . I scream and grab and cuddle  my now dead cat while crying , the guy storm   :14.720 --> :19.600 out of his car and start to scream at me about  the fact that my cat made a scratch on his car,   :19.600 --> :25.120 im not responding i was just crying and cuddling  this cold distorted figure of my little friend . I   :25.120 --> :30.760 dont think i ever see my dad like he was this  day, his face was pale and so scarie thats the   :30.760 --> :35.560 guy jump in is car without trying to talk  and go directly to the church , my dad try   :35.560 --> :41.000 to follow but my mom and i stop him and we goes  home to give Mrs Pawpie a nice place to rest. :41.000 --> :45.560 Later that day a group from the church came see  my parents and started to give them lesson about   :45.560 --> :51.240 their live style how they educated me and demand  that they paid the reparation on the car . My   :51.240 --> :55.840 dad told them to f*** off and our neighbors  came alongside my dad to make them go away. :55.840 --> :01.480 My friends came say goodbye to mrs pawpie and  we gave her a little viking style ceremonial. :01.480 --> :04.840 We all cry and say goodbye ,  all my friends was ticked by   :04.840 --> :08.960 the church group and this guy who was  the big douchebag of the town already. :08.960 --> :14.480 This is when one of my friends just say "we will  avenge you, little mewsia ! " to sheer us up . :14.480 --> :20.400 Ding! Petty kids mind activated ! We made  a little amovible altar at the glory of mrs   :20.400 --> :26.200 pawpie and write some psalm for the paw religion  and every sunday we put the altar in front of   :26.200 --> :32.040 the church and reciting some psalm saying  that mrs pawpie got killed by christianity   :32.040 --> :37.160 and how the mewsia was dead so all the cats  could have mouse and head rubs and everytime   :37.160 --> :43.640 mr douchebag pass by we made the paw sign on  our heart to protect ourself from the dogvil ! :43.640 --> :48.400 As time goes on the fun of this situation  attracted other kids and even parents,   :48.400 --> :53.400 who was hilarious by all this situation to the  point where the church call the police to make   :53.400 --> :57.960 us stop because they was really thinking thats  a group of child was going to put them in danger   :57.960 --> :03.880 with our cult. So we stop ! But we still  do the paw sign when we see them today ! :03.880 --> :07.440 Posted by  :07.440 --> :17.440 u/Bobbigirl60 16 hours ago :33.360 --> :37.040 NEVER freak with a mechanic! I used to be a mechanic (girl   :37.040 --> :41.560 mechanics used to be few & far between).  Anyway, male customers would constantly   :41.560 --> :47.000 be saying inappropriate things to me (sometimes,  putting their hand on my leg, on a road test). I   :47.000 --> :52.720 found a way to get even with them. Anytime I got  a male customer who got too "friendly" with me,   :52.720 --> :57.440 "I would ask what would your wife think?" If I  found out they were married, I would take a pair   :57.440 --> :02.880 of cheap Walmart panties, & stuff them in the  passenger door pocket! I would also, spray some   :02.880 --> :08.400 cheap perfume in the car, (telling the customer  that something stunk in the car, so I had to spray   :08.400 --> :13.600 it). I can only imagine what would happen when  "wifey" smelled the perfume & found the panties!!! :13.600 --> :14.560 Posted by u/Quiet-on-command  :14.560 --> :19.680 12 hours ago :25.600 --> :28.680 Referee the game fairly? Don't you want us to win?  :28.680 --> :34.800 This was during my time in high school, to  preserve anonymity 2000s will suffice. PRE VAR :34.800 --> :37.600 During High School (US) I was making quite a   :37.600 --> :40.960 decent amount of money as a  certified Football (Soccer) :40.960 --> :45.680 ref. One of the strict rules was that you  couldn't ref games if you were the same   :45.680 --> :50.400 age/affiliation of either teams playing.  [It was not strict]. My father (who also   :50.400 --> :54.920 had all his certs and did it in his  own time) and I had to duo ref games   :54.920 --> :58.600 many times back to back, due to a  lack of any other certified refs. :59.200 --> :05.120 It was good money, and we didn't freak arou...  we were professional (As much as anyone approves   :05.120 --> :11.840 refs) (and I'd really like to say fair) at it.  However. When you deal with parents who... idk   :11.840 --> :17.600 the word for it, karen maybe?... It becomes  unpleasant. The situation I want to highlight,   :17.600 --> :22.640 is when the refs of a specific game called  out, and they asked us to step in as emergency.  :22.640 --> :27.880 Teams: Varsity HS girls (one of  which, you guessed it, I attended.) :27.880 --> :33.440 We objected, citing the rules and possible  bias. Reply: "No-one else is available". :33.440 --> :38.320 Cue the crap situation when the  entire team recognises me pregame,   :38.320 --> :41.520 and I can't downplay it right  in front of the other squad... :41.520 --> :45.920 Instantly the other team is  asking about ref bias. Instantly.. :45.920 --> :50.280 Freaking crapshow already when we're  just checking numbers and cleats. :50.280 --> :56.160 Dad tells them that you play now, or you wait  for 2+hrs for a different ref team, and he starts   :56.160 --> :00.160 reminding both coaches about the games we've  reffed in the past (I don't remember these,   :00.160 --> :05.920 I assume he was bluffing, and in the moment I'm  trying VERY very hard to avoid eye contact with   :05.920 --> :11.960 the girls I know), stating his passion for  the game and absolute adherence to the rules. :11.960 --> :13.240 The game commenced. :13.240 --> :17.960 Where is the petty revenge/compliance, you  might ask? No, I did not act out against   :17.960 --> :22.080 my father or the team opposite  my own. Rather the opposite. :22.080 --> :26.160 I called offside on a goal that  would have won the game for my gals. :26.160 --> :28.760 The insanity that ensued...  :28.760 --> :32.520 The aftermath? 2+ months it  took for justice to set in. :32.520 --> :39.600 One of their own dads had recorded everything,  perfectly in line to show just how offside it was. :39.600 --> :42.720 AND he caught on vid how much they harassed me,   :42.720 --> :46.120 poor lil' line ref. If it  weren't for camcorder dad, :46.120 --> :52.120 I would've been mega bullied till graduation.  As soon as the footage was spread, the whole   :52.120 --> :57.960 te... I got 2 apologies, but everyone else  stopped being rude and became extremely polite. :57.960 --> :00.728 We take what wins we get. Have a lovely day <3 :00.728 --> :00.732 2.5k :00.732 --> :00.741 Posted by  :00.741 --> :00.880 u/jinxxedbyu2 1 day ago :18.840 --> :23.000 Pregnant lady petty revenge So this is going back a few decades,   :23.000 --> :27.640 but I think it was a beautifully executed petty  revenge. I worked in the receiving department   :27.640 --> :33.080 in the warehouse for a major company that had  just expanded to Canada. I was 26 & pregnant.   :33.080 --> :40.000 The evening shift supervisor, who I'll call  'Cathy' (24F) used to "joke" about firing me   :40.000 --> :46.000 if I went into labour at work. Now, I'm pretty  even keeled, but this ticked me off. Also ticked   :46.000 --> :51.120 off the other ladies in the office, along with  being completely illegal. So I concocted my plan   :51.120 --> :57.000 and the ladies helped me out. My due date was Aug  23 and as I got closer & closer to my due date,   :57.000 --> :03.560 the firing comments became more frequent. A few  days beforehand I put my plan in motion. I waited   :03.560 --> :09.160 until 'Cathy' was coming on shift, and took one  of my frequent bathroom breaks where I filled   :09.160 --> :14.960 a balloon with water and carefully placed it in  the crotch of my jeans. I waddled back upstairs   :14.960 --> :20.760 to the office and sat at my computer like normal.  Once 'Cathy' sat at her desk out with us (about   :20.760 --> :27.120 15 minutes later), I took a kilt pin and,  using one of my co-workers as cover, gently   :27.120 --> :33.280 poked it into the balloon and started rotating  it to really make a watery mess. My co-worker,   :33.280 --> :38.440 bless her, leaned over as if to check on me saw  that the water was spreading, and sang out "Oh,   :38.440 --> :44.600 G, are you OK?" To which I replied "I  think my water broke." I stood up and yep,   :44.600 --> :50.600 big wet spot on my pants. 'Cathy' freaked out.  Hyperventilating, yelling that I couldn't give   :50.600 --> :55.520 birth there. Trying to figure out how close  I was to having the baby (another co-worker   :55.520 --> :01.760 piped up it could be hours...or minutes. Bless  her as well!), debating on calling an ambulance   :01.760 --> :07.160 or security. It was like watching a chicken run  around with its head cut off. 10 minutes later,   :07.160 --> :12.480 I yelled April Fools. She got really  quiet, then walked out of the office. :12.480 --> :17.480 Honestly, she was a good supervisor, but she  shouldn't have ticked off the pregnant lady. :18.000 --> :19.080 Posted by  :19.080 --> :20.240 u/zyzmog 1 day ago :32.920 --> :36.920 Another pregnant revenge story Not mine, but a good friend of mine. :36.920 --> :40.880 When she was younger, she was working  at a local electronics manufacturer,   :40.880 --> :45.600 putting her husband through college. She was  pregnant at the time this story takes place. :45.600 --> :49.720 This facility employed a lot of women in  her situation, and several of them were   :49.720 --> :54.240 pregnant. One of the managers -- not hers,  somebody else's -- made it a regular thing   :54.240 --> :58.160 to walk through the facility and  insult all of the pregnant women. :58.160 --> :03.880 His favourite insult for her was to stand about  six feet away, stare at her growing belly,   :03.880 --> :09.120 and say with a tone of faux disgust,  "How come you're so FAT?" She went home   :09.120 --> :14.440 in tears more than once because of this. But  because of the times, the nature of the job,   :14.440 --> :18.556 and the fact that she really needed the  money, she didn't do anything about it ... :18.556 --> :21.680 ... Until the one day when she  had had enough. He stopped,   :21.680 --> :26.520 surveyed her as usual, and asked  her, "How come you're so FAT?" :26.520 --> :30.560 She turned in her chair, looked him up  and down -- pausing with her eyes on   :30.560 --> :35.640 his well-fed belly -- and said, in  a tone of matching disgust, "Well,   :35.640 --> :40.960 at least I have an EXCUSE." Then she turned  back to her workstation and ignored him. :40.960 --> :44.920 Nope, nobody clapped. But  he didn't insult her again. :49.240 --> :58.040 Posted by  :58.040 --> :02.120 u/oopspoopsdoops6566 1 day ago :08.160 --> :13.880 Horrendous neighbor and disgusting revenge So this happened about 15 years ago. I was   :13.880 --> :18.640 in my early 20s living in a slightly crapy  apartment complex. There was this one neighbor   :18.640 --> :25.640 who was about 40-45 years old. He had these 2  Pomeranian dogs who he never had a leash on. He   :25.640 --> :30.400 also never picked up their poop after they went  to the bathroom. The other issue is these dogs   :30.400 --> :35.840 were aggressive. If you got anywhere near them  they would charge at you barking and nipping at   :35.840 --> :40.520 you. The first couple times I told him they  are supposed to be leashed as per the law,   :40.520 --> :45.400 he just blew me off any told me to mind my own  business. The next time it happened I cocked   :45.400 --> :50.600 my foot back because I was going to punt them  into next week. The man became super aggressive   :50.600 --> :55.800 towards me threatening to kill me if I touched  his dogs. I ended up going to the management   :55.800 --> :01.680 but as is typical they did nothing about it. For  months this went on. He started flipping me off   :01.680 --> :07.680 anytime he saw me. I always just blew kisses  back at him and waved like a Disney princess. :07.680 --> :12.680 Fast forward 6 months and my GF at the time had  forgotten her purse at my apartment so she pulled   :12.680 --> :17.840 up outside and ran in to grab it. She leaves  and immediately comes back talking about some   :17.840 --> :23.760 man screaming at her. I head outside and it’s  the same man. He’s calling her every name you   :23.760 --> :29.320 can think of. He’s going on about how she can’t  double park like that and blah blah blah. I tell   :29.320 --> :34.590 him he’s just upset that someone 1/2 his age  drives a nicer car then him (he drove a beater   :34.590 --> :40.440 f150) and can afford the same apartment he has.  He again threatens me and I tell him to try me   :40.440 --> :46.080 at his own risk. My gf leaves and I head back  inside. About 2 months later I’m moving to a   :46.080 --> :51.080 different city about 20 mins down the road. My  petty revenge against him is the night after I   :51.080 --> :58.080 moved I drove back at about 2am and packed dogcrap  underneath the door handles of his truck. I made   :58.080 --> :03.160 sure none was visible when you walk up. The only  way you’d find out is when you went to open the   :03.160 --> :09.000 door to get in. Unfortunately I didn’t get to  see his reaction but I’m pretty sure I ruined   :09.000 --> :15.600 his day if not his week. I know it’s gross  but revenge isn’t always a clean business. :15.600 --> :16.701 Posted by  :16.701 --> :16.880 u/imachillin 2 days ago :35.960 --> :41.400 Hubby’s ex dismisses him so I mention  my and her major age difference!  :41.400 --> :45.680 This was approximately 25 years ago and I  still smile and laugh when I think about   :45.680 --> :54.200 it. For context I met my husband when I was 21  (48F now) and he was 34 (62 now). Hubby’s ex was   :54.200 --> :00.040 13 years older than him which puts her around my  mothers age. This is important soon. We had been   :00.040 --> :05.400 dating almost 2 years and his stepson, Jack from  previous marriage was in a band and asked hubby   :05.400 --> :10.400 to come see them perform. I had previously met  Jack, we got along great and he did include me   :10.400 --> :16.960 in the invite. My man was just one in a line of  4-5 husbands for Jack’s mom and he never seemed   :16.960 --> :21.320 to care much for his mom. Jack did mention  his mom would be there with a friend. There   :21.320 --> :28.120 were plenty of tables so no worries, right…wrong.  We get there all is good. The band was playing,   :28.120 --> :33.680 drinks were ordered and the good times began.  Hubby spots ex-wife and decides to go say hi.   :33.680 --> :38.640 No problem. Hubby is seriously the kindest  man I’ve ever met and has always tried to   :38.640 --> :42.840 be nice to everyone. (There was no cheating  or anything terrible in their marriage. She   :42.840 --> :48.160 was bad with money and blamed him for HER kids  problems. He left after the counseling didn’t   :48.160 --> :52.680 work. She resented him because he was the  only husband that left her.) He goes over,   :52.680 --> :58.360 says hello and then ex waves her hand like she’s  brushing him off and says “thank you. You can go   :58.360 --> :04.840 now). Hubby was NOT surprised but I could tell  he was ticked! Ticked he even bothered to try   :04.840 --> :10.720 and ticked he let it get to him. He went outside  to cool off. Cue my petty revenge! 😎 I walked   :10.720 --> :15.640 over and I was calm and being as lady like as  I could. I asked her if she was pleased with   :15.640 --> :21.920 herself treating a good man like garbage AGAIN!  She just smiled and laughed at me. I leaned in   :21.920 --> :27.840 close so she could hear me and I said “Ya know  what! It’s ok Ma’am! I would slap you but my   :27.840 --> :34.800 mother who is around your age taught me to respect  my ELDERS. So you have a nice evening!” And I went   :34.800 --> :40.840 to find hubby with a very big grin on my face. We  left but Jack called hubby the next day laughing   :40.840 --> :47.680 his butt off and congratulated me for peeing his  mom off sooo bad she went home to another state.   :47.680 --> :53.520 Still smiling and we will be celebrating our 22nd  anniversary next year! And for the record I didn’t   :53.520 --> :59.160 meet hubby until he was 2 years divorced from  this woman and they had no children together. :59.160 --> :59.296 Posted by  :59.296 --> :00.600 u/Zealousideal-Tip1260 2 days ago :03.200 --> :20.960 making me fly abroad to dump  me? Let me ruin your debit card!  :20.960 --> :24.720 This happened a long time ago when  I was studying abroad. Mid 90's. :24.720 --> :27.760 So as a student, I had a girlfriend at university.   :27.760 --> :30.640 We both came from different  countries to study in London. :30.640 --> :34.880 Just before the Christmas holliday, we agreed  that I would fly over to her country and spend   :34.880 --> :39.480 a week together, since her parents were  gone for the week. As soon as I arrived,   :39.480 --> :44.960 I noticed she was very distant towards me. I  felt very unwelcome but her friends were nice   :44.960 --> :50.520 to me. Ok, I get it, you have not seen your  friends in months, fine. But after a few days   :50.520 --> :55.480 I addressed this feeling I had, and she told  me that it would be better to just be friends.   :55.480 --> :01.280 After that I felt like extra luggage and decided  to fly home on an earlier flight two days later. :01.280 --> :05.720 After I got home, she called to ask if I had  seen her debit card. She could not find it,   :05.720 --> :10.480 and needed it to get some cash. Yes, in  those days cash was still the standard.   :10.480 --> :15.320 No apps or smartphone or online banking  yet. So I go through my pockets and find it   :15.320 --> :19.400 in the pocket of a jacket I wore when we went  clubbing. She told me that she could not wait   :19.400 --> :24.080 untill we would see each other a week later  in london, and asked me to send it by mail. :24.080 --> :29.520 So I obliged, but not before I left it on  a very strong magnet for the rest of the   :29.520 --> :35.840 evening. In those days, the cards worked with a  magnetic strip, not with a chip like nowadays. :35.840 --> :39.600 A couple of days later she called to  say it did not work any more and it   :39.600 --> :42.520 was a problem because banks  were closed for the weekend. :42.520 --> :45.600 I acted totally surprised and  said that the postal sorting   :45.600 --> :48.600 machines must have had some magnetic technology. :48.600 --> :51.000 It ruined the rest of her holiday too. :51.000 --> :55.160 As an adult, I find it a bit  childish of me now, but man,   :55.160 --> :58.320 it gave me a good feeling of payback back then.
give me a good story on rProRevengeDUMPMEABROADILLRUINYOURLIFERedditStories
young Forest growing up in greenbo Alabama where he was fitted with leg braces to straighten his curved spine the doctor wonders at forests strong legs but comments on his spine being as bent as a politician
give me a good story on Forrestgumptryingtowalkshortsorig
what are unethical practices schools do I'm a middle school teacher anyone in special ad is to be integrated and it's almost always for the better keyword being almost always we have a skin room that is a bit out of the way but not in the basement or by The Boiler Room used to be in the middle but we had to move it for several reasons normal students would wait outside then jump on the sped kids or they would rush in and try to set them off as much as they could before the pars removed them a few years ago we had students who genuinely should not have been integrated because they were a danger to other students after one student who was the victim of severe cruelty and frankly should not have even been here simply because there was no way we could provide the help he really needed was routinely caught whipping out his thing to girls and boys he liked and other things well it got moved he was a victim of Cruelty and he always said isn't that what you're supposed to do to people you like there was also one kid who when I was still learning and thus not a teacher we nicknamed demoner he was given way too many chances and we found out later he was put into a psychiatric hospital because he nearly ended his older sister in her sleep and the only reason he didn't was because his parents tackled him to the ground I still never forget the time the monster so casually talked about his little brother passing away from SIDS and why he didn't understand why it was so sad because it's just the baby or how casually he'd talk about all the violent things he do to some students if they crossed him I don't think that younger brother passed away from SIDS story two here's a few number one not letting kids go to the toilet when they need to I distinctly remember one kid in my German class bursting into tears because he couldn't hold it in any longer he asked at least three times number two closing every single bathroom because of one fight in the bathroom we have 28 bathrooms in our school all of them closed three our assembly room or gymnasium had the first Escape doors chain shut and the police department was aware of it number four less severe but limiting kids access to water I.E you can't have your drink bottle at the table which sucks when you live in Australia and in summer the temperature gets up to 36° C and schools during all the hottest hours of the day number five bullied students are told to leave because it's easier to kick out a quiet victim than loud bully number six only having one bathroom open in high school there are thousands of kids seven giving preference to kids that parents donate money and fraternize with t-shir or Headmasters number eight lowering a schools funding if the S scores are low if the scores are low there should be more funding to help kids learn number nine in the case of there being a fire I think it's stupid we have to go in alphabetical order so Adam is happy and healthy but Zach just turned into Ash in my opinion they should all just get in line no matter what and pretend firing lunchroom staff for serving food to poor students whose families can afford to pay it's just so ridiculous to not let a student go to the restroom Story three this is at a university level say you're a grad student who just secured an opportunity to travel internationally with University funding for your research you put in a travel request with a suggested travel and lodging budget that gets approved within your funding you the grad student still have to front the money no matter how much it is and reimbursement can take 3 weeks to 3 months depending on how much pressure the finance officer is under who operates on a first in first out basis so you secured this wonderful grand for thousands of dollars making no or little money as a grad student maybe you're even a fully funded student paying no tuition you still may be too poor to actually conduct the research you were brought there to do story four so for about a year I worked for a federal student loan servicer people would call in and i' try to help them find a way to manage their student loans I don't want to really unravel the student loan thing but there are financial aid officers out there that are straight up lying to their potential students if I had one person tell me that they were told they wouldn't have to pay back their loans if they graduated I chalk it up to that person being an idiot when I had 10 people tell me they were told that I think there's someone misinforming them all these students attended Bible colleges in Tennessee and Arkansas Story five if a bully starts a fight with you and you do nothing to defend yourself you get suspended for fighting if you run from a bully to avoid a fight you still risk being suspended for fighting this is why I beat the poop out of a bully when I was in eighth grade I figured that if I was going to be suspended for the actions of someone whom I could not control I may as well earn it myself same thing happened to my friend he had to stay after school until 6 p.m. for his dad to pick him up he was commuting an hour and a half from his job in the city because the administrators didn't want another fight to break out during bus dismissal when his dad finally showed up and asked his principal why he was being suspended for defending himself he was told he should have either number one run to get a teacher staff for number two crawl into the fetal position until the bully stopped hitting him his dad got so pissed at and said well I'm sorry I didn't raise my son to be a wuss they got in the car to drive home he really thought he was going to be in so much trouble with him but he was proud of him and happy that he was okay and stood up for himself he was just so angry about the response from the principal and the fact that he had to be held at school the other guy got to take the bus home they took different school buses as they lived in opposite towns excuse me crawl into the fetal position what the hell story six I had a student who never showed up and never did work in my class the principal asked me to change his F to a 75 I emailed back explained that the student never made an effort Etc he told me to be a part of the team and do as I was told I was only a second-year teacher and was afraid of losing my job so I obliged same principal a couple of years later we had a very large student and she walked down the bus ramp one day some boys called out the bus window the filthy things they wanted to do to her while also calling her fat I wrote them up and chewed them out when the principal read the referral he simply said boys will be boys and tore up the referral to this day I wish I would have asked him what he would have done if that was done to one of his daughters but I was so shocked it still boils my blood also making School start at 7:00 a.m. and the bus route comes by your house before 6:30 a.m. so you have to get up around 5:30 to 6:00 a.m. every morning then say you have an extracurricular activity that takes at least 2 hours but if it's a sports game it's probably closer to at least 4 hours then let's say you have a test tomorrow as well as some homework so you study or work for at least 2 hours at this point you have spent well over half your day doing school related activities if you want to get a full 8 hour sleep which is unlikely that leaves you with about around 2 hours of free time per day which a good chunk of it is probably spent eating a meal showering getting ready for the next day Etc and then people are surprised when teenagers are always tired depressed anxious Etc schools are crazy story seven having worked in a private school for 16 years I have so many answers for this but I'll limit them to the following stating in the shiny brochure given to the parents that any possession or use of illegal substances means instant expulsion and then allowing students caught with them to return after a 2E suspension the only kid at my former workplace who was expelled over it happened because they stole the money they used to buy them telling students that if they defend themselves from local bullies they'd be suspended this rule was dropped after a student ended up being pushed into a river after having their nose broken letting students sleep in dorms where the walls were riddled with damp because there was no money in the budget for repairs while finding the funds to do a full refurb on the toilets in the school auditorium right before the visit of a member of the royal family treating male and female students differently case in point a female student C performing an act on a male student was moved to a new school while the boy was allowed to remain where he was story8 most if not all that was said are unethical practices schools do that affect kids there are plenty of unethical practices that affect teachers as well as with all things it depends where in the world you live of course my wife's an elementary school teacher a few things that come to mind they get paid 35 hours a week but that's the hours they are at school however they have nowhere near enough free time to prepare their classes and exams grade homework and exams Etc that has to be done at home unpaid a lot and I mean a lot of required material comes out of their pockets they have an ever so tiny budget every year for material that isn't even close to being enough everything else has to be purchased with their own money even at school if they print or copy more than x Pages nowhere near enough they have to pay for the extra pages this is more of a pandemic specific thing but in Quebec due to the explosions of cases they decided to have zoom classes until the 17th of January anuary in the same announcement the government made it very clear that anyone who can work from home should do so next day my wife gets a message from her school telling her she'll have to do her Zoom classes from the school go figure more specific to my wife's school though I have no doubts if it happens in many other schools as well the more senior teachers have a lot of influence on how the students are split in the different classes which often results in them taking all the easy students and leaving the more Junior teachers with the difficult ones rather than try and split them more evenly for educators to get funding for classroom supplies and projects because some comes out from their own Pockets if you agree that it's maddening that this needs to be a thing then don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to my Channel story nine how they treat students with learning disorders I've been bullied and stressed by teachers all my life because I just had add an elementary school my teachers would be physically and verbally cruel to me hating my guts all because I worked slowly without bothering to help eventually for those students that do get help get sent to the concrete storage rooms with teachers who can't be bothered to give any help with their students the most help they give is showing six-minute inspirational videos which only reinforce the feeling of being different all this puts more stress of school on my shoulders of constantly hating myself because I'm slow at work and being battered by teachers that the only reason why I don't work is because I'm lazy it got to the point where in my sophomore year of high school I nearly passed by three heart attacks because I got so sick from the stress I've only had one teacher bother to help me he would let me stay after to do work in his classroom even helping me not being the best as he was a math teacher but he also got me out of my comfort zone by getting me into clubs and going out to things like the fa with him I haven't talked to him since that year ended and I feel horrible for it as I at least should owe him a thank you story 10 punishment rules in general have screwed me and my friends over numerous times the process of getting bad students or teachers reprimanded is convoluted at best and useless at worst when me and my friends were being bullied like hardcore bullied my year group and the year below we tried to report the main four to safeguarding there in mind the incident that pushed us over the edge was watched by a PE teacher they had a meeting which only made it worse turns out all they did was have a Stern talking with him we said safeguarding it got worse and they couldn't do anything else it was against the rules left us with no choice but to skip a lot of our classes out of literal fear we got in trouble for it obviously I don't know what type of rules they have in place I mean these students have no choice but to skip lessons for fear of their sanity but we can't punish these students is their mindset that they're stupid I want to add this second story my friend was verbally abused by her English teacher for 2 years because she was misandrist this is no joke either people have purposely failed English English to be moved down a set her class was for a plus and a students so they had to get C and D grades to be moved down to not deal with her or dropped English literature altogether when lower classes got too full male students did noticeably statistically worse in her classes and in the entire history of her being one of the two English literature teachers aals had taken it at a level and seven dropped it after one year my friend was the exception he was determined to do well I.E not fail because she refused to not fail him he was getting a grades in the other teachers class he reported her three times in those two years it only led to more literal torture every lesson he would get lectured or shouted out for saying an argument not approved by her being nice towards the male characters basically just speaking it took admin me a female getting in trouble for standing up to him for them to think that maybe they should change something they didn't but we inspired the year below ours to hate her and make her life miserable there's someone now making their essays based on seeing the handmaid's tale her favorite book commentary and business and the businessmen instead of men are Satan just to piss her off so nothing changed but my friend got a see in English in the end story 11 I used to do it for k12 and some of the crap I've seen and reported the first one that comes to mind this was a severely small District I want to say there were about 3 to 400 students Max one student had severe mental illness and no one working there was equipped to care for or teach a child those disabilities he was extremely violent they built a room inside of a classroom that they could lock him into that had padded walls and stuffed animals and stuff inside so he'd throw himself around the room screaming and kicking but wouldn't actually physically harm himself for others I cannot believe that was legal had another kid with autism he was in standard class he would sleep pretty much all day in class I once overheard a teacher's aid asking him a question and the teacher said don't waste time on him he's a lost cause this school district also practiced corporal punishment I once witnessed the Middle School principal threaten a student who was being disrespectful the girl laughed and said you think threatening to hit me scares me I get worse at home story 12 burned out former Texas Elementary School teacher I left because of a student all called Daniela daniela's parents were illiterate not judgment just fact immigrants from Central America who wanted the education for their children that they never got but because they were illiterate and working 12 to 14 hours every day they couldn't help Daniela learn her own language let alone read and write in English so Daniela struggled in school her entire career and was unable to read or comprehend in any language and the school system was designed to tear her down not meet her where she was at and lift her up so by the time she came to me in fifth grade she wouldn't look at me wouldn't lift up her head she looked Bean terrified of yet another year of failure no matter how hard she tried another year of a school system telling her that all her work and all her effort just wasn't good enough she wasn't good enough by the time we had worked together for about 3 months Daniela would finally look at me and even crack small jokes in our limited English we celebrated each small success she made and each step that showed some growth she was making so much progress and beginning to feel less hopeless until State standardized testing time you see the test was deliberately written in language 2 years above grade level expectations for a native English speaker all his teachers knew it not a goddamn thing we could do about it so we had to give this biased useless test or bilingual students who struggled with English two grade levels below and expect them to succeed in this test and of course our administrators or School culture and our parents all told our kids what a big deal this test was and it's important to your future it shows what you know and if you don't pass we'll retain you what a great freaking message right I had to give Daniela the test or lose my job can't cheat for her teachers have been arrested and charged for that so I watched this kid who had worked so hard all year test for five freaking hours how many adults do we ask to do that and I watched her fail and I had to tell her her score and no matter what I told her about how it didn't really matter and and I knew how hard she worked and how much growth she had shown she knew she failed again just like always I have many more stories like that but she will always stick with me screw the school system story 13 only going to talk about higher education I attended a large State College in a sprawling State system 100% failure courses professors who treat 100 level courses as a the fod situations and the screw-ups are your problem ta is selling the exams to students yep that psychotic exam you wondered how Wonder bro passed they bought the answers paying for a course with a professor and only meeting or seeing the ta ta shows up baked or drawing to a course or can't speak English wildly unqualified professors had a student bring a CPA brother into one of my accounting courses the dudes stopped short of attacking the professor and spent the latter half of our course previewing and correcting the professor every other sense another example I taught a Windows or technology course because the professor graduated in computer science before Windows existed he sat there decaying in the corner while I taught the course then let me preview the departmental exam to ensure a review covered everything catastrophic departmental exams and or Professor made exams ever take an exam to see a few examples and wonder where the hell those examples were from previous editions of the textbook the department departmental exams aren't updated by Edition and often rely on specific examples from the previous editions I also spent a ton of time in the math lab because I had a math professor trying to make rocket scientists out of business majors I kept organizing our entire class to go to the math lab and take up all their resources to the point they brought her in and told her to tone it down she then came up with two different exams A and B A exam was basic algebra b exam was given to each person at the meeting with a chair of the math department I seriously am not a math major and this was over a decade ago but I didn't know you could put a matrix into an algebraic expression that contained 40 plus polinomial our exams got tossed and we were given a p for passing the course non-state curriculum different track courses that lead to the same diploma you'd get but it's from a private institution it's basically the opposite of 100% fail courses where the math is gutted out of courses and they're reduced to vocabulary I tutored students for stat and private in state colleges you know to get your stattic credit to graduate wank wank the state course was skull splitting difficult private curriculum I didn't know why they needed a tutor because it was literally just vocab it was also a thing to tutor an exam for a few private school attending students I literally had the exam and just had to teach the student to show her work for the few examples that were on the exam failing an entire Physics course because our professor got married to some rich or royal guy in Europe and went off to have a European wedding was a few weeks before a final and she hadn't made available her homework or prior tests digitally even if he made a 100 in the final the highest grade you could get was a 20 in the course I suspect the only reason I accidentally graduated College was because each course they took was like sticking an anchor in their course system and dragging up all the crap and dirt it was based off of if there was a cheaper textbook I let students know if the syllabus had the L did you read me here are free points I let everyone know I'd normally take every question the professor provided organized study groups and accidentally organized a walk out along with accidentally having three meetings with different chairs for different departments almost all my courses prior to my senior year were P for pass due to some BS in their end when I see how much people pay for higher education today I'm like holy hell buy the answers to your exams and just live a stress-free life I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy what's the dumbest thing you were punished for in School Story 2 is wild see you in that video
give me a good story on WhatUNETHICALPracticesDidYourSCHOOLDoorig
would you be the jerk for not cooking Thanksgiving dinner and just spending the day at the beach instead we'll get into that in a bit but first am I the jerk for sending my future sister-in-law to my future mother-in-law's place after she refused to pay for the wedding cake samples she and her friends ate I 27-year-old female and my fianceé Leo 27-year-old male decided to let my future sister-in-law Maya 32-year-old female stay at our house because she needed space from her husband due to some relationship struggles they're having Leo and I had gotten wedding cake samples from an expensive Bakery specializing in wedding cakes we planned to test them along with Maya after we finished up some other wedding plans yesterday however when I came home from work to see Leo yelling at Maya the Box the samples came in wide open on the living room table and Maya arguing with him I asked what was happening and Leo angrily told me that while we were both at work Maya had some friends over and they ended up eating almost all of our cake samples I wish shocked and asked Maya why the heck she would do something like that Maya said that she needed to pick me up from what she was going through with her husband and invited her friends over to comfort her which turned into them eating the cake samples after one of her friends noticed the Box on our kitchen counter my shock turned into anger and Maya tried to defend herself by saying it was just cake I told her if it was just cake then she should have no problem replacing it Maya refused because the price was way too expensive for something tasting crappy anyways Leo backed me up on having Maya pay to replace it and we argued until I said that if Maya can't cough up the money then she'll just stay at my future mother-in-law's house because there was no way I was having someone so disrespectful in my house Maya thought I was bluffing until Leo repeated my sentiment and went to go pack her things in a huff when she came back out I handed her some cash for gas and told her to get the heck out presumably after Maya got to her mom's house my future fure mother-in-law called me to scold me about kicking Maya out and that I was cruel to do that to her in her time of need also my future mother-in-law was also irritated that I sent Maya her way since she had led Maya into the liquor cabinet and ended up drinking some expensive whiskey that belonged to my future father-in-law so now they're arguing about that I don't blame op and it seems like it's a recurring theme wherever she goes if they're going to be a tornado no matter where they go you're more than fair to at least say This Tornado is not your responsibility and guide them out the door also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy getting to decide whether or not all of these people are jerks why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is am I the jerk for not letting my daughter go over to my sister-in-law's house after her kids dumped my daughter's Bindy bag I 40-year-old female am South Asian and my husband Luke 42-year-old male and the rest of his family are white we have a beautiful daughter Amara 14-year-old female who has decided to start wearing Bindy in day-to-day Life 2 months ago before anyone asks no I didn't pressure her into this decision this was all on her own and I don't even wear Bindy daily I helped her buy a Bindy bag and Amara had carried it around with her whenever she'd be gone from home for more than a day ever since last weekend I let Amara go to my sister-in-law Bree's 45-year-old female's house Bri has two kids Danielle 15-year-old female and Chase 13-year-old male Saturday afternoon Amara called me crying and told me that Danielle and Chase had been teasing her about the dots on her forehead since Friday that morning Danielle and Chase had grabbed the bag out of her room and dumped it into the pool as a prank it sank to the bottom and since Amara can't swim she wasn't able to grab it Amara went to Brie and told her what happened and Bri took Danielle and Chase's side saying it was kids being kids and that they did Amara a favor with that prank I comforted my daughter over the phone and went to go pick her up soon after Amara said that she didn't want to be at Brie's house anymore once I got there I helped Amara put her bag into the trunk before going to Brie to confirm the story Brie confirmed it and doubled down on what she said hard I was irritated at that and soon left with Amara when we got home I told Luke what happened and he suggested not having Amara go over to Bree's house until Bri apologizes for saying the kids did Amara a favor by throwing her Bindy bag into the pool and the kids apologize for the incident itself I agreed with that being a good idea but checked to make sure Amara was okay with it first Amara said that she doesn't even want to see her cousins or Aunt now anyways so I sent Bri a text explaining that Amara wouldn't be coming over until they all apologize I didn't get a response at first but when I did Bri was telling me that that was unfair and that I was punishing her and her kids over a dumb prank I just replied that I just want an apology for my daughter and that should be a simple request Bri didn't reply back but my mother-in-law ended up calling me and telling me that I was horrible for not letting Bree see her niece and that both Amara and I needed to get over the incident when I explained Amara doesn't want to be around Bri or her kids either Luke is on my side with this but my mother-in-law won't stop texting about how I need to just let this go and let bygones be bygones op's def definitely not the jerk and honestly I think what they're offering may not even be something that amarus fully embraced with these people just went completely against what Amara was all about I wouldn't consider it any kind of prank it was just kind of outright cruel it's like the mother-in-law is trying to cast a charm on you when they say let bygones be bygones but you remove the veil and it's really let bigots be bigots our next story is am I the jerk for enforcing a no kids talk Rule and not offering to to plan a baby shower really are we the jerks our friend group female 30s gets together about once a month a few years ago certain group members began trying to conceive one of the first ones to start trying was Katie unfortunately Katie and her husband had difficulty conceiving this was understandably very difficult for them once other members of the group started having kids Katie asked us to not talk about kids at our monthly get togethers because it was difficult for her to hear she also made it clear that she would not attend any baby showers the rest of our group had mixed feelings about this we understood that Katie was very upset about her difficulties conceiving but it was disappointing to not be able to share important parts of our Lives we generally go around and everyone talks about what's new in their lives work promotions Hobbies Etc but whenever one of us was on maternity leave we could basically only say everything is good because we couldn't talk about the the main thing happening in our life that said now that our kids are older and we're all back to work or have time for hobbies we've started to enjoy having a dedicated time for no kids talk it is something that we've even come to look forward to fast forward to now and Katie and her husband are pregnant which is very exciting she is nearing her due date and planning to take at least a year off to stay home with the baby that's enough background so now to the point last night me and two other members of our group got a text from Katie's husband saying that she is really upset that we barely ask her about her pregnancy when we see her and that no one has offered to throw her a baby shower at first we were surprised to hear this we do text Katie at least weekly to check in on her we just don't talk about it at our monthly Hangouts she's been talking about it in her updates but no one's asked any follow-up questions about the pregnancy and we more focus on her other updates we talked to the rest of the group except for Katie and the General Vibe is that we want to keep the no kid talk rule in place and it feels a little rude that Katie expects us to when she's the one who made the rule in the first place would we be the jerk if we kept our traditions we also don't feel like we have the time to plan a shower with the holidays happening it sounds like no one wants to go through the stress of planning a shower when Katie didn't even go to theirs I think the shower half of it is complicated I don't think anybody's just obligated to plan it and throw it for her but like if she did have one nobody wanting to go because she had her own issues that caused her to not want to go to other people's is a little conflicting but the rule alone of no kid talk in the group that seems to have really been clicking for the group I understand wanting to keep that just because the group transformed to that that is like an intrinsic part of that group Katie can't just bend the entire group's rules around her constantly I'd like to know if you guys think Opie is the jerk or not our next story is am I the jerk for for telling my mom I won't help her around the house because that's a woman's job before you get mad from the title there's context so I'm 28-year-old male engaged to be married in my high school sweetheart due to some Financial insecurities we used to face we moved back with my parents for a little while until we were able to afford to rent an apartment I've lived with my parents in the past of course then moved out with my fiance for 2 years now we've moved in with my parents for a while until the house we want to rent is available which will be in 2 months for context I have a married older sister who's in the brink of divorce with her husband because he's doing nothing around the house he simply comes back from work and sits and plays until he goes to bed while my sister does all of the housework on top of her full-time nursing job my mom believes my sister is unreasonable for her demands towards her husband and believes it's a woman's job to do housework and cater to her husband even if she works a job also when I lived in my fiance alone she'd always badmouth my fiance for forcing me to help around the house and always said how as a woman she's not taking proper care of me her soon to be husband because I also cooked cleaned did chores Etc even now that we live in my parents' house when we need to do laundry Etc I don't expect my fiance to be the one to do it I do it myself many times as well my mom doesn't like that and claims how my fiance has me as a maid now despite all that my mom demands that I help her around the house when it's housework she wants to do and I do I always do my part since I live here but for her it's never enough and I'm a lazy son who doesn't care about helping his mother after all the ridiculous stuff she said about my fiance and my sister's traditional roles I told her then you know what I'm not helping around that's a woman's job remember so don't demand from me to help you with your chores since it's a woman's job and I'm a man of course I keep defending my sister and I keep contributing equally to my fiance and I chores I just refuse to contribute any Helping Hands to my mother since she believes she's entitled to help but my fiance and sister are supposed to be Maids my mom has badmouthed me to the entire family right now and whenever someone visits they scold me and call me a jerk basically for being lazy and not helping out my mom am I the jerk for giving my mom a taste of her own medicine I think Opie is not the jerk here because it's clear they don't actually believe that it's just they're going against this double standard treatment they're getting from their mom where I guess as their kid Opie doesn't get treated as a man from their mom but also is a man in her eyes in regards to Opie's fiance it's just weird really outdated beliefs and I completely understand where op is coming from our next story is am I the jerk for letting my girlfriend's daughter wear a skirt to a party I 36-year-old male have been with my girlfriend 34 4-year-old female for just under a year we're both single parents my fiance passed away 5 years ago but her ex-husband is still in the picture both our daughters go to the same school mine is 14 while hers is 15 we don't live together yet I want to finish the work on my house before they move in we both have slightly different parenting techniques she's more focused on her daughter having good grades making sure she can get into a good University while my Approach is more do what you want with your life I'll support you regardless last weekend my daughter was supposed to go to a friend's 18th birthday party they're not very close friends but she got invited I knew that the girl's parents and other relatives would be there so I had no issue with letting her go but last week my daughter asked her friend if my girlfriend's daughter could come to the party they've been pretty good friends ever since we started dating and her friend agreed so I arranged everything with my girlfriend so that her daughter would spend the weekend at my place instead of going to her dad's when when Saturday came I picked up her daughter in the morning because my daughter wanted to go shopping with her before the party her daughter had brought a dress from home that she was supposed to wear it was a fulllength dress in the evening when the girls were getting ready her daughter decided that she didn't want to wear that dress but instead borrowed some of my daughter's stuff so they could wear matching outfits a skirt and a crop top I never had an issue with anything my daughter wears I always thought teenagers should be able to express themselves so I always just bought her whatever she liked I dropped the girls off at the party at 10: p.m. and then picked them up just before 1:00 a.m. that's the time me and my girlfriend agreed on her daughter then spent the night at mine and I dropped her off back at my girlfriend's on Sunday afternoon but Sunday evening she called me after she saw photos on Instagram that her daughter posted she was furious at me for letting her daughter dress the way minded she said I was supposed to make sure her daughter wore that dress she brought with her so I explain the whole situation to her but it just ended up in a huge fight between us since then we only talked once as she's still very upset with me I told her she was overreacting I honestly don't know what to think of this whole thing so am I the jerk here first of all I don't think the girlfriend said that they had to explicitly only wear that dress and at 15 I think it's fair to kind of let them dress a little bit more how they want to obviously I think there's limits to that but that's kind of to the EXT dream and what they're wearing is not if there was a dress code here the girlfriend should have made sure that it was known our next story is am I the jerk for telling my brother you should be glad your son's reading instead of doing what you did when we were teens my brother was in prison for 5 years for taking bribes in exchange for building permits I took in my nephew 18 and he's been with me ever since he was only 13 when he was 16 my nephew took interest in Romance so I bought him the Bridgerton novels he's reread some of them several times over the past couple of years never told my brother about it though since my brother was more interested in his sports activities social life if he's seeing anyone Etc after my brother's release we began having dinner together at my place my nephew is delighted to be able to have dinner with his dad again and to be fully able to hang out and do something as simple as watching TV together everything seemed to be going well but then my brother saw the aformentioned book he recognized them since my late sister-in-law used to read them he frowned and when my nephew went to the toilet he asked me why I let my nephew read those girly books he said men shouldn't read them so I said why can't men read romance reading those and other books helped him get an IELTS overall band score of 8.0 that score in his literacy allowed him to get into one of the best law schools in our country you should be proud of him he still protested that there there were many other better books for boys and men to read so I said at least he's reading instead of doing what you used to when we were teens you should be glad about that now I might be a jerk for this comment because while he did cause some problems for our parents when we were teens he also grew out of it quickly he used to be a good role model to my nephew up until accepting the bribes and now the men shouldn't read romance thing he really looked hurt at the reminder and said it was a cheap shot I don't think there's anything wrong with him reading these novels and I think Go's done a great job taking care of their nephew I mean the dad can either get over it and accept and embrace their son or they just stand to alienate them for who they are I think if anything that should probably be the greater message expressed to them great you have your opinion now can you accept your son for who they are or are you just going to be smarmy behind closed doors for the rest of your life this next story is am I the jerk for telling my steps sister's son the honest truth which is not what she wanted me to tell him when I 26-year-old female was seven I lost my dad my mom remarried when I was N9 my stepsister 29-year-old female was 12 at the time we had very different experiences with the whole blending of the families I didn't really want it to happen and wasn't exactly looking to make them my new dad and sister they never really became that either but I've accepted that they are family with my steps sister her mom chose not to be in her life and she always longed for a family where she had a mom and maybe some siblings it made us all living together uncomfortable with me and her wanting very different things and her dad and my mom really unhappy with how I felt about us becoming a real family as they would put it we're all okay now not so close but no hate or animosity there anymore at least it was hidden well until this so my steps sister married when she was 20 and had her son then too she lost her husband 2 years ago her son is now nine my steps sister has met a man a widower and he has two kids under three they're trying to get to the point where they move in together but her son is not really blending with them which is how she said it he's not unkind or rude but he's not really making an effort is how she views it and he said that he doesn't want to be a part of the new family she wants they decided to go away for the weekend together and see if that would be a good experience and whether it would help them Bond she said her son ignored when the three-year-old wanted to hold his hand and then he didn't want to sit with her partner who was also looking at the stars on their first night there he also didn't want to take photos with them all so she decided I needed to talk to him as someone who also lost my dad she said the adult me could give him a more mature insight into everything I told her I would talk to him but I would not read from a script she told me to just be honest I did talk to her son I assured him that how he was feeling was okay okay and that I'd felt the same way I told him it was okay for his feelings to change and I answered honestly that mine hadn't really they had just softened so I could like them as people even if they weren't my dad and sister he liked hearing that and he said he really did believe that that would be how he'd feel and I assured him it would be okay he was honest with how he just didn't feel the way his mom wanted to and I related with him with that my steps sister did not like that and a couple of days days later she was calling to curse me out and saying I didn't help her like I had said I would she told me her son was more sure now that he didn't want to try and be a family with them and she told me I was so selfish to ruin her life the way I'd ruined my mom's I told her my concern was with her son and how he was doing she told me to go freak myself am I the jerk I think Opie is definitely not the jerk and in the long run I fully believe that you're never going to have a great chance to SU success when you try to force a kid to accept somebody as their new parent or their new sibling rather than just kind of letting it happen naturally with love care and no Force titles having these people enter their life and just being a caring positive person for them would increase that chance tenfold rather than this is your new Daddy and sister our next story is am I the jerk for not wanting to give my younger daughter's future wedding fund to my older daughter's house deposit me male 59 and my wife female 53 have two daughters let's call them Rose female 27 and Lily female 24 who both earn roughly the same amount of money quite a lot for their ages rose has a 2-year-old and husband who earns a fair bit less than her and Lily has a boyfriend who earns a bit more than her they both inherited a big chunk of money from my mother enough for a 10 to 15% deposit on a house they could realistically buy Rose has always lived lived Beyond her means and certainly her husbands they've alluded to using some of their house savings when their daughter poppy was born despite my wife looking after poppy fulltime whilst my daughter worked her husband has recently confessed he hasn't saved a penny in almost 10 years they've been together on the other hand Lily and her boyfriend have almost doubled the original amount saved and never seem to have any issues with money whilst we constantly seem to be helping out Rose both girls are looking at buying houses Lily and her boyfriend have been approved for a lovely house with a 25% deposit Rose also had an offer accepted but as it turned out due to commuting costs and child care from moving away adding up to almost the cost of another mortgage they'll only be able to get a mortgage for roughly half they thought and only have 5% Rose told Lily this and asked how on Earth she'd been accepted on a bigger house as a younger couple Lily was honest and told her how much she made as a couple and how much they were putting down and Rose broke down a little she asked how much we'd given Lily and we told her nothing extra that night my wife and I were talking and she said she didn't realize how badly Rose was financially and how well Lily is doing we'd paid for Rose's wedding and plan to do so for Lily too but so far she's insisted she doesn't want or need it I want to keep the money so we can still offer it when the time comes even if Lily still won't accept it but my wife wants to give the money to Rose as she says having a child makes it a lot harder for Rose and she doesn't want the money to go to waste when our only grandchild doesn't have a home I mean if you think you can Broach this topic as far as talking to Lily about it and ask them how they personally feel I think you could probably approach it that way you know go to Lily and say we have saved some money away for if you ever had a wedding and you wanted financial support it's completely up to you we wouldn't judge you either way and that's why we're coming to you to ask you we were thinking it might be helpful to go to Rose for this time of need and just see how they felt about it with no opinions no hard feelings I mean just on what op wrote though I don't think they're The Jerk It's not money that was ever meant for Rose and honestly maybe it's for the best that Rose learns to try not to live outside their means regardless our next story is am I the jerk for not cooking Thanksgiving dinner and spending the day at the beach instead I 27-year-old female have so been responsible for cooking Thanksgiving dinner for 20 plus people for the last 8 years I do all the shopping cooking and setting up months before Thanksgiving I start looking at grocery prices and tweaking recipes to fit dietary restrictions Caribbean family vegans and pescatarians meat eaters I also make enough for the college aged kids to have leftovers I usually make three turkeys two party pans of mac and cheese and a party pan of mashed potato potatoes stuffing green bean casserole collared greens yams mini Seafood kiches stuffed mushrooms rolls in a salad from scratch plus all the desserts apple pie sweet potato pie cheesecake homemade ice cream and breads also from scratch I start making stocks and doughs Tuesday night I bake my bread for stuffing and make my cheesecakes and pies Wednesday after work cook all day Thursday so we can sit down and start eating by 4: so my aunts who work the night just as nurses can enjoy every year people invite unexpected guests and it becomes 30 plus I would be okay with it if it were plus ones but my mom invites her friends and their kids my mom and aunt ask me to make additional turkeys and some sides for their units I never feel appreciated for everything I do to make it special and accommodate everyone this year I'm separated for my husband and I really don't feel like bending over backwards cooking for people who don't even leave me left overs to make a sandwich the next day this year I've decided not to cook and just spend my day at the beach the only bonus to living in Florida I was asked how much the adults should zel me for Thanksgiving groceries at the beginning of the month and I told them I'm not cooking today I received a zel from my uncle and when I returned it he asked why I reminded him in the family group chat I wasn't cooking now they want me to cancel my plans and cook am I the jerk for not wanting to I don't blame op for feeling unappreciated here not wanting to cook this major Extravaganza I mean I've heard a lot of people get tired of cooking for Thanksgiving making a lot less than what op makes I mean this is a week-long spectacle pretty much I mean you could give me all of the notes all of the recipes all of the exact ways how to do everything op does and it would still be the most daunting task to me to cook all of that it's not op's responsibility and I understand why they would rather go to the beach I'd like to rather see this get like changed around to inviting people over to actually help make this stuff not go all Lone Ranger on this but overall I don't think op's the jerk our next story is am I the jerk for laughing at my brother in-law for when his son got a zero on his project he did so my child is three grades ahead of my sister's kid I'm going to call the teacher Mrs cat now personally I don't really like her but I do respect her she is a very No Nonsense woman and she'll make sure that you learn she has the highest test scores for years very clear in her expectations with parents and that she won't put up with our crap I'm a bit ashamed to admit that I sent her a whole list of questions about her class and she literally sent back the PDF of her handbook that I already had and told me to read every question I had was answered in the first few pages there are other stories about her but really she's a non-nonsense teacher and she truly does doesn't care about the parents' feelings she taught my daughter extremely well now there's a project where you make a model of some Native American group's home and read a small paper about it well my brother-in-law did that whole project Mrs Cat made a quiz about the paper that was written and gave it to his son well son failed it and admitted he didn't do it I saw the email that was sent and in a very professional way ripped my brother-in-law a new one his son got a zero and is is allowed to redo the project at school he went in in person and according to him got ripped a new one he was complaining and was going to take it to the principal and I started laughing I told him this was hilarious and I hope he learned his lesson he's now ticked at me I don't blame op here I think it's very important that your kid does the work for themselves I completely understand helping the kid I mean doing it with them and being handson I think that's great doing it for them no I could can relate to the teacher though one of the strictest teachers I ever had she yelled at me on the first day because I didn't have paper out taking notes in front of the whole class just stopped the lecture was a class I definitely got straight A's in but at the same time she was also the kind of person who would play around toss bouncy balls around the classroom to kids do that thing where somebody's like sleeping with their head down where they would just drop a book on a desk to shock them fill a turkey baster with water and intimidate the kids that they're going to get splashed our next story is am I the jerk for not fighting the school to allow my daughter to do cheerleading since the athletic trainer denied her I am so tired and need an outside opinion the school's athletic trainer Beth is a very strict woman she started two years ago and at the time I thought she was just being a bench and on a power trip she was not all she was asking for is basic respect this became really apparent when the school had a meeting about her and went through every single incident with her they used the camera footage for a lot of incidents parents know that office is recorded and it showed the kids were awful and she was professional the kids were awful and really ended up having a tantrum when she told them no many times the kids were calling her names and it really made me re-evaluate my opinion on her one example for reference one kid needed to do a balance test and take off their shoes she had a fit and refused to do so the athletic trainer told her that that was fine but without it they can't play she took off her shoes and called her some lovely names GES not to mention the parents getting on her butt for it now my daughter is a sophomore 15 and she needs to do a concussion test in the winter if she doesn't then she can't cheer she knew about the whole thing and they had a practice for the thing she gave everyone a time to be in her office my daughter got a time and didn't go in at that time she went in at the end of practice when she was packing up Beth told her no and I'm embarrassed to say it but my daughter had a huge fit about it Beth stood her ground on it and went home now she's on vacation and my daughter cannot cheer until the concussion test is done that will probably be done in December so she's missing a ton of cheer events due to Thanksgiving Fest my daughter was ticked and wants me to fight the school I told her no since I saw how she acted I asked for footage that's what she gets for being inconsiderate to Beth my wife wants to fight it and both of them think I'm huge jerks I think this is an open and shut book I think is clearly not the jerk the daughter was given a time and they didn't respect it I don't know if like they were just busy goofing around with their friends or what but if you're given a schedule an appointment and you blow it almost nobody's going to bend over backwards and see you when you come to them this is just a straightup life lesson for her but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy am I the jerk here story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rAITAMYDAUGHTERISBANNEDFROMCHEERLEADINGRedditStoriesorig
my husband's best friend is engaged and my husband's amazing ex will be at the wedding my husband has a tight-knit group of friends from college we are all 31 his best friend Tim just proposed to his girlfriend and I'm really excited for them but I'm not excited about my husband's ex Jenna I am ashamed of how insecure I have become as a result of her presence overshadowing my marriage she and my husband dated for a few years then he got accepted to a grad program on the west coast so they split amicably and remained friends because she didn't want to do long distance he moved and we met 3 years later after we got married we moved to the east coast and bought a house and our son was born last summer Jenna is amazing everyone tells me so my husband's friends his family and especially my husband after we'd been married for a year Tim told me that it was so weird that my husband ended up with me because everybody likes Jenna more when I brought this up my husband didn't disagree my husband clearly views her as the one that got away and she has become the third person in my Merit I have no animosity towards her but I'm so frustrated with my husband's inability to move on he swears he has moved on but I really don't think he has he has told me about the eort put into their relationship and the contrast with our marriage makes me so sad for instance he was so proud to plan a massive surprise party for her 21st but he didn't even acknowledge my 30th I would never go through his phone or anything like that but I can tell when he's been talking to her because he gets really grumpy and complains about how much he hates our life and adulthood about once a year he calls me Jenna and this always prompts a big fight because he says we're both people he's been in a long-term relationship with and I shouldn't be offended to be in the same metal category as her because she's so amazing we are very different she is thin and blonde I am a curvy athletic brunette she earned a degree that actually makes money and I'm an English PhD she is incredibly fun and energetic and I'm always tired because I'm bogged down by the responsibilities of baby SL pet SL house/ jobs she loves to drink and I can't remember the last time I drank she is also married now and I doubt that someone so amazing would be trying to cheat on her amazing husband when we were on the west coast Tim vetted him for my husband who was grumpy to hear that Jenna's husband is nice successful and attractive I think that my husband really misses the freedom of being in college and presents the adult responsibilities that I symbolize mortgage baby eating healthy I feel so much shame and guilt about not being able to make him happy things have been Rocky since our son was born my husband has debilitating ADHD that renders him incapable of finishing chores or finishing feeding our child and this is caus huge fights because I'm doing 95% of the household care and child care I have two part-time remote jobs and my husband works full-time I often end up working from p.m. to 3:00 a.m. just so I can finish my work because I'm doing all the baby stuff Jen ales about 5 hours away and I haven't met her yet but she will of course be invited to the wedding Tim officiated our wedding and my husband will definitely be in the wedding party I really don't want to be in the same room as Jenna my husband is so grumpy after just messaging her I can't even imagine how grumpy he would be and how awful I'd seem in comparison if he was talking to her in person I'm still not used to my post bab body and I look awful I don't think she would cheat on her husband but I think that seeing her for the first time in years would just cement for my husband that he regrets the path that his life has taken I'm trying to think through options and choose the one that would cause the least drama option A I talked to my husband about this inevitably leading to another massive fight option b i don't express any of this to anyone and on the day of the wedding I faint illness option C I talk to Tim's fiance Anna and ask her to seat us far apart I hate to involve other people in this and I think Anna would enjoy the drama of us sitting together plus this still doesn't prevent my husband from hanging out with Jenna option D I explained to Anna that if Jenna is going I will not be able to attend for my own mental health but I will do something really generous for the couple and also take them out to dinner so that the four of us can celebrate their engagement SL Merit I think Anna would just fan the Flames of drama I'm trying to emphasize that I have no ill will towards Jenna and I don't want to deprive the group of college friends from a wonderful day of celebrating together and reliving the past I just genuinely feel that my presence would ruin it for them and I would feel even more down on myself my husband and I are in marriage counseling but he doesn't want to talk about anything that would make him sound like the bad guy so we just end up talking about how my anxieties and insecurities are burdensome to him I am so sad and ashamed I used to try to think of Jenna as this motivating standard to which I should Aspire but I always fall short
give me a good story on Myhusbandsbestfriendisengagedandmyhusbandsamazingexwillbeatthewedding
what is a gut feeling you had that saved your life I had taken my dog a German Shepherd out for an early morning pee I had a feeling in my gut that something was not quite right but when I looked around I did not see anything but I did become hyper aware of my situational status my dog had shutz hun training and I gave him the pass off command which means to pay attention and watch a moment later a man appeared from the Shadows behind a garbage bin with what looked like a long bladed knife in his hand I did not give the fast command to attack as I did not want to take the chance that my dog would be hurt but I did want to scare off the per and my dog almost ripped the leash as he lunged towards the man with the fiercest bark I ever heard come out of his mouth it terrified the man enough that he ran off I am sure my dog wonders why I never gave the command to attack as he was ready to give his life for mine and that my friends is why I love animals more than people
give me a good story on whendidagutfeelingsaveyourlife
:06.660 --> :11.280 Revenge backfired! I leaked a video  recording of my ex and I having sex. :11.280 --> :15.960 I never told anyone this story and I guess the  only other person who knew about it was me,   :15.960 --> :20.400 and maybe the numerous websites I  consulted for more information before   :20.400 --> :24.360 finally sending out the video recordings. I did not tell anyone because I did not   :24.360 --> :28.140 want them to think of me as an ass, I know you’re  probably thinking “oh, but you’re an ass.” It’s   :28.140 --> :31.680 okay to think of me as an ass, but  my ex started it and in my books,   :31.680 --> :35.280 all is fair in love and war ( and  that was exactly what happened here.) :35.280 --> :39.720 My ex and I have been together nearly all our  lives. We grew up in the same neighborhood,   :39.720 --> :44.700 went to the same high school, graduated together,  and made the decision to leave the neighborhood   :44.700 --> :49.620 we grew up in and make more of our lives. She  has always been an ambitious woman. She wanted   :49.620 --> :54.540 to be a top model and even in high school, she  constantly worried about time running out. She   :54.540 --> :58.980 had too many lofty dreams and she was convinced  that she was running out of time. In school,   :58.980 --> :03.780 I did everything a boyfriend could do to keep  her dreams running, including paying some boys   :03.780 --> :09.720 in the area to intimidate the nerds at school to  hijack the school system, mess with the voting and   :09.720 --> :14.460 name her prom queen. Everyone was shocked when  she was voted prom queen, and they should have   :14.460 --> :19.560 been because she did not deserve it. Some other  girl was the people’s choice. She was not as   :19.560 --> :25.860 beautiful as my ex but she was kind and graceful.  My ex was far from being a kind person, she only   :25.860 --> :31.740 extended occasional kindness to people she loved,  and anyone she had no close relationship with was   :31.740 --> :36.960 of no importance to her, except of course, she  needed their help for something or suspects that   :36.960 --> :41.220 she will be needing their help in the future. I was the less ambitious one in our relationship.   :41.220 --> :44.940 Granted, I wanted to leave our neighborhood  and have a life that did not involve a lot   :44.940 --> :50.100 of struggling or having no money, but I did  not dream of becoming a star or having all   :50.100 --> :54.060 the money in the world, I just wanted to  get an education, have a better life than   :54.060 --> :58.680 the one I had and give my children an even  better life than the life my parents gave me.  :58.680 --> :03.360 My ex and I left the place where we grew up  together and rented a studio apartment. She   :03.360 --> :07.740 worked as a waitress in a high-end restaurant  while I worked different jobs and enrolled in   :07.740 --> :12.660 a university to study part-time. Things were  good for us and we had bright plans for our   :12.660 --> :17.820 future together. She even picked out names for  our two children, we had pictures of what our   :17.820 --> :22.200 dream home would look like even though in her  pictures, her house was always a lot bigger. :22.200 --> :27.960 Things were going just okay until my ex met some  girls at work. They worked in her restaurant and   :27.960 --> :33.420 she talked endlessly about them. From how she  spoke about them, the way her eyes dazzled and her   :33.420 --> :38.700 voice was filled with excitement, it was obvious  that she wanted a life like theirs. Sometimes,   :38.700 --> :42.600 when she spoke about how they only worked for  the fun of it and had all the money they needed,   :42.600 --> :48.120 I felt inadequate because, at the time, I was  not able to provide my ex with that kind of life.  :48.120 --> :52.440 Things got worse when she started going  out to parties with them. They gave her   :52.440 --> :58.560 their old designer clothes, shoes, and purses. In  exchange for all that, they made her their errand   :58.560 --> :04.080 girl. She did everything for them including  actually running errands. She was in their   :04.080 --> :08.640 houses on weekends and at night, she would be  on the phone with one or all of them listening   :08.640 --> :12.360 to them cry or rant about something. I knew I was losing my girlfriend,   :12.360 --> :16.920 it was hard to keep up with the things that  she did since I had to work to pay our bills   :16.920 --> :22.020 and still go to school. At some point, while  we were living together, my girlfriend and I   :22.020 --> :26.940 hardly saw each other. We were not having sex,  we were not talking to each other, and I did not   :26.940 --> :31.200 even know what was going on in her life and she  did not know what was going on in mine either.  :31.200 --> :36.600 We were simply very disconnected from each  other’s lives. I’m partly to blame for that   :36.600 --> :41.700 because whenever she’d try to talk to me about  her new friends, I would just shut her up. I felt   :41.700 --> :45.960 justified in doing that because she only ever  wanted to talk about herself and my friends.   :45.960 --> :51.720 She did not ask me how school was going nor did  she ask how work was going. She only ever wanted   :51.720 --> :56.940 to go on and on about this friend and that  friend’s rich boyfriend, it was exhausting.  :56.940 --> :02.040 While all this was going on, I became friends  with a single mom in school. She was a beautiful   :02.040 --> :06.840 woman with two young children and was returning  to school so she could expand the opportunities   :06.840 --> :12.660 available to her and give her kids a better life.  Somehow, she reminded me of my mother who also   :12.660 --> :18.240 raised my brother and me single-handedly after she  and my dad got divorced. I offered to watch her   :18.240 --> :24.060 boys while she was busy with other stuff and she  agreed. I would watch her boys while studying and   :24.060 --> :29.100 sometimes we’d all take a nap together. Whenever  she returns from work, I’d go to my own job too.  :29.100 --> :34.260 We spent a lot of time together and I think at  some point, she started to develop feelings for   :34.260 --> :38.820 me. One day, after her children had gone to  bed and I was in the living room with her,   :38.820 --> :44.880 she kissed me. Things happened very fast and  we had sex. I felt very guilty about it but   :44.880 --> :49.920 it did not stop me from doing it again. We  had sex again and again. My girlfriend was   :49.920 --> :54.660 oblivious to all that was happening. Even when I  was not home late at night, she did not check for   :54.660 --> :58.740 me because she was usually out attending  one party or the other with her friends.  :58.740 --> :03.780 My relationship with the single mom  I met lasted for six months. I ended   :03.780 --> :07.560 things with her as soon as I was done  and she was surprisingly okay with that.  :07.560 --> :12.720 As soon as I finished school, I got a job  as an assistant to a talent manager. He   :12.720 --> :16.740 was a popular religious man who got  famous for managing talented people,   :16.740 --> :22.740 he was also rich since he made a lot of money from  the people he managed. My job paid me well and I   :22.740 --> :28.320 also got to meet a lot of famous people. Since my  ex was someone who was crazy about famous people,   :28.320 --> :33.660 I tried to bring her up with me, but I wanted to  renew our relationship. I did not feel comfortable   :33.660 --> :37.920 lying to her and not telling her the truth  about my relationship with the single mom.  :37.920 --> :42.960 One evening, I confessed to her about my  relationship with the single mom. She picked   :42.960 --> :47.820 up a few things and left the house angrily.  I wanted to blame her for making me do that   :47.820 --> :52.800 because if she had been available all through our  relationship, that relationship never would have   :52.800 --> :57.480 happened. It was because she was so absent  from our relationship that I was able to   :57.480 --> :02.160 start something off with her anyway. If I had to  hurry home to see my girlfriend every evening,   :02.160 --> :08.340 I would not have been in that situation. The truth  is even at that moment, I blamed my girlfriend for   :08.340 --> :14.040 pushing me into the arms of another woman. Yes,  I did feel very sorry for my actions and the   :14.040 --> :20.280 guilt was eating me up, but still, I blamed her. My ex was away for two weeks and those two weeks   :20.280 --> :22.560 were hell for me. I was underperforming at work  and was constantly sad too. Nothing was making   :22.560 --> :28.380 sense, not until she returned. We promised to  make things work and that was what she did. If   :28.380 --> :32.940 only I knew that she came back to use me to  get what she wanted out of life. I’m certain   :32.940 --> :37.620 she learned to do that from one of her friends. After my ex and I decided to work things out,   :37.620 --> :43.860 our relationship got better. We had better sex,  communicated better, and even went out more. I   :43.860 --> :48.360 had started earning more so I had enough money  to take her to the expensive chic places in the   :48.360 --> :53.280 city. My ex never mentioned the incident again and  while that ought to mean that she had forgotten   :53.280 --> :57.540 about the whole thing, it still bothered me  that she was simply not talking about it. :57.540 --> :03.780 It turned out that my girlfriend only returned  so she could use me for my connections. I never   :03.780 --> :09.300 exactly found out that it was her reason, but I  did figure that out from her actions. Since she   :09.300 --> :14.040 was my girlfriend, we went to work functions and  parties together. I introduced her to my boss,   :14.040 --> :18.840 my friends at work, and some of the famous  people I knew from work. My ex-girlfriend   :18.840 --> :24.060 was great at networking so she would manage to  mention that she was a model and was looking   :24.060 --> :29.280 for modeling gigs. That never bothered me,  I always knew she was ambitious and I had   :29.280 --> :34.380 resigned myself to just living in her shadow.  It only started to bother me when she wanted   :34.380 --> :39.000 me to talk to my boss about managing her. I did not want that because I did not want   :39.000 --> :43.728 to be put in a difficult position. I knew  how ruthless my boss could be and I did   :43.728 --> :48.060 not want to have to deal with him treating my  girlfriend in that manner, I had no interest   :48.060 --> :53.280 in mixing business with my personal life. We  had several fights about it and sometimes,   :53.280 --> :58.800 she would even accuse me of being selfish. Maybe  she was right, maybe my reasons were selfish,   :58.800 --> :03.960 but I also did not want her to get hurt or  rejected by my boss. He had a way of making   :03.960 --> :08.940 fun of people and breaking their spirits if he did  not think they were that talented. My ex may have   :08.940 --> :14.400 been the most beautiful girl in our neighborhood  but once she entered the city, she had to compete   :14.400 --> :20.520 with models who had gotten their lips done, had  breasts implanted, and were on a special diet. :20.520 --> :24.180 “I think you’re afraid to let me grow.” My ex said one day.  :24.180 --> :28.920 “What?! That is ridiculous. I’d rather not talk  about this right now, I don’t want to fight.”  :28.920 --> :32.280 “Oh, I want to fight?” I ignored her, picked   :32.280 --> :36.540 up my keys, and drove off to work. Her accusation really got to me. I   :36.540 --> :41.100 did not ever want to be known as the man who  cannot handle his woman flying, so that day,   :41.100 --> :45.540 I walked into my boss’ office and told him  that I knew someone who’d make a great model.  :45.540 --> :49.560 I mentioned her name at first and thought  he’d remember since I had introduced her   :49.560 --> :54.300 to him as my girlfriend, but he did not  remember, so I just told him she was a woman   :54.300 --> :58.200 who I thought would make a great model. “Modeling is not what it used to be,” my   :58.200 --> :02.820 boss said in his husky voice. “These  days, all actors are models, hell,   :02.820 --> :06.660 even singers are models,” he laughed. “Bring her to me,” he ordered. :06.660 --> :11.940 My ex was excited when I told her that my boss had  asked to see her. The night before she was to see   :11.940 --> :16.800 him, she had all her work lined out in a file  and said she was going to present that to him   :16.800 --> :22.140 as her portfolio. I was proud. I even helped  out in all the ways that I could. I had more   :22.140 --> :26.820 time to spare since I had taken a week off and was  going to spend it with my mom and brother at home. :26.820 --> :32.280 I still don’t know what happened in the space  of one week, but when I returned to the city,   :32.280 --> :37.920 my girlfriend had moved out and was dating  my boss. I did not understand it at all.   :37.920 --> :43.080 I knew my boss was promiscuous but I didn't  think he’d make a move on my woman. I did not   :43.080 --> :48.300 even think that he’d be interested in her seeing  as many women, actresses, and top models would   :48.300 --> :53.220 be with him even if it was for his money. I can’t recollect how I found out, I guess   :53.220 --> :58.260 my brain has filtered that out since it was too  painful but I remember confronting my ex about it.  :58.260 --> :01.860 “Don’t judge me, a girl has to  do what she has to to get ahead,”  :01.860 --> :06.420 “I don’t understand. What happened?  We were fine. Why are you doing this?”  :07.200 --> :10.200 “You cheated too, remember?  Don’t act like some saint.”  :10.200 --> :13.260 She walked away from me. I had no friends in the city   :13.260 --> :18.660 to talk to. The only one I could think of was the  single mom I had been with. She advised me to act   :18.660 --> :23.340 as though nothing was happening and keep my job. “I know enough about your girlfriend to know   :23.340 --> :26.460 that it was only a matter of time  before something like this happened.”  :26.460 --> :30.720 I agreed with her. I had always felt  like my girlfriend would slip away. I   :30.720 --> :36.780 returned to work that Monday and my boss fired me. “Obviously we have irreconcilable differences and   :36.780 --> :42.420 we can’t work together given these differences.” I was embarrassed. My girlfriend had left me for   :42.420 --> :48.000 a middle-aged divorcee. None of it made sense  to me. I stayed indoors for two weeks and did   :48.000 --> :53.820 nothing but sit still and eat nuts sometimes. As if that was not enough, I saw on tv that   :53.820 --> :59.760 he had proposed to her. I started to wonder if it  was real. Maybe he paid her to pose as his fiance,   :59.760 --> :04.500 maybe they were both playing around. He could  not possibly want to marry her in a month.  :04.500 --> :07.380 I tried to call my ex but  she had blocked my number.  :07.380 --> :13.620 In anger, I decided to send our sex tape to a  website that posted stuff like that. I did not   :13.620 --> :18.060 care that my face was in it, I just wanted  word to get out and make him leave her. My   :18.060 --> :22.860 boss had a reputation that he guarded fiercely  even though those who knew him closely knew he   :22.860 --> :27.720 was a big hypocrite. He portrayed himself as  a Christian guy who would never compromise   :27.720 --> :33.060 on his faith, but he was hugely promiscuous. When the sex tape got out, all the blogs and   :33.060 --> :37.980 magazines started to talk about it. I knew my  boss, he was selfish and only cared for himself   :37.980 --> :43.020 and his reputation. I knew he would walk away  from her and leave her to deal with her mess,   :43.020 --> :49.380 and that was precisely what he did. My ex  was so embarrassed that she went into hiding.  :49.380 --> :52.860 The last time someone mentioned her  to me, they saw her back in the town   :52.860 --> :57.780 we lived in. I do feel sorry for her and  sometimes, I feel bad about what I did,   :57.780 --> :27.600 but I guess all is fair in love and war. Ever since I was a kid, I had only one dream.   :27.600 --> :32.820 I wanted to be a supermodel. Even when I was  little, I wasn’t the type to switch from one   :32.820 --> :37.980 aspiration to the other. My brother, Julian on the  other hand, at one point, wanted to be a cowboy,   :37.980 --> :43.020 the next week, he wanted to be an astronaut.  A few days later, he wanted to be a soldier.   :43.020 --> :47.880 My parents said it was pretty normal for a child  to switch career paths a few times in their life.   :47.880 --> :53.340 This wasn’t the case for me. After the day I  saw a runway show with the 80’s supermodel,   :53.340 --> :58.140 Brooke Shields, I decided that I was going to  be a model, but growing up, it seemed that the   :58.140 --> :03.420 universe was against me making that dream a  reality. Even as a child, I was overweight.   :03.420 --> :09.720 As a twelve-year-old girl, I was weighing over one  hundred and thirty pounds. It was kind of my fault   :09.720 --> :14.460 though. During that time, I had just started to  experience puberty, and it came with some kind of   :14.460 --> :20.280 emotional turmoil. I faced more mood swings than  a bipolar person. To be honest, after some time,   :20.280 --> :26.040 I was convinced that I was also bipolar lol.  During that period, I solved, or more accurately,   :26.040 --> :31.860 distracted myself from any problem I was facing  by stuffing my face with any food I could find.   :31.860 --> :37.080 This went on for most of my teenage years, and  by the time I became self-aware enough to notice   :37.080 --> :40.920 what was happening, the damage was already  done. Bye bye beach slash bikini body, and   :40.920 --> :47.040 hello XXL clothes and double seats on airplanes.  (well, I never needed double seats on airplanes,   :47.040 --> :52.380 a little exaggeration, but you get my point). Now I’m not gonna lie, this got me down for a   :52.380 --> :58.200 long time. I hated myself for what I had done,  but how did I manage my depression? I ate more   :58.200 --> :04.140 and more and a few more. By the time I left high  school, I wasn’t just plus-sized, I was inching   :04.140 --> :09.420 towards obese. It was the summer holiday before  college that I decided that it was time to get   :09.420 --> :14.640 my shit together. I started by deferring college  for a year. (My dad’s restaurant needed all the   :14.640 --> :19.920 help he could get, and he was paying me, which  is a plus). I only worked part time, because the   :19.920 --> :24.960 whole reason I deferred for a year was to get  enough time to work on myself. I joined a gym   :24.960 --> :31.080 and worked my ass off to lose the weight. But the  crazy thing is that it’s easy to destroy stuff,   :31.080 --> :36.000 but ten times harder to build it back up.  Losing the weight, and getting a good body   :36.000 --> :40.920 was a difficult hill to climb, and due to the  fact that I was quite addicted to junk food,   :40.920 --> :45.900 it made the whole process a whole lot harder.  By the end of the year, I was able to lose only   :45.900 --> :51.720 twenty pounds. It was very underwhelming progress  for the amount of work I put in, but my dad was   :51.720 --> :57.120 able to convince me that no progress is wasted. I finally left home by the end of my deferment   :57.120 --> :02.400 and started as a freshman. I used the money  I saved up from working for my dad to get an   :02.400 --> :07.560 apartment away from campus. I didn’t like the  college accommodation for anything. I didn’t   :07.560 --> :12.180 want to spend all my savings on the apartment  alone, so I opted to get a roommate to share   :12.180 --> :18.000 the bills with. Best decision of my life, because  that was how I met my best friend till this day,   :18.000 --> :24.480 Reneé. Reneé was a sophomore-year student of  literature, while I was studying business. We   :24.480 --> :30.240 had lots of things in common, like our love for  books, fashion, and anime. The fashion part was   :30.240 --> :36.060 what we bonded on the most. She liked to watch  runway shows, advertising new season wears from   :36.060 --> :42.060 mainstream fashion houses. While I also liked to  see the clothes, I mostly studied the models, what   :42.060 --> :46.680 they looked like, and how they moved and carried  themselves. During our first few months together,   :46.680 --> :52.020 I didn’t tell Reneé I aspired to become a model.  Because of my weight, I had stopped telling   :52.020 --> :57.780 people. I expected that they’d look at me and just  burst out laughing. This isn’t something I just   :57.780 --> :03.180 built up in my head. It’s something that actually  happened. Back in high school, I and a group of   :03.180 --> :07.920 people were talking about where we saw ourselves  after school. I had enough confidence to tell   :07.920 --> :12.900 them because I considered them my friends. Even  though we weren’t close, we were still friends.  :12.900 --> :17.940 As soon as I told them I wanted to become a  model, they all laughed and told me how stupid   :17.940 --> :23.340 it sounded. Since that time, I stopped telling  people, for fear that they would also laugh at me.  :23.340 --> :28.140 But that wasn’t the case with Reneé. One night  after having one too many drinks at a mutual   :28.140 --> :33.420 friend’s house party, we came back home to watch  a runway show. I was not too drunk that I could   :33.420 --> :38.760 follow the whole show, and just drunk enough  to reveal my deepest darkest secrets to Reneé.   :38.760 --> :44.280 I pointed to one of the runway models and told  Renee that I wanted to be just like her. Renee   :44.280 --> :49.560 didn’t understand at first, but then I went into  detail about how it had always been my life long   :49.560 --> :55.920 dream to become one of the models I see on TV. She  told me to go for it, and that I had the charisma   :55.920 --> :02.160 needed to be a successful model. This time, I was  the one doing the laughing. I asked her if she had   :02.160 --> :07.380 seen me and that there was no one in the world who  would accept me as a model, because I was too big.  :07.380 --> :12.000 She shrugged, telling me that she thought  I looked just fine. The world was changing,   :12.000 --> :17.460 and society was being a lot more open and  accepting to people who were plus sized. She   :17.460 --> :23.160 explained further, telling me that the only place  where limitations live was in my head, and if I   :23.160 --> :28.860 can overcome that obstacle, I can do anything. I was pretty drunk that night, but I perfectly   :28.860 --> :34.020 understood all she was talking about. I hadn’t  gone to the gym since I resumed college, but   :34.020 --> :39.960 the next day after the party, I enrolled at a gym  nearby. Reneé, being the perfect friend she was,   :39.960 --> :45.180 enrolled in the gym too. She didn’t need  to, because she already had a banging body,   :45.180 --> :51.120 but she did it to show her support. We started  to go together three times a week. Not just that,   :51.120 --> :56.520 she also cut down on the amount of junk food she  ate, so it’ll give me no reason to fall back into   :56.520 --> :02.460 old habits. I started to see slow progress in my  overall health within the next few months. I lost   :02.460 --> :08.820 some weight and the threat of obesity was gone. Now, this isn’t a grass to grace story. It’s not   :08.820 --> :13.920 a montage of me hitting the gym and working  hand and finally achieving the perfect beach   :13.920 --> :19.140 type body. Till today, I’m still plus sized,  and still working out at the gym to be better.   :19.140 --> :24.300 But then the progress was visible, and I  had so much self confidence in what I had   :24.300 --> :29.280 achieved. A few weeks after I got to sophomore  year, I came home from a three hour class,   :29.280 --> :35.280 and I was just about ready to crawl up in bed  and sleep off. As soon as I closed my eyes,   :35.280 --> :41.580 hoping to open them in Neverland, Reneé burst  into the house. She hurried over to my bed,   :41.580 --> :47.640 shaking me awake. I was just about ready to rip  her head off when she handed me a flier. It was   :47.640 --> :53.280 an ad for a beauty pageant, held in school. They  did one every year, But I didn’t apply last year   :53.280 --> :59.940 for plus sized reasons. I told Reneé that I wasn’t  interested, but before I even stated my reasons,   :59.940 --> :04.620 (which were a bunch of crap excuses I made up  to avoid contesting), she told me she already   :04.620 --> :11.100 signed me up, and there was no going back. I had  no choice. It was real now, and I had to do well.  :11.100 --> :16.140 The campus pageant was just like a learning  experience for me. I didn’t expect to come out   :16.140 --> :21.300 of nowhere and just win it on the first try.  I did pretty well though, and even the judges   :21.300 --> :26.820 said so. I got to the top ten, and When I got  disqualified, one recruiter collected my number.   :26.820 --> :31.860 I didn’t think too much of it until one day, she  called and asked if I’d be free to come over to   :31.860 --> :37.320 her office in a few day's time. I said sure, and  that I’d love to. I couldn’t sleep well in the   :37.320 --> :42.420 days leading to that meeting. It was all falling  to place and working out in ways I didn’t expect.  :42.420 --> :48.960 I went to her office, and she explained that I had  everything needed to be a model in her agency. She   :48.960 --> :53.820 explained that she was in charge of a lot of other  models, and she helps them source for jobs to work   :53.820 --> :59.460 on. She had lots of famous models she was working  with and I was about to become one of them.   :59.460 --> :04.560 She gave me a contract to sign and asked me to  take a few days to read through and think about   :04.560 --> :10.020 it. I was a student of business, so I pretty much  understood what the contract said. I signed it   :10.020 --> :15.780 right there, and I officially became a model under  the agency. (forgive me, but I won’t be able to   :15.780 --> :21.900 divulge the name of the agency). Anyways, since I  was the newest recruit, I had to take on most of   :21.900 --> :28.380 the minor, not so well paying jobs, just for the  experience and exposure. The hours were crappy,   :28.380 --> :33.240 and the photographers could be A-holes sometimes,  but I loved every moment of it. The job was   :33.240 --> :38.580 everything I dreamed of, and I haven’t even gotten  to the fun part yet. (The fashion runway part).  :38.580 --> :42.840 Anyways, I kept it up month after month,  and I started to get better at modeling.   :42.840 --> :47.700 They were even offering a course in runway  modeling which I paid utmost attention to.  :47.700 --> :53.460 One other thing helped me. The recruiters and most  of the makeup and set crew liked me. They said   :53.460 --> :58.620 I was a breath of fresh air because most of the  other models were so stuck up and self-centered,   :58.620 --> :03.360 and they usually gave them a hard time. At  first, when I joined, they all thought my   :03.360 --> :08.580 behavior was an act, and I was going to show  my true colors soon, but that didn’t happen.  :08.580 --> :13.920 Because of this, the agents preferred to recommend  me for more jobs, knowing fully well that I can   :13.920 --> :19.140 represent the agency better than some others.  One day, there was an opening for a job at a   :19.140 --> :24.420 runway fashion show, and my agent called me. I  still had a few weeks to go before I’m qualified   :24.420 --> :30.060 to take runway show jobs, but to my surprise, she  added me to the shortlist of models that would be   :30.060 --> :35.820 picked for the job. I was beyond excited, and  even though I didn’t want to get my hopes up,   :35.820 --> :41.160 I couldn’t sleep without imagining myself  on the stage, strutting across the runway   :41.160 --> :46.260 while the critics nod their heads in approval. The agency invited all the models who made the   :46.260 --> :50.820 shortlist to a meeting, and that was like the  first time I was meeting some of these models   :50.820 --> :56.760 up close. Needless to say, I was pretty nervous.  I arrived early for the meeting and I walked into   :56.760 --> :02.100 the waiting room. I sat beside one of the other  models. Her name is Brianna. I have seen her in   :02.100 --> :07.500 a few Style magazines, and even though she wasn’t  as famous as lot of other models, but she was way   :07.500 --> :13.620 ahead of me. I said hi, which she doesn’t return.  She asks me what I was doing there, and I told her   :13.620 --> :19.200 I made the shortlist, and I was being considered  for the runway model gig. She took one look at me   :19.200 --> :24.840 then snickered and laughed. She said there was no  way in hell I got the job because I was too fat.  :24.840 --> :30.480 I wasn’t expecting any form of approval from  this lady, but her calling me fat, hurt me way   :30.480 --> :35.700 more than I expected it to. She even went further  to say that it wasn’t possible for me to fit into   :35.700 --> :40.560 the clothes the brand wanted to showcase. At  this point, I stood up from my seat and went   :40.560 --> :46.380 to the restroom to calm myself. I was so close  to tears, but I wasn’t going to be brought to   :46.380 --> :51.960 my knees because of the words of some brain dead  bimbo. I attended the meeting with my head held   :51.960 --> :57.360 high and went home. I told Reneé what happened  and even though she was just as pissed as I was,   :57.360 --> :03.120 she told me that I was going to experience more  body shaming as I went up the ladder of my career.   :03.120 --> :09.120 That said, she vowed that I was going to get  a spot on the runway show. We spent time after   :09.120 --> :14.400 classes doing some training, and I went double  time on my runway course. By the next meeting,   :14.400 --> :19.920 which was the time for the audition, I went to my  friends in the makeup crew and told them about the   :19.920 --> :26.220 model who body shamed me. They were outraged, and  even told me to report the issue to management. I   :26.220 --> :30.840 didn’t want to because I didn’t want to be known  as a trouble maker. Also, I didn’t want the other   :30.840 --> :36.420 models to hear about it, giving them a reason to  dislike me too. One of the camera crew, Fred, said   :36.420 --> :42.300 that if I wasn’t going to say anything, he was  going to. Apparently, Brianna had been rude to him   :42.300 --> :47.880 too on different occasions, and he has had just  about enough. I told him not to say anything, but   :47.880 --> :53.160 the look on his face told me that he wasn’t going  to listen. Anyways, I left the crew when the final   :53.160 --> :58.800 auditions were held. After we all did our thing,  we were called to the stage and right there,   :58.800 --> :04.440 the recruiter who brought me into the agency  called Brianna and asked her to step off the   :04.440 --> :10.860 stage. She was disqualified immediately, and the  recruiter proceeded with a rant, telling everyone   :10.860 --> :17.100 about how body shaming would not be tolerated in  the agency, no matter how talented the model is,   :17.100 --> :23.700 she would be punished. I’ve never felt so  surprised and grateful in my entire life for   :23.700 --> :28.080 the people who were standing up for me even when  I didn’t have the strength to stand up for myself.  :28.080 --> :32.580 I was chosen as one of the models for  the runway show, and after that time,   :32.580 --> :37.920 Brianna apologized for her behavior,  and she never made fun of me ever again.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeAMODELCALLEDMEFATRedditStories
:02.960 --> :12.368 Warning, this is a long story but I promise  it is worth the read. Names and countries   :12.368 --> :19.040 have been changed, some aspects of the  story I am omitting as it is far too   :19.040 --> :23.840 traumatic to myself and his  victims. TLDR at bottom. :23.840 --> :28.560 About 22 years ago my mom got a frantic  call from my uncles best friend to say   :28.560 --> :33.120 he had been arrested. Apparently an ex  girlfriend had accused him of rape but   :33.120 --> :36.320 she was just being vindictive  because he broke up with her. :36.320 --> :42.480 My uncle, Chad, is obviously innocent. We all love  him, he is our charismatic, friendly, outgoing,   :42.480 --> :47.600 loving uncle. He would never hurt anyone.  The family all send money for legal fees,   :47.600 --> :52.480 they are in France, we are in South Africa (this  is true because it is all over my profile). The   :52.480 --> :57.440 best friend sends us all the updates, noone ever  thought to google anything, we were getting it   :57.440 --> :03.280 from the source. He was found guilty and the  family was devastated. We all send money for   :03.280 --> :08.960 an appeal. This goes on for 2 years and then we  get the call that he has been found innocent and   :08.960 --> :14.960 released. After his release he meets Lucy, who is  originally from Canada. Lucy is lovely, comes from   :14.960 --> :20.320 money (in a very big way). He is so charming and  convincing they are married in less than 8 months,   :20.320 --> :25.840 huge wedding in France. Then suddenly they are  having separate honeymoons?!? He was going to   :25.840 --> :30.560 "honeymoon" in his home country, Namibia, and  she was going to Canada. They would then meet   :30.560 --> :35.520 up in Brazil. He stayed Namibia for a couple  of days and then partied with us in SA.   :36.320 --> :40.240 We teased him that he took his wife's  surname, he said that is what she wanted,   :40.240 --> :46.160 she is the boss. Hahaha! And then he cheated on  his wife!!!!! I was floored! I had looked up to   :46.160 --> :52.560 him all these years and he cheated on his wife  on their separate honeymoons! I was disgusted! :52.560 --> :57.200 I see him once after that, he tells me he  is unhappy in his marriage blah blah blah.   :57.200 --> :02.800 He now has two children. I honestly couldn't  care less! Then 6 years ago I get a message   :02.800 --> :08.720 from him. He is getting divorced, he is coming  to SA, can he crash on the couch. I say sure,   :08.720 --> :13.680 he is still family, I haven't seen him  in maybe 10 years, maybe he has changed. :13.680 --> :17.680 He arrives and we have a blast.  He hits it off with my fiance,   :17.680 --> :22.400 he is funny and happy, like a weight had  been lifted off his shoulders. He tells me   :22.400 --> :27.280 they were both cheating. The relationship  was extremely volatile, they were always   :27.280 --> :32.160 fighting and on edge. They are toxic for  each other. She is a total control freak! :32.160 --> :38.187 He is on Tinder and hooking up, on the prowl. He  leaves for a couple months to travel around SA (it   :38.187 --> :43.467 is an extremely beautiful and diverse country).  Comes back, leaves again. We don't mind, he   :43.467 --> :49.120 is fun to have around. One of the weeks he is in  town, he meets my friend Jane. Jane is a gorgeous,   :49.120 --> :55.840 wild, fun, out there. They hit it off instantly.  He asks her out for a drink, she says yes. :55.840 --> :00.560 She tells me the next day that they were having a  great time but they must have drank a lot because   :00.560 --> :05.200 she can't remember much of the evening. She  vaguely remembers Chad going home with her,   :05.200 --> :10.880 they must have had sex, she just can't  remember. This is not unusual behavior for Jane,   :10.880 --> :14.640 she has a chronic drinking problem.  She will get drunk and go home with men   :14.640 --> :19.040 all the time. I have learnt the hard way  not to bring this up. Also, we are all 40+,   :19.600 --> :24.880 I am not going to start telling other adults how  to live their lives. I am definitely not a Saint. :24.880 --> :30.160 2 days later Chad has to fly back to Namibia  and calls Jane from the airport. We are sitting   :30.160 --> :36.160 together having lunch. Chad says that he is  so glad he has photographic momentos of their   :36.160 --> :43.200 time together. She is confused. He then sends  her all these nude photos of her, unconscious,   :43.200 --> :49.680 laying on the bed. Put in different positions. She  just starts crying. She doesn't show them to me   :49.680 --> :55.760 (I am sent them at a later stage). She tell him  to delete them immediately, he laughs!!! She is   :55.760 --> :01.200 furious and embarrassed. She starts reflecting  on the evening, trying to remember details.   :01.200 --> :06.440 She digs through her handbag and finds the receipt  (cheap bastard "left" his wallet at home). 2   :06.440 --> :12.720 x gin and tonic and 2 x tequila. Definitely not  enough to get a seasoned drinker black out drunk. :12.720 --> :18.240 I am furious, Jane is furious! For some  reason I think about his rape conviction   :18.240 --> :23.440 and Google his name. Holy shit! I  wish I had done this 20 years ago.   :23.440 --> :29.760 At the top of the Google search: Namibian  Rapist released from jail in political blunder. :29.760 --> :35.840 We read this article in silent shock. The truth:  Two years before being caught and convicted he met   :35.840 --> :42.320 a woman in a nightclub, drugged her drink, took  her home, took naked photos of her and then raped   :42.320 --> :48.800 her. She went to the police the next day, luckily  there was DNA. Two years later he gets arrested   :48.800 --> :54.480 for drinking and driving, they take his DNA and  bam, it's a match to the rape, they have all the   :54.480 --> :59.120 surveillance footage and the photos on his phone!  Easy conviction, even though he had tried to   :59.120 --> :04.960 convince the courts they were dating and she was  a jilted lover! Can I stop for a moment to puke! :04.960 --> :10.880 His story about being innocent and released is  all bullshit. Some politician who was trying to   :10.880 --> :16.720 make a name for himself decided to release  100 non violent criminals. Chad got on the   :16.720 --> :21.360 list somehow. About 8 months later they  realised their mistake, rearrested him   :21.360 --> :27.600 and extradited him back to Namibia, hence the  "separate" honeymoons. While in Namibia he changed   :27.600 --> :33.040 his name and took his wife's surname so he could  get into Canada, they don't take convicted felons. :33.040 --> :39.840 I tell Jane we need to go to the police, she says  absolutely not! She has dealt with SA police with   :39.840 --> :46.240 rape before and it is worse than the actual  event! I tell her I know someone, ex policeman,   :46.240 --> :51.840 who can help her. We end up getting into a  huge fight, she blames me for introducing them,   :51.840 --> :56.240 she has had a couple of drinks on top  of this devastating realization, slaps   :56.240 --> :03.280 me through the face and leaves the restaurant. I  am beyond furious, I am murderous, towards Chad! :03.280 --> :05.840 I send him a message saying that  I know he had drugged and raped my   :05.840 --> :11.760 friend and I know about his real past. He  is despicable and disgusting. His response:   :12.320 --> :17.440 I am so over your drama, does this look like she  is drugged? And then proceeds to send me all the   :17.440 --> :23.520 naked photos of my friend! I am physically ill,  noone wants to see photos of their friend like   :23.520 --> :29.280 that. She refuses to take my calls and that day  was the beginning of the end of our friendship. :29.280 --> :35.760 I am haunted! This consumes my thoughts day and  night. I decide to message his wife. I say, I am   :35.760 --> :41.440 so sorry about your divorce and tell her all the  shit he has said about her. Are you sitting down?   :41.440 --> :46.720 There is no divorce! They are having issues with  his infidelity but he promised it would never   :46.720 --> :53.200 happen again. He has a therapist who has advised  that he should come to SA to "find himself". I   :53.200 --> :58.640 tell her exactly how he is finding himself. She  breaks down and tells me everything, from him   :58.640 --> :03.920 sexually harassing the live in aupairs, hiding  cameras in their bathroom to film them showering,   :03.920 --> :08.160 getting one of them pregnant (there was a  huge court case because he denied it was his   :08.160 --> :13.760 and refused to take a DNA test, court made him  take the test and he is the father). She sends   :13.760 --> :20.320 me all the affidavits, court papers, report from  the therapist etc. She also sent me screenshots   :20.320 --> :26.320 of their conversations. Message upon message of  him saying how much he misses her and how this   :26.320 --> :32.080 trip will save their marriage. He misses her  more and more every day. All the while telling   :32.080 --> :37.840 us that she is crazy, abusive, controlling  and cheated on him with his best friend.   :37.840 --> :44.720 Spoiler alert, there is no therapist. He created a  fake Gmail account and sent "reports" to his wife   :44.720 --> :50.880 on his progress. The "therapist" basically said  she must forgive him for his infidelity because   :50.880 --> :56.320 he had a traumatic childhood and he is actually  a super nice guy. "If I wasn't his therapist,   :56.320 --> :01.200 he would be my best friend." I kid you not,  that was in the report!! I am not sure if his   :01.200 --> :06.560 wife was just really gullible or hopeful but  I saw it the minute I open the 1st email. I   :06.560 --> :11.040 mean the idiot even made the same spelling  mistakes and used the same colloquialism. :11.040 --> :15.280 I plot and plan, what is the worst  possible thing I can do it him?   :15.280 --> :22.240 I am all consumed! In SA you can pay someone  for anything! But I am a big believer of Karma   :22.240 --> :28.080 so I know I can't use any nefarious means. I  realise I have copies of all of his documents,   :28.080 --> :33.040 passports (Namibia and Canada), his  ID (with his original name on it),   :33.040 --> :37.920 bank statements (showing he had loads of money,  he was supposed to send money home to his wife.   :37.920 --> :42.560 Before he left he took the proceeds of a car  they sold. It was meant for the farm but he   :42.560 --> :48.240 told her he needed it for his sabbatical. He  would flip cars in SA and double the money). :48.240 --> :53.440 Then I remember, he changed his name and  took her surname so he could get into Canada!   :53.440 --> :58.160 So for about a year I went backwards and  forwards in my head. Do I report him to   :58.160 --> :03.280 the Canadian Immigration? What will be the  repercussions? I was troubled and torn. I am   :03.280 --> :08.160 not a malicious person. I was still fucked  off and felt like I needed to do something,   :08.160 --> :14.320 I am a person of action. Then I heard he had done  the same thing to someone extremely close to me,   :14.320 --> :20.640 Annie, during the same period as Jane, she only  remembered a year later after extensive therapy. :20.640 --> :26.560 So I sat down in front of my laptop and wrote  the most detailed, factual, devastating letter   :26.560 --> :32.800 of my life. My hands shook the entire time. I  put it all in there, the French rape with links   :32.800 --> :38.000 to all the newspaper articles, screenshots  of messages to me (blanked out) showing he   :38.000 --> :44.960 is distributing naked pictures without consent  (illegal in SA as well but not much enforcement),   :44.960 --> :49.760 a full timeline of his life, highlighting  his name change to deliberately deceive the   :49.760 --> :56.000 Canadian immigration. I made it very clear in my  letter (report) that his behavior had escalated,   :56.000 --> :01.680 without recourse. I did not include the affidavits  or correspondence from his wife. Even though she   :01.680 --> :08.000 knew of his deception, I didn't want her to get  into trouble. I pressed send and got very drunk! :08.000 --> :13.600 It was 100% anonymous so I never got  a response. I just carried on my life   :13.600 --> :18.320 and helped Annie get better. Jane and my  friendship deteriorated beyond repair.   :18.320 --> :21.840 She deliberately started dating my  brother and has turned him against me   :21.840 --> :26.160 (that is a whole other messed up story that I  might write about one day, when it stops hurting). :26.160 --> :30.880 I only told Annie what I did this year. I  have kept it a secret for about 3 years.   :30.880 --> :36.720 I know he has not been able to go back to Canada  at all! Banned for life! Part of me feels sorry   :36.720 --> :41.760 for his kids and bigger part of me thinks I  did them a favour, especially his daughter,   :41.760 --> :48.560 who he had started sexualising (saying things  like, isn't she sexy for a 13 year old, you   :48.560 --> :55.040 can see the hot woman she will become etc. Puke a  thousand times). The aupair that he got pregnant   :55.040 --> :02.240 was only 18! I am friends with his ex wife on FB.  She is (Facebook) happy. New guy, kids are happy. :02.960 --> :35.120 If you got this far, thank you for reading! The  end result of this story, which I will tell you   :35.120 --> :40.400 upfront, is that we lost the ability to order  from several local Pizza-Huts ...for lyfe... :40.400 --> :44.400 Used to we had a phone number that was  very similar to a Pizza-Hut, their number   :45.680 --> :52.720 was (555)455-5575 and ours was (555)455-5515.  Now these two numbers are commonly mixed up   :52.720 --> :57.040 for obvious reasons. This was back before  the days of cellphones and everyone having   :57.040 --> :01.680 their own personal number, and we actually  had to get a caller ID because of this. :01.680 --> :06.960 For years we had this Pizza-Huts client base  call our house (about 50/50 split sober/drunk)   :07.840 --> :14.080 and order pizzas. The thing is people WILL NOT  LISTEN when you tell them "Sorry wrong number"   :14.080 --> :19.520 we would have drunk people call back 4-5 times  and then begin screaming into the phone "I KNOW   :19.520 --> :24.800 THIS IS A FUCKING PIZZAHUT YOU ASSHOLE!" or  "GIVE ME THE NUMBER OR I'LL KICK YOUR ASS." :24.800 --> :29.600 This was pretty normal and the pizza hut was  even aware of this and profusely apologized   :29.600 --> :32.800 when we would call them. (Never  giving us anything for free though,   :32.800 --> :36.480 despite the massive inconvenience  of the phone ringing off the hook.) :36.480 --> :41.120 Well Pizza Hut Corporate then pays for  an advertisement on paper, bill-board,   :41.120 --> :45.280 and phone book. And guess what?  They botched the number they put   :45.280 --> :49.280 OUR number on the things for the phone  number as one of the locations in our   :49.280 --> :54.960 town for Pizza Huts pizza. Why? Because  1's and 7's are the same number apparently. :54.960 --> :01.440 The phone calls we get FUCKING EXPLODES. It  goes from like 3-5 phone calls a day to like   :01.440 --> :06.720 100-200. Initially we were directing  people with a message that simply said   :06.720 --> :12.080 "THIS IS NOT PIZZA HUT! THEIR NUMBER IS XXXXXXXX"  It didn't end. We would get calls with people   :12.080 --> :17.680 screaming into the voice recording "I WANT A  FUCKING PIZZA THIS IS BULLSHIT I'M GOING TO KILL   :17.680 --> :23.040 WHOEVER DOESN'T ANSWER THIS FUCKING PHONE!"  (Aren't boomers great? We got that shit all   :23.040 --> :28.400 the time from older people.) I cannot tell you  how many times I've been told to kill myself for   :28.400 --> :34.320 trying to direct someone to the correct place,  and for some FUCKING reason no one EVER listens. :34.320 --> :38.000 Well upon this happening my Dad  calls into the pizza hut and says   :38.000 --> :44.160 "look, all we want is to not have to change our  number. If you guys will PLEASE change yours,   :44.160 --> :50.000 or pay for ours to be changed (it was like a 10  dollar convince fee or some shit.) we will stop   :50.000 --> :55.120 getting your damned phone calls." The manager  cussed my Dad, who had him on speaker phone,   :55.120 --> :59.520 calling him shit load of names  and for "getting him bad reviews"   :59.520 --> :04.640 as well as losing customers to his branch,  which is locally owned. What a fucking joke.   :04.640 --> :10.880 Its costing their business a solid 10 grand EASY  over a phone number why not JUST CHANGE IT? IDK. :11.600 --> :17.280 My Dad looks at the phone, hangs up and says  "Ok asshole, you want to be like that about it?" :17.280 --> :23.440 My dad then instructs My 17 year old self (and  my sister) to take all calls from now on. If   :23.440 --> :28.080 it rings pick it up, take the order, and say  "Ok your pizza should be there in (1.5 hours)"   :28.880 --> :34.240 Then when they call back to tell them "Sorry the  driver just left." and if they call back a third   :34.240 --> :39.280 time say "Well I can get you on the phone with  my manager but hes probably going to kick your   :39.280 --> :44.960 ass if you keep complaining." And then switch the  phone with someone else and have them say "Listen   :44.960 --> :50.480 here bitch, you aren't getting your pizza and  we are keeping your money, fucking get over it." :50.480 --> :52.880 Or something along those lines anyway. :52.880 --> :58.320 Two weeks pass and my Dad tries to get said Pizza  Hut to change our number for free. Never pointing   :58.320 --> :03.360 out that they fucked up their ad, as apparently  they were completely oblivious to this fact.   :03.360 --> :08.080 Again the manager screams at my Dad saying "I  don't have the money to change your fucking   :08.080 --> :12.800 number!" We even tried calling OTHER pizza  huts to get the issue resolved, and their   :12.800 --> :19.680 corporate with no real luck. Fair enough, its  game on time now bitch why? For two reasons   :19.680 --> :25.280 1. My dad got a phone with a transfer button  and 2. Because summer was rolling around, and   :25.280 --> :30.800 me and my sister loved fucking with people over  this. It was a really bad influence on us tbh. :31.520 --> :34.720 We fielded phone calls every day all day long,   :34.720 --> :39.360 we had friends come over and they loved partaking  in the same thing. We had a general plan: :40.320 --> :42.960 Every other call would get a pizza "delivery" :43.920 --> :48.400 On the other calls we would get them really  pissed off talking shit to them and saying   :48.400 --> :53.200 "Ok do you want to speak with my manager?"  And just cold transfer them to the pizza hut. :53.200 --> :59.120 It took 6 more weeks of us doing this, and the  pizza hut closed. A few weeks before they closed   :59.120 --> :04.960 we got a phone call from pizza hut corporate who  more or less threatened us with a cease and desist   :04.960 --> :09.440 sounded like they didn't really understand  what was actually happening as it accused us   :09.440 --> :14.320 of "stealing their phone calls." LMFAO. We called  their corporate and explained what was going on,   :14.320 --> :19.760 and even played our recordings of talking with  them before about the issue and ignoring us.   :19.760 --> :25.120 All they said is "You had better stop! This is  ILLEGAL!" over and over. We didn't stop. They   :25.120 --> :30.000 were aware of what was going on and didn't want to  do anything about it because to fix their FUBAR. :30.000 --> :34.720 A few weeks after the owner lost his job he  called our house and was trying to argue with   :34.720 --> :40.240 my Dad about how "bad of a person he was  because I lost money, and got my ass beat   :40.240 --> :45.840 several times." ...apparently we had pissed a  few people off so bad they actually went in and   :45.840 --> :52.080 attacked him and other staff... To this day it  cracks me up that a company can be so oblivious,   :52.080 --> :57.200 and is the single reason I don't believe we  live in anything close to a "Meritocracy"   :57.200 --> :01.200 anyone in this position who has any  merit would instantly change the number,   :01.200 --> :06.880 but not a corporation who has money to sue, and  not a middle manager who has an ego problem.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeMYUNCLEDRGEDMYFRIENDSRedditStoriesen
what is the most awkward moment you've ever had on my birthday I was living with my stepparents my stepdad knowing I had never really had a real birthday party promised me we'd have one since the previous one my other stepmom he remarried twice before this turned out so horrible that I insisted I didn't want one for years after that this is another birthday I seem to have a lot of bad luck when it comes to these which bugs my boyfriend to know an whenever he tries to do something I just have this version to them now the Stepmom for some reason stopped liking me she was also a few months pregnant as it was getting close to my birthday my stepmom became progressively more and more angry at me I found out why later but at that time she was nitpicking everything even stuff I didn't do at one point my stepdad forgot to hang a washcloth from the tap so she took it when it was soaking wet stuffed it into my laptop and closeth said laptop thankfully a b of run and 72 hours of it being turned off resulted in no damage on my birthday I woke up to find her sick and complaining of worse than usual cramps eventually it got so bad that we took her to the hospital after waiting a few hours the doctor came out and told us that she had taken something that induced a pregnancy loss the doctor then took us into a room where there was a psychiatrist and a counselor they explained that they wanted to keep her under observation for the next few days they explained it to my stepdad who eventually told me that she did it because it was my birthday she didn't want me to have one apparently so she did it to get attention the party was cancelled and I locked myself up in my bedroom going over all the things I might have done wrong to make her hate me so much considering that back in January we seemed to be really on good terms we laughed and talked about a lot of stuff we had family outings maybe my grades weren't good enough maybe I did something to upset her I still don't know after a few days she came home and demanded that she and my stepdad go out to a resort to relax without me I was a bit upset and when my stepdad came in and told me he'd have to cancel the party again and that I wouldn't be having one because it upset her too much I got angry and started yelling my grandparents living down the street let me stay for the evening with them so I could cool off but out of nowhere my stepdad pulled a quote unquote party in the backyard there was a grocery store cake and some family members came over at the last minute I really appreciated it and I felt kind of bad because my stepdad had to deal with my stepmom and me being angry so he was stuck in the middle of it all out of nowhere though my stepmom came down to join the party as we were cutting the cake she immediately screamed that I couldn't be trusted with a sharp object and demanded that it be taken away from me she went on for several minutes with various family members telling her off before she broke down and started crying about how everyone was against her so I handed the knife over to my grandpa after this we were opening gifts and for every gift she didn't like or want me to have she made some massive excuse about why I couldn't have it eventually I was told to leave my own birthday party because my stepmom wanted to talk to my family alone it turns out she just wanted to sit and have beers with them after they found out she didn't want to talk about anything important my family members came into the house and hung out with me a little more my stepmom so upset by this flipped the table in the backyard threw all the dishes and food on the ground and demanded everyone leave the house which I had to clean up after by the way my poor stepdad though I feel horrible he had divorced several times before this and I was the closest thing he had to a son he wanted to try and make this relationship work so he allowed himself to become whipped and broken it was the most awkward thing in the world to be told I wasn't allowed to be at my own birthday party the whole situation was awkward and horrible now every time that our family get togethers me and my stepmom act like nothing's happened but there is this air of awkwardness and hate she's apparently calmed down much more now that she's on meds and even has a kid now that the both of them are raising very well she however insists that I can't call her my sister which makes it even more Awkward yeah so this was incredibly awkward and extreme like holy crap what what a stepmom actually sounds like op has a bad history of having bad stepmoms can anybody guess what he might have wish for after blowing out the candles on his birthday cake mhm story two I dated a girl for like 3 years in college and Liv with her for two of those years her father had never liked me and never really talked to me I was a year older and after graduating I stayed behind for a year to live with her while we figured out our future the week of her college graduation her extended family was in town to celebrate they had two fancy dinner reservations two nights in a row work prevented me from going the first night which I was invited to and the second night I hadn't been invited my girlfriend called her aunt who had made the reservations and was told it was an oversight and of course I could come the night of the dinner my girlfriend's mom and dad show up to pick her up and I walk out with her and we get in the car her parents were obviously Whispering very quickly with each other as I walked to the car and then said uh so you're coming we only had reservations for a set number my girlfriend explained how the aunt added one to the reservation and we got in the car and started driving my girlfriend had brought along some picture albums to show from a trip and they were too big for the back seat where we were so we stopped a ways down the road and I got out and put them in the trunk as I got out of the car I saw that the father was talking very fast to my girlfriend and her mom I got back in and the father started driving super slow finally he stopped at a stop sign put the car in park turned around and looked looked at me he said hey this is a family dinner you aren't family you weren't supposed to be invited I sat there in silence for what seemed like forever but was probably like 15 seconds I said uh so should I get out of the car he said yes I got out and he sped off and I walked home so to finish the story they never made it to dinner my girlfriend stuck up for me and her father yelled at her he said she had to break up with me or he'd never speak to her again and he was the kind of guy to follow through on that sort of thing he had already cut ties with most of his family for stupid reasons the next day she graduated from college came home and broke up with me oh and it wasn't very far that I had to walk back maybe a mile anyway in hindsight the father had made her promise not to date anyone and to focus on her studies so he hated me before he met me and that was pretty evident from the moment I met him the conversation that happened in the car very well may have been the most he'd spoken or looked at me since I started dating his daughter he l literally wouldn't give me the time a day his wife was just a shell of a human being she couldn't think or Act without asking him and basically just pared whatever he said it was actually really sad my ex and I kept in touch for a couple of years after we are still Facebook friends but have not talked in a couple of years I'm happily in love with an amazing girl who I've been dating for over 2 years and I'm very glad things have worked out the way they did I wish I had done something Incredible or Noble or just something when all the stuff went went down but it happened so fast that I was just numb and Shell Shocked by the entire thing I walked home called my buddy up went to his place had some beers and played Medal of Honor Story three I used to babysit when I was in high school it was her birthday and her dad invited me I bought her a stuffed snake since she was into snakes and some helium balloons I showed up a few minutes early in case the parents needed some free babysitting while they set up when I got there nobody was there except the mom and the kid so I played with her and supervised while the mom ignored my existence which was cool since she scared me anyway about an hour went by and things were getting a bit awkward nobody was showing up and I was in their house being in the way but leaving now would be rude so I waited around finally the kids and family showed up the kids were upstairs and all these adults were sitting around the living room nobody acknowledged that I was there I smiled and tried to say hi but people just kind of looked away so I stood in a corner by the stairs waiting to be thanked so I could leave about another hour went by and I was just standing right there in the corner of the room about 5 ft away from everyone awkward as heck the dad showed up and he stood right next to me staring into space and sipping a beer I tried to chat with him but he just nodded and stared off into space ignored by the rest of the people as well finally I was thinking forget this so I announced I had to go and everyone just stared for a second then turned away so I just walked out of their house no thank you no bye no hello no offer of food or drink no offer to sit down yeah that's super awkward I guess a dad invited him or her to take some of the pressure off who knows but the dude was just staring off into space anyway after something like that would you go back to babysitting for them for me I think twice about it story four 5 years ago I had to have back surgery after a collision with an inicated driver my mother had never liked my girlfriend of four years very much my college educated well-mannered nonsubstance dependent girlfriend I think it all stemmed from the fact that she used to come visit me in college at PSU I'm assuming she didn't like her sleeping in the same room as me so the day of the surgery my father took me to the hospital for the procedure as we were waiting my mother and my sister showed up and very shortly after my girlfriend showed up my mother very audibly said what's that woman doing here my girlfriend being the bigger person didn't say anything in retaliation but I did see her eyes start to tear up one of the nurses came in shortly after and said that the doctor would be in soon and that I should only let one person stay in the room everyone else should leave my dad sister and girlfriend all reached for their coats so they could leave the room my mother expected me to say she could stay and I said I'd like my girlfriend to stay my mother was very angry very awkward and let's just finish with the fact that my mother was not pleased when I recently made the announcement that my girlfriend had become my fiance oh and now that the story is finished remember the beginning that driver who hit me I bet you picture a man nope a woman with her kid in the car I'm not a parent but that makes me mad Story five so back when we were in high school my boyfriend and I were in his room one day just watching movies and chilling his mom walks in and asks to talk to him they both went out into the living room and she proceeded to rant at him about how it wasn't normal for us to spend so much time together and how she didn't like that we had been in his room all day meanwhile I was alone in his room and could clearly hear the whole convers ation I gathered my nerves and all my stuff walked out to them and said Matt I'm going home would you like to come over to my house the mom interrupted with we're actually having a conversation here so I just said goodbye and walked out the door his sister who suspected a conflict had been initiated by me then chased me out of the door screaming you witch you ruined my family I was pretty shocked by this and didn't respond and just got in my car and drove home a few minutes later my boyfriend showed up to apologize for his family a few minutes after that there was another knock on the door and his mom had followed us to my house and asked to talk to him outside he told her to go home this all happened a few months before we both moved away to University so I just didn't go to their house again we're now in our 20s and still together his family is still crazy and he agrees luckily we now live 5 hours from them story six I was currently dating a Pakistani girl I was over at her house watching a movie when I jokingly mentioned that she owed me $20 she did normally I wouldn't care but I needed gas money this escalated and we had a little argument we were just silent for a while which is normal for us when we have an argument we just shut up and let it pass about 5 minutes later her parents and Aunt came downstairs to watch the movie with us and this is where it started to get awkward they noticed we weren't speaking to each other and her father started speaking to her and erdu she sort of just brushed him off in English saying not now dad he said something again and then her mom said something and then her aunt said something my girlfriend basically just said not now in English mind you it's not uncommon for them to speak erdu around me it's their first language after all so they kept talking in eru gesturing at me my girlfriend was becoming more and more visibly upset but I had no idea what was happening at this point eventually she just went to her room leaving me sitting there while her mom and Aunt watched the movie and chatted and erdu the aunt's English isn't very good and her father glanced between me and the movie I excused myself to go to the bathroom and then went to talk to my girlfriend her family was asking what happened but she just wanted a little privacy I seriously had no idea what was happening all right so all I know is it's always more awkward when the entire family gets involved since we're all enjoying these embarrassing and problematic stories please do go ahead and smash those like And subscribe buttons to show your support to the growing Channel and yeah Help Me Grow all right let's go ahead and get to the next story this is story seven I was talking to a friend of mine about my upcoming formal I think it's prom in America she said that she couldn't wait to go and that she had just bought the most beautiful dress I was a bit confused because I didn't know she was going so I asked her who was bringing her she answered that it was John our mutual friend now this is where it gets awkward because I knew John had actually asked another girl we knew I saw him ask so I said to her are you sure I thought he was bringing a she looked at me with a confused expression and got out her phone to text John we stood in awkward silence for what seemed like an eternity until finally John replied but to my phone asking me to tell her she isn't going so I showed her the text and she just said oh then looked at me and said I have to get back to my mom and practically ran away holding back tears as it turns out Jon asked our friend then decided he didn't want to bring her anymore and just asked ex instead without ever telling her I've never felt so awkward as when I was having that conversation and I have never been so furious at someone as I was at John story8 I'd been friends with this guy for 9 years we were both sophomores in college and he was home for Christmas break staying with his parents we discovered that we had feelings for each other but decided we don't want to date long distance however while he was home we wanted to spend time together we were with a group of friends but decided to go back to his house just the two of us he had asked his parents earlier in the day if he could have friends over well his parents already disliked me my brother had dated my friend's sister and broke her heart whoops so I showed up at their house expecting a group of people and it was already awkward then my friend and I spent a couple of hours in his basement hanging out by this time it was pretty late around 1:30 a.m. he went upstairs to get his keys to drive me home and when he came back downstairs his eyes were really wide and he said I'm so sorry apparently his mother was still awake and refused to let him drive me home that late so she decided it would be better if she drove me home it was a 20-minute drive and the car was completely silent yikes but like okay so his mom will let him drive but couldn't he have at least come along for the ride or is he that much of a mama's boy I feel for op though like that 20 minutes must have felt like forever story nine when I was little I went over to my friend's house to chill and work on our science project at about 5: just before the sun started to go down my friend's dad called him and he told me one second I'll be right back jumped forward 20 minutes and my friend was still gone I went to look for him and his whole family was in the kitchen eating dinner his dad asked me oh hey do you know your way home I had no idea how to respond so I just grabbed my backpack and walk the two miles back home it doesn't seem too bad to me now that I walk walk a few miles every day but to me then it was incredibly torturous I was so confused at the time about what to do but looking back the whole situation was extremely awkward for everyone involved and frankly quite rude they never offered me a ride home some dinner or anything they just sort of ignored me and then told me to get the heck out story 10 last year I visited a friend surely after her brother had passed away when I arrived there was another girl at the house I don't remember her name but let's just call her Le Lisa she was eating a plate of food that Shirley's mom had cooked before I got to the house apparently Lisa had driven Shirley's dad somewhere down the street because Shirley's family wasn't using the car their son used anyway before Lisa left she asked Shirley if she could have gas money to drive Shirley's dad down the road it was literally a mile or two that she drove him so I thought it was a bit stingy of her so Shirley calls her dad into the room and says Lisa would like gas money for driving you today and her dad says okay and I would like food money for the food you ate in my house it was really awkward but I was so proud of her dad oof burn go poppy all right food for gas makes sense you know what I mean with a c story 11 my grandparents both in their late 80s invited me to come down to Florida for spring break one year and they said I could bring a friend I was thrilled and so was my friend M she and I booked our tickets and and were really excited for a trip about a week beforehand Graham called me to talk about logistics what kind of food should they have for us what kinds of things would we like to do would we want to share a bed she kind of slipped that last one in there and I shocked told her that M and I are not together I'm also a girl I'm pretty sure she didn't believe me because every morning at breakfast while we were there she told us about how there were several people at her church and they were wonderful and the whole congregation was very open it was a cute thing but also so awkward especially when my World War II veteran Grandpa strong and Silent chimed in his acceptance story 12 I was at a bar with a girl I'm dating and her roommate when I received a text from a good female friend of mine from high school she was in town and wanted to meet up I invited her to join the three of us for drinks when she shows up she gives me a big hug and starts talking to me intently my dat's roommate quickly misinterprets the nature of our friendship looks at my high school friend and says I think pretty obvious you aren't wanted here so you should probably leave now my Dade and I looked at her in disbelief as if we couldn't believe that just came out of her mouth my friend however was more quick to respond she downed her drink stood up from the table and said well you're ugly so I win and walked away yeah we've all had awkward moments but not like these guys maybe theirs is on a whole different level but hey don't stop here there's a lot more uncomfortable moments if you're super into that over on the next video what awkward situation did the nice guy put you in Story one really gave me trust issues and I'm never going to make that same mistake I'll see you there and thank you for watching this one
give me a good story on WhatsTheMostAWKWARDMOMENTYouveEverHad
I think my roommate may be poisoning me I am a 25f and I live in Seattle I just moved here a few months ago from NYC because of my dream job and I was so excited I work as a data analyst and I make a very comfortable living it felt like my life was finally all starting to fall into place the only thing I needed was a place to live I took to Facebook because I figured it might be the best place to find a roommate I found this girl let's call her Kate 26f and she seemed perfect she said that her and her boyfriend 29m were in a two-bedroom apartment that was very spacious in a great location and we're looking for someone to rent the room she said she was a seventh grade English teacher and her boyfriend was a physical therapist all her interests and hobbies seemed to align perfectly with mine so I agreed to live with them I moved in one month after initially finding each other and everything started off great Kate and I were friendly and had good conversations when we would interact one day however I get home and she seemed to be in a very bad mood I asked her about it and she ignored me and walked into her room I don't think anything of it but then I receed a text from her that read I know you want to my boyfriend and that's all she wrote I was very confused because that was completely untrue I have been cheated on in the past and know how devastating it is so I would never want to inflict that pain onto someone else there were more text exchanges and everything seems to be good but when I saw her in person she continued to act weird but I brushed it off the next day however she began to act very nice and sweet even offering me a smoothie because she knew I was too busy in the morning to make breakfast I accepted and went about my day the smoothies continued every morning and I just thought she was being nice now I am experiencing some symptoms and I'm a bit scared my hair has started to fall out and my hormones have been all over the place I have developed some weird stomach issues and I get headaches all the time now this is all new to me it may be that the move and all this change is affecting my health but it does seem to have started around when the smoothies did I don't know how to catch her and see if I'm right and I don't want to seem rude and stop accepting the smoothies if I'm wrong I don't know what to do I need some advice
give me a good story on ithinkmyroommatemaybepoisoningme
AIT ta for stealing a family tradition from my sill after she gained weight okay so I 28 F and married to my husband of the same age we have been together a long time and I'm super close with his family I'm glad I never had one of those Dragon Lady mother-in-laws she treats me like I'm her own so my sill is engaged to her fiance who seems like a nice man my mother-in-law kept her wedding dress from when she got married and something she really really wanted was to have her daughter take photos in the dress she mentioned this a few months before the wedding my Mill didn't want my sill to wear it down the aisle or anything she just wanted some photos I was at the dinner party when they are discussing it and I guess my Mill felt a little guilty about the fact I never wore it at my wedding even though she views me as a daughter I really didn't mind at all but she kept apologizing in the months leading up to the wedding my S kept gaining weight rapidly my husband said she was depressed and stressed and always resorts to good whenever she gets like that I understood her wedding dress was tailored so it fit her on her wedding day however the mom's dress did not fit her her and Mill were sad about it but they went on with a wedding as normal after Sil came back form honeymoon Mill asked her if she thinks she'll ever lose the weight and put on the dress I will admit the way she asked at dinner with everyone around was very rude and awkward Sil said they could just get the dress tailored but Mill refused and said she would just save it for the grandkids I want to say a week later Mill invited me over and tells me how badly she wants to see a child of hers wear her dress and how she doesn't know if she'll even be alive to see a grandkid wear it and this was her dream so I agreed to wear the dress and take a few photos for her I was a little too big but I went in so we just didn't take any photos where you could see the back wasn't zipped after my Mill had the photos processed or whatever she put them in frames in her house next time everyone was over there people noticed it most of the family was just like it's nice to see a tradition you look so pretty blah blah blah my S was quiet so I assumed she was sad but after the dinner me and my husband went home and Sil calls him crying saying I was evil and insensitive for stealing that from her she said other stuff my husband wouldn't tell me I texted my Mill about it to see if everything was okay but she just told me not to worry about it because sill is just being overly sensitive I do feel kind of bad because I know this was supposed to be a motherdaughter tradition and I understand why s was hurt usually I tend to think I'm always right but I do think I maybe should have just declined Mill's request so AIT edit update I I acknowledge that I should have handled this differently at the time I truly didn't think it was that big of a deal and from what I've seen my Mill is not cruel to her daughter or fat shaming her behind the scenes and from my perspective that have a very good relationship extended family dinners every Friday night and Sil also goes over her mother house every Sunday for church service and dinner they are extremely close I understand why many people are calling me an ass but I think the level in which is so extremely blown out of proportion I genuinely think this will be resolved in a week I invited my sover for dinner to talk she agreed and gave me an unprompted apologized over text for calling my husband about the situation instead of talking to me directly and said her emotions were high but she calmed down now so I'll have to wait a few hours till we have dinner to talk to her also just to reiterate I wasn't trying to be malicious my mother-in-law asked me to wear the dress for photos because she wanted to see one of her daughters in the dress before she died and didn't want to wait 20 years for a grandkid to do it she also didn't want the dress altered I sent mother-in-law this Reddit post she didn't respond to me yet though I also showed my husband he had not taking anything seriously though he kind of just giggled at the comments and kept making those divorce marry the dress type joke
give me a good story on AITAforstealingafamilytraditionfrommySILaftershegainedweight
I made my husband clean up after his insufferable sister's family and she said that I was meant to clean it up so I threw her and her family out my sister-in-law and her husband are not my favorite people in the world recently they have been couch surfing as they lost their home they emotionally manipulated my husband to let them in my house I agreed to it on the condition that she and her husband as well as their children keep the place clean because in the past the only place they are messy in is my home they are not like this to other houses for example if they are throwing something into the kitchen bin they will throw it in the general direction of it and not in the actual bin it's extra gross when it's food stuff dries up and stinks out the place similar things happened in the past where she would leave her sanitary towels on top of the bin LD in the bathroom instead of in the bin before they moved and I made the younger brother and my parents in-laws witnesses to them agreeing to keeping my house as clean as it is and to chip in with chores if they broke the rules they would be out immediately she fussed and denied past wrongdoings but said As You Wish Your Highness sarcastically the first 5 days were smooth sailing this morning I found a sanitary towel on top of the bin and not even wrapped properly that is not all her daughter is staying in my daughter's room and she made a mess of the shampoo and conditioner in her bathroom and had left a tampon on the side of the sink forg getting it from last night her husband leaves early for work and the kitchen was a mess when I finally got downstairs I have a curious toddler and I don't want him to pick up a bloodied sanitary towel I knocked on the guest room and told her to pack her poop and get out she looked angry and tried to play innocent she said it was only some blood and to Chuck it in the bin if it bothered me so much I told her no and picked up her suitcase throwing their stuff in it at first she wouldn't leave the house saying she was going to wait for her brother if she doesn't take orders from me but I told her this house belongs to me too I dropped her and her youngest ones off at my in-laws a few hours ago her husband came back from work and when I wouldn't let him and he made a scene he went to my in-laws but they don't want them they're due to father-in-law illness when my husband returned from work my in-laws turned up in our driveway with her and her family within 20 minutes they are still standing outside and squabbling about being let in I refused to open the door and told my husband if he backs down he isn't welcome in our home either they are currently at my in-laws but they made a promise to return to discuss the matter tomorrow as everyone will be home from work and that way we could all find a workable solution when my huband got inside I told him that I would not have them in my house I told him that he could clean up after them which he did after cleaning up he asked me why I made him do that I told him I was just as grossed out over other people's bodily fluids as he was and unlike him I wasn't biologically related to them so if he found it unsavory imagine how I felt in the past cleaning up after them he promised to buy a new bin and bleach the sink three times our strategy for tomorrow is that under no circumstances are they coming to live with us update we went early to get it over and done with my in-law started with the guilt trip first they mentioned that they would take them in until they found a place but due to father-in-law diabetes it wouldn't be good for his health I told them to tell the daughter to parent her children so they wouldn't run around a muck like monkeys that way they could stay with them as they have spare bedrooms that didn't land well with sister-in-law she went on a tiate of how I have always been jealous of her and that I was trying to drive a wedge between her and her brother I told her she didn't like her own life so me being jealous of her and her life was a stretch that required suspenion of reality she asked my husband if he was okay with me telling him what to do with his family as he always stays out of my family's business she told him to lay down the law and tell me that sister and her family would stay as long as it took them to find a new place to stay my husband was having none of that he told her that the house was mine just as much his and it was a two yes and one no deal just because I was stay at home now didn't mean that I didn't contribute to buying the house when I was working they told me to suck it up and act like family I told them I wasn't there to argue about her cleanliness as I saw what I saw and her brother was witnessed to it and had to clean it up he confirmed that he did and that I wasn't making it up my sister-in-law slipped up and said why did you clean it up to her brother because according to her I was meant to clean it up either she is the dumbest Beach alive to admit it or she knows she has the whole family in her pocket either way I made it clear she wasn't going to stay with me and because she got along much better with everyone else in the family they would figure out something around their own lives my husband told his niece that she was old enough to clean up the remaining mess but she said no her father jumped in and said she is just your niece she's my daughter don't you dare tell her what to do it got heated between them so they both had to walk it off I told her and her husband that the only reason me and my husband were there was to get money back for the bin we had to throw out due to her sprinkling biohazards around the house she laughed in my face and said it would never happen I said fine I hope you realize that when I threw you out I didn't pack all your belongings I still had her daughter's switch her husband's and her two younger ones tablets and some of her jewelry and a few other bit and pieces as it all happened so quickly that day it would all be sold to recuperate my cost we left but she was yelling loudly about what she would do to me if I dared to sell anything my husband has my back and he said go ahead and sell whatever you need to later on they kept texting my husband to do them one last favor by putting up with her for a few months until she got back on her feet I told him that no matter what I wouldn't agree to let her her slobby husband and her horde of children back in they texted me too guilting me about his niece's education with no place to stay close to her school she might have to start at another school if they get a rental which isn't in the school zone I texted back tough lock and blocked them my unhinged wife confessed that she wanted to replace me as my mother's child so I filed for divorce after she gave me an ultimatum my mom and dad were both orphans my dad died two weeks before I was born my mom didn't really have a support system so we were just the two of us she did all the little jobs possible so that we didn't miss anything she deprived herself of food to give me food I had very good clothes while she had none I saw her make sacrifices again and again and always with a smile frankly I always thought she was an angel dressed in a human body the only time she yelled at me was when I was 16 when I saw her getting sick and working at the same time I wanted to help her by finding a job but she was angry and told me it was not my job to take care of her and it was up to her to take care of me she wanted me to get really good grades to get into the best universities it's the only way I can protect myself when she can't anymore even at University she didn't want me to work I had to be focused on my studies but she wanted me to volunteer so that I could be an adult who could do something with his hands I met my wife there while both of us were volunteering my wife is a good person but she was never close to her parents or her siblings yet she adored my mother since she met her there were times when I thought she loved my mother more than she loved me and we laughed about it deep down I think she was looking for the bond between mother and daughter that she did not have from her mother when I finished my studies I found a job and we moved in together but she wasn't comfortable that I called my mom every day remind you those were 10 to 15 minute calls but eventually she stops bring it on 2 years later I bought a house for my mother because we never had a house in our name we lived from apartment to apartment so for all the sacrifices she made it was for me the least of it and it was non-negotiable that's where the problem started with my wife she wanted me to think about us first I told her my dream had always been to buy my mom a house since I was little and that's what I had to do but she complained about it to my mom my mom didn't even know I bought a house for her as it was supposed to to be a surprise for her birthday she was uncomfortable with receiving the house because of my wife and told me that wasn't necessary that we could use it for us when we get married I was Furious I told my mother that the house was for her and that she could do it whatever she wanted but it was time for her to think about herself first our couple survived that we got married and then we had our own house our life was going well until 2 months ago when my mother fell ill I wanted her to come and live with us so that I could take care of her but my wife didn't want to I then decided to rent an apartment with my own money right next to our house so that I could be close to her and go there to take care of her but even that idea didn't sit well with my wife me and my wife don't have children yet we both work I usually come home at 6:00 p.m. but since my mother is sick I go to see her and come home at 8:00 p.m. 2 days ago she told me that she thought about it and she thinks I prioritize my mother too much she told me that I had to choose between my mother and the life I wanted to build with her the truth is that I never made her feel that way we both work but I'm the one who cooks and I pay a person to do the housework I make sure I do the dishes she likes she doesn't even know what I like to eat because I never complain I run her baths give her massages and flowers I write her poems that I hide somewhere in the house for her to find out we go on a trip one weekend a month I earn much more money than her I told her to keep her money for herself and I take care of all the bills even hers I always make sure to listen to her and consider her opinion and I think I'm easygoing because I can change my mind to accommodate hers but I realize that she tries to completely dominate me and the only subject where I don't give her a choice is my relationship with my mother so there I'm going to have a talk with her and put some very clear boundaries if she doesn't want to well we're going to divorce update I wanted to know if there was another reason why she gave me this ultimatum and she replied that nope I asked her apart from what she blamed me for was there something she wanted to tell me but couldn't tell me she said there was nothing and asked me to come to the point so I told her I wanted a divorce she remained Frozen I think she was shocked because she wasn't talking she was just staring at me I told her everything that was on my mind that our values are too different she still didn't say anything so I told her I was going to a hotel for now and we discussed later how we were going to separate I took some of my things and left the next day when I went to see my mother she figured out something wasn't right but I was not going to tell her I was separating from my wife because she could not bear our relationship especially since she was sick like that I didn't want to add more torment to her my mom ended up telling me that my wife didn't come by that day yes my wife who asked me to reduce my contact with my mother was seeing her every day she calls my mother mom when she got sick she used to go to my mother so would take care of her it used to hurt me because it was as if I couldn't take care of her but she said that this was not the same the attentions of a mother are different I told myself that it was her way of creating a mother daughter bond that she never had and I understood her when my mom told me she didn't come to see her that day I went back home because I was worried I found her in the bathroom with her clothes and red eyes like she was crying all along seeing her like that was unbearable I helped her out but this woman who is so much pride collapsed in front of me with a lot of crying I don't know if it was an hour or two but she kept crying calm down crying again I just stayed silent she ended up telling me that deep down she never wanted me to be involved any less in my mother's life she was always jealous of our relationship she was always jealous of the attention my mother gave to me she knows that it wasn't rational but she couldn't help constantly striving to be number one in my mother's heart it was kind of a competition for her so when I wanted to take care of my mom she didn't want me to be the one taking care of her I was honestly Furious without saying anything of course but I wondered if she was a psychopath or something we are talking about a person who is seriously ill and she is thinking about her competition even if it means sabotaging the relationship I have with my mother and putting us in a situation where I wanted to divorce her she told me that she was very jealous of me and that she would have liked to be in my place if she had to choose she would have even chosen to be my mother's child rather than my wife even if I was the love of her life at that moment I did not know what else to say I was hooked on this idea of competition so I did not immediately grasp the scope of these words but I still listened to her to the end I put her to bed until she fell asleep then I went to sleep in another room in the morning she was acting like anything happened she was being herself she said I don't have to pity I told her it was out of love she was still my wife she left to work and I did the same but decided to stay at the hotel for the time being I'm not going to stay with her it's not possible
give me a good story on ImademyHUSBANDcleanupafterhisInsufferableSistersfamilysoIThrewThemOUT
a it for refusing to make breakfast for my partner my partner and I live together with our two young kids we both work 95s teleworking from home every weekday I wake up an hour before everyone else to pack their lunches make coffee prepare medications and prep breakfast for the morning for me and the kids I used to prep breakfast for my partner two more on that in a minute I then get my kids up fed clothed and ready for the day and bring them to school I then come home and take care of our Myriad of animals before I start work on my laptop somewhere in there I might eat a piece of toast and drink tea and a travel mug to save time my partner rarely wakes up before I'm almost out the door with the kids often not until I start work when they do get up my so makes it a point to ask me to make them breakfast a bit of backstory I used to prep my so's breakfast like I do the kids in the morning but since my so wasn't getting up until later they would get mad at me for giving cold food they like a toasted bagel with cold cuts then I would make my SE food when they woke up which generally meant stopping whatever I was doing at work to tend to them when they needed it then I got fed up of feeling flustered at work and a bit resentful at having to
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtomakebreakfastformypartnerorig
aita for leaving my husband because he kept telling his friends that I was to blame for everything I've been with my husband for seven years and it honestly kills me to walk away because outside of this issue he is fantastic he takes care of me loves me makes sure I'm taken care of Etc and I love him more than anything but this issue has been happening for the past year and it's basically ruined my reputation among everyone last year he started working for a small business and is one of 12 employees up until this point he didn't have many friends so his social life was heavily stunted and he craved interaction so when he started working for this company and was immediately included in everything he soaked it in he was being invited to dinner parties boat trips fires Etc within the first week of working there by a month in he was hanging out with these guys nearly every day after he got off work he started drinking a lot more because all of these men drink like a fish and he is an individual who cracks under peer pressure and is a follower by Nature he told me several times that he felt like he couldn't say No it started causing a lot of fights because I was pregnant when this began and I felt so pushed to the side and forgotten about he started coming home from 9p 1A he was off work at 430p a few times having stayed out until 5:00 in the morning I started shutting
give me a good story on AITAforleavingmyhusbandbecausehekepttellinghisfriendsthatIwastoblameforeverythingorig
a ITA for avoiding dinners at my sister's house over her dog my wife and I don't care for dogs at all my sister has a husky it's well behaved I guess ever since my sister bought her house she has been a part of the Sunday dinner rotation in my family we've started skipping the Sunday dinners at her house initially we didn't give a reason and usually went to my wife's family that day but my sister has noticed that every time it is at her house we skip to be frank we just don't want to be around the dog it sheds a lot we've asked her to put it in another room she said no sighting it's her dog's house too and it's family I just dropped it after the initial app I would just tell her that we were going to my in-law recently after a recent no she pressed as to why I told her why it's her dog she didn't take it well and called me an said I was a bad family member I told her I'm not going to choose to be a round dog I've got better things to do now I'm hearing it from the rest of my family that I'm an she wants me to respect her dog which is a bonker's perspective AIT t
give me a good story on AITAforavoidingdinnersatmysistershouseoverherdogorig
:16.800 --> :21.200 So my wife has a friend from childhood named  "Anthony". I'm being completely honest here   :21.200 --> :26.240 when I say that he and I don't get along.  It's not like he is rude or disrespectful   :26.240 --> :32.320 (nothing like that) but all I feel towards him  is "annoyance" sort of speak because of how much   :32.320 --> :38.400 my wife sees him. He lives alone and now suffers  from a medical condition (Cancer) that requires   :38.400 --> :43.040 him to go to the hospital regularly to receive  treatment. I found out that my wife promised him   :43.040 --> :48.080 to go with him to his every chemo treatment  as support. She said it's a commitment she   :48.080 --> :52.560 made to be there for him during this rough  time since he has no one else besides him. :52.560 --> :58.640 Okay.....I had no issue with that at first  but then this started affecting me. e.g,   :58.640 --> :03.440 I can't go see my friends because I have to  stay with my son on X day so my wife could   :03.440 --> :08.560 be with Anthony for his treatment etc etc.  I've talked to her about it but she said that   :08.560 --> :14.400 Anthony needs company and that she's just being  supportive and this is when he needs her the most. :14.400 --> :20.000 I let it go but last week was just kind of  my last straw. Anthony had a other chemo   :20.000 --> :24.080 session treatment and my wife wanted to go  with him and asked me to stay home with our   :24.080 --> :28.800 son. I told her I had a meet up with my mom and  sister to eat lunch and that I won't be home,   :28.800 --> :34.800 She said she needed to go be with him and I kind  of flipped out at her and said that she doesn't   :34.800 --> :39.840 "need" to be with him and could literally go  see him at home the next day or something.   :39.840 --> :44.880 She threw a fit and called me cruel for  forcing her to leave Anthony by himself   :44.880 --> :50.160 since she's all he has and that I was making her  look bad. She also said my appointment with mom   :50.160 --> :56.400 and sister wasn't as important as a chemo session  but I decided to just leave to end the argument. :56.400 --> :01.280 She ended up staying at home but kept ignoring me  when I got back calling me selfish for not letting   :01.280 --> :06.080 her be there to support Anthony with what he's  going through. Some of her girlfriends think I'm   :06.080 --> :10.720 being a controlling jerk with no consideration  for Anthony and what's he's going through. :28.960 --> :33.840 AITA? So a couple of months ago, my daughter  and I went on a daddy, daughter camping trip.   :33.840 --> :39.280 My wife was supposed to come but she had her  period so she didn't come. We had a great time   :39.280 --> :44.560 and when we came back my wife was disappointed  that she missed out. She insisted on going camping   :44.560 --> :49.760 so we booked for the same place for today. We  timed it so that she wasn't in hey period. Well   :49.760 --> :55.120 as we're all getting ready to leave, my wife  decides that she doesn't want to come anymore. :55.120 --> :59.920 I get super upset and said that this whole  trip was planned because she wanted to,   :59.920 --> :03.920 I spent the last couple of days getting  supplies ready and everything and she says   :03.920 --> :08.640 that she doesn't want to go because she is on  a roll with cleaning and organizing the house.   :08.640 --> :12.400 This is a trip I've been looking  forward on going with as a whole family. :12.400 --> :15.680 So I call her an a******  for cancelling last minute   :15.680 --> :20.400 and not letting me know earlier that she  had no intention of going the past few days.   :20.400 --> :25.520 She says that I'm am a****** for not being  understanding of what she wants to do. :25.520 --> :44.480 *Edit I started responding  to some comments but then   :48.560 --> :51.840 I saw there were hundreds and  NGL too much energy to expend. :51.840 --> :54.278 For those of you who say she's cheating  or something, honestly not something I   :54.278 --> :55.040 can control. From reading this sub a  lot, cheaters gonna cheat... Oh well. :55.040 --> :57.040 I'm typing this up as my daughter and I are  just waking up in the tent. We're going to   :57.040 --> :58.880 enjoy Daddy/Daughter Camping Trip 2.0 and let  mom do whatever she wants. Throwaway. I swear   :04.400 --> :09.893 I have no clue whether I’m TA or not. :09.893 --> :18.400 I (28M) have a 32F sister and a 37M brother. My  grandmother left my mother her diamond engagement   :18.400 --> :25.040 ring. My mother always said she would leave the  ring to my sister (32F), but my sister recently   :25.040 --> :30.000 told her that since she has an engagement ring  from her husband and she’s not really into jewelry   :30.000 --> :35.440 anyway why not leave grandma’s ring to one of  our brother's kids (my sister is childfree). :35.440 --> :41.280 A couple of months ago I told mom I was going  to propose to my gf, and she offered me gram's   :41.280 --> :47.840 ring to do it with. My gf was amazed at the size  of the rock, but didn’t like the ring – it was a   :47.840 --> :52.800 traditional solitaire setting in white gold –  and asked if we could take the diamond out and   :52.800 --> :58.160 use it in something more modern. She picked a new  platinum setting with a couple of smaller diamonds   :58.160 --> :03.520 and I was glad to save money. When my mother  found out she was surprised, but not upset,   :03.520 --> :07.120 and asked if she could have the setting  back (the inside was engraved with my   :07.120 --> :12.480 grandparents’ initials and a message). I  didn’t have any use for it so I said sure. :12.480 --> :17.600 This weekend my fiancée and me and my sister and  her husband were visiting our parents for father’s   :17.600 --> :23.280 day, and my sister was excited and asked to see  Missy’s ring. When my fiancée held out her hand   :23.280 --> :29.360 my sister had a surprised pikachu face and said  she thought I was proposing with gram's ring?   :29.360 --> :34.240 I told her it was gram's diamond,  and she said “oh,” and that was it. :34.240 --> :40.160 On Sunday I noticed my mother was wearing the old  setting, but it had a blue stone (a sapphire). I   :40.160 --> :44.560 asked her what that was about and she said my  sister took it to a local jeweler and had the   :44.560 --> :50.000 new stone put in and gave it to her as an early  birthday present, and mom was all happy she could   :50.000 --> :54.960 still wear the setting, which she’d missed having  on her finger (she used to wear it all the time). :54.960 --> :59.120 I confronted my sister later that night  and asked her what her problem was.   :59.120 --> :04.240 She said nothing at first but I kept  pushing, and finally she said look,   :04.240 --> :09.600 if I knew you were going to mutilate gram's ring  I wouldn’t have told mom to give it to you. I said   :09.600 --> :15.120 she didn’t – she said mom should give it to one of  the nephews. Sis said that’s because she assumed   :15.120 --> :19.920 mom would want to keep it during her lifetime.  Then she said if all Missy and I wanted was the   :19.920 --> :25.920 diamond that was our prerogative, but the setting  was a piece of family history and sentimental   :25.920 --> :30.880 and she didn’t want it getting tossed aside.  I thought she made me look bad and said so,   :30.880 --> :35.760 she told me to get over myself, I called her  a b****, she told me if I’m getting married   :35.760 --> :35.440 I should think about growing up and walked off,  and I feel like she spoiled my enagememen My mom   :39.440 --> :47.920 (37F) and I were deeply close, she used to say  that I’m “her joy and pride”, I’ll turn 17 (M)   :47.920 --> :54.240 tomorrow and I’ve decided that I no longer want to  go to her house to visit her and her real family. :54.240 --> :59.040 Some context: My mom had an affair when I  was 9, she left my dad because she fell in   :59.040 --> :04.240 love with a married man, and the man ended up  divorcing his wife and moving in with my mom. :04.240 --> :08.560 My dad had custody of me and my mom  was granted to have me on weekends,   :08.560 --> :13.760 she seemed happy to have me and always treated  me well, her husband treated me well too   :13.760 --> :17.120 though sometimes he tried to  make me respect him as a dad. :17.120 --> :25.440 As my mom’s husband’s ex-wife wanted nothing  to do with the 3 kids they had (18M, 17F, 12M),   :26.400 --> :30.000 my mom started spending more time  ‘cause her husband had full custody,   :30.000 --> :36.400 she sometimes acted more like a mother to them  than to me, she would pick THEM up from school   :36.400 --> :41.520 (Never did that for me), she celebrated their  birthdays while she was just a guest at mine,   :41.520 --> :45.920 it was hard ‘cause it felt like  I was gradually losing my mom,   :45.920 --> :51.840 during her custodial she was great but she never  tried beyond the minimum when it wasn’t her time. :51.840 --> :56.720 I had a swimming competition in 2019,  it was at school but she didn’t show   :56.720 --> :00.960 up because it was on Wednesday and her  stepdaughter had an activity at school,   :00.960 --> :05.200 she tried to compensate for it  later but the scar was left there. :05.200 --> :09.920 It isn’t healthy for me to be at her house,  I suffer a lot when I’m there because   :09.920 --> :16.240 they get to have my mom 100% and I only  have weekends (they also have a 5 yo son)   :16.240 --> :21.840 It sucks seeing them play the happy family  and even if her husband has treated me good,   :21.840 --> :25.760 I see nothing but the man that  destroyed my home and hurt my dad. :25.760 --> :29.680 This last weekend (I went to her house)  and told her that it’s not healthy for   :29.680 --> :34.160 me to be at her house because it hurts  me to see her that happy and I can’t,   :34.160 --> :37.840 I also talked about the times she  missed events because it wasn’t   :37.840 --> :42.160 “her custodial time” so I let her  know that I’m never coming back,   :42.160 --> :48.000 I also said that as long as she is in this family  we can’t have a relationship because I’m afraid   :48.000 --> :53.200 they’ll make her choose and She’ll pick them  over me like other times and I’ll be hurt again. :53.200 --> :57.360 She started crying and said that it  wasn’t the message she was trying to send,   :57.360 --> :02.480 she said she never meant to make me feel cast  aside and that she was picking them over me,   :02.480 --> :08.080 she said that I can’t do that because I’m her baby  but I told her that this isn’t her choice to make. :08.080 --> :13.360 She’s called me every day saying that she hasn’t  been capable of sleeping and wants to see me talk,   :13.360 --> :18.720 her husband and kids are calling me TA from making  her feel guilty for something unintentional. :18.720 --> :21.760 But I made my choice and my dad has my back,   :21.760 --> :26.720 even if you sometimes need the fire, you’ve got  to keep your distance for your safety and not get   :26.720 --> :18.160 burnt. I (23F) moved in with my in laws a  little over a year ago after getting married.   :18.160 --> :23.440 I have a SIL who is 14, my MIL and  their maid who are all menstruating. :24.029 --> :30.160 MIL finds it “shameful” to discuss menstrual  cycles or anything period related. We had an   :30.160 --> :34.960 argument when I called husband to tell him I ran  out of pads and she saw him enter the house with   :34.960 --> :41.040 a bag of them. Apparently he shouldn’t even know  what they are let alone be purchasing them for me. :41.040 --> :47.200 SIL started her cycle shortly after I moved  in. MIL is going through menopause and so is   :47.200 --> :52.400 their maid. All of this to say they all  have irregular cycles. Mine is regular,   :52.400 --> :57.200 frequent and heavy…I can easily get  through 14 heavy duty pads in a day. :57.200 --> :02.960 Over the past 9 months I realised that everytime I  needed pads there were none left or they were down   :02.960 --> :09.600 to one or two. I realised everyone else was using  my pads instead of buying their own. I spoke to   :09.600 --> :14.080 the other women in the house and explained that  I appreciate that they might get caught short   :14.080 --> :19.920 but if they could replace the pads or at least  tell me they had run low so I would have some. :19.920 --> :25.280 Every 3 weeks it’s the same thing, I never  have pads even though I had at least a few   :25.280 --> :29.760 when my cycle ended. So I bought a mini  storage locker thing and put it in my   :29.760 --> :34.400 en suite bathroom and I have the only key.  (This is also where the pads were anyway,   :34.400 --> :38.480 so basically they were rifling through  our bedroom frequently to access them.) :38.480 --> :44.560 SIL found out the hard way and tattled to MIL  who went off on me for being self centred and   :44.560 --> :49.680 unsympathetic. I told her I was tired of  being taken advantage of and if she was so   :49.680 --> :54.560 worried about her daughter then she should  actually take steps to provide for her. :54.560 --> :58.960 She dragged husband into it too and said  she would throw me out if I don’t apologise   :58.960 --> :03.920 for my comments and action. He reminded  her that we move out in 2 months anyway   :03.920 --> :07.680 and that if she wants me out  then we will gladly leave early. :07.680 --> :11.920 She backed down but there is a tension  between the in laws and husband & I,   :11.920 --> :16.880 with them giving us the silent treatment.  Maybe I should not have locked my pads away? :16.880 --> :25.522 (ETA: thank you all for your concern about my  health 🤍 but I’m being treated for the heavy   :25.522 --> :27.360 flow…this is actually a significant improvement  but it’s about as good as it’s going to   :33.800 --> :10.240 get) My husband’s primary residence is in Italy,  mine is in the UK. On one of my trips to Italy,   :10.240 --> :14.720 his housekeeper told me that the wife of  my husband’s friend kept trying to visit   :14.720 --> :19.520 him while I wasn’t there. She said she  came over every single day even though   :19.520 --> :24.880 most days he wasn’t even home or was working  from home so didn’t even say hello to her. :24.880 --> :29.360 We went out together as a group, so I brought  it up to her when it was just the two of us   :29.360 --> :34.480 and asked her to stop. I told her my husband  doesn’t like being disturbed while he works   :34.480 --> :38.320 so she should really arrange  something instead of just turning up.   :38.320 --> :41.040 She waved me off and acted  like it was no big deal. :41.040 --> :43.200 I asked her several more times to stop   :43.200 --> :48.480 but she continued to do it the minute  I was back in the UK every single time. :48.480 --> :53.760 In the end I was so fed up, I contacted her  husband and asked him to tell his wife to stop.   :53.760 --> :57.440 He wasn’t aware this was going on  and said he would speak to her.   :57.440 --> :03.120 His wife is now angry at me and is claiming I’m  implying things about the type of woman she is.   :03.120 --> :06.400 She also said I was treating her  like her husband’s property and   :06.400 --> :11.280 I was pathetic for telling him instead  of just admitting she made me insecure. :11.280 --> :16.560 My husband is mostly indifferent but also told  me I had caused chaos in their friendship group   :16.560 --> :20.560 as everybody knows what’s going on  and it’s causing a lot of gossip. :24.480 --> :01.520 AITA? My brother and I (26Mx2) are  identical twins but opposites. Growing up,   :01.520 --> :06.720 I tried to have a closer relationship, but he  would avoid me and pretend he was an only child.   :06.720 --> :14.640 These days, we almost never talk. Our (step)dad  (51M) married our mom (47F) when we were 5,   :14.640 --> :17.280 and they've been accepting, supportive parents. :17.280 --> :22.640 I'm a PhD student in a city 80-90 minutes  from home. My degree is fully funded,   :22.640 --> :27.680 but the stipend and teaching salary are very  low for this area, so our dad offered to rent   :27.680 --> :33.040 a studio apartment beside campus and pay  most of my bills until I finish my PhD.   :33.040 --> :36.960 I am very grateful. I also  live a cheap vegetarian life,   :36.960 --> :41.280 I cook my own meals, and I currently own  an old mountain bike instead of a car. :41.280 --> :48.240 My brother has had no steady job or education for  six years, since he was suspended from college   :48.240 --> :52.880 and never went back. Sometimes he makes a  few hundred bucks by helping people move.   :52.880 --> :58.880 Otherwise, he has spent 6 years lifting weights,  and picking up men from apps or fetish websites   :58.880 --> :05.760 to have loud kinky sex in our parents' house. A  month ago, our mom rented an apartment for him,   :05.760 --> :10.720 because he said he was sick of living at home  and it was unfair that they paid for my place. :10.720 --> :15.120 The problem is that my dad can't keep  supporting four adults on his income   :15.120 --> :20.000 (mom has never worked). He makes a good  six-figure salary, but this is in California,   :20.000 --> :24.480 where you burn through money just by being  alive. While I was home for the weekend,   :24.480 --> :29.120 Mom said she may have to start withdrawing  from retirement savings to pay for monthly   :29.120 --> :35.360 expenses. I said "But the only new expense is B's  rent." She said it would make a big difference. :35.360 --> :39.600 Last night our parents left after Father's  Day dinner to grab drinks with friends,   :39.600 --> :44.880 and my brother and I cleaned up the kitchen before  I also left. He was talking about his apartment,   :44.880 --> :50.640 and he asked why I was being so quiet. I ended  up saying it was irresponsible for him to accept   :50.640 --> :56.480 rent money, and he should find work or move  back in. He responded angrily, saying I'm a   :56.480 --> :01.520 hypocrite because our parents pay my rent too.  I said it was different, not only because my   :01.520 --> :07.440 life is 50 miles from home and his new crib is  3 minutes drive away, but because I'm actually   :07.440 --> :12.720 doing something with my life. (I don't think a  career in academia is noble or anything, but at   :12.720 --> :18.240 least it's a path to a future.) My brother left  and messaged our mom with his version of events. :18.240 --> :22.880 Our mom called today to yell about how my brother  was right, and I'm a hypocrite with no right to   :22.880 --> :29.200 tell him not to accept "help". She said I should  quit my PhD and get a job if I was so worried.   :29.200 --> :34.400 Now our dad is furious with mom for telling me  to quit school. It seems obvious to me that he   :34.400 --> :39.600 doesn't even want to support my brother like this  (especially because my brother and parents don't   :39.600 --> :11.760 even speak since he moved out), but dad feels  he doesn't have a choice. One of my sisters is   :11.760 --> :17.440 obsessed with all things Disney. When we were  kids she couldn't get enough of the movies but   :17.440 --> :22.960 she never grew out of it. Every year since she  finished nursing school her annual vacation is   :22.960 --> :30.160 Disney related; Disneyland, Disneyworld, Disney  cruises or Disney parks in other countries. Except   :30.160 --> :35.600 for the last 3 calendar years because of the  coronavirus of course. Her scrubs for work have   :35.600 --> :41.280 Disney characters. That would make some sense if  she worked in a children's hospital or with kids   :41.280 --> :45.920 but she's only ever worked in nursing homes.  She has some Disney stuff but her house isn't   :45.920 --> :50.160 overtaken like some of the fanatics  I've heard online. I'll give her that.   :50.160 --> :55.120 That would be a bridge too far. I know she  hopes to retire in Florida near Disney.   :55.120 --> :00.480 If she could afford it she would already live  in California or Florida instead of Louisiana. :00.480 --> :05.120 She's already booked a Disney trip for next  year hoping the pandemic won't cancel it.   :05.120 --> :10.880 She's turning 50 next year and it's weird fpr  a single woman with no kids to be into Disney   :10.880 --> :16.160 and go on those vacations alone. I had hoped her  having to skip her Disney trips would force her to   :16.160 --> :22.160 grow up and maybe move on from the obsession but  it hasn't and instead she is going on her 25th   :22.160 --> :27.760 Disney vacation as she says. I told her that her  obsession is weird and needs to stop and she needs   :27.760 --> :33.520 to grow up. She's almost 50 for crying out loud.  I'm not the only one in the family that feels this   :33.520 --> :47.760 way but my sister doesn't want to listen she just  argues about it. ItMy family is from Mexico but I   :47.760 --> :53.680 was born in the US. I am the only one in my family  who doesn’t speak Spanish, all my extended family   :53.680 --> :59.360 (grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc.) speak  it but I never really cared for it that much. :59.360 --> :05.680 Katia (my girlfriend) knows I am Mexican and  she asked if I spoke Spanish but when I said no,   :05.680 --> :10.720 she didn’t push which I found refreshing,  usually people ask a lot of questions. She   :10.720 --> :15.680 never said she spoke Spanish but I remember  her watching something and hearing Spanish   :15.680 --> :20.080 but I figured she had subtitles on. If  it’s important, Kate is from Germany. :20.080 --> :26.000 Katia and I have been together for 3 months. It’s  not long but it’s been intense. My grandmother had   :26.000 --> :31.520 birthday on Saturday and my family threw her a  huge part. I invited Katia to come along with me   :31.520 --> :37.200 as it would be perfect time to meet my family  and they’re always very welcoming. Katia agreed. :37.200 --> :42.480 When we got there, everyone switched to English  to speak to Kate but they quickly went back to   :42.480 --> :49.600 Spanish. I went to grab a beer and came back to  find Katia talking to my aunt, in Spanish (!). I   :49.600 --> :54.800 came over and played it cool, telling her  I didn’t know she spoke it, yadda yadda. :54.800 --> :59.760 When Katia was with me, she spoke English  but whenever she spoke to one of my family   :59.760 --> :05.440 members alone, she switched because they  switched. It made me really uncomfortable,   :05.440 --> :12.000 especially since it wasn’t your typically barely  spoken Spanish, it was full on, fluent Spanish   :12.000 --> :17.680 and she understood my fast speaking relatives.  I got really annoyed with her but said nothing. :17.680 --> :23.520 My grandma told me how much she loved Katia and  how she’s happy I found such an amazing girl.   :23.520 --> :27.120 All my family loved her and couldn’t  stop singing praises about her. :27.120 --> :31.760 On our way back, I got really angry with  her and when we got to my apartment,   :31.760 --> :36.720 I told her that I feel betrayed that she  hid she spoke Spanish and how she made a   :36.720 --> :43.200 fool of me out there. I admit I was shouting  because I was so angry. I felt humiliated. :43.200 --> :48.640 She asked me to calm down and told me she never  hid anything. I accused her of sneakily making her   :48.640 --> :54.320 way into my family instead of having them warm up  gradually . She asked if I was being serious and   :54.320 --> :59.840 I confirmed. She called me a jerk and left  my apartment. I was too angry to stop her. :59.840 --> :04.720 I am waiting for her to call me with apologies,  but she hasn’t been in touch since Saturday night.   :04.720 --> :10.160 I told my brother about it and he told me I  am the fool but I really feel disrespected by   :10.160 --> :10.640 Katia. AITA for getting angry and shouting she  hid she spoke my language? 's 36M with two kids   :10.640 --> :17.520 below the age of 10. My wife (36F) and I work  full time. My wife is the breadwinner but my   :17.520 --> :23.760 recent promotion puts me closer to her income.  I have been doing 98-100% of all the cooking,   :23.760 --> :28.800 cleaning, errands, and kid stuff since the  pandemic began, prior to that it was closer   :28.800 --> :35.920 to 50/50. My wife is very much the planner,  I am more the execution. I do virtually all   :35.920 --> :41.840 of the driving for my family because my wife  "just hates driving," and we live in a big city. :41.840 --> :46.480 Two kids with activities, I'm driving  a lot and spent the entire day Sat.   :46.480 --> :50.800 driving around in the city, shuttling,  and running errands. It's exhausting. :50.800 --> :53.360 Yesterday, on Father's Day, Wife during breakfast:   :54.000 --> :00.320 "I want to take the kids to the beach (~1hr drive  one way, no traffic) to see the really low tide." :01.200 --> :03.440 "I personally don't want to do that,   :03.440 --> :08.240 but you're more than welcome to take the  kids if you want. I'd really like to relax." :08.240 --> :10.960 You'd have though I just  murdered our dog in front of her. :11.760 --> :16.080 "What?! What do you mean I can take the  kids, you want me to do that by myself?   :16.080 --> :20.240 How dare you! Why can't you be accommodating  to something I want to do today?" :20.240 --> :24.800 "? I'm not stopping you from going,  I just don't want to do that today.   :24.800 --> :29.600 It's a long drive and I really don't feel like  doing that since I drove all day yesterday.   :29.600 --> :31.920 If you want to take the kids go for it." :31.920 --> :37.680 Its 9am. So far all I've done is wake up get told  I need to make coffee and get breakfast started.   :37.680 --> :41.200 I've made no plans, and have not been  asked what I want to do for the day. :42.080 --> :46.480 "I can't believe you would do this. I can't  believe you'd tell me to take them by myself!" :47.280 --> :49.840 "Then don't..go? I guess?" :49.840 --> :54.640 She then left the table, explained she had  work to do then shut herself in her office   :54.640 --> :00.080 for the next few hours. I took that time to  clean out said car, during which she came out   :00.080 --> :06.640 and demanded an apology from me for telling her  she "couldn't do what she wanted to do today." :06.640 --> :09.920 Me: "No, I didn't stop you from doing anything." :10.800 --> :14.960 Her:"Why didn't you offer a different suggestion  of what to do if you didn't want to do that!?" :15.760 --> :18.480 Me:"Why should I have offered  a different activity when I   :18.480 --> :22.320 wasn't stopping you from doing the  one you wanted in the first place?" :22.320 --> :27.440 This argument continued until 2am  this morning when I finally lost my   :27.440 --> :34.000 temper and said "this stupid argument and your  attitude completely ruined my Father's Day." :34.000 --> :39.360 Which helped nothing she lashed out with "how  could you say that after all I did for you today!   :39.360 --> :43.040 I spent so much time planning  and doing all this for you!" :43.040 --> :48.800 To clarify "all of this" was: Left me to make  the breakfast because she "had to run a quick   :48.800 --> :54.720 30 minute errand", told me she was going to  cancel movie tickets she bought for herself,   :54.720 --> :00.080 her father, and me because I didn't want to  drive her to the beach, ignored me through   :00.080 --> :04.480 dinner with her parents, and continued  argument into the night and early morning. :04.480 --> :10.400 OH and if you are wondering. This beach time did  not contain any sort of surprise or anything, she   :10.400 --> :13.635 literally just wanted to go to the water and "hang  out." weird and there a million things she could   :13.635 --> :34.480 do on vacation that aren't Disney themed. AITA  I just told it like it My son just turned 7. He   :34.480 --> :40.560 wanted peanut butter cake, so I got him the peanut  butter cake. My nephew (8) is severely allegric,   :40.560 --> :46.480 so I also got a small generic vanilla cake for him  and any other kid who may not want the peanut one. :46.480 --> :51.920 The peanut cake was decorated, had candles  etc, and it was the cake the kids saw and   :51.920 --> :57.040 is on pictures. The vanillla cake was small  and garden variety, it was in the kitchen and   :57.040 --> :01.760 I cut it up there and took pieces out for the  kids who wanted it (about 5 kids out of 20). :01.760 --> :06.720 Most kids at the party were cousins of my son  (my husband and I both come from big families)   :06.720 --> :11.680 plus some friends. Adults were also there,  mostly my siblings and my husband's. :11.680 --> :15.920 When my sister saw the peanut  cake, she freaked and yelled at me,   :15.920 --> :20.080 saying if her son touches the cake, he  could die. I told her that I told the   :20.080 --> :24.320 kids it's peanut cake and that I have a  vanilla one in the kitchen for my nephew.   :24.320 --> :28.160 She freaked out and her husband walked  her into the house to calm her down. :28.160 --> :32.000 When she came back, the kids were  already eating cake. She asked me   :32.000 --> :35.840 "so you are okay with my son dying  so that yours can have cake?".   :35.840 --> :39.920 I told her that's absurd and I'm not  getting into it at a kid's party. :39.920 --> :45.840 Afte the party, she said I am an inconsiderate  AH for not taking her kid into consideration.   :45.840 --> :50.320 If he had just a little bit of  cake by accident, he could die. :50.320 --> :03.200 So... Aita? was.
today we have a crazy entitled parent story of a parent encouraging their child to open their pet carrier in public we'll get into that in a bit but first I'm having ankle surgery and the only one who has no hope is my entitled dad who thinks everything will go wrong if he's not calling the shots hello everyone now I got a very recent story to tell about my monster of an entitled dad about how he has no hope for my upcoming surgery and thinks that without him making the decisions it'll all go wrong context in a couple of weeks I'll be having an ankle Fusion I've been having extreme pain in my ankle for quite a while and in the last few years it's gotten worse and worse and the orthopedic doctor has decided on an ankle Fusion the game plan is for me to stay a few nights in the hospital and about two weeks at a physical rehabilitation facility to help me learn how to use a walker I have a bleeding disorder which requires some staying in the hospital and they decided Rehabilitation would be good since I live alone as for the Walker they decided that was better for me than touches but I also have a wheelchair coming in too everyone's hopeful about the procedure I'm hopeful my mom's hopeful my family's hopeful my friends are hopeful my girlfriend is hopeful the only one who isn't is my dad the only reason I told him was because I thought it would be better just to tell him instead of getting even angrier for keeping the surgery a secret see he's a very anti-doctor and in the last few years has been going deeper and deeper into the rabbit hole of alternative medicine during the pandemic he wanted to sign me up for this pyramid scheme involving pine needle tea to give me covet immunity and a cure me of my autism and not too long ago he sent a video from an alternative medicine lady who was talking about how no processed sugar and no gluten would cure you of autism he's been very persistent that I'll be a better person for the world overall if it's cured and how mental illnesses are not real but fabricated by doctors to kill you to take your money just the bun bunch of bull and now he's spouting off about how ankle Fusion will not work he started rambling about how with the limited Mobility I won't be able to exercise and will therefore become fatter and less desirable to everyone I do have a weight problem as well as internalized fat phobia thanks to him I told him how the doctors will plan to give me modified shoes to help me walk but then he went off about how that'll break my ankle I told him I'll have physical therapy to help me use a walker on one foot while I'm non-weight-bearing and then after the healing they'll do more physical therapy to help me walk normally again and how I'll have a wheelchair to help me get around if I need to go out he snapped about how I'm not listening to him and that it's proof that I need family more specifically him in my life he demanded that my mom either have me stay with her for the entire recovery process or that I stay with him for the entire recovery process I stood my ground and told him that that's not necessary that we already have a plan and that trust these doctors that made him really mad with him yelling if I trust strangers more than family I firmly told him that is not what I meant and that just because he's not confident in the game plan doesn't mean he has to be Doom and Gloom about it surprisingly that made him realize that he wasn't gonna get to me and huff that if I want to try then fine but that if something goes wrong I'm gonna regret not taking his help this may not have been as bad as what he did in the past but I felt like it was worth sharing I do want to end on a positive note I still have plans to cut him out and I'm already mentally prepared for a life without him as nowadays his words no longer hurt me like they used to I'm no longer afraid of him I'm simply annoyed at his existence and annoyed how he'll always be an entitled pathetic piece of crap father I think what confuses me the most is how these people are so confidently wrong almost all the time like you would just think when they noticed that every little thing they come across or believe is just completely disagreed with by a lot of people in their lives like to the point where they find they're having to advocate for their medicinal recovery and governmental beliefs that maybe they'd start getting an inkling of a feeling that maybe they're not on the right side of things also hi I'm Stephen and if you guys can't get enough of hearing about these entitled parents why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my child is turning two and I have an update when I gave birth to my baby boy almost two years ago my entitled sister was a freaking train wreck and I kicked her out I was no contact with her then and then low contact with her when my son's father was spiraling into addiction and physically abusing my child and I that is a long story of my ex beating me within an inch of my life and hurting my son and I on my son's first birthday I stupidly invited my no contact mom my son is her only grandchild she showed up didn't hold my child once and proceeded to tell tell my neighbors I'm a good single mom because of her she didn't spend any time with my son when I noticed she was trying to leave I said mom don't you want to spend time with your only grandchild can't you hold him and I can take a picture of you both that picture is the only one in existence because my mom gives zero craps about her only grandchild she fled immediately and life goes on in two years my life has become take care of my son and work plus help with the custody battle I completely understand an OP situation why it would be so disheartening to see her come there and show no interest in their only grandchild but in a way at least it kind of reaffirms your knowledge that it's not worth spending your time on her right our next story is entitled mom implies my male classmate is a creep note this happened years ago so some of the things might sound weird because I couldn't remember everything that was said or happened since this happened during fifth grade the cast is me myself mom I entitle The Narcissist mom mom Josh my male classmate Jane his mom and Jenny teacher now best friend I was reminded of the story while lurking around on our slash Asian parents my final field trip of fifth grade was at a theme park and all the students needed at least a parent to attend for the day so my mom the entitled The Narcissist mother of the story and we had a pretty fun day except for the random downpour throughout the day but most of the rides remained open and we all enjoyed the field trip then as we were getting ready to head back to school Josh walks over and sees me standing with everyone else approached me and seems a bit nervous before handing me a small leopard plushie saying here this is for you I smile and thank him happily because I'm a very polite and kind girl he flushed and quickly retreated to his mom I believe yes I didn't realize at the time until now that he probably had a crush on me but just never told me my mom who had gone to the bathroom and came back without me noticing must have seen Josh giving me the toy and said angrily throw it away now I said no Josh gave it to me and I'm keeping it I'll note Josh is the only classmate who's given me a gift and not tease or bully me for being the only Asian student in our class it also doesn't help that my parents never believed me when I was being bullied by my classmates or supported me when I needed extra help with my math homework which I had to get tutored by my cousin she's a month younger than me to do my homework then when she saw that I wasn't going to throw away this stuffed animal she decided to say this if you don't throw it away they'll come into your room and take you away yes she said this but maybe a bit too loud because Jane Josh's mom gave my mom a what the freak look and started coming over but Jenny of different fifth grade teacher chaperone stepped in and said to my mom oh that's such a cute gesture and I'm sure he's been looking for op to give it to her which caused my mom to leave me alone because we were surrounded by other teachers along with students after we left we were driving home my mom glared at me and said angrily get rid of that toy they probably stuck a camera in there so they can spy on you I said I'm not throwing it away Josh gave it to me and I'm keeping it I proceeded to hide it from my mom for a full year and she eventually forgot about it no there wasn't a camera in it because he had gotten it from those basketball hoop games that was around the arcade side of the theme park sadly I haven't seen him since then because I actually got held back and retook the fifth grade again but this time with Jenny as my teacher and this was how she and I became best friends yes I still own the plushie it's on my bed and my comfort toy when I'm overwhelmed by my parents toxicity I have another story about getting an action figure but that'll be another story by itself are they like afraid of you getting into a relationship or something like threatened by acute gesture from a kid in fifth grade they cannot be serious with they probably put a spy camera in side there that's just crazy our next story is entitled parents made me call the manager over a game prize Yes you heard the title correctly as ridiculous as it sounds I cannot make this up so I 19 year old male work at an arcade place that has a bar small Trampoline Park area simulators bowling Etc and I'm specifically stationed at Redemption which means I stand behind the prize cases where there's a wall of prizes behind me and you can earn prizes with tickets you get from the arcade so me and the others who work at Redemption are responsible for not only helping people redeem their prizes but also to refill the containers and the cases make sure the wall is stocked clean the cases and put up the ticket price tags but the prize tags can be hard to keep up with as sometimes the price can change because management can change the prices for it or we're so busy that all we can focus on is serving people and making sure their surprise is stocked that can be served and fixing the prices takes longer than you would think especially on busy days so sometimes the prizes have the wrong prices on accident which is fine it's a small mistake and one that can be easily fixed or explained I'm explaining all of this so you have an idea of half of the situation I'm about to explain that happened a few weeks ago at my job on one particular day when I came in for a night shift I noticed a co-worker who worked Redemption before me that day restocked the cases with new items so I'd assume that since most of the time the prizes are changed correctly when this happened that my co-worker put the right ones so I didn't bother messing with the prices and prizes and the cases but I did notice they didn't get to the wall with the new prizes and prices so I decided to focus on that when I wasn't serving people big mistake on my end apparently because as I was at my station showing my friend who had recently gotten a job at the arcade how things worked a family came up to us wanting to redeem some tickets which at first seemed great because it looked like a good opera opportunity to show my friend an example of how a checkout at Redemption goes oh it was not a good example so I remember this family had like 397 tickets and there was the parents who I'll call Karen and Kevin and they had three kids they requested three Pop Rocks which is 150 tickets each which if you do the math means they can only get two not three and they would have had 47 remaining so I explained this to them and since they seemed interested in the candy I tried pointing where they could get more of a variety of candy prices that were cheaper and still give them their two Pop Rocks but they didn't even give me the chance to explain because they immediately got really upset with me and they started going on about how the container said 125 not 150. I tried to calmly slash politely explain to them how and why prizes sometimes may have the wrong prices and that I apologize for the confusion as I didn't realize it had the wrong price nice I even tried to offer for them to look at my computer and they could see what the right price was but they weren't listening to me and the more I tried to help them with their confusion or you know help them with other options the more they started to raise their voices at me and get more aggressive with what they were saying towards me so I started to shut down because I'm not good at handling this kind of interaction due to my autism so the more this went on the more I couldn't even process what was going on and the more I began to shut down and not be able to properly speak to them yet they got mad at me when I wasn't giving them a proper explanation even though they were refusing to stay calm and listen to what I was saying when I was just trying to help them with a misunderstanding and get them prizes they could afford then they started going on about how they needed to have it served to them for what the container said and not what the computer said I didn't know if that was how it worked due to this being my first job like this and being somewhat new myself and because I doubted computer would let me do that so I told them that I don't think that was possible for me to do considering as far as I knew we had to sell them based off the prices the computer and barcode say which led to Karen and Kevin pulling out their ultimate move demanding the manager which left me even more flabbergasted than I already was in this situation because I couldn't even process why they were so mad over Pop Rocks of all things I'm not even joking when I say this but the pop rocks who were for the kids by the way the kids weren't even upset about it they started looking at other prizes when I said they couldn't have the third one two were even sharing from one of the two packets I'd already served them it looked like so I have no idea what they were throwing a fit over especially when I wasn't denying them pop rocks in general or any sort of prize and their kids were perfectly happy with what they had already and they were acting as if I was ruining their kids night and they were acting like it was all my fault they couldn't have one one additional packet of Pop Rocks but even though I didn't want to bother my manager over such a small issue I at this point just wanted to get these customers out of here because I was tired of being yelled at for just trying to help and I wanted to go back to training my friend for her job I went to go find a walkie-talkie at the front desk and called for my manager I explained to her the situation which luckily since she's a very nice manager she was very understanding and knew it was just an easy to fix mistake that the customers were blowing out of proportion I think she could also hear in my voice how anxious and confused I was too so she just told me it was okay and to just give them the third packet for what the current container said and told me just to fix it after they left and just leave it at that I walked back to my station to see my friend who looked even more confused about the situation than I was standing there not knowing what to do so I quickly gave them the third packet and told them that the manager said they could have it but that was all else they could get technically I could have have given them more but I didn't because of how rude they were towards me before if they were nice I would have just considered letting them have it for 125 just this one time and help them pick out other prizes but they weren't also I was genuinely concerned for those kids sleep schedules as mentioned earlier I was working a night shift but not just any night shift a shift that would be on duty to nearly midnight on a school night and they had two kids under the age of 10 and a toddler giving them sugar at almost midnight they came to my station near closing and having them up already this late when they have crap they need to be resting for does not sound like a good combo so I made them leave after I gave them the third packet and as soon as they were at a distance where they couldn't hear me I quickly looked at my friend and went over some freaking pop rocks and she busted out laughing and we started talking about how ridiculous this was like who throws a fit like that over Pop Rocks I can't imagine them being that good that you demand a manager just because you can't get one packet and if they're so important to you why can't you just buy it from a store where you can get more for cheaper why yell at some minimum wage worker over not being able to afford it with game currency we then closed up the station as we laughed about it and joked about what a lovely first day my friend had at her job with experiences like this already this was both of our first ever Karen slash Kevin experiences as well good Lord was it something how much are you guys willing to bet that workers here after they're a little bit more seasoned and used to experiencing things like this would be more than happy to just give it to them for what the sticker price says I mean to be fair up until the point where they argued that they should be able to get it for what the sticker price says I feel like it was actually understandable it's just when they keep going on and on and being belligerent when they say I literally can't do it I just this is the computer this is my job our next story is he is so cute when he destroys your stuff not sure if this post belongs here but here it goes a cousin a of mine had a baby boy two years ago and around the same time his sibling my cousin B also had a son both of the toddlers are now in their terrible twos my family Me A and B all stay abroad in the same city for work purposes while A and B's family including their wives and children stay in their native country so recently cousin A's wife and child came down to visit a and also dropped by to see us the child is quite naughty as is usual with a two-year-old child as soon as he stepped inside our house he proceeded to touch and grab every possible item in our house ranging from our TV remote to decorative vases and opened every possible wardrobe door and rummaged through our stuff destroying sentimental memorabilia I'd got during one of my trips to a country that I will not be visiting anytime soon and also spilling his mushy food onto the pages of an important book in closing the book to create sticky gooey stains between the pages what irked us the most was the manic Glee with which A's wife was displaying she was laughing at her child's Antics and was not taking any actions to stop him instead she was looking around at us asking isn't he cute at regular intervals and proceeding to provide us anecdotes about how he usually destroys stuff that doesn't belong to him whenever he goes to other people's houses She also asked my mom to make food that the baby likes to eat at the exact time of dinner which would have been fine but she had to provide my mom with special cooking instructions which irritated my mom making her hand over the spoon to her and asking her to cook it herself the last straw of the night was when the wife started narrating how her child bullies my cousin B's Child by biting him and snatching his toys away when that story garnered no reaction from us except horror she kept narrating it again and again to assert how funny the story was B was also present for the gathering at our house and you could see he was getting irritated but was not saying anything rash in a bid to remain respectful towards his sister-in-law he left soon afterwards and a and his family too left the next day B calls to apologize for leaving early after dinner and tells him how A's wife always encourages their child to do dangerous and not so nice things like grabbing heavy objects putting fingers in the electric sockets Etc in front of my cousin B's child cousin B and his wife have always taught his child not to do stuff like that and when cousin A's child does the exact same things in front of him the child gets upset at the double standards the adults are displaying and the child feels he's getting wronged and he's not sure how to tell cousin A's wife to stop doing this without her getting upset A's wife is a working mom and sometimes I feel her guilt of not being able to be a stay-at-home mom makes her act this way enabling her child's wrong and dangerous actions to get her child's affection and approval honestly I feel like the people in the story were a bit too complacent with it I mean I get not wanting to upset them but after the first or second time of them literally destroying things why would you not step in I think it's more than okay to physically stop somebody from destroying your memorabilia our next story is entitled mother ignores boundaries encourages child to open pet carrier in public this happened just now one of my pet rats suddenly became very ill I rushed to the vets on public transport with another rat in the carrier to keep him company the ill rat was admitted to the hospital overnight and the Outlook is not good it's likely he'll need to be euthanized I was very upset when I got back on the train and as I got on a mother and daughter five-ish gasped been delighted seeing a pet in a carrier I started ugly crying when I sat down and clutched the carrier the mother and daughter sat next to me and the mother joyfully encouraged your daughter to ask me what pet I had I started crying harder and said I'm sorry I'm not in the mood to chat I'll need to have an animal euthanized you can have a look at my rat if you want I turned away put the carrier on the seat next to me and cried more a few seconds later the woman is encouraging her child to open the carrier to play with my rat okay he's a big softy but the train was stressing him out I pulled the carrier away and said please don't do that the woman pulls her daughter back and says loudly and passive aggressively was and that lady Rude the child starts laughing at me I'm listening to sad music nose running openly sobbing while this woman and her kid insult me screw you I think what disappoints me the most about this story is that the kid is at a very impressionable age obviously so she's teaching this kid to not have any sympathy for this stranger our next story is would I be in the wrong to cut off my dad's financial support me and my boyfriend both 19 have been together for over four years he moved in with me into my mom's apartment over the summer we made our own plans to move out in 2024 but I recently found out that my mom needs to go into surgery this December and she won't be able to earn any money at her job so she asked me for financial help me and my boyfriend decided to move to his home country as soon as possible because I'd have a better work opportunity and stability to provide for my mom so we bought tickets for the beginning of October we thought everything was going smooth until my dad started throwing passive aggressive comments about me moving and some negative things about my boyfriend yesterday I was eating at the kitchen table with my mom as my dad walks in the room in a bad mood and starts talking crap about me moving I usually ignore his comments to not make it worse but he said something that hurt me he said you're as good as a dead piece of crap when you moved to Denmark it's not even that much better there I got up left to my room and closed the door my mom got upset at him and asked why he would say that and my dad started yelling about how we're being disrespectful he kept on yelling and escalating the whole situation while he's quietly stayed in my room we haven't said a word and I heard them both arguing fast forward to today I heard him in the kitchen talking crap again I tried really hard not to say anything to make it worse but I couldn't take it anymore when he started self-pitying when this man does nothing but sit on his butt all day at home and makes my mom clean up after him so I snapped I went to the kitchen and I asked what did I ever do to him that he's insulting me and my boyfriend we were yelling back and forth and he said a lot of hurtful things that are a blur to me now what I do remember is him saying that once I moved to Denmark I won't give a crap about them anymore and I said I won't give a crap about you and I will only pay for my mom's apartment while you can go and live on the street I left and he kept yelling at me so I said if he says one more word me and my boyfriend will pack right now and move to a hotel until our flight he yelled more and started moving towards my room so my boyfriend got in between me and him then my dad directed the yelling and pointing towards my boyfriend my boyfriend yelled at him in Danish as he raised his hand in front of himself pointing at my dad with his finger my dad lost his mind as we pushed him out of my room and locked the door my dad was screaming how my boyfriend just assaulted him and that he'll call the police me and my boyfriend packed our bags and my brother-in-law found out about our situation and he called me and offered us an apartment for us to settle in until the day of our flight would I be in the wrong to cut my dad's financial help and him off completely I don't think LP would be in the wrong at all and I would say disassociate and go no contact with them immediately before they try to push this any further and maybe get you wrapped up in some weird legal situation that might prevent you from leaving our next story is my school excused my dad's abuse I got the bus due to chronic fatigue where worsening when exerting myself and even getting up is a struggle and feels so dehabilitating despite this I've never missed my bus until now and it's because he put the freaking key in the cabinet and I yelled at him via phone so he picked me up and told me to never yell at him and to shut my mouth and when I tried talking to him he told me to shut my mouth or he'll drop me off what happened afterwards near the end when we were at school I recorded and I called him out for threatening to make me walk to school and he said if I keep talking he's gonna bring me home and make me walk back even though I have hypermobility he said he's not standing for how I treat him because I've been raging at him more often and then he got mad and accused me of not saying hello even though I do forget of course but will once told and got mad that I never said Thank you whenever he picks or drops me off and he said he doesn't have to take me to school and when I mentioned he had to because he put the key in the cabinet he said it was my fault and he then decided to drop me off and harshly told me just go I ended the recording there after some heated exchanges I told him whatever and yelled I hate you and had a mental breakdown at school and went to the office to report it I cried and raged and countless people like the principal my guidance counselor some others were there and I told them the incident my guidance counselor kept telling me not to cry it's all right it's not a big deal while I'm having a mental breakdown I screamed the crap out of her for every time she emotionally invalidated me I showed them the recording and when one of them called my mom they said it was a normal disagreement I then raged cursed and said harsh things including saying that my dad should die they also told me a bit after the call to be careful of what I say because they can't prove it and they mentioned the crap I mentioned like s a CVS visits need to be proven or whatever then I go to a room with my guidance counselor and afterwards I got taken to another room and talk to a lady about everything and then the social worker came and as soon as I came up to the thank you and hello part coming up they saw my school info and probably my diagnosis on the IEP and whispered loudly she's on the Spectrum in this semi-gosippy way then my mom and the support facilitator and some of the same adults from the recording come and they all agreed it wasn't a big deal and the social worker even said she'd do the same because in her mind I need to respect my dad and he and she isn't entitled to pick me up if I yell or get mad regardless of chronic health issues I even told her about my joint hypermobility And the fact I could dislocate my joints they said they're trying to help but they literally hate me because I'm disabled my mom even said I blame everyone but myself even though they don't take accountability and downplayed my health issues they only focused on how calm my dad was and texted some Psychiatric Services to my mom for men until breakdown but that's it they sent me home for a mental breakdown despite me saying I don't feel safe with my dad they even identified that I'm usually able to control myself in class but get triggered by my dad and on the way home my mom just told me as usual when it happens that in the real world no one has these breakdowns and that it's immature and blah blah blah and then when I called her out for letting my dad stay in the home even after saing me she excused it because it was when I was 13 and it was the only time and to assume it was a mistake like he said I went home and had a mental breakdown and was close to attempting I'm literally still stressed right now and I hate that no authority figure will care enough to put an end so obviously a lot of things Opie mentioned here are horrendous and it's extremely troubling to see that there are multiple people that are supposed to be in that chain of helping them out that just disregard them just try to downplay it all most like try to deflect it so they don't have to deal with it I mean even in the event that op was just over exaggerating things it's the fact that none of them are hearing op out or providing any guidance for them to work through their emotions they're just trying to downplay it deflect it or even kind of gasp like them what can you do when the system that's there that's supposed to help you completely fails you I would say op needs to just continue collecting this evidence maybe at some point they'll find the one person that does care enough to do something but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMYSCHOOLIGNORESMYABUSIVEDADRedditStoriesorig
my ex-bestfriend who married my ex-husband hired me to make a cake for her son's birth I 33 just wanted to share this with everyone who was going through a divorce or a heartbreak for a similar reason I married someone who I love with all my heart we met in college and right after graduation we got married I decided to stay home because my husband 34 made a lot of money I gave him everything supported his business cooked for him cleaned for him basically babied him a lot because I was in love with him I thought if I was a good wife and nurtured him he would love me back and for like five years it was good I discovered he was cheating on me when I found a random receipt from a hotel I investigated a little and found out he was in fact cheating on me and his AP was my best friend Kylie 31. I was betrayed by two of my closest people Kylie gave me a vague excuse that she didn't want to hurt me but she just fell in love with him his excuse was you do not make me feel special anymore you have just got boring and let yourself go I agree I was a little chubby back then because of my medicines also I was always tired to work out I tried the path of reconciliation but failed he left me for Kylie this whole incident made me realize who are my real friends and who are fake ones there were people who are neutral but only two of them Josh and Marie were on my side and cut off Kylie I was really devastated I felt like without him I was a no one I lost my husband my best friend my house my life I stayed with Marie for a while she offered me a small job in her catering business I love food when I was married I would make different variety of food for my ex-husband cooking was just very therapeutic to me during that time Marie's mom gave me some useful advice that is an average human lives for 75 years you are already 27. are you that stupid that you want to waste the rest of your life being sat over a man who never loved you that thing really stuck with me I have trust issues because of my husband's infidelity I had trouble dating so I skipped it for a while I focused on working on myself I socialized with a lot of people while I was catering and made a lot of connections I always wanted to start a business of my own and since I loved creating food a customer I was catering for actually gave me an idea to start a baking business my friends also helped me a lot I built a pretty small yet successful baking business within couple of years I started to feel more of myself now that I am free I didn't realize I had so much free time in my hands because I wasn't busy taking care of a large human my house was clean no one is putting dirty laundry on the floor no one is telling me to make something else because they are not in mood for a certain dish nobody puts dirty dishes on the sink I started to embrace this solidarity I know those things I mentioned are not something that is big but it was a huge relief moreover no one questions me whenever I go out I don't have to answer anyone before going out I can spontaneously go on a long drive and I don't have to ask for permission I learned a new language within my free time I focused more on family and friends who genuinely love me and getting dumped has made me see the red flags I missed in my marriages I use that as a lesson to steer clear of any trash man in my life I dated few men but they didn't seem nice to me but it didn't bother me a lot I am happy being single and carefree I see my divorce as a blessing to me rather than a curse I do feel alone sometimes but recently I got a call from Kylie saying that she regrets marrying my ex because he never appreciates her and always puts the burden of everything on her they have two kids now but my ex doesn't help her with any chores she is always tired and exhausted after taking care of two kids and an adult it just made me realize that it would have been me if my husband didn't cheat on me with Kylie I simply told her well you said you loved him so he is your problem now what's the point of coming to me that woman has the audacity to say she wanted a friend I blocked her number I don't want to be in their lives sometimes I feel like I missed my Prime because I'm now 33. it feels too old to start over but I still have hope for love one day I am currently dating a guy who is also divorced like me because his wife cheated on him so we will see how that goes I 33 am in a bit of dilemma you see my ex-bestfriend 31 had an affair with my ex-husband 34 when we were married our friendship fell apart right over there I didn't have any contact with her until a month ago she called me and said she is not happy with her life I have moved in with my life I don't need their Shenanigans I run a small baking business it is relatively new I only take orders for cakes on occasions like birthdays graduation or reunion except for weddings I have some plans to expand and also have a dream to open a bakery of my own one day few days ago I get an order from my ex-bestfriend she wanted me to make desserts for her son's first birthday and she doesn't just want me to make a birthday cake she also wants a dessert section in the birthday party it is a huge order in the pay is good it will be good for my business but as you can see she and I have a history this made me question why does she want me to do it my ex comes from a well-to-do family he also has a high paying job she could easily hire the best baker in town why does she want me to do it my business is not that big it made me feel like she is trying to grab my attention or just trying to sabotage my business or maybe she wants to talk to me after I shun her the last time on the other hand the businesswoman inside me says to take it I know I can do it the party is huge there will be many people from affluent background I can promote my business to those people it will boost my Revenue as well I am thinking if I just avoid her as much as possible then it will be good but I don't know I am stuck in between I need some good advice my ex-bestfriend who married my ex-husband hired me to make a cake for her son's birth sorry to disappoint you guys I accepted the order it looked too good to pass it to someone else call me a greedy businesswoman all you want but like you said ask for Advance payment I did ask for it they paid in advance I always ask for advanced full payment I also minimize the contacts with my ex-best friend so far the interaction between us has been through email and also I have an assistant who is a family friend he knows my situation and is a middle man I am documenting everything I know I am taking a huge risk with this but I am willing to see where it goes also I got to know hiring me was my ex-husband's idea not hers my ex heard about my service from a colleague of his and wanted to hire me I haven't talked to my ex about this most of my communications has been with my ex-best friend nothing big happened I am still working on it I will post a full after all of this is done stay tuned I decided to talk to my mom about it I just needed her insights about this matter she told me I should do what I want to do my boyfriend also encouraged me to take the order he says that if I had to stay to organize the dessert table he would be there for me I took the order and it turns out it was my ex-husband's idea to hire me because one of his colleagues recommended my services to him and it was sort of short notice so I had to rush this anyways I kept it strictly about business I did take the payment in advance just like some of you have mentioned I always ask for advanced payments I mostly maintain communication through email I have an assistant who is also a family friend of mine to handle all Communications my ex-best friend tried many times to me with me in person but I told her to just email me because I do have cake orders for other people too I only had to meet her one time in person regarding the order she sent me the details of the party over the email and like I mentioned it was a huge order I didn't just have to make a birthday cake for the baby it is Pokemon themed there were also cake pops cupcakes and macaron luckily I had my friend Marie over for some help yes I did pay her so like usual I went to deliver the cakes and other stuff for the party there was already a table set at the venue my boyfriend Josh 35 came with me to support me and to keep me away from my ex-husband and ex-bestfriend as much as possible as I was busy with myself my ex approached me and said hello NGL seeing him after so many years my heart just stopped this man has given me the worst pain you could possibly give to a human I am glad I held my composure I also said hello back he tried to have a small talk with me by saying that he is sorry about how things went down and what he said and also I looked better than the last time he saw me then he drops a big bomb he said all these years he has thought of me wondering what I was doing even though he is happy with his married life I was silent I didn't say a word he just kept spewing that he misses is me and my cooking my homemade french onion soup is still his favorite he misses that every time he gets sick with a flu I didn't know what to say at that moment Josh noticed that my ex was making me uncomfortable and he rushed towards me with a fake emergency he asked if I was okay I said yes after the table setting was done I was about to leave that's when I saw my ex-father in law along with other guests he noticed me and came to give me a hug my ex-father-in-law is a very humble man in fact he was the only man who was on my side when I was going through a divorce with his son he looked really happy to see me and asked me how I was he started to chat with me I talked to him about my business and he gave me some advice he even talked to my boyfriend he called Josh a pretty standard guy whatever that means ex-father-in-law was nice and said he would suggest my services to his friends too he insisted that I stay until lunch is served I said no a couple of times but he managed to convince me I only stayed for one more hour or so but I was fine I did notice that my ex-best friend was eyeing me from the corner I was fine because Josh was beside me the whole time I chatted with some guests they appreciated my service I didn't have any more conversations with my ex I didn't even stay for the cake cutting I left the first chance I got but my assistant stayed to make sure everything was fine for the cleanup it was overwhelming for me I saw some of my old friends and my in-laws my mother-in-law avoided me and some of my old friends just said hello later that day I got a message from my ex-bestfriend on my work email that she liked my service and that her guests really liked my cakes and desserts she also said sorry that's not where it ends I got to know from my friend Marie who was still in contact with some of my old friend group that my ex-bestfriend is not happy with her marriage when my ex and her are in public they would often fight a lot they also fight on the day of their kid's birthday to be honest I just told her to not bring me the gossip about her but the Silver Lining is I got a huge fat check I can finally buy a new sugar printer or maybe a good quality oven also I just want to appreciate my boyfriend Joshua he has been incredibly supportive of me he has protected me from my ex and ex-best friend like a knight I think he deserves his own cake for me and I know a lot of you told me not to take it but I guess I'm just a greedy Mr Krabs who cares more about the money rather than being classy but this is the last time I will be taking any orders from them I know they have a three-year-old daughter whose birthday will be in two months I think they might try to hire me again I will not take it if that happens
give me a good story on myexbestfriendwhoMARRIEDmyEXhusbandHIREDmetomakeacakeforherSONSbirthPT
welcome friends to another r slash entitled parents video we've got a lot of crazy stories today and our first one's from rufus8658 that time my mom decided that she didn't have to pay rent this was about 20 years ago in late 2000 or early 2001 my mom was one of those people who simply didn't understand that she had to pay for things she was famous for running up huge phone or power bills not paying them and getting mad at the company when they turned the service off her reasoning was that they should understand that she needs the phone or power or whatever to her credit i guess she did pay her rent though she wasn't happy about it not in the way that everyone's unhappy with paying the rent but like she deeply deeply resented it she took it personally one day she learned about the legal concept of squatters rights that is a thing and in california and means essentially if you live in an abandoned property and improve it for five years with no owner coming forward you can claim ownership what she thought this meant was that if she stopped paying rent she'd become a squatter and have the right to stay needless to say your landlord disagreed she did eventually give in and start paying her rent again after a couple of months but needless to say she didn't stay in that house much longer honestly that was an impressively dumb idea i don't know the legal rights on what you could or couldn't do but if i had somebody do that to me i'd be trying to figure out every way to force them to leave that property if they had a lease i'd want to break it as a landlord there would just be too many red flags do you think this entitled mom's decision to try to take advantage of squatters rights was more of a dumb ignorance of understanding how squatters rights worked or would you say that they did this more out of a self-absorbed entitled i deserve to have this happen for me type of way or both let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from chavchoff of our legs went to a party at my friend's house i was berated throughout the whole evening several times by my friend's mother who also made unnecessary remarks about the other guests religion islam so some of our friends are muslims and they've been fasting every day due to ramadan my friend graduated a few days ago and she invited us all to her house at 7 30 pm i'm usually a punctual person but i end up being late in these occasions because i wait for my friend who is pathologically late hyperbolic expression at all times she jokes about it being a black thing but i'm not kidding when i say that she's always late sometimes two to three hours late this behavior and lack of respect for everyone else's time was the sparkle of many discussions but we've come to the conclusion that she just won't change so whenever we invite her we give her a meeting time two hours before the actual meeting time the reason why i wait for her is because we live so close to each other so we usually ride the car together anyway this time we weren't the only ones being late as our two muslim friends always have iftar with their family so we decided to pick them up and go to the party together we texted our friend and she was okay with it but as soon as we entered her home and we greeted her mother she started yelling do you think this is all right why are you always so late i apologized and informed her that this time our ever late friend c was actually ready by 7 pm strangely but we decided to wait for our other two muslim friends because we didn't want to eat without them and that we warned her daughter so that she would have known through the dinner and the party she'd alternate friendly chit chats even spanking my butt a couple of times with harsh tones of disapproval and reminding us that we were late as always other two muslim friends came later and i caught mother trying to hide her frustration these two friends came right after work but of course mother had no idea and neither did she care she never actually complained directly with them and she took it out of my friend c and i because she's known us longer than everyone else in the house aside from her own family i'd respond firmly but still politely when she caught me washing the dishes and cleaning up she threw a tantrum and said all the others were here by 7 30 pm and they were such great help before the party started and now you come here thinking you can do the little work that's left to be done at that point i reminded her of all the times we came to help her before and after her parties lunches dinners and that i was not tolerating being treated like i've never helped her before moreover i wasn't obligated to help her never before and not now as a guest if you decide to host a party you don't get to feel entitled to be helped out by your guests if they want to help then that's great i still decided to wash the dishes to calm down and get away from everyone there were 50 plus dishes and glasses and i doubt the other guests had to do greater work than i was doing knowing how mother parties go they probably helped preparing the tables and placing the dishes and chairs she never lets anyone else touch her stove so i doubt they helped her finish her cooking she'd also gnarly ask why would anyone not come at 7 30 pm when asked i told her that she was right about c and i especially c always being late but the muslims weren't at fault and her daughter was informed about their arrival time several days prior it's like we all revolve around her and we should all put aside our needs and plans just to be in time for her parties people got lives some of us even work on weekends and we'd rather be late and still see each other than not hang out at all then when all the muslims were gone and only a few of us were left she started talking about one muslim girl who was there at 7 30 pm and just watched everyone else eating as a prime example of a good guest or that time she and her boss invited a muslim diplomat in her boss's house and forgot about his religion they cooked pork just pork and they didn't tell him she said he seemed to notice it was a different kind of meat but ate it anyway out of respect for her boss's hospitality and she said see why can't your friends be like that at that point i was tired and when i'm tired i either stay quiet or just stop giving a freak this time it was the latter i said i do not agree with you and everyone went silent let me tell you this no one ever dares to object to mother because it's a lost cause she never gets into a discussion to find a middle ground she does it only for you to give up and say you're right i told her she was a hypocrite for demanding respect in her house when she doesn't have any for her guests even making unnecessary remarks about their religion i apologize to my friend her daughter but i couldn't tolerate racism in front of me especially when she talks about our friends i was also greatly disappointed by how our friend never asked her mother to stop saying those things about our friends what kind of friend are you if you can't defend your loved ones i even pointed out how her other daughter was serving pasta with ragu and when i asked her if it was beef on behalf of my muslim friends she said i don't know laughing nervously my muslim friend was understanding and said it's alright but pretend you're certain about it being beef when those other two muslim girls ask you about it they're very observant and religious strangely enough after a pointless discussion about religion and culture mother still asked me to come over the next day seemingly with newfound respect what the freak i replied oh i don't think we're welcome in this house and declined probably i'm also fed up with her questionable behavior towards her daughter's friends if not unsolicited comments against other religions she'll point out how much weight you gained how bad you look when my friend and i finally lost weight she never once complimented us she's the kind of person who loves making people feel miserable even her own daughters well i gotta say this mother sounds horrendous to me it sounds like this mom checks off just about every awful person checkmark box short of putting their hands on people this is one of those situations where you pull your friend to the side and say i'm sorry but we can't go over there your mom is insane like you just kind of have to tell him how it is in that kind of a situation by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos every video's got great stories like our next one from sydney444 mom doesn't care about my safety and is more concerned with her image i just thought i should add my dad passed away a month ago and it's been hard on me and my mom recently but some of her actions and irrational decisions are concerning this happened last week and truthfully i've been having nightmares like my mom drinking and being sloppy drunk and another where i was at our house and someone tried to attack me because they were extremely drunk i'll explain the story and why it just upset me 21 year old female my mom 52 year old female and her friend decided to go to some bar i at first was deciding against it but ended up going with her due to her guilting me we had a pretty decent time except i noticed she was drinking a lot more and she explained that she doesn't have her rings on her because she isn't married anymore she had a couple of beers shots and mixed drinks telling everyone my father passed away drinking isn't like her to the point of being sloppy but it's in some ways understandable under the circumstances the bar closed at one and we were getting ready to leave my mom flips out about me or her friend driving and decides to ask some guy at the bar 36 year old male we were talking to to drive us home he agreed after my mom seemed fairly excited about the idea i just found it disrespectful that a month later she let a stranger come into the house my dad and her lived in together he was making a toast to my dad and talking about energy and just the most off the wall crap maybe 15 or so minutes go by and she's still drunk and i don't want to basically take care of my drunk mom because she says mean stuff and assumes whatever she says drunk is 100 true and everyone is wrong around her things like i have my boyfriend and she has no one i decided to go shower to avoid it the guy is still there by the time i get out of the shower my mom's passed out asleep i asked her friend where the guy went and she said she told him to go home i walked back into my room which faces the driveway and just looked out his car sitting in our driveway but i just assumed he was getting his stuff settled and was about to head out maybe 15 minutes go by and his car's still in our driveway i walk into my mom's room and let her friend know she opens her phone and he called over five times and is asking if they can still hang out she ignores it and tells me he'll leave i walked back to my room and another 15 minutes go by and he's still in our driveway i go back to my mom's friend and ask her if i can call the cops because it's been 30 minutes and it's weird she says it's fine he'll leave i decided to wait 10 to 15 more minutes this time goes by and lo and behold he's still sitting in our driveway i go back and say i'm calling the police she says it's fine i'll tell him to go home i wait five to ten minutes and because at this point he would have been in our driveway for over an hour i call my boyfriend who's a few hours away from me and tell him what's going on and i don't know what to do he immediately tells me to call the police i try to calm myself down before calling so i can get the story out without freaking out and losing my thoughts i call and explain what's going on and they send someone down to the house they tell me to meet them outside i see them pull up and head out the officer talks to me and says he seemed overly drunk and is surprised my mom agreed to let him drive us and asked me if he seemed intoxicated when driving us i said he seemed fine but i don't know him and how's he drunk i explain he came in for a few drinks in the house and the officer explains she can't claim trespassing because he was invited in and a dui would be too hard to take to court she asked me what i wanted to do and if i just wanted him gone and out of our driveway i say yes that's all i want i just feel uncomfortable and i told her my mom and friend were both passed out asleep and she gave me an odd look like she was worried about me she tells me she's going to find a ride because he admitted he was too drunk to drive and they should only be 20 minutes away and they'll wait in my driveway for his ride so i can head back inside i call my boyfriend to let him know what's going on and explain he's worried about me and pretty mad at my mom 20 minutes go by and the officer calls and says his ride will be another 20 minutes and that they'll try to stay in the driveway but if they get a call they'll have to leave thankfully they stayed the whole time and his ride got him i've been up since 2 am and it's now 5 am i've been dealing with this mess that could have been avoided i get up and i'm obviously upset with my mom for allowing me to be put in a dangerous situation that she didn't even have a clue happened i just stay quiet most of the day and ignore her she asks why i'm being so crappy to her and i just break down and yell at her about what happened last night and she didn't seem to care or understand the danger she put her daughter in and that i had to talk to the police all alone at 2am with a complete stranger in our driveway she apologized but was saying her friend was a bad influence on her which is usually what she does when she messes up puts blame on whoever she can easily pin it on even though she let the situation continue to play out like it did and i told her i had to call my boyfriend because i had no idea what to do she then flips out and insists i text him and tell him it wasn't her fault because she doesn't want him to judge her or for his mom to possibly find out we go to dinner and multiple times she asked if i texted him and told him it wasn't her fault i lie and say yeah he said he knows and understands i am dumbfounded at her ability to apologize for her actions just to turn around and make sure no one judges her and to make sure they know it's not her fault she was more concerned about what people thought about her and how she looked and not what i just had to experience and the stress it put on me side note i forgot the guy started to dance with my mom in the house and she started to cry and say she felt he was meant to be there i'm kind of wondering how much grief is being an influence in this situation like maybe op's mom's really going through a lot of stuff after losing their husband that's influencing this reckless behavior i don't know or you know maybe it's just indicative of how they are as a person but i feel like there could be a lot of potential underlying stuff going on here this next story is from um no b feeling helpless and in the middle between my mom and husband my mom and dad divorced since i was 12. i was parentified to take care of my young sister my mom got married three times and she had from her last marriage two kids her husband does not want to work nor spend a penny so i transfer her monthly 250 dollars so that she doesn't starve plus i bought her a car i live in another country however yesterday her husband physically assaulted her by throwing furniture at her she wants to find a place to rent on my expense her family won't even offer to take her in and i can't just sit and watch her because i know next time he'll kill her thus i have to send some more money but my husband's fed up and doesn't want me to give more money especially that we are expecting a baby but i can't dump my mom what to do frankly i have a lot of respect for op for how much care and attention they give to their mom and their situation just trying to make sure that their mom doesn't end up homeless or starving i don't envy op because this is a very tough situation where it almost comes to a head where you've got to choose between your own interests and your own family and supporting your own mom who is admittedly in a terrible situation our next story is from set it off 23 grandma kicks us out and acts like it's our choice okay so for context i 19 year old male live with my older sibling 24 non-binary in our rv they love the idea of rv living and plan to live in it forever i however am living with them temporarily to get out of my borderline abusive parents house story for another time i'll call my sibling ash and my grandma well grandma so ash lived in a town a few hours away with our dad but when my dad got divorced they moved to my current town my grandma let my dad move in with her and let ash park the rv in her backyard at the time our younger sister lived with them but about six months after they moved here she decided to move back to her hometown with her dad i moved in with him in september well almost the entire time i've lived there my grandmas complained about almost everything and has tried to control our lives i understand rules about living on her property but when i asked how my co-worker she told me to just stay friends in case it doesn't work out he's currently my boyfriend and complains if we don't do laundry often enough or if we're too loud during the day and much more well recently she decided to renovate her backyard she needs a new ac unit and she's getting a loan on her house she's using that alone to do the backyard because she's over 65 she won't have to pay it back the bank will get paid back when they sell the house after she passes she gave us six weeks to find somewhere for the rv now neither ash nor i plan to stay in our small town forever and are trying to save up we only have to pay our car bills we only have to pay our car bills i pay them rent in the form of helping pay off the rv and anywhere from 50 to 70 each to our grandma for water and electricity if we get a lot we won't be able to afford to save up and would be stuck every time we bring this up to her or our parents they just shrug and say oh well the thing is we don't even have the proper rv hookups and she refuses to get them installed even when we offered to save up and pay for it which means we can't use the ac our summers get up to 117 degrees fahrenheit and we have a limited amount of electricity well none of the rv parks are available and she keeps complaining that we don't wait until the last minute because that's when she'll start to get stressed well we talked to our mom and step dad and surprisingly they're letting us put the rv on their property which is good and bad good things are no rent proper hookups and no grandma bad thing is it's like 30 plus minutes to our work we work for the same company different locations but in the same neighborhood we're moving it on saturday well we told our grandma this and since it's just been oh you have till the end of the month and well who's gonna watch baby her dog we were originally going to watch her while she goes on a trip well i visit your aunt now i can't go on my trip and other things like that did i miss something like you told us not to wait till the last minute and now you don't want us to go what the freak plus ash even offered to stay at my grandma's to watch the dogs and she agreed i don't understand what her problem is she wanted us out but now wants us to stay you gotta love somebody who just can't make up their mind i feel like with somebody like this you can never do right in their eyes whether it's something that they wanted they'll find something to complain about and then if you do something you want they'll definitely find something to complain about i would say maybe the reasonable thing is just try to keep your distance our next story is from dannyboy8655 entitled mother decides what we do on my birthday so for context this was many years ago so my memory may be a bit fuzzy this story starts on the 5th of august 2015. me and my family entitled mother entitled sister my sister and nice brother were in our car going to my favorite trampoline park at the time i can't remember what it was called so i'll call it tram park all was well until entitled sister said where are we going to eat i'm hungry i was surprised because she would usually complain and demand we go to mcdonald's or something entitled mother says we're going to insert her least favorite restaurant here i can't remember the name entitled sister said what i thought opi chose mcdonald's i don't want to go to the restaurant or park entitled mother says okay darling where do you want to go i say hold on entitled sister doesn't get to choose i do it's my birthday after all entitled mother says i don't care if it's your birthday or not your darling sister doesn't want to go so we're not going at this point i'm furious my mother just completely disregarded my birthday to please my spoiled brat of a sister i then had the worst birthday of my life i forgot the rest of the conversation so sorry about that and my entitled mother still asks me why i moved over to my dad's house and blocked her on all social media yeah i feel bad for op imagine getting promised and even are actively in route to things that you chose for your birthday and just because one of your siblings that clearly your parent favors more says i don't want to go there they just put the car in 180 and go a whole different direction by the way what fast food place is your least favorite when i was reading this story and i heard insert her least favorite restaurant here the one that popped into my head was long john silvers i'm just not that huge on seafood but i'm kind of curious what your guys's would be let me know in the comments our next story is from tiny bubbles i'm in the outfield i love kids and i have three the youngest one almost an adult i was a school bus driver for 10 years i know how to handle kids on the bus they were my kids so to speak and i had to lay down the law but off work i go directly to the parent if there's a problem we bought a house recently the neighbors have two young boys the family's big on baseball and have a batting cage that spans the length of my backyard so lovely but they barely use the batting cage they use their front yard with our side yard as the outfield baseball and soccer towards a wall with a window i read in my room and i have to change rooms when they're out there they dumped all the rocks from a fish tank over there all my plants got smashed and oh my god when the balls hit the gas line it sounds like an earthquake my significant other spoke with the parents and it continued for a while and then they parked their motor home about four feet from our bedroom window directly on the property line i no longer have a view of the sky like i used to the lighting's changed in our room and almost all my plants have suffered over there i know it's their property but even a jerk would call it a jerk move to block someone's bedroom window when you have an rv strip already the setup is so their kids can play basketball on the concrete strip these people are so entitled that they knocked on my door when we moved in i thought they were going to welcome us to the neighborhood instead they told me that they didn't like the woman who had been at my house and i shouldn't let her back over vent over i would definitely say it's worth a look into seeing where they can park the rv legally as far as regulations for that area goes but if it's legal i'm also kind of personally of the opinion that like yeah it sucks but they have every right to put the rv there like i feel like you're totally fine to talk to them and try to reason with them but like yeah it sucks but they'd have a right to put it there and frankly as a kid that loved basketball personally i would go nuts being able to play basketball on the concrete strip so i'm probably just a little bit more biased in the situation it literally all depends on the legality of that rv being there and our final story of the day is by throw away a wish my mom killed my fake baby this happened in high school when i was like 16 now i'm 26 and i'm still bitter about it because it wrecked my gpa so when i was in high school i was in home mech for the second year in a row at my school we had different levels of home eq like how there's a spanish one spanish two spanish three so freshman year you did the boiled egg baby experiment but in the higher level class we got these fancy robotic baby dolls the dolls had sensors in them in different spots the mouth the back the bottom we got these key fobs that were sewed into the cloth diapers or built into bottles that when the baby would cry we would put the fob across the sensor and the baby would stop crying the baby also had a sensor in the neck that if the neck went too far back it would register as a broken on your chart we were assigned the babies for one weekend at this time i was in marching band and i had games on friday nights i was worried that i wouldn't be able to hear the baby cry over the crowd and the band so i asked my mom to babysit i showed her how all the key fobs worked and all that she said she'd do it no problem so i go to the game do my marching band stuff i go home i get the baby back and my mom says that everything went well i noticed when she gave it back that the baby did have some different baby clothes on and she said they'd gone over to my aunts and the cousins had dressed the baby up but that she watched them i got a little annoyed i told her it wasn't a toy that it was my grade but she told me to calm down so the rest of the weekend goes by i take care of the baby and i didn't miss anything to be fair i'd been watching kids since i was 14 and my job at the time was at a daycare i got fridays off for games and they were closed weekends so monday rolls around and we turn in the babies and they print out our reports from the computer i got like a really low score like a 57 or something like that i failed that's for sure i'm so mad because i didn't do anything wrong i hadn't missed a thing on the printout it said that the baby's neck had broken like over 10 times had been left in a dirty diaper like eight times and hadn't been fed around the same amount to say i was shocked was an understatement i know i wasn't the one who'd done or i guess not done any of that so i obviously confronted my mom outraged she had tainted my grade and i was an a and b student she denied the whole thing and my stepdad tried to say it was me who did it and that i was just trying to push the blame on my mom because i didn't want to admit i did something wrong so i went back to my teacher and asked her if she could print out another list of the infractions except this time with time stamps on them she said she could i also asked that if i could get a letter from my parents saying that they had done all that stuff to the baby that maybe she could pass me and she said she'd have to see so i get the paper and sure enough every infraction was in between the time i dropped the baby off with my mom and the time i picked them up after the game i took the paper to my mom and confronted her i remember my stepdad had the audacity to say i had faked it somehow but i finally got her to admit that she had basically let the little cousins take it to their bedrooms and play with it like it was a baby doll all while she and my stepdad got drunk with my aunt they wrote the letter and i gotta see but like i'm clearly still resentful i basically swore that day to never trust my mom with my future kids this was also when i started to wise up to just how bad my mom and step-dad's drinking was i'd been dealing with it but been in denial since like the eighth grade but that fall it really just hit me how unreliable they were and how much they prioritized their drinking over me i don't know this is gonna be a very controversial opinion for me but like i feel like op getting that result is kind of like the whole point of the like baby test right first of all i think the home ac baby test thing is a little ridiculous especially like if these kids who are going to high school are trying to sleep and the babies going off in the middle of the night like it does teach good lessons but it's a little extra isn't it but isn't the whole point that if you have this baby and you're supposed to be responsible in watching them then you're not supposed to just hand your baby off to somebody and trust that they're going to take care of it like yeah you gave them to your parents and your parents totally failed you but isn't that the whole point of the assignment maybe i'm the one that's just being really mean and harsh but if you gotta take care of your baby you gotta take care of your baby right but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsCRAZYMOTHERKILLEDMYFAKEBABYRedditStoriesorig
husband and stepson lied about an ivy league and stole the inheritance money I gave them for tuition I caught them using it to chase a dream instead now I'm leaving and taking back every penny I 40f came into quite a lot of money after my aunt passed away and left me everything a couple of months ago she passed away 6 months ago and 3 months ago I received all the money that she had left for me and inherited her house as well which I had been planning to sell but now I'm living here my aunt and I had always been close and even in her last few days I was the only person who was regularly visiting her and taking care of of her she had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer a couple of years ago and I had tried my best to be there for her so it was no big surprise that she had left everything to me since she did not have any family of her own she never married and never had any kids she left a couple of other things to my mother her sister and a couple of other family members but most of it came to me and I will forever be grateful for it I am an art teacher in middle school so naturally I don't get paid much I also conduct classes for elderly people in my free time but that also does not generate enough revenue for me lately I've been saving up to buy a car something that I have wanted for a long time so that it can make my commute easier I have to take the bus to school every day and I did not have a problem with it earlier but recently I have been having a lot of problems with my back and the bus seats are really uncomfortable so I can't deal with that sort of discomfort anymore besides I'm in my 40s I think it's about time that I get a car of my own I thought I would buy it with the money that I got from my aunt but then my husband told me that he wanted me to invest that money in my stepson's education my husband Shan 43m and I have been married for 2 years together for five I had never been married before this was my first I have had relationships in the past but sea has been the person that I have connected with on most levels he and I matched on a dating app and that's how we got together he is a widower his first wife passed away 12 years ago leaving him with her stepson Mitch 17m I didn't really have a problem with the fact that he had been married before and had a from his previous relationship as well but after we got married I learned that I was not only expected to be his wife but also a stepmom to Mitch and I meant that in a financial sense of the word not emotionally because when we met Mitch was already kind of mature he was 12 and he was old enough to make up his mind about whether he wanted me to be his mother or just his father's wife and he picked the latter of the two options which was fine by me because he did not really try to connect with me anyway we were cordial he was nice to me and I was nice to him because he's a kid and I am used to teaching kids around his age but there was always a line a boundary that was not supposed to be crossed and I kept it in mind whenever I was interacting with him that I was only going to be nice to him but I would not try to replace his mother he had made it very clear to me that I would always be Tanya my name to him but not his mom and I respected that I was not going to overstep what I thought was kind of unfair was that Shawn never really tried to build a relationship between the two of us but when it came to helping out with the finances I was always expected to contribute to things that had to do with his son so it felt kind of weird that Mitch did not consider his mother he did not treat me like he would have treated his mother and Shawn did not even seem interested in trying to build that sort of relationship between us but then I was expected to contribute to his tuition and everything it did not make sense to me and I don't know if I'm just being a little too touchy about this but it was like I was being forced to UT and raising a child that was not even mine and I knew for a fact that this boy would grow up but never treat me like part of the family and it wasn't as though I had not tried to build a motherson relationship with him but he was really shut off and I could understand that but I just did not feel that it was fair for me to contribute to his expenses since I was already not earning well enough I had even discussed this with Shawn in the early stages of our marriage I had told him that I wanted him to speak to his son and at least make sure that he put in an effort to build a relationship with me or I would find it very weird to contribute to his expenses when he treated me like a stranger and he got really pissed at me he told me that if I could not accept the fact that he had a child and if I could not split the expenses equally with him then we probably shouldn't be married at all and I did not want to lose him so I stayed with him I thought that maybe I was being unreasonable and I really did not want to be the kind of mother who tries to create drama between a son and his father so I just kept my mouth shut so that was how things went on for the last few years when Shawn asked me to contribute to his college fund I was not surprised because we had been discussing this back and forth and I had told him that I would think about it I had been planning to say no to that because a college fund is a big deal and I'm not getting any younger I need to save for my own retirement as well I can't put aside everything to contribute to the life of a kid who is not going to treat me like family I just found it very disrespectful and it made up my mind that this time if Shawn tried to Guilt Trip me into contributing to the fund I would fight back and not just accept whatever he said but after I received my inheritance when we had the discussion he did not try to Guilt Trip me but he told me that [Music] kind of place right opposite the restaurant it was a very Posh and rich neighborhood that was for sure my friends and I kind of treated ourselves to a girl's day out but I received the shock of a lifetime as we were leaving the restaurant I saw Mitch coming out of the high-rise opposite and he was not alone he had his arm around a girl whom I recognized from his Circle it was not much of a task for me to put two and two together but nevertheless when my friends pointed that out to me I still went up to him to confront him about it he seemed shocked to see me and was about to run the other way but I told him that The Jig was up anyway so he might as well come clean to me now if he was not at Yale I knew that my money was not going to the place that I had intended for it to go so I knew that he had been lying and he and his dad were in a lot of trouble anyway so he might as well not bother to run and tell me the truth thankfully I did not have to do much convincing he ended up telling me everything right there apparently he had no intention of going to college anyway he just wanted money so that he would be able to rent an apartment and move in with his girlfriend but if that's what he and his father had told me I would have flipped out and would never have given them the money my husband would not be able to support the two of them on his own anyway since they wanted to live together in a fancy place and didn't want to struggle since they were planning on starting a YouTube channel and they needed an aesthetic looking place with a nice view for that kind of stuff not just any old and dingy apartment which is the only thing that they would be able to afford the kind of money that they had so they had to lie to me and I was never meant to find out about any of this until they were successful and then they would have returned the money back to me but now that their lie had been caught there was no running away from it I went back home immediately and I confronted my husband about it and he broke down telling me that he had just wanted to support Mitch but it had been a stupid idea and he was regretting it all now he claimed that he had wanted to tell me the truth last month when he realized that Mitch wasn't exactly going to blow up with YouTube and they were just wasting my money he was scared of how I would react so he didn't even tell me and just kept trying to convince Mitch to come back and then they could tell me the truth and face the consequences well now they are facing the consequences and I have left the house after the confrontation with my husband I just had nothing left to say to him anymore and he kept begging me not to leave but I just packed my stuff as hard as I could could and then I left I am living in my aunt's house they don't know the address to that so they can't find me both of them have been trying to text me and get to me but I haven't replied to any of them Mitch kept texting me to say that this was all his idea and that he was the one who had coerced his father into doing this so I should not blame him since he was just trying to support his son I love the intention behind him taking the fall but it doesn't help the situation I am pissed and I really don't think that what happened was right before I had left the house I had told Shawn that he had to return the money to me immediately or I would make sure that everybody got to know how dishonest he and his son were and that would end Mitch's career as a YouTuber before it even began the fact that he is involved in this wouldn't reflect well on him either since if his co-workers got to know about it he would be in a lot of trouble at work since he was the guy who handled the accounts and I don't think anybody would want their accountant to be a dishonest man they are begging me for forgiveness especially Shawn because there is a lot at stake for him he's begging me to come back so we can sort things out and also because he doesn't have the kind of money right now to return it to me I don't care I just want my money back but I feel guilty y about the way that I'm acting since I'm really not as money-minded as I'm coming off right now but what they did was unacceptable I know what I'm doing is necessary but I just feel kind of weird Ida for demanding my money back from my husband after I found out that my stepson is not actually going to an Ivy League school update one hey thank you so much for all the comments on my post for taking the time to explain to me that I am right and I have no need to feel guilty about anything especially because I'm demanding my own money to be returned to me I would just like to explain that I grew up in a home talking about money and finances was considered vulgar and so I'm kind of weird and iffy when it comes to such things but now I know that it's okay for me to demand that they return my own money back to me I don't have to feel bad about it there were also a lot of comments that called me a doormat for putting up with Shawn but honestly I really loved him and maybe I still do I'm not sure right now my emotions are all over the place but at one point in time I was certain that I loved him more than anything in this world so naturally I wanted to be with him and I was ready to do whatever it took to stay also even though Mitch treated me like a stranger I could not bring myself to do the same to him in case you guys have forgotten I am a middle school teacher and I was used to dealing with kids around his age when I first met him so I knew how he was thinking and I wanted to be able to make that space for myself and his heart on my own that's why I guess I was trying to help out and contribute to his life and raise him but I guess it never worked out he just decided that he was not going to accept me as part of the family and continued to treat me indifferently all I can say is that I tried my best and maybe it did not yield any good results but at least I have the satisfaction of knowing that I did what I had to do I did everything right and now the fact that they took advantage of it just shows the kind of people that they are it does not reflect badly on me I'm going through a tough time I would just request people to be gentle and mindful of the words that they use that's all I had to say about this anyway it has been two weeks since I found out the truth and I have blocked both Shawn and Mitch because their messages were really messing with my head I don't need that right now I have spoken to a lawyer and we are going to file for a divorce in a couple of days I had been putting it off for so long because I'm not emotionally ready for that kind of thing but now I know that it has to be done and it has to be done soon we are preparing for it and we are going to start the proceeding soon enough in the meantime I really need my money back so I decided to speak to my mother-in-law about this instead and I don't have a particularly close relationship but from what I know she's a bit reserved but has always been there for anybody who has needed her help I told her that I wanted to talk about something that Shawn and Mitch had done and she told me to visit her since this sounded like something that was very personal and sensitive so she did not want to discuss it on the phone and wanted to meet me in person I decided to take a leap of faith and agree to what she said so I'm going to visit her this evening and I will let you guys know what happens so far I have no idea what to expect I'm just hoping that she doesn't talk to Mitch or Shawn about what I said to her and I don't have to meet them when I get there because that would be really awkward I just don't know what's going to happen so I'm just trying to keep my mind off of it update too hello I just came back from my mother-in-law's house and know nobody was waiting there for me to Ambush me before I get into what happened I just really have to say this because I don't know who else to talk to about this my mother-in-law is really an exceptionally nice woman I hope everybody has somebody like her in their family even when I told my parents about the reaction that she had to do what I told her they were quite surprised that she was ready to go against her own son just because she wanted to do the right thing so anyway when I visited her today I told her everything without even pausing while narrating the story to her because I just wanted to get everything out since I was scared of how she would react after I was done talking she was quiet for a while and then she told me that she would handle everything I did not have to worry about any of this she told me that she would make sure that I got the money back and even said that if she had cash at the moment she would have returned the money to me herself but she would have to withdraw the exact amount and that would require her to come back and it would take since she was old and was just generally exhausted every day so she told me that I could come back in a couple of days and she would have the money ready for me and that was a promise she promised me that she would make sure that her son did not cause too much trouble for me during the divorce since he had done enough I almost had tears in my eyes because she was being so supportive and I really hadn't seen this coming so she even comforted me and told me that she was going to try her best to be there for me even though we were not close but she knew that what her son had done was was really messed up as well as what her grandson had done when I told her that i' had been talked into covering the expenses for Mitch so far as well she was really outraged and told me that that shouldn't have been the case because as far as she knew Mitch never treated me like family even Shawn had spoken to her about it and said that he didn't want to get into it because he did not want to make it seem he was taking my side over his own sons and did not want to get into the drama but making me feel guilty and then talking me into contributing to the family expenses even though Mitch did not even treat me like a family member did not seem fair either she assured me that she would try try her best to fix things and that gave me a sense of hope that maybe things were not going to be as bad as they are right now if not for anything else I would at least get my money back soon update three hey it's been a big week for me I don't even remember how many days it has been since I left my house probably a little over a month this week I filed for divorce Shawn is going to be served with the papers in a couple of days and I also got my money back thank God for that my mother-in-law told me that Shawn had refused to send her any money since he had to look out for himself as well and he is not contractually obliged to give anything back to me it was just my words against his so he was not scared I can't say that I was surprised but I'm thankful that my mother-in-law was nice enough to return the money to me from her own Pockets she did not need to do that but she did and I really appreciate that Shawn and Mitch stopped trying to reach out to me after I blocked the numbers even though they could have emailed me or something but they did not try anymore and I don't know if I should be relieved or upset that Shawn has not bothered to reach out to me I'm still confused about how I feel right now but I don't have time to think about these things because I still have to go to work and do all the work around the house myself my aunt used to live in a considerably spacious house so there's a lot of cleaning that I have to do I also have to cook for myself which takes up a lot of my time and energy and then there's laundry and so many other chores all of which I have to do on my own but at least with this Freedom comes the sense of knowing that I'm going to be able to do it eventually and I don't have to rely on anybody especially Shawn I was a little intimidated by the idea of living on my own after so long but it's been relatively easy so far and since I come back home from school really tired and then I have to get get to cooking and cleaning almost immediately I don't even have time to think about Shawn because as soon as my head hits the pillow I'm fast asleep I guess I would say that I'm lucky because I don't think I would have been able to handle overthinking at night but the divorce is finally happening it's real and in a few days he is going to be aware of it as well once he gets served with the papers truth be told I don't know how to feel I don't know how he's going to take it whatever the case is and whatever his reaction is I know that I have to get through this on my own I been planning to take a few days off of work and then go back to my parents because I've been feeling really lonely and once he is served I might just do it to avoid interacting with him update 4 so it has been two full months since I filed for a divorce and the proceedings are ongoing right now he did not contest the divorce or stir any drama after he was served which came as quite a shock to me but then I received a call from my mother-in-law she told me that she was the one who had spoken to Shawn and told him that he was not going to contest the divorce or cause any more trouble for me because after what he had done he owed this to me he disagreed at first and said that he was not going to agree to the terms of the divorce because he thought I was asking for too much even though I don't agree with that I had just asked for all our joint purchases to be sold so we could split the money and I didn't even ask for anything that would be unfair but I did ask for a settlement I have also contributed a lot of money more than I should have especially because of Mitch and I wanted my money back I wasn't even asking for it all back just the bare minimum I felt like I had deserved it in my head I was being completely Fair because I had been cheated out of a marriage there was no other woman involved but there were a lot of lies and cover-ups involved so I think I was entitled to to what I was asking for and even if I wasn't we could come to a settlement that's why the entire negotiation process was even happening however my mother-in-law made sure that he did not contest anything and did not try to fight with me so that our divorce could happen as smoothly as it could I'm glad that she's taking my side not a lot of people have such nice mothers-in-law like mine I did go back to my parents to visit them for a couple of days after he was served and I lived with them for a while so if he tried to get up to anything in those few days I was not aware of it anyway we have had two mediation sessions so far and I think we are going to be able to wrap everything up by the next one wish me luck you guys update 5 hello it has been 6 months since my last update lots of things have changed in my life first off my divorce came through a couple of weeks ago obviously my husband and I have been separated for a really long time it just became official I have absolutely no contact with either Shawn or Mitch after our last mediation session together they apologized to me once we were out it did not seem very heartfelt but at least they said that they were sorry about everything it felt like more of formality than anything else but I told him that did not matter anymore I was moving on with my life I got a lot of money from everything that we had sold I also sold my aunt's house and moved into a smaller apartment since now I was going to be on my own also I brought a car for myself it's a pretty nice car and I have to admit it was more expensive than I had initially intended to buy but you only live once right so why not besides I don't have to save money or think about anyone else before I buy anything I might as well treat myself to something I've been through a lot I deserve this I am still continuing with my teaching job and also I have taken up more classes outside of school as well so I can make more money I hadn't done that earlier because I used to be really tired after school and I also wanted to spend time with Shawn when I came back but now I think I'm going to conduct classes from home or online I'm going to figure out a way but I've already told my friends to get the word out I'm going to stop restricting myself I'm going to live life for myself and on my own terms so far I've been worried about so many things like my family my husband my stepson my future and and whatnot but eventually nothing went according to plan so now I'm going to try and not plan stuff and see how it goes for a while thank you so much for caring about my life I hope I have a much better update for you guys in a couple of months
give me a good story on HusbandandStepsonLiedAboutanIvyLeagueStoletheInheritanceMoneyIGaveThemfor
a it because I don't believe my wife is traumatized by her Affair my wife is claiming that she is not okay and traumatized from the affair she had late last year things between her and I were not great and really took a turn for the worst later in the year to the point the police were here twice once after she trashed the place and another time to toss me out because she filed a PFA alleging I was going to shoot up the house and hurt myself obviously the PFA did not stick when the truth came out against my better judgment I came home so I could be with my children and figure out what to do once back she was a changed woman was going above and beyond to make things work and I decided to give it one last shot I had suspected that she was with Slash talking to someone and gave her every opportunity to come clean so I could plan my next steps obviously she did not come clean and I woke up 2 days before Christmas to find my vehicle severely vandalized with a note still nothing from her it took me receiving photos of her and this other man together for her to come clean apparently her and her ex from 20 years ago were fooling around in parking lots in his house and when she called it off to work things out between us he snapped due to safety concerns we remained living together till we could find our own places and finalize our divorce during that time she is acting like I should just get over it and now is claiming she's not okay and traumatized from her Affair and expects me to be understanding AIT because I don't believe nor do I really care that my wife is claiming to be traumatized by the affair she had edit a few things to address why did I come back 2023 was the year that I mentally checked out it was one bad thing after another and the icing on the cake was me having to clean up after my brother's suicide and close his business down I just bottled everything up inside me and just kept on going about the process of living then a few months later I lost a cousin to suicide and all those feelings that I buried started to come out at times I was not nice and was pushing everyone away I had grown frustrated with my wife and all the drama and her unwillingness to help and make our life better I reached out to attorney and had a consultation on filling for divorce then the PFA came and I was devastated from the lies and being forced to leave my children I was not okay and immediately started therapy me going back was a weak moment I desperately missed my children and what my wife and I once had why are we still living together after the affair came out and my vehicle was severely vandalized this man kept at it he started stalking her started harassing her older children and other family member yes the police are slash were investigating but that has honestly been a waste of time I am better suited at dealing with confrontations than most and that was the only reason why she stayed also I do not have the financial resources to move myself and children at a moment's notice that man is not an issue anymore but I became complacent and fell into our old routine and lost Focus her response when asked about not being okay and traumatized I live in fear after what happened to your vehicle I live in a world now where it is toxic for all of us I am constantly scrutinized you act like we had this Rock Solid marriage and you're some victim my response to that no matter what it doesn't excuse what you did or what resulted from it her fking hate him and no I am not okay four yes I am in therapy to deal with this another thing yes I am continuing the divorce and seeking custody
give me a good story on AITAHbecauseIdontbelievemywifeistraumatizedbyheraffair
:00.199 --> :01.780 I(27M) have always been an animal lover. :01.780 --> :03.820 I love snakes, tarantulas, scorpions, lizards, geckos, dogs, cats. :03.820 --> :06.569 When I moved out of my parents' house and into my townhome, I decided to adopt a ball :06.569 --> :07.569 python. :07.569 --> :08.780 She is very docile and loves to be held. :08.780 --> :10.320 I set her tank up in one of the rooms downstairs. :10.320 --> :14.889 When my fiance(28F) and I decided that we were ready to move in together, I slowly introduced :14.889 --> :16.250 her to the snake. :16.250 --> :20.730 She thought the snake was really cool and even held her a few times. :20.730 --> :26.410 A few months ago, her friends came over and ever since, she has been asking me to find :26.410 --> :28.150 a new home for the snake. :28.150 --> :34.940 I had to travel to another state for work and trusted her to take care of the snake. :34.940 --> :42.220 I was gone for a week and when I came back, I saw the tank completely gone. :42.220 --> :46.690 I searched all over the house and it was nowhere to be found. :46.690 --> :50.730 I went outside and check the wooded area behind the townhome and found the tank. :50.730 --> :53.770 The tank was open and no sign of the snake. :53.770 --> :59.360 When my fiance got home, I showed her the tank and told her to pack a suitcase and find :59.360 --> :01.239 another place to stay. :01.239 --> :03.700 Her defense was that I was giving the snake too much attention. :03.700 --> :07.869 Fiance is currently staying with her parents, and they think that I am overreacting over :07.869 --> :08.869 an animal. :08.869 --> :13.170 Fiance is upset that I won't talk to her or accept her apology. :13.170 --> :17.270 AITA for kicking my fiance out of the house for letting my snake loose outside? :17.270 --> :20.259 Long story short: I (27f) started seeing 44yo "Dave" 3 years ago. :20.259 --> :21.909 I have 2 sons, 9 and 6. :21.909 --> :23.359 He has 1 daughter "Ann", 17. :23.359 --> :27.289 I booked a road trip for me and my sons roughly 3 months ago. :27.289 --> :32.329 A road trip consisting of roughly 26 hours worth of driving with stops in between. :32.329 --> :38.039 This is the first time I've ever been financially able to do much of anything with my children :38.039 --> :39.189 so I went all out. :39.189 --> :42.750 Planned to stop at every place they had ever asked me to go, basically. :42.750 --> :45.770 I was beyond excited to surprise them with this trip. :45.770 --> :47.590 We got home 4 nights ago. :47.590 --> :51.859 A week before leaving my Dave decides he wants to go with me and bring Ann as a "bonding" :51.859 --> :52.859 experience. :52.859 --> :55.789 We do not live together and Ann has never liked me because I'm "boring". :55.789 --> :57.360 She has said this to my face. :57.360 --> :58.929 So Dave thinks it will be good. :58.929 --> :02.930 I didnt really want either of them to go but thought what the hell, why not. :02.930 --> :04.729 This could be good for us. :04.729 --> :06.229 Boy was I fucking wrong. :06.229 --> :10.110 From the moment Ann got in to my vehicle she started complaining about absolutely everything. :10.110 --> :15.340 It was too crowded, too loud, we were taking too many stops, the boys were "too annoying" :15.340 --> :18.579 and "need to quiet the fuck down and chill out". :18.579 --> :19.870 We get a hotel 9 hours in (PA). :19.870 --> :21.459 Its around 3pm at this point. :21.459 --> :25.840 Dave asks if he can take a drive with Ann because she was getting irritated with the :25.840 --> :26.840 kids. :26.840 --> :31.960 I told him he could if he makes it quick because I needed to go get dinner supplies. :31.960 --> :33.460 3 hours later he shows back up. :33.460 --> :34.939 Him and Ann went out to eat. :34.939 --> :38.629 So I make a comment saying "you didnt think we wanted to eat too?" :38.629 --> :40.280 And Ann snaps back with "I dont think we asked." :40.280 --> :41.280 After comments like this for days I finally snapped. :41.280 --> :46.799 My body are now saying they just want to go home because several times Dave told my kids :46.799 --> :49.400 to be quiet because of his kids comfortability. :49.400 --> :53.930 At this point I havent done anything with my kids because the queen would have a fit :53.930 --> :58.739 if we pulled off anywhere AND Dave at this point basically refused to let me drive despite :58.739 --> :59.739 me arguing. :59.739 --> :00.739 IN MY CAR. :00.739 --> :02.939 So I snapped, told him to pull the fuck over. :02.939 --> :07.220 When he finally does, I drive to the nearest car rental and tell them to get the fuck out :07.220 --> :08.220 of my car. :08.220 --> :09.220 Dave and Ann both start flipping out. :09.220 --> :12.720 Ann saying she isnt going to get in a car that has "bed bugs". :12.720 --> :16.430 Dave saying he didnt want to take separate vehicles and didnt have enough money for a :16.430 --> :19.940 rental because the queen spent over $1500 in 4 days. :19.940 --> :22.790 So I say "I dont believe I fucking asked." :22.790 --> :24.109 And take off. :24.109 --> :26.090 They were close to 800 miles from home. :26.090 --> :31.549 It took them 4 days to get home due to lack of money and needing to borrow. :31.549 --> :33.549 I'm being told I'm a selfish cunt. :33.549 --> :34.549 AITA? :34.549 --> :37.129 After waiting for 5 years, I finally got pregnant with my son. :37.129 --> :41.510 there was so much fuss about the name choice because my inlaws wanted to use my deceased :41.510 --> :42.510 BIL's name. :42.510 --> :47.040 My husband sided with them and insisted we go with it but seeing their obssession with :47.040 --> :48.040 it I refused. :48.040 --> :51.940 my husband then sat with me and we agreed on a name we both chose. :51.940 --> :56.280 When I was at the hospital, I had dealt with some complications, and I had to extend my :56.280 --> :59.269 stay since I had to get blood transfusion as well. :59.269 --> :00.590 My husband handled paperwork. :00.590 --> :11.709 however, when we received the birth certificate, I discovered that he put BIL's name and not :11.709 --> :12.739 the one we picked. :12.739 --> :16.480 I lost it and had a breakdown then I shut down completely, I stopped talking to him :16.480 --> :22.290 after telling him that I won't speak to him til he change the name. he kept saying "good :22.290 --> :27.360 riddance" at first but slowly started complaining about how my silence's been wearing him down. :27.360 --> :33.070 Days went by he's now turned to full on begging me to speak to him over and over. he said :33.070 --> :38.230 he had to do this otherwise his family were going to shun him. he handed me a paper with :38.230 --> :42.370 all the "pros" of keeping this name explaining that our son will be the "golden grandchild" :42.370 --> :45.990 and my inlaws will favor him over the other grandchildren cause of his name. :45.990 --> :49.260 Said he'll get endless previleges like college fund, car, inheritance and will be loved unconditionaly :49.260 --> :52.580 cause he has his uncle's name but, I don't want my son to be BIL's surrogate, it's sad :52.580 --> :55.350 husband's always seeked his family's approval but BIL was the favorite. :55.350 --> :58.610 he offered me endless nicknames, 2nd middle name choice but I wasn't having it. :58.610 --> :02.970 Eventually, he broke down crying last night calling me stubborn and difficult, also called :02.970 --> :09.010 me selfish robbing our son of a good life and good future provided by his grandparents :09.010 --> :12.080 and said I was driving him crazy with my silence. :12.080 --> :15.180 But I feel like this too serious to let go. :15.180 --> :17.600 I'm just doing it for my son. :17.600 --> :20.100 Am I wrong for choosing this as my hill to die on? :20.100 --> :22.060 First of, I want to start by mentioning that my wife is a cancer patient, She unfortunately :22.060 --> :25.830 started losing her hair due to chemo therapy and she's been incredibly insecure about it, :25.830 --> :27.770 her lack of hair in particular. :27.770 --> :34.000 She got a wig and started wearing it, I don't mind it, I 100% support her since she only :34.000 --> :35.550 wears it around family and friends. :35.550 --> :40.250 My sister lost her apartment after a messy divorce and moved in with her twin daughters :40.250 --> :41.370 (16) almost a month ago. :41.370 --> :43.890 Things been going well except my nieces constant remarks about my wife's wig. :43.890 --> :49.300 They got so hung up on it and kept asking lots of questions about it. :49.300 --> :54.720 They asked to take turns to try it on, suggested they "strighten" it with the strightner and :54.720 --> :56.590 so on which was exhausting. :56.590 --> :00.000 They even pressured to see her without it but my wife was uncomfortable and refused. :00.000 --> :05.110 Yesterday I got home and found that my wife was locking herself in the bedroom and crying. :05.110 --> :10.230 I asked what happened, She told me she woke up and didn't find her wig, then discovered :10.230 --> :14.900 my nieces took it and hid then urged her to come out so they could see her without it. :14.900 --> :20.240 My wife repeatedly asked them to give it back but they started laughing and recording , my :20.240 --> :26.020 wife got had to lock the door to keep a distance cause they didn't stop. :26.020 --> :30.520 I was fuming I went into the kitchen and confronted them, they acted confused but I was able to :30.520 --> :31.520 get the wig back. :31.520 --> :36.221 I lashed out telling them they humiliated my wife and barrassed her by taking away her :36.221 --> :37.221 wig. :37.221 --> :40.630 They said it was just lighthearted prank which made me go off on them. :40.630 --> :44.600 My sister got involved and said my wife was just being too sensitive and the girls were :44.600 --> :46.870 just curios to see her without a wig but she overreacted. :46.870 --> :48.760 I told her her daughters were recording her! :48.760 --> :52.300 She saw nothing wrong in it and said I overreacted as well. :52.300 --> :59.390 I lost it on her too and told her she and my nieces are no longer welcome to stay at :59.390 --> :02.070 my home and they needed to leave. :02.070 --> :07.990 I later let them know about the eviction since they thought I wasn't serious and they started :07.990 --> :10.990 crying begging that I let it go. :10.990 --> :14.750 But my wife is no longer comfortable around them after what they did. :14.750 --> :22.410 My sister called our eldery dad and he begged that I let them stay and insisted my nieces :22.410 --> :24.880 were just acting like typical teenagers. :24.880 --> :28.300 He offered to speak to my wife but I declined. :28.300 --> :31.150 They've been begging that I chang my mind but I ket refusing. :31.150 --> :32.150 aita? :32.150 --> :34.200 My brother and his wife (both 27) have two dogs. :34.200 --> :40.190 I never liked dogs at all but my brother and his wife both forced their dogs down our throats :40.190 --> :43.470 for years whenever they came into our family vacation house. :43.470 --> :51.240 For the record the family vacation home used to belong to my grandma but after she passed :51.240 --> :53.940 a year ago she passed it down on me. :53.940 --> :55.600 So technically now it's my house. :55.600 --> :00.080 All of my siblings and my parents are still allowed to vacation in the house of course :00.080 --> :01.730 that won't and will never change. :01.730 --> :07.030 My brother and his wife used to bring their dogs but now that I'm the legal owner and :07.030 --> :11.750 also a mother of two kids I made sure to tell them that him and his wife are welcome but :11.750 --> :12.750 the dogs aren't. :12.750 --> :14.390 I despise dogs and also I don't want them around my kids. :14.390 --> :16.140 My mom and dad backed me up on that decision. :16.140 --> :20.830 My brother and his wife weren't too happy about it and they said they'd not visit at :20.830 --> :23.170 all if they weren't allowed to bring the dogs. :23.170 --> :28.700 I told them to leave the dogs in a pet hotel or with some relatives of his wife but they :28.700 --> :32.790 said this is not possible and they'll just make sure to vacation elsewhere where their :32.790 --> :34.450 dogs are welcome as well. :34.450 --> :40.990 I got mad at them for it and so did my parents and told them they're ridiculous for valuing :40.990 --> :43.390 their fuckin dogs over their vacation time with family. :43.390 --> :44.390 They didn't care. :44.390 --> :47.510 The rest of my siblings claim that I'm TA for how I reacted. :47.510 --> :52.000 They said I'm right to not want the dogs in the house but I can't get mad at our brother :52.000 --> :55.831 and his wife for not being comfortable to visit the family vacation home under this :55.831 --> :56.831 conditions. :56.831 --> :59.350 They claimed our brother respected my conditions and I'm just mad he instead chose to vacation :59.350 --> :03.080 elsewhere instead of catering to me and vacationing in my house without his dogs. :03.080 --> :07.630 AITA?My fiance's best friend's birthday party was yesterday, My fiance wanted me to go with :07.630 --> :13.170 him but I apologized and said I couldn't because, I had to finish a work project in the evening :13.170 --> :14.680 and barely had time. :14.680 --> :19.830 He said it was unacceptable since the party was held at a prestigious restaurant and all :19.830 --> :24.990 his friends were going to bring their partners, He insisted I go with him but I told him if :24.990 --> :32.630 I don't complete this project soon I will lose potential promotiom next month, and someone :32.630 --> :34.950 else will take my place. :34.950 --> :50.700 He just looked at me and said "I just hope it'll be worth it" then walked out. :50.700 --> :56.960 I called him but he hung up, I got done with my project and went to take a shower. :56.960 --> :06.520 I got out and found him in the livingroom refusing to speak to me after I asked about :06.520 --> :07.520 the party. :07.520 --> :11.480 I went upstairs to finalize my project but found out that my entire work laptop has been :11.480 --> :13.300 reset, Everything got wipped including my project. :13.300 --> :18.890 My heart sank I asked my fiance if he was behind this and he just looked at me and said :18.890 --> :26.830 that now we are even after I refused to come with him to the party and embarrassed him :26.830 --> :30.480 by forcing him to go alone and get weird looks and questions from everyone. :30.480 --> :37.200 I started yelling at him and called him insecure to care about his public image and looks and :37.200 --> :38.910 getting "even" just cause I had to work. :38.910 --> :45.400 He said I contributed to this outcome and should've just gone with him, now I had to :45.400 --> :46.900 start all all over again. :46.900 --> :51.330 We started exchanging words and he told me to stop saying he's insecure and petty. :51.330 --> :56.270 He checked into a hotel and has been staying there constantly texting about how hurt he :56.270 --> :01.029 was that he had to hear me call him insecure and refusing to have any consideration for :01.029 --> :02.029 him. :02.029 --> :07.430 He said that I did make him look bad when I refused to come with him and he was hurt :07.430 --> :08.430 by that. :08.430 --> :11.910 Our ongoing argument is that I keep saying that just because we're a couple then I have :11.910 --> :13.520 to attend every event with him. :13.520 --> :16.310 While keeps saying that it's classless and socially unacceptable when I let him attend :16.310 --> :18.140 alone unless I'm sick or traveling. :18.140 --> :19.860 Throwaway account for obvious reasons. :19.860 --> :25.160 Wife states I am the asshole because she had no money to buy anything to eat because she :25.160 --> :26.800 was at her overdraft limit. :26.800 --> :31.620 She says that its wrong my account is in credit ( although she doesn’t know by how much) :31.620 --> :36.140 while she is struggling with bills and buying things my daughter needs. :36.140 --> :39.279 We have been together 18 years and have a 13 year old daughter. :39.279 --> :42.340 Our finances have never been combined although she has always wanted this. :42.340 --> :47.780 I accept she can only work part time because she is caring for her terminally ill mother :47.780 --> :51.920 and because she does all the child care for our daughter ( although I feel she could work :51.920 --> :00.540 full time and get child care ) and although she pays a few of the major household major :00.540 --> :07.820 bills she says I am the asshole because its me who buys the food and I didn’t check :07.820 --> :19.770 there was stuff there for them before I went to work. :19.770 --> :55.070 I feel if she knew she needed stuff she should have told me, but she says it’s humiliating :55.070 --> :05.370 and calls me a “ slave owner who is deluded :05.370 --> :07.060 he is kind and benevolent”. :07.060 --> :27.460 I take her and my daughter out for dinner once a week and they can choose anything they :27.460 --> :36.610 want but my wife throws this up in my face saying she doesn’t have the freedom to take :36.610 --> :44.220 even herself out and is reliant on my “charity”. :44.220 --> :48.470 She now saying she wants to leave me because :48.470 --> :59.220 all her friends go trips with friends and/or their partners but she doesn’t have the :59.220 --> :05.910 money to go anywhere and I don’t take her anywhere. :05.910 --> :14.210 I go out every Saturday night and leave her babysitting :14.210 --> :34.650 we have sex about three times a year for last 15/16 years and she would like it more but :34.650 --> :44.420 though it’s something we really enjoy when I am in the mood I feel this is not the issue :44.420 --> :45.800 she makes it out to be. :45.800 --> :52.460 Her main point is that I am the asshole for not giving her access to money without question :52.460 --> :05.240 when she needs it via a joint bank account or combined incomes then half what is left :05.240 --> :06.460 after bills. :06.460 --> :19.760 She has no hobbies except saving animals , spending time with her sister, cooking and doing crafts :19.760 --> :20.970 with our daughter. :20.970 --> :34.810 She doesn’t drink or smoke - I do both but I work hard 5 days a week and I know the value :34.810 --> :38.670 of good quality things. :38.670 --> :44.500 I bought my daughter expensive new school shoes last week when I was buying myself new :44.500 --> :52.230 shoes for myself and I bought my wife new shoes for her work too ( she’s a nurse). :52.230 --> :58.010 But my wife says that because she buys all our daughter’s christmas and birthday gifts :58.010 --> :08.430 then she feels entitled to these things from me as they are essentials. :08.430 --> :15.290 She could work full time and afford anything she wants and i guess there is resentment :15.290 --> :25.290 from me . She told me she would go back to work full time when our daughter went to school :25.290 --> :36.000 but only went back full time when our daughter was 11 and then only for a year because she :36.000 --> :43.459 is now back to part time because she is caring for her dying mum. :43.459 --> :47.560 Am I the Asshole
give me a good story on rAmITheAholeMYCRAZYFIANCEDELETEDALLMYWORKRedditStoriesen
aita for saying no to my boyfriend's proposal because I didn't like the way he chose to propose my boyfriend 26m and I 25f have been together for just under 3 years now and are expecting our first child in March we've been very open talking about marriage and so the engagement itself was never going to be a surprise but the proposal was he is clueless when it comes to rings and my taste in jewelry so we decided to take a collaborative approach and we designed my ring together in the process of all that I made it very clear what kind of proposal I wanted I made it known explicitly to him that I wanted to get engaged surrounded by all my closest friends and family and that having them involved slash in on the surprise was very important to me after the ring was ordered I was in the dark I had no idea when it was going to be ready and no idea when he was going to propose to me so I just waited with excited anticipation two nights ago we took our dogs on an evening walk at the beach near our house that we frequent regularly we sat and admired the sunset as our dogs played in the ocean in front of us after a little while he started going on about how much he loved me and how grateful he was to have found me and then he pulled out the ring box and asked me to marry him it was completely unexpected and I was a bit shocked once I realized what was going on I kissed him and told him how much he meant to me and how much I loved and cherished him but that I couldn't say yes now because I really wanted my closest friends and family to share the moment with me he got really upset and told me that he wanted to do something more intimate and keep the moment between us and that he wasn't comfortable doing it in front of everyone I've tried to reason with him over the past couple days but he's been giving me the silent treatment for the most part I get where he's coming from but at the same time I had to design my own ring because he doesn't pay enough attention to the small things like the jewelry I wear so I really wanted my proposal to be something that he put a lot of thought in to make it special to me I've heard of countless instances where a girl has turned down her partner's proposal because he did it publicly and she wanted something private and everyone always seems to sympathize with her and her preferences and say that he should have paid attention to her preferences and requests the way I see at this is the exact same situation but reversed so I don't see why what I did was so wrong AI
give me a good story on AITAforsayingnotomyboyfriendsproposalbecauseIdidntlikethewayhechosetopropose
my fiance tried to cut my implant out while I was asleep so we could expand our family throwaway account because I don't want this attached to my regular account anyways I 25f have a 2-year-old son from a previous relationship after I gave birth I was asked about birth control I said yes please and now I have next plenon a birth control that gets inserted into your upper arm I was told it lasts 3 years cut to now my fiance 27m told me he wants a baby I said I did too just not now and that I'd get my plaining out after the 3 years are up and I won't replace it this wasn't soon enough for him he wanted me pregnant now I stood firm and said I'm not ready to have another baby I want to be a little more stabile MoneyWise and in general fiance was mad and we got into a big argument I brought up my son and told him my son sees him as a father figure that we already have a child to take care of while my birth control runs its course all of a sudden he started shouting at me saying he wanted a baby that's biologically his and that every time he looks at my son he gets angry I asked him why and he told me it's because he sees my ex and my son my son looks a lot like his father he then went on to tell me he doesn't feel like a parental figure to my son he has no personal attachment to him he says it's because my son isn't biologically his and he resents us for this hence the baby talk he wanted my arm implant out immediately I said no way I'm not ready for another baby yet we continue to argue about this until I'm finally tired and frustrated so I say I'm done arguing and just head into our bedroom an important fact to know is that I take medication to sleep a pretty strong medication with a high dosage it knocks me flat on my ass the Sandman comes and slaps me across the face so I'm down for the count after the argument I take my pills and I go to bed my fiance was still in the living room when I fell into a deep sleep now another important fact my fiance knows where my implant is he's felt it under my skin as it's very noticeable when you're feeling around for it I'm sleeping when I stir slightly awake after I felt fingers on my upper arm pting with my eyes still shut I tell my fiance to stop poking me I assumed he was just being petty and childish because of the fight he doesn't stop and not 5 seconds after poking me he presses down in the exact spot my next plane in is at this point I'm starting to get more alert and annoyed I just wanted sleep and I can't do that when I'm being jabbed I open my eyes to see what the hell he's doing and ask why his finger is pressing directly on my next planin the minute I opened my eyes I noticed an object in his free hand a box cutter which was very close to my upper arm now I'm on full alert and I ask him what the [ __ ] he's doing he immediately looks guilty and tries to throw excuses at me I was just trying to scare you I was checking to make sure you were alive and it's a coincidence I'm holding the box cutter I called [ __ ] on every excuse and said I wanted the truth he looked down then told me he was doing me a favor what favor glad you asked he was going to remove the next planon from my arm he said he studied how to do it and he's confident he can safely remove it he said we can start expanding our family now no need to wait 8 months I am livid I am immediately shouted him to get the [ __ ] away from me and don't touch me he tries to talk to me but I keep yelling he needs to leave he can't stay at our house right now because he admitted he was trying to cut into my arm thus breaking my trust finally he walked out of the bedroom and a minute later I heard the front door open then close it's been 3 hours and he still hasn't come back and I don't know what to do when he does I don't know where we go from here I love this man dearly but I don't think I can forgive and forget this I don't know what to do advice please edit I called my mother and she said I can stay with her so I'm taking my son and leaving I can't respond to every comment but just for a few quick questions he's never acted like this before he's always been so gentle and kind to me and my son the argument and then the box cutter is completely new during the fight I hoped he was just in the Heat of the Moment and saying [ __ ] he doesn't mean because he's angry I was hoping naively that he'd be back to sweet kind the next morning and apologize for the hurtful comments and trying to overstep my boundaries I honestly didn't think he'd come at me with a box cutter a lot of people saying I should already know what to do so I guess my IDK what to do should really be phrased has anyone had anything remotely similar to this happened to them I guess I might have also wanted reassurance that leaving is the best thing to do instead of waiting for him to come home and trying to talk it out I love this guy deeply and it's just hard for me to put both pieces of the puzzle together the sweet guy I knew and the awful guy I saw tonight update essentially my now ex fiance did a complete 180 personality wise was so sweet and loving to to both me and my son until we fought about having another baby last night he said horrible things and I was tired of fighting so I took my Trazodone and went to bed woke up to him touching my arm implant birth control with a box cutter in his hand said he was doing me a favor but I screamed at him to leave I ended up leaving last night with my son to stay at my mom's I was confused shocked hurt scared I still am at 7 this morning my phone started buzzing like crazy texts calls voicemails all were from him asking me where I went and when I was coming home I didn't respond I just don't even want to look at him or talk to him again he called my mom while we were both sitting in the kitchen discussing everything she asked me if I wanted her to answer it I said I just didn't want to talk to him my mom ended up answering and my ex was yelling sounding panicky he said I left with my son last night out of the blue and he's worried No mention of our fight he asked when my mom last heard from me and she lied and said last night he made a noise over the phone like an angry sigh and said he was going to keep searching for me that he's worried something bad has or will happen to me my son when my mom hung up she pulled me into a hug I guess I had started crying and didn't realize it she was still hugging me when she asked how I wanted to proceed if I was done with him for good I said I was and she nodded and told me first thing was to go to the police like a lot of you said I didn't have any proof about the box cutter situation it would come down to my word versus his if he had even nicked me a little I'd have a case against him but since he technically didn't hurt me the detective said he seen cases similar to mine thrown out the officer did bring up X partes and suggested I get one for both me and my son immediately and I went to the courthouse to get the paperwork filled out I had to detail as much as I could remember from last night every word and action my mom helped me and we got them turned in and moved on to the next step calling my landlord I've been living in the same house for 2 years the first year was a lease and now I pay month to Monon everything is in my name and most of the furniture is mine I told my landlord what was briefly going on and that I was putting in my 30-day notice my mom has a guest room that she's insisting I stay in after getting off the phone with him I called the utilities and closed my accounts water electric gas internet next my mother asked me what I wanted to do about my belongings I told her I don't want to leave anything that's mine all important papers knick-knacks cloes furniture all of it I just didn't know where to put it so my mom suggested a storage unit once that was decided we had to figure out when to start the move mom ended up calling my two brothers and they both agreed to help me move just give them a date and time I told them definitely sometime this week and my eldest brother suggested a police presence just in case think it's called a civil standby IDK but I agreed by this point it's getting late in the day and I'm as drained as I can get I just wanted to go curl up with my son and try to sort my thoughts out and calm down the county clerk ended up calling me telling me the judge granted my ex pares she told me that I needed to come pick up paperwork which had the court date on it she also mentioned ex fiance would soon be served and told me I don't have to see him again until we go to court to make the the ex partes into permanent restraining orders she suggested lawyering up but I'm officially burnt out on today I'll look into lawyers tomorrow but tonight after this update it's a cuddle in bed with my son night a couple things that I've seen repeated why didn't I leave right when X started saying those awful things about my son I honestly thought he didn't mean them he's told my son he loves him before part of it was also shock I guess I couldn't believe what I was hearing and that I was hearing it from someone who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with I didn't think he truly had hatred in his heart and it never crossed my mind that he would hurt me or my son he's never even spanked my son I just thought we needed a cooling off period so I removed myself from the situation to take my meds and sleep naively thinking things would be better in the morning people also questioned why I would even bother sticking around to try to talk things out and that's a valid question that I don't have a rational answer to Part of Me thought I was dreaming I think and the other part is the side of me that thinks everything equates to being my fault like I was too mean during the fight too stubborn to see things his way and try to understand his feelings IDK it's late Everything feels surreal and I have this pit in my stomach that feels like Dread what if x shows up at my mom's house I still haven't returned his messages or phone calls and now he legally can't contact me anyways I've had two of my best friends call saying X called them my younger brother who I guess has always hated X but I didn't know that until today said even he got a call so far everyone is saying they don't know anything but I'm scared IDK I'm sorry just thought I'd update update to the update so many people offered great advice that I'd never think of myself I've been kind of heavily relying on my mom to guide me through this and keep me and my son afloat I've also been given several things to read which I am absolutely going to when I have some downtime I appreciate every comment from extremely helpful to well wishes and even the ones questioning the validity of this to be honest and it's a horrible cliche but if it wasn't happening to me I probably wouldn't jump to believing either sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me and I end up sounding either very in my typing or very unnecessarily dramatic so I get the mistrust my update last night was written late I was exhausted but I wanted to let the people from my original post know I took their advice and got out of there my emotions have been so conflicting and chaotic I'm surprised I was able to sound coherent let alone like a teenager writing fanfic I wish this was a fanfic I could feel safe again my mom has been an absolute Angel and I've shown her some of your comments complimenting her and she definitely deserves it never once did she make me feel I could be completely honest with her she's reopened her house to me even though I moved out years ago she's really kept the ball rolling on everything with her organization skills she made a list and yesterday we followed that list to the letter when I wanted to put stuff off she gently remind me of what could happen if I paused X could find me hurt me hurt my son or anyone helping to protect me you all are very right and I'm ashamed to say I didn't realize just how much support I have and what a tremendous family I have a couple people mentioned to be careful if x finds out where I am and my mom and brothers already had a plan for me they called it round robing if x found me at moms I'd flee to eldest brother if he finds me at eldest brother I'd temporarily stay with my younger brother really I appreciate you all commenting that I'm doing things right and quick and how impressive it is but that's not my doing at all that's all on my family they're the extraordinary ones there goes my fanfit cliches again going above and beyond for me and my son some of the comments that questioned my validity remarked that it was odd that I immediately went to Reddit to see what to do how to feel you're all right that it unusual but not for me I grew up when live Journal was a big thing writing helps me organize my thoughts and I figured this community would help me understand and I was right another thing I want to address is X's Sudden Change I'm now wondering what to do for that I don't want him in my life still but some of you mentioned a brain tumor or a psychotic break so I'm worried I sent X's Mother and Father a message this morning saying I broke off the engagement and left but both messages are still unread I don't know what to say to them in regards to X's health will they be mad for daring to say this might be a breakdown will they actually take him to get tests ran and if they even tried would he willingly go I don't know I guess I need a little more advice about how to Broach that there's more to address and I even had a consultation with a lawyer today but I can go into that another time I'm still processing everything it still doesn't feel real it feels like a badly written teenage fanfic to be honest IDK sorry for rambling again guys I just wanted to let you know I'm taking notes from your helpful suggestions that I'm not ignoring you guys my mother took my son for ice cream and let me stay behind which is why I decided to hop on Reddit and check on everything one last thing though the awards I'm truly humbled and grateful for them some of them I had to click on to see what it meant and they're all so sweet I'm endlessly thankful for the awards your comments and your messages thank you jdor when my ex was served his papers he did not take it well I had already blocked him on everything but he took a picture of his paper and posted it on Facebook with a message to me and my son a mutually friend saw it and that it contained my personal information and screenshot it to let me know after taking advice I called the police to see if it was a break in the X parte they made an incident report and told me I could pick it up the next day at the police station they didn't arrest him my mother had already procured me a great lawyer a shark which is what we need in her own words I told my lawyer about the screenshot and he immediately put in both his appearance on my behalf and a motion for contempt of court for breaking the ex parte and threatening me and son our original official court date isn't until next week but the judge got us in early to deal with a screenshot X showed up without a lawyer and I showed up with only my lawyer due to co no extra people allowed in the courtroom I really wanted my mom there with me but my lawyer instead of sitting on the bench at the sides reserved for lawyers Sat by me kept himself between me and my ex at all times a BFF was there as well I guess it's standard procedure to have one in court my lawyer advised me to let him do all the talking only answer questions when directed at me and answer them as succinctly as possible judge ended up giving x a warning saying if he even mentions me or my son he'd put him in jail 24 hours for every incident until the official court date X was also ordered to pay my legal fees for the Emergency session Friday we got mine and my son's possessions out of the house with massive help from friends and family I knew X had to work Friday and we arrived with a police officer just in case an hour after X should have been at work we left anything that he could claim as his or that we'd bought together and I didn't care about most of the items went into two different storage units from the same place the reason we chose these storage units is they're gated and locked at night the items me or my son would need for everyday use went to my mom's X's parents have opened my messages now but they still haven't responded lawyer said we're still on for official court date next week and nobody has entered their appearance yet on behalf of X so we're unsure if he has a lawyer or not lawyer told me it would follow basically the same as the first hearing it' be a general hearing with other people having filed their own ex partes for other people no extras allowed in the room face masks required he'd keep X away from me no talking unless answering questions give succinct answers unless asked to clarify he's confident that the ex pares will become permanent restraining orders but he warned me it's not like it is in movies the restraining orders will go for one year unless a box is marked saying to reissue it every year I marked the box he also said for every year X has the ability to appeal it and we'd have to go to court all over again for now I'm just trying to keep my head above water I'm kind of afraid because I've had people message me to tell me they've seen my post on Facebook Twitter Instagram some of you sleuths have even found the state I live in I'm just hoping X doesn't find any of the posts and puts two and two together I'm sorry I haven't responded to every comment or message and that this update is late I've just been trying to keep my son's life as normal as possible it breaks my heart when he asks when we're going home or where Papa is he just knows we're having a long sleepover with his Mimi he's loving having pets around though we weren't allowed to have animals at my house so the fact that my mom has a dog and a couple cats he's excited I've warned his daycare about ex most of my family and friends are aware there's a serious situation but not details IDK it's been a long week I'm exhausted I keep looking over my shoulder and I've made my mom buy extra locks for the doors some have mentioned cameras for the outside and my mom has already started pricing some she said her sister my Aunt has been trying to get her to try ring for months so this is the kick in the pants she needed I'm sorry the update is late still feels surreal but I have to just keep swimming my son is obsessed with Finding Nemo
give me a good story on orig
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video if you want to help out all you got to do is hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by gabba gabbare we can't take any action right now this is a doozy thought about it a lot to make sure i remember all the good details i worked at the small shoe store in almost every mall about 12 years ago i was about 20 at the time it's kind of an alternative scene store like zoomies but very small starts with a j and rhymes with bernie's friend got me an assistant manager job to replace him when he quit to be a plumber the manager was kind of a friend too adam this was real low level low paid retail just to get a sense of scope we two managers worked about 60 hours a week we made commission but the store location my hometown had so little traffic that our checks had to be manually adjusted every week up to minimum wage each door had three to four part timers too usually high school kids so it was good news after a year or so we both got a promotion to move to a different store at a different mall much nicer in 30 minutes away much more sales means my weekly pay went up to a couple dollars more an hour so problems started after about six months at our new store our district manager andy hired a dude in his 30s as manager and some other 20-something girl one of my friends mike worked there part-time as well he was also an apprentice tool maker in high school so he didn't need the money just came in one day a week to receive in stock shoes and grab some pizza apparently the dude was hardcore sexual harassing the other manager and part-timers yes the 16-year-old girls so the assistant ended up quitting and they fired the dude i think one of the part-timers recorded him doing something on their phone if i recall correctly that's some foreshadowing andy's bad at external hires so we hired a new manager jeff but asked if i could go back to the crappy store for a while to help the new guy settle in i said sure he also had a third manager he hired who he wanted adam to train for a few months so she could go to another store as well sounds good i'm a team player well turns out this new guy jeff who adam actually somewhat knew in the tattooed hardcore guy scene was kind of a freak up himself i felt bad at first he was kind of scatterbrained customers didn't like him he was always dirty and kind of smelled bad with the first two weeks he came in smiling carrying a microwave for the back room look we can have hot lunches now plopped it on our glass case where we checked customers out and a crapload of live roaches fell out all over the place there was roaches in the store from there on out i would see them every morning when i flipped the lights on great now i don't want to bring my own food here then bad stuff starts happening he would start coming in a couple hours late when i opened the store not a huge deal just annoying as freak i generally wouldn't get to eat breakfast so lunch would get pushed back a couple hours so i could leave the store yes you couldn't shut the gate and go to the food court the mall would call our dm andy and tell them we closed outside of ours do it occasionally or even open late after 10 am and they can find our store which means we'd get ridden up for sure he would even call out sometimes which means i would work two or three doubles in a week this is supposed to only happen once managers get one day off during the week so the other person has to work 9 to 9 30. part-timers didn't come in until five usually so you're crap out of luck it's very irritating to have it sprung on you several times remember we're also salary so no overtime i would also be on the receiving end of unhappy emails from corporate when jeff would open he would come in late and occasionally forget to deposit the cash sales for the day in the sealed envelope to the bank that's in the same mall as us they would turn up at the bank a few days late apparently in cut open bags this is where i made my first call to andy told him the whole thing basically told to sit tight he'll keep an eye on things kkk well things got worse he would sometimes bail in the middle of the day for a few hours on end my buddy mike told me he found his dope head stash in the back room little baggie with ties and needles in it and products started to go missing every tuesday am we'd have to come in 30 minutes earlier and do a little mini audit basically a dozen or so different shoes of specific skew numbers and enter in the pos are on hand quantity i noticed some of the more expensive shoes we sold were missing when i know they weren't sold diesels pumas timberlands nikes turns out when my buddy mike would do the inventory on the weeknight things got delivered jeff would just check off the totals received for him of course a handful of things were missing each week almost never were things actually missing from boxes when i did it sc's were pretty good about sending inventory i knew this was going to be bad news i knew that many audits were used to pick up on internal theft we also had a yearly audit that was coming in six or so months basically you count every item in the store to account for missing and stolen stuff one point five percent product loss is considered very bad and could result in us getting written up remember that point for later called andy a second time and got the same response okay been telling adam the whole time as well i know you'll stick up for me if anything goes down but say to just keep tracking everything so in true drug addict fashion kept calling out kept taking things kept losing cash deposits what really set me off was i found out he was blaming some of the crap on me to our fellow mall people mutual friends at other stores seeing cash deposits sometimes go missing when i work uh bro no they don't this is a dog poop job but i'm not getting fired for 300 he was also selling adderall to people out of the store and bribing my friend with it to come in early during the week so he can leave them all for a couple hours this really pissed me off because at 20 years old i had this dumb idea i wanted to possibly join the military and go into law enforcement never been fired and arrested or any of the stuff before still haven't so i wanted no part of being around this dude a weekend came up too where he made a really lewd comments about some girls walking around in booty shorts that had to have been under 16. okay screw this dude called andy again and this time i was serious told them about the whole drug issue in the store too basically said this guy is making me look bad too come and drug test him do something i'll call the cops for you if you want i don't know why he wasn't doing anything and he came in once and wrote me up for playing my ipod over the speakers for breaking company policy why are you letting this happen in a nutshell he said he couldn't do anything for now until adam is done training his new assistant so she could go run her new store i'd be able to work with adam again in the good mall kk malicious compliance time called adam the next day and told him what andy said asked if she's good enough to cut a loose so i can get the freak out he said no problem at all the next week i was out making a couple dollars more and in a better mall with a taco bell even my run with jeff was only about three months things went super downhill from there they got a new assistant in jeff's store to train under him yikes but all the part-timers were still there they kept texting me all the cool stories well apparently he ramped up stealing cash and stealing shoes eventually those mini audits caught up to him one night he left the store an hour before closing leaving a part-timer alone against policy closing time came and went she thought it was funny but had no idea what to do she didn't have keys or know how to close the store at all security got involved called andy and eventually jeff got back to the store an hour plus late and he was told by the hq to write him up the next day but also bring another area lead in our district to audit the store ahead of schedule and inquire about all the missing cash deposits and you didn't realize the scope of the stolen cash apparently several thousands never made it back to the bank at that point andy jeff and another manager or something audited the store while it was open i think word was a product variance of around 10 percent missing product not including all the cash big freaking yikes don't know exactly what happened but the police were involved they fired everybody cleaned house even the new assistant in every part timer i think they had to my buddy mike thought it was hilarious well can't say i didn't warn you three times i saw him on facebook recently allegedly clean now i don't care though screw that guy if you found yourself in a situation like that would you be trying to document whatever you possibly could whether it's photos audio recording emails just trying to cover your butt let me know in the comments down below our next story is by stefus fax me and don't contact me again a few years back 2017 i got my first job wasn't much but it was decent hours and money summer came and i had an offer for a seasonal made to october part-time job i accepted it because it would be a good way to make some extra money to buy a motorcycle my main job was going good but the problem was the seasonal one i'm the kind of guy that if you're treating me good i'll go the extra kilometer mile but if you're a jerk i'll treat you accordingly the part-time job was for a family who had one rental cars two travel agency mostly with polish and some czech and latvians three bus tours i was helping with the bus tours at the office in the city center while the dad was located at the north of the island work routine in my job without going to too many details this is how they worked one reps were meeting customers at the hotel to sell them tours and submit every booking in our system two we keep everything on track until the last booking is submitted and then make lists based on the location north or south of the hotel with the number of customers from each hotel 3. send them to the boss dad via fax yes fax 4. call the boss later to give us back driver and pick up times for each hotel 5. we send the lists with pickup times and drivers to the tour guides my job was to confirm with the reps that i had everything make the lists for the boss send them via fax and then call him again so he'll tell me which drivers will work and pick up times so i can then forward to the tour guides with new lists and customer names the problem the problem starts with the reps reps were complaining that they didn't have enough time to submit the bookings after every meeting so they were calling at the office after each meeting to give us the information we needed before submitting them at the end of their day of course every single time they were submitting more bookings than the one they told us on the phone but that's not relevant malicious compliance it's august if i recall correctly sunday around 1800 when the jerk boss calls me and yells that he needs the lists etc i reply calmly that i had to do everything by hand call every single rep and write down all the bookings because refs didn't submit anything in this system and that i'll call him back in 10 minutes with the lists he replied send me a fax and don't contact me again so i did 1820 i sent him the lists usually i called him so i can continue my job but he told me not to contact him again that day at 20 30 i didn't have any news but it was half an hour before my shift so what i did i made some lists based on my experience and i send them to the guides without pick up times and drivers 2100 i turn off everything lock the door and head off to my home the next morning around 6 am was chaos everyone was calling to find information that was missing i guess he was contacted more than once that morning customers were complaining for delays etc with some of them asking for a refund or discount with extra complaints to their travel agency back in their country when i came in for my shift the next day his daughter asked me what happened and i replied with a relaxed tone your dad told me not to contact him again and continued my job from that day on he made sure i had everything i need on time i mean in general i don't blame lp for what they did just because like if somebody's gonna act like that and be a total jerk you don't want to make it easy for them anyways so it's especially easy when they lob up a nice little softball for you to make things really really hard on them and our final story of the day is by bittybody22 that's what you want okay i've recently started working the sandwich line at the cafe i work at and my co-workers been deemed a runt by basically everyone but i gave her the benefit of the doubt until the other day it's a small area so if you need something from the inside cheese lettuce spices bacon etc and you're on the outside you have to ask i asked for it to go mug and got a i mean you can get it yourself comment the rest of the shift i walked behind her reached over her etc for anything i needed drove her nuts and she finally started handing me things she's also a ticket hog and would take three at a time only leaving me with one and then having nothing to do so i walked off to get some water and got hit with a you can do something while you wait comment so i said i'd prepare her plates so she could put the sandwich down when she was done was told quickly that that was a big no-no for her so when she hogged the next three tickets i walked off mounting my own business and heard i mean you can take the grilled cheese out of the oven so i did but did i played it nah she got upset but i told her since she didn't want me making her plates i didn't want to upset her pretty sure she hates me now but i smile every time i get on her nerves or use her own logic against her yeah i mean when you hear of a co-worker like this that just totally tanks and is a hypocrite and is just frustrating to work with there's definitely a good solid word that comes to most people's minds but i'll leave that up to you guys with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all three of these stories that i've read for you today which one was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMYMANAGERISADRGADDICTRedditStoriesorig
is my ghosted ex-wife possibly tracking me down I headed to the hills after learning of my wife's affair I don't exactly know why I'm writing this but now that the events are over and done and I've moved on maybe it will help someone in February 2018 I discovered my wife's Affair after we had been married for three and a half years I had a contract job that involved a lot of travel at times but also allowed me to work from home when I was back my wife had a very well-paying job as a director of a technical sales firm we had what I would describe as a really good marriage although things had gotten a bit strained from my being away on work trips and are working longer and longer hours backstory I met my wife now x five years ago at a mutual friend's barbecue we struck up a conversation and had an instant chemistry and quite honestly I thought I was beating the odds being with such a beautiful and well-spoken woman somehow she really liked me for my rough around the edges Persona once we dating after a few weeks we couldn't get enough of each other and the clothes just flew off when we would meet at each other's Apartments we finally tied the knot after dating for 18 months and moved into a big apartment while saving for a house after the first three years of marriage things started changing I still was crazy about her but I noticed she would start arguments about little things and she would get angry when I would bring up all the late hours and the work outings that have been more and more frequent she would say it's part of paying the due since she had been climbing the corporate ladder or at least that was her excuse she told me I had no right to question her since I was gone for weeks at a time myself I had told her I could certainly manage reducing my travel hours and it actually only been going on trips maybe three four days every five weeks or so these arguments were very circular and never had a resolution as I look back I had no idea my wife was in the midst of an affair I would have never suspected a thing except for her continued late work hours and our dwindling sex life I just attributed this to her being tired from work however my ego had taken a beating from being turned down frequently when trying to initiate sex I didn't see the secret of texting that I read about but then again she had a company cell phone and she could have been using it since she spent a lot of time in our spare bedroom that she would use as a home office it was around September of 2017 when Kathy started coming home after work and then head off to a work engagement for the evening this went from one evening a week to more than three evenings a week I'm not that jealous by nature but there is no way she would go unnoticed and I know she would have to fend off some of the men at her office she only seem to be interested in work but she was working with more male Executives than female my first suspicion of her cheating occurred a month before D-Day she had stopped off at the store before coming home she asked me to help with the groceries while I was grabbing a couple bags from the back seat of her car I noticed something pink glinting from just underneath the front passenger seat it was one of my wife's bras I recognize it as hers since she liked the ones from a particular apparel store in retrospect I now realized the reason for the red flag with a bra when she gets in the mood she always takes off her bra first from underneath her clothes I don't know exactly why but I instantly just had a sinking feeling in my gut when I saw this I could not rationalize what her bra was doing under the seat I just left it there under the seat it almost made me sick and my heart must have been racing like crazy because when I returned to the kitchen with the bags Kathy asked if I was okay and that I looked like I'd seen a ghost I just brushed her comment off I tried my best not to look angry or betrayed but it took all I had to hide my feelings that evening and the next I decided to see if I could find out if she was involved with someone or not I started thinking about all the clues I was missing I had no proof except for the bra instead we live in a fairly large city and her work is in a downtown office building I kind of took my focus off of the affair idea for a bit and decided maybe I should give her more attention one Friday after work I made a nice dinner set up the dining table with nice plates silverware and candles I bought a nice bottle of wine and a bouquet of roses she came breezing in after work as usual I pointed out the dinner and everything I had prepared she gave me a sad smile and told me she was sorry but she had plans to meet up with her co-workers tonight at a local hangout she said she could grab a quick bite with me before she left but had to jump in the shower first I think my insides flipped on me and I became completely speechless I won't tell you what kind of Rage I was feeling at that point but I had finally had enough while she was in the shower I grabbed my company cell phone and planted it in her back seat I had been thinking of this lately as a way I could track her location with my personal phone I went in and dumped the meal in the trash along with the flowers she came back after her shower dressed up and looking great as usual she said okay let's eat I told her never mind go out with your friends she looked at me strangely and asked if I was mad I said him disappointed by you never wanting to do anything together she she became angry and told me to quit acting like a child and it's something snarky about having a short fuse I stood there letting all this sink in and said foolish me I thought you'd like to spend the evening together for once she just smirked at me and left in a huff I took out my other phone and started tracking my work phone I saw her stop about 20 minutes away at the bar that she frequents with her work buddies I decided to head out and locate her car sure enough there it was in the parking lot of the bar I sat across the street in my car waiting to see if I could see her I felt so unlike myself like a stalker but I rationalized I needed to at least satisfy my anxiety about her whereabouts about an hour after I arrive I see her coming out of the bar with a man he looks like one of the exacts I've seen from her work he grabs her and pulls her clothes and kisses her my stomach went into knots my body went completely numb they head over to another car and get in together I do my best to follow them as the car pulls out they travel about 10 minutes away too you guessed it a hotel I pull over on the street next to the hotel I watch as they get out and head hand in hand into the hotel I've seen enough I'm an idiot I start banging my fist on the steering wheel that's it some something inside me went completely blank and I'm not sure if I blacked out or had an out of body experience when I recovered myself I decided I needed a drink now this is when my life took a new direction that I would have never guessed I just started driving out of town just reliving everything I had just witnessed and I hate to say crying with rage I headed towards the outskirts of town about 30 miles I find a nice little bar and pull in I find a seat at the bar and order a drink I must have looked like death warmed over because the bartender female mentioned that I looked like someone took the wind out of my sails I have smiled and said you could say that a guy takes a stool next to me and starts up a conversation I'm not in much of a mood to talk but something about this guy just made me feel comfortable we start talking and after a while the subject of my wife cheating just tumbles out of my mind how I just want to leave her and forget her he looks at me and slaps me on the back he says buddy You Are Not Alone there happened to me a few years ago I believe that sometimes these things happen for a reason and let me tell you your life can now change either for the better or the worse it's entirely up to you at this point something about him saying this really shook me out of my glum mood I mean I know I'm hurting but I've always been able to see things logically and he is so right now we introduce each other his name is Rey he is kind of a country guy but is just the sort of salt of the earth type that I really respect he asks me when I'm going to move out I guess it never occurred to me to even think that far ahead I know I don't want to be around this woman anymore and I do have this fight or flight feeling coursing through me Rey says I feel very sympathetic to your situation and have an idea if it comes to it and you feel like you need to leave at some point I've got a travel trailer sitting on my property it's not great and it could use a bit of fixing up why don't you come out and check it out and see if you could see yourself living in something like that temporarily at least I'll make you a great deal on it I even have a nice piece of property that you could park it on you would be doing me a favor to keep an eye on it for me it might do some good to get away from your situation just a thought it took me a minute to register his idea the bartender had been overhearing the conversation and smiles hell honey she says if I could have escaped my crazy ex-husband years ago I would have jumped at the chance to go live in his trailer or anything to just get my head on straight I feel like I have stumbled into the Twilight light zone but maybe this is exactly what I need I tell Ray yes I'll think about it and maybe check it out we part ways after a bit and make plans to meet out at his place in a few days I started to feel like I have a little bit of perspective and a chance for getting out of what I believe is a nightmare mixed in with a heavy heartache one thing is for certain there is no way I'll ever ever want to be with my wife again cheating is such a vile thing to me and has always been the one thing that I believe I would never tolerate I got home after Kathy that night and sat on the couch Kathy came out and asked me where I'd been I turned to her and asked her where she had been she says you know I went to grab drinks I asked her point blank are you having an affair she looks a little startled but regains her composure and says no why would you ask me that I tell her I heard she may be involved with someone from work she asks who told you that I tell her someone that I know but would not divulge the name she just tells me you are being ridiculous and that I'm drunk and delusional and asks me where I have been I tell her out to a bar to have some drinks with friends she just stares at me wanting to ask me more but just heads back to our bedroom and goes back to bed I decided to sleep on the couch since I now have confirmation that she has been lying for months to me I didn't sleep at all and start picturing her with this guy in bed and I'm disgusted and hurt and feeling sorry for myself however I start thinking about race trailer it is almost a revelation and the idea of it just made me feel better I must have something wrong with me but with the pain I was in the fight or flight mode just instinctively kicked in and the flight part won me over the next morning we don't speak much and go about the weekend as if nothing had happened a few days later I made plans to meet up with Rey I met up at Ray's Place he owns a nice Ranch and the trailer is actually really nice about 26 and as all the Necessities one needs to live in it I had traveled with some friends and one back in college during a spring break and really enjoyed it I make Ray an offer on it and he agrees to the price I practically steal it from him he gives me directions to his Ranch property and I drive over to check it out it is beautiful full of trees scrub brush and it looks like there are nearby hiking and biking trails bordering it it's near the foothills of some mountains and Rey has a small Shack on a hill overlooking the property with water and electricity for the trailer available Rey will pull the travel trailer to the side and set it up for me I tried to get Kathy to come clean during the the next few weeks and all I get is gaslighting I even Point Blank tell her that if I find out she is cheating there is no going back this has the opposite effect of driving her deeper into her Affair fog and blistering me in denials the denial is so bad it almost made me laugh I have no physical proof of her cheating and kick myself for not at least taking some photos of the two of them as I go through this metal Agony I come to the conclusion that I went out of this marriage rather than let Kathy know how I feel about things now I just start making plans I started stealthily taking my belongings out of the apartment while she was at work and moving them over to the trailer this at least makes me feel like I'm taking action I did notice a change in Kathy during this time and has been acting nicely around me but in my mind too little too late as she continued her little company outings after work I decided I too needed a break in fact as she was heading out for the evening I also got dressed around the same time she looked at me and asked where I was going I just said I was meeting up with some friends she started to ask and I just told her she didn't know them and she wouldn't enjoy all the shop talk this is exactly what she would tell me when I would ask if I could join her at one of her office outings she kind of had a hurt look on her face face and says okay have a nice time I said I definitely would between working on the trailer and meeting up with Ray at the bar I have started to make more friends in fact it has led to some fun times with a great group of Rey's friends and family and in case anyone asks I decided I would moderate my drinking so I don't develop any bad habits it would be so easy to drown myself in pity about this time frame Kathy tells me she has to go on a trip for work the following week I ask her who is all going and she tells me the executive team in some department heads I just look at her and tell her I hope she has a really great time with her boyfriend I kind of wish I hadn't said that it started a lot of arguing back and forth in a lot of ways I wish I knew more about her AP but as Ray put it to me in the long run it doesn't matter who the other guy is it only matters that she decided to step out on you she burned down the marriage she can own it or deny it but facts are facts brother damn Ray should write this stuff down and publish it for the Betrayed her work trip provided me with the opportunity to move the rest of my stuff out completely so after Kathy left for a trip I gathered everything I had left of any value and put it in my vehicle I'm not taking any furniture or the LIE like so it's just close and we're computers and Equipment before I left I had written a note that I was going to leave for her but after rereading it I decided I would just make it simple I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote I hope it was worth it I placed my wedding ring on top of the note sitting on the kitchen table I felt a huge weight come off of me I felt free no more hiding the truth I know I will have some baggage to deal with and some hurt to get over but I have time to heal now I just need some space I need to get her out of my life as quietly and quickly as possible I'm not proud that I never confronted her more pulled a confession out of her I never got to yell and scream and curse her after confessing I had come to the conclusion in my mind that she didn't deserve me she disrespected everything we had our future plans are history we were saving for a house and a future family all of that is gone now no going back I don't owe her a damn thing she can deal with a Fallout aftermath I didn't have an agenda at all I didn't contact a lawyer or anything I just wanted to get some clarity I really enjoyed my new trailer and the mountainous air was exactly what I needed in the following week I took up running again and it felt great to be alive I never answered any of Kathy's texts while she was away there wasn't much to respond to they were just highlights like we just landed we are having a team dinner Etc she did send a few wear or use and let me hear from you Etc the day she returned home my phone blew up she texted me incessantly and tried calling me constantly after the first day her mother tried calling me there's only my dad left on my family side and we aren't close so she didn't try to get him involved after the first few crying messages I never bothered to listen to the rest of her voicemails her text consisted of what is this we need to talk I don't know what you think you know but there is nothing going on I'm not involved with anyone I'm not having an affair after a week of not responding she finally leaves me a text saying I'm sorry things got out of hand I was involved with someone at work but it meant nothing I got caught up in my work and you were gone a lot and I just made a mistake I was going to end it haha mistake this was the confession I had been seeking all along for some reason it just made me dislike her even more why couldn't she be honest this wasn't the woman I had dreamed of building a future together and mistakes don't last for what six eight months or a year at one point are pleading for me to come back and work on the marriage became pathetic she quit bothering me for a couple weeks I still refused to answer her I did not want her to pry anything out of me where I was living I did not want this woman ruining my Sanctuary then one day she started sending me angry texts like you were a coward you won't talk to me you don't care about us please come home so we can talk where are you I can come to you damn it Paul please let's talk and fix things I don't remember all the messages but they all seem to be excuses and very little in the way of apologies I let it all go in one ear and out the other I finally changed my cell phone number update June 2018. Kathy sent me an email telling me she had retained a lawyer and was filing for divorce I sent her a reply that said okay sounds good this resulted in a flurry of emails demanding I come see her and so forth she realized this wouldn't get her anywhere and after a while she just wrote that if I agreed to an uncontested divorce she wouldn't bother me anymore I agreed and several months later finally I was truly a free man I never had to see her after I left our apartment no closure for either of us but it seemed like that was more important to her than to me for a few months I did think of her sometimes and yes the pain would appear out of nowhere like if I heard a song come on the radio that we used to listen to Etc but eventually I just stopped thinking about her update too well I am officially divorced things are really good now as a matter of fact I met a great girl I was out on a run on the trail just down the hill from where I live I helped her change a flat tire and we really hit it off she is amazing and cute as hell though a few years younger than me she loves my lifestyle and calls me her mountain man I'm in no hurry to get serious but I'm not about to give up on women completely I'm still up here in the trailer I have no plans to change anytime soon and I've simplified my life quite a bit I love the outdoors it helped me get over my ex-wife the heartache everything I know everyone handles these things differently I was lucky to not have children yet and was only into my third year of marriage so I think I did what was right for me you don't have to live your life with a cheater if something like this happens to you please just don't dwell on it just move on with your life it gets better after you work on yourself I wish everyone the best life they can have just wanted to update on the situation I found myself in with my ex-wife and have Rewritten this about five times to make it legible as mentioned in my previous post I was concerned that my ex-wife was trying to track me down in an attempt to reconcile or something I had moved some two hours from where we used to live I saw her last weekend in a coffee shop I go to frequently in the town that is near to where I live I was suspicious that it was not a coincidence that she was there luckily I was able to leave before she saw me update I came back into town this past weekend to grab a few groceries and went to grab a coffee in the place I usually go to as well as work on some documents I needed to fill out for work using their free internet after finishing up I left the coffee shop while I'm walking towards my truck I hear someone yell Paul I look across the street and oh [ __ ] there's Kathy my ex waving at me Armageddon had finally happened I stood there in shock she runs across the street and approaches me and reaches out to me expecting a hug and I instinctively hold my arms out with Palms out and she stops she looks at me really hurt she then says Paul I've been looking for you I heard you moved out here and wanted to see you can we talk I feel like a trapped animal guys I really did so I relented and said okay let's find a table or something and we can talk for a minute she asks if we can go to my place and I just flat out said no she follows me down to a bench outside a little shop at the end of the block she starts by saying how much I've changed and how she loves my new look my beard blah blah she liked how my physique had changed how I looked so fit she puts on a good act and guys she looked hot she had on these little white shorts and a tank top and her hair in a ponytail like I used to like my radar was on high alert and I could tell she was really turning on the sex appeal I had to really Rain myself in here and see where this was going she starts out by apologizing about the whole Affair thing she says karma really hit her heart after I left her company learned of her Affair and basically made things so unpleasant that she quit her AP who had a fiance at the time got a reprimand and was moved to another position within the company he blamed her for us having to move and she retaliated by telling his fiancee everything which resulted in them breaking up she lowered her head a little and started crying I just sat there looking around not having anything to say she straightened up and stared at me for a bit I asked her what she wanted for me she wanted to tell me that she never intended to start an affair that she felt like she was drawn in by all the politics and positioning in the company and thought the AP really manipulated her with his Charisma and power within the company and that she stupidly thought she was using him as much as he was using her she was going to come clean with me especially after I accused her of having an affair she hated herself during that time and the after work drinking was her attempt to medicate from the guilt that right after I left her she felt so foolish so alone like her heart just imploded with loss she immediately broke things off with her AP she felt that since I wouldn't contact her or talk to her that she had to find me and see if she could make things right for us and if we could start over again she knows we are divorced but maybe we could have a clean slate I just stared at her I let her have it I'm paraphrasing the conversation but here it is how dare you think you can just come out here and think you can just wipe away all the [ __ ] you caused I'm to forgive everything you did to ruin our marriage I told you before if you cheated on me we were through there is no forgiveness there is no reboot of this relationship you killed it you destroyed what we had the minute you stepped out on me how stupid do you think I am I followed you one night and saw you go into a hotel together do you know that I then realized that I've been raising my voice and people were starting to notice she started to sob she grabbed my arm I Let Her Cry on My Shoulder a little before nudging her away she looked up at me I deserve all this I know I do can you at least let me take you to dinner or something I don't want to leave I want to talk more I want to make sure we have everything out in the open I need time with you that you didn't give me before please Paul I know you may not want to hear this but I love you so much I didn't know how much I loved you until you left me and broke me and I broke you just as bad I can't forgive myself I don't want to forgive myself until the day I die she started hyperventilating and sobbing so bad that I pulled her up and hugged her I know I know I felt like that was the only thing I could do to maybe calm her down at that moment I realized I did actually break her heart like she broke mine I started walking with her and then found a nice quiet path to walk on and things settled down a bit I then asked her how she found me and did she hire a pie or something she laughed a little and said no she thought about it though she ran into Stacy a couple weeks ago and she asked her how things were going Stacy let it slip that she saw me Kathy made her spill every single detail Stacey didn't want to tell her because I told her not to but she wouldn't let her go until she did but all she really knew was that she saw me here in town and that I lived somewhere in the vicinity so she started coming here on her days off to see if she could find me she really blushed when she said that I kind of chuckled that damn Stacey can't keep her trap shut so we did go to dinner we found a nice little place with a patio I made sure we didn't drink anything I didn't want any excuse for her to soften me up her claim she was too drunk to drive back we actually had a good talk afterwards I walked her to her car she wanted to stay and press me hard on it and wouldn't relent she hadn't been with anybody else since I left and swore up and down I was the only the one she wanted I told her no it's still way too soon for me to go down that road she begged to see me again but I was not committal I gave her my new email address but that was it she wanted my phone number but I told her no you'll just blow it up with texts and calls she cried about that one she said she would be back in town next weekend if I was interested I didn't say anything to that she said she will email me and tell me all the details of when slash where before she left I asked her Point Blank if she would forgive me if I had done the cheating she sat there thinking and she said yes she would in time but only if we saw a marriage counselor or if we could work through the healing process with lots of talking and maybe even a binding agreement I said okay maybe I could do that five ten years from now she said if that's what it would take she would wait she then took my hands in hers looked me in the eye and said something that really surprised me she said God damn it Paul I will always love you and will do anything to prove it I bet she left I'm still so shook by that she said it with such conviction I still can't see myself back with her I feel better though right now I can't even see her as I'm Friends with Benefits maybe a friend but damn I just don't know if we could ever work workout again don't call me a chump because Second Chances are rare in my book I went home and had a nice long run and a few beers and felt I was in a good place now can someone guarantee me that she wouldn't ruin that I don't know I just don't know it's too fresh on my mind but I have the luxury of time to sort all this out and get some perspective okay so this will probably be my last update I posted my story on Reddit but the mod kept removing it to recap my ex-wife did find me and we did talk after over a year of her being ghosted by me her intention in finding me was indeed to reconcile and restart our life together to those that wrote To Me predicting that I would be the typical beta blue pill fool and forgive her and fall back in with her you will be sorely disappointed she did write me a long email this past week professing her Love And Regret for the affair once again she wanted to come back out and spend the weekend with me my response to all this was to shut her down I have been perfectly content to live the solo life for now living in my remote location and keep my situation as uncomplicated as possible I've enjoyed the company of several women and friends and at 32 feel there is no hurry in changing things up I have my own self-determination roadmap and I intend to follow it for now so in answering her email I refuse to give her my new phone number I laid it all out I told her no I do not have any intention in reconciling with her she made her bed and I no longer trust her nor do I know her any longer I wish her the best and will consider her a possible friend maybe someday in a future yet to be determined my vagueness really frustrated her so she replied with something very telling she was of course thoroughly disappointed in my response but she also informed me that she had accepted a job offer several states away and her real intention all along was for me to come with her she knows my job is remote and I can live anywhere I choose and she thought that I would consider coming with her in an exchange we would have a brand new start in a brand new location she had little time left before she would be leaving and wanted to see me in person and put the Hard Sell on me fortunately for me I have to leave for business for a week so hour time is up thank God so she will be gone for my life now I imagine I will get a few more emails for a bit longer but in time I believe she will realize her time with me has expired and she will have to find someone else and she may cheat on them two just thought I would share the update so guys live your best life get rid of that old baggage and Empower yourself to move forward good luck to you all
give me a good story on IsmyghostedExWifepossiblytrackingmedown
my fiance is worth over $57 million and belittles my income and accomplishments since we have gotten engaged I wasn't sure where to post this on Reddit this is a throwaway for obvious reason just looking for some input I'm sort of lost and don't really know who to talk to this about well when I was 23 years old I met my fiance who was 38 when I met him when I met him I was making 200k a year was worth around $1.3 million I inherited my grandpa's house when he passed I am now 26 years old I make 420k a year plus have a bunch of stock that needs to best my fiance is 41 we got engaged 6 months ago have been wedding planning it's been great our relationship has always been so easy always been a great fit yes I was hesitant at first because we have a 15-year age Gap but he didn't have kids he has never been married or engaged before he spent his late 20s and 30s building two company and just sold the last one this year here's where we run into the issues I know my fiance has done well I've never been in it for the money I make good money and did inherit money but well as we get into being married soon I found out he's actually worth over $57 million I really thought it was closer to 15 million he asked me for a prup and well I honestly just don't believe in that we have been going back on forth for a couple weeks and tonight we got into a fight about it should I just sign one am I being dumb over nothing another thing that made me angry is he said once we get married I just need to stop working he said there's no point of working that my money is useless to us that I don't make a lot that I need to focus on having our kids and just be a happy stay-at-home wife/ mom I got angry I am 26 years old I am making 420 ,000 a year I am pretty hurt by what he said you know I've gotten a lot of slack for being with someone so much older for my family friends I never let it get to me but in a way now it is he's so much ahead of me in life in terms of money and more my income and what I do will never be enough I got a $45,000 bonus this year I told him we should take a really fun vacation he said it doesn't matter we are getting married that's chump change basically I honestly never saw this side of it but as we get closer to our wedding date more and more of this comes out he even told me tonight after I came back from a work trip that I just need to relax at home so I can make him his baby that my income is worthless compared to what we have this Honestly made me cry I haven't cried in a long time I just closed a huge deal at work I was really happy and proud of myself I sit here thinking I love my job I am proud of myself how could I possibly marry someone who doesn't support me we get married in 2 months I feel like with the things he said recently he doesn't support me who I am I am not someone who wants to sit around I love working I love being in the workforce but then I look at the truth he has so much money he says once we get married it's ours so there's no point of me working but the amount of money he has I just feel worthless working because how much I make is nothing I feel almost like I failed I will say this though the prenup is pretty fair but I can't get myself to sign it I don't see the point of getting married if we are going to have one I'm honestly at a loss I found out I was pregnant a few months ago but it was an early misgar he was really happy when I found out I was pregnant but now he's mad at me because he said the reason we lost our baby is because I'm working I'm really at a loss for words I feel like I don't know him anymore he he's acting completely different where is the man who was so excited at my end ofe bonus when I was 23 it was 15,000 he was so excited and proud of me now it just seems I'm worthless and just meant to be a baby maker any input I really am just lost I love him dearly we've been through a lot together but I don't know if I can marry someone who really thinks of my income as worthless that what I do in life isn't worth it despite my significant contributions to our relationship and my own Financial stability he now dismisses my income and belittles my achievement he even attributed my recent miscarriage to my job further highlighting his changing attitude towards me I'm torn on one hand I love him and value our history together on the other I'm unsure if I can marry someone who doesn't respect my Independence and
give me a good story on Myfiancisworthovermilliondollarsandbelittlesmyincomeandaccomplishmentsorig
:17.940 --> :25.780 I (27F) had an older brother (25M) who died in 2014. He was the older brother any girl :25.780 --> :31.860 wanted, and we were close. He taught me valuable lessons in life (such as cooking, driving, :31.860 --> :36.691 and never giving up), showed me anime manga, would go on little road trips, and we would :36.691 --> :40.660 flat out ignored our parent’s favoritism with my younger brother. Sadly, he died when :40.660 --> :45.180 a shooting happened (he was not a criminal he was only eating and it happened and their :45.180 --> :49.260 was an investigation, and police found he was not involved in any ilegal activity), :49.260 --> :54.540 and one of the bullets killed him instantly he was only 25 and I was 19 in 2014. I would :54.540 --> :58.220 lie if I said that I didn’t fall into a deep depression it came to the point where :58.220 --> :03.820 I stopped eating and lost around 55 pounds in a month and a half after his passing (I :03.820 --> :07.651 only drank water and milk that would full me up). I didn’t want to get better, until :07.651 --> :12.240 one day my former sister-in-law called me to tell me that he left me some things. I :12.240 --> :17.080 met up with her and the stuff he left behind was an album with polaroid pictures of our :17.080 --> :23.610 crazy adventures, graphic anime tees & a chain with both of our initials. I was in tears :23.610 --> :29.150 and decided to get help because he would love to see me happy, and not die of sadness. :29.150 --> :33.500 It’s been years since his passing and I am doing a lot better, and I have a tradition :33.500 --> :38.110 that on his birthday that I would leave flowers in his grave (I only stay two minutes then :38.110 --> :43.040 leave after singing him happy birthday). My therapist said this was a good idea. However, :43.040 --> :53.610 my parents (50M and 59F), younger brother (22M), and Aunt (52F) decided to have an intervention :53.610 --> :59.330 thinking religiously that I was doing something satanic, that I was calling out the dead, :59.330 --> :03.600 that they should’ve thrown the things he left me in the garbage and that I should attend :03.600 --> :09.120 to their church to see if the “Lord gets those diabolical ideas out of your head”. :09.120 --> :13.560 I was shocked and told them that I won't stop doing this tradition and I won’t be attending :13.560 --> :18.370 their church, that this is their older son, and that if they keep behaving like this, :18.370 --> :23.370 I won’t feel bad at all for having to go NC with them. They kept on yelling at me, :23.370 --> :27.890 and my aunt went as far as to throw holy water at me I had it and told them that when they :27.890 --> :33.530 stop being religious nuts will talk but as of today, I want nothing to do with them. :33.530 --> :38.160 I left before any of them could say anything it’s been a week since the incident, and :38.160 --> :17.209 I have blocked their numbers. :17.209 --> :21.599 This happened a couple days ago, so I'll do my best to have the conversation exactly as :21.599 --> :24.090 it went but some may be paraphrased. Also on mobile so sorry about formatting. :24.090 --> :28.980 For context, I work nights in a gas station. About a week ago, a couple of kids, probably :28.980 --> :34.660 no more than 15-16 years old, who are semi regulars (as in I've seen them a few times :34.660 --> :39.490 before but not often enough to know them) came in around 2am and pulled a runner on :39.490 --> :45.290 me with around $30US in drinks and snacks. As I'm not allowed to chase shoplifters, I :45.290 --> :49.650 do what's required and leave a note for my boss so she can pull the tapes and post the :49.650 --> :53.930 pictures for us so we can tell them to get out of they're ever stupid enough to come :53.930 --> :58.810 back. You wouldn't believe how many thieves actually are, in fact, stupid enough to come :58.810 --> :02.050 back. These two morons in particular. :02.050 --> :07.390 Welp two days ago I'm working my only weekly day shift, and who should walk in but my pair :07.390 --> :12.400 of thieves? And who do they have with them? One of their mothers! I immediately buckle :12.400 --> :17.479 down and tell them they need to go now. The following is how the conversation went. :17.479 --> :18.479 Karen will be the mother B1 for Boy 1 B2 for Boy 2 AM will be Awesome Manager. Truly the :18.479 --> :19.479 best. Me will be me (duh) :19.479 --> :20.479 The two thieves walk in :20.479 --> :22.400 Me: Uh uh, you two need to go right now. :22.400 --> :24.319 B1: For what? :24.319 --> :26.680 B2: We didn't even do anything :26.680 --> :30.870 Me: You know exactly what you did and you're banned from the store. You can leave on your :30.870 --> :34.660 own feet or leave with a police escort. You choose. :34.660 --> :38.450 They leave and go back to the car waiting for them at the pump. From the window I can :38.450 --> :42.960 see them talking to the woman in the driver's seat, gesturing and pointing. She gets out :42.960 --> :45.340 of her car and storms into the store. :45.340 --> :49.720 Karen: Why the h*** did you tell my son and his friend they can't be here? :49.720 --> :55.850 Me: Ma'am, they ran out with nearly $30 in products. We do not allow thievery and they :55.850 --> :59.650 are banned from the store. You are welcome to come and get what they need, but if they're :59.650 --> :02.800 seen on the property the police are going to be called. :02.800 --> :07.990 Karen: No, my son is not a thief! How dare you! Get me a manager! :07.990 --> :13.560 Me: Gladly (She doesn't know my manager has less patience for customer crap than I do. :13.560 --> :17.800 Since the store isn't very big, she's already heard this exchange from the office) :17.800 --> :21.160 I bring her out, and she says exactly what I did. :21.160 --> :27.340 Karen: That's a bold faced lie! My son is a good boy! You're targeting him and his friends :27.340 --> :29.300 for no reason! :29.300 --> :33.300 AM: You're welcome to come back and watch the tape for yourself. :33.300 --> :35.610 Karen says she'll do just that. :35.610 --> :41.850 Karen: And once I have proof you're lying I'll be expecting this little (slurs for homosexuals) :41.850 --> :43.110 to be fired :43.110 --> :48.540 AM brings Karen into the office, I accompany them. Being the assistant it's both part of :48.540 --> :54.750 my job and a joyful experience to watch Karen's face fall when she finds out her good boy :54.750 --> :00.870 is a rotten thief. AM plays the tape and Karen's son and his friend, clearly identifiable as :00.870 --> :05.690 their only means of a "disguise" was their school track hoodies pulled up over their :05.690 --> :06.690 hair. :06.690 --> :11.340 Folks, they had their freakin' names on the back. THEY WERE WEARING THE HOODIES AS THEY :11.340 --> :13.699 SAT IN THE CAR WAITING :13.699 --> :18.449 The Karen was too stunned to speak at first. But eventually remembered how to Karen and :18.449 --> :23.310 stormed out shrieking that she'd be calling corporate. For what? Who knows. But she's :23.310 --> :05.930 calling anyway. So bit of a context. My and few of my friends started a football (soccer :05.930 --> :10.690 fo US readers) magazine. We are just a small company so right now it doesn´t earn enought :10.690 --> :15.531 to work just in this job so all of us are working in our personal jobs as well. But :15.531 --> :20.130 still it´s good because I have an opportunity to watch matches for free and even get to :20.130 --> :24.620 interview a footballer here and then. Not the best of the best footballers, just the :24.620 --> :29.699 ones who plays in my country (Slovakia and Czech Republic) I just want to add that racism :29.699 --> :35.710 is not really cared about in my country as you can barely met someone that is not white. :35.710 --> :40.259 So recently I was in one department store. This store is connected with football stadium. :40.259 --> :44.870 I get in there in advance because I was scheduled to watch the match as a journalist. In this :44.870 --> :49.560 store, there is one Café, which is meant for the upper class. It was weekend so it :49.560 --> :53.870 was full and many people had to wait to get in there. I was sitting on a bench if front :53.870 --> :59.790 of this Café, just checkign if I have everything (Press Pass, ID card etc.) I was not really :59.790 --> :05.290 paying attention but then I saw one footballer I know. He was without a club in the moment :05.290 --> :10.280 because his recent club was bankrupting and they failed to pay him all of his wages. He :10.280 --> :14.860 was sitting there with some guy. I later found out that it was his agent. They were just :14.860 --> :19.449 sitting in there drinking coffee, talking and had some paperwork on the table. As you :19.449 --> :22.720 ma suggest he had darker shade of skin as he was from Congo. :22.720 --> :27.500 In our magazine we were trying to get to this player as we wanted to do an interview about :27.500 --> :33.029 his current situation, but he had so much work to do so he politely refused for the :33.029 --> :37.620 moment. I wanted to say hello to him, but figured out, I do not want to disturb them :37.620 --> :42.229 so I just went to do some thing on my phone. Then the EM and her kid (I don´t want to :42.229 --> :47.440 call him Entitled because he did basically nothing) come to this Café. I was sitting :47.440 --> :52.790 pretty close, so I was able to hear what she was saying as she was speaking really loud :52.790 --> :53.790 from the beggining. :53.790 --> :56.560 EM: Hello we would like a table for two please. :56.560 --> :01.850 Waiter: Oh I´m sorry ma'am, but there is no table available right now. As you can see, :01.850 --> :03.690 we are realyy full right now. :03.690 --> :09.510 EM: Yeah. I know, but I also noticed that many of your customers, just bought one coffee :09.510 --> :15.020 and they are sitting here for ages. It´s not fair that some scum can just buy one coffee :15.020 --> :17.089 and then sit here all day long. :17.089 --> :22.149 (Tbf I didn´t know how long this footballer and his agent was there, as when I come to :22.149 --> :24.120 the bench, they were already there) :24.120 --> :28.890 Waiter: Look, I´m sorry, but we do not have an exact rule for how long you can be here :28.890 --> :33.880 with one coffee. Sorry but you have to wait until someone decide to leave. :33.880 --> :38.810 EM: Come on. My baby and I just want to drink a coffee and hot chocolate. We are paying :38.810 --> :42.649 customers and we won´t just sit here with one cup doing nothing. :42.649 --> :47.140 Waited(this guy was really patient. I´m not sure how is he able to stay this cool for :47.140 --> :53.990 so long): I´m happy to hear that, but as I said. I can´t just force someone to leave. :53.990 --> :58.500 EM didn´t say another word, She just came to this footballer and started yelling: :58.500 --> :03.380 EM: Look, my kid and I want to sit in here. You´ve been here for ages and you are drinking :03.380 --> :09.089 one coffee for ages now. It´s not polite to just came in here and sit here like garbage, :09.089 --> :13.440 when you can´t afford another drink. (Note that his agent was in suit, while the footballer :13.440 --> :15.170 was in regular clothes) :15.170 --> :20.529 His agent: Sorry, but we are doing some bussines here and none of the staff is having problems :20.529 --> :25.540 with us. If you would excuse us, we would like to continue our conversation here. :25.540 --> :27.959 EM was non having any of it. :27.959 --> :33.730 EM: For f*** sake(yeah she said that in front of her kid) how are you even allowed to sit :33.730 --> :38.880 in here(pointing to the footballer) This place is for serious people only and I don´t care, :38.880 --> :43.980 that your friend here is succesfull. You are a waste of a human and I don´t understand :43.980 --> :49.680 what happened to this world. There was once a time people like you(african america) cannot :49.680 --> :51.640 go where normal people used to go. :51.640 --> :56.970 He did not say anything as he was shocked. Also his Slovakia speaking skills were pretty :56.970 --> :01.910 good, but he still had some troubles speaking. He was able to speak well and understandable, :01.910 --> :04.690 but it took him longer to find the right words. :04.690 --> :10.380 Tbg my intentions were not actually too clear. Not gonna lie I came in there, to help him :10.380 --> :15.690 and his agent with this situation, but I also believed that, maybe if I do something like :15.690 --> :20.440 this, he would be willing to do an interview with me later. So I came in there and started :20.440 --> :21.440 speaking. :21.440 --> :26.530 Me: Look lady, your screaming is so loud that maybe the workers in the 3rd floor are able :26.530 --> :30.050 to hear it. Can´t you just let this guy alone? He did nothing wrong. :30.050 --> :37.311 EM: Oh what a surprise. Skinhead defending a N-word. Never seen this one before. (I cut :37.311 --> :41.770 my hair completely as I´m too lazy to take care of them. It has nothing to do with skinhead :41.770 --> :43.320 or guys like this) :43.320 --> :47.980 When the footballer heard an N-word he get angry and startedd almost tearfully yelling :47.980 --> :52.490 something at her. He tried to say something about her being ignorrant and that he suffered :52.490 --> :57.410 a lot because of his skin colour. Of course it was hard to understand what he was saying. :57.410 --> :02.120 As I said he still had troubles speaking slovak language and he was super emotional. :02.120 --> :05.700 His agent just said: Look, we don´t have to take care about this. She is not worth :05.700 --> :10.750 our time, let´s get going. The staff informed me, that I had to leave as I was making a :10.750 --> :16.160 mess in their café. I was super angry and wanted to do something but his agent just :16.160 --> :20.810 looked at me and shake his head. They left and I went out of the Café with them. EM :20.810 --> :25.680 and her kid sat at the table and just get their orders. Yeah, the stuff did nothing :25.680 --> :30.210 about the fact that this guy was raccially abused. As we went out he calmed down and :30.210 --> :34.270 thanked me and his agent for standing up to him. He told me that he was about to go to :34.270 --> :38.840 the match, because he wa going to sing a contract with the team after that. He offered me to :38.840 --> :44.050 come with him and his agent to the VIP stands. I told him I would like to go, but I had to :44.050 --> :48.740 be in the staff stands. But I asked him about an interview. We changed out numbers and some :48.740 --> :51.260 time later I made this interview with him. :51.260 --> :56.050 Yeah, not a brutal ending I know and this woman get away with her racism and get what :56.050 --> :01.160 she wanted. I´m not happy about it but there in nothing I could do. In this country we :01.160 --> :06.710 do not take racism so seriously as in other countries. So this is probably not a good :06.710 --> :44.540 ending, but what can we do. Hello reddit my name is Caleb and im a teenager who has ASD, :44.540 --> :48.880 Depression and alot of other problems for this story theres a few people to this story :48.880 --> :49.880 EM: Entitled mum :49.880 --> :50.880 Co1 and co 2: co workers :50.880 --> :51.880 me: me :51.880 --> :52.880 SG: Security guard :52.880 --> :53.880 po: police :53.880 --> :56.110 and finaly MG: Managers/ my boss :56.110 --> :01.389 So this happen back a few mouths ago debating with a few mates of mine (Im australian) And :01.389 --> :05.740 they say i should just post it because it a story that would get diffrent reactions :05.740 --> :08.310 so if i miss any details sorry about that :08.310 --> :14.080 So i work at Small M (fake store name) i was put on checkout on my 3rd day not my first :14.080 --> :20.180 because i was hired for fill team (so restocking and all that on main days and week days im :20.180 --> :25.060 put of checkout. So i got quite of few relly nice ones but there was some part where i :25.060 --> :30.330 get stuck i was just talking with CO1 intill i see EM. :30.330 --> :34.430 She looked like the person that would talk to the manager every time she walks into a :34.430 --> :39.870 store and i just knowing h*** is gonna go lose i whispered to my self F***. :39.870 --> :42.070 Me: Hello how are yo- :42.070 --> :47.000 EM: Get on with it i need to be somewhere i dont have time for your introduction S*** :47.000 --> :48.760 Me: Ok i was just saying Hel- :48.760 --> :50.150 Em: Shut up :50.150 --> :52.200 Me: ok sorry :52.200 --> :57.630 So started to scan her cloths and folding them putting into the bag and i was slow because :57.630 --> :00.500 it my first day and she looked P***ed :00.500 --> :03.990 Em: WTF is taking you for so long :03.990 --> :07.710 Co1: miss he new here it his first time on check- :07.710 --> :11.829 EM: I DONT GIVE A F*** HE PROBALY (enter R Word) :11.829 --> :18.520 so with some back story that word i was called all the time at school inculding Spastic, :18.520 --> :24.389 moron, ect and hearing that go me quite upset because i hated being called that and out :24.389 --> :28.670 me when i had no idea why i was treated like Crap. :28.670 --> :31.520 Co2: Ma'am You can call anyone that :31.520 --> :33.040 Em: Yes i can :33.040 --> :36.130 Co1: No you can not :36.130 --> :38.480 At this point she said the magical words :38.480 --> :40.120 EM: I want the manager :40.120 --> :44.510 Now at this point my boss was coming down to tell the Em to get out :44.510 --> :46.949 Mg: I'm the manager :46.949 --> :51.389 Em: this pervert try to touch me (pointing at me) :51.389 --> :54.010 Me: what no i was trying to- :54.010 --> :55.730 Em: Shut up :55.730 --> :00.560 Mg: Ma'am i heard everything you said to my employee he is new here and i would not have :00.560 --> :04.010 you saying this like that said to my workers and in mt store :04.010 --> :05.970 Em: But :05.970 --> :08.510 Mg: out NOW :08.510 --> :13.820 after failing to get me fired or in trouble she try to punch me and hit the plastic screen :13.820 --> :17.269 that protected me they where up due to covid and all that :17.269 --> :19.980 EM: OUCH SOMEONE HELP ME THIS PERSON HIT ME :19.980 --> :23.820 ME: What i didnt do anything you just try to hit me :23.820 --> :26.820 EM: what How dear you Li :26.820 --> :28.490 SG: ma'am come with me :28.490 --> :31.829 Em: what no this (R word) hit me :31.829 --> :34.380 SG: No he didnt :34.380 --> :36.610 EM: YES HE DID :36.610 --> :42.779 At this point me and my co workers just flabbergasted of what person form h*** that just be unleased :42.779 --> :48.740 and as he Em was fighting with the SG a cop walks in and see this commotion :48.740 --> :51.209 PO: What is going on :51.209 --> :56.240 Em: That kid Insulted me arrest him imminently :56.240 --> :01.790 SG: That not what happen she try to hit him (points at me) :01.790 --> :03.380 Em: LIES :03.380 --> :05.459 Mg: we have cameras :05.459 --> :08.510 Po: would you mind showing me :08.510 --> :15.760 The Em turn pail then redder than a tomato and try to punch me again than try to spit :15.760 --> :19.380 after that the police take the EM to the ground :19.380 --> :22.649 Po: You are under arrest to try to assult a minor :22.649 --> :26.980 Em: LET GO OF ME THAT (R word again) TRY TO HIT ME :26.980 --> :32.710 Po: miss if you do not stop resisting i have to charge you with resisting arrest :32.710 --> :33.830 She doesn't stop :33.830 --> :37.710 so the cop had someone else to come over to help arrest the Em :37.710 --> :42.649 after the other cop help arrested her he try to fight the police by using her head looking :42.649 --> :46.059 like a fish out of water and manage to hit one of the cops :46.059 --> :53.879 Po: That it you Have Asulted someone, Asulted a police, resisted arrest and try to escape :53.879 --> :00.229 Mg: im so sorry you had to go through that customer on your first day at checkout :00.229 --> :01.989 Me: it ok :01.989 --> :03.279 My face said other wise :03.279 --> :07.880 Mg: Have a bit of a brake obvesily that has gotten you upset :07.880 --> :09.200 Me: ok :09.200 --> :13.009 so i heeded to the Brake room with one of my coworkers try to cheer me up :13.009 --> :17.970 Sorry if there was any spelling errors or part that didnt make scene and hope you enjoyed :17.970 --> :22.909 I don’t know what to do in this situation it’s a constant thing that keeps happening :22.909 --> :30.359 where my dad keeps eating all the food I brought. I started buy snack and food for myself since :30.359 --> :34.729 he doesn’t buy food/ just goes out to eat by himself/ or if he makes food it’s inedible. :34.729 --> :38.640 He keeps helping himself to the food and drinks I buy and eats all of them. I recently brought :38.640 --> :41.749 cereal and milk a week ago and it’s gone buy the cereal he brought are still in the :41.749 --> :45.741 pantry uneaten. I’m was so upset I threw his food he has been eating away. And trust :45.741 --> :51.369 me I tried talk to him about it but he always deflected. I’m so upset I (f 18) just turned :51.369 --> :56.720 18 (2)months ago. My mom begged me to stay at home and I gave in, and am still currently :56.720 --> :01.450 living with her and my step dad. I recently got a job at a popular coffee shop, and they :01.450 --> :06.529 recently got jobs at a local zoo down the road from us. My step dad confiscated my debit :06.529 --> :12.389 card so I have no access to my money and they decided to take 300$ out of my account without :12.389 --> :18.409 my knowledge for "bills". I don't even have a car or license yet because nobody wants :18.409 --> :23.999 to help me, and I'm only staying at home because THEY wanted me to. On top of that, I still :23.999 --> :28.919 have to ask for permission to do things (even though I am 18 and paying bills with them :28.919 --> :34.440 now) and they always say no. I just had to get this off my chest because I have no idea :34.440 --> :16.451 what I should do. So, last night was fun. I had to go to the grocery store to get a :16.451 --> :17.629 couple of things. :17.629 --> :22.669 So, to set the scene: I parked in a legit parking space that was nose-to-nose with a :22.669 --> :28.309 handicap access aisle. I'm disabled and have disability parking license plates, so I tend :28.309 --> :34.299 to park close, and this spot wasn't a handicap space, but adjacent to one. Where I'm at in :34.299 --> :39.370 southern Arizona there is a huge problem with fraudulent use of handicap placards, people :39.370 --> :45.100 often use their disabled relatives' passes, so often the handicap parking is full. :45.100 --> :50.380 As I'm walking through the handicap access aisle, slowly (I'm having a bad day, can barely :50.380 --> :56.200 stand up), this Hispanic woman in a white Lexus starts backing her car into me. Not :56.200 --> :02.970 my car, INTO MY BODY. She screams out of the window "get out of my way I need to park". :02.970 --> :08.649 She backs her car up and makes me stumble, which HURTS. Then she stops her car (which :08.649 --> :13.450 incidentally blocks access to the van in the wheelchair parking spot), gets out, and starts :13.450 --> :18.919 screaming at me for blocking her "parking spot". I tell her "You just assaulted me with :18.919 --> :25.399 your car. This is NOT a parking space, it's the handicap access aisle. I'm calling the :25.399 --> :30.669 police." Her response? She tells me that she'll tell the police I assaulted her. I hit the :30.669 --> :35.210 record button on my phone (which turns on the flash too) and ask her if she wants to :35.210 --> :39.830 repeat that for the recording so I can make her Internet famous. She then starts yelling :39.830 --> :44.710 at me calling me the "parking lot police". I tell her that she's literally blocking the :44.710 --> :51.099 vehicle in the handicap spot. Her response is to go "woo woo" (like a police siren I :51.099 --> :54.489 guess..?) and go into the store. BUT it doesn't end there. :54.489 --> :58.870 The owner of the white minivan comes out. He's a senior citizen with one leg, using :58.870 --> :04.120 a mobility scooter, and sure enough, he can't get to his vehicle to load his groceries and :04.120 --> :09.909 leave. Of course, I'm no use, I'm in really bad shape that day, LOTS of pain, just want :09.909 --> :14.370 to grab a cart to lean on and get in the store to grab food for my kid who's waiting for :14.370 --> :18.899 me at home. One of the employees from the store comes out, and the two of them (employee :18.899 --> :24.210 and disabled man who owns the van) start trying to figure out what to do, and I'm on the phone :24.210 --> :26.850 with a police dispatcher at this time. :26.850 --> :32.669 Ultra-entitled woman comes out, and literally MOCKS the disabled man, tells him he shouldn't :32.669 --> :38.179 go out if he can't take care of himself, yells more insults at me, and gets in her car, leaning :38.179 --> :42.749 on her horn. The disabled man on the scooter gets help to finish loading, and is able to :42.749 --> :48.419 get out, then the entitled woman pulls out. I finally walk into the store, crazy entitled :48.419 --> :53.489 woman sees me, acts like she's going to ram me with her car, and leans on her horn, before :53.489 --> :54.779 driving off. :54.779 --> :58.889 Of course, the police dispatcher tells me they don't have any officers to send out, :58.889 --> :03.899 but they do record all calls and she heard part of that. And I did get some of this on :03.899 --> :09.230 video (MAN I wish I were more savvy with video editing and such, I got only a fraction of :09.230 --> :14.160 this, but enough to see what she had done and how she was acting, I would love to make :14.160 --> :19.259 someone so awful Internet famous, even though I have the most annoying voice in the world :19.259 --> :23.390 now that Gilbert Gottfried has passed). The police are supposed to contact me later this :23.390 --> :30.330 week and provide me a link to upload the video, so she MAY get a ticket (it's a $500+ fine :30.330 --> :35.059 for blocking a handicap access aisle here). I don't hold out much hope though, police :35.059 --> :09.009 are very underfunded here. I (19MtF), live with :09.009 --> :17.099 my mom (47 F) and her boyfriend (45 M) and they put a lot of rules on me, such as I cant :17.099 --> :22.940 eat after 8pm,leave my room after they go to bed, cannot burn insense or smoke weed :22.940 --> :28.460 on the property (which my brothers were allowed). she never uses my pronouns or name and they :28.460 --> :32.799 called my friend a s*** whem we were both 14, and i need permission to sleep at other :32.799 --> :35.201 peoples houses and have to tell my mom where i am 24/7 My mom has always been a control :35.201 --> :37.429 freak. It's her way or the highway and if she doesn't get her way she pouts. As far :37.429 --> :40.090 as she's concerned she's never been wrong in her life. As you can imagine, she's had :40.090 --> :43.999 a hard time with the fact that my siblings and I are all adults now and can make our :43.999 --> :48.259 own decisions. This has especially been the case as we've had our own children and we :48.259 --> :49.259 don't parent her way (I distinctly remember how disgusted she was when she learned my :49.259 --> :50.259 sister was not breastfeeding). :50.259 --> :51.259 Today my 5 yo niece was having a small tantrum, as children do. IMO, her parents handle tantrums :51.259 --> :52.259 really well and are really good at diffusing the situation. So her dad was dealing with :52.259 --> :53.259 it, and my mom was trying to tell him how to handle it and what to do. Basically she :53.259 --> :54.259 was just adding to the yelling. I interrupted her and said "Let him be the parent!" Her :54.259 --> :55.259 jaw dropped and she turned to my dad like she expected him to discipline me. He just :55.259 --> :56.259 stared straight ahead, stone faced. Because guess what? I'm an adult. And my siblings :56.259 --> :00.730 later applauded me. About 6 months ago I gave birth to a baby girl. She’s obviously my :00.730 --> :06.019 world and her fathers too, our families have supported up full way through. One person :06.019 --> :11.039 specifically have given us multiple problems that we have considered cutting her off, my :11.039 --> :12.129 grandmother. :12.129 --> :14.529 Incident #1: The weight treatment. :14.529 --> :18.309 My fiancé and I were taking about buying bathing suits for the summer for the baby :18.309 --> :23.389 and I. I’ve been very sensitive about my weight because I don’t lose as easily as :23.389 --> :27.879 I gain, but she went too far with adding my baby in there. :27.879 --> :32.299 EG- aren’t you going to lose a little weight before you buy one? :32.299 --> :36.990 M(mother)- she doesn’t need to lose any weight, she’ll be fine just the way she :36.990 --> :37.990 is. :37.990 --> :44.019 EG- and what about the baby, she won’t fit in a 4M (at the time she was 3M) :44.019 --> :48.109 M- why wouldn’t she, she’s 3M? :48.109 --> :53.220 EG- she has so much fat on her bones, she’s not going to fit! She should consider maybe :53.220 --> :56.389 doing a 6M or feeding her a little less! :56.389 --> :00.869 My mother and I were horrified to hear it. In this discussion I had not yet started to :00.869 --> :07.330 stand up for myself against her. She was seriously saying that my baby and I were overweight. :07.330 --> :11.179 Obviously I’m leaving some text out for personal issues but she went on to say that :11.179 --> :15.229 it wouldn’t look good with my weight or that my baby isn’t healthy with the way :15.229 --> :20.720 she is. She is completely healthy for her weight, she just has a little chunky to her. :20.720 --> :25.830 Incident #2: She believes she is a SECOND MOM to my baby :25.830 --> :30.789 A few back her and I were having a conversation about going down to (random place but equally :30.789 --> :35.769 as far) Pittsburg so his mom could see the baby. She kept making a fuss. :35.769 --> :39.149 EG- She’ll be too far, how will I be able to see her?! :39.149 --> :42.970 S(this is me)- you’ll be able to see her when we get back, we’re only going for about :42.970 --> :48.359 a week. If that. His mom hasn’t seen her since she was born, it’s been 5 months. :48.359 --> :50.080 She’s a grandmother too. :50.080 --> :55.330 EG- I don’t feel comfortable with her seeing MY baby when I haven’t met her. Does she :55.330 --> :58.760 know how to take care of her?! I don’t know if she’ll be safe there! :58.760 --> :04.039 S- she’s not your baby. She’s mine and O’s (my fiancés first initial), please :04.039 --> :08.749 stop acting like her parent. We are completely aware of how his mom is and we believe she’ll :08.749 --> :13.369 be fine with her. It’s not like we’re leaving her there. Furthermore she had 3 kids, :13.369 --> :16.330 2 of which she’s still taking care of! :16.330 --> :21.149 EG- stop acting like you’re only entitled to making decisions about her, I have the :21.149 --> :28.299 right! You’re still underage (I had her at 16, almost 17) and have mental issues therefore :28.299 --> :30.749 I have the right to make decisions!! :30.749 --> :33.239 At this point she was screaming at me. :33.239 --> :38.919 EG- for all I know you could hurt her, you’re unpredictable! You’re completely unstable! :38.919 --> :45.739 S- first things first I have anxiety not schizophrenia. My behavior isn’t unpredictable. You can :45.739 --> :50.379 hardly take care of yourself. I’m sorry you messed up your relationships with your :50.379 --> :56.799 7 KIDS, then proceeded to chose men over them. You had your chance to be a mother, you failed. :56.799 --> :02.679 You had your chance to be a grandmother, you’re s***. Step aside and let us parent OUR DAUGHTER :02.679 --> :07.919 the way we intend to. We would’ve never been able to move out if I was as unstable :07.919 --> :12.090 as you make it to be. Yea I have issues but I’m not dysfunctional. :12.090 --> :16.899 I then took my daughter and left. She began telling lies to my family but what she didn’t :16.899 --> :21.789 know is I was on a FT with one of other family members who had muted themselves when she :21.789 --> :23.980 started making her fuss. :23.980 --> :29.350 Incident #3: As if #2 wasn’t bad enough, she got worse. :29.350 --> :35.169 EG started to take her pills way often then she should’ve. Essentially allowing herself :35.169 --> :41.279 to become addicted to them. She lied, accused us of stealing, accused us of trying to keep :41.279 --> :47.559 my daughter away from her, and eventually accused O of raping me to get me pregnant :47.559 --> :52.860 and threatening me to stay with him. I won’t make a text thingy from this one because it’s :52.860 --> :58.309 pretty self explanatory. She went to the police at one point spreading her lies, we had an :58.309 --> :04.119 officer show up at our home twice stating that our “neighbors” witnessed an sexually :04.119 --> :10.970 explicit event. I’m stating this right now, my fiancé has never forced himself on me, :10.970 --> :16.480 threatened or abused me. But yet we were getting the cops called. We found out she told one :16.480 --> :21.339 of her friends who then told a mom group in the neighborhood. We had to move out in December :21.339 --> :27.080 shortly after due to some money issues. Overall she really started to decline. We then had :27.080 --> :32.129 the cops called on us for abusing our daughter, we’re an hour away!!! We’re definitely :32.129 --> :37.109 planning on cutting her off but I have a hard time being split from my family and I know :37.109 --> :14.599 it’s going to sting when I do. Until next :14.599 --> :25.369 time Reddit.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsWHYIABANDONEDMYEVILGRANDMOTHERRedditStories
a ITA for eating half of the family's dinner I am 17f and I was told I was uncultured and inconsiderate for eating half of my family's dinner for context I grew up in a load of middle- class family this means that we aren't poor to not have meals on the table every day but we aren't Rich enough to eat as much as we want either or until we were full my family and I live in a third world country which is currently in a state of Civil War in some areas and the electricity would go out for at least 10 hours every day generators are expensive to afford so my family and I would have to complete tasks while we are given electricity recently my family has been going through a lot of problem my parents are having marial issues and the other night they were on a brink of having a divorce my dad has severe anger issues and has the tendency to make a problem out of just about anything as of right now both of my parents are not on good terms of course it doesn't help that I'm a burnout high school student and exams were also around the corner this week I've been crying by myself due to stress and pressure from all directions academics family friends and from my own self with that in mind I am also burdened with workload and I often sacrifice a lot of my meals and sleep completing them it doesn't help that I spend a lot of nights crying to myself and often getting less than 5 hours of sleep every night I've also noticed that I lost a lot of weight given that I'm already skinny and underweight today I went to school with very little sleep no breakfast and no dinner from the night before either the way I have to attend school super early because my dad would have to drop me off from his way to work which is 6:00 in the morning and my mom can't afford to squeeze in the time to make a proper breakfast every day since she's also always sleep deprived and in a rush to make school lunch for both me and my sister before the electricity gets cut out so we only get to eat breakfast on some days of the week if we are lucky enough I felt extremely nauseated to attend school today but with having extremely strict and conservative parents and having exams right around the corner skipping day would be my least of my favorite option all throughout the day I felt sick to my stomach from surviving on little sleep and food not just from the night before but all throughout this entire week and I couldn't help but doze off in lectures a couple of times when I got back from school my mom made dinner and from feeling hungry I finally ate and I ate a lot so much so that when my mom left me alone I didn't realize that I had devoured two of the four dishes that my mom made my dad who was also sleep and food deprived scolded me for eating uncontrollably without looking back and leaving one bit for the rest of the family he said that he hasn't been able to eat food properly due to having a toothache all week and he had been skipping breakfast lunch and dinner that day and he had to come home from work to see me having eaten half of the entire family's dinner I know I had gone overboard with the eating and I owned up to my mistake by apologizing and explaining how hungry and sleepy i' been all week but my dad would not let me be saying I am uncultured for not leaving any bits of food left for the parents even though there were two other dishes left when he was served those dishes he threw the food all on the floor out of frustration and made my sister and I clean up by pouring a bucket of water on the food he blamed my mom for not being aware that I had eaten half of the family's dinner and not preparing more food for him when he returns home aita
give me a good story on AITAforeatinghalfofthefamilysdinnerorig
a it ta for letting my stepdad tank my mother's birthday to make myself look good so it was my 20th mom's birthday and it was her 40th which my family regards as a milestone birthday this birthday is a bit more important because my mother is anxious about her 40 her father passed in his so it was important to me that she begins this decade on a positive note my mother has been married to my stepdad for 9 years together on and off for 16 years my stepdad is notoriously bad at birthday so since I was 17 I've planned my mother's birthday Mother's Day Christmas Etc I've tell everyone what we're doing what she may want who is allowed to know what Etc she's been noticeably happier with that Arrangement which has left a dent in my stepdad's ego so he said he would be planning my mother's birthday without any of my orary supervision he made it very clear he did not want my input so I let him do it sure I gave him a good example to go by however as the day approached it became clear that his plans weren't turning out as my mom would have wanted he didn't celebrate because he mixed up the days and took the wrong day off work so he planned for the day before he ordered a marble cake with whipped icing tickets to The Color Purple and and a reservation to an Italian restaurant her favorite cake is chocolate with buttercream she hates musicals and her favorite thing to eat is steak with lobster tail he didn't invite me or my sibling to any of these plans either as the cherry on top worried that my mom might be disappointed I discreetly made backup birthday plan thinking it would be a nice surprise so when the day before came I let my stepdad give her the wrong cake a musical and a plate of pasta he also lied and said he had mandatory over time at his job on her actual birthday obviously she did not have a good time so the next day I surprised her with everything flowers breakfast spa day comedy show and a dinner at a steakhouse with all of her children included and she cried happy tears into her chocolate with buttercream cake overall a wonderful success when my stepfather found out he was Furious feeling like I undermined his efforts and made him look bad he argued that I should have trusted his plans and not taking matters into my own hand for the sole purpose to make myself look good I explained that I only wanted to ensure my mom had a special day and the backup plans were meant to be a thoughtful gesture despite my intentions tensions escalated as he felt his authority was challenged now I'm left wondering Ida for trying to salvage my mom's birthday or did I overstep by creating backup plans without consulting my stepfather
give me a good story on AITAforlettingmyStepdadtankmymothersbirthdayToMakeMyselfLookGoodorig
my stepmother hates me and wants to kick me out of the house how can I tell my dad about this hey this might be a long one I'm sorry there is a tldr at the bottom I really don't know what to do about my situation and I don't have anyone close to give me advice so I thought here I could maybe get some advice I have an amazing dad who has raised me since my mom passed away when I was 5 years old he is my friend my supporter and someone I want to be like when I grow up when my dad first introduced my stepmother to me I was 10 years old and she was very nice to me he looked so happy that we met and hoped we could get along they got married when I was 13 and I was so happy that I and my dad had a new member in our family I thought me and SM were getting along until a few months after their honeymoon she told me one morning that we just needed to pretend to like each other around my dad but when he was not here I shouldn't bother her this honestly shattered me but I agreed because I didn't know what else to do after that day whenever it was just me and SM she would say things to get to me and I would just not say anything I'm introverted and don't like confrontation so I just took it and thought that over time she would get over it but it got worse she would talk about my height and weight and say I was a funnyl looking version of my dad I hoped my dad would notice but he didn't he actually thinks me and SM are so close and she understands me he looks so happy with her that maybe it's worth not saying anything and giving it time this year my SM has started picking on me around my dad and he has either joined in or ignored it I have voice that what she says makes me uncomfortable and hurts but my dad says she is teasing and doesn't mean it to hurt me well right now I'm at my end and I'm scared I'm angry and frustrated at my SM and my dad dad was away for work and it was just me and SM at home she had a party at home with a couple of her friends I helped set the house up and cook dinner because dad asked me to help out which was fine after they ate and just hung out they were hanging out on the porch when I heard SM and her friends talk very loudly outside my window while I was in my room SM friends talked about how lucky SM was to have a nice husband in a house when they mentioned how nice it was that I cooked for them SM told them that I was annoying and weird and she hated me and living with me and couldn't wait till I was 18 to kick me out I was shocked that she hated me that much but I didn't know why to be honest I thought we were tolerating each other but to hate me I must have done something but I can't think of what I did I've been kind of down since that day which was 2 weeks ago and I thought I had passed the initial feelings but at rugby training today I burst into tears and my coach sent me home so I drove to a speech and cried I felt so much that I honestly can't describe my emotions I eventually fell asleep in my car and now I'm here hoping I can get advice on how to talk to my dad about it because I'm scared about how he will react I don't want my dad to be sad because he does so much for me but I'm not strong like him I'm really struggling my question is how can I approach this conversation with my dad about my SM hating me or should I tell him at all tldr I heard my SM tell her friends she hates me and I want to tell my dad about it but don't know how edit someone questioned my dad's age and I'm sorry but it was supposed to be 42 but I can't change it thank you to everyone who provided advice and kind words it means a lot to me I have read every comment and have an idea of how to approach this situation I'm honestly terrified of the outcome being negative but the encouragement and support are making this a bit easier to deal with I am going to talk to my dad on Sunday and show him this post I hope it goes well and I hope all of you stay safe and take care edit too I'm not sure if I am able to do what I planned because Amy just took my car keys away and she wants my phone but I won't give it to her so she is waiting for my dad to take it off me because apparently I'm doing drugs but I told her I'm not I've been at the beach I'm not sure but I just wanted to stop because I can't handle it update okay so my post was locked but hopefully it's okay now I've posted the link and tried my best with spacing if I can't post it I give up for all the support and advice received I really appreciate and I'm wholeheartedly grateful for all who dm' me to see how I was was thank you this will be a long time because a lot has happened but many things are still not resolved trigger warning I will mention self harm so please if it might trigger you don't read further I wish I was able to say I followed the advice that was provided and now everything is better but some things in life don't play out the way we want them to and we can either let them destroy us or make us better after writing my edit where my SM was taking my things away and assuming I was on drugs I started recording on my phone and she said a lot the door many things about my mom and me and just plain hateful words that I don't want to repeat here I fell asleep while I was barricading the door with my body when my dad demanded I open the door at this point I don't remember much of what happened but my SM told me I had to leave the house and my dad agreed I didn't know who to call but I decided to call my coach and he picked me up and I was a crying mess he didn't ask any questions but just told me that I was safe and that if I needed to talk he was here for me I stayed over one night and the next day dad picked me up SM was not at home when we got there dad told me we needed to talk we had breakfast and my dad spoke to me about many things my SM told him and I couldn't believe all the lies she told him it was a long talk but in summary it was my use of drugs and alcohol how do I disrespect her in our home I don't do my responsibilities like chores at home I'm nasty to her when Dad is not around he asked me why I was acting like this and if I had a problem with SM I should have spoken to him I let him talk and when he was crying I asked if I had anything to say I was so lost for words I knew whatever I said my dad was on my SM side so I told him I wanted him to watch the recording of the incident that I can send through as an email attachment and the link to my Reddit post and then we can talk more I also said I didn't want to be here when he was reading and watching so I'll go for a drive and he can text me when he's done and ready to talk he was hesitant at first but I told him it was important to me so he agreed and I left in my car to the beach and sent the email with the video attached and the link to my Reddit post I don't know how long I waited but many thoughts were going through my head I was missing my mom so much and what if my dad still sided with my SM what can I do now I fell asleep at the beach spot and was woken up by a police officer knocking on my car door and asking for my name after confirming my name he advised me to get out of my car hand over my keys to him and follow him to his car he handcuffed me and assured me that I wasn't in trouble but this was a welfare check because someone made a call that I was possibly self Haring I didn't talk after he told me that and all I remember was just crying he made me sit in the back of the police car until the ambulance came and they took me to the hospital I was asked many questions evaluated and told I was depressed and may have extreme anxiety The Physician did say I might have other things but that they would require further testing in some sessions with a psychiatrist my dad came and visited me while in the hospital and when I saw him he looked really tired when he spoke it sounded like he was crying and he told me he called the police on me because of the video recording I did he heard everything my SM said but he also saw my cuts on my thighs and was scared and thought the worst honestly I never watched the video so I didn't know my thighs were visible after our cry we spoke about a few things I told my dad that I don't feel comfortable living with SM after everything she has said and done to me over the years and I'm not sure I can handle being around her because I don't trust her we spoke about arrangements and knowing my dad still loves my SM and I didn't want him to choose between us I told him that I could ask coach if I could stay with him and after calling him he agreed I've also been admitted to an agency that will support me because I am mentally ill I have been to one session and I'm waiting for another evaluation to be done on me and some testing with my GP so they can diagnose me I'm currently staying with my rugby coach who has been an amazing pillar he has set out some house rules but I respect the fella and don't mind following them my coach even set a date for next week for me and Dad to catch up on my coach is an awesome dude dude I thought of him as just a coach who just wanted our rugby team to win but when he allowed me to stay over he showed so much care for me and I saw aside to him and understood how much he cares for my team he has a lovely wife but I'm kind of anxious whenever it's just me and her at their house that's it right now my dad lives at home with my SM and is trying to sort that out I have many appointments to get the help I need a lot of schoolwork to catch up on and rugby training to attend I've taken a leave of absence from my maca's job I'm going to miss going to the beach for a while but I understand that it's not a forever thing so I hope that the next time I go there I'm not crying my eyes out I'm kind of working on being okay if my dad and SM after those of you who shared your similar experience someday I'll be okay thank you to all who advised and encouraged me those who reached out through DM thank you for the kind words and reaching out I'm not sure if I'll update again but maybe I'll let you know if something happens in the future take care everyone also be kind to one another and most of all be kind to yourself because you deserve it tldr I showed my dad my Reddit post and recording of my SM being verbally abusive and now I'm staying at my coach's house trying to sort out my mental health last update I don't know how to tell my dad that my stepmother hates me I hope everyone has been doing well I wasn't going to update at all but many who reached out shared their stories and kind words which truly helped me I wish I was able to reply but so many things were happening and I'm sorry this will be a long one but it's because this will be the last time I hope in my last post my coach sorted out time for me and my dad to catch up weekly I have met up with my dad twice and this is how it went first catch up at the beach we spoke and I told him a lot about what happened between me and his wife I mentioned how she would treat me when he wasn't there what she said to me after they got married and how she was awful to live with I told him how I dealt with it for his sake because I wanted him to be happy I mentioned to him that I spoke with the coach about staying there until I go to university and then I'll move away because I cannot live with with his wife anymore because I'm not sure what I'll do I'm never going to try to get along with her anymore he listened was crying and asked if I would ever get over this I told him no and I never wanted to see his wife I walked off because I was pissed off at what he said and drove back to the coach's house he messaged me later saying I acted like a kid and I responded because I am a kid second catch up dinner at the coach's house in our second catch up my coach invited my dad to have dinner and hang with me as my coach has a pool table in his man cave in a pool I was excited to hang out and catch up with my dad even after our last meet up because I was feeling a bit better but at the same time I was feeling anxious about the Meetup like I had a bad gut feeling but I ignored it dinner went great and me Dad and Coach had fun playing pool later that night the coach gave us space to talk Dad talked about my mom and me as a kid just things he would tell me when I was a kid and it was just me and him it was fun and I really enjoyed our time together when it was time to go home I offered Tove drop him off since he drank but he said his wife was here to pick him up so I hugged him and he went I kind of stayed in the garage and waited for her to leave so I could walk in the house but I heard her say how's the little sht and I bolted out the door and told her to f off boy was I not ready for the slap my dad gave me but all I remember was swinging a punch at him knocking him down and my coach pulling me off my dad my coach told my dad and his wife to leave after they left I told my coach I never wanted to see him again and texted my dad that we were we done it doesn't end there last week I plan to not go to school on Friday and go for a drive up the line with a few team members to just get away from everything they ended up bailing so I went by myself I ended up driving to a lake parking up and just chilling for the school day before driving back home later on when I got home from my coach's house I saw my dad's car parked in the driveway and thought I would have to square up with my dad when I parked up my Dad ran out of the house and looked like sht he looked like he had cried for days and he started hitting my car screaming to get out of it and tell him where I was the whole day I thought he was mad that I waged school so he ripped the door open hugged me so hard and cried I had no idea what was happening or what he was saying but all I could understand was that I'm sorry and I love you after what felt like forever he kind of calmed me down and I asked him why he was here and then he told me there was an accident with a kid getting hit by a train and it clicked my dad thought it was me he said when he heard the news he called the school and they said I was a no show and called everyone he could think of my friend said I went for a drive somewhere but didn't know where and my dad said he lost it he calmed down eventually and said he would divorce his wife if I wanted him to but I told him he needed to choose that for himself because the reason I stayed quiet was to make him happy if he is unhappy he should make a choice for himself because I don't want to be the reason he is unhappy and now I have to look after myself and that is getting away from her and he cried and just said more sorries he ended up sleeping over in the same room as me that night and the night after after because I think he was scared and just trying to deal I was okay with it and Coach allowed it he left after the weekend to sort himself out back at his home I told him that where I am is good for me to not worry and that I'd turn off do not disturb on my phone so I could see text that's pretty much it really I don't know what my dad is going to decide to do with his wife but I am definitely not ever going to associate with her in the foreseeable future I love my dad too much to stop seeing him but he knows my boundaries since I've set them out clear as day and he knows that as much as I love him I will cut him off if I feel like it's not for me I'm moving past what happened between me and my dad's wife for me because I'm tired of letting her beat me in my mind so I just have to work on me I'm currently happy staying with my coach and his wife they have been amazing and have shown me so much love they have awesome kids who I have met and they have invited me to their family Christmas I feel bad that I feel anxious when I'm around the coach's wife but I'm working on it with my therapist and I have a good support system I know I want to go to university but I am not sure if I want to study Commerce or law but I know I am on track with my studies I just can't afford to skip any more school thank you to everyone who sent messages of support and reached out to share their experience they all gave me the strength to believe I could get out of this mess and be okay and if you ever feel down know that there is help out there for you no matter where you are in life I'm glad I shared on Reddit because I've learned so much about myself and many things I won't forget and will teach my kids now I have to go to school take care and cheers update op wrote a letter to her mother Mom it's my birthday Mom I'm 18 I made it I made it I actually did it Mom I miss you so much God I wish you were here to be with me today when I woke up today and went for a walk I saw your favorite bird tuy and remembered our photo we took together I just missed you I've had a rough year Mom it's been so hard for me some days I can't breathe and I wish you were here next to me but that's okay because I know I'll See You Someday but I need to make you proud because I want to be like an accountant like you I know you love me and I love you so much and miss you every single day I miss you so much Mom not a day goes by when I don't miss you at all thank you for loving me thank you for the life you gave me it's the best gift I was given and I cherish it so much I will make the most of it Mom and make you proud I love you Mom update I hate that my current reality is that I don't have people I can rely on right now in my life I am trying to do my best to survive and improve my current situation I've had so much happened to me this year and I feel like I can't afford to take time for myself to catch a break or else I'll lose what I currently have which is not much I know I'm young and have so much to look forward to but it's hard like so hard to want to carry on when so much sht is going wrong I'm trying to find a place to stay even in a flatmate situation to be more independent but I can barely afford anything my job offered me a better paying position at the expense of a full-time job and even though I would love more money it means I will have to give up my dream of going going to University I know many people have had worse situations and honestly I don't know how they found the will and help they got it really feels like the world just hates me and I know I'm feeling sorry for myself but I'm honestly giving up hope update I feel indifferent about catching up with my dad I have a strained relationship with my dad a lot has happened this year between us and it really ruined our relationship he was my best friend he would be there for my Rugby matches and push me to do my best earlier this year I had a Fallout with my step mother and my dad which caused me to move out of my home and in with my coach whom I call Uncle I have been here ever since we did try to mend our relationship but harsh words were exchanged and I stopped reaching out and focused on passing my exams I have worked hard on myself by working at my job and helping out at the place I'm staying I have made some sort of Peace about my situation and I'm focusing on my future my dad reached out last night to meet up with him to hang and we planned it for next year on the 4th of January I agreed and that was that my uncle talked to me about what me and my dad spoke about and he is kind of worried about my feelings about meeting my dad because of my feelings towards the day I explained the best I could which is that I just feel indifferent about my dad right now I am neither excited nor scared about this meeting I just see it as a date I'll be seeing him and that's it whether we meet up or not I'm not bothered by it at all my uncle and his wife care a lot and have done so much for me so I care about what they say they think I should have a reason to meet up with him since I haven't spoken to him in a while and are worried I could get hurt should I have a different mindset towards catching up with my dad tldr dad planned to catch up next year for me and him we had a Fallout so my uncle thinks that I should be feeling something but I feel indifferent update hey everyone thanks to everyone who's reached out and shared their stories and experience and best wishes for me I am so grateful for everything you all have shared I am really touched by the support I am doing well for myself currently at the University and trying to keep up with my studies my uncle and auntie have been so amazing to me and are so patient it's something I'm so thankful for I didn't take the money my dad put aside for me because I didn't need it in my country student loans are interest free and since I have a lot of money saved I won't be struggling since I live at home with my uncle and Aunt who have also said that they can help financially if I need anything I really don't know what my relationship is like with my dad and I'm okay with that I don't need him in my life and that's okay I'm grateful for what he did like house me I honestly wouldn't have made it if I didn't have it and I know how much my mom loves me and that's enough for me to move on and carry on I'm still heard from everything that's happened but I'm healing and that will take time I've heard and read so many messages to just hold on and hope my time will come but I think I have it right now I have people who care about me a house with a bed and warm food to eat that's enough for me thank you again for the kind words take care update existing is tiring I'm just tired of trying to be okay but I'm far from okay I don't know but it's just hard sometimes and I want it to all stop for just a day maybe more I have some people who want me to get better but it feels like a huge burden and it is suffocating update what is a good gift to give at a baby shower I was invited to my dad's and his wife's baby shower they are having a boy and I have no idea what to buy for this event the baby registry is all bought out and now I'm clueless on what to buy any ideas on what to buy it's in 2 months so I have time update the baby shower didn't go through the baby shower didn't happen since my dad and his wife had the baby a week before the baby shower he didn't make it I'm actually doing fine my dad isn't and I'm not sure if his wife is doing okay dad has left work and just spends most of his time at his house his wife is with family my uncle asked if it was okay if he could invite dad over after the funeral and I was happy he asked I know my uncle wanted to make sure my dad was okay because I still care about him dad did talk to me and he is not okay at all he asks things like do I miss him but I just let him talk I'm not happy that he is hurting but I'm doing fine I am on midterm break working a lot more and spending time with my dad update I just finished paying off my first year of University with no loans I just wanted to celebrate a little I applied to study this year and didn't get approved for a student loan I freaked out and spoke to the university and they gave me options and one of them was paying an installments they explained how it would work and at the time it was the best option I had so this year I worked full-time studied fulltime and made sure I was making the monthly payments I worked my ARS off and nearly burned out when I walked into the office today to make the last payment for my first year study the receptionist gave me a muffin and congratulated me on working hard I went into my car and cried so hard because I really worked hard and really felt good I just wanted to write this out before I go into work tonight thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of story we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyStepmotherHatesMeAndWantsToKickMeOutOfTheHouseHowCanITellMyDadAboutThisorig
hey everybody welcome back to the storytime channel my name is Stephen and let's get into our stories of the day I do work here but not for you this took place some 20 years ago so my memory may be a bit hazy and one or the other details may escape me I was working as an intern for a manufacturing company that would make car accessories this was in their global headquarters once a year they would have large conferences with some 200 attendees from the international offices in different countries this was a four-day thing that would have almost the entire conference area of the hotel we were hosting in occupied the large room was set up as an auditorium and this is where all the presentation related to the bestsellers changes an assortment novelties marketing guidelines etc would be presented then we had three more rooms a relatively small one we used a storage and back office and two other rooms that had items on display one room was such that the windows to the outside were floor-to-ceiling and could open so that a car would fit through them and could be driven in through the fire department access lane that ran outside the building so in this one room there were three cars that had various accessories mounted in or on them for display purposes I was on duty to man one of the rooms while open to the attendees and spent the remaining time stocking merchandise baskets in the main conference room and giving the hotel catering a heads up when a segment was 10 minutes away from finishing so they could roll out the food and drinks to be ready as people poured out of the main conference room while the conference was in recess the attendees were meant to enter these display rooms and look at the items on show as they may have been presented during one of the segments of the conference itself many of these pieces were novelties being shown before being released to market so they were not meant to be seen by people outside the company on two days where this conference took place other companies had meetings going on in other rooms so the conference area couldn't be closed off from the main hotel lobby and anyone who wanted to inspect could walk into the conference area normally this was not a problem because nobody who was not working there would look at a deserted corridor and when people were out it was obvious this was a closed group but one day during one of the breaks a family father and two sons of tourists wandered in and they went into the room with the three cars and the accessories on display mounted on them it was pretty close to the end of the break so there was a lot of movement but they could easily be made out as children and a man with a faded t-shirt and shorts stuck out in a sea of suits I saw them as one of the kids was making a straight line for one of the cars that had color-changing interior mood lighting and underfloor lighting installed the color-changing bid was for display purposes but I digress as the room was soon going to be closed off anyway I was prepared with the key fobs to lock the cars up before turning off the lights and locking the room before he could climb in and mess with the light system partially installed some mounting could be visible to the attendees I shoved the car door and locked it making the kids stop in his tracks and make a face before he could run off to the other cars I dashed over to those and repeated the locking up operation there as well and none too soon I may add because daddy was already there trying a door and barking at me to open a car for his kids to see the following dialogue not verbatim ensued sir this is not a public display you and your children will have to leave open these cars would you what's the harm in my kids having a look at the pretty lights again this is not a public display this is a private convention for invited attendees only please leave he was getting really close to me which was funny because I must have been a good 50 centimetres taller than him his kids also now went to his side as they must have sensed something was not right I decided that the best thing to do was to slowly walk into him and get him out the door while he argued with me that I should let his kids get into the cars and play with the lights the conference attendees had already left for the next segment of the presentation in the other room he continued with me being so rude being nasty to his kids for no reason and I kept repeating that this was all lovely but that I was working for the company that was hosting the conference and that the items on display were not meant for the general public the moment I had them over the threshold I polled the conference room door shut behind me and as soon as it latched closed I slipped off to a side and made my way to the waiters that were disassembling the buffet and asked them if they could help me return these people to the lobby as they were not attendees this is when daddy went all indignant and told me I had terrible customer service and that he will be making a complaint and I turned around and replied sir I don't work for you or this hotel I don't care if you think I'm rude to you and you want to make a complaint about me at the desk all I want is for you to get a loss from a space my company rented and you have no business being in he then got really upset and started cursing at me but the waiters took over and escorted him away from the conference room area and I returned to the back office to put the key fobs away and then returned to the conference room with the cars the check that everything was in order and switch off the lights as it was leaving the conference room the manager for the conferencing spaces came to apologize and I told her that it wasn't her fault and that I hope the guy didn't cause much of a scene she didn't reply to that but told me that they would be posting someone at the entry from the lobby to the conference area for the remaining breaks that were planned for that day it definitely sounds like a nightmarish scenario kids already want to get their hands all over stuff that they shouldn't but this dad was also actively encouraging it have you ever seen examples of bad parenting like this if so let me know your story in the comments section down below that's not what furniture covers are for I've been enjoying this sub during lockdown sometimes reading it and sometimes listening to it on a YouTube channel it was my late mom's birthday yesterday may she rest in peace she died in 1998 and I remembered this story she told and thought you know I could give something back to this community by sharing it it didn't actually occur in the business in question but I hope it more or less fits this sob when my mom was long married perhaps in the 1940s or 50s she was at home one morning when the phone rang my mom answered the phone as she taught us to answer it by stating the phone number and saying who's calling please the color a posh an angry sounding woman gave her name and unasked her address in a very well-heeled part of the city and the conversation continued something like this your man has not arrived yet it's not good enough when will he get here I'm sorry I don't understand Oh for pity's sake girl the decorator he was supposed to be here half an hour ago I'm sorry you must have the wrong number this is a private home what number did you call don't ask me and pertinent questions I know very well that is name a house decorating company stop stalling you stupid girl and just tell me when he will get here or send someone else at once I'm sorry but this really is I'm sitting here it'd make covers on then I hope they keep you warm and mom hung up rest in peace mum this was a good mom direct to the point and not wanting to take any BS rest in peace no ma'am I'm not a valet this happened to me yesterday when I was at work and my security job story okay so this just happened to me yesterday I work as security at one of our gated communities here in Florida on the beach my duties include watching over the pool via camera answering the phone and checking visitors and contractors into the community our uniforms consist of black or grey pants and white shirts but I wear grey shirts because I'm the supervisor there is nothing on my uniform that says valet well yesterday I was in my office doing my work and this lady comes in and while I'm getting her information so I can make her permit she says okay so you get my permit and then you park the car I correct her and say no ma'am I'm not a valet I'm security they only need to make you a permit and once you get it you can park your car and then I explained where to park she then asks me why I can't park it for her and her friend that she was there to visit told her that I wasn't a valet and that we didn't have valet parking here this lady then stated that I should do my job and park her car I then told her that it's not my job and that she needed to move her car as a line was backed up she got in her car and sped off and almost hit someone so she ended up being asked to leave some people are just so ignorant and entitled it's just scary it seems like these kinds of people get an idea in their head that they want somebody to do and no matter what that person is that Fault in their mind if they didn't do the thing you wanted them to do it might not be in your job but you're the valet now why can't you just park my car cuz it's not my job smart but me deals with a rude Karen so as a preface I Mayo shared this story here before a while back I don't remember if I did but it is kind of funny so I figured I would share it anyway another thing you need to know is I have some severe anxiety issues but this story happened maybe six or seven years ago before I developed the problem so I was a bit more brazen back then anyway I was shopping at the big blue store famous for their selection of Karen's when I passed by the sweet little old lady she asked me to grab a case of soda off the top shelf this is nothing new because I'm 6 foot 6 and people ask me a lot to do stuff like this I also live life by the golden rule you were taught as a child treat those how you want to be treated I got the soda for the sweet old lady and asked her if she needed any more help she declined in a thing to be so I started to walk away to grab the other things on my list as I walked down the aisle looking at my list trying to decide where I should head next I heard two words shouted at presumably me you boy I look up and see this abomination of a Karen sneering at me she had the classic haircut probably weighed more than me as an already overweight super tall giant in leopard print leggings and a shirt that was being tortured by being worn by someone who was most likely three sizes too big for it she had only said two words to me and I already didn't like her remember how I said I live by the golden rule well that works both ways and since she was rude out of the gate that must mean she wants to be treated rudely also I just wasn't exactly sure how to be rude to her yet get that soda off the top shelf for me now I'm in a hurry she said to me while her volume was turned up to eleven so I said as a smart but I don't work here if you want me to help you I'm gonna need a hero please first she shrieked obviously you weren't here I just saw you help that other witch Wow just wow now she insulted that sweet old lady after being rude to me then I decided what I would do beast entirely off of what would be the funniest thing to do oh I'm so sorry about that witch so did you want again she pointed aggressively at a case of fresca on the very top shelf I grabbed the case off of the shelf and went to hand it to her she muttered finally right before she grabbed it from me I quickly put it back on the top shelf and without looking at her just slowly walked away to do the rest of my shopping she shrieked a bit about finding my manager and getting me fired but I was just giggling to myself I ended up taking my sweet time shopping hoping she would show up again with a manager just so she would embarrass herself more but I never saw her again I wonder how her family reacted to hearing the story of the rude idiot Walmart employee she encountered that day that's actually an interesting perspective to bring up since the karen didn't have any follow up there's gonna be this whole alternate reality in her mind that she proclaims to other people about Walmart and they're awful employees that won't help them and tease them in a rude and blah blah blah lady I'm off the clock the one thing I hate about Karen's is that they don't have a concept of off the clock on a semi-regular basis I will be at work shopping once I am done for the day on these days I will bring a shirt with me and change so I am no longer in uniform while shopping however there are some great customers who just don't care I'm not in you know and am pushing a cart full of stuff or carrying a basket and still ask for help now the majority of the people are nice about it and so I don't mind helping them however occasionally I'll get someone who recognizes I am an employee and gets all offended that even though I am not wearing our shirt I did not jump to help them then gets in my business complaining about how disrespectful I am to which I reply I am clearly not on the clock it is not my job to help you right now and had you not been so rude I would have helped you if you're having such a hard time go to the register and the cashier will get someone to help you how dare you not be in uniform and also are blatantly shopping on your own personal time because you're an employee at this establishment although you're not working at this very time you are a slave to me okay nevermind you don't even care about customers I had just gotten off work at the local hospital and was looking for leave-in conditioner at the nearby big store that killed all the mom-and-pop shops you know the one smelling different products reading labels slavs squatting on the floor up rolls Sheeran on a scooter older less physically mobile version of Karen where's the price on this ring why don't you people do this better so people can see it took me a second to realize she was asking me I look up hmm oh forget it you probably don't even care about your customers at that point I stood up clearly wearing a full set of hospital scrubs like why would you think I work here cocked my head to the side and said you're right ma'am I sure don't and walked off what the Freak what about my clothing posture actions led this woman to even remotely thinking I was working retail I'd have to be the worst employee basically hiding and not doing my job or wearing my uniform funny thing is that I worked retail during undergrad and I cannot stand bee holes like this lady if she were my patient or in a medical emergency I would do everything in my scope to help her but that ain't it chief it felt good to let her know not everyone gives a freak what she thinks she needs in this setting how are you gonna see scrubs I'd like a Walmart and assume that they worked there I would assume Sharon on the scooter is probably a frequent customer of Walmart I feel like she would be able to understand by now who the employees are and what they look like but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories is your personal favorite of the day and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel thank you all again so very much for watching and listening to this storytime channel
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladyIWORKHEREBUTNOTFORYOUSIRorig
a ITA for deliberately misunderstanding my child's father so I had a baby some weeks ago with my partner to whom I'm not married we've been together a while and I've given many compromises in this relationship while discussing baby's name we had a few disagreements on names but ultimately decided on a name we both liked well enough the surname was a sticking point he wanted the baby to have his name alone I offered to hyphenate BC logistically it's easier for the baby to have both of our names he's been drinking the Red Pill Kool-Aid lately a large bone of contention in this relationship and went off about how it's tradition and the right thing to do and is right as a man to have the baby have his surname he told me I'd be emasculating him and may as well be a single parent if I won't Grant him this one little last my word is final baby having one surname this was late in my pregnancy and I didn't have it into fight so I told him that I understood what was saying FF to 3 weeks ago when baby's birth certificate came he blew a gasket when he saw that I'd given the baby my surname he rehashed the conversation above saying I agreed to giving baby a surname this is where I might be ta I did nothing of the sort I told him I understood him which I did but I never said I agreed with him I told him there was no way I was doing all the work of making a baby for him to stick his name on it when we bought up tradition I told him it's also traditional for him to marry me before having a baby but he was happy to ignore that I told him it was traditional for him to be the provider but I do that too and I pointed out other holes in his logic I told him trying to bully me into submission with his red pill BS when I was exhausted from pregnancy didn't work he should have known better than to expect me to not share a surname with my child he said the baby should only have one surname they do so why
give me a good story on AITAfordeliberatelymisunderstandingmychildsfatherorig
am I the off for wanting to leave my husband after he called me a buckle up I'm sorry this is so long I 31f have been married to my husband 35 male for 10 years I recently took one new roles and titles at work leaving me to work 50 plus hours a week while being a parent while keeping up with daily chores and schedules we are running all the time we only eat out once a month as a treat so I try to cook every night for my kids I have lost myself in trying to keep up with everyone else in the household I promise that's an important note for the last 10 days I have been sick fevers swollen throat lymph nodes and canker sores that have overruled my mouth I knew I was overly stressed with work and home life so I went on about my day I went to the local walk-in clinic and was rubbed off with a it looks viral looks of fluids and rest should clear this up 3 days after visiting the local Clinic I noticed my symptoms were not getting any better I made an appointment at an Urgent Care an hour away from my home before I left I told my husband I'm going to underscore because I don't feel like they understood my symptoms and treated me well at the local walk-in he gave me a hesitant look and said okay as I walked out of the door I got to the hospital where I was receiving care for my symptoms and called my husband to let him know what was going on while I was hooked up to in four he cut me off on our FaceTime call and said so who's there with you confused I looked around and showed him the room I reassured him that no one else was there and I was not going to play his little games as he does sometimes to make me laugh he ended up hanging up after that I was given my medical evaluation something along the lines of having a viral infection that exploded into leaving my mouth full of canker sores I was and am in so much pain they advised me that it was completely okay and didn't mean anything negative it just meant that I'd been so stressed and I wasn't given the proper treatment at the local hospital while waiting to be discharged I was ordering my husband's favorite restaurant food to come home with knowing he had been taking care of my kids and myself for the last 5 days I wanted to do something nice for him I called to let him know that I was on my my way home and I just had one more quick stop after my medications were ready he blew up he asked what I was doing at said restaurant because he saw the charges on the bank account he started accusing me of going out of town to see someone else and make the comments I know you didn't drive up there just to go to the hospital and I saw the charges at underscore so if you were that sick you wouldn't have been there at this point I am fuming I don't get it after an hour drive back home I dropped his favorite food off on the counter and said this is why I went there do you know how shitty it was to have your husband not believe you when you're hooked to in four I started to tear up my heart is broken he profusely apologized and said I never want to lose you I wed away as I am putting my medication away from the doctor he reads the label contains the word herpes on the label he started fuming again he said can you imagine I have Yogo back to work on Sunday and tell them my wife was sick and found out she had herpes I explained to him that I did not in fact have herpes but canker sores were treated in the same family for how bad mine was without hesitation he responded and said that makes you sound like such a after everything I do to stay afloat I felt this jab deep in my chest I barely have time to catch my breathe let alone look the other way I have packed a bag and I headed to my parents so Reddit am I the
give me a good story on AITAforwantingtoleavemyhusbandafterhecalledme
:00.199 --> :01.589 My Father is the Canadian Satan. :01.589 --> :04.912 Growing up with him was less than fun and I can assure you , based on witnessing it :04.912 --> :06.019 he was a less than fun husband. :06.019 --> :09.360 I'd go on about what a piece of s*** my father is but instead i'll quote a judge " you're :09.360 --> :13.839 the most despicable human I've ever had in my court room" and that's coming from a family :13.839 --> :14.839 court judge. :14.839 --> :19.730 I read this wining endorsement of my Dad's personality in the court documents I acquired :19.730 --> :22.060 related to his divorce with my Mum. :22.060 --> :25.260 The same place I discovered the f***ery he had engaged in to steal from my Mum. :25.260 --> :29.590 It's also where I found the information I needed to get one over on him so severely :29.590 --> :30.870 he's going to disinherit me. :30.870 --> :34.530 This is a bit of a long read so tldr at he bottom. :34.530 --> :40.570 A Frame of reference about my Father is that he's a pathalogical narcissist and behaves :40.570 --> :42.620 exactly how those people are compelled to act. :42.620 --> :47.450 They aren't generous people and punching them in the wallet is like a slapshot to the taint :47.450 --> :48.450 from Gretzky. :48.450 --> :52.220 He's kind of like Donkey from Shrek but also Jospeh Stalin, a monstrous j******. :52.220 --> :53.420 Chapter 1 - Hosea 3:8 :53.420 --> :57.850 Those that sow the wind shall reap a whirlwind.Our actions always have consequences and my Padre :57.850 --> :59.290 has plenty to answer for. :59.290 --> :04.149 My attempts to hold him to account didn't jump to Immediate Jihad , they started with :04.149 --> :05.500 diplomacy and a therapist. :05.500 --> :10.259 About 10 months ago when our tale begins I was going through some stuff. :10.259 --> :16.369 Stuff being a whole lot of PTSD related to both my Dad's abuse and my job as a paramedic. :16.369 --> :21.119 He did a ton that affected me deeply, things that I needed to move past, along with all :21.119 --> :22.740 that other razzmatazz from 15 years of EMS. :22.740 --> :27.090 In so trying to move past and work through everything I quit drinking, started Turining :27.090 --> :30.840 my untreated PTSD into treated PTSD and thinking having my Dad involved might help me and our :30.840 --> :31.840 relationship. :31.840 --> :35.189 We'll I seriously f***ing misjudged that one so you'll probably be unsurprised to hear :35.189 --> :36.420 that conversation went swimmingly. :36.420 --> :41.579 I'll spare you the lurid detail but when I broached the subject with him our back and :41.579 --> :46.130 forth degenerated into visceral hate with him screaming at me that I'm a failed paramedic, :46.130 --> :48.770 liar and piece of s*** alcoholic. :48.770 --> :53.099 While I have a certain pride about my job, I have more pride in my 14 months Sobriety, :53.099 --> :57.389 so hearing this from my old man might have caused me to behave a bit psychotically. :57.389 --> :08.190 I got right p***** off at him a decided to dig up every bit of dirt I could , see what :08.190 --> :11.970 kind of man he actually is and has been :11.970 --> :22.900 When it was convenient I hoped in the mystery machine before taking a trip to the court :22.900 --> :28.900 house to unleash my inner gumshoe . Everything is public record, so I bulk bought copies :28.900 --> :32.590 before retiring to my easy chair to read, plot and pet my white long haired cat. :32.590 --> :36.390 For good measure I obtained a file of divorce doccument from my mother. :36.390 --> :41.390 Soon enough I hit upon a line of inquiry worth following up on, it seems that during the :41.390 --> :45.939 final settlement of my parents divorce ( 2002), my mother was awarded 1/3 of my father's employment :45.939 --> :46.939 pension. :46.939 --> :52.099 She was a stay at home mother and could not earn one herself so it was given to her by :52.099 --> :53.099 a judge. :53.099 --> :57.290 Mighty f***ing strange because my father as he brags took a nearly full pension and retired :57.290 --> :58.290 a bit early. :58.290 --> :03.360 No way that asshat was living the last 10 years after retiring early on a 2/3 pension, :03.360 --> :05.180 he isn't constantly bithcing about it. :05.180 --> :12.329 So I asked my Mother if she was collecting a pension from his job or had cashed out the :12.329 --> :19.040 value (100k plus at the time) 20 years ago , no to both questions. :19.040 --> :23.879 Well that's interesting, I wonder if that's collectable on and what 20 years of compound :23.879 --> :26.670 intest from a pension fund makes it worth. :26.670 --> :32.730 Well I did eventually find out along with the fact that my dear old Dad had been collecting :32.730 --> :38.170 my mothers portion for 10 years, in Hilariously open violation of a legal order from a Judge. :38.170 --> :41.569 Why didn't my mother pursue this sooner? :41.569 --> :47.200 A combination of being unable to afford a lawyer, being his victim for 20 years and :47.200 --> :53.150 pessimism after so much of his continued dodging obligation to the order, she just quit. :53.150 --> :55.520 There is effectively no statute of limitations he could hide behind becuase the wording of :55.520 --> :56.520 the settlement. :56.520 --> :01.230 Insofar as I could tell I had him dead to rights and my Mother would be collecting, :01.230 --> :03.349 it would be a slam dunk. :03.349 --> :08.109 I just needed to hire a lawyer to help me , so I set out to find the most unbalanced, :08.109 --> :09.790 bloodthirsty psychotic who passed the BAR exam. :09.790 --> :11.540 Chapter 2 - Et tu pension lady? :11.540 --> :18.959 As it says in the good book screw unto others as the would screw unto you, so that's what :18.959 --> :22.570 I set out to do. :22.570 --> :26.470 The misanthropic sociopath I hired for legal counsel suggested we send a demand letter :26.470 --> :31.600 to the pension office to try and remedy it before filing what would undoubtedly be an :31.600 --> :32.660 easy win for him. :32.660 --> :37.310 I agreed in spirit and instead phoned up the pension office and got put through to the :37.310 --> :38.880 woman managing my father's file. :38.880 --> :43.810 Well she was a delight and it was a trivial matter for me to get her to loathe my Dad. :43.810 --> :48.200 We talked for 45 minutes and I swear if you'd given me another hour I could have convinced :48.200 --> :50.280 her to suicide bomb his house. :50.280 --> :53.980 In all our conversations about life , families and relationships we got down to some things :53.980 --> :54.980 of note. :54.980 --> :00.390 Since I could show her correspondence her office had sent to my father ( cc'd my mum :00.390 --> :05.310 on ) some years ago and ongoing for 5 consecutive years, trying to resolve this matter , which :05.310 --> :08.250 he had ignored, she was more than willing to start the process on remedy immediately. :08.250 --> :10.780 Full cooperation from this lady and her office was a matter of merely providing documentation :10.780 --> :16.810 and with my lawyer on retainer , this office was beyond asking my father to comply, they :16.810 --> :17.810 complied for him. :17.810 --> :22.990 About 2 months since I last spoke to my Father and he now had no idea his pensilon was about :22.990 --> :23.990 to take a serious hit. :23.990 --> :26.690 Below I'm going to break down how big a turd I put into his bowl of ice cream. :26.690 --> :31.250 My mother's portion was made whole and adjusted to reflect that her portion was brought to :31.250 --> :35.880 maturity and beyond so his early retirement dosent affect her fund. :35.880 --> :41.440 So he loses 10 years of valuation to her, he also retired 3 years early which kocks :41.440 --> :44.520 him down now to 17 years of pension valuation ,not 27. :44.520 --> :49.000 If you'd forgotten my Dad had been collecting my Mum's money and was over paid by 30k per :49.000 --> :50.010 year for the last 10 years. :50.010 --> :55.170 Like I said Mom was made whole, so the pension company is going to claw back that overpayment :55.170 --> :59.030 from the base valuation of his current pension fund. :59.030 --> :06.210 I'm not exactly sure what that does to the number but it effectively nerfs my Old man's :06.210 --> :07.470 private retirement fund. :07.470 --> :12.870 He's got government old age pension, that he took early too, whoops. :12.870 --> :19.410 My Dad did some awful s*** to me but I only had to suffer 17 years of him , my Mum still :19.410 --> :20.720 has the high score at 20. :20.720 --> :27.330 As much as I did this for spite and malicious glee, I did do it to give my Mum a chance :27.330 --> :28.530 ar a proper retirement . :28.530 --> :30.330 Chapter 3 - Glitter bombs of justice :30.330 --> :35.140 My mother started collecting her pension about 3 months after I contacted the pension office :35.140 --> :38.400 and to celebrate she bought tickets to New Zealand for the family for Christmas, so we :38.400 --> :39.400 can see our relatives. :39.400 --> :45.340 I was able to get most of my retainer from the lawyer back and to celebrate I went online :45.340 --> :46.830 to order a glitterbomb. :46.830 --> :53.730 I was able to ship it to my old man anonymously from another country ( God bless the USA ). I :53.730 --> :58.810 heard through my sister he opened it up in his stupid red miata, ha ha ha , he'll never :58.810 --> :04.290 get rid of it.There is a lady named Irene who does not seem to be able to understand :04.290 --> :06.790 the concept that my email address is not hers. :06.790 --> :09.460 She gives it out constantly, and repeated, REPEATED efforts to explain to her that she :09.460 --> :10.880 has it wrong have gone unheeded. :10.880 --> :12.620 Strong boomer energy from this one. :12.620 --> :18.550 As a result, I know she lives down in the US, she banks at Chase, she drives a Toyota :18.550 --> :23.590 RAV4 that is due for an oil change, and she seems to be having some medical issues "down :23.590 --> :24.590 there". :24.590 --> :27.810 (Irene, if you see this, call your doctor, she sounds concerned.) :27.810 --> :32.240 I have repeatedly asked the various people involved to please inform Irene that she is :32.240 --> :34.580 providing all these places with my email address, which is, again, not hers. :34.580 --> :39.700 The only piece of information she has never provided is her phone number, so I have not :39.700 --> :43.473 been able to call her, although I did send her a Christmas card last year that read, :43.473 --> :44.510 "Irene, Merry Christmas, stop telling people your email address is [my email], it isn't, :44.510 --> :45.510 it's mine." :45.510 --> :48.740 Recently, it appears that Irene has been trying to buy a new house, and is planning a trip :48.740 --> :49.740 to Venice. :49.740 --> :54.500 I know this, because I got all the confirmations of her travel plans from her travel agent, :54.500 --> :58.210 as well as all the confirmations from her mortgage broker and insurance agent. :58.210 --> :03.460 This resulted, a couple weeks ago, in somewhere in the neighbourhood of 70 emails a day, informing :03.460 --> :05.840 me of every detail of each of these transactions. :05.840 --> :07.430 So, I followed my usual approach. :07.430 --> :12.620 I emailed the agents back, and (probably slightly less politely than I could have been) informed :12.620 --> :19.890 the agents that Irene is once again giving out my email address as her own, and I have :19.890 --> :24.650 no interest in any of the private documents they had sent her. :24.650 --> :33.060 Apparently, they tried to call her -- unfortunately, I suspect they all tried to call her within :33.060 --> :40.010 a few minutes of each other to tell her the same thing -- and she got very angry with :40.010 --> :41.010 all of them. :41.010 --> :46.560 She told them, very rudely, that in fact my email address is hers, and people needed to :46.560 --> :52.530 stop telling her that it wasn't, and why hadn't any of them sent her any emails yet confirming :52.530 --> :56.450 all of this stuff she was trying to do? :56.450 --> :58.430 Not long after, I separately got apologetic emails from each of them, the insurance agent, :58.430 --> :02.671 the travel agent, and the mortgage broker, telling me that they were very sorry, but :02.671 --> :08.490 Irene was VERY insistent that this was her email address, so they couldn't remove it :08.490 --> :09.650 from her account. :09.650 --> :16.000 This seems very stupid to me, but I am not American and do not understand American rules. :16.000 --> :20.880 So I told them that since I was apparently Irene, and I am completely sure that I did :20.880 --> :28.520 not apply for a mortgage, or for insurance, that all of those should be cancelled immediately. :28.520 --> :34.661 The mortgage broker told me that if we did that, we may not meet the date required in :34.661 --> :36.170 the contract for the removal of subjects. :36.170 --> :41.020 I told him that since I, Irene, was not applying for a mortgage, that didn't matter. :41.020 --> :45.260 The travel agent, who it seems had received the majority of the earful from Irene, seemed :45.260 --> :48.550 completely indifferent to my request to cancel "my" trip to Venice. :48.550 --> :54.370 She did tell me that there might be a cancellation fee for the original flight to Frankfurt. :54.370 --> :58.810 (Why she was flying to Frankfurt to get to Venice, I have no idea. :58.810 --> :01.710 I assume there are no direct flights to Italy?) :01.710 --> :07.670 So I told her to cancel all the rest of the flights and hotel rooms except the original :07.670 --> :09.000 flight to Frankfurt. :09.000 --> :11.630 Don't wanna cost Irene that extra $20 after all. :11.630 --> :16.920 I have not heard anything further, and I am a little sad about that, as there's a part :16.920 --> :20.810 of me that loves the idea of Irene flying to Frankfurt, getting there and realising :20.810 --> :22.730 all her connecting and return flights are cancelled. :22.730 --> :25.140 And I do wonder if she ever bought that house. :25.140 --> :29.330 But at least the emails have stopped!I live in a duplex and we share a wall. :29.330 --> :33.890 The neighbor that moved in is constantly screaming and berating her kids every single day at :33.890 --> :35.430 the top of her lungs. :35.430 --> :40.340 My dad went over to talk to her about it and she apologized to him. :40.340 --> :46.930 I messaged our property management about insulating the walls, due to the noise, since they were :46.930 --> :48.885 already planning to do the attic, and I guess they told her. :48.885 --> :52.190 This p***** her off, so now she’s being loud on purpose. :52.190 --> :57.750 The walls are super thin, so I heard her entire conversation with the property manager calling :57.750 --> :03.120 my dad all kinds of names and then hanging up to tell her cousin what she was going to :03.120 --> :04.120 do in retaliation. :04.120 --> :05.120 Here’s the revenge. :05.120 --> :08.670 She obviously doesn’t understand how thin the walls all or doesn’t care. :08.670 --> :13.750 I heard her yelling on the phone with a former property management place and she apparently :13.750 --> :16.870 caused some damage to the tune of $1000. :16.870 --> :23.029 She blocked their number, but from the conversation I was able to look up their contact information :23.029 --> :27.620 and sent them the necessary info to follow up with her in case they need to file a suit. :27.620 --> :29.220 Good luck paying your rent. :29.220 --> :33.000 She already complains about money and no one helping her out (I wonder why).Some years :33.000 --> :35.670 ago, we started to get phone calls for a rather upscale downtown restaurant. :35.670 --> :39.840 We would tell them that they had the wrong number, but they kept coming so, there had :39.840 --> :41.180 to be a reason. :41.180 --> :45.390 After a few tries we were able to find out where they got our number. :45.390 --> :49.190 One of the restaurant managers had cards printed up with our number on it. :49.190 --> :52.220 We called the restaurant a few times and informed them what was happening. :52.220 --> :55.880 They said that they would take care of it but didn't. :55.880 --> :01.150 I stopped trying the nice route when they basically told me to f off and stop calling. :01.150 --> :04.640 I stopped calling as they requested and started to accept reservations. :04.640 --> :09.500 They probably didn't notice since the first ones were for small parties that could be :09.500 --> :10.500 worked in. :10.500 --> :16.040 The calls finally stopped soon after I took a reservation for a party of 12 at 7pm. :16.040 --> :22.800 I felt a little sorry for party expecting a table to be ready for them, but I considered :22.800 --> :27.250 that to be collateral damage.This happened 20+ years ago, back in the days when everybody :27.250 --> :29.230 had a landline with an answering machine. :29.230 --> :30.230 Yes, I am old. :30.230 --> :35.230 I moved to a new city, got my phone line hooked up, and almost immediately started getting :35.230 --> :37.950 phone calls for whoever owned my phone number before me. :37.950 --> :40.490 I'll call him Bob, because that was his name. :40.490 --> :43.620 The number of phone calls was ridiculous. :43.620 --> :47.330 I'd come home from work to at least 5 or 6 messages on the answering machine, asking :47.330 --> :48.450 Bob to call them back. :48.450 --> :54.430 Through out the evening, and as late as midnight (sometimes later) I'd get more calls for Bob. :54.430 --> :56.740 All day long on the weekends. :56.740 --> :01.480 It seemed like a mix of business, bill collectors and friends and family of Bob. :01.480 --> :06.830 Each person I talked to, I would explain that this wasn't Bob's number anymore, and I hoped :06.830 --> :12.910 that eventually the people leaving messages would figure out that they had the wrong number... :12.910 --> :19.110 but nope, 5 months later and I was STILL getting 8 or 10 phone calls a day for Bob. :19.110 --> :20.110 So.. :20.110 --> :22.270 I changed the message on my answering machine. :22.270 --> :25.589 I started it with "If you are calling for Bob, stop calling this number, BOB IS DEAD. :25.589 --> :28.270 If you are calling for Wandering, leave a message after the beep" :28.270 --> :29.270 It seemed to work. :29.270 --> :34.460 Over the next month or so, the number of messages had dropped to just one or two a day. :34.460 --> :37.820 And then, one day I got THE message: :37.820 --> :39.080 "This is Bob. :39.080 --> :40.100 I AM NOT DEAD!!! :40.100 --> :42.460 STOP TELLING PEOPLE THAT I AM DEAD!!!! :42.460 --> :44.140 You made my mother cry!! :44.140 --> :45.490 Change your message immediately!!!" :45.490 --> :47.370 I laughed and left my message alone. :47.370 --> :51.450 Bob must have finally started giving his new number to people, because the wrong numbers :51.450 --> :56.640 dropped to just one every week or so after that.We ordered a meal from Just Eat, which :56.640 --> :01.210 is a UK delivery service like Door Dash but with (at the time, this was a few years ago) :01.210 --> :08.690 much better customer services - one of the key differences at the time between this service :08.690 --> :14.501 and Door Dash is that the restaurants used their own drivers, although since then Just :14.501 --> :17.140 Eat also now have the gig economy drivers too. :17.140 --> :21.140 This means that the drivers' time and pay was nothing to do with Just Eat. :21.140 --> :24.589 For some reason I cannot recall we had ordered as cash on delivery instead of paying by card, :24.589 --> :28.240 our order came to £22.50 and we paid with a £20 and £10 note. :28.240 --> :32.710 The driver who delivered it said he had no change and would go back to the restaurant :32.710 --> :33.710 and get it. :33.710 --> :37.120 He doesn't return so we phone the restaurant, only to be angrily told "We are not a bank!" :37.120 --> :38.780 and have the phone hung up on us. :38.780 --> :44.570 So we went to Just Eat's customer support, who in turn apparently threatened to remove :44.570 --> :47.350 the restaurant from their service for non-compliance if we did not get our change. :47.350 --> :55.110 So the next day the driver comes to our door again, and this time he has a £10 note in :55.110 --> :56.110 his hand. :56.110 --> :58.280 He then asked us for the £2.50 change. :58.280 --> :59.660 "Sorry, we're not a bank!" :59.660 --> :04.370 He had to go back to the restaurant again and get exact change, then come back and gave :04.370 --> :05.760 us our £7.50 change. :05.760 --> :11.660 The driver thought it was hilarious, he said he doesn't care, he gets paid either way for :11.660 --> :12.660 his time. :12.660 --> :17.149 He said his boss was absolutely fuming but couldn't risk losing the Just Eat business. :17.149 --> :18.149 Petty? :18.149 --> :19.149 Absolutely. :19.149 --> :20.149 Did we ever dare order from that restaurant again? :20.149 --> :22.880 H*** noMy friend's apartment requires online registration for 24hr parking passes, and :22.880 --> :27.440 sometimes that means arriving at 3 or so in the morning and having to renew within 10 :27.440 --> :33.370 minutes at 3am the next night to keep it going (since it's impossible to renew in advance). :33.370 --> :37.540 At first I thought it would be inconsequential if I was a few minutes behind, so my alarm :37.540 --> :42.160 went off and got dressed and used the restroom but by the time I got out to my car to replace :42.160 --> :47.089 the code in the window hardly 15 minutes had passed and my car was already gone. :47.089 --> :51.480 I thought I'd just been unlucky until it happened again a couple weeks later. :51.480 --> :56.480 I just couldn't get over the fact that somebody could be so hawkish towards residents' guests, :56.480 --> :02.310 especially in such a low income area, and at this point I'd paid almost $700 of my measly :02.310 --> :07.630 $841 monthly income in tow fees, which put me in a pretty dire and desperate situation :07.630 --> :13.460 over what should have been a routine and straightforward visit with a friend. :13.460 --> :16.360 That kind of thing just shouldn't happen, you know? :16.360 --> :21.060 I shouldn't have to be so stressed and vigilant to avoid a devastating financial loss every :21.060 --> :23.279 time I want to hang out with my friend. :23.279 --> :29.500 So the next night I waited for them to show up to tow my car just to start it up and give :29.500 --> :36.260 them the middle finger when they showed up two minutes later, and even when I'm not in :36.260 --> :41.279 town I've been registering to park there at ungodly hours just to bait them into showing :41.279 --> :43.730 up to find nothing there when it expires. :43.730 --> :46.180 I'll continue to do so until I'm satisfied. :46.180 --> :50.770 A comment on their BBB page complained about their antics, that they stalk around low-income :50.770 --> :56.300 apartments and swoop in to pick up rides when it's less likely that people are awake to :56.300 --> :01.540 renew, and complained that they couldn't make rent that month because of it. :01.540 --> :04.709 The address registered for the business was a beautiful two-story home. :04.709 --> :07.360 I hope he enjoys the h*** out of it. :07.360 --> :11.220 I hope it's worth the pain he's caused.So, it's around 8:15 here, right? :11.220 --> :15.750 Well, it's finally gotten cooler so my neighbor (single dad with two boys probably around :15.750 --> :19.370 8 or 9) let his kids start playing kickball in our foyer. :19.370 --> :25.319 My son(17m) and I(39f) are having one of our chats and suddenly their kick ball SLAMS into :25.319 --> :26.429 my screen door. :26.429 --> :27.549 Ok, that's kids. :27.549 --> :31.629 It made a loud sound so that should spook them, right? :31.629 --> :33.490 Nope, few seconds later BAM! :33.490 --> :35.700 Well, I have a doorbell cam with audio. :35.700 --> :37.009 I got an evil idea. :37.009 --> :41.299 I pulled up my cam app and went to live feed. :41.299 --> :46.580 They were still kicking it against my door, so I hit the call button and whispered "I :46.580 --> :47.580 can see you...." :47.580 --> :51.390 They stopped dead for just a heartbeat and then ran like h*** into their apartment!!! :51.390 --> :54.690 My kid and I have been DYING for like 10 minutes. :54.690 --> :55.690 Ah, sweet revenge. :55.690 --> :58.390 My son was like, "You just gave kids nightmares, mom!" :58.390 --> :59.950 Then we high fived and laughed some more. :59.950 --> :02.820 I'm an awful person.I have a somewhat common email address that people with the same first :02.820 --> :06.570 initial and last name tend to abuse when they don't want spam. :06.570 --> :12.389 This had led to some.. interesting, emails up to and including me emailing an admin asking :12.389 --> :18.539 his user to please change his email before I cancel his metro pass and that I really :18.539 --> :21.480 didn't need to know about his beastiality fetish. :21.480 --> :28.629 Recently this has moved to someone not wanting to be bothered with their food order receipts. :28.629 --> :34.409 I'm fairly fed up with this unsecure behavior, so I waited as the receipts were sometimes :34.409 --> :35.850 three times a day. :35.850 --> :36.850 Tonight, I struck. :36.850 --> :41.379 The email came in for a place they've ordered from repeatedly, so I called in, said I'd :41.379 --> :44.399 changed my mind and wanted to cancel my order. :44.399 --> :46.940 About 20 minutes later I got the refund notification. :46.940 --> :51.480 Dunno if the dude got notification that his order was cancelled, but I kind of hope he :51.480 --> :54.480 drove his fuel guzzler over there to find out*. :54.480 --> :59.239 Same dude also signed me up for marketing materials with JEGS.Sorry for the long narrative.. :59.239 --> :04.940 I (32M ) worked for a family owned large scale retail chain . Even though they had nearly :04.940 --> :09.159 a hundred showrooms, the business still operated like a typical family owned business. :09.159 --> :13.590 The owner's childhood friend was the senior advisor ( SM) to the company and his four :13.590 --> :17.570 kids were put on varying positions of power straight out of high school. :17.570 --> :21.580 I was the only guy who knew the technical details of the product we were selling. :21.580 --> :27.909 I was responsible for marketing the products but also for training, recruitment, operations :27.909 --> :31.110 support, troubleshooting and anything else that they could think of. :31.110 --> :35.749 They had me on a contract of non compete when I joined them. :35.749 --> :42.059 Because of the highly specific nature of the industry I specialized in, I didn't have a :42.059 --> :47.260 shot of getting into any of our competition nor could I easily switch over to another :47.260 --> :48.260 industry. :48.260 --> :55.769 They had me in a tight spot and kept me on a payscale that was suitable for a junior :55.769 --> :02.789 executive, even though I had been handling projects worth millions. :02.789 --> :09.249 The worst part was the senior advisor SM would always try to nag me with little things like :09.249 --> :14.100 not submitting time stamps for any client meetings or taking more than half an hour :14.100 --> :15.100 for lunch. :15.100 --> :19.009 SM would also tell the boss's kids that they should have better control over me or I will :19.009 --> :20.009 replace them. :20.009 --> :25.600 The guy had a history of destroying the career of anyone in the company who grew close to :25.600 --> :26.600 the boss. :26.600 --> :29.999 The kids took his advice seriously and ended up bossing over me on everything. :29.999 --> :36.950 I had to pass every email or proposals through them to the boss and if I slip up, they started :36.950 --> :40.369 raising complaints to their dad about it. :40.369 --> :46.090 The boss would inevitably take their side and ended up telling me to work under their :46.090 --> :47.090 instructions. :47.090 --> :51.460 I had been working on a major contract with a high stake client for over six months. :51.460 --> :55.330 I had researched, targeted, networked and did alot of ground work to get a meeting with :55.330 --> :56.330 the guy. :56.330 --> :03.239 When the guy called me in for a meeting at last , I decided to attend it and win the :03.239 --> :07.259 project before bringing the boss and his family on the loop. :07.259 --> :11.350 The client was happy with the level of technical and product specific information I provided :11.350 --> :12.720 and placed a massive order. :12.720 --> :16.269 We are talking about a single contract worth 2.5 million dollar in value. :16.269 --> :22.080 The product in question is a very high value , premium item that needs to be custom developed :22.080 --> :23.080 by specialists. :23.080 --> :27.820 The client was very specific on the need for individualized customization for each item. :27.820 --> :32.740 Even though every instinct in my gut was telling me I should take it straight to the boss, :32.740 --> :35.289 I decided to follow the protocol in place. :35.289 --> :40.299 The kids were furious I didn't keep them in loop on such a high value project, but were :40.299 --> :41.840 happy as well about the deal. :41.840 --> :44.769 They told me to take a long weekend and return after three days. :44.769 --> :50.019 I took a well deserved mini vacation and returned to office. :50.019 --> :56.679 My boss called me in to let me know that his kids and SM had landed a multimillion dollar :56.679 --> :01.070 deal and that I need to run support on the deal. :01.070 --> :09.220 There I sat in a conference room, surrounded by the four kids, SM who looked smug and the :09.220 --> :13.320 dad who seemed to know what was happening but still playing along. :13.320 --> :17.399 I told them that I was the one who got the deal. :17.399 --> :20.409 The eldest kid said " Yeah at our direction! :20.409 --> :23.909 " . The daughter piped in saying , " You are just the employee , remember that. :23.909 --> :25.360 You work at our direction. :25.360 --> :28.450 You did your job and we gave you an amazing reward of a long weekend. :28.450 --> :29.730 Be happy with that." :29.730 --> :33.230 I sat there in shock as what they said sank in. :33.230 --> :37.679 They were weaseling out of paying any bonus or incentive for the deal. :37.679 --> :44.620 Even though there was clear papertrial and evidence that I was the one who landed the :44.620 --> :49.330 client and got them the deal, they were shafting me out of paying the bonus. :49.330 --> :51.529 The boss looked on without saying anything. :51.529 --> :57.179 He seemed a little ashamed but ended up siding with his kids as he said " it doesn't matter :57.179 --> :58.460 who got the deal. :58.460 --> :04.470 The main thing is, you are the one who will work on the project to make sure it is delivered." :04.470 --> :08.389 By this point , I had been working for over 9 years with these people. :08.389 --> :13.009 I had mediocre pay and no prospect of career growth. :13.009 --> :26.779 I knew I was not going to get another job in the industry I love in the country I lived :26.779 --> :27.999 in. :27.999 --> :40.059 I stood up and looked the boss straight in the eye and said , " I am done. :40.059 --> :42.950 I cannot work with your kids or SM anymore. :42.950 --> :45.230 " I left the room without a backwards glance. :45.230 --> :55.859 Turns out , SM had hoped I would do this and jumped at the opportunity to bad mouth me :55.859 --> :57.230 to the boss. :57.230 --> :13.419 The kids piled on and the boss gave me the notice to leave immediately :13.419 --> :19.629 rather than serve the three months of notice period. :19.629 --> :30.191 Apparently SM had advised the boss that I might sabotage the business if I stayed on :30.191 --> :35.200 and that his kids and him could handle any work that I was handling. :35.200 --> :44.940 So after 9 years of pouring my life and soul into this business, I left with only a weak :44.940 --> :54.039 thanks from the boss and a smirk on the faces of the kids. :54.039 --> :58.950 My wife was supportive and she luckily had an opportunity in another country. :58.950 --> :02.289 We relocated within two months and here I am now. :02.289 --> :06.600 It has been almost a year and I remain unemployed as I had no market exposure in the new country. :06.600 --> :24.259 But I am taking this time to be a stay at home dad and enjoy every minute of it with :24.259 --> :25.259 my son. :25.259 --> :27.399 I have never been so relaxed and happy. :27.399 --> :33.609 Almost every employee in the company is in good terms with me and they have been updating :33.609 --> :34.639 me on everything. :34.639 --> :43.200 Turns out, the boss assigned his eldest daughter and son to finalize the deal with the client. :43.200 --> :49.730 They set up a meeting to let him know they will be the ones to handle his project. :49.730 --> :53.509 When he asked them specific details on the customization, they couldn't get their facts :53.509 --> :54.509 straight. :54.509 --> :55.509 The client ended up cancelling the deal. :55.509 --> :58.919 SM tried to scramble and arrange another meeting with the client. :58.919 --> :06.639 Even then they didn't have anyone who was able to answer all the queries the client :06.639 --> :07.639 had. :07.639 --> :12.480 Apparently the client got annoyed and asked about me. :12.480 --> :19.809 When he learnt that I was no longer working, he told them that he is not going to take :19.809 --> :22.940 any more meetings with them. :22.940 --> :28.700 They lost a project that would have given them a million dollars in pure profit . They :28.700 --> :38.149 soon lost a few more existing tender bids for not being able to provide adequate technical :38.149 --> :39.149 details. :39.149 --> :40.889 One day ingot a call from SM. :40.889 --> :51.710 He was all cheerful asking how I am enjoying my break and if I am ready to get back to :51.710 --> :58.080 work, as if nothing had happened. :58.080 --> :01.669 I asked him what he meant. :01.669 --> :03.820 He said " I can take you on as a consultant... :03.820 --> :10.190 You work from that country and provide remote support and I will pay you directly. :10.190 --> :19.009 " I asked him if the boss was aware of this deal. :19.009 --> :28.099 He didn't answer me and ended the call asking me to think about it. :28.099 --> :34.380 A few weeks later the boss calls me and asked me to join back immediately. :34.380 --> :39.080 He said " we will give you a 10% raise . Just join within the month. :39.080 --> :40.080 " :40.080 --> :49.979 I refused and he blew his temper. :49.979 --> :17.059 He accused me of being petty and that I should take this opportunity to get back to work :17.059 --> :26.570 . He threatened me further stating he had already spoken to all the local competitors :26.570 --> :40.529 with whom he has a backroom agreement not to hire me at any cost. :40.529 --> :49.749 I still refused and said " I have never had a more satisfying responsibility than the :49.749 --> :53.940 one I have right now. :53.940 --> :06.389 I will never go back to your firm and best of luck running it with your kids and SM. :06.389 --> :07.389 " :07.389 --> :17.239 I still don't have a job and I am not keen on jumping into the next opportunity unless :17.239 --> :23.979 it offers me a balanced work life. :23.979 --> :29.140 The boss and his kids continue to lose clients and the business has started shrinking now. :29.140 --> :05.769 They still continue to bad mouth me to the local industry experts for being so petty :05.769 --> :17.749 but I have learnt to enjoy the pyrrhic victory.
give me a good story on rProRevengeEVILDADSTEALSFROMMOTHERRedditStoriesen
today we've got a crazy story of Revenge causing somebody to drop out of med school we'll get to that in a bit but first I got the head chef fired this was not just revenge for me it taught me a valuable life lesson I must always stand up to my bullies in my early years I was the target of bullies everywhere from elementary school to high school I was bullied even by teachers my parents were Swede Christians who did not like to make trouble if someone slapped me the right response was to turn the other cheek they never went to school with me to raise heck for a student bullying me they just warned me to avoid bullies and stay out of their way I wonder if that was because they had very little money and did not want to be intimidated by the parents of the other kids in the school I attended they were also not educated so they often stayed away from formal school events and parent-teacher meetings at some point I got tired of reporting my teachers and other students to my parents and just gave up I let people bully me for so long that it became a norm for me people crossed me because they knew they could do that and get away with it after school I moved to the city where I went to a small culinary school even though I was the brightest student in my class and we were all adults I was bullied by some of my classmates it made no sense to me I thought that since we were all grown and no longer in high school I wouldn't have to deal with bullies anymore I spoke to my family's priest and he smiled and told me that bullies were everywhere he advised me to always report bullies to higher authorities and not let them get away with bullying me I took his advice and the week after I reported one of the guys who bullied me to the school's administrator he was expelled immediately because the school had a low tolerance for bullying and my reporting him was the last straw and two other people had reported him sadly the world Works in favor of bullies my bully was also the class Jester so everyone hated me for having him expelled I was ostracized and Bully lead even more people knew me as the snitch and stayed away from me they never included me in any of the fun activities that helped because I was able to focus squarely on studying and practicals and graduated as the best student in my class that year after graduating from culinary school I moved back to my parents house it was hard for me to be around them and not earn at all my parents had me later in their lives so they were old and the fact that they still had to work made me very uncomfortable I tried to get a job in several restaurants in the city but I was either overqualified or there were no vacancies the food industry in my country was highly saturated people were hardly looking to hire more chefs still dealing with the misery of my unemployment my dad got ill and passed a month after it was a sad time for my family my mom had her sister move in with us with her two children just so she wouldn't be alone I still didn't have a job but I was determined to get one I moved to the city for for a while and did private catering but just like with restaurants it was saturated too the demand for private Caterers was very low and most people already had their preferred chefs since food is a very private and personal thing not many people were ready to try new chefs I knew deep down that if I wanted to break even in the food business and achieve my dream of owning my own restaurant I would have to move out of my country I wanted to but I kept thinking of my mom I was her only child and she had just been widowed I worried about what my absence would do to her one day I spoke to the aunt who lived with us about my dilemma and she encouraged me to do what I had to do that same day I told my mom that I was considering leaving the country and she had a fit she didn't even listen to me I had to leave the house because she was very upset my aunt managed to convince her eventually but before then I'd applied for a Visa already and was communicating with a pen pal I'd made over here many years before that one my mom gave her blessing I was only just waiting for my Visa approval as soon as it was approved she gave me some money I got some money from a former teacher for my plane ticket and I traveled my pen pal was kind enough to let me stay in his guest room and I lived with him for two months while working two different jobs as a waiter he lived in the countryside so it was a lot more difficult for me to get a decent job in the kitchen there were hardly any restaurants that served InterContinental dishes since there was hardly a demand for them I saved all through the two months till I could move to the city when I moved to the city I found a small apartment I could share with a young lady who was a waitress and also an aspiring actress she told me about an opening for a waiter where she worked and I applied it was a big hotel in the center of the city they were known for their great meals meals that cater to people across different continents the hostel was so huge and beautiful I'd never seen anything that modern and gorgeous amount home country as soon as I walked into the hotel's restaurant I knew that I didn't just want to wait tables there I wanted to cook in it I kept looking around taking in the beauty of the restaurant the cultural decor and the different sections made for the different kinds of meals it was simply amazing I'm a born chef and nothing gave me more joy than looking at kitchens I love to look at kitchens and pass my judgment on them that day I wandered into the hotel's kitchen and was spotted by a small man and a huge chef's hat and an oversized coat what are you doing here he asked glaring Emmy I'm sorry I apologized looking over at him and into the kitchen I just couldn't help myself no unauthorized entry He barked at me I'm sorry I apologized again I'm here for the waiters interview he pointed in a direction without looking up at me I thanked him profusely and walked in the direction he pointed at my interview went well and I was hired immediately the hotel was holding a huge conference where were different people from different parts of the world would be in attendance and they needed many hands I worked in the hotel's restaurant for months patiently waiting for when there would be an opening in the kitchen so I could apply while I was waiting for an opening and waiting tables the head chef resigned he'd been struggling with bad health and his children wanted him to retire he stubbornly refused to do that for a while but soon gave in when a self deteriorated As Time passed the hotel tried all it could to retain him but he wouldn't stay one of the Sous chefs was promoted and became the head he was the small man I met in the kitchen the first day I was at the hotel's restaurant I knew from his accent that he was from my home country I also knew that he could tell from my accent too but he never tried to speak to me or establish any kind of personal relationship he barely even acknowledged me one day one of the guys at work at his birthday and since it was a busy day and night we were all at work after we were done catering the to the guest that night the restaurants manager suggested someone cook something to celebrate the birthday guy the chefs had been working all day and were tired so I offered to cook something the guys at work didn't even know I could cook the only person who knew I cooked was my roommate and since she hardly ever socialized at work since she was busy featuring in every movie as an extra she probably never got to tell anyone at work that I cooked that night I made the best pasta any one of them had ever eaten they said that themselves the accolades I had received from friends were overwhelming even from the manager who encouraged me to apply for the position of sous chef it's my birthday but everyone loves you the birthday guy joked I don't hate you for that as long as you can cook me that tasty pasta sometime in the future I smiled and promised to do that in the future I also told my manager that I'd put in the application for the position of sous chef everyone was smiling and having a good time except for my country man the head chef he looked very disturbed as part of the test for the position I had to cook two full course meals which the restaurant's manager the other sous chef and the head chef will supervise and get a taste of all through my cooking the head chef made me very uncomfortable he yelled scoffed and sometimes even laughed at my process it was so obvious that he was trying to sabotage my efforts luckily the other chefs ignored me and judged me well the manager was impressed too and the week after that I resumed my job as a sous chef in the restaurant my roommate got a better job and moved out of our tiny apartment but my salary was increased and I was able to afford to live on my own I converted her bedroom into a guest room life was good except for when I was at work with the head chef he made working unbearable for me cooking is what I love doing the most but it became strenuous doing it around him I could never do anything right died he criticized anything I did and bad-mouthed me to the other chefs when I told the community of guys from my country they all shared their experience of how sometimes people from our countries see one another as threats of sorts before then I had just thought the head chef was just being unnecessarily difficult because I was new I noticed he never treated the other chefs like that if anything he went out of his way to be kind and nice to them I continued to tolerate his difficult behavior until one day I was in the middle of cooking when I realized I needed to pee I kept holding it in until I couldn't anymore I rushed out to the restroom did my business and hurried back when I returned to the kitchen I saw that the head chef was overseeing the pot of pasta I was working on he was with the restaurant's manager and he was yelling as I walked up to them they both regarded me with anger what Chef abandons his cooking pot and leaves for the bathroom my manager asked an irritation but before I could say anything my boss started to yell at me he told the manager that it was characteristic of me to disappear from the kitchen whilst cooking Not only was that a lie but it was also a very malicious lie I had never abandoned my food while cooking before that never the manager invited me to his office later and threatened to let me go if I kept up with that attitude I was too tired to even deny it or defend myself and I suspected that the head chef knew I'd be too timid to defend myself I took a day off work to process all that was happening at work I needed to decide if I wanted to quit or continue to work under a boss that hated me I thought quitting would not be a good idea I had worked very hard to get there and I didn't want to go to another restaurant and start all over I also loved the restaurant at the hotel the kitchen was incredibly comfortable to work in and the pay was good I decided that rather than quit I would bring what I thought was the head Chef's fear to reality I would take his job I resumed work with a renewed determination to bring him down I was going to over salt his meals regularly but there were cameras all over the kitchen and I couldn't do that the opportunity came later when the hotel's manager wanted to host some of the hotel's business partners to a Sunday dinner at his home the head chef was to cook them dinner that evening and since most people didn't want the extra work I took up the job to wait on them the evening of that Sunday I went over to the hotel manager's home the head chef was already there with the food items he frowned as soon as he saw me he wasn't expecting me but one of the waiters to show up but I'd offer to take up the shift for the waiter we went about working in the manager's kitchen the restaurant's manager walked in to tell us that the hotel's manager had assured his guests that the head chef was fantastic and he reminded him to make the manager proud that made me even happier since it would only make what I was about about to do more devastating for the head chef as is our signatory meal the head chef chose to prepare a special kind of pasta he gave me a small number of peppers to chop but I added more and saved it for when he would be done cooking I waited patiently for when the manager would call him and empty the pepper into the boiling pot of pasta when he went in to see the guests and talk about what he would be serving I emptied a small container of pepper into the pasta as expected most of the guests could not eat their meal because it was too spicy and the ones who dared were drenched in sweat it was very embarrassing for the hotel manager who naturally told the restaurants manager the head chef was severely embarrassed the restaurant's manager was very disappointed and he antagonized the head chef for a very long time his food lost credibility for what had happened and it was difficult to recover from that kind of mistake he eventually had to quit his job just like that my my bully disappeared now I no longer just avoid bullies I go out of my way to destroy them now I'm not saying if you have a bully in your workplace that you need to go out of your way to sabotage their career but I would say that if you are a bully to somebody you can't be too surprised if the person you're acting rudely to and bullying is silently planning something to happen when your backs turned like surely as soon as op walked into this place instead of a waiter they knew there was a possibility of something happening and it's almost certainly because they knew they earned it our next story is I caused my boyfriend to drop out of med school in all my 23 years on Earth my mom had tried her best to Shield me from the things of young guys and men as her only daughter she tried to protect me from going through what she went through as a young woman when my mom was 24 she got dumped by her boyfriend after she informed him she was pregnant with their child he felt he was too young to be a father so he disappeared from her life my mom wanting to Shield me from that kind of pain made sure that I attended a girls only high school after graduating she had no choice than to let me go to a public school and mix with all sorts of people in my first year on campus I lived a relatively boring and sad life my classmates called me a nerd because whenever I'm not in the classroom I was either in the library or back in my hostel I'm actively avoiding men I focused all my attention on my studies and it was no surprise I was the best student in my class after the first Academic Year in my second year on campus I met a friend Sandra Sandra was everything I wasn't she was outspoken easy going and the men's favorite she was always involved in social activities and gradually I began to covet her lifestyle I felt bad for myself so I decided to follow Sandra to a birthday dinner it was there I met Frederick a fourth year student of medicine and surgery in my University we immediately started talking and I realized that I thoroughly enjoy talking to him because we share the same opinion on a lot of Concepts and ideologies we argued a bit when the discussion tilted towards feminism we argued laughed and agreed then we laughed again that night ended with me smiling to myself as it went back to my hostel it was love at first sight as we didn't remember to exchange contacts it was two weeks later I met him in the parking lot of my coursemates building our eyes met and I felt a kind of electrifying shock run through my body he called my name and I knew at that spot that I'd been hooked he asked me out on a date and I agreed our first date was everything beautiful he took me to a very fancy and cozy restaurant when we entered we were directed to a secluded corner with beautiful candles on the table the atmosphere made me fall more I love me a thoughtful and romantic man we ate to our Phil had small talk in between meals and danced after when we were about to part ways he dropped a light kiss on my forehead it felt like I was floating on fluffy clouds and I ended up dreaming about us getting married the next day Frederick asked me to be his girlfriend while we were chatting on WhatsApp without giving it a second thought I agreed immediately so we started dating and two weeks later I went to his place for a sleepover before the weekend ended we were already making plans of how we'll spend the rest of our lives together weeks rolled into months and the love we had for each other had increased tremendously he was my go-to person for everything whenever I had a problem with my academics I always told him and he helped in the best way he could he was also my gist partner we gossip about everything and nothing during my 22nd birthday he made me feel like the most loved person on Earth he stayed awake till midnight to be the first to wish me a happy birthday he sang a lovely Birthday song to me and during the day he threw a surprise party for me he gifted me my first iPhone on my birthday and on his birthday I gifted him a laptop I learned to be vulnerable with him he knew about my weak points and areas I consider too ugly for the public he accepted me with all my flaws and I accepted him too just the way he was ours was a match made in heaven his neighbors referred to me as their wife we went out often and we usually came back to his place to enjoy the rest of the night together it was Blissful while it lasted one year into the relationship when I was in my penultimate year at the University he encouraged me to move in with him majorly to save cost and also for us to be together more often I gladly obliged and moved in with him when my house rent expired six months after moving in with my boyfriend I fell seriously sick my boyfriend took me to a private clinic and it was then disclosed to us that I was pregnant we were short of words never in our wildest imaginations did we Harbor the thought of nursing a baby this soon when we got home my boyfriend suggested that I go for an evacuation I initially refused but he was adamant he didn't want the presence of a baby in our lives to ruin what we had together so the day after he took me to a clinic where it was removed after the operation my boyfriend nursed me like a baby he made my recovery process easy just like every other relationship we had our very rough moments sometimes we fought and argued but we still have found a way of settling it and getting back together until the day I found out that my first boyfriend who claimed he loved me dearly is a Serial cheat in my final year part of our graduation requirement was for us to embark on a field trip the trip was to last for five days I informed my boyfriend about it and I started preparing in Earnest for it on the D-Day two hours before the train we were supposed to take arrived I remembered that I left my favorite pair of sneakers at home I then rushed home to pick it up on get home I met two pairs of slippers on the doormat as opposed to the single pair I saw when leaving the house in the morning I knew my boyfriend invited a visitor immediately after I left I was curious to know who the person was and instead of knocking I decided to peep through the window what I saw next left me dumb struck I was mad with anger I saw Stars it felt like my soul had exited my body what I saw was too bad to be true I felt betrayed hurt and sick at the same time the pain I felt at that moment was deeper than any pain I've ever felt before not even when my favorite uncle died was I this hurt I died a thousand deaths I caught my boyfriend sleeping with Sandra I decided not to make a scene but do something that'll make him feel as heard and betrayed as he made me feel I left them for my field trip on the journey I was thinking of a Thousand and One things to do to make him regret ever meeting me I got back from the field trip and continued to act like nothing changed I behaved like the very good girlfriend I was but I didn't allow him to touch me again Thrice I had made up excuses to leave the house for two to three days just to catch him in his full landering act my boyfriend was sleeping with everything in a skirt I felt disgusted and filled with much hatred for him I was waiting patiently for the best time to strike a week after my trip Sandra had the guts to ask me why I stopped talking to her I told her cause you're a hoe witch angrily she slapped me then I pulled off her wig grabbed her by the neck and warned her severely not to ever touch me again she tried to wave my hands off of her but I held on tightly and gave her a resounding slap my course mates around opened their mouths in amazement they'd never seen me in that form before after the activities of that day I went straight to the management of Sandra's private hostel I reported to them that she was harboring a squatter in her room which was against the codes and conducts of the hall they went to ascertain the truth of my claim and she was caught red-handed at that moment she was summoned to their conference room and the manager made an announcement that left Sandra in tears she said having found that you sent Johnson have violated the codes and conducts governing the proper functioning of Queen Elizabeth II's Hall you are hereby ejected from the hall with immediate effect failure to pack out immediately will attract a fine she felt really sad because she recently renewed her rent and it was over fifteen hundred dollars of her hard earned money when she was crying at the entrance of the conference Hall I passed her front and let out a loud laugh she was shocked to see me she knew I was the one that betrayed her before she could accuse me I told her that this is what you get for sleeping with your best friend's boyfriend that incident made Sandra avoid me like a plague my boyfriend grew more restless and agitated by the day he knew I was angry with him because I'd refuse to let him touch me he had begged to hook up more times than I could count but I always turned him down even though he slept in the same house his constant plea made me more Angry so I stopped cooking for him I made food for for only myself and I cleaned only my part of the bedroom I stopped helping him wash his clothes and doing his dirty dishes I was prepared for war so one day he told me he was going out for a drink at that point I knew I had driven him past his endurance limit my boyfriend hardly drinks because whenever he gets drunk he loses control and behaves like a Savage I then decided that that night was the perfect time to strike I was ready to get the beastly part of him out that night and show to the whole world the animal of a man that he is six hours later his high pitched Out Of Tune song he was humming announced his arrival my boyfriend was stoned drunk and high he was singing Rihanna's man down when he entered the bedroom I'd already positioned my phone in a strategic location to video whatever was going to happen that night he was trying to unbuckle his belt when he realized I was in the room with his slurry voice he asked that I come help him unbuckle his belt I ignored his request he repeated it a second time and I ignored him again this time he was already getting angry the next time he made the request was with a high and aggressive tone he said come get my belt unbuckled hoe I was mad with rage I stood up angrily and I went close to him and shouted first of all you don't get to call me that and you should get yourself out of your darn pants as I tried to leave he held my hands and dragged me back to where he was standing I felt caged and tried to release my hands but he merely tightened his grip on me he tried to push me down to his groin level but I refused to go down willingly so he forced me down the exertion of his muscles and his very tight grip made me yell in pain I was down in seconds but instead of unbuckling his belt I stealed my hand and gave him a very painful blow on his groin with my elbow he cried in pain and while he was trying to recover I rushed for the door feeling angry and dehumanized I just decided to use the recording I made of us that night I edited the video to hide my face in it I took his phone while he was asleep and sent the video to his class group that same night I wrote to the women rights and gender equality organization of his medical school complaining of what their one student did to me and I also sent them the video the next day after having recovered from his hangover my boyfriend apologized profusely for manhandling and abusing me I didn't budge because I knew I'd screwed his life he was summoned by the student's disciplinary committee that very day when he got to school his coursemates booed him no one wanted to be associated with him he was ostracized by his own friends when he got to the SDC building he was hit by the allegations I leveled against him and it was hard to defend himself after seeing the video evidence I sent to the appropriate Authority after much deliberation the members of the SDC gave their verdict Frederick from that moment was expelled from medical school on the grounds of forcefully having carnal knowledge of his victim he was dropped from medical school in his final year with zero connection to his name well I'm just glad that this is one of those situations where when a guy is that bad and gets reported there's actually repercussions I can't tell you how many news stories I've heard of Star College football players who do absolutely heinous acts and end up getting away scot-free all these quotes start coming out about these people saying oh they're such good people oh they always been such good kids or they say really dumb stuff about like how their future shouldn't be messed up because of one mistake it's good something was legitimately done here but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeICAUSEDMYBOYFRIENDTODROPOUTOFMEDSCHOOLRedditStories
hey everybody my name is Steven and welcome back to the storytime channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day roommate blackmailed us and almost lost us our apartment so we played dirty so my friend and I were in our second year of college together and were roommates we were both transfers and going into senior year and had been renting an apartment for the past year the two of us had lived with three other people the first year but they graduated and moved out the apartment had two rooms and a den with double doors that could be used for one person we had two people in each room and one in the den we needed to find people to replace our old housemates and my friend knew a couple people who were living together and wanted to move to a new place together she talked to them and said everything up before summer so that way during the fall we would already have everything figured out we signed the lease before summer vacation and everything seemed fine one girl wanted to rent out the big room to herself and would pay full price for it let's call her Sharon the other one would live in the den who I will call Carrie there would only be four of us instead of five the coming year which we were looking forward to however over the summer Sharon started having second thoughts about living with Carrie apparently while living together they'd had some issues Sharon called my friend and I and told us that apparently curry had pushed her down the stairs while they lived together and she bought pepper spray and a Taser just in case according to Sharon one night they thought they heard someone trying to break into their apartment and we're standing at the top of the stairs listening when Gary told Sharon to go check it out Sharon didn't want to go so Carrie pushed her and Sharon fell down the stairs we are scary about this but she said that while they heard suspicious activity and called the police she never pushed Sharon down the stairs my friend and I didn't know what to believe and ultimately told Sharon they'd have to work it out since she was the one having doubts we also told her that if she changed her mind we'd need at least a month's notice Sharon decided she still wanted to live with us and was okay living with the other girl so we thought it was fine summer passes and fall arrives is moving in gary is planning on moving in a few days later however Sharon brings someone over to the apartment and starts showing her around she apparently wanted the roommate and wanted us to sign the new person onto our lease with an addendum but she hadn't talked to us about it before apparently she didn't feel safe with Carrie around and said she'd feel safer with a roommate she told her potential roommate she hadn't known she'd be living with Carrie even though the four of us had signed addendum to put both of them on the lease at the same time my friend and I thought things were getting weird at this point and started feeling concerned unfortunately our lease was going to expire soon and we needed to sign the lease renewal in a few days and we couldn't get an addendum to sign the new person on until we signed the lease renewal my friend and I had to let the Sharon and Carrie know this in advance and they had agreed beforehand to sign it if we didn't sign it in time we would have to start an entirely new lease and the price would go up a lot which we couldn't afford so if we didn't sign our new lease agreement in time we would all have to find another place to live since school was about to start it would have been hard to find another place to live so quickly this wouldn't have been an issue but then Sharon was afraid that Carrie wouldn't sign the new person onto the lease and said she wouldn't sign the lease renewal if we didn't add her roommate first we got pissed because she had never even asked us if we were okay with living with one more person or let us know beforehand and now she was risking everyone's place to stay to try and make a sign someone we'd never met unto the lease we told Sharon we couldn't sign a roommate on before renewing the lease since we had to renew it so soon which was the apartments rules she kept making more demands and told us that if we didn't do what she wanted then she wouldn't sign the lease renewal and we'd all be without a place to live she wanted me to observe a verbal agreement as a third party person between her and Carrie where Carrie would agree to sign the new person onto the lease after we signed the lease renewal I told her I wasn't comfortable with this so this is where the fun starts Carrie seemed nice so far and my friend and I were really uncomfortable with house Sharon was acting she continued to move all of her stuff in while telling us her conditions we wouldn't agree to any of them not only because there was no way to meet them under the rules of our apartment complex but also because we weren't going to let this girl control us like that and make us live with someone we didn't know if we wanted to live with however then Sharon came up with a clever idea she said that if we could sign her off of the lease with an addendum then signed the lease renewal with Carrie and then signed her and her roommate back onto the lease that way she would have no chance of getting stuck on the lease without a roommate my friend and I told her that we agreed to this and told Carrie as well who also agreed my friend and I went to the office to let them know so they wrote the addendum to take Sharon off of the lease everyone in the apartment had to sign it in order for it to be valid my friend Carrie and I signed it and waited for Sharon decided after telling her it was ready she went downstairs and signed herself off the lease after this she came back up and my friend and I informed her that we would not be signing her back onto the lease she told us that if we didn't want to live with her she would have signed herself off anyways but we didn't believe her she started crying and told us that she had just finished setting up her desk we didn't care she had threatened three other people's security and place to live as well as her potential roommates she went outside and slammed the door my friend and I were relieved it was over and that we wouldn't be losing our apartment we just needed to find someone to take her place Sharon came back in with a smug look on her face and told me she had her mom on the phone and her mom wanted to talk to one of us I took the phone and put it on speaker while my friend listened Carrie went to her space and closed the door when I answered the phone Sharon's mom went off on me she called me a witch and told me to go to heck I stayed calm and told her that I stood by the decision we made she told me to go to heck several more times then she told me Sharon had nowhere to go and I didn't give a rat's butt I told her she was right I didn't her mom told me to go to heck one more time and I gave the phone back to Sharon who seems surprised that I wasn't intimidated she whispered sorry as I gave her phone back to her then she went to her room to take her stuff apart and start packing since we paid the lease in advance for our place as per the apartments rules Sharon had paid to stay until the end of the month so we let her stay until then this gave her about five days to figure something else out she made it as difficult as possible but eventually left pretty sure I didn't see her on campus or anything after that so that was the last time I saw her the best part is that girl who is going to be Sharon's roommate still needed a place to stay so we sent her onto the lease and helped her find a roommate it was actually a fairly lengthy battle but in the end we won our apartment back word of advice don't sign people onto your lease months in advance even if they will pay for their room while they're not there people can make a lot of changes in a few months and if they don't know you they won't care about freaking you over so let's say this was you so this girl starts making some really weird demands and requests and starts putting your place to stay in jeopardy what do you do let me know in the comment section down below for everyone that yells Freebird at concerts you know who you are one of you is at every god darn show I used to tour with a band and we had around 200 concerts a year at least 200 times a year someone would yell Freebird and laugh like they said something clever I don't understand why it's funny and hearing it every day for thousands of shows yep still not funny at all so one day we tried to find out the deal when the freebird guy of the day yelled we invited him on stage to answer a few questions why do you yell free bird because it's funny why is that funny look of confusion and shame okay so we didn't get any answers but we certainly came up with the one nobody comes up with ridiculous ideas like a group of 20-somethings who spends 15 hours a day in a van together first thing we had to do was buy a sampler this is a small piece of equipment that you can pre-program with any sounds want and press buttons to trigger them they are pretty expensive so the one we bought for the prank was $1,200 side note we were staying all five members to a single hotel room every night and eating nothing but dollar menu garbage and ramen because even if your ban is doing good you're still broke I just want you to understand how ridiculous it was for us to spend a grand on this as far as I'm concerned it was worth it ten times over the next thing we needed was a folding table of chairs for all of us some tea cups and a newspaper or two we would set these up next to the stage and no one would even notice it was there so we found a 16 minute long version of Freebird and loaded it onto the sampler the trap was set sure enough someone yelled free bird at the next show this time our lead singer acted really interested what's that you say free bird do you want to hear free bird the audience cheers loudly so just to be clear you want us to stop playing our set and instead play free bird they cheer again an approval and now the free bird guy clearly looks like he's never been so proud of anything he's ever done in his life we all step to the center of the stage in a very serious-looking huddle we made it a point to go comically long discussing free bird and sometimes he would just talk about movies we liked for a while or make fun of each other sisters when we felt like it had gone on long enough and we were terrible about making jokes go way too long we all nodded and made it clear that we had just agreed to play Freebird all right folks you asked for it you've got it here we go three bird while the crowd went absolutely nuts the singer went to the sampler and like an old man fumbling to use a remote he found the button and pressed it as anticlimactically as possible free bird begins to play and we all put our instruments down and sit around the table we sip on pretend tea and browse the newspaper quietly at first everyone thought it was hilarious but after a few minutes they started to revolt chanting for us to come back and all we would look at each other in a very confused manner and shrug it off a few times before the singer would finally go back to the mic what's going on you don't want to listen to this anymore no you want us to play our stuff again yeah well what about that one guy who yelled free bird but guys sucks and then booing would start for that poor free bird guy we did this for an entire tour and it absolutely never got old I'd like to think that after that year tens of thousands of people stopped yelling free bird at every show they go to at least for me that makes the world a slightly better place free bird if I heard one thing get yelled out as a cheesy corny joke hundreds of times I probably get pretty tired of it too the case of the missing firewood story when my grandpa was growing up he didn't have electricity this being rural Kansas what they did have was a wood-burning stove at one point firewood that my great-grandfather had been storing began to disappear a thief was afoot my great-grandfather getting tired of the firewood disappearing hatches a plan great-grandfather takes some of the logs and drills them out leaving a cavity he then put some gunpowder in the cavities and plugs the holes to hide his handiwork that night he tells my grandpa that he would bring in the firework of course he knows what logs he's messed with now this is the funny part and I wish I knew how embellished it was but stranger things have happened the next day great grandfather is walking into town and comes across the gentleman also headed into town and they get to talking it turns out the gentleman is going into town to make a purchase the enemy seeks a new stove he says to my great grandfather I don't know what they're putting in the coals these days but it destroyed my stove no wood ever went missing again well that's what they get for being a thief honestly that was a pretty crafty plan by the great grandfather got a bully suspended by getting him to fight another kid now this title might not seem petty but my involvement in this situation was so minor I hardly consider it anything more if I'm wrong though please feel free to redirect me anyway this took place in junior high I'm nearing my 30s now and this story still tickles me so I had this guy in a couple of my classes who was just a douche a real cowboy boot wearing Dingle berry he always liked a copy on me in our math class which jokes on him math has always been my worst subject he only thought I was smart because I had a slightly above-average vocabulary for my age he also really liked kicking my chair as hard as he could to get a giggle from his groupies one day in particular I felt him messing with my shirt I'm super non-confrontational so I ignored it this class is early in the day so I go on without thinking about it when I got home though my mom saw what he did and was livid he had wrote fuf AG on my shirt in sharpie and no I had not done anything to provoke this that I was aware of it had been on my back and mostly obstructed by my backpack which explains why no one else really pointed it out or they did notice and just said nothing some time passes and we are also in a shop class together one day we had a sub and were watching safety videos I'm sitting right next to dingleberry in this class much to my displeasure at the front of the class as a chill seeming guy we'll call Randy Randy was taking a nap through the movie and dingleberry starts chucking paper balls at him it was about the third ball when Randy turned to him and said throw one more and I'm gonna beat your butt Randy lays his head back down dingleberry realizes he's out of paper he then asks me for a piece I happily obliged and let come what may of course dingleberry tries his luck and Randy leaps over desks and beats his butt the sub broke it up pretty fast and they were both sent to the office I then got a wonderful break from dingleberry for a week or so and all I did was hand him a piece of paper that he should have used to just take notes dingleberry was absolutely asking for it literally asking for it asking for the ammunition that he was warned not to use but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories that I've read for you today are your personal favorite and why let me know which story and why in the comments section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the story Tom Channel
give me a good story on rprorevengeEvilRoommateBlackmailedusweplayeddirtyorig
my wife has become distant and secretive after a new supervisor joined her workplace I think she is cheating on me I 32m have been with my wife 28f for 7 years at first it was great she was my soulmate and I was hers we had similar interests in sports entertainment social issues more on that later holiday destinations Etc we were happy for years however things started to change when my wife was becoming more distant even slightly colder now let me give you some insight we have been together for 7 years for 5 years it was as I said happy I felt I was her world as she was mine we went out with friends and I see her always smiling at me when we talk to our friends she would take care of me when I was sick as I did with her she would back me whenever needed she was my rock my best friend my one and only we would do many things together like hiking camping Wildlife Resorts same interests go to watch the football we had a passion for each other I never wanted her to change when I first met her she was beautiful brunette curly hair stunning smile and so nice she always implied the same with me she made me feel special not once did a feel inadequate or insecure about myself more on that later as I said for over 5 years it was great but things started to change when her new supervisor started at her work I'm calling him maru's 30m now at first she would come home and talk about marus she would say that he's funny and makes people feel good of course I was slightly taken aback at first because she would usually come home and ask about my day and hers but she immediately talked about marju straight away however at the time I brushed it as someone who is new as her work she sees the same faces for years so when marju showed up it was refreshing weeks pass and my wife seems to be more distant and secretive she would go out to work nights which didn't bother me as she went on Plenty before however we were meant to go out to a mutual friend's house for drinks he is in a bad way as he has been diagnosed with a disease that is severe my wife as I said is a rock usually really empathetic and supportive so when we found out about our friend Daniel 32m we didn't hesitate to go over and show our support the night came to go over over and my wife was running late from work night out I called her a few times and no answer I texted her no answer after waiting I decided to go to Daniel's myself Daniel and I talked about how he's adapting and coping during that time I felt for Daniel such a nice guy to have this is cruel afterwards I got home and I'm seething my wife is still not home no missed calls or texts seriously I couldn't believe it I was getting worried if she's been in an accident so I called her work colleague Jane 28f I get on with Jane and asked her if Kelly my wife is out with her Janee said that she is but Jane went home and it was just her and maru's left out I was angry so angry we have known Daniel for years and she would skip meeting our friend over a guy she just met I kept telling myself there is an explanation for this I waited until she got home eventually she arrived home and saw me in the living room looking at her what's wrong everything okay I looked her in amusement and said Daniel she looked mortified I'm sorry I forgot I was out with work friends and lost track of time she looked sincere her and Daniel are good friends so maybe she did forget I did ask her a question who was out with you she replied usual Jane Sophie Etc I replied not marus oh yes he was there I pressed on remembering what Jane said did everyone stay out until the end she replied yes it was a good night the next day I'm angry I don't say anything to my wife but she has never lied to me before she has never let anyone down before I couldn't grasp that she would bail on our sick friend for a guy she just met the next few days my wife was becoming more distant she would come home later and not be affectionate towards me I still put this down to workload maybe but when she got home she would be in her phone constantly I asked her who is it that you're always texting just a friend from work she said I asked her is it maru's no she said but what's the problem if it is I never seen my wife get defensive like this but I was going to be honest I replied because you never shut up about him he's been working with you for under a month and you seem to idolize him your face Sparkles when you talked about him so much so you forgot about Daniel I could tell I hit the spot she replied no I do not idolize marus he's nice but just a friend and I apologized to Daniel already this wasn't enough I waited until she was asleep and checked her phone and surprise it was full of s messages between them I took photos of the conversation for later a week has passed and it's still continuing the late nights the lack of affection I speak to a friend about my concerns and he said maybe I'm being paranoid try to do something new like make her a surprise dinner I like that idea so I texted my wife and asked if she's busy after work she replied no I'm free it seemed to be a nice text conversation so I made dinner got a nice bottle of wine and flowers she got home and looked sad at me she said she's really sorry but a friend from work is organizing a surprise birthday party for a colleague and that night is the only night they have I shook my head in frustration and anger she literally left right after and drove off this was it after months of Suspicion I needed proof I know you must read this and say to yourselves friend can you not see the signs I could but I was hoping hoping that I'm wrong hoping that it was a bad dream truth is I was scared to find out but I had too I needed proof so I wasn't proud of it I put a tracker in her car I pretended to be at work late so she didn't see me when she got home she did arrive home I watched from a distance and she set off again in her car I followed her as she went further out of town she eventually pulled into a car park that was secluded in the corner she was waiting until another pulled up next to her it was him Marg she got out and got into his car it was obvious what they were doing I recorded her getting into his car for evidence against her for the next few days she acted like everything was fine I mean I know that she doesn't realize I know but she was acting like normal smiling to me even holding my hand at breakfast she left to go to work I had a day off and decided to Snoop on the laptop to see anything suspicious there was nothing but when I was looking through her draws I know not my proudest moment I see an iPad under her the bottom draw it wasn't mine so I assumed my wife bought it luckily for me it didn't need a password I don't know if she forgot to lock it but I got lucky I got in and looked now this is where the damage really hurt I looked in the iPad and checked to see text conversation but nothing however what I was about to see I will never ever forget there was a folder of pictures of my wife bear making sayal positions for him there was so many e but there was more there were videos I know I shouldn't have looked at them but I did the videos were Jan graphic marju sleeping with my wife and my wife and enjoying it but that not all my wife was seen sleeping with another woman and another man with marus there but the other man was someone who really made me sick he is a bigot he had vile tattoos of certain groups who are vile like I said a vile human being it seemed that marus agreed with his views which was fitting I couldn't believe it my wife being with a man who held bigoted views this was a woman who detested any form of bigotry as did I so why would she do this what did she see in him it was seeing her being fully complicit that really got out to me during our marriage we always talked about fantasies but never acted on them as a man it was Trio Etc but my wife said she would never do it never sleep with another woman or do anything that made her feel uncomfortable I accepted that without a second thought it didn't bother me that she didn't want to do it I loved her so to see her doing things that she never did with me hurt hurt really bad I watched all the videos I know I'm stupid I copied the videos and pictures to my laptop for evidence of In tha because that's all that matters I want her gone I just don't know why she did it I don't know why she refused me the fantasy route if you will what made him so special why was she into a man that I thought she despised because of what he represented anyway I spoke to Daniel about everything he is a great man and friend he couldn't believe I was talking about my wife he was disgusted with her but noticed her change as well I told him that I want to divorce her he understood he said I have enough to back me he told me that confronting her in him is pointless because she has already made up her mind he said that I need a fresh start and to find someone who is is themselves and not a mirage of a woman I married like myself Daniel hates vile racists and shook his head that my wife did this Daniel has known my wife a lot longer than me after speaking to Daniel it made me feel like I was in control for months I felt that she was in control I was afraid to find out the truth I didn't confront her more sternly when I was suspicious because I was afraid of the outcome at the time I didn't know if I wanted to leave her or make it work but after the videos pictures and texts I damn well know what I must do I went to the lawyer to file for a divorce I had enough my wife was still acting normal still on the phone constantly still going out late I assume with him I didn't care I had to wait 3 weeks for the papers to come through I got them I decided to move out luckily we rented and our lease was running out in 3 months I was prepared to pay until then anyway I wanted to move out so the day came she went to work I made up that I had to go and later to cover for being short staffed she Shrugged and said okay no goodbye hug or kiss still that hasn't happened happened for months so I was used to it she left I packed up my essentials and put the divorce papers on the kitchen table along with my wedding ring that was it I stayed with my friend from University Adam who lived in another city I was grateful but more grateful that it was far from her the city our same Social Circle I wanted nothing to do with any of it I told my parents about what happened and they were shocked but fully understood I obviously didn't tell them every little detail there was no need all I can think of at the moment is that I'm free my wife would I assume agree as it was clear that marus is the one she wants I hope that we get a quick divorce I really do later that night my phone was blowing up with calls and texts it was my wife I was surprised because I honestly thought that this was what she wanted as well but it seems that I couldn't be more wrong I didn't speak to my wife I had no interest in it I read her messages and all of them consisted of I'm sorry I love you please can we talk etc etc this lasted for hours I blocked her number and deleted all my social media accounts I spoke to my lawyer about my my wife signing the divorce but she hasn't signed she did contact me through email I wanted to have some way of communication because I still want the divorce she sent me an email again saying sorry a number of time and that we needed to talk I replied no all I want is the divorce she replied that she doesn't want one I am the man she only loves and Maru meant nothing it's funny because I never mentioned to her why I left but she obviously knows why her guilty conscious and seeing her plead for forgiveness was actually satisfying I spoke to Adam and he said I could stay as long as I wanted I am thankful for him but he did say that I would have to meet her eventually he said that I left without having answers and no matter how hard you try eventually you will need to hear them inside I was disagreeing with Adam why should I talk to her why she gave little regard to my feelings for months she didn't care about me she care about her sick friend Daniel she didn't care so why would I talk to her I know that deep down I'm being stubborn but also angry that my wife is trying to reconcile I honestly thought she would have signed and moved on with him this has me mixed up and even more mixed up now is that my wife wants to meet I have a therapist who is excellent I talked about the affair the pictures the videos all of it I mentioned that my wife wants to meet up before she signs my therapist was blunt she said that when I left without telling her why deep down you wanted her to plead and her to worry you keep telling yourself she wouldn't care but deep down you want her to care you want her to feel pain like she did to you however meeting her would take some of your control she was right she added if you decide to meet in person you must ask the difficult questions even if you don't like the answer because you do have questions and you are not moving on at all you are running away because you are scared that the last 7 years was a lie like I said blunt that was 2 days ago my wife really wants to meet and incline that she won't sign without meeting first I speak to my parents and close friends about it my dad said that you could force the issue of her signing but that could take months but if she's willing no guarantee to sign after you talk then it's worth it Adam agreed I decided to meet my wife although low to say I'm nervous as an understatement how should I approach this what should I ask her should I be open or guarded any help and advice would be grateful update one I'm sorry that my update has taken longer than I liked as I was going to post next day unfortunately circumstances got in the way but before I do I want to thank everyone who posted their feedback I read every single one and I took everyone's advice on board I was overwhelmed to be honest I really appreciate it I also would like to point out some things regarding my previous post a lot has happened since I posted first I moved back to where I lived living with Adam was great but I needed to go back eventually my soon to be ex is still in our house so I rented a flat just outside of town I told my wife that I'm coming back and she was happy however I told her under no certain terms that I would be living with her she understood although she tried the generic we can sleep in separate rooms line no I do not want that I also stated that I will not tell her where I live obviously even though she tried to find out she still wants to meet us do I we arranged a time and place the place was a neutral venue so to speak it was near the beach where there are people but not to many in case a scene is happening which I obviously don't want I want to meet outside with just me and her I know some of you in the comments said take a friend but I felt that it wasn't needed but still I appreciate the advice I do however agree that I will definitely be recording the conversation which I did before the meet I emailed my soon to be ex and laid down some ground rules and if she didn't abide by them there would be no chance of reconciliation the rules were simple one answer every question that I have honestly two no deflection answers like it just happened or I'm not sure Etc I want detailed answers if she storms off without answering every question it's over no reconciliation three answer even if you think the answer will hurt me four don't be late if you are no reconciliation so we made the place in time now it's about waiting to I leave to go home to my flat the next day I catch up with other friends they treat me like I'm Daniel although I get it I get the hugs and support which I appreciate it but it seems inevitably that our breakup has spread although I question how do they know I only told a handful of people but my wife inevitably told her family and friends and of course the domino effect would happen however they obviously didn't know the full details they didn't know about the texts pictures and videos not even my wife knows that I have them she is under the impression I left because she was spending too much time with marus she doesn't know about what I have all she thinks is time with marus husband got upset she broke it off I told my therapist about the meat she said that I should ask certain questions to give her better insight to what happened I'll explain it later it's the day of the meat I was nervous before but my goodness I am in bits not because I want her back but it's seeing her and then seeing her means seeing him in my mind and then I would lose focus and control I drive up to the beach early really early I take in the surroundings and in reflection it was a perfect day sun was out people were taking their morning stroll I picked a nice venue then out of nowhere I turned to see my soon to be ex walking towards me she was smiling she looked great definitely glammed up although she looked slightly worn out and stressed no sympathy she approached and tried to hug me I put my arm out as to say no she looked at me as I understand kind of way we sat down and settled she tried to start small talked but I wasn't interested I had my phone on record and started me when did you first kiss him her the first week on the Friday me when did you first sleep with him her the same day on Friday me where her at his place me did you ever do it on my bed her does it matter I look at her and said about the email answer everything I stated her yes she starts to tear up me when she basically said it was a number of times I was out our neighbors saw him but rightly thought he was a work colleague they thought nothing of it she apologized already and kept apologizing but I put my hand out for her to stop I asked my other questions me did you tell him about me about you being married her yes but at the time it was a blur now my therapist asked me to ask her a specific question this was it me when you first met marus how early was it that he talked about me her what do you mean me it's simple when you talked what did he ask you about me did he want to know how long we were married were we happy Etc her after a pause yes he did ask about our marriage and if we were happy why me didn't that strike you as odd you met a guy you hardly know and he's asking personal questions about our marriage her no I think he was just being generally curious I didn't think of it as being weird more of this question's relevance later after asking a number of small hitting questions I decided to go for the big ones I decided to ask her about the videos and pictures however I did it in a nonchalant way I referenced a racist attack near us at a local store so I went soft and turned it like this me did you hear about the incident last Thursday her what incident me the bigots who attacked the shopkeeper and trashed his store not before spraying hate F graffiti everywhere her that's awful me yep it is I can't stand racists can you she looked at me with a confused expression I didn't say anything then it seemed to grasp exactly what I meant she knew that I know about the pictures and videos she started to cry again this lasted for about 5 minutes I pressed me why would you even go near men like that her she's red-faced from crying trying to compose herself it's not what it looks like or what you think me what I think what am I supposed to think what was it about this man that would make you disrespect your grandfathers in World War II or bail out on your friends and treat me like I'm a piece of crap at this point she was shaking she looked at me watery eyed but answered her he was the new boss in our department he was open and funny he made people feel good about themselves a lot of women liked him even after starting he had it but when he started to take an interest in me I felt like he chose me me what the hell does that mean her you want honesty and I need to be honest when we started talking he made it clear that he was only interested in me I interrupted and said after a couple of days yes that's what I'm saying he had a way immediately to make someone be happy and even more I felt great when I saw him looking at me from across the office room I felt great when he spoke to me saying you're the only interesting person here like I said I felt he chose me me what her I know it's pathetic I'm pathetic and weak but you have to understand what it was like when he first started at the office he was good-looking confident sve was just right he had an aura about him that when he smiled I melted she continued he could have had anyone at the office at the time all the girls wanted him they all talked about him constantly I know it sounds bad but I never thought he would pick me me wait you wanted to be picked her no not initially I figured it would be harmless flirt or something but he made it clear that he wanted more than that and that was it me what was it her him is being a kind of Med that I couldn't shake off again I know it's pathetic but give me a second when he talked to me and giving me complim compliments I was stunned but really flattered my confidence went from 60 to 10,000 I thought to myself this man could have anyone but he told me it was me he chose constantly that he could tell it was me me what was you I don't get it her he made me feel that I was the one I was the one that he was meant to be with I know it's not what you want to hear but I'm being honest continue I said I can't deny I was attracted to him it was obvious I see that now me wait you thought you were hiding it well her at the time yes at the beginning he flooded me with compliments other girls were jealous of me I got a rush from it I liked it the more I saw of him the more I wanted me wanted her wanted to feel like a queen I know that you treated me so well I was lucky but maru's at the time was just another level I got a buzz from seeing jealous women being envious of me I did ask for honesty she continued in my view I thought to myself I'm so lucky to have this man but the longer I was with him the more he changed but I couldn't stop it I asked her what she meant meant he was specific in what he wanted he got to know me but unconditionally he got me to do the opposite of what I liked those videos and pictures were his idea and yes I know his friend and his ideology but I didn't want to challenge him or Maru because I didn't want to upset him he had a way of saying that if you can't make me happy someone else will he had this do you know how lucky you were attitude at the time I panicked I went to extreme lengths to keep him happy wanted to make him happy and nothing else mattered so at the time I did anything for him you obviously saw that I told her of course I did and about the I know but as I said he was a med that I couldn't shake off the more I saw him the more I wanted he made me believe that you were the bad guy he made me believe that you were holding me back and that you didn't respect me I know it's not true she was in tears again but that's why I did everything everything he told me to do even after he was criticizing you I couldn't fight back because I was hooked me and that makes it okay with how you treated me bailing on Diner bailing on camping seriously her no I'm not asking for forgiveness I don't deserve it because I know how I treated you I was a nasty [ __ ] to you and I will never forgive myself but I did it bailing on Diner Etc I knew I was hurting you but I couldn't stop he kept telling me that I deserve more than you and that I should be treated like a queen so the more I went out to highclass restaurants VIP Theater shows the fancy jewelry the more I resented you but each time he did it he always mentioned you in your failure so I obviously bought into it and that's why I was cold towards you I thought you failed me and he didn't I know it's not true but during that time he was influential and I believed everything he said she continues it was only when I saw the papers and ring that something clicked in me I know you don't believe me but I finished with marju straight away I know I don't deserve credit for it but I really am ashamed of what happened I can't imagine what it was like for you I know I neglected you made you feel worthless but I couldn't see it before I do after I saw the papers I'm ashamed that I took this vile man over you I looked at her I didn't expect her answers but she seemed well sincere I replied though aside from your Affair you know was what the problem is that at the beginning you wanted the affair because you said he chose you you said he was a med but millions of people get themselves out of meds they realize that they have problems and get help you didn't you carried on the only reason you are here is because I'm your safety net and now it's gone there is no way a spouse can say I love you when you make them feel inadequate she claimed she didn't no you did for 11 months you made me feel worthless as you know I was eating becoming more reclusive and losing myself all the while you were going out every night going to the gym buying new clothes being a different person you came home and looked at me with disgust during that time you didn't let me touch you or anything you didn't give me anything but abuse her abuse me yes you did abuse me mentally maybe you didn't think you were doing it but damn you did it my best friend and soulmate made me hate myself she's in tears again it got that bad I was thinking of I didn't say it but you get the picture at this point she is crying heavily and apologizing so much that I forgot we were at the beach front people were watching and I had to tell her to breath she got her composure back and kept pleading it was him feeding her the toxic thoughts against me I did have one last question me do you love him her no I don't I know that you won't believe me but I actually hate him as much as I hate myself after a few hours of talking she left saying everything was true I was the love of her life Etc I sat by the beach thinking thinking about the possibility of her being groomed conditioned Etc I mean it makes sense after she met him she changed like totally changed there was a reason why my therapist wanted to ask that question although she can't diagnose marus but she thinks he has sociopathic tendencies hence why he asked about our marriage she said it's clear that he had an agenda asking about your marriage to your wife so early the signs are there he did choose your wife he knew that you were happily married and solid so he had his new challenge the challenge was simply to cause a breakup and ruin lives of sociopathic people do marus would never have been with a single girl because there was no challenge but with my wife it wasn't just her he was controlling but me as well her friends and family he turned her into everything your wife is against and makees sure she did he turned you through your wife into a depressed loner she continued that's why you and never confronted her after the texts and videos you didn't have the confidence at all that's what he and your wife did he pulled the strings but my wife willingly played along sociopaths like to manipulate and control the narrative when you followed your wife to the parking lot he probably knew you would follow your wife if you confronted them there most likely your wife would take his side there and then thus he would have won people who have sociopathic tendencies have no empathy they are driven by seeing others suffer by their hand is there some truth to that my wife a victim of a sociopath it fits but a part of me doesn't care well part of me cares fully at times who is this guy I keep telling myself I never seen one man come in with such Authority and ruin people's lives but deep down he was the package he was a boss making decent money he was 30 but looked 21 great physique and had confidence that would make women turn right but maybe my soon to be ex was right in that she finished with him that day I left because after I left my neighbor said to me that marjus kept coming round to my house demanding to talk to my soon to be ex he apparently did this a number of times as my wife said when we met he was acting like the physical abusive husband my therapist said sociopaths cannot accept rejection especially when they don't have control my wife dumped him and he became erratic why my therapist said it's simple your wife chose you over him lucky me he manipulated her for under a year and she still had the strength to finish it that undoubtedly derailed his plans update to I contacted HR about my wife and him turns out other people contacted HR as well it seems that the affair knew spread her he left shortly after me and my wife spoke I don't know where I don't care my wife also left before she was pushed apparently people are not to happy with her and her behavior especially her parents she is staying with her parents and relocating she is getting help with a psychologist though which she definitely needs I still speak to her family and our friends they try to say that I should meet my soon to be ex again but that's not happening she needs to concentrate on herself getting better the divorce will be finalized in a few weeks I know some people said she won't sign after the meeting but I had to go I had to know why she did it I had to know do I feel better in a way yes my wife was honest as she can be I think the pattern of the affair makes sense I soon to be ex asked if there is a chance for reconciliation eventually I have to admit I thought about it even if she is a victim of a master manipulator how can I trust her if I took her back all I would be thinking about is him and how I cannot measure up compared to him I would feel second best no matter what she assures me that it's not the case that I have always been her soulmate even after she said it my life with her wouldn't be the same I suppose the moral of the story is that cheating is obviously wrong it affects and damages the partner's moreso cheaters are truly selfish they only own up if they're caught or leaving divorce papers on the kitchen desk I certainly won't marry again the damage of of the affair has hurt me deeply I still feel inadequate about myself that I'm not good enough although I have been going to the gym again hiking and camping with friends I've been trying to stay active trying to move on but I do have this hate hate my soon to Bex for easily falling for him and him choosing my wife why did it have to be her I keep telling myself but these questions I ask myself are pointless because it's done now the damage has been done and it still hurts I still have my job in moving to the outer skirts of the town is good I'm not one of those people move thousands of miles away although I get it but my work and Social Circle have been good to me and I don't want to lose it if I relocated completely then I feel they want and I refuse to be a victim my therapist said that it will take time time to heal just be patient well that's it all of your comments I took on board and fully appreciate it update three I know it's been a while since my last post I want to thank everyone who contacted me I apologize for not getting back to you life has been crazy but I hope you understand a lot has happened that it's only right that I give you the conclusion to the story first I want to clarify two things one I noticed in the comments that my story was fake because I didn't think that the texts were proof I knew my wife was setting and my friend said that it was probably nothing he meant this because he and others feel that digital flirting is not cheating I took his word for it plus I didn't want to face what was going on two the reason why I wanted feedback for meeting my wife is purely because I wanted validation that I did the right thing as I said I already met my wife but wanted to and others in my Social Circle see to if I did the right thing in your eyes sorry I should have been more clearer about that as I said before the story is complete for me but want to tell you the conclusion of it so here it goes after meeting my wife at the beach my head was in bits as stated before my wife is still trying to talk again but I'm still not processing everything that's happened I still talk to my therapist however my wife is seeing a psychologist at the Private Hospital that her parents paid for I found this out because I saw my wife's parents when I was hiking by myself I was walking through the shallow stream and I heard my name being called out it was her parents I was slightly worried about seeing them especially after me meeting with their daughter at the beach I thought to myself what did my wife tell them did she lie to them did she badmouth me etc etc turns out she didn't at all her parents came over the mother hugged me the father shook my hand both apologized for what happened but I said they haven't anything to apologize for my wife's mother suggested us to find a bench and talk I agreed the mother started first she told me that my wife has been committed for a psychologist I've known my wife's parents for years they have never lied to me I've always found them genuine now they both stated what happened from their end with marus it turns out that Not only was my wife a complete [ __ ] to me but to her parents as well a little backstory before maru's my wife loves drawing she gets it through her mother she her mother and others would have a drawing social group my wife loved it they did this for years it made my wife happy however after meeting Maru she stopped going she didn't even give a reason when my wife's mother called her she got not defensive and completely rude to her mother she even swore my wife never well hardly swore but this time she did she would say I don't give a crap about the group it's sad and pathetic like you Etc my wife's parents said this wasn't isolated at all they tried to talk to her about the behavior changed but all they got was abuse at the time they assumed it was because of me and that we were having troubles they didn't think it was because of an affair at all it was only after I left that my wife also called her parents that everything made sense after I went to Adams my wife went to her parents and laid everything out the affair what she did what marjus made her do Etc to them it made sense but they were disgusted as well her father went all in on my wife to the point that my wife had a panic attack to them hearing their daughter tell this story just didn't compute this was their daughter not a person who cheats or lies or abuses people but this bought me back to my therapist and her believing that my wife was being groomed by a sociopath me my wife is a victim of a psychopath therapist no not a psychopath a sociopath me what's the difference before this I'm ashamed to say I had no idea therapist Psychopaths change their personality to fit in their Social Circle for example if they meet someone who is happy and outgoing they change into that person sociopaths do not change they make sure that the person they are closest to change they mold that person into a negative vile person me okay it does make sense therapist continues marju clearly was doing this with your wife he made her talk to her parents in a disrespectful manner he purposely chose people who defend Nazis for the videos me how can someone have a hold over someone are you saying that my wife is a victim therapist yes I know that sounds OB Truse but people with sociopathic tendencies are very influential more importantly extremely controlling back with my wife's parents the mother was saying that she is seeing a psychologist her parents look slightly strained but at the same time relieved relieved that their daughter is getting help a few weeks later my wife's mother contacts me during the past weeks I speak with her often she said that she agreed and wants me and her to talk and consult her sessions basically my wife wants me and mother to talk to her psychologist about what is happening I asked myself should I do this I mean it was agreed that my wife would sign the papers after the meet but something feels like I'm not sure anyway we agreed after a few weeks of sessions the psychologist spoke to me and wife's mother wife is outside waiting patiently a bit like my therapist she was blunt but in a soft Irish accent psychologist speaking to us both your daughter a PTSD her relationship with Maru was abusive grooming and controlling it has affected her from the start of the relationship with maru's me she got with him in the first week to me that's hardly someone who is fighting for me I said abruptly and rudely my wife's mother looked at me with a stern look of shut up and let her finish psychologist as I saying marus had the all the attributes of a perfect being we all have them in our minds of what that being is when marju started at your wife's work he was perfect not in just your wife's eyes but others as well I know this is hard she looks at me but your wife was honest he chose her this perfect man chose her me okay so she forgets she's married psychologist she holds up her hand I'm not saying what she did was right yes it's true she found him attractive however his personality is not about manipulation with kindness for under a year he programmed her into thinking he's perfect and looking at both of us you are not your wife was conditioned intensively that she began to actually believe it this is why she mentally abused you again looking at us both this was him after talking we saw my wife in the lobby she looked up at us both and smiled sheepishly I looked at her wanting to hate her wanting to make her suffer wanting Revenge but these emotions didn't come why time has passed and there is something I need to do I did it last year and will do it every year I go to where I need to go I look at it and start to feel emotional Daniel's grave Daniel passed away a while back at the funeral I saw my wife not taking it well as I said before my wife and Daniel have known each other since they can remember I remember Daniel speaking to my wife after the affair went public my wife apologized for everything Daniel forgave her at the grave I don't say anything just sit there in silence that is until I saw my wife there and sitting next to me I look at her and she started crying looking at me I've thought about shunning her countless times being cold to her Etc but I couldn't I knew that today wasn't about us but Daniel and so for the first time in a long time I hugg my wife time passes I'm still seeing a therapist and my wife is still seeing the psychologist I sit in the coffee shop just looking out and seeing people people looking happy it made me smile here's your cranberry juice my wife said as she sat opposite me we've been talking for a few weeks now nothing romantic just getting to know her again we meet again because my wife wants to tell me something we agreed to meet by the lake now I'm wondering what it is is mar juice back is everything okay I arrive first and within 5 minutes she arrives I immediately say is everything okay she laughs and says everything is fine she hands me a box what is it I said just open it she said with a smile I opened it and it was a crest of my family I looked at her with a pleasant Amusement happy anniversary she said after all this time she remembered she remembered that having family heirlooms is so important to me but that wasn't all she gave me another box I opened this one it was a photo album of us us and Daniel us and our families us when we were happy I was near to Breaking she put her hand on my shoulder said this isn't a feeble attempt to win you back I bought these because I know it's important to you and so it's important to me I know that there has been a lot of hurt but I want you to know that I love you I always have and always will I look at her not knowing what to do but she leaves still smiling she always had a nice smile I watch her walk away and I smile I'm walking along the beach it's a beautiful day I buy fish and chips and me and my wife sit on rocks and watch the sea we talk and talk we talk about the day important to you and so it's important to me I know that there has been a lot of hurt but I want you to know that I love you I always have and always will I look at her not knowing what to do but she leaves still smiling she always had a nice smile I watch her walk away and I smile I'm walking along the beach it's a beautiful day I buy fish and chips and me and my wife sit on rocks and watch the sea we talk and talk we talk about the day things me about my wife and marus psychologist puts her arms on the table and leans towards me there is no Mar anymore your wife got rid of him your wife has made no secret that she wants to reconcile this has nothing to do with Maru now it's about you after months of seeing your wife I can say that he will never be a threat again she continued I understand your skepticism I do but you wouldn't be doing this or meeting with her if you didn't still have feelings for her the only question is is that do you follow what you think is right or do you let him win my therapist said the same thing at the time for those 11 months the pain was too much however they say St time is a great healer and for this time I feel I've got to know my wife again after we finish our food we slowly walk along the beach and I did something that I haven't done in a long time I held her hand she was in tears I stopped and looked at her for the first time in a long time I saw my wife not the callous animal for those 11 months I saw her I saw the woman I loved I saw the woman I love and with that I embraced my wife update 4 I've had many DMS and messages from people asking for an update like before I want to thank everyone who replied and shown concern however I didn't realize Reddit was such a judgmental place I have had people wishing for me and my wife to receive terrible I'm not typing their exact words things I guess me getting back together with my wife warranted terrible implications but I do want to thank those who supported my I've had many DMS and messages from people asking for an update like before I want to thank everyone who replied and shown concern however I didn't realize red it was such a judgmental place I have had people wishing for me and my wife to receive terrible I'm not typing their exact words things I guess me getting back together with my wife warranted terrible implications but I do want to thank those who supported my consultation not because my wife doesn't want us to but because she is in the latter stages of therapy basically in plain movie analogy it's coming to an end all that's left us my wife's closer sessions which is still going ahead as I said I've had a lot of people asking about marus in my previous posts I stated that he disappeared after the affair blew up well I later found out that wasn't the case he did in fact meet my wife when she was trying to get back with me now before anyone quickly judges I need to explain exactly what happened as stated Maru went off grid but still tried to call my wife text FaceTime and go over to the house Etc he did this countless times my wife blocked him on all forms of communication this appeared to work for a while because marus went no contact this was at a time when my wife was trying to build Bridges with her family and me especially then one day her phone was ringing an unknown caller she answered it was him marus my wife was with her their mom sister and Mom's friends when everyone grasped that it was him my wife put him on speaker she didn't leave the room she didn't try to hide she spoke to Maru in front of witnesses I won't bore you with every little detail but the conversation was marju wanting to meet my wife agreed now again before you judge please read there was a reason why my wife wanted to put him in speaker and to meet her psychologist said that if he ever tried to talk on the phone put him on speaker this way she will have witnesses but also support to those that want to know about the conversation it wasn't much it was basically maru's begging to meet now the reason my wife decided to meet was for herself she wanted to meet him not for closer in a romantic sense but to end that chapter my wife decided on the time and place she would meet marus at The Fountain Park a place that would have a lot of people another thing my wife wanted was someone close in case anything happened marus knows me he knows what I look like but he doesn't know her friend Bri and her boyfriend T they will be there for support in Sweden tour looked like the typical male sweet a 6'4 in Dolph lungren type he was there to make sure nothing happens to her now some of you might be asking why didn't your wife tell you about the meat Etc well at the time wife and mother-in-law didn't want to jeopardize any chance of reconciliation as stated this wasn't a romantic meat how do I know well my wife recorded the conversation and Bri and Tor were there who I also know and trust I won't bore you with every little detail of the meat I obviously listened to it all but here are the main exerts Bri and T are sitting on the next bench to wife and Maru Maru hello tried Small Talk wife what do you want Maru Maru okay well I want you to explain yourself wife explain myself marus yes please tell me after everything we have been through and everything I have done for you that you abandoned us wife that's easy because I didn't love you I never did I'm embarrassed and ashamed that I ruined my life for you marjus stop being dramatic I gave you a life a life that your husband never gave you did he did he treat treat you well no he didn't no one did except me Christ you sound like a child now wife you never gave me anything but shame at the time us was never us was it it was about my husband and family marus know it was about you and me wife know it wasn't you were obsessed with my husband and family you wanted to know what my husband liked in family but that wasn't the strange part what was effed up that you immediately said they are wrong my husband was wrong with me my family was wrong but in truth it was you that was wrong marju right stop being childish I don't recall you objecting to us what I bought you I remember you smiling and loving it so just thank me wife thank you thank you for what exactly that you got enjoyment from me disrespecting my husband you got so much enjoyment from hearing me saying that my husband was obviously in pain but you didn't stop there you made me say things to my husband and family that would hurt them I didn't see it at the time but you always wanted a report of what I said and did wife was losing composure maru's Maru laughs I'm supposed to apologize for your husband being pathetic because he and your family were holding you back that's the truth I remember that you loved what I gave you you smiled and embraced me I made you realize that your circle was nothing more than a step now I'm prepared to forgive you and we can actually make a life together wife wife laughs you're right I did smile when I received the gifts but I was never happy with you you were brilliant at making me feel like you were the one when an actual fact you were a pathetic man why do you think I finished it when I saw the papers because it was no competition between my husband and you my husband is a far better man than you more than deserve he is a nice kind genuine man you are vile in every way marus you are ungrateful woman aren't you seriously the weekends away restaurants theaters I got you that I got you to meet real people I bettered you I made you confident and assured the way you're talking now to me is disrespectful but you are not thinking straight wife oh I am thinking straight probably the first time in a while you want straight all those things you did were superficial I didn't see it then but what kind of a man supports white nationalism what kind of man thinks it's a man's right to hit women for nothing what kind of man tries to make a person not go to her best friend's funeral wife stopped to breath and she continued you are not a man at all just a bully and coward I am disgusted that I got involved with you but I have to live with my mistakes and that's what you are marju a mistake you can threaten me with releasing the videos and pictures I don't care there is nothing you can to me that I haven't punished myself for this will be the last time we see each other or speak if you try to call me or try to contact me I will call the police take this as your final warning goodbye wife stood up to walk marus tried to grab her but T got in front of marus marus looked at tour and walked away that was the last time she and everyone else saw him I found out about this later on wife and mother-in-law didn't want anything to jeopardize a possible reconciliation of course when hearing this my heart skipped but hearing the story speaking to tor and Bri and mother-in-law I understand why my wife met him the psychologist and my therapist said my wife wanted to take back control control from him it's evident when speaking to my wife psychologist and family that she was submissive marju controlled everything that evolved around my wife that meeting was the second time my wife took control back another frequent question I received is what if another marju comes along well it's a question I asked myself 100 times but after everything and being on the path of reconciliation I'm not going to give in I chose this because I believe that my marriage is worth saving I know that on Reddit I will get some abuse but I'm sorry I don't care I do however love and appreciate the constructive feedback whether it's support or disagreement of course this is a risk but it's worth taking because I love her I always have for the first time in a while I feel happy again me and my wife are doing the things we love we are reconnecting with both our families it's a journey last frequent question I get is does your wife accept what she did for my wife it's going to be a long road ahead she herself accepts full blame on what happened if anyone says it's solely him she will disagree fully she still feels guilty shame and sick she is still in therapy and progressing but as I said it's a long road a road that I my wife our families are taking I don't regret reconciliation at all I get the trend on Reddit is about separating scorched Earth Vengeance Etc I understand that trust me but after the anger pain and hatred everyone has to make a decision Stay or Leave I decided to stay not because I'm aor at but because my marriage is worth fighting for edit from my wife's POV marju was put on a pedestal at work everyone all the girls wanted him so when he showed constant interest she was smitten now this knocked me for 10 I agree that sleeping with him in the first week questions our marriage my wife said that she was in a whirlwind of a fantasy at first he was a gentleman at the beginning but he became more dominant and abusive during the affair of course I'm not excusing her actions she herself holds herself accountable for everything however she has stated that I have done nothing wrong this was her fault for letting it happen she got hooked and Maru manipulated her will she do it again I'm going to be honest no I don't think she will after this affair my wife was a mess not a mess that she deserved sympathy at the time but a selfs slaughtering mess she contemplated selfs slaughtering a number of times she has openly acknowledged what she did to me her family and friends I think that is why reconciliation is slightly easier because of her ownership it would be easy to walk away and hate her don't get me wrong I did when this was happening but I and her family still love her and we have to believe that she will never do it again edit too I don't mind constructive criticism I expect it but when some people are vile and wishing us truly awful things it's nonsense I hope we are one of those couples who makes it I am under no certainty that this might not work but I have to try I understand parts of what her psychologist was saying if I didn't fight then he would have won now I know some people got triggered by that sentence in the previous post but they have to understand that this was a game to him a game that he was clearly winning but the turning point was my wife she ended it when he thought he had her completely after that it was my wife doing everything to atone and build our trust in her there have been many times that I wanted to walk wanted to give in but the gut feeling was no I couldn't walk I had to fight fight for my marriage because if I didn't then yes marus would have won just to be clear I'm not doing this for him I'm doing this for me
give me a good story on MyWifeHasBecomeDistantAndSecretiveAfterANewSupervisorJoinedHerWorkplaceIThinkShe
:00.260 --> :02.560 Im a tech that works on electrical equipment. :02.560 --> :04.810 I was wearing a grey uniform with a hard hat. :04.810 --> :08.050 My company's logo is in green in front of my hard hat and shirt. :08.050 --> :10.600 I'm working at a certain site and went on lunch break. :10.600 --> :14.769 Bought some small tools from a nearby Home Depot and a burrito from a taco truck in the :14.769 --> :15.769 same area. :15.769 --> :21.190 I went to sit down on a bench near the parking lot to eat my burrito. :21.190 --> :25.610 Some customer from home Depot came out and walked over to me. :25.610 --> :29.900 "Hey there's none of the big carts near the store, you should move some" :29.900 --> :33.179 I recognized immediately what was happening and will usually only say those glorious words :33.179 --> :34.179 once. :34.179 --> :35.179 "Oh no miss, I don't work here" :35.179 --> :36.710 She just stands in front of me. :36.710 --> :37.829 I take another bite of my burrito. :37.829 --> :38.829 She points at the carts. :38.829 --> :40.350 Me: "That wasn't my cart, I was only buying small tools" :40.350 --> :44.120 Lady: "I know you're on your lunch break but someone needs to move those" :44.120 --> :46.110 Me: "You, too, can make a difference" :46.110 --> :47.110 Lady: "What? :47.110 --> :48.420 What are you talking about? :48.420 --> :50.070 Can you just move those" :50.070 --> :51.070 "No" :51.070 --> :53.039 She stands there for like a solid minute. :53.039 --> :55.149 I'm going at it with my burrito. :55.149 --> :56.190 She walks away. :56.190 --> :58.190 I thought that was the end of it. :58.190 --> :00.370 I'm grabbing my backpack and about to walk away. :00.370 --> :03.519 Lady comes out with some poor soul roped into her antics. :03.519 --> :05.239 "Got you now you lazy jackass. :05.239 --> :07.530 This guy is refusing to do his job! :07.530 --> :10.390 Can't believe people like you wanted $15 an hour" :10.390 --> :13.890 Whatever employee came out with her "He's not our employee ma'am" :13.890 --> :15.570 Lady: "Why didn't you say something?" :15.570 --> :19.380 I was gonna say I did but I was already on a schedule and walking away. :19.380 --> :20.380 Not my first rodeo. :20.380 --> :24.020 I am a Field Service Technician who has multiple contracts with Lowe's and Dollar General. :24.020 --> :28.820 Every single time I am asked if I work there it's always at the most annoying or the most :28.820 --> :30.540 obvious moment that I don't work there. :30.540 --> :34.080 This is just one example why I loathe these people. :34.080 --> :39.980 I am in Lowe's in Lawn & Garden standing in front of a completely torn down register. :39.980 --> :40.980 Parts are everywhere. :40.980 --> :43.230 Laptop is pulled out and I am looking over documents. :43.230 --> :47.100 I am wearing a Rick & Morty shirt and have ear buds in my ear. :47.100 --> :51.680 Lowe's employees for those unaware wear Red or Camo green vests and are not allowed to :51.680 --> :52.680 have earbuds in. :52.680 --> :55.400 Lady stands in front of me and I ignore her. :55.400 --> :56.940 She proceeds to AHEM. :56.940 --> :57.940 I ignore her. :57.940 --> :02.159 I'm mid conversation with another tech saying that it's really frustrating being asked if :02.159 --> :03.490 I work here and getting interrupted. :03.490 --> :06.940 She then taps me and tells me she's ready to be rang up. :06.940 --> :08.730 I ignore her and continue my conversation. :08.730 --> :09.860 The whole time the actual employee is trying to get her attention. :09.860 --> :12.550 She gets frustrated and I just point behind her, she sees the employee, rolls her eyes :12.550 --> :13.550 and walks away. :13.550 --> :18.620 I know someone's gonna say, "Well, you could have just told her you don't work here." :18.620 --> :21.379 but the thing is that doesn't always work. :21.379 --> :26.109 I have had people ask for a manager because I refused to help them. :26.109 --> :28.480 I have learned that silence is golden. :28.480 --> :31.540 Ignore them and eventually they will figure it out. :31.540 --> :33.659 I genuinely wish more people had situational awareness. :33.659 --> :36.110 How these people survive is a damn mystery to me. :36.110 --> :40.079 I worked as a 3rd party contractor for an electronics company, I went into stores to :40.079 --> :44.060 place orders for products to replenish stock, put products in cases/on shelves throughout :44.060 --> :45.180 the department and set up displays. :45.180 --> :49.529 Our uniforms had tshirts with the company logo in huge letters across our chests and :49.529 --> :50.599 you wore jeans. :50.599 --> :55.379 One day I was in everyone's favorite mart putting items in a case when a gentleman and :55.379 --> :57.730 his girlfriend came up and asked where an item was. :57.730 --> :03.799 I said "I'm sorry, i don't know where it is, i don't work here but theres a gentleman at :03.799 --> :06.731 the desk in a vest that'll be able to help you." :06.731 --> :11.549 The girlfriend says "I told you she doesn't work here, the logo says (insert company name)" :11.549 --> :14.099 he replies "Well I wasn't looking at her boobs!" :14.099 --> :18.340 I wished them a good day while trying not to bust out laughing. :18.340 --> :21.859 First off I’m white and I feel super bad about this because I probably looked super :21.859 --> :24.230 racist for assuming this but I swear it wasn’t my intention! :24.230 --> :27.319 A very nice Asian market store in town does not have a uniform. :27.319 --> :30.370 One of the men who work there very often wears an apron but that’s it. :30.370 --> :35.719 I see a lady looking thru the cute little bananas and I assume she is stocking them! :35.719 --> :39.349 In my defense I mean she was really touching them for awhile like five minutes!! :39.349 --> :44.249 I ask her very politely “excuse me do you know where the chewy rice cakes are?” :44.249 --> :48.669 And she says “oh I don’t work here” and immediately I’m ASHAMED and apologizing :48.669 --> :50.189 as fast as my mouth will speak!! :50.189 --> :53.810 But she ended up being very nice and said she completely understands, she ended up helping :53.810 --> :55.969 me find the rice cakes anyways because she went to the store so often she knew where :55.969 --> :56.969 it was! :56.969 --> :57.969 :) :57.969 --> :58.969 TLDR; dumb white me went into an Asian market and assumed an nice asian lady looking at :58.969 --> :00.790 bananas worked there-she helped me find my stuff anyways! :00.790 --> :05.739 Edit: I think a lot of people think I posted this because I feel horribly guilty about :05.739 --> :09.590 what happened, I don’t because it was genuinely not with racist intention I just thought it :09.590 --> :15.739 was wholesome of her to show me where the rice cakes were haha ! Don’t get me wrong :15.739 --> :20.180 I do feel bad that it came off racist and I was embarrassed but pls don’t worry about :20.180 --> :21.450 me in the comments! :21.450 --> :25.310 I posted this because it was a cute wholesome story :) Backstory: I'm a 19yro Male in a :25.310 --> :29.030 highschool district program for special needs (I have high functioning Autism) where when :29.030 --> :33.380 you graduate from your high school you have an option to have your diploma withheld and :33.380 --> :36.630 get some work experience through an internship program via the district, learn how to live :36.630 --> :39.980 on your own (Cooking, cleaning, Landry, taxes, ect), workplace Technology (Making a resume, :39.980 --> :43.260 looking for jobs, ect), and job labs (Food cart/grocery store, janitorial, and copy center), :43.260 --> :46.620 work a supported worksite (Having a teacher as a supervisor at an internship with other :46.620 --> :50.100 interns), and a independent worksite (Where a teacher isn't present at an internship and :50.100 --> :53.920 your on your own with just the store employees) then get to VR (vocational rehabilitation) :53.920 --> :58.170 once you have graduate from that, and get to go to a collage/university of your choice :58.170 --> :00.140 which is paid through the state. :00.140 --> :03.210 You can also get a job from the worksites. :03.210 --> :05.190 Tldr; a program that give you extra time to get ready for the real world. :05.190 --> :06.190 Now onto the story! :06.190 --> :12.150 So earlier today I was in a job lab (copy center) taking a work order to a teacher at :12.150 --> :17.310 the highschool the program is based at, by that time lunch had ended and I was going :17.310 --> :21.270 upstairs when three girls were talking about something not school appropriate (Don't remember :21.270 --> :27.360 what it was about) when all the sudden they saw me and freaked out and were like, "Oh :27.360 --> :28.922 shiiiiii-" and I was like wtf? :28.922 --> :35.290 In my mind and one of them said "Sorry sir, I'm more holier than this" and then it clicked, :35.290 --> :43.010 they thought I was a teacher, and like the usual brutality honestly person I am, I said, :43.010 --> :44.480 "You do know that I'm a student right?" :44.480 --> :49.020 I have a short beard and wear a three piece suit, and they said, "wait, what!?" :49.020 --> :53.710 And I was like, "Yeah, I'm in (insert name) program" they were stunned, after that I said, :53.710 --> :55.240 " Have a good day" then walked away. :55.240 --> :59.050 That little interaction made my day today and made me feel like I was very important :59.050 --> :00.050 in my community. :00.050 --> :03.950 I will remember that for the rest of my life, and will treasure this story. :03.950 --> :08.310 Years ago I worked for AutoZone, a US auto parts store where the employees where red :08.310 --> :12.030 or grey shirts and have the company logo on their name tag and shirt. :12.030 --> :17.310 I was in uniform and decided to stop at Walgreens for a snack on my way to work. :17.310 --> :19.910 I was perusing the carbohydrates section when I hear someone ask where the cough syrup is. :19.910 --> :21.610 As I don't work there I ignore the voice. :21.610 --> :24.470 I decide upon my snack and begin walk towards the check out. :24.470 --> :28.520 Again the voice, louder this time, demands to know where the cough syrup is. :28.520 --> :32.160 I ignore it, assuming incorrectly that they were talking to someone else. :32.160 --> :33.310 Finally this person nearly screams "hey! :33.310 --> :34.720 You work here where is the cough syrup" :34.720 --> :41.200 I turned around, in my grey shirt with company logo, and my name tag also with company logo, :41.200 --> :43.610 in my black pants uniform pants. :43.610 --> :47.590 I stare the person in the eye and point to my shirt with logo of the auto parts company :47.590 --> :51.230 and say "Ma'am I don't believe this pharmacy sells auto parts, I don't work here and I :51.230 --> :53.700 don't know where the cough syrup is." :53.700 --> :00.400 I turned to walk away and the lady lets me know that she will be complaining to my manager :00.400 --> :01.400 about my attitude. :01.400 --> :04.560 I tell her to make sure she does that at the correct business. :04.560 --> :06.630 I finally buy my snack and leave. :06.630 --> :12.340 ok for starters I work at a mini kinda bakery with cakes and cookies and I come in at 7-8 :12.340 --> :19.440 am and leave 12-1 pm and we usually get Karen's/ I was getting a drink tea or coffee and well :19.440 --> :25.680 I was waiting for my number to be called so I could leave and get back to work well one :25.680 --> :29.480 time a karen came in she seemed to be nice so not really thinking anything about her :29.480 --> :37.740 and (she looked like a ma who is tired all the time) about this point I was looking around :37.740 --> :42.710 and saw her being mean to a waitress so I came up to her (after I drank some hot coffee) :42.710 --> :46.610 and was pretending to walk near her and spill my hot coffee well (you can guess how that :46.610 --> :50.080 turned out) she yelled "ASSAULT ASSAULT"and fake fell on the floor and called 911 and :50.080 --> :58.410 I had to miss 2 hours of work so I got interagated me and then her I said I did spill coffee :58.410 --> :04.230 on her on purpose but because she was mean to a waitress after that we got settled she :04.230 --> :08.490 would pay for my coffee well I had to wash her clothes (only one time) oh and she also :08.490 --> :12.130 got jail time about a week (sorry about lack of speech but yea)This is much more of a simple :12.130 --> :14.140 misunderstanding than the Karens that I've seen on this subreddit. :14.140 --> :19.330 When I was in my senior year of high school, just before the whole fiasco hit, I was shopping :19.330 --> :20.710 by myself in my local Food4Less. :20.710 --> :22.450 It was directly after school, so I was in my uniform which consists of a black polo :22.450 --> :23.630 with the school logo, which was a purple kraken, on my right breast. :23.630 --> :27.880 I was also wearing light khakis and a school jacket which covered my logo, so me being :27.880 --> :29.180 mistaken was somewhat understandable. :29.180 --> :35.680 I was passing to aisles to get to the produce section when out of nowhere I hear a soft :35.680 --> :36.680 'excuse me'. :36.680 --> :42.729 It took me a little while to respond but I turn to face a man pushing a cart. :42.729 --> :45.490 He immediately asks if I can help him. :45.490 --> :49.360 It took me a while to absorb it, but unconsciously, I pulled my jacket slightly off to reveal :49.360 --> :50.360 the logo. :50.360 --> :51.730 Immediately, the man was like 'oh sorry' and walked away. :51.730 --> :53.930 I didn't really think about it till much later when I realized that I just had an I don't :53.930 --> :54.930 work here moment. :54.930 --> :55.930 A/N: I'm male. :55.930 --> :04.940 I went to this technology store in a mall, the workers in this store do not have a uniform. :04.940 --> :10.020 They have to keep up a fairly good appearance, clean shoes, no profanity n such on shirts :10.020 --> :12.580 and just presentable but otherwise just have a casual attire. :12.580 --> :20.300 The one thing to distinguish that they work there are these bright, yellow, neon lanyards. :20.300 --> :34.830 (If you live in NZ or Australia, you probably know the place I'm talking about) :34.830 --> :43.520 I went in the store by myself to look at the headphones, listen to the music playing on :43.520 --> :49.050 them to see if they're a good fit and how they sound then delicately put them back. :49.050 --> :57.760 I'm wearing a gray shirt and black pants which just so happens to be the attire of someone :57.760 --> :01.700 else who's working currently but I didn't know this til later. :01.700 --> :08.250 I'm approached by this larger woman who gives me a stern look, I thought maybe she just :08.250 --> :12.970 wanted to test the headphones too and move to another shelf. :12.970 --> :13.970 "Excuse me?!" :13.970 --> :24.710 I didn't know she was talking to me so I kept looking at the current shelf til I get two :24.710 --> :26.370 hard taps on my shoulder :26.370 --> :27.370 "EXCUSE ME?!" :27.370 --> :28.370 "Oh, I'm sorry. :28.370 --> :29.400 Am I in your way?" :29.400 --> :30.580 "I need some assistance." :30.580 --> :31.580 "Assistance?" :31.580 --> :32.580 "YES!" :32.580 --> :33.580 "Did you need some help with some headphones?" :33.580 --> :34.580 "NO! :34.580 --> :37.660 I need to look at this camera in the display shelf." :37.660 --> :48.950 I looked behind her and see the display shelf. :48.950 --> :59.140 "You'll need someone to open it up for you. :59.140 --> :04.490 There's a worker over there." :04.490 --> :21.700 I point at a worker standing next to the computers, chatting to a customer and resume browsing. :21.700 --> :22.700 "EXCUSE ME?! :22.700 --> :23.700 DO YOUR JOB!" :23.700 --> :24.700 "My...job?" :24.700 --> :25.700 "YES, WHERE IS YOUR LANYARD?! :25.700 --> :26.700 DON'T YOU PEOPLE WEAR LANYARDS?! :26.700 --> :47.410 I SAW YOU EARLIER AND YOU WERE WEARING A LANYARD!" :47.410 --> :54.770 Admittedly, I was kind of confused. :54.770 --> :05.600 I'm a cleaner at a hotel and the master key I use is on a lanyard which I never take off :05.600 --> :10.270 at work but I had travelled two hours away from home/the hotel to this mall. :10.270 --> :11.270 " know me?" :11.270 --> :18.270 She went red, her eyes bulged so large I thought they were going to fall out. :18.270 --> :21.550 "WHY WOULD I KNOW YOU?! :21.550 --> :27.830 YOU WORK IN SOME COMPUTER STORE AND ARE WASTING MY TIME! :27.830 --> :30.220 GET YOUR LANYARD! :30.220 --> :34.360 WHERE IS IT?!" :34.360 --> :51.820 Of course, this scene got the eyes and ears of other customers and a worker...a worker :51.820 --> :59.910 wearing a gray shirt, black pants and a lanyard. :59.910 --> :01.440 "Is everything okay over here?" :01.440 --> :02.440 "I WANT THI-" :02.440 --> :41.120 She turned and stopped mid sentence, she turned back to me, face red and eyes bulging, back :41.120 --> :42.450 to the worker. :42.450 --> :49.190 Let me tell you, me and the worker looked nothing alike. :49.190 --> :11.150 I'm much shorter than him, skin slightly darker and my hair is what I like to call a contained :11.150 --> :17.230 mess while his actually knew what a hairbrush was. :17.230 --> :32.060 We both were just wearing a similar outfit. :32.060 --> :33.150 "But...I..." :33.150 --> :37.970 "Do you need help with something?" :37.970 --> :44.740 She didn't even reply, she just walked past me and left the store. :44.740 --> :48.530 The worker asked if everything was okay and I explained, we both had a laugh out of it :48.530 --> :56.170 and he rung me up and I left with my new headphones. :56.170 --> :59.470 Not a terrible experience but my own personal 'I don't work here lady' experience
give me a good story on rIDontWorkHereLadyGIRLFRIENDCAUGHTMELOOKINGATHERBBSRedditStoriesen
aita for being a aaran and essentially telling my daughter's camp counselor to know her place my daughter G is 12 years old and is attending a coding and Robotics Day Camp she loves it and has made a lot of friends over the past couple weeks she's become less enthusiastic about going to Camp each day I asked her what was wrong but she was initially hesitant to say anything specific I'd usually get a non-committal I don't know or something similar a few days ago she broke down and told me that the camp counselor CC assigned to her group has been mean to her I pressed her further and from what I gather the CC in question has criticized her work a great deal forcefully kicked G bag when it was in her way without asking her to move it first reprimands her for small things like talking too loud or having a messy workstation while not doing the same for other campers and oddly enough has been picking apart what she brings for lunch I pack my daughter a homemade sandwich or wrap a divided fruit and veggie tray a small bag of chips and a small dessert like a twin pack of Oreos pretty standard Camp lunch in my opinion according to G the CC has branded her meal unhealthy and said something about there being a camp policy against junk food CC does not do this to any other kids and I have found zero rules against junk food in the online handbook parents were given obviously this can't continue so when I brought her in this morning I asked to speak to Cece I discussed my concerns and CeCe told me that g was disruptive and that it's probably because she brings a bunch of junk food I asked about CeCe kicking G's day bag and she was unable to give me a straight answer I asked if any other counselors could confirm G's disruptive behavior and it seemed to fluster her again no direct answer by that point I was getting frustrated with her non-answers and asked why she had a problem with the lunches that I bring G the more I asked the more standoffish and condescending she seemed to get CC said that I shouldn't be sending G with empty calories and reiterated her line about the camp having a rule against junk food my tolerance for had pretty much been reached so I told her calmly but firmly that I am her mother not her she is a camp counselor not a nutritionist she's there to make sure that G and the other kids have a fun and safe time and I suggested that she stick to her role as a cc I told her that if I hear anything more about G feeling picked on or unwelcome in her presence that I will be speaking with her Superior I told a couple of friends about this to blow off some steam and they told me that I was too harsh and that I act like a Karen I hadn't gone in looking for a fight but the way CC spoke to me and about G really rubbed me the wrong waya
give me a good story on AITAforbeingaKarenandessentiallytellingmydaughterscampcounselortoknowherplaceorig
this video shows a man leaving a laundromat after doing his laundry everything looks normal but you won't believe what happened right after he walked out a dryer inside the laundromat blew up and it could have killed him if he stayed a bit longer I was shocked when I saw that video I didn't see that coming at all the situation was very dangerous
give me a good story on shockingthinghappenedatthelaundromat
:00.329 --> :17.210 Another story posted here reminded me of this from many years ago. :17.210 --> :22.480 Was working for a large multinational installing new hardware/software and testing for a large :22.480 --> :25.060 client in San Francisco California. :25.060 --> :28.420 San Francisco was a 6 hour plane ride from my nearest airport. :28.420 --> :33.750 I had to be in San Francisco for Monday morning so flew out Sunday morning worked 2 weeks :33.750 --> :35.320 and flew home Saturday. :35.320 --> :37.989 Spent a week at home and repeat cycle. :37.989 --> :43.840 This went on for 9 months with 3 of us doing on site rotation with 2 people always on site. :43.840 --> :47.340 Airport limo from my house to airport was $80. :47.340 --> :52.620 First expense report I claimed 6 hours overtime for the Sunday fly out and 6 hours overtime :52.620 --> :56.550 for Saturday to fly home plus airport limo. :56.550 --> :57.550 Overtime denied. :57.550 --> :58.550 Why? :58.550 --> :00.210 I left from my home and not the office. :00.210 --> :01.800 Cue compliance. :01.800 --> :05.090 As a side note I closer to the airport than the office was. :05.090 --> :07.360 I lived 30 minutes from airport. :07.360 --> :11.890 Office was 60 minutes from airport Come next Sunday I took a taxi from my house to the :11.890 --> :13.159 office. :13.159 --> :19.250 Taxi from my house to office was $80 Took airport limo from office to airport. :19.250 --> :22.090 Airport limo from office to airport was $140. :22.090 --> :26.280 Since I started my trip from the office my overtime started from then. :26.280 --> :31.800 Time in the airport limo, time sitting in airport etc until I got to the hotel at the :31.800 --> :34.450 other end all accrued. :34.450 --> :40.880 Next expense report I submitted taxi and airport limo expenses and billed 12 hours for travel :40.880 --> :42.560 time each way. :42.560 --> :43.560 All approved. :43.560 --> :45.409 Did this for 9 months. :45.409 --> :12.069 Approved every single time. :12.069 --> :16.110 Last night I come home and walk into the kitchen where my mother-in-law and wife are standing :16.110 --> :20.630 with an an enormous bag of small carrot-shaped, white root vegetables. :20.630 --> :26.670 Exhausted from a long day, I absent-mindedly ask, "are those *white* carrots?", the existence :26.670 --> :30.480 of radishes, temporarily eluding my consciousness. :30.480 --> :37.200 My MIL and wife, in enthusiastic unison chime in that, yes, they are indeed carrots. :37.200 --> :42.760 "Go ahead and try one", my MIL encourages, with an overzealousness that brings me to :42.760 --> :44.680 my senses: no. :44.680 --> :47.019 NO, these are not carrots. :47.019 --> :48.819 Game on, mama, game on. :48.819 --> :53.530 I will eat this raw root vegetable and get you to as well! :53.530 --> :59.310 I rinse one off and snack into it as my wife and MIL attempt to stifle their giggles. :59.310 --> :03.560 I feign confusion at their reaction: "what are y'all laughing about?" :03.560 --> :05.930 My wife laughs, "whats it taste like?" :05.930 --> :08.920 "A carrot," I say, "maybe a little less sweet." :08.920 --> :11.760 "You're lying," my MIL shoots back. :11.760 --> :14.849 "The lady who gave them to me said they're radishes." :14.849 --> :17.560 My face betrays nothing. :17.560 --> :23.900 I have crunched the pungent, peppery taste and melded it into an earnest mask of enjoyment. :23.900 --> :27.510 The sporadic laughter from my wife and MIL has ceased. :27.510 --> :32.750 "Well, I don't know *who* said that, but this definitely *tastes* like a carrot. :32.750 --> :35.890 Maybe I just got the one carrot mixed in with the radishes?" :35.890 --> :39.420 I grab another, rinse it, and go to chomp town. :39.420 --> :43.450 Mid-chew I double-down, "nope, these are definitely carrots." :43.450 --> :49.319 My MIL, exasperated that either I am a master of deception or that she in-fact, *did* get :49.319 --> :55.020 the wrong bag of veggies, rinses one off, takes a massive bite, and immediately spits :55.020 --> :56.020 it back out. :56.020 --> :58.459 It is now I who am laughing. :58.459 --> :59.879 But not a tepid giggle. :59.879 --> :02.810 An uproarious guffaw of triumph. :02.810 --> :04.340 I have won. :04.340 --> :07.099 Now to get the taste of radish out of my mouth. :07.099 --> :15.409 First time writer, long time lurker on this sub. :15.409 --> :20.239 Like many people in the UK, we had home cable TV and internet through a company I’ll call :20.239 --> :21.239 VM. :21.239 --> :26.389 They’re pretty good; decent speed, good consistent, channel coverage - in our area :26.389 --> :31.150 at least - despite having to go through “the dance” of negotiating pricing every now :31.150 --> :32.309 and again. :32.309 --> :37.539 Having done “the dance” and being about a year into a two year deal, we decided to :37.539 --> :42.370 move house and I found that the new house couldn’t get VM coverage. :42.370 --> :47.020 Not anything down to VM, just that the place was a little more rural and they didn’t :47.020 --> :49.010 have the cabling infrastructure there. :49.010 --> :53.760 No problem, I’d asked them about this when I signed up for our deal and they said I “might :53.760 --> :56.570 be subject to an early cancellation fee”. :56.570 --> :00.790 I called them up a few weeks before the move and VM told me as they couldn’t provide :00.790 --> :05.850 service I’d have to pay a £275 cancellation fee. :05.850 --> :10.110 I was a bit annoyed about this but when VM said they’d check whether they were likely :10.110 --> :15.370 to connect a service soon (I knew they weren’t going to), I let it ride whilst I worked out :15.370 --> :16.419 my next move. :16.419 --> :21.610 Three days before we moved house, VM called and said our buyers were trying to get connected :21.610 --> :24.270 but they couldn’t until we closed over service. :24.270 --> :28.470 I explained I was leaving it open in case they could connect us in our new place. :28.470 --> :33.770 VM said this would prevent our buyers setting up their service and they asked me to cancel :33.770 --> :35.870 to allow the buyers to get set up. :35.870 --> :40.419 I saw my opportunity and maliciously complied with their request. :40.419 --> :46.610 Having said yes, and before I could say anything else, the VM agent disconnected the call. :46.610 --> :52.190 Fast forward six weeks and we got a bill for a £275 cancellation fee. :52.190 --> :57.160 I called VM and explained I wasn’t accepting the cancellation charge as they had asked :57.160 --> :58.319 us to cancel. :58.319 --> :59.319 They disagreed. :59.319 --> :02.590 Here’s the bit where I have a couple of recommendations. :02.590 --> :05.250 The first is to read the terms and conditions. :05.250 --> :10.759 They aren’t interesting, they are complicated, but they’re worth reading in case you find :10.759 --> :12.250 anything you can use. :12.250 --> :19.080 Secondly, if you’re in the UK, invoke GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations). :19.080 --> :24.319 Companies hate it when you make a data subject access request (DSAR) as they have to gather :24.319 --> :26.139 lots of information. :26.139 --> :31.700 You just have to say “I’d like to make a DSAR under GDPR for you to provide any information :31.700 --> :33.319 relating to my account”. :33.319 --> :38.810 When I phoned the VM complaint line and they said the charge stood, so I raised a DSAR. :38.810 --> :43.830 A day later I had a call from someone asking what it would take to resolve the complaint :43.830 --> :45.770 and withdraw the DSAR. :45.770 --> :50.680 In my case, I told them the early cancellation charge couldn’t apply as they’d asked :50.680 --> :51.849 me to cancel. :51.849 --> :26.419 They agreed and I saved myself £275! :26.419 --> :31.100 So a week after the events in my initial post happened, I got a call from Karen. :31.100 --> :35.139 She asked if I was still willing to do the pine straw job for 400$. :35.139 --> :39.389 I told her I’d have no problem with it but asked why she’d want to use my services :39.389 --> :42.849 again when she wasn’t satisfied with my prior work. :42.849 --> :49.710 Apparently this lady “discontinued services” from 3 other landscape companies in the area :49.710 --> :52.919 and was having trouble finding anyone to do the job. :52.919 --> :58.650 I’m guessing that means they all fired her as a customer for being freaking ridiculous. :58.650 --> :03.280 I went and did the job this morning and upon finishing, she was at least content enough :03.280 --> :08.000 with the work that she requested bi weekly landscape maintenance moving forward. :08.000 --> :12.710 I politely declined and when she asked why, I told her the truth. :12.710 --> :17.150 “Ma’am, you seem to be a bit unreasonable and I don’t have the desire to deal with :17.150 --> :18.150 it”. :18.150 --> :21.800 It didn’t go over too well, but she paid for the work today and I left. :21.800 --> :26.120 Anyone wondering why I’d go back for the one job in the first place….it was an easy :26.120 --> :44.510 200$ profit for an hour of labor, why not? :44.510 --> :48.860 As we all know it’s the Holiday Season, and if you’re a Floridian, you know that :48.860 --> :54.589 means the arrival of the most controversial Publix Sub, the delicious Turkey-Bacon-Gruyère :54.589 --> :02.070 cheese sub with, in my opinion, a disgusting cranberry-Orange relish. :02.070 --> :06.089 Upon my arrival to the deli this fateful day, this was the sub on sale. :06.089 --> :10.820 Rather than be deterred to the prepackaged sandwich section, I chose the bold move of :10.820 --> :14.490 asking for the aforementioned sub sans relish. :14.490 --> :20.079 Behold my surprise when I was told that, under direct orders from management, that the sub :20.079 --> :26.170 MUST be sold with the relish or else it would cost more as it no longer classified as the :26.170 --> :27.600 sub of the week. :27.600 --> :32.779 I tried reasoning with her that I was saving the store money via my decision, but she held :32.779 --> :33.779 firm. :33.779 --> :35.200 Cue malicious compliance. :35.200 --> :38.240 With a gleam in my eye, I said “Oh that’s no problem. :38.240 --> :40.829 Can I get the relish on the side then?” :40.829 --> :41.910 Why of course! :41.910 --> :44.660 This is Publix where shopping is a pleasure! :44.660 --> :49.890 Deli worker makes my sandwich, puts the relish in a little plastic cup and hands it on over. :49.890 --> :55.260 I grab them both turn around, throw the relish away in the nearby trash can, and proceeded :55.260 --> :01.600 to pay for my on sale sandwich. :01.600 --> :08.940 Short little story from my new job I've had for a month. :08.940 --> :13.950 I recently moved to a new state and got a new job managing an office in a medical field. :13.950 --> :18.300 Every morning, one of my responsibilities is emailing a list of patients by the type :18.300 --> :23.220 of appointment they had and the details of their appointment (called an encounter) to :23.220 --> :24.790 Records from the day prior. :24.790 --> :30.020 I separate documents by type of appointment and attach the files to a single email with :30.020 --> :31.020 the date. :31.020 --> :35.920 Having worked in records before, sorting by date and having sub-categories for type was :35.920 --> :40.269 easiest for me, and this is the way the new place trained me to do it. :40.269 --> :44.990 After about two weeks of doing it the way I was told/the way I thought was easiest, :44.990 --> :49.880 I got a very abrupt passive-aggressive email in response. :49.880 --> :53.600 "Send encounters each in individual emails. :53.600 --> :55.510 Thanks, AngryRecordsPerson. :55.510 --> :57.190 " I tried to reach out for clarification. :57.190 --> :01.450 Do they want an entire list of one appointment type in an individual email? :01.450 --> :03.600 How the heck do you want it done? :03.600 --> :04.600 Just tell me. :04.600 --> :09.690 There was no answer from my question, so I just continued to send it how I was taught. :09.690 --> :13.500 Another week goes by, and I get another passive-aggressive email. :13.500 --> :18.790 "Per my last email, send encounters each in individual emails." :18.790 --> :24.690 No please, thank you, or response to my questions at all. :24.690 --> :26.610 So I maliciously complied. :26.610 --> :32.800 It took about 2 extra hours of my time, but I did as she asked and painstakingly sent :32.800 --> :35.870 each encounter in a separate email. :35.870 --> :38.190 One single encounter per email. :38.190 --> :45.100 That equaled about 60 emails back to back to back instead of one nicely laid out email :45.100 --> :46.200 sorted by type. :46.200 --> :49.120 2 days of this and I quickly got "Please stop. :49.120 --> :51.300 You are cluttering my email. :51.300 --> :54.459 You may send me one email with the encounter types attached. :54.459 --> :56.399 Thanks, AngryRecordsPerson. :56.399 --> :57.399 " :57.399 --> :58.540 Yeah, I thought so. :58.540 --> :03.279 I continued to send the emails how I was trained, and I haven't had a problem since. :03.279 --> :04.450 A little story from when I worked in the lovely world of retail. :04.450 --> :06.442 Back when I worked in a supermarket (I’m from the UK), I once had a customer who told :06.442 --> :07.442 me to stop scanning their shopping so quickly and I would like to add that I was doing so :07.442 --> :08.442 at a, pretty swift but, normal pace as there was a queue piling up. :08.442 --> :09.442 According to her I was “throwing” her items but of course because the customer is :09.442 --> :10.442 ALWAYS right I listened and gave her the most sincere apology I’ve ever given anyone. :10.442 --> :11.442 Instead of scanning the barcode, I typed each one into the system manually. :11.442 --> :12.442 Safe to say I could see the panic in her face as the queue got longer but oh the sweet satisfaction :12.442 --> :13.442 I got from her not being able to tell me to now speed up the scanning. :13.442 --> :14.442 Edit: I’ve seen a lot of people calling me a dick and assuming that I was actually :14.442 --> :15.442 throwing the items and simply scanning the items too fast. :15.442 --> :16.442 Please don’t assume when you were not in my situation and I KNEW that I was not scanning :16.442 --> :17.442 the items too fast or throwing the items down. :17.442 --> :18.442 I was always considerate when working behind a till and was never this employee as I knew :18.442 --> :19.442 it annoyed me when I was in the position of a customer too. :19.442 --> :20.442 This person was in fact just a nasty person from the very start of her arriving to me :20.442 --> :21.442 and, becoming used to encountering this type of individual, it was clear she was just a :21.442 --> :22.442 regular Karen who was looking for another employee to use as a punching bag and I decided :22.442 --> :23.442 that I didn’t feel like tolerating it that day. :23.442 --> :24.442 Cheers. :24.442 --> :25.442 I’ve been working as an underwriter for several years. :25.442 --> :26.442 I evaluate loans that are submitted through the queue. :26.442 --> :29.440 I also forward some loan applications (apps) to senior underwriters should applicants apply :29.440 --> :30.520 for a higher amount. :30.520 --> :36.589 Part of our expectations as underwriters is to decide on at least 3 apps each hour. :36.589 --> :41.149 If we do not meet this request then we are put on warnings and are subject to being fired. :41.149 --> :43.839 I work alone with another underwriter on Sundays. :43.839 --> :49.890 He let me know that he was very low on his decisions per hour and in the spirit of cooperation :49.890 --> :55.490 - and because my numbers are always well above that due to experience - I ask him how many :55.490 --> :00.540 apps he’d like to work out of the main queue and it is first come first served for apps. :00.540 --> :04.580 At first he was appreciative of the help and would let me know how much he was going to :04.580 --> :07.380 do and I’d be sure to leave the apps for them. :07.380 --> :12.930 A month ago - he IMd me and told me to stop asking him how many apps he was going to do :12.930 --> :15.019 that day as he was feeling micromanaged. :15.019 --> :20.020 I let him know that I was just trying to help him meet his numbers and that I was only asking :20.020 --> :21.730 to make sure I didn’t get in the way. :21.730 --> :26.050 He told me to stop communicating with him and to just work the queue. :26.050 --> :30.839 (I made sure to document the conversation should there be any backlash for the upcoming :30.839 --> :32.530 malicious compliance.) :32.530 --> :37.430 From that day on - I just used my experience to my advantage and claimed as many apps as :37.430 --> :38.430 I could. :38.430 --> :41.440 On a normal Sunday there is around 150 apps. :41.440 --> :47.070 Under our arrangement before - I did half of them and left the other 75ish for him. :47.070 --> :52.190 The queues and how intense the applications can vary which is why I’d always communicate :52.190 --> :53.300 with him. :53.300 --> :57.920 After that - I did as many apps as I felt I could while still being accurate as that :57.920 --> :59.269 is another thing we are judged on. :59.269 --> :04.940 For the last 3 Sundays the amount of apps the other underwriter did has gone down to :04.940 --> :10.940 around 20 apps each Sunday due to how fast and accurately I was able to get through the :10.940 --> :12.290 rest of the queue. :12.290 --> :16.779 I also stopped answering his questions in the chats and said that I was too busy working :16.779 --> :18.070 to answer his questions. :18.070 --> :23.649 He is now on a verbal warning - and he is too prideful to tell me he was wrong or apologize :23.649 --> :25.680 - so I’m keeping course. :25.680 --> :30.399 I was able to change shifts and no longer work Sundays due to how good my numbers look :30.399 --> :33.490 so I will no longer have to work with him alone on Sunday. :33.490 --> :37.310 I still refuse to answer his questions the other days of the week we work. :37.310 --> :41.660 I have not been approached by my management for my malicious compliance and have only :41.660 --> :10.180 been praised on my work thus far.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceREVENGEONMYEVILCOWORKERRedditStories
I am so sick and tired of the United States this is merely my opinion and my experience this may not be everyone's don't flame me if you don't agree I 23f was born and raised here my entire life my ancestors even go back to the Mayflower and fought in the Revolutionary War I always held that fact like a badge but I have genuinely grown more and more sick of this place and I think it's a shame what this country has become everything here is expensive and jobs are taking advantage of people's desperation for income and are not paying the work culture is toxic and draining every job I go to everyone hates it and is miserable the 9 to-5 red race is modern-day slavery and no one can convince me otherwise the culture in general here is toxic and ghetto dating culture sucks hookup culture is prominent and there is little Traditional Values the leaders suck I'm not saying they're Angels everywhere else but I can only say how the American leaders suck they literally overturned Ro v Wade which honestly really turned off a lot of my American Pride I honestly do not think this Society can last for long
give me a good story on IamsoSICKandtiredoftheUnitedStatesorig
:09.600 --> :14.820 I work in a call centre that primarily deals  with the public with issues or queries they have   :14.820 --> :20.280 and whilst we can deal with a lot ourselves,  there are a lot of things we must either log   :20.280 --> :26.280 for another department to look into or transfer  them across to that department. For example, if   :26.280 --> :30.780 someone calls about a broken streetlamp, they get  transferred across to the street lighting team,   :30.780 --> :36.120 but if someone calls about a pothole, we have  to log it for the highway team to fix it– some   :36.120 --> :41.160 departments don’t have an internal number for the  caller to get transferred across to/a number we   :41.160 --> :46.140 can call to speak to that department, and one of  those departments is the enforcement department. :46.140 --> :51.360 Of all the systems and departments we use  and liaise with, the trickiest one we deal   :51.360 --> :57.180 with is the enforcement system. Basically,  ranging from food safety to the environment,   :57.180 --> :02.940 there were multiple teams that enforced things,  and all these issues had to be logged on this   :02.940 --> :07.320 system. For example, if someone called to  report their neighbour for being too loud,   :07.320 --> :12.240 that had to get logged on the system for  the noise enforcement team to investigate,   :12.240 --> :17.460 but we had to arrange for letters to be sent out  about it. If someone reported an abandoned car,   :17.460 --> :22.500 we logged it, and the environment enforcement team  went out to investigate. If someone said they got   :22.500 --> :28.140 food poisoning from a restaurant, we logged it and  the food safety team investigated it and so on.   :28.140 --> :33.900 The reason why it was so tricky was because if you  missed a step, it didn’t get logged properly/it   :34.800 --> :39.300 didn’t go to the correct team, which meant that  someone would complain to your manager about it,   :39.300 --> :44.280 and crucially, this was a legal system, which  meant that if the issue escalated to court,   :44.280 --> :50.280 whatever you wrote in your notes could be used in  the court proceedings. This wasn’t a 2nd nature,   :50.280 --> :55.800 eyes closed kind of system – you needed to  be concentrating because something you log   :55.800 --> :01.080 can bite you in the butt a month later, for  example when someone calls to say that they   :01.080 --> :04.980 haven’t received a letter and it turns  out you didn’t send it in the first place :04.980 --> :10.020 The way it worked was that a case was logged,  which meant that it was open, and it got assigned   :10.020 --> :15.060 to an officer like pulling a name out of a hat and  throughout the time that it was open, if someone   :15.060 --> :20.580 called back to give you more information about the  case, you could update it, and that update went   :20.580 --> :26.280 directly to the investigating officer, and then  when the investigation had finished, the case was   :26.280 --> :31.860 closed by that officer. Basically, once a case was  assigned to an officer, they had to see it through   :31.860 --> :38.280 from start to finish, whether it was deciding if  a noise complaint was justified or going through   :38.280 --> :44.280 black bags that were reported as flytipping to  see if they could find anything that tied someone   :44.280 --> :50.160 to that rubbish and so on. It wasn’t as simple  as that though, because there were cases that   :50.160 --> :56.100 had been open for years, with multiple updates,  there were multiple cases that had been opened and   :56.100 --> :01.560 closed between the same properties for the same  reasons, or someone had called about something   :01.560 --> :08.100 and you weren’t 100% sure if it should be logged  or not etc. I’m not sure how my colleagues dealt   :08.100 --> :13.200 with those situations, but whenever I got a  call like that, I just emailed the investigating   :13.200 --> :20.100 officer just to explain the situation and ask  for advice, and CC’d in their colleagues just in   :20.100 --> :25.500 case the investigating officer was off, or I just  emailed the team to ask if they wanted me to log   :25.500 --> :31.860 it as a new case or not, since if it was ongoing  situation, with multiple cases for the same thing,   :31.860 --> :37.500 many officers may have dealt with it, and they  may not have wanted me to log it as new case. :37.500 --> :41.520 I didn’t see an issue with it, because  they either emailed me back with an answer,   :41.520 --> :47.520 or they didn’t reply but logged it themselves  after they’d looked into it, but one day I got a   :47.520 --> :54.000 thorny email from a thornier senior environmental  officer, basically telling me off and telling   :54.000 --> :59.760 me not to send them emails anymore because the  system was there to be used. I emailed him back,   :59.760 --> :04.980 explaining that it wasn’t that simple because  there were tricky cases that I needed help with,   :04.980 --> :09.300 and I didn’t want to update an old  case or log a case if I didn’t need to,   :09.300 --> :15.960 to not unnecessarily add to the caseloads of  the officers and he replied back reiterating   :15.960 --> :21.240 that I shouldn’t send any more emails, and  finished it off by telling me to either   :21.240 --> :27.900 update the case whether it was open or closed,  or open a new case – cue malicious compliance. :27.900 --> :33.600 From that day forward, I did not send another  email. If I got a call about an issue,   :33.600 --> :41.460 and the last time the issue was raised in 2017, I  updated the 2017 case. If I was on the fence about   :41.460 --> :47.400 logging something as a new case or not, I just  logged it anyway. If I checked the last case,   :47.400 --> :52.680 and the investigating officer had left, I  updated it anyway. I was unaware of this,   :52.680 --> :57.840 but when I told people that the investigating  officer would call them back, like they typically   :57.840 --> :03.000 did after we asked them to in our updates, they  would call us a couple of weeks later to ask why   :03.000 --> :07.860 they hadn’t received a call, and my colleagues  would have to raise a new case for them because   :07.860 --> :14.280 the one I updated was closed. The officers also  suddenly had an influx of new cases, because every   :14.280 --> :20.640 time I updated a closed case, it ‘reopened’, which  added to their case load. The system they used   :20.640 --> :26.940 worked on dates and caseloads, for example, if I  asked them to call someone or inspect a property   :26.940 --> :32.940 in my update, the system generated a time frame  for them to complete that action by, but if they   :32.940 --> :39.060 were too busy do something I’d asked them to do,  it went red, which counted against them. Also, for   :39.060 --> :46.080 example, if they had 4 open cases, and then they  closed 3 and they’d gone down to 1, they’d go back   :46.080 --> :52.680 up to 4 again if I updated 3 of their old cases,  so based on the system, they were not doing their   :52.680 --> :58.980 jobs properly because they constantly had open  cases. This put their stats through the floor. :58.980 --> :05.760 This went on for ages, and one day I was hauled  into an office by my manager, and waiting for me   :05.760 --> :14.160 was his manager, the senior enforcement officer,  his manager, a HR advisor for me and HR. They   :14.160 --> :20.160 told me that I was doing call avoidance (gross  misconduct), purposefully misadvising callers   :20.160 --> :25.440 and not triaging calls correctly. From what they  were saying and the paperwork they had with them,   :25.440 --> :31.620 I knew it was a ‘you’re fired’ meeting. HR  asked me if there was anything I wanted to say,   :31.620 --> :37.800 so I looked at the enforcement manager, pointed  at the senior enforcement officer and said, “he   :37.800 --> :42.780 told me to do it.” The enforcement manager looked  at me, looked at the senior enforcement manager,   :42.780 --> :48.660 looked at me again and then asked me to clarify  what I meant. I explained it all from start to   :48.660 --> :54.840 finish, making it clear that when I was sending  emails, I always asked for advice and offered to   :54.840 --> :00.300 log a case for the enforcement team if they  wanted me to, and that before the email from   :00.300 --> :06.300 the senior enforcement officer, my emails either  were not replied to, but someone logged it for me,   :06.300 --> :11.640 or someone replied to me to tell me to  log a new case or to not log a new case :11.640 --> :17.820 The enforcement manager sighed and then asked me  if I could send him that email, so I quickly left,   :17.820 --> :24.180 went back to my desk, sent the email thread to him  and came back into the office. He read the email,   :24.180 --> :30.000 sighed deeper than he did before and then asked  us all to leave but asked the senior enforcement   :30.000 --> :36.180 officer to stay, and I left with a massive crap  eating grin on my face because I knew that I   :36.180 --> :42.300 would keep my job. The fallout was pretty big,  because the IT team had to go in and manually   :42.300 --> :48.180 close all the ‘open’ cases so that the stats for  the enforcement officers would go back to normal,   :48.180 --> :53.340 the payroll department had to backdate all  the months that the stats were messed up so   :53.340 --> :57.360 that the performance bonus matched what would  have happened had I not put their stats down   :57.360 --> :02.760 (I didn’t know they had performance bonuses  until afterwards) and the senior enforcement   :02.760 --> :08.520 officer got demoted to an enforcement  officer, based on their new email signature :08.520 --> :13.920 A couple of weeks later, when the enforcement  manager was less busy, he emailed me to basically   :13.920 --> :18.900 say that he gives me permission to go back  to emailing the enforcement team about cases,   :18.900 --> :24.000 but I should use my own judgement – if I  think I could justifiably get away with   :24.000 --> :28.680 not logging something on the system, as in  I could explain to my manager why I didn’t   :28.680 --> :33.480 think it should have been logged, then I  shouldn’t log it, and that logic would cut   :33.480 --> :38.340 down the amount of emails I had to send to  the enforcement teams - No one got fired,   :38.340 --> :43.800 but someone got demoted and a lot of work  happened in the background to fix what I   :43.800 --> :22.980 did A few months ago I posted a few stories  about experiences at a retirement home. That   :22.980 --> :28.980 got me remembering other good, bad, & amusing  times from that job. Including this story. :28.980 --> :33.780 I hadn't been with the company a year  even, and I was given a promotion to   :33.780 --> :39.240 food handler/receiver. Company was so new  at this time, that construction was still   :39.240 --> :45.420 ongoing & we were far from the amount of busy we  would be in later years. Due to that, and that I   :45.420 --> :52.020 was not yet trained to PLACE orders in addition to  receiving them, I had the occasional weekday off. :52.020 --> :57.660 On one of these days, I woke up and realized  there was literally nothing that needed done   :57.660 --> :04.980 around the house. No laundry, no dishes, no yard  stuff, not even any away from home errands. So   :04.980 --> :10.320 I decided to crack a few drinks in the a.m. &  watch some movies. (Early 20s, what can I say?). :10.320 --> :15.480 Turned out one of the food items I had put way  earlier that week wasn't for the residents of   :15.480 --> :21.780 the home, but for a big Executive Dining/Meeting.  The head chef (different from one in other story,   :21.780 --> :25.920 but still a ding-dong in his own  right) couldn't find the item. So   :25.920 --> :30.420 he called me at home to ask about  it. Annoying, but not a big deal. :30.420 --> :36.720 I'm not the best at describing where a thing is  if I'm not physically there, but i was trying to   :36.720 --> :42.660 remember. To this day, don't remember what the  fancy food item was, only that it needed to be   :42.660 --> :48.300 refrigerated. So while trying to describe to  chef exactly where the item was int he walk-in   :48.300 --> :54.060 refrigerator, I must've been slurring a bit.  Because he asked me if I had been drinking. I told   :54.060 --> :00.780 him yes. He then proceeded to give this pompous  lecture on how dare I, it was too early, am I an   :00.780 --> :09.480 alcoholic, etc. To which my response was "I'm over  21, it's my day off, freak you", & then I hung up. :09.480 --> :15.360 I knew right away that wasn't really professional,  and sure enough my next shift there was a summons   :15.360 --> :21.180 for me to go to Human Resources. I told them that  I agreed me cussing out chef was unprofessional.   :21.180 --> :27.000 Then I heard the narrative chef was giving  was that he called me to ask about item,   :27.000 --> :32.940 at which point I cussed him & hung up. I put  my phone on HR desk and told them to feel free   :32.940 --> :39.180 and check the length of the call, since it had  lasted nearly 5 minutes. WAY longer than a call,   :39.180 --> :45.540 cuss, & hangup. I also told them that I only  cussed out chef when he felt it was his place to   :45.540 --> :52.020 lecture me on how i legally spent my day off. As  an additional shot, I told HR worker to feel free   :52.020 --> :58.560 to check the company's OWN phone records, to see  who called who when & for how long. In the end,   :58.560 --> :04.260 I had to sit through a mini-lecture of "common  courtesy". My final responses were that if chef   :04.260 --> :08.580 was a real professional, he would've made  it his job to now where the item was as   :08.580 --> :13.920 soon as it came in. Or at least tell me "When  X shows up, let me know." And then to let them   :13.920 --> :19.740 know that to avoid this in the future, I would  not take anymore calls from work on a day off. :27.080 --> :48.060 (SIDE NOTE: a similar thing happened later with  a different chef. He called with a question   :48.060 --> :48.960 when i was hungover, but  being a cool & understanding   :48.960 --> :49.616 boss he just had a laugh and told me to sleep  it off, he'd find what he was looking for on   :49.616 --> :49.825 his own. Now that was a boss that would call  out people for bad work, but also was cool &   :49.825 --> :51.000 flexible. Real easy to work for & with) I suddenly  realised I actually have a story I can post here! :51.000 --> :56.040 Many moons ago I worked for someone selling  books online. He bought high end computers,   :56.040 --> :02.220 but was notoriously cheap in other areas. For  instance all the fire extinguishers were out of   :02.220 --> :06.900 date and we had two portable heaters for  the whole building (no central heating). :06.900 --> :12.660 One day he stopped replacing the lightbulbs.  This included the "book room", which has one   :12.660 --> :18.420 small blacked out window. One by one the lights  went until I literally couldn't see any more. :18.420 --> :22.560 His solution was to buy me a wind up torch. :22.560 --> :28.020 Well this torch was loud and annoying when  wound up. Every time he came into work and   :28.020 --> :33.060 I needed to go into that room I would spend  a few minutes winding up that torch. He tried   :33.060 --> :37.680 to ask me to stop, but I'd point out that  all he had to do was buy some lightbulbs. :37.680 --> :44.040 Eventually he gave in, but not before I annoyed  the heck out of him every time he set foot in   :44.040 --> :50.400 the office, because I'd always find myself  a task that meant I needed to go in there.   :10.080 --> :15.000 Used to be a truck driver, and had a ladder on  the back of the cab, mounted with bunjee cords   :15.000 --> :20.040 for easy removal. For when i needed it. Had  some days off, someone else drove the truck   :20.040 --> :26.640 and damaged the ladder. I go in to the office  asking for a new ladder. Why? Well its damaged,   :26.640 --> :33.300 its bend, and doesnt seem safe. Sorry, you dont  get a new one. When would i get a new one? If you   :33.300 --> :37.860 dont have one. I dont care if you throw it in a  ditch, but as long as you have one, you dont get   :37.860 --> :44.340 another one. Next day i go ask for a ladder.  You were just in here yesterday i told you.. :44.340 --> :47.220 You told me, that if i didnt have one,   :47.220 --> :53.220 i would get a new one. What.. where is  it? In a ditch. Remember you said:.... :53.880 --> :00.300 Got myself a new ladder, and never had  problems again, if i needed some kind of tool.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMALICIOUSCOMPLAINCEWITHALADDERRedditStoriesen
CPS workers what was the worst case you've seen I'm not a CPS worker but I work criminal investigations for the Army for number of years and work very closely with CPS on a child cruelty or neglect cases one particular case sticks with me 5 years later we received a call around 1700 which is usually a good indicator that we're going to be responding to a legit call the bad ones always seem to come in right before we head home for the evening the call came in from CPS they had received a call from a solders unit the soldier her husband was in the field for training exercises and got a very vague emergency call from his wife that she was having some medical problems husband asked his unit to send somebody to go check on his wife to make sure she was okay too easy unit sends guy over who finds the wife in the kitchen covered in red from the waist down he also notices a red trail from the back room into the kitchen or foyer area there's a red stained spatula on the counter what's more is that there is animal droppings in trash covering the entirety of the house save for walking paths there two small children crying from somewhere in the back of the house the student immediately makes two calls one back to his command and one to CPS command notifies husband who's immediately sent home command also calls us we received this call after the one from CPS CPS reports the same story they also informed us that the CPS worker who responded to the house said to call for help because they got sick from the smell of the house before they even got inside we respond we observe exactly what was initially reported the site is unimaginable if you've never seen something like it the smell was insane we wore Tac suits to move around the house when we finally get the wife cleaned up she tells us that while using the bathroom she had a very early term Miss Carriage she states that she had no idea what to do her intent was to keep them until her husband came home and then decide what to do craziness of this aside CPS and law enforcement have now seen the conditions of this house after hospital visits and making sure everyone is physically and mentally healthy we hear back to the house with CBS to see what we're actually looking at two-story townhouse the entire house was covered in trash food food dishes clothing Etc and animal droppings the dining table was covered with dirty dishes and old food the food in the fridge was far out there was no sitting room on the couch in the living room the master bedroom had a queen bed no sheets the mattress had a dark brown stain covering over half the mattress was not positive for blood never figured out what the hell it was the kids only had mattresses in the floor no other Furniture in the rooms clothing trash and waste all over the floor the bathrooms I've seen truck stop restrooms that were cleaner the list of disgusting things in this house goes on CPS gave them three weeks to fix this atrocity or the kids would be removed that time both husband and wife get into more legal trouble not to detract from the story but their charges included substances and rough trade CPS finally was able to get the kids out of that home never learned If the parents regained custody but I pray they didn't it was the absolute worst imaginable house I've ever seen the smell stuck to your clothes housing said the only way the house would be safe to live in again would be if it were completely torn down not to mention the insanely crazy parents I am so curious as to how it got to that point they probably aren't mentally stable at all story two the one that hit me the hardest was before I actually started going out on my own and was shadowing the after hours team we got a call from a different state worker about a family had moved to our state and we needed to follow up the family had six kids and one of the girls in the family was a registered offender it was heartbreaking it was a blended family and the mom who was the biop parent of the girl believed that the girl had been exposed to bad things by her biod dad anyway one night one of them said girl's name touched me the parents shocked talked to each kid individually where they all disclosed that she had touched them not knowing how to handle it they called CPS in their state for help CPS came out called the cops and for reasons that weren't clear to me the child was placed in the registry by a judge in my experience usually they try impatient and other therapies before going that route but apparently that state and judge did things differently so when the family moved to our state we had to go out to make sure the family was following adequate guidelines for example the girl was not allowed to be alone with her siblings she couldn't swim in the pool at the same time as her siblings she couldn't go to school or the park or birthday parties because she was an offender her siblings couldn't have friends over she was such a sweet kid early was such a sad situation she told her she wanted to be a fashion designer and her favorite thing to do was play Xbox with her siblings all the kids were in therapy and they appeared to Harbor no ill will toward her I think about this case a lot and I always wonder what happened to their family Story three without getting into too much detail I was incredibly disappointed in how the military handled the situation I and other neighbors reported multiple times I'm not military but was a living Nanny on a base for a family there was a woman down the street from us who I befriended she had two kids one wasn't his I always got a weird vibe from her husband he would come to the bus stop and not talk to her son he would completely ignore him and see the other two kids and say hi this poor kid looked miserable all the time a couple months later she told me he roughs her son up all the time he won't let her buy him new clothes shoes and he can't sit with him at the table he's about 11 at this point so that was reported MPS come CPS comes she tells them it's not all true investigate and don't do anything to make a report she then tells me a few days later that he has been forcing her to try to get her pregnant again and she doesn't want another kid Etc I convince her to report him but she doesn't I ask the family I work for for advice and numbers to call within the military that will help her out give them to her and she hides them next day I saw the boy outside at the bus stop busted lip I asked him what happened and he says he fell I asked him if he was sure that's what happened and he started to cry and I said don't worry come hang out at our house I told her he can come over and her other kids can come too to play so they spent a few hours at my house with the kids I nanny I made a report to CPS that night and they came the next day he told the MPS what had happened and CPS made him sign a paper saying he will never put his hands in that kid again obviously it didn't work it just won't let that kid do anything now so now he has taken control of all her money he met her while he was overseas in Africa and married her and brought her to the states so when her visa was expiring he got the mail and shredded all the letters about it so she couldn't find them and he could save the day and berate her about it then he would take the key so she wouldn't have a car all day and couldn't leave one day I looked out the window and the MPS were taking him out in handcuffs and she's hysterically crying but telling him he deserves it still not sure what happened but they moved him into the barracks for a bit and she filed for a divorce apparently he refused the divorce in the military Corp took his side and said he would be allowed back into the house if need be as his money and job pays for the house fast forward about a week and they're taking him out in handcuffs again go to court again she asks for a divorce and they said they we'll do a legal separation she can stay in military housing but he has to live in the barracks and if he needs to come to the house he needs to contact MPS to take him there he's allowed to have the kids whenever he wants including her oldest sons who when they got married he adopted he took the other two all the time but never the oldest after he was banned from the house with without supervision she found out she was pregnant and now has a third kid from him I hope she gets those kids help because they were extremely aggressive children all the time not the 11-year-old though which is understandable seeing as what they witnessed often I wish there was more that could be done unfortunately what it looked like to me was that they were doing anything they could to protect him nobody else mattered but I can also say as much as she called the police on him she also I'm sure gave in a lot to talk to him and whatnot there were a couple times the police arrived and she wouldn't tell them anything which is fairly common in that type of situation the young son spoke up a bunch of times and nothing story four not a CPS worker but my mom was a foster parent and ran a daycare out of the home so we've known the specifics and assisted in a number of cases one Foster case was a child that was placed with us for about a week he was a tiny little baby and despite being in high school I worked up to feed him the mother was young who was abandoned by her parents for sad pregnancy and simply didn't know how to care for a baby CPS was really understanding and gave her classes and then when she learned how often a baby actually needed to be fed she got her child back she reached out to us and thanked us for everything and we got regular updates child is too now very happy and loved another case where we called CPS a mother brought her four kids to our daycare her oldest son and three daughters oldest son was seven and did most of the care for his younger siblings ranging from 2 to 5 in age mother was pregnant again she was obviously below the poverty line baby was born her kids got progressively more and more dirty to the point my mom reached out in the Facebook group for clothing donations for the kids they'd get dropped off she would bathe them all and dress them again she made excuses for the mother which she says now is her biggest regret she just kept saying this is her fifth child and she's a single mom and a new baby it's hard then we had to care for the baby sickly after 3 days with him my mom called CPS we were never told what happened with them but I remember looking out our front window and seeing them in the workers's car all crying it's hard but you know it's better for them in the end they were probably crying because they knew they were losing the only person who really cared for them this person's Mom oh and since you're already halfway through the video don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel story5 not CPS but it worked in partnership with them in all of these cases CPS workers were on my side and their leadership was against them they had far far too many cases to be safe I witnessed someone roughing up a kid I was incredibly violent while I was watching and moving towards them I dialed 911 and stepped between them I was later reprimanded for putting myself a risk if the parent was willing to do that in front of me what were they doing when no one could see the state did not move them into foster care because they were too old and the oldest kid could watch out for the younger I had one threaten self har and refused a safety contract we called Crisis Intervention they did not come out because if she didn't have a safety contract there wasn't a bed within 8 hours or so that could take her if they came out they were responsible for her I stayed with a client for I think about 14 hours I had a bio father return to the home after present time from a streeting his daughter they had the girls SW extensive safety procedures instead of telling the parents he couldn't return the state did not want to initiate a removal because she was old enough to learn to protect herself I had a client who was following the pattern of aggressive behavior and kept being returned from the facility where he was being treated right back to the family where he was being mistreated it was absurd as a side topic if you're struggling with substance dependency and think you're still a good parent you aren't that's your dependency fooling you get your kids into therapy and let them live elsewhere until you get yourself clean story six I didn't work in CPS but it did work closely with CPS I worked for a nonprofit emergency shelter for children who had been abandoned neglected or mistreated mind you I worked at the shelter 10 plus years ago so the details are a bit fuzzy got a call one night work graveyard by two male sibling groups coming in they had been found and picked up at motel Drive the oldest son is 11 and the other is nine I started reading their case File and there's a long cruelty or neglect history after being with us a few days the 11-year-old is showing increased signs of PTSD hyper vigilance paranoid aggressive he ends up pulling a knife on another one of the kids in the shelter because they came up from behind and grabbed him apparently the mom who was a substance user was using him to John so she could get money or substances he would stay awake all night in the motel While She Was Out of in hard substances to make sure none of the Johns came back to hurt her or his younger brother by the time the kid turned another year older he had been expelled from three different schools and was banned from that particular School District eventually mom lost custody the last I heard is they were placed and Foster Care imagine being so little and fearing for your life and your moms and your brothers that's too much for a child story 7 first case I went on during training showed up at a house in a trashy town and instantly we were verbally attacked by obese belligerent lady this was Mom and she was being accused of neglecting her children by not caring for their hygienic needs and not having any food we tell her we need to chat with the kids alone but she refuses and stands by as we start talking she keeps interrupting and yelling whenever we ask anything I train calls the cops because she can tell the situation is escalating quickly and we need to talk to the kids Cops show up Mom sort of calms down and we get to chat with the kids teenage boys pissed and refused to tell us anything useful two younger sisters 8 to 11-ish didn't say much but they didn't need to say anything two little girls have knits in their hair their hair was matted in basically one big dreadlock these were white people so matting the hair like that is hard when it's clear that the tide is turning against the mom she yells at the kids to run away and they follow orders we spend the next hour trying to find the kids and then trying to get them away from the mom who has huddled them into a neighbor's yard in a corner we got the kids back to a foster care agency office no family was available to take the kids this was when my heart broke the workers set the girls on a chair over a large plastic sheet and start removing the nits with a knit brush or hairbrush I watched as they start to cry because of it hurting the workers were as gentle as possible but they had to have been enduring that for months if not longer this is when I totally broke down and left the room and had to collect myself mind you this is around p.m. it turned out the mom had significant mental health needs she wasn't caring for and had been ignored by family for years so no one knew what was going on school officials claimed they didn't notice anything but suspected the kids weren't coming and the school liked it that way Story 8 it was one of the first cases I investigated but it involved a child's passing there was actually another worker assigned to take the priority One cases that day but she was stuck out in the boonies working another emergency when we got the call a 2-year-old child had been brought to the emergency room by her mother the child was cold cold and blue and she had a living sister aged 3 years old I had just been cleared to take p1s and my unit supervisor sent me to start working the case she also called the region to send us a special investigator a CPS investigator with police or military experience they have special privileges in their work by the time we got the report police were already questioning the mother it was my first time witnessing a police interrogation the mother refused to speak English during the interview and she had her friend translated for us for some reason there wasn't a Spanish to English translator brought for the interrogation anyway the mom claimed the child had been jumping on the bed with her sister when she fell off the bed and hit her head on the floor she was sick later in the evening and when the mom checked in on her the next day the child passed away super sketchy as preliminary reports showed no head injuries we went to the house to investigate the scene of the police and the mom and everything had been stripped bare all the furniture and family possessions gone it smelled strongly of bleach it the first time I had a Clos look at the mom and she had bruises and her eye was swollen she claimed she slipped anyway in the following days we learned the truth a year prior CPS investigated the family when it came out that mom's boyfriend was being physically cruel to the children the department required the mom to enter a relationship with a boyfriend which he did and provided therapeutic services for the family but a few months after CPS left the boyfriend came back to the home the night of the incident the kid mastered her pan told the boyfriend was watching a sports game he got angry and hurt her the mom was correct in that the child had been sick the night before her passing this child spent her last hours on Earth suffering the mom had waited so long to take the little girl to the hospital because she wanted to give the boyfriend lead time to escape he ended up going to Mexico where he was later found brought back and charged for his crime both he and the mom are now in prison the little girl's big sister was reunited with their biological father who had been spending the past few years trying to find the girls he was inconsolable with the news it was by far the worst case I've ever worked these types of cases always are as an employee with CPS your job is to protect children and when you work a case with a child who passed you feel so useless so helpless prison honestly those two should be for what they did story n I'm a CPS investigator so I'm the front line of all the allegations here some background just so you understand what my obligations are our state splits it up into two divisions DHS and the state police of their own division the state police get the worst allegations DHS gets the most run-of the- mail like Cuts bruises wels and any kind of neglect medical educational Environmental I work for DHS and here's the kicker the state police can't do a removal so if they feel a child is unsafe they have to call us and we reassess then make a removal based on our decision so the worst case I've worked was a case of neglect in which the 10-year-old female was in the custody of her legal father he wasn't snow even when he met me for scheduled interviews he was on it in itself that's just terrible but after every meeting he'd pick up and move so that I couldn't relocate the final meeting he has with my supervisor will I attempt to locate the the juvenile in order to take custody he gets the gist of what's going on and has a friend pick the girl up from school and tells us he's having her sent to her aunts home but you never shows then he drops off too and he starts texting my work sell saying stuff like I'll end everyone before I let you take her and remember he's on hard substances finally finally after three full days I find her hiding under one of his friend's beds he's arrested for fleeing come to find out this man is out in bond for taking a knife to the man who he thought called in the report so I take cust of the child and have a hair follicle done she tested significantly positive for snow as if she ingested it herself what the hell the only good thing is that she went to her aunt's home who had a clean background and was safe girl just thought she was on an adventure with her dad and the worst part is you get used to all that well if you like these stories here's more YouTube thinks you're going to love this catch you in that video
give me a good story on CPSWorkersWhatsTheWORSTCaseYouveSeenorig