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a ITA for breaking up with BF because of how he dresses I 23f nearly broke up with my boyfriend 24 a few days ago after my birthday dinner I know everybody has their own style and can dress how they want but this did the last straw for me I'm aware there's certain trends of couples going out and the woman being dressed up and the man being in a tracksuit we've had some situations like that and it really annoyed me sometimes we'd go out and he'll be wearing his favorite pair of jeans which are the most disgusting thing on earth ripped blue denim but not proper denim you know what denim I'm talking about he'll wear it with the top of any color the jeans get tight to the bottom and it looks horrible and when he zips up his big coat well he looks like a minion he has those jeans in a few colors and whenever he tells me to dress up I'm aware he will be wearing a pair of those I can't stand it anymore I've told him I've tried to take him shopping I've tried to expand his style in my opinion look amazing in straight cut trousers more simple patterns Etc his clothes don't compliment him at all I was so happy when one pair of his jeans ripped a few days ago it was my birthday dinner and he said he's taking me to a fancy restaurant and look nice I put on a nice dress and high heels he came to pick me up and he was wearing the jeans with a bright green football top I wanted to collapse we got to the restaurant and everyone was wearing shirts and nice trousers and nice coats Etc he was there in a football shirt I felt so embarrassed and he told me to dress up I understand I sound like an absolute but I think there's certain places and times to wear certain clothes I could have turned up in a sweatshirt too anyway I ate as fast as possible thanked him for dinner and we went home he asked if I want to do something after I simply said no I'm at the point I feel embarrassed I feel horrible that I do but I can't help it I'm sure I have clothes that he doesn't
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a ITA for excluding my stepchildren from receiving inheritance throwaway account for privacy I don't think that anyone I know is on Reddit but still I don't want this post on my main I'm 38f married to 45m we have three kids in between us we were both married before except that I was a widow and he was divorced I was 21 when I married my first husband and around 22 when I had my daughter my first husband died in a car accident that we both sustained and I was left with extended recovery and back surgeries that took place over the course of 4 years after the accident our daughter was few months old when she lost her father and for my husband he was divorced when the kids were young my husband is an art professor and a sculptor I met him when he was an expat in my country contracted for a big art project he had been in the country with his kids for a year when I met him I will have to skip a lot of details about our life together to avoid making this post too long to read anyway we got married 9 years ago we have always been a happy family we have always treated you all the kids equally up until now for some background regarding my own family I have two older siblings and I'm very close to the oldest the oldest has been always more of a father figure to me than an older sibling when our father passed away he divided inheritance in form of company shares that he took the responsibility to run properties and
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a it ta for not enabling my adult daughter and telling her that I am not paying any more of her tuition unless she can give me the time of day and show me some respect I want to start off by saying that I have done everything for my children I was there at the hospital for their births signed the birth certificates I changed diapers and always provided them with food and designer clothes but my ex is extremely manipulative and has tried to turn my children against me since day one she manipulated my older daughter who refuse to talk things out with me I will still forgive her once she finally decides to snap out of my ex's manipulations and come back to me me and my younger daughter Sarah had a great relationship until she suddenly flipped the switch in her senior year and also was poisoned against me when Sarah was applying for college I really didn't want her to go far because she is book smarts but lacks common sense and I didn't want her to fall for scams I even offered to buy her a car if she lived with me and commuted to a local school but Sarah just said that the local programs didn't have what she wanted I found it insulting because I went to a local college and despite what my ex thinks I am Highly Educated without some PhD Sarah did not listen to my input at all her and my my ex barely involved me in her college application process my ex was extremely unhelpful I would just ask basic questions like tuition since I was going to spend considerable funds and she would either send website links it would have only taken a few seconds for her to just answer the question so I can stay in the loop about what's going on but this was just part of my ex's way of turning Sarah against me Sarah enrolled at an out of-state college and I didn't even find out until May because my ex didn't bother telling me I didn't even get to see Sarah off at the airport since she didn't tell me she'd left until after she was already gone I constantly text Sarah asking how things are going I sent her funny posts on Facebook and asked her to call me I even offered to split the cost of plane fair so Sarah could visit over the holiday she only responds on email and it's always her saying she's too busy I am frustrated and tired of that she is taking a lot of classes right now but I'm her father and it would only take a second of her day to just text me back or talk to me on the phone for 5 minutes I have supported and been providing for Sarah since day one I am done being disrespected when I have bent over backwards for 18 years to give her everything and have sent $7,000 just this year for her schooling I could be doing a million other things with that money maybe I am at fault for enabling it for so long but not anymore I sent an email telling her that I am done with being disrespected and if she can't even give me the time of day then my ex can find someone else to split the cost of her schooling with I sent the email over two hours ago and there's been no response I know my wording might seem harsh but I am just so done with being disrespected AIT
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today we've got a crazy entitled parent story of a mom who thinks their kid owes them time we'll get into that in a bit but first entitled mother snatches my phone out of my hand because I wouldn't let her son play games on it I didn't know they made those in Canada too for context I'm a Young University student I have two phones one of which is an old Huawei model that I use for school and work it's quite slow but has all my authenticator apps for school years of notes the email I use for work and my work number on it it runs okayish well but is horrible in terms of processing speed and storage yet I'm a lazy crap and keep putting off transferring all the data to make my future self's life easier my second phone on the other hand is a newer iPhone 14 pro Max model and it has all my games friend contacts social media Etc on them this occurred back when classes were still in session but reading all these stories jotted my memory and now I finally have time to share it too everything is still so vividly detailed in my head that I basically can't get it out since everything was so absurd anyways onto the story onto the bus I go a normal ride for me which I take every day I take two connections one which is an express bus from the University to a sky train station and the second from the sky Train Station to the home the second bus is where I encounter this entitled parent I sit down at the back of the bus where I always sit and a woman who's on her phone and talking very loudly gets on the bus with a noisy kid who be screaming and crying and throwing a hissy fit for God knows why I sigh realize it it's going to be one of those rides and try to ignore the commotion little did I know the little one has climbed up next to my seat and staring at my screen while her mother is nearly 5 seats away still in heated conversation about God knows what out of nowhere I hear a do you have any games on your phone I spin around and there he is this little kid perhaps seven or eight is gazing deep into my soul on his knees on the seat and inches from my face I lean back because well I don't function well with people up in my face and this kid leans closer foolishly I reply yeah can I play on it I say no go away they say but I'm bored I reply I don't care go away the kid pouch and runs off I thought that was the end of it then a shadow looms over me I hear an hem then again I try to ignore it but it was like an unskippable boss fight cutscene then out of the corner of my ear young man I look up great it's the crazy lady I say yeah why did you tell my son he couldn't use your phone I say because it's my phone you kids are always glued to the screen these days you can do without it for a single bus ride at this point I am stunned so I don't respond for a few seconds then slowly reply what I do with my phone is none of your business this lady recoils in shock and anger as if I just buried a puppy alive how dare you talk to me like that show some respect she then sees my second phone my work phone and says you have two phones just give them one you can use the other one I say no lady I'm not giving some stranger kid my phone she says but you don't need two phones lady I was annoyed at this point and my tone was starting to get aggressive it doesn't matter that I have two phones they are my phones I won't be giving them to your son no means no she rolls her eyes and walks away her son screaming and clutching the leg of her pants I tune out the commotion once more stricken with disbelief and still wondering what in the world just happened open up some offline games to decompress I thought that was the end of everything how foolish I was I feel a tug on my backpack as I zone out I instinctively look for my screen and this little piece of crap is under the seat reaching into my bag trying to pull out my second phone I panic smack his hand away and Shout what the freak are you doing now I'm a normally very calm and reserved person however having served six full years in the Royal Canadian Army Cadets and currently being a drill instructor my voice was loud when I wanted it to be the kid wines and cowers freezing for a solid moment before crawling out from under the seat and runs to his mother crying I sigh to myself yep she's back before the kid even reaches her she's up and storming over how dare you speak to my son like that I said you're your son tried to steal my phone she says let him have it stop being a brat you can stay off your phone for a moment it's not that big of a deal I was seething with a rage boiling with anger without skipping a beat I spat back well if it's not such a big deal how about you let him have yours that way you can keep an eye on your little precious angel and start being a responsible parent for once your kid being bored is not my responsibility she turned red and demanded are you calling me a bad parent and I responded with if you were such a good parent your kid wouldn't be off trying to steal other people's stuff now our shouting match had drawn quite a commotion I had heard a few oo and Dangs from the back of the bus she grew visibly red and snatched my phone from my hand not my work phone the one in my hand she said give me that you brats don't deserve these I was stunned for a second that she actually did something so incompr insensibly stupid looking back I knew I should have done something better but I sprang up wrestled my phone from her grasp and knocked her down in the process crap hits the fan she starts wailing like a banshee screaming that I assaulted her her son is crying and he's punching me in the legs the bus screeches to a halt and the driver comes running up now seeing the situation me towering over the screeching mother and holding a phone he assumes that I was the perpetrator this is quite had a long bus joined together with two sections so I assumed that he hadn't heard or saw exactly what was happening only noticing the commotion in his rear mirror and seeing me knock Karen down after snatching the phone from her grasp so he says sir return that device at once and leave the premises or I will be forced to call the po before he can even finish the sentence the entire bus explodes with several other passengers speaking up at once defending my case and telling the driver what had actually happened the driver held up his hand backed up and tried to get everyone to calm down which took quite a while especially because the Karen kept screaming that she was going to have me arrested that she was going to sue me that she was going to press charges Etc once everything finally calms down I begin to speak however the Karen interjects with sir he stole my phone from me I demand to have this insert racial slur arrested the driver replies ma'am please don't use that language here he looks like he is about to say something else but I sigh and hold up my hand and in the most calm voice I can muster in the moment reply sir this phone is mine if you will allow me I will unlock it I hold up the phone it's got an anime wallpaper on it certainly not something middle-aged women with children would have I type in the password and the screen is unlocked the Karen starts screeching again he saw me type in my password that's how he knows lady a clearly annoyed man in the back speaks up in a booming voice there are cameras on the bus everything is recorded At The Mention Of cameras she turns white as a sheet then without skipping a beat she drags her crying son to the back door and begins pounding on it demanding that she be let out all while screaming obscenities and threatening that she's going to sue that she's going to fire the complaint with Transit blah blah blah that wasn't even it in the commotion despite threatening to by the Karen someone had actually called the cops right on Q so two officers roll up to the bus with flashing lights the Karen throws herself at the officers as they're let in and starts spinning some Saab story when she's cut off at once by a very annoyed police officer this was something like 8 at night and was probably nearing the end of his shift or something because he had an expression like he was absolutely done long story short the bus was halted for something like an hour and 45 minutes a second one pulled up which all the other passengers filed off into not before giving a witness's statement the camera feed was pulled and Karen was placed into the back of a cruiser after she slapped a police officer one says that they arrived because there was a report of someone being assaulted on public transport the police get my contact information my ID Etc and tells me that they'll contact me if anything else needs to be done I have no idea what happened to the kid because I didn't stick around for the aftermath and just wanted to get the heck out of there the worst part my parents who were always always displeased with me coming at home late unfortunately did not believe my story they thought it was an excuse so after hearing that story is it wrong of me and is it outlandish for me to say she should not be a parent somebody who was acting like that in public being a literal Menace not caring about other people she should not be in charge of raising shaping or even trying to keep alive another human snooping feline wrote this goes beyond entitled parents and veers into mental illness probably both I would have found it hard not to smack her and boot that brat 50 yards away also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy crazy stories of entitled parents why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my parents are thinking I'm addicted to screens when I'm not so for some backstory basically my mom and stepdad hate games and all of that and are absolute control freaks and I play games just to talk to friends I can't see much now what took place recently is that out of the blue one day they decided to take me to a neurologist even though I had lectures and they told me the college wanted me to go there even though I didn't buy the story at all and then when we got there I asked why is the college making me do this again and they said they didn't at all make me go here and that's when I knew something was up since the info they were telling me was going against one another and I said I thought the college told me to go here and then the neurologist walked in and called for me and after doing some tests and everything it turns out it was all about my screens the whole time even though I'm hardly even on them and next thing I know I'm having everything taken and the next thing I know I can't see my friends for two months and then I get my stuff back and I'm getting my Wi-Fi which I pay for being restricted along with my TV being restricted by a weird wood box thing that the TV cord leads to and I figure out that the Box controls the power to the TV and the only way I can get the TV cord out of the box is with a Phillips head screwdriver which I don't have and I don't live on campus since I just don't like how small it is in the dorms so I live at home for now but when I get back from college for the weekend I notice all my electronics except for my phone and laptop are missing since I had my phone and laptop with me and I go to ask where the heck my stuff is and they tell me to look in the office and there's all my stuff all plugged in and I ask why the heck my stuff was moved and they say because I was on it last night even though I definitely wasn't for a fact and I say ball and they can even check my profile on Steam to see when I was last on since I have two accounts I play on and I was on one the other day and they said that I was lying and that my stuff isn't going back in my room no matter what so now I can't even have any privacy anymore it seems I hate my parents like I get it limiting screen time is good for kids growing up but when your college age and you're old enough to be able to make that decision for yourself it's pretty ridiculous and once op is able to move out on their own hopefully assuming they're going to be able to at some point that's just how you have kids who make sure they keep their distance Shadow Fox wrote maybe it's better to move into the dorms seems like your parents think your grades could be better as that's the usual excuse they give time to do some PC games instead don't they understand most college work is on a laptop and need internet our next story is burnt out 22 I live with my grandparents and they refuse to use AC in school scorching Texas it gets very hot in the house 80 plus with 77% humidity yes I'm trying to move out something I can't afford right now I do fully support myself AKA full-time job and help with bills buy all my own groceries Etc but it does greatly affect my health in these conditions my grandparents are in their 70s my Grandma has a range of health problems from COPD asthma and a heart condition she States since she's old lady with health problems she gets what she wants in this house she is cold all the time even when it's over a hundred outside the house gets up to 81° with a humidity of 77% it gets even hotter when I try to cook Kitchen reads at 83° with 77% plus humidity I have offered to pay the entirety of the electricity bill each month so we can have a bit of AC but they won't allow me to pay for it they said no AC Allowed no fans allowed including ceiling fan and no windows to be opened no air flow or movement whatsoever in the house ever any chocolate candy Etc melts within hours once you bring it into the kitchen literally brought some chocolate donuts home from Walmart one day and within hours the frosting it completely melted off of them and slid off the donuts and was just a big pool of frosting in the box that's legit not normal indoors I do try to turn it on when they leave to go to the store or out to eat Etc that's maybe one a week or so I only put it on 76 or 77 so not even crazy low but when they get home she somehow is able to tell if the AC's been on even when I turn it back off before they get home and she'll walk in the door and freak and start saying did you turn on the AC I told you no AC is allowed in this house and then threatens to kick me out to the streets because I turned on the AC she said no one uses AC like this I told her literally yes they do especially in Texas everyone runs AC but she claims people don't use it though she's been complaining that her pastor turns on the AC in church and she said she was going to ask him if he can start turning it off for her and not use it she also likes to have all the blinds open in the entire house so the sun just beams in all day long to the point even the kitchen table will be hot to the touch from the sun beaming on it she doesn't allow for Windows to be open either she said it makes her asthma act up I have with her mom I purchased to monitor the temp and humidity in the house it gets dangerously hot I've tried showing her articles that this type of temperature and humidity in the house can cause mold to grow and actually can cause effect SL woren her breathing conditions but she said she doesn't care and it's not true I understand her conditions and medication may make her cold but she refuses to put on a coat sweater Etc and instead just refuses to use any AC ironically in the winter she blasts the heater non-stop runs about every 15 minutes on 80° air gets so dry I have very bad nose bleeds but in summer she starts to say she can't afford air conditioning I offer to pay the electricity bill she refuses she said she's not going to allow me to control the house and that no AC is allowed in this household I tell her it's funny she has heater money all winter but no AC money the humidity in the house also causes the sewer to smell it's septic tank here and the hotter it gets outside and the hotter it is in the house the bathroom reeks of poo it also affects my health from constantly sweating last year I finally bought an AC unit to place in my room they didn't want me to get one but I now work from home fulltime and there was no way I can sit in this house all day working in these conditions I have very bad body acne in which I've tried every body was trying to clear it up but it doesn't I also get boils from sweating constantly it's extremely embarrassing I also tend to get lightheaded and I do try to stay hydrated but from sweating so much it's hard it's also affected my weight as it's almost impossible to cook because turning the oven on makes it 10 times hotter I have gained so much weight since working from home the last year cooking on the stove I literally will have sweat dripping into my eyeballs sweat dripping down my back and my shirt ends up wet with sweat even sitting at the kitchen table to eat is almost unbearable especially with the sun beaming in therefore I eat fast food mostly every day during the summer which has caused me to gain a ton of weight I do try to cook in my air fryer but she gets super mad when I get it out cuz she says it's too big and bulky she complains that I'm gaining weight and says that I need to eat healthier yeah I would love to but I literally can't because of her I love to cook and wish I could but I literally start to feel physically ill when cooking because of how hot the kitchen gets my grandpa her husband of 47 years says since she has health problems we do as she says he said they both grew up without air conditioning so it's not needed I worry for all our health even the dog's health she is always convinced that the dog is cold and will put his winter sweater on him when he goes outside and it'll be in the upper 70s outside she said the dog is a lot like her and stays cold I told her literally no he's not when a family comes to visit they tell her it's hot but her resp response always is she feels fine she says if people don't like it then they can just not come visit then I've had some friends come over who literally end up leaving because it's so hot they can't take it anyways I guess I'm just here to vent and just hope I can move out in the near future I definitely think Grandma here has some actual medical issues going on I live in a climate where you almost always want to have AC going and in plenty of places in Texas I can totally understand you know it's 80° with 70 plus humidity ideally you would probably want at least like low to mid 70s I legitimately think if I were an OP situation I would probably end up getting myself kicked out of there and I would make it my life's mission to move out because when I'm frustrated and I'm overheated and there's no way to cool down I think I would just be prone to blowing up Shadow Fox wrote old people can feel cold it's due to them having bad circulation issues just run an AC unit in your room room and stay more in your room sucks but at this point she won't change your mind it could also be a tactic to make sure you move out our next story is mom thinks I owe her my time and can read minds let's start with saying that I have autism and ADHD both diagnosed by professionals and the ADHD part was re-evaluated three times and the autism was confirmed after I demanded a second opinion I am no contact with my dad he is a diagnosed narcissist however I had a regular contact with my mom before I got pregnant in the fall of 2021 since we my partner and I have gone low contact my mom loves talking about how she raised us since I got pregnant like how I at 3 and A2 while she was arresting from surgery aesthetic she had my grandmother take us to daycare for four weeks and how in week two I gave my grandmother the tricks of how my mom wrangled my brothers who would take off their snow gears while the other was getting dressed 2-year-old twins the trick was dressing me first and putting me on the balcony in a high crime area of town closing the door behind me to not let the cold air in dressing one of the boys putting him on the balcony for me to watch and taking care of the other before putting him on the balcony too dressing herself and taking them down the three flights of stairs which didn't have child safety gates to the car with me following she reminds me every few months to this day how her and my grandmother were disappointed in me and resentful for not telling my grandmother sooner or when she took us to get our pictures taken at Sears and we were being toddlers I think I was five touching everything and me randomly screaming a stem I used to have when I was overwhelmed she kept telling us to sit and be quiet but we wouldn't do it so after 15 minutes she said she lost patience left the photographer's waiting area took us to the parking where she proceeded to hit us bare bottom one after the other until she was certain we would remember the pun punishment for days to come she confirmed it was about us feeling the pain for days she laughs about how painful her hands were and how she had feared at the time that someone would call my country's equivalent of CPS on her she laughs even harder remembering that when my dad asked how our day went I allegedly said we got a lot of slaps and no pictures she is proud to say that when we went back the next day we were the picture perfect kids and how many compliments she got on how her good behavior or how often she beat my brother's butt until it bruised for climbing furniture or how I would make myself severely sick to not eat the food she cooked I have sensory issues so many more stories of me either being parentified including leaving me alone for 4 months with my brothers when I was 15 I had to pay for groceries for all three of us with my own money or me and my siblings being abused it terrifies me that she could do something similar to my son because she is not at all regret spring her actions but she thinks they're funny stories from our childhood including denying us food for days on end in the last few years my mental health has been very poor medication is difficult due to allergies and side effects and therapy takes the time it needs but I am better so in the last few weeks my ergotherapy has put a plan in place to help me regain more independence energy and physical wellness it's hard takes 4 to 8 hours a day and I am exhausted by the end of it my psychologist is all for it my partner is 100% behind me encouraging me helping where he can it's going well but because of it I haven't been very social I don't reach out to anyone I'm in bed by 9:00 every night at the latest my mom never reaches out first but apparently she didn't like that I didn't answer her text at last night so she called today at noon at first it was just small talk how am I blah blah blah I remind her that I'm doing the airo plan to get me back on track she brushed it off no surprise she doesn't believe that my mental health is poor hers is worse and she doesn't get or need that much help good for her but she hasn't worked a day in over 20 years lives on disability and I've done all the hard things for her until I gave birth and even a few days after including playing armchair psychologist while I wanted to get back in the workforce and get better where I'll need minimal help in my day-to-day life so she tells me about how she had to cook that hand am she got for Easter that I didn't come and eat with her my son had a respiratory infection severe enough that we could barely keep his asthma in check we had packed a go bag just in case we needed to take him to the hospital again she lives an hour away by car or an hour and 20 minutes away from the Children's Hospital why she didn't keep the ham in her freezer a bit longer I don't know but it apparently needed to be cooked today she proceeded to ask me to come get what she wouldn't eat I reminded her that my husband has the car at work and that I'm doing my plan plus using transits she's at least 2 hours away and that's if all the bus transfers are perfect and I don't need to wait more than 10 minutes between them I don't have the time or energy to do this so I tell her sorry it's not possible she then said that it's okay she would just bin all the food at this point I'm drained and say that I don't know what she wants me to say she says wow call me when you want to see me and hung up 3 minutes later I get a text from her that I'll translate for you guys you know I have little things for my son you could have just told me that I could have come for a little while by she never comes to my house she never offers to make my life easier by doing anything for me she never hinted at the fact that she would be willing to come she knows I don't get social clues or nice actions she knows I don't read minds and that I'm very bad at guessing what people want from me she is so passive aggressive always has been if I'm honest but it's getting worse she she's ticked when I don't make her a priority she's ticked I don't let her babysit in my son well she says her son like I'm just the incubator who keeps the toddler until she wants him she's not allowed unsupervised near my child she's ticked when I let other people babysit him she's ticked when I don't call her every day she's ticked when I don't take care of things for her despite knowing that to prioritize her I was living a very unhealthy life my needs are always last she started doing the same to my husband and it bothered me when I realized it but it still didn't really click it really started to click how entitled she was with my time and resources when I was pregnant I had a very high-risk pregnancy due to a lot of complications and the whole time she kept saying she didn't understand why I had so little energy or why I was so sick because when she was pregnant with me insert whatever she did felt or how she acted it clicked when a week after I gave birth despite her having been there for the birth after she and insisted she wanted me to visit her and that she was disappointed that I said no to go back to the hospital to treat my son's severe jaundice instead you could have just come for an hour or so and delay by 4 hours my son's treatment it clicked when she wanted me to bring my son to her so she could cuddle my child but be of no other help it clicked when she kept telling me to stop pumping milk and just buy formula for him it would be easiest when my son needed a very specific very expensive formula formula we couldn't really afford well I didn't breastfeed any of you and you turned out fine but today it's so evident how entitled she is how without asking she expected me to drop everything and go to her for food and how I should have just guessed that I should tell her to visit when she never does even when offered she never comes but today I should have guessed that she would my partner reminds me that no I can't read mines and no I couldn't have guessed but he he's at work and I'm overwhelmed tired and defeated I feel like I'm asking too much to want just one parent in my corner I think it's why I still have any contact with her I feel sad I need a dent if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask honestly the only question I have is why they still continue to put up with that I'm just wondering what the breaking point is for op where they realize you know what this isn't worth it you know send a text where you lay out how exactly you feel how exactly you feel they've let you down and how unless their next reply is an apology and how they want to try to do better that you won't be replying or something like that I mean really how much more is worth it I think op is only still going on just because of all the years of being parentified and conditioned but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that's it I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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a ITA for refusing to let my mother or father-in-law look after my daughter anymore I 32f have a daughter 6 months with my husband 34m my husband is from a culture where it's not uncommon to pierce baby girls ears his mother started pestering me about getting my daughter's ears pierced from a few days after she was born I made it clear that I would not be doing that and that I'd be waiting until she's old enough to ask for it herself I don't think it's relevant but we live in my country where piercing baby ears isn't common at all it's not illegal but it's certainly not common my mother-in-law was looking after her at the weekend and decided to pierce them without my knowledge or consent when I saw this I through a fit she was crying in pain and I actually took her to the doctor to get their advice on whether or not to take them out our family doctor removed them as they were clearly bothering her I decided at that moment that my mother-in-law and everyone else on that side of the family except for my sister-in-law who's on my side about this is going to have no alone contact with my daughter ever again or at least until she's a teenager My worry is that she'll do the same thing again and to be frank she's lost my trust entirely I also told her that if she had a problem with that I'd report what she did to the police my husband is on my side but he doesn't think it's as big of a deal as I'm making it out to be am I being unreasonable
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtoletmymotherorfatherinlawlookaftermydaughteranymoreaita
I told my GF I'd rather break up than do something in bed we've been together since senior year of college and have talked about marriage we're not exactly sexually adventurous just normal stuff but we've been trying a few more things lately she said that she really wants to try pegging she said we've already done anal so I shouldn't be too opposed except we only did it because she wanted I can take it or leave it I told her that I would never agree to pegging and she'll just have to forget about it she bought a strap on to try to convince me it wasn't that big of a deal no Kink shaming but I have no interest and don't want to try she said that if I don't do it she'll never be able to experience it I half jokingly told her if she keeps pushing it she'll be free to experience it with whoever she wants she stared to cry should I just do it because she wants or should she respect my decision and drop it edit a bit of context we were both raised in Evangelical churches and have since left what's adventurous to us is pretty tame to many it's also why we have difficulty discussing consent and boundaries update thank you to everyone that took the time to comment and share advice it really helped me brief summary from the original My GF tried pressuring me into letting her Peg me we got in a huge fight here's the update we broke up nah JK she's next to me on the couch bugging me to rub her feet I guess she hasn't learned anything about consent the real update is positive especially for our relationship a lot has happened I took ad from the comments to have a conversation about boundaries consent and focusing on things we are both comfortable exploring she agreed it was a good idea we were really naive and unprepared for all this we thought we could figure it out as we went she asked if I was willing to share the websites I was finding this info so she could read them too I told her that I posted it on Reddit actually lucky I did since someone made a Tik Tock about my post that she saw and she probably didn't want to see it the comments were universally against against her she asked me to show her anyway she read the post and some of the comments she said she knew that she was wrong but was a little surprised by how negatively people reacted to her I asked why she cried and it was because she was upset I would even joke about breaking up she wasn't trying to manipulate me by crying she thought we were just having a conversation I told her she wasn't listening to me and how uncomfortable I was I was trying to find an exit ramp for the conversation not seriously talking about breaking up I also apologized because I was wrong to joke like that she admitted she wasn't sensitive to my boundaries and was just focused on what she wanted she recognizes that behavior is really toxic and she would think I was an ass yes that's a pun if I kept ignoring her boundaries she also apologized for buying the toy and agreed it was manipulative one commenter suggested a yes/ no/ maybe list this advice has made a world of difference we found some examples that helped us create our own we agreed to be honest no judgment and not to pressure the other person on anything they put no or maybe on we agreed the list was just for discussion it didn't imply consent we would discuss everything and we are free to change our minds at any time if you're wondering I marked pegging as no for me and she checked yes she will not bring it up again unless I change my response but I'm glad she was honest there is still some awkwardness surrounding sex enjoying it exploring it and even talking about it we're giving each other Grace and allowing for mistakes and misunderstandings there are plenty of things we're both willing to do right now not to mention just regular weekday sex is pretty great the rest of the update is about our future not really related to the original post when we were having our discussions about sex and communication we also started talking about our relationship with each other Jesus and church we realized we missed belonging to a church Community but wanted to find one that fits our Valu not our parents we found a nice Church my family would call it Church light we've just stared going and they're very welcoming and the people are very nice and accepting one of the reasons we joined was we wanted to be married in a church that's right we're engaged we were already thinking of marriage but these last few months we've really solidified our commitment to each other and our future together she told her parents and they didn't give us their blessing we were expecting that her parents are very traditional they won't visit us because we lived together and made it clear the last time we visited them they don't approve of us and our views my fiance GF at the time told her sisters she was on birth control and also said they should get the HPV vaccine they are adults and can make their own choices but her parents don't see it that way that caused a [ __ ] storm we weren't invited to Christmas we told her parents we will invite them to the wedding and it's their decision to attend or not her siblings are happy for us and said they will be at the wedding my parents were happy they aren't as strict about things although I can't deny the fact I'm their son not daughter plays a part in it my mom just wants us to have kids so she can be a grandmother I know my fiance wanted her mom to be involved in the wedding planning dress shopping and all that and for her dad to give her away she's really disappointed and we're hoping they change their minds but we're not expecting them to we aren't going to have a big wedding since we're paying for it all but it will be what we want and it's for us not anyone else my 26m fiance 24f is reconsidering our relationship over a sandwich next month we'll have been together for 3 years we have been living together for 11 months and I proposed 5 months ago this situation is absolutely absurd to me a couple of weeks ago my 26m fiance 24f asked me to get takeaway because she was too tired to cook she's an A&E nurse and was still recovering in after having had Corona virus caught from the Ward at work I went to Gregs after work I had a voucher where I would get a second free sandwich identical to my first order I ordered us tuna crunch baguettes I forgot that she's allergic to several types of fish and shellfish including tuna it was an honest mistake on my part but she flipped out I offered to cook for her I was going to let it go because she was just getting over being ill but she was still mad the next day and left our flat to go stay with one of her mates besides the tuner she was also upset that I couldn't recite her usual Gregs order by heart or her order from another one of our regular takeaways even though she knew mine she has a better memory than I do because she needs it for her work she hasn't returned and says she's reconsidering our relationship over a sandwich she says the sandwich is just a symptom but that's absurd I made a mistake forgetting her allergy but I don't believe it's something to end the relationship over she was disappointed when I got home and told her what sandwiches I bought but I didn't think it would be something she'd leave over my family and even my mates say I'm right and this is absurd for her to be reconsidering because of a sandwich the one time I spoke to her since she left she says her family all agrees with her our lease is up at the end of next month and she told me to go ahead without her if I want to stay in our flat I do love her I want to marry her it's completely absurd to me that I'm in this situation and I cannot believe it
give me a good story on ItoldmyGFIdratherBREAKUPthandosomethinginbed
aita saying I will not spend Father's Day with my stepfather instead of my dad my parents divorced 10 years ago my mom got remarried 8 years ago for the last 3 years I 17m have lived with my dad and I spend one week in a month at my mom's house before that it was 50/50 but regardless of the custody split I always spent Mother's Day with my mom and Father's Day with my dad that didn't change just because she got remarried but this year my mom is planning a special day out of my stepfather and he wants me to spend Father's Day with him/ them which includes my four half siblings I said no my stepfather told me I always spend Father's Day with my dad and I live with him now and hardly see him and my mom and this is a big year because it's the first year with our completed family and the last one before I'm finished high school and I should invest in time with my family but especially him because I never let him in as a second dad and always treat him like he's just my mom's husband he went on and on about how much he wants to connect with me and to feel like I appreciate him as a fatherly presence in my life he told me the day would be fun too so it's not like he's dragging me fishing or to sit watching paint dry he told me I could easily celebrate both of them just on different days and my dad's plans are always easier to do another day but this special day out relies on certain Father's Day activities I kept saying no I didn't reconsider
give me a good story on AITAsayingIwillnotspendFathersDaywithmystepfatherinsteadofmydad
what's the stupidest thing you've ever heard anyone say I once found a big Bulldog in my backyard I don't own a bulldog he was a big friendly but slow-witted guy he looked healthy and had a collar but no tag so I knew he was a local I made sure he had water and went to the front yard to start knocking on doors as soon as I stepped outside I saw the family three houses down all gathered in their front yard so another case closed for our young detective I walked over to them and said you guys missing a bulldog the mother looked at me and said is his name Tyson the question took me aback I mean he didn't have tags they knew he didn't have tags so all I could think to say was he didn't say but I'm pretty sure he's yours to this day I wonder if that woman knew how dumb that question was
give me a good story on Whatsthestupidestthingyouveeverheardanyonesay
AIT for making a no vaping rule in my apartment so sorry if this is a weird thing to ask I've just had mixed reactions to this from my friends so why not ask total strangers online I have an apartment with one other roommate for school we both 22m hate the smell of things like carts Vapes cigarettes Etc I also personally hate anything with nicotine because of how addictive it is I've seen what it does to people and personally I just don't want that stuff in my house since none of our friends smoke cigarettes or vape we never really made a rule about it well my spring break was last week and my younger sister 21f came to visit for a weekend she kept hitting her Vape it was like it was just second nature for her to grab the thing and take a hit I asked her to stop because the smell was bothering me and while she apologized she kept getting defensive about hitting it so much because she can't just go cold turkey for a weekend honestly that's fair while I've never experienced withdrawal from nicotine I have experienced withdrawal from some anti-depressants and it's horrible I'd never wish that onto anyone but because it was still bothering me I went to my roommate about adding no vaping to our official house rules he was cool cool with it because we both don't like having that stuff in our space since we agreed to add that I texted my sister the text was brief and I just explained that if she came to visit again this semester she couldn't Vape here anymore well she blew up at me about it she reminded me that withdrawal is horrible and so she can't just give it up for a weekend to see me she also said that it's not that big of a deal and that she'll just use it in the bathroom if it bugs me that much her reaction honestly just made me want to enforce the rule further but at the same time I feel bad because I'm basically forcing her to stop doing something just because I don't like it I'm not trying to be some Guardian Angel helping people and their nicotine addiction nor am I asking her to stop vaping completely I don't want to not allow my sister into my apartment over some flavored air I just don't want that trash in my apartment I later went to some friends and their responses are mixed a few of my friends said stuff along the lines of how I'm just setting a boundary similar to someone who doesn't drink asking his guests not to drink only while they are in his home but other friends are saying that I'm trying to force my opinions on vaping onto my sister or I'm trying to force her to quit vaping that's not what I want to do though we're both adults and while I'm not happy she Vapes it's not my place to act all high and mighty she's her own person and she can do what she wants I just don't want some things to happen in my house so AIT for not allowing vaping in my apartment edit my sister is more than welcome to step outside I didn't think of it as an option because I'm worried it's unreadable to ask since I live on the fifth floor of my building second edit I just checked my lease and smoking of any kind is not permitted anywhere on the property thank you all for reminding me to check that
give me a good story on AITAformakingaNoVpingruleinmyapartment
AIT for expecting more than one bite of a meat cake I spent 4 hours preparing my partner Pat 33m and I 33f have been living together for a few years I am the more culinary inclined person so if we are cooking something from scratch I do most of it with Pat acting as my Sue chef and cleaning helper one of Pat's longtime co-workers recently accepted a new job offer and is leaving the office so Pat and his co-workers decided to throw a goodbye party Pat asked what kind of cake this coworker wanted and they answered meat so Pat decided to make him a meatloaf cake frosted with mashed potatoes and adorned with bacon roses I have to give Pat credit this time he picked a few recipes himself and I told him which ones were likely to work the best he made the shopping list and bought the ingredients mostly on his own with only a Little Help from me he did need help finding the ingredients we had at home but I cook way more so that is to be expected the day before the party he began cooking the meatloaf and potatoes not realizing it would take 3 to 4 hours to get everything done I didn't want him up until midnight on a work night so I jumped in to help I did all the measuring and chopping for the meatloaf and made the potato
give me a good story on AITAforexpectingmorethanonebiteofameatcakeIspentfourhourspreparingorig
aita for telling my bio sister I'm sorry she wasn't adopted but that doesn't have anything to do with me and I owe her nothing I 25m was placed in the Foster system by my bio parents when I was to yo I was adopted sometime later by my real parents I recognize that I'm extremely fortunate and lucky to have been adopted before I had any real memory of the system and that my parents gave me a better life than I would have ever had if I had stayed with my biop parents I grew up privileged went at private schools had holidays abroad and had my tuition paid fully when I started uni I was loved and never lacked anything I currently have a well-paying job as chemical engineer a beautiful wife a house paid off fully by my in-laws and two children I'm very grateful for everything I have and recognize that I would be leading a very different life had I not been adopted last year I was contacted by opal 27f who claimed I was her brother and wanted to meet up after careful consideration I agreed after doing a DNA test together and digging a bit into family history opal and I discovered that we were placed into foster care around the same time usually foster care will try to keep siblings together
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmybiosisterImsorryshewasntadoptedbutthatdoesnthaveanythingorig
:00.280 --> :05.220 First time poster, so apologies ahead of time but I was remembering this story last night :05.220 --> :11.460 and thought it might be appropriate here. :11.460 --> :16.960 Years ago I worked for an independent dog boarding facility as a customer service representative. :16.960 --> :21.020 Because I was low man on the totem pole, I often got the evening shift. :21.020 --> :26.279 The managers all left an hour or two early, leaving me and 2-3 other employees to close :26.279 --> :32.110 depending on how many dogs we had (sometimes as few as a couple dozen, but often well over :32.110 --> :34.180 a hundred in the busy times). :34.180 --> :39.300 My primary responsibility was closing down the office work (closing the register, making :39.300 --> :42.370 sure all paperwork was in order, etc.). :42.370 --> :46.710 Once that was done, I had to pick up with finishing bigger tasks like taking out the :46.710 --> :51.690 trash and laundry but the actual animal care was supposed to be the other employees' job. :51.690 --> :57.359 If they needed help with things like cleaning cages, or dishes, or non-animal handling things :57.359 --> :00.120 I was happy to do so, they just needed to tell me. :00.120 --> :04.980 They knew what needed to be done, and if they didn't tell me I did the other tasks and had :04.980 --> :07.900 no reason to think they hadn't finished their tasks. :07.900 --> :12.650 Also, keep in mind that the managers were always on our rears to finish up and clock :12.650 --> :14.220 out by 9:15. :14.220 --> :20.220 Barely doable with the staff they gave us when we had thirty dogs, when we had 100+ :20.220 --> :26.040 dogs we often much later (something we were as unhappy about as the managers were). :26.040 --> :31.030 One very busy night, this one guy (we'll call him Michael, I don't even remember at this :31.030 --> :33.759 point), was in charge of the small dog room. :33.759 --> :38.079 Because it's indoors rather than a big building with runs, it could only hold about fifteen :38.079 --> :42.200 dogs and thus took a lot less time than the big main building. :42.200 --> :46.399 The person on the small dog room was expected to be finish that room and then go out and :46.399 --> :48.070 finish with the rest of the dogs. :48.070 --> :52.460 By the time I was done with my office work, Michael was up at the big building with our :52.460 --> :57.259 coworker and I asked whether there was anything they needed help with or whether I could focus :57.259 --> :01.250 on the trash and laundry and making sure doors were locked. :01.250 --> :05.020 Michael said everything was done in the dog room and there were no problems, so I moved :05.020 --> :11.900 on with my job and about fifteen minutes later (it was already 9:45) we were done and left. :11.900 --> :17.800 The next morning I get called into the small dog room and my manager angrily gestures at :17.800 --> :18.800 the sink. :18.800 --> :23.910 There are 4 or 5 dog bowls sitting there that hadn't been cleaned and put away. :23.910 --> :25.580 She asked me why they weren't done. :25.580 --> :30.080 I pointed out that the small dog room was Michael's responsibility and he had told me :30.080 --> :31.599 he'd done everything. :31.599 --> :37.430 She said it was the responsibility of everyone responsibility to make sure EVERY task was :37.430 --> :42.950 done before we left no matter who had been officially in charge of the task (I didn't :42.950 --> :47.349 point out that I highly doubted she'd hold the other employees accountable if I messed :47.349 --> :49.190 up doing my tasks). :49.190 --> :53.690 I apologized, but figured in my head that I was getting a verbal warning because it :53.690 --> :58.720 was only 4-5 bowls that had been forgotten and was easily fixed and would be something :58.720 --> :01.220 I would make note of for the future. :01.220 --> :05.549 Instead all of us got an official mark on our records. :05.549 --> :07.880 Cue Malicious Compliance. :07.880 --> :13.840 From there on out, I took my sweet time checking and double-checking that EVERY job was done :13.840 --> :18.720 and done so that there would never be the smallest question that it hadn't been done :18.720 --> :21.099 well enough, no matter how small. :21.099 --> :25.300 I also made sure that my coworkers went behind me and did the same thing. :25.300 --> :28.390 A small piece of debris missed while sweeping the floor? :28.390 --> :30.080 Got to do it again. :30.080 --> :31.480 Better wash those bowls again. :31.480 --> :36.409 The bed in this empty cage looks slightly askew, better fix that. :36.409 --> :40.830 I'd check to make sure every door was closed and locked and then do it again two or more :40.830 --> :41.830 times. :41.830 --> :45.959 Now, because the managers couldn't be bothered to make the people responsible for doing their :45.959 --> :51.280 job actually responsible for their own job, we all had to spend the time checking behind :51.280 --> :57.019 everyone else which meant that we added another fifteen to twenty minutes of time on top of :57.019 --> :59.110 actually doing the job. :59.110 --> :04.189 Make me responsible for doing someone else's job instead of expecting them to actually :04.189 --> :05.629 do their job? :05.629 --> :18.850 It's going to cost you an hour :18.850 --> :37.110 of overtime combined. :37.110 --> :46.750 Low grade malicious compliance here, resulting in the shame of one arrogant supervisor but :46.750 --> :47.940 little more. :47.940 --> :50.100 Some problems do indeed fix themselves... :50.100 --> :55.100 and this is more for those techies of the late 1990's who had built their own computers :55.100 --> :59.759 and had to mess with IRQ's, jumper settings and the rest of the mess. :59.759 --> :04.600 Military setting, so expect a diet alphabet soup as I did try to keep it to a minimum. :04.600 --> :09.030 I'm just a third class petty office (PO3), mostly handling software at the time. :09.030 --> :11.970 Server and computer builds were supposedly beyond me. :11.970 --> :18.480 My supervisor, a 2nd class (PO2) was of the same job, but he was allowed to work on desktops :18.480 --> :19.830 (PC's). :19.830 --> :25.289 We also had a data systems tech first class (one rank above that, so PO1) who is supposed :25.289 --> :30.440 to handle the hardware aspect of fixing computers, down to the circuit layer if need be. :30.440 --> :36.600 But he was also the leading petty officer (LPO), i.e. the guy in charge, though his :36.600 --> :41.340 style was more hands off just to see what we could do, with a focus on cross training :41.340 --> :43.040 people for all jobs. :43.040 --> :46.979 Thus, I was on deck for at least doing the initial triage. :46.979 --> :51.440 We had an officer who wanted his computer fixed.. but the PO2 kept jumping into the :51.440 --> :57.000 conversaton, talking over me, and correcting me (with bad information) which I would counter :57.000 --> :00.940 with references from the book and standard operating procedures. :00.940 --> :06.009 Then then asked, since I know so much then I already know what the problem is, so please :06.009 --> :07.210 explain it. :07.210 --> :09.699 (this is the malicious compliance) :09.699 --> :12.400 I was.. a little irritated. :12.400 --> :14.759 I didn't know what was wrong with the computer.. :14.759 --> :16.620 but I knew of A problem. :16.620 --> :23.080 So, something, something about the Interrupts (IRQ)'s that were connected to the computer's :23.080 --> :29.630 two microphones being fired prematurely before the speaker queue was finished, thereby aborting :29.630 --> :34.150 the speaker queue... we will have to find a way to stop those interrupts before we can :34.150 --> :35.370 get it fixed. :35.370 --> :40.199 The officer just nodded along, said "sounds good" and walked off. :40.199 --> :45.009 The PO2 looked pleased and started writing it down for the work order, stopped... looked :45.009 --> :49.470 at me and asked, "did you just say, stop interrupting you?" :49.470 --> :53.980 my smile told it all and he was... a little annoyed. :53.980 --> :59.940 Our DS1 just completely lost it and had to leave the room as he was laughing so hard. :59.940 --> :04.000 We (I really) got the computer fixed with no problem. :04.000 --> :22.729 Our LPO later told the PO2 that maybe he should check his interrupts more often. :22.729 --> :27.790 Trying to keep the jargon to a minimum and explain acronyms, so sorry if it comes across :27.790 --> :28.790 as patronising. :28.790 --> :32.260 The company in question are early on in their IT security maturity. :32.260 --> :36.819 They’re taking steps and making progress, but it’s still early days. :36.819 --> :41.350 To help speed this along they got someone who claims to be a security expert in known :41.350 --> :43.080 from here on as Boss. :43.080 --> :48.169 Boss has an entry level security qualification but talks about it if it’s a doctorate awarded :48.169 --> :52.500 by Hogwarts School for Hacking and Wizardry or something. :52.500 --> :56.850 Boss has suggested that I “get a bit more experience and then maybe go for it. :56.850 --> :58.889 It’s an arduous course”. :58.889 --> :03.650 My lowest level qualification is generally accepted in the community to be attempted :03.650 --> :10.090 roughly after about 5 years experience beyond this aforementioned “arduous qualification” :10.090 --> :15.560 I’m a red team guy, which means my job is to simulate attacks in order to test the company’s :15.560 --> :16.560 security. :16.560 --> :20.240 It’s where I have experience and qualifications and what I know. :20.240 --> :25.350 Blue team, the defenders, is not my strong suit but I have a relatively good knowledge :25.350 --> :29.152 of their role for someone who doesn’t do it because I need to know how not to alert :29.152 --> :31.000 them when I’m doing my job. :31.000 --> :35.770 For this scenario though, I was tasked with helping set up the Security Operations Centre :35.770 --> :38.149 (SOC) and provide alerting. :38.149 --> :42.290 We get the systems set up and ready, and it comes time to set up alerts. :42.290 --> :47.149 In a meeting with boss I asked for a honeypot account to be created so that we could monitor :47.149 --> :52.920 it for kerberoasting, a kind of attack which abuses a legitimate service to move laterally :52.920 --> :55.060 around the network. :55.060 --> :56.710 Conversation roughly as follows: :56.710 --> :58.690 Boss: you don’t need that. :58.690 --> :00.410 Just monitor for kerberoasting :00.410 --> :05.610 Me: that’s how we would do it - create an account with an unused SPN and monitor for :05.610 --> :07.829 a Kerberos ticket being requested for that :07.829 --> :09.820 Boss: Don’t need it. :09.820 --> :10.820 Monitor all accounts :10.820 --> :12.990 Me: but there would be - :12.990 --> :15.180 Boss (cutting me off): All. :15.180 --> :16.180 Accounts. :16.180 --> :17.730 We need to monitor everything :17.730 --> :19.570 Me: you’re the boss :19.570 --> :25.370 Part of the original request was to set up alerting to email a HUGE group of people when :25.370 --> :26.820 an alert was created. :26.820 --> :31.860 I decided to ignore that part of the request for testing and just email the boss. :31.860 --> :37.050 I set up an email alert for every Kerberos event and turned it on for 2 minutes. :37.050 --> :39.650 Shortly after I had this interaction: :39.650 --> :43.500 Boss: I’ve just had a load of email alerts come in :43.500 --> :45.160 Me: about 1500? :45.160 --> :47.040 Boss: I guess… :47.040 --> :48.580 my inbox is flooded :48.580 --> :49.800 Me: well… :49.800 --> :52.480 it’s alerting (with a shrugging emoji) :52.480 --> :56.770 The alerts are now only generated for Kerberos events on a honeypot account. :56.770 --> :19.940 I guess this wasn’t covered in his course :19.940 --> :25.250 If you don't want me to help you AND you want me to break policy AND you try to manipulate :25.250 --> :30.830 me, I'm gonna pull an uno reverse on you because I happen to have the brain of a bionic raccoon. :30.830 --> :36.050 I once worked at a blue store where we had a very complicated rewards program that near :36.050 --> :41.399 the end of my employment changed the whole system in a very similar but subtly different :41.399 --> :47.050 in a different way and a new marketing strategy that the customers were NOT appreciative of. :47.050 --> :53.110 Now a little fun fact first: I have ASD so my brain can have the naive logic of a little :53.110 --> :59.760 computer sometimes and I don't MEAN to be mean to people until they start hassling me. :59.760 --> :04.240 Its mostly when I tell them that according to policy (rigidity of thought and black and :04.240 --> :05.630 white rules, check!) :05.630 --> :10.329 I could not perform the action that they were requesting, so they would inevitably, over :10.329 --> :15.440 the course of the conversation (debate) have a light bulb moment and think they have just :15.440 --> :18.280 realized a clever little way around the policy. :18.280 --> :24.120 For example, retroactively applying rewards points can't be done, sorry. :24.120 --> :27.639 So they go "oh, well, let me return it then." :27.639 --> :32.330 And I can tell by the look on their face that they think they're being sneaky and boy are :32.330 --> :35.320 they about to one up this dumb cashier. :35.320 --> :40.610 I know full well what they intend to do, and that turns my well meaning but strict naivety :40.610 --> :45.680 into malicious compliance - because that's not a nice thing to do, and I'm nice to nice :45.680 --> :48.250 people, but if they're not nice.... :48.250 --> :53.899 I am aware of a subsection of the policy that Denies them this as an actual loophole and :53.899 --> :58.110 I of course have all the days sale prices more or less memorized because I'm getting :58.110 --> :03.649 no more mental stimulation than that at this job, and I know that when they rebuy it, it'll :03.649 --> :07.140 take days for the rewards to return to their account. :07.140 --> :11.790 And I could tell them that today's sale price is higher than what they bought it for, and :11.790 --> :17.790 due to a quirk in the system, oh boy, when they ask me to re-ring it, it'll ring up as :17.790 --> :23.620 today's higher price automatically, and no sir, I do not have the ability or function :23.620 --> :29.839 in the POS to backdate it to the sale price without flagging the transaction in the system :29.839 --> :31.500 and getting me in trouble. :31.500 --> :36.240 I could tell him that, but he hasn't said anything about repurchasing it yet, unaware :36.240 --> :41.620 that I've pattern matched this exact conversation a million times, and he thinks he's going :41.620 --> :47.250 to pull an uno reverse on me because I'm obviously thick as a brick wall, so I stay silent the :47.250 --> :53.110 way he is, and when he grins and says "ok, id like to repurchase these now! :53.110 --> :54.880 Don't forget my rewards points!" :54.880 --> :58.269 I smile and go "yes sir, no problem sir!" :58.269 --> :00.339 And I re-ring him. :00.339 --> :04.370 Sometimes they notice the total has gone up and they begin the frustrated toddler yelling :04.370 --> :09.930 immediately......and sometimes they are so drunk in their perceived victory over this :09.930 --> :15.459 dumb little soft voiced girl that they swipe their card, go through our complicated rewards :15.459 --> :20.370 and credit card look up process (because of course they don't have the card with them, :20.370 --> :25.220 which is frustrating because it adds ten minutes to a transaction).....and get their receipt :25.220 --> :30.100 and leave high on their fantastic win and they don't come back and start yelling and :30.100 --> :33.459 waving arms until they've gotten home and checked their receipt. :33.459 --> :34.459 Hmm . :34.459 --> :35.459 Oh God. :35.459 --> :36.459 im a terror. :36.459 --> :39.770 No wonder my coworkers either loved me or hated me. :39.770 --> :56.190 I :56.190 --> :58.339 work as a manager in a warehouse. :58.339 --> :01.230 Non-climate-controlled warehouse in the Midwest. :01.230 --> :07.240 Boss has decided as supervisors we now must wear collared shirts- polo or button down. :07.240 --> :08.240 So.... :08.240 --> :11.350 I got a bunch of bright obnoxious Hawaiian shirts. :11.350 --> :14.720 Hey, they are collared- you just said collared. :14.720 --> :19.840 I got mushroom ones, comic strip ones, Lilo and stitch, PRIDE. :19.840 --> :22.209 He is so confused right now. :22.209 --> :31.040 This one may have been out of her control due to store policies, but I feel like it :31.040 --> :32.040 counts. :32.040 --> :37.500 Stopped at one of the big home improvement stores (the blue one) on my way home from :37.500 --> :38.500 work. :38.500 --> :42.850 We’re redoing our floors and I’ve calculated we need about 18 boxes of flooring. :42.850 --> :48.250 I get a cart and go to the flooring section and realize, because I’ve got my tiny Honda, :48.250 --> :51.570 that fitting all 18 boxes would be ridiculous. :51.570 --> :56.230 So I grab a few boxes, figuring I’ll learn how to install them tonight, return the next :56.230 --> :00.759 morning in my wife’s SUV, and do the rest tomorrow on my day off. :00.759 --> :05.130 However, I don’t want someone else to take all that style of floor before I come back, :05.130 --> :08.620 so I purchase all of the flooring I will need at the flooring desk. :08.620 --> :12.570 So I come back the next morning and grab a flatbed cart, more than happy to load up the :12.570 --> :17.520 rest of the flooring myself (a dozen boxes at 20-30 pounds each). :17.520 --> :22.640 When I ask the woman at the flooring desk, however, she insists I need to go to customer :22.640 --> :24.560 service instead. :24.560 --> :25.560 Ok. :25.560 --> :30.410 So I go there, show them my receipt, and they call…the flooring desk. :30.410 --> :33.380 A few minutes later, who do I see approaching? :33.380 --> :39.009 The flooring cashier, of course, who had to load all several hundred pounds of flooring :39.009 --> :42.630 onto a different flatbed cart and wheel it to the front. :42.630 --> :16.089 For what it’s worth, I utterly failed at installing the floor myself and had to call :16.089 --> :19.069 a contractor.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHOWISCREWEDTHENEWDRESSCODEUPRedditStories
hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day fire me before I quit I ruin your life since I'm still in school I took a job at a bakery of types which I won't name the place says bread in the name but also sells overpriced eyelids and sandwiches I worked there for close to a year where I had this boss named Betty not a real name of course Betty and I didn't get along whatsoever she had gotten the previous general manager to quit because she had an affair with him and she threatened to tell his wife if he didn't leave he quickly left the job and she was promoted to the position I didn't like her but I have to respect the dedication to be the general manager of a small but store when I first started working there I was respectful but she would do things that would get on my nerves for instance I would clean all the places I would be hired to do and once I was done and relaxed for maybe five minutes she would run out of the manager's office screeching why aren't you working I would tell her of course I did my job and as a cashier if nobody is there to help then I didn't have anything to do she would glare at me then I would see her accidentally drop an entire pot of brewed coffee onto my freshly mopped floor for me to clean so I learned quickly don't always look busy once she realized I was going to kneel and kiss the ground she walked on she started dropping my hours the store ran on a game of Thrones type politics for who got promotions and raises somehow all her friends were managers are not bully the rest of us she would drive to my job clock just in case corporate decided to check her hours so she was essentially stealing hours when you clocked in it printed out a small piece of paper telling you when you clocked in she would just drop them on the floor for me to clean up I would usually pick them up and stick them into a pocket so this led to me finding Betty's clock in and out stubs in my pocket at my house this will be important for later did I mention she was super racist she was white and the most of the staff were my fellow high school peers who were all mostly people of color one day at work she walked out and when you're on the clock I own you when we all reacted to look at her she back pedaled and was like I didn't mean it like that this will be important for later so after a while I got sick of practically begging for hours so I went to my current job but decided I merely wanted to drop my hours which were already barely a day a week but suddenly when I got my new job she scheduled me every single day of an entire week she never did that even when we were on semi-good terms so I obviously told her I had a new job and couldn't do this after that I went home and called my friend who was still working there to tell him I was going to quit tomorrow he has a bad habit of putting his phone on speaker while he's cleaning at work so Betty obviously overheard this the next day I walk in and go through the respectful motions of saying thank you for the opportunity and blah blah blah Betty let me get through the entire speech before she said well yeah I was meaning to tell you you're fired I was so blindsided in ticked I cussed her out my mom raised me to treat women with respect but this freaking fat overweight hippo looking idiot took me the Freak off she's the type of girl to think binge eating was a personality trait so I left and was mad about being fired before I could quit but didn't push the issue I'm only 18 and I already had another job I wasn't expecting Betty to give me a good reference anyway I would have completely left it alone if it wasn't for the district manager Ben not real name texting me the revenge he thought I was still working there so I explained to him I was fired he was stunned due to the fact that I was a decent employee he asked why she let me go and I explained it to him and he was angry he clarified that she fired me before I quit and I said yes he was ticked that she did this and asked if there was anything else she might have done I kind of just vented to him for a bit when I told him about the racist remark he asked if anyone else would collaborate with me I forgot to mention that she slowly fired and forced people to quit and replace them with her friends and family which according to company policy she couldn't do something about conflict of interest I asked all the people who were working day if they could and if you said they would say they did but one did even better my one co-worker Andy is convinced he's the next big vlogger so he always has his phone out her just using audio recording for hours for a chance to catch a funny clip I've watched his content and let me say it's just super cringe but turns out he labels each recording by the day in times so when he checked he found her making racist remarks I got a brilliant idea and with my other fired or coworkers first to quit we decided to scour Andy's recordings we found some great moments of Betty's saying controversial things are just being nasty like once a guest sneezed on the baked pastries and when a co-worker told her she laughed it off and said nobody would know but this wasn't enough for me I try to avoid conflict but when I'm in a situation I'll follow it through I've looked her up on Facebook and found out she was married nobody knew this so when she had the affair with the other manager and basically blackmailed them she was also married and cheating I don't think anyone ever cared out to find out because she was a nasty old lady so I found the old managers mark so I found the old managers Mark's Facebook and found out he and his wife were separated turns out even after he quit but he was still trying to blackmail money out of him when he didn't she told his wife anyway causing his wife to divorce him and basically leave him to go back to live with his parents I did some research and in my state blackmail or extortion is a third degree penalty which has a max of 7 years in prison with a fine over 10,000 to the victim so I told the old manager what my plan was for her he agreed to call the cops on her but I asked if he'd wait until they finished my part first he said he'd give me a week so I met with district manager Ben and showed him all our evidence the recordings and the written statements from my other ex coworkers and people who were still working there I also gave Ben the slips of paper when Betty clocked in and then left and returned 8 to 10 hours later to clock out Ben thanked me for the information and then I left a few days later while walking past the store I noticed it was closed in the middle of the day I texted a guy who still worked there and he told me everything turns out Ben first checked the security cameras to see if she was there for the full time she claimed to be big surprise she wasn't so Ben decided to investigate these stores expenses since if she's lying about her time what else could she be stealing he found out she was stealing money from the store the guy didn't fully explain how she was but just that she was turns out she was breaking a lot of health and safety codes and used the money for repairs and etc for herself so she was fired immediately along with all of her minions and that left barely anybody to run the store they shut down to clean up the store and fix things she didn't make so she's out of a job and mark told her husband with photo proof grannie nudes I know LLL bet she cheated on him but mark phrased it so it seemed like she still was so Betty's husband flips out and decides to divorce her and Betty is the type to post everything on Facebook so she's begging someone to let her stay but all of her friends and family totally bailed on her so she was living in her car looking for a job that's when Mark decides to sue her for extortion so she scrambles to find a lawyer and to make it even worse the company decided to sue her for all the money she stole and plus all the repairs in lost revenue while the store is closed Betty's life is crap she had a cellar karffard drastically under what it's worth to pay for all the legal trouble mark told me bits and pieces of her crying in the courtroom but not too much I was never super close with him last I heard of Betty is she was living with her sister who definitely hates her to think she would have avoided all of this if she just let me quit would the way she was acting I feel like it was inevitable that it would come back to bite her in the butt pretty hard but with that being said if you were in Opie's shoes here and you had all this evidence the clock stubs the racist remarks firing you just before you could quit what would you have done or said let me know in the comments below destroy our tree will destroy your drive full disclosure this happened almost five years ago so my memory of this is a little fuzzy at times however the major player here confirmed that it's accurate enough to get the story across so I'm going with it background our house is old it is really old it's older than the town heck it's older than Confederation the house was originally built by a merchant from the area like 200 years ago it's old with its age comes a very big property line and apart from a couple adjustments here and there to account for infrastructure and housing development it's basically unchanged from a hundred years ago it rarely ever comes up here but in any dispute relating to property lines the official town plan takes precedent and our property line crosses over into our neighbours property this will be important later and now for the two major players in this tale our jerk neighbor who we will call lumpy he's just the worst he ran an illegal Chop Shop in his backyard and seems to be deathly afraid of trees he also always took a two-week long vacation in the summer and it was always at the end of July this part is also important later the other one is my dad at the time he was in government oversight but before that he was in the department of justice and his major responsibilities included training crown attorneys this included the attorneys general in the pecking order dad was actually pretty low but the crowd knew and respected him and they were keenly aware that dad knew the law inside and out if there was anything even remotely resembling a legal dispute dad was almost always in the right with his argument now we begin our tale the slight the line between our yard and Lumpy's was pretty clear our side was grass protestant lilies shrubs and trees his was a gravel driveway before the incident there was a large Manitoba maple tree growing there it was very old but grew in such a way that it blocked just enough sunlight to have a plus level of light going through the window we had no intentions of ever removing it maybe trim it a little if it got too close to the windows however some lower branches were sagging onto Lumpy's driveway so he asked if he could cut down some of the lower branches so that his car wouldn't get damaged when he drove in and out it was a fair enough request and he did ask permission first so we told him to get a landscaper and a quote because we sure as heck weren't going to let lumpy do it and we're okay paying for that a couple days later we were all in a day trip somewhere and when we got back lumpy comes over and tells us not to worry about the landscaper because he took care of it red flags were waving at that statement so we went and checked the tree idiot cut the entire tree down then to add insult to injury he painted the stump with some sort of weird gray stuff don't know what it was but it had to have been toxic as Freak because nothing ever grew on that stump again not even fungi so we're understandably ticked off but unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it because there's no proof so now we've got a stump that was once a beautiful tree a smug neighbor and seemingly no course of action to take that didn't accept that scenario and he had a plan the plan as I said earlier dad knew the law inside and out so he began to plan things out he made a few phone calls to the town civil architect a couple inspectors the local landscaper lumpy was going to get that quote from and a contractor he visited city hall and got a copy of the official town plan which remember is the final word on property lines he had everything arranged and now he began to wait the revenge like clockwork won't be when on vacation and the plan was enacted over the course of two weeks we expanded we rebuilt our fence to new dimensions rearranged the shrubs dug up the gravel driveway and put fresh dirt and grass over it and planted a weeping willow in a spot where as it grew would always hang and shred until bumpy's with the expended fence and shrubbery Lumpy's driveway was a small strip of pavement maybe half a meter wide the fence placed an old dying maple and a Hawthorn on our side but because of how the two trees grew most of it was on lumpy side the key point is that the placement of the truck dictates whose property it's on so it's our tree that he can't touch no matter how annoying or destructive it is with the new dimensions the chop shop he was running was now on our side of the fence but because it was illegal it was just scrap metal as far as the law was concerned so we sold it to a local scrapyard by the time lumpy came back our yard had expanded almost three meters into his yard and waiting for him was dead the civil architect and a lawyer with a stack of documents outlining in full detail that what they did was 100% illegal and there wasn't a thing he could do about it edit not sure how it happened but it was supposed to say that we told lumpy to get the quote and let me pay for the landscaper because we didn't want mommy to do it himself second edit aftermath lumpy apparently tried to press charges something along the lines of trespassing or destruction of property or something ridiculous like that I had moved out of town at the time so I don't know for sure what happened but I like to think the judge just threw the case out like I said everything was above board and completely legal what I do know he did was tear apart of his lawn and put an a new driveway he still had room for it but it also could his lawn in half and he had to pay to have the sidewalk adjusted into a ramp also because the town was paying attention now he had to have it done properly with like asphalt and stuff instead of gravel like before he's also apparently planning to move out and rent the property to others I have to admit if a neighbor did that to my tree I would have hate going straight down to my core for that person so I totally understand what they did here it felt like a lot but the neighbor probably deserved it and it sounds like they're paying pretty heavily for what they did to the tree with that being said that's all the stories we have for it too so what I want to know is between these two stories which one was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rprorevengeFiremebeforeIquitIllruinyourlifeorig
:14.400 --> :18.180 Earlier today I had an experience I  will treasure for the rest of my life,   :18.180 --> :19.860 best of all it's a short one! :19.860 --> :24.480 At the gym's pool I wound up befriending a  lady and her son after she gave up her swim   :24.480 --> :30.240 lane so I could flail around without potentially  steamrolling little kids in the family area. Wound   :30.240 --> :34.560 up chatting a little bit when I'd be gasping for  air on their end of the pool if I saw them again. :34.560 --> :37.320 Well, today it was pretty much the same deal,   :37.320 --> :41.400 except at one point the mom flagged me down  and asked me to keep an eye on her little one,   :41.400 --> :47.220 she had to go to the bathroom. It's not my third  day, I asked no questions. Because if you ask,   :47.220 --> :52.680 odds are a woman will tell you what's  wrong in excruciating detail. I just   :52.680 --> :56.880 nodded and assumed responsibility while she  scurried out of the pool to the locker room. :22.260 --> :27.480 She was gone for maybe ten minutes, during which  time I'd given up on helping the lil guy learn to   :27.480 --> :33.420 swim and was being used as an impromptu jumping  platform. He'd stand on my shoulders holding   :33.420 --> :37.980 my hands and then jump in the water. I guess  for him it was like jumping off a sky scraper,   :37.980 --> :41.820 and I made sure he wasn't going to knock  himself out on the pool edge or something. :41.820 --> :46.020 It was then that a woman water walked  over to us with a little girl in tow,   :46.020 --> :51.120 demanding to know where the boy's mother was  and why he was using me like a jungle gym. :51.120 --> :55.860 Before I could reply the little guy rolled  his eyes at the woman and said the following,   :55.860 --> :02.040 at max volume. "Ms. Karen Mommy asked Mr.  OP to watch me. She hasn't pooped in three   :02.040 --> :06.300 days and I think she just got unstuck. Are  you really going to ruin that for her too?" :06.300 --> :08.820 The other adults in the pool within earshot,   :08.820 --> :15.240 again, he was NOT quiet with his question all  instantly went to either complete neutrality or   :15.240 --> :19.800 barely concealed glee. I'm guessing said  lady wasn't too popular with that crowd. :19.800 --> :25.080 Her face turned an alarming shade of red, and  then huffed her way to the edge of the pool and   :25.080 --> :30.720 yanked her little one out of the pool and stalked  into the locker room, muttering unintelligibly. :30.720 --> :36.180 Lil dude DEFINITELY got a high five after  that mic drop moment. I'm not his dad,   :36.180 --> :40.020 and even if I was I'd probably  still have given him a high five. :40.020 --> :46.500 I have absolutely no idea what the too part  meant. I'll have to ask what the too meant   :46.500 --> :50.940 next chance I get. His mom was more than a  little mortified about her medical status   :50.940 --> :55.440 being broadcast like that, and she only  came back to grab her son so they could   :55.440 --> :50.400 head home. This happened my sophomore year  of high school at least the spring half. My   :50.400 --> :55.200 sister used to say this was my proudest moment  because I worked really hard. My High School   :55.200 --> :00.540 gave me off-campus lunch previliges because of  my grades were above normal for being a learning   :00.540 --> :05.460 disabled kid. Getting a B average is what is  allowable for it for sophomores and freshman. :05.460 --> :09.660 I also got to be a teacher's aide in the  special education department along with   :09.660 --> :16.260 tutoring upon request. It was awesome and for  most of January to about April, my friends who   :16.260 --> :21.180 had a car would drive to my house because my  mom was a great cook and loved serving us. :21.180 --> :26.520 But there was one issue, it was boy in the  special ed room called Cody. His mother was   :26.520 --> :30.900 one of the special ed teachers and she  was annoying as h*** because she always   :30.900 --> :36.600 tried to include Cody in everything. She was  one of those Entitled Special Needs Moms. :36.600 --> :42.420 She also had Cody follow me at lunch when I  ate in the cafeteria and he always weaseled   :42.420 --> :46.860 his way to sit with the rest of the marching  band kids. He would get upset if we talked   :46.860 --> :51.120 about music or who was trying out for drum  manager because it did not include him. :51.120 --> :56.400 I was in band since Freshman year and was  considered older by my quiet nature. Though   :56.400 --> :01.140 my band friends never escaped the fact my mom  was the one who fed us in the summer during the   :01.140 --> :06.840 Marching Field Exercises, so we made plans when  my off-campus access was allowed to see my mom. :06.840 --> :11.640 Of course Cody told his mother who asked me  when I was working in the special ed room,   :11.640 --> :14.640 "So, are you and your friends taking Cody too?" :15.360 --> :17.280 "Wait, no he doesn't have off campus,   :17.280 --> :22.740 sorry," I pointed to the rules regarding it. "If  he maintained a B average like I did he could." :22.740 --> :26.400 She crossed her arms and told me  I had to include him because I was   :26.400 --> :30.540 his friend or else. I told her  no and went forward with plans. :30.540 --> :35.220 On the day I went to sign out and noticed  something was odd when the school secretary   :35.220 --> :40.020 took me aside. She called my mom who was  basically the one who made the plans with   :40.020 --> :44.280 my friends and I. She was there in  almost five minutes with food for me. :44.280 --> :48.600 Apparently Cody's mom decided to use  my learning disabilities as a reason   :48.600 --> :53.700 to remove my off campus rights.  I worked six months to get these   :53.700 --> :57.540 privileges and they were removed all  because I wouldn't take Cody with me. :57.540 --> :02.520 I was p***** and decided to make it known in  the worst way I could. I went to my English   :02.520 --> :06.840 teacher asking her if the student aide  position was still open and she brought   :06.840 --> :10.440 the note to the special ed teacher with  a sign over sheet. "Who is going to talk   :10.440 --> :14.940 to Cody?" Was all Cody's mom asked when she  saw the signatures and couldn't get her way. :14.940 --> :20.580 Eventually my off-campus was returned a month  later when my English teacher started to fight it,   :20.580 --> :25.320 she said I worked entirely too hard.  I still maintained the B average and   :25.320 --> :29.040 also refused to go to the special ed  room for tutoring if Cody was there. :29.040 --> :32.520 By Junior year off campus was  allowed without the B average,   :32.520 --> :37.080 but I was still p***** at Cody and his  mother. I worked hard and she decided   :37.080 --> :40.920 to use my own weakness against  me for the most petty reasons. :40.920 --> :44.820 I really hope nobody has to go through  that kind of BS if they are a student   :44.820 --> :28.800 aide. I hope these policies changed at my high  school. So, I work in the floral department of   :28.800 --> :33.360 a local grocery store chain in my state. We  are always gonna be the busiest in fall and   :33.360 --> :38.340 spring due to dance season (homecoming and  Proms) and that can genuinely be really fun. :38.340 --> :43.260 Anyway, there are only ever two or three people  that work in the floral department, and rarely   :43.260 --> :47.760 do they work together. Even with dance weeks,  they will only work together towards the end   :47.760 --> :52.680 of the week. I bring this up because this specific  event happened towards the middle of a dance week. :52.680 --> :56.640 It was towards the end of my shift and I  was cleaning things up and getting ready   :56.640 --> :01.080 to go before a family of 3 walk into  the department. I don’t really mind,   :01.080 --> :05.040 since I still have a bit of time, so I  go up to them and say my usual greeting, :05.040 --> :06.420 “Hey, how can I help you today?” :06.420 --> :09.780 The mom of the family comes up to my  counter and tells me that she’s here   :09.780 --> :14.700 for a corsage pick up. I say ok and  go to grab it. Now, this lady bought   :14.700 --> :20.940 an “Admiration Petit Corsage” which is a  rather tiny corsage with about 7 spray roses,   :20.940 --> :27.720 which are just really tiny roses, in case anyone  was curious. So, by the name and flowers alone,   :27.720 --> :31.980 you would assume it wasn’t gonna be the  biggest, but it was still really pretty. :31.980 --> :37.560 She specifically ordered one with hot  pink roses, which is more of a magenta   :37.560 --> :42.240 in the roses we get. It is still a really  strong color, but it isn’t eye bleeding. :42.240 --> :49.440 ALL OF THIS- I should add, is mentioned on the  website. The size, the color, everything. We   :49.440 --> :54.780 cannot control the flowers we get, but we always  do our best to be as accurate as possible. :54.780 --> :59.760 This lady barely glances at the corsage  and says, “This isn’t what I ordered.” :59.760 --> :02.940 I look at the paper, it says “Hot Pink Petite   :02.940 --> :06.900 Admiration Corsage” so I tell  her this is what she ordered. :06.900 --> :11.880 She responds with, “no, it’s too small,  it’s not the right color, it’s hideous.”   :11.880 --> :14.220 This lady then turns to her son and is trying to   :14.220 --> :18.000 dig for his approval- and all he  says is, “I think it looks fine.” :18.000 --> :20.820 Now she’s ignoring her son and tries to get her   :20.820 --> :24.360 husband’s response- his is  the same, “it looks fine.” :24.360 --> :28.200 I tell her that there are some pre  made corsages in the walk-in cooler,   :28.200 --> :33.660 if she’d want to look at any of those. So she  does, and she comes back with like- a red,   :33.660 --> :38.280 double rose corsage- which was a bit  more expensive than the admiration one. :38.280 --> :43.620 She says to me, “You should let me just take  this one this the one you made looks disgusting.” :43.620 --> :46.860 At that point, I had it. I tell  her that we cannot do that,   :46.860 --> :51.840 mainly due to the price differences, and  I tell her exactly what she ordered. I had   :51.840 --> :54.960 to highlight to word “petite”  to show her why it was small. :54.960 --> :02.040 She then goes, “No, that is French for pretty.  I ordered a pretty admiration corsage.” :02.040 --> :07.200 Once she said that, I knew that there was  no reasoning with this lady. I apologize,   :07.200 --> :10.800 mainly to the son and father, and tell  them that if they want their refund,   :10.800 --> :12.900 they need to go upfront to do it. :12.900 --> :16.140 Floral refunds are actually only  done back in the floral department,   :16.140 --> :21.240 but I needed some time with them gone so I  could call our Central Design store to ask   :21.240 --> :25.980 them what I can do. After I finished calling  them, I called the floor managers for up front   :25.980 --> :30.480 and told them what was up- but when I told them  that they could send the lady back to floral,   :30.480 --> :33.540 they tell me they never had a  lady like that come up to them. :33.540 --> :35.940 Since she already paid for her order online,   :35.940 --> :40.560 I didn’t really care. She just had the  thing she paid for and that was that. :40.560 --> :46.500 Now, a couple days later, that same floor manager  told me and the floral manager that there was   :46.500 --> :52.560 a complaint and a refund made. It was that same  lady. I don’t know what the complaint was exactly,   :52.560 --> :57.900 but I knew it was from her because on top  of the complaint paper was her order form- :57.900 --> :24.060 Since I already told my managers what was up,  they didn’t really care much. My friend- we'll   :43.980 --> :49.440 call her June- 's mom wants to hold her back from  graduation this year (we're in 8th grade/year 9).   :50.160 --> :55.620 She isn't failing in any of her classes that  I'm aware of. She's even in both advanced math   :55.620 --> :01.320 and advanced reading as well as a teacher aide  for our art teacher. Her mom's reasoning is she   :01.320 --> :07.980 "needs to mature" and "your uncle did well and he  was held back". Worst part is she (June's mother)   :07.980 --> :15.300 was my math teacher in 6th grade/year 7, and only  recently moved from in-person teaching to online   :15.300 --> :21.240 teaching, so she is still active in her career as  a teacher. All of June's friends, myself included,   :21.240 --> :27.960 are very upset about this. She's just as smart  as we are and probably as mature as we are. I'm   :27.960 --> :32.580 honestly considering emailing her about this  because I will go off on her if she keeps   :32.580 --> :34.240 my friend back for no good reason. (My gf gave  me the full story!! She typed it out herself.) :34.240 --> :35.030 My partner had not told me they posted my  experience on Reddit until today, and I actually   :35.030 --> :35.606 have been wanting to do that, but I can’t get  to Reddit since the only device I have is my   :35.606 --> :04.680 high school Chromebooks. So, here is  a more clear version of what happened.   :04.680 --> :05.646 It is longer than what they made, so, get a  blanket, a snack, a drink, and get ready or   :05.646 --> :10.860 some real f***ed up bulls***. This all happens  within the span of like 4 months, by the way. :11.460 --> :25.140 This will be, like, part 1. It’s a saga. :25.140 --> :30.600 It started when we moved to my mother’s  house in May after school finals. Now,   :30.600 --> :33.600 me and her had had a lot of arguments  here and there over the years,   :33.600 --> :37.680 but nothing that had an impact on the  events I am about to tell you about,   :37.680 --> :42.420 it is just to tell you that my mother and I  have a rocky relationship. Anyway, to the point. :42.420 --> :48.720 My mother had started paying me $20 per every  day I babysat. Which would be my 2 siblings.   :48.720 --> :54.900 I was pretty content with it, I didn’t argue or  try to get more paid, I just got anxious when I   :54.900 --> :00.120 wasn’t paid after a while. This started when my  mom hand’t paid me in about 5 days. Which would   :00.120 --> :05.700 be about 100 dollars. During this, I had also been  designing signs for a lady that new the landowner   :05.700 --> :11.160 of my dad’s Airbnb. She took me to the store and  I went to buy the signs I needed. But she also   :11.160 --> :16.620 bought things for my littlest brother and put  them on my tab. Saying she’d pay me. I wanted   :16.620 --> :21.660 her for the active military discount, which  I got, but, she also bought almost 30 dollars   :21.660 --> :28.560 worth of toys for my brother. She promised to pay  me back. I added up how much and it was about $22   :28.560 --> :36.000 with the military discounts. So she owed me $122.  Also, that week, mom told me she’d be charging me   :36.000 --> :43.500 for my phone bill. Which was $40. So $82. I was  going to ask my mom on the 5th day for the pay,   :43.500 --> :48.840 letting her know there was an easier way  to pay, but she was sick so I didn’t say.   :48.840 --> :53.580 I wasn’t going to be some jerk who asked their  sick parent for money. I was willing to wait. :53.580 --> :57.240 While I was in the kitchen next to our  living, I was on a call with my father.   :57.240 --> :02.640 I told him about the pay and how I wanted to  ask mom for the pay and I made calculations,   :02.640 --> :07.200 he asked me how much I was being paid and so  I told him. When he told me that typically,   :07.200 --> :13.260 I would have been paid 5 dollars per kid per hour,  so I should be earning 10 dollars an hour. I said,   :13.260 --> :18.000 “So, I’m being underpaid? What do you want  me to do, bargain with her?” In a joking way,   :18.000 --> :22.620 I was not being serious in the least. I was  perfectly content with what I was being given.   :22.620 --> :27.300 My mom just sort of appears next to me, I  think she was in the living room and I just   :27.300 --> :32.340 didn’t know she was there. She grabbed my phone  and started yelling at my dad, though I have my   :32.340 --> :37.860 Bluetooth headphones connected so it was sort of  useless to yell at my phone, but then she slammed   :37.860 --> :43.800 it down (not hard but definitely not gentle), and  yelled at me. Asking: “So you’re being underpaid,   :43.800 --> :49.260 huh?! You are lucky that I’m paying you at all!!”  I tried to say, “I wasn’t agreeing with him! Why   :49.260 --> :54.660 are you yelling at me??” Then she stormed off.  That's where everything started to go downhill. :54.660 --> :59.340 A few days later, I note it’s been long enough  that my babysitting fee would be about $122.   :59.340 --> :06.720 100 dollars, plus the money she promised, minus  the $40 dollar phone bill. (So without those it   :06.720 --> :11.460 would have been $140). Before I went to ask her  for the money because I thought I should wait   :11.460 --> :15.120 a couple of days, so the phone call  thing can sizzle out and I can ask,   :15.120 --> :20.700 I received a text from her. Stating that she  didn’t believe I was taking this babysitting   :20.700 --> :26.100 seriously and she wouldn’t be paying me after  that day. So I texted her wanting to know why   :26.100 --> :32.280 she thought that and why she sent it through  text and not in person. She said we’d talk… we   :32.280 --> :37.320 didn’t. She never came to talk to me about  it. So I plotted to try and talk to her in   :37.320 --> :43.380 the most adult way I could without making her  go ballistic. She hates when I question or ask   :43.380 --> :48.360 things of her, and she gets very defensive.  So I have to be careful when talking to her. :48.360 --> :53.400 We stay with my father for a week, and we decide  to stay for the rest of the summer. The day,   :53.400 --> :57.900 we go back to her house to get more clothes  and stuff to bring back to his place. There,   :57.900 --> :02.880 I decided because I wouldn’t see her for a while,  I would tell her about the app I have for her to   :02.880 --> :08.520 become a cosponsor (One of those teen bank apps,  we can call it ‘Pace’, you can probably guess   :08.520 --> :13.620 which one it is.). When I told her, her immediate  response was: “Oh, so you can pay for your phone   :13.620 --> :20.520 bill?” She gave me this like… weird smile when  she said it. I responded: “‘Yeah, I guess,   :20.520 --> :26.280 but also-” I started to explain to her about how  I counted how much the money for the babysitting   :26.280 --> :31.260 she owed me was, and how I added the money  from the store she said she’d give me, and how   :31.260 --> :35.880 I did subtract the bill from it, and she asked:  “Did you add in the cost of the phone bill?” :35.880 --> :41.700 I stared at her, lost for words. Because I  had said that. I had just mentioned that. I   :41.700 --> :47.100 said yes but then she started going off on how  she doesn’t owe me anything and how I should be   :47.100 --> :52.680 grateful and lucky she was paying me at all for  babysitting and she said she wouldn’t be paying   :52.680 --> :58.020 me the money she owed me. I lost my temper because  she was just going off instead of listening to me,   :58.020 --> :02.940 so I just started shouting at her that  she owed me 122 dollars. By the way,   :02.940 --> :07.320 this all escalated while we were walking down  the stairs and until we got to the garage   :07.320 --> :12.900 door. I stormed to the car and didn’t look at  her when she said goodbye. I was p***** off. :12.900 --> :00.300 (1/2) (2/2) The day we came back to stay with my  mother for the school year, she took me to get a   :00.300 --> :05.700 mani-pedi, and we had a great lunch and a great  day. I was completely unaware of what would be   :05.700 --> :11.580 happening later that night. As you know, my mom  has a new boyfriend. She values his word as law   :11.580 --> :16.980 and for some reason puts him above us and gave  him disciplinary power over me and my brothers,   :16.980 --> :22.800 which I don’t care for. But that’s irrelevant.  This is where the ‘Runaway Incident’ occurred.   :22.800 --> :27.420 My mother called me downstairs while I was  on call with my s/o. We went downstairs,   :27.420 --> :34.860 and what was waiting for me gave me immediate  bad vibes. My mother and her boyfriend standing   :34.860 --> :40.260 there with black shirts with the text: ‘DRILL  INSTRUCTOR’ on it, and two of the stool chairs   :40.260 --> :45.780 sat next to each other. With gray shirts and  a reflective vest sitting on both chairs. My   :45.780 --> :50.760 middle brother was sitting there, looking at me  with an equally confused expression. My anxiety   :50.760 --> :55.620 started to peek as I went to sit down, holding  the clothes. They handed both of us a paper that   :55.620 --> :01.260 said ‘House Rules’. It might as well have read:  “Boot Camp”. The thing was fine, initially. But   :01.260 --> :06.480 it was the penalties they had placed that  were madness. Not doing chores? 2 hours of   :06.480 --> :12.720 free time. That was the most reasonable thing  on this paper. It jumps the gun really quickly. :12.720 --> :20.100 Missing assignments? 9+ days penalty. Again, a bit  overboard, but okay, livable. But here is the most   :20.100 --> :28.680 insane thing. Any grades lower than As and Bs? 30+  days penalty or more. Yes. Anything less than an A   :28.680 --> :36.300 or a B for any amount of time, no exceptions, will  result in over a MONTHS worth of penalty. Penalty   :36.300 --> :43.200 is basically no fun. No computer, no phone, no TV,  no games, no books, just staring at a wall. You   :43.200 --> :47.880 also had to do the other person’s chores on top  of your own. There was no debating or anything on   :47.880 --> :52.680 this. I look at my mother and her boyfriend and  asked: “You are joking, right? This is insane.”   :52.680 --> :57.120 They say that not, and that these rules have  always been there but now they are enforcing them. :57.120 --> :02.160 You know that sinking feeling of anxiety,  when your hands shake, and you aren’t thinking   :02.160 --> :08.640 straight? Like the ‘I want to run away’ feeling?  Yeah, that was me. Again, there was no hint that   :08.640 --> :12.900 this was going to happen. I had thought that I  was doing great for the first week of school.   :12.900 --> :18.780 No missing assignments, all homework done by  the time I get home, doing my chores on time,   :18.780 --> :24.600 I thought I was doing great. So I was freaking  out, wondering what warranted this. They look   :24.600 --> :29.700 at me brother and ask him if he’s wondering why  this is happening to him. My brother nods. Then   :29.700 --> :35.100 they proceed to tell him: “You can thank your  sister, your sister harassing your mother and   :35.100 --> :40.140 making her cry the other day, and doing nothing  to fix it or apologize for it.” (Side note:   :40.140 --> :43.800 They did call me at some point during  the month we were at father’s place, :43.800 --> :48.900 My heart and my body might as well have gone into  shock because so much was going through my head.   :48.900 --> :54.600 Remembering it makes me feel that weightlifting  anxiety all over again. Then my mother looks at   :54.600 --> :01.380 the clock and says: “Oh look, 6 minutes until 7,  so give me your phones.” We were given personal   :01.380 --> :08.640 time at 7. But we weren’t allowed to have our  phones… during the designated personal time. I   :08.640 --> :13.560 lost it there, because my s/o was still on call.  I don’t know how much they heard, but I remember   :13.560 --> :18.780 saying: “I’m going to dad’s, I’m calling dad.”  And I get up out of the chair to put the kitchen   :18.780 --> :23.340 counter between me and my mother and her boyfriend  because they were shouting at me that they were   :23.340 --> :28.740 going to cut the line to my phone and to give them  my phone and to hang up. Yelling at dad to hang up   :28.740 --> :34.920 and ignore me. I am crying at this point, begging  dad to come get me and to not hang up. I try to   :34.920 --> :39.360 run upstairs to get away from them because I was  willing to just walk the hours that it would take   :39.360 --> :44.760 to get there, and I wanted to pack and leave. I  kept saying I want to leave and to move out of   :44.760 --> :49.920 my way when they’d block me. Then her boyfriend  grabbed my arm. My mother made him let go and I   :49.920 --> :54.480 ran up the stairs, but she grabbed my by the  back of my shirt. I told them to let me go,   :54.480 --> :59.580 and I used all the strength I had to pull away  from her. But when I got to the top of the stairs,   :59.580 --> :03.900 she pinned me on my stomach. Then said:  “If you hit me, I will call the police.” :03.900 --> :10.560 … yes. You are not reading that wrong. If I hit  her, while she had me pinned… she would call the   :10.560 --> :16.260 police. I look back at it now and I wish I did  hit her for how stupid that statement was. She   :16.260 --> :21.240 got the phone from my hand, and I ran to my room  and packed my stuff My middle brother came in to   :21.240 --> :27.360 beg me not to go, but at the time, I just could  not stay there. I left downstairs and they said   :27.360 --> :32.580 I wasn’t leaving. They blocked the front door.  I shouted at home and I couldn’t take it there,   :32.580 --> :37.320 because this wasn’t the first time when something  drastic like this has happened between me and her,   :37.320 --> :41.940 and I just couldn’t deal with my mom and her  bulls*** any longer. They left the backdoor   :41.940 --> :47.100 unguarded, so I escaped through the backdoor and  the gate that lead out to the neighborhood. I   :47.100 --> :51.780 walked around for a while, trying to remember  the path to my dad’s house. But I decided to   :51.780 --> :56.220 got to my school first so that I could go  through my school day the next day and then   :56.220 --> :01.620 try to walk to dad’s house. But they found me  and my mom shouted at me to get in the car,   :01.620 --> :06.600 and that the police were coming. Which I  learned was another BS lie from her. (She   :06.600 --> :11.220 loves to use CPS against me. That whole  thing is a story of its own). I told   :11.220 --> :15.420 her no and could see the look on her  face that she was infuriated with me. :15.420 --> :21.060 I got in the car because she was taking me to  my father’s house, which I doubted. But she did   :21.060 --> :26.100 end up taking me there. Of course, not without  saying how selfish I am and how she could have   :26.100 --> :31.680 lost her job and look what I did to everyone  and why was I being so ungrateful and how she   :31.680 --> :37.560 was going to never get me anything ever again. You  know, what you say when your child runs away. Her   :37.560 --> :41.820 boyfriend tried to reason with me, but I was  determined at the time to get away from them,   :41.820 --> :46.680 and never see them again. I was weighing  my options while we drove, and when we got   :46.680 --> :51.660 to my father’s house, mom got out of the car  and talked to dad, shouting at him for like,   :51.660 --> :56.820 thirty minutes. While she was gone, her boyfriend  talked to me, and made a deal. We were going to   :56.820 --> :01.500 go to Michigan in October, so he proposed that  I follow along with the boot camp until then,   :01.500 --> :08.160 and then we can go back to normal, no boot camp  or anything. I accepted, but the ‘normal’ didn’t   :08.160 --> :12.960 seem to add onto my phone. (Another event  confirmed this. But that's for later). So   :12.960 --> :16.980 I would have to find a job, which I won’t  complain about, I needed to do that anyway. :16.980 --> :21.420 The boyfriend leaves to tell mom, my  brother and I stay with my father overnight,   :21.420 --> :26.820 he also mentioned how I needed to grow up, which  did not help at all with everything I had to deal   :26.820 --> :32.040 with. I discovered I could use discord on  my computer, and told all my friends what   :32.040 --> :37.500 happened. (Two of them are, like, actual adults)  and they all thought that it was f***ing insane. :40.020 --> :14.880 This will be the end of Part 1, Part 2 will be  posted. (2/2) Fast-forward to the day before   :14.880 --> :20.580 we leave to go on the plane. We have all of our  things packed, I was already in a bad mood since   :20.580 --> :25.920 mom tossed out all the stuff I had packed in  my suitcase and ridiculed me for packing safe.   :25.920 --> :32.160 Like having extra shirts, sweatpants to sleep in,  extra undergarments because my time of the month   :32.160 --> :38.220 is late, like, literally everything that could  be reasonable. But I could look past it. But this   :38.220 --> :44.040 is what broke any trust that my mom respected  boundaries. I was about to take a shower when   :44.040 --> :49.860 I caught her in my room behind my back with all  of my things on the bed. I told her to quit it,   :49.860 --> :55.080 and to stop taking my stuff. She then lectured  me on why I didn’t need these and walked off,   :55.080 --> :01.380 with my s***! I was so p***** off and I knew she  went in to look behind my back on purpose without   :01.380 --> :06.660 me knowing because she did not ask to look in  it. I told her what was in it. Two power cells,   :06.660 --> :13.560 chargers, etc. Normal s***. But then…  THEN. She had the audacity, the nerve,   :13.560 --> :18.960 to tell me that she wasn’t at my beckon&call  when I wanted my stuff back and where it was.   :18.960 --> :24.420 I complained to her that this broke trust that  I could leave my personal belongings alone. They   :24.420 --> :29.640 kept making fun of the pencils I had. I did have  a lot, but that's because I collect lost ones I   :29.640 --> :34.440 find at school. They kept using the excuse that  it was for TSA, but she could have told me that   :34.440 --> :39.540 she wanted to look through it or ask me to take  stuff out that might get us in trouble. That   :39.540 --> :44.700 would have been fine. But she deliberately goes  behind my back to search through my bag and not   :44.700 --> :50.040 tell me. I was p*****, I found the stuff and  hid it for me to take back when we get back. :50.040 --> :55.800 My mother, in the heat of an argument with me  about how I felt my privacy had been breached and   :55.800 --> :01.200 she shouldn’t be looking through her 18-year-old  daughter’s things, told me I was not welcome back   :01.200 --> :06.600 in her house when I moved out. Oh, I should add,  I said I didn’t want to join the military while in   :06.600 --> :12.480 earshot of my mother, and she decided to shame me,  tell me how much rent and s*** was meant to be,   :12.480 --> :18.960 and tell me I either joined the military or I move  out. So I’m moving out. She stormed upstairs with   :18.960 --> :24.900 her boyfriend. He thought I was overreacting, but  he also thought she was overreacting. So he did   :24.900 --> :29.040 vouch for me and say how she was in the wrong.  I know this because she barreled downstairs,   :29.040 --> :34.020 demanding to know if I took what she said  seriously. To keep me out of her argument,   :34.020 --> :38.880 I said ‘No’. So I felt pretty good  watching her get herself in trouble more. :38.880 --> :44.580 Right now, I’m in Michigan. Once this week is up,  boot camp is over, and I can work and do things on   :44.580 --> :49.020 my own time. There will be updates on the s***  storm to come when I start working without my   :49.020 --> :54.060 mother’s permission. I’ll take your guy’s advice  and sue her if she refuses to hand me my legal   :54.060 --> :58.620 documents. I don’t know about my birth certificate  because I don’t know how I’m getting to Alaska,   :58.620 --> :04.740 but I’ll get my SSN card and a new federal ID.  I have mine with my mother’s sponsor on it,   :04.740 --> :07.980 so I think that might be enough to  get a new one without her on it. :07.980 --> :12.240 Thank you for everyone’s support and advice,  if you have any more or are/have gone through   :12.240 --> :16.740 something like this, please leave something in  the comments. I want to know I’m not the only one.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMYGIRLFRIENDSMOTHERISAPSYCHOPATHRedditStoriesen
what is the most terrifying thing you've ever experienced while home alone I was about 21 or 22 and living by myself at the time and I left my window open on a pleasant night it was low enough to the ground that you could get in if you really tried but the screen wasn't easy to take off and I lived in a fairly safe neighborhood so I didn't even think twice about it woke up in the middle of the night because I smelled smoke and I reached out to turn on my lamp and my hand hit what was very obviously a person my brain fully woke up at that point and I realized there was a shirtless man in my bedroom smoking a cigarette and staring at me I remember yelling for him to get out and I must have spooked him just as badly as he spooked me because he left out my window and took off I slammed it shut and moved a bookcase in front of it and when I went out the next morning in the daylight found the screen sitting against the house didn't sleep the rest of the night and I haven't slept with a window more than cracked ever since I also absolutely refused to live on the ground floor of a building I don't know if he was planning to rob me or rope me or both but it was absolutely terrifying and makes me wonder how many times it happened and I didn't wake up
give me a good story on whatisthemostterrifyingthingyouveexperiencedwhilehomealoneshorts
sacrificed everything to maintain a long-distance relationship with my girlfriend in college then I found out she dropped out cheated on me in Mexico and started an only finess Hillary and I have been together for nearly four years she moved to the city during our junior year of high school and we quickly became fast friends I have never connected with someone as deeply as I did with her we set our I love yous on the second day we spent together the first two years were the two most incredible years of my life we went on to University together we literally spent almost every single day together Hillary was everything I could have ever asked for and I thought she was the one I felt lucky to have someone like her the first 2 years she would always bring up marriage and kids and things like that I was all in we knew we wanted to go to the same college she was going to take a teaching degree and I was going to tackle engineering but time came for me to take my diploma exam and I didn't get the grade I needed in order to get into engineering then things sort of just changed for me it's like my whole future collapsed I watched as my dreams of becoming an engineer shattered before my eyes the disappointment and frustration weighed heavily on me casting a dark shadow over everything as my friends celebrated their successes and made plans for the future I felt like I was standing still frozen in time Hillary noticed the change in me the way I retreated into myself and became distant At first she tried to cheer me up reminding me that there were other paths to take other dreams to pursue but I couldn't shake off the sense of failure that clung to me like a heavy cloak I felt like a failure from there a couple of buddies of mine urged me to go into geological Sciences it was something that I had an interest in but never really thought of how I could make a career out of it as it was always just a hobby but I decided to give it a shot the only catch was the college that the program was in was in a different city altogether and about a 12-hour drive from the college that Hillary had been accepted to for her teaching degree I applied to the program without telling her yeah I know bad boyfriend but I knew that she'd try to talk me out of it and I just had already felt low for not getting into the engineering program that I had planned on I ended up getting accepted into the program but the excitement of getting accepted quickly turned to dread because I still hadn't told her of what my new plan was how could I be so selfish to choose my own path over Hillary's and potentially risk our relationship in the process I ended up sitting her down and mustering up the courage to break the news to her she didn't say much just nodded as if processing the information then she said that she's already been accepted to the college we had originally planned to go together and she wasn't going to walk away from that I encouraged her not to she was mad upset disappointed all of it but she said that she didn't want to hold me back I said that we would talk text video chat every day if we needed I said I'd come back for all of the big holidays and for the fall and spring breaks but when I was in school the longdistance combined with school and work started to put a serious strain on me and I knew it had put a strain on our relationship soon enough in hindsight it may have been foolish but I made the decision to prioritize her above all else she became the most important thing in my life I felt like an ass for leaving her and The Biggest Loser for moving away from all of my friends and family I ended up doing really bad that year because I'd skip class just to video chat with her I'd stay up late talking to her and lose focus skip out on assignments and I ended up on academic probation I considered dropping out but my family insisted I stick it out I ended up being really depressed she seemed to be flourishing and doing really well she said she missed me but she said that she wasn't going anywhere and that it was only temporary she said we were doing this for our future so that's what kept me going she basically gave me some tough love and I sort of snapped out of it there were weekends that she had said she planned to come out to see me but then she'd back out last minute she said an assignment came up where she wanted to spend the weekend studying and so I didn't want to take her away from that I just looked at this more so as business I had a job to do and she had a job to do we were building our future together I came back for Christmas and hardly saw her I chocked it up to the fact that Christmas is a busy time of year and we both had family to see and visit and everyone sort of wanted a piece of me while I was finally in town except for my own girlfriend then spring break came around she kept telling me how excited she was to see me in all of the things she had planned but then I came back and she said that she was super sick I went to drop off some homemade soup and sandwiches one night but it was a quick high and buy she didn't even kiss me on the lips because she said she didn't want to get me sick I was bummed when I went back to school I worked my ass off trying to better myself so that I was going into my second year on the right foot I ended up finding my groove and finally it was summer break and I came back home although I was unhappy and struggling with depression I never let it show I took responsibility for my emotions and tried my best to make her happy our once thriving relationship had changed but I attributed it to a settling into a routine in the end of the honeymoon phase suddenly she began expressing her strong opposition to having children even though I had never brought up the topic and still didn't want kids this was also when she casually mentioned that she could live without getting married a warning sign that I overlooked but despite these hints I chose to ignore them suddenly I thought okay maybe I don't want to get married and maybe I didn't want to be a dad I was willing to put all of that aside for her during this time I came close to Landing a dream job quite a few times but always came up just short and each time I could sense her respect for me dwindling it was an internship that would have gotten my foot in the door I told myself to stop being irrational and paranoid and again ignored something that should have been a red flag that brings us to our last year together when we first started dating we had segs pretty much all the time like we'd skip class to go and do the deed we both have high drives and it was amazing but this past year we had sex a grand total of three times I mean granted I wasn't around but still while I was away she talked about what she'd do to me when I got back as if she was going to jump my bones the first chance she got but it wasn't like that at all and each time it was her doing me a favor after I had basically begged her despite constantly asking she always responded with I don't feel attractive however I honored her wishes and remained by her side because my love for her was too strong during this time my relationships with all my friends deteriorated a bit mostly because I was struggling with being away trying to balance school and maintain my relationship with her and I was battling depression real bad and during this time I will say she was working hard and really taking care of herself she lost some weight and she was looking particularly delicious she started regularly going to the gym and quickly lost a significant amount of weight physically she was almost unrecognizable and her personality seemed to change as well she became emotionally distant from me no longer displaying the neediness and clinginess that characterized our relationship before even when she showed me affection it felt forced and insincere I tried talking to her about it multiple times but she always reassured me that everything was fine I convinced myself that I was overthinking things and that my insecurities were getting the best of me thanks to reading too many similar stories on Reddit being around her became unbe yet I couldn't bring myself to end things in case it was all in my head I desperately wanted concrete proof of what I was feeling well one day I had enough and I told her that it doesn't even feel like we're in a relationship anymore we got in this huge fight I felt like I was talking to a stranger someone I once knew so intimately but now couldn't recognize Hillary said that it was all in my head and that everything was fine she said she was just working hard towards our future and that I needed to trust her but deep down I knew something wasn't right it was as if a dark cloud had settled over our relationship casting a shadow on everything we once had I couldn't shake the feeling that she was slipping away from me she said I just needed to focus on me and stay on track she said everything was fine then she suggested that we go to Mexico for spring break she said it would be a perfect place to let loose and just relax and spend some intimate time together I quickly jumped at the idea and we both spent the night excited invigorated looking at allinclusive packages we eventually found one that worked for the both of us and we were going to meet each other there well a few days before we were supposed to leave she drps this bomb saying that she can't go anymore Hillary told me she had to work on an important project and couldn't take the time off to go on the trip I was disappointed I sort of flipped out but she then she got mad at me saying that she was doing this for us and that I needed to be more understanding I said she was leaving me with this big bill now that should have been split between the two of us and not only that but this trip was supposed to save our relationship that it didn't even feel like she was putting first anymore then she said that I was being unreasonable and selfish and that I didn't understand how hard she was working and that everything she was doing was for me and the relationship I then backed off I tried to understand the importance of her work and didn't want to pressure her into coming with me but I couldn't help but feel like I had been sacrificing my own happiness and well-being for the sake of our relationship only to be met with accusations of not being supportive enough it felt like a slap in the face she said that I should still go on the trip and that she will call me every night and we can video chat she said that the trip would be good for me to cut back and relax and get my mind off of school I ultimately went to Mexico by myself on the nights that we were supposed to video chat she'd say she had to turn in early so we only talk for about 20 minutes at a time well one night she said good night and we said our goodbyes and then I'm scrolling through Instagram and I watch a mutual friend of ours story and she's at a bar taking shots and Hillary is with her I'm like him maybe this is an old video and our friend is just posting this now then I go on to messenger and it says that Hillary was active 30 minutes ago well she said she was going to bed 2 hours ago so what is she doing still up then I go on to Snapchat but Hillary has turned off her live location usually she shares her location but I've I've never really had to use it okay then I go back to Instagram and I message our friend and I ask what bar that is she responds and says it's a certain bar and she sends a photo of a drink in her hand so I know it's Liv I know she's there right now and I know Hillary is there I text Hillary and I say I thought you were sleeping then I try to go back and see the story again but our friend has deleted it hm well now I'm fuming Hillary doesn't respond I try to go to sleep but I can't it's still early and there's a bar down by the beach that's still opens so I get dressed and go down for some drinks I end up meeting some people there and there's an attractive woman there who's pretty flirty with me Heidi we end up drinking together and she asks me to come back to her room she rubs my leg I put my hand down to sort of stop her from going any further and I say that I'm super flattered but that I'm seeing somebody she apologizes she says she didn't know and she totally respects that we end up adding icho there on Instagram and it being totally harmless and I add a few more of the group of people there that she's with as well we all end up hanging out a bit and I actually really enjoyed myself I I spent the rest of the vacation with that group anyways she doesn't respond to my text and the next morning I send another and I sent then about 2 hours later she responds and she says oh sorry she went out with Trish who is our mutual friend and she says Trish needed to get out and asked me last minute she said Trish needed a friend I was like why did you lie she said she didn't like she just didn't feel the need to text me because she thought I'd be sleeping and then I say why did she think I was sleeping because I'm here alone and you think I'm a loser and she said wo where did that come from and and I say I didn't go to bed either I went to a bar myself that night and met some cool people then I guess there is a photo that I was tagged in and Heidi's arm was around me in the photo but there was a group of us in it so then she forwards me that photo an hour later and she says cool people huh and I read it and don't respond that night I have a buddy of mine text me and tell me that she was at the bar with Trish and Hill and that hill was seing with another guy and I say what what guy and then he sends me a text of Hill sitting on some randoms lap my buddy then sends another and it's of this guy kissing her neck then he sends another and they're dancing but basically on top of each other well then I'm in Mexico all by myself and find out my girlfriend is cheating on me my buddy texts me and says that he's sorry and then I'm like don't be sorry and I sent a screenshot of the woman who tried to get with me the night before then he says you know what I would do and I did I did know what my friend would do so I went into Instagram and messaged Heidi and asked her out for dinner we end up going for this lovely dinner and sitting at this poolside bar we get to know each other and she asks me what happened to what I said earlier and I said earlier and she said you're seeing somebody and I said yeah forget I ever said that I then go on to tell her basically my life story and I show her those photos of hill with some random guy Heidi then says that her offer still stands did I take her up on that offer hell yeah I did she even grabbed my phone and took a selfie of her mouth on a certain part of my anatomy and I'll let you guess which one let's just say I came to Mexico to feel relaxed and to get my mind off of school and my mind was definitely not on school later that night we put those pictures of Hill and her new guy up on my social stories and said Miss Hillary is a cheater who will be teaching the next Generations do you want her teaching your future kids then she texts me and says how could you do this what are you thinking you're out of your mind all that jazz she said how could you treat your girlfriend like this I said girlfriend I'm single I can do whatever I want in Paradise then I sent her the photo of Heidi making me feel good and tell her I'm doing this for my future update one quick update I come back from Mexico and find out that Hill has an only fans account another buddy of mine screenshot her account and sent it to me and it's definitely her guess she's been real busy since I've been away for school I sent the screenshots to her family and friends and by this point I don't even care then it comes out that Hill wasn't even going to school she dropped out in the first semester because she had failed some classes but had managed to pretend like she was going she was actually just creating a following on only fans she took on this person a of Mill update too back again Hillary's actions had Brad her implications for her family's reputation and social standing within their Community see her father was actually a man of pretty big importance and ended up losing some pretty big clients her father's reputation took a hit that even he couldn't recover from they went through so much strain that her parents ended up getting divorced and her dad moved out of town I'm not sure where he ended up I never asked but i' talked to Hill sister still from time to time I guess their mom isn't talking to Hill she's not allowed home and she's been working at some Dollar Tree but her only fans isn't active anymore Hill and her family are totally disgraced they've lost everything I feel bad for her sister meanwhile I'm finishing up school and I feel like I'm in a really good place I finally got my head out of my ass and met some new people here it's starting to feel like home and I even talked to Heidi a bit here and there and she's planning on coming out to see me next month we're not putting any expectations in it we're friends she's cool and we're just having fun for the first time in well ever I don't regret moving here and doing something for myself I guess not getting into engineering turned out to be one of the best things that could have ever happened to me life's weird now on to the next story story two came home early from my exhausting job to surprise my wife and found a love letter she wrote to another man so I told his wife about the months long Affair then divorced her I was married to my wife Lily in my mid-30s she was 33 then and we were a basic family who had the bare minimum no kids which I was grateful for she wanted a new kitchen and that meant one thing longer hours at work for me and barely enough time to be home when she got back from school she was a school teacher by the way I thought getting her what she wanted was going to make her happier but it didn't instead she would barely look at me while I tried conversing with her and she answered with Curt nods when I asked questions it went on like this for weeks I was coming back tired to my distant wife one day at work I began to sweat profusely even when it was less than 20° outside my cooworker who happened to see me rub my eyes to clear my blurry vision insisted I go home I had painkillers to help me get my head together before climbing into my truck and driving home this was the first time in months that I was going home early it was going to surprise Lily I parked my truck out front when I realized realized she wasn't back yet by the time I was heading for the door I noticed there was mail in the Box I was never the one to check the mail because my wife got home before I did but this mail got my attention I grabbed it and checked who it was for it was an address not too far away and within the city with our return address and the sender was Lily it was natural to ignore the mail knowing she was always sending something like this but then I found it weird that the recipient address was still in this town not too far from where I lived my curiosity caught the best of me and I opened it up especially because the envelope was pink and had faint cute heart sprinkled on it it wasn't anything you'd send a serious letter and AER bells in my head were already going off and the dizziness felt earlier at work washed away my finger pulled at the print inside and my heart broke at what I saw nudes they were nudes her nudes that wasn't all there was a handwritten letter telling the recipient to enjoy with my blood boiling and my head hot I closed it up and studied the address again knowing the place was a few streets away I climbed into my truck I finally found the apartment clean and freshly painted I stayed in my truck watching to see if anyone was in when right at that moment a new car pulled up to the driveway the man who I guess is the owner stepped out and I followed with the mail in hand the man turned to me in confusion pretending to be delivering a package I handed the mail to him and in 3 seconds when he realized who it was from his eyes widened it surprised me how calm I was no fist throwing no tongue lashing just a straight stare at the man in front of me I noticed the woman on the other side of the door watching us curiously his wife I suppose assuring him I wouldn't make a scene I told him to come with me and he obliged with no hesitation giving his wife the excuse of going to see a friend and entered my truck I stopped by a phone booth along the way and called Lily she was back home and from the sound in the background I could tell she was making her special tea I gave her the news of an emergency and told her that she should meet me at her parents house her instant response was expected and I hung up heading back to the car I drove up to her parents house without saying a word to the man having an affair with Lily by the time I rounded up at her parents house Lily had just arrived it wasn't her reaction I mean her mouth fell open as she saw the man next to me her parents who had just stepped outside found us and were confused by what was going on I told the man to hand the mail over to her parents and explain himself it didn't take too long for my wife to start crying she tried to explain but her sobs made it hard for her the man she was having an affair with understood that The Jig was up and explained that this had been going on for months they had met at a parent teacher meeting in school and he had shown interest in her even knowing she was married Lily never tried to turn him down instead she bathed in his attention and made it something more her parents were stunned by the information Lily was already clinging to my shirt crying but I brushed her off I couldn't believe that she would betray me like this so I told her to stay with her parents she started crying harder begging me not to do this to our family her parents were extremely upset asking me to reconsider and trying to console their daughter but I just left I left the app with them too I wonder what they did to him after I left because her dad was looking murderous a few days later I filed for a divorce and sent it over to her for signing her parents kept on calling as did Lily and she kept sending me mail by morning and evening delivery in the same pink envelop she sent app nudes too that's when I realized she was just incredibly dumb I found the app's phone number from the directory and called his wife to tell her about everything that happened between Lily and her husband I don't know what she did with that piece of information some months later my divorce was finalized a few years down the line I met a wonderful woman who I married and started a family with I don't regret leaving my ex one bit because I would not have the life I have today had I not do not ever stay with a cheating spouse you deserve better
give me a good story on SacrificedEverythingtoMaintainaLongdistanceRelationshipWithMyGirlfriendinCollegeThen
busted my wife cheating so I ended her a fair partner's marriage I'm at a complete loss I don't know what to do there were signs and I overlooked them I was blinded by love and never imagined this would happen to me not with her my wife and best friend of nearly 20 years I work out of town and wasn't supposed to be back until tonight we were supposed to leave for a two-e road trip tomorrow things were slow at work so I came home yesterday afternoon this trip was to give us a little alone time since we've been so busy with family and friends this summer when I got home there was a truck in my driveway that I didn't recognize my neighbor just recently asked me how I like the new truck but I thought he was mistaken and didn't think much of it as soon as I could see the truck I got a terrible gut feeling I love my wife and trusted her completely but that feeling was there and strong I snuck around the side of the house to our bedroom window it was open and I could hear them as I got close I looked in the window and my worst fear was confirmed they were right there completely naked on my bed I walked away I've been fighting the urge to do something that I know I will regret I'm struggling to care what happens to me at this point I went to my family's cabin for the night and drank everything there today I was on my way home to confront her and decided against it I'm not ready all I can feel is anger all I can think about is violence I'm not in a good place right now not good enough to see her I'm back at the cabin right now I have a 60 ounces of rum and I've been staring at it for an hour I want to get drunk and forget this but I don't want to get drunk and make bad decisions I know this is a critical moment in my life and my actions in the coming days will dictate the rest of my life that's why I'm here I need help I'm not ready to speak to family or friends so I'm reaching out to strangers this world update busted wife cheating the amount of support and advice I've received is unbelievable I actually got choked up just realizing how many great people there are out there willing to help a stranger it gives me a bit of Hope for the world at a moment when I needed it most the downside to all of this support is that I am struggling to respond to people I have over 600 private messages on red and several hundred comments on red I want to say thank you to everyone individually and I'm going to make an effort to do that but it won't be quick so I will just start by giving a big thank you to everyone for your kind messages and helpful advice it really means a lot to me I have noticed several comments and questions that keep popping up and wanted to provide clar CL it in addition to my minor update if you can't tell I am feeling a lot better today the pain almost completely went away I still feel like I've been punched in the gut but otherwise I begun looking to the Future it has been 2 days so this doesn't seem right to me is this a calm before the storm or am I just freakishly resilient as for the questions and comments I've received here are some cliff notes to clarify some things when I said wife and best friend I was referring to the two roles my wife played in my life the other guy was not my best friend or even someone I knew I didn't get a great look at him but from the quick glance and seeing his vehicle I don't feel like this is someone I know we do not have kids we were planning to have them soon though we recently sold our house and we set to move closer to my job in September when the new owners take possession I am going to thank my neighbor but I'm going to do it subtly like he did for me a lot of people have been asking me about the signs I mentioned overlooking off the top of my head here are a few was texting abnormally late at night went for after work drinks with friends regularly this was not like her but I was glad that she was being social she had yoga once a week but was apparently not paying because one of her co-workers was the instructor and she was helping with setup and cleanup I also thought she was very inflexible for someone who went to yoga unknown caller Hang-Ups we regularly answer each other's phones if we are closer to it several times she had an unknown caller who would hang up as soon as I answered we get a lot of spam calls but usually it's a telemarketer or a debt collector looking for the previous owner of the number rarely it's a hang-up the update is a work in progress when my brother arrived we had a good long talk he has been my true best friend and I realized I need to always remember that and know that he will always be there for me without judgment the same way way I would be for him he really sets the standard for what a true friendship is even if we fight on occasion since I was supposed to be home last night I decided to respond to my wife's text we aren't allowed to have phones on site so it was reasonable for me to only be texting her she knows it's easy for me to sneak in some texts I wrote her and said I needed to go to one of my company's remote sites and wouldn't be able to call her until the end of the weekend I told her that I would cancel all of the reservations and rebook later she said she could take her best friend with her this weekend to the romantic bed and breakfast on a Vineyard that I booked I knew it wasn't the best friend she wanted me to think would be going I told her that I already gave it to my brother and his wife since it was non-refundable and they would pay me back in a month this morning I canceled all of the reservations except the Romantic one my brother is coming with me fortunately the hotel let us switch from the honeymoon suite to a room with two beds there also happens to be a really nice Lake and boat rentals nearby so this just turned into a long overdue fishing trip with my brother this means I am free for the weekend I don't have to write her or talk to her for a few days so that relieves some stress and gives me more time to think I am currently in the mindset to get a divorce I honestly can't see it any other way my brother is supportive of this but has asked me to take a few weeks and speak to someone his wife has a friend who is a couple's counselor and is willing to talk to me on Monday I don't see it changing my mind but at least it might help untangle some of this mess for me I am also taking a bunch of the advice on here and starting to speak to lawyers at the very least to prepare for what I think is inevitable I want to do this right I've never thought of her as someone who would try to screw me over but I also never expected her to cheat so I think I need to be prepared for anything thanks again everyone I'm going to try to enjoy my weekend as much as possible update 2 busted my wife cheating a lot has happened in the past few days I'll start with the less important stuff my brother Matt and I drove nearly 5 hours to the BNB on the vineyard I really appreciate him being there for me through this it was more of a venting session than anything but it really helped clear my head after spending the better part of the drive whining to him I just wanted a little alone time while he wanted to go out for dinner I stayed in the room and he went out to eat and took me back some food he also managed to rent a boat for the next day on Saturday we hit the water the owner of the BNB knew about our plans for fishing and was nice enough to pack us a small cooler of food and drinks it was their way of making the Romantic package more useful for two brothers it was a nice gesture fishing wasn't good we both caught a couple of trout that we had to release due to their size so the snacks from the BNB worked out great we stopped fishing at midafternoon and then drove around to all of The Vineyards and fruit stands buying food and cases of wine for Matt's wife Jen that night we went for the biggest Tomahawk Steak we could find on Sunday we drove back to Matt's place he lives in the next town over for me which is about an hour away from my place when we arrived Jen was there and we all sat and cracked a bottle of white we had chilling in the cooler this is when the weekend officially ended for me Jen told me that while we were away that she decided to go spy on my wife she told me that the guy was at my place on Friday night all night but on Saturday morning she managed to get there just as he was leaving she followed him home and found the apartment where he lived my wife stayed over there on Saturday night the same time she was sending me text messages saying she loves me and misses me Jen said that she was splitting her time between visiting family who live in my town and stalking my wife she said that she happened to catch my wife leaving his apartment on Sunday morning and took a few pics of them hugging and kissing before she got into her car I don't want to see them that pretty much sealed the deal for me I don't think I could ever trust her again if she can turn it on and off so easily to tell me she loves me while being with a different guy still I decided that I am not going to jump to a knee-jerk reaction based on emotions I need to remain calm and level that's when Jen told me that Sharon was coming over for dinner Sharon is the counselor that Jen set me up with an appointment for to clarify she has never met my wife and this was my first time meeting her as well Sharon was a very nice person and we got along great after dinner Sharon and I went for a walk around Matt's neighorhood Hood to walk the dogs and have a bit of a private conversation Sharon was really helpful in the fact that she was a great listener and made me feel like I didn't need to be guarded it was therapeutic to be that free with describing my feelings as much as I am comfortable with my brother this was just different and very needed it's the same reason why I like writing this on Reddit it's a vent session that helps me untangle some of the mess in my head our walk lasted an hour and the only real advice that Sharon gave me was to not delay the conversation with my wife she said that the longer I wait the harder it will become to talk to her about this she said I need Clarity more than anything at this point and my wife is the only person that can give that to me later that night Jan and Matt offered me to stay with them for as long as necessary I know that Matt and I have an experi period for being in close quarters with each other so I spoke to my boss who was able to set me up in company housing I've been staying there every second week for a while but have to leave on days off he managed to make it work for me to stay full-time for a few months if I needed I decided to rebook with Sharon for later this week I figured our walk sufficed for the first session she agreed I spent the night on Sunday just laying in bed thinking about how to approach this I struggled with this because even the imaginary scenario IO in my head was making my angry or sad I decided I would just wing it I'm usually good Under Pressure yesterday I woke up and said my goodbyes to Matt and Jen I drove towards home and was thinking what if he was there when I arrived then I thought that it would likely just put me back in the angry spot I was a few days ago I decided to do a drive by first neither his truck or my wife's car were there I went inside and grabbed a bunch of Essentials and things I don't want to part with mainly just some photos and old family heirlooms I got them all packed up in my truck and then headed over to the guy's apartment her car wasn't there either but his truck was I decided to her to see where she was she said she was getting groceries I trust her so little right now that I drove by the grocery store and actually confirmed she was there I feel so dirty admitting that I did that but my trust is broken and it's the only way I can be certain of anything I wrote her again and told her to just come home because we need to talk she wrote back what's wrong I just responded and said she needs to be ready to be honest and then turned my phone off she got home 15 minutes later when she came in she came over to give me a hug and kiss like she does every time I turned away from her she asked me again what was wrong so I told her that she needs to to start being honest with me she played Dumb and said she had no idea what I was talking about I said okay if you can't be honest them I am leaving she started panicking at this point and said are you talking about yoga I figured it was a start I asked her what she was talking about and she told me that she hadn't been going to yoga here's a bit of a breakdown of the rest of the conversation me if you weren't going to yoga then where were you going her I was taking walks to relax because I've been so stressed lately me why were you so stressed and why did you lie to me about what you were doing her prepare in for the move has been stressing me out and I just didn't know how to tell you me so lying was the decision you made what was your concern with telling me that you were going for a walk to Dess her I didn't mean to lie I was worried that my stress would add to your stress me but I'm not stressed it really seems like you are not telling me everything her what do you mean me I think that you're lying about more than just skipping yoga I am asking you again to be honest you've already lied to me so this can't work if you keep lying her I don't know what else to say oh are you talking about last weekend when I went for drinks with some friends and came home late I had a feeling that bothered you I had no clue that she went for drinks or was out late I was at work a couple hours away me is that what you actually did that night or was that a lie as well her I went for drinks that night but I didn't see her best friend who she supposedly was with that night me who did you see her no one I just drank alone me you drink alone now her yeah maybe I have a problem me maybe we'll talk about that later last chance be Hest or I'm leaving her um I don't know what else to say me okay I'm leaving at this point I got up and left usually when we have an argument I go for a drive to get away from her she probably thought this was the same then she realized I took my clothes and toiletries as well as the Xbox that's when she began blowing up my phone I told her that I gave her a chance to be honest and she didn't so there's nothing left to say she begged and pleaded with me to come home to talk about this in person she said she had no idea why I was so upset or what I think she did she repeated that she loved me and would never hurt me just hearing her say that really tore a new hole in my chest it was always comforting words that I believed without question now it's a dull Jagged knife sawing through my heart in the most devastating way I couldn't handle it so I hung up she called back about 40 times before I was ready to answer again this time she said did you talk to Karen her best friend I asked why and she said come home I don't want to say this over the phone I agreed and drove around a little longer to get my heart rate back down then I went home that conversation went like this her I assume you spoke to Karen me her well a few weeks ago while you were at work we went for drinks a couple of guys started buying us drinks so we just played along when we were leaving one of the guys tried to kiss me I pulled away immediately and told him I was married I felt so bad about it and wanted to tell you but I'm an idiot and just decided to hide it from you Karen hooked up with the other guy and gave his friend my number without asking me he has texted me a few times since but I have never written him back me can I see your phone her yes she showed me her phone which was completely empty of texts except for myself and her mother she never deletes her texts so this was new I looked at her photos which was also clean but then I checked the deleted photos and found one of a guy I didn't recognize me who is this her that's the guy who tried to kiss me me why did you take a picture of him her I was just being stupid me that's not a reason why did you take a picture of him her I don't know me is that everything you want to tell me or is there more her that's all I can think of once again I left I didn't want to be trickle truthed I got in my truck and drove away she ran out side trying to stop me but I was already Out Of Reach I went to the park nearby and just sat on my tailgate and ate my lunch trying to figure out what to do next while there I began remembering other things that I should have been more aware of things like I was working a weekend shift and was in bed early my wife went out to the club with a few of her girlfriends I woke up at 4:00 a.m. and she still wasn't home I called her a few times but there was no answer about 30 minutes later she called me back and asked if I would come and get her when I picked her up she told me that they were trying to hail a taxi but had no luck a couple of guys that her friend knew stopped and offered them a ride but wanted to stop at home first when they got to the GU house her married friend went into room with one of the guys my wife said she spent some time looking for her but then eventually gave up and just had a drink in the kitchen with her roommates while she waited she claims she didn't hear her phone when I tried calling we fought about this and she was disgusted by her friend's actions so she cut that friend out of her life I thought that was over another time she traveled to visit a close friend in a different city it was a planned girls night there were four girls all getting drunk and watching movies in their PJs at least that's what I was told then she called me around 1:00 a.m. to good night we spoke for about 20 minutes and she repeatedly told me that they were having a great girls night then I heard a guy's voice in the background I asked who it was and she denied hearing anything at first then it happened again loudly she couldn't deny it so she was like oh yeah X took a couple of guys with her everyone here is super pissed about it she was drunk and 3 hours away she left me no choice but to trust her again we fought about that and why she refused to tell me they were there she promised never to put herself in that type of situation again clearly that didn't stick after remembering all of those things and the conversations we had about them I was ready to give this one last shot I turned my phone back on and almost immediately it rang I answered and she was screaming for me to come home I drove back to the house I walked inside and was immediately confronted by her balling her eyes out she was sitting on the couch repeating I'm so sorry I'm so sorry I asked her sorry for what she began rocking back and forth like a crazy person it took her a good 5 minutes to catch her breath enough to speak her I lied about the guy who tried to kiss me me okay tell me what happened her the four of us actually went back to his place that night we fooled around I knew it was more than that but just hearing her say it made me feel dizzy it felt like the room was getting smaller and there were a million people speaking into my ears at the same time I think I was having a panic attack I went to the bathroom and washed my face in cold water until things returned to normal me what did you do her do you want me to actually tell you me yes her he fingered me and I gave him a blow job me was that it her yes me I'm not playing this game any longer you either tell me me everything right now or this will be the last time we speak she began balling again and took another few minutes before she was able to speak her we met up again and had sex I'm so sorry I love you and we do anything to make up for this me just the one time her if I tell you the truth please give me a chance to do anything I can to make up for it please me I'll think about it her it was an affair we had been hooking up while you're out of town for work it's been going on for almost a month now he is married and they are about to get divorced me does he know you're married her yes me if he's having an affair because his marriage is failing does that mean you think ours is failing is that what you told him her no I don't think ours is failing I'm so stupid I hate myself please don't leave me I can fix this me how her whatever you want me if you were in my shoes or even his wife's shoes what would fix this for you her knowing the truth being able to trust you to mean what you are saying you can trust me I screwed up and won't do that again me if you were his wife wouldn't you want to know the truth her yes me then fix this her you want me to call her me if you think that is what you would want she tried calling but never got an answer a few minutes later her cell phone rang it was listed as Karen work she looked shocked so I knew that wasn't Karen I asked if that was him she said it was I answered and being the coward he is he said oops I must have the wrong number I said no this is the husband of the girl you've been cheating with I'm going to let you speak to her because she has something to say to you I passed her the phone her I told him everything he knows the entire truth we're done it was just a fling and now you need to never contact me again I asked to see the phone before she hung up me what divorce lawyer are you using him I'm not getting divorced me oh but didn't you tell me wife that you were him no me okay then can I speak to your wife I feel she has as much right to know about this as I do him please man I didn't know she was married don't ruin my marriage over a mistake me you ruined mine over a mistake it's only fair that I tell your wife him please don't she's at work right now I will tell her everything when she gets home I swear me okay you do that that's where I hung up I asked my wife if she knew where his wife worked and her name she did I had my wife call over and ask for her at work she did get her on the phone and told her to take a seat this woman said she was just getting ready to leave for the day and she would call my wife back from her car she did his wife what's going on my wife I have something terrible to tell you and I don't want to cause any accidents please don't his wife OMG did something happen too his name my wife no no he's at your apartment right now I am just letting you know that we have been having an affair for a month now I'm coming clean to my husband right now and thought you should be given the same respect she went silent for about a minute then said If this is some sick joke I will find out who you are then she hung up not even 10 minutes later my wife got a text from Karen work saying thanks you just ruined my life I grabbed the phone and wrote back you just ruined four lives and two marriages don't forget that this was your fault you piece of for the next hour my wife begged and pleaded with me to stay with her she offered counseling she offered to never leave my side she even offered me sexual favors this was everything that I expected thanks to the comments in here she then said we should go on that vacation her treat we need time away was her reason we need to spend some quality time together because my work schedule has been pushing us apart lately also exactly what I expected her to say she wasn't expecting me to tell her that I went anyway she also wasn't expecting me to tell her that I already have counseling book for myself she definitely wasn't expecting me to tell her that I busted her on my very own bed I could only imagine she didn't expect me to have a place already lined up to stay when I told her all of that she fell to the floor balling she started saying how she doesn't deserve to live she told me I should just kill her right now because she's too terrible to be with anyone it went on like that for a while I stayed for a total of 4 hours listening to her make excuses then try to hug me or cuddle me or even blow me if I would just stay and work through this with her in the end I called Karen and told her that her cheating friend is suicidal and that she should come keep an eye on her then I left it's been almost a full day since that went down and I haven't spoken to her since she has been calling and texting me all day her friends and family have been calling and texting me all day everyone has a different excuse or a different plea for empathy her father is the only one who wrote me and told me that I need to do what is best for me and that he will always love me like a son no matter what happens reading that was what made me have a good cry for the first time since all of this began I meet with Sharon my counselor tomorrow and day lawyer on Thursday I think I know where this is going but until it happens I'm just not sure about anything I'm sorry for the overly long-winded story it just helps to vent in this way again I really appreciate all of the comments and messages the people sharing their own stories like this are really helping me feel less broken and giving me more hope I sincerely appreciate everything you've all said and done for me
give me a good story on BustedMyWifeCHEATINGsoIEndedHerAffairPartnersMarriage
aita for wanting my husband to hug me when I'm having a panic attack I realize this is crazy asking Reddit for this but I need some reasonable responses from outside sources my husband 28 M and I 28f have been married for a couple years been together more than 5 years before that we've gone through some tough together mainly we don't communicate well when under stress he loses his temper and I cry we have always had this issue that when I am upset I hate having someone explain what's happening and use words to explain the logic of my situation to me I just need a hug that helps me calm down immediately I have expressed this numerous times my husband refuses to do this for me he basically says he doesn't want me to depend on him for that Comfort when I'm having a panic attack that I should be able to get out of it on my own our therapist has recommended that he do meditation and that I find ways to self- soothe I am now in early pregnancy and I have always been terrified of going through this I have severe phobia of needles and medical things in general my first blood test is in a few days and I have been freaking out whenever I think about it the closer it gets the more anxious I get about the blood test and the whole pregnancy in general last night I had a panic attack about it and he just stared at me and told me I'm having a panic attack the more he explained what was happening to me the more alone I felt I realized that he will not hug me when I need it most he actually told me he doesn't want to be a life preserver so I told him I don't want him to go to any appointments with me my mom will go with me and I will ask her to be my support person in delivery because he will not provide the physical support I need now so I'm scared he won't do it during what will probably be the scariest and most traumatizing experience of my life he got very offended and left the house to think I feel crazy am I being completely unreasonable I just feel like this is my body and my experience and I am terrified and as my partner he should support me the way I need to be supported so am I the for wanting him to hug me when I'm having a panic attack or for threatening to exclude him from the whole pregnancy birth process because of this edit to add thank you all for your responses both sides have given me a lot to consider we were able to have a discussion after we both cooled down and we both admit we need to work on this issue on my part I clearly need to pursue individual therapy ASAP to manage this phobia better we're going to work on it
give me a good story on AITAforwantingmyhusbandtohugmewhenImhavingapanicattackorig
first story op ripped his wife's divorce papers not what you think note some of the information repeats a little me 27m and my wife 31f hit a rough spot and have been separated at home for almost a year now it was largely my fault after a big setback and my father's death I fell into alcoholism and despair stopped taking care of myself and neglected her when not emotionally abusing her eventually she had enough and after I refused therapy for the nth time I consulted a divorce lawyer and drafted papers I signed them off right away but she didn't keeping them in her room she knew I was in a hard spot financially so she said she'd wait for me to come into my inheritance so I could move out and then she'd sign and file for a no fault divorce not from the US in our country you can do this after two months of sleeping in my home office I got sick of it and stopped drinking dived into work and overall did chores around the house and helped her out when she commented on my change I boasted that I was doing it for myself and not for her and she agreed because while she wanted me out she still cared for me over the last few months she has also occasionally asked me to sleep in bed with her and not in my home office nothing intimate happened but still she would spoon me this until last evening we had gotten closer and closer especially over the holidays and I told her that what I said was not true I had changed and stopped drinking to show her at first but then I really wanted to turn over a new leaf and be a good soon to be ex-husband she went to her room and picked up the divorce papers setting them in front of me she asked what we should do with those then so I ripped them and she yelled out a big yes and then hugged me so I guess we won't be getting divorced Hy comments objective error 4002 your wife is a keeper guard her with your life and don't ever break her heart good luck bro op I will thank you I was so deep down in negativity that I couldn't see how I hurt her to add I may sound neutral or uncaring by the tone of the post but I really didn't expect what happened what I did and how she'd react we had talked a bit previously about this and all she said was that she was in no hurry to divorce as long as I was respectful and kept improving I had a hunch she wanted to try and reconcile but she was already being so generous to me that I didn't want to try and push my luck and I admit it feels weird that we can be husband and wife again I guess it will take some time after over a year as roommates at Mat the 13 just to add she likely wanted the changes but she wanted them to be motivated changes not based on a threat op making the changes even after signing the papers shows the changes are for himself and likely to stick even if it was to be a good soon to be ex-husband very different than proving you should be a keeper still Kudos all around op thank you she was ready to go through with it because even if she loves me she couldn't keep enduring me hurting both myself and her emotionally and morally and I think she was right to do that it still feels weird to be sleeping in the same bed every night and be affectionate we haven't been intimate at all during separation and she hinted she wants to reconnect too on that level Earth Angel t614 take things slow show her intimacy not SX learn to be best friends whether for the first time or again confide in her and listen really listen when she confides in you share your thoughts and emotions with her you don't have to grieve alone and I don't think she ever wanted you to I Amo there's nothing as his ear than a guy who is in touch with himself enough that he will cry in front of his girl let her know you trust her enough to share that with her and it's okay to let her hold you while you grieve you don't have to be the strong one all the time you should each be able to feel your individual pain and be comforted op you are right I definitely need to learn to be more open emotionally and I'm working on it in therapy also when we hug or cuddle I admit to her that it feels a bit weird but also Pleasant and fuzzy after so much time she just reassures me that for those things we have all the time in the world but she also said no hurry and take things at our Pace ratchet angle eventually she had enough and after I refused therapy for the nth time this is the actual step you need to take therapy you're an alcoholic coming out of a major depressive episode this won't be the last depressive episode nor will it be the last relapse don't let the honeymoon period blind you to what's really happening you have a golden opportunity to save your marriage start doing the real work op you are absolutely right I doing therapy now where it transpired that I was swapping alcoholism for workaholism so now we are trying to find a healthy ground because that in the long run would undo all the progress so far update the wife wanted a divorce and now we are reconciling I feel at a loss at the idea of our marriage continuing update 5 days later hello everyone I posted a week ago about what had happened the evening prior after living separately at home for almost a year my soon Toby ex-wife wanted to reconcile so I ripped the divorce papers in front of her to her Delight however soon after I realized that I had planned my whole new year around the fact that I was getting divorced and that the decision to reconcile actually brought me uncertainty and anxiety my wife noticed that and we had a number of heartfelt conversations about it there was talking laughter and even tears during those talks tears of the good liberatory kind my wife rarely if almost never cries she's the stoic type but seeing her break into tears sobbing about how much I hurt her and how she still loves me was like getting stabbed in the heart I realized the pain I caused her is still fresh and burning she unloaded all the pain and turmoil I had inflicted upon her with my past behavior and admitted she felt both proud and bitter about my changes in the last year proud because I turned my life around bitter because I had accepted the divorce so quickly as if she was what was holding me back and she wasn't worth my best self however she was also angry at herself because she was already reconsidering the divorce back in June but she didn't say anything or give me signals because she feared I'd revert to my old Behavior or would rebuffering to move in this year and gave her only breadcrumbs information about it and she was both positively surprised to learn about all the work I am putting into it and again a bit bitter that I didn't tell her anything and all my projects were designed without her in mind as if she were just an already fading memory the possibility of an amicable divorce has been brought up again but she wanted two clear answers one was there another woman too did I actually Stop Loving Her the answer to both questions is no I told her I did suffer about losing her and our marriage but I didn't want to be the ex-husband who made fleeting promises hounded her down and made a nuisance of herself it's the least I could have done after making her suffer so much and also thanking her for her infinite kindness I just worked did my best to be a good soon to be ex-husband paid my utilities and wanted to pay her rent for the room she allocated me in her home which she always refused even when I insisted eventually came the $1 million question do we want this marriage to work answer yes it won't be easy and there's still a lot of work to be done we agreed to take baby steps and have already booked couple therapy for this week I am already doing individual therapy but now shek be looking for individual therapy for herself as well in the last week we went on some quiet dates walks and a short hiking trip I also made a peace offering of sorts by asking her if she wanted to participate in my renovation project of my father's house and giving her input and ideas she was enthusiastic about it she likes gardening but her property has no garden and she makes do with the potted plants on the balcony while my father's house has a large garden and a big plot of overgrown land behind it she said we will be busting our backs but it will be worth it and I think that working together on a shared project will help reestablish our bond so that's where we stand now the road is still long and difficult but I am hopeful I wish to sincerely thank all the reddits who gave me their insights comments praises and criticism comments regular bat 4449 congratulations I was the one who suggested doing the renovation together I'm glad she liked the idea best of luck op yes I took your advice and couldn't thank you enough for it my friend it brought out an enthusiasm I had not seen in so long team in zitu congratulations op thank you but it's still too soon spoink 74 I'm really happy to read this one the last one ended on a twoo positive note this one is much more realistic but also hopeful and optimistic op yes it would have been foolish to think everything would have been fine right away it's not like in movies where they make up make passionate love and are lovey-dovey all of a sudden there's been distance for a year and hurt on both sides and it will take time to heal and be close to each other again update difficulties sleeping with the wife after separation is that normal little has changed in the last week week we had our first couple counseling session and her first therapy session and we laid down the framework for our marriage we went out on some dates and overall spent quality time together we still haven't been intimate she tried to initiate once but I gently turned it into cuddling and talking another issue is that I have some difficulties sleeping in the same bed as her not because I have something against her but because I'm so used to sleeping in my own bed that often I sleep one or two hours with her wake up and head to my home office or bedroom and sleep there I wake up earlier and fix breakfast for her she's happy about it but I mentioned once that I didn't sleep with her do those things take time I believe so but I'm a bit scared I'm giving the impression I gave up on our marriage I believe it will take months and lots of work to get back to how we were while she thinks the process should be quicker and I'm being too hard on myself and her update she had every right to file for divorce because of my alcoholism she didn't deserve that in the meantime I was sick of it so I stopped drinking and focused on my career and on renovating my father's house she wanted to reconcile upon seeing those changes and I agreed but now I'm realizing I have internalized the divorce into my life plans I planned my new life around it I can't see myself being intimate with her she tried a couple of times and I gently turned her down as a gesture of Goodwill I asked her if she wanted to participate in my father's home renovation project and she accepted with enthusiasm she always wanted a garden now I'm regretting it because that was to be my retreat from the world and I will have to share it with her I said all of this to her she was upset but also understanding in her opinion part of the fault is hers she never communicated about reconciliation and sprung it up on me and as a result what should have been a happy thing became a source of Stress and Anxiety for me my therapist and I are saying this is my depression talking but I'm not so sure are we truly done update this is not really an update just a new development I showed her the last thread she's reading it on her phone she said she already knew many of the things I wrote including the comments about gems and flowers she said if she knew the anguish or reconciliation so soon would cause she wouldn't have offered it and is regretting it she thanks everyone for the kind words and appreciation shown towards her at the same time she got upset because in her opinion I made things worse than they are so either I exaggerated them or I've been keeping my true feelings from her and this is a big problem for example she says I'm not as cold as I'm making myself out to be and that she's not as pushy as I make her out to be and in fact she's been giving me lots of space she says I'm doing weird self-sabotage here she says I'm trying to get her to leave me but it won't happen and if I really want to end it I have to do it myself she doesn't agree with it but if I want to move out she won't oppose it she wasn't angry she was just very numb update things are not easy but overall they are going well both in therapy and everyday life there are still some issues with getting intimate but we are getting there sometimes the shame and guilt become too much and I wonder why she is even staying with me maybe some costs I do my best little gifts dates cooking her favorite dishes picking up chores but to me it always feels like I could do more sometimes she notices this and says to take it easy she says I try too hard sometimes and it comes off as artificial she likes that now I'm all smiles always shaved well-dressed and gentlemanly with her but jokes that sometimes I look like the president of her country of orig I'm doing my best though even at the cost of overdoing it update as a former alcoholic 27m I can't get over the shame even if my wife 31f says she's proud of me I have been sober for over a year and I got sober after she served me divorce papers she decided to try to reconcile last January and although things have been not easy to say the least we still sleep separately I don't feel secure enough to have SX with her and we do lots of individual and couple therapy we somehow are managing however ever despite what she says I can't get over the shame that I have been a useless and abusive drunkard and she probably remembers me as such and the shame and guilt become unbearable I work as a civil servant in family services ironically enough and recently I got moved to the cabinet in the provincial government I even took a photo of us shaking hands with our prime minister my wife picked this photo and put it on Facebook for everyone to see writing how proud she was I do think she genuinely believes this and I'm happy but I also think she's too eager to sweep the past and our problems aren't fixed at all I still feel lots of Shame and guilt towards her every time I look at her and at a certain point I even looked forward to divorce but she insists I doing all the right things and if I love her divorce would be something I'll end up regretting I just feel we will never overcome this and although many moments are happy and I do my best to give her quality time cook her favorite dishes and get her gifts I can't help but feel hopeless and even alone in my feelings she wants us to move on but while for her it might be easy to forgive me for me it's not easy to let go of the shame of what I was to her my therapist says I have to deal with it on my own as I caused all this and I agree but I don't know how to move forward is there something I can do or should I learn to accept this and live with it maybe with time it will get better after all a year sober is almost nothing update two months later things are going lukewarmly well talks of reinitiating divorce proceedings have stopped and although we still sleep separately and have no intimacy my ISS working on them with my therapist we are doing well sometimes I feel I can't get over the shame that I have been a useless and abusive drunkard and she probably remembers me as such and the shame and guilt become unbearable but then it passes a bit basically we are starting over dating doing bonding activities and getting her gifts and surprises she admitted she thought things would go faster but in the end she agrees with me that after a year of Separation things can't just get back to normal as before she also says I am too hard on myself self but I think she's the one being too indulgent but apart from those difficulties we are doing fine comments tawin Bandit basically we are starting over dating doing bonding activities I've been following your story and I'm happy you seem to be making progress you both have been through a lot of turmoil but have stuck with each other for the most part so keep working at it seek therapy to help along the way I think once you get over the intimacy blockage you will be much better off as a couple keep working at it op take care op thank you I have hope but sometimes I feel like we are stuck or that we are delaying the inevitable although I feel like this only occasionally tawin banded break through the wall op I think you can make this work Second Story Woman made a false harassment case and got her life total part one o here we go so I was working in HQ for a large and well-known company a cubical sort of gig I had been there for 3 years and she had been there for about 12 she's known to have a bit of an attitude and was pretty much next in line to fill a very high position under the CEO she's always not liked many of the office workers pretty much all the men and one woman she would constantly make cry I one day ended up brushing past her in a hurry to hand something off to my supervisor which he needed as soon as possible both of my hands were quite obviously occupied holding something at chest level she ended up filing a harassment claim saying I grabbed her AR after 2 weeks of hellish unpleasantness I ended up getting my supervisor to pull footage as they were pretty much about to turn me which saved my ARS well I'm friends with a guy she looks to talk to even though he doesn't much like her I ended up giving him my recorder pen a few weeks later and getting him to try and egg her into talking about trying to get me fired he managed to get her to admit to that and three other instances where she did get men fired for false harassment claims I ended up getting the recording back made a few copies and ended up handing them off to HR each of the three other men in question via email my boss and his boss her husband anonymously and everybody on the board I basically forced the company into a situation where the star player couldn't stay because a two of the three men are currently looking to sue B I was getting ready to as well and C it was completely indisputable I lost her job and career any chance at using the place as a reference and probably damaged her marriage she's not getting a severance or any of her PTO paid to her edit we sign a contract stating that if we are terminated for wrongdoing we can lose our PE to and acrs she sent me an email calling me an evil bastard saying she hopes Karma pays it forward soon and a few other things note I live in a state where I don't need consent to record something part two after she was terminated they went through her company email and apparently found out she had been stealing thousands from the company corporate card she had eating out irregularly with clients partners and colleagues and charging the company accounts for it she had also been using the company's flight mileage for herself on things not actually business related she also used it to buy gifts for some of her superiors it turns out there were some more false claims she made about other people's jobs we weren't aware of one possibly being the reason her positional predecessor ended up leaving the latter is speculation I haven't gotten my hands on any copies yet from my friends in HR I've gotten a lot of people jobs at this company so I've got access to a lot of information about nine people around her were terminated maybe more at least three were suspended HR is also looking through years of footage they seem to have either forgotten about me or are saving me for last since I've not really decided to insert myself into this massive multidimensional Quantum dumpster fire they handing out ndas and such like hot cakes lawsuits are happening two of the three men I sent information to are suing the company one of which I'll point out nearly lost his marriage I'm very happy that this relieves some stress for him it is looking like she is going to be prosecuted by the company and hard somebody told me her husband left her I have no proof of this only my boss mentioned it supposedly his boss told him that his boss and her were very chummy chummy my friend the one who took the recording from me took a huge Severance 9 months of normal pay in his toe and he is starting at a big tech company starting with an s in 4 weeks they decided to get him on board early originally he started in January also she sent me another message saying I am the most evil person she has ever met who got away with something terrible and she hopes I die me okay how's your husband edit 1 101619 they are looking at about $2.3 million my boss says how did you spend that much money on food and flights in 5 years comments ha buer evil woman you're evil I hope you die you well at least I'll probably die with my spouse by my side where's yours Aven altercations holy crap this last post took the Revenge from Pro to nuclear even without you needing to do anything illegal I just don't understand why she feels the need to make up fake harassment claims I've always lived by the adage don't do more than one illegal thing at a time I don't know I feel like if I were her I'd try to keep my head down and stir as little shd as possible all you had to do was give her enough rope and she hung herself Update 9 days later so about 18 people were pushed out terminated or made to take a severance and dip she was embezzling money on food gifts what you view as bribes and other things she made six such claims and somebody anonymously may or may not have informed the other people who ended up getting terminated by her one of said people was the person who previously held the position she held until this all blew up he is going to legally rip her in half she basically lied to climb the corporate ladder by getting somebody above her fired I was made to sign an NDA given a severance that is about 14 months of my normal pay as well as my 120 hours of PTO and my 60 hours of sick time I'll be starting my new job at a tech company starting in m in a few weeks so I'm not too worried I also got three letters of recommendation as well as some good references all men who hated her so I'm good honestly I'm glad I'm out of there even though I did nothing wrong in regards to her all the women on the office side with the line B have been giving me a hard time I am talking to a lawyer about the hostile work environment and some other stuff ndas don't protect against illegal activity one person on the board is stepping down and one is on a sudden vacation I'm not entirely sure what that's about he may be related but I will likely not find out my friend who recorded for me is working at a tech company starting with an s as of today he started early and put his huge Severance into savings my boss a good friend of mine too he just got the Liar's position and is cleaning the houses of people he suspects Got Away clean we have reason to believe three people benefited from her sht by getting promoted based on comments she made so he's going to move them to different departments away from each other from what I've heard this may have blown her marriage to shreds and she may be looking at prison time for likely Grand Theft defamation and some other stuff she got my personal email from her assistant and some of my personal information her assistant has been fired and she's been emailing and harassing me I had a talk with the law in my area I was told I have all the right in the world to Stand My Ground if she physically threatens me I have documentation and recordings she's nuts one of you suggested this may happen good guess LOL I also now according to her a hate-filled misogynistic piece of sht I will burn in hell I'm a traitor and a liar and Karma is likely going to end up killing me AAR Li WTF I'm just going to enjoy my few weeks off play some Destiny on the box drink and relax this multi-dimensional Quantum dumpster fire is no longer my problem now that it's rolling downhill I won't likely be updating this any further I only did it because of of the hundreds of requests for the finale you all have a good one thanks for reading thank you all for the support and advice some of it actually helped a lot comments isabs great work covering yourself it sucks that corporate environments require so much sa but you executed it well in response to her lies enjoy your time off op it was an absolute miserable first two weeks the two weeks after were rough because every woman in the office was cold shouldering me and or actively quite aggressive it got easier once she was purged and the mess spilled onto everybody's laps honestly even though I came out on top I've got some new anxiety issues to compartmentalize and I'll be using my recording pen for absolutely all conversations I'm having at work from now on I have some severe anxiety issues and this just added an entire new room to the mental house I stored in but I got my and I started m in a few weeks so there's that thanks for the positive comment it helped thank you for watching the video If You Are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on WomanMadeaFalseHarassmentCaseandGotHerLifeTotaledndstory
aita for spending money my grandparents gave me instead of saving it toward my step brother's treatment fund my mom got married to Ellen 2 years ago I 15f was 13 at the time and alen's two kids were Emma 9f and Noah 3M Noah was diagnosed with cancer last year and my mom and her husband were told there's some kind of different treatment he could get in another country and if they could raise the money it would be better for Noah than the treatments available in the US my mom and Allan could not afford it so they have been sending him to treatment here and saving for Noah's treatment they made a lot of cutbacks and asked that Emma and I give over any money we get so they can afford that they have about 70% or something now and that has come from cutting out a lot we eat very basic meals they canceled our internet and we didn't do anything for our birthdays or Christmas since the savings started any money that comes into the house goes on Essentials or the treatment fund my dad died 9 years ago and my paternal family stayed part of my life they know what has been going on and they have been buying me little treats and taking me out to eat when they can they also give me money every couple of weeks so I can have something if I ever need anything I've been hiding that money because I know I would
give me a good story on AITAforspendingmoneymygrandparentsgavemeinsteadofsavingittowardmyaitaredditstoriesorig
today we have a crazy nuclear Revenge story involving a stepdad we'll get into that in a bit but first how I ruined a school prefect's big day being in high school is quite the experience being in an all boys high school takes the experience to a whole new level but being in an all-boys boarding school now that is real hardcore stuff right there as someone who never really had any form of Independence beforehand being dropped off at a boarding school was one of the scariest moments of my entire life I was in a different High School entirely when my Dad decided I had to man up so he made me write various entrance exams into some of the most prestigious boarding schools he could think about being the smarty pants that I was I proceeded to pass every single one with flying colors hindsight is great but I wasn't used to failing at this point once all the results were out the decision of what school I was going to transfer to was left to me and I wasn't exactly good at making my own choices I either had to choose between staying in State we lived in or going on an academic adventure to another state hundreds of miles away the decision was quite easy for me though as I had schoolmates whose parents I think felt the same way my dad did apparently we were all getting too pampered so when a couple of my friends decided to stay in the state my choice was very clear because that way I didn't have to start from scratch when adapting to the new school or so I thought summer was over and it was time for me to prepare my mind for my first experience of living away from my family I was filled with mixed emotions a part of me was happy that I get to leave some of mum's nagging behind and also the chores especially the chores and another part was scared of the new systems of Conformity I would have to face while also having to adapt to all the new faces I heard stories about this particular boarding school long before my Dad decided to make me into a man I heard about the history the traditions and the tales it was quite popular being one of the oldest schools in the country so a lot of the stories got around even if many of them were made up I thought these stories would have me prepared for most of what I would face but on getting to the main gate of the school I realized that maybe the most important parts of the stories had been left out I had never seen so many students stand by a school gate on a Sunday before and they all looked much older than I expected so I was most definitely intimidated even without having a word said to me there was a registration process at the gate which I did with the help of my dad and under the watchful gazes of people I assumed were my seniors the process was quite seamless as it seemed for 30 minutes my dad was no longer interested in me being a man and just wanted it over with ASAP so he used his influence now it was time for me to say my goodbyes but not before I had my first true boarding school experience after helping me with registry Nation dad looked to be in a hurry so he told me to take my things to the hall room allocated to me and come down so he can bless me in a way only a father can I took my bags up with a smile and some sense of urgency but I had trouble locating my room so I asked one of the first students I saw to show me the way to the room I described and quickly realized this was a wrong choice unbeknownst to me this student was actually one of the prefects basically students appointed by the school authorities to be able to Lord over other students in their field of specification at first he acted all nice and helpful even carrying my bags for me and asking me to follow him to the room I was allocated to I obviously agreed to follow him he was the first person lending me a hand in boarding school this was a historical moment that I was going to tell my kids at least that's what I was thinking at the time getting to the room I saw everyone dressed in red check colored shirts mind you I wore a blue check colored shirt so something seemed off this was definitely not my room had I been duped so many questions were going through my mind at that time but I didn't come from Strife so I reacted like a jolly good fellow and asked why is everyone wearing a different color and got no response that was when my instincts belatedly kicked in and I began to sweat a bit as I remembered some of the stories I'd heard and began to put two and two together at this point I'd figured out they were all in the class ahead of me and that this was their territory but the prefect was already with my bags so I couldn't just run off and decided to stay calm the first thing he said to me after dropping my bags by one of the bunk beds in the room was make yourself comfortable you mean there was nothing to fear I thought to myself but as I was made to sit on one of the beds close to me I felt a heavy slap on the back of my neck Dazed and Confused I began to look around to see that I'd been Sur grounded by the seniors at this moment I was wondering what I'd done wrong and nothing came to mind so I made hand signs as if to say look guys there must have been a misunderstanding here then the prefect came over to me crouched and asked if I knew what my offense was I said I didn't and he then asked me to squat what was going on was this a dream the shock was so overwhelming that almost as if by reflexes I began to squat before any further questions he then explained to me that I just sent a prefect on an errand and that was a taboo according to their Traditions I wish I'd learned that too he also reported to the rest of the room who then took turns trying to add variations to the punishment to test my balance and endurance after a few minutes of some military grade exercises he told me some of the rules I had to follow to avoid a similar situation in the future and even accompanied me to go meet my dad who had been surprisingly patiently waiting for me to come receive my blessings my dad didn't even realize how sweaty I was from all the punishment I guess he just wanted to give his blessings and leave at that point which was what he did and so my boarding school Journey had now officially started with a lot of seniors roaming around looking for juniors to pray on once parents had left most of my peers looked to some seniors and prefects for protection especially during the brutal first week which they called the initiation week by tradition I didn't know any seniors I barely even knew my peers so I sought the one student who had already given me some survival advice the prefect from earlier yes I know what you're thinking I managed to find him although this wasn't before some narrow escapes experienced with some seniors and when I did find him the first thing he did was give me his cup and Cutlery to wash day one and I'd already become a dishwasher he also made me carry his school bag along with mine and follow him around now I had no inherent issue doing these tasks at first as long as it guaranteed my safety from other seniors and prefects but this turned out to not be the case just like a lucrative bubble all his friends wanted in and within a few hours of resuming I had begun to wash the utensils of at least four of his friends this was not how I planned for my first couple of days in boarding school to go but this was nothing compared to what I was about to face in the coming days the first day of classes finally came and I was excited to see my new learning environment there were programs the school ran in the first week two acclimate new students such as myself so I used them to get familiar with some of my new mates and make new friends one of the new friends I made was someone I'd recognized while on bag carrying duties apparently he was a fellow slave to the prefect in his gang after speaking to him and a few others I realized that this slavery was commonplace which kinda have made me feel better and after some more slave to slave conversations I had successfully created a little friend group good times but over here good times never really lasted long and by the time the closing bell was rung it was time to run to the dining hall for lunch lunch in a regular boarding school was always a task but in this school it was more daunting than usual you had seniors and prefects hovering around tables like vultures looking for juniors to flex their powers on I and my new friends decided to join the same table since we had so much in common and this decision would come to haunt us as a few minutes after settling down there came our oppressors strolling into the dining hall apparently looking for juniors to do their bidding quickly realizing what may befall us we try to hide our faces but we were too late he had already recognized his two favorite Juniors and slowly walked towards our table after asking a few irrelevant questions about our day a he asked us to wait for him outside once lunchtime was over we contemplated escaping but the school campus was relatively small and as a prefect he had powers to step into any class and find us so we didn't take chances and decided to wait what's the worst that could happen after all so we waited for a few minutes before we saw the prefect come with his gang not them again they were all holding school uniforms and housewares we supposed belonged to them as well as a few buckets it didn't take us long to realize what was about to happen but we stayed calm and waited for the prefix instructions and without any remorse he confirmed our fears we had to do the laundry for him and his gang over 10 pairs of uniforms I instantly lost all of my timidity and loudly refused everyone including my new friend was shocked at the audacity I had and before I could say anything else there was a reign of slaps and blows coming from the seniors who felt disrespected I didn't mind because I thought it was going to get me out of having to do their laundry but as many times already in my short time in boarding school I was wrong once again the infuriated prefect swiftly asked me to do a plank and call the attention of the two other higher ranked prefects this was where I realized I'd screwed up once they got there the first thing they did was to discharge my friend who was already holding a bucket full of clothes what a lucky guy next thing they did was to instruct me to wash every single uniform there by myself the prefect let out a smirk as if to say he was satisfied with the outcome while a few of the seniors withdrew their uniforms to find other Juniors to turn to slaves as they figured the burden would affect the quality of the job at the end I was left with five pairs three belonging to the prefect and one each belonging to two of his buddies so I got up obviously still fuming dusted myself and left with a clothes along with the buckets fully plotting my revenge for the humiliation I had just received after thinking for some time my friend who had been discharged earlier caught up with me and gave me an idea he had been to the boarding school before so he had similar experiences so he knew how to get back at bullies so we hatched a plan to take advantage of being in possession of the uniforms of our chief oppressor we decided to ruin all of the uniforms that belonged to him he had signs to denote which ones were his so we made a large mixture of bleach and laundry blue and put all of his uniforms in including his red checkered houseware our evil plan worked the whites were now bluish in color and stained while the housewares also turned bluish with spots of discoloration even the navy blue trousers were not spared we decided to wash the pairs belonging to the other seniors in the correct way so as to not elicit too many reactions or so we thought at the time the deed was done it was time to get some sleep before the big reveal as they laid in my bunk bed I began to wonder about the potential magnitude of what I just done and some fear began to creep in I tried to use the spirit of Vengeance to fight the fear but I ended up barely sleeping because I felt that at any moment I could be on the receiving end of another blow morning came and it was time for me to hand the uniforms and buckets over I went alone but my friend followed from a distance on getting there the prefect already seemed to suspect Foul Play I wondered if someone had told him what we did but I stayed silent so he just took the bucket from me and went into his corner there was silence for some seconds before I heard a loud scream everyone's attention was drawn crap I thought to myself I didn't bargain for all that attention I then overheard someone say that boy has screwed up big time today is the prefix presentation at this point I realized how big my screw-up was but continued on what to do next until one of the seniors in the room silently gave me a sign to run away as fast as I could bless his soul as soon as I saw this sign I took to my heels and ran as fast as I could to where my friend was observing from and we both found our way back to my hostel it was prefect's presentation day the day prefects are officially introduced to the new students on the assembly ground and because of the condition of his uniforms he was unable to join in the presentation and was merely announced I had successfully ruined his big day and all the fear I felt had turned into satisfaction he finally found me in my class and I had to suffer some punishment from a group of prefects but I'd already ruined his big day and boy was I glad I did it it was a small price to pay to free myself from his shackles for good now did op really free themselves from the shackles of this guy or did they just get some small Revenge I mean it sounds to me like they were still very Shackled I guess the only consolation is maybe people know that if they try to mess with OP or expect them to do chores they might intentionally tank it or ruin things maybe they think it's not worth it I don't know otherwise op's just getting beat up that said our next story is I reported my stepdad and got him fired I still smile when I remember how far my high school boyfriend and I went and getting my revenge on my stepdad while I do feel what we did was extreme I feel justified in what I did not just because he was a jerk but also because he had it coming the only reason we were able to hurt him that badly was because he did something bad in the first place it wasn't like we made up anything we just exposed them for all to see my stepdad is the typical narcissist that loves to maintain a good reputation outside of their families so that when those who are close to them tell everyone about the evil that they do nobody would believe leave them outside the home my stepdad was a noble respectful principled and kind Man Who Loved children and teenagers and knew just how to get through to them but within the walls of the house he shared with my mom he was a beast my stepdad was an extremely selfish man he believed the world should revolve around him and that his word was law the first evil thing he did to me and my sister who's nearly two years older than me was to make our mom leave us our parents were never married they never even had a relationship but somehow mom had a baby with my dad and less than two years after she had my sister she had me too people judged my mom for what they believed was a poor choice she had a baby twice by a man she wasn't married to and wasn't even dating while all this was happening my dad had an on and off girlfriend that he truly loved as everyone predicted my dad left my mom to be with his girlfriend and they eventually got married my mom had hoped and wished that having kids by my dad would make him stay she loves my dad very much but he never quite loved her as much as she wanted after my dad got married to the love of his life my mom became more accepting of the fact that the man she loved did not love her too and probably never did or will she moved on and they co-parented nicely together my sister and I lived with my mom and our dad and his wife lived four streets away from us the problem started when my mom started dating a school teacher I hated him from the minute I saw him and so did my sister the first time he met us he was mad because my mom introduced us to him by his name instead of his last name and title my mom thought it was absurd that we would refer to him formally especially since he wanted a long-term relationship with her and we were her children they argued and even though he didn't yell at her the way he spoke to her was wrong he was so condescending and he implied that she was Raising spoiled children my mom was invisibly mad about his comment about her not knowing how to raise her kids but she did try to suppress her anger and made a small joke about the whole situation I got to understand later that people had assured my mom that my dad could never be with her because she was a loud mouth and was constantly angry and had a permanent scowl on her face the people was mostly her own mother I still cannot understand why but my maternal grandmother hated my mom she said too many vile things to her and kept it going until my mom completely cut her off my mom decided when she met her husband that it was best to keep quiet and be pleasant to make him stay with her my mom wanted nothing more than to be married as kids during prayers my mom would go on and on asking God to send her a man and take away her shame that evening was the beginning of silence and pretense in the relationship my stepdad had with my mom he constantly tried to change everything we had going on in our home before my mom met him she was quite nonchalant hardly ever bothered about a lot of things and she let us do whatever we wanted to do my sister was a bookworm growing up so my mom got her books I on the other hand just wanted to read fashion magazines and watch modeling shows on TV my mom let me do that too she never tried to tell us what to do or Force any kind of interest on us when she and my stepdad started a serious relationship he made my mom stop me from reading fashion magazines and watching TV shows she's not going to learn anything from watching all these shows and reading these junks he told my mom so many times that I started to notice that my fashion magazines were disappearing and my mom started to change the channel whenever I was watching a fashion program on TV she would buy me books whenever she was buying for my sister even though I had no interest in reading them at some point he complained about the kind of books that my sister red and my mom changed that too he was just too controlling and we hated him but we couldn't do anything about it my mom loved and would do nearly anything to keep him long enough for him to marry her and prove to the world that she could indeed keep a man two years after their relationship started my Mom finally got her boyfriend to propose to her they had a nice engagement party and his friends and colleagues from the private school he taught in were all present after their party my mom and her boyfriend had a huge fight my mom wanted to take us along with her when she moved in after their marriage but my stepdad refused he said he wasn't comfortable having us under his roof while our father was still alive and very much in our lives they kept fighting over it over and over again then one day he came to our house and asked for his ring back my mom was so upset she broke down in tears I'm sorry I just want to feel like my woman is loyal to me you not wanting to let these kids go off to their dads shows that you're not ready to start something new with me my mom kept crying trying to convince him through her tears that she wanted nothing to do with our dad and only wanted to keep her kids with her he walked out on her with his ring my mom had this friend at the time and she came over to console her and all of that do you think that he's right my mom asked your friend what no he's not that's a controlling jerk right there children Thrive better when they're with their mothers you keep your children and let him go my mom seemed convinced but soon after she told us she was going to have us live with our dad my sister didn't want to hear it she cried and threw a huge tantrum that my mom sent her to her room and grounded her in the end my mom had made her decision she was going to move in with her husband and without us after the wedding my sister and I went to live with my dad and his wife ordinarily my sister and I liked my dad's wife we liked her when we would visit him on weekends and she would sometimes even drop us back home with her mom on Sunday evenings but living with her permanently just was not the same as visiting her on weekends her patience for us grew thinner she got tired of my sister's tantrums and whinings when we first moved there if my sister was throwing a tantrum over an issue like the food she didn't like my stepmother would try to calm her down and offer her a snack or offer to prepare another meal as time passed though my stepmother would simply get up from the table and go into their bedroom completely ignoring my sister as an adult now I understand why the situation was so frustrating for her and why she chose to shut everyone out but as a child I hated her for not paying attention to my sister and for leaving my dad to deal with a situation alone I've blamed my stepdad for everything and I looked forward to hurting him it hurt me even more because my stepdad had a son before he married my mom and he brought his son home to be raised by my mom whenever we visited my mom his son who was just slightly older than my sister and I would talk in Whispers because my stepdad hated noise from kids the house was always clean because he could not stand to see anywhere looking less than pristine my stepbrother would tell me about how his dad yelled at my mom and orders her around everyone walked on eggshells around him and while he pretended a bit whenever my sister and I were around he still yelled and slammed doors or punched his fists into a wall one afternoon while my sister and I were in their house I saw him shove my mom aside while she was talking to him about something he shoved her so violently that I was shocked and couldn't say anything for the rest of that day I told my dad ever since that I didn't want to visit my mother ever again and he agreed with me even though I never told him why fast forward to five years later my stepdad was still an abusive jerk and the principal of the private school he taught in his abusive Behavior had gotten so bad that then my mother looked twice her age his son ran away and cut him off and my half-siblings he had two boys with my mom walked on eggshells everywhere they were not happy children at all at the time my boyfriend attended the school my stepdad taught and would tell me about the things my stepdad did in school things that only a very few population of the school knew about the school was a private school owned by a popular Church the rules were quite strict and they took discipline very seriously for instance using drugs within the school premises or at any school-related activity such as excursions was highly prohibited students caught using or selling drugs were immediately expelled from the school and the school would outrightly refuse to issue a transfer letter for the said student many of the parents who took their kids there were Rich religious people so their children knew better than to do anything that would make their parents be invited however kids were still secretly using drugs and even selling on the school premises the interesting part was that my stepdad the principal knew about this but rather than meet out the prescribed punishment in the school's code of conduct he would offer to pretend as if nothing happened in exchange for some money that's right my stepdad was taking bribes from his students in exchange for his silence as a result many students were using and some others were selling and getting away with it because the principal did nothing and would even cover up for them when my boyfriend told me about this I knew that the time had finally come to get my revenge but I couldn't do it alone so I told my boyfriend about my plans to expose him my boyfriend was very religious so I tried not to make it look like I was just trying to get revenge even though that was what I was trying to do I made a whole speech about how what my stepdad was doing could potentially ruin the lives of numerous students and all of that he agreed but said we were going to need proof the school board wouldn't take any action against him without getting proof first they believed whatever my stepdad told them and trusted him especially since he had a way of making the students behave they also wouldn't want to upset parents and have them lose trust and the principle for no reason my boyfriend and I decided to get proof together but there was simply no way to do it I finally found a solution when one afternoon my mother's sister half-brothers and I were having lunch together a woman came over to our table with her young son and said hello to my mom my mom replied cheerfully but when she left my mom rolled her eyes and told us that the woman is the school's counselor and that she hated my stepdad and was very upset when he was selected to be the new principal maybe she wanted to be the Principal I said thinking about how fortunate I was to finally see someone else who'd like to see my stepdad fail I made my boyfriend go to her and confess all he knew about the principle and his aiding and abetting some months later the counselor alerted the school board and They carried out their investigation and found my stepdad guilty of the allegations laid against him he was immediately fired and arrested I just thought that he'd be fired and everyone would see him in the filthy light that I saw him but it was way bigger than that my stepdad was facing the possibility of jail time I started to panic and feel guilty but my boyfriend calmed me down he's only suffering from the consequences of his actions he was going to get caught anyway we just sped up the process my boyfriend would assure me when a reporter wrote in the local papers about what my stepdad was doing I finally understood the gravity of his offense he was lucky to get a very short offense though but I stopped feeling bad for him after reading that article I smiled just thinking about what my boyfriend and I did the only regret I have is not informing my mom ahead even though she would have prevented me from doing anything about it but the whole issue affected did her badly at first it wasn't until my stepdad went off to jail that my mom and half Brothers started to loosen up and feel free again my mom was looking as beautiful as I remembered her to be that ruled out any regrets I had about getting my stepdad in trouble let it be said Opie obviously did the right thing here I mean when you think about the lives the stepdad was affecting in allowing all of this illicit activity to go on in school it's for the best that they're held accountable for those actions and locked up because God forbid any of these kids get in with a bad crowd and get their lives ruined but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeIGOTMYSTEPDADFIREDFROMHISJOBRedditStoriesorig
AIT for kicking my brother and his family out after he tried to give me a horror vent I am having hard time feeling remorseful and I am unwilling to apologize for calling my brother out and for asking him to vacate my property I have given him many chances to stop this behavior and my brother won't stop shaming me for having been a stripper before I got my prestigious job these are is literally words I'm a nurse and esthetic he has been making off-hand remarks about me having been a stripper since he found out six years ago he gets on these long tie raids about how I am ungodly Unholy and that the sins I committed can never be forgiven unless I repent and let Christ into my heart I am not religious I'm certainly not not a Christian and will never be one but my brother refuses to accept also I only started stripping because his drug and gambling addiction ruined mine and our parents life he remortgaged their house took out loans and several credit cards in our parents name and even sold our parents identity to his former dealer I didn't know how bad the situation was until I came home one day from University and found strangers living in our house my father was too embarrassed to let me know they were living out of their car they also never reported my brother to the police because my parents didn't want him back in prison last time he went in for 2 years me and my parents were blackmailed to pay his prison debt so when I found out my
give me a good story on AITAforkickingmybrotherandhisfamilyoutafterhetriedtogivemeaitaredditstoriesorig
why don't you leave the policing to the police rather than buying guns in 1997 there was a knock at my door I answered the door and was greeted by a drunk biker who screamed I need a [ __ ] ride home get your [ __ ] keys and get out here I had no idea who this guy was so I closed the door and locked it he started trying to kick down my door yelling about how he was going to [ __ ] kill me I retrieved my shotgun opened the door and pointed at his face he ran off and I called the police 45 minutes later they arrived as I was giving them a description of him they knew who I was talking about and told me that he was wanted in connection with a stabbing at a bar a week ago what would have happened to me if I wasn't armed God only knows but I know I'm here today and I was unharmed my self-defense is primarily my responsibility
give me a good story on Whydontyouleavethepolicingtothepoliceratherthanbuyinggunsorig
update on dog poop girl it got worse original post um actually expecting me to clean up after my pet makes you entitled man I am still trying to process an exchange I had this morning I was sitting on my balcony having breakfast and there was this woman I've never spoken to walking her dog we don't know her but my roommate and I see her down there pretty much every day she's around our age I would guess so either in her 30s like us or maybe in her 40s we've never exchanged so much as a hello up to this point now I really like my apartment complex it's cute and pleasant to walk around and the only thing that really sucks is when people don't clean up after their dogs it's so freaking gross and I hate when people don't do it you're grownup who made a choice to have a pet that comes with responsibilities that you have to keep up with most people around here do clean up after their dogs that I've seen so we know it's just a few rotten eggs if I see people who don't look like they're doing it I call them out which I know comes with risks but come on people the response is sometimes defensive sometimes a bit of twisting the truth like oh I was just going too but they all know that they should be doing it anyway this woman has her dog right by our balcony and my friend and I were just chatting until I noticed the woman walking away without cleaning it up so I said in a tone more polite than the situation probably merited excuse me are you going to clean up after your dog and she says in this snide snot voice no I'm good thanks I immediately burst out laughing though not the goodh humored kind because I couldn't believe the audacity I said wow that's really pathetic which apparently is more than she'd expected me to do because she came marching back I have to imagine most people don't call this woman out for her to have that kind of immediate vitral makes me think she's kind of spoiled just in general and was angry i' embarrassed her but she clearly knew I was right because she had to come back and double down so she comes running at us with this kindergarten logic and goes I'm not the only one who doesn't clean up after my dog lots of people don't clean up after their dogs and I was like so how does that absolve you of adding to the problem she keeps going on about how other people do it too so I said cool then give me their names let's have a list because I don't see any of them right now and she's like open your eyes and figure it out for yourself I was like that's what I'm doing right now she keeps shouting that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to and she doesn't care what I think so I was like holy crap I never met such an entitled person it's insane to me that you're getting this angry over someone expecting basic decency out of you and she says no you're entitled I burst out laughing again and said I clean up after my animal me telling you I don't appreciate you leaving messes on our shared property doesn't make me entitled you're a grownass woman who knew what responsibilities she'd have when she got a pet there are of other people who don't want to see your dog's crap you're not the main character at this point I feel like this woman has never been confronted Beyond her first snarky response and I have a bubbly and friendly tone normally so she probably had expected to have scared me or shocked me into Silence with that callus initial reaction because she is practically melting down trying to upset me while my friend and I laugh she gave me a snarky have a nice day and I wished her the same in an equal tone then she waddled off and no that's not me calling her fat she was actually really fit she just walks in a very exaggerated cartoonish way like Jessica Rabbit or some crap I thought she was doing it to be snarky but my friend said she just always walks like that we took a short video of her sadly not of the incident itself as we had to go grabb our phones and I plan to take it to the front office just to let them know it's only step one I doubt anything will be done with just this but this has been driving me crazy and I'm ready to start holding rude people accountable fortunately I can use the corporate offices if the people here don't start to put pressure on people who are blatantly breaking their lease it's right in there that you have to clean up after your animal I'm not trying to get anyone evicted but I'm hoping she at least feels the pressure to act like a grown-up and take care of her pets like I wouldn't cry if she got a fine or something seriously though it's painful to me that people like this even exist she was so confident that she was somehow in the right that she didn't even try to lie about it like woman you aren't 12 the other people do it argument isn't going to hold up in court lamu edit sorry I haven't answered all of the comments yet but things got worse here's a post on that and I'll try to reply more soon update on dog poop girl it got worse so yesterday I posted about having a nasty encounter with a neighbor of mine who is apparently too good to pick up after her dog she made sure to let me know that I was the entitled one for not wanting dog poop all over the property and she made sure to toss in some classist remarks expecting maintenance people to clean it up someone suggested in the comments that she might be the pathetic sort to come back and intentionally try to provoke her I thought for sure she wouldn't be that dumb turns out I was the fool for giving her that much credit but it's a good thing she did because I got a great video of her I'm not going to upload it for a number of reason but I might if she tries to do it to me it played out an entitled loser 101 to a degree that it almost felt unreal I can't believe people like this truly exist she came by intentionally brought her dog right beneath our balcony this time and waited I was like cool letun record so we sit there she waits for her dog to poop then she starts to walk away of course proof thank you however as she walked away she saw that I was recording and turned back she started shrieking oh my God are you trying to record me you know that's illegal right I said yes I am it's not illegal you're in a public space she starts yelling at me to mind my own business and that none of this concerns me I told her that a did concerned me because I live here too and I don't want a poop covered apartment complex nor do any of the other residents I would imagine she told me I didn't own the complex like that makes it okay do you ma'am we had it back and forth and she started recording me back telling me threatening things like thanks for exposing yourself implying that she's going to dox me and put it online hopefully nothing comes of it just because I want my privacy but I haven't done anything wrong so I'm not worried about it otherwise when that didn't upset me as she' clearly intended she started trying to insult me and it was hilarious this is probably because of your weight XD my best friend and I burst out laughing she called me a fat bee so I started recording again to catch anything else she might say she told me she was reporting me and I told her to please do it so they'd know who she was when I report her it was freaking Bonkers this woman is a nightmare I'm actually worried this is going to escalate into something even worse but I guess we'll see so the second she left we took the video down to the front office I showed it to one of the landlords who was appalled I mentioned the day before and how that had gone down and I verified that she was indeed breaking her lease also the landlord thanked me for policing people who just leave dog poop behind she said they've been trying to get people to take responsibility and it's turning into a real issue after that she gave me her email and asked me to send her the video I did so and now we'll see how it unfolds I also told her that the woman threatened to report me so she may actually call in herself and unintentionally turn herself in I also mentioned worrying about potential retaliation so that it's just out there if she calls the cops I fortunately have the video so she won't be able to make up anything about me harassing her or something I've been told to not engage with her if she comes back again but to just contact the office and tell them she's here I really don't know what to expect I just wanted to enjoy a nice morning on my balcony I'm seriously blown away all this because someone asked you to pick up your dogs poop what is this world coming to
give me a good story on UPDATEONDOGPOOPGIRLItgotworseorig
what was your thank God I looked at the contract moment bit long but satisfying to me at least was leasing with a big apartment complex where had a garage along with my apartment the lease contracts they cook up are 20 plus pages long and naturally slanted heavily in their favor and they use them as clubs against their tenants generally scummy Behavior All Around They removed their restricted access gates because they were tired of maintaining them and kept advertising It Anyway Etc so the contract comes up for Renewal and they of course raise the rent and both the apartments in the garage counting on inertia to keep me there even though they're blatantly advertising a lower rate in the same model for new leases now at this point I'm planning on leaving in a year anyway to buy my house so I swallow it and tell them to write up the contract for me to review I sit down and read the thing you notice they've clearly left the garage fee off the contract even though it's noted as being leased I buy my tongue and read it over and yes according to the paperwork the sum total of everything was the price of just the apartment and the total is less than what I paid the previous year I sign it fully expect to hear back that they made a mistake before the property manager counter signs it a few days later I got my fully executed contract on my doorstep now the fun begins I wait until the bill shows up on their payment website and call them up saying there seems to be a mistake you're charging me X dollar and my leases for y please correct they tell me they'll review a couple days later they call to say oh it's just a mistake in the paperwork you can either pay the full amount or we can take the garage off your lease oh no no no no my contract clearly States the apartment and the garage is the price please correct your billing I paid them the amount owed per the contract in the first now come the threats eviction delinquent payment going to affect credit corporate lawyers luckily I have prepaid legal services through my work I call the lawyer they refer me to and send off the contract he calls me back the next day and says you're absolutely right they don't have a like to stand on here get their attorney to provide you in writing what they believe their legal basis is for demanding more than what's in the contract and I'll take care of it my favorite line in contracts like this is how they clearly state that this is the entirety of the agreement so there's no chance of slipping in things on either side the property manager calls me to come visit her in the office the same day and says she reviewed it with her attorney and he believes they're in the right because of generally advertised pricing or some other such nonsense she also implied that the person who wrote the contract was in danger of losing their job because of the issue as if she wasn't more liable for signing it off on it this is where I get to tell her I've also retained legal services and passed on what he said the look on her face was priceless she told me she'd take it back to them end of the story I received a very T note dropped on my doorstep a day later saying they removed the extra charge from my account I've been happily living in my new house for 4 years now but that still gives me a warm glow when I remember it I live in a high cost of living area so the detached onecar garage would have cost me $1,800 for the year not surprisingly nobody was fired for the contract screw up trying to Gill trip the Sky by saying the person who wrote the contract will lose their job that's just disgusting story two some workplace that demanded at least four years of employment or else I would have had to pay for those four years as you would pay for a course in case of earlier quitting you're hired for a job they send you to a 10-week training course teaching you how to do the job there is a stipulation when you sign that if you quit within x amount of years you have to pay them back for the training they put a dollar amount of around $20,000 on my training with a 2-year no compete clause my company was known in the industry for having the best training school in that industry but paid its employees relatively low compared to other companies they had the no compete clause to try and scary away from receiving their top-of-the-line training than quitting and going to a different company for more money right away one of my buddies from training ended up quitting after 6 months or so they threatened him with a repayment he told him to kick rocks because he knew it wouldn't hold up in court they ended up withholding his last check and taking any money in his 401k and leaving it at that I don't know if that's legal but that's what they did they dropped the no compete clause but he could never be hired by that company again not that he was too worried about that I should say this I didn't verify any of what my friend told me I'm just reporting what he told me when I asked him what happened when he quit which was roughly 7 years ago now he said they took his 401k but he may have meant only the company match we weren't fully vested until after 3 years as far as the last paycheck I don't know they may have worked that out behind closed doors and he didn't tell me I'm just repeating what he said seven years ago Story three okay this is just a piece of advice because I know there are actors out there who want to get into the business I'm a talent agent and entertainment lawyer I cannot tell you how many contracts I read that include things that are not enforcable by law or just plain illegal but actors are so happy to get an agent they sign without looking hire a freaking lawyer I used to charge $100 to read a contract when I still did it it's worth it an example I had a client let's call her Jess Jess is an incredible talented voiceover she to this day is one of my best clients however when Jess was first starting about 8 years ago she signed a contract with an agency out of Kansas City two years later she left the agency and we picked her up and showed her contract she raised her eyebrows at her rates asking how do you guys make anything with such low commission rates this along with a few other things made me ask if she had a copy of her old contract for me to read so here we go first it's stated that the agency's commission rate percentage of actor earnings they get was 45% the industry standard if you're Union it can legally be no higher than 10% and it usually never goes higher than 15% even for new Talent that's non-union second it stated a non-compete Clause that lasted for 3 years and covered the entire us and Canada not enforcable and if I'm being honest I could make a judge throw that out on a dime but it would cost you a lot of money for me to do usually you don't find noncompete Clauses in acting agencies other than a penalty for breaking your contract with us early which is in our agency we usually derive from an average of your earnings during the course of the current contract third and this was a fun one said that she could not deny peering bear provided proper compensation I was tempted to hammer this freaking company after reading this Jess was a very attractive woman but that changes nothing let let me be clear to All actors you have every right to deny a job for any reason you choose if your agency pushes you into something against your own choice you call a lawyer or your union rep if you have one there were about five other stupid things about ownership and her responsibilities but those are the main ones nothing makes me more sick than agencies taking advantage of kids pursuing their dream they're freaking old aged snake oil salesmen who only survive off the desperation of people who have dreams being an actor is tough and your agent is supposed to be on your side it's an Unwritten rule of the profession that unless there are extreme circumstances you hold the line with your client that's literally the rules in my agency and I've fired people for screwing over actors for their own gain I could go all day but please if you're ever in a situation as an actor or performer where this is a contract just hire a lawyer to consult and have them read it it doesn't cost much in the grand scale of what you could lose and they will always help you because if you're happy then you'll come back if you need them damn they asked a voice actor to go bear story four looked at renting a house about 7 years ago and the homeowner had inserted some of her own Clauses into the standard tency agreement now this is absolutely fine to do but they were purposefully put into different sections of the document so if you read the part detailing the security deposit you wouldn't see her additions if she put them in another area in the paperwork one Clause was that no Footwear of any kind can be worn inside the property failure to adhere to this will mean the whole property's carpeting must be professionally cleaned another was the waving of the mandatory notice period before the homeowner can come by and inspect the property there's supposed to be a minimum amount of time they must give you notice wise before they can come over unless there is a serious property fault leak Etc so that they can't just turn up unannounced she wanted that waved so she could check we were treating her property right and if we weren't then we'd be immediately evicted he also caught her telling a relative that she registers eviction proceedings upon the start of the tency so she can evict them as soon as she decides they've broken her rules there was a mandatory waiting period between commencement of eviction proceedings and being able to actually get Enforcement Officers to evict a tenant not sure in the current rules in this anymore as I don't have as much to do with rental properties now Ned out of that house really quickly got a much bigger cheaper house I'll be more of a death trap a few streets away it's amazing how many landlords think they know the law and they really really don't mostly these people tend to think I can put anything in the lease and it's valid but nope wishful thinking if you know they're wrong but count on bullying tenants who don't know any better and have little money to defend themselves oh and since you're already halfway through the video don't forget to hit the like button and subscribe to my channel so you wouldn't miss out in any of my upcoming videos now let's get back to the stories Story five my husband then fiance was getting ready to buy a used car that's often used for street racing or rally racing he doesn't do that but it's a damn fun car to drive and is pretty much sure to have aftermarket modifications if it's been owned by someone who used it for racing or as a status symbol my husband had done his research and neither of us were going to be taken for a ride and even though this was the car we absolutely wanted we were prepared to walk away it was fairly low mileage the dealer a third party outfit not a brand dealer kept swearing up and down that the car was still under manufacturer's warranty and had no aftermarket mods I was skeptical I know that if the car had any aftermarket mods the warranty would be void for that portion of the car if not the whole thing depending on the extent of the influence of the mods I read every piece of paperwork that wanted my husband to sign and explained them to him but I couldn't find anything that guaranteed that the car was still under manufacturer's warranty so I straight up told him to walk away from the deal unless they gave us a piece of paper that both parties signed that said exactly that they did it lo and behold the car had an aftermarket downpipe a really nice one that had been installed improperly huh it was affecting the air flow through the engine and could have eventually caused permanent damage to the engine it was going to cost us hundreds of dollars to either have it reinstalled properly or return the engine to its original on modified state which would have given us warranty compliance yay but surprise we had a piece of paper that gave us a hold on them they tried to avoid us for a week or so until we left them a voicemail saying that if we didn't hear from them in 24 hours they'd be hearing from our ER and that's how we didn't pay for having the car restored to warranty specs we even got to keep the downpipe it's kind of spiffy the car is a Mazda Speed 3 story six I attended this college in 2011 and was supposed to have received my diploma the following year as it was a 9month program I never received it I had moved so I'm assuming that it was returned to Sender when they sent it to my old address but never called me about it either as I couldn't attend grad at the time for personal reasons I was interested in applying for University a bit later because I found out that the college I had gone to was a recognized institution so upon applying for University they wanted the transcript from sketchy school I went down there and told him I needed my diploma from there and that I never had received a copy in the first place the receptionist was rude and checked the back only to tell me the original copy wasn't there and insisted that I needed to pay a fee of $35 to get it I was pissed off because who the hell charges a fee for a diploma you didn't receive so I paid the $35 even though I thought it was total BS I really couldn't get over it after a while so I rumag through my documents I had signed when I first started the school program and lo and behold I found a line that said the first copy or original of the diploma is no charge but that they do charge for additional copies I'm fine with that additional copy part but not for the original I called their office and explained how I was charged for my first copy of my diploma that I never received and also complained about how the receptionist treated me when I had tried to explain to her several times and nicely that had never received my original copy the person I spoke to found the original copy that I didn't receive she was understanding and apologetic and said I could come back to get it in a refund it was so satisfying coming back and seeing the pissy receptionist who basically had to admit you messed up I realized she doesn't make the rules but she really didn't have to be the way she was the first time around I also know it's only $35 but I don't like being taken advantage of story seven a certain shady as hell game Publishing Company offered to buy my RPG Maker game for $1,000 upfront with no royalties or anything I'd be basically signing away the game rights to them entirely this didn't really seem like a bad idea at the the time since it took me less than a month to make the entire thing and I need the money however in the contract it also states that the publisher would be permitted to change the game in any way they saw fit without your consent I was absolutely not cool with this plus it turned out that they had given the exact same offer to dozens of other RPG Maker devs some of which had only made glorified Tech demos and the Publishers seemed really desperate and pushy to try and get me and as many other people as possible to sign all of this combined caused me to decline the offer in the end said Publishers would then send me several desperate emails encouraging me to take the offer even after I made it firmly clear that I was not interested then after I told my story on an RPG Maker forum and unread it about dealing with them they made several legal threats against me and tried to Blackmail me which is why I'm not saying their name here anyway sometime pass after I finally managed to get the guy to bug off and I started seeing horror stories pop up on various websites about the kind of crap this company put these RPG Maker devs through including but not limited to introducing glitches into games that didn't exist in the original data that was sent to the publisher this this includes at least one instance where the game would crash 100% of the time at a specific point because the publisher removed a music track and didn't erase the code that calls for that music track adding typos and grammatical errors to dialogue that didn't exist in the original data that was sent to the publisher changing the plot of their game without the dev's consent or without even informing them such a change was being made which caused the plot hole in the sequel that the dev was in the middle of making making the games Easier by strengthening allies weakening enemies and or introducing new items or equipment or skills that were overpowered also apparently puzzle had been changed to make them easier to solve according to the publisher all of these things were done to make the games better and more accessible unfortunately the devs really couldn't do anything about it since they signed away all rights to the game for a measly $1,000 story eight my wife and I were at a car dealership buying her first car the dealership was offering special no interest financing for recent College grads and we're using that to finance the car the finance guy presented us with two options a three-year payment plan and a 5-year payment plan the whole time he made it sound like the zero interest applied to both and so we went for The Five-Year Plan to get a lower payment Finance guy tried to get us to sign without reading the paperwork but we weren't having that come to find out the longer payment plan didn't qualify for the no interest deal and we were getting charged 6.5% which is a hell of a lot of more than zero we got pissy and threatened to walk out after we realized what they were trying to pull and got them to come down in the price I know they've pulled that on other recent grads who don't read the paperwork and just sign always walk into the dealership with your own financing from your bank story N9 mine wasn't really extreme but my girlfriend and I were shopping for houses and we were checking out a townhouse style condominium the price was within our budget and the monthly maintenance fees were average for the area it was an openhouse event hosted by a retailer so the property's annual expenses were included in a pamphlet I found that on top of the regular monthly maintenance fees around $350 there was an additional expense of $800 every 6 months I asked where there was an additional expense if there were already regular fees she responded that the extra $1600 per year was us used to keep the fees low I responded that the fees are average for the area and many places in the same neighborhood are already lower long story short it was a nice house but we didn't pursue it further I'm on board with the idea of condo fees but if they cover things that I would normally pay for like heat or water snow removal Garden Care Etc and if needed additional expenses for major upgrades like new roofs or doors or Windows but expecting 12 houses in the row complex to each Kick in a 1,600 bonus every year without specific accountability isn't something that interests me story 10 I went to a reasonably well advertised jewelry store to pick up an engagement ring knowing that I wanted it to be a surprise that she would want to pick out her own ring in due time and made sure that the ring would be returnable for full price and even for a full refund from that store when I bought it for about $900 after the proposal my then fiance found a ring she liked better at a different Jeweler so I went to return the ring when I said I wanted to return the ring the clerk said a problem just sign this and we'll get you sorted out I read the small paper and it stated something very close to and now can confirmed this sale to be a final sale and cannot be refunded or returned for any reason I read it pin in hand looked at her and said why would I sign that she took the slip back got her manager and I was able to get the full amount returned via the same way I paid on my debit card for those interested it was a people's jeweler in Vancouver I'm really confused about what the clerk was trying to achieve I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy what's your best sorry wrong number moment Story 3 is definitely worth see you in that video
give me a good story on WhatsYourThankGodILOOKEDAtTheCONTRACTMoment
today we've got a great malicious compliance story showing up a university teacher we'll get into that in a bit but first you want proof that my fiance is sick you got it I 25-year-old female am engaged to my fiance Joey 26-year-old male he recently had surgery on his leg and hip but there were complications and he's been sick and weak since we try to not ask for help but this has put a big Financial strain on us to the point where we spent our wedding savings on his recovery we're fine with this because if we need to have a courthouse wedding we're cool with it we just want him to be healthy but we did set up a temporary donation page to help with some of the expenses a friend of mine Carla 25-year-old female donated $10 about a month ago and I reached out to her to thank her last week we posted an update not asking for more money but just to let people know that Joey has had another setback and the doctors are creating an all new treatment plan for him Carla commented publicly and said the following I'm beginning to question if he actually has been sick for this long or if y'all are just trying to get more money for your wedding who takes this long to recover from surgery especially when you're an athlete I said I am very offended and appalled that you would accuse us of Faking anything maybe you're just having a bad day or a moment of bad judgment but how shamefully low of you she replied I want my donation back unless you can show proof that he's sick in a hospital bed or sitting in a doctor's office anything I sent her $10 to get her off our backs but I also sent her a video with Joey's approval the proof she asked for one of the concerns Joey is had is that he will get severely nauseous if he eats protein which is what he's supposed to be doing and when he overexerts himself which he does sometimes I sent her a video of him dry heaving into an emesis bag in the middle of PT now one of his doctors asks us to record his PT so they can see the progression of him not feeling well to hopefully make some adjustments so I didn't didn't take this video just to send to Carla but to me it seemed like solid proof since she was asking for it she said what the heck I have aobi I didn't know this and this just triggered me so bad I hope you're happy with yourself I feel like I've been traumatized I said so now you have $1 more doar to process this trauma and therapy man these people are just out here trying to survive get through things get a little assistance if people have it in their hearts to do so and you got to have these people out here who have to try to turn it into a conspiracy theory you took my $10 and you're just milking this thing you got us Carla we're on to you trying to milk 10 measly dollars from you a month if we could have just done this a month or two more we would have had Cancun booked in our wedding plans too also hi I'm Stephen and if you guys enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is this is good enough I'm working on a little little bit of a nightmare project at work it's an absolute dumpster fire of a project for a plethora of reasons but only one of those reasons just got his comeuppance and left me with a dangerously acute case of smug this project will have a large number of users who should have access to certain areas only corporate Espionage is a very real concern here so the people paying for the project have very very strict standards when it comes to access control I've been trying to work with someone from that other company for months now his job title is data compliance engineer and he's managed by a data compliance manager they share the same last name at first I thought this guy was busy but as it turns out he really just doesn't like to actually do his job you can email him as much as you like no answers but when big names are in the CC field of the email he's all smiles and cooperation you probably know the type our job is to figure out what I need from him in terms of data then his his job is to get a big list of users to me I then feed that list into my magical script and people have access Happy Days right wrong the first test run was a couple hundred people I get the list a week late and the data is just horrific there's missing data corrupted data just an absolute steaming pile of crap trying to pass itself off as a data set takes me almost 6 hours to clean it up so I can even get the script to run I keep track of the errors and then give that list to Mr Data iance engineer who astonishingly replies within minutes the data is good enough make it work so that's how it is all right each run gets larger and larger as time goes on and the amount of time it takes me to clean everything up gets longer and longer my attempts to get anything fixed falls on deaf ears data compliance manager is protecting the data compliance engineer and the company they work for will believe their own employees over someone from outside I tell my management what's going on on and then I tell them I have a plan earlier today the plan yielded its Delicious Fruit I got the actual production run a week late again and was supposed to have it all finished up for two Fridays ago finished cleaning and got it running at 400 p.m. last Tuesday at 4:30 p.m. that Tuesday there was a big conference call at the request of the people actually paying all of us to do this on that call me my boss several members of the sea Suite from a multinational Corporation and the data compliance manager they want to know why there's been a breach of contract do we not understand how important the deadlines are for this project please explain to us why we're paying you all of this money for something that's consistently late my manager adhering to the plan absolutely throws me under the bus I don't know why things are running so far behind op would you care to explain why you're not meeting deadlines sure thing boss you got it I've actually prepared a literal PowerPoint presentation of what's been going on slide one my email filtered for communications between me and data compliance engineer 100 plus emails to data compliance engineer and 10 coming back from him slide two his little gem of a response to my polite request that he makes sure his data isn't garbage slide three Snippets of data I found particularly entertaining including what looked like a spot where he just opened the file and no notepad and started smashing his keyboard slides 4 through 7 comparisons of different files he's given me which are not garbage in the same way slide eight the obvious conclusion from different versions having different garbage he was sabotaging the files before sending them over there's a moment of silence on the call and you can see the data compliance manager open his mouth several times and just closes it again the CEO of the company thanks me and then drops from the call almost immediately everyone from the other company follows suit last Wednesday bright and early I got an email from a new data compliance engineer who has thus far proven to be a delight to work with couldn't be happier the fruit I mentioned before I replied all on an older email Thread about something that had come up got two out of office replies one from the old data compliance engineer and another from the data compliance manager both of them had opted to take an extended leave of absence and if any data compliance issues are Urgent please reach out to the new guy I made it work this my friends is why it is critical to cover your butt and I guess in some cases literally make an eight slide PowerPoint presentation bottom line if you got to get your point across about somebody who is just screwing the pooch here having a literal PowerPoint presentation you've provided to cover your butt is pretty good evidence our next story is can't get an extension you say okay then when I was in university one class had a weekly assignment which was a one-page essay which was mandatory to pass but only worth 1% of the final Mark per weekly essay so they made up 10% of the total Mark in a 10-week semester each week had put in a lot of effort and no matter what would get a mark of 9 out of 10 which equates to .9% of the 1% mark this went on for about 6 weeks I thought it was a little odd that it was always the same Mark and was frustrated I didn't get full marks because they were basic questions and I answered perfectly but that's besides the point of the story anyway my record thus far was perfect I was a model student never late perfect work etc now in week seven I had a family emergency I could not complete my essay and asked for one day's extension one day given my record I didn't Envision an issue with this but surprisingly the teacher denied my request and told me if if I didn't submit it I'd fail the course all righty then so I had dealt with set emergency it was late I opened my word document wrote half a sentence and then typed some gibberish that looked like an error code and copied and pasted it down the page then I uploaded the essay online you said I needed to submit my essay here it is what I fully expected to happen was that the teacher would contact me and say that there was an error uploading my document and to please submit it this would have been the next day since it was late at night when I submitted it and so I would have time to do it properly which is what would have happened had she granted me the extension in the first place what happened instead was I heard nothing then I got my grade N9 out of 10 what I figured out is my teacher must not have even been reading our essays she was probably marking US based on our previous assignment grades and just copying and pasting the grade each week the worst thing is I couldn't report her because that would have meant confessing to submitting an incomplete essay needless to say for the last 3 weeks I put minimal effort into my essays and lo and behold continued my streak of N9 out of 10 I love that in this situation op literally didn't do the work submitted it hoping for an error and then would have to do the work got a nine out of 10 and their reaction was I really want to report this person if I found out this loophole I would keep doing it for the rest of the semester probably except for the things that were Vally important our next story is I need a doctor's note to work from home for more than 2 days while I have an unidentified presumably contagious illness if you insist it's a tale as old as capitalism my job which to be fair I freaking adore working at and I'm so grateful for and happy at requires a doctor's note because I've been sick and working from home for 2 days now I haven't just had a minor cold or flu several days ago I came came down with the worst cold or flu symptoms you can imagine and then things started going downhill from there it got to the point where I've now been to the ER 2 days in a row because of tonsilitis and excruciating pain brought on by swallowing tiny sips of water it's not great and despite a whole battery of swabs and tests the doctors don't know what the underlying bacteria or virus causing these symptoms is obviously there's no way in heck I want to infect my co-workers with this plague so I told HR that I would be working from home until I'm feeling better since my job can be done 100% remotely they hit me back with the ever famous if you need to work from home for more than two days in a week you'll need a doctor's note since it's against policy my first instinct was to just go into work looking sounding and feeling like death warmed up but a I don't want to infect my colleagues and B I legitimately believe that I would pass out on my walk to work and would have to be taken to the hospital yet again instead I spoke to the ER doctor from earlier this evening my second visit in as many days I asked him how long he thought I should stay away from work or work from home and then told him I needed a note so I could stay home he had a brief flash of vaguely Furious what the freak cross his face at the eyes that my job would force someone as sick as I am to come in and risk the health of those around me then assured me he would write the note I was thinking it would just be a basic op should continue to work from home until the end of the week nah bro came through for me he wrote a note saying that I should be off of work for at minimum another week and then added the piece to resistance as his last line infectious disease requires more time than 2 days to improve I love any story like this where the doctors are absolutely appalled at these businesses being like come on you need a doctor's note I know you're practically on your deathbed but come on especially all the ones I've heard where they insist you have to come hand deliver the note they really try their best to just get everybody sick there our next story is who starts the dishwasher empties it okay not sure how this will be received but here goes I'm a master's student in a well-known University in my country my job until my thesis is approved is to assist students with their analyses during Hands-On laboratory courses and whoever needs assistance in my advisor's crew whether they are doctorate or Masters do analyses for whatever they do I like what I do and I'm dang good at it we had a chain of inconsequential feuds with a fellow Master student let's call her F during my first year here after I devastatingly lost a lot of the elderly side of my family back toback I know how it is to work with someone constantly feeling blue but the way I was treated crossed the line constantly being told I was a downer and becoming a thanless errand boy made me hate F she made her job to make my life heck every chance she had twisting and turning the unwritten etiquette rules of the laboratory willy-nilly to inconvenience me especially concerning cleaning the glass equipment making me take out the trash even though we had janitors making me wash the dishes by hand and throwing whatever she was using in front of me without seeing anything the straw that broke the cowls back was last New Year's joint gift to our adviser the gist of it is that it quickly became a screaming match between us because I had to run to the pharmacy to get my dad's heart medicine and couldn't join the crew for getting the present I had to run to a store and get my own after that I was singled out because I'm a male and she's a female raising my voice back at her was a cardinal sin I had to do everything on my own I made sure everything was going swimmingly and surprisingly made it work publishing three articles in a year but the bullying continued the last rule that she added was emptying the dishwasher after starting it I had nothing to do with the dishwasher at the time but since I was the odd one out the blame fell on me apparently she was about to do her analyses for her thesis and nothing was in place she was very vocal in our WhatsApp group containing our adviser I was chewed out by the doctorate students screw it let's dance come spring cleaning in our lab before the laboratory classes started the dishwasher was loaded with all kinds of glass equipment one of the doctorate students told F to start the dishwasher this was 2 weeks ago I haven't touched anything because I didn't start it right this morning I was doing some analyses in the lab and noticed the dishwasher was still full this is my time to shine I wrote verbatim down to every Emoji she used to call her out on the very same thing I was chewed out for I replied to her older messages about people are constantly working in the lab so we should be diligent and hit her with a dis you it was her day off so she now has to take the bus for 2 hours from her home just to get chewed out by the adviser I got a KN of approval and an apology from our adviser on behalf of the crew I'm feeling better about the whole ordeal now I can only imagine when op noticed that she started slipping up didn't get to it right away and they didn't say anything that they were praying they would make the exact same mistake they got op chewed out for it must have felt so good in op's shoes to be able to call it and throw it right back in her face but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome malicious compliance story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceDISHWASHERMALICIOUSCOMPLIANCERedditStoriesorig
Story one my neighbors didn't like the color of my house was so they had it painted a different color while I was out of town so this is a probably a really weird question for me to ask but it's a weird situation and I'm not really sure what I can do my house is on a corner lot 2 years ago a newlywed couple moved into the one house that's beside mine right away they started making weird comments about the color my house was painted yellow and soon switched to outright demanding that I painted a different color my house was painted yellow when it was built- it I like the color and there is no byw against it or anything they have called the police on me about it as well as the city both of whom told them to pound sound because I hadn't done anything wrong and there was nothing they could do they also tried suing me in court the suit was thrown out and they had to pay my legal fees and getting our other neighbors together to form a homeowners association in the hopes eventually I could be forced to paint my house a different color our other neighbors also told them to pound sand and they have basically alienated themselves from everyone else in the neighborhood at this point I recently had to go out of town for something I was gone for 2 weeks when I got back 2 days ago my house was gray seriously I actually almost drove past it because I'm so used to my yellow house I knew immediately who was responsible but when I went over and knocked on their door no one answered I think the couple figured out that I was away and not just at work when they saw our neighbors collecting my mail for me because I sure as hell never told them I was going away and I know my other neighbors hate them too and didn't tell them the neighbor from across the street came over and showed me pictures that he took of the painting company setting up and doing the work he said he and another neighbor called the police but the painting company had a valid work order and had been paid so the police couldn't do anything he also told about it but because they were paid to do the work they said they had to do it to avoid being sued I called the painting company to get a copy of the work order and it was in the name of an MS Jane Smith and was paid for in cash a red-headed woman and her red-headed husband came to the company to hire them my neighbors are both redheads saying they would be out of town and would like their house painted while they were gone they gave the Painting Company pictures of my house taken from the street I have a surveillance camera at my front and side doors and in my backyard because I work shifts and as a woman living alone I don't want some stranger breaking into my house and waiting to Ambush me when I get home my neighbors never set foot on my property at anytime so they can't be charged with trespassing and they didn't do the painting which was actually done properly when I called the police they reiterated that since the painters were hired had a valid work order and were paid to do the job they can't be charged with trespassing because it was reasonable for them not to know and they were acting in good faith and didn't cause any phy asterisk asterisk cow damage to the house also the neighbors can't be charged with trespassing or vandalism because they didn't come on my property or touch the house themselves I don't know if I can sue anyone because there was no actual damage or harm done to me or the house my neighbors still have not answered their door or shown themselves I am pissed off beyond belief because I liked my yellow house and I can't believe how F asterisk asterisk King crazy that they have been I wish I could good show a court or city council how psycho they have been over this I want to know if I have any recourse or if I can do something to get them to pay to paint the house back to Yellow does anyone know what I can do to get them to fix this and paint it back edit I live in the state of Louisiana relevant comments top comment deleted call your homeowners insurance file a vandalism claim insurance company pays you paint your home back yellow give insurance company all information let them sue them this is why you have insurance Kel 30 they defaced your property that is vandalism depending on how much it costs to fix it may be a felony you also have damages the cost of painting your house back to the color you like the principle applies to someone who paints a beautiful mural on a drab gry wall that is still vandalism even though in many respects it is an improvement on how much a new paint job would cost oop they the neighbors paid $4,000 in cash according to the painting company update September 6th 2015 day I was going to wait until the after the weekend to talk to the lawyer I used for their last lawsuit against me but there have been further developments so I had to call him this morning beyond the fact that they have filed another lawsuit against me for the cost of the painters yes seriously I can't say anything further about what has all happened on the advice of my lawyer I will provide an update once everything is resolved edit thank you to everyone who responded to my last post you really know how to make a girl feel special relevant comments Loop and and chemist well I suppose that makes proving culpability pretty easy the painters are no longer needed to pin the neighbors an Uncharted Island seriously didn't they just completely incriminate themselves if so that's actually awesome news for op hindes they did and what's even better is that they are too stupid to realize they've incriminated themselves editors note sadly marking this as inconclusive as o hasn't posted in over 8 years we'll have to assume O's house color is back to cheery yellow with a sprinkling of tasteful rainbow polka dots reluctantly financed by their neighbors thank you for reading story two my soon to be ex-husband and my sister through everything they cared for for one week original post May 8th 2024 title I got a text from my sister's bestie about her and my husband loving me too much to do anything to hurt me my sister's bestie told me that she feels guilty for being a snitch but that she couldn't do this to me anymore because she thinks that I am a kind person and don't deserve this my sister and my husband have always along very well they're both brilliant both lecturers at the University and they have so much in common I am not stupid but I never loved school and I have high school education they have become best friends throughout the years 14 years but never once did I feel uncomfortable about it since my husband has shown me nothing but love and respect the opposite until now I counted myself lucky that the two people that I love the most in this world get along so well but now I feel nauseated the bestie sent me screenshots upon screenshots of her conversation with with my sister my sister has feelings for my husband and she appears to know that my husband feels the same way about her too in one of the texts my sister wrote that she loved me too much to do anything to hurt me in another she wrote that I am too dear to both her and my husband to do anything that would hurt me she seems to think that they're soulmates which is odd because the talk about soulmates came up once between my husband and I when I told him that I didn't want us to be soulmates he was curious and asked me why I told him because soulmates meant that we are programmed or destined to fit together there's no free will involved and I want my love to come from a free space not a predestined place he laughed and said he loved that but apparently there soulmates I know that I need to talk to him but I am dreading that I am in so much despair right now broken heart relevant comment commenter if what the friend sent you is true you need to take a moment and gather your thoughts before this talk you need to have with your husband if possible check his phone so you have firsthand look at the communication not the friends one if real the emotional affair is more than enough of a betrayal o for me even an emotional affair is a deal breaker unfortunately edit same post same day hi thanks for your help I asked how I would be sure before asking my husband so he doesn't just blatantly lie and you suggested to look into his phone thanks for your suggestion I did now I told him about my sister's conversations with her best friend and showed him the screenshots he was shocked at first and said he had no romantic feelings for her and he had no idea about her feelings so I asked to see his phone I read the their texts and emails and I was shocked that their contact is way more intensive and intense than I thought they talk on a daily basis they have lunch multiple times a week nothing as the asterisk u in the texts but yeah he is stupid if he doesn't know that she loves him and he must think that I am stupid if after reading I wouldn't get the feeling that he has some feelings too in one of her texts she wrote that she wished they had met first and under different circumstances his answer wasn't totally dismissive he wrote yeah it would probably have been different when I asked him about it he said Well yeah if he didn't know and love me he would probably have been interested in another my sister included but he loves me and she is a close friend of his so there's no se asterisk U relationship between them but I am not sure that is enough for me I think they are both wrong and should have nipped it in the budway earlier I don't know what to do now I think I need time for myself to process this I don't feel well at all about this and I don't want to make decisions from a place of fear and hurt nor convenience I am sorry I can't answer all private messages because I don't use my phone that often but our ages are my husband is 45 I am 42 my sister is 38 my husband and I have been together for 16 years and married for 14 my sister is single I am not a stay-at-home mom I have my own business we don't have children my sister has two from a previous relationship update same post May 9th 2024 next day so now I have had some long talks and discussions with my husband he seems to think that this is getting bigger than it is supposed to because I told him that I needed time alone to think and digest this he said that he doesn't understand why I am this hurt since he loves me and nobody else I didn't relent however and he admitted that he knows that my sister is in love with him because she has told him so but she knows that nothing can happen between them so she is fine with just friendship martyr he loves her but not romantically and he is happy to have a friend like her their friendship is important to him and he doesn't want to end because I don't trust him and his love for me he made a comparison to my best friend and asked what I would think if he asked me to cut my best friend from my life he admitted that intellectually he has more in common with her than with me but that the heart doesn't always choose who we are more compatible and that he loves and is physically attracted to me I think this whole situation is messed up I am repulsed by them both I texted my sister all her screenshots and she wrote that she was disappointed in her bestie and that your husband is all yours because I would never let anything happen would hurt you because you are the most important person to me in other words they are both contradicting each other since both seem to believe that they are the one who is not letting a relationship between them grow for my sake relevant comments on them meeting for lunch about the lunches he says that it is because they both work at the University and they eat lunch when both are in office but Tad isn't true because they don't work in the same building commenter how did he act was he truly shocked why did he hide how intense their communication was O op he was probably more shocked that my sister is talking to her friend about this otherwise he knows everything and probably likes it or he would have stopped it comment her other women's husbands are not your soulmates as an academic I know academics are often very emotionally disregulated individuals inclined to as trct and even magical thinking are you sure she isn't delusional they both sound like idiots oop they are idiots yes if I was her and I had developed feelings to my sister's husband I would have nibbed it immediately she is not a heroin for not wanting to hurt me and sacrificing her happiness instead if I was him I would have immediately gone no contact with someone who has feelings for me if we are to believe that he doesn't reciprocate her feelings like he is pretending if I had any respect for my spouse so they are both idiots yes update post June 15th 2024 1 month and one week later I have written here and a few comments about my soon to be ex-husband and my sister I left him about a week after and he texted me day and night about how much he loved me and wanted me back then he just stopped that's when I found out that my sister left her children at my parents house and moved in with my husband this made everything come out to the rest of my family and my parents were shocked and my mother really looked like she was already showing PTSD symptoms about how disgusting she felt this whole thing was she kept calling it incest and asking is that even legal I guess that is how much my sister cared not to hurt me if you read my first post even though I have been well composed and calm that I surprised myself I still tried my hardest to look back on my whole life childhood and upbringing to understand when it all went so wrong what my sister did felt like something that was the result of years of resentment or at least indifference towards me and our relationship as sisters so how did I miss that she never cared about me did she if she didn't how could I have been so blind then not even a week later I heard that they have ended things I found out in the oddest way possible my sister texted me the first time she texted me since everything started she just wrote UB I hope you burn in life and in hell I was very confused because she spent that week sharing cheesy deep quotes about love and soulmates and romantic insta stories with my stbxh but apparently that was over stbxh has blocked her everywhere and she moved out because she came to my parents to get her children and had a meltdown when they asked for explanation stbxh started calling and texting me again asking me to meet because he wanted to explain because he loved me and wanted me to understand he wanted to meet at least once before we started to meet with the lawyers involved so that is that this has left me even more confused than if they just ended up together I understand falling out and in love breaking up and starting a new but I can't explain this my stbxh keeps calling me his only love and true friend and my sister until I left kept promising that she would never do anything to hurt me she left her children at my parents doorstep and didn't answer their calls or texts for a week and all of this for a week what were they thinking has anyone here heard of something like this happening people throwing everything for not even a week post June 15th same day after one week of being in love and my sister leaving her children at my parents door to be living in my home with my soon to be ex-husband and flaunting everything on social media and sharing cheesy quotes she moved back to her apartment and got her children from my parents they aren't friends on FB and he unfollowed her on Instagram now she is saying that I have ruined her happiness and he started texting me again begging me to talk in private because he needed to explain everything before we started getting our lawyers involved between us I understand that people fall out of love and sometimes they can't control who they fall for and they can hurt many people around them but I never heard of two people throwing everything they pretended to care about for one week relevant comments commenter speak to my attorney I'd have that as my outgoing voice message o op I haven't answered any calls from him his family or unknown numbers I don't answer any texts either comment men come and go but a sister doing this is a f asterisk asterisk King Abomination I could not imagine betraying my sisters like this she ruined her own damned life what is she blaming you for being married to her aair partner I'd let her have him oop she can most certainly have him commenter she can most certainly have him oop I don't have great relationship with his family especially his mother we lost our child and they blamed me for us not wanting more children afterwards when it was both's decision commenter it's even worse that they are harassing you on his behalf also sorry for your loss child and relationships o I don't know if they are harassing me on his behalf to be hon honest since I haven't answered them they could be as confused as I am and he could be ghosting them not taking any chances anyway thank you H commenter so they actually admitted to being together did they admit to the affair oop I don't know TBH I don't think he knew that I knew they were together until he found out she was sharing it on Instagram commenter I remember your first post what threw me was him giving a whole Spiel on how he loves you and doesn't love your sister in that way and the first thing he does is move your sister into y'all's home he is living in regret right now these two are probably still in contact I wouldn't be surprised if they end back together shaking my head onward and upward oop I don't think they are still in contact no commenter this is the thing with infatuation SLC Crush you build someone up in your mind but the reality is so very different it's funny that it only took one week for them to fall apart your sister dumping her kids speaks volumes about the type of person she is I hope her life is hell I hope Karma F asterisk asterisk KS her to the maximum go see him let him explain get your closure and For the Love of All That is Holy cut your sister off oop as much I am confused and want answers I don't want to get them from him I don't know how the divorce will be done and if I am going to need to see him or not hopefully not but if it happens my lawyer can do the talking that's why I am here instead maybe people here have experience of something similar and can explain WTF happened these past two months
give me a good story on Myneighborsdidntlikethecolorofmyhousewassotheyhaditpaintedadifferentorig
welcome friends to another r slash pro revenge video today we've got a crazy story about somebody getting their car crushed but first a story from willingly lost 90 the battle of the parking spots so i live in a very large apartment complex i believe there's around 900 apartments the majority of parking spots are first come first serve if you work odd hours or get home late you'll have to park near the mailboxes and walk to your apartment and it can be a pretty long walk half a mile when you sign the lease you get the option to pay extra and get an assigned parking spot one bedroom apartment can have two paid spots and two bedroom apartments can have up to four when i moved in we paid for two spots as i work a split shift so half the week i'm not home until midnight and half the week i get home around 6 30. there's signs in front of each spot saying that if you're not paying for said spot you will be towed the spots are also numbered if it matters we had no issues for almost three years but during kovit i got a promotion and a company car my roommate changed jobs also and they gave her a company car as her job as her driving to nearby states as luck would have it two spots directly next to the ones we already own came open so we purchased them so when you get a paid spot you have to provide proof of license registration and your plates if anyone else parks in your spot you have to call and okay it the maintenance staff are known to check cars randomly and the cop who lives on site likes to tag cars for towing the residents have to call a dedicated number leave the information and the apartments call the tow truck so we have four spots and four cars my roommate was going out of town and decided to get her personal vehicle worked on so when she left town it meant two of our spots sat empty then someone tried to steal my car so i had to take it into the shop so my work vehicle is a very large suv so when we have spaces i open park parallel into the spots since we pay for them i came home from work parked my suv parallel and went to bed i woke up walked the dog and noticed someone had stuck a sticker saying to stop blocking two spots and there was a random car parked in the fourth spot i personally don't mind if people accidentally park in our spots and i leave a note explaining that the spot they're in is reserved along with the spots number seven eight and nine and please not park there again i went to work and the car was gone came home and the same car was in spot seven i parked next to them and once again explained that the spot is reserved and next time i will ask the apartment to tow them again went to work and came home and the same car was parked parallel in spots eight and nine so the way the spots are set up every four spots have a concrete curb with grass on it the way he parked his rear bumper was touching the concrete curb i parked in my spot but as close to his car as i could i don't use my passenger side door so i don't need access to it i was off the next day and was supposed to get my daily driver out of the shop i get up around lunch and check outside and the car is still blocked i once again tell them to not park in my spots i move my car over one spot so they can get out and get a ride to get my car i go do some errands go get food see a movie etc i get home around 11 pm the car is still parked in my spot the letter i wrote was shredded and on the ground and on my work car was a letter telling me off as i don't deserve the spots so my revenge i parked my personal car where my work car was right next to his and put an old trail camera on the pole near the spot i had another four days until my roommate was home so for the next three days i didn't move my car on day three apparently they tried to call a tow truck to move my car the tow truck pulled up looked at the spots and left on day four i called the apartments and had him towed i hope he didn't need his car for three days the car hasn't been in my spots since i love the idea that this person thought they were all high and mighty and doing people a service because this person's parking like a total jerk in these four parking spots why doesn't anybody do anything about these parking spots they're acting like they own them oh wait if you had the option of blocking them in for a few days then calling the tow truck or just calling the tow truck the first time they left a sticker on your car would you have called the tow truck first thing or would you try to ride it out a little bit make it even more annoying let me know what you would do in the comments down below our next story is from plane initiative 8316 cruised to nowhere bubby and i moved into a new house in 2018. when we were buying the house we asked his brother and his sister and her husband to co-sign on our mortgage in return we said we'd take them on a cruise in 2019 we were going to go on a cruise but brother-in-law couldn't get off work and sister-in-law got pregnant then there was a pandemic during the pandemic we were made aware of some problematic dynamics between sister-in-law and her husband and their kids so we filed a report with child protective services they're now understandably upset with us however our report was completely justified sister unlock keeps telling us that we owe her for intentionally messing with her and every time we talk with her it's been very very infrequent she tries to get us to give her money she's also been doing things to sabotage my husband's company and is systematically turning mutual friends against us she now wants us to pay her the money we would have spent on a cruise for her i'm not trying to change the terms of our initial agreement but she's insistent that we have to do it to make amends so now i'm shopping for a one-night cruise to nowhere absolutely the cheapest cruise i can find she won't even be able to go because she's not vaccinated but hey at least i'll have followed through frankly i'm wishing the best for op because it sounds like maybe they're gonna have some issues going forward potentially i mean hopefully not but it sounds potentially messy our next story is from gene paul just a meme for grandma so my grandma is a witch that has always emotionally manipulated my mom the breaking point of which i couldn't forgive her was when we were in the city we lived in a rural town four hours away from an urban area she called my mom and asked her if her husband was there he was was she out of the doctor's office we just got out was she in the car yes we were stuck in traffic then proceeded to say oh your sister lisa died and hung up so i don't really talk to her all that much and she unfriended me on facebook like five years ago because i was being sarcastic in a political argument aka being disrespectful and thinking with the left side of my brain as she's aged she's also become more and more concerned with seeming proper and polite that the short and skinny of some of my reactions with her and who she is as a person so just to be petty i sent her a friend request on facebook and she accepted just a tagger and a meme saying thanks for shooting a baby out of know your then unfriended her my mom's probably going to call telling me how my grandma was offended but oh well it's small but very betty happy mother's day to all you you know what shooters out there i mean that's definitely one way to look at it if you hate your grandma at least you know they went and partially were responsible for you being able to have life regardless so that's one positive thing they did right by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos every one of my daily videos has great stories like our next one from junker nomicon this isn't the best example of petty revenge but satisfying i'm in a record collecting group on facebook from the area around my hometown and i live on the other side of the country but i'm still active in the group in the time leading up to kovid i sparked up a conversation with an adam in that led to attraction i started making some plans to come home for a visit to see her i even had a ticket in a shopping cart the day my home stayed locked down the isolation of the lockdown brought us closer together eventually we were texting all day long and video chatting regularly when the lockdown was coming to an end i started making plans to come visit about this time my best friend passed of covid so i had to go home for his funeral when i got home she started pressuring slash lowkey threatening me to come see her she lives about an hour away from my hometown when i did go meet her she was totally different and very entitled wouldn't help pay for anything she complained about the hotel i got because it wasn't nice enough but wouldn't help to pay to get a nicer one after we hooked up i dozed off because of the three-hour time difference when i woke up she was gone i called her and she came back thanks we decided to go out to eat and she was gracious enough to tell me that she would pay for her own meal thanks again she drove to one restaurant she drove around the parking lot once and made the decision the wait would be too long so she took me back to my car heck no i went back to my hometown instead of spending the night at that hotel i decided on the way home that i didn't need this in my life i stopped talking to her that day the last thing i said to her was i don't owe you an exit interview i stopped posting in the group because of my friend passing and the episode with this woman record collecting was a hobby i shared with my best friend and couldn't bring myself to touch my turntable for a long time i pushed my feelings aside about what happened as i was starting to deal with the loss of my friend cue my low-key revenge when you talk to a person for two years you get to know them pretty well she was always jealous of this one woman in the group she crap-talked her all the time and tried to ostracize her she was also one of those people that were always online she sees everything that goes on in the group when i started posting again i started to like the other girls posts going back to when i stopped posting i didn't like them all at once i would do one or two of them at a time because she would see it she blocked me in less than two weeks and blocked all of my friends of mine she met this isn't the best example of petty revenge but it felt good to me i just feel bad for op because they spent all that time connecting with somebody that they felt they had a real connection with they were video chatting they were texting all the time and then when they finally meet up it's like you see all these character flaws that you just never would have gone for if you knew they were there in the first place honestly i guess that's one of the downsides of doing a long distance thing if the whole thing started out long distance you just never really know until you're physically with the person our next story is from disassociated developer be a jerk then you don't get the house this is my father's story toby this permission i wanted to brag about my dad's decision to stick it to a jerk my grandparents built then lived in the same house since the early 70s it has 5 acres and was a small-scale farm for their family growing up they both passed away within a month of each other several months ago their kids my parents aunts and uncles didn't need the home and none of their kids my siblings cousins nor i could afford it it was in a trust so all siblings needed to agree to make price etc most just wanted it to be sold quickly so they could move on with their lives they spent a couple months cleaning the property and house up repairing anything minor then put it on the market comparables estimated the property over 850 000 but it did need more work roof replaced and some cosmetic work on the foundation wiring was updated back in the early 2000s there were a couple people showing interest but no serious offers for a couple months so we dropped the price to around 830 000 since there was a little work to be done enter the most scuzzy realtor slash buyer he wanted it but his wife really wanted it they had put their house in a more urban setting with a small fraction of an acre on the market and were under contract and basically guaranteed the sale of their house for an obscene amount of money according to my father i forgot to ask how much their realtor found out it sold for they negotiated down to 740 000 and all of the siblings since the property was in a trust account it sad to see it go to someone outside the family but what do you do nobody could afford it or needed that much property he represented himself as his realtor which would mean he gets a percentage of the final price back at the end of it all i understand it's not technically illegal in our state but it's kind of bs in my opinion then he started asking for reduced price for many things things like the cost of taking the outbuildings down a horse corral horsetack shed greenhouse and disconnected garage that he set up as a workshop he said they were all a hazard and he shouldn't have to pay for them coming down they passed building codes just didn't look perfect cosmetically on the outside just one example of many we just wanted to move on with our lives but after we would accept an offer he would then ask for more drive the cost lower eventually got it down nearly below six hundred thousand he had about three thousand tied up in escrow to purchase it and his deadline for closing on the house or losing that money was approaching but he kept asking for more because he kept negotiating he passed his deadline to get his money back asked for 580 000 then my father snapped and i've never seen him snap i never seen him get petty but i'm glad he did he called the nephew who has horses but wanted more property for adequate training and riding space couldn't afford what it was actually worth so he'd passed on it before my father asked if they would qualify for the last accepted price just over six hundred thousand and they did all the sublime agreed and so they declined the realtor dude's offer and said never mind we won't sell to you through their realtor of course so the jerk loses his three thousand dollars doesn't get the house and doesn't have a home at all he apparently really thought he would get my grandpa's house so his house was closed on and he would have to move out very soon to say he was pissed is an understatement our poor realtor had to be the gatekeeper but she at least took satisfaction in pointing out to him that it was his own fault he didn't get the house we have to wait until the realtor guy signs the termination paperwork which he's delaying since that was all he has left to try to stick it to our family but grandpa's house is staying in the family once that final date passes less than a week left my parents may not have sold the house for what it was worth but it was worth sticking it to that guy screw him honestly the level of greed some people have really can blow you away they managed to talk that house down 180 thousand 000 and that wasn't enough for this guy they wanted to go lower and lower and lower at what point was the deal finally good enough that they were like okay i'll accept if i have to if you guys won't give me a break i guess i'll accept this house for five hundred fifty thousand our next story is from carrot dunn cold petty revenge served ice cold literally this is a story from my parents about my great grandmother she passed well before my birth but lives on mainly through the story and other small anecdotes she was my father's maternal grandmother so not much has been shared about her but this story is my favorite it is a cold snowy day in new york city and either the mid to late 80s or the early 90s pre-1995 my great-grandmother maria and my great aunt julia were shoveling the street in front of their apartment clearing parking spots for not only their cars but also for maria's husband who was away at work he spent a fair amount of time doing so due to the large amount of snow as soon as they finished and put the shovel away their neighbor richard drove up and immediately took the spot the two of them went up to richard to try and explain that they were shoveling the spot for the family member who would not be home until late but richard had none of it he cursed them out and walked about a few feet to his apartment julia and maria watched him go inside almost as soon as he got inside maria told julia to get the shovel they spent another hour or so shoveling in richard's car covering it completely with the snow they had cleared moments before once the car was very much covered maria took a kettle and poured hot water over the car ensuring that the new york city freezing cold weather would turn the snow-covered car into a big block of ice richard didn't leave the house until the next morning when he had to go to work he saw the car and immediately became enraged maria was at the window with a cup of coffee smiling and waving to him when he turned towards her apartment according to maria it took richard at least three hours to get the car out and she watched him the entire time with her good cup of coffee i'm not gonna lie when i hear stories about great grandmother and great aunt and then i hear mid to late 80s or early 90s i start feeling particularly old it's a great story of revenge though i'm just i can't get over how fossilized i'm feeling right now am i a grandfather all of a sudden our next story is from derby desk be rude to me and my co-workers and i'll absolutely inconvenience you i used to work for an extended stay hotel in literally every department we were a small hotel with a bit over a hundred rooms boss offered overtime and i wanted overtime we'd get a lot of people staying for work most would leave their families at home if they brought their families it would meant their job was willing to pay lots of money for whatever service they provide their employers so we would suck up to the guests keep them happy keep them at the hotel i was indifferent or liked almost all the guests even the difficult ones but this one lady still makes me grumpy years later she was the nanny of a husband and wife doctor team i think and she was awful she'd walk the kids down the hall complaining yell at the kids for being near her just terrible one morning i was covering the desk so my co-worker could get breakfast and the nanny comes down asking about a swimsuit that may have been left at the pool i told her no one turned it into the front desk but i checked with housekeeping and if i found it i'd get it to her relevant later she walked off mumbling just as sarah came back from breakfast and told me this lady's rude and complains daily over nothing i head over to housekeeping and start checking on the housekeepers since i was working as the supervisor for them for the day i get in your nanny's room and hear her yelling at the housekeeper the kind of yelling that happens when someone's trying to make someone who doesn't know english magically learn english i step in solve nanny problem she leaves witching housekeeper makes an inappropriate joke at the most perfect time and they go on to clean nanny's room i go in to help with the stay over because i wanted the housekeeper done and out before nanny got back when i went to replace the towels in the bathroom i saw the missing swimsuit hanging to dry by the tub so that mystery was solved and i didn't have to talk to the nanny again towards the end of my shift the assistant manager asks if i'd help the front desk during the check-in and dinner rush i tell her yes and then let her know that the nanny's annoying and may be a problem i can't remember all the details but everyone had complained about the nanny even the people who don't care about anyone or anything the hotel's problem was she hadn't crossed a line to be spoken to or warned on paper she was just a pain in the butt the final straw for me was when she came to the desk to tell me the morning girl had admitted to stealing one of the children's swimsuits and that we had to pay her cash to replace it and find a new one now this woman had seen me multiple times that day but everyone who worked the front desk looked similar enough that we would constantly get mistaken for each other and would use this to our advantage like when this woman told me i said i stole a swimsuit when i in fact said i would help them find it then saw it in her room i was irritated to say the least i told her i would discuss it with the manager and then she asked me for a shuttle to the downtown restaurant for her and the kids now i am admittedly that annoying co-worker who struggles to bend the rules for anyone or anything i also like knowing things and had been around the second longest at that point at least for the front desk staff and a few months back one of the shuttle drivers wondered out loud to herself why it was okay for small children to be in the shuttle without a car seat i emailed my immediate superior and got sent a forwarded email chain that had gone up to regional and basically it wasn't okay since i'd been in other departments and the rule was that if the kid looks young enough to need a car seat we mention it but don't verify age and leave it to the parent and shuttle driver to make the final decision no one had made this woman put the kids into a car seat while i informed this lady that i'd be happy to call for a shuttle as soon as she had the car seats in the lobby but no one has made me do it before they let me on the shuttle without them all the time the call of i'm getting my way people i respond with i'm so sorry i wasn't aware when i talked to my manager about the swimsuit i'll ask that she sends out a reminder to the rest of the staff that car seats are mandatory she left in a huff and i called the shuttle driver who i told the situation to i then got a call from the doctor dad confirming if what i told the nanny was accurate and he said he understood it was for the children's safety nanny came down and asked the shuttle driver if i was serious and then she left i made sure everyone knew these kids had to have their car seats and the nanny was so frustrated and witched to my boss who completely had my back i don't know if nanny actually cooled it a bit or if i found so much joy from watching her drag the car seats to and from the shuttle that i just didn't notice her witching as much either way i felt better the rest of her stay i mean for somebody that comes into this hotel and makes everything harder or more annoying for anybody they come in contact with god forbid you make it a little bit harder or more annoying for that nanny in return and in regards to the car seat isn't that like a legal necessity like yeah they probably won't get in trouble for it but technically aren't they supposed to legally have those car seats in there or at least for liability sakes it should be mandatory right for the company so i feel like there's no real complaining when somebody actually enforces that and like imagine you're the parent of those kids and then nanny calls you up complaining because they want to put your kids in a shuttle without car seats and they're the ones insisting hey put your kids in car seats you know make it safer for your kids like how would that really make that nanny look in our final story of the days by chef 231 man gets car crushed this story happened about 15 years ago the cast is me op female 5 foot 11 bob friend store manager chief my boss an entitled jerk who lost his car ok background i worked as a firefighter as an investigator for an independent department for information an investigator was the rank of lieutenant and was based out of a large station two engines one newer 110 tower ladder truck relative later one chief car and one utility truck every day the food duties changed from firefighter to firefighter it was my chief's turn to cook when this happened my friend bob worked as a gm of a small grocery store there was a long empty space in front of the store marked with the following sign emergency vehicles only enter entitled jerk he had a nice looking bmw car and always parked in the above spot every week bob told entitled jerk that he couldn't park there i can park wherever i freaking want i make more in a day than you make in a week my friend calls me complaining about entitled jerk i agree to go and watch the spot i get into our utility truck which had the department decals on the door and a single red light on the dash i park in the emergency vehicles only spot as i'm walking in i hear you can't park there it's my special spot i turn and look at the entitled jerk excuse me i ask i'm on official duties and can park there i point to the decal on the door and title jerk looks and says you can't be a firefighter you're a girl move your truck and leave runt now i'm proud of my job in a department of 2000 i was one of five women in the department i graduated top in my class i have a shocked looking expression on my face i get really pissed off i walk into my friend's office to get more information about his problem with entitled jerk as bob explains the continuous parking violations and i see a small notice on the fire suppression system sprinklers that said the inspection was coming up i smile as i get an idea cue the revenge i get some information leave bob's office and get into the truck heading back to the station i arrive and head into my chief's office i tell him about entitled jerk and what he said and does chief is a six foot six 320 pound samoan he sees everyone as family chief's face gets bright red i explained my idea and he gets very happy he rushes out and calls a station meeting i lay out my idea we send out the station to do a fire drill and inspection by sending the old truck and one engine to the store my friend will call the station the next time entitled jerk parks in the fire lane skifted two weeks later bob called the station stating that entitled jerk had just parked as i'm thanking him i hear his fire alarm go off i rush and change into my investigator uniform with turnout gear tell chief and send the trucks out i ride in the quint we arrive and i see entitled jerk's car right in the emergency vehicle spot my radio to have one engine pull right in front of the entitled jerk's car and the truck to park right beside the driver's side door i get out and the engineer starts setting up the ladder which means four very large and heavy support struts go down and one crushes the front of his hood the alarm goes off the lineman breaks his window as he runs the large five-inch draft line from the pump to the standpipes the fire access to the sprinkler system through his front seats i go in and find bob hurriedly getting people out as the alarm's going off entitled jerk runs out of the store sees his car and goes ballistic i radio the pd dispatch and request a few officers to the store as i had a mail impeding the fire operation the dispatcher says that they'll send a few officers three officers show up and i ask them to follow me they do when i call out hey leave my firefighters alone entitled jerk turns and sees me he rushes up screaming that i'll pay for damaging his precious baby his car i stop him and tell him that if he didn't leave that he would be arrested he gets my face you did this and i'll have your job for this he then turns pushing me back the officers and i rush and tackle entitled jerk to the ground after they cuff him i calmly inform him that he was under arrest for assault and interference with a fire investigation and that his car would be towed for parking in a fire lane i later found out that it was crushed entitled jerk got 12 months probation for pushing me and interfering with a fire operation he also got a fine of 500 for parking the cost of the tow and he lost his nice bmw moral of the story don't park where you shouldn't or bad things will happen i mean apparently this guy definitely had rich kid syndrome they thought because they had money they were totally infallible imagine being such a jerk that you park in the emergency lane or spot or whatnot and even get to the point where a person from the fire department is there and tells you not to do that and you just turn around and keep on doing it you say it's oh it's my special spot it's no surprise that when an actual emergency breaks out whether or not it was set up that surprise they're in the way and they're going to be at fault and have some kind of at the lightest fine at the worst some kind of actual charge against them and who knows if they were really blocking the way and a real fire broke out maybe they would be partially responsible for the response not being fast enough to save somebody who knows but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to see another revenge story that was even more insane than these ones click on the left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right with that said i'll see you all next time for some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeENTITLEDJERKGETSHISCARCRUSHEDRedditStoriesorig
wibta if I kept my daughter's inheritance for my late husband I have three kids M24 F18 and F14 my late husband died very unexpectedly four years ago due to co he didn't have a will but we had a life insurance policy that provided a $360,000 death benefit as his spouse I received the full amount I decided to divide the money four ways I would get $120,000 and each of my three kids would get $80,000 at the time my daughters were both minors so I told them they could access their full amount when they turned 18 however if they ever wanted to do something pricey I would allow them to use some of their share most of their needs were taken care of by me my son was over 18 so I gave him his share right away this Arrangement was a verbal agreement and I intended to follow through with it fully recently however my middle daughter we will call her Maya was arrested in December for child endangerment because she severely neglected her little sister leading to something awful happening under her care she had to use some of her $80,000 to pay for lawyer and court fees which left her with about $65,000 fast forward to today and my youngest daughter is still struggling significantly during her checkups she scores very low on mental health evaluations and is on a high dosage of anti-depressants
give me a good story on WIBTAifIkeptmydaughtersinheritancefrommylatehusband
op's 29m fiance 28f of 4 years randomly claimed he abused her and called the cops for a stupid thing I honestly don't know what happened a couple of days ago my girlfriend who I lived with left our apartment while I was at work claimed to her family and mutual friends that I'd been physically abusing her and blocked me on everything I have no idea what's going on there weren't any major problems in our relationship that I could see and we just had consensual SX last night the very last time I spoke to her before all of this happened she was perfectly fine kissed me goodbye before I went to work and everything was normal then I got a call from my dad toward the end of the day asking me calmly if I'd been hitting my girlfriend I didn't know what he was talking about and then she told me I rushed home and she had gotten all of her stuff and is staying either with her family or a friend of hers my Facebook account is blowing up and I have no idea what to do none of what is being said is true and I don't know if someone is just playing a cruel joke on me a few people even mentioned that the police were called but I haven't heard anything as of yet the last major argument we had was probably in February around Valentine's Day we were going through some financial trouble the stress got to us and we were both getting upset with each other over Petty household things she was my best friend the person I could rely on to be there for me and the person I would be there for always no matter what we were definitely planning on getting married it wasn't a matter of if it was a matter of when her family had basically accepted me into their family I was close with both her mom and her dad I only called them both once each neither of them answered my calls I called my I don't know X just twice no answer she blocked me on every social media platform of hers that I know of I asked a couple of friends but they are being distant with me just one word answers or ghosting me what the f is happening here we'd always been upfront and honest with each other and our communication was Stellar tldr I guess my girlfriend decided she wasn't happy in the relationship or something and instead of breaking up with me she left behind my back completely out of the blue and claimed to everyone that I've been physically abusing her I have no idea what's going on relevant comment what was your reaction to this confusion then Panic my heart started pounding at first it was difficult to think I wanted to try to call her to see what was going on but when I found out she blocked me on everything I've been walking around with a huge pit in my stomach how have your family and your friends reacted to this as in how did the conversation with your father go did he believe you what about your best male friend my dad calmly asked me if I'd been hitting her I outright denied it he said are you sure that made me upset only a couple of friends reached out most are sort of staying out of it I had two friends say what the f were you thinking before I tried to explain it to them over the past few hours they seemed to warm up but I don't know other friends haven't really been saying anything just distant or not responding much at all I don't really have a best friend but the one person I would closest describe as such seems to believe me I just said this is really messed up do you or your girlfriend have a history of mental illness I don't as for her not that I know of I'm close with her family and know a lot about her childhood serious mental illness sounds like a big thing to cover up what are your theories on why this is happening one this is a cruel joke two she just wanted to break up without having a conversation which would have been fine there is no way I could have forced her to have a conversation about it three someone convinced her that this was a good way to cover up other things she wanted to do like steal credit cards this was suggested by other redditors I don't really believe this what culture would you self-identify you and your girlfriend as we are both culturally American her family is Hispanic but they have been in the USA for three generations Now update one okay so this is going to be a weird AR update I'm sorry if you guys thought this was going to be anything interesting a friend came forward and told me that apparently my dumbar fiance decided to play a prank on me she had the bright idea of leaving the house for a couple of days to set up a surprise birthday party for me set for this weekend I don't know what the f she was thinking nor do I even really know the full story yet she is not really the prank playing type and I guess I thought this would be hilarious or something it looks like a majority of those friends who were acting distant were in on it after I started being upfront and honest with showing people my text with her as this sub suggested one of them told her that this wasn't cool and that if she didn't come clean he would well she didn't come clean and he came forward I guess that's why nobody was answering their texts anyway I texted her told her that I knew and asked her what the f she was thinking she started blowing my phone up apologizing she said her prank just went too far and spiraled out of control when it got to social media and that she didn't know how to come clean when she realized that it crossed a line she also said that she didn't mean to let it come out that I was abusing her and that she just wanted to make it seem like she left me and that the abuse stuff was a rumor started by some other people who weren't in on her joke I just didn't really respond to her I left and went to my parents house before she got back home my family now thinks she's a effing [ __ ] so her relationship with them was ruined right before our marriage so that's great our mutual friends are now split in half with half of them thinking she's an idiot and the other half feeling God knows what about the situation I'm frankly embarrassed and feel stupid for wasting everyone's time and dragging them into my relationship with my fiance I don't really know where to go from here I don't know if I should call off the wedding or postpone it and try to work out what the hell went through her mind I'm sorry if this isn't the ending to the story you were all hoping for I'm having drinks and will be here all night feeling sorry for myself and answering comments for as long as I'm awake with this Jameson tldr this was actually just a stupid prank by my fianceé P also specifies that the police were never called a mutual friend told him that his fiance had called them final update so first thanks for all of your input I read and considered every single reply first I'll update you and then I'll tie up some loose ends from the comments in the previous post I want to apologize for the bluntness of this post ahead of time because despite your comments about me being calm and level-headed I'm actually quite upset about the entire situation and I feel like sitting and thinking about it is only marinating this anger and making it more juicy and flavorful update I spoke to her in person after I posted my update from her perspective her original idea was to make it look like she just got mad or something grabbed a few things and left for her friend's house where she was going to have the party thrown her friend has a really nice house that's perfect for a 2030 person get together she was with her two friends and made an offthe cuff remark when her friend said what are you going to say when he asks why and she said I don't know I'll probably tell him that I feel like he got too serious when we had SX or something like that then her other friend who was with her immediately took it to social media without the other two girls knowing and then when they checked their phones later on that day it was already a dumpster fire I said great all that is understandable just one question why did you then block me and then refuse to answer my calls because that seemed pretty effing intentional to me she said it because she didn't want to throw her idiot friend under the bus and thought it would all go away if she just threw the party and she hadn't realized how far it all went so quickly I thanked her for telling me and then I called off the wedding entirely she cried and I cried it was a godamn mess she asked where we go from here I told her I didn't know I don't even know if the relationship is over yet but I know that the engagement is over and that if I decide to give it another chance at the bare minimum we need to build my trust for her from the ground up if not the entire relationship and now I have to decide if I want that do I want to spend another four years undecided if I'm being honest with myself I imagine it taking another couple of years before I can trust her again do I want to get married and start thinking about having children at 35 close to 40 I told her that I had a lot to think about I spoke to her dad last night we shared a case of beers and had a conversation that lasted about 5 hours my ex hasn't spoken to anyone and has basically been locked up in her old bedroom for now she's been crying a lot I do believe that she's genuinely remorseful about all of this which complicates things her dad caught wind of the situation on Facebook but learned what was really going on maybe an hour later he'd gotten my calls but hadn't returned them because he called his daughter first she told him and he just didn't know what to say to her he told me that she's not truly stupid but that she has a history of sometimes not thinking about things before she says them and the impact her off-hand remarks can have he said this is the worst it's ever snowballed but she's had situations in the past where she says something stupid or insulting and doesn't realize the impact of what she said until hours later when the other person blows up over it so that's it I still have a lot of things to think about I know a lot of you guys are telling me that I have no balls for not literally tossing her out into traffic and laughing about it or something weird like that but you have to understand that I still love her and have loved her for a few years now right now I'm leaning toward Moving on but you're going to have to empathize with me here as for my reputation nobody thinks I'm an abuser it's firmly out there now her reputation took a much more sign ific and Lasting hit I haven't lost any friends except for the idiot social media girl whose reputation also took a severe hit nobody called the cops all the other posts about it have been deleted everything is good there's no real need for me to get a lawyer and Sue anyone my family agrees with a lot of you they're two seconds away from slapping me upside the head for not immediately kicking her to the curb just give me some time I'm not going to make another update post because I've already wasted too much of your time with this bull sht but maybe I'll just update this post in a few days after I've decided what to do thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPsFianceeOfYearsRandomlyClaimedHeAbusedHerandCalledTheCopsForAStupidThingorig
my sister is disgusting and I will never be able to look at her the same again a little backstory I 17f have a sister 15f that I swear was created just to ruin my life after my first birthday my parents decided to have another kid so that I wouldn't get lonely by myself 9 months later my sister and I'm just going to say yes instead of an initial for her because she will be found out one day was born as a spawn of Satan she was born shrieking and continues to when she doesn't get her way the earliest member I have of her is her trying to pull my hair out as she was a baby while I was watching Mickey Mouse at my Nan's she would have constant tantrums and if I didn't do what she liked she would get violent my parents tried so many ways to try and discipline her and teach her but she never ever learned her lesson she constantly broke things and lied so much that at one point my parents gave up she was always the victim because I Am The Golden Child because i' behave and learn from my mistakes she is my hell and yet I cared for her every time she got yelled that and cried I felt bad and tried to appease to her she later took it as a way to manipulate me more and my parents had to show me that I do not have to just drop everything for her whenever she got physical as a kid I would try to make her happier the next day eventually my parents convinced her to stop and for a good few years I was freed of the physical violence the majority of people get a second chance my sister has had more than anyone should give from me as soon as she got hormonal she would instill Jabs at everyone with her words and whenever you give her a taste of her own medicine she acts like you've told her to kill herself that is just a summary of what my childhood was like with her and yet I loved her about a week ago I was on my iPad before work just relaxing in bed and I left it there when I left when I got home I couldn't find it my room is a bit messy so I cleaned up and searched everywhere for it for the next couple of days but I couldn't find it anywhere I asked Dad and he had no idea and I knew mom hadn't stolen it because she would have said something so I asked asked my sister she immediately smirked and I knew it was her but she excused it as the last time I lost my iPad I accused her and it was down the side of my bed I checked in her room but couldn't find it mostly because her room is just filled with filth my best friend has been helping me but we had no idea until tonight I came home from work and my sister is at Nan's while my parents are out for a bit so I went to shut all the doors to other bedrooms when I noticed her headset had its cord tucking in her blankets I checked in her bed again and then it was hidden badly under her blanket I was so excited and then annoyed I took a photo and sent it to her saying that I wasn't dumb and then went to check what she had done as she knows my password at first I saw that she had just downloaded timu and was thankfully on her own account but then I opened up Safari and immediately a porn website popped up and I quickly deleted the tab I checked the history but she had used the private searching browser so the only things were of her Discord chats with her BF that I couldn't see in random Youtube videos I then saw that chai was a recently used app and opened it and checked the chats and I feel like I am going insane I sometimes use chai only for your basic big strong man and little woman Trope because I deem it funny to reread I'm a lesbian but the things I saw she had used made me just stop completely I deleted my chats before screenshotting hers just in case I need to show my parents one day because I haven't really had that talk with my parents and Mom saw my character AI chats one time and just acted like nothing so it's clearly a nogo and look I don't really care too much like if I use stuff like this I cannot judge but I'll attach the screenshot and you'll see it's not okay even as a joke the chat she had in our circumstances makes me scared the dog one look some people Are furies I whatever I think there's a better word for it but it's not a zoophile when something is humanoid I don't really care but that's a dog a fullet dog labeled for zoophiles and the thing is we have a lot of animals I'm talking cats chicken a bunny and we did used to have dogs but thankfully they were rehomed so hopefully nothing happened to them in our care and the more concerning one I'd be less induced to throw up if she was using a stepfather 1 as a joke but it says clear as day Dad I want to cry because my dad is amazing he is a great dad that loves us and while he can have anger issues I love him dearly not once ever has he ever made any that sort of implication to us he walked in on me getting changed accidentally when I was like 9 10 and that's me just taking my top off and now he knocks and knocks with his head to make sure you know it's him and waits for you to say yeah he makes at least a dad joke a day and the fact that my sister could see him that way it's keeping me from sleeping I am genuinely losing my mind as I have no idea what to do I canot say anything I already told my best friend but how am I supposed to what keep it a secret for her no I told her I won't tell our parents and deleted the chats but I have everything I've got screenshotted and backed up because she is not just going to steal this again and delete them I don't know what to do she comes home Friday and how am I supposed to trust her my poor cat he can't be around her and my dad how do I look at him the same way how do I act normal when my sister belongs in a mental institute I don't know what to do and I am losing my mind please I just need help
give me a good story on MysisterisdisgustingandIwillneverbeabletolookatherthesameagainAlittlebackstoryorig
what made the popular kid at school the unpopular kid in elementary school popularity was already sort of a nebulous concept but one boy got pantsed at recess and was found to be wearing diapers pretty sure he was Inc continent which has got to be a rough freaking Road for a little kid especially since he didn't seem to have any other noticeable disabilities the full story so this was in the late '90s maybe 1998 or 99 and we were in second grade this kid we'll just call him Timmy was pretty well liked he was a nice kid and got along with everyone pretty well and for whatever reason the boys of my class were comparing undies on the playground like oh I got Scooby-Doo or I got spaceships or whatever why couldn't tell you little kids are freaking weird so Timmy was the hold out of the group wouldn't tug down his pants to show what Prince he had he got accused of having girly underwear and one thing led to another culminating and a couple of boys grabbing him and pulling down his pants and boom wasn't what anyone else was expecting didn't have girly undies he just had on a big old diaper in Hinds sign it made a lot of things make sense he had cart blanch to leave class to the nurse he wore baggy pants and every once in a while the classroom stank something fierce he got teased pretty badly that day and for a while afterwards though people eventually mellowed out about it once it was no longer the new thing the story doesn't end there though this was one of the earliest moments in my life that I understood what empathy was one of my biggest childhood nightmares got presented right in front front of me I was a bed wetter from the ages of 3 to around 13 and not just occasionally but like every single night so for most of that time I had to wear something similar every night I was terrified that someone would find out and my life would be over I was already a little socially Outcast because I was an odd kid which only magnified my fears to my shame I made fun of Timmy that day and several days after I'd call him names or tug at his waistband or whatever it wasn't until I mentioned to my mom about him that I got an earful and a reminder that I had to wear the same thing at night that stuck with me and not much later than that I apologized to him and instead tried to befriend him I didn't have a lot of friends and he had lost a lot of his funnily enough I guess seven-year-olds don't have a strong sense of loyalty we were pretty good friends throughout Elementary School I told him my own secret to make him feel better and I think it did though I'm sure he was pretty pissed since I was such a jerk about it at first he was the only friend I felt completely comfortable having sleepovers with due to our Collective shame he moved away the first year of middle school which was a bummer and we didn't really reconnect at all until early High School where we talked online he never told me the exact reason that he had to wear them or if he did I don't remember but it really seemed like he just couldn't control his bladder or bowels at all so maybe he was incontinent due to a nerve injury or something I don't know but that's pretty much the Guist of it it seriously impacted his social life but things certainly got better as people moved on if anyone has any questions I could try to answer but I think I laid out as much as I could remember of something from like over 20 years ago Dude kids any day will find anything to make fun of story two I went to school from fourth grade to high school with a kid my age whose father was a prominent City official in our town even though we lived only a few blocks from one another we were in different worlds my background was much more blue collar and unfortunately I lived in an alcoholic and physical cruel household for these and other reasons I never understood his mother despised me and she wanted her son to have nothing to do with me she actually called my mother once to suggest that she keep me away from her son since our class in life was so very different I found him smart and funny and fascinating and we paed around he wore slacks while I wore jeans and his suede shoes were much better than my sneakers by our high school years he was a football Letterman while I was a Band Geek and he was in college prep while I took vocation courses we still knew each other but he was in a college track and I was living day by day as graduation approached we learned that his parents had worked with a local Congressman for his appointment to West Point wow tragically the night of graduation he and his girlfriend went out with him driving hammered on a country road he hit an oak tree and she was gone that's the last I ever heard of him but once in a while I Google his name just to see if he might surface somewhere I sometimes think of how mortified his status conscious mother must have felt felt and wonderful about his girlfriend's family and of course what happened to my friend who ended someone just before his life began I wish him well over 40 years later I'm just not sure what happens when life seems to be laid out before you with concrete expectations and it all goes so tragically wrong in the blink of an eye Story three a somewhat more light-hearted one we had a kid I'll called Dan who was incredibly popular because he played football came from a wealthy is family and had a whole bunch of girlfriends he was quite stereotypically a straight kid who liked manly things and was academically gifted but was never a bully he was popular because of a combination of these things when we came back from summer holidays in year 10 Dan had totally changed long emo hair eyeliner slouched when he walked listened to metal gave up football came out as by and dated another male student nobody could quite decide what to make of it and because we were teens it made our class uncomfortable so sadly for about six months Dan was pretty much a non-person then one day something just gave and we realized Dan was still the person he was before and we were the ones being a-holes he never quite became the popular kid again but everyone at school went back to liking him and he had a large Social Circle stayed at our school right through six form and graduated with excellent marks I have no idea what happened to him after school and looking back such a sudden personality shift should maybe have rung some alarm Bells but I do think about him from time to time I was an unpopular bullied kid but he was never mean to me good on you guys for actually having these self-reflection to realize it was on you that really takes something as teenagers story four she called the exchange student a peasant this was 10 years ago when I was in year 12 and for some reason we had a bunch of exchange students in the midst of everyone dating and partying and I wouldn't know I was doing work anyway the popular girls were a group of maybe 10 girls that were human rakes with platinum or chocolate dyed hair and a fascination with designer Brands they had cars too because I remember them driving past me at a bus stop screaming at me to die so basically a hot Swiss girl shows up and the pettiest of them all didn't like her having the popular guys like her and being a polite guest Etc Apparently one day this happened in cafs community and family studies class the popular girl in question shows up on a Monday and no one is talking to her or sitting next to her so I asked someone so on the prior weekend they were having a house party and caly a popular girl started texting people that she'd stolen her parents' credit card to buy a dress to wear for about $300 then showed up and had called the girl a peasant for not having a wardrobe of clothes to wear to their blowout party there were rumors that she slept around for cash did tricks that her friends were extorting her for cash we graduated 4 months later only a few people spoke to her and she was smashed at the formal and most of them had have gone off to work in real estate Story five I swam competitively through high school but just wasn't quite good enough to continue in college but to stay connected to Aquatics I became a lifeguard and swim instructor for our University pool and other their school and community events many of the swimmers and water polo players were lifeguards SL instructors themselves on the off Seasons our head guard was the polo team's bmoc he was a beast in the pool he was cool witty handsome the whole shebang we'll call him Steve anyway we get to work one morning and our big boss was out of his office already a rare occurrence and called us all together I arrived a little late so I only caught the end where he kept saying no one talk about Steve in front of the guests I don't even want to hear his name once we split to start the day I was trying to find out what happened someone pulled out their phone and there he was Steve's mug shot after being arrested turns out he had a part-time job as a high school coach and you can complete the picture I never seen someone disappear so fast his name was removed from team rosters media promotionals his position as a guard vacated and refilled etc etc it was a weird time story six he got into legal trouble because he and his team embezzled and misused about $250,000 worth from the Student Union the university kicked him out stopped paying the annual 2 mil to the Student Union withhold funds although that was later overruled by the courts and revoked the Privileges granted to the Student Union earlier this year they stay stated that they and students have no affiliation to the Student Union after one year of negotiations his team was still running the Student Union because they were reelected they bought votes by offering pancakes waffles and donuts for those who vote for their party and had Street volunteers that would pressure students to vote for the party it actually led to a law being passed in Ontario that prevented universities from forcing students to pay non-mandatory fees the Scandal was revealed by a student party called the Rhino party back in December 2018 January and February heads started rolling and law and accounting firms started getting involved to figure out how much was spent it was rumored the figure was anywhere from 100 to 900,000 Ontario Provincial lawmakers passed a law in the summer of 2018 starting fall 2019 I had the choice whether I wanted to pay auxiliary fees to support the student newspaper NOS that operated in the school support the Student Union Etc that provincial law was recently overturned by the courts this year so starting next fall I am forced to pay fees associated with groups that I don't support he went from being popular to being a school meme there's actually a lot of bank statements available that showcase what they bought they were reelected damn IDK I'm just so focused on the sentence where they bought votes by offering pancakes waffles and donuts I need one of those right now and if you're constantly hungry like me don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel if anything I've got more stories to give to you story seven a popular guy in my year pissed himself during an exam in or gym Hall unfortunately for him the biggest a-hole in our year was sitting directly behind him he immediately stood up and yelled PE pissed himself he proceeded to get te eyed and say it's my energy drink it's spilled over and over before the exam supervisor literally dragged him out of the hall two weeks later he returned to school the unpopular kid and kept a low profile for a while until it eventually died down and he climbed the social ranks once more that is until an episode of the betweeners a popular TV show in the UK aired in which one of the main characters pooped himself in the exam Hall and it reminded everyone of what happened effectively nuking his popularity all over again story eight there was one kid in my class who was the son of a math teacher he was crazy popular because he was able to help everyone out with their homework for that class turns out he was actually snooping through his dad's notes to get answers the teacher naturally got super suspicious after a while so he deliberately made a fake answer sheet of course the kid grabbed it and noted it all down it was full of wrong answers so blatant that anyone who even slightly paid attention in class would know they were way off base the kid handed out the answers anyway and in an instant made about half the class bomb and his popularity dropped like a rock as they all accused him of deliberately making them fail they moved him to another class and they never had an incident of cheating again story nine there was a really pretty girl that was quite popular in my high school school she was a bit snobby to people and sort of rude I recall one time she threw a textbook at my gr because I was leaning back in my desk and thought it was funny I guess it kind of was thinking back she also liked to make fun of the fact that I was Mexican on more than one occasion anyway she gained significant weight our junior senior year in high school and I guess a lot of the popular kids decided to disown her for it I never actually heard anything but I recall her sitting all alone at lunch one day not my best moment but I walked by her pointed and plainly said you are in this story 10 when I was in Primary School the popular kid thought it would be funny to flush the class pet a hamster called nibbles down the toilet all the kids thought the hamster would have passed he quickly became known as a kid who ended a hamster he ended up changing schools for another reason BTW the hamster survived I don't know how pipes work but I heard the caretaker eventually found him the school still gave nibbles away after that if you were wondering about the kid he had had ADHD or something like that he was transferred to a school that specializes in kids with behavioral problems he has a stable job as a bookmaker but that's all I know about him also although we were told nibbles survived we never saw him again all we know is that he was given away to a random family there is a possibility the teacher made that up as another redditor pointed out and nibbles actually did perish and they just didn't want to upset us story 11 she got pregnant and the father could have been one of two guys both of whom were boyfriends over her close friends and neither of whom wanted anything more to do with her my school actually had really good education and when you about contraception from the age of about 11 plus this was the UK where contraception is free and easy to get so she couldn't blame ignorance or lack of resources she tried for the wo is me act and nobody wanted to be around her anymore since a lot of people are talking about double standards I'll add that both potential fathers were also ostracized after that they cheated on their girlfriends both of whom were well-liked and had been stupid enough to not even use contraception when they also couldn't plead ignorance or lack of access as for the girl in question she wasn't ostracized for being intimate or even for being pregnant really the primary reason was that she'd slept with her closest friends as boyfriends and again not even use Protection Plus when she went around looking for sympathy afterwards rather than just accepting that she'd done something wrong that made it so much more worse she tried to claim it was all her friends's fault for being bad girlfriends and if they weren't their boyfriends wouldn't have been interested in her well the two potential fathers were responsible as much as her story 12 stopped coming to school didn't even do her exams in the end just sat at home and smoked grass all the time didn't even work she just got boyfriends who would pay for everything for her became quote unquote spiritual got the Hindu symbol um tattooed on her finger got dreadlocks Etc posted weird photos on her instagam it's hard to explain but she just sort of became weird I once heard her talking to a bunch of 13-year-olds about how her boyfriend just got out of prison she also always spoke about wanting to have a baby this grass smoking non-working 18-year-old girl wanted a child in the end nobody in my school even spoke to her anymore even if her friends didn't like her much because she was sort of a witch she was popular because she was super pretty and smart it's sad she obviously had no direction in her life her only qualifications or the exams we did when we were 15 her brother and sister were still in the school they were really nice and basically the opposite to her I hope they do well story 13 he punched a girl in year 10 of secondary school a girl spent months being physically cruel to him slapping him kicking him punching him throwing things at him while screaming at him sometimes even in the middle of the class but no one would do anything about it not even the teachers his little sister passed so I guess he just wasn't going to deal with anything she swung at him he dodged and got her good with a right hook knocked her to the ground in one bit she started crying and Howling three teachers pinned this guy down to the ground didn't matter what he was going through how hard his life had been as soon as he swung back at his offender he was outcasted from all of his friend groups at school he eventually transferred out of course but not after he went through a complete social phasing nothing happened to the girl after either everyone saw her as a victim after all all so nothing was done about it some people knew she was the one in the wrong but anyone that spoke out about it got the same treatment as the lad did story 14 that was me my grades got bad in fourth grade so my mom came to school with me all week and sat next to me all day every day in an attempt to scare me into improving them after that week all my friends changed nobody I was friends with wanted to play during recess they all thought my mom was crazy after that so they stopped coming over after school to play I got teased for until sixth grade started by my former friends anytime I'd try to make friends with a new kid they'd be friendly at first but eventually just join in on the teasing and thinking I was weird but I did make new friends eventually and people did leave me alone and we all moved on I don't hold grudges on a bunch of kids about it whatever it was weird in high school seeing all the things my old friends were getting up to while I was too busy skipping out and getting baked with my friends at the time they all knew my mom was crazy that's fixed it's far from normal behavior though right story 15 we had this one guy in high school who people generally liked but over time became this complete loser he was aspiring to be a pilot and always talked about he and his dad how they would fly together on weekends for the most part though he was a pretty cool kid and then High School hit during high school he became this complete sociopathic loser who did everything he could try and come off as cool he got into bikes and would always come to school decked out in biker gear fair enough if he didn't walk around with his chest puffed out and a bike helmet in his left hand he was very obviously trying to seem like a baddy but nobody took him seriously because he was a joke he always acted super pretentious around people talking like he knew everything about cars and bikes but every car mechanic in our school knew he was full of crap our school had this video production program where every Friday we would broadcast an episode of skits we worked on over the week apparently one week this kid hijacked the entire program just to put a 4-minute montage of him driving around the school parking lot on his bike he struggled to keep jobs because he for some reason thought it was cool to get fired with a bang one job in particular he got fired for eating ice cream topping with a spoon in front of customers he did dumb crap like this nine times in one year and still thought he was being funny despite destroying his reputation last thing I remember is him losing it and dropping out senior year and moving to Nashville to live in this guy's garage he currently works as a prison guard and I genuinely fear for his life I hope you enjoyed the video and all the crazy stories in it and if you made it this far I'm sure you're also going to enjoy people who ran into the weird kid from school years later how did they turn out Story 2 will surprise you surprise me I'll see you in that video and thank you for watching this one
give me a good story on WhatMadeThePOPULARKidHated
:00.160 --> :04.440 today we have a great Revenge story against a  roommate that tore up an apartment and refused   :04.440 --> :11.280 to pay for any of the fees we'll get into that in  a bit but first dad made a mistake 17 years ago   :11.280 --> :17.360 mom still won't let it go this is so funny and  I heard this story from Mom at least 20 times   :17.360 --> :23.280 never gets old for context we're a Muslim family  quite the conservative one and coming from a very   :23.280 --> :29.960 conservative Village modesty is very strictly  practiced by us and clear boundary is put between   :29.960 --> :35.640 between men and women flirting is heavily frowned  upon this took place in Saudi Arabia which was   :35.640 --> :42.440 also a super strictly conservative country at that  time to the story mom and dad had my sister me and   :42.440 --> :48.640 my younger brother 5 three and two respectively  at that time my mom was also heavily pregnant plus   :48.640 --> :54.520 had a tumor in her left leg we were all at a mall  shopping mom due to her tumor and pregnancy was   :54.520 --> :00.680 walking like a seal her own description as if she  was tripping over herself mean meanwhile at a mall   :00.680 --> :06.800 full of women dressed in black head to toe even  faces covered one woman stood out she came walking   :06.800 --> :12.800 from the opposite side slowly getting closer to  us she had her Abaya unbuttoned SL unzipped she   :12.800 --> :18.240 wore under it a legging that defined her legs wore  stilettos that made loud clicking sounds as she   :18.240 --> :23.440 took each step her hands nicely decorated with  bracelets that created their own nice Melodies   :23.440 --> :29.480 she really stood out not shaming anyone here  Dad suddenly started singing a song in Arabic   :29.480 --> :35.600 that trans translates to she walks like a deer  the Walk of a maiden which considering my mom's   :35.600 --> :42.640 condition was definitely not directed to my mom  mom stopped and turned to him exclaiming excuse me   :42.640 --> :49.200 and Dad immediately got defensive it just slipped  out mom said that means it was exactly what you   :49.200 --> :55.280 were thinking dad acts like the victim and tells  mom he's never taking her to the mall again mom   :55.280 --> :59.680 obviously mad tells him he sounds ridiculous  because he's the one flirting with woman while   :59.680 --> :05.000 his kids and pregnant wife walked right beside him  and then vows to let the whole world know a few   :05.000 --> :10.200 days later we traveled back to our home country as  I said we come from a village and the word travels   :10.200 --> :16.600 fast mom told everyone again I repeat flirting  is considered really rude and is heavily frowned   :16.600 --> :22.880 upon in our society at that time and for the next  two months whoever saw my dad would start singing   :22.880 --> :28.960 she walks like a deer the Walk of a maiden dad  was embarrassed and humiliated as heck we moved   :28.960 --> :33.560 back to Saudi Arab my dad was friends with his  co-workers and their wives were friends with my   :33.560 --> :40.480 mom mom told them 2 months ago and proceeds to  narrate the story the wives went home and told   :40.480 --> :46.400 their husbands the next day Dad goes to work and  the moment he opens the door his co-workers seeing   :46.400 --> :53.080 she walks like a deer the Walk of a maiden dad  immediately calls mom please stop telling everyone   :53.080 --> :59.760 and Mom vows again she'll humiliate him over it  17 years later every time she meets someone new   :59.760 --> :05.920 knew this story is a must say might not sound like  much but in our society this is actually pretty   :05.920 --> :11.600 humiliating for my dad very funny for us though  never got old listen it's human sometimes to   :11.600 --> :16.080 see somebody whether you're in a relationship or  not where you see them and you just start singing   :16.080 --> :22.000 songs in your head but you never make the mistake  of saying it out loud and you definitely don't act   :22.000 --> :28.720 on it this guy committed the cardinal sin in his  relationship and he's paying for the last 17 years   :28.720 --> :34.320 also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy awesome  stories of Revenge why not hit those like And   :34.320 --> :39.920 subscribe buttons down below that said our next  story is my teenage self took Petty revenge on   :39.920 --> :46.120 a work placement bully when I was 16 I took place  in a two-e work placement scheme at a beauty salon   :46.120 --> :51.440 the bully in question was an adult woman we will  call Karen who instead of providing opportunities   :51.440 --> :57.360 to learn about the beauty industry instructed me  to deep clean the salon and take appointments I   :57.360 --> :02.520 figured you have to start somewhere and while I  I was disappointed I was young and keen and did   :02.520 --> :07.800 as I was asked the problem was that Karen would  exclude me from staff breaks and regularly cut my   :07.800 --> :13.320 lunch hour to 20 minutes just as I was leaving  to get lunch I also heard her twice doing an   :13.320 --> :19.240 impression of me to other staff members I would  go home crying and blame myself on my last day   :19.240 --> :23.280 someone canceled their appointment with Karen at  the last minute they were supposed to be getting   :23.280 --> :28.680 a hair cut and die which took approximately  2 hours better still the appointment had been   :28.680 --> :34.280 booked towards the end of the day the salon would  stay open past closing time for regular customers   :34.280 --> :39.320 I decided not to tell Karen I sat at the desk and  watched as she became more and more frustrated   :39.320 --> :44.160 by the lateness of her appointment pacing up  and down in frustration like a caged beast and   :44.160 --> :49.600 cursing the client she was still spitting Venom as  I left and I went home feeling pretty good about   :49.600 --> :56.240 myself for the first time in 2 weeks listen you  already have to be pretty sad as a person to be   :56.240 --> :02.000 middle-aged and beefing with teenagers working  their first job I mean you're almost asking for   :02.000 --> :08.080 this teenager to find something to just ruin your  day if you're that worried about beefing with them   :08.080 --> :13.160 they're young and they got a spark of life in  them and you most likely don't our next story   :13.160 --> :18.360 is a girl tried to frame my friend so he turned  the barrel against her I have an Indian friend   :18.360 --> :23.640 Raj 27-year-old male before moving to the US he  had a group of friends and they went on a trip   :23.640 --> :30.320 together along with two other friends in a couple  Mary and John nrn Mary Hindu was was from a very   :30.320 --> :35.800 conservative family who could not marry or date  outside of her religion and cast and John was a   :35.800 --> :41.160 Christian and had many registered cases of assault  against him her family saw the photo we took on   :41.160 --> :46.240 that trip and were Furious but they didn't know  who she was in a relationship with she lied and   :46.240 --> :52.120 said Raj's name her family did a background check  on Raj and liked him a lot Raj went along with it   :52.120 --> :57.480 as Mary said she'll tell him the truth soon a few  days passed and Mary's cousin's sister called Raj   :57.480 --> :02.080 and alerted him that Mary was planning to run run  away with JN and Mary's parents would think she   :02.080 --> :07.840 ran away with Raj and they would come after him so  he immediately collected everything he had on her   :07.840 --> :14.400 Mary and John's pictures Mary's past relationship  Etc and a pen drive and went to Mary's house and   :14.400 --> :19.960 showed them everything and told them how she was  planning to run away and frame him he cut off all   :19.960 --> :25.480 communication with them and didn't even know what  happened after he dropped that grenade edit I want   :25.480 --> :31.000 to address some questions from the comments when  I said assault charges I meant he was arrested   :31.000 --> :37.840 for assaulting not Mary as far as raj told me and  fights and granted bail I honestly didn't imagine   :37.840 --> :43.000 that the situation for Raj could have been so  much worse and I believe neither did he after   :43.000 --> :47.720 reading the comments here it looks like Raj's life  could have been in trouble I mean if she planned   :47.720 --> :55.600 to run away and all signs pointed to running away  with Raj and all of a sudden she's gone Raj isn't   :55.600 --> :00.560 I guess it probably would look very suspicious  and hey you don't want to get wrapped up in that   :00.560 --> :06.840 right our next story is ask for my parking spot  I'll stay here a while longer I was driving down   :06.840 --> :12.800 a busy road at 900 p.m. and needed to pull over to  fix my car's Bluetooth there's a tiny space at the   :12.800 --> :18.680 end of a line of parked cars so I pull over there  a white box outlines the area to park I start to   :18.680 --> :25.000 fix my Bluetooth and a minute later a man comes  to my window and knocks as I roll it down he says   :25.000 --> :31.800 can I park where you're parking I stare at him and  say no I'm parked here the guy Huffs and says he's   :31.800 --> :36.280 going to the pub and then states that my tires  are on the white line when I tell him that that   :36.280 --> :43.400 space isn't that big he says I assure you my car  will fit right but I'm parked here he then starts   :43.400 --> :50.520 saying I'll get a ticket and that he needs to  park in my spot I replied I'll take that risk and   :50.520 --> :56.480 rolled up my window the guy goes back to his car  and sits there waiting for me to move but I'm not   :56.480 --> :02.320 about to let him have it after being so entitled  I got out my car smiled at him and then walked to   :02.320 --> :08.240 the local takeaway and had a lovely Sittin meal  by the window and in full view of both of our   :08.240 --> :15.200 cars He waited 30 minutes before angrily revving  his engine and speeding off I later saw he parked   :15.200 --> :20.800 on some double yellow lines oh I do hope he got  a ticket listen although they probably would have   :20.800 --> :25.240 been gone by the time that they got there you  should have called the non-emergency line and   :25.240 --> :30.040 reported it maybe you know take a photo ask if  you could send it anywhere that would be great   :30.040 --> :34.240 just a little cherry on top even though you're  not going to stick around to see if it happens   :34.240 --> :41.280 our next story is Tiny Petty workplace Revenge no  idea what to actually title this but me anyways   :41.280 --> :47.240 I used to have a retail job in a kid shop that  sells things like fidgets slime stationary and   :47.240 --> :54.560 school supplies while there another staff member  was just a pain and a bully she's the reason   :54.560 --> :00.000 most of the staff quit that and upper management  refusal to do anything to despite working in the   :00.000 --> :06.520 store she does she can't stand loud noise or big  mess I now work in a women's fashion store that's   :06.520 --> :12.000 immediately across from the other store anytime a  family comes in and the kids get a little Restless   :12.000 --> :16.200 I tell Dad to take the kids over to the other  store they've got a lots of cool stuff for the   :16.200 --> :21.760 kids to play with it's actually encouraged if  it's opened you can play with it I have caught   :21.760 --> :28.760 her CBF a few times after the family returns to my  store where Mom has had a lovely peaceful shopping   :28.760 --> :35.400 experience ience and the bully has to deal with  the screaming running and mess the kids leave   :35.400 --> :41.640 it's small and Petty but I love it honestly what  I like about this is it comes with the territory   :41.640 --> :47.360 right I mean she can't complain she's working  at a place that's literally like exactly for   :47.360 --> :52.800 those kinds of people that is the clientele that  would come into that store just unleashing the   :52.800 --> :00.960 most ethical child tornado on this bully our next  story is landlords from hex I 20-year-old male at   :00.960 --> :06.520 the time and two roommates both 20-year-old male  rented a house near the college we attended the   :06.520 --> :11.080 house was owned by a couple in their 50s they  had left some furniture and some bookcases in   :11.080 --> :16.760 the house they said belonged to former tenants  and we could use them when we moved in we had no   :16.760 --> :24.000 idea how nuts these people were but we stayed for  nearly 4 years now we were three dudes in College   :24.000 --> :29.280 of course we left our Mark in that house however  we all grew up with excellent parents who taught   :29.280 --> :33.440 us responsibility and we made sure to deep  clean the heck out of that place for three   :33.440 --> :38.800 straight days we then hired a carpet cleaning  company to professionally clean the carpets it   :38.800 --> :45.320 was spotless we also tossed a few of the leftover  Furniture because over time it had busted or been   :45.320 --> :51.320 worned to crap but other than maybe some paint  a pair of blinds a broken sprinkler head and   :51.320 --> :56.480 oil stains on the garage floor it looked like it  did when we moved in they arrive for the walkth   :56.480 --> :02.200 through and the woman loses her mind with rage  apparently the furniture was not left behind by   :02.200 --> :08.160 former tenants but pieces made by her father in  the 50s this house is the house she grew up in   :08.160 --> :14.120 apparently she cursed us out for what felt like  hours we spent the next week tracking down the   :14.120 --> :19.040 discarded items actually getting nearly all of  them back from the city's dump seriously don't   :19.040 --> :24.120 ask how we did it because it was nothing short of  a Christmas miracle the only things we couldn't   :24.120 --> :30.480 get back were some customade pillow cushions we  returned the items and waiting the dreaded deposit   :30.480 --> :36.760 decision after 30 days pass we reach out to find  out how much of the deposit we'll be getting back   :36.760 --> :42.040 the man says he's still fixing things up around  the house and we'll get back to us soon another   :42.040 --> :48.600 30 days pass ask again he says it's taking longer  because he's doing it all himself but he'll get to   :48.600 --> :55.000 it another 30 days pass says he's almost done at  this point one of our parents tell us the window   :55.000 --> :00.240 for this is closed he owes us our full deposit  and to take the them to small claims court so   :00.240 --> :06.480 they couldn't string us along any further they  show up only they're putting on a show these two   :06.480 --> :13.160 very healthy very capable people walk in court  like they're on their last legs the man uses a   :13.160 --> :20.280 cane and now has to hunch to walk the woman uses  a walker she doesn't need and her voice quivers   :20.280 --> :26.480 as she talks to the judge the acting display  they put on was actually incredible we sued   :26.480 --> :35.040 them for our $1,800 deposit they counter suit us  for $10,000 in Damages they claim we destroyed   :35.040 --> :41.200 the home and basically had to replace floors and  walls and fixtures that were never damaged also   :41.200 --> :48.840 part of it is $900 for the cushions we threw out  the judge buys all of it learing at us telling   :48.840 --> :55.560 us how irresponsible we are even before we get to  present our side of evidence and how sorry he is   :55.560 --> :02.400 for the couple that they have to go through this  we win our $1,800 but only because it's literally   :02.400 --> :10.920 the law but we were also ordered to pay them the  full $1,000 yikes thinking we're screwed we wise   :10.920 --> :16.800 up and go get a lawyer who appeals the decision we  roll up into court with our cool lawyer and they   :16.800 --> :23.760 thinking it would be just us again arrive lawyer  lless with only their old and feeble charade our   :23.760 --> :30.240 lawyer tears them apart this new judge isn't  buying their nonsense this time keeps calling   :30.240 --> :36.440 them out on their inconsistencies and lies appeals  decision comes back we still get our full deposit   :36.440 --> :43.920 back and we only owe them $263 in Damages when  we go to pay our side of the judgment to them   :43.920 --> :50.240 our lawyer tells us not to pay them at all to  get their money they'd have to sue us again for   :50.240 --> :57.040 not paying and would spend way more than $263  after receiving their check for our deposit   :57.040 --> :01.920 we take some of the money purchase L typed out  Court transcripts of them getting shredded in   :01.920 --> :07.040 a courtroom put them in an envelope and mail it  over to them with a note that reads Thanks for   :07.040 --> :14.840 the Memories I mean if I were an op's position I  probably would still want to pay that $263 I mean   :14.840 --> :20.560 I get it was advice from a literal lawyer but  still I wouldn't want to ever just somehow end   :20.560 --> :29.000 up on the hook for not pay a court ordered $263  our next story is I am that neighbor the one who   :29.000 --> :34.960 everyone else watches to see what color bin to  put out where I live you put out two bins each   :34.960 --> :42.640 week the general waste bin and a recycle bin and  green waste bin on Alternate weeks for some reason   :42.640 --> :48.720 other people have difficulty in remembering what  week it is and copy me so that they get it right   :48.720 --> :55.000 a while ago one of my neighbors really annoyed me  so I deliberately put the wrong bin out early she   :55.000 --> :00.560 copies me and then disappeared for a long weekend  away i't then changed the bin over so everyone   :00.560 --> :08.120 else put the right bin out she came back to a full  and very smelly bin she'd stuck Frozen prawn heads   :08.120 --> :12.560 in there thinking that they would be collected  the next day she had to deal with the smell in   :12.560 --> :18.640 her yard as the council here takes a very dim view  of people who leave their bins full on the verge   :18.640 --> :24.280 to be honest I was just hoping to get her to have  a full bin for 2 weeks the rest was just icing on   :24.280 --> :31.080 the cake not sorry at all some would say that I  live in a organized chaos but one thing I always   :31.080 --> :37.360 have on track is the trash cycle one of the things  that can really make you feel like a screw-up is   :37.360 --> :44.360 having to deal with a full trash bin for an extra  week our next story is incidental Petty Revenge   :44.360 --> :49.600 ended bad roommate issues for good this happened  to me quite some time ago when I was sharing a   :49.600 --> :54.440 small two-bedroom house with another guy from  college the house was divided into two bedroom   :54.440 --> :00.160 SLB areas with a living room and a kitchen in  between we shared these spaces without issue for   :00.160 --> :06.960 about 2 years we didn't have problems with food  storage food sharing Etc it really was a good   :06.960 --> :12.000 living Arrangement because we both just worked and  went to our classes and played video games on the   :12.000 --> :18.360 weekend or had a couple friends over pretty normal  stuff well Harry not his real name started taking   :18.360 --> :25.640 the drinking too far in our junior year way too  far completely reclus to his bedroom only pretty   :25.640 --> :32.520 much only coming out at off hours to get food  or Trash Away cans and cans of beer just stacked   :32.520 --> :38.480 seiling high he moved his TV and console into his  bedroom instead of the living room started being   :38.480 --> :45.080 very particular about food and went through phases  of eating nothing but fast food Taco Bell and KFC   :45.080 --> :49.760 and then eating nothing but these weird Juice  drinks from a coffee shop down the road didn't   :49.760 --> :55.560 want me storing my snacks near his items anymore  it was just weird he kept doing his chores kept   :55.560 --> :01.160 going to classes and didn't really care that  alcohol olism was taking over his life we my   :01.160 --> :07.080 friends and I had a lot of conversations with him  his parents came down and saw him his adviser got   :07.080 --> :13.360 involved nobody really took it seriously because  he was still working still passing classes still   :13.360 --> :18.760 showing up so we just tried to take care of him  the way we could at home stopped bringing alcohol   :18.760 --> :25.560 over from Friends Etc kept help information out  on the tables Etc here's where the issue started   :25.560 --> :31.360 really affecting me directly eventually so his  weird food thing then turned into taking all of   :31.360 --> :36.880 my own food I was really ticked about it because  we'd been living issue-free around this topic and   :36.880 --> :42.440 he clearly had no issue buying his own stuff this  went on for way longer than it should have before   :42.440 --> :49.040 I got fed up and did something about it talks  didn't work labeling didn't really deter him I   :49.040 --> :54.360 ended up keeping my non- perishables in my room  and only kept things I planned on eating day of   :54.360 --> :59.040 in the fridge or freezer it made coming home and  trying to figure out lunches and dinner is more   :59.040 --> :04.360 stressful than it should have been one day I got  a wild hair up my butt and decided I was going   :04.360 --> :11.680 to douse him with a spicy food so hot he'd think  twice before eating my stuff again he without fail   :11.680 --> :18.440 would steal any Asian SL noodle anything I had  in the fridge or freezer so one day I bought some   :18.440 --> :25.520 fresh shrimp and decided I would make extra spicy  noodles for him to eat steal I made my dinner that   :25.520 --> :30.320 night and ate it fried shrimp and some noodles and  veg and then made a second portion of the shrimp   :30.320 --> :37.120 and noodles but made the noodle sauce very spicy  with a little bit of pepper extract and pepper oil   :37.120 --> :41.920 here's the funny part I packaged the noodles up  in the fridge like I would have if it was my meal   :41.920 --> :47.360 prep and I ended up leaving the fried shrimp on  the counter overnight I meant to of course package   :47.360 --> :52.440 the shrimp with the noodles as part of the meal  well he did in fact steal my food when he came   :52.440 --> :57.840 in the next early morning he worked until 3:00  a.m. some nights including the shrimp that had   :57.840 --> :03.840 been sitting overnight on the counter probably at  least 8 hours or so at that point if not a little   :03.840 --> :11.680 more he had violent diara and vomiting probably  3 hours after he ate his stolen meal I woke up   :11.680 --> :16.960 to him vomiting in the kitchen sink because he  was getting a glass of water and another round   :16.960 --> :23.200 hit him I said man are you okay what's wrong he  goes man I think it was the shrimp on the counter   :23.200 --> :29.680 I was confused and then remembered I said oh the  shrimp I made last night I forgot to put them up   :29.680 --> :34.560 he said yeah man I ateed when I got in from work  and didn't think twice about when you'd made them   :34.560 --> :41.320 bad move on my part I was a laughing fit I asked  him if he needed anything and he said nah he was   :41.320 --> :47.280 fine he slept it off rehydrated himself and we  never had an issue with him eating my food again   :47.280 --> :53.440 for the last year and a half we lived together one  of those task failed successfully moments where   :53.440 --> :58.760 you got revenge on the guy you were trying to get  revenge on but you didn't do it in in the way you   :58.760 --> :05.320 ever thought it would it's one of those I guess  I'll be satisfied with this but you're almost   :05.320 --> :12.520 dissatisfied because your actual plan didn't even  happen our next story is rude cloth pegs I lived   :12.520 --> :17.840 in a small apartment block of about nine units I  was the only single person in the place and was   :17.840 --> :24.240 frequently judged by the other families wondering  where my husband was horror I didn't have one they   :24.240 --> :29.600 would do walk buys to peer into my apartment to  catch a glimpse of what the Harpy and unit four   :29.600 --> :36.160 was up to usually nothing if the blinds were  open and other rude staring activities we had a   :36.160 --> :41.680 shared clothes line for the block someone kept  unpeg my clothes on said line to use on their   :41.680 --> :47.640 own washing and after a few weeks of this with my  washing blowing off into the dirty fence I wrote   :47.640 --> :55.080 the word runt but with a c on all the pigs to know  which were mine surprisingly this actually stopped   :55.080 --> :01.320 them using them at all I just figured I could use  it to identify mine and unpeg their washing later   :01.320 --> :08.400 I giggled as my rude pigs sat unused on the line  for months this is one of those like ew it's got   :08.400 --> :14.600 cooties type moment G we cannot use those pigs  it's got an unsavory word upon them this next   :14.600 --> :21.200 story is tldr ex- roommate tore up apartment and  States she's not responsible for any of the fees   :21.200 --> :28.240 so I canceled my phone plan under her name that  has a balance of $400 I female 24 lives with   :28.240 --> :34.520 my ex- roommate female 24 for 3 years and it was  great the first couple of years but this past year   :34.520 --> :39.600 has been a nightmare I'm going to try to break  it down as simple as possible in 2020 when she   :39.600 --> :44.120 was moving in she talked me out of putting her  on the lease and honestly I should have said no   :44.120 --> :50.160 to her moving in just for that but at the time we  were best friends and I thought I could trust her   :50.160 --> :56.000 at the beginning of 2023 she went to some classes  and met a guy there they had a thing together but   :56.000 --> :01.760 there was a rule set in place stating you couldn't  date within the class they decided to date anyways   :01.760 --> :06.400 on the down low and then they got scared they  were going to get caught so they ended things   :06.400 --> :11.200 a couple of months into it fast forward to the  time they're both graduating this class the guy   :11.200 --> :17.000 has a new girlfriend that attends my ex- roommate  is infuriated by this and kept saying he was doing   :17.000 --> :22.840 it to get at her when really he just got a new  girlfriend and she couldn't cope with that fast   :22.840 --> :27.160 forward a little bit more and my ex- roommate  and this guy continued to hang out behind his   :27.160 --> :31.880 girlfriend's back back to the point where they  were drinking together one night at a bar and   :31.880 --> :38.400 on the way home he got pulled over and got a DUI  This Is Where It Starts affecting me because she   :38.400 --> :44.760 owed me rent right around the time this was going  down and instead of giving me rent she spent ,000   :44.760 --> :49.960 bailing him out so his girlfriend wouldn't find  out when I confronted her about not paying rent   :49.960 --> :55.600 she said I was just throwing her mistakes back  in her face and she never ended up paying me   :55.600 --> :01.600 back for rent then she got in a wreck at at some  point and still owed quite a bit on her total car   :01.600 --> :07.080 she had gap insurance but it was taking a while  to go through instead of waiting she decided to   :07.080 --> :12.680 get into another car payment before the insurance  company paid off her other car so she was paying   :12.680 --> :18.760 on both cars and still struggling to pay me rent I  said something about that and she complained about   :18.760 --> :25.480 how she needs a car and I suggested asking her dad  to use his since her dad works from home and uses   :25.480 --> :31.400 her mom's car most of the time anyways she got  really mad over this and flipped out about how   :31.400 --> :37.400 I think she's privileged or whatever at some point  while we were arguing she suggested moving out and   :37.400 --> :43.240 I told her okay the lease is up in a few months  we can revisit this then and see if anything has   :43.240 --> :48.000 changed she liked that so we stayed until the  end of the least and then we both decided this   :48.000 --> :52.560 wasn't working and to go separate ways she  told me she found an apartment in the same   :52.560 --> :58.840 complex she also kept asking to get a dog this  past year and I kept saying no because I didn't   :58.840 --> :03.240 think she could afford it and I wasn't going to  pay for her to get a dog to tear the place up   :03.240 --> :09.680 more a couple days before her move out date she  posted on her Snapchat story that she got a dog   :09.680 --> :15.480 and didn't even tell me that she had this giant  pitball in the middle of our tiny apartment when   :15.480 --> :20.320 I went to move some more of my stuff out that  infuriated me because she really couldn't wait   :20.320 --> :26.400 two more days or warn me about the dog I told her  what all we needed to replace to get my deposit   :26.400 --> :32.320 back to which she replied over and over again  that's what the security deposit is for since   :32.320 --> :38.400 she moved in she ruined all of the blind somehow  broke my bedroom window breaking in a couple of   :38.400 --> :43.960 times when she locked herself out tore up the  kitchen floor and entry floor moving the dryer   :43.960 --> :49.960 in tore up the washroom door because it was  in the way poked several holes in the walls   :49.960 --> :55.520 hanging things and so much more when she finally  moved out I went to clean the place up a bit and   :55.520 --> :01.480 spent 4 hours alone cleaning trash out of her  room and cleaning out the fridge that she left   :01.480 --> :06.720 packed full of gross food I also spent a whole  day scrubbing the tub which she left full of   :06.720 --> :12.400 Gunk and scrubbing all of the other surfaces I  say she alone because it was getting so hard to   :12.400 --> :17.680 live with her that I basically stayed with my  boyfriend most of the year so I was going to   :17.680 --> :22.320 put all of this behind me and move on but I got  a bill in the mail from our old apartment for :22.320 --> :29.640 $1,768 and my security deposit covered 8 $20 so   :29.640 --> :55.800 I texted her yesterday and said  they sent me a bill for $956,000 :57.960 --> :02.120 I don't feel like I'm responsible for the  utility fee or the carpet cleaning because   :02.120 --> :06.360 that was on the leases your responsibilities  you also told me you were going to get the   :06.360 --> :13.920 carpets cleaned so I will send half of the $520  186 for the vinyl replacement I don't feel like   :13.920 --> :19.040 I'm responsible beyond that basically saying  screw you to me because her name wasn't on the   :19.040 --> :23.920 lease I also never told her I would get the  carpets clean because I asked her to and she   :23.920 --> :31.160 said that's what the security deposits for she  sent me two $260 and that's it for all of this   :31.160 --> :36.440 she moved in after I was already living there  so that security deposit was mine alone and   :36.440 --> :41.040 it's very frustrating that she just straight up  didn't care to ruin this whole friendship over   :41.040 --> :46.800 this so after she sent that I felt defeated  thinking I can't do anything about it until   :46.800 --> :53.520 I remembered we have a phone plan together so  I looked up how much I owed on my phone $400   :53.520 --> :59.280 and in the policy it says if you cancel you're  still responsible for any fees on the phone so   :59.280 --> :04.600 I called them and canceled it and made sure to  already remove my card info and my autopay and   :04.600 --> :09.960 told them to bill my ex- roommate for it since  it was under her name and she doesn't care why   :09.960 --> :16.280 should I and that ensures that she can't contact  me anymore either well she'd still probably have   :16.280 --> :22.160 your phone number um I mean you can block her  though I think all things considered it's a very   :22.160 --> :28.160 expensive life lesson learned but you did get  your revenge in your own way this next story is   :28.160 --> :33.160 Revenge on jerk upstairs neighbor years ago  I lived in an apartment on the ground floor   :33.160 --> :38.240 of a three-story building everything was fine  until the lady above me died and they removed   :38.240 --> :44.560 the carpets and refinish the hardwood floors new  people moved in a woman her loser baby daddy and   :44.560 --> :51.920 a young girl the noise was so loud just crazy I  went up to introduce myself the man meets opens   :51.920 --> :57.800 the door I introduce myself and offer my hand to  shake his right hand is behind his back like he   :57.800 --> :03.280 has a gun the little girls looking at me wearing  mommy's high heels now I know what some of the   :03.280 --> :09.000 clomping was I explained the situation and asked  if maybe they could remove their shoes when at   :09.000 --> :14.880 home we do but I know not everyone does and I  don't really remember his response but nothing   :14.880 --> :21.680 changed it was stomp stomp stomp day and night  loser baby daddy didn't work so he was there all   :21.680 --> :27.480 the time clomping I worked opening shift at a  restaurant so I had to be at work at 6:00 a.m.   :27.480 --> :33.520 most days needless to say all this heavy clomping  would freak my sleep up most nights so to get my   :33.520 --> :38.320 revenge I used to put my loud butt alarm clock  high on a shelf as close to where I figured their   :38.320 --> :45.440 bed was I'd wake up make coffee finally turn it  off after a few minutes but that was not enough   :45.440 --> :51.040 this was in the days of landlines when I would  leave for work I would crank up the volume on   :51.040 --> :58.360 my princess phone it was freaking loud once at  work I would do my opening stuff have coffee and   :58.360 --> :05.160 whenever I had a moment I would call my number  I would let it ring and ring then I'd wait a bit   :05.160 --> :13.040 do it again repeat I used to do this like every  day I have no idea if it drove them crazy but I   :13.040 --> :20.360 sure as freak hope it did I made myself a pledge  never live below people again all of a sudden I'm   :20.360 --> :25.440 beginning to understand why Penthouse Suites  are on the top floor and not lower down closer   :25.440 --> :30.000 to where you can get in and out I mean besides  the view of course it's kind of disappointing   :30.000 --> :34.560 that they didn't start complaining about the  noise themselves but at the same time maybe   :34.560 --> :39.800 that was for the best but with that being said  that's all the time we have for today now if you   :39.800 --> :45.320 want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :45.320 --> :51.200 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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open marriage drama I'm divorcing my husband for suggesting an open marriage my husband 28m and I 29f have been together for 9 years married for seven we got a Noto classic shotgun weding to give ourselves better chances of receiving custody of his half-sister 10f when their mom suddenly passed away despite only being 20 and 21 years old we did receive full legal custody over her absent father this information isn't super relevant to the current situation but it really sets the tone of our relationship with the sacrifice we made together and the things we each had to give up personally to raise this beautiful little girl we don't have any children together but his sister is now 17 and moved in with an older more financially privileged ant last year over the past year of this new found alone time I feel like we have flourished personally and as a couple we never fight arguments are rare and we are pretty good at coming to understandings and apologizing when necessary basically I feel we had a pretty healthy relationship we each do little things for each other I receive flowers no less than 10 times a year we go on little vacations together and are generally really good I guess a bit of the spark was sputtering out for a while but I feel like that's normal for a relationship as long as ours fast forward to this past October my husband seems like he has been depressed which is normal for this time of year because of the timing of losing both his mom and dad in different years around the same time the holidays are tough for him so I get it and try to be there for him he had previously planned a self harm attempt because of family issues before we met so I take his mental health very seriously he sits me down to have a serious conversation and starts it by saying he wants to open up our relationship I felt my heart drop to my stomach but I stayed silent and let him talk he doesn't go into why he just jumps right into the rules and explains how he wants me to find someone first before he starts looking for someone himself when I asked him why he couldn't explain and fumbled his words I asked him if he already had someone in mind for himself and of course he denied it I couldn't help it I definitely blew up I was totally blindsided by this proposal I slept on the couch after my outburst and he didn't even try to come after me to explain anything which kind of made me feel worse I had never felt so unwanted in my life as in that moment I have never given the impression that I was the kind of girl to be open to that kind of relationship I will never judge anyone for wanting to live that kind of life but it's just not for me he went to work the next day but I had the day off and really thought about my situation after crying for hours I came to the realization that this was the end of our marriage even suggesting an open marriage was a deal breaker for me I realized while he was still at work I moved all his stuff out of our bedroom into his sister's old room technically a spare room now he comes home from work ready to talk it out after talking through more of why he wants this I've come to realize several things he is way kinkier than he lets on and is disappointed with our bedroom life he knows I'm not on the same level and doesn't want to push me past my bound boundaries to try things he knows I won't like when I asked how he knows I won't like to try these new things he explained they are an escalation of things he already knows I'm not down for but won't go into specifics he is also unhappy with how infrequently we have SX but has never really put in the effort to change anything regarding it they just complained over and over and expected me to just be ready to do the deed any minute of the day he feels we have nothing in common now that his sister is gone for context he is more of the outdoorsy type where as I like to stay inside and read or play video games I do venture out once in a while to do things he likes together and genuinely enjoy them myself when I go like kaying and skiing I do understand that it isn't as often as he would like though because we got married so young there are a lot of things neither of us really got to experience or try mostly ESU he is mourning the loss of his young 20s and never getting to sleep around and explore his Kinks part of the rules he explained was that we wouldn't technically be sleeping around with whoever we wanted he called it an open marriage but described it more as polyamory we would each have a boyfriend or girlfriend of our own with whom we went on dates and did things together someone we were each allowed to love and be with es an emotional connection was pivotal for him which broke my heart to Pieces during our talk I told him I would never be able to look at him the same way I would never be enough for him and he was basically trying to get a pass for guilt-free Cheating in my eyes I told him it sounded like he wanted to be with someone else without ever leaving the comfort of his marriage knowing he could date around and not worrying if those relationships would fail because he could just come home to me he tried denying these things saying he wanted to explore himself ASU but didn't want to lose me in the process he tried getting me to agree to marriage counseling to talk about the open marriage concept I told him just proposing an open marriage was grounds for divorce for me and I wasn't willing to go to a counselor for them to gang up on me to try to bully me into trying it I know in reality that never would have happened but emotions were high in the moment because I told him I could never see him the same and how badly this crushed any self-confidence I may have had he doubled down he said if we go back into a relationship and pretend this never happened then he would end up cheating on me for him it was open marriage or nothing I chose nothing divorce papers were filed exactly one week later he was so hurt angry that I could jump right to divorce and kick him out of our bedroom so fast but I refused to be a second choice or have to fight for his attention I can't believe he is okay with the idea of another person being inside of me he is willing to just give me up to explore his options I can't believe I wasted so much of my time with him I feel completely used to helping him heal his family and raise his sister advice did I overreact should I have waited longer before filing for divorce should I have just gone to marriage counseling or was my gut instinct correct about the marriage being over I still love and care about him but my brain is screaming to be logical we still live together while we are trying to figure out how to split everything but now he is being super toxic and Petty saying hurtful things and then begging for personal details about my life I need to get out of this house how do I cope with these complicated feelings tldr my husband blindsided me with wanting an open marriage so I moved him to our spare bedroom while he wasn't home and filed for divorce a week later comments I Mahi he said if we go back into a relationship and pretend this never happened then he would end up cheating on me continue on with the divorce I wouldn't be surprised if there's someone on the side kakav Val let me sleep around or I will absolutely cheat on you br said that with his entire chest thinking it was a reasonable and B a choice I am so impressed by op and her bravery courage and dignity it's so difficult to leave the comfortable and familiar and I applaud you op for not dragging out your pain hurt and humiliation sending you lots of love and hope for better years ahead a witch he let her raise his sister and now that he doesn't need her anymore he might as well do what he wants Manimal next year or the year after he'll totally be begging op to take him back crying that he made a terrible mistake hash too bad so sad op I'll make an update when it happens update two months later edit update hello all I wanted to say thank you all for the support as for the update where do I even start it has officially been over the required 90 days since initially filing for divorce before it can be deemed official I am going to the courthouse tomorrow to file the remaining paperwork we had an easy uncontested divorce we agreed on pretty much everything and he didn't even give me a hard time about taking our two cats who are quite attached to me he was always the spare human I bought a small home for myself and two cats and moved a few days ago I won't lie this whole process was very tough for me emotionally it was especially hard considering he was constantly hot and then cold he would jump from name calling and trying to control who came over to our house to finding reasons to call me on the phone all day and joking around with me like nothing was wrong I feel like I have emotional Whiplash from the last 3 months of living with him while looking for a new place to live at one point he came home to see me eating a meal I had just cooked during a break from packing it was pretty disorganized but I was in the middle of doing multiple things at the same time he saw the mess and started yelling at me for it and throwing my things around the kitchen another day he texted me as asking me why I wasn't interested in where he had been spending his days off and later sheepishly asking if he would drop the open marriage demand and if I would ever consider trying again of course I told him we were way past that considering the multiple times he promised he would cheat on me if we didn't open the marriage also I got my STD tested and came back clean as a whistle I don't think he was already cheating but he is damn embarrassed about this whole thing he wants me to tell people he cheated on me when they ask why we are getting divorced instead of telling the the truth about the matter he was made aware in advance that after I moved and the divorce was finalized I would have no contact I did all the leg workk to make this happen including getting all the divorce paperwork and 2023 taxes filed separating all bills and bank accounts hiding the address to my new home blocking him on all social media and I will even be changing my phone number once everything is finalized he feels that my going without contact is vindictive no matter what he has said and done to hurt me I still have a lot of love for this man man he doesn't deserve it I know but that is exactly why I need to go without contact it's for my own peace and to maintain some semblance of self-respect I can't tell him that because I don't want to give him or myself to be honest any false hope that we could work things out I have no plans to be with anyone else in the near or distant future I just want to work on building my confidence and getting a healthier mindset I haven't gotten to counseling yet like many have suggested I was in survival mode for the last 3 months so I could get out of that hellish situation now that I'm in my new house and getting unpacked I'm sure I will be able to relax enough to start feeling better soon and if I don't I have every intention of seeking professional help I have a huge support network between friends and family our shared friends were all on my side as well not that there is a true right or wrong in a situation like this but one of his best friends telling him this was the biggest mistake of his life was incredibly validating the only thing I regret about my relationship with him is staying as long as I did despite all the red flags I ignored throughout the years I went into detail on some of them in the comments All I know is that I'm feeling a mix of relief and grief I just need some time to allow myself to heal out of our many conversations he told me that 99% of open marriages fail because they were open for failing marriages and that since we had a great relationship we would have been fine I tried explaining to him that I learned from some of you guys that what he suggested was not an open marriage but was parallel polyamory and it was the most difficult form of polyamory to achieve he didn't care and was only focused on convincing me to work it out with him for me there is nothing to work out he wants to be with someone else and to fall in love again so I am giving him the freedom to do that while gracefully stepping back as many have said you don'tk get to have your cake and eat it too there isn't much more to say on the matter I said I was leaving and I did it here's the hoping 224 is my year comments symbol faren hey congratulations on following through so beautifully you made the right calls every step of the way especially with no contact enjoy your new place and take all the time you need to heal you're going to be so much happier zis at last an OP who actually has a backbone congratulations and cheers on your freedom boerer he hasn't learned by suggesting an open marriage he wanted you to meet some of his emotional needs while getting others exual needs met by someone else now he's basically suggesting the same thing he'll allow you to still meet his need for conversation ation but you are right in saying you get all or nothing from me secret voices op you demonstrated remarkable courage and self-awareness in swiftly ending your marriage after your husband's disrespectful proposal your decision to prioritize your own well-being and dignity speaks volumes about your strength of character keep moving forward with confidence knowing that you deserve a relationship built on mutual respect and genuine love stay strong and trust that better days lie ahead thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OpenMarriageDramaImDivorcingMyHusbandForSuggestingAnOpenMarriageorig
aah for telling my pregnant wife that people might not think she's pregnant my wife of 8 years is four months pregnant and we're currently on a beautiful beach vacation she's always been a naturally thin woman and prior to getting pregnant lead Pilates and yoga classes she's the kind of person who takes a ton of pride in their physical health a few days before this trip she wanted me to go swimsuit shopping I obliged and we went to a few different stores every shopping trip ended in her crying in the dressing room because she hates the way her body looks she can't get over the fact she has a belly now and things don't fit the same I think she looks incredible and I was extremely patient the entire swimsuit shopping Fiasco she kept calling herself fat and being pretty overdramatic about everything finally she settled on something I kept assuring her over and over that I think she looks incredible she does fast forward and this morning we decided to make a trip down to the pool I'm getting our son ready and she comes out in her new swimsuit I tell her she looks cute and I loved it couldn't take my eyes off of her then I said something that had the same reaction as if I spread my ass cheeks apart and took a on a f-star restaurant table I said honestly babe people might not even think you're pregnant she looked stunned and horrified she asked you don't think people will know I'm pregnant my stomach is huge and she's right it's a decent size compared to her
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmypregnantwifethatpeoplemightnotthinkshespregnant
what is an air filter and why do I have to change it I need someone to hold our mail while we go on vacation can you contact the post office two absolutely helpless adults with kids oh and I had to add this in the air conditioner fails she lets them know at maybe 9 p.m. at night they contact an HVAC repair company who will be out there in the AM instead of waiting less than 12 hours she goes to the store in the middle of the night and buys multiple window units to install at 2: a.m. which she cannot do because Outlets are too hard for her she then tells the landlord they are responsible for repaying her for the multiple window AC units the HVAC guy had the AC repaired in less than an hour that morning the tenant is still out $400 because legally the landlord doesn't have to pay her for that
give me a good story on LandlordsWhatsYourWORSTTENANTExperiencePartorig
Welcome Friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got some awesome stories of compliance and our first story of the days from kalish we just need the IDS sure thing boss our UK Department had been running daily stand-up meetings at the start of each day we'd Focus the purpose of the meeting on catching bottlenecks and other issues before they happened and cut out most of the fluff they really lasted more than five minutes and actually resolved issues fast when we were bought out by a company across the pond in the USA they wanted to have a manager sit in and listen at first soon enough our boss came up to us and said that we needed to have more detail of what we were doing every day in the meetings as they weren't comprehensive enough we asked why and were stonewalled later that day we all received an email from the manager it listed exactly how we were meant to run the stand up including say the task ID you've been working on then say how long you were on it and when you expect to finish repeat this for each task you've been doing we raised that this one against the spirit of the meeting we also raised the fact that the task ID is not the name of the task and that the US team did not have access to our task board this was also ignored the next day rolls around and our entire team are waiting for what was to come I started with my daily tasks yeah so yesterday I started on ux3854 I did this for half an hour that task completed I then moved on to ux3855 I worked on it for two hours I completed that I took half an hour each on ux3856 ux3857 and ux3859 the reason I did not do the ux3858 was because it was blocked by dt4938 and dt3837 finally I started ux 3860. I'm still on that today and expect to be finished by midday after which I will start on ux 3861 I might need some help on ux3861 Tim can you talk to me about that after the meeting everyone caught on we didn't mention any detail about what we were doing only the task IDs after three days the US manager got the point and we returned to our previous method at least they got the point and reverted it would be nice if they apologized it would be especially nice if they learned from this if you're taking over as a new manager in a place that you haven't really worked before but you know maybe they seem to have been doing their job all right I think it goes without saying that it's very valuable to understand how they operate and why they operate the way they do are you the type of person that when you're given dumb orders to follow that you'd rather just follow through with them and allow them to figure out why it was dumb or would you rather just try to call it out as soon as you can let me know how you would feel about it in the comments down below our next story is from Kilted Turtle you need more information in your weekly status report this is back from the early days when project dashboards were becoming all the Hot Topic in CIO magazine the six largest projects met weekly with the CIO to present current status meeting was an hour but with people not being ready and the CIO always being late we had each project not getting 10 minutes but more like five to six so I condensed my slides down to four to get through it I was also aware that I was first so I wanted to get done and let the other project managers get their time in most of the others had the same number one week the CIO gushes about dashboards that they had read about in a leading magazine and how he wanted our meeting to start displaying more data all of the project managers roll their eyes he takes up half the meeting about this so it was a rush to get the project status in I go first do my four slides CIO goes c o p slides are a good example of how more data would be helpful four is not enough to get the full view of the project let's see a comprehensive dashboard next week next week I'm all set I've created a massive deck of all the stats I could find and create they were all time series on the x-axis but most had two y-axis values to be able to Overlay the data my personal favorite was actual work hours effort minus meetings against system loads as a percent showing that when people were working the dev environment was busy and confirming that the nightly full build and automated testing was actually running after midnight handy to know to make sure we have the capacity but pretty useless at a CIO level status all of them were a hefty pack of 50 slides meeting starts I'm first and I go through the slides add 30 minutes in the CIO goes how many more slides do you have just a few more in the dashboard you requested sir I continue on for another 15 mins soon op yes sir just four more and I presented the slides that I'd used for the last few months op these last slides are perfect let's just stick to them for the next week they then ended the meeting we never heard about dashboards again sometimes I'm not gonna lie it's really fun to be just blown up with all of these statistics and numbers and Oddities metrics progressions whatever you could possibly just sink your teeth into but then you realize it's no fun if you have to actually go through all of it you want to just kind of fool around and look around it you don't want to sit through a 75 page PowerPoint on each individual thing especially not a weekly by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from abyssian Sky you determine my work time by the phone log then I will too you I was working for a company that had recently had some rapid turnover of managers and people I worked for one of the two customer service departments my department handled service calls and the other department handles incoming orders we'd been without a manager for several months and we're doing pretty well our new manager comes on board and wants to change things up and use fairly useless metrics to judge things I'd been at the company for many years at that point so I could do the work in either Department without a problem on days I was scheduled to work the later shift one through nine I would come in a couple of hours early to help enter orders for the other team because of the loss of people this was really needed one of the days I was in early my new manager took me aside to talk she told me how she appreciated me coming in early to help but there was an issue I was logging into the phone queue after my starting time she showed me a report that I'd logged into the phone late several times usually a minute or two but there was one time I was seven minutes late I explained that I'm usually in the building on time or early but don't usually log into the phone if I get distracted by a question or if I'm in early entering orders she told me late was late and the phone log was her determining Factor going forward after that I stopped coming in early and focused on logging in on time I wouldn't talk work with anyone until I logged into the phone about a week went by before the manager noticed that I wasn't coming in early anymore and asked me about it I told her that I didn't want anything distracting me and keeping me from logging in on time she was pissed but couldn't do anything about it she continued to micromanage our departments until half of my department went to a direct competitor and named her as the reason they were leaving she lasted two days after that I mean I imagine it's not really the workers concerns to report that even higher management what exactly is going on here and maybe you could say this is the fault of the even higher management for not paying attention attention to anything that's going on below them because you would think that maybe they would take notice of this before they just bled all of their workers to the point where in two days time you decide you need to fire a manager it's definitely the manager's fault for being an awful manager but where's the people who are supposed to keep the manager accountable at our next story is from TPB 772000 if I get penalized for one day then I'll be out for three the maliciousness is small but has a great personality so recently I posted about my malicious compliance that I was involved in back in high school at Ingles I've since graduated high school and college and now work a different job the job I'm currently working isn't the best atmosphere and a lot of people don't like it for various reasons it's very obvious like most places that they don't care about you and treat you as a number well about a month ago I got sick allergies and changing weather which typically happens this time of year for me I miss the day of work and because as it was in scheduled uto or PTO I had to take in a currents which basically is a point against me and if I get to Five I'll face disciplinary action all the way from a write-up determination this number resets on the anniversary of you starting well I'm the only programmer because the previous programmer quit well when I missed that day I received An Occurrence came to work because my supervisor needed me to show a company who bought our old machine how I programmed it I still didn't feel 100 but was no longer running a fever so I obliged big mistake by the end of my 12 hour shift I felt like crap and felt worse I told my supervisor and he said well take tomorrow off but it'll be another occurrence this kind of pissed me off because due to their rules you can miss three days in a row and it's only one occurrence but if you miss Monday Wednesday Friday and go to work Tuesday Thursday that's three separate occurrences because you came back so I said grew that and came to work the next day feeling sick but not getting another occurrence I could have used unpaid time off or paid time off but I'd recently came to pass my 90 days and maybe had four hours of both which wouldn't cover my shift anyways so fast forward to the present as in a week ago and I probably got a stomach bug my immune system is not that good and my wife works in Pediatrics so she's always bringing me new things to help try and build my immune system so the week that I got the stomach bug we got a new machine to replace the old one we sold to another company our representative came out to train the operators and share the new software unfortunately that morning he came I had my head in a toilet so I called out which now makes it my second occurrence the next day still not feeling the best I didn't go to work still only one occurrence the third day I really could have went to work but after two days of feeling like crap I really wanted to get rest in be well recovered so I come back on the fourth day to find out that they had to pay this representative a good bit of money to keep him here until I came back so I could learn the new software which made my boss the plan manager mad he actually came to me and asked why I was sick for three days and was it really three days of sickness I told him the truth I could have come back one day to get the training but was afraid the next day I would have had to have missed which means I would get two occurrences so instead I took the safe route and gave my body three full days of recovery so I don't risk it this obviously made him upset and now him and my supervisor are aware if I'm out sick it will always be three days if I can afford it reasonably he even tried to pull well were a family around here card but that changes nothing in my eyes the company I work for is owned by another company that owns 14 other companies like us they're the ones that control 99 of the rules so by me doing this the plan manager has no way of stopping me corporate would have to pass a new rule I also starting January will receive enough unpaid time off and paid time off to cover a sick day here and there as well as get a long weekend of paid vacation you know how I know that working in this company that you have to look out for yourself it's because they use that awful phrase well we're a family around here you know what that means it means they want you to bend over backwards and give them so much extra free labor and not complain not feel entitled to Ascent more show up when you're feeling your worst but you could still technically get your job done I think it's almost guaranteed if a company tells you that a manager says we're like a family that's how you know they actually don't care about you wouldn't you guys agree let me know in the comments and our final story of the day is from chaotic ridiculous don't touch the tomatoes okay there will be none this happened to my mother recently for context the neighbor and her have driveways that are side by side with a small patch of dirt slash gravel and weeds between that is basically no man's land and it's just there it's about a foot and a half wide runs the length of the driveway and no one really takes care of it leaving it as a border my mom also has plenty of tomatoes growing in the backyard including cherry tomatoes that are a favorite of crows stealing and other Birds now this spot was a favorite for birds to drop Tomatoes or pick them apart because there were no dogs while there are in the backyard or main yards at least that's how my mom tells it eventually the seeds sprout and their small tomato plants starting to grow noticing them my mom begins to water them regularly as she Waters her front yard plants as she has to walk by them with the hose anyways this leads to cherry tomato plants sprouting and becoming incredibly fruitful between the driveways after a while they were disappearing and my mom figured it was a combination of the birds and the wife of the neighbor couple because she was home all day my mom didn't care because these were just chance Tomatoes she had plenty in the backyard garden and it was just nice to have something more than dirt and gravel between the driveways all was Dandy until my mom went to grab a few to snack on while working in the front yard and the woman next door confronted her she told my mother that those were not her tomatoes and she needed to leave them alone the neighbor woman continued that the patch of dirt and gravel was on her property not my mother's though our water meter was in it and ultimately it was like a 50 50 split if you even cared a look which when it was just nothing no one cared to so rather than argue with her my mom said it was fine and she left them alone a few weeks later they started to dry up and die without the frequent watering for my mom eventually ending in the dirt and gravel patch becoming just that again I just don't understand how if this neighbor lady was home all the time that they couldn't recognize that op's Mom watering them was what was making these things Sprout and grow did they think that these chance Tomatoes were just growing ripe and proud and big all on their own with no interference I mean I suppose it could happen but it's not very likely I'm less kind of curious about how the neighbor felt after the plants died like I wonder if they would ever have an accusation where they were like oh op's mom killed the plants on purpose when in reality they just left them alone exactly as they said my failure to plan is now your problem so I work in customer service in the automotive industry as part of the services we offer guests we perform a state mandated car inspection so people can register their car with the state it's a simple process that can take about 15 minutes if you book an appointment with us but every month we get flooded with people who forgot to do the inspection on the last week of each month it is a Mad Dash for last last minute appointments to fit people in before they're late now we don't make money off of this type of service in fact it's a state set fee and we realistically lose money doing these inspections on labor cost I preface this to state that doing these state inspections does not benefit my shop but we do it because it helps our customers front door opens to a male Karen coming in on a Friday afternoon midday this distinguished gentleman will call him Tim walks in at around 1pm in the afternoon and slaps his keys on the countertop informing my front counter teammate that he needs an inspection now now understand that even though all of our appointments were booked up days ago we will still bend over backwards to help someone out we totally get that things don't always go according to plan in life so we do what we can to help that is as long as you're a nice person when you start trying to dictate how we're going to help you that doesn't fly in my store Tim decided that today he was going to do exactly that after we advised them that he can either wait almost two hours to try to work him into a slot as we process our already scheduled appointments or book an appointment for him next week Tim let us know that booking an appointment the following week after the deadline was not an option for him but he's got time right now so he's going to generously give us two hours of his time and we need to figure out how to get him in cue malicious compliance I stepped in to take over the conversation for my front counter staff who have been dealing with him up until now okay sir we're happy to help I'll get your keys out to the technician you just have a seat and make yourself comfortable immediately I walk the keys out to my technician with explicit instructions after explaining to my tech that Tim is acting like a dirty trash can full of poop I gave the express instructions that we will not even touch his vehicle until two hours have passed mind you as Tim sits in the lobby stewing I have the pleasure of servicing several other customers who set their appointments days ahead of time 15 minutes here 20 minutes there and even a seven minute inspection for an all-electric car things are flowing so so smoothly for all of the appointments who did things the right way and it's showing on Tim's face after the first hour Tim has finally had the courage to speak up I really appreciate y'all trying to work me in but do you know how long it's going to be no Tim you don't get to be nice now and try to expedite your vehicle you don't get to be nasty to my staff and still get your way sorry Tim we're still trying to get it fit in like I said about two hours before we can see the truck mind you the lobby is totally empty and all customers have already been serviced early it's perfect fast forward another hour and as multiple attempts to make small talk to amend his horrible manners and treatment to one of my staffers and his cars finally being brought into the shop Bays then moments later my technician walks into the lobby with a giddy smile boss his truck needs wipers to pass inspection they're torn and fail the vehicle passing on this wonderful news to Tim he agrees to have the tech install some because he of course did not bring any of his own at this point I feel quite satisfied that Tim's learned his lesson with a little additional help from the universe in him needing to also replace wiper blades but apparently the universe was not quite done teaching Tim a lesson his car still failed the inspection the last part of the test is run by a computer that reads the internal control modules of the car it's a totally automated process that can't be tampered or affected by the inspector the only thing that can interfere is if the car had the battery replaced and those control modules have been reset but that's exactly what Tim did hours before coming to see me he replaced the battery and cleared those exact modules so at the end of the day Tim was his own worst enemy and failed his own car having to book an appointment for the following week but With a Little Help from the universe he hopefully learned a very valuable lesson that service workers are not your slaves and to always tip your waiters a little bit of kindness to customer service people and desk reps can really go a long way also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below don't want to pay me for my work alright I'll undo it I'm naming the company name because I've had many issues with them and everyone should be warned so I have to say this first be aware of working for the delivery service shipped today I picked up an order for delivery it had gone promo money added on on shipped it was for a delivery in a town that's 15 minutes from the store of purchase alright not too bad for sixteen dollars especially since I live within 10 minutes of the town I was delivering to I take it I go to the store received the groceries and I'm on my Merry way I sent a text to the customer that I'm on my way and will reach them before so and so time no response so I give a quick call it does a weird thing and ends doesn't even go to voicemail huh what if I sent them a text get to the house knock no answer leave the bag outside the door and walk away I make it to my car start said car woman pokes her head out of the porch door as I'm about to leave you were very lovely woman on porch thank you for your kindness waves me down looking highly confused so I unfortunately stopped the car and get out the woman asks what this is why your order ma'am I say looking all happy I didn't order anything she says oh no did anyone else in the house nope oh no no no so there's a wrong address on the delivery I have never dealt with this before and I have to leave to catch a movie with friends in 30 minutes cue me going door to door at each house on that small Street while reaching out to shift support and while trying to call the customer again does the same weird thing with the phone I give up on that proceed to knock on doors nope nope nope nobodies alright shipped suggestion just drive back and return it um no shipped I'm a delivery contractor I'm not a volunteer nor am I a charity I'm hired by you to fulfill deliveries as far as I'm concerned I have delivered to the address on file I'm not reaching into my bank account to correct someone else's mistake for the total extra 30 minute round trip I'll need ten dollars on top of the initial pay thanks gas for being so expensive no they say we'll give you eight dollars and 10 cents no I say I have plans and now 10 which should have been 30 mind you minutes that I will now miss eight dollars and ten cents will not cover the gas and wear and tear for the extra 30 minutes I will need no less than ten dollars or I'll leave them on the curb of the noted delivery address 580 blinking Street and duck off we'll give you five dollars and can't do any more than that they say wait I say five dollars on top of the additional eight dollars and ten cents to make it thirteen dollars and ten cents on top of what I'm being paid or just five dollars I wanted everything in writing specifically because I knew shift was going to do exactly what they did next they say oh yes thirteen dollars and ten cents but we can't do any more they say fine I'm returning it to the store now I say I go to the store do the whole return process get in contact with shipt as they directed me to with the requested information I get a message on my phone from shipt to the effect of your order has been canceled and twenty dollars and eighty cents issued to your account what eye contact shipped say I'm confused say it looks as though they were only giving me five dollars on top of the original order payment when they said I would be compensated thirteen dollars and ten cents I was told oh we won't give you any more than five dollars but you already said is there someone else I can speak to they say nope five dollars take it or leave it alright fine don't wanna pay me the agreed upon wage that's a breach of contract meaning you never actually paid me for this return so what did I do I marched right back into the store asked the worker who had taken the return what she had done with it snatch the bag up Strode up to a manager inform them of what had happened and told them that since I wasn't being paid to return the groceries I would be taking them back to the last place I was contracted and paid to deliver them 580 blinking Street and duck off told him if he wanted to be recompensated for the groceries he could charge shift as they were not willing to pay to have them returned iMessage shipped from my car informing them of this and gave them 30 minutes yep plans definitely ruined it's now two hours later to rescind their Ascension and pay me what they actually agreed to and owed me I had to reach out two separate times because the first girl despite me being very polite would it not go to anyone else such as management to ask for an exception to this policy considering they had literally told me they would pay me more actually had the gall to ask if I had taken items I'd returned and all I had to say in response was did you pay me to return them the second girl was much more helpful reached out to her team to see if anything could be done ships still wouldn't be swayed but I think too profusely for at least trying so in the end they said they wouldn't do any more than five dollars I told them alright I reject that offer just pay me for the original delivery because 580 is where they'll be you can pay another shipped Shopper fifteen dollars to come get them I drove back it was on my way home dropped them off and left I'm not a charity I don't work for free and I certainly don't pay to work I'm going to be messaging ShopRite corporate directly along with the New Jersey labor board because this isn't the first issue with the wages I've had with shipt and honestly ShopRite should see compensation from them have fun paying for the more than thirteen dollars and ten cents of groceries that are now rotting on the curb shift side note to anyone who may say you're being entitled no I'm not it is not entitled to expect an agreed upon wage it's extortion to expect me to work for less than agreed imagine you accepted an order from a delivery service fulfilled that obligation and suddenly they decided to pay you less than half for that completed order or you're working a job and they suddenly cut your pay without any notice or agreement upon your part as I explained to them I know never would have returned the groceries for five dollars because it wasn't my mistake plus I would have returned them no problem if it had been and I would be paying to return them plus the missed plans plus the lost time so no I'm no way in the wrong and I don't care what anyone who thinks otherwise has to say honestly I think this is one of the downfalls of having services like this because if this is a company where you're regularly paying your employees like a normal functioning business it's the kind of thing where the business just eats that cost but when you're essentially Contracting these people and then expect them to eat the cost themselves in any way or you know do additional work which is driving the whole way back and returning those items it just doesn't really work well unless you're really willing to eat those costs as a business that said our final story of the day is you're gonna need to repeat that back to me double malicious compliance hey y'all it's drive through op again I'll start off by saying this if you ever feel Petty enough to ruin a drive-through person's day at work ask them to repeat the order back this isn't because it takes too long or it's difficult so much as it is insulting to our intelligence I still do it with a smile mostly but not this evening when a car drives in the drive-through it sets the sensor off instantly and we hear everything everyone in the car says my headset beeps I greet the customer and I hear oh sweet Mellow Yellow Peach I ask whether he wants a small medium or large they say no butt hat not you how about you pay attention enter malicious compliance number one I'll pay attention all right in the meantime I tell him to let me know when he's ready he orders in the most convoluted way possible insulting me directly in between every other item I even do him the favor of making his items a combo because I've learned that when in doubt air towards nice he then stops me as I'm about to say the total look dude you're gonna need to repeat that back to me I know you missed that crap up he had a very rude tone the whole way which I'm learning to be better at picking up one of my Twilight years 46. enter malicious compliance part 2 which unlocks part one time to employ my memory and voice acting skills you got it sir in my California Surfer Keanu Reeves voice Dude Sweet Mellow Yellow Peach I then go back to my voice for my parts small medium or large no butt hat not you well let me know when you're ready okay man I want a bacon burger a big one which Burger sir we have looked dummy a bacon burger I keep going back and forth switching between exaggerating and insulting California dude crash voice and my regular voice each of the five times he called me a name in the transcript I make in my voice so it's me insulting him with his own words my manager Bruce jumped behind the ice machine to laugh his butt off in full support of my churlishness I repeated like 98 of the convo verbatim right up to the request to repeat it back to me he finally says you know what goodbye and go freak yourself I say have a nice evening and wave to a man who was in the process of running his tire just to make a gesture with his hands towards me as he unsuccessfully passes the drive-through window I couldn't have planned it any better he seriously popped his tire as he hopped the right curb the best part the two family nuggets he ordered 50 nuggets for 11.99 didn't have to be made Bruce was happier than any of us about this as the cost of the company was so great this guy disappeared into a flurry of yellow lights clinking chains and customers with car fulls of food hopefully never to be heard from again see I already wouldn't be rude to a lot of people but I think the last people you want to be rude to is a worker making your food at a fast food chain because let's be real if there's ever going to be a situation where somebody does actually spit in your food because you were being a total jerk to a fast food Burger Joint worker is probably pretty high up there on the list yeah you guys take care of it this is yet another entry into my fast food Chronicles I believe this is one of the first times I'm writing about people I rarely see day shift there was once a time I knew very little about day shift but one day I got to appreciate the different requirements not more not less just different I covered for a week for the boss fodder for later so a month passes by I'm back to my usual nighttime drive-through duties and the crew and I are noticing that we're doing way more work than usual we're coming into our shift to a dirty horrible unstocked mess every night we come in we say something to Alberto the store manager he says that you'll have a talk with them it changed for literally a day then back to the usual mess of extra piles of dishes garbage bags full of morning garbage just absolute unsanitary Bedlam one day I come in a couple hours early to cover for the front counter it's this time that I run into Scott the day shift supervisor the man whose court dates daughter names and Ex-Wives names are things everybody knows and not because any of us asked the man who has a twang in his voice for no reason he's from Ohio the bane of my existence I let him know that his crew keeps leaving us with extra work this isn't our first conversation so I kept the conversation hyper focused he quips back yeah how about you guys take care of it you all do the same crap we very don't want us to take care of it we'll take care of it intermolicious compliance I know for a fact that the next am Alberta will be making his orders I decided to take every bag of garbage ever every unwashed dish every unflattened box and make a collection of it the rest of the crew helps me with this and I even reject a few donations to the pile because it's a dish we're going to use too dirty egg cooker cups the works we add to this monstrosity I put it on the front of the front door inside the restaurant but you can walk in without moving boxes I leave a note saying Scott says night crew needs to take care of all of this done now what I hadn't planned on was that this particular order or count was something that the GM was here for and the GM was the first to see it I wasn't there to see his reaction but I was very surprised that not only did I still have a job but Scott lost his technically a demotion but he was in the day shift go-to anymore all of a sudden things got better and over the time I found out that it was all the dirty egg cookers that set the GM off I mean I know it's a fast food place but I'm honestly surprised people allowed this to have happen for as long as they did also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is doing my job okay I'm really quite terrible at recounts so I'll try to keep this quite brief basically I was working casually for a pizza chain the one that you can't out pizza and I had a call out for a shift to go to the hospital as I was the victim of some domestic violence and injured my arm the managers were fine with it although out of the four I spoke to none of them asked if I was okay but that's a different matter I went to the hospital and the doctor looked at it and just put a Band-Aid over the wounds in my arm and said not to do any heavy lifting and use my arm as little as possible for a couple of days I questioned whether he could just glue the wound or Stitch it but he refused I have no idea why it 100 needed to be glued and my regular doctor said much the same when I show the injuries to him nearly two weeks later as they still hadn't he field but after I got to my house from the hospital I rang my store manager and told them I would only be able to do light duties for a couple of weeks knowing the doctor at the hospital was wrong and he said that wasn't a problem and that he appreciated that I was still willing to work anyways I went back to work two days after the injuries occurred yeah I probably shouldn't have been going to work but I needed the money and I wasn't going to have any otherwise as soon as I got there the manager not the store manager let's call them Tammy told me I would be on dispatch cutting in boxing all of the pizzas and sides I apologized and explained that I wouldn't be able to do that as the pans can get quite heavy and the doctor had asked me to not use that arm I also showed her the bandage I had my arm wrapped in Tammy asked why I even came to work then and I explained that I told the store manager about my circumstances and they'd been happy for me to do light duties Tammy rolled her eyes and told me to answer the phones and serve customers instead which I was happy to do we got quite busy and dishes started to pile up and Tammy told me to get on wash up I reminded her of my arm and suggested it probably wasn't a good idea to put a fresh wound that was still bleeding slightly in water that was being used to clean dishes Tammy rolled her eyes and said she was going to the office and she would be back in 20 minutes and that I'd better have done all the dishes and put them away I tried to explain that I wouldn't be able to lift the fresh out of the oven pans into the sink to wash but she ignored me and said that my arm couldn't be that bad or the doctor would have glued the wound or given me stitches and that she wanted the work done cue the malicious compliance I started doing the dishes and was very careful to only lift an amount that I could handle with one hand despite it not being very safe 10 minutes later Tammy yelled out that I wasn't moving fast enough and that I need to use two hands so I lifted up a larger pile that I could usually carry quite easily with two hands but in this case my arm went numb and I dropped them and in reflex tried to catch them which completely busted the wounds open and blood started dripping everywhere I quickly bandaged my arm again and cleaned up the blood but one of the customers had started yelling that I needed help Tammy came and told me to move out of her way she then spent the rest of the night cleaning the dishes as the store manager had checked the cameras and seen me doing the dishes and told her they needed to be redone with clean water and I continued doing the light duties I'd been assigned to aside from a number of admin tasks that I normally did which she for some reason refused to allow me to do I found out later Tammy didn't go home until 1am and kept two other staff there to help her when we close to 10 because she wasn't able to get to her work plus the work she refused to let me do done on time this story is crazy and all but I just hope Ops in a good spot now I mean I'm sure op kind of glanced over the domestic violence mention in but I hope they're doing well that said if somebody is clearly hurt even without a doctor's note you should have some kind of compassion they should be impressed that somebody's even showing up to a pizza chain in that condition our next story is my dad's cousin's ex let me tell you a story about my Dad's cousin she's in her late 70s early 80s well she was married to a super high up of some big company they had two kids but had a wonderful prenup it was Ironclad where if they divorced she got nothing but what was acquired during marriage and he paid child support if she cheated she forfeits everything but child support if he cheated he had to pay her alimony and child support until she got remarried no matter what she made it was said that she got five thousand dollars a month alimony after the kids were 18 her alimony went down to 2500 if she was still unmarried the man was loaded well he cheated and she got proof actually his boss caught him and liked her so he told her even testified to it plus he didn't deny it in court he was having an affair with his young secretary so she got alimony and child support well years later after she finished cosmetology school she ended up opening her own hair salon in the South she has a lot in those upscale assisted living facilities so now she's also loaded she drives a super cute red convertible Mercedes while they divorced when she was 30. she's still never remarried he's still paying alimony she's had a serious boyfriend for 30 years but she said just despite the X she won't remarry unless he dies so he's been married more than four times but no matter what because of his prenup he insisted on she still gets that twenty five hundred dollars a month well for at least 40 to 45 years so far he's been paying she said after what he did to her making her give up her dreams and sign a prenup she was going to make him pay she did eventually initially go finish school and follow her dreams after her kids were grown she has she's the nicest person too his other wives got nowhere near that he made sure his prenup granted them nothing but Child Support also her boyfriend and her don't live together they've been neighbors for years they both want their own space he also has his own money she doesn't even need her ex's money just puts it into account for her grandkids colleges she also likes to donate some to women's shelters she donates it in his name so he gets notifications or notes that money was donated in his name she said the day he dies she and her boyfriend will go to the courthouse everyone in the family knows and every time we see her my father laughs and says so the ex still alive and paying do you guys believe in prenups like if somebody does have a good chunk of assets or is making a good chunk of money should the relationship be so good that it's just not necessary should it not be seen as a shameful thing if somebody wants to have a prenup before they get married if somebody says that they will not get married unless they have a prenup is that a huge red flag and a sign that you shouldn't go forward I'd like to know what you guys think this next story is cancellation fee my work yes the same job where I reported those emails used to rent their printers from a printer company and they sucked we paid over twenty four hundred dollars a month for just the eight LaserJet printers no toner no supplies and we had so many issues network issues paper and toner issues and every month we would have to Shell out money for one of their technicians to come out and fix their junk we paid that for over eight years until we went over the numbers and found out it would be cheaper to buy our own machines so I called them to end the rental they did the average Spiel what can we do to make you stay and they were desperate they said that I would need to pay a small cancellation fee to end my contract expire 625 4 2023 the next day I have an invoice on my desk for 11 296.34 cents for the cancellation fee I called them and they gave me a super unclear answer on why it's this amount I look into this contract we signed eight years ago and it said that if we cancel within 14 days we would incur no cancellation charge and receive a refund for that month if the printers were in packaging so I call them and ask to be upgraded to their top of the range package and I would like all of my old bad stupid printers taken away and to get top of the line new printers the total per month was like eighty nine hundred dollars a month and in this new contract I signed for this new package the no cancellation charge within 14 days Clause was still there I convinced my Financial Manager for me to try to gamble eighty nine hundred dollars so we can save eleven thousand worst case we save three thousand dollars on a cancellation fee best case we save eleven thousand they said that in three days my old printers will be taken then next week we can choose models the day comes and the printers have been taken the next day I call this printer company and say I would like to cancel my contract and it's been under 14 days out of luck I get connected to the same person I was talking to about getting these new printers it took me around two hours but they finally canceled it and they didn't have to pay a fee they were totally confused and probably pissed hey if you're gonna give somebody that's been in a contract with you for eight years a hard time that hard of a time to get out of the contract I say it's fair game this company was totally loyal to you and you try to screw them over on the way out if I was in any kind of job position where I had influence on who you contract with or who you work with for printing stuff I'd be spreading bad words about this company around all over the place just a horrendously pretty auditory charge that said our final story of the day is you want 70. um okay one two three so not mine but the one that was done to my dear sister my sister buys these fish defeated my brother-in-law's pet fish she goes into the pet store and says she would like 70 of the little guys so the net goes in and right into the bag well my sister looks and goes that's not 70. so the store employee looks at my sister and goes okay and dumps the little guys back into the tank then proceeds to initiate malicious compliance one in the net and into the bag grabs another in the net and now two in the bag another customer shows up and looks puzzled as the employee is now on a seven count yep gives my sister a look and says is he for real sister could do nothing but shrug and say Yes knowing this was all on her sister gets 70 fish looks of the bag and Bell's head defeated as she now realizes the first bag had more than 70. wasted her time the employee's time and those of the other customers waiting for help on the way out the manager seeing my sister clearly Disturbed asked her what was wrong she just told the manager that she was in a hurry to get home no complaint was made she told us she knew she messed up but couldn't complain about it either the employee of the pet store is my hero yes sister realized she messed up big time we all laughed as she was telling the story both at her and the awesome malicious compliance so from the way this story went down and from what I'm seeing in the comments the common sentiment is if you're going to like a fish store or a bait shop and you're ordering a bulk of something that would be otherwise incredibly tedious to count out you probably should just go ahead and take the approximation because apparently most places will probably give you more than they would be giving you less and it makes total sense because if you're a customer ordering 70 of something from a store and they give you a few extra on top that's only going to serve to bring you back in the next time you want 70 more right like I bet this sister was ashamed but I bet they know that they want to go there next time right cost of forty dollars per month is too expensive for the accounts team my work involves analyzing all kinds of data this instance occurred around the time when our company was somewhat new but still large enough to have 150 employees and rapidly growing so far our data analysis had been retail companies travel agencies or even the housing market for the first time we received a request to analyze Health Data from five hospitals in our area the Health Data is very sensitive so the raw data itself and the analytical results could not be shared via email or Dropbox for the first time my team gets to see that since positive companies go through channels that have a lot of security to share the data between us and the client these channels cost money but nothing too expensive which our organization couldn't afford something like forty dollars per month four out of the five hospitals have this data sharing Channel which meant that my team was able to receive the raw data and also be able to provide the analysis via the same channel the fifth hospital was new and they didn't have this channel either our company or the fifth Hospital needed to have this channel so I raise a request with the accounts team to purchase this Channel and it's denied myself and my manager both raised it again and also discuss it with the account supervisor and it's approved verbally but declined on the system once again after two weeks we try again for the third time after discussing it with the higher accounts manager and still no approval at the end to buy this channel it's declined and we've been told it's the hospital's responsibility to share the data and if we reach the hospital they'll ask us to reach the health Ministry which then asks us to get in touch with the local Member of Parliament Etc so just a lot of bureaucracy that I shouldn't be managing while this entire request of data sharing is being worked on the time for us to receive and analyze this data is running out we're waiting only on a single Hospital's data which is ready to be sent to us but only via an appropriate channel so I've had enough I find out from the health Ministry email response while working on getting the hospital to buy the data sharing system that the data can also be shared practically specifically if I was to take a USB with me to get the data physically at the hospital and also return the output to the hospital the same way this practical data sharing capability is deemed entirely safe and that's what I started to do every Monday I drive 30 minutes to the hospital at 11AM go to their admin team to retrieve the data in my USB and then drive back to my work reaching at 1pm then I go have lunch at 1pm I repeat the same task again with our analytical output on Thursday our contract is to analyze the health data for the whole year after doing this for three weeks one of the upper management people whose office is opposite my desk starts to think that I've been taking a very long time for lunch from 10 AM to 2PM he comes to my desks and asks if everything's okay and why I was away from my desk for four hours I tell them the whole story he is not happy at all the cost of that data sharing system is nothing compared to the cost of paying my salary while I physically collect the data every single time he puts the accounts team into their place by finding out that they approve of this system verbally each time and then deny it every time after a few weeks and literally that day we have the system all purchased and then installed overnight although I do miss the bi-weekly travel while listening to music to only do a copy and paste of files into and out of a USB drive honestly if I was in OP shoes I'd be pissed this is like the perfect start to the day you get to just chill take a drive listen to music you kind of just chill for four hours and then start your job finally at 2PM also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is what is it with takeovers in colorblind management Reading a few stories here and I immediately think of how this year went for me a bit of context I worked for the same company for the last 20 years and recently started thinking about options I had a second job which I really enjoyed and did really for fun and for a little bit of cash to spend on boys toys it was never going to pay my mortgage over the covet pandemic we were all sent to work from home and you you know what it worked most folks on the team got more done and had a significantly better work-life balance right at the start though the company was taken over and that was the start of two years of changes the first was an attempt to cut everyone's pay by 10 percent because kovid the company is in online payments and covid was a real money spinner for them the CEO and CTO bragged that they gave up their salary for six months to sweeten the ten percent pay cut what they didn't do was give up their bonuses or options and they did really well out of that top tip for CEOs are ctOS and Fortune 500 companies your salary packages are posted publicly we knew what you got roll the clock forward to the summer the CTO and CEO are awarded a huge pay raise to compensate for the time they gave up their salary at the same time staff were told that there was no pay raise forthcoming for them as there wasn't the money money to do it they also cut long Service Awards so my expected service bonus evaporated then they had a town hall meeting and there was a lot of heated discussions on pay and the cuts to the recognition scheme then came the sledgehammer everyone had to switch back to working in the office there was an option for continued home working but that would require a reduction in salary to reflect the savings made in commuting in time spent commuting I asked what other options were on the table and was told that I could always look for another job the timing of that was perfect I'd been looking into other options for increasing my work in my second job and I was told that I could have as many hours as I wanted I made the call as soon as we left the town hall asked to go on full-time hours and got approved immediately the following Monday we all had to go into the office full time again I walked in logged into the network and I handed in my notice here's where the fun really kicked in we were asked to give three months notice but if you gave one month there was no legal recourse I also carried over quite a lot of vacation from the previous years and had eight weeks to take I gave the months noticed and requested a month of my vacation immediately there was a sharp intake of breath and a very shocked face for my manager and the sudden realization I was out of the door that day if you're going to tell someone to just look for another job don't be surprised when they already have one you also should have a plan B in case a person leaving was due to me with a client later that week although it's really nice to hear how op got out of this situation I'm reading this and I'm thinking to myself you know what it sounds kind of par for the course and a Fortune 500 company I mean the bottom line is they want workers to work for the least possible amount where they can at least continue to churn workers as much as possible I mean look at Amazon for example they've done it said so harshly that there's some areas where they're running out of people that they can even hire because they've churned through all of the possible workers the real kicker is they give you a great salary to start off with like oh 19 20 an hour and then the longer you work there your wage actually starts decreasing that said our next story is vote with my feet don't mind if I do in my old role compliance for a financial institution we used to be split into two groups investigations and alerts alerts did the first level of processing of items that came in and then determined whether they should be escalated for further review sent to investigations or closed out alerts was expected to get through 8 to 15-ish items per day depending on referral Channel and other factors while investigations was lucky in some areas to get through two per day some cases could take days or weeks to do I worked in investigations specifically within treasury which was considered the most complex area and I primarily dealt with the high scrutiny slash High complexity atoms like law enforcement referrals I was also the main trainer for treasury particularly complex cases and had created all of the training materials and processes additionally I worked as the point of contact slash representative on the procedures Management Group so I knew them inside and out what it boils down to is that I made myself the keystone species of the department albeit inadvertently as it happens with any organization there was an ebb and flow of employees in our area but for the most part we stuck around because we were treated fairly enjoyed our work and had senior leadership who actually tried to understand what we did and why we did it we weren't dealing with people who thought they knew better and who would make arbitrary decisions for the sake of implementing change and saying that they did something sure it wasn't perfect but it worked pretty well that all changed when they decided to merge alerts and investigations together and make everyone do everything things went downhill quite quickly especially because the leadership that was given control was from alerts as far as they were concerned a case is a case is a case it's not and you should be able to get through all things quickly you can't and they're all created equally they aren't they put undue pressure on folks to get through the caseload far faster than feasible if you do it right anyway and removed all specialization which made it incredibly difficult to get in the groove of the work because different areas had different expectations and procedures to add to that they promoted people who had no business being elevated Peter Principle anyone and ignored tenured investigators who should have been first up all that did was piss off the good employees and create a whole bunch of post Turtles and Leadership roles as as one would expect attrition skyrocketed they weren't paying us nearly enough to deal with the BS so people left for both internal and external roles at alarming rates when the pandemic hit we were for the most part stuck hiring freezes Galore and there's always a fear of leaving and then getting screwed and being jobless during the disaster that was is the world a bit more background at work I've always had a reputation for honesty and for speaking my mind sometimes often to the Chagrin of senior leadership as far as I'm concerned you can't complain about something if you don't try to fix it so when everything was at Peak awfulness I said something on a call with the aforementioned senior leadership knowing that it was unlikely anything was going to change but at least I would know I tried I was later pinged by one of the managing directors in our overarching department not up my direct reporting line but in the same organization we'll call him C I worked with c and number of times over the years he had a rocket strapped to his butt and was perfectly content to ride that puppy until he could go no further he is definitely a bit of a yes man but that's what generally happens when you're in that type of role I'm unlikely to ever become a yes woman because it's not my personality but it takes all kinds and you never know what might happen in the future when C pinged me he asked if I could chat and give him some details about the situation I knew I had nothing to lose C keystone species so we got on a call and I explained the problems in my opinions on proposed Solutions more Staffing revert back to specialization and case types pay industry standard have leadership work on acquiring a better understanding of the job so as to be able to make more informed decisions Etc nothing unreasonable though I knew that it was unlikely any of it would be done C's response vote with your feet about what I expected but I was impressed that he went right out and said it especially because we knew the whole department would be screwed if I left I'm sure he figured I would never leave after all I'd stayed for almost eight years already even though the awfulness didn't truly start until fairly late in the game fast forward a couple of months to Summer 2021 I'd been focusing on finding another role I'd been even trying to before talking with C but that gave me renewed incentive I was being particular about what I applied for because I didn't want to leave for the sake of leaving especially knowing that any internal move would mean I was stuck for a year and I didn't want to risk screwing myself out of something Perfect by jumping the gun my caution paid off and I was offered an amazing internal opportunity that pretty much fit me like a glove I kept my move quiet for a variety of reasons only telling my manager but I knew that it would eventually make it up the chain I just wanted to keep keep it as quiet as possible for as long as possible well a week or so before I was scheduled to start my new role I got a ping from C asking me to hop on a call he had seen the leave report and wanted to ask me why I was going and whether he could convince me to stay they couldn't I got on the call video and when he asked me why I was leaving I looked at him and said well see I'm just doing what you told me to do he gave me a cocker spaniel look complete with head tilt and I just smiled and said I'm voting with my feet the satisfaction I got from the look on his face when he made that connection brought me so much joy he was so crestfallen it was just chef's kiss all I can really say here is if it gets to the point where you're giving ideas to the company and the company says back to you vote with your feet AKA pretty much voicing your opinion by leaving there's probably often not going to be a great amicable solution in the end I mean how do you get told from your company yeah we don't really care if you want to do something you can leave and voice your opinion that way and continue working there with a smile on your face like at least give the placating we'll talk about your concerns thank you this is great stuff U.S Air Force Supply problems I need an antenna to fix a jet they made me order the whole tail in the early 1980s I was in the U.S Air Force my job title was nav Specialists translation I fixed radios and navigation equipment on a7d and later on on a 10 egg aircraft one of the a70 aircraft that I was called on to fix had been struck by lightning on the tail the upper 12 inches of the tail is the UHF radio antenna it was totally destroyed by the lightning strike my unit at the time was on temporary Duty TDY at Barbers Point Naval Air Station in Hawaii for a 30-day exercise I was just a young pup at the time 19 or 20 years old I think but I was the only calm nav guy that was on the TDY so I need a new antenna to fix the Jet and order one from our supply guy they tell me that no antennas are available anywhere in the U.S Air Force okay what do I do I ask they tell me to order the next higher assembly basically the tail of the aircraft I argue for a while trying to explain how stupid that is but get nowhere they actually get kind of nasty with me at that time the Cold War was going strong any aircraft that was not Mission capable was a very bad thing a grounded USAF jet on a TDY at a naval air base was even worse it had to be fixed yesterday I called my boss back at our main base in Louisiana and explain the situation he tells me to go ahead and follow the supply guy's recommendation which I do it couldn't have been more than three hours before I'm told to report to my maintenance officer the officer in charge of aircraft meet maintenance wanting to know if I'd ordered an 87d tail assembly I have to say as a young Airman First Class talking to a major I was kind of scared I explained the whole chain of events omitting who I specifically spoke with at our home base the major looked like he was going to explode in Anger I'm thinking I'm a dead man instead he busted out laughing I mean like laughing to the point where he couldn't talk laughing so hard that it looked like he was in pain tears in his eyes Etc after what seemed like forever at least it seemed that way he was able to actually speak again the major told me that the way the Supply Group worked has always been a problem what I did just brought it all out into the open with all the attention it got he actually thanked me I got my antenna two days later it's always nice to unknowingly help out when you can also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is you can't reserve seats on public transport we my aunt and uncle cousin and dad were on a long sightseeing ferry ride it was a two-hour ride with one stop in the middle we were the first to get on the ferry so all of us blocked the window seats in a straight line it's public transport and there's no concept of reservation it's first come first served we were sitting in the air-conditioned cabin and had the option of going out on the main deck just as we stopped in the middle my dad went on the main deck to take some pictures and enjoy the fresh air another man gets on the ferry at the stop and takes my dad's Window Seat though there were a few other window seats left my aunt and I told him a number of times quite politely that someone's sitting there but he only said I speak French and proceeded to not hear us my dad came back and told him he was sitting there and this man called the security and complained about my dad the security told my dad sir this is public transport seats cannot be reserved my dad said all right man sat down next to him so the scene right now is window man my dad empty seat aisle about 10 minutes later the man was about to step out on the deck he left his bag on the seat and got up to leave my dad asked him to kindly remove his bag and he refused so my dad refused to get up and move to let him out my dad said you can't reserve seats you showed me the rule kindly follow it yourself he became very flustered and started clapping his hands and calling for security security was also on the deck for the time being but a barista was there the man called the Barista to help who didn't understand French either so he told them in Arabic that my dad was refusing to move to let him out of the seat the Barista was flabbergasted and asked my dad why I know Arabic so I intervened and clarified the situation that is the man was keeping his bag and reserving his seat which he told my dad is not allowed by this time the man has sort of climbed over my dad to go and call the security and my dad hasn't budged keep in mind that my dad isn't a small man and is quite big with broad shoulders and the sight of a tiny French man climbing around him was really funny the security came in and the guy's still feeding them parts of the whole story in Arabic when they came back to ask my dad he said you told me moments ago that reserving seats aren't allowed he was keeping his bag and going to the deck thus reserving his seat because no one would sit down on a seat with a bag in it the security told him he wasn't allowed to do that and removed his bag now my dad got up and told him that he can sit beside the window my dad just wanted to prove a point and came and sat beside me the man was fuming and muttering camera police and a number of colorful French abuses which I know because I have a French friend he's glaring at us as I'm riding this and guess what he isn't sitting in the window seat anymore the rules apply to thee not to me how dare you take something nice away from me but by the way I'm going to protect this nice thing solely for me nobody else can have it you gotta love a hypocrite does anybody else think it's weird though the way the family spread out to specifically only window seats like what in most families just kind of fill up rows the way this whole family was like okay we're gonna take every window seat on this side of the ferry does that seem odd to anybody else our next story is I use the low rank against the captain and Australian Cadets hello I'm a 16 year old male in the Australian Army valets I'm currently a Cadet Corporal and I'm in the acting position of a Cadet quartermaster Sergeant this is my telling of what happened over the past two weeks between myself and my administrative Captain last week Wednesday I was at Cadet doing my casual duties as an acting Cadet quartermaster sergeant and my captain came down for Mad Men to check on me I brought up my units rank structure next year and that's the nominate for the cadet under officer and born officer worse he decided to nominate me as he believes I need to have experience in the rank of a sergeant again I'm a Cadet Corporal I explain to him all the Feats I made in the Q store and what I could do as a Cadet under officer I had cleaned the Q store top to bottom let a section and platoon while Outfield made a makeshift Q store Outfield applied first aid knowledge of the regular Etc he shot me down again with the you need to have at least six months in the rank of Sergeant I have been the acting Cadet quartermaster Sergeant for eight months now still counting now comes the malicious compliance the next week I went to Cadets and I went to my Q store and waited it's not a corporal's responsibility to run the Q store so I waited for the captain he came down and saw me doing nothing and lost his crap I mean full shouting threatening to make me do drill Etc I sat up and said good evening sir I'm not sure why you're so disgruntled I'm simply awaiting instructions from the quartermaster that's when he got confused you are the quartermaster he said I told him no and pulled out the induction booklet he gave me at the start of the year and explained I'm Corporal and that I'm simply awaiting the order from my sergeant he didn't know what to do I had him beat right there in black and white I was doing the job I meant to and he couldn't dispute it long story short don't let people take advantage of you because you aren't as high a rank as them if you over achieve and they expect that of you don't let them do it do your job then you don't get into trouble I'll be going back to my duties as a quartermaster but I'm going to have a serious word about a promotion without knowing how everything functions with like what the cue story is and the titles the basic premise here is kind of relevant to quiet quitting where they expect op to be doing so much more than what their title demands and they're not even giving them any recommendations to move up while still expecting them to do way more than their role pertains in a situation like this where they don't want to allow you to be able to move up they don't think you're worth it but still expect you to bend over backwards and do stuff not in your job description quiet quitting is kind of the go-to do exactly what your job says you're supposed to do and nothing more I mean if you don't deserve it with all the extra work and things you're carrying why even keep up with it at that point then this next story is show me the email he said mine is probably not funny but a recent post reminded me of what happened at a startup and I thought of posting it here writing full details might expose me so I'm going to keep some things generic I work in a highly regulated field and we're expected to use some tools to analyze risks and failures in our systems hardware and software when properly set up the tools are effective but set up incorrectly our risks may appear too low or high the scoring system requires some estimates and a scale against which you score factors that need multiplication for about 10 to 15 years as complexity increased companies have granularized their scales going from scoring things against one to five many score from one to ten allowing your estimates to be more realistic because if we find risks to be too high we have to spend a lot on development in manufacturing to fix them if our risks appear to be too low when they're higher we can be heavily fined death can occur Etc I was hired at this startup to show them what the best in the industry were doing within a month of my job there I emailed my manager in the director his manager that the skills were of one to five were too narrow and could be very problematic yada yada they never got back to me probably never read it this is a thing with them more in this company than others why do I a mighty director has to respond to a Bourgeois engineer in meetings with them and some other Consultants I verbally also said this they never acted on changing the scale then no one wanted to finish the risk analysis so I volunteered to do it as I had suggested risk values appear too high this was a big freaking deal so there was a lot of ranting and raving out of the blue the director angrily emails me and my manager saying these risk estimates were too high and why did I do that I emailed them both back saying I emailed you at the very beginning of my time here warning you both specifically about this we never got back I mentioned this in meetings and still no one agreed to the change my hands were tied you think you would back off genius gets back to me well do you have that email with you boy did I so I left a few months later because so much was wrong with them it's been about two years you think he's going to respond definitely this is why you don't clear out your inbox or at least start opening folders if you can for your work emails it's also nice if you can back them up I know it's not possible in every place because it might be a breach of contract to for those to a non-work email the bottom line here cover your butt whenever possible always have receipts when it comes to difficult decisions and policies that you have to follow that said our final story of the day is oh my paper isn't long enough okay another post reminded me of my own little bit of malicious compliance back in college this was more than a decade ago so in my junior year I was taking an art history class on medieval art and architecture hard way through the course the professor assigned a paper and the instructions were that the paper length was to be five to nine pages I wrote my paper and it ended up being five pages I said everything I felt was necessary to say in that amount of pages when I got the paper back I received an A minus now I'm not usually the type to complain about an A minus but in this case I knew I wrote a strong paper I was an art history major and at this point was three years into my program so I had a butt load of art history classes under my belt and I freaking knew when I produced a good art history paper so I really wanted to hear why I got the minus instead of a straight A I went to the professor's office hours to ask why he graded it as such yes he was quite amused someone was complaining about an A minus I didn't give a freak I wanted to know why he took off points and what he thought could have been improved he hemmed and hod for a few minutes because there wasn't anything wrong with my paper and he finally said well it could have been longer I said the prompt said five to nine pages and I was within that range he replied it could have been longer okay fine the next paper that came around was the term research paper and this time the prompt said at least 15 pages Q malicious compliance I worked my butt off writing this research paper and out of pure spite I made this dude read no less than 29 freaking pages about some stupid medieval church now I had written papers this long before and a year later when I wrote my honors thesis it was nearly four times that length but for this particular topic I was really stretching it the verbosity was a bit ridiculous a week or two later he returned the paper a plus grade he handed it to me and said with a genuine smile it was great I loved it you should submit it for publication to XYZ history Journal I begrudgingly submitted my maliciously compliant paper to the journal and it was accepted and published admittedly I was probably the one that suffered the most from my own malicious compliance but I didn't care and I'd do it again op went out here and tried their hardest to stick it to this guy and this guy came back with a Mile and said I loved every second of it this is like some guy getting up in your face saying what are you gonna do punch me and then you do and then afterwards they're smiling like practically saying it felt good just kind of leaves you like oh great wanna get more money by making me look dumb have fun paying damages so this happened a while ago just remembered it after reading some posts I was broken living in a homeless shelter when this happened so I was in the homeless shelter some guy pulls up and asks me and some other guy if we wanted to move his stuff from his house to his new apartment so I need to pay us 25 bucks for an hour to an hour and a half of work pretty sweet deal and I needed the money so obviously I said yes the guy who went with me was in his 50s and I was in my early 20s small white kid he kept making me look dumb and slow doing everything faster than me and criticizing every little move even the guy who owned this stuff said he didn't know what he was on I mean this dude jogged down on the stairs carrying some pictures to the U-Haul whatever not gonna lose my crap because some random dude's having a bad day I realized later the reasoning behind it when he asked for fifty dollars instead of 25 because he did my work for me go figure anyway we were almost done just carrying the fridge down the stairs it was already sketchy in itself going downstairs with a fridge on a dolly he was again trying to make it look like he did all the work trying to push the dolly down the stairs by himself I offered to help on the other side but all he said was no you're just going to mess it all up just hold the cord in the back I could already see where this was going but heck what do I know he gets about halfway down and the fridge fell off the dolly and hit the wall he tried blaming me saying that's why you should go on the other side to help but I played the innocent part oh I'm sorry I was just listening to you I had no idea you knew I was playing dumb but he just gave me a stare because he knew he was in the wrong the owner of the house came down and asked what happened I told him I just held the cord the other guy dropped the fridge he knew what probably happened what would the other guy giving me a hard time and everything made him pay 50 bucks for the damages basically 25 since he still gave him 25 dollars for the work he also didn't give me a hard time after that I think he learned his lesson honestly I respect the Hustle but clearly they did it in a very unsafe and dumb way also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is boss says I should quit because they like spending time on Hobbies so I did I was working for a startup engineering firm working as a piping design engineer but since it was a startup firm we didn't have a lot of Manpower and the ones we had weren't as qualified either I was one of the very few qualified enough to handle a team of my own the boss trusted me with almost everything I was like the second in command after the boss only because I was managing a lot of things on the side as a voluntary basis things like paycheck balancing client meetings quality assurance documentation and other stuff which you should have hired someone else to do I was good at it and he took full advantage of it by giving me things to do that was never under my job description one day he had this bright idea that we should revamp our website to attract more clients and he gave this project to his nephew who had just graduated from college as a developer of sorts after a week or so the nephew came up with the first draft of the website and the boss was fairly disappointed as it didn't look anywhere near to what he expected he then called me in and asked me if I knew anything about website design at that time I was very much interested in UI ux and was doing an online course to learn about it more so I told him that I'll see what I can do I've spent the next week for goal making a proper information architecture wire frames and color guidelines that the nephew could pick up and build the website from scratch in the end the website looked futuristic and the boss was pretty happy but during the week my other responsibilities were put in a backlog and it just kept piling on I knew I'd be able to cover it once I'm done with the website and didn't pay too much attention to it the next week my boss caught up with the backlog and called me into his cabin he started yelling at me for all the responsibilities that I didn't attend to I calmly told them that I was working on the website and it's not a big deal I told them that I would clear it out as soon as possible but he wasn't happy he asked me why I spent so much time doing something that isn't even my responsibility I told him I was learning about UI and ux and was pretty much interested to learn more I obviously never thought about pursuing it as a career because frankly I was a mechanical engineer by qualification and didn't think jumping to it would be easy the boss snapped and told me that I should quit and pursue my hobby as a living He said only then will I understand how lucky I am to have a job that pays I kind of got offended because one he doesn't even pay me the worth of things I do for the company he knew I could cover and yet took this as an opportunity to discipline me I stepped out of this cabin went to my desk and put in my resignation and went home he called me a couple of times asked me to revoke my resignation and then made other people from the organization call me to convince me to come back I wasn't having it at all it's been two years now I decided to pursue UI ux as a career now and I'm working as a product designer and one of the biggest organizations in the country with a pay that's almost 300 percent more than what I was getting as a mechanical engineer personally I'm of the opinion that life is short you only get one go around and if there is something that you are legitimately passionate about something that you wake up and you would love to do every single day you should try to go for it by all means I think you're lucky if you have something that you know you would love to do I would hate for anybody to feel like they've passed up an opportunity to at least try to pursue it this next story is husband complies with wife's demand my favorite example of malicious compliance happened about 10 years ago I'm a dentist and one Saturday morning I got a call on myself from an older patient of mine we're closed on the weekends doc I've got a tooth that's just killing me he said I told him I lived just 10 minutes down the road so why doesn't he just come in and I'll see if I could get him out of pain at least nah doc he replied I've got some Jack Daniels here and I'm doing just fine my wife told me I had to call you so I did I'll call your office Monday morning and see you then then he hung up still one of my favorite patients and favorite story to tell I guess you got a little bit of that apply as needed medicine let's be real though a op seems like a good dentist and B tooth pain isn't anything to mess around with so I really hope until Monday that that Jack Daniels can really hold them over this next story is they refused me in office I complied they regretted it I got my first grown-up job while I was finishing my bachelor's degree I was just getting started in a highly Technical and emerging field very few people back then were doing this kind of work and I seem to have an aptitude for it which is probably why I got a job before I had any credentials the department I was hired for was brand new and had the potential to take customers from other departments while also generating net new business interestingly the other departments have been offered the opportunity to start the service themselves but refused even actively trying to prevent it from happening that's the reason I ended up in a malicious compliant situation the leaders of all the other departments conspired to prevent me from getting in office I didn't understand it first because at that age I didn't imagine professionals did Petty immature things when I realized what was happening I knew they'd get exposed if I went along with it so I happily did my job wherever I could find a place which often ended up being in the mail room where lots of people would notice I hoped maybe the leaders would start to feel guilty or annoyed and change their minds or they'd be caught by their bosses either way problem solved for me without a fight little did I know how well it would go I started to be well liked by a lot of the leaders because I helped them with their computers there was one leader who's still inexplicably hated me I never spoke with him not even one word but he continued to insist that I didn't need an office I wasn't even the love of a secretary according to him which I took as a dig in my lack of a degree I heard about him saying that from a friend who was in the meeting when they talked about changing their minds it's too bad for them that they didn't change their minds because the president came through the mail room multiple times and finally stopped clearly annoyed why don't you work in your office that was my golden moment I had complied politely with not having an office I sweetly told the president I don't have an office they said what why not I said there isn't room no space available they say according to whom I say Mr so and so they say but you've been working here for what three months they could have found a space for you by now who the president was beat red at that point I just smiled and said my understanding is there is no space the president literally stomped upstairs to the offices of Mr so and so I distinctly heard the yelling from downstairs people outside probably heard it the president came and brought me upstairs to the conference room where the leaders were all seated looking down there were a pile of Ease on the table I was afraid at that point was she having me pick someone's office to take well that might have been a Sweet Revenge it wouldn't have been good for my working relationships with any of them but no she handed me a key to the conference room and said this is your office she scooped up the rest of the keys which I learned later were all their copies of the key to the conference room and said your office is the largest office on campus even bigger than mine enjoy and she walked out that was probably the best drop the mic moment I've ever seen in my life and the story ends with my compliance not only winning me that office but all of the other leaders except Mr so and so becoming great colleagues although there might be some oversight issues being exposed here I think we can all agree that is a great leader in this place there's no greater way that you can make up for this than that President giving you something that is honestly beyond what you could have even have asked for our next story is you only want certified mail okay I once worked for a company that provides therapy to Children the company owner was not licensed or credentialed to do this but I am so he hired me I got hired did my job supervise the other workers kept all files electronically and kept the data up to date everything was HIPAA compliant As Time passed I found out that he was committing insurance fraud I knew I wanted to report him and quit however due to the type of therapy I do I didn't want to leave the clients without therapy they didn't do anything wrong I decided to give my boss a four weeks notice so he could hire someone else and I could transfer care properly my boss didn't like this plan or the fact that I wanted to quit so he terminated me on the spot I thought this was Reckless of him seeing that now he had no one on his staff who could lead legally supervise the therapy and sign off on clinical notes I was the only one who could when he fired me he started slandering my name and telling lies about me I work in a small area where everyone in my field knows everyone else in the field and I wasn't about to have my reputation tarnished due to his lives I hired an attorney to write a cease and desist letter it was sent to him via certified mail he didn't like this either he reached out to me and said the company needed all of their materials back as well as client data he said he would only accept it in certified mail of course I wanted to send the books and materials I had back to him as well as transfer the data to him but it didn't make sense to send hard copies of the data it would be a lot easier to securely email The graft data I had it would also make it easier on whomever took over my caseload as the data system in graphs would already be set up for them I tried to explain this in my email reply but he wasn't having it he replied I will no longer reply to you I told you to send all materials in certified mail and that's what I expect to happen few malicious compliance I printed all of the raw data and graphs I had this ended up being about 200 Pages worth of information when it printed it looked all wonky and extremely difficult to read across that many pages as I was packing the books materials and 200 pages of printed data into the box to be sent I accidentally dropped it and the paper scattered everywhere I picked them up but they were all out of order and impossible to tell how to put them back in order so I just boxed everything up out of order and sent it to him certified mail with signature I know he received the package I don't know what he had the person he hired after me do because what was sent to him was unusable hard to read Prince of the data the only thing that I think could have been done was to have the new person recreate the entire system decipher the order of the 200 pages of data and input it manually this would take many months maybe next time he won't be such a jerk and he'll listen when his employee says it doesn't make sense to send hard copies of the data does anybody else think that this company regardless should not exist and that op should report them to somebody honestly I feel like op should just destroy whatever copies of the data they had not forward it on and just cease and desist any slanderous claims that they made actually it turns out that op reported them to an insurance fraud investigator the company mysteriously disappeared and then that guy opened up a new company later on so I guess this guy will continue running through traffic until eventually he does get hit if you say so I'll comply end the end we all get screwed tiny bit of pertinent information in 2014 I had a C-section to bring my son into the world I was let go from my previous job because they didn't want the liability if something happened to a pregnant woman on the job I was rehired by the fast food company where I held my very first job which is not McDonald's it's a bit higher price than that where you could get fried chicken a hot dog and a double cheeseburger at the same time there will be no mention of my child's father because he wasn't there for us I lived with my eldest sister who was more like a mom to me which is why she's mentioned in the story she was the person I had with me when I had my c-section she has been the one there for my son every moment of his life my doctor said if I was going back to work before his recommended four to six weeks of healing time and rest that I had to be on light duty and that I was not to lift more than the weight of my son which was six pounds the story I was rehired by a fast food company that was always extremely busy at each major point in the Day lunch made over eight hundred dollars between noon and 1pm and dinner made over 700 from 5 PM to 6 p.m of note the only reason I was rehired was because hiring manager Loved Me To Pieces when I left the first time she told me that I always had a job with her because she loved my work ethic she said that I was the best worker she had had in years nobody ever picked up extra shifts as quickly as I did nobody cared to learn as fast as I did so since I had the previous experience they wanted me to work lunch rush but I begged them to let me work dinner dinner would allow me to spend quality time with my newborn and my sister who I lived with would be home from her job to take care of my son while I worked now I started a month after my c-section right wrong I started two and a half weeks later if I didn't I couldn't be hired I'd actually gone back to my doctor and asked his office to write a full letter explaining my light duty require tournaments and took it with me my first day back I walk into the manager's office expecting to see my hiring manager or at least the manager I recognized nope enter stupid manager who had worked as an hourly employee at another location and thought she knew better than everyone I handed stupid manager my doctor's note and she looked at it like she was holding a dirty baby diaper I asked her to make sure hiring manager sees it and she doesn't respond I shrug it off and walked to the back where the break room was I saw that all of my co-workers were the same from the last time I'd worked there and they all crowded around me to see baby photos I was crying the entire time because it felt like a homecoming it felt like I was finally surrounded by a support system until stupid managers screamed that we needed to get to work when there wasn't even a customer we all scattered like flies and made ourselves look busy I'd kept my phone in my pocket before clocking in and I periodically checked it always between customers to make sure nothing had happened to my son while I was gone I would think most maybe not all managers would have understood that I hadn't been texting just quickly checking for new notifications but not stupid manager she hated it she'd been sitting in the office checking the cameras and I suppose I had checked my phone one too many times yay postpartum depression and anxiety stupid manager came flying around the corner at light speed and stared daggers at me op what the freak do you think you're doing you can't be on the phone while you're clocked in you should know this already now I'd never been one to deal well with being yelled at so I just started saying I was sorry some of my co-workers stood up for me which again made me cry stupid manager apparently hated crying too she turned back to me shooting the same daggers into my soul what the freak are you crying about now thank thankfully a customer walked in so she just stormed off I saw red within the hour I'd watched her start getting ready to leave her shift which I thought was a blessing of course it wasn't enter lazy manager who had had issues with the last time I'd worked there not that I said anything she just never worked she sat in the office staring at the cameras eating food from the line which the company said is illegal you don't get free food you get a discount on food did she ever pay for it not once she wrote it off as part of the end of the day throw away food I can't remember what it's actually called on the end of day report lazy manager saw me and her face fell oh hey Hazel she said with disdain I put on the sweetest smile and attempted to make small talk with stupid manager but they made a major mistake they left the door cracked and wouldn't you know it I worked on the side of the line closest to the door where I could hear everything thing this is how it went lazy manager said I thought hiring manager told her no stupid manager said I guess not she's been on her phone all day they say of course she was she's the worst employee we've ever had uh I'll call hiring manager and figure this out I've never disliked someone like I dislike her stupid says she seems pretty lazy oh here's her pitiful doctor's note lazy says we'll see how well that works it's not like we've never had kids before now that fully pissed me off but I bit my tongue I waited for what I knew was coming I knew exactly what I was going to do because I was just plain sick of being bad-mouthed by others stupid manager leaves and lazy manager calls me to the office I was in the middle of making an order but she is the manager after all I left that poor person's order sitting right on the line and walked to the office yes lazy manager she doesn't even look up for from the computer op what's this doctor's note for I just take my phone out of my pocket and try to show her pictures of my son they say oh you had a kid and a tone that implied nobody would want to be with me or something I smile sweetly and Nod a plan working itself out in my head fast forward four days lazy manager hasn't been helping us close the store at all and I've been getting home after 2 A.M every day from a place that closes at 10 on weekdays 11 on weekends I'm done my sister can't keep taking care of my child like this and it's completely unfair lazy manager is working again and we're really busy I gotta put fries in the fryer because our fry cook is busy making chicken tenders I open the little freezer beside the fryers and it's empty which I knew it would be because I never saw anyone put a new box in huh that sucks hey we're out of fries out here I yell no response hey co-workers fry cook's busy and we need fries out here nothing odd oh well hey lazy manager we need fries out here lazy manager opens the office door get them yourself Opie I walk over to the office and say lazy manager I can't my doctor said I can't lift more than six pounds lazy manager rolls their eyes and looks dead at me look go get the darn fries out of the freezer now two boxes I don't care about this my doctor said crap do it and stay the heck off your phone and there it was my opportunity for malicious compliance I walk into the freezer and look at the box of french fries hmm I really shouldn't this could be detrimental to my health according to my doctor but a lazy manager said so now I'd noticed that morning that a couple of my stitches hadn't start dissolving yet so I'd already called and scheduled an appointment about two weeks early this was all lining up perfectly I I grabbed that fry box on the bottom shelf and shifted it where I could read its way I wasn't supposed to be on my phone but she obviously couldn't see me in the freezer I snapped a picture of the box I sent it to my sister with the message manager told me I have no choice but to do this myself doesn't believe my doctor's note at all can't respond she won't let me use my phone anymore either I made sure the message was sent and then switched my phone off grabbed that fry box and lifted it and carried it to the little freezer 20 feet away I'll say one thing for adrenaline it definitely works to numb the pain until it wears off I felt a wetness in my pants and excused myself to the break room not the bathroom that was too private for this I turned where the cameras couldn't see me and looked at my pants blood I was bleeding but from where oh that's right the stitches that hadn't started healing yet but there was another pain I'd never experienced I walked a lazy manager with a nap skin covered in blood thankfully the line wasn't anywhere near the office I would never contaminate someone's food because of course I try to stop the bleeding I was immediately sent home to my sister who was in a severe panic over the message I called my doctor's office with 10 minutes to spare and explain the situation and was scheduled for the following day and told to go to the hospital if the bleeding continued my sister and I bandaged me up to the best of our ability and I waited for my appointment when my doctor found out why I still picked up that fry box he sounded more like a concerned Father Figure when he said I'll handle it but I assured him I had it myself all I needed from him was a doctor's note you see I'd found out that hiring manager who was also the store manager who was lined up to become district manager had come back from vacation she was actually scheduled for the following day and I was supposed to work I walked no I waddled into that store in in the uniform doctor's note clutched in one hand the other grabbing every solid surface it could to absorb some of the shock of movement she took one look at me and guided me to a chair in the break room concern written all over her face Hazel what happened so I told her everything she asked me if I ever gave either manager a doctor's note and I said that I had she couldn't find it but she didn't need to what a lazy manager and stupid manager didn't know was that my sister had a printer that could scan documents and we had a weird feeling that we would need a copy of the first doctor's note so not only did I have a new note clutched in my hand but stapled to it was a copy of the original note that told the managers that I was supposed to be on light duty because if I ripped a stitch it could lengthen my healing process the new note explained that since I was not given light duty I not only ripped this Stitch but pulled a few muscles in my lower body when hiring manager read both notes she was Furious she checked the schedule and when she saw neither of the other managers were working she called them both in for a meeting she asked me if I would stay for said meeting and that I could sit in the office in her comfy desk chair while we waited I took that seat and waited for the show 30 minutes later hiring manager was giving them an earful telling them they had no right to disregard doctor's orders and that they should have never have told me to stop being on my phone turns out hiring manager had worked for this establishment when she had her youngest child so she knew the anxiety of being away from a newborn for too long I watched stupid manager get fired on the spot but not lazy manager lazy manager was demoted to line cook because hiring manager told her she needed to relearn some humility she worked as a line cook at another store for about a month and then was fired for stealing food I Gotta Give it to op they committed harder here than I ever would have but also hey I'm Steven and if you're enjoying these malicious compliant stories why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our final story of the days from Soul dahlhausen my it director's emails look awfully suspicious three months ago my company had a two hour long seminar about email phishing and how to prevent it this seminar also included an update to our email software our software has a preview feature if you hover over a link it opens a preview of the link anyway I got an email from Our IT director saying I was in violation of their internet policy by using social media a main part of my job and I was stupid and opened it it was a phishing test and they made me do another two hour long seminar that week I get the following email from our director sent with high importance subject phishing email test hello everyone this is a reminder to stay aware of phishing emails please review the PDF guide and take a short quiz link to test your skills by 5 pm thank you it director's name now on this email attachment one of the signs to report an email is if it's pressuring you to click a link so I feel like I should report this as fishing so I did I get this email from the director one hour later subject reporting emails hello everyone we've received numerous phishing reports about the email about the phishing quiz please note any email sent from insert IT director email here is not fishing we've included a new link for your convenience thank you it director name now to me this email looks even more suspicious than the last one so I do the natural thing and report it to stay vigilant I've been doing this for over two months and everyone keeps getting an email saying that this Gmail is not phishing please don't make us sit through two hour seminars I mean it's one thing if you have two hour seminars that are like mandated by HR or even like a legal thing like a workplace harassment type thing sure it seems logical and seems unavoidable but this is like as a kid being woken up an extra two hours early before school to have a whole seminar about how you need to tie your shoes before you leave it's like we get it it's Common Sense how much can you really go over in two hours anyways start using icebreakers to talk to customers to get them to buy stuff you got it this story is over a decade old back when I was fresh out of college and dedicated to doing nothing important for as long as possible I worked for an electronics store a big one and I lasted there for about 18 months before I realized I was wasting my time on garbage pay that I ended up blowing on games and movies my manager Bob but not really was a pretty decent guy and I never had too many any complaints about him although he was wasted at that particular store because he was a pretty good manager I could tell he was getting a lot of flack from the GM gym because home theater me sales were stagnant clarification good but not growing and not hitting our ridiculous quotas I worked in the mornings until afternoons when there were maybe 10 people visiting that apartment in total and you could tell that eight of them were just watching TV waiting for their spouse's cell phone plan to be activated unfortunately since there was so little foot traffic Management's decision was to drill into us how to use every marketing and customer manipulation tactic to encourage people to buy things I was a good salesperson and I could sell the crap out of home theater using tactics such as getting customers to use their imagination about their options or presenting new options in ways they hadn't considered I listened I learned about their needs and what they were looking for and they frequently left the store with something completely different than what they thought they needed I recall that the number of returns I had was so small that I could probably count them on both hands over 18 months I however was completely freaking disinterested in marketing tactics sales tactics or manipulating customers for up sales this meant upselling or changing how I communicated with them to speak their language in a way that marketing showed increased sales but was blatantly manipulative screw that so when Jim tells Bob about their new push to encourage customers to buy things they normally wouldn't buy he knows I'm going to be a challenge but he does a pretty good job at trying to convince me he comes to me and we have a floor meeting and he asks me to try breaking the ice with the customers by chatting them up a little about topics unrelated to their viewing habits home theater Etc to get them to like me enough to want to make a purchase malicious compliance time I was ready to quit and move on and I was no longer interested in playing the game he wanted me to try breaking the ice with people so I started flirting with all the customers black white guy girl rich not rich old not old everyone got a smile and a compliment about their outfit and I'd compare them to a celebrity they reminded me of if possible I was good at it too I kept it completely mild and inoffensive our uniforms were blah and I wasn't really trying but on more than one occasion a bored older woman or housewife gave me their phone number our overall number started going down because I was busy chatting with customers than making sales So eventually I got hit with a secret shopper and The Jig was up Bob finds this out from Jim and I can hear him laughing from across the store before coming to my department to ask me to go to the back of the store for a private meeting he wrote me up for inappropriate appropriate Communications with customers I told them I wouldn't sign the write-up report because I'd received no directive saying I couldn't flirt with customers I wasn't violating the employee handbook I made sure and I never said anything that was offensive or sexual even though several customers took it in that direction but more importantly I was giving my two weeks notice but if the write-up was a deal breaker I could leave now Bob was sad that I was leaving but understood Jim was pissed that I was leaving because I was a good earner even though that apartment goals were ridiculous there's not a lesson from this for the managers out there so don't read into it I was an acerbic donkey so I'm going to read into it and what you're telling me is workers should flirt with the customers more I think I'm getting the picture here also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that's it our next story is want me out of the bathroom no problem so so this is actually my sister's story but she doesn't have Reddit and I love her story so much it's kind of long but it's great okay so my sister's always been a sweet people-pleasing type of person she's always willing to stop what she's doing to help anyone even if she's not having a great day she'll still help out and not halfway do it well this day she was really not having a great day she was at work and it was sucking because she was the only one doing anything while her other co-workers just stood around when her shift was about to end she was asked to do one last thing clean the two bathrooms now at her work there's two bathrooms both just have one toilet one son said family restroom they just call it the women's and the other sign says men's restroom I know it's weird but they just had the one restroom originally so they put in another bathroom when they expanded and called it the men's so anyways she's almost done cleaning the women's restroom when a woman walked up behind her she totally tells my sister to get out because she needs in there my sister kindly told her that she was cleaning them but was almost finished and then she would leave well the woman told her no and to just hurry up and leave my sister told her that it's totally okay for her to use the other restroom as they were both the same and no one really cares the lady again said that she didn't want to use the men's and insisted that she get out of her way normally I think my sister would have just left but since the lady was being so rude she decided to keep cleaning until she was done so finally all my sister had to do was restock the toilet paper because it was empty which she told the woman waiting while the woman told her not to and it just hurry up and get out of her way so my sister did she got up grabbed the roll of toilet paper and walked out of the restroom then she turned around to the woman held out the toilet paper and said okay well the restroom's open now but if you're going to wipe with your hands just make sure to please wash them before you leave thank you definitely something she would normally never do but I'm so proud of her anyway I am willing to bet though that on average that women's restroom's cleaner than the men's restroom I mean doubly so considering they were just finishing up on cleaning it but in a way I don't blame them considering they're most likely going to be sitting or close to it and also I mean sometimes situations are dire so if there was ever a time where I feel like it might be slightly acceptable to be a bit rude or Curt it would be when times of the essence when you need to use a restroom the Phantom Rider I was working as a low-level Security Supervisor at a hotel that had a bar slash nightclub on site I had some serious problems with the bar manager who the staff had given her the nickname of Miss Piggy Miss Piggy was known to sleep with some of the guards how to remove two of them for fighting one night when they both found out they were both banging her she was also known to drink on the job give away food and drinks and was a constant pain in my butt because I did my job during the week the bar area was dead so it was usually me and the two other guards who worked on the site this night was no different but Miss Piggy was in one of her moods she had caught one of my guards on their cell phone while sitting down at a table in the empty bar area Miss Piggy Stomps over and demands I write up this guard well I've had my problems with her she was right about the guard being on his phone I go to my bag and I pull out two write-up forms and two pens I give a form and a pen to the guard and tell him that he has to write himself up and that I'm going to do the same and they better match we separately work on the write-ups and in about five minutes he comes to get me where I'm smoking a cigarette I noticed his write-up was a lot worse than the one I wrote up and I asked what do you think would happen if I happened to send them in he responds I would get fired I flipped that back Miss Piggy caught you and demanded you be written up would you agree that you got written up they said yeah this is the write-up you did for me I said I understand this is a boring night but you need to at least look like you're watching things I hand him back his right up and tell him that if I catch you doing this again I'm going to have to send this into the office for them to decide what happens I'll have no choice in the matter if you need a break or change of scenery just let me know and I'll try to make it happen come to find out later that the guard turned down Miss Piggy so she wanted him off the side and fired I did write him up I just never sent it in this became known as my Phantom write-up as a way to warn guards without involving management oversight I placed it as a step or two above the verbal warning but below an official writer turns out that upper management absolutely loved the concept of it as if I had to send in a write-up the one written by the offender was a signed confession this story honestly sounds like a Kindergarten class punishment Like Somebody went and broke all the classroom provided crayons in half so they've got to go sit off to the side and write down what they did Honestly though I think what op did is fair and should probably be the norm why should anybody be fired after getting one write-up no OT but you won't swap me to day shift okay boss my work Aviation was on a no overtime at all rut for a while in 2021 no biggie to most of us but the bosses were strict with every single minute because the higher ups were watching the time charging as well to make sure no overtime was being clocked I got a new job within my company that was requiring me to move I was working second shift 2 pm to 11 pm Monday to Friday at the time so when I'd get to work and answer all the HR emails I would be behind on the checklist I'd have to complete prior to moving so I did the logical thing and emailed my then supervisor and asked to be transferred to day shift so I could be in the building during the daytime to talk to HR otherwise I was going to miss my transfer date my supervisor emails me back and says you have a company a laptop now answer those emails from your house I'm not swapping you to day shift I responded okay so I began my day at nine o'clock so I could email and teams chat with various HR reps during the day and then go to work in the afternoon I logged every minute and being that I had a company laptop I know that they can see my login activity so I would have backup if they tried to claim I was stealing time fast forward a week in the site manager supervisor's boss pulls me into his office and wants to know why I have almost 20 hours of overtime for the previous week when we aren't allowed any overtime I explained to him that I was given permission from the supervisor the side manager calls the supervisor in supervisor says he gave no such permission I tell them both about the email response offer to send it to them and print it up should they need my supervisor got as red as a fire truck the side manager said your overtime is approved moved and kicked me out of the office asking me to close the door as I left I received a text message two hours later informing me I was to start day shift immediately screw them all I think this is one of the most annoying things about the modern day with social media with phones being basically expected some companies expect you to just always be available I fully maintain that if you have to answer emails or take phone calls outside of work not during your normal hours you deserve some kind of on-call fee for sure that said our final story of the day is death by Mountain Dew this is a funny story about kids and soda pop so a few years ago when my five kids were still at home my brother got himself in trouble and his four kids had to come live with us we started having a lot of issues with all of the kids just helping themselves to whatever treats we would buy so if we went shopping and got some soda to last a couple of weeks they might drink it all when we weren't home and then blame each other for it so one day we were at the big warehouse store and they had a pallet of Mountain Dew on clearance for 39 cents per bottle my wife and I looked at each other and devised a devilish plan we bought the entire palette yes it barely fit in our Mazda CX-9 the store workers laughed at us we got home and had the kids come and unload the vehicle we explained that they could now drink as much soda as they wanted but we only had the one flavor and they had to drink all of it before we would buy any more soda of course they initially thought that they had scored big time a month in and they were done daily complaints begging for forgiveness swearing that they would never drink Mountain Dew again after that it was a good couple years before we had to start rationing their soda allowance again as as somebody who has admittedly had more than their fair share of soda in their days I think the kids fatal mistake here was settling on Mountain Dew I mean I guess it was up to the parents the palette of Mountain Dew was on clearance so they got that but I'm of the opinion and maintain that one Mountain Dew is already kind of enough like once you get through two cans of Mountain Dew I'm already feeling like done with soda I feel totally gummed up and slow and lethargic I don't know what it is about regular Mountain Dew for me but regular Mountain Dew just makes me feel like totally all around gummed up and slow and I mean if this was literally anything else like a Pepsi or even like a Sprite honestly I bet that soda allowance thing would be totally different it's just they settled on drinking loads and loads of that super super syrupy sweet Mountain Dew okay what do you want in the letter when I was a young lad I worked in student conduct at a college for folks unaware conduct is a fairly complex part of higher education where we have to comply with College policies federal laws state laws and various Court rulings one of our policies was that if a student was a threat to the safety of the campus we could remove them temporarily from the dorms from a class or from the entire campus our policy said that we should be careful to only remove students from areas where they present a risk that's basically a fancy way of saying don't kick them out entirely if we're moving from the dorms or class is enough the prior five or six times we thought a student was a risk they were removed from campus entirely I hated this since the students weren't threats to classmates sometimes so my turn comes around to decide if a student is a risk or not and how to proceed I decide she did present a risk to the dorms possibly selling drugs but not the rest of the campus since all the sales allegedly were in her dorm room the college lawyer was not pleased with this he calls the dean of students the dean calls my director my director calls me since my decision made bias my director when he meets the student later general counsel says I can't discuss the case with the director and to look for an email from general counsel general counsel starts bearing down on me asking for policy citations my rationale asking if I consider the police reports which I hadn't been given prior to hearing the student's side and saying the student was known to sell in the dorms for years I refuse to change my decision and general counsel got Furious he tried to drop some orders but couldn't since I don't report to him at any point plus I had policy on my side breaking them opens up all sorts of lawsuit potential but tired of his lambasting I decided to offer some compliance General you clearly have an outcome in mind send me the language you want in the letter to remove the student from campus entirely and I'll send it on your behalf half an hour later he replies that I don't have permission to use use his name on anything and that he'll speak with the dean I never heard back from general counsel before he was let go during the pandemic and have his email tacked up at my desk to remember the time I outplayed a lawyer this goes without saying but if you're asked to do something that is clearly against the Norms or the rules as they're usually stated make sure you get that in writing from whatever Authority is ordering that also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is cardboard boxes and tape will not protect us from the hurricane a bit of background info are you stupid and I've experienced almost every hurricane that ever passed through here this story takes place in South Florida in an apartment complex our apartment has a glass screen sliding back door that leads to a small balcony behind the building on the first floor this was more than five years ago as the eldest in a single mother family I I am the de facto head of the household father was not in the picture I don't remember the name of the hurricane we were waiting for but there we were my mother my sister and myself in the living room thinking how would we protect the glass green door from the hurricane force winds coming soon I forget if it was my mother or my sister's genius idea but the idea was to cover the outside of the window with cardboard boxes and tape not even duct tape transparent tape it was all we had I sort of looked at them with a confused look and asked how is the cardboard gonna protect the window glass sliding door from the hurricane are we using anti-hurricane tape my mother and sister get mad and give some illogical reason as to why it would work I shake my head still confused and explained that this isn't gonna do diddly squat I trust I don't need to explain to anyone why this wouldn't work my sister gets really mad and says instead of criticizing our ideas why don't you just hell my mother on her side yells to me also help your sister this will work you malicious compliance at this day and age the wise ones know there's no arguing with idiots not to call my family members idiots I love them but I mean really cardboard and tape sometimes you gotta let people make mistakes so that they can learn from them so I complied what do you need I say annoyed but compliantly help us hold this cardboard up to the window I can fly together we put a ton of flattened cardboard boxes on the window held together by a ton of tape the entire time I was a robot complying with the commands given to me inside knowing that as soon as the winds would come well you know even as we're putting up the cardboard and tape all I hear is you're not the only smart one everyone's ideas are valid my idea is good too it'll work when we finished we all went inside to wait for the coming storm as the storm came and gradually increased in strength we waited in the living room to see what would happen I might need to add a disclaimer that we are all Floridians and Latinos we are totally comfortable with hurricanes when they come we don't hide in the bathtub we throw parties we're all ready to meet our maker so I hope I don't need to explain the culture behind why Floridians do this or offend anyone who may not understand why we're not huddled together holding hands Waiting for the End also I'm pretty sure it was a low category hurricane the ones we typically party in if it's a cat four or five then yeah we would be praying for Mercy anyway as the winds pick up lo and behold what do you think happens the softest gust of wind or maybe the accumulated water everywhere turns the cardboard and tape to Mush it slides off and plops down into a pile of trash just outside the window with the most deadpan look I slowly turn my head to look at my mother and sister the look of embarrassment on their faces was priceless the silence was deafening I didn't even have to say anything all I did was look back at the window and sigh we didn't even bring it up anymore well as expected the hurricane came and went completely forgot the name of the one that happened during this story as always flooding downed trees trash everywhere typical hurricane damage the story essentially ends there I think from this point onwards I always bring up the story when my family doesn't listen to me I remind them who's the genius and then they do listen and you know what their lives are the better for it now so I think there's maybe like some preconception of the idea of putting cardboard on the inside of the glass but that's just in case like the glass shatters it should hopefully prevent most of the glass from like flying in but as far as external protection especially in a hurricane where rain will probably go sideways for a while it's a pretty low IQ move our next story is I can put up a poster enjoy your allergies instead I work in an office building think a maze of cubicles and a floor rented by the company but owned by the building my supervisor is a ward in wannabe and for that we'll call him Warden he betrolls the cubicles looking for any excuse to verbally degrade anyone phone buzzing he'll pay you a visit getting up for the bathroom he'll be waiting for you to get back you get the picture recently the building moved us to the first floor to make some repairs to what I believe was the sprinkler system in AC we were the smallest company on the floor so we got put into what I assume used to be some room to house custodial or mechanical supplies it's small nearly all concrete and smells like chemicals and rust in the new floor there's a hole in the wall I'm up against it's an ugly concrete indented whole it's like someone cut a one foot by one foot by one foot cube out of the wall I hate wasting space so I asked the warden if I could put up a small poster to cover it up he immediately told me it was against company policy and that I should check company policy before asking such stupid questions cue malicious compliance I contacted HR and asked them on the rules on Plants really I just walked over and asked nicely they replied that as long as the plant was an egregious in size or in poor health plants were allowed a few days after ward in a nice conversation I'd put a small potted plant of ragweed in the hole if you aren't familiar with Ragweed it's a pretty bad allergen and wouldn't you know it but the warden has an allergy to pollen and this plant triggered it he was reaming when he saw it and yelled at me to get rid of it but I told him I checked with HR and it was approved he ended up leaving in the early afternoon due to feeling on well the warden avoided my area for a while after that the Ragweed ended up growing to be about a foot tall before I planted it in a bigger pot on my back deck where it flourished for the rest of the season I know it's not as intense as some of the other stories in here but I'm just so glad to finally get my chance to get one on Warden after all he's done to me I just don't understand people like Warden like I know they have a job to do but it feels like they have fun by not having fun or by making sure nobody else has remotely any good amount of a time I just couldn't imagine being somebody that walks around policing everybody saying no no you can't do that don't you dare put a poster up there how dare you take a bathroom break just how bland and sad is your existence that said our final story of the day is my boss asked me to recruit unqualified people for a health care job I used to work at a home health facility that did some pretty terrible things but that's another story I was hired as a caregiver but my role was more of a combined performing the tasks of a caregiver and administrative tasks such as payroll filing documents contacting people of importance for our clients and facility Etc all for minimum wage I might add but this was my first job so I wanted to do the most so I could use them as a reference in the future my boss is not very tech savvy and doesn't really understand the most efficient way to go about things for example she had us clock in and out using an Excel sheet rather than using a payroll system because it was too complicated to set up nonetheless one of the tasks she gave me was to send out requests for work to people applying on a certain job website rather than post the business on the website she would just send requests to people that labeled themselves as looking for work she thought this could save the company money and that this was faster than waiting for people to apply if you've applied through a job listing website and received those pre-written check out this job opportunity at X company we were basically doing that I thought it would be more beneficial to sort the potential recruits in certain categories by using the site's keyword finder to look for applicants with terms like caregiver or Behavioral Health to yield a better pool of candidates doing this method of mindlessly sending out emails I would pump out around four to five hundred emails to qualified candidates and we'd receive maybe five to six interested applicants and of those applicants no one was interested in the job because of the abysmal amount of work that we had to put in my boss was not happy and asked me to show her how I'd been doing this process she told me I had to pick up the pace because I didn't hire you to Slack off but I wasn't I was making sure we only got applicants that I thought would either be interested in this line of work or were experienced to give the residents the care they needed she wanted more applicants fine I turned off the filter and started sending out requests to all available people had a degree in engineering here's a request past work experience as a line chef and a five-star restaurant here's a request I sent out over 2 000 of those pre-written emails in a day and before anyone asks the site had this function that allowed us to put in a pre-written job description as well as my boss's contact information so all I had to do was hit send my boss came back near the end of my shift and asked how many emails I was able to send out I told her a little over 2 000 she smiled and said do you see what you can do when you put your mind to things I rolled my eyes and clocked out the next day my boss looked drained remember when I said her contact information was on those pre-written job descriptions it turns out that she had been receiving notifications and non-stop either through email when people reject or accept the job request or when people call her to inquire about the job she told me why do I keep getting calls from people who have no experience in healthcare about this job I just got a call from a security guard asking if the position was still available keep in mind she can't just put her phone on do not disturb because she's literally running a home health facility so a call from a doctor or pharmacist regarding a change in patient care cannot be ignored I guess she didn't get a lot of sleep that night but that's not my problem so I continue to send more requests that by the end of the day I had to apply a filter that screened candidates who had not been active on the site for over a month just to get some new names to send to I left shortly after this and I still have that pre-written email that was sent to me before I started working there I hope there still is short staffed as ever I'm of the opinion that if you're a business that is looking for applicants but you can't even put in the effort to put your business out there on a basic job search website do you really deserve to be a flourishing business at that rate if you need people who are interested in the jobs you're trying to fill how is your thought process going to and we'll just send out some cheap spam email and if they come in they come in it's like no wonder you're struggling there's no care for their work or their business can work on your laptop without my name badge guess it wasn't that critical I worked for a university I.T Department as a student worker for a little over four years we had a sister Department the media center who loaned out laptops projectors and other technology to professors as needed in my fourth year in employment I was on a first name basis with nearly all of the employees of the University including the head of the media center we'll call her Karen because obviously Karen was the queen of her kingdom and had quite a few obnoxious rules in place but most importantly was an ironclad employee ID policy for checking out laptops under normal circumstances I completely agree with this policy however this wasn't a normal circumstance we got a call from her at 4 40 on a Friday we closed at five then a laptop she was trying to loan out to a very important Professor was unable to log into the network and she requested that we come look at it sure thing I make the 10 minute walk across campus from our office to the media center with my tool kit when I get there I see the professor and Karen and asked to see the laptop she says wait okay be you need your name badge where is it flash to my name badge clip to my jacket hanging on a code rack in the it's office ah it's on my jacket Karen I forgot to grab it rushing over here I chuckled a bit deadpan she says op you can't work on this until you get your badge I said Karen I thought this was an emergency do you need me to fix this right now yes of course Kieran explained but we still need to always follow policy fair enough policy is incredibly important I'll go get my name badge I left the office tracked the 10 minutes back to my office then I picked up the phone and called her hey Karen just letting you know that because it's 5 20 and policy states student workers can work after hours I'll have to come back Monday have a great weekend she fumed at me for a few minutes until I essentially hung up on her policy is very important she was so uptight she literally walked right into that one also so hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story of the day is from prune practical6489 wearing sunglasses indoors I read someone else's Naval story and it reminded me of my compliance story I used to really have trouble with light sensitivity likely from leaving my contacts in way longer than I should have I finally ditched the contacts all together and opted for glasses I opted for civilian glasses rather than Navy issue because they were downright ugly the ones I picked had a slight tint for indoor lighting and would get darker in sunlight for use Outdoors you can still see my eyes clearly but I was really wearing almost sunglasses indoors this setup was fine and dandy until I was stationed on my ship my chief passed me in the corridor one day and stopped me voicing his displeasure with my choice of eyewear demanding that I go to medical and get Navy issue glasses to wear while on the boat while I wasn't happy with this I of course went to see the doctor they sent me back out to the medical center on base where I was evaluated poked prodded dilated Etc and ended up being diagnosed as photophobic a fancy word for light sensitive they special ordered me government-issued glasses and sent me back to the ship to wait for them to arrive took time and a couple of pairs shockingly the first set sent out weren't correct had some rose-colored tint that made things worse but I finally received my newly minted government-issued glasses they were straight up sunglasses the dock on the ship made sure that my medical diagnosis was entered into my record and sent me off to work I admit that I had some difficulty indoors in poorly lit areas of the ship but I dutifully wore my ugly Navy glasses I didn't see the chief for a bit but once I did he popped his cork big time he marched me right down to the doc's office on the ship and started giving the doc a hard time he thought that I was given control over what was issued to me so he was ready to bend me over a barrel the doc shut him down and actually showed him my medical record and diagnosis so much for privacy I continued to wear my fuglies a couple of months until my chief finally relented and allowed me to return to my civilian glasses not sure if that happened after the commanding officer saw me but it likely had something to do with it all I know is is as long as they're wearing something that is legitimately prescription they're most likely wearing whatever is like best for them in that situation I just can't imagine too many people would go to the Navy wearing sunglasses for no reason our next story is from a bigger Hammer how my dad didn't go to Vietnam in 1969 my dad graduated from Rice University with a five-year Masters in chemical engineering the Vietnam War was raging and although he and his classmates had all received deferments during their studies their deferments were over and it was time for them to go before the draft board most of his classmates weren't worried because they were slated to see the Houston draft board which had a reputation for handing out continued deferments like Halloween candy however my dad's from Oklahoma which meant that he had to be evaluated by the Tulsa draft board which was much much stricter dad had applied to go to the chemical engineering PhD program at Stanford and had been accepted with a full stipend he was excited to go but first he had to get past the draft board the Stanford faculty wrote a letter to the Tulsa draft board explaining that Mr Hammer would be embarking on a research program that would greatly benefit the war effort and asking for another deferment the Tulsa draft board wrote back in short order Mr Hammer had already benefited from the only deferment he was going to get and thus he was to present himself to the Army physical examination center post-taste dad was sad to lose his shot at a PhD but not too sad because now he could marry my mom he'd also had several job offers already so he accepted an offer from Exxon and he and my mom got married his superiors at Exxon wrote another letter to the Tulsa draft board explaining that Mr Hammer was now gainfully employed in the oil and gas industry where he would be conducting engineering research that would greatly benefit the war effort and asking for another deferment just as quickly the Tulsa draft board wrote back reiterating that Mr Hammer was not going to receive another deferment and that if he didn't hurry up and get his army physical they might have to get the law involved disappointed and my dad went to his army physical as scheduled he's always been a healthy guy and he performed just fine on most of the examinations up until the very end when they measured his heart rate it was over a hundred beats per minute well we can't pass you with that the Army doctor said but you're probably just nervous come back in two weeks and we'll give you another physical nervous my dad said to himself I can work with that for the next two weeks my dad spent every spare moment basically teaching himself the opposite of meditation he'd close his eyes and think of the most horrifying mental images he could trying to drive his heart rate as high as possible finally the day of the physical arrived and things went much as before he passed nearly everything with flying colors but when the time came to measure his heart rate once again it was well over a hundred the Army doctors promptly diagnosed him with tachycardia scored his physical 4f and sent him home he's in his 70s now and apart from his mysteriously high heart rate which I inherited he's always been in great cardiac health and still is I'm not gonna lie if I was in a situation like that I would not want to be drafted by any means so I don't think I could ever fault somebody for doing what they could to make sure that they didn't have to get sent out to the Vietnam War if I was in the dad situation and I was presented with this opportunity I would be like getting as little sleep as possible all on the lead up to this day I'd be like doing some heavy breathing techniques or like you know just trying to figure out some way to keep that heart rate just pounding our next story is from Star World 8311 oh you're giving all of us a failing grade in our final project we're going to talk with the dean of the department then the background my Humanities class was taught by three professors team teaching lectures small groups Etc and that worked out most of the time however our final project was a classroom simulated society and they split the class in half to do this they told us that we all had to stay in the rooms in a portable and couldn't leave the rules for the project were that the students were split into upper class middle class and lower class groups with each group having an irregular amount of tickets for travel money and food and drinks the upper class got 10 tickets for almost every category the middle class got five and the lower class got two each of the three had to decide how to spend their tickets and could give them away if they chose the upper class was the only one that had travel tickets and the lower class was the only one that had entertainment tickets TV time in the first two of the sections of the group project all the students stayed the whole four hours and the project went about how you would expect it to go with the upper class ruling the other two and taxing them in tickets that section of the project was during the school day between lunch and dinner and our section was directly following them so we couldn't go to the dining hall for dinner we also couldn't bring outside food or drinks I had to eat on a schedule for medical reasons but was told I would only be allowed to do so if I bought food or drink with our group's tickets I was put into the upper class so we had enough tickets for me to be able to do that but then there were none for others to have anything we the five of us in the upper class ended up splitting a can of pop in a small bag of chips the people in our section of the project were mostly missionary kids I'm not though so we were mostly an idealistic bunch to begin with all that one of the lower class group left the building to go eat dinner because they knew they weren't going to get fed otherwise they weren't allowed back in and got failing grades because they didn't follow the rules for the project the malicious compliance the rest of us followed the rules to the letter but we did it in our own way within the confines of those rules the tickets got God spread around mostly evenly so everyone could travel have at least one food or drink for their class to split and have entertainment tickets when it got to be hour three of four our class started singing show me the way to go home we then started singing all the most annoying songs we could think of for the last hour we absolutely drove the professors up a wall but they couldn't tell us to leave because then they wouldn't have followed the project rules either we knew we were playing with fire with this one because the project counted for a good chunk of our final grade but we didn't care after finding out that the professors weren't going to allow any exceptions to the rules even for medical reasons after we were done we went to see if there was any way we could still get dinner in the cafeteria stayed open for us a half hour after it was supposed to close so we could eat it was on a Friday night the Fallout on Monday afternoon we all came into the lecture hall buzzing about the two extremes of the project the Viva who ran off knew that they were going to fail but the rest of us in both sections were sure we were going to get passing grades we were all told that the first section the one that imploded would get passing grades and the second section the one that shared more equitability would fail one of my friends worked at the campus bookstore and knew that each stack of the project ticket slash Rule books came with a teacher's manual since these professors did this project for all of their Humanities classes at this level they didn't get a new teacher's manual each year unless the project changed drastically so the rest of the teachers manuals were sitting in the back of the bookstore locked up though the friend told his boss what happened and his boss gave him a teacher's manual those of us who had completed the failed section of the project had the professor's words on tape because we were allowed to record lectures we took that and the manual and made an appointment as a group with the dean the dean thought that the professor had been utterly ridiculous and we got passing grades for the project the professors tried to argue that there was no way that the project could ever have had that outcome but the dean didn't go along with that his answer you teach at a Christian University and expect that your students aren't going to follow their beliefs the professor had to change the syllabus so the next year they had the simulated Society project removed and something else put in its place with much better rules I mean I get it's a college course but I'm just impressed that they were able to get away with preventing people from eating for medical reasons threatening to fail somebody because they left because they have a medical condition I think that could have come down in the college as a whole and our final story of the day is from Doughboy kneels insecurity I work at an airport as a law enforcement agent one morning roughly 4 a.m me and my colleagues were on our way to an arriving flight we got it security and we're ready to pass mind you we must must pass through the metal detector but were not to be inspected we can carry anything we need to do our job and we carry weapons Etc so we'll always set off the alarm we have a special pass that will allow us clearance we don't need that pass to carry it just to go through security we approach security and I suddenly realize I left my pass and my jacket in my locker flight was due any minute so I decided to dodge the bullet and go through and be inspected that did not sit well with the guard and he was like you can't go through the detector like this and you can use the security procedure no pass the no passage finally he got me and had the power basically forcing me to go back and be late then it dawned on me in front of the guard and one foot away from the detector I took off all my gear emptied my pockets Etc gave everything to my colleague who did bring her pass I went through the detector as clean as can be no alarms one foot after the detector my colleague handed me my stuff I put everything back on with the biggest smile and wished him a wonderful day the expression on his face was priceless we burst into laughing around the corner let's be real they were definitely being overly picky by saying oh no you've got to have that pass but this just goes to show it really helps to have a buddy or two that can just kind of cover for you when you're working calling an audible friend of mine I've known for decades James has a son Roy with his ex Lisa Lisa has a new live-in boyfriend David with one of his own kids and one on the way although not blood related Roy is my nephew James has shared custody with Lisa as primary Roy is 17 a year ahead in school and a straight A student after obtaining his driver's license Lisa agreed he can work for me at my company James bottaroy a used car to drive to school and work the kid really hasn't come into the hangout life yet recently it's been brought to my engine James's attention that David's been driving the car and allowing his 18 year old son to drive it as well this is against the agreement for the car and has been causing Roy to have to find or wait for rides to school or work James confronted Lisa and David which caused a huge fight and legal threats on both sides James and Roy installed a track around the car after telling David that only Roy can drive the car and anyone else who takes it will be arrested as the car is still in James's name David took the car after this and was stopped and arrested for unauthorized use of a motor vehicle David retaliated by convincing Lisa that Roy shouldn't be able to drive the car unless they're in the car or he's running an errand for them the courts agree that this is within their rights on the week's mom has with him Lisa's aware that he needs to drive while working but still won't let him use the car but as I'm driving the other kids to their events So after talking to Roy and James we developed a plan James took the car back I own a rental house not too far from Lisa's since it's currently used for short-term rentals I moved a car I had wrapped for my company to the house and gave the key and garage code to Roy Roy currently picks up the car on the way to school and after school takes it for work as the cars wrapped with logos I pay him for driving to school and school events and to drop the car off on the way home now David has to fix his schedule to deal with trekking his kids back and forth and Roy can get where he needs to Roy's happy he can work more and no longer has to be the family's unpaid Uber the main takeaway I get from this story is I'm sure David's gonna have a real great relationship with their stepfather and Mom once they get even more Independence down the road also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next stories from unorthodox 474 I have to to account for all my time okay so this one isn't for work but school and a dispute I had with an instructor who was looking for a way to shaft my GPA I'd proven him wrong in front of witnesses and he was looking for payback I was a student gunsmith at the Colorado School of Trades when this happened and a part of the last section of the program was working on a minimum number of customer supplied guns kind of like how Salon colleges offer discount hair services to real customers so that students can get some experience I'd angered the instructor for that department by protesting when he dinged me a grade point for failing to document the size of the gas port on a gun that didn't have one a Benelli inertia driven shotgun and then proved in front of witnesses that he was wrong about how the gun worked and forced him to change my grade after that he looked for every way he could to shaft me and I could see his big play coming in the form of the school's very strict rules about how carefully we we had to document how our time was spent which would have allowed him to ding me for every unaccounted four minute of which I was sure I had a few over the months into her malicious compliance early on in the section it was called design and function or dnf I had been assigned an old arasaka rifle to clean and the screws were seized so thoroughly that I was afraid I'd strip them out if I wrenched them too hard so I'd applied penetrating oil and put it in my locker and then moved on to other guns while I waited for the oil to work its magic once I realized what the instructor had planned for me I simply forgot to get that gun back out of my locker and left it in there for months while I worked on other guns letting it sit there until I was nearly finished with the section then when I was near the end and the instructor started smirking and asking me how well my time was accounted for I produced this crusty beast from my locker along with the time sheet for it on which I'd accounted for every spare minute of my time in the section that wasn't on the other sheets and claimed it was all spent on this thing and told him I was sorry but I just couldn't get the screws out and I'd take the F on that one gun out of the 35 I'd worked on as part of the curriculum the look on his face as he read the paperwork and realized what I'd done was pretty Priceless I think he just about tore a hole in the final grade sheet writing that my time was in perfect order and he didn't say another word to me the whole time I remained in school I love the bait technique op used here I love the fact that they knew this guy was looking for anything so they created something and that something was the egg that Opie ended up throwing back in their face at the very end this next story is from Humble human Bob don't make that new order for the large Canadian yesterday I was looking for something easy for dinner and phoned the nearest pizza from a small building I ordered a large Canadian Pizza for pickup and the person on the phone confirmed the location and my phone before telling me I could pick it up in 30 minutes at no point was price mentioned in this exchange I had specifically ordered this because I was looking at the website and saw they had a large Banner on their site which stated they specifically had types of large pizzas for 16.99 on arrival at the red roofed pizza from a small building location and went inside to pick it up the server said that'll be 27.67 I said I'm sorry I thought your website mentions this large pizza for 16.99 the server says sorry we don't offer that price over the phone it's online only me planning my compliance said I'm sorry you're telling me that if I call in my pizza it's almost double the cost is ordering online they say sorry the details are on the poster behind you and you can see the small print in the corner that says online only the details were as promised in very small print on a very large poster throughout this she'd been holding the pizza out towards me waiting for me to take it after paying I admit I could have been a bit more polite but I was a bit hangry and grumpy and just wanted to eat my pizza for the advertised price I turned abruptly away and left her with a pizza I walked back to the waiting area and pulled up my phone placing an order online for the same Pizza I had ordered over the phone I refused to make eye contact but watched her quizzically looking at me in my peripheral vision all the while holding my pizza she turned to put it down but glanced at her computer presumably seeing the notification for the same order under the same name with the same cell phone number she looked from her screen to me where I sat looking at my phone watching her out of the corner of my eye I'd like to think this was our pizza standoff our Duel of wits our respective slices of stubbornness after a few drawn out seconds she called me back up she said okay you can pay for your pizza now the total comes to 1783. I paid the 17 in cash and they handed me the same Pizza that they'd been holding the whole time the pepperoni and the pizza icing on the cake was hearing them call into the kitchen just before I walked out don't make that new order for the large Canadian uh I'm American and I'm not that large thank you you'd expect a little bit better service from Red roofed pizza from a small building location our next story is from drafavio Little Pig pieces this malicious compliance is both very lighthearted and somewhat silly it took place several years back when I worked in a corporation-owned restaurant while it wasn't my malicious compliance I was the trigger for it and the only one there to see the results first a little bit of necessary background in case you haven't worked in food service store for a large corporation for restaurants food quality Safe Handling of products tools chemicals cleanliness and labels are all very important if you don't want people to get sick or injured especially in an environment that's always somehow too small very hot very loud slippery and full of Medieval Era Siege repellent such as hot oil fire boiling water and nine inch blades labels are especially important because the person using the item isn't always the same as the one who portioned it out for service and if not properly labeled you'd have no way to ensure it was fresh enough to serve safely corporate kitchens take this even further and employ third-party Auditors for health and safety to ensure everyone is following the standards across all their chains this isn't a bad thing although sometimes their standards Clash badly with reality for example shelled hard-boiled eggs and a brine once opened have a best before date that lasts for a year the auditor however decided that once the pail was opened they're only good for a single week there was also no leeway on labeling even if the product packaging contained all of the information you would put on a label it's still required a label this wasn't unreasonable because a standardized label is easier to read but for very high usage items where you could go through several packages a day it could become difficult to ensure this happened especially during rushes one of these items is bacon bits which brings us to our malicious compliance we had been audited and failed because three items were found in one of the fridges that were not properly labeled because and I quote the labels must clearly State the name of the product such that anyone can identify it it must have the day it was opened slash made and the day it expires and the labeler must print their name two of the labels did not have a labeler's name and one item didn't have the name of the product the product without a name bacon bits I was put in charge of making sure we passed our next audit and I took it very seriously talking to the others finding out where pain points and following procedure occurred and ensuring absolutely everyone got a refresher on the standards it mostly went well and everyone was getting into the groove but there was another container of bacon bits missing its name there were only two of us working at the time so after the lunch rush I pulled the bacon Bandit aside to have a heart to heart I said hey bacon Bandit I know we were just busy but you gotta put the name on the bacon bits they said really they're used up before the end of the day there's no way to confuse them with another product they last for a month and we just don't have time during 15 minutes or it's free lunch if we want to get the food out on time I said I understand the reasons why it happened you're not getting in trouble for this but the audits can shut us down and even though it feels unnecessary labels are protection for both the customers and the company everybody has to be on board with this to make it work and if we can't even label bacon bits the area manager is going to question why we have the highest paid kitchen staff at our location can I count on you to make sure the bacon bits are labeled the bacon banded with a big size says yeah I'll do it but it's still dumb and wastes a lot of time I say thank you I appreciate it a few days later it's a particularly soggy day and lo and behold the auditor shows up for their surprise inspection right in the middle of the lunch rush I'm by myself on the line so I'm only able to half keep tabs on them while they're putting out orders they seem happy with things so far and just as the lunch rush is ending they enter the main fridge where dwells the bacon bits the auditor is in there for a long time way more time than normal and when they come out of the fridge they're grinning ear to ear well that's weird I think then they get our general manager and take them back into the fridge and now I'm thinking oh that can't be a good sign when they come out they're both laughing and I'm completely confused they go into the office to discuss the results of the audit and I go into the fridge to try and see if I can figure out what's going on I go in and everything is labeled everything is fifoed first in first out and everything stacked in food safe order then I see it the bacon bits sitting proudly on its shelf in a container clearly labeled for the world to see mother freaking little pig pieces yesterday's date expiry bacon Bandit we passed the audit with a hundred percent because little pig pieces and I quote clearly stated the name of the product such that anyone can identify it I'm just glad that this auditor had a good sense of humor about it I could imagine that some with a stick up their butt that's looking to catch somebody could give you some hard time about oh well that's not an accurate name I'm just glad we could all laugh at this situation and our final story of the days from nameless and quiet but you said you didn't want my help Karen I'm a bridal consultant at a very popular bridal salon in my town I have many years of experience and love what I do most of the bridal gowns in my shop are special order meaning they must be ordered before they're made by the designer and Lead times can be anywhere from 4 weeks to eight and a half months not everyone knows this when they come shopping for a gown that's the whole point of me being there I make sure we can get the dress in time any desired customizations or alterations are possible and that the price is within the bride's budget well when this particular bride and her mother stepped into the store they went immediately to the racks and started ripping through the needly hung gowns I introduced myself explaining that I would be their consultant for the appointment this bride had a fairly short engagement around four and a half months and I knew that only some of the gowns would be available in time as I tried to explain to her and her mother the process she sharply cut me off and told me to just let us shop and leave us alone I was stunned to be spoken to so rudely so I did as I was told even when I saw them looking at dresses twice her budget that wouldn't arrive until months after her wedding I never took any of the gowns back to a dressing room or asked her if she'd like to actually try them on even after they stood by for a while clearly way waiting for me to take her back to the dressing rooms I just continued on with my other work as if they didn't exist eventually they realized that I had no intentions of acknowledging or helping them in any way and they left without getting to try on any gowns the owner asked me about it after they left and I told her the whole story she laughed and said good for you honestly I'm impressed that the owner said good for you like even if these customers are the worst jerks of worst jerks these gowns obviously aren't cheap and I imagine a lot of owners even when being treated that way would expect their employees to grin and bear it just to try and make that sale don't deviate from the flowchart okay if you insist about a decade ago I had The Misfortune of working in a call center for a company which provided phone broadband and satellite TV channels this was the days before fiber so the setup was slightly different from what you see these days to begin with I worked in customer services is doing things like booking pay-per-views changing billing dates and upgrading packages after a year or so the powers that be decided the whole call center would be trained on phone and Broadband tech support and we would take those calls instead lots of people complained because they weren't technical minded and found the idea of fixing Tech issues daunting I wasn't worried because a massive nerd and was building my own computers from age 12 my dad started teaching me when I was about eight this new type of call sounded much more interesting and I was looking forward to it the staff were told don't worry we'll train you it's simple really to be fair to them they were right kind of for those who don't know the original internet connection dial up was an issue because the phone line was totally used up by the internet connection meaning you couldn't make calls at the same time as using your glacier-like connection Broadband revolutionized the system because it allowed both phone and internet to be used at the same time and to improve the connection speed to allow for more data to be transferred think of dial up as a country road slow speeds and only one kind of traffic at a time or you end up with a massive queue of cars lorries and tractors clogging the road with no filtering space for motorbikes Broadband is the equivalent of a dual Carriage Way two lanes of traffic in each Direction means you can get more traffic into your city at higher speeds the issue with more traffic is that you need to add more road signs to direct it to the correct destination phone signals to the phone Broadband signals to the router to do this you needed to have a micro filter as the first thing plugged into every single phone port in use in the House the TV installation which happened first did not include a micro filter and customers would assume the TV installation wouldn't need to be messed with so they didn't add one when they set up the router the number one complaint on the tech support line was caused by that filter being missing it resulted in slow low or intermittent Broadband connections and static on phone lines and dropped calls people would phone up and scream at me because the connection was fine to start with but the phone lines always been bad and now the connection keeps dropping as I mentioned most of the staff were upset at being moved from a customer service role to a tech role so the higher ups had a troubleshooting System created it was basically a glorified flow chart with a pretty interface the issue is that whoever created it didn't think it through no matter where the problem was with the tech issue the chances were that the customer would need to be calling on a mobile phone so that the right steps could be followed most customers did not call on mobiles because in those days calls for mobile phones were expensive even calls to landlines and especially calls to 0845 numbers like call centers this information was missing from the flowchart and it meant that if the customer tried to change the way their equipment was connected or if we ran a line test it would result in the call dropping because they were disconnecting their landline handset or we were stopping all signals down the line for a couple of minutes to do the test it was assumed that we would call our customers back if this happened because it was impressed into us that the point was to solve the tech issue if the customer has to keep calling back and speaking to different people then it slowed this process down the flow chart did not say call your customer back the thing with me being kind of techy was that I could usually identify the fault in the first minute of the call based on the symptoms described by the customer and I seem to have a knack for being able to explain Tech issues using accessible language so the customer understands what's happening without feeling condescended to this meant that my calls were shorter more efficient and my customer satisfaction survey results were high what's not to like well you know how I mentioned that the powers that be decided to take non-techy people and put them in a tech role it went about as well as you would expect the flowchart worked to a point but people who had no tech knowledge try to cut corners and it resulted in problems free replacement routers were issued for external line fault problems which is like replacing the roundabout on an interchange when the problem is a tree on the road 10 miles from there the engineers were to resolve external faults caused by Dead Master phone sockets about as useful as doping Road works the next town over in an attempt to get more traffic through a flooded slip Road at your Town's boundary repeat calls were up resolutions were down customer satisfaction was low for the call center as a whole there were about 20 of us who were doing well because of course I wasn't the only nerd in the call center we used our common sense and Tech know-how to get results and my team of around 15 was around 50 percent tech nerd our manager loved it because we had the best results of the whole call center and she looked amazing despite being a Luddite herself the head office kept trying to get the rest of the call center up to our level they couldn't figure out why people hired to be glorified phone concierges couldn't fix phone lines obviously the problem must be the staff word was issued from on high Thou shalt not deviate from the flow chart I foolishly thought that they only meant the people with csats which were through the floor I thought the people who knew what they were talking about would be left to it slowly but surely the rest of the call center scores started climbing out of the toilet our team was still constantly the highest but the Gap wasn't so embarrassingly massive anymore others were resisting the flowchart people at the peak of Mount stupid on the dunning-kruger graph fought the idea that they didn't know enough to act without the dubious support of the admittedly quite bad flowchart upper management started thinking of ways to make them use it a new score was added to our stats adherence to process quality control started failing our work if we deviated from the flowchart my manager started writing me and the others up for it we tried to explain that the flowchart worked for the people who didn't actually know computers because it methodically went through every possibility over the course of about an hour and a half if you don't don't know where the fault is then eventually you will stumble over the right fix but when you have some knowledge and can tell within the first five seconds that Mr Smith has accidentally turned off his wireless card surely it's better customer service to jump right to that apparently not she said that if we deviated from the flowchart again she would start the disciplinary process which Always and without exception resulted in the person being fired sooner or later okay then no more using our brains all of us stopped using our prior knowledge to fix the faults quickly I stopped explaining the issues to the clients we literally just read the flowchart instructions in all their mind-numbing and typoed Glory I also stopped calling customers back when the line dropped due to flaws in the flowchart every time this happened I would leave a note on the client's profile line dropped when doing X test I've been told never to deviate from the flowchart or I'll be taking the disciplinary stage there's no instruction to say I can call my customer back so I didn't if customer calls back in test result was why one of my colleagues delighted in telling his customers yes I know exactly what the problem is and it'll only take five minutes to fix but first i'm required to do these other tests it will take about 40 minutes to get to the point where I'm allowed to fix your issue why well manager has threatened me with unemployment if I use my brain so I have to go down the line here and it'll take 40 minutes to get to the one that I know will resolve your problem suddenly our team was at the bottom of the csat board our repeat calls were through the roof we were the worst performing team in the call center our manager was being questioned by upper management about why our scores had plummeted the head office was going to take us off Tech and put us on a debt management lines if we didn't start getting our score back up to where it was obviously it didn't happen most of the techie people left the business I stuck it out long enough to see the tech roll removed and the deadlines instead just before I started my new job with my current employer head office sent out their annual feedback survey I ripped them a new one in brutal feedback from the micro managing to inappropriate staff roles for the people hired to predatory upselling to vulnerable customers and unethical debt management practices I heard that some of the other managers were fired so it seems other people spoke out too and there were some top-down changes which fixed some of the superficial issues oh and that terrible flowchart they prettied it up added the fiber options and put it on their website so that people with mobile data can fix their own Broadband issues at least they got rid of the typos first so considering the kind of company this is let's be real even though Opie try to rip them a new one they probably don't care awful ain't it I will never get over how universally hated most I isps are looking at you Comcast Xfinity that said our final story of the day is Karen boss desperately needed my uniform back the next day no excuses okay so a little backstory first I'm a 20 year old college student full-time doing 23 Plus hours a week on top of classes to make ends meet I live paycheck to paycheck and have a car I am slash was paying off I used to work at a McDonald's in my hometown but since I moved to live on campus which was 45 minutes away from my old job and I wasn't willing to make the commute so I decided to apply and got accepted to a small sandwich shop 10 minutes from my college which was a blessing it started out great plenty of hours easy work fast days till the old manager decided to switch stores the new manager was one of the biggest Karen's you have ever met like bad and when I say bad I really mean it she can completely change the procedures and made things so much worse and when I'd have to stay over sometimes two to three hours after closing she would burst in the next day yelling screaming at the top of her lungs stop staying later you have to be out by 8 30. we won't pay you for any time past then I had no choice because the list she gave me to do to close the store alone every night May I add was extremely time consuming especially with no help I was expected to stop serving at eight and do five people's worth of work in 30 minutes it simply wasn't doable hearing I wasn't going to be paid for the time I worked time I spent making sure everything was done on the list before I left otherwise I'd be fired for not doing all of it would go unpaid as well as I'd be fired if I stayed longer than 8 30 there was no winning on top of that the moment management switched they decided they were giving people too many hours and cut me to only three hours a week that went on for four weeks until I decided enough was enough forty five dollar work weeks wasn't even worth putting in the time and effort to even show up so on one of my weekends I was with my parents off campus I was due to work that day three hours of course my only day that week I was shopping near said sandwich shop it's located inside a Walmart my mom and I were discussing for the last week how I should just quit since it seems they're trying to fire me without saying they're firing me wanting me to leave on my own so they wouldn't need to fill out paperwork right then and there I decided know what screw this job and screw my entitled Karen boss I sent her a text that I quit on the spot and to not expect me to come in that night for my shift she texted me back ranting about how since I'm not giving her a two-week notice I'll never be able to work at one of those sandwich shops again at that point I didn't care I already had to give up my brand new car of only four months because I couldn't pay my loan and insurance it was a nice car too a white shimmery 2016 Hyundai Sonata I loved that thing I told her at some point that week I tried to get the brand new uniform that funny enough they had just given me the week prior a whole three and a half months after I started working there to me but I warned her that my classes run right till before closing I didn't know when I'd be able to do so she texted back in what I could only imagine the snarkiest tone possible no I really need that uniform back tomorrow I told her I'm sorry but that may not be possible due to my school schedule and I'm not willing to ditch a class to drop off a few pieces of clothing she said no you will bring it back tomorrow don't even try to lie to me you were seen in the store the day you quit no excuses okay then she said no excuses I didn't want to get into an argument with her over it and knowing she herself would be closing that day and my classes ended exactly at eight I happily complied I made sure I arrived right as she was closing the lock on the gate I was bringing the clothes in my reusable shopping bag I had no throwaway bags and since she can't take and claim my bag as her own I was just going to give her the clothes one piece at a time knowing she would have to carry them out of the store juggling them back home made me happy when it came time to deliver my uniform to her all the stars seemed to align perfectly I arrived at 8 30 caught her on the way out with the outfit not even in a reusable bag to begin with as an extra Touch of sweet unplanned irony it was raining outside hard rain the sidewalks I guess were extra slippery and muddy because on my way in I slipped and landed chest first into the mud I was mostly spared though because the clothes were there to break my fall and absorb most of the filth dropping off the muddy loose clothes seeing her reaction watching her stomp her feet wrench into disgust holding the clothes 10 feet away from her body huffing and puffing marching out of the store and pure shock and disbelief she didn't even have words for me it was the sweetest Revenge I had ever seen this did mean I had to buy a whole new set of clothes and changing the Walmart bathroom but it was all worth it to see her reaction in the end after I'd returned to my dorm that evening I sent her a text simply saying enjoy smiley face and I blocked her number safe to say karma really did pay out on my end I've heard some similar stories in the past of people that go right into the office and strip right down to their underwear I imagine some people would probably go work out in the gym in those clothes and then drop them off it sure is crazy how these people that hand out work uniforms sure do need them back ASAP when you're no longer working there pissing off the base commander when I was 20 I got drafted into the army I live in the Netherlands and this happened in the 80s I got trained to be an ambulance driver two months of General training and how to drive a Land Rover and two months of Medical Training after that I was ready to take on any medical emergency that came my way after my training I got placed in a staff support platoon a mismatch of different roles that are there to support the higher Army staff in whatever they need make coffee admin drive them around tech support etc etc I was their ambulance driver it was probably helpful when we were at War but they had no use for me during peacetime after I got settled on the base where I got stationed I was called in by my lieutenant telling me I'd been volunteered to work at the small local military post on our base I was okay with it as it gave me something to do during the time I had to serve in the Army it was a small post for the clinic one permanent doctor and one drafted right out of medical school and several other grunts like me downstairs was our clinic in a few rooms to treat patients upstairs about 12 beds for patients who were sick but not bad enough that they needed to go to a real hospital we worked at the clinic and took care of the patients upstairs and maybe two to three times a week I had to pull out with the ambulance we used more often than not for a planned trip to transport a patient to or from an actual hospital I started with the rank of soldier and I was expected to end my one-year career at the rank of Corporal as you can imagine from the title that never happened I didn't hate working at the post on the contrary I actually felt I did something useful and while I was stationed at the post I learned many practical medical skills having other soldiers to practice on but it was a waste of my time I wanted to start my career in I.T and this was holding me back I also didn't care much about hierarchy or ranks I respected my fellow army men and women for who they were their actions and how they treated others not by the number of bars stars or stripes and being an actual on our base I got away with that we had no roll calls and I slept in a two-person bedroom instead of the 12 person one my platoonmates had to use no inspections no military training and wearing white instead of green anyways to the malicious compliance I was tending to a patient at the clinic he and his buddy had walked into a door their words and it had a glass window that shattered and cut them both up one pretty bad and he was treated by our doctor in one of the rooms as he needed quite a few stitches and as the other Soldier only had minor Cuts I treated him on the spot as no other medical staff were available at that time the slightly larger Cuts I glued shut for others a Band-Aid would suffice he was sitting in one of the chairs and I was on one knee in front of him taking care of a cut on his leg as I heard somebody walk into the clinic without looking up as I was holding a glued cut together with my fingers until it had set I put politely asked to please take his feet and that I would be right there the colonel says do you know who I am I'm the base commander Colonel so and so yes he actually said that I can still hear it in my head 35 years later his booming indignant voice full of air of how important he was I was not impressed at all mostly annoyed by his attitude and told him congratulations please have a seat and I will get to him once I finish treating the cut I was working on that was not what he wanted to hear and he started chewing me out finally I was done with the cut let go of my fingers and got up ignoring his barrage I asked him how I could help the colonel said I need to speak to the doctor I have an appointment okay not an emergency I explained to the colonel that the doctor was treating a patient who needed urgent medical attention and that he'll have to wait till the doctor finished his treatment he has none of it and tells me he doesn't have the time to wait then he orders me to tell the doctor that his 3 P.M appointment is waiting for him I knew the doctor would drop everything and be running to the colonel if he got wind of who it was that was waiting for him he didn't have that much of a spine and his career was primarily based on the Colonel's input and assessment of him but the colonel had given me an order and I had to do it so I went to the treatment room and put my head in the doctor was busy stitching up the more injured Soldier and I complied with the Colonel's order I said Doctor your 3pm appointment has arrived the doctor not realizing or remembering who the 3pm appointment was told me irritably to have the patient wait till he finished and that it could be another five to ten minutes he repeated what he told me several times before to only disturb him for emergencies I go back to the kernel and tell him that the doctor is still busy treating the patient and would be available in about 10 minutes the colonel was not happy and told me to get the doctor now I told the colonel that I had explicit instructions to only disturb the doctor in case of an emergency and that his appointment was not an emergency you would have to wait he grumbled but in the end sat down to the doctor arrived and he started berating the doctor about how precious his time was and how he had made him wait the doctor apologized and almost groveled as they moved into the doctor's office I had to go upstairs for something and the colonel had already left after I got down I did get a good ear washing from the doctor telling me I should have mentioned to him that it was the colonel who was waiting for him I argued that it should not matter who was waiting if he was treating a patient who was bleeding all over the place and that he told me himself that he could only be disturbed for emergencies I never got that promotion to Corp roller even Soldier first class still worth it honestly in my opinion although op didn't suck up and get the promotions as a result of being a stuck-up I'd say he did the right thing also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is boss told me to measure everything lost the sale I'm a mechanic at a national chain with the three boys we have a service called brake inspection that's free I get a 25 cent an hour Commission on it although with this company we only get paid commission if our commission earnings are greater than our hourly guarantee and it's averaged for a whole week so this week I'm too far behind on commission to make any I'll just get my hourly a car rolled in with a complaint of brake squealing this is pretty common and isn't a serious concern usually but people want something done so I'll sell them breaks if they want to waste 600 bucks to get less noise anyways I put the car in the air and spun the back wheel and it made a pretty bad squeal the wearer indicator seemed to be the cause I'll rub on the rotor when the pads are too low also I could see that the rotors were really scored pretty deep just from that alone I knew it needed rear pads and rotors and I would have just quickly checked if the fronts were really bad so I could suggest that as well before I could even do that my boss says take the wheels off do a real brake inspection measure everything cue malicious compliance now like I said I'm not making commission this week so it doesn't matter to me if I sell work or just hang out so I pull up the specs for the brake system on that car and I get to measuring everything about 45 minutes later my boss comes by and I've measured one set of pads and rotors thickness at eight points parallelism run out pad thickness at Four Points taper long wise across and at Angles he asks how it's looking I mentioned the rotors are within inspect for thickness but out of spec for run out warped and parallelism and the pads are cracked basically saying it's good but it's not not a real answer he comes back after about 90 minutes total and I'm about to start the last wheel the customer has grown tired of waiting and he asks me if I have a recommendation I say it might need front brakes and probably needs a rear but I'm not done measuring he comes back a couple minutes later and says the customer decided he wants to leave just finish the inspection and roll it out so I finish up I recommend rear brakes and suggest front brakes the customer comes over to get the car for me and says he might come back Monday pretty sure we lost the sale later one of the lubetex is bantering with him about how measuring everything just what is normally on the inspection sheet takes at least 15 minutes and the boss is saying it should take five to ten minutes just as I walk in and he says not an hour and gives me an accusing look I just reply you said measure everything I mean this really is sticking it to the boss but let's be real it also kind of sucks for the customer I mean not only did you waste time for yourself that was inconsequential and didn't matter and you lost the boss's sale but you did also just kind of run this customer through the ringer and waste their time as well I guess in the end it teaches them a valuable lesson about chain auto repair stores that said our final story of the day is childhood holiday Jam Revenge this is a small and stupid yet very lengthy example of malicious compliance but it felt like a huge win for me at the time and still does I was a child maybe nine or ten I'm an only child not much extended family and both parents were certainly doing their best having themselves been poorly treated growing up but sometimes a person's best is still not ideal I grew up with the kind of parenting style where the kid can never win there was always some sort of Power Trip for example physical punishments for no clear reason that would increase in severity if I so much as asked what I'd actually done wrong you are to never question me I had to follow weird rules to the absolute letter that didn't make logical sense but only applied to me my dad was the most controlling and would often try to intimidate me someone once said that he had a small man syndrome and at the time I guess I was the only one smaller than him I would cop it if I didn't do exactly what he had said in exactly the way he had said it being pretty bright I'd learned to find loopholes in his rules and he couldn't say anything about it if I exploited them because I technically done what he'd asked this story is about one of those times I was careful not to do it so often in case he stopped being super literal to set the scene some more I was a neglected child my parents were the right-wing Christian hippie anti-vaxx type in the sense that I was homeopathically vaccinated but honestly they wouldn't make sure I took the full course of what's essentially sugar pills so I didn't even have the claim of being homeopathically vaccinated to my name with the ironic exception of Homeopathy sugar in all its forms was the devil and at some points I remember not even being allowed things like apple juice because it apparently made me Hyper and run around a lot I grew up on goats and soy milk not cow's milk because it leeches calcium from the bones I couldn't be myself I've since learned I'm naturally peppy so you have to understand I was fed in a way that discourage this our house was so quiet you could hear a pin drop on the other side of the house I had high anxiety and was depressed at a fundamental level I wasn't encouraged to go on play dates with school friends I wasn't allowed Barbies in case I tried to be too sexy I wasn't allowed to watch Sesame Street because Oscar the Grouch has a bad attitude and it might rub off onto me I would get asked by kids in my class if I was anorexic and I didn't even know what that meant on the rare occasions I received lollies or a chocolate as a gift or prize they'd go out to the very top of the pantry Out Of Reach but within eyesight for a time when I deserve to enjoy something a little special they stayed up there for years typically that pile was only ever added to maybe a couple of times I remember being allowed to select a single item literally a single Lolly from a party favor Lolly bag kind of thing occasionally on holiday I'd get to have something yummy as a treat but it was usually my mother sharing something with me in a close and secret way and my dad would never know one morning on holiday we were having toast for breakfast I had two pieces of toast on my plate on the table was a nice proper Jam as well as the usuals for example Marmite despite being Australian as expected I wasn't permitted Jam in my everyday life and I knew never to ask but we were on holiday and it was proper jam and I hadn't done anything wrong lately and I thought not being allowed to have GM once was stupid I asked and was told no I asked again adding but we're on holiday and I never get to have Jam please my mother conceded saying something like oh come on we rarely go away and it's lovely jam with real fruit but it was my dad that decided this stuff eventually he conceded yes okay but you can only put jam on one piece of toast I thanked him and repeated I can only put the jam on one piece of toast with my knife he said yes I clarified again and he said yes so I did but he hadn't specified the quantity or the manner in which I had to eat it I grinned this big poop eating grin I put heaps of jam on that one piece of toast he tried to stop me but I reminded him of what he'd said I took the other in my hand and smushed them both together his eyes bugged out of his head when I pulled them apart both pieces had the perfect amount of jam I said oh wow I thought I wanted to have my toast as a sandwich actually but I changed my mind oh well I wasn't able to enjoy two delicious Jam toasts the look on his face was magical he was angry and tried to tell me off I reminded him that he'd already confirmed a few times that I could only use the knife to put Jam on only the one toast he was flustered because I'd beaten him my mother had a very amused look on her face and I think she was a little proud he couldn't punish me directly for having too much Jam as he hadn't specified the quantity technically I was within the rules I can't remember what happened afterwards I wouldn't be surprised if I somehow copped extra for an unrelated thing most of my childhood was a weird blur but there's always a silver lining I learned to be very quick-witted I'm very good at noticing discrepancies logical gaps and loopholes I only exploit them if I think the person or their stance is objectively ridiculous and even then rarely it's a power that should only be used for good thanks for reading I mean the compliance is great and I'm glad op got to enjoy Jam for once in their life but can we all agree that these parents are awful that what they were doing was practically abusive if not legitimately no kid should have to to grow up in an existence like that where they're being denied basic human Joys you want me to work at full capacity no problem can you tell my colleagues to say goodbye to their bonuses thanks I work in a help desk call center as a first line agent on purpose my job is easy we work from home where users can call email or chat us and we fix their most basic computer problems often resolved by a restart or a redeployment of some sort I took this job on purpose to get away from a very stressful career that killed my social life and frankly my will to live this job cost me exactly zero energy giving me the space and energy to have the social life I've always dreamed of the pay in this job is based on the languages you provide at help in and because of my language skills and a promotion I'm not allowed to tell my colleagues about I make more than anyone else in my team for this simple reason I refuse to take any promotions that bring more stress but are not financially compensated causing me to have worked in first line for three and a half years now while most of my colleagues have had promotions because this company has a huge turnover I often get new colleagues and managers I usually train the new colleagues and have a friendly cordial relationship with the managers but I always try to stay private and reserved as much as possible to save all of my energy for after work activities most days I don't talk to anyone I log in I work on the tickets calls and emails for fifty percent of the time while studying and reading watching movies or listening to music the rest of the time what's important to know for this story is that we can get a bonus of up to 10 percent of our monthly income depending on our productivity I always get the 10 but for some newer colleagues it's difficult because the limits are pretty high if I like a colleague I'll sometimes help them by closing tickets in their name I also usually take the more challenging tickets and leave the easier ones for the newer team members further bit of information nation is that the company I work for has their help desk for 12 languages so to cover all of the languages we have a team of eight so now to the malicious compliance one of the people I trained became the new team leader which I actually encouraged the guy is exactly the manager type and understands the job unfortunately the pressure from the operations manager got to him and he started checking our stats noticing that for about four hours per day there is no activity for me I explained to him that this is on purpose to give everyone a chance to get their bonus and that my output is still higher than anyone else in the team he also noticed that I sometimes closed tickets in my colleague's name for which I couldn't give him a real reason because it's sort of fraud I just told them I Rush sometimes and just didn't notice he told me no more relaxing times and no more closing tickets and others names he actually said he would be checking up on me to make sure I work the full 8 hours I'm paid for I explained to him that this would be a very bad idea that the team is doing really well and that the current status quo is perfectly balanced and he shouldn't upset it but he was young and reckless fine for the next two months I worked at full capacity where normally there was a good balance of closing tickets and everyone getting a fair shot of their bonus now all of a sudden I did about 70 percent of the work leaving very little for my colleagues who except for one other both months didn't qualify for their bonuses causing huge conflicts in the team I tried to stay out of it but was soon accused of stealing all of my colleagues tickets and not giving them a chance to earn their bonuses I replied professionally to all the accusations via email making sure to CC all relevant managers including the operations manager after two months our new team leader was reassigned and the status quo returned as it was honestly I would hate to be an op's position here regardless because let's be real having a job where you can take four hours off to just chill and watch movies and whatnot sounds kind of awesome and it kind of sucks being like okay I guess I'll have to try hard for a couple of months just to prove a point to me it seems like the kind of thing that would end up getting everybody else fired and them expecting you to just keep carrying the load yourself also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is I need a degree to get promoted fine I'll leave to get one while I was a college student in the 80s I accepted a job as a second shift computer operator at a large Regional Bank the job duties were processing all the checks and payments printing statements and checks running all the backups and so on on the day I showed up for the job I learned that I wasn't getting that job but a lower one which physically loaded the check reader years loaded printer paper signed checks burst forms and so on the lead computer operator had apparently threatened to quit if they didn't promote internally and give the job to one of the current people in the position I just ended up in they later got married so you can probably figure out her actual motive but the department manager Mr Biggs my boss's boss told me that I would be promoted to computer operator as soon as anyone left the position you guessed it two years later no one has left the position and we required another Regional Bank our CEO told the CEO of the acquired bank that no employees would be fired so suddenly we had an extra computer operator on every shift but Mr Biggs insisted that I'd still get promoted because he knew I was the most computer literate employee he had something he used to his advantage in numerous side projects which should have been paid at a much higher rate six months later one of the computer operators finally transferred to the programming Department I asked Mr Biggs to promote me to the position and he told me he was working on it a few months later he finally tells me that they still have too many computer operators because of the acquisition and I wouldn't be promoted until more of them left clearly this wasn't working so a few months later another position opens in the programming department and I apply for it Mr Big signed the form allowing me to apply and wish me luck the interviews went well and programming wanted to hire me but a few days later the computer operator who transferred there told me privately that Mr Biggs went to the head of programming and asked him to not consider me for the position because I was his best employee and he couldn't afford to lose me the head of programming told him no I'm going to hire the best person for the job the next morning the HR Director calls me to say that one of the Executive Vice Presidents wants to interview me for the position she's flabbergasted because he's never asked to interview anyone of that level and couldn't explain why you wanted to now after the interview the HR Director called me apologized profusely and told me they were giving the position to another candidate because he had a college degree no it wasn't related to the position in any way the degree was from an unaccredited College which had actually asked me to teach computer courses there which I'd turned down of course I knew what had really happened so I told the HR Director that I hadn't realized how important a degree was and that I would immediately switch to part-time instead of full-time so I could take more hours of classes to finish my degree more quickly there are no part-time positions in Mr Big's department so it meant transferring to the department run by his biggest competitor within the company she transferred me immediately at the same pay I was making in the previous department and I never worked for Mr Mr Biggs again honestly I think this is one of those situations where if you find out somebody is actually sabotaging you because they want you to keep working for them that you need to get out of there by any means possible God forbid somebody sabotages your verticality potential in the company because they just like you too much at your lowly current position our next story is why yes I'd love to convert a 10 minute task into a three-day project I work in the events department for a large company projectors microphones computers etc if it's required for an event then we handle it and it probably passes through my workflow for helping to organize my departments also handle catering for events well it's not my team specifically we work side by side the associate director runs the catering and event coordinators my manager only runs the AV side and doesn't report to the associate director don't ask it's a messed up org chart that nobody can make sense of despite not specifically being part of my job description I also do the technical side of getting new staff members online within our system getting their staff account created and also getting teams in OneDrive online on their mobile so they can see all their paperwork and the reason why I'm happy to do this is because with the catering team being a revolving door of Staff normal in my industry getting them online needs to be done immediately and fast you can go to the greater it team to do this but you can be waiting days for them to get it done whereas I can do it within five to ten minutes with them and staff that aren't online and our system can't work hns forms are part of the setup therefore they wouldn't be able to complete the assigned shift and it won't touch the request until they show up for their first shift at which point you'd then wait days for them to get onto it see the flawed logic here note setting up a new account also involves setting up their personal work email group email access system permissions access and to a limited extent their access card swipe permissions normally this would be done by the security team but 10 years at a company really comes with its perks of being connected to the right people and when you want to get something like this done fast it's often easier for one person with permissions to do it as opposed to multiple people in their own workflows second note if you're asking why a rotating door of catering staff need personal work email and group work email this account setup is supposed to Encompass more than just them alright enough setup on to the story recently my boss has thrown another bout of trying to micromanage the heck out of my team we all hate it but I guess we can just ride this wave out again the associate director asked me to go to one of our other offices on the other side of the city to set up a group of new staff in one large batch order my own manager looked at Quest got one of those time for some micromanagement Shenanigans faces I said hey boss associate director wants me to go to the other office to set up some new staff in the system next week on Friday the boss says uh nope I need you here in case something happens op very busy on that day I said there's nothing on the roster for that day and I'd still be available remotely boss says just write the associate director a document about how to get people set up in the system and he can do it himself I said uh are you sure I do it fast because I'm trained on the system and he isn't including travel I'd only be gone for about three to four hours writing the document on how to get someone set up and the system would take much longer they say write the document and put everything he needs to know in it it only needs to be what half a page can't be that hard everything all right cue malicious compliance what my boss expected was a half page written instruction manual on getting a new account created within the system I don't think it could have kept it that short even if I tried What followed was a three-day project writing out the instruction manual for how to get someone set up in the system which comprised of 34 Pages not half a page large portions of it are troubleshooting steps accounting for different models of phones and likely fixes when they do weird things iPhones are great because they work the infinite variations of Android phones can sometimes throw up strange errors either on the system or within the phone itself most of the information in here was Collective knowledge I've built up over the years as well as who else to phone an it for the most outrageous issues that had to be resolved that I didn't have the permissions for and who could generally do it immediately I warned the associate director that this was going to be a very large technical manual and he should probably read it before heading to the other office they said isn't it half a page I said my boss said to put everything in it they said oh no what followed was the associate director attempting to take summer between 10 to 20 people through this very technically written manual about getting someone set up in the system to anyone not technically inclined it could have all have been in a different language for all they could understand it after 30 minutes he called me put me on speakerphone and camera to the new staff and said just do it sitting in my computer I spent the next 40 minutes getting everyone Online technical support over a phone can be straining you all know what I mean and they were fine to start their shifts finally the associate director asks me something in private afterwards op did it need to be this complicated I said actually I summarized some sections to make it easier I didn't want to make it difficult for you wasn't the intention but my boss told me to write down everything so I did they said good to know thanks following the weekend I was notified that when I was requested to go get a new staff member set up I should find a time that I am available and go do it irrespective of other tasks not sure what happened up top but I think my boss got a very heavy smack for it honestly I'm impressed that it took 34 pages I mean I guess it's you know very specific instructions on multiple platforms on four or five different things but it still definitely doesn't feel like it should have taken 34 pages to write out all the instructions I think maybe Opie took everything a little too literally that said our final story of the day is I don't want him to do it I work the window and take orders at Mendy's every day is another treasure box of joy and despair ready to be opened today this box popped open like a snake-shaped insult in a can I take orders I make drinks I collect on occasion and if I'm really on top of my game I'll assemble the chilies with gloves of course today I decide to assemble the three chilies ready to go out to the customer pulling up to the window as the window opened they saw me pouring their chili and yelled I don't want those I don't want him to do it my manager was collecting and told them to hold on a moment I have no idea why they were bugging my manager echoed this sentiment I took the chili I already poured them poured it back into the pot from whence it came poured it slowly from high up then headed the empty chili cups to my ungloved manager who did his best to scoop the exact same chili into those three cups the best part is that while my manager was scooping away I had to collect meaning I was now 10 feet closer to them handing them their food directly speaking to them directly way they clearly did not like this they trumped through the rest of the transactions looking at their chili like it's radioactive I was nicest pie to them and enjoyed that moment of pettiness a little too much as they hobbled off into the sunset in their Mercury Tracer to this day I don't know what their problem was with me unless op is like drenched in sweat or there's like Snot dribbling out their nose I don't get what the problem here was the bottom line people are weird if my work is that bad then it would be better for everyone if I quit my last job was okay but not fantastic we were always short staffed and as a result we had to make up any time lost due to absence or realness but the real trial was our boss who was one of those seagull bosses always wanting drastic changes to everything no matter how unnecessary they were or how much harder it would make our work he also constantly threatened to fire people I'd had to screw up the previous year I admit it was on me and my supervisor a very good one helped me to sort it out and make sure it didn't happen again but we had received some customer complaints and I was paranoid about getting more and oh boy did the boss like to hold that over my head anyway more than a year later and I apply on a whim to a very well-regarded company in my town to my surprise I get the position it's much better run and organized so it's a great deal but I do feel a bit bad for my old work since we're about to hit a very busy season at least until my boss called and said he'd received a complaint about me and I needed to shape up or I'd be fired I was really upset but then wait a minute it's been the Dead season just now I haven't done anything to get complaints I messaged my supervisor and yep no complaints since the last year boss was either making it up or pretending the complaints were from this year so I decided this was the perfect opportunity I messaged my boss and told them that since there were so many complaints and I wasn't getting any better it would be best for me to step down for my role as I obviously could not do it immediate back pedal on his part suddenly the complaints didn't mean anything I could get a raise sick leave anything since it wouldn't be the first time he'd promised us the moon and delivered a bowl of dirt I didn't budge he'd been telling me all year that I was on the verge of being fired and wasn't good enough for my role so it was best I go he hung up and got the poor supervisor to call instead and she twigged pretty quickly when I mentioned where I'd be working now and all but said that if she got the chance she'd jump shipped for that too anyways been on my new work for two years now and it's great no regrets I'm guessing their threats were to try to keep these people working hard or not getting too comfortable with their job but like op I'd rather quit than work with that also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit that subscribe button down below no pass no entry this happened quite a few years ago I started a new job in it support after a couple of weeks training and orientation I was put on my first early shift I.T support were always the first in the building to make sure all the systems were good before the Working Day started so I was given my own key to the front door to unlock the building the entrance had a kind of air lock system the outer door was unlocked but then there was another automatic door that needed a swipe card to open it everything was fine for the first few days entered the building got on with the work then this particular morning as I unlocked the door the head of HR walked up behind me I recognized them as he had sat in on my job interview I said good morning swiped my card and walked in he followed me as soon as we were in the building he pulled me up and told me I shouldn't have let him in without him swiping his pass his argument was that he might have been fired the day before so that might have been trespassing the swipe card system wasn't used to monitor people's work hours or anything like that I apologize profusely and he said he'd let it go this time as I was new Fast Forward two weeks I'm unlocking the door and a complete stranger walks up behind me and tried to follow me in I turn around and ask him to use his pass he says he's forgotten it I say that I can't let you in then he drops the bombshell but I'm the CEO I apologize and say sorry I only have your word for that and I'm under strict instructions from the head of HR not to let anybody in without a pass on pain of disciplinary action he got quite angry and said again he was the CEO I apologized again but left him in the airlock with a face like thunder and heard him shout something like I'll have your job for this as I walked away later that day I got a phone call from the head of HR I thought he was going to bollock me but instead he said that I did the right thing and that he was going to get the CEO go to apologize to me I did get a short email from the CEO to that effect later in the day sometimes even in the face of adversity you've got to do the things you know are right even if it's somebody with authority that's trying to talk you down and who knows maybe this could have been a huge test send the CEO in as a dummy and see if somebody's foolish enough to ignore the policy do your job fast oh and also right years ago I worked as a subcontractor testing groundwater Wells fresh out of college I was just happy to get a job post 08 crash and was fairly naive about work climate workload expectations and work-life balance I got hired on as a field technician for a subcontracting company that tested groundwater Wells servicing a wide range of environmental consulting firms oil and gas and state agencies we typically ran solo pumping Wells sampling and shipping samples off and the hours in work could be grueling as I try my best to find follow those standard operating procedures my project managers consistently complain about my pace of work I'm regularly running overtime by a few hours each week and they make it clear that they'd prefer I work fast enough to complete each day within eight hours because of course you want to get home at a reasonable hour every day they even go so far as to give me a time limit per groundwater well that would ideally bring me home each day before overtime except they don't account for Big City traffic traffic control that we set up if sampling in the street groundwater well recharge rates varying seasonally Etc and about six months of trying my best to fulfill their expectations I realize the managers either want me to outright a lie on my paperwork skip my own lunch or skip steps in the outlined workflow to achieve their goal of bringing me home on time each day cue malicious compliance I continue to show up and start my day at 4 30 a.m to beat traffic in in the morning but now I didn't do anything in a rush I carefully followed every step outlined by our standard operating procedures I take my full 30 minute lunch break and bathroom breaks whenever I feel the need I'd chop it up with the Auditors if they showed up on site basically I did my job did it correctly and without a rush which unfortunately for the company's payroll always had me sitting in rush hour traffic at the end of the day logging in 12 to 14 hour days five days a week my Peak was 72 hours worked in one week the company was in such desperate need of workers because of high turnover that they couldn't let me go the project managers gave up on trying to push me to move fast and as a single guy I've loved the cash machine I discovered come to find out the company was abusive to a lot of my co-workers I stayed for the year of experience made good money and quit I moved on to bigger and better but always treat any subs I work with to lunch I just loathe the idea of working in a job where you're expected to work you know as hard as two or three people get done on time have pressure placed on you to skip lunch breaks bathroom breaks I mean when you hear the stories of people who work for a certain large online retailer having to go and pee in bottles just to make it work it's just insane a treasure chest so a few years back on a rainy morning I was driving to work I had a turn coming up and the car behind me was riding my tail very close me being the little anxiety ball I was didn't slow down nearly enough for the rain I ended up running off the road into a ditch and hitting a plastic sign this was my first accident I was mortified and a bit shaken up I ended up not having any damage to my vehicle and didn't have to file a report fast forward to me at my second job and I'm telling a co-worker about my experience as it turns out the sign I hit belonged to the company her boyfriend worked at I asked her to apologize for me and went about my day this being my first accident or really incident of any kind I didn't think to reach out enough for compensation for the destroyed property I was quite young and naive fast forward again to a week or so later and I got a call in my second job someone who worked at the company of that destroyed sign was on the other end when I answered he immediately started yelling that I had destroyed their property I hadn't reached out to them and that I needed to immediately pay 75 or they were going to call law enforcement on me I was more than happy to pay and put up no resistance at all but was quite perturbed that he immediately started to threaten me before giving me a chance to explain apologize or agree to pay cue malicious compliance that night I went to the bank and explained the situation to the teller I told her I needed to withdraw 75 dollars but I wanted it in pennies after hearing during what happened she suggested I do it in nickels because they weigh more so I ended up getting 74 dollars in nickels and a dollar in pennies but it doesn't stop there after receiving the coins neatly rolled I unrolled every single one and collected them into a box the next day at work a man came to pick up the money I pointed at the cardboard box he picked it up with a puzzled look but didn't open it and didn't say anything the next day a woman and her kids came over turns out she was the wife of the owner and she wanted to understand why I gave all coins I explained my side of the story and why I was so upset she ended up apologizing for the way I was treated and said that her kids thought that they'd found a treasure chest when they opened the box it worked out in the end but if I could redo it I would have been more upfront instead of malicious compliance I'm almost certainly willing to bet that this was an empty thread by the company so I don't really blame op for doing what they did because let's be real if the sign replacement costs 75 dollars I highly doubt that they're actually going to call law enforcement and deal with all that because at that point it becomes a grander situation where all of a sudden they have the burden of proof and also the cops have to be interested enough in a 75 dollar sign to even go along with it as you wish this happened a couple or three decades ago in the military I was in charge of the Squadron budget and made sure that all unit expenditures were proper write funds account and funds were available I was also to make sure that our budget lasted the whole fiscal year we got a new commander who was the worst micromanager I saw in my 20-year career I made an appointment for my initial budget brief and proceeded to lay out our current expenditures funding available and the plans to spend it all by the end of the fiscal year my new Commander then tells me that he wants oversight on every penny spent in the Squadron I said I could do that but I needed some clarification he said very condescendingly did you not hear me Sergeant I said every penny I will approve every penny spent in the Squadron before it is spent I said yes sir do you want me to send paper requests or email them to you he said email would be sufficient and dismissed me I knew exactly what to do I called all the bosses who ran the different shops and told them what the commander had said and that I had no choice but to comply none of them were happy and a couple of them caught the tone of my voice and figured out what I was doing I even told the Squadron Chief what was going to happen and he told me that he would have my back so I took all 27 spending accounts down to zero dollars available even the most critical aircraft Parts couldn't be ordered until they sent me an email which I forwarded to the commander he never once responded it took two weeks for everything to hit the fan it was longer than I thought it would take and I was starting to get nervous we were in a staff meeting and the commander was pissed he had just gotten his butt chewed by the colonel because of all the broke airplanes waiting on parts to be bought he turned to the first flight Chief and asked him why he had so much equipment that wasn't getting fixed the chief said with a straight dead Poker Face Sergeant so and so won't approve us buying any parts the commander whipped his head towards me and angrily asked what the problem was I looked him straight in the eye and said sir I sent those requests to you two weeks ago you could see the color deranged from his face as he quickly looked down we'll talk about this after the meeting I kept my straight face and I swear that I heard more than one muffled chuckle from the Chiefs at the conference table when the meeting was over the commander told me to meet him in his office the chief that threw me under the bus winked at me and smiled I walked in right behind the boss and reported formally we normally only do this if we were in trouble or getting praise but this guy insisted on it from everyone every time Mike apparently I was down on a first name basis you seem to have a pretty firm grasp on the budget and what the flights need I think you can approve the normal day-to-day stuff and just bring the big things to me yes sir was all I could say without busting out and laughter every request was approved and ordered within an hour and I was never questioned again when you have some demanding boss somebody who always finds something to call you out on there's not much more a thing satisfying than watching them display their total incompetence even more so if you can be the one to call it out to them like op did do you want it done right or do you just want deniability if someone tries to sue many years ago I got a temp job at a local soap shop you know the fancy kind where it's five British pounds for a bar of handmade soap the manager didn't like me I did things thoroughly and methodically not quickly and good enough for now I also have a very good memory and I remember things people say and do especially if those things don't add up the man manager would exaggerate things that make her look good and conveniently forget things which didn't go her way I thought she had made a genuine mistake so I corrected her once and she never forgave me it was time for the monthly deep clean and I was tasked with doing the stairs the shop had a metal spiral staircase which led up to the storeroom and we had to go up and down it with massive jugs of warm water so that the customers could try the products given the nature of the products there was also soap flakes everywhere and they got stuck to this high traffic area there was about a quarter of a centimeter of soap caked onto each step the manager explained in front of most of the staff how important this job was and that it had to be done right people could get hurt you see and you don't want that do you op she spent more time than was necessary making it very clear that if someone got hurt then I would be to blame it was also the most isolating and tedious job it was obvious that this was revenge for my humiliating the manager fine I went into my little world and started scraping she wanted all the soap gone I would remove every scrap of soap half an hour later I had done a couple of steps and I was told that I was being too slow she suggested that not all of the scope needed to be removed only enough to make it less slippery I replied that no I was doing it properly let's open the second layer is just as slippery as the soap on the top layer so if this was a safety concern then obviously I needed to remove all of the soap I reminded her that she didn't want anyone to get hurt the manager continued to criticize me for another half an hour until she had no choice but to swap me with someone else she had publicly made a big deal of how important the job was so now she couldn't backtrack and leave it a few days later she spilled a full Basin of water down the stairs the four steps I'd cleaned were safe to walk on all the steps she had assigned to someone else another six or so were slippery is all heck and she slid down the stairs on her back she was off work for several weeks and when she came back she tried to blame me for not doing the job properly I reminded her that she slipped on the stairs which were cleaned by someone else and that I was pulled off the task for being too thorough fortunately it was a temp job and I moved on after a couple of months she still worked works there and I've noticed that none of the other staff last more than a year or two it's no great surprise to me that people only last a year or two if they hadn't managed to somehow go and get themselves fired by that manager Lord knows they themselves would be looking to leave as soon as they could our next story is do you trust us I've worked in it at universities most of my career several years ago I transferred to a new University to try something new I immediately regretted it for several reasons one the entire department was under review from HR for low morale a survey was sent to the staff to gauge morale I later learned that the VP had been demoted because of it before I was hired two the new director barely spoke to me when hired and had her doors shut for almost three straight days three I was asked to consider which of my staff I wanted to replace fire to better help with the new software implementation later learned that they'd had several lawsuits for wrongful dismissal 4. I I had two staff that lived 90 minutes away that frequently asked to work from home during inclement weather I was told to be strict about this and deny their requests of course if my staff called or texted the director she would cave and let them uh five my director received a promotion executive director and a consultant was hired as our new director she was a consultant with the very company whose software we were implementing foreshadowing now comes the craziness the VP brought in a group therapist to meet with all of the managers we learned about team building and that a good team has a foundation of trust we had several managerial meetings after this where our old director and the VP would Grill the mid-level managers about trust we were asked bluntly who doesn't trust us everybody was afraid to speak up my anxiety was now through the roof I had to be put on medication just to help me get out the front door to go to work I I couldn't quit because I needed health insurance for my family pre-obamacare now comes the malicious compliance they continued to berate us about how trust was key over several meetings who doesn't trust us I finally raised my hand you asked so I'll answer you I said I don't trust you I've been in meetings where you've belittled and made fun of our staff in front of vendors and clients who knows what's being said about me when I'm not in the room you have unrealistic expectations and the lowest morale of any place I've worked trust needs to be earned they were a bit shocked that I'd answered them I was fired within two weeks I was well liked by my colleagues which meant that whatever trust was still out there crumbled immediately they replaced me with a consultant from the same software company he was fired within a month trust was now completely abandoned within the next year 75 percent of my department either quit or retired thankfully I had already started interviewing for position before being fired I found one within two months and have been there for 10 years best job I've ever had unfortunately they're still up to the same Shenanigans just recently 10 plus years later the university fired the whole I.T Division and outsourced them to the same software slash consulting company the whole universities in financial hot water having to cut 14 academic programs I love that their focus on trust was never really about trust but about compliance about submission I think every time they had these meetings where they shoved the word trust in front of everybody and they had everybody sitting there and they said who doesn't trust us they're basically standing up there at the podium saying who isn't going to follow my orders I'm glad op was willing to call them out our next story is some can be taught others have to screw up first a customer called up to place an order on October 10 2022 I said good afternoon widgets International this is squid how can I help you Chuckles says hi this is Chuckles and I'd like to place an order for widgets for everything and a bag of widgets location number one two three four five after the order is placed I say all right what's the PO number they say the PO is 10 10 22. I said are you sure sir everything in a bag of widgets corporate usually requires a seven digit PO number and this looks like today's date chuckle says you're new aren't you don't worry about it it'll be fine I am most definitely not new and it will not be fine but okay sure I say very well sir the order has been placed the order number is a b c e z a s one two three you should receive it in about two weeks I place an internal note on the order describing the conversation two weeks later I was lucky enough to learn about the Fallout of the above conversation when I take the following call I say good afternoon widgets International this is squid how can I help you they say hi this is Chuckles from everything in a bag of widgets number one two three four five and I want to know why I haven't received my order yet I say let me look that up sir I check the notes recognizing the order I say it looks like it's been delayed they say probably because of the girl I placed the order with she was kind of Clueless dot dot dot yes I'm sorry about that sir she's new and not terribly bright let me see if I can find the exact reason the order was delayed I dig deeper into the notes and say here we are it looks like the order's been delayed because we don't have a PO number they say I gave the girl a PO number I say sorry sir I mean we don't have a legitimate PO number everything in a bag of widgets corporate rejected it because it wasn't seven digits and hmm because it was just the date you placed the order sorry sir the girl you spoke to should have caught that we'll really need a new PO number they say really oh sorry let me generate a new new PO number for you then they say okay the PO number is two four six zero one three seven I say thank you sir I've updated the order you should have it in about a week they say so long I placed the order two weeks ago I say sorry sir some people won't listen until you repeat yourself multiple times I'll make sure the girl knows what she did wrong and I'll Rush this order as much as possible they say thanks you've been a great help this story is great I just wish that Chuckles here could have understood what they did wrong in the end Chuckles is like oh well that was chipper I'm sure glad they could help us out and that girl sure was dumb I just wish Chuckles left knowing that they were a fool to begin with this next story is micromanaging 101. I'm an amused bystander to this I was working on a compliance project at the time the practice had consisted of a single compliance officer but the company had grown and responsibilities had been split up into multiple departments the person who had once run the entire practice alone was having a hard time handing off responsibilities to the newly created departments and would find Petty ways to claw back control at any time this person would also Panic about investigations that could prove that previous work had not been done consistently so they would revise procedures definitions Department requirements Etc to suit whatever agenda happened to be at play sometimes this meant ignoring important things sometimes this meant filing unnecessary reports things changed on a weekly basis for some unfathomable reason this person was very concerned about in-person coverage this entire department had worked remotely throughout coven all other departments continued to work remotely this department had to be in the office period to make things worse working hours were defined as 8 AM to 5 PM with a one-hour break on multiple occasions this person would complain claiming some someone had mentioned that the department was deserted before 5 PM on Fridays the day before holidays Etc didn't matter that the staff was working around 60 hours also didn't matter that there was nobody there to complain as this was the only department on site there were duties which occasionally required someone to be on call until 6 or 7 PM on-call staffers suggested that the person responsible could start late on those days but no the work day starts at 8 A.M no exceptions the hourly staffers took two to three hour lunch breaks so that they could still cover the required 8 AM start date be available until 7 pm and still meet their no OT requirements the salary exempt staff wasn't having any of it though calls were no longer answered because staff was the work from 8 AM to 5 PM and there was to be no flexibility regarding attendance staff got tired of this and mutually agreed to give this person exactly what they asked for they started sending group texts of their work lock screens showing that they were at their desks at 8 AM they had sent texts showing that their computers had been locked at 501 PM I was briefly on the sex chain and had to muted due to the barrage of daily Petty texts the individual in question intended to mean that staff had to be there at least between those hours unpaid overtime was totally reasonable but there was to be no concession made to allow staff some flexibility in the way they split up their working hours that couldn't be said for obvious reasons so they harped on the 5 PM minimum end to work days as you can imagine this was followed by a wave of resignations over a six-month period the department collapsed leaving them with less staff than they had before the expansion great for us we ended up winning a lucrative contract to manage and rebuild the their entire practice the staff are responsible for this great resignation was found to be incompetent after their work started to get reviewed independently the sheer volume of missed issues became impossible to justify and this person was eventually quietly replaced I honestly do think the future is going to start moving more towards work from home and situations like this could easily be remedied or at least made a little bit nicer by shifting to a work from home environment I mean if you're trying to get unpaid overtime from people maybe they'd be a little bit more willing to do it from the comfort of their home that said our final story of the day is Union overtime I worked in a factory on afternoon shift 3 pm to 11 pm in another department were two lazy guys their Department was pretty much fully staffed and their job was to basically clean the department make sure raw materials were available for the next day that sort of thing on Fridays the day chef were often asked to work overtime on Saturdays starting with the most senior employees and working down the list these two guys were never asked usually Because by the time they arrived for their Friday evening shift there were enough day shift volunteers to cover what was needed they discovered that some of the day shift volunteers had less seniority than they did so they kept their mouth shut and for months they recorded each Saturday that a less senior employee worked then they filed a grievance stating that they missed out on the overtime because they weren't asked and should be compensated for all those Saturdays the company said okay then cited a clause in the contract that said they were only liable for only 30 calendar days as it was the employee's responsibility to bring any wage errors to the company in a timely manner in that past month there was one Saturday that a less senior employee worked this Saturday so they paid each of these guys a day's worth of overtime then the company transferred these guys back to day shift they objected to the transfer and lost as it was an ironclad in the contract that the company has the right to assign employees where they were needed both had preschool kids and both had wives that work days dad would watch the kids while Mom was at work then a babysitter or family member would come in and watch them for a couple of hours between when dad left for work and Mom returned home not anymore they had to arrange daycare for the full day at considerable expense mom had to leave early to drop off the kids and dad had to pick them up on the way home but they did manage to profit that single day's worth of overtime this is definitely a situation where they should have known they had a good thing going if things are good enough there's no need to rock the boat I say just ride the Lazy River while you can solar installer got tired of me being frustrated with them back at the start of this year I decided to get solar panels after putting it off for a few years since several solar companies kept giving me bad vibes due to being too pushy I ended up with my choice through my bank which I've always had a good customer focused experience with unfortunately it started off badly the customer service liaison was either way too busy or just didn't care much I ended up getting coveted right as I got a hold of him so some video he needed to decide how cabling could be run indoors through stairwells together with other wiring as I wanted versus the front of the house literally took everything from me as I was being rushed because if I accepted quickly still they'd install it before the summer which would have been great given the rising Energy prices alas I accepted and they had no installer time slots left so I patiently waited while feeling frustrated until late August summer was gone but it was my turn at last this game with a replacement for a different brand of inverters the stated reason being that there was a defect with the old ones but when I asked their customer service for more information they said it was because they ran out so I felt lied to and more distrustful by the minute but eventually they convinced me the original excuse was technically correct because that's what they discovered earlier this year while I wasn't very happy about the entire situation spelunking through some solar communities seemed to confirm that based on the somewhat contrary specs shown on the few different brochures I'd been sent this different brand of solar and inverters were indeed okay products first came a subcontractor to modernize my fuse box because my old one wasn't suitable for solar so well dudes I had my best experience with them the trainee ended up hammering the paint off my wall because apparently the original Builders back in the 80s decided to save some space and not include a backing plate but they ran off to buy some drywall and fixed it up neatly save for the paint and I couldn't blame them for what was a pretty unique circumstance unique to my residence several days later come the actual contractors that install the actual solar panels and system polish guys nice guys but I got very frustrated with them really quick early on for two reasons that are not the language barrier the first is that I apparently needed to have a certain amount of roof tiles ready in reserve that was news to me my contact liaison never told me that they threatened to leave and come another day which I wasn't happy about because I refused to be put on hold until whatever the heck they'd have time again but I was thankfully able to get my neighbor to come home so I could use his roof tiles since I couldn't find my own in that unexpected Rush later that day I managed to find my own roof tiles as well as got their customer service to send me the service terms that their website didn't have available for download so it was no wonder that I didn't see this request anywhere beforehand but I digress secondly the leading guy was a very insistent on running the power line across the front facade it's easier for us but that is ugly as heck since both my direct neighbors had their own solar installed one over a year ago the other just two weeks earlier without any such ugly cabling on the facade I demanded they do it for the inside since it was clearly possible I could tell them exactly where to run it through the inside parallel to some heating pipes all these houses in a corner in the room right above the fuse box I even went to verify with my neighbors on the day to show them screenshots but okay I finally convinced that guy after I had to make manually remove some panels from my attic because they refuse to touch those and needed to see what was going on behind them the fact that I could understand their limitations did not preclude me from being very upset with the accumulating nonsense but the final frustration of that particular appointment was that my setup to be four panels on either side of my East slash west facing roof requiring one inverter for each side couldn't complete its installation because they only brought a single inverter so for the other four solar panels which were also a different model than I ordered although apparently was slightly better going by the wattage rating couldn't be mounted because the inverter had to be installed underneath so now I had expensive solar panels sitting in my backyard Stormy Weather and a promise that they'd come by the next week to finish the installation the Polish guy requested that I please not call the company because of the trouble with installing and I decided I'd give these guys the benefit fit of the doubt by the time 14 days had passed I called customer service because I felt forgotten about they plan in a new appointment the next day I go over to somebody's to hang out and stay like till 8 pm at which point I see I had a bunch of missed calls from a Polish number as well as my neighbor trying to reach me for what turned out to be them suddenly rocking up to finish the installation being one of those people who actually puts his phone on silent and doesn't look at it while socializing I lost my one opportunity to get it done quickly on the last day of September the new installer agreed date happens and everything finally gets installed and is shown to work the end right and then he lived happily ever after as the performance readouts are done through a cloud-based system the Polish contractors had created me an account for this monitoring system that wasn't technically correct as several things were wrong with it I didn't even get a chance to mail them about those issues before I got an email the very next day giving me a new set of logins with a far uglier username but I digress that replaced the previous account some of the mistakes were fixed the one that wasn't is what this entire post is about I emailed my customer liaison to explain that the physical map of my setup was incorrect and that I'd like it fixed and how I'd like it fixed for future reference I also discussed another technical issue that pisses me off and I want it fixed but I'm omitting that from this post because it's enough of a long mess as it is even though they keep mishandling their responses to that one equally as much as this post's topic 10 days passed no response I wasn't too surprised although their help desk kept asking me to please contact the customer liaison instead of calling them each time I called for actual answers during all the chaos described up above I already knew this guy was either overwhelmed by or outright unsued suitable for his job then I received the final bill with payment instructions so I decided to respond to their financial department with a copy of my original email and saying that I'm not paying until all the details are correct there's 14 days time to pay anyways and given their performance so far I feel like the financial carrot will actually get them to listen I finally get an answer to my email the next day what a surprise the technician insists it's already correct and includes a clarification of the setup which I've annotated with all other information regarding my setup for clarity in this tale I repeat my arguments requests and instructions which is basically Compass Points North but my solar panels like my house face East and West I want them to either fix the compass North to point left or rotate all the panels to the right resulting in two different columns instead of two rows being rather frustrated at this point I also asked if I was speaking in tongues because I didn't think that I was that bad at communicating my needs and desires and I felt that their company was utterly sucking when it came to communicating with me yes at this point I was treating the company and by proxy the technician like a five-year-old who needed me to spell out exactly what he needed to do because he clearly had trouble understanding my previous email despite its five line Simplicity the week passes I guess expedience he disappeared again but I do get an answer solar panels rotated 90 degrees to the right including the text and present readouts themselves at this point I faced Palm so hard yeah I kind of deserved that he literally did as I suggested to rotate by 90 degrees but it's obviously not what I meant I didn't even know the texts could be rotated too I complimented him on his malicious compliance told him he made me smile and ask them to fix it properly he'd also sent me a video in regards to my other issue that I've omitted and that one didn't address my issue either so yeah so many days and emails gone by and we're still at an 0-2 success rate in regards to solving problems but I said I'd pay because fine he made me smile well that end I just didn't want the legal nonsense of being late for paying since the system as a whole was operational and these remaining issues are unlikely to be fair to withhold payment over yet another few days later and I have a gym together with an apology that he's not very familiar with this system no crap throughout my many interactions I've already realized there are various documentations don't include references to this brand I'd installed whatsoever my building and house aren't perfectly North and South aligned according to Google Maps so I guess he's right to slant it but if I use Google Maps as my indicator the real slant is probably midway between a true vertical line and what he produced for me meanwhile for my other undiscussed issue he now gave me credentials to a special installer account to use with an installer app that thankfully for operational security seems to be limited to a test site that can't access the data from my own account so God knows what use that's going to be for me I've got a distinct sense that he just wants to be rid of me by offering me direct access to the back end stuff which isn't direct access my apologies on how long this post ended up this was apparently one of those rants that I've been sitting on for the past few months more than necessarily malicious compliance I see this as like op just venting their frustrations I mean let's be fair if any of us tries to make some big change to their house most of us are probably going to feel pretty winded and stressed if this is like an ongoing multi-month thing the details are never right you have to keep petitioning for things to be done in a nice proper away I definitely don't blame Opie for being exhausted it just especially sucks to realize you demanded something that they gave you and to be fair you were wrong to begin with to demand that which is directly what caused the screw-up on the orientation of some of these panels by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos that said our next story is from micro child thanks for telling me what to do with my clothes so I recently went on a trip to the states I'm from Latin America and it's kind of a famous family trip to go to Florida to cities such as Orlando and Miami to buy things cheaper in Outlets retail shops and thrift shops onto the story my family and I were on a retail shop one of those amazingly big ones I picked a lot of things I can't lie after I tried on most of them in the dressing rooms I took them all outside with me and told the lady at the front of these rooms that I'd be talking and seeing with my mom which things I'd actually buy she then told me that all the other clothes I wouldn't be using and taking with me I could return them to the place she was at in the moment the front desk of the dressing rooms and that she would return them to their respective Place lo and behold I checked which things I'd be buying and returned to this place however this kind lady from before was gone and instead there was this other Latina with a freaking attitude I mentioned she was Latina because I've kind of realized on the trips I've made to the USA and through what other Latinos from there have told me that Latin American people who live there are quite competitive with each other and don't really help one another out it's even clearer if you're not a resident than just visiting they look at you like they're Almighty and have achieved the American dream because they somehow got a resident Visa or at least got away with being illegals back to the story I came back to the dressing rooms with about 10 clothing items all organized with their hangers and blah blah blah as I mentioned this place was one of those humongously big stores thus I didn't really remember from where I'd taken all the items and I'd rather take them back to the fitting rooms so these people who actually know where I got them from could return them to their places instead of leaving them anywhere when I get back there I mentioned to the new lady with the one from before had told me about returning the clothes there she gives me a once over while scowling at me and says do you know how dressing rooms work I was honestly confused because I mean yeah I do then she proceeded to downsplain quite condescendingly how a dressing room worked She Said So when you buy clothes and want to know if they fit you you come to the dressing rooms you see if things fit you and if not then when you're going out you give them to me and I return them to their place if not then those clothes are your responsibility I was mad I mean what's the purpose of being rude I smiled at her then and asked can I try them on then since that's how this play works the expression on her face was amazing of course she couldn't say no to that so I go inside with my clothes and I'm back outside in less than five seconds I simply tell her I didn't really like anything guess you'll have to put them back it kind of makes me wonder if you're at some kind of store and you grab a bunch of clothes to try on and you realize there's a lot of things you don't actually want should it be your responsibility to go and put all of these things back or is it ethical just to drop them all off there at the changing room station for them to figure out later I know at least for myself I obviously wouldn't want to have to go put them all back myself and I imagine if you have customers try to do that a lot of things probably won't make it back where they're supposed to go so maybe it's for the best that said our final story of the days from Bex K don't want me to ride on the pavement okay this happened many years ago in Europe where pavement is very common also most but not all streets have about bike lane the law states that only children are allowed to ride their bicycles on the pavement as a grown-up you have to use the bike lane if there is one or the street if there's no bike lane present and of course you have to ride on the correct side of the street I was a somewhat lazy teenager even though I was using my bicycle every day whenever I needed to go anywhere I wasn't very fond of abiding to the rules of the law I used the pavement rode the wrong way even in one-way streets and so on but never to annoy or endanger anyone to the story I was riding my bicycle on the pavement because it was shorter this way so this guy's turning around the corner and suddenly walking towards me I'm still quite far away clearly he didn't like me riding my bike on the pavement he didn't say anything but he lifted his arms with which he carried the groceries just to look bigger and take more room trying to force me to use the street there would have been enough room for the both of us but he wasn't going to let me pass easily I get it I was doing something that isn't allowed cue malicious compliance I hopped off my bicycle and pushed it which is totally legal to do but now I'm walking next to my bicycle and all of a sudden there isn't enough room to pass each other easily he was even more annoyed as he had to sway to walk past me apparently in a lot of these places the age limit is like up to 10 or 12. under that you can ride on the pavement just in case anybody was wondering well wasn't a teen young enough to do so if it was kids only although I think it's easy to empathize with OP I would hope most of us can agree that op I think was literally breaking the law I could imagine in a place that has a lot of foot traffic you'd get pretty sick of people using the pavement for the bicycles but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy compliance story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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:00.260 --> :19.910 I’m going to start this story off by saying that this is absolutely not one of my most :19.910 --> :24.311 shining moral moments and that I’m well aware that I was a straight up asshole for :24.311 --> :25.620 doing what I did. :25.620 --> :30.170 My only real defense is that I was in a super bad place mentally and needed a mountain’s :30.170 --> :31.170 worth of therapy. :31.170 --> :35.210 If you’re curious about the circumstances around her, check my profile. :35.210 --> :38.190 Bitch was evil in human form. :38.190 --> :39.989 Now, on with the revenge. :39.989 --> :43.190 I was a weird kid growing up, REALLY weird. :43.190 --> :47.539 It was mostly because I was being abused at home and forcibly isolated. :47.539 --> :53.239 My social skills were so underdeveloped that I had difficulty reading human faces aside :53.239 --> :56.699 from my Grandmother, Grandfather and Father. :56.699 --> :00.100 Being the weird kid meant the I was a juicy target for bullies. :00.100 --> :05.050 It never stopped, but there was one bully that I hated more than any of the others. :05.050 --> :06.900 We’ll call her Holly. :06.900 --> :12.260 This girl never passed up an opportunity to make my life hell, and since she lived across :12.260 --> :15.700 the street from me there was nowhere I could avoid her. :15.700 --> :19.400 Holly treated me like garbage; here are a few examples. :19.400 --> :22.800 She put dog crap in our mail box on a regular basis. :22.800 --> :26.720 She let my dog out of my yard and I was never able to get her back. :26.720 --> :30.830 She would also sit on her porch with her friends and roast the hell out of me to entertain :30.830 --> :34.650 them if I so much as put a toe outside of my front door. :34.650 --> :36.860 It went on for years. :36.860 --> :43.040 I hated her with the fiery passion of a thousand suns, but while my grandmother was still alive :43.040 --> :45.430 there was nothing I could do about Holly. :45.430 --> :50.909 If I did anything to her or fought back in any way my grandmother would punish me for :50.909 --> :55.990 it and I was more afraid of her than I was Holly, for a very good reason. :55.990 --> :57.150 So I made a plan. :57.150 --> :02.229 I suffered through all the abuse and promised myself that when I was older I would make :02.229 --> :04.660 Holly pay for what she did to me. :04.660 --> :08.619 Thinking of what I was going to do to her when the time was right was sometimes the :08.619 --> :10.429 only thing that kept me going. :10.429 --> :16.700 Over time, Holly grew up, and eventually she left me alone and stopped being an asshole, :16.700 --> :19.510 unfortunately for her by then it was too late. :19.510 --> :24.420 I didn’t give a shit about her new moral epiphany, I had been nursing my grudge for :24.420 --> :28.299 two decades and it was time for a reckoning. :28.299 --> :31.170 I was going to destroy that bitch. :31.170 --> :36.569 When my Grandmother finally died, it was Go time, and I’d had 20 years to plan. :36.569 --> :41.579 Iwasn’t idle while I waited, I’d made it my mission in life to learn as much about :41.579 --> :46.920 Holly as possible, and to do it I became friends with a few people on the periphery of her :46.920 --> :48.590 social circle. :48.590 --> :53.349 Eventually, I knew more about her and her life than her own mother did. :53.349 --> :57.109 The first step I took in my plan was getting her fired from her job. :57.109 --> :00.700 It took longer than I would have liked, but eventually I managed it. :00.700 --> :05.840 Holly worked at a doctor’s office, and I knew that the doctor she worked for was super :05.840 --> :06.840 Christian. :06.840 --> :09.040 Very straight edge, upstanding type of guy. :09.040 --> :12.430 He alsohad a huge influence on the local community. :12.430 --> :17.359 I decided to become a patient at his office, scheduling my visits to be on the days Holly :17.359 --> :18.919 was off work. :18.919 --> :24.040 After a couple of visits I just ‘happened’ to notice Holly in the staff photo on the :24.040 --> :25.439 waiting room wall. :25.439 --> :29.379 I made a show of looking surprised and then concerned. :29.379 --> :33.309 I got to the exam room, and the doctor came in shortly after. :33.309 --> :37.579 The expression on my face got his attention, and he asked me what was wrong. :37.579 --> :42.459 I told him that even though I didn’t want to, as a Christian I couldn’t keep my knowledge :42.459 --> :47.049 a secret and still sleep at night because I just couldn’t let him endanger his soul :47.049 --> :49.769 and reputation by doing nothing. :49.769 --> :55.049 I had his full attention, then and I asked him as one fellow Christian to another not :55.049 --> :00.239 to tell anyone where he got the information I was about to give him, after he promised :00.239 --> :05.059 he would I told him that I knew that Holly was using illegal drugs. :05.059 --> :09.280 He was absolutely floored and at first he didn’t believe me. :09.280 --> :13.909 I told him that I understood his skepticism entirely, but it was easy enough to prove :13.909 --> :17.320 or disprove my information with a drug test. :17.320 --> :19.519 If I was wrong, he lost nothing. :19.519 --> :23.600 If I was right he was saving himself from trouble down the road. :23.600 --> :28.981 He finally agreed to test her, and he tested everyone else too so that it didn’t look :28.981 --> :30.950 like Holly was the only target. :30.950 --> :33.410 See, I wasn’t actually lying. :33.410 --> :38.600 Holly smoked a shitload of weed, and I knew that because it was my dad she used to get :38.600 --> :39.600 it from. :39.600 --> :42.340 He’d been her weed dude since she was like 15. :42.340 --> :47.690 Her test came back positive for marijuana and much to my surprise, xanax. :47.690 --> :48.690 Oopsie. :48.690 --> :53.260 The doctor fired Holly on the spot when the results of the urinalysis came back and then :53.260 --> :57.970 he called me to thank me for telling him what was going on, and before he hung up he told :57.970 --> :00.660 me that I truly walked with the Lord. :00.660 --> :06.160 Y’all will never know how hard I had to fight not to laugh at the depths of his wrongness. :06.160 --> :08.820 I thought I was going to pop a blood vessel. :08.820 --> :10.320 Phase one; complete. :10.320 --> :13.790 I know what you’re thinking, it’s just a job and it’s not like she can’t go get :13.790 --> :15.120 another one , right? :15.120 --> :17.110 losing a job isn’t the end of the world. :17.110 --> :18.700 You’d be wrong. :18.700 --> :23.350 Remember how I said that her boss had a very high reputation in our area? :23.350 --> :29.310 That man called every single hospital and doctors office in the state personally to :29.310 --> :34.840 make sure that NONE of them would hire Holly and risk liability and loss of community trust :34.840 --> :36.600 for associating with her. :36.600 --> :41.630 Holly’s field of study was all pertaining to the medical profession, so her education :41.630 --> :44.670 was rendered worthless because nobody would hire her. :44.670 --> :46.140 I wasn’t done yet. :46.140 --> :47.140 Nope. :47.140 --> :48.370 Not even close. :48.370 --> :53.060 She lost her job, and because she had no income her car got repossessed. :53.060 --> :56.170 She still had her family though, two kids and a fiancée. :56.170 --> :57.520 Who needs families? :57.520 --> :58.520 Amirite? :58.520 --> :04.080 With the help of a good friend of mine, we catfished the fuck out of her fiancée. :04.080 --> :10.270 My friend is hot AF, and she let me use pictures of her to ‘prove’ that she was really :10.270 --> :11.270 real. :11.270 --> :13.740 She even got on Skype with him once. :13.740 --> :18.130 When he finally made the arrangements for a face to face encounter and booked a hotel :18.130 --> :23.990 room I texted the screenshots of EVERYTHING to Holly from a burner number. :23.990 --> :29.720 To say the excrement impacted the oscillating unit would be a vast understatement. :29.720 --> :34.660 They broke up, the while thing was an ordeal and Holly was devastated. :34.660 --> :39.651 She had two kids, no job, and now no fiancée who could help her keep the family afloat. :39.651 --> :43.560 A normal person would have stopped then. :43.560 --> :47.210 Unfortunately I am not normal and I was going full scorched earth. :47.210 --> :52.750 I seethed for twenty years, no way in hell was I going easy on her. :52.750 --> :53.750 Phase Three. :53.750 --> :59.470 With her fiancé gone and no job Holly was struggling badly, she needed money and she :59.470 --> :02.960 needed it quickly before she and the kids got evicted. :02.960 --> :08.890 Meth is a giant problem in my area, it’s high risk but it’s also fast money and so :08.890 --> :15.750 I started subtly mentioning Holly’s situation among my more legally questionable family. :15.750 --> :19.740 Eventually one of my family’s friends who happened to be a meth cook got in contact :19.740 --> :24.770 with Holly and offered her a shitload of cash to let him cook dope at her house. :24.770 --> :26.630 It was supposed to be a one time thing. :26.630 --> :29.170 2 days and then done forever. :29.170 --> :34.480 Holly was desperate so she said yes, everything went smoothly at first but dead in the middle :34.480 --> :39.430 of the cook someone called in an anonymous tip about an active cook in progress to the :39.430 --> :41.050 local narcotics unit. :41.050 --> :46.520 They rolled up on Holly’s house at about 3 am and caught everybody inside, including :46.520 --> :49.080 Holly red handed making meth. :49.080 --> :53.180 Watching her cry when they handcuffed her and put her in that police cruiser was one :53.180 --> :57.590 of the most gloriously satisfying moments of my life. :57.590 --> :03.340 She was in deep legal doodoo, and to make a bad situation even worse, most houses where :03.340 --> :08.480 labs are discovered aren’t deemed habitable afterwards because the toxic fumes from the :08.480 --> :14.090 chemicals used to make the drug get EVERYWHERE and it’s super hard and time consuming to :14.090 --> :15.090 clean. :15.090 --> :19.330 It’s up to the property owner to either hire a hazmat team to clean it, or condemn :19.330 --> :20.950 it and tear it down. :20.950 --> :23.400 A lab cleanup costs thousands of dollars. :23.400 --> :28.370 it would have cost more money to clean it than the entire property was worth. :28.370 --> :32.110 So it got torn down, with everything Holly owned still inside. :32.110 --> :36.330 See, you can’t take things out of a meth lab because they’re going to be covered :36.330 --> :37.610 in toxic residue. :37.610 --> :42.130 It can make you VERY sick, especially young children. :42.130 --> :45.350 Everything in the residence is usually counted as a loss. :45.350 --> :50.890 Now, some people sneak in and grab stuff anyway, but whatever, it’s their funeral but since :50.890 --> :55.960 Holly was still sitting in jail, there was no way for her to get anything and none of :55.960 --> :00.560 her close family were interested in risking getting caught sneaking into the house and :00.560 --> :04.460 being accused of stealing or tampering with a crime scene. :04.460 --> :09.380 Holly ended up in jail for a while, and while she was gone the court gave their father, :09.380 --> :15.820 Ex Fiancé, sole custody of their children, and Holly was only given supervised visitation. :15.820 --> :19.040 Two hours every Saturday if I recall correctly. :19.040 --> :24.170 Revenge is a dish best served cold, and mine was freezing. :24.170 --> :29.450 I was behind every single bad thing that happened in Holly’s life , in one way or another :29.450 --> :31.960 for an entire five year period. :31.960 --> :36.270 She decided she liked bullying me and making my life hell and she figures there would never :36.270 --> :38.190 be any consequences. :38.190 --> :44.740 Instead, I took her reputation, her job, her fiancé, got her arrested and convicted of :44.740 --> :50.490 a felony and her children taken from her and the best part is that she has no clue I did :50.490 --> :52.320 it to this very day. :52.320 --> :57.910 She’d forgotten about me, what she did to me impacted my life forever, but to her it :57.910 --> :01.880 wasn’t even important enough to her to bother remembering. :01.880 --> :06.530 I was nothing to her, so she never connected me to her problems. :06.530 --> :12.570 Last I heard she was in rehab for alcoholism and had her parental rights terminated permanently. :12.570 --> :17.450 After she lost her kids she just sort of gave up and crawled into a bottle and never came :17.450 --> :18.450 out again. :18.450 --> :23.500 I was tempted to tell her, but I decided that the helplessness and confusion about why everything :23.500 --> :28.591 suddenly went to hell in a hand-basket was the better plan, because that means that every :28.591 --> :33.550 now and again I can contact her and pretend to give a shit about her troubles to get a :33.550 --> :37.390 fresh revenge boner about her newest tale of woe. :37.390 --> :40.570 She thinks I’m the nicest person she’s ever met. :40.570 --> :48.190 So I posted this in pro revenge and it got removed cause apparently my old friends are :48.190 --> :50.060 bad ass haha. :50.060 --> :56.700 So i thought I'd toss it in here. :56.700 --> :00.140 Hello happy internet people! :00.140 --> :08.730 This may not be quite pro..but it definitely isn't petty! :08.730 --> :11.310 So here goes! :11.310 --> :16.320 I used to work in an office that did promotions for local charity events and fundraisers. :16.320 --> :23.240 Crap pay but awesome co-workers and the blueberry scones in the office cafe were flat out amazing! :23.240 --> :28.680 Our office was small as offices go, about 20 employees including the 2 managers. :28.680 --> :32.470 Our top boss -who I will call Bob was really sweet. :32.470 --> :36.770 Constantly having friendly contests with prizes for the most donations and such. :36.770 --> :40.990 (I won a basketball that I donated to the kids in my church haha) He was the kind of :40.990 --> :44.900 guy that would give you $20 from his own pocket if you needed lunch money. :44.900 --> :46.230 I miss him. :46.230 --> :47.890 But I digress! :47.890 --> :53.140 Our office was a lot like the TV show, we were a close family of sorts who celebrated :53.140 --> :57.800 each other's birthdays, drew names at Christmas and ate lunch together. :57.800 --> :05.060 All was rainbows and flowers until Steve strode into our happy kingdom of blissful sunshine. :05.060 --> :06.230 Steve was tall. :06.230 --> :07.640 Steve was large. :07.640 --> :10.400 Steve had a thing for girls with big boobs. :10.400 --> :16.450 Steve had been fired from the hospital morgue for having relations with um..the deceased. :16.450 --> :21.790 Into Steve's line of vision came my friends and myself..the 3 girls in the office who's :21.790 --> :23.560 attributes appealed to him. :23.560 --> :27.770 Day 1 Steve sidled over to our end of the office and leered at us. :27.770 --> :28.770 Hey ladies! :28.770 --> :30.810 (Staring at our chests) :30.810 --> :33.640 We mumbled , shifted and went back to work. :33.640 --> :34.660 No problem right? :34.660 --> :36.740 OH how wrong you are! :36.740 --> :42.800 This began a daily onslaught of touching, rubbing, comments, stroking our hair, lewd :42.800 --> :46.170 remarks and pouting because we didn't reciprocate! :46.170 --> :47.460 We went to Bob. :47.460 --> :49.140 We went to second manager. :49.140 --> :50.800 They threatened him. :50.800 --> :52.339 It continued. :52.339 --> :56.630 Until the day I was on the phone with a client and he grabbed my arm in a vice and started :56.630 --> :00.890 whispering in my ear - while I was talking to the client! :00.890 --> :05.470 I was struggling to stay professional while trying (and failing) to get away from him. :05.470 --> :08.410 I finally hung up, and screamed LET GO OF ME! :08.410 --> :10.380 While bursting into tears. :10.380 --> :11.820 Now this was the 90s. :11.820 --> :15.270 Recognition for sexual harassment was still in its infancy. :15.270 --> :18.350 Help for it was almost non-existent. :18.350 --> :20.240 Unless you worked in our office haha. :20.240 --> :25.500 2nd manager came roaring over, hauling Steve off me and making sure I was ok. :25.500 --> :27.240 Told me to take the rest of the day. :27.240 --> :30.240 THE REVENGE ....and the surprising outcome! :30.240 --> :33.990 I went home and took the next day as well to settle my nerves. :33.990 --> :37.430 When I returned to work, the office was buzzing. :37.430 --> :41.410 The girls gathered around me asking if I knew what had happened after I left. :41.410 --> :42.410 Nope? :42.410 --> :47.000 The guys in our office gathered in the hall and waited for Steve . When he came out for :47.000 --> :49.300 a smoke, they jumped him. :49.300 --> :54.709 Pinned him up against the wall and while I was never privy to what was said I was let :54.709 --> :58.490 know they beat him pretty good and put the fear of God in him! :58.490 --> :03.709 Steve didn't return for a few days, when he came back he was a broken man, black eye, :03.709 --> :04.980 bruised face. :04.980 --> :09.930 He came up to me and loudly apologised saying he knew how wrong he was and promised to play :09.930 --> :11.440 nice from then on. :11.440 --> :13.000 THE OUTCOME! :13.000 --> :14.589 Steve was a changed man! :14.589 --> :17.520 Turns out he was actually a pretty decent guy! :17.520 --> :21.840 While eating lunch one day, someone brought put a cribbage board and everyone was surprised :21.840 --> :26.020 to learn I didn't know how to play so Steve offered to teach me. :26.020 --> :30.960 I found I love the game and Steve and I quickly became the team to beat going on to win the :30.960 --> :32.620 office championship! :32.620 --> :37.880 I left there a few years later, when i left everyone chipped in for gifts and cards, and :37.880 --> :39.300 Steve gave me a hug. :39.300 --> :40.870 I hugged him back.In World War II, Eliahu Itzkovitz was a Romanian Jew held prisoner :40.870 --> :41.870 in a concentration camp. :41.870 --> :43.960 At the age of 13, he witnessed his family get murdered by a guard, named Stănescu. :43.960 --> :44.960 He vowed revenge. :44.960 --> :46.640 After the war, he received permission to emigrate to Israel, where he joined their defence force. :46.640 --> :47.950 He never forget about Stănescu, and frequently asked about him. :47.950 --> :50.680 Soon, he got word that Stănescu had made it out of Romania at the end of the war, and :50.680 --> :51.780 had fled to France, where he joined the French Foreign Legion. :51.780 --> :52.780 Itzkovitz waited for his opportunity. :52.780 --> :53.780 Some time later, Itzkovitz was serving on an Israeli warship that had docked in Italy. :53.780 --> :56.420 He deserted, and made his way to France, where he also joined the French Foreign Legion. :56.420 --> :59.230 After basic training, he asked to be sent to Indochina, where Stănescu was fighting. :59.230 --> :02.030 It took some doing, but eventually Itzkovitz got himself assigned to Stănescu's unit. :02.030 --> :03.030 Then he waited patiently... :03.030 --> :05.339 There was a firefight, and Itzovitz and Stănescu were pinned down, and awaiting reinforcements. :05.339 --> :06.410 Itzkoviz called out, in Romanian, "Stănescu! :06.410 --> :07.410 You are Stănescu, aren't you?" :07.410 --> :08.410 "Yes, but....." :08.410 --> :09.450 "Stănescu, I am one of the Jews from Chisnau." :09.450 --> :11.010 Then Itzkovitz emptied his machine gun into Stănescu's chest. :11.010 --> :12.010 He was brought back to Israel, and tried for desertion. :12.010 --> :12.013 Goven the ci
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIDEALTWITHTHEOFFICEPERVERTRedditStoriesen
I caught my wife's ex coping a feel they claim it was a joke aah for not letting it go they've been friends for over 20 years I've always been cool with it but suspicious of him we were walking to a concert together and I stayed back to use the restroom they didn't know I caught up and was behind them he rubbed her back then dropped his hand down and squeezed her ass she nudged him away but more playfully than angrily in my mind after processing for a minute I walked ahead and asked her what the was that and described what I saw she said it was a joke about having some insect bites that itched I didn't want to make a scene and ruin the day at this Festival so I waited until we were back home to bring it up again she agreed he shouldn't have done it but denies it was anything more it's been eating away at me for days mostly because I gave him the benefit of the doubt and trusted their relationship was just friends he's married and has kids but I've always suspected he's still pining away for her and this proves it to me plus there was a similar incident about 8 years ago that made me feel the same way she maintains it wasn't a big deal but I felt depressed and defeated not knowing if I can trust either one of them anymore she doesn't recognize how much it's with me am I overly paranoid and overreacting thanks for letting me vent
give me a good story on IcaughtmywifesexcoppingafeelTheyclaimitwasajokeAITAHfornotlettingitgo
what made the high school legend become a legend we had a teacher who was Infamous for not letting you go to the bathroom no matter what I mean so much so that if you accidentally started your period in class she'd make you wait this happened so there was a girl who will call Katie in class who tended to be a bit of a troublemaker Katie hated that teacher because she'd begged to go to the bathroom and got shut down every time at the end of the year Katie asked one more time to go to the bathroom the teacher said no Katie asked another time five minutes later the teacher said no again five minutes after that Katie asked again but said that the teacher was not going to like what happened if the teacher didn't let her go the teacher hit the roof and said that if she said one more thing Katie would be sent to the principal Katie Shrugged and said this is on you then and pissed on her seat right where she was the teacher sent her to the principal who called her parents one of which was a urologist her father yelled at the principal the teacher ended up in deep according to other kids she never denied another kid the bathroom again Katie was a Legend
give me a good story on Whatmadethehighschoollegendbecomealegendorig
aita because I told my ex-husband's son the truth about why we divorced and how he came to be I 45f used to be married to D 46m we were together for 4 years and married for 5 Years From age 18 to 27 I thought the relationship was going well until I discovered David was having an active affair with C who was 25 at the time and is now 43f during that time I collected evidence consulted a divorce lawyer and presented David with divorce papers D did not protest and left me for c as she was pregnant and I had trouble conceiving however through miraculous circumstances I was found to be pregnant for months later as I discovered I missed a period and had a positive pregnancy result through my moral judgment I decided to keep the baby and have primary custody as David was enamored with his new fling with CLA I would give birth to a healthy baby boy in m and C would give birth in N our boys would grow up to soon become friends and have a solid relationship despite the tense nature of what transpired between David and me the boys are now 17 and entering their senior year of high school n was over last weekend and seemed different as his mood was sour and he seemed upset sitting down with him I asked what was wrong and though he appeared apprehensive he opened up to me about some relationship problems he had been going through his girlfriend of 2 years had cheated on him
give me a good story on AITAbecauseItoldmyexhusbandssonthetruthaboutwhywedivorcedandhowhecametobe
today we have a crazy story of Revenge going wrong we'll get into that in a bit but first constantly let your dog crap on my lawn enjoy your smelly garbage cans for context I live in a small cul-de-sac with four other houses we're all pretty close and friendly since it's a small neighborhood except one house they keep to themselves and are generally pretty inconsiderate with noise ordinances and such I'm talking doing loud machine work at 6 45 a.m on a Saturday I have a large dog and his poops are sizable I don't like to let them poop on the front lawn since I've put a lot of work into making it look nice suddenly I start finding poops that were not his I could tell based on size and a few other factors that these were not my dog's craps the first few I let go just picked up and tossed but after finding one almost every single morning for weeks I had enough I checked my doorbell camera and lo and behold my neighbor was letting their dog crap on my lawn then just calling them back and going inside the final straw was watching their dog dig into my flower bed which I had previously attributed to squirrels or rabbits since we have a lot in our area I tried speaking to them about it a few times but they actively Dodge interactions with all other neighbors in our cul-de-sac I go outside while they're washing their car they drop the hose and go inside for a while I try to catch them in the morning before work they either hustle into their car or go back inside it's the most childish thing I've ever seen cue the Revenge Fridays are garbage days so most folks get their cans out Thursday night since it comes so early in the morning for four days I picked up the crap and stored it in a box unbagged I used a bag to pick it up at 11 PM as I'm letting my own dog out before bed I empty that box into their garbage can and waited our local municipality has strict rules on animal waste mainly that it must be bagged I work from home so I knew I'd see that pickup happen the can was pulled over and once they flip back the lid to get it into the truck that worker immediately closed it and slapped them with a fine for unbagged waste it likely won't stop the pooping but the Revenge was sweet does anybody just feel bad for the garbage worker having to go and pull that can and flip it open and meet one of the gnarliest smells in a job where you have nothing but gnarly smells also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy awesome stories of Revenge why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is finally got payback on an ex-coworker this was a few years ago but it ran across my mind today for some reason when I was 20 I started a job as a teller at Wells Fargo at this specific location it was a trailer or that's what we called it anyway just picture a super long skinny building also this was only for drive through it was located next to the actual bank this drive through had eight drive-ups and two Pull-Ups for merchants the merchant pull-ups were literally on the building and the others were in front picture a Sonic fast food place four of the drive-ups were on one side of the trailer and another on the other side it took at least five of us to man this on a slow day well one day my boss let everyone go to lunch at once except for the three of us myself Kim and Jessica well my half of the trailer where I was completely by myself had a man the four drive-throughs and the merchant if you know doing the merchant is time consuming there's typically a lot of cash being deposited which takes time obviously to count Etc well on this day Kim and Jessica just didn't feel like working literally just sat there as I was trying to help five separate people at once Jessica walks over and tells me to hurry up and people are waiting I look at her in disbelief I asked her to help while Kim just sat there staring at me I got so ticked off I called Jessica a bench straight up well my idiot boss comes back from her lunch and Jessica goes straight to her and complains about me I got written up my boss could not have cared less of the circumstances oblivious to the lack of scheduling on her part whatever anyway I ended up getting fired because Jessica just couldn't let it go she was traumatized also didn't help my boss kept making me work the merchant Lane if you know about being a teller you know that a merchant teller requires experience this was my first teller job ever okay so the fun part years later I opened an account at a local credit union it was just an account for fun money totally forgot about it after like a year and realized it was in the negative can't even remember how that happened but it was literally like three dollars so I go in to take care of it and lo and behold there's Jessica she immediately recognized me I go to the counter and another girl puzzle up my account I immediately tell her why I'm there of course well Jessica sees this as an opportunity to embarrass me me also there's at least four other account holders in the small Lobby the teller that's helping me had to call a number to reset the account well Jessica walks over leans over this girl and loudly says her account is in the negative she needs to pay that first and then glares at me and smirks oh heck no so I let the girl finish the call and get things squared away get my account to like a 100 balance not much but again this is just my fun money account I head out the door and if ding to be me I run into the branch manager I tell her about Jessica and that I was considering closing my account over it well about two hours later I get a call from the branch manager and she apologized profusely and told me Jessica had been let go because it wasn't the first complaint about her and not the first time she had been unprofessional some people let their benchiness guide them into a false sense of imperviousness you know know those moments where you have to show up somebody so bad and you got that inkling of an idea how to do it that you don't think about the consequences you don't care that you're a bank teller at work on the job in front of all these other people our next story is I got my sixth grade bully fired and his girlfriend to break up with him when I was in sixth grade I was being bullied by this boy in my grade we'll call them Tom he bullied me every day especially during PE class I remember thinking about how I was going to enact my revenge on him one day well fast forward to 10 years later I'm working at a popular lunch spot and my manager asked me about hiring this new guy named Tom I knew it was him and I gave him a bad recommendation but that wasn't the end of it because he still got hired I found out that Tom had a girlfriend who he was trying to keep a secret anyways one of my co-workers who happened to be the niece of the owner tells me she has a big crush on Tom and that they hooked up the other night I say to her that's crazy did you know about his girlfriend to say she was shocked was an understatement my co-worker immediately asked me for the girlfriend's Facebook information which I eagerly gave to her she writes up a beautiful Facebook message to Tom's girlfriend telling her everything that had happened between them the night before and then after that she goes home and tells the owner about what a slime ball Tom truly was Tom got fired like a week later and his girlfriend broke up with him once a slime ball always a slime ball I suppose is slimeball actions were almost inevitably going to lead him to end up here right our next story is want to go through pedestrian Zone with your motorbike you'll ride at pedestrian Pace this happened yesterday I was out for a run and I was going through a park where there are some small let's say Trails it's in the city so don't image mountains and such just quite narrow unpaved roads let's say narrow Central Parkways if two people meet one has to go slightly out of the way to pass almost marginal for a small motorcycle so this park in a way cuts my area in two and if you want to transit to certain places you have to go around as I believe in any part of the world anyway a lot of motorcycle users the smaller ones as the bigger wouldn't fit like delivery people Etc tend to go through the part and its Trails instead of taking the five minutes normal round this is of course forbidden against the law and of course dangerous for the pedestrians as there are a lot of families with small children learning to walk or bike strollers Elders walking Etc so as it was running I saw a motorcycle about to come into the trail I was on so I told the guy that he shouldn't come through here and go around quite politely I must add as a typical Greek guy he started shouting that he can go wherever he wants and I should shut up band and then so okay please be my guest and get on the trail he's behind me and if I don't move to the side there is absolutely no way he can get through without hitting and injuring me as you can guess I never gave way only for a couple of older ladies coming from the opposite side on their walk that were also critically staring at him I also slowed my running to a point it was more of a walk he had to stay behind me for about five minutes which is less than the time it would have taken him to use the normal Road of course shouting the whole time but who cares I know it's not much but I felt good people like that ruin nice things you're supposed to be able to have a nice casual walk enjoy the trail enjoy the park and then you have to deal with these people zipping and zooming right by or you know getting right up on you and telling you to move to the side so they can get by makes you wish that there were more officials patrolling to you know actually make it seem like it was in forced the amount of people that take these Trails makes it seem like there's nobody really there keeping it in check our next story is try to drive me off the road good luck using your mirrors this was around 2006 in raiding England I'm Dutch so I cycle to work partly because it's fun partly because cutting through town on my MTV was about 10 minutes well it took me at least half an hour by car on most days but England isn't as cyclist friendly as the Netherlands understatement and I'm a stupid 20-something that likes to go fast so I Dash through traffic left and right like a maniac enjoying the honks of startled drivers stuck in traffic one day I get cut off by a driver deliberately pushing me towards the sidewalk I was able to jump onto the sidewalk and gave him an unimpressed little Applause which ticked him off even more unfortunately traffic cleared at that point and he was able to follow me and try the same stunt again I wasn't in the mood for his bowl and feigned going into a side street he continued the end I thought not when I turned into the street of my apartment building I noticed this car parked in my street that evening when I walked to the corner shop it was still there decided I had to enact some petty revenge and folded in his mirrors continued to do this over the next few weeks every time I saw his car and I could get away with it one evening coming home from the pub I saw the guy walking to his car completely losing it and shouting that he would find the person touching his car and kill him I moved house a few weeks later still makes me smile thinking about it though imagine though I missed all the pain and frustration hope he had caused upon this person there was a day that op bestowed a joy upon them when the mirror stopped getting folded in by itself this next story is post my number on fake mail for male casual encounter ads how about fake Craigslist ads bringing hundreds of people to your door at 5 30 a.m in my mid-20s early 20 8 ends I was looking for a used moped I found one on an online Marketplace the seller didn't want me to go to him so he met me at my apartment complex it was a really big apartment complex so we wouldn't actually know where I lived he pulls the moped out of the back of his truck and two to three pieces literally fall off of it it had a flat tire so I couldn't test ride it at this point I'm out he starts yelling at me about how I'm a Time waster and how I should pay for his gas I tell him office I'm walking away and that was that except he kept calling and texting me talking crap I gotta admit it got quite juvenile between us part of me was like just block this fool and be done but the petty part of me liked watching him squirm because I was dropping rhetorical elbows on him pretty much all of his insults were something about me being gay and liking gay sex I'm straight and my then girlfriend was with me when I met up with him so after a while I start feeding into it except I turned it around about his mom being a dude and me being her top I told you very sophomoric and depraved think like South Park type of dialogue after a particularly brutal exchange he stopped and I thought it might finally be over the next day mid-afternoon my phone starts blowing up when I say blowing up I mean like I was getting so many calls that every time I answered one I'd have multiple missed calls and voicemails and text messages as soon as I got off it took a while to figure it out but he had put up multiple Craigslist ads all around the country for everything from severely discounted Vehicles Great Deals On fake apartments and even male for male casual encounters my phone was literally unusable could not dial it because of constant incoming calls texts and quite a few hot dog pics I had to borrow my girlfriend's phone to file a police report so they could get him to stop after after a little time the cop calls me back with him on the line and he basically gets us both to say we'll stop like a couple of kids getting a warning from an elementary teacher or something and that was the end or so I thought a couple months go by and the call start again again I call the police but this time they're less than helpful basically asking me if I can prove that it's him I thought I might need to take legal action to get it to stop so I requested a copy of the police report the copy they sent me included his address by mistake should have been redacted Booyah that Friday night I posted a ton of fake Craigslist ads from a burner account about giving away tons of household items bikes kids stuff clothes Furniture appliances you name it the ads had a story about moving out of the country and needing it all gone ASAP I put his address in the ads and said I'd be putting everything on the driveway at 5 30 a.m sharp Saturday morning and if the item they wanted was wasn't out yet to knock on the door he only lived about 20 minutes away from me and I couldn't miss the show so I got to his house and parked about a block up at 5am on the dot took the ads down to cover my tracks and just waited for people to start showing up it was like Black Friday on steroids people with pickup trucks and trailers box trucks and plenty of people with regular cars too it was gridlock for a few blocks around his house people honking like it was Rush Hour his lawn looked like a freaking concert there were so many people him and his chick were going absolutely ape crap his neighbors were waking up and yelling out their windows I could hear his chick screaming I told you not to freak with that dude again the funniest thing I've ever seen I was dead never got any retaliation I guess he got the message he got me pretty good but I got the better of him in the end I mean just imagine getting woken up at 5 30 am to wake up to an entire block full of people furious with you because you have nothing put out for them literally an angry mob and you're left like what is going on our next story is no tips no problem this was over 20 years ago but when it comes to mind it still makes me smile I was 20 and working for one of the largest event staffing agencies in Chicago they're gone now but they were number one at the time and we were contracted to work the opening of the new Nordstroms on Grand Avenue this was a very big deal they needed so many bodies they also hired several of our friendly competitors to cover all the bases I was very interested in becoming a bartender but it was still a few months before I'd be turning 21. the bosses knew this but were so hard up to meet their obligations they didn't care and I ended up getting what can aptly be described as a crash course my training for a position of extraordinary craft Nuance knowledge and precision was about 45 minutes long and so suddenly I was the only underage professional bartender in the city I was stationed at a specialty Satellite bar which is to say me and one other guy I think his name was Daniel had a small bar tucked away on one of the upper floors of a huge multi-story shopping complex in women's wear with only a few ingredients in huge quantities and responsible for making only two cocktails the Harvey Wallbanger and The Madras this was a star-studded event for the creme de La Creme of the city and with the huge volume speed would be essential so he pumped out as many drinks as we could for a few hours now no one is required to tip especially at an event where everything is already paid for but it's a nice thing that encourages prompt and Professional Service even favoritism in some cases and if you were in attendance at this particular event you for sure weren't hurting for Capital but literally no one would give us a dollar we were sweating hauling pumping smiling all the while and people weren't even being polite about it let alone tossing us a quarter for what I could describe as our Herculean effort it was frustrating inevitably someone who just wanted a drink with no baggage came up and asked for just the Vodka on ice and it was Top Shelf product Gray Goose if I recall So Daniel poured them a pretty heroic amount they walked away without a word not even a thank you for bending the rules at our own Peril I watched Daniel do this and saw the look on his face and we caught each other's gaze and had one of those moments where we communicated without a word we nodded at each other and began our petty Vengeance the Vodka as I said was all paid for and we had a lot of it on hand with reserves off the floor so we started pouring doubles even triples pretty much exclusively all bets were off want a screwdriver instead have a double with a lady prefer a simple Cape Cod better make it a triple it's already bought so who cares Just One vodka on Ice have an entire glass we're here to serve no one in charge cared if we strayed from the recipe book but eventually a event Captain did approach us to let us know that someone mentioned we were pouring a little heavy so maybe pull back a bit we both said sure thing boss and went right on getting people completely schmammered all sense of decorum and gentility evaporated around our bar and after an hour we had people dancing in clothes and lingerie they didn't pay for making out with mannequins just the works I know for sure someone vomited in the swimwear aisle we still weren't making any tips but it finally felt worth the effort at the end of the event when we were breaking down our bar a younger guy we hadn't served we could tell because he wasn't crap faced came up to our bar and said I used to do events and it's not easy I could tell you guys were really working hard and you deserve and tip this each a ten dollar bill he was the greatest Capper to a banner evening and I salute him the rest of that crowd can pound glass honestly sounds like the crowd had the time of their lives I'm not even sure what Revenge op got here just have the time of your lives our next story is got back sort of at the girl who stole my boyfriend in high school so backstory is that her and I were friends all throughout high school she was known as the school and Drug user and her mom would pimp her out she taught me how to make my boobs look bigger so I liked her we didn't talk at all our senior year I had dated the same boy throughout high school and we had broken up she ended up getting with him and texting me about it her friends all tried to fight me for some reason it was so much drama I was a kid so I felt some type of way like you can sleep with him but why rub it in my face why try to fight me he called me crying after the fact maybe that's why anywho Flash forward maybe six to eight years later I manage a company directly below the owner one of the employees wanted to use a work car to go pick a girl up I was excited for the guy because he's kind of weird and doesn't get many girls kept bragging how beautiful she was so I said send a photo I want to see I also like girls so we would all talk about girls together I was the only woman at this job well it was her so I said uh uh you can't use the work car to see her that was the petty Revenge I was going after because now they couldn't hang out and I ruined her night like she tried to ruin so many of mine whatever I thought that was the end of it turns out she was needing him to take her to visit her kids she lost custody and had to go somewhere public to see them she was drunk so she was needing him to drive her so she still ends up driving herself to visit her kids ends up hitting a pedestrian and went to prison for a few years I didn't mean for all the extra to have happen but yeah the universe doesn't like ugly I still don't feel bad some people might have guilt they feel like oh I could have changed that all because I was feeling Petty I wanted to get revenge but I just feel like it's the kind of thing that you can't put on your own shoulders God forbid you beat yourself up with that what-if scenario our next story is petty Revenge goes wrong 20 years ago I worked with a guy who was a massive pain in the butt we worked in a small open plan office and he was just the most annoying person you can imagine he would do things like sit at his desk and run his hands through hair look at the whatever it was that he'd brushed off his scalp and then wipe it onto the carpet he did this multiple times a day he'd leave half full cups of coffee in his waist bin and the cleaner would spill it on herself when she emptied it his grandparents bought him a house he was about 22 years old with no mortgage the house had five bedrooms no furniture and he lived in it alone he was awkward boastful and not very bright he never paid for a shout when we were out for beers and never repaid people who bought him coffees one day I asked after him had anyone seen Brad I think he's gone to the toilet said Rachel our researcher so I walked down the hall and sure enough he was sitting in a cubicle presumably doing a crap so I quickly got a handful of paper towels and soaked them in water scrunching it into a ball I threw the sopping bundle over the cubicle door he screamed blue murder and I ran back to the office telling Rachel what I'd done and did not tell him I'd left my desk Brad came back hair and shirt saturated and with bits of paper towel in his hair he asked me why I did it but I denied any knowledge and Rachel and I played dumb stifling that laughter was the hardest thing I have ever done but he knew a week or so later Brad asks where I was to which racial replies in the Lou Brad decides to get his revenge except that at that time I was actually down the road for some reason but coincidentally there was a person in the toilet he was the managing director of an Asian car company affiliate who shared our floor yep Brad slam dunked a stranger with a ball of wet paper towel a stranger for whom face was a very serious matter so serious in fact that he pursuited with our boss when he returned from overseas our boss quickly got to the bottom of it Brad was fired Sorry Brad all I'm saying is is if you're going to go full middle schooler and you're willing to soak up some paper towel and launch a wet bomb into the cubicle you really gotta be sure that you're firing at the right person this next story is my father the king of petty this is a tad long but here we go so when I was 16 or 17ish I shared a car with my Papa he worked in maintenance dealing with boilers and fixing things at local high school and I was going to college long story there but also not the point my papa is an immigrant from Calabria Italy and it's pretty much the stereotype you'd imagine loud doesn't take crap from anyone and an accent that has made small kids cry he's also Petty my father had to have things on an exact schedule I woke up at 5am every day to get him to work by exactly 5 25 every morning and then went off to school myself one day my papa storms into my room flicks on the lights and goes Pina get up we're going to work early today I look at my clock y'all it is 3 A.M in the morning I get up like a zombie but look I ain't asking questions we get in the car I always drive I'm half awake when we get to the front and he tells me to stop now this school had a beautiful Circle round Drive leading into the atrium of the school another thing about this school is that every student had a walk through these doors and go through metal detectors my father proceeds to then roll down the window and pull out a bag of bread and start throwing it on the ground I'm extra confused why are we up at 3am to throw bread on the ground so I ask Papa what are you even doing my father looks at me and grins with this crap eating face and goes feeding the birds Pina we're feeding the birds now I'm curious but I also don't want to know what the heck my dad is doing at the same time because he's a tad crazy and I learned to mind my own business this goes on for two months until one day I pull up tired as crap and before I can even comprehend what's happening a man in a ski mask Sprints out of the school unlocks my papa's door through the window and drags him out next thing I know man starts screaming Giacomo is that you what the freak man it's been you feeding the pigeons why would you do this y'all the man was the janitor my father weapon I Canadian geese my father in the calmest voice ever goes janitor do you remember two months ago when you stole my last Coca-Cola and when I asked you to go to the gas station you said no the janitor's like yeah and my papa continues and then you said what are you gonna do about it this is what I did have fun waking up at 2 A.M every morning to retrain the geese to crap by the pond he gets back in the car and says now drop me off my papa starts explaining that the students were tracking the geese poop all through the school and as the janitor he had to clean it all up every single day and he was slowly going crazy wondering why the geese were even there to begin with so we finally figured someone was doing this and decided to stake out the school to find out who was driving him crazy I learned two things that day one my father is the pettiest man I know and two don't freak with my papa's Coca-Cola on the games were changed hey man listen I get it I'm a big fan of soda if you're working a shift at your job somewhere and you finally have that break time one very small Joy you have to look forward to is popping open that soda I get it man it's frustrating when somebody blatantly steals it and then also refuses to replace it our next story is my ex cheated on me the entire time and I found out only after I broke up with him long story short I was with my ex-boyfriend for three years and never suspected a thing I fell out of love and eventually broke up with him and it was pretty hammockable a couple months later a girl messaged me on Instagram and asking if I dated my ex I said yes but we were broken up recently she lets me know she slept with him for two years to my shock and so we meet up she shows me the texts and photos luckily because I fell out of love I wasn't upset but she liked him a lot and felt betrayed he lied about his name age job identity to fool her I knew his family well and knew his real identity we both decided to show up at his apartment and confront him he was so shocked and try to explain but it was too late my Petty Revenge included creating a group chat with him his mum and dad and me called it cheater and sent a paragraph explaining what he did to me right in front of them I then paid for an anonymous text message service to his number pretending to be the NHS and that his recent tests showed that he had a range of STDs felt pretty good definitely a great way to get revenge against somebody who is just a total jerk is if they even care a little bit about their relationship with their mother or what their mother thinks of them ratting on them to their own Mom hey at least you're gonna give them some shame on the short term but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeTHEPETTIESTDADINTHEWORLDRedditStories
welcome friends to another r slash i don't work your lady video could you somehow mistake a cat for a manager we'll find out but first a story from barry jazzy busby could you still make a reservation then i know there's lots of other stories like this but it reminded me of my own when i was younger back when home phones were still a thing i was really ill for months at a time i missed out on a half a year of school due to illness now because i was home all day i was there to answer any calls our home phone got every now and again i would get a call and answer it how i normally would hi and so and so here how can i help you and every time i would get hi can i please make a reservation for 6 pm tonight or hi just checking is this restaurant name in melbourne after about 15 plus calls of people believing this number was some restaurant in melbourne i googled the restaurant name the number that google suggested was for some reason my home phone number when i went onto the actual website of the restaurant i could find their actual number so i called them to let them know that google had messed up and i kept getting calls on behalf of this restaurant they apologized and told me they would look into it even still i continue to get calls for like a month before google eventually got around to changing it one of the more memorable days was valentine's day i kept getting a call every half hour every time i would say sorry but google actually has the wrong number listed to find the actual restaurant number go to their website and you can find it now this worked fine for most people but there was this one lady who didn't seem to get the message keep in mind i was a sick and tired sassy 14 year old girl who worked at kmart when i wasn't sick she called frantically stating that she absolutely needed a reservation for 7pm that night freaking trying to find a goddarn valentine's reservation six hours beforehand and what seemed to be a pretty nice restraint in the heart of melbourne australia's most highly populated slash nicest cities i informed her that i actually wasn't the restaurant and to find their number on their website apparently this was too hard of a task for this lady's small brain to comprehend oh but you're the number google gave me yes i know madam google accidentally made an error because my phone number is one digit different to the actual restaurant google's been informed and they're in the process of changing it can't you still make a reservation for me no ma'am i don't work there i don't even live in the same state as that restaurant how ridiculous this is absolutely appalling customer service if google's going to list your number as the number for that restaurant i'm going to expect some level of customer service and assistance now please understand that i hadn't had a full meal in over four months as any food that went into my system came straight back up i was tired sick constantly hungry and this lady had interrupted my game of solitaire so i let it rip excuse me witch i'm not affiliated with that restaurant in any way i'm a 14 year old chick from queensland who's home from school sick it's not my fault that google messed up and it's also not my fault that you're too stupid to simply hang up and go onto their website to make a reservation it's also not my fault that your dumb butt thinks that there's any way in heck that you're going to be getting a reservation for freaking valentine's day 6 hours beforehand i then promptly hung up and thankfully didn't hear from her afterwards i think it was a week or so after that conversation that google finally updated the number on the website how much do you want to bet that somebody like that lady who called and was too lazy to go find the actual number was more than happy to go and waste their time leaving a review commenting about how bad the customer service was and maybe even including how google messed up in their review but still not looking for the actual number on the website like spending all that time complaining if you had to deal with a situation like this where your phone kept getting confused for like a restaurant and people like this came along who just didn't get the memo would you start like flipping out of them cursing out at them would you rather just hang up on them as soon as they don't get the memo would you just try to ride it out politely let me know how you would handle it in the comments down below our next story is from jazz catcher i worked here six months ago and the times before a personal issue happened in november i 17 year old female worked at a local hobby store named after an archangel i stock shelves cleaned up after people tried all the markers on anything nearby and would leave them in whatever cubby that was in reach and i would cashier a few nights a week making the big money to afford my daily girly needs i quit working there because of the personal issue this past monday i went in there to get some supplies for an art project the therapist recommended and to see how i feel about going back out into the world i was dressed in a large black baggy hoodie and baggy sweats nothing like an employee my earbuds were in but not on they dull the noise but don't make it completely silent i heard the click click click of someone wearing heels a distinctive sound the sound stopped and i could see a shadow darken me as i looked at drawing pads my heart started speeding up and i was beginning to sweat then she said those words excuse me it wasn't dripping with contempt yet yes i say back where are the little painting cups to paint the porcelain christmas villages she did ask nicely i tell her i don't know and she got mad you do know where they are so where are they i step back and begin to shake i don't know i don't work here yes you do you helped me find stuff last halloween quit lying to me and tell me where the paints are i begin to have a panic attack it's been six months since i worked here and the store's been rearranged oh my god you kids are so lazy you think because there's a worker shortage you can just do what you want and not get fired from mouthing off to customers i'll show you how freaking wrong you are when i get your manager and get you fired i dropped the supplies i was holding in turn to leave i'm not crying i just want to be away from this crazy lady then she grabs me as i'm spun to her face again she shoves her finger in my face and this screeching is piercing even with the headphones on and things went to black when i came back to reality i was being checked on by paramedics a few police officers were standing around with the lady in handcuffs screeching i didn't do anything to her she's just crazy i can't believe this place hires crazy witches i ended up going to the hospital the ladies being charged with assault i'll find out more in the future since this is just a few days old what happened to me i read the statements from the police report and from what a few former co-workers told me when she grabbed me i fell to the ground going into the fetal position whimpering that i don't work here i don't work here i don't work here some customers saw what was going on and got the manager someone else called 911. the lady just stood there with her mouth fish gaping and repeating i didn't touch her after a night in the hospital a visit with my therapist i'm home and waiting for a delivery from amazon with the supplies i went to get i'm glad the world is homebound friendly these days as somebody that never goes anywhere i also kind of agree with the sentiment that i'm glad the world is homebound friendly i mean needless to say i feel bad for op would you guys say that the karen in this story deserves some kind of charge from the police let me know what you guys think by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from unitier actual employee and owner mistakes me for employee i recently got reminded of this one i was a 13 or 14 year old female who tried to buy new jeans because her last one got accidentally ripped apart by an overjoyed puppy broke me got into this chain store with a big 50 off sign and started to look around the store was very confusing not big but a tiny labyrinth and i couldn't for the love of me figure out where the women's section should be so socially awkward me decided to put on her big girl pants and ask somebody i go to the counter and before i could say a thing the guy behind the counter was already furious with me where have you been we've been waiting for you for hours now why don't you answer your phone followed by my very intelligent reply what well i stood there dumbfounded and scared i was a small shy girl and that guy was tall and spoke too loud for comfort he goes on with we're going to mr insert name boss no excuses come with me now little dumb scared me followed that guy mostly because my brain refused to process what just happened this was long before i knew the existence of reddit we got to a hidden part of the store hidden by a wall and i saw the women's section my brain remembering what i was here for told my feet to go that way but forgot about the guy the guy grabs me by my arm and forces me in a different direction we reach a little office and by little i mean cramped small a desk a lot of papers and orders everywhere a man sitting on an office chair papers in hand the guy and me the guy closes the door and none of us had any space to move the guy greets the man as mr boss and said i found her she was just wandering in mr boss now looking at me gives me a speech about responsibility and being on time the best my brain could come up with in this situation was the question of if this store has other times for customers being allowed to come in did i miss the time frame while mr boss was busy with his speech the wheels on my brain began to turn does he think i work here but a boss should know his own employees shouldn't he i try to muster enough courage to speak but out came only a shy i don't work here mr boss looks at me and then pulled out an application letter are you not insert random name me shaking my head he's looking at the picture and my face over and over again that's not her i looked at the picture a girl my age same hair and eye color but different face features he mum belt something about today should be her first day of work but she never showed up apologized and asked me why i hadn't said anything and dismissed me instantly the counter guy brought me to the front and outside the store basically i was politely kicked out dumbfounded again so not only did they essentially harass a 13 or 14 year old girl they then refused to allow themselves to get a sale by kicking them out like at least let this poor girl that you instilled some serious fear in to get the jeans she was wanting to get our next story is from ralph jd i don't work your lady and everyone started laughing hard so this happened earlier today little introduction i'm currently in morocco and here it's common to have little shops of like four square meters where they sell groceries and fix you basic sandwiches and tea now the shop i usually go to has the cash desk on the inside and a big open window on the wall that faces the road with a little counter for two customers to use while standing to eat now for the story for lunch i decided to go to the shop to get a classic eggs bread cheese and a mint tea i enter the shop i greet the owner and order my sandwich and tea with me two other customers talking kinda seriously with a shop owner about football while i'm enjoying my tea at the counter facing outside i see a lady with a man on the sidewalk coming towards the shop at that moment the lady stops in front of me on the other side of the counter and asks me in moroccan arabic if we have a very specific brand of sparkling water i therefore try to answer in a mix of french and arabic that the shop has it but i don't work there with what must have been a very confused facial expression at that point the lady apologizes for mistaking me for the shop owner while starting to laugh and the man next to her started laughing too as well as the real shop owner behind the register and two other men that were in the shop chatting with the real employee i answer that it's no problem while getting influenced by the laugh too the lady in the man then entered the shop grab the water and say to the shop owner i mistook him because i saw the counter and i thought that's where you usually stay to sell things all of this while everyone's happily chuckling before going out she taps my shoulder apologizes again with a big smile and wishes me a good day the chuckling continued for a minute or two the football talks restarted but this time with a happy mood and smiles it was a good day honestly it's a really nice thing that it was a good day and that overall it was a good experience it's always nice when the person mistaking you is not a karen have a laugh have a human connection that's great our next story is from dramatic tofu i wear a lanyard keychain i wear a lanyard keychain around my neck to ensure i don't lose my keys and almost every store i visit regardless of my attire someone always asks me for directions to products ninety percent of the time i have no idea where the product is in those instances my answer is always something like aisle six bottom shelf or go straight and take a left if i know where the product is i'll take the time to either bring the other person to that said item or give detailed directions to it my lanyard does have id badges attached to it but i never wear clothes that make me look like an employee in any store this happens in in the past i've had many people get mad at me for telling them i don't work at the stores some never believe me i find it's easier to just give the people directions to the leave immediately that's definitely the gamble you take by wearing a lanyard keychain some people see lanyard and they just think employee whether that's high up manager or lowly cashier that just happens to be roaming the isles or even a janitor or something random they tend to think that that person somehow got to be employed with the company and our final story of the day is by tabby kitten99 mistaken by the show manager for one of the performers when i was 15 i went to see the national touring production of cats and since i was a big fan and i'd never seen it before i went in costume which was a trend for cats fans i wanted to get pictures with the actors after and i thought it would be more fun in costume i was waiting in the lobby for the show to start and a lot of people asked to take a picture with me i said yeah because i was a passive teenager who wasn't great at saying no they probably thought i was a cast member because my costume was mostly accurate but then a man came out and started telling me i had to get backstage i wasn't allowed out in the lobby before the show and i shouldn't have been taking pictures with people i was really confused and then he realized i wasn't one of the actors in the musical just a kid in a costume he was the tour manager he was really lovely and said if i came back the next night he would give me a tour of the stage which he did i got lots of cool photos and autographs for the cast and even talked to the crew as well it was a wonderful experience for a nerdy kid and probably the best i don't work here outcome you could have yeah you mean to tell me that you show up and get confused for a cast member get kind of ripped into a little bit and that turns into a backstage meet and greet and tour for you that's a pretty darn good outcome from an i don't work your story but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another i don't work your lady story that was way more insane than the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right but with that said i'll see you all next time for some more stories
give me a good story on rIDontWorkHereLadyITHOUGHTMYMANAGERWASACATRedditStoriesorig
my girlfriend got an ed while in the process of cheating on me and changed her story at every turn I've been sitting here for like 15 minutes trying to figure out how to start this my head is completely spinning and my thoughts are just all over the place I guess with the backstory I've been dating Sarah not using real names for just under two years now she has a close friend John whom she's known since she was a child I never liked him he was always a little creepy blatantly flirted with Sarah for the entirety of our relationship and made passes that I was not comfortable with so cut to like two weeks ago Sarah and I were invited to a gathering or party by a mutual friend I had a workshop for work that night so I couldn't attend and with current circumstances I was never going to be inclined to go anyway I didn't want Sarah to go either but she was very adamant and I guess I just didn't want an argument so I said fine we ended up running into John later that day and he mentioned the same party and asked us if we had been invited as well my girlfriend told him she was going but I wasn't and he got this weird smile on his face and said something along the lines of if you're going I guess I have to go just something about his smile and the way he said it really rubbed me the wrong way plus I didn't want to be possessive but the idea of the both of them together all night at a party did not sit well with me after we got back to our apartment I told her a bit more firmly this time that I'm not comfortable with her going to the party especially with him there she told me I was overreacting and shut down the conversation at that I'm sure most of you can figure out where this is going I went to the workshop and she went to the party it got to be like 2:00 a.m. and she hadn't gotten home nor was answering my calls naturally I was incredibly worried about an hour later one of her friends called me and told me she was found unconscious at the party and driven to the hospital she was Essa by John and after spending two days including that night at the hospital and talking with the police I took her home she told me John drugged her and dragged her upstairs where it happened in one of the bedrooms the house the party was at D is very large she was an absolute mess she didn't want to go outside she wasn't eating and she had terrible nightmares I did everything I could to comfort her through this process I was devastated for her and hated to see her like this but I know this makes me sound like a terrible person I don't blame her for John assaulting her but I couldn't get the fact that I tried more than once to dissuade her from going to the party specifically saying that her being with Jon makes me uncomfortable out of my head I feel I could have done more to protect her and she should have listened to how I felt important side note it turns out Jon is literally living garbage after her assault we both felt it was best to get Justice there were drugs in her system and all the physical indications of sa we immediately filed a restraining order and the police opened an investigation within the span of a week after news had gotten around two other girls came forward with similar encounters with Jon so the guy is basically a Serial attacker as of now my girlfriend is still in no better shape than she was two weeks ago she gets panic attacks out of nowhere she's lost like 15 PBS and absolutely refuses to leave our apartment even to seek therapy I was committed to taking care of her and being there for her but I got a call from one of my close friends Sam this morning it was a long conversation but it basically boiled down to him as well as many others at the party that night Sarah flirted with Jon the entire beginning of the party according to him and the people he had been talking to she was at the very least matching if not being the initiator in the exchanges with Jon he also recounts that she wasn't blackout drunk or seemingly that out of it and worst of all many saw her holding jonk hand and taking Jon upstairs at this point I feel like I want to vomit he told me he wanted the situation to cool down a bit before telling me and was going to tell me after the party what happened but with her being taken to the hospital under the circumstances he didn't feel it was the right time I decided not to assume anything and asked her about the specifics of what happened that night she tried to tell me the same thing that she was drugged and dragged to a bedroom but when I told her what Sam had told me the color completely drained from her face she started to panic and I did my best to calm her down but it was at least 30 minutes before she could catch her breath to speak she was sobbing but she was coherent enough to understand and basically confessed to cheating on me she said she was drunk and hadn't been out for so long that she wanted some Adventure she admitted she was the one who took Jon to the bedroom and wasn't dragged there against her will she kept apologizing and saying it was a terrible mistake and that nothing else was a lie he did as a her I believe the last part as far as I can understand now was when they were in the bedroom fooling around when he slipped something into here or something like that then he forced himself on her I don't know what to do anymore she was ased but to me everything before that was her still intending to cheat and actively cheating on me I am devastated and I don't even want to look at her right now I left the apartment and am currently at samk house I don't know anything anymore she lost her job to co I pay rent for the apartment where her name isn't on the lease and groceries she's become completely emotionally dependent on me the past few weeks if I did break up with her she would have nowhere to go and as much as I resent her I don't want something terrible to happen to her please help I need advice and don't know what to do my girlfriend was Ed by a friend at a party I was uncomfortable with her going to I found out she lied and omitted the fact that she was in the process of sleeping with him that night anyway she is both financially and emotionally dependent on me and I need advice edit there's been a lot of responses in a short time so I thought it would be best to address some things here first off I've been made aware that two posts in somewhat similar situations have been posted to this sub in the past two weeks or so I don't know what I could post here to prove this is true without exposing my privacy so I'm sorry but all I can do is give you my word I'm just here looking for advice I don't think this is something someone should be fantasizing about for a Karma Farm it's completely upended my life the second thing is that people are questioning Sarah's account of the events I didn't include every detail because I'm just trying to get my thoughts out but her story matches the other two women who came forward in terms of the pattern of Jon's Behavior the two other women were also initially in a consensual environment before he drugged them and assaulted them from what they've said and posted a large part of the reason they didn't come forward was because it started as consensual and they thought that would make them not be believed I also didn't want to get too graphic but the nature of Sarah's assault was very violent and not something most anybody would consent to so that maybe why he drugs them first as well she had and still has traces of large bruises around her neck and other parts of her body as well as scratches and gashes I don't really doubt at all that she was indeed assaulted the drug found in her system was ketamine and while Sarah did enjoy partying she never did anything harder than weed third Sarah has been living abroad for school since starting College her parents have been made aware of the situation but coming from a very religious background and concerned for her well-being they aren't exactly supportive nor have they put in the effort to come see her she never had many close friends for as long as I've known her other than John I don't know where she would go if I told her she couldn't stay at my apartment update hey everyone sorry it's taken so long for this update and the lack of replies on the previous post I needed some time to sort out the situation but I did read as many replies as I could and I appreciate all the advice and messages ESP especially from those who had been put in similar situations as me I guess I should start by clearing a few things up first off to everyone who thought my story had holes in it it definitely did and I'm sorry for that at the time and even now I was missing a lot of information and was filling in the holes as best I could with what I had I also didn't want the post to get too long so I left out information that I guess would have painted a better picture of my situation I'll try my best to include those missing details if you're just interested in the update skip down down a few paragraphs so details about John he is part of Sarah and I Social Circle and lives quite close to us some of the behavior from John towards Sarah that made me uncomfortable throughout the course of our relationship included constantly making comments about her body putting his arm around her every chance he could asking her to go with him on a trip to Europe last summer just the two of them poking her breasts when she's wearing tight clothing saying things like I'm lucky I met her when I did or she would have been with him by now Etc it's not any one thing but accumulation of everything that made me uncomfortable with her spending a lot of time with him she never encouraged his behavior at least when I was around but didn't actively discourage it either despite us openly talking to her about my boundaries she just brushed it off as them knowing each other for so long and being comfortable with one another a few smaller details which I guess were relevant I should mention one we are not in the US well Co is still obviously an issue in our country our area is relatively co-free and everyone going to the party s went to was part of our larger Social Circle it was at a large condo a friend of ours was renting for the summer it was not some open air party with 100 plus people still dumb I know there were 30ish maybe 40 people there so in hindsight yeah no one should have been at the party to begin with lastly clearing up both Sarah and I's financial situation I am lucky enough to have my parents pay for my tuition and whatever scholarships didn't cover so I can focus my resources on just day-to-day living costs like rent groceries Etc Sarah on the other hand was pretty much thrown to the Wolves after finishing High School her parents as I stated in my edit are very religious and very controlling so they told Sarah they were only going to pay for her schooling if she went to a local college she refused and came to my school she lived in residency for her first two years which were covered by financial aid I got my apartment about a year ago and with Co and her not wanting to go back home we decided it would be best if she moved in with me her finances are basically completely tied up on tuition and student loans so I offered to keep paying full rent despite her living with me fulltime actual update oh boy I wish I could say things have gotten more clear in the past week but honestly it's been a total cluster and it's only gotten worse I spent a few days at Sam's reaching out to friends and trying to get a clearer picture of what happened that night before going back to talk to Sarah I got told the same story multiple times that she was the one who started flirting with JN and led him upstairs I should say right now that in my first conversation with Sarah confronting her she didn't explicitly say she had intended to sleep with him that night she just confirmed she took him upstairs she was basically having a panic attack throughout the entire conversation so I had a hard time pushing for clarity so by this point in my heart I was trying to find any excuse at all for her to save our relationship but my mind was telling me that the relationship was over at least for the time being but as many of you commented despite my obviously grief over losing a 2-year relationship I decided I'd be will willing to let her stay in my apartment again rentree until at least the end of October to sort out other living arrangements and support I called her about 3 days after staying at Sams and told her I'm willing to listen to her side of the story but I need the complete truth about everything and she agreed so I went back to my apartment later that evening we sat down and I asked her about what really happened that night she started crying right away but not panicking and told me she had to tell me something about herself Sarah has always been into the partying scene more than me I've never really been comfortable around drugs or that environment in general but I went with her anyways about once a month or so on the other hand she would have girls nights out and parties pretty much every weekend right at the beginning of our relationship I told her I'm not really comfortable being with someone who is involved with hard drug use my brother has a history of addiction and I've seen what it can do to somebody and the people around them she told me that's fine since she only drinks and smokes weed occasionally well it turns out that for about a year now she started doing harder drugs at parties when I'm not there and her girls nights were often just her and some from our Social Circle including going to a friend's apartment to do shrooms I was shocked to say the least and I didn't even know what to think in that moment I just tried to ask her more about what happened on the night she was assaulted and if she was intending on cheating on me that night she comes clean and tells me she did lead Jon upstairs but she swears she wasn't trying to sleep with him but wanted drugs he told her it was cocaine but obviously it was not since only fentony and alcohol showed up in her system at the hospital she told me he immediately started coming on to her but she tried to fight him off but eventually she was too drugged out to fight back after consoling her for a while I asked her what her relationship with Jon was really like before and if they did anything together before what happened that night she admitted that they made out a few times before around Christmas last year but promised it didn't go any further than that she was begging me to forgive her and that she needed me in her life she was just in a rebellious phase because of her upbringing I didn't know what to believe anymore and I still don't to be honest I was just completely overwhelmed by everything so I told her I needed to clear my head and left again Sam was nice enough to let me stay at his place again I talked to some of my friends who she said she was doing drugs with and they confirmed I was pretty upset at them for hiding it from me but they told me she basically forced them to keep it a secret from me it feels like so much of my relationship was a lie she wasn't the person I thought she was and she lied constantly for who knows how long at this point my mind is basically made up so I call her and tell her it's over but she can stay at my apartment till the end of October but only if she finds a therapist and gets help during that time she basically lost it during the call but my mind was made up so I just said I'd be staying at Sam's for a while and hung up I wish that was the last of the sht that happened but literally a day after that I started getting spammed with hate messages and calls from Friends relatives and people I didn't even know it turns out she's posted all over social media about how I was breaking up with her because she was ased and I was kicking her out with nowhere to go in these Co times she also wrote that I've been emotionally abusing her after her assault victim blaming her and stopping her from getting a therapist I'm completely lost I'm furious and heartbroken I can't even describe all the emotions I felt I called her again that night and told her she has two weeks to move out now and I don't want to hear from her again I had to spend the past week playing damage control trying to clear my name on social media and calling friends and family I was ostracized by co-workers though luckily my boss was on my side I was getting doxed with un alive threats and my life basically fell apart Sam thank God was completely understanding through all of this and said I could stay at his place until Sarah moved out she's moving out on Friday but I don't want to go back to that apartment I've had to cut out friends my reputation is now in the garbage I lost the first and only person I've ever loved I don't know anymore I want to un alive but I'll find a therapist sooner or later I just feel numb to everything I don't even know if I'm right or wrong in this situation anymore I hope I haven't rambled on too much I know this post is really long but thank you really to everyone who showed support in the last post it meant a lot tldr my girlfriend lied to me about the night she was it turns out she was with him that night to get drugs had been doing hard drugs behind my back for months cheated on me with the friend that ended up assaulting her and then lied on social media about how I had been emotionally abusing her despite my best effort to support her causing my life to fall apart edit someone's comment made me realize she was still lying to me the second time I talked to her she changed her story about what she was drugged with and I didn't even realize it I was not told by the hospital what she had in her system and I'm not very knowledgeable on drugs in general all that information I had came from Sarah I don't even know if she was drugged against her will at all at this point God I'm doubting everything now this is not the person I thought she was I don't even care she's out of my life now thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyGirlfriendGotSAWhileInTheProcessOfCheatingOnMeandChangedHerStoryAtEveryTurnorig
wibta if I told my daughter's biod dad's wife not to call her her step-daughter I had my daughter young she is now 12 years old her biod dad was around for the first 1.5 years of her life we split up when she was one our relationship was extremely toxic he was abusive and started using heavy drugs he ended up in jail when my daughter was two I met my now husband and he has been dad to her ever since biod Dad was in and out of jail and still using for about 8 years he is now out of jail and has been clean for 2 years now super proud of him in that aspect he married a woman older than his mom I say whatever floats your boat I'm genuinely happy for them in the time between getting out of jail and getting married biod dad reached out and wanted another chance to get to know his daughter I welcomed it openly in agreement that it would be a very slow proc it's been about a year with contact once a week it has gone well minus a few bumps in the road involving his wife I had sent biod dad pictures of my daughter biod dad's wife also had access to the pictures in the group chat she went to a job interview that I just so happened to know the interviewer after the initial interview they were chitchatting about life kids grandkid
give me a good story on WIBTAifItoldmydaughtersbiodadswifenottocallherherstepdaughterorig
AIT for telling my cousins that their cat isn't actually a cat I am 27 recently traveled to my father's home country of Rwanda I had some time off work and thought it would be a fun little trip firstly Rwanda is a beautiful country highly recommend I was staying with my dad's younger brother m55 and his family wife and three kids it was the first time I had seen them in over a year so it was nice seeing them again the biggest thing that stood out on the trip was my cousin's cat as soon as I got there my younger cousins M12 F10 M7 kept wanting me to see their cat Bob Bob wasn't there the first or second day of my trip which I thought was pretty odd you see my uncle's family lives on the outskirts of town so I'd imagine it wasn't exactly safe to let their cat wander about but my cousins reassured me that Bob can take care of himself early on my third day of the trip my cousins woke me up to see Bob I was low-key excited at this stage because they were making such a buildup I wasn't expecting what I saw Bob is massive has a small head with pointy ears and makes some weird sound that sounds like a meow pronounced with a t no other way to describe it he kind of looked like a mountain lion TV8 I was beyond terrified when I saw this animal NGL my fear slowly left over the days because I saw Bob was really cuddly with the family and sort of acted like a dog i e he was very friendly and had a thing for chewing on shoes I guess he's so friendly because my uncle says they've had him since he was a tiny kitten by searching online I found out that Bob was a Caracol I think and not a cat when I kept on insisting on this point to my cousins they'd get upset and keep on repeating that he was just big I didn't want to argue too much with them but but I kept on insisting that Bob was no cat when I got home from my trip my dad told me that apparently my cousins were upset that I kept on saying Bob wasn't a cat and now they want me to apologize to them and Bob LOL my dad thinks I was a bit of an ass for insisting so much AIT for those wondering I will be calling them TMR morning to apologize since it is a little late for them now I get that Bob is technically a cat but honestly isn't he just a cat in the same sense that lions and tigers are cats regardless I will call first thing TMR morning more info for those wondering Bob and is largely an outdoor cat I've only seen him inside the house a few times while I was there one of those times he was intensely watching France 24 with my uncle he will leave sporadically to do wild things at night but always returns after a few days
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmycousinsthattheircatisntactuallyacatorig
I'm going to call off my wedding because my fiance is extremely Frugal and cheap throw away as my fiance follows my regular account I met my fiance 3 years ago he came out of an abusive marriage just 2 years before we met one of her absolute abuses was Financial she bled him dry made him buy expensive jewelry only to give it away or break it after an argument designer shoes clothes big house cars Caribbean trips you name it she made him pay for it she also took him to the cleaners and the divor course however my fiance is very well off he makes far over six figures almost seven on top of that he inherited a few Millions from his grandfather and his parents gifted him and his siblings also a few cool Millions so yes the financial abuse was bad but he does not suffer financially he has more money than he will ever need so last year I moved into his house I do not pay rent but I split the bills and buy food I pay for my own clothes and jewelry I have a good job and I can take care of myself however things have been taking a turn for the worse and I feel miserable his house was empty when I moved in he had hand me down Furniture maybe three forks and two knives he wouldn't put on the heating so the house felt cold and moldy he has no curtains no decorations his ex took everything not bolted down and he was too cheap to replace it just imagine a million dooll house like that I am grateful that I can live in his house it is something I could never afford myself but I didn't want to live in squalor so I bought some kitchen supplies some furniture but at some point I realized I was dipping in my savings all the time and he did nothing I looked into curtains but those things are expensive his house has so many windows it is crazy I didn't want to pay for this anymore I told him I needed a fund to furnish his house he blew up at me that I was just with him for his money I pointed out all the money I spent on his house the gifts and the trips because he pays for nothing ever because he wants to be sure I am not here for the money the fact is if we break break up I have nothing the house is not mine if I spend all my savings on his house I will be left with absolutely nothing he wants a prup and I am fine with that but I can't help but feel used next to that I am jealous of his ex-wife I feel like she got treated and I am neglected he proposed to his ex on a cruise with a $10.00 white gold diamond ring I got the rodium plated Swarovski stuff that might cost like 100 bucks The Proposal was at a picnic in the park I organized paid groceries for and slaved in the kitchen for I almost said no out of pure disappointment however I am afraid to bring it up and to be called a gold digger I don't want to be funding a Millionaire's lifestyle he loves everything as long as I pay for it as soon as he has to pay it is frivolous unnecessary I can live like a poor person by myself at least the fact there are literal Millions lying around doesn't hang over me to bum me out Dot and I would just be paying for my own lifestyle whb to for calling of a wedding purely for financial reasons because I love this man but I imagine our cheap wedding in contrast to his ex or Extravaganza will our future kids be able to have some luxuries or only if I pay for it what if I ever become a stay-at-home mom will I have to beg to put the heating on edited to answer questions I see a lot I know the abuse is not made up his family and friends told me separate stories of the abuse they witnessed not only did it confirm it it showed me she was way more terrible than I thought like stealing heirloom jewelry of his grandma with Alzheimer right after she was widowed pretending she was gifted these things even though everyone knew Grandma hated her guts I did not realize or see he is doing the same to me as she was to him and he is subconsciously punishing me for what was done to him I am not trying to force a lifestyle in him where he was previously happy in he told me prior to moving in that he left his house like this because he was depressed after his wife took everything even the curtains that it makes him sad and he wants a Cozy home he just didn't know where to start his house is paid off thanks to Granddad he isn't actually spending spending much on utilities either house is very well isolated and has solar panels it is weird to see how cheap being rich really is I am not asking for designer Furniture Ikea all the way and I have refurbished secondhand furniture myself I am actually pretty Thrifty I see where my jealousy over the exer lifestyle might have triggered some people let me explain a $10.00 ring is insane and stupid to me I do not want that because I would fear for losing it every day I don't need an over-the-top wedding however it almost feels like for her he did effort wanted to give her what made her happy put effort and thought in it with me it almost feels like he wants to prove how little he can give me he talked about how he would see the wedding and it is cheaper than my actually financially struggling cousin her wedding I can't help but feel he wants to demonstrate how cheap he can treat me and I already feel embarrassed about the family that would have been to both and I will feel like the discount wife I don't like to say it but it feels like he gets of on it to some extent we are almost talking washing paper plates at this moment yes I did discuss selling the Mansion I really don't need and move to a more modest house especially knowing this is the house is xick he doesn't want to do that he loves this house but I feel really intimidated living in a house I could never afford anyway and so many large Windows GH I haven't talked to him yet but pal on the marriage and counseling is a must I already am looking for iy because I realized I might indeed be too much of a people pleaser allowing him to control me with the ghost of his ex I also am going to separate for a while I am looking to rent something for a few months so I can get some space thank you all for your insights update one okay I hope this update makes sense because I'm very confused and not really doing that well at the moment well Reddit you changed my life thank you so much for all your ideas and insights honestly I don't think I would have had the courage to do what I did without you guys I went to therapy took the day off just to get my racing mind to calm down therapy has confirmed things you guys suspect Ed I am a people pleaser I wanted to save him and I have internalized the idea that any effort and every penny I want him to spend on me makes me a gold digger I will have weekly sessions to work on me I realized I would have never taken this treatment from any of my exes even though I made more than them the idea I had to prove myself worthy to be with a millionaire and not be in there for the money got into my head pretty early I called one of his siblings I pretty close with and just told her everything she was not surprised but just sad about how unhappy he was making me she told me that from the day we started he had this idea that I was out of his League he struggled to understand why I wanted to be with him and he probably just thought it must be my money she told me she already talked to him in the past to treat me better she was Furious about the proposal this information confused me a little I was a little hurt she never discussed any of this before but she thought it was none of her business she also explained how she and her husband organize their finances he also doesn't have as much as her I took the opportunity to pack a bag I haven't found a place yet but I'm going to stay with my parents I made up my mind that I will at least want 6 months apart to get myself in order I made sure my stuff was in the car because honestly I had no idea how the conversation would go so into the most difficult part the talk I waited for him to come home he was pretty late but I didn't want to sleep another night on this pretending I was fine while I was contemplating all this just ate me up I had written down what I wanted to say I have never been so scared before I didn't want to hurt him and I didn't know how he would react I took some advice from here I opened that I was moving out and that I wanted to P our engagement he was very quiet and just sat down I told him he really hurt me by calling me a gold digger and that I am done walking on eggshells and feeling guilty for just wanting basic things I told him I was unhappy and felt neglected I also told him that after 3 years of me showing up for him he still doesn't think I am here for him it is not going to happen he was just quiet he didn't say anything I told him that the constant comparing to his ex was unhealthy and unfair do punishing me for her sins was abusive I told him comparing her to me all the time has triggered me comparing myself to her and starting to feel like she was worth more than me one of the things about her was mostly ungratefulness he would do nice things for her but it was never enough the thing is he doesn't do nice things for me and I have to be grateful for the pleasure of picking up the bill I told him he was not ready for marriage that I dreaded having kids with him and live like this that is didn't trust he would take care of me if I would become a song and at that point I just called him abusive and a user I was getting pretty angry saying all this out loud losing my composer and script a little bit he remained quiet with almost no emotion on his face I stayed quiet but nothing came out so I decided that I would just leave only when I got up to go he said please don't go he asked me if I was pausing the wedding or calling it of he wanted to know if it was over or if he still had a shot I told him I wanted out of this house I honestly don't want to live in his ex or Palace of sadness anymore I needed him to go to therapy and especially Financial therapy I needed a separation I told him I was open to coup's counseling if he went into IC he begged me not to do the separation but honestly I really really wanted it I just told him to think about it and I left him he was finally showing some emotions he was crying at this point he sent me a very long text somewhere in the am told me he was a wreck and couldn't sleep he made all kinds of promises he would go into therapy sell his house buy a smaller one and make sure I am taking care of whatever happens he said he would help me decorate and we will make a home he again asked me to please come home but to me it doesn't feel like home there anyway I feel very empty and tired I have been sleeping most of the day I feel guilty but also a little bit relieved if that makes sense dot I don't know if I actually want back if he does all that I'd gu him a little unsteady right now I need some time to pray I will go back for the kitchen supplies and my TV I won't take anything else of the furniture this for the exact same reason I was unwilling to buy everything his house is huge so the couch is huge I can't take it
give me a good story on ImGoingToCalloffMyWEDDINGBECAUSEmyFiancisextremelyfrugalandcheap
:00.000 --> :01.000 Posted by  :00.000 --> :06.120 u/Extension_Piano_6799 3 hours ago :07.120 --> :09.840 My mom is trying to force me to invite 40 of her   :09.840 --> :12.400 “closest friends” to my wedding I’m not sure if this is the right   :12.400 --> :12.478 subreddit for this one, so if it’s not  please let me know the correct forum. :12.478 --> :18.120 I (31m) proposed to my fiancé (28f) this  past year, and we’ve been planning our   :18.120 --> :22.120 wedding since. Her parents offered us a  generous sum of money to cover most of our   :22.120 --> :27.400 wedding expenses, and after all is said and  done they’ll probably cover 90% of the cost,   :27.400 --> :32.040 with my fiancé and I paying out of pocket  for the rest. We couldn’t be more grateful,   :32.040 --> :37.120 and found a beautiful venue not long  after. We booked it for early spring 2025,   :37.120 --> :42.000 and we couldn’t be more excited to get married.  Our venue is on the larger side, and has a minimum   :42.000 --> :47.000 of 130 people for that particular date. We  started making a preliminary guest list,   :47.000 --> :52.560 and even after giving most of our friends plus  1s we’re just below the minimum, but we’re still   :52.560 --> :57.080 panning on expanding the guest list further as  we get closer to sending our save the dates. :57.080 --> :01.880 This past weekend we were visiting my Parents and  we let slip that we’re below our minimum as of   :01.880 --> :08.600 right now, and my Mom (59) started rattling  off tons of people that we “had” to invite,   :08.600 --> :13.360 none of whom are family. In total  it was something like 16 couples,   :13.360 --> :18.360 some of whom I knew growing up, others were  parents of my younger siblings friends. :18.360 --> :20.800 I don’t particularly care for most of them,   :20.800 --> :25.720 and I only ever tolerated them because they’re  my parents friends. Frankly, some of them are   :25.720 --> :29.840 jerks. I haven’t had a relationship with  any of these people in the past 10 years,   :30.520 --> :35.960 if ever. A few of them I haven’t seen since I  graduated high school. Some of them my fiancé   :35.960 --> :40.320 has never met in the 6 years we’ve been  together. All of them have adult children   :40.320 --> :45.560 (younger than me) that I’m sure we’re included  in the required invite, none of which I like. :45.560 --> :49.960 I told my mom in no uncertain terms  that most, if not all, of those people   :49.960 --> :54.040 would not be getting invited, and that she  needs to stop telling them they’re coming,   :54.040 --> :59.520 which lead to her LOSING IT on me in front of my  fiancé. She complained that she is only having   :59.520 --> :04.040 a few members of her side of the family attend  the wedding and that I owe it to her to invite   :04.040 --> :09.800 her friends because “it’s such a big day for her”.  She went as far as to say that she won’t give us a   :09.800 --> :14.520 wedding gift if we don’t invite her friends.  Honestly, I couldn’t care less about that,   :14.520 --> :19.560 if a gift comes with stipulations it’s not a  gift it’s an obligation and she can keep it. :19.560 --> :23.960 For context, the reason most of my mothers  family isn’t invited is because she had a   :23.960 --> :27.760 falling out with them when I was a little  kid. I don’t really know what it was about,   :27.760 --> :32.320 nor do I care, but we went from seeing  that side of my family at every holiday   :32.320 --> :37.400 and birthday to pretending they didn’t exist.  They’ve reached out to her in the past to try   :37.400 --> :41.840 and repair that relationship, but she’s  refused to allow them back into our lives. :41.840 --> :46.240 I ended up diffusing the situation and told my mom  that we’ll talk about the guest list at another   :46.240 --> :51.280 time, but I meant what I said; I don’t want any  of those people there. They’re not my friends,   :51.280 --> :54.800 they’re not my family, and I don’t  have any relationship with them. :54.800 --> :59.560 Based on the way she reacted, I’m guessing  she’s already told everyone they’re invited   :59.560 --> :03.040 and she’s going to be embarrassed  when she has to tell them otherwise,   :03.040 --> :08.200 but frankly that’s not my freaking problem. I  think she’s unbelievable entitled to have done   :08.200 --> :13.200 that, and it’s incredibly disrespectful  to my future in-laws that my mother is   :13.200 --> :17.720 planning to take advantage of their money and  generosity to have a party with her friends. :17.720 --> :21.440 I know I’m going to have to revisit this  argument with her soon, and I’m Not sure   :21.440 --> :24.800 how I’m supposed to get it through to  her that she isn’t the one making the   :24.800 --> :29.680 guest list. If anyone can help me navigate  this minefield I’d be extremely grateful :29.680 --> :29.683 Posted by  :29.683 --> :31.120 u/WittyChallenge6227 7 hours ago :02.000 --> :09.480 Married but wanting separate bank accounts My (33F) husband (31M) and I are looking into   :09.480 --> :14.840 separating bank accounts after years of financial  disputes and power struggles. I’ve seen many   :14.840 --> :20.400 examples of how to split the bills but usually  both parties are salary and no kids are involved. :20.400 --> :25.960 I am salary but my husband has an hourly job  and his paychecks vary wildly. So how do we   :25.960 --> :30.960 decide how much of his money goes to bills?  Should it be a set amount or percentage? :30.960 --> :36.120 Also, he works late most days, earning OT pay  and making his paycheck substantially larger   :36.120 --> :43.480 than mine some times. However, bc he works OT, I  am unable to stay late and earn OT as I have to   :43.480 --> :49.160 pick up the kids from school/daycare by a certain  time. So how does that overtime money get split? :49.160 --> :51.880 Hoping to find a system we  both feel is fair but also   :51.880 --> :54.720 making sure all necessities are reliably covered. :55.320 --> :56.000 Posted by  :56.000 --> :57.720 u/PuzzleheadedRip9004 1 day ago :17.040 --> :22.240 My boyfriend lied about quitting his job and put  our housing in jeopardy. How do I get past this?  :22.240 --> :27.760 I’ve (30) been with my boyfriend (32) for  four years. After he got a job at an apartment   :27.760 --> :32.520 building, we decided to move into an apartment  there because he would get a big discount on rent. :32.520 --> :36.560 A year or so after living there, he started  to hate the job due to the stress of having   :36.560 --> :41.440 an understaffed team and long working hours.  I suggested that he look for a new job if he   :41.440 --> :46.720 was unhappy there, but he continued to stick it  out because of how good the rental discount was. :46.720 --> :50.760 Well one day, he comes home in the middle  of the work day and says he’s taking the   :50.760 --> :55.800 rest of the day off. Two days go by and  he still hasn’t gone back to work. I ask   :55.800 --> :59.480 him what’s up and he says that he just  needs to use up some extra days of PTO. :00.000 --> :04.560 The weekend comes and while out to dinner with  friends he gets a little drunk and basically   :04.560 --> :10.000 reveals to me and two other friends at the  table that he quit his job on the spot for good. :10.000 --> :13.960 On the way home, I ask him why he waited  so long to tell me and why he would just   :13.960 --> :18.800 quit cold turkey without a new job lined up,  especially considering that his contract states   :18.800 --> :23.960 that once he stops working at the apartment,  we have to be moved out within 4 weeks. Plus   :23.960 --> :29.120 at this point he owed me a couple thousand dollars  from shared expenses that he was catching up on. :29.120 --> :33.040 He said he was sick of working there and  waited to tell me because he needed time   :33.040 --> :37.920 to “process” it but that he would figure  out his work and our living situation. :37.920 --> :40.360 Fast forward a week later and we’ve applied for a   :40.360 --> :45.600 new apartment. A few days later we  get denied due to “rental history.” :45.600 --> :49.440 I call the screening company to ask why  and they say that we have an outstanding   :49.440 --> :53.040 balance at the current property we  live at for last month’s rent being   :53.040 --> :56.680 late and now an open eviction filed because of it. :56.680 --> :58.800 I’m completely stunned because I send my   :58.800 --> :02.720 portion of rent to my boyfriend  every month and we pay on time. :02.720 --> :07.400 Turns out, my boyfriend hadn’t paid the rent and  got served the eviction notice one day while I   :07.400 --> :13.160 wasn’t home all BEFORE we had even applied  to this new place. And didn’t tell me about   :13.160 --> :18.920 any of it. I paid off the outstanding balance so  that he could get the eviction filing dismissed. :18.920 --> :23.800 Luckily I was only listed as an occupant and  not as a lease holder so the eviction wasn’t   :23.800 --> :31.120 on my record too. But I’m livid because not  only did he omit important info from me AGAIN,   :31.120 --> :35.120 but now that meant he couldn’t apply to  a new place with me since most places   :35.120 --> :38.840 will automatically deny you with  an eviction filing on your record. :38.840 --> :41.560 So now we had fewer apartment options since we’d   :41.560 --> :45.840 only be applying with just my income  instead of both of ours together. :45.840 --> :50.400 So a week before we needed to move out, I  found a new place to apply to and with the   :50.400 --> :55.600 help of my dad co-signing with me, I was able  to get approved for it (I’m self-employed so   :55.600 --> :00.160 it’s hard for me to get approved by myself  even though I make over 3 times the rent). :00.160 --> :03.720 It’s been two months now and my  boyfriend still is unemployed.   :03.720 --> :07.240 I’m covering all the expenses and  at this point he owes me almost   :07.240 --> :13.280 $7K since I’ve been covering his half of  the rent plus our other living expenses. :13.280 --> :17.640 He uses my car to deliver for UberEats  but it’s just not enough since he also   :17.640 --> :20.120 has student loans and other bills to pay. :20.120 --> :24.320 I just don’t feel like he’s doing everything  he can to find a job and pay me back. And the   :24.320 --> :28.560 lies he told are making it hard for me to  trust him. It feels like his decisions were   :28.560 --> :32.840 so impulsive and he didn’t even stop  to consider how they would affect me. :32.840 --> :38.080 And whenever I try to address it with him,  he gets really defensive and says I “need to   :38.080 --> :42.600 understand that he needed to do what was best  for him and his mental health at the time.” :42.600 --> :46.360 Would you be able to trust your partner  again after something like that? Is this   :46.360 --> :49.720 something worth breaking up over? How  long would you wait for your partner to   :49.720 --> :53.720 get their crap together, or what would  they need to do to make things right? :53.720 --> :05.760 Posted by  :05.760 --> :10.040 u/Accurate_Reward_1214 14 hours ago :23.800 --> :30.080 Friend (24F) confessed she slept  with guy (25M) after she insisted   :30.080 --> :33.680 I(24F) should date him for months (throwaway account for obvious reasons) :33.680 --> :38.560 Best friend, let’s call her D(24F)  has been insisting for months that   :38.560 --> :42.880 I should give this guy (25M) we  are both friends with a chance   :42.880 --> :47.000 romantically as she and everyone else in  our friend group think we should date. :47.000 --> :54.240 To be clear and totally honest as I(24F) want an  honest opinion on this, I do not have or have had   :54.240 --> :00.040 a crush on this guy. We are long-term platonic  friends. He is truly a lovely guy but I’m not   :00.040 --> :05.360 in any way romantically/sexually attracted to  him and I view it as a platonic relationship   :05.360 --> :10.960 only. We have been friends for 5 years where  nothing remotely romantic happened. However   :10.960 --> :16.120 she kept insisting I should do it to the point I  started to question whether maybe she has a point. :16.120 --> :19.760 One week ago D tells me she  slept with him on a night out,   :19.760 --> :24.000 said she wasn’t satisfied among a bunch  of other demeaning stuff about him,   :24.000 --> :28.360 but really thinks he’s a guy that can offer  her stability and wants to pursue him further. :28.360 --> :32.840 Now, to say I was shocked is a bit of an  understatement. I’ve thought a lot about   :32.840 --> :37.080 this issue and my problem isn’t with them  hooking up as I had no intention of turning   :37.080 --> :41.000 my friendship romantic, but despite all  of that I can’t help feeling my friend   :41.000 --> :46.040 went behind my back after insisting for  months on how great a couple we’d make.   :46.040 --> :50.880 Guess I just totally did not see it coming  or see her being interested in him. To top   :50.880 --> :54.960 it all I feel for the guy friend regarding  all the demeaning things she said about   :54.960 --> :59.240 him and feel like this may just end up  in a bad way for our friendship group. :59.240 --> :03.320 I’ve not brought it up as I’ve been trying  to process how I feel about it but I do feel   :03.320 --> :09.760 like I find it very hard to engage in conversation  with her as my trust has been damaged. To clarify,   :09.760 --> :14.400 this is not the first time she has done something  that has broken my trust in her but she's tried   :14.400 --> :19.840 to win that trust back over the years. I have  since distanced myself from this friend as I've   :19.840 --> :25.360 found it hard to communicate with her and have a  generic conversation when my trust is damaged and   :25.360 --> :29.840 keep thinking of what else she's been telling  me and then done the opposite behind my back. :29.840 --> :32.640 Am I doing the wrong thing  by distancing myself from   :32.640 --> :35.200 this friend without bringing it up with her first? :44.080 --> :07.560 Posted by  :07.560 --> :11.840 u/hyyhpetals 10 hours ago :16.120 --> :23.280 my (22F) boyfriend (25M) told me to shut up. my boyfriend and i were leaving to go out to   :23.280 --> :27.280 the beach with our friends. two of his guy  friends were parked outside of his house,   :27.280 --> :31.920 waiting to pick us up. as we were heading out  the door, my boyfriend’s dad was telling him   :31.920 --> :36.160 to look at the flowers he planted in the  garden. my boyfriend told his dad to stay   :36.160 --> :41.400 inside because it was “embarrassing” to do  that in front of his friends. i felt so bad   :41.400 --> :46.640 for my boyfriend’s dad and i told my boyfriend  “just let him be”. my boyfriend then proceeded   :46.640 --> :53.040 to say “you don’t know what it’s like shut up”.  he said it in such a sharp, harsh tone as well.   :53.040 --> :57.640 then he walked to his friend’s car and acted  like everything was okay, greeting them etc. :57.640 --> :01.680 i felt so hurt by this because i honestly  feel like i didn’t deserve to be treated   :01.680 --> :05.520 like that. i felt like my boyfriend’s  mood changed because he was about to see   :05.520 --> :09.760 his friends and acted like he was better  than me. but i also get the sense that   :09.760 --> :14.440 his dad does do stuff like this a lot,  always insisting him to look at things,   :14.440 --> :19.840 being a bit socially unaware. my boyfriend doesn’t  have the best past relationship with his dad,   :19.840 --> :23.200 so i feel like his dad just does this  as an attempt to connect with him. :23.200 --> :28.040 at the beach, i tried to act normally because i  didnt want our friends to know that i was mad at   :28.040 --> :33.520 him and give off negative vibes. it hurts as  well because when we were with his friends,   :33.520 --> :38.840 he started talking to me as if everything  was fine, making jokes etc. i was going to   :38.840 --> :43.400 bring it up in the moment but obviously i  couldn’t because we were with his friends,   :43.400 --> :47.680 then when we got back to his place i had to  go back home because it was getting late and   :47.680 --> :52.320 i didn’t want to end things on a bad note  since i only see him on weekends. now its   :52.320 --> :57.480 the next day and i cant help but feel hurt by  this, even though it’s quite small. i dont even   :57.480 --> :02.360 feel like talking to him right now. should  i bring this up with him or just let it go? :10.315 --> :23.760 tl;dr my boyfriend told me to shut up when i  was trying to tell him to be nice to his dad.   :24.360 --> :30.038 then he acted like everything was fine when  we went to meet up with our friends. i know   :30.038 --> :31.169 i shouldn’t have got involved with his family  but i feel so disrespected. what should i do? :31.169 --> :31.188 Posted by u/____sway  :31.188 --> :31.200 10 hours ago :31.200 --> :34.640 My husband has nightmare  disorder and it's affecting me  :34.640 --> :39.880 My husband and I have been together for 7 & 1/2  years, married for 2 &1/2. We moved in together   :39.880 --> :46.640 only after marriage. He started having nightmares  maybe 4 years back. He had a very stressful PhD   :46.640 --> :51.160 journey, involving multiple incidents with  authority that made him feel powerless and   :51.160 --> :55.080 cornered. He didn't share any of this with  me when he was going through it and we were   :55.080 --> :01.200 in long distance. He has a habit of suppressing  to deal with things. During this time, unaware,   :01.200 --> :05.960 I had also put pressure regarding our wedding.  His family was against us and they treated me   :05.960 --> :11.000 horribly and kept delaying our wedding plans.  I felt resentment towards him not being able   :11.000 --> :14.640 to handle them. He had to go through his  family suddenly being people he didn't   :14.640 --> :20.160 think they were in terms of principles, and  just personality . So all of this together,   :20.160 --> :25.600 caused him a lot of stress and I guess we can  call it complex PTSD. I have tried to convince him   :25.600 --> :31.040 to seek therapy , he agrees but keeps putting it  off. I feel guilt for the part I played in causing   :31.040 --> :35.560 that stress to him. I also had no knowledge of  the other stuff he was dealing with.. I would   :35.560 --> :41.160 ask him every day about his day. And one of the  reasons I put pressure on him about wedding was,   :41.160 --> :46.920 I could feel the distance growing. I felt him  closed off in some ways and I blamed the physical   :46.920 --> :52.400 distance for it. Once we moved in together,  I noticed how badly he slept. His limbs would   :52.400 --> :57.480 jerk so much from stress relief the moment he  fell asleep. Then he would wake up multiple   :57.480 --> :04.000 times a night in terror. When asleep also he  groans and cries. I would wake up, pat him,   :04.000 --> :09.600 assure him he is safe and he would sleep again.  Over these couple of years he has gotten better,   :09.600 --> :15.840 his limbs don't jerk now, he falls asleep quietly.  He still wakes up with terror and I pat him and I   :15.840 --> :20.360 try to sleep. Ive booked an appointment for  him for next month to see a mental health   :20.360 --> :25.547 professional. We were seeing a therapist who kept  postponing the therapy for his nightmares so I   :25.547 --> :31.094 have booked with a new person. So we are hopefully  on the path of recovery. But the last few days I   :31.093 --> :36.080 have been struggling with feelings of being in  a relationship with emotional asymmetry. I feel   :36.080 --> :42.320 like I am with someone who is not well. And so  while he supports me and is a great partner etc,   :42.320 --> :47.000 I feel there is something I am also going through  being with someone who is suffering like this. I   :47.000 --> :52.200 also feel resentment towards his family who still  blame me for everything but they still cause him   :52.200 --> :57.200 the stress that makes the nightmares worse. For  eg the dreams stopped for a week after we spent   :57.200 --> :01.960 a month around his friends. Then he visited  his family and the dreams started again. I'm   :01.960 --> :07.000 sending him to spend time with his friends again  next month for 2 weeks.. though I'll be 7 months   :07.000 --> :12.040 pregnant at the time. I am basically looking  for validation that someone in my situation   :12.040 --> :17.120 is going through an experience too... Idk how  to describe it and in what ways I'm struggling.   :17.120 --> :23.520 For eg he has negative self perception and is  very tired the whole day..I feel our emotional   :23.520 --> :29.040 dynamic is not equal rn , I have been crying  a lot since yesterday and I ended up blurting   :29.040 --> :34.040 out to him that I'm feeling something like being  with someone going through grief etc.. that it's   :34.040 --> :40.520 unequal support. He feels defensive and offended  and I feel very guilty that I said that to him. He   :40.520 --> :45.120 did end up invalidating these feelings I'm having.  While I don't want to explain to him and make him   :45.120 --> :50.560 feel worse. I just want to understand that what  I'm feeling is not nothing. I will see a therapist   :50.560 --> :56.647 for myself too , I guess I'm just looking for  validation and empathy here and not solutions.. :56.647 --> :56.656 Posted by  :56.656 --> :56.840 u/5ft2wattitude 23 hours ago :25.000 --> :29.280 Caught in the middle of my sisters  relationship and I’m not sure what to do  :29.280 --> :36.920 My(27F) younger sister(25F) and her  now fiancé (25M) have been together   :36.920 --> :41.640 6 years. They met in college (this was her  roommates boyfriend first by the way) and   :41.640 --> :47.000 their relationship has been tumultuous for some  time. (Both have cheated) Fast forward to now,   :47.000 --> :52.040 I was helping her fiancé shop for rings and  I was really excited for this new chapter in   :52.040 --> :57.360 the relationship! After the ring was purchased my  sister and I were hanging out on day. I needed to   :57.360 --> :02.840 borrow my sisters phone because mine had died and  discovered she was having an affair with someone   :02.840 --> :08.800 else. I confronted her and she basically said  it’s her life and to mind my business. Anyways,   :08.800 --> :15.160 he proposed this week and I haven’t said a word  or congrats. I feel awful. At the end of the day,   :15.160 --> :19.960 I don’t want to have a strained relationship  with my sister, but I told her I want no part   :19.960 --> :24.120 in this because I’m not going to pretend  to be happy knowing the truth. Apart of   :24.120 --> :29.560 me wants to tell the fiancé, but I know it  would ruin my sister and I’s relationship   :29.560 --> :34.440 forever. This whole thing is disgusting to  me and I feel uncomfortable at the thought of   :34.440 --> :40.040 pretending to be happy like she wants and to  be around them. I hate lying. I’m at a loss.   :40.040 --> :45.720 What should I do? Do I just play along? Do  I tell him? Do I just continue to stay away? :58.600 --> :01.040 Posted by  :01.040 --> :04.800 u/EternalTo14 1 day ago :26.280 --> :31.200 I find it hard to address this problem  with me (f28), a twin brother (m31)   :31.200 --> :38.120 of my boyfriend (31) and their sister (23) I have a strong, undeniable resentment towards   :38.120 --> :43.200 brother and sister of my boyfriend. To make it  clear, I’m gonna give you some notion about how   :43.200 --> :48.960 normally people perceive me: I have a reputation  of a friendly, giving, humble and intelligent   :48.960 --> :54.960 woman. My boyfriend and I are very much in love,  but his brother and sister hate me for no reason. :54.960 --> :57.240 When I traveled to Lisbon to meet his family,   :57.240 --> :01.680 I was very delighted to see them together and  meet the most important people of his life. :01.680 --> :07.080 He kinda warned me that they are “toxic” but  I thought he was exaggerating. Sister since   :07.080 --> :11.280 the first day of the meeting was mean  to me, assuming things, projecting her   :11.280 --> :17.240 ideas of my country on me(I’m Georgian), for  example: “You are probably against abortion,   :17.240 --> :24.000 right? “ Or “you probably prefer a man to take  a lead,right?” And smiling awfully. In the first   :24.000 --> :28.400 days she started demanding that I clean the  house, was always complaining that the kitchen   :28.400 --> :33.640 isn’t shining (she doesn’t do anything,doesn’t  cook). I didn’t need to be told what to do,   :33.640 --> :39.280 especially in a mean way.. And in my country  guests are not treated like this. she didn’t   :39.280 --> :44.600 stop making spicy comments and after every time  we visited their family members or relatives,   :44.600 --> :49.320 she told me that they weren’t happy about our  meeting. I kept my cool and tried to not react,   :49.320 --> :54.320 reminding myself that I’m better than  this. But then there his brother… :54.320 --> :00.160 Brother: Me and him have a huge ideological  and fundamental differences. He thinks money   :00.160 --> :04.360 is everything, called my mother (who  married my father at 43) an outdated   :04.360 --> :09.680 woman because best ones get married before  35. Told me that I am a passport hunter,   :09.680 --> :14.480 that all the Georgian women are passport  hunters. Later I found out that he spread   :14.480 --> :18.800 absolute bull*hit about me in Portugal,  with people I hadn’t even met yet. :18.800 --> :23.440 Today I found out that they always make cynical  comments about me in their family chats:   :23.440 --> :28.400 calling me “not very social”, “her friends?  Which friends lol”, “ she doesn’t get along   :28.400 --> :35.280 with ANYONE” and etc. and I realized the wound  has never healed and I can not stop getting mad . :35.280 --> :39.840 I was going though hard personal issues,  trying to find a job, dealing with gaps in   :39.840 --> :45.160 friendships after returning to my home country  after a year in Scandinavia. Being crushed,   :45.160 --> :48.800 getting myself together after my  dreams literally fell apart (to   :48.800 --> :53.400 study in Norway) and people who don’t  know me dragging me down like this.. :53.400 --> :55.920 He lived here in Georgia while we lived here too,   :55.920 --> :00.760 so I had to meet him very frequently. He  went for a few months, he is coming back   :00.760 --> :04.360 soon and I think he is even counting  on us to give a room in our apartment. :04.360 --> :09.320 First visit in Lisbon was in January this  year and we went again this summer. It was   :09.320 --> :13.240 my mistake to accept my boyfriend’s  invitation. I was still nice to the   :13.240 --> :16.680 sister but she didn’t miss the  chance to make me feel terrible. :16.680 --> :20.960 I despise the so much that I can  hardly breathe in their presence.   :20.960 --> :25.360 If not my boyfriend, I’d not have any  connection with this kind of people.   :25.360 --> :28.760 How do I protect myself without  hurting my boyfriend’s feelings? :28.760 --> :34.640 Worth mentioning that they are not nice to him  either but he “is used to it” and doesn’t care. He   :34.640 --> :40.320 said if he confronts them, it’s the end of their  family. So, he only “corrects them”. But I see he   :40.320 --> :45.720 is hurt as well. I am a person who always had to  fight for her rights, I’ve seen too much and and I   :45.720 --> :51.840 can not just “eat it ip” when someone discredits  and purposely disrespects me. I’m deeply hurt. :51.840 --> :56.840 Update: I told to his brother that he and  the sister will never be welcome in my life,   :56.840 --> :02.000 ever and he can now gossip about it too. After  seeing their messages I thought for two hours   :02.000 --> :06.320 and went to his chat and sent this message. I  don’t know what you will think about it too but   :06.320 --> :11.640 I used my connections and he will no longer be  able to enter some major clubs in the city. At   :11.640 --> :17.320 least I could do that to punish him for being an  abusive, hateful, narcissistic man. Thanks for   :17.320 --> :22.640 your comments, I appreciate your attention and  I believe all of them come from a good place ✨ :22.640 --> :23.220 Posted by u/Wide_Difficulty7023  :23.220 --> :29.040 1 day ago :38.800 --> :43.480 I avoid visiting my friend because of her  smoking habit. Should I be honest with her?  :43.480 --> :50.400 One of my (24F) dearest friends is a  heavy smoker (24F). She smokes about   :50.400 --> :56.320 10 cigarettes in 4 hours. She is a truly  awesome person who I love and care deeply   :56.320 --> :02.120 about. We get along so well. The problem  is she smokes inside her own house. Every   :02.120 --> :07.600 time I go visit her she chain smokes in her  room and it is making me nauseous. She does   :07.600 --> :13.080 open the window but as a non smoker it still  starts getting irritating after a few hours. :13.080 --> :17.640 One of our common friends made a comment the  other day on her habit of smoking inside and   :17.640 --> :22.800 she became defensive and told him "If you don't  like it, you know where the door is". I have to   :22.800 --> :27.080 make up polite excuses to leave her house  after a while because she might get annoyed   :27.080 --> :31.880 with me too if I tell her something. I try to  get her to hang out in my place instead but   :31.880 --> :36.240 she recently mentioned that she deliberately  tries to get her boyfriend to hang out in her   :36.240 --> :40.640 own house cause she doesn't like having to  go outside for a smoke break all the time   :40.640 --> :46.920 in his house. So now I feel weird asking her to  visit me when I don't allow smoking in my house. :46.920 --> :52.240 I really enjoy her company and she is a  wonderful person who I accept as she is.   :52.240 --> :58.040 But cigarette smoke bothers me a lot and I've  found myself not visiting her because of this.   :58.040 --> :02.160 She will call me and ask me to come and hang out  on her place right after I've stepped out of the   :02.160 --> :07.400 shower and washed my hair. I know that if I go  I'll have to rewash my hair afterwards to get   :07.400 --> :12.960 rid of the cigarette smell, so I end up making  a random excuse about having other plans. I feel   :12.960 --> :18.000 like an butt about lying to her but I don't want  to hurt her feelings. How should I handle this? :19.600 --> :20.400 Posted by  :23.440 --> :41.840 u/BeanieWeenyy 2 days ago :53.160 --> :56.840 Parter states my decision will be  detrimental to our relationship.  :56.840 --> :03.960 .(30F)[Me] and (27M), 5+ year relationship.  I recently purchased a two day ticket to a   :03.960 --> :09.240 festival (EDCO), for next November. This was  purchased alongside friends and family. My   :09.240 --> :14.400 partner got extremely upset. I’ve never  went away during our entire relationship.   :14.400 --> :18.840 This will be my first time. My decision  to go is causing them extreme anxiety,   :18.840 --> :23.240 to the point that they are questioning what my  faithfulness will be once I arrive. They are   :23.240 --> :27.800 questioning if I will abuse substances while  I am there as well. (I have never done those   :27.800 --> :33.200 things). How can I navigate this with them?  How can the situation be diffused? I really   :33.200 --> :38.960 want to go. I’ve given no reason to not  be trusted so this is disheartening for me :38.960 --> :39.480 Posted by u/Ok-Matter-7846  :39.480 --> :00.280 2 days ago :12.760 --> :15.840 Got left out by friends for  thanksgiving dinner. Should I   :15.840 --> :23.480 (21M) confront or pretend nothing happened? I (21M) am currently in college (UK) and   :23.480 --> :27.040 have a friend group of around 10  people. In a social last week,   :27.040 --> :34.800 one of them Mary (23F) asked me if I was coming  to Bella’s (21F) place for thanksgiving dinner   :34.800 --> :40.240 next weekend. At that point I realised they  were planning one so I said yes. But then I   :40.240 --> :45.640 heard nothing (like place and time) since so  this morning I texted Mary and asked if it was   :45.640 --> :51.280 still happening. There was no reply. Finally  tonight on social media I saw pics of Mary,   :51.280 --> :56.000 Bella and a few others in our friend group doing  thanksgiving dinner. We hanged out as usual in   :56.000 --> :01.160 the past week and nothing happened this week  so I’m really sad that I was left out. Should I   :01.160 --> :06.360 confront them and ask why was that or pretend  I didn’t see the pics and nothing happened?
give me a good story on rRelationshipsFRIENDSDIDNTINVITEMETOTHANKSGIVINGDINNERRedditStories
:11.920 --> :15.840 These happened three separate times at  the same grocery store near my house.   :15.840 --> :18.880 All are at least a year ago,  but I only realized recently   :18.880 --> :22.080 that these are situations where  people thought I worked there! :22.080 --> :26.640 For context, we really like the self checkout  setup at this store because husband can stand   :26.640 --> :31.280 at the scanning station ringing up the items,  and then a conveyer belt sends them down to me   :31.280 --> :36.000 where I can bag them and put them in the cart  after. It's super efficient with the two of us,   :36.000 --> :39.920 so we really like doing this. Most  other people we see are there alone,   :39.920 --> :45.280 so they scan all their purchases first, and then  walk down and bag everything up after. We're   :45.280 --> :51.040 usually the only duo making quick work of it, but  truthfully it's because we're both introverts,   :51.040 --> :55.360 so we're moving fast to buy our  s*** and get the f*** outta there! :55.360 --> :57.520 Cue the confusion from other people... :57.520 --> :00.240 First incident (short and anticlimactic): :00.240 --> :04.160 An excited lady came up to me, smiling,  and said, "Wow! How do I get one of   :04.160 --> :09.760 those?" (Indicating to me bagging where  everyone else has no one bagging for them) :09.760 --> :14.000 I think she's being conversational and I'm  newly married enough that I'm still used to   :14.000 --> :19.600 the weird things people say about marriage that  make no actual sense to me, so I smile back,   :19.600 --> :24.160 gesture to myself, and say something  to the effect of "Marry a good one!" :24.160 --> :30.000 Her smile fades as she looks back and forth  to husband and me, realizes we're married and   :30.000 --> :35.680 I'm not the Grocery Bagging Lady, and then she  glances around awkwardly while wandering off. :35.680 --> :41.360 I think the interaction is weird, but move on  and don't think about it until the next two... :41.360 --> :42.480 Second incident: :42.480 --> :46.720 We're creatures of routine so you bet  we're doing the exact same setup of   :46.720 --> :51.680 husband scanning and me bagging. Right next  to us are the smaller self scan stations,   :51.680 --> :56.720 so the bagging area is right next to the scanner  and it's ideal for people there alone with   :56.720 --> :01.520 15 items or less. Unfortunately, this  is the height of lockdown in the U.S.   :01.520 --> :06.080 and lots of places are getting short  staffed, so the scanner can sometimes mess up   :06.080 --> :10.720 and there's no staff member standing right  there to help you. Cue this non-interaction: :10.720 --> :15.200 I'm much better now, but I've always had  social anxiety, so big places with lots   :15.200 --> :20.480 of people make me retreat even further into  my head. Loud people only make that worse. :20.480 --> :24.320 A woman at the smaller stations is  speaking loudly and aggressively,   :24.320 --> :29.680 but I'm not listening because I'm busy, I hate  being in public so I'm probably at my limit on   :29.680 --> :35.280 interacting with others at this point, and also  I just think some people are loud sometimes and   :35.280 --> :41.120 I don't need to care so I don't. Our scanner needs  some employee input too, so we're unfortunately   :41.120 --> :46.880 just standing around waiting for someone to come  clear the error just like loud woman likely is. :46.880 --> :52.000 I also have a problem with overwork (I  know, I'm trying to cut back, I promise),   :52.000 --> :56.240 so I take the opportunity to get on  my phone and check work emails and   :56.240 --> :00.960 probably fire off a response or two on  whatever the h*** project I have at the time.   :00.960 --> :05.840 I'm still not listening to loud lady, but  she's close enough that it's sort of obnoxious   :05.840 --> :11.040 as she keeps speaking, but I'm absorbed enough  in work s*** that I tune her out as best I can. :11.040 --> :15.440 Work emails sorted, I distinctly  remember avoiding looking her direction   :15.440 --> :21.360 because she's loud and I'm really reaching my  f***-i-hate-being-in-public limit, but eventually   :21.360 --> :27.120 looking behind me as I finally register she's  aggressively trying to get someone's attention.   :27.120 --> :33.040 Since I can tell it's directed a certain direction  (totally missing it's at ME), I remember looking   :33.040 --> :38.560 back behind me and only seeing the bathrooms  and summer random patrons milling around. :38.560 --> :44.000 Weird, I think, who the heck is she talking  to? There's no one over there. Oh well,   :44.000 --> :48.960 not my problem, people are all sorts of  strange, and I go back to Aggressively   :48.960 --> :53.040 Minding My Own Business (a skill I am  incredibly proud of, for the record). :53.040 --> :58.640 Right around this point, thankfully an employee  appears, codes whatever thing our scanner needed   :58.640 --> :03.040 and then walks over to aggressive lady  next to help her. It's at this point,   :03.040 --> :07.760 as I'm giving a sigh of relief that someone  can help her and get her the f*** away from me,   :07.760 --> :11.600 that I finally turn towards her as  we're grabbing our things to leave   :11.600 --> :17.120 that I see her point at me and (I assume, in  hindsight) ask the employee if I work there. :17.120 --> :22.240 Employee looks confused, I only half heard  what she said because I was still Aggressively   :22.240 --> :27.040 Minding My Business, but I stop and pay more  attention seeing her finger pointing at me   :27.040 --> :29.920 and now am giving them both my full attention. :29.920 --> :34.640 Employee says no or shakes her head as  I vaguely remember, but what I remember   :34.640 --> :38.000 SUPER clearly is loud lady  now just stares at me with   :38.000 --> :39.120 her mouth open. (Legit just this face I see  people throw all over the Internet: 👁️👄👁️) :39.120 --> :43.360 Husband's finished throwing the last few things  in the cart and starts heading towards the exit,   :43.360 --> :49.440 so I just smile at this random lady staring at me,  no idea what the h*** just happened, but leave. :49.440 --> :54.800 Only in hindsight did I realize she was probably  trying to get my attention all that time,   :54.800 --> :00.880 but y'all I am talented at tuning things out. I'm  from a huge family with 4 older brothers who were   :00.880 --> :05.680 constantly getting into something, so I learned  young to tune out chaos that had nothing to do   :05.680 --> :10.880 with me. Also, real talk, people in the ghetto are  taught to do that because no one has time to pay   :10.880 --> :16.320 attention to every single thing going on around  them, and I only notice people wanting to do that   :16.320 --> :22.320 who grew up in safer neighborhoods. No problem,  live your best life, but I want nothing to do with   :22.320 --> :29.520 most situations, especially chaotic ones, because  it benefits me in no way to get involved, and,   :29.520 --> :36.240 if anything, can drag me into a bad situation  instead, so I stay the f*** out of stuff. :36.240 --> :38.800 Third and so far last incident: :38.800 --> :44.400 You guessed it, same setup as always at the  conveyer self checkout! This woman was so nice,   :44.400 --> :50.320 but good gracious I'm dense and she missed  so many opportunities to realize her mistake,   :50.320 --> :54.320 so this was a perfect storm of lol all around. :54.320 --> :58.880 We're stuck with an error or input  needed again with no employee in sight,   :58.880 --> :04.400 so I'm on my phone while standing at the  bagging part as usual doing, you guessed it,   :04.400 --> :10.720 work emails again. I have a problem, I know, but  get chastised enough for missing one godforsaken   :10.720 --> :16.080 important tidbit buried in an email once,  and it's easy to become way too attentive   :16.080 --> :21.200 as an over correction. Anyway, this nice  lady walks up to me and gives no context   :21.200 --> :26.560 but says she needs help. She looks about my age,  maybe only a little older, but I was frequently   :26.560 --> :31.840 mistaken as being younger than I am, so that  probably isn't helping me in these situations. :31.840 --> :35.840 I actually don't mind helping people  anywhere if they come up asking for help,   :35.840 --> :41.520 and since I'm stuck waiting anyway, I say sure and  ask her what she needs. I honestly forget what her   :41.520 --> :47.360 problem was all these months later, but I remember  it was something where she too needed an employee,   :47.360 --> :52.000 so I told her to stand at the station where  employees usually are stationed and wait   :52.000 --> :57.200 for someone. I say this with a smile, think  nothing of it, and go back to work on my phone. :57.200 --> :00.400 I don't remember the exact  way she asked for help again,   :00.400 --> :06.160 but I remember I was typing a response to a  coworker/boss and she interrupted me twice,   :06.160 --> :10.960 so I was at first accommodating but the second  time asked her to let me fire off work email   :10.960 --> :15.840 first and then she could ask her question.  This time she tries to lead me somewhere,   :15.840 --> :21.200 and I vaguely register my husband saying my  name to get my attention as I start going   :21.200 --> :26.880 with her (in hindsight... Yeah, I was clearly  mentally checked out to start following her). :26.880 --> :31.760 I stop, a little alarmed that my frazzled  overworked brain was snapped to attention   :31.760 --> :37.200 so aggressively, and husband tells me gently  that she thinks I work there. He turns to say   :37.200 --> :42.560 something to the lady, but I laugh and say, "She  doesn't think I work here! She just needs help.   :42.560 --> :47.920 I'll be right back." I turn back to her with a  smile and gesture to go ahead. Whatever she says   :47.920 --> :52.560 ends is back up at the employee station where  I tell her she needs to wait for an employee. :52.560 --> :57.600 I remember her mentioning something about how it  takes so long for someone to come, and I gently   :57.600 --> :03.280 reply that I'm sure they're understaffed like a  lot of places are so we just have to be patient   :03.280 --> :07.280 and we'll all get through it, etc. She  then asks sweetly why I couldn't help her,   :07.280 --> :11.280 and I genuinely still don't click  that she thinks I work there,   :11.280 --> :15.280 so laugh and say I probably  could figure out their MS-DOS   :15.280 --> :20.960 system if I tried! But y'know that's it because  I still think we're just being conversational. :20.960 --> :23.840 Husband's still hanging out with  all our stuff at our register,   :23.840 --> :28.400 so since I can see we're not leaving any  time soon, I hang out with the lady a bit   :28.400 --> :33.440 and make what I assume is small talk while  she's actually trying to genuinely figure   :33.440 --> :38.400 out why I can't just do whatever thing she  needs done. Because she's so nice about it,   :38.400 --> :43.600 I think some of her questions are a little  weird but just keep being a total dunce by   :43.600 --> :48.880 thinking we're just chatting as two people  passing the time in the same situation ("Oh,   :48.880 --> :53.840 what department do you work for?" "Oh, I do Job  Description, which is really cool because...") :54.560 --> :58.800 Eventually, an employee comes and keys  in whatever we needed at the register   :58.800 --> :02.880 where husband has been patiently waiting,  and I tell lady it was nice chatting or   :02.880 --> :08.080 whatever and go to leave. It's at this point  she asks, a little panicked, where I'm going,   :08.080 --> :13.760 and I'm genuinely confused as I tell her I'm going  home. Her mouth is a little agape as she says   :13.760 --> :19.360 "Home? Then who's going to help me?" I tell her  an employee will, and that I'm done shopping so   :19.360 --> :24.960 that's why I'm going home. She keeps gaping as  husband hands me my purse and jacket and I think   :24.960 --> :31.440 she finally realizes (maybe, who in the world  knows) and wanders off as I turn around and leave. :31.440 --> :35.840 Husband gently, again, tells me she  thought I worked there as we're leaving,   :35.840 --> :40.560 and I again laugh and go, "Nooo, I don't  have to work somewhere to help people!" :40.560 --> :45.840 I realize typing this out that I must be an  exhausting wife to keep up with sometimes,   :45.840 --> :48.640 but he's very patient with my overworked brain. :48.640 --> :53.440 I also realize typing this all out for the first  time that I stopped checking work emails over   :53.440 --> :58.400 the weekend (what I was doing in these stories),  but I was just answering work stuff at a friend   :58.400 --> :04.080 get-together last night at 8pm on a Friday night  and husband told me I've got to stop working   :04.080 --> :10.480 after hours then too, and I responded in a huff  saying I wish I could but boss this and that...   :10.480 --> :16.480 I have a real problem, I finally realize. Ugh.  Time for hard stops, my brain is always so dead   :16.480 --> :08.720 these days... this is my first post here, so I  apologize if I get formatting and stuff wrong. :22.320 --> :26.190 this also happened around 10 years ago, so  I may miss some important details. Sorry. :26.190 --> :26.640 Characters - Mom, Dad, me, and Karen plus some  ninor characters like cop, judge, employee :26.640 --> :31.520 Important background - my mom is paralyzed from  the waist down, so my dad and I would take her   :31.520 --> :36.560 out grocery shopping every now and then. She  had a motorized wheelchair, but it was too bulky   :36.560 --> :41.680 to take with us to the store, so we brought  her non-motorized (push) wheelchair with us. :41.680 --> :45.600 Dad would push her around, while I would  pull stuff off the shelves she wanted us   :45.600 --> :49.440 to get and put them in our cart. One  other note - Dad has a voice that he's   :49.440 --> :54.000 used in the past to scare people. Just  ask old potential boyfriends of mine. :54.000 --> :58.800 While doing this, Karen began  yelling, "Hey miss?" then whistling,   :58.800 --> :03.840 then the dreaded throat clear. I put the  last item in the cart and turned and said,   :03.840 --> :10.000 "can I help you?" when she thrust a list at me and  demanded, "Get me the stuff on my list." I should   :10.000 --> :15.040 note that I look nothing like the employees,  they wear blue from head to toe basically,   :15.040 --> :19.360 and I was wearing a yellow sundress  with daisies on it. I said, "No,   :19.360 --> :23.680 I'm helping my mother now, I think there's an  employee at the front desk who can help you." :23.680 --> :28.480 She didn't like this and reached out to grab  my arm, saying something like, "You will help   :28.480 --> :34.800 me now!" Sorry, no threats of "I will get  you fired." I shoved her away, shouted "NO!"   :34.800 --> :41.040 when I felt the blood running down my arm  where her nails had broken my skin on my bicep.   :41.040 --> :46.080 Dad looked over and kinda freaked when he saw  the blood and shouted "Leave my daughter alone!"   :46.080 --> :49.920 Mom was looking at something on her list,  but my dad's voice was loud enough to get   :49.920 --> :54.480 an employee to rush over. He asked if  there was a problem, and my dad said,   :54.480 --> :59.520 "this woman just assaulted my daughter, do you  have a first aid kit or something to help her out?   :59.520 --> :05.200 I'm going to call the cops while you get this.  Upon hearing the word "Cops", the lady just sunk   :05.200 --> :11.120 to the floor crying and trying to say it was  just a misunderstanding. When the cops arrived,   :11.120 --> :16.400 I had been bandaged up and the manager had come  up and upon listening to my and my dad's story,   :16.400 --> :21.360 as well as the employee describing the aftermath,  they went to the back with the manager to check   :21.360 --> :27.520 the video. Meanwhile, the lady is crying,  saying "I'll lose my kids." No "Sorry" or   :27.520 --> :32.880 anything like that. The cops arrested her for  assault on a minor and took her away crying. :32.880 --> :39.680 At the trial later, the two things I most remember  is that she was on probation and did indeed lose   :39.680 --> :45.680 custody of her kids (I think the father got them),  And she tried to say "It was an honest mistake,   :45.680 --> :50.880 I thought she was an employee." Whereupon  the judge said, "even if she was an employee,   :50.880 --> :55.200 what gives you the right to grab someone like  this?" while showing her the pictures that   :55.200 --> :01.200 were taken of my bloody arn. She broke into more  tears as the judge read her sentence, including   :01.200 --> :07.920 the loss of her children due to violating her  probation, plus some community service, I think. :07.920 --> :11.920 Much later, as part of her effort  to get her children back, she had   :11.920 --> :16.800 to write me a letter of apology which  is still in my parent's attic in a box.
give me a good story on rIDontWorkHereLadyHOWIMADEACRAZYKARENCRYRedditStories
what is the grossest thing you've seen in public I used to live in Japan and my friend came to visit and wanted to go to a maid Cafe for reference a maid Cafe is a place in the nerdy part of Tokyo where people go in and basically have a cutesy high-pitched voice Japanese girl dressed as a maid server and talk to them so I was translating and very uncomfortable by the whole thing but my friend was getting a kick out of it which made it a bit easier next to us though was this obese boy of maybe 15 years old you could tell he was what they call an otaku and lacked a lot of common hygienic practices so we're eating and his maid comes over and squats down next to him to check on him he reaches into his nostrils pulls out this huge booger with a long string of goopy snot still Tethered to his nose and eats it in front of her true to character she just gleefully exclaims was it good master I thought I was going to vomit right there I was so grossed out and overcome by feelings of pity for that poor girl I really was just totally overwhelmed
give me a good story on Whatisthegrossestthingyouveseeninpublicorig
AIT for announcing at our reception that we're already married I 30f got engaged to Jack 31m last year from the start wedding planning was a nightmare we were excited to celebrate and begin venue searching but Jack broke his knee and couldn't walk for months during Jack's recovery his brother Paul got engaged to Eva immediately the family's attention shifted Paul and Eva got an engagement party they got to tour venues go dress shopping we were just the other one by the time Jack recovered we realized that not only did we not want to compete with Paul and Eva but that traditional wedding wasn't in our budget it would be cheaper to alope in Greece with close friends and family than honeymoon there happy with our decision we told the family in May that we would get married in Greece in December everyone was excited for exactly 6 days until Paul and Eva shared their date one month before hour it felt intentional Paul has a thing about being the eldest and married first and surprise everything then turned to them band or DJ white or beige Linens who will be the flower girl everyone only cared about Paul and Eva's big wedding not me and jack it felt like everything was going wrong only one member of the bridal party Taylor said she'd go to Greece even my mom wouldn't come Paul and Eva were determined to upstage us nobody cared about our wedding even the bachelorette party sucked but that's another story so Jack and I decided in July to do a private Courthouse ceremony something just for us instead of everyone else Jack and I still eloped in gree alone see edit below it was perfect and we had a little of our budget left so decided to throw a small reception for friends/family back in the us when we returned there we shared our secret that Jack and I actually married in July people freaked out Eva blurted what was the point of grease and fumed the rest of the night our friends were quiet and kept to themselves Taylor left early for an emergency even my mom left early later Taylor called and said she felt hurt she wasn't included in the real wedding she was included she found out about our real wedding when my own family did she was invited to the reception and the boach the two most intimate and expensive celebrations of my life she used a lot of therapy talk like your day isn't about me I just wanted to be a part of it but nobody else complained including my family who are more important to me than anything if they didn't feel excluded why should she my cooworker thinks aita she said people traveled for our reception on late notice just to be told they weren't important enough for the real wedding but nobody cared about our wedding they just felt entitled to it after the fact ETA there were three events one Courthouse July just us two ceremony honeymoon and Greece deck just us and three reception in us with family in January we unfortunately had to uninvite my in-laws and Taylor from Greece after my mom could attend
give me a good story on AITAforannouncingatourreceptionthatwerealreadymarried
friend lost out on a winning $11,000 lotto ticket because of me he's crying over money and I don't feel guilty I'm part of a specialized friend group where we all share the same hobby not really a hobby but I don't want to give out personal identifying information if I State what it really was asterisk I was really excited to join this group as I've been an avid hobbyist for over 6 years I got to meet the entire group minus Mike and we all got along great it was an easy transition into the group and I was having a ton of fun finally about a month after joining I met Mike Mike was okay pretty tough to get to know like pulling teeth but I just kind of ignored it and kept moving on with everyone else meanwhile Mike was really inconsistent with showing up to the twice a month group meetings so I didn't really get to know him throughout the years Mike had an Infamous birthday party that he would invite the group to except for me the first year I was okay with it because I had just joined and was about 2 weeks in second year I forgot about it until everyone was talking about it and then asked me why I didn't go well I wasn't invited third year same thing I wasn't invited so that one stung a little and I made it my mission to really try and get to know him a bit more however it was never reciprocated and proved to be a difficult task the problem was the guy runs hot and cold he's overly dramatic on some days and quiet as a mouse on other days one time he'll get mad if you hug him another time he'll be in your face all EXC Ed telling you the latest new Gadget he got then the next time you see him he's the complete opposite super Huggy and barely talks you'll ask him questions about himself and he will either give you one word or vague answers this is not just to me but to everyone and you never know which mic you will get on any given day I finally asked the group about him and their thoughts and they all said exactly what I said down to the letter I followed up with why is he with this group technically he was with the starting group members and has never left so everyone just tolerates him for our meeting just before his birthday I got him a card wrote him a nice sentiment and bought do10 worth of scratchers brought it with me and he didn't show came home told the hubby that I was disappointed and a little mad that once again he doesn't show and that holds back the group dynamic for the evening also he wasn't there for the third time in a row which is also a rule break within the group so out of my frustration I decided to scratch them off myself to my surprise every card was a winner technically won $1,012 I was so excited this is the fourth year and he celebrated his birthday month in August didn't invite me again but at this point I'm no longer offended or hurt by it I don't want to go it's almost mid-september and he's endlessly complaining on social media right now on how broke he is from the two parties he through now his car needs repairs totaling do 1,000 and he's basically crying for anyone to donate some money I keep laughing at his posts because had he shown up to our meeting he would have had the money to pay for his car repair also no one in the group knew I brought a card and that I had some winning lotto tickets relevant comments additional info from op he wrote in our private group chat asking for some financial help I responded I'm praying for you right now honestly if he was a nicer person I would have held on to the card and lotto tickets for him we have a meeting tonight and he's not going even though someone offered him a ride op on if they should tell him he seems like the type that would hold a grudge or go off on a tyrant on how he is owed the money again he's super dramatic and there is not telling on how he will react to the news update here not sure if anyone remembers or cares about my previous post from a few months back but I have an update one of the updates that happened in my previous post was that his aunt gave him $1,500 to get his car fixed he went shopping and bought a dog and a1200 outfit so he still doesn't have a car but I belong to his social media and he easily gets around town and out of the city so he has some type of Transportation but I know it's not his own car that needed repair now onto an update that happened Wednesday so this past week was our secret Santa gift exchange wouldn't you know it I got him and he got me he didn't show up so now I'm without a gift exchange and I just said in my head screw it I was prepared for this and bought something that I liked which were more lottery tickets asterisk I scratched them off in front of everyone and won $75 super exciting everyone blasted it on social media he contacted me this morning saying that he couldn't make it last night because his dog was sick and he had my gift ready he was excited to receive the $1.75 because he really needed it I didn't respond meanwhile he posted on his social media that he was out with friends that night so I guess he forgot that we are connected on social media last night we had a special meeting that was pre-planned for months we did the secret santa exchange earlier in the week because we knew we wouldn't be able to celebrate it last night he shows up gives me a big hug Chit Chats in the most friendliest way ever which he has never done with me before so it just looks and feels like someone completely sucking up he eventually asks me directly for the money and doesn't even have the gift he's supposed to give me with him for an exchange it's not like he had a backpack or bag that was in him okay great so where is the money I was to win from my gift exchange me oh don't worry about the gift exchange I'm fine and I walked away that's all I said it didn't even make complete sense to me when I thought about it later but it left him dumbfounded he tried to complain about it to the others in the group but they were just not having it with no collaboration they all said basically the same thing you hardly ever show up and when you do you are not 100% in you rarely talked to the unpolitical when she is here and now you want her to hand over $1.75 for a gift you were not even here for she had nothing to open and was left out she owes you nothing I have a feeling that this will not be the last I will hear of it but I Will Stand My Ground thanks for reading my nephew keeps trying to kill me and I'm unprepared in March I started helping my sister with her 14-year-old son we have a bond or so I thought he needed a good education he needs supervision he needs Community he needs someone to attend early morning psych appointments he works alongside my 14-year-old who does very well at his school work and my 18-year-old daughter who is a junior in high school I set rules in the house her house was filthy cleaning cooking organizing she hadn't cleaned since 2005 I took care of a lot of it I took her home into hand her son dumped important meds my meds he put half of them in Gatorade bottles and half of them in the toilet brand new bottles they were my heart meded we confronted him yep trying to kill me he did two months in various psych wards which did nothing for him he came back home and he was okay for a week or so and tried again his mother didn't discipline him and his dad works 50 plus hours of work to provide now I'm providing the discipline but he keeps trying to kill me because I'm that authority figure I'm spending 50 HRS a week on him on his things education chores supervision making sure he has his appointments and meds making sure his Psych is up toate coordinating his care but because his mom claims she can't be up in the mornings it's me who has him I'm struggling he's tried poisoning me dumping my meds putting allergies in my food and he just keeps escalating even though he keeps doing it his mother's not getting up to be with him or changing her schedule she's not helping I have duties that I have for her too like calling in her meds scheduling DRS appointments making sure she has her needs met I'm burning out and she is okay with it I know he's going to try again update I've called his psych and asked for immediate removal and placement even if that means he stays in the hospital for a while
give me a good story on friendlostoutonwinningalottoticketbecauseofMEorig
hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we have some malicious compliance stories on our first story of the day is by baoland i didn't know being sick was first come first serve so this happened to me a while ago 2014-ish when i worked at a fast food restaurant in the uk with a red-headed clown as a mascot as well as for some of the managers there i have tons of malicious compliance stories from this place and one day i will get around to posting them all but for now here is this one now being an eating establishment hygiene is very important as you can imagine the policy when i started there and as far as i'm aware is the same to this day maybe even more strict considering the whole pandemic thing that's happening was that if you were sick you had to have 48 hours off from the time you call in sick to ensure that you are better for returning to work so you don't poison the customers makes sense right i'm ill i'm handling food i'm going to get other sick i'm not feeling great at all this shift i was feeling a little off in the morning but thought i might be able to get better by the evening when my shift is over the day i started to get a cough fever runny and blocked nose headache you know full on cold the policy also states that if you are going to call in sick it should be no later than two hours before your shift starts fair enough it gets to two hours before my small four hour shift and i feel dreadful so i call up the manager on the shift that day hi manager it's op cough i feel awful i shouldn't be working today sniff manager says you can't be sick we need you in today i say i really am not well i'm coughing and my nose is running everywhere deep heavy cough the manager says i have already had three people call in sick for today so you need to be here see you in a couple hours hangs up so here i am dripping with sweat looking like death could take me at any moment so with a small smirk on my face i think okay guess i'm gonna go to work tonight i proceed to get ready get in the car and drive to work now there is no back door for employees to slip into at this place so we have to use the main entrance and walk through the dining area to go into the back of the kitchen so step one make sure i am seen by as many people as possible looking like something out of a horror movie i shamble through the front door making sure to have a fit of coughing complete in my uniform so all the customers can see i am unwell i make sure to wave and say hi to my colleagues on the counter in the huskiest voice i have before wandering through to the door that leads to the kitchen at this point i would like to say that i was in fact very sick that day and i should not have been working but i wanted to teach my boss a lesson so i might have exaggerated my symptoms just a little bit to make sure the point stuck i make it to the break room where two of my crewmates are and immediately both ask if i'm feeling all right i tell them no but i have a point to prove which is why i'm here i check the rota in the break room and bingo i'm on the register front of house everyone can see me this is perfect for step two ensure each person i serve questions if i'm fit to work i wander through the kitchen to the register and start working my first customer places an order and they look a little wary i get them their food they go and sit down to start eating my boss has seen this exchange and you can see the gears turning in his head can't be having a zombie serving food i know let's put them in the kitchen where they can't be seen i get told to swap with a person who was working grill so yes i am no longer seen by anyone but they have moved me from working with wrapped food which i couldn't contaminate to working with creating the food from scratch great idea there boss fyi i never intentionally poisoned someone's food i was trying to be very good and stepped out of the kitchen every time i needed to cough and blow my nose washed my hands and then got back to it i have been working for an hour or so now still three to go and by this point i'm feeling lightheaded and unable to focus on what i'm doing i'm not exaggerating anymore i am not good at all it's not very busy so i'm just trying to keep myself on my feet in walks the night manager who happens to be the acting store manager too night manager says evening op i grun and sniff night manager says are you feeling alright i slowly shake my head night manager says why didn't you call in sick i say i did i was told that others had already called in sick so i had to be here she looks around at the pretty empty restaurant and plenty of staff including the manager who had me come in sitting in the dining area pretending to look busy while being on his phone night manager says clock out go home get better and don't worry about your shifts for the next two days i nod and just before i go to get my stuff i see her storm to the manager in the break area before dragging him into the office i go back to work after a couple of days like i was told feeling 100 i am greeted by the night manager who checks on me which i'm grateful for i start to work and get caught up on the workplace gossip turns out the manager who made me work that day was given a right bolicking that night and he turned in his resignation the next day or so the rumor goes so if you were noticeably sick and your manager told you it doesn't matter come in are you going in and trying to do some kind of malicious compliance or are you outright refusing and staying home let me know what you would have done in the comments down below our next story is by exo revan obnoxious manager tells me i might as well go home with my attitude i comply this story happened to me a few years ago when i was working in a cafe as a cashier waiter side note my job was to work the bar and handle till but i was expected to help out waiters when i had the time and they were swamped fun times the place had two managers one of which i'll call awesome because that's what she was and the other i'll call a witch no points for guessing why awesome manager was a 40-something woman that took no crap from people but was always willing to help if it was needed which on the other hand was an entitled brat no older than 23 insisted that everyone referred to her by her full name and generally spent her time at work berating people and chatting with one or two friends either way due to some sort of scheduling shenanigans it turned out that for a weekend we would only have myself and one waiter working in there i still have no clue how that happened or why would everyone be okay with it but we ended up having half the necessary workforce for a weekend saturday comes and the place is utterly packed i'm talking full seating packed here awesome manager helps me in waiter out we are exhausted but managed to pull through i was hoping sunday would be less stressful boy how wrong i was sunday comes and it's witch who is on shift as it goes around 1 to 2 p.m the place starts getting filled in and both me and waiter are running around like headless chickens trying to serve a full cafe which is sitting in her office despite me walking up to her and asking to help us okay whatever the rush dies down a little but i have several orders for tea and an empty boiler seeing as how i didn't have time to refill it water goes in i go behind the bar and wait which enters the stage seeing several empty teacups and me standing there which asks me why i haven't made tea yet i as calmly as one could be after such a rush tell her that i haven't had the time to refill the boiler and i will get it done as soon as it heats up which says well why hadn't you refilled it earlier it's your job do it properly at this point i was already stressed out enough for me to slam my fist down onto the bar and pointed all the tables seated i said i didn't have enough time and i told you we needed help half an hour ago i'm doing my job as well as i can while being understaffed this has definitely struck a nerve as she looks me in the eye and goes if you can't control your emotions maybe you should go home right now i say sure i'll be on my way and i headed to the dressing room she naturally decided to follow i will make sure to fine you an amount of russian money nobody here would get for leaving this shift early i said i don't care feel free and just like that i left my shift not even five hours in i honestly felt so relieved this day it made me realize that it's not worth it to put up with abuse on your work just for a paycheck as an added bonus next time i came on my shift witch was going out of her way to not talk to me and i haven't had any fines for leaving that day though i did apologize to waiter but he was understanding a few days later i had a talk with hr who told me that it's pretty hard to find a job these days so maybe i should be more reserved i told her that i was planning to move cities and this was my second to last month of working there she didn't have much else to say for this story you don't really have to look at it too hard to realize that it's all just a bad manager bad manager doesn't care willing to throw you under the bus even in this economy opie's probably better off looking for another job than dealing with that this next story is by koto lsr a literal ton of salt i was recently reminded of an incident in my youth when i worked for a large canadian big box store known for having its own currency if you are canadian or have been to canada you know the one for the most part a decent place to work got my first aid slash aed certificate as well as my forklift license at 16 through them being the youngest licensed operator on staff who also was not in a management position meant i was largely the go-to person for grabbing things with the forklift however i was not given my own key so one cold and blustery december right before christmas the customer service manager needed me to move a pallet of water softener salt from the back dock to the front of the store it would sit right outside of the entrance 12 kilogram bags 10 to a row 10 rows high not too hard to do on a flat ground just needs a bit of a jerk to get it moving and provided you don't have to stop the weight keeps it moving on its own with little force however they were not in the warehouse dock but outside to make it easier for the forklift to pick them up and move them round front the customer service manager was not trained on the forklift and did not have a key and for some reason on that busy day before christmas neither did anyone else in the store a fact i tried to explain but was just told to get it done now the exterior of the dock is one of those ones that slopes down so the truck can be leveled with the floor to make it easier to offload and move stock to the floor naturally these salt pallets were next to the store's exterior wall and we did not have a power jack just the regular old hand cards there was a trick to moving heavy loads up hill don't try to pull it straight up make small incremental zigzags 6 to 12 inches to one side at a time slowly walking it up the hill an hour and a half later it was at the front door of the store the customer service manager was needless to say extremely angry that the only person who was covering the warehouse for the entire store had disappeared for an hour and a half and demanded to know why i hadn't just used the forklift i replied that no one in the store had the key she had told me to just get it done and that it was now time for my legally entitled 15 minutes of break the next day i was given my own key to the forklift and all management was required to go for forklift training you would just think for an employee who's licensed to do the work they do on a day-to-day basis they would be equipped with all the supplies they need to actively do the job not some weird i have to find a key from somebody else to actually begin my work this next story is by mcgreen minor malicious compliance with deltek so deltek a great tool for timesheets and a ball and chain at times too recently i'd have been given my mid-year review and was dinged pretty hard for not knowing slash not checking my utilization rate i knew i was to be at 85 percent or better but not what my exact number was i knew i was good though so since then every monday i'm checking my numbers usually floating about 90 percent or so depending on various meetings not billable to projects last week however i had about a day's worth of work that was for projects but i wasn't given a project number i had to stick it all on admin which crushed my weekly rate to like 82 percent cue the emails to my pm and my boss i need a number for this work we will get you one no problem by saturday still no number fired an email off to my boss no response monday however we have a hard deadline that all timesheets have to be done by 8 am 8 10 i get a reminder email from the time sheet guy hey where's your time sheet emailed him the short version of what's going on 8 30 i get an email from my boss why is your timesheet not done pointing back to my emails about needing a project number and how it's crushing my utilization i can't have this unbillable time on my sheet 15 minutes later i get an email that a new project number is open for me time sheet submitted and look i'm at 97 for the last week i'm not saying nobody is to blame but even in the most perfect of systems sometimes there's cracks in it that can slip through and it might have been a legitimate error that took them until more than the last second of correct but it didn't hurt op in the end which is great and our final story of the day is by vengeance058 well i gave what you wanted right any video professionals i work for a collegiate athletics department where one of my many duties is creating intro videos for teams the thing that plays on a video board ahead of games our baseball coach was of the type that believes they know what looks best on video instead of the guy paid to do it he wants old highlights footage of pro players a voice over text etc all of which looks bad and very very cheesy music choice was less than stellar i tried to change his mind but as the deadline grew i eventually decided okay i'll do it how you want cue it's first showing the team laughed at him loudly not at the video but at him cause they knew it was his idea and you could hear it throughout the stands several opposing teams did as well when they saw it next season much more conciliatory when it came to do the new one some people have the absolute best eye for these kinds of things and some people think they have the absolute best eye for these types of things we all know which one this coach landed on but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which story and why in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't also please consider turning on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video too no matter what you did whether it was viewing the video liking commenting subscribing thank you all so very much for supporting the time channel every little thing that you guys do helps the channel grow more and more every single day and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a great day and i'll see you all next time right here
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceRudeManagertellsmeIshouldgohomeSoIcomplyorig
Welcome Friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a lot of awesome compliance stories and our first story of the day is from I want a secret garden now you get to be HOA president two parent malicious compliance about 25 years ago my parents built their dream house although the house is now in the middle of a large Metroplex when they built it it was in the fringes of the countryside with rapid development over two decades when they bought the lot they were the first to purchase from the developer the developer sold to three original neighbors my parents and two others all at the end of a cul-de-sac in a row the other streets in this plat became a large subdivision with a fancy name that would come to Bear a lot of prestige but that meant being part of an HOA they didn't want that the developer wouldn't sell them the land without an HOA if you aren't part of the community you'll need to form your own HOA and get it approved so my dad with a beatific grin said he would be the HOA president of our single Suburban Street he and the two neighbors drafted the bylaws of their own HOA in strict accordance with the planned neighborhood but they added a special provision that the president of the HOA could name a successor instead of having the street vote on one absent to majority rejection the successor would be the president essentially trying to avoid terms and campaigning while still offering folks a way to dispute the HOA president important for later so in the winter of 1994 my father very seriously took the thick black CD binder full of laminated and hole punched instructions and pages on how to be a good HOA president and put that binder in the very back of a cabinet and forgot about it for the next 16 years the homeowners of our street were not asked to pay an annual fee and the HOA didn't police number of cars colors of front doors or any other ridiculous standards HOAs enforce as it was a quiet cul-de-sac no one did anything more egregious than the occasional Reckless teenager than a new family built a house across from us it consisted of two children a husband and a stay-at-home mom will call Gladys Kravitz for the Bewitched fans now Gladys was a real busy body she would stand at the front windows of her house to watch and Patrol which cars were using the cul-de-sac to turn around when the houses down the street held events and parties and were using the front of her house to park for literally a night and sending noise complaints to the police about barking dogs her other neighbor's kids they were six in a blended family the other neighbors cars they were collectors not even repairing cars and other ridiculously Petty things she didn't have a job so safety patrol became her whole identity she would always hurry over to gossip whenever my mom was out taking the trash cans to the curb sadly my dad contracted neuromuscular disease in 2005. it got bad quickly and he was confined to a wheelchair I learned to drive from my hardship license in a handicapped van and we had more than the usual number of cars due to round-the-clock caregivers in the later years Gladys decided it was time to offer help to my poor mother who was slaving absurd hours just to keep the creditors at Bay Gladys very sweetly approached expressed her sympathies for our struggles pointed out the number of cars in our driveway and generously so generously offered to take over the president of the HOA duties if my father would name her successor after being hounded the sixth or seventh time and Gladys hinting that if my mom was struggling so much maybe she could send my Dad to hospice and move houses to something more suited in fact gladys's best friend was looking for a house and would love to live across the street and buy our house my mom freaking snapped she basically told Gladys to stop asking and that her husband was dying and it was incredibly insensitive and rude to offer to kick us out of the neighborhood and take over just because she wanted clout to annoy the Neighbors about letting kids play basketball after 6 PM Gladys responded nastily that my dad would have to name his successor because when he died soon the HOA presidency would revert back for election okay then Gladys you're absolutely right my dad should name someone the HOA president as his successor after his 16-year Reign malicious compliance activated after my dad died my mom found out she was named as the next HOA president in my dad's will dad never said anything about it while he was alive but his humor was always understated Gladys was a pop of Gladys was apoplectic she tried to overturn the successor claim and run against my mom but nobody else on the street contested the choice no one all all new neighbors after 20 years even knew we had a special single Street HOA and for another nine years my mom did absolutely nothing as HOA president my mom had to sell the home in 2019 very unwillingly as it was the house my parents built together but with the development of the city property taxes had risen too high and priced her out I took a week off work to fly out and help her pack and while packing up the house we found my dad's OG 1994 HOA binder bylaws and all and of course mom had to name an HOA successor so this time she did comply the malicious part was more against everyone else very ceremoniously LOL not my Mom finally named Gladys the president of the HOA and gave her the binder which apparently has long since been digitized and something Gladys had been reading for fun in prep operation of this moment apparently Gladys went rabid with the power as her kids had gone off to college and promptly charged everyone on the street a hundred dollars a month towards neighborhood incidentals supposedly for mowing the strip that people just mowed themselves and a highly encouraged neighborhood barbecue one Saturday a month to address the neighborhood concerns she also outlawed basketball hoops and driveways dictated no cars could be parked on the street or in driveways but only in garages things like landscaping and holiday Decor approval and other inane absurd power trips my mom kept her next door app open and watched Gladys go down in flames three separate households moved and dropped long hate-filled call out posts about Gladys making their lives a misery until they couldn't stand it anymore that's three of 12 houses by the way yeah Gladys wrecked the single Street HOA with a quarter loss Gladys got everything she wanted my dad the name and HOA successor my mom did him an HOA successor for us to move away and for her to finally be HOA president and now everyone absolutely hates her and no one will pay for her a hundred dollars or go to her barbecues and before my Mom finally deleted the street from her next door it seems that the rest of the street had voted to hold an election for a new HOA president her tenure lasted six months Gladys doesn't understand why people talk so fondly about my parents as the most ideal HOA Presidents since they never did a thing my mom is two years into her new home and does not miss the neighborhood anymore at all I think it goes without saying that Gladys deserved the hate considering everything they wanted to do and ended up doing but as everybody else that hears the story left wondering why did they finally give in and give it to Gladys why not just hand it over to any other person that would just want to do nothing and let the street be the street if you were off for the title of being the HOA president knowing you'd probably get bothered by Gladys but beyond that you don't have to do anything would you take it to protect the piece of the street let me know what you guys think in the comments down below by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from most Thai 8919 we're having dinner as a family the story takes place in the late 90s when I was a child I'm not from an English-speaking country but my grandparents used to travel a lot back then they brought us a digital camera from Japan some years before they were available at electronic shops and they also bought me several video games that were just released in the US one day they brought me a copy of Pokemon Blue but I had a very hard time getting to understand the game since I couldn't read English so well I had a friend who was also trying to make sense of the game so we would call each other every few minutes whenever we discovered something new being during the 90s I had to dial my friend's family landline and I would have to ask to speak to my friend whenever their parents would pick up the phone instead of him my parents were already tired of having the phone ring every few minutes and then yell at me to pick up the phone since every time the phone rang it was my friend one night we were having dinner when the phone rang again my parents were visibly annoyed at the constant Interruption of peace and my mom told me in a very serious tone that I should go pick up the phone and tell my friend that I cannot speak right now since we're having dinner as a family and that I would call back later begrudgingly and feeling wronged I stood up to go pick up the phone in the hallway turns out that the one that was calling was not my friend but my grandma that was traveling in a distant continent during ungodly hours so that she could speak to my mom that's when I saw my chance for malicious compliance and took it I loudly said so that my mom would hear me in the dining room hi Grandma yes my mom is here but she can't pick up the phone right now since we're having dinner as a family I went back to the dinner table to see my mom red and anger while my dad was trying really hard not to laugh I mean to be fair though like imagine ourselves in those parents positions where the kids keep calling back and forth and you usually had like maybe one main proper phone line at that point that hallway is just gonna keep ringing every so often all throughout the day like in those parents shoes you kind of understand why they're just like just stop calling all the freaking time it was bad enough as it was back then with telemarketers and spam calls because things just weren't so connected it was way more expected for somebody to actually pick up a phone and our final story of the day is from Chris Mig monkey 4 just bring me a freaking Burger okay so my boyfriend male 30 insisted I needed to start a Reddit account because he's sure his parents would find find it if he made one plus I have stories and he insisted that I female 24 should start with how we met a malicious compliant story so here we go I 22 at the time was working at a mom-and-pop diner when my boyfriend and his four friends walk in and sit down on my table I walked over with my nothing in my world is wrong and my feet don't feel like they're about to fall off smile and started with drinks round of waters and caffeinated beverages later I was back to take their food order I got down the first four orders with no problem and full on getting checked out by a couple of the boys my boyfriend included I'm considered pretty and I get that sometimes so I don't mind it they all seem tired and most of them in a pleasant mood the fifth friend I'll call him Richard Richard was short-tempered and just wanted me to hurry and do my job instead of flirting which I wasn't just giggling more at their jokes I lived off tips one when it was Richard's turn to order he wanted a burger but he wanted to change an ad quite a bit not usually a problem but he was talking so fast I had to keep repeating what he was saying to make sure I got everything right the first time and I didn't have to have his Burger remade he kept saying things like are you slow and just do your job and get me my burger after I repeated his Burger order four times and the rest of the tables order once he got angry and bursted out yes woman you got it right now go back put it in and bring me out a freaking Burger I tried not to sigh and apologize telling him I'll bring it right out when it's done I grabbed a few refills and apologized to a table nearby and went back and put in their orders then I had a thought a rather devious thought I have a bag of candy I keep in my bag for when I go home and pass by a neighbor's apartment single mother of four the kids loved me and their mom loved it when I helped pick up her shifts when needed some of those candies were those gummy SpongeBob Krabby patty burgers so I fished five out put four in my pocket and put one on one of our smallest plates I brought it out to him and there was a full 10 seconds between when I set the plate down and Richard's four friends starting laughing I said something like I'm so sorry it took so long sir but it does take some time to throw together a freaking Burger I must have stunned him so bad he couldn't talk because he didn't yell at me or anything I pulled out the other four and set them on the table asking for their continued patience and took some of their drinks to refill I could still hear them laughing from the soda machines in the end I discounted his meal for my rude Behavior which my boyfriend told me Richard never noticed and there was no more complaining from Richard I got a pretty big tip and three phone numbers I only messaged my boyfriend because he handed his to me instead of leaving it on the table with the tip he asked me out for dinner enter and I sent him a picture of two Krabby Patties and said dinner's on me we've been dating for two years I would just be like where is this person getting all these gummy Krabby Patties from I'm not gonna lie I've had some gummy Krabby Patties before but it's like why do you have it on demand supply of all of these gummy Krabby Patties also I'm kind of wondering is Richard still around in like the friend group of Opie's boyfriend apparently Opie's boyfriend said that Richard acted like that all stunned because he had never had a hot girl put him in his place like that and probably that combined with everybody bursting out laughing at him I don't know maybe it reset some of his internal software I just I can't imagine Richard wants to hang out much more considering that their friend got with OP after that just imagine knowing one of your best friends is with somebody you are super embarrassed to be around just a little awkward but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome malicious compliance story click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHONEYISHRANKTHEBURGERrSlashRedditStoriesorig
at the start of the film we are introduced to Bruno an eight-year-old boy who lives in Berlin during World War II a time when Hitler held power and Jewish people face discrimination Bruno is playing with his friends when he heads back home and finds his house being prepared for a party his mother Elsa explains that the family is celebrating his father Ralph's promotion as a Nazi officer Ralph shares with his children the news that they will be leaving Berlin for the countryside where he has been given the role of commanding officer at a concentration camp Bruno is heartbroken to leave his childhood friends behind but Elsa Comforts him telling him he will make new ones in their new home the following scene shows the family arriving at their new house in occupied Poland which features a two-story design a garden and high walls and closing the property as Bruno peeks through his new bedroom window he spots some distant houses and assumes they belong to Farmers whose children are playing outside curious he mentions the Striped Pajamas the farmers wear to his mother finding it peculiar as he contemplates this an elderly man enters the kitchen fresh vegetables for the family Bruno recognizes the man's clothing as the same Striped Pajamas he noticed earlier when looking out the window the man places the vegetables on the counter before leaving but Bruno is left with questions about the man's attire intrigued by Bruno's Comet Elsa watches as the man departs and soon discovers the harsh reality behind his clothing in another scene Bruno can be seen inside his father Ralph's office asking him about the farmers he saw wearing pajamas Ralph informs him that these individuals are not actual people simultaneously Elsa discovers that the farm Bruno mentioned is a concentration camp for Jews and she angrily confronts Ralph in his office despite this they decide to continue letting Bruno believe that the camp is simply a farm with Farmers wearing striped pajamas Bruno's parents also prohibit him from socializing or playing near the camp and they close off the window facing it for obvious reason with no friends or Playmates Bruno spends his days alone in the new house feeling down-hearted while playing in the front garden one day he Spa a small door leading to the backyard and attempts to sneak through it quietly however Elsa catches him in the act and brings him inside effectively confining him to the house and forcing him to stay inside and get used to his new house over dinner Ralph announces that he has arranged a tutor for Bruno and his sister Gretel which excites Bruno since it means he doesn't have to attend a regular school as the education is being brought to him in the subsequent scene while Bruno swings he notices smoke rising in the sky he stands up to get a better view but he falls and injures himself the old man from before comes to his Aid providing him with necessary first aid although Bruno initially doubts the effectiveness of pavel's bandaging he expresses concern about his injury and suggests seeing a doctor nevertheless Pavel assures him that his wound is nothing serious and reveals that he was a doctor himself Bruno is amazed to learn that a doctor is working as a servant in his home and Pavel introduces himself shortly afterward Elsa enters the room and Witnesses Pavel attending to Bruno's injury she appears puzzled by the the situation but expresses gratitude to Pavel for his assistance in the next scene Bruno peers through his sister's window and spots an elderly man on a bicycle whom he presumes to be their new teacher his assumption proves correct as the teacher begins to instruct them about the Nazi regime and its past however Bruno is more interested in Reading adventure stories than studying history and is disheartened when he has handed a heavy tedious history book sometime later while Bruno is reading the book he sees the door to the backyard ajar and dashes towards the shed to investigate to satisfy his curiosity Bruno Ventures into the forest and follows a path that leads him to the farm he saw from his window however he is surprised to find out that it is actually a concentration camp enclosed by a barbed wire fence where all the prisoners are wearing the same Striped Pajamas marked with a number while exploring the camp Bruno comes across a boy his own age who is sitting alone despite their similar age Bruno notices a stark contrast between the boy's appearance and their living condition Bruno initiates a conversation with the boy introducing himself and learning that his name is shmuel schmuel expresses his hunk and asks Bruno if he has any food despite having nothing in his pockets Bruno silently decides to bring him something next time Bruno assumes shmuel is a part of a game due to the numbers on his clothes but shmuel clarifies that it has nothing to do with any games soon after a guard starts whistling and schmuel returns to the camp while Bruno goes back home to resume his reading lessons with his tutor Bruno brought a chocolate bar to the camp the following day but unfortunately schmuel did not appear despite this Bruno continued to visit shmuel regularly and brought him food during one of their conversations Bruno discovered that shmuel and his parents were Jews who were taken to the camp he also asked shmuel about the smoke he had seen earlier but shmuel replied that he did not know anything about it and that he was forbidden to go near it Bruno makes his way back home promising to meet with shmuel soon later he confronts his father Ralph about the smoke Ralph dismisses Bruno's concerns explaining that the smoke is merely from burning garbage in the chimney in another scene Elsa enters gretel's room and becomes suspicious of the Tudor's teachings upon noticing Nazi propaganda posters displayed on the wall the tutor is shown to be instructing the children on the evilness of Jews and their responsibility for the country's downfall after the class Bruno thinks about schmuel and disagrees with the teacher's statement that all Jews are evil he decides to visit shmuel packing some food for him Bruno manages to sneak out of his house and arrives at the camp where he gives the food to schmuel as shmuel eats Bruno throws his football into the camp hoping to play with him however schmuel throws it back and hides behind the pillars warning Bruno that it's dangerous for them to be seen together Elsa becomes increasingly disturbed by the unpleasant odor emanating from the chimneys when she questions Lieutenant kotler about it he reveals that the smoke is the result of The Cremation of Jewish corpses this Revelation shocks Elsa and she rushes to confront Ralph about his involvement Ralph admits that he has been promoted to oversee the execution of Jews but Elsa is a Paul called at what she has learned about her husband's role in the Nazi regime during dinner Pavel accidentally spills wine while serving Cutler and the latter responds by brutally beating Pavel this incident leaves Bruno upset and questioning his father's character some time later Bruno discovers schmuel cleaning wine glasses in one of the rooms and offers him some food Bruno is happy to see shmuel and spend some time talking to him schmuel accepts the food and begins to eat but he is interrupted by collar who accuses him of stealing Cutler yells at schmuel who defends himself by explaining that the food was given to him by Bruno his friend kotler turns to Bruno and interrogates him fearful of the consequences Bruno denies knowing shmuel and claims to have just met him kotler believes shmuel to be a thief and demands to see him after work Bruno feeling remorseful for endangering shmuel's safety hurries to the camp to locate him but fails to find him upon arriving home he is surprised to see some soldiers visiting his father Ralph greets them and they proceed to watch a documentary about life in the concentration camp in a separate room Bruno watches the film clandestinely and observes that the children are playing and the families are enjoying themselves inside the camp the documentary film shown to the army men is a fabricated one that aims to conceal the naza's brutal act unfortunately Bruno being too young to comprehend this situation Embraces his father after the movie regarding him as a noble person later on Bruno goes to the camp to reunite with shmuel but he observes that schmuel has an injury in his right eye presumably due to the punishment inflicted on him by Cutler after realizing his mistake Bruno expresses his remorse to schmuel and the two reconcile schmuel forgives him and the two boys shake hands meanwhile Elsa is deeply disturbed by the cruel treatment of the Jews and is worried about the future of her children living near the Concentration Camp Ralph sees the impact of the camp on his family and decides to send them back to Berlin Bruno is reluctant to leave but Ralph informs him that they will be leaving with his mother in a few days Bruno becomes upset after learning about his family's plan to to return to Berlin he visits schmuel to share the news and say goodbye but shmuel is too preoccupied with The Disappearance of his father to respond feeling remorseful for his previous actions Bruno decides to help schmuel find his father before leaving for Berlin he realizes that they could dig a hole in the fence with a stick to get past the wires he asked shmuel to get him a striped outfit to blend in with the other prisoners the following day Bruno prepared a sandwich for shmuel and snuck out of the house pretending to play on the swing one last time before leaving for Berlin Elsa allowed him to play outside hoping that it would help him forget about the distressing events of the past few days Bruno then armed himself with a shovel and headed towards the camp to help shmuel while shmuel hands Bruno a pair of pajamas Bruno changes into them and starts digging under the fence with a shovel after some time he crawls inside and they run towards the camp to look for shmuel's father meanwhile Elsa becomes worried when she cannot find Bruno near the swing and starts searching for him she looks all over the house but is unable to locate him eventually she notices the backyard door open and hurries inside to search for Bruno Elsa discovers that Bruno has escaped through the shed window when she finds a sandwich lying underneath the opening a surge operation is promptly initiated and army officers with sniffer dogs scour the forest for Bruno meanwhile Bruno and shmuel sneak into a HUD in search of shmuel's Father suddenly a troop of soldiers arrives and orders all the occupants to exit the Hut the two boys find themselves caught in the middle of the group of men and they are forced to follow them Bruno is wearing the same striped uniform as the other prisoners making it difficult to distinguish him as a non-jew the group of inmates is then herded into a changing room and ordered to undress for a shower meanwhile Ralph discovers Bruno's abandoned clothes just outside the fence and realizes his son has entered the camp he quickly enters the camp and orders his officers to begin searching for Bruno Elsa picks up Bruno's clothes and sobs uncontrollably calling out his name meanwhile inside the gas chamber Bruno and schmuel are clueless about what is happening until Nazi Soldier pours the lethalgason although other Jews Panic Bruno and schmuel cling to each other's hands as they failed to comprehend the situation Ralph who cannot locate Bruno eventually realizes that a mass execution is underway and cries out his son's name Elsa and Gretel hear Ralph's Cries From the fence and Elsa falls to the ground weeping in anguish the gas chamber Falls silent indicating the death of all inmates including Bruno and shmuel the image of two innocent boys holding hands in a gas chain is a heartbreaking representation of the atrocities committed during the Holocaust the realization that Bruno's curiosity and desire to help his friend led to his tragic death and the devastating impact it has on his family is a poignant reminder of the devastating effects of war and hatred it is a powerful and emotional ending that leaves a lasting impression on the viewer
give me a good story on TheinnocentboythoughthewasplayinguntilherealizedhewasinaNazigaschamberorig
hello ladies and gentlemen my name is Reid and welcome to story time today we are gonna be reading some I don't work here ladies stories so put those feet up sit back relax and enjoy I honestly didn't think I'd ever get a chance to post in this subreddit but this just happened two days ago English is not my first language nor the language used in these following conversations I'll try my best to translate I am on mobile let's get started me crazy lady and security guard a bit of backstory I work as I have mentioned in other stories in a Japanese restaurant here in Switzerland our uniform is completely black so black trousers black shoes a black shirt with green riding on the back a black short apron and a green nametag it was late when we realized that we were missing something essential for the next day that we need to buy today since the shops will be closing the next day Sunday the shop right next to us was already closed so we decided that I'll quickly go to the store and like 5 minutes walking distance away since we were getting more and more packed by the minute I decided to make a run for it and not put on my jacket so it was me in my uniform I entered the mention store and head straight for the aisle that I needed to grab something from on my way there I pass a guy who then asked me where the ice cream is I completely stressed point to my nametag which has the restaurant logo printed on and say I don't work here sorry and continue walking I laughed at this encounter because it was very obvious that I had worked there but I didn't think much of it I turn around the corner and already see the aisle I need to head into when I fill a sharp tap on my shoulder I turn around and him faced with a middle-aged lady with bleached hair excuse me crazy lady starts where is bran bread I grinned this is hilarious to people not being able to see the obvious difference between my black and slightly green uniform and the light blue with the orange uniform of the store me sorry I don't work here crazy lady yes you do you're wearing a uniform well yes but not the story uniform see a uniform also I saw you talking to another customer before so where's bran bread me obviously confused excuse me I don't work here but I saw a store worker a few aisles back maybe I don't want to be served by someone else I want to be served by you now don't be lazy and do your job look I don't work here leave me be at this point I just walk off and grab needed item and head for the self-checkout I'm standing in line next to a security guard when I again fill a tapping on my shoulder it's crazy lady again young lady that was very rude to just walk off I want to speak with your supervisor I don't work here I work at restaurant name leave me be I need to get back to work crazy lady then starts to rant about how I am making up excuses but doesn't get far security guard interrupts her security guard - crazy lady while pointing at me excuse me but she obviously does not work here yes she does don't try to cover for her she's wearing a uniform I am wearing a uniform but not store a uniform because I don't work here madam she's wearing a black uniform the story uniform is blue and orange let me get you an actual store worker to help you but you need to stop harassing this young lady crazy lady Huff's but then decides to take the security guards offer it was finally able to pay and rush back to my actual work and this is where the story ends because I didn't have time to lurk around sorry it's not a great and fantastical ending like usual on the subreddit but it for sure is still confusing me because it was so obvious I didn't cricket the supermarket anyways thanks for reading if you wear a uniform out anywhere you immediately work at that place that's just how it is crazy lady knows what she's talking about right I don't work here why not do this again now I am pretty much a fixture in the local grocery store almost every day I am in there because I like to cook but I don't always remember to get all the ingredients and have to go back I am in the grocery store so much I know most of the staff by name a couple of my neighbors even work there but anyway I was walking around the aisles picking up beef broth vegetables and whatnot when I saw a lady wandering that shamelessly so I thought I would be considerate and ask her if I could help her the elderly lady was looking for baking goods I know the store like the back of my hand and know where that is as we walked to the baking aisle we struck up a conversation the sweet elderly lady asked me if I would help her out with her shopping because she had never been in the store before I said sure why not I wasn't in a big hurry I mean I live in the apartments right behind the store I mean actually behind the store I can stand on my patio take off the shoe and actually hit the back of it we wound up doing all of her shopping together she began to tell me about her kids and grandkids and she was soon to be a great-grandmother she is a very pleasant woman I actually learned a few things she told me that she had seen in her lifetime we walked the aisles taking the items on her list and throwing them in the shopping cart and she would check the items off finally about half an hour later we proceeded to checkout I told her I would be right back because I almost forgot what I had gone there for as I returned to the register the elderly lady was telling the manager what a nice employee I was and didn't want me to get in trouble for taking up my time Dean the manager smiled and told her that I don't work there the elderly lady looked at me puzzled and apologized to me for taking up so much of my personal time I told her I was in no rush and then I live in the apartments nearby it turns out she just moved several apartments away across the apartment complex we walked home to our apartments she smiled and asked me why I helped her if I didn't work there I told her that my parents raised me to help others without reward I gave her the groceries I told her if she needed help or wanted to go shopping to let me know the elderly woman said she did her shopping every Monday and if I wouldn't mind going and being company I told her it was very kind of her to try to keep me from getting fired even though I didn't work there so now I have a shopping buddy and someone to talk with and share coupons with any of this doesn't have the screaming entitled Karen or brat but I just wanted to share this I don't work here story so thanks for reading have a great day well if opie ever does meet a true Karen at the store they can just go back to their apartment and they're gonna have the van each point from up on the patio and they can just Pelt shoes Adam or whatever else they have laying around I actually do work in a restaurant just not this one every Friday myself and my husband and kiddos seven and four year old boys go out to eat at our local Perkins after my 9:00 to 8:00 shift at my restaurant I'm a GM so I work plenty and this is really the first chance my kids have to see and talk to mommy since Tuesday at bedtime it has been a tradition for us for more than eight years the servers and managers at the location have been almost auntie's - my boys I always come in immediately after work so I'm in my uniform black pants black polo with embroidered logo hair tied back etc restaurant work appropriate after all I have just finished an 11 hour shift one of my guilty pleasures is the claw machine at this Perkins I'm really lucky on it I have over 80 toys out of this thing from the last four years my boys love me playing it their stuffed animal collections are huge this week after we receded I immediately headed to the restroom and him to play the claw as I was walking to the front of the restaurant a couple was waiting to be seated I paused in my walk to greet one of the servers by name and confirm my drink order as my usual hot tea and then continued to the front being still in uniform and technically still a representative of my company I did smile politely at the couple and say hi I walked past them and use the restroom when I came out I saw the couple still standing at the host and I didn't stop to play the claw machine from the host and I hear oh come on I looked up to find the gentleman giving me nothing nicest look I smiled at him and said I'm sorry I don't actually work at this restaurant the manager was headed to the back a minute ago and should be out soon fortunately the lady then blurted out oh my god that's not the right logo we all had a little chuckle over how common and occurrence this could be I then want a pink unicorn cat with a rainbow tail and headed back to my table just as the server ran up to seat those poor people happy ending and they really weren't that rude I think it's rare on the subreddit for the offender's of I don't work here lady to actually fill bad about their mistake maybe humanity is moving in the right direction no strange angry man you cannot have my room key so this literally just happened I'm on mobile and hyped up since this just happened so apologies for formatting typos and grammar I am in Vegas for the weekend with friends I have work on Monday so I'm flying out tonight and my friends are staying one more night we were a big group so booked a 3br suite it was 4:00 p.m. and I went back to my room to pack up and head to the airport for my 7:00 p.m. flight when I get back to my room there is a 40 year old dude banging loudly on the room next to mine ad equals jerk dude me equals o P me Hey Dude what's up are you okay I lost my room key and my buddy is passed out that sucks but I'm sure the front desk and give you another key I already tried that but they wouldn't give me a key because my name isn't on the room ouch that sucks good luck i unlock and enter my room to go start packing about 30 seconds later there is now someone pounding on my door I'm trying to pack but I go answer it what a shocker it's ad hey dude what's up I know you're busy but could you let me into your room it's right next door ah confused face my room let me in my room me Abbott ASEAN porfavor what even more confused face habla English of course I speak English I was just talking to you in the hallway two minutes ago so why won't you help me you have to clean my room next so why don't you let me in now instead of giving me a hard time at this moment I now realize that he thinks I'm housekeeping oh sorry dude I can't help you I don't work here I'm just another guest start shutting the door angry dude sticks his foot in the door so I can close it oh okay well can I try your key then nope sorry I don't have a master key so my room key won't work on your door give me your key no I'm not giving my room key to a strange man and it won't work on your room anyways all it will do is let you into my room and I I want you in my room you never know it will work I'm desperate gonna try it why can't you just help me out no you're a stranger I'm not giving you my room key can I at least try it you never know it's not going to work and I'm definitely not going to give you my key but if you take your foot out of my door I'll go find my key and I can try it on your room I'll admit I really just wanted the dude to move his foot so I closed my door and I had no intention of getting my room key to try it on his door as I know it's not going to work anyways and this dude is being a total jerk so I have no desire to help him so I close the door and go back to packing after about two minutes the dude starts pounding on my door again I ignore it and continue packing but the guy just won't stop after about 10 minutes I just want to shut this guy up and get him to stop pounding on my door so against my better judgment I go find my key and figure I'll swipe it on his lock you can see it won't work and he'll leave me alone dude this really isn't going to work but I'll try Mikey just please promise you're going to stop pounding on my door took you long enough what were you doing in there me ignores this question goes up to the door and swipes the key what a surprise the lock blinks red and the key doesn't work see my key doesn't work on your room now please leave me alone I turn to go back into my room try it again it's not going to work rooms are individually keyed at hotels I dart around him slip my key in my door and manage to close the door before he can follow me angry dude now goes back to slamming his fists on my door and is now yelling you dumb freaking expletive let me in let me in open the doors you win it freaking open this door right now at this point I'm terrified I call security from the room phone and they promise to send someone up I finished packing while the banging and screaming continues luckily the 3br Suites are two stories so after I finished packing I went downstairs in the room and I was able to escape from the downstairs entrance without angry dude seeing me I'm now in a car headed to the airport and my friends are headed back to the room hopefully security has gotten rid of this dude by now sorry I don't have a better resolution or any details for you all but I'll update this if I hear anything from my friends holy cow that was a scary situation like that could have went really wrong really fast and I'm glad Opie got out of there unharmed alrighty that's all we have for today if you liked what you heard subscribe for more content like this daily in the meantime why don't you go about your merry way and have the most fantastic day you possibly can SIA
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladyBUTYOUREWEARINGTHEUNIFORMorig
:14.560 --> :19.440 My child had an orthodontist appointment at 9  am. When we were walking in a father and son   :19.440 --> :24.640 were walking ahead of us into the office, so  they checked in before us. We checked in (we   :24.640 --> :29.680 were a few minutes before our appointment time).  A few minutes later my child was called back and   :29.680 --> :34.880 this father got angry. How dare they let someone  who came in after them go back first?!?!?!?!?!   :34.880 --> :38.880 The office staff member shut him down by  pointing out that their appointment was for   :38.880 --> :45.600 9:15 with Cassie and our appointment was at 9  with Bonnie. That did not calm him down at all. :45.600 --> :49.760 He spent the rest of the time I was there  muttering and talking to someone on their phone   :49.760 --> :53.440 about how awful this office is, and  they don’t know what they are doing.   :53.440 --> :57.840 It was funny, but I felt bad for the kid and  for the staff who had to deal with this guy.   :27.520 --> :30.880 This happened 8 years ago when I  was pregnant with my oldest child.   :30.880 --> :35.360 The entitled parents in this story are mine.  At the time they were also my employers. :35.360 --> :39.760 My husband accepted his dream internship in  another state between his junior and senior   :39.760 --> :44.800 years of college, and didn't want to leave me  alone with a complicated rainbow pregnancy.   :44.800 --> :49.600 We had previously miscarried while temporarily  staying with my parents the summer before   :49.600 --> :53.840 (that's important later). I was about 5  months along when his internship started   :53.840 --> :58.960 and I had already had several ER trips and  major complications due to HG. That's the   :58.960 --> :04.480 kind of "morning sickness" that lasts all  day every day for the entire pregnancy,   :04.480 --> :10.960 as in, non-stop puking resulting in extreme  weight loss and severe dehydration. There   :10.960 --> :15.280 were times simply looking at a certain  food or shifting my position in my seat   :15.280 --> :21.760 caused me to throw up uncontrollably. If you  know, you know. It sucks. For various reasons,   :21.760 --> :26.480 me going with my husband wasn't an option, but  I couldn't be left alone with my condition.   :26.480 --> :31.840 After exploring several options, the only viable  one was for me to move in with my parents during   :31.840 --> :37.600 the summer until he finished the internship, which  was also when my due date was. Then we would both   :37.600 --> :42.320 move back to where the University was (about  5 hours from my parents) in order for him to   :42.320 --> :47.760 finish his final year. Looking back, I still don't  know why we ever thought it would be a good idea. :47.760 --> :51.920 At the time I would have described my  parents as overbearing and self-centered,   :51.920 --> :58.000 but 8 years later I can confidently say they  are toxic narcs with undiagnosed personality   :58.000 --> :03.040 disorders. Living with them was a nightmare. But  it was only temporary, and I figured staying with   :03.040 --> :08.320 someone who could help me get to my appointments  or drive me to the ER was best for my baby. :08.320 --> :12.800 My parents owned a small construction company,  and I had previously worked on and off in the   :12.800 --> :17.840 front office doing administrative assistant  work for several years. Everything from running   :17.840 --> :24.240 payroll to filing reports with the state, picking  up/delivering plans and materials, paying bills,   :24.240 --> :29.920 sending bills, managing the schedules, keeping  the books balanced, and keeping the entire office   :29.920 --> :35.360 organized. All of these tasks were combined into  a single underpaid position that they could never   :35.360 --> :40.880 seem to keep filled (gee, I wonder why). It was  how I made money during the summers and between   :40.880 --> :46.240 semesters at college, but I hated it. I knew  how to do all these things because when I was 16   :46.240 --> :51.200 I helped my parents as they started the company  by themselves and my dad was the only laborer.   :51.200 --> :55.280 Whenever they were left short-handed the  manipulation and guilt would pull me back   :55.280 --> :01.760 to help them temporarily until they could "get  someone competent and loyal" to fill the position. :01.760 --> :06.240 When this story took place, the company had  been running for nearly 8 years and had about 12   :06.240 --> :12.240 employees, almost all of them laborers and somehow  related to us, because relatives are the easiest   :12.240 --> :17.840 to exploit in underpaid jobs, right ? And they  still only had one person doing all the "office   :17.840 --> :22.880 work". If they didn't have an employee filling  that position, it would fall to my mom, and she   :22.880 --> :28.320 never wanted to do any of this in the first place  (the company was my dad's idea) so they wanted to   :28.320 --> :33.920 keep her out of the office at much as possible.  I could probably fill an entire sub-reddit with   :33.920 --> :39.040 stories of how they exploited and stole from  family members and employees in this company. :39.040 --> :43.200 The timing of when I moved in with my parents  happened to coincide with when their most   :43.200 --> :48.800 recent "assistant" quit, and also when I had just  found a medication that made my constant nausea   :48.800 --> :53.200 manageable. They needed someone to fill the  position and I offered to help out for a couple   :53.200 --> :57.280 of months so that they could find the right  person and actually spend more than a couple   :57.280 --> :02.720 of days training them before expecting them to  be able to handle everything properly. The idea   :02.720 --> :07.360 was that by the time I had my baby at the end of  the summer, the permanent replacement would be   :07.360 --> :12.080 fully trained and up to speed on everything.  Also, I could make a little bonus money to   :12.080 --> :17.440 help cover costs of having my first baby, so it  seemed like a win-win, even if I hated the job. :17.440 --> :22.320 To make a long story short, my parents  procrastinated finding a permanent employee   :22.320 --> :28.560 to fill the position, making it impossible for  me to take a step back from work as my pregnancy   :28.560 --> :35.200 progressed. Additionally, at home they treated  me like a teenager (I was 24) and gave me a chore   :35.200 --> :40.400 list and certain nights of the week I was expected  to prepare dinner. They weren't charging me rent,   :40.400 --> :45.520 so I figured I shouldn't complain. They also  snapped at me for the amount of food I ate   :45.520 --> :51.680 (I helped buy groceries...also, I was PREGNANT  and trying to recover from spending the last 5   :51.680 --> :57.280 months of not being able to keep food down). The  worst was that they felt entitled to give me all   :57.280 --> :04.560 the unsolicited parenting and pregnancy advice,  including anti-vaxx and psuedo-science arguments,   :04.560 --> :10.640 and my dad even demanded that I let him touch my  stomach to feel the baby move. I was over-stressed   :10.640 --> :15.920 with being surrounded by my toxic parents at  both work and at home on top of trying to keep   :15.920 --> :21.600 my baby healthy and missing my husband. I become  horribly depressed and started having really bad   :21.600 --> :28.400 PTSD from my miscarriage that had happened almost  exactly a year prior in the exact same place. :28.400 --> :33.200 Within 4 weeks of moving in with them, I  started having preterm labor problems and   :33.200 --> :38.160 was in a considerable amount of pain. I was  instructed by my doctor to be on work rest   :38.160 --> :43.200 and had to get progesterone shots regularly, but  because my parents didn't have anyone else to run   :43.200 --> :48.880 the office yet, they bullied me into continuing  my work, but just doing it remotely from home.   :48.880 --> :53.680 They made it clear that they still expected me  to pull my weight at home with chores and meals,   :53.680 --> :58.880 and that once my doctor cleared me to go back  to work that I was needed back in the office. I   :58.880 --> :03.600 felt trapped because I had no where else to go,  and the guilt was overwhelming because whenever   :03.600 --> :08.240 they were home they constantly talked about  all the problems happening at work because I   :08.240 --> :13.680 wasn't there to run the office. My health problems  continued, and after two more weeks they decided   :13.680 --> :19.440 they had better actually advertise the position  and start looking for a permanent replacement.   :19.440 --> :24.560 All of this was leading up to a 10 day vacation  to New York they had been planning for themselves.   :24.560 --> :30.080 The week before they left for their vacation,  my doctor told me I HAD to be on bed rest,   :30.080 --> :34.480 and if my family wouldn't respect that, I would  need to find a new place to live (he has been   :34.480 --> :38.320 my doctor for years and understands  all the details of the situation). :38.320 --> :42.800 So after my appointment I called my Dad to  let him know that I was putting my foot down   :42.800 --> :49.600 and refusing to work at all anymore at the  office or at home, as per my doctor's orders.   :49.600 --> :54.400 But when he answered the phone he says "OP, guess  what? We went through all the applications from   :54.400 --> :59.360 last week and found one we like! We interviewed  her and she'll be starting on Friday. So we need   :59.360 --> :03.760 you to prepare some instructional documents for  her to reference for once you have the baby,   :03.760 --> :06.960 and we need you to come in and train her  during the next week while we are gone.   :06.960 --> :10.160 When we get back from our  vacation, you can be done working!" :10.160 --> :14.240 He said all this like I should be excited  that they didn't even post the position   :14.240 --> :18.960 until 6 weeks after I started working, and  that they were just now getting around to   :18.960 --> :23.280 hiring someone. Like I should be glad  I was finally getting to stop working   :23.280 --> :26.480 almost a month after my doctor told me to stop. :26.480 --> :30.480 I took a deep breath and explained that I  couldn't work anymore and that I couldn't   :30.480 --> :35.760 come in and train her, that I was sorry, but I  couldn't help them anymore. He got really agitated   :35.760 --> :41.120 and started telling me I was putting them in an  impossible situation because they need to go on   :41.120 --> :46.480 their vacation and couldn't train the replacement,  and he didn't understand why I couldn't just push   :46.480 --> :51.520 through the next week until they got back.  I suggested that when she came in on Friday,   :51.520 --> :55.120 they train her themselves on the most  basic things that needed to be done,   :55.680 --> :01.040 still catch their flight the next day as planned,  and just put any tasks that needed absolute   :01.040 --> :06.800 accuracy on hold until they returned. He answered  that they couldn't possibly do any training on   :06.800 --> :12.320 Friday because "We need to pack for our vacation!  We've been planning this trip for months,   :12.320 --> :18.240 and if we have to train her we won't be ready for  it!". Basically, I needed to do go in and do it. :18.240 --> :23.680 I'm frustrated at this point. "I've been ordered  to be on bed rest!" To which he replies "Well what   :23.680 --> :28.720 does that mean?" So I say "That I need  to be in bed!" And because he's such an   :28.720 --> :34.160 understanding and caring father, he replies  "Okay, we can make that work. I'll put a cot   :34.160 --> :38.000 in the office and you can lay down on it  while you explain things and train her!" :38.000 --> :42.960 And that was the last straw. I told him I would  be spending the night at my sister in laws house   :42.960 --> :47.120 and hung up the phone. She had driven me to  the doctors office and was still with me,   :47.120 --> :51.760 and when I told her what my dad said,  she immediately offered to take me in   :51.760 --> :56.640 and let me live with her until my husband finished  his internship, knowing full well that it meant I   :56.640 --> :01.200 would be having the baby while staying with her  and that she and her family would be helping me   :01.200 --> :06.240 care for a newborn. She's an angel, and I don't  know how I would have survived this without her. :06.240 --> :11.600 My husband got permission to work remotely for the  next week and drove back home that night and moved   :11.600 --> :17.520 me into my sister's house. She and her family  cared for me and actually let me be on bed rest.   :17.520 --> :22.400 They set up a room for me and make everything  as accommodating as possible, and never asked   :22.400 --> :29.280 for anything in return. I 100% believe the only  reason my baby was born at a healthy gestation age   :29.280 --> :35.200 is because of their care to bring my stress down  and keep me well fed. My parents were furious   :35.200 --> :40.000 and accused me of lying to them and stabbing  them in the back. They went on my social media   :40.000 --> :45.120 and left comments about how hateful I am to  those who have sacrificed the most for me,   :45.120 --> :50.800 and how horrible and selfish I am. On the day they  came home from their vacation (Yes, they still   :50.800 --> :56.080 went. No, I don't know how they made it work),  I was in the hospital with more complications   :56.080 --> :02.000 and trying really hard NOT to have my baby early.  The hospital is a couple minutes from the airport,   :02.000 --> :06.560 and my sister called my mom as soon as their  fight landed to just let her know we were there,   :06.560 --> :11.520 so that if something happened with me or the  baby, they couldn't claim I maliciously withheld   :11.520 --> :16.960 information as more reason to hate on me. But  apparently my mom thought this was an invitation   :16.960 --> :21.920 to care about me, and she immediately  shut it down. She says "well I'm sorry,   :21.920 --> :26.800 but we've been gone for the last 10 days with  an undertrained employee in the front office,   :26.800 --> :31.920 and there are things I need to take care of that  can't wait." And she hung up. When I actually did   :31.920 --> :37.280 have my baby a few weeks later they didn't come  to the hospital because "we have too much work   :37.280 --> :42.720 at the office". Ya know, priorities. Needless  to say, I've since cut them out of my life.   :15.680 --> :21.200 So i'm a Polish student in Warsaw and  subway/metro(however you call it in english)   :21.200 --> :25.775 now is free for Ukrainians as many other things  which is good imo. My English isn't the best   :25.775 --> :25.916 and i often forgot the words but i hope it  will be readable :). But back to the story. :25.916 --> :26.000 EM- Grażyna aka Karen TC - ticket checker at train :26.000 --> :31.360 There were already many cases of people  saying they are ukrainian to get a free ride   :31.360 --> :35.120 and today i saw this mother with  her around 10 years old kid. :35.120 --> :39.680 They both entered through the gate for Ukrainians  (the guy checking them wasn't there so he was   :39.680 --> :45.600 probably on a break) when they went down to the  station i eardropped them a bit. EM kneeled to   :45.600 --> :52.000 her son, took a phone and played some Ukrainian  Google translator noises Then said in polish ofc   :52.720 --> :57.840 "Remember you need to repeat it if someome ask you  from were you are, i will do the rest" Then when   :57.840 --> :04.320 the train arrived and we both went same way to the  centre there was a ticket control. EM acted chill   :04.320 --> :10.080 at first but then the ticket control dude asked  other passengers for ukrainian proof (probably   :10.080 --> :17.120 id or special ticket) EM started to panic a bit  and wanted to leave the train on next station   :17.120 --> :21.600 but then other ticket control dude  asked her and her son for tickets.   :21.600 --> :26.640 Poor kid started talking random words, he  probably didn't remembered what he had to say.   :26.640 --> :32.160 And EM tried to say in forced broken  polish that she don't understand.   :32.160 --> :37.680 The ticket checker told them to leave the train.  (It was my stop so i left it too and stayed to   :37.680 --> :42.960 see the situation) he asked them to show the  ukrainian tickets but ofc they didn't had one.   :43.840 --> :50.880 EM started to look in her bag whole shaking. TC  probably knew what she is doing and he said to   :50.880 --> :56.960 EM to stop looking for it and that she will get  fined for ride without ticket and it's better   :56.960 --> :03.600 for her to just stop acting. EM grabbed her kid  and started leaving fast but TC dude stopped   :03.600 --> :10.080 her and asked for her ID so he will fine her.  EM started her Karen screeching and said that   :10.080 --> :15.040 "it's not fair that this people can ride for free  while hard working Polish people have to pay"   :15.600 --> :20.880 I left the station because nothing more was  happening except regular procedures. As someone   :20.880 --> :26.800 who got fined recently for not having ticket(left  it at home) she probably had to pay around 150pln.
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsENTITLEDMOTHERDEMANDEDAFREETICKETRedditStories
first story op caught her boyfriend of four years cheating with her sill and making adultery videos so op's brother took his Revenge by showing her their adultery on TV and exposed them to the whole family I f23 and my boyfriend M26 have been together for about 4 years last year my brother got married my boyfriend was my plus one when we went there and we all got along well however about 3 months ago I noticed some suspicious behavior my boyfriend started being more busy than usual at first I didn't assume anything but one of my co-workers who is also really close to my sister-in-law said that she saw her at a bar with my boyfriend they weren't doing anything except drinking so I didn't really assume much I asked him about it the next day and he was pretty nonchalant since he didn't get defensive I assumed that meant there was nothing more to it and he had nothing to hide however last night when I was with my boyfriend he received a text I'm not a nosy person so I wasn't purposely trying to Snoop he was in the bathroom showering and I just looked at his phone screen to see who it was and I saw my sister-in-law's name I know I shouldn't have but I was a bit suspicious so I ended up checking his messages apparently they've been having conversations for about 4 months it's nothing explicit but it's more than just small talk and based on the conversation they've had a few meetups at the bar I haven't confronted him yet I want to but I'm worried that it will make things really awkward it's just that both my relationship and my brother's relationship are now on the the line to me this behavior is very unusual because why would my boyfriend be so close to my sister-in-law I'm really heartbroken because I love my boyfriend and my brother loves his wife I don't know how I should proceed do I confront him do I just leave it alone please help I don't want to make things worse by jumping to conclusions update on the situation here edit thank you all so much for the advice so far I haven't seen all the responses yet but I will get to them eventually as of now I've already texted my brother I gave him a limited summary and told him I'd rather talk about it in person he gets off work soon and his wife works from home he's going to try to see if there's any information he can collect before he and I talk about this today I will update when I know more update 6 hours later a lot of people wanted to be updated so I decided to make a new post so the notification would go through first off thank you so much everyone for giving Insight I did go through and read a lot of the new responses I just don't have the energy to respond to everything my brother got home from work his wife works at home and he was able to grab her phone while she was in a meeting her texts were the same that I saw on my boyfriend's phone but her Snapchat revealed a bit more apparently they've been sending explicit content to each other videos and pictures it gets worse much worse my sister-in-law has an adultery Hub account where she makes private NSFW which my brother found through her search history he had no idea I guess her income was going to her separate bank account they have two separate and one joint that's not even a shocker it's that one video posted two weeks ago that shows her doing it with a guy they are wearing masks so it's Anonymous but I recognize who it is because you know I've slept with my boyfriend before this was during her business trip and one of the nights my boyfriend was busy so yeah it's official they've done it my brother told my sister-in-law he had to run an errand but he's actually meeting with me at the moment I knew the text messages probably hinted at something going on but I had no idea it would go this far I'm honestly in shock not only did they do it together but it was posted on a website for other people to see neither of our partners knows that we do yet my brother is planning on talking to his wife tonight and wants to divorce I will be breaking up with my boyfriend as well tonight of course before any final decision is made both of us will make sure to talk this out with our partners separately but given all of what we've seen it's most likely both of our relationships are over for good I know people look down on snooping on people's phones but after all the advice given and the Reasonable Suspicion I really don't even care anymore I'm glad that we found out and I have no shame in my suspicions anymore thank you all again for the support and for the advice given if it weren't for your Insight and those who recommended this plan we probably would have never known or at least not know to what extent this was going on so thank you final update next day hello everyone sorry for the delay it's been a really crazy time I arrived back home last night and my boyfriend was still out he was closer to the store he works at that night since it's my house and not his I took all his stuff and left it out on the curb I already bought new locks and will be installing them as soon as possible I also made sure to have a friend with me she came over last night once I got back once he arrived home he was really confused he called like five or six times when I didn't open the door and I finally answered and said I know what you did and you know what you did get the fck off my property he didn't leave he tried to find my two spare keys which I thankfully moved and he then yelled a variety of lovely things including how he's the best thing I've ever had and I can't afford to lose him insert I roll he started getting hysterical kicking at the door and crying about how he had nowhere to go he has no family here and most of his friends are married with kids my friend said to call the cops but I was hesitant not wanting to escalate the situation until he bashed my car's door in with one of his golf clubs one of his things I threw out on the curb so I called the cops and they arrested him for property damage and trespassing I haven't been contacted on the extent of the charges since that's under processing but if it's under $1,000 I believe it's a misdemeanor up to 6 months in jail and he also resisted arrest which can be up to another 6 months plus a fine in my state Nevada and there might be more f depending on the damage situation Etc that's my story right now I'm just waiting to hear back so I can get my car paid for I didn't even recognize this dude I've never seen him this way but it makes me thankful all this happened because now I know his true colors I've known him for 4 years but I never really knew him at all in Nevada you cannot throw out a spouse even if it's solely your name on the deed so sadly my brother cannot kick out my sister-in-law yet but my brother does have a prenuptial property agreement regarding home so that will be distributed to him once this is taken care of as well as his bank account and other assets he has a print up for he didn't want to wait to tell her and I honestly don't blame him he didn't tell her last night though he wanted to call a lawyer first so he just slept on the couch much to her confusion he told her this morning after he contacted a reputable lawyer he did this by asking if she saw the news last night and that it was unbelievable then proceeded to play that SX video on his TV he also sent that video to our entire family group chat which consists of over 20 people while I wasn't there to watch her reaction my brother told me she ended up throwing a tantrum and probably wouldn't be willing to file a joint petition so yeah she told him it was a drunken mistake and that he my brother wasn't serious about this but my brother can file for a default divorce if she refuses to sign the divorce papers which he made sure to tell her I did get to see the GC reactions and let's just say there were a lot of choice words said and her parents are absolutely horrified they really like my brother so far no one is taking her side and they fully support my brother's decision so yeah sorry this is so convoluted and long but it's hard to organize my thoughts summary my boyfriend got arrested and will be out of my life for good I hope and my brother is in the process of divorce with both sides of the family supporting him and his assets protected Second Story delusional op kicked out his girlfriend of 4 years because she asked for more time after he proposed believing his sisters bullshed girls cat I was in a relationship with my girlfriend for 4 years we really loved each other my family loved her and her family loved me we had discussions about marriage we made plans for the future and we decided how many kids we wanted my girlfriend was always extremely excited about it over the last few months I was giving her consistent hints that I was going to propose to her and last weekend I booked a nice resort where I would plan to propose to her at a private place well when I did propose to her she somehow seemed shocked about it and asked if she could have a few more months that just completely stunned me and was one of the most heartbreaking moments of my life my girlfriend kept apologizing saying she just needed to be in the right mental space and that right then she wasn't she cried and promised me that we were technically engaged she just needed a few more months to officially accept the proposal I felt empty sad and embarrassed I felt horrible when we returned to our apartment she was apologizing a lot and there was also a lot of crying the whole situation for me was so heartbreaking and embarrassing that I could not talk about it with any of my friends or even my parents I could only consult my siblings my siblings had completely contrasting opinions my brother told me maybe she got cold feet and a lot of people get cold feet and to just give her time because she seemed like a genuine person however my sister told me what my girlfriend did was girl code for cheating and that my girlfriend was probably ashamed about accepting my proposal given that she most likely was having an affair my sister told me that my girlfriend would probably call off the affair in the next couple of months after which she would be comfortable accepting the proposal I had completely contrasting opinions but I sided with my sister because my brother gets a bit naive at times the more I thought about it the more what my sister said made logical sense and that just shattered my heart even more so a couple of days ago after my girlfriend came home from work I told her we were done and that she had a couple of hours to pack up and leave I gave her no heads up about it I gave no reasons she was shocked and talking a lot asking why but at this point I just didn't trust her anymore she obviously cried but I was over it a couple hours later her friend came to pick her up and I blocked her number so I didn't get any more texts I am still suffering a lot and it will take a lot of time to heal through this aah relevant comments us and CH could you give examples of the hints you gave typically with marriage people have a direct talk with each other explicitly stating that they want to be married and propose and what each partner thinks it isn't a talk where you generally discuss marriage and the future it's very explicitly I'm currently ready for marriage and thinking about proposing to you soon what do you think did you have this talk with her and again what hints did you give ofing J does your sister not like this girl or something because that isn't a girl code I've ever heard of before it does sound like maybe she is thinking twice about things and I can see how that would be upsetting but you and your sister really jumped on that conclusion and you made a huge decision over something you just think happened that sounds like your emotions did your thinking for you and that is not usually a good way to go I hesitate to say that you are the a but you are not thinking clearly at the very least you I tap crypted however my sister told me what my girlfriend did was girl code for cheating and that my girlfriend was probably ashamed about accepting my proposal given that she most likely was having an affair this is absolutely insane and I can't believe you just bought it whole you ended a relationship over this WTF man update there is not much of an update but I will answer some questions as I've been receiving a flood of horrifying DMS this will also be my final update I am still replaying my entire relationship over and over in my head I am still replaying that day I loved her so much I put my heart and soul into the relationship and I confided in her my childhood trauma issues because I felt connected to her and thought we were soulmates we had made plans for life after marriage which state did we ultimately want to settle in we discussed finances how many kids we wanted and what life would be like 10 20 or 30 years from now we discussed so much we spent a lot of time discussing engagement rings she even told me what kind of ring she wanted months leading up to our resort vacation I gave her so many hints like saying this would be our best vacation ever and that our fourth year anniversary would be extremely special I had planned the entire vacation around our fourth year anniversary and planned to propose to her on that day I started saving up money because I wanted that whole vacation and especially that day to be memorable even she seemed super excited about the trip and we were so excited about how much fun we would have after I was rejected I just did not understand what happened I was completely shattered I thought I had set it up so beautifully the entire day was amazing and the entire vacation leading up to it was amazing I thought she would be overjoyed with the proposal especially after seeing the ring I had never felt so hurt in my life she had never given indications that she did not want to marry me and I just couldn't understand her explanation for why she rejected me I just could not understand why she needed a few more months because all I asked her was if she wanted to marry me I did not set a specific timeline on when to marry I could barely speak to her anymore because it felt like my heart had been ripped out it also hurt me that she was crying a lot and apologizing even when we came back home I still loved her then but I was deeply hurt after speaking with my sister I finally started to make make sense of it even though I did not want to believe it the affair was the only possible reason why she would not accept my proposal now but accept it months later she sometimes used to work late after hours and I never questioned it because I trusted her all the late night work hours all those friend trips the truth was right in front of my eyes but I was blinded by love how could she do this to me I shared my deepest feelings with her I made myself vulnerable to her and she just completely crushed it what other choice did I have but to kick her out she ripped my soul out and I still did not hate her I had no feelings left for hate I was just too distraught how did it matter to me whether she was homeless or not I really did not care what she did with her life anymore I just did not want to be in the same room as her anymore my sister is going to come over next weekend to spiritually cleanse out all the bad energy in my house using Sage I haven't told anyone about her affair because I don't want to tarnish her reputation her sister texted me a couple of hours after I kicked her out and I told her that we had a massive falling out and that we were officially done I told her to respect my privacy and never contact me again my parents are also saddened by the entire thing but they are respecting my privacy and not asking me too many questions I don't know how I can ever trust anyone again I am really thankful for my family support I don't know how I would have even endured this nightmare without their support relevant comments you live slide 87002 so do you have actual proof of her cheating or not cre a scenario in your head is not proof you and your amazing sister sound like massive walking red flags heaven forbid she has a job that requires her to work late or overtime right you are 100% the ah and so is your sister hugel goodbye you didn't answer a single question she didn't cheat normal people work late sometimes and have friends third story op wants to cut ties with her entitled Mother after she invited her alcoholic cousin whom she specially requested not to invite wiing her entire wedding my husband and I got married on Halloween and I'm not okay with how our day went we didn't want anything big just Clos friends and family at the courthouse dressed in costumes there were supposed to be 12 adults and one child on our guest list let's start off with the night before my husband got sick and it took him the whole day to recover and be well the plan was to get my nails done have my mom French braid my hair then go home help him feel better and pack when I got to my parents house my mom informed me that my two aunts weren't coming and that she had invited my cousin I didn't want him there first second she told me that my dad was on the way to pick him and my sister up I love my cousin but I'm not close with him and he's an alcoholic that everybody enables my small reception was not dry and she promised me he wouldn't be a problem the reception was at my parents house so she was busy cleaning I still needed to comb my hair out and she wanted to surprise me with decorations long story short we were running low on time as it was 9:00 p.m. and I needed to head home to sleep since our wedding was early in the morning she doesn't start my hair until after she and my cousins start drinking and smoking I'm already annoyed I make it home at midnight and still have to check on my husband and pack I go to bed at 3:00 a.m. and have to be up at 5:00 a.m. but I woke up 30 minutes late I drive back to her house to get ready and help her get ready when I get there everyone is sleeping because after they put up the decorations they stayed up drinking and smoking already running late and stressed because the veil I made myself wouldn't stay my cousin starts rushing me my parents start fighting loudly and I'm already exhausted we make it to the courthouse to get married and I got a handful of pictures but everyone else is in like 30 pictures I got one picture that I liked and only 10 were taken we get brunch and only my friends are talking to me and my husband everyone else isn't even paying attention to us my mom keeps saying I'm a mother-in-law today my friends had to leave they let us know in advance so now it's just my family my cousin is super drunk won't stop talking no one is listening to me and the only person who keeps checking on me is my husband eventually I get overwhelmed and we check into our hotel and take a nap 2 3 hours later we head back to the house to give everyone a second chance but they are clearly more intoxicated and Loud cuss words are flying my husband tries to call me down by telling me to start playing our wedding playlist that we made ourselves the entire time my cousin has been complaining about the music he wanted us to play more hardcore rap now I wasn't opposed to song requests and even played some songs he request it but for every song that wasn't his he complained asked me to turn it off or asked why I would play this song our first dance was Can I Have This Dance from HSM and he asked me to turn it off when we were ready to Cut the Cake no one came and took pictures no one was even in the room with us because my cousin was drunk and wrapping his hot mess bars my wedding day didn't feel like my day I had no say in anything no one paid attention to us and I have one picture this was supposed to be the happiest day of my life but here I am I'm crying at 4:32 a.m. on Reddit no sleep while my husband sleeps peacefully I couldn't tell him earlier because we had to get intoxicated just to deal with them and he already doesn't like my dad so I didn't want him to say anything in that situation update I posted here about how my parents and cousin ruined my wedding and how I didn't know what to do so here's the update after posting here I tried to get some sleep but couldn't and ended up waking my husband he and I talked and he told me he felt the same way I cried all morning until he made me lay down to finally sleep I maybe got 3 hours of sleep before waking up in incredible pain and feeling nauseous we checked out of our hotel early and went to the hospital I had the same sickness he had the day before our wedding we went back to my parents house so I could get some real sleep before making the drive home we did not not talk to my parents about it after talking to our friends we decided that we would redo the pictures next Wednesday and have a mini party to celebrate my husband told me to feel my feelings but not to worry about them because he would fix them I trust that he will what I hadn't mentioned in my previous post was that this was my first wedding and we're having another one next year for everyone to come to which is why it hurts so much to have my mom do that to me neither one of us is particularly close with our families but to avoid drama we decided to have a smaller intimate one this year and a bigger more extravagant one next year after what happened with this wedding we both made the decision that my mom would never have the opportunity to do this to me again and she would have no say in the next one we did eventually talk to my mom about her actions and it went about as expected she made herself the victim and me the bad guy she used my aunt's passing as an excuse to invite my cousin she also told me she asked if he could come but didn't see that she gave me no way to say no she doesn't understand how she ruined our day I'm sorry you feel like I ruined your day was the apology I received eventually I gave up trying to get her to understand how she was ruined and the fact that we weren't mad at her just made me extremely hurt I did tell her that there was no way for her to make this up to me and apparently that was the wrong thing to say I gray rocked her until she got off the phone and cried into my husband's chest until he made me laugh as for going to NC or LC with my parents I was already LC with my dad for things in the past and I'm currently LC with my mom but she doesn't get that she's called me 20 times today alone and I haven't answered once I'm working on processing things that happened in childhood but I can't get over the fact that they're my parents I know that with everything that has happened not even just my wedding I should be with them for some reason my heart won't let me Elie for now we appreciate the comments you guys left and he really enjoyed reading that he's doing a good job I really did pick a good one and even though our wedding day wasn't what we wanted I did marry the love of my life he continues to prove that to me daily and I've never been happier unless something of Greater significance happens this will be the only update thank you again and I hope you all enjoyed your Halloween relevant comments fobab Buffet 1 210 I saw that first post and commented I understand your pain and the hard place your mother always puts you in it's a never win situation you might want to read the borderline mother it's long and textbook like but it really helped me process my situation I would do it on the audio book in increments it's a lot it really helped me though and I think it might be helpful for you too I couldn't do n see either because they know how to drill guilt into us like it's their effing oxygen I'm very Elie now and the guilt isn't so bad and I have more peace in my life I wish the same for you your big celebration is going to be magical my husband and I started dating and he helped me start to realize how much guilt she's drilled into me and this was the first time in my life that I didn't allow it to work it hurts because I've always put her feelings before my own but since I'm a wife and planned to have kids I can't keep doing that he's helping me and as much as it hurts I want better for our kids thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPCaughtHerBoyfriendandSILMakingAdulteryVideosOPsBrotherTookHisRevengebyStagingorig
AI for telling my stepbrother he doesn't have the right to pressure me into being adopted by his mom starting with background my parents were best friends for many years and were never in a relationship but in college they had a drunken one night stand and I 16m and the result they didn't try to make a romantic relationship work but stayed friends and I was always told they loved each other but they weren't in love with each other and they made a great team of parents for me I was one when my mom went missing she had some mental health issues and nobody knows what happened to her she's a missing person still 15 years later her parents siblings and my dad never gave up the search for her and they still hope we'll find out one day I grew up very close to my maternal grandparents and aunts and uncles my dad stayed close to them too my dad met my stepmom when I was four and married her when I was seven after living together for a year since I was six my stepmom had a son 2 years older than me my stepbrother he never knew his dad and does not consider my dad to be his dad I don't consider my stepmom to be my mom either but I do love her my stepmom asked to adopt me three times once after the wedding another time when I was 10 and then when I
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmystepbrotherhedoesnthavetherighttopressuremeintobeingadoptedby
:16.410 --> :19.510 This was years ago, I am talking 2004-2005. :19.510 --> :24.480 I am not complaining here, simply pointing out an event I personally found funny. :24.480 --> :27.789 We had a new manager take over our grocery store that I worked at. :27.789 --> :32.520 He wanted us to follow the policy book to the letter and I mean to the letter. :32.520 --> :38.000 A tad bit unrealistic, but he was super polite about it and said he was just trying to protect :38.000 --> :39.410 everyone's jobs. :39.410 --> :43.579 I thought this was nice of him but at the same time, several of us tried to point out :43.579 --> :46.219 that some of the policies needed revision. :46.219 --> :51.329 One of the things in the policy book was we were to card EVERYONE who wanted cigarettes :51.329 --> :52.329 or alcohol. :52.329 --> :57.760 It did not matter if it was extremely obvious that they are of age, it said in the policy :57.760 --> :02.790 book to card everyone, including any people with the person paying. :02.790 --> :06.930 If there were little kids, then this was of course an exception, they can't possibly have :06.930 --> :07.930 ID. :07.930 --> :10.880 So all the employees started complying with this policy. :10.880 --> :14.770 There were grumbles by customers but we were just doing our job. :14.770 --> :19.080 The customers seemed to understand but would let the manager know how ridiculous they felt :19.080 --> :25.790 the policy was when it was extremely obvious as to who was old enough to purchase tobacco :25.790 --> :28.590 and alcohol without needing to card. :28.590 --> :30.909 But policy was policy afterall. :30.909 --> :35.119 Well one day I was working and I had a woman come into my line with a couple bottles of :35.119 --> :37.070 wine and who was with her? :37.070 --> :41.400 The store manager, off the clock, it was him and his wife. :41.400 --> :47.009 Now let's remember store policy is to card EVERYONE, no exceptions aside from little :47.009 --> :48.009 kids. :48.009 --> :49.110 So what do I do? :49.110 --> :51.490 I ask for both of them to provide ID. :51.490 --> :55.140 My boss looks at me and says, "Isn't it obvious we are of age? :55.140 --> :56.799 I am your boss as well. :56.799 --> :58.490 Certainly you don't need to card us." :58.490 --> :03.430 I smiled and kindly reminded him what the store policy was and pointed out it was in :03.430 --> :09.040 the policy book that cashiers are required to card everyone, no matter if they were obviously :09.040 --> :10.200 of age. :10.200 --> :15.220 I also reminded him how he told all employees this was to be strictly enforced to protect :15.220 --> :16.400 our jobs. :16.400 --> :18.300 He just stares at me blankly. :18.300 --> :22.280 It's like he can't believe I am following exactly what he said to do. :22.280 --> :27.090 His wife had already handed me her ID and looks at him and says, "Well, where is your :27.090 --> :28.090 ID? :28.090 --> :30.489 If it's store policy, then it's store policy." :30.489 --> :35.760 It wasn't long after that that he contacted corporate to ask that the policy be revised. :35.760 --> :40.900 A few weeks later, we are handed a new policy book and the new policy on cigarette and alcohol :40.900 --> :45.920 sales was to card if the purchaser looked under 40 years of age. :45.920 --> :47.900 Again, I am not complaining here. :47.900 --> :27.140 I just thought this situation was funny. :D :27.140 --> :28.659 This happened about a week ago. :28.659 --> :32.409 I'm usually a bartender, but I was serving tables at my job. :32.409 --> :36.470 While it's not my favorite thing to do, I try to give it my best attitude and it's not :36.470 --> :37.470 too bad. :37.470 --> :41.730 I was standing at our soda station filling up an empty pitcher with water and ice. :41.730 --> :46.599 Just as I had dumped the ice and begun filling the water, a newer server came up to me (new :46.599 --> :48.750 to us, not new to industry). :48.750 --> :50.740 He says, "Hey, I need that pitcher." :50.740 --> :55.189 I have the section that is furthest away from the soda station, so I really don't want to :55.189 --> :59.560 wait for him and get behind, so I told him that I also need the pitcher. :59.560 --> :00.720 His response? :00.720 --> :02.379 "Well, I need it first." :02.379 --> :07.980 Me, at this point holding back a smile at how childishly amusing this is going to become: :07.980 --> :10.750 "Oh, well I had it first." :10.750 --> :14.690 He replies, "I got it out first earlier and I need it now." :14.690 --> :17.479 At this point the pitcher is finally full of water. :17.479 --> :21.959 I pause for a second before grabbing the handle of the pitcher and telling him, "Okay, you :21.959 --> :22.959 can have it!" :22.959 --> :28.550 I proceeded to dump the entire contents of the pitcher and handed it to him, smiling :28.550 --> :29.550 brightly. :29.550 --> :34.050 The look on his face and the half-words he sputtered out were hysterical. :34.050 --> :38.449 I dashed into the kitchen to grab a pitcher and fill it up in there before I came back :38.449 --> :43.460 out to pick up two glasses of water I had filled before the pitcher and left out there. :43.460 --> :47.160 The server was still there and he says, "Hey, you forgot your water." :47.160 --> :52.229 When I go to grab one of the glasses, he puts his hand out at just the right time so I tip :52.229 --> :55.460 the glass and most of the water and ice spills out. :55.460 --> :00.320 He didn't do this meanly and started preparing me a fresh glass of water to make up for it. :00.320 --> :01.330 I didn't take it. :01.330 --> :06.270 I smiled and looked him in the eyes as I topped off my glass with HIS pitcher, grabbed my :06.270 --> :10.960 full pitcher, glasses, and a tray and whisked away laughing. :10.960 --> :15.050 Him and I are totally fine, we do joke around a bit, though I'm not sure why he thought :15.050 --> :19.070 basically ordering me to give it to him was going to end up in his favor lmao. :19.070 --> :24.139 I had just gotten p***** off at a table for telling me I "needed" to learn something to :24.139 --> :29.789 get better tips as a bartender (I needed to learn how to tie a cherry stem in a knot, :29.789 --> :34.330 ew), so I could have been p***** enough to just take the d*** pitcher initially. :34.330 --> :43.069 This was my first malicious compliance yay! :43.069 --> :10.720 For :10.720 --> :15.840 context I was in the military at the time and this story comes from my time sailing. :15.840 --> :20.180 I was freshly enlisted and posted to my first ship for my first sail. :20.180 --> :25.349 I was ecstatic, it was exciting for me to finally get a chance to see the world. :25.349 --> :29.630 Unfortunately due to covid restrictions at the time we weren’t able to go out on the :29.630 --> :33.610 town on the ports we came into (this was before the vaccine). :33.610 --> :39.080 While sailing I took two nasty blows to the head (the second one threw me to the ground :39.080 --> :44.090 caused me to black out briefly and I woke up seeing double) I went to the doc on the :44.090 --> :47.229 ship where I found out that I had a concussion. :47.229 --> :53.039 The doc wrote me medical restrictions “can’t lift, can’t work out, no going on unstable :53.039 --> :58.490 platforms (that included the upper decks because you can fall off the ship), etc.” :58.490 --> :03.910 Now for clarification if you have a medical limitation you can refuse to do certain work :03.910 --> :10.379 as going against it is a chargeable offence because you are UNDER ORDERS by the Doc. :10.379 --> :13.860 My boss (let’s call him Jim) DID NOT like this. :13.860 --> :17.849 He’s the type of guy that thinks “I’m the boss and you have to listen to me and :17.849 --> :21.160 everything I say” (he was not well liked). :21.160 --> :25.480 One day he told me to go to the upper decks to help with a layout, I told him “no my :25.480 --> :26.790 medical says…” :26.790 --> :27.790 And. :27.790 --> :28.790 He. :28.790 --> :29.790 Goes. :29.790 --> :30.790 Ballistic. :30.790 --> :33.050 He says “Just do what I say and don’t give me any back talk!” :33.050 --> :39.539 I saw “Ok” and I go up (it took me longer to get up there shocker in concussed). :39.539 --> :42.539 When I get there my buddy looks at me and panics! :42.539 --> :47.910 He knows that I should not be there and he’s worried that I’m concussed and just wondering. :47.910 --> :52.740 He quickly tells me that I shouldn’t be there and I just say “Jim said to” he :52.740 --> :58.430 said that I should’ve said no and I go “I tried” he grunts and walks me back inside. :58.430 --> :03.740 Later I get called to his office and he berates me telling me how I’m useless the worst :03.740 --> :09.979 sailor in the fleet and “How dare you say no to a Godd*** Chief” he then asked me :09.979 --> :14.849 “why can’t you go to the upper decks” and again I tried to tell him my medical said :14.849 --> :19.880 I couldn’t but as usual he cuts me off and goes “that’s not written in, I know your :19.880 --> :24.800 limitations better than you” he then dismissed me and sits there all smug. :24.800 --> :30.099 I had enough of his bs and I walked back to the doc and asked him to write word for word :30.099 --> :32.159 every upper deck I couldn’t go to. :32.159 --> :37.570 He said “isn’t unstable platforms count as that” I replied he needed it written, :37.570 --> :41.930 to which the doc said “do I need to write someone needs to hold your hand in the bathroom :41.930 --> :46.760 too” (I like him) to which I laughed and said no that should be fine. :46.760 --> :50.850 When he handed me it I photocopied it and put it on Jim’s desk when he was on his :50.850 --> :53.200 break and didn’t say a word. :53.200 --> :58.070 I didn’t see him much after and he refused to talk to me for a week and passed orders :58.070 --> :07.830 to us on sticky note for the rest of the sail. :07.830 --> :22.190 My post from this morning (here) reminded me of another case of malicious compliance :22.190 --> :24.820 from that era. :24.820 --> :31.690 We (My coworker 'Joe' and I) were in our Senior year of college, so 20-21 years old, when :31.690 --> :35.450 a new Director of our IT department decided to audit our tickets. :35.450 --> :39.980 When he did, he found an alarming lack of documentation. :39.980 --> :45.140 To his credit, the vast majority of our tickets were closed with "Antivirus was uninstalled, :45.140 --> :49.100 reinstalled it" or "Drivers were out of date, updated them". :49.100 --> :55.410 Descriptions matching the effort earned when you paid student workers $5.15 an hour. :55.410 --> :00.000 Really, that was the precedent that had been set when I started there my freshman year. :00.000 --> :04.769 An email went out demanding more documentation before we closed any incidents. :04.769 --> :06.910 It was a fair request, to be honest. :06.910 --> :09.390 So we began to add more information. :09.390 --> :14.380 Instead of "Speakers weren't plugged in," we would put "Went to professor so and so's :14.380 --> :19.180 office to troubleshoot the malfunctioning speakers and noticed the speaker power light :19.180 --> :20.180 wasn't on. :20.180 --> :24.440 While the power adaptor was actually plugged into the wall, the other end of the power :24.440 --> :27.430 cord was not plugged into the speakers. :27.430 --> :28.430 Plugged it in." :28.430 --> :30.930 A few days later, a second email went out. :30.930 --> :37.230 "We appreciate the additional information, but we really need EVERYTHING documented, :37.230 --> :41.600 including times you worked on, the buildings you went to, etc" :41.600 --> :42.620 Everything? :42.620 --> :43.640 Okay. :43.640 --> :49.380 Joe and I began documenting all of our tickets as if we were in a fantasy epic. :49.380 --> :50.380 For example: :50.380 --> :56.070 "An owl was dispatched on the morn of the eighteenth day in September to our barracks. :56.070 --> :00.620 It was cold this day, a chill had settled across the land. :00.620 --> :07.190 Two magic 17" Dell Optiplex viewer Portals in the land of Violette Hall had died and :07.190 --> :10.940 no amount of magic or medicine could restore them to life. :10.940 --> :17.860 At on that morn, Ser Joseph Smithington and I, Lord Sawser of Reddit began our trek :17.860 --> :23.260 across the barren wasteland with a carriage containing two new magic portals. :23.260 --> :24.870 It was a perilous journey. :24.870 --> :30.260 The sage wizard professor Beck granted us access to the Violette and the two portals :30.260 --> :31.760 were replaced. :31.760 --> :36.040 Ser Joseph and I have brought the stricken portals back to the safety of the hardware :36.040 --> :39.510 department and will begin rescue efforts at once. :39.510 --> :44.740 We believe the hard drives may be bad, and will begin the RMA process back to their divine :44.740 --> :47.100 creator if necessary." :47.100 --> :52.080 We had a lot of fun for roughly a week ago until during a presentation with other big :52.080 --> :55.510 wigs, the director pulled up one of our epics randomly. :55.510 --> :01.200 While other members in the meeting found it hilarious, I'm told the director felt humiliated. :01.200 --> :07.230 We were chastised quite a bit by the director, and our immediate boss (who is absolutely :07.230 --> :11.520 incredible) begged us to cool it so that he didn't have to hear the director complain :11.520 --> :22.760 about it anymore. :22.760 --> :33.280 I hope this story isn’t too long. :33.280 --> :37.029 It’s a little convoluted. :37.029 --> :42.560 I worked for five years as a federal contractor and eventually rose through the ranks—through :42.560 --> :46.060 blood, sweat, and tears—to a low-level supervisor. :46.060 --> :49.910 I managed a team of 13 working two federal contracts. :49.910 --> :54.240 Both contracts were new, and I was supposed to make them successful so the contracts would :54.240 --> :55.269 be renewed. :55.269 --> :57.550 This started right before COVID. :57.550 --> :02.220 Even before the poop hit the fan, my second contract was going BADLY. :02.220 --> :07.000 The agency flooded us with work, and my boss repeatedly refused to ask them to slow it :07.000 --> :08.000 down. :08.000 --> :10.190 (That was literally his only job.) :10.190 --> :14.959 As a result, late work began piling up and costing the company lots of money. :14.959 --> :20.910 We did our best to keep up, which in reality meant a ton of unpaid overtime for me. :20.910 --> :24.040 Then COVID hit, and things only got worse. :24.040 --> :29.380 My staff asked almost daily if there would be layoffs, and my boss’ response (to them) :29.380 --> :31.019 was “We don’t know.” :31.019 --> :35.180 To me, the answer was that my job was secure but the others’ weren’t. :35.180 --> :39.269 If the contract failed, he said, I’d have a place on another team. :39.269 --> :41.740 Obviously, the contract failed. :41.740 --> :46.139 My boss personally fired me, and (unbeknownst to me) most of my team. :46.139 --> :50.690 I learned who was staying and who was going by talking with each of them personally. :50.690 --> :54.800 No one knew it was going to happen to them until it happened, and they were all shocked :54.800 --> :56.490 that I’d been fired as well. :56.490 --> :58.880 This was August 2020. :58.880 --> :00.670 Panic ensued. :00.670 --> :05.139 After firing me, my boss (who until that day I’d considered a very good friend) had the :05.139 --> :09.930 stones to call and ask me if I’d “help him end the contract on a high note.” :09.930 --> :15.810 (I got fired two weeks before my official last day, because that company is run by sadists.) :15.810 --> :17.700 I told him I’d do my job. :17.700 --> :23.260 As a proud Slytherin, I immediately began doing everything I could, within the rules :23.260 --> :27.510 of course, to send my fired staff home in the best shape possible. :27.510 --> :33.720 We all knew our unused PTO would cash out, but sick time wouldn’t. :33.720 --> :38.410 Everyone was sick those last two weeks, and my boss ended up doing most of the work himself. :38.410 --> :43.680 I also sent a ton of people to work from home with “COVID-like” symptoms so they could :43.680 --> :46.350 use their time to interview for jobs etc. :46.350 --> :51.250 I was immediately hired by another federal contractor, and I brought my best former employee :51.250 --> :52.370 along with me. :52.370 --> :57.790 Since then, she and I poached about a dozen employees away from our former employer, who :57.790 --> :01.240 eventually threatened to sue her if she headhunted anyone else. :01.240 --> :06.800 I’m proud to say that our revenge-fueled efforts have taken so many of their good employees :06.800 --> :10.870 that the company is now openly failing and will soon go out of business. :10.870 --> :11.870 So, I work in the entertainment sector in an office setting. :11.870 --> :13.270 Sometimes the work around here slows when we get ahead of projects. :13.270 --> :15.390 Some of us live 45 mins to an hour away from the shop so we would come in a few mins late :15.390 --> :16.390 and maybe leave 5 to 10 mins early to get a start of the traffic/not watch the clock. :16.390 --> :18.089 There's times when you come to a check point in your work and it wouldn't make sense to :18.089 --> :19.440 start up the next part since you leave in 10 mins. :19.440 --> :20.440 the Vice President of the company said if we keep doing this we will be written up. :20.440 --> :21.440 That we are to be at our desks at 830am and to not leave until 5pm. :21.440 --> :22.440 All of us would answer calls and respond to work emails passed 5. :22.440 --> :23.440 Myself, I would return calls and emails until 7pm on the weekdays and monitor my email over :23.440 --> :24.440 the weekend. :24.440 --> :25.440 Once the VP shifted to such rigid stance on work hours we did as well! :25.440 --> :26.440 Now, my email notifications are muted from 5:01 to 830. :26.440 --> :27.440 And completely turned off on the weekends. :27.440 --> :28.440 I showed my coworkers how to do the same thing via their outlook. :28.440 --> :29.440 Now, we all leave at 5 but refuse to do any work outside our scheduled hours. :29.440 --> :30.440 The Vp is famous for sending emails and texts after work hours and has become frustrated :30.440 --> :31.440 that he doesn't hear back until the next day or maybe even the following Monday! :31.440 --> :32.440 Absolutely burns him up. :32.440 --> :33.440 He said we should be monitoring our emails after work incase of an emergency. :33.440 --> :34.440 I simply said what he said. :34.440 --> :35.440 My work hours are from 830am to 5pm. :35.440 --> :36.440 Nothing more nothing less. :36.440 --> :37.440 So over 15 mins of work presence he has lost all outside work hour support. :37.440 --> :38.440 Everyone refuses to answer emails after 5 or on the weekends. :38.440 --> :39.440 He hates it but still hasn't budged. :39.440 --> :40.440 Just keeps saying how we need to be more company focused. :40.440 --> :41.440 I was! :41.440 --> :42.440 Until you decided me leaving ten minutes early was an issue and I decided that I would follow :42.440 --> :43.440 his example. :43.440 --> :44.440 830 to 5. :44.440 --> :45.440 You get what you wish for. :45.440 --> :46.440 *edit to fix spacing. :46.440 --> :46.451 Never really post that much so I'm still new to it!
give me a good story on ISTOLEALLOFMYEVILBOSSESEMPLOYEESrMaliciousComplianceRedditStoriesen
is it too far to blame a kid for causing a divorce we'll get to that in a bit but first a story from Arch syncopus how I became my girlfriend's entitled dad's boogie woman so for context I'm a 27 year old female trans and my girlfriend is 22 year old female sis her being sis doesn't really have much to do with it but my being trans does my girlfriend let's call her Sally for the sake of anonymity comes from a predominantly Jewish Family all her life she was grown to follow the virtues and tenets of Jewish lifestyle as dictated by the Bible however a few years ago we met and after a year or so of soul-searching therapy experiencing life and seeing people around her who weren't religious she realized that this lifestyle didn't fit her either so far so good until she decided to come out to her family and her dad in particular now her dad is the sort of person who has a lot of emphasis on family values and keeping with tradition in Parts in the sense of taking pictures of everything she and her brothers ever do sometimes even directing them to pretend as if they were still doing things to take candid photos of them and as someone who's in the religious World seeing her daughter not only come out to him as queer demisexual and demi-romantic but dating me a trans woman did not go so well he started with denial outright still is to an extent calling me a frog she has to swallow an actual quote and a wild romantic fantasy again an actual quote alongside other stuff like misgendering me on a regular basis and thinking I'm some mentally deranged creep that's abusing his daughter or something he was more or less sure that this was just a short phase and she would soon enough return to the good Jewish daughter he wanted her to be evident evidently she didn't in the past three years give or take and he's been getting more and more irate over it from sending her passive aggressive messages about how he misses her and wants her to come home more to criticizing her about hanging out with Bad Company Bad Company in this case is a group of tabletop nerds through which we met and blatantly showing disapproval at everything she does that doesn't fit his image of a perfect daughter the peak of it was a few weeks back she was moving to dorms and University which is a short bus ride from where I live so I offer to come over and help her carry boxes I knew that her father was gonna drive her but frankly I wasn't there to meet him I was there to help remove boxes and I thought that me helping would help him get out of there faster or some errands he apparently had to do I was also told that he most likely wouldn't be able to help her much due to age so I was more than happy to come help expedite the process now credit where it's due she didn't communicate with him that I was there until they were relatively close this isn't a defense of his actions but an advocation for clear and proper communication between everyone then again I can't really blame her for not talking seeing as every other time she tried it only led to a brick wall where she was gaslit about how wrong she is which brings us to how he actually reacted from making the whole thing about him claiming she and I were setting him in Ambush an actual term he used to deciding that he would rather go hide in some unseen corner so he doesn't have to look at me the man who's over 50 decided the best course of action is to literally hide like a child while his daughter has to move several dozen kilograms of assorted stuff to a new building in dorm while I helped her all while crying to her mom and obviously trying to get her to intervene in his fever he was literally at the point that he refused to look at me so he doesn't have to acknowledge I exist of course if he had stuck around most likely all he'd have done was just take pictures of her moving boxes age or not his priority was more on taking photos than actually doing what he can to help and frankly to some extent I get it any parent would have some manner of shock or confusion when their child comes out to them as a queer especially in more religious communities my parents had to take the time to process this too when it happened but where my own folks actually took the time to accept this and love me for who I am he not only refuses to change but also places all the blame on her he sent her an apology the other day after her therapist had to reach out to him about what happened and talk it out and his apology could be summed up more or less in I'm sorry for how I reacted to this thing you did wrong and how you were not okay in doing it and you know what I'm not mad that he misgenders me or calls me a frog or thinks I'm a creep I have enough mental maturity to say that while it's not nice of him I'm not going to take offense to the thoughts of what someone else thinks what does piss me off is his entitlement around his daughter and how he pushes her away it's not about me it was never about me it's the actions of a man who in trying to maintain the perfect image of family in his mind goes out of his way to belittle needle criticize and demean almost everything she does that he doesn't approve of someone who would rather obsess with taking photos and pictures of his daughter the way he thinks she should be rather than just accept that this is his daughter I love my girlfriend I love her to the ends of the Earth I will stand by her and support her no matter what she does be it University work perhaps one day being a mother it's just a shame that I can't say the same for her actual father the sad thing is people having to fear that they won't be accepted by their own parents for being exactly who they are also hi I'm Stephen and if you can't get enough of these entitled parent stories why not hit that sub subscribe button down below that said our next stories from Jesco the dragon entitled Dan thinks I worship the devil because I read Wings of Fire if you couldn't tell by my redditor name I love dragons I know it may seem weird and childish for someone who's 16 years old but that's just the way I ended up I guess I've recently discovered a series called Wings of Fire and it feels like it was made for me I'd explain the plot and stuff but I don't want this post getting too long now my aunt oh boy here in the UK Karen's are a rarity compared to what seems to go down in the U.S but this lady ticks all the checks overly controlling thinks the world revolves around her believes in stupid stuff she read on totally trustworthy sites owns annoying pets and refuses to teach them to behave and of course is Christian I'm not saying you're not allowed to believe in Jesus if you want to do that go ahead this lady just takes it to a whole new level though she even has the stereotypical haircut she even almost killed me once but that's a story for another day also my parents also don't like this woman as well for all the reasons I do but don't want to cut her completely out of our life since they'd feel bad and they feel she's bearable plus her two offsprings are surprisingly sane and nice people anyway on to what happened my aunt decided a few days ago she'd come around to our house to just say hello and do the normal middle-aged mum thing of having a chat while their kids just wander around waiting to leave we were told she was coming in advance and of course my parents not wanting to come across as rude letter it had been a while since I'd last seen her for obvious reasons and hadn't started my dumb obsession with Wings of Fire back when I'd last seen her anyway so when titled ant comes in says her usual greetings to step mom and dad and then comes and greets me in my room playing games and just trying not to say the wrong thing trust me the slightest thing can set off this woman I have a Wings of Fire book that I'm currently reading through Moon Rising on my table next to my games and it's literally one of the first things she sees obviously a book about dragons would have a dragon on the cover so she instantly puts two and two together and figures out the book is about those funny looking winged lizards instantly she starts saying off stuff like you shouldn't be reading those evil books op and dragons are an embodiment of Satan I will not have my cousin raised on satanic books because apparently in her totally believable book of biblical wisdom there was something about dragons and Satan being connected same book that said homosexuality was a sin just saying wanting to stop or tirade stepmother and Dad pulled her out of my room apologized profusely for her and shut the door thankfully she's not dumb enough to try and come back in though I can still hear her vaguely speaking in that hush shock tone of voice judgmental people do when telling people how to raise their kids though I can't make out what she's saying I end up laughing hysterically over her mini rant over how apparently a book series meant for 10 year olds is demonic and go back to playing my game later on after she leaves she didn't even bother saying goodbye to me dad and stepmom sit me down and have a chat about what she's said to them apparently she thought I was being brainwashed by the devil and being made to go down an evil path she literally straight up said the author of The Wing of Fire books worships the devil and drinks baby blood you can't make that crap up honestly stepmom and Dad reassure me that I'm not in any trouble and just wanted to share what unhinged BS she had to share because they'd know I'd get a good laugh out of it and darn I did so here I am on Reddit telling the story to you I knew my aunt was crazy before but this is new levels what a squid brain well although they do subject op to having to interact with the entitled ant at least they like understand that what they're doing is crazy and too far at least the stepmom and Dad aren't like trying to vouch for her or try to talk op down from Raising any kind of judgment about entitled ant our next story is from nimu the Phoenix entitled neighbor berates me for exposing my body to her grandson I am simultaneously baffled and weirded out by the call I just received from my neighbor her son and his family are visiting for the week I know for a fact that she's one of those people who looks over the fence at what we're doing and sends countless messages berating us for letting weeds grow in our property I received a call from her furious at me for walking around naked in my garden where her grandson could see me from her upstairs balcony she screamed at me for 10 straight minutes without giving me a chance to get a word in edgewise I asked her when this was as I have never not once gone outside the door without any clothes on apparently she saw me hanging up the washing in my gym clothes a sports bra and short pants and assumed I was wearing underwear now I admit I'm not a small girl but I'm working on feeling positive about myself and therefore started wearing clothes that make me feel good she demanded that I never wear such vulgar clothing again or she would report me to the police for public indecency I just laughed and into the call please note in our country most houses are surrounded by tall walls and security fencing so she would have had to have made an effort to see us from her house they would probably have a leg to stand on if you're actually out there ow natural you could say but if you're out there in your gym clothes or Heck if you're out there in your underwear it's your own backyard they should just stop being a prude and honestly if they keep going on about it they yell at you for 10 minutes straight at some point you start bringing up the topic of putting a call in for harassment and if they legitimately have to do some work to see you from their upstairs you probably could get them caught for a different charge as well our next story is from DVP frags entitled Grandma and Grandpa think they should be treated like king and queen a bit of backstory I'm 12 years old and I live in a small town in Bulgaria and my parents own a restaurant there which is the only restaurant that works every day my mom works there is a waiter every day and night with only a few days off and in work week days she works only days most of the time this happened today the day of posting and it was my Grandma's birthday I was at home on my computer when I saw that it was already 1pm I decided to go eat at my parents restaurant because for breakfast I ate some leftover grapes from yesterday I quietly exited my apartment because my dad was still sleeping my mom and dad stayed until 4am in the restaurant when I got there I saw that it was full with people with only the employees table which is a table where employees me my mom my dad and their friends Sid and three or four tables were empty so I sit down and know what will happen when the restaurant's full I can't order until it's empty so I get ready to not eat for an hour and wait I'm just sitting when an elderly couple entitled grandma and entitled Grandpa and their I guess Sons one two and three sit down at first I didn't mind they could stay as long as they want I'm just hoping that the way work in the kitchen would be little so I could order I knew there were a lot of orders because a lot of people order for takeout and my mom told them that their order will be ready in an hour it usually takes 39 minutes anyways at one point entitled Grandpa comes next to the table that I'm sitting at and looks at the speaker then looks around more on the walls and said I don't think that's a speaker there's no button and I thought oh this guy wants to know where the speakers are a few minutes pass and then this happened the entitled grandpa says excuse me can you clean the table we're finished my mom and a guy who I'll call Mark were waiters that day and we only have two cooks and two waiters per shift mom says sorry sir but as you can see the restaurant's full I'll clean your table when I can the entitled grandpa says wait that's not all we want to order another soup she says I'll take your order in a few minutes and then my mom took some of their empty beer bottles after that he stood up with two empty bowls and put them on the counter then a few minutes later the entitled grandpa says it's excuse me can you turn the volume down Mark says yes I will just wait a bit there's a lot of people the entitled grandpa says I don't care do it now and after that I hear them talking to each other the grandpa says have a lot of work I see them standing behind the counter not doing anything which is a lie they haven't even stood in one place for a minute I know their tricks the grandma says yeah we came here before and we didn't like it and it's the same I've never seen them here I thought to myself I should go and tell them that they're acting like kids and that my mom hasn't had a day off for weeks and all I ate today were some grapes and that I weighed every day for the restaurant to not be full just to eat and that he should wait patiently but remember I'm 12 years old he would say something like and what do you know you're a kid or if you could hit me which would result in a scandal then I heard them say something like they're traveling and our kids and Sophia are waiting for us Sophia is the capital of Bulgaria after that my grandma texted me what I'm doing I told her that I'm waiting to eat and she told me that if I wanted I could go to her house to eat so I said okay note for a 12 year old I have a lot of common knowledge that my parents taught me I started school a year earlier so I can be with an awesome teacher and I was the youngest of my class until fifth grade where a kid was born a few days after me the same year and as one of the youngest I'm one of the smartest note two if you think my mom and Mark were bad they were running from table to table and they write orders on paper and just can't help everyone at the same time but they try their best to take everyone's orders this is definitely a situation where you just have some impatient entitled customers sadly for op's Mom I feel like that's gonna always kind of be a thing you run into when working as a waiter or waitress you're just always gonna run into these awful customers who you never really can do right by them and if you're in America at least but probably not tip you our next story is from door Kazi my mother throws my stuff out of the window I 15 year old female currently live with only my mom I have a sister 21 who moved out and my dad got kicked out for understandable reasons my mother is a toxic mother verbal and emotional abuse bullying for this and some other reasons I have mental problems I can't get a therapist due to my mother but I probably have or had depression now because of that my room is a mess a typical depression room and I hate it but if you know how mental illnesses work you know it's not easy for me to clean it but my entitled mother loves to either get my stuff that isn't in its place and throw it out from the window my room's on the second floor or just throw everything in the middle of the room or in a trash bag until I was 11 I thought this was okay it's not I know I'm young but my sister who's a legal adult is getting treatment and she has multiple mental illnesses and maybe personality disorders that could have been somewhat solved if she got help earlier which she couldn't do by my mother so I don't know judge my mother as you want but please do not try to educate me on my or my sister's mental illnesses I would say it might be worth it to op to try to reach out to their sister and see if they can't help them in getting some kind of treatment for them going I definitely believe in having some form of therapy for pretty much everybody and especially in the situation Ops in at op's age at 15 I think it would be a huge benefit it's just trying to face that hurdle that is the mom our next story is from Jayhawks mom got angry after I yelled at her for throwing trash through my window context we live on the second floor of a building situated on a very busy Commercial Street today was a big day because it was a football soccer tournament final and many people were at the streets for watching and loads of fireworks were being set off after the game was over she decided to throw the trash through the window because it has a better better angle from where the trash is gathered to be picked up by the trash truck at the moment I didn't see that by being on the other room watching the game so after the game was over she entered my room and told me about it like it was normal to a person to throw trash through a window so I yelled at her for it she said she said it was okay because there was nobody at the streets because of the game and she was too late to put the trash there properly and couldn't wait until Monday we don't have trash pickup on Sundays and it wasn't a really big deal and she usually did that before context my mom has some foot pain and she would usually throw some small trash bags through a side window of our apartment that would land on a small closed alley that belongs to us and we used to dispose trash to be picked up and I couldn't even be around when she did that because it would trigger my anxiety big time for some reason I even though I think it's a very bad habit understand her foot pain and would always offer to take the trash and walk downstairs to dispose of it she would always say okay next time I ask you and then keep doing the same thing I'm not sure where this takes place or let's say how often the trash is collected but I definitely think this is some weird issue with the mom where they just failed to communicate when op has displayed that they would be more than willing to walk the trash down and dispose of it themselves and the mom even says okay I'll ask you why do they keep resorting to just tossing it out the window do they have like a great fear of being a burden how much more honest communication about you being willing to take that trash down do you need before they finally take you up on it God forbid any official sees them flinging this stuff out the window our next story is from fine season 7354 parents are not letting me leave my toxic job because I've been sending a chunk of my salary to them every month for the past four years now when I told them that it's driving me into depression anxiety and even-ending things they're emotionally blackmailing me I called my dad twice during my recent mental breakdowns and my dad told me not to call him Opie didn't provide too much context on what the situation is you know whether they're in a situation where maybe they could move out and support themselves or how old they are I think the bottom line this situation with a lot of situations like this is you probably just need to cut those people off I mean just look at the way they're treating you and not respecting or caring about how you're feeling why continue to support people who don't support you this next story is from CF buzz kill 90 parents expect me to pay for a fridge I don't want so my 31 year old female parents 60s bought me a mini fridge for the basement where I live I didn't ask for it and I don't even want it I want a long disability case a few months ago and I'm expecting payments soon they expect me to pay for this fridge when I get my money I'll already be giving them thousands of dollars in rent for the few months I've lived with them and will continue to keep paying them rent my parents say that they won't return the fridge and I just have to pay for it it would be one thing if it was something I actually asked for but that definitely is not the case here additional information my parents have no intention of renting out the space my father has a high six-figure salary and my parents own multiple expensive homes they don't need extra money I have to pay for my own groceries so I don't cost them any money I don't ask for them to buy me anything and they don't normally buy me anything I've asked for pants as I've lost over 90 pounds which they refuse to buy even with promises to pay them later 100 this is something you stand your ground on this is an exchange where you do not want to give them an inch because all of a sudden that means they can start buying stuff and trying to write it off as giving you a gift and making you pay for it op said that they were planning to start putting beer in it but they still wanted op to pay for it I think the true intentions are starting to show our next story is from Legally Blonde and dumb entitled sister-in-law thinks she can dictate grandma's name for someone unrelated to her so I'm a first time Mom 28 year old female due early next year it's my parents first grandkid but my in-laws are divorced both remarried and have a handful of grandkids between bio and step anyway my brother-in-law 35 year old male who's my husband's brother and his girlfriend 34 year old female have two kids girlfriend doesn't have a great relationship with our family we're all close and have always done a lot together and she just makes zero effort to do anything with brother-in-law and the family and only cares for her parents and family and just doesn't show up too much leaving brother-in-law to do it all himself uses my in-laws for free child care one to two days a week because she needs to rest even though she has no job doesn't volunteer doesn't even cook or food shop so I don't know what she's so tired from it sucks for him but whatever to each Throne we're all cordial when we're together and love the kids the fact that she doesn't come around much is relevant in a second well it got brought up in conversation what my parents would be called by my children and my mom will be called something kind of similar to what brother-in-law's kids call his girlfriend's mom they're both typical Grandma names nothing crazy mind you their kids have four sets of grandparents brother-in-law slash my husband's parents are divorced and so are hers and my children will have three sets my parents and then my husband's divorced parents so lots of grandparent names going on here no she's trying to say that my child who isn't even out of the womb yet can't call my mom who has no relation to her her kids or her mom this because it sounds too similar to what her kids call her mom and will confuse them when the kids start talking her kids are almost four and almost three my child isn't even born yet there is zero relation between these two grandmas they've probably only ever been in the same place once maybe twice in the five years girlfriend's been around what confusion will there be being that girlfriend barely shows up to family events forget girlfriend's mom I I laughed and said yeah no funny joke though and continued on with my conversation come to find out after she was witching to the other family saying that she's right and won't allow it ma'am the only one confused here is you thinking you're going to dictate what my child calls my mom obviously I'm just ignoring her stupidity but the fact that she thinks she's right here and has any room to allow or not allow things when she does 0.000 things for our family is absolutely hysterical if she brings this up again to me I will be telling her okay sounds good to negate any more confusion I will also not be allowing your children to call you mom in front of my child so that they don't get confused on who's their mother and all freaking people man adding this is the same woman who before even congratulating husband and I on our pregnancy told my stepmother-in-law that I better buy the same car seat as her because she doesn't want mother-in-law having to take out her car seat to put in my kid's car seat if stepmother-in-law has my kid her kids are in toddler seats my child will be in an infant seat for a good while so not only is she entitled she's dumb as a doorknob because they won't be using the same car seat regardless of what I buy I love op's plan because it perfectly encapsulates how dumb and moronic this entitled sister-in-law's line of thinking is maybe I should start referring to my house as something different so that when my kids are over and they say I want to go home nobody will get confused our next story is from Individual bit a240 my mother pinned me down because I forgot to let the dog out my mother and I were never the closest we always fought with each other and the littlest things would start an argument the one time I forgot to let the dog out to pee she got mad at me for doing so even though I always remember I had just forgotten this one time she completely blew up on me and started yelling at me then started to tell me how I do everything wrong like she's usually told me I got upset because out of all of the things she chose to get mad at me over this is what she got mad at me for I was mad at her because it was one simple mistake and I didn't want to talk to her I knew she would come to me and make me apologize for what I did even though I already did and it wasn't that big of a mistake I told her I wouldn't talk to her until I'm ready fast forward to that night I was just chilling in my room on my bed listening to some music all of a sudden my mom barges into my room she Stomps right to my bed Yanks the covers off and pins me down on my bed it all went so fast in the moment but I remember being really scared she was shoving her face into mine demanding me to talk to her her arms were on my wrists her legs were on top of mine so I wouldn't struggle every time I was about to get free she threw me back on the bed and just kept screaming dreaming in my face at this point I was bawling my eyes out we had always fought but she never took it to the extreme eventually I managed to break free and in the moment of panic I just ran to the basement my sister heard all the noise and came down before my mom got to me I was so scared that I just ran into my sister's arms and didn't let go my sister was oblivious to what had just happened then my mom came downstairs and I was freaking out she told me to calm down and that I had to get over myself as if she didn't just lay her whole body on top of me she then stormed off and just went to bed the next day it was just silent she apologized but I don't think it was that sincere she then went on about how she didn't pin me and how I was overreacting and making a big deal about it she tells me whenever I bring it up I need to let it go and then starts crying right in front of me like she was the victim I don't even know how I should even React to what happened that night right now I think it OB can help it this is the situation where you do not let them get away with trying to change the fact or denying it you might be willing to forgive them but I think you should always hold them accountable for exactly what they did it might be tedious to the max to keep fighting that point but I think the moment you let up on this and stop pressing the truth of what they did with pinning you down then that's when you're giving them exactly what they want which is the room to feel like they got away with it no problem and our final story of the day is from physical pension 3411 my step parent blamed me for my parents divorce when I was seven years old my parents got divorced because my dad male 65 had an affair with entitled parent female 60 because my dad picked entitled parent she felt like she was untouchable when it came to us she would accuse my mom of turning us against our dad when we wound up homeless that same year she and my dad refused to help because we can't afford it that same year they renovated the house my dad won in the divorce and bought two new cars but that's another story by the time I was nine we barely saw our dad in person and because of that I would call every day to share what was going on because I didn't understand why he wasn't around one day I called him and told him I missed him that was it a nine-year-old telling her dad she missed him entitled parent decided I was in the wrong and decided to call me immediately and scream at me calling me a brat and telling me it was that kind of behavior that caused my parents to get divorced she told me I was an ungrateful witch and how dare I make him feel badly for being an over-the-road trucker to be clear I hadn't said anything else I was in tears when my mom came out to see what was going on to be clear my mom was livid she yelled at entitled parent who said she's my stepdaughter I can say whatever I want she needs to know her place it's called parenting this wasn't even the worst incident of her parenting I'm no contact now and they both think I'm wrong because they didn't do anything and they're my parents so I should do as they say nah I'll stick with my mom thanks I have more stories but this one stuck with me in my entire life and I felt the need to share it so considering how awful the entitled parent's stepmom is and the fact that the dad is complacently going right along with her that tells you all you need to know about just cutting them off and letting them go they clearly displayed they don't care about op or in the best interest of op leave them be in their entitled bubble but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories [Music]
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today we have a crazy Revenge that took only 6 minutes we'll get into that in a bit but first steps sister makes me fail my exam so I seal her lips shut due to my own personal experience I've decided that I 17-year-old male would never let my kids know what it's like to have a step sibling seriously I have to say they're the worst type of siblings to exist I know some people might have a good relationship with theirs but I'm sure the greater percentage don't it's just not the same as having a sibling who is truly your blood that Bond just isn't there it's just like having a stranger being invited into your home and before you know it they're being called your sibling that's exactly the case with my steps sister who happened to be older than me let's call her Susan 19-year-old female my parents got divorced a few years ago it was a terrible one before the final showdown the divorce they fought almost every day I could never tell what they were fighting about but it was always something really stupid and Petty but I never once triy to get involved because by the end of the day they would have made up and relate like nothing happened just a few hours ago I didn't understand how they did this sometimes no matter how intense their fight was after a few hours they would be talking once again one weekend I decided to observe them to see what was really going on after they fought I followed my dad everywhere to see how long it took him before he apologized but that was when I came to a shocking realization he never apologized mom too they just swept the issue under the carpet like it never happened and went back to talking I was younger here but I was smart enough to know that those issues they were fighting about never disappeared they could have gone back to talking but it didn't mean that they had totally forgiven each other it's even worse because fights like that without proper communication would make them Harbor resentment toward each other no matter how much they try to downplay it I try to talk to my mom about it and make her talk to him instead of bottling everything up but as always she said everything was fine and I shouldn't worry about it but as expected everything wasn't fine I can't remember what Dad did this fateful day but Mom just couldn't take it anymore they fought like I'd never seen them do before and it even got to them throwing stuff at each other eventually dad had to leave the house to crash with a friend of his I thought they would have made up the next day as always but it was different this time I tried to talk to Mom about it and she finally told me that I was right he had been pissing her off over the years and she had tried her best to let things slide but it was just too much to handle so she had to take a break my parents were separated for more than 3 months before my mom decided to get a divorce they signed the papers and made living and visiting arrangements for me since she got the house I was to visit my dad during the weekends I was upset at first but I understood that they made a mistake initially and since they decided that it was unfixable I had to live with that dad started dating less again than 4 months later but Mom it took her more time it was over a year before she told me about some guy she met his name was Kelvin 48-year-old male he was a customer at the clothing store where she worked as a manager after they met for the first time he started to visit the store even when he wasn't buying anything eventually he asked her out and they went to have dinner they'd been going out for almost 4 months before mom invited him over to the house to have dinner and meet me when we talked I decided that he was a nice guy and I wouldn't mind seeing more of him until they ended the relationship yeah you heard that right I was rooting for the demise of the relationship not just my mom's but also my dad's even at that time I was still holding out hope that one day they would realize that they were perfect together and they'd get back together I knew it was heads in the clouds type dreamy and honestly a bit selfish but that was what I wanted at the time but that didn't happen instead Kelvin and Mom had another dinner but this time they brought someone else kelvin's daughter Susan I was shocked when Mom told me that Kelvin had a daughter I was was even more shocked when she told me that she was older than me she had finished high school but for some reason she decided to take a gap Year Mom said she really wanted me and Susan to get along because she felt like the relationship she had with Kelvin could really lead to something I hated the whole idea I never liked sisters I had a friend who had a sister and I knew how they fought every day I knew it would only be worse since Susan was older than me but then I saw how happy my mom was and I thought it was worth a shot since I'd be doing it for her we all had dinner together and it was great at first like I said before Kelvin and I were getting along and it helped that we were both big fans of the NBA we were talking about the lineup for the next day's match when I noticed Susan giving me the stink eyee I didn't understand what I'd done to cause her to already hate me on the first day but I soon found out when Kelvin and my mom left the living room to give us some space to get to know each other Susan straight up asked me why I was trying to steal her dad from from her I was shocked at her question I couldn't understand what she was talking about so I asked her she told me not to play dumb because she knew what I was doing she said she had had dinner with my mom some time ago and she never tried to steal her from me so why was I doing it to her at this point I was so confused I didn't know how to answer her then she told me to back off because if I didn't she was going to make my life heck I couldn't tell my mom about this because I knew how excited she had been for the dinner and she'd be disappointed that we weren't getting along besides Susan could deny ever saying anything and make me look like a fool and a liar I decided to let it slide and see what happened when it was time for me to start my senior year mom had news for me Kelvin and Susan were moving into our house she said that they both had wanted to take the next step in the relationship and since Susan and I were getting along there was no reason why they shouldn't and so a week later they were in our house Susan took the guest room while Kevin was with my mom I tried to stay out of Susan's way most of the time by holding myself up in my room but then Mom just thought I was acting out because I didn't want them around she tried to force me to spend more time with everybody else and I agreed I belonged to the baseball team in my school and after school I used to practice in the driveway where my dad put up a basketball hoop one day Kelvin decided to join me while I was playing and we shot some hoops together I didn't know Susan was watching later that evening she came to my room and said she saw me with her dad and since I didn't heed her warnings I was going to pay for it I didn't think it was that deep because we just played ball together so I didn't take her seriously nothing happened for the next few days so I thought she was bluffing and in a week I had totally forgotten her threat I didn't know she was biting her time and waiting for the right opportunity that opportunity came when it was time for me to take a college scholarship exam I had done my research through lots of scholarship platforms and I had streamlined my options into two one of them required an essay while the other required an online examination I had prepared a day and night for the exam because I wasn't confident in my essay writing the day before the big exam everyone wished me Good Luck including Susan I was pretty confident that I would Ace it but when it was time for the exam I realized the internet wasn't working at first I thought it was my laptop I restarted it but it's still wasn't working then I went to borrow my mom's but it was the same problem there was no internet connection in the entire house then I went to check the Wi-Fi router to my shock I discovered that the router cables had been cut it wasn't chewed or burnt instead it was sliced clean through that was when I realized that someone did it intentionally the only someone who was as malicious as that was Susan and so I confronted her about the wire she didn't even try to deny it all she said was that she warned me to stay away from her dad and I didn't listen so she hoped I'd learned my lesson the exam was 2 hours long and I'd already spent the first troubleshooting my laptop problem and talking to Susan I went to my neighbors but none of them had a router cable I could borrow then I went to the hardware store to get a new one but by the time I'd got back I only had 11 minutes left for the exam I failed woefully and it was all her fault I told my mom and Kelvin what happened and she denied it but Kelvin grounded her for 2 weeks that wasn't enough in my book I wanted her to pay for what she had done and feel the same I felt so I decided to take my own Revenge no more nice guy it was time to act I told him it was fine and even pleaded to Kelvin on Susan's behalf to reduce the punishment this confused Susan which was exactly what I wanted I wanted to use her own tactics against her I'd make her drop her guard and when she least expected it I'd strike the next few weeks I kept talking to her and everyone else like there was nothing wrong but soon enough I'd figured out a plan to get even with her I swiped my mom's nail glue from her cabinet one evening and hid it in my room then after dinner I went upstairs and pretended to go to sleep then I waited till everyone was asleep before stepping out of my room this was past midnight already so I was sure everyone had gone to bed even Kelvin who usually stayed up to watch late night movies had gone to bed next I made my way to Susan's room with the clue she was right across from mine she usually left her door unlocked so I had no problem getting in Susan was fast asleep as expected so I got to work immediately I used the glue to seal both her lips shut it was really hard because I had to be gentle not to wake her when I was done I went downstairs to trash the empty glue container next I rinsed my hands thoroughly to make sure I didn't have any evidence on me when I was done I went back to my room to sleep I hadn't slept for a full 2 hours when I heard Susan's muffled scream I rushed to her room like everyone else and the sight I saw made me fall to the ground and laughter I initially wanted to deny knowing anything about the glue but seeing Susan in such a pathetic state was so funny that I couldn't keep a straight face I confessed the whole thing to my mom and Kelvin and after scolding me for hours I got grounded but Susan on the other hand had to go to the hospital the glue was eventually removed but but her skin had some kind of allergic reaction to the solution she had rashes all over her lips that one would think she had herpes she suffered the rash problem for over two months which made my grounding worth it besides after that day she never tried to mess with me again the main thing I got to say is it's a nice thing that Susan didn't have a stuffy nose when Opie did this I feel like he could just about end somebody on a particularly stuffy night that said our next story is my childhood Revenge that that still haunts me my name is Ethan and I'm 26 now when people see me these days they could never have guessed that I have something like this buried in my past it all happened about 12 years ago when I was 14 when I was 14 I lived in a small neighborhood where houses were close together and everyone knew each other it was the kind of neighborhood where the kids grew up together and were friends in school and at home because there was no other person to move with the few times a new classmate came into class it was usually because they come to stay with a relative for a while or some sort of family drama ongoing my point is that it was rare I lived with my parents like most average American teenagers where we lived we had this family who had been our neighbors for as long as I can remember I think they moved in when I was eight they were nice people generally speaking I mean if you counted the family as a whole and not just single out the different people that made up their little family they had two kids and I never really got bothered by their little daughter The Thorn In My Flesh was their son they lived right next door so there was no way our paths would not cross if I remember correctly at that point he was about my age but we couldn't be more different my parents and the next door neighbors were really good friends they were always hanging out together chatting over the fence or having barbecues on the weekends it was like they were family and I guess in a way they were they had known each other for years even before we moved into the neighborhood they were there for each other it was nice to see knowing that they had each other's backs no matter what but the problem was that because they were so close they always tried to get me and Ethan to hang out together we were around the same age after all and they thought it would be good for us to be friends they would organize playdates for us or invite Ethan over for dinner when his parents were busy at first I wasn't sure about it however over time I started to see why our parents wanted us to be friends despite but our difference is Ethan and I had fun together sometimes we would ride bikes around the neighborhood play soccer in the backyard or just hang out and talk about whatever was on our minds it was nice having someone to share adventures with someone who understood me in a way that no one else did and looking back I'm grateful for that it was kind of nice knowing that there was someone you could hang with whenever you felt like it but we were different really different while I'm more of a quiet type he's always causing trouble whether it's playing pranks on the other neighbors or making noise late at night he was just one of those kids who always found themselves at the front of different trouble scenes this fact got on my nerves a lot I put up with his lifestyle a lot and then one day I just could not of course I was not unprovoked one day my favorite video game disappeared it was like magic one moment it was there and next poof gone I looked every everywhere for it under my bed in the closet even in the kitchen but it was nowhere to be found I had a feeling about who might have taken it the Kid Next Door he was always up to no good causing trouble and sneaking around they were basically the only ones that had access to our house without suspicion from our parents so it wasn't rocket science for me to have guessed that the theft came from their side plus the game was kind of a limited edition and I knew how much he envied that game I heard him Lament over and over how he wished he had the game I knew for certain that it would be him but it was all in my head I unfortunately didn't have any proof of my accusations I tried asking him about it but he just laughed and said he didn't know anything of course I didn't believe him but what could I do I couldn't just go accusing him without any evidence so I had to accept that my game was gone at least for now it was frustrating not being able to prove anything I felt angry and upset but most ly I felt powerless that game meant a lot to me and not knowing where it went or who took it made me feel like I'd lost more than just a game days passed and still there was no sign of my game I tried to forget about it to move on but it was always there nagging at the back of my mind who took it why did they take it and most importantly how could I get it back all I could do was wait and hope that one day my game would magically reappear just as mysterious as it had disappeared did it no it did not at least not in the way I expected it to the day it did I was running an errand for my mom I wanted to get it done faster so I passed through the back door of our house to theirs and as I did something caught my eye there lying amidst the overgrown grass was my missing video game it looked rough its case cracked and its once vibrant cover now faded and worn my heart sank as I realized what had happened the game had searched high and low for the game I had assumed was lost forever was right there in plain sight at the back of the neighbor's house it was like a punch to the gut knowing that someone had taken it and left it to Rod like it was nothing whoever did it didn't have the decency to tell me about it or hide it properly they just discarded it like it was nothing anger surged through me hot and fierce how could someone do this to me how could they take something that didn't belong to them and then just toss it aside like garbage the realization fueled my hate igniting A Fire Inside Me that burned brighter with each passing moment I was upset but I wasn't one to show my annoyance immediately I picked it up and went back into our building on my way from delivering my mom's errand I went straight into my room and didn't speak of it to anyone not even mom who helped me check everywhere she could for the game I HIIT it between a couple of clothes I didn't wear as much then a couple of months passed since I found my game all messed up at the back of the neighbor's house and I still kept mute about my findings but the anger inside me hadn't faded one bit every time I looked at the drawer that hid the broken game for my view it was like a reminder of what their son did and how they did not address it then one day I overheard my parents talking about the neighbor's family it turns out they were getting ready to sell their house I remember my teenage mind thought in that instant that they were preparing to leave without ever knowing that they had hurt me it played on my mind that it was pretty much unfair that I had to suffer the pain of theft and anger alone and I felt that one way to get them was to do it before they finally moved away and I never got to see them again at that point I honestly did not know what I was going to do or how I was going to go about whatever I decided to do I just knew that I wanted them to feel the same anger and frustration I felt when I couldn't find the game and when I found it so I started thinking thinking I thought about all the ways I could get back at them all the Mischief I could cause I thought about playing pranks on them like they had done to me or maybe I could mess with their stuff like they had done to mine but none of it felt right none of it felt like enough but I wasn't the mischievous one their son Ethan was the Mischief King and in all of our days of hanging out I didn't have a play from his Handbook of Mischief memorized all right let's narrate the revenge in the past tense using easy English and from Ethan's perspective their move was quite fast so I couldn't really come to terms with what I could do as payback before they moved it made me angrier than I initially was because I felt I was being a pushover since there were different times I could have done something anything while they were packing to move then suddenly I decided to act out my intrusive thoughts mom had gone to sleep early that night and dad was out with some friends at work I stood up for my bed like someone being controlled by strings and went over to their place place they had moved out completely taking all their things with them leaving the house vulnerable and empty I was certain that no one would be in the house so I sneaked in silently it was kind of scary for my 14-year-old mind but the anger I felt pushed me forward I had a mission and I was determined to see it through quietly I made my way to the kitchen and turned on all the faucets one by one water gushed out filling the sink and spilling on the floor like a river flowing freely I watched with satisfaction as the Water started to pull spreading across the floor and seeping into every corner of the house it was like watching my Revenge come to life each drop of water a testament to the chaos I had caused I was pleased with myself knowing what the water would do to the house but that was just a part of my payback blame it on the fear and adrenaline that was pumping through my veins blame it on childhood Mischief I don't know which what I know was that I suddenly felt the urge to use the bathroom at that point and the sitting room became enticing to my eyes so aside from the water pool I left a small brown package in the middle of the living room floor it was my way of saying thanks for the memories and don't mess with me again when I was done I left the way I came and slept the happiest I had in a long while I was sure no one would come by the house for a while since they had completely moved to another city it was the perfect payback I imagin the amount of damage the water would do before the water supply would be cut off and I dreamed of how nasty the surprise I left would have become before they found it the best part of this revenge is that they could never trace it back to me but the worst part the expense was crazy expensive after a while they were ready to sell the house and they had the agent come to check out the house what was expected to be a clean house as described by our previous neighbors turned out to be a nightmare they had to do a lot of Renovations before the house could be placed on the market thankfully I didn't have to see them so I didn't have to confess the guilt that plagued my heart after that night I guess a question I have is they never questioned how the house got like that including the Pooh I mean if op could jump to conclusions and assume somebody from the neighbors were the ones that broke in and took their game would it not be safe to assume that they could assume the reverse happened as far as their house flooding and you know poop being in the living room also I kind of just have to say it kind of majorly sucks that because one kid went and stole something they cost the parents in Revenge surely thousands of dollars our next story is she spent 6 months cheating I only needed 6 minutes to end things never could I have ever imagined that my wife of four years would resort to cheating on me and not just for a short period of time but for a whole 6 months and she did so meticulously so much so that I could never have figured out that she was truly being unfaithful this part of her actions didn't really cause me much problem as the only thing she did throughout all of these was the fact that she committed all of these acts which went against every single thing our vows stood for and even went as far as breaking the bro code which existed between my best friend and I I was totally speechless I couldn't fathom how she could have taken such a bold step and done such a thing to me her actions seriously hurt me and our relationship badly and just as she had to meticulously plan out the ways in which she was going to be un faithful I took the initiative but instead I didn't take as long as she did she took and spent the entirety of 6 months being unfaithful and I needed only 6 minutes to make sure she got exactly what it was that she deserved my wife female 28 and I male 30 had been married for a good four years and we've been together for completely 5 and 1/2 years I can confidently come out and say that for the entirety of the duration of time that I spent with her being her partner and her man I've never been Unfaithful I have never for once wanted to go outside of our relationship in search for something that I could have very much gotten from my partner which in turn resulted in me having killed off the mindset of even having something else to do with some other person outside of my marriage following this I still couldn't realize why or rather what prompted her to take the DraStic method she did even though I'm very certain of the fact that she was very much aware of the outcome of her actions sometimes I have a hard time understanding women in general as the level at which they take this diluted form of double standards has gotten to a whole new level and every time I think I now have a hang of how they operated there's always newer ground to cover let me take you right back to the very beginning of practically everything so that you may see things from my perspective and truly understand what she did and not judge but understand what I did and the reason behind my actions my partner Eliza and I were never one to have the kind of connection we found ourselves having for one we had practically next to nothing in common at the time that we both had met and this was way back when we were both still teenagers my family was one you could most likely call a wealthy enough family we had everything we ever wanted and I knew for a fact that both my parents were really hardworking individuals as they both would not have been able to amass and manage the amount of properties and finances that they have in their possession anyways our first encounter was one of pure fate as I know for a fact now thinking back that there would have been nothing that would have brought our worlds together not even in the slightest but then it happened and there was quite literally nothing I could have done about the whole situation anyways my family had a mansion in town which we rarely ever used but seeing as the entire family was back in the country for some weird reason which was almost unlikely to have ever happened my father decided to have everyone over as our home was huge enough to contain every single member of our very extended family he simply just enjoyed the company of family and friends mostly family as I was the only child and he just couldn't wait to have more additions to the family from me that is I don't blame him the home was quite lonely at times anyways every single one of our family members came home and we had quite literally the biggest dinner setup I had ever seen food was in excess it almost seemed like things were going to get spoiled after dinner and this was even after my mother and other family members had tried very hard to store as much as they could in the freezing room and then mom decided to take things outside the confines of our home and to the homes of our other neighbors mainly as a gesture of our Goodwill she said and I was in charge of doing just that well not in charge per se but then I was the only one she could have told to do so seeing as I was the only one young enough to do that and also the only one old enough to send so I set out to give out food to our neighbors I'd already visited about three different houses on three different trips and nothing really caught my eye about the entire place place but on my fourth and final trip I stopped at a particular house which honestly had nothing much unique about it externally but then I was greeted by one of the most prettiest Smiles mounted on an excellent build all carrying a distinguished person I met my partner whom I fell in love with at First Sight and at that very moment I was completely shook there was nothing I could say or do I was in awe I never could have imagined that I found something I was never in search of she was puzzled when she saw me and a little freaked out as I was staring quite a lot when I came to I immediately left what I had gone there to drop with her and left there with immediate effect all without saying a single word or even a slight gesture I was shocked with myself I never could have imagined that what had just happened could have ever happened to me anyways following our very first encounter and meeting with each other I could say that since my family was still saying for near 3 months at our our family home I had quite a lot of spare time on my hands and also the fact that nearly every single person in the neighborhood knew one another it made things even easier for me I spent the next few days after that surprise encounter carefully Gathering as much as I could about her I just needed to have something to work with as the last time even though it was unexpected I was practically useless in speechless I got familiar with quite a lot of people in the neighborhood and got to know a few things about her all of which were although important but not relevant at the time but the one thing I did find out was the fact that she was an only child like me too and that she'd also been outside of the country I just knew that she wasn't sorry to use this word a country bum as she was uniquely different from every other person I had met I was a bit put at ease with this information as I knew then what to work on as a conversation starter I also found out that she was working at a nearby shop where my family often frequents for their e evenings I just knew what I had to do next so just as you can imagine I'd already set up my family's evening as usual over the phone but I had to go over there to be the first one seated as I knew that was about the time her shift was ending and when I got in she was just about leaving which made this seem like another Fateful Encounter and I just picked up the conversation from there this time I was prepared and I knew exactly what I was doing and what I was saying nothing could have gone wrong and thankfully nothing did she was quite the person and had quite the personality she was what you would call a free-spirited person as I had fearly deduced at the time she introduced herself properly this time after I had done the same as I apologized for our previous encounter she also apologized too as she was in shock it was the first time she'd seen my face around and she just couldn't understand exactly what was going on she just knew that she had to collect what I was holding and giving to her first off before the thought of anything and right after I'd given her that I dashed away and she actually thought that was funny as she started laughing well more like giggling to be honest anyways that's how we had both first encountered each other and I must say that our first encounter paved the way for something truly remarkable following the remainder of the weeks that I was going to be spending at our family home I made sure to enjoy every single bit of it with her as she showed me around town and her favorite places to be when I informed her about the plans to return to our actual home she was devastated and only wanted to spend more time with me and this really pierced me because I knew I could bring her with me the only problem was I needed to inform my folks and to no surprise at all they willingly allowed for me to come along with my friend as they saw that I was finally enjoying myself seeing how stuck up I was about initially coming there and just like that she got to come along with me back home also with the permission and blessing of her folks that is we got back home after our two months were up and back home I didn't want her to feel uncomfortable so I got her an apartment that was only 2 minutes away from my folks place and that was where we both stayed as we'd already gotten into a relationship with each other at the time we lived together for the next year and she'd already gotten quite settled in as at this time the only thing I felt for her was pure love and the only thing I felt from her was exactly the same I knew there was nothing more I would have wanted than to spend the rest of my life with her and I wasted did no time at all in getting that ring because this was something I surprisingly was not getting cold feet about and after getting her answer I was quite literally the happiest man alive and the only thing left to do at that time was to actually get married which we did about 8 months after I'd asked her the Fateful question that would change both my life and hers we got happily married and were so for more than three and a half years without problem fault or error we were each other's second half and things were really daily going well for us until my best friend returned from his International contract which took 5 years of his life from him only devoted to work when he came back I introduced him to my wife and without any reason this was where things started to take a nose dive my previously submissive and loving wife had overnight turned a bit aggressive and impulsive I didn't know why exactly but I just couldn't point it out at the time when I could only 6 months later when I caught her with my best friend in his home after she thought I was leaving the country for a business deal I instead went over to my best friend's place to camp out for a while and I saw them together in bed in that moment I asked how long's it been going on and she replied in a shaky voice just 6 months and she went ahead to make different promises and apologies but the only thing I could bring myself to say was I give you 6 minutes to disappear from my presence and my life for good and I left his place she tried contacting me countless times but I wasn't having it the only thing I wanted was all ties with her severed and I prepared our divorce documents as quickly as possible to ensure that seeing as everything we had was literally mine and were all in my name there was no splitting of assets she had quite literally nothing and I never heard from her again after I got her signature on the divorce B ERS well I don't know where that went down but there's a lot of places in the United States at least where you just wouldn't be able to get away even if your name was on everything with taking everything I mean I guess you could pressure them into signing some kind of like no fault divorce where you just keep everything but even then that definitely depends on where you live but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeCHEATONMEENJOYHELLRedditStories
think of the smartest person you know what is the dumbest thing they've ever done had a roommate who was working on their PhD in Psychology get mad at me for leaving the washer on the hot water setting she was upset because she didn't think she could get her jeans to stretch back out to fit her when I said they're cotton so they should stretch back she said they're denim not cotton I even asked her to check the tag but her thumb was covering the one so she said they're % cotton eventually I got her to move her thumb and believe me really nice roommate and a lovely person she finished her PhD just fine and I'm sure she's a great psychologist just not the best at laundry
give me a good story on thinkofthesmartestpersonyouknowwhatisthedumbestthingtheyveeverdone
my BFF marrying my S and invited my daughter who is the result of sa to be flower girls and now claims I'm ruining her wedding I know how bad that sounds and I'll start by admitting this is fully based on my feelings of betrayal hurt and disgust I 27f have an amazing daughter a 12f and I'm married to the most amazing man t27 m in the world my daughter and I have been living in Japan for the last 9 years the home country of my husband I returned to the UK for the first time since leaving this month August 2023 to meet my nephew my best friend r26f and I have been best friends since we were 3 years old she has always been my rock through everything especially when I was pregnant with my daughter as you can see I gave birth to my daughter when I was 15 her biological father d33 M has had no interaction with either of us since the night I got pregnant nor has he ever shown an interest until now to address the elephant in the room DEA at me when I was 15 and he was 21 I come from a very religious family AKA my father is a deacon there was no option however I absolutely adore my daughter and do not equate her to that horrible experience she saved me and I have spent every day loving her thanks to a lot of support therapy and her just being the most loving little sweet peach out there a few other things to note one she doesn't know the nature of her conception how do you explain that to any child under any circumstances two my husband adopted her and she knows they're not related biologically but they absolutely adore one another three D gave up all parental rights and a plea deal for a lesser sentence now on to the main thing I came back to the UK to meet my nephew but I booked to stay for a few weeks to visit my family and friends it was all a surprise no one except my mom knew we were coming over it was very fun and lovely to see everyone's shock and surprise my daughter is having the best time with her aunts and they're all so excited to see her in person I decided to also surprise R turning up at her house ringing the doorbell and seeing the man who was at me was definitely the last thing I was expecting I assumed by some twisted and cruel coincidence that I got the address wrong but then R comes to the door calling him babe it honestly felt like a horrible cliched teen movie where the main protagonist caught her best friend and boyfriend together I knew she was seeing someone but she said that she wouldn't let me meet them until it was in person she's my best friend I had no reason not to trust her I know that makes me stupid as hell but I just never could have thought she'd do this it's been 3 days since then and she has been blowing up my phone begging to talk I finally gave in because as established above I'm a [ __ ] she said she was sorry for how I found out about them and if I could forgive her for falling in love with my ex which not only pissed me off but also my husband who knows everything this whole ordeal put me through I cut her off saying I couldn't have this conversation especially since my daughter was in the room and she replied saying something like well she < have to find out about the wedding soon for dress fittings I asked her what she meant because no way did I hear that correctly and she said that as her soon to be stepmom she wants her as the flower girl as we have always said since we were growing up that our kids would be flower girls or ring bearers I told her in absolutely no way shape or form that my daughter would be attending that wedding she said I was being petty and jealous and that I couldn't stop her real dad from being a part of her life we've not spoken since this morning on the call but I'm already receiving messages from our mutual friends saying that I've caused her to break down and ruin her wedding but I genuinely believe I am not only morally right but also legally right so I'm putting my most personal story online and asking you verdict NTA update one day later just to prevent any disappointment this isn't a proper update but more of a post for more information with a little update at the end you can skip to that if you want firstly thank you to those who took time to assure me that I'm not in fact crazy for believing myself to be in the right secondly to those saying this is fake please manifest that harder so I wake up from this nightmare thirdly my bad for the title I also would have taken it as my BFF marrying her own dad answers to questions I've seen or received one moving to Japan at 18 I am in a very lucky and privileged position to have an uncle who moved to Japan following his deployment in the Navy many a year ago additionally my parents wanted me to finish high school and sixth grade before shipping me off to the other side of the world to avoid judgment from the community if they could have sent me to Neptune they would have two plead deal I use this term as it is more commonly known but if you want an accurate depiction of what happened I'll do my best to explain but I am a not a lawyer and B talking about a period of my life that I do my best to forget d was charged with the statutory as a of a minor which is a category one for harm because it resulted in a pregnancy it was also considered a category B for culpability because it wasn't predit ated and was played off as a if the age of consent was lower this wouldn't be an issue type of thing there are no plea deals in the UK but there are plea Bargains which are used to encourage people to plead guilt so there is no trial or a shorter trial if it's already begun through offering lesser charges or reduced sentences there were other factors involved he pleaded guilty had no previous arrests or convictions had a letter from a psychiatrist saying that he lacked maturity due to some disorder and showed remorse during the hearing because of this his charge was reduced to a category 2 harm and category B culpability case he was sentenced to 5 years in prison and he was placed on the SX offender register until he was notified of being removed he served around three and a half years of that sentence before being released and was on the SX offender register until last year sometime because a review showed he had changed or something I'm not really sure my friend explained it to me today but we like three rows down the Grapevine at this point so take that with a pinch of salt three deons there are around 738 active deacons in the UK currently my father is not one of them he hasn't been since 2019 as he has been living in the US and looking after my grandmother not that I have to explain but currently only two of my four sisters live in the UK with another living in Sweden to study and another living in the US I recognize completely the privilege we have to live all over the world if this means you think I'm lying then I repeat please keep manifesting that so I no longer have to deal with this four I am many things but my daughter is my whole world and I will do anything to protect her I was not on here to see if I should allow her to go to the wedding I had already decided that there was no chance in hell that was happening don't call me a bad mother everything I have done has been what I believe to be in her best interest five my BFF was the first person I told about what D had done to me it was her and her mom who took me to the police station it was she who sat with me crying in the school toilets when I was SI sick it was she who watched all the videos sent to me by the baby support class I don't know what changed she has been going through a lot facing many issues through covid but there is nothing I can think of to explain this change update my husband has tried to change our flights but due to the air traffic control issues in the UK this hasn't been possible as of yet but we will keep looking into it I have contacted my lawyer he says that there is no legal claim from their side so that has eased me slightly but I'm an overthinker so my mind continues to rage on with all possible outcomes with regards to talking to my daughter and explaining everything she isn't completely in the dark about the circumstances she knows it was a bad situation and whenever she has asked questions regarding her paternity I've done my best to explain to her without outright stating you were a product of sa because I don't want her to ever question whether she is loved or wanted she is going into that really vulnerable age and I'm trying to be as sensitive as possible about it but my husband and I have decided that do due to the circumstances we need to tell her I've already contacted my therapist and she has arranged for a chat with a child psychologist when we return my daughter will then have the option of speaking with my husband or me or having sessions on her own I've been dealing with my trauma for years and it was selfish on my part to wait this long but my childhood was taken away by this man and I believed I was protecting her but I now know I was protecting myself ours number has been blocked on all our phones and she cannot reach us through social media either for the time that we remain in the UK she will never be without my husband my mother or myself thank you all for your words of support my mind has been spinning non-stop but I'll power through for my daughter edit my friend's mother passed away in 2020 before she had ever mentioned a partner but I know for a fact she wouldn't approve she would have kicked her AR up and down the street she was a wonderful woman relevant comments it sounds like your friend was never your friend I wonder what her endgame was she didn't want to tell you who she was dating until she could tell you face to face right did she just expect that you'd be understanding or something and the whole I'm her stepmom and her father and I want her at the wedding blah blah blah is super delusional thinking she either never believed you or she's let him completely manipulate the situation in her mind surely her mother doesn't support their relationship quiet ad 960 op's reply her mother unfortunately passed away at the beginning of 2020 I know she absolutely would not have supported it though are people really getting so desperate for a partner that they choose to be with a known child attacker I can't even fathom how she even started to talk to him let alone develop a relationship with him it's just wild to me Federal arachnid 689 op's reply if I take her account true of the partner she met through lockdown that she wouldn't let me meet it was Facebook he reached out to her and she saw him in a new light honestly I think back to some of our chats about her partner and just feel so stupid hindsight is a wonderful thing I guess update to hi there I never thought I'd have to be one of those people doing an update on a Reddit thread but here we are welcome back to what is hopefully the final update needed for this horrific experience first of all I want to thank you all again for your words of support and for reaching out to me privately and in the comments I believe I've read most of them but there were so many that I couldn't reply to them all secondly we back in Japan home never felt so warm we arrived back yesterday morning my in-laws being godsend and picking us up at that awful hour onto the full update and everything that is to come my husband and I sat down with our daughter and explained that we'd be leaving early and honestly that was so difficult in itself that I almost backed out of explaining everything to her about D but she is honestly the most amazing human in the world it felt as if she was the one getting me through it her and I had the conversation as my husband fulfilled a promise to my brother-in-law to make his famous pad tie before we left the conversation itself wasn't that bad it turned out she was already privy to some information that was s related my father the delightful man that he is explained last Christmas that some sins are easier to forgive and I'm not exactly sure of the wording he used but he essentially warned her that my bastard childbirth was forgiven by God because it was forced upon me but she needs to stay pure to be led into heaven I had heard part of the conversation but not the full thing and I got into an argument with him about the way he speaks to my child and how he's not to force his belief Bel onto her as I refused to raise my daughter the same way we were raised this is not an invitation to voice your religious beliefs or opinions you do no judgment here essentially after his comment and her own very sneaky research she put two and two together matched my age and concluded the nature of her conception without telling me obviously for me to confirm it that was a whole other thing we both went through the five stages of grief in that short time I apologized for keeping her in the dark and this convers ation will obviously continue throughout the years but on her terms she's a bright girl she is very aware of things around her and I know that she will go on to do amazing things I'm also trying to prepare myself for any questions arguments or issues she brings to me I expect that once we settle back home there will be further emotions and I'm willing to work through my own trauma in order to help her through her own my husband is the greatest support either of us could have she has her consultation with the therapist on Thursday she wants us all to go together and then she can decide what course she wants to take from then on out she's just been catching up on her sleep yesterday and today and without going into the details of what went down with r she understands not to reach out to her and if she receives anything from her to tell me or her dad straight away she pushed for a few answers but my husband working his usual magic promising her ice cream encouraged her to settle for the very basic answer of your mom and R had a falling out and it's pretty bad she's smart though so that answer won't work for long but it gives me time to discuss it with my own therapist and the child therapist so we'll see where to go from here I've had no communication with r or anyone who reached out to me to complain that I ruined her wedding one friend went as far as to confront me at the pharmacy on Friday but luckily my sister was ready to fight and he backed off no one knew we were leaving other than our immediate family so there was no hassle there I truly hoped that one day I'll understand what R has done what has happened to her and our former friendship that led to this but alas now it remains unknown I truly hope this is the end of the Saga that we can start moving forward and that I can begin my daughter's journey of recognizing that she is not the product of a hateful and violent experience but instead the product of love beauty and comfort given to her by her father and me sorry for the boring ending but it's my life so I'm not actually sorry as I'm over any type of drama but thank you to those who cared and reached out May none of you reading this ever feel this betrayal hurt or destruction Second Story op just found out that his older sister is actually his biological mother my older sister let's call her Rose and I have had a great relationship since I was a baby we were raised in an amazing adoptive family and she has always taken care of me I grew up in a very warm and loving environment but from what I was told I was lucky I was told the story of how I and my sister had two drug addicted parents who never took care of us they never bothered feeding us and used to leave us at a junky friend's house for days to go out partying when my mom was pregnant with me she smoked and got drunk luckily I turned out pretty fine pretty often and when I was born my sister was the only one who took care of me when I was 2 months old they left us both in a mall and left we got help from an old couple who also turned into our adoptive family and we contacted the police but my parents weren't at the house which looked like a homeless cave we never saw them again and after several months in foster care the couple that helped us throughout the whole way BTW agreed to adopt us today on 19 and Rose is 34 I still live with My adoptive family and she lives about 20 minutes away so I come and visit her at least three four times a week so a couple of months ago my friend offered me to take a DNA test to find out some information about my Heritage since my sister wouldn't speak much of it after the results came in I found out some pretty interesting things like being 50% ashkanazi Jew I found out later that I had an ant 33f in the system I immediately reached out to her letun call her jenet and we agreed to meet in person all that without telling Rose a thing when we met up I could see we had some similar characteristics like the same hair color and the same eyes we tried to figure things out so I asked her if she has a brother or sister and she told me that when she was 13 her 14-year-old sister got pregnant while being drunk with her junky boyfriend and a month after giving birth she ran away with the baby after some pretty intensive fights with their parents they never found her and they stopped looking after 1 and/ half years I connected the dots and asked to see a picture of of her so we went to her parents house mom wasn't home and my father died 3 years ago when I saw the picture I knew this was Rose 100% Rose is my mom we were never abandoned we didn't have junky parents and she fabricated the entire thing for me and our adopted family I immediately gave jenet a hug told her that it's too much for me right now and asked her to keep it a secret for now I went to my best friend's house told him everything and for a week now I've been sleeping over at his place I told my parents and my sister I was at his house because he bought a new game that we both wanted for a long time and I avoided talking to Rose much I can't look her in the eyes right now let alone tell her I know the truth what the hell am I supposed to do how should I handle this should I tell her I know edit my best friend just took me out for a movie and a drink I'm not that drunk right now though I thank you all so much for your warm replies they made me look at the situation a bit more clearly I have decided to break it to Rose this week but I need some time to think about how to tell her I know I don't know if I should try getting there slowly or just break the news to her somehow I even considered bringing her sister with me but I genuinely think she will be pissed I'll keep updating as soon as I've decided how to tell her right now I am going to bed to sleep it over edit to after seeing some comments asking how the adoption process went I decided I needed to explain some things first of all it's worth mentioning that the adoption process wasn't immediate and it took about a year between the time that happy couple found us outside the mall and the time they adopted us we were in foster care at that time and Rose used to keep in touch with them and they would come visit us once or twice a week or so I was told I don't know what to believe now eventually Rose broke down in tears for them and told them she hates foster care and that her little brother me would grow up here and she couldn't bear that thought at that time they decided to try and adopt her and hired lawyers and stuff and after a few months it was legal and done at least that's what I was told I don't think My adoptive parents knew but if they did then that story is probably a lie too update okay so first of all I want to thank everyone for their honest replies it really helped me to get my feelings straight and get ready to confront her so after a week of avoiding I came to her house with a picnic basket by surprise so I will have a chance to speak with her she was happy to see me and I told her to sit down because we needed to talk I started things by saying that I know that she has a secret that she's been hiding from me for years her face turned red and she started crying like hell she knew what I was talking about I told her the story about the DNA test about jenet and basically what I told you guys in the last post well after she calmed down a bit she told me the truth she told me how she got drunk at a party and slept with one of the jerks who does nothing but weed every day he didn't really care about a future kid and was like yeah whatever apparently she found out that 10 years ago he was stabbed in prison after sitting for drug dealing assault an armed robbery she told me how her mother used to convince her father to talk me out of the idea of keeping the baby they would constantly fight with her when the baby was born they told her on the spot that she brought shame upon the family and they would not help raise the baby in any way meaning she would have to work in the meantime to have money for her baby and sometimes for herself after a couple of months of loaning from her friends and juggling between working and taking care of me she had a huge fight with her parents and told them that if they are not helping financially and barely in any sort of way she and I are better off without them as they sent her to her room she escaped in the middle of the night hitchhiking to a neighboring country and by morning she was there already she tried to take care of me for a few days she found an old abandoned house that used to have homeless people coming around every now and then and she took me to the mall when I started crying she started crying too the couple that adopted us immediately came to our Aid and asked if we had lost our mother Rose jumped on the opportunity and came up with a story and an alias the police figured out we were not in the system for multiple reasons we were raised in foster care for a year and a half until the couple that helped us decided to make the effort and adopt us so we wouldn't be separated it took them a few months and a couple of lawyers managed to adopt us both Rose knew all along that her parents were looking for her they came to their senses after a day or so she reached out to them and told them in a letter that she is fine and is taking care of herself and me she is not homeless and she found a nice couple to help her with the baby she made it clear to them that she was never coming back and they should stop looking and a month later they stopped a few years later her father went on a secret quest to find her she was 18 after so much time searching he found her apologized and after a while she forgave him and kept secretly in touch with him he met me a few times and I knew him as one of rose's old friends from the park he helped us a few times and apparently they would meet up once every two months secretly ironically I'm glad I got to know him before he passed even if I didn't know who he really was BTW the adoptive family never found out about the whole thing so after hearing this I told her we missed a lot by not knowing she was my mother and I told her I understood she did the right thing I pulled out and it's a boy signed from the picnic basket and some snacks for a late baby shower and we hugged for an hour or so had a lot of fun watched a movie and I headed off to my parents house to have dinner with them I'm glad she's my mother I feel for the first time in years complete I don't care she because she did it for the greater good and I honestly can't imagine my life right now if she didn't thanks Reddit for helping me get my feelings straight and helping me out mentally to cope with everything that happened thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyBFFMarriyingMySAerandInvitedMyDaughterWhoIsTheResultOfSAToBeFlowerGirla
calling CPS for daughter's best friend my daughter 14f has been attached at the hip with her best friend 13f since they were in kindergarten and despite the fact I have known 13f and her father her entire life I now have concerns for her safety but am concerned for the potential consequences for 13f by calling CPS in less than a week 13f has both broke her arm and gotten a black eyye with no detailed explanation as to what has happened the broken arm she said she fell and the black eye 14f overheard 13f tell another child at school she got in a fight but has told every one else she hit it on a dresser she stayed over last night and will be staying over tonight as well and is quiet jumpy and exhausted she slept nearly 13 hours last night which is extremely unusual for her or anyone her age she says no one else has been at home just her and her dad and when asked she has pushed that everything is okay my daughter is distraught and keeps whispering to me and texting me that something is wrong and I have to agree with her I've known this girl most of her life and she has never been accident prone and has a very bubbly personality usually has anyone ever been in a situation like this I have never
give me a good story on CallingCPSfordaughtersbestfriendorig
what is the best thing that has ever happened to you for being nice I was overseas in the military when I went off base I always noticed a lot of young children girls and boys who panhandled right outside the gate so on payday I decided I would do something for them there were a lot of street food vendors in the area so there were about 10 kids usually I told them to come along and I bought them all meals at this place that had benches and long tables set up selling rice and barbecue something on skewers and I sat down and ate with them they all knew some broken English and surprisingly a little French I did this most Fridays when I got out of the base it was nice to eat the local food I like spicy food and the kids were always hungry all of them said they went to school but that They begged because they could get more money from the GI than their parents could in a month of work it was fun helping them with English words and them correcting my French anyway one day I was walking about the Saigon outdoor market area when I heard this commotion behind me seemed a bunch of people were having a little knock down drag out best thing to do we were told is to walk away and not get involved in local matters so I was doing that when a few minutes later a couple of my kids appeared and handed me my wallet seems they followed me about I had no idea that they did that they said they saw a bad man pick my pocket who they then jumped on and beat up retrieved my wallet and gave it back to me
give me a good story on Whatisthebestthingthathaseverhappenedtoyouforbeingniceorig
what were the most expensive acts of Revenge in a relationship back in the early 80s before the days of cell phones you could call a phone number and a robotic voice would tell you the time it would just keep repeating till you hung up I had a bass player that we used for a while that was for lack of a better word a royal douchebag he was good looking and he had a long time girlfriend but we'd go out on the road and he'd cheat with anything in a dress one day his girlfriend decides to surprise him while we were out on the road a few hundred miles away she goes up to his hotel room and finds someone else in the bed she never said a word she packed all her stuff and left his house he knew she found out and he expected his house to be trashed but it wasn't in fact it was clean spotless he was surprised and relieved then he noticed his phone was off the hook it was the time in Tokyo and it had been going for a month his phone bill was over ten thousand dollars that was his entire earnings for that trip out he totally deserved it
give me a good story on Whatwerethemostexpensiveactsofrevengeinarelationship
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we've got some malicious compliance story so let's jump right into our first story of the day by desert dweller lawyer makes post-car accident worse for his client i used to work in the claims department for one of the top auto insurance companies in america i get a phone call from a lawyer looking to file a new accident claim for his client his client is also my customer i explained that i can take the initial report from the lawyer but will be contacting the client to get his side of the story the lawyer immediately tells me that i am not to contact a client because he is being represented by a lawyer i explain that until they have an official letter of representation on file i have every right to contact the client so anyway i proceeded to gather all the details from the lawyer once i finish filing the claim i generate a claim number and give it to the lawyer the lawyer was stalling me a little bit and i soon realized why he was using the time to get an official letter of representation on file so i couldn't contact his client also my customer which he did and now i'm not able to speak with the client unless given permission by the lawyer the lawyer was a total pompous butt and was definitely trying to throw his weight around just to show he was important he definitely thought he was putting me in my place he proceeds to tell me that the client has minor injuries such as back and neck pain and is going to see a doctor i explained that the client may see whatever doctor he wishes but that it's best to have us get in contact with his doctor of choice as soon as possible so we can start using the coverage to pay for any medical bills the lawyer gets all huffy puffy with me and tells me that the client will go see a doctor and get all the medical help he needs and once it's all done and over with he will send us a bill that we will be required to pay in full i explain it doesn't work that way some doctors require certain payments from insurance companies up front or at least be in contact with the insurance company to confirm certain payments will be paid i also explained that the client only had a certain amount of coverage that he pays for we are not required as an insurance company to pay more than what the client has on his policy for example if the client has ten thousand dollars in coverage we would only pay half of a twenty thousand dollar medical bill i also explained that if the doctor hasn't been in contact with an insurance company they may charge the client and the client will have to go through a different longer process for us to reimburse him than if we just paid the doctor upfront now i know this sounds like a bunch of corporate bs and it is but i don't make the rules i'm really trying my hardest to make this as easy as possible for the client but the lawyer just isn't having it at all the lawyer demands that the client will go to whatever doctor he wants and will receive whatever treatment he wants and that we will pay for it in full and the client will pay nothing out of pocket regardless of the cost of treatment i went back and forth with the lawyer but eventually you gotta understand that you're just going in circles and it's time to just take the loss so i do and we move on to the vehicle lawyer says it's damaged but the client drove the car from the accident scene to straight to the lawyer's office the windshield was damaged and there were fluids leaking from the car i recommended that we tow the vehicle to a repair shop i explained the customer had towing coverage and we can get a tow truck free of charge the lawyer refuses and says the client can drive the car the lawyer also demands that the client uses a repair shop of his choice i explained to the lawyer that the client is absolutely allowed to use a shop of his choice but that we have to send an adjuster out to the car to inspect the damage and give a quote to the repair shop the reason we did this is a lot of times body shops will take advantage of insurance companies because they know we will pay and the shops fix things that don't need to be fixed and purposely buy more expensive parts to hike up the price it's pretty much insurance fraud so we usually send an expert of our own out to assess the damage and write up a fair and legit repair estimate the lawyer refuses and says that he isn't telling us the shop that the car is going to and once again we will get a bill once all the work is done and we will be required to pay the full bill regardless of the price i explain that we do not cover the cost of aftermarket parts only factory parts it is listed in our contract the customer agreed to this when he signed up once again corporate bs i know but i don't make the rules and i really am trying to help the customer out here so he doesn't have a bunch of unnecessary crap to deal with i argued with this lawyer for a long time about how things work and why the way he was trying to handle this was going to end up costing the client money the lawyer was on a path of destruction and was making every possible scenario worse for the client the lawyer wasn't having any of it and of course threatened to sue and all that crap i finally gave in and let the lawyer do whatever he wanted i knew the worst case scenario would come of this and figured i'd let the lawyer and client feel the consequences of their stupid decisions and the lawyer trying to assert his dominance i let him and his client do what they thought was best i mean why listen to the professional right what ends up happening is the customer takes the car to some sketchy shop they do exactly what we feared and jacked the price way up they put expensive aftermarket replacement parts on the car which we don't cover the customer had to pay out of pocket for a bunch of stuff to the repair shop the repair shop took longer than 30 days to repair his car because the longer they have the car the more they can charge we only cover 30 days for a rental car so the client ends up paying out of pocket for a rental car too also the client had to pay some out-of-pocket expenses to his doctor we ended up reimbursing him for the doctor bills but it was a long drawn-out process and very frustrating we did not refund him for some of the expenses at the body shop which amount to more than a thousand dollars in the end the customer had a ton more out-of-pocket expenses and headaches because of his a-hole lawyer i definitely don't know what this lawyer's deal was maybe the longer they could draw the whole thing out the more money they could make off the client or maybe they were power tripping and they needed that fulfillment of it's my way or the highway and this is how it's going to be i spent way too long getting this education for this job and now i'm going to take it out on you i would just imagine that if there's somebody working as an adjuster they're trying to help you out as much as possible right considering to begin with that the client drove the car from the accident scene straight to the lawyer's office do you think this was the client's idea all along or do you think it was the lawyer's prerogative let me know in the comments down below our next story is by nina rox give me what i want or i'll cancel my service i'll be keeping this pretty short and simple my brother works in the loyalty department for a pay tv company in the us by loyalty i mean he's like one of the people in charge of giving last ditch efforts to keep customers by trying to negotiate packages with people before they cancel in case you don't know anything about the pay tv industry basically channel owners make contracts with pay tv companies for streaming rights this happens every year so when you sign a two-year contract the company is essentially paying part of the cost of your package for the next two years with the deficit being even higher in the second year of your contract because the prices of those channels have already gone up this is why pay tv prices go up so drastically after a price lock contract expires another thing a lot of people don't know is that it takes three to four years of service with one customer to be able to break even on investing in promotions and such so my brother can actually lose some hefty points on his metrics for every cancel there are some people though that he just refuses to take any bs from my brother received a phone call from a lovely karen one day and it seemed she had been transferred to him he answers hello and thank you for choosing pay tv company this is x with whom do i have the pleasure of speaking to to which the karen responds i just want exactly what i have now for the same price without you changing my account and i want a price lock contract for two years the cameron was belligerent and went on a rant about how she didn't want to pay more for the same channels and how she wasn't taking no for an answer this went on for a solid five minutes she never even let my brother get a word in there was a point that she said the magic words for my brother which was i'm not here to negotiate you give me my channels for the exact same price for two years or i will cancel my subscription my brother patiently waited until she was done verbally assaulting him and waited for about 30 seconds before he spoke cue malicious compliance my brother calmly responded with ok so to which address am i sending the return boxes to what do you mean by return boxes well you told me you don't want to negotiate and i can't give you what you're asking for so your service will be cancelled as of today is so-and-so the correct address to send the boxes to she went on a rant about what lousy customer service the company had went back and forth with my brother for a little longer and then eventually hung up without canceling her account hey at least my brother's metrics weren't affected i definitely don't envy the people who work in jobs like that where literally just doing your job can cause you to lose some hefty points on your metrics every time somebody actually cancels your job is to just try and retain somebody they're on their way out they want out they've already expressed they're going to cancel and your job is to try to be the last ditch effort to reel them in and if you can't do it you lose points you lose metrics that's a tough job you gotta be a good salesperson to have that job our next story is by shimakaze 4 don't ask a question you might not want to hear an answer to this one comes from my old man he used to work at ford motor company for many years and has many stories to tell of how insane it was to work there however this one is short and sweet and i found it hilarious anyways as you might imagine there were many hundreds of workers on site and most drove to work in a variety of cars management in hr decided that it would be best for the company if as many people as possible drove a ford so they printed off a crap load of flyers that said why isn't this a ford on it and put them on the windscreens of all the employee cars that were not forged cue hundreds of flyers coming back to hr and management with the statement because you don't freaking pay us enough and various other offensive words written on them management decided that they didn't care what car their employees drove after that i would definitely think that it's a little too lofty a goal to expect all your normal workers at a motor company that assemble vehicles and whatnot all drive fords oftentimes they would probably be driving stuff that they can just afford regardless of what make it is this next story is by dragon girl miss saloon always run both washers and submit a new maintenance request for every error you got it background i work for a large research company washing lab glassware in one of several buildings most of the buildings have these nice washers that let us fit a fair amount of stuff and allow us to mix washes we can wash small stuff like stir bars bottle cap stoppers and big stuff like 2 liter glass bottles in the same wash instead of all big stuff or all small or medium problem is the washers are way over engineered so at the slightest problem they will shut off and show an error if you get an error you are supposed to submit a maintenance request detailing what the error was and when it occurred so a technician can come out and fix it but usually the problem is solved by turning the washer off and on again entering a code and restarting it it can get annoying because each wash takes an hour and a half but you can't rush them setup the building i'm currently in has two washers but the water pressure in this particular building is terrible during my shift 6 30 am to 2 30 pm resulting in one of the washers getting constant errors if i run both of them simultaneously a technician has been out to check in multiple times and has always said that nothing is wrong i work around this by only running one washer during the day i thought it worked pretty well until my boss called me in to talk today apparently the people on the second and third shift have complained that i've been leaving them too much to do by only running one washer so i calmly explain the situation to him and this is what he says that can't be right second and third don't have this problem just run both washers and always submit a request whenever one shuts down game on the compliance so i go back to my washroom load both up and start them as i expect after a few minutes one gets an error and shuts off so i open up my computer and submit a request then i shut off the washer turn it back on and start it again again error and again another request i repeat this about five more times all within a 15 minute time frame before i break for lunch eagerly awaiting the fallout the fallout sure enough when i come back from lunch there's an email from my boss boss says op i've noticed you submitted requests on the same washer error several times is this some sort of computer error i say nope just putting in a request for every error like you told me should i keep running the washer my boss quickly emailed one of my co-workers and confirmed the error was a water pressure problem needless to say he told me to stop running the other washer well at least in the end it was revealed that op wasn't crazy and wasn't making this stuff up it very clearly was a water pressure problem and it was proof at least in the end op was vindicated and our final story of the day is by the barking ant video conferencing when my company had us started working from home we started doing our team meetings via skype our manager told us we didn't have to use our cameras we could just be on audio all of a sudden she decides that now everyone has to be on video because she likes to see us whatever she's just someone who says one thing and then does something totally different for instance she tells us to double check our time cards on friday mornings and correct any mistakes but then checks them daily and sends you a message saying that something is wrong on your card if you remind her that she told you to check on fridays and the day is only wednesday she gets all pissy and says well there shouldn't be mistakes anyway so i'm telling you now and then reminds you to always check on fridays it's very frustrating anywho i was kinda irritated about the whole change of whim regarding the video camera so i had to comply but i threw in a curveball i bought a pennywise clown mask online and wore it to the next meeting the look on her face when i showed up on camera was priceless she was so unnerved hard way through the meeting she was so distracted she said jennifer that mask is really disturbing i shrugged my shoulders and said i didn't have time to do my hair or makeup she just glared in the camera then moved on i'm sure she's going to address the mask offline and tell me that i can't wear that anymore because it's unprofessional but i'm telling you it was worth it just to see the look of shock then irritation then her trying to ignore it and finally being totally flummoxed and distracted viva la resistance i love that explanation well i didn't have time to do my hair or my makeup so i you know i just had to bust out my pennywise mask and deal with that i'm almost 100 sure that op got a nice little talking to after the meeting being told op listen you can't wear a pennywise mask to our skype meetings please remain a little bit more professional if you got to do your hair take the extra time to do your hair or something like that surprising funny but probably a one-off unfortunately but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today please consider giving the video a like and if you haven't subscribe and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video and if you had a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below but no matter what you did whether it was liking commenting subscribing whatever you did thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and as always i'll be back tomorrow with more reddit stories right here on the story time channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceHisLawyermadehiscasexWORSEorig
a ITA for telling my many half siblings that I am not signing up to be responsible for everyone the title might lead to some confusion so I'll try to make this clear I I 25m I am the oldest of my Dad aka sperm donors many many children that he's had throughout the last 25 years as of right now I am the oldest and have been known as the oldest for the last 25 years my mom was married to him when she found out he was cheating she kicked him to the curb during her pregnancy with me and right after I was born it was announced he was expecting baby number two with his affair partner and one of my half siblings was born a while before my first birthday I did not grow up having a relationship with any of these children because my mom expected more than photo ops from my dad she expected him to be a parent and help pay for what I needed but he didn't want that none of the other mothers of his kids chased him so I was cut off by him and he floated around never really working and being in and out of the lives of his other children I did meet some of my Hales when I was a teenager and I wasn't really interested in forming a relationship like they were it was weird because the ones who reached out were not much younger than me but expected me to take over as sort of the head of the family and the male Ro
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmymanyhalfsiblingsthatIamnotsigninguptoberesponsibleforeveryoneorig
as a man what are some of the most ridiculous double standards you've had to deal with Story one this girl in my office had a crush on me and she told everyone she started doing stuff like calling me her work husband which I said was not okay things got slowly worse she started pranking me she took a picture of me then cut out my face and started putting it all over the office I got co-workers who started talking to me about how fun and quirky she is ETC one time she wrapped my office cube in Christmas paper I asked her to stop and I even spoke with her manager nothing I got a card for my girlfriend of Valentine's Day she lit it on fire and threw it in the sink in the break area apparently this is still cute and just her showing me she cares I ended up quitting man that sucks I hope this dude found a way better job story to I used to be one of the only male teachers in an all girls high school the overwhelming majority of parents are reasonable people and the kids are great for the most part my colleagues and the administrators were the primary sources of frustration the majority of the female faculty and school administrators have this thinking that every man is a closet creep it's legitimately disgusting I left the same year that fired one of the other male teachers for patting a student in the back while she was crying he was trying to comfort her I did not think it was creepily patting her there were female faculty members who would hug students to comfort them and they were never fired or receive disciplinary action I couldn't in good conscience work there anymore or put myself at risk at the whim of some unhinged administrators the other male teacher who got fired to the school and the administrators it settled out of court as far as I know and was able to find another teaching job fortunately Story three about 12 years ago I hired a woman shortly before Halloween she had just moved to town had a couple of kids and didn't know anyone I invited her and her kids to go trick-or-treating with my wife me and our kids our kids were about the same age she and her kids came over to our house and her daughter took an immediate liking to me she was 8 years old but mentally challenged and she was more in line with a four-year-old while I was sitting on the couch she jumped onto the couch and sat down on my lap cuddling up to me like I was a teddy bear it was very odd for me to say the least but okay and I held her as she laid her head down on my chest my brother-in-law immediately started making a joke with this kid in my lap normally it would have been funny to me but it was probably the first time he made a bad joke and it made me uncomfortable her mom explained that's how her daughter expressed that she was completely comfortable with someone and thought it was the sweetest thing she'd ever seen thinking back it was a cool moment that a small child after only knowing me for barely an hour felt that comfortable with me she was and is a sweetheart story for I have a very good guy friend he's a big dude 66 about 280 lbs he has a little girl he's also single dad so no Mom to help and freaking Ador her we cannot stand the verbal diarhea people have when he goes to stores to get her little girl things I.E a special tea set and fun fluffy toys it got so bad that he called me to go into a Hello Kitty store with him and act like I was buying the gigantic fluffy Hello Kitty pillow for myself of course I did it but I cannot imagine how he feels as a guy who just wants to get things for his little girl but gets looked at like a creep because of it man it must stink that men get that kind of treatment just for trying to be parents if his father had it tough check out what the teacher in Story 6 usually goes through Story five I run through a six-month heated political battle 10 years ago work around gender equality and responsibilities of Duty which still leaves me shaking my head basically I used to run many sales teams across North America these salespeople lived on the road either by taking two to four flights a week or driving 880,000 Mi a year if they had a rural territory driving around to different parts they took a minimum of a $15,000 base salary and earned 5% of everything they sold as commission the base salary was set by years worked as a professional seller plus seniority of the firm cost of living increase plus $5,000 bump in base every year you hit the planner a 2,500 bump for not being terrible top sales people made $250,000 a year Learners and entry people made 35,000 to 50,000 and mid Packers made about 880,000 to 120,000 they also got to keep all their credit card points which could add up to two family vacations a year depending on how they spent on travel and entertainment one day I got an official letter of complaint from a female saleswoman who complained that her male collie got extra leads from a trade show and it wasn't fair the most egregious part is that she was on the lower end of the mid pack even though she had the job for 5 years and she was complaining about a kid who just started his job and barely made rent money all of a sudden about half my sales teams who were women started the same complaint in support of the first person even though careful analysis showed our Lee distribution process was very fair I almost had to stop working because of this complaint after a six-month long investigation and interviewing every one of my 500 sellers it turns out that the majority of the time female sellers all but two and those two were consistently in the top five sellers in the country consistently left trade show floors earlier to catch flights they bug to get home earlier they never did ter down and pack up equipment and ship equipment out a process that could take 2 to 5 hours longer there was nothing stopping anyone from wanting to help tear it down my sellers set their own schedules and booked their own flights all of the men said they always seem to be the de facto tear down people they were happy to do it because during this time other sales people from the trade show would shoot the crap relationships would bloom in New areas of distribution or direct customers would form because it would be the same set of people staying behind an extra half day a day to pack up rents repeat over a year or two with a trade show every two weeks and those who stayed behind to do clean work did show higher performance on commission in a job that is majority commission based and not exactly hard to measure performance in the activities that supported high performance have more meetings meet more new people track and follow up thoroughly we still had people thinking it was a gender discrimination issue story six I was a male who worked in child care for 5 years I understood the reasoning behind it but I had to be absolutely careful to be impeccable in my dealings with kids and parents just because anything slightly off about my vibe Etc could spell the end of my career on more than one occasion a new parent who hadn't dealt with me before refused to leave their kid at the school with me if I was the only staff member on the premises opting to wait in the car until a female staff member arrived this wasn't the case with parents who were familiar with me but new parents often just didn't trust me at all when I resigned from the school the other staff said how Irreplaceable I was how much the kids and staff trusted and appreciated me Etc I think I did a good job but even so just being a mement that I was trusted less from the get-go I didn't hold it against anyone but it was a double standard I ran into often story seven my sister-in-law and her husband are headed down the court battle Road over the custody of my young niece my sister-in-law is a narcissistic train wreck who chose to only keep their daughter on weekends because her teaching job was too stressful then every weekend she wants to party so her parents end up with my niece the dad is a respected canine Handler for a specific unit in Baltimore is engaged to a very nice woman owns his own home and rearranged his life to have their daughter during the week they have no formal custody agreement my father-in-law thinks because he's an a-hole is an acceptable reason why he shouldn't have custody I'd be an a-hole if I had to deal with her too he very nice to me my wife and our kids in reality the courts will probably side with her even though my wife and all of my sister-in-laws close friends find her to be unfit the person who will suffer the most is my niece man it's definitely weird how men are seen as inferior caregivers I wish these gender roles and stereotypes would eventually be addressed properly story eight if you're stay-at-home father or worse just a stay-at-home spouse as a male there's a sizable portion of people who are going to think less of you as a man assume you're a freeloader Etc well the opposite is true to an extent as well stay-at-home mothers or housewives are far more socially accepted people will sing the Praises of stay-at-home moms called it the hardest job in the world ask if their husband is helping out enough at home Etc a man will be asked if he's on babysitting Duty mocked for playing Mr Mom ridiculed for staying home while his wife works or having his wife wear the pants criticized for not providing for his family Etc I was out of work for a period due to my gym temporarily closing meaning my girlfriend was supporting us I had worked for the entirety of a 15-year relationship until that point but that didn't stop people from acting as if I were a dead beat story nine my mom took custody of both my sister and me my sister was smart enough to go with my dad after a while I was still too young to realize the situation I was in my mom inherited a bunch of money from my uncle and we were loaded so as a kid who got most of what I wanted I didn't think anything of the situation long story short my mom blew all her money on legal substances while my dad was working three jobs to pay almost $1,000 a month in child support while my sister and I were in my mom's custody she had me in a bunch of prescriptions because she didn't know how to be a parent I didn't remember much of my childhood to be honest I ended up asking my dad if I could live with him and he came and picked me up essentially across the country the next day I went from living in a $500,000 house in Florida with my mom to a double white trailer in New York with my dad he was actually a parent to me he had to work more OD jobs because we found out that my mom had blown all the money our Rich uncle had set up for us including our college funds basically I just want people to know that I know the dads can be real heroes I will never question why man has custody of his kids my dad will always be my number one story 10 I was at my wife's company Christmas party and the girlfriend of her cooworker straight up grabbed me the wrong way then she asked my wife if it was okay she literally didn't even say hi to me I felt like an object I was too surprised to do or say anything for a solid 60 seconds my wife didn't really register what was going on so she didn't say much of anything the boyfriend didn't see I guess anyway flipped the genders and someone would have said or done something man I'd be uncomfortable if that happened to me I know some of these stories must be upsetting to some of you but hey this is not the only video I have so hit the like button and subscribe to my channel I have a lot of videos that might make you feel good instead story 11 when men open up about their feelings they're often viewed as weaker less masculine immature and too emotional when women open up about their feelings they're often viewed as more empowered more feminine more mature and More in touch with their emotions when men fail they're often viewed as pathetic and not working hard enough when women fail they're often viewed as hard workers staying strong in an unfair world when men make more money than women there's controversy about the wage Gap when women make more money than men those men are viewed as inadequate and lacking an ambition story 12 I opened up to my ex about my feelings and other topics that are being brought up here being pastored or violated being uncomfortable around children l i be labeled a creep Etc she told me that it was insensitive of me to bring up these topics with her because she was violated as a kid and it was triggering to her if these things were bothering me I should talk to a therapist about them she told me at the beginning of the relationship what happened to her as a child but wouldn't talk much about it and she wouldn't go to therapy herself she said she had done therapy as a teenager and didn't need it anymore had been going to therapy for 4 years at the time and had done done a lot of good work I just wanted to be open with her about how I feel about things in our society but she told me that I needed to go to therapy four times as much as she thought I was actually going I'd been going once every two months before meeting her and was going almost every two weeks once we started dating I never told her about this because my therapy is my business she just assumed I was going every couple of months but God forbid I suggest you go to therapy no she went a few times when she was young she was fixed for good but I was the problem oh did mentioned she was a counseling psychologist Good Times story 13 half of my attractiveness has always been based on how much I make my mother married into wealth in her third marriage private jets yachts and the works I'm mostly humble about it and keep it low I mean it's not my money they don't support me and we have a terrible relationship I started hanging around a friend who lift to boast about money and the money that other people have he would tell women it come from money and they should lock me down the amount of Interest they had in me after that would Skyrocket it would be normal women one second then turn shallow fake and super desperate now going to to lie the desire felt great but I quickly learned it's not real I stopped being friends with him and having looked back man I think it's lame how some think that money makes people more attractive I don't think money should Define who we are story 14 I don't really like that women want to be treated as equals but are perfectly fine with letting their men pay for all their dates some women have dated are better than others but ideally they're not making it awkward they pull out their cards and take the bill or they tell you in advance I'm taking you in a date and paying for everything I fully believe it should be at least proportionate to your income like the guy should pay 75% of the time of his income represents 75% of their total income but that lady should be covering roughly 25% also this only applies in a relationship I'm okay with paying for the first few dates during a dating period I want a gal who supports me and wants me to be able to save money as I would want that for her too I feel disrespected when they're never paying story 15 the dress code I say this as a CIS dude all right I'm at my job and have long hair I died at pink and wor it in pigtails the boss says I can't do that fine man bun I wear skin tight jegging boss breathing down my neck again I can't do that I wore pink boots no I can't do that either they thought I was crossdressing now if I were trans and I was trying to present myself as a woman we'd be having a totally different conversation yet still messed up similar but different but I wasn't and they said I couldn't dress really girly what does that mean it's not girly when all the women do it that's a legit double standard story 16 I'm a physician surgeon I get hit on a lot by females usually older women if not directly tell me I'm hot or easy on the eyes or something they tell me a female assistant or female residents or students whom I am training and it makes them very uncomfortable or they'll tell the nurses in the preop OR Recovery Unit the NES theologist Etc imagine men saying things like that too or about a female doctor pretty sure most know that's an absolutely inappropriate Thing by now I hope I know females deal with that constantly in general but it makes for an uncomfortable situation when you're establishing a relationship with patients I've asked my female colleagues if they get directly hit on the patients and thankfully for them they've all said No so at at least there's that story 17 a fat woman is told she's beautiful at any weight and to be proud of her curves that being fat is beautiful Etc they're even plus-sized models I don't hear anyone saying fat men are fantastic huge is handsome or move's Rock I'm pretty sure that fat guys at there aren't getting their doors broken down by frisky women because fat is beautiful men shouldn't objectify women but women use toys which seems like the ultimate objectification of men if a man RS up a woman he's a dirt bag which I agree with if a woman does that to a man people will say you go girl girl power a nearby men often help the woman being a full-time mom is according to Oprah the toughest job there is being a full-time working Dad it's your job man up if a girl gets pregnant it's the man's fault unless he used sedatives on her the woman has to take some responsibility everyone knows what causes babies there was a time when the number of women being injured at work went up to 7% there was a national investigation the reason was that there was high in employment at the time so there were fewer Men at Work to be injured 93% of all workplace mortality and injuries involve men and no one bats an eye I have heard about that situation with men at work man it's stuff having a white chromosome story 18 I'm a teacher and I volunteer two weeks every summer at a camping site to entertain the kids I just like kids they're creative open-minded unpredictable and don't worry as much as adults do most little girls like me because I'm carrying and have long hair jewelry and earrings so they want me to pay a little more attention to them than other kids which I sometimes do I sit on my lap or carry them on my shoulders multiple parents have filed complaints against me for apparently being a creep because of this I am just trying to give these kids a good time let it be people in addition being grabbed at festivals by random girls and being called lucky like what the hell why is it okay to grab a guy but not a girl in What scenario should my gender decide whether I'm lucky or not story 19 I'm a rather big guy I left every day but honestly I don't realize I'm intimidating I'm kind of a blundering idiot I left my lights running in my car and went inside a grocery store I came out and my battery was dead I had jumper cables but needed another the running car right then a young woman with two children walked up to the car next to me I introduced myself started to explain my plight and asked for help she jumped in her car quickly drove off and didn't say a word then I realized they probably scared the crap out of her a random big dude walked up to her while she was alone with her kids I called a friend and he was 30 minutes away but on his way to help me I'm waiting next to the car and two police cruisers roll up on me they approached me asked me to put my hands in the car and did a vehicle search the whole nine yards the lady had called the cops the Budd showed up mid- search and they pestered him too they were convinced we were running some abduction ring or something they finally let us jump my car and go even then one of the Cruisers followed me to my house it was annoying lesson learned though never ask for help from a stranger story 20 as a single dad with custody of my son the number of times have been asked why do you have him on a first date or when I start talking to a woman in a dating app is ridiculous I can only imagine what would happen if a single mother was asked that same question why is it completely acceptable for a woman to leave a man and take his kids away with no questions asked but when a man has custody I'm treated like I must have stolen my own child story 21 behavior when drunk plenty of times you see women being overly aggressive or even just incredibly hammered in a bar or club where you know a man would be ejected but women are allowed to stay because they're seen as less of a threat I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy what myth about men is 100% fake Story 4 is such an eye opener see you on that video
give me a good story on MenWhatAreSomeDOUBLESTANDARDSYouHadToDealWith
Story one aita for telling my parents to keep all the money they stole from me while I was in university and shove it up their a original post April 25th 2024 I got a job while I was in high school it was with a friend of my father I put away most of it and just bought myself some stuff I wanted but my parents wouldn't buy for me my parents aren't rich but they do well enough they wanted me to appreciate that material goods were paid for with my time I didn't mind I bought myself a PS4 and some games which they made me share with my younger brother and sister once again I didn't mind I mostly played while they did homework or slept when I graduated from high school they said I had to start paying rent that sucked because I was going to University in the fall and I was hoping to save up over the summer so I could work less during the school year so I worked my ass off in school and at work I ended up getting a job loading delivery trucks before school and that Sue Ed because I went to sleep at 7:00 p.m. most nights so I could get up early and go to work I am about to graduate and I found a job in another Province I have already started doing my on boarding and online training I will go from graduation to loading my car to leave my parents had a graduation party for me where they tried to present me with a check for all the rent I paid plus a pittance in interest I looked at the check for about a minute and I started laughing all I could think of was the fact that I had no social life during University because I was working I didn't have any money and Investments like my friends did because they were taking my money I asked them how they were doing this for my sister they said they weren't since she wasn't working while she went to school I Tire up the check and told them to to shove it up their asses I told them that when they compensated me for all the sleep I lost four years of no social life during University and four summer vacations I would speak to them again I told my little brother not to get a job or they would fck him over to I went to my room grabbed my computer some clothes my PS4 and my toiletries my brother and sister can play on the PS5 my parents bought the family they were yelling at me the whole time I said if they touched me or tried to stop me I would call the cops I loaded up my car that I paid for I ensure and is registered to me I drove to my friend's parents house and had a bit of a breakdown they let me stay there since she is away at University in another city I blocked my parents and my brother and sister I had already given notice at my job so I called my boss and told him I was sick and would not be available for my last week he said he understood and laughed he said he was surprised I had kept working this close to graduation my grandfather called me to talk a couple of days later we went to Timmy's and he let me unload everything I felt they took money from me that I could have used used to make my life better I didn't even have time for a girlfriend my entire University romantic life was whooing up with a woman I work with when her ex-husband had the kids for the weekend he said my parents Hearts were in the right place and that they thought they were helping me I said they owed me four years of fun of parties I was too tired to go too of social events and networking I didn't do all the they were subsidizing for my sister and that they would end up subsidizing for my brother he said he understood and hugged me he is old but I couldn't have gotten free of that hug if I tried he he asked me if I needed money to start my new job I said I did not want anything that came from my parents he gave me a cashier's check for about three times what my parents took from me he said to use it however I wanted in my new life he said it wasn't part of my inheritance or anything it was a gift from him and something my grandma would have wanted me to have my friends think I was stupid to tear up the check most of them agree with me about being pissed at my parents some family have called me to say I behave terribly and that I owe my parents an apology I thank them for the call or message and block I'm calmer now and I do not think I am in the wrong but maybe I'm too close to see what I'm missing Ada relevant comments subscreen n they saw that the lifestyle they forced on you was keying you for years and did nothing and they waited to do it at a party they hosted so they could get full credit as great parents too the fact that they never intend to pull this crap on your sister reeks of bias oop they would probably try if she was stupid enough to get a job Tilla Tiger Den NTA how much were you paying in rent I could understand a pittance like $300 we have never taken money from our children son is living at home currently and working full-time making over $70,000 but he doesn't pay to live here and we buy all food I would rather he save money for a house oop $750 a month orgasm you ripped up a check that was close to $40,000 oop a little over oop on why he never moved out dorms were more expensive and I live in the city where my university is so I would not have gotten in I could have moved out if I got a full-time job and dropped out I chose my path update April 28th 2024 not sure why but my other throwaway got deleted I took a lot of what you guys had to say to heart I unblocked my family and spoke with my parents I agreed to meet with them for lunch today we went to The Keg and talked they said they didn't realize how I felt for those four years my mom cried and said she was very sorry that I felt like they didn't care about me I guess they read my post from before it got taken down and they are disturbed by what I wrote they are also upset that my girlfriend is a single mom 14 years older than me they asked if they could meet her and I said no they offered me the check again and this time I took it and thanked them I said I would come home later after lunch I went to the bank and deposited it since we all bank at the same Branch it was easy to cash it I made sure that the money was in my account then I blocked them again I just wrote my girlfriend a check for $4,320 more or less she is a decent person and she taught me a lot she works her ass offloading trucks and she deserves something good in her life I know that isn't me I am seeing my grandfather tomorrow I am going to make sure he knows what I did and why I am also going to invite him out to see my new place once I move our West I'm spending the weekend at my girlfriend's house since her ex has the kids thank you all for your help and advice relevant comments tell Vonnie what was the reason for giving your girlfriend the money and what was her reaction to it oop I felt like doing something nice with money that my parents would hate she was very appreciative of the money and tried not to accept it I said my next choice for that money would be Pierre P Evra and she accepted it just to keep it away from him editors note Pierre P Evra is the head of the conservative party in Canada new update my last update on my parents my money my grandpa and my girlfriend June 15th 2024 Tuesday is my convocation I gave the tickets to my grandfather and my girlfriend Wednesday I'm taking a flight home and never coming back here for any reason other than to see my grandfather my grandpa came out to see my new apartment and I took him for a drive from my new city down to another then through the mountains and home he had never seen the Rockies before my parents are pissed that they will not get to see me graduate but since they had fck all to do with my success thus far in my life they don't deserve it I got some great advice from this sub and the other one I will start seeing a therapist when I get to the city where I will be working not to reconcile with my parents or anything just to deal with my hatred and maybe get to a better place I left my old phone at my parents house and I have a new phone number that only my grandpa my friend her parents and my girlfriend know if I get a call from my parents I will ditch it and just have my grandfather know my number I have been lurking on Reddit and I cannot believe how many other parents think this is the right way to deal with kids if you do this please choke so yeah still angry still cutting those useless people out of my life happy to be moving forward thanks for reading this and for the advice all of you that agreed with my parents I hope you do better with your kids if not you deserve what you get relevant comments TV Maniac 5 can I ask a few questions did you ever talk about how you felt regarding the money to your parents before the incident were were you planning to cut them off or were you just pissed they didn't actually need the money and kept you in a misguided attempt to teach you self-reliance do you think it's fair to also cut off your siblings for something your parents did oop never talk to them wasn't planning on cutting them off was going to go LC not NC my sister is on their side big surprise my brother unfortunately let them use his phone to contact me tild arcum guardiano so has the girlfriend been promoted to legit girlfriend now oop no we have had our goodbyes we actually had them after my first post I just wanted her to see me graduate she deserved it more than my parents she cares for me but was very clear that her and I would not work long term story two I caught my husband cheating on me with his step sister I just need a place to let this out last week I 29f caught my husband Jack 30m cheating on me with his stepsister Claire 24f I went out with a friend last Saturday and planned to stay at her house jack didn't want to be alone all night so he said he'd just go hang out with his stepsister they've always been close and they end up end up going to a bar I was feeling unwell and just wanted my bed so I decided to get an Uber and head home I was not expecting to walk in on them having SX on the couch I literally threw up on the floor by the front door they told me they were drunk and it just kind of happened I screamed at them both to leave Jack refused to leave and refused to sleep on the couch so I ended up leaving anyways and went back to my friends I am still in shock that he actually slept with CLA I think I'm going to file for a divorce I am so overwhelmed and uncomfortable has anyone else gone through this please message me if so I feel very alone and Confused also do I tell their parents that's why we're going to get a divorce I've been isolating myself a lot because of this relevant comments Autumn laughter I'm guessing this wasn't the first time I'm sorry op please don't hesitate to tell people why you divorcing so he doesn't have the opportunity to paint you as the bad guy call you Ali wow I am so sorry op definitely tell their parents I'm curious how long have they been step siblings oop their parents got married when he was 10 and she was four it makes me kind of sick that they've been in each other's lives since they were young and could actually do this they've always said they consider themselves as full siblings so this is really disturbing mg C4 they probably said that to throw you off sorry they've probably been doing this for a very long time embarassed safe 7939 I agree I feel like something like this doesn't just happen after so many years of living as siblings it may have been going on for a while but what worries me is since when there is a 6 years age difference here even if they did wait until she was 18 he'd be 24 just the fact that he could look at her as anything other than his bratty little sister is very disturbing and concerning so run sounds like way too much to deal with that is not your responsibility Dresden uncore Mouse you think even ignoring the stepsister element He took a girl into your home knowing you wouldn't be there to fck her I'm going to bet is not the first time something like this happened get proof lawyer up and tell the family on to4 has she tried calling you oop yes Claire tries texting me every day to apologize and is begging me not to tell anyone holiday aside it's not your burden to keep their shameful betrayal a secret the faster you tell PPL and get it out in the open the sooner this will all be over disconnective if they have been step siblings since ages 10 and 4 Not only would I expect them to see each other as siblings I'd also expect him to see her as his little sister when he hit puberty she would have just been sevenish years old and it strikes me as kind of predatory for him to see heres even if they are both consenting adults now because that attraction wouldn't just have randomly developed after all this time it would have been there acted upon or not for many years likely while he was an adult and she still a minor update May 23rd 2024 5 days later I wanted more information on how long it's been going on and at what age it started so I decided to text CLA I told her I wouldn't tell anyone if she answered my questions she agreed to tell me everything I asked her when they first had SX At first she told me it was their first time but I told her I'm not believing that she then confessed that their first time was right before she turned 18 I am so disgusted and extremely concerned then I asked her if it's still been happening since then and she said no she explained that they did it when she was 17 and never did it again until last week I don't think I can trust her though I she also told me that Jack is the one who initiated SX but who knows if that's the truth it very well could be though Jack and I have been together for 5 years married for two we were going to start trying for a baby soon so I'm crushed I wasted so many years of my life with this man I who he even is is right now I lied to CLA though I 100% planned on telling their parents some of you say that it would be wrong to do so but because it happened when she was 17 I felt like they needed to know and deal with it however they choose they didn't believe me at first until I showed them the screenshots of mine and cla's conversation they still seem to be in denial a little bit I don't blame them though I told them I'm filing for divorce and that I am moving on with my life they gave me a hug and said they'd speak to both of them but I told my Mill that I didn't want to know anything else and to please let me live in peace she's going to respect that I more than likely won't have more updates but I wanted everyone to know that I'm for sure getting a divorce and going to find a therapist because I'm depressed and need the support to move on thank you to everyone who was kind and gave me advice and support relevant comments actual offer 127 good luck to you I wish you nothing but the best does stbx feel any remorse at all oop nope he's being very cold towards me and refuses to leave the house so I've been staying with my friend songs fum a lot of times when I was working with younger clients they lied to me about certain parts of their stories and often times their lies had a part that was true it is very well possible that she was younger than she almost 18 so the truth is that she was underage the LIE is about the timeline just saying aerox also if SX happened at 17 then there had to be significant grooming leading up to it contrary to what poor Hub would have us believe step siblings don't just suddenly decide to Blink for shits and giggles and horny one-handed clicks vomiting face edit blink equals boink smiley face cesiley 90 while she's certainly not innocent at her age now he was 23 and she was 17 when this started he's a grooming creep you're dodging a bullet but I'm sorry you're going through this golf signal 941 they had been step siblings for years before she turned 17 it was absolutely grooming lurk and cheap the beginning age of 17 was also given by a person caught fooing their sibling how truthful do we think this number really is patient display 5248 don't leave the house that can be thought of as abandoned property get an attorney one who specializes in nasty divorces you want a shark for this ask for the divorce record to be kept private or not if you want to be able to refer people to court notes engage a therapist not because you need one right now but because trust me there will be days where you will separate bank accounts take your name off of The Joint ones after your lawyer tells you to have your official document somewhere safe DL SS card house note car notes spare Money Bank vault stuff at Etc and 64 I know people are saying you told the parents out of petty Revenge but I think you were right to tell them who knows what your husband would have told his parents about the reasons for the divorce in order to hide his own wrongdoing he might have started telling them and others that it was you who cheated believe me I've seen it happen it's important that you set the record straight Reds R I'm weirdly proud of you that took such courage and you handled it with Incredible dignity I wish you well as you start to pick up the pieces I know this is the furthest thing from your mind but one day you will meet someone who will make you glad you left Jack editor note oop has said she won't update any further I hope she gets out of this mess divorces him and gets safe and happy in the future but I don't expect an update so I am marking it concluded
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmyparentstokeepallthemoneytheystolefrommewhileIwasinuniversity
:00.170 --> :01.350 Posted by u/alucidsonder :01.350 --> :02.530 13 hours ago :02.530 --> :07.640 I caught my boyfriend (24m) paying for escorts and I (24f) feel disgusting :07.640 --> :11.969 [new] I caught my boyfriend (24m) paying for escorts :11.969 --> :15.240 and I (24f) feel disgusting :15.240 --> :16.240 hello. :16.240 --> :19.890 this is my first post as I have literally no one to talk to this about. :19.890 --> :23.280 ive been with my bf for about 4 and a half years. :23.280 --> :27.970 i just found out he’s been going behind my back to see escorts and pay for inappropriate :27.970 --> :29.769 things/services. :29.769 --> :31.330 i truly don’t understand. :31.330 --> :35.710 my feelings are hurt but I don’t understand why he did what he did.. he literally had :35.710 --> :37.600 sex with me before he found out. :37.600 --> :42.030 the way I found out was going thru his phone after we were done being intimate because :42.030 --> :47.690 something in me just had a bad feeling. he literally tried to link with somebody an hour :47.690 --> :51.489 before he saw me.. random hoes at hotels.. :51.489 --> :53.450 like are you freaking serious?? :53.450 --> :54.450 4 years. :54.450 --> :57.630 Don’t know how to even play it cool in front of my friends. :57.630 --> :58.640 This is a mess. :58.640 --> :02.710 I feel disgusting and the first thing I’m doing is getting tested in the morning. :02.710 --> :06.850 I feel like i just want to keep taking a shower over and over again. :06.850 --> :07.850 but yeah. :07.850 --> :09.140 thanks for reading sorry it’s long.. :09.140 --> :11.750 I don’t know what to do how do I move forward..? :11.750 --> :13.140 Do I get revenge? :13.140 --> :14.530 What would that even look like? :14.530 --> :19.750 I’m so angry hurt and upset he would disrespect me like this to a completely different level :19.750 --> :43.390 Posted by u/Double_Peak2 :43.390 --> :07.030 11 hours ago :07.030 --> :09.989 My boyfriend is insecure about my weight loss [new] :09.989 --> :11.260 Hi there Redditers! :11.260 --> :17.360 My boyfriend (30M) and I (28F) have been together for almost 4 years now. :17.360 --> :22.610 I love my boyfriend very much and I know he loves me too, but he is constantly making :22.610 --> :26.250 remarks about my weight loss that I’m not happy about. :26.250 --> :30.560 Within the first year we got together I was on a weight loss journey having lost over :30.560 --> :31.950 50 pounds. :31.950 --> :37.250 During this I had developed an eating disorder, body dysmorphia as well as my depression and :37.250 --> :39.660 anxiety were at an all time high. :39.660 --> :44.750 I stopped my weightloss journey to work on my mental psyche and get back to being myself. :44.750 --> :47.670 My boyfriend has supported me the entire time. :47.670 --> :51.670 Loving me, caring for me and calling me beautiful every day. :51.670 --> :55.190 Now that I’ve worked on my mental health and feel like I’m in a much healthier mindset :55.190 --> :59.720 I’ve decided to go back to working out because I’ve gained back all the weight that I lost. :59.720 --> :04.360 I started working out again which at first my boyfriend was supportive and encouraging :04.360 --> :08.530 but over time as I continue to lose weight he’s been less encouraging. :08.530 --> :13.780 He started complaining that he was fat and needs to workout to which I suggested we could :13.780 --> :16.090 together on multiple occasions. :16.090 --> :19.120 I invite him to join me but he never feels like doing it. :19.120 --> :24.840 I wrote out an entire workout routine for just him to do on his own because he asked :24.840 --> :27.120 me to but he never did that either. :27.120 --> :31.890 He started getting insecure about me losing weight saying things such as, “You’re :31.890 --> :34.690 making yourself hotter and you’re gonna leave me.” :34.690 --> :37.909 “Someone is gonna just come along and you’ll leave with them.” :37.909 --> :41.030 “Some hot guy that works out too will take you.” :41.030 --> :43.239 I ensure him that this is not the case. :43.239 --> :48.400 I am not losing weight to impress anyone but for my own health and well being. :48.400 --> :53.549 I don’t even look or think about other men as potential partners because I love my boyfriend :53.549 --> :54.650 so much. :54.650 --> :57.500 I want to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him. :57.500 --> :02.221 I do at home workouts on account I cannot afford a gym membership at this time, I work :02.221 --> :07.000 late hours with maybe 4 other people on a busy night, and the only time I go out is :07.000 --> :10.040 buy groceries or when I’m with him/friends or family. :10.040 --> :13.290 I don’t know when/where he thinks I’d even be meeting anyone. :13.290 --> :18.340 I’ve tried my best to make him feel as secure as I can which always works for a time but :18.340 --> :20.040 it’s constantly coming back up. :20.040 --> :22.030 I’m not sure of anything else to do. :22.030 --> :53.830 Has anyone else gone through something similar :53.830 --> :18.580 to this? :18.580 --> :19.580 Any advice? :19.580 --> :21.610 Posted by u/justmeArpitoto :21.610 --> :23.720 1 day ago :23.720 --> :27.900 My husband became less emotional and forces me to do the same :27.900 --> :31.960 [new] So me(27) and my husband(25) are married for :31.960 --> :37.220 a year, and he told me few days ago that he wants to feel less emotions to not experience :37.220 --> :41.639 sadness or negative emotions, at the same time happiness. :41.639 --> :45.850 To make me feel the same way, he came to me and said "I think I will fall in love with :45.850 --> :49.370 someone else, and if you want, you can do the same". :49.370 --> :55.850 I of course got confused, cried later, had major anxiety attacks and the reason of his :55.850 --> :00.000 action was to make me feel no emotions while hearing what he says. :00.000 --> :05.160 Like an experiment, he wanted to test me, saying that he actually does not want to leave :05.160 --> :06.160 me. :06.160 --> :11.180 He wants me to not care about if he leaves me, or he does whatever he wants, it should :11.180 --> :12.940 not mentally touch me. :12.940 --> :19.160 I am a person full of emotions, love, care, joy, and he wants me to become emotionless. :19.160 --> :23.650 He keeps saying that I am a people pleaser, too emotional (I cry when K watch something :23.650 --> :26.330 emotional and jump if i am really happy). :26.330 --> :31.090 We argued few days because of this and he can't stop, I am going to start a therapy, :31.090 --> :35.310 but he does not even agree to it, he says I should just work on myself with no help :35.310 --> :38.729 and become someone who doea not care about the actions of other people. :38.729 --> :44.610 I feel broken, because he was smiling and soo happy on our wedding but as he mentioned :44.610 --> :49.740 he did not feel so much happiness and it was fake, as in his past he was a very emotional :49.740 --> :54.479 person and was going through depression due to being rejected from girls and having fights :54.479 --> :55.479 with his dad. :55.479 --> :00.870 I am thinking to stop asking him about my action, and just live for myself, reducing :00.870 --> :05.310 all the emotions and care I used to give him and instead put it all in me. :05.310 --> :08.720 Will it break my marriage or it already is borken. :08.720 --> :16.960 Is it possible that my husband is going throught a rough patch and he will be "normal" again? :16.960 --> :28.950 Posted by u/Wooden-Chemist-7169 :28.950 --> :57.480 1 day ago :57.480 --> :03.069 I (24F) snooped through my bf’s (23M) journal. :03.069 --> :04.990 Should I tell him, I feel very guilty. :04.990 --> :07.169 [new] I met him about two years ago and we’ve :07.169 --> :08.940 been seriously dating since. :08.940 --> :12.960 I have a problem with being clingy and feel like I always need to have him around. :12.960 --> :17.860 He goes out of his way to see me everyday but we just end up talking about me. :17.860 --> :22.570 I know he keeps a journal, I asked him and he said it organizes his thoughts or helps :22.570 --> :23.889 him remember stuff. :23.889 --> :29.659 I’m 100% sure if I asked to see his laptop or phone he’d just hand it to me, but this :29.659 --> :32.930 journal seemed like the one thing he kept private. :32.930 --> :37.719 I don’t suspect him of cheating at all, but I just wanted to snoop and he trusted :37.719 --> :39.120 me enough to leave it out. :39.120 --> :43.099 I read it cover to cover and I feel awful. :43.099 --> :47.060 It was some to do lists, drawings, poetry, and goals. :47.060 --> :50.610 I feel like I violated his privacy so much. :50.610 --> :56.170 Not that there were secrets or anything but he had financial things written out and personal :56.170 --> :57.579 stories written. :57.579 --> :58.670 I feel so dirty. :58.670 --> :02.029 I’m terrified, I almost let it slip on accident. :02.029 --> :06.680 I read one of his passwords and it was a place we went to on a date and when we spoke about :06.680 --> :11.480 that place I barely rily stopped myself from mentioning that being in his password. :11.480 --> :13.019 Idk what to do. :13.019 --> :18.330 He grew up with 8 siblings so he already had no experience with privacy and I violated :18.330 --> :20.500 his one private thing. :20.500 --> :27.620 Should I tell him? :27.620 --> :47.600 Posted by u/FitnessArtist :47.600 --> :07.579 1 day ago :07.579 --> :14.620 I (31m) and my partner (27f) blocked all contact with my parents following a fight :14.620 --> :17.149 [new] My partner and I are happily together and :17.149 --> :19.660 I'm looking to propose to my partner shortly. :19.660 --> :22.250 In this sense a wedding is years away. :22.250 --> :26.839 My parents come from a traditional Greek background and as soon as I told them of the proposal :26.839 --> :31.980 instead of being happy for me they went straight into talking about the wedding, the procedure, :31.980 --> :37.010 what needs to be done to prepare, who I should pick as best man based on the culture, and :37.010 --> :38.970 finances for the wedding. :38.970 --> :42.830 My parents believe that they should put in half and my partners parents put in half. :42.830 --> :47.680 We never asked for money and are perfectly happy paying for our wedding ourselves. :47.680 --> :53.160 My partners parents however are not in a good financial situation and we told my parents :53.160 --> :58.180 this was the case and that they could not contribute and if they did it wouldn't be :58.180 --> :00.649 much and we will pay for the other half. :00.649 --> :06.079 My parents from this were insistent on a formal sit down to discuss finances with them. :06.079 --> :10.350 We told my parents this wasn't a good idea and would just make them feel horrible for :10.350 --> :15.160 not having as much to give and said if they did give anything it would simply be a gift :15.160 --> :17.290 during the planning process. :17.290 --> :21.850 My parents could not accept this and felt we were telling them who they can and can't :21.850 --> :26.940 talk to, being disrespectful and got very upset and didn't speak to us for a week. :26.940 --> :31.210 They were still insistent that they needed to know how much they can contribute and for :31.210 --> :35.740 us to apologize for saying who they can and can't speak to. :35.740 --> :40.740 My father kept messaging putting the blame on us telling us to just apologize to keep :40.740 --> :45.310 the peace, that this is a test to see how respectful my partner would be to her future :45.310 --> :46.649 in laws. :46.649 --> :50.790 Eventually it got too much and I told them I just needed some space for my mental health. :50.790 --> :55.339 They called frantically to make sure I was ok and said they don't care about this whole :55.339 --> :58.339 thing and just wanted to make sure I was ok. :58.339 --> :04.279 I told them ok let's drop this whole thing and move forward, they agreed then immediately :04.279 --> :09.130 started back into the argument talking about how they felt and how it was disrespectful :09.130 --> :10.280 what we did. :10.280 --> :14.640 I told them this isn't dropping it and can we please drop it and move forward. :14.640 --> :19.430 They agreed again and then got straight back into initial argument again. :19.430 --> :24.830 This went on to happen 4 times until they hung up, sent me a message saying I've ruined :24.830 --> :30.370 the family and it's clear I want nothing to do with them and to go out separate ways in :30.370 --> :31.370 life. :31.370 --> :32.370 I did not respond. :32.370 --> :36.800 The next day my dad messaged me saying again that this was a test in a way for my partner :36.800 --> :41.459 and how she would treat them and that he would send me an email with their thoughts on everything. :41.459 --> :46.620 At this point my health is severely deteriorating and the stress pushed me to simply block them :46.620 --> :51.370 on everything, they won't move forward, they won't stop trying to prove they are right. :51.370 --> :55.830 My question is whether I made the right decision blocking and if I could have done anything :55.830 --> :59.710 better or differently? :59.710 --> :07.640 Posted by u/Opening-Majestic :07.640 --> :16.370 23 hours ago :16.370 --> :33.320 I (31F) think :33.320 --> :37.460 my bf (30M) comments are control tactics [new] :37.460 --> :43.160 We’ve been off and on for 7yrs, one recurring issue is clothing, anytime I wear something :43.160 --> :48.440 remotely “daring” he gets an attitude and starts to act weird, and eventually leads :48.440 --> :49.610 to an argument. :49.610 --> :54.180 We were at Starbucks and everything was fine until we got to the register and his mood :54.180 --> :59.139 changed, I asked if he wanted anything and he kept saying no but wouldn’t look at me, :59.139 --> :03.269 I asked what was wrong, he said nothing but I knew at some point he would say. :03.269 --> :07.459 On the drive home he said “everywhere we go you always try to make eye contact with :07.459 --> :12.970 other men”, he’s accused me before of trying to “eye fcuk” men in public, once :12.970 --> :18.329 at a grocery store and he said “it’s a man thing you’ll never understand, they’ll :18.329 --> :19.380 think they can have you”. :19.380 --> :24.660 For reference I have Audhd, I also try to be have more situational awareness after my :24.660 --> :30.220 bff was murdered by a man who stalked us, it haunts me so I constantly feel like I need :30.220 --> :31.220 to be hyper-vigilant. :31.220 --> :39.360 Posted by u/dredwings05 :39.360 --> :47.820 1 day ago :47.820 --> :05.820 My (33F) fiancé feels my sister (35f) has constantly disrespected her whenever we are :05.820 --> :07.699 around and wants me to cut her off. :07.699 --> :09.839 I feel torn, I need some help. :09.839 --> :11.420 [new] I am (31M). :11.420 --> :18.579 My (33F) fiancé feels my sister (35) is constantly disrespecting her whenever we are around and :18.579 --> :20.080 wants me to cut her off. :20.080 --> :22.130 I feel torn, need some help. :22.130 --> :26.440 I’ve been with my fiancé for going on 5 years and she has a son who I’ve known since :26.440 --> :28.670 he was a year old and he’s now 5. :28.670 --> :33.570 It’s been relatively great relationship and I love her and you know someone I want :33.570 --> :34.970 to spend my life with. :34.970 --> :38.750 We have some normal fights here and there, and she didn’t have the greatest upbringing :38.750 --> :43.639 (abusive parents and all that) but she is an amazing woman regardless. :43.639 --> :48.020 Our main issue and our biggest fight that reoccurs is she feels my older sister is very :48.020 --> :49.740 disrespectful to her. :49.740 --> :54.449 I admit I have never said anything to my sister (I’m not the most confrontational person) :54.449 --> :55.779 but examples: :55.779 --> :59.360 She wouldn’t shake her hand when she first met, just looked her up and down and went :59.360 --> :01.089 back to talking to my mom. :01.089 --> :04.520 Wouldn’t acknowledge her when we were leaving their house after she tried saying thank you :04.520 --> :08.639 for having us, only stopping to acknowledge her son when she sent him to say goodbye the :08.639 --> :09.829 final time. :09.829 --> :14.360 Makes small subtle jabs, I don’t hear them all but she views them as disrespectful and :14.360 --> :15.690 I believe her. :15.690 --> :18.170 Only shows an interest when we go over there to her son. :18.170 --> :22.130 (He’s the cute new kid, she has two kids herself and her boyfriend has two kids as :22.130 --> :23.130 well) :23.130 --> :27.819 I could go on with more examples, but also my fiancé thinks my sister puts on the facade :27.819 --> :30.070 of who she is as a person. :30.070 --> :34.980 My sister comes off as a very social media poster and seems just all the does is for :34.980 --> :36.370 likes and stuff. :36.370 --> :41.269 My sisters ex husband was caught (not in jail, got busted cause he was talking to an adult :41.269 --> :46.740 posing as a minor) trying to talk to a minor for sex and she still has her kids go with :46.740 --> :47.740 him. :47.740 --> :53.990 My fiancé just feels my sister is very fake/vain and also disrespectful to her and even me. :53.990 --> :58.690 (I’ve always felt my sister was the favored child ahead of me and she got a lot more from :58.690 --> :00.290 my parents then from me. :00.290 --> :04.709 I admit again I haven’t talked to my sister about this and now it’s gotten to the point :04.709 --> :09.939 of do I have to cut my sister off atleast for the mean time, or lose my fiancé? :09.939 --> :12.870 It’s my fault I never addressed this earlier with my sister. :12.870 --> :13.910 Posted by u/Accomplished_List103 :13.910 --> :14.949 1 day ago :14.949 --> :18.400 My girlfriend (27F) guilting me (25M) into paying more often :18.400 --> :21.169 [new] My girlfriend guilting me into spending more? :21.169 --> :32.020 TLDR: My girlfriend is not the most financially savvy, while I am frugal. :32.020 --> :51.169 She finds herself paycheck to paycheck, and has since subtly compared me to her friends :51.169 --> :55.419 boyfriends who routinely cover every paid activity for them. :55.419 --> :59.230 See my previous post for a more detail on our financial status. :59.230 --> :04.320 That said, my girlfriend who makes a moderate, but not significantly less than me is always :04.320 --> :09.630 complaining about not having enough money, not having enough places to cut back etc. :09.630 --> :15.280 this is not entirely true - she spends a lot of money on high end “wants” serious monthly :15.280 --> :21.200 hair, top shelf makeup, nails, and routinely goes on out of state/country trips. :21.200 --> :25.890 Just the other day, she complained that she’s “crying” over money now (on the tail end :25.890 --> :28.200 of a long weekend trip with her friends). :28.200 --> :33.100 She then “proposed” that for her upcoming date night that she could just not eat to :33.100 --> :34.950 avoid her side of the bill. :34.950 --> :40.150 She then went on to say essentially “all of my friend’s boyfriends pay for everything, :40.150 --> :43.159 and I know we don’t always do that but that’s okay.” :43.159 --> :48.440 I told her if she had just asked I would cover the date, but if vaguely sounds like she’s :48.440 --> :51.060 guilting me and I didn’t appreciate it. :51.060 --> :55.570 I don’t care about paying for dates - but it’s irritating to me she cries that she’s :55.570 --> :00.760 got no money for a prospective joint expense when she spends exorbitant amounts on herself :00.760 --> :03.390 alone, and través frequently. :03.390 --> :05.549 Essentially - I don’t care about paying for dates. :05.549 --> :10.250 I do care that she will be complaining about not enough money for serious expenses down :10.250 --> :15.250 the road due to inability to abstain from high end personal “wants.” :15.250 --> :16.340 Thoughts? :16.340 --> :23.409 How do I bring this up? :23.409 --> :42.169 Posted by u/plainjain00 :42.169 --> :00.940 2 days ago :00.940 --> :06.520 I 24F can’t take men seriously due to history of unwanted attention :06.520 --> :08.890 [new] A friend of mine suggested I post my dilemma :08.890 --> :10.700 here so here goes. :10.700 --> :17.000 I'm a 24F, and I've had to deal with unwanted sexual attention from men for pretty much :17.000 --> :18.850 as long as I can remember. :18.850 --> :22.740 It's gotten to a point where I don't know how to navigate relationships anymore because :22.740 --> :24.500 of how sick it makes me feel. :24.500 --> :30.620 I want to make it clear that when I say sexualised I'm talking about comments, advances, and :30.620 --> :35.230 moves that have been made by just about every man I've encountered post-puberty. :35.230 --> :38.870 To clarify, this goes beyond close family and school staff. :38.870 --> :43.590 These encounters involve people I've worked with, strangers on the street, classmates, :43.590 --> :48.720 tutors, people who I thought were friends, and even extended family members. :48.720 --> :52.960 I consider myself reserved, and I make an effort to dress modestly, but none of that :52.960 --> :54.240 seems to deter it. :54.240 --> :00.400 The language that's been thrown my way has been truly nasty, and I genuinely don't invite :00.400 --> :02.179 this kind of attention. :02.179 --> :06.309 Comments about my face and my body, things they would like to do to me. :06.309 --> :10.960 I simply do not understand how I could be attracting that kind of attention especially :10.960 --> :13.279 for them to be saying it to my face. :13.279 --> :19.470 The idea of having a simple platonic male friend feels like a distant dream – it's :19.470 --> :22.700 like a waiting game for when they'll cross the line. :22.700 --> :28.370 It's affecting my view of men, painting them as nothing but desperate creeps, which I know :28.370 --> :30.780 is a generalisation I need to address. :30.780 --> :34.010 I'm struggling with this growing resentment and anger. :34.010 --> :38.419 I can't take men seriously anymore when they express interest, because it feels like they're :38.419 --> :41.210 just trying to manipulate me into giving them what they want. :41.210 --> :44.620 It's like I can see through their act, and it infuriates me. :44.620 --> :49.529 I find myself questioning their intentions and viewing them as nothing more than animalistic. :49.529 --> :52.299 I'm starting to worry about how this will affect my future. :52.299 --> :56.490 I want to be in a healthy relationship, but I don't know if these feelings I've developed :56.490 --> :58.390 towards men will allow it. :58.390 --> :03.880 Don't get me wrong, I'm physically attracted to them, but the constant frustration is overwhelming. :03.880 --> :05.690 How do I move forward from this? :05.690 --> :10.990 How can I learn to trust men again and engage in a relationship without this cloud of negativity :10.990 --> :20.130 hanging over me? :20.130 --> :45.030 Posted by u/Puzzleheaded_Fact330 :45.030 --> :09.930 1 day ago :09.930 --> :14.700 I (17M) have a new stepsister (16F). :14.700 --> :17.180 It seems like she is trying to anger me on purpose. :17.180 --> :19.970 [new] I live with my father (48M). :19.970 --> :24.580 My mother passed away 8 years ago and it's been just the two of us since then. :24.580 --> :28.429 After my mother passed away, my father was basically a shell of his former self and it :28.429 --> :31.000 took him years to get back on his feet. :31.000 --> :33.620 Around 3 years ago my dad met Lisa (47? :33.620 --> :34.620 45? :34.620 --> :36.190 Sorry, I don't remember). :36.190 --> :39.500 They met randomly during one of my father's work trips and hit it off. :39.500 --> :41.049 They dated for 2 years. :41.049 --> :46.840 I was initially indifferent and a bit on the fence but she makes my father happy and is :46.840 --> :50.210 pretty chill as a person so I started supporting them. :50.210 --> :55.360 During their dating period, I found out Lisa has a daughter from a previous marriage, Marica :55.360 --> :56.960 (16F). :56.960 --> :01.260 I met her only once during a dinner and we basically didn't speak at the time. :01.260 --> :05.240 She didn't look particularly interested in knowing each others and I'm not exactly a :05.240 --> :06.669 talkative person. :06.669 --> :12.370 Last year my father proposed to Lisa, she said yes and 6 months ago they got married. :12.370 --> :17.549 Lisa and Marica transferred in our house ( the house is quite big and there was room to spare). :17.549 --> :22.880 Now, it was obviously a big change and I understand it was quite traumatic since they lived over :22.880 --> :29.090 50 km away and Marica had to change school, but she has been an unbearable pain in my :29.090 --> :31.919 butt since the day we started living together. :31.919 --> :33.309 To name a few things: :33.309 --> :37.000 - The day they moved in, I went in her room and told her that I understood it was a big :37.000 --> :41.970 change and that if she wanted to talk about anything or wanted to know anything about :41.970 --> :46.760 the town or needed anything at all, she simply needed to ask and I would help her as much :46.760 --> :47.760 as possible. :47.760 --> :51.809 In response, I was rudely kicked out of her room and told to FO. :51.809 --> :54.950 I was like:" ok, it will take some time." :54.950 --> :56.580 - I own my own motorbike. :56.580 --> :57.840 It's a second hand one. :57.840 --> :01.810 I worked for it and used basically everything I had to buy it. :01.810 --> :06.240 Since my father and Lisa work in different places in opposite directions, they both take :06.240 --> :10.780 their car in the morning to go to work, so the only vehicle left is my motorbike. :10.780 --> :15.640 I told Marica that if she needed a ride somewhere, I would gladly give her a lift there. :15.640 --> :20.669 She said no and thought the thing ended there, only to find out she took my motorbike without :20.669 --> :24.650 permission while I was sleeping and went who knows where. :24.650 --> :30.150 Luckily she was unharmed and my motorbike was fine, so I wasn't particularly angry but :30.150 --> :32.549 she didn't even apologize for it. :32.549 --> :34.520 - Our house doesn't have many rules. :34.520 --> :39.799 They can be summed up in: clean after yourself ( ex: if you use a plate to eat, wash it and :39.799 --> :44.049 put it back); if you have something that need to be washed, put it in the laundry basket :44.049 --> :48.779 instead of throwing it on the floor; GFs and BFs are allowed in the house but it would :48.779 --> :53.760 be appreciated an heads up before bringing them home, in order to avoid accidents. :53.760 --> :55.500 They are easy rules, right? :55.500 --> :59.250 Well, apparently not since she broke all of them constantly. :59.250 --> :02.270 - Our parents are often away for a couple of days. :02.270 --> :07.919 My father often travel for work and Lisa can work from remote and they enjoy spending some :07.919 --> :11.570 time alone together, so she often go with him when he travel. :11.570 --> :14.570 During those periods, me and Marica are alone. :14.570 --> :19.250 I can cook for myself and it doesn't cost me anything to cook one more meal, so I ask :19.250 --> :23.751 her if she wants something and she either refuses or accept but act as if she is basically :23.751 --> :26.720 making me a favor for eating my food. :26.720 --> :32.030 I could go on on about other episodes where she basically did everything she could to :32.030 --> :33.450 pee me and dad off. :33.450 --> :39.250 Lisa and dad tried to talk to her multiple times but she either acted as if nothing happened :39.250 --> :41.850 or didn't give a dang about what they were saying. :41.850 --> :45.330 In the past few weeks it looked like she had calmed down. :45.330 --> :50.190 She still had her sharp tongue and her irritating way of speaking but she looked calmer. :50.190 --> :54.380 She went out with friends, she stopped trying to anger me on purpose, it looked like she :54.380 --> :58.710 and dad were getting along better and we even found ourself joking with each other during :58.710 --> :59.960 lunch and dinner. :59.960 --> :04.860 But then yesterday I found her snooping around in my room, looking at my books and touching :04.860 --> :05.860 my stuff. :05.860 --> :10.149 I don't know what she was looking for and she basically ran away the moment she saw :10.149 --> :11.149 me. :11.149 --> :13.581 I intend to question her about it when she come back home today. :13.581 --> :14.581 Posted by u/Cold-Dimension-7718 :14.581 --> :15.581 1 day ago :15.581 --> :16.581 My (23F) bf (25M) has been crossing boundaries with a female coworker and refuses to acknowledge :16.581 --> :17.581 it is emotional cheating. :17.581 --> :18.581 [new] My (23F) bf (25M) works in an office environment. :18.581 --> :19.581 I know he is good friends with his office department team as they are all close in age :19.581 --> :20.581 and get along well. :20.581 --> :21.581 I trust my boyfriend and I know he loves me. :21.581 --> :22.581 We have been together for about 3 months. :22.581 --> :23.581 However my boyfriend can sometimes be too friendly. :23.581 --> :24.581 He thinks it‘s okay to engage in excessive banter with female coworkers. :24.581 --> :25.760 I told him it can be seen as flirting but he says that he can’t go around being rude :25.760 --> :26.760 to everyone he meets. :26.760 --> :28.140 Yesterday he called me and started asking my advice on a female coworker. :28.140 --> :29.140 He said that before me and him started dating, that coworker used to “banter” with him :29.140 --> :30.140 all the time and would stare at him all day. :30.140 --> :31.340 I told him it was likely she had a crush on him. :31.340 --> :33.130 He said he was confused as she becomes hot and cold towards him. :33.130 --> :35.690 At this point I was getting upset as he had been talking about her for the past 30-40 :35.690 --> :36.690 minutes and asking me to analyse her behaviour. :36.690 --> :37.690 I told him it was making me uncomfortable and upset that he was obsessing over her behaviour :37.690 --> :38.690 when he said he loved me. :38.690 --> :39.690 I told him he needed to draw clear lines and be professional. :39.690 --> :40.690 He told me I was overreacting. :40.690 --> :41.690 Then he revealed that although he doesn’t interact with workers from other departments, :41.690 --> :42.690 everyone thought him and the female coworker were dating as they were always flirting. :42.690 --> :43.690 This made me very upset as if you’re flirting so much that other workers who don’t even :43.690 --> :44.690 know you notice then obviously you’re going overboard. :44.690 --> :45.690 Boundaries are being crossed. :45.690 --> :46.690 He told me I was overreacting and that he didn’t appreciate me accusing him of cheating :46.690 --> :47.860 and that he’s not a cheater. :47.860 --> :49.370 In my opinion it is emotional cheating as he’s constantly flirting with her. :49.370 --> :52.140 Also, apparently that female coworker does not talk to other men in the office, only :52.140 --> :53.140 him. :53.140 --> :55.140 How do I make him understand my perspective? :55.140 --> :58.470 I was hoping to show the answers from this thread. :58.470 --> :03.140 I don’t want to feel like I’m overreacting for wanting him to establish boundaries. :03.140 --> :04.140 Posted by u/Timber2BohoBabe :04.140 --> :05.140 2 days ago :05.140 --> :09.779 My(36F) partner 37M disclosed to me that a sexual harassment complaint has been lodged :09.779 --> :11.600 against him at work. :11.600 --> :12.600 What would you do? :12.600 --> :13.600 [new] TL;DR - Husband confessed to workplace harassment, :13.600 --> :14.600 but I am wondering if he told me the full story... :14.600 --> :17.250 My husband and I have been married since our early twenties, and he has cheated on me one :17.250 --> :20.250 time before we were married when we were just out of high school. :20.250 --> :24.940 He confessed it to me even though it was unlikely he would have ever been found out. :24.940 --> :28.390 We went through a difficult period in our marriage about 6 months ago. :28.390 --> :32.169 We were still together, but we weren't sure whether we would be staying together. :32.169 --> :36.710 Last week my husband came to me and explained that he has been formally reprimanded from :36.710 --> :39.460 HR for sexual harassment. :39.460 --> :44.010 He said that during that rough patch, he was closing up the office and a co-worker he was :44.010 --> :46.210 friends with was also working late. :46.210 --> :50.240 They were talking and he asked if he could kiss her, she said no. :50.240 --> :54.370 He says that he has done his best to stay away from her since then, partially due to :54.370 --> :59.570 it being awkward and partially because he realized as soon as she said no that it was :59.570 --> :00.990 a major misstep. :00.990 --> :05.520 Anyways, although he was formally reprimanded, he has worked for the company for years and :05.520 --> :07.970 his job is not in any danger. :07.970 --> :12.440 He asked for a department transfer, which is something he wanted anyways, but now the :12.440 --> :13.900 office might agree. :13.900 --> :15.690 So that stuff isn't the issue. :15.690 --> :20.730 I have no reason to think he is lying, but I am curious whether all he asked was to kiss :20.730 --> :21.730 her. :21.730 --> :25.400 Would she really have kept quiet about a kiss request for half a year? :25.400 --> :29.490 I want to reach out and get her side of the story (we are acquaintances from office parties :29.490 --> :33.649 and such) but I am worried it would get him in more trouble at work. :33.649 --> :38.470 I know he wouldn't have pushed himself physical on someone, but I can see him propositioning :38.470 --> :40.679 someone beyond a kiss. :40.679 --> :41.750 What would you do? :41.750 --> :45.480 Would you just take him at his word since he has never lied before about this kind of :45.480 --> :46.480 thing? :46.480 --> :49.549 Would you reach out to the other person to see if the stories align? :49.549 --> :52.330 Should I just drop it?
give me a good story on rRelationshipsISMYBOYFRIENDCHEATINGONMEWITHHISCOWORKERRedditStoriesen
AIT for blocking my dad from getting disability my 22f dad 50 male has never been a part of my life he and my mom 41f got pregnant with me when she was only 18 and he was in his late 20s not sure his exact age but it was a big age Gap they never really dated seriously but slept together on an off resulting in me and my brother 20 male being born my mom also had another daughter with someone else my sister 19f her dad passed when she was a baby after my brother was born my dad dipped only popping up maybe twice a year until I was about five and then it became even less and my mom put him on child support which he has never paid to my knowledge maybe a payment once every couple years or so but definitely not enough to support two kids my mom wasn't able to get Social Security for my other sister's father because he was not listed on her birth certificate for complicated reasons which left my mom 2223 with three kids also before anyone makes a comment yes my mom didn't always make great choices but she did her best and no support from the other parent the way my dad got out of paying child support was by dealing IL legal Tila substance it like the kinds that aren't legal anywhere so he technically made no income for the state to pull child support from his checks and he just avoided the payments he was in jail all throughout my life and when he wasn't he would give the classic I'll come pick you and your brother up tomorrow only to leave us sitting on the steps outside time and time again now as an adult I suffer from extreme abandonment issues SL anxious attachment disorder which through therapy has been traced back to his inconsistency and absence in my life I watched my mom's struggle as we lived in dirty roach infested homes because he wouldn't offer her any kind of help to ease it even a little bit I cut contact with him fully when I was 17 when he blamed me for us not having a relationship because I always had school and he hasn't made much effort to contact me since thankfully so here's where I might be considered an he messaged my mom today saying he needs to be on dis disability I don't know why but in order for him to get the disability he needs the tens of thousands in back child support to be either paid off or for my mom to remove the aers from his account essentially wiping the Slate completely clean for him if she doesn't and he applies anyways the checks would go to my mom until the balance is paid off if that were the case my mom is in a good financial position now BC she worked her ass off and doesn't need the money and would most likely just give it to me and my brother and is a 22-year-old who's self-employed and lives alone in this economy I could use every penny of it my mom told me that it's up to me and my brother to decide if she wants us to remove the AAR and my brother just said it was up to me and he'll do the same he really doesn't care about much LOL but I worry that by blocking him from getting it I'm being aist or evil or something probably just oldest daughter guilt creeping in because I know that he really doesn't care about me but can you guys please help me decide if I'm the here or not
give me a good story on Aitaforblockingmydadfromgettingdisabilityorig
you didn't realize you married someone so lazy huh update at the end last week my husband and I went shopping we came out of one shop and wanted to go to another which was the other side of the car park we walked over and there were no trolleys what we wanted was packed into four heavy boxes and was awkward to carry across a large car park so I said I drive the car over it's one of those shops where you order at the till and they bring it from the warehouse to the till and you take it to your car well he called me lazy for wanting to move the car I tried explaining my side but no he was Adam and I was lazy I went and moved the car because the was I putting my back out carrying an outdoor table and chairs set to the car he bered whilst we waited in the calling me lazy saying he didn't realize he married someone so lazy Etc I ended up leaving the shop without the table and chairs because he kept pushing for a reaction today we went back to said shops he said he would go get the table and chairs while I went into another shop guess what no trolley he rang me and asked me to drive the car over did I did I that's lazy he started to get pissed and realized he didn't have a leg to stand on he carried each box separately from the shop to the car for trips there and back each time he asked me to move the car and I said that it was lazy and I didn't realize I married someone so lazy edit for all the people getting their panties in a twist
give me a good story on Youdidntrealiseyoumarriedsomeonesolazyhuhorig
aita for telling my dad and his wife I don't know what her daughter is into my dad got married three years ago to Josie my sisters 15f and 13f and I live with fulltime because our mom died I 17m kind of stepped up because Dad was never the most involved parent and after mom died he still wasn't great with parenting stuff he got married again 4 years after mom died Josie and her daughter 15f moved in with us so Josie is basically the same as dad not that involved actually she seems less involved than my dad but what I didn't know is she expected me to take on her daughter as a sister and be there for her like I am my sisters which didn't happen I don't hate her but I see josy's daughter as someone I'm in a forced roommate situation with not family I see Josie the same way I don't do stuff for josy's daughter like I do my sisters sometimes I'll buy them something I know they'll like as a treat normally one at a time since I'm only working weekends my dad and Josie never checked on her daughter or that we'd all gotten close then Josie got a call from the school that her daughter was being bullied and going through a rough time Josie decided to spoil her daughter and asked me what stuff her daughter liked slash was into I didn't know and I told her she called Dad in and she asked me again and I said I didn't know I don't spend time with her daughter they brought up the stuff I
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmydadandhiswifeIdontknowwhatherdaughterisintoorig
what's the most horrific act committed by someone you know personally guy I went to school with was realcom very smart and everyone loved him he was a gentle person from what I remember he had lost his mom a couple years before this she was a nurse and they found her dead in a hospital room during her shift unknown causes our senior year of high school dude is a championship wrestler dominating his grades and just doing good he lived with his dad who was a police officer for years and years at lunch one day he left school and came back everything was normal and the day was finished out his dad did not show up for work that evening and the police department sent someone to go knock on his door they found the house ransacked and his dad lying in bed with a single gunshot wound to the Head deceased later that night they called my grandmother in for questioning because she cleaned their house once a week not much later than that the guy I went to school with broke down and confessed that he had come home on lunch to ask for money and he and his dad got in an argument his dad laid down like normal for his shift and he took his dad's service pistol and shot him and after realizing what he'd done he'd freaked out and turned the house upside down to make it look like a robbery then went and finished the day at school to try to make it seem like he had no clue what had happened
give me a good story on Whatsthemosthorrificactcommittedbysomeoneyouknowpaintingpaintaskredditshorts
AIT for storming out of my husband's kids birthday party I'm sorry in advance for the long post I f29 have been married to my husband M31 for a little over 5 years now but we have been together since I was 21 and he was 23 here is some backstory just to get all of the information out there from the very beginning of our relationship I was very clear that I didn't want kids and he agreed with me there was never any discussion of having kids when we were dating and I really thought we were on the same page but about a year onto our marriage my husband started trying to C casually float the idea talking about how a lot of his friends were starting families and having kids and he asked me if maybe we should start considering it I didn't really think he was serious at first but he started bringing it up more often showing me pictures of his friend's kids and trying to convince me that we should start trying for a baby after a few months of this I respectfully but firmly shut it down saying my mind had not changed nor would it he was disappointed to say the least but he told me he loved me and married me knowing I didn't want them so he was okay with that I thought that was the end of it but a little over a year into our marriage he sat me down and told me he had a proposition for me he said his childhood best friend we will call her Amy and her husband had been struggling to conceive and recently found out her husband was infertile Amy had asked my husband if he could be their sperm donor as she wanted to know who her baby's father was and didn't want some Anonymous stranger from a sperm bank I immediately said no that I was not at all comfortable with that that I thought it was an absurd request and it was especially off-putting because my husband and Amy used a in college before he met me he tried to argue with me that it wasn't weird at all that it was actually the perfect solution to everyone's problems that Amy and her husband would get to have a baby and he would get to have a kid and I wouldn't have to be a mom and he wouldn't even have to be a full-time parent I said absolutely not and we fought about it for about a month eventually he told me that having a kid was now a deal breaker for him and if he couldn't have a kid he wasn't sure if he would want to stay with me I was absolutely shocked and devasted and even though the idea made me incredibly uncomfortable I caved and said yes because I love my husband more than life itself and couldn't imagine living life without him I told him he could do it but I wanted absolutely no involvement with the kid or with am and her husband from this point forward they went through the whole process and had the kid and my husband kept true to his word I had no involvement I never met the kid and other than him occasionally taking a weekend to spend time with his kid at their place everything went back to normal fast forward to last week my husband came up to me and asked me to come to his kids birthday party at Amy and her husband's house I told him no that the deal was I wanted absolutely nothing to do with any of them and wanted no part in anything relating to the kid he kept pushing the issue saying that he really wanted me there because he loves me and I was important to him and he wanted me to be there for his happy memory he begged and pleaded and I ended up saying yes the day of the party came and I was super uncomfortable from the moment we got there it was mostly Amy and her husband's friends and neighbors and all of their kids and my husband was glued to Amy's side the second he walked through the door I ended up hanging around the edges of the Gathering trying to be invisible and getting more and more uncomfortable my breaking point was when I looked over and saw my husband at the table playing with his kid on his lap and Amy's arms around his shoulder laughing I looked around at this entire second life and second family my husband had and it became too much for me and I ran out the door crying my husband saw me and ran out after me asking what was wrong I told him how uncomfortable I was that I never wanted to come to the party and seeing that he has built an entirely separate family and life apart for me was too much and that I wanted to go home he started yelling at me that he wasn't going to leave his kids birthday party and that if I knew I was going to have break down over it I should have just stayed home by this point the party guests had started coming out to see what the fuss was and he started yelling at me that I was embarrassing him in front of everyone and ruining his kids day he told me to get myself together and stormed back inside and told everyone to forget about me and come back in and enjoy the party I ended up calling myself a lift to my parents house across town and I've been staying here since my husband's tried texting me an apology but I'm still really upset and hurt and told him I need space I've been getting messages on Facebook and Instagram from some of my husband's friends saying I completely overreacted and ruined the party and that I shouldn't have left the way I did am I the here
give me a good story on AITAHforstormingoutofmyhusbandskidsbirthdayparty
AIT for telling my stepdaughter why we don't speak to my side of the family I 32f am married to my husband 34m he has a 14 years/ old daughter from a previous marriage we got started dating a year and a half ago and got married 6 months ago I am no contact with my family my stepdaughter only asked about my family a few times since I've known her and my husband and we've made excuses as to why we couldn't see them in the moment my sister is 25 but when she was around 13 she was at a sleepover that was co-ed as a few of the boys lied and saying they were going to other boy house my sister had always had troubling signs of behavior in elementary and middle school such as getting detention for getting into fights or being a bully and my parents worked on her with this through using anti-bullying videos but never seriously punished her she would use the nword despite being white and used homophobic slurs Etc at this sleepover my sister brought some type of alcohol or drug to the party my parents changed their story when I asked and our pet one of the boys my sister was in some sort of treatment for a while but never got any harsh punishment we grew up very well often any time my sister did something bad she never faced any legal repercussions either my Mom and Dad tried to see if any trauma may have caused these actions see if anyone in our family or a peer or a teacher hurt her before but nothing was found my sister has always insisted nothing happened to her and when she was 13 just mentioned how she was upset the boy didn't like her back shortly after this after my sister was still getting in trouble at school and at home I told my parents that they needed to get her in shape or I wouldn't come home as much this led to a massive argument and it was the last time I spoke to them I am now pregnant with a baby with my husband her stepdad this kid will be my stepdaughter's half sibling obviously last week when we told my stepdaughter I was pregnant she asked if we told the rest of the family yet including my side of the family and she started asking about if she would finally meet them we told her that we were still deciding on when to tell everyone my husband and I talked later that night and decided she was ready to hear the story of my family we told her later that night and she seemed pretty upset and asked why people would be that evil we tried to explain to her the best we could on how we don't know what motivated my sister or my parents to do what they did but unfortunately they decided to protect and enable an abuser my husband was asking his parents for advise the next day and they blew up at us they told us at 14 she was too young to know about these things and we should have either come up with another excuse or lie to her about why we don't speak to them they said we were ruining our granddaughter's innocence and are very upseted they also asked about how my side of the family would feel about me airing out the laundry we're now wondering if we went to far and if we were being a-holes
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmystepdaughterwhywedontspeaktomysideofthefamilyorig
today we have a crazy story of revenge against somebody's own parents we'll get into that in a bit but first teaching my friend a lesson everything comes in twos The Duality of existence life and death left and right good and bad Concepts and their opposites exist across the board from morals to physics nature Direction religion and so on sometimes we think the opposite of one thing is its consequence that the effect at the end of the cause is what is the conflict of it a good example is love and I use love because that is where we're going with this the opposite of love is not hate hate is the byproduct of Love betrayed or lost hate is greatest when the love that births it abounds hate is not the opposite of Love on the summer of the best and most contradicting year of my life so far I'm Ed Margaret and by God she was the most beautiful person I'd ever seen she had the mind of an artist a laugh like summer rain in the eyes of an adventurer her eyes were soft like pressed velvet and her skin smooth like bronze silk ethereal and I was more than prepared to give whatever I had to have her be mine so of course it was by the hands of my best friend I lost her a friend I'd known since my legs were strong enough to hold my full weight they are with me through my shoulders learning to carry the full weight of my failures and finally here is I fall in love with the first woman with whom I'd ever chosen to settle down with I was in it with her for the long ride and there he was lusting over her in the proverbial back seat of the car we met at the party like most people do I had been getting my ear talked off by a guy I'd given my lighter to use about the complexities of ending things being recorded in men now don't get me wrong I care about many and our many trials and tribulations that are mostly inflicted on ourselves that was just neither the time nor the place to have a conversation about it luckily David walks over to me holding red disposable cup of beer with someone in tow I do a double will take and there she is the beginning of my downfall he introduces us and shoes The Stranger away much to their confusion and much to my relief because I wasn't sure how long I could have held out she was a star and I was a planet there to bask in her light my relationship with Margaret started out very simple we got to know each other better through meeting David's setup finding out we had a lot more than I assumed we had in common was possibly one of the best things that could have happened for me she laughed at my jokes where David would tease me about being horrible at jokes she makes me laugh more than I'd ever laughed I see the looks David gives us and laugh at his visible disgusted the way we interact we don't start dating until a month after we met to say that it was the best time I'd ever spent with another person would be an understatement we went on the most wonderful dates some of them planned by her we had the most fun activities that we occasionally invited David for it was beautiful there were times where we'd fight over the dumbest thing but the arguments never lasted we were a team we fought our problems together we sometimes literally fought other people that try to get at either one of us she took me on adventures I don't think I would have ever experienced without her but there's a saying about things and coming to an end she wanted a pet cat I told her I didn't think I could ever take care of a small animal she had laughed at that she told me all her dreams all the movies she couldn't wait to watch all the places she couldn't wait to see and she promised she promised to show me all the magic of those places I remember the day it happened very clearly the day everything went to heck and if I ever forget how it happened I will never forget by whose hands it did I'd woken up late because of the workload I had the night before Margaret and I hadn't seen each other for a week but we'd been in contact until the last two days which I had assumed had to do with her work that morning though my phone was full of message images and more seem to be coming in I at first thought it was of work but the number of messages coupled by the places and people they were coming from made me suspicious then I opened one of the messages to see a video this was where it started this was where it all went to heck my first mistake was opening the video Margaret's face stared back at me tears and arise and a look of desperation in her face it was a video of her hooking up with someone the voice of the other person in the video didn't register to me at first all I could see was the look on her face as she was turned over anger built in my chest my second mistake was deleting the video before I called her her phone rang multiple times but no one picked up I'd become panicked angry and Confused then it clicked the voice I had heard the voice of the person hooking up with her David days passed without me hearing anything from Margaret I'd gone over to David's and confronted him he lied that he was drunk and didn't remember a lot of what happened that night but he never denied that it had in fact happened I avoided him as much as I could still looking for a way to contact Margaret to no avail her phone was switched off it wasn't until two days later that I'd gotten the news her body had been found Margaret was dead she had ended things it hadn't felt real I had run to her house hoping to see her smiling and lighting up the room hoping to see the woman I'd fallen in love with in her element welcoming me with her warm hugs and a cup of tea she loved tea but she wasn't there there was no one there in that moment I understood what lost felt like I was hollowed out for days I'd felt nothing but regret and pain I had woken up one dreary morning forgetting that I'd lost the sun I'd made tea for two it was a Wednesday we had tea together on Wednesdays no one came in the door with their spare key no one sat opposite me with a bright smile and a story of their past week or of Jenny from accounting so for the last few minutes before it dawned on me that I was alone I had sat and waited and waited and waited then I'd broken into tears knocking my tea to the floor then my phone pinged with a notification and I'd run to it hoping against all hope it was a message from an unknown number I stood in front of David's parents house my plan was fully done my anger and hatred my motivation Margaret could not have died for nothing it took a moment for someone to get to the door it had been Mrs Charter perfect is Mr Charter home ma'am I'd asked no honey he isn't even better would you like to see him to which I responded that I had in fact come to see her and would have preferred to not have had an audience setting up a party was the easy part getting David and his father to attend was where I had a little bit of a challenge but it wasn't impossible and I'd found myself doing the impossible lady like waking up to a world without Margaret or going about my day like none of it had completely broken me having to see David every other day and pretend like I didn't like I didn't want to watch him suffer in the most creative ways was the hardest part but here I stood having made it to the end once David and his father had arrived and gotten into the groove of the party I had made my appearance this time no longer as a friend this time I came as the fury of the person he ruined the hate of the person he broke the Vengeance of the person he killed hello David Mr Charter my voice holds so much hate so much contempt that I almost don't recognize it then all the lights in the room go off there's a little bit of a commotion but I inform everyone to calm down and excuse it as the beginning of a short presentation for an old friend of mine the projectors come on and the sound system kicks into play first the sounds of a woman moaning fill the room right by before the video comes on showing Mrs Charter in loving Embrace of a stranger on her marital bed I see the outrage on Mr Charter's face and the dismay on David's then I begin my commentary see the challenge of getting all this done wasn't in getting Mrs Charter to hook up with a total stranger she was known amongst David's friends as being quite promiscuous especially flirting with her son's friends the challenge had lay in mostly convincing her to sleep with someone she didn't know and getting every second of it filmed on camera which was then edited into the very wonderful presentation that David and his very enabling father were forced to watch in a crowd of influential strangers and social media influencers the look of rage and shame on David's face makes something in me settle some deep hunger stated but this wasn't about me it was about Margaret who he had assaulted and recorded and then used an anonymous social media account to post on for the world to see eventually leading to her taking her life it was all about the woman he had did the same to are similar and threatened or bribed into silence through his father so I sat at a safe distance from the isolated father and son and watched as their world was ruined around them I sat and watched content that I'd brought down the man who had taken her from me thinking there would be no consequences I cared not for what happened next if I lost my job for a stunt like this if I was shamed on social media for stooping so low or left by all the people who claimed they had cared for me I had lost the only person who mattered and I would take David down through heck with me days later I sat on the freshly mowed grass of the cemetery it was a Wednesday and I'd brought tea I tell her about Francis from Finance I tell her about David and how he got what he finally got what he deserved I tell her about how dull the days are now I tell her about how tired I am of everything I tell her of my hate I tell her how I understood then what the opposite of love was how hate is only the corruption of Love felt I tell her about the kitten I got that what makes the days a bit brighter I tell her all the things she would have laughed about and all the things she's missed out on I tell her I miss her and as the sun sets I promise to find her across eternity so I can tell her how much I'd loved her I'm not gonna lie that was quite possibly one of the most hard-hitting nuclear revenge stories I have ever read it felt like I was reading a nuclear Revenge story wrapped up in a love letter like op finally had some catharsis or closure in writing this and pour their whole emotion into it that said our next story is getting back at my parents I loathed Stanley Norman but he was a convenient means to an end this is a means that I would have never been employed if I didn't know about the mutual emotions that ran through the whole school concerning him and if my plan worked well I would have what I wanted and I would never have to talk to Stanley Norman again so against my better judgment and the astonishment of my friends and everyone in the cafeteria including Stanley I approached him one day at lunch I stood in front of him with a big smile and extended my strawberry juice toward him I had noticed earlier that someone beat him to the last one and he looked a bit sad he took it with a shy look and a silent thank you one I had to strain my ears to hear I took a seat opposite him and smiled waiting for him to take a sip of the juice before I spoke I could feel everyone's gaze burning into the back but I refuse to indulge them the last thing I wanted was to lose my wit by locking my Gaze on someone else Stanley took a sip of the juice and smiled and then he asked what I was doing so far away from my table I told him I came to apologize for the other day that I made him fall in the hallway technically it was my friend Annika who did that but I was there and didn't say anything so I'm was just as guilty he waved his hand to dismiss it not saying anything in case I was playing a prank on him I really wasn't the prank I was playing was on myself we started talking and funny enough Stanley was not such a dork after all after the bell rang indicating the end of lunch I invited him to see a movie with me at first he declined not wanting any trouble but I insisted that there was no one for him to get in trouble with after much thought and a Sprinkle of charm on my path he finally agreed and just like that my plans started to take form I knew it wouldn't take long for the news to spread around school that Stanley and I were going to see a movie to speed up the process I told the worst gossip in school Trinity my friend had a knack for gossip which was why I never told her anything relevant about my life the last thing I wanted was my business out in the open for snobbish kids to pick on but she proved herself useful because before the close of school I was called into the principal's office where my parents and and Stanley's parents were seated way to go mum you had to go all out for this one mission accomplished the only thing I was sorry about was putting the principal and Stanley in the middle of this but I had achieved what I wanted or so I thought after my parents inquired about Stanley and why he'd forced himself on me and stolen my juice I was dumbfounded was that how the story had been embellished I tried to clear the air and tell them what happened but no one believed me especially since no student had come out as a witness including my friends later when I confronted them about it Annika said she was looking out for me and didn't want to soil my reputation in true character my mom managed to make everything about herself and how she should restrict me more like my life wasn't already restricted enough she also promised not to press charges because it was her anniversary week and she was in a good mood after the principal thanked her for being a good sport and we were on our way home she berated me for throwing absurd Tantrums she informed me that she didn't have time for my Shenanigans and that the last person I should be hanging around was Stanley Norman then she forgot about me literally it was almost as if I wasn't in the car anymore or lived in the same house with her but I'd gotten what I wanted even though I craved more for once I had stirred her attention in my direction and I was going to enjoy it throughout high school because that was all I got after the next time my parents paid attention to what was happening in my life was when my college boyfriend Matthias proposed to me he was a good looking man with a solid career in finance and a Heart full of love for me meeting Matthias was one of the best things that ever happened to me his attention to my needs and wants his continuous checking up on me and the fact that he loved my weird taste in music it was such a relief to be able to listen to music and not be questioned about why you chose a particular song Matthias was the other half that I needed but my parents didn't think so I'd been questioning my decision to take him home for Thanksgiving and it was when the drama started that I know I should have listened to my instincts first of all it was the way my parents welcomed us both when we arrived I clearly remember calling my father several times about our location before arriving at his house but somehow he forgot all of that he scolded me for just showing up unannounced and wondered what I would have done if he and my mother had traveled of course he didn't fail to mention how I'd prevented them from going on several trips due to having to take care of me I like a thousand times before apologized for my existence and hugged him in our especially awkward father and daughter hug I introduced Matthias to him and he simply stared at him like he was a ghost before moving to the kitchen where my mother was pretending that she hadn't heard us arrive my parents truly were the best actors in the world it was like they purposely acted nonchalant sometimes to piss me off Matthias weirdly looked at me and I just shook my head because I couldn't begin to explain what it just played out I took our bags to my old room and came back downstairs to greet my mother she was making her famous meat pie and salad for dinner a combination I still didn't understand to this day she looked at Matthias the same way my father had with an air of indifference she welcomed me a little warmer than usual but still in that evasive way of hers Matthias and I helped to set the dinner table while my father brought out the food from the kitchen after everywhere was set up my mother took a picture to update her many snobbish friends about what was going on in her life she was such a people pleaser but then it was working for her because she had many Minions that are back in call when she was done with her photography we sat down for dinner we hadn't even taken two bites of dinner before they started bombarding Matthias with many personal questions it was almost like they had rehearsed everything before we got there they hardly waited for the poor boy to finish answering one question before they were hitting him with the next one at some point Matthias got flustered and had to leave the table people my mother turned her disappointed Gaze on me and said that she didn't expect me to do any better then went back to her meal it was so embarrassing they would never allow me to have breathing room they hated me for my existence and because of that they didn't want me to have full control they would rather be absent and still controlling it was suffocating how was I supposed to thrive the humiliating part was when Matthias left without a goodbye just a flimsy letter wishing me luck with my parents he hadn't even waited for me to wake up after that incident and my painful breakup I decided that I'd put up with my parents long enough so after my graduation the one that they didn't attend I didn't go back home I wasn't obligated to since they had no control anymore they weren't paying my fees and that in itself was an escape I didn't look back or feel guilty for not informing them about anything before disappearing they deserved it I deserved it I moved in with my friend Sienna her her parents had gifted her an apartment for her graduation it was exhilarating to be away from the shackles of my parents but it was also scary because I didn't have control of what happened next in my life but I was determined to change that and take control of every single step and with Sienna's help I figured out how to stand on my own two feet it wasn't easy with all the job rejections and having to work menial jobs to keep food on our table but what got me through it all was Sienna's positive attitude and a surprise reconnection with someone from my past so it happened when I was on a coffee break from work I decided to use the time to do my pedicure hopefully my boss wouldn't come back earlier than I expected and need me for anything the appointment took longer than I expected so I had to rush back to the office before I got fired it was then that the most hilarious thing happened I slipped on something and instead of trying to save my behind I stuck my hands out so I wouldn't land on my fresh pedicure the League of Women would be proud of me but the entire human race probably knew that it was the dumbest thing I could have ever have done thankfully before my tush touched the floor someone grabbed me from behind lo and behold when I caught my breath and was steady enough the face that greeted me was an unexpected one I don't know how I recognized him because he looked so much different than when we were in high school but it was Stanley he grinned at me and like they say in the movies the rest was history meeting Stanley was a pivotal point in my life and it was a good change I was happy I was thriving and nothing could spoil my happiness or so I thought until my parents somehow found me and wiggled their way back into my life my father had a bad business deal that had taken everything from them they had nowhere to live had no money to survive on and had used the last bit of it to find me my first thought had been to turn them away but Stanley stood against it I was shocked because they hadn't been nice to him in any way and didn't Reserve his sympathy he assured me that he'd forgiven them for what happened back then and that they were still my parents despite everything that we'd gone through after much thought and a lot of persuasion on Stanley's path I decided to give them another chance but I wasn't about to make it easy for them if they wanted me to support them until they got back on their feet then they would have to play by my rules I was about to have my revenge and I didn't care that it was on the people who had birthed me it wasn't as if they had taken it easy on me either I laid out my rules to them and told them that if they wanted to stay with me they would have to live by them my mother protested telling me that I couldn't restrict her movements as she was still vibrant enough to explore I informed her that if she wanted to explore she was free to get a job that would pay for her exploration I was not going to give her a dime to indulge she of course thought I was bluffing and just wanted to scare them out of the house I showed her that I meant every word I had said when I was called to a boutique one day and informed her that her card had been declined she was appalled at not having enough cash in her account and scolded me for not sending the money she asked for I calmly informed her that I'd given her an allowance for the month and that if she wanted anything extra she could work for it besides she had taught me that a proper lady should have her own source of income I refused to pay for the clothes she bought and that wasn't me being mean my mother had always been an impulsive spender if she wanted to buy things she didn't need she could do it on her own dime when my parents realized that I wasn't budging with my rules they turned to Stanley they tried to sweet talk my husband into being on their side my mother even tricked him into taking her shopping one day when I was away on a work trip Stanley indulged her because he felt a little bad for them but also to show her that he was a better human than she was he even introduced my father to some investors that could help him with his company I questioned if that was a good idea but Stanley assured me that it was a good idea yeah the sooner they got back on their feet the sooner they could be out of our lives he didn't like how I was when they were around it was almost as if they were Doling my brightness I completely agreed that I wanted them gone but I also wanted him to be careful where Stanley finally drew the line to their Antics was when one of the investors who was a good friend of ours informed Stanley that my father had tried to broker a deal behind Stanley's back Stanley sat my father down and informed him about what he'd been told and wanted to confirm if it had been true my father told Stanley that he wasn't a child and didn't need to be micromanaged or watched like a criminal Stanley calmly told my father that he'd put up with him and my mother because he had wanted to see if they could become decent people for once he told them that they didn't deserve me or the life that I'd allowed them into he wondered how they could be so cruel towards their own child he informed my mother about the gossip she had been spreading in the estate about me her own daughter assured her that the woman had come to express their displeasure because I was a respectable individual in the estate they looked embarrassed as he exposed all the evil Deeds that they'd been up to he then calmly delivered the final blow he wasn't going to ask for the money he'd spent on them back but they were going to exit our lives and never come back he told them that if they had even tried to contact me he would have them arrested for fraud since it was obvious they had come to rip us off my parents tried to plead as they had nowhere else to go but it fell on deaf ears I told my mother that she could sell all the things she had gotten and get some extra cash or get a job like every other human being but I was done being their puppet I had my own life now and they were not going to ruin it for me it's just sad when your parents try to lean on you like a crutch and say you know we birthed you or we gave you everything you currently have we made you exist therefore you owe everything to us as if it somehow truly does work that way I mean not to mention that these people were horrendous to op and their Partners all along the way too it's just no surprise that op and their partner cut them off and said good luck out there in the real world good luck on the streets but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeSWEETREVENGEAGAINSTMYPARENTSRedditStoriesorig
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US :08.160 --> :12.969 How I got all the staff to side with me and my birthday over our boss :12.969 --> :20.300 Alright, so this story probably isn't as prorevenge as most others but here we go. This is about :20.300 --> :27.410 my summer job. I have worked there from July to October for 4 years now and I actually :27.410 --> :31.199 really enjoyed it up until this year. :31.199 --> :37.370 So this job is a seasonal restaurant that opens up from May to October with June to :37.370 --> :43.940 September being it's main season. It's a great place for highschool and university students :43.940 --> :51.380 to work there over the summer break. We are a team of 7 waitresses and a BossLady, who :51.380 --> :56.199 is in charge of us, makes our schedules etc. :56.199 --> :02.240 Every year they struggle to get enough waitresses even though most of us come back year after :02.240 --> :09.241 year. (This is important later). So this summer there were two days I wanted to get off. One :09.241 --> :16.630 for a concert and one for my birthday party. I told BossLady, I wrote it into the calender :16.630 --> :23.920 like I am supposed to and I reminded her again the week before each. She always said I'd :23.920 --> :31.000 get them off. Well, concert rolls around, I get my schedule and I'm apparently working :31.000 --> :40.190 that day. I call her she is super sorry but she needs me that day. Okay, so I sell the :40.190 --> :41.440 ticked. :41.440 --> :48.489 Then my birthday comes, I get my schedule and I'm working again that day. I ask her :48.489 --> :54.450 what's up with that and she tells me I didn't tell her and that she can't let me switch :54.450 --> :00.430 with someone else and that I have to work. I tell her I can't because I have already :00.430 --> :06.459 made a reservation in a restaurant, some friends have bought train tickets to visit and I'm :06.459 --> :13.920 also celebrating with a friend so I can't just cancel. She said it's not her fault and :13.920 --> :18.900 that that is my problem. I was crying HARD that day. :18.900 --> :25.500 So I made a plan to switch with my colleague, then called BossLady, she got angry because :25.500 --> :33.410 I didn't ask her first (which I did) and told me we weren't allowed to. We still switched :33.410 --> :42.130 shifts, I got to my party in time IT was great. Next day I get to work and some of my coworker :42.130 --> :47.390 tell me that BossLady has been talking s*** about how I didn't tell her I needed the day :47.390 --> :51.990 off and then just switched and how rude that is. :51.990 --> :58.800 I decided then to quit after that season for good and not to come back next year. I also :58.800 --> :05.790 made sure to be really nice to the other staff members, waitresses, janitors, EVERYONE for :05.790 --> :13.450 my remaining time there. I brought cake or pizza or made coffee for everyone every day. :13.450 --> :19.350 I worked super hard to get in more money than any of my colleagues, which got recognised :19.350 --> :26.120 by BossLady's boss. If I was well liked before, I was loved now. :26.120 --> :33.660 So the season ends and as usual people ask if I'm coming back next year. I say no and :33.660 --> :39.940 tell them it's because of BossLady, I cry a little because I will miss them but I can't :39.940 --> :47.350 take her talking s***, blabla. and everyone starts to hate her. So I begin to hear that :47.350 --> :53.500 all other waitresses also won't be coming back because they stand with me and now they :53.500 --> :59.300 will not have any waitresses coming back next year. They will be in HUGE trouble finding :59.300 --> :05.530 enough staff. Even some of the non service staff said they wouldn't come back. Last thing :05.530 --> :12.230 I heard is that BossLady's boss was super angry with her and that she is just a normal :12.230 --> :27.070 waitress now and that the nice secretary lady will be making the schedules now. :27.070 --> :33.450 Not my revenge, but my professor against cheaters I took the final for an engineering class :33.450 --> :40.240 this morning. Usually 1 or 2 people will go to the bathroom during class, however for :40.240 --> :46.560 totally unknown reasons, about half of the class needed to use the restroom during the :46.560 --> :53.150 exam. Obviously a vast majority of them were looking up the answers on their phones. This :53.150 --> :58.880 irritated me but I just stayed focused and barely finished since it was a hard exam. :58.880 --> :04.650 I remembered that there was one particular problem that was only barely related to the :04.650 --> :11.720 stuff we went over in class where part a was fairly easy but I had no idea how to do part :11.720 --> :19.410 b. I didn't fret over it too much though, since that part was only 5 points out of 100. :19.410 --> :25.070 Well our professor who is on the older side and I would have thought was somewhat ignorant :25.070 --> :32.570 of technology sent us an email just now explaining his diabolical plan to catch cheaters. :32.570 --> :38.370 Many of the students in this class use chegg (a website that has answers to lots of homework :38.370 --> :45.080 questions if you're not familiar). To be fair I have an account too though I only used it :45.080 --> :51.350 for studying and checking homework solutions. Anyway he explained that he was tired of people :51.350 --> :56.990 going to the bathroom and looking up answers on their phones so he made the question I :56.990 --> :03.580 mentioned earlier as a trap. He purposely made part b impossible to solve and about :03.580 --> :10.280 a month before the final, he got a TA with a chegg account to ask the exact question, :10.280 --> :16.250 which was distinctly worded to be unique. He then created his own chegg account and :16.250 --> :22.820 answered the question with a bulls*** solution that seems right at first glance but is actually :22.820 --> :28.520 fundamentally flawed and very unlikely that someone would make the same assumptions and :28.520 --> :30.500 mistakes independently. :30.500 --> :37.060 He said that out of 99 exams, 14 of them fell for the trap and that everyone who had his :37.060 --> :43.490 wrong solution on their exam was given a 0 and reported to the university for violating :43.490 --> :49.260 the academic honor pledge they signed on the front. He also sent an email to all the other :49.260 --> :05.800 professors in our department giving them the list of cheaters. :05.800 --> :10.720 Hit my car and try to get away? I’ll track you down and make you pay...double! :10.720 --> :13.509 So I never knew about this community until now so I’m happy to share my story. This :13.509 --> :14.509 happened a few years ago. :14.509 --> :18.510 So my fiancée at the time (now wife), were driving around looking for dresses for her :18.510 --> :23.830 bridesmaids to wear for the wedding. We had been going from place to place looking for :23.830 --> :27.410 something she liked but no luck. :27.410 --> :33.660 We had just finished leaving David’s Bridal and were leaving the plaza. It had been raining :33.660 --> :39.700 a lot so the roads were slick. As I reached the intersection of where the plaza met the :39.700 --> :46.400 road to turn out, another car came turning in. Unfortunately, he didn’t brake soon :46.400 --> :53.640 enough and skidded into the front end of the driver side. Thankfully Everyone was ok. :53.640 --> :59.480 We got out of our cars and and looked at the damage. His car (of course) was completely :59.480 --> :06.630 unharmed and mine had a minor dent. He looked about 45ish and had his son in the car with :06.630 --> :13.699 him. We exchanged names and phone numbers. He let me know he was on the way to work and :13.699 --> :16.210 I told him we were just wedding shopping. :16.210 --> :23.610 (I was 22 at the time and very naive as to what to do in case of an accident) he told :23.610 --> :29.030 me that we both seemed pretty busy and that we should just handle it ourselves since we :29.030 --> :35.270 were both busy. We didn’t call the police (my mistake) and he told me to get the damage :35.270 --> :38.019 looked at to see what it would cost. :38.019 --> :45.700 I took the car in 2 days later and they quoted me $1,100 for the bumper to be replaced. I :45.700 --> :50.660 texted him and he told me he will be getting scholarships in 2 months when he goes back :50.660 --> :57.749 to school and he would be able to pay me in cash then. I (again naively) told him that’s :57.749 --> :58.920 be fine. :58.920 --> :04.399 A week later I followed up with him about another estimate I got which was lower than :04.399 --> :12.470 the original ($900) but I got no response. I texted him again and again for the next :12.470 --> :18.490 few days and nothing. At this point I realized he had bailed. :18.490 --> :24.980 I came up with a plan to find him. All I had was his name, a now useless phone number, :24.980 --> :31.019 and a general area of where he worked. I searched for him on Facebook and was pretty sure I :31.019 --> :37.770 found him. I searched under his family members and saw what looked to be like his son. My :37.770 --> :44.360 soon to be sister-in-law was 16 and looked about the same age as his son. I decided to :44.360 --> :46.660 go full on sleuth and go undercover. :46.660 --> :54.379 I used her Facebook and changed her last name to match theirs. I then messaged the son and :54.379 --> :01.110 told him that I thought we might be cousins. I asked him some questions about his dad (like :01.110 --> :06.360 name and his job) and told him that my mom said I have an uncle down there by that name :06.360 --> :12.740 and worked at this guitar shop. He answered yes that was his dads name and told me the :12.740 --> :15.220 name of the place where his dad worked. :15.220 --> :22.069 I was so relieved I was making progress. The next day I drove back up near the accident :22.069 --> :28.119 and found where the man worked. I found his car and took pictures of his license plate. :28.119 --> :34.430 I then took all the info I had and wen to the courthouse. I filled out paperwork and :34.430 --> :39.130 handed it to the clerk. The clerk told me they could either mail the form to his work :39.130 --> :48.000 address or if I paid $25 I could have an officer hand deliver it. 😏 (Of course I paid the :48.000 --> :51.199 $25 just to embarrass him at his place of work). :51.199 --> :56.649 A few weeks later we were summoned to the court to see if we could work things out before :56.649 --> :03.329 going to an actual hearing. He showed up and we sat down with a mediator. She explained :03.329 --> :10.279 everything to all of us. I told him I didn’t want to do this but he stopped responding. :10.279 --> :16.829 He replied that his phone was stolen so he had to get a new one (in my mind a phone being :16.829 --> :23.449 stolen doesn’t equal changing your phone number). I knew he was lying. The moderator :23.449 --> :29.949 asked him to step outside. She talked to us and told us not to trust him because his story :29.949 --> :31.529 didn’t make sense. :31.529 --> :36.860 The mediator invited him back inside and we read over the terms I listed in the court :36.860 --> :44.850 documents. He was to pay $2400 (I charged him the original replacement cost, gas from :44.850 --> :51.290 driving back and forth, my time for doing all this work, and extra just for being an :51.290 --> :56.499 a******). He said he would pay, but didn’t like that I went to his job and took pictures :56.499 --> :01.360 of his car. I replied I didn’t like that he hit my car. :01.360 --> :07.170 A few months later he paid the full amount in cash and had to pay for our court costs :07.170 --> :13.980 as well. I sold the damaged car and took the cash he gave me to buy another car fully in :13.980 --> :26.499 cash! All in all i benefited from it but next time I’ll just call the cops and save myself :26.499 --> :35.200 the headache. :35.200 --> :40.980 Steal money from peoples gym bags? Enjoy getting expelled and sent to jail :40.980 --> :46.019 Many years ago when i was in high school, Someone in my gym class was stealing out of :46.019 --> :52.660 peoples bags and lockers. Taking money, headphones, jewelry, etc. :52.660 --> :00.079 I personally had $20 taken out of my locker and one of my buddies had a $200 pair of headphones :00.079 --> :06.790 stolen. After that, i decided f*** this, this guy is going down. :06.790 --> :11.869 Nobody knew who was doing the stealing and catching the person wasn’t as easy as setting :11.869 --> :17.089 up a camera because video recording was not allowed in the locker room. :17.089 --> :23.740 So i hatched a brilliant plan; I had this marker that had a UV light on the back, that :23.740 --> :30.139 wrote invisible writing, and when you shined the light on the writing, it glowed. My plan :30.139 --> :35.500 was to grab a friend and have him put a big X written on both sides of a $10 bill with :35.500 --> :39.679 the marker, then leave it in his bag/locker. :39.679 --> :45.829 So right before class ends one day, i pulled aside a one of my friends and our coach and :45.829 --> :48.600 gave him the bill and told them the plan. :48.600 --> :53.639 The next day, we followed through with the plan, and at the end of class he checked his :53.639 --> :59.959 bag, and the bill was still there. The next day, same thing. :59.959 --> :05.559 Finally the following day, he checks his bag at the end of class and sure enough, it was :05.559 --> :06.559 gone. :06.559 --> :12.230 We immediately go and tell the coach, and the coach calls the school’s police officer. :12.230 --> :17.129 The coach then proceeds to tell all of our classmates to line up with their belongings, :17.129 --> :19.209 and not go anywhere. :19.209 --> :24.429 the cop arrives with several of the deans, and they proceed to go one by one searching :24.429 --> :28.079 everyones bags and pockets inside out. :28.079 --> :35.439 Sure enough they get to this one guy, and the cop says “ohhhhh what do we have here?” :35.439 --> :41.920 Turns out, not only did this kid steal the bill, he had a bag of Weed in his pockets :41.920 --> :42.920 too. :42.920 --> :49.689 Long story short, dude gets expelled, and apparently this dude was already on probation :49.689 --> :55.209 and ended up going to a juvenile detention center as well. Double whammy. :55.209 --> :12.180 Never had any problems with stealing after that.
give me a good story on rprorevengeGeniusProfessorCatchesALLTheCheatersUS
:11.839 --> :16.590 This story takes place in the 90's, which was a very different world to live in than :16.590 --> :18.000 what we have today. :18.000 --> :23.160 It was sort of in the middle of the turning point between borderline abusive tough-love, :23.160 --> :26.550 and the advent of participation trophies. :26.550 --> :30.340 My karate instructor at the time was kind of like Cobra Kai. :30.340 --> :34.890 Not cartoonishly hardassed, but honestly kind of leaning in that direction. :34.890 --> :37.399 I'll call him Brassballs. :37.399 --> :41.820 Sparring was light-contact, and while you were encouraged to actually hit each other, :41.820 --> :44.800 you were of course expected to pull your punches. :44.800 --> :49.750 And everyone wore full sparring gear, pads, cup, mouth guard, everything. :49.750 --> :53.020 So it wasn't like we were beating each other to death or anything. :53.020 --> :57.170 But if you drop your guard and take a side kick straight to the gut, you'll probably :57.170 --> :59.160 be on the ground for a bit. :59.160 --> :03.820 Karate is a contact sport, and we fully treated it as such. :03.820 --> :07.640 Anyway another part of that environment was that only winners get promoted to the next :07.640 --> :08.640 belt. :08.640 --> :13.290 As part of your belt test, you had to do a kata to demonstrate your technique, and also :13.290 --> :18.869 win a light-contact sparring match (kumite rules) against another student who was also :18.869 --> :20.920 up for a belt promotion. :20.920 --> :22.930 Only the winner gets promoted. :22.930 --> :28.689 So one weekend after demonstrating my form and winning the sparring match, I get promoted. :28.689 --> :31.700 Let's call the kid Greg, because he was a good guy. :31.700 --> :37.590 Greg's dad (henceforth known as S*** Skull) is just losing his mind. :37.590 --> :42.759 Greg was totally cool with it, like "Hey congrats on the win, guess I need to work on my defense." :42.759 --> :48.270 But S*** Skull just wasn't having it, and started yelling at Brassballs about how Greg :48.270 --> :51.149 deserves something for "getting beat up". :51.149 --> :56.240 And he pays X amount of dollars a month for these lessons so he expects some results, :56.240 --> :57.240 blah blah blah. :57.240 --> :00.729 (Greg wasn't in any way beat up, I hardly touched him. :00.729 --> :04.520 I simply got 8 points ahead because he didn't keep his guard up.) :04.520 --> :10.530 So Brassballs is like..."You're insisting that Greg deserves a ribbon...for losing? :10.530 --> :11.900 Okey dokey artichokey!" :11.900 --> :17.070 (I'm paraphrasing most of this story because it's been over 30 years, but he did literally :17.070 --> :22.870 say "okey dokey artichokey" and I will NEVER forget the s***-eating grin he had as he did :22.870 --> :23.870 so.) :23.870 --> :26.560 And that brings us to our malicious compliance. :26.560 --> :29.959 Brassballs steps into his office, shutting the door behind him. :29.959 --> :34.330 The whole time Greg is like "Dad stop it, you're embarrassing me, this is why I live :34.330 --> :40.329 with Mom," but S*** Skull apparently thought he had managed to intimidate the big bad karate :40.329 --> :46.950 teacher into getting his way, so he was just on cloud nine...until the office door opened :46.950 --> :52.670 and Brassballs tucked a scrap of red ribbon into the belt of Greg's gi, with the word :52.670 --> :55.700 "LOSER" written on it in marker. :55.700 --> :01.109 S*** Skull is speechless, sputtering like a fish out of water, before Brassballs delivers :01.109 --> :04.950 the coup de grace: "Don't worry, I made one for you too!" :04.950 --> :10.709 and he hands S*** Skull an even bigger scrap of red cloth, with "LOSER" on it. :10.709 --> :16.810 S*** Skull just completely deflated, realizing that he'd been beaten at his own game, and :16.810 --> :20.280 there was no way in h*** he was beating Brassballs at his. :20.280 --> :24.980 So he just kind of mumbles and leaves (the funniest part is he took his LOSER ribbon :24.980 --> :25.980 with him). :25.980 --> :31.629 Greg though wore that handmade LOSER ribbon to class every day until he finally passed :31.629 --> :32.629 his test. :32.629 --> :37.130 He completely owned the LOSER ribbon and turned it into a source of motivation. :37.130 --> :39.900 No idea where he is now, but good on ya man. :39.900 --> :48.200 Hope you're still owning your failures and getting stronger :48.200 --> :01.980 from them. :01.980 --> :24.460 There is a huge nationwide electronics retailed in the UK called Currys. :24.460 --> :29.840 They are renowned for having terrible customer service but very occasionally having decent :29.840 --> :30.840 prices. :30.840 --> :35.280 I was in the market for a KitchenAid stand mixer and my employer had an arrangement where :35.280 --> :38.960 I could buy Currys gift cards for a 10% discount. :38.960 --> :43.970 I was a bit reluctant to use them based on past experiences, but thought I would take :43.970 --> :49.500 advantage of saving a bit of cash and ordered my mixer online, delivery due in a week. :49.500 --> :51.349 "Easy peasy" I thought. :51.349 --> :56.630 It was about £250 / $300 before discount. :56.630 --> :59.389 Delivery day comes and goes, no mixer. :59.389 --> :02.849 The next day I ring up customer service and ask what happened. :02.849 --> :07.460 After 20 minutes on hold they tell me the product is out of stock and I will need to :07.460 --> :11.289 wait for their next delivery in 10 days time. :11.289 --> :13.980 Not too bad, I'm a patient person. :13.980 --> :20.750 10 days later, still no mixer or order update, even though it's showing as in stock and available :20.750 --> :22.860 to buy on their website. :22.860 --> :25.110 Back on the phone to CS. :25.110 --> :26.550 More time on hold. :26.550 --> :30.650 This time I'm told there is an order backlog and they couldn't tell me when it would be :30.650 --> :33.810 delivered so I ask for a refund. :33.810 --> :39.960 Unfortunately in the UK if you pay by gift card, you can only get a refund by gift card. :39.960 --> :45.669 At this point I had no desire to ever use Currys again and was disappointed in myself :45.669 --> :47.820 for ever giving it a go. :47.820 --> :53.030 I would have no use for a gift card so I decide to give them a bit more time. :53.030 --> :56.069 No prizes for guessing that this didn't bear fruit. :56.069 --> :01.330 A couple of weeks later I use the CS online chat to see what is going on. :01.330 --> :07.099 Again they are completely unable to help or confirm when / if I would receive my order. :07.099 --> :11.680 I asked what I was expected to do and the bloke said something along the lines of "No :11.680 --> :15.780 idea mate, you would have to take it up with our board, hahaha". :15.780 --> :18.190 Fine, it's MC time! :18.190 --> :22.800 A quick trip to the Companies House website gives me a list of all of their directors :22.800 --> :23.800 (here for anyone suffering a similar fate). :23.800 --> :27.159 Another hour on LinkedIn and I've tracked them all down. :27.159 --> :32.780 I proceed to send every director a summary of what has happened and links to screenshots :32.780 --> :36.640 of the online chat I had with the CS rep. :36.640 --> :43.449 Less than a day later I get a call from the CEO's personal assistant apologising profusely :43.449 --> :46.490 and personally guaranteeing she will sort it out. :46.490 --> :52.360 By the time this all happened, the mixer had gone down by another £60 so she processed :52.360 --> :56.530 my order again and said she would arrange for the accounts team to send me a voucher :56.530 --> :57.990 for the difference. :57.990 --> :00.639 She was genuinely the hero of this story. :00.639 --> :03.850 The very next day my mixer arrives. :03.850 --> :04.850 Happy days! :04.850 --> :08.150 A few days after that I get a letter with a Currys voucher. :08.150 --> :10.879 I thought this would be the end of my sorry saga. :10.879 --> :18.449 However, as icing on the cake, they proceeded to send me three more £60 vouchers at random :18.449 --> :20.810 intervals over the next few months. :20.810 --> :30.180 I can only guess that their admin team is as useless as their :30.180 --> :50.580 customer service team. :50.580 --> :52.110 I'll try to make this brief. :52.110 --> :56.920 I was trained in an advanced assembly position to replace a long time employee who retired :56.920 --> :57.920 last week. :57.920 --> :02.940 I trained for 3 months, following the man's instructions to the letter, even taking notes :02.940 --> :08.270 on the ways he's developed in order to meet out companies demanding production quotas. :08.270 --> :12.750 Last Monday was my first day officially in the position, and I felt I was doing almost :12.750 --> :14.670 as good of a job as he was. :14.670 --> :19.090 The way it works, everything I build goes into a 24 hour hold. :19.090 --> :23.350 When I come in, I pull them from the hold, clean them and prepare them for shipping. :23.350 --> :28.920 So last Monday I start pulling my 24 hour inventory and getting it read for quality :28.920 --> :31.470 to final inspect before it goes to shipping. :31.470 --> :36.500 Well, we also have a new quality inspector in my department who is apparently really :36.500 --> :38.320 gung-ho about her job. :38.320 --> :44.150 She's salaried, is only supposed to work 8 hours, and has never missed a chance to rub :44.150 --> :49.590 it in our faces, because she was also a production employee until two weeks ago when she got :49.590 --> :50.590 promoted. :50.590 --> :54.700 She sees me cleaning the assemblies, amd proceeds to chew me out because they had only been :54.700 --> :57.480 on hold for 15 hours or so. :57.480 --> :59.030 Not 24. :59.030 --> :04.460 I informed her that I was taught that the 24 hour hold was to ensure they hold pressure, :04.460 --> :09.550 and that if they hadn't lost pressure in 12 hours they won't lose pressure in 24. :09.550 --> :14.460 And that by the time I had them all cleaned, they would be out of the 24 hour hold and :14.460 --> :18.480 I would have another batch to assemble and put in hold for the next day. :18.480 --> :19.600 That's the way it works. :19.600 --> :24.550 I clean and prepare until my other coworkers have assembled all my sub assemblies, then :24.550 --> :28.540 I do the finish assembly while they work on new stuff for the next day. :28.540 --> :33.950 She was adamant, she wouldn't touch them until the full 24 hours had passed. :33.950 --> :40.420 So, she went and got her supervisor, my supervisor, and the engineering supervisor. :40.420 --> :43.810 Who all agreed with me, but could see her point. :43.810 --> :49.550 So, they told me to start pulling my assemblies out of hold at the 24 hour mark after that :49.550 --> :50.550 day. :50.550 --> :51.570 So, I did. :51.570 --> :57.750 And at 3 o'clock, she had between 25 and 30 pieces to inspect every day last week. :57.750 --> :01.950 That's right at 3 hours worth of work and she is supposed to leave at 3:30. :01.950 --> :06.510 However, if she has parts in the inspection area, she has to inspect them and get them :06.510 --> :08.270 to shipping the same day. :08.270 --> :09.720 She can't leave parts overnight..... :09.720 --> :13.200 So, she was forced to work OT for free. :13.200 --> :18.050 I have never felt so much hate from one person when the looked at me before lol. :18.050 --> :19.440 Fast forward to today. :19.440 --> :24.400 My supervisor comes to me and tells me to go back to the system I was using before. :24.400 --> :26.710 That it seemed to flow smoother. :26.710 --> :57.530 I know the real reason tho, and thats all that matters 😁 I'm a :57.530 --> :59.270 train driver in the UK. :59.270 --> :03.130 Weekday commuters in busy periods are fine, they know what they're doing and where they're :03.130 --> :04.610 going. :04.610 --> :09.830 Weekenders are another story, they rock up and have no idea where they're going and act :09.830 --> :15.070 indignant when we tell them the route they want to take is full of engineering works. :15.070 --> :18.860 However, the worst is summer holiday teenagers. :18.860 --> :23.240 It's school holidays at the moment here in the UK, so they're just p***ing around for :23.240 --> :24.480 the fun of it. :24.480 --> :28.630 Last week, I had one teenage girl block a set of doors from closing. :28.630 --> :33.680 I did my usual PA spiel of "you might not have anywhere to go, but the other hundred :33.680 --> :37.250 or so people on board want to get home or to work". :37.250 --> :42.140 This usually gets the ones bothered the most to get up and see what's going on. :42.140 --> :43.550 Wasn't enough for this girl. :43.550 --> :48.610 I went back and asked her what the problem was, she remained silent and refused to look :48.610 --> :52.670 at anyone, but looked at me and said "get the police then". :52.670 --> :57.870 In the end, police were called and we waited on the platform for 40 minutes for them to :57.870 --> :59.980 arrive and take her away. :59.980 --> :04.660 Last night, it was the second last stop before I was to take the train empty back to the :04.660 --> :07.730 depot and go home, after a 9 hour shift. :07.730 --> :08.900 I was done. :08.900 --> :12.600 I tried to close the doors and they wouldn't lock fully. :12.600 --> :16.300 Tried again a few times then saw it was the door behind me. :16.300 --> :19.680 I got out of my cab and saw it was the same girl. :19.680 --> :26.210 "Oh you were the same girl that held up my train for 40 minutes last week" "No it wasn't :26.210 --> :27.750 me" it was. :27.750 --> :34.580 Unknown to her, I had been told over the radio to expect delays in to the "terminus station" :34.580 --> :37.810 as they were dealing with an incident and police were there. :37.810 --> :43.110 I just said to her "listen, I know it was you, It's my last train of the night and I :43.110 --> :49.770 want to go home on time, so you can either shut up and sit down, I'll drag you out, or :49.770 --> :52.390 I can get police to come deal with you". :52.390 --> :57.130 She obviously remembered police coming the week before so went and sat down. :57.130 --> :03.460 Unbeknownst to her, I used the six minute journey time between that station and "terminus :03.460 --> :08.800 station" to call the signaller and request police assistance on arrival. :08.800 --> :13.580 When I pulled in, there were 6 police officers waiting for us. :13.580 --> :18.940 I didn't open the doors and let the police in through my cab door and pointed her out. :18.940 --> :23.970 The fish mouth on her was priceless as I said "you told me to call the police". :23.970 --> :25.041 I posted this elsewhere, but I feel it also fits right in here too. :25.041 --> :26.041 Bit of background, this happened in the UK in about 91/92 and I’m F, at the time I :26.041 --> :27.041 as about 20-21 :27.041 --> :28.041 In the early 90’s I’d just come back from working overseas and as it was December I :28.041 --> :29.041 needed a job quickly so I took a one in a Turkish restaurant (relevant later). :29.041 --> :30.041 It was a waitress job and I truly loved the job, the one other waiter was nice, the 3 :30.041 --> :31.041 chefs were great and taught me a few tips and recipes I still use to this day. :31.041 --> :32.041 The management (husband and wife?) seemed ok at first, but typically didn’t want to :32.041 --> :33.041 have to do anything except mingle and drink wine during service hours, never once helping, :33.041 --> :34.041 but always quick with blame. :34.041 --> :35.041 A typical night myself and the other waiter (M) worked our backsides to the bone, and :35.041 --> :36.041 they’d just sit, watch and pester the customers. :36.041 --> :37.041 I didn’t see a single tip when I worked in this restaurant, but it’s UK so not compulsory :37.041 --> :38.041 anyway, so I didn’t think anything if this at the time. :38.041 --> :39.041 We worked through Christmas and the New Year’s Eve shift was approaching, so the manager :39.041 --> :40.041 asked me to purchase some cloth napkins from a store on the other side of the town (which :40.041 --> :41.041 I did), I bought them took them into the restauran and I didn’t notice until afterwards was :41.041 --> :42.041 shortchanged in my reimbursement for purchasing them (I had to use my own money) :42.041 --> :43.041 One of the managers said she’d had a great idea in she’d like me and the other waiter :43.041 --> :44.041 to wear something in lines of traditional Turkish costume that evening - for the booked :44.041 --> :45.041 solidly New Year’s Eve shift, a shift I was due to start in a few hours. :45.041 --> :46.041 This was the first time she’d mentioned anything about this idea of hers. :46.041 --> :47.041 I mentioned it could be possible but I’d like to see what she had planned… :47.041 --> :48.041 She produced a cardboard box and showed me first the stunning outfit she’d chosen for :48.041 --> :49.041 the waiter (my colleague), I said it looked amazing and questioned what she’d chosen :49.041 --> :50.041 for me, bare in mind I was very slim - about a size 6-8(Uk) and about 5’10”. :50.041 --> :51.041 She produced from the box this very skimpy see-through outfit that would be more in place :51.041 --> :52.041 in a lovers bedroom, I asked her if she was serious?! :52.041 --> :53.041 She said “yes”, to which I said “I’m not wearing that”, she then told me that :53.041 --> :54.041 I’m wearing it or I’m fired! :54.041 --> :55.041 So I replied with a simple “bye then” and reached for my things :55.041 --> :56.041 She retracted immediately in a panic saying “no no I didn’t mean that, you need to :56.041 --> :57.041 stay” I smiled and walked out :57.041 --> :58.041 A few days later I popped in for my final wages (cash envelope and P45 tax documentation) :58.041 --> :59.041 and the other waiter was there at that time, he said that I’d really left them in the :59.041 --> :00.041 sh*t that night doing that, I apologised to him very genuine; to which he smiled broadly :00.041 --> :02.740 and said nothing to be sorry for, the management had to help that night and he even saw some :02.740 --> :03.740 tips. :03.740 --> :05.170 The management were grumpy when they came out to see me and very grudgingly gave me :05.170 --> :06.700 my final wages, I can’t remember if they gave me my P45 or not though :06.700 --> :08.540 The other waiters reaction to telling me what happened that night still makes me smile to :08.540 --> :08.770 this day
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceCRAZYLADYDELAYSALLTHETRAINSRedditStoriesen
the explosion kills Rachel which leaves Batman devastated since he intended to save her however he manages to rescue Harvey before he too is killed in the explosion but Harvey is left severely disfigured and mentally destroyed by the tragedy
give me a good story on harveydentstransformation
aita for leaving home after my fiance said I'm not his son's real mom original post September 15th 2023 sorry about any mistakes English is not my first language and I'm emotional I a 29f met my fiance Kevin 32m 6 years ago when Joe was two I wasn't planning on dating a single parent as I felt I was too young to be a parent in any capacity but I fell in love with Kevin and when I eventually got to meet Joe I fell in love with him too Joe's biom mom was not in the picture from at the time she wanted absolutely nothing to do with Joe when I met them she hadn't seen Joe for a year and a half for the past 6 years she hasn't been in touch with Joe or Kevin at all I've helped raise Joe all these years I see him as my own I love him as my own he calls me Mom in every way except for biologically he's my son and I'm his mom in February this year we even made it legally official with adoption it was honestly the best moment of my life in the beginning of Summer Joe's bio mom contacted Kevin and asked if she could see Joe we discussed it and decided that we would give her a chance maybe she had needed some time to grow up Kevin and Joe met her and it was fine all was good at first I even met her and she was perfectly nice and lovely but the last few weeks something has changed Joe and Kevin has spent more in more time with her at Kevin's insistence I have not been there Joe had started acting out more than he ever has before and I've been suspecting it's because of biom Mom's influence I feel like this was confirmed on Tuesday when Joe said he didn't have to listen to me because I'm not his real mom it hurt a lot but he's a child so I can't be too angry with him I talked to my fiance about it later and that I felt like maybe they should cut down a little on the time spent with biom Mom and have me be there in the future we got into an argument and when I repeated what Joe had said he responded with well technically you aren't his real mom it felt like a punch I couldn't believe and still can't believe he said that I was so hurt that I just left to stay at my parents place and have been here ever since I've tried talking to Kevin and he's apologized over and over again but I just can't get over that he sees me like that I have talked to Joe and said that I just need some time away but that I love him very much he's so sad and there's nothing I want more than hold him but every time I think about going home and seeing Kevin knowing what he said it makes me sop am I awful for needing some space I feel like a terrible mother but I don't know what to do update June 29th 2024 9 months later hello it's been a while but I have been thinking more about the post I made recently I never really stopped thinking about it to be honest but I wanted to focus on real life and not what to write to strangers online I really want to thank everyone that commented and shared their opinions even the more outlandish ones I won't bore you with all the details of the past year and try to keep this short but I wanted to give an update because so many have reached out and asked how I'm doing which is so nice the night I made the post I went back home to Kevin and Joe it was emotional but I needed to do it Joe was already asleep but Kevin was up he was so apologetic and cried a lot I told him we needed to talk but not that night because we were were both exhausted we were going to have a few normal days for Joe's sake and then send him on a sleepover at his grandparents so we could talk I also told him I needed a motherson date with Joe the next day me and Joe went to the zoo together and spent the day having a blast I did explain to him in a kid-friendly way that his comment had hurt me a lot he was very sorry and confirmed what I thought which was that his bioom had made comments like that we talked for a long time you know for a 8-year-old and I asked him if he wanted to keep seeing his bioom and he gave a shrug and said she had been fun at first but he didn't like when she told him off SL yelled didn't love that she was doing that I won't try to explain the whole conversation here but I think it was a good one he's such a sweet sensitive little guy and nothing makes me prouder than being his mom me and Kevin did have a long emotional conversation the night we Joe went to my parents Joe's biom mom was and is very manipulative I'm not equipped to diagnose her but narcissistic isn't far off he was not sleeping with her as many of you thought Kevin and her relationship was not good abusive I want to say and the way it ended with her giving up all custody SLP parental rights of Joe was difficult for Kevin and he struggled a lot as a single father he admitted he never quite healed properly from her but didn't really notice it until she came back she manipulated him again and it all brought back so much baggage he thought he left behind him he said he knew there was no excuse for what he said and he wishes he never said it but everything was too much and confusing I said I wasn't ready to forgive him but I wanted to work with him I know this will disappoint some of you who wanted me to leave him but I cannot give up on this man who has been so wonderful for years over this I felt like we deserved a chance at fighting through this together the next day Kevin contacted Joe's biom mom and said we needed some boundaries with her he said he felt she had manipulated him and his emotions and he couldn't allow her in Joe's life with the way she was acting we decided that going non- contact with her for the time being was best for us and Joe we talked to Joe about this first thing is she disappeared without an answer to this literally nothing changed her number and everything I'm not sure what happened but we do have a plan if she ever decides to come back again we a team through and through we contacted a couple's counselor slamily therapist and working with her has been great we have done it just me and Kevin as well as with Joe Kevin has apologized profusely more times than I can count Kevin has also been to individual therapy which he says has been good for him it's been a pretty intense couple of months with a lot of personal growth from both of us but I believe we're on the other side now I have forgiven Kevin and we are moving on together and better also the reason I decided to update today is I just found out I'm pregnant I literally have told no one because I want to tell Kevin and Joe first well second now in a cute way but haven't figured it out yet I'll think of something but life is pretty damn good right now so I hope you all have a wonderful day/ night/ morning Story 2 aita 4 hiding money from my husband update 4 years later original post July 2nd 2020 tldr at the bottom I can't use my main account for obvious reasons my husband is out of work he does odd jobs around town to bring in a few hundred a month I am employed but the job doesn't pay well saving money is hard a few months ago we had a BC failure and now we are expecting saving money became an even bigger priority for me my husband seemed to want to spend more because he said my pregnancy was causing him stress and activating his anxiety and depression and partying help he says all of that will be over when the baby comes husband received a really generous job offer recently he decided to use the money I had been saving he figured he could replace it with the first several paychecks he never contributed a penny to that savings fund husband claims that since we're married it was far money and he had every right to it the job offer fell through husband then admitted he took my money it took me months to scrape that together and he blew through it in two weeks his friends have been telling me that I'm not allowed to be upset because we're married so that money was marital property I have also been told that husband needed the money more than I did because it helped him cope and I should just be glad he partied instead of worse husband said that he will not touch any future savings for the sake of the baby it all came to a head last weekend when husband ran out of six I ended up scrounging together change to buy his packs so he could make it until I got paid husband did not believe that I was broke while I was at work on Monday he went through our apartment to look for any money I may have hidden he found $20 in a winter coat I had in storage that I had forgotten about he also logged into my online banking and saw that I had money in my account but that money was earmarked for a bill he called my work twice to yell at me and then chewed me out when I got home he told me that I am a liar and that I withheld something that he needed I tried to explain that I had no clue that there was any money in my winter clothing and that the money in my bank account was for a bill he didn't care at least two of his friends have told me that I could have paid the bill a few days late if it meant supporting my husband while he's going through so much this morning husband told me that since am a liar and willing to hide things from him that he doesn't feel like he needs to pay back the money that he took until I stopped being such an to him I really wasn't lying as far as I am concerned bill money is non-negotiable aita for not telling him about the bill money tldr version husband wanted something to help him cope with all of the things he's going through I told him that we were broke I did have some money but it was to pay a bill husband says omitting that money makes me a liar and the ITA relevant comments commenter info is your husband literally 8 years old o3s he thinks I was punishing him because he had an affair when he first found out I was pregnant I have been told by friends and family that a lot of guys stray when they first find out I'm not happy but that's not why I wouldn't let him have the money I was just taught by my grandma that bills come before anything else commenter NTA obviously what the foo asterisk K is wrong with your husband if money is so tight how can he possibly justify even buying smokes his friends are making this situation much worse and he's probably blowing up his side of the story to them to make you seem like you're not giving him any money make him get a job and make him pay for his own oop I have been told that one of his friends is spreading the idea that the baby is not his and I don't know if this guy came up with it on his own the same guy is telling people that I am financially abusive towards my husband it's not helping things more info on husband SL their relationship he's from a southern background and his family is very a boys will be boys my family is fundamental and thinks divorce is a sin he is constantly telling our mutual friends that he would be lost without me and he doesn't know how he got so lucky to have someone who takes such good care of him he told someone just yesterday that he would have died years ago without me that it's proof of what a wonderful mom I'll make the only person in my circle who has been actively telling me to leave him is my best friend she likes to point out how he's talking out of both sides of his mouth he says she's just trying to start she wanted to start a GoFundMe for me to replace the money he took so I can leave I told it's his responsibility not hers the bank account we share a phone so he has access to my banking app the account is in my name only I Chann the password once but he said that was proof that I was lying and hiding things commenter WTF why are you still with him Are you seriously bringing a child into this mess Ash him for obvious reasons and you for allowing his behavior by being a doormat please let my harsh words be reality check you need to see that this relationship is not right it's borderline toxic oop well according to my mother no one will ever love me but my family and that's because they have to I'm lucky I found anyone who can stand me at all abortion that was considered but I live in a state where that option is very hard to access comment July 3rd 2020 next day is one of you a witch is there an aita curse SL blessing that I was previously unaware of my husband partied a little too hard and got himself arrested this morning due to previous Behavior he's going to have to sit in jail for a few weeks while they sort things out you've all given me things to think about and the universe gave me time to mle them over update post June 29th 2024 4 years later I made a post on this account four years ago when things were really bad in my life unbeknownst to me my husband was addicted to drugs his friends who were all on his side were also doing drugs with him here's my update to that situation my now ex husband was contemplating getting rid of us both him getting arrested that weekend in 2020 saved my life I've gone low contact with my family my best friend helped me get a new job I met some people who helped me get a better place my ex is still wallowing down in the gutter but at least he didn't take us with him my daughter was born safe happy and loved life isn't perfect but it's so much better than it used to be comment commenter a few questions why did he get arrested when you say he was planning to get rid of you you mean as in leaving you right o one I didn't want to admit this 4 years ago but I'm okay to talk about it now he came home high and drunk and beat the day Daylights out of me I'm lucky to be alive I suffered a permanent injury and he still only got a 6-month sentence two no he wasn't planning on leaving me he was planning on shuffling us off of the Mortal coil again only 6 months for all of this his probation officer called him one of the scariest people that she has ever had to deal with
give me a good story on AITAHforleavinghomeaftermyfiancsaidImnothissonsrealmom
aita for not letting my 6' 6 in brother have the free first class upgrade the airline gave me on our 12-hour flight we are at the beginning of my dad's retirement family trip he is paying for all of us to meet as a family in Hawaii for a week since he was retiring after working at the same company for 42 years there are six of us but my brother and I live in the same part of the country I guess it's relevant to say I'm 5' 1 in and my brother is 6' 6 in in I fly all the time for work and have quite a bit of status with the airline for which my dad bought our tickets this is what happened way earlier today we were all boarded and ready to go when a flight attendant came up to me and whispered that they had a first class Passenger not show up and they needed the coach seek to accommodate a standby passenger she said I had by far the most status of anyone on the plane so they were willing to move me to First Class for free I was like oh yeah and I in a heartbeat I told my brother I'd see him in 12 hours and let me know if he wanted any food or drink and I grabbed my stuff and moved needless to say I had a nice flight when we landed and we waiting for our shuttle my brother was so pissy but wouldn't tell me what was going on he didn't speak to me the whole shuttle ride we had a nice hello with the rest of the family but after I got down from my shower my mom took me aside and said what I did was awful I asked her what she was talking about and she said that I should have given my brother the seat I thought that would be the end of it but all five of my siblings and my parents are upset with me and the vacation is off to a very rough start I was trying to play with my niece and nephew in the lobby waiting for lunch and my sister said no they only like to play with people who give a about their family what were you thinking I asked her if this was about the first class thing and she said what do you think it's about I said that he never asked me to switch with him
give me a good story on AITAfornotlettingmybrotherhavethefreefirstclassupgradetheairlinegavemeonourorig
today we get nuclear revenge against a basketball Nemesis we'll get to that in a bit but first exposing my stepmom at the dinner table like many people I hate racism I think it's so pointless and stupid considering that the very people who are victims of it are some of the ones who made this country what it is today I'm a mixed woman my father's an African-American man and my mother's half Chinese and half white because of this my features are what people like to call exotic I have long curly hair tan skin that doesn't lighten too much in the winter my mom slant almond eyes and my father's full lips I've always been aware of the privilege my looks have given me and I'll never take it for granted because of this I've always been more outspoken about the unfairness of society to darker-skinned black people and the effects of racism and colorism on young children it's pretty safe to say that I've always been quite the activist it started early on thanks to my mother she always advised me me and my siblings to be thoughtful and consider others and she also led by example so it wasn't very difficult to emulate I feel like I'm going too fast so I'll start at the top I'm a 27 year old female and I'm the first child of three children my siblings are Tara 25 and Tyler 24 all fake names of course our parents met when they were teenagers in opposing high schools it was the classic cheerleader and football player from different schools Love Story their relationship was a little forbidden but they managed to hold out staying together all through high school and college and differing career paths they had us pretty early into their marriage so we all kind of grew up together mom was going to college and raising toddlers while Dad was doing the same and working as well after she graduated my mom went to a beauty school for about a year and when she came out she started a shop in the small garage of our house in no time it blew up to be one of the most diverse hair shops that catered to all kinds of hair specifically black hair and my siblings and I were little staff workers for our other because of where we grew up we were constantly surrounded by people of color and it contributed to my need to find Justice for minorities I saw people die every other day from police brutality and I was reminded every day that while I might be white passing enough others weren't and I needed to protect them the best I could After High School I went on to major in African-American studies and art history I knew it was the right path for me and I enjoyed all four years that I spent in college right after I graduated my parents announced that they were getting a divorce my mom had just turned 42 she was 21 when she had me and my dad was 43 they assured us that the divorce was not caused by cheating or anything malicious but that they had just reached different points in their lives and decided that it would be best if they parted ways and continued in their individual Journeys my siblings and I were very supportive of them and the divorce was smooth I didn't think I would ever say that divorce was smooth but here we are my mom started to travel and my dad sort of just disappeared Into Thin Air I did my masters and somewhere along the line I met my husband he was the sweetest most handsome man in my class but he was so painfully shy that I celebrated the first time that he spoke more than three words to me once he got comfortable around me we started to study together and before long we started dating we were together for only four months when he proposed and then we got married a year later my parents came to my wedding separately and instantly I noticed that my dad had a woman on his arm after some probing we realized that she was his fiance and they were set to get married in a few weeks it seemed rushed but he was my father and he knew what was good for him better than the rest of us their wedding was a court wedding and the first thing we noticed right after they got married was how she changed towards us especially myself for more clarification my father got married to an African-American woman and I also got married to an African-American man my father's new wife's name was Joan a fake name and the best way I could describe her attitude towards my mother and I was scornful she was nice to my much darker siblings and my husband but when she was around me it changed to disgust things never got on my nerves easily so I let myself brush it off deciding that if she disliked me it was her own personal problem at 24 I had finished with my education and gotten a job as a professor's aide in the school I graduated from by Fall of the same year I realized that I was pregnant it was an easy pregnancy and my baby girl was born in June she was the first grandchild of the family and everyone was around to welcome us back home everyone besides my stepmother I didn't think much of it until she showed up on her own about a week later scowl that me and everything in my house and upon seeing my baby girl burst out in the laughter I asked why she was laughing and this woman looked me in the eye and said that I was a plague to Blackness and did it rubbed off on my baby without uttering another word she got up and left my house it was confusing to say the least but I kept the conversation to myself and didn't tell anyone besides my husband I should have spoken up immediately when it happened but I didn't want my siblings seeing her in a weird light she was nice to them so it didn't matter that she didn't like me or my child we would stay out of her way ironically she liked my husband a lot and would always look out for him at events her claim was that she just wanted the dark skins to stay together over the years as my daughter grew her complexion didn't darken much and her curly hair was a very very light shade of brown she didn't look black and Joan made sure to tell me at any chance she got she poked fun at us during family meetings but I stopped anyone from speaking up for me only responding with smiles or changing the conversation completely my siblings noticed and tried to talk me into speaking up and doing something but I let them know that our father was head over heels in love and brushed everything she did off as a joke he would do the same if I spoke up about her and things would get worse my daughter turned three years old in October and we threw her a Halloween themed party against the wishes of my husband and siblings I invited Joan alongside my dad and then my ma my mother and Joan had never been in the same place for more than five minutes because she never stayed too long at a place since my daughter's birth my mother had been coming around a lot more and I secretly could not wait for her to meet her ex-husband's new wife for more than three minutes my mother is a very Zen woman the stereotypical backpack traveler yogurt and Coke coconut water for breakfast type of person her skin was very tanned from the Sun and I always fear that that was probably a few hours away from asking me what I thought about dreadlocks my daughter's birthday was more of adults using the event as an excuse to drink and socialize while the kids ran around screaming bloody murder everything was going well until my mother and Joan arrived at the same time family and friends you knew about the drama that Joan was laughed because they knew that things were about to get more interesting right away my mother walked up to my daughter and wished her a happy birthday handing her a cute little necklace and kissing her cheek right after she went straight to the drink cooler and then to say hi to my father Joan walked up to my daughter and gave her the tightest smile leaned into her ear and started to speak to her for the one minute that she was in my child's ear I could see her face fall with every word this woman uttered to her after she got up she turned to me gave me a tight smile and walked off somewhere I was so so livid I called my now sad three-year-old and cuddled her encouraging her to speak up to me now while she can talk her vocabulary is limited and she's in the clearest to understand despite that I was able to make out that Joan degraded my toddler and called her a couple of slurs like mulatto and a bunch of other colorful words it took a lot of cheering up to raise my baby's spirits but once I did she went back out to keep playing with her friends and I called a meeting with my mom husband and siblings it was one thing to say slurs to an adult but it is a completely different ball game when you decide that you want to fight with a freaking child Joan has gotten herself into a fight that she would not win and my family would make sure of it nobody said anything to Joan at the party we all just blatantly ignored her the whole time and we continue to do so at every other family gathering even when she cornered one of us to speak to us we pretended that she didn't exist to us this made her very visibly uncomfortable and that was just part one of the plan we had to pay her back Thanksgiving soon rolled around and at the dinner we had at home we made sure not to pay attention to any of her allergies the reaction she gets to them weren't severe we made sure so it was just funny seeing her face all swollen up and the obvious discomfort that followed the next time we saw each other was during Christmas and this time everyone was prepared to make Joan even more uncomfortable we had cousins in all of our childhood best friends show up to the house for a party and my mother was in charge of the catering that was the first thing that made her a bit antsy my little brother and I heard them arguing inside my dad's bedroom when they finally came out everyone spoke to Joan like she was a child scolding her when she spoke too loudly or looked the wrong way at anybody if she tried to speak we all spoke over her until she shut up and cowered back down the best part my father was clueless once he'd been made the center of attention not much matter to him anymore and our cousins really indulged him by midnight Jonah disappeared from the party I went on a search for her and found her crying in the guest bathroom I locked the door behind us and gave her a few Choice words letting her know that she would not go unpunished for the words she said to my daughter a small child she tried to yell at me but I was much taller so glaring her down caused her to stutter before I left the bathroom I told her if she was staying in the family then she needed to get used to the treatment because that was all she would be getting nobody knew when Joan left but it was the last time anyone saw her the next week she sent divorce papers to my father and within six months they were divorced and my mom moved back in I guess it took another marriage in six years for them to get back together some part of me felt bad for the way I chased Jonah away because I prefer to be a pacifist but I guess some battles must be fought I mean I'd pretty much agree with what they did here if somebody that intolerable is going to hang around well at least you can try to put them in their place and if they dip after that it's for the best honestly especially when their spouse does nothing to back you up when they're so clearly in the wrong also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy crazy stories of Revenge like these make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my basketball Nemesis is planned backfired when I was about 10 my dad took me to see a Knicks game it changed my life I can remember almost every detail about that day and I still reminisce about it till today it was my birthday and my dad had somehow managed to save up enough money to get me a present which was tickets to go see the Knicks his favorite NBA team now I wasn't exactly excited to go watch the game for me at the time I saw it as my dad just using my birthday as an excuse to go go watch his team play I actually wanted to go get pizza instead however it was rare to get any sort of present in my house growing up and while I wasn't particularly happy about it I couldn't really complain my parents worked two jobs each and we could still barely survive so my dad's gesture of getting us tickets and taking me to the game seemed to just be him showing he cared in his own way in retrospect I'm glad he took me to that game as a matter of fact I wouldn't trade those tickets for all the pizza in the world but I digress what was so epic about that game well apart from the fact that the Knicks had won the game and I got to experience the sheer energy in that Arena that evening it was at that game that I discovered that I actually loved basketball my initial boredom was soon replaced with absolute excitement and with every second in every play both teams made my excitement only grew I kept asking my dad all sorts of questions about the game and he patiently answered them all by the end of the game I had decided that I was going to be a lot more interested in basketball when I told my dad about how I was in love with basketball he was quite excited at first I was just interested in watching games and learning as much as I could about the game but soon my interest grew to wanting to play when my dad found out that I wanted to play his support grew tenfold he got me my first kit playing shoes and would even take me to the court down the block on the weekends to watch me play at home he'd randomly ask basketball trivia and talk about his own experiences playing basketball in high school he was curious to know if I wanted to play for my school team and we discussed my prospects at this point though I need to be really honest with you my main motivation for wanting to play basketball wasn't because I loved the game I mean I really loved the game but that was a secondary reason see as I learned more about basketball and Sports in general I started to realize that basketball could be my family's way out of darn near poverty if I played well and I was good enough I could get into college on a sports scholarship an option that would otherwise be impossible without taking a student loan I could make a name for myself and earn some big bucks I could finally take care of my family and friends that motivated me and it made me push myself to be better and better when I was certain I could compete in my school I tried out for the team I was good boy was I good it was either that I'd over trained or everyone else hadn't trained enough but I was absolutely demolishing people on the court every game that I played I was on fire my family was always there in the stands to cheer me on when they could and quite honestly their support meant everything to me through Middle School I was obviously the best player on the team and coach said I had the potential to make it big I held on to those words and continued to improve of myself I also paid as much attention as I could to my academics I could only hope to get into a good program if I kept my grades up so I never took them for granted my grades weren't the best but they were good enough that I didn't have to give up basketball for them all was good it was until I got to high school that things started to get a little interesting for one I had managed to get the attention of a scout who had told me to apply for a program that offered scholarships through high school athletes like me I got in and they covered a hundred percent of my tuition as I mentioned before my parents were tight on money so this was quite the relief for them financially it was starting to look like my plans for the future were actualizing just as I expected that they would that's when the first problem came up Cassie most people know that athletes are almost always attractive to people and I started to notice a fair bit of a 10 mentioned from the girls in my school but especially from Cassie Cassie was relentless and direct at first I was a bit wary of her but then we got to hang out and talk a little and it turned out she was actually a very interesting person there was a bit of an issue I wasn't completely comfortable with though Cassie was quite clear that she only wanted to be with me because I played a sport and I was popular she constantly talked about the social structure of our school and how she really couldn't relate with people who were lower down that structure it seemed sort of odd to me that she placed so much attention on that but she was really pretty and I was starting to like her a lot so I started dating her over the next few years we would date on and off you'll understand the relevance of this later on the second part to this whole Fiasco was a boy named Nate from arrival school now nade was just like me really good he was very clearly the star player of his school Nate was also like me a point guard so every time we played we always faced off with each other I would say the big difference between Nate and I was what we played for I always played with my family in mind every game I played I reminded myself that I was doing this to be able to provide a better life for me and my family this was my way out and I was going to take it Nate on the other hand came from a pretty wealthy family he was good but he wasn't hungry for Success like I was and so more often than not when we met I usually outplayed and out guarded him at first he seemed to be quite the good sport about it talking to me after our games and even inviting me to his family's house one time but the more times we met the more he seemed frustrated that I bested him and the more toxic he got at first it started with just regular trash talking off the court but it soon involved trash talking on the court and one time he even walked up to me at the mall and said some really offensive things about my family I tried not to let anything he said get to me and I reported every incident to my coach and my family I really didn't want any form of Confrontation and I preferred to do all my talking on the court on a crucial game against a school though something quite serious happened I was in possession of the ball and had decided to play ISO against Nate I know that defensively I could definitely get past him and score and so I skirted along the outside of the three-point line and then I dribbled into the paint passed him ready to lay up at the last second before the ball left my hand though I felt Nate's foot dig into my calf I instantly went down the referee called a flagrant foul the ball rolled into the basket and won I face planted I was still dealing with the pain in my leg hoping I hadn't gotten a nasty injury when I felt Nate's Feet Again on my calf this time there was force I was very certain I heard something crack thankfully the referee saw the second foul on me and with the second flagrant foul ejected Nate from the game the damage had been done though as I was injured and couldn't carry on with the game I did force myself to take the free throw first because that's what Kobe would have done after that I had to be taken to the school nurse and then to the hospital we lost the game that day and Nate received a two-match ban for his unsportsmanlike conduct I on the other hand had to spend six months recovering from my injury and I had to watch every game from the sideline in my senior year of high school I got back on track I'd been contacted by a handful of Scouts to come play for their college and my dream of getting a college degree without going into debt seemed to be coming true I was more worried about my school's upcoming match about Nate's school though I hadn't played him since he'd injured me and I was determined to pay him back by absolutely outclassing him on the court I trained harder than I'd ever trained before and I was a laser focused this time I won't let him phase me in any way I knew he wouldn't want any ways to play dirty this time he too had gotten attention from a handful of schools and I was certain he wouldn't want to risk losing their interest if not for any other reason for the sake of Pride around this time though Cassie and I were together as a matter of fact we had just gotten together again after I broke up with her a few months before I was determined to try and make things work this time and so I put in a lot of effort I'd buy flowers and chocolates for her and I took interest in some of her interests so we had more to talk about it all seemed like it was going good a couple of days to the game though I decided to surprise Cassie and take her out to see a movie I went to her place and went around the back to her room window the window was open I was just about to climb in when I noticed that something was odd there was someone in the room with her as a matter of fact that person was cuddling with her on the bed and his cologne smelled faintly familiar it wasn't until he spoke that I realized that my Nemesis Nate was cuddling with my girlfriend on her bed I was absolutely livid and I considered rushing into the room and confronting them but then I decided to listen to what he was telling her instead right there I heard them hatch together a plan to ruin my basketball career before it even started Nate told her that he was going to give her some performance-enhancing drugs to sneak into my water bottle right before the game he'd then ensure that I was caught cheating by pulling strings and forcing me to get tested after the game the Scandal that the results would create would destroy any chance of any school taking me in and he would finally win Cassie was totally on board word when she giggled and kissed him between their scheming she told them how the fact that I wasn't from a rich family had always bothered her and that she was finally happy to dump me for good I barely recall how I got home all I remember was that for hours I cried non-stop when I was done crying though I got hit by a wave of clarity I knew what I had to do for one I knew not to lose my guard around Cassie at all I didn't eat or drink anything while with her the day of the game Cassie handed me my bottle which she had definitely spiked I in turn promptly walked up to Nate and started talking to him wishing him luck while I talked my brother who I told of my plans stealthily returned Nate's bottle that he had snatched earlier it too had been spiked I managed to outplay Nate in every way possible and we won by a landslide right after the game a few officials walked up to our team and demanded we all provide p in in blood samples I told them that to be fair they had to ask our opponents for theirs too and the principal and Coach agreed we all provided samples and as I saw Nate had his I smiled right after that I walked up to Cassie packed her forehead and told her it was over between us of course they found traces of the drug in Nate it started such a scandal that I heard his dad had to move him to a different state he lost all the opportunities he had and I went on to choose the school ad and play for the University of Michigan where Jamal Crawford had schooled I'm certain he knows that I was responsible for what happened but he has no way of proving it without revealing that he planned it Cassie called me for weeks after but I just kept ignoring it I knew that by breaking up with her first finally she had lost the satisfaction that she wanted to get from dumping me it felt so good to deny her that I really am glad with how things worked out perhaps in another timeline the two of them would reconsider trying to screw me over I don't know what's up with Nate chances are that his parents money would get him somewhere but from all the info I have he isn't playing college basketball anywhere pain eight if you're watching this you got what you deserved it's awesome and sad all at the same time to see this story share the highs and lows of sport like you see op when they're younger enjoying the sport falling in love with it and learning to play it becoming really good at it too and then you see the weird competitive ego side of it where people stoop to as low as trying to put drugs in other people's water just to screw up their future career it can be a beautiful thing and it can be a disappointingly awful thing but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeISPIKEDMYBASKETBALLNEMESISRedditStoriesorig
my cousin opened his marriage then became jealous when his wife found other partners while he did not leading to a full on violent Outburst against her throw away for anonymity there's some really weird drama in my family and I feel like I'm going insane so here's the background my family is a little unusual there are three adults and two children the adults are me my wife and another woman best described as my wife's platonic life partner and also my very dear friend I'll call the partner Sally Sally has lived with us for 20 years the kids call her ma we live in a four-bedroom house and Sally and the kids each have their own bedrooms Sally is aromantic and isual she and my wife love each other very much but platonically Sally is like a sister to me I cannot overstate how incredibly platonic her relationships with both of us have always been we're all very happy together I've been super glad we have her since we had the kids parenting is so much easier when you have a numerical Advantage my cousin Dave has been married to his wife Mary for something like 15 years they have two kids Dave talked Mary into opening the relationship about a year ago and now they're getting divorced because he's struggling to find anyone willing to date him Mary isn't and he's incredibly pissy about it and it's destroying their relationship and by its I kind of mean he's HEK jealous and resentful making that her problem and also now mine because he says it's my fault according to him he thought it would totally work great because my family makes polygamy and open relationships look easy which what setting aside that Sally's relationships with both my wife and me are platonic there's no open relationship in our household Sally and I each get a weekly date night with my wife I take the kids on her night she takes them on mine I did say parenting is easier with the numbers Advantage I think my wife and I have significantly more quality time together than we would if it were just the two of us when the kids can't sleep they go to Sally so my wife and I are never Disturbed after we go to bed sometimes Sally and I go to games together and my wife takes the kids then because she's not into sports ball no one in our house is dating anyone from outside it these are committed relationships that are to all intents and purposes exclusive none of us have ever mentioned seeing anyone else even if we were witch again were not I don't see how that would make me responsible for him treating Mary terribly because he's jealous somehow he was apparently convinced that he and his Beer Gut would get all the girls but no man would be interested in a Charming kind woman who keeps herself in reasonable shape and bakes the best cupcakes you will ever taste I'd have dismissed this out of hand but my aunt his mother and six other family members agree that I'm the A and have been insisting I should apologize to my idiot cousin and help him talk Mary into closing the relationship and staying with him I like Mary we've been friends for 20 years and she's a good person I am also friends with my wife and Sally and she is a wonderful Aunt to my kids given the choice between her and Dave I'd keep Mary and the family along with her kids someone in my family is insane here is it me or them who's the a relevant comments all the consenting adults in your household are happy you just keep it that way good for you if consenting adults in another household are not happy it's none of your business and it's none of anyone else's business to impose fixing that on you I would just keep pushing the nothing to do with us lying and insisting on privacy n and your cousin Dave learned a hard lesson that many men have learned they grossly underestimate how attractive their partner will be and grossly overestimate how attractive they will be when they beg to open a marriage I've read many stories on here that end like Dave's she goes along to keep the marriage Lively and finds she's quite the prize for others while bored boy gets left behind in the dust it makes me L every time you had zero to do with Dave thinking he was going to get laid left and right and getting a rude surprise instead he made that mess of a bed and he can lay in it everyone in the family pointing fingers at you is out of line tell them to SDF you and back off or they'll never see or hear from any of you again keep in touch with Mary though shek lovely another user replies none of these dudes seem to stop to consider that they living proof of their wives low standards and will not be difficult to replace geez some people really think poam or Ace relationships are just hidden SX party fantasies from bad adulteries and adult video games like what did I just read like my dude cousin bro you were a third partner to join you you just didn't like that he was another dude you wanted an FFM fantasy but then reality came crashing down on you and ta at all tell your dip sht cousin to go back to his wank bank and to leave Mary out of it and I could totally see myself in very similar situations during Co we moved in with another couple my wife and his wife were both into crafting and would have craft dates and knitting crotching nights and her husband would go play online with his friends and I would spend time chilling and binge watching disaster videos and Airline Communications my wife hates disaster stuff we had a system going that doesn't mean we were boning and random people moving in is not going to make anybody's life better update one day after the original post if it's too soon for an update moderators I'll be happy to delete this I think I just need to type it out to get some kind of clarity on what just happened sorry in advance it's gone pretty dark my cousin Dave persuaded his wife Mary to open their relationship now he's pissed she's dating and he isn't he was blaming me because he claims my extremely closed relationship situation made open relationships look easy just because there's a third adult in my family a bunch of other people were hassling me to take the blame so far so stupid right it turns out that unbeknownst to me Dave's sister Tina reads this sub a lot and she saw my post and immediately figured out that it was me posting about her brother and she won't tell me if she was one of the commenters or not but for those of you who said that Dave was The Golden Child Tina says you were right on the money she called me this morning and like she seemed to find that really validating and I have literally never heard her sound so happy she's usually pretty depressed so thanks to everyone who decided to read into their family Dynamics you did her a solid that was about 8:00 a.m. I had to get off the phone to head to work and then at about I got a text from my wife that just said come home now I got another one just as I was starting the car that said the kids are fine which I really appreciate because that at least let me change gears from Panic to concern at some point we might discuss that like it would be good to include that in the first text anyway not the point I got home as fast as I could I pulled up on the verge and tried to go in the front door but the handle broken Mary's car was parked in the driveway I had to go in through the garage inside there was my wife Mary and Mary's eldest jackm 12 Mary was banging around the kitchen and Jack was crying at my wife as I understand it what happened was just before she called me Tina texted her brother a link to the post and made some kind of comment about it I don't know what exactly she said but Dave went into a rage like the kind I thought he grew out of when we were teenagers breaking sht and screaming I thought the last time he did it was the time he hit my little brother and I beat the sht out of him I'm not saying it was right but we were kids I'm also not saying I'm sorry tbh and then he hit Mary she's got a bruise coming up on her face F I'm shaking writing this I feel like it's my fault I can't remember if we told her that he used to be like that we honestly thought he'd grown out of it Mary managed to get the kids in the car and drove straight to our place because she knew there'd be someone home Sally's a stay at home mother and my wife works from home some days so there's generally someone home Dave followed and tried to force his way in apparently my expensive security door was worth the money because he managed to damage the handle but the door stayed closed it seems he gave up and ran when my wife yelled that I was on on my way home Jack burst into tears while he and I were moving furniture so we talked and hugged for a bit and now he's lying down in my bed because he was kind of rung out we're waiting for a locksmith to fix the door as well after that we're going to take him and Mary to the police station to make a report and give statements and whatever's involved in all that Sally took our kids and Mary's youngest to my parents place in case Dave came back they're too young for this sht but Jack refused to leave his mother we're going to meet up with them after the police station those of you who said we should adopt Mary are getting their wish at least for now Jack's going to be sleeping in my youngest's big boy bed the kidlet gets to stay in his cot and sleep in Sally's room for a bit and Mary's youngest and my eldest will be sharing a room because they're only a few months apart and they get along well Mary's sleeping on our couch until we get all this figured out my youngest will probably think this is the best day ever he hates his big boy bed and he's going to get a reprieve from the transition plus he gets to share a room with his mom and there's cupcakes in the house because Mary stress bakes and our kitchen counter is covered in cupcakes I should add that according to Tina Dave I told his family that I talked him into the open marriage thing specifically because I wanted to sleep with Mary plus a bunch of other sht that I've honestly forgotten it's been an absolute h of a day and it's only halfast 2 I'm pretty sure I just acquired a 12-year-old son 10 years early and seriously messed up at least for a while and I have to figure out how I'm going to fit Jack's needs into my life without neglecting my own kids I can't even tell if I'm exaggerating Jacks a wreck and maybe those please be my dad now Vibes are temporary but maybe they're not you know I'm going to end this now before I start rambling or keep rambling I don't even know thanks to everyone for all of your input don't be mad at Tina I don't think there's any way she could have predicted Dave would lose his mind second and final update 2 days after the original post I didn't think another update would be necessary but I forgot to log out of this account and my inbox says I was wrong first of all an update on events for the people who were concerned Mary and the kids will not be staying with us as charming and idea as that is this weekend her brother will be coming to pick them up and they'll be going to live with Mary's parents for now they live about 6 hours out of town so it's not an easy drop off we're looking for a counselor for Jack who does tellah health because there aren't really any in her parents small town I don't know what's happening with the legal stuff it's only been a couple of days I'm not sure anyone in entirely knows there were a few General themes in the comments and DMs I got so I'm going to do some collective replies those of you who were worried about Mary and the kids thank you hopefully they'll be okay her family is rallying around and mine and my wife's are all taking her side those of you who thought this was all fake okay I'm not sure what you want me to do with that the person who kept spamming me with hi Liz how did you not realize you had the wrong username for over 24 hours what the hell those of you who thought the the story was unrealistic because I was too heroic throughout hot damn thank you for noticing what a godam hero I am what was your favorite part of all my heroics the part where I was ashad teenager with anger issues the part where I got a text message and came home after all the drama was over or the part where a traumatized child burst into tears and I panicked so badly I thought it meant I had to be his dad now when they make the movie I want Hugh Jackman to play me the people posting their Herm Sister Wives fantasy as HD you're as bad as Dave but I'll allow that you spell better if you can't even imagine the possibility that a man could have friends who are women he does an F that's your problem if you can't imagine that even when one of the women involved is aromantic and asual you might be a problem the people who were concerned I was endangering Mary and the kids by putting it in a post that Dave might see that they were in my house where he already knew they were since he already knew I don't think so for all the people who've been kind and sympathetic thank you you don't deserve all the sarcasm in in this post and it's not directed at youou all lovely I'm just tired relevant comments you and your family were there for Mary and her kids when they needed help sometimes kindness is the only superpower a person needs I wonder what is going through Dave's mind right now is it that op is a master manipulator who managed to get Mary away from him as part of a cunning plan that played out over 20 years culminating with a few days of Mary living with OP to flaunt his victory before she moves in with her parents no doubt to Prov child care to free up time for Mary and op's future Shenanigans or is it that he stupidly blew up his own marriage I'll stick with NTA oh my God someone thought you were Liz I'm so sorry oh op's reply I figured they were confused who is Liz I thought I was on top of Reddit memes but I mostly go to basketball subs thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyCousinOpenedHisMarriageThenBecameJealousWhenHisWifeFoundOtherPartnersWhileHeDi
authors names are provided in the description let's get into the video is Alex a jerk for what he does to Dennis long ago in another Universe aliens were riding a galactic Comet with the power to destroy a Galaxy it traveled so fast that it went into this universe and hit a radioactive star it was a supernova in the aftermath of the radiation from the Star the comet morphed into something bigger stronger and more durable a planet was born Nova but before the explosion a family of three was exploring space outside of the Milky Way Galaxy with their parents and their baby boy alex when the Supernova hit the parents knew they would un alive but they had an escape pod that was indestructible and also generated enough food and water for 80 years there was little space so they decided to save Alex and when it hit they passed away after Planet Nova formed Alex was in a Timeless Zone after millions of years of evolution on Nova Alex was still a baby it was 2 years for him on Nova due to the radiation the aliens look like humans and they all have powers there are heroes in villains they are a futuristic Planet Alex eventually floats out of the zone and lands on Nova like a meteor on Earth he is adopted by his new parents Dan and Jill Dan has fire powers he is also a cop and Jill has ice powers she is also a karate master Alex doesn't have powers so he is different and he wants to be a hero so when he was 14 with his Science Tech and weapon smarts and the help of his three friends Sam Max and Alice who all have electric plant and teleportation Powers respectively Alice made a suit with build-in weapons and power from kinetic energy now Alex can be a hero he is known as Ultra X Alex has his first mission when criminals are robbing a bank they knock out the guards with all of their super strength then Alex comes in he learned karate from Jill and he also learned how to aim from Dan which he uses with the mini crossbow on his wrist hidden in his shoulders are nunchucks and a mace he has ninja stars and indestructible metal spiked baseball bat and bouncy shoes because of the kinetic energy every time he gets hit the suit recharges he is able to hold his own but it's too much until his friends in their own Suits come to help altogether they clean the house and the criminals are in jail they save the day the four go back to school where Alex is still annoyed by Dennis his arch rival and Nemesis since third grade Dennis's power is to make weapons out of thin air he hates Alex for not having flowers so he treats Alex like trash that is why Alex hates Dennis in school Dennis tells Alex about how he needed his loser friends to save him and without Powers even with his suit he will never be a hero like Dennis also wants to be Alex will just be a weakling that will get killed after a few fights Alex starts to believe Dennis and doubts himself but then his friends defend him Dennis calls the four wimps and runs off the others encourage Alex making him feel better but that doubt is still in the back of his head Dennis Dawn his suit and starts destroying villains but no one cares about him all he wants is positive attention he is the type his parents never gave him before they unive he also gets get neglected and used at his orphanage he is jealous of Alex because he has friends and family that is why he is a jerk no one cares about him because everyone loves Ultra X if Dennis can't be the best hero he'll be the worst villain meanwhile Max is talking to trees which is one of his powers he can talk to all plants since they are all alive but only Max can hear them since trees are connected to the Earth they see everything they see Dennis planning something bad but before they can warn Max Alice teleports to him and grabs him for help with a crun Dennis meets his only friends Jack Lily and Stacy who have toxic radiation Shockwave and telekinesis Powers respectively they were also neglected and abused by the orphanage he had four plans to destroy the city but first they destroyed the orphanage unal living everyone and then they recruited lots of bad guys to wreak havoc on the city first graders on a field trip are trapped in a broken bus that has crashed there is an evil group about to un alive them all then Dan shows up he gets bruised but he is able to to win against the odds but he is badly injured in the hospital Jill is by Dan's side and Alex would be there if he were not too busy fighting to save lives Dennis learns about Dan then he wants to un alive his Nemesis dad so he goes to un alive Dan but first he sends a group to beat up Jill she holds her own but eventually gets too hurt to fight a tree tells Max about the plan and Alex rushes to the hospital to save his dad but Jack Lily and Stacy try to stop him Alex's friends help Max fights Jack Sam fights Lily and Alice fights Stacy Jack's radiation unives all the plants then he starts hitting Max with toxic radioactive blast seeing all of his plant friends un alive makes Max sad and angry and it pushes him to stop holding back he touches the ground and connects to all the plants around the world they all attack at once then overpower and knock out Jack a battle of thunder and lightning between Sam and Lily gets crazy they destroy each other but Thunder is too powerful and Sam finds out she can move as fast as 224,000 m per hour Sam's speed overpowers the Thunder and she defeats Lily with a fast barrage of attacks Alice's teleportation is not enough for Stacy she keeps hitting but Stacy will not stay down punches and kicks won't do it and it does not help that her reflexes are not fast enough to D Stacy's telekinetic attacks like throwing things at her but then Alice finds out she can teleport anything to anywhere so she sends metal things onto Stacy's head before landing the final punch Alex gets to the hospital at the same time as Dennis and the fight is on they destroy each other they are equally skilled Dennis keeps pulling out weapon after weapon it is too much for Alex to handle Dennis breaks the nunchuks with a hammer and melts the mace with a blow orch then crushes the wrist crossbow before Alex passed away he unleashes his trump card where his suit CPU fights for him it wrecks Dennis with karate and the baseball bat before Dennis gets the jump on Alex with a sword to the stomach with Alex impaled and on the floor Dennis plans to un alive Dan and Jill with a chainsaw while Alex is on the floor he sees the discarded sword and blorch he heats up the sword until it's glowing hot when Dennis is about to finish Dan and Jill Alex charge at him with the hot sword Dennis is impaled and they go through the window the heat is making Dennis's blood boil so he is in pain before they hit the cement Max makes a tree for them to Tumble through to cushion the blow so they can survive Dennis is lucky to be alive but he his friends and the villains all go to prison and swear to get revenge the group wonders what happened to the other villain well it turned out that the rest of the city had enough of their crimes and jumped them all together Alex Max Sam Alice Dan and Jill are all in the hospital hurt but recovering Dan and Jill are proud of Alex for saving their lives while Max Sam and Alice's parents come in to check on their kids Dan gets promoted to a higher rank as a cop because he saved those kids a month later Alex and friends are still fighting crime Dan is a great cop Jill is a karate teacher and most importantly everyone is happy thank you for watching the video if you enjoy listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on IsAlexAJerkForWhatHeDoesToDennisorig
hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day just shut up and go do the job second hand and this happened a long time ago I was working for the company at the time but had transferred to a different state but I knew the guys as I used to work with them it's a story from a previous job in the fuel industry where we were maintaining service stations nationally for major global oil companies basically there were two types of work contract and out of contract work you basically take on the contract work at a break even the out of contract work you charge site visit fees hourly rates bigger markup and that is actually where you make your money this becomes important later the other thing that is important to the story is that in a service station environment certain work requires permitting oil company notification and an oil company engineer to attend this is because flammable environments can exist there is potential for loss of life and liability wise a contractor such as US was not allowed to work without oil company supervision the cast the technician / fitter we had a great guy working for us we'll call them Bob the guy had been in the Army for well over a decade he was a Warrant Officer which was basically the highest non officer rank you can get he knew his stuff technically and managerially and woody left the military and went back to the tools and civilian life I'd imagine it must have been hard what I found with ex-military especially non officer people is that they are big on the chain of command and understand how to manage up as they would often have to be in position of trying to get things done without necessarily having the rank to order people to do things you see this in so many of the officer vs. enlisted stories maybe I'm wrong and biased but I have a lot of time for military people the work coordinator let's call her Karen the 20 year old put into the position had delusions of adequacy she had no idea what the jobs entail prerequisites permitting or even the equipment required so she was put in charge of a team of technicians and fitters now our job was to issue the work to the team meet SLA is for the oil companies and to make sure the team had what they needed etc and the A's to get engineers when required now if I've been put into a job I don't know jack about my approach would be to listen to those doing the work even try and spend a day on the road and generally be humble enough to know I didn't know it all work in your team and they'll help you and cover your back that wasn't her approach I didn't see the coordinator role as supervisor to the guys on the road I think she did needless to say she didn't endear herself to her team the incident now as Bob had been there a long time he generally got a lot of the more complex stuff often when Karen rang him and asked him to do a job he would have to advise her of what needed to happen what might need hiring permitting requirements etc this may have been frustrating for both parties but bob was smart enough to keep things cordial it might have affected a solis for Karen who may have over-promised at times without understanding the complexity of the job given he was talked down to a lot I don't necessarily think her SL A's were his highest priority anyway one day Karen attacked Bob off and Karen was having a bad day a job came in that involved welding on a service station this meant engineers gas testing permitting etc so Karen rings Bob and issues the job Bob then says you're going to need to Karen interrupts and says just shut up and go do the job and slams down the phone apparently she then complained not for the first time to office colleagues that getting Bob to do anything was really difficult there was always a complication so Bob snaps and says freaking I will the aftermath now bob is no idiot he knew the engineers knew the process and I couldn't see him blowing himself up for anyone so how the relevant oil company engineer accidentally shows up on site SES about to do work in breach of safety regulations can only be guessed that the engineer certainly indicated that it was random so now all heck breaks loose upper management are summoned and torn a newbie hole but that was just the beginning we are then suspended from setting foot on all of their sites nationwide all non contract works are issued to our major competitor and the contract work still ours problem is that we can't set foot on their sites and still need to meet SLA s we then have to pay our major competitor to attend the sites to do our at cost contract work and they're out of contract rates so I can't remember whether it was 3 or 6 months that we were prevented from going to sites certainly it was enough for the message to get through well Karen got her butt kicked severely but to his credit the boss kind of realized that there was a bit more to work our nation than a cheap 20 year old could handle the boss was ticked and lost a heck of a lot of money Bob wasn't really popular with the boss but knew he was complying with an order and had nothing on him eventually there was a new coordinator approved Bob congratulations Bob if you had a work coordinator who knew absolutely nothing and was pestering you on what to do what would you do or what would you say let me know your course of action in the comments below father does not get my point gets to clean up after me for the next day so this happened with me and my father while we were connecting a new fireplace to the chimney in 2016 this chimney was unused for a long time and there were a jackdaw nests in there several generations worth in fact I had promised to help clean the old chimney but I had to pack clothes for a class trip I would go on I was going to go to Italy with my class and we were driving there by bus leaving Sunday evening not to waste a day of the week in Italy trying to get there my father did tell me to clear the chimney during the weekend to do it I needed to access the upper of two access ports to the chimney situated in the cellar and the Attic and clear out the nests with a poker taking them out in the cellar there was quite a lot of dust in there as well and I wanted to have a contraption to hold the lower access ports shut in case all the nests would fall down at once this contraption was built by my father at his workplace where he had left it on Friday now I did not want to clear out the chimney without the extra safety so I told him to get it on Saturday so I could do it Saturday evening and leave him to clean up the fine dust and smaller bits while I was gone he forgot to get it on Saturday as well so I told him that I was not going to do it because the dust from old bird's nests can have dried poop in it which is bad if you breathe it in also should the accessport bust open this dust would go everywhere coating the whole cellar in a layer of this disgusting mixture making it nearly impossible to clean however my father totally missed the point and told me to step up to my word and to do it anyways this ended up in a fight between us leading to him threatening to cancel the class trip and ground me for a week so I ended up conceding so after the long fight we had it was early evening and I could not do the whole task on Saturday anymore I ended up preparing everything so I would be able to do it quickly the next day so I would hopefully still be able to take a good long shower and pack my bags without too much stress and then there I saw my chance my father got called for an emergency at the workplace he told me he would be back after I left and wished me a nice trip to this day I do not know why I did this the way I did it but here is the story I closed off the lower access port and poked through the upper one to get the nests out normally you do not start at the top because all the nests accumulate and fall down with more force than necessary this is exactly what I did I poked upwards destroying the more recent nests and making them fall this resulted in what I would describe as a dust and bird poop tsunami that crashed through the lower access panel with ease this ended up being around 30 to 50 kilograms worth of material I waited for the dust to settle and went in with a dust mask to examine the damage and clean up the bulk the whole seller wreaked of old dusty bird poop and everything except for the laundry room which I had closed off due to wet clothes being in there was caked with fine dust I cleared out the bulk of the nests meaning the twigs eggshells and large chunks of poop showered packed my bags and left for Italy before he came back but I left them a message on a note at the door to the cellar translated it means I told you so but with more colorful language that I sadly could not translate properly the aftermath my father was obviously not too happy but he had a week to think about what happened he did send me a message that said this would be my last days ungrounded but eventually just cleaned the dust up and never talked about the issue again we were better to each other after that so I think he got my point well I'm glad at the end of this super messy malicious compliance story things improved for the two of them relationship wise I'm really glad that they could bond over this old dusty bird poop sweet compliance it is so as everyone knows most of the world is quarantined right now and we all have to stay home students have their lessons and online meetings and so do we so last Tuesday our technology teacher gave us a few assignments with the hand in time being p.m. on Thursday for some reason she told us we are meeting for an online lesson at a.m. on Wednesday we all got into the meeting and it was just awful you almost couldn't hear her and everything she explained to her at least tried to was way out of our league stuff we had never even heard or seen before I think it's also important to mention that we are a small group of just eight students in that course at the end of the lesson she asks if there were any questions she didn't know we were talking about how none of what she says made sense and we were so confused in our whatsapp group I asked about one thing but everyone just said that it doesn't make sense since she can't explain anyway and we wouldn't get it no matter what so Thursday comes around no one has done any of the assignments yet obviously as if we were all too stupid there's something I wake up look at my phone and see you there's a new message from the teacher it was around 10 a.m. she wrote in our group hey guys they have not received any solutions for the assignments I gave you yet don't forget about them we were all like yeah we'll hand them in later thank you for the heads up so it turns 11 a.m. I get another message I am currently working on the assignments definitely not copying my answers from Wikipedia she writes guys no one has handed in their work yet I'd like to know why it shouldn't be too hard and she was right it wasn't Google and Wikipedia explained it so easy it was no problem we started chatting on whatsapp about what was up and why she was writing us already thinking we might have misread the due time we didn't 12 p.m. and another message still nothing what's wrong guys as soon as we saw the message we were in a call doing the rest of the assignments at that time without the teacher obviously we all started thinking the same we were all super annoyed due time was p.m. not 12 p.m. we did the rest of the assignments and sure enough 1 p.m. and another message rolled in she was getting quite mad at us and asked again why didn't we hand in anything yet no one replied we chatted in the whatsapp group again everyone was getting so annoyed at her we didn't like her as a teacher before anyway so we decided to all hand in the assignments at p.m. as we were supposed to sure enough we got a message every hour asking why there hasn't been any solution sanded in yet we didn't answer at 8 p.m. she said it's now getting late and we are starting to make her really angry she might have to inform our parents about this that was the point we all knew she was definitely not a keeper as a teacher so it's due time we hand in everything she writes us Friday morning 6:00 a.m. I think you don't know how rude of you this was I thought we had a great connection we are having a meet up at 8:30 none of us showed up to the meeting as we were all still asleep she called our parents later that day and complained how rude we were and how they should have told us to hand in our assignments on time my mom says to her my son is old enough I am NOT in charge of telling him what and when to do anything and as far as I'm concerned he handed in everything on time if you've got any problems with his work speak to him but he didn't do anything wrong and he followed your rules you are not the only teacher he has and he already gets enough assignments by and hangs up the teacher didn't say anything about our work since then and never pressured us with such messages since then yeah I could imagine it being a little annoying every half-hour getting a where's all the work you haven't done your work yet you'll tell us what time to come in for our final presentation sounds great let's set the scene it's 2017 I was in a three-month internship that turned out to be not exactly what I thought it would be to other students and I were sent down to work with an environmental group before going there we were given about zero prep but we're told that once we got there the organization would have all the details and everything worked out so that was a lie we get there and immediately it's a huge chore to get them to give us anything to do they're good people trying to do good but they have no idea what to do with us several times they go in to meet my supervisor at our designated times and he's just not there no one knows where he is I ended up cataloging all the books in their library it was frustrating to say the least to go in every week and beg for them to give us tasks towards the end we started giving up just dealing with the minute plans they do give us now the story we're set to leave in a couple weeks so our supervisors tell us that we should give short presentations on our work the past three months cool whatever I can talk about cataloging for five minutes Oh our work was in Spanish which is my second language so I'm being sure when making my PowerPoint that everything is grammatically correct and stuff we go in a week before our presentation and have the following convo what day should we do the presentation I think Friday is best that's when everyone is in the office what time hmm not sure I'll call you before the day I'm sure you can see where this is going the days go by no phone call Thursday night rolls around and we decide that we're tired of getting jerked around by this organization if they don't call before noon tomorrow we flew out on a Saturday and had to pack and say goodbye to people we wouldn't go well one of the supervisors finally calls us at ish asks why we're not in yet sorry boss he said he'd call before the day we have early flight so we're not coming in to give our presentations there wasn't much fallout our academic advisors back at university were a bit angry with us but couldn't get us in trouble for anything and we three already had other references it was a bit poopy but it felt very liberating thanks for reading that would suck just having to stand around and catalog books all day constantly because that's just all you can do but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was the most interesting to you and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the story tom channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceContractandOutofContractWorkIllComply
a ITA for telling my disabled brother that he is selfish because he decided to have a baby I 24m have a disabled brother 30m who is Down syndrome he's the only disabled person in the family me my sister 19f and my parents are normal he recently got married to a girl Emma who has Down syndrome too 29f they both met at a disability coping Center in our neighborhood their wedding was the sweetest and we were so happy for our brother and Emma but this Easter dinner our whole family was together to celebrate the occasion and it all went down after Emma announced that she was pregnant in around 5 months down my mom and dad had a slow reaction while my sister put up a fake smile and gave me a side eye Emma later said that her baby would be having Down syndrome too off course I was trying to comprehend this and I told them that this is selfish and they're ruining the baby's life and they shouldn't have reproduced when they knew that the baby would suffer the same disability my brother had a rough childhood he was tortured physically and mentally by his own body bullying and discrimination Etc were tough for him and it broke our heart too I couldn't see my niece / neew suffering the same way and going through the same pain my brother went through Emma is disabled too so it would be tough on her and the baby while giving birth my mom and brother were Furious I said that disability doesn't stop them from having sex it's their right but they should have worn protection or something so that they could prevent pregnancy my dad and sister agreed with me while my mom was mad my brother and Emma left the dinner calling me ah so IA
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmydisabledbrotherthatheisselfishbecausehedecidedtohaveababyorig
aita for wanting to divorce my husband after he chose going to his friend's house over coming home to take care of the kids while I'm sick my husband 35m goes to his friend's house every Tuesday night to play video games while I have a night with the kids 3 and six I 35f have had a fever and body aches with a stiff neck since Friday but have went to work at my labor job because it's the kind of place that will fire you if you don't show up for any reason my point is I'm exhausted from the day and in major pain with a fever I texted my husband right before he left work and told him I was still in pain and sent a picture of the thermometer with a 101.9 on it I asked him to please come home to do the kids bath /d/ bedtime but I said never mind I don't want to be a burden in the past he has been Huffy if I ask him to stay home for whatever reason his response is okay I then said he would be my night in shining armor my Disney prince if he did come home but that I understand his personality is more like Hades from the movie Hercules he says you just compared me to the devil and want me to agree I said yes but my personality is like Meg from the same movie or maybe even Meg from Family Guy and that's why we go well together self-deprecating humor is my specialty I do make jokes at my own expense a lot I probably need therapy but whatever I don't have the money he sends me a couple of gifts of Hades thumbing up and we laugh about
give me a good story on AITAHforwantingtodivorcemyhusbandafterhechosegoingtohisfriendshouseovercomingorig
AIT for admitting to my sister that I was not surprised at all that her daughter disobeyed her my sister was a single mom to my niece Ellie for 8 years then she met her husband rich and very quickly she ended up pregnant Ellie really didn't know Rich At All by that point and she wasn't thrilled my sister was of the opinion that Ellie would come around in time after baby Liam was born my sister set up these cut photo shoots for Ellie and Liam and she involved Ellie in the pregnancy which was something Ellie resisted doing but my sister basically gave her no choice when Liam was one my sister found out that Ellie and her BFF Hazel were talking about the new half siblings in their Liv Hazel's half sister was born a couple of months before Liam was and neither their half sibling a real sibling my sister heard Hazel and Ellie say they didn't love or care about their half siblings their stepdads and how they didn't have a real family anymore Hazel claimed her mom replaced her dad and that she would never want the replacement family Ellie told Hazel she missed it being just her and her mom and she never wanted a dad like her mom seemed to think she also said Liam was just a baby she didn't get all affectionate and protective like most of the family said she would she said if rich took Liam and left left for good she would be kind of glad my sister contacted Hazel's mom and stepdad and she told them Hazel was no longer welcome in our house when Ellie didn't change toward Liam afterward she told her she could no longer see Hazel anymore and their friendship was over my sister told me about it at the time and I asked her how she was planning to do that and wouldn't therapy be better she said they just feed off each other too much she went to their school to try and get them separated but the school refused she wanted me to pay for Ellie to go to a private school to get her away from Hazel but I said no now Ellie is 15 and surprising few except for my sister and a small bit Ellie and Hazel are still friends at school and have never lost contact apparently neither girl feels very different either Ellie now has a new half sister Olivia and Hazel has two half Brothers my sister lost her when she found out and when she confronted Ellie she was told by Ellie that Hazel is the most important person to her anymore and she would never give her up for them my sister grounded Ellie and has tried to make her want to stay away from Hazel but it doesn't work my sister has brought this up a few times since finding out and the other day she accused me of not ever appearing surprised that Ellie disobeyed her I admitted that I was and I always knew trying to take Ellie's best friend from her would be something Ellie wouldn't go along with my sister accused me of not being honest with her by not saying this sooner and of wanting her marriage and family to fail she also accused me of being arrogant and thinking I know Ellie better than she does she also claimed I knew and had seen the girls together which is untrue AIT t
give me a good story on AITAforadmittingtomysisterthatIwasnotsurprisedatallthatherdaughterdisobeyedherorig
today we've got a crazy nuclear Revenge story against a bunch of Mean Girls we'll get into that in a bit but first I snitched on my former roommate and her boyfriend most people can already tell when their roommate is going to be a jerk but that was not the case with my roommate and me I also didn't get back at my roommate for something she did to me I know it's weird but I had my own story we met online and became friends my virtual friends set up a book club for introverts and I sent her a private message asking her to join in I had just moved to the city and I didn't know anyone I wanted to make new friends and meet new people but I was also trying to build a strong career and barely had time to go out to events and all these things where people meet people when I saw that my virtual friend had started a virtual book club that I didn't have to leave the house for I was overjoyed I sent her a private message letting her know that I was interested in joining her book club before I got my job I was avidly ready my mom would joke that I consume rather than read books I thoroughly enjoyed reading books when I got my job however I barely had time to do any reading I wanted to revive my reading habits as well as meet new people so the club was a win for me on every level I was hoping you'd join in my virtual friend exclaimed when I told her about my intentions I used to read your book reviews and I loved them why did you stop I said my job is very demanding I barely have the time to read anymore I totally understand she said I met someone online she writes the most brilliant and witty reviews too I think you'll like her she gave me the girl's username and I sent her a friend request after reading her reviews she was indeed a witty writer and I was chuffed to find out that she lived in the city I'm happy to finally meet a female writer in the city she said to me when I sent her a message are there no female writers around here she said well there are but none of them are like you you know like us the US made me feel so close to her like we had something special that made us Superior I had never been an us before that I'm not a writer I said to her nonsense she said I imagined her saying nonsense and sounding like a British lady you are a writer I've not written anything in years I said somewhat glad for the positive affirmation she said okay are you asexual because you haven't had sex in a long time um no she said see that you haven't written in a while does not make you a not writer I laughed what is a not writer people who don't write the Outlaws we both laughed and I liked her immediately for the next couple of weeks we would text consistently she told me she was a freelance writer she had Parents and a rich brother who took care of her bills she came off as a spoiled girl but not a brat someone that was being taken care of by financially but was still very much connected to reality she wanted to write her first book but was still Gathering the materials and taking her time I encouraged her to take her time I would text her frequently to complain about my job my workload and my co-workers and she would say the most soothing stuff I enjoyed talking to her and felt she had the most insightful things to contribute to every conversation she also would never hold back on cursing out my boss or colleagues at work whenever I complained to her at the time I wondered if her freelance clients never bothered her she never complained about them and she never praised them either she just never spoke of them I would ask her if she was working on any project or writing anything and she would say oh just my novel and then change the topic one day she texted me that she was in a hotel and would be staying there for a while first I wondered how she could afford to stay in the hotel for a long time it was a nice hotel in the city secondly I wondered why she left her old apartment her apartment was Tiny But she loved it it was close to the coffee shop where she gets her riding done and it was in the middle of the city she always said she loved the noise in the crowd she never told me why she moved out I subtly mentioned it so she could tell me but she still did not I decided not to think too much about it my virtual friend was after all a spontaneous girl and was the kind of person to just decide that renting an apartment was simply no longer for her while she was living at the hotel my roommate told me that she was moving out her boyfriend wanted to live together and since I couldn't excuse them I moved into the apartment first and she had asked me if I want to live somewhere else so her boyfriend could move in but I disagreed she decided that they would find a new place that meant that I had to look for a roommate so I wouldn't have to pay the whole rent the month after my roommate leaves I had told everyone wanted work that I needed a roommate but no one was looking and my roommate was moving out at the end of that month my virtual friend turned ex-roommate was already bothering me about meeting up we hardly ever had time to meet because on most weekends she was out with her boyfriend and on weekdays I was busy with work finally we decided to meet up for coffee at her favorite coffee shop it was a public holiday so it worked perfectly for both of us we were very happy to see each other I had worried that things were going to be awkward but that didn't happen we talked like we'd known each other for a very long time on our second coffee date I told her that I was looking for a roommate I didn't think that she would want to be my roommate I only hoped that she would talk to her friends since she knew the city better than I did oh my God I could move in with you we could be roomies she did a little dancing around the table I wasn't sure it was a good idea since it was only our second meeting but she was so excited about it so I caught the bug too when I told my roommate when she was leaving about my plan to have my new friend move in she was skeptical I don't know honey did you not just meet her I just did but she's such a delight we already have such a strong connection she Shrugged and wished me luck I perfectly understood her skepticism my mom had always said that who you live with can make or marry you that includes a spouse romantic partner or roommate having a problematic roommate was too much of a problem and it made no sense to return from a hectic day at work to a terrible roommate the thing with my former roommate was fun at first I would hurry back from work so we could go out for drinks together she was nearly always home during the day and would be so happy to see me I always wondered why she didn't want to get her regular job since she was so bored and if she was working on her book why did I hardly ever see her write anything I also wondered how she could afford rent I knew her parents sent her money and so did her brother but how was that sufficient for her to just sit by and do nothing asides from rent she always filled up the fridge and she had many designer purses shoes and makeup she could also afford to buy food from expensive restaurants she had a boyfriend and they spoke often but he never came over and she never introduced us but that didn't bother me at all I would ask her to say hello to him for me whenever they were talking on the phone one day I returned from work and saw her crying it was strange to me because I had never seen her cry after many minutes of asking what was wrong she finally told me that she had just broken up with her boyfriend why oh dear I thought everything was fine he promised to leave his wife she yelled and burst out crying again it was at that moment that I understood everything that had been going on my former roommate was seeing a married man and he'd been the one mostly paying for all the expensive stuff she buys I tried very hard to not be judgmental but I couldn't help it my dad left my mom for a younger woman when his business took off and my mom was devastated before he left her he was openly cheating on my mom with his girlfriend it was humiliating for our family naturally I didn't approve of anyone dating married men she must have noticed the sour look on my face don't judge me she screamed I'm not judging I said alarmed I had also never seen her scream I know you judge me I see how you look whenever I'm talking to him I didn't even know you were dating a married man until now she stood and started to Pace calm down I could do you think you'll leave her I said no many men lie about leaving their wives they hardly ever leave after that day I stopped seeing my roommate in the same light our conversations lessened and we hardly went out to do fun things she soon got back together with him because I heard her talking to him many times one day I was in the kitchen doing the dishes when she walked up to me you never asked what happened with my boyfriend she accused what you didn't care to do a follow-up we're supposed to be friends I said I'm sorry I just didn't see how I could feel sorry for you the only person who anyone should be sorry for is his wife her husband is cheating I tried to say that as quietly as I could but I was very upset she says whose side are you on I said I'm not on any side why don't you just find your own man you're beautiful and smart and she walked away from me before I could complete my sentence that was what drove a wedge between my roommate we went from barely talking to not even talking at all I knew I ought of not have turned away from her like that but all I could think of was How the Other Woman must have been feeling I know how bad my mom felt when my dad was cheating on her I finally saw my roommate and her boyfriend at a restaurant one day they were in a private corner of the restaurant I only knew that part of the restaurant because my former roommate and I used to eat there I had expected a middle-aged man but he was quite younger than I expected him to be when she returned home that evening I asked how she was she looked excited so I figured she had gotten some great news he's finally going to leave her she exclaimed I'm so relieved why do you care anyway judgy I said I'm not being judgmental I genuinely want you to be happy I meant that but what I didn't say was that I wanted her to be happy with someone who wasn't someone else's husband oh well she said Shrugged and then suddenly transformed into the happy bubbly roommate I knew it's going to be a slow process though because we don't want her to take all the money and get custody of their child my man is trying to take it slowly so she has nothing against him I nodded slowly and managed to force a smile he wants to get the house she said again what he wants the house that's a major reason for his carefulness he wants me to move into that same house with him the household sentimental value to him it used to be his parents but they sold it to him when they wanted to sell it and he couldn't bear to see some someone else live in his beloved house she went on and on about how he'd proposed to her as soon as his divorce was in court I was irritated but I tried very hard to mask it I decided I was going to help the other woman get Justice I couldn't stop her husband from leaving her for my roommate but I could at least ensure that she got the house and took all or nearly all his money I started to wait for when my roommate would leave the house so I could be alone with her computer I knew there would be evidence of their relationships somewhere she was that crazy about him true to my thoughts they had taken many half naked pictures together in luxurious hotel rooms I took pictures of those with my phone because we didn't have a printer I then checked thoroughly for his name and searched for him online I found him and found his wife's profile too since I couldn't send his wife the photos with my real social media account I opened a burner account and sent her the photos his wife had a girl did just as I hoped she would she took the house nearly all his money their dog and their daughter from what it looked like he probably wasn't even going to leave his wife he only said it to discourage my roommate from leaving him his wife left him though and while that made my roommate happy for a while she was glad they could finally be together she became quite miserable when she saw her boyfriend try very hard to get his wife back when she didn't take him back he became very sad and wouldn't treat my roommate right he eventually ghosted her and left the city I don't think my roommate ever suspected that I did it I felt sorry for her but I just couldn't watch another woman get hurt I'm not gonna lie I think op's roommate is not the brightest if they really had no inkling of suspection that op was involved I guess if the wife finding out because of those photos was not ever disclosed ever then I guess Opie could get away with it because then the roommate would just think that the wife's just trying to take everything like she feared then said our next story is showing the Mean Girls out I've always been a reader and I used to think that the popular kid becomes friends with a loser Trope was unrealistic until it happened to me I'm a 24 year old woman so all of this is behind me but I've been up too long and wandering down the rabbit hole that is Reddit so this is me sharing my own story my family was the average divorced family my father lived in a different city entirely and only had us for one holiday a year and we lived with my mother for most of the Year there were three of us my older sister myself and my little brother we were very close in age which meant that there were a lot of fights as children and we only became close as adults unfortunately these fights affected me a little more than they should have coupled with the fact that I was the middle child and an automatic Rebel it was a hard childhood I was very much into art and literature in high school and I made sure to look the part of a tortured artist or or what we call the emo kid today naturally I kept a diary where I put all of my little feelings and I kept it in my locker I wasn't popular nor did I care about that because I was too much in my own world to give a darn about what was going on around me plus I had too much to do as I said I was really into art and literature and so I was in charge of a lot of things I was a part of the school's journalism team and I did summary Columns of two books every week I also worked behind the scene for the theater kids as a stagehand so I was really occupied at school back home my mother had me doing a few things for the church as well and I was basically my little brother's permanent babysitter I was always always doing something because of that I didn't really have that many friends beside the people I worked with and while it was nice to hang out with them during the time we worked in school together once everything was over they went back to their various lives and it was just me as a team teenager the loneliness begins to get to you after some time and you begin to wish for more than you already have I just wanted a friend to have similar interests as me I didn't let myself think about it too much but it was the last thing I wrote in my diary the last time I saw it I wasn't too attached to my diary and if I'm being honest it was more like a planner and a means to record how I was feeling at the end of every week I only wrote A Lot in it when I was feeling particularly stressed and the week that I wrote about wanting friends was a stressful week for me my family had been stressing me out the school had decided to ban all of the books that I'd had reviewed after the school paper had been published so about a month's worth of papers had to be retrieved and redone it wasn't my fault because the band came after I had turned the work in but my co-workers decided to be jerks about it we were also having midterms at the same time so all of it was at my throat and I was is really just exhausted by the rest of the world I had been updating my diary the entire week with the happenings in my life and naturally I said some mean things about my co-workers and teachers and family and everyone that had crossed my path and annoyed me in the slightest I noticed that my diary was missing after two weeks since I'd last written in it because that was when I was finally able to relax after midterms I didn't Panic initially because I expected that if it wasn't in my school locker where I always left it during the week it would be home I'm not a careless person and I have a great memory so accidents like forgetting my diary were out of the question after a weekend of searching I became panicked the next week my entire life turned upside down I came to school to see torn out Pages for my diary placed all over the walls and an angry mob of students waiting for me inside a classroom my co-workers threatened to kick me out of the journalism team they couldn't until a teacher approved it and the theater kid straight up told me that I was not allowed anywhere near their sets anymore apparently my diary had been uploaded online and everyone had a piece of it I knew that I didn't say anything remotely serious enough to elicit that reaction from them but we were teenagers everything was a reason to be emotional I was hounded until the principal called me to her office with the most pitiful look on her face she apologized to me on behalf of all the students and share that she understood how it felt to be in front of everyone's temper she had also read the contents and told me that it wasn't as bad and the students were being a little dramatic and promised to find out who broke into my locker and took out my private property I was also given the option of taking two days off school for things to die down which I took wholeheartedly because who wouldn't however when I returned to school I saw banners with my face on them I went straight to the principal to complain that I was getting bullied but she was gleeful and told me that three girls had randomly taken interest in the case and wanted to sensitize the school about being kind or something of the sort it was weird and uncomfortable mainly because I'd already gotten attention and hoped that the break would make things die down a bit but the girls were sweet in their message however overly theatrical was good too they preached about not invading your friend's privacy very simple very off and very cute people were more forgiving towards me after three pretty and popular girls spoke about kindness so it didn't seem all bad because I went back to work and they left me alone but when they approached me during lunch one day and sat at my table things took quite a turn I'll call them Daisy Maisie and Roe Daisy was obviously the leader Maisie her twin sister and Roe their childhood best friend they weren't dumb or anything but they were rich and had parents who were never around they invited me to parties and I started out refusing but once my mother heard about it she basically put me in clothes and forced me out the door the parties were nice they involved me and we had fun so much so that we started regularly hanging out together I became one of them the quieter one that dressed a lot like Adam Sandler in the summer but we worked they didn't get a lot of things I liked like my super Emo music and love of bands and Hot Topics but we still found a ways to have fun they made their parents buy the school newspapers in bulk which meant more money for the journalism team and they showed up to whatever plays I assisted in with large banners that had my name on them I didn't want to explain that it wasn't how it worked but the gesture was sweet so I didn't bother it felt like a good thing had come from my little messy situation so I just enjoyed it I was basically the keeper of all their secrets and I knew everything about them including some gory details that weren't worth mentioning to the public things were great for three years from the 9th grade to the 11th and then we went for the summer break before senior Year my parents took a trip to Morocco to see my mom's family and we had a great time naturally communication was low and I missed my friends Upon returning I expected that we would have the best time and reminisce about how much we missed each other instead we only hung out in school and only during lunch one weekend I decided that I would go see them as a surprise so that I could give all of them all the cute things I got them all abroad Daisy and maisie's parents were fighting downstairs and waved me off as usual I went upstairs and just as I was about to knock I heard that they were having a heated conversation I didn't understand it at the time but I later understood that Roe felt guilty that they had been using me as a charity case for so long and wanted to be honest because we were now pretty close I figured it out two weeks later when my little brother who was in ninth grade and among among the media team and film club that was in charge of Photography and videography asked to show me a video it was one of my three best friends talking about how I was a successful charity case and it was going so well that they actually wanted to keep me they were also the ones to steal my diary from my locker it made sense now because Ro knew how to Jimmy any lock and she had confessed to it on many occasions it was a blatant school project and I was devastated that I let myself fall for it the worst parts were that they were still acting very chummy with me and it made me so uncomfortable I couldn't believe that what could have been a good and quiet High School run was ruined by three bored girls it was a Saturday morning when I went to the mall to buy a new red diary to document all the ways I was going to get back at my best friends to start with Maisie and Roe were both sleeping with Daisy's boyfriend they had both individually confided in me because I looked like I knew something and poor Daisy had no idea I had all of their passwords because they shared their passwords with each other in case any of them died I had lied about mine thankfully but I could get into their social media accounts to get all the evidence that I could I prepared receipts into the silliest little videos and kept them safely in a flash drive right before our final exams Daisy and Maisie confessed that their parents were on the brink of a divorce and we were waiting for them to be finished with high school it was a stressful time for them and I almost felt bad but seeing more text between all three of them in their super private group chat that I wasn't on made me understand that they didn't feel remorse for being jerks I waited until our final class event before graduation which was an outdoor Cinema and then I went to give the flash drive to the kid who was in charge of playing sappy little videos onto a projector before we would watch the movie I also did well to email it to all all three of their parents before walking out of the scene it was just as messy as I had anticipated and all three of them got into a catfight that made noses and mouths bleed but it could have been an overstatement the twins parents eventually separated and they were shipped to a Christian College in London where they had to wear uniforms instead of UCLA as they originally had planned Rose parents were very religious and they were so mad that they sent her to a community college and replaced her shiny Bentley with a Toyota Corolla in rich kid lingo it was a nightmare my little brother to this day is the only one who knows what I did and we still have inside jokes about it so you're telling me that they did this charity case thing as a school project I mean I would hope that whatever teacher if they caught wind of this or saw this would give them an F for the ethics of that imagine fooling and stringing someone along for years just for a project whether or not you find out that you actually do like the person and want to be their friend the whole thing is so foundationally screwed up but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIKICKEDOUTTHEMEANGIRLSRedditStoriesorig
:17.040 --> :21.360 I am a 27 year old female, and I have  a twin sister. We’re identical twins   :21.360 --> :25.680 who were born exactly 13 seconds after  each other, (she always says it counts,   :25.680 --> :30.080 but I don't think it does) so we have pretty  much been attached at the hip from birth.  :30.080 --> :33.760 Before we were even born, the  scans showed us as one child,   :33.760 --> :38.400 with one synchronized heartbeat and one of  each body part. You can imagine the shock   :38.400 --> :43.440 when my mother started to push and birthed  two girls instead of one. She used to joke   :43.440 --> :48.160 that we were one soul divided into two  people, and we genuinely did believe it. :48.160 --> :52.160 Both of our first names start with M, so  we've always been called M n’ M, (like   :52.160 --> :56.400 the chocolate) by family and friends. It  started when we got into kindergarten,   :56.400 --> :00.320 and continued through elementary and high  school. We were never apart for long,   :00.320 --> :05.360 because I couldn't function without her, and  she didn't speak to anyone unless I was around. :05.360 --> :09.440 My mother always used to say that it was much  harder to tell us apart when we were little   :09.440 --> :13.920 because we were born tricksters. We would  answer each other's names and exchange   :13.920 --> :18.480 clothes when she wasn't watching, just so  she wouldn't realize who was who. Of course,   :18.480 --> :24.560 she was our mother, so she knew, but every now and  then she would play along just to entertain us.  :24.560 --> :28.560 Besides our parents, no one else could  tell us apart. We were dark haired,   :28.560 --> :32.560 green eyed girls who spoke in a language  that no one else could understand. :32.560 --> :37.440 My twin sister and I were so inseparable that  we never left each other's side. We slept in   :37.440 --> :43.520 the same beds, walked together everywhere, and  we even fell sick together. If I broke my arm,   :43.520 --> :49.200 my sister felt the pain just as intensely as  I did, and vice versa. I knew what she was   :49.200 --> :55.200 thinking because it was what I thought about too,  and we always completed each other’s sentences. :55.200 --> :59.440 Up until high school, people could barely  tell us apart. We dressed identical,   :59.440 --> :02.800 sat beside each other all the  time and just when a teacher or   :02.800 --> :06.240 a classmate thought that they had figured  us out, we tricked them by pretending to   :06.240 --> :11.440 be each other. Having a twin was amazing,  because it felt like having two of myself. :11.440 --> :16.800 In our senior year, my sister had a crush on a  boy. It felt strange because it was the first   :16.800 --> :22.560 time both of us had ever had an emotion that  wasn't collective to us both and I was livid.   :22.560 --> :26.800 I tried to disrupt her emotions as much  as I could, but my sister was a little   :26.800 --> :31.280 more strong willed than me, so she didn't  listen to me. After talking to my mother   :31.280 --> :35.760 about the situation, she advised me  to allow my sister to live her life,   :35.760 --> :41.040 because as much as it felt like we were  the same person, we really were not. :41.040 --> :46.000 In order to allow my sister to be happy with her  now boyfriend, I began to dress differently from   :46.000 --> :51.120 her; not so much that it was painfully obvious to  everyone, but enough that he could tell us apart.   :51.120 --> :56.480 I felt like a third wheel, going everywhere  with my sister and her boyfriend, so I also   :56.480 --> :01.840 started to detach. This meant that I spent less  time with my twin sister and more time alone.  :01.840 --> :07.520 It felt similar to heartbreak, what I felt after  we drifted apart, but at least it made room for me   :07.520 --> :12.960 to make other friends. I soon became close with  the girl that would be my second best friend,   :12.960 --> :16.880 let's call her Z. It wasn't the  same as having my sister around me,   :16.880 --> :22.080 but Z was a really good friend and I enjoyed  having her around. It was even better that she   :22.080 --> :27.600 planned to go to the same college as my sister and  I, so I knew that we would be friends for a while :27.600 --> :31.840 Z and I got so close that I stopped  feeling like such a bother to my sister,   :32.400 --> :37.200 but it also meant that I didn't notice when my  sister and her boyfriend went through a breakup.   :37.200 --> :41.520 I found out two weeks after it had happened  because our mother casually said it at dinner,   :41.520 --> :46.800 and I felt so hurt that my sister hadn't  told me. That was the first big fight we had,   :46.800 --> :51.280 and she made it seem like it was all my  fault for not paying any attention to her.  :51.280 --> :56.160 We didn't speak to each other for two weeks,  only starting to talk again because our mother   :56.160 --> :00.240 threatened us with a week of staying alone  at home while she and our father went on a   :00.240 --> :06.480 road trip. My twin sister and I talked it out,  cried it out and soon we were closer than ever. :06.480 --> :12.960 It became my sister and me, and Z. We were an  unstoppable trio and even became roommates in   :12.960 --> :18.880 college. I finally felt complete and happy. In  college, my twin and I resumed being tricksters,   :18.880 --> :22.800 attending classes in place of each other  and dressing identical so that we could   :22.800 --> :28.720 scare people into thinking we were just one  person. It worked on a lot of people, as usual,   :28.720 --> :34.720 until I decided that I wanted to dye my hair. My sister was against it, but when I suggested it,   :34.720 --> :40.320 she also refused to dye her own hair to match  mine. I tried to convince her, but she was adamant   :40.320 --> :45.200 that we didn't need to dye our hair at all. I  thought that if I dyed mine first, she would feel   :45.200 --> :51.280 a little more comfortable and then dye hers, but  her reaction was the very opposite of that. She   :51.280 --> :57.200 completely freaked out and went berserk, calling  me a traitor and stomping out of our dorm room. :57.200 --> :02.240 Something changed in my sister after that  incident. I did not know what it was,   :02.240 --> :05.760 but she became wilder and didn't  care much about school anymore.   :05.760 --> :08.960 I had to get a wig that was similar  to her hair so that I could take some   :08.960 --> :14.640 of her tests and exams for her when she  was too hungover to even open her eyes. :14.640 --> :19.440 In our sophomore year of college, she started  to date another guy that I could just tell was   :19.440 --> :26.080 bad news. He was the stereotypical bad boy type,  always wearing leather jackets, used too much gel   :26.080 --> :32.320 in his hair and rode a bike, but he was also a  terrible person. He drank, smoked and partied a   :32.320 --> :39.200 lot. He was also very promiscuous, got into a lot  of fights and made trouble everywhere he went. :39.200 --> :43.760 It wasn't like we didn't attend the occasional  party, but for the most part, my sister and I   :43.760 --> :50.080 were introverts. Or so I thought. Suddenly,  my twin had invites to every party in town.   :50.080 --> :56.080 We attended a college in Los Angeles, California,  so there was always a party to attend. She dressed   :56.080 --> :02.480 up nearly every weeknight and came back either  drunk or high out of her mind. I tried to advise   :02.480 --> :07.520 her against her new lifestyle, but she only threw  it in my face that if I could dye my hair when she   :07.520 --> :12.960 didn't want me to, then she could do whatever  she wanted, whether I approved of it or not. :12.960 --> :16.080 Eventually I figured out that  my sister wouldn't listen to me,   :16.080 --> :22.400 so I prepared myself to face her boyfriend. He  was very cunning and good at lying, and I was   :22.400 --> :27.920 so desperate to save my sister from him that  I didn't realize that he was roping me in too. :27.920 --> :32.240 The only downside to having a twin with  similar tastes in nearly everything,   :32.240 --> :37.360 was the fact that we liked the same kind of men,  for the most part. I didn't want to fall for my   :37.360 --> :43.360 sister's boyfriend, but I did. And I fell hard. I tried to stay away from him, but he brought   :43.360 --> :49.360 himself to me all the time, dropping by our dorm  room and pretending to look for my sister, or   :49.360 --> :54.400 even coming into our lecture halls to wait for her  when he knew that she wasn't present in the class. :54.400 --> :00.080 I confided in Z, and she advised me to talk to  my sister about it, which I planned to. But my   :00.080 --> :05.440 sister's boyfriend had other plans. He called  me out one night to confess his feelings to me,   :05.440 --> :11.280 telling me how much he wanted both my sister  and me to be bus girlfriends. I thought he   :11.280 --> :17.120 was delusional so I cussed him out for it and  tried to walk away, but he suddenly grabbed me   :17.120 --> :22.800 and kissed me. He was much stronger than me,  so even as I struggled to push him off of me,   :22.800 --> :27.280 it didn't work. Unfortunately, this  happened right in front of our dorm room   :27.280 --> :30.000 and my sister had just stepped out of the room,   :30.000 --> :35.440 all dressed up for a date with the same asshole. I would later find out that all of it was a   :35.440 --> :40.240 carefully planned scheme for him to get  my sister even further away from me. :40.240 --> :45.840 When he spotted my twin sister, he pushed me away  from himself and wiped a hand across his mouth,   :45.840 --> :50.640 accusing me of kissing him. I was too  stunned to speak because my sister was there,   :50.640 --> :55.840 and when I tried to explain, she called me  names, and then grabbed his hand and walked away.  :55.840 --> :59.200 After then, I didn't see my  sister for nearly a week,   :59.200 --> :02.720 and she refused to pick up  my calls or answer my texts. :02.720 --> :06.240 The only time she came back to the  dorm was to pick up some clothes   :06.240 --> :10.880 and to tell Z that she would be staying  temporarily with her boyfriend. I cried to Z,   :10.880 --> :15.360 but I knew that the only thing I could do  was to prove to my sister that her boyfriend   :15.360 --> :20.560 was just like an asshole and he was  using us as his own personal jesters. :20.560 --> :26.000 Towards the middle of junior year, the asshole  began to message me again, asking to see me and   :26.000 --> :32.320 continually flirting. I had the good mind to block  him, but Z advised me not to. Instead, I stored   :32.320 --> :37.280 all of his texts as evidence, so that when my  sister and I were able to see each other and speak   :37.280 --> :43.040 again, I would be able to show her that she was  wrong to believe a man over her own twin sister. :43.040 --> :46.640 The asshole continued to text  me and beg to meet up with me,   :46.640 --> :51.920 and when I didn't indulge him, he started to talk  shit about my sister. He would send me messages   :51.920 --> :56.400 about how she was a terrible girlfriend  and that he would leave her for me in a   :56.400 --> :01.280 heartbeat if I would agree to be his girlfriend  again. I'll spare you the rest of the details,   :01.280 --> :06.240 but believe me, it only got worse from there. With Z’s help, I found other girls that   :06.240 --> :13.520 he was also talking to at the same time and I  compiled all of the evidence into one big file. :13.520 --> :18.640 For the first time in almost a year, my  sister and I went home for Thanksgiving.   :18.640 --> :24.400 She avoided me for a couple of days, but I was  not worried because I knew what I had to do.   :24.400 --> :28.640 I sent the evidence to her email with  a fake email address that I created,   :28.640 --> :34.880 and I left her to read it. She was very moody and  quiet all through dinner, so I knew that my plan   :34.880 --> :40.320 had worked. Later that night, while I slept in the  guest room, she came in to speak to me. She asked   :40.320 --> :46.320 if I was the one who sent the email, and after  I came clean to her, she broke down in tears. :46.320 --> :51.200 I couldn't help but cry too when my sister  apologized for choosing a lying and cheating   :51.200 --> :57.440 man over me, and we hugged it out. She also  apologized to me for also being fussy about me   :57.440 --> :02.000 dying my hair. She just didn't want us to  drift apart the way we did in high school.  :02.000 --> :06.080 My twin then confided in me that her  ex had started to hit her at a point.   :06.080 --> :11.040 He also tried to introduce other illegal  substances to her, since she already drank   :11.040 --> :16.480 alcohol, and that was where she began to be  suspicious, but she didn't know how to leave him. :16.480 --> :20.480 We spent the rest of the night talking and  catching up on almost a year's worth of things   :20.480 --> :25.680 that we missed out on. My sister suggested  revenge to me, and I have to be honest that   :25.680 --> :30.880 I was very scared. What if he found a way to get  back at us for it. She assured me that he had   :30.880 --> :37.600 so many enemies because of how much of an asshole  he was, so I agreed to plan his downfall with her. :37.600 --> :43.440 As I mentioned earlier, my sister is a very  strong willed person and she fortunately was   :43.440 --> :49.440 not scared of a lot of things. She suggested that  we report her now ex boyfriend to the authorities   :49.440 --> :55.440 for possessing drugs and illegal substances. I  thought she was going too far, so on a second   :55.440 --> :59.920 thought, she decided to alert some loan sharks  that he had been running from for a while. :59.920 --> :04.051 Me, her and Z showered up to the door of the  loan shark and she let him know that her ex   :04.051 --> :09.680 boyfriend was an asshole, so she would let  him (the loan shark) in on his whereabouts,   :09.680 --> :14.080 if he promised that he would beat him  up for her. The man gruffly agreed   :14.080 --> :18.320 and slammed the door in our faces after  we had given him the details he needed.   :18.320 --> :23.440 We were frightened out of our minds, but  we were very proud of our accomplishments. :23.440 --> :28.240 About two weeks later, we heard that my  sister’s ex had landed in the hospital   :28.240 --> :32.320 after being attacked mercilessly.  As if that wasn’t enough trouble,   :32.320 --> :37.760 we also found out that he had gotten two  girls and a female Professor pregnant. :37.760 --> :43.280 My sister and I graduated from college with really  good grades, and two years ago, we got married   :43.280 --> :50.400 on the same weekend to two amazing men that  cherished familial relationships over all else. :50.400 --> :57.360 My sister’s asshole ex is a single dad to  three kids, and maybe he’s a changed man now. :39.360 --> :44.000 This is how I got back at my best friend  for sneaking around with my ex-girlfriend   :44.000 --> :49.360 behind my back. Now, this happened just after  my Senior Year in High School a few years ago.  :49.360 --> :54.480 I had just finished my final exams and my aunt  invited my cousin and I to go on a short trip to   :54.480 --> :00.640 Paris with her when my ex-girlfriend sent a text  breaking up with me. I had just had lunch in a   :00.640 --> :06.640 great restaurant with my rich actress Aunt and I  was so bothered that I threw up when we got back   :06.640 --> :11.840 to the hotel. My aunt and cousin tried to cheer me  up but I was really sad and lacked the motivation   :11.840 --> :17.600 to go out and participate in any of the fun  activities. That text ruined the trip for me, what   :17.600 --> :23.280 was supposed to be a fun trip for us three turned  out to be the two ladies consoling and trying to   :23.280 --> :28.160 get me to even step out of my hotel room. I would say that I didn't see that coming   :28.160 --> :34.480 but I did. She acted strange the whole of our  final semester and I knew something was wrong but   :34.480 --> :40.000 when I did ask her, she said she was just really  bummed about her parents finalizing their divorce.   :40.000 --> :45.280 She had told me, my Mom, and anyone who cared  to listen that she was excited about her parents   :45.280 --> :49.840 divorcing when they announced to her that they  were getting a divorce because they fought too   :49.840 --> :54.720 much and she thinks they are much better apart so  I knew the talk about her parent's divorce was an   :54.720 --> :00.800 excuse. I however tried not to push further or  bother her and instead tried to be there for   :00.800 --> :06.800 her and be a support for her as much as I could,  funnily, this seemed to irritate her even more.   :06.800 --> :12.240 My ex-girlfriend would yell at me and roll her  eyes at me but I ignored her attitude and refused   :12.240 --> :18.000 to be mad about it. One day I decided I'd had  enough, put my foot down, and insisted that I   :18.000 --> :24.560 will not tolerate her disrespectful behavior. She  cried and apologized. She told me she was stressed   :24.560 --> :30.800 out thinking about college, the future, and having  to shuffle between her Mom's house and her Dad's.   :30.800 --> :36.240 The next day, she came over to say goodbye to me  before my aunt, cousin and I left for the airport   :36.240 --> :41.680 and we hugged. I whispered an apology about the  argument we had the night before, she admitted   :41.680 --> :47.360 that I was right to have refused to tolerate her  excesses, apologized again, and kissed me. It   :47.360 --> :54.240 was all so sweet to anyone who was watching but  I was unsettled, something just was not right   :54.240 --> :00.320 and it felt like she was kissing me goodbye.  Yes, she was doing that since I was going to   :00.320 --> :06.080 be away for two weeks but it felt final. I was not  shocked that she broke up with me but breaking up   :06.080 --> :12.640 with me via text and doing it while I was away on  a vacation in Paris was just mean. I was supposed   :12.640 --> :19.280 to be in Paris having a great time and resting  after working so hard to ace my final exams.  :19.280 --> :24.400 I refused to accept that it was over and  decided I would talk to her when I return home   :24.400 --> :29.200 and we would figure it out and maybe make up.  I just figured something was wrong somewhere,   :29.200 --> :34.160 there was something she was not telling me and she  would probably just say it when I confronted her   :34.160 --> :38.880 and we would kiss about it and move on. Well, she didn't even let me talk to her   :38.880 --> :45.200 when I tried to. First, I texted to let her know I  was back but she read and did not reply to my text   :45.200 --> :47.920 so I went to her Mom's house  where they all used to live.  :47.920 --> :53.360 "I'm going off to college anyway, it's best to  break up now since we may have to do it later",   :53.360 --> :58.400 she said before I could even say  anything. I was hurt all over.  :58.400 --> :02.400 I knew then that she wasn't going  to change her mind so I just said   :02.400 --> :07.680 "okay" and left for my best friend's home. I decided to visit my best friend so we'd   :07.680 --> :13.120 play video games together and I can get my  mind off things. That was not the first time   :13.120 --> :18.720 my ex-girlfriend and I would break up though it  did seem like the last time. We have broken up in   :18.720 --> :23.840 the past and my best friend helped me get out of  my sad spell when we played video games together   :23.840 --> :28.640 with my little brother in his house. He  didn't even know I was back from my trip yet.   :28.640 --> :33.280 When I saw him at the door, he did not appear  to be happy to see me and he looked a bit   :33.280 --> :38.560 nervous. I told him there that my ex-girlfriend  had broken up with me, he didn't look surprised   :38.560 --> :43.840 at all he just nodded and let me in. "Did she tell you why?" He asked nervously.  :43.840 --> :49.360 I told him about everything that had happened  between us, how she had been acting up and blamed   :49.360 --> :54.960 it on her parents' divorce and the night I called  her out on her constantly disrespectful attitude,   :54.960 --> :57.840 and how she kissed me before  I left for the airport.  :57.840 --> :02.720 In hindsight, I should have noticed that he  cringed when I mentioned that she kissed me but   :02.720 --> :07.120 of course, I didn't pay that much attention  to his facial expression at the time   :07.120 --> :12.720 or the fact that he expressed no surprise about  us breaking up, I was hurt and all I cared about   :12.720 --> :18.240 was expressing my pain to my best friend. We didn't end up playing video games because   :18.240 --> :23.200 I was heartbroken. I kept wondering  aloud about why she ended things with me,   :23.200 --> :27.760 we have had our issues in the past but we've  always been able to move on from them and it   :27.760 --> :33.440 only strengthened our relationship. Even when we  did break up before, we got back together after   :33.440 --> :39.360 almost three weeks but this time, the way she  ended things was so cruel and I didn't even know   :39.360 --> :45.120 she was capable of being so mean and cold-hearted. I spent my time in my best friend's home reading   :45.120 --> :50.400 a book I found on the kitchen counter, his  beloved dog, a beautiful golden retriever   :50.400 --> :56.640 sat close to me as I read. My best friend has had  his dog for two years and he loved her to pieces.   :56.640 --> :01.760 She was an answer to his long-time prayer.  He always wanted a dog but his Mom said no   :01.760 --> :06.480 and his Dad just went along with whatever his  Mom said. He kept pressuring his parents to let   :06.480 --> :12.240 him adopt one but his Mom insisted. He had to  prove that he would be responsible with his dog   :12.240 --> :17.360 and do well academically before his Mom finally  said she would consider it. On the day he got   :17.360 --> :22.480 lucky, his Dad brought home his dog and presented  it to him, it was some months after his sixteenth   :22.480 --> :28.640 birthday. My best friend was over the moon with  excitement and he invited me over to look at her.   :28.640 --> :34.240 She was a beautiful little pup and I was excited  for him, he spent most of his time with her   :34.240 --> :39.840 and she enjoys being in his company too. I visit  my best friend often and he visits me with his   :39.840 --> :46.320 dog so she was quite familiar with me too. She  is generally a loveable and charming dog, even   :46.320 --> :51.040 strangers loved her and would try to pet her and  buy her treats when he walked her on the streets.  :51.040 --> :55.280 Anyway, enough about the dog, my best  friend suddenly stopped visiting me.   :55.280 --> :01.040 Ever since I returned from Paris, he never came  over and I didn't understand why until I had a   :01.040 --> :06.640 conversation with my little brother one evening. That evening, I was writing a song in my room when   :06.640 --> :12.160 my brother came in to ask how I was holding up.  To be honest, I was over it and was just looking   :12.160 --> :17.520 forward to leaving for college and visiting my  aunt in LA before that, I had my plate full and   :17.520 --> :23.440 had lots of dreams for myself. I told him this  and he sighed. "Honestly, I would be devastated   :23.440 --> :28.560 if my best friend did that to me man" Best friend? What? I didn't understand   :28.560 --> :33.120 what my brother was talking about so  I just assumed he meant "girlfriend".  :33.120 --> :37.840 "Oh it's fine, who knows we would have just  broken up when we both leave for college anyway"  :38.800 --> :44.720 "I understand but to leave you for your best  friend, that must really suck and you're a much   :44.720 --> :48.640 stronger man than I am" Now I was lost.  :48.640 --> :54.000 "Best friend?" I asked my brother in shock. My brother then told me that my ex and my best   :54.000 --> :00.400 friend started going out while I was away  in Paris. I could not believe my ears. He   :00.400 --> :05.120 thought I knew already, he had almost gotten into  a fistfight with my best friend when he found out   :05.120 --> :09.280 and warned him never to show his face  in our house until he confessed to me.   :09.280 --> :15.280 He preferred that my best friend break the news  to me himself. Now it became very clear why my   :15.280 --> :21.200 best friend was avoiding coming over to my house.  Even when I visited him, he hardly said anything   :21.200 --> :26.480 to me about the end of my relationship. He only  just asked if my ex-girlfriend told me why.  :26.480 --> :31.600 My brother felt very bad for me and he  apologized for my finding out in that manner.  :31.600 --> :37.200 I was no longer hurt though, I was just really  angry. To think I rushed to him when I returned   :37.200 --> :42.240 to tell him about how hurt I was and he  knew why she ended it but said nothing.  :42.240 --> :47.280 I decided to get my pound of flesh but I  was undecided as to how to go about it. :47.280 --> :51.440 The next day, I texted him and told  him I know why he has been avoiding me   :51.440 --> :56.240 and asked why he did not tell me earlier  that he and my ex-girlfriend were together.  :56.240 --> :00.000 "I'm sorry" he texted back. "I  didn't have the heart to tell you,   :00.000 --> :05.200 I knew you'd be pissed, we didn't mean to hurt you  and have been into each other for a while now".  :05.200 --> :11.840 They'd been sneaking around behind my back  even when we were still together. I was pissed.  :11.840 --> :14.960 I told him it was fine and he  thanked me and expressed hope   :14.960 --> :19.520 that things won't be awkward between us. That was funny. Things will certainly be   :19.520 --> :25.120 awkward between us! I was to leave for LA  soon so I carefully hatched my revenge plan.   :25.120 --> :31.760 I decided I was going to take his dog from him.  Yes, he deserves that. We have been best friends   :31.760 --> :36.880 all through High School, I always had his back  and he did that to me? He knew how much I loved   :36.880 --> :42.960 my ex-girlfriend. She meant the world to me and  he knew how terrible I felt when we first broke up   :42.960 --> :48.160 yet he had no problem becoming the reason we break  up again. Not only did he sneak around with her   :48.160 --> :53.280 while she was my girlfriend, they officially  started dating and posting pictures on MySpace   :53.280 --> :57.440 just after we spoke about it. It was like  they were waiting for me to find out so they   :57.440 --> :03.520 can finally show themselves to the world. I also  could not help but wonder how many people knew,   :03.520 --> :08.960 I mean my brother found out before me. Other  people in school and in our neighborhood probably   :08.960 --> :14.400 knew too, my best friend made a fool out of  me and I was desperate to get back at him.  :14.400 --> :19.760 The first thing I did was convince my aunt to  pay extra for my flight tickets. Since I was   :19.760 --> :24.720 going to be traveling with a dog, I needed  the money. I told her I'd adopted a dog and   :24.720 --> :28.880 added that it was because I was starting  to feel lonely after the breakup so she   :28.880 --> :34.720 would not ask any more questions. She agreed. The day before my flight's date, I texted my   :34.720 --> :40.480 best friend about visiting him that evening and  he seemed elated about it. "I need to beat you one   :40.480 --> :45.840 last time," I wrote in my text referring to the  karate video game we play together. He asked if   :45.840 --> :51.360 I was coming with my brother, I said I was not but  I had planned with my brother to pick me up later.  :51.360 --> :56.560 Things were indeed awkward between us until  we started to play and things eased up,   :56.560 --> :02.160 I even started to feel bad about what I was  going to do but I was not going to back down.   :02.720 --> :09.040 Never! His dog was being all cute and funny as  usual and I suddenly could not wait for her to   :09.040 --> :14.720 be mine. My best friend was in the kitchen when  my brother texted to inform me that he was around,   :14.720 --> :21.600 I asked him to come over to the window and passed  him the dog, luckily she did not resist. I went   :21.600 --> :26.720 into the kitchen and told him I had to leave and  that my brother was around, he was reluctant to   :26.720 --> :32.880 come out with me because he and my brother were  not on good terms and I took good advantage of   :32.880 --> :39.040 this and dashed out. While we drove away, I  saw my ex-girlfriend driving to his house,   :39.040 --> :44.320 I was glad because this meant my best friend  would be distracted and may not notice his dog   :44.320 --> :49.120 was gone for a while. She started to bark  but we were no longer close to his house.  :49.680 --> :55.200 "Really? His dog? That is petty!" my  brother exclaimed. I waved him off   :55.200 --> :00.480 and said nothing. Nobody could decide for me  how to react to what my best friend had done.   :00.480 --> :05.680 Before we got into the house, I made my brother  promise not to tell our Mom what we had done.  :05.680 --> :10.320 The next morning, I was to leave for my flight, I  had switched off my phone so my best friend would   :10.320 --> :16.160 be unable to reach me should he suspect that  I left with his dog but when I turned it on,   :16.160 --> :20.720 I saw that I had no messages from him, he  had most likely not even noticed that his dog   :20.720 --> :26.800 was not in the house. Perhaps my ex-girlfriend  slept over and he was too distracted, the thought   :26.800 --> :34.400 pissed me off even more and my mind was made up.  My best friend's dog was going with me to LA.  :34.400 --> :38.400 My Mom saw the dog and frowned "Isn't  that your friend's dog?" she quizzed  :39.200 --> :43.360 "Well he gave her to me" "He gave you his dog?"  :43.360 --> :48.000 "Yes," my brother and I chorused. I do not understand boys," she   :48.000 --> :50.880 said and started the car. I had just landed at the   :50.880 --> :55.840 airport in LA when my brother called to say my  best friend came over to our house to see me.   :55.840 --> :01.040 He asked my brother if he had seen the dog,  and of course, my brother curtly told him no.   :01.040 --> :05.680 He texted me but I never even bothered  to read his texts before deleting them.  :05.680 --> :11.600 The next day he and my ex-girlfriend were sharing  printed copies of the dog asking everyone in the   :11.600 --> :17.120 neighborhood if they had seen her. I knew he'd  be hurt, he loved his dog and she loved him too   :17.120 --> :22.400 but that was exactly the reaction I wanted.  To save him the trouble of searching, I sent a   :22.400 --> :27.216 picture of the dog in my aunt's apartment to him.  I had a hard time with her at first since she was   :27.216 --> :32.080 not used to the environment but she eventually  warmed up to me and became my new best friend.  :32.080 --> :38.640 He cursed at me but I did not care, I had  gotten my revenge and it was a sweet feeling!
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeISTOLEMYBESTFRIENDSDOGRedditStories
ex showed up at my door 7 years later with a kid demanding child support then my wife came out and everything went downhill fast hello Reddit this is going to be kind of long because there's a lot of context so first and foremost I'll tell you guys a little about my ex-girlfriend my ex Cindy 30f Now 23 when we were together and I were together for 4 years we met in college and stayed together throughout we even got an apartment together once we graduated and lived together for a year before she broke things off with me abruptly and without an explanation Cindy was one year older than me and a senior in college so I was too shy to go talk to her and she's the one who had to initiate the relationship she asked me out she said I love you first after 6 months of being together and she is the one who suggested that we move in together after college she was a wonderful girlfriend for those who can't tell this is sarcasm in every way but one she was just very insecure I don't know what it was maybe it was because I never really took initiative in the relationship or something similar but she was just always very insecure and jealous and she'd hate it when I'd speak to other girls no matter who who they were so after a couple of fights I cut off all my friends who happen to be women because Cindy was more important to me than being friends with other women and it wasn't just friends from college who I stopped talking to but I also stopped speaking to my school friends who'd been friends with me for more than 5 years at that point I'm back to talking to them because Cindy's not in my life anymore and my wife's cool with my friends regardless of gender but back then I was just friends with my guy friends and I wasn't even allowed to go out with them to have a boy's night because Cindy believed that it would just be an excuse for us to all go to bars get wasted and pick up girls I didn't think it was fair to me because she'd forbid me from seeing anyone without her because of how insecure she was but I couldn't see how wrong at all was because I was too in love with her and I felt like she was too she'd tell me all the time about how much she loved me and said that she couldn't live without me she couldn't imagine a future without me and whatnot so I stayed despite everything because I wanted to marry her and be with her that's all I wanted but with time it became more and more difficult to stay with her since she just kept getting more suspicious and weird about me by the time we were living together I couldn't do anything without her breathing down my neck she'd check my phone all the time she'd monitor my movements and if I didn't update her on my location at all times then she'd threaten to lock me out when I came back home so by now you guys have some idea about how toxic our relationship had turned by the time we broke up I still somehow found it in me to stay with her but then surprisingly she's the one who broke up with me and it was over something insane because it was just a small misunderstanding that led to our breakup one day my sister visited me without announcing her visit which she usually did to make sure Cindy didn't suspect me and think that maybe I was having other girls over Cindy wasn't at home when my sister Lauren 33f dropped by she was at a friend's place because she was allowed to meet her friends and I wasn't allowed to suspect her anyhow Lauren surprised me by dropping an unannounced and I was so surprised to see her that I didn't even text Cindy to tell her that Lauren had come over which I would have usually done we got to talking and we spent around 2 hours together at home but then all of a sudden she received a call from her boss and had to leave to go back to work urgently the thing that caused my breakup was unfortunately the lipstick that Lauren had behind when she'd taken it out to reapply it before she headed back to work she was in a rush to leave so she forgot it on the couch and it was so small that I didn't notice it either then Cindy came back home a little after Lauren left and she seemed happy until she found the little lipstick I still remember it as clear as day she sat on the couch and sprang back up as soon as she sat then grabbed the lipstick that she'd sat down on and I instantly knew that I was screwed because there was just no way in hell that she was going to let this one slide I tried to downplay it and told her the truth instantly I told her that Lauren had come over to visit during her lunch hours and she'd taken out the lipstick to reapply it because she had to go back to work I explained that she was rushing to go back home so she'd forgotten to put it back in her purse but just as I'd expected Cindy didn't buy even a word of what I told her for a couple of reasons like I said she brought up that Lauren usually texts Cindy and me both in the text group that has the three of us before she comes over she hadn't done that this time and secondly she thought that it was very unlikely that Lauren would take out her lipstick to reapply in our house because my sister wasn't really one for makeup she was convinced that I'd had another girl over in AB absolutely flipped out and when I say flipped out I don't mean it lightly she really went psychotic and started screaming at me cursing at me and randomly started throwing things to the floor first she went for the cushions then she threw some books to the floor while raging at me but then it crossed a line when she grabbed the TV remote and threw it right at me I ducked and managed to avoid it but I knew that I needed to get the hell out of there so I ran to our bedroom and locked myself in I didn't have my phone with me so I couldn't call anyone for help and I just had to stay there by myself for like an hour while she went on and on about how I had betrayed her she was screaming like a banshee outside the room and I'll say that I was pretty scared then finally the screaming sort of calmed down and I finally gathered the courage to leave the room and check outside I noticed that she was gone and had left the door wide open I didn't try to talk to her or contact her in any way for the next couple of hours because I figured that she had just gone on a walk to clear her head or something but then when she didn't even come home by midnight I started to get a little worried and decided that I was going to try and call her to my surprise I noticed that the call didn't go through and after the first couple of tries I realized that she had blocked me I tried to text her but with no luck because I was blocked there as well and she had also removed me from all her social media accounts I was paranoid and tried to call her friends but they didn't answer my calls either and I guessed they had blocked me too for the next few weeks I just kept trying to contact her in any way I could but she just did not answer after almost a month of trying to track her down I gave up because I realized that she did not want to be found not by me at least I was completely lost without her and the next few months were really the toughest of my life I don't know how I got through it all I would do was just go to work come back miss her and pretend that things were fine people tried to convince me that I was better off without her but I just didn't feel it I moved out of that apartment after a year I tried to stay there because I thought that if Cindy ever came back she would be able to find me if I remained in that apartment but after I moved out and had a new address I gave up any hope of reconciling with Cindy we never got any closure and that was my biggest disappointment so far I was pretty depressed and tried not to talk to women after my breakup because I didn't want to feel like I was betraying Cindy that changed when I met my current wife Amy 27f she was a colleague at work and she was really sweet to me when I was new and not just me but she was sweet to every single person in the office she was beautiful intelligent and had a brilliant personality so despite my best efforts I couldn't help but fall for her within a few months I had promised myself that I would never put myself through another relationship again after Cindy but that all changed when I met Amy we have been together for almost 4 years and have been married for two now I'm at my happiest with her and I had honestly totally forgotten about Cindy until recently when she made a sudden reappearance in my life 7 years have passed since our breakup or rather he was just walking out on me like I meant nothing to her just over a petty misunder understanding last weekend my wife and I were just chilling at home when she suddenly rang our doorbell and I was the one to open the door before I could even register what I was seeing in front of me she dragged a little boy around seven right in front of me and demanded that I pay 7even years of child support immediately she completely tore into me before I even had a chance to speak and started yelling at me about how she had spent the last seven years of her life trying to track me down so our son could finally have a father I just stood there silently while she yelled at me accused me of being an absent father and demanded that I pay child support to her and cough up the amount that I had managed to avoid for the last 7 years I had no idea how to respond to any of that and just stood there like an idiot while she continued to scream at me obviously it was not my fault I had even waited for her to come back for one year after she had left abruptly she was the one who had abandoned me in our relationship and I was 100% sure that it was not even my son whom she brought along with her the reason I was not saying anything was because I was literally too shocked to say a word noticing that I had been gone for a couple of minutes Amy decided to come out and check what was going on and that's when the situation turned around because as soon as she saw my wife Cindy's face lost all color and it appeared that she knew she was screwed now at the time I was not aware of what was happening but all I knew was that Cindy was not okay when she saw my wife and even Amy seemed really really surprised to see Cindy there before I could say anything Amy and Cindy started arguing and I couldn't make out what they were yelling at each other about but I knew the things were bad and they already knew knew each other from before they were at each other's throats verbally attacking each other calling each other every derogatory name in the book and I stood there like a silent spectator along with the other little boy trying to figure out what was going on then finally Amy brought out the big guns and said that if Cindy didn't leave then she was going to call the cops and that would not be good for her Cindy did not look happy about it but ultimately she left after shooting us both dirty looks and cursing us out some more when she heard that Amy threatened to call the cops again and I am not even kidding Cindy literally made a run for it she grabbed her son as soon as Amy mentioned the cops and got out of there as quickly as she could I had no idea what just happened but I figured that Amy would tell me everything after Cindy left now this is where things took a really weird turn because as soon as Cindy left Amy turned towards me and started screaming at me saying things like how could you do this to me and I can't believe you hid this from me I still didn't say anything and just stood there looking at her really confused because that's how I felt I was really confused and the things she was accusing me of also did not make any sense to me she was acting as if I had hidden my relationship with Cindy from her on purpose or something something but I had not done that I'd always been very open with Amy and told her everything about my ex so I did not understand why she was reacting the way that she was the only thing that I hadn't done was show her a picture of Cindy ever but that wasn't on purpose it was mostly because I had lost my phone before I moved into my new house and it had all my pictures with Cindy on it so when I lost that I lost a lot of pictures that I had with her I had also deleted most of my pictures with her off my social media because it was a very painful reminder of what our relationship used to be and how she had just disappeared without an explanation so to sum it up I deleted my pictures with her on my social media and then I lost my phone so I lost all the pictures that I had with her because I hadn't backed them up anywhere else either I never tried to get them back because I just thought that it was a good thing that I didn't have any pictures with her anymore since it just meant that one less thing that would remind me of her sure we had a couple of group photos that were still up on my friend's social media accounts but I made them take it all down because I didn't want to see myself with her anymore I would have shown those pictures to Amy had she ever asked for it but she didn't and it just seemed like too much work to go digging for group photos or photos of me and Cindy to show to Amy when she didn't even seem interested in seeing the woman so I never got around to showing Amy how Cindy looked after that incident Amy said that she wanted to leave and go live with her parents for a while so that she could cool down and clear her head before she came back in spite of me begging her to stay she still left because she said that she just did not want to be in the same room as me for a while and really needed her own space to deal with this I didn't even know what this was because she did not give me any explanation and it just felt like a repeat of whatever had taken place to me and Cindy I was devastated for that entire day and it wasn't until the next day that I finally made some calls to try and figure out what exactly was going on I called her parents first but they told me that I should have told them about Cindy before instead of just springing it on her like this they fried me for a while and then disconnected the call without giving me any explanation so then I called Amy's older sister my sister-in-law who was the only other person likely to have an explanation I was completely lost and she was my last hope so when she answered my call I wasted no time in explaining what had happened and that's when she told me the real story of how Amy and Cindy knew each other so apparently Cindy and Amy were cousins Cindy's real name was Cynthia they're not her real names I'm just using similar examples which was something I had never used to refer to her which is why Amy had never made the connection apparently Cindy had always been a big bully who had pretty much ruined Amy's childhood things had been bad between them for a while but it all came to a head on Amy's 18th birthday Cindy hooked up with Amy's longtime boyfriend of almost 3 years my in-laws were pissed and Amy's mother Cindy's mother's sister got into a huge fight over Cindy's Behavior obviously both parents took their own kids side and so their fam stopped stopped speaking to each other they were completely cut off from one another but the bullying did not end there because Cindy decided that she was going to take revenge on her cousin by spreading nasty rumors about her online it got to a point where their parents had to get involved all over again and this time Cindy finally decided that she was going to leave Amy alone but only because her parents had told her to cut it out that was the last time the two cousins spoke to each other and finally they met about a couple of days ago because of me after the phone call with my sister-in-law I finally figured out why Amy had been so mad when she saw Cindy at our door apparently the meeting with Cindy or Cynthia as Amy knew her had brought up painful memories for both of us I spoke to her after that phone call and I guess my sister-in-law must have talked to her because she finally talked to me instead of just letting the phone ring I told her that I understood where she was coming from but it wasn't exactly my fault that we hadn't been able to find out about this common link between us mostly because she'd never asked or shown an interest in Cindy and rightfully so since it was all in the past anyway and she was the future for me had she asked me about Cindy even once then I would have instantly shown her a picture and we wouldn't have had to wait for so long to find find out about this connection between us I try to explain my side of the story to her rationally but for some reason she still thinks that I the bad guy here and that I should have more about my past relationship so she would have asked me about it as well and then we would have been able to uncover this sooner I just couldn't see how any of this was my fault and I told her so as well so she got really mad at me and stopped speaking to me after telling me that I was being stupid and self-involved she then told me that she had a horrible history with Cindy and she expected me to understand and respect that to which I replied that I had a horrible past with her as well but I didn't see Amy trying to be understanding of that I guess that really offended her because she told me that I won the Olympics for having the worst past ever and then she hung up since then she has not been responding to any of my calls or texts and I feel like I really screwed up here my wife usually never loses her cool like this so this was definitely a very touchy and sensitive subject for her but I feel like she needs to realize that this is a sensitive thing for me as well so it's not really fair to put the entire blame on me when I don't even understand what my fault here was exactly I am just glad that I haven't heard from Cindy yet because I'm sure that if she continues to try and get involved in in my life then this mess will only get bigger anyway Ida for not telling my wife enough about my toxic ex-girlfriend update one hi guys so first of all thank you for all the comments that advised me on what to do here I am really thankful for everyone who had something to say and for those of you who wanted to know if my wife had ever mentioned anything about the bullying before no she had not she had never told me that she had been bullied relentlessly in the past and I only found out about that part of her after the phone call with my sister-in-law it wasn't my fault I know but I still took the initiative and decided Ed to go see my wife at her parents place I wanted to make this relationship work and I knew that if I wanted to be with her then I would have to go and set things right even if it wasn't my fault because it was us versus the problem and not her versus me yesterday I finally visited her after almost a week of not speaking to each other both my inlaws and Amy were pretty surprised to see me there but I didn't wait for them to say anything and as soon as the door had been open I went straight to Amy and gave her a big bare hug she was taken a back but she hugged me back and we just hugged for a few minutes before we even said anything this last week had been tough for both of us and we knew we just wanted to be together who was right and who was wrong didn't even matter anymore as soon as I broke away from the hug she apologized to me and started crying immediately because apparently she had thought that she had lost me forever due to the Meltdown that she had after Cindy's visit that day and also because of the way she had been behaving after she left the house she acknowledged that she had been totally unreasonable and irrational in dealing with the situation and just kept apologizing constantly her parents and I consoled her and calmed her down as she sobbed profusely I was happy to see that she had realized that the way she had been acting was a little unfair to me but at the same time I also felt guilty for not reaching out to her earlier since that is what really caused her to break down when I finally visited her yesterday after a while once we talked things out she packed up her stuff to come back home with me and here we are back home together I wouldn't say that things have gone back to normal but we're working on it and trying to make sense of everything that has happened in the last week including Cindy's visit which we still haven't been able to get to the bottom of but we'll find out what that was all about as well update to hey guys so we finally found out what Cindy was here for no prizes for guessing that it was for money which she had made very clear to us as soon as she arrived by demanding that I pay child support for a kid that barely seemed or felt like my own Amy and my sister-in-law made several phone calls to get to the bottom of what was happening with her since their families were not on speaking terms and hadn't been for several years and they found out that the kid was not mine obviously but she had been dating some guy for a couple of years in fact I think she had even been two timing me for the last couple of months of our relationship I don't have any proof for it but it would sure make sense because she broke up with me over something something really pretty and then just cut me out of her life randomly like I was nothing to her so it would add up if she had already another guy lined up to take my place after she broke up with me she was probably already pregnant by the time she left me and she just needed a way out the incident with my sister was the most convenient way for her to leave most people in her family were aware of her relationship with the other guy but I was forbidden from speaking to her family unless she was with me so I never found out about it and never would have had she not made the terrible decision of showing up to my doorstep just to intimidate me into giving her money as it turns out the other guy dumped her a couple of months ago and since she had quit working after she had met the other guy and had her baby she didn't really have any savings of her own and was running short on money he'd done the same thing to her that she had done to me just disappeared without any explanation and now she was struggling to make 's meet her parents had refused to help her because they wanted to save enough to retire and they wouldn't be able to do so if they started supporting her and her kid all of a sudden which is just crazy selfish but it explains why she was so desperate none of her family has heard from her after she ran into Amy at my house but I'm sure that somebody will find her and either try to help her or just report her to to the cops because from what I'm hearing she has already been scammed a few people out of cash now these are all just rumors but they might as well be true because after what she tried to pull with me I wouldn't really put it past her update three so it's a late update but Amy and I have decided to join couples counseling as well as individual therapy because I think we are really dealing with her past as well as we thought we were just one appearance from Cindy had sent our lives crashing and burning we couldn't let that happen again so that's why we made the decision that we made as for Cindy we heard from a couple of relatives that she was now living with another guy whom she had met online just a few days ago but he was already smitten with her and had offered to let her move in her parents were inconsolable because of how she had been acting and even more so as she had told them that they were not allowed to meet their grandson anymore not to take her side but honestly what were her parents even expecting they had turned her away when she needed them and now they expected her to just be fine with it that's just ridiculous they had always enabled her behavior be it with me or with Amy her parents weren't Pleasant people and clearly neither was she the Apple doesn't fall too far from the tree and she's living proof of it Amy and I just feel bad that the poor kid has to suffer the consequences of her bad decisions
give me a good story on ExShowedUpatMyDoorYearsLaterWithaKidDemandingChildSupportThen
:00.120 --> :01.120 In today’s video, I would like to introduce you to a suspenseful movie called "Escape :01.120 --> :02.120 from Alcatraz" that was produced in 1979. :02.120 --> :03.120 The movie is inspired by a real-life incident. :03.120 --> :04.120 If you plan to watch it, beware of spoilers. :04.120 --> :05.120 The storyline revolves around Frank Morris, a highly intelligent criminal who had previously :05.120 --> :09.980 escaped from several prisons, and his incarceration at the high-security Alcatraz Island Prison :09.980 --> :11.330 in 1960. :11.330 --> :15.349 As Frank tucks into his inaugural morning meal at the diner, he befriends a peculiar :15.349 --> :17.130 chap by the name of Litmus. :17.130 --> :21.660 This oddball has a knack for requesting extra portions from fellow diners and toting around :21.660 --> :23.440 a clandestine pet mouse. :23.440 --> :27.700 However, Frank can't shake the feeling of being watched by a burly bloke dubbed Wolf, :27.700 --> :31.920 who seems to be sending some not-so-subtle intimidation vibes his way. :31.920 --> :36.230 Subsequently, Frank is escorted to meet the warden, who lays out the regulations Frank :36.230 --> :40.570 must abide by and requests the names of any individuals he wishes to grant visitation :40.570 --> :42.110 privileges to. :42.110 --> :46.800 Unfortunately, Frank has nobody in his corner, not a single soul to call family or friend. :46.800 --> :51.340 The warden spills the that the penitentiary is unlike any other, as it lacks rehabilitation :51.340 --> :55.230 initiatives and prohibits the dissemination of current events. :55.230 --> :59.500 Prisoners' access to information about the world outside is solely reliant on the guards' :59.500 --> :00.500 discretion. :00.500 --> :04.760 Additionally, inmates are all housed in solitary confinement, and anyone wishing to visit them :04.760 --> :07.200 must first undergo FBI scrutiny. :07.200 --> :10.939 Although they do have the option to work, this privilege must be earned. :10.939 --> :15.710 and finally grants him one warning before releasing him back into the clutches of Alcatraz: :15.710 --> :20.530 nobody has ever successfully pulled off a prison break from this joint, and no one ever :20.530 --> :21.530 will. :21.530 --> :24.900 Turns out, Frank's rendezvous with the warden wasn't entirely for naught. :24.900 --> :30.060 As the warden's gaze was momentarily averted, Frank deftly lifted a pair of nail clippers, :30.060 --> :32.650 later squirreling them away inside his Bible. :32.650 --> :37.130 Fast forward to Frank's initial shower session, where he encounters the intimidating Wolf, :37.130 --> :39.299 who declares Frank his new plaything. :39.299 --> :43.780 Despite Frank's protests, Wolf persisted, and so Frank decided to take matters into :43.780 --> :48.810 his own hands, delivering some punches and forcing a bar of soap into the brute's mouth. :48.810 --> :53.130 Sometime later, Frank is dispatched to lend a hand at the prison library, where he crosses :53.130 --> :56.770 paths with English, a fellow inmate serving dual life sentences. :56.770 --> :01.729 A decade prior, English acted in self-defense when he took the lives of two men, yet their :01.729 --> :06.979 Caucasian status deemed their fabricated version of events more believable than English's truth. :06.979 --> :11.000 With prisoners forbidden from entering the library, Frank's current mission is to make :11.000 --> :15.020 the rounds, distributing reading materials to those keen on partaking. :15.020 --> :19.330 During his yard interlude, Frank has an encounter with Doc, a silver-haired inmate who whiles :19.330 --> :21.950 away the hours with a paintbrush in hand. :21.950 --> :26.379 Doc's artwork is nothing short of impressive, with subjects ranging from himself to the :26.379 --> :29.510 warden, each portrait featuring a chrysanthemum blossom. :29.510 --> :34.940 Doc also expresses concern for Frank's wellbeing, given that he's now landed on Wolf's bad side. :34.940 --> :39.230 Later, Frank engages in a chat with English, who shares with him all the intel he's gathered :39.230 --> :42.360 on the penitentiary's anti-escape protocols. :42.360 --> :46.200 According to English's intelligence, even if an inmate managed to navigate their way :46.200 --> :50.640 out of their cell, a feat in itself, they'd face the treacherous obstacle of armed guards :50.640 --> :54.170 perched in the watchtowers, ready to shoot at any sign of escape. :54.170 --> :58.640 And even if someone somehow managed to evade the sharpshooters and flee the premises, there's :58.640 --> :03.700 still the daunting matter of Alcatraz's locale: situated on an island, with a mile-long swim :03.700 --> :07.840 to reach solid ground, and water temperatures that would make a polar bear shiver. :07.840 --> :12.120 A few days later, while shooting the breeze with Litmus in the yard, he casually drops :12.120 --> :17.030 the tidbit that their cellblock has ventilation shafts up top, the only hurdle being figuring :17.030 --> :18.370 out a means of ascent. :18.370 --> :22.750 However, the day takes a perilous turn when Wolf sets his sights on Frank, brandishing :22.750 --> :24.010 a deadly blade. :24.010 --> :28.200 Luckily, Doc is quick on the draw, alerting Frank to the impending danger and allowing :28.200 --> :30.819 him to avoid the attack just in the nick of time. :30.819 --> :35.080 A full-blown brawl ensues between the two, prompting the guards to intervene and cart :35.080 --> :38.290 both Wolf and Frank off to solitary confinement. :38.290 --> :42.959 Unfortunately, the warden couldn't care less if Frank acted out of self-defense; a scuffle :42.959 --> :46.330 is a scuffle, and the punishment is solitary confinement. :46.330 --> :50.459 The only company Frank receives comes in the form of a guard who, under the guise of odor :50.459 --> :53.590 control, drenches him with frigid water from a hose. :53.590 --> :57.930 After a brief stint in solitary confinement, Frank is eventually released back into the :57.930 --> :02.640 general population, while Wolf is left to rot in the hole for a more extended period :02.640 --> :05.409 for instigating the brawl and wielding a weapon. :05.409 --> :09.810 Later that evening, Frank receives a heartwarming visit from his furry friend Litmus Mouse, :09.810 --> :13.790 who presents him with a tiny message of support reading, "Welcome Back." :13.790 --> :18.199 As time passes, Frank strikes up a friendship with his new neighbor, Charlie Butts, who's :18.199 --> :20.199 assigned to the cell adjacent to his. :20.199 --> :24.700 The two become close pals, and Frank even introduces Charlie to his other buddies during :24.700 --> :27.000 one of their regular yard hangouts. :27.000 --> :31.600 One day, during the usual yard activity, the warden decides to inspect the cells and stumbles :31.600 --> :33.910 upon Doc's beautiful painting of him. :33.910 --> :38.410 Despite the striking resemblance and flattering portrayal, the cruel warden decides to strip :38.410 --> :42.720 Doc of his painting privileges as a punishment for...well, who knows what. :42.720 --> :47.350 When a guard confiscates Doc's paint and canvases, the distraught artist is left in a state of :47.350 --> :52.100 deep distress, as painting was his only source of solace in the bleak and monotonous confines :52.100 --> :53.479 of Alcatraz. :53.479 --> :58.510 Frank manages to secure a job in the carpentry team and while working one afternoon, he notices :58.510 --> :01.100 that Doc seems to be in a very bad state. :01.100 --> :05.220 Concerned, Frank tries to alert the guard but his concerns are dismissed. :05.220 --> :09.169 Unfortunately, Doc's depression gets the best of him and he asks for a hatchet, which he :09.169 --> :11.370 uses to sever his own fingers. :11.370 --> :15.919 Deeply saddened by Doc's tragic action, Frank finds a chrysanthemum flower that Doc had :15.919 --> :20.370 left in his pocket and decides to gather the severed fingers and put them in a box. :20.370 --> :24.460 He then sarcastically hands the box to the guard, telling him to make sure to include :24.460 --> :25.800 it in his report. :25.800 --> :30.139 During dinner, the warden confronts Frank about the incident, and Frank seizes the opportunity :30.139 --> :34.229 to indirectly insult him by wondering how anyone could take offense from a portrait :34.229 --> :35.620 that flatters them. :35.620 --> :39.600 Frank's mealtime got a boost when he found out that the infamous Anglin brothers, John :39.600 --> :42.450 and Clarence, were also guests of Alcatraz. :42.450 --> :46.560 Frank has previous experience with the brothers from his time in prison, and they all share :46.560 --> :51.660 a talent for escaping, which probably explains why they ended up in the world's most secure :51.660 --> :52.660 prison. :52.660 --> :56.520 As Frank was feeling bored and contemplating his next great escape plan, he observed a :56.520 --> :00.220 clever roach fleeing through the grill on the wall, which seemed to be held in place :00.220 --> :01.810 by flimsy concrete. :01.810 --> :06.100 In a stroke of inspiration, Frank discovers that the weak concrete surrounding the grill :06.100 --> :08.900 in his cell might be his ticket out of Alcatraz. :08.900 --> :13.080 Armed with a stolen nail clipper, he begins chipping away, slowly but surely. :13.080 --> :17.330 If he can keep up the effort, he might just make a hole large enough to squeeze through. :17.330 --> :21.510 Meanwhile, on visitor's day, two of Frank's friends receive some much-needed news from :21.510 --> :22.789 the outside world. :22.789 --> :25.759 English's daughter informs him of her upcoming wedding. :25.759 --> :30.069 Charlie, on the other hand, receives heart-wrenching news from his wife that his mother's health :30.069 --> :33.889 is deteriorating, and she has only a few months left to live. :33.889 --> :37.870 Desperate to see his mother before it's too late, Charlie confides in Frank about his :37.870 --> :41.610 desire to escape and begs him to include him in his plans. :41.610 --> :45.199 Frank shares his discovery with Charlie and the Anglins during dinner. :45.199 --> :49.220 He tells them that the moist sea air has weakened the concrete and metal of the grill, and it's :49.220 --> :51.880 just a matter of time before they can dig a hole. :51.880 --> :55.740 This could lead them to the utility corridor, which may be a path to the roof. :55.740 --> :00.040 To keep the hole hidden, they plan to tear out ads from magazines and use cardboard to :00.040 --> :01.430 create a fake wall. :01.430 --> :05.380 They can also cover the hole with objects like towels to keep it disguised. :05.380 --> :09.030 They will make fake heads out of the cardboard and hair from the barbershop to put on their :09.030 --> :12.819 pillows to trick the guards into thinking they're sleeping while they are making their :12.819 --> :13.819 escape. :13.819 --> :16.669 They can escape at night and won't be noticed until morning count. :16.669 --> :21.419 The Anglin siblings are the masterminds behind this new project, the barbershop and clothing :21.419 --> :23.289 shop being their day jobs. :23.289 --> :27.350 With their combined expertise, one of them will be able to obtain hair for the dummy, :27.350 --> :31.199 while the other will be able to steal some raincoats and contact cement to construct :31.199 --> :32.280 life rafts. :32.280 --> :36.879 The plan is to use these rafts to cross the bay to safety, but of course, the odds of :36.879 --> :37.879 success are low. :37.879 --> :40.319 Nevertheless, everyone agrees to lend a hand. :40.319 --> :44.599 As Frank tirelessly chips away at the weak concrete around the grill, Charlie diligently :44.599 --> :47.210 keeps an eye out for patrolling guards. :47.210 --> :51.419 Unfortunately, using the nail clipper proves to be a challenge as it doesn't offer a proper :51.419 --> :52.419 grip. :52.419 --> :56.340 The next day during the meal break, Frank came up with a plan to get an extra spoon. :56.340 --> :00.280 He deliberately dirties his current spoon with his shoe and asks for a new one. :00.280 --> :04.590 With the help of one of the Anglin brothers who distracts the guard with conversation, :04.590 --> :08.620 Frank slyly takes two spoons instead of one and sneaks one back to his cell. :08.620 --> :13.741 To further his escape plan, Frank asks English, who visits to drop off some magazines, if :13.741 --> :16.690 it's possible to weld metal together in the cell. :16.690 --> :18.540 English agrees to teach him how. :18.540 --> :22.669 After a considerable amount of time, Litmus comes to Frank's aid by trading him a dime :22.669 --> :24.280 for 15 desserts. :24.280 --> :28.620 With this valuable coin, Frank utilizes his welding skills to create a unique tool to :28.620 --> :29.900 aid in his escape. :29.900 --> :34.380 By disassembling a spoon to acquire its grip and using the clipper for the digging, Frank :34.380 --> :38.890 uses a handful of matches to melt the dime and fuse together the two utensils. :38.890 --> :43.209 With his newly crafted tool, Frank digs much faster than before and is able to get back :43.209 --> :47.100 to his bed in time whenever Charlie warns him of approaching guards. :47.100 --> :51.690 Eventually, after several days of digging, he successfully removes all the concrete around :51.690 --> :52.690 the grill. :52.690 --> :56.810 However, the grill itself is firmly attached to the wall and proves impossible to remove :56.810 --> :57.910 by hand. :57.910 --> :01.790 Frank devises a plan to get a wedge into the prison to help him with his escape. :01.790 --> :05.590 He makes the wedge during his time at the carpentry shop, but the challenge is getting :05.590 --> :07.990 it through the metal detector undetected. :07.990 --> :12.209 Frank has an idea: he intentionally sets off the detector by holding the wedge out in the :12.209 --> :15.200 open and telling the guard he made it to hang his clothes. :15.200 --> :19.400 The guard doesn't buy it and confiscates the wedge, without bothering to check Frank's :19.400 --> :20.400 pockets. :20.400 --> :21.510 Since he has nothing in his pockets, he's allowed to leave, and Frank returns to his :21.510 --> :23.150 cell with a feeling of success. :23.150 --> :26.899 He has a second wedge hidden in his shoe, which he can use to finally get the grill :26.899 --> :27.959 off the wall. :27.959 --> :31.000 This is the sign he needs to get the plan rolling properly. :31.000 --> :35.040 Over the next few months, Charlie and the Anglin brothers start digging as well. :35.040 --> :40.269 They also begin working on creating cardboard dummy heads using magazine pages, water, and :40.269 --> :42.290 concrete dust from their digging. :42.290 --> :46.110 Charlie even goes to order a painting set under the guise of taking up a new hobby, :46.110 --> :50.209 but the paint will actually be used to color the dummy heads and create cardboard covers :50.209 --> :52.220 that mimic the appearance of the grill. :52.220 --> :56.970 Once Frank finishes preparing his dummy with hair acquired from the barbershop by the Anglins, :56.970 --> :01.070 he places it in his bed and enters the hole to explore what's on the other side. :01.070 --> :05.540 He discovers a set of stairs leading to a utility corridor, but he soon realizes that :05.540 --> :08.750 the ventilation shafts are out of his reach on the ceiling. :08.750 --> :11.050 Meanwhile, a guard is patrolling the cell area. :11.050 --> :15.020 As luck would have it, the guard falls for the dummy's trickery on his first pass, but :15.020 --> :18.850 on his second round, he becomes suspicious when Frank doesn't move. :18.850 --> :23.440 His doubts escalate when his baton falls with a loud noise, yet Frank doesn't flinch. :23.440 --> :28.140 However, before the guard can get a closer look at the dummy, Frank is already in bed, :28.140 --> :29.750 avoiding the dummy being found. :29.750 --> :34.370 The following day, the Frank shares his findings with his colleagues and checks on the prisoners' :34.370 --> :35.370 progress. :35.370 --> :39.149 The Anglin brothers are nearly finished, but Charlie is lagging behind. :39.149 --> :43.300 That evening, Frank and John sneak into the utility corridor to stash the raincoats they :43.300 --> :46.889 stole from the clothing store and inspect the ventilation shaft. :46.889 --> :51.240 With John's help, Frank is now able to reach it and examine it closely, and he realizes :51.240 --> :54.420 that they'll need some heavy-duty tools to pry it open. :54.420 --> :58.130 Frank and John spot an electrical outlet on the wall that gives them an idea. :58.130 --> :02.519 At the next band practice, Frank approaches Litmus and strikes a deal - he'll get Litmus :02.519 --> :07.290 all of his desserts in exchange for an extension cord and a drill from Litmus's shop. :07.290 --> :11.660 Later that day Frank seizes the opportunity to pinch a small desk fan and cleverly hides :11.660 --> :13.270 it in his accordion case. :13.270 --> :16.910 He even manages to pull the wool over the guard's eyes by diverting their attention :16.910 --> :18.649 to Charlie's case instead. :18.649 --> :22.850 With all the necessary tools, including a penlight that they snatch from Doc, Frank :22.850 --> :26.350 and John head back to the utility corridor to start their work. :26.350 --> :30.470 After staying vigilant for any approaching guards, they employ a pipe that John wrenches :30.470 --> :34.070 off the wall to dismantle the bars safeguarding the shaft hole. :34.070 --> :37.760 Frank climbs into the shaft and, with the help of the drill he's crafted using Litmus' :37.760 --> :41.779 tip and the fan he swiped, he unscrews the metal plates sealing the passage. :41.779 --> :46.590 A considerable amount of time has passed since Frank's initial arrival to Alcatraz, and the :46.590 --> :49.040 team is now set to make their escape. :49.040 --> :53.480 Charlie expresses his concern about the durability of his imitation grill, but John reassures :53.480 --> :56.589 him that the raft will be completed by next Tuesday. :56.589 --> :00.750 Frank schedules the escape for Tuesday night, and during breakfast one morning, he takes :00.750 --> :03.959 out the chrysanthemum that Doc had given him to water it. :03.959 --> :08.090 Litmus is delighted to see it, and it reminds him of the good old times he had with Doc. :08.090 --> :13.279 However, the warden has a contrasting reaction to the flower as it reminds him of the paintings, :13.279 --> :17.920 so he storms over to the table and smashes it, stating that it goes against the rules. :17.920 --> :23.260 This upsets Litmus, and he lunges at the warden, but unfortunately, he collapses due to a heart :23.260 --> :24.260 attack. :24.260 --> :28.459 Following the incident with the chrysanthemum, the warden grows increasingly suspicious of :28.459 --> :31.010 Frank, prompting him to order a cell search. :31.010 --> :35.310 Despite the warden's doubts, the fake grill holds up to scrutiny, and nothing out of the :35.310 --> :36.670 ordinary is found. :36.670 --> :41.630 However, the warden's suspicions don't dissipate, and he orders Frank's transfer to a different :41.630 --> :42.630 cell. :42.630 --> :46.860 fortunately for Frank, this bureaucratic process takes time, and the transfer is scheduled :46.860 --> :48.160 for Tuesday morning. :48.160 --> :52.029 The next day, the group learns that Wolf is back from the hole and is determined to take :52.029 --> :53.050 Frank down. :53.050 --> :57.540 To avoid any potential danger, Frank decides to move the escape plan to that night instead :57.540 --> :58.670 of Tuesday. :58.670 --> :02.720 During their afternoon break in the yard, Wolf tries to attack Frank, but English comes :02.720 --> :08.140 to the rescue and leads him to his gang, hinting that Wolf will face consequences for his actions. :08.140 --> :11.529 As the night grows darker, the group finally takes action. :11.529 --> :15.209 Frank and the Anglins expertly deceive the guards with their cardboard doppelgangers :15.209 --> :20.389 and sneak into the utility corridor, but Charlie falters and stays in his cell, sobbing. :20.389 --> :24.920 With the raft and litmus mouse in tow, the trio climbs the ventilation shaft and emerges :24.920 --> :29.339 onto the roof, where they meticulously navigate around the searchlights by staying alert to :29.339 --> :31.110 their movements and evading them. :31.110 --> :35.930 The trio successfully navigate the roof by keeping an eye on the searchlights' movements. :35.930 --> :40.250 Using a pipeline against the side wall, they manage to climb down and reach the yard, where :40.250 --> :43.269 they carefully avoid detection and make it to the fence. :43.269 --> :47.620 In the meantime Charlie, who had a change of heart, tried to join Frank and the Anglins :47.620 --> :52.670 on their escape, but unfortunately, he couldn't reach the ventilation shaft without his friends' :52.670 --> :53.670 help. :53.670 --> :57.490 He ends up returning to his cell, feeling down about missing the chance to escape. :57.490 --> :02.040 Meanwhile, Frank and the Anglins successfully climb over the barbed wire fence using strategic :02.040 --> :03.820 jumps to avoid injuries. :03.820 --> :07.580 With that hurdle behind them, they quickly make their way towards the shoreline of the :07.580 --> :08.580 island. :08.580 --> :12.450 With the raft inflated, Frank and the Anglins jump into the water and use their legs to :12.450 --> :14.440 paddle themselves towards freedom. :14.440 --> :18.850 As morning breaks, the guards discover the escape and an intense search for the prisoners :18.850 --> :21.029 begins, covering the entire island. :21.029 --> :25.060 As the search progresses, the guards come across some of the inmates' belongings floating :25.060 --> :26.060 in the bay. :26.060 --> :29.600 The warden jumps to the conclusion that they must have drowned because no one would abandon :29.600 --> :34.650 their cherished possessions, but a guard suggests that it could all be a ruse to mislead them. :34.650 --> :39.279 Meanwhile, the warden discovers a chrysanthemum resting on a rock, a clear indication that :39.279 --> :42.209 Frank and his accomplices are still at large. :42.209 --> :46.079 Even though the fugitives are presumed dead, their bodies are never recovered. :46.079 --> :50.910 The prison eventually shuts down a year later And that's a wrap for today's episode of Cinematic :50.910 --> :51.930 Chronicles. :51.930 --> :54.950 We hope you enjoyed our journey through the story of this film. :54.950 --> :58.480 If you did, be sure to hit the like button and leave a comment below. :58.480 --> :02.290 And don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more movie narrations. :02.290 --> :03.120 Until next time, this is Cinematic Chronicles signing off.
give me a good story on ThehighIQprisonerescapedtheislandprisonbydiggingthroughthewallwithanailclipperen
what was a loophole that you found and exploited the hell out of one year our entire family went to the dog track for New Year's Eve they had a really good dinner deal plus dancing with a great DJ and of course gambling at midnight there was going to be a balloon drop each balloon had a strip of paper listing a prize in it most were small like one free $2 bet a free dessert things like that the grand prize was an all expense paid trip for two to Durango Colorado to ride a Scenic Railroad earlier that evening I was on the dance floor and happened to look up at the balloons one odd thing stuck out to me you could see the Silhouettes of the paper strips inside the balloons most were small around 2 in long but one right above my head was at least as long as my entire hand I reasoned that that balloon had to have the grand prize in it as it would take a lot of space to write out all expenses paid trip for two to Durango Colorado for a ride on a historic railroad I made sure to mark that balloon and right as it turned midnight got directly underneath it and watched it like my life depended on it I grabbed the balloon and sure enough I was correct I won a $2,000 trip but then I turned around and sold the trip on eBay and got enough money to then buy my wife's engagement ring it worked out really well for me
give me a good story on Whatwasaloopholethatyoufoundandexploitedthehelloutof
what rule sounds stupid but isn't it's against the law to sleep it off in your car when you're not feeling well from drinking yes it might seem unfair but in reality it can make people believe they're okay to drive just because they take a nap if they nap in the car they might end up driving later because they didn't wait long enough imagine going to sleep feeling dizzy at 3:00 a.m. and waking up at 6:00 a.m. you still shouldn't be driving depending on how much you drank but feeling uncomfortable and seeing the sunrise may make you think about driving those DUIs before 9:00 a.m. are often because of this I was PID check four to five places for this and unfortunately some people ended up in trouble for trying to do the right thing but after my first month in the job my opinion completely changed allowing sleeping it off encourages people with impaired judgment to drive when they shouldn't a short nap doesn't make you safe to drive neither it is a longer one sometimes even after sleeping for 8 hours you might not be fit to drive especially if you're dealing with a terrible hangover and didn't sleep well you might need more than 12 hours before you can safely drive home sure responsible adults act responsibly but that's not always the case especially when it comes to Public Safety if one out of 10 people isn't fit to drive that's already too risky consider someone getting seriously hurt because they thought they were okay to drive after a nap you couldn't even warn them by calling the cops because they might drive off to avoid getting into trouble which would only make things worse any responsible person who tried to warm the sleepers was fired because they'd be encouraging a Tipsy person to drive I used to think this law was unfair until I saw it in action and got involved now I still believe it shouldn't be allowed but the punishment should be much less severe getting a ticket would be enough but getting charged with a high crime for trying to sleep it off is too harsh I wish everyone could act like responsible adults but we all know that doesn't always happen this is New Mexico one of the states with the highest number of incidents you can't just sleep anywhere you want on private property if you're going to drink heavily you should always have a way to get home safely spending $10 to $100 in an Uber or taxi to follow well-known laws is a small price to avoid getting charged with a DUI businesses aren't being mean by not allowing people to sleep there they just don't want to deal with a mess and trouble that often comes with it those who could walk talk and hold a conversation simply walked away when asked to leave story to I worked at a place that makes pizzas like a self- served Pizza Bar at the end of the night I'm constantly getting people asking hey do you discount the pizzas when you're close to closing what why not you're going to throw it away anyway do you donate the pizza you don't sell what you don't what a waste lots of people could eat that or just can you give me some of the pizza for free what why not you're going to throw it away anyway no I won't discount the pizza for you the problem is that when it's common knowledge that pizzas get discounted like say an hour before the place closes people will literally just stop buying Pizza any other time and just wait until an hour before the place closes to buy pizza not even making that stuff up that's how people are and more selfishly I don't want to be busy making pizza in the last hour before we close because I got raided by penny pinching a-holes now we don't donate the pizza we don't sell firstly by the time that food gets to the people who could eat it that is old garbage Pizza why do you think that just because someone is down to their luck they deserve some of of those is that what you think they want to eat they're not your damn garbage disposal bins but most importantly it's a health code violation if it's not good enough to sell to you it's not good enough to give away if someone gets sick eating some old crusty donated Pizza the place will be held liable for it places like restaurants or grocery stores that have donated old food in the past have lost lawsuits from people who took the food as donations and got sick from it now they just throw most of it away to cover themselves however there are some items that my workplace does donate it's not pizza though just another example of people taking advantage of a good thing and screwing it up for everyone else now I won't give the pizza away just because I'm going to throw it away the reason we're discouraged from doing this is that pizza makers will just happily make a ton of extra Pizza they know they can't sell and either take it home for themselves or give it to other cooworker friends and you can be sure that is literally exactly what I would do I love pizza and I love making pizza for my friends Story three I'm not 100% sure if this is an actual rule but I imagine it must be warning labels and packages of peanuts that say may contain nuts everybody loves to about how that warning shouldn't be necessary and some people use it as an example of how the world has gone mad or how we're over litigious nowadays even though the presence of a warning label doesn't necessarily mean somebody was sued the actual reason you would have that specific warning in that specific product is because peanuts are not actually nuts but are sometimes processed in the same factories as actual nuts if you have an allergy to tree nuts but not peanuts which are legumes you'd probably really want to know if the otherwise safe to you peanuts you're snacking on might contain traces of the true tree nuts that may cause a reaction having said that even on products where it should be obvious like putting containing peanuts on Peanut Butter does it really harm anybody to have a warning label there if it might possibly reinforce a vital fact to somebody with an allergy I also once went to a restaurant that had a bar with some friends and for some reason they weren't allowing anyone below drinking age 21 in that day I showed my driver's license to the guy for age verification and he told me he couldn't let me in because my license had expired two days before I have a two-year license since I'm an international student the date of birth in my license still showed me at 24 but he said he wouldn't couldn't let me in at the time I was super upset because while my license was expired that didn't magically change my age I wasn't in the mood to argue so I just left after some online searching I found out that as per the law verifying someone in an expired ID is the same as verifying in a fake ID and the blame lies in the verifier aka the poor guy just trying to do his job the management would not have risked their business for this one dude so while this law is extremely dumb it does kind of make sense story four compulsory voting less influence of money in the system the whole dynamic of convincing your people to turn up and the others to live in the apathy is gone no access issues everyone has to vote so if you're stuck at work you can either preo or in many places vote at work there's no compulsion to cast a valid vote you just need to turn up and have your name checked off you can cross out the names and make it clear you don't want any of them much less fraud you can't easily vote for others at least not in a large scale because they will turn up discover that a vote has been made in their name and report it it isn't an issue I used to be against this but having seen elections in Greece fair but with all the issues above and the USA atrocious I can't believe anyone thinks that the system is valid I think the Australian model is the only way to go also being a bouncer we ask people to go through the ropes the queue system even if there are no other people in the queue and even though we have an opening in the ropes right in front of the entrance the reason is that you never know how much time it will take to check someone's ID purse or bag or who may be too Tipsy to enter and may cause a scene this would clutter up the opening which is also an exit and Lead straight to the side walk which can be pretty busy people start queuing up where they see other people standing the sidewalk gets blocked and people passing by start walking in the street instead which can be risky if someone were to cause a fight when denied access there's a much bigger chance that innocent bystanders might get involved if this happens in the sidewalk than it happens in the front of the queue is this area is more controlled Story five I used to be a flight attendant so many rules seem stupid but make sense in certain situations for example people are always mad because they have to put their phone or computer away for takeoff and Landing but the fact is that those are the most dangerous parts of the flight I personally discovered why they want them stored when on takeoff one day we had some weird weather that caused extreme turbulence anything that wasn't stored went flying shoes phones books computers etc so not only did people's property get messed up but it also hit other people it was insane and completely unexpected by the flight crew just put your stuff away flying is dangerous and it's amazing that we managed to complete millions of flights a year with so few injuries also as a flight attendant not only could I be fired but I could be find tens of thousands of dollars personally if I let you ignore the rules so just don't another thing I remembered not related to Flying is that the driver window and the front passenger window shouldn't be tinted too dark it is illegal to tint at all in some states it makes perfect sense so I can see what the other driver is doing and know whether to avoid him or her I've seen other drivers text or eat or do makeup or open an Amazon package while driving I realized there's the underlying problem with texting or being distracted while driving too but and I nope away from them one time I almost got hit by a BMW because he was texting and I could barely see inside his limo tent however dark it was thankfully the other lane was opened up because if I slammed on my brakes the car behind me would have rended me also tailgating stinks highly popular opinion but the front passenger and Driver Windows should never ever be allowed to go darker than 50% people who get angry at the first rule are either just entitled or being unreasonable or both story six Mass surveillance and strict rules when you're a citizen you want all the freedom that you can get once you're in the administration the police force or the government you'll realize the immense possibility of something going wrong there could be all kinds of incidents and accidents stuff can happen at any time without warning people will blame the government for everything but the reality is that the government is also just a bunch of people they can't predict any better than you can so the best way to deal with any situation is to have as much central control as possible a direct chain of command will ensure a faster resolution of the crisis Mass surveillance will help in helping and finding people faster of course I'm not promoting Mass surveillance but it is one way to look at it too another thing that came to mind is that there's a law in Massachusetts where you can't have anyone else in the vehicle for your first 6 months of having a driver's license if you're not yet of age there are exceptions of course such as driving a family member license or no license but if even one passenger is into of age then another 6 months are added to your license if I remember right you could even get it taken away for some time if caught enough I personally feel like the exceptions make the law kind of pointless it's made to make sure that fewer youngsters are involved in accidents but it still doesn't stop people that are related to the driver from getting into them but at the same time it's understandable it doesn't stop me and 95% of the other young drivers with a new license from breaking that rule though hey there before we dive into the next rule that sounds made up hit the like button and subscribe for more intriguing content trust me you won't want to miss out on the next one story S no recording devices or cell phones even in your pocket and a roller coaster I used to work at Bush Gardens and guests would get so mad that we would ask them about phones in their pockets and kick them off the ride if they didn't put their phones in the cup but it's because when a phone or camera that you're holding to record your epic ride drops or falls out of your pocket it has a high possibility of hitting someone plus as an employee it's a huge safety violation if I let you take it once I see it I could get fired Prosthetics fall into this category as well yes I've had to hold on to a few while I was an employee there also one of my first jobs was working in a supermarket we trained that if anyone youngl looking wanted to buy booze we had to ID them fair enough but suppose that same person come back on another day and you recognize them from the last time and remember that they're of legal age that doesn't matter I still need to ask for ID every time why because if another customer sees a youngl looking person get served without even being asked for ID they might report it to the police the police will then shut the store down for the day while they review all the CCTV footage and interview everyone in the staff by the time they established that the customer was not underage the store will have lost at least a day's worth of business and gained a reputation as a place that sells booze to kids story8 back when I used to work in the shows and attractions Department at a theme park strollers were not allowed in any of the show stadiums and certain exhibits people would absolutely flip over this people would see dozens sometimes hundreds on a busy day of strollers parked all along the pathways and still try to come in with theirs whenever we would stop them and Polly ask them to park it they would become irate we were constantly shouted at because of this more times than we could count I can partially understand their initial frustration it is a theme park geared towards fames so wire stor is forbidden from the shows because of the fire code see all those dozens and of strollers in the pathway imagine all of those crammed into an already packed Stadium imagine some kind of emergency happening and everybody scrambling to leave all at once people are running up and downstairs and the crowd is bottlenecking at all the exits all those strollers would slow everything down and create a hazard also h fine can I at least take it to the PWD seating no you absolutely cannot our stadiums a very very limited spots for wheelchairs I don't care if nobody's sitting there now but what if someone in a wheelchair would like to see the show but shows up 5 minutes later and cam because your a titled able-bodied self took up a spot with her stroller but my baby has been awake all day and she's finally asleep so you think the best thing to do would be to take it to a show with obnoxiously loud music and sound effects working there really made me hate strollers well you can wear your baby in a carrier nowadays story N I was at a medium-sized plant in Wisconsin about to do some support and a holding furnace before I'm allowed to do work I have to review their safety material and sign a few sheets kind of standard stuff for plants approaching this size as I'm flipping through the book I get to the safety section regarding their melters and something piques my interest normally they're pretty repetitive but this page in one rule I've never seen anywhere else no water on the operating deck all water must be in the operator's room this includes spittle what why did it have to specify that so I asked the main and supervisor oh well this is something you've got to hear we had an operator who liked to chew tobacco not really an issue as he kept his spatoon in the operator room disgusting but whatever he showed up and did his job till one day he decided to put the bottle in the pocket of his shirt as he did his job at first it wasn't an issue until toward the end of the shift when it got more and more full you see he opened the furnace to check the temperature visually as he bent over it spilled out into the furnace boom metal flew everywhere the kicker was his family suit afterwards they argued that the no water rule was vague and he didn't know it applied to other fluids I mean that kind of should have been a no-brainer not going to lie story 10 many chess tournaments are segregated by by gender on the surface you'd think that there shouldn't be a difference between men's and women's abilities to play chess and you'd be right the thing is though that a mixed chess tournaments women are very underrepresented if you were to hold two gendered events however you'd get a much higher number of women in attendance there's also the fact that females perform so much worse at chess that it's almost statistically impossible for there to ever be a female world champion in a mixed tournament the gender split exists primarily because this difference is well recognized and both genders are given an equal playing field it has nothing to do with Fe Fales being underrepresented and everything to do with a female ELO distribution being 250 points to the left of the male distribution even if women outnumbered men in chess 100 to1 the chances of a female world champion would still be almost impossible due to this Gap that's how big it is sorry if this doesn't line up with today's politically correct agenda and it does appear to be an actual gender innate skill difference not a socioeconomic Factor the gender ELO Gap has remained constant ever since it was tracked while socioeconomic factors for females have been trending up story 11 when a police officer tells you to do something even though you don't understand why there's very good reason behind it the media is awful at portraying this anywhere near accurately the biggest example is keep your hands out of your pocket do not put your hands into your pockets simple and clear instructions yet in certain areas within 10 seconds they're going right back into the pocket in case you don't think this is an issue Firearms quickly come out of pocket so it's Paramount that you don't put your hands there after being told if you didn't know reaction is insanely slower than action so you cannot allow anything that will cause this secondary reasoning is people think they can just ignore that and pull a cell phone out of their pocket well in lowl light situations what do you think a cell phone resembles if you have nothing and do this you're looked at as suspicious and will probably now be searched what do you think people who carry substances unconsciously do they touch those items as an unconscious nervous tick some try to ditch those items Etc always listen to a police officer you can always complain later if you've been treated unjustly story 12 don't work in the Sabbath I mean this in the more serious sense of not just refraining from what you do for a job but don't do any of the annoying crap of the day-to-day life it seems honorous and outdated on the surface but I think there's a lot of wisdom to it if you're not accustomed to it I find that it's surprisingly difficult to have one day just Reserve to relax and enjoy life free of bothersome responsibilities this means don't pay bills don't do housework don't buy groceries and don't run a little errands you just need to get done it actually takes some forethought and planning to make sure you don't let the little annoying things just pile up for weekend work but it is amazingly rewarding to feel like you just don't need to do anything for one day I think it's actually a very smart rule if you don't stop to really enjoy and experience your life you just end up living day to-day week to week with the exception of Vacations so before you know it life is passing you by and you wonder where the time went this way you get a little vacation every single week God knows I need one of these story 13 no hard candy at school I had a second grade student who had trouble with a heart-shaped hard candy in class I performed the him lick maneuver and managed to dislodge it slightly I had the most most responsible student run for help we got him a rolling chair and pushed him to the nurse's office however she was not there thankfully the school secretary showed up and she called 911 fortunately the local ambulance service was in town having just returned from the closest hospital which is 50 Mi away the candy had softened enough on the ride to the hospital ensuring that the boy survived I called his Guardian that evening and she was so appreciative that it didn't happen during his bus ride home or while alone at home so no hard candy in my classroom ever again huh we knew rules could sometimes defy our expect these are quite reasonable but there's always a flip side of rules that take a sharp turn for the worse head over to what rules have been implemented and backfired horribly I don't miss story 2's epicity see you there
give me a good story on RULESTHATSOUNDSTUPIDBUTISNTorig
:11.130 --> :13.300 This is a short and sweet story. :13.300 --> :17.550 My dads good friend did rubbish collections for a while when he was skint. :17.550 --> :21.910 (Essentially a man with a van who would lump all your rubbish into the back of his pick-up :21.910 --> :24.130 and get rid of it for a fixed price). :24.130 --> :28.850 He agreed a price to clear a lot of rubbish from a customers house, which took him half :28.850 --> :30.840 a day and filled his van. :30.840 --> :34.410 As he was about to drive off, he requested payment. :34.410 --> :38.100 Knowing that he had invested a lot of time and effort into collecting and loading all :38.100 --> :43.470 this rubbish, the customer tried to capitalise on his vulnerability and knock him down on :43.470 --> :44.480 price. :44.480 --> :49.020 After a few choice words and the customer not budging, my dads mate got in his van without :49.020 --> :51.850 taking any money and started to drive off. :51.850 --> :54.640 He then backed up onto the customers drive. :54.640 --> :59.481 Here’s where it gets interesting, what the customer obviously didn’t realise, was the :59.481 --> :01.930 van was a tipper van. :01.930 --> :06.780 As the bed of the van started rising, the customer was frantically offering the full :06.780 --> :08.080 amount of payment. :08.080 --> :13.680 My dads mate, even though he was skint, refused to stop the tipper function and said the rubbish :13.680 --> :18.560 was piled up so high, the customer, who was standing there bewildered, wouldn’t have :18.560 --> :20.760 even been able to get in the front door. :20.760 --> :33.750 He drove off skint and happy. :33.750 --> :39.280 I will try to keep it short. :39.280 --> :49.890 Also, English is not my mother tongue so I apologise in advance for any mistakes. :49.890 --> :00.330 The story takes place at an ice cream shop. :00.330 --> :06.030 I (15M) was sent to buy some ice cream because some relatives would come to eat with us. :06.030 --> :11.210 I went to the ice cream shop and it was packed (I waited around 20 minutes for my turn). :11.210 --> :16.830 When my turn arrived an old couple (from those entitled ones) tried to steal my turn. :16.830 --> :21.280 I politely explain to them that it is my turn and that they have to wait (I think they skipped :21.280 --> :23.069 some more customers). :23.069 --> :26.640 They insist that they have been waiting longer than me and that it is their turn. :26.640 --> :30.400 They ignore me and order 1 kg vanilla ice cream. :30.400 --> :33.660 At the time not much vanilla ice cream was left. :33.660 --> :38.379 Back to the conflict a gentleman told the couple that it was indeed my turn and that :38.379 --> :39.520 they should wait. :39.520 --> :42.680 Finally, they let me order and guess what I did. :42.680 --> :47.290 I told the employee to fill the container with vanilla and the remaining space with :47.290 --> :48.290 strawberry. :48.290 --> :51.660 The look on the face of the couple was amazing. :51.660 --> :55.930 Even other customers where laughing and the employee was trying to cover hers. :55.930 --> :58.640 I said bye to the couple and left. :58.640 --> :02.760 I know it was really petty but I would do the same again if I had the chance. :02.760 --> :05.580 If the couple was kind, I wouldn't be so petty. :05.580 --> :35.500 I only did what I did due to their entitlement. :35.500 --> :40.290 My family resides in one of those rural areas, where lots of land has been passed down and :40.290 --> :43.870 split up between relatives for many generations. :43.870 --> :48.069 Imagine growing up on a road, not only named after your family, but more than half of your :48.069 --> :51.129 family resides at some point on said road. :51.129 --> :54.870 Naturally, this leads to some drama every decade or so. :54.870 --> :59.870 In more recent years, there was a dispute over a road sign being placed on said road, :59.870 --> :04.189 causing different branches of the family to begin to hate and act petty against one another. :04.189 --> :09.069 While I was not directly effected by said drama, I could not help but participate to :09.069 --> :14.370 help pee of the other side of the family, mostly due to them being jerks to my brother. :14.370 --> :19.930 My family can be very old school and if someone messes with your siblings, you take their :19.930 --> :20.930 side. :20.930 --> :26.800 This war went on for years, with family complaining about family to the township, State Police :26.800 --> :28.230 and so on. :28.230 --> :33.759 These complaints came from "Side A" as we will call it, and my side, "Side B" really :33.759 --> :38.980 just laughed off their efforts and tried to antagonize Side A through various annoying :38.980 --> :41.410 means, all of which were legal. :41.410 --> :44.210 That is where my part in this story comes along. :44.210 --> :50.090 Our road is half public, half private, with Side A living on the public side and Side :50.090 --> :52.169 B living on the private side. :52.169 --> :57.669 Naturally, anything we did would pee off Side A, but one thing that really irked them, was :57.669 --> :00.990 if I drove over 10mph on the road. :00.990 --> :05.680 Being a legal road, the speed limit was 25, which was the speed I chose to go. :05.680 --> :11.039 On a dirt road in the summer, you can imagine that how much dust rose up, constantly making :11.039 --> :14.169 their houses be surrounded by a dust bomb. :14.169 --> :19.680 Their answer to my fast driving and dust clouds were to pull onto our private road and peel :19.680 --> :22.990 out, spewing rocks and dust and all that. :22.990 --> :28.440 While I did not care that they did this (Side B is not easily bothered), I saw my opportunity :28.440 --> :31.840 to mess with them in a way that they could get in legal trouble. :31.840 --> :37.490 One day, when they were outside, I made sure to drive by super fast and raise as much dirt :37.490 --> :38.639 as possible... :38.639 --> :40.480 this was right at dusk. :40.480 --> :45.370 Once I hit my part of the driveway, I backed into a small garage and shut my headlights :45.370 --> :46.800 off... and waited. :46.800 --> :51.890 Low and behold Side A pulls in and backs into our road and was about to peel out, but I :51.890 --> :56.600 turned on my headlights, blinded them and blocked them in on our private road, right :56.600 --> :59.289 under our no trespassing signs. :59.289 --> :03.180 Since we live in the middle of the woods, they really had no where to go and were stuck :03.180 --> :04.600 under my mercy. :04.600 --> :09.539 I proceeded to take pictures and call the State Police about trespassers in our driveway. :09.539 --> :15.050 That day, they got slapped with warnings to leave Side B alone and not trespass, had everything :15.050 --> :17.660 that happened documented, and so on. :17.660 --> :22.310 So essentially, all their complaints were bullcrap, we irked them enough to do something :22.310 --> :24.930 stupid enough to get them in actual trouble. :24.930 --> :26.740 It was grand. :26.740 --> :30.690 Side A called and tried to apologize and settle the feud after that. :30.690 --> :50.000 It was a glorious day for :50.000 --> :01.880 Side B. Once upon a time, I was a travel agent and accepted a job at a small, family run :01.880 --> :03.580 agency in Austin. :03.580 --> :08.340 Both owners also worked there along with their daughter and they were not good managers. :08.340 --> :11.000 They were also really cheap idiots. :11.000 --> :16.229 When I joined, I brought the agency a ton of business including a very big corporate :16.229 --> :17.229 account. :17.229 --> :21.490 When I'd finally had enough of all of the stupid interoffice conflict, I applied and :21.490 --> :27.639 got a job at another agency where I had always wanted to work and gave two weeks notice. :27.639 --> :32.229 Instead I was summarily escorted out the door with minutes of giving my notice. :32.229 --> :36.919 This was back in the medieval days when we all had a Rolodex where we kept out important :36.919 --> :40.639 contacts and the owners refused to allow me to take it with me. :40.639 --> :45.660 I knew the names and numbers of all the clients that I wanted to take with me anyway. :45.660 --> :46.660 Whatever. :46.660 --> :51.720 I had worked there for two years by this point and 8 months prior, the owners had sent me :51.720 --> :57.599 on a familiarization trip which was a pretty customary way to allow an agent to experience :57.599 --> :03.180 a destination in order to better sell it . As I had never skied before, they sent me :03.180 --> :05.500 to Crest Butte for 4 days. :05.500 --> :12.350 The entire trip cost them $125 which included my airline ticket, shuttle,lodging, ski pass, :12.350 --> :15.449 equipment and 1 morning of beginner lessons . :15.449 --> :17.580 Meals were on me which was fine. :17.580 --> :21.289 When I received my last pay check, they had written on the stub that they had deducted :21.289 --> :22.889 the $125.00. :22.889 --> :25.419 Again, whatever. :25.419 --> :30.310 I immediately spent the entire morning calling everyone that I had ever worked with there :30.310 --> :32.740 whether I really enjoyed working with them or not. :32.740 --> :36.700 If they had spent money with me, they got a call. :36.700 --> :37.700 Everyone. :37.700 --> :43.340 The big account of course came with me along with 99% of the clientele including those :43.340 --> :46.380 clients that I had developed through the last agency. :46.380 --> :51.710 Ran into the American airlines rep at a function about 6 months later and he told me that the :51.710 --> :59.029 owner had whined and complained that I cost him $250,000.00 in that time period alone. :59.029 --> :36.850 All for a measly $125.00. :36.850 --> :39.490 this revenge was more “unintentional”. :39.490 --> :43.610 I started dating A friend of mine in 2020 a month before covid hit. :43.610 --> :44.899 Long story short. :44.899 --> :50.070 covid really took a toll on me, I was really depressed and living on my own in a 4 bedroom :50.070 --> :51.090 apt. :51.090 --> :57.610 Gained 30 pounds and was 225lbs more or less and started playing video games with our friends, :57.610 --> :03.680 my ex, his cousin, and another friend we had all went to hs with who moved to Illinois. :03.680 --> :08.790 6 months later the relationship ended mostly because his one friend and cousin wouldn’t :08.790 --> :11.370 stop bullying and he did nothing about it. :11.370 --> :14.450 They were calling me fat, so many times. :14.450 --> :16.610 And lots of other horrible things. :16.610 --> :22.160 I let them sleep over my apartment numerous times and they continued to lie to me, about :22.160 --> :23.950 me, bully me. :23.950 --> :27.880 Even my ex would lie about me to them, which would just make it worse. :27.880 --> :32.470 I cried a lot and my self esteem and confidence went out the window. :32.470 --> :38.161 Summer of 2021 I had gotten a surgery that I really wanted but in order to get it I had :38.161 --> :39.730 to be at my goal weight. :39.730 --> :41.850 So I lost 60 pounds 🤷🏼‍♀️. :41.850 --> :42.850 Felt amazing. :42.850 --> :47.390 Well, Illinois friend and ex hadn’t changed (to this day they haven’t). :47.390 --> :52.350 Illinois friend was constantly coked up and never left the house and had a degree he hated :52.350 --> :54.970 from a school he hated even more. :54.970 --> :59.399 Ex was miserable, never went to school and only worked dead end jobs. :59.399 --> :03.950 Always complaining about everything and the most negative excuse ridden person I’ve :03.950 --> :04.950 ever met. :04.950 --> :07.139 Again, they’re both still like this. :07.139 --> :09.920 3 years later, I’m still at that goal weight. :09.920 --> :12.880 I feel amazing, I’ve never been so happy. :12.880 --> :19.240 (Im so happy I could cry) I’m about to graduate with a BFA degree in glass blowing And a minor :19.240 --> :25.959 in business and will go on to pursue another degree (associates) in scientific glass work :25.959 --> :28.430 which will take me a year and a half tops to get. :28.430 --> :32.200 I work at the most amazing place in the world in my field. :32.200 --> :37.420 I make money off of commissions and rent studio space I can finally afford with some of the :37.420 --> :40.880 best, most supportive people I’ve ever met. :40.880 --> :52.410 Long term revenge is amazing <3 :52.410 --> :11.589 I :11.589 --> :19.980 read movie scripts for production companies, critiquing :19.980 --> :25.889 screenplays, judging story, breaking down characters, analyzing the writing in general. :25.889 --> :31.300 Niche gig but it pays my rent and I get to read a lot of cool movies before they're made. :31.300 --> :36.010 BUT it does skate along the edge of conflict, because some screenwriters are -- for lack :36.010 --> :40.850 of a better term -- self-important pricks who refuse to believe someone like me can :40.850 --> :44.100 criticize their masterpiece with impunity. :44.100 --> :46.000 So I'm reading this script. :46.000 --> :49.130 Turn of the century period piece, nothing remarkable. :49.130 --> :53.120 But I notice a few spelling errors, and I make a note of it in my coverage. :53.120 --> :54.930 I submit it and that's that. :54.930 --> :01.010 A few days later, I get an email from my supervisor: the writer takes issue with my notes. :01.010 --> :07.430 Apparently the writer submitted the script to an editor beforehand, so AcKtUaLly there :07.430 --> :09.980 shouldn't be any spelling errors at all. :09.980 --> :15.720 The writer also helpfully explained he is Australian, therefore any alleged typos are :15.720 --> :18.940 probably just regional dialect differences. :18.940 --> :20.990 To which I say: oh please. :20.990 --> :26.600 I'm cultured as chest, I know regional language differences and these aren't that. :26.600 --> :31.430 This is DRESSING with three S's, obvious mistakes like that. :31.430 --> :36.839 I'm sitting at my gate at LAX and I decide I've got a spare thirty minutes to be righteously :36.839 --> :42.570 petty, so I open up their script and make a master list of every single typo, page by :42.570 --> :44.310 page, line by line. :44.310 --> :45.440 The supply was ample. :45.440 --> :51.040 I send them an email with the master list -- "Hope this helps!" -- and board my flight. :51.040 --> :52.769 Never heard from them again. :52.769 --> :13.089 Lesson: don't throw stones from inside your typo-ridden glass house, and whoever your :13.089 --> :24.220 editor is, fire them. :24.220 --> :29.601 Nothing in comparison to the usual on here... but petty nonetheless and I still smile 2 :29.601 --> :32.130 years after the fact thinking about it. :32.130 --> :36.910 For context, I was a financial advisor in training in my home country, and during the :36.910 --> :41.790 pandemic, my partner was let go and soon got offered a job in the UAE. :41.790 --> :46.891 Within a matter of weeks, I had secured a role as a "trainee financial advisor" with :46.891 --> :51.660 a fast track to qualification and full advisor status and we moved. :51.660 --> :54.670 Like most, I was ecstatic to be starting my new life. :54.670 --> :59.230 Day one as a trainee and I'm shuffled into a room where they're literally firing people :59.230 --> :01.050 so we have space to sit. :01.050 --> :06.430 There are some 40 odd people there most of whom had no interest in personal finance but :06.430 --> :10.500 were lured in by the "big money" and glamour they were sold. :10.500 --> :17.209 Bartenders, bricklayers, surf teachers, car salesmen (obviously) college grads... in all, :17.209 --> :21.830 I found 1 other person who actually wanted to work in financial advice. :21.830 --> :27.970 Within 2 months I had secured an advisor to work with and train under - I was safe (they :27.970 --> :32.029 fired people weekly with no thoughts for the fact that everyone had quit jobs and moved :32.029 --> :33.790 halfway around the world). :33.790 --> :36.830 Having an advisor meant you were less likely to be fired. :36.830 --> :38.300 The job was hard. :38.300 --> :43.730 Spend your working hours ringing strangers to sit down with the advisor, all other (spare, :43.730 --> :48.190 free, and unpaid) time was spent trying to find another few hundred people to ring next :48.190 --> :51.480 week along with studying for the exams. :51.480 --> :57.279 My advisor was what you expect, slicked-back hair, personality to make anyone love him, :57.279 --> :58.630 and ruthlessly cutthroat. :58.630 --> :03.240 Did he help you in your job as your manager like he's supposed to? :03.240 --> :05.500 He'll take the bigger cut of commission. :05.500 --> :09.199 Did he speak with you but not deem your money a big enough amount to work with? :09.199 --> :11.170 Yeah, he's not answering your call. :11.170 --> :12.540 Did he threaten your livelihood? :12.540 --> :13.860 no, no, no. :13.860 --> :16.209 A wordsmith would never do that. :16.209 --> :21.259 He stole and shortchanged everyone about everything. :21.259 --> :29.009 The man-made 10s of thousands of GBP per month and still personally chose his assistant's :29.009 --> :32.140 date of travel to get the cheapest flights. :32.140 --> :36.769 When I finally had to acknowledge that this wasn't it for me - I want to help people not :36.769 --> :40.370 shove them into commission-driving products that don't suit them. :40.370 --> :44.310 Oh, I got guilted, blamed, shamed, the works. :44.310 --> :49.339 I wasn't loyal - lol you do realize you fire people weekly? :49.339 --> :54.530 I cleared out my desk, wrote my letter of resignation, deleted all my files, and re-jigged :54.530 --> :58.940 all MY contacts and prospective clients in the system. :58.940 --> :59.940 This was Friday. :59.940 --> :02.130 I hadn't even left the building... :02.130 --> :06.360 I was sitting with the CEO, saying my goodbyes and taking his advice. :06.360 --> :10.640 The first thing he checked was that all my contacts were still there. :10.640 --> :14.880 Immediately setting someone the task of calling them all Monday morning. :14.880 --> :18.680 Nothing in this industry is more important than data. :18.680 --> :23.260 Names and contact details for the wealthiest around the world with millions of pounds squirreled :23.260 --> :25.959 away to make a fat bonus off. :25.959 --> :30.970 He didn't see people, he saw dollar signs, and euro signs, and pound signs. :30.970 --> :35.940 What I knew, that he didn't, was the new system was set to delete all contacts that weren't :35.940 --> :37.990 updated in 30 days. :37.990 --> :40.640 Why would he pay attention when IT told him this? :40.640 --> :42.490 He had minions to do this. :42.490 --> :48.559 I deleted all actions and rejigged them so the 30-day cutoff was over that weekend. :48.559 --> :53.380 When he arrived in the following Monday he was heard shouting "where the freak are all :53.380 --> :54.830 my prospects". :54.830 --> :56.770 They're not your prospects! :56.770 --> :03.799 I searched for them in my free time, I paid for the services out of pocket, and I contacted :03.799 --> :04.799 them. :04.799 --> :05.799 That's my data. :05.799 --> :12.039 I gave you a year of my life, shot my nervous system to crap with stress, and gained 10 :12.039 --> :13.039 kilos. :13.039 --> :18.480 I trusted you to teach me the way and instead you gave me thickly veiled threats, forced :18.480 --> :23.210 me into a pay cut, and took everything you could, knowing fine well I was stranded on :23.210 --> :25.270 the other side of the world and had no choice. :25.270 --> :29.140 And you thought I'd leave the fruits of my labor? :29.140 --> :30.140 LOL :30.140 --> :35.429 I'm sure the IT guy could probably recover them - if he ever thought to ask (do Boomers :35.429 --> :36.710 know you can do that?) :36.710 --> :42.039 But it gives me so much satisfaction to know that this slick mother f*cker broke his cool :42.039 --> :55.419 demeanor in front of the whole office because :55.419 --> :00.990 of me. :00.990 --> :17.059 Worked at one of those car lots where they sell you a $2500 car in 60 or 90 inflated :17.059 --> :22.360 payments with interest so high you end up paying $25k for it. :22.360 --> :26.880 Office had the ridiculous “Selling Sales Manager” business model- where your boss :26.880 --> :32.240 competes with you for commission on sales, thus the bosses’ success means your financial :32.240 --> :34.640 deficits- and vice versa. :34.640 --> :40.280 She was THE boss, no one else above her in our lot- anyone higher rank was across town :40.280 --> :42.470 at the underwriting offices. :42.470 --> :48.510 She stole EVERY sale she could get away with from me, when I was hired she said “Your :48.510 --> :52.160 success is my success”- liar! :52.160 --> :57.530 She hated every single sale I made cause in her head it should have been her extra commission :57.530 --> :58.960 on her next check. :58.960 --> :03.730 So finally a lady comes in and her name is under mine in our system, the only person :03.730 --> :09.030 I ever saw “the powers that be” replace the car she was buying when it broke down :09.030 --> :13.530 (must have gotten a lawyer) but my boss has already set her in her office. :13.530 --> :19.600 She lowers her voice to tell her she is so sorry- it’s my sale, I’m not THAT bad :19.600 --> :24.610 but… the lady of course thinks this is a terrible thing and demands to stay with her, :24.610 --> :30.380 my boss says “well if you WANT me over her, that’s a different story” an coaches her :30.380 --> :32.880 on switching salesperson 101. :32.880 --> :34.110 I’m livid. :34.110 --> :38.840 I come back the next 2 days while deciding I’m quitting this is the last straw- but :38.840 --> :44.560 the lady is really difficult, and no matter what my boss does she can’t seem to satisfy :44.560 --> :45.560 her. :45.560 --> :52.360 Finally she spends ALL DAY tracking down parts and having THE car spruced up for the lady- :52.360 --> :57.870 down to cleaning it herself out there sweating and whining cause the detail guy sucked. :57.870 --> :02.640 Lady comes in at the end of the day, still unhappy, has her grown son with her. :02.640 --> :09.090 Boss is ticked, drops miss nice sales lady routine and is outright trying to badger them :09.090 --> :10.160 into this car. :10.160 --> :14.990 I find out it’s cause there will BE NO commission on this sale, since it’s a replacement. :14.990 --> :15.990 YeS. :15.990 --> :18.370 They are being picky cause they CAN be. :18.370 --> :23.140 I’ve decided to quit, so I leave at closing time , even though we are supposed to stay :23.140 --> :25.600 with the other if their sale runs late. :25.600 --> :28.789 These people had ALMOST decided to get the car. :28.789 --> :31.020 They’re standing in front of it talking. :31.020 --> :36.049 I get in my car and as I’m leaving I pull beside them and roll my window down and say :36.049 --> :38.510 “Don’t let her bully you into buying anything you don’t want. :38.510 --> :41.880 It’s your money, you don’t have any to get anything unless YOU want it, not cause :41.880 --> :43.429 she decided for you”. :43.429 --> :46.120 The man and woman are like I KNOW THATS RIGHT. :46.120 --> :50.760 I said keep looking until you find the right one-it’s her job to show you every single :50.760 --> :55.809 car if that’s what you want and driving away I see my boss walk out smiling cause :55.809 --> :01.090 she thinks it is over and I sat long enough at the exit to see the smile wiped right off :01.090 --> :05.540 her stupid greedy face when she realized she’d be there all night :) I'm actually bewildered..I :05.540 --> :06.540 haven't been caring about work lately at all, like blatantly doing what I want not caring :06.540 --> :07.540 what happens..My Manager has never liked me, he's a short balding chubby man with a chip :07.540 --> :08.540 on his shoulder, tells me my height and fitness is a waste of life. :08.540 --> :09.540 Calls every woman who flirts with me at work "ugly af" He forced me on busy shifts all :09.540 --> :10.540 by myself to purposely sabotage me. :10.540 --> :11.540 When I asked why no other help he said "nobody was available". :11.540 --> :12.540 Then other Employees told me he called them telling them they weren't needed those same :12.540 --> :13.540 nights!! :13.540 --> :14.540 So last Monday I had an evaluation (Everyone who speaks up at these seem to get ignored :14.540 --> :15.540 or get canned by our Manager) I went in honestly not caring at all. :15.540 --> :16.540 I brought my lunch to it and even offered her a mini bag of Doritos. :16.540 --> :17.540 "No Thanks" she chuckled telling me to have a sit in an authoritative manner. :17.540 --> :18.540 I casually sat back in the chair "No problem" I replied munching on my chips..I went on :18.540 --> :19.540 to tell her that I was honestly losing interest in the job due to terrible management. :19.540 --> :20.540 I explained that I wasn't even upset about it at all anymore but just looking elsewhere. :20.540 --> :21.540 She immediately got a puzzled looked on her face, saying my work performance was extremely :21.540 --> :22.540 impressive...(I was thinking HUH by barely keeping a busy nights afloat by myself?..but :22.540 --> :23.540 I kept my mouth shut and just smiled) I told her it would take a lot to get me to stay..We :23.540 --> :24.540 went over some paperwork. :24.540 --> :25.540 Leaving I figured whatever maybe it'll look good on my next resume. :25.540 --> :26.540 So Long story short, I find out this week I'm getting promoted to Management on another :26.540 --> :27.540 shift! :27.540 --> :28.540 I walked into work yesterday with the biggest smile on my face..right away my Manager starring :28.540 --> :29.540 at me confused. :29.540 --> :30.540 "You stoned or somethin?"..."Oh no, no sir I replied" I couldn't hide my smile from hitting :30.540 --> :31.540 that crescendo of a Cheshire Cat..."Whatever, I got a meeting today so we got a lot of work :31.540 --> :32.540 to do!" he sneered whilst slamming barrels of liquor around like Donkey Kong on a caffeine :32.540 --> :33.540 bender...Fast Forward, (middle of the day he gets back from his meeting with the same :33.540 --> :34.540 lady I met with) he gets in his brand new Mustang has taken the rest of the day off :34.540 --> :35.540 and just found out he took today off too. :35.540 --> :36.540 I wonder whats going on? :36.540 --> :37.540 Lmao! :37.540 --> :38.540 :) :) :) :38.540 --> :39.540 WHY does the world work like this tho? :39.540 --> :40.540 I was actually planning on losing my job to get a better one. :40.540 --> :41.540 I had quit caring about being formal. :41.540 --> :42.540 Meanwhile my friend who has been extra polite, on eggshells busting his butt for this place :42.540 --> :43.540 just found out he might get laid off..The world is an odd place indeed. :43.540 --> :44.540 I (19m) used to work at a small smoke shop in a rougher part of town. :44.540 --> :45.540 I wanted a part time job that didn’t require too much physical labor because I was going :45.540 --> :46.540 through some medical problems at the time that made it difficult for me to lift heavy :46.540 --> :47.540 loads without feeling lightheaded and nauseous. :47.540 --> :52.320 The pay wasn’t great but I felt the $10/hr was reasonable given the amount of work that :52.320 --> :55.140 needed to be done throughout the day was minimal. :55.140 --> :00.400 All I needed to do for the most part was keep the shop clean and sell product, which I was :00.400 --> :01.400 fine with. :01.400 --> :04.440 When I first met the owner he seemed like a genuine dude. :04.440 --> :09.320 He cared a lot about profits like any business owner would but the other employees there :09.320 --> :13.630 assured me that he cares about his employees and would take care of me. :13.630 --> :15.850 So I figured alright, cool. :15.850 --> :19.650 There were 3 other people that I worked with there other than the boss. :19.650 --> :24.500 For simplicity’s sake I’ll call them Caden,Nancy, and Ivan (fake names). :24.500 --> :29.120 The first week I worked was great, but when my first payday came around and I asked how :29.120 --> :35.400 it worked, the boss told me to take $200 out of the register and leave a note. :35.400 --> :40.830 Looking back that should’ve been red flag #1 that something fishy was going on,but after :40.830 --> :44.280 doing the math, he wasn’t withholding tax. :44.280 --> :47.049 So I was getting paid more than I should have been. :47.049 --> :52.020 I asked my coworkers if this was normal and they said it was, and that he did payroll :52.020 --> :54.340 this way so that he could avoid taxes. :54.340 --> :01.150 Now a rational person would hear this and stay as far away from this business as possible, :01.150 --> :06.460 but at the time I really enjoyed the job and found out I was really good at selling merchandise :06.460 --> :08.520 so I decided to stay. :08.520 --> :12.549 Around a month or two in, the boss started to show his true colors. :12.549 --> :18.710 Every time I would make a very minor mistake (ex. accidentally putting a card transaction :18.710 --> :24.260 as cash on the register) he would talk down to me like I was the stupidest person on the :24.260 --> :25.600 planet. :25.600 --> :30.240 and he would call me on the store phone to do so while I had a line of customers. :30.240 --> :34.549 I also started to notice that sometimes on payday he would tell me to take an amount :34.549 --> :37.760 from the drawer that was less then what I was supposed to get. :37.760 --> :40.270 I would call him out on it and he would fix it. :40.270 --> :42.680 But remember this for later in the story. :42.680 --> :48.240 The boss would also get in really dumb arguments with Ivan frequently and he would make it :48.240 --> :51.549 clear to the rest of us that he didn’t like Ivan whatsoever. :51.549 --> :53.419 The boss cut his hours. :53.419 --> :57.520 Ivan has a couple children to take care of and didn’t tolerate this. :57.520 --> :59.240 So Ivan quit on the spot. :59.240 --> :04.080 (Which with all the stuff he had to put up with, I didn’t blame him) but with his absence :04.080 --> :06.520 I had to pick up some of his hours. :06.520 --> :10.970 Then Nancy was getting ready to move because her wife is in the military and just got out :10.970 --> :12.440 of basic training. :12.440 --> :16.130 So Nancy gave the boss a month’s notice before she had to leave. :16.130 --> :18.290 And the boss did not like it. :18.290 --> :24.500 He would take every opportunity he could to lash out at her and even started making misogynistic :24.500 --> :29.930 remarks like “Nancy should be the only one to clean the bathroom because shes a woman, :29.930 --> :33.480 and women make the bathroom dirtier” (which she didn’t) :33.480 --> :38.320 During this time the boss told Caden and I that he didn’t want to hire anybody and :38.320 --> :42.289 that he only needs us “good employees” to keep the store running. :42.289 --> :47.720 But after Nancy left, the schedule only consisted of me and Caden since the boss was finishing :47.720 --> :50.280 getting his new location up and running. :50.280 --> :56.169 But Caden has another day job as an electrician and wouldn’t be able to come in till 7pm :56.169 --> :04.200 most days which left me to open Monday-Sunday at 9am and work until 7 or until Caden came :04.200 --> :05.200 in. :05.200 --> :08.590 As you could imagine, I was not happy with this arrangement. :08.590 --> :15.059 I signed up for a part time position, and there I was working close to 70 hour weeks. :15.059 --> :18.370 With the boss calling me at least twice a day to chew me out. :18.370 --> :22.891 I kept asking if i could take a day or two off from the shop because working 10 hour :22.891 --> :25.980 days everyday was exhausting. :25.980 --> :30.620 Some of the regular customers were even getting a little concerned because every time they :30.620 --> :33.649 came in, I was always the one behind the counter. :33.649 --> :39.730 but he kept giving me a sob story about how he can’t get Caden to pull a double shift. :39.730 --> :45.980 During my shifts at this time, I was easily earning my boss $1500-$2000 dollars in profit :45.980 --> :46.980 PER DAY. :46.980 --> :51.210 I don’t mean to toot my own horn but I feel that I’m a pretty good salesman. :51.210 --> :55.419 But he never gave me any sort of raise in pay whatsoever. :55.419 --> :02.610 The boss eventually decided to hire someone else, and I do mean someone as ONE PERSON :02.610 --> :05.559 and this dude said he could only work part time. :05.559 --> :10.690 And for whatever reason the boss accepted that request but none of mine. :10.690 --> :16.830 The final straw for me was when pay day came one week and he only paid me $600 for a 72 :16.830 --> :17.880 hour week. :17.880 --> :22.690 I didn’t even need to do the math on that one to realize he was screwing me. :22.690 --> :27.220 What made it worse was that that day, he gave me a little speech about how he appreciated :27.220 --> :28.980 everything I did for him. :28.980 --> :34.600 I was fuming with anger at this point but decided to finish out my shift. :34.600 --> :40.390 The next morning I was training the new guy and maybe an hour after my shift started I :40.390 --> :43.090 decided I had had enough of the way my boss treated me. :43.090 --> :48.070 I gave my store key to the new guy, and told him that I was quitting and warned him about :48.070 --> :52.440 the boss’s behavior and how he’ll likely get treated in the future. :52.440 --> :57.309 I made sure that the new guy knew that I had nothing against him, but I wasn’t going :57.309 --> :02.140 to continue to work for someone who wasn’t going to pay me what he agreed too. :02.140 --> :06.820 I walked out feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off of my shoulders and blocked :06.820 --> :09.490 my boss on everything. :09.490 --> :14.580 obviously the new guy told the boss what happened and he tried to call me from 5 different phone :14.580 --> :18.070 numbers throughout the week and ignored ALL of them. :18.070 --> :22.890 I heard from Caden that he had to close his new location for almost a week so he could :22.890 --> :26.580 work my shifts which lost him a whole lot of money. :26.580 --> :32.410 If i had to guess, it would be close to $5000-$6000 in profit loss. :32.410 --> :36.600 Which is a lot of money he could’ve saved by just paying me what I was owed. :36.600 --> :39.210 But that isn’t where the story ends folks. :39.210 --> :44.740 I didn’t know it yet but I had one last cherry too add to his crapstorm ice cream. :44.740 --> :50.539 A week or so goes by and I notice that someone at the shop was using my spotify account. :50.539 --> :53.690 I forgot to log out of my account on the sound system for the shop. :53.690 --> :55.340 And let me tell you… :55.340 --> :57.140 I got so excited. :57.140 --> :01.390 I had a buddy of mine go in as a customer to witness what I was about to do. :01.390 --> :08.350 I found a playlist called “worst songs to have sex too” filled with songs like cotten-eyed-joe :08.350 --> :10.780 and the Barney and calliou theme songs. :10.780 --> :16.010 And I wish i could have gone inside to see the bosses face as he tries in vein to change :16.010 --> :17.010 the music. :17.010 --> :19.270 But my buddy’s recount will have to do. :19.270 --> :25.000 He kept trying to change the music back but every time he did, I had my phone ready in :25.000 --> :28.169 my hand to unleash the reading rainbow. :28.169 --> :32.080 My buddy came back to the car and we were laughing all the way home. :32.080 --> :15.240 So moral of the story, don’t mess with your employee’s paycheck.
give me a good story on rProRevengeBOSSMESSESWITHMYPAYCHECKRedditStoriesen
a it for ruining my brother-in-law's reputation by telling the truth to my friends my in-laws are currently furious with me for hurting my brother-in-law's feelings and reputation with my friend group recently my single brother-in-law Chris 38m has been hinting at me to introduce him to women and I've refused Chris has been single for almost 3 years and he has been having a hard time meeting women he tried flirting with my friend but she had been cold and non-receptive this was my friend Grace 35f Grace is not interested in him due to his inability to be faithful and she wasn't physically attracted to him he tried to flirt iously engag with her during a small party my husband and I had last Saturday my husband got a long awaited promotion so we had a little party during the party Grace had grown frustrated with his incessant flirting and at some point told him in no uncertain terms that she found him physically ugly and that his physical ugliness is only surpassed by the ugliness of his character she told him this in private and so no other guest had heard her scathing review of his personhood Chris left the party the following afternoon while my husband and I were nursing a wicked hangover my in-laws to my surprise called to scold me for having abused and embarrassed Chris after a few minutes of of us shouting back and forth on the phone I reminded my husband that handling his family was his job so while my husband argued with his parents I reviewed our security camera and honey Grace verbally tore him apart Grace reminded him that he cheated and divorced his late ex-wife Lily while she was battling cancer and that he then got dumped by the mistress for being a cheater as he continued to cheat on her grace told him that he wasn't a man of any significant value other than the few coins he had in the bank and that there's no way in hell she'd entertain his delusions of sexual Grandeur and Beauty she also said the only thing he had going for him was his over bloated job title as an executive director to a third rate company that will probably collapse in the next 5 years as a parting gift she told him to consider some cosmetic work to improve his haggard appearance and perhaps to start praying for divine intervention to fix his rotten Soul since there is no way a psychotherapist could ever come close to fixing whatever is wrong with him my in-laws and Chris feel that I shouldn't have told my friends what Chris did because he's now perceived by my girlfriends as a terrible person I told them he was unfortunately a terrible person and people would have always found out what happened between him and the late great Lily I then discussed what happened with my colleague Natasha she said I was cruel for having told my friend group about what happened between Chris and his ex-wife because Chris had grown a lot in the past two years and didn't need to be known for the worst thing he has ever done Natasha is dating Chris's friend so she also knows him FYI I've only discussed Chris's treatment of Lily with my direct friend group and it's only six people and half of them already knew as they were also friends with Lily so it's not like I'm screaming here ye hear ye in the Town Square
give me a good story on AITAforruiningmybrotherinlawsreputationbytellingthetruthtomyfriendsorig
am I the jerk for wanting for breakup with my girlfriend after her ex's funeral so my girlfriend and I have been together for about 4 years she used to be close friends with her ex however he tried to make a move on her while she and I were together so she cut off their friendship they knew each other for about 10 years they were high school sweethearts and stayed together throughout College they broke up because he did not want kids he died recently and my girlfriend was invited to the funeral while I wasn't happy so to speak to see my girlfriend cry about this guy I swallowed my emotions and offered my full support she asked me to come with her here's where things get messy she kept talking about she wishes they never broke up in the first place and that she's never met someone who she loved as much as him she made a speech about how she says that if things had been different they'd be a happy family with children I had to force myself not to say anything then now we're back home and she hasn't said anything about what she said I'm so close to just leaving but I just don't know if she only said that out of grief edit to be clear she didn't say this directly to me but while talking to others update hello everyone it's been a stressful couple of days and my post got a lot more attention than I expected it was overwhelming to be honest it's been a week since the funeral itself and I've been talking to some friends as well as reading comments on my last post truth be told I've been hesitant to talk about this to my girlfriend about because she's still been depressed she's not talking to me at all and I've been taking care of everything around our place she's just been laying in our bed I've tried to talk to her but she just shuts me out I've been reflecting on our past relationship and realized a couple things my girlfriend was never as passionate with me as she was with her ex she never did anything as romantic or thoughtful for me when compared to her ex for example she's never gone traveling for more than 3 days with me but she traveled often with her ex sometimes for years it's not like I haven't offered I was simply told to get over it and that each relationship is different and people said [ __ ] like if she wanted to be with her ex she would be something also to note is that some of you actually pointed my attention to another post one that's about a girl going to her ex's funeral I read the post and I don't know if it's actually my girlfriend or not some details are different like our age we're both 30 also I never said anything about breaking up with her for going to the funeral I wasn't exactly happy to see her mourn the guy who wanted to sleep with her while she was with me but I didn't actually say anything now that post admitted that she actually cheated I thought about this for a second but it doesn't matter because if she cheated or not I already broke up with her I did have a talk with her she refused to at first by not responding to me but when I told her I was leaving she finally said something to me I basically told her that I feel like crap ever since she said those things at the funeral how I feel like she would rather be with her ex than me that I felt like her second choice she started to yell at me calling me selfish and that she's lost one of the most important people in her life and I shouldn't make this about me I was too tired to try to yell back my things were already packed up I'm staying with my parents for a while our lease doesn't expire for a few months so I Decay what she's planning to do I don't know what to do now I thought I was going to marry this girl someday and have kids but she wanted someone else all this time I appreciate all the comments and I don't know if I'm going to post another update but thank you
give me a good story on AmItheJERKforwantingtoBREAKUPwithmygirlfriendafterherEXsfuneralorig