1 value
my friend 30m just got married but I 28f did not attend because my crazy ex/ stalker boyfriend 28m was going to attend I received the online save the date and of course replied yes then I was scrolling through the guest book and saw my ex's name when I saw his enthusiastic reply of yes my heart figuratively stopped I felt cold inside and I started hyperventilating the ex this man abused me for months isolated me from my friends and family used me for money and sex and then cheated on me he made me feel crazy for confronting him about his drug use about the girls hanging around him I eventually stopped asking him because I wanted to keep him happy when he moved away for a few months and we were long distance he had friends that would report back to him if I went out with friends he would confront me on our Skype chats about me being out with guy friends on chaperon and would forbid me to go out without a chaperon I eventually caved and didn't go out with any of my friends unless they were the girls he knew or I just stayed home I lost contact with many friends and my family but then we were engaged and something broke in me when I realized I would have to give up everything to be with him and I envisioned myself either dead or wanting to be dead when I saw our future together when I finally broke it off for good with him he had previously installed a key logger into my phone and computer is that the official term and was able to see everything I sent and did he threatened suicide if I didn't talk to him so I said go right ahead and notified his mom he was making threats against his life I told her that if he contacted me again I was going to the cops she said she would take care of it a few nights later I went to a late movie by myself and got a call saying he was right outside my apartment he saw my light on and just wanted to talk I was not there at the time he had a history of stalking and previous allegations of abusing his ex-girlfriends the next day I started the proceedings to get a restraining order out on him fun fact they are really hard to get the order of protection was granted for one year and I have moved on I got a new laptop phone and changed my address he was blocked on Facebook and I deleted all of our mutual Facebook friends so they couldn't report back to him on me now seeing him RSVP to a mutual Friend's Wedding threw me off kilter my current boyfriend was unable to attend with me work so I didn't want to go alone I meant to email the groom and explain how I didn't want my drama to overshadow his wedding and that he may not have been aware of the crazy X drama that happened a couple of years ago but I saved it as a draft and never dealt with it I pushed it back to my mind and was focusing on work in school but I got the email reminding me about the wedding didn't know what to do and did not show up I sent the newly married couple an Amazon package from their wedding registry with my apologies and offers to take them out to dinner after their honeymoon but I don't know how to ask him now questions how do I bring this up to the groom how do I explain why I didn't reply and why I didn't show up do I go into detail about the horrible things my ex did do I show them a copy of the restraining order do I just continue to ignore and later message the groom to to just take them out for dinner relevant comment slin from op on her friendship with the groom technically the ex was friends with the groom before I met him they were Church buddies when they were young but my ex moved away when he was a teenager and I met the groom in college his sister and I were in choir together in high school my hometown is small and we bonded over a love of rock music so TimeWise ex knew him longer but I think I know him better as an adult I did decrease my contact with the groom after the breakup because I did think the same thing how could he be friends with such a monster I cut contact with all the people who were friends with the ex because I didn't know if they would report back to the X but I would still go to his Rock shows and occasionally text him until he got really serious with his now wife and then we just sort of followed each other on Facebook if I tell the groom about what happened to me would it decrease my chances of seeing the ex again I don't ever want to see the ex again in this lifetime or the next part of me was hoping he was dead or in jail how do I stop trying to please everyone it's a personal issue I've worked on after this whole debacle but it's this whole obedient daughter mindset I grew up with that I'm rewarded eventually for bending over backwards to please everyone around me comments on why the groom didn't know about the abuse and how her ex got away without anyone knowing he didn't know about the abuse I just told him it was an ugly breakup and he had said he was sorry the ex and I were no longer together because we had made such a good couple I was such a good influence on him Etc my ex is very good at manipulating people the man has a high school degree but is a whiz at technology things he was a part of the anonymous group that hacked into things and was very smoozy when in groups he had that way of talking to people that made him very popular he's a horrible person but his dad abused his mom growing up so I guess it was part of him it made it normal to him to abuse me and all his other past girlfriends update one thank you to all that gave me solid advice and nice PMS you all are very nice and I appreciate you all special thanks to you/ left is ask 2398 for the amazing advice and I've saved her Slash's comment so I took the advice of some to call my friend rather than an impersonal email or Facebook message and left a nice voicemail offering to take him and his wife to dinner and apologizing for missing their wedding he called back and squeezed me in their packed schedule before they leave for their honeymoon I saw them last night for dinner I gave them hugs and apologized again for missing their wedding the groom said he vaguely remembered the bad breakup and the restraining order but said he thought enough time had passed because the order of protection had expired he also said they sent out the invites and Sav the dates in waves and the X and I were in different waves he said he thought we could put aside our issues for one day for a special day he said he had invited family members that didn't get along with one another with the expectations that everyone could put aside their issues for his wedding I told him I didn't want to see the ex ever again especially being alone at the wedding and wasn't comfortable at all attending my friend acknowledged this and then we had a good dinner and caught up since our College days they confirmed they had received my many gifts the day after their wedding then they said the exitor and volunteered to be the sound guy MC and sound system but did not show up my friend had to man the sound system on his own wedding day the groom and bride said they would have rather me show up than the ex we have plans for me to see their house when they return from their honeymoon and hang out more frequently they have an incredible collection of board games it was a great dinner edit I want to thank everyone for their comments and their messages truly it took reading the comments and advice from internet strangers to realize what shitty friends I had this was my throwaway account so I was reading all of the comments on my regular account and being unable to reply replying on mobile would have been difficult again thank you all I plan on being very low contact VLC to no contact andc with the groom and his wife I do deserve better friends than that and it took the comments and kindness of Internet strangers to reveal this to me thank you all and here's hoping Karma gets the groom and my ex
give me a good story on MyfriendjustgotmarriedbutIdidNOTattendbecausemycrazyexstalkerboyfriendwasgoingorig
my best friend stole my wedding and I'm still bitter about it this happened years ago but I thought about it again tonight and I'm still bitter my best friend introduced me to my husband she has always seemed to have the one-up mentality it never really bothered me because at the time we didn't have common things to cause an issue until we got engaged we got engaged before she and her BF I asked her to be my Mo and she gladly accepted it was little things at first comments about my ring about when she'd get engaged all stuff that I found normal at the time when we were in the midst of planning our wedding she and I met up to go over everything so I could get her opinion I showed her the cake we settled on a dessert table we were going to do bridesmaid dresses and the color I liked the suits and colors my husband picked out flower arrangements Etc I showed her everything even the shoes I was going to order I realized then that she was not truly invested in being a mo because as soon as I finished talking she started talking about her wedding and what she'd do in the dress she wanted and she kept holding up her left hand and staring at it like she was looking at a ring but she still wasn't engaged in the middle of planning everything and before we could put a deposit on our venue my Mill discovered she had cancer after a lot of back and forth we decided to cancel the wedding buy a house and a lope in the future it felt wrong to have a big wedding my Mill couldn't attend after we bought our house she completely flipped on her then BF and they got engaged and also started house hunting we settled on getting married that spring and they were our Witnesses no family was invited since my Mill was too sick to travel and it was nice though very different from what we'd planned they told us they bought a house after the ceremony fast forward a year and they're planning their wedding I was a bridesmaid and she invited all of us out to lunch where she showed us everything she'd picked up out it was my wedding everything was the same except the venue down to the shoes she bought and I'm not exaggerating she picked the same suits the same bridesmaid's dresses the same cake dessert table flower arrangement everything even the same gifts for the bridal party and the same type of jewelry for us to wear she hadn't told me anything before and I was so completely blindsided I spent the afternoon trying not to lose my when my husband picked me up I didn't even make it out of the parking lot before I started balling I was devastated when we canceled our wedding and she knew that I told her how conflicted felt over cancelling it and how hard it was that I had already planned everything and pictured it all she even had the audacity to act like everything was her idea and took her months to come up with they even had her bridal shower at my wedding venue it felt like such a weird Fu the day of her wedding I just smiled and got through it but it still annoys me when I think about it and to top it off when we had kids she copied my Nursery even Paints the same color walls
give me a good story on MybestfriendstolemyweddingandImstillbitteraboutitorig
AIT for not wanting to make cheesecake for another family event I 19f still live with my family so for a bit of background my parents have a pretty nice house so usually for most family gatherings people come to our house for the festivities my parents are normally kind and understanding people and do give me choices on what I want to do about 2 years ago I went to New York City and my mom ended up buying me a cheesecake cookbook from one of the restaurants they have I fell in love with this cookbook and it's now my favorite cookbook I own when I returned from my trip I made a standard cheesecake from the book it being a baked cheesecake with a spongecake crust it was a hit with my parents so my mom asked me if I could make it for Thanksgiving that year so I agreed again it was a hit with my family and everyone complimented me on it now the cheesecake itself is very timec consuming taking me almost 3 hours including prep mixing and baking and is very stressful because if one thing goes wrong the whole cheesecake suffers even if you mess up the cooling process
give me a good story on AITAfornotwantingtomakecheesecakeforanotherfamilyevent
my wife had a miscarriage later I found out she aborted our baby I can't see our relationship as the same as before we both wanted to have children and after we got married we decided to First buy a house and get things in order financially before having children last year we both mutually agreed that we were in the right place to try for a child in fact it was my wife who put the idea forward a little over 8 months ago my wife found out she was 6 weeks pregnant with our first child I was elated I had always wanted to be a father and it seemed like something I never thought was possible was coming true my wife and I began buying parenting books planning a nursery and just doing all the stuff firsttime parents do I had never been happier at this moment several weeks later I had to fly out of the country for a work conference I was gone for about 8 days while I was abroad my wife called she was crying and told me she had a miscarriage she was 18 weeks pregnant at this point I flew back home immediately and told work that I had a family emergency I was devastated by the news but I never properly mourned as I felt I had to be emotionally strong for my wife who was a wreck this was a tough period for both of us but I thought we had come out stronger as a couple I knew I had to give my wife some time and space before we could approach the subject again especially with this being what I thought her first miscarriage however a week ago a friend of my wife called and told me she had something important to tell me apparently my wife had scheduled an abortion while I was aake at a conference my wife's reasoning was that she wasn't ready to be a parent my wife also said she didn't want me to know about the abortion because I was so excited to be a parent and she didn't want to hurt me at first I didn't believe this to be true but after confronting my wife she told me that yes she had in fact aborted our child I'm in shock right now I'm hurt angry and upset I just don't understand why she didn't just speak to me about it maybe we could have talked this through but right now I'm so mad that she went behind my back and led me to believe she lost our child I understand that my wife is the one carrying the child and at the end has the right to make any decision she wants but why lie about the whole situation I don't know whether to carry on with a relationship or not I love my wife but this is a huge betrayal to me and I can't even look at her right now she's currently crying and begging me to forgive her I've just gone down to the spare bedroom and locked myself inside please someone just tell me what to do edit I did not expect this post to blow up like this my emotions are all over the place and I'm a mess right now but once everything is sorted out I will try to update you on the situation thank you for your support update first of all thank you to those of you who left kind comments and messages I tried to read as many as I could but there were a lot I did not expect the post to blow up the way it did I mainly made it as a way to vent I just had to tell someone what I discovered and who better to tell than random internet strangers before I get into the whole thing I would like to clarify a few points my wife and I are not from the USA and where we live not staying for obvious reasons an abortion can be carried out up to 24 weeks into pregnancy I don't want this post to be too long so I will sum up this whole mess many suggested that my wife was having an affair and my thoughts were heading in that direction however that is not the case once I gathered my thoughts together I finally got some proper answers from my wife around 12 13 weeks of pregnancy my wife had several screenings and diagn tic tests done CVS and it came back that our child had Down syndrome one thing we stupidly avoided was talking about the chance that our child had Down syndrome or any other genetic abnormality some backstory is that I have an uncle who also has Down syndrome while there are certain setbacks he has faced he is independent and lives a relatively normal life growing up whenever I was with him I witnessed the verbal aw and hate he got for something Beyond his control yet he managed to disregard the hate and live an incredible life he also Advocates on behalf of others with Ds especially in regards to the fact that they can have fulfilling lives anyway I also share the same thoughts as my uncle and believe that a child with Ds is not worth less than a normal baby my wife and I did not exactly share the same sentiment as much as she wanted a baby her words were that she did not want to have a disabled child that wouldn't have the same quality of life as a normal child she decided to have an abortion because she felt it was the best decision for her as she ultimately did not want to raise a DS child she told me she lied about the abortion and said it was a miscarriage because she knew how much hurt I would feel if I knew the truth and due to her own guilt she felt she also thought it would be easier for me to move on and try for another child she said she was truly devastated after her procedure because she was mourning the loss of her child I'm still severely hurt and betrayed by the fact that she lied to me and I'm not sure where our relationship currently stands I'm currently staying with my parents as I need some space I'm planning on seeing a therapist before I make a final decision on our relationship my thoughts are a mess and I just feel so depressed I lost so much and my heart just feels empty relevant comment I agree with you that communication was lacking during this time I went with her for her first appointment but for the rest she went by herself during this time my workload at my job increased so I was incredibly busy however for the other appointments she had her mother went with her and I would always call right after to find out how it went she would share the general updates and advice her doctor gave her but since this was my first child I was unaware of what actually took place during these appointments and I should have educated myself more Second Story op found lumps in her breast hi everyone I'm mostly looking for reassurance as I am already working with doctors I am just waiting to get answers and a bit anxious in the meantime I managed to get a biopsy appointment for tomorrow instead so less way thoughtfully less stress background I'm a 38 8-year-old ciswoman I have a family history of breast cancer my grandma on my dad's side passed away of it before I was born but I'm not exactly sure how old she was she was fairly young my cousin on my mom's side recently had breast cancer in her 40s I'm on a hormonal UD and haven't had a period in8 years from it I have no history of anything weird with my breasts though I am very large breasted if that makes a difference I have esjr and antisynthetase syndrome a connective tissue disease that also gives me interstitial lung disease both are autoimmune disorders but I am currently not on any treatment as I was just diagnosed they come with an increased risk of lymphoma I also had my covid vaccine a couple weeks ago and read that it can cause a reaction that is mistaken for cancer on mammograms but I believe that's in the lymph nodes this is the actual breast current situation I noticed a very obvious lump on my breast on Sunday I feel like I would have noticed it before had it been there longer I wash my breasts with my own hands to check for anything odd every every time I shower pretty much I was able to see my doctor on Monday she sent me for an ultrasound which I had on Wednesday they took me straight in for a mamogram after that even though it wasn't scheduled they've scheduled a biopsy for May 3rd but I'm freaking out while I wait and Googling everything often leaving me feeling certain it's cancer based on the type of lump it is but it literally popped up overnight so that has me questioning everything I've had no other symptoms or issues nipple issues or discharge I guess I'm mostly looking for other possibilities just so I'm not as scared in the meantime I've heard that most lumps that get biopsies aren't cancer but from the sounds of it these aren't cysts and likely not fibroids what else could it be if it is cancer could it spread quickly while I'm waiting to get the biopsy and resultsa because of my other conditions I had a pet scan in December and chest CT scans every 6 months for the last year the last one about a month ago there is no sign of any cancer as far as I know though I know that these tests aren't typically for such things tldr I have a lump in my breast that's been looked at Via ultrasound and mamogram it's described as dense though the ultrasound mentioned a liquid center with very irregular edges and finely spiculated it is close to the skin though not visible but easy to feel it doesn't feel movable it's very firm everything online says it's most likely malignant if it has those properties what else could it be update when should I tell people about possible cancer hi everyone I'm going through a breast cancer Scare at the moment I just had a biopsy and we find out the results in a week but I'll need surgery regardless of the results and might not know everything until they can examine the lump after surgery I'm currently living overseas with my family but I'm very close to them I'm not sure when I should tell them my husband made a good point that I should wait until I have the biopsy results so that I can give them a more definitive answer and save them the stress of not knowing I can see that point but I think back to when my mom had cancer she didn't tell me until after she got a diagnosis it seemed to come out of nowhere and I was not prepared for it she admits that she doesn't like to tell me things that will stress me out or worry me but that's given me more anxiety honestly because I want to know what's going on with her I fear there are things she's not telling me just to save my feelings and they've actually hurt or upset me in the past but I am a lot like my mom I don't like worrying people and wouldn't tell a soul if I could get away with it I just know how it makes me feel to be kept out of the loop when loved ones are going through something so what do you think wait a week it's only a week and save them the stress of waiting for the results with me or let them in and prepare them for the chance it could be cancer rather than dropping it on them after suspecting it for a few weeks response to op by BVO 120 I recently had a similar Health situation and a lot of other issues that actually led me to start therapy even though I and most people I know consider myself to be quite mentally resilient it was just too much all at once and therapy helped me realize that that is okay and I'm not broken or weak for being overwhelmed by it my therapist and I are working on improving my vulnerability skills I'm terrible at it I can easily be honest and an open book with people but I stink at being vulnerable in front of them even my own husband my therapist says that while it is certainly scary and hard we have to give people the opportunity to respond when we're feeling scared overwhelmed sad angry weak or any negative emotion when we don't give people that opportunity we're signaling that we don't trust them with our difficult feelings and that leades to them feeling held at arms length and disconnected or detached from us and that isn't much incentive to keep being friends I wound up with a small circle of people that I told every detail about my health issue as soon as I knew it and another larger circle of people that I told more General less detail things too often after I had had time to process it Andor well after it had happened my smaller Circle many of whom live out of state wound up giving me words of encouragement sending small gifts making me laugh helping me shift my perspective to a more positive place place and my Mill making dinner for me and my husband while I recovered from surgery all because they knew exactly what I was going through my Wider Circle of Friends who didn't have all the details didn't really do anything at all except respond to texts it is actually a sign of personal strength to be able to be vulnerable in front of those we care for you don't have to have an answer to every question before you tell your support network about what you're going through it is okay to say I don't know I didn't think to ask or I'm still waiting to find out asking for help and encouragement is not a burden for your friends it's giving them a chance to be friends I'm still learning this for myself good luck to you update lump that might be cancer I posted a couple months ago about a lump in my breast that appeared cancerous and I was hoping it wasn't cancer well it's confirmed it is cancer I was diagnosed pretty quickly and have already had surgery lumpectomy with Sentinel node biopsy chemo was originally not part of my treatment plan because we caught it early before it went into the nodes and it was small but after genome testing it was discovered that it's a pretty aggressive cancer that's a little more likely to come back so I'll be starting chemo soon after a round of embryo freezing since my husband and I would like to try for a baby in the future it's very important to me and overall my prognosis is very good low risk of coming back I'm also posting this not to scare people but for two reasons one don't put off getting lumps checked out I went right away and we caught it early had I waited the cancer was likely preparing to spread and my Pro nosis might not be as good or my treatment would have been more aggressive and two the first few weeks after diagnosis were hard because I was terrified but as I met with my doctors I found out that many breast cancers are treatable or even curable armed with a treatment plan I felt a lot better so just know if you're going through this it does get easier and if you're young like me there are options for fertility preservation there's a shot you can get to help save your ovaries plus egg andrio freezing not everyone needs chemo either so there's that too my exact cancer is hormone positive it responds to hormones and her too negative a type of cancer that can be more aggressive I'll have a short round of TC chemotherapy taxol and cytox followed by four weeks of radiation I'll be on hormone blockers for 5 10 years but I'm allowed to pause them in order to have a baby and the doctors believe it's safe for me to do that my oncologist says I'm still at low risk of recurrence and my risk of it coming back after chemo is less than 10% survival rates are very high in my case and my doctors are confident I'll be just fine I'm feeling better about my odds and my future now too update anyone done egg retrieval with local only hi there I'm having egg retrieval for embryo freezing tomorrow and they are only doing a local anesthetic which scares me local doesn't seem to work on me I had a very traumatic experience last week with getting a chemo Port put in under local only and I could feel everything and it went very badly all around which makes me extra nervous this procedure does sound less scary than that but everything I read online says that it's usually done under sedation they told me there's no time for me to meet with an anesthesiologist so there's no sedation for me I had requested it from day one but I guess they forgot I have serious medical trauma they are giving me gas to calm my nerves they say most women do local only but that's not what I'm finding online I think it's a cultural thing I'm in France and it feels like they don't use sedation as often as in the US it's supposed to be very quick right just thin needles I've read that it feels like a blood draw and then suction I guess what I'm asking is am I freaking out over nothing update egg retrieval with only local anesthesia so I'm not sure how many people saw my question about egg retrieval under local anesthesia I didn't get any answers here it doesn't seem that common which is why I figured I'd update on my experience in case anyone else has the same question down the line honestly it was easy my anxiety was the worst thing about it prior to the procedure a woman was crying inside the room and I almost left I'm glad I didn't she was having a bad reaction to the gas a rare occurrence and I was just unlucky enough to hear it she was fine though just panicky from the gas they gave me some preds they don't give everyone because I was so scared it was Tylenol tradol and a strong anti-inflammatory and that really seemed to help I thought the needle for the anesthetic might hurt a lot but it didn't I felt it it was a pinch but it wasn't that bad I used the gas too at times and it did help I didn't feel them Pok into my ovaries at all when they told me they'd done it I was surprised there was a little cramping twice but it wasn't worse than a menstrual cramp and was over quickly just when they'd push against the side of the ovary or something I didn't feel much pressure maybe a little my left ovary is lower and positioned poorly so that hurt a bit just trying to get it into place but the gas helped that pain immediately due to Medical trauma recently I'm not good with any pain at the moment and I still found it very easy and non-traumatic once I was no longer anxious regular IUD insertions for me hurt 10 times worse than this I also had an IUD placed during it since I'm starting chemotherapy and can't get pregnant during it and they couldn't promise me that wouldn't hurt I've had very painful IUD insertions in the past due to a cervix that's tight I asked when they were going to actually insert it and they said it's done actually and that was it I was so surprised at how easy it was I walked out of there and got dressed pretty quickly I had to hang out there for about an hour eat drink and use the bathroom before I could leave I started having some cramping in the waiting room but they gave me something for that and I was okay it wasn't severe it's the next day and honestly I hardly have any cramping and no bleeding if I had to do it again I would most likely stick with locals the nurses and the doctor were all great they had fun music playing they were upbeat and cheerful but also empathetic and kind they let me watch as they harvested the eggs and it was neat and in the end they were able to get far more than we expected because of my age they were expecting 78 total they managed to get 19 and 16 were mature this gives me so much hope as I start chemo I also got a shot called zoladex that will help save my ovaries during chemo the needle is huge so it scared me but that wasn't so bad either all in all it was not as traumatic as I feared thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on IBelievedMyWifeHadAMiscarriageLaterIFoundOutSheAbortedOurBabyICantSeeOurReorig
hello everyone my name is Steven and welcome the storytime today we're going to be reading some are / I don't work your lady's stories and quickly before this video starts I just want to say about 60% of people who will watch this video aren't currently subscribed so of you you lovely person enjoy these videos please make sure to subscribe so you'll never miss an upcoming one with that being said let's get into the stories so Sunday morning I'm wearing jeans with the knees almost worn through because my good ones are in the wash I've got mud splatters up to my knees because I thought I'd grab groceries on the way back from my morning jog giving them time to open I'm wearing a green t-shirt bearing a picture of Calvin and Hobbes dressed up as mal and Jane this is the height of fashion for me and I have to say it doesn't look like any kind of uniform I stopped in the biggest supermarket in town and start picking out some veg for a curry then I noticed that where I normally get a pack of 3 peppers there's packs of 2 for the same price normally I just assume it's a stealth price raised and grumble about it under my breath but today I've got a coupon for 60 bonus points in the stores loyalty card which specifically says it's for 3 peppers that's frustrating and I wonder if there's a member of staff around who I can ask I mean it's not such a big deal but if I speak to someone they'd probably be able to ensure I get the points not to mention there's a huge crowd of the check outs on Sundays they don't open the checkouts until the store's been open an hour so whether I can find someone to help me or not I'll be hanging around for at least another 10 minutes I stand at the end of the aisle craning my neck and looking out for uniforms the uniform here is a pretty distinctive dark red with orange details you can see them from a mile off but the only two I see are helping someone else so I resigned myself to standing waiting until it's possible to get close to the checkouts without pushing through the crowd loitering on the corner pacing back and forth trying not to get in anyone's way I can see how that might have looked employee ish if it weren't for the outfit anyway I'm glancing over shelves occasionally and trying to keep out of the way of anyone who might be looking at the shelves behind me and I hear a shrill voice give me a bag of potatoes I turn around she's standing there glaring at me then turns and points at a display of bagged washed potatoes she's a little shorter than me with gray hair and a rather severe bun a green suit that could have been Church a tire and a scowl that could have been permanently etched into her face by years of constant use the potatoes she's pointing at her on the top shelf and between us so I'm not in her way but I've got in her minute joint issues in my right shoulder and I know if she has something similar she could have trouble reaching them so I lived on a bag of spuds and hand them to her not like I've got anything better to do she puts them in her basket and moves away a couple steps she could have said thanks but I didn't expect her to I returned to browsing R / D and D memes on my phone while I wait for the queues to disperse a little a minute passes and then excuse me look up and she's back blaring right at me one hand on her hip behind her I noticed that it must have reached the appointed hour because people are starting to filter through the checkouts I should be going but if this lady needs help reaching something I can help her again before I leave do you need some help radishes I just retorted the shelf where she'll find them but she just glares so taking the easy way out I walk a few steps over and take it back off the shelf to hand to her again no thanks just a disappointed harrumph and I need prunes by this point I can see that there's actually a space at the closest checkout I really should get home as I hadn't factored in Sunday opening hours when I made plans for the day and I didn't know where prunes would be found I could make a guess though I don't know where those are but most of the tin stuff is on aisles four or five and six oh if you need help there's a member of staff by the she ignores where I'm pointing and steps closer right in my face close enough that her shopping basket clings against mine go get me prunes fresh ones I'm sorry I don't think they sell brooms young people now have no sense of responsibility if I was your age we would have been finished by now freaking laziness lady I don't work with maybe 1/4 of a smile as I realize I've got an excuse to say those words I swear can't you do the simplest things you're in enough trouble already young lady why are you even here if you're not going to help a customer with these smallest freaking things I'm doing my shopping I don't exactly you're farting around in the name of the supermarket and not even helping your value to customers in my day once you were clocked in you would be behind that desk all day not wasting someone's time at the shops I'm going to be there this afternoon and if you're not on best behavior then god help me I'll tell your manager that you were rude to me and slacking off doing his shopping in work hours you believe me you you won't have that job much longer me just confuse she turned and stormed off towards the exit stamping her feet not towards the checkout or the canned food aisles she was heading straight for the exit I honestly have no idea who she thought I worked for and why she would expect me to help with her groceries if I don't work at the supermarket I hope she found someone who can actually help her or at least remembered she had a basket of shopping before leaving the store I didn't see because after that I was queueing to buy my stuff I have no idea what was going through her head any suggestions or guesses would be appreciated yeah I don't know there's much more to say about this lady then she's just crazy she's just argumentative short-tempered and also kind of clueless because one she didn't realize that you didn't work there despite the obvious outfit and also just started going straight for the exit regardless like what the sweet old woman thought I was an employee and tipped me for helping her I'm from India and we have something similar to Walmart here called Big Bazaar while I was shopping for groceries I knocked on some packets and as I was putting it back on the shelf the sweet old woman approached me and asked for my help to get some stuff from the shelves and carry her basket around I recently lost my grandmother and she kind of reminded me of my grandmother I decided to help her get her stuff and take you to the checkout counter once she was there she gave me some cash and thanked me for my help that's when I realized that she thinks I'm an employee I told her I'm not an asteroid ate the money back and she insisted that I should keep it and it's for helping her I still don't know why she mistook me for an employee the employees wear orange shirts and I was wearing a shirt with a shade of green after that she checked out and left I miss her this was a very wholesome story and good on Opie for taking the time to help a sweet old woman out I would say the reason she thought you were an employee is because she saw you putting stuff back on the shelf so it pretty much looked like somebody's stalking it most likely but I'm glad that it was such a sweet experience I don't work here I just want to play Warhammer I just read about how my local Warhammer store is getting closed due to the bug and I got reminded of a story that happened about a year and a half ago I just started playing Warhammer painted up a nice little army and met with my friend Bob at my local store to play a round or two besides the store manager Tina all names changed because of reasons Bob and I were the only people at the store we set up the table for our game had some banter all was good Tina needed to get something from the back room so she would leave us alone for a minute she knew Bob and me because we were regulars and everyone here knows each other on a first-name basis while we kept preparing our game it was shortly after Tina disappeared that she would come in I will call her Susan because Karen has overused then she didn't look like a typical Karen and she came straight for Bob and me we didn't pay her any attention because it would happen occasionally that curious people would watch others play while waiting for service the following conversation will be paraphrased from memory she then started in this annoying tone excuse me shouldn't you be servicing customers instead of playing games I look at her ma'am I don't work here but someone will be there for you in a minute bull why would you be here at this time it was somewhat midday on a workday if you don't work here during the commotion Tina comes back and asks Susan what she needs help with you can't help me girl get your manager I want this rude idiot pointing at me fired Tina has already had enough of this ma'am I am the manager of the store and I do not approve of you harassing my customers calm down and tell me what you need or leave my store immediately Susan now their full attention on Tina and poking her chest with a finger how dare you - and that's all she brought up before Tina grabs her wrist puts her into a police hold and tells her now listen to me I don't care who you think you are but neither will I tolerate you to me or my customers nor are you allowed to touch me without my consent you are banned from my store and if I ever see you in here again I will call the police Bob will you open the door please after Bob open the door Susan was escorted out and we all had a short moment of head shaking before going back to what we were doing kudos to Tina now that's a manager I can get behind way to handle the situation especially when somebody's starting to get physical just toss that Susan right out of the store I hope they enjoyed their Warhammer game I have never worked here in my life wholesome this story takes place a few months ago around Halloween so the conversation will not be exact I am a poor college kid I work a part-time job live on my own and I don't have a lot of money to spend on a lot of things for myself I recently got into gaming just for fun nothing serious it's a good hobby and a great stress reliever when I can I try to buy a new game but most of the time I get them from my local library they also have game nights once a week where people can play for denied in Minecraft but enough about that this was around Halloween I'm at the library where there isn't a dress code so I can see how this can happen I was looking at the video games putting any back that didn't capture my interest that is when I feel a tap on my shoulder I look up and turn around the shell for the games are are pretty low and lo and behold there is not quite a Karen so we'll call her Susan Oh am I in your way not all I was wondering where this book is hands me a piece of paper with a book title is written down I searched for it on the computer but I can find it on the shelves me not really thinking I can go look if you want I think I know where it is I take the paper and look for the book from the title that sounded like a cheesy romance novel like those Harlequin books I look around for a while and then give up I go to the service desk and ask where the book is but as luck would have it it was checked out for the record when he used my local library's computer to look up books you can see how many copies they have and whether they checked out or not and can also put a book DVD game on hold or get it from another branch Susan was still standing by the computer chatting with another patron hey so I looked for your book but it's checked out for another few days well darn I was looking for to reading it I know I hate it when that happens it's always when you want it to can you tell me when it'll be in me now realizing what was happening I don't think I can I've never worked here really but I see you all the time at this point I'm hoping she's not gonna say I'm lying and demand to see the manager do libraries have managers I come here a lot to study and I check out a lot of the books and movies here Perks of Being a poor college kid now susan is laughing and turning red with embarrassment I am so sorry I hope you don't mind me asking can you show how to put a book on hold I laugh and say it's fine I didn't mind helping out I help Susan with her book and left I hope Susan enjoyed her book first off is it a coincidence that Opie in this story and the other story both used Susan as a substitute for Karen that being said both Susan's had vastly different demeanors and in this one Susan was very sweet and polite and again good on this Opie for taking the time to help somebody out so much especially when you're just a poor college kid you're only there for a few things probably there for some pick-me-ups or whatever just to like get by in your free time enjoy yourself and still sacrificing some time to help this person out good on O P and I'm glad it was a wholesome exchange some 14 year olds don't serve coffee I was at a family-owned local coffee shop doing homework and waiting for a coffee the way it works is they call your name and you pick up your order so my name gets called and I pick up my coffee and head back to my seat when the following interaction happened ahem I don't think she's talking to me so I keep walking ahem I look at Karen who was glaring at me what coffee is that oh it's a latte oh you must be my under breath incompetent server I ordered a latte so that must be mine oh that's not how it I don't care about what you have to say just give me the latte I shut up I should talk to the owner about your bad behavior listen I give me the coffee now people are starting to look in our direction and this is a huge fear great I'm sorry but I don't work here Karen gets up fine if I can have that coffee then you can't either and Karen slaps the cup in my hand making me spill hot coffee on my and the floor the owner comes out and sees what happened what happened here your idiot worker took my coffee off my table and threw it on the ground no I got my coffee and she tried to take it and when I said no she hit it out of my hands and I don't work here ma'am he doesn't work here and even if he did that's not how the order system works luckily the worker saw what was going on he was just too busy to get involved so my story was proven the owner of ala J's for the spill and made me a free latte update on some 14-year olds don't serve coffee story hi all I don't remember the exact exact story but here's an update on the current situation I came into the family own coffee shop today and the owner walked up to me and said that they had called the cops after the incident and Karen has been arrested and fined I also found out she was banned from the coffee shop I'm pretty sure he said it was somewhere around a year jail time and a couple hundred dollar fine my family recommended I get a restraining order so I guess I will thanks for reading so between the original story and the update obviously this attitude and the short temper and the physicality is completely unacceptable knocking something out of the kids hands and spilling hot coffee over themselves not okay so then getting arrested I understand that a year's jail time that sounds like a probably a just a possibility of a years jail time and not what they're actually going to serve but still I'm glad this Karen is getting some repercussions for their ugly attitude in their physicality against a kid but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for listening to and watching the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and let us know what you thought about these stories in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to this storytime channel
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladyIwasTIPPEDwhileNOTworkingthereorig
my soon to be ex-husband humiliated me on our wedding day and met his karma instantly it has been 2 days since my wedding day I had already been with him for four years one year of which I was engaged it all started a few months earlier when I noticed my husband Jake watching prank videos among other things these videos showed embarrassing photos of the Bride being played on a projector in front of the whole room where the bride's face being smashed into the cake I told him straight away that I didn't want anything like that at our wedding he just laughed and said that he wasn't planning anything like that I thought that was the end of it but I kept catching him making strange arrangements with his friends he suddenly wanted to choose the wedding photographer and the cake I thought nothing of it and was just glad that he was helping me with the wedding preparations nevertheless I reminded him the day before that if he did something like that I would break up with him immediately when the day of the wedding came everything went smoothly until the ceremony until the moment came when the cake was to be cut the whole room watched as I made the first cut and the photographer stood in front of us with
give me a good story on MySoonToBeExHusbandHumiliatedMeonOurWeddingDayorig
aita for telling my dad 50m that he should not get an attitude with me for his poor planning hi everyone I 22f I'm going to England from April 4th to April 9th to visit some friends and a guy I'm dating for a birthday one of the friends is someone I haven't seen for 2 years since he has been living abroad in a another continent so it's become a big event currently I'm at an art academy and I've been lucky enough to have parents who can support me they send me a setum every month which pays for rent bills transport food Etc I've been saving up for a few months to go visit again and manage to snag some really cheap flight tickets that were below my budget I saved by meal planning every week buying meat that was on sale walking everywhere not buying frivolous things aside from a coffee now and then Etc plus I was staying with a friend in England and helping around the house as much as I can to pay for my stay for full transparency I went to England around a month ago as well that was a trip I had planned months in advance and used my Christmas money on so I respect that it hasn't been long since I went however I started saving before the trip happened onto the conversation with my dad
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmyDadsMthatheshouldnotgetanattitudewithmeforhispoorplanningorig
Welcome Friends to another r slash I don't work your lady video we've got some good stories today and our first ones from snoo hesitations5728 first contact with Karen's and I don't work your ladies stuff okay this was my first time in the USA my first contact with akiran and my first contact with this I don't work your lady stuff I'm a 30 year old guy traveling with my family to Miami for shopping and stuff there was a nice mall in front of our hotel which I believe I can't see the name but since it's a very famous shopping mall with a marine mammal on its name let's call it whale shopping the shopping mall is big and very exciting it was pretty fun to see different people at the same time and place from all over the world I went to a clothing store and bought something for me suddenly a female customer let's call her Karen approached me Karen says excuse me do you have it in a larger size at first I thought something like you know what I want to help this lady I looked around and found the same shirt and which appeared to be a larger size I say I found this one take a look she took it from me and then gave it back she says okay I'll buy it and I say okay and give it to her back when she stared back at me I realized what was going on and said oh I don't work here I'm sorry she took her glasses off and said okay can you call the manager please again I know I probably took the wrong decision but it was my first travel out of my country I really thought that the best thing to do was to try to help rather than leave so I went to talk to a guy at the register and told him what was going on that lady thought I worked here and now she wants to talk to the manager I just tried to help I'm sorry the guy gave me a smile trying not to laugh and said wild Garen appears oh I got the Pokemon reference from there but at the time I thought she was a well-known customer named Karen the guy was going upstairs to find the manager since I was so trying to help I made my last an unforgettable slash unforgivable mistake of my life I called her I approached her and said miss Karen the guy in the register was she yells how dare you who do you think you're talking to I go pale I just froze while the entire store was looking I lifted up my hands the exact way I do if I got robbed or if a crazy dog was barking at me for about five minutes which felt like an hour she was saying all sorts of things slowly I was approaching the register as if I was a little deer scared by a wolf or a wild boar she was following me of course step by step I saw the manager approaching as my Great White Horse Knight ready to protect me from that Dragon Karen says I demand you fire this lazy employee wasn't that word but okay the manager took a look at me and I slowly dropped my hands down the manager said okay lady this guy tried to help you from what I'm told but he doesn't work here Garen seemed to be satisfied and said you Latinos are just lazy argue the manager replies if you don't back off and leave this store I'll call the police and me and this guy pointing to me are going to press charges for racism Karen left man I was like what the heck just happened the guy on the register asked me if I was good and explained to me what a Karen is it took a long time to realize things like so because of how I looked it didn't seem like I had to be a customer too and crap like that oh and the employees realized that I didn't want to leave right away to not risk finding Karen again so they started to joke about first Karen we never forget there's a Reddit about it here so you were a Karen virgin you just lost your care and virginity the girl on the register suggested to call her whale Mall Karen and told me about her experience on Karen's down to Karen and new friends at the same day if you had an experience like this traveling to another country would that sour the whole experience for you or would you be able to just forget it and move on and still enjoy your trip let me know what you guys think in the the comments down below our next story is from Sunflower Skies Easter Karen I female 21 was volunteering at a church on Easter passing out plastic bags for the egg drop just so you know I was around 11 or 12 at the time this happened when I was passing out bags I hear Karen yelling at me she was yelling I have a question I have a question when I heard this I was like oh heck no not today so as the nice person I am I turned around giving a friendly smile she asks me if the kids can go out twice to get eggs I had no idea because they were trying to keep it fair so I went to go look for a church worker or Minster she told me that Karen wasn't able to do that because the kids would throw a fit if someone got more eggs than them when I told Karen this she started to yell at me saying how she'd been coming to the event for years and how it was stupid that we made it fair for all of the children I told her it wasn't in my control because I didn't work there I let her rant on but I was startled because I was only 11 or 12. what would you think I would do honestly I was waiting for her to ask for the manager surprisingly she just stomped away later we found out that she was smoking around the little kids and now I refuse to go to that church or any other Church by the way do you think I was in the wrong I don't see how op could be in the wrong at all they were 11 years old volunteering at a church to hand plastic bags out unless Ops just flinging the plastic bags out into the Wilderness to litter I don't think op probably could have done anything wrong there I feel for those Karen's kids our next story is from CWU 007 you are not a customer I'm a shift supervisor for a retail drugstore chain on the other side of our parking lot is a casual dining restaurant that's famous for its pies we'll call them pie shop for this story for a while pie shop was not answering their phones or their phones were down several times a day we'd get calls from people asking if we knew if pie shop was open or or why pie shop wasn't answering their phones we would say we don't know and the customer would understand and hang up however one night that was not the case I answered the phone one night and a man on the phone explains that he's been trying to call pie shop for the last half hour he then asks if I could walk over to pie shop and if they're open to please put in his dinner order I say a polite no and the man starts whining the man sounded like he was possibly around 30 or 40 years old he says why not I'm hungry I say I work for a drugstore not pie shop the man says I was going to stop at drugstore to buy something that makes me a customer of drugstore so you have to help me I say if it's something involving drugstore I'll be glad to help you this is not if pie shop is not answering their phone you need to either find a different place to eat or come to pie shop yourself the back and forth banter of him saying he's a customer and me saying no went on for the next two minutes finally the the guy surrendered but ended the phone call saying if he goes to bed hungry tonight love fault's on me I love the idea of that guy hanging up like if I go to bed hungry tonight the fault's on you news flash of that guy op doesn't care if you go to bed hungry tonight you're a random dude calling into a drugstore asking if they could go across the street to a different location for you they don't know you they don't care about you enjoy your hungry rest your failed Guilt Trip attempt just imagine op hears that and they go oh you're gonna go to bed hungry tonight oh okay well maybe I can go to the pie shop for you it's not gonna happen this next story is from Misty J dreamer nice small story this is a small story and the person in it wasn't in the wrong or anything but I thought why not let's show this I went to a hotel once it had a water park and a pool as well as an arcade which is where this takes place I had gone to the arcade not thinking of what I was wearing I didn't even realize I looked a lot like I worked there I was pretty tall and you could easily think I'm an adult I was watching some younger kids play an arcade game which was based on that game where a ball goes into one of three cups and it spun around and he gotta pick the right one they also got me a bunch of credit from it and this old lady comes up behind me I remember her saying you have an amazing job I told her I don't actually work here I'm actually there to play but it would be cool working here I feel like the idea of working in an arcade is kind of nicer than it is actually working there like I'm imagining you might enjoy it for a while but when you have to go like scrape gum out of the quarter slots or something stupid like that you realize it's not really worth it you find out that some kids spilled their Pepsi all over the neon rainbow carpet but went ahead and finished their game first so it's nice and sticky by the time you could try to do anything about it I don't know maybe I'm just a huge pessimist today our next story is from Thunder plays games I got mistaken as a woman when I was working for a client for my at-home business I have of an at-home business of computer and tech repair and the owner of the dollar store near me asked me to do some work for her I'm male 28 and when I was working a customer came in and asked so is she your new hire she meaning me the owner said no he is my tech guy and as soon as he saw slash heard that I was a guy he just about ran out of the store I've had very long hair due to the fact of the pandemic and couldn't get a haircut at the time but it was funny as freak I'm not mad or anything over it gave me a funny story back in middle school at the start of my teenage years I started to do that rebellious thing where you start growing your hair out long and I remember in like 7th or 8th grade I was sitting in the back and we had a substitute teacher who was older so you know their vision's not very good Miss could you come up to the board I just sit there silently and do not respond because you know I'm not miss everybody starts looking around realizes the mix up and starts like cracking up and I'm just sitting there like mortified embarrassed but it happens it wasn't the only time I got confused by the way by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos they're chocked full of great stories like our next one from swim check mle don't smile at people my 37 year old female first I don't work here I went to a check mark phone store to get a replacement and there was no one there except the employee it was like a miracle I picked up my phone and got the guy my info and he was getting me set up as I'm waiting an older couple walk in the lady keeps staring at me so I said hi she then proceeds to yell at me that she needs a new Samsung phone I told her I don't work there I guess my Fu shirt and flip-flops didn't explain that her response well you said hi to me I'm so sorry to show common courtesy I'm gonna blame the pandemic after like two years of people trying to be relatively sheltered and distanced the rise is so social media texting calling face timing I feel like interactions with strangers like this and just small talk and stuff it's becoming less common or less expected our next story is from Angel Eyes 1998. yes to Home Depot not this Home Depot so I work at a Home Depot this day I didn't want to shop in my store after my shift because I was just done with the day but needed some paint I ultimately decided to go to another Home Depot that was in the next town over I was wearing one of my Home Depot sweatshirts that has my store number on it but not where the store is located I had my earbuds in walking around the store and at one point I'm stopped by a Karen who immediately starts yelling at me she'd been waiting for someone to drop a pallet from the overhead and had been waiting for a while and then I walked past her with my headphones and didn't hear her until she's yelling she told me that I needed to get the palette down for her I explained that unfortunately I don't work in the store and she then started yelling something along the lines of you're useless give me your manager one of the store's assistant managers came around the corner and asked what was going on and Karen told them I wouldn't help her and the manager looked at me looked at her and goes yeah that's because she doesn't work here she works in the store that's 20 minutes from here so her manager is not here and nope she cannot drop the pallet Karen huffed and left the store the manager and I had a good little chuckle I'm not gonna lie I'm not trying to be mean to Opie but would you guys agree with me that if you're working at a store and your shift is over and you start shopping either at that store or an identical store that it should be almost completely understandable that you get confused for working there and our final story is from rapidasm one two three four five pick up this dog poop so to set the scene I had just finished work exhaustion threatening to take hold of my body and me fighting with every fiber of my being to stay conscious enough for the final push of making the drive home I had just popped into the local supermarket and picked up some cereal and a trifle I know an odd combination but I hope future historians will struggle to find an explanation for it I was walking towards my car the light at the end of the tunnel glinting hopefully and signaling an end to my 12-hour work day I opted to cut down a quick side street since outside of work I'm anti-social and working in retail sucks the enthusiasm to deal with the general public and then it happened the Karen Dragon appeared little did I know with my sleep-deprived brain that this monstrosity approaching breathed harshly with Karen fire but alas I was about to find out firsthand I sidestepped a dog turret a particularly lazy pet owner had decided to leave and then the two words every Brave retail night dreads escaped the lips of the Banshee Harlot that was bearing down on me now excuse me unfortunately for me this particular brand of crazy was unknown even to me are you going to pick up that dog poop she croaked in a raspy voice I looked down at myself at my cereal and trifle yep I was most definitely not the designated poo shoveler she presumed me to be what I asked back mystified as to how a random stranger she just accosted in the street should be responsible for cleaning up a random poo are you going to pick up this dog poop she repeated emphatically why would I she says I see this is what my council tax goes towards lazy workers who don't keep the streets clean I'm going to be reporting you and then here is where I remembered something I read on another I don't work your lady post and it was perfect are you all right dear I asked earnestly do you need me to call someone to come pick you up yes I'm fine the Cairn replied her face screwing up in confusion why are you going to call someone because you must either be senile have Dementia or just be eternally stupid if you think a random person who just happens to be walking in the opposite direction is there to pick up poop off the pavement there's no need to be rude the Banshee snarled animalistically coiling up to deliver the Karen strike you're right I'm sorry I'll just ring the care home to have someone swing by in the van and meet you I don't live in a care home how dare you be rude to me it was at that point I just stepped around her and continued walking her Thai raid ceased momentarily as she stared at my back in odd confusion apparently this Karen was not used to being ignored and not having instant Vindication for her carrying short-circuited her brain the hamster in her head had apparently Shrugged and decided to bail leaving the proverbial hamster wheel spin idly she flapped her mouth open and shut as I threw her a cheeky wave and went on my way so that was my harrowing ordeal my Karen in the wild probably not the most scintillating Tale but one that still brings a smile to my face I'm not gonna lie I'm probably just uncultured I didn't know what a trifle was but now that I looked it up and it's like a dessert type thing it doesn't seem that weird to get cereal in that anyways yeah I don't understand at all where this Karen was coming from for all of you Karen experts out there can you understand where they would be able to make the connection that op was somehow Somebody That was supposed to pick up that poo if you can crack the code let me know but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories I've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like And subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this Channel and I appreciate the heck out of it so until next time I'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
give me a good story on rIDontWorkHereLadyKARENWANTSMETOPICKUPDOGSHTRedditStoriesorig
my sister is disgusting and I will never be able to look at her the same again a little backstory I 17f have a sister 15f that I swear was created just to ruin my life after my first birthday my parents decided to have another kid so that I wouldn't get lonely by myself 9 months later my sister and I'm just going to say yes instead of an initial for her because she will be found out one day was born as a spawn of Satan she was born shrieking and continues to when she doesn't get her way the earliest member I have of her is her trying to pull my hair out as she was a baby while I was watching Mickey Mouse at my Nan's she would have constant tantrums and if I didn't do what she liked she would get violent my parents tried so many ways to try and discipline her and teach her but she never ever learned her lesson she constantly broke things and lied so much that at one point my parents gave up she was always the victim because I Am The Golden Child because i' behave and learn from my mistakes she is my hell and yet I cared for her every time she got yelled that and cried I felt bad and tried to appease to her she later took it as a way to manipulate me more and my parents had to show me that I do not have to just drop everything for her whenever she got physical as a kid I would try to make her happier the next day eventually my parents convinced her to stop and for a good few years I was freed of the physical violence the majority of people get a second chance my sister has had more than anyone should give from me as soon as she got hormonal she would instill Jabs at everyone with her words and whenever you give her a taste of her own medicine she acts like you've told her to kill herself that is just a summary of what my childhood was like with her and yet I loved her about a week ago I was on my iPad before work just relaxing in bed and I left it there when I left when I got home I couldn't find it my room is a bit messy so I cleaned up and searched everywhere for it for the next couple of days but I couldn't find it anywhere I asked Dad and he had no idea and I knew mom hadn't stolen it because she would have said something so I asked asked my sister she immediately smirked and I knew it was her but she excused it as the last time I lost my iPad I accused her and it was down the side of my bed I checked in her room but couldn't find it mostly because her room is just filled with filth my best friend has been helping me but we had no idea until tonight I came home from work and my sister is at Nan's while my parents are out for a bit so I went to shut all the doors to other bedrooms when I noticed her headset had its cord tucking in her blankets I checked in her bed again and then it was hidden badly under her blanket I was so excited and then annoyed I took a photo and sent it to her saying that I wasn't dumb and then went to check what she had done as she knows my password at first I saw that she had just downloaded timu and was thankfully on her own account but then I opened up Safari and immediately a porn website popped up and I quickly deleted the tab I checked the history but she had used the private searching browser so the only things were of her Discord chats with her BF that I couldn't see in random Youtube videos I then saw that chai was a recently used app and opened it and checked the chats and I feel like I am going insane I sometimes use chai only for your basic big strong man and little woman Trope because I deem it funny to reread I'm a lesbian but the things I saw she had used made me just stop completely I deleted my chats before screenshotting hers just in case I need to show my parents one day because I haven't really had that talk with my parents and Mom saw my character AI chats one time and just acted like nothing so it's clearly a nogo and look I don't really care too much like if I use stuff like this I cannot judge but I'll attach the screenshot and you'll see it's not okay even as a joke the chat she had in our circumstances makes me scared the dog one look some people Are furies I whatever I think there's a better word for it but it's not a zoophile when something is humanoid I don't really care but that's a dog a fullet dog labeled for zoophiles and the thing is we have a lot of animals I'm talking cats chicken a bunny and we did used to have dogs but thankfully they were rehomed so hopefully nothing happened to them in our care and the more concerning one I'd be less induced to throw up if she was using a stepfather 1 as a joke but it says clear as day Dad I want to cry because my dad is amazing he is a great dad that loves us and while he can have anger issues I love him dearly not once ever has he ever made any that sort of implication to us he walked in on me getting changed accidentally when I was like 9 10 and that's me just taking my top off and now he knocks and knocks with his head to make sure you know it's him and waits for you to say yeah he makes at least a dad joke a day and the fact that my sister could see him that way it's keeping me from sleeping I am genuinely losing my mind as I have no idea what to do I canot say anything I already told my best friend but how am I supposed to what keep it a secret for her no I told her I won't tell our parents and deleted the chats but I have everything I've got screenshotted and backed up because she is not just going to steal this again and delete them I don't know what to do she comes home Friday and how am I supposed to trust her my poor cat he can't be around her and my dad how do I look at him the same way how do I act normal when my sister belongs in a mental institute I don't know what to do and I am losing my mind please I just need help
give me a good story on MysisterisdisgustingandIwillneverbeabletolookatherthesameagainAlittlebackstory
AIT for refusing to attend my mom's Renaissance Fair themed birthday party my mom recently turned 50 and my family has been experiencing some tension I'm currently planning a wedding and my mom has been nothing but cold and standoffish with my bride to be I have addressed her behavior multiple times and the answer is always well she isn't my fiance well I'm shy well you picked her not me I finally blew up and we had a long heart to heart and she confirmed my fears that she doesn't like my fiance much and finds her annoying and vapid I told her if she ever acted on those feelings she will be disinvited from the wedding my recently had a bridle shower SL Bachelorette weekend at Disney as she is a huge Disney person growing up we rarely went to Disney as my stepdad and I preferred Universal I never knew my mom had opinions regarding Disney thought but it got back to me that she was making fun of the Bridle shower calling it things like lame and embarrassing when I confronted her she expressed her concern she felt it was self-indulgent that she was having so many pre-wedding events and she was salty about being given a matching shirt to wear apparently she didn't want to be in the bride Squad she tried to brush this off by saying Disney was childish and themes are lame I ended up skipping my mom's birthday trip to Italy due to other commitment to be fair she was cool with it I planned on taking her to dinner sometime since 50 is a big deal but I received an invitation to a surprise party on the day of her actual birthday and decided to attend when I got there it was full Ren Fair themed costumes games food performers it was like her own personal Fair now I don't think people would suspect this because she gives off to cool Vibes but my mom loves Renaissance Fairs it started as a joke with her and a friend that it is an excuse to dress but that was years ago and now they are her thing to be honest it was an amazing party probably one of the sickest parties I've seen But I immediately felt pissed how the hell is a renfair less cringey childish or embarrassing than Disney and why isn't it excessive that my mom had a trip abroad plus this party I just could not stop thinking hypocrite my mom walked in and got surprised then she went to change and I couldn't take it anymore I told my Aunt I was leaving and that if my mom wanted me she could call and personally apologized to my fiance my aunt called me a prick but I left with my fiance and guess who never called now my family is saying I'm an ass for missing both of her celebrations when 50 is a huge deal also apparently they are mad because they feel my fiance use the party to get insta likes but like what she didn't know we would be leaving early
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtoattendmymomsrenaissancefairthemedbirthdayparty
what's the most insane coincidence you've experienced Story one during my first semester of college I moved out of state and was the first to move into the apartment after orientation I found my new roommate sitting on his bed when I introduced myself he asked where I was from when I told him he said I used to have a friend named Simon I replied I used to have a friend named will who was my best friend in first and second grade until his family moved story two I was once mugged by four guys on one of the main shopping streets of Nairobi Kenya one of the guys had me in a Chokehold and just before I was about to pass out they dropped me and ran at the time I didn't know why 12 months later while sitting on a bench on an island in Thailand I met a British couple who did business in Kenya and we started talking about how dangerous it was getting for foreigners they described an incident from the year before of turning a corner and seeing a white guy being mugged and a shopkeeper rescued him by hitting one of them over the head with a bat they were in the same street on the same day at the exact same time I was there it was me who they witnessed being mugged what are the chances of randomly meeting up on a beach in Thailand a year later Story 3 I live in Australia and I have for almost my whole life but I was born in Dubai every weekend in Dubai my mom would take me to the Hilton beach club and sit me in front of the pastry chef to eat we moved away from Dubai really early on so I don't remember much fast forward to age 17 a new kid at school had just moved from a nearby town we became friends and we both loved Cricket so we practiced a lot together my dad and I were giving him a lift home after we were practicing and my dad asked where were you born and he says Dubai the conversation continues and I say I was born there too then he says my parents used to be the pastry chefs at the Hilton beach club and this blew me away here we were 16 years later halfway across the world and every weekend I sat in front of his parents and ate what they made for me to this day I still get goosebumps thinking about it I mean what are the chances story 4. a few years ago I got into a cab heading out for the evening in downtown Toronto shortly after being dropped off I realized I left my phone in the cab I tried calling it with no luck I called the cab company but because I had flagged the cab and paid cash they had no real way of knowing which cab I was in I figured the phone was as good as gone and went about my night many hours later and having moved around the city quite a bit I was ready to call it a night so I flagged another cab sitting in the back seat I started to think the driver looked familiar and realized I was in the same cab I took earlier he hadn't found the phone but I started looking anyways and sure enough there it was jammed in the seat me and my flip phone were happily reunited only for me to put it in a washing machine two days later Story five in college I went to a My Chemical Romance and Blink 182 concert with a couple of friends we got a hotel near Jiffy Lube Live to have fun before the concert I bought Wendy's on the way to the concert to eat in the parking lot beforehand but I left it in the taxi I was devastated after the concert we hailed a cab and got in I felt a brown paper bag at my feet and looked down the beautiful ginger on the bag was smiling up at my inebriated eyes as if to say I knew you'd come back and yes of course I ate it story six one Saturday night I went out with friends and we decided to call our friend Al to see if he wanted to join us this was in England long before mobile phones so we had to use one of the iconic red phone booths someone was already using it so we had to wait a few minutes the guy left and we crammed into the booth in those days in order to make a call you would first get a dial tone then call the number when the person answered you would hear a bunch of beeps at which point you would insert the coins so I picked up the phone but I heard no dial tone I hung up the phone and tried again but still no dial tone it seemed to still be connected to the previous call I said hello to see if anyone was still on the line a person answered saying hello it was my friend Al he had just picked up his phone to make a call and somehow miraculously without even dialing his number we were connected we all went to the same place after and tried to figure out how the hell this happened but it remains a mystery if I did not have my friends with me at the time I Witnesses I would have believed it was my mind playing tricks on me story 7. in 2004 I was 18 and on a three-week tour of Europe I was at the Louvre and had just experienced that was the Mona Lisa exhibit after looking at it for two minutes I started to wander around aimlessly as I was walking an older couple asked if I knew how to get to the Mona Lisa exhibit I told them yes and because I'm horrible with directions I'd be happy to walk them there myself they were really nice and very appreciative that I was taking the time to help them they asked me where I was from the US and Nashville but I mentioned my parents were immigrants from Italy they told me they were from Portugal and on their anniversary we talked a bit more and I told them my name they were really excited about it since I shared the same name as their grandchild anyways we get to the exhibit and I go to part ways and shake their hands but I get pulled in for two massive hugs and a kiss on the cheek they give me their address and say anytime I'm in Portugal to stop by and I'll have a place to stay and eat we take a group photo and leave seven years later I'm in Munich for Oktoberfest I'm standing outside my hotel waiting for my friends when an older couple asks if I know how to get to the fairgrounds so since I'm headed there I tell them they could just follow me and my friends again we start talking about where we're all from now I have a memory like an elephant and once they mention they're from Portugal I start to think maybe these are the same people I asked them if they have grandkids and they say they have six I ask if one of their names is history of man they look at each other sort of surprised and say yes they ask how I knew that and I tell them that I had met them seven years prior in Paris at the Louvre the old lady gets really happy and starts crying and starts to hug me they say they remembered me now and asked why I never came to visit that they had our picture in a frame on their wall and always wondered what happened to the nice American boy we spent the next three hours catching up luckily we got there early so we were able to get an empty table and they bought all the drinks the entire time this time they demanded I give them my email so we could keep in contact and I even added their son on Facebook two years later I go and visit for the summer and sure enough there on the wall amongst the rest of their family pictures as 18 year old me standing between them I'll tell you all something I'm a bit of an introvert and can be awkward when meeting new people simply because I like to get a feel for who they are and where their boundaries are but never in my life other than with my own family and maybe not even then have I ever felt more at home and that I belonged than the three weeks I spent with them we still talk weekly it's like having a second family Story 8 when I was 13 I was on a family holiday in Venice we were on a gondola Venetian punt boat touring the waterways of the city we got halfway down a long passageway and another Gondola passed us by carrying a man and a woman and the punter the man and my dad locked eyes exclaimed each other's names and had a quick handshake as our Gondola's passed myself brother and mother sat quietly pretty stunned while the woman on the other boat exploded with what who's that how do you know him we floated off in the other direction comparatively swag and chill turns out it was a guy my dad went to University with and hadn't seen since they haven't even contacted one another since it's crazy they recognized one another considering they were both in their late 40s now passing fleetingly on two gondolas in Venice story nine I tried to get into Six Flags with a tiny keychain Swiss army knife it literally had a dull one-inch blade they told me I could either throw it away take it to my car a mile away or rent a locker for like 10 bucks so I decided to hide it in the planter I looked down and saw a big piece of bark lying in the dirt so I figured it would be a good hiding place I picked it up and found another mini Swiss army knife I placed mine next to the first and went into the park when I returned the other knife was gone and a smiley face was etched into the dirt in its place story 10 my family used to take little summer vacations one summer I was about seven or eight we stayed at a campground about four hours from home there were a bunch of kids there and one day we all started playing tag I was it and was chasing another young boy and when I tagged him I pushed him too hard and he fell and broke his arm I remembered the scene vividly fast forward to college I became good friends with my neighbor in the dorm and we ended up getting a place together our sophomore year the following year no longer living together we went out for a few drinks and the topic of broken bones came up I've only broken one bone and it was my arm when I was seven some kid at a campground pushed me over while playing tag it was me I still can't believe it story 11 one time I parked without even noticing next to a car with the same license plate as me I had a Massachusetts plate and she had a New Hampshire plate both with the same five digit number the weirder thing was that both of us had kept the plate as a novelty plate because the state wasn't making five-digit plate numbers anymore but a family member wanted to keep it in my case my dad wanted to keep his dad's plate story 12 when I was in high school I was aimlessly playing around in our library one day like any large public high school our library had literally thousands of books quietly tucked away on shelves and rarely if ever touched that day I pulled a book at random from a shelf in the back and sat down to read it after opening it a slip of paper fell out and I quickly recognized the dashed 10 digits written on it as a phone number I hastily read the number and it was my older sister's number who had graduated from my high school years earlier someone had written her number and tucked it away into a random book in the back until I found it years later story 13. I once went camping with about five or so other friends this was about three years ago now in Pisgah National Forest in the mountains of North Carolina there are some amazing waterfalls in this area one called Rainbow Falls which is about 125 feet from the river above to the ground below if you keep hiking past Rainbow Falls there is a much smaller waterfall in the river above called turtleback Falls it's basically a very slippery rock with water running over it which ends with about a four to five foot drop this is really cool because you can climb up it using a rope attached to a tree above walk out to the middle of the rocks and slide down there's also another spot that's about one third of the way up the side of Rainbow Falls where you can climb up some branches then basically repel down a rock face shimmy out on a Ledge and jump about 30 to 40 feet into the nice deep pool in the river at the bottom of the waterfall it was when my friends and I had climbed out on the ledge and were about to jump when we noticed that there was an another group of people hanging out in the river below us they started cheering us on and encouraging us to jump as it is slightly terrifying anyways we ended up jumping and once in the river below we talked to some of the other group of people they seemed pretty cool fast forward one year and we had so much fun a year earlier that we decided to go back again this time we camped a little further down the river and we decided to climb on some rocks Down River from the waterfall about three or four hundred yards from the waterfall I was climbing on one rock and found something that looked like a strap of some kind assuming it was trash I didn't touch it but when I pointed it out to one of my friends he noticed it was actually a GoPro camera in a waterproof case so we decided to keep it fast forward a couple of days my friend and I purchased a charger for that type of camera and decided to see what was on it we started watching the video and saw some guys climbing up the place where we jumped off the side of the waterfall in front of the cameraman who was also climbing the cameraman starts to get closer and we saw something that made us instantly start to freak out on the back left shoulder of the person in front of the cameraman was the exact tattoo that my friend has when he gets even closer we realize the person on the camera was my friend who I was currently sitting right beside later the cameraman gets up to the ledge and we see me and the rest of my friends from over a year ago there are also some pictures and video of us jumping from the ledge we watched the rest of the video in a stunned State and the last 30 minutes or so of the footage is of the cameraman going up to the river above Rainbow Falls and sliding on Turtle Back Falls apparently losing his GoPro in the water after going over the falls the camera sinks to the bottom and you can even see fish swimming by and staring at the camera now think about where we found the camera four to five hundred yards Down River from the bottom of the large waterfall so apparently this camera made its way down the river over a 120-foot waterfall and got lodged in a rock 500 yards away and my friends and I found it a year later with the footage of us from the previous year on it it took us a little while to decide on this being the most reasonable explanation story 14. this coincidence is straight up sorcery I was kayaking with my family along a river when I thought I would pull a fast one on my brother so I yelled hey look a bald eagle to my brother so I could do the whole made you look game but to my surprise he goes cool at this point I think he is just messing with me so I can't say the whole made you look thing so I look up and a bald eagle swoops down catches a fish and flies to the other side of the river one of the most magical coincidences ever story 15. I'm an American who moved to Amsterdam some years ago and in my first year there on a random Saturday I decided to head out for a drink I sat down next to a cute German guy who was in town for the first time from six hours away helping a friend move kind of thing and it turns out he's doing a PhD in physics I am doing mine in astronomy and have a physics background so we spend maybe 10 minutes discussing our research topics when he mentions offhand how he used to study in New Zealand I got a confused look and then got all excited Johannes Professor W's E M class in Auckland first half of 2007 freaked him out until I explained I was a semester abroad student in Auckland that year and not only were we in the same class we even did the same homework together and such but we lost touch once I left the country with no one having a clue what happened to the other only to randomly run into each other five years later in a random bar in a random City on another continent I don't know if I can ever top that one it was pretty darn cool story 16 my aunt died young on October 3rd 2007. on October 2nd 2008 I was a senior in high school I was in my art class one morning sitting at a table of four when the teacher told me one person from each table to go grab a stack of newspapers for us to sculpt so that the tables don't all get messed up with Clay another guy spreads out the newspapers and then I begin to work I noticed that the paper at my seat is the obituary pages I casually begin to read it and realize the paper is a year old and the obituary listing exactly under my right hand was that of my aunt who had died a full 365 days before I'd like to think it was her way of saying hello and what's up to make sure I wasn't sculpting anything gross and inappropriate story 17. I've written about this before but I still think it's insane so here goes when I was a little kid my parents would take my sister and me to visit my great-grandmother in the nursing home she was in her mid-90s blind and to Young me basically terrifying I hated going to see her to be honest every time we went she would touch our faces you know because blind and talk to us a little meanwhile her roommate somehow knew my name and would always try to grab me even though my parents never said more to her than pleasantries it always freaked me out fast forward to my mid-20s my dad mentions just casually as anything that the roommate was his grandmother and my other great-grandmother she didn't know my name I am a junior and look like my dad so she thought I was my father she was senile after all apparently there was a falling out when my dad was a kid and he had no relationship with much of his extended family she didn't recognize my dad because she'd never seen him as an adult the messed up thing is they lived in a City nurse nursing home pretty big city too and just by sheer coincidence my parents Grandparents were roommates story 18 I met my now husband at work turns out there are enough coincidences that my mom is seriously wondering whether we are distantly related we were both born in the same hospital two weeks apart we then both moved about 500 miles away and ended up in the same University together we moved from there another 100 miles away and worked in the same company we both have relatives in the same area in Dublin we both have a relative who worked in the same hotel in Dublin at about the same time back in the 1930s my mom and his grandmother have the exact same combination of unusual first and middle names I have the same birthday as his mom we don't live in Ireland story 19. a few years ago when I had just become a bartender and was getting into the whole oh my God is it really that easy to get women's numbers phase I ended up getting a girl's phone number one night and another girl's number the next night so I went right ahead and started texting both of them blatantly using the same phrases and just changing out the names however come Monday morning the bomb dropped it turned out that not only did they go to the same University but they were the same year level same class and were currently Partners on some sort of assignment they were not as amused as I was this is how the conversation went me text to both girls so want to get some ice cream later girl a I don't know why don't you ask Chloe placeholder name can't remember for the life of me girl B I don't know why don't you ask blah blah creativity is not my strong suit me still texting both bring her along we can make it a party and then a couple of messages from both about how I'm disgusting a loser etc etc but the story doesn't end there fast forward a couple of years later her I met some restaurant with some friends and we bump into a mutual friend of ours and he's with a couple of girls we invite him to sit down with us and we're all chatting away and happily making friends I cozy up to one girl and we start talking and flirting a bit I tell her I'm a bartender and she laughs and says I'll never date a bartender because of this one guy that and she just stops and freezes and looks at me turns out it was girl a and not enough time had passed to heal this particular wound she got up and stormed off never to be seen again but wait there's more fast forward about a year later I went out clubbing met a girl and we hit it off I wake up next morning and lo and behold it's girl a and she was still not as amused as I was about the situation
give me a good story on WhatsTheMostINSANECOINCIDENCEYouveExperiencedRedditPodcast
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel our first story of the day is one that I find quite frustrating but let me not waste any more time the first story is by Sheik your booty no offense honey but I just don't think you're qualified back in my call center days a frequent issue among our female Tech's my team had about five to nine on average out of about 200 was to get someone who would insist on being transferred to a male Tech this happened at least once a week my friend Valerie got a customer who insisted that he speak with a man before even mentioning his problem saying no offense honey but I just don't think you're qualified if the customer ever requested to speak with another technician for whatever reason the policy was to tell the customer to call back when told this the customer demanded to speak with his supervisor so he did he spoke with the only female supervisor Liz on the floor who loved getting these kinds of escalations who asked the customer why specifically he felt the technician who transferred him wasn't qualified to assist him apparently Liz at a habit of letting any female new hires know that if a customer wanted to speak to a supervisor because they demanded a man they are free to let her know it gets better Lissa told me that normally these calls end with a very resigned and defeated customer being transferred back to a different and female tag to resolve this issue but the customer that had escalated from Valerie refused to believe that another woman would be in any position of authority in our company and demanded to speak with Liz's boss Liz told the customer that she was the final point of contact he was going to get and if he didn't like it he could call the corporate office the customer assured 'el is that he would do so and hung up a week later Liz finds out that the customer actually did call corporate to complain however unlike tech support the customer interaction department of the corporate office was mostly women when the VP of customer service got wind of this guy she made sure that the few male members of her staff were suddenly unavailable to speak with him and even spoke with the customer personally unfortunately ignorance often knows no bounds so the customer continued to call back and harass the staff using choice language and vague threats until he finally managed to speak with a man a representative of the company's legal department who let the customer know that all calls with him had been recorded that they consider any future attempt to contact them to be harassment and he can expect a cease and desist letter in the near future I'm not sure who this guy thinks he is I'm wondering what kind of profession or hobby or whatever this is where this guy feels so convinced that a woman would never be able to help him in a call center I would think a woman could do anything a man could do they'd probably do it better for all I know I'm wondering what would be the choice words to give this guy our next story is by thick like grits great name I run the store nothing moves without my say-so all right bet four years ago I worked in a store for a large well-known and well hated telecom in Canada I started out as a sales rep then was quickly promoted to assistant manager because I'm a fast learner I constantly crushed sales targets and always offer to train staff for new store openings Joe the regional manager seemed to like me and was nice which I thought was because I'm the only woman in a store with all men but tenured sales reps warned me that he was always nice to sales reps and rude to managers one day our store manager SM rig gets fired for skipping work to watch a hockey game he was actually seen on TV in the front row standing and cheering after calling in too sick to move and a few co-workers went out with him afterwards where he drunkenly bragged about calling in sick to see said hockey game Joe didn't hire a new store manager because of cost so he asked me to run the store but without the title or no problem I love my job and the staff I even come in on my days off to make sure the staff are okay and check on supplies I'm also the first black assistant store manager in the region in ages so I felt like I had something to prove a few months go by and a customer comes in wanting to open up a small business account with six lines I verify the company is real credit check HST number etc and processed the sale for her for black iPhone sevens a rose gold iPhone 7 plus any blackberry massive Commission for me even bigger Commission for Joe Joe comes to the store the next day wanting to talk about the sale I thought I messed up along the way or got flagged for fraud nope he was pissed that I sold the stores last rose gold iPhone 7 plus instead of holding on to it because he wanted to take it out of inventory to give it to his daughter for free which is against company policy and the rose gold iPhone 7 plus was on backorder I tell him that it's better for us to sell the phone and I didn't know he wanted to take it out of inventory to give away and it's against company policy anyway what happens next is this grown but six foot five man throws a tantrum I'm talking fists balled up the sides shrieking you don't run anything here this is my store you're not the store manager my name is on file the store manager and regional manager nothing happens in this store without my say-so nobody breathes unless I say so I calmly straightened out my uniform and nod thinking you run shoot and I just work here got it alright Denzel you're gonna learn today kill malicious compliance he leaves and the other staff asked what the Freak that yelling was about I say well boys I don't run shoot I just work here if you need anything and I literally mean anything at any time call Joe I stopped ordering scheduling etc and nothing for the next two days before my previously scheduled upcoming four days off day one of my day off and one of the staff calls me in a panic Opie I noticed there's only one roll of toilet paper left can you stop by and order more I said nope sorry call Joe if you need anything and don't call me on my days off anymore click my staff support me and ring Joe's phone non-stop for those four days with the most mundane shoot hey Joe we're out of toilet paper can you get us some hi Joe um the windows are dirty what should I do yo Joe what's the schedule for next week hope he didn't make one yeah Joe we're trying to process a bring-your-own-device Co a.m. monthly plan but I don't remember what the dummy IMEI is and I can't continue it in the system without it what is it hey Joe we're out of sim cards so we can't process any more sales involving phones at all hey Joe we're on the last few sheets of printing paper so we can't print contracts hey Joe I came in early to set up the new marketing but I noticed there's a light bulb out in one of the fixtures what do i do Joe Andy left roast chicken bones and cake in the break area out overnight and now the store is overrun by ants please send help Joe calls and texts me non-stop but I'm off for the next 4 days so I ignore everything sit at home make some cookies spend some time with my boyfriend now husband hit another mall and go shopping getting my nails done get my hair done and relish in the thought of Joe stupid face stress the freak out at an ant infestation and his stupid eyes bulging out of his head every time my staff call asking for toilet paper I come in for my next shift relaxed fresh silk pressed hair and killer nails and Joe is already waiting for me in the back Oh pee why is the staff calling and asking me ridiculous questions the last few days why are we running out of critical supplies that halt sales well Joe you told me that nothing moves without your say-so and that I don't run anything in the store you do so I told them if they need anything to call you the person who runs the store cue the confused peek you'll look on his face uh not like that I mean like just please please run the store as you see fit there are ants everywhere and the floors are sticky and I brought you guys some SIM cards he scurries out of the store I graduate from university that year and applied for a role that had office Joe got upset and said he didn't want to lose me at the store and dangled the thought of making me store manager if I stayed oh well at that point I just wanted out I aced the interviews and got hired I've been here ever since and I never have to interact with Joe freak you and the ants Joe this is a wonderful Power Move Joe comes in here trying to flex himself I'm the manager I'm the store manager I'm the regional manager if I want to take this expensive really limited item out of inventory and give it to my daughter for free even though it's against policy I'm gonna do it and then opie thick like grits steps in says no I actually run the store I'm going to show you the truth and then I'm gonna get an even better job than you do way to show your manager how it is our next story is by future pink 719 I sold the ring he wanted but he told me to I used to work in a pawn shop as both a sales associate and a pawn broker I have so many stories I could probably fill this subreddit but this one always makes me smile because of how smug the man was when I was a sales associate I sold a lot of jewelry I often had to tell people that we couldn't hold items because a someone might come in and want it and have the money right there and B we had a layaway program so unless you put some money down 20% holding it wasn't an option so one day this man comes in and is looking for a very specific type of ring diamond channel-set anniversary ring said in white gold size five the pawn shop I worked out had a vast collection of these types of things and many sizes and with many different carat weights he needed a specific size and a specific carat weight and he was very much in luck because we had been to have it most pawnshops are you get what you see and you can see what you get basically we don't have inventory or stock of any specific item and our jewelers are for sizing and dippin purposes only so I show my ring that I have in the case here you go exactly the size you need and just over the carat weight man pulls out a loupe looks at diamonds okay they're not as clear as I normally like them yeah I understand but the price is only 350 and at a regular jewelry store this would easily run around $1,500 so while the clarity isn't as nice it's still a really good deal and I don't know if you'll find another this size of the same carat weight man sighing okay well I know your sister store also has some rings right you think they might have a better one with better quality at this time there is a woman looking at rings and clearly listening to our conversation but I'm positive he hasn't noticed her she sees the ring in my hand and I see her eyebrow go up I'm not sure but they are a smaller store so their inventory is smaller if they do have one there isn't a guarantee the ring will be the correct size or the same carat weight hmm okay well can you hold the ring for me I want to go see their inventory I'm sorry we can't company policies that all items held must be put on layaway for holding if someone wants to buy an item and it isn't in layaway we don't want to stop them hmm well I'm gonna hold off and go check that store if someone comes in and sees this specific ring yeah go ahead and sell it but I doubt that's gonna happen he walked away with a kind of smug look on his face just as he left the woman who was listening to our conversation walks up can I see that ring he didn't want I hand it over to her she slips it on her finger and smiles I'll take it she didn't even hesitate she straight-up bought this ring after wearing it for five seconds during ring out I asked her why and she said she had been searching for a channel said ring for a few years of the pawn shops but none had caught her I like that one and it was her size which can be hard to find I told her have a nice day and cleaned it before she left 45 minutes later the man walked back in okay they didn't have anything so I guess I'll take that one I was looking at I'm sorry sir but just after you left a woman came up tried on the ring and bought it I don't have any more in the carat weight you're looking for I have some in the higher carat weights if you're interested are you freaking serious you know I'd probably be back why did you sell it well you did say I should if someone came in and saw it just because you doubt something is going to happen doesn't mean it can't so in my own thoughts I kind of feel a little bad for the guy let me clarify that obviously his attitude was nasty and he seemed entitled but also in a lot of situations where you would walk away for 45 minutes or whatnot you would think that that ring would probably still be there when he came back that being said this is kind of a learning tool if it's a free-for-all situation and it's a situation where you know you probably won't get a better option and you're happy with that option I think you should really heavily consider taking it and unfortunately this guy missed out but that's the chance you take our next story is by SM Warren boss wanted me to wear better clothes back when I used to work at a store I'll call forever 22 I worked with a manager who absolutely hated me her and I used to go at each other all the time over random crap well a couple of times throughout my time working there she'd comment on my choice of clothes usually it was things about how my clothes are too tight for a boy or they were too feminine and eventually I got fed up with it I read into our dress code and decided to really get under her skin on our last day working at forever 22 I wore a dress but she couldn't say anything since I follow the dress code guidelines perfectly I made her so dang uncomfortable my other co-workers who also disliked her except like - who were her friends complimented me I quit shortly after that and now I work in a pharmacy I definitely think people who are in managerial positions should really try and focus on making employees and people's experiences in general happier not try and put people down I think it's rather frustrating to see nasty people getting these managerial positions I say if Opie wants to wear a dress regardless of who they are what they look like and it makes them happy and it fits the guidelines by all means go for it and our final story of the day is by smoke one I want to speak to the owner my wife and I opened a store together that she ran I was just the technical contact for most things she was listed as owner I was listed as mingler customer comes in and starts asking the wife questions and the customer doesn't like the answers he was getting because girl don't know nothin speculation on my part but it fits in demands to speak to the manager wife mentions that it won't be in for an hour and he was free to wait or come back and speak to the manager he decided to come back but that just meant he sat in his car for an hour until I got there I finally showed up and the guy follows me in asking this off-the-wall question and I stopped and thought about it and said I don't know let me ask my wife and he said I already asked her employee and she doesn't know what she's talking about so I asked for the manager I see that's not getting me anywhere either I want to speak to the owner now I turned around to the wife and said he wants to talk to you again apparently the customer then said a woman can't own a store like this so I handed him her business card that said owner and said if he'd like to look it up on the business registry he could my wife being the absolute Saint she is even helped the guy after he calmed down a bit I love the dynamic here between Opie and his wife and also him calling himself a Mangler instead of a manager nice touch there these two honestly sound like a nice lovely couple and the wife as Opie said is an absolute Saint for still helping this guy out even after he was a hothead and asking for a man and saying a woman can't even own a store like this but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so I want to say thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you like what you heard today please consider giving the video a like if you haven't yet please consider subscribing to we're growing each and every day we're currently at a hundred and sixteen thousand and just climbing constantly so thank you guys so much for that but again thank you all so very much for watching liking subscribing whatever you do for the storytime channel and I hope you all have a great day
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceIMTHEMANAGEROFTHISSTOREDOWHATISAY
AIT for refusing to buy my nephew a Christmas present so recently myself and my husband mid-30s have decided we do not want to do holiday no Valentine's Easter Christmas we both feel they're a waste we're not religious and feel all the holidays are as companies and now societal pressure forcing people to feel obligated to buy thing we informed my family that we won't be doing Christmas this year explained it's pointless to spend money try and guess what X Y and Z want and x y z spending money trying figure what we want when we could all just our own things and be happy with what we have I mean if it's cheap enough to be got as a gift and I want it I'll have bought it for myself anyway by the end you've all spent money you can barely afford and all got a bunch of stuff that 90% of the time will be chocolate bath sets or random stuff sent to charity because it doesn't really have a place or use for you and the companies are laughing their butts off at us all for the most part my family seemed okay with it a few days later my mother rang me she said she'd been thinking about this whole no Christmas thing and asked that surely we'd still be getting something for my nephew I said no we're not doing Christmas we're fine with meeting up for celebratory meals and spending time together Etc because that's family time and we feel we should do it more often but that we can't get behind the whole gifting thing she said she thinks I'm wrong to take that stance that I'm being mean and unloving to my nephew she says as he'll be four by Christmas he'll be upset that I didn't get him anything and think I don't like him I explained that many children don't get things for Christmas some don't celebrate for religion reasons some have parents who can't afford Etc and that I buy him things all the time I just don't feel I should get him something just just because it's expected I also said if he will be upset SL angry and think I don't like him that's a parenting issue not Amy issue because he should be taught that presents aren't everything and to be thankful for what I do get him she's been in a mood with me for a few days now and shows no signs of letting up she's intentionally being cold to me and my husband in the hopes it'll get us to change our mind ETA since I'm having to repeat myself on that money isn't the issue yes I buy him things I just feel it's more heartfelt to buy him things as and when rather than one thing lost in a pile on a certain day much prefer his smile at a random gift then his Smiles rolled into one day his mother agrees she says he gets so much on Christmas she struggles to organize it all anyway it's just my mother with the issue also gifts aren't given by hand at Christmas in my family they are all put into a pile for him he has no idea who gives him what and won't know I didn't get him anything unless specifically pointed out all he sees is a large pile of gifts second edit I won't be seeing him or any of the family on Christmas my family have one large extended family meal around the end of November we do not get together otherwise I have tried past years to get meetups and activities together going but to no avail we spend Christmas in our own home
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtobuymynephewaChristmaspresent
my family wants me to join them for Christmas after disowning me over 8 years ago after being disowned 8 years ago my family has invited me my wife 27f and my daughter 1f for Christmas after getting conflicting advice from my friends one of my buddies told me to post my dilemma here to see what random internet strangers would say I 25m and the youngest of four kids between my mom 52f and dad 54m my siblings are fake names Michael 31m Sarah 28f and my twin brother Casey 25m for context growing up I was the black sheep of the family and I knew that from a very young age see my family is full of athletes my dad was a star basketball player for a D2 School my mom played volleyball Michael played soccer Sarah played softball and Casey was the star running back for the football team I was never really interested in any of those physical sports but rather I was interested in archery which my family called a wimpy sport my parents were always invested in my siblings and rarely attended my events to the point where I basically had to beg for them to come to my tournaments between the ages of 14 and 16 I took part in about 20 tournaments while my parents only showed up for one I was never neglected by them but they were never emotionally there for me as they were for my siblings and as a teenager I resented that whenever I tried to bring this up to them they would always call me an attention seeker but however this is not why I was disowned by my family when I was 15 I began dating Amy now 25 who was in the same grade as me at the time after about 6 seven months of dating I introduced her to my folks and my siblings and they really liked her I know I was young but I could see myself having a future with her almost two years later one of Amy's ex-friends told me that she had been cheating on me for a couple of months at the time I didn't know who the guy was but after confronting her she told me that it was my twin brother she basically told me that while At first she loved me the love she had for my brother surpasses that later that day when I I confronted Casey at home I was so enraged that I sucker punched him and knocked him out I admit that I should not have gotten violent but years of resentment towards him and the rest of the family just burst open in exchange for my family not pressing charges on me as I could have been tried as an adult in court I was sent to live with my paternal Aunt 48f who at this point was estranged from the family and lived in another city about 2 hours away from then on I have not had any contact with them at first it was tough but later on with support from my aunt and her husband 48 I moved on from wanting a relationship with them I transferred to a different high school attended a university in my aunt City and graduated as an electrical engineer I later met my wife and I got married to her at the time of my wedding I thought about inviting them but went against it because I did not want any sort of drama at my wedding from that point me and my wife bought a house an hour away from my aunt and were blessed with a daughter A year ago about a week ago I received a Facebook message from my mother and father wanting to reconnect over Christmas at their house I told them that I would consider it as I may have other plans but I would give them a clear answer soon later on both Michael and Sarah sent me friend requests which felt weird to me my wife has told me that if I decided to go she and my daughter would spend Christmas at my Phil's house as she does not have to deal with unwanted stress as she is two months pregnant and I agree with her my question to those reading this is should I go and try to reconcile with my family or should I not I am very conflicted on what to do on one hand they may feel bad about what they did to me and want to apologize for what they did but on the other hand perhaps if I go there they will try to make me apologize to Casey which I do not want to any advice would be helpful family that disowned me after my girlfriend cheated on my brother and I knocked him out they reached out after 8 years of NC to invite me and my wife to Christmas I need advice on whether to go and what to expect update hi there guys it's been a rough two weeks but thank you all for your advice and support this is going to be a really long post I wanted to post earlier but some things got in the way two days after Christmas my wife began to experience unbearable pain in her abdomen area and she could barely stand on her two feet me and her sister 30f rushed her to the hospital where we found out that my wife had suffered a miscarriage and that the fetus had to be removed right away honestly the worst part for me was explaining to my wife what had happened due to complications surrounding the operation my wife was forced to stay for two more days honestly I have been trying to stay strong for my wife and my daughter but honestly I am struggling right now on to the update to the original post most of you who commented on the same day I posted told me not to spend Christmas with them because of the significance of that holiday I agreed and decided I would spend the rest of the holidays with my wife they never made time for me so why should I make time for them when I texted them this I assumed they would try to argue with me but rather they said they respected my opinion and could not wait to see me after the holidays I began to do some digging into my family to try to figure out why they had reached out Michael is a corporate lawyer who works for a major company in my hometown by looking through his Facebook page he has two daughters and was married to his wife in 2016 Sarah appears to be married to a doctor she herself 8 years ago was studying to be a nurse and they have a son together I have a friend who lives in my hometown and has parents who are friends with my parents when I asked her about Sarah she told me that Sarah had divorced her first husband the one she was dating 8 years ago after he had committed male fraud Casey got married to Amy right after high school and together they have two kids I could not exactly figure out what he or his wife does for a living through Facebook but judging that they bought a big house last year in the midst of a pandemic tells me they are not really struggling my dad seems to be going through a midlife crisis and my mother is really into the Wellness Community I then began to list the reasons why they wanted to possibly reach out to to me now one money is unlikely because 8 years ago my parents combined salary was higher than my wife and my salary and given that my siblings are not struggling financially I think money is not the reason two organ donation could be the case but it seems unlikely a redditor said that it could be that Casey given that he is my twin would be my most likely match and I think it's unlikely because he was tagged in a Facebook post skiing just a week before Christmas two regarding my daughter they could possibly be reaching out to me to have a relationship with her but I honestly am not sure my daughter is not the first grandchild for my parents so I do not know why they want to meet her they most likely found out my daughter existed because my wife's Facebook account was public she has since privated her account I then contacted my aunt the estranged one who took me in informing her about the situation and she explained to me why they were reaching out to me after all this time to understand this situation you need to understand why my aunt was estranged my paternal Grandpa 79m and Grandma 76f had four children my dad was the second oldest and my aunt was the third my aunt after college came out to her parents as bisual and began dating her girlfriend my grandparents immediately disowned her and refused to have any contact with her however about four years ago my grandpa began to reach out about a month ago my grandpa had been asking about me what I was doing in life and whether I was married or had kids my aunt responded by calling my grandpa out for wanting to know about me after he supported Casey for what he did that is when the whole situation changes my grandpa told my aunt that because I had cheated on Amy with one of her close friends I deserve to be estranged my grandpa is a religious nut so he looks down on cheating he had been told by my family that after the friend who I allegedly cheated with confess to Amy she went to Casey and Sarah for support and comfort and when I found out about this I confronted and brutally attacked Casey and Sarah while Sarah was the one who tried to break me and Casey apart I did not lay a finger on her and I did not brutally attack Casey when my aunt was telling me this my jaw dropped I could not believe that they hated me so much that they were willing to make up a terrible lie about me and spread it around my aunt later told Grandpa the full truth about what truly happened and my aunt told me he was shocked because he always thought Casey was a good kid my grandpa then asked my aunt for my number which she declined to give I figured out why my parents and siblings wanted to get in touch with me it turns out my grandpa had told my parents and my siblings that if they did not apologize for what they did to me and have me over for the family Christmas dinner they would be cut off from his will for context he is a multi-millionaire so that is why they reached out to me not to apologize about how they all wronged me in the past but rather because if they did not they would not get anything from Grandpa what a bunch of greedy people after hearing about this from my aunt I decided to block all of them why should I respond to them at this point all of them are un alive to me I have a wife to support after what she went through and a family that respects me including my in-laws however this does not end here as 3 days after New Year's Eve I received a call from an unknown number on my work phone I am used to getting calls from unknown numbers because of my career and when I picked up I heard my grandfather's voice he most likely got my number from my company's website the first thing he did was apologize for not trying to get into contact with me for the past 8 years he told me he was sorry that he could not be there for important events such as my graduation my wedding and the birth of my daughter I was not really close to him before so his cutting me off did not bother me later in the call he told me he was so disgusted with the rest of my family that he was cutting them off his will and adding me to it I honestly do not know how to feel about that as the money would be helpful but at the same time I do not want him to use this as a way to force a relationship between me and my daughter we talked for about half an hour the way the call went made me think that perhaps I could build a good Rel relationship with my grandpa but then he told me something that got me really pissed he told me that he was disappointed that my daughter had not taken the family name for context after I got married to my wife the issue of what last name to use as a couple came up for some legal reasons I was unable to change my last name to my wife's last name but we decided as a couple that all of our future children would have her last name I at this point unloaded on my grandpa calling him a scile old man and many other hurtful things and told him to never contact me ever again the audacity of this man to say that after what I went through is something I will not let him use the money I received to control me even if I receive the money I will donate it to a local charity but he is a man of false promises so this is unlikely these past few weeks have been really tough for me and I hope to make it to the other side my wife has closed her Facebook account and her in-laws have done the same what they do to try to contact me is beyond me hell they would probably hire a private detective to try to find me I believe they do not know where I live but you never know I have thought of getting a restraining order but given that there are lawyers within the family getting a row will be hard I did not really get any time to answer any questions given in my last post before it was deleted for some reason I will do my best to answer any questions for the next day or two but after this I am done using Reddit for a while thank you all for your advice and I wish you all the best in this new year thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyFamilySuddenlyWantsMeToJoinThemForChristmasAfterDisowningMeOverYearsAgo
spare hole High 22f I've been seeing this guy for a little while I thought he was really funny and sweet really supportive we've been going on dates and sleeping together and stuff I looked over his shoulder when he was texting his roommate I'm in his contacts as spare ho my life update I didn't break up with him immediately I drove us on a trip to Round Rock with his stuff in the trunk he didn't know we pulled into a gas station and I asked him to get me a sob I got his stuff out of the trunk put it on the sidewalk and went home I give credit to a Facebook post for the idea I blocked his number get Corey update to he hasn't tried to get a hold of me part of me is relieved my test came back clean at least I'm going to go sleep for a very long time now thank you for all the support
give me a good story on Sparehole
a i TAA for not letting my ex-husband to bring his now wife to our daughter's birthday party my ex-husband David and I were married for 5 years and last year we divorced we have a one daughter Lily who recently turned seven this year Lily's birthday was around the corner so I was busy with decorations the cake and the invitations I asked her who she wanted to attend at her birthday party and she said she wanted her Aunts Uncles cousins basically everyone she knew from both sides I wasn't bothered with Lily inviting anyone from her father's side because we were both familiar and comfortable with them I called David and I told him about the invitations and he was cool with it until he bought up his wife he told me that he will bring his wife he didn't ask me he told me like he was forcing it because he knew I would say no and I did say no I told that I was not comfortable with his wife especially her meeting Lily and Lily doesn't even know that much and I haven't even had a proper talk with her before she can see my daughter the only thing I knew about this lady was that she did something wrong with my husband knowing very well he's married and has a daughter and I was supposed to feel comfortable with that he then told me that I was making this about me and not Lily that Lily is child she doesn't even know anything yet and he really wants Lily to meet his wife and she also wants to meet her I said to him that if she really wants to meet Lily then she has to speak to me first and see how she really is before I can trust her with my baby he replied to me by saying that I was jealous and that I didn't want Lily to see her new family and be comfortable with them and that I was hurting his wife because I wouldn't let her see her stepdaughter who is like her own daughter I was done with him and told him if he didn't want to come then it's fine it's not like he paid a single dime for anything for the birthday party and he was crazy for me to say yes to a woman who ruined my marriage and is the reason why my
give me a good story on AITAfornotlettingmyexhusbandtobringhisnowwifetoourdaughtersbirthdayredditstories
mother-in-law kicked me and my husband out of her house on Christmas I've posted a couple of times on Reddit about my Mill and sill problems I'm 30f and my husband is 31m his sister 35f has been rude disrespectful and outright racist to me pretty much right after she met me we've had one too many uncomfortable moments and she's treated me really bad so many times I lost count Mill 66 F knows about all this but she's always insisted on us trying to get along with her and forced her presence into us always taking her side and no taking a no for an answer when it comes to us setting our boundaries with that being said my husband and I have been avoiding sill as much as we can all year but we knew that we wouldn't be able to do so during the holidays which brings us to Christmas we went to my in-laws for dinner and as expected she was there she ignored us and we ignored her as usual and the day went by smoothly for the most part when it started to get late we decided
give me a good story on MILKickedMeAndMyHusbandOutOfHerHouseOnChristmasFinalorig
what is something that you swear happened but you have no proof and nobody believes you I have a farm surrounded by Woods we see lots of turtles on the wood's Edge one of these Turtles learned that we put food on the front porch every morning for the cats he'd make the long Trek up from the woods and drag himself up on the porch every day Spring to Fall for a nice meal we named him rusty rusty grew to trust us and would eat from my hand and if he arrived early he would patiently wait by the door until someone noticed him a few times when the door was open I'd find him waiting in the living room once when they were out on the porch in the evening I found Rusty sleeping in my slipper it fit him perfectly and only his little round bum was showing everyone loved Rusty except the cats they were incense that he had the gall to eat out of their bowl and they couldn't do anything about it they hissed at him whenever they saw him Rusty didn't seem to mind our cats are pretty smart kitties and to let us know they wanted to come in one had learned to scratch on the door and one actually knocked my daughter was home for a visit and we were in the living room when we heard a knock oops I had forgotten to put the food out in Waldo my cat was letting me know I got up and opened the door and who was looking up at me Rusty he learned to knock on the door
give me a good story on whatissomethingthatyouswearhappenedbutyouhavenoproofofinkspillers
I abandon my family and I am okay with it I am sitting in my RV outside a cafe with free internet access typing this I have gone over this so many times in my head but I figured writing this out could help me clarify the thoughts in my head I abandoned my family a little over a week after dday wife 36f and me 37m and daughter 13f it's now almost 6 months since that day I discovered her Affair by chance I was totally clueless I believed we had a good marriage plenty of intimacy we would talk about stuff for hours we had date night regularly we had shared in individual Hobbies we were healthy in Fairly good shape it was good or maybe it was just me thinking that my wife let's call her Eve she cheated so she obviously preferred another man not me and if she could betray me like that she couldn't possibly love me here I was thinking she was my best fried I guess not in hindsight I can see that I probably saw things through Rose tinted glasses I actually believed that my family cared about me I believed I was loved I was the fool I guess I came home late from work there was a safety training seminar I had to attend she was sleeping on the sofa and a message with some emojis popped up on her phone phone emojis like I would use when I message her WTF I snooped and I found out what had been going on for at least 5 months I knew the AP let's call him Adam he was a work College of hers I had even been to a barbecue at his house and met his family he was married and had three children the youngest just 2 years old while reading the messages something just snapped in my head it fundamentally changed me over the course of reading their messages I went from loving Eve more than anything to hating her to just going blank not just about her but everything totally numb I took pictures of the messages and went to bed I didn't sleep at all I just stared at the ceiling Eve was pissed the next day that I went to bed without waking her up she complained about neck pain from sleeping on the couch all night I wasn't really listening I just remember thinking how everything was muffled as if someone had turned down the volume on the world I was kind of surprised about how little I cared I felt practically nothing I should be angry right during breakfast I didn't say a single word my wife and daughter chatted away they didn't seem to notice anything different about me or even acknowledge me but I definitely didn't feel like myself I felt like like I was someone new someone I didn't know or understand wearing a suit of the old me I went through all the Daily Motions I went to work did all the normal stuff the only difference is I sort of stopped talking sadly I realized that nobody seemed to even notice it's like I wasn't even there I started to understand that Eve and my daughter didn't really love me I was in the house with them but unless they wanted something from me they didn't really interact they talked at me not with me if that makes sense I would get these pangs of pain they would come and go sometimes they would overwhelm me completely I was not okay I walked around like this for 5 days before Eve asked me if something was wrong during dinner I had maybe uttered three words in total to her and my daughter in that period I didn't even answer her question I just made a m/ don't know face then continued eating she seemed okay with that the next day I didn't go to work I worked for the local power company I fixed power lines and such I packed up some random stuff plus my camping SL hunting gear I didn't really have a plan I put it in my car and walked around the neighborhood for a while I ended up at the kitchen table waiting for the wife to come home she came home with a few bags of groceries she immediately started talking about her day while unpacking I just sat at the kitchen table in pain she didn't even look at me apart from one glance as she entered the kitchen daughter popped in and did the same their backs were turned to me and they talked about some trivial crap on sale I have never felt so rejected unappreciated so alone I felt totally invisible like I wasn't there or that I wasn't worth acknowledging I was thinking back on our lives and all I could see was that they didn't care about me at all they probably never did I was an accessory to their life I just didn't matter to them I was a convenient and useful prop I was hit with with a wave of pain I cried still they didn't notice so I got angry very angry I had a glass of water in front of me I stood up and threw it hard at the tiles over the sink it just exploded glass shards rained over everything they both turned around angry what the H they froze unsure what to do when they saw my contorted tear soaked face it was uncomfortably quiet for a long while before I spoke Eve I know all about your cheating with Adam I was surprised how clear it came out since I was clenching my jaw so hard it hurt my daughter looked at Eve what is that true mom Eve starting to try to explain she briefly glanced Tei and said sorry I can explain then she turned back to our daughter and they started arguing again it was like I was invisible or something hello glass thrower here after a few minutes watching their increasingly heated argument I just walked out and got in my car I looked at them again through the window still arguing in the kitchen they didn't even notice I had left I sat there for a few more minutes before I gave up and just drove off it took maybe 15 minutes before you've tried to call me then call after call after call then a flood of texts from both of them I just ignored it and eventually turned the phone off the next day I took half of our money out and called my boss I told him I didn't know when I would be back he told me if I didn't show up I was fired I just told him okay and hung up I just didn't care I went to Adam's house his wife opened I gave her a copy of the messages and told her what Adam and my wife had been up to I left her crying on the stairs at the end of the day I ended up in a cheap hotel at the edge of town the next few days were kind of a blur while I tried to come to terms with things I didn't make any real progress mostly staring at the wall trying to think of reasons not to end myself Eve's older brother is a cop let's call him Bob Bob showed up on the third or fourth day I'm not sure I don't know how he found me he tried to interrogate me I didn't say anything when I didn't engage he told me I was under arrest and put me in cuffs however he didn't take me to the station like I expected he took me Home Instead Bob dragged me into the living room where my wife and daughter immediately started berating me still I said nothing I just listened in amazement while they told me how terrible this was for them when a terrible a-hole I was for making them worry it went on for a while in the end ' screamed at me say something I stared at her for a while before calmly saying I have nothing to say to you Bob freaked out and slammed me against the wall screaming at me to not talk to his sister that way I got a lot of satisfaction out of Bob's violent reaction I don't know why it made me so happy I was laughing Bob's wife left him four months earlier I smiled at bobou pathetic Bob did you beat your wife to Bob is that why she left you Bob Hit me hard I went down wife and daughter started screaming their heads off as I start to get up I just laughed even harder I just couldn't help myself I was bleeding from somewhere I saw it on the floor I am still in handcuffs laughing maybe it was the absurdity of it all I spat blood in Bob's face and said Foo K you Bob he hit me again hard enough to knock me out cold this time I woke in the hospital I puked all over the floor the second I opened my eyes so I knew I had a concussion Eve Bob and my daughter was there they were talking at me I was too confused to make it out a nurse appeared and asked them to leave she got me a pan to puke in and called someone to clean while she was taking my pulse I told her that my family put me here and that they were not to come anywhere near me that if they came back into the room I would leave I would just run away she argued kind of sternly that running or even getting up was a really bad idea for me but she would talk to security I didn't see them again in the hospital it was Bliss finally I felt a little at peace I could think I was thinking about maybe reporting Bob to get him fired but it's a small town his colleagues would probably cover for him I considered confronting my wife but that didn't make any sense to me either I decided to disappear to turn into a ghost I wanted nothing to do with these people ever again I made a letter to each of them I warned Bob that if he ever bothered me again I would report him I told my daughter that Eve had betrayed me and that she would be without a father from now on to Eve I made a longer letter I tried to be as practical as possible I told her to sell the house that I won't be paying the mortgage or utilities anymore Etc I told her reconciliation or even contact was impossible especially after she had sent her brother to drag me back and beat me senseless in front of them I explained that I won't do anything for her ever again so if she wants a divorce she will have to arrange it I told her I will disappear and I don't want to be found that if she interfer years with my life again I will simply end myself that we will never speak again I ended it with how much she had hurt me I really really regret giving her that last sentence it's like I let her steal a little bit more of me like I let her give me a little more pain in the hospital I made a plan on how I could disappear Eve gave the hospital some fresh clothes that they forwarded to me then one evening I just went out the rear fire escape I triggered some kind of alarm I was panicking a bit but thankfully no one stopped me I got back to the hotel to pick up my car I traded it with a small RV and set off I got a new phone the only person I called was my father I told him everything and told him if he gave my new number to anyone I would become totally unreachable forever he could call me if he needed to reach me if I needed to sign something other than that I wanted to be left alone for the first few months I griev the loss of my old life but I came to realize that I grieve the loss of a fantasy a memory that only existed in my head the loving wife and daughter the family friends it was all Just an Illusion in my head these people never really cared for me over time I started to rebuild a sort of Life only this time I was a total ghost I ghosted all of society now I'm only a PO Box I rent a safety deposit box to keep valuables in cash I do odd jobs for money I hunt and fish and scavenge my money consumption is insignificant so my cash reserves are actually growing I don't pay taxes I don't have a bank account H people ask my name I answer people call me Fred it's not my name I go out of my way to not contribute to society or anything else for that matter I am still invisible like I was in my family at least now I'm invisible to strangers not people that claim to love me and to be honest I kind of like it now I brew my own beer I move around I have no obligations I work when I want I spend a lot of time in nature just relaxing I have a few friends that I hunt and fish with I am in amazing shape the best shape of my life actually all in all my life is getting better at least now no one is using me for nothing but their own benefit while pretending they care about me I don't know what happened to my wife and daughter my old friends or the rest of the family I don't know if I am divorced now or if I owe child support I don't know what happened to the house I don't really care my father has tried to give me information a few times but I shut that down hard he is the only one I speak to occasionally for my old life I feel free relaxed content I could say happy even I don't have much but I don't need much when I get to the end of the line I will sell everything and burn the rest of my money I will make sure there is nothing of value left nothing left to remember me by then I will walk into a national park without no one ever knowing and disappear forever sometimes I go to shopping malls train or bus stations and just observe the people there I see them all the men like I used to be the men that are sacrificing themselves to a society and families that don't give a about them men that work themselves to death without without any recognition or gratitude from anyone they are guilt tripped pressured and pushed to always make more sacrifice more more and more pointless nonsense brand clothes bigger house more this more that never even getting a thank you no form of gratitude or appreciation in most cases not even a smile they try to fool themselves just like I was refusing to recognize reality but I see it in them just like I used to deep down they know I recognize their empty million mile stare I used to have the same one this felt nice to get of my chest thank you for listening mini update I abandoned my family and I okay with it first thank you everyone for all your feedback and comments I am afraid I will not be able to respond to everyone there is just too much for me to be able to cover so many sad stories on PM a lot of comments and criticism much of it Justified I won't be able to read all of it as I was reading yesterday I was starting to experience something similar to the day I tried to confront Eve the world got muffled feeling disconnected Etc in short I was not feeling well I felt I needed to log off I called a hunting friend and asked if he could come come over we talked on the phone until he arrived and the first thing he did was to confiscate all my ammunition so he was pretty worried I guess he called my dad and stayed with me until he arrived I moved to a different city so that took over 4 hours we talked and discussed many of the comments that I found distressful I can't really remember any details it's kind of fussy long story short Dad arrived and he took me to see a doctor as a result I've been committed to a psychiatric facility the doctor's suspect that I suffer from emotional and psychological trauma probably depression as well apparently the numbness extreme desire to self-isolate strange reactive behaviors like laughing at being beaten nobody loves me feeling undeserving reclusive etc etc are pretty clear indicators according to the doc I don't know really I will have to wait for more diagnosis I have no idea what they will do about me or if they can even do anything I hope to talk to my daughter in the near future if the counselors say it's okay for me and her and if she wants to my dad has talked to her a bit about the situation he tells me that she loves me and asks for me Dash I guess many of you we right I am a massive piece of my dad is with me for now and I will be monitored 24/7 for the next few days they tried some medication but I had a very negative reaction so they will try something else tomorrow peas Bob somehow found the post and P me and apologized Eve hadn't told him the real reason I left for the hotel she had just told him about the glass in the wall leaving the rest out Bob told me he had informed his superiors what he had done when he found out according to him everyone that should be has been informed he was suspended in ordered to undergo Anger Management training if I submit a complaint he will be dismissed he has prepared a full written confession and all the paperwork for me if I choose to do so all I need to do is Reddit and if I agree to sign it if I choose not to move forward with it he will be allowed to continue his work with pay cut and a demotion but I don't know what to do I think I will just focus on me for now I feel kind of broken and lost at the moment so I need to figure that out first I don't know anything at the moment TBH I felt I needed to make an update to thank everyone you helped me accept that I needed to seek help maybe I will post an update in the future thank you again update two I abandoned my family and I okay with it I guess this is kind of a positive update thank you everyone that has reached out sorry I haven't gotten back to all of you there are just too many for me to respond too I have tried but I have had limited access over the last week the hospital took away my internet access since it caused me quite a lot of distress to read some of the comments I was very unstable in the beginning anyway I'm out since Friday morning I have been getting a lot of therapy and I am doing much better I have daily treatment but I no longer need to be committed I suffer the after effect of emotional trauma and have mild PTSD my behavior has naturally been off as a result of this I've been in intensive therapy and I getting some medication I only take the pills now and again at this stage if I feel overwhelmed I still get these waves of pain that hits me where the world goes numb but it's less frequent some of my behavior especially the isolation probably made things even worse for me I have talked a lot to my daughter she tells me she has forgiven me she never meant to make me feel unappreciated she loves me the first few days I didn't actually believe her but once I got some perspective I realized this doubt was all on me I have apologized more times than I can count she started telling me to stop apologizing actually she has moved away from her mother and is is living with my brother and his family at the moment she gets along really well with his kids and my brother has told us that she can stay for as long as she wants I am in no condition to be a full-time parent at the moment so for now she will stay with him my brother has arranged therapy for her and I will do my best to be the best father I can be from now on my wife Eve has also moved out of the house and is living with her parents my father has been paying the mortgage for me without me knowing so the house isn't sold yet I am not looking forward to going back there to all the memories I have decided to sell the house and downsize to a tiny home and live a life Closer To Nature with less stress I will try to rent or buy a plot of land and live as simply as possible at least for a while my daughter loves this idea and has been researching tiny homes like a pro Adam the app is trying to reconcile with his wife and has cut Eve off completely Eve has been to my dad's house almost weekly begging for him to contact me and let her talk to me if what her mother tells me is correct Eve lost her job and is in a terrible way barely leaving her room at her parents house she is shunned by pretty much everyone according to her mom I have found a lawyer today and will start divorce proceedings ASAP I bought a whole case of my hunting buddy favorite whiskey and spent Saturday night there thanking him he is a true friend he probably saved my life my wife's Affair completely broke me and my family I was so broken I couldn't even see it myself it was actually all the harsh comments here on Reddit that got me to accept that something was seriously wrong with me I would not have asked for help if I wasn't pushed to a point where I started to break down up until then I was sort of holding myself together by convincing myself that I was doing better but truth is I was hanging on by the tiniest of threads so once again thank you everyone edit I forgot to tell you about Bob I have called Bob employer today and completed Bob's case that he continues as a cop Bob visited me on Thursday he had prepared all the paperwork for my to file a complaint against him he made no excuses he admitted his behavior was completely out of line he apologies for losing his cool and that it was entirely his fault he pushed me pretty hard to file against him actually but I been thinking about him I have seen him throw himself in the path of a punch to protect an old woman being attacked I know a lot of his coges and they always talk about how he will always go that extra mile to help someone I found out why his wife divorced him as well Bob doesn't make much but he donates 10% of his salary and volunteers 3 days a week to help the homeless apparently his ex found this to be unbearable Bob refused to stop helping so she divorced him Bob is a good man he lost control one time I lost my way for over 6 months I am happy to take a beating to make sure a man like him can continue to do good he took me to see the homeless people he helps today after I insisted and he needs to keep doing what he is doing four-month update I abandon my family and I okay with it firstly thank you I still get a lot of support via PM from here you guys are amazing I have gotten a lot of therapy and I am fairly stable my daughter is doing well I am however a different person now I have a hard time trusting people apart from my daughter I prefer Solitude and I have a very low public profile in general I don't know if I would say something is broken inside me I guess you could say I am broken compared to who I used to be but I am not unhappy I am perfectly okay as a partial loner I am just different now I guess the house is sold and I bought a tiny home where me and my daughter lives it's not a tiny tiny home like you see on TV it has two separate bedrooms and a combined living room kitchen it's in a secluded location on a forested hillside and it has a porch outside as big as the house and a wonderful view I absolutely love the tranquility and the close proximity to Nature in our new home I am divorced or almost divorced it's just waiting for the formalities now expected time frame is 3 months stbxw has been begging me a lot for a second chance almost daily but she has not demanded anything from me she doesn't try to excuse herself she own her Affair we used mediation and she has given me everything basically all our assets plus full custody the only thing she has asked for is to be allowed to visit often so she can try to repair her relationship with our daughter she has offered to cook and clean as well but I don't want to feel like I owe her anything I will keep the household operational it's tiny anyway and I need some chores for my daughter I don't want her to grow up to be a spoiled brat my daughter and stbx relationship is very very strain we will have to see how it goes for you that want to tell me this is a ploy to try to get back with me don't worry she is not sneaky about it at all she has told me straight out that she hopes we can find a way back together and that she will make efforts towards that if I put up boundaries she has promised to respect that so I'm okay from my perspective I have told her I want closure but there is no way of repairing our relationship we will be co-parents that's it I have insisted on split custody since it's cumbersome to undo full custody after the divorce is final now that I can think straight I want our daughter to have a relationship with her mother I have forgiven her and moved on I will live my life as I see fit from here on out as for the assets I will give her half at the last minute or directly after the divorce we built up these recourses during our marriage so it's only fair she gets half but I really want to see if she will go through with it actually giving me everything she is very remorseful and I find it helps my healing stbx W is still struggling some would say she is an absolute wreck she is going to counseling we all are including family therapy for my daughter's benefit I am determined to try to make up as much as possible for my daughter for my mistake my daughter is very sharp I believe she has forgiven me but she watches very carefully how I act towards her mother I am determined to be a good role model so I will act exemplary when I posted I was in a really bad place thankfully I was stupid enough to post on Reddit I don't even know why I posted TBH but I got some much needed feedback that sort of snapped me out of it it's been incredibly hard to deal with the after math but I am finally starting to stabilize even if our family and marriage is destroyed we will be okay in the end so thank you all once again
give me a good story on IABANDONEDmyFAMILYandIamOKAYwithit
aita for wanting my fiance to stop helping out his parents because it's ruining our relationship my fiance Joseph 29m and I 26f have been together for a little over 5 years now long story short my relationship with my in-laws has been always been a roller coaster since the beginning especially with his mom but that's a story for another day recently my in-law's friend Derek got pulled over and charged with a d you I and my fiance had to go pick him up because he needed a sober driver to take him home two days later I went over to my fiance's house to hang out then the conversation came up my Mill was explaining to me how he got his license suspended and that he needs it to travel for work I told her that if my fiance got a DUI and called me to bail him out because he should have I wouldn't her response was you might not but I will because he's my son what happens after that literally the following weekend my in-laws got into a small accident they caused for drinking and driving like always luckily no one was in injured sadly my life gets worse from there because since they're carless since they up their car and got her life
give me a good story on AITAforwantingmyfianctostophelpingouthisparentsbecauseitsruiningourrelationshiporig
a ITA for not inviting my twin sister and her family on me and my boyfriend's trip to Japan so to give some context we're all from Ireland but my boyfriend 26m is half Japanese his dad and his dad's family are from Japan and he spent his first 12 years there but his mom and her family are from Ireland my boyfriend and his family go yearly to Japan and before Christmas they asked if i' 23 i' like to go in March and April which will be our one- year anniversary I of course said yes I've never left the country and I'd like to meet the rest of his family so it was a nice early Christmas present my twin sister 23f and her boyfriend 28m found out and thought they were getting invited to along with their two kids 5f 4M and when I told them it wasn't going to happen they got really angry at me it wasn't up to me to invite anyone and if it was I still wouldn't invite them to the first time I'm meeting the rest of my boyfriend's family my sister boyfriend is a huge weeb for lack of a better term obsessed with one small part of Japanese culture and when he first met my boyfriend he said I can speak Japanese to which he was quickly embarrassed but anyway they've been trying to Guilt Trip me and my boyfriend saying how they do the same for me even though they didn't when they went on holiday which I'm not bad about that hasn't been working so recently they've been talking bad about me and my boyfriend to my family my whole family is taking their side saying that I should just invite them but no one seems to understand that it's not up to me I mean they're more than welcome to buy their own tickets and pay for their own hotel but no one in my family seems to understand that my boyfriend only gets to see this part of the family once a year it's my first time meeting that part of the family and it's our one- year anniversary they just think I have some duty to my twin sister and my niece and nephew I've been feeling really bad about it and my boyfriend has been trying to comfort me
give me a good story on AITAfornotinvitingmytwinsisterandherfamilyonmeandmyboyfriendstriptoJapanaitaorig
what's the rudest thing a waiter has ever said to you you're black kind don't tip anyway she said as she walked away from my table I had observed our waitress and her three other tables where she was friendly and responsive to their requests my party of two had been in the restaurant for some time prior to her other guests our food came out last we did not get drink refills and we generally received the attitude that she was disinterested in taking care of my friend and me I had never been to the restaurant before this and in the naivete of my 20s I asked the waitress if we'd caused her a problem her response no but I'm not going to let you run me around here and then have you walk out on your bill or whatever your kind don't tip anyway unfortunately she was assuming that because of our color my friend and I were planning on committing a crime at worst or stiffing her on the tip both my friend and I were former weight staff and were appalled at the disrespectful Behavior I decided to speak with the manager who to his credit listened he gave us our money back and told me that he had seen enough and would not allow her to continue working there I was told long ago that as a person doing service any gratuity is not guaranteed your tip starts at zero until you earn it
give me a good story on Whatstherudestthingawaitereversaidtoyou
aita for not caring about my parents or wanting to get to know them super long story short I 25f was the glass child in my family youngest of five I am the only one without severe health or mental issues so I fell through the crack I spent almost all my time alone in my room reading or playing video games I generally didn't mind this I want to make it clear here I don't resent my parents or siblings they did not paren toy me or make me my siblings caretaker my things were never taken for the siblings benefit I was just invisible ible because I didn't need them the way the other four did when I was N9 or 10 I made friends with two girls who were also in similar situations as mine and we were and still are our own little found family I went to college with just those two I graduated with just those two I moved to a new state with just those two my family were busy and that was fine I didn't mind because that's just how life is when you have four six siblings fast forward to November 2023 mom calls me 3 days before Thanksgiving which is super unusual because we don't talk
give me a good story on AITAForNotCaringAboutMyParentsorWantingToGetToKnowThemorig
hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day fire me before I quit I ruin your life since I'm still in school I took a job at a bakery of types which I won't name the place says bread in the name but also sells overpriced eyelids and sandwiches I worked there for close to a year where I had this boss named Betty not a real name of course Betty and I didn't get along whatsoever she had gotten the previous general manager to quit because she had an affair with him and she threatened to tell his wife if he didn't leave he quickly left the job and she was promoted to the position I didn't like her but I have to respect the dedication to be the general manager of a small but store when I first started working there I was respectful but she would do things that would get on my nerves for instance I would clean all the places I would be hired to do and once I was done and relaxed for maybe five minutes she would run out of the manager's office screeching why aren't you working I would tell her of course I did my job and as a cashier if nobody is there to help then I didn't have anything to do she would glare at me then I would see her accidentally drop an entire pot of brewed coffee onto my freshly mopped floor for me to clean so I learned quickly don't always look busy once she realized I was going to kneel and kiss the ground she walked on she started dropping my hours the store ran on a game of Thrones type politics for who got promotions and raises somehow all her friends were managers are not bully the rest of us she would drive to my job clock just in case corporate decided to check her hours so she was essentially stealing hours when you clocked in it printed out a small piece of paper telling you when you clocked in she would just drop them on the floor for me to clean up I would usually pick them up and stick them into a pocket so this led to me finding Betty's clock in and out stubs in my pocket at my house this will be important for later did I mention she was super racist she was white and the most of the staff were my fellow high school peers who were all mostly people of color one day at work she walked out and when you're on the clock I own you when we all reacted to look at her she back pedaled and was like I didn't mean it like that this will be important for later so after a while I got sick of practically begging for hours so I went to my current job but decided I merely wanted to drop my hours which were already barely a day a week but suddenly when I got my new job she scheduled me every single day of an entire week she never did that even when we were on semi-good terms so I obviously told her I had a new job and couldn't do this after that I went home and called my friend who was still working there to tell him I was going to quit tomorrow he has a bad habit of putting his phone on speaker while he's cleaning at work so Betty obviously overheard this the next day I walk in and go through the respectful motions of saying thank you for the opportunity and blah blah blah Betty let me get through the entire speech before she said well yeah I was meaning to tell you you're fired I was so blindsided in ticked I cussed her out my mom raised me to treat women with respect but this freaking fat overweight hippo looking idiot took me the Freak off she's the type of girl to think binge eating was a personality trait so I left and was mad about being fired before I could quit but didn't push the issue I'm only 18 and I already had another job I wasn't expecting Betty to give me a good reference anyway I would have completely left it alone if it wasn't for the district manager Ben not real name texting me the revenge he thought I was still working there so I explained to him I was fired he was stunned due to the fact that I was a decent employee he asked why she let me go and I explained it to him and he was angry he clarified that she fired me before I quit and I said yes he was ticked that she did this and asked if there was anything else she might have done I kind of just vented to him for a bit when I told him about the racist remark he asked if anyone else would collaborate with me I forgot to mention that she slowly fired and forced people to quit and replace them with her friends and family which according to company policy she couldn't do something about conflict of interest I asked all the people who were working day if they could and if you said they would say they did but one did even better my one co-worker Andy is convinced he's the next big vlogger so he always has his phone out her just using audio recording for hours for a chance to catch a funny clip I've watched his content and let me say it's just super cringe but turns out he labels each recording by the day in times so when he checked he found her making racist remarks I got a brilliant idea and with my other fired or coworkers first to quit we decided to scour Andy's recordings we found some great moments of Betty's saying controversial things are just being nasty like once a guest sneezed on the baked pastries and when a co-worker told her she laughed it off and said nobody would know but this wasn't enough for me I try to avoid conflict but when I'm in a situation I'll follow it through I've looked her up on Facebook and found out she was married nobody knew this so when she had the affair with the other manager and basically blackmailed them she was also married and cheating I don't think anyone ever cared out to find out because she was a nasty old lady so I found the old managers mark so I found the old managers Mark's Facebook and found out he and his wife were separated turns out even after he quit but he was still trying to blackmail money out of him when he didn't she told his wife anyway causing his wife to divorce him and basically leave him to go back to live with his parents I did some research and in my state blackmail or extortion is a third degree penalty which has a max of 7 years in prison with a fine over 10,000 to the victim so I told the old manager what my plan was for her he agreed to call the cops on her but I asked if he'd wait until they finished my part first he said he'd give me a week so I met with district manager Ben and showed him all our evidence the recordings and the written statements from my other ex coworkers and people who were still working there I also gave Ben the slips of paper when Betty clocked in and then left and returned 8 to 10 hours later to clock out Ben thanked me for the information and then I left a few days later while walking past the store I noticed it was closed in the middle of the day I texted a guy who still worked there and he told me everything turns out Ben first checked the security cameras to see if she was there for the full time she claimed to be big surprise she wasn't so Ben decided to investigate these stores expenses since if she's lying about her time what else could she be stealing he found out she was stealing money from the store the guy didn't fully explain how she was but just that she was turns out she was breaking a lot of health and safety codes and used the money for repairs and etc for herself so she was fired immediately along with all of her minions and that left barely anybody to run the store they shut down to clean up the store and fix things she didn't make so she's out of a job and mark told her husband with photo proof grannie nudes I know LLL bet she cheated on him but mark phrased it so it seemed like she still was so Betty's husband flips out and decides to divorce her and Betty is the type to post everything on Facebook so she's begging someone to let her stay but all of her friends and family totally bailed on her so she was living in her car looking for a job that's when Mark decides to sue her for extortion so she scrambles to find a lawyer and to make it even worse the company decided to sue her for all the money she stole and plus all the repairs in lost revenue while the store is closed Betty's life is crap she had a cellar karffard drastically under what it's worth to pay for all the legal trouble mark told me bits and pieces of her crying in the courtroom but not too much I was never super close with him last I heard of Betty is she was living with her sister who definitely hates her to think she would have avoided all of this if she just let me quit would the way she was acting I feel like it was inevitable that it would come back to bite her in the butt pretty hard but with that being said if you were in Opie's shoes here and you had all this evidence the clock stubs the racist remarks firing you just before you could quit what would you have done or said let me know in the comments below destroy our tree will destroy your drive full disclosure this happened almost five years ago so my memory of this is a little fuzzy at times however the major player here confirmed that it's accurate enough to get the story across so I'm going with it background our house is old it is really old it's older than the town heck it's older than Confederation the house was originally built by a merchant from the area like 200 years ago it's old with its age comes a very big property line and apart from a couple adjustments here and there to account for infrastructure and housing development it's basically unchanged from a hundred years ago it rarely ever comes up here but in any dispute relating to property lines the official town plan takes precedent and our property line crosses over into our neighbours property this will be important later and now for the two major players in this tale our jerk neighbor who we will call lumpy he's just the worst he ran an illegal Chop Shop in his backyard and seems to be deathly afraid of trees he also always took a two-week long vacation in the summer and it was always at the end of July this part is also important later the other one is my dad at the time he was in government oversight but before that he was in the department of justice and his major responsibilities included training crown attorneys this included the attorneys general in the pecking order dad was actually pretty low but the crowd knew and respected him and they were keenly aware that dad knew the law inside and out if there was anything even remotely resembling a legal dispute dad was almost always in the right with his argument now we begin our tale the slight the line between our yard and Lumpy's was pretty clear our side was grass protestant lilies shrubs and trees his was a gravel driveway before the incident there was a large Manitoba maple tree growing there it was very old but grew in such a way that it blocked just enough sunlight to have a plus level of light going through the window we had no intentions of ever removing it maybe trim it a little if it got too close to the windows however some lower branches were sagging onto Lumpy's driveway so he asked if he could cut down some of the lower branches so that his car wouldn't get damaged when he drove in and out it was a fair enough request and he did ask permission first so we told him to get a landscaper and a quote because we sure as heck weren't going to let lumpy do it and we're okay paying for that a couple days later we were all in a day trip somewhere and when we got back lumpy comes over and tells us not to worry about the landscaper because he took care of it red flags were waving at that statement so we went and checked the tree idiot cut the entire tree down then to add insult to injury he painted the stump with some sort of weird gray stuff don't know what it was but it had to have been toxic as Freak because nothing ever grew on that stump again not even fungi so we're understandably ticked off but unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it because there's no proof so now we've got a stump that was once a beautiful tree a smug neighbor and seemingly no course of action to take that didn't accept that scenario and he had a plan the plan as I said earlier dad knew the law inside and out so he began to plan things out he made a few phone calls to the town civil architect a couple inspectors the local landscaper lumpy was going to get that quote from and a contractor he visited city hall and got a copy of the official town plan which remember is the final word on property lines he had everything arranged and now he began to wait the revenge like clockwork won't be when on vacation and the plan was enacted over the course of two weeks we expanded we rebuilt our fence to new dimensions rearranged the shrubs dug up the gravel driveway and put fresh dirt and grass over it and planted a weeping willow in a spot where as it grew would always hang and shred until bumpy's with the expended fence and shrubbery Lumpy's driveway was a small strip of pavement maybe half a meter wide the fence placed an old dying maple and a Hawthorn on our side but because of how the two trees grew most of it was on lumpy side the key point is that the placement of the truck dictates whose property it's on so it's our tree that he can't touch no matter how annoying or destructive it is with the new dimensions the chop shop he was running was now on our side of the fence but because it was illegal it was just scrap metal as far as the law was concerned so we sold it to a local scrapyard by the time lumpy came back our yard had expanded almost three meters into his yard and waiting for him was dead the civil architect and a lawyer with a stack of documents outlining in full detail that what they did was 100% illegal and there wasn't a thing he could do about it edit not sure how it happened but it was supposed to say that we told lumpy to get the quote and let me pay for the landscaper because we didn't want mommy to do it himself second edit aftermath lumpy apparently tried to press charges something along the lines of trespassing or destruction of property or something ridiculous like that I had moved out of town at the time so I don't know for sure what happened but I like to think the judge just threw the case out like I said everything was above board and completely legal what I do know he did was tear apart of his lawn and put an a new driveway he still had room for it but it also could his lawn in half and he had to pay to have the sidewalk adjusted into a ramp also because the town was paying attention now he had to have it done properly with like asphalt and stuff instead of gravel like before he's also apparently planning to move out and rent the property to others I have to admit if a neighbor did that to my tree I would have hate going straight down to my core for that person so I totally understand what they did here it felt like a lot but the neighbor probably deserved it and it sounds like they're paying pretty heavily for what they did to the tree with that being said that's all the stories we have for it too so what I want to know is between these two stories which one was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comments below and thank you all so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rprorevengeFiremebeforeIquitIllruinyourlife
my husband's exgf is dying her last wish is to be with my husband first of all I apologize if this is badly written English is not my first language so please be kind as the title goes my 30f husband's ex-girlfriend 33f was recently diagnosed with late stage breast cancer and her last wish is to be with my husband 35m my husband let's call him Seb and his ex Tanya became best friends after their breakup a couple of years ago due to her infidelity they were together for 5 years needless to say they remain in contact even before he met me I would be lying if I say it never made me feel uncomfortable even once it did and it still does because Tanya is still in love with my husb she never denied it and in fact would even call or message me when she can't get a hold of SE aside from cancer she also has some mental health issues thus my husband would always tell me to be kind and patient Seb is no longer in love with her of course she cheated and Seb swore that he will never get back to her and that he only see her as family two weeks ago my husband received a call from Tanya to tell him about the sad news my husband cried with her and told her everything is going to be okay they were on the phone the whole day I'm sorry I forgot to mention that Sab and I moved to Australia a few months ago because of my job and Tanya is in Canada they mostly talk via longdistance call or Whatsapp they've been in contact almost every day since we left which always bothers me but what can I do after that call my husband told me everything to be honest I felt bad for her and I genuinely feel sad I asked him what's going to happen now Seb told me he's going back to Canada which is a shock he then told me that her last wish is to be with him I didn't say anything except what about me he said if I can't leave my job then he's going to visit me whenever he gets the chance I walked out without saying anything I've been avoiding my husband since the phone call and I've been ignoring him whenever he tries to bring up the conversation yesterday I found out he already bought a ticket and is flying back home in January I feel like he's abandoning me but at the same time I feel that I'm selfish for hating both of them I'm honestly thinking of getting a divorce because obviously he's choosing her over me but at the same time I thought of why my husband is so attached to her Seb considered Tanya and her family like his own as he doesn't have one she's probably like a sister to him now but Tanya doesn't fa the same she's madly in love my husband and in granting her wish will surely make her think they still have a chance my entire life I've been putting others first I've been very patient and understanding about their weird relationship I feel sick confused I want to call her yell at her for ruining my marriage for trying to steal my husband from me for using her sickness to get what she wants for being a bee I'm so mad at both of them what did I do to deserve this
give me a good story on MyhusbandsexgfisdyingHerlastwishistobewithmyhusbandorig
I 22m suspect something between my girlfriend 22f and my friend 21m we all live together am I imagining things I'm really freaking out right now because if what I suspect is true this living situation is about to get really complicated please tell me I'm just crazy sorry if this is long background we are two couples living together we all attend the same University the apartment was originally leased by my girlfriend of about 2 years Alexis 22f and our mutual friend Brooke 22f the apartment is huge and expensive there was originally supposed to be three girls living there but the last one backed out abruptly they were planning on moving somewhere cheaper but they had put a lot of work into the apartment and loved it so much they hated the idea of leaving I offered to move in when my lease was up in May so we could split the rent and utilities three ways I was sleeping over often anyways both girls were absolutely ecstatic about the idea shortly before I moved in Brooks started dating my best friend Derek this was cool because now both couples got to hang out with their best friends and SOS all at once it seemed perfect Derrick began sleeping over a lot and when his parents sold their house and left in October he tempor arily moved in we haven't really pushed for him to find a new place because splitting everything four ways is helping all of us so much but again only Alexis and Brooke are on the lease the apartment owner surprisingly does not mind as long as rent gets paid because we are always quiet there are three incidents that made me think something was up if it weren't for these combined incidents I would never make an accusation like this because Alexis is such a sweet and shy girl and Dereck has been a brother to me they don't seem flirty but as I mentioned before all four of us are very close friends so we spend a lot of time together incident one MWF Brook and I have early classes so we're gone by 8:00 a.m. Derek and Alexis starred in the afternoon so it's not unusual for them to leave together though they usually take separate cars one of these days I decided to wait for Alexis outside of her class so I could surprise her with lunch I watched everyone Shuffle out of the class but Alexis wasn't with them I texted her asking where she was and she replied just got out of class going to go home to study I called her to see if I had just barely missed her or something and there was no response which I considered weird because she had just texted me a second ago she didn't answer until much later which is also unusual for her she's one of those girls that's often on her phone I ran into Brook later in the day and she mentioned in passing that dererk had stayed home sick she was going to bring him soup blah blah at the time I didn't think much of it when I got home later that night I noticed Alexa's car was in the exact same spot she usually parks in guest parking because our unit only has three spaces as a result her car moves a lot I asked her if she'd gone to class and she got quiet before sheepishly admitting to skipping because she felt the professor sucked at explaining things but she knows I hate when she skips classes something that's gotten her grades in trouble before but she recently started doing better I kissed her and said I trusted her judgment while I was doing the dishes she explained how she probably won't skip again because being bored alone in the house was the worst I laughed and we went about our business at night we went to bed and as I laid there drifting off it hit me she shouldn't have been alone because Dereck was homesick right she was still up on her phone so I popped awake and asked her where dererk was today since Brooke had said he was homesick she seemed startled by the question but that may have been for me being half asleep to suddenly wide awake with a random question she said he was here a bit in the morning but went to do errands or something she wasn't sure after the other incidents I realized that the scattered way she answered this question seemed off but that may just be my imagination incident 2 I went to throw some stuff out in the kitchen garbage when I noticed a condom rapper that was the exact same brand Alexis and I use it wasn't super visible sort of tucked behind a cereal box but the distinctive color caught my eye Brooke and Derrik always use a different brand free from the University Health Center while ours are expensive Trojans it was weird because we usually keep the wrappers in our respective rooms garbage can so they never appear in the kitchen further more because of exams and general stress Alexis and I hadn't slept together in a few days I didn't really dig around for a used condom or anything I just went back to the room to check if any of ours were missing I really couldn't tell because we buy in bulk my first thought was that Brooke and dererk had ran out and broke into our stash and I was upset that they hadn't even asked later that night I mentioned the condom rapper to Alexis and her eyes got wide when I mentioned my theory she got unusually distressed she's always very calm and went on a rant about them violating our privacy I suggested we talk to them about it and she immediately shut the idea down and made me swear not to bring it up unless they did it again she didn't want to have this awkward conversation which was weird to me because we're all generally pretty open about sex given that we live together though it is possible that Alexis was being genuine because she's from a conservative small town and she doesn't talk about these things as much as we do incident three me and Derrick are cool with the dudes in the apartment next to us who are graduates from our University we don't hang out or anything but we have the kind of relationship where we make small talk about sports or whatever in the hall and R comfortable asking the other to keep it down without it being awkward last Monday during our break I was locking up when no one else was at the apartment when I ran into one of the guys from next door we talked football for a bit and then he mentioned that one of the couples in the apartment is really a fan of morning set and that the walls were Way Too Thin I laughed because Alexis and I usually had sex weekend mornings when we had the house to ourselves Brooke and Derrick usually spend weekends at her parents house about an hour and a half away the more I thought about it later in the day the more I realized we hadn't been having morning sex in about a month on the weekends it had been more towards the evening or not at all did he mean on weekdays my heart sort of dropped I kind of want to ask him to elaborate but the conversation ended and I feel like I missed my chance plus it's a weird thing to ask and I feel like I must be being paranoid so there you have it our SL relationships am I crazy am I looking for for signs that aren't there or is something up and if so how do I proceed I don't want to ask her just yet because one I don't want to come off as crazy and jealous if nothing's up two if something is up I don't want them to start hiding it better I was thinking of dropping by one of those mornings they're alone together but I don't know how to time it right if I drop by too early or late they might get more cautious update I 22m suspect something between my girlfriend 22f and my friend 21m we all live together am I imagining things a lot of you requested an update to my original post the ma majority of you suggested that I speak to Brooke and or attempt to walk in on the ACT I decided on doing both Sunday night everyone was back in the apartment I had every intention of speaking to Brooke about the neighbor's comment alone but before I could she said something that completely threw my theory off she told Derek to get to bed so he wouldn't be tired for work in the morning what I knew Derrik has a job on campus but he had always worked the same night shifts being as casual as possible I inquired how long he'd been working mornings and when he started he said he picked up the extra shifts a month ago and worked at 9:00 I leave at 7:00 45 so it's possible for me not to have noticed that I spent the rest of the night trying to figure out whether he was lying about that whether still he had some mornings here at home whether Alexis could be seeing someone other than derck in the mornings like some of you suggested or again if I was just a paranoid loser I went to bed feeling emotionally drained and Confused the next morning I left for classes as usual and operated on autopilot I alternated between thinking I'd run home to check on Alexis and thinking I had way too much work to run around based on a theory that I wasn't even sure about anymore in the end I walked out of my first class and straight to my car to go home in a weird way I sort of wish I hadn't when I got to the apartment Derrick's car wasn't there just Alexis I walked to the apartment with my heart pounding all sorts of crazy I don't know what I was expecting outside the apartment door I could immediately hear a guy's voice inside I heard him talking and laughing and a soft feminine Mumble replying and giggling back I've been on this subreddit long enough to see all the different reactions people have to this situation I never once contemplated what I'd do I pressed my ear to the door and see if I could make out what they were saying but I could only make out a word here and there there was a lot of giggling then I heard the sound of Alexis being tickled and shrieking maybe I should have waited more in retrospect I wish I did but I couldn't take it as soon as I started fiddling with my keys it was dead silence in there she was effing Mark I never mentioned Mark in the previous post but he's one the guys in the apartment next to us not the one that tipped me off he's the only one I never liked effing know at all douchebag attitude always made inappropriate comments towards both girls never thought anything of it as soon as I opened the door they both gave me a deer in headlights look that removed any naive doubt I may have retained that the situation was innocent I was planning on yelling at the or demanded answers but and this is effing embarrassing my eyes began to well with tears I didn't want them to see that [ __ ] so I said nice real eff inness and bolted back to my car I heard Alexis yelling my name in the hallway and picked up the pace I sort of expected her to be chasing me but by the time I got to the car there was no one following me I drove to a park that's near the apartment and sat there in disbelief my first thought weirdly enough was how is my family going to take this what the hell am I going to tell them my family effing gloved Alexis they joked about our wedding and regularly called her part of the family then I I started thinking about living arrangements our finals end in about 2 weeks there's no way I can handle moving now I'm applying to an extremely competitive graduate program and I can't let anything get in the way of that definitely not this cheating [ __ ] I'm writing this from a friend's house I explained the situation he explained it to his parents and they welcomed me to stay in their home I'm going to have to go back home to get some clothes sometime I'm planning on going during this lab period I know Alexis can't skip tomorrow it took her an hour or so to start blowing up my phone but once she did it didn't stop she started off asking me to come home so she could explain before I even had the chance to respond she sent another one begging me to come back because she was having an anxiety attack something I always help her through maybe I'm heartless but all I could think was good you earned it there was a pause and then she said I don't know why you get so jealous we were just hanging out I waited she sent look I know it looks super sketchy believe me if I were you I'd think the same thing but we didn't do anything he needed advice on his girl problems you have to believe me no no I don't normally I would have gotten a weird sense of satisfaction watching a cheater scramble to cover their ass but my stupid brain just kept reap playing all these great times we had together and wondering if she was cheating then too I want to know when this started but at the same time I'm worried it's been going on for longer than the month I've suspected something I received a text later that night from a number I didn't recognize it was the nice dude from next door he said paraphrasing because it was a long text that he got my number from Derek he was extremely sorry for what I was going through and that he would have told me sooner but he wasn't completely sure he said he knew his friend was seeing a girl with a boyfriend but didn't put it together until he learned the girl's name as many of you suspected the comment was him trying to tip me off so yeah I gu bro of the year I don't think Dereck and Brooke know yet I haven't texted them I haven't found the words I know it's going to turn our living Arrangement and friendships upside down I guess I should message them before Alexis paints a different picture I wonder what the cool neighbor said when he asked for my number I don't think he told them the would have said something right unless they took her side then I've lost my girlfriend and Friends any advice on coping with something like this especially from those who have been there before please let me know I don't have many friends to reach out to besides the guy I'm staying with Alexis Brooke and dererk were basically my family Alexis and I had talked about spending our lives together I have never been serious about a girl the way I was with her edit I am seriously moved by the amount of support you guys are giving me here please keep them coming I may not reply to all the comments but I've read each one on both posts I'm going to tell dererk and Brooke soon I'll try to do a followup when I have some sort of Plan update 2 I 22m suspect something between my girlfriend 22f and my friend 21m we all live together am I imagining things you wonderful [ __ ] between the comments to both posts and my inbox I have an immense collection of personalized pep talks which I am referring to whenever I feel down admittedly a lot these days I got advice SL stories from all sorts of people married single old young wow I never thought the internet would bring me this level of support I just want you guys to know that by just typing up some comments you have made a very real difference in someone's life got to say it feels a little strange receiving six Reddit Gold and making it to are/ Best of just for sharing the worst day of my life ha I got a lot of messages urging me to join red pill this experience has soured my view of Alexis not women in general I got some messages saying I write too well and this is obviously made up I have two words for you I wish a clarification on the last update I wasn't clear about what I see when I walked in they weren't literally [ __ ] they were just sitting on the couch with a deer in headlights look that was incredibly incriminating and they both went quiet it was just obviously not a hay guess who dropped by situation anyways onto the update I've been extremely busy with the semester ending and I took the majority's advice to bury my head in work I've spent a lot of time at the library because Alexis goes there in the process of posting the last update I realized how dumb it was that I hadn't contacted Derrick and Brooke with my side I screenshotted the text from the cool neighbor will side note all names have been changed except mark because [ __ ] you mark within the minute dererk was blowing up my phone with calls and texts that made it very apparent he didn't know anything at the same time Alexis was sending texts begging me to meet up with her I was feeling miserable and sent back a single text to Derrick saying I wasn't feeling up to talking then put my phone away for the night in the morning I got a text saying to meet him at my favorite restaurant for dinner and drinks on him assuring me that no one would be there not even Brooke I haven't had any appetite since everything went down but the offer meant a lot and I really did want to see him so I decided to go after classes I got to the restaurant first and I had my heart in my throat worrying that Alexis would somehow be there but she wasn't Derek came up to me and gave me a big hug and open with dude what the [ __ ] so here's where [ __ ] gets a bit crazy and dramatic a lot of you suggested that Brooke might side with Alexis or had been covering up for her the whole time I wasn't so sure because while she is closer to Alexis her and I have been friends for a bit longer according to Derek as soon as he told Brooke she was Absol Ely Furious in his words I sort of wanted to [ __ ] Alexis out but Brooke took care of that and then some remember how I said Alexis came from a conservative small town her parents had no idea that we were living together and she constantly stressed that they couldn't know or they'd Cut Her Off financially they liked me enough to be polite but they were constantly worried a relationship would distract her from school and didn't want her getting pregnant or whatever Derek said that Brook demanded Alexis pack her things and find a new place or she'd call up her parents and tell them everything Derek told me that later that night Alexis was sitting in the living room hugging a sweater I'd left behind and wailing at the top of her lungs that her life life was over when Brooke yelled from her bedroom well maybe you shouldn't have [ __ ] Mark then imagining that moment was kind of funny Brook's always been a very non-nonsense girl with a hot temper but I definitely didn't expect this it was extremely touching that she took the cheating that seriously during that dinner all my fears that had lost my friends were completely washed away and I was able to choke down a few pieces of sushi when we left dinner Derek promised to let me know when Alexis was gone so I could move back in I declined his offer because one even if she does move out everything in that apartment reminds me of her including Dereck and Brooke too Alexis and Mark probably [ __ ] in my room so I really don't want to sleep in at 3 in the current emotional state I mean I don't want to be third Wheeling a happy couple even though I'm sure they'd be considerate he understood my points but said to let him know if I changed my mind because Brooke and Alexis friendship seems to be pretty over this week has been pretty uneventful but I keep having to dodge Alexis luckily I'm in an undergraduate program that only has 60 students so we have a lot of our classes together I asked two friends to keep an eye out for her after giving them a spark notes of the story and started showing up to class at the last minute as far as I know she only waited outside of one of my classes I got a text saying [ __ ] has been spotted in front of classroom Waterworks in progress proceed with caution I ended up skipping the class because I didn't know if she was going to leave and I really didn't want to risk it later that night she sent me a really long Facebook message explaining everything from the beginning and it sort of made me sick to read I contemplating not reading it but once I opened it I just had two she said that he'd been flirty with her in the Halls as I mentioned before he would say inappropriate [ __ ] to both girls and she tried to be friendly back but it must have come off as flirting because he kissed her mid-sentence one day she said she felt guilty that she let him on and that guilt prevented her from shooting him down in future advances because she felt like it was her fault that happened and she has trouble saying no she said they'd only slept together three times and she hated it he had pushed her into it not rape but I I never said yes either and she was going to end it during the conversation I walked in on she said she understood if I needed some time and some space but that she'd do absolutely anything to make it right and would spend the rest of her life making it up to me by treating me like a king I'd never have to cook clean or do my laundry again give me full access to her phone and passwords she even suggested we install Life 360 an app that allows you to track someone's location through through their phone so I would know where she is at all times cut off all contact with Mark and all her male friends just for good measure I guess make up sex whenever I wanted yeah that sounds like a healthy relationship right I didn't answer I kind of wanted to keep her on Facebook and watch the [ __ ] show unfold she was posting dramatic statuses and song lyrics about mistakes forgiveness and some from our song but I know how I am I don't want to compulsively check her page or go through old photos so I blocked her Derek sent me a text a few hours later saying she's crying and screaming about you blocking her LOL in happier news the family I'm staying with is fantastic I felt a little guilty about taking up their space electricity Etc so I offered to put down rent and pay for some bills I am unemployed but my family gives me a decent allowance for rent and food but they declined the dad said first month's free if you need more time here then we'll talk about it and winked my friend was telling me that they have hosted his and his sister's troubled friends so it wasn't a big deal still I'm unbelievably grateful as for will awesome neighbor I called him to thank him for everything I wasn't up to inviting him for dinner just yet but I will he apologized profusely he says he can't stand Mark not just for what he did with Alexis but various other things that I won't go into he told me that Mark has been unusually quiet the past few days and told another one of the guys that he had gotten dumped whatever I don't want to think about it so that's really all I have for you guys I'm still going to be friends with Derrick and Brooke but I'm going to limit my contact with them because they remind me of Alexis so much I sent Brooke a message thanking her for kicking Alexis out and she said she'd do it regardless of whether or not I move back in she's going to give me a heads up on when Alexis is gone so I can get the rest of my things in the meantime I'm spending a lot of time studying applying to grad schools and hanging out with a guy I'm living with earlier this week I posted onto my University's Facebook group searching for roommates for next semester and I already have a few replies I'm going to wait until after finals to tell my parents about the situation because my mom asks a million questions about everything and I'm not in the mood to answer them again thank you thank you thank you for all the messages I didn't not expect this level of attention and while it has made me a bit paranoid someone will recognize the story from the details [ __ ] it I needed the support I effing glove you guys update three I 22m suspect something between my girlfriend 22f and my friend 21m we all live together am I imagining things well I really wasn't planning on updating but a lot of you have prodded for one and I do owe you guys after all the wonderful support I received once finals ended I did well given the circumstances everything hit me like a ton of bricks I mean almost worse than the initial insult I removed all my social media pictures with her threw out stuff that reminded me of her took our songs off my playlists yada y we've been Inseparable since we met so this was over 2 years of accumulated memories long story short it was very hard but I had an urge to get it all done before the new year that whole cliche New Year knew me thing I guess I don't know anyways one particular redditor sent me a message about how Alexis might be driven to Suicide now that she's lost everything her closest friends her boyfriend and her apartment I know that seems like an overdramatic prediction but I couldn't get it out of my mind after reading it what Alexis did was absolutely freaking terrible but I felt like a final conversation might give me better closure and maybe help her understand that it's completely over and get her to move on so I planned to meet with her before everyone went home for break a lot of you were big on the icing her out so I'm genuinely sorry to disappoint but I had to do this for me I sent Alexis if you want to talk we can meet up somewhere but there's no way we can be together after what happened so please don't ask okay she responded almost immediately asking when and where we arranged to met at an off-campus coffee place when I got there she was already at a table and got up to hug me I waved her away and she jerked back like a puppy that had been kicked I felt shitty immediately but I wanted to get it over with we made some stupid small talk she asked how I'd been how were finals Etc but I sort of interrupted it I asked her if she had been unhappy with our relationship her eyes got real wide and she said no no no a bunch off times and got quiet so I asked her why if she wasn't unhappy basically she retold the story about having trouble saying no and him being so pushy I stopped her and asked her to cut the BS and just take responsibility that maybe it excused her actions up until he kissed her mid-sentence but sex three times yeah no she looked down Shrugged and muttered your right I know at this point she started tearing up and said she was so sorry that I'd never understand how sorry she was then she asked if there was any chance we could be together again which I was kind of expecting even though I told her not to I just shook my head I told her she could still live with Derrick and Brooke if she wanted to but she declined and told me she already had plans to move in with another girlriend of hers from here on out the conversation went in circles with her trying to explain away her actions with her difficulty turning down guys due to her fear of being seen as a frigid [ __ ] and me trying to get her to admit that excuse was garbage I don't know why I just really needed her to stop using that crutch and admit she had ruined a perfectly good relationship with a very real future all on her own but she just wouldn't she was always stubborn finally I let it go and we parted ways somewhat amicably as I was leaving she grabbed my hand and parted her lips to say something but ended up shaking her head and letting go the conversation made me feel worse than I had before at first but ultimately it really made me see that she was never the kind of person I wanted to be with even without the cheating she never took responsibility for anything failed classes were because the professor was incompetent not finding a job SL internship was bad luck and not her lack of effort Etc I just never really thought about it too hard I think I was still in the h honeymoon stage or something something equals I'm an idiot sometimes so at this point I leave the coffee place and ask Derrick to hang out I ended up going to the apartment and although Brooke was there she mostly stayed in her room we drank some beers and played some video games it really cheered me up we also talked a bit about everything that happened he admitted that they hadn't been able to find a third roommate aside from complete strangers they'd rather not move in and asked me again to stay with them I could tell he really wanted me to and I felt guilty about them being stuck with a lease so I accepted I told them I needed to wait until Alexis took all her things though the furniture is hers from before I even moved in and I still don't want to sleep in that bed also Brooke apologized for getting so involved in the situation and yelling at Alexis apparently her stepdad had cheated on her mom and it's a sore subject for her I told her I genuinely didn't mind and she was welcome to do it again if the mood struck her I also bought wi some food and drinks at a great place near campus a lot of you wanted to know the other [ __ ] Mark had done that had was so pissed off apparently he had to be harassed to pay rent claimed he couldn't contribute to any of the household expenses like dish soap light bulbs cleaning supplies and regularly came in yelling and laughing at odd hours and agreeing to keep it down then carrying on at at the same volume the standard douchebag roommate crap really well is a really cool guy we talked a lot about the situation with Alexis but also about school and sports it was actually pretty fun I eventually did tell my folks about the situation and as expected my mom bombarded me with a thousand questions and cried a lot so that was fun going home made me feel a little better but my older brother got engaged on Christmas Eve and given the recent circumstances I wasn't as excited for him as I should have been which made me feel like a shitty sibling plus it's all my family can talk about now and I'm just not in the mood life isn't perfect now but I'm doing better Alexis moved her [ __ ] out and I bought a secondhand bed and dresser off another student I had my first round of classes last week and although I'm going to sound like a total nerd the courses are really cool Hands-On and the professors are incredibly cool people Derek and Brooke have been really supportive and don't make me feel like a third will at all I saw Mark in the hallway once and he totally ignored me and I ignored him but the urge to punch him in the face was very real I guessed that's something that will go away over time I almost wanted to call him out on the whole thing but with the kind of person will had described the conversation would have gotten me nowhere and probably pissed me off more sorry this up isn't as exciting as the previous ones thank you for your love and support Reddit it really really helped me through such a bad time
give me a good story on IsuspectsomethingbetweenmygirlfriendandmyfriendWealllivetogether
I am denying my ex-wife or Last Wish so I 45m had a previous relationship with Lucifer names made up for privacy 43f we were married for 5 years and dated for seven from this we had three kids again names made up for privacy Dean 21m Kylie 19f and Jax 17m context a few months before I filed for divorce I noticed Lucifer becoming increasingly controlling and paranoid like if I went out she needed to know where I was going example I went to my n's flat to help her along with my uncle get some new heavy Furniture inside the flat despite the fact that I had told her earlier where I was going she demanded to know where I was going I researched why these types of things might happen and found out it might be a sign of cheating turns out I was right basically a friend of mine saw her and another man kissing and flirting inside a restaurant where he was with his siblings and mom he sent me photos I filed for divorce blah blah blah you get the idea I didn't really care what I got in the divorce I only pushed for 820 custody and to keep my money surprisingly she didn't contest anything but the custody I got 7030 instead of 8020 but hey I picked myself up because I still had majority custody anyway this year my ex got terminal cancer when Dean told me Kylie and Jack I didn't really care I comforted my kids but personally I didn't care in fact I'm ashamed of myself because of this I was kind of excited to get full custody of Jack Dean has already moved out and Kylie decided she wanted to stay with only me when she turned 18 so a few days after I got a call from Dean he told me that Lucifer was bed and she had asked Dean to talk to me basically Her Last Wish was to have one last conversation with me I told Dean quite bluntly I'll admit that no I would not talk to her all care I had for this woman evaporated when I found out
give me a good story on Iamdenyingmyexwifeherlastwishaitaredditstories
AIT for telling my girlfriend that it's not my fault she can't get her life together my 26 mitt girlfriend 24f dropped out of college on the middle of her second year and is still in the trying to figure out her life phase I admit I don't really know how to treat that since my parents has always been very strict about taking as many AP classes as we can until the age of 16 10th grade so that we will be able to do what we want and to come to them the summer before 11th grade with a plan that details every class we will take to get us to the degree that we want and a general plan of what we want to do before getting the degree while getting the degree and after getting the degree my girlfriend never really understood my parents doing that since her parents never really cared as long as she's happy and surviving and while it took me some time to understand as well seeing as me and my sibling are all very successful I'm thankful for that the problems started a few days ago 5 months into our relationship when she officially met my family she is
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmygirlfriendthatitsnotmyfaultshecantgetherlifetogether
a mother was working in the kitchen listening to her son playing with trains in the living room she heard the train stop and her son said all you sons of B who want to get off get the off now cuz this is the last stop and all you sons of who are retuning and want to get on get your asses on the train now the mother went into the living room and told her son we don't use that kind of language in this house now go to your room and stay there for 2 hours when you come out you may go back and play with your train but only if you use nice language 2 hours later the boy came out of the bedroom and resumed playing with his train so the train stopped and the mother heard her son say all passengers who are getting off the train please remember to take all of your belongings with you we thank you for riding with us today and hope that your trip was a pleasant one we hope you will ride with us again soon she hears the little boy continue for those of you just boarding we ask you to Stow all of your luggage under your seat remember there is no smoking on the train we hope you will have a pleasant and relaxing Journey with us today then the child added and for those of you who are pissed off about the 2-hour delay see the bach in the kitchen
give me a good story on boyplayingwithtrainsorig
aita for wanting to leave my wife because she had to go back my wife and I have been together for 5 years now we have a two years old and we were planning to expand our family I decided to tidy up my wife's closet because there was a mold problem in garage and I decided to inspect the whole house there I found a gym bag with clothes some dry fruits some tampons and like $1,000 I asked my wife about it and her face suddenly lost its color At first she told me that it was just an emergency bag in case we are hit by earthquake or something I asked her why did she HIIT it from me then after a bit of back and forth she sheepishly confessed that it's a go bag basically women who need to flee their abusers are told to keep a go B with all essential supplies like money and clothes and stuff I asked her why exactly does she ever feel the need to do this fave never even talked to her in loud voice we barely have arguments why does she thinks that I'm going to become an abuser she said she is not saying I am an abuser she just wanted to do it for the Peace of her mind I don't buy her excuse L don't think she trusts me otherwise she wouldn't have to go so far I took some days to mull it over and I have come to conclusion that I can't be with a woman who can't trust me and who see me as an abuser I asked her for separation and told her that I can't be with a woman who does not trust me I believe that trust is foundation of relationship and if she doesn't trust me then it's better we part ways now she is making excuses that she read too many amami forums and let herself influenced by them she showed me the forums where they discussed GO bags and how every woman should have one I get the logic but I can't stay with a woman who does not trust me to know that she never needed to do such a thing I agreed to take more time to think about it but I think divorce will let her find a man she trusts not to be an abuser because she does not trust me ITA edit I am taking a break we'll read and reply to good faith comments later I would like to address common things here statistics should not be applied to individual cases this kind of thinking lead to racial profiling of African-Americans by unfair law enforcement statistics does not dictate individuals and I believe that every individual has the right to not be seen as a part of group and have statistics applied to them blindly no she does not have history of abusive relationship sounds like is not cart blanch to accuse anyone of anything dingo ate my baby woman was also convicted because she sounded like a murderer and it's a shame to you guys feel so it EAS of doing something so disgust a relationship without trust is no relationship update I made a post 3 months ago but it was removed before I deleted my account it has been cross posted literally everywhere that I think you guys will have no problem finding it if you are interested after I made my first post I decided to offici ask for divorce she did not take it well she cried and refused to eat food for 2 days until I filled the house with candy bars she hasn't pulled that kind of stunt after that thankfully for past 3 months I have to endure her crying begging me to change my mind she promised to never make a go bag again honestly the previous post has been I opening to me people here called me an abuser when I never did anything to abusive I read every comment posted here on other subreddits and it seems like people will call me abuser no matter what some people even made up stories to paint me in bad light it seems that General sentiment is that it's okay to mistrust men because statistics and if he complains about it he is potentially an abuser why is it wrong to want to be trusted by your own wife if I made her get rid of her go bag I am as good as an abuser in all of your eyes it seems like I will be painted as an abuser unless proven otherwise I just don't know how to prove a negative it's not like I can wear a camera all the time initially my feelings were very hurt but now I am realizing the gravity of situation I am in I just can't risk my future on a wife who does not trust me because her mere Act of making a go bag was used by people here to paint me as an abuser they said that she must have reason to make a goag how was it my fault that she read some blogs and decided to do it I never did anything and yet people are just going to accuse me even if I didn't do anything anything you guys don't care what the truth is so what am I even supposed to do my only choice is to leave I have finally moved out yesterday and I am pushing forward with divorce I would like things to be amicable but my wife is still hellbent on stopping the divorce so that is a pipe dream for now I am hoping when divorce becomes real she will accept the reality
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmywifebecauseshehadorig
neighbors wouldn't quit dumping their trash in my backyard so I returned it to them with some upgrades I live in a house but there's an apartment complex directly behind The Back Fence in my yard the entire time I've lived here I've always found random trash tossed over the fence that has gotten progressively worse the most annoying thing is all the glass beer bottles as some of them hit concrete and shatter which makes it unsafe to let my dog run in the yard it's such trashy and inconsiderate behavior from people I've never even met and I finally started trying to push back first I tried the legal route I reported the illegal dumping to 31 as I couldn't figure out how to contact the building manager and it was to the point of entire full trash bags ending up in my yard they said they couldn't do anything and I would be responsible for cleaning it up since it was in my yard annoying but basically also gave me the green light to throw back over the fence as 3011 pretty plainly told me it only came down to whose yard the trash was in so I went out with gloves and threw every single piece of trash back over the fence full trash bags dirty shoes beer bottles used diapers Etc these people think my yard is their personal dump and it's not even one neighbor doing it I caught multiple residents of this apartment complex on camera casually tossing trash over the fence not even a full day later and these losers had thrown it all back over the audacity it's not even just laziness at that point as it would be significantly easier to just take it to the apartment's dumpsters but they somehow feel entitled to throw trash into my yard enough that they'd literally return it when I threw it back fair enough two can play at that game first I threw all the full trash bags back over but not just onto the ground I tossed them all the way up to the roof of the apartment complex which isn't easily accessible and as far from ideal given we're in a tropical climate that will make it smell quickly up there next I took all the dirty shoes tied their laces together and used a long Pole to hang them from pretty much any projection off the side of the building that couldn't be reached also stuffed them with expired meat and dog I wanted to shatter the beer bottles as well but I decided to just recycle them because I didn't want anyone to actually get hurt you'd think that would be enough to prove my point but I also went behind the fence that night and planted a bunch of running bamboo there's a sort of Alley between the apartments and my fence that's all grass so the idea is for it to grow enough to block them from even walking through there to begin with bamboo is very hard to remove once it starts growing this is what you get when you act like trash I do not feel bad about my retaliation even a little bit
give me a good story on NeighborswouldntquitdumpingtheirtrashinmybackyardsoIreturnedittothemwithsomeorig
a ITA for exposing my cheating girlfriend to her parents I 19m began dating my girlfriend 20f at College last year she is from Iran and moved to America for school but her whole family is still back home our relationship felt perfect I never met anyone as caring and compassionate as her her parents are pretty conservative but we Face timed a few times and they seem to be sort of warming up to the idea of her dating a white non-muslim guy we promised them that we weren't having sex which wasn't true but they seemed to believe it overall I was happier with her than I've ever been that all changed last semester when she confessed to cheating on me with some frat dude at a Halloween party this completely destroyed me and I ended up spending a couple weeks in a psych ward although I never actually hurt myself she begged me to stay and give her another chance but even the thought of her discusss me now needless to say I dumped her and blocked her everywhere here comes the part where I might be the apparently she had gone a while without contacting her parents so her mom and dad called me asking about their daughter I told them the truth about how she had another guy and that's why we're broken up I also came clean to them about us having sex after this they stopped paying for her tuition and it looks like she's going to have to drop out this summer and will likely lose her student visa and have to go back to Iran some of our mutual friends have freaked out at me for that they're saying that I destroyed her life and that if she gets sent home there's a strong possibility of her falling victim to an honor killing thankfully most of my friends are taking my side I don't believe that it's my job to Shield her from the consequences of her actions but
give me a good story on AITAforexposingmycheatinggirlfriendtoherparentsorig
today we have a crazy Revenge story about ruining a best friend's Life we'll get into that in a bit but first the signs were there I just chose to ignore them I never would have imagined that of all of the things that would happen to me at the time the one piece of important information that came to light was the fact that Not only was my dear wife unfaithful to me and her vow to me but I also came to realize that the children she had for me or rather the children I thought she had for me were never even my to begin with and the day I found out this was the same day I knew for a fact that my life was never going to be okay I was broken from that point forward normally I was not supposed to feel that kind of way towards the one woman that I loved but after knowing and seeing what she did every single positive affection I felt towards her all suddenly turned to feelings of hate disgust and most importantly retribution first off I initially hated myself for being so gouble and in love I guess till this day that is the one thing I would never believe that I had done myself and this was because prior to my wife I don't recall myself ever being so gullible when in a relationship secondly I began to feel utterly disgusted by herself and basically her presence in my life and also by all the actions and activities which we'd been doing together for the past few years then came the feelings of restitution where I didn't know what to do to quell the way I was feeling towards her I just felt like seeing is there was quite literally nothing I could do to make the situation any better I just decided to get back at her in hopes that this would at least make up for something at the very least make me feel better on my own end and the complete opposite on her end for this I would like to take you back to the very beginning of where it all began and I think I should have realized back then because the only thing I knew back then or rather that I heard and this was for my close male friends was the fact that my soon Tobe X wife was for the streets initially and when I came into her life it had seemed like she was going to be returning back to that lifestyle any time soon as I could visually see changes in her character in person this was what gave me the utmost assurance that she was going to be the mother of my kids triling back a few years my soon Tobe ex-wife 26 and myself 29 we are still in our early 20s and this was basically the starting point of both of our Lives we were just fresh out of college and we already been in a relationship for more than a whole year at that point we were just getting to know each other properly as I was already posturing and preparing for both of our futures prior to when I got into a relationship with her my friends brought it to my notice that there was something fundamentally wrong with her and that she was the type to get herself involved with every single guy she could come across but even after saying this none of the rumors seem to be true the reason being that she was never like that with me or rather she never shows signs of being like that in the past which made it even harder to believe but I just couldn't wash away the thoughts and feelings of doubt in my mind and so after almost a few months of being in a relationship with her I decided to clear every single form or matter of doubt in my mind as I came clear to her as to what I'd heard about her and surprisingly she also didn't deny anything I had said in fact she quite literally admitted to everything I said and also included the fact that she was or rather rather she had never gone back to that lifestyle from before and by lifestyle I quite literally mean the promiscuous lifestyle she was living where she was for every single person we came across this seemingly new piece of information caught me by surprise as I was most definitely not expecting it I told her to give me a few days to think things over and right after that I think I had my mind straightened out as I already resolved and convinced myself that the reality of things was that her past was her past and that seeing as she'd already made it quite clear to me the fact that she was willing and ready to move past that and begin a new life with me I was totally up for it majorly because of how she made me feel I accepted her back and with this our relationship became even more solidified and our bond grew even stronger then right after we got out of college we immediately proceeded to get a place for ourselves and in little to no time at all we were able to move in with each other it would seem at the time that we were moving quite fast but I didn't have a care at all in the world as I was moving forward with her with almost absolute certainty there was quite literally no reason in the world at all to even have a shred of doubt in my mind with her and then slowly but surely I knew that I wanted to get married to her and also to have her mother my children however at the time what I didn't know was the fact that I couldn't have been able to father a child at the time this information was only made known to me a couple of years later this was after we had all already had our two children who are the apple of my eyes I truly love and cherish them with every fiber of my being about a whole year after getting married to her our life was quite literally perfect we didn't have any issues or whatsoever amongst ourselves we both knew practically everything there is to know about our second half we were inseparable in a much simpler sense untethered by any financial burden we decided that we were both ready for a child at some point and we just started trying in earnest for quite a while the results were the same she wasn't able to conceive for a while but I wasn't discouraged as I made sure to assure her that we still had many more chances to go at it and this was majorly because we were only trying for less than 5 months I knew there had to be something wrong but I just didn't think anything of it and I just wanted to remain optimistic about the whole situation then just like a thief in the night my wife realizes all of a sudden that she was finally pregnant and this was by far the happiest moment of my life and I'm very sure the happiest moment of any man turning father we had at long final last welcomed our baby girl and she was the best thing that had happened to me as at the moment of her birth I could quite literally feel myself becoming a father the sudden urge to protect her is something that will forever remain ingrained in my memory shortly after and by shortly after I mean a whole year and a half later we found out that we were to be expecting another child this was quite literally a dream come true because after a while of doubting seriously as to whether or not we were both able to conceive our child we were finally able to effortlessly conceive of new life I could tell from my wife's reaction after we got the news of her being pregnant again that she was overjoyed and also worried at the same time the reason for that being that at the time I thought she was just being a bit scared of going through the entire birthing process again seeing as the last one she underwent was not as easy as most but I genu genuinely assured her that I was going to be there with her and also alongside her every step of the way within the span of 9 months where she carried our child I made sure that she was fully and truly comfortable to the best of my capabilities and then this was the point in both our lives where things started to go completely downhill without my realizing it it all started when my wife was feeling some kind of way about 6 months into the pregnancy I wasn't really sure as to what was going on so I just took her straight to the hospital and as this didn't happen during our first time apparently I did the right thing because the doctor after examining her found out that she was on the verge of having a complication with a pregnancy but thankfully I noticed on time seeing as I wasn't too comfortable with the way she was grunting in pain and all right after this she was advised by the nurses to stay on bed rest but after speaking with the doctor he insisted that she remained in the hospital for one more day to which I agreed totally with the doctor I then got a call from The Nanny we left our baby girl home with that my daughter was coughing severely and that she didn't know what to do I immediately rushed home because I didn't trust my daughter in anyone else's hands but my wife but the situation just warranted I did so and I was already regretting my decision I took our daughter to the same hospital as that was where my wife was too I soon found out that my daughter had an asthma attack I couldn't believe it according to the doctors it wasn't too severe but she just needed to be kept under watch and supervision at all times the doctor also requested did some blood samples from both parents to find out some other things which I had no idea what he meant but I just did it anyway a few hours later after having my entire mind and Sanity get tested and pushed to the extreme I got visited by a nurse who called me aside to provide the results for the test they had just conducted and to my greatest surprise neither myself nor my wife had the trait and that was not even the worst part apparently I wasn't related to my own daughter her not even the slightest bit and this was indeed shocking news and I asked them to take the test again and they did still the results were the same I then asked them to conduct a fertility test on myself because I was in a state of serious doubt and when they did my greatest fears were realized I wasted no time in barging into my wife's room as I began reining her with questions upon questions all in an attempt to figure out what exactly was going on only for her to tell me she didn't know how to tell me but she would is still seeing someone from her past and that she got pregnant during one of their meetings I got so Furious I can't even begin to use words to describe what I was feeling at the moment one thing I knew for a fact was that after quite a while pondering on what I should do as quite literally the next step to take because I was lost in thought for nearly a whole day and afterwards I came to the conclusion that I was not going to let her have the pleasure of delivering her child in the comfort of my own home the very next day when she was discharged I brought all her belongings and her daughter to the hospital as I informed her that that was the last time we were ever going to see each other again except for the one time in court when we were settling our divorce I couldn't recover fully from what she had done but knowing for a fact that she would not have an easy life for quite a while taking care of two children alone was enough comfort for me the only thing is op earlier in the story op said we had our two children who are the apple of my eye I truly love and cherish them with every fiber of my being at the very end op made a total shift and said oh yeah she's going to have to take care of the two children herself so like which is it you can't have both you can't be they are the most important and prized things in my life but you also abandon them also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy crazy stories of Revenge it would be amazing if you left a like or left a review if you're listening to my podcast that said our next story is the strange man at the bookstore I am 25-year-old female most of my friends call me te up until my early to late teens I didn't know that body shaming was a concept of discussion I didn't know that there's a particular standard of beauty that humans project on women would you blame me if I didn't know here is my story I grew up in a very large family in downtown San Francisco when I mean family I mean my grandparents aunties uncles and cousins who were either plus- sizes or outrightly thin my grandparents were medical practitioners who ensured they sprad the message of health and wholeness to our large family needless to say I grew up listening to health tips and ensuring I lived a healthy lifestyle I had never thought being a plus-size who was healthy was a thing to be ashamed of and trust me it was a very bitter pill for me to swallow for a long time I remember one of those awful experiences when I was at a local mall I came across a clothing store that caught my eye so I decided to get a dinner gown for a social Gathering event I had coming up when I got to the clothing section I was excited decided to see that I had a wide range of options to choose from as I browse through the racks selecting a few outfits to try on a sales associate approached me with a forced smile she looked me up and down before suggesting perhaps these Styles won't suit your body type we have a section for more standard sizes her words traveled very fast through my gut I was visibly angry and I tried my best not to shake I felt so because I was tired of hearing people make insensitive and unsolicited comments about my body I couldn't believe that someone who was meant to guide and encourage me through my selections was rather concerned about stating an opinion after that awkward moment I mustered the courage to respond I appreciate your concern but the last time I checked I didn't solicit for any help regarding my choice of clothes and the least you can do is allow me to decide what suits me I could see that I also hit her where it hurt to be honest I went home with a mixed feeling I ended up getting just a random dress as I lost the motivation to browse for more dresses from that moment I was determined to react to any form of negative or snide remarks that were targeted at my body well the day for the social Gathering finally came and I stepped out feeling confident and excited to enjoy some good company as the night progressed a conversation among a group of acquaintances took an unexpected turn someone made an unnecessary comment about my appearance when it was time for games the person said I don't think this game is for someone like you I saw that everyone turned to look at my reaction and I could deduce that they were probably expecting me to take a bow and return to my seat but I decided to give them a show as I refused to cringe in embarrassment or shame instead I decided to speak up after taking a deep breath I addressed the comment with a firm but calm tone I think you should be more focused on finding out if you are smart enough to play the game instead of worrying about me my response caught some offg guard but I I felt empowered to stand up for myself I refused to let derisive comments slide and wanted to make it clear that such remarks were not acceptable after that evening I garnered more stamina to stand against bullying in whatsoever form meanwhile I've had to put up with a particular sales rep in one of the biggest campus bookstores in college I think he took his job too seriously and half of the time he failed to recognize what his job description truly covered to top it off he was the one person person I met that managed to be both insensitive and very uncultured the first day he saw me at the store he stopped to stare at me for about 15 seconds with his mouth wide a gape I didn't say anything to him I just allowed him to stare on foolishly after 20 seconds I wasn't surprised when he asked me if I weighed more than 100 kg why I asked him he had no reply for me instead he decided to give me the books I ordered that particular trend went on that way for an extended period I would go to the store to purchase one or two items and this man would make me feel like an alien he never outrightly told me anything that would make me Ponder on who I was but every single time I went there he made sure he used his actions to make me feel very uncomfortable you know I can pass for a stubborn and inquisitive person I remember an experience I had when I was about 15 it was surreal there was a figure that stood close to an orchard tree right behind my room I would wake up at a certain time each night just to be sure I wasn't hallucinating one day I decided that I would no longer stare at that figure from my room at night I was going to step outside to see what the heck made me wake and stare every night for a month so one day I did step out quietly and unnoticeable geez I couldn't believe what I saw when I finally got outside I stood Frozen and dead scared when I beheld the figure it was an orangutan that stood tall like a human My Steps scared it off and I watched it Veer off into into the forest that was about 6 or 7 miles away from our home I recounted that story to myself to make me understand why I kept on going back to that store I wanted that man to make his statements I wanted to know why he had decided to make my weight his business and thankfully I didn't wait for too long I had gone to the store like I used to to get myself some stationer he looked at me as usual and he couldn't hide what he felt that day he said and I quote can you cut out some sugars I'm worried about your looks even though I'd been expecting him to say what was on his mind for a long time I didn't know his words would hit me the way it did Strangely I couldn't seem to find the voice to say anything to him in that moment I only got my items and left as I walked away I kept wondering why I had no reply for this man who had contributed to my sadness on campus however the more I walked the more I was convinced that I would come back for that man weeks passed and I realized that this man's words hung to my chest like a cloth no matter how hard I tried to put his words behind me I kept going back to the moment he said he was worried about me I saw his facial expressions again and again in my mind and I shed a tear or two I wondered if I looked so terrible those moments took me back to the efforts I'd made to shed off some weight over the years as much as I tried my progress had been slow and I tried to schedule a regular visit with my doctor to keep my health in check my doctor always had a way to elay my fears he told me that my weight gain was strongly a genetic Factor he always had a way of boosting my self-esteem and he made me understand that it was okay if I shed some weight but it should be on my own terms and at my own pace I remembered the doctor's words and I got some comfort Strangely I didn't stop going to that store but I was surprised to see that that man was never on his shift I checked again and again but he seemed to have disappeared off the campus grounds after some time I decided to confide in other people around I shared my experiences with this man with other people and I was stunned to hear that I wasn't his first victim the Revelation that that man was a Serial bully hit me so hard all the while I had thought I was the problem that my weight triggered his concerns but I was shocked to realized that I wasn't his only victim one of his victims who I met around the campus exposed how he had constantly talked down on her weight the victim revealed that he had told her that she would look better off with a BBL she recounted how insecure she began to feel about her body and she considered saving money to get her body done it then dawned on me that the man Was a Serial abuser who needed to be stopped as soon as possible I saw him as a dangerous person who was capable of driving his victim into a bad State I knew he had stayed away on purpose maybe to avoid me if only he knew I wasn't someone who could get deterred easily he would have showed up early I kept stalking the store as usual because I didn't expect him to suddenly become a coward after he'd spoken down on me after several attempts to get this man on his shift I finally got lucky one afternoon that day he was in his usual state which made him stare longer at people while expressing his bizarre look it was more like staring into one's soul and making sure you understand that something wasn't cool with it it was obvious that he wasn't expecting to see me and I could see the shock that he tried to hide I was the Bolder one then and I was ready to stare deeply into his soul the same way he does to others strangely he couldn't take what he gave I could see how much he struggled to gain composure he couldn't look up at me and he tried to evade my gaze I was equally ready for him I'd kept my phone close just in case he tries to pass any unruly and unsolicited remarks about me again well I prayed silently that he would be my own victim as well and just when I thought I wasn't going to win that day luck shown on me I was on my way out after getting the items I'd purchased from the store and I was shocked to hear him call me a fat girl yet again I looked back and I smiled after I'd gotten his words on record after I left that store I headed straight to the student affairs Division I was surprised at my energy and the pace at which I walked it was obvious to everyone that saw me that I had something urgent to take care of thankfully I was able to schedule an appointment with the dean of student affairs that same day I relayed everything that had transpired between me and the strange man and I made sure not to skip the part that had other students involved I also encouraged other students to share their experiences with the man at the store and any other person that took pleasure in bringing them down even though the man at the store was the scapegoat for that moment an end had to come to such Madness after about two weeks of my visit to the student affairs Division I got the news that the man who had a bizarre look to give to everyone had been suspended indefinitely pending the time the disciplinary committee would decide his fate honestly I feel like any any jerk that is bold enough to sit there at their job and say that about customers is playing with fire and it's only a matter of time before they get burnt on that pretty badly I mean really how long can you go insulting your actual clientele and keep your job and not get reported somewhere our next story is how I ruined my best friend's life it was worth it I don't think my actions were totally justified and I'm not really proud of what I did but I know for an absolute fact that what I did was totally Justified on my end and it also served as a means of getting back at my best friend for what he had done to me years ago I know I'm quite Petty for keeping something that had happened for quite a number of years ago in my mind up until a very decisive moment where I knew that whatever I did would negatively affect his life and ultimately end it and not his actual life but like his social marital psychological mental and financial life let's go way back to the very beginning so as to provide inp dep analysis of the entire situation that warranted the course of action I took my best friend 17 and I 16 were still in high school at the time and this was around the time our friendship experienced a little Gallop along the way but we haven't always been the best of friends as although we go way back we were actually initially strangers and we both had a certain misconception about and of each other but there was this particular incident that happened that really brought things into perspective for me the kind of person he was back when we were both still young teenagers we lived in the same neighborhood and one would think that we were obviously supposed to have had a conversation or two with each other seeing as we see each other quite literally every day but the reverse was the case as we had never even exchanged pleasantries before and this was due to the fact that the very first time his family moved into the neighborhood he had always been giving me the cold shoulder and even when I tried to make light talk with him when we came across one another around the block he simply just ignored me and I took it personal and ever since then we've been keeping up the silent treatment streak even if in actuality it was most definitely unnecessary anyways the incident that happened that caused the both of us to even start talking was when I got back from school one fateful day and got one of the saddest news of my life which was that I just lost my father he was a military officer and he was killed on active duty when he was deployed to Afghanistan I had just gotten into my porch when I got the news from my mother on the phone because she too wasn't home and she wasn't going to be until late in the night I just sat on my porch as I wept excessively there was quite a few passers by but none of them paid me any attention I just felt so alone and the one person I thought would have been there for me was unable to leave her place of work because of the nature of said work she was a medical doctor in one of the general hospitals in the tri-state area and she was in the middle of an operation when she was received the call they urged her to head back home and tend to her family but she insisted that she had to finish up what she was doing before heading back home not to insinuate that the patient was more important but she just had always had a strong sense of responsibility but I've never blamed her once in my entire life anyways there I was crying on my front porch when he saw me and he decided to come over to see what was wrong and when he came closer I just instinctively laid on him as it made me tear up even more he just stood there clueless as to what was going on and he did what I thought he would have never done he gave me one of the most reassuring en tighter hugs I'd ever received the only person I've ever received said hug from was none other than my father who had just passed away we stayed there for quite a while until I eventually stopped crying and ultimately fell asleep in his arms he stayed there with me for the entire time I was asleep as he couldn't take me inside when he didn't know where the key to the door was when I eventually woke up his face was the first thing I saw I was completely perplexed as I was speechless to the face I saw before me I immediately got up and asked him what he was doing here and he explained the whole situation to me and then and there I began crying unconsciously again that was when he wiped my tears and began reassuring me that everything was going to be all right I was able to gather myself and my thoughts though and that was when I was able to tell him what was going on and what had happened when he heard he gave me another hug and invited me over to his place just to stay for the meantime before my mother got back I accepted and his parents were already at his doorstep waiting to receive me they tried to console me as they knew what a great loss I had just experienced my mother got back a bit early that night and I eventually went back to our house essentially that was what made us become really close friends as ever since that day he had just taken it upon himself to make sure that I'd always had a friend to talk talk to in his own special way he made sure to show a certain form of humanity that I haven't quite seen in a really long time except in movies now you might be wondering he must have been a really nice person in all whatever could he have done to me for me to want to get back at him well it's not quite an issue of what he had done but rather what he swore with everything that he was that he would never do so basically when we were in high school quite a while had passed since I lost my father and we just had this strong bind between the both of us and over time I came to the sudden realization that I had a kind of certain likeness and fondness of and for him it first started off as an observation but later on I figured out in all manner of reality that I truly had feelings for him and the longer the time we spent with each other the more I came to realize that not only were the feelings there they were still developing and I found myself unable to control said feelings then one day at school school it was announced that the school was hosting the annual winter party and it was considered one of the biggest parties that was hosted only second to the graduation party for the students in their final year in high school which was no longer a party but a rave so I thought to myself that the upcoming party would be a good time to spend some special moments with him I'd been planning to ask him out to the winter party but every single time I tried I always ended up getting cold feet it went on for quite a while and ultimately when the winter party was only a few days away I realized that this was the only chance I would get to realize the moment where I get to express how I truly felt about him I sought for various chances where I could ask him but it was all thwarted by either the ringing of the Bells or the interruption from his classmates and his other friends and then I just became so frustrated with the lack of opportunity I was getting and how much time was wasting with all of these and so I just made up my mind and I decided to just walk up to him when he was in the midst of all of it his friends and I tried to get him to move aside with me and finally come clean with my feelings and I think that at this time he had probably guessed what it was I wanted to say to him but he didn't want me to say anything right then and there so he just told me off by saying that whatever it was that I wanted to tell him I could say when we were both on our way home I don't know why I accepted right then and there but I let it slide and then it hit me I had something else I wanted to ask him apart from the fact that I wanted to ask him to the Winter Dance when I went went back to the classroom I almost walked in on them having a conversation and then that was when I overheard him when his friends asked him why he was dragged Away by me and then I got one of the most cooking reveals of all time he basically told them that he knew for a fact that I wanted to ask him out and that he wasn't down for all that as I was always too desperate and clingy ever since my father died he also told him that it was just a lack of Father presence in my life that made me stick to him and he also made some crazy joke to his friends about me wanting him to be my daddy in and out of the bedroom and they all laughed it off but I was hurt deeply I went home that day with an even more broken heart than when I first found out about my father's death I didn't even know what to say or how to feel he later called me that night to ask why I didn't wait for him so that the both of us could head back home together I was so mad that I didn't want to respond to him but something in me told me to play along with this act for as long as I could and I never asked him to the dance again and I just bowed my time patiently fast forward a bit a few years later my best friend 26 and myself 25 were quite literally living Our Lives as we have come to and then I found out that he was having some problems with his wife at home because he told me in all that his wife was a bit insecure about him and this was due to the fact that he was stupidly hot like insanely hot so much so that I too would feel insecure if I were in her shoes and so she was always with with his phone reading through his messages and all I tried as much as possible to forget what he had done to me a few years back but ultimately we are all humans and this feeling eventually took over me and I then advised him to leave his phone with her seeing as he had nothing to hide and all and he did I then invited them out one particular day and we stayed out really late and when he eventually got back home as usual she was skeptical as to where he had been and when he tried to explain himself I used the friend's phone to send some indecent pictures to his phone captioning you just left and I'm already missing you so bad when his wife saw this text all heck was let loose there was nothing he could have done to cut the long story short his marriage quite literally ended there as his wife decided then and there to leave him she took his two children and went on over to her parents' place and within the month they were about to finalize the entire divorce process I just could could not believe it that just one action was able to destroy his entire life but I was still comfortable with this because I know for a fact that I had gotten back at him for what he had done to me all those years back although there was a lot of hurt I must imagine there was a lot of relief that Opie overheard that and understood what things are between them and their supposed best friend that said I'm imagining op continued to play the best friend charade up for a while just so I imagine their best friend told op what exactly went on oh that's such a shame that she doesn't believe you that that's some fake spam bot or something or you know you get all the details and then just never talk to them again definitely not going to be your sad rebound but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that's said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIRUINEDMYBESTFRIENDSLIFERedditStoriesorig
I told my daughter that I won't attend her wedding if her biological father is there but now she's saying I'm stuck in the past she doesn't know what she's the product of I would appreciate some advice on the current situation I find myself in and I am hoping an Outsiders Viewpoint can offer me some clarity for some context about 24 years ago I was sexually assaulted by a close friend of mine and got pregnant by the encounter I was inconsolable for months after the event to make matters worse I found out I was pregnant at about 20 weeks and where I lived at the time it was illegal to get an abortion after the first trimester my husband had really been my rock and my support during that time and I do not know how I would have ended up if not for him he said that I could put it up for adoption or I could keep the child and he would raise it like our other children I decided to not give it up for adoption but raising the kid was hard I am half polish and half German and he is half German and half Russian we both have pale skin light hair and blue eyes as well as being fairly tall I'm about 178 caters around 510 and he is 191 CM or about 63 however our daughter Luna is about 160 cm or 53 has dark hair and a brown complexion like her biological father I often heard snide remarks about me being an Unfaithful wife because it was obvious that she was not my husband's child it was especially hard for me when Luna was young because she looked so much like her dad my husband took care of my daughter most of the time since I had bad flashbacks whenever I saw her face from when I was assaulted as she grew up it it died down a bit but I would still get these horrible panic attacks when I saw her wearing boy clothes and short hair since I was prone to having panic attacks Luna ended up being closer to my husband than she was to me also she often ended up getting a little more than her siblings from my husband as some sort of compensation because of me we never told her that she was the product of sexual assault because I was too ashamed and my husband did not want her feeling different from her siblings I often told her that me and her biological father got into an altercation and never spoke to one another ever again about 2 years ago she got one of those DNA test items and found out she had a relative in the system said relative got Luna in touch with her biod dad and they started talking despite my protests he apparently wanted to speak to me about something he wanted to tell me so Luna attempted to persuade me to speak with him I made her aware that me and her father shouldn't ever be in the same room together now Luna is getting married to a lovely young man some of the co restrictions have been lifted so she is able to have a decent sized wedding the original plan was to have my husband walk her down the aisle but he had gotten into a bad accident leaving him in a wheelchair until his legs are strong enough to support his weight again however this is not her idea of a picture perfect wedding day so she invited her biological father to have the honor of being the bride's father her wedding invitation not only invited my rapist but she totally disrespected the man who raised her although I or a bridesmaid could have pushed him down the aisle she thinks it would not fit the vibe of the wedding my husband looked so shocked and upset that she would even think of this but I was Furious I have a visceral hate for that man and I let her know that I would not be anywhere near him she told me that this is what she wants and there's no changing her mind so I told her I will not be attending if he's there she got upset and told me that I shouldn't hang on to the past but I laid it into her that she doesn't know what happened between me and her biological father so she shouldn't stick her nose where it doesn't belong though I feel terrible about what I said and how I said it and I can't be blamed for her being born or not knowing what happened since I never told her I still feel as though my wishes should be respected if I say I don't want to be in the same room as someone X I'm now okay with her contacting her father I just do not want anything to do with him also it's rude to replace your father with another man who you've barely known for two years because of something he couldn't control can anyone offer me a perspective that I am not catching has anyone ever dealt with this and if so how update before I get started on the update I have a few things I want to address a lot of people have questioned me on why I did not tell my daughter that she was a product of sexual assault the only answer is that I was ashamed of myself for some context before I got married to my husband I actually was very close friends with my attacker we grew up together in a small community and our families were close our parents even wanted us to get together he was always interested in me but I didn't give him a chance until University I broke it off with him and started dating my husband but I never cut him off because we were very close he invited me over to drink this was normal for us and when I started getting a bit tipsy he raped me I was very traumatized by the situation and tried to get him jailed but I couldn't he had a very good reputation so everyone believed him even my own mother when he said I willingly came over and did it with him I eventually stopped pursuing because of the social pressure which only got worse when I found out I was pregnant I eventually left that place with my husband and kids to live somewhere else after I gave birth my husband suggested therapy but I was scared of being judged again so I decided to bury it and try to forget about it I just realized now that it was the worst way to go about this but it's the only way I knew how to honestly on to the update after reading all the advice I'd gotten I decided that I should stop running away and tell her everything I called her to come over and she did I first apologized for yelling at her for her suggestion because in her mind it was an innocent suggestion I told her that I wasn't angry at her but how fast she was willing to replace her father because he was in a wheelchair and that anger was compounded because she brought up her genetic father I apologized again for acting childish and not like an adult she asked me why I am so against her genetic father being in the same vicinity as I am and I just told her everything from our initial friendship to her forced conception she didn't believe me like some redditors predicted but I can get a copy of the records of the court case and offered them to her if she needed a look she looked stunned like she wanted to believe me but couldn't I apologized for keeping all this from her because I didn't know how to bring it up she told me she didn't believe me and would confirm with her genetic father so I told her to take the time she needed to process all this later that day she came again crying and apologizing for not believing me I held her and cried and apologized too it was kind of therapeutic we had a long chat and I did feel closer to her when we were done she said she wanted to take me out to a surprise to help me feel better in a couple of days which I happily agreed to I went to see her yesterday in this little restaurant with a patio that had a private pay for use area for a maximum of four people due to CO as she ran up to me and gave me a hug she led me to the patio where her biological father stood she told me he was here to apologize and start my healing journey I just wanted to leave but he grabbed my hand and all those memories I tried to repress just came back out I started having a panic attack and lost balance to which he tried to help me keep my balance which worsened everything I honestly don't remember how I left but I ended up in my car just sobbing I called my Elder son to pick me up because I was not fit to drive at that moment today my daughter called me upset that I ruined her surprise but I was extremely upset with her I asked her why she did that when she knows everything that happened between me and him and she tried to use the excuse of my healing Journey but I wasn't having it she admitted that she wanted me to get used to him because he's going to be walking her down the aisle along with my husband and doing the daddy daughter dance I told her that while I loved her and respect her decision to be with him I am not willing to be anywhere he is she started complaining about how she wants all her family to be there and I'm still not forgiving but I hung up the phone my husband is aware of everything and stands by me of not going to her wedding but I don't want this if my other children were to know they would stand by me and tell the rest of their extended family which is going to lead to my daughter getting disowned by the family there is no need to give me advice on this because I will be seeking professional Aid anyways one good thing to come out of this is that I'm finally confident enough to seek therapy thank you for listening to my venting and for commenting on my last post happy holidays I hope you enjoy it with those who you love update two hello everyone it has been a while since I last posted on this website I have a few new updates for everyone that has been asking me I apologize for not getting to everyone in my direct messages but I really appreciate everyone sending me support through those tough times I would like to share some good news before going on about what happened with my daughter my husband is able to walk again albeit with a cane but it is progress we have been going to physical therapy to help strengthen his legs after his accident it's good to see him happy and walking again I've also been to therapy and met this wonderful and sweet therapist my therapist is so patient and kind since my husband and I started together a few weeks ago she has been extremely helpful bless her soul and all those who recommended therapy I would have missed out on such an experience so my thanks go out to all of you like most of you advised my therapist also advised me to tell my other children about what went on between my youngest for reference I have three other children 30 M 27f 27 M my eldest boy is the only one that had a slight idea of what happened but the other two were left unaware I was quite scared and anxious to tell them what happened especially because my mother and other family members initially reacted negatively I invited them over around 2 weeks ago for a family dinner and told them everything that happened with the conception of my youngest to what happened recently they were all silent and stared at me so I became a little nervous until my daughter started crying it was so upsetting for her and my two sons were pissed off at my youngest and her father they asked why I didn't tell them earlier and I told them I was just scared of how they could have reacted my husband took them out of the dining room to talk while my eldest daughter just cried together when my boys and husband came back they apologized for leaving early and left my eldest daughter wanted to spend the night with me but early in the morning she left with her brothers to do whatever I didn't hear anything from them until last Wednesday I was on Facebook when I saw my Elder daughter's post calling out my younger daughter for not only ignoring the man who raised her but siding with her mother's AR piss and re-traumatizing her my boys made similar posts as well dragging her name through the mud I had so many direct messages but I didn't want anything to do with them so I deleted the app off my phone since I don't like people knowing about my personal life I asked my kids to take down the post they said they did but I haven't redownloaded the app to find out my youngest would have been husband came to my house with his mother to apologize he told me he broke off the engagement because he couldn't be with someone who treated their parents like that his mother let me know how disgusted she was with my daughter's actions and someone like that would never be a part of her family I was honestly stunned by all the support I have received it's one thing to receive support online but receiving support in real life was surreal for me I am a bit disappointed because I wanted my daughter's former fiance to join the family as he is a lovely and sweet boy but he has boundaries in a relationship my daughter unfortunately crossed as for my youngest she is furious with me she sent me a nasty voicemail saying that I ruined her life her friends and fiance basically Cut Her Off needless to say I felt terribly sorry because I had attempted to avoid this situation at all costs I went through what she is experiencing and I know exactly what it feels like I told my therapist about this and she told me that the difference is that while I was the victim my daughter brought it on herself my therapist is probably right but I can't stop this feeling of dread I tried to call my daughter but once I heard her father on the line I hung up he took it upon himself to let me know that my daughter is depressed because of my actions I feel terrible for treating my daughter like this my husband says that I should focus on myself and I'm trying to but I just can't stop worrying I don't think that my daughter is safe when she's with her biological father this is all that's going on in my life right now for all those asking thanks for listening to me and thanks for the advice again I really appreciate everything
give me a good story on orig
AIT for telling my sister that my husband said the police wouldn't believe me subsequently making her nervous of my husband my husband 34m is a police Sergeant we have been married for 2 years he got the rank within those years I f25 am an art history teacher and also I do paintings on the side like commissions for people for their wedding sl/ pets that sort of thing this situation happened last week my husband got home from work and I was working on a commission a painting of a wedding venue my husband was looking at it touched it a little complimenting it and I asked him to give it back you know being bashful he responded with or what and I told him I'd call the police LOL I know that sounds weird not knowing me but that wasn't a crazy thing to say I say dramatic things all the time he responded by scoffing though telling me and what would they do I thought at first he was commenting on the absurdity of calling 911 over a painting but upon further talk no he meant as in what would they do because of him I asked
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmysisterthatmyhusbandsaidthepolicewouldntbelievemesubsequently
AIT for not changing a table in a restaurant because of a stranger's allergy my fiance 30m and I 25f went on a date yesterday we decided to have a stroll and then go to a local restaurant but we didn't book a table because it was Monday and this place is never crowded on the way to the restaurant my partner bought me a small bouquet of tulips from a street vendor it was lovely so when we arrived there was a vacant table just at the entrance one empty table next to a window and some seats at the bar available of course we took the window table our waiter instantly brought a small small vase for the flowers but one lady in her mid-40s gave me a strange look when I put my tulips into the vase she was dining with a man who was supposedly her husband at the closest to us another window table she was staring for several minutes before she came to us and asked us to change the table because she is allergic to flowers we told her we didn't want to S other sitting options were not as good as our current one at this moment the waiter came to take our order and the lady started complaining to him he suggested that we sit at the bar my fiance asked him why he didn't suggest it to the lady instead since it's her who have a problem
give me a good story on AITAfornotchangingatableinarestaurantbecauseofastrangersallergy
Health Inspectors what's the worst violation you've ever seen my stepmother is the lead health inspector for a decent sized Suburban Town while I have never asked what the worst thing she has witnessed as part of her job was I do know of one instance that was pretty gross so a truck full of lobsters was traveling down the highway and crashed the police came and eventually they toore the truck as a board of health inspector my stepmother was consulted to see if any of the lobsters were viable and she told them no the load is a total loss since there were literally lobsters scattered across the highway covered in dirt sand Etc fast forward 24 hours later and one of the restaurants in town ran a special twin lobsters for $19.99 apparently the owner of the trucking towing company knew the restaurant owner pretty well so they made a deal whereby the restaurant would pay a very discounted price for the road lobsters the restaurant would turn around and illegally serve the lobsters to unsuspecting customers or sell them out of a truck behind the restaurant I'm not sure what the repercussions were but I think they were shut down for like a week they closed shortly thereafter and now there's a new restaurant there the towing company lost their contract to tow vehicles and semi-trucks with the town and the state you aren't covered for lobster crashes on your insurance plan a little weird story two not a health inspector but my mom told me the story some time ago when she was in her early 20s she had started working as a waitress for the restaurant in this big fancy Hotel just a few days after she started working there the hotel was hosting some big event so there were a ton of super rich people staying there and thus the restaurant was super busy so my mom goes into the kitchen at one point and sees that one of the chefs is clearly sick he's coughing and hacking and continually wiping his runny nose on a handkerchief right as he's making food so my mom goes over to her boss and is like hey uh this Chef is pretty sick can't be working right now he's going to make everyone else sick her boss tells her that the guy said he's fine and not to worry about it so my mom goes to the sick guy and tells him that he has to leave to prevent the food from being contaminated he tells her that he tried to call in sick but the boss told him that they were going to be too busy and they needed him and if he didn't show up for work he'd be fired so my mom goes back to the boss and he admits that yeah he knew the guy was really sick but he didn't care if everyone else got sick as long as they got through the event my mom tells her boss that this is wrong and that he needs needs to send the guy home take back everyone's food refund their money throw out all the food that may have been contaminated close the place down and clean it up he simply just laughs at her and tells her she's fired so she went and did the logical thing she walked out into the dining room stood up on top of a table and shouted to everyone at the event that the boss forced a sick man to work today and all of their food was probably contaminated there was practically a riot everyone crowded around and screamed at the boss demanding their money money back in the end the restaurant was temporarily closed everyone got their money back the boss of the restaurant was fired by the owner of the hotel and Mom got to keep her job very cool your mom is a real MVP Man story three former inspector here I once discovered a rat infestation in the kitchen of a hospital they asked me if I could prove my quote unquote suspicions I pointed out the numerous food stuffs with 1 in to 2 in circular holes chewed in them but they didn't seem convinced I showed them the trail of droppings and Footprints coming in and going from a hole in the floor drain but they still didn't seem convinced I showed them the three deceased rats I had discovered under and around equipment and I think they began to believe me at that point citations included rat infestation and absolutely deplorable cleaning practices story four I used to have a job working as an inspector for storage tanks at places like dairies and factories I went to a Cheesecake Factory want to test a milk storage tank it had just been cleaned and was being prepped to be filled with a tanker full of milk I noticed the floor of the tank was covered in bleach and it turned out the floor manager couldn't be arst to spend the time sucking out the rest of the cleaning fluid used in the cleaning process and as standard just filled the tank with milk on top of a dozen gallons of bleach his theory was that there was enough milk to dilute the bleach to be acceptable consumption levels I wrote a report and he was promptly fired my 12 gallon estimate is just that an estimate it was a huge milk storage Silo 4,000 L I think and roughly half an inch of the floor of the tank was covered still in cleaning fluid the dilutions were're talking about probably wouldn't have been harmful or even tastable after being pasteurized and mixed with cheesecake ingredients but that's also a guess and it's also not the point my God you already went through the terrible trouble of cleaning it what the hell is an extra 5 to 10 15 minutes max to properly finish the job I'm glad he got fired Story five did food safety inspection at a large slaughter house for a while and we did our own inspections each shift and the government inspector stopped by once a day too one day I came around a corner and one of the workers who was running service for The Butchers had dropped a piece of ham on the floor so the proper way to handle this for him was to leave it there and call for a reinspect to come pick it up take it out to carve off any contaminated bits and rinse it in boiling water now it relatively often happens that meat was dropped on the floor it's just very very hard to avoid it when running in a factory setting with human labor so this was common what was uncommon was what the guy did next first he tried catching it as it fell which would have been fine no contact with any surface and he could have just thrown it back into the tub it had fallen out of he didn't catch it though and it landed on the floor thinking that no one was watching ing he tried picking it up and dropped it again he did this three times so first and foremost he's not supposed to be touching anything that's been on the floor it cross contaminates his hands and he has nowhere to put the contaminated product anyway but he did this three times and dropped it three times freshly carved hams can be slippery when wearing vinyl gloves he then out of pure frustration and annoyance at the unwieldy ham dropped down on all fours and proceeded to pick up the raw freshly cut 6 kilo ham by his teeth stood up ham dangling from his Choppers and dropped it into the tub with around 600 kg of product and drove off with the tube for processing he was fired a few minutes after that and the entire tub of product had to be discarded story six when my son was about five or so we had a nanny who used to look after him and she used to take him to a local pub where one of her friends worked he got used to sitting at the bar eating a packet of crisp what we called chips and drinking a soda I'm starting to realize though as I recount this that it doesn't reflect too well on my parenting skills but oh well he's 17 now so I guess it's too late for social services to come and take him away anyway the nanny was great no matter what you might say and The Nanny and her friend were around the corner in the other bar chatting away when a couple of bited gentlemen wandered into the bar my son was laying a line of chips along the bar and one of the gents started talking to him it's worth noting that the regulars in the bar were used to him being there and often refer to him as boss they let him pour them drinks and so on under the supervision of the bar staff and needless to say it is illegal for 5-year-olds to be employed as bar staff even in the UK I'm in charge here what would you like to drink offered my son scooting around the back of the bar no it's okay thanks what are the crisps for oh I'm feeding my friend my son replied really where's your friend he lives in that little hole my son pointed to a hole in the wall towards the end of the bar and sometimes he comes out and I feed him on Q a small Mouse appeared out of the hole ran along the bar and started eating the crisps the men were environmental health officers the pub was shut down that week and never reopened luckily they weren't police otherwise the nanny's friend would have been in serious trouble this story was pieced together from the report of The Nanny and also my son who thought the whole thing was hilarious the nanny's friend was quite relieved as she hated the job anyway I love the fact that this mous can enter the stage on Q as if he was best friends with the little boy now if you also agree that this story looked like at least the rough draft of a Disney movie hello Ratatouille don't forget to hit that like button and subscribe to my channel for more funny content let's go ahead and get back to the stories story seven I had a health inspector tell me this story there was a family in which the elderly mother and a handicapped sibling used wheelchairs and another sibling lived in the house with them and did all the driving Etc the health department got a phone call from the local wheelchair company the brother stopped by and picked up a new custombuilt wheelchair for his sister and for his mother and returned within about 30 minutes saying that the sister's wheelchair hadn't been made to the right specifications it was too small after we left the staff noticed several Roaches on the chair so the guy I met got a call apparently it was summer Midwest meaning both hot and humid and the house was all locked up with no open windows for ventilation curtains drawn Etc the inspector entered the house house and he said it was so stiflingly hot that he started to get dizzy and he thought he hallucinated he said that there was a sound like leaves rustling in the fall and the walls and Floors were kind of vibrating he then realized it was because they were literally covered in roaches he immediately evacuated the three people living there and the next day they tented and sprayed the house he went in in a tyvec suit and knee high rubber boots and said that the deceased roaches were about 2 and 1/2 ft deep in most parts of the house it's moments like these that make me think that people just straight up sometimes open a portal to hell in their homes or something story eight not a health inspector but my mom used to work at this restaurant where the owner just did not give a crap it was a Mexican restaurant and so my mom told me that once a lady came in asking for Calo Dees beef soup but they didn't have any more meat at least not the one used for that dish they were about to let the lady know when the owner stepped up and told the lady that her food would be right out the server and my mom were both confused as to what she was going to do so this lady goes and literally digs through the freaking trash and pulls out some beef some still with bone she then ran it through some water cooked it and served it to that poor lady my mom says the lady was even sucking on the bone and she almost felt sick watching her my mom quit that job soon after asked my mom again about it and here is what she said the bone and meat was not raw it was left over from people who had ordered the same thing they had almost ran out of that soup all the meat was gone so they thought they would not serve anymore the owner grabbed the bone and meat from the trash rinsed it and threw it back in what was left of the soup heated it up for a bit and served it just thought I needed to clarify this story nine not a health inspector but I worked as an assistant cook in a restaurant two weeks into the job I opened a cuper to get a can of tomato sauce and I saw a huge tarantula scuttling away behind the cans I told the boss what I had seen so that maybe we should get someone to deal with a huge spider living in the kitchen my boss turns to me and says ah I see you've met Eduardo just don't put your hand too close to him and you'll be all right later another cook proceeded to explain to me that the spider had been living there for two years and they just allowed it because he kept rodents and roaches away this is a true story so know this every time that you think about swatting a spider remember that there is a possibility that a friendly spider is guarding your favorite restaurants food against nasty Critters story 10 for as bad as some of these stories are I hope people understand that people in restaurants do touch your food there's nothing that you eat in a restaurant that hasn't been directly touched by somebody in the kitchen and some of you might be thinking well why don't they all just wear latex gloves actually there's a couple of reasons they break far too easily among others that make it impractical but mostly important if you only wear gloves and whatever it is that you think is on their hand is now just on their latex gloves compulsive handwashing hair nets and keeping the place properly cleaned is as much as anybody can reasonably expect incidentally Applebees has to be the cleanest place I've ever worked at if you were standing around they'd hand you a toothbrush and tell you scrub the grout between the tiles and every day it was like a good two hours of cleaning after the place was closed that's what a good Head Start story 11 not me but my cousin she was a health inspector for the city of Melbourne Australia many years ago and her advice never eat at Chinatown there's dead fish floating in tanks of seafood restaurants with barely alive fish in the same tanks slime and mold ins set tanks Rusty surfaces used as chopping boards and mold covered wooden chopping boards raw meats prepared together with raw vegetables the lady washing the dishes at the cash register was the same lady that cleaned the toilets and made the dumplings she never washed her hands and it doesn't matter how much you pay whether you spent $200 on your meal or $20 they're all as filthy as each other the most expensive and well-known ones were actually the worst offenders cockroaches also cockroaches everywhere there is no such thing as an expiry date sauces mask everything there is a saying here though that many people are aware of the nastier the place the better the dumplings taste story 12 my mom's an inspector my favorite is the woman who bought a bulk bag of rice from China she starts working her way through it and the rice starts tasting a little funky whatever it's not too bad and it was a great deal gets 34 of the way through the bag and finds a mummified bird the strange taste was because the rice absorbed it and preserved the corpse the grossest one is probably the fish place that caught fire but didn't burn down turns out public health and the fire department need to go in to condemn the place mom comes in with her hard hat and some freaking bulk boots and the fire chief with her the smell is horrible Critters everywhere fire chief Bales in the first 5 minutes to spew outside mom worked in a slaughterhouse and is metal AF so she just mouth breathes her way through it then she starts hearing little plinking noises and feeling impacts on her helmet it was freaking Critters on the ceiling falling on her the place definitely got condemned the most hilarious one was probably a call that came through for a skunk bite turns out this toddler was at the grandparents house on the back brazed patio sees a kitty and rushes towards it in excitement definitely not a kitty though the skunk sprays the Kid full in the face the kid is screaming falls on the skunk skunk is freaking out and bites the kid grandparents are horrified and probably never allowed to babysit the kid ever again story 13 I'm not a health inspector but I've worked in dozens of fast food restaurants in my teens and 20s to know a clean kitchen from a dirty one I worked for a company that made Take and Bake Chicago style vegan pizzas in Seattle having worked for many fast food restaurants I was shocked at the following there was no ventilation they pre-cooked the pizza crust to en llarge walk-in ovens but the ventilation fan above it never worked so a few times a month people who go home early from breathing in too much exhaust there's no smoke detectors or fire extinguishers anywhere when a small fire did break out the first words from the boss were why did you call the fire apartment none of the food be it canned or perishable was ever dated when it arrived the dough roller was cleaned only once a month and only by a professional working at a Pizza Hut they cleaned it twice a day got an oral warning when I took it apart and cleaned with mineral oil I brought with me and out of a staff of 10 people me and another worker were the only ones with food handlers permits driver who delivered the pizzas to QFC and Safeway stores had no valid license hippie employees built a compost pile for Waste which attracted rodents and when it rained Juices Flow Down and Under The Outdoor walk-in fridge propped up with cement blocks creating a Cess pool for insects hand washing sink was falling off the wall the paper towel rack was basically a coat hanger nailed to the wall on storage racks chemicals stored above canned and perishable food cat living in the kitchen cuz you know to deal with the rats attracted by the compost pile employees dropping pre-cooked crusts on the floor just dusting it off and using them anyway never cleaning the Food Slicer after slicing up buckets of green peppers onions and mushrooms they had three sinks for wash rinse and sanitize but all they did was wash and rinse when I showed them that they needed to fill that last sink with lukewarm water and half a cap of bleach they often filled it with hot water thus making the bleach evaporate quickly and defeat its whole purpose when I left that job I reported them to the health board for sure story 14 I'm a health inspector actually shut down a restaurant today for failing their inspection the following are several things I've seen fairly recently at different places mostly a Asian or Indian places first vent Hood so dirty and clogged grease was Dripping into the food Today's Restaurant second moldy food on the cook line about to be served also Today's Restaurant three a dead cockroach in the raw shrimp bucket on the cook line when I pointed it out the cook fished out the roach with his finger threw it away and proceeded to throw some shrimp on the grill like nothing was wrong fourth a restaurant so infested with roaches the roaches were crawling over the prepared food and the weight staff were just flicking them off and bringing the plates to the customers fifth walked in to do an inspection and a guy had been living in the restaurant under a table he had a sleeping bag all of his life's accessories and he was smoking cigarettes eating all of his food Etc under the prep table and six a Faux restaurant had a giant pot of uh what they call soup that was room temperature and they just threw whatever meat and veggies and whatever else they didn't use that day into the pot and left it out overnight this was their base for the foe the next day I've only been doing this four years and I have hundreds of stories but enjoy those few story 15 here are a couple I remember from my wife's days as a restaurant inspector for the State Health Department first a complaint from a grocery store that the Chinese restaurant next door was raiding their dumpster each night and taking all the products they could find second walking into another Chinese restaurant and seeing pigeons in a cage in the back room you know just regular City pigeons asking you're not serving these to the customers are you and being told oh no no those are just for us I don't mean to disparage Chinese people by citing these two incidents about Chinese restaurants but the truth is that many Chinese people come to the US on a shoestring budget and cut Corners as much as they can plus the standards of healthy food service are often very strange to them telling someone that they can't cut the lettuce for the salad bar with the same knife they just used to cut a raw chicken is like telling them they have to stand on their head before cooking something they just don't get it they always did it this way at home your body gets used to fighting off the bacteria you grow up with and people from the other side of the planet have bodies that can handle bacteria we aren't used to in the midwest part of the us but that's a very hard point to get across here's one more from Another Side of the economic spectrum I have a friend who plays in a band which has some national recognition I won't say any more than that but they've had a few top 10 hits he told me once that his band was booked to play a very expensive of corporate New Year's party for a very rich Corporation the party took place at a very Swanky hotel in a big city he and the band had to load in through the hotel restaurant kitchen unfortunately the sewers had backed up and the entire kitchen of this Swanky Hotel restaurant was ankled deep and raw sewage but there was no way the hotel manager was going to go out into the party room and explain to a host of $1,000 a plate diners that the kitchen was closed on New Year's Eve so the kitchen staff kept cooking and the waiters kept serving they put on rubber boots before entering the sewer kitchen to grab the next plate so the moral of the story is that food service is all about the money first understandable because if there's no money there's no food service but you are just as likely to get food poisoning at the most expensive restaurant in town as you are at some local hole in the wall sometimes more so because there's just more money at stake I hope you guys enjoyed the video and kept a cool stomach while we all listen to them and if you made it this far I'm sure you're also going to enjoy fast food workers what should we never order Story five will surprise you and probably change your life I'll see you in that video and thank you for watching this one
give me a good story on HealthInspectorsWhatsTheWorstHEALTHVIOLATIONYouveSeen
today we've got a great story of malicious compliance that takes place in 15 minutes we'll get into that in a bit but first new manager putting productivity over everything I worked at a call center of nurses to give advice on whether the caller needed to go to the ER GP manage symptoms at home etc etc as its Health advice it's crucial to document everything because if someone was for example instructed to stay at home while exhibiting clear stroke symptoms we would be responsible well a new manager was hired above our own floor manager to increase productivity as the number of calls were increasing rapidly beginning of covid she felt it necessary to reduce the time we spent on finishing UND documenting after the call had ended in addition to medical records we had to fill out a short questionnaire about each call to monitor the reasons people call us internal purposes not really my expertise so it obviously took a while average time I think was around 3 minutes after each call the new manager informed us that 90 seconds was going to be enough and she asked the IT department to make the program push us a new call after those 90 seconds whether we were ready or not the call would ring loudly first on headphones and after 10 seconds on the computer sound system new patient information screen popped up everything unfinished was pushed to the back and we had to either decline the call only allowed in emergencies or let it ring and try to work over the ringing which could not be muted it was horrible the noise was unbearable and just in a few hours we workers complain so much that the new managers just told us to take the new call and finish up the old one while talking to the new patient Q malicious compliance patient information law similar to Hippa in the US violations here we come having two patients info up at the same time trying to figure out why the ladder called and wrapping up the previous one how many documentations were written on the wrong patients records we tried it was even worse than before it took us about an hour to realize it would never work and so we took the new call asked them to wait for a second muted the call and finished up the previous one the customers were not happy but us workers gladly directed them to Avenues to give feedback through the company got so many bad reviews and online complaints in the first 6 hours that they had to regroup and stay late on that Monday evening to undo everything we went back to normal on Tuesday 2 hours later than we should have opened due to reprogramming the new man manager was with us Less Than 3 months don't miss her a bit I had the most chaotic headache inducing 8 and 1/2 hours of my life that day still have nightmares of that ringtone and sadly I feel like this is just par for the course as far as anything relating to healthcare goes yet another part of the health care chain that you call up sometimes in dire situations and you get somebody that's overworked and can't even really give the full Focus that you probably need alcohol 183 rad I worked several call centers I had so many higher ups not understand that 90 seconds is not enough time to get the information you need to even start the freaking call let alone leave the customer happy hi thank you for calling xbank can I have your 16-digit account number your name your mother's made a name before we begin your balance as of today is X your last payment of X was received on X and your next payment of X is du1 X if you haven't already signed up for paperless billing please let me know before the call is over and I can do that for you automatic payments are also available please let me know and I can set them up for you as well please be advised all calls are monitored and may be recorded for quality purposes at the end of this call there will be a survey please don't hang up so you can complete it what is the reason for your call today dude there's 60 seconds gone and you haven't even heard them explain why they called yet I can't even imagine trying to help someone with a complex medical issue op responded saying the 90 seconds was after the call in the calls had a different time limit that was reasonable and the stuff that we needed to report could not be accessed during the call so we couldn't delay ending the call to fill those either also hi I'm step and if you guys enjoy awesome stories of malicious compliance why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is email above anything else I'm not sure if this story belongs here or in am I the jerk let's start with a bit of background I work for a very big company but due to my specialty my work is split across the main company and one of the smaller companies the MD of the main company allows my days to be split in half the big company is very laid-back when it comes to my work as long as my work is done by the deadline date they pretty much don't care what I do during the work week in the smaller company I report to the SE Suite but the CEO let's call the CEO raw cuz the sun doesn't rise until he gets out of bed raw is most interested in what I do during the day if if I didn't know better I'd say that raw thinks that I don't work but sit around playing computer games all day raw send anything 20 to 30 emails to me per day and more than half will be the same question just phrased differently each email response is usually anything from two to five typed pages I even had emails sent to me at p.m. and at 8:30 the following morning an email asking why I haven't responded to the previous email if I'm asked the same question multiple times I ignore the majority of the email and only answer the question once when I'm working I need to concentrate and most days I close my email client so that I'm not Disturbed last Monday I'm working quite happily and I get a WhatsApp from them asking to please read an email and respond post taste to quote raw I stop what I'm doing as I get the sinking feeling that something bad is about to happen as per usual there are 30 emails from raw the first email starts off by stating you must always answer emails as quickly as possible as it is unprofessional and shows disrespect to the writer of the email C malicious compliance I stop what I'm doing and start to respond to each email individually making sure that my answers to the same questions are different I further indicate that I only work for him half day and will stop my work at exactly the middle of the workday I spend the next day and a half responding to emails and not doing my work even though there's a deadline looming for ra and his little company these days when I walk into the office in the morning RW seems to have spent the entire night responding to the emails and in the process dragging other members of Staff into the email Trail and the email is getting so complex that I don't know what's going on yesterday I was expected to have finished raw's work and when asked to present the outcome I simply said that I had not finished when asked why my response was that I was so busy responding to emails I was unable to do the work raw lost his mind and started to threaten me with being fired he said that there was a customer that was waiting for the result of my work he then asks why was emails put above doing my work and all I did was produce a copy of the email my boss from the big company was also present and all she did was laugh she then told raw that I will no longer do any work for his company and he must find somebody else I can't believe you did exactly the thing I told you to do what are you thinking provides the script from them ordering them to do s thing my favorite is when people when presented with the proof that they were told to do that the bosses try to Pivot and say well you just misunderstood me I didn't mean it like that I just it sounded like I meant for you to do that clearly this is all your fault not me appropriate rip 996 wrote I have glass walls to my office so I can be seen at all times sometimes I have to do video editing I'm concentrating I'm working I get knocks on the glass like I'm a zoo animal they don't stop until I answer I then try to get back into the project repeat sometimes they pound on the glass Shan bza responded to that saying every Interruption take a 15minute break and note the interruption on the workflow after the first miss deadline you simply bring up that you'd been Disturbed X number of times during the job and each one took a half hour to rewind the edit back to a save point and then carry on and try to redo the edit again but that each Interruption kept you from doing so most of the day pivot the blame on those who will not take no for a response and let them do the explanation for why the thing they blew the deadline was so important and could not be conveyed in an email our next story is can't switch with one preacher I'll switch with the other for context I'm a pastor in a large denomination that takes years to become fully recognized or ordained as a clergy person there are several interviews with different teams to see if a person is fit to serve when the story occurred I was already past four steps in working on the last and final step step to be ordained part of the step required recording and submitting a sermon on one of only a set number of biblical texts sermons using outside texts would not be accepted at the time I was an associate pastor in a relatively large church almost a thousand on a Sunday between multiple services and I was initially hired to be one of the primary preachers however the senior pastor would set the sermon series sermon topics and scriptures for each Sunday we were asked to stay on theme and on topic for any service in which we preached soon after I arrived at this church the senior pastor who had been there for many years announced their retirement an interim would take their place until the next long-term Pastor was selected we'll call this interim pastor Richard the first time I met with Pastor Richard after the former pastor's retirement and his start he told me that he didn't think I had what it took to be a pastor he then proceeded to strip me of nearly all my pastoral responsibilities prior to his arrival I regularly preached three or four Sundays a month was called for visits and oversaw the sacraments after the meeting with Pastor Richard I was relegated to organizing a team of 125 volunteers ensuring we had liturgists ushers greeters and parking lot attendance my preaching was also cut to just once a month at best and even though I was working on my paperwork for the final step toward ordination Pastor Richard refused to schedule any of the biblical texts required for this sermon for my ordination paperwork to his credit he did say that I could use whatever verses from the Bible that I wanted so long as I stayed on theme for the sermon and series however I refuse to bend scripture to say something that it doesn't if a text is about forgiveness I won't try and proof text it to make it fit a theme of Justice somehow every time I was scheduled to preach the theme of the sermon did not fit any of the handful of texts I was allowed to preach for my paperwork for anyone curious it was also a requirement that the sermon be delivered in the church you were serving at the time meaning I couldn't fill in for someone else in order to complete the task eventually Pastor Richard's interim tenure was drawing to a close there was one Sunday between his departure and the next senior pastor's arrival that Sunday was not part of a sermon series and did not have a selected theme it was preacher choice this would have been perfect because I could get at least one sermon recorded for my paperwork to submit usually you'd want to record all of the texts so that you could choose the best one of the group however I was not scheduled as one of the preachers for any of the services the two scheduled preachers for Sunday were Greg and Sarah Greg was not a pastor and was not on track to become a pastor so I went to Pastor Richard and asked if I could take Greg's place so that I could record at least one sermon for submission for ordination Richard told me that I could not switch with Greg and he would would not allow me to take his place I agreed that I would not take Greg's place and left his office but shortly after I left Richard's office I went over and met with Sarah I knew she wanted that particular weekend off so I offered to switch preaching assignments I would take the weekend I wanted and she would switch for a weekend a month down the line Sarah immediately agreed and I went to the person who sent our weekly email and had the information switched I didn't ask permission and I didn't tell Richard what I done the email went out on Wednesday night and on Thursday morning when Richard came in the first thing he did was come into my office he demanded to know why I disobeyed his order I simply pointed out that he told me I couldn't preach in Greg's place which I wasn't instead I would preach in Sarah's place there wasn't much he could do because the information had already been sent out to the church so he left my office in a rage I preached on Sunday using one of the required texts and used it to submit for the final step in my ordination unfortunately I was not ordained that year it would take me another year beyond that but the look on his face when he realized I had followed his order to the letter and there was nothing he could do about it still makes me chuckle years later I just don't understand why he was so against op making any progress in their career in what they want to do with the rest of their life and plus this is just an interim guy right so there's no real skin in the game of trying to like assert their role or try to make sure that op can't usurp them and take the job upset padm wrote you didn't say why Pastor Richard had it in for you do you know op responded to that saying hard to truly say a couple church members took issue with the fact that I went on Parental leave when my daughter was born and felt that the husband's job was to continue working and the wife's job was to stay home my first meeting with Pastor Richard was just after coming off of leave our next story is I warned her Camp Edition traumatized them back thought you all would like my story in the late ' 7s I went to Girl Scout camp it was great but one night they served boiled spinach and as fade would have it I'd been playing with Pond Moss that very afternoon add to this i' tried spinach once at a friend's house and I threw up Mom despised spinach so it hadn't crossed my plate any other time at dinner that night our vegetable was boiled spinach I told the counselors I can't eat this I'll throw up if you don't take at least three brownie bites you can't have dessert what is dessert I queried ice cream sandwiches answered the counselors dang game on okay I want that I'm going to take a bite and puke should I aim for the railing it was semi Outdoors the counselors had stopped caring uh-huh sounds good I took the bite swallowed it and promptly puked over the railing suddenly they are all action and rushed me to the one stall bathroom that was a occupied I puked in the sink until the vile green crap was out of my system as I wiped my mouth with the paper towel I said so do I need to take my other two bites several counselors asked me shortly thereafter if you knew you were going to throw up why did you eat it I love ice cream sandwiches I answered my sweet mother raised heck upon my return from Camp that summer and the forc three bite rule went away at campaka for many many years if you don't eat your meat you can't have any pudding I'll tell you one thing op's a Trailblazer anytime any of those people came across another kid that said I'm going to throw up they probably took them very seriously retired night shift wrote my mom cooked pork chops into leather because if undercooked we could get worms you had to have good teeth to eat my mom's pork chops Opie responded saying salmon was such a delightful surprise when I first tried it as an adult mom's fish was leather in McDonald's fileo fish was odd though edible I didn't have good seafood until I was in college in the early 9s I'm realizing how ridiculous this is since the Pacific Ocean is 10 Mi that way our next story is change the business name okay sometimes just the threat of malicious compliance is all you need years ago a gentleman owned a chain of auto parts stores he always named each door name of town Auto Parts and put the initials on the building one of the stores was in a town that started with a W inadvertently placing in at the time racial slur on the building I'll let you go down the rabbit hole after being up there for many years the city fathers think City Hall today came down and told him he needed to take that down because it's offensive the owner said it's the initials of the business how is it offensive the city says we don't care take it down or else at that point the owner looks them dead in the eye and says okay I'll change the business names to Frank's United Chicken Kitchen and put those initials up there it took the father's all of a minute to say never mind keep it like it is they left and never had any other issues with them about the sign honestly I wanted to see him go through with this malicious compliance because he went from an auto part store to a place that's technically called Franks United Chicken Kitchen Franklin 2543 wrote reminds me that the Urban Dictionary entry to finding those initials as wireless access point had been around a lot longer than the other one rambling Reflections replied I'm a network admin when cardi B came out with I had to change my terminology at work quicksmart I'll never forget the giggling fit the teaching grad had when I arrived to her class and told her I was there to have a look at her nonfunctional they're now Wireless APS our next story is want me to use old pallets all right then so a few years back back I worked for a brick SL block making firm I was using the cuber a machine that would push the bricks and blocks onto a wooden pallet I was tasked with stacking newly made bricks on pallets and stacking said pallets in the shed to keep them out of the weather I was using the new pallets like we normally do for the bricks as they would be stacked four pallets High about 8 m tall or about 26 ft my boss yelled at me saying just use the old pallets I replied with the old pallets are not strong enough for that weight well he was always right and demanded to do as he said skipped to a few hours later and I hear my boss yelling and swearing up a storm one of the old pallets at the bottom collaps destroying about 4,000 worth of product he starts yelling at me and putting the blame on me now this was a long time coming and I was done being blamed for his screw-ups I stood over him and started yelling back you told me to use the old pallets I did as you said so don't you dare blame me for your screw up I then turned around and left now he didn't like to admit he was wrong but when I got to my station the next Monday there was a new toolkit sitting there for me this is the prime situation where you try to make sure that you do have it in writing I'm glad that in the end it was at least like silently acknowledged that op was right and it was something that they said and demanded be done but man last thing you want to do is be potentially on the line for 4,000 or multiple thousands of dollars of product and all you have to back you up is a he said she said with your higher up little wig of the potato people wrote I used to do shipping in a warehouse all the UPS and FedEx I was super picky about the UPS pallets they could be loaded up with a thousand plus pounds of material by the time they came to pick up sometimes over a ton on one and rarely both if the pallets didn't come back the next day I had four in rotation two go out as yesterday's two come back I would head over to the inbound side of the warehouse and hunt down a couple good big pallets reason being crappy pallets would break when you pick them up to put them on the rapper SL scale sometimes they'd get freaked up in transit in loading or unloading or they'd have to switch trailers and the old ones were left in a different one there was one week my pallets weren't coming back at all asked the UPS guy to remind his unloaders that we needed them back every day our next story is not until 401 malicious compliance I work in a place that has a queue taking incoming calls until 400 p.m. it's generally always busy always understaffed but that's the nature of the Beast I work the closing shift where you generally come in at a later time and stay later so a few years back I used to work extra hard trying to get my end of work duties done early between calls in order to leave early right when we shut down manager was totally on board with this sometimes I'd be done by 410 sometimes 4:45 didn't matter I left when my work was done and rarely had a stay to my full 500 p.m. enter the supervisor person right under manager and the person who complains about having never enough time to do her job when she spends 60% of said time out of her seat gossiping with other co-workers okay not my circus not my monkeys I ignore it and proceed to keep it my habit of working my butt off to get done early this usually meant multitasking between calls and adding extra stress to work off a sheet for another aspect of our job this goes well for years until supervisor starts wondering why calls aren't retrieved from voicemail after hours never mind that it's my job to get them in the morning following which I always do eventually I decide okay I'll stop working double when the queue is active and save that work for 401 since that would make her feel better no problem I refuse to do anything but answer calls cuz that's my immediate priority fast forward months later and supervisor is constantly asking people to help on the list between calls nope not until 40 one ma'am meanwhile the actual manager the one in charge is happy as a clam with super high productivity after all I'm focusing on calls only until 4:01 at which time I'll start my closing duties and not a minute before update okay first of all I apologize for the vagueness of the OG post I've had a quiet laugh about some of the comments and I'm sorry for the confusion I'll try and clarify where I can and I've updated and edited because you all had a field day about our work abbreviation of the word q into qu I work for a hospital so I have to be careful how I explain things and how much for Hippa and honestly just because I don't want to be too identifiable secondly a few of the replies got the basic gist correct in the hospital call center environment we take literally hundreds of calls from both patients and offices to schedule things on top of this we've been severely understaffed since covid and as a result we have less people taking calls than we should and more work being assigned to less people to struggle to get it done we have basically like the work of three people being assigned to one or two and that's assuming we have even the staff for it we don't so a lot of what's been happening is instead of working my butt off to get more stuff done during the day and leaving early as was always permitted by my manager I am saving all my closing stuff until the last minute it still only takes like 10 to 20 minutes max anyway but it means leaving other people to do their job instead of me working my butt off to do theirs for them just to save 20 minutes on average still much less stressful this way and I'm enjoying it a lot more now you ever have a job where you work for somebody that is so awesome that you'd be willing to break your back a little bit more just to get some extra stuff done especially if it ends up being an arrangement where it works out even better for the both of you only seems to last as long as that good manager does what are the chances the next person that comes into to oversee everything or the next higher up that steps in to just review everything is also going to be cool enough to be like ah this is a cool thing you got going seems to be productive seems to help morale and not just immediately go uh screw you our next story is one coffee coming right up I worked at a cafe in a big shopping center for a few months between jobs I actually liked the manager was a nut and liked to throw her weight around every evening she'd tell me to clean the coffee machine and get ready to close up every evening once I was done she would ask me to make her a coffee for the road I'd have to make it and then clean everything again I offered to make it for her before I cleaned the machine but she complained that it wouldn't be hot enough I received a better job offer and was looking forward to one more week before leaving however the next night she wanted her coffee after we'd already had to stay back and I definitely wasn't getting paid overtime everyone had left 30 minutes before I had had enough I took care to spill coffee grounds everywhere use as many utensils and jugs as I could and just make a huge mess as I handed her the coffee I told her I quit the look on her face was priceless as she realized she'd be the one cleaning up worth being poor for a week and on the other Spectrum you ever have somebody that you worked for that you despised enough that you'd want to spill coffee grounds all over the place and walk out I got to say it must have felt pretty nice for to finally just say take your stupid afterwork after cleaned machine coffee PN Gwyn wrote if she made you work unpaid overtime this would have been wage theft depending on where you live this can be rather expensive for the owners expensive enough that the manager would have gotten sacked immediately and you could have had a paid vacation our next story is if you have a problem it better be a 15minute problem my husband told me a story yesterday about his act of malicious compliance that happened about a DEC date ago in a previous job he worked 8 to 4 in an office many of his colleagues worked 9 to 5 so they were still working when he was leaving when he was about to leave he would usually be asked a technical question or asked to quickly glance over something by another member of Staff this was rarely quick and usually had him standing around for a further 10 minutes which on a regular basis starts to add up one day his manager was going over the monthly time sheets and asked my husband why he added 10 minutes on 5 days across the past month bear in mind flexi time was allowed my husband explained the situation referring to the specific problems he was asked to deal with on each of those 5 days the manager told him that the company only works in 15minute segments so we can't put down 10 minutes it would have to be 15 minutes however we can't round it up because that's dishonest he said so just bear it in mind for next time this was in front of the rest of the office that very same week my husband husband signs out of his computer at 400 p.m. just before he leaves the manager asks him to explain some of the particulars in an email he'd received from a contractor my husband asks how long will it take the manager replies just 5 minutes my husband then says unless it's a 15-minute problem I'll have to look at it tomorrow is it a 15-minute problem his manager turns red and awkwardly says it is not my husband respectfully states that he will put it at the top of his to-do list the following morning and leaves one of his colleagues texted him just after 5: and said there was an awkward silence after he' left and when the manager eventually got up and left to do something they all burst out laughing edit some people were asking about wage theft he eventually had the 15 minutes added back on after the policy revealed that he could round it up if it was a task that took 7.5 minutes or more and down if it wasn't the manager seemed genuinely unaware of this when it was raised he was salaried so he wasn't concerned about losing income just about losing flexi time that could have helped him put if something unprecedented happened like being stuck in traffic one day I think managers should spend a certain amount of time a week looking over their own policies or at least find out what they are before making any kind of instruction Katherine U wrote I had someone in my office who would come to me right before I was about to leave and asked really complex questions that would usually have me staying an extra half half an hour each day usually I didn't mind because I would claim the credit time but sometimes I had plans and didn't feel like staying around there was an empty office across from mine and somehow I'd been given a master key when I'd started so I could open any door in the office I never abuse the privilege of this but I began going into the empty office a half an hour before the end of my workday and finish working there so I could leave on time I would always hear him go to my space 10 minutes before I was set to leave light knock see I wasn't there and then I would hear him leave but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome malicious compliance story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceTHEBESTOFFICEMALICIOUSCOMPLIANCERedditStoriesorig
I destroyed my marriage for no reason and hate myself for it I know I'll probably come off as the villain but I need to get this out I destroyed my marriage and I still don't even know why I'm in my 20s so is my ex-wife we had this fast Summer Romance it was my first relationship that ever got serious she wanted to go to college in another country and I didn't want to lose her so I said I'd go with her maybe that's where I first up turns out getting a work visa when you don't know the language is pretty much impossible and so the only way I could go with her was if we got married she asked if I would marry her and I saides at the time I thought we would be getting married someday anyways so why not shorten the timeline a bit I really did love her I want to emphasize this because my actions later on admittedly did not reflect that we had a small wedding I've never been one for fancy things and she said she'd rather spend the money on our future than some elaborate party she spent months searching for an apartment for us in the country she'd be studying in but ultimately we had to decide on her going alone first when the school year started and me staying in our home country while she continued to search for a place for us to stay this was rough and honestly I couldn't stop imagining her finding someone new or going out to college parties the way all the movie show and finding someone she wanted more than me it's always been an insecurity of mine especially because she's buying some things she'd say sometimes made me wonder if she'd like being with a woman more long story short she ended up getting sick and we decided she should come back home and continue her studies here she got really depressed after coming back home she didn't want to go out because she didn't want to run into people we knew she felt like she'd failed in her goals I tried to help her get back on her feet but she was just so
give me a good story on Idestroyedmymarriagefornoreasonandhatemyselfforitorig
ex-boyfriend got my sister pregnant while cheating now my mom threatens to cut me off of my grandpa's inheritance if I don't attend their wedding I 35f met my ex-boyfriend Zach 38m almost 6 years ago while I was working at a restaurant he was really nice charming and mature he made me feel loved and special for some context I grew up in a dysfunctional family my dad and mom were both alcoholics who always used to always fight my dad passed away when my sister beatric 32f was born for some reason my mom was way tooo fond of beatric since her birth rather than me this is why beatric was basically Baby by my mother after Zach entered my life I felt a newfound sense of fulfillment he was supportive and caring always showering me with gifts and taking me on long drives with him I felt whole however our relationship wasn't all smooth in the beginning in fact he has cheated on me four times and even left me twice to be with other girls every time it wouldn't work out with him he would come back crying saying how I was the one and would beg me for forgiveness looking back I I had such low self-esteem during that time that I would think I could make him change for me but his Antics continued he would continue to follow random women on Instagram and I found out that he had been texting with his ex so we had a huge fight regarding this during these arguments he would try to Gaslight and manipulate me into believing that I should be a better girlfriend to him if I didn't want him to be distracted all of this started to get to me so I decided to take a break with him telling him that I needed to clear up my head he started arguing with me that I was making a big mistake but I knew I needed some space away from him to think during this time I made it clear to him that I didn't want him to talk with my mother and sister regarding this since they had become quite attached to him after I had introduced them he told me if I want to talk to them I will you're no one to stop me I tried to reason with him that this was our private matter and if he wanted us to work then he should not go and blabber anything to my family however my ex would frequently text my family and would even hang out with them my mom and sister would then lie to me about it if I asked about them being in contact with Zach due to their frequent Hangouts and text messages my family found out that I had broken up with Zach and this did not sit well with them they they confronted me about it telling me how I should stop with this break nonsense and get back together with Zach my younger sister beatric started telling me how Zach loved me and missed me so I should get over my childishness or else someone else might take up Zach I asked them if they knew exactly why I had asked Zach for a break into my shock my mother nodded she said how Zach had told her everything and she still didn't see why I needed space from him I tried to explain to her how he had exchanged inappropriate messages left me for two women and continued to be in contact with his ex but my mom interrupted me saying how we are so young and Men sometimes do this my eyes widened in shock and I asked her if my father had ever cheated on her she shook her head saying that she had actually cheated on my father once because she was blackout drunk but my father had chosen to forgive her she continued to say how I needed to show Grace to Zach since he is the only guy who is stuck by me I don't know why but my family's words got to me so I decided to get back with Zach the very next day but this time I told him that we both needed to go for counseling to address his cheating issues he begrudgingly agreed and we had a few sessions attempting to delve into the root causes of his behavior as a result our communication started to improve and our relationship started seeing some positive changes he unfollowed random girls and would no longer send inappropriate messages to anyone this was a blissful time in our relationship we had healthy sex and overall things seemed to be going well this is why I started getting eager to tie the knot with him but Zach said that he believed in securing our finances before considering marriage and children hence I respected This truly he was turning into the perfect partner for me or so I thought however last month I uncovered something that absolutely my world my boyfriend had been cheating on me with my sister beatric his deceit came to light when he claimed to be out of town for a week but I discovered receipts in his pocket that showed he had been in town all along I immediately got suspicious so that night when he was sleeping I checked his phone and this is how I discovered his messages with beatric there were hundreds of messages where they had confessed their love for each other as well as exchanged nudes I had tears in my eyes as I felt my heartbreak realizing that my own sister had done this to me this betrayal came out of nowhere and absolutely destroyed my once perfect life beatric and I had been close since childhood I loved her and looked out for her how could she betray me like this looking back there were signs I should have noticed Beatrice's overly affectionate Behavior towards Zach and his occasional lingering glances at her should have raised red flags but I was too oblivious I knew that I could never forgive Zach for this so I decided to take screenshots of all their messages and send them to my email as proof I confronted Zach the next day about this and we had a heated argument I demanded to know how he could betray our trust especially with my younger sister his response shattered me he claimed he no longer loved me saying how I had changed and that I didn't give him attention anymore I started yelling at him about how I had stuck with him and decided to forgive him for everything wrong he had done to me yet he had betrayed me by sleeping with my sister my ex told me without a single remorse on his face that my sister understood him better and he had come to realize that he was the wrong sister all along after this he packed his bags and left leaving me behind crying when I called my mother to confront her about this she was shocked in the beginning but then when she found out that Zach wanted to be with beatric she started to say that maybe Zach was never meant to to be with me and that I should be happy for my younger sister I couldn't believe how cruel my own mother could be she was ready to forgive Zach for cheating on me as long as he would date beatric I cut short my conversation with my mother that night I cried myself to sleep I felt every kind of emotion lost scared angry and like I had been used despite the pain my heart couldn't help but ache Torn Between the love I had for Zach and the way he had betrayed me with my sister the next day I woke up to multiple calls from my sister when I finally gathered the strength to check my phone I found a lengthy message from beatric she expressed sorrow for the situation but her tone felt more condescending than apologetic in her message she detailed how sorry she felt for me discovering this way yet it sounded more like a justification for her actions the worst part was when she mentioned she was 1 month pregnant with Zach's child a revelation that made me physically ill as if that wasn't enough Beatrice's message continued expressing her hope that I could let Zach go peacefully since she loved him and they both wished to marry before the baby arrived the sheer audacity left me speechless I couldn't bring myself to reply all I wanted to do was drown in my tears and process the Whirlwind of emotions raging Within Me despite my attempts to grieve in solitude my mother and sister bombarded me with calls I ignored them hoping for a moment of Solace yet they showed up unannounced at my doorstep catching me off guard before I could utter a word they barged in saying how they needed to talk to me I couldn't believe they had the nerve to show up uninvited once they were seated they added me up and down and then came the questions dripping with judgment have you just been sulking this whole time ignoring our calls my sister's tone was particularly condescending like she was judging me for sulking after I had just discovered that she had slept with my boyfriend I couldn't hold back I have nothing to say to either of you I replied my voice trembling with anger my sister smirked seeing the disdainful expression on my face you're just jealous that I finally got someone like Zach she said trying to act as if this was some sort of a competition and Zach was the prize I shot her a glare unable to comprehend her audacity I then asked her if she even knew what Zach had done to me in the past she nodded saying Zack told me everything he told me how he did all those things because he wasn't happy with you don't worry he would never cheat on me or leave me for other women since I am a better fit for him her cruel words felt like a punch to the gut I was seething you're living in a fantasy if you think he's going to change I snapped my patience wearing thin and now that I see your true colors I'm glad you ended up with someone like him my words ignited a storm of Anger from my mother and sister they started lashing out accusing me of being immature as if the situation couldn't get any more absurd my mother dropped another bombshell apparently beatric and Zach had decided to get married after finding out that she was pregnant they wanted to sweep it all under the rug before the rest of the family found out about the pregnancy before marriage my mother insisted that I needed to attend the wedding so I could publicly support my sister to prevent any family resentment towards them I immediately refused saying how Preposterous they were for expecting me to be there when both of them had stabbed me in the bag my mother then started threatening me that if I didn't come to Beatrice's wedding then she would make sure that I was kicked out of my grandfather's inheritance now my grandfather wasn't a millionaire but he has done quite well in life I seeed with anger as I listened to my mother's demands but then a wicked idea sparked in my mind at that moment I made a decision I would attend the wedding just to make sure that the truth would come out and expose my mother and beatric in front of everyone I knew exactly how to turn the tables how to make them realize the depth of their betrayal with a forced smile I played along telling them that they were right and that there was no point in me dwelling on my failed relationship with Zach when they were going to get married anyway I informed them that despite everything I would attend their wedding and wish them the best Beatrice's smile of satisfaction confirmed that this was exactly what she had hoped for I plastered on a fake smile and lied to them through gritted teeth and they believed me since this conversation I've been going back and forth about whether or not I should or should not expose beatric in front of the entire family one part of me feels sympathy for my little sister who I have always loved yet the other part knows that I won't be at peace if I don't speak my truth to the whole world Ida if I attend my sister's wedding and tell everybody about what she has done update one I first want to say thank you you from the bottom of my heart for the many encouraging comments this whole experience was a major wake-up call to not allow my family to behave with me this way and get away with it I have thought long and hard about my boundaries SL people pleasing Tendencies it also makes me realize that I am not alone and I have several strong people in this community who stand up for themselves and are learning these lessons too I have made up my mind now I will confront my sister mother and Zach in front of everyone else and expose all their lives they are getting married next month at the church my mother has started inviting people and some of these relatives who have known my relationship with Zach and have seen his pictures with me were shocked to find out that he is marrying my sister several of them have called me to find out what is going on but I have decided to stay quiet and lay low I don't want to lie and pretend with them that everything is okay I will directly speak the truth about their wedding with proof update 2 hey everyone it's been 2 months since my last update I know I have made you guys wait for a long time but I've been quite busy picking up the broken pieces of my life anyway I won't dilly dally any longer so here it goes when Beatrice's and Zach's wedding day arrived I plastered a a facade of composure on my face despite the turmoil within me and went to their wedding I wore a floorlength red dress that Zach had bought me and it always complimented me in that dress wanted him to remember me forever in this dress as I walked into his wedding and destroyed his life the ceremony went smoothly with beatric and Zach exchanging vows amidst smiles and congratulations everyone seemed blissfully unaware of the storm brewing beneath the surface as the reception began I felt a knot of tension tightening in my chest it was time to execute my plan when the moment came for speeches my mother took the first turned to say how happy and proud she was to see both Zach and beatric happy I don't know what story my mother had spun to my relatives but everyone looked happy for the couple she said how she couldn't imagine anyone else more capable than Zach to marry her little girl and how she was excited for their future I wanted to throw up but I let her have her moment when she sat down after the speech I stood up my heart pounding with anticipation All Eyes turned to me expectant Smiles on their faces I saw beatric and my mother turned to look at me not knowing what I was about to do taking a deep breath I seized the opportunity to speak speak my truth I started first by congratulating the Newly Weds then I started saying how beatric was lucky to have a sister like me since she would have never met Zach that I not dated him first I saw Beatrice's face go pale as I continued saying how from a very young age beatric and I had always shared everything which is perhaps why beatric thought as an adult she could share my boyfriend also everyone gasped in shock while my mother looked pissed her face was red in anger and she looked like she could kill me right then and there I didn't care anymore honestly so I continued saying how Zach had cheated on me multiple times over the years and how I was shocked to find out that my own sister had been sleeping with him with each word the room fell silent hanging on to my every syllable I exposed the Betrayal and the way Zach handled our breakup shock rippled through the crowd disbelief etched on their faces I then continued to announce how after my mother had found out that Zach had been sleeping with beatric she asked me to forgive them since beatric is pregnant this is why they quickly decided to get married my grandparents and relatives turned to look at my mother in shock while I continued to say how my mother threatened me for coming to this wedding and how she said I would be be cut off from my grandfather's inheritance hearing this my grandfather angrily got up from his seat and asked my mother if this was all true my mother true to her character started to deny the accusation saying how I was mentally ill since Zach decided to break up with me and how I was lying about all this since I was just jealous of beatric the air crackled with tension as my relatives began to question my mother demanding answers my sister also joined in with my mother to say how we should not take my words to Heart since I was just upset that Zach didn't love me she admitted that Zach was my boyfriend first but started to say how never loved me and I was making up everything else undeterred I smiled and did what I knew I had to do all along with trembling hands I sent out a group message to the entire family right then and their containing beatric and Zach's incriminating texts including some of the inappropriate images they had taken in my bedroom laying bare the truth for all to see phones began to Ping incessantly filling the room with the damning evidence of their betrayal some of my cousins gasped in shock as they saw the photos quickly and then word spread at that moment the facade crumbled revealing the ugly reality beneath my mother's denial faltered and she looked around in confusion until she checked the messages I had sent to the group where she and beatric were also there when my grandparents saw the messages my grandfather angrily pointed his fingers at my mother and said how ashamed he was that she was his daughter and how he didn't want to see her face ever again my relatives started accusing beatric publicly about how she could do something so disgusting to her own sister guests got up angrily looking for an exit some even demanded beatric and Zach to give back their wedding gifts since they didn't want to give them anything after finding out how disgusting they really were as the chaos on bolded my grandparents came to hug me saying how sorry they were for everything for the first time I had people coming up to me who understood exactly how I felt all doubts about whether I had done the right thing or the wrong thing by exposing them vanished from my head my grandfather then announced that he would be kicking my mother and sister out of his will and that her out of wedlock child had no place in this family hearing this beatric burst out crying as my mother rushed to comfort her beatric Zach and my mother had to exit the venue while red faed in embarrassment as my relatives continued to question them I stood there in satisfaction action knowing that I was finally getting the Revenge I had wanted all along after they left the venue the wedding was pretty much over my family didn't want to leave me alone at such a vulnerable time so my grandparents invited everyone back to their place so we could all sit and talk I wish I could have done this sooner I wish I would have asked my family for help instead of wallowing in self-pity I was so focused on my sorrow that I forgot how much the rest of the family loved me I cried and laughed as we gathered in my grandparents home surrounded by the warmth of familiar love looking back I am glad that I exposed beatric Z and my mother since their wedding they have been laying low since all my relatives are extremely pissed at them no one is on their side I know that I have lost beatric forever since I can never be close to her after how she betrayed me but it hurts that my mother just sees her happiness and not my pain update three hello good evening wow I can't believe it's been 6 months since my last update life sure goes by too fast if you ask me thank you again for all your advice and comments I tried to read them all and I wanted to give y'all a little update for the last 6 months I have found my myself piecing things back together bit by bit despite the hurt and Chaos I discovered a newfound strength within me that kept me going days turned into weeks and I slowly started to feel like myself again my grandparents and cousins have been my biggest support nowadays I go to my grandparents place every weekend to play Scrabble with them I am working hard at my job so I seldom find any time to sit down and dwell about the past I have joined a gym to keep myself busy I have to mention before I forget that a week after the wedding Zach had texted me it was out of the blue and seeing his name pop up in my notifications just brought back all the bad memories I am just paraphrasing his message he basically mentioned that he misses me he told me how he wish things ended differently with us and now that reality has set in he can't believe he is going to be a father so soon when he doesn't even want to be one he said how he wished he could turn back time and do right by me the whole message just sounded so pathetic and I don't know why he would ever think of reaching out to me I didn't even bother replying back to him instead I blocked him out completely but there was this tiny part of me a sort of last harra that couldn't resist sending a screenshot of his message to beatric it was my way of saying look this is your husband still reaching out to me even though you thought you were a better woman than me after that I blocked both beatric and my mother it was time to close the chapter of my life for good to focus on my own healing and well-being thanks to some of your recommendations I have started going to therapy it has become my safe haven a place where I can untangle the mess of emotion swirling inside me to be honest it was quite difficult at first to relive what happened to me but with each session I have felt a little lighter a little more in control of my own narrative it hasn't been an easy road but with each passing day I keep growing stronger I am no longer looking to date anyone at the moment and will only open up my heart when I am fully healed and ready
give me a good story on ExboyfriendGotMySisterPregnantWhileCheatingNowMyMomThreatenstoCutMeOff
what survival myth is completely wrong and can get you killed Story one if you're in a tornado open all your windows to equalize the pressure inside to match the outside if you're in a tornado opening any window or door will create a wind tunnel that rips your entire roof off to be fair it doesn't matter anyway you waste time doing that when you need to get to the lowest part of a building and or the innermost room cracks and small openings take care of air pressure as buildings aren't airtight overpasses are not safe places to shelter in fact they're more dangerous they create wind tunnels the average lead time for tornado warnings in the US is nine minutes the people still don't take them seriously the most common refrain I've read from people who survive the Joplin tornado is that they didn't take the warning seriously even with a tornado watch they didn't pay attention to the weather I think a lot of people don't take them seriously because they become completions especially with how unpredictable the weather is I mean you can easily think of storms that are predicted to be absolutely Brutal by your local weather person only for them to end up passing you or dissipating or barely sprinkling a lot of people don't realize this also happens in the inverse where a storm can form in moments and absolutely wreck you plus a lot of people didn't take it serious because it happened during their High School graduation I've been in two very damaging heat storms one was warned about hours in advance and I was home safely in the basement during it very scary extremely high winds and non-stop lightning to the point you could see what was happening easily outside at night without a flashlight the other one formed so fast that there wasn't even a tornado watch or severe weather alert but we still got hit by an ef1 the only warning I had was because I looked out a window and saw the clouds well to be fair 99 of the time when a tornado siren goes off you don't get hit by a tornado someone might get it but it's usually not going to be you story to my cousin has horrible luck one time when we were playing in the front yard he went Barefoot and he ended up stepping on a knife someone had lost during the 4th of July and went through the lawnmower so the blade was sticking straight up it was hopping around and he reached down to pull it out so I pinned him with his injured foot in my shoulder and both my legs wrapped around his to keep him from getting loose my mom came running out about a minute later and she called 9-1-1 the knife was less than an inch from an artery in his foot if he'd pulled on it like he wanted to it had probably ended him before we could get him to help these days I'm paranoid about pulling out splinters I talked to my sister about this because she'd witnessed it according to her right before I tackled him I yelled something along the lines of blood no artery Logan blood and end end which I freaked her out at the time which is why they didn't move since this is what people keep asking about first I tackled him to the ground he landed face first with his feet in the air I stood up and was about to get on top of him to pin him that way when I randomly remembered a wrestling position I saw on TV the other night and thought that would work better because he wouldn't be able to reach his foot so before he could get his bearings I flipped him over and got in a sitting position I grabbed hoist it over my shoulder my legs wrapped around his and I held on for dear life as he started to try to get loose we're the same age but I'm a girl and he's about a head taller and at least 15 pounds heavier so yeah the fact I got him in that position and held him there is a bit of a brag not gonna lie Story three when you're a girl and you're running away from a criminal through the woods don't constantly look in the opposite direction you're running this will definitely lead you tripping and falling if you do trip and fall don't lay there crying and wiping your hair out of your face this will definitely give the person the opportunity to catch up with you similarly when running away from a car or a giant wheel don't run in the direction that the pursuer is traveling this will definitely keep you in the direct path of the pursuer instead Veer to either the right or the left or the path of the pursuer if you're the beautiful wife and children of a protagonist Do not sit around The Breakfast Table in a lovely sunny morning talking about how happy you are together and this is key to any middle school or High School loved ones do not make eye rolling and or snarky remarks about what a doofus your dad is this will definitely lead to your family being either gone forever or that same day story for the first mistake in the wilderness is to look for food and water first before having a shelter up to keep yourself dry and warm also if you have to forage for food avoid mushrooms entirely the odds are so slim you will find an edible kind that you're much better off looking for things like nuts seeds and berries some people say that herbivorous animals are friendly and peaceful so you're safe being around them seriously everything from cows to Deer can and will end you if you make it Angry it is usually a good idea if you are in the wild not to get near any large wild animals but herbivores can often be even more aggressive than Predators if a predator attacks you you have a fairly good chance of scaring it off especially if it's smaller than you because it's likely only looking for food if a herbivore attacks you you're screwed because it genuinely wants to get rid of you Predators have to conserve their energy for a hunt so they pick and choose their fights with herbivores on the other hand it pays to be a paranoid xenophobe here's a fun proverb every morning a gazelle wakes up in Africa and it knows it must outrun the fastest lion or it will be eaten every morning a lion wakes up and knows it must run faster than the slowest gazelle or it will starve to its demise it doesn't matter if you're a lion or you're a gazelle when the sun comes up you better start running that's true hippos are pretty chill but we'll mess you up here's a little secret for you this video is sponsored by none other than me in my team are Rufus rugs we're the masters of creating custom hand tufted rugs that capture who you truly are whether you want to transform one of our intriguing thumbnails into a rug for a friend obviously or you're craving a room makeover with awesome anime inspired designs we've got your back oh and did I mention each and every rug is skillfully handcrafted by me and my friends no BS Drop Shipping gimmick here you'll be blown away by your rug hit the first link in the description to learn more Story five just because water looks clean doesn't mean it is you've got to boil it or distill it to actually have clean water or carry a modern filter like a life straw or Sawyer if you think there's even a remote chance you're going to be stranded with no potable water also add that drinking water is always a better option than going without water if you're dehydrated but don't have a way to sanitize your water drink the water anyway there's a chance it will make you sick or maybe even end you in very rare cases but dehydration will always end you one thing to note about the LifeStraw is that it doesn't actually offer full microbial or viral protection I have one in my hiking or camping or survival bag but I also carry water treatment drops it's a good idea to use both at once the straw for the particulate in the drops to get rid of any microorganisms or destroy viral cells story six almost anything related to Avalanches here are a few popular and false myths that they strike at random most avalanches that injure and people are caused by those people and they always show signs of instability if you're paying attention the problem is that there are lots of false positives or the signs are there the instability is there but people just don't quite manage to trigger them that you should be quiet to be safe from Avalanches because they are caused by sound sound does not trigger Avalanches even very loud sounds are nowhere near enough Avalanche control is done with howitzers and dynamite charges that you can get out of the way well sure of course sometimes it's possible but they can travel up to 60 miles per hour they can let loose across an entire slope all at once by the time it slides you are likely in it and it's inescapable that you can save yourself by swimming maybe for very small ones but usually you're just being thrashed I've heard it compared to being in a side loading washing machine that you can spit to tell which direction is on you won't be able to see anything useful and you know gravity still works but it's irrelevant because that relies on the next myth you can dig yourself out even if you are in inches below the surface it's very unlikely the snow sets up very hard very fast as though you got caught up in a snow plow clearing a parking lot after a big snowstorm people caught in Avalanches report not being able to move their fingers along with that are all the normal problems people have with low probability High consequence risks the it won't happen to me stuff that's not so much an issue of myth says poor judgment due to things like familiarity with a slope desire to be accepted by a social group by skiing that rad Backcountry line feeling committed because you came all this way referring to someone you perceive as an expert desire to get the first tracks after a storm social proof where you see others doing it so it must be safe etc for people who choose to recreate an avalanche terrain if they're smart they're traveling with at least one other person and everyone in the party is wearing a transceiver and carrying a portable shovel and probe and everyone should have proper training on how to use these tools the transceivers used to approximate the buried person's location under the snow based on the signal their device is emitting in the probe 2.7 to 3 meters long skinny pole is plunged strategically in the snow around your closest signal when you feel your probe Striker friend's body time to dig Avalanche debris heavy AF so there is a strategy to this as well and it's really nice to have at least one other person to speed things up hopefully you dig out your friend before they've been without air long enough to do serious damage if you're out without a transceiver and you get buried deep enough then no one sees a hand or other body parts sticking up of the snow so they don't know where to look you will suffocate a search and rescue org might come with an avalanche rescue dog but that takes time and more often than not it becomes a body recovery Mission the best way to avoid these scenarios is to avoid Avalanche terrain if you're not trained or if you choose to recreate there for ski touring and snowmobiling practice companion rescue often take Avalanche safety courses and make conservative terrain choices based on Avalanche Hazard ratings Source I do Avalanche control work at a ski resort and Backcountry ski recreationally in avalanche Terrain story 7 concerning frostbite do not rub someone's Frost Bend skin or pour hot water onto it to warm them up such measures will damage the skin even more severely the fastest and safest method for warming up someone is direct animal heat I.E letting them put their Frosty skin next to yours hey if you can keep your digits by putting a cold hand in my belly be my guest I wasn't even close to frostbite but I had to bike about three miles back to my campus in late fall for contacts I currently live at seven thousand feet elevation so when the Sun goes down it gets cold anyways I didn't bring gloves with me and my friends took an Uber back to campus being an experienced cyclist the Trek wasn't hard though it wasn't a dirt trail of pavement tires that didn't have any spares to swap at I half hour biking hard Against the Wind and I couldn't feel or move my fingers I couldn't tell if I was Switching gears or breaking aside from the physical feedback from my bike finally made it back to my dorm and after dropping my crap off my first goal was to warm up my hands initially I was like warm water yeah but the second to touch my hand it felt like it was boiling even the coldest setting in the faucet felt like my hands were burning don't remember how long it took me to tie on my hands but a few weeks later I bought windproof gloves the pan is probably heating your Frozen hands under a warm tap that's like having your bones explode for like 10 minutes if you don't want to feel this pain ever you better leave a like And subscribe to the channel Story 8 myth the rubber tires on a vehicle will insulate you from the ground and protect you from lightning lightning doesn't stop for two feet of rubber though the car will act like a faraday cage and protect you from the electrical current unless you're in a convertible motorbike or any other vehicle that doesn't cover you in all directions also don't lay down on the ground during a thunderstorm you increase the risk of being struck by ground current which can be pretty dangerous another thing don't take shelter under a tree or gazebo it can explode or lighten fire when struck story nine you can survive a moose attack that's it that's the myth because no you freaking can't I walked between a mama and a baby moose in Alaska once by accident that's something you never want to do I was walking my dog and all I heard was a pounding noise I turned it was being charged with a mama moose I jumped behind the closest three and played ring around the tree for a couple of minutes the snow was pretty deep and I was hoping I wouldn't trip and be stomped to no end the dog was about 15 months old and he had hightailed it out of the middle of the lake and had his tail between his legs shaking a couple of years later my parents were on a walk with the same dog and my dad got charged by Moose in a similar way he jumped off the trail but immediately got stuck in the deep snow and figured he was about to be a dead man that dog came running up and was biting and growling at the moose's face and chased it up the trail maybe he remembered moose equals bad storytelling hit a snake fast to the shoveler ended by snapping it if it bites you sucks a poison out or use a tourniquet no for [ __ ] sake Australians are constantly bewildered by every other country's mad cap and Sanity around this we live with deadly snakes why do people do these things number one do not mess with a snake just leave it bloody alone magically you don't get bin number two if you mess with a snake C point one we told you not to mess with it call an ambulance use a broad pressure bandage to immobilize the whole limb never ever trying to get a snake bite you're reducing the natural lymph movement through broadly spread pressure not trying to give them gangrene the victim must not move unless carried don't touch your damn mouth to the wounds don't wash it just freaking stop immobilize right the time of the bite and circle the location outside of the bandage and wait for professional help if you have to choose between walking or waiting if you're a long way from hell you wait you're more likely to survive but not moving at all please for the love of God just leave it alone we have vastly more venomous snakes than a mere Rattler and we die vastly less often because we do not mess with a spicy danger noodle a little round but one thing I learned while doing field work in Tanzania if you're banned by a venomous animal in a country with a subpar medical system you might be tempted to evacuate somewhere with a better medical system unless there is zero medical help available where you are this is a bad idea for a couple of reasons number one evacuating takes a while and you could very much be dead by then and to hospitals and parts of the world with very few venomous animals do not stock anti-venom generally there was a case of a Canadian student who almost died because she was bitten by a snake in Thailand and returned to Canada for treatment unsurprisingly Canadian hospitals do not stock Malaysian pit viper anti-venom you're better off taking your chances at whatever sketchy Medical Center is nearby or if you're doing something you're likely to be Ben to carry your own Anti-Venom story 11. if a shark is coming after you swim away if a shark is coming toward you in the first place it's most likely just curious and wants to check you out swimming away and thrashing about will further Intrigue it to keep following you instead redirect it by running your hand along its side and carefully positioning it to swim away from you side note if one happens to bite you poke or stab it in the eye or pull on its gills instead of bopping in the nose gills and eyes are far more sensitive than a shark's nose sharks can swim much much faster than you however you can run faster than sharks and a triathlon it therefore comes down to the cycling event story 12. dude I've been waiting to rant about this hopefully now I can help someone instead of just annoying my friends it's a popular belief to either pull off a leech once it's been you or to pour salt on it so let's go never do this pulling them off sounds as dangerous as it is but pouring salt on them is even worse their entire body is a mucous membrane AKA salt on it hurts it causes them to project all vomit before they let go in your blood any parasites or diseases they have along with any other human or animal blood in their tummy immediately goes back into your bloodstream just like pulling them off it also can't cause them to lose teeth which also can get into your bloodstream and end you it sounds terrifying and faint inducing but truly the best way to remove a wild leech safely is to let nature take its course once its belly is full it'll let go and no teeth or any other yucky stuff will be in your blood story 13. have your Escape Plan and car ready in case of a nuclear disaster nope in case of a nuclear disaster you don't have time to follow your one and a half hour escape plan to the Mountainside Safe House in case a nuclear bombed na it's you don't die in the initial blast you have a maximum of 10 minutes before the radiation falls to the ground and you will need to stay at least 24 hours in a protected area AG a bathroom with no Windows 98 of the casualties after a nuclear bomb will be people sitting in their cars stuck in traffic or breathing in those radioactive particles trying to get home to rescue their cats the time frame from the nuclear explosion to when it becomes relatively safe to change location can be 24 hours 48 hours or even up to two weeks depending on the circumstances yield Etc radioactive decays next level science story 14. that BS change your voicemail if you're lost PSA that was making the rounds over the last year you need a sell signal to change your voicemail if you have a signal then why wouldn't you just call for help moreover it misses the most important thing about U.S cell phones and being lost 9-1-1 will work on any cell tower regardless if it's in network or even if you have an active phone plan or not so in an emergency always try dialing 9-1-1 regardless of whether your phone appears to have a signal or not to the people who say that you're supposed to change your voicemail before going out this is still a bad idea if you're lost or injured in the woods your survival depends on being found quickly waiting for someone to get worried enough about you not coming back to try calling you it's just going to waste precious time it's much better to just tell your friends or family where you will be and set up a check in time so they know you made it back safely a text uses less battery so the best shot is detects your coordinates to someone you can trust to mobilize help for you then try calling 911 or save your battery put it in an airplane mode and take it out sporadically to check things if you're trying to conserve your phone battery avoid waking the screen unnecessarily I thought you were supposed to change your voicemail before you got lost like hey I'm hiking in the forest of this route at this time and plan to be back by this time but then I heard that's how you disappear in the middle of the forest story 15. I'm seeing a lot of regurgitated info so let me share one with you folks that I've seen mentioned nowhere tampons and gunshot wounds or any serious puncture wound it is a common bit of tactical funnel that is often heard spouted by Preppers gun guys and Mall ninja Commandos all across this nation and Beyond you should carry a tampon in your personal individual first aid kit or blowout kit in case you get shot the theory is that the tampon is the perfect size and shape for a gunshot wound so it'll be a very fast and convenient way to plug the hole only it doesn't work and it never could when simple pressure isn't working and a tourniquet isn't able to be applied neck armpit Etc we will pack the wound in an attempt to stop the bleeding what we're doing is pushing all the gauze up against the damaged artery or vein to provide direct pressure to the location in an attempt to allow clotting to close things off that pressure can be substantial and is resisting the outward flow caused by your heart it can in fact be high enough to stop the bleed altogether gauze is made to promote the clotting of blood it doesn't exist to absorb blood it does absorb it but it gives it something to build on well that's the exact opposite of a tampon a tampon is meant to absorb blood and remove it in the sanitary manner we want the opposite of that the average gauze roll is four yards long by three to four inches wide or better the average tampon is something like four inches square of material a tampon is made to absorb something like 15 milliliters of blood a major artery or vein that is perforated will leak several hundred milliliters a minute ask yourself if that tampon sounds adequate in light of that I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy what seems harmless but is incredibly dangerous Story 4 was terrifying see you in that video
give me a good story on WRONGSurvivalMythsThatWillGetYouKLLED
what's the most horrifying and evil thing you've seen an adult do to a child I live in Tokyo Japan with my wife and four-year-old son Kenji I'm a white American but my wife is Japanese we have lived here since he was born but he is still sometimes treated differently due to being half white my son was two years old when this happened we got on a relatively crowded train one day only going a few stops my son was in a very friendly stage where he would say hello to anyone who looked at him we were standing by the door with my son holding my hand as the train pulled into the next station two businessmen in suits got on the train talking about a meeting they had just gotten out of they were rather tall and caught my son's eye he looked up with a big smile on his face and watched them as they spoke it would seem that being watched by the two-year-old bothered one of the men perhaps due to my son being half white after a minute the businessman looked down at my son konichiwa my son said to the man with a smile on his face the events that happened next happened so quickly that it all felt like a single Moment The Man Without skipping a beat kicked my two-year-old right in the chest with a kick that forced my son's hand out of my own and knocked him against the door his co-worker said nothing completely unaware of what had just happened and as pure as any two-year-old child would be my son got up grabbed my hand looked at the man again and tried to smile it was at this moment that I tried to pick up my son and get away from the man but before I could do this the man moved in and kicked my son again with even greater force the Train's door had just opened for the next stop there was a gap between the train and the platform my son's leg fell in he started to scream and panic someone pushed the emergency button people started to scramble to get away from the scene and then I witnessed true evil both the man and his co-worker were laughing hysterically at my toddler son stuck between the train and the platform with the help of a few strangers my wife and I managed to get our son up and out to safety my wife picked him up and ran for the station office to get staff or police to help I wanted nothing more than to beat that man within an inch of his life but I would surely be deported if I did something like that because I was a foreigner holding back more rage than any one person should ever have to feel in their life and honestly in shock about what had just happened I got off the train and followed my wife and son we filed a report with the police but they didn't seem interested in pursuing the case since my son wasn't hurt in a serious way now my sister's brother-in-law owned and operated a chain of bars and as a result had a strong relationship with Yakuza my marriage had been a bit controversial in some parts of my wife's family because I was a foreigner but me and my brother-in-law had always got along well and he loved his nephew when me and my wife told him about what had happened he just told me he would handle it I didn't ask any questions we didn't speak about the incident for over a year but one night when we were both drinking pretty heavily and deep in conversation I asked him what he did to handle the situation he proceeded to tell me in Japanese well you told me he kicked little Kenji and my associates decided that he should never be able to do that again so they broke both of his legs
give me a good story on Whatsthemosthorrifyingandevilthingyouveseenanadultdotoachild
:07.779 --> :01.390 A couple of weeks ago my kids and their neighbors decided to have a bake sale. We live in a :01.390 --> :52.180 tourist area with high foot traffic, and the kids make a killing. I tell the kids I ought :52.180 --> :42.960 to charge them for the labor (I said I'd help bake) and ingredients so they learn the concept :42.960 --> :33.750 of net gains, but instead I'll donate to their cause, and just to bring me back the money :33.750 --> :18.900 I lent them to make change. I love seeing the kids be entrepreneurial, work so hard, :18.900 --> :38.650 and get so excited at their success. :38.650 --> :26.620 After a couple of hours, the neighbor's son decides he's bored and wants to go home, so :26.620 --> :14.590 he tells my kid, "when you're done, come by and deliver half the money." Mine says, "hey, :14.590 --> :02.550 that's not fair, if you're leaving we should split the money now." Mind you, the bulk of :02.550 --> :16.660 their sales was my baking. :16.660 --> :04.630 Neighbor kid gets super p*****, but mine sticks to their guns, they split the money and the :04.630 --> :36.960 kid leaves in a huff. Mine comes in a few hours later, having lugged home all the gear :36.960 --> :51.420 and cleaned up, annoyed that the neighbor kid got annoyed at them. Then I get a knock :51.420 --> :06.490 on the door. It's the neighbor's mom, with the kid, who is still pouting. Mom's holding :06.490 --> :07.490 a receipt. :07.490 --> :23.480 Mom explains that they purchased a bunch of stuff for the bake sale, it cost a lot of :23.480 --> :24.556 money, and it's not fair that my kid is making money off their stuff, and that they should :24.556 --> :25.556 be compensated for what they purchased. :25.556 --> :26.556 The receipt lists a bunch of items I immediately see they didn't use (like 2 boxes of cereal, :26.556 --> :27.556 when they used 1, napkins that I'd ended up providing), but whatever. And nevermind that :27.556 --> :28.556 her son went home early and left mine to clean up. And nevermind that I'd been churning out :28.556 --> :29.556 batches of cookies all morning. I'm irked they've taken what was a fun, cheerful day :29.556 --> :30.556 of kids making money hand over fist, and shown up at my door making me engage in a super :30.556 --> :31.556 awkward conversation because they assume their kid can't be wrong. So I say, "of course!" :31.556 --> :32.556 and fetch my receipts. :32.556 --> :33.556 I sit down and (in front of them, and out loud) calculate the cost of lemonade, and :33.556 --> :34.556 cups used. I calculate the cost of flour, sugar, chocolate chips, vanilla and butter :34.556 --> :35.556 per batch of cookies, multiplied by the number of batches made. I toss in the baking soda :35.556 --> :36.556 for free (so generous). I even subtract the value of leftover cookies. :36.556 --> :37.556 Did I mention I made a lot of cookies? The neighbor kid has to fork over $23. They got :37.556 --> :38.556 pretty quiet all of a sudden. I thanked the lady for making sure things were fair, and :38.556 --> :39.556 offered her a plate of cookies to take home. She declined. :39.556 --> :41.100 The end.Not necessarily recent , I did this when I was a kid but I remembered it the other :41.100 --> :59.380 day when a topic on deliberate negligence was brought up. (Deliberate Negligence is :59.380 --> :11.090 basically when people have the ability to do something but they do it poorly so they :11.090 --> :19.150 seem negligent and you basically end up picking up their slack.) :19.150 --> :32.330 So when I was a kid I absolutely hated! With a passion! Hated making tea for guests and :32.330 --> :46.980 my dad. The reason being I was always told that as a girl my role was to serve my dad :46.980 --> :01.620 and make it so that any other men felt seen but it didn't matter if I made tea for women :01.620 --> :15.540 or my mom etc. Anyways , yeah I didn't appreciate it. So one day my dad was boasting about how :15.540 --> :27.250 well he'd taught me to be subservient basically "My daughter will make such a wonderful wife :27.250 --> :42.630 one day. I made sure she knows how to treat her man. Go make us some tea" so I went into :42.630 --> :55.810 the kitchen and made the tea but when pouring it into the cups I decided to put atleast :55.810 --> :59.440 7 teaspoons of sugar in all the guests tea and then 20 teaspoons of sugar into my dad's :59.440 --> :00.460 cup. I stirred it all and made sure no sign of sugar was seen and then I delivered it :00.460 --> :01.460 and walked away. :01.460 --> :02.460 Lmao the way my dad pretended that he loved the way I made the tea just so he could save :02.460 --> :03.460 face XD anyways, I haven't been asked to make tea for my dad since then .When I was in high :03.460 --> :04.460 school (mid-90s) I worked at a movie theater. When I was working box office, it was also :04.460 --> :05.460 my job to answer the phone. Manager managed multiple branches of the theater, so he often :05.460 --> :06.460 left during the day. :06.460 --> :07.460 One day, RegionalManager, who was good friends with Manager, called and I said "I'm not sure" :07.460 --> :08.460 if Manager was there. I checked, and Manager WAS in, so I transferred the call. After a :08.460 --> :09.460 few minutes, Manager transferred RegionalManager back to me so he could scold me (at the time :09.460 --> :10.460 it felt like yelling, but I was a timid teen) that I should ALWAYS KNOW if my manager is :10.460 --> :11.460 in or not. :11.460 --> :12.460 As an adult, I now recognize that 1) Manager should have corrected this, rather than having :12.460 --> :13.460 a corporate bigwig scold a teenager. 2) I should have been trained to "see if he's available," :13.460 --> :14.460 so I could take a message if he wasn't. But at the time I was just really irritated to :14.460 --> :15.460 get scolded by RegionalManager over something I couldn't control. :15.460 --> :16.460 So from then on, whenever RegionalManager called, he would say "Hi wombat929, IS MANAGER :16.460 --> :17.460 IN?" He'd really hit that question, highlighting that I SHOULD KNOW. I think he only did this :17.460 --> :18.460 to me, as it seemed like his entire impression of me was as a dumb kid who didn't know if :18.460 --> :19.460 the manager was there. :19.460 --> :20.460 So with just a hint of goody-two-shoes maliciousness, unless I was ABSOLUTELY sure that Manager :20.460 --> :21.460 was there, I usually told RegionalManager that Manager had "stepped out" and asked to :21.460 --> :22.460 take a message. It often turned out that Manager WAS there when RegionalManager called, so :22.460 --> :23.460 I could have connected them, but since I'd been told how dire it was to be uncertain, :23.460 --> :24.460 I never again expressed any doubt about whether Manager was in or not. :24.460 --> :25.460 I'd like to say that the story has some kind of gratifying button, but my MC mainly resulted :25.460 --> :26.460 in RegionalManager being slightly inconvenienced and Manager having to return calls he could :26.460 --> :27.460 have just taken. They both got fired some time later in a midnight sweep that was rumored :27.460 --> :28.460 to be embezzlement-related, but who knows if that's true? I sure don't. :28.460 --> :29.460 ( In retrospect, I realize now that RegionalManager taught me the difference between Gnostic and :29.460 --> :30.460 Agnostic. I was usually agnostic on the issue of my Manager's presence upstairs. )Much like :30.460 --> :31.460 a vampire, the national headquarters supervisor over my local office needs to micromanage :31.460 --> :32.460 to survive. He craves it. Feeds on it. And this is why he instructed every office that :32.460 --> :33.460 he oversees that he needs to review EVERY email that we write for ANY task/project we :33.460 --> :34.460 complete. (Note, our office completes between 2-5 of such projects daily.) :34.460 --> :35.460 Yep. For real. EMAIL REVIEWS. For an office of three that has a combined 70 years of experience :35.460 --> :36.460 in our field. :36.460 --> :37.460 So this morning, I'm drafting for review, on company letterhead in Microsoft Word with :37.460 --> :38.460 "track changes" turned on, a series of Outlook form email templates that I use regularly. :38.460 --> :39.460 8 in total actually. As well as permission to use said Outlook templates (that I've already :39.460 --> :40.460 used for 3 years). I'm also going to notify him that I've followed approved naming conventions :40.460 --> :41.460 for all draft email review documents (conventions that don't currently exist) as well as the :41.460 --> :42.460 names I use in Outlook for my email templates (even though I'm the only one that sees these :42.460 --> :43.460 templates).Ah my work, we put a certain number of slice meat on our subs. The customer tried :43.460 --> :44.460 calling me out for shorting her turkey slices, so I proceeded to count the slices of meat. :44.460 --> :45.460 Turns out I was actually over the required amount. :45.460 --> :46.460 I took off the extra slices and apologized for giving her too much meat. I shouldn't :46.460 --> :47.460 have guessed the meat slices but the meat was teaing as I tried to get the slices apart, :47.460 --> :48.460 so I erred on the cautions side and over guessed the slices of meat. :48.460 --> :49.460 Shame, the customer would have had extra meat on her sub, but she had to be a Karen.My wife :49.460 --> :50.460 and I have taken a trip to her country of Mexico with my parents and some of her family. :50.460 --> :51.460 We flew to her city in the middle of the country and then to Puerto Vallarta for some time :51.460 --> :52.460 on the beach. All our flights were with AeroMexico. When you fly with them they put little wristbands :52.460 --> :53.460 on your roller bag and backpack saying they have been approved to be on the plane and :53.460 --> :54.460 in overhead bags. My roller bag was given a tag approving it for the first two legs :54.460 --> :55.460 of our flight to Puerto. However on the way back the agent at the gate started saying :55.460 --> :56.460 how my bag was to big and needed to be checked for $200. I showed him the tag from the previous :56.460 --> :57.460 flights but he kept saying it was to big. Even after I placed it into the stand that :57.460 --> :58.460 measures bags and it fit just fine he kept telling me over and over it was to big. I :58.460 --> :59.460 had to pay. My wife argued with him for several minutes but he kept saying over and over I :59.460 --> :00.460 was not getting on the plane with the bag. And he was correct in that I didn’t get :00.460 --> :01.460 on with it. However, my father and his 1st class ticket strolled right on to the plane :01.460 --> :02.460 with no issues and I took his smaller bag and smiled as I boarded.It was some time when :02.460 --> :03.460 in the early 90s, Saturday evening., I was about 7. Noel’s house party had finished :03.460 --> :04.460 and my dad was watching some rubbish on one of the 4 tv channels that existed at that :04.460 --> :05.460 time in the UK. :05.460 --> :06.460 My brother and I were making and throwing a paper aeroplane around much to our dads :06.460 --> :07.460 annoyance. When he watches the tv he likes the volume up and no distractions. :07.460 --> :08.460 We were being loud and annoying and generally having fun throwing the paper plane around. :08.460 --> :09.460 Dad says “Stop throwing that effing thing around and put it in the bin RIGHT NOW!” :09.460 --> :10.460 He was really mad. :10.460 --> :11.460 Now I’m mad at having our source of fun taken away. I look him dead in the eye, petulantly :11.460 --> :12.460 throw the paper plane in the general direction of the bin while maintaining eye contact. :12.460 --> :13.460 I see his face start to crumple in anger but we both turn to watch as it sails beautifully :13.460 --> :14.460 through the air, curving slightly at the end to land perfectly in the small waste paper :14.460 --> :15.460 basket. I swear it happened in slow motion! :15.460 --> :16.460 We all just started hysterically laughing, all signs of anger dissipate as we can’t :16.460 --> :17.460 believe it actually went in. For the rest of the night I catch my dad randomly chuckling :17.460 --> :18.460 and saying “I can’t believe it actually went in”I remembered one of my corporate :18.460 --> :19.460 print shop malicious compliances yesterday. :19.460 --> :20.460 Relevant information. Doctor in question is from another country, a misogynist, and English :20.460 --> :21.460 is probably his fourth language. :21.460 --> :22.460 We had a policy for printing HIPAA documents. Essentially they were not proofed by the employees :22.460 --> :23.460 and you had to present ID to pick them up. A copy of the actual ID is the first page, :23.460 --> :24.460 and you have to verify against the real ID as well as get signatures. An organization :24.460 --> :25.460 sends over a HIPAA doc. Doctor comes in to pick it up. He refuses to show his ID because :25.460 --> :26.460 his ID is right there on the document. He calls myself and another female employee stupid :26.460 --> :27.460 b****es for enforcing the policy that is based on federal law. He tells us how important :27.460 --> :28.460 he is and how we’re just high school dropouts who can’t get a better job. (I had my bachelor’s :28.460 --> :29.460 and the other employee was a PHD student paying her bills.). Nonsense ensues, his boss gets :29.460 --> :30.460 involved, he loses the argument. :30.460 --> :31.460 About a week later he comes back with a handwritten document he wants us to type up as a sign :31.460 --> :32.460 for his office. He explains that his nurses and techs are stupid women who don’t understand :32.460 --> :33.460 how to work. I kid you not on his level of calling women stupid. :33.460 --> :34.460 So he’s got this list of things he wants his employees to do: :34.460 --> :35.460 For each shift you can only take one break. :35.460 --> :36.460 When you have a shift you must change your clothes. :36.460 --> :37.460 Each shift you must do x, y, z. :37.460 --> :38.460 And so on. :38.460 --> :39.460 Except he didn’t know the word shift had a f in it. :39.460 --> :40.460 We printed it exactly as written, for free, and kept a copy taped inside the cupboard :40.460 --> :41.460 for whenever we were having a bad day. MHopefully this is allowed as this did not happen to :41.460 --> :42.460 me, but these stories were told to me by those who did them. :42.460 --> :43.460 The Monkees in 1967 released the album Headquarters where they played the instruments and three :43.460 --> :44.460 of them even wrote songs for it. It was a number one album for a week but then fell :44.460 --> :45.460 to #2 where it stayed for the whole summer, only behind Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club :45.460 --> :46.460 Band. :46.460 --> :47.460 Anyway the record company wanted to release Randy Scouse Git as a single in the UK. Songwriter :47.460 --> :48.460 Micky Dolenz was very pleased until they told him he had to change the title because it's :48.460 --> :49.460 "rude" over there. He argued that he heard the phrase on a prime time show on BBC, but :49.460 --> :50.460 they told him he still had to come up with an alternate title. :50.460 --> :51.460 Alternate Title reached #2 on the UK charts. :51.460 --> :52.460 Michael Nesmith was the more prolific songwriter of the group, known for writing good songs, :52.460 --> :53.460 but not necessarily songs with strong hooks or even songs with the title in them. I'll :53.460 --> :54.460 let Mike tell the story about how he came up with one of his song titles. :54.460 --> :55.460 "That was a direct insult to a music publisher who told me that in order to have successful :55.460 --> :56.460 tunes I had to write music that was, 'Good clean fun,' and that had a recurring theme :56.460 --> :57.460 or hook line. Of course, I just rejected that out of hand. So what that was was just, 'Okay, :57.460 --> :58.460 I'll write a song called "Good Clean Fun." I just won't put it in there anywhere.'" Mike :58.460 --> :59.460 Nesmith :59.460 --> :59.476 Good Clean Fun peaked at #82 and was one of the last Monkee songs to chart.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceCRAZYKIDTRIESTOSTEALMYKIDSMONEYRedditStoriesen
today we've got a crazy story of an entitled dad trying to steal a kid's food and then running away that said our first story of the day is entitled mom tried to make me lose all of my life savings to give some context so people don't get too confused in the story I was male 18 to the time this happened mom 52 dad 57 and my brother 20. all this happened about three years ago my brother went to prison for doing something bad of course my mom wanted me to pay a lawyer for my brother on my own dime and my dad was the middle man of the story now that I got the context out of the way let's get on with the story I'll call myself Aaron me and my parents all woke up one morning to go visit my brother in prison as for what he was in for let's just say he got in a fight with someone so we all went into the car to go visit my brother in prison when we got there we learned for some dumb reason only my parents get to visit my brother so when my parents went to visit him I was forced to wait in the police station waiting area about 40 minutes later my parents came back I asked if everyone was ready to leave my mom said yes we need to talk in the car so me Mom and Dad all got in the car and my mom asked me this so Aaron I know you got like ten thousand dollars or more in your savings I want to know if we can use your money and we'll pay you back keep in mind I've been working hard since I was 14 years old to get at least ten thousand dollars in my name I don't go out of the way to hide the fact that I got my own money from either parent so when my mom politely asked me for ten thousand dollars I politely told her no the reason is because one I don't deserve to suffer from my own Brothers screw-ups Two my brother's always stealing money for me and everyone in the family I don't like my brother for multiple reasons when I told my mom no she started yelling at me and my dad she threatened to get a lawyer involved and make me give her all of my life savings I asked her if she got enough money for a lawyer why not use it for my brother she said never mind find that you're so selfish then she went on a long rant about all she did for me trying to guilt me into giving her my money all so that my brother could have a lawyer only for him to still be in prison while my mom was yelling at me my Dad tried to calm her down eventually the yelling got too much for me and my dad we both just chose to take the Uber home and left the keys to the car with my mom of course mom was yelling at us in public on the sidewalk in front of a police station while me and dad walked away me and my dad got home with an Uber and my dad called my mom on the phone while my mom was yelling at my dad on the phone my dad said this look it's his money his brother being in prison is not his problem he worked hard on getting that money my mom got home and didn't say a single thing to me me and my mom weren't on speaking terms for two weeks till we finally got the news that my brother's public attorney was able to prove my brother wasn't guilty my Mom finally came to me and said she's sorry though she said she's sorry I was still mad at her her and gave her the silent treatment for a whole month today my mom and I are on speaking terms again if you've got money sometimes you can regret telling some people because when there's a wealth of money and people think they might have some access to it people can be unrelenting and try to make you feel terrible for it also hi I'm Stephen and if you love fueling your hatred for these entitled parents why not hit that subscribe button down below that said our next story is I refuse to take a few calls and try to set a boundary Thanksgiving got canceled for context I've been trying and failing to set boundaries for like the past year and a half now I'm also unlucky enough to be the only Offspring who's shamed for living with a boy before marriage I was out with my boyfriend and a friend of ours this past weekend to attend an event in a big city we'd been planning this for months my parents texted me as they do all too often they tell me they love me it's incredibly superficial but I digress I ignored the text because we were busy and our friend had driven hours to come be with us several hours passed and I get a message asking if I'm okay I ignore that because busy we get to dinner and I get a phone call I ignore the call and manage to send a text that says I'd been busy and that a lack of response doesn't mean something's wrong they told me the next day that they felt as if they were an inconvenience to me because of how I reacted Thanksgiving was then canceled so my dad could go spend time with Grandma his aging mom my boyfriend and I weren't even invited and now the I love you texts have returned I wish to break my phone P.S I'm nearly 30. there's definitely nothing wrong with I love you texts but if somebody is sending an I love you text for the sole purpose of trying to get Comfort out of getting a message right back they're definitely just being too clingy and this is one of those things that starts off small but because of how often it's happened and how much it's gone unchecked it becomes a huge thing every time it happens it feels like a major annoyance our next story is entitled child ruins my brother's birthday after entitled mother invites him and attempts to steal for me now for my brother's eighth birthday party he had decided upon a DC Comic superhero theme but not just that he wanted a sort of contest of Champions collection of DC inspired party games for him and his friends with rankings and winners decided at the end of the day with prizes Etc frankly I think my family and I did a great job designing party games and decorating the house and it would be an understatement to say that we were confident that the party was gonna blow these kids Minds around 11AM my brother's friends began to arrive and soon we had 20 hyper 8 year olds on our hands however we were still waiting on a friend who lived on the compound to show luckily he knocked on our back door that moment and I went to open it to find the friend he his six-year-old brother Jake and their mum waiting for me she ushered the two of them inside quickly said everything looked great thanked me and darted off there was only one problem however Jake was not invited to this party and this was for good reason Jake's brother was a nice his mother was delightful if not a bit entitled for dropping him off without asking but he however was not so delightful spoiled entitled and still expected to be babied at six years old this was not part of the plan Jake's older brother went to join the rest of the boys ready for the championship to begin and Jake just stood there before turning to my mom and uttering one word chips my mom simply said to him don't worry we'll be doing lunch after games plenty of chips for you then Jake just blinked back up at her before walking past her into our kitchen and beginning to go through our cupboards my mom somewhat in shock exchanged bewildered glances with me me before following him into the kitchen and lightly escorting him out of there to the rest of the boys great start the time had come for the contest of Champions to begin and the boys enjoyed round after round of Dopey party games with light DC theming for example soft archery target practice named Green Arrow assault throwing rope Hoops named Wonder Woman's lasso toss you get the gist it wouldn't be long however until we encountered our next Jake related problem during Superman's strength test arm wrestling the second my brother's hand touched his he broke down into a temper tantrum insisting my brother had broken his arm to help calm him and keep the games moving smoothly my mom gave him a mini bag of Haribo sweets this set a dreadful precedent however from this point onwards each game Jake expected a packet of sweets whether he won or not and should he not receive said sweets would somehow stage an injury or someone bullying him to ensure he could be called with some sugary sustenance the final game of the day was a mini Tournament of Injustice Gods Among Us on the PS3 a DC themed fighting video game in the style of Mortal Kombat but much less violent despite me explaining clearly to the kids how to play and allowing practice rounds when it came to the match of the century Jake Vs some other kid Jake began to cry almost instantly when famed Fighters some other kid landed first blow thus resulting in Jake smashing my controller onto the ground breaking it and ending this final challenge prematurely for the other kids before running off in tears having ruined the final game somberly I led the kids back to the dining room mourning the loss of my controller so that we could count up everyone's scores and name the champions my mom noticed Jake's absence and minutes later found Jake in our kitchen cupboard having found a sharing bag of Doritos on which he decided to Gorge himself naturally when it came to counting up the scores it would come as no surprise to anyone that Jake was last the top three kids each received a Batman action figure which I can't lie were pretty darn cool and every other kid got a Lego minifigure Blind Bag packet to enjoy suffice to say Jake was most displeased by his feeble participation award and attempted to steal one of the Batman figures from the prize table my mom calmly told him that they weren't for him and helped him to open his Lego minifigure pack which of course contained a figure that he took particular offense to not wanting another tantrum I offered to trade him one of my figures from my room as I was an avid Lego collector at the time and had hundreds of the little fellas I was sure at least one could temper his rage it didn't take a psychic to Guess that Jake would select one of my favorite and most valuable figures a large-scale Lego small log the dragon from The Hobbit as his trade I explained to him that I wouldn't be treating that and he could pick from a selection I'd curate for him to which he reluctantly agreed he eventually decided upon a Storm Trooper and I thought that would be the end of it if you've been paying attention to these stories you'd know I'm wrong often he's the Lee I led Jake back downstairs so I could help mum with getting the kids to the right parents and handing out party bags Etc of course the sneaky Gremlin took his chance to slink away once again and so once all the kids had left a search party was deployed to locate my favorite person no prizes for guessing where he was Jake was in my room stuffing his pockets full of as many figures as he could and when I opened the door he was caught on the act of hiding smog under his shirt as calmly as I could I told him to empty his pockets and return my Lego to me he screamed I was a mean liar and that I was robbing him and began to scream and and jump up and down on the spot till my mom came in she told them that his mother was here to pick him up and that he needed to return my Lego to me in response he emptied it all out onto the floor before wiping his tears and running to his mother and uttering just one word chips his mother told him she'd go get him some now and thanked my mom and I for looking after her angels all day I'd never been so happy to see someone leave in all my life honestly they have a heart of gold for putting up and taking care of that kid for as long as they did considering they were actively trying to ruin it for everybody let's be real we all know who's at fault here for those little angels acting that way it's the person that wasn't around all day this next story is entitled dad tries to steal a kid's food and then runs like a coward when he gets caught so when I was 16 I was working at KFC this happened during my very first week there now I have to mention that the restaurant I was working at was the kind where you make your order and pick it up at two different counters this is important I was in the back when I get an order for the kids menu I put everything on a tray I go to the counter and then I call the number on the ticket a man comes to the counter and says that's mine could you pack it up please I said sure and I take out the bag now there was a younger kid probably around 14 who got to the counter just a second later but he didn't say anything so I didn't pay him any mind in my defense I didn't encounter something like that before and the Casual way he approached me didn't sound any alarm Bells well that and the young girl sitting in his shopping cart yes friends this man used his barely older than a toddler daughter to fool some KFC cashier into getting a free kids menu at this point one of my co-workers probably the one who took his order rushes to me and says no it's not his it's his end points at the kid who indeed had the receipt in his hand I look at the table he came from where a younger girl was waiting for him and I quickly understood that he probably got the menu for his sister I apologize profusely and put everything back on the tray and then hand him the tray the man and his daughter probably have made themselves scarce as soon as my co-worker appeared and I was left dumbfounded the kid wasn't angry so that's a relief I would have felt so bad if my co-worker wouldn't have noticed what happened and I would have left the poor kid without food for his sister I would have paid for a new one obviously but still I remember this so well because to this day I am shocked that he had the nerve to do this while having a little girl with him one too young to be aware of protest against his actions with parents like that I'm honestly scared of how the girl's going to be when she grows up by the way from what I was told this happens frequently in this day and age where you see all the time on social media if you want free food walk into a store and just say you're here for the doordash delivery it's really no shock that this kind of stuff happens all the time I've ordered using ubereats or doordash or whatever and I've been told by the delivery worker that somebody had stolen the food I ordered sadly it happens all the time this next story is my parents made me Buzz my hair and are making me do all the same military stuff my brother did my brother did Junior ROTC every year during high school and every summer did a summer camp at a place called Marine Military Academy he's now doing ROTC and going to be an officer my parents basically gave me no choice this summer they said you are doing MMA and that it was good for your brother he had fun and it was good to learn discipline I'm not a troublemaker nor do I struggle in school they sent me and to be honest it was kind of more fun than I thought but the worst part was that they buzzed everyone's hair on the first day and every weekend and right before the end I had shoulder length hair and it was off full to have it shaved off and my parents kept saying how good it looked short and aren't I glad I got it cut now they're making me do Junior ROTC which again I actually kind of find fun except for the military stuff several of my fellow Junior rotcers are growing their hair longer and so I asked if I could let mine grow out a bit and my dad said that if I'm wearing my uniform the hair needs to be according to the rules he also said I was making a big deal about my hair and my brother never made a big deal about cutting his and that it was just hair but my parents aren't treating it like it is just hair what I'm struggling with here is it doesn't seem like they're even having like strict rules where you have to have a certain haircut I think at the age op is at this is like Prime Time where they need to be allowed to be themselves and grow their hair out for better or worse this is how op is going to grow up and come into their own and they're gonna do some crazy hairstyles some crazy hair colors and their parents are going to hate every second of it and it's because you didn't let them have any kind of self-control over their appearance when they were younger our next story is entitled dad and entitled kid mistake my dad's email there's a death threat and threatened to report him to the police I'm a 15 year old boy who was bullied to no end for most of my secondary school life mainly due to the trench coat that I wear to school during the winter The Bullying happens from people in pretty much every year group but one of the main culprits is entitled kid for context I've known entitled kids since preschool we used to be good friends until he turned into a top-tier chav around the time of secondary school high school after this story he continued to get caught in drama with the police by smoking shoplifting getting into fights Etc I had recently drifted away from entitled kid as I didn't want to get caught up in his business as this happened two years ago I can't remember exactly what happened but I do know that entitled kid Etc or done something to me not long before this whole thing went down in response to this my dad was pissed he's very defensive when it comes to stuff like this and I have endless gratitude and respect for both of my parents because of this my dad wrote an email to the entitled dad in response to what entitled kid did to me at the end of the email my dad wrote something along the lines of if you don't sort out your child soon enough you're going to have a much bigger problem than just a damaged front porch again I can't exactly remember but I do know they were renovating something about their house at the time hence the damaged front porch instead of taking action and disciplining their child like a normal parent would the entitled dad mistook the email as a death threat in the entitled child took it the same way the next day at school the entitled child and me had an argument in the PE changing rooms he said that he would report my dad to the police and send him to jail because he didn't feels safe I was freaking distraught keep in mind that I had no idea that any of this was going on until that point so after the argument concluded and I'd went to an after-school homework club I started bawling my eyes out crying for the large majority of the session when my mom picked me up from school we had to cancel our plans to go to a fitness club to sort this whole mess out my dad confirmed to me that what he wrote didn't even resemble a threat which reassured me I believe the entitled dad apologized for his mistake but still they did absolutely nothing to punish their child heck both the entitled dad and the entitled mom would say things like my little angel would never do such a thing or your child is just overly sensitive needless to say I now freaking despise that child it wasn't helped by him and his younger friends filming a video of me without my permission posting it on Tick Tock and saying that I was a school threat that shot 30 innocent students I got the police involved in that so much for their happy go lucky Angel Good freaking riddance considering the fact that the parents first reaction was to deflect and try to make these other people out to be the monsters is it really a shock that their kid grew up to have a life full of trouble our next story is dad thinks now that I've finished high school I should dedicate my time to all the housework I 19 year old female finished high school a few weeks ago and I'm on break until uni starts during the last few years I've been suffering from a chronic illness and I've found it difficult to have much time for much outside of studying and being sick so I did less chores for context I live with both parents and two younger siblings eight-year-old male and 13 year old female I used to do a lot of chores since I was 11. almost all the housework outside of the main part of cooking I would do the meal prep stuff though but then I became sick and school got busy year due to it being the last couple of years and my dad has hated and complained about how I barely do any chores these past difficult years now that I finished school I've been trying to commit the things that'll improve my health and I've also started working I.E I'm pretty busy when my dad gets back from work he'll yell at me for not having done X chore he didn't ask me to do anything specifically he just expects me to do what looks like it needs to be done I haven't thought much of it since I felt that I'm out of practice so I should be helping out a bit more since I'm at home during the day some days but today he realized I was joining a gym I joined three days ago but he only noticed today since I came home a bit late I'm joining since I've really been struggling with my stamina and doctors say to exercise Etc he knows this and thinks that doing house chores will replace that exercise he said why'd you do that for you should be staying at home and to do house chores instead and I'm just really angry because it seems like he thinks that now I don't have school for three months all I should do is chores he made a comment about me working too much recently as well I work eight hours a week because I should be doing chores and taking care of my siblings picking my brother up from school Etc ironically I use that money to pay for my medical and educational expenses because my parents can't afford it my family eats out once a week at nice restaurants and have a five bedroom house so it's mainly just poor or non-existent budgeting I'm just ignoring it at this point but I don't really know what to do saying something results in being yelled at and I don't really want to go through that I really feel for op here because I feel if you're living in a parent's house you probably should be doing some of the chores but it's just unreasonable to expect somebody to give up on trying to jump start their life in order to be a 19 year old stay-at-home maid I mean Ops out there trying to get work trying to go to the gym and prove themselves and their dad's saying no no you need to cancel all of that crap you need to stop doing stuff for yourself you need to stay at home and do all the chores are they maybe a little too stuck in the 1950s mindset and they think that op as a female should stay home and do all the chores is that what's going on here op doesn't have to be a free full-time housekeeper made this next story is am I the jerk my girlfriend bought me a PS5 and my mom has a problem with it so for a little bit of backstory me and my girlfriend have been dating for a month and pretty much hit it off immediately we started dating after two weeks of meeting each other and are completely obsessed with each other my mom loves her so does everybody else in my family so back to the PS5 topic I brought up the idea a little while ago before it had been bought and she said no saying that's too expensive of a gift for dating for this long now I've had my PS4 Pro for over 5 years and I'm in dire need of an upgrade it's to the point where it overheats without an ice pack on top of it and everyone in my house including my mom is sick of the jet sound it emits but I'm simply not understanding why she won't allow my girlfriend to gift me a PS5 when she wants to it's not her money and she really has no say in it it's already ordered and at my girlfriend's house ready to be wrapped and given to me this weekend and I'll most likely hide it but I'm just confused why she won't let it happen am I the jerk I mean maybe it's one thing if the girlfriend is super well off but I would say in most cases giving your partner of just a month a gift that's what four or five six hundred dollars is a bit over the top I mean at the end of the day if they want to give that away they want to give that away but I definitely think that it's not a smart thing and it very well could be the thing that that girlfriend goes on to regret especially you know one month later somebody catches the other just looking too longingly at another person and you break it up especially considering we don't know the age of Opie and their girlfriend if they're like 18 and they've got like no real money saved up for each other that's a big concern like it's a loving gesture that's really nice but they shouldn't be making purchases like that also Opie needs to go clean out their PS4 and change the thermal paste that said our final story of the day is Romeo and dreddy met a real one yesterday when dropping off my son at elementary school I was driving into the neighborhood where the school is the lady behind me really wanted me to speed up but we were within a quarter mile of the school and the streets are small so I let her butt hug my car for a block I turned left and she had to wait at the stop sign so I figured our little moment was over nope when she finally took the turn I was halfway down the street to this school I checked my mirror and was relieved it took her so long to turn because I get stressed out when people tailgate I'm not generally a slow driver except when driving half a block away from an elementary school at drop-off time well the woman apparently had a point to make because she gassed the heck out of it and zoomed down the street I was worried she was going to zoom past me on this small street so I moved a little to the left the crazy woman gasseded more and went past at around 60 miles per hour rolled through the stop sign zoomed in front of the school locked someone's driveway left their car sticking in the street blocking two-way traffic and went into the school with her daughter I was so angry that I didn't want to speak directly with her because I knew I would have been a jerk and not gained anything useful so I spoke with the parking volunteers and the office about possibly getting some safety office serves at the corner I went back to my car and right before I took off she drove next to my car and started yelling at me for almost hitting her car and that she had to drop off her daughter my retorts explaining that we were all doing the same thing and that the eight seconds she gained in the final quarter mile stretch is not worth putting everyone else's kids lives in danger were drowned out by her admittedly impressive filibuster skills and it devolved into one of those pathetic parents inappropriately yelling at each other in front of the school scenes I'm honestly pretty ashamed that I wasn't the better person and can't get it out of my head but dang all I could see in my head was some poor kid getting rammed by her car for no reason other than her sense of entitlement honestly I think this is a great ad for getting multiple car cams if you had a front and rear dash cam you would have caught all of this and surely I mean if this is in the U.S that would have all have happened within a school zone right in theory if you caught that on your dash cam you could have saved that footage got their plate number and sent in some kind of report at the worst maybe it would Inspire the local police to have a car out there every once in a while but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMOTHERNEARLYCRASHEDHERCARINTOMERedditStoriesorig
today we've got a crazy Pro Revenge story against a seemingly nice 70 plus year old man we'll get to that in a bit but first customer said I must not know my boss very well I work for my dad pretty great story from work this morning where I got to one-up this guy so I'll start by saying that I work for my dad at his store I work the front counter and interact with most people and customers also I look a lot more like my mom my dad runs a separate business as well but anybody who needs to talk to him for either business can usually find him in the office here so this guy shows up this morning looking pretty ruffled and asks if my dad was here I reply oh you just missed him he's out for the morning doing a couple things he was very displeased by this information and was acting very loud and unprofessional he started looking around the store and eventually came back to the front counter with a piece of equipment that he wanted to trade for some work that he apparently did for him before keep in mind I know most of my dad ads workers and have never seen this guy before I told him that I don't do any negotiations while he's not here and I can't just let him leave the store with something for free I told him that normally he probably wouldn't want to take that route but he was welcome to discuss it with him once he's back he looked at me and replied you're making a big mistake here and you must not know so and so very well because he would do this for me and blah blah blah I just looked at him and replied I actually do know him quite well seeing as he's my father I told him that he could either leave or wait for my dad to get back he kind of looked up at me and was pretty speechless I could tell he felt stupid and regretted his comment he ended up waiting around in his truck for my dad to show up and guess what he wasn't gonna do a trade it's almost like I know my boss well apparently the guy just worked like two days for him and then quit plus the thing he wanted was way more expensive than what he was owed side note the pay wasn't made yet because we're by weekly I swear some of the people around here are nuts but a petty don't you know who I am moment made my day just another perk that comes from the ability of your parents to give you a job I mean not only in a lot of places does that nepotism hire give you some serious strength but man when it's your own business and you work for your parents customers who have any kind of complaint got nothing on you you aren't some lowly peon when you've got a connection to the person who owns the whole shindig also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of Revenge why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is you think my work is crap find someone to do it in 20 minutes I 42 year old female have this pregnant friend 32 year old female she wanted to have a baby shower party she talked to me and wanted me to make some Decor two balloon arches four balloon Towers a balloon Carousel with dolphins a candy bar and a big mermaid tail for the back of the cake table Little Mermaid soap for her souvenirs 10 candles mermaid theme purple cyan pink and silver 20 mermaid tail keychains made of resin 800 plus dollars in all because she's my friend I don't ask for a deposit my bad the day of the baby shower I was in the place at 10 am with all the candy and half of the balloons filled starting to put them in place the party starts at 2PM she comes back at 12 and I was eating Burger King she started yelling and cursing because it's not in place I tell her relax each balloon is filled I only need to put them in place by 2PM it'll all be set and then I ask for my money and she tells me when you finish at 1 30 PM she comes back and all is set I was taking pictures of everything then she tells me everything's beautiful better than I expected but I don't have 842 dollars to pay you take forty dollars and leave I tell her what 40 dollars in leave I pay more than a hundred dollars for only the candy bar you think I'm a junkie and she answered what will you do you can't take everything back with a smile on her face so I take all the candy and put them in the trays and take my pin glove and proceed to explode each balloon she tried to stop me and I tell her so you'll pay me the baby daddy was there and started to yell I told him she doesn't want to pay will you pay I exploded every single balloon put the candy trays and all the plastic decorations in my car the key chains the soap the candles took all the tables centerpiece and left but all the decorations in the Facebook Marketplace I sold everything less than two hours later for eight hundred dollars and the lady who bought everything was three hours away but still went to my place to take it all at 7 pm well this is kind of a speed run attempt I would say of how to lose a long time friend and how to look like the biggest jerk ever needless to say that's a contact that is getting deleted in the phone later you know after you block the number first our next story is talk crap about my big day I'll make sure you celebrate it properly the story took place about 15 years ago my cousin and I both 14 year old male at that time were always close friends lived close to each other and therefore also saw each other outside of family gatherings and shared the same friends he was completely in his emo phase with hair and clothes I heard the same music but I had a normal style a year earlier our parents gave us the choice of whether we wanted to do confirmation if you don't know what that is it's a big Catholic church celebration where you affirm your membership in the church and then there's always a big family celebration I let myself be persuaded and actually thought that he would do it too but he refused we both hated church services and big family celebrations where you have to dress up and then they always last all day in this case I agreed because my parents and Grandparents were happy about it and also there's money in presence I also tried to persuade him but he remained stubborn a week before my confirmation we were out with friends and at some point we talked about what we were going to do next Sunday I noted that my confirmation is on that day and we my cousin and I don't have time he interrupted me and said are you crazy that's your confirmation I'm definitely not going there and later he got more and more annoying with stupid things like haha have fun in church you can sit with our family all day in the restaurant I'll stay at home have fun in your church clothes your mom must have picked nice clothes for you haha and so on which made me pretty embarrassed in front of my friends he was so annoying that I did the most dishonorable thing I could do I called my aunt his mom the next day told her that he said to me that he wouldn't come to my confirmation and if that was true she said yes he begged her not to have to go and you see each other all the time anyway so for once he can stay at home of course I couldn't let that sit on me and started talking to her that it would mean so much to me if he was there on my big day we were a family and he can't be missing here besides I would certainly get bored at the party without him and then she gave in and said okay he'll come then I moved on to part two of my plan oh and ant I'd feel pretty silly if I was dressed up and he wasn't I'm going to wear a suit and tie for confirmation I understand if you don't want to buy a suit for him but could you make sure he at least wears a nice shirt and tie it would make me feel awkward to be dressed up like that while he's not she told me she'll see what can be done and I made her promise not to tell him that I asked where she also agreed not to tell him and then came the day of my confirmation I hadn't forgotten his stupid jokes and if my my plan worked I wanted to give him a taste of his own medicine I was so excited when my aunt and uncle's car parked and I was really happy when I saw the back door also opened it was such a satisfaction when I saw my cousin I was still afraid at first that he might come dressed casually but no he had to wear a well-ironed white shirt tucked into his pants and buttoned up to the neck with a tie and black pleated trousers with dress shoes in combination with his emo hair it was such an absurd sight of course I welcomed him happily told him how happy I am that he came here and how nice I think it was that he dressed up so well for my big day I didn't want any trouble with my or his parents so I didn't tease him any further but before we went to the church we were alone for a moment and I said to him your parents have picked really nice clothes for you haven't they and he answered with a freak you I then told him the church service lasts two hours I hope you enjoy it have fun in the church and he just looked at me completely pissed after church we went to the restaurant for several hours where my party continued and where he was helpless against me and my teasing comments it was so satisfying after his stupid talk in front of our friends he ended up being pretty grumpy for a few days but of course we stayed friends I'm not gonna lie growing up I kind of went through a lot of the same things as far as the church side of things go and I kind of feel the same exact way I never really enjoyed going and anything that happened there always felt like it took an unnecessarily long amount of time honestly my favorite part about going was usually we went to a restaurant immediately afterwards and that's all I held on to the whole time our next story is woman was mean to me I think I won I was hosting a woman in my guest room who was visiting her condo in the city she had rented it for a few years and would fly in to check up on it gather her mail Etc she gave me crap about the condition of my guest room she also left a lukewarm review in my city we have a residential exemption if you own and live in the place you get a third of your property taxes waived if you rent it out you pay the full amount on my next visit to City Hall I checked their status sure enough she'd been claiming that she lived there all along and got the exemption about two thousand dollars a year I mentioned it to the clerk that she'd stayed at my house on her most recent visit that lukewarm review and verbal crap cost her a bundle screw her see I just don't get why you have to go around making enemies I guess you just have to accept that if you're going to go around being a rather unpleasant person that you shouldn't be too surprised when unpleasant things happen back to you maybe it's kind of like an endless feedback loop because they initiated being an unpleasant person unpleasant things happen to them and that fuels them continuing to be in unpleasant person this next story is cashier wasted time just for me on Batman I just wanted to share a little pettiness from yesterday I was in a small Supermarket yesterday picking up five groceries for the week this specific Supermarket is short on staff so it has one cash register open at this time and four self-checkouts open when I get to the till there's one person in front of me with a pretty big load of groceries the cashier was very clearly foreign and didn't speak English very well and was having a hard time keeping up so I wait in line for my turn this lady comes up behind me in line with a big card full of groceries she waits for about a minute behind me and then Taps me on the shoulder this audacious witch says to me can I go in front of you I have stuff to do at this point I look in her cart and she has three large flower plants in her basket along with a bunch of other crap and I stare at her in awe for a few seconds and say in a quite surprised voice and I don't without hesitation she replied you don't have to be rude about it I don't have the patience for people like this so I turn away and continue waiting after about two minutes of waiting the person in front of me pays and I put my five Groceries on the till I have this little game that I play when I'm at a store paying that I will always ask the cashier how they're doing before they ask me or else I do the little donation of a buck or two that they do for charity so I immediately ask the cashier how she was doing and if she saw the Batman movie that came out a few months ago because under her apron I could see a glimpse of a retro Style Batman logo on her shirt this sweet sweet lady heard with the lady behind me it said and so we discussed Batman for three to four minutes as she rung up my five groceries somewhere in the conversation the lady behind me had said in a very hostile tone Could you hurry up and and the most clear English I heard from this lady she said I I am with a customer right now I will be with you in a minute ma'am she turned back to me and winked at me and to be honest I must have had the most evil grin on my face then I paid and walked away I genuinely hope that she doesn't get in trouble for what she did but that made my week like who the freak buys three flower plants when they have stuff to do that is more important than what I have to do I really appreciated the pettiness and thought I'd share and if she sees this you rock this cashier is simply awesome I just fear that they might be able to get in trouble for it because like you're a cashier you're not supposed to be holding up the line you're supposed to just move things right along although if that Karen really had things to do and places to go they wouldn't have time to report her our next story is you're not our mom the story happened a few years ago my family just moved to our first house before then we'd lived in an apartment on a very busy street so this quiet neighborhood Bungalow was quite the change of pace that summer I 10 year old female and my younger sister six-year-old female started regularly riding our bikes around our block on one of these bike rides there was a group of kids about seven of them playing in front of their houses me and my sister rang our bike Bells got off our bikes and walked the bikes through the group making sure we didn't kid any toys or run over anyone's feet after we got through we continued with our ride however before we even got to the corner an old lady walking in our Direction pointed a finger at us and demanded us to stop she then yelled you can't ride your bikes here there's children playing outside I was raised to respect adults so I apologized and we rode back home my sister was upset because she wanted to keep riding her bike because of this when we were in front of our house I turned to her and asked if she wanted to keep writing she was worried we weren't allowed to because of that lady I then explained that she isn't our mom and we were being careful so screw what she thinks we went around one more time after that and when I saw her sitting on the porch of a house we made eye contact and I just smiled at her when we told our parents about her they went over to the house she was at and told her off like she was a misbehaving kid herself never saw the witch again this is like classic kid Behavior I was like four five six years old riding my bikes around in the street I also really don't understand the point she's trying to make there's kids playing in the street yeah the kids on the bikes are this next story is after 20 years I put the petty Revenge cherry on top of a baby poo Sunday we had a family gathering over Easter including my auntie Dot and her daughter Luis and luis's family Auntie dot isn't related to us she's married to my uncle Len who came out to Australia on the same ship as my dad and they've been like brothers ever since I'm going to be blunt I don't like Louise if I had my own way I I'd have nothing to do with her but I love my aunt and uncle and I'm Uncle Len's medical decision maker so I have to suffer her presence Uncle Len is in a nursing home because of his frail Health if I gave you the full list of my reasons for disliking Louise I'd never get to the petty Revenge but here are the edited highlights she does mean and hurtful crap and then brushes it off with but I didn't mean to or I was only trying to help or but I'm just saying what I feel including the time she tried to stop my sisters from going to my mom's funeral 20 years ago because they're fostered and not real family the irony has been noted she's also an Olympic hopeful in the heavyweight competitive child raising event Auntie Dot and Luis arrived with a frilly green dress and matching Bloomers for my six-month-old Vampira she has two teeth and likes fingers while I was settling the adult guests in and handing out chocolate ovoids to the younger kids my partner Martin dressed vampire in her new outfit she looked she looked an adorably crossed frog and a Frog Auntie Dodd had a cuddle and asked Louise to take a couple of photos then Louise wanted a cuddle and started rattling on about how Vampiro was six months old and can't sit up unaided but her Wonder Kids aged five and seven were sitting up and playing the grand piano at four months okay I'm exaggerating they don't have a grand piano when a Vampira started getting squirmy and irritable Martin said she probably had a tummy ache and tried to take her back Louise kept saying she was good with babies and would soon get vampires settled Martin and I were telling Louise an increasingly loud and firm tones to give her back and Louise kept insisting Vampira would settle down for her after a while vampire relaxed and gave Luisa's toothy smile Louise being back and said see I told you I remember getting a look from Martin that said well we tried seconds later Louis shoved a wailing Vampira back at Martin and sprinted for the bathroom you see what I hadn't told Louise was that we've been introducing cereals into vampire's diet because the growing baby cannot live on fingers alone and it hasn't been going well Vampira had Unleashed a punami which leaked out of her nappy up the back of the new dress and under Louise and it was one of her most odiferous efforts yet Martin did a cleanup and a complete outfit change and gave Empire her favorite teething dragons so she was soon happy-ish but the green dress and Bloomers were Beyond saving and luis's top might not make it either all of which could have been avoided if she just handed Martin the baby when he'd asked saws Lou but I'm not paying for a new top but the petty Revenge cherry on top of the baby poo Sunday came at dinner the meal started with pureed veggie soup and my middle sister asked Louise wanted to feed Vampira seeing as you're good with babies Louise angrily declined I pretended to pout and accuse Louise of hurting the Empire's feelings saying but she didn't mean to I'd been waiting nearly 20 years for my chance to say that back to Louise and it felt good for somebody that has a five and seven year old they really had no concept of what a baby is and what a baby can do they're four months old it's no great surprise that they're not sitting up on their own I mean you kind of have to make a conscious effort to want to do that a four-month-old baby who cares they'll probably just flop over on their own volition our next story is my ex-boss was underpaying me and is now dealing with the consequences hello all I 24 year old female used to work for my ex-boss 35 year old female for about four years over the years working for her I helped her out a ton I was her right hand for everything I worked and overworked myself and she did show me a lot of recognition which was nice I got a promotion to manager and things were looking up she paid me pretty good or so I thought and I was content during year four of my employment I started to notice she was becoming increasingly greedy especially with the money other co-workers were earning we earned money based on commission except for front desk workers they got paid hourly she was starting to forget to submit payroll and would blame her accountant then she would pay us by regular checks which was an issue because we didn't know how the money had been calculated many times I noticed my paychecks were short I would do the math and inquire with her she would always blame the accountant I would then ask to speak with her accountant she would always give some fake excuse on why we couldn't contact her accountant whatever one of the last times that really rubbed me wrong she owed me like two thousand dollars and said that it had been split it between two payroll periods when it didn't add up I asked her to meet with me in person and she again tried to make some dumb excuse eventually I got fed up and went ahead and started working for myself I've been pretty successful since I thought the least she would do was give me a bouquet of flowers on my last day of work because I'd been her longest standing employee of all time fast forward to now a year and a half later her business is officially shutting down at the end of this month and now she's Crawling Back wanting to friend me on any and every social media platform you can think of I have no interest in being her friend she can kindly freak off I think the only issue I have with this story is op seemed to kind of seek their affection and approval for honestly way too long this person just seemed closed off and uncaring it's nice hope he got out of there but they probably were hoping and longing for too much for too long this next story is normally I wouldn't hurt a 70 plus year old man in any way this decades ago in my parents building there is the position of building manager whose job is to take care of financials and interventions in common areas of the building such as elevators Lighting Rod paintings light fixtures Etc everybody in the building thought that the building manager let's call him Edgar was being bribed from all construction work so in a meeting another Resident was elected and Edgar lost the place he's occupied for 20 years residents were making a rotation now is my time I found that the priority was to change all electric installations of the 19552 building as some of it still contained cotton and tar if there was a fire Insurance wouldn't pay so we hired a company and one day an engineer showed me something there was an illegal connection from Edgar's electricity meter to that of the building meaning all of us had been paying his power bill probably for for decades I had it all documented confronted him he denied asked if he accepted to pay for the last five years in average in installments he said no so I told him I would not Sue because he's too old Justice could take years and he'd die first but that everybody would know that he's a thief important this is a noble four bedroom apartment if he couldn't pay his bills he could have downsized I told the whole story to all neighbors Dorman delivery people guys at the newsstand juice bar all the cashiers of the nearby supermarket building managers of nearby buildings mom's gossipy friends his cleaning lady restaurant owners and waiters my mom and I made it a mission to spread the word even the girl from The Flower Stand was horrified everybody gave him the cold shoulder I regret not having sued Edgar because he died at 90 plus with not a friendly smile from anyone I mean it kind of sucks that your whole Community shuns you but honestly at 70 plus Edgar probably just about made out over these 20 years I mean hey you can't take that electricity with you once you're gone our next story is ruin the end of the movie my husband and I were at the much anticipated John Wick chapter 4 in a theater that you pick your seats the place was packed since it was opening weekend the last few minutes of the movie A guy comes up and stands in front of me and tells me I'm in his seat completely blocking my view I tell him to move he insists I'm in his seat my husband tells him not so nicely to get out of the way he's ruining the end of the movie they finally left and they may have ruined the movie for themselves by coming in at the end but I made sure by telling them about the ending scene if you want to ruin the end of my movie by standing in front of me I'll return the favor so this guy clearly had to know what they were doing right I mean if you walk into the theater and the movie's already rolling and very clearly you can probably tell when a movie is almost over and you've walked in at the wrong time like was this guy just idiotic did they think they were actually late and that was like the beginning of the movie on top of all that where's the ticket person who corrected them about their showing being the next showing still our next story is chappy health and safety attitude leads to smelly office the cast is me supervisor key holder Sparky schmowward the health and safety officer and Big Brother innocent bystander many years ago I worked as a supervisor and an engineering company one day I was hooking a new pc up to the network and had to run an ethernet cable through a two foot thick brick wall luckily there was an opening at the top of the wall where someone had run a phone line a few years earlier I grabbed the ladder climbed up and passed the cable through to the other side I got up to my elbow then it felt like my hand and had been punched by a bumblebee traveling a couple of hundred miles per hour I got an electric shock from a bare Cable in the wall I grabbed the work Sparky and we did a quick assessment there was a bare cable it was wired up by passing all the breakers in the building and was permanently live it had probably been in the wall like that for 20 to 30 years I was lucky to brush past it and just get a light burn on the back of my hand not a big deal it's something we can fix and it's unlikely someone's going to repeat my mistake in the next few minutes Sparky sets out to get it isolated without tripping out a couple of dozen CNC machines I head off to fill out the accident book and to let management know that we're going to review the wiring Factory wide in case we have any more death traps whilst picking up the accident book I fill in the health and safety officer with what has occurred when I tell them that I've had a 230 volt shock the odious crap replies with I I think Opie you'll find you are exaggerating I took a dim view of this attitude and explained to him why he was a slang term for a certain kind of body part I demanded in front of a bunch of Witnesses in his shared office that he comes for a demonstration from our sparky on the way he continued to insist that I was overreacting Sparky made a simple demonstration with a multimeter this is live it never trips to earth look some idiots spurted off before the consumer units and it permanently connected to the incoming Supply schmoward blew it off saying that no one would normally touch it so it wasn't a big deal many expletives later we parted ways I seethed overnight the next morning I let myself in at 05 30. open schmauer's desk drawer and opened the corner on one of his tins of Tesco mackerel office staff like to eat in their office I put the open tin in the cavity behind the drawers lock the doors and return to my normal duties a week later the office smells of rotting fish three weeks later there's a huge cloud of flies erupting from schmoward's desk after They Carried his desk outside and opened it up schmowward is assumed to have knocked an open tin over the back of the drawer when rooting for something else the entire office staff are banned from eating and drinking in the office and have to use the canteen with us Pros they were most displeased with him we still did a full audit of the wiring and found plenty of dodgy bits but nothing that would be instantly lethal do I feel guilty for the other staff having to suffer no collateral damage omelet and eggs hilariously my elder brother great bloke quite fond of him had to work in the same office was complaining bitterly about the smell before the fly eruption and gave schmoward the most grief over the initial incident and the food Banning I've never told him it was me I feel nothing about his misery family means nothing when someone else needs to be punished you know I really thought Opie was going to try to set this up in a way that schmoward would like reach their hand in there themselves and Get Zapped but like Ops kind of suggesting I think that's kind of a lethal dosage of electricity if you have a direct contact I mean Opie brushed by it and they got a light burn on the back of their hand so like unless you feel like catching a manslaughter charge probably for the best you just go with the Flies and the stink but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeENJOYYOURSTINKYOFFICERedditStoriesorig
:00.040 --> :05.320 today we've got a great malicious compliance story  all about Manning the phones we'll get into that   :05.320 --> :11.200 in a bit but first just do your job stop acting  like you're important this is a long one I've   :11.200 --> :17.280 tried to restrain my verbos Tendencies as best  as I could but it's still a lot sorry as such the   :17.280 --> :22.240 story may seem a bit truncated in places that's  me trying to keep the word countdown I've kept   :22.240 --> :27.680 details vague deliberately since I generally don't  like giving identifying information background   :27.680 --> :32.800 some years back at the start of my career I worked  and insurance my team was new and our boss let's   :32.800 --> :39.880 call her Alice was very ambitious she' started off  as a team lead managing a similar team to ours and   :39.880 --> :45.400 through spending most of her time networking boot  licking and making herself the center of important   :45.400 --> :51.000 high visibility projects she'd managed to score  a promotion to manager and was given our team   :51.000 --> :56.720 along with her old one this was very unusual since  she should have gotten two team lead positions to   :56.720 --> :02.400 run said teams but that's how it worked out she'd  already been disinclined to pay much attention to   :02.400 --> :08.880 the actual work even before her promotion after we  basically barely ever saw her her Ambitions hadn't   :08.880 --> :13.200 stopped at her current achievements so she was  always busy trying to keep climbing the corporate   :13.200 --> :17.800 ladder so that the teams could actually run she  picked the two most ambitious people from each   :17.800 --> :24.280 team and made them do her job with no promotion  or pay increase I was that person from my team   :24.280 --> :29.280 for about a year I trained my colleagues handled  payment authorizations through a roundabout way to   :29.280 --> :35.240 circumvent company policy which said I absolutely  wasn't allowed to do that handled disputes within   :35.240 --> :41.320 the team checked over and corrected other people's  work etc our company had a policy that once a year   :41.320 --> :46.960 we had a skip level one to one with our boss's  boss at that meeting I brought up how unnatural   :46.960 --> :51.560 our situation was the senior manager replied  that she hadn't known myself and the person   :51.560 --> :56.160 from the other team were doing so much and agreed  that the structure should be reverted to how it's   :56.160 --> :01.480 supposed to be indeed a couple of weeks later  internal posting for two team lead positions   :01.480 --> :06.480 get posted on the company internet fast forward  a month or so and Alice has gathered the teams   :06.480 --> :10.440 to make an announcement the person who had  been doing the team lead job from the other   :10.440 --> :17.280 team was being made into one officially in our  team a girl will call Jane was getting it now   :17.280 --> :22.920 I wasn't the only one flabbergasted both teams  were extremely confused and several people even   :22.920 --> :28.000 voiced that confusion I didn't know this at the  time and only became aware during my eventual   :28.000 --> :33.760 exit interview but Alice had not liked that I'd  gone over her head even if she'd benefited from   :33.760 --> :39.800 It ultimately so in retaliation she'd given the  actual position I'd been doing up until that point   :39.800 --> :44.920 to someone else in a one toone meeting with her  later when I brought the subject up she got angry   :44.920 --> :51.080 and said just do your job stop acting like you're  important the malicious compliance remember how I   :51.080 --> :57.360 said Alice was too busy to ever do her actual  job she paid attention to none of it including   :57.360 --> :02.120 individual team performance Jean had only been  picked because she'd been a part of Alice's old   :02.120 --> :07.920 team originally and was perceived as loyal to  Alice we'd needed someone to do really boring   :07.920 --> :12.760 data entry parts of the job which nobody else  wanted to do and the other team had recommended   :12.760 --> :18.240 her I guess we should have been suspicious at that  point as to why they were so eager but Alice had   :18.240 --> :24.320 approved it as it turned out they'd wanted rid of  her because Jane was stupid I'm not using that as   :24.320 --> :29.800 an insult but as a descriptor she was genuinely  very unintelligent and struggled with anything   :29.800 --> :35.160 Beyond very basic data entry tasks when she was  made to do anything harder she'd generally make   :35.160 --> :41.280 a complete mess of it and now she had to actually  run an entire team train people approve payments   :41.280 --> :46.920 check other people's work and so on all while she  herself struggled with anything more complicated   :46.920 --> :52.120 than transferring numbers from one system into  another I honestly don't believe Alice was aware   :52.120 --> :58.440 of how big of a blunder she'd made here she just  picked someone she thought of as loyal of course   :58.440 --> :03.240 Jane tried to have me basic basically babysit  every action she took but I was having none of   :03.240 --> :09.240 it I was going to do my own job and nothing else  since I wasn't important for context for our us   :09.240 --> :14.760 friends we all had contracts with detailed job  descriptions and in my country you can't just   :14.760 --> :20.560 fire people for no reason and refusal to do work  that's not in the job description is certainly not   :20.560 --> :25.560 considered proper cause I was just a regular  employee none of the management functions I'd   :25.560 --> :31.760 been performing up till then were my actual job  The Fallout the team crashed hard over the next   :31.760 --> :38.000 three of months complaints went from less than 5 a  month to over 20 on average a lot of the incorrect   :38.000 --> :43.400 payments were doing out a huge backlog of cases  were piling up nobody else on the team wanted to   :43.400 --> :48.280 help Jane because they knew they'd end up just  having to do her job for her for no benefit the   :48.280 --> :54.200 funniest thing was Alice barely had an inkling  there was a problem Beyond me being uncooperative   :54.200 --> :59.360 which she was pretty vindictive about because she  was busy advancing her career and Jane didn't want   :59.360 --> :04.480 to admit how hopelessly out of her depth she was  things came to a head when the quarterly reports   :04.480 --> :09.640 caused alarm bells to ring amongst the leadership  team an internal audit was organized and a lot of   :09.640 --> :14.720 the mistakes that had gone through and a whole  bunch of leakage were uncovered Alice had to   :14.720 --> :20.120 go explain herself as to why our performance was  suddenly so terrible at this point she'd finally   :20.120 --> :25.360 realized she should have paid more attention  to the situation but unbeknownst to even her   :25.360 --> :30.200 it was too late everything from here on is here  say I learned it from a friend who was a team   :30.200 --> :35.400 lead of a completely different team so take it  with a grain of salt apparently there had been   :35.400 --> :41.040 talks about Outsourcing teams to India however  Alice's boss the one who opened the team lead   :41.040 --> :46.520 positions had been staunchly against it since  it would diminish her fom the proponents of the   :46.520 --> :52.240 Outsourcing managed to use our team's horrible  quarterly results to justify using the two teams   :52.240 --> :58.920 under Alice as a pilot for the Outsourcing program  quite literally the next day after I'd accepted a   :58.920 --> :03.800 position in a a different company and was planning  on giving notice we were gathered and informed our   :03.800 --> :08.680 teams would be shuttered in 4 months and that  we'd be training our Replacements in India   :08.680 --> :13.320 during that period I heard from colleagues who  stayed till the end that Alice was not offered   :13.320 --> :18.440 another position after her teams were made  redundant not surprising really open manager   :18.440 --> :24.840 positions and new teams didn't exactly grow on  trees sadly the pilot was considered a success   :24.840 --> :30.280 which honestly I personally find somewhat dubious  but the Indian Center was certainly a lot cheaper   :30.280 --> :35.360 than us and I learned via LinkedIn about a year  and a half later that the entire department had   :35.360 --> :40.880 been shuttered so realistically the whole thing  was probably inevitable but at the very least   :40.880 --> :46.080 Alice could have bought herself an extra year if  she cared a bit more if somebody could do better   :46.080 --> :52.160 if they cared a bit more but they just don't and  they can't were they ever truly capable our next   :52.160 --> :00.800 story is keep your phone calls in your pay grade  I was stationed on USS Sunfish SSN 649 from 1991   :00.800 --> :08.480 to 1995 during the time I was there the crew  compliment was 130 men 14 officers 12 Chiefs and   :08.480 --> :15.000 104 E6 and Below blue shirts the boat had three  telephone lines having communicated with some of   :15.000 --> :20.480 my friends and colleagues on other boats in mine  and our sister Squadron submarine Squadron 6 and   :20.480 --> :27.400 8 I knew that some boats had their own phone lines  designated as coxo commanding officer SL executive   :27.400 --> :34.400 officer officers in Chief and the crew line on  Sunfish however the three phone lines were simply   :34.400 --> :40.400 the three phone lines if the phone rang you pick  it up and you got the person asked for or took a   :40.400 --> :45.520 message if you wanted to make a call you chose  whatever line was available that is until late   :45.520 --> :51.960 1993 when our new Navigator nav reported aboard  the nav is the operations department head and is   :51.960 --> :57.920 third in command the new nav came equipped with  his own great ideas on how things were going to   :57.920 --> :02.640 be one of his ideas included changes to the  phone lines which were under the purview of   :02.640 --> :07.920 the operations Department Sunfish joined the  catery of boats with specifically designated   :07.920 --> :15.000 phone lines per his orders only the commanding  officer executive officer and yelman the executive   :15.000 --> :21.280 department were to use the coxo phone line only  officers and Chiefs were to use their designated   :21.280 --> :27.920 phone lines and of course the crew had their  line the nav discussed this policy every single   :27.920 --> :33.680 day at muster time why because everyone rolled  their eyes and simply disregarded the new rule   :33.680 --> :39.080 everyone disregarded this new rule up until he  started inspecting because of course you can't   :39.080 --> :43.920 expect much if you're willing to inspect when he  saw someone talking on the phone he'd check what   :43.920 --> :49.120 line they were using of course he never checked  anyone in the executive department he bothered the   :49.120 --> :55.200 Chiefs a bit until the chief of the boat command  master chief told him to freak off and not talk   :55.200 --> :00.240 to his Chiefs the nav did however chew out the  officers and blue shirt whenever he caught them   :00.240 --> :06.000 using the inappropriate phone for their pay grade  people started grumbling the nav stepped up his   :06.000 --> :10.880 game soon enough though as his phone inspections  and butt chewings weren't getting him the quick   :10.880 --> :16.080 results he wanted he had the officers follow  his lead for any calls for blue shirts on the   :16.080 --> :21.160 wrong phone line the caller was directed to call  back at the appropriate phone number then the   :21.160 --> :28.200 call was ended crap hit the fan the phones were  located in the attack Center Yan's office and   :28.200 --> :34.440 the wardroom many people go to the attack Center  throughout the day the Fire Control techs FTS and   :34.440 --> :40.240 quarter Masters qm were the only ones who were  primarily occupying that workspace previous to   :40.240 --> :46.360 the new nav's arrival they had to listen to that  phone ringing constantly all day with the nav's   :46.360 --> :54.000 new policy they muted both the commanding officer  executive officer and officerchief lines the nav   :54.000 --> :59.120 forbade the crew from muting any phone lines  except for the yman in their office but when   :59.120 --> :03.960 whenever he asked who muted those lines in the  attack Center he just got blank stairs and shrugs   :03.960 --> :09.400 from whoever happened to be there as soon as he  left the non-blue shirt lines ended up muted again   :09.400 --> :14.640 nobody ever wanted to answer the phone and have  to go running all over the boat to find people   :14.640 --> :19.480 but now the crew started doing the same thing  as the officers did if the phone call was for   :19.480 --> :25.640 anyone above the pay grade of E6 they simply told  them to call back on the correct line and hung up   :25.640 --> :31.240 Suddenly quite a bit of work was not getting done  message weren't getting past maintenance with our   :31.240 --> :36.200 assigned submarine tender was suffering due to  them not knowing anything about our designated   :36.200 --> :42.520 phone lines of course not many people were willing  to walk up and down all those decks on the tender   :42.520 --> :48.400 then down the pier when they couldn't get through  on the phone the nav tried to make the cooks ms's   :48.400 --> :53.920 answer the wardro phone as the ward room was one  of their workspaces the cooks were always busy   :53.920 --> :57.920 and were never good about answering the phones  to begin with sometimes they would answer the   :57.920 --> :02.240 blue shirt phone because because they were  blue shirts but never the officer or chief   :02.240 --> :07.840 line unless an officer was in the wardro to see  the unless an officer was in the wardroom to   :07.840 --> :13.880 see them ignore the ringing phone the cooks would  laugh that if they answered the officerchief line   :13.880 --> :19.440 they'd simply tell the caller to hold on set the  receiver down and walk away things simply didn't   :19.440 --> :25.560 go well regarding the new phone policy leadership  namely the nav created the problem leadership was   :25.560 --> :30.000 blamed for all the setbacks and maintenance and  repairs leadership was was blamed by all the   :30.000 --> :34.600 families having trouble reaching their family  members aboard ship the Chiefs suffered their   :34.600 --> :39.680 setbacks but were humored by the crap show and  the blue shirts started to love the new phone   :39.680 --> :44.680 policy they got to watch a bunch of things burn  down of course when we answered the phone we   :44.680 --> :50.120 had to identify the boat that the call was on a  non-secure line and state our name but everyone   :50.120 --> :55.480 talked so fast that there was no understanding or  accountability as to who answered the phones it   :55.480 --> :02.120 was truly a the beatings will continue until  morale and improves situation by the numbers   :02.120 --> :06.640 most of the crew made a good time of the whole  situation and really enjoyed pointing out that   :06.640 --> :12.440 everything was great until the new nav showed  up I mean really the problem here is is they   :12.440 --> :19.440 instituted this with no like training no practice  no foresight as to how this could possibly work   :19.440 --> :24.240 or interrupt the entire workflow everybody has  going on through and through this was set up to   :24.240 --> :29.320 be a failure from the get-go because there was no  logical thinking or process ever attemped to be   :29.320 --> :35.360 put in place our next story is self scanner usage  I was shopping at a large Home Improvement store   :35.360 --> :41.120 a few years ago think of a place with orange  signage they used to have a particularly nasty   :41.120 --> :46.600 woman who worked by the checkouts you could tell  she thought we were all stupid and beneath her it   :46.600 --> :51.440 was very early on a Sunday morning and I had a  cart full of assorted items I knew some of the   :51.440 --> :56.920 items wouldn't scan the only thing open were the  four self-service registers I asked the woman if   :56.920 --> :01.440 I could get some help because I knew something  wouldn't scan she didn't even look up from what   :01.440 --> :07.640 she was doing and in the most condescending voice  possible said all you have to do is run it over   :07.640 --> :15.160 the scanner just scan it I scanned my small bag  of grass seed I scanned my bottle of plant food I   :15.160 --> :20.440 scanned the new igniter kit for my grill then  I grabbed one of the Landscaping papers and   :20.440 --> :25.320 plopped it down on the scanner glass the sound  coming from the machine would seem to indicate   :25.320 --> :30.800 it wasn't scanning I flipped it over and tried  the other side the scanner made more protesting   :30.800 --> :38.280 noises now I had every employee in the area over  trying to help me of course the manager came over   :38.280 --> :43.720 and they were trying to make a huge scene there  was another customer who was standing right there   :43.720 --> :48.960 who called out the employee and said she was very  rude to me when I asked for help and said I was   :48.960 --> :54.960 following her instructions perfectly needless to  say I left with all my stuff I don't know how long   :54.960 --> :00.080 self-served number three was out of commission it  was still closed the next week weekend I never saw   :00.080 --> :05.520 that employee there again selfs serve registers  are all pretty cool and nice and dandy until   :05.520 --> :10.400 they don't freaking work the worst is when you  have to make that daring attempt to enter like   :10.400 --> :15.560 Walmart and you want to go through and there  somehow ends up always being five huge family   :15.560 --> :20.000 standing right behind you in line for the same  self-service register that's when there ends up   :20.000 --> :25.040 being some kind of an issue with this register it  almost makes you miss the old stand in line have   :25.040 --> :31.120 the cashier ring everything up for you oh the tag  isn't on that item and must be free interactions   :31.120 --> :35.960 but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   :35.960 --> :40.800 awesome malicious compliance story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :40.800 --> :46.440 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceSUPERMARKETREVENGERedditStoriesen
AIT for being sarcastic with my brother and parents and not comforting my brother after my dad's parents pulled the rug out from under him to get the details out of the way biologically my brother 20 male is my half brother my parents were married when he was conceived but my mom didn't cheat and my dad swore to raise my brother no matter what he gave him the family middle name Benedict and he legally adopted him he never treated him any different to me and my younger brother we always knew the truth though everyone did because it was sort of a public thing this includes dad's family my dad's family are people I never really liked I always picked up on the fact they didn't like my older brother and that they didn't like my mom for having him or my dad's decision to raise my brother I remember being 10 and hearing some of the ants and uncles with my grandfather that my brother got Benedict as his middle name when he wasn't one of us another time they made comments about my mom that were really derogatory and not kind at all I'd mentioned it to my parents and they told me they would deal with it and dad told me not to worry it got more blatant in recent years they're still careful not to say it around my parents and siblings or one of my uncles wives but I heard them say more disgusting things a few months ago and I called them out on it they acted like my brother was some stain on the
give me a good story on AITAforbeingsarcasticwithmybrotherandparentsandnotcomfortingmybrotheraftermydadsorig
AIT for telling my husband our son was gay I 32f caught my son 15m cuddling with his friend 15m while they were sleeping in their room I decided not to wake them up and I discussed it with my husband 34m and the possibility that our son might be gay came up while I initially agreed with my husband's suggestion to approach our son when his friend leave I late decided that we should just wait until our son was comfortable sharing this with us my husband AG rud saying what if he never tell us that he's gay I told my husband that if he doesn't tell us that he's gay then he's probably not I told him that we should just let our son know that we'll love him regardless and leave it at that however my husband went against our agreement and questioned our son about his sexual orientation while I was driving my son's friend home when I returned home I discovered my son in tears yelling and accusing me of outing him I was confused and told my son that I didn't know what he was talking about my son told me while he was crying that his father revealed what I saw and basically coerced him into coming out before he was ready my son asked me why I would I tell his father and why would I enter his room without his permission I started crying and told my son
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmyHusbandoursonwasgayaitaredditaitaredditstories
what is the thing we don't talk about in your family my two cousins who are brother and sister got caught sleeping with each other turned out they were in a full-blown intimate relationship for years Ben was 19 and Anne was 20 when it all came to light they both had a family friend force himself onto them when they were children and bonded over that so my auntie was mortified told them that it wouldn't be tolerated and that she would be sending Ben to live with relatives in Australia Ben was so devastated by being found out in the thought of being parted from his sister that he ended up trying to take his life my aunt discovered a Midway through the attempt she grabbed him by the legs and held him up screaming for help until a neighbor heard and called an ambulance Ben didn't die but suffered brain injury as a result he is now in his 40s and is basically a carrot word to Beetlejuice he cannot speak he can't walk he drools constantly and makes loud unintelligible noises breaks my goddamn heart no one ever speaks of Anne she has vanished doesn't want to talk to anyone in the family it's a pretty sad messed up situation when it all happened the story was that Ben broke his neck in an accident I only found out the full story for my dad last year after 20 years
give me a good story on Whatisthethingwedonttalkaboutinyourfamilyorig
WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en-US :00.470 --> :17.529 tour manager thinks he knows better than the technical staff for a big name comedian, probably :17.529 --> :22.630 cost his job... So this happened quite a few years ago. I :22.630 --> :28.349 used to work as a senior technician for a large entertainment venue (around 2000 standing :28.349 --> :35.110 capacity). Most of the time we would have private events etc, but this particular day :35.110 --> :39.150 a very well known comedian was booked to do an hour at the venue. :39.150 --> :45.140 Before the show I was expected to meet with his tour manager, discuss his needs, set up :45.140 --> :52.120 stuff etc. He arrives and immediately sets the tone. Personally I think they thought :52.120 --> :58.360 they were "too big" to play our venue, but they clearly didn't know what they got into. :58.360 --> :05.519 "Dave wont use any of your crappy mics, he tours with his own sound system" :05.519 --> :08.080 "Sure, when is it getting here" :08.080 --> :14.250 "I've got it with me" the manager said in the most condescending tone ever. He proceeded :14.250 --> :20.140 to pull out a self contained speaker system, no bigger than a suitcase. There was no way :20.140 --> :25.920 it was going to fill the first two rows of tables, never mind the rest of the venue, :25.920 --> :29.070 which would be at capacity that night. :29.070 --> :34.700 "No problem, I can give you a tie line so you can use our speakers" :34.700 --> :41.049 "That's not acceptable. Dave will only use our speakers and mic." :41.049 --> :48.119 To cut a long story short, I spent about 15 minutes arguing with the guy who was belligerent :48.119 --> :53.450 and refused to acknowledge that his crappy system on its own wouldn't fill the venue, :53.450 --> :00.150 and there was no way I could let them do it, without support from us. I explained he would :00.150 --> :06.130 have full control over the sound, my gear was there just to amplify it, I wouldn't need :06.130 --> :12.120 to touch the desk. This still wasnt good enough for him and he threatened to pull Dave from :12.120 --> :13.250 the show. :13.250 --> :19.530 (Edit for clartity: he was very aggressive and condescending. At a few points he tried :19.530 --> :24.600 to claim I didn't know what I was doing, and that I shouldn't be employed by the company :24.600 --> :31.880 as I was clueless - no matter how much I explained the science etc. He tried to scare me into :31.880 --> :37.690 doing what he wanted by threatening to pull the show - there was no need for this, it :37.690 --> :43.260 was him being stubborn and trying to pull power thinking I would back down and let him :43.260 --> :48.480 cause serious complaints for the venue because of his poor tech knowledge) :48.480 --> :54.739 He eventually backed down when I told him fine, I'd call the venue manager and explain :54.739 --> :01.060 the situation, I'd get a night off and he wouldn't get paid. Much rather that then hundreds :01.060 --> :07.350 of complaints and refunds. He backed down and we set up for the show. But he was still :07.350 --> :14.310 a jerk and the act was no better. They clearly thought they were better than us and it showed. :14.310 --> :19.790 The act even walked around backstage in his boxers into different peoples dressing rooms :19.790 --> :27.190 without knocking etc. Between them they both managed to annoy everyone. I had enough. :27.190 --> :32.769 The tour manager had set up a little sound desk at the side of the stage for him to use :32.769 --> :39.330 for "Dave's" microphone. He was standing their throughout the show "mixing his mic". Where :39.330 --> :45.930 he put himself meant he couldn't hear how it sounded, but could be seen by everyone. :45.930 --> :51.860 My lighting OP and I were at the back of the room a few hundred feet away and hatched our :51.860 --> :52.860 plan. :52.860 --> :57.400 The first few minutes of the show were fine until the tour manager moved away from his :57.400 --> :04.440 desk to listen. As he walked away for some strange reason Dave's mic would feedback. :04.440 --> :10.340 He would run back to the desk, try to correct it, but it would solve itself. A couple of :10.340 --> :16.410 minutes later he would walk away and it would start to get that horrible feedback again. :16.410 --> :21.680 Nothing that the audience would notice too much, but Dave and his tour manager certainly :21.680 --> :22.820 did. :22.820 --> :28.130 The tour manager was puzzled. He couldn't understand why this was happening and Dave :28.130 --> :34.100 was getting more and more irate, glaring at his manager throughout the act. What they :34.100 --> :40.810 didn't know was that I was watching the manager, and every time he stepped away I turned up :40.810 --> :47.060 the high frequencies on my desk causing the feedback. As he got to the desk I would correct :47.060 --> :52.040 it and get rid of the feedback myself. Rinse and repeat. :52.040 --> :57.860 He got so annoyed he came to the back of the venue, barged into our control box and looked :57.860 --> :03.590 at my desk, which of course was set naturally as we had discussed. :03.590 --> :06.360 "Have you touched your desk?" :06.360 --> :13.120 "No mate... actually I did once. Seemed like you were struggling with feedback so I took :13.120 --> :15.050 a bit of the top out." :15.050 --> :20.550 He walked away sheepishly back to his desk, about halfway there the mic started feeding :20.550 --> :27.250 back again, this time quite aggressively. He had to run the last 50 foot or so which :27.250 --> :33.120 only drew more attention to him, especially from Dave the comedian. :33.120 --> :38.170 On his way out the venue I heard the tour manager being chewed out by Dave, about how :38.170 --> :40.390 incompetent he was. :40.390 --> :46.290 Few years later I meet Dave at another venue I'm working at. Turns out hes a decent enough :46.290 --> :52.030 guy. Didn't mention the revenge I did on the tour manager, but told him about the gig. :52.030 --> :57.070 Turns out it was one of the last times he used that manager, one of the reasons being :57.070 --> :10.960 how bad that gig was... :10.960 --> :16.600 Terminated me while on medical leave, put them on permanent leave. :16.600 --> :22.889 So first, your typical backstory. I was an employee at a well-known breakfast chain, :22.889 --> :29.230 particularly popular for their wide selection of pancakes, for nearly three years. I was :29.230 --> :34.910 decently well-liked among the employees, and had a very good friend who had just been promoted :34.910 --> :41.580 to a shift manager by the former general manager, who was a really great guy that unfortunately :41.580 --> :48.830 got transferred to a different store against his wishes. He was replaced by a horrible, :48.830 --> :52.830 power-hungry shift manager that no one cared for. :52.830 --> :00.669 So a typical work week for me was six days a week, between 60-70 hours a week, with Tuesdays :00.669 --> :08.010 being my only day off. My shifts ranged from eight hours to as much as an 18 hour double-shift :08.010 --> :15.610 (important later). I worked this schedule without complaint for years of my life. Unfortunately :15.610 --> :22.790 on September 10th, I fell very ill while at work with no known cause. This was accompanied :22.790 --> :29.010 by very severe, stabbing pain in my lower right abdomen. I called the general manager :29.010 --> :36.260 (it was about 12am at this point) and informed her I planned on leaving to go to the ER, :36.260 --> :43.040 to which she told me if I left, then I would be fired. Now at the time, I really needed :43.040 --> :50.639 this job, so not wanting to be fired, I decided to work through my shift. I had two hours :50.639 --> :56.889 remaining, but it was heck to work through. Finally, 2am rolled around and I immediately :56.889 --> :02.849 left to drive to the hospital. Upon arrival, I was admitted almost immediately into the :02.849 --> :09.580 hospital due to scan results showing an inflamed appendix. I called the general manager, and :09.580 --> :15.520 let her know that I was being admitted to the hospital, and would keep her updated. :15.520 --> :20.930 Her response? "If you're going to try to get out of work, can you at least find someone :20.930 --> :29.360 to cover your shift in the morning? Some people...", note at this point, it was around 3:30am, :29.360 --> :35.739 my next shift that she wanted me to cover, was at 8am the next morning. A few hours later, :35.739 --> :42.110 I was notified that I needed an appendectomy, and it would be scheduled for the following :42.110 --> :48.720 morning. I agreed, signed the release, and called up my manager to notify her. I told :48.720 --> :54.029 her that I would be out of work for at least a few days, but after surgery I'd let her :54.029 --> :00.079 know. It is important to know that I kept her informed throughout my entire absence. :00.079 --> :05.759 I even sent her a picture of myself laying in a hospital bed after multiple accusations :05.759 --> :12.709 of faking (I still have the texts if anyone is interested.) So surgery went smoothly, :12.709 --> :19.239 however they found that I had a gangrene infection in my appendix that appeared to have spread. :19.239 --> :26.009 Due to complications involving this, my hospital stay ended up being two full weeks. :26.009 --> :32.110 I was discharged at noon, and drove to work almost immediately after discharge to inform :32.110 --> :37.709 them I was out of the hospital and cleared to come back, as well as turn in the hospital :37.709 --> :44.420 note, proving I was there. To my surprise, the regional manager is there. I walk in and :44.420 --> :50.339 find both the regional and the general manager at the front counter having a conversation. :50.339 --> :55.489 I slide the note towards them on the desk, and inform them that I was cleared to come :55.489 --> :02.829 back to work. The general manager looked at me in utter disbelief. "Excuse me? You've :02.829 --> :10.499 already been terminated for no-call-no-showing for two weeks." I reminded her that I did, :10.499 --> :17.429 in fact, keep her informed, and had proof. She cut me off, and with an annoyed tone, :17.429 --> :23.410 said that she'd give me another chance. I came back in that night for my shift, luckily :23.410 --> :28.949 working with my friend the shift-manager. I was also training a guy I had never seen :28.949 --> :36.290 before (not uncommon, as I was a floor supervisor/trainer.) My friend later called me into the office, :36.290 --> :42.100 and that's when I learned that I was only rehired so that I couldn't file a wrongful-termination :42.100 --> :48.230 suit, and said that the person I was currently training was my replacement. The general manager :48.230 --> :54.779 had plans to fire me the next morning. As shocked as I was, we immediately hatched a :54.779 --> :55.779 plan. :55.779 --> :02.300 So this restaurant was dirty. Huge roaches infesting the kitchen and dining room, black :02.300 --> :08.610 mold, rotten food mixed with fresh food, water leaks so bad the carpet in the dining room :08.610 --> :15.179 is literally decaying, you name it. We have reported these issues to the general manager :15.179 --> :21.119 multiple times, but nothing ever happened. My friend sent the trainee home, with the :21.119 --> :27.699 excuse that our labor was too high, and I spent the remainder of my shift taking pictures :27.699 --> :34.889 of every continuous health-code violation I seen. I went as far as cooking orders, just :34.889 --> :39.750 so I could get pictures of the grills and kitchen areas without suspicion from other :39.750 --> :45.810 employees. Finally, the next morning rolled around. I woke up to a call from the general :45.810 --> :51.989 manager. Sure enough, she demanded that I turned my uniform in because I was being terminated :51.989 --> :58.080 immediately. I drove up there and asked for the reason behind my termination, and she :58.080 --> :05.899 replied that I was a "lazy worker who always complained that they had hours." Please remember, :05.899 --> :13.209 I averaged about 64 hours a week, and never complained. Not in the mood to argue, I simply :13.209 --> :19.040 turned in my uniform, and left. But that's not the end of my plan. :19.040 --> :25.910 I was one of the only food-safety permitted employees. I had just renewed my permit, so :25.910 --> :32.199 all of the information in the class was fresh on my mind. I also distinctly remember the :32.199 --> :38.240 health inspector teaching the class stated that if we wanted to report our workplace, :38.240 --> :44.689 just come in, ask for him, and bring evidence. I went straight to the health department, :44.689 --> :50.749 asked to speak with him, and supplied seven written paragraphs of every violation, as :50.749 --> :56.339 well as all of the pictures I had taken to back my claim up. He informed me that with :56.339 --> :01.999 the picture evidence, it would be hard for the restaurant to fight. He also informed :01.999 --> :08.199 me he would follow up with a surprise inspection the next morning. The next morning, I woke :08.199 --> :16.220 up, and found messages from my general manager, calling me a "snitch" and a "greiner (whiner)". :16.220 --> :22.389 Luckily, my friend recorded the entire inspection from the office. Due to how recent this story :22.389 --> :28.549 is, I will not be releasing it due to it showing faces as well as names being mentioned, but :28.549 --> :34.980 it was beautiful, and it showed who the true "whiner" was in this situation. The regional :34.980 --> :41.709 manager was slapped with a hefty $7,000 fine for allowing unpermitted employees to work, :41.709 --> :46.100 and the restaurant was ordered to shut down operations to clean, however, being a barely-profitable :46.100 --> :47.180 franchise, the franchisee (who owned many other locations) closed it down and ran off. :47.180 --> :53.109 Now as much as I want to feel bad for the people left without work, I don't, and for :53.109 --> :23.319 the decent employees, the story actually has somewhat of a happy ending, as many have moved :23.319 --> :05.049 on :05.049 --> :31.470 to better things.
give me a good story on rprorevengeIShutDownMyAWFULRestaurantUS
found out my dad is really my uncle and Mom had an affair with his brother my real dad they all hid the ugly truth from me for 16 years so I cut them off for good hey I'm on my phone right now so please try to ignore any typos so I 16f had been living with my mother 42f and my supposed father 39m for the past 16 years of my life but I recently learned that it had all just been a lie that my parents had been covering up for ages my whole life I haven't ever had any photos of my family or any childhood photos unlike other children all my existing pictures are ones that were clicked after the age of five or six I was told that we lost those albums of my childhood in a house fire which I don't remember because it happened when I was very little of course it's all a big fat lie and I know that now I uncovered this on my visit to my uncles my mom's youngest brother house last week my parents didn't like my uncle 33m for some reason and used to forbid me for meeting him unless they were with me but my uncle is really cool and he recently bought the newest book in a series that I enjoy reading so I went over to his house last week without telling my parents my uncle and I have always been close compared to my parents who have always been a little emotionally distant from me I couldn't figure out why earlier because they seemed to be close to my sister I didn't think much of it because it wasn't like they didn't care for me or didn't show affection towards me they just babied my sister more my sister Riley is just 2 years younger than me so earlier I used to find it unfair but then I got used to it I love Riley so I didn't think I needed to talk about it either as long as all our needs were fulfilled my uncle agreed to keep my visit a secret because he knew how much of a bookworm I am while I was going through through his extensive Library I found what was unmistakably a photo album on the bottom shelf and it was very obvious that he had tried to hide it behind another book I grabbed it and started looking through the pages while he made me Lemonade so he wasn't there to stop me and eventually I came to a bunch of photos that looked like they were clicked at my mom's wedding I could recognize my mother because she hadn't changed much but I couldn't recognize the groom at all it was insane to me at that moment because I knew for a fact that these were my mother's wedding photos since I could place a lot of people from her family but the groom who was supposed to look like my dad didn't look like him in the slightest when my uncle came back to the room his face fell when he saw me holding the album and tried to distract me by talking about the new book but that strategy wasn't going to work now that I had something much more interesting to talk about I confronted him and demanded an explanation as to why he had a photo album that contained so many photos of my childhood and past even my mom's wedding I've been told my entire life that we didn't have any pictures from the past so this seem suspicious in itself and then add to that the distinct difference in looks between the groom standing beside my mom and my dad after a lot of pushing and arguing my uncle finally told me the truth he warned me that this wasn't his place to share but now that I was older even he felt that I deserved to know I was intrigued and didn't know what to expect but whatever it was I wasn't expecting this so I've only ever known my mom's side of the family but never my dad's side because according to my mother my dad had been orphaned at a young age the relatives that he did know had not expressed any interest in adopting him or helping him so he was no longer in touch with them I accepted that as the truth but after my conversation with my uncle I learned that my paternal grandparents were still very much alive and that the whole story was something my parents had made up to keep me from finding out their Ugly Truth apparently my dad isn't really my dad he's technically my uncle because my real dad was actually his brother I never got to meet my biological dad because by the time my mom had the affair and the divorce was finalized my dad had already been diagnosed with motor neuron disease and the court hence ruled in my mother's favor and she got full custody of me my dad's family wasn't willing to look after me and my father wouldn't be able to no matter how much he wanted to se joint custody was out of the question he did get visitation rights but my mother didn't allow him to see me very often and by the time I was five or maybe six old he had passed away already I do have some vague memories of him but I never really processed or acknowledged him as my father because nobody ever told me the only father figure I'd known was my supposed dad who's actually my uncle my mother got married to my dad about 20 years ago after dating throughout high school and college since they'd been together for so long it was a given that they'd eventually get married and start a family but apparently my mother wasn't ready for that and resisted the idea of it for ages it wasn't my dad who ever pressured her but his family he'd ask her to turn a deaf ear to it but she'd get way too worked up and eventually she couldn't handle his nonchalance anymore which led to a lot of fights between them my mom said that she went to his brother so he could help sort things out between them but ended up relying on him for more than just emotional support four years into their marriage my mother started an affair with her brother-in-law and she was about to confess to my dad but then she realized that she was pregnant and within a few months of that my dad was diagnosed she finally came clean to him after my birth and then he filed for divorce and joint custody but failed he tried several times afterward but his appeal was rejected on account of his illness and so I never really got to spend any time with him and he never got to be a real dad to me I barely even remember him if I'm being honest I was his daughter for sure though that had been proven by a DNA test which was probably why my parents never felt very emotionally connected to me because I only reminded them of my dad whom they cheated and screwed over then Riley was born 2 years later and by the time I turned six my biological dad was gone forever so that's my wonderful family for you they went to insane lengths to cover up the truth and make sure I never found out about what they'd done in the past but now that I knew I couldn't just look at them in the same way ever again all the respect I had for them was just gone along with all the love they'd always kept their distance from me emotionally and I'd thought that it was because they adored Riley more since she was younger but no it had less to do with her and everything to do with me and my heredity after my uncle was done telling me the truth I broke down into tears because it felt like the world had come crashing down around me I'm not even kidding it literally felt like the worst thing I could ever think of had suddenly materialized I'd always made excuses for my parents lack of emotional connection with me and had refused to entertain any thoughts of them loving me any less but as it turns out it was all true and the one shot I had at having a real dad had been gone for a really long time it sucked but there was nothing I could do to change the truth so I decided that I was going to move out of my parents house and stay with my uncle for a while I couldn't just look at my parents the same way ever again and I don't think they would have ever told me the truth themselves either it was purely by luck that I'd found out and now I wish I hadn't found out at all really I made my decision the second I heard the full story from my uncle and requested him to get me my clothes and other belongings from home because I just couldn't bear to see my parents at the time he agreed and I didn't have to go back but my parents did call me as soon as they learned what I was planning to do they told me that I couldn't live with my uncle because despite everything there're still my parents and they still love me so instead of throwing a fit over something that happened years and years ago I should try to be a grown-up about it and be more considerate of their feelings I couldn't believe that they were telling me to be considerate when they were the ones who'd been lying to me for as long as I was alive I could have forgiven the lying if they'd done their best as parents but they didn't even do that and always made me feel inadequate and like I was never going to be enough no matter what I did so I lashed out at them over the phone and told them that they were liars and awful parents and I did not want to see them then I hung up and waited for my uncle to come back home while sobbing my feelings away my uncle returned about an hour later while looking guilty about everything he apologized to me as soon as he came back home with my clothes laptop and other belongings that I told him we're in the middle of our winter break right now so I don't need my school stuff for a while and the ones that are absolutely necessary are already in my locker my uncle said that he was sorry that he told me everything so suddenly without preparing me for any of it especially when it wasn't even his place to say anything and it was clear that my parents had torn into him for telling me the truth he said that I could live with him for a while and think about what I wanted to do next but I could feel that until you decide to go back to your parents was implied I didn't say anything to him at the time but I'm sure he won't be too excited about sharing his house and supporting a 16-year-old until I go to college I don't like the idea of living with him until College because it's very obvious that he doesn't actually want me around permanently he's only doing this for me out of temporary kindness he loves me and I love my uncle too but this situation isn't ideal for either of us there's a lot to think about regarding the future that I didn't take into account when I made my decision on the other hand I also do not want to go back to my parents it's not like they haven't been trying to remedy the situation but I can tell their attempts are really half-hearted and it's mostly out of a sense of obligation and moral duty not because they really miss me and want me back all their texts and calls are just all about how it's impractical for me to run away instead of being a grown-up and confronting the situation so I can just deal with it they keep coming up with practical reasons that I can't continue to live with my uncle as if I'm not already aware of those reasons not once have they said that they miss me or they actually want me back and that they love me they keep saying I need to be a little more grownup about this but hello I'm not a grown-up at all so how exactly am I supposed to act grown up about this it doesn't even make sense and honestly the more they call the less inclined I feel to go back to them on their last call they said that I should come back because it reflects poorly on the family if a teen girl chooses to live with her Uncle instead of her parents and just makes it sound disgusting and perverted I don't know what to do with this point and I feel like I might be overreacting here but again I don't know Ida for refusing to go back to my parents once I learned that my dad isn't actually my biological dad and he's technically my uncle because Mom cheated update one so it's been a couple of days since I posted here and yesterday out of frustration I told my Uncle to try and put me in touch with a lawyer so I could at least try to make sense of this mess that I was in I don't think he'd been expecting that and looked pretty surprised when I brought it up I couldn't keep it in anymore and ended up crying while telling him how lost I felt I didn't even intend to cry but I just couldn't hold the tears back anymore and they just kept coming as I wiped them away and tried to explain how I was feeling it had been almost 10 days since I met moved in with him but despite having him around and also having the constant attention of my parents which I'd always wanted I'd never felt more alone in my entire life yesterday it just got too much to bear and I broke down in front of him thankfully my uncle was a lot more understanding than my parents and he hugged me and consoled me while I was crying and after a while he was crying too he told me that he tried his best not to let me in on this nasty secret but he just couldn't do this anymore and when my parents had found out they'd been vicious and had attacked him on every possible level my mother especially had been the worst and had called him a weird pervert who wanted to hog my attention I think that's pretty much the cruestv ever heard because so far nobody in this family has tried to help me at all least of all my parents so for them to say something so disgusting showed me what kind of people they were and how they didn't care about anyone apart from themselves I don't even know what kind of person says crap like that about their own daughter and brother I'm sure they wouldn't even care for me if it wasn't for the fact that they'd actually have to explain my absence to their guests and couldn't just play Happy Family without me they're just so incredibly selfish that it's literally infuriating my poor Uncle also had to face the consequences of telling me the truth and I of finding out we truly were the black sheep of our family and I'm glad we were because I don't think I'd be content with myself knowing that I fit in with these people at least Riley's been great to talk to because she doesn't bring up my parents at all the only thing she said is that she misses having me around but I can take as much time as I need to come back to her she specifically said her and not us because she knew I didn't want to come back to our parents they'd never made me feel loved or anything close to it even and I could see that very clearly now my uncle told me I could live with him for as long as I wanted to and has even apologized for making me feel like wasn't welcome here initially he got too caught up with his own feelings but totally forgot that what I was going through in my teens was a lot harder and if he was a good human being then he' put my struggle above mine which is what he planned on doing now he's told me that he's going to start talking to lawyers because he wouldn't put it past my mom to try something funny even if it's at the expense of her own brother's reputation that's how low people's opinions of my parents are and also there have been loads of people in the comments who have told me that I'm overreacting but I'd just like to tell them that if they can put themselves in my shoes even for a second and tell me honestly that they'd still be okay with their parents after finding out the truth then I believe that I might be overreacting Unfortunately they can't do that so I don't think I'm out of line for reacting the way I'm right now I've been lied to my entire life and cast aside for no fault of mine so when I find out about the truth I have every right to be pissed about it update two my uncle has spoken to a lawyer and has prepared the documents for him to legally adopt me after my parents sign away their rights over me I told my parents about it last night and it didn't go well I'd called them to inform them that this is what I wanted but they had an outburst at the very suggestion and called me ungrateful for being so dramatic despite their best efforts best efforts they hadn't even visited me after I'd moved out so they could give it a rest I brought that up with them and of course the excuses began pouring in they wanted me to have my space so they hadn't visited but now that I was demanding space on a more permanent basis they were afraid of what other people would say and that they'd find out about how my mother and father were both distinguished cheaters in their Prime it's probably also their biggest and only achievement I think as long as you don't count gaslighting your daughter to the point of doubting if her anger towards years of deception is even valid or not then that would be another contest for them to win I don't care if I'm being harsh on them right now after the things they've said they totally deserve this and much worse they're lucky I'm doing it on a platform and venting it all out in a way that still protects their privacy instead of airing their dirty Linen in public I could choose to name and shame them if I wanted to but that would be too low for me which is why I'm not doing it I won't be afraid to do that if they try anything funny though so I've stealed myself for that as well Riley is not exactly happy about my decision but she respects it and she understands it which is the most I can expect because she's even younger than me and if I haven't been fully able to bring myself to cope with a situation then it'll be really unfair for me to expect her to do any better I don't hold it against her that she's choosing to live with my parents because it's not much of a choice if that's your only option she's told me that she can never see them in the same light again but she knows she has to make the best of her circumstances and can't just walk out like I because my uncle most certainly cannot take up the responsibility of two teenage girls and I'm not sure if that'll be possible legally either since my parents have been decent to her not so much to me my uncle and I have given my parents about a week to think about whether they want to get up their parental rights amicably or if they want to take this to court letting me stay with my uncle voluntarily is a lot better for them because that way they don't have to waste a bunch of money on a lawyer to fight a custody case they're destined to lose because I don't want to stay with them now anyway update three hey folks been a week since the last update and I'm happy to inform you guys that 2 days ago my parents finally terminated their rights over me I'll only be a minor for two more years but I'm glad this happened because I absolutely do not want them to have any control over my life at all this happened thanks to my grandparents but unfortunately not in the way that you would expect they didn't suddenly stand up for me but instead came over a couple of days back to try and drill it into my head that I had to be grateful to my parents that they'd even taken care of me for so long after my dad's family refused to take me in they didn't speak to my uncle because apparently they'd cut him off but focused on schooling me only according to them I should be thankful that my mom adopted me and my dad raised me despite my biological father being someone else they thought my parents had done it out of kindness but I knew that it was all rubbish the only reason they'd done so was because they needed to save face and they knew that if they hadn't taken me in my father would have made sure everyone knew about their affair while he was alive which he didn't do I know all this because my uncle told me all about it since now there was no point in keeping secrets anyway I told my grandparents the same and it led to a huge fight between us after which they left and swore that they'd make sure my mother threw me out as if I hadn't already left on my own their threats didn't scare me and I made sure to slam the door right in their face once they left the house my uncle and I were both pretty heated after that argument because there had been a considerable amount of mudslinging and name calling but at least the one good thing that came out it was my grandparents forced my parents to give up their parental rights so as of now I'm in the process of getting legally adopted by my uncle and I'm fine with it the only thing that I'll maybe Miss is living with Riley because she texted me and told me that she'd been forbidden from speaking to me or seeing me after this but we know we're still going to keep it up we're certainly going to see each other at school and maybe we won't be able to spend as much time together but we'll have to make it work somehow things are going to be different from now but I'm prepared for it all now at least I won't have parents who don't even love me bringing me down anymore and can finally be myself without constantly feeling the need to seek validation from them I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders and can breathe now after a long time and I swear this feeling is worth every single tear I've shed over my horrible parents
give me a good story on FoundOutMyDadIsReallyMyUncleMomHadAnAffairWithHisBrother
a ITA because I don't want to use my b as our donor me 26f and my husband 28m have been trying to conceive ever since we were got married four years ago it hasn't happened for us and I have worked on changing my diet and lifestyle and just doing everything to maximize my prenatal stage I just assumed I was infertile due to me having a pretty severe eating disorder since my teenage years we have now gone to a fertility doctor and gotten the news that my husband cannot have kids due to privacy reasons I won't specify but it's been hard for him I have suggested that we should adopt in a few years and that it's not something we have to do right away he is absolutely against that I am 50-50s about having kids what I mean is that I would like to have kids but it's not a deal breaker I can also see myself being very happy not having kids my husband absolutely wants to have a biological child and wants us to use his brothers 21m sperm that way it's still related to him I would rather adopt and I feel some weird way about going the IVF donor route I cannot exactly explain why I just get uncomfortable also this might make me sound like a complete ah but I cannot stand his brother at all my husband does not know this but I find his brother to be so dumb and I cannot stand his personality or his physical looks sorry and not sure if this is relevant but they are half Brothers they share one biop parent and his brother doesn't look anything like my husband they don't even look distantly related so if we were to use his sperm it might not even look like my husband's kid and also the thought of sharing a kid with my bill gives me the
give me a good story on AITAbecauseIdontwanttousemyBILasourdonororig
:16.330 --> :23.560 Some info about me: im 23f and im sex repulsed asexual. However if someone loves sex im never :23.560 --> :28.210 ever rude to them or think bad about them. If they have healthy sex life and they are :28.210 --> :30.000 happy, im happy for them too. :30.000 --> :36.461 So into the problem. My sister (26f) came to visit me with her fiancé 4 days ago. They :36.461 --> :42.110 got engaged 2 weeks ago and im so so happy for them. My sister knows that im asexual :42.110 --> :47.260 and how i feel about sex in general. I asked her as nicely as i could that if they do anything :47.260 --> :52.700 sexual in my house that i don't want to see or hear anything or if they could wait until :52.700 --> :57.260 i leave to school or work/gym. She agreed and i thought that was it. :57.260 --> :02.400 However the first night thay were here i woke up to the weird sound and it took me a moment :02.400 --> :07.770 to realize what it was. They were having sex the next room. Very loudly, they didn't even :07.770 --> :14.080 close mine or their doors. I just put my headphones in and listened some music. Needles to say :14.080 --> :19.500 i didn't sleep well at all and it affected my school and job performance the next morning. :19.500 --> :23.620 There were few more incidents after that when they had sex in a shower and then again at :23.620 --> :29.320 night. Next morning i asked her again as politely as i could if they can keep it down and wait :29.320 --> :35.710 till i leave the house. She smirked, apologized and said it wont happen again and not to worry. :35.710 --> :40.870 Anyway i was cleaning my room this morning and saw some trash under my bed so i just :40.870 --> :48.990 took it out and when i saw what it was i almost threw up. It was used condom. I screamed threw :48.990 --> :53.900 it on the floor and just stood there in shock. My sister came to my room to see what was :53.900 --> :59.230 going on and when she saw it she looked surprised and then f***ing laugh about it. She said :59.230 --> :01.140 "oops, sorry". :01.140 --> :06.890 I was so mortified and i could feel how i was about to cry. Which is stupid i know. :06.890 --> :11.640 I asked her if they did it on my bed? Why didn't they clean after themself? She looked :11.640 --> :17.030 at me like i was a crazy person and just told me to stop over reacting and that "people :17.030 --> :22.620 in a real relationships have sex all the time". How i should stop making being asexual/gay :22.620 --> :28.530 into my personality and that i need to grow up and that " normal men and women are ment :28.530 --> :33.560 to have sex with each other" and so on. This triggered me a lot since a lot of people have :33.560 --> :39.260 rejected me in the past bc of my sexuality. (Which they have 100% right to do). :39.260 --> :43.670 Anyway this is where i could be the AH. I told her that this is my house and these are :43.670 --> :50.250 my rules and if they can't respect that they can f*** off. And also that if 2 grown a** :50.250 --> :55.560 people can''t go one week without sex its very pathetic and sad and they need to learn :55.560 --> :01.070 to control themself better. She got really upset and started to cry. Her fiancé was :01.070 --> :06.250 in a store so she called him and they left. They messeged me and said that i was an a****** :06.250 --> :11.250 and i s*** shamed my sister for being in love and that i need theraphy for my "problems". :11.250 --> :15.319 Tl;dr: found a used condom under my bed. Sister laughed about it and started to tell me how :15.319 --> :18.739 im over reacting and other bs. Told her to get out of my apartment and said that she :18.739 --> :19.739 and her fiancé are pathetic. :19.739 --> :22.420 EDIT: Thank you so much for all suport and kind words and making me feel like im not :22.420 --> :23.485 the weird one in this mess. A lot of you asked/said that why did i mention being asexual so here :23.485 --> :25.989 is my answer. I thought that mentioning it will explain more why i had such strict rules :25.989 --> :27.322 in my house and why my sister used phrases like "real relationship" and "normal people". :27.322 --> :28.322 She believes that if a couple doesn't have sex then its nothing more than a platonic :28.322 --> :29.322 relationship and that no one "doesn't like sex" and that there must be something wrong :29.322 --> :30.322 with me. Anyway thanks for telling me that what she does is not normal and i think i :30.322 --> :31.322 will go NC for a while with her. :31.322 --> :32.322 UPDATE: You guys are amazing thank you so much for your comments. I took shower and :32.322 --> :33.322 cleaned all rooms from top to bottom. And fortunately didn't find any more surprises. :33.322 --> :34.322 My sister and her fiancé left and i got a text from their friend that they come and :34.322 --> :35.322 get their things in a few hours. I still don't know wtf happend or why it happend to me. :35.322 --> :36.322 But im starting to realize how horribly she has been treating me after i came out to her. :36.322 --> :37.322 Its kind of sad that i didn't see all the red flags before but oh well... Anyway i texted :37.322 --> :38.322 her and asked wtf happend and if they did it on purpose. If she is trying to convert :38.322 --> :39.322 me to be straight? If this is some sort of fetish or did her fiancé force her to do :39.322 --> :40.322 it? I also sent her fiansé a text asking for an explanation vut he blocked me right :40.322 --> :41.322 away. My sister said that i gave them very bad bed(?) that it was too small and uncomfortable :41.322 --> :42.560 for them. And i have such a nice bed and that technicly it was her bed so she can do whatever :42.560 --> :44.379 she wanted with it. (Which is true it was her bed but when i moved out she gave it to :44.379 --> :48.270 me and bought herself a new one). Im a broke a** student so i took all the free furniture :48.270 --> :52.120 that i could get lol. She said that she was sorry but they did want to convert me and :52.120 --> :53.120 "cure" me and show that sex is a normal healthy thing. And it was also to teach me a lesson(?) :53.120 --> :54.120 I apparently have made comments and fun of "normal people" for having sex. And openly :54.120 --> :55.120 s*** shamed her friends and other people for doing natural things. I think she is refering :55.120 --> :56.401 thay time when i called her friend an a****** for cheating on her bf. And something i said :56.401 --> :57.401 about a movie character being sexist and discusting for seeing women as sex objects. Also for :57.401 --> :58.991 calling he fiancé older brother (35m) a pervert after he tried to hit on me. My sister said :58.991 --> :59.991 that there is nothing wrong with having sexual attraction to others and thay i need to get :59.991 --> :00.991 over myself. Also that they use so many condoms that sometimes they loose one(?). Anyway she :00.991 --> :01.991 is still typing and i don't know if i have the emergy to deal with her anymore. I (40f) :01.991 --> :03.459 was a single mother to my daughter, Amy (15f). I came out 3 years ago and married my wife :03.459 --> :11.000 Jenna (42f) last year. She has a daughter, Nora (13f). We all live together as I have :11.000 --> :15.650 full custody of my daughter. It was kind of hard for her to adjust to having a second :15.650 --> :17.660 mom, but they got along well. :17.660 --> :22.281 The girls have their birthdays very close, only two days apart, so we decided to have :22.281 --> :27.710 a joint birthday party for both of them, since Nora had a hard time making new friends (they :27.710 --> :31.900 moved in with us and she's very shy). Most of my family lives out of the country, so :31.900 --> :37.159 the gifts were sent a week early. It was a huge bag, with at least 20 gifts. The party :37.159 --> :40.659 was nice and we opened the bag at night once everyone left. :40.659 --> :45.759 Jenna handed out the presents as she took them out. After 12 gifts in a row just for :45.759 --> :52.080 Amy, I checked the bag and froze to see that there was only one gift for Nora, from my :52.080 --> :58.169 parents. She pretended it wasn't a big deal, but as she opened the present I saw her eyes :58.169 --> :04.509 drop. It was a $15 tumbler from Walmart. Not to sound ungrateful, but Amy's gifts were :04.509 --> :11.729 much more expensive (lots of gift cards over $100, a new phone, limited-edition Funkos, :11.729 --> :15.400 designer clothes and lots of cards wishing her a happy birthday). :15.400 --> :21.150 Needless to say, I blew up the family chat, calling out my parents, siblings, and extended :21.150 --> :27.230 family who sent gifts for not considering Nora and my parents for the cheap gift. No :27.230 --> :32.310 one took me seriously since: "It's not our duty to give gifts to someone else's kid" :32.310 --> :37.780 and "Amy deserved them, since I didn't even throw her her own birthday party", emphasizing :37.780 --> :42.469 that Jenna and Nora are my problem, not theirs. :42.469 --> :47.439 Nora was clearly hurt, since it's not the first time my family has left her out. At :47.439 --> :52.339 night, I asked Amy to share some of the gifts with her stepsister. Not all of them, just :52.339 --> :57.711 a couple of gift cards and some of the new clothes. Amy refused. This surprised me, since :57.711 --> :03.339 she never had a problem with sharing and even though she and Nora are not BFF's, they usually :03.339 --> :09.900 get along. After asking why, Amy started crying, saying that she never wanted a joint birthday :09.900 --> :15.520 party, and that I force her to share everything with Nora. They share a room for space and :15.520 --> :20.280 I make sure they're both invited to the same parties and sleepovers, so that Nora won't :20.280 --> :24.699 be left out. If they don't invite both of them, then either of them goes. :24.699 --> :29.780 Amy stated that she at least wanted her own gifts to be hers alone. I scolded her for :29.780 --> :34.889 being selfish with her stepsister, grounded her and took a couple of the presents to give :34.889 --> :39.759 to Nora. She turned them down because she didn't want problems with Amy and it felt :39.759 --> :45.419 like pity. Since then, Amy has been cold to all of us. I just wanted my two girls to be :45.419 --> :56.520 closer with the joint party and have the same things. AITA? :56.520 --> :23.889 Clarification: Jenna and I bought gifts for the girls (their own tablets), as well as :23.889 --> :48.550 their friends. Nora also received gifts from her extended family, but they sent for Amy :48.550 --> :56.899 as well. I'm 23 and living in my apartment that I share with a roommate. My parents came :56.899 --> :01.610 to visit the other day I let them stay in my room and sleep in my bed, and I take a :01.610 --> :05.460 blow-up mattress in the guest room (unfurnished) for a few nights. :05.460 --> :11.810 My parents woke me up last night because they were having sex loudly in my room. I was shocked. :11.810 --> :16.990 My dad came out afterwards naked, cupping his junk, to walk to the bathroom across the :16.990 --> :22.869 hallway, knowing I would be able to see him (the guest room has no door). I told him "in :22.869 --> :26.439 my f***ing bed?" And he laughed at me. :26.439 --> :30.020 The next morning when they woke up they came out and asked if I wanted them to wash my :30.020 --> :35.661 duvet cover. I said they'd better wash all my sheets, including the ones on my bed. They :35.661 --> :40.709 understood the implication and asked me why I was so upset and angry. Admittedly, and :40.709 --> :45.910 this is where I think I could be the AH, I did get very emotional and angry. I don't :45.910 --> :51.510 know why. I cry when I get really emotional, so I started crying and yelling that what :51.510 --> :56.980 they did was disrespectful and gross, and that they are never welcome back at my apartment :56.980 --> :02.550 because they came here and had sex in my bed and made me listen to it. I went in my room :02.550 --> :07.830 , threw all their stuff out including their bags and sheets, and shut the door. My mom :07.830 --> :12.280 told me I was being unreasonable and that I should think about how I'm treating them. :12.280 --> :17.730 Now, I love my mom, and she is the sweetest woman alive, so I do feel bad about yelling :17.730 --> :21.470 at her. She told me that it wasn't fair for me to be upset with them because they had :21.470 --> :24.340 no way of knowing "the rules". :24.340 --> :28.530 It would have been different if it were a guest room bed, or if they were on the blow-up :28.530 --> :34.640 mattress. It disgusts me that they were in my room, where I keep all my things, where :34.640 --> :40.250 I have all my pictures up of me and my partner and my stuffed animals. I find it gross that :40.250 --> :45.690 they couldn't even go two nights without having sex to be respectful to me and my space. :45.690 --> :50.260 For a little background, my parents have always shamed me for my sexuality. When I lost my :50.260 --> :56.030 virginity at 17, my dad had a period where he refused to pay for anything for me (food, :56.030 --> :02.610 clothes, etc) on the principle that I was a "woman now" and he was "no longer responsible :02.610 --> :08.750 for me". My mom told me that I was giving away the milk(sex) for free and nobody would :08.750 --> :13.800 want to buy the cow (me). I feel like this made me extra upset since I've never been :13.800 --> :18.750 allowed to exist as a sexual being to them, but they can shove their sexuality in my face :18.750 --> :20.140 by doing it in my bed. :20.140 --> :25.340 So, am I the AH for how I reacted? I know I got emotional, but I still feel like what :25.340 --> :27.200 they did was deeply disrespectful. :27.200 --> :11.760 Also, my roommate wasn't home at the time. Also, first time poster so please excuse any :11.760 --> :22.040 mistakes. :22.040 --> :30.200 I (f30) have been with my bf (m33) for a little over a year (16 months). Bf has 4 children :30.200 --> :39.430 (12m, 7f, 7f, 5m) from a previous relationship. I met the children around our 7th month dating :39.430 --> :44.410 after meeting their mom around month 5. Bio mom and I get along well. I understand her :44.410 --> :49.830 concerns of being replaced and assured her I'm not trying to take her place in any way. :49.830 --> :55.500 On to the situation. About 3 months ago I received an invitation to the wedding of a :55.500 --> :01.890 friend. I am allotted a +1 and naturally invited my bf. We discussed the theme of the wedding :01.890 --> :07.970 (cannabis wedding), transportation (open bar) and a few other details. I also discussed :07.970 --> :14.070 these plans with my bff (f31) incase there was an emergency (she is my support system :14.070 --> :20.050 as I am LC with my family). Fast forward to the big day. After spending months discussing :20.050 --> :26.560 plans, bf shows up to pick me up for the wedding...with his four children in the backseats. I look :26.560 --> :32.410 at him with a confused look and ask him what's going on. Him- what do you mean Me- why are :32.410 --> :37.060 the kids in the car, did you forget you were picking me up for the wedding today Him- I :37.060 --> :41.860 didn't forget, I just thought this would be a good family outting. At this point, my mind :41.860 --> :46.920 is blown and I am frustrated. I asked him why he thought that, seeing as how we discussed :46.920 --> :52.720 the plans. He said it's not a big deal, they'll only be attending the ceremony. I inform him :52.720 --> :59.780 that my invite is for me and my +1, and not a +5. And besides, nothing about this event :59.780 --> :04.870 is appropriate for children. He then says "ok, we can skip the wedding and just have :04.870 --> :10.720 a family day". I told him absolutely not and that his bad decision making was not going :10.720 --> :17.550 to be my problem. Sent him on his way, called my bff and 2hrs later we attended the beautiful :17.550 --> :24.240 ceremony. Bf sees this on Snapchat and goes ballistic on me. How could I go without him, :24.240 --> :29.370 how could I replace him, how his children felt rejected, how I should've skipped the :29.370 --> :33.790 wedding for a family day. I waited until he ran out of steam and calmly told him that :33.790 --> :40.010 he made these choices. We had plans and he chose to try and change them last minute. :40.010 --> :45.270 That his changes were inappropriate and also not my problem. He called me an a****** and :45.270 --> :50.340 is refusing to speak to me until I apologize to him and his children. He also wants an :50.340 --> :54.380 apology from my bff for attending the wedding in his place. :54.380 --> :58.270 *******EDIT/ UPDATE: Finally talked to my bf. I showed up at his house this morning :58.270 --> :00.460 at 5am because the silence was driving me insane (he works overnight and gets off at :00.460 --> :02.300 4am so I knew he was up) and we discussed the situation and he did apologize. Apparently :02.300 --> :03.300 he spoke to his children's mother and she ripped him a new one. She did text me this :03.300 --> :04.520 morning (I don't think she thought I was up) to try and help his case. Informed me that :04.520 --> :06.080 he didn't really grow up going to social events and the only wedding he's ever been to was :06.080 --> :07.840 family. Apparently they just show up with friends and family (whatever that means). :07.840 --> :10.000 She also thanked me for having common sense and not taking her children to a "f***ing :10.000 --> :11.000 weed wedding"and if she had known she would've switched weekends with him or came with me :11.000 --> :12.000 herself lol. She told me to call her next time something like this happens. I just told :12.000 --> :13.000 her not to worry about it. Anyway, the conversation was productive. After he apologized he explained :13.000 --> :14.000 that his babysitter (his sister) fell through (she tested positive for the Vid) and he didn't :14.000 --> :17.280 know what else to do. He said he understood where he went wrong but was too embarrassed :17.280 --> :21.310 to admit this to me. This was the🚩🚩🚩 for me. I told him that I understood what :21.310 --> :23.100 happened and wished he had just talked to me. He told me it wouldn't happen again. I :23.100 --> :24.100 told him that he was correct, it won't happen again because this would be our last conversation. :24.100 --> :25.330 4 days of not speaking really spoke volumes and the fact that he was too prideful to admit :25.330 --> :28.150 his faults didn't sit well with me. I also showed him the post and he got upset with :28.150 --> :31.700 me for sharing personal business with strangers. I told him it really didn't matter at this :31.700 --> :35.190 point and he accused me of not considering his feelings. I took Reddit's advice and just :35.190 --> :36.190 left. Didn't say goodbye, just walked out and blocked him once I got to my car. My brain :36.190 --> :37.190 started to hurt at the thought of continuing the conversation let alone the relationship. :37.190 --> :38.540 Just wanted to let y'all know that I handled it the way it needed to be handled. Thank :38.540 --> :40.590 you for the last 2hrs because I seriously thought I was wrong for how I spoke to him :40.590 --> :43.270 in front of his children. Hope everyone enjoys the weekend! I'm going to sleep now, because :43.270 --> :45.279 this situation has been plaguing me for a week and I'm tired. :45.279 --> :51.380 I was 15 when I met my stepdad. He met my mom 4 years after my dad died, leaving mom :51.380 --> :55.970 with me and my three younger siblings to raise. They were all little and hardly remembered :55.970 --> :02.100 dad and found it easier to go from him being Luke to dad over time. To me he was always :02.100 --> :07.050 Luke. I was older meeting him, almost out of the house when he and my mom got married :07.050 --> :12.520 and I remembered dad really well. I'm not saying he was a bad guy, or he did nothing, :12.520 --> :17.800 but I was working by the time he moved in and I had a busy life, so there wasn't a lot :17.800 --> :22.710 of parenting from him because when I needed something I went to my mom. I also didn't :22.710 --> :27.800 go to college so there was no paying for that. I only add this because I know how these posts :27.800 --> :28.800 go. :28.800 --> :33.640 I think he's okay. I think he was what my mom and siblings needed. But it bothers him :33.640 --> :38.730 that I never needed him and I pretty much never wanted him in the same capacity of my :38.730 --> :43.040 siblings. I thought he was great for my mom but he wasn't someone I would seek out for :43.040 --> :48.780 life advice, or a shoulder to cry on, and I will go as far as saying he's not my current :48.780 --> :53.710 father figure. That would go to my grandpa who I have known the longest and have turned :53.710 --> :59.330 to in times of trouble and I have looked up to both as an individual but also as a father/grandfather/husband :59.330 --> :01.430 to others. :01.430 --> :06.470 I got engaged recently and Luke and I started fighting a lot. He assumed he would be walking :06.470 --> :11.020 me down the aisle and doing a father/daughter dance with me. I let him know that he was :11.020 --> :15.930 not the person I was considering asking, if I did it at all. Then he turns it into he's :15.930 --> :21.760 the most logical choice. I said mom would be actually. He pointed out it's customary :21.760 --> :27.380 for the father of the bride to do those things. And I pointed out my dad was dead and if we :27.380 --> :31.290 were going down that line, my grandfather would be the obvious pick for me. :31.290 --> :37.070 He told me he's been my dad for 9 years now (I was 16 when they got married). I said he :37.070 --> :42.090 didn't become my dad because he married my mom, which he argued that he did. I told him :42.090 --> :47.700 it was ridiculous to think that because I was 16 years old. I had memories of my dad :47.700 --> :51.650 and was hardly around him during that time when compared to other members of the family. :51.650 --> :56.550 I told him I had always appreciated him for what he did for mom and my siblings, but he :56.550 --> :02.089 needed to get over the fact I didn't need him like my siblings did. He called me an :02.089 --> :07.130 a****** and said I needed to accept that he is my father whether I like it or not. :07.130 --> :57.619 AITA? I 20(f) was :57.619 --> :05.750 my Nan’s full time carer from when I was 13 to when she passed away when I was 19. :05.750 --> :10.570 My Mum got in a huge argument with her and my entire family ended up cutting her off. :10.570 --> :15.470 I felt guilty, though, as it felt wrong to leave an old woman with mobility and memory :15.470 --> :20.730 issues to live on her own. She was too stubborn to get home help or to go into a care home. :20.730 --> :25.970 I spent my entire teen years caring for her on my own. I am the youngest of four siblings :25.970 --> :30.940 but none of them wanted to help, so it was just left to me. She was difficult to live :30.940 --> :36.919 with. Very easily aggravated. Needed constant care. My teen years sucked. :36.919 --> :42.029 When she died, she left everything to me. I got her house and all of her money. :42.029 --> :46.389 My Mum was mad at this, though. Claimed that my Nan had done it to cause an argument between :46.389 --> :50.890 me and my siblings over money. My siblings didn’t say anything about the money, they :50.890 --> :53.840 were fine with it. It was just my Mum with the issue. :53.840 --> :58.700 She told me to split the money with them. I said no. That argument was roughly a year :58.700 --> :01.929 ago and our relationship has been rocky since. :01.929 --> :06.000 My oldest brother is currently having financial issues and I’ve loaned him some money. This :06.000 --> :10.350 has started the argument up once again. My Mum says it’s wrong that I’ve loaned it :10.350 --> :15.690 to him instead of giving it to him, and what I’ve given him is far less than 1/4 of the :15.690 --> :17.549 total amount I was given. :17.549 --> :22.360 I know I was initially in the right, but I’m starting to feel guilty about the loan. My :22.360 --> :26.759 Mum is insisting again that I split the money and I’m feeling worse and worse about standing :26.759 --> :20.899 my ground as time goes on. AITA? newborn. Since Alice was a toddler, everyone in the :20.899 --> :25.460 family has told Ron and Jen they need to teach Alice boundaries, but they insist they're :25.460 --> :27.340 the ones in charge of Alice :27.340 --> :32.740 I often babysat Alice when she was young. I would tell Ron and Jen that Alice was not :32.740 --> :37.100 behaving, and they would respond by shaming me for not getting Alice exactly what she :37.100 --> :42.350 wanted or "pushing her so hard" because I told her to pick up the toys she threw on :42.350 --> :47.649 the floor. (Note: Alice was seven when this happened.) Eventually, I refused to babysit :47.649 --> :54.350 Alice and they insist I was being a bad aunt because I was "expecting so many adult things :54.350 --> :55.499 from a baby." :55.499 --> :01.009 Ron and Jen did all of Alice's homework and class projects for her. They frantically called :01.009 --> :06.409 me one night because the math tutor canceled and Alice's homework had a pre-calculus question :06.409 --> :11.309 that they weren't sure how to do the work for. I sent them the work for it that one :11.309 --> :14.110 time, but after that, I would refuse to. :14.110 --> :20.059 Alice is now seventeen and completely out of control. She screams, curses, and flips :20.059 --> :25.659 off her parents until she gets her own way. She is unlicensed and dented Ron's car several :25.659 --> :31.010 times when stealing it for joyrides. She has stolen both Ron and Jen's wallets for shopping :31.010 --> :36.639 sprees. They have caught Alice partying, drinking, vaping, and sneaking out to boys' houses. :36.639 --> :42.029 She has gotten even worse since her junior year. Ron and Jen still do her projects or :42.029 --> :47.070 pay others to do them, but the material is now too specific for Ron and Jen to understand :47.070 --> :52.809 without class notes (which Alice isn't taking for them.) Alice did not pass her junior year, :52.809 --> :57.530 and she is angry because now all her friends are doing senior things that she can’t join :57.530 --> :58.530 in on. :58.530 --> :02.899 Ron and Jen called me the other night to tell me how exhausted they were because Alice was :02.899 --> :08.521 illegally driving again and they had to beg an officer not to send Alice to juvie. They :08.521 --> :14.630 talked about how wild all teens are and they're not sure where their sweet little girl went. :14.630 --> :19.820 I thought that last part was a joke and a laugh slipped out before I could stop myself. :19.820 --> :25.049 Ron got angry and asked what I thought was funny. I apologized for laughing, but I responded :25.049 --> :30.580 that Alice's behavior sounded about right because did they expect Alice to just magically :30.580 --> :36.380 become responsible and well-behaved when they have always rewarded her bad behavior? Ron :36.380 --> :39.700 and Jen started to yell at me, but I hung up. :39.700 --> :43.860 Many of my friends and family members said Ron and Jen are only angry because they didn't :43.860 --> :49.010 like hearing the truth. But most of the family is saying I have no idea how hard it is to :49.010 --> :54.549 be a parent, much less have a child like Alice. And even though the laugh slipped, I was cruel :54.549 --> :59.659 to respond to Ron and Jen that way knowing how exhausted they are. Now I'm conflicted :59.659 --> :38.019 about if I was being a dick to my exhausted brother and sister-in-law. AITA? TA, family :38.019 --> :53.440 and friends have my main. :53.440 --> :00.269 I (30M) live alone in a "meh" house, and working as an engineer, I decided to spoil myself :00.269 --> :05.770 with a nice sports car. It is a 2021 Aston Martin Vantage with manual transmission, for :05.770 --> :08.999 those into cars. It has only two seats. :08.999 --> :13.539 Since it is a rear wheel drive car with a decent amount of power and I live in Canada, :13.539 --> :19.619 I decided to get a crappy SUV (an old Ford Escape) to use during the winter. During the :19.619 --> :24.429 summer, I use my sports car daily and just leave my "winter beater" getting dusty. :24.429 --> :30.191 One of my neighbors (mid20sF) recently got divorced and became a single mom. Her financial :30.191 --> :35.440 situation got bad, and her ex husband kept their car. Seeing her struggle, I let her :35.440 --> :40.350 use my winter beater during summer. She was thrilled and thankful. :40.350 --> :45.659 One day of summer, winter beater broke down. Not a surprise. My neighbor was really sad, :45.659 --> :50.590 and when we took it to the mechanic, the repairs would cost more than the car, so it was not :50.590 --> :55.639 worth it (my sports car takes most of my money anyways, I live with not too much things nor :55.639 --> :01.929 luxuries except my car, I am not exactly rich). I decided to junk it and winterize my sports :01.929 --> :02.929 car. :02.929 --> :08.070 My neighbor didn't like this decision. I said that I wouldn't be paying to repair it and :08.070 --> :12.049 sadly she wouldn't have a car anymore. She said she had a trip planned with her kids, :12.049 --> :17.369 and asked me for my Vantage. I of course refused it, mentioned that she wouldn't be able to :17.369 --> :23.581 drive it (too much power, manual transmission, RWD), and it was also a two-seater, which :23.581 --> :28.669 wouldn't fit her kids anyways. I also don't let anyone else drive it - it's my baby - let :28.669 --> :31.009 alone for a vacation without me. :31.009 --> :36.280 She stormed back to her house and I simply donated my winter beater to a charity. She :36.280 --> :41.549 posted a long rant in a Facebook group of our neighborhood saying I am a bad neighbor :41.549 --> :44.259 and how I denied her kids a vacation. :44.259 --> :50.730 I replied it mentioning she doesn't even know how to drive a manual car, it is ridiculously :50.730 --> :55.669 dangerous for someone inexperienced to drive it, and it is a two-seater. I told her she :55.669 --> :00.820 would be an irresponsible mom if she just put both her kids in the passanger seat (not :00.820 --> :05.940 only dumb and illegal, but dangerous), and that I have no responsibility in giving my :05.940 --> :12.190 car for two weeks for her to go in a trip, no matter the car. It was a massive reply. :12.190 --> :16.840 I also told I was disappointed with her way of thinking for assuming I would just provide :16.840 --> :22.519 a car for her when I have nothing to do with her life. The winter beater was a favor and :22.519 --> :26.800 she has was acting entitled for thinking I would provide my Vantage for her. Everyone :26.800 --> :29.960 else sided with me and roasted her brutally. :29.960 --> :35.049 Lots of neighbors congratulated me for my decision, but some told me I went too far :35.049 --> :39.499 and should have just ignored her or just said "please remember it is a two-seater, your :39.499 --> :45.529 kids won't fit". A few friends and relatives also told me it was an A-move to do this and :45.529 --> :48.669 that I don't understand the struggles of being a single mom. :48.669 --> :09.609 AITA for exposing her in such an aggressive manner? My husband and I (28M, 28F) got married :09.609 --> :21.659 recently, and my sister (31F) and I were discussing the wedding after returning from the honeymoon. :21.659 --> :29.019 We are very fortunate to have grown up in a household where my parents made very good :29.019 --> :38.350 money. They were generous with us, but raised my sister and I to be hard-working and not :38.350 --> :45.629 dependent on them as adults. My sister and I both do well financially as does her husband :45.629 --> :55.820 (36M). My husband loves his job, but it is not one that has a ton of earning potential. :55.820 --> :11.690 He and I met in college, so I’ve always known this was his plan and we are very happy :11.690 --> :13.399 with our setup. :13.399 --> :27.720 During my discussion with my sister, she asked me if my husband and I were planning to use :27.720 --> :46.559 the wedding gift money from my parents to do a particular renovation for :46.559 --> :56.259 which we’ve been saving, but I was very confused because the gift, while extremely :56.259 --> :02.159 generous and appreciated, wasn’t nearly enough to cover that. She told me how much :02.159 --> :10.760 she had been gifted and it was more than twice what we had been given. After that I couldn’t :10.760 --> :23.940 stop thinking about why I had gotten less, so my sister encouraged me to ask, and during :23.940 --> :29.379 a call with my mom I couldn’t stop myself from asking. Her response was that it wasn’t :29.379 --> :45.679 my business, but since I did ask, my sister has chosen a partner that can accommodate :45.679 --> :56.450 the lifestyle she’s used to, so they’ve gifted her accordingly. They also gifted me :56.450 --> :03.129 according to the lifestyle I’ve chosen. We are not entitled to gifts of any size in :03.129 --> :09.049 life, but I still can’t help feeling hurt that my parents feel that my husband and I :09.049 --> :14.519 are less deserving than my sister and her husband based on income. Meanwhile my parents :14.519 --> :19.279 are angry at both my sister and me for having this discussion and bringing it to them. :19.279 --> :24.899 Tl;dr: My sister accidentally revealed that our parents gave her a considerably larger :24.899 --> :27.699 wedding gift, now they are mad at me for bringing up this topic.
give me a good story on rAITAIABANDONEDMyBABYToMySTEPSISTERRedditStoriesen
AIT for putting my autistic daughter in a group home and leaving the country my 48f 20-year-old daughter is severely autistic I had spent the last nearly 21 years since she was born in a Perpetual state of taking care of an increasingly growing and increasingly strong infant my ex 49m divorced me when she was four he did not bother fighting for custody he said he was going to elect to do only due visitation because he wanted to save me lawyer money and then when he was supposed to visit he didn't he saw her a total of seven times in the first eight years after our divorce so I was on my own I got myself back into the workplace and now work for a real estate investment company with Offices here and abroad but I was still overwhelmed working and dealing with my daughter's needs I've had to deal with everybody else's two cents about all these resources available they'd spend 2 seconds copy and pasting the search results under help for autistic parents and expect me to come back a day later and tell them they've solved all my problems with their research the problem is they aren't witnessing the wait lists under Staffing underfunding and everything else that stand in the way of help I have given up my social
give me a good story on AITAforputtingmyautisticdaughterinagrouphomeandleavingthecountry
:00.080 --> :04.520 what do you do when your partner tells you they  deserve better we'll get into that in a bit but   :04.520 --> :11.480 first my 29-year-old female wife has lost a lot of  weight how do I 31-year-old male make sure she's   :11.480 --> :18.840 okay so my wife has always been pretty average  size 5' 730 Lish I don't know 100% because we   :18.840 --> :24.760 just don't talk about it but has mentioned in the  past I do know when I buy her clothes and I ask   :24.760 --> :30.440 she always said she was a size six if that helps  she was also always pretty strong does massage   :30.440 --> :35.160 therapy and was really good at Deep Tissue I mean  there are times when she's worked on me and it   :35.160 --> :41.560 hurt and I am not a small guy about 6 months ago  she started changing things not really eating junk   :41.560 --> :48.160 food and she joined some classes at the YMCA yoga  and some cardio since then the weight has really   :48.160 --> :53.400 fallen off her I don't know exactly how much  because the few times I've asked her she said I   :53.400 --> :59.160 don't know because I don't care to weigh myself so  I just drop it but if I had to guess I think she's   :59.160 --> :05.560 lost at least 20 to 25 lbs if not more she seems  healthy in terms of energy and her skin is really   :05.560 --> :11.040 cleared up but I've noticed some other things I  was doing laundry which I do a lot and her jeans   :11.040 --> :17.240 are now only size 0 to2 doing massage she has  to do her own sheets and the other day I heard   :17.240 --> :23.280 her really struggling to carry the bag of laundry  up the stairs yes it's a big bag but never have I   :23.280 --> :28.800 noticed that and we've been together for years  I asked her if you okay with that and she just   :28.800 --> :34.360 said she needs a strong man to help her out and  started flirting and getting intimate with me is   :34.360 --> :40.160 she changing the subject which leads me to my next  Point without too much info she looks completely   :40.160 --> :46.120 different without clothes she had some curves Etc  before but now she's pretty much a figure like a   :46.120 --> :52.400 ballerina and says she feels great but I recently  picked her up during the act and it was literally   :52.400 --> :58.120 like nothing another big thing I noticed was she  worked on me again for massage last week and all   :58.120 --> :04.000 of the deep pressure she had done before was gone  and I could tell she was really struggling but if   :04.000 --> :08.880 I bring it up she gets defensive and tells me she  feels better than ever and I should be happy for   :08.880 --> :14.640 her which I am I just worry and don't know what to  do the final straw here was our dog who likes to   :14.640 --> :19.960 walk underneath our legs all the time and nudge  your head up has done so since she was a puppy   :19.960 --> :25.760 literally lifted my wife off the ground last night  my wife laughed about it like it was funny but I   :25.760 --> :33.080 was alarmed our dog is part Mastiff we think  and about 85 to 90 lb but still that has never   :33.080 --> :38.440 happened before I just don't know how to approach  her every time I have she shuts it down I know   :38.440 --> :43.760 she still gets her period and she still does eat  with me just no junk food she's never eaten big   :43.760 --> :49.520 portions and those haven't changed but the snacks  afterwards are only me now I can't blame someone   :49.520 --> :54.160 for wanting to be healthy but I just want to  make sure she's okay if Opie's legitimately just   :54.160 --> :59.240 worried about their health I don't think there's  an issue in bringing up and just making sure that   :59.240 --> :04.160 like for examp example they see a doctor and just  fully make sure that there is nothing going on I   :04.160 --> :09.160 mean there's a lot of encouraging signs where they  still have energy they still have interest in the   :09.160 --> :14.440 bedroom they're still on their regular cycle I  think as long as there's no real health issues   :14.440 --> :20.040 going on then really there should be no concern  now if you can't talk about this topic at all   :20.040 --> :24.920 with her without her wanting to shut it down or  not even reference it at all I think maybe that's   :24.920 --> :30.600 probably indicative of something more going on  here also hi I'm stepen and if you guys enjoy   :30.600 --> :35.480 tricky relationship topics why not hit those  like And subscribe buttons down below that said   :35.480 --> :43.160 our next story is my 23-year-old female mother  55-year-old female is lying about her job my mom   :43.160 --> :49.200 has been an attorney for the majority of my life  she's told everyone family friends Etc that this   :49.200 --> :54.400 is her job I had absolutely no reason to doubt  her because she works for a big firm and we live   :54.400 --> :59.480 a nice life around February of last year I was  doing an assignment for college that required   :59.480 --> :05.960 a fake State Bar license number my mom suggested I  use hers curiosity got the best of me and I put in   :05.960 --> :11.640 the bar number she gave me into my state attorney  database nothing came up I wrote it off as me not   :11.640 --> :17.080 knowing how to use the site fast forward to today  I'm using my mom's laptop for an assignment and   :17.080 --> :23.680 I see that she has her resume saved I open the  file and my mom's occupation is listed as pargal   :23.680 --> :29.880 her education lists only her undergrad and pargal  certification I started freaking out and although   :29.880 --> :35.040 I'm not proud of this I went through her email I  was looking for validation that I was wrong and   :35.040 --> :40.240 that the resume was old I found a recent email  from her current job with her work signature and   :40.240 --> :47.520 it said senior pargal I called my dad 55-year-old  male their divorced immediately to ask if my mom   :47.520 --> :53.200 is an attorney he was no help he knew as much as  I did since they've been divorced for so long I   :53.200 --> :58.480 called my older sister 36-year-old female and  she was shocked but also knew nothing about the   :58.480 --> :03.360 situation they both agreed it was my choice if I  wanted to say something to my mom or not I don't   :03.360 --> :09.560 know why she would lie about something like this  keeping up this story for years must be exhausting   :09.560 --> :14.240 What hurts the most is that I'm applying for law  schools now and she is the main reason for me   :14.240 --> :20.200 doing so she's inspired me and I want to follow  in her footsteps I applied to her supposed alma   :20.200 --> :25.520 mater and put down that my mother is an alumni in  my application I don't know what to do I'm scared   :25.520 --> :31.160 to ask or confront my mom because I live with her  and she's currently Bing me while I go to school   :31.160 --> :36.560 should I just let it go and let this eat away  at me what is there to gain from me confronting   :36.560 --> :41.720 her any advice is appreciated I mean I'm not  going to lie this might be a secret that I end   :41.720 --> :47.440 up just keeping to myself especially if it has the  chance to rock the boat and potentially upset your   :47.440 --> :53.200 current education and future I mean maybe if she  used it as a crutch like she was saying oh well   :53.200 --> :58.880 as an attorney I think you should do X or Y and  like really tried to hone in having some kind of   :58.880 --> :05.200 power or supposed superiority over people using  that maybe it would be worth bringing it up but   :05.200 --> :09.440 yeah what do you really gain by bringing it  up besides making things so much more messy   :09.440 --> :14.760 in the meantime for you I guess my question is  is it really hurting anybody in the meantime   :14.760 --> :20.360 although it was fabricated it did inspire you  and you are in a great position because of it I   :20.360 --> :27.080 just do think now is not the time to scramble it  all up our next story is my female 25 boyfriend   :27.080 --> :33.600 male 24 of two plus years wants to buy a house  together next year after almost 4 years together   :33.600 --> :38.600 but I don't want to buy a house before marriage  or engagement as it's too big of a risk I wanted   :38.600 --> :43.360 another perspective on this since it's a pretty  big commitment on my end to buy property and   :43.360 --> :48.080 commit to living in another country permanently  for a partner a little background I moved to the   :48.080 --> :53.440 country my boyfriend is from and he plans to live  for his entire life we've been doing long distance   :53.440 --> :58.480 for a while and I realized after visiting his  country that I really love it here I had to   :58.480 --> :03.840 leave behind a lot of things like my family and  friends my car and a lot of things have changed   :03.840 --> :09.040 for me adapting to a new culture and language  spending time and money on lawyers and Visa   :09.040 --> :15.760 fees transferring my money to a new bank setting  up bills a lease and many more things my boyfriend   :15.760 --> :21.600 has been absolutely amazing helping me a ton with  adapting and making this place feel like home I'm   :21.600 --> :27.120 currently on a 2-year visa and it's to expire in  a year and a half or so I really love it here but   :27.120 --> :31.800 I feel like I'd want another level of commitment  before making a permanent move here he shows that   :31.800 --> :37.160 he's committed every day and tells me he wants to  build a family with me in our 30s I don't doubt   :37.160 --> :41.960 that he's committed to me I just want a physical  way of him showing it to me if he wants me to buy   :41.960 --> :47.200 a home with him my boyfriend really wants to buy  a forever home together around the same time my   :47.200 --> :55.400 Visa ends so after 4 years together me being 27  him being 25 like a home with a mortgage and in   :55.400 --> :00.040 a place where we would plan to build a family  we would be putting all our saving into buying   :00.040 --> :05.000 and renovating this place I really want that too  but I told him I don't want to buy a place and   :05.000 --> :09.760 commit to living in this country unless we have  a further commitment together I suggested living   :09.760 --> :15.080 on rent a while longer and he doesn't want to he  lives with his family at the moment while I live   :15.080 --> :20.480 in my own rental apartment the property would be  split 50/50 so I don't worry about losing money   :20.480 --> :26.360 if we did split but I feel like for all the change  and sacrifice I'm making to live here I would want   :26.360 --> :30.760 him to show that he's committed I feel like the  least he could do is give me a ring with a long   :30.760 --> :37.240 engagement the thing is we are both extremely  wellestablished in our careers and very mature   :37.240 --> :42.640 for our ages I don't want to get married young  and I know he doesn't either so I suggested a   :42.640 --> :48.200 longer engagement or simply just living on rent  until we both are ready he sees the engagement   :48.200 --> :53.880 as the same thing as marriage and wants to wait  until he's 28 to 30 to propose I guess what I'm   :53.880 --> :59.400 saying is that is this boundary of mine too much  I really love him in our life together and and I   :59.400 --> :04.000 know we both see a future together here am I  wrong to want more commitment before buying   :04.000 --> :08.920 a home together even though you guys have been  together for three or almost four years by this   :08.920 --> :15.360 point being 27 years old I completely understand  why you want to make sure that something is a lot   :15.360 --> :21.760 more serious than just a verbal agreement really  before putting all of your money in one location   :21.760 --> :26.520 especially considering if things don't work out  you might not be even staying in the same country   :26.520 --> :32.720 where your money is tied up our next story is  boyfriend male 26 won't block girl who bullied   :32.720 --> :40.880 me female 27 my boyfriend male 26 and I female 27  have been together for 3 years and I recently saw   :40.880 --> :46.040 that a girl who made my life miserable is friends  with him on all social media I asked him about it   :46.040 --> :51.000 and he said she was a friend of his he's never  brought her up before I told him about all the   :51.000 --> :58.080 horrible things she used to message me she would  call me fat ugly who are told me to end things and   :58.080 --> :04.200 that she's the reason I attempted the first time  I asked if he would remove her and he said why I   :04.200 --> :09.360 don't like removing people my feelings are hurt  because I've never asked him to do this before   :09.360 --> :14.760 and I feel like he values his friendship with her  over his relationship to me I'm not sure how to go   :14.760 --> :20.040 about this any further I think considering  how horrendous this person has been to you   :20.040 --> :24.200 if he's not willing to entertain that I don't  think this should go on any further I mean if   :24.200 --> :30.160 there was ever a more slam dunk yes honey I will  remove that person and block them from every R   :30.160 --> :36.680 of my life moment that would be it this next  story is mutual friend 25-year-old male told   :36.680 --> :42.480 my girlfriend 24-year-old female that he loves  her and I 25-year-old male might have screwed   :42.480 --> :48.440 up everything afterward firstly I apologize if  this is weird or confusing I'm getting most of   :48.440 --> :52.840 my information about this peace meal and from  third parties and I'm not exactly thinking   :52.840 --> :58.240 straight either I didn't sleep last night at all  too I've known Dave since high school and we've   :58.240 --> :02.280 been part of the same friend group for about  a decade now I started dating my girlfriend   :02.280 --> :06.800 about 2 years ago and she became friends with  Dave and our other friends at around the same   :06.800 --> :12.160 time she and Dave got along well and I never had  any concerns about that the two of them even hung   :12.160 --> :18.240 out together by themselves in the past not often  but at least a couple times I'm not entirely sure   :18.240 --> :23.480 how it went down but it was described to me this  way Dave asked me and my girlfriend if we wanted   :23.480 --> :28.640 to see a movie on Saturday with our friends  as well I was busy so my girlfriend decided   :28.640 --> :34.280 to go without me which I was fine with when she  arrived she found out it was only her and Dave   :34.280 --> :39.760 at the hangout I don't know if it just happened  to work out that way or if Dave planned it that   :39.760 --> :45.080 way but he did know I wasn't coming before the  movie was going to start they went to a place   :45.080 --> :50.800 to eat during that time they started discussing  my girlfriend and I's relationship somehow this   :50.800 --> :55.680 turned into Dave apparently telling her that he  was in love with her my girlfriend was surprised   :55.680 --> :01.600 by this obviously and said she was flattered but  she was in a relationship with me Dave said that   :01.600 --> :06.600 was okay and that he needed to get it off his  chest since he'd apparently been holding it in   :06.600 --> :13.880 for ages Dave suggested that my girlfriend and he  should go back to his place and discuss things my   :13.880 --> :19.760 girlfriend apologized and said she couldn't do  that Dave then kissed her but she refused and   :19.760 --> :25.480 left this is where things get confusing instead of  coming home and telling me about it my girlfriend   :25.480 --> :32.080 decided to go to her best friend Sarah's place to  talk talked to her about it instead of me Dave was   :32.080 --> :37.000 the one who called me and told me what happened  obviously I was pretty freaking ticked at him and   :37.000 --> :42.160 it's safe to say he's no longer my friend freaker  even tried to say sorry about it which just ticked   :42.160 --> :47.320 me off more I then called my girlfriend who  initially tried to pretend nothing was wrong   :47.320 --> :53.080 when I asked how the hangout had been she said  something along the lines of oh me Sarah and Dave   :53.080 --> :58.520 had a good time except that I knew that Sarah  didn't go when I told her that Dave contacted   :58.520 --> :03.760 me she broke down and told me what happened a  couple of problems Dave claims that he kissed   :03.760 --> :09.960 her but my girlfriend said that didn't happen also  my girlfriend claims that she felt like she'd LED   :09.960 --> :14.600 Dave on a little bit I'm not proud to admit that  I said some pretty Choice things to my girlfriend   :14.600 --> :19.360 after that the fact that I had to hear about it  from Dave instead of her and that she went to her   :19.360 --> :24.440 best friend instead of me to talk about it really  bothered me and I let my stress get the best of   :24.440 --> :29.200 me I told her she should have come home or texted  me about it right away and I asked asked her if   :29.200 --> :33.920 she'd been planning on hiding it from me if Dave  hadn't told me I then hung up on her she didn't   :33.920 --> :38.880 come home last night so I assumed she stayed at  Sarah's place I know it really wasn't her fault   :38.880 --> :44.200 what happened and I regret what I said I'm sorry  that this is so long but honestly writing this   :44.200 --> :50.000 is helping me stay calm this morning I texted my  girlfriend an apology that was basically what I   :50.000 --> :55.520 said a few hours later Sarah called me and told  me that my girlfriend was really shaken by what   :55.520 --> :59.880 Dave told her and that she wants to take a break  from our relationship ship because of it while   :59.880 --> :06.440 she figures things out and that she'd be going to  stay with Sarah for a few weeks I said it was fine   :06.440 --> :11.960 and then she can call me or come home anytime she  wants but Sarah said it'll be a while until I hear   :11.960 --> :17.440 from my girlfriend I'm taking the day off work  since I'm in no state to be around other people   :17.440 --> :23.560 right now the whole thing has come like a freaking  bolt of lightning to the face yesterday I had a   :23.560 --> :29.560 girlfriend and a friend group and I was pretty  happy now I kind of don't have either anymore   :29.560 --> :35.440 did I react badly here and tell me does the whole  taking a break thing make sense should I go to   :35.440 --> :40.280 Sarah's place and try to talk to my girlfriend  or should I give her space I feel like talking   :40.280 --> :44.440 about it would be best but Sarah made it pretty  clear that my girlfriend doesn't want to talk   :44.440 --> :49.600 to me right now but I'm also confused about why  she didn't and still doesn't want to talk to me   :49.600 --> :54.880 about it edit I called Sarah and asked her if it  was okay to speak to her instead of my girlfriend   :54.880 --> :59.960 about the situation Sarah said it was okay so we  talked for a little while while about it I'm going   :59.960 --> :05.200 to write this down to help me get my thoughts in  order Sarah seemed very interested in what Dave   :05.200 --> :11.280 had told me and somewhat sympathetic to me though  she was still mostly worried about her best friend   :11.280 --> :16.120 understandably apparently my girlfriend is still  asleep since last night but Sarah told me not to   :16.120 --> :21.240 worry about her health which is a little bit of a  relief Sarah said that my girlfriend is open about   :21.240 --> :26.560 Dave trying to kiss her now and that her saying  they didn't kiss was a spur-of-the-moment panic   :26.560 --> :32.680 thing and that she Sarah called her an idiot for  doing that I don't know if that part is true or   :32.680 --> :37.480 if Sarah just said that to make me feel better she  also said that neither of them expected me to know   :37.480 --> :42.880 about it from Dave which honestly I fully believe  Sarah said that the kiss and him asking her to   :42.880 --> :48.120 come back to his place didn't happen right after  each other apparently he kissed her in the coffee   :48.120 --> :52.960 shop and she turned him down right away but then  they spent some time talking about when and how   :52.960 --> :58.480 he'd started having feelings for her I don't know  how long after that they both decided to not see   :58.480 --> :03.000 the the movie together because of what happened  and that's when Dave asked her to come back to   :03.000 --> :08.120 his place but she declined I had assumed that  they'd kissed and my girlfriend then basically   :08.120 --> :14.320 left ASAP but Sarah seems to think they parted on  polite terms I asked if my girlfriend had gotten   :14.320 --> :19.640 my apology and Sarah said that my girlfriend  mentioned it to her so she must have read it I   :19.640 --> :24.480 didn't press any further about it though I asked  if Dave had been in contact with either of them   :24.480 --> :29.440 Sarah said that Dave hadn't been in contact with  either of them I guess she would say that either   :29.440 --> :34.400 way though I asked if my girlfriend was staying  with Sarah because of what I said to her a couple   :34.400 --> :39.880 of replies here made me worried about this Sarah  seemed surprised by me asking that and said my   :39.880 --> :44.680 girlfriend just needed some space to process and  not to feel bad about it because she'd known her   :44.680 --> :49.440 longer than the two of us had been dating didn't  really make me feel not bad about it though some   :49.440 --> :53.920 people here suggested that my girlfriend might  have gone to Sarah at first instead of me because   :53.920 --> :59.240 of that so it makes sense I guess but I don't know  if she just said that to make me feel feel better   :59.240 --> :04.600 I don't know how much I trust Sarah I like her  and I'd call her a friend but I know I'd trust   :04.600 --> :10.080 her more to look out for her best friend first  obviously I won't call her a liar but I do think   :10.080 --> :15.640 she'd try and cast her best friend in the best  possible light even unintentionally but it still   :15.640 --> :20.360 makes me feel a little bit better to know more  information also thanks to everyone who replied   :20.360 --> :26.480 nicely or less nicely having outside viewpoints  is helping me deal with this situation a lot so   :26.480 --> :31.600 thank you even if it's just a distraction ction  or an excuse to order my thoughts I don't think   :31.600 --> :36.600 Obie should take her going to her best friend so  personally I mean in a situation like that where   :36.600 --> :41.760 the friend group is at risk the relationship  is up in the air because of this situation   :41.760 --> :47.840 understandably you freak out and for her her best  friend may have been like the longest stable thing   :47.840 --> :52.200 that she felt she could turn to to try to figure  things out at this point I think op should just   :52.200 --> :58.440 try to leave things be and see what turns out  from this I would try not to dwell too much on   :58.440 --> :02.960 dishonesty or whether or not she was trying to  consider it and just kind of let her have her   :02.960 --> :08.360 space to mle things over and figure out what she  wants next both from the friend group and from the   :08.360 --> :14.520 relationship our next story is I 33-year-old  female feel unwanted because my boyfriend   :14.520 --> :20.600 33-year-old male chooses adult entertainment  over me I 31-year-old female found out that my   :20.600 --> :27.280 boyfriend 33-year-old male has a certain kind of  subscription and a throwaway Twitter full of just   :27.280 --> :32.040 adult entertainment we've been together for over  10 plus years and we've had our problems in the   :32.040 --> :37.480 past so he knows how I feel about the subject if  we had a healthy sex life I wouldn't mind it but   :37.480 --> :42.880 when it's just twice a month at most I feel he's  picking it over me when we do hook up I feel like   :42.880 --> :47.640 he isn't into it when he thinks I'm asleep  and gets off he sounds like he enjoys it but   :47.640 --> :52.440 when it's me and him he doesn't sound anything  like that I stopped trying to initiate a while   :52.440 --> :58.440 back before I knew about this because anytime I  slightly initiated anything close to intimacy he   :58.440 --> :03.360 would reject me and say he's just too lazy to  do anything but then later would do solo time   :03.360 --> :09.520 while I'm asleep I just feel so unwanted I mean  I don't want to say for sure but it seems to me   :09.520 --> :14.680 like he's pretty addicted a good way I've heard  addiction described is when it starts actively   :14.680 --> :19.440 affecting your life in very negative ways whether  it's in your relationships whether it's in your   :19.440 --> :24.640 career whether it's in your aspirations and your  health if you can't stop turning back to something   :24.640 --> :29.640 and it's actively harming you it's probably an  addiction and there's been a number of Stories   :29.640 --> :37.040 on here that are very similar to this ultimately  he is choosing it over op unless he's willing to   :37.040 --> :42.000 recognize it and truly work on it I don't know  how you're going to salvage things and be happy   :42.000 --> :48.920 going forward our next story is my 25-year-old  male girlfriend 27-year-old female won't go to   :48.920 --> :53.920 the doctor hasn't been for almost a decade and  I don't know what to do my girlfriend and I have   :53.920 --> :59.080 been dating for about 3 years now there isn't  much that we seriously fight or dis agree about   :59.080 --> :04.680 but one of those things happens to be her adamant  refusal to go to the doctor as stated in the title   :04.680 --> :10.000 my girlfriend hasn't been to the doctor in almost  a decade the reason is because she found doctor's   :10.000 --> :15.400 visits very unpleasant when she was younger and  procedures like needles or blood tests gave her   :15.400 --> :21.400 severe anxiety attacks for context both of us  come from families with high cancer risks about   :21.400 --> :26.720 a year into our relationship I voiced my concerns  over this fact I told her that taking care of her   :26.720 --> :32.360 health was extremely important to me especially  given our family histories and that for me to feel   :32.360 --> :36.800 comfortable in a long-term relationship I would  need my partner to at least schedule a routine   :36.800 --> :41.800 checkup once a year at this point in time she  still hasn't done so and I've even told her now   :41.800 --> :48.000 that I'd be okay if she goes to the doctor just  once every 2 years instead she gets very annoyed   :48.000 --> :52.360 and brushes it off whenever I try to bring up  the topic saying that she'll do it on her own   :52.360 --> :58.520 time that by pressuring her I'm not respecting her  ability to handle herself as an adult Etc I don't   :58.520 --> :03.680 want to seem like I'm nagging or being overbearing  so I try my best not to bring it up as much as I   :03.680 --> :09.560 can I think two to three times over the past year  here are the rest of my thoughts on the situation   :09.560 --> :14.520 since we're both still relatively young my  girlfriend has called me irrational for worrying   :14.520 --> :20.160 so much and bugging her to do this truthfully  this issue is genuinely causing me a great deal   :20.160 --> :25.520 of stress and anxiety and I've recognized that  I do likely have an irrational fixation over   :25.520 --> :31.640 the potential deaths of my loved ones how however  even if my worry is irrational I don't think what   :31.640 --> :38.320 I'm requesting is I'm not asking her to go on a  strict diet or workout or any of that I just want   :38.320 --> :43.160 her to go to the doctor once a year so we know  that nothing is wrong I recognize that doctor   :43.160 --> :48.880 related phobia is a real thing and I'm not trying  to invalidate her perspective however I feel like   :48.880 --> :54.800 going to the doctor regularly is just a necessary  part of life and this is the type of thing that   :54.800 --> :00.720 one needs to get over as part of being an adult  to be be clear when I was younger I also used to   :00.720 --> :06.120 get anxiety attacks whenever I'd get a blood test  even nowadays the nurse always asks me if I need   :06.120 --> :11.960 to lie down first but I still went anyways because  I knew that it just needed to be done I've tried   :11.960 --> :16.880 asking her if there's anything I could do to make  the process easier for her but she says there's   :16.880 --> :22.360 nothing I've told her several times now how much  grief and stress this has been causing me even if   :22.360 --> :27.360 she is right and I really shouldn't be worrying  about it at all I don't feel it's unreasonable to   :27.360 --> :32.080 think this is something something she should just  do because she knows how important it is to me it   :32.080 --> :38.000 hurts because I feel like she's either not taking  my concern seriously or that worse she does take   :38.000 --> :43.440 them seriously but it just doesn't matter that  much to her even if she does eventually go to   :43.440 --> :48.280 the doctor I can't help but feel like she'd just  be doing it once to shut me up and that she'd   :48.280 --> :54.320 never actually go again afterwards which isn't  what I want to be clear our relationship has   :54.320 --> :59.720 been wonderful otherwise and we get along really  well the the reason this is bothering me so much   :59.720 --> :04.840 to begin with is because I love her and I just  want her to be okay we've talked about getting   :04.840 --> :09.200 married but I feel like if this is unresolved  things are only going to get worse down the   :09.200 --> :14.480 line I just want to know how to deal with this  situation every time I try to approach the topic   :14.480 --> :19.680 she just shuts it down does anyone have advice  for what to do I'd genuinely like to know if I'm   :19.680 --> :25.440 being unreasonable here so having a boundary and  an expectation in a relationship that your partner   :25.440 --> :31.520 takes care of themselves is very reasonable to  have and I think if it gets to the point where   :31.520 --> :36.920 you would rather end a relationship with somebody  because they can't and refuse to go to the doctor   :36.920 --> :42.520 that's a very fair thing to have and a very fair  thing to make clear I mean I know from personal   :42.520 --> :48.240 experience I personally hadn't gone to the doctor  in years just because of insurance reasons I go   :48.240 --> :52.760 this last year and there's a number of things  that pop up and thankfully I'm glad I went when   :52.760 --> :57.600 I did because a lot of these things could now be  treated preventatively before it became an issue   :57.600 --> :03.400 even Beyond cancer you never know what your body  might develop or start doing incorrectly until you   :03.400 --> :08.800 have that checkup one easy example is the thyroid  once you get into your late 20s it's very normal   :08.800 --> :13.040 for all of a sudden developing issues there you  never have something like that get checked out   :13.040 --> :19.880 and you might have some serious issues our next  story is my 32-year-old female husband 39-year-old   :19.880 --> :24.680 male told me he deserves better my husband was  doing something for work on his phone earlier   :24.680 --> :29.440 and I left him alone an hour or so passed and our  kids woke up and he started talking to them and   :29.440 --> :33.960 playing I had a short conversation with him  and then later I asked a quick question and   :33.960 --> :38.880 he blew up on me and told me I was bothering  him he got an attitude and went upstairs for   :38.880 --> :43.840 over an hour then he got the kids and took them  upstairs for 30 minutes and didn't speak to me   :43.840 --> :48.480 he brought them back down and didn't say a word  to me just acted like I wasn't there he didn't   :48.480 --> :54.640 speak to me for a few hours I went to the kitchen  and asked if you wanted dinner he said I'm good I   :54.640 --> :00.000 asked what did I do wrong he raised his voice  and said you're always bothering me you should   :00.000 --> :06.640 just be quiet sometimes then calls me a psychopath  I never raised my voice but I said I deserve not   :06.640 --> :12.600 to be yelled at and spoken to like a child and he  said I deserve better and you should just be quiet   :12.600 --> :18.880 more often I guess my question for op is is this  normal behavior has he shown anything like this   :18.880 --> :24.200 before or is all of a sudden he developing this  kind of stuff cuz if so I would be worried that   :24.200 --> :29.040 there's some kind of relationship issues he's  not discussing or or God forbid something more   :29.040 --> :35.000 serious going on I mean if this is just the kind  of guy he is the one that deserves better is op   :35.000 --> :43.640 our next story is my female 56 husband male 58 is  always sad after our kids moved out what can I do   :43.640 --> :49.160 to make him happy again so me and my husband are  married since 33 years and we've always been happy   :49.160 --> :55.000 and satisfied with our life we met at University  and we are like soulmates we're the funny a bit   :55.000 --> :01.040 cringe for some friends couple we we love to make  pranks enjoy the little things and make photos of   :01.040 --> :06.080 every good memory of our life but we're also  extremely realist and cynical too because when   :06.080 --> :11.600 we married we made a precise and cynic plan on how  our life would be since the first paycheck of our   :11.600 --> :17.680 work he's a lawyer and I'm a business consultant  we started to save money to buy and full our house   :17.680 --> :23.200 we searched for years the right house for us and  saved a lot of money because we wanted that house   :23.200 --> :30.200 to be our first and only so it would be pretty  expensive in 5 years of hard work extra time   :30.200 --> :37.040 stress and dedication we finally did it and bought  our dream house then after a year of saving money   :37.040 --> :42.800 again we decided that it was the right time to  have kids and we had our first son 25 now and   :42.800 --> :48.480 our daughter 24 now they've always been our pride  and joy my husband wanted to be always present   :48.480 --> :54.320 for them he had issues of being neglected by his  parents and he did never missed anything of their   :54.320 --> :01.200 life or activity and I was and still am very very  proud of him we traveled a lot since our work was   :01.200 --> :08.360 going very well and made Unforgettable Memories by  oursel and with our kids the real issue comes here   :08.360 --> :12.960 one year ago they moved out to live their life  and be independent and we made a bank account for   :12.960 --> :19.000 both of them to cover all their studies bills and  expenses obviously the day they moved out wasn't   :19.000 --> :25.080 easy at all we still see them as our little kids  and we cried a lot but we both knew it was time   :25.080 --> :30.600 that they would live their life and be independent  of course I cried a lot and my husband too because   :30.600 --> :36.240 he was very very attached to them he even offered  to cover their first apartment expenses but they   :36.240 --> :41.760 refused because they found a job and didn't want  to rely on us too much well since they moved out   :41.760 --> :48.080 my husband has been very sad he tries his best to  put on the happy face but after all these years I   :48.080 --> :54.160 know when he's faking happiness or not and in  this year he's faking it I mean I'm too miss   :54.160 --> :59.520 them a lot but it's right to make them fly away  and do their life but he always talks about when   :59.520 --> :04.320 they were here with us the Beautiful Moments  we shared together the good old memories and   :04.320 --> :09.640 all this stuff so some advice please what can  I do to make him happy again I think it's got   :09.640 --> :15.400 to just be trying to find something that kind of  occupies that void something that fills that time   :15.400 --> :21.480 where they're not spending so much time longing  and they're focused on what's next with X thing   :21.480 --> :25.480 like is there something Community facing that  maybe they could get involved in something where   :25.480 --> :29.440 they could maybe help or Mentor kids in the  community that maybe would give that kind of   :29.440 --> :36.840 same satisfaction I mean either that or hey put a  dog do the trick our next story is my 29-year-old   :36.840 --> :43.800 female friend 26-year-old male is upset at me for  discriminating against men I don't find hot in the   :43.800 --> :48.760 club we've been friends for 8 years we went out  clubbing Monday night with one other guy and one   :48.760 --> :53.120 other girl I brought them to my favorite place  and we got drinks and started dancing with each   :53.120 --> :58.080 other I had a few different guys come up and try  to dance with me and I rejected a few you before I   :58.080 --> :02.880 was approached by one I found hot and decided to  dance with him the same thing happened a couple   :02.880 --> :08.400 more times and I went home with the third man I  danced with other than my friends I saw my friend   :08.400 --> :14.000 again yesterday at his place and he asked me why  did you say no to dancing with so many guys yet   :14.000 --> :19.720 you danced with a few of them I told him I was  just waiting for a hot one he replied so if a   :19.720 --> :24.640 guy isn't hot you won't even give him the honor  of dancing with you I said I can be picky about   :24.640 --> :29.680 who I dance with if I want to be then he asked me  do you discriminate based on looks and your work   :29.680 --> :36.240 as a doctor I said absolutely not he said somehow  I doubt it you seem shallow and I doubt you leave   :36.240 --> :42.840 that in the club I asked him are you upset with  me he said yes and I immediately got up and left   :42.840 --> :48.280 I'm starting to feel afraid of him because of his  attitude do I talk to him about it or is he beyond   :48.280 --> :53.400 help at this point I'm not sure if I should just  avoid him for my own safety I mean I must admit   :53.400 --> :58.520 his mannerisms were kind of weird and definitely  would make me UNC comfortable I think you have   :58.520 --> :02.600 every right to choose whether or not you want  to dance with a person based on your perceived   :02.600 --> :07.400 appearance of them if you only want to dance with  people you think are hot do you not have every   :07.400 --> :12.360 right to do that do you not have the right to turn  somebody down because you're not attracted to them   :12.360 --> :17.280 I feel like there's some kind of very personal  Vibes going on from this friend I don't know if   :17.280 --> :22.280 he was hoping he had some kind of shot and is now  feeling dashed about his looks or something but I   :22.280 --> :26.960 don't know but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to   :26.960 --> :32.440 hear another tricky relationship topic check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :32.440 --> :37.960 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rRelationshipsHOWDOIMAKEMYPARENTSHAPPYAGAINRedditStoriesen
husband cheated and Rich in-laws mocked me saying they'd crush me in divorce court but I got the last laugh when they landed in jail after I found key evidence I 24f got married to David 25m not his real name a year ago after being in a relationship for 2 years we met through my cousin who went to college with him and became good friends with David he and I come from very very different families and I still don't know how we managed to stay together for so long when we're so different ourselves for context my parents are both Realtors and I've had a normal childhood I also have a sister who's three years younger than me so I wasn't spoiled either we weren't too rich but we weren't exactly poor somewhere in the middle it wasn't the same for David who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth he was the only child of his father Shawn 50m and since Shawn was a business tycoon David was a totally spoiled brat his mother Naomi 48f was a socialite and didn't do much apart from attending parties and going on shopping sprees mostly because she didn't need to do anything else they were literally straight out of a novel and not in a good way my in-laws were rich arrogant in the worst possible way and they didn't even try to make me feel comfortable when I first met them in hindsight it feels weird that I didn't think their behavior was odd but I was so in love with David that I didn't even care how his parents were neither did I care about the fact that they demanded that I live with him once we got married I just agreed to all their terms and conditions because I wanted to marry David and I assumed that so did he he was my first serious boyfriend and before him I'd only ever had short flings with either men who weren't serious about me or men whom I didn't care for much David was sweet charming and seemed like the perfect guy while we were dating so I didn't think there was anything wrong with moving in with my in-laws once we got married to be fair they lived in a literal mansion and I believed that we'd have our personal space in spite of the living Arrangement his parents had also been quite civil to me before we got hitched and that was yet another reason for me not to question things after I said yes to his proposal and agreed to their Arrangement it was my in-laws who seemed thrilled and covered the cost of the entire wedding even though my parents had said that they wouldn't mind splitting the cost my family and I actually thought that they really liked me and we even discussed at length how they were being so kind to me we had no idea what was to come especially with regards to David who had never been anything but perfect in my head David and I ended the lease on our rented apartment a week before our wedding and moved in with his parents soon after the wedding the first few days were nice enough but gradually things began to change for the worse and it was so slow in the initial days that I barely even noticed it both Shawn and Naomi had started becoming a lot colder towards me and weren't as civil in their way of speaking as they used to be earlier they'd ignore my existence if it suited them and then if they were feeling mean they'd make snide comments about me and my family David told me not to minded initially and said that once we'd had a baby it would cement my place in the family and my in-laws would turn over a new Leaf but I wasn't ready to have kids and wanted to wait it out that led to a few arguments and fights between us after which he started growing distant from me and wouldn't spend as much time with me as he would earlier this was just the first 3 months of our marriage and they'd already started showing their true colors but I still stupidly kept hoping that things would get better eventually after a couple of months passed the pressure to have a baby began to build from all sides and I began to seriously consider moving back home but every time I'd say that to David he'd tell me that he loved me and couldn't bear to live without me it became a vicious cycle and I was just so exhausted that I even fell behind at work I'd already said no to taking the lead on a few big projects that had been offered to me and let others manage those because I wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle the pressure from my in-laws and it work all together I was in a very dark place at the time and didn't even have the energy to fight for myself when it came to David and his parents and their constant nagging and jives I kind of gave up and took it all without complaint because I didn't feel brave enough to say a word and looking back it sucks that I let things get so bad in the first place at all I could have left him but I loved him and every time I'd want to leave he'd play the I love you and can't live without you card which just made it impossible for me to leave I was already feeling weak and it just made me feel worse about even thinking of leaving when my husband insisted that he loved me so much I was trapped so to speak this went on for a while and would have probably gone on for longer had I not discovered David's Affair about 3 weeks ago I was reading in bed and David had gone on a jog he'd left his phone on the bed but after a while I heard buzzing from another source which seemed weird I checked the phone that was on his bed and that wasn't in so I looked all over the room and located another phone in his laptop bag I'd never seen that phone before and neither did I know anyone by the name of Jessica and it took me a few seconds to try and process what I was witnessing I kept the phone with me and tried to unlock it with no luck so I decided to wait for David to come back home when he came back home we talked for a while and then he went to sleep after he fell asleep I used his face to unlock the phone and went through the only messages he had on his phone the ones with Jessica their texts were all pretty explicit and it was obvious that he was having an affair with this lady they'd made several plans to meet and had gone through with those plans as well from the looks of it the texts went back to almost 4 months after we just been together a little over half a year the recent texts weren't very flirty or cute though and were mostly Jessica demanding an explanation for something that had happened and insisting that he either leave me or he get the job done that he promised David had been ignoring her for the most part and that's probably why she'd called that day while reading the texts I recorded it all with my phone and even took screenshots and sent them to my email address for good measure then I cried myself to sleep as silently as I could because the real Iz ation that David had been cheating on me for the past 4 months had finally hit me and I couldn't hold it together anymore I cried the entire night away but by the next morning I was ready to confront David about what I'd found I expected him to deny it or try to get me to forgive him but he did none of those things to my surprise he owned it and told me very confidently that he had cheated on me with an employee and everyone in the family knew about it as well apparently he'd meant to tell me about it but he thought that it would get in the way of having a child and he didn't want that right now because his parents were hounding him to have a baby so they'd have an heir for the company at the earliest that was was pretty much my only purpose as a member of their family to present them with a kid so they'd have someone to take over the business eventually and that's why he'd married me so early according to him and my in-laws these were my prime years and I'd have to have a baby soon it was already bad enough that I came from such a financially weak background the least I could do for them was give them a healthy child at the right time he even had the audacity to tell me that he was getting stressed out because of my refusal to have a baby and the pressure that his parents had put him under which is why he' had an affair and he'd been honest with his family about it so there was no need for me to get so mad since his parents didn't in mind Jessica was just his stress relief but at the end of the day I was the one he loved and I was his wife so I didn't have to worry after saying all that rubbish to me he left for work that day without even waiting for a reply because he thought this was totally normal behavior I packed my stuff up right after he left and snuck out of the house to go back to my parents place where I told them everything once I got there they had no idea how my life was at my in-law's place because I'd never told them out of fear that there'd be a ton of drama if I did tell them the truth about how I was being treated by my husband and in-laws after I found out about the affair I realized there was no point in holding back anymore and Spilled everything my parents were very supportive and instantly put me in touch with one of their friends who happened to have a son a divorce attorney I told David that I needed some time to think and that I'd be living with my parents for a while and he bought it in the meantime I worked out the divorce papers with my lawyer and within 3 days he'd been served he didn't see it coming because I hadn't mentioned anything about divorce even after I'd learned about the affair so he was definitely taken a back the day he was served and came right over to my parents house he thought that he could argue his way back into my life in my head our relationship was over and I'd accepted that so his arguments were all pointless he went back home disappointed that I wasn't staying with him despite his cheating which just goes to show that he really did think of me as nothing but a huge pushover who could be bossed around all the time and I'd stay nevertheless the day after that I received a call from my in-laws and Naomi told me that I'd pay for what I'd done to her son because he'd apparently been miserable once he realized I wasn't coming back she told me that I'd made her son cry and that's why they'd make sure that I was absolutely destroyed in court I told them I could handle it and then block them but that was just all talk I knew they were rich and influential people so picking a fight with them wasn't exactly in my best interests after contemplating for a couple of days I decided to take a leap of faith and get in touch with Jessica I remembered that they hadn't been on good terms in the recent past judging by their texts and I hoped that she'd be willing to help me out after a lot of stalking I found out that Jessica was actually an employee where David worked Shawn was the founder and CEO of the company and David was the COO of the same company Jessica worked under David which I found out from their website once I found her social media account I decided to text her and ask her to meet me because I didn't think these things were appropriate to be discussed in the text she agreed and we met at a nearby cafe about a week ago she was a couple of years older than us very attractive and single so it was no big surprise that David had chosen her to have an affair with she apologized to me for wrecking my home but also said that it was not personal and the only reason she'd gotten involved with David was because he was the one who initiated the affair and had promised her a huge promotion and raise if she agreed so for her it was mostly greed and ambition that allowed her to forget that dve was a married man and continued the affair with him and for David it was just a stress Buster she told me that she'd continued to work even after the affair ended about a month ago because the promotion that she'd been promised ended up going to some other employee who also happened to be a woman which had led her to believe that she was probably not the only person that David was involved with in the office she'd been trying to get back at David by texting him on his secret phone that he usually hid from me by keeping it turned off along with his laptop but on the day that I'd found out he'd probably forgotten to do so Jessica confessed to me that she'd been trying to blackmail him into promoting her or or else she'd come out with the truth and end our marriage so he could either leave me himself or she'd arrange it for him unfortunately the threats had no effect on him because somewhere deep down both of them knew that he had weigh too much influence and wasn't going to be intimidated by an ordinary employee she'd be the one jeopardizing her future career if she spoke up and that's why she'd had to continue working in silence despite knowing what she did because she was scared she'd lose her job if she said anything against him me texting her had given her some hope and that's why she'd agreed to meet me so we could at least come up with some idea about what to do next I explained myself side of the story to her and then we decided that for now her best bet would be to file a report with the police to make sure this goes on his record and get in touch with the other female employees of the office so we could find out if he was involved with any of them or not after about 4 days she told me that she'd spoken to most of the female employees that she worked with and the majority of them said that they had been offered such deals by David where he'd hinted at promotions if they agreed to his terms a lot of them had turned him down but another woman the one who had been promoted told us that she'd had an affair with not only David but also Shawn and when she'd heard that Jessica was about to receive the promotion over her she dropped by at their house to confront them in person I wasn't at home at the time and had been away with a few of my friends so I hadn't witnessed this incident personally but she told me that when she' confronted the two men Naomi had actually physically attacked her and slapped her senselessly she'd pinned her down to the floor with Shawn's help while David yelled at them to stop but didn't actually do anything to stop them physically they'd hurt her pretty badly and she went home with scratches and bruises all over because of how vicious Naomi had been while screaming at her like crazy and accusing her of being an immoral home wrecker once she got home she called David and told him that she was going to complain to the cops but he pacified her and told her that he'd make sure she got the promotion she deserved as long as she kept the Affairs quiet so in exchange for that she agreed but even now Shawn had continued to verbally abuse her and treat her like crap when no other employees were around she'd stayed quiet for the same reason as Jessica because she knew how powerful these people were and she didn't want to invite trouble for herself for no reason in addition to that she also didn't have any proof of the attack itself so she couldn't come out and accuse Naomi because she knew they'd destroy her when she said that I finally remembered something i' done ages ago back when David and I had started fighting over when to have a baby when nobody was at home not even the housekeeper I'd had CCTV cameras with recorders installed in every room of the house because I'm a generally paranoid person and things were so bad at the time that I'd started considering divorce but hadn't left I'd installed the camera so I'd have proof of the kind of mistreatment I was going through for the divorce to make it easier but then I'd forgotten about it because things were so bad when I was told that she didn't go to the police because she had no proof of the attack I decided to finally log into the system and check out the footage from the date she'd mentioned and luckily the cameras had captured every single thing it was horrifying to watch Naomi attack her while Shawn helped her out and my husband just stood by doing the bare minimum but not actually bothering to physically intervene I knew they were horrible people but this was way too much for even me to stomach and even talking about this right now makes me feel so uncomfortable once I found the footage I forwarded it to the two women and told them to go report everything to the cops which they did and a few days ago my husband and in-laws were all arrested for the things they'd done and I couldn't have been happier about it it was David's lawyer who called me and told me about it because apparently David had said that he wanted to speak to me they were all being detained in prison until the trial started but I had no intention of going to visit him when I told his lawyer that I wasn't interested in seeing him again the man literally lashed out at me and called me all sorts of degrading names it wasn't surprising because David and his lawyer were actually childhood friends but for him to take things so personally was a little surprising for me he accused me of using and manipulating David's co-workers so that it would be easier for me to get what I wanted in the divorce settlement which made me just as bad as him if not more since even I was using people for my own gain I didn't know what to say to him so I just hung up without arguing but now that I think of it it kind of does make sense after all I did push Jessica The Other Woman and God knows how many other employees into something that would definitely affect their future and their careers all because I didn't want my divorce to go arai and I was too scared to go up against my in-laws all by myself I keep trying to convince myself that everything will work out fine for everyone involved but I don't know that for sure and so if things don't go well for Jessica and the others that'll be my fault and I'll never be able to forgive myself for it on the other hand I also don't think it's a bad thing that they're in jail right now because they're all pretty messed up people and don't deserve to roam around freely because there's no telling whose life they might ruin next I could talk about this to my friends and family but they'd side with me and that's why I've turned to Reddit for an honest and unbiased verdict Ida for pushing my husband's employees to report him so that I have more leverage over him to work with for our upcoming divorce settlement update one I didn't expect this post to blow up the way it did and the support had been overwhelming so I've had to take my time to process things I'm also going through a divorce right now so things have been pretty messy I have however been going through the comments and the messages that you guys have sent and I'm really thankful for your kind words it makes it a lot easier for me to deal with my current life right now I don't know how long this process is going to take because right now we're still in the early stages of negotiations for the settlement in alimony but I'm hopeful that things will get easier and better slowly but surely there's also the ongoing trial regarding David where quite a few ex-employees have also come out and spoken up against him it's pretty scary that these things happened and I had no clue about it at all my cousin who introduced me to him heard about this in the local news and reached out to me to apologize for even introducing me to such a horrible man and an even worse family Jessica had been keeping me updated on the trial and it's not looking too good for them at the moment they might be looking at anywhere from 3 years to even five or more it's crazy how David in spite of the situation he's in has still managed to get on my last nerve during the negotiations they're conducted online because I refused to go out there to see him in person he doesn't deserve that and he always makes it a point to tell me that he loved me and I ruined his life like no you ruined your own life by cheating on your wife and being a creep that's not my fault it's tough right now but I'm trying to go with a flow update two it's final the judge ruled that David and his parents were going to jail for 3 years he was able to wiggle out of a more strict punishment because at least the relationships were consensual even though it was still basically exploitation of his employees he's also going to have to pay a huge sum to all the women who spoke up and testified against him and that's definitely going to affect his bank balance significantly I don't know how that's going to affect my settlement in alimony but I guess I'll find out soon enough for now now I'm happy that he's going to face the punishment for whatever he put these women through he totally deserves this and much worse if I'm being honest update three hi everyone so I'm back after a long time and I guess people have been wondering what happened to me things have been better ever since my divorce was finalized about 6 weeks ago David and his parents had to sell off all their assets to be able to pay off and compensate their victims I also received the amount I'd asked for in the settlement and the alimony is going to be paid in installments over the next couple of years I'm not sure if he'll be able to pay off the ENT entire amount though judging by the state of their company their stocks had been plummeting steadily ever since the news of their arrest broke and they haven't managed to recover since even though their board of directors have put other people in charge to replace David and Shawn it's quite possible that they might go bankrupt and shut down which would be sad for the other employees but they can always find other jobs where they don't have to work for creeps like these I hope their company gets shut down and they go bankrupt to be honest yeah I won't get my alimony but it'll be totally worth it still for now I'm just focusing on rebuilding my own career in life I'm going to therapy to the gym and just trying to live my life the way I'd wanted to before David came along and ruined it all
give me a good story on HusbandCheatedRichinlawsMockedMeSayingTheydCrushMeinDivorceCourtButIGotthe
a ITA for refusing to give back a family heirloom to my grandma I 22f was given a beautiful necklace by my stepdad Jake when I graduated college last year it was from his Grandma's jewelry collection and I wear it every day Jake proposed to my mom when I was 12 and we were really close I have only met Jake's family a couple times over the years as they live very far and initially didn't approve of my mom they tolerate my mom and me on holidays and are civil for Jake a few weeks after my graduation Jake and my mom passed in an accident and the last year has been really hard on me I fell out with Jake's extended family when I was organizing their funerals Jake was brought up Christian and his family wanted to hold his funeral in their family church my mom and they are atheist and I know she wanted to be cremated so this many their funerals would be separate I asked James's family if we could have a joint wake for my mom and Jake but they insisted on doing it in their Church Hall which I refused as my mom was not religious and wanted to do it at my mom and Jake's house we fell out over this and I haven't spoke to them since as they decided to hold awake for Jake in the church and not invite me yesterday I got a message from Jake's mom asking for the necklace Jake gave me she said it's a family heirloom to be added to the oldest daughter and she wanted to give it to Jake's sister who is pregnant I refused as Jake gave it to me and she got very hostile and threatened to sue me I am not sure if Sheen as Jake was never married to my mom or officially my dad but he was my dad regardless
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtogivebackafamilyheirloomtomygrandmaaitaredditstoriesorig
what is the most tragic announcement that was made at your high school this wasn't my high school but my primary school when I was 12 years old 2021 at about nine in the morning I walked into my classroom to see that my whole grade was there I entered the classroom and my Palms were sweating I sat down next to my friends waiting until I noticed that my principal was in front of the classroom my friend noticed that some teachers including my own were crying relentlessly I didn't know what to expect but it certainly wasn't what I was about to hear the principal cleared his throat and paused hesitant I'm sorry to announce that underscore has unexpectedly passed away last night I froze here swelled in my eyes and time stopped my heart sank and I had never felt so heartbroken students were shocked and some even broke down crying I didn't want it to be real I wanted someone to wake me up and help me escape this nightmare my best friend had committed suicide he was the only light in the darkness that was my life he made me laugh and feel happy the guilt is overpowering why couldn't I have just asked him if he was okay just once I knew what he was going through and yet I was so selfish all I wanted to hug him once last time after the announcement students from other classes returned to their classrooms though I remained in mine this was the loneliest day of my life my teacher asked me if I needed to go home early so she called my mom and another teacher walked me to the office and I waited for my mom to pick me up my music teacher saw me and hugged me still crying she said she thought about me as soon as she heard the news
give me a good story on whatisthemosttragicannouncementthatwasmadeatyourhighschool
hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested i'll tell you where to enter later on in the video but today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by pyrostratus throw away expired stuff stuff that doesn't have dates i back when i was in a culinary class i could always tell my teacher didn't like me that much she would never allow me to participate in after school events and would make me do dishes or other chores instead not what i signed up for when i took the class but fine you want me to learn professional skills i get it but your job as a teacher is to give every student the experience of learning culinary skills in a culinary class she would also tell my brother one of her star students that i was annoying and sent me out on errands outside the class so she wouldn't have to see me but anyway one of these chores she wanted me to do was going through the cabinets refrigerators and shelves to throw away anything expired she also wanted me to throw away anything that didn't have a date on it cause when in doubt throw it out so i did it but the problem is none of the spices on the spice rack had any labels or dates on them and all of them had varying levels of use i'm not a complete jerk so i didn't throw out all of the spices i just threw out the ones that seemed to have a good amount missing that way i knew the spices were somewhat old i just threw out enough for my teacher to notice she noticed pretty quickly and she promptly told me to stop to which i reminded her that i was throwing out the spices that didn't have dates on them that pure look of annoyance and defeat was satisfying to me as she told me to sit down and that she'd have someone else do it right so then i got to sit at the table and do nothing instead of doing chores that her golden students could do instead of smoking weed and skipping class maybe the reason they were staring at me throughout the ordeal was because i got a bit too close to a substance that was definitely basil now they had to dig through the trash to make sure i didn't get rid of any of that pretty pungent expensive important basil just kidding i didn't know about any disguised substances on the spice rack but honestly i wouldn't be surprised but anyway teacher mad students mad but they can't punish me because i did what i was told and then the next semester the class mysteriously disappeared from my schedule which was very interesting to me but i didn't care because i wouldn't miss the days reaching down the sink as i was the only one in class who had the courage to i do feel bad for those kiddos i used to let sample some cookie dough if they were alone in the kitchen and vowed to tell nobody but ironically visiting the class revealed that after the incident there were new spices but they too were unlabeled i call upon my successors to write what is wrong if you can hear me empty the spice racks and look for the mythical hallucinogenic time let me ask you guys somewhere in this world do you believe that there is a culinary class so freely open that students could hide hallucinogenic time amongst the spice rack and get away with it let me know in the comments down below our next story is by ramrod ron this place sucks this is my friend's story and takes place in the late 1980s skip was from a smallish town and had ultra religious parents after high school his first goal was to get out of town via college his parents would only pay for him to attend a small private religion-based school he was a non-believer privately but it was a ticket out of town and his options were limited also he was coming to his terms with his sexuality namely being gay he went off to college and was horrified to discover he had even less freedom at college than he had had at his parents home there was a very strict early curfew and students were only allowed to engage in activities that glorified our lord and savior jesus christ on men this included a ban on secular music no satanic rock and roll or r-rated movies the students were all kept on a very short leash with spies everywhere eager to snitch on fellow students for violations of the student code the college made a liberty university seem like las vegas in comparison violations resulted in being confined to campus with penalties incrementally increasing in severity in addition to mandatory church and bible class related activities students were required to complete campus service among the ways to do service was give campus tours to prospective students here's where the malicious compliance comes into play skip decided to give his tours with a dose of reality he would follow the script given to tour guides then take prospective students aside and tell them things like you don't want to go here it sucks or they treat you like children curfew is at 9 and you have no freedom and other bits of information to sabotage their enrollment most students were grateful for this intel and thanked him his scheme worked until sometime in his sophomore year when someone ratted him out he left the college moved to south beach and became a go-go boy and personal trainer he was working and attending community college when i met him i lost track of him but he seemed really happy living the life he chose can i get an amen that isn't a religion based school that's a religion based prison i wouldn't be able to live in that kind of a system it feels like a brainwashing cult location where you send your kids off after high school to just make sure they completely get their brains melded into believing that jesus is the only thing that's right in the world to me personally what this school was doing seems insane this next story is by kevin acs not my job or my job make up your mind i used to work for a major aircraft manufacturer thanks 2020 i was still pretty green at the time this was about five years ago having came into the industry with absolutely zero experience after running away from retail management i was on the manufacturing side of things and started at the very bottom deeper in fabrication my job was to take parts that came hot off the machines and get rid of sharp edges scratches etc basically make them safe for handling and ready for the next process easy but super fast paced and dirty work i was really good at my job now being in a facility with over 10 000 employees the systems aren't perfect each order slash part has a checklist of processes that follows it until it terminates and becomes a larger assembly each individual action on that checklist is assigned a certain amount of hours some engineer decides is how long it should take to complete once complete inspection buys the order and sells it to the next shop we are to do no work that isn't assigned to our shop this part is important this is how areas monitor their budgets but it's wildly inaccurate some parts would take 10 minutes and pay 20 hours while others would take 12 hours and pay 30 minutes but they said it all evens out at the end now for the fun bit in training my lead explained that a couple of managers had a sort of handshake deal that we would do their process in order to streamline specific parts these parts would travel across campus a mile or two just to have a vinyl-like protective coating peeled by hand and then returned they always got damaged in transport so they cut out the middleman to save time and materials so these parts come in and i peel and process them without issue we get a new hire who i relay the information to he forgets to peel some small parts and they make it all the way to production because this is union work there's a lot of not my job not my problem no one else peeled the parts the painters painted over this protective coating that's only held on by static now if we scrap a part in our area the cost is negligible usually as they haven't been processed but the further along the parts get the more expensive they become due to all the labor they scrap about 30 of these things at about 200 each our manager and her boss come back furious but he's new so he gets a verbal warning my turn i get a big part about the size of a miata but 1 4 inch thick flat aluminum already expensive just because of the sheer size and it's gone through several processes already i peel it and notice a giant wave right in the middle the part is not usable i call my lead over and he agrees so he calls the manager manager waddles over and asks who the freak peeled this i tell her that i did because it's in the paperwork she calls her boss and tells him i'm incompetent and to come see what i did he asks the same and why i explained the understanding we had with the previous shop and that if i did not peel it no one else would and it would get to the end of the line be scrapped and i would get written up he huffs and they puff but don't ride me up because i had already accepted a promotion to another area and would be out of their hair soon they give a strict instruction to no longer honor that understanding i got that same big part a couple days later as a replacement for the scrapped one i do my best to debur everything and leave the coating on sure enough about a week later guess who's waddling over the director of fabrication and his two underlings you want to explain to me why you cost us twenty thousand dollars me confused uh you signed off your job as complete on this part shows me a photo of painted parts that had been permanently attached to a fuselage section but did nothing it made it all the way to assembly without being peeled this was already a rush because the last one got scrapped too both of your managers informed me that peeling is not my job and that i would be written up for doing so me peeling the part was the reason the last one was scrapped even though peeling revealed a structural issue with the part that was present i explained this exact situation would happen but was told the same again manager says you're getting a write-up i never said that it's your job to follow the instructions on your sheet you should know that by now i say show me on my work order where it states this shop is responsible for peeling this part and i'll sign whatever you want a couple days later the director sends an email to our shop that our manager is being transferred to another area and to hold all parts this understanding pertain to until they could alter the instruction forms for all of their work orders thankfully that was my last week and my next area was infinitely slower paced cleaner climate controlled and more laid back no more metal dust covering my clothes hair and inside my nose i'd be pretty happy that i got the heck out of there too to be quite honest i just wouldn't want to be inhaling all that metal dust regardless of how incompetent the manager and the whole kind of section was so quickly now i just want to explain how to enter the giveaway the way it works is i take every video that was uploaded in a given week find one random comment that was relevant to the stories in that video and i give them an amazon gift card it's that simple so all you want to do to have the best chances to win is to leave a comment relevant to the video in some form on every video this week that's all you have to do and best of luck and also if you could like the videos too that would help more than you could possibly imagine that said our final story of the day is by nominator 58 leaving your only compaction tech of the yard is probably a bad idea this happened in 2012. i was working construction for a smaller company specifically i was hired as a compaction technician essentially i would use troxler compaction gauges to see if the roadway was properly compacted but that was a limited part of my work to test compaction you would use a pin guide and sledgehammer to punch a hole in the lift and then use the gauge to measure compaction i started out with two other tags which was a survey helper and then the site supervisor's daughter of course she didn't have to do the manual labor part of the job since the start of road work season involved lots of demolition work i was assigned flag duty essentially 12 hours of holding a slow slash stop sign as the season progressed i was put on culvert installation doing both my compaction work and normal labor essentially two jobs of course this was a huge pain since i was expected to test compaction then do normal labor while also writing detailed reports on the third job site i was placed about an hour and 15 minutes from where i lived you got two options either live in the cabin the company rented or commute in daily i chose to live out but eventually they moved us to some crappy portables on site the portables had no bathrooms no running water no power and no real amenities i ended up staying in them for about two days before choosing the commute in option around this time locals had been hired part of the contract and i found out they were getting paid about two dollars and fifty cents more per hour than i was for half the work a normal day involved getting to the shop at 5 30 a.m driving about 1 hour and 15 minutes on site by 6 45 working until 6 to 7 pm then an hour and 15 minutes home i was miserable however i showed up at exactly the time i was supposed to here is where three different forms of malicious compliance started first i stopped doing labor while doing compaction reports i would run tests then sit down and spend 20 to 30 minutes doing reporting math before having to run more tests this pissed off a number of workers a significant amount despite this being the core component of my job and being the only person that could run the gauge the second was showing up at 5 30 am on the dot i refused to be at the yard earlier as i was already overworked and not sleeping the final straw was showing up at 5 30 a.m and the crew van driven by an employee i despised left driving past myself and another co-worker i took a sip of my coffee thought about it and drove straight to the competition's shop i sat there hard hat boots vest and lunch ready to go they opened at 7am and i walked in the door saying what happened and that i needed work i was on a site within 45 minutes making two dollars more per hour that day i did not receive an apology call text or anything no offer of repayment of wages lost etc so the next day i was again with my new crew my previous supervisor called me up questioning my absence at around 11am i explained what had happened and why i wasn't there he said he understood but expected me the following day no apology just yeah that was a crappy thing to do and a bit of anger towards me i told him to kick rocks as i was being paid more to do less work suffice to say the old company wasn't very happy with me but if your employee is willing to leave two workers you underpay and demand i do two jobs don't expect me to bend over backwards for you darn right op stand up for yourself don't let that supervisor push you over don't let your co-workers at the construction site push you over you know what you're worth you go out there and you get better work elsewhere doing less work for more money that's the kind of drive and gumption you want to see from somebody so my hat's off big time to op but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceIsthisMYjoborNOTMakeupyourmindBoss
I won a battle for my 12 year old self 15 years later when I was in the 7th grade I had a massive crush on this boy in gym class one day completely unprovoked he told me I was the ugliest girl he'd ever seen I went home and cried all night later that week during a truth is conversation on Facebook his friend said I was uglier than Rosie O'Donnell I never thought I was ugly I definitely wasn't the prettiest and I was definitely awkward back then so this completely killed what little was left of my self-esteem and confidence fast forward to today that same guy now 15 years older asked me out at a coffee shop telling me how beautiful I was he didn't recognize me his friend also liked me on hinge last month both of which I shot down I feel like I won a battle for my younger self and it feels incredible you both
give me a good story on Iwonabattleformyyearoldselfyearslaterorig
:00.229 --> :17.990 Quick backstory, after graduating high school my son moved 3 states away for college. :17.990 --> :23.539 At 19 he married a girl he met, I tried convincing him to wait because I personally felt he was :23.539 --> :24.590 too immature. :24.590 --> :27.400 They both dropped out and moved back here to his home town. :27.400 --> :31.270 At 20 they had their first child, a beautiful little girl. :31.270 --> :36.180 16 months later, my DIL gave birth to their second child, a little boy. :36.180 --> :40.430 After the first baby, my wife and I noticed our DIL wasn’t happy. :40.430 --> :43.480 We both thought it was PPD related. :43.480 --> :47.070 Just after the second arrived, my son and his wife separated. :47.070 --> :52.430 She would bring the kids over for a visit, it was then she began unloading on us. :52.430 --> :57.440 I know there’s two sides to every story, but considering I know my son, I believed :57.440 --> :58.440 her. :58.440 --> :02.000 I sat my son down numerous times to speak with him regarding his marriage. :02.000 --> :06.799 He refused to take responsibility, blamed her for everything even when I directly pointed :06.799 --> :09.060 out where he was the sole problem. :09.060 --> :14.150 They got into counseling, for a year things were ‘ok’ on the surface. :14.150 --> :20.409 Our DIL filed for divorce, my son 3 days later was on Facebook announcing his new girlfriend. :20.409 --> :22.880 A month later, they were engaged. :22.880 --> :28.540 My son had forced his then wife to become a permanent SAHM at the birth of their first :28.540 --> :29.540 child. :29.540 --> :33.940 She of course had no other family or friends here, she knew no one aside from us. :33.940 --> :36.399 She had nowhere to go with two small children. :36.399 --> :41.050 Unbeknownst to our son, my wife and I helped her financially and got her an apartment. :41.050 --> :45.100 Before the divorce was even finalized, we received a wedding invitation. :45.100 --> :50.280 I made it clear to my son, I would not be attending and they would not have my blessing. :50.280 --> :53.280 His mother told him she would see to it that I would attend. :53.280 --> :58.050 I stayed consistent in my decision, I also asked him not to bring his fiancée around :58.050 --> :01.040 our house out of respect for the mother of his children. :01.040 --> :03.299 The wedding happened on Feb 11. :03.299 --> :06.240 The night before, my wife gave me the finial push. :06.240 --> :07.619 I did not attend. :07.619 --> :10.979 Our daughter, also did not attend for the same reasons. :10.979 --> :15.349 My wife picked up our grandkids, got them dressed and attended the wedding. :15.349 --> :18.500 My daughter and I decided to spend the evening with his ex. :18.500 --> :23.170 I couldn’t imagine her sitting alone, while her kid’s attended their father’s wedding. :23.170 --> :26.480 She was taken aback that I didn’t end up attending his wedding. :26.480 --> :28.630 We took her out to distract her mind. :28.630 --> :32.840 I just wanted her to know, she’ll always be considered family to us. :32.840 --> :37.920 My daughter also made a joke they can drop the in-law status and just be sisters now. :37.920 --> :43.810 She was very tearfully grateful, I realized just how badly she needed our support and :43.810 --> :45.750 specifically on that night. :45.750 --> :50.140 The next morning, my son called to tell me how much of a horrible father I am for not :50.140 --> :51.580 attending his wedding. :51.580 --> :55.629 Few days later he caught wind that I spent the wedding evening with his ex. :55.629 --> :01.790 He said that was the ultimate form of betrayal, and further myself and his sister would have :01.790 --> :23.709 to earn an relationship with him on his terms only. :23.709 --> :44.700 Hi, my second post here. :44.700 --> :45.709 (15F) :45.709 --> :47.050 This happened yesterday. :47.050 --> :50.920 I stayed home today and I have his class tomorrow and I’m stressed. :50.920 --> :54.500 My teacher is a very old stubborn strict man. :54.500 --> :57.340 And when I say strict I mean STRICTT. :57.340 --> :01.740 He will constantly monitor our computers to see what we’re doing in his class. :01.740 --> :07.480 If we open any other tab to do anything, he closes it and tells us to get back to work. :07.480 --> :11.490 If we finish with our work and try and do other homework, he closes out those tabs and :11.490 --> :14.090 tells us to just close our chromebooks. :14.090 --> :18.250 This was annoying, but I just did as told because I did not want to get in trouble. :18.250 --> :19.340 So fast forward. :19.340 --> :23.030 We have 4 lunch periods and my class has 3rd lunch. :23.030 --> :28.419 My phone had died so I decided I was gonna use my chromebook at lunch to pass the time. :28.419 --> :30.580 You can see where this is going right? :30.580 --> :36.600 Anyways, at lunch, mindlessly scrolling through buzz feed, when suddenly, the tab closes. :36.600 --> :39.850 I thought maybe I had accidentally misclicked. :39.850 --> :42.620 I reopened the tap but it closes again. :42.620 --> :48.800 I was confused, so I tried opening other tabs to see if it was just that website, but nope. :48.800 --> :50.380 They all closed. :50.380 --> :54.800 After about 1 minute of confusion, I finally realized what was going on. :54.800 --> :56.020 I was furious. :56.020 --> :58.460 I closed my chromebook and finished lunch. :58.460 --> :02.650 When I went back to class I asked my teacher about it, he said that the chromebook was :02.650 --> :05.310 only to be used for school purposes. :05.310 --> :09.229 I told him that that wasn’t fair because this was my leisure time and he should not :09.229 --> :12.419 be watching my chromebook in my personal time. :12.419 --> :16.720 He kept telling me the same things over and over so I just stayed quiet. :16.720 --> :20.040 I was still mad though, so during passing period. :20.040 --> :23.070 I took a trip to the principals office and reported him. :23.070 --> :25.250 The principal said she would look into it. :25.250 --> :30.050 When I got home and told my mom about the situation, she said I overreacted. :30.050 --> :34.699 She said that the computer was only for school use and I should not be using it for anything :34.699 --> :35.699 else. :35.699 --> :36.699 Now im worried. :36.699 --> :39.110 Im wondering if I did overreact? :39.110 --> :11.919 But then again I feel it’s unfair and creepy that he’s watching what im doing on my :11.919 --> :16.949 leisure time. :16.949 --> :38.120 So, am I the AH? :38.120 --> :45.210 My (24F) dad is pretty well off and own multiple properties in both the country I live in, :45.210 --> :47.669 as well as back in his home country. :47.669 --> :52.630 Because of this and the fact that my husband and I both have good careers, my SIL has always :52.630 --> :57.870 had a snobby attitude towards us and my side of the family, and tries to mooch off of us :57.870 --> :59.520 at any chance she gets. :59.520 --> :04.009 When we go out to eat with my husbands side of the family we're expected to pay. :04.009 --> :08.840 Christmas and birthday his side of the family expects "good gifts" etc. :08.840 --> :13.819 His sister is currently on her third marriage, and has three children all under the age of :13.819 --> :14.819 10. :14.819 --> :18.210 Her and her husband were looking for a place to host their wedding and approached me about :18.210 --> :20.849 using one of my dads properties to host it. :20.849 --> :26.500 I was very hesitant at first to help her because of the treatment she has given me in the past, :26.500 --> :31.410 but it's my dads property after all so I contacted him to ask him about it. :31.410 --> :36.380 He said it's my call, but told me to 1) have them sign some type of agreement stating that :36.380 --> :39.569 if any damage is done to the house, they are liable. :39.569 --> :44.419 2) they are going to be charged a reasonable fee to use the house. :44.419 --> :51.080 We both agreed on $1500, which I believe is VERY reasonable considering this is a massive :51.080 --> :52.080 house. :52.080 --> :54.500 I told SIL and her husband about this. :54.500 --> :00.330 They asked about a "family discount", I told them this was a family discount and take it :00.330 --> :01.330 or leave it. :01.330 --> :03.310 They signed the agreement and payed. :03.310 --> :06.960 Fast forward 2 day's after the wedding I went over to the house. :06.960 --> :09.280 House is a complete mess. :09.280 --> :15.560 Bed sheets are stained, a vase destroyed, alcohol bottles floating in the pool etc. :15.560 --> :20.819 I contact my dad to tell him, he tells me to access the damage and see how much it is. :20.819 --> :23.950 It was around $1000 worth of damage. :23.950 --> :29.230 My dad contacts my SIL himself and explains to her the damage and what she owes him. :29.230 --> :35.519 She loses her shit and starts going off about how this is bullshit, we're family she shouldn't :35.519 --> :40.729 even be charged in the first place, we're so well off we can happily afford to pay for :40.729 --> :45.610 the damages, if she gives him that money they won't be able to afford to go on a honey moon :45.610 --> :47.589 etc etc. :47.589 --> :52.180 She then calls me up to harrass me and start's calling me a "b*tch who thinks she's too good :52.180 --> :56.270 for everyone" and says "it's a wedding what do you expect? :56.270 --> :59.140 Sorry my people know how to have a good time". :59.140 --> :05.490 My dad gives her 30 days to pay (she was notified about this), 30 days comes and no payment. :05.490 --> :11.709 So my dad get his lawyer to contact SIL explaining how she's being taken to court for not paying. :11.709 --> :16.750 Her and my MIL have been contacting my husband non stop trying to get him to give her the :16.750 --> :17.750 money. :17.750 --> :21.570 He refuses because he agrees that what she did was irresponsible and wrong. :21.570 --> :28.290 I had to block MIL and SIL after they sent me nasty messages and even tried to show up :28.290 --> :29.920 at my house to "talk to me". :29.920 --> :35.019 I feel bad that my husbands relationship with his mom and sister is going to be ruined over :35.019 --> :36.540 $1000. :36.540 --> :05.360 But I feel like what she did was wrong and she wasn't even sorry about it. :05.360 --> :16.509 I (17M) agreed to take wedding photos for my cousin Sarah's (26F) wedding. :16.509 --> :20.980 She wanted me to take photos of her getting ready, our grandmother putting a family heirloom :20.980 --> :25.290 necklace on her, the first look, the wedding, the reception, etc. :25.290 --> :29.990 There was also another photographer (a friend of the groom) who was taking photos of the :29.990 --> :35.660 groom and his side getting ready, and he was also taking photos at the wedding/reception. :35.660 --> :40.240 Since I wasn't a professional photographer by any means I told her I would only charge :40.240 --> :42.589 $50 for the entire day. :42.589 --> :45.620 And when I say entire day, I mean it. :45.620 --> :51.830 From 8am until 10pm I was with her taking photos and basically being harassed by her, :51.830 --> :54.000 her bridesmaids and my aunt. :54.000 --> :00.410 She was a full on bridezilla the entire time, not just to me but basically everyone including :00.410 --> :01.470 her husband. :01.470 --> :04.140 It was a long day to say the least. :04.140 --> :09.430 So after all of that I went home, edited the photos, and copied them onto individual USB :09.430 --> :12.390 drives for people she might want to give them to. :12.390 --> :16.740 I texted Sarah a couple of days later to let her know they were ready and that I would :16.740 --> :20.579 happily meet up with her to exchange them for the $50. :20.579 --> :22.240 She never responded. :22.240 --> :27.220 For the next three weeks I texted, called, got in touch with her mother (my aunt), and :27.220 --> :30.570 even stopped by her house to try and get the photos to her. :30.570 --> :33.760 She evaded every single attempt. :33.760 --> :39.639 6 months passed since the wedding and I was at the movies with my other cousin (19M), :39.639 --> :42.910 who was Sarah's younger bother, and a couple of our friends. :42.910 --> :47.430 He tells me, "By the way, Sarah was wondering when you were going to give her the photos. :47.430 --> :51.740 She said she would pay you the $10 if that's the only reason you're talking so long." :51.740 --> :52.740 I was livid. :52.740 --> :54.810 First, it was $50. :54.810 --> :57.899 Second, that was the deal from the start! :57.899 --> :02.890 I told my cousin this and said to tell Sarah if she wanted them she needed to contact me :02.890 --> :07.940 within 2 days so we could meet up, with the payment, or I was going to delete them. :07.940 --> :13.100 This might come as a shock considering the title of this, but she never contacted me. :13.100 --> :18.180 The 2 days passed, I deleted the photos and erased the USB drives. :18.180 --> :22.980 Less than a week went by before my aunt called me in a fit because I "threatened" my cousin :22.980 --> :26.190 into paying me when she "didn't have the money". :26.190 --> :31.970 I told my aunt that she has had a little over 6 months to pull together $50 (which she knew :31.970 --> :37.470 was the agreed upon amount), that she refused to respond to me no matter what I tried, and :37.470 --> :40.600 that it was too late now because the photos were gone. :40.600 --> :45.990 My aunt, uncle and a few other relatives have been refusing to talk to me or my parents :45.990 --> :52.389 because I deleted, "precious photos that can never be taken again, all because of greed" :52.389 --> :53.889 (literal quote). :53.889 --> :57.300 My mom thinks I should apologize and am just being stubborn. :57.300 --> :02.040 However, my older brother thinks I held onto the photos longer than I should have, and :02.040 --> :05.980 that I should have deleted them after the first week of trying to get into contact with :05.980 --> :47.690 her and being dodged/ignored.So today when my (F30) husband (M29) came home from work, :47.690 --> :50.430 he told me we'll be going on a trip in two weeks. :50.430 --> :54.710 I asked what he means by that and he answered, that he booked a 6 day long vacation with :54.710 --> :57.810 hotel and everything for the two of us. :57.810 --> :02.470 For clarification, he didn't tell me anything about the idea beforehand, he didn't even :02.470 --> :04.160 ask if I want to go. :04.160 --> :08.980 So I politely told him he should have asked me first, because I can't just take a leave :08.980 --> :13.610 from work like that and that I won't be going, since I'm very busy at the moment. :13.610 --> :18.350 I suggested we could arrange a trip together at a time when we both have time. :18.350 --> :21.720 I couldn't wrap my head around why he didn't ask me first. :21.720 --> :27.089 He got mad, saying he meant it as a nice surprise and that I should stop being so uptight and :27.089 --> :41.529 enjoy life a little bit, then he walked out and slammed the door at me. :41.529 --> :56.350 Am I the asshole here? :56.350 --> :03.170 I 32f have known Cara 32f since 1995. :03.170 --> :09.949 In November 2021, she asked me to move in with her, her fiancé (M 30) and her brother :09.949 --> :11.149 (M 40.) :11.149 --> :15.980 My apartment wanted to raise my rent and they were saving for a wedding,so moving in would :15.980 --> :17.199 help each other out. :17.199 --> :21.029 I wasn’t on the lease because the landlord would probably up the rent. :21.029 --> :25.870 I noticed after moving in that they’d spend their money on things they never really used. :25.870 --> :31.570 Purses, shoes, random fandom decor, and they would go out to eat alot. :31.570 --> :34.660 Out-of-state vacations were every 2-3 months. :34.660 --> :36.800 I wasn’t allowed to have people over. :36.800 --> :40.330 3 months in I wanted to bring over my bf at the time. :40.330 --> :43.089 It caused a huge argument. :43.089 --> :47.020 After we broke up she was adamant that no one else was allowed to come over. :47.020 --> :49.460 She would go in my room when I wasn’t there. :49.460 --> :54.529 In June she started to call it “HER room” that I “was RENTING” so she “can do :54.529 --> :56.090 whatever she wants.” :56.090 --> :01.399 I changed the lock on the door without telling her & closed the door just to see what would :01.399 --> :02.399 happen. :02.399 --> :07.180 I came home to the door being open & the frame being cracked because I must’ve “accidentally :07.180 --> :08.829 locked myself out”. :08.829 --> :12.550 In July, the water heater blew up & caused a flood. :12.550 --> :15.269 Within the next few days, everyone got sick. :15.269 --> :18.230 When I asked her to get it checked for mold, she refused. :18.230 --> :22.720 Luckily, she didn’t have to pay anything because the landlord covered fixing the water :22.720 --> :23.720 heater. :23.720 --> :28.480 She was relieved that she could still go on her California vacation but everyone in the :28.480 --> :31.900 house kept getting sick every couple of weeks. :31.900 --> :36.330 I purposely avoidedthe house so it didnt affect me quite as much as it used to when I was :36.330 --> :37.980 constantly there. :37.980 --> :44.149 In November 2022, I came home and found black mold literally growing on the bathroom ceiling :44.149 --> :45.610 in different spots. :45.610 --> :50.750 I confronted her about it multiple times and she said it’s “calcium build up”. :50.750 --> :54.180 In December, they finally picked out a wedding date and venue. :54.180 --> :58.170 His parents told them that instead of paying for the whole thing like they originally said :58.170 --> :03.380 they would, they would only be paying for half because she wanted an “elegant” look. :03.380 --> :07.740 Her parents are both passed away so it’s up to the couple to pay for the other half. :07.740 --> :12.320 My friend started freaking out because they hadn’t saved the entire year. :12.320 --> :17.170 In early January, my brothers divorce was finalized and he got the house. :17.170 --> :20.780 He asked me if I’d like to rent out a room as he’d rarely be home. :20.780 --> :23.140 Hes charging me next to nothing. :23.140 --> :25.530 It’s honestly an offer I couldnt refuse. :25.530 --> :28.059 I took them out to eat in public and told them. :28.059 --> :32.630 I paid them for February’s rent even though I had my stuff moved out before the end of :32.630 --> :33.720 January. :33.720 --> :39.179 They were shocked and went silent until last week when I was flooded with texts. :39.179 --> :41.179 Apparently I’m completely fucking them over. :41.179 --> :45.110 They said they’re going to have to change the venue and she might have to return her :45.110 --> :47.180 $1500 dress. :47.180 --> :50.559 They wanted me to know about how badly I fucked them over. :50.559 --> :55.380 She asked if I could spot her some money every now and then to help make up for my betrayal. :55.380 --> :00.580 To be honest I’m over this friendship. :00.580 --> :15.070 Am I the asshole? :15.070 --> :21.360 So my wife and 2 teenagers went to tour a little animal sanctuary/recue this past weekend :21.360 --> :24.840 while I was at work, and apparently had a good time. :24.840 --> :26.490 Maybe too good of a time. :26.490 --> :33.159 Among the many animals they had there were 3 foxes, apparently each one a former pet :33.159 --> :38.660 surrendered by its owner (3 different owners), and I guess the volunteers/workers there talked :38.660 --> :43.190 about how they obviously can't be released, aren't accustomed to having to live purely :43.190 --> :47.910 outside with limited human interaction, but it's the best they can do until they find :47.910 --> :52.330 someone to adopt them, but that it's hard to because people seem to be surrendering :52.330 --> :58.159 their pet foxes faster than new potential owners are willing to accept them these days... :58.159 --> :02.790 My daughter proposed the idea that we adopt at least one of them since she felt bad for :02.790 --> :05.230 them that they have nowhere else to go. :05.230 --> :11.260 I admired the thought, but to my surprise, my wife seemed pretty open to the idea and :11.260 --> :16.000 said "I wondered the same thing, it would be great for someone to be able to give them :16.000 --> :17.840 a home, why not us?" :17.840 --> :22.920 I tried to shut it down and say it was a crazy idea but they keep bringing it up. :22.920 --> :27.830 Apparently my daughter's done research and it wouldn't be illegal in our state or township, :27.830 --> :33.770 is looking into what sort of enclosure we'd have to build in our yard, diet...and my wife :33.770 --> :38.909 seems to be sort of encouraging all this, saying "Look it wouldn't be that hard, we :38.909 --> :42.500 have a big enough yard, it'd liven up the place..." etc. :42.500 --> :47.030 I tried doing my own research and the very first thing everyone seems to mention is that :47.030 --> :48.200 they stink. :48.200 --> :53.310 But they sort of rolled their eyes and said "Oh it wasn't that bad, none of us were that :53.310 --> :59.370 bothered by it during the tour, dogs stink too, they'll be mostly outside anyways..." :59.370 --> :03.740 But I'm not convinced, I asked why do you think all these people abandon them? :03.740 --> :05.289 There has to be some reason... :05.289 --> :10.150 I tried to put my foot down and shut the whole thing down but then they got a bit upset and :10.150 --> :15.010 said I should at least be open-minded to seeing if it would make sense or not, and how could :15.010 --> :29.960 I be so heartless to the poor foxes, etc. :29.960 --> :56.270 AITA?Hi, first time poster. :56.270 --> :02.230 My wife (30F) and I (31M) have been married for about 7 years now. :02.230 --> :07.360 I decided to go on a last minute work trip which caused me to have to book flights, hotel, :07.360 --> :10.650 etc. late at night and then fly out the next day. :10.650 --> :14.890 I needed new work slacks for the trip since I’ve primarily been working from home in :14.890 --> :19.390 my current company, so we had to make a late night run to the local Walmart to get a few :19.390 --> :20.390 pairs. :20.390 --> :22.390 We also got some button up shirts. :22.390 --> :26.730 When we got home I had some stuff to finish up with the planning so I asked my wife to :26.730 --> :30.290 wash my new clothes so that my shirts weren’t so wrinkly. :30.290 --> :34.510 I handed her the shirts to wash separately and put the pants in the dirty laundry. :34.510 --> :38.690 While they washed she packed my suitcase and then added the shirts when they were done. :38.690 --> :43.160 When it came time to leave, I verified everything was packed by asking her if she packed my :43.160 --> :44.160 pants. :44.160 --> :45.160 She said yes. :45.160 --> :50.529 Cue to late the next night when I arrive at my hotel and my slacks aren’t in there—only :50.529 --> :53.059 my brown khakis and gray khakis. :53.059 --> :56.919 I called her pretty upset asking where my slacks were. :56.919 --> :00.809 She got defensive and told me she thought she packed all my clothes (I had laid them :00.809 --> :05.210 out on the bed besides the stuff to be washed) and told me they should be in there. :05.210 --> :09.480 I made her check the laundry room to be sure and she looked around the whole house before :09.480 --> :12.570 finding them in our bedroom laundry basket unwashed. :12.570 --> :17.820 I repeated a few times how I was frustrated that she hadn’t packed them but had told :17.820 --> :19.140 me that she did. :19.140 --> :24.080 She said she didn’t realize by “pants” I meant my slacks and that she was busy trying :24.080 --> :28.770 to do other stuff and just had a memory of packing some pants with all the other things :28.770 --> :29.950 I had laid out. :29.950 --> :34.750 She also said it was unreasonable for me to be upset with her when they are my pants and :34.750 --> :40.000 she didn’t think she was expected to do a whole second load of laundry at midnight. :40.000 --> :44.529 In the end she attempted to make me feel better by saying that it would be okay and my work :44.529 --> :49.820 would understand that sometimes things get a bit hectic with packing and traveling last :49.820 --> :53.029 minute (and I can buy more in the evening hopefully). :53.029 --> :58.159 I feel kind of bad cause I could tell she was frustrated with me for blaming her, but :58.159 --> :00.960 in my defense I did ask her if she had packed everything. :00.960 --> :03.010 Edit/Update: I accept that IATA and have apologized to my wife. :03.010 --> :07.809 She responded graciously and told me she knows a lot of it was just my stress from traveling :07.809 --> :08.890 and worrying about work. :08.890 --> :12.789 We are good now and I promised to do better in the future. :12.789 --> :15.770 Thanks to everyone who engaged with me civilly in the comments. :15.770 --> :21.680 I showed my wife the post and she wants to say that she is a little surprised at how :21.680 --> :26.140 angry everyone else was (she says she was frustrated but knew it’s not a pattern), :26.140 --> :30.010 especially some individual messages that some very angry people decided to send me. :30.010 --> :36.390 I (45F) have been married to my husband (56M) since I was 18. :36.390 --> :39.710 I have a son 27M and a daughter 22F. :39.710 --> :43.520 We are not rich but decently well off. :43.520 --> :48.289 We always planned for our son to study abroad in a western country fo university since he :48.289 --> :53.360 was a child and this is expensive due to the high international tuition fees. :53.360 --> :55.330 This went as planned for my son. :55.330 --> :59.830 However ever since I got a laptop and phone with Internet, I have used it to learn new :59.830 --> :06.270 things on my own from sources like MIT courseware and youtube and I really wanted my daughter :06.270 --> :07.779 to be an educated woman. :07.779 --> :12.190 I also stopped believing in my religion while my husband is devout. :12.190 --> :16.900 I pretend to be religious and follow our customs for the sake of the marriage. :16.900 --> :19.580 I only have high school level education. :19.580 --> :24.240 The plan for my daughter was to find a boy from a nice family for her to marry, and not :24.240 --> :27.830 go to university or to go to a local one if she wanted to. :27.830 --> :32.649 I convinced my husband that these days boys from good families want an educated woman :32.649 --> :37.809 for status reasons even if she does not work and that if our daughter had a western degree :37.809 --> :40.870 she could marry into an elite family. :40.870 --> :45.909 It worked and he paid for her to attend a top university which she got into which is :45.909 --> :48.500 actually better than the one my son went to. :48.500 --> :53.050 My daughter after leaving also confided to me that she does not believe our religion :53.050 --> :58.380 anymore and started living a different lifestyle, one I can never have. :58.380 --> :03.450 She recently graduated, got a work visa and stayed in the western country and has a good :03.450 --> :04.540 job there. :04.540 --> :10.419 My husband got really angry when he heard and is feeling really cheated and blames me :10.419 --> :13.890 as I pursuaded him to pay for her education and let her go. :13.890 --> :19.299 He even found a picture of her online of a university competition she did where she won :19.299 --> :22.730 a prize and posed for a picture without head covering. :22.730 --> :27.330 I am feeling a little guilty since it is his money that let her go to university and now :27.330 --> :28.910 we may not get to see her again. :28.910 --> :29.910 AITA? :29.910 --> :31.549 I (26f) recently moved into my first home. :31.549 --> :32.549 I am also 4 months pregnant with our first baby. :32.549 --> :33.549 The pregnancy has been very hard. :33.549 --> :34.549 I have horrible morning sickness. :34.549 --> :35.549 It reached a really bad point where I passed out hit my head and my Dr admitted me to the :35.549 --> :36.549 hospital for a week. :36.549 --> :37.549 When I got home my husband allowed his brothers family to move into 2 of our 3 bedrooms. :37.549 --> :38.549 (They were evicted i dont know why). :38.549 --> :39.549 One room was My office was tossed into our room papers every where. :39.549 --> :41.230 The house was a complete wreck. :41.230 --> :43.500 Trash, dirty clothes, used diapers. :43.500 --> :45.440 I started to cry. :45.440 --> :50.450 It was like a light flipped my husband was no longer the same. :50.450 --> :53.299 My husband told me it "wasn't that bad". :53.299 --> :58.440 My reply was "fine then you should have the house cleaned up before I wake up." :58.440 --> :00.910 Completly exhausted I fell asleep for 4 hrs. :00.910 --> :04.310 I woke up and went to get a drink of water. :04.310 --> :06.620 I couldn't every glass we own is scattered around the house. :06.620 --> :07.950 They didnt clean a single thing. :07.950 --> :11.399 I passive aggressively started to pick up the dirty dishes and washed them. :11.399 --> :12.399 The following morning. :12.399 --> :15.779 I was trying my best to work when their kids were crying non stop. :15.779 --> :17.840 Banging on the walls so on. :17.840 --> :21.429 Their mom was in her room for hours ignoring them. :21.429 --> :23.429 When my husband came home. :23.429 --> :30.020 He was upset with me over how I didn't make his brother's wife feel welcome in our home. :30.020 --> :32.929 By helping with their kids when she was tired. :32.929 --> :39.419 Then continued to complain how nothing was done while he was at work all day in the house. :39.419 --> :41.929 Yep the same one he didn't clean. :41.929 --> :44.680 That lead to a fight where I told him. :44.680 --> :48.380 "I am too sick to have company and they need to leave". :48.380 --> :52.700 To which he replied they are his family and he won't kick them out. :52.700 --> :53.840 I started to cry again. :53.840 --> :56.620 I was beyond frustrated, exhausted, I physically couldnt do it anymore. :56.620 --> :00.570 I called my mom asking if I could come stay with her. :00.570 --> :02.529 Telling her the whole story infront of my husband. :02.529 --> :07.690 Who at this point was completely shocked, Angry, also I could tell he wasnt sure what :07.690 --> :08.690 to do. :08.690 --> :12.470 My mom came with my brother's (I have 3 older brothers). :12.470 --> :15.159 My mom super angry told my husband. :15.159 --> :16.159 "Since your family can stay so can we." :16.159 --> :17.159 My mom quickly took charge. :17.159 --> :18.159 I was sent to bed. :18.159 --> :19.159 My brother's started cleaning complaining loudly at how disgusting my BIL family is. :19.159 --> :20.159 Along with what a horrible husband my husband is for putting me through this while I am :20.159 --> :21.159 sick. :21.159 --> :22.159 I got a text message from my MIL for calling me an A for not helping my husband clean up :22.159 --> :23.159 the house and putting my BIL in a uncomfortable position by having my mom boss him around. :23.159 --> :24.159 Edited to add update, when my MIL showed up she was super angry outside. :24.159 --> :25.159 I could hear shouting but, couldn't understand what was said. :25.159 --> :26.159 Once inside she was shocked. :26.159 --> :27.159 My house looked really bad. :27.159 --> :28.159 My BIL lied to her about what happened. :28.159 --> :29.159 My MIL quickly started to help my mom in the bossing mode. :29.159 --> :30.159 My house is not just cleaned but deep cleaned. :30.159 --> :31.159 My BIL and his kids are now staying with MIL. :31.159 --> :32.159 She didn't know about the eviction. :32.159 --> :33.159 My in-laws helped them financially a couple of months ago. :33.159 --> :34.159 My MIL was not happy about it. :34.159 --> :35.159 SIL refused to come out of the bedroom. :35.159 --> :36.159 She would scream through the door but that was about it until her family came to pick :36.159 --> :37.159 her up. :37.159 --> :38.159 Last little bit. :38.159 --> :39.159 I did talk to my husband. :39.159 --> :40.159 He seemed very remorseful. :40.159 --> :41.159 I asked for some space he is staying at a hotel. :41.159 --> :42.159 He asked to come by and talk to me tonight. :42.159 --> :43.159 My mom and dad are here. :43.159 --> :44.159 Both mom's felt like I should have someone here since I am sick. :44.159 --> :45.159 Both moms have set up a meal plan. :45.159 --> :46.159 Where they trade off who will bring in dinner. :46.159 --> :47.159 It was my MIL idea. :47.159 --> :48.159 Thank you for all your advice. :48.159 --> :49.159 I truly appreciate it. :49.159 --> :50.159 My son (17m) loves the water. :50.159 --> :51.159 Ever since he was little, he’s always wanted to be either at the beach or the pool. :51.159 --> :52.159 He loves to swim, surf etc and I mean it when I say it’s his favourite thing. :52.159 --> :53.159 We live near a beach so sometimes he’ll just go sit at the beach for a while. :53.159 --> :54.159 It’s something he’s been doing since he was 12. :54.159 --> :55.159 My sister and her kids were visiting and it was going fine. :55.159 --> :56.159 But then I noticed my son was never home. :56.159 --> :57.159 I asked him about it and he said that it’s just really overwhelming at the house because :57.159 --> :58.159 his cousins never leave him alone (they’re 8 and 9 year old girls that adore him) so :58.159 --> :59.159 he just goes to the beach to avoid them. :59.159 --> :00.159 I told him I understood and talked to my sister who said she’d talk to them. :00.159 --> :01.159 Well yesterday I came home to my nieces sitting in the living room watching a movie. :01.159 --> :02.159 My son and sister were nowhere to be found. :02.159 --> :03.159 Neither of them were answering the phone either. :03.159 --> :04.159 I’m not usually concerned but my son always sends me a text or answers my phone calls :04.159 --> :05.159 at least. :05.159 --> :06.159 I got the girls and went to the beach and found my son at his usual spot. :06.159 --> :07.159 But my sister was there too and she was yelling at him. :07.159 --> :08.159 She said something along the lines of “you do realize that you aren’t in some film :08.159 --> :09.159 where the main character‘s like connected to the sea or has magic ocean powers right? :09.159 --> :10.159 Like... you realize that you aren’t like that Percy Jackson character and your dad :10.159 --> :11.159 isn’t some sea god?” :11.159 --> :12.159 My son looked incredibly upset and he has an explosive temper so I knew he was about :12.159 --> :13.159 to say something crazy so I immediately jumped in and asked my sister what the hell her problem :13.159 --> :14.159 was. :14.159 --> :15.159 She looked taken aback but said that she told my son to watch the girls while she went to :15.159 --> :16.159 get food but when she came back he wasn’t there and the girls were alone. :16.159 --> :17.159 My son insists that he said he was busy but my sister insists that he didn’t. :17.159 --> :18.159 They went back and forth on this without letting me get a word in and I eventually just told :18.159 --> :19.159 my sister that this wasn’t working out and that if she was going to fight and argue with :19.159 --> :20.159 my son and mock him then she isn’t welcome in my home. :20.159 --> :21.159 She looked shocked and said that I need to stop coddling my son and stop feeding into :21.159 --> :22.159 his ridiculous delusions. :22.159 --> :23.159 I just told her to pack her shit. :23.159 --> :24.159 She said that her daughters will remember this and that I shouldn’t be surprised when :24.159 --> :25.159 no one wants the weird side of the family (meaning my son and I) around anymore. :25.159 --> :26.159 I feel bad because her daughters looked genuinely upset and I mean my son could by lying as :26.159 --> :27.159 well. :27.159 --> :28.159 And idk maybe his love for the water isn’t healthy but that’s never crossed my mind :28.159 --> :03.769 before. :03.769 --> :39.489 AITA?
kicked out as a teen for false rumors spread by my brother years later parents see my success and demand money after they abandoned me I am a 28-year-old female with a twin brother growing up my twin brother and I experienced very different treatment from our parents my parents genuinely seemed convinced for some reason that my brother was destined for greatness while I was the so-called Black Sheep just because I was more interested in playing sports or making new friends than studying they constantly compared us which was demoralizing and bruised my self-esteem from a young age as a child I had to watch my brother have extravagant parties on our birthday with his friends while I was treated like an afterthought he often had sleepovers with his friends while I was never even allowed to bring my friends back to our place to be honest I loved every minute of my childhood the only person in the family who seemed to care about me was my grandmother when she visited us she always brought me my favorite chocolates and occasionally slipped a few dollars to me so that I could treat myself later as the years passed this blatant favoritism for my twin brother gradually transformed into emotional abuse directed at me my parents would openly mock my grades and belittle my hobbies it felt as though no matter how much I tried I could never meet their expectations of being
give me a good story on KickedOutAsATeenBecauseOfMyLyingBrotherFinalorig
AIT for yelling at my husband for not coming home immediately my husband and I have two daughters one from his previous marriage 13 and one from ours 1.5 for context my step-daughter participates in competitions all over the country and takes her sport very seriously for this reason she is quite an intensive practice schedule which takes place 4X times a week for 2 hours so including travel time and sometimes lunch it means this Trek can take anywhere between 3 to 5 hours another point my husband and my stepdaughter are strong skiers and enjoy the sport this is not the sport she practices but choose to keep it vague for privacy re so every season they go anywhere from between 3 to four times a year for four to 5 days sorry for all this background information but I felt it was pertinent to my story so my husband usually has our daughter on the weekends and had her the Saturday and Sunday she has practice these days so he was gone for the better part of the day on the weekend mind you we also have toddler not yet two at home as well so juggling nap schedules with practice schedules is no easy feat and I try to understand that he is doing his best the following Monday they went up to the mountain
give me a good story on AITAforyellingatmyhusbandfornotcominghomeimmediately
:00.200 --> :05.160 what do you do when your partner's ex tells you to  stay away from their kids we'll get into that in a   :05.160 --> :11.720 bit but first I 32-year-old female lost my temper  with my out of work husband 34-year-old male who   :11.720 --> :17.360 demands Perfection but doesn't get dressed some  important context I used to work full-time until   :17.360 --> :22.080 the company I worked for got bought when this  happened I decided to use the opportunity to go   :22.080 --> :27.360 back to college to retrain my husband was employed  and said he would be happy to support me and I had   :27.360 --> :33.360 some savings too my parents are self-made we grew  up doing hard outdoor work and wearing secondhand   :33.360 --> :38.800 clothes when my parents retired recently to our  surprise and gratitude they gifted me and my   :38.800 --> :44.640 siblings a property this is very out of character  and very kind but comes with feelings of guilt as   :44.640 --> :50.400 I've not earned the property they also helped me  with money for college anyway my husband works   :50.400 --> :56.520 in his dream job in a fairly unstable industry  he has never had a 95 job and has only worked   :56.520 --> :02.320 in this industry due to various reasons most of  this industry industry has been on pause so him   :02.320 --> :07.440 and about 70% of his colleagues are out of work  he's been out of work for 4 months he initially   :07.440 --> :13.160 took the first 2 to 3 months very easy as he  deserved a holiday and expected things would   :13.160 --> :18.480 pick up soon that didn't happen and around month  three he said he was low on savings and needed to   :18.480 --> :24.880 get a real job he was heartbroken by this because  he said an office job would be a nightmare I felt   :24.880 --> :30.480 this was very entitled and not many people have  the luxury of a dream job he asked me to write   :30.480 --> :36.320 a CV and also said he would start working out and  write a script meanwhile I'm a student so studying   :36.320 --> :42.280 constantly at home and living on depleting savings  mine and relying on scholarships and a loan for my   :42.280 --> :48.680 parents as explained due to my parents we have  no accommodation costs only bills which he pays   :48.680 --> :53.400 Before Christmas my husband and I argued because  he expects me to cook and clean and study whilst   :53.400 --> :58.720 he does very little he encourages me to work out  and asked me to make my New Year's resolution   :58.720 --> :04.880 to do mouth stuff once a day I like that he's  attracted to me but it feels very entitled to   :04.880 --> :09.800 ask for that he will occasionally do the washing  but does the bare minimum and often won't get   :09.800 --> :15.600 dressed all day I find it weird and very lazy and  unattractive for someone to be on Playstation all   :15.600 --> :20.800 day we fell into a pattern where I'm nagging him  and hate myself for it and hate him for being so   :20.800 --> :25.640 sloppy we patched it up and he confessed he  felt like he was unable to provide for me and   :25.640 --> :30.560 I comforted him I came back from a workout today  to him in his dressing gown and a load of dirty   :30.560 --> :36.120 plates and I lost my temper telling him I can  do better than this and that the only reason   :36.120 --> :41.520 we're not on the street is because of the house  my parents paid for I apologize but he says the   :41.520 --> :47.120 damage is done he has since left to get drunk with  his friends I love him a lot but I can't stand his   :47.120 --> :52.000 laziness and I don't understand how he can't do  the bare minimum to me it sounds like he has a   :52.000 --> :57.200 lot of things to work through and maybe figure out  and I don't blame op if it's just something that's   :57.200 --> :02.720 a deal breaker for them honestly if you left them  for example because of these things they might be   :02.720 --> :08.400 angry now but in time they might understand why  also hi I'm Steven and if you guys enjoy tricky   :08.400 --> :13.280 relationship topics why not hit those like And  subscribe buttons down below that said our next   :13.280 --> :19.840 story is I'm 29-year-old male visiting my family  with my wife 28-year-old female married for a few   :19.840 --> :26.000 weeks and my sister 13-year-old female is acting  jealous and distant to her I'm visiting my family   :26.000 --> :31.040 for a little over a week after our honeymoon my  wife and I live abroad and my sister is being   :31.040 --> :35.880 weird as heck we've been staying at my parents  for 3 days and my sister has thrown these little   :35.880 --> :42.000 childish Jabs at my wife the whole time example  yesterday my sister and I were cooking we were   :42.000 --> :49.040 cutting vegetables and my wife asked if we needed  help my sister then said no we are fine in Spanish   :49.040 --> :54.600 so my wife wouldn't understand wife speaks English  everyone in the house can speak English but my   :54.600 --> :59.280 sister said that particular thing in Spanish just  for my wife to not understand it I told my sister   :59.280 --> :04.600 something like can you chill while laughing I  didn't scold her and told my wife how she could   :04.600 --> :09.280 help us there have been other little comments  like that but you get the gist of it neither   :09.280 --> :14.000 my sister nor my parents had ever met my wife  in person so this is literally my wife's first   :14.000 --> :19.040 impression of my sister last night I explained to  my wife what happened and she laughed and said she   :19.040 --> :24.000 was also a jealous tween or teen once when her  sister was starting to date for the first time   :24.000 --> :28.840 and my wife hated her boyfriend just for dating  the sister how to tell my sister to chill in the   :28.840 --> :34.560 best way what would be the best way to approach  that talk I mean she's literally a 13-year-old   :34.560 --> :40.080 girl and she's kind of acting like a 13-year-old  girl I mean maybe try to do something with her   :40.080 --> :44.400 one-on-one have a talk about it work through  it let her know that you're still there for   :44.400 --> :51.200 her that nothing's changed that there's no reason  to feel the way she's feeling our next story is   :51.200 --> :56.880 my fiance 30-year-old male wants his immigrant  sister to live on our property and support her   :56.880 --> :03.880 I 27-year-old female am considering breaking up me  27-year-old female and my fiance 30-year-old male   :03.880 --> :08.560 are in the midst of planning our wedding we are  usually very open with each other when discussing   :08.560 --> :14.920 how the future is going to look we openly talk  about finances children Etc however when we were   :14.920 --> :20.800 talking about building our dream home he casually  brought up how he wants his sister age 33 to live   :20.800 --> :27.000 on the same land like mother-in-law Suite or down  the street my fiance feels a responsibility for   :27.000 --> :31.600 her because they come from a developing country  and their parents have passed away so it's just   :31.600 --> :36.840 them she's coming to the us so we will be taking  care of her financially for a while he mentioned   :36.840 --> :41.040 in the past that she would live with us and he  said she would take care of our future children   :41.040 --> :45.720 and she's quiet so we wouldn't even notice her  there however when I asked if that's permanent   :45.720 --> :51.280 he said no and he and I would move out when we  outgrow the space fast forward to present day he   :51.280 --> :56.480 casually brings up how he wants to have her live  on our property or somewhere very close he says   :56.480 --> :00.840 that she's introverted and it's highly possible  she won't be getting married if we move out of   :00.840 --> :05.760 the city we will need to also bring her he's told  me she has a lot of savings but she doesn't like   :05.760 --> :11.280 to use her own money she likes it when others  pay for her meals Etc so I expect her to depend   :11.280 --> :18.000 on him 100% when she gets here as he was telling  me all of this I got quiet he then said I have a   :18.000 --> :23.120 responsibility for her you wouldn't understand  you have your siblings and two parents I tried   :23.120 --> :28.160 explaining to him that this is a big thing to  consider because I barely know her and after   :28.160 --> :33.680 we get married she's my responsibility too I know  he can sense that I feel like his sister will put   :33.680 --> :37.880 a strain in our marriage but he keeps getting  defensive when I tell him I need time to think   :37.880 --> :42.400 about it he says that I'm making him feel like his  sister is a burden and that I don't even have to   :42.400 --> :48.320 do anything I know it might be silly but I keep  thinking about the wh ifs of the future what if   :48.320 --> :53.800 something happens to my fiance I'll be the one to  step in and support her I guess I just feel weird   :53.800 --> :58.640 about all of this because I barely know her they  talk to each other daily through text but I still   :58.640 --> :04.360 haven't met her after after 3 years of dating my  fiance says she's shy so they don't even FaceTime   :04.360 --> :09.800 for me to meet her he was born in the developing  country while I was born here so there must be a   :09.800 --> :15.480 cultural disconnect I feel heartless to have these  emotions and selfish for even considering leaving   :15.480 --> :21.360 him am I a bad person for having these thoughts  marriage life seems hard edit thank you everyone   :21.360 --> :26.760 for your responses I wrote this post late at night  when my emotions were high I apologize for that   :26.760 --> :31.080 because I missed some details because I didn't  want him finding this post he's also on redddit   :31.080 --> :36.800 but those details are important here's an edit  for clarification sorry guys she is definitely   :36.800 --> :42.480 his biological sister yes he is sponsoring her  but it's because their dad passed away during   :42.480 --> :48.800 the immigration process immigration is slow as  freak due to co but they are reconsidering their   :48.800 --> :54.600 case and they are at the last step she is coming  over here in 1 to two years my fiance has his   :54.600 --> :59.760 American citizenship I don't speak their language  but I know the sisters speak some English their   :59.760 --> :05.200 parents are gone and so are the grandparents  it is truly just them which is why I feel like   :05.200 --> :10.200 a bad person and a spoiled American to feel this  way I knew she was coming to the states when we   :10.200 --> :15.040 first started dating I also knew she was going  to live with us until she gets up on her feet I   :15.040 --> :20.880 just didn't know he wanted her to live close  to us like on our property close or down the   :20.880 --> :26.600 street close we are both Asian but from different  countries So Family Values are ingrained in both   :26.600 --> :32.520 our cultures however I would never want to live  with my in-laws I was born here I know in Asian   :32.520 --> :37.520 countries this is the norm my fiance sends money  home to help out the family because he's the bread   :37.520 --> :43.120 winner we both make a h 100,000 with no kids and  he already has a house we're living in that house   :43.120 --> :47.320 and that house will be hers when we build our  new home together his sister works in health   :47.320 --> :52.800 care but makes low income she does save all her  money though they had a complicated relationship   :52.800 --> :57.560 with their dad basically he would show love  through money so I can see why that is her   :57.560 --> :03.120 love language after he past her mental health is  really plummeted my fiance feels guilty he wasn't   :03.120 --> :07.800 able to be with her through this which is why he  wants them to be close when she gets here she is   :07.800 --> :12.680 great with children which is why he said she'll  help us with child care again this Norm in our   :12.680 --> :17.960 culture but I have an American mentality and feel  weird about this because I don't really know her   :17.960 --> :24.120 I mean in this situation I just can't blame op for  not feeling fully on board with this family or not   :24.120 --> :29.600 sister or not it's a lot of responsibility to take  in another adult put them on your land let them   :29.600 --> :35.400 live there sharing a living space with another  person that you never really signed up for and   :35.400 --> :40.400 if your partner does pass away I understand why  you wouldn't want to feel obligated to have to   :40.400 --> :44.880 take care of them and look out for them for their  future especially if they're not in a situation   :44.880 --> :49.840 as an adult where they're capable of supporting  themselves and you don't want to support another   :49.840 --> :56.560 adult our next story is wife 41 year-old  female and I 42-year-old male agreed to allow   :56.560 --> :02.920 mother-in-law 70-year-old female and sister in-law  45-year-old female to put their horses on our land   :02.920 --> :07.520 but they won't agree to basic boarding agreements  to be polite I've been married to my wife for 10   :07.520 --> :13.600 years together for 14 during this entire time  her family hasn't been particularly warm to me   :13.600 --> :18.600 but we've been on good terms never had any issues  that I'm aware of her sisters don't really talk   :18.600 --> :24.360 to me never have I realized pretty early on that  they didn't like me so I gave them their space my   :24.360 --> :31.320 wife 41-year-old female mother-in-law 70-year-old  female and sister-in inlaw 45-year-old female all   :31.320 --> :37.200 love horses and I hate them but I am accepting  of my wife's Hobby and help out a lot because   :37.200 --> :42.600 it's an expensive and time intensive hobby four  years ago my grandmother-in-law passed and left a   :42.600 --> :48.160 small inheritance to my mother-in-law my wife and  I have a smallish property and two years ago I was   :48.160 --> :53.080 approached by my wife to allow my mother-in-law  to clear land and put a horse enclosure on my   :53.080 --> :58.280 property so she and my wife and sister-in-law  could keep their horses there I initially said   :58.280 --> :04.120 no I I didn't think it was a good idea for many  reasons but every 3 months or so my wife would ask   :04.120 --> :10.840 me again and eventually I caved and said yes but  with some conditions one I didn't want us to have   :10.840 --> :15.760 to foot the bill for this after it was installed  they would all three share in the responsibilities   :15.760 --> :22.720 and costs two I didn't want this to substantially  change my life three it was a gift I didn't want   :22.720 --> :28.280 to be indebted to her family for this I.E if we  chose to sell the house we wouldn't have to pay   :28.280 --> :33.320 her back my wife and mother-in-law agreed to my  terms but mother-in-law wouldn't meet with me to   :33.320 --> :39.880 discuss the plans or specifics of the project I  let them go and monitor the project several times   :39.880 --> :45.080 I had to step in and put my foot down that certain  aspects needed to be done correctly and not as   :45.080 --> :51.320 cheaply as possible mother-in-law clearly wanted  this to be done as quickly and cheaply as possible   :51.320 --> :56.800 but I didn't want to fix or replace everything  in 5 years because it breaks in October we were   :56.800 --> :02.040 nearly completed I had spent the last several  months doing back breaking labor putting in   :02.040 --> :08.680 utility lines clearing land and digging out stumps  but the property was not ready mother-in-law was   :08.680 --> :13.600 putting pressure on us to move the horses to avoid  paying board but the shed to store hay wasn't   :13.600 --> :19.280 installed yet and there was debris over the field  the shed base was a point of contention because   :19.280 --> :25.640 they purchased an extremely cheap and flimsy shed  that needed to be on a concrete base mother-in-law   :25.640 --> :30.840 and wife didn't want to put in the time or money  to pour a slab so they were fighting me a bit but   :30.840 --> :36.200 eventually I had to tell them to pour a lab or  find another shed because the shed was so flimsy   :36.200 --> :41.840 it was a major safety hazard unless properly  anchored by the end of November the slab was   :41.840 --> :48.080 poured the shed installed and the debris cleaned  mother-in-law again wanted to move horses I wanted   :48.080 --> :52.440 to set forth the ground rules and get them to  agree to them prior to moving there were six   :52.440 --> :59.840 rules one 30 minutes notice prior to dropping  by two 24-hour notice for routine vet visits   :59.840 --> :06.440 emergencies don't require notice three the house  is off limits unless invited in I.E they can't   :06.440 --> :12.680 come in when they want to use the bathroom four  helmets must be worn when riding five approval   :12.680 --> :19.640 and liability forms required for any guests six  violation of these rules more than three times   :19.640 --> :26.280 could result in removal this causes a major crab  storm it was communicated via group text with my   :26.280 --> :32.880 wife mother-in-law and sister-in-law mother-in-law  agreed to these terms sister-in-law lost her mind   :32.880 --> :38.680 and started to call wife bossy saying that texting  before coming over was completely unreasonable   :38.680 --> :43.160 that she wouldn't send notice because she's never  had to do that at a boarding place and then said   :43.160 --> :48.360 that all because I was a butt she then started  calling me names accusing me of swindling her   :48.360 --> :53.240 mother out of the inheritance sister-in-law  suggests that father-in-law and mother-in-law   :53.240 --> :58.480 should sue me to get the money back I was  respectful but hurt I said that if she didn't   :58.480 --> :03.800 want to agree to the rules then that's okay but no  horse on the property mother-in-law says they'll   :03.800 --> :09.040 bring my wife's horse for now since they were  already planning to move horses however I'm not   :09.040 --> :15.120 very wary because litigation has been brought up  and Pandora's Box can't be closed I decide I need   :15.120 --> :20.840 to cover myself financially in all this there were  Communications between mother-in-law sister-in-law   :20.840 --> :27.000 wife and a couple hours later I got this text  from sister-in-law saying sorry for calling you   :27.000 --> :34.080 a name I was still pretty heard and responded  which name but liar swindler she responded with   :34.080 --> :40.120 but I felt the apology was backhanded and said  as much and that I needed some space from her   :40.120 --> :45.360 since she didn't agree to the rules she couldn't  bring her horse a couple hours later mother-in-law   :45.360 --> :51.520 drops off wife's horse and leaves then an hour  after that mother-in-law sends wife a text saying   :51.520 --> :57.240 we're here are you coming out I went outside  and sure enough mother-in-law and sister-in-law   :57.240 --> :01.840 are unloading their horses in the the field I  stormed out of the house and yelled across the   :01.840 --> :07.120 yard at them why are there three horses in my  field mother-in-law sister-in-law immediately   :07.120 --> :12.280 responded get over yourself dude I said get  over myself why don't you get your horse off   :12.280 --> :18.360 my property she said no I said okay then how about  I call the cops then this upset sister-in-law and   :18.360 --> :23.120 mother-in-law mother-in-law started going on  about how I should forgive family immediately   :23.120 --> :28.400 after blood cools sister-in-law started saying  that I stole the money and why did I take the   :28.400 --> :33.560 money at this point we were talking on opposite  sides of the fence and sister-in-law moved about   :33.560 --> :39.760 60 ft away mid conversation so I raised my voice  again so she could hear me finally I realized   :39.760 --> :45.040 we were at an impass and I said whatever keep  your horses here I don't give a crap and walked   :45.040 --> :50.440 back into the house they decided to take their  horses and leave after that I decided we needed   :50.440 --> :56.240 a boarding agreement where rules and liabilities  are clearly defined we drafted a very standard   :56.240 --> :01.440 boarding agreement and sent it to mother-in-law  and sister-in-law mother-in-law agreed when   :01.440 --> :07.160 sister-in-law returned the document there was  a slew of untracked changes some of which would   :07.160 --> :13.440 cause wife and I to be liable for unreasonable  things like her horse getting sick or injured   :13.440 --> :19.120 potentially putting us on the hook for thousands  sister-in-law is a pargal for an insurance company   :19.120 --> :25.240 so she knew exactly what she was doing I confirmed  with sister-in-law via an email all her changes   :25.240 --> :31.320 to the document but was respectful to her we said  there was no way we could accept this agreement as   :31.320 --> :36.760 it would void our insurance policy it seemed  like we were at an impass again we say that   :36.760 --> :42.000 mother-in-law is allowed to bring her horse at any  time sister-in-law needs to agree to the original   :42.000 --> :49.360 terms sister-in-law declines mother-in-law doesn't  bring her horse then father-in-law gets involved   :49.360 --> :54.520 father-in-law starts texting wife trying to  resolve the situation saying mother-in-law doesn't   :54.520 --> :00.000 trust me anymore not sure why mother-in-law  starts sending text saying the barn value   :00.000 --> :07.640 needed to go into the boarding agreement so if  she leaves the barn goes too I think um no he   :07.640 --> :14.200 then asks to have a sitdown with myself and wife  as an information gathering session we agree and   :14.200 --> :18.680 he's very respectful and calm and just says  that he's planning to pay mother-in-law back   :18.680 --> :23.840 the money she's put into the property and make  her whole as well as give sister-in-law the same   :23.840 --> :29.560 amount he's trying to smooth things over says  mother-in-law and sister-in-law were joking   :29.560 --> :36.240 about the suits and not being a gift I am amazed  that this is happening but hey it's his money I'd   :36.240 --> :41.080 prefer to be out of all of this but I also don't  want to get sued for any of it we depart on good   :41.080 --> :47.440 terms with us saying we'll send over an updated  boarding agreement we leave on good smiling terms   :47.440 --> :52.440 the next day I send father-in-law a text and say  that we need to sign a gift affidavit saying the   :52.440 --> :58.400 horse enclosure and barn are a gift as originally  promised before drafting new boarding agreement   :58.400 --> :03.080 agreements he agrees and says that the funds will  be transferred to make mother-in-law whole by the   :03.080 --> :08.200 end of the week we agree to meet the following  week to sign the forms at a notary when we meet   :08.200 --> :14.040 mother-in-law is in the car and father-in-law is  inside father-in-law is not happy or friendly but   :14.040 --> :20.920 says hi mother-in-law enters and doesn't say  a word I figure I guess everyone is mad now so   :20.920 --> :27.720 we don't say much sign the paperwork and as we  exit mother-in-law very loudly says oh now I'm   :27.720 --> :33.600 ticked wife and I are like what the freak we say  thank you as they're walking away and leave it   :33.600 --> :40.440 was a very tense situation overall several days  go by Christmas goes by we send over our normal   :40.440 --> :45.080 presents to mother-in-law and wife's family she  thanks us for the gifts and tells us that she's   :45.080 --> :50.120 mad because I didn't apologize to her for yelling  and we both didn't thank them even though we did   :50.120 --> :55.400 say thank you as we left then there are a bunch  of texts between wife and mother-in-law where   :55.400 --> :00.920 mother-in-law is trying to convince wife of a  different series of events one where sister-in-law   :00.920 --> :06.800 and mother-in-law haven't done anything wrong  one where I was planning to do this all along   :06.800 --> :12.760 and steal her money and where I'm a crazy person  that yelled at mother-in-law for no reason wife   :12.760 --> :17.560 isn't buying it and starts getting angry tells  mother-in-law to review all the texts and emails   :17.560 --> :23.000 because they are very eye-opening at this point  we decide sister-in-law is out the invitation   :23.000 --> :27.920 to put her horse on our property is rescinded  wife and I aren't going to play this game every   :27.920 --> :33.840 time sister-in-law gets upset behaves poorly and  then mother-in-law jumps in to defend her blindly   :33.840 --> :38.880 mother-in-law is still permitted to put her horse  here mother-in-law starts sending texts about how   :38.880 --> :44.520 ungrateful we are pointing out all the times she's  been generous in the past and how we should let   :44.520 --> :49.360 sister-in-law put her horse here the next day  we get a text from father-in-law saying that   :49.360 --> :55.320 they dropped off presents at our mailbox for our  son they normally give our son a lot of Christmas   :55.320 --> :00.720 presents as he's the only grandchild in the family  I I was confused but when I checked the mailbox   :00.720 --> :07.360 there was only a couple very small presents  amounting to about $30 all wrapped in addressed   :07.360 --> :12.600 to my son from mother-in-law and father-in-law we  give them to my son but make up a story because   :12.600 --> :17.320 mother-in-law and father-in-law have made no  effort to see my son on Christmas not that the   :17.320 --> :21.960 amount of the presents really matter I've always  been uncomfortable with how much money they spent   :21.960 --> :27.800 on him and he was happy with the gifts regardless  which brings us to the present wife and I are   :27.800 --> :33.040 upset that mother-in-law is apparently taking her  anger out on me and our son other than standing up   :33.040 --> :38.240 to her family and not being okay with threats of  liability and Suits I can't figure out what I've   :38.240 --> :44.480 done wrong did I just uncover the toxicity that's  always been present in her family wife's not like   :44.480 --> :50.640 this or should I apologize am I being treated  like an outsider or am I being unreasonable   :50.640 --> :57.000 edit a lot of responses are saying the terms were  unreasonable particularly rules 1 and two but they   :57.000 --> :01.640 won't pay boor won't won't help pay for repairs  and won't help with the increase in insurance   :01.640 --> :07.280 premiums with all these increased liability all  I wanted was a little notice so I didn't find   :07.280 --> :13.440 people in my yard randomly it's my house not a  business additionally since they're not paying   :13.440 --> :18.880 bored after a few years they would actually  be making money off of this because they'll   :18.880 --> :22.960 have covered the costs of the horse enclosure  because they haven't been paying each month for   :22.960 --> :29.880 board meanwhile we'll still be stuck covering all  the costs edit two mother-in-law has already been   :29.880 --> :35.320 texting beforehand neither had any issue with  the no bath as they've never been in a border   :35.320 --> :41.800 that had one sister-in-law has issue with rule  number two edit three thanks all I can accept my   :41.800 --> :47.400 portion of the responsibility here I should have  pushed for the meeting to get all on the same page   :47.400 --> :52.720 after mother-in-law wouldn't agree to it and if  she refused I shouldn't have let it move forward   :52.720 --> :59.160 edit for the first two rules 30 minutes notice and  no bathroom were communicated prior it was only   :59.160 --> :04.440 after they got it in writing and had to respond  in writing that they had issue but even if they   :04.440 --> :09.880 were never communicated prior do you feel their  response was appropriate threatening lawsuits   :09.880 --> :15.640 and calling names and attempting to lie and cheat  doesn't seem like a proportionate response final   :15.640 --> :21.000 edit thanks again all a lot of people have said  that it was blindsiding them with six rules that   :21.000 --> :28.080 they hadn't heard prior and I agree that if that  was the case it was a little jarring and rude but   :28.080 --> :33.880 just because it was a surprise it doesn't make it  unreasonable by default quite a few here have said   :33.880 --> :39.400 that the 30-minute notice is not reasonable and  I just don't understand that everyone has their   :39.400 --> :46.120 phone permanently stapled to their hand takes 10  seconds to send a text like OMW honestly there's   :46.120 --> :51.680 so much going on here there's a lot of money  going on there's a building I feel like all   :51.680 --> :56.960 of this should have honestly been organized  through some kind of lawyer it just doesn't   :56.960 --> :01.080 surprise me that when it comes to somebody's  property and somebody else spending a lot of   :01.080 --> :06.680 money to establish something on that property  for them to use under certain circumstances that   :06.680 --> :11.520 all of a sudden there's a lot of drama going on  about it honestly this whole thing from a legal   :11.520 --> :17.640 perspective should have been like so black and  white scripted out agreed to in some uncomfortable   :17.640 --> :23.520 lawyers firm chair I think just allowing this  to be such on a personal level is where it all   :23.520 --> :30.240 kind of started unraveling our next story is I'm  35-year-old female on a holiday with my fiance's   :30.240 --> :35.440 41-year-old male family and friends and saw him  holding his hand around the waist of his female   :35.440 --> :42.440 friend 36-year-old female me 35-year-old female  and fiance 41-year-old male have been together for   :42.440 --> :48.400 almost 4 years he proposed a couple of months ago  we were on vacation with his parents brother and   :48.400 --> :53.800 his wife and a friend couple of him we were first  just with his family and that he had his friend   :53.800 --> :00.160 Couple come some days ago it's a huge place and  lots of places to walk to not far away and some   :00.160 --> :05.880 hours ago my fiance thought I was doing something  else and I changed my mind and walked out everyone   :05.880 --> :11.960 else had gone to the bakery his female friend  36-year-old female who is also in a relationship   :11.960 --> :17.320 with his best friend was standing next to him by a  fence with a view I saw them from behind standing   :17.320 --> :23.720 side by side quite close not totally shoulders  touching but very close and I noticed his hand   :23.720 --> :28.840 was on her waist like you know reaching to the  side of her waist from behind further from himself   :28.840 --> :34.680 holding it where the waist is the smallest I'm  feeling very scared and hurt thoughts spiraling   :34.680 --> :40.320 right now one part is trying to justify it maybe  she told him something sad but the other side of   :40.320 --> :46.720 me is tearing apart but his whole family is here I  can't act I feel smothered by all of this I adore   :46.720 --> :52.440 his family and don't want to cause drama to add  I've met her sometimes and for some reason never   :52.440 --> :57.520 truly liked her due to having a weird off feeling  about her there was nothing in her behavior that   :57.520 --> :02.120 EXP explained it and I rarely have that feeling  about people I'm hiding away somewhere where no   :02.120 --> :08.080 one can see me right now I just feel so sick and  anxious we're all hanging out here for two more   :08.080 --> :13.560 weeks he's been friends with her boyfriend for  a couple of decades really close nothing of this   :13.560 --> :20.080 makes any sense he has proposed his family is here  he's friends with her boyfriend he kissed me this   :20.080 --> :26.080 morning saying I'm great I don't know what to do  if I pretend like nothing for two more weeks if I   :26.080 --> :31.520 should tell him in private that I saw them and ask  for an explanation it's hard to pretend maybe I   :31.520 --> :36.200 can fake being sick I think it's pretty important  to have a private discussion with them and bring   :36.200 --> :42.000 it up now rather than put this off and allow it to  get too cold and removed you don't really know the   :42.000 --> :47.480 circumstances you don't know what reasons they're  going to possibly give until you just straight   :47.480 --> :52.360 up call them out on it and talk to them I mean  maybe they just thought it was an innocent enough   :52.360 --> :58.200 friendly gesture I don't know I mean can friends  not do what sounds like essentially a side hug   :58.200 --> :03.640 while looking at a view together without it being  inherently romantic and cheating I mean to be fair   :03.640 --> :08.280 it definitely feels more intimate to me than I  would ever do with a female friend especially if   :08.280 --> :13.640 I had a partner but I think I could be convinced  that it was done in an innocent way our next story   :13.640 --> :20.040 is boyfriend's ex-wife told me to stay away from  their kids what do I do now I 39-year-old female   :20.040 --> :24.840 have been in a relationship with my boyfriend  Brian 42-year-old male for a year or so we   :24.840 --> :30.440 were in love and talking about moving in together  when my le expires in 6 months from the beginning   :30.440 --> :36.280 I knew he was divorced for 5 years and had two  school-aged kids named Alex 10-year-old female   :36.280 --> :41.320 and Dan 8-year-old male when things started  getting serious between us Brian told me the   :41.320 --> :47.400 reason he and his ex Alyssa divorced Brian had  an affair with a cooworker Alyssa found out and   :47.400 --> :53.000 filed for divorce Brian told me that he regrets  cheating on Alyssa and that he set a terrible   :53.000 --> :58.720 example for Alex and Dan you wouldn't blame me if  I considered it a deal breaker despite my issues   :58.720 --> :04.200 with cheating my mom left my dad for another man  when I was his kid's age I believe that people can   :04.200 --> :09.880 change and I believed Brian was remorseful maybe  that's naive of me I don't know I thanked him   :09.880 --> :15.320 for telling me and told him that I accepted him  in spite of his past Alyssa has primary custody   :15.320 --> :20.800 but Brian has them during the weekends and some  holidays because we were talking about moving in   :20.800 --> :26.320 together Brian proposed that I meet Alex and Dan  at dinner I agreed and asked him to tell Alyssa   :26.320 --> :32.320 figuring she'd want to know I sure would myself if  I were in her shoes we met at a restaurant shortly   :32.320 --> :37.280 before Christmas and everything went great the  kids and I were understandably nervous at first   :37.280 --> :42.920 but by the time dessert rolled around we were  laughing and I thought having a good time Alex   :42.920 --> :49.000 and Dan are great kids and I said as much to Brian  as we were leaving last Friday Brian had Alex and   :49.000 --> :54.320 Dan and we decided to go to the mall together Alex  wanted to go to ultra beauty and I went with her   :54.320 --> :59.720 while Brian and Dan went to the Apple Store she  fell in in love with a small bottle of purple   :59.720 --> :06.240 nail polish and I decided to purchase it for her  to be fair to Dan I purchased an iTune gift card   :06.240 --> :11.280 of the same amount so he can listen to music on  his iPad I told the kids it was a late Christmas   :11.280 --> :17.480 present from me the kids were very grateful and  even made me a thank you card I was moved and   :17.480 --> :23.240 thank them now I'd never met Alyssa before any of  this I made it clear to Brian that if she wants to   :23.240 --> :29.480 meet me or not it's her choice and hers alone  and whatever it is is I would respect it last   :29.480 --> :34.840 night I got a call from Alissa I wasn't surprised  she had my number because I figured the kids or   :34.840 --> :40.280 Brian must have given it to her she asked me why  I bought the kids Christmas presents I explained   :40.280 --> :46.120 the situation she told me that she didn't want  me hanging around Alex or Dan before hanging up   :46.120 --> :50.520 I don't know what to do Brian's at work and won't  be off until tonight so I have some time to come   :50.520 --> :56.080 up with a plan as much as I love Brian I don't  want to come between him and his kids he made a   :56.080 --> :02.080 terrible decision yet yes but I know he loves Alex  and Dan and has been doing his best to make it up   :02.080 --> :06.880 to them I don't know if Alissa thinks I'm the  woman Brian cheated with or what if we're going   :06.880 --> :12.120 to be living together in the future the kids are  going to be a part of my life and I want to be a   :12.120 --> :17.560 part of their lives if they want me to be as I  said they're great kids I can't take the place   :17.560 --> :22.640 of their mother and I don't want to I want us to  have a good relationship with each other so what   :22.640 --> :27.920 do I do did I do the wrong thing in buying the  nail polish and gift card I don't think Go's The   :27.920 --> :33.280 Jerk here considering there's a custody agreement  in place he has complete entitlement to having   :33.280 --> :37.760 those kids over I don't know if there's anything  in their custody agreement about Brian having a   :37.760 --> :43.360 partner there but God forbid if it ever got to  that point op being there and saying yeah she   :43.360 --> :47.840 didn't want me around their kids because I bought  them Christmas presents probably wouldn't move the   :47.840 --> :53.640 court to say oh yeah no Brian can't have custody  anymore I think op's totally fair and right that   :53.640 --> :59.000 if she's with them and Brian's going to have his  kids they're going to be in their lives together   :59.000 --> :03.800 I wouldn't try to talk to the mom again I would  definitely try to work everything through Brian   :03.800 --> :09.360 I mean especially if Brian blindsided their ex  by never even mentioning about op you could maybe   :09.360 --> :14.000 start to understand why she would feel that way  a bit more the ball is definitely more in Brian's   :14.000 --> :18.960 Court to solve but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   :18.960 --> :24.120 hear another tricky relationship topic check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :24.120 --> :29.600 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rRelationshipsMYFIANCECHEATEDONMEWITHMYFRIENDRedditStories
:11.220 --> :15.660 I have always been interested in electronics  and did a lot of reading and studying on my own,   :15.660 --> :19.980 and I was very good at buying things  at swap meets and repairing them and   :19.980 --> :24.840 reselling them as a teen. My first real  paying job, a friend of my mom knew a   :24.840 --> :29.280 guy who ran a place that supplied answering  machines to businesses. They were new tech   :29.280 --> :32.880 back at that point in time. She said he  was desperate for someone who could fix   :32.880 --> :37.500 them as he had ones with issues spilling  over the shelves. So I went to see him. :37.500 --> :42.840 It was an interesting meeting, a middle  aged businessman and me, I was gees,   :42.840 --> :49.440 15 or so. We kind of eye each other and he asks  me if I can fix them. I was pretty sure I could,   :49.440 --> :53.880 and when he pulled out the service manuals  for them, he had a couple that were based on   :53.880 --> :00.060 the same base, I was quite sure. So he asks me  what I wanted an hour, and I was used to getting   :00.060 --> :06.060 $3 an hour for watching the kiddo next door on  occasion so I asked for that. He pondered that   :06.060 --> :11.580 for a minute and made me an offer I could  not refuse: $10, cash for each one I fix.   :11.580 --> :17.220 I quickly agree and agreed to stop by after  school the next day with my tools to dig in. :17.220 --> :22.080 The next day I show up and he takes me in the  back and sure enough he has a couple big sets   :22.080 --> :26.580 of industrial shelves overflowing with  the things. I start pulling them off and   :26.580 --> :30.780 looking at them, He gives me a smile  and drifts off and leaves me to it. :30.780 --> :35.280 I quickly discovered this guy had  no tech skills what so ever. None,   :35.280 --> :41.280 nada. Most of them had a brainlessly simple  problem: The outgoing message was kept on a   :41.280 --> :47.820 big loose loop of tape with a metallic splice  at the end/beginning that went past two posts   :47.820 --> :53.160 and that told the thing the tape had went all the  way around and to stop and turn on the cassette   :53.160 --> :58.200 recorder for the incoming message. The splices  and the posts got dirty and did not make good   :58.200 --> :03.720 contact and the tape would just go on forever.  About 3 minutes with some alcohol and a Q tip   :03.720 --> :09.480 cleaning those parts as well as the other things  in the tape path not only had them going again but   :09.480 --> :14.460 sounding like new. I cleaned the front panels  up with some spray cleaner and hit the wooden   :14.460 --> :19.860 cases with some lemon pledge and they would look  like new. I spent more time carefully coiling up   :19.860 --> :24.600 the power cords than repairing them, but when  I was done they looked and sounded like new. :24.600 --> :29.100 The owner came back to check on me a couple  hours later to see if I was going to be able   :29.100 --> :34.500 to "crank one out for him that night" and I  pointed to a pile of 5 or so and told him to   :34.500 --> :40.560 check them out. His eyes just about popped out  of his head. I got near 10 done a night for a   :40.560 --> :46.020 while. It did slow down a bit once I got the easy  ones knocked out, but I just kept picking the low   :46.020 --> :50.340 hanging fruit and learning more and more about  them, and getting deeper and deeper into them.   :50.340 --> :55.860 He also had units coming in all the time so I did  still have some easy ones mixed in with the bunch. :55.860 --> :59.880 I thought he was going to soil himself when  we settled up at the end of the first week,   :00.420 --> :08.160 I had spent like 3 afternoons there and got near  30 of them fixed. It was a really good payday. He   :08.160 --> :12.480 was not super happy with our agreement but  he had proposed it and he had someone who   :12.480 --> :18.060 was kicking butt getting them fixed so he was  cornered into honoring it. It was not lost on   :18.060 --> :22.920 him that he could have been paying me like $12  a night and I would have been happy with that,   :22.920 --> :59.880 but he thought he would get the better of me. This  one was from about 6 and a half years ago roughly.   :59.880 --> :05.760 Our office manager at our surveying office  would every so often purchase a piece of land   :05.760 --> :11.340 and make a subdivision off of it to make extra  money. There was one property he bought and he   :11.340 --> :15.540 had to hurriedly send us out to it to mark  his property lines since the next day a guy   :15.540 --> :22.380 was coming to completely clear and de-stump about  the roughly 7 acres lot. While marking one line,   :22.380 --> :27.480 this lady comes out and proceeds to curse us  out and ask us what we were doing. My field   :27.480 --> :33.060 crew chief at the time decided to take the “f  you, mind your own business!” route. I thought   :33.060 --> :38.460 better of it and decided not to be so brash  about things. Now I knew what was getting ready   :38.460 --> :43.740 to happen on the property we were marking, but  best business practices are to know as little as   :43.740 --> :48.840 possible about what is happening. I told her that  someone had just purchased the lot and wanted to   :48.840 --> :54.300 see where his lines were. She had been mowing  some over the property line, and she proceeded   :54.300 --> :59.820 to tell me that she had broken 4 mowers trying  to keep that lot cut back so she had more open   :59.820 --> :05.460 space around the house, and she was sick and  tired of no one maintaining the lot. Equipped   :05.460 --> :10.440 with the knowledge of what was coming the next  day, I told her “well ma’am, I’m a man of action,   :10.440 --> :16.080 and I’m going to personally find the guy who has  bought his property, I’m going to put my finger   :16.080 --> :21.360 in his face, and tell him he had better mow his  property as soon as possible or he’s going to   :21.360 --> :27.420 be dealing with me about it. Fast forward to the  next morning. This huge, tank like machine went   :27.420 --> :33.060 out and by the end of the day, there wasn’t  so much as a stump or tall weed left. Clean   :33.060 --> :38.700 as a pin down to the dirt. The next day we had  to come out and do a topo on the land for the   :38.700 --> :44.400 engineer. I couldn’t resist going and knocking on  that ladies door. She answered and I said “ma’am,   :44.400 --> :49.980 I told you I would take care of it. Anything else  you need?” She said “I just wanted them to mow.” :49.980 --> :55.020 On the positive side we were out there  probably another 15-20 times doing the   :55.020 --> :59.760 subdivision layout. She always threatened to  shove a wooden stake up my crew chiefs butt,   :59.760 --> :33.000 but she told me she liked me and I was  welcome on her property anytime. I (M22)   :33.000 --> :38.760 work as a teacher at my college's application  school. We work little hours and we get paid   :38.760 --> :43.440 a small amount of money too. It's like  an internship. For the past semesters,   :43.440 --> :46.740 I've been dealing with a supervisor  whom we'll call "Sheila"(F±40). :48.840 --> :54.120 Sheila is one of four supervisors at the  school. The supervisors usually drop by   :54.120 --> :57.600 your class once in a while to check if  the students are having their needs met   :57.600 --> :02.040 or to solve any issues (like a student  that wants to retake a class, etc). :02.040 --> :07.560 My issue was that Sheila has a strange  interest in me and, for some reason,   :07.560 --> :12.840 focused way too much on what I did at class,  to the point of obviously overlooking other   :12.840 --> :18.240 teachers. Because Sheila isn't a professor  from my department, she only knew about me from   :18.240 --> :25.020 colleagues or rumors around college. Such rumors  include: I bring whole meals to college instead   :25.020 --> :30.660 of eating at the cafeteria like everyone (???),  I was supposed to be in another college (why?),   :30.660 --> :36.360 I'm not actually from the state (this one  is true) and so on. She confronted me about   :36.360 --> :41.640 these rumors in front of colleagues but I  brushed it off, which seemed to annoy her. :41.640 --> :47.640 Sheila then began to try and find out things I  wasn't able to do. She asked me questions about   :47.640 --> :53.100 buying a very specific device (imagine  something like a wifi camera) which I,   :53.100 --> :58.740 of course, wasn't able to answer. She giggled  and looked smug after that. I, however, managed   :58.740 --> :04.500 to answer her other questions, even if they didn't  relate to my field. Which made her slightly upset. :04.500 --> :10.500 In one of those semesters, an older student  (that is a lawyer) that we'll call Amanda (F±60),   :10.500 --> :15.240 started to request some things from me that  I wasn't able to nor had permission to give.   :15.240 --> :20.820 Such things include: a FREE (school  approved) GOOD digital dictionary,   :20.820 --> :28.440 extremely detailed and personalized exam AND  exercise corrections, detailing of my methodology,   :28.440 --> :34.080 explanations of the goals of every lesson  and audio transcripts of exam materials. :34.080 --> :40.380 Due to Amanda's lawyer occupation, she worded  those requests to me in a very formal way. Our   :40.380 --> :45.480 school is careful with lawyer students due to some  legal issues that happened in the past (something   :45.480 --> :50.340 like a student trying to fire a teacher because  they got caught cheating). Because I wasn't able   :50.340 --> :55.020 to fulfill her requests due to lack of permission  (and I'm not interested on going to court),   :55.020 --> :00.540 I asked her to forward her requests to my  superiors. And guess who answered them? Sheila. :00.540 --> :06.900 Sheila didn't even bat an eye to Amanda's requests  and started forwarding them to me, saying that   :06.900 --> :12.720 I should comply. Because Amanda got what she  wanted, she began sending more and more requests,   :12.720 --> :18.060 to the point that Sheila just told me to accept  all forwarded requests and be fast about it. :18.060 --> :22.200 So, I did it. I sent materials,  transcripts and the like,   :22.200 --> :27.540 all in the name of the school. Amanda  was very happy and Sheila was loving the   :27.540 --> :31.680 extra work I was doing. She thought she  was being smart and had the upper hand. :31.680 --> :36.840 Well not until Sheila tried to embarrass me  in front of my class. She said that despite   :36.840 --> :42.720 my "excellent work", I'm "standoffish",  and that's "funny". My students tried to   :42.720 --> :47.580 correct her statement but she just ignored  them by saying "really?" and swiftly left.   :47.580 --> :52.260 She tried to pull this again at an online  class and another group of students shut   :52.260 --> :57.360 her down again. I e-mailed her shortly after that  saying that I would prefer her observations about   :57.360 --> :01.860 my work to be done in a private setting,  rather than in front of the whole class. :01.860 --> :07.920 Sheila replied immediately, denying everything  and said that I was imagining stuff. She even   :07.920 --> :12.360 tried to manipulate me by saying that  she was the "most vocal" supervisor   :12.360 --> :17.520 in "my favor" and was "ceaselessly  requesting" a promotion for me (which   :17.520 --> :22.140 I never got). In the end, she assured me  that no further comments would be made. :22.140 --> :24.420 That's what I foolishly thought. :24.420 --> :30.240 During a meeting, my boss addressed to all of us  a "concern" from an unnamed supervisor that said   :30.240 --> :36.000 us teachers were getting embarrassed by her  PRESENCE. My boss said that such behavior was   :36.000 --> :42.720 unacceptable and they are there to help. At that  moment, I saw red. I couldn't believe Sheila had   :42.720 --> :48.420 twisted my words and told my boss about the  email exchange portraying me as the bad guy. :48.420 --> :53.400 At one point in the meeting, I asked the other  supervisors if we teachers were supposed to do   :53.400 --> :59.580 everything I was asked to do for Amanda. They  all replied a firm "no" to and even gasped when   :59.580 --> :05.160 I mentioned transcripts. Basically, our school  doesn't have the authority to provide transcripts   :05.160 --> :10.680 and students could legally contest test results  if a mistake was present in the transcription. :10.680 --> :15.840 I then requested a meeting with my boss and  another supervisor about this. In the meeting,   :15.840 --> :20.340 I pointed out that they said that we weren't  supposed to be doing those tasks but I was   :20.340 --> :25.800 being ordered to do them anyway. My supervisor  quickly opened the email and discovered that   :25.800 --> :32.520 Sheila was "sniping" emails from me and my  students and exclusively replied to all of   :32.520 --> :38.220 them using her personal phone, before others  could do or see anything. We also discovered   :38.220 --> :41.700 that she was archiving some of the  requests so they wouldn't be found   :41.700 --> :47.640 easily. I helped them dig everything up and  my boss and the other supervisor said it was   :47.640 --> :51.840 inappropriate of the supervisor to do that  and they would talk with her about this. :51.840 --> :56.880 I left the meeting feeling relieved and hoped  something would be done. After a few weeks,   :56.880 --> :02.400 I saw the supervisor in person but she just  said "excuse me" and quickly left to another   :02.400 --> :08.040 room. I kid you not, this woman treats me  like I'm the plague now. She avoids me,   :08.040 --> :14.040 doesn't address me directly anymore and, best  of all, was apparently assigned to another role   :14.040 --> :19.380 that doesn't involve supervision of teachers!  Even though she hasn't been greatly punished,   :19.380 --> :37.380 I bet she'll think twice before making her  comments again. Being a travel nurse in the   :37.380 --> :43.320 operating room has its benefits; the pay, the  ability to take time off between assignments,   :43.320 --> :47.820 and the bits of malicious compliance that  makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside. :47.820 --> :53.400 Been at this hospital for two months. I’ve worked  with this particular surgeon a handful of times,   :53.400 --> :58.080 but it’s always been the same procedure  so I know what he wants for every step   :58.080 --> :03.240 of the case. I’m about to start applying  skin prep (another layer of antimicrobial   :03.240 --> :07.860 security to prevent postop infection) to  where the surgeon is going to operate;   :07.860 --> :14.340 he always wants the armpit, front shoulder,  and breast/chest of the specific side prepped. :14.340 --> :18.000 We’re operating on the patient’s  right side. They’re already asleep,   :18.000 --> :22.620 and their right arm is padded and secured  on an arm board. Before I start prepping,   :22.620 --> :27.360 the scrub tech immediately says “You need to undo  their arm [from the board] so that you can prep   :27.360 --> :32.400 the whole arm.” I tell them no, the surgeon wants  it prepped this way, the arm stays on the board.   :32.400 --> :37.680 This scrub tech hadn’t done this case with this  doctor in quite some time either, but they still   :37.680 --> :42.600 decided to explain how the whole arm should  be prepped for this procedure. I ignored them. :42.600 --> :48.180 I begin my prep. Less than a minute later, the  charge nurse comes in to log in to a portable   :48.180 --> :53.400 X-ray device (us travelers don’t often  get credentials for those), and the scrub   :53.400 --> :57.900 tech decides to ask the charge nurse how the  surgical site should be prepped for this case,   :57.900 --> :03.300 right in front of me. The charge nurse  backs up the scrub tech and tells me I   :03.300 --> :08.940 should be prepping the whole arm in addition to  the sites that I mentioned earlier. I protested,   :08.940 --> :14.940 “But Dr. X doesn’t want that, he always wants  the same areas prepped and draped accordingly.”   :14.940 --> :20.640 The charge nurse wasn’t budging, and they demand  I unfasten the arm and do it their way instead. :20.640 --> :27.660 I sigh, and say okay. Cue MC. I prep  the whole arm and am holding it in my   :27.660 --> :32.460 sterile glove while waiting for the drapes and  stockinette to be applied. All of a sudden,   :32.460 --> :39.480 the most glorious thing happens: the surgeon  arrives with the charge nurse still in the room. :39.480 --> :45.060 “Did you prep the WHOLE ARM?!” he  asked me. “Yep!” “Why did you do   :45.060 --> :48.660 that? You’ve been here two months, how  do you not remember the prep by now?!”   :48.660 --> :54.720 “I was told to prep it this way.” “By  who?! Who told you to do it this way??” :54.720 --> :00.420 The surgeon was ticked due to this delay;  as a traveler I’ve learned to take the   :00.420 --> :04.980 heat for making small mistakes, and I  was contemplating taking the fall for   :04.980 --> :09.720 this so that we could just move on with the  rest of the day. But before I could speak,   :09.720 --> :14.520 my charge nurse was actually humble and  admitted that they told me to prep the   :14.520 --> :20.160 whole arm. The doc looked at me. “Did you tell  them how I prefer it to be done?” “I did.” :20.160 --> :25.500 The doc turned back to the charge nurse and  proceeded to lambast her for delaying the   :25.500 --> :30.720 case. The scrub tech just stared blankly  at the wall. But I didn’t look or listen,   :30.720 --> :34.980 I just stood there enjoying the  moment with the biggest crap-eating   :34.980 --> :39.780 grin under my mask. It’s a nice day  when someone else proves you were right. :39.780 --> :43.740 Needless to say, I didn’t renew  my contract at that hospital.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceTHESURGEONSHOUTEDATMERedditStories
my sister is having an affair should I expose it to my brother-in-law or not I caught my sister cheating on her husband with a guy I was shocked because my sister and her husband are the epitome of Love That Never Ends literally they have been together for 15 years and they still look so much in love with the way they treat each other I felt anger and despair because I love bill as a big brother and he has been there for my sister when she was at her worst mentally he was there taking care of her without ever complaining now that I found out I confronted her and she tried to deny it I told her that she was pathetic and now she feels good about herself after her husband nursed her back to health she is paying him for cheating on him I told her I was going to expose her and she was begging me and crying telling me I didn't understand please don't hurt us you will be hurting my husband more than you hurt me after a few days she asked to meet me she looked like she was crying the whole time she told me that she has been keeping her husband's secret but she wanted to tell me and made me promise not to tell anyone her husband is impotent and he hasn't slept with her for the majority of their relationship I didn't believe her so she showed me all the texts and emails she had with her husband her therapist and her diary he hasn't touched her for almost 12 years her Depression was because of it and her back to health was because of this new guy she said that since she started sleeping with him she has been happier and by extension her marriage and husband have been happier I asked her why she doesn't just tell her husband she said that she couldn't because she loves him and she couldn't hurt him she is afraid he would be so lonely without her because he always said he had no one else in this world and he would un the live without her don't you see that we are all happy please don't hurt us about the guy she met him through work and actually he is kind of a famous entrepreneur in our city she showed me texts Etc he is also married but he has three children he has the same problem with his SX L marriage yesterday she asked me to meet her she was with him the audacity she looked totally broken and he looked smug and angry and he didn't even want to look at me she asked me to think of all the people that would be be heard if this came out and she said that they would end their Affair and promis to never do it again he got upset and said or we could just tell everyone and stop hiding she got angry and told him to shut up I don't know what to do she said that she kept her husband secret because he is embarrassed and he is very possessive and jealous so he didn't agree to open marriage she swore it was over with this other guy too and showed me texts where they had a huge fight because he actually thinks I should tell her husband so they could be together but I don't know he has given her a cardier love ring that she still has and when I confronted her she said she couldn't throw an expensive ring but she would donate it she wears it on a chain underneath her clothes I'm sorry this is getting long but I wanted to include all the details I hope you can give me an honest judgment would I be an arle if I told my sister's husband I think this whole thing is wrong and the cheated parties need to know the truth but it will hurt Bill update I just want to come here and update everyone that I have told my bill about the affair I have read all your comments and I thank you very much for the insight I had to do what would make me sleep at night I love my sister but she must have known that I couldn't just live with the guilt I have been cheated on by someone I loved and I know how shtt Y and selfish you must be to cheat I also know that if I could do it again I would want to know this time too because while the pain was enormous I still feel lucky now that I found out my sister has called me like 20 times but I haven't answered she texted me do you feel better right now how could you do this to me I loved you you ruined my life I didn't answer her I wanted to tell her that she was the one who ruined her life but I didn't answer her my parents are shocked and angry but not with me Bill called and told them everything and he talked about plans that maybe my sister and he would move back to his hometown he is devastated and broken I hope they can move on from this together or separately it doesn't matter but that they move on and find real happiness not at the cost of other people like it is now update two hi guys I'm still getting a lot of messages about an update about my sister and her situation I thank you for for being so sympathetic and worried about my sister I might have painted my brother-in-law as a usive to my sister and I regret that I just wanted to be as transparent as I could because they're not here to tell their side of the story so I was trying to do my best to take in my sisters and her husband's POV they are fine my brother-in-law is very hurt and destroyed but he assured me that he wasn't angry with me and that I did the right thing the truth hurts sometimes as he said he's planning on taking a break from his work and maybe going back home for a while my sister is fine and has not been hurt she doesn't talk to me and I get that but she is not harmed in any way more than her heart but let's face it it was of her own doing and I think she knows that because that's what she told my parents her husband has suggested that they move back to his hometown because I don't think he can trust her staying in the same city as her lover and as he said he can't follow and spy on her all his life but he is willing to forgive her because he loves her my parents are very angry with my sister they are not angry with me however the only thing they thought I could have done differently is that I should have told them before I told my brother-in-law because then they would have their own way to make my sister admit what she's done to her husband at least it would have come from her as her lover I don't know he's married as I said in my previous post I don't have the details but I know that my brother-in-law has texted him and told him to keep away from his wife I have been on both his and his wife's Instagram accounts and it seems like the wife knows now I don't know if she will take him back or not the way he acted in our meeting he didn't seem to care either way boy I hope he doesn't have a pron and she takes him for all he has that's all I have for today I won't be making these frequent updates if anything of significance happens I will be updating in the future but right now I'm logging off thank you for listening and I thank you all for supporting me I know what I did wasn't the nicest or the kindest to my most beloved sister but I had to do what I believe to be right and you don't have to do with me peace and love update three hi I'm still getting some of you dming me about news I wasn't planning to update because I know that I'm not well like here this update will only be about facts Since I no longer understand what's going on everything is gray and I can't for sure see black and white for me infidelity is black and always will be I however will update what happened without my own opinion my sister and her husband decided to work on their marriage and they even moved back to her husband's Hometown they were living with his parents until they found a new place from what I understood my brother-in-law had made demands that she leave her job as she met her Affair through work that is all I knew my parents kept in contact with my sister and her husband but she refused to talk to them either until last night when her husband called and said that my sister had run away she left her phone behind and all her belongings and ran away in the middle of the night my parents are frenetic my sister had just talked to my mom for the first time since they moved less than 2 weeks ago and according to Mom she sounded fine and was talking about the new adjustments to a small town Bill said that they had been fighting about her not wanting to stop working these past few weeks he went to to bed yesterday and then woke up a couple of hours later and she was gone without even a note this morning I felt I had to do something so I contacted the AP he sent me a threatening DM saying that he and my sister will contact the police if we don't leave them alone I know where he lives and probably my sister is there too I asked to talk to my sister but he again said if any of us tried to contact her they would contact the police so I guess she has left her husband now my parents are freaking out and Bill is living with them now until he can get in touch with my sister thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of story we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MySisterIsHavingAnAffairShouldIExposeitToMyBrotherInLawOrNot
AI for apparently ruining my cousin's wedding my cousin 28f and I 26f are indredibly close practically like sisters we've shared everything from childhood memories to discussing our love live I've always been there for her offering a shoulder to cry on whenever a guy broke her heart she is getting married this December I've been in a committed relationship with my boyfriend for 4 years and we're eagerly planning our own fer together including getting married after we finish out thes despite our close Bond my cousin has never met my BF in person only true video call I've extended invitations for her to visit and meet him numerous times but due to her busy schedule she's never been able to make it conversely I've made the effort to travel to her City and meet her BF we were eagerly anticipating the moment when they would finally meet at her wedding and we had even discussed it during Outlast convesation we had dreams of traveling the world together making plans and continuing to be the Inseparable Duo now four we've always been however my excitement was abruptly shattered when my mom received a call from my aunt my cousin's mom delivering unexpected news they had decided not to invite significant others of family members to the wedding due to budget constraints while still allowing the partners of her friends to attend this decision felt like a slap in the face particularly after all the anticipation we had shared about her and her partner finally meeting mine at her wedding I couldn't shake the feeling that this decision was made to avoid upsetting her friends some of whom had let her down multiple times in the past and that they take me for granted the news left me feeling devastated it wasn't just about not being invited anymore it felt like I had lost a piece of my family all the plans we had made together suddenly evaporated while my boyfriend wasn't angry he understandably questioned the value of investing in future vacations with someone who hadn't even invited him to their wedding additionally it hurt even more that my cousin didn't have the courage to tell me herself instead she had her mom relay the message through mine when I expressed my disappointment some family members particularly uncles and aunts accused me of ruining my cousin's wedding day by speaking up they argued that it was her day and she had the right to do as she pleased however I couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal while I understood weddings are expensive my boyfriend had even offered to pay for a seat as his customary in out country so aita for speaking up edit I'd like to add that I am particularly hurt because my cousin didn't tell me herself though we spoke on the phone yesterday morning and she knew she was not inviting my BF and that my aunt was going to call any day to deliver the news yet she didn't day a word about retracting the verbal invitation
give me a good story on AITAforapparentlyruiningmycousinsweddingorig
I decided to sell my PS5 rather than sharing it with my step brothers and things took a turn for the worst my 15m mom and dad met and briefly dated while they were both studying at Uni my mom gave birth to me after they had broken up and had to sue my dad for child support I was raised by my mom and had virtually nothing to do with my dad throughout my childhood my mom was an international student and her family cut ties with her due to the circumstances of my birth tragically 2 years ago I lost my mom to cancer and th I was placed under the care of my dad my dad has remarried and has two sons five and seven with his wife it wasn't a bad Arrangement at first but we were all essentially strangers I was given a bedroom to myself and we shared some meals but other than kept to myself about 10 months ago I was lucky enough to score a casual job at an aged Care Facility as it support it was stupid easy money as it involves installing and maintaining a dozen or so common PCS used by the residents plus running basic Computing workshops I ended up ACR a whole lot of disposable income in a short time stupidly instead of just keeping quiet about it I decked out my room with a new TV headphone and a PS5 obviously this setup was of great interest to My Two Step Brothers initially my rule was that they could play the PS5 anytime I wasn't using it but I would get first dibs if I wanted to play or use my TV I was also super accommodating by buying an extra controller which I didn't need and several kid-friendly games that they wanted to play I eventually had to change the rule to only play when I was there because the 5 years. O destroyed one my controllers through spilling juice on it this is where the drama started they whed to my parents who then ordered me to place the PS5 in the living room I refused stating that I had purchased it with my own money this led to their argument that I have too much money and should contribute rent utilities and food money I called their Bluff and said sure draw up a contract and I'll get a lawyer to review it to ensure it complies with the family law act my dad then told the boys that he was going going to buy a separate PS5 for the boys for Christmas but the dude is clueless about the global shortage finally last night after realizing that he had zero chance of buying one for close to RRP my dad threatened me to either voluntarily gift my PS5 to the boys for Christmas or he would toss it in the bin while I was at school I was so pissed that I went on Facebook Marketplace and sold the PS5 the boys found out today and were devastated I feel really bad because they shouldn't be punished for this [ __ ] show my parents are in their room talking about me and I'm sitting here in my room Ida how could I have handled this better update one wow this blew up overnight firstly thanks to all the kind strangers out there giv me your positive encouragement and support it's quite humbling that so many have took time to read my story and chose to provide positive support some people were after an update of the situation I'm at work now but my stepmom had a chat with me this morning and it was quite positive she said she didn't know about my existence until right before I came to live with them and so it caused a huge Rift between her and Dad she apologized for projecting that on to me and not being more welcoming she also didn't know about my dad's threats and told me that it won't happen on her watch my half Brothers also admitted to her about the juice incident she said that she is going to get the boys a switch for Christmas and she offered to pay me the difference between RRP and getting a new PS5 I probs won't take the money but at least it's a step forward this was the longest conversation I have ever had with her 2 BTW no calms from my dad yet LOL to answer some common questions one my bank account is entirely in my name only Australia no one else has ability to view or access the balance I actually don't think my dad's demand for rent was about money they both earn a good salary he's just but hurt that I'm not relying on his money two yes I really am 15 LOL I typed out my post in word and so that it could be spell and grammar checked maybe that's what confus people three I get 20 7 Australian 50 an hour on a casual contract with additional loading for weekends slphs the operations manager at the Aged care facility is super chill and allows me to schedule my hours around school I just have a cap that I can't go over she lets me do my homework on the clock and I get free meals from cafeteria if I help the residents on non-facility devices they usually tip me in cash or sometimes cookies LOL I've got a fair bit saved up because I don't really have any expenses four I've got a shoot box of documents from when my mom passed I think my mom's assets is looked after by a trustee firm which will be turned over to me at 18 the law firm managing the will had previously explained this to me but I wasn't really paying attention at the time I've got to still go through everything five I sold PS5 for a tidy profit even with the cost of the damaged controller I'm not desperate for 1 atm so I'll just sign up for a waiting list again so I won't need to take up my stepmom's offer this is probably my last post on this issue thanks again for the love everyone update two so we've got a gathering with the extended family today this is the first time I've met any of them due to co and they've all been super lovely to me my stepmom showed them my original post and they are all getting stuck into dad my uncle dad's younger brother has set up a Reddit account for him and he's doubling down as he thinks redditors will take his side when they read his account of it I'm not going to link or read his post but people have been telling me it's quite a blood bath ink spiller's here here is where it gets fun the dad did his own am I the [ __ ] post here it is am I the [ __ ] for asking my son to share his console with his brothers instead of keeping it in his room a few days ago my bio son Jonah not real name posted a biased and frankly defamatory post about an incident in my home regarding a PS5 my wife was kind enough to share the post and comments with our entire extended family at our Christmas gathering so apparently now I'm a huge [ __ ] my brother suggested that I post here to set records straight and give people both sides of the issue firstly I never actually intended to charge Jonah rent his job gives him essentially 100% disposable income purely because he lives in our household he used this money to deck out his room buy brand shoes buy the latest iPhone Etc all for himself I couldn't care less about how he spends his money but it does set a poor example for my other two boys the last straw was when Jonah set a login password for the PS5 I basically told him that if he's not willing to share then why should I give him a free ride my son should be grateful while we shared DNA I only dated his mom may not actual name for all of five months back in uni I was very clear with May that I didn't want kids but apparently consent doesn't go both ways may put me through legal hell and ended up costing me tens of thousands of dollars over the years in child support setting my own goals back instead of letting Jonah end up in a group home I stepped up and took him in when may got sick instead of gratitude I constantly have to deal with disrespect and attitude because of Jonah my wife thinks I breached her trust all for something that happened well before I met her while the boys previously did have access to PS5 he now won't let them play it now that school is finished for the year unless he's home which he never is I gave him the ultimate of either sharing the console or no one gets to play it in response he pulls the most passive aggressive move ever and sold it so now no one plays it so listen how am I the [ __ ] here I've taken in this kid into my home I a kid who BTW will receive a sizable inheritance in a few years thanks to May estate I've given him a home a family and fund his lifestyle all at the cost of my own relationship in return I haven't asked for a scent and he won't treat me with respect nor follow my rules but somehow I'm the giant [ __ ] who's in the study typing this out instead of enjoying Christmas with my extended family instead of attacking me I'm hoping people will now give their Fair opinion of the situation based on seeing both sides of the story he also provided a heated update in the comments okay clearly this hasn't gone down the direction I thought it would clearly some of you have issues with comprehension or just can't be bothered reading my comments fully I want to be clear I never threaten to collect rent from Jonah I don't need his part-time work money or about his inheritance money I make a very good salary probably more than the vast majority of people who use Reddit I simply tried to explain to him that he has all this disposable income because he doesn't have to worry about basic needs I didn't explain it properly at the time because we were arguing but my intention wasn't for Jonah to give his PS5 to the kids permanently I just wanted it kept in the common area until I can buy another one for the kids Jonah never told me about the controller if he had of course I would have replaced it that's not an issue I expected him to not be so selfish to his brothers keeping it in his room under password protection is so rude Jonah gets home really late most days so my kids are in bed by the time he gets back I won't debate the nuances about sex and custody I'm not an idiot I understand perfect consent and parental responsibilities I will just say that there is a large gap between consenting to sex versus consenting to having a child I get that our current laws are against me on this one I didn't intend to lie to my wife Jonah and may were something way into the distant past for me our settlement agreement was very clear on that I had absolutely zero communication with May or Jonah for at least the 10 years prior to finding about her illness my child support was at a fixed rate so I had actually paid her out a lump some That was supposed to take care of him until 18 it wasn't like it was getting taken out of pay every week as far as I knew I was never supposed to hear from Jonah or may ever again why would I tell my wife about something like that now the dad made another post stating am I the [ __ ] for intercepting and eating my son's food delivery while he was grounded my eldest son 16 is undergoing a hormonal fueled rebellious phase his behavior consists of things like rolling his eyes when I talk back chat when I tell him to do something overemphasizing putting on his headphones when I enter the room and a whole laundry list of other passive aggressive behaviors it was his birthday yesterday and he was going to go out with his friends this weekend to celebrate by paintballing however when I got home from work yesterday I noticed that he had failed to do some chores I had set him and then did the whole headphones routine when I started telling him off for it I got so sick of his attitude that I threatened to ground him for 2 weeks which means not letting him leave the house except for work my words clearly cut through his head phones and it dawned on him that he would not be allowed to go paintballing this weekend so he took off his headphones and said go [ __ ] yourself and then shut himself in his room this naturally led to his actual grounding the grounding didn't seem to phase him as he spends a lot of time in his room anyway I cut off his devices from our home Wi-Fi but he works around this by having own hotspot he refused to come out for dinner last night when my wife asked him to and is basically barricaded himself in his room at 10: p.m. last night he ordered himself a meal via a delivery app again he has clearly been passive aggressive here flaunting his independence as he has a perfected lovely meal in the fridge made by my wife I was still up watching TV so intercepted the delivery and ate the meal myself at some point my son must have come out and seen me but retreated back to his room without saying anything my wife thinks I am a major offer eating the meal but I think it comes part and parcel with the grounding my wife also things I'm too harsh with due to the grounding I'll let him go to paintball if he apologizes so am I the [ __ ] here rdit this post in turn fueled an update from the Sun hi everyone sorry for hijacking the top comment this is my dad's post thanks for everyone's support I don't think I need to add any more fuel to the fire here the post and the comments largely speak for themselves I just wanted to give a quick update to everyone that I'm 100% fine and okay my stepmom vetoed My Punishment so I'm all good to go out with my friends this weekend one of my new uncles has asked me to stay with with them for a while which is also super cool so I'm doing well and loving life these comments are hilarious much love edit new update from the father I'm sure many of you would be ecstatic to know that my marriage may be over I came home this evening to find that my wife and my two younger boys have left probably at her mother's house my oldest is still staying at my brother's house since beginning of Jan this has hit me hard as redditors now like remind me on a daily basis I now know I been a shitty husband and father I have some self-reflection to do I am stubborn but my wife has always been there to talk me down I guess she has had enough the only communication I have is a text from my wife saying she wants a divorce and that her lawyers will get in touch regarding separation Arrangements I have tried calling but it keeps going to voicemail same as my in-laws I want to apologize I want to offer to go to counseling or therapy like she asked if I still can't get through to her via phone I am thinking of going to my in-law's house I have to try try to at least talk to her I guess my redditors hate me but I welcome any suggestions on if there is anything I can try more updates from the dad hi all I need some advice about how to win back my wife and I am genuinely willing to do anything my wife f29 and I am 34 of 8 years have been having serious relationship issues over the last few years the main area friction between us is that I have a son M16 from a previous teenage fling that I never told her about we also have another two young children together my 16 years do o had to come live with us about 3 years ago because his biological mother died his presence in our lives caused a lot tension between my wife and I because she felt I majorly breached her trust we argued more and more about minor things until last Thursday I came home to an empty house I am devastated my wife is the love of my life and has always been the main support center in my life I tried calling her but she kept sending me to mail she sent me a text saying that she wasn't ready to talk but was filing for a divorce and to wait to hear from her lawyers regarding separation mediation I am a wreck I would do anything to have her back including counseling and therapy she had previously asked me to attend but I was too arrogant to take it up I felt that if I could just talk to her I can have a chance to explain and we can get through this the next day I did something stupid I went to her workplace accounting firm with her favorite takeaway lunch to try to talk to her she must have worded up the reception staff because they adamantly refused to buzz me into the office her staff even went as far as calling for building security not wishing to cause further drama I left voluntarily that night I doubled down on my stupidity I tried to visit her at her parents house with a bunch of gifts for her and the kids my Mill answered through intercom but wouldn't let me in I was so frustrated and emotional that I broke down at their door basically making a scene and refusing to leave later my brother turned up I assumed my wife called he tried to convince me to go home but we ended up in a shouting match he eventually tried to manhandle me back to my car so I got into a physical altercation with him but I left when my father-in-law came out and threaded to call the police on me things have really gone downhill since then this morning two police constables turned up to where I work with a provisional domestic violence order along with a Summons to attend court for a permanent order I was in shock and as a result was inadvertently quite rude to the constables this put them offside I am a contractor working at a client site and so when my client asked the constables what the matter was about they said they couldn't save for private reasons but then immediately handed out business cards with their Family Violence liaison unit title embossed at the top so now my firm senior partner has waved me off going back to the client site and I may be fired I feel like this is the wake-up call I needed I know I have been a narcisstic a-hole and am read to change what can I do to talk to her to show her I am determined to be better I don't want to just end it like this I know that if I have a chance to explain myself to apologize to promise to work really hard on my marriage to work on my narcissist ISM to go to therapy to go to counseling whatever my wife needs to forgive me and we can get on with our lives our court hearing is in a few weeks so I am thinking of turning up early with some expensive jewelry and try to talk to my wife before the hearing my solicitor has told me this is a bad idea but I feel like I need to do something I don't want to negotiate with my wife across a courtroom I just want to remind her how much I love her and how much she means to me what can I do to win my wife back has anyone else being in this situation update I get it it's over you guys are right I [ __ ] up irrevocably this time I've lost my family and likely will lose my job I've always tried to control everything in my life it's worked for me in the past because my family is wealthy and they fixed things for me but my wife and brother must have spoken to my parents because they said I can't use the law firm my family has on retainer for my dvo or upcoming separation proceedings anymore I'll hire my own solicitor as soon as stuff starts opening I'll seek mental help too most importantly I'll leave my wife alone thanks for your comments and advice
give me a good story on IDecidedToSellMyPSRatherThanSharingItWithMyStepBrothersAndThingsGotWILDorig
:00.149 --> :02.310 The only good thing that came out of COVID was that door to door sales became extinct. :02.310 --> :04.920 Unfortunately Jehovah's witnesses just started mailing you the "come to god" letters. :04.920 --> :06.060 These were always disguised differently. :06.060 --> :09.099 Sometimes they looked like a simple letter, other times a bill, other times an overdue :09.099 --> :10.099 bill. :10.099 --> :11.099 I finally had it. :11.099 --> :15.480 If you were going to send me a new letter every week I would make sure you get one too. :15.480 --> :17.910 They had their mailing address and their e-mail on the letter. :17.910 --> :20.320 So I signed them up for news letters from the Satanic Church. :20.320 --> :25.029 I figured that might be too easy to get out of so then I went Nuclear. :25.029 --> :31.320 I signed them up for information form the church of scientology. :31.320 --> :36.820 I was hoping there was a comments and I would have added that they wanted to meet Tom Cruse, :36.820 --> :39.320 but alas except for a Captcha there was nothing. :39.320 --> :42.720 I understand it is impossible to get out of those Church of Scientology lists. :42.720 --> :49.680 My dad has a tendency to use my phone number for different things to make sure he utilizes :49.680 --> :53.200 deals for stores or anything else that he used his own number too much for. :53.200 --> :55.070 He uses my phone number relatively a lot! :55.070 --> :59.650 When I asked him to stop he said that “it isn’t a big deal that I’m using your phone :59.650 --> :00.650 number”. :00.650 --> :05.180 Mind you, I’m 21 and I don’t feel comfortable having my phone number be given to many different :05.180 --> :06.180 people and organizations! :06.180 --> :09.450 This whole idea that he can use my phone number annoyed me!! :09.450 --> :15.870 It got to a point where he felt that it was fine to OPEN A CREDIT CARD BEHIND MY BACK!! :15.870 --> :23.010 Like he is my dad and if he would have talked to me, I would have maybe considered it or :23.010 --> :29.659 talked it out but to open a credit card behind my back…NO! :29.659 --> :31.530 And my parents tried denying it! :31.530 --> :35.170 I was fed up by this but it took a pause after he noticed that I am paying attention. :35.170 --> :36.170 UNTIL RECENTLY…. :36.170 --> :39.340 I was having lunch with my boyfriend and suddenly my phone goes off and I have like 7 or 8 different :39.340 --> :40.550 messages about an urgent care appointment. :40.550 --> :46.180 I had no idea what was going on at first and then I figured out that it was my dad that :46.180 --> :47.500 made these appointments and AGAIN USED MY PHONE NUMBER!!!!! :47.500 --> :49.760 This time, I didn’t even call or confronted him. :49.760 --> :51.610 I decided to wait and see what happens. :51.610 --> :56.549 Later on, there were more messages incoming about the appointment check in and I still :56.549 --> :57.549 didn’t tell him. :57.549 --> :59.080 Time for some petty revenge: :59.080 --> :03.220 An hour later after all the messages died down, I got a phone call from the urgent care :03.220 --> :04.220 asking: :04.220 --> :06.550 “Hi are you associated with the (family last name)?” :06.550 --> :09.979 And I responded with “no I don’t know them and that’s not my last name, bye!” :09.979 --> :15.520 And since my dad didn’t do his check in, I don’t think he was able to see the doctor :15.520 --> :18.140 because of the new COVID protocols :18.140 --> :23.019 Oh well….I guess he wasn’t able to see the doctor for a while, oops father! :23.019 --> :27.310 At an office job once I was in charge of addressing work snail mail, stamping them, having the :27.310 --> :29.579 owner verify what was going out and mailing it. :29.579 --> :33.549 I had the key to the postage machine, which was locked to keep employees from putting :33.549 --> :34.849 stamps on their personal mail. :34.849 --> :36.939 Before I started, employees had been stealing postage. :36.939 --> :40.389 I was required to keep the key on my person at all times. :40.389 --> :45.200 A co-worker, I'll call him Ken, had worked there a long time and wasn't happy about the :45.200 --> :46.219 newly locked postage machine. :46.219 --> :50.790 He'd been using it for his mail for years and was angry he could no longer stamp his :50.790 --> :51.790 mail for free. :51.790 --> :58.080 He tried to trick me to get the key, he'd bring me some valid mail and ask for the key :58.080 --> :59.810 to add a stamp to it. :59.810 --> :04.299 I'd say thanks, take the mail and tell him I'd just stamp it later in the day. :04.299 --> :09.049 He'd scowl because he had wanted to stamp it and his personal stuff at the same time. :09.049 --> :10.049 I wasn't stupid. :10.049 --> :14.239 My boss would ask for the key sometimes and I'd happily hand it over. :14.239 --> :16.400 He saw this and made a plan. :16.400 --> :21.930 He'd ask her for the key while she had it, knowing she trusted everyone and would just :21.930 --> :22.930 hand it over. :22.930 --> :23.930 He did this for months. :23.930 --> :28.379 I heard he was calling me the 'postage nazi' behind my back like a 10 year old. :28.379 --> :31.040 Annoyed that he was getting away with stealing postage, I waited. :31.040 --> :37.959 One day I saw her give him the key and watched as he stamped several envelopes. :37.959 --> :42.069 I quickly slipped past him and snatched up the pile before he could grab it. :42.069 --> :46.010 I told him I just needed to have the owner approve everything before we mailed it out. :46.010 --> :47.849 I rushed away, heading to the owner's office. :47.849 --> :53.120 Ken tried to stop me, saying he needed to look it over before the owner saw it. :53.120 --> :56.390 I didn't stop, walking down the hallway like a woman on a mission. :56.390 --> :00.709 I yelled behind me, "Ok, sure, right after he approves it all!" :00.709 --> :03.159 He literally chased me to the owner's door, turning around quickly and running away once :03.159 --> :04.219 I passed the threshold. :04.219 --> :08.129 I handed the mail to the owner and said, "Ken helped with the postage today. :08.129 --> :11.180 These need to be approved to go out." :11.180 --> :15.150 He flipped through them, made a face and then made two piles. :15.150 --> :20.789 The work pile had one envelope, the other pile had 5 envelopes and I could see they :20.789 --> :22.780 had Ken's return address on them. :22.780 --> :24.129 He said, "Ken did these today?" :24.129 --> :28.660 I told him yes and that he had taken the key from my boss to do it. :28.660 --> :31.330 He handed me the one work envelope and said I could mail it. :31.330 --> :33.630 He left Ken's bills there on his desk. :33.630 --> :38.500 He looked at me and said, "It may not seem like a lot, but postage adds up." :38.500 --> :41.020 I nodded, took the one envelope and left. :41.020 --> :46.460 As I passed by Ken's desk, I said, "Oh, hey, the owner has your mail", giggling internally. :46.460 --> :47.460 He said nothing. :47.460 --> :51.710 The owner took Ken's mail and propped it up behind his desk next to a framed photo of :51.710 --> :52.710 his family. :52.710 --> :54.259 We had monthly meetings where Ken and I were in attendance - his bills sat there for us :54.259 --> :57.159 all to see, all stamped and ready but never mailed out. :57.159 --> :58.930 (I assume Ken had to call to pay his bills that month.) :58.930 --> :02.770 My boss told me the owner never talked to Ken about it and Ken never again tried to :02.770 --> :04.099 use the company postage machine. :04.099 --> :08.860 His mail sat there for over a year before the owner finally threw it away. :08.860 --> :12.259 In college, I worked at a restaurant with a guy we’ll call Joe (not his real name.) :12.259 --> :13.509 His fiancée also worked there. :13.509 --> :15.840 She was annoying but not nearly as bad as Joe. :15.840 --> :23.159 Joe was a tool bag but one day he made fun of a new host that had just been hired by :23.159 --> :27.979 calling him a faggot when we were in the back of the kitchen rolling silverware (not near :27.979 --> :28.979 any customers.) :28.979 --> :32.930 This wasn’t the first time he’s said something like this, but it just set me over the edge :32.930 --> :33.930 that particular day. :33.930 --> :36.080 Customers would often leave their itemized receipts at the table when they’d leave. :36.080 --> :40.449 I noticed that there was one in joe’s section left by one of his customers, so I grabbed :40.449 --> :42.419 and it took it home with me. :42.419 --> :48.229 I used the receipt number to file a complaint on the corporate website and said that I was :48.229 --> :53.270 a customer and I overheard my server Joe call another employee a fagg*t and I was really :53.270 --> :59.419 offended and made up a story about having a gay son and how I’d never visit there :59.419 --> :00.419 again. :00.419 --> :05.010 My best hope was that he’d get in trouble and get his schedule changed (he had one of :05.010 --> :06.040 the best server schedules.) :06.040 --> :07.840 This was in 2010 by the way. :07.840 --> :14.060 I forgot all about it and a few days later I came in, and his fiancée was crying hysterically :14.060 --> :15.750 and said “well obviously I have to quit now too!” :15.750 --> :21.879 I asked what was going on and found out that the company has a zero tolerance policy for :21.879 --> :24.350 that and he got fired immediately, and his fiancée quit. :24.350 --> :29.550 Joe was pissed and never denied it, but said he swore he said that in the back of the house :29.550 --> :33.040 and not in front of guests, and swore he was kidding around. :33.040 --> :40.509 I couldn’t believe I actually got him fired, so it turned out even better than I had hoped :40.509 --> :41.509 and I still have no regrets. :41.509 --> :48.379 He was my friend on Facebook before this and we’re still friends to this day on Facebook, :48.379 --> :52.389 but never speak to each other and he still doesn’t know it was me. :52.389 --> :58.900 Basically the title.. a rude bitch just came in to my store and grabbed some random shit :58.900 --> :00.620 including two little Debbie swiss rolls. :00.620 --> :03.810 As she's walking up I hear her go "oh I smashed these." :03.810 --> :06.240 And she runs and swaps them out with new ones. :06.240 --> :11.870 When she gets to my counter I say "Wow.. sucks for whoever gets those next I guess.." she :11.870 --> :14.330 goes "Oh I don't care." :14.330 --> :15.810 In a very entitled cunty tone. :15.810 --> :20.009 She also has a pair of gloves sitting on the counter and as I'm reaching for them she goes :20.009 --> :21.879 "I don't want those gloves anymore." :21.879 --> :22.879 Alrighty then. :22.879 --> :27.780 So as I'm reaching for them, the Swiss rolls are directly under my arm, she turns as way :27.780 --> :33.590 for a second and I gently lower my arm down on top of her Swiss rolls and smash the shit :33.590 --> :34.590 out of them. :34.590 --> :35.590 Enjoy bitch. :35.590 --> :36.590 I sold a car today. :36.590 --> :40.900 It wasn't in great condition - mostly issues with the chassis, as well as a ding to one :40.900 --> :41.900 of the windscreen columns. :41.900 --> :44.690 Brake pads we're starting to fail and suspension was shaky. :44.690 --> :49.009 Still, electrics and engine worked perfectly, and body was structurally sound despite a :49.009 --> :50.009 ding or two. :50.009 --> :54.960 Before hearing the news about the undercarriage, we'd purchased a new windscreen and four new :54.960 --> :55.960 tires. :55.960 --> :59.400 It needed about $1600 in repairs, and would end up being worth $2600. :59.400 --> :03.949 I rang around a few chop shops and got a few quotes, looking for $800 - I figured $200 :03.949 --> :08.330 for their overhead and profit was fair for not having to deal with it myself. :08.330 --> :10.499 The closest I got was $700. :10.499 --> :11.499 Fair enough. :11.499 --> :14.849 It's not what i want, but I can live with it. :14.849 --> :20.909 I booked a time for the car to be picked up, moved it to the side of the road, and cleaned :20.909 --> :21.909 it out. :21.909 --> :25.750 The day of the pick up I received a call confirming the truck arrival time, all the usual stuff, :25.750 --> :27.100 and then the question of price came up. :27.100 --> :29.939 Oh, the guy who quoted you that isn't good with cars, he didn't know what you meant when :29.939 --> :30.939 you mentioned the bushes. :30.939 --> :33.710 Oh, you didn't say it has 120,000km on the clock, the engine's probably going to last :33.710 --> :35.120 another fifty thousand at most. :35.120 --> :38.530 Oh, another guy brought the same model into us and was happy to receive $450. :38.530 --> :39.630 Will you take $500? :39.630 --> :40.630 No I won't. :40.630 --> :42.640 And I won't take $550 or $600 either. :42.640 --> :47.340 We ended the call there, and I was ready to put the car back in the garage, save the money, :47.340 --> :49.070 and do it myself. :49.070 --> :51.060 He called back ten minutes later. :51.060 --> :52.950 Sure, I can do $650. :52.950 --> :58.570 At this point, he sent the truck and I had about an hour. :58.570 --> :05.070 I knew he was trying to make an extra buck, and I knew I was being taken advantage of. :05.070 --> :09.970 But I also knew that we had two other cars, and all three took the same size of tire. :09.970 --> :14.250 In the hour I had before the truck arrived i removed three of the new tires we'd just :14.250 --> :15.940 put onto the car and swapped them out for the space savers. :15.940 --> :19.130 The truck arrived, quickly inspected the car, handed over $650 cash, and left. :19.130 --> :23.400 Now I have $50 less than I expected, and spare tires worth $210. :23.400 --> :25.480 He can't complain, he never asked about the tires. :25.480 --> :39.390 So I was hired to make an advertisement for this cosmetic start-up. :39.390 --> :43.700 I normally don't accept local clients because I have a lot of shitty experience with them, :43.700 --> :50.880 but this client sounds like she's willing to pay my service, so I accepted her. :50.880 --> :55.330 I actually didn't charge that much. :55.330 --> :01.970 I only charge her $60 per week (and on average, I charge a foreign client $300 per week). :01.970 --> :03.710 The first two weeks were good. :03.710 --> :11.310 She provided me with every material I needed to make an effective advertisement despite :11.310 --> :12.310 her limited budget. :12.310 --> :14.490 However, we began having argument two week. :14.490 --> :19.580 She's suddenly demanding our ads should have at least 1,000 clicks per day, which is fucking :19.580 --> :29.030 absurd because her budget only allows her to have around 1,200 reaches per day. :29.030 --> :36.120 I told her that for it to be possible, she should increase her budget. :36.120 --> :42.350 Suddenly, she called me a fraud, despite my ads having at least 300 clicks per day. :42.350 --> :48.540 And now, she refused to give me her payment. :48.540 --> :50.950 For the last two weeks, she's ignoring my call. :50.950 --> :53.230 This weekend, I think my number is blocked. :53.230 --> :57.770 Stupid her because she didn't remove me from her page, so I decided to be petty. :57.770 --> :00.900 Her ads are still running, so I decided to change it. :00.900 --> :06.910 I changed the pictures to a text post which says "Don't buy from this. :06.910 --> :13.150 The owner refused to give me my salary -- an irate VA she called a fraud for not meeting :13.150 --> :14.380 her absurd expectation". :14.380 --> :17.280 I also included screenshots of our conversation to back it up. :17.280 --> :20.610 I did it last night, and I'm sure any moment she will contact me. :20.610 --> :21.780 But I'm done with her. :21.780 --> :23.960 That $120 she owns me is hers to keep. :23.960 --> :26.140 As for me, I'm not accepting local clients anymore. :26.140 --> :28.050 I'm just done with them. :28.050 --> :29.050 UPDATE!!!! :29.050 --> :34.630 So yesterday, around 4 pm, I checked the ads, and apparently, it reverted back to the original :34.630 --> :35.630 ones. :35.630 --> :41.720 Then, a few moments later, my account now says "Account Error", which means the payment :41.720 --> :42.780 method is cancelled. :42.780 --> :50.750 I felt frustrated because I'm still not yet done being petty, so I posted my story (anonymous) :50.750 --> :01.770 on a group called "Social Media Marketing Philippines" as my way of venting out and :01.770 --> :05.000 subtly warning potential VAs that she'll hire. :05.000 --> :09.810 Naturally, people in that group are with me. :09.810 --> :14.360 This morning, I finally got a response from her. :14.360 --> :15.360 She's angry. :15.360 --> :21.880 Apparently, she saw my post, and she threatened to sue me for defamation. :21.880 --> :25.170 NOTE: I didn't specify which startup is that. :25.170 --> :30.810 I only mentioned it's a cosmetic company, and therefore, she had nothing to hold her :30.810 --> :31.810 case! :31.810 --> :43.580 However, I have receipts that she hasn't paid me, and I told her that even though we have :43.580 --> :57.150 no written contract, our chat (which I kept) can be used against her. :57.150 --> :25.540 On top of that, I mentioned that my uncle is a regional judge (not a lie) and :25.540 --> :50.870 I came from a clan of politicians (again, not a lie). :50.870 --> :58.360 Simply put, I have so much power to hold against her. :58.360 --> :11.940 At first, she didn't believe it, so I googled my grandpa's name which led to a Wikipedia :11.940 --> :12.940 page. :12.940 --> :13.940 She went silent after. :13.940 --> :34.200 After probably an hour, I sent her a message, telling her it doesn't have to end this way. :34.200 --> :42.290 All she needed to do is to pay the wage she owed me because otherwise, I can use my family's :42.290 --> :49.280 influence to make sure her business will go bankrupt. :49.280 --> :50.690 She immediately sent my salary. :50.690 --> :53.030 I thanked her and then blocked her.
give me a good story on rProRevengeHOWIGOTMYEVILCOWORKERFIREDRedditStories
a for sending my friends home after bringing their kids after I asked them not to I 35 female am the only one in our friend groups without kids there is no sad story there we just don't want kids for multiple reasons as a result of us not having kids our home isn't exactly kid-proof I don't mean that in a way that it's not safe for kids although that might still be the case but in a way that we saved up to buy furniture that we really love and we would like to keep our furniture looking nice furniture is expensive when we invite friends they tend to always bring their kids and it has happened multiple times their kids were jumping on our sofa sitting on our design table and creating stains on the walls and floor Etc whenever I look at our friends they just laugh it off and say welcome to life with kids and emphasis that since it is my home I should give their kids boundary well that's easy to say but as I don't have kids I don't know how to address kids and I also don't think it's my job to teach their kids basic boundary you can't just start yelling at kids and dragging them outside and that's the only Instinct I have at those moment two weeks ago we invited all our friends over for dinner and I told them it was adult only since I put in a lot of effort to make a really lovely for four course dinner for 12 people somehow all of our friends independently I think decided to bring their kids anyway as they thought it would be funny since they know that we don't really care for kids so we had nine kids running around the house messing up all our stuff while I had spent 2 days preparing a nice dinner next to it being annoying that their kids mess up your stuff it also creates a completely different atmosphere when people bring kids to a dinner party as all focus is on the kids the focus being on how cute they are off course not that they fck up my home ofc I decided to let it go but did tell my friends multiple times that they were cnts for bringing their kids after I asked them not to and they laughed at off the day after the dinner I saw that we had scratches on our new glass table and giant stains on our wooden floor and a lot of glasswar was broken why don't you have plastic cups for kids do luckily I could fix the stains with a lot of work and I tried to accept the scratches on the table now this week one of our friends wanted to come by to lend some tools I told them that they could come over but jokingly said that I've seen enough kids for a while after the dinner party and that they were welcome to lend the items if they'd leave their kids at home when I opened the door for them their kids came rushing in and our friends started laughing they thought it was extremely funny that I was so annoyed by the fact that their cute kids came rushing in I was kind of fed up so told them that they should go home and find somewhere else to lend their tools they were shocked by my response and told me that I was a CNT as it would only Take 5 minutes to get the items they wanted to lend and that their kids couldn't do any damage in the main time I agree that my response is very Petty but I don't think that I'm an
give me a good story on AITAforsendingmyfriendshomeafterbringingtheirkidsafterIaskedthemnottoorig
first story narcissistic parents canceled my sister's sweet 16th birthday over political disagreement and embarrassed her in front of everyone now I'm afraid they will cancel funding for her College my parents are very religious and are leaders in their church and we've had past arguments based on religion they are also very politically opinionated and this argument involved both things a previous argument was Mom disliking when my sister and I took dinner to our rooms whenever they were watching political content while making or eating dinner my parents wanted to do a family dinner with some church friends before her 16th birthday for something more intimate on her actual birthday the 16th would have been shortly after on a weekend and they took her to a restaurant but while we were there Mom began talking about Trump to one of her friends and my sister Laura asked her not to talk about politics which mom didn't like Mom told her that she was being disrespectful and that she could talk about whatever she wanted but when Laura told her that they were there for her birthday she said it didn't matter and told her to mind her business Laura then asked if she could sit somewhere else but mom told her no and that made Laura upset she said she was tired of hearing about Trump they watch his clips on YouTube and videos about him at home too and that she didn't get why she supported him too but when Mom's friend asked why she felt that way Laura said he didn't act like a Christian and called him a false prophet who was tricking Christians by pretending to be one while committing adultery and other crimes but when Mom's friend said that you vote for the party's values instead of the the candidate Laura said that that shouldn't give him a pass before Mom finally changed the subject but on the ride back Mom scolded her for acting ungrateful and said that she' talked to Dad about her behavior before telling her a few days later that she wasn't getting a sweet 16 anymore for embarrassing them in front of her friend we already had people invited but my mom has since canel the venue too I tried to tell Dad that it wasn't fair to cancel her party when she already invited friends along with how Mom shouldn't have taken over her birthday but he wouldn't listen or change his stance when we talked I asked Laura if she wanted to do something else with me instead but she said no and has mostly kept to herself since and they've confronted her about it in her room too I just want to ask if I can do anything to cheer her up or support her more than tell her I agree with her stance which I already did because I don't know if there's anything else I can do at the moment and she seems really down about the whole thing edit Lauren's birthday has already passed her birthday was the day we went to a restaurant with church friends because it fell on a week night and her sweet 16 was going to be on a later weekend that worked better for everyone to attend I love how she's strong enough to stand up to them on her morals but also afraid that it'll cost her College because our parents are currently paying for mine and hers and they were willing to cancel her sweet 16 over something as stupid as talking politics at her birthday when she asked not to they already canceled the invitations they sent out along with the venue Laura also doesn't want to do any activities in place of the sweet 16 at the moment because she's embarrassed by how her parents canceled her friends invitations tldr my sister asked my mom to stop talking about politics when they took her to a restaurant with church friends for a family birthday dinner before her 16th birthday but they punished her after refusing to do so comments medicine conscious 728 I hope your mom doesn't mind that she's got a year before Laura never speaks to her again Salvage Mania your parents need to learn some manners it's rude to talk about politics during dinner hope and her birthday dinner on her actual birthday then ruining her birthday by punishing her for asking not to talk about politics update 2 months later I wanted to add some closure to my original post because I received a lot of great advice a few people suggested telling her friends what happened at the restaurant and arranging a surprise party separate from my parents for her however after putting myself in her shoes I decided against it because it' be wrong for me to control The Narrative of how she wants or doesn't want to tell her friends however she choose es to tell them is her choice along with any alternative celebrations she wants to have and I wouldn't like it if someone told my friends about something personal that embarrassed me since she was embarrassed with how our mom told her off at the restaurant along with telling her friend's parents that the party was canceled it's not my place to control her narrative so I instead went to her room and asked if she wanted me to treat her to ice cream instead but she said no and that she only wanted to talk so we talked in her room and she vented to me and I'll mention a few details the restaurant was not the first time she got into an altercation with them about politics there was a Sunday where the pastor of our church made a jab towards gaze for whatever reason some time back during pride month and people in the congregation egged him on as he did my sister Laura and I were not among them were past the age of Sunday school and sit with our parents in church and my sister called my parents out for it in the car she said that his jab being the most enthusiastic moment or reaction in the service epitomized what was wrong with modern-day Christianity too many Christians care about roasting gays instead of what Jesus was actually about helping those in need out of love but our parents argued that Christians are supposed to call out wrong when we see it and that included gay marriage in their opinion we touched on that briefly because Laura said that Trump's presidency exposed the hatred bottled up in many Christians by making them feel validated in voicing hatred brashly similar to Trump's brashness and she said Christianity lost a lot of credibility because of him too however she also said that he exposed fake Christians which was good because Jesus wasn't about hate the last thing I'll mention is that Dad came to her room to reinforce that she was disrespectful at the restaurant when all she asked was to not talk politics at dinner but when she told him that Christians couldn't give Trump a pass for his crimes some against the Ten Commandments despite being a Republican or conservative dad reinforced his belief in voting for the party instead of the candidate because Christians had to vote against gay rights and abortion that Democrats were for and he even said he'd vote for Hitler if he were the Republican nominee too both of us have permanently lost respect for him because he basically admitted he would vote for any candidate regardless of their actions whether they championed conservative or Christian views my sister also decided not to have a party this year because she's not in the mood and I respect that she said she told her friends and that they respected her wishes not to do anything too she also promised to take me up on ice cream in the future but if we do it'll just be the two of us because she doesn't want anything more than that I talked to my sister in the aftermath of the restaurant nonsense and we were able to draw closer as a result of it comments bonom 42 I hope you both get away from these people ASAP it's ridiculous to punish your child for having different political views op all she asked was to not talk about politics at dinner when our parents took her to a restaurant and that was enough to get Mom all upset and be like it's my money and I'm taking you out for dinner so I can talk about whatever I want bonam 42 I'd ask her why her politics are more important to her than her children's happiness op it's really hard to reason with her because she rarely admits she made a mistake mams play nice have them pay for college then disappear and go without contact once you graduate it'll be some tough years but just avoid them at every opportunity without triggering their lunacy your parents are the type of people you cannot win an argument against no matter how much logic or facts you apply it just does not matter religion or faith can be beautiful and beneficial but it can also make controlling monsters out of some do your best to keep you and your sister safe Second Story op's fiance confessed he is in love with her cousin just before the wedding so she cut ties with all their family except his grandpa after their marriage Grandpa kept bringing up their marital problems with OP now she lashed out and cut ties with him too now grandpa is on Hunger Strike I'm a young woman in India and I've been in an arranged marriage with Shashi since I was a patine the match was arranged by our grandfathers who grew up together as children in the same Village shashi's grandfather was the first to leave the village and after a few years my grandparents followed and they were reunited they didn't set up the match immediately but when I was 14 my grandfather unfortunately died of cancer and His Last Wish was for me to marry well growing up my father worked as a long-distance truck driver and my mother was a Livin maid I was raised mostly by my grandmother in a one-bedroom apartment any money my family earned went toward my education and upkeep shashi's family was much better off in comparison which is why my grandfather made the request shashi's family never seemed to like me even as a child I thought I liked Shashi but in retrospect the feelings were obviously not mutual I also have a cousin minu minu is my paternal cousin and since my dad didn't have a good relationship with my uncle neither did we things changed when I reached my teens and meu and I were accepted into a prestigious Academy although I only managed to squee we in on a scholarship regardless we spent more time together and she even came with me and Shashi on our occasional dates acting as a shaone at my grandmother's request after I graduated from college my parents finally started pushing for a wedding we set up an official engagement party but a few days before Shashi finally came clean and admitted that he's been dating minu for about 3 years I was shocked heartbroken and frankly disgusted I understand if he refused to marry me out of principle against arranged marriages but to continue the match while dating another woman he made me the mistress in my own relationship my parents were heartbroken for me my grandmother was Furious she also severed the friendship between her and shashi's grandfather after their spouses died she and shashi's grandfather became close friends as well but no more it's been about 2 years since all this happened I got a good paying job in my field and moved on from the mess the problem now is shashi's Grandfather even though shashi's parents and siblings didn't like me his grandfather did and we often met in the park to play board games together even though the engagement fell through and Shashi is currently married to meu I haven't had the heart to stop these meetings altogether but now whenever we meet he either gossips about the couple's marital problems or asks to pass on a message to my grandmother since she still refuses to talk to him finally I just snapped and blurted it out I don't care before getting up and leaving him in the park since then I've blocked his number and skipped three of our usual Mee meeting days since then I can't help but feel guilty I feel like he's just lonely and in his own way thinks he's helping me out by babbling about Shashi and meu's marriage problems it's annoying but I still think I was too harsh a relevant comments big alternative 3233 it's unclear whether you tried dissuading the grandfather from spreading the gossip before you abruptly cut him off he probably didn't know that this was a boundary for you op I'm sorry if I made it unclear in the post I have talked to him about both the gossip and the updates about my grandmother for my grandmother I told him that she will talk to him when she wants to but I will not be the messenger unless she asks about Shashi and Munk marriage I first mentioned that I didn't want to hear anything about them he said he understood but then he just started slipping in comments under the guise of complaining about his nosy home I tried to change the topic when he does that since any issue has always been linked back to the marriage best salad 135 this poor boy probably didn't want to marry you at all and was probably under pressure from his family it's good that he broke the engagement made by his family and not by his own choice because it probably saved you from a horrible marriage as for the old man how could he know that bringing up the subject could irritate you so much if you didn't communicate it to him he certainly wasn't thinking badly you should have communicated your limits to him op I'm not upset that he broke off the marriage itself you're right he did not want to marry me I'm upset because he chose to keep going along with it for years all while having a relationship with another woman he never once told me that he was against the match I would have broken it off myself and actually spent my teen and college Years dating someone who actually liked me like he got to do only his grandfather insisted on the match his parents and sister would have been Overjoyed if he didn't act like a coward and told me the truth instead of pretending to be my boyfriend for years update hello everybody thanks to the few people who commented on my first post there was some confusion about the details but still some of you gave me some insight into the situation while I did tell shashi's grandfather to stop mentioning shashi's marriage with my cousin in retrospect I realized that I was more firm about the matter with my grandmother and him in comparison before I thought he was trying to be Sly by sneaking in mentions of shashi's marriage problems but now I see that he really thought he was validating me even after my first warning I decided to give the grandfather another chance and planned on establishing my boundaries again this time more firmly at this point I've skipped four of our usual Park meetings and I'll admit I miss him my father was always so busy trying to provide for me and my grandfather died when I was young so shashi's grandfather was kind of my only consistent male figure in my life growing up however while I was trying to figure out how or what to message him to reconcile I got a call from a random number it was shashy I immediately hung up on Instinct after another attempt Shashi just texted me apparently his grandfather had been eating less and less lately only a few spoonfuls at a time I guess he took my silence and missed meetings as I cut ties with him for good and went into a deep depression ever since of course I felt guilty and worried shashi's grandfather was healthy for his age but he was still old and not eating properly for weeks was horrible to think about Shashi called me again and this time I answered he made some dry comments about being surprised that we were still talking after all these years something like whenever he mentioned going to the park to see his favorite grandchild I thought he meant one of my cousins not you I decided to ignore his tone and just told Shashi that I had already made up my mind to reconcile with his grandfather and to please tell him that I would be happy to see him as soon as possible if he would like he said he would and then went quiet in a strange voice he mentioned that his sister had seen me and my friends coming out of a popular bridal shop in our area apparently she was there preparing for her own wedding when she saw me he was clearly trying to sound casual but it only made me angrier one we are not friends or even acquaintances anymore for him to try to make small talk with me and two after years of no contact this is what he asks about pathetic I just said that the appointment was for my friend and that I'm glad his family found someone to marry the brat his sister is older than both of us and called me used Goods after the engagement fell through needless to say I don't like her he tried to say something else but I cut him off and hung H up before he could sorry if that all sounded overly dramatic all in all I'm meeting shashi's grandfather tomorrow at our usual place I'll try to update again if anything happens but if not thanks again to the people who took the time to comment on my last post third story my wife wants to bring her friend into our SX life what should I do my wife Ash and I have been married for 8 years I always knew she had bisual interests or was at least VI curious but it never bothered me in the past we visited strip clubs as well and she too enjoyed private dances last week Ash told me she had been thinking for a while if maybe we could consider occasionally including another girl in our SX life I asked her what she meant and she brought up that her friend CLA had expressed an interest in us I know Claire and she always seemed like a quiet unassuming woman and I was surprised about this my wife said that before they could have further talk about this she wanted me to know and have my opinion she said she thinks she would really like that and it could spice up our bedroom I was more concerned than anything else I read many horror stories about threesums gone wrong and poly relationships never working out in the end my wife countered that she doesn't want a poly relationship just a exual thing and that she understands my concerns and that if I fear it would damage our marriage she will take it off the table without any ill feelings she still asked me to seriously consider it because it could be something beautiful to share and she wants me in it because she wouldn't enjoy it at all if I consented but kept out so either both of us are in or the thing is off she also said we'll be extensively talking with CLA before anything happens and discussing boundaries limits and conditions Ash is a very logical woman so logical that we joke that like all Engineers she doesn't live she functions so I am drawn to trust her on the logistic and emotional aspects of this I asked if she could get jealous of CLA if I did anything with her and she replied that she actually fantasized about it she also reiterated that CLA is not taking the place of any of us us she is an extra and she knows it like the strippers we visited I'm leaning toward trusting Ash and I am considering it but I still have lots of concerns what should I do should I at least talk about this with both of them before giving them the green light tldr wife proposed a threesome with another girl I don't know what to do comments I I logical there is always a risk that you'll ruin your relationship if you're both happy to gamble on that then go for it samry you got to think does your wife want a real threesome or just to be with a woman while you are in the room in other words will she be okay if during your encounter you start banging CLA like a crazed hound and enjoying it or would that be a big no no for her next would she then want to do a threesome with another guy instead of another girl would you be okay with another guy banging on your wife like a cheap tambourine on the surface it sounds like a Penthouse Letter gone to reality but the potential Fallout is huge op she wants me to bang CLA and this is the part that actually troubles me the most update 4 days later I spoke with Ash at length about her proposal and her friend CLA I brought up some of the points you guys made and some I was concerned about such as would this green light bring other people including men into our relationship why CLA do I have to be concerned about the two of them having feelings I don't know about do I have to be concerned about Ash's feelings potentially getting hurt if I do anything with CLA I didn't put those as accusations but as concerns on my part which Ash repli lied to very exhaustively first it doesn't have to be CLA she's very much into the idea and available but she has already accounted for my not wanting her and won't take it personally if that's the case for now we have decided for me to meet up with CLA both on my own with Ash's knowledge to discuss things and also for me to know her better and with my wife if things progress about them having feelings Ash told me that CLA is basically a seasoned unicorn she has never caught feelings for any couple and is good at distancing herself if anyone catch feelings as for ash she has admitted her only feelings for CLA are for a friend and admittedly some exual attraction as for me and Clare doing things Ash has outlined her desires as two her banging on an attractive woman and her watching me banging on an attractive woman sort of something vois and she said she dreamed and fantasized about this for a while now basically fantasizing about me cheating on her but with her approval I am still wrapping my head around all this and she assured me that if I get too uncomfortable about this we can shove the whole thing no question asked she assured me that her fantasies are not worth compromising our marriage for a couple of orgasms if I'm not up to it she says I have the last say and she'll respect it no matter what this reassures me and for now we are still in the considering it stage comments Alia scribe I wouldn't agree to do it with Claire that's a recipe for disaster my advice is that if you agree make a rule that nothing happens to anyone you come into contact with more than once no friends co-workers or anything like that I've read a lot of stories about bringing someone in close because they won't catch feelings or because they've done it before and it always ends badly op the wife had proposed hiring an escort but for many people here that's also a bad idea update 5 days later hey guys after reading many comments and threads I decided that having a threesome with another woman like my wife asked is not a good idea and I don't feel comfortable going through with it or talking anymore about it I am considering asking my wife if we should cut off The Other Woman maybe stop some activities we did before visiting strip clubs and perhaps consider putting some hard limits and boundaries on our SX life I don't want to risk what we have for a bit of fun and you guys help me realize that I plan to have some big talks with her about how I am concerned I might be losing her even though she says everything is all right and never seems unhappy and that I don't want anything to cause a rift between us thank you for all the advice and comments comments beneficial syrup 800 69 good for you for doing what you want to do and what's best for your relationship op thank you time to put some Stoppers odd Mastadon 212 good for you op if you are not comfortable that is enough reason not to do it sometimes things seem to be going amazingly well with a couple and they are having the best SX they ever had Etc so they take off the guard rails on the marriage do not take off the guard rails update on the next update Big Turk I hate to tell you but if it's in her head she not going to let it go op she will have to she said we could shelf the thing if I didn't feel comfortable and she's always been a woman of her word thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPsFiancConfessedHeIsinLoveWithHerCousinJustBeforetheWeddingSoSheCutTiesWith
hello everyone my name is Steven and welcomed the storytime today we're going to be reading some malicious compliance stories tales were following the rules lead to some just desserts and let me just say if you're not already subscribed to storytime please consider doing so but with that being said that sit back relax and listen to some captivating reddit stories software educator - doc yes sir whatever you say so I am a registered nurse that travels the country teaching electronic medical records to hospitals and clinics I've met my fair share of fantastic doctors and a few smile but fantasize about punching in the face doctors this one is the latter I'm in a specialty clinic showing how to document ambulatory visits in their new software overall great staff and doctors things are going smoothly until dr. a-hole shows up with his staff his staff are great the workflows for their end are working well I introduced myself to doc whole and am immediately given attitude about the software it's too cumbersome it's stupid designed poorly etc I let him chew on my butt for a while I've got plenty of fat down there and can stand to lose a bit anyway when he winds down I say okay well let's see what we can do to make it work for you he then goes into his first patient's room for a few minutes and I pull up that patient to get ready so this software streamlines the billing process each click has a purpose and you can see at a glance what the bill will be and what you lack in documentation to bill a higher level for accuracy not to charge more he comes out and I start to show him the flow he needs to follow to get his levels I get about half a sentence out when he interrupts that that stupid in precice to start chewing my butt up and down again says he is going to dictate show him how to do that the thing is that the software doesn't read dictation so he won't get his bill built automatically which is a huge reason they purchased the software I try to reinforce that and he basically tells me to shut up and walks away to complain about me and the software to someone on the phone so I retreat to the staff and help them for a while come to find out he skipped all the classes and gotten any training the doctor comes back and rips me a new one for not being available because I was with the staff I get up and he pulls up the patient on his iPad show me where to duct-tape yes sir whatever you say you can dictate exams here and you can dictate your plans here he proceeds to do that for a patient but decides it's too much and goes back to paper and will dictate at the end of the day so I help staff the rest of the day alert my boss to the issue in his admin the end of the day comes and he starts dictating everything finalized his notes and continues to eat it to me about how crappy the system is okay that's fine I just smile because every single note he sends out either doesn't have enough to create a bill or only produces a 9212 which pays a lot less than the two 14s he would have gotten if he let me show him the proper way cue three days later I hear through the grapevine he's yelled the other trainers out and they backed off and let him have his way as well so the fallout billing finally catches up and most of his PT's got charged way less than they should have been and many of his claims couldn't even be submitted last I heard he got reamed and was sitting with another doctor and had to be shown how to document we were all gone from the site and not available to Train so I was quite happy that his attitude caused them to lose money and now time and his patients got a discounted office visit he tried complaining about us but we all know how to document to cover our ears for non-compliant trainees my butt is fine despite his chewing it out and he can kiss it for all I care from what I've heard the medical field is a place where you're constantly having to learn new stuff so as a doctor he should have been capable of sitting down and learning from the trainer how this software works for his profession just another person that just tries to get too stuck in their ways and all just I gotta learn something I don't want to do that get that out of my face and led to some serious issues so I guess one way or another he was going to have to learn somehow he just learned the hard way I don't need a wig if you say so I started cosplaying at the tender age of 15 I was still am really a cool 5 foot 3 so who better to cosplay than one Edward Elric for my first go at it my parents like most others had no idea what cosplay was but it wasn't illegal or dangerous so they weren't about to stop me until they saw the price tag for those unfamiliar cosplay is a pricey hobby I want to say that the costume plus wig plus boots I wanted to get would have run me around $200 I had the money and was going to pay but my parents refused to let me they would allow me to get the costume but not the boots or the wig I was able to modify a pair of boots I own to work but their solution to the lack of wig was well I had long light brown hair at the time my parents solution was to braid my hair and spray dyed yellow using cheap spray dye from the party store I don't know if any of you have used this stuff but whatever brand my mom bought dried into a powder which really didn't like sticking to hair but loved sticking to fabric my dad is a bit of a helicopter parent so he wasn't about to let me go to a convention in Boston alone he drove me there and back that day something else about my dad is that he has a real bug up his butt about my posture constantly telling me to sit up straight whenever I was sitting down his car had fabric seeding cue malicious compliance I sat straight as a board head against the headrest back against the seat the whole way home wanted to preserve what little color managed to stay on for the con on the way there to this day if you look carefully there's yellow in the backseat of that car I was allowed to buy a wig then next year I don't know why they were so insistent on not getting the wig maybe they figured you know they wouldn't use it as much just like a one-time thing so maybe it wasn't I don't know it just seems like an odd thing to me that they were so insistent on not getting a wig but their insistence on sprayed I bit them in the butt and opie was then allowed to get a wig so everything worked out in the I'll write your essay but I'm gonna write it my way in middle school there was a system where every month in each class subject students would have to write an essay on a given prompt even math classes we wrote about five essays a month I like to write and did so often in my spare time I did not like writing stupid three page essays along the lines of what is your morning routine and talk about your favorite foods these essays were kind of killing my passion for writing now that I'm older I think they gave us easier prompts to help boost their stats easy essay equals mores but at the time it was just tedious I asked my social studies teacher if we could get more interesting prompts and he told me that he has to pick the prompts from a list the school provided and he was trying his best to find interesting ones he suggested trying to make it as interesting as possible for myself but that I had to answer the prompt oh I'll answer the prompts all right our next essay was to write a short story with the following instructions Sergio is looking forward to a fun-filled summer vacation until something unexpected changes his plans man I wish I still had the story I wrote because it was beautiful I wrote a story from the perspective of Sergio's mother she was sitting on the curb outside of her house police all around her and Sergio lay dead in the street he had been struck by a drunk driver I'm telling you it was dark if I were to write it again today I think I'd make them mom his killer for some added splash but honestly it's probably a good thing I hadn't written that in eighth grade I'd have probably have landed myself in counseling my teacher gave me an A for the assignment because I mean I followed the prompt and wrote well nothing changed but at least I got a little thrill for my malicious compliance hey it's called creative writing for a reason they gave you a simple prompt and you took it and made it into something way bigger than it was it's your own masterpiece in your own right and good on the teacher for giving you an A and not like questioning you about it and doing some like counter grade F thing just because it's a dark essay no students in the war kitchen okay I teach at a college and we were recently moved into the new building it is essentially a gym complete with a swimming pool and the college opened it up to the public one of the rooms is a warming kitchen it has a microwave and toaster oven since this building opened they changed the hours of the cafeteria it now closes just before my class starts this leaves no place for my students to get food it's a 4.5 hour class my class is an evening class when almost no one is around so my students have been using it as well the basic rule is just clean up after yourself well the lifeguards for the pool have decided it is their break room last semester there were no issues now there's one Karen in particular that chases students out after she gave me the third degree as to who I was she chased two of my students out cue malicious compliance I told my students to stand in the doorway and give me their food to warm up I went to them carried the food to the microwave and heated it up for them then walked back to them and gave it to them I could see the Karen fuming so I simply said if you have a problem we can discuss it with the Dean and at the same time we can discuss your disrespectful attitude towards a professor she now leaves the room when I come in good on Opie for helping out when these kids need food or can't get food in this 4-point hour time span and people are trying to prevent them from being able to get food it's kind teachers like Opie that make people remember classes fondly was worried about how I dressed a few years back I was working for a local community bank in the loan processing department the bank was under a consent order from the FDIC due to some loans that had gone bad and left the bank with insufficient assets on hand of course they didn't do much with any customer interaction but company policy for the guys was to have dress pants button-up shirt and a tie the department was also located in the basement of the building so I was visible by the customers four times a day at the most punching in and out of the day for lunch apparently at some point during one of those visits the executive VP saw me walking to punch in or out and from her office being she rarely walked out of it noticed my shirt had wrinkles in it from 30 to 40 feet away she contacts my manager a stereotypical butt kisser who would never say anything other than yes to his boss and loved to make his employees a living heck and he jumped at the opportunity to lower the employee morale if at all possible he walks into the room where the three of us are working and informed me that my shirt was too wrinkly and that it needed to be dealt with now I'm lazy when it comes to my clothes so anything that I can't hang up out of the dryer and have wrinkle free doesn't make it into the wardrobe I checked with my coworkers who are standing beside me and are unable to find any of the wrinkles that everyone seems to be so sure is causing the bank to fail the next day I had no choice but to deal with the problem as I didn't want to be responsible for the bank failing after all my manager and the executive team were doing a great job of that on their own so I did what I felt was appropriate I broke out my suit was sure that everything was clean and wrinkle free and headed off to work I walked past my boss's desk just outside of the room he worked in and he looks up in stares for a second he then asks what I was so dressed up for and I let him know that I didn't want to be talked to about my wrinkles again he gives me a disappointed look as if I had missed the point of the conversation the day before and I walked into the office I made a point of walking into the lobby of the bank in a full view of the executive vp multiple times that day to be sure that I was noticed as I wanted to make as big of a point as I could not surprisingly I put myself on the unofficial hit list of the bank everything I did was monitored emails movement loan files I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the boss had a log of my bathroom breaks I spent about two months of being treated like that and left and about two months after the bank was sold and the executive team including my boss got canned as part of the deal here's another case of over management even if the shirt was remotely wrinkly I don't think it would really be an issue if I walked into a bank and I saw a worker that had a slightly wrinkled t-shirt I wouldn't even think anything of it like why does that matter to me so good on op4 dressing to the nine walking in and showing them how it's done do it the way I tell you or get points off my English teacher is very uptight with her grading and takes it very seriously she sometimes takes points off for things like grammar on a test about a novel basically a bunch of normally a students have B's and C's so onto the meat of the story yesterday we were assigned a research project where we research a controversial topic and make a slide show or movie using picture Story 3 in our notes we needed three articles annotated and notes on a separate sheet including two quotes for each article and two paraphrased facts each I decided since she gives low grades to slackers that I'll do some extra work instead of paraphrasing with bullet points it said nothing about bullet points on the rubric I wrote full sentences in a mini paragraph form thinking it would boost my grade so at the end of class I hand her my papers and she sorts through to grade I knew I messed up when I saw her get a grin and look at me with these malicious eyes she then says to me that I formatted my page wrong so I got half of the entire 20-point assignment wrong even though formatting was only 5% of the grade and gave me an F all because I didn't do a bulleted list she then says do it the way I tell you or get points off she said this which filled me with anger aspargus went off in my mind for revenge I knew exactly how I was going to do it as well the next day we were working on citations and making our bibliography papers and I made sure to follow the rubric word-for-word for the sake of time I will tell you about the two biggest examples first off she said to leave two spaces between each source so instead of pressing enter twice for two lines of space I pressed space twice then she said to title it works cited I did these things exactly how she vaguely wrote her rubric I mean she could not give points off for me following the rubric because I did as she said I printed the paper following her MLA format and as she came around the computer lab room I got nervous and excited at the same time but mostly aimed she got to me and I was almost laughing but I kept my cool and she turned to me and said what did I say to you yesterday in return I told her I did what you said she returned with a snarky attitude saying how she never said to put brackets on the title and the spaces needed to be too tall I hand her that same grin back and said to her face that she put it on the rubric and I did as she said you could see it in her face that she was mad and she was searching for a way to get me in trouble but she could not I got an A+ on that assignment but I have to worry now about her being on my back what did I take out of this learn how your teacher or instructor does their thing and do it how they want it another thing is that revenge is great but it'll bite your back the revenge sure was pretty satisfying going and literally following the rubric word-for-word but I maybe would have liked to have seen a little bit more parent involvement or even like supervisor involvement as far as an administrator a principal a dean whatever it may be this teacher is on her high horse and needed to be knocked a few pegs down but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for listening to and watching this storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and leave any feedback in the comments below thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime Channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceSoftwareEducatorVSDoctorWhateveryousayorig
is it normal to still want to have sex every other day after 11 years together my husband and I have been together since we were 17 been married since we were 24 I have always enjoyed intimacy with him and that has not changed but I don't want to have sex for to five times a week anymore responsibilities at work have increased with longer hours and during working days I would rather watch Netflix or read a book at the end of the day still enjoy sex on non-working days it's different for him he's always enjoyed having sex as often as possible but seems to want it more now than before particularly when he's stressed from work which is strange I once brought it up and he said that it helps him relax and unwind and stop overthinking about work issues is it normal to want sex every other day after more than a decade with each other I hate turning him down but I do need to talk to him about it
give me a good story on Isitnormaltostillwanttohavesexeveryotherdayafterelevenyearstogetherredditshorts
hello everyone my name is Steven and welcome to story time today we're going to be reading some are / I don't work here lady stories and quickly before this video starts a fun fact for you lovely people about 60-percent if you actually aren't currently subscribed so if you enjoyed these videos please consider subscribing so you'll never miss an upcoming one with that being said let's get into the stories I am NOT your personal shopper my district manager would come to my campus once a month to go over accounts with me and help with any issues I might have been facing I was the office manager for a ground campus school that offered certificates and medical assisting billing and coding digital multimedia and web design as well as computer repair etc the district manager always came on Friday as school was only a half-day and staff left at 1:30 p.m. also so the district manager and I got to talking about personal things and she mentions that she is going to a fancy event but hasn't had the time to go shopping well I am all about the shopping and ask what did she need she tells me she needs a new bra and maybe a jacket to go over a dress but hasn't been able to get the right fit the district manager is pretty busty so I tell her about a plus-size shop near campus that has a huge selection of bras and she can get measured for the right fit and I have a coupon we go shopping we get to the shop in a strip mall and the store is not big just the rectangle that is open so you can see all the way to the back very open concept the store has three changing rooms on the right wall in the center of the store and two more dressing rooms on the left wall at the back of the store the checkout of situated in the very center of the store all the way in the back so the staff can see the entire store as I am a frequent flyer of the store the day staff recognizes me I ask if one of them will help at the bra fitting and it's yes they will be happy to while I wait for district manager to get measured I mosey around wasting time and hope to pick up a sale item now I am dressed in my usual Friday attire of polo shirt with the name of my school in jeans I am also carrying my purse so clearly I don't work here a nice lady comes out of a fitting room while I am roaming the store and checks on her outfit in the mirror and she is tugging on the jacket and frowning she sees me glance up and asks me what did I think about what she had on nice lady tells me hubby is taking her offer anniversary and she wants to make a good impression I tell nice lady that I saw a rap on the other side of the store that was her color and on sale we go over to look at it and sure enough she loved it I then say you should really try this dress on it's perfect for your body type in the color was terrific with her hair and skin tone she takes it and goes to try it on I am still waiting on my district manager and still browsing the store and I'm peripherally aware there are about two to three customers in the store a nice lady comes out of the dressing room wearing the dress and the wrap by shoulder and she looks fantastic she tells me she is getting both items and I say don't forget some jewelry and do you have shoes to go with your outfit at home nice lady goes to the register pays and on the way out of the door says thank you for helping me my district manager comes out of the dressing room and picks on her bra and she and I walk around the store on her jacket hunt I helped her to pick out a jacket and she was really happy with her choice and goes to the register to pay I followed her to the register and had the staff hold my items until I was ready for a fitting room so I could have both ants at digging the clearance racks when someone behind me says excuse me thinking I was in the way of miss excuse me I scooted over and said I'm sorry I did not mean to get in your way I then Here I am in a hurry so stop what you're doing and come help me put together an outfit still I am elbow deep in the clearance thinking this heifer is extra rude and then the miss excuse me says hello are you deaf or just stupid hurry up and help me because I'm a paying customer I then realized she is talking to me I turned around with my polo clearly showing the name of my school and say I don't work here miss excuse me then says yes you do I just watched you helping to customers and talking to the girls at the register if you were a customer you would not do that you either help me or I will complain and you will get fired miss excuse me then says I come in here all the time and it's been a lot of money in this store so I want a personal shopper to come help me right now honest to god I thought she was going to stomp her feet to emphasize her point again ma'am I don't work here another yes you do okay what the heck no I was feeling kind of spicy because miss excuse me called me a liar stupid and asked if I was deaf so I reply I think you are exaggerating because if you really came in all the time and spent lots of money I would know who you were I followed up with only our special customers get the assistance of the stores personal shopper and you are just not that special miss excuse me stomped her way back to the register to tell the staff how rude I was and she wanted to speak to the manager because I should be fired one of the staff told her I did not work there and the store did not employ a personal shopper if looks could kill I would be very dead I really loved to go shopping so just because somebody's helping somebody out that automatically means they're working somewhere somebody can't help another person out unless they're being paid for it is that who is that what I'm getting from this maybe that's just the world miss excuse me lives in just seemed kind of spoiled anyways no really school is completely closed I am on the janitorial team that was sanitizing our public school buildings during the cancellations last week Monday I arrived for my first day and I was tackling in auditorium it was no secret that schools were closed it was on the news there were signs on the doors I think the city even sent a text alert about it to anyone signed up for municipal notifications and the school absolutely sent emails but as I'm beginning to clean with my car to my janitorial uniform a woman comes in with two kids five and seven ish I say hi I'm sorry the school is closed for the rest of the and she cuts me off saying yeah yeah I know but this is the daycare service right no what no I'm just a member of the cleaning crew well where's the daycare they're what I don't think there is one we're sanitizing every room today you could go to the office and ask but I didn't see anyone in there it's really just us oh great so you're in charge I'll be back at 2:15 right I'm not in charge of anything you'll need to go to the office or probably go home actually I don't think there's any kind of service what are you talking about they wouldn't just cancel school without a day care service for working parents where's your boss my boss is also a janitor trust me they can't help you now at this point the kids had begun to run around the gym which meant I'd have to Reese Anna ties whatever they so I said more firmly you need to go I'm not supposed to let people in here during cleaning at this point I wasn't sure if she was messing with me or if she really didn't know she seemed busy she had a cellphone in one hand and no hands on the kids without looking up she says well you should have cleaned before the kids started to arrive shouldn't you I'm starting to wonder if I'm the crazy one at this point there are no kids arriving I'm cleaning the school is closed I know school is closed that's why I'm leaving them in the daycare and just like that she was off I was calling after her hey excuse me lady you cannot leave kids in here I didn't know what to do about it so I took the kids to my boss and asked what we needed to do the boss said so they just love these kids here why didn't you tell her that the school was closed who doesn't know that by now I explained that I did tell her and she either was so checked out she didn't understand or she chose to ignore me so the boss said this is all way too risky we can't keep an eye on them and there are dangerous products and who knows why she left them here we don't need this problem better call whoever you call kids about with no one to watch them Cobb's we also had one of the janitors trying to get a name and number off the kids but they didn't really know but we have a few undocumented immigrants on the crew and a couple others who would have just been nervous to have cops buzzing around the work place so we googled it and ended up calling a child services hotline ultimately a social worker came and with cops but they didn't bother anyone though just focused on the kids the cops went through the kids bags and found their last name on a school binder and found a number to call they got the kids father who was I or 8 they had the conversation on speakerphone so we caught bits and pieces what do you mean there where aren't schools closed and he was there within 10 minutes I guess he called his wife for an explanation during that time because she arrived not too soon afterwards the cops and social workers were lecturing them and the woman was like I led them with a childcare worker in the drop-off area and they reiterated that there was no daycare and they had no idea what she was talking about so to that point I thought ok I guess she's just really really dumb then the cops let him go with a warning about understanding where they're leaving their kids with whom but as they were leaving the woman sneered at my boss was it really such a big deal that you had to call the police so now I wonder whether she was trying to pull a fast one on us or if she was just that stupid the world may never know but I still laugh at this story what a dumb lady what how do you I don't even understand how do you go to the school see eight obvious janitor think it's daycare and don't listen to anything he says schools closed there's nobody here there's nobody here we don't have daycare and then you just leave your kids there anyways why didn't it target Karen gets what she deserves I was wearing a red shirt and tan slacks when I went into a target and got mistaken for an employee got yelled at for not doing as I'm told by some lady so she screamed at me like she had grabbed my shirt hands on my person yelling in my face so mid yell I fake sneezed into her open mouth and said I was waiting for my test results still at the time the plague hadn't gotten to the states yet timeframe wise she tried to have a seizure and a heart attack at the same time and I think her operating system just crashed she just froze like no sound just frozen the death shrieked shortly after was music to my ears though not gonna lie I just don't understand why there's so many people that go to Target and they get so easily irritated by somebody who isn't an employee but they don't know that not helping them right away and then they start getting physical or at least incredibly hostile good on op4 giving this lady a piece of her medicine she deserved that fake sneeze spooky lady he's a customer and he's deaf had my roommate taking me to wail Martin last night I was wearing average sign friendly clothes dark shirt blue button up over shirt that was open black swim shorts no yellow vest indicating I worked for the Mart of walls completely secondhand some of you may recognize me from my account as I've posted some more wholesome stories on the subreddit but I'm severely hard of hearing so much so I claim to be deaf I can't hear women and children completely silent that's important to the story a female manager at the Winn Mart was apparently screaming and hollering at me for a solid ten minutes before my roomie figured out what the Freak was going on and got my attention he had told the manager that was screaming at me that one I'm a customer into I'm deaf the manager went as white as a sheet of paper and apologized profusely Silver Lining ten dollar gift card for not even knowing that I was getting screamed at by a banshee it's one thing to hear a lot of these stories about a shopper getting upset but a manager and in public not a very good manager one I think they should know who's actually working there so I don't think they should be yelling at you for 10 minutes in public that's for sure but hey at least you got a $10 gift card that's something so anyways a couple years ago I went to Italy and as I was a teen at that time with my family we plan to go to the Vatican to check out the beautiful architecture and artwork of the Sistine Chapel in st. Peter's Cathedral afterwards in the Vatican we got hungry and stopped at a local Italian bar in restaurant in the city since it was reverent to wear modest clothing being in the Cathedral I was wearing tan khakis and a nice polo shirt once we got to our table I went to the bathroom just before I got to my table an elderly American man with a fanny pack I'm American by the way just handed me his glass and casually told me to fill it with Pepsi with ice I was extremely confused at the moment it just froze there I'm short and Latino so he must have confused me with a teenage waiter or something but he started getting impatient because I said nothing so he assumed I didn't know English or something and tried to say it in a different way I started mumbling um and his wife finally figured out that I wasn't a waiter so she apologized and I went to my table next to theirs still semi confused and the guy didn't even apologize well at least his wife was there to be able to actually recognize the situation and apologize for it not the best consolation prize rather it be the actual guy apologizing but it's something but with that being said that's all the time we have for today thank you so much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and let us know what you thought about these stories in the comments below thank you all again for watch and listening to the storytime Channel
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladySchooliscompletelyCLOSEDorig
what made you laugh the hardest in your entire life Story one back in the mid 90s when I was a 15 something teenager my cousins and I had the house to ourselves so one decided to put explicit content in the VCR I warned him that my dad was coming home soon and that he might want to think twice but he didn't heed my warning we kept watching the front door so we'd be ready to eject the tape and not get caught lo and behold my dad just happened to come through the side door in the garage that day and was suddenly standing there behind us myself and one of my cousins bolted out of the room when we noticed him the third cousin wasn't so lucky he noticed us running off and with my dad right behind him shouted after us hey where are you guys going don't you want to drain your snake at that point I lost all feelings in my legs as I fell to the floor and laughter I could still see my cousin through the hallway because he was slowly turning around noticing my dad behind him at which point he jumped back around frantically trying to figure out how to turn off the VCR but to no avail it was one of those really old VCRs where stopping a jack burnt on the front of the unit he finally just dropped his knees and tried hugging the TV to block a picture crying that he was sorry I turned so red from laughter that it felt like I was running a fever I had difficulty breathing for the rest of the day and my ribs felt like they'd just been shattered my poor cousin though he not only got caught watching corn in hilarious fashion but he also got teased for years about whether or not he was serious about his proposal to drain our snakes in the same room together hi I'm in tears just thinking of this entire scenario the idea of finding your dad right there and all of you running in different directions hilarious story two during the peak of those what in tarnation memes my college buddies and I road trip from Michigan to New Orleans from Mardi Gras during our spring break about 10 hours in when we were already feeling really goofy or bored from the long trip a tire rolled across the highway in front of the car my friend well the tire is still crossing her path screams what entire nation and that stupid joke is the hardest I've ever laughed why are the dumbest jokes always the funniest can I be friends with your friend story 3. I was in college I shared a dorm with my buddy Matt my girlfriend my first real love had done something messed up and decided we weren't together I was utterly heartbroken I cried for days I have a history of serious depression morbid thoughts and it just sent me to a spiral I remember laying in bed with my arm over my face so that Matt wouldn't know tears were streaming down my face he mentioned that an old friend of his from Round Rock Texas would be coming to stay in her dorm for the weekend I didn't give a crap and I didn't even really remember until the guy showed up he came in the door Matt introduced him as chat and I stayed in bed with my arm over my face Matt and shut were catching up talking about old times when she had asked what my problem was Matt explained the breakup in the depression Chuck proceeded to walk over to my bed and pull the covers off me he pulled my arm off my face and said now while I'm here not on my watch I couldn't stop crying he dragged me out of bed and sat me down next to Matt with just talked he started telling jokes I wish to God I could remember what he said within 30 minutes I had for the first time in my life fallen out of my chair laughing I laughed so hard I cried he was that funny the entire weekend he had me laughing I loved him for it it was like meeting a brother or an angel or something when he laughed I hugged him so many times and told him I loved him we kept in touch a little bit over Facebook just once in a while one day I checked his Facebook around him all the posts said rip or I miss you so much I couldn't figure out what was going on it literally made no sense it texted his aunt and said what the heck is this stuff she said I'm so sorry baby Chad has taken his life his ashes were spread in Garner State Park outside of Round Rock it was his favorite place I was at my mother's house when I got the message she hadn't seen me cry since I was 10 years old I tried so hard to swallow it down I broke down it has been about six years I still think of him and break down but I will never forget the day he got me out of bed and said out of my watch I may ask Matt my old door buddy just what it was Chet said to me to me make me fall out of that chair I will never forget Chester haydel I love you Chad hey also if you didn't know yet me and a couple of my friends just launched Rufus rugs premium custom hand tufted rugs maybe you're just a fan of nodrotel and want to show it off or maybe you just love Pokemon and want bus toys on display for everyone either way we can make almost anything so hit the first link in the description to learn more story for I met a guy named Dan for some friends Dan was friendly and fun to hang out with he got a job running errands for some rich guy so he dropped by my work at a grocery store to say hello and hang out if I had a break coming up and down was hilarious there was one very late night of poker with me Dan and a few more friends and we started getting Giddy and that's when it happened Dan broke out in The Safety Dance we were all laughing so hard that we couldn't breathe we were choking one dude fell out of his chair we calmed down and finished our game and started to head out when we got outside the sky was silver and pink from The Morning Sun and Dan gave us a goodbye performance of The Safety Dance again and we fell out laughing to tears and choking and a couple of us had to sit down so that we didn't fall down it was a legendary night and one of the best times of my life a couple months later I got a call from a mutual friend letting me know that Dan had been diagnosed with brain cancer two days later he was dead he'd been engaged for two weeks right before he went to the doctor because he wasn't feeling well his funeral had hundreds of people show up and the crowd Spilled Out of the church and into the yard many of my friends were there and I was surprised to run into even more mutual friends from other clicks that I ran with the service was the funniest saddest experience in my life as people recalled their Tales of Dan being sweet silly and outrageous I've never heard anyone say anything bad about him ever and every time I hear The Safety Dance I get to remember him it makes me a little sad but mostly grateful to have such a good friend in my life I remember that poker night where I nearly peed myself laughing man Dan really was the man now say that five times fast ory five standing on the sidewalk next to one of those metal electrical boxes my little sister was standing between me and the Box facing me she shouts tag you're it spins around to run away at a full Sprint she slams into the box just like Wiley Coyote running into a wall I've never laughed so hard in my life the people passing by afterward just saw a six-year-old crying next to an adult laughing uncontrollably in the ground eventually I composed myself and picked her up and told her she'll be all right it felt so bad but if it wasn't suppressing Giggles the whole way home I'm just imagining Ron Swanson Giggles while you carry her home and it's making me laugh at work that's a story to tell forever during Thanksgiving her prom night her wedding that's gonna crack everyone up story six I have a Ukrainian co-worker who was several decades older than me and is a super serious pretty strange guy he has a very stereotypical old-school Soviet style to him he always speaks and identifies as Russian he heard my friend and I telling trivial amusing stories to each other on a break and joined our little circle with a biggest smile on his face looking to join in and relate he explains that when he was in university he had a car but his friends destroyed his car by literally bludgeoning it to pieces and messed him up viciously as a prank you know as friends do then he could barely get through the next part of the story he was laughing so hard when he explained that from then on he had to run to and from University he said he ran so often with his bag that he ended up separating his abdominal muscles and severely injuring himself at this point my friend and I are dying from laughter too so our comrade feels great about his Smash Hit of a story and heads back to his desk I still won't go into a room alone with that guy oh Russians messing up people as a prank I can't imagine what they do to each other when they're mad what laugh story 7. Bosnian here we've been here since the mid 90s and while my father can speak excellent English he has yet to really get the meaningful English sayings quite correct but since the language of dad is universal he insists in trying to use them often usually incorrect I should also mention he calls meat flesh since that's how it was translated back in the day this was relevant I was struggling in my first real job getting adjusted to working in an office after college or still my dad had a stroke and had been in the hospital and we were all terribly worried and on edge I was just about to try and take a lunch break when I got an announcement to come to the front desk I'm shocked and delighted to see that it is my father in a wheelchair pushed by my mother smiling with half his face and looking a bit glassy-eyed but there all the same they run to them and say papa you're here is it really you now what do you think he wanted to say was yes it's me in the flesh but he ended up saying with a half paralyzed face and super thick way too loud Slavic accent was yes it is I your father the alive meat man imagine this is the first thing you hear your father say after a week in the hospital imagine the sudden relief and incredible absurdity watching these immigrants in a posh New York Fashion office drawing as much attention possible to the lowly new intern their daughter I have never laughed and laughed so hard in my life it barely nearly peed myself my mother will still Mumble Mead man at me during times when we are supposed to be serious like prayers and they always immediately lose composure and laugh he's in good health to this day still mangling all kinds of English phrases still a great source of joy and amusement to his family my God this is amazing thank you for sharing and I'm glad to hear your data since been in good health beating it up Long Live meat man I hope you're cracking up in these stories so far don't forget to like And subscribe back to the video story eight at a party someone started riding a lawnmower up turn the steering wheel to the left and put it in high gear so it ran around in circles it was funny at first but got annoying after a while so we tried to shut it off the problem is it was moving pretty fast and we were all too drunk to catch it every time one of us would try to grab it and hop on we would miss fall over get run over by the lawnmower it got so funny watching everyone try that we couldn't stop laughing we eventually started throwing rocks at it which was even funnier trying to see drunk people trying aim a rocket a moving object this went on for a good hour before it ran out of gas story nine this school year my house had closed down so me and my four brothers went there pretty frequently One Summer and essentially made it a personal playground one day we were there playing basketball riding our skateboards and whatnot when a cop girl passed the school and saw us messing around in there obviously we weren't supposed to be there and went to hop the fence and run home all my brothers can manage the fence well and we're throwing our bikes over and trying to get the hell out of there before the cop turns the corner he probably would have just told us to go home but we were young and worried as I turned to grab one of the bikes I look over at my youngest brother who was probably around six or seven at the time got himself caught in the fence as he was coming down he managed to give himself the most ultimate wedgie I've ever seen he wasn't holding himself up or anything but he was suspended up in the air hanging by his underwear all of us just stopped trying to rush home and started howling with laughter to the point where we could hardly help my screaming brother down from his wedgie I still remember seeing his butt cheeks hanging out from his wedgie as he was crying begging for help probably my favorite childhood memory that's hilarious I really hope that the cops saw it too I bet you he radioed it in trying not to piss himself with laughter Story Time my son was four I told him to get dressed one morning he ran away to his room came back like half an hour later and he's wearing about 20 t-shirts on top of each other so his upper body looks huge then has a pair of shorts on I tried not to laugh then he says Daddy I put on my clothes and I have underwear on and he has this slag run obviously he didn't have any on and I don't know what the top part was about so I said and how many shirts do you have on buddy just one so he played for a while and finally he said he needed to go through the washroom so he walked out of the room and walk into the hallway and it turns out he didn't close the door he's got his pants around his ankles and his peeing standing up which surprised me but I noticed no underwear too plus his upper body looked huge it was pretty funny to see so I said dude you gotta close the door especially since I saw you were lying about wearing underwear no Daddy I'm wearing underwear you just can't see them so I said sure you are and close the door for him he comes back into the living room and proceeds to take off layer after layer of shirt piling them on the floor I was pretty much not sure what the hell he was up to but he seemed to be having fun anyways he puts like 20 or 25 shirts down and finally pulls off the second last one the freaking pair of underwear fall out and on the floor and he points at them and says see Daddy I was wearing underwear how is dumb founded he still lied about having only one shirt on though that's hilarious kids are so weird and funny I like how you think little dude wasn't technically lying either he did have one shirt one shirt on top of another story 11. I nearly lost my mind laughing at my buddy's bachelor party late at night sitting at a table after much drinking one of his friends who is a lawyer shared a theory that he'd heard all foods can be categorized into four grooves sandwich salad soup ravioli in other words by this definition a taco would be a sandwich carb used to hold ingredients open edges whereas a calzone or a Pop-Tart would be classified as ravioli this is obviously a ridiculous position but most of us were used to this guy's nonsense however one of the other guys at the tables from New York and took issue with this he had never met the lawyer before this weekend things started getting heated the more upset at these categories the guy from New York became the more the lawyer doubled down and gave increasingly Preposterous explanations and logic what about spaghetti clearly a salad it's tossed ingredients with a dressing meanwhile the rest of us were starting to lose it at how upset the New Yorker was getting it culminated in the guy from New York standing up out of his chair slamming his hands against the table and passionately screaming Pete says not a freaking sandwich well the rest of us were crying and laughing good times so what would Cinnamon Toast Crunch be classified as story 12 in college my roommates and I had a fun ritual for putting away our groceries after shopping there were so many of them we had to find a fun way to do it I posted myself with all the bags in the dining room and the other four posted in the kitchen then I just started throwing stuff at them pretty quick and my dad it didn't matter if it was glass milk jugs soda it got thrown and they always caught it until one day threw a gallon of orange juice they all thought someone else had it and it ended up exploding all over the kitchen a gallon of anything is a lot when it's suddenly all over in the floor we all started laughing while trying to clean it up tears and everything but then one of my roommates looked at all of us and said it's a good thing it wasn't milk otherwise this would have been an utter catastrophe that we all broke down laughing on the ground in the orange juice it was just too perfect her abs and faces hurt so much from all the laughing in conclusion I miss my roommates College stories are the best please try your best to have regular reunions but not gonna lie I'm a bit mad that your roommate missed the perfect chance to say orange you glad it was a milk story 13. first time I saw the Krusty Krab commercial episode of SpongeBob where Mr Krabs demands the crew for Squidward proposed commercial go home they all start walking away except for a clown who gets told he can stay it makes a celebratory face it felt like at 11 years old my lungs were ready to give out because of how much I had just freaking laughed oh man in that episode where Patrick makes a terrible song in the band dreary eyed and grimly ready for death looks at it and says we'll finish this one if it kills us a one a two a one two scene cut to their funeral organ music plays that one got me as an adult story 14 told this story before but it's still one of my favorites small child maybe four years old is running with two liter bottles of soda maybe it was root beer lots of bouncing already then she trips bottles go flying and she face plants she lifts her head up to cry and just then at the perfectly timed moment the cat blows off one of the bottles into her face spraying her with soda and foam her mother runs over still pushing the shopping cart for some reason and trying to catch herself grabs the side of the shopping cart she and car tip over a bag of flour explodes and covers the sticky child all of this was done with a Precision of a 1940s comedy short it was really impressive and sadly I did not get to film it story 15. so at lunch in high school my friend group had one kid who was always the butt of the joke let's call him Simon Simon always got made fun of because well he was an awkward kid there were only four of us and sometimes Simon took it a little hard so when walking with him to lunch I told him that he's got a push back and not just take it or nobody will respect him I told him that when the other people bust his chops he's got to say some crap back and I'll back him up we get to lunch and I'm thinking I just imparted some great wisdom in this kid when we see her buddies parthic and Ronaldo laughing at some stupid joke Simon thinking they're laughing at him Stomps right up to them with a smile of malice in his face something funny renello he says renello's in hysterics Simon then grabs his pizza stick the lunch entree dips it and catch up and smears it all over Ronaldo's face you like that you cheesy freak Simon says the hysterical laughter at the table which was not directed to Simon before now is Ronaldo is now laughing at the absurdity of the situation unable to get a word out Simon is in his creep face with a piece of stick asking him if he's enjoying it as renello mouths the words what the heck between bouts of laughter eventually things calm down and they explain to Simon that they were not in fact laughing at him when he approached the table I'm just imagining the scrawny awkward guy squishing a saucy Pizza stick in another guy's face I would have been absolutely crying with laughter if I'd seen that in person story 16 had a college choir teacher who used these weird analogies really talented but really weird analogies she taught us to project a richer tone by using our sinuses rather than just her throat by telling us to think of her heads as great big basketballs with air flowing through the basketball okay lady my hat's a basketball another time we were doing a song with a lot of Roboto where the tempo speeds up and slows down depending on the artistic styling from the conductor she told us to imagine we are batters a batting practice the pitching machine doesn't pitch balls at the same tempo or on game day if the opposing team's pitcher pitches slightly faster or slower will strike out so watch her like a pitching machine she'd ever use the same analogy twice except once we had a regional competition coming up with everyone expecting us to win the director calls the dean and some College administration to come watch us practice choir teacher has a stew sectionals which means one person from every section steps forward to sing for the rest of the group no hiding your flaws behind others I was called forward to represent the base in baritone section we're doing the whole song with Roboto and the whole group is behind she's not working with us to help us catch up she's making a show of going faster and faster finally she stops US you're not keeping up with me I protest it feels like you're directing the song Too Fast she points at me and sternly says your balls don't come at the same time now here's the thing this part wasn't what was so funny this woman was just as sweet as can be very prim and proper she was very good at hosting dinners very well spoken not a dirty or edgy bone in her body so I didn't get all juvenile had she been edgy would have just had a chuckle and moved on but instead I stood there like a Dillard could she could she mean no not that I'm looking around at my peers and they're all kind of nodding in agreement yep she's got a good point the balls do not in point of fact come at the same time true true finally I managed to croak out a very confused um what her son was in the choir with us God bless him he knew what was going on a crappy brain and he tried to be discreet he casually suggests she's talking about the pitching machine relief washed over me of course now it all made sense I said oh and was ready to move on with my life that's when everyone started pointing and laughing at me the choir teacher's face went dark dark red I tried so hard to stop laughing she left the room nearly in tears and it followed her trying to apologize while doing that squeal speech thing you do when you're trying to talk while laughing I'm sorry for being so immature I didn't mean to offend you I hope you enjoyed the video if you made it this far I'm sure you love drill sergeants what's the funniest thing you couldn't laugh at story six still guess me see you there
give me a good story on WhatMadeYouLaughTheHARDESTInYourEntireLife
aita for running away from home because I'm terrified of my husband and also deal th terrified of my son I F35 have a son M18 and a husband M45 who I'm attempting to divorce I met my husband when I was 16 at the church in my hometown at 17 he invited me over and I don't remember it well but we ended up sleeping together I was supposed to be cleaning his house for some extra Pocket Change but ended up pregnant I still can't remember everything that happened but when my parents found out they confronted him and made me marry him I had my son not much longer after that my husband's a brute he was always mean to me I tried my best to make him happy I'd cook his favorite foods clean the house extra nice do childcare work to make a few dollars to buy him a treat or two but if I made one mistake he didn't like he'd hit me I used to cry to my father about it but he'd tell me it's my punishment for having premarital sex I'd ask my father what my husband's punishment was and he'd say his punishment is having to settle for you I don't think I ever recovered from that before anyone asks about my mother my mother has always been kind of out of it she's been on medication since I was a child and she's kind of like a zombie she doesn't talk much or do much of anything unless my father says so she was different when I was little but I hardly remember those days the hitting got worse to the point where I wasn't really allowed to leave the house or if I did I had to wear makeup or else my husband would think I was trying to get him in trouble my son grew up watching this I've heard stories of kids hating their abusive fathers but my son loved his father more than he loved me I never wanted my son to hate his father but he started acting out and eventually he started laying hands on me my son started hitting me when he was 10 it was light and I tell him to stop but as he got older he started beating me if I told him no he'd beat me if I didn't do something he wanted he slap or kick me and even punch me and my husband would back him up a lot of the times he'd say he's just learning to be a man he'll stop when he's older and has his own wife it got to the point where I was terrified of my baby the only thing in this world I ever got to make and he terrified me when he was 16 he broke my arm really bad because I showed my husband his report card my husband disciplined him but never told me how I grew to hate my son so much every day but I still tried to be good to him to help him he didn't want that I couldn't make him want that I couldn't sleep or eat without dreaming of my son and husband hurting me my son once pinned me on the ground because I had asked him to help me lift something I'm frail so I can't lift much when he pinned me he hit me a lot and I could feel it hurting me aroused him he humped me for a few seconds and then he started screaming at me saying it was all my fault and locked himself in his room I didn't tell my husband I should have but somehow I felt like I would have just gotten hurt worse either by my sons or my husband he was 17 when this happened so last year after his 18th in January I packed a bag and wandered off into the night I don't have friends my father wouldn't help me even if I told him these things I slept on a park bench and went to the library and looked up a woman's shelter I worked really hard and got a studio apartment I don't know how but my son found me he spent hours at my door knocking and crying for me calling me mama he hadn't called me that in years I was terrified he'd break the door down and drags me back to the house but my neighbors made him leave my son has somehow gotten my number and now he my husband and father and some of my son's friends are texting me and calling me horrible names my son says I'm a bad mother for running away and not loving him the way he loves me my husband says he won't grant me a divorce and that he'll take whatever I have right now and that I failed as a woman my father says I'll die alone because I'm a bad woman my father even got my mother on the phone to speak to me she's all pilled out though so I shouldn't take her words to heart but she says that a woman can never abandon her child no matter how painful life gets she told me when my father hurt her she never left me so I was a coward and a failure you leaving my son she said she could forgive divorce but not leaving my baby behind Ita edit while I have no issues responding to comments the idea of replying to personal messages terrify me for some reason please don't be upset if I don't message you I don't mean to be weird edit too I've been reading a lot of comments and I'm grateful and very overwhelmed I won't get to specific but I just packed an Essentials bag and have purchased a ticket for out of town I got off the phone with a shelter a few thousand miles away and they're willing to get me once and arrive in their City I'll figure out divorces and restraining orders once I'm finally there until then I'll read comments to see if there are any more useful things to learn luckily my studio is on a month-to-month lease because I had never really planned on making this a permanent home so leaving is as hard as I thought running away the first time was hard but maybe the second time would be easier update here's a small update and I likely won't update again due to being nervous about everything but I'm on a bus I got on this morning and I'm about 5 hours away from the state and then I'll be getting on a plane I had enough money for a ticket so I'll be super far away I won't work on the divorce until a few months from now and I have a small job lined up it's nothing special just a 12 an hour fast food gig I'm grateful for all the advice my old landlord was sorry to see me go but I paid off this month's rent and told him he can sell the little bit of furniture I had he said he'd give me half of that money once it's all sold he's very kind a little scary but when I spoke to him over the phone after I had left he was very understanding thank you all for everything and I'm sorry but this is the last thing anyone will hear from me unless I work up the nerve to update again you are all incredibly wonderful and special people to me
give me a good story on AITAforrunningawayfromhomebecauseImterrifiedofmyhusbandandalsodealthyterrifiedof
AIT for indirectly causing my ex- roommate to be taken back to our original country so this is my first time posting and English is not my first language so excuse any grammar mistakes please two things to keep in mind my roommate 19f and I 19f both come from a Muslim country in North Africa and we are both Rich very rich from the perspective of our countries last year I graduated from an international school in my country and also managed to get a spot in a great College here in the US by chance one of my classmates also managed to get into the same College when our parents found out they asked us if we would like to live together and we agreed thinking it would help with homesickness to have a familiar face also we were not friends we just went to the same International School our parents came with us to the US and they rented us an apartment in a secure building with all the amenities Dorman gy and pool cleaning service mostly because they were worried that we might not adjust to dorm life all the info they had about dorm life comes from college movies since they mostly studied in Europe or our original country at first things were fine but then my roommates started drinking and partying
give me a good story on AITAforundirectlycausingmyexroommatetobetakenbacktoouroriginalcountryorig
first story my wife of four years cheated on me then claimed I abused her called the cops on me and ruined my whole life 2 years later after I rebuilt myself she came back with her a fair baby saying the man she cheated with had abandoned her begging to take them in so I took my Revenge by acting like I liked her made her clear my name and dumped her a bit of background I'm 36m as of now the characters have been a bit altered by their names Rebecca my ex-wife now 34 James my college buddy and the guy Rebecca cheated on me with Saladin my other guy friend and Lisa saladin's cousin so Rebecca and I were what you call College sweethearts we survived college and the hardships of life we got married in our early 20s I was 25 she was 23 ever since we got married things have been Rocky not from the start but situation wise I was in medical while she was an accounting major there were things that were okay with me but not with her despite being married she acted like a free bird it's a good thing but there was marital neglect from her side in 2016 she joined James company as an accountant because it pays well I was happy because hey heun's a buddy of mine slowly she started to complain about things that were in place she didn't like where we lived had problems with everything I did she did not like the foods she used to I'm a great cook and she loved my foods and our fights intensified by a margin where she would call me names I'm good for nothing she earned more than me coming to this part later on the dramatic turn came here when Rebecca and James were hanging out with our set of mutual friends I got the word about it and it seemed off I confronted both of them and they both said it was a sudden plan and I was in the field coincidentally it happened on the same day I was out of town they might have planned it beforehand which I'm not sure of 2017 was the year my marriage blew up so I was sure there was something because my bedroom became a effing Dead one I was increasingly paranoid and when whenever I tried to address things I was turned down now that I'm not a saint I constantly yelled at her to tell me what was going on because there was just something off your favorite person rarely talks or does stuff with you and they claim it's nothing does this sound okay it was also the year we were at our Peak financially because our debts were paid off my friends and I decided to open up a medical shop that provided medicine as a side Venture so one of the friends was Saladin he proposed that we celebrate it at a pub when we go there I I notice a girl who looks exactly like Rebecca she was dancing with another man and it was quite dark I get a closer look and lo and behold it's Rebecca and James Dancing hand in hand I wasn't much bothered about it because hey they're friends I was here with my colleagues and she was there with her but it was bothering me I decided to send her a text asking where she was she's usually on her way home at this time and she told me she was already at home now that was a red flag I told her to stop lying because she wasn't I could clearly tell her that she was getting paranoid and she told me she was on her way she left the pub afterwards that night I asked her about James the look she gave me was as if she saw a ghost because she was not expecting that question that look was what told me something was definitely up if you ask your so about a friend they should act normally but the way she acted was abnormal that night itself I snooped on her phone curiosity was killing me the password was changed so I couldn't see the phone the next day I saw her password and snooped on it there were hundreds of thousands of texts right there countless naked footage are calling him daddy and making degrading comments my wife and I made a vow to each other that if there was ever anything we needed to explore we would be transparent with each other she broke that vow too she confided in him how much thrill she felt that night at the pub I went through everything what hurt the most was that she herself told me if one of us ever got bored of the other or needed to spice things up we would let each other know she destroyed everything I couldn't look at her the way I used to anymore I cried the night and confronted her stupidly without any evidence the next morning she yelled at me and stormed out after telling me I was abusive and insane she told all our friends that I was abusive that afternoon they created a messenger group where everyone ganged up to troll me when she came home that night she told me she was in love with James and wanted a divorce I told her to talk first but it turned into into her berating me I yelled at her and she called the comps I was asked to spend the night elsewhere I went to see my sisters and when I returned the next morning James car was here he spent the night here there was nothing I needed to explain he was doing it on purpose hell she was doing it on purpose I went to see a lawyer as we did not have a prup she already filed a complaint about me being abusive it didn't look good for me not one of them tried to apologize no one tried to make amends our country's law doesn't count infidelity as a fault so even with that she's entitled to half of my everything but her complaint can sue me up a few days after that when I was still living with my sister I tried contacting Rebecca but she wouldn't reply to me Rebecca hit me up telling me we should get divorced that's it 12 years of relationship four years of marriage and she ends it with a text I was effing convinced that James was taking my place she handed me the divorce papers everyone in our friend Circle was convinced that I was a effing abuser and that James was her savior she did the right thing by cheating on me we were officially divorced at the start of 2018 she was already dating James during our divorce he was her life I lost my job my house and my reputation in her little Affair I had to change cities and move somewhere else to restart again Saladin helped me massively with that Fresh Start he got me a decent paying job that was nowhere near like my previous one but it was better than the rest we became close buddies while I was working to earn back what I had dating life was over for me I just couldn't trust anyone it was a complete NC between me and Rebecca the last thing I heard was that she moved in with James they were doing great Revenge part at the end of 2020 my life was actually blowing up Co helped our cause with Broken Backs but filled our pockets our Pharmacy Venture turned out to be huge so I was able to make a lot of money I met a friend of mine from whom I got a tip that James and Reb were done James cheated on her and left her but Reb had a child with James he has been absent since birth so he did not sign the birth certificate so Reb is Raising that child as a single parent she tried dating but she was not over me or James the audacity part of me was happy with it but gosh I really missed her I sent her an email asking how she was doing she wasn't expecting to hear from me we exchanged emails and reconnected our first meeting was in 2021 at after several years she looked like sht she gained weight lost her charm and looked utterly exhausted all the time frankly just her look made my blood boil and triggered me but I also want to take my revenge on her life had already done that on my part but I'm an RC hole I wasn't done with her she told me about James and reopened the earlier wounds I got my closure which made me feel a bit better I guess she said she was sorry she wasn't thinking straight about what she was doing James poisoned her mind against me I told her I would forgive her if she came clean to everyone and cleared my name she did that losing a lot of friends but she deserved that my name was clean she wanted us to date again clear words make me raise that arle James child I told her I would agree to it but we needed to date and marry first only then will I legally adopt her child that little guy is adorable and I have taken a liking to him here is the truth I was already seeing someone it's pretty safe to say I was cheating on that woman with Reb she was a client of mine from a different country we were in a ldr Reb and I were living in different cities so I never moved in with her but I played It Well by saying I needed to travel for business so I was only getting Rebecca's hoax up to crush her like she crushed me we were getting intimate but condoms were used Rebecca felt she had found love again I pushed her to therapy to get her normal again everyone was commenting on how she was getting happier with me she would praise and then say sorry do little things for me that she used to do when she was married to me trust me when I say that I had a lot of emotions attached to this woman I considered it my revenge if it was a good thing to break her heart she might be traumatized for a lifetime but she did not think of my heart and we were married why should I think of hers her birthday was coming up last year in October lockdown was eased up and someone it's Lisa was in my city for the birthday gift I grabbed Rebecca for ring shopping she picked picked out her favorite ring and I got it wed she was elated because of that that night she came up to me and said that she was sorry for hurting me she looked genuinely remorseful but I had no feelings for her except indifference Lisa was saladin's cousin I already told her everything beforehand she was against my revenge idea but I managed to convince her somehow she was uncomfortable with it but understood that I needed to go through it on Rebecca's birthday I drove her to our favorite spot when we were married it's nature Place Lisa was already waiting there I introduced Lisa to Rebecca that Lisa's my GF Rebecca went white and asked me what she meant what is she then I introduced her to Lisa as Rebecca my ex-wife in FWB there and then I proposed to Lisa with that ring Rebecca went man and started yelling to which I replied how can she expect us to work out when she nuked us I'm never dating a dirt bag like her again she asked me again and again if we meant nothing I told her no sleeping with her was compensation for the pain I got her to clear out the pain she put me through Lisa was holding me back she saw that Rebecca was hurting I told Rebecca that she needed to leave she told everyone that I cheated and that I was an arole this time I took it as Pride everyone saw the dirt bag she was in she cheated on me and made me pay a high price for falsified abuse now she wants me to raise her kid and date her the last time we connected was in December of last year she wrote me a letter saying how sorry she is is because she can't imagine putting me through the pain that she already put me through she hoped I would live a better life last I heard she was completely uninterested in dating looks sht as for me I and Lisa stopped dating there were differences between us I'd like to add an edit people who are saying I'm worse than my ex can you please at least for the love of God point out how I am worse than her she cheated I loved her and she effing cheated on me she cost me my home my job my image my reputation and my friends I was an abuser to everyone I gave her a taste of her own medicine yes by hurting someone else now I'm worse than her I don't want judgment this is nuclear revenge and I'm sharing my revenge stories I may have emotionally scarred her but that's what she did to me Second Story my entitled wife cheated on me and demanded I get my vasectomy reversed to cover up her infidelity and pass on her a fair baby as my own I left her sorry ARs and filed for divorce 6 years ago I met the most amazing woman I've never known let's call her Claire she was adventurous intelligent and Incredibly talented she's a violinist we've been together since we met and married one year ago 5 years and 10 months of that time have been absolutely Blissful starting a couple of months ago she started to develop aches and pains when she practiced for a long period of time after I poked and PR at her for a while she went to the doctor and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis she stopped giving lessons a couple of weeks ago and then she had to give up her chair in the orchestra she played in and then she stopped playing altogether since she stopped playing she's become very depressed and this isn't a self- diagnosis she goes to a therapist weekly now and she's on anti-depressants there were whole days when she was at her lowest and didn't leave the house she's told me that she feels like she doesn't have purpose anymore and I hate that then after she started the anti-depressants she decided that her calling in life was to raise children we've both been CF since we met after our wedding we got all theh are the kids coming bingos and she hated them more than I did now she's totally changed her mind and has told me that it's really important to her that I have my vasectomy reversed she's brought it up once or twice every day for the past week I hate kids but if I honestly thought it would help her I would become a dad I don't though I think she lost something really important to her and is looking to fill a void that can't be filled I've tried talking to her about this and she broke down crying about how I wouldn't give her children I just don't think it would help I think she's just as depressed but we'd have a kid to take care of on top of it I don't know how to help her if having a kid is really what she needs I don't want to keep her from that but I don't think she's in the right place to make this kind of decision a year ago she hated kids and now she thinks she needs them I don't know what to do before anyone says divorce her Brew I'm absolutely not willing to consider that this woman is the the love of my life and I'm not willing to leave her when she's already hurting in the comments op I don't think she's manipulating me she's never said give me children or I'm leaving she just let me know it was important to her which is weird because it never has been before Agent 99 even if you decide to do it how realistic is a reversal anyway they get more and more difficult to reverse the longer you have them done op even if a reversal isn't viable kids are unfortunately not off the table my parents agreed to pay for the procedure I wasn't in the best financial situation at the time and had just had a pregnancy scare with Claire but only on the condition that I free some samples in case we changed our minds Claire knows about this too op I guess this wasn't completely clear from the post she hasn't had to stop playing she can't play on a professional level anymore because her hands just can't do the more difficult stuff I'm not a musician so I can't speak eloquently to what that is and she can't spend hours at time doing it so she can't teach lessons she doesn't play anymore because it makes her miss being able to play well her quitting altogether is more depression than arthritis edit I also didn't know that doctors who treat musicians were a thing I'll try to find one on our insurance but our insurance stinks so unfortunately this may not be possible delete it do not willingly have a child with someone who is not stable enough to look after it and deal with pregnancy I suffered from depression and can tell you right now that if I were to have a child and deal with the pain and exhaustion I would get postnatal depression I think your wife is just hollowing her main Hobby and the thing she loves is gone I would advise a pet not a child to be honest until she is feeling better children almost never make mental state situations better usually they make them worse op we have two dogs that she loves so I don't necessarily know that a new pet would help I totally agree that she's feeling Hollow I just don't know how to help her stop feeling Hollow She doesn't seem to want to explore new hobbies recently most of what she does is watch TV update tldr my wife was a professional violinist and became depressed after being diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis until that happened we were both happily CF and then she decided she needed me to get my vasectomy reversed so she could be a stay-at-home mom update after basically everyone both here and on our relationship said go to couples therapy we started going to couples therapy every other day for a little over a week now for the first few sessions Claire was really actively trying to avoid the vasectomy issue man did that sht come up this morning over the past week I really thought that things were getting better I felt Hope For The First Time in weeks we had talked through a lot of the things that had been depressing Claire and found ways to work through them together here's a thing I left out of the initial post because it was embarrassing to me Claire has been drinking since Her diagnosis a lot not like I never see her sober a lot but more than a person should drink a lot she's been drinking every other day or so this has been one of the things that has been coming up in our coup's therapy sessions pretty regularly fast forward to this morning it was an emotional session the whole way through it didn't help that last weekend was a concert from her former Orchestra we started off on that and Claire broke down about it pretty quickly we talked about that for a while then some other things that I don't even really remember because I'm so effing angry right now and then Claire brought up that she needed kids to be happy again effing again long story short this turns into a giant fight between CLA and me refereed by our therapist which culminated in her tearfully telling me that she's pregnant one day while I was at work trying to effing provide for her she effed some dude and got herself knocked up and she thought if she could convince me to reverse my vasectomy maybe she could effing get away with it I'm not a violent guy but I very genuinely wanted to slap this sht out of her right then I still don't know what's worse the fact that she cheated on me or the fact that she tried to trick me into raising another man's child especially since she's known since we met that I effing hate children or the fact that she tried to use my love for her to manipulate me so not wanting to hit my wife but at the same time desperately wanting to I left I didn't say anything I stood up grabbed my briefcase and went to my car I called my boss and told him I wouldn't be able to make it back in today due to a family emergency letun call my boss Dan Dan is the godamn best boss I've ever worked for and he has become a good friend he asked what it was and said they really needed me and at some point to get work done on a project that I'm heading I broke down on the phone and told Dan Everything which has resulted in an extra week of paid time off starting immediately and a free dinner out tonight with Dan I effing love that guy right now I'm checked into a hotel room and I'm drinking my way slowly but surely through the mini bar yeah I know drinking isn't a healthy way to deal with problems but what the f ever and waiting for Fallout 4 to download I wasn't going to buy it because I didn't have time to play it but I sure as hell do now I saw the new James Bond movie a while ago and it was okay I'm going out shopping later to buy clothes for the week because going home to get clothes means seeing her and I absolutely cannot see her right now she's been blowing up my phone all day which is why my phone is going to stay off until Friday update I'm going to be honest here I'm not doing well my lawyers have told me I have about a 100% chance of keeping the house it's been in my family for generations and our my family name is rot into the gate apparently these facts matter God Bless Texas I get too drunk too often now I lost the love of my life things don't seem worth it anyway yeah I've started divorce proceedings luckily there's no custody to worry about if I had done this a few months from now things would be very different I love her and I hate her for what she's turned me into luckily my boss remember Dan from the last post is the best has given me some extra PTO so I can deal with all this if I had to work right now I don't know what I would do in related news she's keeping the literal bastard I don't know if any of this makes sense I've been drinking also I bought a teu lizard online which should be here soon tldr eer I've got a house and soon a lizard and no kids update to for F's sake stop p me about red pill I'm sad not pathetic comments deleted I'm sorry you're going through this it's so cliche to say look on the bright side especially when you're grieving the loss of your marriage but you've escaped from the life of raising another man's child you still have your freedom in your house and ultimately that's the best option for you and your future things will regain their brightness things will seemen worth it again just hang in there and come vent to us at our childree whenever you need to also enjoy your lizard I've never owned one but I've heard they're mesmerizing and really fun Opie yeah I just wish the lizard was here though I used to have dogs but she took them when she left if it's a lady lizard I'll call her Penelope and if it's a dude lizard I'll call him Reginald third story my pikme ARS best friend of 27 years has ruined my marriage I feel betrayed by the two most important people in my life I'm sure you're wondering why all of a sudden I exited every group chat you are a part of why you can no longer find me on social media why even with your birthday coming up Christmas passed New Year's passed Valentine's Day passed you haven't heard a effing word from me my husband is in love with you you and him have ruined my life I've loved you since we were todlers I barely remember life without you we're 30 years old and your insecure attitude puts your own confidence above our friendship you're one of the most beautiful girls I know we tell you that every effing time we see you the girls and I tell you how gorgeous are and how it's insane that you won't date or are too scared to date regardless of how I side eye you wearing certain sht around my husband when we're supposed to be having casual get togethers I still tell you that you look amazing and even though it irks me at how you want to play Drunk B I'm the lightweight and it took 20 watered ARS down shots for me to get buzzed all of a sudden you're wasted after five shots B please and start to remove clothes in front of him I still tucked you in and tried to take care of you my husband admitted he gets your Vibe but he can't get you out of his head that he thinks that for the last 2 years he has been falling for you you the last time you were here for friendsgiving you and him locked eyes for a second when we were eating and you took it upon yourself to start sucking some chips like if you were blowing a cork as you sat across from him we all were like okay now B damn why you eating it like that and you just acted like why net as the night progressed everyone kept drinking but me because I wanted to stay as aware as possible I watched how he stared at your dance and how uncomfortable he got when you told your sht blind date story you took it upon yourself to start talking about your breasts in front of him and you shook your ARS in his direction as he walked by you to a song that wasn't even an ARS shaking song Those next few days here were awful I interrogated him and asked him what was going on with y'all because that sht wasn't okay you've done lots of pick me RS sht here like wearing a maxi skirt but somehow that sht would raise itself damn near to where we could all see your underwear and you not pulling it down but complaining your cold like undressing halfway through my house while asking me for comfy clothes and when I was like girl what are you doing you played dumb but you've never been so effing disrespectful as that night he would swear on God and on his mom his life our kids that he only wanted me and that he only loved me that you weren't sht to him and that you were nothing but the stupid one in my friend group that he couldn't care less about liar I was irritated with you and didn't reply to anything you would send because I wanted you to ask me what was wrong I wanted you to be oblivious to what you had done and be like hello where are you friend but no so tell me why working through issues this effer and I decide we need to lay everything out on the table I ask about you because even though we haven't talked in months that sht wasn't sitting right in my spirit call me a bruda witch or something but I effing knew what I knew I asked him if there was something going on with y'all and he said I never touched her and we don't talk or mess message I only see her when she comes over but she's in my heart in your heart do you have feelings for her like a crush or more than that more I think I might have loved her B when I tell you I had the air sucked out of my body Tanto isy that much though I asked him if every time he would suggest you guys come over was that for him to get his fix to see you and this MF said I would tell you to have them over when you were down because I know you love having your friends around and they make you laugh and smile but I can honestly say I had you message them to come over once so I could see her I missed her insert my immediate sobs I got up and went outside on a walk because I felt like I was going to have a panic attack and throw up I didn't believe him when he said he loved you past tense so when I got back of course he's on my ARS trying to smother TF out of me even though I kept telling him to leave me TF alone and he's trying to hold me wanting to apologize and I keep saying okay but you're in love with herper intense he eventually started changing the wording and stopped saying and using love he said believe me I hate that she's in there I hate it I hate her for getting in there I how it happened I'm sorry I heaved and heaved and heaved but nothing came up I was that sick to my stomach I have been with his ARS since we were 16 you know all the [ __ ] we've had to overcome you know what hell we went through with my in-laws at the beginning of my marriage you and the girls were there to help put me back together look I don't know if you have feelings for him too or if you just use him to get your fix at feeling desired and wanted because you're too much of a pussycat to find an available man to get that from I don't know if you're jealous that I'm not as pretty as you and yet I have a longtime partner supposed to be 13 years old next month married children and own my own house all before 30 and you're as beautiful as you are haven't been in a serious relationship since high school 30 years old with no kids still living at home with your parents I almost hope you have feelings for him that it came out of nowhere that it was accidental and never meant to happen and that it wasn't the latter of you hating my life and what I have built so you could try to see if you could mess it up either way I'm done with you maybe I might be willing to work on things with him maybe because sometimes couples are able to get over infidelity him falling in love with someone else is absolutely an infidelity to our vows you on the other hand were my best friend for the last 27 years of my life how could you you had my love you had my confidence and you had my support only for me to look back and see that you were nothing but a snake in my garden you will forever be one of the biggest harshest and most life-shattering heartbreaks I will ever have bye I'm going to try my best to not wish this Karma on you but fman I effing hate you edit firstly thank you to everyone who sent me a DM or commented on here wishing the best for me some of y'all especially in my DMs have really made me laugh and have brought me out of this Category 5 hurricane volcanic Monsoon ball of rage and sadness I feel even if only for a few seconds thank you I dearly love to laugh while I feel like I'm drowning all on my own so many of you have been in similar situations and it truly pains me that no one else has ever felt this Darkness I feel right now I wouldn't wish this on anyone except maybe these rat sht people and even then I feel bad for wishing bad on someone the same healing y'all wish for me I wish for y'all secondly to all the people who are continuing to call me out for focusing on her rather than talking about his role in this read the title this is specifically meant for her I don't have to write my truths and feelings out to him here on Reddit because he's getting that sht to his face I don't have the luxury of cutting him out and ghosting him the way I did her because we share the same house we share the same space and we share the same kids I'm forced to deal with his being in my presence and he's forced to deal with my rage head on so all of y'all that want to minimize what he did because he didn't touch her can feel sorry for him because I sure don't I have zero intentions of letting her back into my life or ever seeing her within my reasonable control again regardless of how my marriage plays out if I pick up and find another man in the future I would never be able to have her around my home comfortably again and after all of this I think I deserve that peace this rage hurt vent was targeted at her because she deserves to see her roll dead on and carry that weight on her effing back she doesn't get to put her load on him because she knew what she was doing she has to carry what she did to me all on her own the same way he has to carry what he did not only only to me but also to our family all on his own one day I will have to forgive this man even if I leave him because we have children to raise my time with him will never be done because of them romantically I don't know if I'll ever be able to deal with his ARS again but I will eventually have to get to a point when I can at least be cordial and platonic with him for the sake of my children I will have to bring myself to forgive him so that I can continue to try to raise my children in a stable family environment even if it's a broken family that's what deserve out of me they deserve to have a father who will continue to try and grow and better himself even if it's not for me they deserve to have a mother who has peace in her heart even if she's had a lot of heartbreak they deserve to have us around and not carry the burden of our history grab a hold of their peace and stress they deserve good parents even if the parents can't make it work this one is a petty point to you annoying people who keep sht Ting your pants about me not putting in paragraphs or it being too hard to read for you I don't care LOL I hope that be struggles to follow along too what the f do I look like trying to make her life easier by giving her paragraphs one day I might not wish her harm Karma or any bad Juju but my Petty ARS will probably always wish these effers every little minor inconvenience in life like having to read a wall of text lastly some of you have pointed out my comment history where I talk about having other issues with my husband quite a few months ago yes I was struggling with feeling insufficient and unheard in my marriage yes I wasn't sure if I was still in love with him because I was going above and beyond to try and make things good for us and I was getting desperate to try anything what you're failing to see is that marriage problems and emotions come and go they hit in waves as someone pointed out in the comments marriage has lows and then even lower spots and then you hit a high that makes every low worth it I make the best effort I can to try and see if what I build is actually worth it what I didn't know was that 8 months ago when I was begging for him to put more effort in he had already been in love with someone else for a year and a half that's why we were where we were I'm not a perfect Patty I know my strengths and my weaknesses I know what I'm good at and I know where I can improve I know I'm mature and immature all in the same breath I also know venting my anger out for her is better than me telling her face to face I know myself I'd rather deal with the Fallout of my darkness here with strangers on the internet than in jail I know I was a good wife and a good friend and I know I didn't deserve this Behavior hurt or betrayal from either of them you guys can judge all you want I know what I am and I know who I am I know I'll be fine one day thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyWifeofYearsCheatedonMeThenClaimedIAbusedHerCalledtheCopsonMeandRuinedMyorig
aah for not wanting to have sex with her roommate I 22m recently matched with a girl 23f on a dating app we exchanged Snapchats and started talking on there it was very clear from the beginning that we were both really attracted to each other and we both wanted to [ __ ] she also made it very clear that she wasn't looking for anything serious because she was only in my city for 6 months on a work project so we agreed on keeping it casual like FWB which was totally fine with me after getting to know each other over text the first day she asked if I was willing to have a threesome with her and her roommate SL cooworker who was a man but it wasn't like you would imagine it to be her roommate was his bisexual and he also found me attractive so that meant he wanted me to [ __ ] him I told her I don't swing that way and I wouldn't be to do it and she said it was understandable no problem for her own words a few days later while trying to meet up with her she brought it up again and I told her the same thing she started saying that if I wanted to come over to her place her roommate would have to join us I asked why she was so persistent about this and she said it was on her bucket list to watch two men have sex in front of her I asked her why not just find someone who would be into that kind of thing with her roommate she said that they were both really attracted to me and they really wanted to turn a straight guy into being attracted to men and that would really turn her on I still wasn't down to do this after a while she started saying the only way of
give me a good story on AITAHfornotwantingtohavesexwithherroommateredditaitaredditstoriesstoriesshortsorig
today I messed up and my mom slipped on my another story on here just made this memory climb out of the deepest part of my brain this one is so embarrassing so my throwaway is necessary when I was like 14 I would walk my willy in the bathroom and one day I was sitting on the toilet seat and finished on the ground my dumbass forgot to clean it up and my mom went into the bathroom after me she slipped on my mess and broke her ankle me and my Dad ran into the bathroom because she's screaming in pain and we see her sitting on the floor holding her foot and my baby batter is literally between her bare toes at first my mom thought it was shampoo until my dad started busting out laughing my mom wasn't amused and told me how nasty I was for not cleaning up I want to crawl into a ball and die every single time this incident gets brought up also my dad called my mom chunky toes for years after this
give me a good story on wdad
my dad's on my final note and broke down for the past year my father and I have not been on good terms he expects nothing but Perfection from me and lets me know when I have failed in his eyes anything I do is never good enough for him last semester I finished with a 3.8 GPA but my father grilled me about how I need to apply myself to get a 4.0 and how lazy I am I made the all-league team for varsity volleyball twice we Advanced to the semi-finals this year but all my father would tell me were the mistakes I made on the court I want to either be a nurse or firefighter but he has never once supported my dreams he treats my two younger brothers great and is an amazing husband to my mom on the other hand to me it feels like he never wanted to have a daughter the past couple of months had been the worst period of my life I was accepted to my dream college and immediately committed it's out of state but I received a scholarship that covers most of the tuition going to the school would be the best option for me financially and personally my father does not agree he is a person who believes families should stick together and be moving to another state feels like a slap in the face to him I told my parents I was going to commit to the college and January every single day since he berated me for being selfish and reminded me how I'm a terrible person to him I am a loser who no one cares about and will never succeed in life and it hurts to hear my own father say that we have been arguing and yelling at each other for the past three months and we have said some really nasty things to each other I reached the point where I considered cutting him off from contacting me when I moved out for college all these feelings coincide with my struggles with unalighting myself I have been struggling with this ideation for the past year and a half and it has been so hard trying to constantly find a reason to live while bickering with my father I have started to self-harm again and my right thigh is a total mess I have prepared two notes in case I go through with it and I have come close twice this year I was moments away from unaliving myself last weekend but a conversation I had with a friend earlier in the day stopped me from setting up the Rope I graduate high school next month and plan to admit myself to a psych ward the day after graduation I do not know if I can even last that long I am not unstable right now I hide the notes in a place where no one can find them but last night I had a breakdown and took one of them out to read I put it on my desk and went to sleep I forgot to put it back when I went to school this morning around noon my father texted me asking if we could have a serious conversation when I got home I immediately tensed up and prepared for another argument when I got home he got home from work an hour later and immediately walked into my room and closed the door he sat next to me on my bed and said he put some clothes in my room this morning and saw my unaliving note and read it the note addressed all my family members in his paragraph covered his actions and his behavior towards me he took my hand and began to apologize for his treatment of me he had been reflecting on his mistreatment of me all day and realized how emotional and mentally abusive he has been he started telling me how proud he is of me and how good of a role model I am to my brothers and my peers whenever someone brings me up they always have positive things to say and have faith that I will succeed in life his apology sounded extremely genuine and I could hear a quiver in his voice he asked about my struggles with self-harm and burst into tears when I pulled down my sweatpants and showed him my thigh he grabbed me and started bawling and continued to say how sorry he was this made me emotional so I hugged him back and started crying he has not hugged me in over a year in his brace made me feel so safe all I wanted was for him to show a little affection towards me he helped me for an hour and rubbed my back telling me he is going to change his attitude towards me he is proud of me and my accomplishments he wants me to go to college and said he was selfish for not supporting me I told him about my struggle with unaliving myself and my plan to enter a psych ward after I graduate he gave his full support to me since he is an EMT he looked at my thigh and said most of the cut should not be visible in a couple of months one of them is pretty deep and will most definitely be raised but I am not self-conscious about it he gave me a kiss on the head and went to get something to eat for us when he came back to my room we had an actual conversation for two hours there was no screaming or yelling or crying we had an actual conversation for the first time in over two years it's all I ever wanted from him I want so badly to have a healthy relationship with him I see how good he is to my family and he is the best paramedic in the world and I want him to be in my life he left my room an hour ago I have been writing down my thoughts and I don't feel any anger or sadness in me I don't feel the urge to end myself and I even feel like planning a day of activities with him he genuinely feels remorse for his treatment of me and wants to gain my trust back and I want to give him an honest chance I am still a complete mess but I feel a small amount of Hope For the first time in a long time tonight he checked on me one more time and said good night on his way to bed he hasn't said those words to me in two years I'm so happy right now
give me a good story on MydadsawmyFINALNOTEandBROKEdown
husband says I'm not a good housewife because I don't clean enough or pay any bills I don't even know where to begin so I'm a stay-at home mom as of April 2023 when we had our first son I have taken over pretty much all of the child care load which I'm happy to do which includes night waking exclusive breastfeeding Etc my husband makes well over $150,000 a year but has barely helped me financially with my bills which is fine because I started babysitting to pay those bills I babysit the other child from 9:00 to 400 Monday through Friday and it barely covers my own bills like car payment insurance Etc throughout our relationship and especially since our baby has been born my husband will use the fact that he pays for everything to win an argument for example I was cutting the baby's food the other day and he had finished eating so I asked if he could take over the baby's food so that I could finish eating he flat out said no and continued to sit there watching me that started an argument where he ultimately brought up Financial stuff and I obviously couldn't compete he also said I don't help around the house which isn't true and I the main person who buys groceries which I'm pretty much only putting on a credit card because I can't even afford my own bills my husband works from home maybe has two meetings a day and spends a lot of time going out not actually working hey ITA here I feel like I'm still doing my part because I'm up with our son two to three times a night and watching him during the day and babysitting another child on top of that I feel like my husband should be able to help around the house and pick up that slack because I'm exhausted and broke while he lives his best life
give me a good story on HusbandsaysImnotagoodhousewifebecauseIdontcleanenoughorpayanybills
today we've got a crazy entitled parent story of an entitled parent trying to get somebody fired we'll get to that in a bit but first my entitled mother steals food and drinks for me and then demands I pay her after I take it back a little backstory I'm 21 and live with my parents as the economy right now is insane and finding a place to live without being unable to still buy food and water is near impossible where I live now for the actual story my mother is the type to feel entitled to anything in the house and I'm living with her and despite the atoms having been brought with my money it's still under her roof back in September of last year I bought a mini fridge for my bedroom I buy my own foods and drinks as they're better for my diet than the foods my parents buy not to mention my mother always tells me to pay her back for any of the food of theirs that I eat so I just buy my own stuff and get it over with I haven't had any issue with anyone trying to take my food or drinks since I got it so I never thought of precautions until until a couple of weeks ago I'd bought a small cheesecake from the grocery store as I'd been craving it and I had the money to be able to get it I also got myself a pack of soda to have here and there I had left home to work and didn't think I'd have any worries after getting home from a long day I planned to shower and sit down with my treat in a nice movie but when I looked in the fridge to grab a water the cheesecake and four sodas were missing I asked my fiance if she had eaten or drank any of it and she said she'd taken herself a long shower and napped all day as her day beforehand had been exhausting to say the least so I checked the family fridge and what do I find my missing cheesecake and sodas I grabbed all of them and placed them back in my fridge before asking around to see who took it my brother was in school all day and my dad had apparently taken up an extra shift at work so that left my mother but when I asked her she acted offended that I'd accuse her of theft I decided to leave it alone it was safely back with me and I planned to share the tree with my fiance and drink a soda and just leave it behind me the next day my mother bursts into my room screaming at me for stealing from her I had just woken up and wasn't fully registering what was happening my fiance however was still asleep and the noise woke her up in a panic I asked what this was all about and she screamed at me about the cheesecake and sodas and how it was expensive to get and how dare I take that away she was planning to eat it that night with my dad and watch movies with him as it was his first few days off in a week instead of being angry I actually started laughing this wasn't the first time she'd accused me of stealing from her after she took from me this did not go over well with mother and she screeched again about giving it back I laughed harder and had to catch my breath I told her I'd bought them and we had eaten the cheesecake the night prior and I'm keeping my sodas she's screamed that I better pay her back for the things that I stole from her and that the next time she buys things she's keeping count of exactly how much she has so she knows when I steal again I then stood up and opened my bag where I had the receipt from when I bought the items I shoved it in her face I told her I'd bought them as a little treat for myself for working so much and that she wasn't getting any of it and then I had the best idea I told her I was going to get another cheesecake because I had some cash that could pay for it and she wasn't getting any of that one either then I turned to my fiance and told her to grab my phone and see how much a fridge lock would cost my mother turned me around forcefully and slapped me for trying to put a lock on my fridge I'm in her house and I don't have permission so I reminded her that her house or not it was my fridge I paid for it and I can lock it if I want my fiance told me I could get a fridge lock online for cheap and and it would be delivered in two days so I ordered it right in front of my mother and then told her since I didn't have to work for a couple days I'd be keeping an eye on all my things she stomped out of the room in a fit of rage and Screech to my dad about what a disrespectful daughter I am and how dare I speak to her this way I laughed about it pretty much every day since then and when the lock came in I put it on my fridge immediately and Everywhere I Go whether I'm going to work or even to the bathroom the keys go with me unless my fiance is staying home in which case she keeps the keys nice try Mom I just hope the situation improves enough for op to be able to afford to move out I can't imagine having to survive in a place where even the things in your room are not respected it blows my mind that you go out of your way to get your own mini fridge by your own groceries stock that up and you can't even guarantee that if you left it there for a day that it wouldn't be just rated also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy crazy stories like these why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my psycho mother doesn't know that I'll be gone in 10 days I transmail19 am going to move out in 10 days it took forever to get here and I still need to scrounge up some last minute crap but I'm doing it I'm moving out and getting the heck away from her background and everything there's a lot of generational abuse in my family abuse she passed down to me while it wasn't always physical her and my father's actions led me down a spiral of doing terrible things to myself for two years straight the fact that I'm alive is a miracle I'm a bit better now don't worry she's going to disown me once I transition and I stayed in this house for three years on the terms that I pretend to be someone else or I'd be homeless very icky people pretty much and they can't see it they did try to improve and the physical violence stopped but they can never fix what they did moving on I made the mistake of telling her I was apartment searching a month or so ago and had her instantly dump on me what was supposed to be a celebration turned to her dogging on me it was basically a you'll never make it so just stay home conversation she would not let up on no matter how many times I asked her to stop even when I told her that she was making me uncomfortable and I didn't want to talk about it any further she keeps going if I literally stare at her and say nothing give her no reason to keep talking she still does I literally had to tell her when she got mad at me for it so I'm there going to town on a corn dog and I said I told you to stop you didn't listen I'm not even responding and you're still going I'm giving you a really big hint here and you're not getting it she got mad well how was I supposed to know you should have just told me I took a big bite of corn dog and said yeah I did tell you multiple times you didn't lose listen after that I didn't talk about the apartment to her at all she nagged to know my roommates and beg to know where I'll be living if I do move out she won't know ever the whole what if something happens and you need a Spiel she has no idea I'm going full no contact and that makes me happy I woke up a few days ago to her ranting about how I need to stay home and focus on my studies I just sat there on the bathroom floor holding back a smile because she thinks that I gave up she doesn't know that I'm about to give my security deposit and collect keys on the 27th when the day comes I'm not even going to give her the decency of seeing me leave I'm packing my crap and going out the back no text no camera footage nothing in 10 days I'm going to disappear from her life and finally be myself I'm sleep deprived a heck and back stressed out from all the work it took to get here and probably one cheeseburger from a breakdown I've had so many bumps on the way and so many things try to screw me over the past two months the past few freaking years actually but I literally couldn't be happier 10 days and I'm free life here I come see if op kind of just quietly slips out at some point I just hope that op doesn't have any issues with the parents freaking out calling the cops starting some kind of Manhunt to find op I mean at worst maybe it would be a good idea to leave some kind of note so that if they even do involve the police or something if the police see that note they'll know it's intentional our next story is do I have a right to be angry about this opinions wanted so I was tired and have fibromyalgia a pain condition but my mom kept hinting about mowing the lawn I'm a 30 plus year old woman and not very strong which makes me feel even more crap about myself anyway we get home from taking her shopping and I decide to get the mower out to do it for her I'm literally sweating my backside off struggling with the mower her and she starts making comments and supervising to make sure I do it right I'm Midway through and she moves the large bin that we keep all the grass cuttings right to the back of the long yard we've got so it's extra work just to walk each time to empty the mower when it gets full I asked her why she did it and she says it was in the way and starts laughing saying come on it'll keep you fit and to stop being lazy while she sits on the bench sipping her tea anyway in the end I finished the front garden and told her she can do the back when she asked why I said because I didn't want to put myself into a state of discomfort and pain for her I don't usually say or do stuff like this so I think she was surprised she's now cutting her own lawn and I'm about to have a hot bath and lots of pain relief is that rude of me I feel so angry right now because she literally had zero care or thought for me even though I was trying to do something helpful for her I've even got bruises on my stomach now trying to push her crappy mower which doesn't work properly and she calls me lazy and behaves entitled I'll tell you one thing if there's one chore I hate it's definitely mowing the lawn there's no easy breezy time while doing that especially if you live in a place where the weather isn't so all too Pleasant to be out in it most times of the day you couple that with conditions like op has and like yeah I can understand why they would be upset when somebody doesn't have any amount of sympathy for them our next story is Mom gaslighting me so my mother's always been the controlling type to the point of obsession over it when I had applied to a new company my life's goal and dream job and they hired me I was super excited I had to move me and my family wife and two kids to Western North Carolina it was a New Journey and I was excited with the new life however my mother lost her darn marbles over it while I was in training she claimed she had a stroke no evidence of one and every year at the same time she always ends up in the hospital every visit ends with them never finding anything she's trying to guilt me for leaving and I can see you right through her she was visiting a therapist for a short while but I have a feeling she wasn't hearing what she wanted to hear the cold hard truth after six years she finally racked up the courage to come and visit me while my sister was here to visit as well everything was going pretty well until the last evening because nobody wanted to watch a movie with her she acts like she's having stomach issues and is in the bathroom vomiting she then has my stepfather her enabler rush her to the hospital here's the thing neither of them say anything to us that they're leaving they snuck out and then only when I'm trying to figure out where they are does my stepdad say they're at the hospital they don't get back until the middle of the night the next morning I unload on my mother asking why the heck she would leave to a hospital in a non-familiar town with only the help of Google she's staying in my house don't you think it's important that I know who does that her reply was that she was in a lot of pain and just needed to leave I asked why my stepfather didn't tell me I was within earshot when they snuck out she said she told him not to say anything why she then said why aren't you asking me if I'm okay see I have selfish children who only care about themselves I was about to lose control and decided to just walk away they drove off on their 1200 mile drive with that being the last interaction I don't know if I should feel bad I don't she's been manipulative and controlling and that argument was a culmination of so much Penta resentment I have towards her I mean she sure seemed to be out and back in pretty good time so obviously whatever was going on it must not have been that serious for her to just be back it's definitely extremely bizarre for them to just like be with an earshot dip and go to the hospital real quick without even like saying a word this next story is entitled kid and parent at the Mario movie no spoiler others this happened a few weeks ago when the movie first came out I went to go see the new Mario movie as I was really hyped for it as I'm a pretty big Mario fan it was pretty good in my opinion and to celebrate I decided to go dressed as Mario it wasn't a really good cosplay as I just threw on some old blue overalls a red long-sleeved shirt a replica of Mario's hat I bought at the Nintendo store in New York City and some work gloves I even brought a plush Super mushroom that my late Aunt bought for me in China anyways I go to the theater paid for my ticket and got my snacks a large bag of popcorn some candy bars and a blue raspberry slushie however the movie didn't start until one and a half hours so I just hung out in the small arcade they had there while I was there there was also a little boy with his mom and he kept eyeing me and got all excited keeping with the Mario theme let's call the mom bowsette in the kid Bowser Jr Bowser Jr said Mommy look it's Mario bows it said yes I know Bowser Jr said can I see him the mom said fine so Bowser Jr runs up to Mario and that's when he sees my mushroom the kid says wow a mushroom can I have it I said sorry this mushroom means a lot to me they say but you don't need it I say yes I do bowsette sees Bowser Jr arguing with me and Stomps on over there saying give him the toy I said I'm sorry I can't just give it to him as it means a lot to me she said just give him the toy said sorry can't do she said but you don't need it you're too old for it after she said that I just ignored them and grabbed my snacks and went to sit in the auditorium where the movie was playing shortly later they walked in and sat on the row in front of mine and throughout the movie bowsette kept giving me the evil eye but I just ignored her I guess they forgot about me because when the movie finished they walked out of the room without looking at me and after that I never saw them again still enjoyed the movie and if you're you're wondering about the mushroom it's chilling right next to me on my bed as I'm writing this post I've just never understood the concept of these entitled people saying oh you're too old for this so just give your thing to us like as if somebody's not going to care and is casually like you know what yes I am too old here you go have my belongings somehow they believe that because they have a kid and because their kid wants something they qualify as like a charity case or something our next story is entitled mother is now trying to reschedule my birthday honestly I'm trans male 15 not surprised anymore just less stress so like a couple of weeks ago I posted about my mom trying to take over my 16th birthday basically she wanted to throw a big birthday party for her and anything I wanted to do was boring I was worried and stressed because I'm not good with big crowds especially ones that surround me but recently my bad birthday luck has been paying off so Florida so my mom and dad have been having relationship problems and yesterday I was woken up to them arguing over call my dad's a truck driver and basically was thrown in the middle of their fights once again during their fight I said that they should basically divorce and everyone would support their divorce even me and my little siblings today I heard great news that they are actually divorcing First Time in years they actually did the right thing I was comforting my mom and she said that we were moving into her girlfriend's house this weekend and we gotta do all of this stuff this week out of my own stupidity I brought up that my birthday was this weekend it's on Saturday and she said she completely forgot she didn't send out any invites or even start on the party in fact she forgot to even get me presents she now wants to rework my birthday into my little sibling's birthday which is in two weeks I told her that it's fine if I get small presents but I won't take my sibling's birthday that's the their day not mine she said it'll work it'll work trust me you used to do it it'll be fine they'll just have to understand I'm under a lot of pressure one half of me is actually very happy I don't gotta get dressed up and have to be surrounded by family members that'll just judge me my whole day but the other half has disappointed my mom is trying to move my birthday like not even move it to a Sunday or a Monday but on my own little siblings birthday I understand the divorce and moving all that is stressful and honestly I never wanted a big party or even a cake I gave up my hopes for any of that years ago I just really want new art supplies and if I'm lucky a drawing tablet I don't want to take my siblings special day I know how that feels and I don't want them to end up like me I've tried to get it through to my mom that I don't want to do that but she insisted to do it she wants to take us to a strip mall to shop my little sibling would love that but I don't want to take that over for them I'm now trying to convince her not to do this I've even gone so far to say if she doesn't do this I'll let her dress me up Etc and post it anywhere she wants she loves to do that and it's embarrassing but I'll do anything so my sibling won't deal with me and them sharing a birthday you can definitely tell op is a great sibling I just feel terrible for op because none of their wishes even to begin with have ever been respected op wasn't even able to have a birthday of their own to begin with and now they're gonna have this pretend birthday on their sibling's birthday make it make sense you're gonna have to have another kid so that you can steal the birthday from them and give it to the second kid too this next story is how to stop caring about my mom's sulks it's tiring and stressing me out in short my mom is obsessed with me getting a boyfriend I've dated one guy for four months but I feel I should end the situationship as a just can't fall for him unfortunately my parents do know as I live with them for now I have no possibility to move out due to studying I love my mom so much and usually she's a good mom but in this situation she's literally freaking insane I keep analyzing why she's even that obsessed she can tell me I don't have to like a guy at all to fall for him that no one is perfect if I see red flags and give her hints that I'm not sure if I'll go further with him or even accuse me of being a megalomaniac when I tell her I'm just done with a guy criticizing me while I keep complimenting him once she even had something like a fury attack when she told me I'm not respecting her and her hard work for not wanting to date that guy he studies law and my mom is a very successful woman what however she has no freaking right to treat me as a tool especially as we live in a European country so no marrying your daughter off isn't anything normal in our culture since I informed her I'll probably end this situationship yes I had to as she would bug me with questions why I won't meet that guy again and verbally attack me if I refuse to speak about it she's being just incredibly hard to deal with she keeps snapping at me for being happy I've even heard she doesn't want me to tell her it was fun at the gym I don't even tell her unless she asks or with my friends I feel so emotionally drained as before it wasn't like that and now I feel I can't tell her anything she clearly says she doesn't accept my decision and she has a freaking right to do that and expect me to do the things like she wants me to like holy freak it's my freaking life since last week my dad is something like a mediator I know he talked to her she controls herself a little bit better but it's still bad and I just hate the conflict Aura however I will never back down as it's my freaking life my freaking potential partner whom I might even spend my whole freaking life with and I have a right to find someone who I at least like in that way she's obsessed with the idea of me having a boyfriend because I'm 21 and my time is passing she even guilt trips me for wanting to go on vacation with my friend instead of a guy I don't feel ready for a relationship yet I've dated before but I'm just done with going on Tinder dates just to make her finally leave me alone I do still think I'm young and I have a right to find someone right in my time Dad is already done with that drama I'm not even surprised though I'm emotionally exhausted he mostly has my side and doesn't give me detached advice but says I should make decisions for my own good and if I don't feel anything for this guy I shouldn't force myself good of him as he also pressured me to get someone before do you have some tips on how to deal with that situation I literally cry every day as I love my mom so much and it hurts me when she's mad with me and keeps showing it to me she's literally emotionally punishing me nevertheless that's the boundary where I won't back off as it's my life and I won't do stuff she wants me to how do I survive that I have no possibility of getting therapy I just need some advice how to solve that problem and how to survive as I suppose based on previous situations she will finally accept even if situational disgust remains with me it's always easier said than done but I think putting your foot down is really the only realistic answer just saying that you're going to live your life the way you want to live it whether you make mistakes or not nobody's perfect but that you hope that your mom can support you in the decisions you make and you want to make advice is always appreciated but trying to steer you forcefully in a direction who's going to tolerate that our next story is entitled mother tries to get me fired from my first job so I 16 year old male had finally got gotten my first job last summer at the time I was working in a small diner with usually around two to three other people working the counter keep in mind it can get very stressful during a rush when there's three to four people taking and bringing out orders to tens of people we also were making about fifteen dollars an hour with below average tips about two weeks into the job this other guy who we can call Jay working there started showing up sharing a lot of hours with me and him and I became good friends being friends we naturally made a lot of jokes on the job and one of our recurring jokes was replacing the word coke with a word that's another name for rooster which was pretty unoriginal of course we would never make these jokes with any of the customers so Jay had an auntie entitled aunt and uncle entitled Uncle who liked to stop by the diner sometimes and say hi one day they came in and ordered a bunch of food and two Diet Cokes now at this Diner we took names on orders but usually not for for drinks so I got her Diet Coke ready and out of instinct without thinking I yelled out diet you know what immediately I realized what I had done wrong and corrected myself but it was too late everybody had heard what I said entitled dad approaches me and says what did you just say to me I apologized and I even offered to pay for her meal because she was so offended she proceeded to go on a rant about how I did it on purpose because I was trying to make Jay laugh I apologized again and tried my best to explain that it was a mistake but she wasn't having it she then went on another 10-minute rant about how she tried to be funny when she was young too and nobody thinks it's funny eventually I got her to leave me alone until entitled Uncle approaches me keep in mind that I'm a skinny 16 year old and he is easily a six foot two 220 pound man he approached me and gave me the dirtiest look I've ever seen he then aggressively snatch the coke off the counter while staring at me I brushed the incident off for the next few days without thinking much of it but of course eventually I get a text from the boss the text reads something along the lines of we've received multiple complaints about your conduct at the workplace it also mentioned how I harassed and yelled at entitled ant I ended up dealing with this for almost a week trying to explain what happened and my boss was pretty cool about it things returned back to normal pretty quickly in the end my superiors understood and told her off in front of everybody the next time she came in I Quit a month later for other reasons I'm the kind of person that in regular conversations can very often slip up and say a word that's kind of similar or I'll do that thing where like you take the beginning of the second word and use it on the first word and swap pieces around somehow what I'm trying to say is I don't think it's even that crazy of a slip up to go from Diet Coke to accidentally saying diet you know what I think these people were just being really weird uptight un understanding jerks this next story is help entitled parent or awful son I'll cut to the chase I hate my dad growing up was okay I lived in a working class Community but I never went hungry or lacked in a material sense my mother worked and my dad stayed at home to look after my brother and I now my brother is disabled and non-verbal important for context from as far back as I can remember me and my dad never really got on I'm gay and I always knew he didn't like gay people or homosexuality he's a typical hard man who used to fight and work out a lot in his youth who I suspect wished for a masculine football playing no crap taking son instead he got me a typical gay dude he would make comments growing up about gay people how disgusting they were Etc he would later tell me that he said these things because he knew I was gay and didn't want me to be basically but anyway I digress my father was never too physically abusive in that he never beat me up he would slap and get in your face but it wasn't too bad physically he would also slap and get in my brother's face when he acted up that being said he was extremely aggressive if he didn't get his own way or if I pissed him off somehow he would get irrationally angry he would scream shout Etc and I always found it so distasteful I was scared as a kid but As I Grew Older I just found it gross more than anything I just really started to resent him I have a bit of problem with food and I would comfort eat a lot and he would get so mad about it just one thing I remember my mother passed away when I was 20 from alcoholism not long after around a month later he convinced me to email a lawyer to essentially give my inheritance rights up I didn't question it at the time but I do now again a random point I'm mentioning because I'm basically spewing all of this on here without any real structure so please bear with me anyway I'm rambling and there's a lot more to the story obviously more than I can share here but he found someone new to Mary and she is a lovely woman he messed it up with her but she and I fostered a really nice relationship which continues to this day around last summer was the last time my dad and I spoke at that time I told him I was going through some mental health issues and he was mildly sympathetic at the time because of said issues I stopped talking to pretty much everyone and secluded myself my stepmother however was a godsend she would message call and invited me over for dinner Etc to get me out of the house I really do appreciate her a lot my dad didn't bother to do anything he didn't even message me instead he was in the process of divorcing my stepmom and making her life as if difficult as he could Christmas came around and she invited me over so I took her up on the invitation all I wanted was a nice calm fun Christmas two days before Christmas my dad messaged me asking what I was doing after months of no contact and I told him well since then he has absolutely flipped out he thinks I'm a traitor an awful person and has now started posting things on social media about me saying that I'm disloyal and terrible he said I'm disloyal to my brother also which I guess I agree with I haven't seen my brother in years we never really fostered any kind of relationship because of his disability and I don't know I just haven't seen him and I have no plans to I don't know if that makes me a terrible person or not I just don't like being around my family I just don't I can't help feeling like this long story short from what you've read so far am I just a jerk who needs to get over himself or am I right and feeling this way I read online that it's nearly always the parent's fault if a kid grows up to hate them is that true without going too into detail about personal life stuff I know we're Ops coming from here and honestly growing up and feeling that way I think is normal considering the circumstances I feel like even the fact that Opie has to be like well they did this but it wasn't too bad I guess that alone already I think proves their treatment of their own kids was already bad enough I mean when you basically have to say well at least they didn't maim us I think it's definitely indicative of behavior that you grow up to resent and distance yourself from but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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aita for not telling my girlfriend I make more than her 6 months ago I 27m lost my previous job at a software company I had enough savings to support myself while I found a new job and continued to split bills with my girlfriend of four years Anna 26f we've always split things 50 to 50 as we work in similar fields and earned roughly the same salary two months ago I got a job at Anna's tech company doing the same job she does on a different team Anna has worked there for 5 years and recently got a promotion she was initially really excited and so was I working for the same company has been a really positive experience for our relationship except in one area money I make just over 12K more than Anna it's become clear to me over the past 2 months every time we talk about budgeting and finances that she's assuming we're making the same amount when I finally told her she was very upset I hadn't told her this before because she feels it's unfair that we continue to split bills 50 50ths if I make so much more than her she also is upset that we have the same job and that I make more I told her that's not my fault and that we should keep splitting bills 50-50s because my salary is barely 1K more than hers a month and she called me an she's been sulking ever since Ita
give me a good story on AITAfornottellingmygirlfriendImakemorethanherorig
AI for making my daughter quit her job I am 43m my wife Jen is 42f and our daughter Angie is 17f my wife and I got married after college went on to get good jobs in our respective careers and we make a combined 485k we have a nice home we live in a nice neighborhood and we feel really blessed to have the lives we have and to be able to give Angie things that we couldn't afford growing up we pay for Angie's food her car her back to school clothes and supplies each year we have a yearly vacation but outside of that if wants extras we give her $100 each month as an allowance for trips weekend plans with Friends shopping Etc we try to tread the right side of the line between taken care of and spoiled so a year ago when Angie said she needed more money one time she wanted concert tickets I think we told her it was time to get her own part-time job and learn what it means to make and be responsible for her own money there was a bit of grumbling to begin with but we helped her job hunt and she landed a nice part-time position in a cafe that doesn't pay tipped wages after several months of her working we told her we would be taking away her allowance and letting her stand on her own two feet now just with extras like I outlined above we did not make her responsible for rent or bills or necessary food SL clothes again there was some push back but she got used to it a couple months back she worked all day during weekends instead of hanging out with friends which was unusual but I thought she was saving for something it turned out she was saving for booze for a party and we were woken up at 3:00 a.m. by a call from the police station with Angie saying she got caught driving drunk we let let her spend a few more hours in the jail cell before we came and got her and I have decided that she will pay any fines or court costs from her own money and she will be quitting her job she will get no allowance she will take the bus to school and back and she is grounded with the exception of Performing the community service I'll expect she'll be sentence too I went with her to work a few days ago and told her boss she would be quitting effective immediately and that I'm sorry for any impact my daughter's Behavior and the consequences of said Behavior have on his business Angie has screamed at me that I'm being unfair but I believe the punishment it's the crime here am I the
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welcome friends to another r slash am i the jerk video if you enjoy breaking down these tough questions and stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by hammer time 19 p.i am i the jerk for telling my wife she should have tied it up the house if she didn't want my mom's negative comments i'll cut straight to the point my mom visited us yesterday morning at 10 am while i was at work she must have found the house a mess because when she left she called me to rant about how filthy and cluttered the house was she went on a long rant about my wife having an attitude and almost kicking her out for pointing out that the house looked filthy and smelled i just nodded and hummed through the entire call then went home thinking this was no big deal but once i walked in my wife started arguing with me about my mom berating her for the state of the house and calling in names like filthy and calling my wife names like gypsy she asked for my thoughts on this verbal abuse that mom keeps subjecting her to and i told her to just ignore her because she's like this with my brother's wife too she got upset and said that no she doesn't have to ignore her and mom has one chance to apologize or she's no longer welcome here i said that was an exaggeration because for one she knows how much of a clean freak mom is and two and let's be honest here she should have tidied up the house if she didn't want any negative comments from mom or any other guest for that matter she said she realistically had no time to clean when she's taking care of the kids and the dishes and whatnot and insisted that mom should have had the basic human decency and called beforehand i said fine but no longer allowing mom to visit at least for the kid's sake was in my opinion over the top she said if i was okay with the kids hearing my mom's despicable words then she's not she then argued about how i shouldn't blame her for not tidying up the house when there's so much on her plate already i said i get it but she really was making a big deal out of it now i could talk to mom about visiting times but i think that my wife is to blame too here my wife was mortified and is saying she'll go through to no longer allow my mom into the house if this keeps happening and the fight just got worse i feel like i got stuck in between both sides of the argument and was being blamed for both of their behaviors am i the jerk so i would personally lean towards the side of saying yes i think the wife's contributions are being downplayed and even if they were coming up short on things you're kind of just basically allowing their mom to just needlessly bad mouth people when it's just really not necessary regardless what do you guys think was opie the jerk here let me know in the comments down below our next story is bybat8862 am i the jerk for refusing to share my birthday with my niece refusing to acknowledge my niece's existence because of it and on inviting my mom for my dinner party i female 21 turned 21 on february 3rd my niece was born on the same day my sister female 25 lives across the country and was visiting my sister brought up doing a family celebration on my niece's birthday i interrupted and told them i'd already planted my birthday and asked how we'd arrange it my plans morning walk in lake near our house with family day with boyfriend and plan dinner party with family restaurant their plans garden party with friend and family and family dinner at home my mom tried to dismiss me telling me i'd had 20 birthdays and this was her granddaughter's first birthday lots of people shared birthdays etc their main argument was that we should spend the day together and my plans weren't kid-friendly and didn't involve niece i told them they could do the party but i wouldn't come because i already had plans with my boyfriend and he'd organized them already and it was rude to cancel they also didn't want to do the morning walk because it was too early and it'd be too cold for niece they wanted to do dinner at home but i wanted to go to this exact restaurant as we only go on special occasions and we'd already made a reservation my mom told me to grow up and if i wanted to do anything that day i'd have to figure it out myself because she wouldn't pay and i wasn't allowed to use the family cars my dad interrupted and said that wouldn't happen and he'd pay for my dinner party and we'd go together for the morning walk my mom and sister got annoyed and for the following days anytime i'd interact with my niece they'd make comments such as look how much she likes you why wouldn't you want to celebrate your birthdays together or other guilt-trippy comments after a few days i got annoyed and started ignoring my niece if my sister asked if i wanted to play with them i'd say no and refused to engage this annoyed them even more on my birthday me my brother and dad got up early and went on our walk my mom has a mini fit when we get home because they had to wait for us to get home and we already ruined their plans i was annoyed since the first thing my mom did on my birthday was a lecture me so i told her if she didn't stop i'd leave and she could spend her whole day with my niece without us ruining her plans she didn't believe me so i told her she was uninvited for my dinner and did not show up i left had an amazing day with my boyfriend and a great dinner with my dad brother boyfriend and close friends we got home late and my mom and sister were already asleep but online my mom posted about the garden party for nice and commented thank you to all that love and care about nice and for showing up today and for a day free from negativity and selfishness call me egotistical but i got the sense that comment was about me showed my brother and he told me to post it on here so am i the jerk so i think while it might have been nice to do some consolidation group thing hope he's not the jerk because it's their birthday they're 21 years old they get to choose how they want to spend their birthday and they'd already made plans if they want to spend their birthday their way and that's not good enough for whoever it is then i don't think there was ever going to be any pleasing unless you just give up your own birthday to let them do it the way they want it to this next story is by username76646 am i the jerk for refusing to give up my maid of honor roll and skip my best friend's wedding for my husband's medical procedure my husband 31 and i 25 live in a small town he's been having health issues recently and was scheduled for a medical procedure two weeks from now he has respiratory issues and recurrent pneumonia the problem is that the procedure takes place on the 7th of march and he'll have to go into the city since our town doesn't cover this type of procedure on the other hand my best friend's wedding happens to be on march 8th the wedding's held in a town in the opposite side of the country and i as the assigned maid of honor had to get to her town earlier to be able to perform my duties on time my husband flat out told me he thought this was a no-brainer and that he expects me to give up my maid of honor roll call my friend and say sorry can't even show up to the wedding because of an emergency i told him no because this will ruin my relationship with her and besides that leaving her stranded without a maid of honor two weeks before the wedding will make her resent me forever no matter how much i apologize and explain myself he acted shocked and said he couldn't believe i was okay with the thought of leaving him alone in a city he's never been in before and let him go through the medical procedure alone i suggested he asks one of his friends to go with him but he said they're not obligated to drop everything and be with him plus they'll find excuses to say no anyway i told them they're not real friends then he said he can't blame them when i his partner is doing the same thing no worse choosing a party over his well-being i told him he'll be fine because the medical team will take care of him but he said he's talking about this from the emotional and mental side i told him he's just being a baby then he got mad and said that my friend should understand but i refuse to have this conversation he said don't blame me and act like i'm putting you in this situation deliberately go talk to the doctor and explain to him your circumstances then ask if he could reschedule while i suffer i sensed the huge amount of sarcasm and blame in his tone i said i will not be doing what he's asking me and he started talking about how toxic i've gotten lately treating him like a burden and blaming him for his medical issues i walked out and shut the door leaving him ranting on his own this argument took place last night now he's sulking and refusing to speak to me except to say that my friend and her party were more important to me this is her wedding would he accept it if someone called his wedding just a party i think he's being selfish with his behavior i mean personally to me i think opie is the jerk i know if i was in op's husband's position going in for a medical procedure especially if just that alone gives you anxiety in a city you've never been in being otherwise alone feeling kind of deserted i don't think they're acting selfishly hoping and probably expecting you to be there for them likewise if op was in the hospital going for a medical procedure and their husband was best man at some wedding elsewhere you probably would expect them to just stay with you and support you in that moment right our next story is by the sanders111 am i the jerk for not driving my wife to her doctor appointment after i got off work and telling her to reschedule tuesday i was covering a night shift and came home in the morning at exactly 10 am i was so exhausted and was about to go to bed when my wife told me she needed me to drive her to her doctor appointment this is not what we agreed upon as far as i knew she told me her mom was coming to pick her up but she said her mom called and said she couldn't come i told her i just got off work and wouldn't be driving her to the clinic and also told her to reschedule she argued that she couldn't reschedule because she's been feeling a pain in her lower belly she's four months pregnant and needed to see the doctor i told her she should have told me beforehand otherwise i would have just skipped the night shift altogether she insisted and i told her to either find her own ride or reschedule because i was too tired to get behind the wheel she was upset but ended up rescheduling and going two days later when she came back from the appointment she started yelling names at me like irresponsible and selfish i asked what was wrong and she said that the doctor told her her pain needed early intervention and that she could have had a miscarriage after i refused to drive her to the clinic i was shocked to know that but she insisted that i apparently don't give a crap about her or the baby to be acting so carelessly and neglectful i told her she should have told me that her mom couldn't drive her that day but she blamed me solely saying this is all on me and i'm treating her as second class citizen i had it yes she's pregnant but she isn't disabled and can use public transportation not have me driving after working all night she didn't like none of what i said and couldn't reply just left the room she still pissed at me acting like this is all happening because of me and refusing to accept that part of the blame falls on her she keeps saying she could have lost the pregnancy and i'm responsible for this so i'm sorry to say but i think the wife is completely right here if you're going to have a child forget one night where you're drop dead tired when they're feeling pains take them to the doctor does opie think that they're gonna have a kid and still be able to just come home from a night shift and go right to bed and just not have to do anything needless to say i think ops being a jerk here and what they did was needlessly reckless and selfish imagine telling your four-month pregnant wife nah just use public transport at night while you're feeling pain in your stomach our next story is by bully review am i the jerk for leaving a bad review on a facility director i bullied 12 years ago i was a bratty teenager i treated others unfairly i'm not proud of it after graduating high school i didn't have a clue on what to do so i went to a community college and chose a program that sounded interesting because i'm very outgoing i made friends pretty quick people found me hilarious the main reason i was so funny was i really ripped into one of the shy girls in class obviously i had issues with my security at the time and have gone through therapy during this period though i didn't have the right guidance i knew to make friends we had to find a common ground she was just an easy target it should be noted i think she suffered from anxiety before the program the more classmates and i laughed at her or snubbed her the more anxious she became to where the instructor told her this wasn't the career for her because she wasn't functioning to her full ability it doesn't matter i know but i regret it no one will believe me but i did experience karma and lots of it after all this now my fiance and i decided we wanted to adopt a pet and one of the animal rehabilitation centers were listing an adorable dog we decided to meet her first we had a talk with the facilities director which surprise surprise is the girl i bullied we recognized each other pretty quick i don't know if it was the past or her being so shy but she was very uneasy through our conversation she seemed in a good spot overall married kids obviously successful career which was a relief to me i hope she'd moved on from everything i did admit to her i was sorry for how things were all those years ago but she had obviously flourished beyond that she smiled and said yes she has i'm relieved and believe the past is the past an hour later the fiance gets a call saying we were not approved for the next steps of possibly meeting the dog obviously i was wrong in my assumption i reviewed the facility and called her out by name because i know very well there isn't anything that makes us unfit owners my fiance doesn't agree with me though in fact he says i'm only fueling the fire and maybe if i hadn't been such a witch we wouldn't have been rejected am i the jerk so apparently some people after reading this story went in like dm dopey and like harassed them nlp called that out saying i get it i'm a terrible person who deserves nothing but pain and suffering the last 12 years i've been cheated on broken up with after i had a stillborn suffered many miscarriages but again this isn't enough i need more karma it's like sure i completely understand there's been a lot of grief and self-perceived karma the problem is ops like admitting that they did terrible things even to the point where they say they deserve karma but after feeling slighted they immediately go and try to harass this person again albeit somewhat indirectly they say sometimes history repeats itself and i would say opie's doing a repeat performance of being a jerk and our final story of the day is by i'm not a stalker too am i the jerk for visiting my sister-in-law or as she puts it stalking her lately my brother and i started a home repair business sometimes when i don't have a call i'm in his neighborhood so i stop by his place to chill his wife answers the door and she's always chill kids running around she's in her pajamas she invites me in and offers me coffee i often talk about my wife or complain about work then leave for the next call after a couple of weeks of this she stops letting me in i ask if my bro's there and she says no and closes the door okay so i have lunch in my car or something eventually it's time to go to the next job and move along one day my bro comes home so i drove him with me to the next job no big deal after about another month she's super pissed i don't know why but her and my bro come over she tells my wife to stop texting her and stuff they always have some kind of beef and tells me i'm being disrespectful to her and my wife at the same time she says she's going to start standing up for herself whatever that means i make my wife apologize but really i don't like being disrespected in my own home the next day i come by her place like normal i hang outside like normal but in the evening she texts me not to come by anymore well i am beyond disrespected now so i tell my bro the business is over because of her she always ruins everything well now they've told her mom i was stalking her but i only come by to take my bro to work i think it's not a big deal but they made it a huge deal they think i'm a jerk for stalking so while i think the sister-in-law could have been maybe a little bit more honest or graceful in the way they were more or less getting to the point of saying i don't like you coming over all the time maybe even the wife and their beef makes the sister-in-law not want you around but basically the sister-in-law established that they didn't want o.p around or they weren't necessarily welcome nlp is a jerk for still showing up and forcing themselves to be around there knocking on the door sitting in their car outside they expressed they didn't really want you around and it's kind of uncomfortable for you to just keep showing up anyways but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
give me a good story on rAmITheAholeISTALKEDMYSEXYSISTERINLAWRedditStoriesorig
what is the worst example of rich people problems you've seen I was pumping gas in a rather dicey neighborhood at a cheap gas station and this older woman pulls up in her Bentley she pulls up on the pump ahead of me and cracks her window slightly and asks me for help I ask her what she needs she asked me to pump her gas because she was too scared to do it herself asked her what type of gas she wanted and she said the cheapest we asked her if she was sure with such a high-end C did she really want to put in budget gas she said it didn't matter since she could afford any new car she wanted so I inserted my debit card and she hands me a $100 bill and says keep the change I filled up her tank in my own 12 gallon Honda Civic tank and made about $30 in from the change I finish up at the gas station and jump on the freeway to see my girlfriend at the time and I'm going the same way as this woman I get off of the same exit as her she's making a ride to an affluent area and I'm making a left of the exit to a less nicer area she rolls down the window and yells at me I thought you were following me I'm so sorry where are you heading I told her to which neighborhood I'm heading to she gives an awkward smile and says I will tell the dispatcher that you're you're not following me and that I'm not fearing for my life which called the cops on me thinking I was following her to rob her I ended up getting to my destination cha with my girlfriend and then get pulled over I work at a hotel and whenever I valet or Rolls-Royce or Bentley I just think of this old lady I knew someone who traded in his Porsche and bought a new one every year his parents were wealthy died when he was in his teens and left him a multi-million dollar trust fund what was sad was that he felt that he couldn't pick up women without flashing his cash an expensive sports car but he would dump them all in a couple of weeks because is they were only into me for my money lonliest guy I ever met sounds like the woman is just terrified lots of people are out to get old people and lots of people are out to get rich people being rich and old must make you a little paranoid luckily not my problem yet story two when I was in high school my family was pretty poor and had a fairly Rich friend my single dad spent years saving up for us to go to Disneyland it finally went when I was 16 fast forward a Year my friend is going to Disneyland for a Halloween break her dead hold her to invite two friends so she invited me and another girl I was freaking stoked but she kept saying I don't know it's probably going to be boring my grandma takes me to Disneyland like every break and when we got there all she wanted to do was sit on benches and text all of the rides were boring and she'd already been on them dozens of times it ended up being pretty boring for me because I didn't want to go on the rides without her story three I went on an amazing trip Southern USA with my girlfriend at the time during the summer and she had an uncle who was very rich and she was used to all his wealth I was not I couldn't believe that we got to do all the amazing things we did money was just not an object or something you had to worry about the third day of the trip I was getting on board his YT you own the largest one in the club and it was incredible glass stairs stone walls and dark beautiful wood we all sat down near the back at a table and the wife freaked out she yelled where are the mats apparently there were supposed to be mats to be sat down at the table before the giant glass bowl of chips and freshly made guacamole could be placed in front of us she was really mad and almost embarrassed I've never been so weirded out by someone's anger I can believe that it was such a problem I said to myself it's fine seriously I could walk in there and grab them in 4 seconds I'll never forget and I learned that extremely rich people don't have the same kind of problems that regular people do good thing they didn't serve nuts out of a bag instead of on a plate probably would have had to turn the yacht around story four how was one's friends with a Chinese girl whose family net worth appeared to be in the hundreds of millions of dollars she told me a story about her rich Uncle owned a super yacht and love to travel around the world apparently his favorite thing to do is pull up into a port and bathe in the stairs of everyone admiring his yacht since it was always the biggest one but one day he goes somewhere say the Bahamas and he pulls into the port and he isn't getting the usual attention since someone else happened to have a bigger yacht than him for once this girl said it ruined his whole weekend he was in a terrible mood and couldn't enjoy anything I was speechless also this is the same girl that constantly complained about how all her friends weren't that smart or nice and how she doesn't know what to do with her free time and money that girl taught me something something apparently there are a lot of rich people that have so little problems they just make them up yes I've seen her Facebook pictures met her friends seen her cars and talked to her long enough to confirm that she probably wasn't lying I think it's human nature to perceive anything to be a problem if it is worse than our expectations regardless of well their class I imagine that a lot of the problems that an average poor American has would seem made up to many many people in less fortunate countries Story five I know I'm late to this thread but oh man I work at a place where I interact with a lot of rich people I've come into contact with lots of rich people's problems here a few I've witnessed a 14-year-old kid looking despondent and I asked him what was wrong he replied we're going to Paris again I hate it it's so boring mom's talking I took her to a little friend's birthday party but I didn't know what to bring the kids still like Coach bags I have no idea ladies talking what are you guys doing this summer second mom replies oh nothing last summer was crazy busy so this summer we're taking it EAS easy we are spending one week in London and one week in Hawaii but other than that nothing we're relaxing this summer ladies talking they can be expensive but buying nicer cars like Porsches and Mercedes is worth it we had a GMC once and we only drove it for like 4 years and we had to have something fixed and it just felt old there are many more but those are a few I get it Paris can be a crap hole and I can definitely understand that it is boring for a 14-year-old kid the point was that complaining about taking multiple International vacations a year is definitely a rich person problem story six a cousin of mine is on his third Porsche 911 after he wrecked the first two he told me that his parents said if he destroyed it again they'd buy him some other car he wrecked the first one while drunk and somehow didn't injure anyone I don't even think he got charged with a DUI I have two more my family usually Charters our own plane whenever we go on vacation it costs something like $6,000 per hour or something one year the company overcharged my dad for a minuscule amount I think it was like one grand and he was considering disputing the charge or something he ignoring the fact that 1K is nothing to us and he already paid 36,000 for a flight oh and my parents hate tipping the pizza guy for some reason they have no problem tipping a weight or 50% or even 100% at a fancy restaurant but the pizza delivery man screw that story seven I know a lady who has one of the lifetime first class passes an American she has a house in Hawaii and wanted to fly to a city on the mainland but she doesn't like first class from Hawaii because she had a bad experience one time so no problem she can use her n Jet's private jet but she doesn't want to pay for it so she arranges to make another large donation to her Al matter she already donated between 10 to 20 million and so she calls the president of the University makes the arrangements and suggests that they give an event for this donation just so happens a decent number of other wealthy alumni live in Hawaii so why don't they all fly over for the event in a larger private jet oh and by the way the university should cover the cost of the charter I read this in present tense sort of because the arrangements are currently being made future generations of college students will be studying using facilities paid for out of of spite all because some first class flight attendant a decade ago spilled some peanuts or something lots of discussion about her motivation for all this I'll clarify from what I can tell it has nothing to do with generosity or a desire just for a free flight here's a clarification from farther down the thread my impression based on her telling me the story is this she won't fly American Airlines out of Hawaii even though she flies first class for free because she had a bad experience once a long time ago keep in mind she'll fly America and other places just not out of Hawaii so her alternative is to use one of her netjets planes but why should she pay for a charter when it's really the fault of American Airlines so let's see what she can do oh I know let's get someone else to pay for the charter how about her Alma matter with which she has an excellent relationship already she has her office call the president of the university and say she'd like to make another donation some arrangements are made some other people got involved a whole lot of running around is done by her people the University's people the offices of these other wealthy alums Etc hell even my employees will eventually spend some time on this selling some of her positions to get the cash ultimately she doesn't have to fly American she doesn't have to spend her money this is a matter of principle not economics she gets a free flight out of Hawaii on a larger jet than she otherwise likely would have with no more effort than spending a few minutes on a phone that someone handed her what's the downside granted she's spending a lot of money to do this but it is as I've said literally of no concern another thing to keep in mind obviously she told me this in a very different tone that I'm relaying here lol this really doesn't make makes sense donate money instead of just paying for a flight well thanks for rubbing in that I'm broke but you know what does make sense liking this video and subscribing to the channel by doing this you're not only making my day but helping me reach out to people who would need a good laugh here and there much better investment in my opinion story eight my buddy had to rent a cabin for a ski trip because his mom just there is redecorated for Magazine spread which hasn't been photographed yet the same guy can remember which company card he should put his $4,000 Gentleman's Club tab on he really needs an assistant to help keep track of these things he's interviewed some but hasn't hired one yet last week was rough to all those that say they'd want to be his assistant unless you want your life to be a living hell no you wouldn't for every time you go to a club with a bunch of a-holes he's entertaining you will have to pick up his kids from preschool about 20 times or double check a few reams of paperwork or stayed in the phone trying to get a hold of some bureaucrat or another or any of a few does another boring tasks that you'd probably have to do three at a time and on top of that you'd have to deal with King butthole as your boss no not my friend inexplicably he's turned out to be a really good person no your real boss would be his dad who tends to treat everyone that doesn't have at least his netw worth worse than garbage especially as employees you get blamed for every little problem until you're losing your crap and quit and they'll just pick up the next ambitious NBA they could find to take your place I seriously wouldn't wish that job in my worst enemy you may think you're tough-minded and could handle it but you'd be the type that gets broken hardest and it would be harder than it should be because my friend is such a nice guy and you'd know that if it weren't for you he'd bear the BR front of it and those times that are good are really really good story nine my grandmother's twin nephews complained about the colors of the Ferraris they got for their 14th birthday they wanted the colors each other had but refused to trade each other because just because they were twins didn't mean they had to share everything their father got them replaced with the correct colors and within 6 months both of them had custom paint jobs Anyway by the time they were old enough to drive them they hated the cars because they were old and both got McLaren's anyway I have tons of stories about those little monsters but I can't complain tooo much their father played in the NBA and knew what it was like to have nothing he was a good guy even though he gave into their demands way too often every time I saw him I would leave with thousands of dollars in clothes and shoes that he only wore once or not at all because his kids didn't want to Ed clothes I didn't even care one bit but yeah most things were a bit too big for me but screw it I had 12 pairs of shoes that cost $500 each for free wearing two pairs of socks to make them fit better was a minor inconvenience on a side not not all basketball kids are like this Michael Jordan is a complete jerk but his kids couldn't have been more humble when I met them and Ellen Iverson's daughter was a complete joy to be around I mean as modest as anyone she destroyed me in a game of basketball and said hey if every kid grew up with a full-sized cord in their house then 99% of them would be better than me I don't have skill I have opportunities so classy wait they were 14 and they got Ferraris all I got for my 14th birthday was a t-shirt that said awesome ends with me story 10 a friend of mine who has considerably more money than me though it doesn't take much was always asking me to come and EXP trips with her and had to keep turning her down because I couldn't afford it she'd say stuff like oh go on treat yourself and I'd have to explain that I literally don't have the money it's not that I can't or don't want to spend it it does not exist in my bank account I eventually had to sit her down and explain that I'm poor I told her about how I couldn't afford to buy much food so during work days I'd live off of the free fruit and coffee at the office I showed her how all my shoes have holes in them so I'd lined them with plastic bags to stop the rain getting in explained that I cut my own hair and wash my own clothes in water no detergent I pointed out that I'd long ago put all of my possessions that had any sort of value on eBay I wasn't trying to get sympathy I was only trying to explain why for the h hundredth time I was turning down her invitation for shopping trips or girls nights out or weekends away Etc she looked at me and noded in understanding I know what you mean things have been really tight for me recently I'm So skint at the moment that I've had to cut my weekly manicure and Spa a down to just two a month story 11 I have a cousin who's married to someone rather wealthy but her husband had to and make his own money let's start with his $40 million college graduation gift to get his business started from his father okay so I've got several here from her we were at the beach together outside their city for the day my other cousin says her sister I love you bikini I wanted that one but it was $400 her response was I bought two so when this one gets dirty I toss it she picked me up from the airport in a brand new Mercedes AMG G wagon I said I really like your truck her response was this old thing I want a newer one they build houses together every year or so and then move the latest house they built was 14,500 ft as the concrete guys came out to pour the driveway she was recording it and was laughing at the people across the street for having poor houses in turn they bought up several houses on beachfront property to build the mega house they have three children of their own but have started adopting children from other countries to give them Better Lives she and her husband go on television and cry to get attention so they can get their new baby from the Congo her real life response is how much money do I have to throw at this kid to get it for me like it's buying a dog in closing she's not from a wealthy family she's from a hardworking family salt of the earth people they married into money over 10 years ago and acts like she's made every single dime of her husband's money story 12 her roommate in college was dating this unassuming country girl for a few months we went to a Texas college so girls like this are a diamond dozen we got invited to our family's barbecue one weekend and decided to go when we went out there it was hard to keep our Jaws off the floor with just how insanely nice their property in the barbecue was turns out they are hyper Rich because they had mineral rights on a huge oil property fast forward another few months my roommate's horrible beater C eyes in a cloud of smoke on the side of the road he tells his girlfriend about it and then I swear to God I hear this exchange I figure I want to get a pickup truck so I've been looking around for a good one I can afford her how much are you going to spend him maybe five grand I might get a loan for a few thousand if I see more expensive one I really like her oh baby you can't drive a truck like that you might break down again I have some extra money this month let me get you one him you want to buy me a truck her is that okay him sarcastically of course not 3 days later she was in her room again complaining that the dealership was going to take two weeks to get the truck to them because of some of the options she got put on it and that now she had to drive them over to the car rental place to get him a car for a few weeks this is the rich people problem she rented him a really nice house on Mercedes for two weeks and then a big black F250 King Ranch with all kinds of extra features was delivered to our dorm parking lot they broke up a year later and she let him keep the truck he still drives it 6 years later I have to say though I think that girl is pretty cool for doing that she basically understood that she was just frivolously wealthy and that no amount of money she spent on herself would make her happy she didn't dress extravagantly or buy any dumb rich people stuff she was much happier giving that money to friends to make them happy can I be her friend please story 13 this will probably get buried or ignored but I feel like I have to let off some steam I've had some ridiculous experiences with people that have had rich people problems this is probably the longest running one to date I dated a gal for 3 years that had 80k in the bank left to her from an aunt who passed away she was also an event planner for nonprofit and made upwards of 60k in growing up her family was upper class dad made 150 annually at least from what I was told and that was a bad year this translated to her parents literally buying her a pony for her birthday when she was a kid meanwhile I grew up lower middle class some years I was lucky enough to even see Christmas I was working a job making 34k during the course of her relation ship I went on short-term disability due to kidney surgery which took longer than expected to recover from 3 and a half months during that time I was constantly berid for being poor while I was using my disability payments to pay off the surgery which didn't leave me with a whole lot of money why because she wanted to go out every other night to have drinks and dinner and wanted me to pay for it while I was recovering she was in the office when the urologist explicitly stated that I should not have alcohol for at least a month yet here she was 2 weeks after surgery reading my butt about luxuries I didn't see the pattern until after the relationship ended which she was obsessed over money and nice clothes I had two pairs of jeans at one point he'd go out and spend money on expensive scarves and boots and ride me for not buying myself something she had a rack of nothing but scarves and after if she had less than a specified amount in the bank she'd get pissed and blame me because I should basically have more money she'd cry to her parents who already paid most of her bills about it then she'd magically get like $500 wired to her account and she'd get angry at me because she had to call her parents storm out of our apartment and go get drunk with her friend it wasn't the not having money part that bugged me it was the entitlement and overall attitude that ended up destroying that relationship never having to worry about things growing up translated to her expecting everything to go her way she doesn't even sound that rich she just sounds delusional maybe she should watch this video and it would show her how rich people are probably will knock some sense into her I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy poor people who dated someone Rich what did you learn Story 3 made me look at my bank account see you on that video
give me a good story on WhatAreRICHPEOPLEPROBLEMSYouveSeen
AIT for letting my ex and his wife make fools out of themselves in court I 33f have two children 11m and 9f with my ex Liam 35m 2 years ago he turned our world upside down by revealing his affair in the messiest way possible more on that in a second and declaring he wanted to get married to his affair partner Jean 37f this led to me filing for the divorce my children learned of the affair before me Liam took Jee to meet the kids outside of school and he tried to tell them she was going to be their new mom and he asked the kids to tell me they wanted to live with him and Jean that morning the kids left a home they thought was happy and safe with Mom and Dad and by the time school was out dad showed up with a strange lady and admitted he'd been cheating even if indirectly and they were getting a new family I got a call from the school because the kids were distraught and ran back to their teacher after Liam pulled the stunt Liam attempted to win sole custody of the kids during our divorce and he declared his intention for Jee to adopt them this was not well received by the courts and it did lead to some parts of our divorce being drawn out due to the fact he claimed that made him eligible for everything accumulated during the marriage despite working for everything too so he is known and has made an ass of himself in court before Liam married Jean right after our divorce was finalized in the time that has followed since the divorce and even since Liam revealed his affair there's been a source of added conflict when we were together we involved the kids in celebrating and planning for each birthday including ours it became a sweet little tradition where the kids helped me cook for his and he brought the kids to pick up my favorite takeout we helped them shop for the birthday gift as well he expected this to continue after the divorce and for Jean to be included my brother took over helping the kids because they asked him to but the kids don't do it for him or Jean Liam claims I should be helping them do it or I should make my brother help them do it for him and Jean he claims this is Parental alienation my refusal to continue this tradition for him and Jee or to get my brother to do it in my place so he filed a motion with the courts and we had a court date recently where he was spewing all this nonsense he made this claim that we had promised to continue this for each other and how he held up his end until I refused Etc and how it was my wish to negatively influence his and Jean's relationship with the kids I let him do his ranting raving and then showed documented proof that he was lying texts and emails exchanged about this very topic Jean was also part of these rantings they were pissed and so was my former Mill after the judge dismissed the allegations and both were scolded for foolishness former Mill said I could have cut everyone's time down and saved their humiliation by just showing the damn messages earlier to quote her AIT
give me a good story on AITAforlettingmyexandhiswifemakefoolsoutofthemselvesincourt
today we have a great story of malicious compliance where a father says to never wake them up again we'll get into that in a bit but first dad gave me 30 days to move out and I did so I thought I'd share my story when I female was 18 my dad kicked me out for disrespecting my stepmother reasonable but also she was and is a manipulative bench and I was Fed Up Now what they mean by disrespecting her is I would only clean my messes if I dirtied a dish I'd clean it but only mine if I cooked I cleaned the kitchen things like that she expected me to clean every mess she'd make and insult me and has threatened to put her hands on me don't worry I told my dad but he took her side I was fed up being told I was lazy so I started talking back to her saying exactly what I thought my dad was fed up with me standing up against his wife and said I had 30 days to get my stuff and find another place to stay I was with my current boyfriend at the time and he said I could live with him and his mom and his mom was fine with it my mom is deceased so she wasn't an option and even if she was it wouldn't have been a healthy option because she was addicted to H and the big cause of most of my trauma so I packed my stuff within two days and I left I guess my dad didn't expect me to leave so quickly so when I came back to get the rest of my stuff he told me I could stay as long as I respected the rules and the owners of the house I told him that I don't respect the rules or owners of the house so I was not going back he was really upset with me and it probably didn't help that I was his youngest and my sister was already out making a life for herself don't get me wrong I love my dad I keep contact because when my stepmother was out of the picture he's a fantastic father but I'm 21 now and I'm doing really well with my life and me and my boyfriend are three years strong and even in a new state that really didn't like that but I didn't leave out of spite I just genuinely hated where I was he still really disappointed that I moved out but that's what he told me to do sadly my dad still married to her and my sister had a dropper as a babysitter due to poor supervision leading to my one-year-old niece in the ER getting stitches and my dog getting put down because the dog was skittish due to my stepmother straight up hitting her which led to my dog biting my unsupervised niece though my sister tells me that he's slowly getting fed up with my Stepmother's BS and entitlement so who knows maybe he'll divorce her and we can fully repair our relationship without giving him the ultimatum of see your future grandkids without her or not see them at all I'm not pregnant but I plan on having kids eventually honestly I just wish op the best going forward because it sounds like they've gone through a heck of a lot honestly I hope they do wise up I hope they do see how abhorrent this person is but if they've been by them for this long who knows they might have a bit of like a Stockholm syndrome type thing our next story is my dad told me to just walk home so I did I just remember this old story of mine earlier today and thought it would be fun to share I'm not a hundred percent sure that this qualifies as malicious compliance since it wasn't intended to be at the time but I'll let you readers be the judge a long time ago in the far away year of 1999 I was a young 11 year old boy finishing my last year of elementary school right before my birthday which was in May my parents called the family together for a meeting they told us my mom had gotten a new job and we would need to move we weren't moving too far away only about an hour but still that meant moving away from my friends and going to a completely different Middle School than the one I thought I would be going to elementary school wrapped up and we moved to our new house in early July in August my parents and I got to take a tour of the school and meet the principal and some of the teachers that was when we actually learned that there weren't any buses that passed our new neighborhood it was actually close to the school so that meant I would be walking to and from there every day my my parents weren't too thrilled about this but it was only a 15 to 20 minute walk and there was a path so they came around on the idea pretty quickly at the time both of my parents worked full time in five days a week my mom worked Monday through Friday and my dad worked Monday through Thursday and Saturday trust me this is relevant since my oldest sister was away in college full time and they didn't trust me and my brother alone my parents found a babysitter to be there when my brother and I would get home and watch us until my parents got home my brother was two years younger than me and in the local elementary school the school year started and in early September we got a massive heat wave that reached highs of like 96 degrees for a couple days the middle school was also an old building and most of it was not air-conditioned I only had two classes that had AC in the classroom throughout the day at the end of those days I was tired and not in any mood to walk an additional 20 minutes in the heat before getting home so I used the vending machine snack money to call the babysitter from the pay phone cell phones were definitely not used by kids in those days the babysitter thinking he was just not letting me suffer in the heat came to pick me up and I would do some homework before Batman Beyond and Pokemon came on I did try to call home two more times over the next two weeks when it was hot the second time I got the sitter again the third time I called was on a Friday my dad answered he was not happy with me he told me that it wasn't that hot 85 that day that I shouldn't call The Sitter away from the house and that I had to start growing up he told me to walk home and we would talk more when I got there so I walked home I got a lecture and was told not to call the sitter again to be picked up I said okay and told them I wouldn't call The Sitter or him again to be picked up two weeks later at the end of September a hurricane passed through the area halfway through the day at school it really started coming down it got so bad that they let us out of school a half hour early like that was Gonna Save Us Us by this time though a lot of roads were flooding in the line for pay phones was a long I remember what my dad told me a couple weeks ago so I walked home it took me almost 30 minutes to walk home from school that day and I was drenched by the time I got home the rain was coming down so hard I couldn't see more than five feet in front of me the roads were so flooded that the only way to drive in was with a car that had four-wheel drive when I got home both my parents mom got out of work early due to the storm where they are panicking because they hadn't heard from either the school or me I just walked in through our garage soaking wet and said hi Mom hi Dad I'm home after they got over the initial shock and relief of seeing me home my parents and I had this conversation mom said how did you get home I say I walked she says why I say dad told me to she says when we didn't get any calls from you or the school today I said well a couple weeks ago I called the sitter a few times and asked for a ride home since it was hot the last time I called I got dad he told me I just had to walk home from now on and not call for a ride again Dad says I imply that there could be exceptions I say you didn't say that my mom turned on my dad and just told me to dry myself off and put my wet clothes in the dryer I was drying myself off and I could hear them arguing it was louder than the rain when I was done and put my clothes in the dryer my parents talked to me and told me I was allowed to call home but only for emergencies the next day Saturday my dad took me out to Blockbuster and I was told I could rent up to five movies for myself he also paid for pizza that night and I got a whole pepperoni pizza for myself that pizza lasted two days and no one else was allowed to touch it my dad never lived that down good times bless op's mom for being an actual good parent although is anybody else upset by the fact that even she said only for emergencies during days where op is legit legitimately like exhausted and it's hot out and they don't really want to make that 15 to 20 minute Trek home in the heat is it that unreasonable to call the babysitter to come pick him up real quick I mean what is a 15 to 20 minute walk can't take more than five minutes total to get there and back right our next story is no overtime no exceptions I work in overtime and worked with one client for years and years looking after their various networks normally it's a nine to five kind of job but if something goes wrong after hours it can become a real emergency for them quickly one day the manager came down to visit our small team at this client's office Weaver told they renegotiated the contract and took a five percent cut on the job so they asked if we would all take a five percent pay cut as well no no one accepted that and we were ready to walk if they tried to push it the next week we were told there was to be zero overtime without prior authorization of the company president himself and there are no except options to this iron-clad rule they had us repeat the new policy back to them and emailed it to us the only thing I said to them was this is going to end poorly two days later the core router that connects all the different parts of the Big Data Center failed at 9 pm our manager called my cell phone and said to jump in my car because the data center was down I told him that I don't have authorization from the company president who had apparently gone camping for the long weekend with his family and was out of contact I told him sorry I can't do any work as it hasn't been authorized he tried to say how he's authorizing it I told him he specifically told us just earlier this week it has to be from the company president and there are no exceptions if he can't get a hold of the president then give me a call back he was mad the client was mad as they were told I refused to help he left an angry voicemail for the president about me they did get it fixed when the manager drove himself to the data center in the wee hours of the morning to pull the bad circuit board the next business day first thing in the morning the manager the client's CIO and our company president were waiting for me to come in and told me to come into the meeting room it went as expected with raised voices accusations and many final warnings until I pulled out the email and gave it to the client CIO to read it took him 10 seconds to read and then the CIO asked me to head back to my desk and carry on with my day I never heard what was said in the room after I left but there was a new directive that afternoon that overtime work no longer must have prior authorization I worked another two years there before I left for a better job but to this day if there is Rule with no exceptions I relate this exact story and ask them to rethink what they're about to tell us is anybody else actually impressed that the manager themselves drove to the data center and fixed the problem I'm just surprised that they wouldn't have just dumped this and left it to all fall on op shoulders blamed op every step of the way and refused to actually get their own hands dirty honestly considering the competency of most of the managers that end up on stories here I'm surprised they even knew how to fix the problem our next story is not my job became I'm not qualified for that position so this is an update with a full Fallout from them denying my promotion management lost production for that day and nothing was done they've been handing out overtime like it's candy all week I just got done with a 12 hour shift they asked me to help out in a neighboring department and instead of saying not my job like I was doing I remembered that you have to be specifically qualified to work over there so I quipped I'm not qualified for that position management then used the contract to make me work in the department I was qualified for to help out I made sure to tell my shop steward so they know things have settled down at work work and got back to normal I'll post if anything else comes up so some quick context to what's going on here fully op had been working a job and they got turned down for a promotion being told they were distracted too easily so having been turned down for this promotion they decided to do only the specifics of their job and what they're qualified to do when they'd previously been doing a lot of extra work for the boss essentially doing the boss's job for them AKA op said not my job you're gonna screw op over and not give them the promotion then they're going to do only their job then you try to shift them to a different position that they're not even qualified to do to make them do more work sorry not qualified for that they might not get that promotion they may not get a bonus or a raise but they're certainly not going to be cheated out of doing extra work when they're not appreciated this next story is dad told me to never wake him up in the middle of the night again saw a post on here that reminded me of my innocent Alliance that turned into malicious compliance I was nine years old and woke up from a nightmare I was scared and couldn't go back to sleep so I woke up my dad for Comfort he told me to go back to bed and never wake him up for anything ever again I rarely woke him up for anything but I made sure not to a week goes by and it's the weekend so I'm allowed to sleep on the couch and watch TV I get up to go pee in the middle of the night and as I'm walking back I hear a tapping on the front door I'm frozen in fear already and I hear the person trying to open the door for what felt like three minutes they stop and I see their Shadow go across our front yard I'm still standing there shocked but glad it was over Unfortunately they left to go to the backyard I could see them because I was still standing there trying for the back door and then I see their hand and reach through the doggy door to grab the handle they were just two inches away from it I was holding my breath at this point they finally give up and I muster the courage to move again and go back to sleep the next morning I tell my dad and stepmom about it they're freaking out and asking why didn't I wake them up I replied that I was told not to for anything and they said it's okay in emergencies my little brain at the time didn't get it because the nightmare I had felt like an emergency I'm guessing Opie was their first kid because what I've gathered from reading these stories is as a parent you cannot be so literal with these things especially when you're making a promise to them you never use the words anytime or I will always otherwise you will very quickly find years down the road there's something that you promised and you are unequivocally The Jerk because you can't hold up to it needless to say I'm just glad enough nothing happened to op and their family but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome malicious compliance story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMALICIOUSCOMPLIANCEAGAINSTPARENTSRedditStoriesorig
first story after years of NC with my abusive golden sister she came to my home begging for reconciliation after our cheating mom kicked her out for cheating with her boyfriend who was also sister's biod dad after refusing she confessed to cheating with my husband and then failed to recognize him I'm a throwaway since my family knows and stalks my SM I 26f have been in no contact with my sister Cheryl 24f or mother 57f since I turned 18 our parents divorced when I was 14 when my mom's constant favoritism and enabling of chery's abuse of me would not stop my mom excused it as every parent has their favorite but Cheryl took Delight in stealing from me destroying my things and using me as a physical and emotional punching back my dad after years of trying to force family counseling mental health evaluations and family interventions kept enabling and at times felt like encouraging Cheryl my dad treated divorce as a last ditch effort to try and save what was left of my childhood my mom demanded full custody of Cheryl and exchange for giving my dad 8020 of me it was a rough battle and he really did try to limit my custody time with Mom at 16 I was able to stay with my Dad full time and only see Mom and Cheryl occasionally or at school I suspect my mom wanted 8020 of me to keep me around as chery's punching back but chery's power over me lessen the instant I had the power to just walk away it's funny Cheryl seemed obsessed with taking from me new phone taken new tablet taken once we were both in high school school and I lived with my dad fulltime she couldn't blatantly steal from me anymore didn't stop her from trying I had one boyfriend in high school whom she tried to seduce but failed he told me immediately and I was weirded out by it when I went to college she Eed me and found out if I was dating anyone had two boyfriends in college and she tried the same thing both times they told me about chery's attempts and shot her down this part might need explanation Cheryl is conventionally attractive like from a Ross the room but since she was a teenager she has had a hygiene issue she showers once every 2 weeks and uses a combination of scented hand lotion and perfume that combines with her bow into a new Mega stench versus covering up my last college boyfriend remarked that when she put her hand on his shoulder he was immediately grossed out by her nails when I was in college Cheryl also attempted to get a credit card in my name but I had a lock on my credit courtesy of my father who feared my mom would try this first so needless to say I'm not impressed with my sister or my mom last night I got a weird call from my Aunt Janice 64f my mom's sister I haven't talked to this woman in nearly a decade and suddenly she's calling me she asked me what I heard I heard nothing so I was confused she was instantly like good Cheryl needs a place to stay your mom kicked her out I was immediately like excuse me no Janice then kept begging me to let Cheryl stay at my place at least for a few days for my mom to cool down I told Janice that I haven't talked to Cheryl my mom or her in years that you are all strangers to me and last time we all talked you weren't my favorite people Janice then kept saying family helps family and it's just for a few days it'll be fine I finally blocked the number but I did get a confused call from cousins confused that I cut my sister and mom off as if it happened recently and not almost a decade ago the cousins from my mom's side rarely talk to me so they were just as confused as I was and wanted clarification I'm debating on telling them the details but I'm thinking of just telling them it's not their business but I can't help but think I should have handled the call with my aunt better AA for how I told my aunt that I wanted nothing to do with my mom and sister update I talked to two of my cousins over the phone and explained that I've been in no contact with my mom and sister since I was 18 I still saw them both a handful of times but never interacted with them directly as suggested I gave a cliffnote version of what happened with my sister and Mom that made want to cut them both off one cousin said figures and the other said makes sense Aunt sent a message via Facebook Messenger saying I had no idea it was that bad she did and that she would leave me alone about it from now on overall I felt good starting Friday and continuing until noon today my husband and I work from home and we were both surprised when our ring doorbell said we had someone buzzing the front door I checked the camera and yep it's my sister Cheryl with two suitcases I went to the door and kept the screen door closed and locked but opened the front door I could still smell her weird bow through the screen door so her hygiene has not improved since I last knew her Cheryl tried to go hey sis all bubbly and like half my childhood didn't happen I asked what she wanted she said she and Mom got into a fight wouldn't say what the fight was about and asked to stay with me I said absolutely not and she started crying then she said she didn't want to tell me this but she and my husband have been having a six-month affair and that she couldn't hold it in anymore and that blood sticks with blood it was at that moment that my husband rounded the corner and said what my sister looked confused and asked who the hell The Man Behind Me was and I almost laughed because I realized what happened since Thanksgiving onward my husband has grown a small beard for the first time most of his pictures on social were of him cleanly shaven so of course Cheryl would have no idea what he looked like with the beard I said that's my husband and she tried to recover it was sad and pathetic I simply said bye Cheryl and closed the door 10 minutes of her continually buzzing the ring and knocking pleading and she finally left I called both cousins and asked what the hell this is all about and why my mom kicked Cheryl her favorite child out one cousin only knew the Bare Bones but the other knew the details when my parents first divorced there was a guy my mom brought in almost immediately who I call scumbag Tom his showing up and the start of the divorce felt highly suspect but he was always a weird guy that I never liked being around I did ask my dad if he thought Mom cheated on him with Tom and he said Tom was the least of his worries and the lowest of his priorities when it came to the divorce long story short Cheryl slept with Tom mom found out kicked Cheryl out and Tom stayed swearing Cheryl tricked him somehow just Cheryl staying super classy and mom found the one thing she wouldn't tolerate Cheryl doing God I'm glad I cut these people out of my life update the last 12 hours have been a roller coaster I talked to my dad again today had him visit and told him what Cheryl had done dad sat down on the couch and started laughing crying and shaking his head I was really worried because I was afraid he was having a medical issue he finally caught his breath and told me the Family secret during the divorce my mom was apparently extremely vicious and even attempted to keep me fulltime I wasn't told this mom went so far as to even claim I was not my dad's child and she knew who my father was and would use this to get full custody dad was undeterred even if I wasn't his child he raised me and he wasn't going to leave me in hell because of that paternity tests were ordered for both me and Cheryl and I was my dad's child Cheryl was not Cheryl however did match the person my mom brought to be sampled scumbag Tom dad was still going between chuckling and sobbing for a few minutes while telling me and my husband this then there was silence which felt like it went on forever I finally asked if scumbag Tom knew dad just nodded I asked him how he felt about Cheryl I said you can't just turn off being someone's Dad no matter how shtt y they turn out I had my husband take my dad to the guest bedroom after he said he needed to lay down for a moment around noon my phone started ringing it was an unknown number but I figured it was Cheryl I picked you up Cheryl she was again begging for any sort of help stay with me or money for a hotel anything I was tired and I admit that I wanted to hurt her so I told her I told her who scumbag Tom was to her she was quiet then begged me to tell her I was lying I just hung up I told my husband and father what I did and my dad just started that weird sobbing chuckle again my husband however said we should probably call my aunt and let her know what I just told Cheryl in case Cheryl becomes unstable and at least someone would be alert for it I do feel bad that I dropped this on Cheryl as a way specifically to hurt her I tried justifying that this isn't even a tenth of the hurt she's given me but hurting someone doesn't feel good the longer I sit with it update I am posting here in my profile for now I don't know where this would belong honestly at everyone's advice I did call my two cousins and we had a real conversation whoever said my mom and sister controlled the narrative with that side of the family was right according to my cousins my dad was painted as a lowlife cheater and I as a Dropout drug addict who went manto man I literally only had four boyfriends my entire life so when my sister was kicked out my aunt suggested she stay at my place the cousins were confused wasn't I a drugie who couch surfed and was unemployed Aunt apparently came up with a story that I speedran adulthood in six months of getting clean an online degree a job home and husband now both cousins never really liked my mom or sister they just figured that if trash called me trash I must have been super trash I did tell them the truth about Cheryl and scumbag Tom and both were disgusted with everyone involved they made sure that the family had been sufficiently warned now the next part apparently happened late last night and I'm getting this secondhand Cheryl apparently stopped back at Mom's and the three of them got into a big argument things were broken and thrown against the wall and the cops were called the cops showed up Mom tried to get Cheryl kicked out but apparently Cheryl's legal address is Mom's house so the cops told her she couldn't be kicked out same with scumbag Tom's legal address so as long as no one is actually assaulted the cops don't care I'm now making it a habit of putting all calls from unfamiliar numbers straight to voicemail I got three from new numbers last night two were moms first she was crying pleading for her to apologize to me and begging me to understand the second was her screaming and cursing to the point of it devolving into noise the third call was from scumbag Tom started with him going hey kiddo deleted that one before it finished I'm going to take the ring doorbell footage the past legal case of the credit card the voicemails the texts and the information from my cousins and get some legal orders in place now it's all just trash trash trash trash update I mentioned on my profile that I cleared up the narrative about me to my cousins my mother and sister spun a tale that I was a hot mess I couldn't keep a job slept around did drugs couch surfed when my sister was kicked out my aunt decided to suggest Cheryl stay with me which made my cousins confused wasn't I a hot mess Aunt then made up the story that I got my life together got clean a degree a career a house and a husband in 6 months cousins were skeptical but they thought that since my mom and sister were trash if they called me trash I must have been super trash so they always kept a distance away that's since been cleared up for the most part the cousins wanted to stay away from the epicenter of drama bombs the next part I heard was from two of my cousins Cheryl decided to head back home and she and Mom got into a big argument and scumbag Tom decided to jump in cops were called every 's addresses were verified and the cop's attitude was since no one was assaulted no one is allowed to kick anyone out and left I've been getting calls from all family members now Mom Cheryl and scumbag Tom go straight to voicemail and I'm collecting as much of it as possible and have been sending it to the police my husband suggested we retain a lawyer to better handle this which we will be doing in the next couple of days aunt is acting very apologetic and keeps claiming she didn't know the abuse was as intense as it was and thought the problems I had with Cheryl we stupid sibling stuff but she said we shouldn't cut mom and Cheryl out of our Lives just yet no one else on Mom's side of the family is willing to lend any help or support except for Aunt I am however getting more calls from cousins second cousins and other members of Mom's family wanting to reconnect now that they know the truth I'm sort of not sure if I should even dedicate any time to them they didn't lend my father or me any support during the divorce or afterwards part of me understands that it's because my mom and sister spun a hell of a narrative but at least according to my cousins her side of the family thought Mom and Cheryl were trash anyways but still associated with them I might reconnect more with my aunt's kids the two cousins since they approached me when this whole mess started with confusion and asked for clarification not outright trying to browbeat me into accepting my sister into my home update I've been getting some questions and stuff plus there's a minor update so here we go people asked how my aunt and cousins had my number and that's simple I have had the same number since being a teenager I've been weighing number switching but that would mean changing the 2 FAA on all my apps and signin and honestly Cheryl rarely calls so it doesn't bother me as for how Cheryl knew where I lived that's because she's my effing psycho stalker literally when I was in college and had a boyfriend within a week she found him at a party and tried to hit on him if she spent on Tenth the energy she spent stalking me to get a PI license she would probably be the most successful Pi in the state some people people have suggested Cheryl's lack of hygiene could have meant scumbag Tom has been grooming her and messing with her since we were kids while that does make me a tiny bit sympathetic to Cheryl I have to be honest I haven't thought of her as family since I was a teenager for the update we've doubled up on home cameras got a sht file and an attorney and an initial protective order in place for Cheryl mom and scumbag Tom an official hearing is upcoming but the law moves slowly my husband dad and I have taken to scanning our cars for air tags lately no bleeps yet but I can't be too safe now I had lunch with my two cousins and they both suggested to Aunt Janice that if she cared about Cheryl so much she should house her the cousins told me that Janice broke down at that and revealed that Janice was me it turns out my mom and Janice had a very similar relationship to Cheryl and me and Janice was the punching bag for my mom Janice got so used to rolling over and taking it that she was confused that I refused to me refusing to take the rooll she had broken her and she felt even more steadfast that she had to have me submit like she did as a weird Twisted way to prove that she wasn't wrong for submitting all those years Janice has booked with a family therapist because she said saying that out loud made her feel psychotic my two cousins said that other than my mom Janice was an exemplary mother so I somewhat believe in Janice's trauma I do feel bad for her maybe she will get through this I hope she does my cousins understand that we can't have a close cousin relationship because we weren't raised that way but we will see if we can be friends at the very least Second Story narcissistic mom made op believe her father abandoned her but the truth is he was forced by Mom to cut ties with op and mom took her only for her inheritance sorry for my terrible English I 19f grew up with a single mom growing up I was always told my father abandon me it happened when I was around 10 when I asked my mom about my dad and she told me straight away that he abandoned me I cried so much that day it's not a joke As I Grew Older I hated him even though I never met him I thought that if he came back I would scream at him ruin him and attack him for leaving last week my mom and I were at her friend's house I went along because I'm friends with her friend's daughter well fast forward I came down the stairs and heard her say my name she revealed my dad's name and said it's easy to keep a father out of a kid's life like what I did with Lena's my father after I found out he cheated on me she was also talking about how pathetic he looked when pleaded with her to stay in my life she also added how she used his old drug addiction against him in court so from what I understand he was sober before I was born I made contact with my biological dad as soon as we got home the next morning I got a reply he asked for my number so we could talk the first thing my dad said when he called was to apologize he told me it was all his fault after talking with him for a while I told him I'd love to have a relationship with him he lives not far from our city a 2hour drive as for my mom she is at work I sent her a text telling her about what I heard and I'll be cutting off contact with her for a while and probably forever edit so I did not mention this in a comment about the house I inherited my uncle's house after he died and that is when Mom started acting weird she believed that the house belonged to her and fought with my grandfather over it but he put his foot down and told her it's my house secondly when I turned 18 and moved into the house my mom came along I didn't want to live with her again but she told me she'd cut off my college fund well now my grandpa has told me he'll pay for my college also more about my mom when my parents split up my grandfather told her he didn't support her decision to keep my father out of my life but she told him he would never see either also my mom acts like my house belongs to her and always tells me technically it's my house and should have been given to me edit to another thing was that my father quit drugs long before he met her I confess to this and I was told by my grandpa not long after telling my mom she was no longer in my house that my dad loved me with all his heart when I was only a couple of months old apparently my dad almost made it impossible for others to hold me the next thing is that my dad did confess to cheating I already asked my mom to explain her side and she said yes he did quit drugs long before he met her however that's about it so far all she wants is for me to forgive her I did ask my dad for his side he hasn't replied lied yet but he told me he'd call me later update first of all thanks so much for the support I'm surprised my post got so much support I cannot thank you enough but anyway onto the update so I met up with my dad at a restaurant today he thought it would be better to talk in person I was shocked when I saw him he looked to be in great shape but I could tell he was crying when I approached him he pulled me into a hug and apologized a few more times for not being there saying that he really wants to fix it while he has a chance we started talking and there was much more to the story than my dad just being a cheater so here it goes during my mom's pregnancy she constantly put my dad down like she would tell him you should be happy you're with me and not some unimportant bee or you're not good enough for me I'm just with you for the sake of our child my dad said that he thought it was just her pregnancy hormones but then it got worse after I was born her ego was through the roof but what really took the cake was when I said it's such a shame my daughter will probably grow up to be a failure like her father I was taken aback by this I asked my dad if that's the reason he cheated and he said no he should have just called off the wedding but instead he cheated he apologized a few more times and told me he loves me that he never forgot about me and that when I texted him for the first time he couldn't believe it was me until he saw my profile picture we both cried for a while until our breakfast arrived now on to my mom I just want to add that my mom started threatening me after I told her she was getting evicted but at first it went from pathetic apologies to fullon threats she told me she'd ruin me if I abandoned her make sure I lost everything anyway after speaking to my dad I wanted to see if my mom would confirm it and she did not feel shame she admitted it like it was a effing achievement with no remorse may I add then she went back to Sweet talks and back threatening me someone told me I should see if I could forgive her and probably not go to NC after today I doubt I want anything to do with her I also think she's the one who told all my ex-boyfriends that they were not good enough because they all broke up with me shortly after meeting her without any explanation I'm done with her my grandpa told me he'd help me with the eviction and possibly a restraining order due to the threats I am going to visit my dad as soon as she's out of the house thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on AfterYearsOfNCWithMyAbusiveGoldenSisterSheCameToMyHomeBeggingForReconciliation
AIT ta for taking my wife and leaving the wedding reception early my wife and I got married this December we've been together for 7 years and I really wanted to give her the dream wedding she wanted both me and my wife were heavily involved in the wedding and up until the reception it was the best day of our Liv my wife is very shy and non-confrontational she wasn't hard on anyone about gifts dresses kids Etc we had a few Simple Rules like don't wear white and don't do anything to take the attention from the bride and groom then during the reception her sister walks in dressed in this little white dress with her boyfriend she was late and had missed the actual wedding completely their mom went up on the stage and on the mic requested everyone to pay attention to Bella the sister and then her BF got down on one knee and proposed as you can guess suddenly all the attention was on Bella their mother still screaming my sweet daughter on the mic no one had warned or even asked us before doing that I was angry but my wife was just sitting in her seat trying not to cry we hadn't even started the wedding speeches for us or cut the cake yet and now all her family could think about was Bella after about 20 minutes of her family just ignoring us and basically stopping the
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wibta for not going to my half brother's wedding basically the title but here's the context I am 38 have a very messy family life my dad cheated on my mom when I was about 15 this woman who I'll call Sarah also had a son Mike M38 who is a few months younger than me she also cheated on her husband when the Affairs were exposed and divorces were finalized my dad and Sarah got married but our parents planned for a new Blended and happy family quickly disappeared since Mike and I had no intention of being each other's brother we both lived primarily with our other biological parents and were rarely in the house together but very soon we talked it out and decided that we weren't enemies and just wanted nothing to do with each other so we have as neutral relationships as possible we don't care for good or bad about the other we both agreed that my dad and Sarah suck so when we were cold or impolite to our respective step parent we didn't feel like we had to protect them or anything a few years later Paul M22 our half brother was born due to age difference and US basically hating the blended family we were never close to Paul and had little to no impact on his life anyway Paul is getting married to Laura 21 who is a very very devout Christian and has been pushing him to make an effort to unite our family Laura has been using the wedding to try and get us to play happy family at first it started with small annoyances like family chats and trying to get us involved in wedding planning originally Mike and me were just regular guests in the wedding but Paul asked us as requested by Laura to both be his best men it felt awkward but Paul never asked for anything so we accepted last weekend we were supposed to go to a seminar since Mike and I haven't been to a church in years to receive training on what to do with the ceremony however it ended up being a setup by Paul and Laura when we arrived there was a pastor Laura Paul Mike and our parent we were supposed to spend the weekend healing our family Sarah and dad knew this beforehand and were on board Mike and I not so much so we just left and opted to pull back from being part of the wedding this upset Paul he said that if we weren't going as his best man we wouldn't be invited at all this was acceptable to Mike and me since neither of us went to each other's wedding but now drama is everywhere extended family is contacting us to make us budge and all the circus that comes in this type of situation my wife said that I am behaving like an and should just suck it up so I'm starting out am I the
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AIT my xgf told me my current GF sabotaged our relationship I 28m am really confused about the events of the last month my exgf Julie 29f thinks that my current GF Mindy 28f is manipulative and sabotaged our 4-year relationship I was in a loving relationship with Julie for the last four years we met through some mutual friends Julie and I were very compatible in terms of our love for outdoor activities and running we have very similar Lifestyles and supported each other well for the last 4 years we have also been living together for the last 3 years we even discussed getting married during the summer everything was great and I was planning to propose to her over the holidays however I started to see changes in behavior in Julie around September she was acting distant and looked stressed it was quite noticeable and I was worried I trust her with all my heart and I could not imagine she would be cheating on me however she did spend more time by herself around the same time Julie's friend Mindy messaged me privately and asked me if I could meet her secretly as she wanted to tell me something about Julie Mindy and Julie work together and I have known Mindy ever since I started dating Julie I was surprised but to be honest I assumed the worst I met her at a cafe after work she asked me if things were going okay between Julie and me she told me that Julie told her that she was planning to leave me soon this was a total shock to me I asked her if there was anyone else that Julie was interested in and she told me no Julie confided in her that she was not sure about marrying me she told me she just had to tell me this as she did not want me to be blindsided I was devastated I started putting more effort into making our relationship more exciting and planning more dates Etc Mindy was also helping me through this time and telling me more about what Julie told her eventually before Thanksgiving Julie told me that she loved me but she wanted to take a break for a month to live alone she said that she just wanted to live alone for a month to make sure she wanted to marry me I was completely heartbroken I I asked her if she wanted to pursue someone else she told me that was not the case and I better not do anything stupid either she loves me with all her heart but she just wants to stay away from me to make sure that she is marrying me for love and not because she is used to being with me I do not understand that at all I told her that if she is not sure after 4 years if she wants to marry me then maybe we should just break up we had a big fight and broke up after a few days as our lease was ending we decided to part ways in December she got a new apartment and I kept our old apartment and just took her name off the lease after the breakup I was feeling very lonely as I was not used to being in the apartment alone I didn't want to keep on being sad and hence invited a bunch of friends for a New Year's party I also invited Mindy we had a good time and my friends were doing their best to cheer me up Mindy also mingled with my friends and it was good Mindy decided to stay back to help me clean up and we hooked up that night I felt guilty but Mindy did cheer me up since then we have hung out almost daily at my place I am still sad about Julie but I won't lie that being with Mindy does make me feel happy she is sweet and caring last Sunday we woke up and someone was banging on the door I went to open it and it was Julie she looked Furious and started yelling at me she kept on accusing me of cheating on her I told her I most certainly did not cheat on her and she was the one who broke up with me Mindy was also at my apartment Julie was just angry at both of us she started calling Mindy a manipulative and told me that Mindy was the one who suggested to her that she should take some time away from me to understand her true feelings I calmed her down and asked her to explain herself she told me that ever since our marriage talk she told Mindy about it and Mindy kept on asking Julie if she was sure about marrying me Mindy suggested she take some time to herself to understand her true feelings and that I will understand and give her space when I said no Mindy convinced her that I was so controlling that I could not even give her one month to herself self and convinced her to break up with me Mindy told me that she did not say any such things and these were all Julie's ideas and she was just there during these conversations she did tell Julie that she told me about some of the things so that I get a chance to make things right with her over the last few months that made Julie more angry and she started accusing me of emotionally cheating on her Julie told me that the last few weeks have made her realize that we were meant to be together but she now cannot believe I could move on from a 4-year relationship in a week on one hand I want to believe Julie but she broke up with me for no fault of my own Mindy was there for me when I was down but now I also doubt her she suddenly started talking to me out of the blue as we were never really close before and immediately became my support after the breakup although Julie was her close friend am I the ah to emotionally cheat on Julie should I have told her about Mindy's texts should I have not moved on from her so quickly even though Julie broke up with me I was just hurting and Mindy was right there to support me I need advice from someone with a clear mind on what the is going on
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a it for trying to give my son his birth photos I tried to give my son his birth photos and now he's upset at me won't talk to me context I 64f have one child 31 male who I admit we spoiled that we gave him everything food birthdays paid for every activity and vacation on paper he's a perfect son did well in school never got into trouble visits often sends flowers on my birthday Mother's Day he even pays for a lot now that he's working still he's always acted extremely ungrateful considering all we've done for him I can tell he keeps me at a distance calls maybe once a week at most doesn't share very much about his life when he does when he visits hell things like demand I turn down the TV if he's doing something for work studying not realizing this our place not his last year my husband and I took him in his GF to a cabin for the weekend and even though I paid for everything he asked if he could take the larger room the reason was he has a severe cat allergy asthma and that was the only room not covered in cat hair sure it made logical sense but it's still seemed extremely rude since I paid for the whole trip story so he visited again for a week on his vacation which was nice but things soon started going south for starters he slept in every morning he preferred to sleep than spend that extra time with us great he's a medical resident and so I get he works a lot of hours but it still seemed very selfish the
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am I the for not telling my wife that our baby died because of me I'm 25 years old and my wife 24 years old had our daughter Angela last year in November we met at University we dated for 2 years and got married after graduating it's our first marriage and we are very in love my wife Kim got pregnant during our honeymoon and we were both very excited my parents are out of the picture and Kim only grew up with her dad we both knew that we wanted to have children and give them the best life we could Kim's pregnancy was normal it was our first child the baby was born healthy and beautiful she was perfect chubby legs and and round face I never thought that one day I could love a woman more than I love Kim but my daughter stole my heart completely everything was perfect but we were very nervous since we didn't know anything about babies Kim's father constantly called us and also gave me advice my grandmother also taught us how to change her correctly and feed her we were blessed with a lot of help Kim's family came from their home country to meet our daughter for Christmas they were going to stay
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my sister-in-law has been trying to take my life in multiple ways 3 days ago my husband and I went to his parents house to visit for the weekend his sister is a college student and was home for the summer as well so we got to see her too since they have a lakefront property and the weather was very nice a lot of our time was spent at the lake this weekend and some very weird things happened for some background first I've always gotten kind of an off vibe from my husband's younger sister when we were dating it seemed like she would find any excuse in the world to avoid void me and when we did interact I sense some hostile undertones pretty much every single time I brushed it off as Just Me Maybe not clicking with her or misinterpreting her still when we got married last year I included her as one of my bridesmaids and low key she was a huge pain in the ass for that entire experience my other bridesmaids told me she made snide comments to them that made them quite uncomfortable was Huffy during the bridal shower in wedding rehearsal made weird faces at the decorations and pulled weird faces when she ate the cake too I still brushed it off as maybe just her personality and left it at that at the lake though a number of events occurred that kind of unsettled me on the day we arrived my husband's sister had invited a number of her own friends from college over and the group of us spent some time together in the water at one point we all decided to have a big chicken fight and at first it was quite fun and light-hearted then a bunch of people including my husband broke away to do their own thing and his sister turned to me and said let's do another round with her other two friends left in the lake and asked to get on my shoulders I said sure knelt down under the water to let her up but instead of getting on my shoulders properly she got on top of my head and wouldn't budge at all when I tried to move her I couldn't get her off me or even get my head up to breathe for what felt like a long while my head was being squeezed between her thighs and I was seriously panicking by the time I managed to dislodge her and bring my head up to the surface what's weird about it was that the other two weren't even paying attention to any of this or even participating in the attempted chicken fight at all my husband's sister didn't say anything to me when I came up to the surface just kind of gave me this weird snort chuckle and got out of the water I was noticeably shaken and trying to catch my breath but I assumed maybe this was just some sort of an accident so I tried to act fine and didn't say anything my husband's parents have a Seido that they let those of us with a boating license use I don't have a boating license so it was mostly just me riding behind my husband with him at the wheel my husband's sister offered me a ride though and I didn't want to say no thinking maybe this was a chance to bond with her so I agreed to it I told her the seu still made me quite nervous though and to take it easy if she could she definitely did not take it easy she took any and every opportunity she could get to jump the SEO off the wakes of boats that passed us by was doing sharp turns at high speeds like crazy and I found myself having to cling to her for dear life throughout the ride there were points where we both nearly fell off the seidu with how wildly she was driving it again though I didn't say anything about it and acted fine because I thought maybe she didn't realize how fast and crazy she was going later my husband husband's dad yelled at her for attempting to Splash my husband with a seedu while he was in the water their dad told her it was dangerous to try and ride close to people in the water like that because she could have run him over after about an hour or so it was just me in the water with my husband's sister on the Seido and she drove that thing within a couple of feet of me just to turn it and splash me with the water way closer than she ever got to my husband when she'd do it to him I laughed it off but again was inwardly freaked out that brings us to yesterday at dinner as everyone in the family has been made acutely aware of by my husband I have a serious dairy allergy to the point where ingesting even a little bit of it can risk causing anaphylaxis my husband's sister contributed a big pot of tomato rice and told me there was no dairy in it so I could have some I trusted her and helped myself to a portion of it but shortly after eating it I had to excuse myself because I started to feel extremely ill and wound up spending the rest of my night puking my brains out I felt super faint and it took a lot of effort to breathe thankfully I had my EpiPen if things got bad enough but still the whole experience was just awful the explanation I got later was that my husband's sister finished the tomato rice with butter to make it creamier and then forgot she put it in there before serving it to me seems again like it could be an innocent mistake but given the combination of everything that happened this weekend I'm starting to feel suspicious that it's more than just that at this point I don't know if I'm overreacting or just being a paranoid mess because this is a huge accusation but I can't help but feel that niggling suspicion that maybe my husband's sister genuinely meant me harm I feel like I'm C crazy update I attempted to post this update to True off my chest but for some reason it keeps getting taken down I'd Qui so for the time being I'll post my update here for those curious first off I'd like to extend my most sincere gratitude to the redditors who took the time out of their day to give me advice I wasn't expecting so many people to come to my support and confirm I wasn't being crazy or overreacting I definitely needed to hear it and in retrospect I think this whole situation was really the wakeup call I needed to be more more assertive and confident in my assessment of situations a book I noticed a lot of redditors recommend to me was Gavin de Becker's the gift of fear so I gave it a look and have now begun reading it so far I found it really insightful thanks for the wreck anyways here's what's happened since my last post so I did end up talking to my husband about his sister's behaviors toward me last weekend I was planning on sitting him down and just point blank raising my concerns about her but her name came up organically in conversation so I ended up using it as a springboard for telling him about last weekend's incidents as I went through each sketchy incident I had with her my husband believed me and was angry on my behalf about what happened he also supports my wishes to keep more of a distance from her going forward he told me to let him know if she ever pulls anything like the incidents in the water/ cedu again the dairy thing he still believes to be a genuine accident apparently she was in tears over how badly she felt about that apparently my sister-in-law's behaviors last weekend weren't 100% out of character for her after telling my husband about my incident with her he explained to me that she's had a history of Crossing Lines and testing the limits of people's boundaries like this albeit never this egregiously until college she struggled making and keeping friends due to constantly Crossing peer boundaries my husband even had to come to her Aid in grade school due to her pissing off the wrong people who were ready to beat her ass he thought she'd gotten much better in recent years which is why he was so taken aback when I told him about the stuff she did last weekend apparently she's been in therapy for a very long time now to treat some mental health and behavioral is isues my husband was Slash as pissed at her for what she did to me but he genuinely doesn't think her intentions were to kill or maim me just to test my limits and Haze me albeit extremely recklessly I'm inclined to agree with him but my guard is still up in case it's anything more than that his theory is that because I'm quite shy she figured I was less likely to put my foot down with her and that's why she did stuff to with me in particular it's not anything I did or said Tilda dot dot dot yes I did ask Tilda so going forward I'm going to try to keep brief any interaction I have with her at Future family events and stuff I'll still be polite of course but no way am I going to be alone with her anymore and my husband says he's on board with this Arrangement and will intervene if necessary to make sure it stays it sucks to realize I'm probably never going to have a good relationship with my sister-in-law like I'd hoped I've never had siblings before so I was excited by the idea of having someone accept me as a sister and having that sort of a relationship ah well I get along well with the rest of his family and I have enough kid cast friends in my life who are like sisters to me in their own way ha
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my husband's best friend just kissed me and I'm unsure of what to do I'm an immigrant that recently relocated to another country to be with my husband after being long distance with him for several years my husband is my best friend and I love him deeply due to the fact that I've struggled making my own friends here I'm on friendly terms with a few of my husband's closest friends they're all for the most part decent people and welcome me with open arms which I'm grateful for we tend to occasionally hang out and it's never really been an issue recently I began planning a surprise party for my husband's birthday and I figured I would reach out to his friends about planning to see if they wanted to help this is where my husband's best friend Adam comes in Adam has been my husband's friend for about 10 years now Adam is married with a wife of his own who I happen to be friends with Adam was very supportive of my party planning ideas and was insistent on helping me out many times he offered to drive me around the city to get to different stores since my husband and I don't have a car which I would decline since I didn't want to cause him any hassle he would offer to use his place of work as the location for the party again I would decline because my husband isn't the type of person to enjoy birthday celebrations like that but I would let him know I appreciated his kind offer and that I felt he was being a very kind and generous friend he was fairly persistent but I figured it was just because he wanted to make his friend's birthday memorable fast forward to this week Adam texted me and told me he had his birthday gift for my husband but he would need help loading it up in his car I asked about what it was but he just said a joke about how I would tell my husband so I couldn't know I didn't think anything of it and agreed to help him today we drove to the store got the gift and drove back he put the car in park and as I started getting out he reached out to me and kissed me I was taken aback and immediately pulled away I asked him what he was doing and he said that he thought I was cute and he wanted to shoot a shot I asked him about my husband and he said that he didn't need to know I I was just overwhelmed and couldn't begin to wrap my mind around what was happening he apologized and said he thought I was sending signals because I told him once that he was a kind and generous person he then told me that my husband couldn't know about this because my husband would blame me and divorce me he also tried to get in my head by telling me if I told I'd have to go back to my home country which I found really weird I got out of the car and just went inside my husband was at work so he doesn't know and I'm having a lot of conflicted feelings I know I want to tell my husband because of how Adam went about this proves that he doesn't have my husband's best intentions in mind and is incredibly selfish my issue arises in how to go about telling him I am super upset about this whole thing because it's a weird place to be in I doubt my husband won't believe me because we have a good sense of trust in each other but I am nervous as to how this will affect our relationship I'm nervous he'll redirect those feelings of betrayal towards me if that's the case would it be justified I just need some guidance on how to approach this so that it causes the most minimal damage possible to my husband I know it's bound to happen but I obviously don't want to hurt him if I can help it update my husband's best friend just kissed me and I'm unsure of what to do my husband came home a few days ago and I surprised him with his favorite meal I had a day off and to become a ball of nervous energy so I had cleaned the house did laundry and cooked I wanted the environment to be as stress-free as possible for my husband because I knew it was going to be hard on him so we sat down to eat and he had been able to tell that something was bothering me and he asked me what was going on I told my husband as gently as I could and he was understandably upset thankfully Adam didn't get to him before I did and he believed me he was really mad at Adam for kissing me but especially mad at him for threatening me with deportation we talked it through and after a few hours came to the conclusion that in order to protect my residency we would file a police report for assault against Adam as we talked Adam sent me a text message telling me that he hoped I remembered what he told me yesterday as he wouldn't want to see me forced to go back to my home country he also told me that he was thinking about me and that there were things we needed to talk about he had no knowledge of me telling my husband yet so I can only assume this was his way of trying to let me know that he'd be blackmailing me from now on if I didn't do whatever he wanted this message upset my husband even further and it made me feel quite uneasy and scared my husband and I were quick to go to the police station the same night I told him and they freaked out over Adam's most recent text they agreed it seemed like a Veiled Threat so I filed a police report and they're currently investig getting the situation the next day I texted Adam's wife when I knew Adam was working to see if she wanted to meet up and she agreed we met up and I told her what happened I showed her the text and unfortunately she didn't take it too well it was understandable but everything I was worried about ended up happening she seemed to think that I flirted with him and called me a homewrecker I know she was probably just lashing out but it still made me feel bad for the both of us because while Adam was threatening me he also destroyed his wife's trust shortly after I met with his wife Adam started blowing up my phone but I didn't answer I assumed his wife had confronted him or maybe the police called him I'm not sure but he then sent me a bunch of texts that just got crazier and crazier to the point where I was starting to feel like I wasn't safe I called my husband who was at work and he told me that Adam was also blowing his phone too we ended up calling the police again because Adam was threatening to come to our apartment and do what he should have done when I was in his car he was detained by police for making what they deemed a credible threat against me it's still an ongoing situation and I'm a bit upset by how this whole thing essentially blew up but at least my family and I are okay the most important thing I'm focusing on is recognizing that what happened isn't my fault and that I'm the victim here I'll also be going to therapy this experience has shown me how quickly people can change once they don't get their way
give me a good story on MyhusbandsbestfriendjustKISSEDmeandimunsureofwhattodoorig
:00.080 --> :04.280 what do you do when your partner is asking you to  pay rent and you don't even live together we'll   :04.280 --> :10.240 get into that in a bit but first my 17-year-old  female friend 18-year-old male told me he no   :10.240 --> :15.520 longer respects me after I went skinny dipping  with him and three other guys we've been friends   :15.520 --> :21.680 for 3 years five of us me my friend in question  and three other male friends of ours were hanging   :21.680 --> :26.080 out last night when one of those other three  suggested we all go skinny dipping in his family's   :26.080 --> :30.680 pool while the rest of them were away I didn't  really love the idea but I didn't want to be   :30.680 --> :35.440 left out so I went ahead and got naked and jumped  in the pool none of the guys did anything at that   :35.440 --> :40.400 point to make me uncomfortable and I ended up even  showing off some of my skills on the diving board   :40.400 --> :46.080 later on my friend offered to walk me home as we  were walking home he said I lost a bit of respect   :46.080 --> :51.600 for you tonight I didn't think you were that kind  of girl I mean there were four guys there I told   :51.600 --> :56.680 him I don't understand he said I just thought  you were marriage material or something but now   :56.680 --> :02.120 I'm reconsidering I said it's okay I don't  want to marry you either bro he said I just   :02.120 --> :07.040 can't believe you got naked in front of four guys  and then went up on the diving board like that I   :07.040 --> :13.520 said so you lost respect for everyone or just me  he said you because men don't marry women like   :13.520 --> :18.760 that I changed the subject of the conversation  but after I got inside I blocked his number I'm   :18.760 --> :23.880 feeling very uncomfortable about how he's spoken  to me I'm going to see him at school on Monday I   :23.880 --> :28.400 feel so angry that my friend told me he lost  respect for me what do I do next time I see   :28.400 --> :33.160 him I don't feel like hanging out with with him  again at this point clearly this guy had way more   :33.160 --> :40.080 feelings or interest than he ever let on frankly  his opinion isn't warranted wasn't asked for and   :40.080 --> :45.440 isn't needed in this circumstance it's not like  op and them were dating definitely not the kind of   :45.440 --> :51.080 person you need in your life anyways also hi I'm  Stephen and if you guys enjoy tricky relationship   :51.080 --> :55.680 topics why not hit those like And subscribe  buttons down below that said our next story   :55.680 --> :02.120 is child-free couple male female 32 struggling  to opt out of family vacations now that kids are   :02.120 --> :08.800 involved the story involves my parents male and  female 60s my wife and I male and female 30s and   :08.800 --> :13.920 my brother's family male and female 30s and their  2-year-old daughter and one-year-old son a little   :13.920 --> :19.480 over 2 years ago before my brother had kids my  parents resurrected the idea of whole family   :19.480 --> :25.640 vacations we hadn't done it in a while because of  starting careers conflicting schedules Etc and it   :25.640 --> :30.720 went really well so well that my parents decided  to straight up buy a lake housee both for their   :30.720 --> :36.120 own enjoyment but also has a place for this kind  of event my brother lives pretty far away while   :36.120 --> :40.280 I live very close to them and my wife and I both  put in a good amount of time and effort getting   :40.280 --> :45.840 the house all set up and ready to go we also have  spent plenty of weekends there with my parents so   :45.840 --> :51.000 last year it was time to have the week-long  family vacation and unfortunately it was just   :51.000 --> :57.280 not a good time I love my brother and his family  very much but my wife and I are just really not   :57.280 --> :02.240 interested in children at all on the flip side  my brother and his wife love their children more   :02.240 --> :07.240 than life itself and spend every waking moment  they aren't at work interacting with them some   :07.240 --> :11.920 of the things that bothered us about the vacation  with them were their child is not allowed to watch   :11.920 --> :18.040 TV but they want her to play in the main TV room  the TV was not allowed to be on while the child   :18.040 --> :23.440 was awake their bedroom shares a wall with the  TV room so when the child is asleep we must be   :23.440 --> :29.360 quiet and TV volume at a whisper level they could  be in a bedroom away from the TV to mitigate this   :29.360 --> :34.440 but that one doesn't have an attached bathroom so  that's what I get sister-in-law is breastfeeding   :34.440 --> :40.120 SL pumping which must be done quite often like  every 2 hours apparently but we don't want to   :40.120 --> :47.320 exclude her so any boat excursions we do are very  limited which really kills the lake Vibe for me it   :47.320 --> :52.440 probably takes 30 minutes for them to get ready  30 minutes to drive to a Cove and anchor drink   :52.440 --> :57.800 a beer and then start packing up to drive back to  the dock my brother and sister-in-law don't drink   :57.800 --> :03.320 when they're around neither do my parents this is  allegedly a vacation and I'd rather lean towards   :03.320 --> :09.800 mimosas every morning and party on the pontoon  with no TV and limited Lake access everyone spends   :09.800 --> :14.920 100% of their time just watching the kids play on  the floor in the living room I don't enjoy this   :14.920 --> :20.960 at all their child is scared and allergic to my  very friendly miniature dog who is smaller than   :20.960 --> :26.080 the child doggo doesn't understand why nobody  wants him around when usually my parents love   :26.080 --> :30.440 him so now it's already been brought up about  this year and I said I didn't have a good time   :30.440 --> :34.640 last year and I'm not coming this year I'll go  with just my parents but I think it should just   :34.640 --> :40.360 be the four of them without me for the week so  they can cater specifically to just my brother I   :40.360 --> :45.880 could tell this was the wrong answer I don't mean  anyone any harm but if I wanted kids I would have   :45.880 --> :51.320 some I want my vacation to be about me and what  I want I'm having trouble with communicating that   :51.320 --> :56.960 in an inoffensive way what do you think I should  do I mean personally I can't really blame op if   :56.960 --> :02.440 you're going to the lake house you want to have  a good time on the lake or doing activities you   :02.440 --> :07.120 would normally expect to do at a lake house  I mean it would be one thing if yeah you had   :07.120 --> :11.520 to accommodate for the pumping and whatnot but  the fact that you're so restricted and that you   :11.520 --> :19.040 can't do anything leisurely besides basically just  scroll around on your phone or watch the kids play   :19.040 --> :23.800 it's disappointing and ultimately I understand  where it gets to a point where you say honestly   :23.800 --> :29.200 I'm not really vibing with that all that much I  don't feel excited about going it's nice to see   :29.200 --> :34.000 the kids it's nice to see family but like how much  time am I going to just have to waste just kind of   :34.000 --> :40.400 sitting around watching the kids play if anything  I would say op should pop in for like a day or two   :40.400 --> :44.400 something that may not even need like time off  from their work so that you know they're there   :44.400 --> :48.840 and they're having a good time together but op has  their fill of what's going on and then they can   :48.840 --> :54.720 vacation somewhere where they're more fulfilled  this next story is I tested positive for chlamydia   :54.720 --> :01.360 but my partner tested negative I feel like I'm  going crazy backstory I 18-year-old female friends   :01.360 --> :07.120 with benefits with this guy 20-year-old male and  he's my only sexual partner I lost my virginity   :07.120 --> :14.000 to him we've been messing around for 3 years the  last time we had hooked up was November 17th 2023   :14.000 --> :20.840 and I got tested December 2st 2023 when my results  came back it said I had chlamydia so I texted him   :20.840 --> :26.080 and told him I had to tell him something important  and the first thing he said was is it health rated   :26.080 --> :31.760 he was really apologetic and told me he just got  tested but nothing came back yet he then tells me   :31.760 --> :36.520 that he's been hooking up with three girls during  the month's October to December he said he had   :36.520 --> :42.480 hooked up with one of the girls unprotected and  the other two protected I was so angry because he   :42.480 --> :48.200 never told me he was hooking up with other people  and I felt so betrayed because I trusted him so I   :48.200 --> :52.520 decided to tell my close friends on Instagram  about him for awareness to others that he's   :52.520 --> :58.520 dirty and hooking up with multiple girls without  any regards for anyone's Health his results came   :58.520 --> :04.320 back and they're negative and I explained that  he probably got tested before found out he had it   :04.320 --> :10.200 cured and never told me and I'm now just finding  out and he stopped being apologetic and started   :10.200 --> :16.280 calling me a liar but I'm confused on how I am  positive but he's negative when he's the only   :16.280 --> :21.520 person I've hooked up with in my life I'm thinking  his test was false since he did a urine test and   :21.520 --> :27.520 I did a swab test I need help on deciding what to  do next I hope I didn't just expose him and I was   :27.520 --> :33.480 wrong the whole time or I just need an explanation  on how this is possible I think the very likely   :33.480 --> :39.840 thing here is his cleared up and he just lied to  op the only other alternative in my mind which is   :39.840 --> :45.880 not a pretty picture is he slept with one of these  people got lucky and didn't catch it himself and   :45.880 --> :50.960 then proceeded in the same day to hook up with  OP which I find grotesque and hopefully pretty   :50.960 --> :55.960 darn unlikely I think it's a pretty safe bet  that he just had his clear up and lied I mean   :55.960 --> :00.440 he was apologetic at one point initially he  said is it health related when Opie said they   :00.440 --> :05.680 had to mention something so they kind of knew  our next story is is it rude when my boyfriend   :05.680 --> :11.680 29-year-old male walks away from a table without  me 28-year-old female my boyfriend and I were out   :11.680 --> :16.480 to dinner tonight at a nice restaurant we stand  up from the table to leave and put our coats on   :16.480 --> :21.800 my boyfriend gets up puts his coat on and walks  and stands by the door to wait for me by the time   :21.800 --> :27.440 he's already at the door I'm standing up adjusting  my skirt and I've barely even put my coat on and   :27.440 --> :32.600 grabbed my purse I feel that it's rude when he  doesn't wait for me he does this frequently and   :32.600 --> :37.240 I've said to him before hey can you wait for me  to be ready before you get up and walk away from   :37.240 --> :42.920 the table he also used to always walk way ahead of  me and I thought I was rude so when we're walking   :42.920 --> :48.640 towards the car I said hey can you please not walk  away from me and when I'm not ready it's rude and   :48.640 --> :53.680 embarrassing and he's like wow sorry I got up  from the table and waited for you by the door   :53.680 --> :59.200 it's not like I left the restaurant I'm like yes  but it's just rude and makes me feel bad and it's   :59.200 --> :04.040 embarrassing when we're out to a nice restaurant  and everyone here is on a date does anyone else   :04.040 --> :10.040 find this rude he doesn't realize how his behavior  is rude it feels narcissistic not only do I think   :10.040 --> :15.160 it is on the rude side or definitely at least  on the clueless side but it kind of leaves me   :15.160 --> :20.840 scratching my head too because I just think if I  were on a date at a nice restaurant and it's time   :20.840 --> :25.560 to leave I wouldn't actually do so but in the back  of my mind I would want to be so close as to like   :25.560 --> :30.480 offer my arm for my date to grab you know I would  definitely be standing there saying you got your   :30.480 --> :36.480 coat make sure you grabbed everything all ready to  go and definitely walk out with them it feels way   :36.480 --> :41.720 less embarrassing especially if you're socially  awkward and also like what's the rush you're going   :41.720 --> :46.320 to beat the traffic to the door and hold it open  for me or something I mean I get it if you're like   :46.320 --> :51.280 absentminded and you just kind of walk off if  you're a naturally faster Walker but I've never   :51.280 --> :55.640 really understood the people who choose to just  willingly walk ahead of their partner and kind of   :55.640 --> :03.360 walk off our next story is my 28 boy boyfriend  33 hasn't responded in 2 days my boyfriend is   :03.360 --> :08.880 extremely busy with work and tired because he  worked over the weekend took two exercise classes   :08.880 --> :13.920 this week spent the whole night at the office  until 5:00 a.m. on Wednesday and had a big meeting   :13.920 --> :19.200 with a tech lead yesterday we agreed over a video  call that he's supposed to watch our dog rice ball   :19.200 --> :24.120 for the next 2 weeks because I'm moving to a new  apartment tomorrow but he's not answered calls or   :24.120 --> :30.400 texts for 2 days I am really worried about him and  hope he's okay rise B and I are screwed because   :30.400 --> :35.680 I have to move out of my current place by end of  day tomorrow and he's supposed to send $2,000 for   :35.680 --> :40.320 me to sign the lease that he helped me choose  I don't have the funds to cover this on my own   :40.320 --> :46.920 and find a place for rice ball to go by tomorrow  he has not communicated at all for 2 days Fridays   :46.920 --> :52.880 are no meetings so I know he's not at the office  today I need help what should I do I mean is this   :52.880 --> :57.720 out of the ordinary if it's something where like  they literally haven't responded for two days and   :57.720 --> :02.120 it's so unlike them I wouldn't be opposed to  calling for a welfare check if you know where   :02.120 --> :07.560 they're staying or going there if you know for a  fact that he's actually just trying to ignore you   :07.560 --> :12.480 like he's just not responding maybe he's reading  the messages but not replying maybe it's their way   :12.480 --> :18.480 of saying I'm not giving you the $2,000 and maybe  they're saying this isn't going any further I mean   :18.480 --> :24.200 I've heard a lot of stories about guys who are  in the office till 5:00 a.m. our next story is   :24.200 --> :29.720 I was going to meet my girlfriend 29-year-old  female and her friend 30-year-old male instead   :29.720 --> :35.440 they had a five course dinner and arrived over an  hour late a couple of years ago my girlfriend of   :35.440 --> :41.200 14 months and this guy went on a couple of dates  together but ended as friends he's now married to   :41.200 --> :46.680 another woman today they were going to go out for  a quick dinner then 1 hour later meet me at a pub   :46.680 --> :52.560 I 32-year-old male was also invited to the dinner  but had other plans I show up at the pub at the   :52.560 --> :58.280 specific time order a pint and wait I text her  after 15 minutes about when they'll be here she   :58.280 --> :03.680 says they've ordered ordered the five dishes set  course menu and are waiting for one more dessert   :03.680 --> :09.760 I asked them which restaurant they went to but get  no reply after another 15 minutes my beer is empty   :09.760 --> :15.440 and after always having to wait for her to arrive  to our appointments I start preparing to head home   :15.440 --> :20.440 another 15 minutes later she says they're going to  leave to the pub soon and complains about the bill   :20.440 --> :25.560 at the restaurant being so high I tell her not  to bother as I'm already on my way home at this   :25.560 --> :31.840 time it might be that I'm overreacting but what I  find bother me some extra about this is the fact   :31.840 --> :37.080 that she's always so careful about saving money  never wanting to go to those types of restaurants   :37.080 --> :41.840 together with me and the only time we've gone  to a comparable restaurant has been twice on   :41.840 --> :47.920 holiday and once for an anniversary but today  she figured she'd impulsively go with that guy   :47.920 --> :53.440 in addition she had ample time to let me know they  ordered a bigger dinner and would be late so that   :53.440 --> :00.000 I wouldn't show up on the scheduled time as well  I don't know advice am I overreacting I feel so   :00.000 --> :06.440 disappointed and hurt I don't blame op for feeling  hurt they made clear and concise plans with op op   :06.440 --> :12.080 was there waiting for them ready for that and they  hit up op and say oh by the way we're ordering a   :12.080 --> :17.440 five course meal and we're also ordering an  extra dessert it's just one big middle finger   :17.440 --> :22.080 to op saying hey by the way I know you're waiting  for us but we're just blatantly letting you know   :22.080 --> :26.360 that we're going to take double maybe triple the  time to actually get there you know just continue   :26.360 --> :31.280 to be a concept in our minds that only actually  resumes once you're visibly in front of us you   :31.280 --> :37.320 know just weit it out like the AI we think you  are this next story is my daughter 16-year-old   :37.320 --> :43.560 female and her boyfriend 16-year-old male broke up  and now his mom wants to still be friends how do   :43.560 --> :48.600 I tell her I don't want to be friends anymore they  turned out to be not very nice and snub their nose   :48.600 --> :53.360 at the thought of my daughter who was adopted  tainting their bloodline if they were ever to   :53.360 --> :59.120 get married I liked them all before I found that  out I'm non-confrontational and I'm actually very   :59.120 --> :03.080 happy that they decided to break it off I don't  want them to get back together and I don't want to   :03.080 --> :07.720 be friends with this kid's mom anymore but I just  don't know how to go about it since she texted me   :07.720 --> :12.720 saying that she's so sorry it didn't work out  and was hoping that we could still be friends   :12.720 --> :17.200 I'll probably still run into them occasionally  but I don't want to stress about it could someone   :17.200 --> :21.560 please help me the best advice I've seen for  a situation like this is kind of similar to   :21.560 --> :26.640 what a lot of people say texting their dad is like  where they'll text their dad a text that has a few   :26.640 --> :31.760 questions in it like when are you coming also what  color shirt are you wearing the dad will almost   :31.760 --> :37.360 always reply blue shirt and that's it so what op  should do here is say something like yeah it's   :37.360 --> :42.840 too bad it didn't work out between the kids but it  was probably for the best and you just send that   :42.840 --> :50.800 and you avoid the whole friends thing our next  story is husband male 42 overwhelms me female 32   :50.800 --> :56.920 and I want a divorce but he does not been married  for 2 years no kids if I come back from work and   :56.920 --> :02.200 sometimes just simply want to wind down he just  starts talking non-stop sometimes about heavy   :02.200 --> :08.400 topics such as religion politics current affairs  it's also frustrating that he cannot accept that I   :08.400 --> :13.800 have different views to him on certain topics he  always has to challenge me and try to get me to   :13.800 --> :19.760 agree with him it ends with him name calling me if  we're watching TV he will constantly pause shows   :19.760 --> :25.440 or movies to air his opinion which he'll go on  and on about for example a show that's 30 minutes   :25.440 --> :31.880 long with him will end up taking up to 2 hours to  finish it due to his constant pausing and airing   :31.880 --> :38.400 his views he spends his free time watching random  Youtube videos and podcasts he always has to share   :38.400 --> :43.720 what he watches with me sometimes the videos are  up to an hour long and he expects me to watch it   :43.720 --> :49.040 with him despite him having seen the video I do  it to make him happy but I've also told him to   :49.040 --> :54.360 not always do that I have lots of things I need to  be doing and can't constantly spend my free time   :54.360 --> :01.760 watching videos that purely interest him he gets  so offended bear in mind he works 35 hours 7day   :01.760 --> :08.040 shifts I work 12 to 14 shifts ranging between 3 to  5 times a week I also do night shifts every other   :08.040 --> :14.160 week so when I'm not at work I try to sort out  any errands do chores spend time with him and also   :14.160 --> :20.760 have me time he doesn't let me have me time for  example I just came off night shifts so naturally   :20.760 --> :26.240 on my days off I was awake past midnight I cleaned  the house and finally had some me time by watching   :26.240 --> :32.000 TV he had gone to bed at 9:00 p.m. yet he got  angry at me for not coming to bed at the same   :32.000 --> :37.560 time as him another time I spent the whole day  cleaning and I only had three hours of sleep and   :37.560 --> :43.720 went to work and had a day full of Assessments I  also had to travel far for this when I eventually   :43.720 --> :50.640 came back he just couldn't stop talking about his  day again I listened and eventually an hour later   :50.640 --> :57.200 I shut my eyes I was still listening he carried on  and on then he starts playing a video he watched   :57.200 --> :02.200 prior and wanted me to watch watch it too he  made me get up and said it was a quick video   :02.200 --> :07.600 after 5 minutes of watching it I asked how long  it is because I am really tired he told me it's   :07.600 --> :13.560 30 minutes long I said yeah that's too long right  now as I'm really tired he kicked off so bad by   :13.560 --> :19.200 saying what have you done to be tired followed by  him calling me rude and just shouting at me when   :19.200 --> :24.760 I tried to defend myself he just got more Angry so  I stopped saying anything but he still went on and   :24.760 --> :31.080 on it's also ironic as he's always whining that  he's so fatigued despite never doing night shifts   :31.080 --> :36.200 working less hours than me and doing less chores  than me he spends his free time watching YouTube   :36.200 --> :42.880 videos I'm always mindful of his space if I'm on  my phone in my own time after spending the whole   :42.880 --> :48.040 day with him it's still a problem to him if I  make him dinner he wants us both to eat it at   :48.040 --> :53.760 the same time even if I'm not hungry if I go to  the bedroom to get some space he follows me there   :53.760 --> :58.840 if I'm doing chores or cooking multiple dishes at  once he will constantly interrupt me me to watch   :58.840 --> :04.360 what he's watching sometimes I would just like to  be left alone he's getting out of hand now as when   :04.360 --> :09.320 I've defended myself even saying that I just want  to be left alone he Rings his siblings at midnight   :09.320 --> :14.760 or my mom at 3:00 a.m. slating my character  telling them how things are my fault I am   :14.760 --> :21.480 selfish how he tries so hard with me he makes me  out to be this toxic villain on New Year's Day he   :21.480 --> :28.080 did the same thing except in front of his mom and  mine he started shouting hitting himself throwing   :28.080 --> :34.760 things things and said he had contemplated unal  living himself because of me naturally both moms   :34.760 --> :40.400 were crying and upset I tried to defend myself but  again he would interrupt and get more aggressive   :40.400 --> :45.960 so I stopped saying anything he called my mom  last night again ranting to her despite my mom   :45.960 --> :50.200 currently being in the hospital with my brother  right now who just had an operation to remove   :50.200 --> :55.680 his cancerous tumor he also told me that both  moms have seen how toxic I am and they've seen   :55.680 --> :01.400 my true colors because it was me according to  to him who had been dramatic on New Year's Day   :01.400 --> :07.560 the gaslighting is unreal I've said I wanted to  divorce as this is too much for me he's humiliated   :07.560 --> :13.240 me in front of my family he minimizes my feelings  and wants me to be his puppet I told him I was not   :13.240 --> :19.840 going to be emotionally blackmailed by the whole  unal living issue he told me not to flatter myself   :19.840 --> :24.280 I just don't understand how I can get through  to him that it's not working and to move on on   :24.280 --> :29.840 one part he's always on my case and criticizes me  yet on the other can he doesn't want our marriage   :29.840 --> :34.960 to end I don't get it I mean bottom line here he  doesn't have to agree to the divorce for you to go   :34.960 --> :39.920 through with it I don't know if there's anything  diagnosable going on here I think this is probably   :39.920 --> :46.320 well beyond saving at this point he's probably  very very comfortable with how things are maybe   :46.320 --> :50.440 he thinks acting this way is going to get him  what he wants and eventually you'll submit to   :50.440 --> :55.360 it so in that sense he doesn't want the marriage  to end but he'll continue putting up a fit for   :55.360 --> :01.840 as long as you'll put up with it our next story  is male 61 female 61 one of us refuses to share   :01.840 --> :07.440 their food with the other it is theirs only seems  like a simple issue but it really divided us as   :07.440 --> :14.040 to what is acceptable behavior we are long-term  relationship one of us shares all food snacks   :14.040 --> :21.560 Etc and has no issue doing so even if only a bite  left the other one of us shares no food now I do   :21.560 --> :27.520 not mean if they have one bite left I mean if they  have a bag of chips pop some popcorn have a bag of   :27.520 --> :34.840 candy it is theirs end of story the logic is they  got exactly the amount they want and they do not   :34.840 --> :41.600 have extra thus it is theirs the other person says  there are two of us we know the other person may   :41.600 --> :47.520 want a bite so why wouldn't that be taken into  consideration the fun part is the person that   :47.520 --> :54.520 does not share has no issue helping themselves to  the other's food so personally I am of the opinion   :54.520 --> :59.600 that if it's a declared thing it is understood  that when they're getting something they are   :59.600 --> :05.160 getting something in an amount for themselves  I understand in most relationships people will   :05.160 --> :10.520 probably share meals and food but if you say I'm  getting this and I just want all of this to myself   :10.520 --> :15.960 I think that is a fair and legitimate thing to say  and request and it immediately becomes an issue of   :15.960 --> :20.520 the other parties speaking up and saying that they  want some of that and if they could compensate for   :20.520 --> :25.280 that by having some more let's say the no sharer  makes a bag of popcorn and they sit down and start   :25.280 --> :30.280 eating it and they're satisfied because they want  that whole bag of popcorn their partner walks in   :30.280 --> :35.120 and starts going hey can I have some is it not  reasonable to say well I just made this for myself   :35.120 --> :40.600 if you want you can make a bag for yourself I do  think it is incredibly hypocritical if they help   :40.600 --> :46.920 themselves to others things without asking now if  the no sharer asks hey can I have some of that and   :46.920 --> :51.520 you allow them to I don't think it's hypocritical  because you're consenting to that you want to   :51.520 --> :56.240 share with them if anything does this mean that  the no sharer whenever they're going to make food   :56.240 --> :01.960 has to compensate by saying hey I'm getting X or  I'm making X do you want some might be a good work   :01.960 --> :08.840 around our next story is my 24-year-old female  boyfriend 33-year-old male of 3 years is asking   :08.840 --> :13.480 me to pay him rent when we don't live together  my boyfriend is expressing that he feels taken   :13.480 --> :18.520 advantage of because he thought the relationship  was a partnership and that I should help him with   :18.520 --> :23.720 certain things because he's struggling financially  I have details in my other post but basically he   :23.720 --> :28.920 has debt from a previous marriage and other bad  financial decisions he made when he was younger   :28.920 --> :35.280 Plus student loans he works at an IT help desk job  right now after graduating from computer science   :35.280 --> :41.600 last year and entering a really bad job market he  lives in subsidized housing and I admit all of our   :41.600 --> :47.680 Hangouts are at his house I have good savings an  excellent credit score and a stable job I'm doing   :47.680 --> :53.400 all right for someone my age I think anyways there  was a stretch of time where I worked remotely from   :53.400 --> :59.120 his house on his insistence of us spending more  time together I always PID paid for our groceries   :59.120 --> :05.400 either 100% at the start then 50% later on he  has not been keeping track properly since June   :05.400 --> :13.520 2023 so yesterday he demanded I pay him back well  I also paid 5,000 for a vacation that cost 6,000   :13.520 --> :19.760 so after we talked about that he said okay from  today we are even now today he's saying that the   :19.760 --> :24.440 relationship must change and he doesn't see it  going back to the way it is that if I intend to   :24.440 --> :30.440 stay at his house part-time living there that  I need to pay a portion of his rent to clarify   :30.440 --> :36.400 even when I worked from his home I never slept  over I was just there a lot I only very recently   :36.400 --> :42.320 have slept over on weekends or Thursday through  Sundays in the last two months maybe he says that   :42.320 --> :48.120 he pays rent for his space and since I'm taking  up space that I need to pull my weight and pay   :48.120 --> :52.720 this seems kind of weird to me but I don't know if  I'm being unreasonable it doesn't seem normal to   :52.720 --> :57.360 pay someone's rent when we don't officially live  together he says that it doesn't matter what it   :57.360 --> :02.440 is legal legally but that I should pay if I spend  consecutive days at his apartment that if I want   :02.440 --> :08.000 to be treated like a girlfriend or a guest I can  only sell them stay over and if it's more than   :08.000 --> :14.360 that arbitrarily going to be set by him probably  then I am a roommate and I should pay he also said   :14.360 --> :19.880 that from now on I need to pay half of his gas  money we usually use his car to pick and drop me   :19.880 --> :26.600 off and I don't know even with my friends we don't  pay each other gas money because well we find that   :26.600 --> :33.600 a bit cheap unless it is super long distance when  my boyfriend and I go for super long distances we   :33.600 --> :41.160 always use my car for reference because it's newer  mine is 2013 his is 1997 he then also said that I   :41.160 --> :47.840 must pay 50/50 of all dates from now on or if he  pays 100% of the dates then that means we will be   :47.840 --> :53.640 going on dates significantly less this is really  sad to me because we haven't been on dates in 5   :53.640 --> :58.000 months which has been one of my complaints about  how we don't spend quality time together and that   :58.000 --> :03.240 he doesn't do the emotional labor of planning a  date for us every now and then also to me having   :03.240 --> :09.400 to go 50/50 on a date feels really bad but maybe  I'm unreasonable and I should pay half I don't   :09.400 --> :14.040 know but it seems like he doesn't even care  that the date aspect is really important to me   :14.040 --> :19.280 especially after being deprived of it for so long  by the way we didn't go on dates because he never   :19.280 --> :25.440 thought about planning them and we grew complacent  I guess he also said all of this stuff in a really   :25.440 --> :30.920 crappy tone to me repeatedly implying that this is  final and he won't go back to the way things were   :30.920 --> :36.360 because he feels taken advantage of and feels  like a fool for thinking we were a partnership   :36.360 --> :41.760 he also said some other nasty things to me too  I'm very torn because maybe I have unrealistic   :41.760 --> :46.960 standards and he's right that I should pay but  even logically to me it seems wrong to pay his   :46.960 --> :54.200 rent and dates gas I can maybe see and I already  do for groceries or other Mutual purchases please   :54.200 --> :59.760 help me I really love him I'm not sure what's  happening to us and I feel really scared and sad   :59.760 --> :06.200 now personally how I feel I don't know about rent  the thing is does he want you over there are you   :06.200 --> :11.360 visiting or are you allowed to move some stuff  in take advantage of some of the space in that   :11.360 --> :16.240 apartment or is it just you're spending nights  there if that's the case I don't think op should   :16.240 --> :21.800 be paying any of that rent as far as gas money if  he's going to pick op up and driving them back to   :21.800 --> :27.000 their place and doing the same for dropping them  off I think op should be paying half of that gas   :27.000 --> :31.880 money because it's something that he wants to do  right he wants to go pick you up he wants you at   :31.880 --> :38.120 his place right on the dates I think splitting the  bill 50/50 is fair for a one-on-one date gas money   :38.120 --> :43.720 and dates sure but like if he wants you around  at his place he can't be expecting to like make   :43.720 --> :49.600 money off of you being there like that's just  unreasonable our next story is my 23-year-old   :49.600 --> :55.680 female boyfriend 26-year-old male introduced me  to his parents after a year and I'm disappointed   :55.680 --> :59.320 me and my boyfriend have been together for a  year and now and he finally introduced me to   :59.320 --> :04.560 his parents he first told his parents about me  just over a month ago but now I've met them I'm   :04.560 --> :09.880 disillusioned with the relationship and realized  I've been mothering him all along for nothing in   :09.880 --> :15.080 return my boyfriend messages me late the night  before that he's going out clubbing Tuesday night   :15.080 --> :20.040 he usually goes clubbing twice a week and doesn't  bother giving me a heads up but he says he won't   :20.040 --> :26.240 be going hard obviously I'm disappointed but not  surprised yet I know there's nothing I can do the   :26.240 --> :31.080 following morning I check my socials and see  pictures of him and his friends posted at 4:00   :31.080 --> :37.160 a.m. of them at an Afters so much for not going  hard I don't hear from him so I shoot him a what's   :37.160 --> :43.160 the plan he responds with grab a coffee somewhere  and have a wander or maybe we go get a meal and   :43.160 --> :47.840 ends up asking me where I want to go now I'm  getting frustrated because he had a whole month   :47.840 --> :53.440 to organize this by this point I've already done  a few hours of errands I've done my hair makeup   :53.440 --> :58.880 I go to a nail appointment for a fresh set and on  my way to town I pick up a bouquet for his mother   :58.880 --> :04.520 as I'm walking up to my boyfriend and his parents  it feels like a slap to the face there I am in a   :04.520 --> :11.120 silk dress with my hair and makeup done and there  my boyfriend is hung over wearing the same dirty   :11.120 --> :16.360 outfit he wore to the club the night before his  mother makes a comment that she practically had to   :16.360 --> :21.240 drag him out of bed this morning because he still  hadn't gotten up by the time they had arrived my   :21.240 --> :27.680 boyfriend doesn't have a clue what the plan is he  decides whether spoons is the best idea UK change   :27.680 --> :32.760 Pub and weather spoons you order on a mobile app  my boyfriend orders his parents meals and pays   :32.760 --> :38.720 for all three to my surprise I have to order and  pay for my food and drink separately that aside   :38.720 --> :44.200 I am kolic and the menu in the pub isn't very  allergen friendly at the time his father makes   :44.200 --> :49.560 a comment about how small the portion sizes of  their burgers are and my boyfriend suggests we go   :49.560 --> :55.240 to another chain pob around the corner after this  but my boyfriend took me there once for a meal and   :55.240 --> :01.280 the only gluten-free kolc safe option they had  was a side of mashed potato that's seriously it   :01.280 --> :06.320 it really upset me that he raved about how good  the food was at the place and wanted to bring us   :06.320 --> :13.400 all there next when he knew exactly how upset the  experience made me visualize him eating a loaded   :13.400 --> :20.000 burger and me hungry with nothing I'm not sure how  he forgot so I sat quietly wanting the ground to   :20.000 --> :25.320 swallow me whole after the meal we go to an arcade  and had a lovely time his parents are amazing   :25.320 --> :30.960 folks who I'm honored to get to know especially  as his mother is battling terminal cancer and it   :30.960 --> :37.240 is very important to me that I meet her at some  point overall I'm left conflicted and confused   :37.240 --> :43.080 I have so many questions he's 26 and I feel like  it's ridiculous that as a 23-year-old I have to   :43.080 --> :48.360 tell him to dress nicely or that he didn't bother  to make plans and try to make me sort something   :48.360 --> :54.080 out the morning of the man has never once paid  for my meal let alone organize the proper date   :54.080 --> :59.280 that isn't buying him a Lego set from a toy  store I feel feel so dumb for maybe expecting   :59.280 --> :06.240 a dinner reservation or a trip to a nice cafe or  at least for him to pay for my meal this time let   :06.240 --> :13.160 alone remember that I'm kak he is a career Chef  it's not hard a side note I'm not mad he went   :13.160 --> :19.240 clubbing I'm just confused as it was objectively  a bad decision to be hung over when introducing   :19.240 --> :24.280 his parents to his girlfriend of one year I know  that's not too much to ask anyway folks what the   :24.280 --> :29.640 heck do I do I feel rotten as this whole meeting  is disillusioned me this felt like the last draw   :29.640 --> :35.800 for his low effort and lack of common sense I  realize now he's incapable of making these adult   :35.800 --> :41.240 decisions and directing himself properly he's  still battling dumb teenage boy impulses as a   :41.240 --> :47.120 nearly 27-year-old man that has lived by himself  since 18 this isn't the sort of thing that will   :47.120 --> :52.800 get better but I'm stuck in the guilt of having  met his terminally ill mother if we break up I'd   :52.800 --> :58.120 feel terrible if she passed away soon after and  I'm not sure how to navigate this sick and tired   :58.120 --> :03.120 of holding on to hope it will get better please  help I'm at a loss and don't know where to start   :03.120 --> :08.200 I mean the bottom line is you can try talking to  him about these things and see if he is actually   :08.200 --> :13.440 willing to work and try to improve I don't know  if op necessarily believes that they're capable of   :13.440 --> :18.560 improving but I think an important thing to keep  in mind here is if op is certain that this is over   :18.560 --> :24.080 and they want out you can let a circumstance like  his mother's condition prevent you from leaving I   :24.080 --> :28.600 just don't think it's ever healthy or going to  lead to a good result by sticking around solely   :28.600 --> :33.440 out of pity but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to   :33.440 --> :38.360 hear another tricky relationship topic check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :38.360 --> :43.680 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rRelationshipsFORCEDTOPAYFORMYBOYFRIENDSRENTRedditStoriesen
hey everyone my name is Jake and today we aren't gonna be looking at some item work here lady's stories so sit back relax and enjoy just because I work with them doesn't mean I'm working and you're at the wrong store I work at a pet store and it's also where I get all my cat fruit from I usually pick it up at the end of my shift however I forgot to do that the other day and wasn't on for two days so I dropped by to get it back I walked into the store and it was fairly empty so I had a quick chat with one of my co-workers explaining what I had done with my order he jokingly told me that they sold all of my food and I said to him jokingly dang you're an awful co-worker I'll just get you fired it's fine he laughed and replied and then a customer came to ask him a question I headed to the aisle to pick up my food order when the customer approached a see will be annoying customer me me and co-worker see excuse me hello I assumed she was not talking to me as I was not in uniform and was putting the cat food into my basket it wasn't until I felt a rough tap on my shoulder that I realized she was talking to me I've been trying to get your attention for 30 minutes now not true as I've only been in the store for about five but whatever oh well I can put on my customer service face and help her I need you to get my order now orders are actually pretty rare and we mostly keep them in the back room to ensure that whatever they want isn't solved but I'm not permitted to go in the back room anymore as I'm not currently working so I just picked up my stuff from the aisle plan to take it to the counter and have the mark off my order and have what was put aside from my order stocked in the store this was one thing I couldn't really help the lady with however maybe I could get her what she wanted in my way all right ma'am what was your order she then goes on to list some things one of which being cap biscuits that I can see unstopped on the shelves directly across from me where they should be sorry ma'am I'm not currently working so you'll need to speak to a staff member about that as your order is being held in the back room excuse me you just called him a co-worker yes I I do work here but as your order would require me to go into the back room and I'm not currently on I don't have access to it well then why did you call them a co-worker I work with him but I'm not working right now do you know what a co-worker means it means you are working with them you should refer to them as your friend from work so customers know you're not working I thought my blue jacket would give it away because it looks nothing like the orange uniform but okay what he is your coworker when you're working and not when you're off what are you thick I'm going to find a competent worker who can help me good riddance I think just as my friend from work comes into this aisle probably to have a bit of a chat with me you go to the back room and get my order um hello I'll do that for you now if I could just speak to my coworker for a second as our system seems to have blacked out for a beer and I'll need her help fixing EDS and as the word co-worker left his mouth I saw the annoying customers small brain kick in and the small cogs begin turning does nobody have a dictionary around here she is not your coworker I work with her just not currently Opie could you help me fix the system so I went over to the computers fixed them and saw that for some reason she didn't have an order placed usually our shop will send her a confirmation email with a code for us to scan however she claims to have left her phone at home and tells us her email which doesn't exist in the system sorry ma'am your email isn't in our ordering system is there another email you may have used or maybe a phone number are you thick i order from the other pet store all the time yes but this is this pet store and we can't seem to find you in the system this isn't the other pet store no ma'am the nearest one is this location I believe and with that the woman just left ah that is tragic after all of that she was at the wrong pet store ah I hope I ruined their vacation 20 years ago I worked IT for a show ticket company we had a number of Manta kiosks throughout the casinos in the city a big portion of my job was setting up and replacing computers at these locations we got a call from one of our bigger locations that the new ticket agent was starting but didn't have a workstation after some back-and-forth with a jar someone dropped the ball and didn't tell IT surprise surprise I'm told to set up a new spot of the counter next to the other ones I get down there and the spot was already being used by another company giving tours apparently no one told the hotel who was supposed to tell her to move but luckily the other spot on the other side of her was open and I helped her move all of her staff I served the new computer CRT monitor and big ticket printer it was the size of a medium PC tower printing out airplane ticket size tickets basically it was clear as day that I was setting up hardware there was a line to the left of me for my company's agents and aligned to the right of me for the other company the setup is not communicating back to HQ and I'm on the phone with a co-worker unplugging and re-plugging in the equipment rotating everything around checking for link lights etc etc during this troubleshooting ballet an older couple has walked up to talk to me about something vacation related I should have mentioned it's casual Friday so I'm wearing a bell abang brand shirt with blue jeans the agents to my left are in uniform the agent to my right is in a uniform I'm in the middle looking like a high schooler trying to fix the computer before dad gets home I finally see them standing there and before I can tell them sorry I'm setting up a new system you'll have to go to the line over there mr. grumpy says are you gonna help us are you just going to stand there I'm 20 ticked at PC and it's Friday I'm just going to stand here because I'm the PC tag oh we got a real smart bot here yup at this point mrs. grumpy decided to jump in waving her finger and yelling at me with a voice that was rougher than gravel I don't remember exactly what she started out saying mainly because her voice was so rough I couldn't understand it it did end with her demanding my company's phone number so she could get me fired I gave her an AOL dial-up number that I remembered for some reason after they stormed off probably to go have another smoke with that voice a customer in the agent's line next to me said I'm not a bright guy but you obviously aren't selling show tickets or tours I got back to HQ and told my coworker he did scare me a bit saying if they are ticked they'll go to the hotel who will lead them to us that didn't happen but that did make me a bit wiser about being a smart bar I'm kind of confused about the last part though if they went to the hotel to complain what are the hotel gonna do about the IT guy not selling tickets apparently I stole a baby context before moving out I worked at a nursery in a local church on Sunday mornings I'd had that job for nearly seven years and have worked under the same lady for over a decade she was the one who would put me on the schedule after I moved out I'd sometimes come back to visit this was one of those times so technically I did work there but not this particular day Sunday morning and my mum introduces me to a family friend and her newly fostering infant she's adorable and I asked to hold her so for the next couple of minutes the three of us are just chatting having a good time and I'm gushing over the baby next thing I know I've got someone crippling my arm like a freakin steel claw and it's my boss the head of the children's ministry at the church she grabs me I'm still holding the baby by the way and tries to pull me away while saying in a very condescending tone just to let you know all of the children need to stay in the nursery you can't be out here socializing I honestly didn't even say anything at first because I was so dumbfounded like did this lady really think I just stole a baby I know she's kind of had it out for me for a while for stupid reason but really you were the one who puts me on the schedule so you know I'm not working today plus I've been working under her for over a decade and she really thinks I'm back incompetent that I'd leave the nursery with someone else's child just to go hang out and chat finally I managed to mention that I wasn't working that day and the foster mother's spoke up about it being her baby who was too young for the nursery anyway and my boss reluctantly let me go and apologized for the confusion I still can't wrap my head around this even months later surely if you're the person in charge then you should know how old a kid should look to be in nursery and if they look too young then you should know that but I don't know what these I do work here but you're at the wrong Hospital so I'm a nurse at a hospital in a city with about four main hospitals and a few of branches of those hospitals I work weekends in the oh are a couple approaches me yesterday in the hallway asking if I know where this patients room is now I'm in the hallway so there isn't a computer around the oh ah is a locked unit and they obviously can't go in there so I can't just look up a name for them also it's frowned upon and could easily be considered a HIPAA violation to do so I tell them I can't look up patients rooms but ask them if they can remember a room number and I can direct them to that direction they act annoyed and the guy is just being a Richard saying things like god dang it no one can help us how can she not look someone up this is ridiculous etc the girl is trying to be nice and says it's somewhere on the sixth floor and that they were told to take the green elevators I have worked a few hospitals and know that they are at the wrong Hospital our Hospital does not have any colored elevators I simply tell them there's and the dude lost it what do you mean we're at the wrong freakin Hospital do you think I'm freaking stupid you can't even look up someone on the freakin computer what kind of freakin nurse are you my badge identifies my position I again repeat myself that we don't have any green elevators but the blank Hospital down the street does and I walk off with him still talking bad I usually sympathize with people at work because being or having loved ones in a hospital sucks but that guy was a real jerk again if you're asking for help for someone just be nice like if you're gonna go or where the Freak are you oh then you're not gonna get any help [Music] sure go into any fitting room that's open wait my mom and and I were in a woman's business clothing store in a gigantic mall my aunt was checking out but my mom was still trying some clothes on this was a self-serve fitting room store no attendant I'll admit I dressed nicely I was in black jeggings and a burgundy form-fitting sweater I had taken off my coat and laid it in my purse down behind me it wasn't visible to most people my mom came out in a nice table but I could tell she wasn't feeling and I wasn't either and I told her straight up it reminded me of a nursing scrub table I apologized if I hurt her feelings and she called back as she was in the changing room that she wanted someone brutally honest rather than complimentary I think that's the part this lady hurt I turned around from taking a sip of water and lady is staring at me expectantly she didn't look like a Karen or anything thankfully wouldn't she realize she had my attention she counted out the clothing in her hands I think I've got for my first words should have been I don't work here but four years in retail seems to have starved so instead I automatically pointed at an open fitting room and said you can choose any of the rooms that are open then my brain caught up with my mouth oh wait I don't work here she laughed but still thanked me my mom was in hysterics because she heard it all through her door at least they were cool about m1a Karen over it Wow guys look on screen right now you see those two videos right there they're pretty good I think you should click at least one of them and watch another one [Music]
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladyTheywenttotheWrongHospital
my 32m wife 35f is suggesting we open our marriage to my childhood friend my wife and I have been together for 10 years married for8 years and now have two small kids together she is the love of my life and I could not imagine myself with anyone else about three years into our marriage she started to show attraction to Asian characters in the shows and movies we watch together on our weekly movie Nights At first I brushed it off as a joke but I realized she was serious about a month ago when we started watching Chicago met she joked often about wanting one of the characters Dr Choy to be her doctor so he could feel her up I laughed along until she insisted we sto watching when Dr Choy got into a relationship with another doctor thinking about it now throughout our entire relationship Asian men caught her attention for the past few years she's been obsessed with popular K-pop members joking how she would rather be with Eric mun and Jim even going so far as to say that she's disappointed she got stuck with a white man and that our babies aren't as cute a a friend of mine since childhood is Korean and visits us often he and my wife have become friends I always thought she acted weird around him but I never took it personally until last night as I was cleaning up dinner she put the kids to bed and asked them to sit down and have a talk about something important I was hesitant but I agreed she started it by saying that she didn't feel like our actual life was as fulfilling as it used to be I was taken aback and asked what I could do to bring her more fulfillment she suggested we bring in a third person into our sexual lives I instantly knew she had someone in mind despite her denying it after an hour of talking in circles she revealed she had been having exual thoughts and urges regarding my childhood friend and she suggested I watch I was stunned and told her I didn't want to discuss this anymore and slept in the living room she took the kids to school this morning and went to help her sister pack as she is moving soon we haven't spoken since last night and I don't know what to do I'm sitting in my car outside my office writing this I don't want to go home home and see her knowing what she's thinking about I think I want a divorce as she's clearly no longer the woman I fell in love with and I suspect she has already acted upon her urges with him is that too big of a jump over a ESU fantasy tldr my wife suggested I watch her be intimate with my childhood friend is divorce too extreme of a response edit I spoke with my friend and my wife after I returned home from work edit two I've now posted an update I thank you all very much for the advice and support to those of you stating this is some fake or fetish post I am a grown man distraught over my marriage ending I'm not a creep on the internet looking for pleasure over my fake wife's cheating I'm also not a 14-year-old girl making up stories to waste people's time update first of all I want to thank your community for the support I'm sorry for the late update things have been busy around my house to fill you all in relatively quickly I returned home the night I made the post and my wife and I were still not speaking I waited until she was putting the kids to bed to make a call to my friend I wanted to talk to him alone I slipped outside and made the call I told him everything he told me he was so sorry for me and that my wife's Behavior was disgusting he then confessed to me that a few years into my wife and I marriage she drunk made a move on him at a mutual friend's party it began as flirting and my friend was not entertaining it she kissed him and he left the party early I asked him why he never told me about it he said he didn't want to ruin our marriage over something she did while drunk they never spoke about it and continued as normal friends now that a week has passed I figured out that this party aligns with the start of her strange Behavior towards Asian men in the media I thanked him for sharing this with me and hung up I immediately went inside and confronted my wife I was officially disgusted with her for pushing a kiss on my friend and suggesting I watch her be with him I told her exactly how I was feeling and what my friend had told me my wife admitted she only asked to open our bedroom to him because she has had feelings for him for years and wanted to keep herself from cheating on me I explained that she already had and wrecked the foundation of our relationship I told her we were divorcing not to try and stop me I was not changing my mind in the last week I have been staying with friends and family she has done nothing but harass me via my number I am proud to say I have given her no attention I see her still while stopping by my house during the day for my kids they are too young to understand what's going on as I mentioned in my last post they attend a daycare schooling Program for Young Children during the summer as a result I never spend long in the house and typically leave while taking them there she won't mention it in front of them so it hasn't been an issue I have been seeking out a lawyer for divorce proceedings and looking for an apartment in my kids school district I feel freed many of you were right our marriage has been dead for a very long time I'm not sure if I can ever see my friend the same way I want to start therapy and try to work on it he's been a very close friend since childhood and I would hate to lose him my friends and family have been very supportive as have most of you on Reddit you've helped me very much and made me feel valid in my feelings I thank you all for that tldr I am going through with divorcing my wife after she suggested we open our marriage to my childhood friend edit thank you all so much for your advice on not leaving the house I will be returning to spending nights there immediately I don't want to risk losing my kids relevant comments get back to the house immediately as it could be seen as you abandoning the kids and the house thank you for telling me this I only sleep at the house I go while my kids are there leave while they're gone and spend the nights away the home is owned by my wife's parents so she is not leaving I am there every day their diar schooling program has those who drop off their children sign them in with both the child's name and yours this is proof I have been seeing my kids for the last week and driving them there I have this and many photos of my children from last week this situation is is extremely temporary as I now have a move in date for an apartment nearby does this all work well for me I really doubt she will fight me for custody at all in the brief conversations we have had she brought up our kids and what to do we seem to agree that 50/50 is the correct thing fetish I am replying to comments regarding legal help or advice about what to do with my wife and kids I am not replying to comments about her having a fetish I think you're all correct about that but it is not my focus in any way I'm worried about my children thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyWifeIsSuggestingWeOpenOurMarriageToMyChildhoodFriendSoThrownDivorcePapersOnHeorig