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hello everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel today we've got some i don't work here lady stories and our first story of the day is by miss slasher wolf the time i got a karen arrested and banned from all walmarts note walmart employees wear dark blue shirts and khaki bottoms i was wearing a dark blue t-shirt in jean capris but i was wearing my company lanyard id op last name it supervisor company x i was born with poliosis it was spotty at first but i'm 21 and almost all my hair is white and i keep my hair real short because it gets in my way too much i was browsing the aisles wanting to enjoy my day off tomorrow from work at company x and i wanted an almost spa day i go to lotions and i reached to grab one i believed i would like and as soon as i touch it a crash on the other side of the shelving causes several bottles of lotion to come crashing down on me i was relatively fine except a bottle hit my temple not so pain relieving after all i chuckled to myself because it was how i was raised i go over to the other side to see if everyone is all right and everyone was apparently a kid took his parents cart and was running down the other side and accidentally hooked a hard left crashing into the shelves his parents come check him say apologies and scold him he looked about ten i laugh it off saying how i will survive being attacked by lotion i say i'm op and i tell the kid to be a bit more careful and we fist bomb they laugh and say sorry again and continue shopping i walk back to my cart and start picking up the bottles and place them in their designated areas i keep up on social media enough to know what's trending i read stories like these but never thought i could live it i am almost finished putting the bottles back and i hear it the unmistakable warning noise of a wild karen ahem i look over my shoulder and there she is the biggest threat to employees and managers all over the world she has a look on her face like someone just farted as soon as she sees me she stomps her foot and i get images of a bull ready to charge i brace myself um hello do you need something it's about during time you noticed me i've been standing here forever now that you're done stocking that shelf you need to help me with my list i stand there shocked and confused i regained myself ma'am but i don't work here there was an accident she cuts me off don't lie to me i know you work here you're just being lazy and don't want to well too bad you either help me or i will have you fired she all but yells in my face i stagger back a little now i'm not an outwardly confrontational person but i will defend myself i speak calmly no i will not i just told you i do not work here and i will not be helping you i work at company x she is having none of it she turns red and starts yelling profanities in my face and demands i help her when i go to step away again she grabs my arm near my elbow and swings me into the lotion shelf where some bottles fall again and a broken roll back tag cuts my neck in a desperate attempt to get her away from me i push her and she falls down how dare you put your hands on me i want your manager now before i could respond the parents and kids came over after being a couple aisles over and recognizing my voice from earlier at this time karen and i are both on the floor she is holding her arm and i'm holding my neck and i hold my neck and feel blood dripping from my hand the parents instantly come to me and ask if i'm all right and send the kid to go fetch an actual employee not a minute later kid comes back with two employees one comes to assist me and the other to karen who by the way is screaming and fake crying saying she'll sue me in the store and demands to talk to someone in charge by now this has formed a large crowd around the area and a couple employees are trying to clear them away cops have been in the area and were there the manager and police goes over to karen first and asks her what happened i was trying to ask for help when your employee assaulted me and tells me to freak off i try to defend myself this time karen is cut off by the parents parent one says karen is lying we heard everything she was demanding that op help her with her list karen still demands i be fired and that she wants to press charges the police tells the parent to be quiet and comes over to me and puts handcuffs on me and starts reading me my rights i begin to panic i've never been in trouble with the law before cameron has a smug smirk thinking she won my saving grace is the manager the manager says to karen ma'am she doesn't work here and then to the officer before you do that we should review the cctv and see what happened at this point it's a little fuzzy because i started a full panic attack and it causes an asthma attack i was wheezing and shaking i try to point to my bag and parent one instantly goes in and finds my inhaler all the while people were asking if i was okay and karen was screaming i was faking and should be arrested by the time i was calm enough to be more aware of around me parent one tells me that the police and manager looked at the footage of our aisle and can confirm karen was the one who assaulted me first and when no one was looking she tried to make a run for it only to have a kid push a cart at her and make her fall face first onto concrete of course he was scolded in front of everyone but i know he was rewarded later an ambulance was called and looked over the gash on my neck and said i was okay but should see a doctor the officer apologized and asked if i wanted to press charges i of course said yes a couple days later i'm back at walmart and i run into parent two and kid they tell me how after i left to the hospital that karen was arrested and put on a ban list nationwide with her name and picture i took her to court and she paid for my hospital visit and for emotional damage she ended up in jail for two to three years for previous issues the manager also caught where i was clipped in the head with the lotion he gave me 350 dollars in gift cards and a card where i can get one item a month for under 50 bucks for free as an apology for everything i said it was too much but after the upper management saw what happened they believed i am too much of a valuable customer to let this slide i think it's so bad continued to use that walmart instead of other stores in the area i also got a week paid off from work who knew one karen can do so much so after reading this story i do have a few concerns over the legitimacy of this story the parents always conveniently being there the cops are resting when somebody's neck was bleeding without actually checking any information the flood of gift cards and a specialty gift card and the ambulance checking them over saying they should see a doctor but then not taking them in so my question for you guys is do you think this story is plausible could it have happened would you believe it to be true let me know yes or no and why in the comments down below our next stories by tank boss killer can i get a wait a minute this won't be long but i hope you enjoy but first understand this i live in north carolina and there's a lot of commercial area i'm talking gas station next to gas station next to gas station the amount of businesses smashed so close together is amazing now to the story at the time i'm 14 and like any other 14 year old they get a sucky retail or fast food job i was working at a mcdonald's that leads to a highway so there's a lot of passing traffic across is a grocery store and a gas station it was an all-in-one traffic pack two-lane road you could get gas walk over for a burger then head to the store for ice cream it was awesome one day during my lunch i decided to head to the grocery store across the road and grab a bottle of water and a burrito while i was searching for the holy burrito i heard the worst thing you could hear in a grocery store a throat clearing i thought to myself some poor employee was going to be harassed then i heard it again i turned around hello karen we will call her ak for annoying karen yes where are the tomatoes they're over there i pointed good go fetch some for me um what now i'm wearing a red shirt black jeans and a vest with a mcdonald's logo you heard me give me some tomatoes you do work here after all uh no i don't and even if i did i doubt anyone would bring you your precious tomatoes she started to track down a manager i found and paid for my items and went back across the street and you will never guess what happened next well it's a karen you probably do i was on the drive through and not even five minutes later i hear that same voice hello welcome to mcdonald's how can i help you i said in a joyful manner hoping she would catch on nope can i get a type of burger i don't remember that'll be price pulled to the first window annoying karen looks at me surprised pikachu face but but you work over i say price please she hands me the cash and goes to the next window i rush to the next window because i could not let this opportunity pass i tell the dude to the other window to let me do this by now i have a crowd i smirk here you go have a nice day she is annoyed and spins her tires out of the lot funny part is she forgot her burger and never came back for it what i really like about this story is opie was able to annoy the karen way more than the annoying karen was able to annoy op the only thing they bothered them with was asking them to grab their tomatoes and then they went off looking for a manager and they got out of there fast enough and they were able to just annoy them tenfold when they pulled through the mcdonald's drive-through this next story is by a gatekeeper 101 do you think me and the baby work here it was your typical day in our local big box store taking my daughter three and a half months down for her visit to my wife her mom cast crafty is the crafts lady clueless is clueless lady me is you know the drill little one is little one my adorable daughter you get it wifey is fantastic wife fantastic mom boss manager i have to preface this that i had worked in this big box store that rhymes with malwart but it had been a couple years at least me and my daughter had entered the store and were waiting on my wife so we could do the daily visit for our little one so she would stop her anxiety screams i was standing with a diaper bag on one shoulder and a front styled baby carrier on with you guessed it a baby in it this clueless lady was shopping in the department i was in walking to try to find something in it she had seen me with my little one and had commented she looked cute well after a couple minutes wifey came to get her bundle of joy and cuddle her and walked off with her i am standing there decked out and said baby gear still and she turns to look at me not wearing the trademarked vest or name tag we all know and clueless starts asking if i knew where something was saying you work here where is insert item that i do not remember i looked at her for a moment questioning how she thought i could work there it had been years since i had and i had never seen this lady before well i answer her with an i do not work here and i do not know not long after an actual associate comes and helps her well a few minutes go by and wifey still has our little one so i am still waiting this little older lady comes up pushing this card full of party things craft items and various other goods she looks at the aisles in the department and sees me standing there with baby gear still she asks do you know where the gift bags are i answer that they are back between the crafts department and the infant department the store has changed a little since i left but i still shop there enough and it has not changed too much crafts lady looks at me and says oh they are i was just back there can't you tell before giving me another once over finally noticing said baby carrier and diaper bag then she adds you don't work here do you and i reply with her nope i do not used to but i still know the store well craftslady thanked me for my time still and slowly turned her heavy cart around i know this sub is full of crazy stories and i know this isn't the most exciting but i still found it hilarious that a patterned very obvious diaper bag with an owl on it and a very obvious baby carrier somehow were completely avoided before they asked me i'm actually not very sure how they could get it confused my only thought is maybe the empty baby carrier looks like some kind of weird employee vest thing i don't know it's really quite odd to me the first lady that saw you with a baby has no excuse though this next story is by filthy rags mi i used to work here and i'm helping an older customer i used to work at a big box home improvement store wearing an apron for about nine months when i was in between contracting jobs many years ago i enjoyed it the store manager and assistant managers were great i got checked out on all the equipment so i got to play with machinery and the customers genuinely seem to be appreciative of the help slash customer service we gave them our store manager was very big on helping a customer the best you can until you can't then you find an associate who could and you don't abandon the customer because you will learn something we had a very eclectic mix of customers we had everyone from professional construction contractors to stay-at-home moms single parents engineers and senior citizens for some reason the senior citizens always responded well to me and i got to know several of them by name and we would chat and they would leave with a smile so one day several years after i left the store i was at the store buying some stuff for my own use when one of the older gentlemen and his wife who i used to help frequently taps me on the shoulder he commented that he hadn't seen me in a long while and that they both missed me at the store he mentioned he had a hard time finding something and i told him i knew exactly where it was because i just walked by it i walked with my old friends over to the isle and showed them exactly where it was and he and his wife thanked me as they always did and they went on their merry way another younger guy overheard us talking and he asked me if i might know where specific drill bit x was located i said that i did and since it was on the way to the cashiers i could show him exactly where it was well since this was a saturday morning and the store was busy a couple more people asked for similar things as well i was in a good mood in building good karma so i figured why not let's up a bit well it didn't last long some leading an apron looking like she was in charge decided that i must be up to something was actually going to make it to the register this time she pounced the lady in the apron said sir i have to insist you stop helping my customers sure thing didn't know i was causing a problem i'm on my way out sir i said you need to stop now yes not a problem i am headed to the register now sir you don't work here you can't be helping customers ma'am i am trying to go pay for my items i have done nothing but agree with you is there a problem that i am not aware of you don't work here why would you help my customers that is just creepy ma'am i used to work here when former manager was here i shop here frequently and i see some old customers i don't understand what the problem is but you can go right ahead and put those items i was about to buy back in their locations add that i walked out the door and i now drive an extra 10 minutes to go shop at a different location of the companies i just couldn't understand what her problem was if you're at a home depot or a lowe's or anything like that if somebody is there helping you decide on what drill bit or what paint or what materials you need what's the problem with that yeah they're not an employee and of course you take it with a grain of salt as it's just another random person but i don't think it's creepy to help another person out on deciding what materials or tools are right for them what's creepy about that it would be creepy if they were posing as a member of staff but i'm assuming op probably presented it as they are not a member of staff or i hope that was a clarification made and the final story of the day is by fat dog nonce he thought i worked there i thought he was disabled i work in construction and sometimes i don't change on my commute home anyway i finished a late shift and it must have been about 7 30 pm and i'm waiting on a pretty deserted plant form for a train home when a short bespeckled portly gentleman walks slash waddles over me and informs me the machine is taking my money i thought that maybe he was autistic or suffering some learning disabilities so i followed him to the vending machine that had swallowed up his money he asked me what we should do and since i didn't know we both started shaking it from side to side until a couple of bags of m ms fell out he handed me a pack which i thought was a nice gesture and we said our goodbyes you helped me way more than the guys up there was the last thing he said to me i didn't think much of it wished him a good evening and got on my train thinking i had done a good deed on my way home i realized i was wearing the same orange overalls as the railway staff and he probably wasn't autistic just genuinely thought i worked there those are the kinds of realizations that often come to you when you're laying down trying to sleep and you need some sleep desperately and all that pops into your brain are those flickers of memories and realizations where you're like wait i'm dumb this guy just thought i worked there because i had the vest on and then you end up wasting another half an hour thinking about what you should have done or what you could have done or what you would have done but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comments down below if you enjoyed the video please consider giving it a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn on notifications so you'll never miss an upcoming video from the story time channel every little thing that you do helps the channel grow that much more so no matter what you did thank you for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
give me a good story on ridontworkhereladyIgotaKarenArrestedandBannedfromWalmartorig
:09.720 --> :14.940 As the cops left the hall, with Jane in cuffs,  and some other people from the wedding in tow,   :14.940 --> :21.060 I let out an ultra wide grin from ear to ear as  our eyes met. Deep down I know that my comeback,   :21.060 --> :24.540 no matter how petty it may have  seemed, was definitely worth it.  :24.540 --> :31.140 Our story starts way back, when we(Me: Max And  Her: Jane) both were in High-school, we were in   :31.140 --> :35.940 what you would call the group of nerds back in  High-school. Jane was 15 at the time and I had   :35.940 --> :41.700 just turned 16. We both have had cases of each of  us having our fair share of bullying by Diana (the   :41.700 --> :47.220 Captain of the Cheerleading squad), her group of  girls, her boyfriend(Joel), his group of guys too,   :47.220 --> :52.980 and some other groups that deemed it necessary  to randomly bully “The Nerds’ whenever they felt   :52.980 --> :58.500 like they were having a bad day or actually had  one. The situation behind our relationship was   :58.500 --> :02.940 still through the same bullying we were going  through at that time, she was being picked on   :02.940 --> :08.400 by the girls and I just decided to step in, not  that my stepping in helped in any way though, but   :08.400 --> :13.800 from that incident, Diana and her girls went to  call on some guys that could “teach me a lesson’.  :13.800 --> :19.320 After that incident, we both helped ourselves to  the infirmary as we got matching bandages. That   :19.320 --> :23.760 was the start of our friendship. We helped each  other out when the other person was in need and we   :23.760 --> :29.220 were always there for each other. One could even  say we were as close as partners, this was mainly   :29.220 --> :35.640 because wherever you saw me, Jane wasn’t far away  and such was the case also with Jane, I guess this   :35.640 --> :40.740 was what prompted and attracted more bullying to  us as Diana had this impulse to make sure either   :40.740 --> :45.960 of the both of us had a terrible stay back then  In school. I guess her plan and her unrelenting   :45.960 --> :51.300 bullying failed as we still graduated High-school  together, and on the day of our graduation,   :51.300 --> :55.680 I officially popped the question of whether she  would do me the honours of becoming my girlfriend,   :55.680 --> :01.020 I did this in front of the whole school  at our Graduation. Obviously she said yes,   :01.020 --> :05.700 because we were together for quite a while,  we both applied to major in different courses   :05.700 --> :11.640 over at NYC, I choose robotics Engineering as  my major and she went into the performing arts   :11.640 --> :16.860 as she had always had this passion for acting but  she felt it didn’t suit her and she almost tried   :16.860 --> :22.440 to kill the pat of her that dreamt to become an  Actress, it took lots of convincing as she had   :22.440 --> :27.540 originally planned to apply to study Law, I was  against it for 2 major reasons, the first was,   :27.540 --> :32.040 she was actually thinking of killing her dream  just because she felt that she wasn’t good enough   :32.040 --> :38.100 to venture into the world of performing arts. Deep  down I knew she had the passion for acting but she   :38.100 --> :42.480 just didn’t have the confidence so I decided  to give her that confidence boost she needed,   :42.480 --> :48.360 and secondly, I didn’t want her to apply to study  Law mainly because she would take much longer   :48.360 --> :52.860 to finish school as we had both planned to move  in together once we had graduated from College,   :52.860 --> :58.320 I guess I was just being inpatient as I wanted  the both of us to quickly leave school as soon   :58.320 --> :03.780 as possible. Fast forward a few weeks, we both  just received or letters of admission into NYC,   :03.780 --> :09.420 we’ll mine came in 3 days earlier than hers but  still, I had not opened it until she got her own,   :09.420 --> :13.920 and back then, we both had planned that when  the letters came in, if one person didn’t   :13.920 --> :18.840 get admitted, the other person would forfeit the  admission and we both would go for another College   :18.840 --> :25.380 as we knew the acceptance rate for NYC was one  of the lowest at the time. We got our papers and   :25.380 --> :30.420 we exchanged envelopes. The time came to open  up the letters and we both were freaking out,   :30.420 --> :35.760 but I stepped up and opened hers first while  she opened mine. We hugged and shouted while   :35.760 --> :41.040 jumping around, “ We got in, we got in, we  got in”. It seemed like a dream at the time   :41.040 --> :45.660 because what were the odds that we would both  get admitted at the College of our choice,   :45.660 --> :52.140 both to study the exact Major of our choice.  Everything seemed to be going very fine, it   :52.140 --> :56.940 felt like the Universe was finally showing us the  light at the end of the tunnel. All the horrible   :56.940 --> :01.980 times we had gone through back in High-school  were all in the past now as we both sought   :01.980 --> :06.960 out to write a new chapter in both our lives. Fast forward a few months later we were both   :06.960 --> :13.020 getting ourselves ready to leave home, it just so  happens that that very day was our anniversary and   :13.020 --> :18.000 I decided to plan out a surprise for her when we  had both gotten into our dorms. The ride to New   :18.000 --> :22.680 York was a 5-hour drive, of course this was  all depending on how the traffic was at the   :22.680 --> :27.180 time. We got into our dorms in the evening time  and I called her out to take a stroll with me   :27.180 --> :32.100 around our school campus. While we were walking  under the campus street lights, I we stopped at   :32.100 --> :36.960 one of the relaxation spots and I told her to  close her eyes, I went behind her and put a   :36.960 --> :41.880 necklace around her neck and a bracelet on her  wrists. When she opened her eyes I told her to   :41.880 --> :47.304 put the matching pair I had gotten for myself  around my neck also. I had gotten a fully gold   :47.304 --> :52.860 plated necklace and a bracelet for her and a  silver one for myself, She said it was the best   :52.860 --> :58.320 gift I had ever given her and the best gift she  had ever received, I was glad to have made this   :58.320 --> :04.680 particular anniversary a memorable one for her. Fast forward a few weeks later, 29th July, 2013,   :04.680 --> :11.640 on this very day, we had our first ever couples  fight, but something was definitely different,   :11.640 --> :16.980 sure I had expected that at one point in our  relationship we were going to have a fight one   :16.980 --> :22.200 way or the other, but I just didn’t know when it  was going to happen, how it was going to happen   :22.200 --> :27.840 and what we were going to do during and after the  fight. This particular fight sprung up from my   :27.840 --> :33.660 own path, in a way I guess my excessive show of  affection was interpreted differently for on my   :33.660 --> :39.060 own path it just seemed to me like I was showing  excessive care leading almost to a controlling   :39.060 --> :44.400 nature, while on her path, it just seems like I  was flat out controlling and being with her the   :44.400 --> :49.080 longest I know that’s thing she needs, mainly  because she had a controlling mother growing   :49.080 --> :54.180 up and it affected her in more ways that she  had realised. Our fight wasn’t too intense,   :54.180 --> :58.740 so my original thoughts were to give her enough  time to cool herself down and get her thoughts   :58.740 --> :03.840 together then I’d head on over to her place and  apologise, because by the end of that day I had   :03.840 --> :09.540 already realised my mistake and I was already  willing and ready to apologise but it seemed like   :09.540 --> :15.120 she wasn’t ready to hear anything I had to say  that night. The wait was a long one, I relieved   :15.120 --> :20.880 the silent treatment both physically and online.  This went on for about a week until I decided to   :20.880 --> :26.100 man up and talk to her personally. I started of  by calling her number, countless tines at that,   :26.100 --> :31.380 but there was no response, it kept going to  voicemail, there on I called one of her roommates,   :31.380 --> :36.300 Emily, who told me that she wasn’t around, and  that she hasn’t been around for the entire day,   :36.300 --> :41.220 but she would help me reach out to Jane. I got a  call from Emily a few minutes after I had hung up,   :41.220 --> :47.100 she said she can only tell me at that time, that  Jane was indeed in their room. So I picked up my   :47.100 --> :51.660 jacket, because it was a really cold night, and  I hurried on over to her place. When I got there,   :51.660 --> :56.760 I saw another pair of shoes outside her  Dorms door. I initially paid it no attention,   :56.760 --> :02.280 I just knocked on the door hoping to at least get  a response. A different guy, a little bit shorter   :02.280 --> :08.040 than I am, looked around my age at the time, was  a bit “jacked” came to get the door, he asked who   :08.040 --> :13.740 I was looking for ad I responded, “ I’m here for  Jane, but that aside who are you and what are you   :13.740 --> :19.680 doing here, JAYY...JAYY” I Yelled as I tried to  force my way in, he blocked me effortlessly but   :19.680 --> :24.840 the light in the room was still on and I saw  her leaving her bed hurriedly all while trying   :24.840 --> :30.720 to use her blanket to cover herself up. It was her  everything started to fall into place in my mind.  :30.720 --> :36.120 The shoes outside, the guy at the door, her  roommate, Emily, telling me om the phone that   :36.120 --> :41.220 all she can tell me is that Jane is home and I  should head there by myself. I started to feel   :41.220 --> :46.800 light headed, I felt the tears starting to form  underneath my eyelids. The only thing that could   :46.800 --> :51.900 come out of my mouth at the time was the only  question on my mind at the time ...”WHYY...WHYYYY   :52.920 --> :58.740 JAY???” I asked as the tears were already rolling  down my eyes. At this point it seemed like she   :58.740 --> :03.540 didn’t care anymore whether or not I was going  to accept what she had to say or what lie she   :03.540 --> :08.160 had to concoct, but at that moment, she looked me  in my eye and said one of the most heart breaking   :08.160 --> :13.800 things I’ve ever herd in my life to my face.  I’ve chosen to erase that memory from my mind,   :13.800 --> :20.340 mainly because after that day, what she said to me  kept om resonating in my memory over and over and   :20.340 --> :26.580 over again. We had a brief argument there at the  door, a very brief argument and I left her Dorm.  :26.580 --> :31.200 I remember crying my eyes out that night and  every other night for the reminder of the month,   :31.200 --> :36.780 but then we were approaching exam period, and I  knew what I was in college for at the time, so I   :36.780 --> :42.360 tried to put all personal problems aside and focus  at the time. It would only be after our exams that   :42.360 --> :47.700 I would receive a text from Jane asking to talk,.  Initially I had planned not to have any form of   :47.700 --> :54.060 relation with Jane of any sorts, but deep down  I knew I needed clearance and conclusion, so I   :54.060 --> :58.980 agreed to meet her. She set the time for mid day,  at a coffee shop just a few blocks from both our   :58.980 --> :03.900 dorms. I went there an hour late , mainly because  I couldn’t be arsed to adhere to the time she had   :03.900 --> :08.940 set. I met her sitting at one of the corner tables  and I went over to join her. She had already   :08.940 --> :13.920 ordered coffee for the both of us, even though  she knows that I don’t handle coffee all too well.  :13.920 --> :20.040 We basically talked for a while mainly about how  we both have been, how the past exam was for the   :20.040 --> :25.680 both of us. And then I decided to cut to the chase  and ask her the main reason as to why she had   :25.680 --> :31.260 decided to call on me after all these time. She  tried to explain herself In whatever embarrassing   :31.260 --> :37.860 way she could, which to an outside person would  seem fine but to me, it was just lacklustre,   :37.860 --> :43.800 and I saw it as a futile attempt at her trying to  provide justifications for what she had done and   :43.800 --> :49.260 what she had said. A lot was said that afternoon,  because we talked up until evening. But the final   :49.260 --> :54.060 conclusion of our talks that day was that we were  gonna be broken up. I don’t know whether or not   :54.060 --> :59.520 she expected me to feel bad, because I actually  did, but I tried my possible best to appear   :59.520 --> :05.340 nonchalant about the outcome and just told her  to be good as I left for my Dorm. They say you   :05.340 --> :10.260 never forget your first, such was the case for  me, but I guess my case was a bit different,   :10.260 --> :15.900 because I didn’t forget her because I loved  her too much, I didn’t forget her because I   :15.900 --> :21.000 was hoping an opportunity would present itself  for me to level the playing field with her.  :21.000 --> :26.520 Now fast forward to 6 months ago, we both had  already graduated College, and we lost contact   :26.520 --> :31.740 with each other. We’ll technically I lost contact  with her but I guess she still had my contact   :31.740 --> :37.920 because I received an Email, it contained a  wedding invitation and to my greatest surprise it   :37.920 --> :43.740 was from Jane. “Jay is getting married?” I said to  myself . This seemed like the perfect opportunity,   :43.740 --> :48.480 presenting itself before me. I thought  to myself “Come on, you have 6 months,   :48.480 --> :53.520 let’s come up with a way to make this wedding one  she would never forget”. I looked up the name of   :53.520 --> :59.100 the guy she was getting married to and began to  prepare for my epic comeback. I found out that   :59.100 --> :03.360 the guy was in a long term relationship prior  to meeting Jane and this seemed like something   :03.360 --> :09.300 I could use to my advantage. I contacted him a few  weeks to their D-day and I basically just told him   :09.300 --> :14.220 about her relationship with me but with a minor  addition. I told him that we both had similar   :14.220 --> :20.220 relationships with Jane and that he should not let  his guard down, mainly because we ( Jane and I),   :20.220 --> :25.440 were om the verge of getting married but she  left me waiting on the Alter as she went off   :25.440 --> :30.240 with another man. I told him this was years back  and that I had not seen her ever since then,   :30.240 --> :35.040 and that when I heard she was getting married,  I wanted to come and warn whoever it was she was   :35.040 --> :40.440 getting married to, to be wary of her. He  sympathised with me as he couldn’t believe   :40.440 --> :46.080 what I was telling him. To make my story even more  believable I told him that we were together since   :46.080 --> :51.120 we’re little, and i proceeded to show him pictures  of Jane and myself, when we were in High-school,   :51.120 --> :57.360 up until the last picture we took, a few days  after our anniversary. He was dumbfounded. He   :57.360 --> :02.580 had no choice but to believe me, and then we made  plans on how we were going to pay her back I her   :02.580 --> :08.100 own coin. I was a but surprised he was willing to  help me out, owing to the fact that this is the   :08.100 --> :13.200 woman he is about to get married to. But what  can I say, I make a pretty convincing point.  :13.200 --> :18.120 On the day of their wedding we decided to play out  what I told him had transpired between the both   :18.120 --> :25.260 of us a few years back, he left her at the Alter  for more than 3 hours as she kept on bombing his   :25.260 --> :30.840 phone with calls, and then I told him what to do  next, he sent a text that sent her into a frenzy   :30.840 --> :37.620 as she was not even heartbroken but furious, like  fury leading to destruction. She went on a rampage   :37.620 --> :42.420 on her wedding day and started destroying  everything, from the cakes to the decor,   :42.420 --> :47.340 it got so bad that the cops had to be involved.  When they came they took her in cuffs and were   :47.340 --> :51.960 taking her to the station. While she was being  put in the vehicle, we both stood by the window   :51.960 --> :58.200 and waved her goodbye, thus was when I saw  the fire in her eyes go out. I just knew by   :58.200 --> :03.900 this time that my comeback was done. I smiled the  whole time on my way home as I had this feeling   :03.900 --> :09.240 of a job well done. She was later released from  the police custody that night and tried calling   :09.240 --> :15.120 mine and her ex-fiancé phone one last time  before she gave up and disappeared for good.  :39.780 --> :44.700 People all around like to call me old school  or traditional. While this is kinda true,   :44.700 --> :49.680 I like to think that I’m just a bit set in my  ways. I’ve been going to the same gym since I   :49.680 --> :54.780 moved away from my parents place and to my shared  apartment close to campus. Even when my roommate   :54.780 --> :00.000 told me about this other gym that is apparently  the rage among other students. I didn’t even stop   :00.000 --> :04.440 to give it a thought. I didn’t change Gyms. I’ve  also been eating from the same restaurant since   :04.440 --> :10.200 the second semester of my freshman year. Their  food meets my standards and I see no reason to   :10.200 --> :14.580 change. I don’t like what I don’t like and there  isn’t a lot of people that make me make a change   :14.580 --> :19.500 about something. One of the reasos why I don’t  like change is because most of the time I try it,   :19.500 --> :24.720 I end up getting hurt. One of such times was when  I decided to date a guy with a female best friend.   :24.720 --> :31.560 I have to say. It was my fault. I knew better.  It’s very difficult. Almost impossible even for   :31.560 --> :36.780 a guy and a girl to be purely platonic. Most  times, these relationships work out when either   :36.780 --> :42.600 of them is gay. But two straight people in a  platonic relationship? Please. At one point,   :42.600 --> :47.700 one of them would start having the hots for the  other person, or they might decide to spice up the   :47.700 --> :52.560 dynamics of their relationship, maybe switch it  up friends with benefits. But when this happens,   :52.560 --> :58.800 it’s often difficult to revert to being platonic  when one of them is in a relationship. This is the   :58.800 --> :03.780 case with my boyfriend Luke and his female  best friend Kayla. But before I proceed,   :03.780 --> :08.280 let’s back up a little. Let me begin from  the day I was unlucky enough to meet Luke.  :08.280 --> :13.080 It was the end of sophomore year summer break, and  I was in the airport terminal with my roommate,   :13.080 --> :17.940 Gwen, and her friends. We were coming back from  her parent’s beach house. That was where we spent   :17.940 --> :22.800 the major part of the holiday. We got to the  terminal a bit late because we had a crazy party   :22.800 --> :27.720 the night before and we all woke up really late.  When we got to the airport, we discovered that   :27.720 --> :32.760 there has been a delay due to some weather issues  and all planes were grounded for the next hour.   :32.760 --> :38.220 We all sat at the waiting lounge and talked about  some cute boys we met at the beach. Gwen’s friend,   :38.220 --> :43.020 Rossi, hooked up with some guy from Harvard  law and she just can’t stop talking about   :43.020 --> :48.900 how good he was. At one point, the wait became  too tiring and the lounge area was filled with   :48.900 --> :54.420 people talking and laughing. Babies were crying  from every corner, and it seemed like I was going   :54.420 --> :59.700 insane. I reached into my jacket pocket and  pulled out my airpod case. I had forgotten   :59.700 --> :04.380 that I tucked my boarding pass in the same jacket  pocket and so as soon as I pulled out the case,   :04.380 --> :09.960 the pass flew out from my pocket. I tried to catch  it mid air, but i couldn’t. It just kept floating   :09.960 --> :14.700 out of my reach. It was a funny sight really,  because I had to stand up from my seat and chase   :14.700 --> :20.040 after the pass. That was when the craziest thing  happened. I wasn’t looking at where I was going,   :20.040 --> :25.800 so I tripped over some guy’s duffel bag. I  couldn’t control myself on time, so I landed flat   :25.800 --> :31.740 on my face. Wanna hear the even crazier thing? As  soon as I fell to the ground, the boarding pass   :31.740 --> :37.500 dropped to the ground a few feets away from me. It  was as though the pass was controlled by some evil   :37.500 --> :43.560 spirit whose end game was to humiliate me. A light  chuckle sounded from behind me as I try to get up.   :43.560 --> :49.500 It made the humiliation sink in and for a moment,  I want to stay that way and not look up at all.  :49.500 --> :54.780 Just then, a strong hand reached out to me and I  raised my gaze to look at the guy in front of me.   :54.780 --> :02.760 By god, I was properly shocked. He was… beautiful.  Blonde hair, bright blue eyes, chiseled chin,   :02.760 --> :09.360 the works. Even his frame was something else.  I know this sounds so cheesy, but for a moment,   :09.360 --> :15.120 I actually asked myself if he was an angel or  something. He asked if I needed help and before I   :15.120 --> :21.060 even said anything, I took his hand and he pulled  me up like I weighed nothing. This guy was dreamy,   :21.060 --> :26.580 and he while he spoke, I was busy oogling his  body. I only heard a fraction of what he said   :26.580 --> :31.560 which was very embarassing when he tapped  my shouders to snap me back to attention.   :31.560 --> :36.720 He apologized for leaving the bag in the way  and asked if I was hurt anywhere. I said no,   :36.720 --> :41.400 even though my palm had scraped the ground and was  starting to hurt. He picked up my boarding pass,   :41.400 --> :47.040 which i had momentarily forgotten was still lying  on the ground, and handed it to me. He apologized   :47.040 --> :51.960 one again and returned to his seat. That was when  I noticed the lady sitting beside him. She was   :51.960 --> :57.300 hot enough to be one of those models on the cover  of vogue. She was staring straight at me with an   :57.300 --> :02.700 expression I can only classify as amusement. She  wrapped her arms around his neck and they started   :02.700 --> :09.180 talking and chuckling in low whispers. My mood  soured immediately, because I thought she was   :09.180 --> :14.700 his girlfriend. I mean. They looked so close, and  anyone would have thought that. Besides, like I   :14.700 --> :20.640 said before, she was so pretty. How can I compete? Anyways, i returned to my friends and after   :20.640 --> :25.680 teasing me for a few minutes about my fall,  the planes were finally ready to go. We all   :25.680 --> :30.300 boarded and while I was discussing with Gwen about  something, (I don’t really remember what we were   :30.300 --> :34.920 talking about now), the guy and his girlfriend  walked past me and took a seat a few seats in   :34.920 --> :41.160 front of me. He looked around and our eyes met. He  smiled and waved. That moment, I felt like I was   :41.160 --> :46.440 in high school again with butterflies and stuff.  I couldn’t even hide the smile on my lips, and   :46.440 --> :51.480 my friends teased me about it. A few hours later,  we were back in the city, and I had forgotten all   :51.480 --> :56.580 about the handsome guy from the plane. Gwen and I  did some redecoration in the apartment and we had   :56.580 --> :02.220 something like a girls night in where we watched  movies and ate pop corn. The next day, Rossi   :02.220 --> :07.200 invited us to a party hosted by a friend of hers.  Gwen wanted to go, but I wanted to start a new   :07.200 --> :12.120 season of the good doctor. Gwen made some really  good points about why I should come with her,   :12.120 --> :18.660 and eventually, I said yes. We went for the house  party and as soon as we got there, I regretted it   :18.660 --> :23.880 immediately. There were justtoo many people there.  I mean sure I attended a few parties during the   :23.880 --> :29.700 summer holiday, and even hosted our own, but I was  really hoping I’ll be able to rest and recharge   :29.700 --> :35.760 when I got back to school. But Gwen and Rossi had  other plans. A few minutes into the party, I was   :35.760 --> :40.800 already counting the time till I could leave. My  friends seemed to be enjoying themselves, and I   :40.800 --> :47.280 couldn’t ditch them, so I had to stay. Eventually,  I had enough. I just couldn’t stay in the crowded   :47.280 --> :53.220 room anymore so I stepped out to get some fresh  air. The balcony looked empty, so I decided to go   :53.220 --> :58.500 there and wait out the party, at least till they  decide to leave. Cup of untouched booze in hand,   :58.500 --> :04.440 I went to pass the time on the balcony. On getting  there, I discovered that it wasn’t as empty as I   :04.440 --> :09.660 expected. Some guy was seated in the corner,  nursing a drink and looking into the distance.   :09.660 --> :15.720 I apologized and was about to leave when he  turned to me. My eyes went wide as I stared   :15.720 --> :22.140 at him. It was the same guy from the airport.  He was also as surprised as I was. He said hi   :22.140 --> :27.840 and we started talking. He introduced himself as  Luke and he apologized one more time for dropping   :27.840 --> :33.660 his bag carelessly and making me trip over it. I  told him I had forgotten about that, which was a   :33.660 --> :39.300 big lie. It was still the most humiliating moment  of my life. Anyways, I learnt that he was a final   :39.300 --> :45.660 year student of Literature. He loves to write and  the only thing he enjoys more than that is reading   :45.660 --> :51.960 books. He was very smart and articulate. As he  spoke the only thing I could think of is how rare   :51.960 --> :58.740 it was to find a guy who is a combination of cute  and smart. I had fallen for him on that spot over   :58.740 --> :04.860 and over again, and spending the next few hours  with him was like paradise. I had even momentarily   :04.860 --> :10.200 forgotten that I was at a party. At least till  Rossi brought a drunk Gwen to me and told us   :10.200 --> :15.780 that it was time to go. I was disappointed, but  it’s not like I could stay there forever. I said   :15.780 --> :20.880 bye to Luke and started to leave, but he stood  up and asked for my contact, and then he asked   :20.880 --> :26.280 if we could hang out together sometime. There, I  remembered that he had a girlfriend, and it was   :26.280 --> :33.060 like a bucket of cold water was poured on my face.  I liked him already, but like I said, I was strict   :33.060 --> :37.500 with my rules. I told him I couldn’t go out with  him knowing fully well that he had a girlfriend.   :37.500 --> :43.680 He looked confused for a moment, then asked what  I was talking about. I told him about the lady I   :43.680 --> :48.780 saw him with at the airport and he remembered. He  told me she wasn’t his girlfriend, that she was   :48.780 --> :54.780 just his closest friend. I still wasn’t satisfied  with the answer, till he told me she was actually   :54.780 --> :00.840 in a relationship with a girl in his class. That  was when I felt relieved, and gave him my number.   :00.840 --> :06.240 He texted me when I got home and we set up a date.  We went to see a movie in the cinema, and we got   :06.240 --> :12.660 fries and milkshakes after. Luke was the sweetest  guy I’ve been with. He made me laugh, wrote me   :12.660 --> :19.440 poems and listened to me rant about constitutional  law. It was so easy to fall for him. That was why   :19.440 --> :25.020 when he told me to be his girlfriend, I didn’t  hesitate. A week after we started dating, I   :25.020 --> :30.180 realized that he had not introduced me to his best  friend who he talked about often. When I asked,   :30.180 --> :35.700 he said she just broke up with her girlfriend and  she wanted to be alone. I didn’t believe him one   :35.700 --> :41.820 bit. When a friend goes through a breakup, I think  that’s when his or her friends rally around him to   :41.820 --> :46.140 support him in that time of need. I asked him  this, and he said that she’s a private person   :46.140 --> :52.980 and that she wanted her space so he’s giving it  to her. It sounded so sus, so I decided to do my   :52.980 --> :57.480 research. One night when he crashed at my place,  I went through his phone and looked through his   :57.480 --> :02.040 contact for her number. (Her name is Kayla, by  the way). I got the number and picture from his   :02.040 --> :06.960 phone. The next day, I went to my friends, Gwen  and Rossi and sent them the picture and contact   :06.960 --> :13.320 details. They were well connected on campus, and  if I needed information on her, I'd get it. Within   :13.320 --> :18.780 a few days, they got back to me. Gwen told me  that Kayla was truly Luke’s friend, and they’re   :18.780 --> :23.280 very close. Some people actually think they’re  sleeping together because of their closeness,   :23.280 --> :29.520 but nothing has been proven. The part that shocked  me to my core was when she said that nobody knew   :29.520 --> :36.900 any girl she had dated in the past or currently  or what girl she broke up with. That meant that   :36.900 --> :43.320 Luke was lying about the whole girlfriend thing.  I couldn’t be sure, so I decided to continue my   :43.320 --> :48.780 investigation. The next time I went to sleepover  in his place, I made sure he was asleep and I   :48.780 --> :54.240 took his phone and looked through his chats. The  chats between him and Kayla had been deleted. Like   :54.240 --> :00.540 fully. It was clean. That wasn’t very smart.  If you wanted to hide something, at least do   :00.540 --> :05.820 a partial delete, so I wouldn’t notice. Now I  knew that something was up, but I still didn’t   :05.820 --> :11.640 want to jump into conclusions. Or maybe this was  me being in denial of what was looking to be true.  :11.640 --> :17.640 For a few days, anytime Luke said he wasn’t going  to be available, or he’s busy with stuff, I’d go   :17.640 --> :23.400 to his place and just hide in Gwen’s car outside  and watch what happens in his apartment, but days   :23.400 --> :29.820 passed and nothing happened. No “best friend”  or strange woman of any sort coming to visit   :29.820 --> :36.120 him. For a moment I was relieved. Maybe he wasn’t  actually cheating. But Gwen called my attention   :36.120 --> :41.820 to something. On most of those nights when he said  he’s going to be busy, he rarely came back to his   :41.820 --> :47.160 apartment, or when he did, it was usually late in  the night. That could only mean one thing. He’s   :47.160 --> :52.680 sleeping somewhere else and we’ve been watching  the wrong house. Rossi got Kayla’s house address,   :52.680 --> :58.800 and on the second day, we saw Luke’s car pull  up into her driveway. She came out of the car   :58.800 --> :04.860 and they both hugged and kissed. I tried to play  down how much it hurt me to see that, but inside,   :04.860 --> :10.620 it felt like my heart was being torn to bits  with a saw, and I didn’t know when I started to   :10.620 --> :16.620 cry lol. My friends consoled me for a few minutes  and Rossi decided that instead of crying, I should   :16.620 --> :22.200 focus my energy on getting back at him. It sounded  intriguing so I asked her what she had in mind.   :22.200 --> :28.260 She pointed to his car and ideas started to pop  in my head. We all drove to the nearest mall,   :28.260 --> :33.540 and bought as many packs of sugar as we could  find. I heard something about sugar messing up   :33.540 --> :38.640 the engine of a car, but I don’t know how true it  is. But all I know is that he’s going to have to   :38.640 --> :44.460 spend a lot of money repairing the car. We bought  the packs of sugar and ever so quietly went to the   :44.460 --> :50.040 driveway. We opened his fuel tank and poured in  the sugar till it’s filed to the brim. I have to   :50.040 --> :56.040 say, filling up a fuel tank with sugar is a lot  of work, and takes a lot of sugar. By the time   :56.040 --> :02.040 we were done, I felt better and we all went home.  I texted him the next day and broke up with him.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeHOWIRUINEDMYCHEATINGBOYFRIENDSCARRedditStories
:09.010 --> :17.200 I've been working in IT for 15 years now, and I :17.200 --> :20.110 have yet to find anything that tops this. :20.110 --> :25.020 I work for a small shop, 3 employees, but we service multiple companies in the area, :25.020 --> :27.740 a number of those companies being doctors’ offices. :27.740 --> :32.230 At one of the doctors’ offices, we serviced they had a policy when changing machines out :32.230 --> :37.600 for upgrades, that only relevant information was transferred to new systems, and to remove :37.600 --> :42.330 anything you did not want IT to go through on the machine before it was replaced. :42.330 --> :46.790 Confidential patient data was secured on the servers and not on the local machines, so :46.790 --> :51.760 this was a way of purging unneeded old word documents and cat memes that had been saved. :51.760 --> :55.590 It was also policy to ensure nothing that there was nothing on these machines that should :55.590 --> :00.449 not be there like say using your work equipment for adult entertainment. :00.449 --> :05.190 It was Dr. Johnson's turn to have his machine upgraded to a brand new one after his old :05.190 --> :09.900 machine had been in service for about 3 years, we informed him a week prior that we'd be :09.900 --> :15.040 changing his machine in a week and scheduled to do so on a day when he was not in the office :15.040 --> :19.210 and sent him a copy of the Practice's policy for equipment changes. :19.210 --> :24.680 In most cases there is nothing remotely interesting or strange about doing these transfers, the :24.680 --> :29.250 most we noticed over the years was that people seemed to collect a whole lot of garbage downloads :29.250 --> :33.780 from the internet that are not needed anymore and some word and excel documents that were :33.780 --> :38.420 archived off to cold storage and not moved to the new machines unless they had been accessed :38.420 --> :41.900 in the last 6 months unless requested otherwise. :41.900 --> :46.430 The day came for the transfer, I showed up at the office started to get an idea of how :46.430 --> :48.330 much data we needed to move. :48.330 --> :53.340 As usual for most people in this office Dr. Johnson left a post-it note on his keyboard :53.340 --> :57.410 saying he never had time to go through anything and for us to handle it. :57.410 --> :03.340 I open file explorer, browse to his profile path, right click it to find the folder size, :03.340 --> :07.940 347 GB of data, which seemed extreme. :07.940 --> :13.750 I started going checking the folders in the profile, and 297 GB of this data was on the :13.750 --> :14.750 Desktop. :14.750 --> :20.900 I drill down further until I find the culprit, a folder on the Desktop named "Fun Stuff", :20.900 --> :25.829 thinking it was the install for some game or another I opened the folder, to this day :25.829 --> :27.430 I still wish I had not. :27.430 --> :34.819 I was greeted by several thousand high resolution images of Dr. Johnson in his office, yanking :34.819 --> :35.819 it. :35.819 --> :41.290 Oddly a number of these were also animated and there were video files (I did not dare :41.290 --> :47.260 look at these) and even some bizarre shots from under his desk, no pants and from the :47.260 --> :50.329 mirror behind him a possible patient in the room. :50.329 --> :54.459 I locked the screen and went to the head of the practice to discuss what I had just found, :54.459 --> :58.950 who could not believe someone who was in the process of becoming a partner in the practice :58.950 --> :01.840 would be doing this with company equipment. :01.840 --> :05.989 I showed him the images, to which he took out his phone and called the other two partners :05.989 --> :07.650 into the office to come over. :07.650 --> :12.219 They thanked me, asked me to pull the machine and not transfer anything, and to put the :12.219 --> :14.549 old computer in one of their offices. :14.549 --> :19.760 I installed the new machine (I got some medical gloves before touching anything) setup all :19.760 --> :23.680 the applications and left the office for them to handle it internally. :23.680 --> :28.700 The next day after Dr. Johnson had come back to work, I guess things did not go over well :28.700 --> :30.799 with the others at the practice. :30.799 --> :35.629 He called our office, demanded he talk to me and started to yell at me over the phone :35.629 --> :39.260 about what an invasion of his privacy I had committed. :39.260 --> :43.370 That he planned to sue me personally over it, that I had cost him his chance at becoming :43.370 --> :49.719 a partner at the practice, his position in the practice, and apparently his wife because :49.719 --> :54.739 she was good friends with the wife of the head of the office and I guess gossip happened. :54.739 --> :59.469 When he was done yelling, I asked him calmly if he had anything else to say, I reminded :59.469 --> :04.590 him our office records all calls in and out, then asked him 3 questions: :04.590 --> :09.629 Did he receive the email explaining the process of replacing his machine per his own company :09.629 --> :14.519 policy, that we would be sorting relevant and non-relevant data and anything he did :14.519 --> :18.260 not want us to see he would have to deal with on his own ahead of time? :18.260 --> :22.490 (He had replied to this very email that he would try and go through stuff if he found :22.490 --> :24.840 time) Answer: Yes :24.840 --> :29.720 Did he remember leaving the note on his keyboard saying he didn't bother to do any cleanup :29.720 --> :31.480 and for us to do it? :31.480 --> :32.870 Answer: Yes :32.870 --> :36.940 Which did he think would go over better, him shutting up, dealing with the problems he :36.940 --> :42.920 created himself by being a disturbing person to be a doctor, or trying to sue me personally :42.920 --> :48.350 for following his practice’s policy, and having all the details made public? :48.350 --> :51.310 After I asked this question, he hung up the phone. :51.310 --> :57.210 All the other doctors in the office started to refer to him as Dr. Spanky or Dr. FeelGood. :57.210 --> :01.820 Last I heard they turned him in to the state medical board and he lost his license to practice :01.820 --> :07.780 medicine, was divorced and was under a criminal investigation with-in a few months of this :07.780 --> :08.780 happening. :08.780 --> :13.520 I lost track of it all when we distanced ourselves from that medical practice for several unrelated :13.520 --> :18.670 reasons, mostly they loved to order things and then try to take as long as possible to :18.670 --> :24.540 pay for them. :24.540 --> :04.140 I know there are plenty of this kind of :04.140 --> :08.630 stories here, but let me add my teaspoon to the conversational soup, too. :08.630 --> :11.560 Not my story, but from a Farm Boss I used to work with. :11.560 --> :14.270 It's a long read, because I didn't have enough time to make it shorter. :14.270 --> :15.270 TL;DR at the end. :15.270 --> :21.010 Little House on the Prairie EU: A small farm, in European Union, was applying for an EU :21.010 --> :24.070 agricultural subsidy for a storehouse. :24.070 --> :28.390 Big enough for storing a couple of farming vehicles and odd bits of this and that, otherwise :28.390 --> :31.820 lying around the farm like orphaned rounds of cheese. :31.820 --> :32.910 Nothing fancy. :32.910 --> :38.180 EU is notorious for the exhausting amount of paperwork needed for any kind of agricultural :38.180 --> :39.180 subsidy. :39.180 --> :42.830 The process is usually both long and tedious. :42.830 --> :45.160 Ask any farmer, if you don't take my word. :45.160 --> :49.620 On top of that you have the local government adding their mostly unnecessary and confusing :49.620 --> :52.310 bureaucratic sprinkles to the cake. :52.310 --> :55.940 Because who just doesn't love good old paperwork, yay? :55.940 --> :57.120 Does it really exist? :57.120 --> :00.210 The building already there and in use. :00.210 --> :04.550 Farm Boss has been engaged with the subsidy application process since the beginning of :04.550 --> :07.170 the project, over 2 years. :07.170 --> :13.250 Literally hundreds of emails, calls and letters have been exchanged between various instances. :13.250 --> :16.380 Application process is like this, nothing abnormal about that. :16.380 --> :21.070 A Bureaucrat had to be convinced that a building has been built and it's for the intended purpose. :21.070 --> :26.760 Note: a building permit, a proof of a bank loan, the building inspector's report and :26.760 --> :31.480 photographs of the actual building were not enough evidence. :31.480 --> :36.660 Apparently a storehouse doesn't stand on its concrete foundation, housing farming equipment :36.660 --> :40.180 and material, before a Bureaucrat acknowledges the matter. :40.180 --> :44.170 An existential crisis of architectural sorts, I suppose. :44.170 --> :48.561 Finally, after much struggle and convincing, a Bureaucrat acknowledged officially, that :48.561 --> :52.800 a storehouse has been built and it's used for its intended purpose. :52.800 --> :53.800 Whee. :53.800 --> :59.170 Aforementioned part of the bureaucrazy is not essentially part of the MC story itself, :59.170 --> :00.540 nor was it the only one. :00.540 --> :05.460 But before proceeding I wanted to give you, dear reader, a palpable example of a mucus :05.460 --> :08.380 oozing snail, that is a bureaucrat. :08.380 --> :10.060 Was it really paid for? :10.060 --> :14.950 Now another Bureaucrat wants to know all the costs claimed in the subsidy application have :14.950 --> :16.030 been actually paid. :16.030 --> :21.650 Makes sense; you don't want to assist scammers, who forge fake invoices and payments. :21.650 --> :26.760 In this project there were some 150 (give or take) financial transactions involved for :26.760 --> :30.110 material, labour, insurance, permits, etc. :30.110 --> :31.390 Want all the invoices? :31.390 --> :32.390 You got it. :32.390 --> :33.390 Want all the receipts? :33.390 --> :34.390 Okey dokey. :34.390 --> :36.180 Want the bookkeeping statements? :36.180 --> :37.230 If you say so. :37.230 --> :40.490 This last one has special significance. :40.490 --> :45.850 Bookkeeping statements contain a legally binding track of every single invoice and payment. :45.850 --> :50.100 Bookkeepers swear on the blood of their first born baby it's correct. :50.100 --> :54.370 Even the tax office is happy with that - and they are not easy folk to please. :54.370 --> :00.280 But the local government sitting on top of the EU money (which even isn't their money)? :00.280 --> :01.960 Nooooo, not enough for them. :01.960 --> :08.090 They want to be super duper extra hyper sure, how every single last nut, bolt and screw :08.090 --> :09.770 was paid for. :09.770 --> :15.410 Because maybe Farm Boss is just a scammer who likes to spend 2 years on paperwork. :15.410 --> :19.880 Regardless the fact that the little storehouse stands proud and stout in a farm, which has :19.880 --> :23.720 existed for decades in the exact same location. :23.720 --> :29.550 Enter Smaug's lair: Like a dragon hoarding gold and treasure to sleep upon, a Bureaucrat :29.550 --> :34.030 hoards information and documents (apparently to sleep upon, too). :34.030 --> :39.620 Local government Bureaucrat wants to be able to track every single financial transaction. :39.620 --> :41.210 Not by invoice number. :41.210 --> :43.090 Not by invoice date. :43.090 --> :44.810 Not by invoice sum. :44.810 --> :46.450 Not by combination of these. :46.450 --> :52.160 No, they want the project references (not sure about the exact translation of this) :52.160 --> :54.050 combined with the actual payments. :54.050 --> :58.640 It's a 10 digit code attached to each part of the storehouse building project. :58.640 --> :03.960 For example the roof has its own code under which all parts, labour, etc go. :03.960 --> :08.940 After some hassle with the accountant agency and the bank such list was materialized. :08.940 --> :12.970 It took only 2 weeks, so it was a quickie compared to the whole process. :12.970 --> :17.740 It was an impressive 831 pages long PDF document. :17.740 --> :22.810 So big because of dozens of payments, small and big, far and near, accumulated over the :22.810 --> :25.370 time span of 2 years. :25.370 --> :27.650 Every single financial transaction. :27.650 --> :33.050 The information needed for the subsidy application is spanned through the document, maybe some :33.050 --> :34.830 50 odd pages. :34.830 --> :38.150 Just deliver the 50 odd pages, easy-peasy? :38.150 --> :39.360 Bureaucrat says no. :39.360 --> :44.529 Obviously one can't omit the unrelated pages, because Bureaucrat wants to observe the document :44.529 --> :46.870 both consistent and continuous. :46.870 --> :53.890 In other words: if the total page count is 831, that's how many pages there has to be. :53.890 --> :55.330 End of discussion. :55.330 --> :56.480 Happy bunny now? :56.480 --> :58.950 Ok, you'll get the whole document. :58.950 --> :00.750 Happy now, Bureaucrat? :00.750 --> :01.750 No. :01.750 --> :03.580 All the information is there, how come? :03.580 --> :08.010 Nope, we Bureaucrats want to find the information "easily". :08.010 --> :12.830 But we have already provided the cross-reference list with all project references and invoice :12.830 --> :14.630 numbers, how's that? :14.630 --> :18.370 No can do, we Bureaucrats want "easy". :18.370 --> :22.940 How about pressing CTRL-F (search), that's easy as 1-2-3? :22.940 --> :27.750 Nope, we Bureaucrats want to have project references highlighted. :27.750 --> :29.190 On paper. :29.190 --> :30.300 Because that's "easy". :30.300 --> :36.110 But it'd be a ton of paper, wouldn't it surely be easier to use the electronic format? :36.110 --> :42.400 *sensible arguments overwhelmed by angry bureaucratic noises* No-no-no, absolutely no. :42.400 --> :43.400 Highlighted. :43.400 --> :44.400 On paper. :44.400 --> :45.400 "Easy"! :45.400 --> :49.430 Now you, dear reader, already know what time it is. :49.430 --> :50.590 It's MC o'clock! :50.590 --> :55.110 Farm Boss goes through the PDF with CTRL-F and uses the marker tool to highlight the :55.110 --> :57.930 project references with pretty yellow. :57.930 --> :59.410 One day's work. :59.410 --> :01.040 Then sit back and print. :01.040 --> :05.780 Numerous coffees and one colour cartridge later there is a nice pile of A4 sheets. :05.780 --> :09.090 4,2 kg (9,3 lbs) to be exact. :09.090 --> :11.010 Neatly stacked and boxed. :11.010 --> :16.040 Sent as a registered letter (also a bureaucratic requirement) to the Bureaucrat in need of :16.040 --> :18.150 an "easy" documentation. :18.150 --> :23.490 Have fun browsing through papers searching for the project references, one by one, all :23.490 --> :25.050 by hand! :25.050 --> :30.450 Aftermath: For Farm Boss this was just another day in the never ending bureaucratic jungle, :30.450 --> :31.950 exhausting and stressful. :31.950 --> :35.899 If you think being a farmer is easy, you apparently don't know any farmers. :35.899 --> :39.490 I take my hat off for them any day of the week! :39.490 --> :00.649 What comes to this particular Bureaucrat in question, well, they never asked for :00.649 --> :24.990 a single document more. :24.990 --> :26.560 driving distance of me. :26.560 --> :29.060 My job required suporting the five locations. :29.060 --> :35.500 My boss told me a few weeks into the job NOT to make any special trips to any of the other :35.500 --> :38.690 locations (I was based at the main plant.) :38.690 --> :43.850 When we got new employees, one of the other IT guys in another state sets up the new machines :43.850 --> :46.649 and sends it to me to hand out to the new employee. :46.649 --> :51.790 One day I get some new laptops for employees in one of the remote locations I support. :51.790 --> :56.480 Following my supervisor's explicit instructions, I decide I will make my normal trip to the :56.480 --> :58.370 remote site the next day. :58.370 --> :03.209 My supervisor comes in and asks why I didn't take the new laptops to the remote office. :03.209 --> :08.770 I told her I was following HER instructions and was planning to take the machines to the :08.770 --> :09.770 next day. :09.770 --> :13.930 She gets upset with me and tells me I should have known that this was the exception. :13.930 --> :18.750 I offered to make a special trip up to deliver the laptops, but she told me she would have :18.750 --> :21.730 the nw full-time IT guy take them up. :21.730 --> :25.980 They still didn't get delivered until the next day, as the new guy didn't make the trip :25.980 --> :27.220 until then. :27.220 --> :31.640 Guess it wasn't that important that the new employee get their laptops thay same day. :31.640 --> :35.450 Suffice it to say my contract job ended the next Friday. :35.450 --> :41.580 So I worked in an office where we had a 1 page form needed for all clients that was :41.580 --> :43.520 attached to their vehicle for repair. :43.520 --> :50.320 70% of the info was the same for these forms but we were filling them in by hand. :50.320 --> :55.860 It took ages, my hand would cramp and it was dull and stopped us from doing other tasks. :55.860 --> :02.890 I suggested that we could set the computer up (I would set it up and show the others) :02.890 --> :06.410 to print at the very least the info that was the same for every form. :06.410 --> :11.260 I even explained that we could have the forms printed from an excel sheet with all the specific :11.260 --> :12.260 info. :12.260 --> :13.260 The office managers response was that it would waste printer ink. :13.260 --> :15.860 This is in Australia for context where everyone was on at least $20usd/hr - so I did as instructed :15.860 --> :19.940 until my last day, using a lot of pens ironically. :19.940 --> :23.350 On my last day when we had the jobs for the day I spent 20 minutes creating the spreadsheet :23.350 --> :26.890 and had it print out the entire normal mornings workload for 3 of us in under 30 min. :26.890 --> :30.680 Printed the whole lot, dumped them on the managers desk and went to morning tea, stayed :30.680 --> :33.300 through lunch walked back after lunch gathered my things and left.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceBOSSISANGRYBECAUSEIFOLLOWEDTHERULESRedditStories
what is the strangest thing you've walked in on someone doing friend had an audio entertainment system in his bedroom at his parents house but could not get the Sky Box to work so he called the engineer out the engineer turns up and begins fixing the problem turns out some cabling was incorrect as he's fixing the problem he begins testing some other bits like the stereo and DVD player to make sure he's found the issue his parents come home and curiously wander in to see how it's all going my friend is now standing there with the engineer and his parents when the DVD player flicks on to reveal a woman with a cage gag in her mouth surrounded by men pissing and wanking into it everyone looks and gasps the sky man realized the error and frantically starts clicking buttons and remotes and pulling cables to get it off but the surround sound kicks in and starts pumping out this weird porno at 100 decibels the parents are just standing there in shock eventually the engineer just pulls the plug out the wall while my friend just stands there wishing the ground would open up and swallow him my friend looks at his mum and all she says is well I have never seen anything like that and wanders off downstairs
give me a good story on shorts
a ITA for not giving my possibly pregnant baby daddy's GF his contact after she threatened to break apart my family current living situation I 39f live in a house with Tom 40m Ben 43m and our five children 12m 11m bio Tom and mine 10f 8f bioen and his late wife Anna 7f bioen and mine Ben and I work Tom's been a sod since 11m was to he went back to school four years ago Ben and I cover all household expenses including any cost cost for Tom's education background Tom and I met at a party when we were 19 we've been friends ever since with benefits at times we were both single while on a holiday together a condom broke on us due to location emergency contraception wasn't available and when I turned out to be pregnant we chose to keep that kid and moved in together we were never a couple but worked great as a family so we decided to have a second kid Anna was my childhood best friend she and Ben moved into the flat downstairs for ours when she was pregnant prant with 10f I loved having her close again after living in different cities for years sadly she passed away after a very complicated second labor Ben and I found solace in each other and I ended up pregnant I didn't notice right away as my method of contraception should have been safe and I also blamed a lot of the symptoms on Grief and guilt so when I found out there wasn't really an alternative anymore Tom was the first one I told he said he'd welcome another child into our family Ben was shocked and really struggled to accept it but we kept in good contact through all of it we all started having dinner most nights after 7f was born 10f and 8f would already spend the day as Tom was their Nanny couple of years later my grandma moved on to retirement home and Tom and I decided to move to her house Ben asked if he could move in with us and we agreed it's maybe unusual but works for us where I might be the H Tom been with B for the last 3 years there was some talk about him asking her to move in about a year ago but he never did be and I get along not best friends but I like like spending time with her well liked she showed up unannounced 3 days ago and demanded to see Tom he's currently on a skiing trip with Ben and the boys I reminded her of that and then said I will tell him to contact her if there's an emergency she then proceeds to tell me that she is pregnant with Tom's child highly unlikely and that she already talked to his parents and they will buy them a house next to theirs so that they can live there as a family and that they will be taking the boys with them that's when I told her to leave which after some yelling and insult she did I've since been called multiple times by her her best friend and Tom's parents to try and get his contact but I'm still refusing to give it away they've been calling me an ah among other names for not letting him know that one B is pregnant two he doesn't need to be abused and exploited anymore edit to add Tom's had a vasectomy after 11 minutes he's very low contact with his parents as they disapprove of me and are overall living arrangements
give me a good story on AITAfornotgivingmypossiblypregnantbabydaddysgfhiscontactaftershethreatenedtobreak
first story my delusional mom tried a force reconciliation with my cheating father who abandoned us for 20 years then she disowned me when it backfired calling my girlfriend a W andb for supporting me so I to cut ties with her and went and see all the names I'll use are not the real names of these people cast me M25 my sister Maria F21 our mother Anna f44 and our Father John f45 for background my parents met in their late teens and soon had Me 3 years later they had my sister Maria when my sister was 1year old and I was 3 years old my parents got separated they never got married because my father cheated on my mom with a woman who's over 20 years older than him from what I've been told and they are still together now growing up mom never told me or my sister too much about John I know that both his parents and his sister pretty much disowned him after he cheated on my mom but they are irrelevant to this story Anna never got full custody for us after that because she didn't know how back then she didn't know what full custody meant but JN still sent Anna €200 a month for each of us until we turned 18 I soon moved after turning 18 to live with a friend and in 2021 I moved to another country where I currently live after that I only kept little contact with my mom and almost none with my sister fast forward to the 31st of August so 3 days before this post is made on my birthday I get a call from an unknown number I picked up and the following conversation ation followed me hello John op me yes who is this John it's me John me I'm sorry but I don't think I know you John I'm your dad me I'm sorry John how are you me why did you call me John it's your birthday right me yes it is John happy birthday op me again why did you decide to call me now don't you have a new family John yes I'm married now but I have no other kids other than you and Maria at this point I was in disbelief so I ended the call I couldn't understand why he decided to call me after 20 effing years of no contact between us he tried calling me again but every time I ignored the call the next day mom called me me hello Anna why did you hang up on John me Mom are you serious right now Anna yes he changed now he wants to have a son and daughter again me I guess it's just a bit too late don't you think Anna stop being dumb and go talk to your father me no you go talk to him if you want to I have nothing to talk about with that piece of shd after I said that I hung up with her also both my mom her side of the family and also my sister have been blowing up my phone daily I have already blocked some of them he hurt us badly and everyone decided to forgive him out of nowhere for no apparent reason I am not forgiving him him I'm thinking about cutting contact with the rest of my family if they keep defending him a good father doesn't leave his children for 20 years and then out of nowhere decides that he is entitled to having a relationship with them I'll keep you all updated on this but for now I'll be out of contact with them for a while update to sum it all up my family disowned me I personally couldn't be happier than now that I don't have to put up with their bull 4 days ago on the 3rd of September I arranged a zoom call with my mother and John I was really nervous because I didn't know what to expect I wanted an explanation my current girlfriend decided that she wanted to be next to me during the call she has been fully supportive of my decision to not forgive the sht of a father that Jon is the call happened on the 5th of September 2 days ago I started the call and texted my mom to join the call and to tell JN to also enter she quickly texted me back and in about 5 minutes she entered the call next to her was my sister the first thing my mother said left me speechless she asked me who's that Chinese btch next to you for context my girlfriend is half Chinese and half Romanian also my mother and the other members of her family are extremely racist then Jon entered there he was it's almost like looking in a mirror same facial features hair color nose everything he said hi I told him to tell me about what happened he didn't waste any time telling a very madeup story about how my mother didn't give him any attention after my sister was born and that he was extremely depressed I knew that Jon was a piece of sht but cheating on his girlfriend and putting the blame on her because she took all her time caring for their newborn and their toddler is the most pathetic excuse I've heard in my life I told him to cut the bull and then my mother had the audacity to defend this pathetic excuse of a father my sister sat there quiet I decided that it wasn't worth trying to get anything out of them so I ended the call early I just sat there and cried while my girlfriend was comforting me telling me that I did nothing wrong neither my mother nor anyone else tried to call me but that night my mother sent me a long text message that I'll copy and paste here translated into English op p i want you to know that I don't want anything more to do with you you've hurt us a lot and you decided enough was enough I am no longer a son I told every one of our relatives about how rude you were to us and we all agreed to cut all contact with you since you clearly don't need us anymore you along with that Chinese can go to hell and I will make sure to have you cut out of the will I wish you to burn in hell alongside your cousin goodbye I couldn't believe what I just read I decided that enough was enough and blocked all my family except for some cousins aunts and uncles I will admit I was very sad but I now feel like I did the right thing by cutting contact with all those toxic aroles I still have been given no exact reason as to why Jon wanted to get in contact with me again but I don't need any reason now I learned the hard way that family is not about blood it's about the ones who will be there for you at any time in your life and show you love when you need it the most I will be taking a break from Reddit for now since I am planning to focus more on work and my life thank you to everyone for their support on the original post Second Story my Golden Child sister stole my car with my mom's support and damaged it after I asked her to return it threatening to call the cops on her still my entitled mom took her side so I reported them both and went NC I li with my mom in a rural part of the USA for context when it comes to my sister 37 she is much older we come from different fathers and both grew up in Split custody Arrangements we are not particularly close we are almost acquaintances more so than siblings I don't really feel any familial connection even though I love her I don't feel obligated to bend backward for her well my sister lives 2 hours away in a much more urban area and is currently going through a divorce her and her ex-husband only had one vehicle and it belonged to the ex-husband so when they split he took the car sister has four daughters and works a full-time job I on the other hand work from home and have no real external responsibilities my mom came to me asking if my sister could borrow my car for a couple of months until the divorce is finalized so she has a way of transporting her and her kids wherever they need to be without the financial burden of purchasing another car or relying exclusively on ride sharing I just recently bought my car at 2012 V8 Mustang and it's my first vehicle ever I didn't get a hand me down or get one as a present when I turned 16 or 18 I was basically immobile except occasionally being allowed to drive my mom's car or when my dad had me I could get Ubers getting my own vehicle was extremely liberating minus the loan and I don't feel trapped at home so when I was approached with this proposal I flat out said no I can totally understand the justification for letting her use my car for a couple months but aside from the fact that I don't want to lose lose my newfound sense of freedom I also just don't want someone else driving my car and maybe that's selfish of me over the last few days my mom and sister have been trying to convince me to let her use the car saying that she would pay for the car while she has it or that she'd pay for insurance if she has it longer than anticipated no matter what they brought to the table I kept saying no much to their dissatisfaction this morning I realized that my mom wasn't home I opened our garage to see that her car was still there but mine was not I immediately know what has happened and call my mom about the situation she just tries to Cal me down and have me try to picture it from my sister's point of view but I'm just flushed with rage and instead just tell her that I'm going to report the vehicle as stolen instead she just hung up the phone as of now I presume my car is down with my sister and I am seriously considering reporting it stolen and naming her and my sister as perpetrators and conspirators I really don't want it to go that far and I hope that we could instead work this out but what I initially said as an angry threat I'm starting to really consider as an option I just don't know if it's worth burning so many bridges over a car but the fact that my family won't respect my boundaries or my property is so frustrating wibta update thanks to everyone for all the input into the situation I sincerely appreciate it I ended up giving them an ultimatum to return my car by business tonight and if they do I would be willing to move past it and not let it affect any future relationships I said I would also pitch in a small amount of money to help my sister rent or buy her own car but if they do not return it by business close I will be filing a police report that my vehicle has been stolen and that it was my mom who is the perpetrator and my sister who is a conspirator to answer a couple questions all at once mom has her own car but doesn't want to lend it out because she needs it for work every day I had offered to let her use mine for work and she lent out her car to sister but she refuted this idea saying that she doesn't feel comfortable driving my car and that she needs ample space for medical supplies she is an inhome nurse I am well aware that my living situation will change if I call the police on my mom and sister but honestly the living situation is already compromised regardless of the resolution I will be moving out as soon as possible as I am financially stable enough to do so this whole thing is just the straw that broke the camels back I didn't put it in the original post but I've been getting a lot of comments regarding living for free at my mother's house house we split bills 60/40 on basically everything it's not truly 50/50 but by no means am I freeloading at my mom's house I will update again if the car has been returned or not update I ended up giving mom and sister an ultimatum to return the car by 5:00 p.m. and if they didn't I would be reporting them to the police if they did I would let bygones be bygones and move on and move out I even offered to pitch in a bit to help my sister get a new vehicle the car has been returned so the police will not need to get involved however there is body damage that wasn't there the last time I used it I can't tell if it was intentional damage or not but honestly it doesn't matter pick attached I will get all relevant papers in order and then I will lawyer up so the damages are paid for as soon as this entire situation is resolved I will be moving out I have learned to never keep my keys out again thanks so much everyone for your input and advice final update after the overwhelming majority of you told me that I needed to go to the police in my last post I have decided to report the entire situation to my local sheriff's office I will do everything in my power to make it so charges aren't pressed which I hope is likely since the car was returned I will still be doing everything I mentioned in my previous post regarding getting all my papers in order and moving out as soon as possible I will probably still look into getting a lawyer just in case I told the sheriff's office that my car was stolen for approximately 16 hours from my mom and sister and that when the car was returned there was body damage that wasn't previously there they are sending over a deputy to take a look at my car and question myself and my mom about the situation I have group text chats that list my ultimatum as well as some texts that were exchanged previously about mom and sister essentially begging to use my car while I kept saying no I will be making my mom and or sister pay for the body damage and if insurance won't cover it I will be going to court for it I don't care how Petty that is or if it just opens an even larger can of worms I absolutely refuse to pay $2,000 plus do for body damage repairs that I didn't create hopefully this is the actual final update I will have to post regarding this situation regardless of the damage I'm just glad that I have my car back the family situation is beyond bad and I will be going to NC with my sister for an indefinite amount of time I will do the same with my mom as soon as I move out which is hopefully by the end of the month thank you all for your advice and input throughout this whole ordeal third story my rich entitled gay friend called me a homophobe and cut ties with me after I advised him not to come out to his family now two years later he showed up only to berak me for abandoning him saying it's my fault he got disowned lost his job and became homeless I know the title sounds bad but here I am also I apologize for using any incorrect terminology related to the topic okay so I 23f have a friend s am same age who is a female to male transgender individual however I am one of very few people who know this and he generally still presents as female this is because his family mom dad and grandfather are all quite frankly horrible homophobes seriously I've been to their house three times since Sam and I met in middle school and each time one of them has launched into some sort of hateful rant completely unprompted now here is where it gets complicated horrible as he might be Sam's grandfather is very wealthy and Sam is set to inherit $2.5 million when he dies which will probably be soon due to the man's rather serious health conditions Sam has seen the will and knows this for a fact but he also knows he'll be disowned if he comes out as transgender to his family because of this Sam has stayed in the closet and continues to present a female he took to cutting his hair shorter and dressing more androgynously in college for the sake of staying in good standing with his grandfather Sam has always been very open about his plan to fully come out and deal with the consequences after he had the money but today at 5:30 in the morning Sam called and woke me up to tell me that he was considering coming out to his family soon and that he thought it was dishonest to continue with the lie for money but asked my advice I was shocked but honestly I told him I thought it was a bad idea I explained that the 2.5 million would allow Sam to finally live his dream life payoff student debts get SX change surgery maybe get a house Etc then I pointed out that Sam would almost certainly be thrown out of of the house for doing so he still lives with his parents for some complicated reasons and he wouldn't be able to stay with me if that happened because on top of living in a one bedroom apartment I babysit my six-year-old immunocompromised younger brother twice a week and I cannot risk cross-contamination from Sam who is an essential worker I also wasn't shy about making my opinion that his family wasn't worthy of honesty extremely clear anyway after I was done explaining all of this Sam just burst into tears before hanging up I was confused but it was also only 5:45 so I just rolled over and went back to bed later in the morning I woke up to a bunch of text messages from Sam saying that I was a bad friend a horrible person and claiming I was homophobic or transphobic now I could not give a damn about a person's exual orientation or gender identity if you paid me I am simply a deeply pragmatic person and Sam knows this so it really hurts to read these text messages I didn't respond at first and decided to talk this over with my mother who is aware of Sam's situation anyway aah update on Sam okay so I want to thank everyone in my original post for their different perspectives and that everyone was able to be calm and respectful I'll be the first to admit that while I have my own issues I obviously cannot fully relate to Sam's struggles and I probably could have been nicer about my concerns in my own defense he did wake me up at 5:30 so I was pretty dazed and grouchy I also wanted to elaborate on the money situation and why Sam and I probably view that $2.5 million very differently Sam and I come from very different financial backgrounds I came from a poor Blended household of six children and was the second eldest child we never starved my extended family we are all very close but luxuries were hard to come by and there were times my twin brother and I were both working multiple part-time jobs to keep the lights on or to replace the water heater when it broke for the second time I was only able to attend the same private schools as Sam because of merit-based scholarships I and my family as a whole am in a much better position now MoneyWise as I work two well-paying jobs one of which is footing the bill for me to get my doctorate degree but I still have a lot of money related anxiety Sam however has always been rich and while his family is all picky they never hesitate to spoil him financially I used to call him a Visa kid which is like a latch key kid but with his father's Visa card which he was free to use on whatever he wanted Sam never bragged about having vastly more more money than I did but there were definitely times when he was accidentally insensitive about it he once commented about how run down my house was after seeing where my stepdad had patched up some leaky pipes with neon orange duct tape for example despite this Sam usually had dinner at my house my mom is a great cook about twice a week oblivious that my parents budgeted for each meal very carefully and his being there was honestly an inconvenience they both felt bad for him though and never said anything currently Sam has a a well-paying job as a hospital lab tech but has no real savings and is in general terrible with money he has no idea how to budget because his family has always paid for everything and the only reason he was on student loans was because they refused to pay for some study abroad Sam wanted to do when I said he still lives at home what I actually meant is that he lives in his parents guest house which they completely rent they even buy his groceries for him so the money he makes from his job is basically spent on video games clothes Collectibles Etc my point is that Sam could definitely afford to live on his own or be financially independent if he wanted to but I'm genuinely concerned about how he'd take the downgrade it would require anyway on to the update I went home today for our standard Sunday meal and talked things over with my mom she says that it sounds like Sam had already decided to come out and was looking for support or validation instead of advice but didn't want to outright ask for it mom also says that while she agrees with me she thinks I could have been gentler and that I should apologize for the sake of the friendship I however was conflicted I don't believe in false apologies because they are demeaning to everyone involved I also don't like that Sam is fishing for validation and support instead of just asking for it because I think that is manipulative as I've said before I am a very pragmatic individual and think it would be foolish to give up so much money when you were so close to getting it still I also know it has been for Sam to keep such a big part of himself a secret for so long so I thought about all the comments left on my original post and what Mom said and eventually decided to send Sam an email saying one I stand by what I said early and think the advice I gave was solid even if it wasn't what he wanted to hear two but I was sorry if what I said hurt him and that hadn't been my intention at all three I would of course Stand By and support Sam if he made the choice to come out as it was his choice four but I also thought he should make sure he was both physically emotionally and financially stable before doing so five I sent him the information for the mental health clinic I go to which is offering three free Skype sessions with a counselor to help people cope with quarantine and suggested Sam talk things over with one six I also suggested he get his important personal documents together SSC birth certificate passport Etc together and put them in a Secret Safe Place he even offered to hold on to them so finally I said he should make sure he has somewhere to live before coming out I found a couple of cheap like $500 per month places on Craigslist for rent and put the links in I even promised to pay for the first month's rent if necessary then I sent the email out and went to help cook dinner about an hour later Sam called but my hands were covered in flour and eggs so I asked sis 16f to answer my phone and put it on speaker believing falsely that we were about to have a calm adult situation Sam blew up for about 30 minutes Sam just yelled about how one there were more accusations of being homophobic or transphobic two he accused me of calling him crazy three calling me a robot this one hurt the most silly as it sounds because I am on the autism spectrum and have a hard time understanding and expressing emotions in general which I am very sensitive about four he said he'd never move into any of the Apartments I suggested because they were trashy and wondered why he couldn't just stay with me I tried to explain about my little brother again only to be told and I quote why are you so worried about that brat he isn't your kid just forget about him right now then Sam hung up again and it was sis turn to blow sis is bisual and has never really liked Sam though I never knew why until now sis was angry that Sam would say those when I and our family have done nothing but support him she said that throughout our years of friendship it has always been me supporting Sam and never the other way around despite having my own issues I tried to argue but sis reminded me that after I had extensive eye surgery in high school to hopefully prevent me from going blind before 30 Sam couldn't be bothered to drop off my schoolwork or drive me to a checkup when no one else was available she compared that to when I had to leave an important work dinner to pick up a drunk Sam from a gay bar or when Sam got angry when I decided my old brother's wedding was more important than going to an LGBT plus event on our college campus with him honesty sis has given me a lot to think about Sam is an important friend to me I obviously want the best for him and I'm hoping this is all just stress from the current Global situation boiling over or something but sis is right in that Sam has spent years expecting to be my number one priority and using me as an emotional crutch I'm going to give things a few days and see how they turn out any thoughts would be greatly appreciated update AA for telling a former friend that he was particularly responsible for his own bad life situation and I didn't feel bad for him a few years ago I 25f posted a story about my former friend Sam FTM 25 Sam had The Misfortune of Being Born into an incredibly wealthy family and Sam stood to inherit a lot of money from his grandfather understandably both of these things factored into Sam's decision not to come out to his family at least not until his Grandpa died and he got his inheritance that was until 2 years ago when he called me very early in the morning to say he'd been thinking about coming out to his parents and asked what I thought I told him that it was a bad idea due to a combination of him definitely getting written out of the will getting kicked out of his parents house and cutting off altogether money healthare Etc not having any savings and not having another place to stay well Sam didn't like that he accused me of being transphobic and a bad friend amongst other things a few more blowups later along with my little sister helped me realize realized that my friendship with Sam was unhealthily one-sided it led to my making the difficult decision to cut Sam out of my life I sent him one final email saying I was sorry about the fight that I wished him well in whatever he chose to do but that I also felt neither of us was getting much good out of our relationship then I blocked him and forced myself to push Sam out of my mind it was hard I worried about Sam a lot but he was able to move out of my life I spent these last two years working on myself and it paid off I climbed the ladder closer to my dream job am in the best shape of my life and most importantly met my wonderful fiance eventually I managed to mostly forget about Sam that brings us to yesterday I was running errands when I stopped for coffee when I was waiting for my drink I heard someone call my name it was Sam and he looked rough to the point where I didn't even recognize him at first anyway Sam decided to join me I awkwardly asked him how he'd been and Sam launched into this long rant about how hard his life became after he came out to his parents he got kicked out and cut off by his family and since he didn't have enough savings to rent anywhere Sam ended up having to couch surf for the past 2 years losing a lot of friends when they got tired of him Sam apparently got so depressed about everything that he stopped going to work and was finally fired about 6 months ago when he was finally done I honestly told Sam that I was sorry for everything he went through he asked me if that was it and another blow up happened Sam accused me of abandoning him when he needed my help I said I did offer him help back then but it just wasn't help that Sam liked then I told Sam that everything that happened to him was something I warned about and that I didn't feel much sympathy for him because of that he knew the risks but they still came out so he couldn't gripe about the consequences I left after that and everyone who knows what happened is split on my response so a thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on MyGoldenChildSisterStoleMyCarWithMyMomsSupportandDamagedItAfterIAskedHertoRetorig
op is breaking up with his pregnant girlfriend because he doesn't want to be a father he is asking if he is in a hole I 25m had been with my now x23f for a little over 3 months I always made sure we took lots of precautions when having SX she was on birth control and I always used condoms I wanted to avoid a child I have known for a long time that I do not want children I find them annoying and they would severely limit my ability to do the things I enjoy traveling outdoor Stuff Etc unfortunately for me my ex didn't have her period when she was supposed to and it turns out she's now pregnant she came to me and told me she was pregnant the first thing I did was suggest an abortion we don't live in a state where it's legal so I offered to pay for her flight and hotel and told her I'd be happy to come with her to get it done I have a stable job and make good money so it wouldn't be too much of a hit for me she works as a receptionist and doesn't make a lot so I figured it would be better for me to pay that's when she told me she was hoping to keep it and that she wanted me to help her raise the kid as its father I have no intention of being a father Beyond just my dislike of children I'm not ready for that I made it very clear that I didn't want the baby but she kept insisting that I'd have a change of heart once it was born and to just try it out after a long exchange I told her that if she intended to keep the baby I would not act as a father I broke up with her and told her that I would pay child support once it's born but that I expect her to respect my wishes and keep the child away from me since then she's been frantically texting me begging me to come back and telling me she'd forgive me she sent me voicemails crying it does hurt to see but I haven't responded the other day she texted me saying how she can't raise the kid alone and how I'm basically forcing her to get an abortion just by leaving she called me an Ary hole an abuser and an asist she ended the text by begging me to talk again I certainly feel shy I really liked her and we had a good relationship before this but I just don't want to be a father I'm already bitter about the fact that I'll have to pay child support for 18 years which will somewhat limit me financially I also feel it isn't right for a parent who doesn't want their child to be involved I just end up taking that pent up anger and bitterness out on the child who is ultimately innocent which I feel isn't right with all this said I come here to ask aah I certainly feel like one but I also stand by what I did clarifying edits on the topic of a vasectomy I tried I met with a doctor last year and asked about getting one but he refused and said every doctor he knows won't do it until you're at least 30 it's a conservative State and while I dislike the politics I was born and raised here so I'm still attached to the state and have never felt the urge to leave someone said I should have flown elsewhere to get one and I guess they're right but I just didn't think about that on the topic of birth control I bought the condoms myself so they were fine whenever we were done I'd throw in used condoms I'm the dumpster so I don't think she went dumpster diving I asked her on our first date if she was was taking birth control and she said yes I took her word maybe it's foolish to just believe her but if she was lying she'd be the first person I've met to lie about that most girls I've met are honest about it I assume she was on the pill since that's the main birth control I know but maybe she was on something else that I'm not educated enough on that being said I'll follow your advice and lawyer up and get a paternity test I don't know how long that will take but whenever I get it done I'll update here with the results thank you for your judgment I've been for a bit but I'm catching up and trying to read what I can I'll be checking back periodically and replying to some people all further feedback is appreciated update one I have hired one of the better Family Court Lawyers in my state she has someone representing her pro bono it has been made clear to my ex and her representative that she is not to contact me personally and that all contact will go through my lawyer from now on a paternity test is scheduled for next Wednesday I don't know how long it will take to get results but the test is happening If the child is mine we will go to court to determine child's support payments and set up the process for me to sign away my rights another clarifying at it I was gone for a while and while reading through some comments I found a topic I'd like to clarify for anyone left who still checks here and cares at the beginning I said I made sure to use lots of precautions I had thought people would take away from the idea that I had made my intention to not have kids clear at the beginning I just wanted to make that clear she told me she wasn't looking to have kids I should have been more clear about this I guess I was under the assumption that she didn't want kids which is why I was blindsided by her change of heart once she was actually pregnant I understand it happens feeling changed or whatever but for me it was a big shock when I go to get the paternity test started she will also have an ultrasound and we'll talk then I'll update on Wednesday BTW the text will take a few days to process so I'll also update with the results update two Reddit isn't letting me post the full update here so for further updates please check my comments relevant comments the commentator asks about providing emotional support and getting back together with the ex op I don't want to give her emotional support and lead her on if I'm around she'll think I plan to get back together and be a present Father which I don't want she should know I don't want the kid that way she's more likely to go through with an abortion or adoption I also don't want to be present for the birth for similar reasons plus I'm pretty certain that even if I did change my mind about the kid I wouldn't want to be with her she expects me to get back together with her to raise the kid but if I did end up seeing the kid and wanting her I'd have to go through some annoying legal procedure to try and secure joint custody or something that is a mess in so many ways that it isn't worth suffering through I'm still certain I don't want the kid but if I suddenly changed my mind to want the kid and then didn't get any custody that would be pretty depressing I'd rather just stay unattached and deal with any regrets I have later the commentator asks about his family their support and and the future op there's a lot to unpack here so I'll try to go piece by piece obviously what you've experienced is very difficult so I'm sorry about that I'm glad you found yourself about my parents yes they want grandkids they have been hounding me ever since I turned 20 about when I'm going to give them grandkids I've already told them I don't want kids and my sister is lesbian so they're really disappointed at this point if they found out about the kid and that I was leaving they would be furious so I'm just not telling them about how feel in the future I honestly cannot say 100% I know that right now I 100% don't want kids and I'm going off that feeling to assume how I'll feel in the future will be the same everyone lives with some level of regret so I've come to peace with the idea that if I end up regretting this I'll just have to move on and live with it like everyone else if for some reason I felt regret I wouldn't try to contact the kid I'd just keep it to myself and keep chugging along like usual if the kid does find me one day I'll just be honest depending on how I'm feeling either I was 25 and I didn't want kids and I still don't sorry or I was 25 and I thought I didn't want kids I wasn't ready it's been one of the biggest regrets of my life and I'm sorry depending on how I'm feeling most likely the former I don't know what gave you the impression that I've soften to the idea of having kids I still firmly don't want kids I just feel pity for the child because it isn't really their fault I don't exactly feel good about leaving the child on a moral level but on a personal level of what is best for me I feel very conf ident in leaving it's certainly a selfish decision but I've been very upfront about the fact that I'm a selfish person I feel bad about it but I'm putting myself and my own personal needs first in this situation by doing what I think is best for me apprehensive Cactus it's extremely unlikely that she would give up the baby once she's already got the child in her arms and gone through the process it's extremely emotional and we're wired to take care of our young the chances of her giving up the baby are about 2% she really needs to stop hoping you're all going to be a happy family someday because this is awful for her self-esteem she can be happy as a single mother even if it's very hard does she have family willing to help her own parents motherhood is a huge adjustment and doing it without support is awful PPD is not a joke she can totally do this without you but it would be a lot better if she had at least some support from her family op I don't know that much about her family I haven't met them I just heard bits and pieces apparently her dad has some drinking issues and her mom is pretty closed off they live in a different city too that's about the extent of what I know but I doubt they'd be able to help her much alternative ad 5613 I would consider locking down that pathway before she realizes it could lead to your mom you know blocking her before she sees your mom comment on a post and making everything go through a lawyer by the sounds of it if she makes contact with them it sounds like they definitely take her side of the matter you will definitely have contact with your ex and her child because your family will be involved I'm not saying you need them but I feel like within 18 years they'll know especially considering how the at home DNA tests and programs are either way that doesn't change my mind about you you're making the right call here and now in your ex's Court I don't know if you're considering it moving cities but if you should it will increase the odds of you having no contact I live and work in a city of 1 15 million people and I have still made contact with people I never thought I would again op I don't have a Facebook account so my mom doesn't comment on my posts but I'll take the advice and block my ex I have a good job and I like my apartment a lot so I don't plan on moving from my city even if I see them I plan to get some sort of legal agreement signed through my lawyer prohibiting direct contact so hopefully they just have to ignore me if they saw me editors note the second update was posted twice in the comment box and later onto his own profile update 2 sorry for the lakeness but I got the test done and the results are in the the baby is a girl and is indeed mine when I saw my ex I had a talk with her we talked about birth control and she told me she was on birth control and had no intention of having children but once she found out she was pregnant she changed her mind I believe her she was hopeful that I would come around to that perspective so I made it very clear that I would not be part of the child's life and gave her three options option one get an abortion in any state of her choosing and I'll pay for her to stay there for a week so she could basically take AAC to Hawaii Nick or lay on my dime but I need to come with her and get confirmation that she had the abortion option two put the child up for adoption and I'll pay for all the medical expenses that come with having a child option three keep the child and I pay my court ordered child support sign away my parental rights have my name taken off the birth certificate and have absolutely no involvement with her or the child beyond my monthly payments it was a tough conversation and she didn't take it well she ended up crying for a while she kept telling me that I would be a loving and kind dad asking me to try fatherhood think about how well our relationship was going before this happened and imagine our future together with a daughter I told her I'm still firmly against fatherhood and she was devastated she refuses to get an abortion but is scared to be a single mother at 23 even though she wants the child she told me that if I'm with her during the birth see and hold the child but still feel nothing for the baby after all that then she will consider adoption she also said said if I change my mind about fatherhood she will be waiting with open arms to enjoy Parenthood together as a loving family and would hope I'd propose I have made it very clear that I don't want any involvement I'm not sure what I should do since I would prefer for the baby to be put up for adoption rather than have to pay child support for 18 long years but I also don't want to be around the baby at all or present during the birth advice is appreciated all further updates will be posted to my account like this editors note the latest update has screenshots but the full story is in the comments update three finally back with another update over the past few days I've gotten a new influx of advice some of this advice has been helpful or interesting some really good ideas were given to me so I set up a lunch with my ex yesterday and we had a long and productive chat it was the first time we had talked in over a month all our communication had been through lawyers I decided the best way to ensure the conversation was productive was to set ground rules and make sure we were operating from reality both of us haven't been being realistic I told her that I was giving up on abortion or adoption it was what I wanted but I already knew it wasn't going to happen at this point my ex wants the baby I know she does and I told her I knew I won't be bringing up abortion or adoption with her again it just isn't worthwhile I have to work within reality and at this point that means under the assumption that she will keep the baby I also told her it's time for her to give up on me I made it very clear to her that I would not be getting back together with her no matter what even if she aborted the baby she will never have the happy family with me that she wants I made it clear she needs to drop the idea because it won't happen and it makes it impossible to find any real solutions to this situation she acknowledged that there would be no happy family between us I think reality has finally set in for both of us at this point nobody is going to get what they want so it's time to compromise the new goal that we have agreed upon is this provide my ex and our daughter with the support that they desperately need right now while also allowing me to have no involvement with raising the child in other words I will not be involved in raising the child whatsoever but I will try to give my ex the resources she needs to make sure the child has a good life I won't be in the delivery room and I will never see her I will simply provide money my ex has 25k in student debt that she needs to pay off she is only making around 60k per year from her job and she will be a single mother which means child expenses and such by contrast I only have around 10K K in student debt left to pay off and after a little over two years working at the company I'm at I just got a promotion and a significant pay raise so I'm now making roughly 150k per year additionally there is plenty of room for further growth in my field with income growth potential all the way up to 325k per year although that is still pretty far off in the future I don't say any of this to brag just to put our situations in perspective I'll have all my debts paid off by the end of 2025 plus I've been setting aside money for a save account and investment funds what I'm trying to say is that I have money and she doesn't so I will be making up for my lack of presence with significant financial support I would prefer to avoid court so I worked with my ex to find a fair monetary support system all of what comes next is a handshake agreement between the two of us if someone has a problem they can go to court and determine child support that way we talked for a while about what a fair payment system would look like and this is what we decided on I will pay for all of my ex's Medical expens that come with her carrying the baby including doctor visits and hospital bills when the baby is born I will pay my x2k Monon in child support to pay for the child's expenses this will leave my ex with breathing room and allow her to continue paying off her student debt we don't have exact math but our estimate we found using phone calculators was that it would probably take her between six and eight more years to pay off all her student debt once she has paid off all her debt the monthly child support payment will drop to 1K per month if my ex finds a man who she marries and takes on the role of a father to the child then my child support payments will stop since he will be able to provide an extra income stream additionally I will create a savings account that my ex will be able to see starting the day the baby is born I will deposit $500 into the account I will then deposit $500 into the account on the first day of the month every month until the girl turns 18 at that point she will be given access to the account as a college fund based on the math we did the account will have roughly 108k in it not including interest I don't know how much College will cost by then but that should be a significant help for her to pay for college if she decides not to go to college I will empty the fund into my personal savings account so she only gets the money if she attends College the fund has another condition on it but I'll get to that later Beyond money my ex and the child will need emotional support this is where my lovely sister comes in she and her wife love kids they have been looking into adoption for a few months now based on another comment I got which I cannot find anymore and it's driving me crazy I think whoever wrote it deleted it from a woman whose brother was in a similar situation the woman decided to take on an active role and help his ex raise the child of her own valtion because she liked kids knowing my sister was already interested in raising a child with her wife I reached out and asked her if she would be interested in helping my ex she was very excited about the prospect of my ex having her I asked my ex what she thought and she said yes my sister and her wife will act as a support system for my ex when they have time they will help my ex with things like babysitting giving her any advice she needs or just being there for her to talk to they'll also be extra family for the child helping make things like birthdays and holidays special this is where the second condition for the college fund comes in as I'm sure you've noticed my sister is lesbian I've gotten many questions asking why I don't want my parents involved with the child let me answer them my sister came out at 14 and from then on she was the scum of the Earth in our house my parents are extremely religious and very homophobic so as soon as she came out they hated her no more birthdays no more Christmas no more family dinners they gave her the absolute bare minimum Necessities to survive and then left her alone otherwise obviously it was extremely toxic what they did was awful and my sister has rightly gone out of contact with them my second condition for the college fund is that my ex cannot tell them about the child or let them meet her what they want most in the world is grandchildren and I will not give them that Joy my ex has my sister's help and support so she doesn't need my parents I made it clear that if I ever find out about her visiting them with a child there will be no college fund finally I want to talk about writing a letter based on advice from someone whose father came back and then left they told me not to come back but to write a letter to my daughter as closure I don't want to come back so I thought it was a great idea the letter will explain why I'm not around and the whole situation I'm going to be truthful but try to also be gentle in the letter the goal is to make it clear that I didn't leave because of a particular hatred for her but just because I never wanted to be a father in the first place I'll also include something about how hard her mother tried to make me reconsider and how much her mother loves her I'll end it by wishing her good luck in life the letter will be officially notorized and signed by both me and my ex when she turns 18 if she has questions about me and wants them answered my ex will give her the letter if the letter still can't satis safy her and she wants further answers I've given her permission to talk to me in person I feel I owe it to her to answer her questions in person if that's what she needs for closure my ex also felt strongly about wanting my name on the birth certificate so I've agreed to that in summary my ex will keep the child I will provide child support payments I will provide a college fund on the condition that the child goes to college and my parents are never involved in this situation my sister and her wife will help my ex by acting as an extra support system for her and I will write a letter to my daughter explaining why I am not present that will be given to her only if she wants it as a way for her to gain closure the full thing won't be posted in comments so I'll post it in chunks BTW this will likely be my last update things are mostly figured out thank you for all the advice and help also for anyone who hasn't seen it I'll be getting a vasectomy in Colorado in February 2024 I'd already said so but I'll put it here too op's text below the screenshots I wrote out this whole update on Reddit it and was given error messages saying it couldn't be posted so I copied and pasted it and then screenshot it sorry it's inconvenient but this is the only way I could post this I've split the paragraphs up and they are in order so hopefully it isn't too annoying to read I'll also post the full text in the comments if Reddit will allow me to update 4 happy holidays to everyone I hope you're having a nice winter short and boring update I got our terms from update three written up into a contract and the X has signed some minor changes have been made which I will outline some things weren't legally enforcable so those have remained part of a handshake agreement the basic contract is that I have no visitation rights and will never be allowed visitation rights but my ex also has to make active efforts to keep the child away from me I will be paying for her medical care during the pregnancy process we decided to adjust the payment system I will be paying ,500 per month in child support and an additional 500 will be added in support for every 50 K my salary increases by currently 150k capping out at 500k for a maximum support payment of 5K per month the handshake part of the agreement is for the college fund in exchange for notifying my parents of their granddaughter's existence the college fund will be monitored by my sister I deposit $500 per month until the kid turns 18 and then the fund is made available to her if she is going to college or trade school if she decides to forego higher education she will instead receive a flat sum of $27,000 roughly 1/4 of the total fund and the remainder of the fund will go back to me we scrapped the idea of a letter if she wants to see me when she's 18 she'll have to come find me I decided it' be best to make it a slightly higher barrier to finding me my sister will still be involved in helping my ex with her parenting of the child and they have chosen to make the girl aware that my sister is her aunt shd is pretty much settled the ex is pretty far into pregnancy at this point and everything is worked out sorry to disappoint everyone who still wanted me to step up and be a present father that is never happening thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPAbandonedHisPregnantGirlfriendBecauseHeDidntWanttoBeaFatherorig
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first a big congratulations to iggy rlk for being the winner of last week's giveaway if anybody doesn't know i run a giveaway every single week so if you're interested and don't know how to enter just stay tuned until later in the video and i'll tell you exactly how to that said we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by clintosaurus rex landlord tries to keep security deposit um no about 10 years ago my at the time girlfriend now wife and i moved from the area we went to college to an apartment near where we plan to start our careers i say it was an apartment but it really was the basement of a house that the landlord had walled off to create two apartments to rent the place was kind of crappy but the rent was cheap for the area and we were close to work everything was fine for a few months but the only parking for us was on the street out front the couple that rented the upstairs apartment had rights to the garage in the driveway they paid more than we did suddenly my car got a couple bs tickets for parking on the street i'm guessing some butt clown cobb needed to meet their quota and my girlfriend's car got sideswiped in a hit and run this crap had to stop so we emailed the landlord her preferred form of communication to ask if there's anywhere safe for us to park she replies park anywhere you want we had noticed that our upstairs neighbors usually eschewed the driveway to park in the front yard they were horribly lazy so we figured that would be a good spot for us too we parked in the front yard the rest of the year we figured that would be the end of it we finished our lease left the place in better shape than we found it and requested our 1500 security deposit back after a couple weeks we got a check for 700 what the freak since there was no explanation we asked the landlord for one and she replied that the deducted amount was to resawed the lawn claiming that parking on it had damaged it now i was the one who cut the grass at this house while we stayed there so i was well aware that the lawn was more weeds and bald spots than grass picture the african savannah in mid-summer no one had ever lifted a finger to landscape any part of the property but the landlord wanted to sell the house once the leases were up and she figured she could get the renters to pay for a nice new lawn i complained to the landlord didn't care i put in a complaint with the local housing department didn't care i threatened to take her to court didn't care so that's what i did took her to small claims court i had never sued anyone before so i was going in prepared i took pictures of the entire front yard the area that we damaged was actually one of the best patches of grass though it did have a small rut that my tires made when the yard was muddy in the summer i got testimonials from our upstairs and across the street neighbors most importantly i printed out the email where the landlord told us to park anywhere we were suing for eighteen hundred dollars to cover court costs and us both missing a day of work on top of the full security deposit in mediation we said we would settle for fourteen but she must have thought she was in the right because she refused to offer a penny more than the original 700 check which we never cashed when we got in front of the judge it was pretty clear that she had no evidence hadn't prepared anything and just assumed that us kids would fall on our faces we did not we put everything we had in front of the judge and made our claim he was impressed he stopped us when we showed him the email to ask the landlord did you really tell them to park wherever they wanted when she said yes the judge replied then what are we even talking about and that was that judgment in fall for us and that witch had to pay to resort her own darn lawn next time you tell someone to park wherever you want you'd better mean it or at least don't try to screw someone over when they comply with what you said if you made it this far thanks for reading you really can't trust anybody especially landlords unfortunately and the only bit of advice that i can have is before you actually move in make sure you take pictures and document as much as you can and any kind of communication that you have with landlords make sure you save that if at all possible because you never know when it might help you later down the line if this happened to you would you be willing to put in the effort to go all the way to small claims court and compile all this evidence in an effort to proclaim at least the other hundred dollars of the fifteen hundred dollar security deposit you put down let me know in the comments down below our next story is by locatech old guy gave grief so yesterday was a very busy day at the big home improvement warehouse people were stocking up on disaster response stuff taking advantage of our labor day sales week the district manager was doing an inspection and there were only two of us scheduled to close the department i was managing to multitask like a mother going through three or four bottles of water by the end of the night i was puffing and panting behind my face mask all while managing to stay cheerful and helpful to my clientele when in comes the old man from the old world i say this because he had an old-fashioned attitude towards women but unfortunately for he and i i was the only associate available to help him so he comes into my tool department interrupts my interaction with some other customers and expected me to cater to his wishes immediately then and there i politely asked him to wait a moment that i'd be with him shortly and for that i got a look of disapproving disgust but he had no other choice but to wait until i was free turns out he wanted a toolbox not just any toolbox but one of those massive shop boxes on wheels that are about the size of a small car well good a couple of hundred dollar sale should be worth any grief that this old guy could give me he'd already decided that he wanted this particular floor model but the thing was he wanted a discount a big discount granted this toolbox had been on the floor a long time with paint scratches and a few kartings but that was just cosmetic and it worked as a sturdy storage place for a lot of tools just fine because of the sale week this shop box had already been marked down to 449 dollars however old guy wanted it for 300 which was beyond my discountability limit and i told old guy that however i did call the manager and while he authorized some negotiation 325 would have to be the bottom dollar i didn't tell old guy that information just that the manager had said i could mark it down some more but just not that low so a bit more haggling an old guy accepted a price of 349 as it is out the door done since this was a verbal discount price old guy wanted me to accompany him to the checkout counter to finish the transaction after we pushed the box to check out the fact that he had to stand in line like everybody else made him cranky too but i digress while he waited i had turned to help another customer with a key copy an old guy had made it to the cashier to ring up his purchase but she had some news for us the sale price had already been further marked down to clearance for 300 yay right right no protests old guy if he can have it for that price he wants a new still in the cardboard box one internally i'm screaming but this is what you wanted isn't it politely but less cheerfully i remind him that these are the last floor models that's why the prices were so low but no he insists that i check the inventory meanwhile he's holding up the line now too regardless and even less cheerfully i checked that info in the scanner and show it to his face as proof that these were indeed all that we had left so now does old guy want what he said he wanted in the first place no he pouts that since he can't have a new one that we never had and now that other customers are backing up behind him now he demands to get a further discount on an already twice discounted clearance item with a last-ditch effort at reminding him of what i've already told him i can't do that i flatly say then i don't want it twitch what i yelled and tore off my work glove slapping him across the face with it you insult me sir and you dishonor my ancestors i must challenge you to a duel we meet a dawn no i didn't say that but i did just grab the bar of the toolbox pulled it out of line and said firmly i'll just put it back then old guy stammered just give me a discount just 25 no and i push it away without looking back this perfectly echoes the saying you can't have your cake and eat it too you already agreed to 349 you go to the checkout and they say oh look 300 you want even more off i'm really glad the old guy didn't get the toolbox in the end honestly this next story is by dargad082 you won't heed my warning about a shift not being covered over the weekend have a nice weekend i work in an office and at the time i was the new guy who only worked part-time taking shifts here and there when needed i could do pretty much anything and did it well but often had to ask around for extra shifts to make ends meet one day our supervisor went on short-term disability leave after an accident and an assistant let's call her brenda took over the job which included the scheduling duties brenda was easily overwhelmed and we believe that she was too proud to admit that she needed help she had to plan the schedule for five teams and i'd often tell her that i'd be available for more shifts to cover x or y as the slots were clearly empty she was always pretty dismissive and most times it ended up not working more people tried to work around her mishaps so there was never any direct impact on the overall production one time i noticed that a loan position on the weekend that nobody wants to do when that person lady was sick and away was not being backfilled even though it was essential to have someone in that chair hoping for extra shifts i sent brenda a casual email to bring to her attention the fact that the chef was not filled and if she had plans for that yet her response was an extra long email on work ethics and respect for my colleagues time that i'm new here and i should learn my place to stop begging for extra shifts all the time and that she had nothing else for me that week duly noted ma'am cue malicious compliance my last day at the office that week was wednesday and i knew that the shift had still not been filled when i left i wished everyone a nice weekend including brenda see you next week it's important to mention that i was on call they couldn't just put me on the schedule and expect me to show up they'd have to confirm with me beforehand i got many many calls on saturday about 30 minutes after the beginning of that shift that was not being covered asking where i was why i wasn't in that error alerts were being sent all over the country because nobody was there to do the job i told the weekend manager that i was out of town as i wasn't on the schedule when i left on wednesday they'd need to take it up with brenda monday morning i was called in a senior manager's office i was told that they were giving me a written warning because i didn't show up to work that weekend and it caused a lot of trouble for other managers i pulled the email thread and was able to prove that i warned brenda that a shift was not being filled that i would be available if needed but that brenda made it clear she didn't need me they then checked the log to see when the schedule was last changed and yep friday afternoon long after i was gone i made it clear that she made no attempt to try to contact me the senior manager apologized and i was able to return to work i don't believe brenda was specifically punished as we're all allowed mistakes it happens but she was eventually demoted she retired probably a year after the incident i ended up being promoted to full time shortly after and as it turns out 10 years later i'm now off a supervisor doing a much better job at managing schedules that paper trail will save you people will throw you under the bus in business all the time and you need to be able to save yourself when necessary saving any correspondence having an extra email and forwarding it to that always a great idea this next story is by coda sharp drop everything when you call got it back in march my company furloughed a large amount of people only keeping the bare minimum of essential people that i happen to be considered in one of the rudest and most obnoxious people there was thankfully furloughed so over the last five months things have been great but two weeks ago she came back and has been her usual horrible self i work for a publishing company as an accountant i rarely deal with any of the other employees that aren't the publishers customers or the other accountants there is one sales representative we will call her mary two weeks ago as mary was beginning her work again she had made a call to me stating that she needed her access to our servers again and i told her i'd get to it within the next hour to which she replied i've been here for 16 years i run this company it doesn't work without me here so you'll do it and you'll do it now well we did just fine for almost six months without you but who am i to argue with stupid people she gets her access to the office drives first scanners printers nothing special and decides it's her turn to send an email to the owner of our company saying that i was disrespectful and i wouldn't do anything for her so he needed to put me in my place sure enough mary got her wish and i was told to drop everything i was doing to do what she needs no matter what i've got going on we're still working from home but as one of the accountants i have access to our office building and get asked to take care of some stupid things such as mailing our prints to the printing company and yesterday mary was there i go around and pick up all the pages to be printed put them in order and get them ready to package and mary comes along screaming how i didn't call a customer she demanded i call an email i hadn't even seen because i was collecting prints the owner of the company being in his office hears her screaming and decides to share that he did inform me to drop whatever i was doing to help her catch up on her daily activities me already annoyed with them asks you're sure you want me to drop what i'm doing and call our customer right now and with the nod and turn to go back to his office i drop the official prints on the ground and they scatter across the floor bending and crumpling the papers makes the printers angry when they're not perfect and a walk away to the phone mary screams and yells at the owner who turns around and laughs and says he didn't mean it literally but since i was doing what mary was supposed to be doing she could stay and fix my mess she ended up staying five hours past our regular closing time reprinting and redoing the magazine order to get it out in time for publishing the accounting team was so proud someone finally did something and she refuses to talk to any of us anymore thankfully best news ever after hearing this story i'm sure if op knew beforehand that all they had to do to get married to stop talking to them was to annoy them to a certain degree they'd have done it a long time ago so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by blueberry kind grandpa got kicked out of a bar when my grandpa was a young man he worked on a ship one time in a new city he and his shipmates went on land to a bar they had some drinks and there was an altercation with another person grandpa got kicked out of the bar and told the leave by the bar owner his mates weren't kicked out my grandpa still chuckles when he tells this part when i got kicked out i started running fast much later when his mates returned to the ship they told my grandpa this the bar owner said he sure runs fast the mate said well yeah he was in charge and has all our money police recalled but because the bar owner kicked him out before asking for payment there wasn't anything they could do hey not the mate's fault and shoot grandpa got their drinks for free grandpa knew they had to get out of their asap and grandpa didn't get around now that is a great story but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you have a favorite story of the day let me know which one and why in the comment section down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider giving the video a like and subscribe if you haven't and turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video no matter what you did whether it was just watching the video or commenting subscribing whatever you do thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel any single thing you do helps the channel grow that much more and i appreciate the heck out of it i hope you all have a wonderful day and until next time i'll be right here on the story time channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceLandlordtriestoSTEALmySecurityDeposit
cat runs back inside grabs another hoof and takes it to him dogs doesn't want that either goes back to fetch a third hoof dog finally accepts that one and runs off cat goes back to lying in the bookshelf here's a bonus story about my cat I have this red lighter and I've had it for almost four years now it's one of my most prized possessions because come on it's a lighter that lasted almost four years after my dog passed away we got a new friend for the second dog this new friend liked to steal things and eat them she got hold of this red lighter and it was gone a week later in the middle of the night the cat jumped onto the bed and tries to wake me up I can hear there's something in his mouth very unlike him in being 3:00 a.m. I wanted nothing to do with him so I shoot him away husband happened to be awake cat goes to him smacks his leg to get his attention and drops my red lighter on the floor at his feet minus one piece it's all good husband rewards the cow with scratches and a treat a few hours later he came back with another lighter one which was not mine I don't know where he found it but he brought it to me too
give me a good story on WhatsSomethingYourPETDidThatWasTOOSMARTItsSCARYPartorig
am I the for canceling our honeymoon and considering divorce when my wife made out with a female friend at our wedding advice needed at 24m recently got married this last week to my wife 24fx let's call her Sarah me and my wife have been together for 4 years and have only had one major issue my wife is a drinker she only drinks about once a week but usually drinks way more than she can handle when we first got together I realized she has a habit of making out with random women when she is drunk now I don't think this is sexy or exciting I myself am bisexual and I view this as cheating after the second time I caught her about a few months into dating I sat her down and told her that absolutely would not be okay as long as we were in a committed relationship it took many conversations for her to understand that I was serious and viewed it as cheating she promised to stop but insists that she didn't cheat she was good about cutting back on drinking and being more mindful of me however over the years I caught her kissing two other women once a random acquaintance and the last time about two years ago was with her best friend turn mate of Honor Brook 24f important piece of information after I caught her the last time I had a complete and total breakdown and it took her coming to my therapy sessions and couples counseling for her understand how badly she hurt me I told her if it ever happens again regardless of the circumstances I was out this brings us to present the wedding day comes around and it was perfect happiest day of our lives and whatnot then the reception we of course got pretty drunk not blackout or belligerent but definitely drunk at some point my wife asked me to get her pair of comfortable shoes on my way back I see my wife with Brooks tongue down her throat in the middle of the dance floor with her other bridesmaids I stomped my way into the reception pushed Brook out of the way and said something along the lines of what the are you doing at this point everyone stopped and looked at us and I just threw the shoes and walked out Sarah chased me out balling historically since this has I happened I canceled our tickets and hotel reservation for our honeymoon and I am strongly considering divorce my lovely wife has gone from begging to crying to name calling she ultimately decided I was a massive for embarrassing her at our wedding and throwing away our relationship over nothing I think I'm just done this time she's hurt me so many times and can't even see what she's doing wrong so am I the TL Dr wife has a history of making out with other women when drunk promised to stop but then kissed her maid of honor at our wedding
give me a good story on AITAHforcancelingourhoneymoonandconsideringdivorcewhenmywifemadeoutwithafemale
my little sister feels more like my kid when I 35f was 14 my mom had my little sister I was in accident the child that ruined my mother's life AK ruining her chances at marrying rich and living her best life her words paraphrased but my sister was planned my mom's entire pregnancy was a nightmare she was always abusive but somehow being pregnant made her even worse the day they both came home from the hospital it became my job to take care of my sister as you can imagine that went over super well with a teenage girl but I did it every day I'd come home from school to find my little sister still in her crib sometimes crying and needing a diaper change while my mother in bed watching General Hospital and screaming at me to take care of my sister anytime I pushed back my mother would punish me she refused to take care of my sister because my stepdad was the one who wanted a kid he could take care of her once he got home which wouldn't be for hours so I take care of my sister cook dinner and do the list of chores my mother demanded my first homecoming game my parents showed up my mom dunked my sister on me so I at 15 had to walk around carrying my infant sister while my mom got drunk and had the time of her life we'd go out to dinner and I'd be on baby Duty so the servers would think she was my kid and talk to me like I'm the Mom I'd angrily clarify that I'm 15 and this
give me a good story on Mylittlesisterfeelsmorelikemykidorig
has your partner ever done something so outrageous that you were never able to forgive them I have been dating my boyfriend Andrew for 5 years now we've had a healthy and stable relationship up until today Andrew has always been a prankster and makes jokes with me all the time and I do it to him too but today he took it way too far in the morning he woke me up at 7:00 a.m. and told me to wake up because because he wanted to take me to the spa I was pretty surprised cuz it wasn't a special day or anything but I was all in for it at the start he told me how he wanted to go to a fancy restaurant after we were done at the spa and that he was paying of course I agreed as we hadn't been out together in a long time we then got to the restaurant we had a beautiful and romantic dinner and just a nice time in general we were talking about a house we were planning to move into and chatted about other stuff too after around 40 minutes Andrew stood up and got on his knees and took a box out of his pocket my heart stopped beating I hadn't even predicted this we have never talked about a proposal before but I also thought now would be a great time he did a speech about how I was the most beautiful girl in the world and
give me a good story on IleftmyBoyfriendafterthisemotionalrelationshipsprankgonewrongorig
AIT for telling my 31f parents 60s M andf that my special needs younger brother 29m is their problem not mine hey all I caused a rift in my own family and friend group and I'm not sure if I'm in the wrong or not when I was 10 my younger brother gav was diagnosed with autism our parents sat me down told me what he had and that it would be my job to take care of him after they died I remember asking what if I don't want to but being told that I'm silly and that if I really loved him I'd do it well that shut down any and all argument for me I should preface this by saying gav is easily the smartest person I've ever met he's a wiiz at math and there were times I went to him for help with my math homework he's also really kind and caring and is literally my cheerleader when I was crowned homecoming queen my senior year of high school he excitedly told everyone we met that his big sister was famous that being said he does need help with day-to-day function he probably won't work anything more than a menial job for the rest of his life because he doesn't have the social skills needed to advance in a normal career despite being so intelligent he also needs a full-time caregiver because despite being int
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmyparentsandthatmyspecialneedsyoungerbrotheristheirproblemnotmineorig
I got a tummy tuck and my I found out my husband is cheating on me tummy tuck surgery is no joke the pain is intense I literally can't do anything my husband has been helping me get out of bed and walk to the bathroom my husband has to assist me with everything he even had to wipe my butt after I pooped no I didn't get a tummy tuck for anyone other than myself I went through pregnancy and lose weight and I was left with saggy skin and I always knew I was going to get a tummy tuck now I got it it's just really tough right now I'm only on day four of my recovery so I have to stick it out right now it's just even hard because I found out my husband has been cheating on me since I was in my third trimester in my pregnancy which was 3 years ago I wouldn't have ever found out about this if I didn't never pick up his phone I found out yesterday about his cheating I used his phone because his phone was closest to me and mine was not near me as soon as I opened his phone it was different he had a hidden photos of his girlfriend she's in college and she beautiful this hurts my husband is cheating on me with a girl that's half our age yes she knows that my husband is married I saw their messages they often talk about me she's not very kind she's superficial and she called me ugly and that old lady and she apparently understands why my husband is cheating on me she thinks my husband is too handsome for me looking back on the dates from these messages he lied to me about his whereabouts while he was actually with her my husband treats his girlfriend better than me he takes her out of dates he holds her hand he messages her to drive safety and he sends her good morning beautiful and good night beautiful text messages he calls her sweet girl he tells her he loves her he cooks for her he makes an effort to do nice things for her they both will spend time with each other 40 minutes away in her town and they will act like they are together in public since no one knows that them in that town he spent last Valentine's with her I learned my husband started cheating on me because I lost my sex drive during my pregnancy his affair started to be a friends with benefits thing but then they eventually being in a relationship and started to have feelings for each other I haven't said anything to my husband I'm just so devastated I'm also so vulnerable right now especially after my surgery I don't have the energy to fight about this right now and I really need someone to take care of me until I can do everything by myself again especially since I have no one else I have no one now other than my son but he's so young I can't tell him all this right now I'm trying to keep it together
give me a good story on IgotatummytuckandmyIfoundoutmyhusbandischeatingonme
:09.030 --> :17.360 I used to be a server at a major restaurant chain that you see in every mall in the US, :17.360 --> :21.680 and my particular location just happened to be in one of the wealthier parts of the country. :21.680 --> :25.860 Because of that, a large percentage of the clientele wanted their dishes a certain way. :25.860 --> :30.080 There were some oddball regulars (like the one lady who wanted a Caesar salad with no :30.080 --> :35.960 dressing but 3 whole lemons to squeeze on the lettuce) but 99% of the time they'd ask :35.960 --> :41.570 for rigatoni instead of penne in a dish, or red onion instead of yellow on a burger, or :41.570 --> :42.989 something of that nature. :42.989 --> :47.329 The thing about this chain, though, is that technically you're supposed to charge them :47.329 --> :49.320 for substitutions like that. :49.320 --> :54.499 So, for instance, if a guest wanted a different kind of dressing on a salad, it might be a :54.499 --> :56.059 10 cent charge. :56.059 --> :00.989 Or if they wanted Swiss instead of cheddar on their burger, it would be like a 15 cent :00.989 --> :01.989 charge. :01.989 --> :05.390 As a server you were supposed to know all the upcharges, but because there were like :05.390 --> :11.090 26 pages to the menu it was daunting enough to just memorize what we even had. :11.090 --> :15.500 But obviously no one ever charged for these things because what's an extra 15 cents on :15.500 --> :19.840 a $200 tab, especially when you're in the weeds and you're pretty sure the host stand :19.840 --> :21.950 wants you to have a mental breakdown. :21.950 --> :26.990 Not only that, but because rich people tend to be the stingiest mfers you'll ever meet, :26.990 --> :31.180 we would never charge them because they would instantly complain if you did. :31.180 --> :35.610 And the restaurant's policy was essentially "the customer is always right" no matter how :35.610 --> :37.000 wrong they were. :37.000 --> :42.479 We even had regular grifters that would order the "wrong thing" and then complain and get :42.479 --> :46.049 an entire free meal EVERY FREAKING TIME. :46.049 --> :49.149 This happened in a south Phoenix higher end grocery store in the 90s when I was just starting :49.149 --> :50.149 out in the grocery industry. :50.149 --> :52.450 I was working perimeter (basically stocking and floor customer service) when a visibly :52.450 --> :56.399 perplexed “Florence”, my front end manager, asked me “OP could-c-could you help me find :56.399 --> :57.399 Mintzos?”. :57.399 --> :00.750 She was accompanied by two people with thick UK/brit accents who chimed in “yes this :00.750 --> :04.219 “person” (they frigging used air quotes) doesn’t know WHAT she’s doing….we need :04.219 --> :06.820 someone a little more cultured, a little less ..” “brown!” :06.820 --> :08.270 The other person quipped racistly. :08.270 --> :09.270 Omfg really? :09.270 --> :13.840 This is just small malicious compliance to save some food, but I think it´s pretty interesting :13.840 --> :14.840 so enjoy! :14.840 --> :19.720 So I work at a gas station as a cashier usually early mornings on weekends. :19.720 --> :22.890 Our station has a lot of food in store that's packaged like chocolate bars, drinks, etc. :22.890 --> :28.360 but since the prices are so high, most of our stock expires before we can sell it and :28.360 --> :30.340 we have to throw it away. :30.340 --> :33.590 Besides the packaged foods and drinks, we also serve premade sandwiches and other pastry :33.590 --> :38.959 which can only be made and sold in one day and needs to be thrown away at the end of :38.959 --> :39.959 the day. :39.959 --> :42.739 Unsurprisingly, prices for those items are even higher and so they are rarely sold and :42.739 --> :47.940 we throw away kilograms of food every single evening. :47.940 --> :53.910 I asked my boss if we could just eat it after it needs to be thrown away because it´s still :53.910 --> :57.130 good food but health regulations just say we can´t sell them after a couple of hours :57.130 --> :58.130 laying in the fridge. :58.130 --> :02.390 My boss said no because he doesn´t trust us to not make food in the evening just for :02.390 --> :03.390 us to eat. :03.390 --> :07.120 I countered with the idea of just putting these items on sale before we throw them out :07.120 --> :11.620 so we don´t have to pay half of our hourly wage or more on a sandwich and customers could :11.620 --> :13.040 save it for a less price. :13.040 --> :19.920 Ok not sure if this one quite counts as it's more painful compliance but it always makes :19.920 --> :21.680 me laugh and I still tease the guy. :21.680 --> :24.030 So you lot might enjoy.I work in a call center. :24.030 --> :29.310 Most of the time, when a customer calls in, I look at their phone number to access their :29.310 --> :32.840 account SO I can take some notes from the call. :32.840 --> :38.580 When a phone number isn't associated with an account, I usually ask for the customer :38.580 --> :39.580 address. :39.580 --> :42.470 So, this story didn’t happen now, but 2 years ago. :42.470 --> :46.970 Anyone who has worked dealing with customers in a fast food restaurant knows that upselling :46.970 --> :51.599 customers is the most s****y and unconfortable thing to do, so, when the oportunity for me :51.599 --> :54.560 to have fun with it came up, I took it. :54.560 --> :00.500 There was an error in the program where we took orders and I noticed a 16x piece chicken :00.500 --> :05.660 fried bits (dont know the actual name) was for 0.00€, I should’ve reported it, but :05.660 --> :08.719 this is a huge multi international company, and they paid poorly, so f*** them, and so, :08.719 --> :10.470 since the moment I noticed this error, I "upsold" this product EVERY single customer I served, :10.470 --> :12.689 and honestly, had a lot of fun working that day. :12.689 --> :15.019 The error was found later that same day. :15.019 --> :18.500 My phone rings, "Hello, this is a_tattooed_biker, how can I help you?" :18.500 --> :21.900 C: "Yeah, your equipment that you installed at my house isn't working." :21.900 --> :24.760 I searched for the phone number, it isn't associated with an account. :24.760 --> :27.960 "Sir, if I could get your add-" C: "COULD I FINISH SPEAKING PLEASE?" :27.960 --> :28.960 Cue malicious compliance. :28.960 --> :32.979 Me: "Certainly" C: "I paid a lot of money for this equipment and it's not working! :32.979 --> :34.820 I want someone out there to fix it today." :34.820 --> :35.820 Silence. C: "hello?" :35.820 --> :37.639 Me: "I was waiting until you are finished. :37.639 --> :43.340 If so, could I start by getting your address so I can access your account?" :43.340 --> :47.889 C:"123 fake name road, nowhere, MO" - you could hear the defeat in their voice. :47.889 --> :50.250 Me: "ok, what seems to be the problem?" :50.250 --> :51.430 It never gets old. :51.430 --> :56.530 For context: I teach high school English and this was a class of freshmen. :56.530 --> :59.919 I worked in a menswear chain for several years. :59.919 --> :05.940 Every six weeks, we'd get the new merchandising directive that told us what garments to put :05.940 --> :08.699 on the mannequins and where to display everything. :08.699 --> :12.950 One spring, the buyers were watching too much Project Runway or something, because they :12.950 --> :14.220 went a little nuts. :14.220 --> :19.080 We received a full shipment of gingham (tablecloth plaid) shirts in a full array of Easter egg :19.080 --> :20.080 colors. :20.080 --> :25.750 The directive was to put these in the front window, with the pink one on the mannequin. :25.750 --> :30.710 Mind you, our target demographic is older, upper middle-class white males in a fairly :30.710 --> :31.710 conservative midwestern suburb. :31.710 --> :32.940 Pinstripes are considered "too loud." :32.940 --> :35.940 I decided that I'd use the navy gingham shirt instead, partially because the Pepto-Bismol :35.940 --> :41.050 pink hurt my eyes, and partly because I knew we wouldn't sell a single one anyway. :41.050 --> :44.360 Might as well display something our customers might buy. :44.360 --> :50.199 About a week later, the Regional Manager stopped by and threw a fit because we deviated from :50.199 --> :51.199 the Merchandising Directive. :51.199 --> :56.039 He actually held up the binder we kept them in and said "This is your Bible!" :56.039 --> :57.800 So the god-awful shirt goes on the mannequin. :57.800 --> :01.330 He busys himself with messing up all of our other organizational methods and generally :01.330 --> :03.040 making a nuisance of himself for a few hours. :03.040 --> :08.380 Meanwhile, people are walking past, and stopping to gawk at the pink tablecloth the mannequin :08.380 --> :09.380 is wearing. :09.380 --> :16.099 The final straw was when a regular customer came into the store, saw the shirt, and burst :16.099 --> :17.099 out laughing. :17.099 --> :18.099 "Are you serious? :18.099 --> :20.240 You expect someone to buy that hideous thing?" :20.240 --> :21.690 I was delighted that RM heard it. :21.690 --> :25.380 He went into a spiel about how it's inspired by fashions seen on the runway in Milan, and :25.380 --> :26.479 really very trendy. :26.479 --> :30.699 The man looked at him and said "If I wanted to be trendy, I wouldn't be shopping here." :30.699 --> :34.250 I had to step into the back room to laugh. :34.250 --> :45.080 The next week when I got to work, the mannequin :45.080 --> :50.160 was dressed in the blue shirt again, and two months later, we packed up each and every :50.160 --> :54.470 one of those awful shirts and sent them to the outlet store. :54.470 --> :58.540 We started class with a Kahoot (a quiz style game that awards points). :58.540 --> :02.750 As they’re coming in, I’m telling them to join with an appropriate nickname. :02.750 --> :06.449 After the bell rang, I stressed that their names must be appropriate. :06.449 --> :10.490 Guess who ended up with 13 different kids with the name appropriate? :10.490 --> :16.560 Just to note on ships closing doors is a critical thing both for fire and flood control so many :16.560 --> :19.810 doors have "KEEP CLOSED AT ALL TIMES" on them. :19.810 --> :25.500 I was working on a ship and buddy's with the operational coordinator guy. :25.500 --> :29.729 At lunch call I popped in to say "are you heading up?" :29.729 --> :35.280 He got up and started ahead of me down the corridor and just walked right into the door :35.280 --> :36.800 nose first with a quite impressive crunch. :36.800 --> :39.530 I doubled up and when I could speak told him. :39.530 --> :43.620 "I know it says keep closed at ALL times but that's taking compliance to far!" :43.620 --> :50.960 Luckily he's not on the boat I'm on now which has signs saying "You must wash your hands :50.960 --> :55.629 at all times" otherwise he'd end up with some OCD issues. :55.629 --> :59.750 My boss declined again saying that we can´t do that either for some reason. :59.750 --> :03.770 I asked if we could donate everything in the evening to homeless people in the area. :03.770 --> :05.080 My boss said no... :05.080 --> :07.120 Cue my malicious compliance... :07.120 --> :13.620 I´ve made it my duty to now remove everything from the store as soon as it expires and even :13.620 --> :16.880 made a list for my colleagues to look up when things expire. :16.880 --> :21.379 (No we didn´t do that before, it just lay there on the shelves until someone found it) :21.379 --> :26.580 With that, every shelf has now empty holes without stock, and my boss's office is full :26.580 --> :31.970 with expired stuff because she "Needs to check every item to make sure none of us is eating :31.970 --> :32.970 it" :32.970 --> :37.580 I´ve taken my time to add up the amount of food we threw out in just a week (10kg of :37.580 --> :45.750 fresh sandwiches, 6kg of small packaged snacks, and over 20 bottles of soft drinks) and calculated :45.750 --> :52.330 that over $400 worth of food went to the trash in half a week because we didn´t discount :52.330 --> :53.330 them. :53.330 --> :56.860 I´ve asked a lot of customers about their opinion to implement such a discount to reduce :56.860 --> :00.710 the waste of food and I just got positive responses! :00.710 --> :05.650 My boss however was not happy that I talked about problems with customers and got pretty :05.650 --> :06.650 mad at me. :06.650 --> :11.340 I showed her the numbers I calculated and what we could potentially earn with a discount :11.340 --> :15.690 of 20% based on the customer's opinions I got when talking to them. :15.690 --> :20.210 The majority of them would buy more to save food and with a discount, they´d much rather :20.210 --> :21.460 buy something. :21.460 --> :27.160 My boss was too stunned to speak when I told her that she´s losing thousands of dollars :27.160 --> :32.500 a month to the trashcan, but since it wasn´t his idea he´s rather losing the money than :32.500 --> :33.580 admitting I´m right... :33.580 --> :38.830 It’s evident that these customers were the rudest racistist people, and it didn’t fit :38.830 --> :39.830 the accent. :39.830 --> :44.630 I thought Brit’s were prim and proper (my 90s ignorance shining like a beacon of obstruction). :44.630 --> :47.980 “Yes, we Need You to help us, not HER” they continued. :47.980 --> :50.550 Fine by this biracial dude..I’ll help, with a side of MC. :50.550 --> :54.210 We walked and they explained Mintzos to me. :54.210 --> :58.270 I knew right away it was their accent that was the problem in understanding, and knew :58.270 --> :00.370 right away what it was and where it was. :00.370 --> :01.370 I played dumb though. :01.370 --> :04.300 First I walked them halfway across the store to the candy aisle Mentos…nope? :04.300 --> :07.560 Secondly I walk to the mouthwash. :07.560 --> :18.820 Then the marshmallows, then for the continued fun of it, candied yams. :18.820 --> :49.780 Each time I pick up the item and turn to them and present like this was the price is right…Mintzos? :49.780 --> :05.010 And each time they get more frustrated, to the point of eventually leaving in frustration. :05.010 --> :23.330 I follow them from a distance as they shake their head, vowing never to shop here again. :23.330 --> :32.660 I catch up with Florence and let her know what happened..”…they wanted Mint sauce, :32.660 --> :33.660 aisle 8” :33.660 --> :44.100 We gave each other an eye high five, Ala John mulaney, and go about our brown business. :44.100 --> :50.770 Weird thing was I’m browner than she was. :50.770 --> :00.360 So one normal day I'm serving a table and someone asks for goat cheese on their salad :00.360 --> :04.070 instead of feta, which is supposed to be one of those 10 cent changes. :04.070 --> :09.270 I obviously don't add the upcharge, just like I hadn't for any of the other countless times :09.270 --> :25.210 in over 3 years, and like 15 minutes later the new manager (I'll just call him Brad) :25.210 --> :28.430 comes along and pretty much chews me out over it. :28.430 --> :50.990 Keep in mind, this is Brad's 2nd day on the job and he came from the other side of the :50.990 --> :56.460 country to replace our beloved former manager who left to manage her own restaurant. :56.460 --> :00.990 Dude hadn't even introduced himself to me and he comes out of nowhere to yell at me :00.990 --> :04.190 for not doing the upcharge. :04.190 --> :32.690 I explained to him why I didn't, and how it was pretty much a directive from the GM not :32.690 --> :43.600 to do upcharges because of the 99% chance that a complaint and free meal would follow. :43.600 --> :48.790 But Brad just blah blah blahs some more and tells me I need to add the upcharges or I'd :48.790 --> :49.790 get written up. :49.790 --> :53.280 So when the next table (a party of seven that had a $500ish bill) changes literally every :53.280 --> :56.790 dish, I added the upcharges (which totaled like, $1 at most). :56.790 --> :02.110 When I dropped the check they freaked out over all the upcharges (even though I informed :02.110 --> :06.700 them of the charges when they ordered, the itemized receipt made it look so much more :06.700 --> :14.990 severe) and they demanded to speak to the manager. :14.990 --> :21.600 Instead of getting any of the other managers I had worked with for years, I grabbed Brad :21.600 --> :23.140 and made him deal with them. :23.140 --> :31.000 He ended up having to comp all $500ish because he insisted I charge an extra dollar for all :31.000 --> :33.780 the substitutions. :33.780 --> :39.140 But did he learn his lesson? :39.140 --> :40.190 Nope! :40.190 --> :48.240 So I did it over and over again to the detriment of my bank account (most people still tipped :48.240 --> :55.060 me though, so that was nice) and I got to watch tables routinely chew him out over the :55.060 --> :56.690 charges. :56.690 --> :14.760 This continued for a month or so until he finally relented, and not too long after I :14.760 --> :28.360 was suspiciously fired for "creating a hostile work environment"....while on vacation.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHOWILOSTTHECOMPANYMONEYBYSELLINGCHICKENRedditStoriesen
am I the for calling off the wedding because I am suspicious what my fiance did at her bachelorette party 27m and 28f here I decided to call of the wedding after some suspicious events happened at my fiance's bachelorette party we were going to get married next week on Saturday and had our bachelorette parties this week me and the boys hung out together at a friend's place chatted and played game my fiance and her bridesmaids decided on going to Mian wine house it's a traditional Turkish entertainment place I called and texted her that night but there was no reply my gut feeling screamed something was wrong so I decided to ask about it to S I know her through the family and she is not as close as with my fiance as other bridesmaids she told me they went to a club a very nasty one at that there are no stripper clubs in Turkey to my knowledge but that specific place they went is just nasty I went to there for a New Year's party in the past and that was the craziest I have witnessed it's no different than a brothel I asked how come they went to that club instead of Mian she told me others changed their mind on the way but she did not go as she did not like clubs at all I get a reply from my fiance late in the morning and told me they stayed at D another Bri rides Maids place after getting drunk in Mian I asked her if everyone is there she said yes now the problem is de's place is almost 2.5 hours away from that place there is no way seven girls were able to go together to that place in the midnight especially when public transport was not available taxi is out of question due to the cost and capacity I asked one of my friends to call her girlfriend who is another bridesmaid she told him she went back to her place and others just went to different places there are inconsistencies all over I face cammed my fiance right away on WhatsApp but she said she would call me once she is a available she called me some minutes later but she was outside and I am pretty sure it was not the district D lived in I confronted her about it once she came back but she could not give any satisfying answers to my question it became I must have said it wrong first than other bridesmaids except s texted me confirming things all at once it was so obvious there was something fishy here and they were coordinated by my fiance alarms were ringing in my head and yesterday I decided to call off the wedding no one explains me what happened that night clearly when they do there are inconsistencies all over I announced it in friend groups and family groups she is going crazy right now but still there is no single satisfying answer about what happened that night I was even told not to be an insecure guy but there is just no way everything points to at least something fishy happened there and they are trying to cover it my friend whose GF was bridesmaid has also decided to break up with her it is chaos all over am I the
give me a good story on AITAHforcallingofftheweddingbecauseIamsuspiciouswhatmyfianceedidatherbacheloretteorig
:00.000 --> :05.280 today we have a crazy malicious compliance story  about somebody trying to be a Good Samaritan but   :05.280 --> :11.100 it turning into so much more we'll get into that  in a bit but first you know how it's done right   :11.100 --> :17.940 then so about 15 or so years ago I was working in  a little metal working firm two brothers owned 30   :17.940 --> :24.120 or so workers metal casting further processing  up to including wires and other things we had   :24.120 --> :29.580 about five women working in production me  my mom and three others one of them was The   :29.580 --> :34.740 Unofficial sweetheart of one of our bosses  Karen changing name for privacy couldn't do   :34.740 --> :40.680 wrong whatever went wrong wasn't her fault ever I  had a run-in with her a few times already and it   :40.680 --> :45.840 wasn't the best but I'm more of the silent type  let others do what they want I'll do my thing   :45.840 --> :51.120 Etc us women were mostly there for preparing  the product for sending out washing metal bits   :51.120 --> :57.480 grounding back seams sorting small things into  good and broken or not fully cast Etc I've been   :57.480 --> :02.700 working there summers in the 90s with my grand  and his unofficial supervisor and she showed me   :02.700 --> :07.740 the ropes later when I worked there full time I  knew the ins and outs of things and some tricks   :07.740 --> :13.200 Grand worked out along the way especially with  our washing machines imagine them as a big bowl   :13.200 --> :19.680 filled with specially formed Stones add water  and cleaning agent the metal bits and it would   :19.680 --> :24.420 vibrate in the stones rubbing against the product  with soap and water would clean the product from   :24.420 --> :30.720 residual oil and other things one of the machines  required a more special touch apart from throw in   :30.720 --> :36.120 start done I've been working there long enough and  had been shown by Gran and Mom how to set up that   :36.120 --> :42.060 machine it polished the metal on top of cleaning  it with tiny spherical metal bits never cared   :42.060 --> :46.740 enough to ask what they were made of it was enough  to know how to use it to make things shine so one   :46.740 --> :51.720 day I get a call boss asking if I was washing  something at the moment and what I was working   :51.720 --> :57.360 on I told them no done with washing I was just now  drilling the last holes and preparing the product   :57.360 --> :03.420 for shipping out he said he'd send Karen down with  something time sensitive and that was that Karen   :03.420 --> :08.700 comes down an hour later crate with time sensitive  products has been there for a while and it's   :08.700 --> :15.180 coated with oil soot and all things nasty ready  to be cleaned and Polished in that special machine   :15.180 --> :20.340 I ask if she needs some help or some pointers  since I know that machine is a bit complicated   :20.340 --> :26.400 to set up right she looks at me dirty and sweaty  as I was actually from working and she was nearly   :26.400 --> :32.880 Pristine from doing whatever she did with the boss  don't care keep me out of it and sniffs tells me   :32.880 --> :40.080 she knows how to wash them and disappears in the  washroom well then if you know akali comes over   :40.080 --> :45.540 and asks if she ever used that machine and  I shrug and tell him not that I know of she   :45.540 --> :52.980 wasn't very popular there can you tell I go back  to work time goes by lunch more time and then our   :52.980 --> :58.860 boss shows up product needs to be sent out today  not long after there's a shout for me to come to   :58.860 --> :04.140 the washroom turn turns out Karen doesn't know  how to use the machine the whole thing is oily   :04.140 --> :11.040 black and nasty product looks worse than before  she used the wrong cleaning agent didn't add the   :11.040 --> :16.440 polishing powder at the right time and pretty much  screwed the whole thing up boss asked me why I   :16.440 --> :23.460 didn't say something help her intervened anything  well she said she knew what to do ask colleague   :23.460 --> :28.920 he was there door to the washroom is closed and I  have other things to do than stick my nose where   :28.920 --> :34.380 it's not wanted do I know how to deal with this  problem sure machine and Stones need cleaning   :34.380 --> :40.320 product needs cleaning it's gonna take a while  in the end Karen was allowed to finish my dirty   :40.320 --> :46.080 work and I spent the rest of the day cleaning up  her mess I wasn't allowed to leave the washroom   :46.080 --> :52.140 bosses orders so I started a washing cycle with  the right agent and no product in to clean the   :52.140 --> :58.320 machine in Stones sat down and did nothing then  added the product more cleaning agent and powder   :58.320 --> :03.960 after the oily Gunk was gone on and pretty much  spent half a day doing close to nothing while   :03.960 --> :10.680 Karen had to do my work I could have helped her  but us unwashed peasants were not good enough for   :10.680 --> :17.160 her highness just as clean and as wrinkle free as  her clothes were her brain was the exact same way   :17.160 --> :22.800 also hi I'm Stephen and if you enjoy awesome  stories of malicious compliance why not hit   :22.800 --> :28.020 those like And subscribe buttons down below that  said our next story is complain to me pretending   :28.020 --> :33.660 to be a patient's father well let's involve her  parents then I used to work at a very nice Private   :33.660 --> :39.660 Hospital where the place looked like a hotel the  food was great and the service unrivaled we were   :39.660 --> :45.840 voted best Private Hospital in the country quite a  few times and all around people were happy and the   :45.840 --> :52.020 care was great the nurses were mostly old school  Stern but very passionate about patient care with   :52.020 --> :56.940 no time for anything that stops them from doing  their job my job was to focus on marketing and   :56.940 --> :02.760 complaints and to be honest I didn't have a lot  lot of work on the complaint side but every now   :02.760 --> :08.220 and again something would come up if there was an  incident the RNs would usually come and warn me to   :08.220 --> :13.860 expect something and give their side of the story  one morning as I got to work an RN was waiting at   :13.860 --> :19.260 my door to update me on an incident the previous  night there was an 18 year old patient who had a   :19.260 --> :24.900 small op but was prone to dizziness and fainting  now slip and Falls are a big thing in hospitals   :24.900 --> :30.360 and these incidents get monitored very closely  since she was a slip and fall risk they moved her   :30.360 --> :34.920 to a private room right in front of the nurse's  station so that she can be monitored throughout   :34.920 --> :42.240 the night and day one night the tattoo clad older  nurse's description 20-something boyfriend comes   :42.240 --> :48.600 to visit and forgets that this is in fact a  hospital and not a hotel Old School Stern nurse   :48.600 --> :54.840 realized something is amiss when the room's doors  were closed and after she pushed the door open the   :54.840 --> :00.660 curtains around the bed was drawn too seeing the  Privacy takes second priority to to a patient's   :00.660 --> :06.540 healing and safety in a hospital old school nurse  wasn't having any of this she pulls the curtains   :06.540 --> :12.300 open pulls the boyfriend out of the hospital bed  and gave them both a talking to tattoo boyfriend   :12.300 --> :18.420 left soon afterwards apparently Furious that his  evening was ruined sure enough two hours after the   :18.420 --> :24.240 nurse visited my office I get a mail from the  patient's father detailing how his daughter's   :24.240 --> :31.200 privacy was invaded the previous night how she  had a private conversation with her boyfriend and   :31.200 --> :36.480 how they were unfairly treated by a nurse I was  surprised that an older gentleman would write an   :36.480 --> :42.840 email to a hospital with so many spelling errors  and complete a lack of punctuation but the email   :42.840 --> :49.740 address something like tattoo guy at gmail was  a total giveaway as to who the real author was   :49.740 --> :56.340 now technically I was just able to reply on the  email detailing our experience inside of the story   :56.340 --> :03.300 however sharing private patient information on an  email to an unconfirmed email address is bound to   :03.300 --> :09.720 get me in serious trouble so I did what Annie's  saying and perhaps slightly malicious person would   :09.720 --> :15.840 do I call document control and asked them to pull  the email address on file for me this happened to   :15.840 --> :21.300 belong to her mom I forwarded the email to her  mentioning that I received the following email   :21.300 --> :26.640 from her daughter's father but since she's the  contact person on file and we need to stick with   :26.640 --> :31.980 the people that we have permission to contact may  she be as kind to a share our response with him   :31.980 --> :37.680 I then detailed what the nurse told me about the  patient being a slip and fall risk that requires   :37.680 --> :44.040 constant monitoring about the boyfriend visiting  about the door and curtain being closed and the   :44.040 --> :49.380 nurse catching them in the hospital bed together  I apologized on behalf of the nurse for invading   :49.380 --> :55.260 their privacy but explained that open doors are  protocol to ensure a patient's safety and our main   :55.260 --> :01.440 priority is getting a patient safe healthy and  back at home as soon as possible I ended the mail   :01.440 --> :07.800 with my contact details and invited her to contact  me if she has any further questions well if the   :07.800 --> :13.200 parents didn't know about the incident they knew  now I'm told the daughter was well behaved for the   :13.200 --> :18.060 remainder of their time and the boyfriend didn't  stop by once during the rest of the patient's   :18.060 --> :24.780 day so Lessons Learned don't include your parents  details on your hospital file as your main contact   :24.780 --> :31.140 details if you don't want them contacted don't  try and catfish a Hospital employee and respect   :31.140 --> :37.140 a hospital for what it is a place of healing and  not a hotel honestly kind of impressive that they   :37.140 --> :42.120 were willing to risk it and go for it right there  in the hospital I can only imagine how they were   :42.120 --> :47.460 feeling in that oh crap moment when they hear  the door open up our next story is don't even   :47.460 --> :53.220 think to talk to you sure this morning I went  out for a nice breakfast and coffee at a cafe   :53.220 --> :59.460 located in a square with my female friend I sat  outside to enjoy the most of such a beautiful day   :59.460 --> :05.700 halfway through I went to a toilet and there was  a queue I was pushed by someone behind and as a   :05.700 --> :10.860 result I bumped into the girl in front of me she  turned around and gave me an angry look I quickly   :10.860 --> :16.140 told her I was sorry and someone pushed me from  behind people behind me quickly denied it and it   :16.140 --> :22.260 seemed to become very weird so I moved back to  avoid conflict a couple standing nearby told her   :22.260 --> :27.960 about the incident but she insisted it was me  trying to hit on her as the group again denied   :27.960 --> :33.480 and told the couple to mind their own business  when she walked back out she threw me a disgusted   :33.480 --> :39.000 look I didn't want to make a scene so I just  ignored her when I came back to my table I told   :39.000 --> :44.520 my friend about the incident the girl stood up to  go inside for something my friend and I caught a   :44.520 --> :50.760 very noticeable red stain in the bottom of her  white pants spread all the way up to the half   :50.760 --> :56.760 of the bottom area we gave each other a look of  guessing if it was a period blood I felt bad for   :56.760 --> :02.340 her so trying to be a better person and asking  my friend to warn her as we're in a very crowded   :02.340 --> :07.920 area my friend walked over with a piece of paper  trying to slip the message to her but she quickly   :07.920 --> :12.720 moved back didn't even wait for my friend to  say anything and started raising her voice   :12.720 --> :20.280 calling us creeps and trying to take advantage of  a beautiful young girl her exact words and so on   :20.280 --> :28.080 she ended everything with oh heck no no no no you  stay away from me you and your disgusting friend I   :28.080 --> :33.000 don't want to hear anything from you don't ever  talk to me you pieces of crap go away or I'll   :33.000 --> :38.640 call the police my friend was shocked but simply  complied and returned to our table the guy of the   :38.640 --> :43.620 couple in the toilet incident was sitting near us  and told us that he let her embarrass herself she   :43.620 --> :48.900 went straight inside to find the manager trying to  get us kicked out the manager came outside to talk   :48.900 --> :56.100 to us we all including the couple gave our side  of the event and demanded to check CCTV footage we   :56.100 --> :04.560 all walked back in and Bam there it was me being  pushed me minding my own business the whole time   :04.560 --> :11.460 and there she was walking in and out several  times with her period all over her pants my   :11.460 --> :16.680 friends showed them the note she was embarrassed  and tried to twist the guilt to us and excuse how   :16.680 --> :22.740 it's normal for her to act that way not even a  sorry or anything after we cleared our name the   :22.740 --> :28.500 manager apologized we left right after that on the  way out we all laughed as we saw the girl trying   :28.500 --> :33.900 to walk and cover her butt with her purse in this  situation instead of complying and just leaving   :33.900 --> :39.660 should they have just blurted out loud like maybe  extra loud I was just trying to help you in your   :39.660 --> :45.240 situation and you know then explain what was going  on or was it the right thing to just leave let her   :45.240 --> :51.720 have her assumptions and let her find out later on  on her own our next story is the angry Christians   :51.720 --> :57.240 so I just remembered this after talking about high  school with a friend and it jogged my memory so   :57.240 --> :02.640 I went to a Christian High School of course they  accepted people of every Faith they weren't that   :02.640 --> :08.940 kind of Christian School you sometimes hear about  well one day when I was in year 9 maybe 10 I'm in   :08.940 --> :15.660 the UK by the way so ages 13 to 15. we got invited  to go on a Christian retreat which is basically   :15.660 --> :21.180 a bunch of students who signed up for it going  to a building like a big sleepover going hiking   :21.180 --> :27.720 obviously talking about religion and generally  having a good time now something to note I was and   :27.720 --> :33.900 quite frankly still am an emo so I was listening  to a lot of different bands and singers that   :33.900 --> :39.780 wouldn't be considered Christian anyway me and  about 15 other students signed up for this Retreat   :39.780 --> :45.060 most of us weren't religious but it was a good  time to get away from things it was only a couple   :45.060 --> :50.460 hours away from our school but the mountains in  Greenery made it so peaceful well on the first day   :50.460 --> :56.700 there we got asked to come into the Hall introduce  ourselves and talk about what was going on then   :56.700 --> :02.400 they decided to have a little fun I want us to go  around and talk about our t-shirts and share why   :02.400 --> :08.580 we wore them said one of the Christian ladies no  one put their hand up to volunteer so she started   :08.580 --> :14.280 picking on people she picked on one guy who had  a generic t-shirt on and he was reluctant to say   :14.280 --> :19.860 anything come on now talk about why you wore  your T-shirt and what it means to you you've   :19.860 --> :25.440 got to do it it's a fun little Icebreaker the  boy awkwardly said that he wore it because he   :25.440 --> :31.620 liked the band and the color and that was that  then she saw my friendly face not kidding even   :31.620 --> :37.500 though I was an emo I was super smiley she said oh  you would you like to tell us all what's on your   :37.500 --> :44.460 T-shirt and why you wore it come on show us all  how it's done oh well she did ask for it uh I'm   :44.460 --> :49.200 wearing a band t-shirt because I like listening  to their music and what does that writing say   :50.160 --> :58.560 um going to hell silence well needless to say we  did not continue playing that icebreaker game and   :58.560 --> :05.040 from then on they didn't really like me still  had some fun though not gonna lie growing up I   :05.040 --> :11.100 actually did go on some kind of similar-ish  retreat type thing and although I personally   :11.100 --> :16.620 don't believe myself to be practicing any kind of  religion nowadays I actually did find it to be a   :16.620 --> :22.560 rather fun time I mean there were still other kids  to hang around with they were all good people and   :22.560 --> :27.240 there was also plenty of time given to go around  and play things like volleyball basketball and   :27.240 --> :31.440 they even had a lake we got to go around on  paddle boats which was pretty neat until we   :31.440 --> :37.020 found out that there were alligators in the water  and everybody was scared away my boss punished   :37.020 --> :43.380 me by reducing my hours but didn't tell the other  boss this happened quite a while ago I was working   :43.380 --> :49.020 remotely for a staffing agency organizing and  managing events when I was initially hired on   :49.020 --> :54.120 it was due to the fact that three employees were  quitting they all seemed to be leaving amicably to   :54.120 --> :58.920 pursue other Ventures so I didn't think anything  of it they had hired myself and one other person   :58.920 --> :05.100 to place them and everything was going fine over  time I started to notice little things here and   :05.100 --> :11.640 there like issues due to miscommunication between  the owners married couple and a heavy workload   :11.640 --> :17.400 a few months in I was assaulted and had been  injured pretty badly it was really difficult   :17.400 --> :23.160 obviously but I worked remotely so I was still  able to work I told my bosses I had an emergency   :23.160 --> :29.040 and was injured and needed to take some time off  almost immediately one of the owners called and   :29.040 --> :34.140 left an angry sounding voicemail I called him  back and ended up having to tell them that I'd   :34.140 --> :39.780 been assaulted and went to the hospital and all  that he seemed sympathetic but near the end of   :39.780 --> :44.940 the conversation he noted that I was supposed  to be managing an event that weekend Friday to   :44.940 --> :49.620 Sunday and that they had no one else to manage  it he didn't do any of that but his wife did   :49.620 --> :55.440 however we always had at least five events we were  organizing and managing at a time I was afraid I   :55.440 --> :01.680 would get fired so I ended up having to work that  weekend it wasn't isn't so bad but I was in an   :01.680 --> :06.840 incredible amount of pain and due to my injuries  the doctor said they couldn't prescribe me any   :06.840 --> :12.780 strong pain medication due to complications that  may arise I worked that weekend and pushed through   :12.780 --> :19.680 shortly after that they fired another employee  and gave me her workload then they chose me to do   :19.680 --> :26.460 a very long running two plus months event taking  place in two different time zones they initially   :26.460 --> :31.920 decided the event would be split between myself  and another employee she was pregnant it matters   :31.920 --> :37.440 for context due to the size of the program so  while I was dealing with the assault and healing   :37.440 --> :43.020 took a month for my injuries to heal I was also  doing the majority of the workload of this event   :43.020 --> :49.200 I was also having to plan a move put my stuff in  a storage unit and living in a long-term sublet   :49.200 --> :55.560 while I looked for a place I was also organizing  other events on top of that so there were days   :55.560 --> :01.620 where I would easily work 10 plus hours eventually  actually the employee who was helping me went on   :01.620 --> :07.500 maternity leave so the whole program landed on my  shoulders one day I got reprimanded for working   :07.500 --> :13.080 overtime I explained that the workload was heavy  and since I was managing events in two time zones   :13.080 --> :20.340 I was having to wake up super early in the morning  4 AM work during the day take a long lunch work   :20.340 --> :27.240 some more then wrap up the other event which ended  in the evening 10 30 to 11 pm they basically told   :27.240 --> :34.200 me I needed to manage my time better well I wasn't  doing well mentally or physically so my cognitive   :34.200 --> :40.800 abilities weren't the best I was making small  easily fixable mistakes here and there but nothing   :40.800 --> :45.900 that was damaging or severely detrimental to the  business there were days I would just sit there   :45.900 --> :52.020 crying at my desk it was awful another employee  had also been reprimanded for working overtime   :52.020 --> :58.620 and she was as swamped as I was eventually one of  my bosses emailed me and said I was still working   :58.620 --> :03.540 too much much overtime and that he only wanted  me to work five hours on days where I wasn't   :03.540 --> :09.540 managing the big event I was relieved honestly I  was looking forward to having more time for myself   :09.540 --> :15.780 so I could heal I made sure to email him back to  confirm the non-show management days he wanted me   :15.780 --> :22.260 to work five hours for the following week well  he didn't tell his wife the other owner about   :22.260 --> :28.380 my new hours and she had a tendency to ramble  about stuff during meetings making them last   :28.380 --> :34.500 way longer than they needed to be one day we had  a meeting in the morning that lasted three hours   :34.500 --> :40.980 and it was the first day I was to only work five  hours I didn't even need to be in that meeting but   :40.980 --> :46.380 they forced me to stay and would get irritated if  they knew myself or other employees were quietly   :46.380 --> :52.020 working while listening to the meeting after that  meeting the wife sends me messages asking about   :52.020 --> :58.260 the progress of some things I was working on she  then added some more things for me to do the back   :58.260 --> :03.060 and forth with her only took about 20 minutes I  told her that I knew I wouldn't have enough time   :03.060 --> :07.860 to finish those things that day because I only had  a little over an hour and a half to complete the   :07.860 --> :13.800 other tasks I'd already been assigned she had no  idea what I was talking about so I told her that   :13.800 --> :20.280 her husband had reduced my hours on non-management  days and forwarded her our email exchanges where   :20.280 --> :26.820 he confirmed I was to only work five hours that  day she got an attitude with me and said well   :26.820 --> :31.920 these are higher priority things and we need  you to work on them you can go ahead and work   :31.920 --> :38.160 longer today I told her I couldn't because I had a  confirmed week prior and had made arrangements and   :38.160 --> :44.160 wasn't able to work so once I hit my five hours  I clocked out and put my phone on do not disturb   :44.160 --> :50.100 ignoring all the messages she was sending me she  ended up having to work on all the tasks she had   :50.100 --> :56.520 given me late into the night I continued to follow  the new schedule and they just dumped my workload   :56.520 --> :01.800 onto other employees or had to do it themselves  ounce I eventually got fired because they said   :01.800 --> :08.400 that was basically the last straw but I was so  relieved and also got unemployment benefits even   :08.400 --> :14.460 though they tried to fight it the real warning  highlight here is them firing three people and   :14.460 --> :19.800 hiring two to replace them that immediately  should have showed you exactly what was going   :19.800 --> :27.180 on here our next story is guy wants to fight me  I guess this was a long time ago pre-internet in   :27.180 --> :34.080 fact I 17 year old male was working a dishwashing  job in the 80s a newish dishwasher challenged me   :34.080 --> :39.720 to a fight I didn't want to fight I really liked  my job the pay was three dollars and forty cents   :39.720 --> :46.260 an hour I was also fed a big meal at work this was  a ballroom kind of place that did weddings dinners   :46.260 --> :53.820 and Sunday brunch and I know it sounds oxymoronic  but dare I say high-end Buffet I loved it food at   :53.820 --> :59.400 home was locked up in a closet and I never got  enough to eat so work was Heaven back in the the   :59.400 --> :04.440 day pre-internet there were lots of fights if  you were a male in my experience you could get   :04.440 --> :11.340 into a fight even if you were avoiding conflict it  just happened a bunch or I was just lucky maybe it   :11.340 --> :15.900 was because I was dressed out of fashion and my  stepmother would take all my money and give me   :15.900 --> :22.320 those plastic blue jeans called tough skins they  would melt if you let them on fire don't ask how   :22.320 --> :28.560 I know you would wear out your knee before you  wore a hole in them I had the dorkiest glasses   :28.560 --> :36.360 too I was branded an outcast get off the bus and  15 people get off at your stop a circle forms and   :36.360 --> :44.520 you have to fight someone I lost all my fights it  sucked I cried just a part of life if I had magic   :44.520 --> :50.760 powers I would make bullying go away but back  in the day no one cared it wasn't the physical   :50.760 --> :57.060 build that cost me the fights I think it was  confidence and my conflict avoidance at home I   :57.060 --> :02.160 was the older brother so in all those home fights  I tried to fight at 80 percent because I didn't   :02.160 --> :08.400 want to hurt my kid brother while he would try to  clobber me I had too much empathy also at home my   :08.400 --> :14.820 stepmother had this 110 foot long Cliff that was  10 feet tall in the backyard that had a septic   :14.820 --> :20.220 field behind it that no truck could drive on thus  I spent my days with a shovel and a wheelbarrow   :20.220 --> :26.580 moving dirt even in the rain to turn this cliff  into a gentle slope for my Stepmother's epic   :26.580 --> :33.180 dream flower bed I had the arms and upper body  strength despite not being on a sports team that   :33.180 --> :38.580 comes into the story I told the new dishwasher I  didn't want to fight he therefore called me names   :38.580 --> :44.820 and said I was afraid and so on I ignored him  this continued for a month it was the theme of   :44.820 --> :50.760 busy Friday nights and also Sunday mornings he  wanted to talk about how I was afraid to fight   :50.760 --> :58.500 him and how I was so weak and so on he called me  those classic 1980s derogatory terms that are now   :58.500 --> :04.140 out of a Vogue this eventually got old so one  Sunday morning when he challenged me yet again   :04.140 --> :10.860 I said let's fight then he was surprised I said  yes to a fight we went outside to the parking lot   :10.860 --> :16.920 and it had just rained he asked again if I wanted  to fight I said I really did I've heard all about   :16.920 --> :23.040 how I can't fight and I'm afraid for like a month  so now I want to fight and end it already he said   :23.040 --> :28.140 he was just joking and he didn't really want  to fight I told him he wanted a fight and I   :28.140 --> :34.440 was going to give him exactly what he wanted and  had waited so long for now I didn't really want   :34.440 --> :40.440 to hurt him I saw him as sort of like my little  brother annoying sure but not someone I want to   :40.440 --> :46.380 injure we worked together after all and it is at a  place I like to work and yet I did want to let him   :46.380 --> :53.220 know not to try this crap again he looked truly  frightened I grabbed his squishy body and put him   :53.220 --> :59.580 on a wet car hood and dried the car off from the  rain I used him like a chamois or one of those   :59.580 --> :06.600 big car wash sponges these were not nice cars they  were owned by dishwashers and Cooks making three   :06.600 --> :12.180 to seven dollars an hour even so I don't think  I scraped any of them or if I did you couldn't   :12.180 --> :19.560 tell I buffed each car with this dishwasher one  after another he was Wiggly but the friction   :19.560 --> :25.200 was low so honestly it wasn't all that much of a  workout he yelped a bit and seemed to genuinely   :25.200 --> :32.340 afraid in the end he was absolutely soaked I was  too if only by proximity he did me the favor of   :32.340 --> :37.200 telling everyone about what had happened and  the general consensus was that it was funny so   :37.200 --> :43.920 I didn't face were consequences after that I got  to wash dishes in peace this is going against the   :43.920 --> :49.440 classic why don't you pick on someone your own  size you're literally picking on somebody that   :49.440 --> :54.900 is actually bigger than you you're hoping they  have a mentality of a puppy inside the body of   :54.900 --> :00.720 a pit bull you're gonna Bank on that for an entire  month-long period creative bullying our next story   :00.720 --> :07.500 is malicious compliance by all the students caused  the whole school to wreak this is an old story I'd   :07.500 --> :14.460 forgotten about until just now ah the Nostalgia it  happened when I was in Middle School about 2010 a   :14.460 --> :20.160 bit of context I live in an old rural Town not  in the U.S the only Middle School in this town   :20.160 --> :25.920 used to be a nursery the kind where plants and  trees are grown or sold not a medical Nursery   :25.920 --> :31.500 most of the trees weren't cut down when the place  became a school and a few of them were fruit trees   :31.500 --> :37.320 three or four of them were mango trees us kids  loved taking them home by the bunches to enjoy   :37.320 --> :42.780 with our families or eating them during lunch and  breaks occasionally some kids would try throwing   :42.780 --> :47.940 rocks or sticks of the tree branches to make  some mangoes fall one of the teachers didn't   :47.940 --> :53.340 like this understandably throwing rocks could be  dangerous but nobody was throwing them at each   :53.340 --> :58.740 other and they were careful looking around for  any people passing by so as to not hurt anyone   :58.740 --> :04.440 the most logical thing to do would have been to  forbid students from throwing things at trees but   :04.440 --> :10.920 instead the school passed a rule that any students  caught picking up mangoes whether they be on the   :10.920 --> :16.260 floor or trying to get them from the trees  would get in trouble or even face suspension   :16.260 --> :21.480 we all thought it was a dumb idea but me and  a few other students could smell the eventual   :21.480 --> :28.440 disaster from a mile away so nobody protested and  everyone at school will agreed to comply even the   :28.440 --> :34.560 kids who were known to be rebellious well about a  month or so later the whole school was absolutely   :34.560 --> :41.340 stinking of rotten mangoes and for those of you  who don't know mango season usually Peaks during   :41.340 --> :47.520 early spring and late summer plus and the state  we're in rainy season hits in summer so imagine   :47.520 --> :55.380 old rotting mangoes and muddy water puddles that  sit for days at a time in the summer heat not a   :55.380 --> :00.720 good combination of smells the teachers by that  point told told us that if we see a mango in good   :00.720 --> :06.300 condition to be eaten we could pick them up but  we couldn't possibly break the new rule that was   :06.300 --> :12.420 imposed by our respectable teacher we must obey  like the good students we are the school had to   :12.420 --> :18.360 pay a cleanup crew to dump all the rubbish and  some of the parents my mom included complained   :18.360 --> :24.060 about the wastefulness of perfectly edible  fruit the next school year we were all enjoying   :24.060 --> :30.780 delicious mangonatas which is mango flavored ice  pop with a spicy sweet sauce under the lovely   :30.780 --> :37.320 shade and those good old summer breezes said ice  pops were made and sold by classmates the teacher   :37.320 --> :42.780 that had originally started the complaints was  a loyal customer I guess there were no janitors   :42.780 --> :48.240 at this school huh because I would assume it's not  that big of a stretch for them to go and just pick   :48.240 --> :54.720 up the mangoes every now and then this next story  is we have to use a weed killer on our lawn fine   :54.720 --> :01.260 we've lived in this neighborhood for 15 years now  and the HOA board like many is mostly made up of   :01.260 --> :07.080 the grouchy old people who have too much time on  their hands sometimes it's fine for a while and   :07.080 --> :12.300 then someone new takes over and has some Vendetta  to pursue I guess we were due for the pendulum to   :12.300 --> :17.820 swing our front yard has a few big trees and is  thus entirely in the shade we've tried to plant   :17.820 --> :23.580 grass seed a few times but there's just not enough  Sun for grass to thrive so it's mostly low ground   :23.580 --> :30.900 cover no idea what kind but it's green and we  keep it mowed for 13 years this was fine then last   :30.900 --> :39.420 year we got a nasty gram from the HOA we had weeds  according to the bylaws we needed to prove we were   :39.420 --> :45.300 using chemical lawn treatments to kill anything  that's not grass crucially the rules don't require   :45.300 --> :51.420 us to hire a weed control company although that's  what they expected we just had to provide proof in   :51.420 --> :58.140 the form of a receipt for money spent my lovely  Petty spouse went on Amazon and ordered a six   :58.140 --> :05.700 dollars spray bottle of the most woo-woo New Age  homeopathic weed killer she could find I think   :05.700 --> :12.840 the main ingredient was lavender oil we dutifully  spritzed the yard a few times sent an action shot   :12.840 --> :19.500 and a copy of the digital receipt and thanked them  for their concern the lavender oil shockingly did   :19.500 --> :25.260 nothing we didn't actually have to kill the weeds  though just try we've heard nothing from the HOA   :25.260 --> :31.740 since and the front yard still has almost no grass  I mean I get an atro Bay not wanting you to have   :31.740 --> :36.600 weeds in your yard but man it's still kind of  crazy to me that they just expect everybody to   :36.600 --> :41.820 spray chemicals all over their individual yards  like do they not even have a clause for like   :41.820 --> :46.500 proving that you pulled the weeds like you have  to prove that you sprayed some kind of chemical   :46.500 --> :51.720 but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   :51.720 --> :57.000 awesome malicious compliance story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :57.000 --> :02.640 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceHOAWANTSTORUINMYLAWNRedditStoriesen
:00.140 --> :17.870 Ok, some context. I'm part of an ESports team (Super Smash Bros Ultimate) for my school. :17.870 --> :22.200 Me and a group of buddies proposed the ESports team to the school, took many months but we :22.200 --> :28.080 finally got it. Anyway getting into the story, we got some characters to establish, EM Entitled :28.080 --> :34.980 Mom, EK Entitled Kid, Me, Co Coach, John is my friend and finally Michael is too (Not :34.980 --> :39.750 there real names) Also, some conversations might not be exact though asked my friends :39.750 --> :43.350 about the incident so I could get it as accurately as possible. :43.350 --> :47.580 So anyway, at the beginning of the school year, our school announced the Esports team :47.580 --> :53.340 and that got a lot of kids to sign up. It was pretty big like 50 or so kids joined. :53.340 --> :57.250 About 12 kids joined the Smash Team for the middle school team, which will be our main :57.250 --> :02.489 game. I practiced very hard just to get in and all my worked paid off, as I was the third :02.489 --> :07.390 best player (Our rankings were shown in the Discord.) And Michael got second and John :07.390 --> :12.800 got first, so we all rejoiced when the rankings were announced. While we did practices at :12.800 --> :20.270 school, I met EK. Now EK was nice and everything, he was just really, really annoying and cocky. :20.270 --> :25.729 He was the cliché rich snotty kid who hasn't worked a day in his life and his mom was well :25.729 --> :30.130 known. He would complain and call everyone a spammer if he didn't win. He would always :30.130 --> :34.531 complain that I was third and he should get the title of Wamuu (To clarify, we are all :34.531 --> :41.090 big weebs so the top three got the title of Wamuu = third, Esidisi = 2nd and Kars as 1st, :41.090 --> :44.939 the order of the pillar men) He always would get in my face and call me a softie when I :44.939 --> :49.930 didn't battle him for the fifth time and lost. I should also mention that I was in middle :49.930 --> :54.000 school and my friends were in high school (Important for later) Near the end of the :54.000 --> :58.880 semester, CO had a meeting with us about the future of our team. During this, he announced :58.880 --> :03.460 that I would be moving up to the high school team. I popped off during this while John :03.460 --> :08.190 and Michael high fived me. EK did not like this one bit. :08.190 --> :12.200 EK: Why does HE have it? HE sucks! :12.200 --> :16.540 CO: Because I have seen him do better than most of the middle schoolers and even bested :16.540 --> :19.660 some of our best players and got the title Wamuu. :19.660 --> :24.140 EK: Yeah and he doesn't deserve it! ITS NOT FAIR! :24.140 --> :29.520 Now at this point, EK was bawling his eyes out and CO ended our meeting. I told my mom :29.520 --> :34.980 about it and she just laughed and congratulated me. Then comes the next day, we had practice :34.980 --> :37.970 and when I was about to walk into the room I heard the classic :37.970 --> :40.010 AHEEEEMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM :40.010 --> :45.050 I was startled, and I looked back and I saw a skinny pale woman I recognized but couldn't :45.050 --> :46.050 tell who :46.050 --> :48.430 EM: Are you Flotus? :48.430 --> :54.010 Me: Um yeah, Im about to head into practice but I have time. What do you need? :54.010 --> :55.181 It was EK’s mom :55.181 --> :00.310 EM: I heard recently that you got into the high school team, very impressive :00.310 --> :02.640 Me: Um thank you :02.640 --> :06.860 I was getting a bit annoyed because I could tell by the tone of her voice that this wasn't :06.860 --> :07.989 going to be easy :07.989 --> :13.209 EM: You might have met my son EK, he really wants to join the high school team and play :13.209 --> :18.120 with the big kids. Would you pleeeeeasssseee give up that chance to my boy? :18.120 --> :20.100 Me: uhhhhhhh... no. :20.100 --> :23.490 EM: Why noooooooootttt? Not like you deserve it :23.490 --> :28.510 Me: Ma'am, with all respect to your child, I don't think he's ready. I also earned this :28.510 --> :33.370 chance by practicing. Plus I don't even think I have the power to do that. :33.370 --> :36.270 EM: Ugh, fine, do you know who I could talk to? :36.270 --> :40.110 Me: Yeah, CO is inside so you can come with me to discuss it. :40.110 --> :45.260 I was getting annoyed, but I tried to be as polite as possible. So me and her go inside :45.260 --> :51.200 and I go to John and Michael and play a couple of games. They ask me what happened, and I :51.200 --> :55.690 explained. They laughed and told me that she was crazy. While we were playing, we listened :55.690 --> :00.640 in on the conversation. (We were not listening for the beginning, and this is where we started :00.640 --> :01.640 listening) :01.640 --> :04.180 EM:... but why can't he replace him? :04.180 --> :07.799 CO: I already told you, we only give that to people who have shown us that they are :07.799 --> :12.200 above their level, and EK has clearly not shown that. :12.200 --> :18.170 Now EK was in the room at the time, still annoying all of us like he usually does. EK :18.170 --> :19.979 hears the conversation and joins in. :19.979 --> :23.449 EK: Yeah OC, he sucks! He's to scared to face me! :23.449 --> :27.380 Now let me tell you how we got the titles for our group. John got Kars because he's :27.380 --> :33.050 the best and a absolutely crazy (In a good way) he will make sure you have endured lots :33.050 --> :38.180 of emotional pain before he finishes you. Michael got Esidisi because he could be loosing :38.180 --> :43.360 by two stocks and make the greatest comeback. I got Wamuu because not only am I the worst :43.360 --> :48.199 in our group, but I also like respect. The type you earn by being nice and a good guy :48.199 --> :53.520 in general. Hearing him talk crap about me and my friends for half a year finally just :53.520 --> :58.300 made me burst. My friends were all getting annoyed and this was the straw that broke :58.300 --> :59.570 the camels back. :59.570 --> :04.180 Me: IF YOU THINK YOUR SO GOOD COME UP HERE RIGHT KNOW YOU LITTLE CRAP! :04.180 --> :06.320 EM: What did you call him?!?! :06.320 --> :11.880 Me: You heard me, if you can beat me once in a three rounds, no even take a single stock, :11.880 --> :13.710 I'll let you take my place. :13.710 --> :17.009 My friends where standing by me and basically said the same thing. :17.009 --> :23.551 The now cocky EK said sure, and connected his controller, while EM was furious. One :23.551 --> :28.420 thing I should let you know, is that even though I'm all about respect, I play one of :28.420 --> :30.930 the dirtiest characters in smash. :30.930 --> :31.930 NESS BABY :31.930 --> :36.979 For people who play smash, you know he's one of the worst characters to go up against. :36.979 --> :41.449 Also for the people who don't play Smash, Ness has a move that is considered spammy :41.449 --> :47.630 and annoying, and I try to avoid using it to much. But in this battle, I made Heck itself :47.630 --> :53.230 rain down on this kid while he could barely get a hit. After the battle, EM and EK were :53.230 --> :58.750 yelling at me and CO, EK even tried to get physical and did the WORST thing he could :58.750 --> :04.680 have done: Swing a punch, miss, and hit a PC, right on the glass. His knuckles were :04.680 --> :11.599 bloody and the PC in shatters. This made CO not only banned EK from joining ESports, he :11.599 --> :18.889 had to PAY for the $3,000 Alienware PC. This made EM angry and was about to yell and get :18.889 --> :24.340 physical but we were all pushing her and EK out the door. To say I was satisficed would :24.340 --> :11.039 be an understatement. Though I was sad though to not see EK go up against Michael :11.039 --> :17.449 and John. Growing up, I had 2 busy working parents. They were able to provide for us :17.449 --> :23.240 (3 kids). But they didn’t provide us with a healthy emotional&mental home life. My father :23.240 --> :28.440 was always cheating on my mother. The youngest I remember was when I was 4, I questioned :28.440 --> :33.560 why he locked himself in his bedroom w a woman I had never seen before and sent my sister :33.560 --> :38.610 and I to go play outside with this stranger’s daughter. My mother was working. I remember :38.610 --> :43.360 knocking on his door and he took an eternity to open it. I questioned my mother the following :43.360 --> :47.591 day about what happened. This wasn’t the only time my mother caught him cheating. We :47.591 --> :53.090 had a live in nanny. She was a family friend, and years after being w us my mother caught :53.090 --> :58.460 my dad in her room. He cheated on my mother w her own sister and her brother’s wife. :58.460 --> :04.340 And then his cousins wife. I could keep going. His customers were also his affair partners. :04.340 --> :09.080 My mother put up with it. When I moved out for college I never came home bc it never :09.080 --> :14.060 felt like I had a home. My parents never made time for us to spend together as a family, :14.060 --> :20.460 never had family trips, neither celebrated bdays/holidays. It always felt cold at home. :20.460 --> :25.500 I moved back home after college. There was a market crash. I couldn’t find a job. By :25.500 --> :32.089 now they were divorcing. It was messy. I hated that time. But I was glad they were divorcing, :32.089 --> :36.700 it needed to happen. My mother didn’t take it well. So she made it harder. She wanted :36.700 --> :41.940 more $ from him and made us all suffer. At some point my father asked me to support him :41.940 --> :47.860 by going to court and siding w him with how difficult she was making it. I refused, 2 :47.860 --> :53.090 wrongs make no right and it’s also non of my business(Btw did I mention my mom had an :53.090 --> :59.280 affair at the end and to which why my father filed for divorce) I was in my early 20s doing :59.280 --> :03.980 odd jobs while I looked for a full time nurse career bc there wasn’t anything for new :03.980 --> :10.100 grads. I moved in w an aunt bc I couldn’t stand my mother anymore. She really was making :10.100 --> :15.709 it difficult on my mental health. My car was stolen a month later. It never really was :15.709 --> :20.540 mine, it was under my father’s name. A little corolla that helped me throughout college. :20.540 --> :26.400 I was devastated though. I needed it the most now to get to work. Eventually I found a full :26.400 --> :31.820 time job and moved 1mile close to it. As time passed, I attempted to reach out to my parents, :31.820 --> :37.060 to let them know I was fine. My father would hang up on me. I realized he was still upset :37.060 --> :43.000 that I didn’t side w him in court. I let more time pass and texted him instead. I received :43.000 --> :49.570 a sour reply, somewhere along the lines “how do u think I am doing? Not great. If you went :49.570 --> :53.709 to court w me when I asked you to, this would have been over. You’re ungrateful after :53.709 --> :59.420 all the money I spent for you to get an education. Btw I stole the car, I took it back so you :59.420 --> :05.130 can feel the struggle without my help” I wasn’t even angry, I felt sorry for him. :05.130 --> :10.640 I last texted him “you and mom need to grow up.” I never reached out again. It’s been :10.640 --> :16.000 12 years now. I’m married and have a 9y/o. He’s never met my now family. My mother :16.000 --> :21.062 has moved on too. she admitted to me recently that she keeps in touch w him. Mostly bc of :21.062 --> :26.001 my brother’s drug addiction. She said he supposedly cried to her bc I don’t talk :26.001 --> :30.390 to him. According to my mother, I need to be the bigger person and reach out to him :30.390 --> :36.270 regardless of the past. Last week she came at me so wrong and blamed me for why I had :36.270 --> :41.580 a fall out w my father. She says bc I can’t let go of grudges and I need to grow up and :41.580 --> :46.300 reach out to him now that he’s alive, she says, he’s going to die someday and I will :46.300 --> :50.850 regret never mending the relationship. For some reason she thinks I’m still mad about :50.850 --> :55.950 the car?! I had to emphasize it to her that the last time I reached out he didn’t want :55.950 --> :01.430 to talk to me. It’s awkward now. Why can’t he reach out to me?! Why can’t he be the :01.430 --> :07.450 man and mend the relationship he broke that he supposedly cries about. I did her a favor :07.450 --> :12.829 and texted him so she can get off my case. I also told her if she just agreed w the divorce :12.829 --> :19.070 papers initially and w what he was offering (for her to keep 2 houses and not touch his :19.070 --> :21.630 business) I wouldn’t be in this situation. :21.630 --> :26.070 I texted: “Hi dad, it’s (insert name). Mom told me you been wanting to talk to me :26.070 --> :30.760 but I don’t understand why you don’t reach out. The last time I reached out you weren’t :30.760 --> :34.610 interested in talking. So I left you alone. How are you?” :34.610 --> :40.750 It’s been over 2 weeks and …crickets. I’m upset at mom for annoying me about this, :40.750 --> :45.660 something that isn’t her business, she’s divorced him. She can now leave me alone about :45.660 --> :51.279 it. If he wants a relationship w me he needs to be a man about it. My parents suck! :51.279 --> :57.079 I’m older now w my own kid. I make sure she is physically, emotionally, and mentally :57.079 --> :03.770 well. I work long hours but I also make time for holidays, bdays, trips, unlike they did. :03.770 --> :10.060 I make time for her so she can trust me, love me, and remember me. I say “I love you” :10.060 --> :14.890 every single day. More than once. Something I NEVER heard from them. My parents have this :14.890 --> :20.680 idea that I owe them the up most respect bc they birthed me and payed for my schooling, :20.680 --> :52.779 in my mothers own words. She starts fights randomly, reason being she “resents” me. :52.779 --> :58.899 She tries to compete with me in a number of ways. Some of which are just pure … juvenile :58.899 --> :03.110 and on top of how stupid it is for a grown woman to be concerned with her statements :03.110 --> :07.540 won’t make any sense. She also tells me she’s going to be making X amount every :07.540 --> :13.050 week and asks how much I make and says she probably makes more. She says she got the :13.050 --> :18.170 job but since she was suddenly being so benchy I don’t think she did. There’s a lot of :18.170 --> :22.980 nonsensical stuff she would bother me about and I have no idea how she came up with some :22.980 --> :28.730 of the issues she did. She also lies and says everyone is calling me a loser when they’re :28.730 --> :35.010 not. Plus … I’ve accomplished plenty of things she hasn’t. She’s for sure an underachiever. :35.010 --> :40.590 She also accuses me of wanting her stupid bf’s and adds people I know on FB. Is she :40.590 --> :45.201 just jealous bc I’m doing better in life than her and have accomplished way more? She :45.201 --> :15.810 Should have stuff figured out since she’s older. Thoughts? Hey guys! Thank you :15.810 --> :20.209 so much for your support and believe me I'm fine and my brother is better, but fine is :20.209 --> :25.970 not enough for him, he wants my custody at all costs and goes after my parents with everything :25.970 --> :31.790 he has. Well, I wouldn't be here if it was just to say we're fine, let's get to the story. :31.790 --> :35.830 We were having a quiet afternoon until there was a knock on the door, which had already :35.830 --> :42.820 been repaired by a friend of Kirby's grandfather, I went to answer it but was very surprised :42.820 --> :48.211 to see my father there, I sent him away at once but he said just wanted to talk and didn't :48.211 --> :53.550 want to cause a fuss, i told him to freak off and told him we'd only talk in court however :53.550 --> :00.329 my dad insisted and Kirby's grandparents threatened to call the police, but to our surprise, Kirby :00.329 --> :05.050 said to leave him come in, we questioned him but he just said my dad was a pushy idiot :05.050 --> :09.930 and he wouldn't go away easily so it was better to let him in to get it over with. :09.930 --> :14.199 So we let him in, but we were prepared in case he got aggressive we would go to him, :14.199 --> :19.570 he Kirby sat at the kitchen table. We all stayed in the kitchen for safety and Kirby's :19.570 --> :24.340 grandmother was recording to have one more proof that my father broke the provisional :24.340 --> :28.319 measure. The conversation was as follows: :28.319 --> :32.130 Kirby: Very brave of you to come back here after all you've done! :32.130 --> :35.769 Father: I'm sorry... I swear I'll pay for all the damage! :35.769 --> :40.880 Kirby: Pay? Of course, you can solve everything with money, right? But I'm not talking about :40.880 --> :45.709 material goods, that's replaceable, but what you did to me is priceless! :45.709 --> :50.329 Father: I know, I'm sorry! I swear I would give my life to go back in time I would do :50.329 --> :51.639 everything differently! :51.639 --> :57.329 Kirby: Yeah but unfortunately you can't go back in time and the damage has already been :57.329 --> :00.829 done! You destroyed me! You destroyed your family! :00.829 --> :04.829 Father: But it was an accident, if you had told us from the beginning maybe it would :04.829 --> :05.829 have been different! :05.829 --> :08.970 Kirby: MORE SAID FREAKING! YOU WHO DIDN'T WANT TO LISTEN TO ME! NOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT :08.970 --> :14.170 YOU DID TO ME? THEY MADE ME FEEL THAT I WAS NOT WORTHY TO LIVE! YOU MADE ME WANT TO DIE! :14.170 --> :19.230 DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE TO FEEL THAT? NO! BECAUSE YOU ARE A FREAKING ASSAULT! :19.230 --> :23.660 AND THE AGGRESSOR WILL NEVER FEEL THE FEAR THAT THE VICTIM FELT, YOU SON OF A BENCH! :23.660 --> :28.300 At that moment Kirby started to cry but it was a cry of anger and resentment that he :28.300 --> :33.600 kept for all these years, my father continued to ask in vain, but my brother said that the :33.600 --> :38.890 fact that he wants to apologize is not because he regrets what he did , but rather to feel :38.890 --> :45.410 good about himself, however my dad kept apologizing, apologizing so much that my brother threw :45.410 --> :50.779 his ultimatum right there even though he was close to having another anxiety attack. :50.779 --> :55.300 Kirby: Do you want forgiveness? So here's what we're going to do: You're going to give :55.300 --> :59.880 me custody of my brother, you're going to pay his child support and you're never going :59.880 --> :06.289 to try to get close to me, him or any of us again or else I guarantee you Ricard, |Fictitious :06.289 --> :09.450 name| that I will make your days a real heck! :09.450 --> :13.990 My father agreed instantly, I'll tell you that I don't feel sorry for my father but :13.990 --> :18.760 I've never seen him as defeated as he did at that moment, I think the shock of his actions :18.760 --> :24.250 finally hit him hard but I don't feel sorry for him he deserves this, he deserves to feel :24.250 --> :29.350 the misery he caused our family. Soon after all this he left saying he was going to try :29.350 --> :34.940 to convince my mother to give up my custody, he also asked me for forgiveness but I just :34.940 --> :40.520 ignored him. So at the exact moment he walked out the door my brother broke down, I think :40.520 --> :45.190 his courage had dropped at that moment, he started crying and was on his knees on the :45.190 --> :50.500 floor hyperventilating and sweating very cold, we took him through the room so he could lie :50.500 --> :56.010 down, we gave him his medicine for anxiety but nothing seemed to help, I called my sister :56.010 --> :00.360 and told her everything that had happened, she came immediately and we all stayed in :00.360 --> :04.790 the room trying to calm him down, my sister kept saying that my brother that at that moment :04.790 --> :10.090 he was one of the bravest people we knew, however fearful he was, he was strong enough :10.090 --> :14.049 to stay in the same room as my father, his abuser and his murderer. :14.049 --> :19.419 After many hours my brother finally calmed down and managed to sleep so just in case :19.419 --> :24.340 Lucy and I slept together with him because he could have many nightmares after that. :24.340 --> :30.170 But of course nothing could end like that, my mom called us hours later asking what that :30.170 --> :35.460 demon/Kirby had done to her husband, she was accusing my brother of having bewitched her :35.460 --> :40.430 sweet hubby and that now he wanted to give everything to him, my sister just told her :40.430 --> :44.539 to freak off and said that at least one of them had come to their senses. :44.539 --> :49.241 Well again I hope everything works out and my mom finally comes to her senses and does :49.241 --> :53.770 the right thing, thanks so much for everyone's support, and thanks to you Steve, who owns :53.770 --> :00.750 this account and has always been there for me since I told mine history. Well I'm going, :00.750 --> :25.680 I'll send you anything, see you later! I'm tired of my YOUNG adult divorced parents financially :25.680 --> :30.970 depending on me to pay their bills. I'll try to make it short. My parents are terrible :30.970 --> :36.000 with money, they don't have any concern on saving it and will expend until the last dime. :36.000 --> :41.620 My dad barely works, makes no money at all and never pays anyone back after loaning money :41.620 --> :45.640 (including me). Last week he told me that he doesn't want to keep working for other :45.640 --> :50.960 people and asked if I could make a loan under my name so he can start a business. I'm not :50.960 --> :55.990 dumb and told no straight away. Keep in mind that I already paid for a lot of his bills :55.990 --> :01.030 under the promise that he would pay me back, and guess what? Never saw that money again. :01.030 --> :06.840 My mom had a half-time job last year which was actually only 16 hours a week. She insisted :06.840 --> :11.260 to not live with my sister anymore and she wanted to live by herself. I told her that :11.260 --> :16.130 she was not making enough money to pay for her rent & expenses and she proceeds to tell :16.130 --> :22.450 me that was her concern and "dad" would help her. I TOLD her multiple times that relaying :22.450 --> :28.280 on dad was extremely risky and she would not have the money to pay for her expenses. Now :28.280 --> :33.160 for my surprise, she doesn't have that job anymore because when they had to renew her :33.160 --> :40.310 contract she "forgot" to send the documentation. My dad doesn't have any money to send to her, :40.310 --> :42.620 I don't even know if he is working anymore. :42.620 --> :47.860 I have 2 jobs and I work my butt off. I'm getting old and I'm not aging well because :47.860 --> :53.370 of the stress and not being able to take care of myself. Even if I make good money I hate :53.370 --> :58.590 the fact that I need to financially help them every single month. My mother lost her job :58.590 --> :03.381 2 months ago, and she is still living by herself even after my sister told our mother to live :03.381 --> :08.890 with her. Not only that, my sister told me that she (our mother) is involved with a married :08.890 --> :15.929 man. Jesus Christ, I'm so disappointed with them, I'm really...really struggling to understand :15.929 --> :16.929 them. :16.929 --> :22.289 I took a hard decision today, for the last time I helped them (another 3k burned to the :22.289 --> :27.090 ground). I blocked their numbers and for the next 6 months I'll cut contact with them, :27.090 --> :28.940 I just can't deal with this anymore. :28.940 --> :33.960 I care about them, but right now is just too complicated for me to deal with it. Can I :33.960 --> :06.960 do anything else? My Patents got divorced a view years back, and didn't know what to :06.960 --> :11.409 do with the house. I lived with my mom in that house until now and helped one of her :11.409 --> :15.770 friends, doing some repairs. My father on the other hand just bought the house, with :15.770 --> :21.330 the help of a somewhat stupid German law, and forces us out until 1st of April. :21.330 --> :26.190 I mean I'm somewhat happy that my mom managed to just buy a new home, where she can live :26.190 --> :31.110 in one half and my girlfriend and I in the other, jet I feel like my childhood home was :31.110 --> :37.260 stolen from me. With all the memories. Good ones and bad ones. I got and lost my first :37.260 --> :42.480 dog in this house. He's buried in the garden. My father hated the dog. He blames me for :42.480 --> :48.310 the divorce, because I started defending myself against his narcissistic and abusive behavior. :48.310 --> :52.870 I just finished my apprenticeship, and he didn't even say anything. I walked past him :52.870 --> :58.049 on the street and he just stared down. My mother always says, that I should atleast :58.049 --> :03.500 try to reconnect with him, because he is my father, but everytime I see him anger and :03.500 --> :47.270 disgust come boiling up. Any advice? My dms are open. I feel so distraught right now I :47.270 --> :50.700 never thought I’d hear those words from someone who claims I’m their entire life :50.700 --> :51.700 - :51.700 --> :55.409 I’m an only child and my mother and I have always had a bit of a rocky relationship, :55.409 --> :00.640 since I was little I did everything I could to please her and make her proud and my self :00.640 --> :06.360 esteem relied on academic validation that I got from being top of all my classes. I :06.360 --> :10.960 would often avoid going out because I’d prioritise studying and I never had any social :10.960 --> :15.860 media because my parents thought it would distract me. I have literally never freaked :15.860 --> :20.960 up i always do the right thing and always respect the wishes of my mother. That being :20.960 --> :25.919 said I can’t drive don’t have a job and don’t do chores because they raised me to :25.919 --> :31.050 be completely dependent on them and said that the only thing they expected from me was to :31.050 --> :36.399 excel. I feel like she controls everything I do then love bombs me so I forget about :36.399 --> :41.510 what just happened as a form of gaslighting, she tells me I’m her best friend, she even :41.510 --> :45.690 cries sometimes telling me how sad she’s gonna be when I move out and that she would :45.690 --> :51.690 go anywhere I go just so we could be together forever - which kinda bothers me but I understand :51.690 --> :56.590 she’s lonely (we are immigrants and it’s been difficult for her to find time to socialise :56.590 --> :03.570 or whatever). The dynamic between us is weird and it goes from being super close to us yelling :03.570 --> :07.309 and screaming at one another over the smallest things. :07.309 --> :12.680 As I turned 18 recently I went clubbing with a few friends and we needed up staying a little :12.680 --> :18.940 longer than intended and I got home at 1am. She was furious at the time and said she wouldn’t :18.940 --> :23.490 be staying up till that time for me to come back and that I would have to be back earlier. :23.490 --> :27.940 I brought it up again today and she flipped out saying that I had some kinda privilege :27.940 --> :32.600 thinking that just because I was studious all through high school I had some right to :32.600 --> :37.700 be home late and that I was desperate not to miss out - mind you I never go out and :37.700 --> :42.510 this was the first time I was home “late”. She said I would have to be back by 10 which :42.510 --> :47.330 I said was completely unreasonable as the commute it’s self takes 40mins and when :47.330 --> :51.240 you go out with a big group of friends at this age you can’t just tell everyone to :51.240 --> :56.460 end the night early so that I can be back home on time. After protesting she ended up :56.460 --> :01.240 threatening to kick me out the house and call the police on me next time if I dare come :01.240 --> :06.179 back any later than 10pm and said that if I wanted to live like that I could move out :06.179 --> :11.520 and live by myself and back at whatever time I wanted (insinuating that I was some kinda :11.520 --> :17.500 tramp that wanted to party and stay out till 2 in the morning which was never the case). :17.500 --> :23.720 This kinda emotional abuse drives me insane, all my life she’s being controlling my social :23.720 --> :29.090 life and forcing me to study, I’m a burnt out gifted kid with no life skills, it’s :29.090 --> :32.630 meant as a protective measure but it just feels controlling to me. :32.630 --> :36.250 Maybe I’m too young to understand, I’m looking for some advice on how to improve :36.250 --> :41.549 our relationship and how to reason with someone as insane as her (she will literally blow :41.549 --> :46.850 up over the smallest things). I know I need to start becoming more independent as that’s :46.850 --> :50.770 the one thing holding me back from being my own person, maybe that’s what she wanted :50.770 --> :55.169 all along, for me to be completely reliant on her so that I’d have to stick around :55.169 --> :00.700 forever. IDFK. If anyone can relate pls let me know how your relationship with your mother :00.700 --> :36.559 turned out later :36.559 --> :44.450 So Im 24M. I've been dating my 21F girlfriend for a few months. She's wonderful and I love :44.450 --> :49.890 her. She is black and I am white. Our race has never been an issue between us or with :49.890 --> :55.220 her family who all are super welcoming and kind to me. Well I wanted her to meet my parents :55.220 --> :00.250 in another city and I had an opportunity to go back coming up. My dad has been hinting :00.250 --> :06.320 that she isn't right for me and our relationship is doomed to fail and she's lazy and going :06.320 --> :11.480 to be a drain and an anchor on me since we met. He's been nothing but negative about :11.480 --> :17.929 her. He said my mom was very upset about other factors like age difference and that she agreed :17.929 --> :22.870 with him the relationship would never work. I asked if she could come on my trip and my :22.870 --> :28.830 dad just went silent for 5 minutes. When he started talking he went on a 2 hour tangent :28.830 --> :33.941 basically saying she can't come because my grandpa might be racist towards her. Then :33.941 --> :38.549 I get a text from my sister telling me he asked her to speak to me and that I "can't :38.549 --> :44.140 pick good women". Then my mom texts me saying I should wait a few months to bring her citing :44.140 --> :49.950 all kinds of excuses like the weather and her being busy that weekend. So I finally :49.950 --> :54.980 confronted my mom that it's not any of their excuses it's that my parents have decided :54.980 --> :00.059 they don't like my girlfriend with no knowledge about her and they don't want her there and :00.059 --> :04.840 are coming up with excuses. I told my mom I had hoped meeting her would have ended this :04.840 --> :09.660 type of behavior and they could see what kind of person she is and I asked my mom to not :09.660 --> :15.149 judge and give her a chance. Well I got a call from my dad screaming at me saying how :15.149 --> :19.399 dare you speak to your mother like that and that I am an jerk and I wouldn't be anywhere :19.399 --> :25.309 in life without him dragging me there because I'm useless and stupid, and demanding I apologize :25.309 --> :30.440 to my mom for daring to push back on their behavior. He eventually said I'm not welcome :30.440 --> :36.250 at their house and not to speak to my mom again unless it's to apologize and recant :36.250 --> :41.360 everything I said. Then he texted me saying he "can't save me from myself" and that I :41.360 --> :46.320 must be mentally ill for doing what I'm doing. I'm thinking about honestly just cutting them :46.320 --> :51.990 off at this point. It's just the latest in a long string of gaslighting and verbal abuse. :51.990 --> :57.690 They would 100% not be acting this way if my girlfriend was white with a college degree. :57.690 --> :44.909 They haven't with any of those girls I dated.
called the police on my neighbors after they took our daughter to their Halloween party behind our back my husband 39 M and I 35f moved to this country when we first got married due to his work we had our first child 6f here he was then moved to Germany where our other two 4M and 3F were born his company decided to move him here again but to the opposite side of the country to where we lived the last time after we had our fourth F5 months so needless to say we know the culture despite not being native our daughter started school this August for the first time and a lot of her classmates live in the same area we do one of the boys in her class lives at the end of the road behind us when we first moved into the neighborhood back in may we were welcomed by a few of our close neighbors and this boy's mother let's call her ASD she took a shine to my baby but most people fuss over babies so I didn't think much of it that same day she told me of how she had lost two baby girls and how lucky I was to have so many girls and she only had three boys the day after she came with her husband let's call him Morton and he too wanted to pick up the baby and paid her a lot of compliments until he met our oldest daughter and made a remark which I didn't think much of at the time he said my daughter and his son could easily pass for twins as they are in the same class and they look alike they don't my daughter is super blonde with gray eyes and their son has dark blondish hair with hazel eyes so I corrected him he faint offense and said what he meant was that she could pass for his daughter the baby too again I corrected them that with his light brown hair and Hazel Eyes neither of my girls could he once again insisted and said I mean our features not the coloring then he laughed it off and said he was just joking they then invited us to go out for drinks but we declined as neither one of us drinks and we don't like to be too friendly with neor during the summer when we bumped into them at the local store a few times Morton and ASD would call her julus jurn and sing a song from a famous movie here after a few times I told them to knock it off as it was no longer funny since may end up until a week ago they have tried to invite us to many get togethers which I found strange as they hardly ever invite the neighbors that they have known for longer than us Morton and astred would quite often talk to my daughter on her way back to school as she passes their house on the way home and she said that it bothers her as they have both tried to pick her up and ASD has treat a few times to touch her hair when my husband confronted them about it they said it's just the culture here it's not the picking up and touching her hair stopped after that at the beginning of October they wanted us to help them host a Halloween party at the end of October and wanted us to meet them at their house so we could coordinate the children's costumes especially the twins we declined again as we don't celebrate Halloween they tried to convince us otherwise and were very pushy even had their son knock on our door a few times to play with his twin after school knocking on doors to play with other children is normal and most children roam out and about as it's a safe neighborhood and Country so that part was never suspicious to me however after the eenth time of calling my daughter one of his twins I put my foot down and said he needed to stop joking about it as it's not funny anymore my husband goes offshore at times due to his work and it's has been me and the children since mid- October my daughter's teacher also lives in the neighborhood and she is a childhood friend of ASD she was present in the park by our house when Astrid came up to me and handed me three costumes one for each of my girls she said as we don't celebrate Halloween her and her husband had decided to host a Hellen party instead and one of my girls to wear these I was shocked but told her no it would not happen the teacher tried to convince me that this would be a nice way of meeting others families and it would be fun for our children Astrid said she had spent a lot of money on adjusting the costumes and had found the right hairstyle for my daughter to go as gredle to her son's Hans I told her no one made her spend the money as I had made it very clear that none of my children would be going right in front of me she took the Hair Band off my daughter's hair and tried to put one on that she had bought for the costume I told her to stop and started walking of she tried to apologize and said relax we are neighbors and friends her teacher followed me and said not to be uptight and that astd meant no harm she just likes girls on Monday my daughter came home with a different hairstyle and accessories to what I had sent her off with I asked her how she got them and she said her teacher had done her hair during lunch I asked her if she had played rough so her hair needed to be fixed she said no yesterday morning I spoke to her teacher and she confirmed that it was indeed her who had fixed her hair and that it was ASD who bought the stuff I asked her why she would go against my wishes to which she said it was only hair stuff and astd didn't want to throw it away as had spent money on it she thought with three daughters I would appreciate help with some free accessories she also said that I had not made it explicitly clear not to fix why daughter's hair I left after telling her to never do it again and return the stuff in the evening the neighborhood children went trick or treating those participating were informed it would last from 6: to 8 I let my daughter go off and play with one of the other girls who wasn't trick or treating at about 7:00 I couldn't hear them so I went outside to check and they were not there I asked one of the other children if they had seen her and they said Morton and ASD had collected her in their car and her friend had gone home I asked next door to watch my other two while I ran with the baby to their place when I arrived there they were having a party in the garden and my daughter was there she had her hair done and she had a candy bag she was also wearing the costume so in my anger I called the police before speaking to anyone and once I got off the call I called both of them pedos and everything under the sun in multiple languages when the police arrived and I spoke to them we left today at school her teacher was very short with me and said there was no need for that as Morton volunteers for the children's football club having a police report filed on him was not the wisest of choices she explained that if I wasn't happy I should have asked for a mediation appointment at the school instead of embarrassing astd and Morton in front of everyone she also mentioned that it was her who helped my daughter change into the costume and it's not unusual for teachers to help their students change here that part is partially true for this country she said astd has been grieving and her behavior is normal for someone who lost so many children one after the other and not to make it harder on her as people have gossiped quite a bit about it she said they didn't know they had crossed a line and it wouldn't happen again so just drop the complaint at the police on Friday I have to make a full statement at the police station she wants me to cancel it as asid and Morton are not bad people and she thinks I should be glad someone else thinks this highly of my daughter she wasn't harmed and she sees no reason for me being angry as the children all play in each other's Garden anyway she said not to blow things out of proportion as at no point was my daughter alone with Morton update thank you for all the reassurances it was helpful a lot of people asked about an update and many them to see how it was going we filed a report at the police station and basically we were dismissed we had two female officers on the first day but a male police officer came in and offered us some water tried to do small talk he is the ex of my daughter's teacher and told us as much we had to do the report over 2 days as on the first day my daughter was too tired to relay all the details on the second appointment we had the two female police officers and her ex also joined us it seemed like he had already talked to her teacher about it but he denied it when I confronted him about it citing confidentiality I was told they would have a word with astred and Morton but I doubt they took it seriously as all three kind of defended their actions wanting to know why wouldn't let my daughter go to a party when we got home we had a knock on the door in the evening and it was astred and Morton I didn't open the door on Saturday the 11th while my daughter was playing in the garden with my next door neighbors children she said astred was taking pictures of her from across the street on the Sunday they came by again and kept knocking on the door they said they knew I was inside and that they wanted to talk I didn't open the door I phoned the police and they said if they become violent call back in the meantime just open the door and tell them you don't want to talk to them I didn't and they left they left a message in my post box it was a long message about how they felt connected to my daughter and how I should take better care of her how they know how it feels like to lose a child and that they only want what is best for her on the 15th I kept my daughter from the school as she said that Astrid's son kept teasing her instead I spoke to the principal about the matter and explained that I needed this absence validated I took my daughter to the store and I think maybe I was followed because not 5 minutes had gone by when astd walked in and bumped into me by the dairy section she apologized and blocked me in with her cart because I tried to get away she started talking to my daughter and tried to stroke my baby's hair so I I screamed that made her walk away from me the day after I found another note in my post box telling me not to be so hysterical and I have that saved I phoned my husband to come home or find a reason to get home ASAP on the 18th both astred and Morton confronted me in the park and wanted to know why I was keeping julus jern away from them due to a misunderstanding I told them politely Morton is a big guy and I am not as strong as him that my husband was home I lied they walked away I phoned the police and gave them the latest evidence on the harassment but they said they would have a word with the two on Monday I attended a meeting with the principal and the teacher where she apologized but she made it out that it was a misunderstanding the principal was very nice and told the teacher to back off sternly and not to mix her professional life and private life astred and Morton came by my house that evening and while I was attending to the laundry in the basement they were talking to my girl in the garden and she let slip that her dad wasn't home yet they gave her some cookies but she threw them in the outside bin while they watched on on Tuesday they confronted us on the way to school and asked me why I lied about my husband luckily I wasn't alone and one of the Neighbors on my street told them to back off on the way back from picking her up at the end of the day we took a taxi home in the evening they were banging on my door again and they had their sons with them I called the police but they only arrived after they had left I discussed it with my husband on the phone and he managed to get 3 days off but he won't be home before this weekend as his workplace didn't see it as an emergency until yesterday's incident yesterday they came by again while we were in the park I was preoccupied with my son and I noticed a tap on my shoulder it was Morton holding my daughter and he said I should take better care of her as she might walk into the road while my attention is elsewhere he made it out as if she had run into the street but my daughter denied it I grabbed her and the other children and left and packed some stuff I asked my next door to collect my post and hold on to it while I booked a hotel she informed me that the post office will do it for free for 14 days but that she will look out for my house and not if they come by again words gone round that they are being a bit weird about my daughter I have been staying in this hotel since and my husband is arranging ticket for us to visit my parents before the Christmas holidays at this point I don't want to stay here anymore and my husband will have to ask for a transfer I spoke to the principal and she said she would check in on my daughter in the morning and keep her at pickup time and I can pick her up from the office I haven't told the principal about our moving plans just in case she mentions it to another teacher and it gets back to asid's friend I hate lying but feel that if I don't it may put us at risk one of my neighbors on the other side of the street said both astred and Morton have mentioned that they suspect that I neglect my child and that they tried to insinuate that maybe I was too overwhelmed with four little ones while my husband was offshore she told them I wasn't and they have now moved on to another neighbor trying to badmouth me it seems like they are recruiting Witnesses slh helpers so my neighbor said it's best best to keep documentation in case they call CPS on us and to get a copy and confirmation from the police that there is bad blood between us my husband can deal with the paperwork in the aftermath and join us when he can arrange a transfer but I am not staying here anymore final update a lot has happened in the last few days I don't want to give too many details as this story has been leaked to other social media without my approval I also don't want ASD and Morton to find this now that it's on several platforms I am at my parents we are all safe now my husband will be joining us in the new year once he sorts out his new assignment I won't say what country we are in now as my husband said that ASD came by the house under the guys of giving us Christmas cookies 2 days ago wondering why my daughter hadn't been at school he told her politely to leave before leaving I only told the pricipal and not her teacher her principal understood and said it was her responsibility to relay that information to the class and the teacher today she was at our place again asking him where she was as the principal told the class that my daughter was sad to leave them but we had moved no other details given she made her school friend drawings that were given to them sad as it is I don't want her to contact her friends in case they say something to the wrong person my daughter will make new friends and hopefully won't miss her Norwegian friends too much I did tell two of my closest Neighbors on the day I was leaving but they were always on friendly terms with me and they were on my side all along to be honest I don't know where my husband might get sent next for now we are all safe thank you for all the support I know I didn't reply to all but I had a lot going on please don't hold it against me
give me a good story on FullStoryCalledThePoliceOnMyNeighborsAfterTheyTookOurDaughterToTheirHalloweenPartyorig
:00.160 --> :05.080 what do you do when your partner just cannot stop  finding ways to annoy you we'll get to that in a   :05.080 --> :09.560 bit but first my boyfriend of three plus years  doesn't want to leave his parents house to marry   :09.560 --> :15.480 me I 26-year-old female feel really stuck he  26-year-old male lived with his parents his   :15.480 --> :20.440 entire life they are plenty rich and he doesn't  have any responsibilities around the house he   :20.440 --> :26.200 works in his father's company we've been friends  since 2020 and started going out around 2021 since   :26.200 --> :31.320 then it started to get serious I've met with his  family multiple times even went to vacation with   :31.320 --> :36.720 his mother and sister they don't want me because  I'm poor and ugly I live with my mom and we're   :36.720 --> :42.400 around middle class the flat is ours so we don't  have to pay rent and we both work we have a very   :42.400 --> :47.880 stable life but his dad wants him to marry someone  rich I was really hurt when I heard his comments   :47.880 --> :52.080 about me but my boyfriend said that it's going  to work out in the future don't worry but it's   :52.080 --> :58.040 been 3 and 1/2 years already back then we planned  to get married around 27 but when I told him that   :58.040 --> :04.120 now he says it's too early and if it was up to him  we would get married at 30 I told him we plan to   :04.120 --> :10.600 get married at 27 and we're already 26 he said I  said that cuz you wanted to I don't want to waste   :10.600 --> :15.640 my time but I also don't want to throw away our  relationship he is too comfy in his parents house   :15.640 --> :20.880 so he doesn't want to have new responsibilities so  he's trying to make it take as long as possible I   :20.880 --> :25.920 don't find him attractive anymore not physically  I thought I found someone I can finally live the   :25.920 --> :31.120 rest of my life with but my thought about him has  changed now I'm really sad and don't know what to   :31.120 --> :36.120 do can someone help me with this I mean to me it  just sounds like somebody that's too complacent   :36.120 --> :40.760 in their life and in your relationship and if  you're feeling at the point that you're already   :40.760 --> :46.520 over him why continue to delay the inevitable  just like he's delaying anything relationship   :46.520 --> :52.520 facing also hi I'm stevenh and if you guys enjoy  tricky relationship topics why not hit those like   :52.520 --> :57.560 And subscribe buttons down below that said our  next story is my boyfriend and I are having a   :57.560 --> :03.840 hard time blending families me me 33-year-old  female and my boyfriend 35-year-old male both   :03.840 --> :09.520 have sons near the same age my boys are 6 and 8  his son is eight we've been dating for a couple   :09.520 --> :13.560 of months and are at a point where we're starting  to be around each other's kids and are getting the   :13.560 --> :20.360 kids all together to hang out he and his son joke  in a way that I find verbally aggressive they call   :20.360 --> :25.520 each other stupid and ugly and basically verbally  attack each other in what I'd consider to be a   :25.520 --> :30.800 passive aggressive way I've brought this up to  my boyfriend and he insists they just playing and   :30.800 --> :36.520 it's all jokes he's also made it very clear that  he isn't going to change anything about it either   :36.520 --> :40.960 we've gotten into a few disagreements about it  because I don't care to see him interact that way   :40.960 --> :48.280 with my sons my parenting style is very different  it's softer and uplifting we never say mean things   :48.280 --> :54.240 to each other even as a joke I understand that  men and women parent differently I know that dads   :54.240 --> :59.120 typically tend to be more Rough Around the Edges  while moms are usually more nurturing in their   :59.120 --> :05.560 approaches should I be seeing this as much of a  red flag as I do am I overreacting I just think   :05.560 --> :10.600 in general op is moving way too fast with this  I don't think there's any reason to involve the   :10.600 --> :15.400 kids right now you're only a couple of months into  dating this guy who's blending families a couple   :15.400 --> :21.560 of months into a relationship our next story is my  boyfriend 28-year-old male is upset about having   :21.560 --> :27.880 to use unscented soap on his downstairs area  for me 29-year-old female I'm someone who is   :27.880 --> :33.040 susceptible to getting yeast infection and  has to use unscented soap and detergent I   :33.040 --> :38.080 have especially in the past been susceptible to  them following sex with male Partners my current   :38.080 --> :44.160 boyfriend uses a very strong and heavily scented  body wash I asked him if he could maybe just wash   :44.160 --> :50.120 his area with my unscented bar soap as to help  avoid upsetting my pH balance or contributing   :50.120 --> :55.240 to possibly giving me a yeast infection and  he said yes he would we talked about it again   :55.240 --> :01.480 today and I just found out he has only sometimes  been doing it because it's inconvenient to him   :01.480 --> :06.200 he also stated that he doesn't actually believe  that's a real thing that it can upset a woman's   :06.200 --> :11.760 pH or cause infection because he's never heard  about it anywhere before and that's also why he   :11.760 --> :16.600 doesn't care about it as much what should I do in  this case I basically told him I don't really care   :16.600 --> :21.720 to hook up with him unless he takes my health  seriously for added information I'm the first   :21.720 --> :27.840 girl he's ever been in a relationship with or has  been physical with as of a couple of months ago he   :27.840 --> :33.480 grew up not really socializing with women outside  a family so whether or not he has specifically   :33.480 --> :38.640 heard about it before himself he should learn that  when you're in a relationship there's this thing   :38.640 --> :43.480 called communication and also you should have a  willingness to believe your partners when they   :43.480 --> :48.280 share health concerns with you I'm not trying to  tear down the guy but he doesn't have experience   :48.280 --> :52.920 so why is he going around acting like he knows  everything they've never been in a relationship   :52.920 --> :57.440 with a woman before op but somehow they know  everything about how their body can possibly   :57.440 --> :03.880 function it's also complete BS for him to say oh  it's inconvenient you're literally in the shower   :03.880 --> :09.600 just grab the bar of soap plus it's soap if  you're that lazy it cleans itself you don't   :09.600 --> :15.160 even have to like prepare anything special just  grab the bar of soap lather up your hands and   :15.160 --> :20.320 get to work you don't even need to like prepare  a cloth or a loofah or anything this next story   :20.320 --> :26.880 is I 30-year-old male joked with a cashier 20s  female and my wife 28-year-old female of one   :26.880 --> :32.000 year got jealous two nights ago my wife and  I went to a winery a few blocks from home I   :32.000 --> :36.520 brought a returnable soda bottle and put it  next to the cashier and said this is the one   :36.520 --> :42.120 I want none of that Switcheroo business and the  cashier laughed the whole joke was that recently   :42.120 --> :47.120 I brought a large returnable bottle but wanted  to buy a smaller size the cashier accidentally   :47.120 --> :52.160 charged me for the larger one and the next time  I saw her two nights ago with my wife I made   :52.160 --> :57.720 a joke about it yesterday she was all stolen and  irritated in the morning about it when I was about   :57.720 --> :03.200 to leave her work she asked if I want wanted to  buy soda I said I didn't a bit confused and she   :03.200 --> :09.080 said something like since you like that cashier  so much I mean I had no idea what she meant and   :09.080 --> :15.480 when she explained herself I was like are you for  real are you seriously jealous right now she said   :15.480 --> :21.840 I was flirting with the cashier I asked Are you  seriously accusing me of flirting with this girl   :21.840 --> :26.360 in front of you I asked if she thought that I  was not only flirting with other women but I   :26.360 --> :31.680 was Shameless enough to do it in front of her she  stayed quiet after that she literally didn't say   :31.680 --> :37.200 anything else and I left for work pretty angry  at her this is the first ever that she accuses   :37.200 --> :42.720 me or even remotely insinuates that I'm being  disloyal to her over a freaking dumb joke about   :42.720 --> :48.200 a soda bottle I tried talking to her about it last  night and today and she's completely given me the   :48.200 --> :53.840 silent treatment of this topic when I bring it up  she shuts down immediately I'm seriously offended   :53.840 --> :58.560 that she accused me of essentially seeking other  women and when I defend myself and want to talk it   :58.560 --> :04.960 out she shuts down down doesn't explain herself  doesn't apologize nothing what do I do here how   :04.960 --> :10.760 do I get her to open up explain herself and  ideally apologize literally she had never   :10.760 --> :17.520 accused me of something in such a baseless way and  then shut down playful sure flirting no honestly   :17.520 --> :23.120 them shutting down may be more about her than  it is op maybe they're aware that it probably   :23.120 --> :28.160 is irrational but they're still upset about it  they just don't want to fight about it it would   :28.160 --> :32.000 be good if Opie could try to have a discussion  with her about what makes her feel the way it   :32.000 --> :37.600 does so you guys can try to understand and break  it down and hopefully collaborate and work on it   :37.600 --> :42.720 rather than let it continue to stay silent and  fester and hopefully it just goes away on its   :42.720 --> :50.040 own our next story is am I lazy or is my fiance  being a baby I 29-year-old female have recently   :50.040 --> :56.080 began living without my fiance 33-year-old male  I think we have a good relationship we're both   :56.080 --> :00.480 respectful and try to be open-minded to what the  other likes but somehow how living with him is   :00.480 --> :06.880 starting to get to me he asks me to do everything  you'll say things like oh you don't have to cook   :06.880 --> :11.640 we'll just buy something but the next day he will  complain that he doesn't have lunch or he's hungry   :11.640 --> :18.360 and there's nothing to eat he literally only eats  full meals no snacks or nothing Frozen it's weird   :18.360 --> :23.360 I also do all the cleaning apart from mopping the  floor and occasionally he'll do the laundry and   :23.360 --> :28.280 usually takes the kitchen trash out only when  asked though we don't have a huge place just a   :28.280 --> :32.560 one-bedroom apartment so I really only clean the  kitchen and the bathroom and tidy up the living   :32.560 --> :37.480 room and bedroom here and there as needed we  both work full-time but he's also going to school   :37.480 --> :43.520 full-time when I think about it our workload seems  even but when I'm doing it I feel like I'm always   :43.520 --> :49.840 working he also asks me to do little things like  Ser his food and drinks get this turn on that   :49.840 --> :56.200 bring him this Etc just all sorts of little things  he can do on his own but just won't if I'm sitting   :56.200 --> :01.960 around relaxing on a Saturday but he has something  in his mind mind my relaxation goes out the window   :01.960 --> :06.960 and now I'm doing whatever he's asked me to do if  I finished cleaning all the dishes and clean the   :06.960 --> :12.400 kitchen for the night but he's suddenly hungry or  snacks again then I have to prepare something and   :12.400 --> :17.600 clean up all over again it's just things like that  and it's starting to annoy me I don't know if I'm   :17.600 --> :22.840 being a spoiled lazy Brad who's getting a reality  check I've only lived with my parents who did the   :22.840 --> :27.440 cooking and cleaning for the most part or if  I'm right to feel this way I mean as long as   :27.440 --> :33.920 your chores are split pretty evenly I think it's  unjustified in that situation but in situations   :33.920 --> :40.880 where they can very much get up and turn this on  or go get themselves X or Y Opie is definitely   :40.880 --> :46.160 not in the wrong for being upset that you're kind  of being treated like a maid in that regard it's   :46.160 --> :51.360 one thing if your op is getting up and going to  the kitchen to say hey can you grab me something   :51.360 --> :57.160 but for him to just like expect you to get up and  go get whatever or stop and do whatever for them   :57.160 --> :00.760 I think anybody's going to get sick and tired of  that that because you don't even want to be around   :00.760 --> :05.320 the person because there's just a high chance  they're going to ask you to do something if you're   :05.320 --> :09.720 around them it's like forget it I don't even want  to be seen around you if you're just going to ask   :09.720 --> :16.400 me to do something for you our next story is  my 21-year-old female best friend 22-year-old   :16.400 --> :21.520 female is ending our relationship because I'm  still friends with the guy 22-year-old male   :21.520 --> :26.640 she hooked up with my childhood best friend of  11 years is ending our friendship and I'm just   :26.640 --> :32.680 at a loss of what to do I have a male best friend  of essentially 3 years now we'll call him jack I   :32.680 --> :37.560 introduced Jack and my friend Emma earlier this  year and we became a little Trio where we hang   :37.560 --> :43.880 out talk do things together Etc to establish the  Dynamics Jack considers me his best friend and   :43.880 --> :51.160 vice versa Emma and I are best friends side note I  have no romantic feelings for Jack and vice versa   :51.160 --> :56.360 recently Emma began catching feelings for Jack and  express discomfort over me and Jack hanging out by   :56.360 --> :02.040 ourselves her and Jack start flirting over Tech  pretty heavily and end up hooking up and things   :02.040 --> :07.520 kind of take a turn for the worse Jack feels that  them hooking up can potentially ruin things a lot   :07.520 --> :12.600 between all three of us and decides not to take  the relationship further he tells her he doesn't   :12.600 --> :17.600 want to change the Friendship she expresses  understanding but she feels really hurt and   :17.600 --> :22.880 rejected about it later on she vents to me I  try to support her as best as I can by giving   :22.880 --> :28.720 her advice Etc he's also casually dating a girl  at this time she was aware of this prior to the   :28.720 --> :34.880 hook up and she feels really hurt about it as well  she starts to feel isolated for me she feels upset   :34.880 --> :39.080 that me and Jack are still hanging out alone  and she thinks I should be telling her when we   :39.080 --> :43.840 do she tells me she's going to distance herself  from me because I don't tell her what Jack got   :43.840 --> :50.040 her for Christmas Etc it eventually blows over  to where she's feeling extremely hurt I advise   :50.040 --> :56.040 her to stop talking to Jack since it's making her  feel worse and she tells Jack I told her that Jack   :56.040 --> :02.360 ends up distancing himself from her she feels  worse I try to support her and give her advice   :02.360 --> :06.840 but she finally said that she feels betrayed and  hurt that I'm still friends or laughing with the   :06.840 --> :12.880 guy that hurt her she feels disposable and that  he discarded her after hooking up I feel like is   :12.880 --> :17.720 there anything I could have done more to prevent  this from happening was this bound to happen was   :17.720 --> :22.920 it impossible for me to salvage my friendships  with both of them am I a terrible friend I don't   :22.920 --> :29.120 think goop's a terrible friend but they just have  the unfortunate and unenviable position of being   :29.120 --> :34.880 the third wheel in an awkward friendship where  they hooked up with each other and things just   :34.880 --> :40.520 aren't really going well it's sounding like a  genie that can no longer be put back into that   :40.520 --> :46.720 bottle our next story is my boyfriend wants  kids I do not my boyfriend and I are in our   :46.720 --> :51.400 early 20s and have been together for just over 2  years we've talked and made plans about getting   :51.400 --> :57.920 married there's just one issue he wants kids I've  never really wanted kids I tried convincing myself   :57.920 --> :02.880 for a while that it was was something I could do  and I imagin us having a family together and for   :02.880 --> :08.720 a while it seemed like a possibility but recently  the thought of it makes me feel uneasy I struggle   :08.720 --> :13.040 with a lot of mental health issues and I know that  I mentally won't be able to cope with having a   :13.040 --> :18.280 baby nor would I be able to properly care for one  as a mother we've spoken about it and he said that   :18.280 --> :23.040 he understands my choice and respects my decision  he said that he doesn't want kids unless they're   :23.040 --> :29.240 with me and if I never want them then that's okay  I appreciate him being so understanding of me but   :29.240 --> :34.800 I worry that he's just saying that now and thinks  that maybe I'll change my mind I don't want him to   :34.800 --> :40.600 resent me later on or regret staying with me and  not having kids should we stay together despite   :40.600 --> :45.520 this difference or would it be best for us to  break up and go our separate ways well I mean   :45.520 --> :49.960 it comes down to whether or not they're being  truthful if they're truly fine with not having   :49.960 --> :55.800 kids and spending that time with you great  if they're lying well that sucks and the real   :55.800 --> :00.480 problem is they lied to your face how would you  know as long as they're doing everything to tell   :00.480 --> :06.360 you convince you and make sure that you know that  they're okay not having kids ever then what's the   :06.360 --> :11.560 issue from there bottom line though is if there  is even an inkling that they're still always going   :11.560 --> :17.440 to want kids it is such a fundamental difference  that you should probably take a long hard look at   :17.440 --> :24.760 it our next story is my boyfriend 21-year-old male  is pressuring me 21-year-old female to lose weight   :24.760 --> :29.480 my boyfriend insinuates I should change my body  I don't know if this is an over reaction on my   :29.480 --> :38.280 behalf for reference I'm a 21-year-old woman I'm  166 cm tall and around 60 to 62 kg I'm not stick   :38.280 --> :44.360 thin but I'm not fat or overly muscular either  one day when with my boyfriend he told me he likes   :44.360 --> :49.640 women with abs the comment came out of nowhere  as we weren't talking about this topic but I   :49.640 --> :56.120 just brushed it off a while later he asked several  times what my ideal body would be again we weren't   :56.120 --> :02.560 really talking about this so I vaguely answered  more toned he looks me up and down and feels my   :02.560 --> :08.360 body and tells me you should lose body fat then  I was quite hurt by this as I didn't ask him for   :08.360 --> :13.400 any advice or start this topic of conversation  he gives me an estimate of what he thinks my   :13.400 --> :19.280 fat percentage is at this point I ask him if he  thinks I'm fat and he says he could help me and   :19.280 --> :24.960 write me a workout plan I expressed my hurt and we  argued slightly he then apologized and said he was   :24.960 --> :31.400 only trying to help a few hours pass and I forget  all about it however again he brings up the topic   :31.400 --> :38.040 and asks what my ideal body type would be I said  toned again he then goes on Instagram and shows me   :38.040 --> :43.880 some photos of fitness models asking if I want  to look like this girl or this girl both girls   :43.880 --> :49.800 were very similar good muscles and abs I started  to get even more upset as I didn't see why he kept   :49.800 --> :56.320 persisting with this topic we argued and he got  so mad he punched a wardrobe he insisted he was   :56.320 --> :02.200 trying to help me I never asked for this I'm just  confused as I'm healthy and work out regularly I   :02.200 --> :08.240 know I'm attractive so why has he done this I  mean his initial Behavior alone is concerning   :08.240 --> :13.680 and like if I were an op's position I would start  immediately kind of questioning things but for   :13.680 --> :20.120 him to go and get so worked up that he goes and  punches a wardrobe that is highly concerning and   :20.120 --> :25.720 it almost shocks me how casually op mention that  and then didn't like mention how they felt about   :25.720 --> :30.800 it really show any kind of worry in any other part  part of the story about it I mean that reaction   :30.800 --> :38.160 is not normal especially in something that's not  even that hostile this next story is I 39-year-old   :38.160 --> :43.240 male got into first fight with girl 42-year-old  female because I didn't tell her when I left   :43.240 --> :49.360 my house so I'm 39-year-old male dating an older  woman 42-year-old female and we've been on about   :49.360 --> :55.560 six dates she's a flight attendant so she's gone  constantly so we need to maximize time we recently   :55.560 --> :59.520 got into our first fight because of plans we were  trying to make during during one of her few days   :59.520 --> :05.000 off it happened over text she's agreed that I  can share our exchange because we are in total   :05.000 --> :10.560 disagreement of if plans were solidified or not  to me when I said that sounds perfect I'll drive   :10.560 --> :15.600 up at that time meant we officially had a time  and date she's angry because I showed up to the   :15.600 --> :21.000 place but had not told her when I was leaving my  house so she had to scramble to meet me and came   :21.000 --> :26.280 30 minutes late my argument is I didn't have  to let her know because we clearly had made   :26.280 --> :32.240 plans with time date and place when I said I was  thinking about things that was only about if I   :32.240 --> :39.360 was driving or taking an Uber she says she 100%  cannot see things my way so I looked at the text   :39.360 --> :43.480 exchange the issue is op said they have a meeting  that ends in four and then they'll make their way   :43.480 --> :48.120 up the partner replied I think their happy hour  starts at 5: just take your time we can adjust   :48.120 --> :54.640 if need be op replies okay dope that should work  perfectly and never responded again after that so   :54.640 --> :00.480 I think the issue here is I think op assumed their  reply okay dope that should work perfectly meant   :00.480 --> :05.680 more confirmation than it really did because when  she said I think their happy hour starts at 5:   :05.680 --> :11.040 we can adjust if need be Opie didn't respond with  oh yeah I'll be there at 5: Opie said okay that   :11.040 --> :15.360 should work perfectly so she's probably hanging  around assuming they're going to hear back once   :15.360 --> :20.280 op's finally done with their meeting they said  was going on there was never any okay I'll be   :20.280 --> :26.280 there at 5:00 our next story is 32-year-old male  boyfriend broke up with me 30-year-old female   :26.280 --> :31.760 during an argument and took it back with than half  an hour I haven't felt okay since asked me to move   :31.760 --> :36.800 into the guest room and during the process I was  messaging work because I was going to be late or   :36.800 --> :42.520 not in at all since I was actively being broken up  with over a heated argument he told me of course   :42.520 --> :47.880 I would call out and got even more mad at me so  I ordered a ride and got my stuff together and   :47.880 --> :52.720 moved a few things of mine in the living room  to the guest room he apologized and hugged me   :52.720 --> :57.440 while I waited for my ride to work and said he  still wanted to work on things but I felt just   :57.440 --> :02.920 empty ever since he says he's tired of being in  charge of my complaints about the relationship   :02.920 --> :07.600 and I'm just trying to find ways to not feel like  I'm pretending while sitting around on eggshells   :07.600 --> :12.920 all week it's been a crappy week I don't know  what to do I'm so upset because I love him so   :12.920 --> :17.800 much but it seems like no matter how many ways I  express to him what my needs and desires are they   :17.800 --> :23.360 will always just be a chore or an inconvenience to  him I don't really feel like The Details Matter so   :23.360 --> :29.240 much but I'm insecure in the relationship and he's  financially insecure and we just can't seem to see   :29.240 --> :35.880 eye to eye on anything I do things to engage with  him and his Hobbies like video games daily but he   :35.880 --> :40.560 can't be bother to even go on dates or help me  come up with something fun to do together that   :40.560 --> :46.000 makes me feel fulfilled and now with attention  if I suggest anything or ask for something to   :46.000 --> :52.080 try he's just taking it as more complaints or  ridicule I'm exhausted and I kind of feel like   :52.080 --> :57.240 I should have moved into the guest room I know if  I do now he'll just tell me I'm being dramatic or   :57.240 --> :02.120 trying to get a reaction out of him so I haven't  I don't want us to break up but I'm also kind of   :02.120 --> :08.200 done trying anymore I'm too tired and sad about it  all and every argument now feels like a potential   :08.200 --> :14.240 breakup so I'm afraid to even talk to him please  help I mean I'm not going to lie it kind of sounds   :14.240 --> :19.560 to me like things are pretty over it just doesn't  sound like either side really wants to fight for   :19.560 --> :24.400 this relationship I think it's becoming more  of a thing where it's just convenient and easy   :24.400 --> :29.960 to stay you know it hurts and it's difficult to  break up but no body's fighting for it is there   :29.960 --> :37.200 any spark to be had still there our next story  is male 29 female 27 boyriend and best friend   :37.200 --> :42.800 slept together and says nothing happened should I  believe them hey you need opinions on this a few   :42.800 --> :49.320 months ago I traveled with my best friend female  27 to a new country while there I met a guy male   :49.320 --> :55.360 29 and we dated and became pretty serious over  the 6 months I was there until I unexpectedly had   :55.360 --> :01.160 to return home for a bit I noticed one night when  we were texting his snap naaps was on and at 6:00   :01.160 --> :06.960 a.m. he went to the area where my best friend now  lived I thought maybe it's just a coincidence and   :06.960 --> :11.880 one of his friends might just live in that area  too I went back to the country recently to visit   :11.880 --> :17.800 went to my best friend's house and it was in fact  that same address he went to that night they never   :17.800 --> :23.280 told me or mentioned it to me they barely knew  each other at that stage he told me it was an   :23.280 --> :30.240 after party at hers he slept in her bed but says  nothing happened she denies it as well however   :30.240 --> :35.280 their stories don't completely match I'm meant to  be going back in a few months what should I do in   :35.280 --> :41.640 this situation I'm not willing to buy it it just  does not add up to me it all just sounds way too   :41.640 --> :49.280 suspicious I think honestly let them continue to  share the same bed move on our next story is my   :49.280 --> :56.000 29-year-old female husband 30-year-old male  annoys me every day in the most minimal way   :56.000 --> :01.080 how do I deal with this my husband has has this  habit that I find very annoying but that I can't   :01.080 --> :07.240 necessarily fault him for without feeling mean I  swear he's trying to annoy me he will come to my   :07.240 --> :12.080 desk when I'm busy and then just stand there and  stare at me without saying anything you'll wait   :12.080 --> :17.640 for me to get exasperated enough to ask what  and then he'll laugh because in my opinion he   :17.640 --> :23.520 successfully annoyed me then he leaves alternative  behavior is he'll come to my desk while I'm busy   :23.520 --> :30.600 and literally twerk I will be obviously intensely  reading but he will not stop twerking on the wall   :30.600 --> :36.000 or whatever corner of my vision until I turn my  head and acknowledge it he especially waits for   :36.000 --> :43.800 me to laugh before he stops but I am so tired of  laughing at this low-effort joke or prank this   :43.800 --> :50.680 is every day multiple times a day lately I've  been so exhausted that I'm using more obviously   :50.680 --> :57.040 unimpressed faces in response to this and trying  to never give him laughs but he's persistent how   :57.040 --> :02.800 does his behavior read to others am I right to be  annoyed how can I handle this without being mean   :02.800 --> :08.040 I mean it definitely sounds like he just wants a  lot of attention I just think in a situation like   :08.040 --> :13.640 this it's incredibly important to communicate how  it's frustrating and annoying for you because if   :13.640 --> :19.080 you don't that is very quickly going to turn  into resentment and the last thing you want   :19.080 --> :23.920 if you want this relationship to work out is to  resent your partner you don't want to come around   :23.920 --> :28.880 the corner and see them and go g you don't want  to find yourself falling into a scenario where   :28.880 --> :34.040 you hate running into the person you're supposed  to love the most this next story is my girlfriend   :34.040 --> :40.360 rejected sex so much that now I don't want to do  it anymore hi all I 25-year-old male have been   :40.360 --> :47.200 with my girlfriend 25-year-old female for about  2 years at the beginning sex was okay never great   :47.200 --> :53.360 but good enough that I didn't care much then about  a year ago she started rejecting me all the time   :53.360 --> :58.560 she didn't only reject me when I initiated but  also didn't want kisses and would get upset with   :58.560 --> :04.880 any kind of play I tried to do the very few times  we did do it she did not put any effort at all and   :04.880 --> :10.480 it was very bad to the point I didn't enjoy it  at some points she even told me that it looked   :10.480 --> :16.440 like all I wanted is that when that couldn't be  further from the truth I really love her I view   :16.440 --> :22.480 my future with her and all that nowadays she tries  to initiate it to kiss me and all that but I've   :22.480 --> :28.000 been rejected so many times that I don't even feel  like kissing her anymore has anyone gone through   :28.000 --> :33.080 something similar what are your thoughts I mean I  get where op is coming from they got rejected so   :33.080 --> :37.680 many times that I think it's kind of in their own  head you feel like your partner doesn't actually   :37.680 --> :43.360 desire you I think the issue is op's harboring  these feelings and it's causing them to act   :43.360 --> :49.280 unnecessarily because they have these feelings  that haven't been validated or really addressed   :49.280 --> :53.600 they're allowing that to prevent them from being  intimate in their relationship from this story it   :53.600 --> :59.120 sounds to me like there's a personal tally system  inside for all the things and all the times op's   :59.120 --> :05.320 been denied and rejected giving in now that she is  initiating and retaliating it would be like trying   :05.320 --> :10.160 to forget everything that ever happened to op and  I think it's just a big sign that there are things   :10.160 --> :14.520 that op needs to work through that have been  kind of swallowed up I mean not only does Opie   :14.520 --> :19.080 have these feelings but Opie also doesn't have  any Clarity on why she was being so rejecting   :19.080 --> :24.360 for all that time I especially understand in that  circumstance why those feelings are so rooted our   :24.360 --> :30.720 next story is I 25-year-old male found out that my  best friend of 10 years 25-year-old male was the   :30.720 --> :36.040 one telling our group of friends to not invite or  let me know that they're meeting up how do I talk   :36.040 --> :40.960 to him and move past this some background for  my first year of University I moved away from   :40.960 --> :46.080 my close friends to study in a different city we  continued texting each other after I moved but   :46.080 --> :50.280 this of course put some distance between me and  my friends while they were getting closer with   :50.280 --> :55.160 each other since they were expecting the first  year of uni together they had the mentality that   :55.160 --> :01.920 every first year university student has to to go  out and have lots of fun I began experiencing many   :01.920 --> :06.680 personal issues and decided to move back and  study in the city that my friends were all in   :06.680 --> :12.120 after 6 months of being away from everyone after  returning I realized that I was being excluded   :12.120 --> :17.360 from many outings or meetups my friends did at  this point I was still going through a difficult   :17.360 --> :22.560 period because of the issues I was referring to  above and this was adding to my sadness making me   :22.560 --> :28.000 miserable I confided in my best friend let's  call him X explained how the situation made   :28.000 --> :33.760 me feel that it was not nice leaving me out of  outings cuz we're all friends I didn't understand   :33.760 --> :38.200 why they weren't inviting me I thought that maybe  some of the newer people in the group didn't want   :38.200 --> :43.680 me there and that's why I didn't mind not going to  some of the outings I was just heartbroken being   :43.680 --> :48.640 left out all the time especially because they  knew I was going through a difficult time and was   :48.640 --> :53.320 hoping they'd be there for me in the same way that  I've been there for them I told my ex to imagine   :53.320 --> :58.320 himself in my shoes and he said that I'm right and  he implied that he wasn't the one having problems   :58.320 --> :03.360 with me and when I asked if it's someone else he  didn't deny it he even said that he would speak up   :03.360 --> :09.720 for me and try to make it so I wouldn't get left  out this would haunt me a lot and he knew it X was   :09.720 --> :14.400 always telling me I'm right and that he didn't  understand why they were acting like that fast   :14.400 --> :21.360 forward a few years 5 to six to now X is currently  my best friend and I love him very much I went   :21.360 --> :25.760 through these years believing that the other  members of that group didn't want me and had many   :25.760 --> :30.800 fights back then over this issue recently I met  up with a different friend and he revealed that   :30.800 --> :36.320 this whole time it was actually my best friend  X telling the friend group not to include me or   :36.320 --> :42.360 let me know that they're all meeting or going out  because I kill the vibe going so far to even hide   :42.360 --> :48.720 Instagram stories from me so that I wouldn't know  they're all hanging out this deeply hurt me and I   :48.720 --> :54.640 feel betrayed by X even more so because I'm much  closer with him now than I was in the past he has   :54.640 --> :59.640 changed now for the better and I know it I trust  the current version of him and I know he loves me   :59.640 --> :05.480 but I'm not sure I'll ever be able to see him  in the same way I feel like now I'm more wary   :05.480 --> :11.800 and careful around X and I feel betrayed the funny  thing is I've had conversations with X about the   :11.800 --> :17.320 past and he always felt as if he was a bad person  and that he changed his ways in his second year of   :17.320 --> :24.400 University but I never knew why because he seemed  fine to me until now I was mostly over this whole   :24.400 --> :30.200 ordeal but this new information has reopened an  old wound and made it worse I'd like to talk to my   :30.200 --> :34.880 best friend about it but the friend that revealed  this information to me doesn't want anyone knowing   :34.880 --> :40.640 that he told me what do I do X doesn't know that  I know please don't suggest anything like cutting   :40.640 --> :46.040 everyone off because these are my friends of  many years and they are a huge part of my life   :46.040 --> :52.080 I really believe that he has changed thank you  I mean in a circumstance like this if op doesn't   :52.080 --> :57.920 want to cut anybody off bottom line is you either  address it and you put it all out out there and   :57.920 --> :04.080 you try to get past it and own it hopefully he  owns it or and this is the more difficult option   :04.080 --> :09.960 I think you kind of accept it and move on and  hope that nothing like that ever happens again   :09.960 --> :15.000 and that you can personally just move past it if  you don't want to talk to him directly because   :15.000 --> :19.360 your other friend would get exposed and that  would cause too much issues but you don't want   :19.360 --> :24.600 to cut anybody off there's really no other  option but to just try to accept it and move   :24.600 --> :30.080 past it yourself but with that being said that's  all the time we have for today now if you want to   :30.080 --> :35.080 hear another tricky relationship topic check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :35.080 --> :40.600 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rRelationshipsMYBESTFRIENDISATRAITORRedditStories
what has been your biggest I really thought I knew this person moment I dated a guy for a year we've been good friends some years prior who was very smart and studied rocket science I studied material engineering we wrote a 100 paper together on new rocket models for a research contest and did AO 50-50 of the work together he lived in a big city and I lived further away so I asked him to go hand in the printed copy to the university that organized the contest some weeks later he told me he'd been to the uni to ask about our power status and told me we hadn't been selected for the contest so I trusted him and we went out on a compensation dinner a few weeks later I saw that little the University's Instagram doing a speech on our work he presented our work with only his name and erased my credits we'd actually been selected and he got a diploma and a price for our work and I was only mentioned in the agreements page alongside his family for providing emotional support edit to ad he broke up with me and kind of ghosted me a few days before the speech
give me a good story on WhathasbeenyourbiggestIreallythoughtIknewthispersonmoment
aita for being upset about my wife forcing me to compete with the dogs for food I meal prep on Sundays so that I have food for a hot lunch during the week I'll make a thing of turkey bacon hardboiled eggs sauces of various types such as pesto and we'll grill chicken breasts I'll then use these prepped ingredients to make wraps with various salad veg through the week or we'll eat alongside a salad my wife and I have two dogs they get a combination of prepackaged foods and stuff we cook at home we're careful with the foods we prep for them and have gotten into the habit of avoiding things that dogs can't eat when I prep my lunches I make sure to communicate this to my wife I always wind up in a situation where I have nothing to eat on Thursday lunches because I don't have time for breakfast this means that I go hungry from dinner on Wednesday until Thursday night and then have to spend Thursday evenings prepping lunch a Friday again I've tried making more no matter how much I make I always wind up in this situation I've asked my wife to not give the dogs the food I make for my lunches she has agreed but then done this anyway for various reasons I needed something to give them quickly I didn't have time to make them something else it was just this once this week I made calasa on Sunday with braced cabbage I made enough for five lunches I ate it for lunch yesterday 2 hours ago I went into the fridge to eat between meetings and there was only a single wedge of cabbage left
give me a good story on AITAHforbeingupsetaboutmywifeforcingmetocompetewiththedogsforfood
can't get over hurtful things my Mill said during pregnancy my 37f and my BF 37m have been together for 10 years I have two older children from a previous relationship my BF has stepped up and taken on a fatherly role to them I've always loved my BFS family his mom was always so nice and never said anything that caused me to have any type of hard feeling after 10 years of being together we found out I was pregnant and this is where things took a turn recently my BF was hospitalized for some health issue I was there by his side as much as I could be not allowed to stay after visiting hour my oldest child was with me while visiting him he had been taken to have some tests done so we just sat in the room waiting while waiting his mom came and was also waiting to see him we started discussing my pregnancy and how things were going and then she said some things that threw me off and I was shocked and hurt she told me that I have to get rid of my dogs male pitbull and female mix I told her no I'm not getting rid of my dogs they are good dogs and would never hurt anyone she then said that if I didn't want to get rid of the dogs then I should just give her my baby I thought she lost her mind I just laughed it off because a hospital is not the time or place to have those types of conversations especially when I was stressing about my BFS health and my child was present she then casually mentioned that she had told my BF before that he should date a Hispanic woman they are Hispanic and I'm white because white women are cheaters again I laugh this off because she obviously doesn't know her son and the things he's done in the course of our relationship I waited until after my BF was discharged from the hospital to let him know what was said and how upset I was but I told him I did didn't want to bring any issues between him and his mother I just wanted him to know what she had said when he wasn't around since then she's made comments about me not having the dates right for my pregnancy not liking the fact that we did the gender reveal and baby shower together didn't feel like having two separate parties just small minor thing all in all it's adding up my problem is I'm not over the Things She Said in the hospital and I'm starting to get worried about what comments she will make in the future and how I will react I just needed to vent this somewhere that
give me a good story on Cantgetoverhurtfulthingsmymilsaidduringpregnancy
aita for wanting to cancel my parental rights after finding out my son isn't mine original post June 8th 2024 I am26 the guy who has been raising a 4-year-old boy and up until recently I believed he was my biological son his mom and I dated for about a year and shortly after we broke up she told me she was pregnant I accepted it without question and have been there for the boy ever since over the past few months I started noticing that he doesn't really look like me friends and family made casual comments that fueled my suspicions so I decided to get a DNA test without telling his mom because I didn't want to cause any drama if my doubts were unfounded when the results came back they confirmed my fears I am not his biological father I confronted his mom about it she broke down and admitted that around the time we broke up she had a one night stand with another guy she wasn't sure who the father was but when she found out she was pregnant she figured it was easier to just let me believe the boy was mine she said it was a mistake and that she's sorry but she also insisted that I'm still his dad because I've been the one raising him I was devastated I felt betrayed and used I told her I wanted to cancel my parental rights and get my name off the birth certificate she pleaded with me not to do it saying that it would destroy the boy but I feel like I've been living a lie I talked to a lawyer
give me a good story on AITAforwantingtocacelmyparentalrightsafterfindingoutmysonisntmine
hey everyone my name is Jacob today we are gonna be looking at some malicious compliance stories so sit back relax and enjoy letting a higher ranked sailor embarrass himself it may seem ironic but water is the most tightly controlled resource on a Navy ship every bit used for eating drinking showering launching planes and in steam power plants is controlled and monitored this is because you can't just slam seawater through the nuclear reactors well you can but it will probably cost the government a few hundred million dollars and probably land you in jail each carrier has two nuclear reactors and the government is extremely protective of them the operators are the most highly trained group of people in the Navy every year every single reactor and operator undergoes a week of intense inspections and drills from a crew sent by Washington DC called an operational reactor safety exam or orce I am just a lowly e5 turning circles and launching planes supervising the catapults the year is the mid-2000s and Operation Iraqi Freedom is still in high gear we get a new guy an e6 on the ship and he is just the best thing since sliced bread naturally nobody can stand the guy he does what he needs to do to be released from work including getting fully trained on standing a watch in the damage control center aka DC central DC central is the command center where all the shipwide drills or actual catastrophes are managed it's time for the ORS to set the scene it's about 2:00 a.m. the ship is the kind of quiet you only get in nurseries at naptime and the calm before the storm the overhead speakers crackle into life reactor shot down react to shutdown my watch standers join me in the office just in time for the phone call catapult shop mr. Opie this is mm jerk in DC central react to one shutdown cross connects team from one to two drains from two to one hmm hold up that's wrong that will deprive the catapults of steam and lock the water away from the reactors exactly the wrong thing to do I try to tactfully tell him this it goes about as well as expected try to envision the scene he is in a room with tons of alarms flashing lights at least three of the guys is ranked a bunch of east 7s probably in oh five who is the third in command of a ship of 4,000 people and a bunch of people from Washington DC watching our every move he doubles down no do this the wrong alignment Roger that I give him the old III and log it my watch standers and I just grin in anticipation that mm jerk is about to feel the long arm and sweaty fists of Washington DC Department of Naval reactors to cut this short we do as requested it's like 200 sets of pull-downs in a 100 degree sauna it sucks but it was worth every drop of sweat we get it done and watch the steam pressure fall and fall and fall it isn't long before the catapults can no longer launch planes making the ship a 1.5 billion dollar ammo can the water level in the reactor would have been going lower and lower until they have to stop eventually someone had to take pity on mmm jerk and they called us back up to fix the valves as for the fallout the watch standers on that particular station were basically told when catapults give you a value lineup listen to them mm jerk got his hand slapped but that is it and we got an attaboy from the inspectors no great payoff but you take what you can get hey well if they say you have to do it you have to listen whatever you say sergeant so this happened a couple years ago while I was working for law enforcement in New York City not the NYPD but similar how a usual shift was 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. we had just gotten a new captain and as per freaking usual they want to change things she decided to completely make a new shift 12 a.m. to 8 a.m. how a mission should we choose to accept it was to go to this park with a band shell that apparently had homeless sleeping in said band shell as you can guess we didn't have much of a choice in the matter so my partner and I do this shift and it goes all right but we hated the overnight aspect we complained to the sergeant beforehand but policy was to obey now gripe later he had our backs though and was able to get it change to 6:00 p.m. to 2 a.m. thank god this is where the fun begins this happened on a Monday we already had one shift on Sunday so two 8-hour shifts thus far for the week when we got back from our overnight shift the sergeant tells us that the shift is changed report back to work at 1800 hours some of you might already spot the problem here I didn't realize until after I got home and slept I immediately called the sergeant and this is how the conversation goes hey sergeant are you sure you want us to come in for our shift today why wouldn't I well if we come in for our shift today that will put us over forty hours for the week down the line and you'll have to give us some overtime he would have to sign off on it you do not tell me when you get overtime I make the decisions around here we're gonna have a talk when you come in so a little background info we work for the city if we go over 40 hours we get overtime pay no matter what this sergeant was by no means the sharpest crayon in the shed it was painfully clear he didn't understand me he also has a very very short fuse so I was wary of that and unsurprised by anything that transpired I actually liked the guy and was honestly tried to help him not get into trouble like I said I liked the guy and only wanted things to go smoothly so I roll into work fully knowing this is gonna be a mess I walk in and he sits me down with one of his lackeys as some kind of witness to what he thinks is gonna be him just completely reaming my butt listen I tell you when you get over time you don't tell me blah blah blah let me get a piece of paper and use that to explain this whole thing I don't need you to write this down to explain this to me me realizing I messed up by insulting his intelligence no no I just need it cuz uh it will help me explain it better okay fine I literally wrote down like the first three shafts I didn't even get to finish Sunday eight hours Monday eight hours Monday eight hours it was then he completely realized what I meant and you could hear thee it was at this moment he knew he messed up his entire face shifted now he was in Salvage mode oh I see what you mean your partner is already yeah yeah I live ten blocks away the sergeant's gears were grinding I ended up suggesting that we just not clock in today and he would clock us in and out on Saturday very big no-no for the city but we ended up getting Saturday off so that was nice I was only following orders hey at least he got the Saturday off that sounds like a win to me you may not answer any questions at any time for any reason my director is a witch she loves power and just overall is miserable to work for from the very start she has made it very clear she doesn't like me which is totally fine but I'm good at my job and not willing to let her tell me different people don't stick around very long in my position I totally get it cuz it's a hard job and she is a witch in the past year my program has gone through five case managers so at this point I'm just watching people come and go I'm the lead case manager in my program I have been the go-to for a while now and when there are questions I'm usually the one to ask she hates this she hates having to ask me for anything and her rules are that no one is to come to me for any reason and everyone must go to her first this is for literally anything again totally fine less work and responsibility for me she has gone out of her way to scold me for answering other case managers questions accusing me of going over her head and training she makes a really big deal over here and I have been told you may not answer any questions at any time for any reason she is getting set to retire this December and has been taking a lot of time off using her years of PTL our assistant director has also spent a good amount of time out of the office because there is always a new case managers in training and they are the only ones who can answer any questions I refer any and all questions to her my go-to response to any and all questions is hmm you know I'm not really sure I know how I would do it but just to be sure you should really ask the director my case manager in training has to call our director any time she has a question she was recently out of the office for a week and the new case manager had to call for instruction 33 times that week when she returned for her vacation she was upset that she had been called so many times I just simply reminded her that I wanted to make sure the new case manager was getting the correct direction and I was told I shouldn't give any instructions the new case manager was also assigned to the after-hours emergency phone and received an emergency call two nights in a row at 1 a.m. and 3 a.m. if it was any other program the person in my position would have been the go-to but not me instead she called and woke the director up two nights in a row a new memo has come out I can now answer questions hey well it sounds like her phone knows what it's doing I don't care screw off well if you insist where I come from Australia each state has a volunteer emergency service the state emergency service think of a cert but bigger with better funding and does more things one of our roles is in storm response basically going around and conducting temporary repairs to structures to allow them to be lived in while more permanent repairs are arranged through insurance members of the public call up a number a request for assistance is entered into the computer the priority of the job is assessed and eventually a team of volunteers goes out to the job depending on the priority of the job this can take time we get all the priority one jobs first then priority two etc following a large weather event we have a large number something like 5,000 jobs pending part of the response our Recon teams consisting of two volunteers going out to each job assessing it on-site and updating the requests with further details and images we were often working until p.m. for low priority jobs and were on 24-hour operations for the time so myself and another volunteer are driving to a job where a retaining wall has been damaged this is far outside our operational capability by the other volunteer just happens to be the engineer who designed the wall it's a small world we arrive at the address and I phone the homeowner the homeowner says who is this good evening sir my name is Opie from the state emergency service I don't want whatever you're selling I am at your home regarding a request for assistance regarding your retaining wall ah I don't care screw off the phone call ends I look at the other volunteer well he did say to screw off coffee sure we head off to grab a coffee I phone the incident manager and tell him the report word for word the response is laughter and the go-ahead to close the job with a note detailing the person's behavior found out from the engineer that when the council inspected it the wall had moved enough to threaten the property above it if we had inspected it that night repairs made by the council would have minimized the damage oh well he did tell us to screw off so we did you think after the person says they're from the volunteer emergency services you'd be like oh yeah sorry about that instead of going on to say screw off Wow guys look on screen right now you see those two videos right there they're pretty good I think you should click at least one of them and watch another one [Music]
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceYoumayNOTanswerANYquestionsatANYtimeforANYreasonorig
former undercover cops have read it what is the craziest thing you had to do not to blow your cover I must have been 15 when one day the doorbell rang and I opened the door to two guys looking very much like real tough Street guys they showed me their Badges and asked for my mom or dad turned out that they wanted to stake out a public playground behind her garden that was used by some dealers for their mules people drinking large amounts of water and puking up little packages with some substances in it there was a multi-story bank near the playground but the bank didn't want anything to do with it so they asked my parents whether they could set up a surveillance team on our Terrace for a couple of days my parents allowed it and my mom prepared food for the guys all week long my dad did Undercover for several years and talked about a junkie that he hang out with all the time and even Babys had her kids when she went out to get her fix this went on for several months while they were figuring out who the big dealer was in acquiring warrants he grew a beard had a fake idea and drove an old beat up car eventually they got warrants to bust a bunch of people in the ring and he was actually part of the SWAT team at the time and was part of the group that smashed indoors and arrested her and a bunch of others in the area he had to wear a ball clava to protect his identity when with the SWAT team he said it was actually really difficult because he had become an important part of those kids lives and was kind of attached to them and now they had no mother and had to be taken to Child Protective Services I never got to ask him more questions about this before he passed but I have no idea how he balanced this crazy second life and then came home and acted like a normal husband and father in her family plot twist that he was the kid sorry to say you're adopted Bud story too not a cop but a guy my mom dated for a long time was older guy in his 70s now who was fresh out of the academy and at the Asbury Park riots sad and scary stuff and then was an undercover narcotics cop for 14 years during the 70s and 80s with the njsp he was Puerto Rican and spoke Spanish was an ex-marine and became a state trooper he utilized his ability to blend in with organized crime in the Latin Community he had to do snow in front of a bunch of dudes during a buy one night then he started having a minor paranoia or panic attack that they were going to find out he was a comp thanks to the gram of snow he just took through the Dome he was breathing heavy and went out for air his heart was pounding out of his chest panicking over how to get out of it one of the gangsters came outside to talk to him he's ready to run or fight guy goes man I've never seen someone take in that much at once man you okay he side a huge sigh of relief and was like yeah I never did that much I'm having trouble breathing the guy was really nice bought him a drink and they smoked a Sig everyone is joking that he has the Heart of a Lion to take that much actually felt bad about locking that one guy up when it all went down think he said he tried to help him or get a reduced sentence or something there are other stories my cousin was an undercover ATF agent anyway they were trying to bust some guys for illegal alol distribution were building a rapport by going undercover my cousin doesn't take his ATF badge with him when he's undercover because if anyone ever saw it he could get shot anyway some hot-headed black and white cops came over and started harassing them my cousin couldn't blow his cover but pretty soon the police started getting physical and they beat the crap out of my cousin and the guy he's trying to get evidence from they take them all into the police station only to find out that my cousin is ATF my cousin was pissed because cops aren't supposed to beat people up he's currently filing a lawsuit against that Police Department he deserves a promotion for managing to keep his cover through all that he's like a secret shopper but for cops Story three when the first got started in forensics it was when chat rooms and webcams were taking off so Kitty fidler that they'd be able to figure out who was who on the internet since clearly you'll know you're webcamming with a 40-year-old dude munching on Donuts instead of a girl I was a naive 18-year-old woman who was just getting started in policing doing some clerical work for my hometown Police Department when I heard a couple people talking about how they were having a hard time chatting up creeps now that webcams were a thing I told them why not just hire someone to act like an underage girl or boy and coached them on what to say and how to set up meetings to catch these lo and behold I volunteered myself for the job we set up a bedroom in one of the upstairs offices complete with a bed a desk and some posters from one of the officer teenage daughters I had to wear some of my high school sports clothes or pajamas while talking to Predators via webcam I passed notes back and forth with the team of officers and ped off as trying to do homework while chatting the hardest part was to still seem interested in innocent while this dude on the screen is telling me what type of horrible things he wants to do to my body thinking I'm still a child I just wanted to keep other people from getting abused and hurt the way I had been as a child I was just doing my job even though I was kind of blundering into things way outside of my pay grade I got a ton of questions I'll try to answer them as best I can what about fraud or entrapment regarding entrapment we got around it because it really didn't apply with the way we were doing things I never actually went into a chat room and solicited people via text or webcam I didn't have to solicit anyone they were literally just waiting in the chat rooms ready to pounce what usually happened was I would log in with a girly or teenager re handle and people would start sending a chat request before I could even post hello on the chat feed we often had so many that sometimes we had to let a few of them go because there were just too many for me to try and talk to or type with so we never actually tried to get them to talk to me often times you can get them to shut up once it got going they had no inhibitions at all if you go look up a teen chat make up a cute handle and just post saying hi you'll get swarmed by Predators trying to chat you up or get you to cam with them I don't recommend doing this because it will destroy any faith you have in humanity who did we catch how many we kned somewhere around 12 20 men and a handful of women the most notable was a few clergy two City councilmen a state trooper School teachers and other people you would just trust around kids all of them looked like regular people and seemed like people I would interact with every day without any idea that they were soliciting intimacy from minors online was there anyone that Got Away yes a few never showed but there was only one that got away that I just know went after the real victim or had already done so already that really made me worried he would try and chat off and on when I was on and he got a thrill out of telling me how he would like to do all sorts of nasty these sounding things to me in great detail I actually started crying and he just laughed and said it would be fine after I got used to it I don't regret doing this work but it was quite the mindblown especially at 18 years old story four not a former undercover cop but I have a secondhand story about an undercover cop so this guy appears out of nowhere and befriends a relative of mine who was involved in legal stuff dude was rare friendly and just down to party had money paid for product everything would drop in on parties and even allegedly with women then he placed a in order much larger than before a few weeks later a relative of mine was arrested and is currently in prison craziest thing an undercover cop had to do to keep their cover buy substances and have fun with women also I remember a few years ago in Seattle people were complaining because the cops took months to do an undercover investigation at the gentleman's club to determine if the women were Prost apparently this investigation entailed going to the clubs a lot drinking beer and trying to get the women to do things for money other than dance they proudly announced several of the women were PR and the club was shut down meanwhile violent crime was increasing and third and was an open air legal substance Market they also did stings at bikini barista stands by driving up to the window with a $20 sticking out of their fly I remember beer was somehow involved because the cops were technically drinking on the job but apparently Seattle doesn't allow alcohol in those kinds of clubs I found an article about the club being busted the daners were cited for 18 counts of illegal touching during dances 16 counts of offstage which is prohibited 18 counts of accepting money for illegal acts and four counts of pro all are misdemeanors the manager was cited for reckless managerially conduct a misdemeanor for allegedly being aware of illegal activity and taking no action tough job but sometimes got to do it you know what not tough at all hitting the like button and subscribing to the channel Story five one time a homeland security officer came up to my house under cover flashed his badge and asked if he could come in once he was in he pulled out a piece of paper with my neighbor's face on it he asked if I had seen him around lately when I asked what he did and let him know I haven't seen him around he told me what he was wanted for evil Deeds with a minor substances the whole lot turns out he was a kitty who did something to his stepdaughter and once he found out who was wanted he went back to El Salvador I thought they only flashed their badges in the movies but turns out that crap was real my neighbor was pretty heavily into smack and once when my friend and I were by the sycamore tree in our front yard we saw two guys dressed in suits walk off the street towards his house one bent down to pet our cat and we saw the pistol on his hip he looked up at us and motioned us to be quiet the first one went to the front door and the other went around back another time the whole Swan team went through our backyard to get into their place story six not a cop but in college and took a few criminal justice classes a professor who I will call Bob was a cop for 15 or so years and had gone undercover in the 80s for a very long time Bob was a biker as a hobby and he was sent undercover to break up a ring in the biker Community Bob arranged to buy some ice from some guy and shortly after the buy the dealer was arrested the dealer sister started telling everyone she thought Bob was a cop and some of the other bikers started asking him questions so a day or so after the sister started accusing Bob of being an arc the entire group was out of bar Bob told a few of the guys to meet him outside in a few minutes and Bob told his sister he had some for her and to come outside and they finally got out there Bob told her where I'm from friends don't call friends NCS then beat the crap out of her in front of the entire group he said he didn't want to do it but after he did that no one ever accused him of being a cop again my cousin worked undercover in the biker Community it was really into working out and bodybuilding so he managed to convince everybody that he treated his body like a temple and didn't drink do substance or eat like a pig that wasn't very far from the truth so it wasn't hard for him to play that part he's also a former Marine Sharpshooter so he's tough as nails and pretty heavily tattooed so he definitely gave off a don't mess with me Vibe story seven not an officer but was in the wrong end of an undercover operation in college I developed a liking for certain substances and it quickly spiraled out of control I couldn't afford my habit so I started selling to afford using I sold very small amounts and only to my friends it was a horrible thing to do but addiction makes you do crazy things and not think clearly a kid I regularly sold to I'll call him Larry came over to my house one night with his best friend from high school the kid looked about our age young 20s at the time and I considered Larry to be a very good friend of mine i' had known him all four years we had been at college and hung out fairly regularly he asked if his friend could have my number as he was moving to our area for work and needed a connection I said sure and that was that I never sold on campus and for some reason this kid only wanted to meet me in the parking lot on campus I kept telling him no until finally one time I hit a dry patch and needed all the help I could get I agreed to meet him in the school parking lot I gave him two pills for $60 in turn to get out of his truck I felt a hand in my forearm turned to see another guy with one hand on me and the gun and the other pointed directly at me figured I was getting robbed turns out it was the police and my friend had set me and others up in an effort to get his sentence reduced the system is so messed up that their one goal is to arrest College Kids on Campus and dangle large sentences with mandatory minimums on them so they're forced to become a CI and avoid the Hefty sentences attached to the mandatory minimums they Ro you and you're supposed to keep in constant contact with the undercover officer and Supply him with names and targets they can arrest the issue is you're not under any supervision and you're not expected to rehabilitate yourself Larry ended up continuing to use it despite being a CI the cops don't test nor help with a necessary rehab they just want to make more and more arrests it's a crappy system that takes advantage of young vulnerable addicts Larry lived alone and was required to keep all of his dealings private so that the officer's cover wasn't blown and Larry status as a CI wasn't jeopardized he went silent for a few days and no one was sure why his best friend decided to see what was up and went to his apartment Larry had gone overboard alone in his apartment about 36 to 48 hours before his best friend found him it didn't end up helping the cops and instead went into rehab then jail released him parole and concurrent probation I was facing a mandatory minimum of 4 years and the judge said I should thank him for his lenience as I could have gone to jail for up to 30 years fortunately I'm still alive I know a lot of people who lost the fight with addiction there have been many times where I wasn't glad to be alive fortunately now is not one of those times I relapsed twice since getting out each at about the year and a half mark December 14th I'll be one year sober I was lucky enough to be allowed to finish my finals I got arrested the day before my first final and then after I got out once again lucky to be allowed to graduate and awarded my degree I'm determined this time around to not let this disease go get the best of me I've been on medicated assisted treatment Suboxone and I've been tapering down to swap the Vivitrol shot I feel great but I know better than to get complacent at times I think I don't need to get the Vivitrol shot but it only takes one to screw things over and get swallowed up again in that world I can't be the weakend warrior I know that I've tried and failed I'll just do it once turns into oh just do it once more tomorrow's my last day but tomorrow never comes I refuse to let this disease win I've made it this far and for everyone that has refused to give up on me despite my countless mistakes I'll never keep going forward my parents love me my family loves me my friends love me but most importantly I love me Thanksgiving a year ago I was crying in my bedroom about to end it all I was writing my goodbye note my puppy must have sensed something was off and before I finished it she was outside of my door clawing and barking to be let in when I let her in she jumped on top of me and refused to move it was Rock Bottom for me I'd wanted to quit for months at that point but I couldn't it took nearly three more weeks to finally quit three more weeks but I did it and now three more weeks and I'll have a year of sobriety congratulations to this guy he all know it isn't easy but he'll get there eventually story8 not a cop but it did work for the liquor board in the city next to my town busting bars for underage drinking when I would get served I would have to text the officer in charge and he would come in and take my picture with a drink then find the bar typically a few hundred and the bar would get a strike three strikes and they'd lose their liquor license but I would get served I'm not allowed to drink any any alcoholic beverages only once did they actually have to drink the drink served to me I was at a sketchy biker bar and they're known for underage drinking and already have two strikes they're also known for getting rough with the informant like some employees and patrons assaulting the kids 18 to 20 so I walk in and ask for a Budweiser I show him my real ID and he serves me my beer before I can even pull out my phone the bartender grabs my wrist and asks me if I work for the liquor board I tell him no and he says okay then chug your beer so I slam the bottle of Bud and he lets me go and then tells me I have my eye on you boy and gets me another but I then take a Snapchat of me at the bar with my drink and hight tail it out of the bar I then show the picture to the officer and tell him everything that happened and he heads into the bar and ends up finding the bar and the bartender and giving them their last strike they end up taking everything to court and I get called in as a witness and have to test to find Court everything that happened the bar loses the case and when I'm walking out to my car the owner yells to me hey kid watch yourself you'll get what's coming to you so far nothing has happened to me this happened about 3 years ago so I don't think anything will happen to me I'm getting a lot of hate people calling me scum and degenerate so here's something that'll piss you guys off even more I wasn't even getting paid to do it either okay guys to give some backstory as well on this my area has had a huge problem with underage DUIs and has ended in deaths of a number of them so I really didn't have all too much of a problem doing it either because it directly helps reduce underage drinking and driving story nine not an undercover cop but a friend of mine was here's the story back in college I was classmates with a lady who needed lots of help to get her footing after not being in school for a while because of my help I quickly became like part of her family I was always being invited to her family get togethers her husband was cool we talked about sports played pool stuff like that but anytime I or any of my friends would ask what he did for a living he'd get KY about it so we drop it the way I found out he was undercover was because I almost blew his cover in public the time I worked in a mall on my way to work one day I saw him with a group of dudes that looked sketchy so I roll up on him and I'm like hey man what's up what you up to bro dude looks at me like he' just seen a ghost and quickly proceeds to berate me and act like he doesn't know who the hell I was all the while though he's making these eyes like get the hell out of here and I'm completely oblivious eventually the dudes he was with come up out of a store and quickly assume I'm a problem and start threatening me he played it off like I was some punk who was being put in this place and that he handled it everything was cool until one of the cats he was with suggested they do something to me Forest Split Second not my undercover buddy not me and I'm guessing the rest of them dudes knew if he was being serious then spontaneously he said just messing with you kid get out of here I ran like crazy to the first exit I could find Weeks Later I ran into my friend's husband in a more Cal environment and asked what the hell had happened he proceeded to explain to me that I had bumped into him while on duty and that the guys he was with were from a gang of traffickers he was chasing I almost blew his cover asking about his family a family he wasn't supposed to have according to the gang he was chasing it tells me I was lucky cuz the guy who threatened me was Dazed and that's probably the only reason he didn't follow through long story short a few days later they raided the whole group and brought it all down he quickly asked for a division transfer because of what happened with us at the mall damn that was too close for comfort luckily it didn't go down that day now that was intense I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy police officers what are your best pullover stories they'll be surprised with how things turned out in Story 4 see you in that video
give me a good story on UndercoverCopsWhatsTheWILDESTThingYouDidJustSoYouWontBlowYourCoverorig
aita for telling my son that I will not include his son in my will unless he gets a paternity test I 61m have a two children Adam 33 and Sarah 29 this post is about my son Adam Adam got married 6 years ago to his wife Jen about four years ago Adam and Jen separated because Jen cheated on him she later told him she was pregnant and didn't know if the baby was his or not Adam was planning on going through with the divorce and getting a paternity test when she gave birth but he changed his mind when she gave birth he decided he wanted to give her another chance and make their marriage work he also decided not to get the paternity test because he thought it would create tension and resentment if he knew for certain that the child wasn't his let's call the child Billy their marriage has still been a show since they break up and get back together every other day he considers Billy his own son sometimes but other times he call and Y son they're very dysfunctional and the entire family have told them to keep us out of their marriage they would complain about everything to us when they had no intention of changing anything so there's no point of them wasting our time with their constant complaints every year I update my will not drastically and sometimes I don't even change much at all but I go over it with a lawyer and make changes if I want to Adam knows this and randomly asked me a few days ago if I possibly added Billy to the will I said I hadn't even considered it because I'm not sure if Billy is even my actual grandchild Adam said any child he considers his son is automatically my grandchild I said I don't agree with that under these circumstances if he had met Jen when she already had a child and decided to be a father to the child I would consider that child my grandchild if they got married but Jen cheats on him it's pregnant and we don't even know if the child is my sons or not and I meant to just roll with
give me a good story on AITAHfortellingmysonthatIwillnotincludehissoninmywillunlessheaitaredditstories
aita for not trusting my husband after he depleted our savings to pay for his dog surgery my milil asked my husband a year and a half ago to watch over her dog for her when she went to surgery and Rehab following surgery she's a Healer I apparently didn't have any say in it because I didn't even know until the dog was at my house I had a problem with this from the beginning the dog was completely untrained there were multiple times that the dog would jump up on our table and steal food out of the kids plates and growl at you when you corrected her she went after my cats multiple times she in the house constantly no matter how often she was outside she would do Zoom eyes around the yard for easily 40 minutes come inside and immediately qu to and she nipped me and my husband's faces not the kids oddly enough hard enough to draw blood too if you pulled away before she got you you could hear her teeth smashing against each other I didn't want the dog and expressed it hundreds of times he refused to get rid of her because of his mother despite his mother having been out of rehab for over a month at that point well his mom told us 3 months ago that she would be taking this dog back in April but 2 weeks ago she comes to our house and surprise surprise she has a new dog she told us well you've had her for so long that I figured you could just keep her I had just found out I was pregnant a month prior to this I told my husband there was no way we were keeping this dog I never even wanted the dog here he eventually said okay and he found a nice couple who owned a giant farm to take her for an overnight to see if it was a good fit 3 days ago we got a call the very next morning saying that the dog was hit by a car he rushed us to go get her and bring her to the emergency vet she needed amputation surgery on her front paw surgery on her pelvis metal plates put in etc etc the total for the surgeries was almost $133,000 they told us prior to doing any of the work that they had a Healer rescue who was willing to take her if we couldn't afford the surgeries I go back out to the car at this point because I was feeling nauseous from not eating anything and being pregnant he comes out like a half hour later and tells me that he paid $7,800 toward the cost our savings and opened an Animal Care Credit Card to cover the rest which has a 26% interest if you don't pay the cost back in full in 6 months now he's saying he can't get rid of her because she has just been through too much and she's my friend I'm so wildly repulsed by this that I can't even look at him the same anymore this is divorc territory to me all of our savings are now gone and we are going to be looking at debt because of this 26% interest credit card he opened and now he expects me to deal with carrying the dog around and squatting around the yard for her to go to the bathroom when I already have hypertension from pregnancy I have been deemed high risk I told him I don't think I can stay with him after this I do not trust him at all anymore there was options they had a Healer rescue willing to take the dog and cover the cost but he instead threw us into debt over a dog that he told me he was getting rid of and I'm all set he said I'm in ah for not seeing his point on this I do see his point he loves the dog obviously but we are pregnant and he just depleted our savings over a dog that bites faces and I don't think I want to be with him anymore Ita
give me a good story on AITAfornottrustingmyhusbandafterhedepletedoursavingstopayforhisdogssurgeryorig
:00.080 --> :05.400 today we have a crazy entitled parent story of  a stepmom who just hates their stepson we'll get   :05.400 --> :10.760 into that in a bit but first mom threatened not  to let me vote if I don't register as a republican   :10.760 --> :17.400 21-year-old female here you're probably wondering  why I can't just drive myself I unfortunately have   :17.400 --> :21.880 migraines that make it a safety hazard for me  to drive and I'm working with a doctor to get   :21.880 --> :26.960 them under control so my mom opened my mail a  few months back and saw that I registered as   :26.960 --> :32.600 a democrat in Pennsylvania they send out paper  ID cards she started harassing me at work and   :32.600 --> :39.000 telling me that the Democrats destroyed the  country typical Maga rants we let it die off   :39.000 --> :45.320 but a few days ago she started on me again she  started screaming crying and pounding her fists   :45.320 --> :51.360 on the table telling me she won't drive me to  vote unless I change my party she then accused   :51.360 --> :57.200 me of not caring about her suffering and called  me a traitor she said things were so much better   :57.200 --> :03.280 under Trump when we could afford things and if  you love me you'd vote Republican I'm really upset   :03.280 --> :08.680 right now because why does my mom think it's okay  to interfere with my inalienable right to vote   :08.680 --> :14.320 I thought Republicans were all about their First  Amendment freedom of making up their own minds Etc   :14.320 --> :19.640 being factious I know this only applies to people  who agree with them I'm just really exhausted   :19.640 --> :26.040 from having to do mental gymnastics to do the most  basic things this really really sucks I'm not even   :26.040 --> :31.960 too upset about her whole you don't care about my  suffering thing because I literally grew up with   :31.960 --> :37.520 her accusing me of not loving her if I asked to  go hang out with my friends I know how to navigate   :37.520 --> :43.480 that tired of it but I manage I'm more upset with  her blatantly telling me she refuses to take me   :43.480 --> :49.640 to vote unless I vote her way I count at least  two federal crimes being committed by the mom   :49.640 --> :54.880 in this story I'm assuming op doesn't want to go  that route though there are resources you can try   :54.880 --> :00.480 to tap into out there that will help you arrange  a ride to the polls or God forbid if it doesn't   :00.480 --> :04.560 matter to you whether or not you want to vote in  the primaries you could even switch over to the   :04.560 --> :10.360 Republican party and still vote for the Democratic  candidate in the major elections ultimately no   :10.360 --> :15.600 matter what your final decision on who you're  voting for should still always be your choice   :15.600 --> :21.240 also hi I'm Steph and if you guys enjoy crazy  stories of entitled parents why not hit those   :21.240 --> :26.320 like And subscribe buttons down below that said  our next story is entitled mother tells me to walk   :26.320 --> :32.920 home so I did so this happened a few hours ago and  I'll give the base of context the cast is op me of   :32.920 --> :38.760 course and entitled mother my lovely former Foster  mother who cannot be wrong about anything so today   :38.760 --> :43.880 I had an orthodontist appointment to get released  from my retainers my goodness those things were a   :43.880 --> :48.760 pain if you fidget with your tongue and my lovely  former Foster mother wanted me to come over she   :48.760 --> :53.560 offered to pay me to help clean out the trailer  behind her house because her renters just up and   :53.560 --> :59.160 left pretty much everything they owned behind so  we had to find anything of value and set it aside   :59.160 --> :03.600 I found all kinds kind of stuff like a webcam and  box knife hunting knife and a knife sharpening   :03.600 --> :08.960 brick well it gets to about lunchtime and once  I eat lunch I go back towards the trailer and as   :08.960 --> :13.440 I'm about to start working I wanted to listen  to some music on Spotify since I had 3 months   :13.440 --> :19.080 of premium for free thanks Microsoft rewards my  lovely entitled mother gets angry and demands I   :19.080 --> :23.800 turn my music off meanwhile there's other music  blasting in different directions because it's   :23.800 --> :28.040 more than just me cleaning up that trailer  and I point that out and she starts getting   :28.040 --> :33.320 more belligerent and adamant that I turn my music  off because she can't stand the music I like well   :33.320 --> :39.200 then she slaps the ultimatum down that either I  turn off my music or I go home which I decide to   :39.200 --> :44.080 go home since there's no arguing with a person who  believes they're the only ones allowed to be right   :44.080 --> :51.080 I go to get in her car and then she slaps me with  this turn that dang cursed music off or walk home   :51.080 --> :56.560 I said fine I'll walk but at least let me unlock  the bike that I own she said no you just respected   :56.560 --> :01.800 me and for that you walk home she obviously didn't  think I would so that's when I take off walking   :01.800 --> :07.120 towards where I live which noted is about 5  miles from where she lives so I get about a   :07.120 --> :12.400 quarter of the way there and she calls me at first  I didn't want to answer but some gut feeling told   :12.400 --> :17.320 me to well I answered and put it on speaker to let  her hear the road noise to let her know I wasn't   :17.320 --> :23.760 bluffing and I get screamed at for making her look  bad and blah blah blah honestly I was too angry   :23.760 --> :28.640 and anxious to remember what happened afterwards  but she did mention that she expects payback for   :28.640 --> :34.720 all of my braces in retainer appointments because  she apparently wasted her gas and all that lovely   :34.720 --> :39.640 garbage of a narcissistic parent oh and also  she's trying to force me to move out into her   :39.640 --> :45.480 middle of nowhere because then I can't walk to the  store I'll have to keep contact if I want to eat   :45.480 --> :50.240 anyways thanks for listening SL reading honestly  if she keeps threatening to keep your bike I   :50.240 --> :55.200 would say call the cops on them and also don't  allow yourself if you can help it to end up in a   :55.200 --> :01.080 situation where you can be manipulated by somebody  like that mcdu just said contact the local police   :01.080 --> :05.520 in her area and tell them that she has your  only form of transportation and won't release   :05.520 --> :10.760 it ask them to help you retrieve it once you have  anything of yours that's still at her house ghost   :10.760 --> :15.480 her she got paid to care for you no one has the  right to treat another human the way she treated   :15.480 --> :21.880 you much less a mother to treat their kid I will  guarantee that the cost of your braces was paid   :21.880 --> :27.000 by the state as well as a mom and a grandma I'm  proud of you for calling her Bluff you didn't make   :27.000 --> :33.320 her look bad she accomplished that all on her own  our next story is my toxic dad wonders why I don't   :33.320 --> :38.040 want to spend time with him my dad was having  a conversation with me and it eventually led to   :38.040 --> :43.640 abortion topics I told him how abortion makes  me sad but if a woman really needs one that is   :43.640 --> :48.280 her choice he got aggressive and said that the  baby is in danger but thinks that women should   :48.280 --> :53.840 get an abortion pill early after getting R worded  or something he was raising his voice and really   :53.840 --> :59.160 gave me a hard time the conversation escalated  further as trans people got brought up he told   :59.160 --> :04.760 me there were documentations in Europe that trans  youth sometimes have health issues from HRT and   :04.760 --> :10.480 it's a major concern I told him that in most cases  trans people are frequently monitored by doctors   :10.480 --> :15.720 with blood work to make sure that they are healthy  my dad questioned my source and I told him trans   :15.720 --> :20.680 activists shared their stories and experiences  from others told them how Republicans are way   :20.680 --> :26.160 too obsessed with trans people and that they are  a small percentage of the human population and we   :26.160 --> :30.960 should be worried about other issues then my dad  says that trans people are messed up in the head   :30.960 --> :36.720 and that doctors are mutilating them when there is  nothing wrong with their bodies and that's messed   :36.720 --> :42.040 up and that they need mental fixing he kept on  yelling at me and telling me I'm screwed up for   :42.040 --> :47.720 supporting these people and abortion made multiple  threats of kicking me out meanwhile I was trying   :47.720 --> :53.600 to stay as calm and reasonable as possible but he  said that I failed to go by the Christian morals I   :53.600 --> :58.800 was raised with it's also worth pointing out that  he was especially abusive when I came out trans   :58.800 --> :03.240 but I'm currently back in the closet and then he  wonders why I don't want to spend time with him   :03.240 --> :08.040 he tried planning for us to go to an aquarium or  a Battleship museum but I made it clear that it   :08.040 --> :13.520 would be cool to go to those places but I'd rather  go with friends who live around the area he got so   :13.520 --> :19.880 ticked off despite all of this he claims to be a  fan of Star Trek and the X-Men all I can say is   :19.880 --> :26.200 this Dad very obviously feels very fundamentally  different about a lot of things unfortunately   :26.200 --> :31.080 when you're in a situation with someone like this  there's no middle ground s really is there and a   :31.080 --> :35.200 lot of times there's a situation where there  will be a parent that's adverse to somebody   :35.200 --> :41.640 being gay or trans and their kid comes out and it  ends up reshaping their entire view of the whole   :41.640 --> :47.000 thing well obviously it didn't do anything here I  feel like there's just at some point an inevitable   :47.000 --> :52.360 distance between op and their dad that's going  to have to happen our next story is my dad was   :52.360 --> :56.720 wrong doctor recommended and got him this eczema  spray that looks similar to bottles that you would   :56.720 --> :01.160 spray on your mouth I'm guessing he didn't know  it was for e because the name of the product is   :01.160 --> :07.320 weird and it's a supplement he isn't familiar with  anyway his package didn't have instructions or he   :07.320 --> :12.400 lost it because he's a grumpy old fart but he was  wondering what to do with this I told him it was   :12.400 --> :17.760 a moisturizer for your skin and he completely  brushed me aside and did the whole grumpy old   :17.760 --> :24.240 fart thing are you really that dumb op why would  it go on the skin and acted like I was stupid for   :24.240 --> :29.880 even suggesting it and man did it feel good to  hand him the packaging information that went in   :29.880 --> :35.920 detail how to put it on your face neck legs hands  neck and other areas of the skin how to put it   :35.920 --> :41.720 on your face legs hands neck and other areas of  skin and then he laughs it off like he didn't say   :41.720 --> :47.160 anything hurtful now this is the kind of person  that you're happier having some distance from   :47.160 --> :53.000 this is just like soul sucking Behavior there's  no winning there's no compromising there's no all   :53.000 --> :58.080 right you know what you were right you can't even  give you that he just stresses you out and then   :58.080 --> :02.760 the moment you prove him wrong he just laughs it  off and keeps on rolling on to the next thing he   :02.760 --> :08.320 can find to stress people out over our next story  is financially entitled I don't even know where   :08.320 --> :16.040 to begin I 32-year-old female unfortunately am a  people pleaser and have severe anxiety around it   :16.040 --> :20.360 my dad and his wife have been helpful in some  senses helped with things for my three kiddos   :20.360 --> :25.720 and average grandparents stuff however it's very  much give an inch they take a mile this is going   :25.720 --> :32.000 to be so long I'm sorry over the last 10 years  they've racked up $6,000 in devices on a phone   :32.000 --> :36.880 bill of mine and then just stopped paying forcing  me to transfer guilted me into letting them come   :36.880 --> :41.760 to the new phone plan and then guilted me into  letting them use my finance amount and I ended   :41.760 --> :48.600 up with a crappy phone that broke in 2 months gave  me a truck but really I was to make the payments   :48.600 --> :54.360 which was fine because it was mine I made them and  then it broke down I was told to get the part dad   :54.360 --> :01.280 would fix it it was a $600 a month lawn ornament  for 6 months opened a cable bill in my name and   :01.280 --> :06.800 they swore to pay it did not and did not return  the equipment bought a mobile home to gift to   :06.800 --> :12.400 my brother but he backed out I was guilted into  taking it and had to pay them back for it which   :12.400 --> :18.120 I did but kind of messed up it was free when it  was my brother never asked for help just say we   :18.120 --> :23.760 need you to do this be here this day in time  had plans once they said just cancel our car   :23.760 --> :29.640 broke down they helped us get around I paid gas  as I should but also got roped into paying their   :29.640 --> :36.080 inspection cost parts for their other car tires  and cartons of cigarettes after the car broke   :36.080 --> :40.920 down my partner got hurt at work and has been off  since December he doesn't go back for another few   :40.920 --> :46.480 weeks our tax return caught us up but not all the  way our car broke down again the other day and we   :46.480 --> :50.920 had just enough to buy the part and fix it did  this in their garage and offered to order food   :50.920 --> :57.560 for everyone they ordered and added Wings salad  dessert and so much more way over what we could   :57.560 --> :02.120 afford well my partner stopped at the store the  following morning and played a ticket and won   :02.120 --> :08.200 $2,000 it was enough to pay up the rest of the  things we were behind on so I just did that and   :08.200 --> :14.000 shared the excitement of paying these things up  due to the luck with my dad he asked me for $700   :14.000 --> :18.440 and I said I don't have that I paid everything  and we don't get the settlement partner getting   :18.440 --> :24.240 from work in D for a couple months well this is  the first time I've said no and I got a multiple   :24.240 --> :28.880 texts from his wife about how I flaunted my  money how it's crappy I didn't give it to   :28.880 --> :35.040 them how I'm acting is disgusting but all I did  was put my family first as I should must note   :35.040 --> :40.400 they're terrible with money have three incomes in  the house and are always behind on everything no   :40.400 --> :45.800 mortgage just bills She also asked me recently  if their water could go in my name because they   :45.800 --> :51.400 didn't pay it for 2 years if they electric could  go into my partner's name and if they could claim   :51.400 --> :58.720 one of the kids on their taxes I said no to those  my question is why do they do this how do I hold   :58.720 --> :05.920 these boundar firm honestly I'd say why do they  do this because op's kind of allowing them to   :05.920 --> :11.720 every time op gives in and lets them do whatever  is just another moment that they're strengthening   :11.720 --> :18.520 that mindset and those actions in their minds  Striker said they are manipulative and selfish and   :18.520 --> :23.680 you're letting them get away with it based on your  story it's been going on for way too long could   :23.680 --> :28.800 try going no contact for a month and see what  happens whatever you do do it for yourself and   :28.800 --> :33.920 your mental Health but strong boundaries are the  first step not going to hurt financially either   :33.920 --> :38.440 Opie responded saying they've already stopped  speaking to me because I didn't give what they   :38.440 --> :45.440 wanted LOL who knows how long it'll be odd setting  5077 said they'll be back when your partner gets   :45.440 --> :51.120 the settlement money don't tell them that it's  arrived quickly take care of your own expenses   :51.120 --> :56.760 Opie replied I definitely won't be sharing when  it arrives we're going to keep all of our stuff   :56.760 --> :02.240 exciting or not sacredly private we have a lot of  goals we're working towards and I can't let them   :02.240 --> :08.360 continue to make me put things on hold this next  story is is it okay to wish bad things to happen   :08.360 --> :13.800 to abusive parents I'm 18-year-old female and  I want to ask if it's okay to wish bad things   :13.800 --> :18.720 on abusive parents I've been going through a lot  in the past few days and my head can't handle it   :18.720 --> :23.560 anymore I want to end myself because of them  most of my Suicidal Thoughts are because of   :23.560 --> :28.600 them if they weren't a part of my life or if I  had better parents then I don't even think I'd   :28.600 --> :33.840 be going through severe mental health issues I  honestly wish the worst upon them I'm currently   :33.840 --> :38.720 going through University admission process here  in India and the admissions are through entrance   :38.720 --> :45.600 exams for each University my major will probably  be designing I gave three competitive exams so far   :45.600 --> :50.680 one of the results came and I was not qualified  there are two more results which are yet to come   :50.680 --> :55.600 this month and I'm still unsure because they're  competitive exams with an admission rate of only   :55.600 --> :02.040 2% to 10% or something they're not allowing me to  apply to any safety schools because according to   :02.040 --> :07.280 them if I don't get a top college entrance exam  then I'm a failure they told me it's embarrassing   :07.280 --> :12.520 for their reputation in the society if I don't  get into the best university they said that to   :12.520 --> :18.320 me today these exams are for art and designing  which I love and am passionate about they say   :18.320 --> :23.360 if I don't get in then they will force me to  do engineering which I hate I struggled with   :23.360 --> :29.120 math and science a lot during high school and even  used to fail sometimes so it's something I never   :29.120 --> :34.600 considered if not that they'll send me to work  as a servant by cleaning cooking and sweeping at   :34.600 --> :40.040 others houses they said they'll send me to become  a maid and on top of that I'll also have to sit at   :40.040 --> :44.840 home and do the household chores for my entire  life and they won't even let me step outside   :44.840 --> :50.960 or talk to my friends these were their exact  words I'm crying and shivering right now and I   :50.960 --> :55.800 don't know what to do they even made me starve  for 2 days straight because the result of the   :55.800 --> :01.480 exam was bad and I failed I did not get qualified  find they didn't give me any food and threatening   :01.480 --> :06.920 to beat me up also I don't have my own money and  can barely afford anything I just bought a packet   :06.920 --> :12.680 of chips from the grocery store near me yesterday  and today I cut pineapples for myself that's all   :12.680 --> :18.080 I ate even if they're struggling I won't be there  for them to even pay their major hospital bills or   :18.080 --> :23.480 anything I won't even be there for their funeral  or even when they're on their deathbed I will be   :23.480 --> :29.080 busy with my life I am never forgiving them and I  can't be there for someone who has been torturing   :29.080 --> :34.680 me and completely ruined My Teenage life I'm 18  and there's only one year left which they will   :34.680 --> :41.440 ruin too honestly it's probably a learned thing  through just a generational thing op's parents   :41.440 --> :48.120 probably grew up in a same kind of Lifestyle back  at home themselves and they think culturally this   :48.120 --> :53.240 is the way forward needless to say I can't blame  op for their mindset how they feel about their   :53.240 --> :57.760 parents considering all that they've experienced  and I hope for them to be able to get on their   :57.760 --> :04.080 own two feet and exper erence life individually as  they should this next story is my mom will often   :04.080 --> :10.480 call me fat and I think it's getting out of hand  let's start by saying I'm a little fat I weigh two   :10.480 --> :15.280 I don't remember the last time I saw my weight it  was when I went to the doctor to check my health   :15.280 --> :21.280 and I'm 5'1 I'm a girl the boys in almost all of  my classes call me Michael Jordan but I'm used to   :21.280 --> :26.080 it I think I probably gained some weight because  my mom is telling me almost the whole time I'm   :26.080 --> :31.760 from a family that is heavy we are not like skinny  or fit so we can gain weight very fast the only   :31.760 --> :36.280 meal I have in the day is when I come back from  school sometimes I eat something in school but I   :36.280 --> :42.120 sto that cuz I didn't want to have double meals my  mom is skinny and fit and if the tiniest belly fat   :42.120 --> :48.000 appears on her abdomen she calls herself fat like  I said I'm not skinny or fit so I have belly fat   :48.000 --> :53.880 and I have my period so when my period is coming  like a normal woman my stomach swells because the   :53.880 --> :59.040 ovaries are inflamed and then she calls me fat  sometimes I think when my mom was younger she   :59.040 --> :04.040 used to have problems with her body and she's  reflecting that in me she's too late I've had   :04.040 --> :09.200 problems with my body since fourth or fifth grade  but well that's not a big deal anymore cuz I'm   :09.200 --> :14.880 used to it I love my mom to death but sometimes  she doesn't have control of what she says this is   :14.880 --> :20.960 like the textbook way to try to make sure that  your kids have some kind of image eating body   :20.960 --> :25.680 whatever disorder although considering op added  that tidbit about their mom calling themselves   :25.680 --> :30.640 fat if there's like the tiniest symptom of it  I almost wonder if it's them trying to project   :30.640 --> :38.000 and make themselves feel better our next story is  my stepmother hates me so I 18-year-old male have   :38.000 --> :43.480 a stepmom that hates my guts my stepmom can't  remember her age at the moment we'll call her   :43.480 --> :49.840 C so when I first met C I was 12 years old I  think and I talked in a higher pitched voice   :49.840 --> :54.400 because the only voice I ever really heard was my  mother's voice and she would baby talk me all the   :54.400 --> :59.600 time so I grew up talking in that voice not being  able to control it whenever ever I would talk to   :59.600 --> :06.840 C she would not answer me or talk back until  I talked like a normal person yeah I get it I   :06.840 --> :13.080 was probably annoying a little while later I met  her kids they were four and seven at the time if   :13.080 --> :18.800 I remember correctly and they were lovely now I  don't like kids but I really liked being around   :18.800 --> :24.080 them I treated them as my own blood siblings  a few years later I was diagnosed with severe   :24.080 --> :29.200 depression after my dad and stepmom found out  about me harming myself when they found out they   :29.200 --> :33.960 got ticked off at me and started taking my phone  away from me and they started making me do more   :33.960 --> :39.840 chores now I should probably mention that when I  hear certain sounds I get really overwhelmed or   :39.840 --> :45.360 have really Deep Emotions depending on what the  sound is you know when people can't stand Nails   :45.360 --> :51.280 on a chalkboard well that's what it's like for  me but with forks scratching on plates I feel   :51.280 --> :57.240 a strong feeling of anger whenever I hear it and  yes I'm trying to get better at not getting angry   :57.240 --> :02.240 my mother had anger issues and I guess I just  got them from her one of my step sisters sat   :02.240 --> :07.440 right in between me and her mom at dinner she  would constantly scratch her fork on her plate   :07.440 --> :13.440 and I couldn't stand it it was like a pet peeve  I asked her to stop so many times but she just   :13.440 --> :18.360 wouldn't even my father would tell her to stop  but every time we asked my stepmom would just get   :18.360 --> :24.840 all upset and say don't tell her what to do she's  not your child she can do whatever she wants or I   :24.840 --> :30.920 don't hear crap get over it you're being freaking  dramatic and and I was asking nicely too at one   :30.920 --> :37.240 point I said stop or I will smack the fork out of  your hand because I got so ticked off because she   :37.240 --> :42.600 never stopped even after I asked she would look  straight at me and scratch her fork on her plate   :42.600 --> :49.080 and say what's the problem it doesn't hurt anybody  my stepmom got ticked off and pulled me aside and   :49.080 --> :54.200 told me I needed help I went to school the next  week and I was really overwhelmed because I had   :54.200 --> :59.320 a lot of work to get done I had a panic attack  to the point where I got severely paranoid and   :59.320 --> :04.920 started having auditory hallucinations I went to  my counselor and asked if she could call my dad   :04.920 --> :09.880 because I felt like I needed to go to the mental  hospital for a little while my stepmom was getting   :09.880 --> :15.640 in my head and making me scared of myself she  had me think that I was actually a really violent   :15.640 --> :21.080 person my dad took me to the hospital and he told  me he was proud that I asked for help for once we   :21.080 --> :26.960 spent about 23 hours in the hospital before I  actually went to the mental hospital I stayed   :26.960 --> :32.040 in the mental hospital for a few weeks weeks  sometimes my dad would call me on this one day   :32.040 --> :38.560 when he called me he told me that if and only if  I don't get better then me and him would have to   :38.560 --> :45.080 move I got better got out of the mental hospital  and he drove me to a hotel because C kicked us out   :45.080 --> :51.920 of our own house that my father paid to be built  he paid for almost everything inside of it as well   :51.920 --> :57.280 I stayed in the hotel for a few weeks getting  very little sleep my dad sat down and talked to   :57.280 --> :06.040 me and told me all the things C said about me to  him behind my back saying things like oh well she   :06.040 --> :11.680 because I'm trans and she can't accept it hurts  herself why wouldn't she hurt other people she   :11.680 --> :18.160 also told other people that I was a really violent  person she even locked me out of my own house once   :18.160 --> :24.200 while I was on my period because in her words to  my mom I don't want your kid to ruin my plans with   :24.200 --> :30.120 my friends she wasn't even at the house so maybe  I'm a jerk for this part but one day while me and   :30.120 --> :35.160 my dad were still at the hotel we went out with  one of my friends and c and her kids were there   :35.160 --> :41.440 too it was an Alice and Wonderland scavenger hunt  thing my dad told C ahead of time that I probably   :41.440 --> :47.000 wasn't going to talk to her once we got there I  didn't talk to her the whole time we were together   :47.000 --> :52.880 because she said things about me that weren't true  so why would I talk to her well about a year ago   :52.880 --> :57.920 my father and C broke up my dad came into my room  one day and asked me if I cared at all that they   :57.920 --> :03.840 broke up and if I missed her I didn't say anything  at first because I didn't want to be rude he told   :03.840 --> :09.360 me I could tell him the truth so I told him that I  didn't miss her and that I had a bad feeling about   :09.360 --> :14.560 her from the start but I never told my dad about  it because I knew being with her made him happy   :14.560 --> :20.360 he seemed happier with her than he ever was when  it was just me and him I'm not going to fault op   :20.360 --> :25.320 any bit for not speaking up but just because he  seems happy and like seems like he's got a good   :25.320 --> :29.920 thing going on doesn't mean that you should ignore  the abuse that she sending your way to the point   :29.920 --> :37.040 where you're having panic attacks you're ending up  in Mental Hospitals no fee 4250 said I know this   :37.040 --> :43.400 isn't what you're looking for relationship-wise  but misophonia is real certain sounds triggering   :43.400 --> :49.520 a fight ORF flight response it's a terrible thing  to live with but there are strategies you can use   :49.520 --> :54.840 look up some misophonia support Pages just don't  fall into the void of everything triggers me and   :54.840 --> :01.000 I can't cope there are a lot of us there's even  a very good document quiet please that many of   :01.000 --> :06.880 us find validating I think it's on Prime but I'm  not certain I also have a trans child your dad's   :06.880 --> :12.800 doing a good job it sounds like he's supportive  let him know you appreciate him it's not easy your   :12.800 --> :19.000 ex-stepmother is frankly a non-c concern for you  she didn't treat you with respect so she doesn't   :19.000 --> :25.520 deserve the respect of you caring about her but  again your dad has shown you respect he chose you   :25.520 --> :30.760 give him a little space to process his feelings  give him a little extra kindness I wish you well   :30.760 --> :38.800 op this next story is entitled mother tells my  mom to handle her kids my 17-year-old female mom   :38.800 --> :44.200 41-year-old female took me out to get makeup the  other day for a friend whose birthday is coming   :44.200 --> :49.840 up we entered the store and all was going really  well I was checking out concealers while my mom   :49.840 --> :55.200 was on the other side of the shop looking through  various shades of lipsticks enter entitled mother   :55.200 --> :02.640 late 20s female with her devil spawn I say devil  spawn because her kids were misbehaving wildly and   :02.640 --> :08.480 she didn't even bother once to tell them to stop  or something not even a minor rebuke I say devil   :08.480 --> :13.400 spawn because that about sums these two kids up  they were running wild around the shop throwing   :13.400 --> :18.560 testers around and being a general nuisance mom  stepped in when the kids started poking their   :18.560 --> :25.720 slimy little fingers into the lipstick testers  I get it they're just testers but ew people are   :25.720 --> :31.240 likely going to use those to decide whether they  like to or not and God knows where those fingers   :31.240 --> :36.640 have been like one of them was legitimately  picking his nose minutes ago my mom having   :36.640 --> :41.160 four kids of her own looked around to find their  parent entitled mother was the only one in the   :41.160 --> :48.280 shop besides us my mom called out to her and this  is how the conversation went mom said excuse me   :48.280 --> :54.280 are these kids yours I know very obvious but my  mom is a very polite person so it's not odd to   :54.280 --> :59.680 me entitled mother said yeah Mom says can you  please pleas tell them to stop touching the   :59.680 --> :07.600 testers they're not toys she says if it's such  a problem why don't you handle them oh boy my   :07.600 --> :13.480 mom left the shop for a few minutes and signaled  me to not follow her she came back with two buff   :13.480 --> :19.040 security guards in toe the kids were still poking  their fingers in the testers the guards walked up   :19.040 --> :27.560 to the kids and in the deepest baritone ever one  asked excuse me what are you doing the kids looked   :27.560 --> :33.640 terrified and cue the Waterworks entitled mother  immediately stormed over and began reprimanding   :33.640 --> :41.360 the guards for scaring her poor Wile Angels she  then saw my mom nearby and said you did this at   :41.360 --> :47.560 this point she was practically hissing like a  cat how dare you teach me how to parent Mom in   :47.560 --> :53.840 an eerie monotone said you told me to handle  them hence I handled them she screamed more   :53.840 --> :59.080 obscenities at my mom the guards anything around  really but the guards wen't weren't having it and   :59.080 --> :06.280 told her to leave she created quite a scene but  think everything that is Holy she left my mom   :06.280 --> :11.880 had quite the story to tell at dinner a rather  comedic encounter with an entitled parent I mean   :11.880 --> :16.440 I get it kids are going to be kids if I was  some dumb kid and I was brought to a makeup   :16.440 --> :21.960 store with no concept of why I was there or you  know being raised without any sense of manners   :21.960 --> :27.400 I'd probably go around shoving my fingers in  the lipstick testers too it just all starts   :27.400 --> :33.120 and stops solely with the entitled parent our  next story is my partner's entitled mother is   :33.120 --> :37.800 spiraling and visiting this weekend for Mother's  Day I'm still not over what happened last time   :37.800 --> :43.200 and I'm not sure my significant other is either  any advice or tips entitled mother visited with   :43.200 --> :48.760 my significant others Little Brother 15 for a  weekend a few months ago we went but entitled   :48.760 --> :53.720 mother can be stubborn and stressy so when we  told her that that lunch place was in the city   :53.720 --> :58.960 of which I live in a town outside of it had  to be OV exaggerated and stressful about her   :58.960 --> :04.160 driving into the city to this nice place that was  in our budget she has Notions that my significant   :04.160 --> :10.640 other has to buy her a coffee everywhere we go  at least it got so bad that significant others   :10.640 --> :16.280 brother exited the car while it was moving in a  multi-story car park I go out with him and had   :16.280 --> :22.240 to console him while walking to the place we got  there and he refused to talk to entitled mother   :22.240 --> :27.000 I ordered him a Coke an entitled mother took  it upon herself to sit away from us while me   :27.000 --> :32.440 and significant other tried to smooth things over  with her other son safe to say things since then   :32.440 --> :37.600 haven't gotten easier entitled mother's son has  moved out to live with his dad says he can't take   :37.600 --> :42.960 it anymore entitled mother was recently divorced  for similar reasons but there are of course two   :42.960 --> :48.840 sides to each story before entitled mother would  contact my significant other asking him to act   :48.840 --> :54.640 like a surrogate parent she refuses to speak to  their dad and myo lives with me hours away from   :54.640 --> :00.880 Botho and little brother now she uses ESO was a  go between to pester little brother to speak to   :00.880 --> :07.200 entitled mother he refuses to we're supposed to  be going on holiday with my family so entitled   :07.200 --> :12.920 mother and little brother in a few months yet  no one is speaking we already had issues before   :12.920 --> :18.160 with entitled mother wanting a discounted Holiday  by that I mean she wants me an so to foot half of   :18.160 --> :23.760 the bill without having any say in where we would  like to go or have our own schedules on our own   :23.760 --> :30.600 holidays she dictated our holidays to Cornwall  twice I was stupid and had recently Meto who was   :30.600 --> :37.800 my boyfriend back then so I didn't say crapo has  a rare sleep condition no I'm not exaggerating   :37.800 --> :43.840 triggered by stress so after the second time  ending in myo being in an episode we decided not   :43.840 --> :49.200 to go away with only her and little brother little  brother's birthday which fell on one of these past   :49.200 --> :55.680 holidays was domineered by entitled mother her  idea of a vacation is going to the beach every   :55.680 --> :02.160 day with everyone no not going in the see just  sunbathing for hours and if you dare decide to   :02.160 --> :07.840 stay back she will complain and argue oh and God  forbid you want to go and do something other than   :07.840 --> :13.280 that it took 5 hours of my significant other  arguing and trying to convince her to let us go   :13.280 --> :19.240 kayaking on the last day of the holiday because  going to the beach every day is non-negotiable   :19.240 --> :24.880 keep in mind me and significant other are both  adults she seemed to create arguments between   :24.880 --> :30.840 me Ando as she took my spending money for the both  of us us and used it as her own personal bank for   :30.840 --> :37.080 birthday cards family in Cornwall and significant  other led her she tried booking Greece with us in   :37.080 --> :42.600 a few months and after uncovering the fact she  only wanted us to come to essentially Finance   :42.600 --> :48.720 half of the trip with no say basically the past  two times me and significant other put our feet   :48.720 --> :54.800 down and said we would rather Finance our own  trip on our own terms that was the case until   :54.800 --> :00.200 my own family stepped in and made it an integrated  holiday with entitled mother because of entitled   :00.200 --> :05.480 mother's situation with not having little brother  slash complaining about paying child support they   :05.480 --> :11.800 are only expecting the cost of her flight and half  of little brother's flight as a contribution four   :11.800 --> :17.040 after my family decided to invite entitled mother  with little brother I have warned them of all of   :17.040 --> :22.480 these issues but they insist time will heal all  they are both Boomers and the only reason we can   :22.480 --> :28.280 afford a foreign holiday very grateful for by the  way five she's coming in a few days from mother   :28.280 --> :34.120 day for a meal with me significant other and my  mother significant other was Dumb and forgot to   :34.120 --> :39.160 book an Italian restaurant so I spent my morning  trying to find a place that could take us that   :39.160 --> :45.400 was nice and fit with the Mother's Day theme  wasn't pricey and ideally had offers on I found   :45.400 --> :51.120 and booked a reservation told significant other  who then told entitled mother entitled mother   :51.120 --> :55.760 immediately objected to the place I picked like  the last time when we were with little brother   :55.760 --> :01.040 I said to significant other that I wouldn't be  canceling the reservation Over My Dead Body her   :01.040 --> :06.560 suggestion was a pricey restaurant in the middle  of the city that is rammed only has a reservation   :06.560 --> :12.880 for 12 it wouldn't be justifiably affordable for  me significant other my mom and even entitled   :12.880 --> :19.320 mother herself entitled mother probably expected  significant other and me to pay for her meal again   :19.320 --> :25.200 this is like a textbook study of a case where  boundaries need to be set and enforced if there   :25.200 --> :30.640 was ever a person to just show that you have a  spy to it would be somebody like this hopefully   :30.640 --> :36.080 pretty soon but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to   :36.080 --> :41.800 hear another crazy entitled parent story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :41.800 --> :47.720 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsMYCRAZYMOTHERISSPIRALLINGRedditStoriesen
a conclusion to The Saga of a girl and her half siblings first post I don't want anything to do with my half siblings I tried posting this on confession but it got removed I really need to just have somebody hear me say this even if I'm wrong about it so I'm 18f and in my final year of high school and although I love my dad a lot he is a Serial cheater I absolutely hate that part of him I know that my mother LS it too since they've gotten into some pretty bad arguments about it but in the end they always forgive each other other and move on so over the course of my entire life my dad has spawned four half siblings with another on the way from a girl who is only 6 years older than me the oldest Eliza is 15f and the youngest is 2 m I seriously hate that he does this so much I have told him over and over again that I wish he could just be faithful to our family but he never is because my best memories are of him my mom and me all just being together and the worst part is that whenever I do yell or get mad at him about it he seems happy about it and tells me he's proud that I'm willing to stand up for myself and that he knows I'll never let anybody push me around he makes me feel happy for being angry I never minded that he'd spend time with his other kids or pay for their School parent support or anything like that until now Eliza transferred to my school in September but really only started a little bit ago because she was in the hospital even though it's an all girls Academy it's not the biggest school and people talk some of my friends asked if she looks like you she has the same last name and and your dad went with her to the principal's office is that your cousin I've said no but I'm certain she's had the same questions from her friends she came up to me twice already asking if we could hang out and get to know each other because she wants to have a big sister I've shut her down twice and according to my dad she cried the second time he told me I don't have to do anything with her but to be polite and if she reveals we siblings I can't deny her who she is and I should get to know her and the others I try to be polite but I just don't want anything to do with her or any of my other half siblings and I don't want people to know we sisters it's not their fault for being born but I shouldn't be expected to do anything with them just because my dad can't stop cheating they're his responsibility not mine a first post comments the commenter Tells op how her sister is probably a sad person op responds I know that she may not be happy with my dad in this regard as well but that's up to her if she wants to argue about it with him like I've tried I didn't grow up with her I barely know her and I don't want to get to know her she's really just my sister by blood to put it bluntly if I were to ever need a kidney I wouldn't ask her the commenter Tells op to bring up her sister in therapy op responds I probably will if my mom doesn't go with us next time she absolutely hates hearing about his other kids update so I didn't even know my Dad could do this I'm so pissed about it but I also feel really terrible so yesterday was family counseling night and I ATF enjoy going because it helps get all the secrets out and it makes me feel happy and like my family is normal but my mom 39f didn't go because my cousin gave birth and she wanted to be there to see her so it was just me and my dad 44m going which is fine we've been there alone a lot of times before but waiting in the counselor's office already was my half sister Eliza 15f and I don't know why it just made me upset seeing her there I didn't participate in the counseling session but it made me really sad and mad at the same time the counil figured out what was going on but my dad didn't and I couldn't even talk properly it felt like Eliza was trying to make me look like a villain for not letting people know she was my sister which I never said she couldn't tell just that I didn't want her to and not wanting to hang out with her which I don't when we went back home my dad asked me what was wrong and what was so quiet and I just yelled at him that he shouldn't have brought her without asking and I felt like he broke my trust he didn't say anything but I could tell I hurt him I just went to bed after crying he came into my room later to talk but I pretended to sleep and he kissed me on the forehead and left I know I made him feel really bad and I haven't seen him all day he's over visiting my baby half brother my mom told me that I shouldn't have used the words I did since I'm 18 now and I just feel like a major Ry hole about it all edit since somebody suggested I add this my dad is a Serial cheater and has four kids soon to be five out of his marriage to my mom but I still love him a lot because he's a very good dad so second post comments the commenter Tells op that her father is wrong but not to be angry at her sister op responds I go to an exclusive all girls Academy and my half-sister transferred there at the start of this semester she only started recently because she was in the hospital before if she hadn't approached me I don't think he would have tried this but I haven't gotten angry at her I've always been polite the commenter tries to bully op regarding how she treats her sister op responds I don't treat her like trash for being born or related to me I don't get mad or anything I try to stay calm and polite and I never take anything out on her but I can't handle her reaction and I don't forgive my dad for cheating on my mom and neither does she just because we can move forward doesn't mean it doesn't hurt the commenter asks op if she has a relationship with her siblings op responds I've met all of my half siblings and I don't really have a relationship with any of them like what's going to happen if we do they can't come to my house house my mom has straight up said that the only way they'd ever be allowed is if everybody else who could take them and died and I'm never going to their house it burns me to even see their mothers Eliza's mother was a pregnancy coach at the classes my mom went to my baby half brother's mom was a t at my school but maybe I'm wrong and this thread has pointed out to me that I have a lot of thinking to do about things the commenter Tells op how much her sister is being hurt op responds I know it's hard for her and that I have a lot of thinking to to do and in the future things might be different my dad has recommended counseling for the two of us and maybe I'll take him up on it if my schedule works but even if I badly wanted to right now how could I we're in different grades and have different friends my after school activities are geared toward my grade am I going to go over to her house and see the woman that my dad started sleeping with while my mom was pregnant with me hell no and I'm not going to hurt my mom by bringing her to my house the commenter Tells op that her mom probably isn't happy op responds when I was younger it used to be a lot worse I still have nightmares about the way they would yell at each other over it but it seems good now to me at least they go on date nights have anniversary celebrations and we have movie nights together and watch shows every night together they still argue about it but now they wait for our counseling to actually talk about it and that's helped a lot a commenter asks op if her dad is good to all his kids op responds I know he loves all his kids kids I haven't seen him all day today because he's in the hospital because my baby half brother has a bad infection he visited Eliza in the hospital every day when she was there but I don't know if he qualifies as a good dad to them but I always felt like he did to me the commenter asks op why she wouldn't talk in therapy about this op responds it usually is and that's why I look forward to these sessions and had he told me that she would be there I could have braced myself for it I wouldn't have said no since it clearly means so much to my dad the commenter asked op about her mom op responds my mom didn't even want to have me but she doesn't believe in abortion but does in contraceptives so it happened but they aren't polyamorous my mom has never slept with anybody else and if she could get my dad's cheating to stop then she would the women that my dad is with have all known that he's married update so just to give everybody an update my dad didn't come home all day on Saturday because my baby half brother 2 years old was in the hospital apparently things are really bad with him and the day after he came back from the hospital we had a big talk about what happened I want to thank everyone who pointed out that I was right to be upset but I had things to think about regarding Eliza because she was hurting too first dad apologized for not telling me that he was bringing Eliza into the counseling session and that he wouldn't ever do anything like that again I apologized for swearing while yelling and he forgave me when he asked me if I thought Eliza was hurting too I told told him I did and he suggested we have our own counseling I told him that I'd think about it the second thing that he told me is that there's a chance that my baby half brother might die and that news put the things I said in perspective for him he told me he'd already talked about it with my mom and his mistress but was asking me for permission because he hurt me the most and never should have he wanted to know if I'd be okay with him going to impatient rehab for SX addiction which I didn't know was a thing I said yes because I hope it'll help him even though I know that I'm going to miss him a lot like some of you suggested I agreed to counseling with Eliza on Wednesdays we had only one session now and even though we aren't friends or anything I think she gets why I feel the way I do and apologizes to me because she didn't know how hurt I was because of my dad after she confessed that being hospitalized made her feel normal sidad visited her every day I felt bad and apologized for not caring about her she still feels upset about me not wanting to let her tell people we sisters but she told me she's fine since we're doing counseling and and we might one day get close I don't know if we will but at least we won't hate each other I also took Eliza with me to visit our baby half brother in the hospital and it surprised his mom that we could be there I'm still not forgiving her though he's a really cute kid and I regret not seeing him much before it's hard to say but I originally made this Reddit account to rant about my half siblings but you guys really helped make a difference in the way I was approaching this and what I'll use this account for later on update if you're wondering if this is related to the update post I posted on another subit an hour ago it is but that was written on Friday and it took until today to approve so things have changed since it was written and it has taken a turn I 18f have never been close with any of my half siblings I have four soon to be five my dad is a Serial cheater and I'll admit that I wanted nothing to do with them all but the events of the last two weeks kind of made me change my mind on it I'm not friends with any of them but I just started counseling with my younger half sister Eliza 15 are youngest half brother ilot 2m got an infection and he's been in the hospital for a little over a week now I visited him once with Eliza on Wednesday which surprised his mother 24f since she knows I don't like her today my dad gave me the news that he's gotten a lot worse I don't know who to talk to about this I don't feel like I can talk to my mom my dad seems emotionally exhausted and there are only problems on the internet here so I guess I feel like I can vent I mean I want him to get better but I've never thought of him as family and didn't even think I loved him I still don't actually but I'm feeling scared and anxious I don't know if I should talk to my dad or if I should go to the hospital again or anything or even talk to his mother tldr my baby half brother whom I've never been close to might die soon and I don't know what I'm supposed to do now and it's making me feel really strange update I don't know if this is the right sub to post about this but I don't know what the f to do my baby brother died just hours before midnight so he didn't even see Christmas I can't talk to my dad because he won't stop crying and my mom doesn't care the only other person who even knew him was my half sister who left after he stopped breathing and hasn't responded like f i don't get it I didn't even think I liked or loved him I thought I hated all my half siblings and I hated his mom for trying to take my dad it's like I missed out on the little time he had because I was so effing spoiled and selfish I got him a Teddy for Christmas and he'll never get to play with it I wish I could have seen him happy because because I was wrong and he did matter now when I go to my aunt's house tomorrow I'm going to have to pretend like nothing effing happened for Mom but I can't stop crying now effit I'll leave in all my typos this time he was so cute and he deserved a better sister than me as all of them do I miss you Ilia I wish I could hold you again fifth post comments op comments I don't know why I effing posted this here either it's like people without faces are the only ones who listen sometimes the commenter Tells P She is listening and had similar trauma op responds thanks I see all these comments and I want to say something but I just don't know what the f to say or type like my mom's driving me right now and talking to me like f ain't happened and I'm just nodding along like my counselor is on vacation too like there's nobody to effing talk to but thanks for offering to listen and I'm sorry about your child too I hope you get better update so my baby half brother Ilia died 3 days ago just before Christmas I don't want to be posting this but nobody else is listening Ila's mom was a teaching assistant at my school so that's how she knows that I'm able to give good speeches I won the award in grade n for best speech well yesterday I went with my dad to meet her because I've just felt like such sht since he died and I know she's feeling worse than anyone my dad said he would handle all the funeral costs and Arrangements he brought up that it was his family tradition for fathers oldest brothers and nephews if any to speak at funerals since my other half brother is still too little my dad suggested me because I'm the oldest and Ila's mom seemed cheered up I said yes then but the entire night I've been scared about it I don't know what to talk about or what to write about I know it means a lot to my dad that I said yes and a lot to Ila's mom that I actually care for Ilia but I'm scared because I don't know but I am I tried writing this morning but kept feeling like crying I tried talking to my mom about it even though she hates hearing about my half siblings she told me that since I committed to it I had to do it and I had to uphold my father's family tradition as best I could my dad hasn't answered his phone but I know he'd be disappointed too I felt super shy and like a super Ry hole all morning for not wanting to do it anymore I'm sorry for rambling but am I the rcy hole for not wanting to do it anymore I'm feeling really confused edit I'm a girl but I'm the oldest which is why my dad suggested I do it to stick as close to the tradition as possible edit too I get it you've read my past posts it's not an excuse to send me effed up DMS sixth post comments the commenter asks op to write about her favorite memories of her brother op responds I barely knew him I only started making an effort after my dad told me he was sick I feel so effing horrible I was such a bad sister the commenter Tells op to talk to her father and brother's mother op responds I also don't feel like I can let them down they just lost so much I know I'm just just 18 years old but I can tell they are both sadder than they let on update so I wasn't planning on posting this because I got some nasty DMS because of my old posts but my therapist said it might be good to have closure on all fronts so here I am I admitted to my dad that I was scared to give a speech and I didn't feel like I deserved to because I barely knew Ilia he told me it was okay to just write something and he'd say it for me if I wanted I couldn't think of anything so I just wrote down a Buddhist prayer my mom taught me when her cousin died Ila's mom said the prayer was fine and I could say it in Chinese at the funeral I decided to say the prayer and my dad and my half sister Eliza stood by me in case I couldn't do it it helped that there weren't that many people because it was right after new years's I said the prayer in Chinese and then in English I was only there on stage for like 2 minutes and I kind of broke down right when I stopped I cried so much that the rest of the funeral was just a blur really I can't even remember the rest just going home and falling asleep and crying in my mom's lap my dad left for impatient rehab the day after the funeral it's been weird just being me and Mom at home without him especially because it's hard to talk to Mom about Ilia Eliza wants me to introduce her to our other half siblings Shan and Mato but I feel so awful especially because Ilia looked so much like Mato used to as a toddler I've just been so terrible to all of them I did agree to it though so I guess I'll suck it up and see if I can do it next week I did visit Ila's mom when she messaged me it was kind of awkward because I felt so bad for hating her for so long she gave me some of his ashes in a vial as a thank you for loving him it doesn't feel like I deserved it though I'm keeping it in my room but I heard they can get infused with jewelry so I'm going to ask my dad to do that once he's back so I can always have him with me it'll be the only jewelry that I'll actually like wearing I hope that's some closure for you guys too thanks to those of you who pointed out that I didn't need to do anything seventh post comments the commenter Tells op that she's a sweet person and is wise Beyond her years op responds thanks for the compliment but it really doesn't feel like that the commenter Tells op they don't know why people sent mean messages and advises her to focus on her own mental health op responds I don't know I think it might have been a troll on one of my posts who called me a bully who was harassing me or maybe people just like to be mean I just feel guilty you know I mean if I knew he was just a toddler if I'd known him more maybe I would have known that I did love him before I did and he would have two and it's probably how my other half siblings feel maybe not Eliza anymore about me too but I'm a spoiled princess while their dad's leftovers I know I should bring these feelings up in therapy and I will but venting online is nice too op's comments from best of redditor updates the commenter wishes op well in her future and says that she's never in a relationship with cheaters op responds don't worry I won't ever tolerate cheating when I'm dating I take kickboxing for a reason commenter remarks on op's mom telling her she is a result of failed contraceptives op responds yeah that wounded me up when she told me because my mom does love me more than anything but yeah it took a while for me to wrap my head around the fact that my mom does so much for me and loves me so much but never wanted me in the first place the commenter asks op if she will pursue a relationship with her half siblings op responds I guess Eliza and I already have some kind of relationship we're more like distant cousins and friends but maybe we will someday I'm not going to try and push her away anymore as for Matteo and Shen I don't know I guess it depends on their mothers Shan's always been so eager to see me and Mato used to be that way too but that wasn't the last time I saw him I won't act like I did before I was so sht to them the commenter asks op what her ethnicity is op responds I'm mixed my dad's white and my mom's Chinese update hi I don't know if this is the right place to ask I'm a Buddhist through my mom but not really religious I'll be honest I don't really understand much either and we only go to the temple once a month and I've skipped that a lot a little bit ago my baby brother died but I guess I've held on to this belief that he'll be back someday or even already even though I'll never know who he becomes but his mom wasn't a Buddhist and even though he was only two so a baby he wasn't either I guess I just have to ask will he be back someday or have I been thinking about all of this wrong is there anything I can read to help me understand this better anything in English or Chinese works for me update so I wasn't sure where to post this but I figure if anybody gives it sht they can find it here I guess the first thing is that I took Eliza to meet our other half siblings Shan and Mato I took her to see Shan first because she's smaller six turning seven and is always so happy when he gets to see me I don't know I hadn't seen her since August so I went and got her some toys that I think are good for her age as a present or sorry for not seeing you more well her mom let us and as soon as Shan saw me she gave me such a big hug and so many kisses I felt like crying again I always treated her like garbage just for existing and she never even cared and always just loved me for being her big sister I introduced Eliza and gave her the presents but she was more happy to finally meet her other sister her mom noticed I was about to cry so she took me aside so I could cry without her noticing I was mean to her before too and all she said was was to just come see Shan more if I ever Miss Ilia if that helps it was fun playing with Shan she wouldn't let go of me and kept making me carry her on my shoulders but it hurt realizing how much she'd grown since August and that I've missed so much of her life too I feel like I have a lot to make up for I have been visiting her once a week before my counseling with Eliza it's fun to see her and her mom makes really good Vietnamese food I took her to see Matteo a few days later and because he's a boy and older he's 12 and his mom's a total bee I knew it' be different and I was more nervous I didn't know what to get him but I know Dad got him a PS5 so I got him that Spider-Man game and the Spyro game I played that old one on the Wii with the Apes at a friend's house once and it was fun his mom let us in but it was like she didn't want us there which is fair I guess because I only ever visited before with my dad she did say sorry about our brother and just let us go to Matteo's room he was surprised to see me and gave me a nice hug but he was kind of cold to Eliza because he's shy he did give her a hug when she gave him the games though he made us play Call of Duty with him before we had to go he only gave me a hug when we left and it seemed like a real hug this time because he did say he loved me and missed me I wanted to cry again when I saw his baby and toddler pictures because he looked so much like Ilia they kind of look more like my dad than my uncle but they look so similar they could have been twins so I've seen him less than Shan really only when Dad goes and I'm with him because it feels weird with his mom just hovering around anyway my dad came back from being impatient just before Valentine's it's like he's a whole new person like the first thing he did was go to my mom and apologize so much to her for cheating on her and promise he would never do it again he started crying while doing it saying he knew he didn't deserve an apology and even begged her not to divorce him she told him to break up with his mistress and settle legal stuff over her pregnancy switch his work to remote fulltime agreed to go to China for a month with us and so many other conditions and he agreed to it all right away I don't know what happened to him there because he's never been like that before then he came to me and gave me the biggest hug that he's ever given me he wouldn't stop kissing me on the forehead and my cheeks telling me how much he missed me and how sorry he was for hurting me and he promised over and over again that he'd never do it again he sat us down and we had a family meeting and I don't want to get too into it but apparently a psychiatrist or doctor or whatever wherever he went diagnosed him with something called hypersal disorder not sure how it's different from SX addiction and he' be taking more therapy and medication to treat it he's also letting mom track his location at all times we also all went to dinner at a really fancy restaurant for Valentine's since then he and my mom have seemed so much happier than before I really really hope that he's changed because since then it feels like my home is finally what other people have when I asked my dad about getting what I have of Ila's ashes infused with some gems he agreed right away I don't know where but he found a place and got the small bit of Ashes Ila's mom gave me infused into four small rubies because that was his birthstone I put the gems on the altar that my mom had put in my room I'm not really religious and when I was little I used to find the Buddha statue a bit creepy but I've been praying at the altar now every day before I go to school and have been going with my mom to the temple and volunteering there with her too we used to just go once a month but she said she liked taking me every week so we're doing it more I don't know how much I believe or if I'm even considered a good Buddhist but doing all that is making me feel better about things I don't know how much more I'll use the account again unless I need to be about something but maybe you'll find me asking questions over on the Buddhism subit if I forget to ask them at the temple or goofing off on the teenagers subit I guess the last thing is that we've also started planning a family vacation in the summer to be with my aunt's family in caming as my graduation gift because one of my cousins is getting married my mom even promised to show me the places in Dolly where she stayed and lived before my grandparents kind of adopted her I haven't been to China in 8 years and I'm so excited to see my aunt and cousins and to finally see my uncle and grandparents again going to the Village too my aunt cousins nieces and nephews who live here are all going to be going too except the one who had a baby a little bit ago so it's going to be the first time in so long that my entire family is going to be together so I know it's going to be the best summer I had to leave things on a positive note thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on TheSagaofOPandHerHalfSiblingsWhoAretheResultofHerFathersAffairWhomSheHatedUorig
my boyfriend cheated on me with three girls but I got revenge with a maid costume that he wore I met my high school boyfriend Daniel when I was in ninth grade back then we were both chubby dorks obsessed with anime and we had a pretty instant connection even though we only got together in 11th grade still I was super happy to be in a relationship with Daniel and there were a lot of moments where I thought about marrying him and going super long-term in senior year we applied to all the same colleges so that we would be able to stay together but earlier in that Year Daniel started hanging out with a different group of guys they were your stereotypical puke line necklace wearing F boys the heartthrobs of our grade and well they turned my unathletic anime loving boyfriend into a total stud I was ecstatic with the change and I even started going to the gym with him however I started my fitness journey months after Daniel did so I was still a little chubby and soft and Daniel hated that he started complaining about my appearance excessively saying I was too ugly too fat too flat to be a real girl to this day I'll never understand why Daniel didn't just break up with me I know that there was a point when he genuinely loved and cared for me but for some reason instead of treating me with an ounce of respect he went and cheated on me three times first with my sister who was in college when it happened then he made out with my cousin Samantha at my own graduation party and the absolute final straw came when I saw Snapchat stories of Daniel hooking up with my best friend at this point I knew two things one I had terrible friends and two I needed to finally end things with Daniel so I did here's the thing though we had still planned our futures together so Daniel and I were still going to the same small artsy College in the same business school within it in other words I wasn't actually escaping Daniel by breaking up with him I just had earned a little break from him over the summer however right at the beginning of the summer my Tick Tock feed became filled with glow up tips and whatnot I figured that going to the gym wasn't changing my body as fast as I liked so I decided to actually try and blow up like Daniel did Q weigh too many exercises detoxes and even subliminals however a month in I'd found a few things that actually seemed to be working going to the gym using some special skincare products and weirdly enough this be Paul and supplement which freaking changed my life and I won't get keep that last one for my other flat girlies out there basically for all three months of summer vacation I took a supplement called grow my girls from because even though I was losing weight and gaining muscle definition my chest was flat and losing weight just made that more obvious so after taking the supplements every day for months which was supposed to increase my estrogen production and give me a more mature figure your girl went from being a double A to a proud C cup and all this meant that by the time I had finished my first semester of college things had changed I was hot I had actual breasts and most importantly I felt confident in my next semester I intentionally found out what classes Daniel had so I could take them and his jaw actually dropped when he saw me in his introduction to microeconomics class but I wasn't the weak lovesick girl he cheated on anymore and I was in it for Revenge I was playing the long con so I acted like everything was normal between us he'd been flirting a little here and there and I gave him more than enough signals for him to soon ask me out again obviously he did and I accepted this time though oh I had a plan C Daniel's college friend group was exclusively Frat Boys and not the friendly kind these dudes were merciless would bully anyone over anything and I was determined to make Daniel experience the same helpless isolation he made me go through when he took my sister my cousin and my best friend away from me by cheating with all of them so as things progressed with Daniel I convinced him to do a little role play and convinced him to dress up in a way too freely made costume for us to use in bed usually he would have pushed back but well thanks to grow my girls my girls had grown and Daniel would pretty much do anything I asked of him in bed so after he agreed I had my college bestie who was much better than my high school best friend arranged to have those Frat Boys throw a surprise party for Daniel they even stole a copy of his key so I was in his room fully clothed dressed absolutely normally stalling the F out of Daniel while he wore the outfit I insisted on until his ruthless friends walked in on him looking like he was cosplaying as a girly maid he even had makeup on instantly there were pictures being taken videos being recorded and guys everywhere laughing at once Daniel was trying to play it cool saying that he was doing this for me but I just looked at the cameras and loudly said what do you mean babe you were the one who asked to do this Kanki made roleplay thing though yeah it's a little too weird for me sorry haha his friends were dying on the floor at this point and I just removed myself from the situation only to break up with him over text and it's been weeks but I hear Daniel has been turned into the absolute butt of all jokes somehow the story has spread across our small campus and now everyone calls him the maid man I've even seen him crying over it a few times but hey he just got a taste of his own medicine now I'm dating his frat boy ex-bestfriend and having the time of my life with my rocking body and great boobs that he in a roundabout way encouraged me to get in the first place take that Daniel
give me a good story on myboyfriendCHEATEDonmewithgirlsIgotREVENGEwithamaidcostumethatHEworeorig
I don't want a relationship with my children f30 m29 even though I feel guilty about it my ex-husband and I met when I was in high school and he was in colge he proposed to me after 2 weeks because he said that he couldn't live without me and I believe that that was the most romantic thing I ever heard he was everything I wanted to handsome kind and ambitious not long after marriage I got pregnant when my ex graduated he started working on his dream I was there supporting him I worked almost night in day beside raising the children just to let him only focus on his studies and then business I remember almost nothing of my 20s and my 30s too busy working double shifts and raising my children his business started prospering and soon I could finally retire he made eight figures and everything was just a dream he had to start over after 2008 and I was there yet again helping him and working to keep us afloat he prospered again until one day he came to tell me that he was in love with a 25 years old he said he was finally feeling alive he could finally enjoy life that he couldn't do when he was in his 20s and 30s and busy raising a family and making business he wanted me out of the house by the end of the year that was in 2014 I had just turned 40 and he was 46 our children were in college and only stayed with us during holidays and summer I refused and that's when the abuse started mental abuse physical abuse bullying and calling me ugly fat disgusting and worthless he stopped giving me any money for the house and he left for weeks on end my children saw everything they chose him they understood him he was in love and he had worked hard all his life to make their childhood happy and life comfortable they weren't ungrateful children now it was his time to live and they totally understood him soon they started joining in on the bullying I was ugly and embarrassing until my daughter said just just leave the man alone he doesn't want you anymore have you no dignity I asked for my share but it seemed a strange concept he was the one working hard after Christmas I found the locks Chang and the house sold two years of the most cruel treatment followed until he managed to discard me only with the clothes on my back I started Living in shelters until I found a room and job while he moved to a bigger more expensive house bought bigger and better cars boats vacation homes I tried to have my children to stay in contact with me but they didn't want me they had finally realized how manipulative and horrible I have been to their father and they couldn't forgive me I met my husband M51 a few years after my first marriage dissolved a widower with three beautiful daughters F22 F16 f-13 being with him and the girls I only understood that I never felt loved my entire life and the odd thing was that they thought that I was the gift from above I have never felt so loved wanted and appreciated they're my entire world I haven't had any contact with my children since 2014 I was keeping track on them from afar for some years but it just broke me more so I decided to never try and find out about their lives anymore more I let them go my ex-husband soon had two more children and from what I heard not long ago he didn't want anything to do with our children anymore they were just a burden even when they tried so hard to stay in his life after covid my ex's business was one of those that got affected and apparently he and his wife were living Way Beyond their means for years and bankruptcy was a fact now I have heard that they live in a small rental with their children and she is working at McDonald's while he trying to find a new Venture sorry for the long post my goal was to make it very short I married my ex-husband I helped him become successful he left me for a new T model when he succeeded and kicked me out without any means or assistance alienated my children and now they want to come back into my life but once I started writing every little detail was relevant and I needed to tell it now to why I am here I have been receiving messages from my children through other family members I have ignored them to the best of my ability please no not now I have my beautiful life not now I finally stopped waking up every morning with tears in my eyes because I have yet again cried in my dream yesterday my mother called me and asked me for coffee when I went there my daughter and son were there they both hat their children with them my daughter has two and my son has one they cried and hugged me and I went rigid like a plank to their touch they wanted me in their life in their children's life they thought it was odd that I am raising another woman's children while their own children haven't met me my daughter wanted hers to meet me maybe they could visit me and stay with me some days because I was the best mom I gave them the happiest childhood where they felt safe at I guess they only realized that it wasn't daddy's money that gave them the happy childhood now it is a loss that my grandchildren couldn't experience that love while strangers do every day their dad cut all contact with them right before before Co because he had a new family and now all he and his wife do is call and ask for money it was never love I don't think my dad ever loved anybody my daughter cried I comforted them hugged them and left this morning I wrote texts to both my children that I didn't want them in my life I was happy and content and my daughters are my daughters whether they think that or not I felt a surge of pain writing this but I couldn't agree to having them in my life I love them very deeply always will I can't imagine the pain they felt when they were discarded by the father they ought a lot he was always a charmer and I understand that they were Jew under his spell like many others around him but they only want me now when he became useless to them I am useful now my daughter is a single mom and she wants someone to take care of her children my son has always been a follower his wife seemed to be the driving force and she probably wanted one grandparent who wasn't dysfunction but even being aware of all that of how much my children have suffered and now need me even with the guilt I'm feeling I don't want a relationship with my children my daughter texted me I understand and a heart back if you came this far thank you and I am sorry if you gave up after a few sentences I understand that two and I am still grateful you given me the chance to write here
give me a good story on IdontwantarelationshipwithmychildrenfmeventhoughIfeelguiltyaboutit
today we've got a great snowboarding Revenge story we'll get to that in a bit but first don't want to tell me what the parking ticket is for okay I'll get that ticket thrown out in court along with jeopardizing any ticket the city wrote on that same form the ticket this was mid to late 90s in a Northern Midwest mid-sized City parking near my apartment near a university was only on street parking bad in the best of times it got miserable in winter with alternate side parking eliminating half of the parking on major streets such as where my apartment was failing to find any parking some nights I would risk it sometimes I got a ticket sometimes not but at least I typically knew why I got the ticket until one morning I was cited for violation number 27. I had no idea what that was all about it wasn't an alternate side violation not an expired meter issue not a loading zone thing I just didn't know what it was us what did I do wrong I went by the office to pay the ticket and I asked the clerk by the way what is violation number 27 I don't know and I don't want to get ticketed for whatever it is again her reply set me off we don't have to tell you uh excuse me I took my check out of her hand and picked up my ticket it was the 90s I told you it was a long time ago we used to write out little slips of paper called checks that the recipient could take to the bank and deposit a few kids reading Reddit probably never written a check I'm old sue me now get off my lawn I asked her who could tell me she Shrugged maybe the prosecutor's office she replied I left ticket unpaid I stopped by the prosecutor's office ticket in hand to ask I apologize to the receptionist for such a ridiculous waste of time I just wanted to know and she rolled her eyes at me I got nowhere there digging in my heels doing legally research for a poor recent college grad I certainly wasn't going to waste my money with a lawyer but was hard-headed enough to want to know what violation number 27 was before I paid it I resolved to go to a public library and pull out the law books with the city ordinances and state statutes Library a physical building with actual printed books where people used to have to go to look up information before everything was online I'm old I told you and stay off my lawn I settled in flipped through pages cross-referenced ordinances and statutes and found something interesting possibly it was very interesting I checked the court date on the ticket and made up my mind I would darn well fight City Hall Court time I showed up in court some paperwork was handed out to those of us who were present just before it was my turn the prosecutor graciously offered to let me pay the ticket plus court costs to make this go away uh it's a darn parking ticket I'm already here why bother after waiting my turn I step before the judge the judge said a few things the prosecutor said a few things and then it was my turn your honor I moved to dismiss the ticket based upon a due process violation on the 14th Amendment I think that prosecutor might have gotten Whiplash her neck snapped so fast I told my story I just want to know what violation number 27 is I looked it's not in the law books not in the city ordinances I am being charged with something without being told what it is and the judge smiled a bit turned to the prosecutor and said I've been waiting for someone to bring this up the prosecutor's jaw dropped your honor I went on State Statute requires certain elements to be on any Citation for it to be valid among those things is a citation the statute or ordinance and there are a couple other issues with the ticket it doesn't conform to the statutory requirements for a citation the judge turned to me and asked if I had the ticket yes ma'am I do and she asked if I had the paperwork that was handed out when I arrived in court I did and then the good judge took a few moments to walk us through that paperwork to show that neither the parking ticket nor the paperwork contained the requisite statutory elements for a citation or summons then the judge advised she would take the matter under revisement the verdict a few weeks later I got a big manila envelope in the mail with the judge's order in clearly written legalese she went step by step through my argument the requirements in statute and ordinance and the utter failure of the city to write a single valid parking ticket on their standard form in many years years ago parking enforcement officers actually took a pen and physically wrote an ink on a three-part pre-printed parking ticket form barbaric I know they didn't have handheld computers to print them out this was just a few years after we figured out that banging two rocks can make a spark to start a fire I told you I'm old and what did I tell you about staying off my lawn she detailed that the city to allow their parking enforcement officers to write tickets faster use their own list of violation numbers expired meter is number one no parking zone is number two that did not correspond to any section numbers of the statute or ordinance if you didn't have the list you just might not know and the judge threw out my parking ticket as a due process violation of the 14th Amendment oh and that violation number 27 was parking too close to a handicapped ramp I didn't see it under the snow my bad didn't matter I'd moved out of town by then well I know two things a greedy money-grubbing lawyer like Saul Goodman would be all over this class action lawsuit and two I gotta stay the heck off op's lawn seriously I would try to find like a lawyer that might handle something like this and try to get a cut of the profits because of every single ticket they've written for years is proved invalid that's a lot of people and a lot of money that all of a sudden might just have a case on their hands also hi I'm Steven and if you enjoy awesome stories of Revenge why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is forcing someone to live up to their threatening promise it was January 2022 a new wave of covid hit and it devastated the workforce in the major cities here on average about half the workforce for any industry was home sick for about a week at the same time shelves and supermarkets were in stock because there weren't enough workers to keep them full the number of bus routes were cut in half the list goes on at my retail store all but two of us were sick with two people on staff we couldn't get to everything so we had to decide what parts of the job we'd neglect most of our revenue is from online sales so we decided to close the store and focus on dispatching online orders we still had to answer phone calls and emails though so we were very stressed this was only happening in the major cities of course more rural locations dodged of the major disruptions one day I got a call from a customer he placed an online order the day prior paid for his Express post but noticed it hadn't been sent he called asked why it hadn't been sent I looked on his account and saw he lived in a rural Town hours away this was the conversation the customer said hi I placed an order yesterday with Express post why hasn't it been sent yet I said very sorry there's only two of us on staff because of covid and we're doing the best we can to keep up with online orders they said but I paid for Express I said yes and as I explained there's only two of us on staff we've had to close the store and there's a lot of orders to pack and we packed them from oldest to newest we're trying our best they said well your best isn't good enough I paid for express it should have been sent out by now my best wasn't good enough what an absolute piece of crap at this point I dealt with enough stress so I let him have it I said paying for Express doesn't mean we packed the order faster it means that once The Courier has it they deliver it to you faster that extra money you spent doesn't go to me or this company it goes to The Courier there are orders older than yours they have priority they've waited longer than you and will be packed first they reply I don't care you need to ship it today I said I can't promise that do you have any idea what covet has done to the workforce here they said no and I don't care if you don't ship my order today I promise I'll never shop with you again I genuinely laughed out loud at that I literally could not care less it's no skin off my nose at that point I hung up for the entree of my revenge I purposely skipped this order even though I caught up to it it got sent the next day the main course though that was tasty I blocked his account so he couldn't shop with us again he promised he wouldn't so I wanted to make sure he didn't break his promise oh he tried to though he made another account I recognized the name and confirmed it was him through the shipping address I canceled the order and processed the refund for revenge's dessert I did something truly Petty when you process a refund you reversed the payment made by the debit card you can put a note in it when you do so so the customer knows why that money is reappearing in their Bank the note I put was to help you keep your promise yeah you gotta love every time a customer says I'm never coming in here again I'm never shopping here you're gonna lose my business forever almost 99.9 percent of the time the reply would be if you didn't want to censor yourself please never come back you're doing us a favor her I love hearing the story of somebody making sure they stick to that commitment our next story is not only am I not going to fire him this is Willy's story I was lucky enough to be long for the ride have you ever worked with someone who you know immediately is really something special I've had a few opportunities to work with people like this and my first thought is I want to help this person get wherever it is they're going I worked for a non-profit for a while after retiring from the Army first day on the job one of my peers on the leadership team pulled me aside and warned me about one of the guys on my team Jane said you'll have to keep a close eye on Willie he's low effort takes a lot of hand holding rubs people the wrong way and honestly we're considering firing him I said thanks for the heads up you never know what you're getting into at new positions so I appreciate having the info freak what have I walked into but then I started working closely with Willie and made some discoveries sure Willie was an introvert kept to himself and could be a touch socially awkward but he knew his job inside and out he managed my Department's Logistics requirements precisely we always had what we needed but never too much excess static shock on hand he found innovative ways to work with our Community Partners he built new initiatives that capitalized on existing resources without incurring additional costs a very important skill to have in a non-profit he impressed donors so much that he actually convinced them to contribute significant sums in support of his additional duty department and he wasn't even part of the fundraising team Willie was a quiet rock star and I quickly realized how lucky I was to have him despite all this the rest of the regional leadership team seemed to have it in for him I found out later what it was that set them off Willie had made an offhand comment to Jane about a year before I joined nothing sexist or bad just a casual observation about a physical aspect of the office space that Jane interpreted poorly she shared it with other leaders in the org and they decided that the comet made their teeth itch and it became a snowball that quickly rolled over Willy's reputation the comment was relayed to me by a third party a few months after my arrival I went and talked to Willie about it directly I wanted to get his take our discussion revealed that it was totally innocuous but misinterpretation has caused a misunderstanding and the damage was done rather than asking questions of Willy to clarify they assumed a bunch of crap and ran with it the stage was set and Willie had realized that he didn't have a future at our location leadership had made up their minds about him and were actively blocking his options when they learned about any moves he was trying to make I knew of at least three instances where they torpedoed his chances for interviews at other nearby locations in the organization tripping him before he even got out of the gate Willie knew if he was going to advance it was going to be somewhere else he started looking for new work and he eventually found something at another branch of our organization in a different state he kept it very quiet got the interview and the other region was assessing the different candidates the only other person in our region who knew about it was me and that was only because I'd spent months gaining Willy's trust he knew he could confide in me and I wouldn't crap on him around that time Jane hit me up again about Willy Jane said I'm Amazed by the changes in Willy since he came on board you've really done a lot to Mentor him and get him up to his full potential I said I have done a lot of work where Willie is concerned some of it was helping him with professional development but most of it's been focusing on Shifting the leadership team's perspective he's really not that different from when I arrived but as you just indicated your perception of him is definitely change I've put a lot of effort into just letting him shine giving him credit for the good things he does and staying out of his way he didn't need micromanagement he needed room to run every time he achieved something I made a point of highlighting his success and the benefit it brought to our organization the work I did wasn't on him it was on you Jane went silent back to Willie I asked if you wanted me to go to bat for him in the hiring process with the other region he said he'd appreciate the help so I called the manager at the other location and told her I don't want to lose Willie but all the reasons why I want him to stay here are the same reasons why you need him there the problem is if Willie stays here the organization is going to lose him because they won't promote him I'd rather have him stay with the organization in a different place than lose his commitment and skills entirely she hired him of course it was all him skills experience interview she knew she was getting someone amazing my recommendation was just icing on the cake made it easier for her to decide what she already knew Willy's Taste of sweet sweet revenge came when the leadership team had to eat crow as they congratulated him on his move Willie knew this team of leaders had put a lot of effort into making sure he'd never Advance some of their congratulations were less than genuine including James the cherry on top was that the pay and position at the new job was a half step up above mine and the rest of the leadership team that's right he moved on he moved up and he outranked us all a most excellent freak you to the folks who had stood in his way I can't think of too many more power moves stronger than yeah by the way I'm still in the same company but I moved up and I outrank you every time you go to cash your paycheck just think about how the guy you tried to hold down is making more than you now that's tough our next story is fireman's Revenge it's a friend's story I worked with a guy who was studying to be a fireman and he works part-time at a County Fire Department one hot Saturday Tucson hot they got a call about a field that was burning they responded and it bordered a neighborhood's backyards the field was covered in fertilizer and one of the locals had set it on fire when the truck got there they were greeted with Hoots and hollers about what a crappy job they had har har All The Neighbors were lined up the edge of the field laughing at them the fire was pretty small and the firemen could have easily put it out with shovels and rakes and a little water so they were surprised when the captain said to get the hoses out that meant they would have to clean all that up when they got back and nobody wanted to do that they set it all up and pointed the hose at the field directly in front of all the neighbors and let it fly it showered them with water and fertilizer just like the captain on it the police were called and from what I understand had a very hard time not cracking up as they took the complaint complain all you want burnt poop-covered people but they were just doing their job this next story is petty neighbors fight over public parking when I was younger we lived in a Suburban neighborhood on a narrow street with single-family homes each home had a driveway and there was additional public parking on the street leaving only one lane for driving there was a public parking spot along our hedge that we usually used for our second car across from us lived an elderly man Bob a former business owner and stereotypical grumpy retiree who micromanaged his son the new owner of the sound equipment sales business Bob's driveway was directly across from our hedge bomb frequently complained that parking our car along our hedge made it difficult for him to exit his driveway this was BS as you'll see in a second he started sending dozens of of letters reprimanding us then he called the police and the local authorities to try to get us out of the parking spot since we were parked legally and he could exit his driveway they couldn't do anything soon an unknown car would regularly appear in that spot whenever my parents left for work initially just for a day or two then a week then a month at a time my parents found out Bob had somehow gotten himself a second car just to park it in that spot and keep us out of it suddenly leaving his driveway with a car in that space wasn't a problem so my parents started retaliating initially just stealing the spot back whenever possible then by calling Authorities on any issues with his fence and hedges his hedge was too messy or too tall for local laws his Edge was growing around a traffic sign they even moved to Temporary parking ban sign from the construction site two doors down to include the parking space just to steal it back then a different appeared and stayed for four months after four months my parents had to cut the Hedge to keep it neat and in line with local laws but the car made cutting the Hedge impossible my parents left the node threatening to cut the Hedge with their electric hedge cutting tool anyway and Bob better move the car if he didn't want it damaged Bob called The Bluff my parents then discovered that the car belonged to Bob's son's business Bob had been borrowing company cars to block the parking spot so my parents called the sun to try to reason with him the sun however refused to move the car as well so my parents called the tax authorities turns out you can't declare tax write-offs for company cars if those cars are being used mostly for private purposes like a petty neighbor fight of the owner's father the card disappeared within a week we cut our hedge and claimed back a parking spot we never owned I'm not sure who acted more entitled than the story probably my parents but I'm pretty sure at some point they just did it for the lulls I think the amount of petty going on from both sides here kind of cancels each other out very clearly a game had been established and both people were just trying to outplay the other this was just a different form of chess game that they were playing our next story is try to ruin my marriage I'll get you fired this all happened within the span of about three months it all started towards the end of December this girl at work decided to post and text my husband that I was cheating on him with her baby daddy obviously it wasn't true but she claimed to have pictures she sent it to his brothers and even my mother-in-law none of the pictures were of me and they had no face or any distinguishing features that would make it obvious it was me all of this made my husband doubt me because if someone sends stuff like that you question if it's true or not this caused a lot of trouble in our marriage but we talked it out and eventually worked through it I mentioned she had sent messages to my mother in law she sent them all at the same time but I wasn't aware of the messages to my mother-in-law it wasn't until almost a month later that my sister-in-law messaged me and said she wanted to ask me something she was afraid I would be mad but she said someone had sent my mother-in-law some nasty messages about me I immediately knew what she was talking about and asked if it was a certain person she confirmed that it was so I explained everything that was happening I was going to let it go but when I found out that she'd also messaged mother-in-law I just got more angry and decided she needed to face some consequences it's important to note she also posted some nasty stuff about another co-worker I'm friends with so I talked to her and we decided I should report it to HR they did a full investigation in which I gave them screenshots of what she posted and what she sent my husband's family some of the things sent were very inappropriate and not something HR would like to be associated with the organization fast forward to now they finally concluded the investigation and found what she did inappropriate and she was fired I don't feel any remorse for her and I'm glad she got what she deserved because what she did almost cost me my marriage and mine and my friend's reputation at work what makes me most happy is that because she was fired over something she did she won't be able to receive unemployment benefits good luck taking care of her family now definitely can't feel bad for somebody who's trying to be a home wrecker for literally no reason at all apparently Opie said that it wasn't just them that this person targeted apparently they tried to mess other people's lives up too how sick can you be to just try to falsely ruin marriages like that this next story is sure call the landowner so when I was 13 I was really into snowboarding so every chance I got I was out doing that in the winter though in recent years I could do so and July there was one huge hill that was open to anyone everyone all year long so long as they didn't cut trees or wreck the place this hill was located on a plot of land in the woods that a few months prior to this event had gone from being for sale to bought by my uncles to keep it from being bulldozed nobody really knew these men were my uncles because we all have different last names and my dad's family is huge that comes up again later one of the parents said that myself slash anybody who wasn't a baby in a sled had no right to be there as we were too big and violent to be using that hill and generally let the kids steal or otherwise damage the boards or skis or do things to drive everyone else away I largely didn't care because when I went there I just used my cheap ten dollar board that was built about as well as a plastic sled so I didn't have to carry my bigger better one across town that as you can imagine his these Cairns off more I never really understood why they were so butthurt over it they could take their kids sledding anywhere and there were even public roads that were shut down in Winter because they were too dangerous to drive on that people used all the time as sled spots that were also much closer to home and safer because no tree line to collide with Fallen logs or chances of coyotes deciding their kids were snacks after about a week of them constantly nagging and witching I finally said look you can sled anywhere you want me because some jerks decided to wreck property and trespass I cannot even snowboard on my own property because the neighbors complained that I might break their fins so unless I want to pay hundreds of dollars to go to some fancy Resort this is the only place I can snowboard on a plot of land half a mile wide I'm fairly freaking certain we can all enjoy it I didn't wait for a response I just went down the hill swerving to avoid all the kids who think laying down in the middle of a place everyone is skiing snowboarding or sledding is a good idea and thought that would be it but as you can guess I was wrong I was never the best at stopping so I stopped when I hit the trees thankful that they were still rather bendy over the sounds of laughter and snow being shredded I heard the Karen screaming and turned to see her at the top of the hill pointing at me and calling me every name in the book apparently she called her husband who confirmed they lived nearby and said that one I threatened her two I had called her everything in the book and three I was a grown adult at 13 I was maybe three foot nine and looked like I was 10. her husband had to fight laughter when he saw me stomping back up the hill wearing a hot pink Barbie snowsuit and carrying a cheap Monster your energy black with electric green board under my arm he asked what I said I repeated it and admitted I knew cursing was wrong but expressing how I know it I was he tried to calm his wife but she screamed more and said I'm calling the landowners I smiled like the Cheshire Cat and told her go right ahead I'll speak to them too so she did and she launched into a huge rant very animated with lots of flailing and hopping similar to an angry hen finally when she starts losing steam I can hear one of my uncles saying I'll be right there sit tight that crappy smile that spread across her face when she heard that she sneered at me and said I'm going to get you in so much trouble her husband had gathered the kids and told them to wait in the truck by then he looked like he wanted to crawl into a hole and die of embarrassment after about 15 minutes a truck pulled up and out hopped my uncles they came over and spoke to the woman I could until they didn't 100 believe her but because this was their land if anything happened they'd be on the hook for it she got loud again and demanded I be banned for life and all that they looked around and asked her to point to the dangerous and disrespectful woman as clearly I was the only one snowboarding that day she huffed and grabbed me giving me a shake as she shouted This Witch here despite it being the middle of January I swear I heard crickets as the wheels and their heads turned knowing these men and how much like their own kid they saw me it was mostly the key from eating this woman into the Sun finally one of them spoke you mean our niece Karen spottered and tried to come up with some sort of response but failed miserably my uncles then gave her the choice leave now and come back in a couple of days they'd drive by to make sure she stayed away or continue acting how she was and they'd press charges on her to have her banned and charged with assault for grabbing me as well as being on the hook for any damages her kids cause to anybody's gear apparently they'd been getting calls but nobody knew her name so the cops couldn't do anything she huffed and stormed off her husband following and looking like a beat dog she never did come back there is nothing more satisfying than getting called out in a situation where you know whoever is going to come around from behind that counter or in this case roll down the hill are going to unequivocally have your back this is like the equivalent of you walking into a store and just grabbing a candy bar off the shelf and ripping it right open getting called out for it and saying to them yeah well my dad owns the store it's such a mic drop bombshell revelation love it but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely awesome Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeCALLTHELANDOWNERITSMYUNCLERedditStoriesorig
a ITA for not explaining to my sister why she was stupid for asking me to share my art supplies I babysit for my sister all the time she pays me the same as anyone else but she is a lot more entitled than anyone else my nephews are really good kids but spoiled they eat when they are supposed to and I don't need to Wrangle them much to get them to bed however they are fascinated with my art supplies I am not an artist I just like to draw I have a few apps on my iPad but I like my paper and pencils as well I also have oil pastel crayon my nephews wanted to draw with them but I said no they complained to my sister and she told me to let them draw with me the next time I came by I brought pencil crayons for them not good enough they complained and she said I was being mean not sharing time before last I just didn't bring anything except a book to read she gave me for being immature fine I gave up I bought them them some Che oil crayon I gave them to her as I was leaving she called me today she gave them the crayons but did not supervise them she has spent the last 2 days trying to get the oil paint off her couch and carpet she says my brother-in-law is pissed that I gave them art supplies that are so messy I forwarded her the messages where she called me childish and mean for not sharing I offered to send them to her husband so he could know whose idea it was she is mad and demanding that I watch them for free to pay her back for the cleaning I just said I would not watch the kids anymore she tried to trick me by not having cash when I showed up I said I was leaving since I didn't trust that she would pay me strangely she actually had the cash she did call her mom and tell on me for giving the kids oil paints without warning her my mom wants me to keep the peace and offered to pay me to watch the kids and let my sister think she won I'm thinking about it but my sister still thinks I did it on purpose
give me a good story on AITAfornotexplainingtomysisterwhyshewasstupidforaskingmetosharemyartsupplies
what's the worst case of badly behaved kids you've ever seen I have many after living with this child for two years I'll try to keep it short the guy I had been seeing asked me to move in with him and his two kids he was divorced for more than 5 years and had kids every other week agreed and after several months I moved my then baby boy and me his place the first two months were fairly normal there a son and a daughter both of whom are young his son loved his kids especially his son and he loved him now my then boyfriend em was raised a lot differently than I and that became apparent with his utter lack of discipline regarding his daughter when she came home from school there was what em called a trail of e shoes a backpack snack wrappers and clothes made to Trail right to her room in her room every time em complained about it not being picked up she would scream and cry after she slammed her door she would come out and ask him to help her he cleaned it himself while she watched TV in her room and I would come home from work and pick up my son from daycare the kitchen would be a disaster milk is left out in the counter with crumbs everywhere there is so much more but I want to get to the worst of it eventually her mom would relapse into a benzo coma and the kids would call from her place and say m is acting weird and making her lunches at in the morning M filed for emergency full custody and the kids were with us full-time and got them into counseling but only once every other month because it stressed out e too much her behavior became worse from the beginning she would get out of bed and come into her room maybe twice a night after she would get off the phone with her mom or supervised visitation she would come in between 600 and 10 times per night on more than one occasion she would swing her door open while we were doing stuff this was too much for me I asked em to sit down down with all of us the next day we tried but she screamed slammed and broke her door frame am said it was because of her tonsils and that she would be better after surgery that was also his excuse for her being out of school for 45 days of the year and also why she was failing math I offered to help her I sat down with her after dinner one night and she brought her homework packet I read it over and told her okay get started and if you get stuck I'll help you she started doodling on her homework sheet and then said well my dad just does the work on another piece of paper and I copy it that's how I learn I told her that's not how any teacher I know expects their students to learn she called me a witch and went into her room and slammed the door after many other incidents I decided it was best for not only myself but also my son that I move out while I was packing M asked me if I had seen either of our phone chargers which we always had on the end table they were missing I said I would look for them tomorrow and said he would ask the kids the next day I was finishing packing and cleaning the condo while I was picking up EAS clothes there were our chargers I don't know if it was just the stress of everything but I lost it I called him at work and he said he would sit down and talk about this especially since when he dropped e off at school oh and I forgot to mention that we lived two blocks from the school on the same side of the street but he had to drive her and drop her off the principal pulled him aside and asked why e didn't do her homework packet she was given to make up while she spent the week sick at home never too sick to go to the mall or play outside with friends he told them that she never received it em told the principal this and she informed him that she gave it to her personally he started crying apparently and said she was again too sick to go to class this time M made her go when everyone was home he asked asked e and me to sit at the table he asked her why she took her phone chargers out come the Waterworks I didn't and why was she in my room that's my room my stuff em replied that if she kept her room clean nobody would have to pick up her stuff he again asked why she took the Chargers they're just phone chargers dad why are you doing this em answered he asked you if you took them and you said you didn't I think you misspoke I didn't say anything during the exchange they couldn't even say lied as I was putting my things in my truck I saw you walking out with a friend he had given her $100 to shop at the mall because he made her upset I just hope to God she's not dating this guy anymore story to I felt bad for this kid even at the time because there was no way in hell he was given a fair or even adequate start in life when I was young I went to visit a classmate in town I lived in the country they were a poor family with the house and disrepair long grass and a broken car in the garage they were nice enough people and they let us watch TV all day and eat chips so I wasn't going to complain people were always coming and going one day a family friend stopped by and brought her 7-year-old son this kid was by far the worst behaved little wretch I ever saw the mother made no attempt to control him discipline him or enforce any kind of rule he ran around the house screaming grabbed things out of people's hands hit people tried to kick your legs thre massive Tantrums over every little thing it was just a total jerk what dawned on me was that he didn't appear to want to misbehave like this it almost seemed like he was having a big struggle in his head about how to act all the time he seemed to be venting his emotions he asked his mother why he was like that and she replied his father hurts him when he stays there and is super strict and I don't know what to do with him this kid was going from one extreme to the other with no communication or consistency and no one gave a damn to try and change the situation it didn't seem like a buding psychopath more that his mental and emotional needs were not being met at an even basic level his mother wanted the welfare money and his father was an angry drunk and of story unfortunately he was also now in a phase where he would pinch people it hurt like hell so I pinched him back he ran off and cried I didn't know what else to do and he tried it again I caught him and told him to bug her off it seemed genuinely hurt that I was sending him away I'm pretty sure most of his behavior was a way to try to get attention Story three I work at the stare where we basically watch elementary school kids after school it's mostly for parents that work all day or are far away but there are a lot of parents that misuse the fact that the program like this is around and just kind of dumped their kids on us it's kind of sad but I digress we weren't their actual teachers and most of us were under 21 so we put up with a lot of disrespect this boy though was by far the worst number one this boy now in sixth grade it was extreme extr Troublesome within my first month of working there he came up to me and would start saying really outwardly dirty things when my boss and I talked to him about it he called me a liar and completely denied it when one of my co-workers finally overheard it and finally called this boy on it he tried to charge my cooworker and make a run for it later that year during a snack he threw a cup of water and chocolate pudding in this girl's face when we had a talk with him about it his response was she deserved it for being fat and he refused to appologize to her the worst part was that this girl started balling because she was being pretty severely tormented in school before the after CARE program and he sat there smirking proud of himself for making her cry he threw a basketball at a first grader nearly injured him and then tried to do it again because he was disappointed that this little kid didn't need surgery we couldn't do anything besides talk to him about it because there are so many rules and regulations for us we did try to expel him but his father was a certain color and accused us of being prejudiced and threaten to sue us because there was no reason that we were trying to kick his son out despite us talking to his father on multiple occasions prior to that incident about his son's Behavior ridiculous what separates this boy from all the other troublemakers though is that when we called those troublemakers out they would immediately apologize and you could tell that they genuinely felt bad for acting the way they did this boy didn't apologize and he never felt bad it would just smirk at the aftermath of his actions story four I have two stories two different families the constant in both of these stories is crappy parenting I was neighbors with them at different points in my life the first family was a mother in her early 30s two daughters and a son constant screaming from the children and the parents all hours of the day and well into the night cuss words were tossed around like no big deal in that house I remember the one daughter calling her mother a fat freak among other things she would throw Tantrums at her mother and siblings one time the mother had to physically restrain the kid on the ground while she shrieked like a banshee the other daughter would throw toads into trash cans and hurt them with flashlights and one time I caught her putting a kitten into a porta potty and closing the door I let it out of course all three of the kids would destroy property draw their neighbors doors Etc they were terrible second family a mother in her late 30s or early 40s and two young daughters again screaming all the time they were on thin ice because they weren't going to school the kids would break into neighbors homes destroy whatever they could get their hands on steal other kids toys etc etc one time they knocked at my door their mother always sent them over to ask me for smoke and I didn't answer but I looked at the peephole and saw them pick up a break and heard them talking about throwing it at my door they didn't thankfully the first time I encountered these kids it was midnight and I heard some voices outside yelling catch it catch it end it and when they looked outside I saw the girls chasing a poor little toad bit a lot of those where I lived so I tore out of my house like a psycho bellowing where is your mother and they ran off I hate those kids and I hate their poor excuse of a mother even more Story five I'll preface this by saying that I'm now a parent but even acknowledging the difficulties of Parenthood this was bad I'll also add that this is the worst I've personally seen we went to a restaurant two parents another adult and two very small kids the parents ate calmly while the kids got down and began running around the restaurant nearly knocking to servers who politely tried to direct them back to their seats then the kids were crawling around including under nearby tables I ignored the youngest who crawled to our table in hopes he'd leave they were yelling most at the time eventually the youngest fell and got hurt parents quickly tended to him then ignored him again and it got to the point that both kids climbed to the chairs the bigger one started jumping up and down while yelling and then started trying to get onto the table this was the point that I finally blurted out are you serious this went on for 10 to 15 minutes the parents now done asked for boxes and calmly went about the ray leaving I have a kid pushing too I'll go to a restaurant with him if I'm with other people if I can't quickly calm him one of us takes him to the car while the other gets the bail and boxes that's the reality of having kids it's important to try and teach table manners but that doesn't mean ignoring your children while you go about eating to the detriment of other diners if it's been more than a few minutes of attempting to soo the kid and there become that much of a nuisance it's time to go in my opinion story six my girlfriend's brother every single sentence that leaves his mouth leaves me thinking if I said that my mom would get mad he's the epitome of that kid who was raised in the internet to the point of being the autism spectrum all he does all day is either watch leafy videos try to watch this without laughing videos play Call of Duty while screaming or make as much noise around the house as possible anytime you watch a movie at her house he walks into the living room and starts playing basketball on a small door hanging gold that he sets up literally jumping and slamming the ball making tons of noise while we sit there begging him to stop he gets literally everything he wants but manipulating the parents if his mom doesn't give him what he wants he stays at his dad's for a few weeks while the dad talks about how crappy of a parent the mom is and vice versa the grandparents think he's a saint and buy him anything despite how rude he is all while completely ignoring my girlfriend treating her like crap not helping her with jobs College cars Etc he runs around the house screaming and fakes laughing constantly his Instagram posts consist of him stealing my girlfriend's nail polish and painting it on him to make it look like he's hurt so people give him attention one time they got a new dog and it was a tiny little Chihuahua while he was holding it he started screaming and I asked him to please stop because he was hurting its ears as an animal lover I literally lost control of myself and smacked him luckily no one saw and I think he was so surprised that someone in his life disciplined him that he never told me as a fellow animal lover I'd hiive this dude if I were there I know I've been enjoying our time so far so if you're like me like And subscribe for more amusing to while to be true stories story seven my brother married a woman who had a son from a previous marriage he was the first grandchild born so his grandparents and Mom spoiled him rotten like in your situation they gave him presents everywhere they went so one day he's with my brother and they stopped by my house the boy was expecting a present but didn't have anything for him he asked to play with this little figurine I had sitting on my desk it was about 2 in tall and was a cartoon caricature of Mario L I don't have a problem letting him play with it and then asks if he can have it when they were leaving I say no he pouts but I still say no over the next few times they visit he plays with a toy and asks if he can have it finally he told him to stop asking he can't have it and not going to change my mind so that was when he slipped into his pocket and stole it he was about 10 at the time so he knew he was doing something wrong later that day realized it was gone and called my brother he found it in the kid's room he was mad but his wife whenever punishes the kid no matter what he does blew it off and said I'm sure he just forgot interestingly enough that kid is now 23 he been arrested at least half a dozen times can't hold a job and has pissed off pretty much every family member so badly they want nothing to do with him story eight I was working the fitting rooms during a summer retail job right after graduating high school and a young girl brought in a bunch of women's swimware to try on the suits were going to be way way too big on her but whatever I don't care she's in the fitting room for a good 20 to 30 minutes so I knock on the door to check on her and she rolls in the floor from beneath the locked door and runs out of the fitting rooms odd but it's retail so again whatever kids are kids I used my key to open the door and the girl had taken a crap in almost all the bathing suit bottoms and then smeared one of the dirty Bikini Bottoms in the mirror she also whizzed in the corner after gagging for a good minute I told my cooworker we had another crappy incident in the fitting room there had been multiple in the 3 months I worked there and described the kid so everyone could be on the lookout for her one of the managers of the store found her with her mom and notified her about the great poop explosion in the fitting room the mom didn't seem surprised to hear about this and asked the kid why she did it again and the kid replied because those bathing suits were ugly and you weren't paying attention to me Mom paid for the destroyed merchandise and was told never to return it both mom and daughter seemed totally unfaced by the whole ordeal story nine my son's daycare had a similar kid it was terrible both parents were officers in the military who thought their son was just so perfect and sweet and could do no wrong meanwhile the kid is just awful one day he was picking one of the small smaller kids and the teachers were trying unsuccessfully to get him to stop my son was nearby my son and the kid were the same age but my son was a tiny little kid in the size comparison my son turned around and charged at him teachers closed ranks no less than eight teachers were trying to calm this kid down when it happened and all supported the claim that he slipped and fell off the playground equipment while picking on the small child and all swore up and down that his claims that my kid hurt him were 100% false the parents were so upset their darling and Sweet Child was injured that they would never brought him back my son was a hero I high-fived him when I found out for the record we were never supportive of him being an instigator in fights but always said he had the right and duty to protect himself protect others who could not protect themselves and stand up for his little brother those were our fighting rules story 10 I went to Chuck-E-Cheese about 10 years ago with my family we were really poor so it wasn't exactly something we could afford to do all the time I was 19 at the time and I had my little sister with me she loved as to Die the Jurassic Park game which is an arcade shooter where you sit in the car that bounces around so I put him my last tokens to let her play I know she won't last long but she still loves it and these two little kids who were a bit older than her came up and literally sat in the car and pushed her out of it then started playing her turn I was like what the hell and was about to say something only to see the kids parents literally sitting right there pointing and laughing and encouraging them of course I was a super awkward teenager and was afraid to say anything and also didn't want to be accused of prejudice not that I know for a fact that they would have but I didn't want to risk it so my sister and I just soed away later I saw the same kids doing the same things to other people going up and taking over the games as soon as other kids put their tokens in ridiculous story 11 the worst I ever saw was when I went with a couple of people over to a co-worker's house for a barbecue they had a young daughter at the time several of us are sitting around the living room eating when the daughter rides her bike through the living room her mom tells her not to ride the bike in the house and the kid looks at her and says you're not the boss of me and continues riding the mom did nothing about it about a half hour later the kid wanted Oreo cookies her mom said no it was almost bedtime so she wasn't going to have cookies the kid screams at the top of her lungs I I want Oreos right freaking now the mom stood up went to the kitchen and got the kid Oreos we were all looking at each other like we couldn't believe what we were seeing this was on a Friday after work on Monday at work someone asked him what was up with his daughter behaving like that and he just said oh she's High strong story 12 my step siblings one is 25 and the other is 32 the 25-year-old stopped going to school in fourth grade my stepmom got his GED for him years later and he has never had a job any job in his life he legit just steals money from my dad and stepmom smokes and drinks all day 32-year-old got married and is a stay-at-home mom to a husband who makes $12 an hour not to mock that salary but they drive nice cars have a house and get cosmetic surgery in their salary how you ask they get my dad to Shell out thousands of dollars a month to supplement their income I.E support them or else they won't allow my stepmother to see her grandkids if you were to ask my stepmother she legitimately believes she's making it all on her own oh and she's never held a job either I absolutely despise them both I know some of these stories will live in my head Run free if you're ready to take it up an Notch watch the child who is not embraced by The Village will burn it down to feel the warmth for some heartbreaking narratives especially Story one see you there
give me a good story on WhatsYourExperienceWithKidsFromHELLorig
confiding in my school counselor was a grave mistake I was physically abused as a child by my monster stepfather he beat both my mother and I on a regular basis I'd go to school with bruises and was told to tell people I fell or that my sister hit me in sixth grade I finally told a friend she cried and begged me to talk to the school counselor at home I was threatened to never tell anyone what happens in this house it took all I had but I went in and told her everything that day when I got home I was met by both my parents standing at the door with that Dreadful feeling that it was going to be ugly turns out the school counselor called and told my mothers everything I told her my mother was no Jim either she told my stepfather and I got one of the worst beatings of my life after that from that point it took me 30 years of keeping everything locked inside and drinking through the pain of my childhood eventually I learned to open up and get therapy that in turn led me to get sober something needs to be done about these types of school staff though if a child tells you they're being hurt at home help them
give me a good story on Confidinginmyschoolcounselorwasagravemistake
wibta for lying about why I don't want to be a bridesmaid Kayla and I both 32f have been friends since elementary school when she got engaged this Christmas she didn't ask me to be a bridesmaid because it was an automatic given I love Kayla but the problem is that her wedding is taking place overseas and would cost more than I think is reasonable Kayla's fiance is from a tiny far north Scandinavian Town it is where their wedding is happening a couple weeks ago due to some family pressures they changed the date from Midsummer next year to Midsummer this year about 4 months away between flights the hotel well most everything in town has already been booked for Midsummer including every spare room and couch at his family's home so the rooms at the final available stays are around $300 PN for the 7 Days of wedding events the rental car the bridesmaid dress the full traditional outfit required to be worn for some of the events pet boarding as well as general incidentals and we are looking at a minimum $88,000 Kayla was very apologetic about the change when she announced it but is not acknowledge just how big of an impact this is my husband and I have good jobs and are lucky that we don't have to worry about the day
give me a good story on WIBTAForlyingaboutwhyIdontwanttobeabridesmaidorig
AI for wanting to expose my sister to her husband after she confessed to my husband on her wedding day sorry for the confusing title I didn't know how to word it any other way I 24f have been married to my husband 27m for about 2 years my sister 26f and her husband 26m our high school sweetheart my sister and I have always been close despite the small age Gap she acted like my second mother so I never doubted her in anything let's call her Jane my husband let's call him Bob and I met at Uni I was 20 and he was 23 he in both academics Sports and looks and was well known around campus because of that so obviously I had a crush on him Jane also attended the same un because I was new she included me into her big circle of friends and he was a part of that I never made a move because I respected Jane and her friends I didn't want to cause any trouble or make things awkward she meant the world to me eventually though Bob and I became close friends I grew to like him more I also noticed that Jane rarely interacted with him which was odd considering she was close to almost everyone in her Circle but I never said anything I did
give me a good story on AITAHforwantingtoexposemysistertoherhusbandaftersheconfessedtomyhusbandonher
:11.590 --> :16.330 Back when I was 16 years old I worked for a unnamed Supermarkt from Grand Rapids Michigan. :16.330 --> :20.710 Part of the rules for underage employees was that we were limited on our total lift weight :20.710 --> :23.590 to something like 15 pounds or something. :23.590 --> :29.100 I won't say I was a strapping young man, but 15 pounds wasn't an issue. :29.100 --> :33.600 Working as a cashier/bagger, we regularly had customers that would purchase large items :33.600 --> :38.560 from the front of the store, such as bags of ice, or the culprit in this story a brick :38.560 --> :40.320 of water softener salt. :40.320 --> :43.960 The blocks of salt I believe were about 50 pounds. :43.960 --> :49.239 Over the store limit for my age clearly, but I can manage 50 pounds without much struggle :49.239 --> :51.920 especially when the block has handles more or less. :51.920 --> :56.400 The problem however was the loss prevention office was right next to the salt pallet, :56.400 --> :01.610 and more than once I'd get reprimanded for lifting over the weight limit for an elderly :01.610 --> :05.680 person, or someone with disabilities that specifically asked for help. :05.680 --> :11.490 So one day I get a nice elderly lady, probably pushing mid 80s ask me to assist her with :11.490 --> :14.560 the block getting into her cart and out to her car. :14.560 --> :22.009 I look over, and there is LPO Manager standing right next to it surveying his kingdom, the :22.009 --> :27.280 one that likes to reprimand me about it (like it was his job or something... which I understand :27.280 --> :28.899 now being older). :28.899 --> :34.250 So I wave over a buddy of mine and ask him to assist lift this albeit hefty, yet small :34.250 --> :35.649 block of salt. :35.649 --> :40.979 We square up, double check each of us are ready for the lift, go full a** to ground :40.979 --> :46.530 knee bend, remind each other vocally to not curl the back for safety, count down from :46.530 --> :50.530 3, and hoist this block of salt into the cart. :50.530 --> :55.450 Then escort the lady to her cart, both of us because it does need lifted again, and :55.450 --> :56.510 load her up. :56.510 --> :00.569 Lady asked on the way if we needed help, to which we told her the story of the lifting :00.569 --> :03.560 limit and she had a small chuckle about it. :03.560 --> :09.130 Once inside the front line manager promptly asked "WTF is your issue" as to why both my :09.130 --> :14.910 friend and I just bailed on our stations for the last 20 minutes during a Saturday morning :14.910 --> :15.910 rush. :15.910 --> :19.860 I believe the response was something along the lines of just "next time you need to do :19.860 --> :21.950 that, tell someone older to just pick it up". :21.950 --> :59.019 Which isn't nearly as fun. :59.019 --> :03.799 This was a little while back (maybe a few weeks or a month ago?, but even remembering :03.799 --> :05.239 it makes me giggle. :05.239 --> :09.870 Anyone who has been catcalled knows that one of the most overused lines is telling you :09.870 --> :12.780 to smile, and I am one of those people. :12.780 --> :17.450 I had walked to the closest grocery store because I wanted mashed potatoes (they're :17.450 --> :21.689 served at the deli there) and I didn't have any potatoes at home, but I was determined :21.689 --> :24.060 to get my favorite comfort food. :24.060 --> :29.510 After paying almost $5 for a styrofoam cup of mashed potatoes with a plastic spoon, I :29.510 --> :34.250 walked my happy a** home while shoveling mashed potatoes into my mouth like I was moments :34.250 --> :35.700 from starving to death. :35.700 --> :40.390 A couple blocks away from making my way home, I got catcalled by some guy sitting on his :40.390 --> :41.569 front porch. :41.569 --> :45.720 As implied in the title, he shouted something about telling me to smile (I don't remember :45.720 --> :47.239 his exact words). :47.239 --> :52.719 I considered telling him to p*** off or screeching like a velociraptor to freak him out, but :52.719 --> :54.540 instead I decided to comply. :54.540 --> :59.519 I smiled with all of my teeth and used my tongue to push out the half chewed food in :59.519 --> :00.519 my mouth. :00.519 --> :07.370 A gross mixture of saliva and mashed potatoes fell onto the front of my shirt, but the expression :07.370 --> :13.159 on his face more than made up for it; he looked disgusted and slightly shocked. :13.159 --> :17.810 After a few more seconds of direct eye contact to make him more uncomfortable, I continued :17.810 --> :18.810 walking home. :18.810 --> :26.830 I then finished my potatoes and decided to take :26.830 --> :45.699 a nap. :45.699 --> :55.139 In my (421f) 20's I worked in Human Resources for a growing community college in my area. :55.139 --> :01.160 My immediate boss, the HR manager, was an extremely smart and already successful retiree :01.160 --> :04.200 of a very popular international soup company. :04.200 --> :10.870 As you can imagine, he was a WEALTH of information and education for me, not just with HR policy, :10.870 --> :17.009 but also human behavior and psychology, and life in general, etc, etc, and he very quickly :17.009 --> :18.419 became my mentor. :18.419 --> :23.610 He DESPISED prejudice in any form and we had this in common. :23.610 --> :29.240 Unlike a lot of other HR departments, we actually used our HR laws and policies to advocate :29.240 --> :33.140 for our Employees over the company as often as possible. :33.140 --> :37.259 One of our favorite pastimes was exploiting the way the policies and correspondences were :37.259 --> :42.710 written in order to help the employees, because they were often vague or poorly written and :42.710 --> :44.360 therefore: Subject to Debate. :44.360 --> :50.099 And since We, the HR Department, are the ones supposedly covering the companies a** on legal, :50.099 --> :52.539 they pretty much had to side with Our Interpretation. :52.539 --> :53.539 (lol) :53.539 --> :58.000 Well these "disputes" with upper management, namely the Board and the President, (coupled :58.000 --> :03.210 with our thinly veiled smugness probably - hehe) provoked a lot of petty backlash from them :03.210 --> :05.479 and their loyal administrative minions. :05.479 --> :11.740 So, one of them finds a policy note that "All administrative staff have mandatory "committee :11.740 --> :16.970 service" duties that must be fulfilled on a needed or as needed basis." :16.970 --> :21.020 And they decide to try to use this against me/us. :21.020 --> :27.250 I'm in the middle of several LARGE, time sensitive projects that involve Employee Leave Reports :27.250 --> :33.250 (sick and vacation time,) Benefits, Benefit Changes, Disability, Retirement, etc. :33.250 --> :40.180 It is LITERALLY our busiest time of the year and, THE ONLY TIME (2 months - Jesus what :40.180 --> :43.180 a Nightmare our Healthcare and Benefit System is... :43.180 --> :45.349 Another rant for another day....yikes. :45.349 --> :52.639 ANYWAY) to get it all processed is NOW, otherwise employees lose benefits or don't get the changes :52.639 --> :53.699 they requested. :53.699 --> :55.280 (Read: NIGHTMARE.) :55.280 --> :01.270 I get an email from president/minions (with boss CC'd) that I'm "under review for not :01.270 --> :06.280 meeting the qualifications of my employment, as I have not spent any time serving on any :06.280 --> :10.900 of the (VARIOUS AND OFTEN UNNECESSARY) committees..." :10.900 --> :12.139 blah blah blah. :12.139 --> :18.880 Well Boss is P***** (Capital P.) So he says, "OH THEY WANT YOU ON A COMMITTEE???" :18.880 --> :19.880 (hehe) :19.880 --> :23.919 Since the polices were not well defined, there were no limitations on exactly which employees :23.919 --> :28.689 were to serve on which committees and there were also no rules on who could head each :28.689 --> :29.689 committee. :29.689 --> :33.970 So, Boss put me as HEAD OF THE PRESIDENT'S BIRTHDAY PARTY COMMITTEE. :33.970 --> :41.340 (Yes, this narcissistic douche bag had a Committee formed EVERY YEAR to plan his birthday celebration.) :41.340 --> :46.580 To further elaborate on his douchebaggery, cockjuggling thunderc***ness, let me paint :46.580 --> :51.889 you a picture of "Birthday Parties 20 years Past" - Rules: 1. :51.889 --> :56.680 Only invite the "cute chicks" in our office building (and also "that one 'Indian' guy :56.680 --> :00.080 I like" (who I'm pretty sure is actually from Pakistan)) 2. :00.080 --> :05.389 Hors d'oeuvres and crudite and a cake with a loving and endearing message are PARAMOUNT. :05.389 --> :11.500 3. Make sure everyone in the room KISSES MY A** as much as possible. :11.500 --> :18.419 "Unfortunately" for Prez, he always had to "play nice" in company email, etc. to manage :18.419 --> :23.210 his public profile (and I think he might have been also working against some negative publicity :23.210 --> :27.890 at the time??) so he sent an email to [head of birthday committee] (he didn't know it :27.890 --> :28.890 was me. :28.890 --> :31.939 hehe): "Make sure to invite everyone to my Birthday Celebration. :31.939 --> :35.919 I want it to be spectacular this year...." etc etc etc... :35.919 --> :40.599 So I IMMEDIATELY went to my boss and excitedly said, "BOSS! :40.599 --> :41.970 He said..... :41.970 --> :42.970 'Everyone!'" :42.970 --> :43.970 ha!... :43.970 --> :45.360 I invited the custodial staff, :45.360 --> :46.790 the daycare staff, :46.790 --> :48.260 the administrative staff, :48.260 --> :49.260 the professors, :49.260 --> :51.910 the people that clean the parking lots on contract, :51.910 --> :52.930 the students, :52.930 --> :53.930 EVERYONE. :53.930 --> :58.160 I made it a PIZZA PARTY WITH SODA AND ICE CREAM. :58.160 --> :02.770 I told everyone in the invite that "THE PRESIDENT WOULD LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU! :02.770 --> :06.900 Please feel free to offer compliments and criticisms during this time." :06.900 --> :13.420 I even included text from HIS original email that said he wanted to, quote, "see everyone".... :13.420 --> :16.170 and "address concerns of the staff" :16.170 --> :21.120 SOOOOOO many employees showed up, with SO MUCH to Say (hehe) :21.120 --> :23.010 He HATED IT. :23.010 --> :25.600 His face was red the WHOLE TIME. :25.600 --> :28.060 I never had to serve on another committee. :28.060 --> :30.200 We STILL laugh about it. :30.200 --> :57.050 (Bonus: He got ousted over some Other S*** and the New President is pretty Amazing!) :57.050 --> :00.570 Some years ago I was driving pick up's and deliveries (P and D) for a trucking company :00.570 --> :01.570 in Denmark. :01.570 --> :06.600 P and D is the part of the transport chain where you usually deliver small quantities :06.600 --> :12.990 to multiple customers on a route - kind of like UPS or FedEx but in semi's or rigid/box :12.990 --> :13.990 trucks. :13.990 --> :17.840 It was nearing the end of the day and I had to deliver a trampoline to a residential area :17.840 --> :22.860 - mind you this in EU, so things may be a bit different than in the US regarding rules :22.860 --> :24.120 and regulations. :24.120 --> :29.010 It was a fairly new area with plenty of space - but I had to reverse in cause there was :29.010 --> :30.750 no way of turning around. :30.750 --> :34.350 But no problem - the road was wide and so were the corners I had to go around. :34.350 --> :39.570 I put my semi in reverse and started going backwards - and of course I was delivering :39.570 --> :42.110 to the last house on the street. :42.110 --> :47.580 Now the road climbed a bit and was about 6 or 700 metres long - but it all went fine. :47.580 --> :52.120 When I finally got to the end of the road and got out of my truck to unload this trampoline, :52.120 --> :57.770 some guy was already standing behind my truck and started yelling and swearing at me: :57.770 --> :00.610 I was the biggest idiot on this earth! :00.610 --> :04.160 How the h*** could I even think of going in there with a semi? :04.160 --> :07.130 I could have run over all the kids in the neighbourhood. :07.130 --> :10.880 (no-one was out) I had absolutely no valid reason for being :10.880 --> :14.510 there and could get the h*** out of there right away! :14.510 --> :18.980 Instead of starting an argument with person, I calmly asked him where he lived - he pointed :18.980 --> :24.760 at the house and said "Number 74" - and low and behold, where was I delivering??? :24.760 --> :27.460 You guessed it - number 74... :27.460 --> :32.640 So I - again very calmly - told this man: "Well, in that case I have a trampoline for :32.640 --> :33.640 you..." :33.640 --> :36.590 "Oh" the man said "Well, I would like if you could..." :36.590 --> :37.590 "BUT!!!" :37.590 --> :42.240 I interrupted "Since I have no business being in here with a semi, I will be waiting for :42.240 --> :46.690 you at the end of the road" and pointed to the direction I just came from... :46.690 --> :51.390 "Mind you - this is the big model weighing about 130 pounds, so you might want to bring :51.390 --> :52.620 a wheel barrow". :52.620 --> :57.870 The joy it was seeing him coming all the way down the road with his wheel barrow. :57.870 --> :03.660 And then trying to get this 130 pound trampoline up in the wheel barrow and starting his long :03.660 --> :30.860 heavy walk 700 metres up to his house again... :30.860 --> :36.780 Priceless!!!! :36.780 --> :41.060 This story takes place a few years back when I was doing a clinical rotation in phlebotomy :41.060 --> :44.250 for my degree in Medical Laboratory Science. :44.250 --> :50.170 I was placed in the ED (*edit: Emergency Department) of a local hospital, practicing poking patients :50.170 --> :51.820 and drawing their blood. :51.820 --> :56.600 All the staff knew that my snow white scrubs meant I was a student, but some patients took :56.600 --> :58.760 them to mean I was a physician. :58.760 --> :03.050 One night I happened to walk by an exam room where an altercation was taking place between :03.050 --> :09.760 a patient I will call Mr. Smith and a very patient RN (*edit: Registered Nurse). :09.760 --> :14.190 Altercations were a fairly common occurrence in the ED, but I was still pretty green so :14.190 --> :16.000 it was hard not to stop and listen in. :16.000 --> :20.840 Nurse: “I’ve been doing this for 30 years, Mr. Smith, I can assure you-“ :20.840 --> :25.370 Patient: “I don’t care how long you’ve been doing this, I want a DOCTOR to place :25.370 --> :26.370 my IV!!” :26.370 --> :31.400 Nurse: “Mr. Smith, if you hold still I promise I’ll have it in in a flash. :31.400 --> :32.610 You’ll hardly feel a thing.” :32.610 --> :35.850 Patient: “Are you deaf or just stupid? :35.850 --> :37.040 I want…” :37.040 --> :40.520 At this point the man catches sight of me loitering in the hallway. :40.520 --> :42.650 “I want HER to place my IV!!” :42.650 --> :45.641 Me, flabbergasted: “But I can’t thread IV’s. :45.641 --> :48.000 I only know how to draw blood.” :48.000 --> :51.070 Nurse: “Sir, she’s just a student.” :51.070 --> :55.630 This affront seemed to put the patient into overdrive and he began slamming his fist on :55.630 --> :58.620 the bed rail screaming for a doctor. :58.620 --> :02.670 The nurse quietly took me aside and asked me to go fetch one of the physicians on duty. :02.670 --> :07.120 I ran to get the kindest one, as I was afraid of getting snapped at by the other doctors :07.120 --> :08.430 working that night. :08.430 --> :10.350 I’ll call him Dr. Anderson. :10.350 --> :16.710 Dr. Anderson patiently listened to my explanation, wordlessly grabbed an IV kit out of the cupboard, :16.710 --> :18.890 and followed me to the patient’s room. :18.890 --> :22.670 We could hear the patient still throwing his tantrum as we walked down the hall. :22.670 --> :27.410 As soon as Dr. Anderson stepped into the room in his white coat, the patient switched it :27.410 --> :30.750 off like a light and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. :30.750 --> :31.750 Patient: “Finally!” :31.750 --> :34.060 With a smug smile at his nurse. :34.060 --> :38.470 Dr. Anderson, with a big friendly smile: “Hello, Mr. Smith! :38.470 --> :40.830 I hear you want a doctor to place your IV. :40.830 --> :47.540 Well, I haven’t done this since medical school, so that’s, what, 25 years ago now? :47.540 --> :51.230 I might be a little rusty but I’m happy to give it a shot! :51.230 --> :53.660 Nurse, will you please position the patient’s head? :53.660 --> :55.430 I’m going for the jugular.” :55.430 --> :00.940 Suddenly the patient decided he didn’t want a doctor to place his IV after all, and the :00.940 --> :06.600 nurse with 30 years’ experience placing IVs would do just fine 😁A few years ago :06.600 --> :10.320 I was working in the compliance team for a large NGO. :10.320 --> :14.170 I had covered a few roles in this team and was largely left to get on with my work by :14.170 --> :15.170 my managers and SLT as they trusted me. :15.170 --> :16.170 One of the big parts of the role was approving requests for information internally. :16.170 --> :17.170 Much of this was quite mundane, but the rules were there for good reasons. :17.170 --> :18.170 For example you don't really want your manager to have access to your emails, even if someone :18.170 --> :19.170 needs access it should be HR with a reasonable reason given and rules surrounding it. :19.170 --> :20.170 Anyway, cut to the situation. :20.170 --> :21.170 A manager in the fundraising team who'd just had a staff member in his team leave messaged :21.170 --> :25.480 me telling me he needed on going access to the staff members email account for the next :25.480 --> :26.480 6 months. :26.480 --> :30.100 I told him I couldn't do this without a good reason eg. :30.100 --> :31.180 The business risk, they had been fired so there wasn't a handover. :31.180 --> :32.200 For Context I was a supervisor so the slightly junior. :32.200 --> :35.000 He then told me to come to his desk and preceded to tell me he wanted to see a policy before :35.000 --> :36.000 the end of the day otherwise he would go to my manager. :36.000 --> :38.140 I knew my manager would back me up, but he had raised a good point that it wasn't an :38.140 --> :39.140 official policy. :39.140 --> :40.140 The tone of the exchange was... patronising and superior. :40.140 --> :41.140 So it was in this context I decided to go to my desk and write the policies. :41.140 --> :42.140 I dropped my manager an email explaining I had identified a gap in our policies relating :42.140 --> :44.750 to manager email access, explaining I wasn't busy and telling them I could sort it out :44.750 --> :45.750 by the end of the day. :45.750 --> :46.750 The policy was, I believe, a balanced and proportional policy explaining why unrestricted :46.750 --> :47.750 management email access is a bad business practice, unethical and should only be done :47.750 --> :48.750 in set conditions carefully regulated. :48.750 --> :49.750 The manager whose patronising and rude demand for this policy got a copy by the end of the :49.750 --> :50.750 day. :50.750 --> :50.759 I believe the policy is likely still in use.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceCRAZYDOCTORSCAREDHISSEXISTPATIENTRedditStoriesen
today we have a crazy story of an entitled parent who just talked about how ugly everyone else is we'll get into that in a bit but first my girlfriend's mother ruined Christmas I'm writing this from a futon at the corner of the living room with the rest of my girlfriend's family while 10 to 15 random guests are enjoying a buffet of food from the remaining 1 of the room and drinking the alcohol that I bought this Christmas was meant to be about family the plan was to have only our closest people in the house to sit together at the table and enjoy a lot of amazing food in each other's company instead girlfriend's mother has used the day as an excuse to invite over people who most of us have never met and have a party which she assured us many times was not the case though the scene in front of me is nothing less than a party the dining table is pushed against the wall with several finger food trays on it a stack of paper plates and a pile of plastic forks on it there are only a few chairs not even enough for half the people here music is playing in the background and everyone's chatting so loud you can't really hear your own thoughts I don't know any of the guests I am sad and so are the rest of us sat here around the corner while my girlfriend's mother is enjoying her time catering to these people over her own family what Christmas is this imagine you're expecting this wholesome family Christmas and you show up and it's just been totally taken over and it's this half-hearted poorly planned party that you're having to just kind of crouch in the corner probably isn't even a chair for you I completely understand why op is venting here I mean it's just so disappointing also hi I'm Steven and if you guys can't get enough of hearing about these entitled parents why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is my girlfriend's mother ruined Christmas to summarize what I said in the original post my girlfriend's 22 mother 45 hijacked Christmas day as her own house party and ended up isolating us upstairs in our own house because of how uncomfortable we felt with all the people she had promised us a Christmas Day lunch and dinner with only a couple of her friends joining us which was fair because my best friend joined us as well with her permission but it all ended up in a typical finger food style party with around 15 to 20 of her friends around that none of us knew her family who was in the house so me 20 my girlfriend girlfriend's sister 26 girlfriend's other sister 24 and girlfriend's cousin 34 spent the day debating on how to confront her about it so to update when girlfriend's mother's party was done all five of us mentioned above sat her down and attempted to start a calm conversation to explain to her why what she did was wrong and hurt all of us simultaneously my girlfriend got only one sentence out before her mother started getting defensive trying to tell us all that we had actually agreed to her organizing the party and inviting this many people chalking it up to the all five of us collectively misunderstanding her I'll spare you the unnecessary details but we basically got into a fight where the five of us attempted to talk to her calmly and she only responded with yelling and refusal to hear our side of things and admit mistake we never reached a conclusion because girlfriend's mother only provided a half-hearted apology for the sake of ending the argument we all then went upstairs and decided to call it a day because we were all emotionally exhausted it's now 5 days later and things have escalated beyond my anticipation girlfriend's mother pretended to be all right for maybe a day bringing up the fight now and then to random people in an attempt to get her point across that she was actually just trying to do a good thing yesterday however she knocks on mine in my girlfriend's door and says she needs to talk with my girlfriend she goes to talk but the moment the conversation begins girlfriend's mother is already raising her voice mind you I don't speak their native language perfectly so I didn't understand much of the argument through two closed doors but my girlfriend explained to me the overall points for one girlfriend's mother has apparently felt as though she is no longer a part of the home because of certain people secondly she feels as though she gets no respect as the adult of the house all of us are adults and finally she feels as though my girlfriend is changed in a bad way because of my influence on her and her views all of this communicated through yelling on her side and by cutting off my girlfriend if she tried to speak to top it all off just an hour after this fight girlfriend's mother packed a bag dressed up her son 12 heavily autistic proceeded to scream at everyone in the living room about how she feels like she's living with strangers and leaves she has not yet been back but has contacted girlfriend's sister 26 by message and girlfriend's cousin on call to vent out her thoughts once again through yelling her same points all of us are exhausted and cannot deal with this fight any longer now for the background context there are six of us living in the house me girlfriend V girlfriend's oldest sister D girlfriend's younger brother a girlfriend's mother s girlfriend's cousin T girl girlfriend's mother provides the rent for the house through benefits but is currently unemployed me and girlfriend's oldest sister are the only ones employed full-time and we most often pay for all the bills and buy the groceries our living Arrangement is difficult because we're in a small house but we make doe because we all respect each other's space and most of us get along the reason I moved in with my girlfriend's entire family was because I fell out very suddenly with my toxic narcissistic father a few months ago and she and her entire family took me in with open arms girlfriend's mother's emotional state in the last couple months has been extremely difficult to understand and deal with she has become short-tempered and extremely sensitive to absolutely everything to the point where just one glance in her Direction can set her off into some sort of spiral she often starts fights over Petty topics and continuously berits my girlfriend specifically for being disrespectful of her as a person and mother and while my girlfriend admits that she has her moments of anger where she says things she regrets in arguments she in fact looks up to her mother and respects her endlessly for everything she's done we have all tried to be understanding with girlfriend's mother however because she has communicated she's experiencing premenopausal symptoms but she has crossed many lines in her conversations with us all that none of us have wanted to tolerate or try to understand girlfriend's mother tends to self-victimization is regardless of fault she also pulls the mother card quite often even on me stating that in her generation parents were respected even when they didn't give children their respect back I have several problems with this including the fact that I am not her child and she can't treat me like one that she can't treat her adult children like Toddlers and that it is not about generational respect but empathy and coexistence in the house we share girlfriend's mother also claims that I personally have brainwashed her daughter into treating her poorly by speaking bad about her which is simply not true this woman took me in at my lowest point and I will always have a certain degree of respect for her because of her kindness but that doesn't give her a pass in talking about me like a nuance and a guest when I pay for household expenses I know my place in the house as a resident and a helper for the bills and she doesn't treat me like one girlfriend's mother has become severely entitled and all of us in the house agree that this change was abrupt and unprompted we have all been feeling like she's been treating us like trash and she gets away with it by crying screaming and spinning the situation none of us know how to handle it anymore because we've tried talking tried meditating and even bending over backwards to make this house comfortable for her again but nothing seems to work she's moving out in a few months so me and girlfriend's older sister agree it's now just a waiting game where we have to pretend to coexist but I'm not sure that my girlfriend and girlfriend's mother will manage to to keep that civil for so long I get that tensions are high and it's been going on for a long time but there is a Finish Line in sight as long as they actually stick to it I'm curious why op moved into their house who actually owns the house really but as long as this is set in stone it's really just a matter of perseverance for one month then it should get a whole lot better right this next story is my mom talking to my brother about debt I apparently owe him so I live in a house with my brother brother my name and our mom's name is on the deed the way the deal was struck 2 years ago when we started this is that all three of us would move in together and expenses would be split three ways my mom provided a little less than 50% of the cost of the house I got a mortgage for the rest in my name because I'm the only one with good credit my brother fixed up the house he equated the work he did to around 10,000 if he was charging a stranger I also paid 10,000 in materials at one point during construction we all got into a screaming AR argument where Mom and I threatened to kick my bro out and he told us we couldn't I looked him in the eye and told him I would pay him 10,000 for his work and kick him the heck out he decided not to press his luck and construction continued the intention was for Mom to live there until she dies my bro to continue to rent the property forever and me to eventually move on and buy another house well mom decided not to come live with us then I started paying for work to be done concreting the front walkway getting gutters put on the house plumbing problems HVAC problems Etc I do all the communal cleaning and even cleaned his bathroom before I stopped and thought wait why the heck am I doing this honestly it's not good for us to live together we don't mesh well I also didn't understand the impact of two mortgages on my lending capability and won't be able to get out without renting somewhere else for 5 to 10 years at least we ultimately decided that he will move out and he's been looking for a few weeks well he approached me last night night and brought up the 10K apparently Mom tried talking to him about it and honestly it took some effort to control my face that money has been more than made up in his reduced rent over the last 2 years if anything I thought he would ask to take the fridge and washer that he brought with him and I would offer to buy them off him my bro basically said Mom tried to talk to him about it and he distracted her by changing the subject but he wanted to talk to me about it it essentially boiled down to I don't want that 10,000 your family and you don't take money from family found a place and I want to move around the 5ifth to 7th but pay the guy on the first to lock it in would you be willing to wave the rent for January and let me keep my tools in the shed I asked him Point Blank if she was trying to get me to pay him and he essentially responded that he cut her off before he could hear the whole thing part of me thinks this might have been a negotiation tactic to get me to agree but to be honest I already expected to wave A month's rent give him an extended move out period period and let him keep his tools in the shed I also told him he could keep his house key so that he can access said shed and said I would help him move I have a lock on my bedroom door and that's where I keep my valuables so no worries about him getting into anything of value he told me he would also give me a copy of his new key for emergencies and replace a faulty bathroom light before he leaves so negotiation successful no idea if mom was trying something else by bringing up that 10K but if she actually intended for me to pay it she's absolutely insane how Wild is it to promise someone else's money to someone I honestly wouldn't put it past her she's prioritized them over me before honestly if I were an op's position I would be praying that it's just like some kind of slip of the mind with her trying to get op to pay that money back you know just a situation where they don't take into account op's letting him pay that reduced rent for all this time and that circumstances are not what they originally agreed upon but I'm sure Opie's had plenty of experience dealing with their mom and some entitled Behavior so it might not just be a surprise our next story is Indian fathers in the age-old question of why they behave like Manchild Papa I'm sorry you have Parkinsons but really I'm not 3 years ago when I said I'd be there for you that does not mean you can continue to be nasty to me when the tables were turned and I was sick as a child in surgery or on medication you were not there but you made extra sure to remind me that you were paying for doctor's visits antihistamines surgery Etc if what I'm saying is untrue you would know how many surgeries I've been through what each one of them was for who the doctor was what hospital Etc things parents should know at home you'd shout at me for losing my asthma pump when I was 9 years old and choking for breath mid attack as a parent I'm not sure why you didn't keep a spare on you when we were on Australia you snatched away my antihistamines while I sneezed and sneezed and suffered through a horrible road trip that you forced me on despite my severe motion sickness sometimes you told me I needed to stop acting up and other times I needed to be strong or I needed to get on with it it didn't end there I've witnessed you explode with anger at the smallest thing it didn't matter that it's normal for children to drop things spill food make mistakes in their homework Etc you needed to take out your frustration on someone children do not realize when an adult is mistreating them so it was very convenient another thing you and Mom have in common when I went to Edinburgh University and you bought a flat there you made sure to be extra nasty when you visited me because I needed to be reminded I was ungrateful and all my mistakes and Imperfections needed to be brought out into the open you wanted me to sleep on the pullout bed in the guest room despite me living there alone you wanted me to wash dishes in cold water and not turn on the boiler you dug through all my things and let me know that you were angry no furious at the multiple flavors of tea or soap that I had you left me in that freezing flat angry that the electric bill was so high but didn't do anything to isolate the apartment or change the heating to gas when you'd berated my intelligence drowned my will to live and brought me to tears you felt you'd done your job as a parent the sheer anxiety of having you visit made me move out always remember that for all the crap you gave me I always got an equal amount or more from your ex-wife who guilt tripped me into crash diets taking diabetes medication and multiple types of nutritional supplements because of my weight problem which in addition to compounding the anxiety gave me an irritable bowel I deal with the effects of it to this day you've never had much hand in raising me I was raised by Maids tutors and drivers and by Mom they did the hard parts of it to add the final Final Touch you ruined my PhD graduation a moment that will never come back all you could think of was yourself couldn't survive without a maid for 10 days we hadn't seen each other for the entire pandemic over 3 years you couldn't care less that I had to pack up my entire apartment and moved to a different country in the space of a week that I was exhausted from my exam Etc you demanded that I serve you hourly bring you chai arrange your pillows and other ridiculous requests because the Parkinson's you've had for 3 years suddenly takes precedence over anything else going on in anyone's life despite having compromised dexterity but near full Mobility did you ask your son to do all these things he like you just sat around judging me did either of you even just do the bare minimum of leaving me in peace to pack no both Manchild decided to have a meltdown because I drew a line get your own tea water or pillows I need to pack neither of you did a single thing that a half decent father or a brother would do at a time like that when you saw the disappointment on my face you shed some crocodile tears gave me a muttered sorry and then promptly returned to your old ways the very next day I also noticed you try to butt in to give a toast when my professors asked me to give one when being awarded the degree that moment combined with the howl crying in front of the entire department encapsulates your parenting in a nutshell oh always there to take credit but never sincerely there to support your daughter in the way she needs you're the reason I don't go anywhere near Indian men or their families your biggest compliment to a woman is that she's traditional because you think women exist to serve you I've done what I could to try and repair our relationship this includes trying to explain to you how hurt your behavior makes me feel promising to pay for a therapist offering to pay you back for University even pretending things never happened trying to just let them go once you met your your new wife and you showed what I thought was a Kinder side only to realize it's just an act even getting a PhD isn't enough reason for you to treat me with decency when I told you how your demanding behavior during that time was hurting me you then proceeded to ignore any kind of reconciliation I suggested replying with one sentence answers or the famed parents and children are not equal all I've gotten for a lifetime of suffering with you is one lousy text with excuses about how hard your marriage was you decided to marry and have children with her you were not forced and a staunch declaration that you have been a committed parent and that we didn't have to agree on everything but when has any good thing you've given me I.E money come without a complimentary can of worms paid for a lavish birthday party for me and 100 people yes because you neglect me at home when I'm trying to tell you I'm absolutely miserable in school and sick all the time paid for my medical bill bills shouted me at home for anything and everything ignore me when I'm sick and remind me every few weeks how ungrateful I am paid for University get your money's worth by being extra nasty criticizing everything I do in the flat and [ __ ] shaming me for having a boyfriend something I noticed you did not do to my brother and even if I worked hard got a PhD and a top-notch job you were there to support in public but remind me of my play in private want to continue to live in the delusion that you were a great parent fine then it should be acceptable for me to treat you in your sick old age the same way you treated me as a sick child when and if your money runs out I'll give you some money for a carer if you're being mistreated in your nursing home you need to tough it out it's tough love when you're choking or in pain or you crap yourself I'll tell you to just get on with it I'll throw in a nice birthday party and whoosh I'm a a committed daughter well this definitely sounded like something Opie very desperately needed to get off their shoulders and out there honestly if op even does what they promis to do at the end of their post here kudos to them because I feel like most people after having experienced a lifetime of that would cut them off and never look back our next story is I sometimes feel like a failure as a daughter I 20-year-old female wish that we could start over but I don't feel like it would do any good I just cannot be with her my mother 43-year-old female I don't want to I don't have a gripe with my mother but I also don't want us to be so close in person because I know we will have a yelling match about something Petty I want her and I to have a relationship like she does with my brother I want her to talk to me as gently as she does with my brother 14-year-old male I want to feel like I have a safe space at home I don't even have a room there anymore she got me off the lease when I was 17 or 18 every time we had have a small disagreement it blows to a huge one sometimes I wonder if I remind her of my dad maybe that's why she snaps so often at me or that she thinks our relationship is a lost cause cuz every time I want to talk to her she doesn't want to talk about our problems I try to have a sitdown conversation with her about our problems but Mom just dismisses them and never wants to talk about anything she just says I'm disrespectful and that I don't treat her like a mom says I have no freaking self-respect for myself and I rather let nword run me over over and be rude to her she says when you're not so disrespectful maybe we can have a talk but I talk to her calmly I ask questions on what I can do but she says just listen to what I say I'm the mom you're the child but you don't get that I don't know what to do I should want to be around her I should want to be home but I don't I get physically scared to go there sometimes because I have a lot of bad memories there she takes me not being there so personally but doesn't want to understand why I don't want to be there but love her from afar she's done the same with my grandma for 10 years I feel like a freaking crap daughter I don't want it to get to me but it does I should be rejoicing though she treats my younger brother so much better talks to him gently understands him way more mom never went out of her way to understand me if I cried about something small she'll tell me I'm an emotional wreck who doesn't respect herself but my brother is just introverted and very sensitive I'm disrespectful but my brother is dealing with Growing Pains maybe I'm the problem maybe I'm not I don't know anymore I just get so depressed thinking about it I just want us to have a one-on-one moment but it will never happen this is so difficult to hear because with people like op it sucks because at some point I feel like you just have to realize there's no winning in this relationship there's almost never going to be a moment where they give you that gold star thumbs up that you've been wanting for a long time and especially if you've been seeking it and wanting it for so long I guess it's hard probably to reframe your mind to not be reaching out or longing for that approval I mean just turning things around and just focusing on you and moving forward this next story is did anyone else's mother constantly talk about how ugly everyone else is when you were a child I'm wondering if this is what all families did or if my suspicion was correct and this wasn't normal behavior growing up this is just one thing of many growing up that I truly deemed not normal behavior here as young as I can remember my mother always talked and made comments to me and my sister about how ugly people are or their flaws she also constantly gassed herself up reminded us how beautiful she was how she was close to if not the most beautiful girl in her school and also told us how beautiful me and my sister are we weren't allowed to go to public school but I can't say she homeschooled us either as she half but taught us on and off till like second grade each then stopped the only social interaction C we got was Sports the thing is me and my sister had Horrible Very prominent flaws most kids or people do not have I spent a lot of time dwelling believing we were cursed due to my mother and what a horrible person she was inside as these flaws my mother did not have my sister was also morbidly obese starting at 4: I was a twig after I refused to keep supporting her 100% financially 2/3 pack of sigs alone a day isn't cheap anymore as I'd have been since I was 15 27 now I was old enough to surgically fix my flaws she was very upset and I received so much hate because I didn't use my money I earned to buy her a trailer or camper to set her up on my land as if that would have been enough unfortunately my sister at a very young age adapted to my mother's horrible mentality which in return landed her no friends and a rude awakening like my mom whenever she seen people's flaws or what she deemed not not worthy unsa person she would step it up a notch by laughing at them to their face and tell them what she deemed ugly nobody liked my sister she also refused to believe she was obese as my mother told her she wasn't my mother always told us how good of a mother she was and how lucky we were to have her and how most mothers aren't good I always knew deep down this Behavior wasn't right with how uncomfortable it made me feel how bad it made me feel even as a little girl to realize the stuff my mother said about other people and it made me feel bad for the other people my mother would often call me a softy because I wasn't mean to people of course now that I'm older she calls me a liar and says that never happened it made me so uncomfortable hearing her talk so badly about people all the time I truly don't believe there was one pretty person in my mother's eyes except herself It generally was kids we took Sports with's mothers she would tell me as young as five how ugly xom's nose was how weird looking x-woman eyes are how ugly xom's hairstyle is ETC this was with almost everyone we came into contact with she had something to say about and made sure to tell us her opinion of this person she would raid women Express that's why she's single make comments almost sounding jealous now that I'm older about oh X is so desperate and is probably a [ __ ] she's always flirting with the soccer coach can't she tell he doesn't like her and how ugly she is but yet then almost flirt herself with with him it's like it made her jealous this random man who she of course deems so ugly was flirting or talking with this other woman who she deemed so ugly I can still remember comments she made about people to this day she would say that girl's chest don't count she's fat the girl was 11 she would do that with women also she would make remarks how ugly most of the kids are we did sports with how plain they were how similar they all looked then tell me and my sister how unique we all look how beautiful we are how nobody looks like us yet looking back at Old group photos from the sports me and my sister were very ugly little kids one day we were getting ready to go to a soccer game and I put on a tank top it was the $3 Walmart ones it was two-ton pink with cute darker pink spots I was 13 it was 96° we were living in a safe house for as long as they would pay the bills before kicking us out my father was a very very abusive bipolar drug addict and she always let him have the home the many times we'd leave laundry was backed up she got so mad I put a tank top on and I guess accidentally let slip out anger is she jealous of me is that what this is about implying that me a 13-year-old girl was jealous of this grown woman that was my mother my mother always bragged about having 34 double d boobs in a slim waist I remember thinking and feeling bad I thought it but that her boobs were not perky they were hung like flat pancakes deflated balloons no fat left whatsoever hung past your belly button without a bra and I was left dumbfounded why I would be jealous of that when mine were not like that at that age she would in front of my father talk about how ugly his mother was how ugly his brother's kids were how ugly his sister was how ugly the entire family was and he would just take it when we got older if she said anything bad about our bodies she said we got it from his side of the family she had an obset with my dad's brother's daughter who was 5 years older than me she always said how ugly her nose Bridge was we have the same nose how she looked like Frankenstein with her veins showing through her pale face mine show too which my sister told me my mom was actually worried about me how short she was oh she loved to comment on any and everyone's height how ugly her dyed blonde hair was now she has her own kids and my mother talks just as much about them and as she did her I got my first boyfriend at 15 we stayed together for 7 years two kids the amount of fear I had showing them him was Unreal but it was way worse than I imagined my sister put him down more than my mom did he had brown hair but my sister swore she seen a little Auburn she never stopped after that reminding me how ugly and just the horrible comments funny enough she ended up marrying a ginger and has two Ginger Kids I believe my mother is the reason why my sister grew up thinking she was on a pedestal from everyone else which in return turned her into the biggest bench you would ever meet the meanest person you would ever know if you don't hear her the first time be ready for a long rant filled with unnecessary comments telling you how stupid and dumb you are thankfully since she met her husband I Can Tell She's been hiding that side of her better I'm almost wondering if her husband is in a situation where he's providing the money and the house and the living scenario because I feel like people like that do not actually hold themselves accountable unless they have something to lose like the man she's with must be a catch if she's actually holding back needless to say I would never surround myself with anybody that was acting like that I'm so sorry for op having to grow up with that but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stor is
give me a good story on rEntitledParentsWHYMYMOTHERISHORRIBLERedditStoriesorig
aita for refusing to apologize to my fiance for my reaction to being groped for some reason I 40m get groped a lot and have done so a few times over the years it's usually my RS and it's been done by strangers and people I know alike contrary to popular belief us guys don't enjoy it and I always said after the last time it happened for years ago I'd go mad if it ever happened again yesterday we were shopping and I was minding my own business when this woman grabbed by junk hard in fact so hard it hurt and she just did this playful giggle as she did so and then walked off I went ballistic and followed her shouting at her calling her every name under the sun slag rapist very loudly she was all timid and scared looking and someone who works there called security and he basically tried to get me to shut up calm down and apologize I told him I'm not apologizing she needs to she refused saying it was a joke and I want something done I refused to shut up and he threw me out all this time my fiance was in the toilet so she came out to me kicking off with the woman/ security and then she was there as I was kicked out I was fuming and ranting as we were going home basically saying the woman and the security guard was a and I'm going to complain to their head office and probably will to the police if the supermarket doesn't do anything she just listened on and was nodding so I thought she agreed a couple of hours
give me a good story on AITAHForrefusingtoapologisetomyfianceformyreactiontobeinggropedorig
AIT for backing out on an agreement my husband and I made years ago regarding potential kid names my husband 38m and I 37f have been married for 11 years and have two daughters eight and four I am currently 12 weeks pregnant with our third child I just had an ultrasound and we were able to determine the SX of the baby a little boy we have found out the SX of all of our children this way my husband is a third as in John Smith 3 before we got married and we're having discussions about kids he did make it very clear that passing down his name was very important to him if we had a son at the the time I thought it was really cute and adorable how much pride he took in it since most guys don't really care about that sort of sentimental stuff but as the years have gone by I've definitely cooled on the idea quite a bit and I don't think I want to have our son be named after my husband that way obviously with our first two kids we didn't even have to think about it but when we were choosing names for our daughters my husband was very much in the you can take the lead on naming our daughter because I already have the name picked out if we have a son camp it's not like he wasn't involved in naming our daughters but he definitely deferred to my opinion so when we found out we were having a boy my husband was very excited on the car ride home after the ultrasound it was all he could talk about he was giddy like a teenager talking about how proud he would be of sharing his name with his son I don't know if it was the best time to bring this up but I kind of had one of those yeah about that moment I told him how I know we had talked about this many times before with our other kids and that I technically agreed to it years ago but I don't think I want to name our son the same as my husband I don't think I've ever seen anyone's mood change so quickly and visibly as my husbands did in that moment it was like all the joy went out of his body all at once I told him that I just don't want our son to be a fourth it seems tacky and his weird weird aristocratic Vibes that just don't seem right to me I told him that I am not totally against the idea but I don't want to just agree to it right now because I want time to think about other names too he took that as me basically saying that I'm going back on our yearslong agreement and that there is no way we are naming our son after him he said this is pretty much me telling him maybe when I really mean no this has taken all of his excitement about the baby away he's been withdrawn and quiet with me ever since when I try to talk to him about it he tells me he has nothing to say because he's been very clear about where he stands on this and he feels betrayed by my change of heart I asked him if he would want to think of some other name together and he told me to give him a list and he'll look at it when he can I know I technically agreed to this years ago but it just doesn't feel right to me anymore
give me a good story on AITAForbackingoutonanagreementmyhusbandandImadeyearsagoregardingpotentialkidnames
:00.179 --> :05.259 About 10 years ago I worked for a local company that sold power equipment. :05.259 --> :09.630 Most of our clients were landscapers and contractors who either bought or had equipment repaired :09.630 --> :10.630 regularly. :10.630 --> :11.630 We knew all our regulars. :11.630 --> :14.980 It was a great place to work, partly because the owner and our manager has a zero tolerance :14.980 --> :18.230 policy for customers and clients who were sexist towards female employees. :18.230 --> :22.790 They supported us, trained us well, and didn’t gaslight us when we had to deal with jerks. :22.790 --> :25.410 For the most part our regulars were great, but the weekend warrior, DIY guys were terrible. :25.410 --> :30.240 Most of them had more money than sense and did not need anything we sold for their home :30.240 --> :31.240 projects. :31.240 --> :35.000 One summer we had hired a young woman to help on the sales floor on the weekend. :35.000 --> :37.510 She was still in college and kind of lacked confidence. :37.510 --> :40.470 She was great, she had an Ag background, she just didn’t know our products yet. :40.470 --> :45.739 One Saturday morning she got stuck with a weekend warrior who wanted to buy a mower. :45.739 --> :49.110 He was looking at something ridiculous; a commercial grade, zero-turn, Hustler with :49.110 --> :50.110 a 54” deck. :50.110 --> :54.880 He was not mowing acreage, he did not have a farm, he lived in the suburbs. :54.880 --> :01.500 She took him outside to look at some of the mowers and before long we could hear him yelling. :01.500 --> :02.640 The manager hurried outside. :02.640 --> :07.710 I was working on a special order when she came back into the store trying not to angry :07.710 --> :08.710 cry. :08.710 --> :10.240 The owner told her to take a break. :10.240 --> :15.050 The manager finished the sale and the man then had to go somewhere else to buy a trailer :15.050 --> :18.720 to haul it home because he hadn’t planned for that part. :18.720 --> :21.700 When the dust had settled I asked the manager what happened. :21.700 --> :25.369 He said the man started yelling and calling her a dumb b**** because she didn’t know :25.369 --> :33.299 how to turn on the mower and had offered to go get someone else. :33.299 --> :38.900 The fact that he was asking the question indicated he also did not know how to turn on the mower. :38.900 --> :42.700 I’m no longer shocked at the number of people who will drop thousands of dollars on things :42.700 --> :44.310 they don’t know how to use. :44.310 --> :50.530 Later that day the owner came over to me, sighed heavily, and told me the guy had called :50.530 --> :52.750 demanding we mail him a copy of the manual because he didn’t get one. :52.750 --> :56.899 All of the manuals and links to repairs and parts for all the products we sold were on :56.899 --> :57.899 our website. :57.899 --> :03.060 But no, he wanted hard copy because he had already been insulted enough and shouldn’t :03.060 --> :04.630 have to find it himself. :04.630 --> :10.310 When I brought up the manual it was 90 pages long, 45 pages in English, 45 pages in Spanish. :10.310 --> :14.370 I printed off the Spanish copy and left it for the mailman. :14.370 --> :19.249 I told the owner what I did when I arrived at work the next day. :19.249 --> :20.590 He just started laughing. :20.590 --> :27.019 When they guy called to complain, the owner apologized and told him a lot of our clients :27.019 --> :30.769 speak Spanish so we didn’t want to assume people only spoke English. :30.769 --> :31.959 The guy returned the mower. :31.959 --> :36.840 We’re pretty sure he couldn’t figure out how to get it off the trailer. :36.840 --> :39.909 We sold it a week later to a landscaping company. :39.909 --> :41.439 (Repost because I cannot spell) :41.439 --> :46.049 I run a small-ish online education institution and finally after 4 years got a magnificent :46.049 --> :50.930 team member to handle all the customer support and tech support questions. :50.930 --> :53.310 He’s great at that, patient, kind, the full package. :53.310 --> :58.430 And it took me a while but I finally learned to set my boundaries and send people his way :58.430 --> :01.359 so I can focus my energy on other things I’m more useful at. :01.359 --> :03.959 So this one student sends me a private email about out upcoming program. :03.959 --> :08.449 I forward the message to my trusty colleague and inform her that he will get to her, which :08.449 --> :09.449 he did. :09.449 --> :14.650 She replies to me - not him - saying his answer was too wordy and she only has a simple question. :14.650 --> :15.650 Basically tl;dr. :15.650 --> :18.980 Well, I did answer her… in as many words as him, including some direct quotes from :18.980 --> :19.980 his original message. :19.980 --> :23.129 I did not end with “should you feel like your enquiry was not addressed to your satisfaction, :23.129 --> :26.680 please do not hesitate to reach out to any member of our team and we will address it :26.680 --> :27.719 with our utmost care”, as tempting as it was. :27.719 --> :28.719 I was just wordy enough. :28.719 --> :30.359 This happened at a restaurant a few years ago. :30.359 --> :33.629 We'll just call it "Bracker Carrel" or BC for short. :33.629 --> :39.159 So on a busy Sunday afternoon the church crowd was slowly winding down and we were nearing :39.159 --> :40.159 our dinner rush. :40.159 --> :42.809 This particular restaurant you can order breakfast all day. :42.809 --> :47.359 At around 3pm, two ladies were seated in my section and I greeted them promptly. :47.359 --> :50.659 Both ordered drinks their food as well at the same time. :50.659 --> :54.559 Guest 1 (G1 for short) ordered Mama's Pancake Breakfast with scrambled eggs and cheese with :54.559 --> :55.859 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA crispy bacon. :55.859 --> :00.159 Guest 2 (G2 for short) ordered the Grandma's Sampler with scrambled eggs and cheese with :00.159 --> :02.060 EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA crispy sausage, bacon and ham. :02.060 --> :07.260 I put their order in EXACTLY as they ordered and told the cooks how they said they wanted :07.260 --> :08.879 to see NO PINK ANYWHERE. :08.879 --> :11.919 Cooks make the food, I expedite and bring out their meal. :11.919 --> :14.790 Everything looks the way they ordered it, charcoal bacon, sausage and ham. :14.790 --> :17.299 I set the food down and they immediately start running me. :17.299 --> :22.320 Never once did they ask for everything at the same time even AFTER I asked, "is there :22.320 --> :24.580 anything else I can get for you?" :24.580 --> :29.919 Every time I brought back something like hot sauce, ketchup or napkins they always needed :29.919 --> :30.919 something else. :30.919 --> :35.830 After 5 minutes of back and forth they said everything was fine and I went and did other :35.830 --> :36.830 duties. :36.830 --> :41.440 They hadn't touched their food until I had EVERYTHING for them they had me run around :41.440 --> :42.440 for. :42.440 --> :47.300 A few minutes later my manager on duty (MOD) comes to me and asks me about table 231 (G1 :47.300 --> :48.300 & G2). :48.300 --> :51.340 He says they are complaining their eggs are cold and their food is burned. :51.340 --> :55.460 I explained they said everything looked fine and their eggs wouldn't have been cold if :55.460 --> :01.080 they had asked me for extra napkins, hot sauce, ketchup and extra butter and jelly on one :01.080 --> :02.080 trip instead of 6. :02.080 --> :07.370 He goes back and forth with them and they are adamant they are NOT paying for the eggs :07.370 --> :09.979 or bacon and are ONLY paying for the pancakes. :09.979 --> :10.979 Cue Malicious Compliance. :10.979 --> :14.969 The Grandma's Sampler comes with 2 pancakes a sampler of meats, eggs and a side of your :14.969 --> :15.969 choice for $9.99. :15.969 --> :19.830 Two a la carte pancakes are $7.99 so $2 off (for all of you math geniuses out there 😉) :19.830 --> :23.460 Momma's Pancake Breakfast comes with 3 pancakes, eggs and your choice of meat for $7.99. :23.460 --> :27.520 Three a la carte pancakes are $9.99 which is obviously $2 more than the breakfast. :27.520 --> :31.189 MOD hands the receipts to each lady and both stop him before he can walk away. :31.189 --> :35.669 G2 is b****ing she is paying $2 less than what her breakfast would have cost and she :35.669 --> :37.360 felt that wasn't a good enough discount. :37.360 --> :40.750 G1 is b****ing because her meal is now MORE than what it was before. :40.750 --> :45.430 The only thing my boss kept saying to both of them was, "you asked to only pay for the :45.430 --> :48.370 pancakes and that is what I charged you for," and then he walked away. :48.370 --> :52.759 They paid up front b****ing the entire time at the cash register making a scene. :52.759 --> :57.939 Threatened to call corporate and said they will be returning to speak to someone higher :57.939 --> :58.939 than my MOD. :58.939 --> :00.650 MOD and I went into the back and kept laughing. :00.650 --> :06.252 You don't get many wins in the service industry but this one will always be a memorable one. :06.252 --> :09.780 I was working at a gas station about 20 years ago. :09.780 --> :14.090 One evening this lady comes in, dumps like five or six handfuls of pennies on the counter, :14.090 --> :15.090 and states her preferred brand. :15.090 --> :18.650 Ordinarily, our cashiers would just tell someone to f*** off if they were trying this, but :18.650 --> :24.150 I was pretty chill at the time and I had nothing to do but run the register and stuff my face :24.150 --> :26.710 with food from the deli case, so, cue malicious compliance. :26.710 --> :30.090 I just said, "Ok, but I'll have to take other customers, I'll count this between." :30.090 --> :32.189 She objects, "It's all there, I counted it already." :32.189 --> :36.879 I reply, "If my drawer comes up wrong I'll get in trouble, I have to count it, sorry." :36.879 --> :40.710 She starts stomping around the store all mad, throwing her arms around etc (I would later :40.710 --> :44.930 come to recognize this as tweaker behavior), and I start counting, meticulously setting :44.930 --> :50.380 the pennies aside in stacks of ten, and pausing every time a customer comes in, all the while :50.380 --> :53.639 this lady is acting like she's been stabbed through the hand. :53.639 --> :58.680 Maybe half a dozen customers and ten minutes later, I'm nearing the end of the pile, she's :58.680 --> :04.439 still standing by the door getting more and more impatient, b****ing at everyone who comes :04.439 --> :05.439 through. :05.439 --> :09.240 I was giving the other customers priority, so they didn't care, of course. :09.240 --> :11.710 Anyway, I finish counting and she's short, maybe 15 cents? :11.710 --> :12.710 Who could remember. :12.710 --> :17.889 It was fairly common for people to raid the penny dish to cover the cost of a pack of :17.889 --> :21.560 cigarettes they couldn't quite afford, and this was generally allowed (small town, and :21.560 --> :23.219 after all, who even cares.) :23.219 --> :30.009 But she promised me it was all there, and I got a bit of a bug up my a** about it, so :30.009 --> :33.949 I take the overflowing free penny dish and move it behind the counter before calling :33.949 --> :34.949 her over. :34.949 --> :35.949 "You're X cents short." :35.949 --> :39.009 "Can't I just cover it from the dish, where is it?" :39.009 --> :40.009 "What dish?" :40.009 --> :41.009 "There's a dish! :41.009 --> :42.009 There's always a dish! :42.009 --> :43.009 You took it away!" :43.009 --> :45.669 I give her a puzzled look, wave my hands over the counter. :45.669 --> :48.350 "There's no dish, I don't know what you're talking about." :48.350 --> :53.080 She is incensed and cusses me out for a while, I just shrugged it off. :53.080 --> :55.021 She left without her cigarettes, of course. :55.021 --> :00.590 My boss came over afterward and told me I didn't have to count those or even take them. :00.590 --> :09.550 Dude did not get me at all, but I just played it straight and was like "oh, ok." :09.550 --> :13.389 The guys at prorevenge argued that it better belongs here, so here I am. :13.389 --> :17.490 My house is surrounded by two gardens, one in the front, facing the street, and one in :17.490 --> :18.490 the back, bordering my neighbours' gardens. :18.490 --> :21.020 When my parents and grandparents moved into our house 26 years ago, they planted a thick :21.020 --> :23.270 hedge around the entire property. :23.270 --> :28.590 They also installed a rose arch over the pathway to our front door and my grandfather was always :28.590 --> :31.499 busy keeping up the garden, planting, weeding, keeping everything very tidy. :31.499 --> :35.589 My grandfather died in 2002 and after that, the garden was neglected for a few years as :35.589 --> :39.419 my parents were still working and my brother and I were in university/school. :39.419 --> :40.419 But then, ca. :40.419 --> :44.760 2005, my mum read something that we should plant stuff to help the bees and she took :44.760 --> :47.769 over the gardens, planting lilac, rhododendron, roses and various berries. :47.769 --> :51.089 Later we decided to also install raised garden beds with various kitchen herbs. :51.089 --> :56.970 My mum is now over 70 years old and has officially given the house over to my brother and me, :56.970 --> :00.790 so that we won't be taxed on inheriting it when she dies. :00.790 --> :04.100 Since then, I've been sporadically taking care of the gardens. :04.100 --> :09.830 I like them in their wild shape with all the birds, bees, bumblebees and butterflies flying :09.830 --> :15.130 around, in autumn we get hedgehogs and we've been visited by a fox recently (which send :15.130 --> :16.779 my cats into a panic). :16.779 --> :21.750 Then, recently, we received a letter from the city stating that our garden was interfering :21.750 --> :28.440 with the safety of the street, because the hedge was overgrowing the pavement and contained :28.440 --> :30.930 poisonous berries which were a danger to children. :30.930 --> :36.190 Now, my brother trims the hedge every month to make sure nothing is overgrowing the pavement :36.190 --> :41.420 in any way, and while the berries are poisonous, to get to them you'd have to be quite resilient :41.420 --> :42.970 because they're surrounded by thorns. :42.970 --> :46.670 They are also know to be ideal food for some local birds. :46.670 --> :52.680 So, I contacted our local nature conservation association and asked if they would like to :52.680 --> :59.250 have a look at our gardens and maybe tell us if we could improve anything to make them :59.250 --> :00.670 even more nature friendly. :00.670 --> :10.389 They came, looked around and then told us they rarely see gardens so in touch with nature. :10.389 --> :20.620 They approved our gardens as "especially nature friendly" and contacted the city to tell them :20.620 --> :28.620 that from their point of view, any changes would be considered unfriendly to nature, :28.620 --> :32.800 and since our city prides itself with once being one of the "green capitals" in our country, :32.800 --> :34.199 they had to budge. :34.199 --> :43.839 Don't mess with my gardens! :43.839 --> :45.860 I was 19 when this happened. :45.860 --> :50.899 Im a plus size girl who’s confident in my body. :50.899 --> :57.440 I’ve been working at the same big chain restaurant since I was 15 years old. :57.440 --> :58.440 It was my first job. :58.440 --> :02.100 (It’s what one would call higher end fast food) :02.100 --> :23.550 When I went to college I transferred stores and began working at the same place in another :23.550 --> :24.570 city. :24.570 --> :36.100 Everything was going great for about a year until we got a new boss. :36.100 --> :45.970 Immediately he singled me out and told me I needed to stop dressing the way I do because :45.970 --> :53.920 it was going to “lead to men harassing me” he would say this daily to me and also told :53.920 --> :59.399 me graphic stories of sexual assault he had witnessed at our workplace because of leggings. :59.399 --> :09.550 One day I stood up to him and told him it’s not appropriate that he says this stuff especially :09.550 --> :15.839 given all the people under the age of 18 we worked with. :15.839 --> :23.360 Later into his first week he yelled at me for something minor and told me I should just :23.360 --> :32.880 quit because he’s going to find a way to get rid for me. :32.880 --> :34.209 So I did :34.209 --> :01.550 He was transferred to another store and I came back under a new boss who was amazing :01.550 --> :04.089 and understood what the previous boss had done was wrong. :04.089 --> :20.700 I worked without incident for a month and then my original terrible boss came back. :20.700 --> :47.089 Again he singled me out and tried to make me uncomfortable by telling me I was going :47.089 --> :49.550 to get harassed. :49.550 --> :53.540 This time I fought back. :53.540 --> :24.529 I told him straight up if he continued I would sue him :24.529 --> :34.779 and the company for doing nothing after I reported it. :34.779 --> :10.220 He laughed at me and said go ahead and that I would never get a dime from the company. :10.220 --> :33.279 Cue malicious compliance, I quit on the spot that day and contacted a lawyer who advised :33.279 --> :03.149 me to file a complaint against the company with the EEOC for sexual harassment and retaliation. :03.149 --> :12.279 After a long year of waiting the company agreed to a mediation by an outside neutral party. :12.279 --> :24.620 I negotiated and was awarded 15K in damages. :24.620 --> :35.120 I’m not sure what happened to him but the company must be P*****. :35.120 --> :38.929 He messed with the wrong pre law student 🙄
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceDONTFCKWITHMYGARDENRedditStories
students what's the most insane interaction you've witnessed between a teacher and parent in my junior high school we had a Vietnam vet for a science teacher named Mr V he was the kind of dude you just could sense at his crap together in times of panic in the three years we were there I almost never saw him do more than crack a calm smile then in eighth grade this girl Amy who showed up late to our first period class every day and was kind of quiet didn't show up at all for some reason instead of marking her absent he called the office and had a very quiet conversation he looked visibly Disturbed and shaken the next day the girl showed up to class just a bit late but with a broken nose a black eye and her jaw wired shut even though this was 25 or so years ago I can still see the look on Mr V's face when he saw her it was pure murderous Fury he was lit on fire inside and even more terrifying he pulled her into his office had a calm conversation with her and sent her to the nurse he then told the rest of us that nobody was to say anything to her about it as she had an accident and was embarrassed most people didn't care quickly the rumor spread ridiculous things like did you see Amy Jesus somebody kicked the crap out of her or I heard it was because she was screwing Mr V and his wife found out so on and so on I happen to be passing the office on my way home that night and I saw the principal two police officers Mr V and Amy in there with the door shut she was crying one of the police officers noticed me looking and pulled the blinds I normally walked home so I waited I think school got out around 2 30 or so and I usually hung around with some friends to listen to music or play basketball for 30 minutes or whatever before I started walking I waited outside the front of the school until almost 4 pm finally A car pulled up and this dude gets out looking freaking pissed off he is swearing to himself and as I'm the only one out there he says you where's the office I just pointed but he didn't make it to the door the two cops came out quickly one in front and one behind the one who approached the guy started telling him to calm down this angry dude just loses his crap and starts screaming my damn daughter should have been home an hour ago and I had to leave work because of you pieces of crap I'm gonna Sue and blah blah blah basically just furious the cops are trying to calm him down then out of nowhere Mr V comes out the side door of the office his face lit like the fires of hell and he just straight up goes full horizontal four feet in the air and body this guy in seconds he's on top of him and has probably hit the guy 10 times closed fists and all worse yet he's not saying anything he's not making any noise just deep rhythmic breathing like you do when weightlifting short breath in Long breath out the cops actually kind of take their time getting him off the guy one casually handcuffs the guy the other handcuffs Mr V who is standing untouched safe for some bloody knuckles and is just breathing steadily face red from exertion Eyes Wide in anger and satisfaction he still hasn't said a word nobody seems to notice me the principal then calls to me come in here get inside or go home this isn't about you I decided to walk home as I'm heading up the road and ambulance sirens and all flies pass me towards the school the next day Mr V wasn't in school and we had a substitute and of course I had told some of my friends what had happened by the end of the day people were telling me the story and it was completely wrong of course Mr V pulled out a gun and shot him in the gut and Mr V stabbed him with that flip knife he has the next week without any explanation at all Mr V was back first thing I noticed was written on the chalkboard he had if you ask you go to detention his face made it clear he wasn't to be tested and did not have a sense of humor about it nobody saw Amy again after that I don't know what happened about five or six years ago I was telling this to a friend and he said why don't you just look her up on Facebook I felt stupid I hadn't thought of that I went to my Mom's broke out my junior high yearbook and found her last name I'd forgotten it when I typed it into Facebook I found a couple dozen options since her name is pretty common eventually I found her on LinkedIn of all places she's a high school guidance counselor and has been for almost 20 years now her photo looks happy she ended up going to the University of Colorado Masters program I Googled her a bit out of curiosity and found some articles she'd written for various anti-bullying and abuse awareness and management things well written one of them was told like a fictional story a girl came to school late every day lacking in energy she had no personality of note and was quiet and meek she wore loose fitting clothing she had few friends it was evident to me pretty quickly she was talking about herself in the story she wrote the girl had been sad and physically abused for years by her stepdad an abusive alcoholic and it took a teacher with no training at all to determine what had happened and start the chain of events that ended the abuse the point of the story was to teach other teachers what signs to watch out for what personality traits to look for I looked up Mr V as well to see how he was doing I worried he was dead after all he was in his 50s or 60s back then I found a few articles about his baseball coaching during high school and a note saying he'd retired in 2001. nothing after that no obituary or anything I like to think he's probably just sitting around watching reruns of some show he likes drinking a beer and playing with his grandkids who are probably about the age Amy and I were at the time I don't know if that's true but that's what I like to imagine
give me a good story on Studentswhatsthemostinsaneinteractionyouvewitnessedbetweenateacherandparent
hey everybody hope you're all doing well my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested i'll tell you how to enter later on in the video that said today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by ross and auntie's night go ahead and shoot me so this happened years ago but all the paintball stories got me thinking about this little bit of malicious compliance that 14 year old me pulled off so this was back around 2003 or 4. it was around christmas time and in my rather large family we all draw names and then get that person a gift to the tune of 50 to 100 depending on the year this particular christmas both of my parents had drawn the names of my cousins who were my age and very close with me i happened to have drawn the third of the three brothers so we had the whole set and my parents decided i was the logical choice for just choosing gifts for all of them which i was more than happy to do so off to walmart we went now another thing you need to know we were a paintball family and airsoft was pretty new on the scene back then it was just coming into its own and was kind of the hot thing on the block so when i found a cheap set of airsoft guns that fit within my price constraints i thought they were the perfect gifts i stacked them into my cart and went and found where my parents were waiting my dad looked them over and was not impressed he declared them puny and said that they didn't look like any fun at all but i stuck to my guns stating that it was something that they would want and would be excited about he relented and we started moving towards the cashier when this exchange took place dad says those don't even look like they would hurt so they don't have to hurt yeah but you would have to shoot someone from less than five feet away to even fuel it so you want me to shoot you with one sure we laughed checked out and hauled our stuff home three days later and i had acquired a few extra bits and bobs to go with the guns eye protection a couple extra clips and bbs i was wrapping them up in my bedroom and i decided it just made the most sense to include all the little extra things in the already oversized box so there i am with the box open on my bed and i hear my dad in the middle of a phone call he is a doctor sitting at the family pc remember having those which happened to be situated right in front of the door to my bedroom recalling his words from the store i popped the rifle out of its foam packaging stuck in a bb cracked open my door and shot my dad in the lake from about three feet away some additional context my father is not the kind of person you do this crap to he has some anger issues at time and though he never hit us kids can really get going breaking stuff and swearing beat red face all that stuff so in the middle of this phone call with one of his nurses he screams out at the top of his lungs and comes up out of that office chair like he had been shot he had been he turned and looked at me with his face as red as a tomato cordless phone clutched in his fist and just said what the freak through my crack door i replied back well you said i could shoot you because it wouldn't hurt he deflated and with a sigh just said yeah okay that hurt don't do that again sitting here recounting the story i honestly can't believe that 14 year old me had the balls to go through with that and that i suffered zero consequences for it yeah i was reading this story and i knew where it was going and i was thinking to myself i would never do this to my own dad because he would flare up but then op described that their father's like the same deal and they still dared to do that i would never do that what say you guys would you be able to get away with shooting your dad with an airsoft gun let me know in the comments down below our next story is by hey j burke throw away that coffee here in school we really aren't technically allowed to bring drinks around unless it's water in a clear bottle but most teachers don't really care usually if i'm wanting to eat breakfast or have a coffee i'll go to one of my teacher's classrooms before first period he wasn't in there today so i didn't get a chance to drink very much of it and honestly it wasn't that special just plain black coffee so i didn't mind having to throw it away i just don't want to throw a full cup of liquid in a garbage bin where it'll make a mess i'm walking down the hallway and the one teacher who gave a crap saw me with it you can't have that you need to throw it away very hostile for some reason i know i'm just looking for a place to no you need to put it in a trash can no yes but can i stop arguing with me if another word comes out of your mouth again i'm giving you an office referral and a detention okay so i take the full cup of black iced coffee and dropped it in the garbage can sitting in her classroom it makes a giant mess and i walk away she's pissed and says the next time i catch you with a drink you'll be placed in in-school suspension okay so i go to the main administrator and ask him about this he tells me you can have drinks just as long as they're gone before first period i bring another iced black coffee the next day sit in my usual teacher's classroom and when she walked in and started griping at me again i drank the whole dang thing in front of her needless to say i have the poops but freak that witch sometimes the consequence of having to use the bathroom very often and or very badly is worth it to get a little bit of payback this next story is by keep on going one want me to take two weeks off sure i worked for a big tech company starts with l and ends with g they sell a lot of refrigerators in the company there's a division or sub-branch for importing services we used to only do imports for ourselves but our branch was moving towards new customers and other unrelated companies op i had just barely been working there for three months or so and i was getting piled with about 15 to 20 accounts with five shipments a week or so as you can imagine i'm just a newbie and i'm trying to keep up with everything side note the next newest person had been there six months and didn't even have 10 accounts yet i was a hard worker and i tried to learn quickly including working on weekends to take calls from customers who haven't received a container or with truckers to pick up the containers and schedule deliveries karen hr personnel truly a karen boss man my direct supervisor his role is just about the same as mine but he's a veteran i work side by side with boss man because i'm new on board and i'm taking over some of his accounts to manage he's been laying accounts onto me because our company is taking new customers constantly but we just don't exactly have enough manpower for it so whoever is capable of it is now working double time the thing with accounts is that each account is best known by the person assigned the account the sender receiving customer and truckers as well as the steamship line will generally talk to you and you keep pace notes so you keep an excel sheet highlighting what needs to be done and what stage your containers are in however the tricky thing is reading each different person's excel sheet and trying to understand what parts have been done most of the time this is streamlined by seeing the emails in your account and seeing what's there to do next three months in i get sick really darn sick like i can't get up without feeling dizzy diarrhea and i get shortness of breath as i try to lie in bed maybe it was just anxiety by monday i feel just fine since i've been popping tylenols like candies i can work now maybe it was just a bad cold time to catch up on emails over the weekend and do what's needed to be done but karen calls me cuts off my emails meaning i won't receive any emails from that point on not that i understand why she screwed up big time by cutting my emails i'll explain later and tells me to come into the office and hand in my company laptop for the next two weeks even when everyone is working from home i'm not sure i understand the logic behind that but okay here's the malicious compliance i know that on my hand is about 10 to 15 accounts with plenty of processes that need to be done this is an 8 hour task minimum each day each person also has a chart of what needs to be done for each account and whatnot but the only copy is on the laptop for security reasons with only one laptop only one person could work at one time even if you shared it within the company and delegated a workout there was still quite a lot of work to get through i tell her that there's no way that my co-workers and boss man can handle all of that even if you delegated it and that i probably needed to handle the accounts since i'm feeling better keep in mind that everyone is working from home anyways so there was no need for me to hand in my laptop and stop working karen says that boss man can handle it and not to worry i comply turns out after a nice two weeks off the company is in shambles containers were sitting in demerge and storage costing the companies lots of money it was enough to make the company bleed i tried to handle what was left of my accounts and the new shipments but we were bleeding money anyways because too many things were going wrong all at once when she cut off my emails a lot of the emails that were sent to me from customers didn't show up or get through meaning there was a heck of a lot of angry customers and a lot of containers hanging in freefall while bossman tried to remedy things when i was away many things were left undone because there was just too much to do and by cutting off my emails from my laptop many things didn't show up either a month or so later on a friday i get an email from karen saying to come in for a performance review here's why i call her a karen i go to the performance review generally in a performance review you wouldn't need your company laptop as you're not working you're there for a review so i show up without my laptop expecting to actually attend a performance review i'm told i need my laptop for a performance review so i go home and get it i return and i am told that due to the company in shambles and a certain virus they are letting me go i was rather annoyed she made it so i had to get up on a saturday morning at 10 a.m to go to the office go home to grab my laptop return then tell me i'm laid off when everything could have just been done on a friday after the work day ended aftermath couple days and even weeks later customers call me and asks where their containers are i let them know i don't even work there anymore the company didn't even tell the customers that i didn't work there anymore and if i had to guess they were still bombarding my email with where is my container the last time i heard about the company was from one of my co-workers apparently the company laid her off too and a bunch of other employees to hire temp workers as the company was going broke shortly after i checked indeed and saw that a new spot for hr was open as well i honestly chuckled quite a bit when i saw that thinking to myself that all of this could have been avoided if only karen had just listened to me it's not even if karen didn't listen to you it's just if karen used common sense karen practically sabotaged the entire company and then lost her own job good going this next story is by ryan ongs don't pick up the phone i work at a bank my boss the branch manager one day we were pretty slow easy going day i had a customer call in to ask for balances and i noticed they didn't have an email in the system so i kindly asked them if they wanted to provide an email for us they said yes and i went forward and started the procedure to update their email then about five people walk in at once and i put up my window closed sign to continue to help the person on the phone my manager then shoots me a passive-aggressive message with something along the lines of why are you on the phone you're the only teller on the line right now don't you know better thanks malicious compliance so as veterans day and thanksgiving is coming up lots of workers take vacation time and we only had two tellers myself and another my co-worker went on lunch and the phone starts to ring of course i ignore it as he wanted me to my branch manager is in a zoom meeting so he can't pick up the call either the caller calls about three times before my manager shoots me a message why are you just letting the phone ring do your job i replied i am and took three minutes to scroll all the way up in our convo and copied and pasted what he said to me about picking up the phones he gave no reply to the message but after his meeting i could see his frustration when he came to me and told me pick up the phone and take a message when you're the only one on the line it isn't much but i've been wanting to maliciously comply to something ever since i found this sub make up your mind you know prioritize the customers in person prioritize the calls you can't tell them to not do one or the other you can tell them to do some kind of slide multitasking type thing but don't tell them why are you on the phone you're the only teller because if they comply then they'll just completely ignore the phone this next story is by justcot17 not allowed to take off safety glasses to the fog okay so this happened yesterday i work at a company that has really strict safety rules that state no removal of safety glasses while on the clock they also of course implemented a mask mandate due to c19 which they are strict about as well i can't blame them as there are thousands of employees here well yesterday we were told that we cannot remove our safety glasses to defog them from the condensation from the mask and the mask must stay over the nose i'll get back to that in a minute our company is also pretty strict on production they don't really want us taking a lot of breaks so if they see us standing around doing nothing there is a potential to get written up for that as you know it's very difficult to keep glasses from fogging up i've tried numerous different things to help but it only lasts a couple of minutes so once the boss told us about the new rule we went to work a few minutes later almost all of us had to stop working and had to sit there with foggy glasses because we weren't allowed to remove the mask or defog our glasses we sat there for a good 10 minutes and our boss conveniently came up to our job and was questioning us asking why we were just sitting there and we got to tell them that our glasses were too foggy to work our boss changed the rule that same day stating that we can remove our glasses to defog them as somebody that commonly wears glasses it would drive me crazy not being able to defog them i would have been right with her with the rest of them so quickly now i just want to explain how to enter the giveaway the way it works is i take every video that was uploaded in a given week find one random comment that was relevant to the stories in that video and i give them an amazon gift card it's that simple so all you want to do to have the best chances to win is to leave a comment relevant to the video in some form on every video this week that's all you have to do and best of luck and also if you could like the videos too that would help more than you could possibly imagine and our final story of the day is by pokemark111 can't give store credit enjoy paying double shipping short and petty last year on black friday i excitedly ordered some clothes at a great price as fate would have it when i received my package the following week the same company was having a cyber week sale which added a 25 discount to their black friday prices i knew that the company offered free return shipping so i could easily return my items get the refund and repurchase them at a lower price however doing that seemed unnecessary since the items were fine not to mention the marginal environmental impacts from the extra shipping so i called the company and tried to convince them for way too long that they should just give me store credit because it was a win-win i keep my clothes and get some store credit they avoid paying return and new shipping while also keeping me on the hook for future purchases unfortunately nobody i talked to was willing or able to budge so i returned and reordered my items adding a pretty penny to my bank account while the company sponsored two unnecessary shipments definitely in this day and age of majority orders being online sales happen very frequently and if you order something and a couple days later it goes on a 25 off sale you want to be able to get that money saved i feel like a price guarantee or a price match thing should be a pretty normalized system so that in situations like this the company doesn't have to deal with extra unnecessary costs and well the value of the items are instantly down because they're already used clothing right it just makes the most sense for both parties i think but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so if you enjoyed the stories today let me know which one was your personal favorite and why in the comments down below and if you haven't yet please like this video and subscribe and turn notifications on because anything you do helps this channel grow so much more so no matter what you do whether it was just watching the video liking subscribing thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceCompanywantsmetotakeweeksoffSurethingorig
my boyfriend told me that he prefers pink cat but I'm black this is so embarrassing so I made this throw away my boyfriend and I have been together for a year now and everything is moving forward smoothly we have great chemistry and the sex was mind-blowing until about 2 weeks ago when we were having pillow talk after a great sex session then he opened up and mentioned that he loved pink Pussycats and that it made him go crazy that he preferred it I told him that well that means the majority of Pop Girls Aren't preferable to him he Shrugged and said that this was what everyone actually preferred but it doesn't take from the girl I told him that I disagreed with everybody because not everyone subscribed to the white ideal he Shrugged again honestly I didn't care much about it at the time personal preference I thought but now I have been avoiding him like the plague the thought of him gives me shutters he has been texting me every day and trying to call but I am not ready to talk to him yet I think I am ending things with him but I don't think it is polite to do it via text when we have been together for a year and I am simply not ready to see him yet so I've been avoiding him my friends call me the [ __ ] but for different reasons the majority because I am insecure and feel inferior dumped a man because of his preference when everything else is great and he loves me he made it very clear that this preference doesn't have anything to do with what he wants from a partner I honestly don't think this is the issue here but I feel insecure others because I didn't react strongly enough but then again I didn't really think that I had any right to scold someone over their preferences there's no right or wrong have I messed up update so I did it and I sent him the text suggested by one of your beautiful Reddit users he texted me that he wanted to see me and and at least he wanted to know what's wrong and if he did anything to make me mad so I texted I think we should see other people he answered about an hour later saying he wanted to come over to talk so I guess we are having the talk later this evening wish me luck update too so he was here and we talked I let him do almost all the talking and he started saying that he missed me and that he loved me I told him that I felt like something switched off and I got the ick I don't think it is fixable he got angry and called me insecure saying that he didn't mean it that way these things aren't important in the scheme of things and I am the best he's been with not only sexually I disagree that I am insecure because I don't recognize myself as one I am just turned off and I thought we should call it quits before we waste more of each other's time we had a conversation and this is how it went it is not like I am the only one who thinks that everyone does think what you know ask anyone and those who say otherwise are lying like ask who like my friends they all like white girls okay I see you are being insecure again I don't care because I love you it doesn't matter no it doesn't matter at all but at the same time I am not really attracted to you anymore we can't control these things he got upset and said see we want to give you plural a chance but you are always so dramatic and you wonder why we prefer white women just relax be fun you just said you didn't care silent then he said look I didn't mean it that way but you really need to relax I love you you are the best sex I've had then it just got awkward and quiet afterwards so he said he was leaving leing and asked to just not jump into things he texted later that things didn't go as he hoped and that he was sorry and didn't mean what he said then at least think before giving him an answer I answered that I was very sure that this was over and that I didn't need to think things through he called me easily offended then the texting bubble was there for almost a minute so I texted before you write something stupid In the Heat of the Moment don't it wasn't worth us sinking this low I prefer ending things on good terms the bubble disappeared and he just wrote I just can't believe I'm losing you over this then I love you this is it I didn't and won't answer him BS everything is paraphrased besides the text the conversation was longer but went in this direction this is my update now good night final update today I had a talk with my ex-boyfriend's best friend's wife her husband told her everything and as many here suspected it wasn't just an innocent comment or a preference it was negligible my ex-boyfriend meant to say it to me to make me feel insecure and even grateful that he sticks around like oh he must love me if he doesn't mind how I look basically he thinks I am too awesome to be with someone like him so he's been terrified that I would leave him well it backfired because I kind of get turned off by someone making me insecure I am even the opposite I am very needy of feeling praised and appreciated to feel attracted to someone he must be dumb as hell not to know this about me after a year of dating the more I appreciate it the more affection and compliments I get from him he thought comparing a brown girl to a white girl was a good idea because apparently we are all too insecure when it comes to white girls my question now is to you does putting your girlfriend down really ever work to keep her is this really a thing it must be because so many have suggested it and it turned out to be the case here do people really stay with someone who puts them down it hit me now that the relationship has ended and I feel terrible sadness about it what a silly thing to pull off on your girlfriend and blow a perfectly happy relationship what a waste of good love he was story two my friend 36f manipulated me 28f into believing my boyfriend 27m was having an affair this is a complicated story so I'll use fake names for everyone boyfriend Tom my friend Jess boyfriend's friend Kim my techsavvy friend Rich Tom and I have been together for 3 years and he's been a very affectionate and loving boyfriend during that time I would have said yes if he had proposed to me Kim is a friend that he knows from work I've always been a little uncomfortable with their relationship but I never had a reason to believe that Tom and Kim were doing anything behind my back until Jess told me that she saw them at dinner together on a Friday night where Tom told me he was working late obviously I was devast ated Tom is the most standup and honest man I know so I never expected in a million years that he would even lie to me let alone have an affair I didn't believe Jess at first but then she showed me a blurry picture of the two together I couldn't see either of their faces but I saw body figures that greatly resembled both of them I also saw the man wearing a watch Tom always wears a watch and Tom's favorite Vineyard Vines tie thrown over his shoulder I was convinced Jess told me that if I could get my boyfriend's phone she'd be able to bypass the password and get all the messages that were on it even the deleted ones she gave me a stack of papers that she claimed were correspondents between Tom and Kim which clearly indicated an affair between the two again I was devastated the papers show that he called her the same nickname he called me that cut really deep I tried to approach Tom with this information in mind casually do you have anything to tell me I tried to be extra affectionate and loving with him throughout this and he always reciprocated the love which disgusted me but gave me hope that he'd end his alleged affair with Kim every time I jumped through Jess's Hoops to check Jess would tell me that the affair was still ongoing after 2 weeks yesterday I confronted Tom with everything and unsurprisingly he denied it I told him that I was willing to fight for our relationship if he was willing to meet me halfway Tom continued to deny everything and he told me that if I didn't believe him then we had no relationship I didn't believe him he slept on the couch and promised me he'd be out of the house by the end of the week I was so upset last night that I could not sleep I cried for a really long time and Tom heard me crying he even tried to come in and comfort me but I cussed him out and told him to leave this morning Jess was busy with work so went to a text Savvy friend Rich for help with what Jess had done traditionally I gave Rich the phone and he told me that my demands were impossible he said you cannot bypass the password on my boyfriend's phone it's a work phone without deleting the text messages I teased him about not being as familiar with this stuff as he thought but he adamantly stuck with his claim when I showed him the papers that Jess gave me he told me they were fake and he proved to me they were fake by making his own [ __ ] my life I have absolutely no idea what to do and no one to talk to about this Rich told me he's looking into everything but I don't know if he'll come up with much when I came home Tom was already gone with his stuff and I have no way of reaching him directly because I'm the one with his phone I don't know what to do I don't even know what's really going on in my life anymore edit there are lots of questions about this so I'll try to clarify I took my boyfriend's phone when he went out for his run since he doesn't listen to music when he's jogging the Run sort of contributed to my suspicion but he's been doing this since I've met him when I confronted my boyfriend I didn't show him the proof but I told him I had conclusive evidence and he said that that was impossible at the time I thought he was lying Jess has not replied to any of my voicemails or messages update one I returned tomk phone to him and we talked about the situation I tried to explain everything but he told me that trust in our relationship was irreparable and that I needed to learn how to effectively communicate my concerns he's a firm believer that without trust there is no relationship so we've officially split up he initiated NC and I have not spoken with him since I finally got a hold of Jess through the phone and she admitted she lied but she won't tell me why I'm sure she has not slept with Tom but I can't be sure she isn't trying I'm unbelievably mad right now mostly at myself story two my fiance had a sexual relationship with an older man who works for her father and I don't want him at my wedding prior to getting together with my fiance she had a long-term relationship with an older man he's 52 now but he was 46 when they started up she was 19 at the time this relationship has never been exclusive her father is a contractor and this man has worked with him for many years my fiance initiated to the relationship and it has been a secret between the two of them my fiance told me that when we became exclusive there would be no secrets but their physical relationship went right up until she started dating me the problem now is that she sees him often due to his relationship with her father and he's invited to the wedding their relationship has been exclusively sexual and it angers me when I see them around each other to the point that I'm using sex to cope the last time I saw them together was at her father's 61st birthday party and I got so angry that I took my fiance upstairs and we had sex in her childhood bedroom while the party was still going on to my fiance's credit she lets me cope this way but it isn't healthy I don't want him at the wedding but if I say anything I will need to provide a reason her father would beat the bag out of him if he knew about it in addition to firing him so my fiance doesn't want to say anything since she says he really didn't do anything wrong she was an adult before anything happened and he hasn't tried anything since we've been together but this guy knew her as a kid and the whole thing is creepy what should I do am I out of line here this is a throwaway account since the parties involved know my Reddit account edit thanks for all the comments at least I know that I am not being unreasonable my fiance also understands how I feel and doesn't want him at her wedding either and the wedding isn't the only issue it's his continued presence in our lives which she doesn't want as much as I do but the situation is combustible she feels responsible for initiating their relationship in the first place and is embarrassed she thought at the time that hooking up with this older guy made her a badass she certainly doesn't think that we anymore and doesn't want her whole family to know what she did and believe me I get that whatever ever I ask her to do to make me feel comfortable she will do but I love her and I don't want to embarrass her in front of her family or make her feel guilty for Wrecking this guy's life perhaps I just need to be stronger update I believe my problem has been resolved and by some miracle has worked out for both myself and my fianceé we started talking this weekend and I told her that I could get through the wedding if the old guy was there but I would always feel uncomfortable around him but I had also decided that I would feel worse if I forced her to reveal the relationship to her family so I said I could be strong and get over it she she started to cry a little and said she didn't want me to have to be strong she legitimately doesn't understand why I feel threatened by this particular guy she said he's an overweight 52-year-old who didn't finish high school he's no threat to you she had turned him down multiple times before we even met she got out her old phone which had the text to prove it but the sexual nature of those texts on his part made me feel worse than when we started the conversation my fiance could tell and she even looked offended when reading them again I could see her getting pissed the longer she looked at them so right there she just dialed his number and put it on speaker she told him that she'd been reading some old texts and she's thinking that she doesn't want to see his face again but wanted to give him a heads up before she told her father he begs and apologizes he thought she liked it this went on for a while and my fiance can run a bit hot so some things were said that even I thought were a bit harsh if anyone wants to hear them ask I'll reply in the comments anyway she hangs up and gets a text from him this morning that he is moving to Florida he's got a cousin down there he can work with so the problem solved on my end if he stays true to his word and stays away my fiance won't have to tell her father so it went all around thanks for all the advice everyone it was appreciated
give me a good story on MyBoyfriendToldMeThatHePrefersPinkCatButImBlack
Story one my husband 44m told me he wished I 37 slf was Dad instead of his first wife I'm David tated original post SE 21 2016 my husband Nick was married to his first wife Vanessa for 5 years and they had two amazing kids Luke 15 slm and Lila 13 slf sadly Vanessa DD in an exent 11 years ago when the kids were very young I started dating Nick 8 years ago and we started off very slowly for obvious reason Nick has always been a little more distant than anyone I'd ever been with but he and the kids lost Vanessa so young that I understood it after 3 years of dating Nick asked me to marry him and I moved in I've always had a really great relationship with Luke and Lyla and they were happy for me to marry their dad I had wanted an actual wedding nothing big but Nick really didn't want one so we got married at the courthouse with just Luke and Lyla present we had a really fast engagement but it worked for all of us I have loved being Luke and lyla's stepmom and officially adopted them after I found out I was
give me a good story on Myhusband
I found videos of my fiance cheating during her bachelorette party my fiance and I had recently gotten engaged after being together for four years last weekend was her bachelorette party I didn't have a problem with it especially after she told me what her plans were she told me she was going to rent an Airbnb with a few friends it was a big place with four bedrooms and they were just going to drink and party the day of the party she was at my place making all the necessary arrangements before going to meet up with her friends we texted a little but as the party started to warm up we stopped and I figured she had gotten busy having fun after midnight I started getting ready for bed and noticed that the computer in my office wasn't turned off rather the black screen was just stuck on my screen saver it turns out my fiance forgot to log and her messenger was still open on the computer there was a group chat where her and the girls had been planning everything and that's when I saw just how many videos were uploaded to the chat I got a little curious and I started watching some of the videos most of them were pretty innocent just a group of 15 girls getting intoxicated and dancing things started to take a turn when I stumbled on a video of a woman walking up to the front door and I watched as around 10 guys began to enter the apartment I didn't know who they were and I couldn't recognize anyone there were a couple videos of the guys and girls dancing and drinking until I got to the worst part of it all as I continued scrolling through these videos I got to one where my fiance was making out with a random guy on the sofa she stopped rolled over and started making out with a second guy when I clicked on the next video she was walking up to her bedroom with the two guys following behind her there was also a video of them coming out together according to the time stamp it was sent five minutes after the one before it where they had walked in butt that doesn't mean anything for all I know the videos were an hour apart and they were all just uploaded to the chat around the same time I walked to the bathroom because I felt like I was going to be sick I paced back and forth around my apartment for about 30 minutes trying to process everything I'd just seen I saved the videos and then made one of my own it was a short little selfie video of me saying hi this is your ex-fiancee I just wanted to say I saw the videos from the party and the wedding is off I hope it was worth it I'm glad I saved the videos because in less than 10 minutes they were all deleted and my phone started ringing non-stop but I didn't answer any calls or texts at first it was just my girlfriend texting saying she could explain everything and that nothing I saw was what I thought it looked like a little later her friends joined in trying to convince me that I was taking things out of context but I ignored everyone I got a request for a video chat and when I answered I saw that it was my fiance she was sitting in front of the camera and looked like she had been crying with a few of her friends surrounding her she started apologizing and kept telling me it wasn't what it looked like that it was just a party and the guys coming over weren't part of her original plan she told me that while it might have looked bad nothing actually happened I chose to stay silent and she just kept going repeating the same thing over and over again with her friends backing her up the longer I stayed silent the more hysterical she got eventually she admitted to kissing the two guys but put the blame on her friends who were all quick to take responsibility which surprised me she told me that the kisses didn't mean anything and that's all that happened she seemed to remember the video of her going into the bedroom and she started screaming that it was just a joke and nothing happened all the other women confirmed it was just a joke and that my fiance had walked into the room for the sake of the video turned around and walked out again they all kept repeating themselves until everyone eventually got quiet and the first thing I asked was if they had anything else to add she replied that there was nothing else so I ended the video call I went to social media and changed my relationship status to single I made a post stating that the wedding was off and if anyone had bought a present they could feel free to return it my fiance saw the post and started freaking out even more she kept insisting that all she did was kiss them but I was so exhausted at this point that I sent her a text telling her that if I suspected her or any of her friends were lying to me about what actually happened or tried to paint me out to be the bad guy in the situation then I would post all of the videos online as of right now no one else knows what's happening between us this went down a couple days ago and everything regarding the wedding has been canceled my fiancee keeps pursuing me and trying to convince me to forgive her and I don't know what to do update I found videos of my fiance cheating during her bachelorette party everything has been called off and canceled the wedding is officially not happening I got the ring back and all of her stuff was moved out as soon as she got back from the bachelorette party she's currently staying with her parents for now we talked a bit before I made any rash decisions but it was mostly full of her begging for me to hear her out apologizing for what she'd done and crying she keeps insisting that all she did was kiss the guys and that it never went any further than that she explained that she had never done anything like this before and she promised it would never happen again part of me really wanted to believe her but the problem was that this incident had put our entire relationship at stake I've completely lost all trust I used to have for her and our relationship is going to revolve around nothing but doubt on my end I think she may be telling the truth but again the point is there's no way to know because I wasn't there even if it is true that her friends pressured her to do it then how could I believe it's never happened before the two of us kept going around in circles because ultimately there's no way I can be sure and there's no way I could believe a word she says after what I saw she told me she would do anything in order to gain back my trust including cutting off her friends and only ever drinking around me she blasted her friends online saying if the party had stuck to the original plan then she would still be getting married so maybe she's already cut them off what's crazy is that a couple of her friends are still texting me stating that they just want to talk about what happened and clear up any misunderstandings or doubts I may have but I haven't responded yet because it's hard to trust them as well all I can say at the moment is that I'm single and I'm just going to live my life the best I can after this I'm probably going to be taking some time for myself after getting out of a four-year relationship
give me a good story on ifoundvideosofmyfiancCHEATINGUPDATEorig
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got some awesome compliance stories and our first story of the days from village idiot 1984 poorly drafted exit docs equals free pension this happened to a family member and it's my favorite legal freak up story my family member was a partner in a law firm the way a lot of law firms work is partners who retire get a pension it's based on their last few years average salary or something similar this only applies if you truly retire and not go work somewhere else and my family member was not near retiring the two other partners who were in his area of practice at this firm decided to push him out instead of trying to come to an agreement for him to leave they ambushed him in a meeting where they'd already drafted exit documents for him to sign they included some token severance but basically said pack your crap or we're going to make this a huge hostile thing and drag your name through the mud etc there's a non-compete clause and a lot of partnership agreements so you can't leave and take clients and go work somewhere else right away if you're a partner in their haste to prepare these documents they negated a bunch of these clauses so he would be able to work at another firm without awaiting the non-compete period but they missed that some of those clauses were also what govern the part of the pension clause that doesn't let you get the pension if you work for another firm after you leave basically they wrote docs that gave him a pension way early and for the rest of his life and based on some really good years he'd had for the firm he noticed this when he'd read them because he's a good lawyer and knew they screwed up and also knew he would be able to get a job pretty easily so instead of negotiating or fighting it he just signed them as is and left they were very surprised expecting a huge fight or a long negotiation he ended up getting another job pretty quickly at a different law firm he waited a couple of months and then called one of the other partners and said something like so when are you going to start making the payments at his age when this happened they would have had to have paid him a large amount of money every year for maybe 40 to 50 years they basically pooped their pants once they went back through and realized what they forced him to sign they started making offers to buy him out of his pension he eventually settled for a multi-million dollar payout all because he signed the documents they put in front of him this goes to show why it's important to read your documents and to lawyer up whenever possible if you were in a situation like this and you got like one really nice payout per year and that nice payout would happen every year over the next 40 to 50 years would you continue to do that or would you take the multi-million dollar payout right now let me know which option you would want to take in the comments down below our next story is from forge night this job is only for employees that are happy to see customers okay guess it's not the job for me this happened a couple of years ago and i started back in 2016. back then i was in early 20s something looking to start my career i was getting started in freelance work and not making enough to make ends meet i started looking for part-time jobs and actually found a full-time job that was perfect for me to give us some background this was a low-paying job ten dollars an hour in a big city but what made it great is that it was a desk job at a university this meant that i sat at a front desk of a dorm and essentially just helped students who needed to submit maintenance requests and give them temporary keys if they were locked out so more than 90 of the time i was just sitting there and i was able to do my freelance work it was a great job for me at the time and at that stage in my career all was good for two years but then a new director took over this director decided that us desk people were front-facing customer service employees weren't all of our customers college students living in the building but i digress the great genius director told us that we're no longer allowed to do anything not directly related to our jobs he told us that if we're not helping a customer or responding to communications we had to just sit there smiling at people walking through the building to make matters even worse he said that he and his lackeys would drop in to check on us from time to time and tried to scare us by hinting to us that he'd use the surveillance cameras to monitor us none of us appreciated being treated like this and this was way too much to ask for from people making ten dollars an hour in 2018 at this point i was already on the fence about the whole thing but i decided to try and talk to him i explained that the lobby was empty most of the time during the day and that i was always ready to greet people or help students out he said it doesn't matter this is a job for people who are good at customer service and you are expected to be available the entire time you're on the clock this is where the malicious compliance comes in i told them i wasn't cut out for this work and i'm sure is heck not good at customer service if it requires me staring into the void for six hours a day i quit the job on the spot by this point i was starting to make real money with my freelance work and didn't need the job anymore from what i heard three more of the five total desk people quit shortly after the one remaining was a kind older woman elise who i'm pretty sure was just doing the job for fun director and co were unable to fully staff the desks anymore elise went back to reading her novels on the job and big shot director seemed to be unwilling to fire the last full-time employee from what elise told me all the fancy salaried bigwig people including director had to take turns staffing the front desks after about a semester of this director's boss intervened raised the pay for the desk job and set the rules back to how they were before director mysteriously transferred jobs in the middle of the year to a lower level position honestly i think it should be just about illegal to try to expect your employees who are working at a station to sit there and do literally nothing for hours on end people legitimately like go insane over less imagine trying to make it by working for ten dollars an hour sticking to these rules and basically losing your sanity over it you start talking to the plastic plant sitting on the desk after a while our next story is from intrepid she you're using your time incorrectly this happened about 10 years ago and i still get annoyed and i laugh thinking about it i worked at a public university as a professor and researcher i didn't yet have tenure which means you work like an indentured servant at the beck and call of all the tenured faculty we had year-round instruction so i put in 60 to 70 hours per week for years to reach tenure i eventually did achieve tenure one of the great parts of my job was teaching a course for undergraduates that involved performing community service work the students always got to select and design their project this was an overload class for me which gave me a little additional pay the wages for being a professor are lower than if you work in this profession so the little extra income really mattered but i love training new researchers and making discoveries through my own research one of the services i provided was consultations with colleagues about their research and publications i kept my calendar open to be readable so others could book appointments with me so they could see where i was what i was doing we got a new department chair it was only a matter of weeks before the administrative assistant a sort of dreama worm tongue personality to the chair decided to try and get me in trouble i'll call this assistant grima because that name is hilariously apropos grima showed my calendar to the new chair who then met with me to insist my percent of time spent on the undergraduate course not exceed the allowed amount but the fool of a department chair didn't realize i was putting in less than the allotted amount because it's a percentage i was working so many hours i could have doubled the amount on this course so you bet i complied first i turned off everyone's view of my calendar which was hilarious on its own i'll say more on that in a moment second i showed the chair the actual hours were less than allowed and the chair ended up crying and apologized i think the chair felt stupid and humiliated for trying to discipline me but this wasn't the first time i'd been treated this way and i was pretty angry so i increased my hours on the undergraduate course and spent more time in volunteer work this ended up getting some local media attention and even wound up making the chair look good so grima wasn't able to mess with me anymore about my calendar rima did try one last time to get the better of me by going to the chair about my calendar no longer being readable grima had to schedule meetings and appointments with me and now it was really hard to do when the chair came to me about opening my calendar up i said i would if it's a policy and if everyone else has to do the same thing of course it wasn't a policy and the chair wasn't about to make everyone do that so for the remainder of my time grima had to work extra hard i often kept my calendar full with work for the undergraduate course now that i was putting in all my allowed hours i just don't get why people like this feel the need to be so micromanaging and then when you do something to counter their micromanaging they only get more upset honestly with people like this i think you just can't win our next story is from pelly uncertain escape innovation course it's the mid-1980s and we find ourselves in a military training area in central west germany with a bunch of grunts one of whom is me this evening we were tasked with an escape and evasion course that means giving each soldier a location of where they were to travel and then dropping them off individually at a random distance away it's capture the flag at night in uniform with a helmet and gun but no bullets if you failed to make it to the target by a stated time the next morning you would be doing extra training if you were caught you would be doing extra training if you made it to the location in this case a medic m113 then no extra training so no carrot only stick with that in mind i was dropped off at a random location facing a bunch of ncos and a supposedly unknown final destination location and 6 or so hours to get there when you looked at the map of the training area there was only a few places that made sense to house the flag so i wandered over to one of them and there sat the track malicious compliance starts now i knew that they'd be ready for people jackrabbiting for the track so i buried myself in leaves and cadnapped about 30 minutes before time was up i walked over to the track and climbed into the door the medic slash ref said are you so and so and i was that person so i replied in the affirmative the battalion's been searching for you all night i have to call them so we can go home and sleep i was ordered not to get caught and to get the flag before a certain time but 600 or so of my military compatriots had to stay up all night looking for me so my story was that i was waiting for a clear shot at the flag before i came in i figured that my malicious compliance would result in a few folks driving around in trucks with their lights on announcing that the training was over but nope i was incorrect in that assumption i was one of a small handful to not get caught so i wasn't punished but i'm told future ene events included a few more starlight scopes and ir of some sort all i know is is if you're going to give a deadline for something you want to make sure that if they take up every second of that deadline you're happy with when you're getting delivered the product if you say you've got till 6am to get that flag then by god if they roll in at 5 59 you better be darn satisfied and our next story is from frankie panty horrible district manager suggests i seek employment elsewhere after i call her out on her bs i managed a small franchised own beauty salon it was my first management role i've ever taken on i built the salon up after a low period i was well respected by my staff because i was an empathetic listener and understood the needs of my staff district manager was anything but that she was originally hired on as a manager of a new location in our district that was set to open a month after her original hire date she somehow convinced her franchise owners that she would be a perfect fit for the role of district manager and was promoted quickly and first i didn't see my district manager all that much remember that new location that was opening up well she would tell me that she was over at that location getting things in order to be ready by the opening date i took her word for it and managed to run my location just fine without her guidance even though i was new to management myself after that location was good to go she would promise me that she would spend a day with me at my location and when that day would come around i would get the oh something came up at another location text from her i was starting to get a little suspicious in the meantime a new manager was hired on at another location in our district this woman became my mentor as she had years of experience in the industry district manager as part of her job duties was supposed to train this new manager on her role district manager gave this woman the run around too oh i'll be here today and then later a text message of something coming up at another location little did district manager know that us location managers were talking to one another and quickly realized that this woman is sitting at home while collecting a paycheck our franchise owners too quickly began to realize what this horrible district manager was doing however they were reluctant to fire her because they had no solid evidence of what she was doing district manager caught on that her job was on the line and really started to throw her weight around she fired multiple employees at all locations who had no previous write-ups these particular employees were ones who saw her bs and weren't afraid to stand up for themselves she started enforcing purposeless tasks onto us managers soon enough turnover was high at each location even some long-term employees left after she started to show up more now for the malicious compliance eventually i had enough of putting up with her crap and on a particularly rough day i called her out on her bs i went ahead and called the franchisers and told them everything of what she was doing a few days later district manager pulls me aside and tells me that she suggests i find another job elsewhere and that she could pull some strings well i did exactly just that and i found a new job without her help of course i gave my franchisors my notice and on my very last day horrible district manager was demoted to my former position and was given a huge pay cut is anybody else kind of unsatisfied by the end result this person should have been fired and blacklisted from even working in a managerial position this person was skating by at home not doing any work and even though they didn't have solid clear-cut proof they knew what was going on why would they demote her to a still managerial position this person's only shown that they're going to mail it in but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another malicious compliance story that was way crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMyBOSSIsSTEALINGMoneyRedditStoriesorig
:00.080 --> :06.000 today we have a crazy Revenge story all about  walking down the aisle our story of the day is   :06.000 --> :11.520 sister wants to walk down the aisle at my wedding  we use that to our advantage here I am writing   :11.520 --> :16.520 this long Tale in my honeymoon but it does feel  cathartic to finally type it out and my husband   :16.520 --> :21.360 is more excited about this than the resort drinks  anyway this is a throwaway because I don't have a   :21.360 --> :26.920 Reddit account and my husband the Reddit fanatic  said he doesn't want this associated with his man   :26.920 --> :32.840 as to why the Reddit guy isn't the one riding this  it's it's because he said since it's my family I   :32.840 --> :37.160 should be the one with the honor of posting the  story but he is looking over my shoulder to help   :37.160 --> :42.360 out so I think first it's necessary to give some  background to explain how this Behavior reached   :42.360 --> :49.080 this level and why our responses were as they  were it's a long read I apologize so ever since   :49.080 --> :55.280 I could remember my parents loved my sister more  I don't mean in subtle ways either if my sister   :55.280 --> :59.920 accused me of something they'd believe it and  punish me if I accused her they wouldn't believe   :00.560 --> :05.240 even if there was undeniable proof they'd still  give her a lesser punishment and try to find a   :05.240 --> :11.800 way to scold me in tandem my birthday cake had to  be a flavor she wanted hers did not and my parents   :11.800 --> :16.240 always denied knowing that I didn't like that  type of cake they always bought her a bit more   :16.240 --> :21.600 than for me we went to where she wanted even if  it was an event that should be about me my sister   :21.600 --> :27.000 grew up spoiled and didn't like me just used me  as a punching bag but At first she mostly ignored   :27.000 --> :32.480 me but then it got really bad when we were young  teens I'm not sure what the cause and effect are   :32.480 --> :37.720 but she found herself with no friends and her  behavior got worse did her friends move did   :37.720 --> :43.200 they ditch her because she was mean I don't know  because we were never close and my parents loved   :43.200 --> :48.800 to boast about her achievements but never ever  mentioned any issues whereas with me they loveed   :48.800 --> :54.920 to bring out any flaws of mine constantly as  teasing material I only knew she had none because   :54.920 --> :00.120 we went to the same school and I noticed her no  longer walking around with people anyway she had   :00.120 --> :07.120 no friends I did I used to be decently popular my  sister realized that and suddenly I stopped being   :07.120 --> :13.200 the occasional punching bag to a hated person  she needed to take down at all times she started   :13.200 --> :18.680 accusing me of more stuff she accused my friends  of more stuff my parents stopped allowing me to   :18.680 --> :24.200 hang out with anyone the excuses ranging from  they're not good people according to your sister   :24.200 --> :29.920 to why are you trying to leave us why can't you be  like your sister and enjoy family time what's see   :29.920 --> :34.840 Saed me from complete isolation was extended  family most of my family lived in the same   :34.840 --> :40.480 Hometown and I got along with my cousins despite  some age difference at one Gathering they invited   :40.480 --> :46.040 me over to something I don't remember what and I  sadly replied I'm not allowed to go anywhere when   :46.040 --> :51.560 asked why my kid self with no filter replied that  it was because I wasn't allowed to have friends   :51.560 --> :58.240 since my sister didn't have any well that reached  the adults who apparently tore my parents apart   :58.240 --> :04.720 later I was scolded for lying lying and grounded  as if I had anywhere to go for a month but after   :04.720 --> :10.280 that they allowed me some leeway so it was worth  it and my sister changed schools I guess the   :10.280 --> :16.320 humiliation of extended family knowing her social  status was bad and she demanded to be changed and   :16.320 --> :21.320 my parents immediately obliged even though it cost  them more since the school was further away but   :21.320 --> :26.800 she made friends in the new school however she  never went back to the previous status quo of   :26.800 --> :32.720 mostly ignoring me I guess having felt the power  of how badly she could screw with me and anger   :32.720 --> :38.600 that I told family she had no friends she never  let me go her life was still bad her friends would   :38.600 --> :43.880 come over and Bully me and my parents called it  light teasing I never called friends over because   :43.880 --> :48.680 my parents were awful host to them or my sister  would accuse them of taking stuff and they would   :48.680 --> :54.200 believe it I did become close to my cousins though  since my parents never darare to do any of that to   :54.200 --> :59.840 family and then I got my first boyfriend I didn't  want to bring him home at all but my parents in   :59.840 --> :05.240 assisted well at one point we were separated  and he came to find me to tell me my sister was   :05.240 --> :11.680 flirting with him by which he meant she came over  with skimpy clothing batting her eyelashes really   :11.680 --> :17.760 badly and started telling him how bad I was and  how good she was he was irked and ran off to find   :17.760 --> :23.440 me of course my sister told my parents a different  tale that my boyfriend had instead tried to flirt   :23.440 --> :28.840 with her but she naturally refused since how  could she do that to me guess who my parents   :28.840 --> :36.240 believed now now my boyfriend wasn't perfect but  I immediately believed him for a mean reason but   :36.240 --> :42.280 remember back then that I was a teen and suffering  from the unfair bad treatment I was very resentful   :42.280 --> :47.320 and Moody and now hated my sister as much as  she hated me with that disclaimer out of the   :47.320 --> :53.200 way let's talk about looks I hadn't mentioned them  yet because they weren't relevant my parents were   :53.200 --> :00.560 SLR overweight and since they liked showing love  via food giving you more food buying treats Etc   :00.560 --> :07.920 my sister was Slash is also overweight whereas I  was Slash am not in fact I've always been kind of   :07.920 --> :14.640 skinny because punishment often included no treats  or snacks obviously weight isn't what matters   :14.640 --> :20.840 personality is but my sister even then was already  rude and spoiled even her flirting attempts were   :20.840 --> :25.440 bad because she never learned to work for anything  since she could demand and my parents would   :25.440 --> :31.680 deliver added to that fact that she didn't look  like some sexy model even my self-conscious teen   :31.680 --> :37.000 self didn't believe my boyfriend would try and  cheat on me with her anyway my parents prohibited   :37.000 --> :42.440 me from dating such a horrible boy I did try  to keep going in secret but it was hard and   :42.440 --> :48.120 the relationship ended I did get another but again  my sister accused him of flirting with her when he   :48.120 --> :54.280 refused her advances again my parents believed her  I tried pointing out how this happened again but   :54.280 --> :59.920 they decided that meant I was incapable of making  good choices and kept picking bad boyfriends   :59.920 --> :05.320 the relationship couldn't handle the Romeo Juliet  situation and fizzled out again I would eventually   :05.320 --> :10.760 get called a [ __ ] in high school as I was fine  with making out with boys and such but refused to   :10.760 --> :16.480 have relationships thankfully it never got  back to my sister or parents my sister did   :16.480 --> :21.920 bring one boyfriend home during all this time he  was paraded with pride and my parents spent every   :21.920 --> :27.880 second telling me how good he was and why couldn't  I be like my sister and find myself someone like   :27.880 --> :34.560 that until he stopped showing up and suddenly he  was a conniving idiot that tricked my sister oh   :34.560 --> :40.280 well and the unequal treatment continued at this  time she had more spending money her curfews were   :40.280 --> :45.960 much better than mine she was free to go anywhere  at any time while I couldn't if I pointed it out   :45.960 --> :50.680 my parents would say it's because she's older  but when I reached that age I still didn't have   :50.680 --> :55.720 the same treatment she had and when pointed out  they would deny that they ever said that or claim   :55.720 --> :01.440 it was because I couldn't be trusted like she was  using my sister's accusations against my boyfriend   :01.440 --> :07.640 and friends as proof of my bad judgment time goes  by and it's time for my sister to graduate she was   :07.640 --> :14.160 accepted into a college not a very well-regarded  one and she had no scholarship or anything again   :14.160 --> :19.880 because only her achievements were told to me I  don't know which colleges she even tried for so I   :19.880 --> :25.400 can't say how badly she was rejected I do know her  grades were bad in school though because whenever   :25.400 --> :30.160 she got a B we would celebrate I would usually  get good grades but my parents parents refused   :30.160 --> :36.080 to celebrate claiming since I always got those  what was there to celebrate my parents naturally   :36.080 --> :41.600 made a lot of fanfare and told her they'd pay for  everything I was relieved she'd be going away not   :41.600 --> :47.120 that it made my life any easier she'd always come  home every other weekend and somehow stuff kept   :47.120 --> :52.880 missing from her room or some other issue she'd  think of to make my life miserable my curfews   :52.880 --> :59.160 were still strict Etc eventually my mom came to  talk to me about my impending graduation I'm only   :59.160 --> :04.400 a year younger than my sister she told me since  they were paying for my sister's College they had   :04.400 --> :11.040 no money to pay for mine so it would be better for  me to start working immediately after graduation   :11.040 --> :16.200 and waiting until my sister finished uni to see  if they could afford something for me oh and if   :16.200 --> :22.120 I decided to stay at home I'd have to pay for all  my stuff part of the bills and rent I pointed out   :22.120 --> :28.800 I could get student loans mom said Yes except no  that is because they were so caring towards me   :28.800 --> :34.800 and I had such bad judgment they would decide if  a college was worth my getting in debt or not I'm   :34.800 --> :40.600 not sure how they would stop me from getting loans  but I didn't ask scholarships weren't mentioned   :40.600 --> :46.520 they had no idea what my grades were anymore and  never believed in my capabilities anyway I didn't   :46.520 --> :52.320 bat an eyelid I simply said okay my mom clearly  didn't expect that and kept pushing maybe she   :52.320 --> :57.520 hoped I would throw a tantrum so they'd have an  excuse to not ever pay for my college but I said   :57.520 --> :03.600 nothing except I understood their position thanked  them for caring and that was that my dad later   :03.600 --> :09.800 tried the same but I also refused to be emotional  you see after a whole lifetime of their terrible   :09.800 --> :16.160 parenting I never had any expectations towards  my education I knew they would find an excuse   :16.160 --> :21.120 to not pay for mine and make my life miserable I  never believed they would eventually pay it if I   :21.120 --> :27.000 worked and waited for my sister to graduate I had  been preparing for college for a long time I could   :27.000 --> :33.280 barely go out my friendships were Slim so I had  a lot of time to study and study I did because I   :33.280 --> :39.040 saw College as my only chance to be free well  the time came and I worked my butt off and got   :39.040 --> :45.200 a scholarship not to anywhere like ivy league or  anything like law or medical school but it was a   :45.200 --> :50.920 good enough course in a decent college with a full  scholarship knowing my sister would hate it and   :50.920 --> :57.400 try to stop me via parents I put my achievement  in social media at the same time I told them even   :57.400 --> :03.480 forced myself to thank them in the post now they  couldn't forbid me from going as they would have   :03.480 --> :09.080 to explain to family why not initially they were  even a little proud and boasting about it and then   :09.080 --> :14.040 I guess my sister got to them and they changed  gears and even asked me if I was sure I wanted   :14.040 --> :19.520 to go they let slip my sister wasn't doing well in  college and since she was smarter and had better   :19.520 --> :25.680 judgment than me I would suffer worse I obviously  stuck to my guns they weren't happy but couldn't   :25.680 --> :32.120 do anything College was my savior I started being  happy I still contacted my parents and visited on   :32.120 --> :37.880 holidays and such but since they refused to pay  for anything I could excuse not going a lot due   :37.880 --> :43.840 to money during this time I avoided introducing  any man to them and my sister stopped going to   :43.840 --> :50.000 college I know she didn't graduate because again  they'd have made a Fanfare about it moved back   :50.000 --> :56.080 home paying no bills or rent but it's different  my parents said and started working at the same   :56.080 --> :01.560 company as my mom obviously thanks to my mom  pulling strings this was all sold to me as a   :01.560 --> :07.800 source of Pride oh well almost there I promise  I met my husband around this time you know those   :07.800 --> :13.080 people that say that if I was an ex situation  I'd have done something my husband is the type   :13.080 --> :18.480 that really does I'm the person that is Meek  and a doormat in any situation and then can't   :18.480 --> :23.880 sleep at night wishing I had done something had  thought of something witty to say Etc I'm the   :23.880 --> :29.360 person that can't help but cry when I'm angry my  husband is the guy that claps back immediately he   :29.360 --> :34.720 loves drama and that he loves to resolve it he's  the guy that if he doesn't immediately reply to a   :34.720 --> :40.520 slight you better start worrying because he won't  forgive and forget he's just doing something worse   :40.520 --> :44.920 for Revenge he's the one that wanted me to  post here and wanted to post on a nuclear   :44.920 --> :50.600 Revenge board too but decided what we did wasn't  nuclear people were baffled I got together with   :50.600 --> :56.960 him but just because I was incapable thanks to my  upbringing probably of acting like him it didn't   :56.960 --> :02.480 mean I didn't like him I love that my husband does  what I can't and he treats people well as long as   :02.480 --> :07.720 they do the same to him when we discussed marriage  we decided we didn't care much about the ceremony   :07.720 --> :12.520 due to our budget as we would rather spend on  a dream trip to Europe for our honeymoon as   :12.520 --> :17.000 for where to do it since his family was spread  out and mine was still mostly concentrated in   :17.000 --> :22.200 my hometown we decided to do it there we weren't  living too far off either so we could take some   :22.200 --> :27.000 long trips during the weekends to manage stuff  plus there was some work flexibility so we could   :27.000 --> :32.240 stay in my hometown for a bit too if need we sent  out the engagement announcement and the save the   :32.240 --> :38.360 date for a few months later well at this point my  parents have naturally demanded they meet my man I   :38.360 --> :44.160 wanted to grow a spine and refuse but was having  a hard time the distance had made me think maybe   :44.160 --> :49.360 my parents weren't so bad well my husband looked  like i' had canceled Christmas when I told him I   :49.360 --> :55.000 would at least ensure they were never alone with  him see he had been getting ready for this he even   :55.000 --> :01.280 bought a highquality recorder he could hide in a  pocket to record it all he was stoked thinking of   :01.280 --> :07.040 all the ways he could refuse my sister's advances  insult her and then spread the recording of her   :07.040 --> :13.960 attempts to my family so off you went alone and  excited to meet them and came back later euphoric   :13.960 --> :20.840 babe babe you won't believe the awful crap they  wanted babe we can freak them over so bad there's   :20.840 --> :27.160 so many possibilities I was confused and wanted  to hear the recording but he smartly told me it   :27.160 --> :32.600 was better to listen to him first or or else I'd  misunderstand him well he went there and instead   :32.600 --> :39.040 of flirting my parents and my sister sat him down  after some grumbling about not being okay with him   :39.040 --> :46.680 my judgment Etc they proclaimed they were willing  to pay for my wedding on one condition my sister   :46.680 --> :53.280 would walk down the aisle on my wedding first in  a wedding dress their excuses were that it wasn't   :53.280 --> :59.400 okay for a younger sister to marry first so it was  only fair if my sister had at least the experience   :59.400 --> :06.760 of it on my venue with pictures being taken and  the dress and she'd have a cake later too Etc my   :06.760 --> :13.440 husband will now type this part hey hey vengeful  husband here heck hath no fury like a pro Revenge   :13.440 --> :20.000 SL Instant Karma SL nuclear Revenge lurker when  his beloved is scorned that said as much as my   :20.000 --> :26.200 wife T she's my wife now paints me as this quick  witted dude I admit my neurons are all but short   :26.200 --> :31.760 circuited when those folks legit suggested that  crap like some sort of great freaking gift even   :31.760 --> :37.720 Troy would rather take in the horse a second time  me thinks alas after my brain rebooted I did have   :37.720 --> :43.800 a whole butt catalog of insults about to spew out  but something in my soul whispered in my ear like   :43.800 --> :51.040 the devil string these freaks along so I said I  needed to think see how my wife back then fiance   :51.040 --> :56.080 would react and then ran out of there before I  could give away my nefarious plans back to me   :56.080 --> :01.560 the wife so my husband sincerely recounted how  my parents wanted even my wedding to be about   :01.560 --> :08.080 my sister with a grin on his face and had the  recording to prove it I was shocked the distance   :08.080 --> :13.680 had softened how bad they treated me and I thought  even they wouldn't go so far thankfully my husband   :13.680 --> :20.120 insisting on the angle of Revenge helped me not  go to a bad head space we had a blast thinking up   :20.120 --> :25.960 ways to screw them over this from ridiculously  outlandish to what we thought was feasible we   :25.960 --> :31.040 then called his much more level-headed brother  when we decided on on a plan it involved having   :31.040 --> :38.680 two venue addresses giving them the wrong one Etc  well level-headed Brothers scolded us for it while   :38.680 --> :43.760 he acknowledged that he would never be able to  convince us from retaliation he at least showed us   :43.760 --> :48.760 something like that would be hard to pull off some  of our other ideas were also at danger of getting   :48.760 --> :55.440 sued so we eventually settled for the most benign  plan act like we agreed but then hire security and   :55.440 --> :01.480 don't let her in obviously if that was all it  wouldn't be Pro Revenge the rest is all mostly   :01.480 --> :07.360 my husband but he wants me to do the honors so  here goes just important to mention everything   :07.360 --> :13.480 he did was previously discussed with me and were  our mutual ideas he went back to my parents said   :13.480 --> :18.840 he probed and thought I wouldn't be down with it  however he didn't see the issue and not wanting   :18.840 --> :24.480 family to fall apart would be down to helping  them do it he pointed out I don't like conflict   :24.480 --> :29.160 so if I was surprised with it I might not throw  a tantrum in front of all the people on on the   :29.160 --> :36.520 other hand marriage is a big thing so who knew if  I'd lash out thus he suggested a compromise they'd   :36.520 --> :42.120 help pay for stuff this way I would feel even more  pressured to not say anything as Not only would we   :42.120 --> :47.920 be public well with our families there but I'd be  grateful to the help they gave and that would mify   :47.920 --> :54.240 me he said my parents looked surprised by my grown  sister starting skipping with joy literally so   :54.240 --> :00.480 like a kid so it was accepted important my husband  also claim clim that due to some bad judgment and   :00.480 --> :05.880 boyfriends in the past these words were all my  idea and I'm so so proud of using their words   :05.880 --> :10.880 against them I was distrustful and controlling  and like to check his phone and stuff to ensure he   :10.880 --> :17.320 wasn't cheating on me as such it was imperative  that nothing of this plan was ever put in any   :17.320 --> :22.680 writing for any discussion pertaining to my sister  walking down the aisle before me he would go over   :22.680 --> :28.440 to their house to talk and so began the months of  deception where my parents and sister thought they   :28.440 --> :34.040 were in me and my husband and I were milking  them how well rather than pay for the wedding   :34.040 --> :39.760 than lay low of course my parents wanted input in  everything some stuff that meant a lot to me the   :39.760 --> :46.120 songs and color palette my husband would convince  them to let it go to keep me in line but since we   :46.120 --> :51.880 never really cared for the ceremony to begin with  everything else was game or so they thought what   :51.880 --> :57.920 we did was thus we would go say to check the  drink and menu options we would then accept the   :57.920 --> :03.840 lowest or second second lowest priced option my  husband would then secretly take my sister there   :03.840 --> :09.760 to also try it out and then sigh and say it's a  Pity we don't want to abuse my parents' Goodwill   :09.760 --> :16.520 so we wouldn't get the best options cue my sister  demanding my parents pay for the best my parents   :16.520 --> :20.760 would then tell me not to worry and that they'd  pay for the most expensive same was done with a   :20.760 --> :27.040 photographer flowers my husband handed my sister a  bouquet of flowers we wanted then sadly expressed   :27.040 --> :33.120 how I wanted some other taste flowers C my parents  telling me they wanted us to go with said flowers   :33.120 --> :39.280 and they would pay for it wedding dress we hit  a minor snag here my parents wanted me to use a   :39.280 --> :45.080 hideous dress okay not outright hideous but it  wasn't my style and wouldn't look that good on   :45.080 --> :50.320 me we had planned on saying yes and then simply  not using it but my mom sent me a message about   :50.320 --> :55.520 it so there would be proof I said okay we had  to go with me refusing in text and standing my   :55.520 --> :01.280 ground my husband went over there and said he'd  see what he could do my sister suggested ruining   :01.280 --> :06.640 my desired dress so I'd be forced to wear the  other one he pretended to agree during all this   :06.640 --> :12.160 time they really kept Communications outside  any text we made sure that that would happen   :12.160 --> :19.120 by when my sister tried messaging my husband have  me reply to here this solidified the uncontrolling   :19.120 --> :24.760 and neurotic claims my husband was making so they  believed it and never risked anything in writing   :24.760 --> :28.880 and maybe some people might not like the thought  of their partner going around and talking bad   :28.880 --> :33.800 L about them to family but I'm such a doormat that  the thought of being painted as this controlling   :33.800 --> :39.320 and dangerous bench is extremely funny to me  and I AED him on to do it I guess I have a   :39.320 --> :44.680 warped sense of humor oh and my sister did try  to flirt with him but he acted conflicted also   :44.680 --> :49.560 to really sell that he was with them my husband  would pretend to tell things without my knowledge   :49.560 --> :55.400 but he never told them we hired security it was  really funny my husband and I who had sincerely   :55.400 --> :01.200 considered a courthouse wedding to focus cost on  our honeymoon having this extravagant expensive   :01.200 --> :08.640 wedding and barely spending a dime we called it  back pay for emotional damages from my parents   :08.640 --> :13.880 I think my husband okay he just confirmed I'm  right was enjoying the whole tricking them more   :13.880 --> :18.320 than planning our wedding I didn't think it was  possible to witness a guy beaming at the thought   :18.320 --> :23.880 of wasting his whole Saturday doing a car trip to  discuss wedding details with his in-laws but here   :23.880 --> :29.520 we are soon the day came the plan my parents  sister and husband had come up with was wait   :29.520 --> :34.120 until everyone was seated since the bride always  comes out late they would have my sister arrive   :34.120 --> :39.920 at that precise time to avoid me seeing her and  trying to stop it and walk down the aisle by the   :39.920 --> :45.400 time I heard what happened it would be too late  to do anything as for my dress we saved some of   :45.400 --> :51.040 the leftover fabric for my dress alterations and  my husband took that to my parents' Place sister   :51.040 --> :56.000 still lives with him even now and showed them  as proof he'd ruin the dress then said he had   :56.000 --> :01.560 to go back to me as I was raging and he needed  to call me down he'd see them at the wedding we   :01.560 --> :06.840 made sure to keep our actual security hidden at  first as the guests and my parents arrived all   :06.840 --> :11.880 they could see was a woman with a list of names  to check only after my parents arrived and sat   :11.880 --> :18.400 down did we bring out security a guy that looked  like a bodyguard we told him not to allow anyone   :18.400 --> :24.920 my sister in and even agreed on paying a handsome  tip if he didn't reveal we told him that soon the   :24.920 --> :30.600 time arrived my parents got a text my sister was  less than 5 minutes away so my dad went and told   :30.600 --> :36.000 people to start my bridesmaids had been told to  follow his lead beforehand so they obeyed without   :36.000 --> :41.480 checking with me after they all went down and took  their places my dad stood up at the entrance as   :41.480 --> :47.200 if waiting for me during this a friend not in  the wedding party texted me to get ready this   :47.200 --> :53.280 because if my husband or bridesmaids Etc took out  a phone and started texting people might notice   :53.280 --> :58.680 this friend was in on the plan she's my husband's  friend is willing to help stir drama as he is and   :58.680 --> :03.720 didn't care about being a bridesmaid or anything  well as soon as my dad took his position the   :03.720 --> :12.040 bridal song started playing the doors open and  I come in my dad looked AAS at me being there   :12.040 --> :16.520 he tried glancing behind me but you can't see the  venue entrance from where we were so he couldn't   :16.520 --> :23.440 see what happened to my sister and then his phone  rang I saw the caller ID and it was her he just   :23.440 --> :29.440 left me there with a mumbled something came up  there were gasps and confusion all around the   :29.440 --> :35.320 friend in on it loudly asked what happened I lied  and in a teary voice said he told me it wasn't   :35.320 --> :41.640 supposed to be me there it's not what he said but  my husband and I agreed that if he dared leave me   :41.640 --> :46.160 I should say that to make him look the worst  possible as for the tears I wish I could say   :46.160 --> :51.600 it was just my stellar acting but no despite  everything a part of me didn't think you'd go   :51.600 --> :57.760 as far as abandon me there that the sister thing  wasn't true but an elaborate joke I don't know I   :57.760 --> :04.240 was hurt still am so I was sincerely trying not to  cry then the friend loudly went what did he mean   :04.240 --> :10.760 by it shouldn't be you so that as many people as  possible could hear and spread it then went I will   :10.760 --> :16.480 go and check and ran off we decided to do this  to make her create heck with security and stop   :16.480 --> :22.240 my dad from coming back and stopping the ceremony  or something at some point my mom also left at   :22.240 --> :28.840 this point my husband's dad quickly ran over and  took my arm he'd been forewarned he might need to   :28.840 --> :34.200 watching him run desperately to me helped me  smile I walked down the aisle to Whispers as   :34.200 --> :39.480 people discussed what happened some apparently  left a check too when I reached my husband though   :39.480 --> :45.520 all was well he made me feel better joking my  sad face was so real I deserved an Oscar and   :45.520 --> :50.720 don't worry he'd rake them over the coals for  what they did we got married without a hitch my   :50.720 --> :55.360 parents didn't come back I did notice a lot of  people leaving and then coming back during the   :55.360 --> :00.200 party but no one dared tell me what was happening  some someone did come and whisper in my husband's   :00.200 --> :05.520 ear and he went out he came back after a while  with a thunderous expression but whispered in   :05.520 --> :11.000 my ear he needed to go hide somewhere before  he broke character and started smiling well   :11.000 --> :16.760 what happened is it worked the following is the  summed account from friends family the security   :16.760 --> :22.160 guy and my husband that I received afterwards  my sister did arrive in a wedding dress the   :22.160 --> :27.440 security refused to let her in per hour agreement  he claimed she must be in the wrong venue because   :27.440 --> :33.080 there was already a ride and yes we tipped him  really well as promised my dad went there and   :33.080 --> :37.400 tried threatening him with the police claiming  he never heard of him so he couldn't be working   :37.400 --> :43.640 there the security agreed to the police since he  was hired by us and doing his job my dad realized   :43.640 --> :49.280 by then it would be too late and try to demand  you let my sister in at this point the friend   :49.280 --> :55.160 came over started shouting and insulting my  sister and asking what was going on basically   :55.160 --> :01.440 stalling my mom soon came and eventually other  people at this point the wedding plan was busted   :01.440 --> :07.560 all my parents could do now is damage control as  everyone that learned about it was a ghast they'd   :07.560 --> :12.600 try and Pull It screaming and berating them  the three naturally said it wasn't a secret   :12.600 --> :17.760 and threw my husband under the bus at this point  my husband was summoned when he came over he put   :17.760 --> :26.640 on his best look of confusion and denied denied  denied to quote him Gaslight gatekeep girl boss   :26.640 --> :31.840 he denied having ever agreed to did something so  ridiculous when they insisted he did he demanded   :31.840 --> :37.280 proof and of course they couldn't produce any all  ttic changes they could produce were about normal   :37.280 --> :43.280 wedding decisions my sister was scream crying and  apparently sat on the floor kicking her legs like   :43.280 --> :49.080 a kid my dad looked like he'd beat my husband but  security and other people held him back of course   :49.080 --> :54.680 they said they had no proof because my husband  told them not to text my husband laughed and said   :54.680 --> :01.440 wow how convenient huh then again repeated why  would he ever agree to something so freaked up   :01.440 --> :06.280 tore them a new one about being awful parents  then said he wasn't going to let their stupid   :06.280 --> :12.440 plans and lying get in the way of his wedding and  went back to me no one believed them the venue had   :12.440 --> :17.680 cameras but they refused to show me the recording  as that was only for security purposes but some   :17.680 --> :24.040 people filmed parts of it watching my parents and  sister get ripped apart by any and everyone that   :24.040 --> :30.480 came out to check the drama was delicious after  years years of being accused of stuff and not   :30.480 --> :36.160 believed to watch them have a taste was one of  the best wedding gifts my mother was crying my   :36.160 --> :42.280 dad kept changing from purple to White my sister  was still on the floor crying and screaming they   :42.280 --> :47.920 kept insisting on that my husband was in on it but  people kept asking why would my husband agree why   :47.920 --> :52.960 was there no proof why did they want my sister to  do this to my wedding and they had no good answer   :52.960 --> :58.400 to any of it eventually they were told to leave  and had no choice but to do so my dad apparently   :58.400 --> :03.440 had to drag my sister up as she refused to leave  the ground again people said nothing to me all   :03.440 --> :08.560 night I guess they wanted to spare me and maybe  it's because I was the bride and not just a guest   :08.560 --> :14.760 for once but it did feel like everyone was making  an extra effort to be nice positive and excited   :14.760 --> :20.440 about everything my husband says all the expensive  crap they were eating and drinking certainly helps   :20.440 --> :26.480 we had a blast my husband maintained the forced  angry face for only a short while before breaking   :26.480 --> :31.160 out in smiles again after after that we went to  the hotel to catch some sleep before going on   :31.160 --> :36.400 our honeymoon speaking of which my parents did  try to pay for our plane tickets but we thought   :36.400 --> :41.920 that was risky as they could try and cancel them  or something so we refused of course since that   :41.920 --> :46.880 whole thing the three have tried to contact me  I've refused calls because my husband insisted   :46.880 --> :53.120 on keeping a paper trail a smart thing because my  sister did eventually message me I won't repeat it   :53.120 --> :59.040 as it was very unhinged and didn't make much sense  but the important part was that she blamed me for   :59.040 --> :04.880 her humiliation called my husband a two-faced  snake that fooled them for months he wants to   :04.880 --> :09.960 print that out and put it on our wall and hoped  but was also certain it would happen that I would   :09.960 --> :15.600 get cheated on by him she did also suggest  he was cheating on me with her actually my   :15.600 --> :21.200 husband took my phone screenshotted the call logs  screenshotted my sister's message screenshotted   :21.200 --> :26.440 some of the messages of my parents demanding I  pick up the phone and sent it all to my family   :26.440 --> :31.960 group chat and since screenshots of messages to  him where they called him names and threatened   :31.960 --> :37.880 him but he kept up the you're delusional I never  agreed to anything shtick and even threatened   :37.880 --> :43.200 to sue them for defamation and harassment he  wrote in a message in said group chat begging   :43.200 --> :49.000 my family for help as I was now being harassed  by them constantly he begged family to help stop   :49.000 --> :53.600 them from trying to ruin my honeymoon now that  they'd failed to ruin my wedding then finished   :53.600 --> :58.920 needly with a request that they don't share our  locations to avoid my parents sending my sister   :58.920 --> :04.600 over and then claiming he had somehow agreed to  pretend to freak her in our honeymoon suite my   :04.600 --> :09.800 family assured him they'd take care of it and  indeed since then we've had silence my husband   :09.800 --> :15.200 is a little disappointed my sister didn't disobey  so he could tattle again while tearing her a new   :15.200 --> :20.680 you know what we'll see if it'll last all in all  while I obviously would prefer to have a normal   :20.680 --> :25.640 loving family at my wedding at least for once in  my life they not only failed to ruin something   :25.640 --> :31.760 meaningful to me but I got them back extra info  do I know why they treated me like this I've been   :31.760 --> :36.320 asked this question a lot so I assume you all  will think the same I've wondered this all my   :36.320 --> :41.640 life and I still don't know I tried asking when  I was young but they denied any difference and   :41.640 --> :47.120 scolded me for acting spoiled so I quit trying I  thought of some many possibilities but based on   :47.120 --> :53.840 my observations I think it's this I was unplanned  they took a while to have my sister so she was not   :53.840 --> :00.120 only wanted but also like a miracle child after  so long however given our age difference is quite   :00.120 --> :06.880 small I think they didn't expect to have a kid so  soon or easily and didn't use adequate protection   :06.880 --> :12.520 way too soon after my sister's birth and maybe  didn't notice my mom was pregnant until too late   :12.520 --> :17.960 so they were saddled with an unplanned baby while  still dealing with a newborn and they're not that   :17.960 --> :25.360 well off so having the extra expense likely didn't  help so they resented me but that's my conjecture   :25.360 --> :30.120 regardless I've accepted the answer won't truly  matter matter what they did to me was unwarranted   :30.120 --> :34.560 no matter what did they really think this would  work my husband and I talked and we have the   :34.560 --> :39.840 theory that they never wanted to do this at all  we think my sister threw a tantrum over me getting   :39.840 --> :46.200 married first when she barely gets dates and they  gave my husband that outlandish proposition as in   :46.200 --> :51.320 they didn't want to pay for my wedding and didn't  think we would accept or that it would even look   :51.320 --> :56.720 good for them to do it but by suggesting it and  being refused they could look like the good guys   :56.720 --> :02.160 to my sister while while having an excuse to not  give me a dime but then my husband accepted it   :02.160 --> :08.120 and they couldn't backtrack or else risk my sister  turning on them can we all agree that this is like   :08.120 --> :15.480 some made for TV movie level Evil family this  honestly sounds like a story crafted Loosely   :15.480 --> :21.480 based off of Cinderella or something to think that  there are real human adults that grow up and have   :21.480 --> :29.080 kids and act like this is stunning MDM 224 wrote  I swear to God if this is real I am so sorry you   :29.080 --> :35.640 have such a crappy family if this isn't real take  my up vote get off of Reddit and write a God dang   :35.640 --> :41.200 book already but with that being said that's all  the time we have for today now if you want to hear   :41.200 --> :45.920 another awesome Revenge story check out that  video on the left or if you missed my latest   :45.920 --> :51.560 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeSISTERWOREAWEDDINGDRESSTOMYWEDDINGRedditStories
what's the worst damage you've caused Story one while in college I spent several Summers working in a salmon Cannery in Alaska and for a few seasons worked in the overnight cleaning crew they cleaned fillers these huge Industrial Revolution looking behemoths that cut salmon into pieces and put it in cans the final stage of cleaning these involved climbing into a cavity under the machine where the blade assembly normally sat it was removed nightly for sharpening be used thin wire picks about 12 inches long to get any last fish Parts out of the machine inside the cavity was a big Drive arm that drove the part of the machine that fed fish to the blades his arm sat right across your chest as you worked in the cavity made for a handy shelf if you needed to sat down your pick for a minute of course one day I left the pick on the drive arm the line mechanics came in and installed the blade assembly which consisted of about 16 circular blades about three times the diameter of a basketball and which rotated at ridiculously high RPMs as the machine Ran So the mechanic turns on the machine only to hear a god-awful screeching sound as the pick is fed up into the blades it wiped out about half the blades in the assembly with no suitable backup I took out a quarter of the plants capacity for the day and this was a plant that processed a million pounds of very perishable fish per day they had mechanic who heroically got this thing repaired by the next day pitched me a lot of stuff but never ratted me out this might take the cake for most monetary damage caused if the fish that were going to be processed expired overnight story two when I was in the sixth grade I caught a dried up tobacco field on fire I had to knock off of one of those Rambo things and for a few days was I on the thought of being a Chad with nothing but my replica and all the things stuff inside the handle I was trying to show my sister how I could create a fire using two sticks when she wasn't looking I struck a match started a small fire blew the match out and tossed it behind me of course while we were staring at my small deliberate fire flames were rapidly spreading all around us this was right off a busy highway and suddenly there were folks all over the place wadding a fire with their floor mats in the end a huge chunk of the field was completely charred into this day my entire family believes I was able to accomplish all of that by rubbing two sticks together Story three I accidentally blew up a 6 000 gallon tanker truck and demolished the workshop we were in about 120 000 I worked for a company in England that built and repaired tanker trucks a four compartment truck came in one day for the pipe work to be replaced in the rear compartment I had been told the tank was clean and Vapor free safe to work on I got under the rear of the truck to cut the bolt heads off the bottom connecting the flange with an acetylene torch was it cut the last Bolt the flange Gap opened up an eighth and the Ring of flame came out before I had time to react to rear compartment blew up which blew out the division into the next compartment and that exploded all four compartments went off within milliseconds of each other and the front of the tank blew off and destroyed the truck unit luckily the driver wasn't in it the top of the tank opened up like the Petals of a flower and the whole truck jumped in the air the explosion took the roof off the workshop and the support while the truck was parked next to I was actually in the safest place which was underneath it although I had to change my undies turns out the tank hadn't been cleaned and had just come from dropping a load story for I was recently teaching my niece how to drive she was a natural and I felt she was ready to go out in the road after only a couple of lessons in a parking lot she was doing great appeared to be ready to get her license way ahead of schedule the next day we finished up our driving lesson and she pulled back into the driveway to park she got momentarily confused and matched the accelerator down to the floor as she attempted to put the car into park straight through the garage door we went right into our father's motorcycle then his lawnmower and finally the household water heater before coming to a stop it was simultaneously the least dangerous and most devastating crash I'd ever witnessed that's like being chased by a hungry tiger and jumping in its direction instead of away from it Story five back when I was a dumb kid living in Italy a bunch of friends and I decided to play hide and seek and inside one of the empty Villas in our parka since the front door was locked and there were bars in the windows we decided to break a hole in the side of the wall once inside we discovered that the laborers who worked for the landlord kept their power tools in there we went full idiot and completely destroyed everything inside that house one of us came up with the idea that if we hit the big water tank outside of the pickaxe it would explode after being disappointed and cracking the tank in half with no explosion we decided the only way to cause an explosion was to pour gasoline all over the furnace before we had a chance to throw those sparkling sticks at it the ESPYs and carbonieri showed up and ruined our fun what was the worst time Rufus rugs opened up sorry for barging in like that but I just had to share the sponsor of today's video me and the boys from Rufus rugs now you might be saying to yourself um excuse me what's the actual [ __ ] you doing on my house but I can assure you're gonna like this we've been hard at work creating the best quality and premium hand tufted rugs money can buy now imagine this you chilling on your bed watching a Rufus stories video and staring at a rug that's not just a rug nope it's a masterpiece it's the kind of rug that makes your friends wish they were you but they are not and the best part is that these aren't your average cheap quality rugs nope each one is handcrafted by me and the boys no shortcuts no robot assembly lines and no Drop Shipping BS just pure rug grind whether you love anime sports cars or anything else you can think of they can turn it into a rug so click the first link in the description and have your custom idea come to life story six once while working for an ISP as an intern I forgot the where clause in an SQL statement and changed everyone's password to the same thing but everyone I mean all the subscribers also the backups of the database were bad and had been for a month it was a bad day so here's the story I just finished migrating a bunch of mail servers and combining them from a few scattered different disjoint pieces other IIT people were occasionally worse than me into one Consolidated server this was post-fixed and friends anyway we were in a bit of an oh my God what did my boss decide we had to do this during business hours mode when we had someone call in saying they couldn't change their password yes I know ma'am could you wait a day and try and change it tomorrow we're migrating some stuff but I need my email now and I forgot my password share with someone new to the service and we had a hard time getting more clients at the time small group not the best value but we could get into rural places where Comcast or at T wouldn't go so I decided to try and help her out so I asked her what she wants it to be and I tell her okay this will be taken care of shortly and then on the screen I see 667 rows updated crap it wasn't a huge operation but explaining that one was hard my boss had recently killed a server by yanking at a hot swap hard drive while the machine was booting to show the CEO how they worked they don't work that way and we lost the box for a few days so he didn't give me too hard of a Time the failed backups weren't my fault either so that let some pressure off too his employers deserve that wake-up call for putting important data in the hands of an intern anyway story seven I used to work at a Major Appliance Warehouse in the summer during my first month as a forklift operator I came around a corner too sharp the clamp of my lift caught the edge of a refrigerator I slammed on the brakes but it was too late the entire stack of ten one thousand dollar fridges which was about 60 feet high came crashing down upon my lift and into a subsequent stack of dishwashers I was terrified as the second tower Came Crashing Down I could hear another employee screaming oh no oh no oh yeah and all the other liftops came to watch and laugh at the damage I proceeded to take the Walk of Shame to inform the damages manager rather than fire me we all took hunting pictures of me holding up dead dishwashers estimated damage twenty thousand dollars story eight my little brother and I saw someone make a use of Molotov cocktail in some action movie we thought it was the coolest thing ever and determined we could do the same thing and be little Chads our first attempt to yielded disappointing results somehow we neglected to realize the bottles had to be made of glass once that was sorted out we tested our new creations and a big oak tree and a clearing about a mile into the forest beyond our house the bottle full of gasoline exploded just like we expected and burned that 100 foot old growth Oak down in less than an hour we were amazed but soon became terrified when flaming limbs began falling off the tree and setting fire to the tall dry summer grass nearby the fire quickly spread to nearby trees and did the only thing we could think to do run like Hal that Inferno burned for about the next 48 hours until the fire department could finally put it out it destroyed about 40 acres of forest land an abandoned house and part of a horse farm resulting in some freaked out horses and lots of charred fences naturally we never came forward because we were cowardly little a-holes but we both went on to volunteer with fire departments wherever we lived to atone for stupidity and carelessness story nine when my brother and I were five and four respectively we were being Little Devils and refusing to go to bed when we were put there my parents eventually gave up and just went to bed they were exhausted as they'd had a dinner party that evening I probably went into the lounge and went to my parents entire cassette tape collection including the Memoirs of my grandmother's escape from Germany in 1939 and proceeded to pull out all the tape from the cassats and play with it my brother in the meantime decided that he was hungry and that he would like a fried egg and his five-year-old wisdom he got out an egg and frying pan put them on the stove and turned on an element nothing happened to the element that he was looking at so he turned to another one this time the heat turned on and once the pan was hot enough they started frying his egg unfortunately the first element He turned on had a wooden chopping board which smoldered until the heat reached my mom's food processor which probably started burning and melting and resulted in lots of dark black smoke and fire my brother toddled out to my parents bedroom and said Daddy why is there smoke in the kitchen and apparently my dad went from horizontal and bad to vertical and halfway down the corridor in about two seconds flat the fire was quite easily put out at the expense of my parents nice crock free that was soaking in a bucket nearby my dad just picked it up and threw it plates water and all on the fire and the photos of the damage that we had to take for insurance purposes there's a sort of Twisted Black mess of the stove and bench area and then right in the middle of it all is a perfectly cooked fried egg I hope someone at least ate the egg just so all the work didn't go to waste if you would have eaten the egg leave a like in this video And subscribe to the channel story 10. a couple of years ago I was living at my mother's house so my sister left her neurotic Rat Terrier with me for a week while she and her mother went on a business trip the dog was used to going for four walks a day and being cuddled and spoiled beyond all description I was going to school and working nights so his needs were far beyond my ability to provide I walked in before school fed him and left and walked in between school and work after a couple of days of this treatment the dog expressed his displeasure with me by doing his business all over the house I was frantically trying to clean it up before being late to school and I just spread borax based wherever he left a mess figuring a dog like a cat or a small child is smart enough not to eat borax I was wrong but my sister came home from her business trip I was at school and her dog was almost gone I got the ream out of my life where she rushed him to the vet the dog lived but by then I was so freaked out by almost ending my sister's furry child in the subsequent dreaming that I packed up and moved out when her back was turned a couple of days later so not only did I almost end a dog but I then caused more Havoc when my family interpreted my moving out as me ending it all story 11. not me but three kids went up on a hill near where I lived and decided to play with fire it ended up burning down about 40 houses including mine most of the houses were leveled to the ground with nothing left but ashes the evacuation was quick and many people lost pets and dozens of cars and other vehicles were also torched my neighbors were about 12 Mexicans living in one house and they didn't believe in Banks and lost all their money about seven thousand dollars that was in a jar in their basement it wasn't a rich neighborhood and many didn't have insurance so most people became homeless the kids in question came from a rich neighborhood and from what I hear had no remorse whatsoever neither they nor their parents had to pay a single penny because it didn't even get a slap on the rest for what they did I was just a kid and my family had to live in a car for a few days before the Red Cross put us up in a motel for a couple of months before we could find another place to live it wasn't a huge town and with 40 families looking for places to live it took a while to find a place if you're ever looking to give money Red Cross is always a good place to give that and Community Action story 12. when I was 11 or 12 I went to visit my sister in Germany they were getting ready for a dinner party she was throwing later that night so we were busy getting the final items we needed at the local market it was a bit hectic as it was a little market they only had those tiny baskets for all your stuff and no cards so she asked me to hold the bottle of champagne as we were waiting in line I was being a stupid kid and trying to balance the bottle by the punt on one finger naturally I messed it up and dropped the bottle anyone who ever dropped a champagne bottle knows those bad boys blow up with force and a lot of noise this in a foreign country is embarrassing enough as is but then this guy next to me cries out and collapses on the ground clutching his knee red is all over the floor making a big pool this lady starts screaming and I just stand there not knowing what the hell happened turns out A Shard of glass went straight at him he ended up having to go to the hospital that day and have surgery the cherry on top the dude was a mountain climber and he was leaving to climb the Matterhorn the next day to make things easier let's just say one of his ropes was frayed and he saved the guy's life story 13. I was living in a duplex in Lahaina Maui one day my next door neighbor came over and told me to come look at something outside between our two units was a standpipe with a water spigot in the end it stood about two feet high and was only a couple inches from the house which was a cinder block structure and a concrete slab he took the standpipe in his hand and pulled it to the side so it was about a 45 degree angle water came gushing forth from under the house well cool we thought note that he did not turn the faucet he turned the standpipe like a lover so for a few days whenever we had a visitor which showed them our amazing water pipe you already know where this is going yes it happened on my watch I turned the standpipe and the water came out then I turned it back and the water kept coming out then it fell over the pipe was broken and the water was coming out faster than ever fortunately the landlord lived next door unfortunately he wasn't home there weren't any cell phones in those days and nobody had either duplex at a phone not that it would have done any good because I had no idea who to call or what to do we lived about four blocks from town which was a street along the Waterfront so I rode my bike down to use a phone I don't remember who I called but everybody told me somebody else to call until I was calling a sugar refinery then I looked up our street and yes here it came the water a nice flat steady stream of water I watched it run into the gutter and down a drain then I walked across the street to watch the water leave the drain pipe and onto the beach it formed a little Channel and entered the Pacific Ocean and I didn't know what the heck to do so I just sat and tried to wake up from the nightmare that didn't work either so I figured I'd best go back to the duplex and start packing my goods the landlord was waiting for me with a shovel I've been ratted the digging was pretty easy because of all the water washing the soil out but the break was a long way back some Plumber guy came a little later and when he arrived made myself scarce in the cane Field behind the house to check my plants because I needed something as I sit here and recall this tragic memory it occurs to me that when I lived at that place there had been an earthquake I never thought of it before writing this that was what weakened the pipe maybe the thing that pissed me off about it was that everybody knew about that pipe but it had to break when I was demonstrating it and I was the one who took all the blame but at least the landlord didn't bill me for it story 14. okay nothing hugely major but years ago in like 97 I was on tour with a small musical theater production as the technical director we were in a chalet style hotel in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan they gave me a non-smoking room but at the time it was a pack a day smoker so I smoked in the room a few hours later I heard a high-pitched beeping the source is hard to discern because of the high-pitched ceilings in the room I look up and see and to light a cloud of cigarette smoke floating near the peak of the angled ceiling nearby the smoke detector which has a little red flashing light crap it seems I set off the smoke alarm I immediately jumped on the bed grabbed a pillow and began Fanning over my head it was a high ceiling and I'm 62. the thing wouldn't stop but oddly enough the main alarms are not going off the hotel is not being cleared after minutes of Fanning I cannot take it anymore I start throwing my shoes at the smoke alarm a few good days in the drywall later I scored a Direct Hit or two the alarm is damaged now hanging by the wall by the attached wires AC alarm not batteries damn damn nope the darn thing won't shut up in a rage or grab the aluminum pipe frame suitcase stand the kind that folds by one leg and I start jumping on the bed swinging at the peak of each slab toward the infernal machine with each Mist the black rubber feet leaves the black streak across the off-white walls finally I scored a direct hit the alarm flew off its wires across the room and I swear to God landed in the waste can near the television I'm elated momentarily then I realize it's still there does it have a battery backup wow I get down off the bed and bend over the waist can only to realize that the 80s era Hotel television which had an LED clock on the face had a built-in alarm clock which was going off I hit the faded off button and the beeping finally stopped I don't think I mentioned it at checkout and I never heard another thing about it true story 15. it once worked in the gaming machine room of a very busy Hotel I say once because I only worked one eight hour shift and was probably fired my job for the shift was at the cashier's desk exchanging coin winnings from poki and slot machines Into Cash notes or taking people's cash and converting it to coins I was in charge of a little machine that weighed the coins and told you how much cash to return to the customer it had two settings calibrated to the weight of Australian one and two dollar coins I was told to select red for one dollar coins in blue for two dollar coins about five minutes into the shift I pressed red freaked out and pushed blue which was what I was aiming for in the first place the screen started blinking so I pressed blue again and it stopped I continued my shift working through the line of people that was readily less than three people deep towards the end of my shift another employee Dave came to replenish my till and take away some coins I had several times been replenished with cash notes the computer spat out its report and Dave looked a little confused quite simply the bag of coins and the number on the report didn't add up not even close turns out I had reset the calibration of the weighing machine I had been handing over fistfuls of cash due to the coin scales reporting wrong amount I was never privy to the exact amount but Dave did tell me on the way to the exit that it was over fifteen thousand dollars I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy I completely ruined his life Story 4 was insane see you in that video
give me a good story on HowMuchDESTRUCTIONHaveYouCausedorig
today we have a crazy nuclear Revenge story against an ex-husband but first in a game of poker two can play pretense in navigating through the corporate world there is one ideology that never sat well with me it's the belief that irrespective of what the truth is the employee has to be loyal to their employer like all Bs because that couldn't be far from the truth and if you have a boss like mine you would equally see this ideology as trash I guess I should say had because it all is in the past tense now I quit well before I got fired this would not have been the case but at this point Nothing is Stopping me the good part is that I get to share my side of the story this is the story of how my boss fired me after I dealt him a similar hand as he dealt me it's how my boss treated me like dirt thinking I could not do anything about it truth is at the time I was fired that idea he had of me was probably right but it's been a year now since the dust is set old and the circumstances changed me more than I could have thought my name is Dave and from the very first moment I stepped into the bustling offices of words mate I knew that this was where I belonged as an aspiring writer the opportunity to intern at one of the most prestigious writing and creative companies in the city felt like a dream come true but the problem here was that at this time I was oblivious to the fact that this experience would test my dedication and passion to my lifelong dream in ways I could never have imagined from the onset the palpable energy of creativity permeated the air invigorating my soul with every breath I took I was eager to prove myself to show everyone that I had what it took to be a valuable asset to the company the promise of a full-time position after a successful six-month internship was the beacon that guided me through those initial days I tackled every task with fervor immersing myself in each project as if it were my own Masterpiece writing copy crafting compelling narratives and brainstorming innovative ideas I embraced every challenge with a hunger to learn and grow the days were long and the nights even longer from trying to get into a set mood for inspiration but I relished the exhaustion that came from pouring my heart into my work it was after all what I wanted I didn't mind having to go the extra mile to get to where I wanted to be honest I think it was always the voice in my head learning from the words my mother said before I moved out of our apartment that made me beat myself up the most she thought riding wasn't a job she believed I should make use of my accounting degree to get a job somewhere in the corporate part of the city like my late dad would have wanted but that was never my plan and the degree was to keep her off my back for as long as I could I think her words began to affect me such that my inner voice frequently reminded me and berated my work that I wasn't good enough to be a paid writer getting an offer from words made reduce the volume of their voice and the days and hours of unpaid overtime that I worked was to finally silence that voice upon my acceptance of the internship role days turned into weeks and I found myself forging connections with colleagues who appreciated my dedication and passion my hard work did not go unnoticed and I began to earn praise from clients and supervisors alike even Mr Anderson the enigmatic and often stoic boss occasionally offered a nod of approval a silent acknowledgment that spoke volumes my fellow interns and I formed a close-knit community encouraging one another and sharing our triumphs and struggles the support we offered each other was an anchor in the swirling sea of creative pressure that surrounded us together we navigated the challenges celebrated the victories and reminded each other that we were destined for greatness the promise of a full-time position served as a driving force motivating me to push my my boundaries even further I sought out new challenges eagerly volunteering for projects that demanded Innovation and creativity the sense of purpose that filled my days made the long hours feel like moments suspended in time as the end of my internship Drew near a mixture of excitement and trepidation flooded my thoughts the moment I'd worked tirelessly for was Within Reach I could taste the success feel the weight of my accomplishments and see myself as one of the new permanent members of the wordsmate however as Destiny would have it the Blissful bubble of anticipation burst with a single visit to Mr Anderson's office the same man who would occasionally acknowledged my efforts now delivered a crushing blow to my dreams his cold emotionless gaze conveyed a verdict that shattered my heart Dave I regret to inform you that your performance during this internship has not met our expectations we won't be offering you a full-time position stunned and disc believing I struggled to find words to defend myself to prove I deported my soul into this company but Mr Anderson's mind seemed irrevocably made up and my pleas fell on deaf ears with a nod he dismissed me leaving me standing there feeling like a discarded pen that had run out of ink as it would turn out the pain of rejection was worse than I'd thought it weighed heavily on my shoulders as I gathered my belongings and walked out of that office for the last time as an intern the world that had once felt full of boundless opportunities now seemed cruel and unforgiving my dreams were shattered and my confidence waned it was like my mother's words and my inner voice broke loose in my memory once again I was close to tears but for some reason I could not find them running out of my eyes I couldn't help but wonder if I'd been blind to the signs the subtle dismissals the lack of full recognition the way my ideas seemed to vanish into the shadows of anonymity it was as if I'd been dancing to a Melody only I could hear while the rest of the world remained indifferent but I was sure I wasn't there were times my direct team had had praised something I had written once I was given the task to Rebrand a section of the company's website if I was as bad as Mr Anderson had made it sound I wouldn't have been tasked with the role I decided to meet up with Cynthia one of the interns I'd bonded with I explained what had just happened to her and as I expected she couldn't believe it it took her seeing my sunken eyes to see that I wasn't joking about being fired she thought that maybe I needed to wow the boss with something make him see how much of an asset I would be to the firm I did or at least I tried to the result was that was getting the door slammed in my face yet deep within the darkness of the moment a flicker of determination ignited I refused to let this setback Define me or undermine my worth as I stepped out I knew that my journey was far from over a fire burned Within Me fueled by the desire to prove my worth the days dragged on into weeks and my search for a new opportunity became both a struggle and a quest for Vindication while I faced rejection from various companies my determination never wavered I want to believe that it was the excess of quiet space to think things through that made me begin to really question why I much have been fired even before I could be officially recognized as an employee under Mr Anderson for some reason something did not add up but I didn't know what all I knew was that I was fired because he said I didn't match up to what was needed while trying to move on I found myself navigating through a tumultuous sea of emotions the bitter taste of rejection still lingered in the wound of being cast aside by words made remained raw yet I was determined to heal to leave this chapter behind and start anew little did I know that an unexpected Revelation awaited me threatening to reignite the fires of anger in Vengeance one evening as I mindlessly scrolled through my social media feed a particular post caught my eye it was an article a piece of work had poured my heart and soul into during my time at wordsmate my eyes widened as I saw the name attached to it Simon Anderson my former boss my heart pounded in my chest as I read the accolades in the comments section people praised Mr Anderson for his Brilliance and Innovation lauding his creative prowess but I knew the truth the truth that this work was mine a creation that bore The Sweat and Tears of my labor now paraded as his own a surge of anger and betrayal washed over me it was as if I'd been dealt a second blow this time to my creative Integrity my mind raced trying to comprehend how Mr Anderson could claim my work is his own seemingly without a hint of remorse especially since he said I wasn't good enough how could things have not have been going good enough to Garner the Praises they reigned on the work that was supposedly his as I dug deeper into the post's origins the realization dawned upon me my boss never intended to pay or acknowledge my contributions it used me as an unpaid intern to harvest ideas and creativity eager to capitalize on my dedication without offering anything in return anger mingled with sadness as I was forced to see the harsh truth I'd been a pawn in his game a tool to extract ideas that would Elevate his status while crushing my dreams underfoot it wasn't just about losing a full-time position it was about my work and talent being stolen leaving me stripped of credit and recognition I couldn't fathom the audacity and heartlessness of it all how could someone with such power and influence stoop so low the pain of betrayal sliced through my resolve like a sharp blade but as the initial shock wore off an new emotion emerged from within me I needed to make him pay I needed my voice to be heard and I was going to stop at nothing in showing the world the kind of person he was I knew what I had to do use the same means of pretense gather as much information as I could then come back on social media to announce to those that have called him creative that while he might have been so at one point in his life all he was now was a sad Harvester of the sweat and toil of young creatives the first thing I did was to ask for help from my contacts that were still in The Firm I needed to know what they thought of the whole scenario the idea was to get an objective view but more than getting an objective view I realized that it wasn't a me thing it was something that has become somewhat of a trend in the organization Mr Anderson had a track record of firing interns just shortly after they become employees or before they could become one after the period of unpaid internship was over there were tons of interns that date back to years before I even walked into the office to apply for a role as an intern and for some reason no one bothered to ask why the interns had been fired without due cause none of the interns had a voice delay claim to their work that the boss stole after they'd been sacked I was more Furious than I was when I left his office that day when he told me I wasn't good enough I was pissed at myself for not seeing beyond my nose I was pissed at other interns who had faced a similar problem and kept to mute and I was finally pissed that I sat in my room in tears at the blatant show of Injustice I took on the role of an Avenger of some sort an anonymous Crusader armed with the truth on social media platforms and blogging sites I shared my story and that of other wronged interns unmasking the facade of wordsmate the response was overwhelming former interns employees and even clients stepped forward sharing their experiences of exploit and deceit the unknown voice became a symbol of resistance against the system that preyed on young talented minds but with every step I took I knew the risks were escalating exposing Mr Anderson's machinations could have severe consequences not just for me but for those who dared to support me fear nod at the edges of my determination threatening to undermine my resolve however I drew strength from the community that had rallied behind me we were no longer isolated voices We Were A Chorus demanding Justice this wasn't just about one intern seeking Revenge it was about shedding light on an industry plagued by exploitation I meticulously gathered evidence and testimonies from former interns and colleagues the weight of responsibility grew knowing that the truth rested on my shoulders but I was no longer alone my fellow interns had become comrades in a battle against Injustice the movement gained momentum drawing attention from media outlets and Industry insiders the support we received was overwhelming and the pressure from Mr Anderson and words made intensified yet he remained silent perhaps hoping that this storm would eventually pass it was a usual case of ignoring it till it loses momentum plus there is no face to the voice of accusations but the community was far from done in a way it was like everyone decided it was the right time to come after those that had stolen their Works in time past or those that had removed their names from getting recognition for the part they played in one work or the other it was massive but I was not about to let him off the hook the time had come to confront Mr Anderson to hold him accountable for his actions armed with the weight of Truth in the unwavering support of a united front I decided to reveal my identity and face him head on this time I wasn't sneaking in as an intern hopeful I was walking in with purpose ready to face Mr Simon Anderson the man who had exploited my creativity and that of so many others it was time to shred the cloak of anonymity and confront the man responsible for my Shattered Dreams stepping into the Sleek Lobby I was met with a familiar Buzz of Creative Energy that once inspired me but this time there was no awe or wonder only a fierce fire burning within fueled by the countless stories of those who had fallen victim to Mr Anderson's cunning schemes I made my way to the reception desk where a polite but weary receptionist greeted me I took a deep breath steadying my nerves and requested to see Mr Anderson I had anticipated resistance but to my surprise she nodded and picked up the phone to announce my arrival I reached Mr Anderson's office door took a deep breath and knocked the response was a cool come in I pushed the door open and there he was the man who had held my dreams in his hands and callously cast them aside Mr Anderson looked up from his desk surprise flickering across his face as he recognized me Dave what are you doing here he asked attempting to remain his usual air of authority my voice was steady carrying the weight of every intern who had been exploited I'm here to talk about the truth Mr Anderson I replied my words tinged with a mix of anger and determination he chuckled attempting to brush off the gravity of the situation I see still caught up in the little social media stunt are you I guess I should have known it was you you should know that won't change anything right his plan was to make me cower in fear at his words but my eyes locked with his unwavering it already has I said people are aware of your exploitative practices they know the truth about how you used interns like me stealing our ideas and creative without offering Fair compensation or recognition Mr Anderson leaned back in his chair a hint of unease creeping into his demeanor you don't understand how this industry Works Dave we can't credit every intern for their ideas it's just not practical oh I understand perfectly I retorted you exploited us because you thought we were vulnerable that we wouldn't dare speak up but times are changing Mr Anderson and your reign of exploitation is coming to an end he attempted to dismiss my words with a wave of his hand this is just a phase a little uproar that will eventually die down you can't do anything to stop it you're making a big mistake Dave I can make sure you never work in this industry again with that I walked out of his office my heart pounding with a mix and fear of satisfaction I'd faced my fears and confronted the man who had once held power over me the battle was far from over but this was a victory a victory for justice for creativity and for all the interns who had suffered in Silence the good part was that I recorded the entire conversation and after uploading it to the internet people began to boycott the organization to be honest I'm a bit scared of what this would mean for my riding career or if I even have a career in writing anymore after bringing down one of the most prominent writing firm's bosses but at that point I didn't care I couldn't bring myself to care after seeing how he'd gotten away with his crimes for so long and at least before wordsmaid was forced to close down I got the recognition for the work I deserved for now that is enough all I'm saying is is if op has trouble getting work elsewhere when they can pretty much prove that they had produced work good enough that the boss of words made wanted to steal it and post it out there and get commended for it then that speaks more about the other owners or the other bosses of those organizations and suggestive of how Shady they might be too because the only thing Opie's doing here is fighting for the rights of the people who produce this work if you as a boss say no because that concerns you too much well I think that just raises more questions about you and what you're doing our next story is what I did to my ex-husband sometimes in the middle of nowhere you meet people that teach you what it means to trust with Nicholas it was the exact opposite after he dealt with me I haven't been able to fully trust anyone else I met Nicholas at a party I'd been forced to attend but I wasn't feeling it I was slouched on a chair in the corner with my cup of booze in my hands my friends had tried to get me on the dance floor but I'd violently refused I glanced out at my watch hoping the shorthand of the clock would finally strike 12 so I could leave no such luck time was unbearably slow it was barely 9 30. suddenly someone slid into the chair beside me and that someone was flashing me as mile that could have been termed Charming but in the state I was I couldn't help but find it irritating I sighed and looked in the opposite direction I didn't want a conversation hey there the guy said I turned over to give him a warning look and noticed that the said stranger was still grinning wildly at me what on Earth could he possibly be so happy about or maybe he'd had too much to drink I shook my head and pretended to be absorbed by the memes on my Tick Tock page maybe if he got bored of trying to talk to me he'd move on to something else I was wrong he sidled closer to me and whispered I thought you'd want some company surprisingly I didn't smell any alcohol on his breath I sighed again but decided to reply to him this time and what could have given you that notion I don't know he muttered maybe it's the fact that you've been sitting here since you arrived at the party or the bored look on your face or the fact that that's your fifth Cup in less than two hours I couldn't help laughing how would he notice all that in such a crowded room have you been watching me I asked he Shrugged I tried but it'd be hard to take my eyes off the prettiest girl in the room plus you look a bit sad he looked me in the eyes wanna talk about it and that was how I found myself spilling all the tea about how I wasn't in a good place emotionally and none of my friends understood that and how I was going through a rough patch at work and I was really worried about my Dad's health all to a complete stranger it felt so good to finally let my feelings out to someone who couldn't judge me and he turned out to be a great listener I didn't even realize it was way past 12 to one of my friends Janice came to drag me home he asked for my number and that was when I realized we hadn't even introduced ourselves Nicholas he said Nicholas Spielman over the next few months we talked a lot over social media he constantly checked up on me sent me random gifts to cheer me up and even surprised me with date nights he was so sweet and gentle and caring he even followed me to some of my therapy sessions we eventually couldn't go a day without hearing from the other person we obviously started to date and it got so serious that before we knew what was up we'd started prepping for our wedding I never met my mum she left when I was really little and my dad did more than he should have to try to fill the shoes of both parents so the loss wouldn't be too great for me he gave me the best education possible showered me with gifts and got me the latest phones and so much more the wedding wasn't any different my dad was extremely excited when he heard the news about the wedding he immediately gave both of us his Blessing and promise to foot every bill concerning the wedding he's extremely rich including Nicholas's suit when Nicholas didn't turn down my Dad's offer or think twice when billing my dad for his clothes I started to have some reservations it just felt weird that he didn't offer to be responsible for the costs of his wedding but the gut feeling went as suddenly as it came everyone liked gifts some people just knew how to hide it better than others the wedding day came and it was Blissful everything was gorgeous and perfect the food was Exquisite all my family and best friends were present and my dress I just loved it I felt like a fairy tale princess and my prince charming looked as handsome as ever in his tuxedo towards the end of the event my Dad announced that as a final wedding gift to us he was going to pay off our mortgage for our new home again Nicholas accepted without hesitation he didn't even act overly grateful I was scared that he was starting to feel entitled and would expect handouts from my dad whenever it was convenient being married to Nicholas wasn't bad at all he was as sweet as I'd known him though there were fewer gifts and date nights he sometimes made Saturday brunch all by himself he was an excellent cook and I thoroughly enjoyed it I looked forward to his meals because I secretly thought they tasted better than mine as all couples do we had our little spouse that's here and there but there was nothing too serious soon we started having kids our first child was a delightful baby boy Ben he was so perfect and he looked exactly like his dad next we had a gorgeous girl Rose who still happened to look more like her dad than she did me we both loved them dearly but things started to get strained between Nicholas and I we both had reasonable salaries but with the new mouths to feed and bodies to clothe we could only save a tiny percentage for ourselves and Nicholas wasn't into that he was always trying to find cheaper alternatives for their supplements and cereals or wanted me to get all their clothes from thrift stores and just couldn't get over the fact that their wipes and baby soap got exhausted so quickly he didn't like to spend so much of his money on the family and expected me to pay a higher percentage of the bills if I insisted on spoiling the kids obviously this led to a series of Intolerable fights we were constantly mad at each other and started to pick holes in things that shouldn't really have mattered at some point I started sleeping in the kids room I couldn't stand asleep beside someone so self-centered for a while I'd been trying to secure admission to a prestigious post-graduate School in India for my masters in law without telling anyone the whole process had been complicated and disappointing so I didn't want to raise anyone's Hope just to get them dashed fortunately I'd gotten a positive response there was finally an open slot for me which I had to claim as soon as possible or it would be offered to someone else I quickly forwarded the mail to my dad and bless his heart he promptly paid the fees and bought me a plane ticket so I could travel the next week before I knew it I was already on campus starting a rigorous academic journey I was so excited I love the environment everyone had this laid-back friendly vibe there was so much academic competition and the food was quite really exotic and spicy I was having the time of my life but I missed my babies I'd left them with Nicholas and I wasn't sure how well he'd be able to take care of them I Skyped with them every evening after classes and asked my dad to keep an eye on them apparently distance does make the heart grow fonder because Nicholas himself started to FaceTime me to ask how I was and how the classes were going we were getting back into a rhythm without all the external pressure and I began to miss them all terribly I'd see a random child and remember how cute Ben looked when he falls asleep while eating or I'd see a couple in the park and my heart would start to ache I was yearning to hold my family once again to be with all of them I wanted to braid Rose's hair or play games with Ben go shopping with both of them scold them for having too much candy and taste Nicholas's delicious meals again I was getting so terribly homesick I couldn't even enjoy the bright and colorful Indian festivals that were being held I couldn't eat any of the exciting looking Indian foods or drinks I couldn't even concentrate in class I wanted to be with my family and one day I couldn't take it in anymore I called my father and poured out my feelings to him while tears rushed out of my eyes seeing how horrible I felt my Dad decided to send my family to stay with me in India for three years till I was done with Postgraduate School my dear father figured that the kids would have to go to school and they'd need to rent an apartment while they'd be here so he budgeted about 2 million dollars for their flight expenses school fees and rent so they'd get settled in quite easily we told Nicholas about the development and he seemed quite happy to join me he claimed to have missed me more than I could ever imagine and wouldn't mind moving to a totally different country to be with me their flight was scheduled to leave at the end of the month to give them enough time to pack and prepare my dad as trusting as he is gave his debit card to Nicholas and asked him to transfer the two million dollars to himself normally my dad wouldn't have been as careless as that but Nicholas was considered family so there was nothing to be skeptical about Nicholas decided that he'd sort out the the money the next day so while the kids were in school he headed out to the bank the school had long been over for the kids but Nicholas was yet to arrive the teachers waited and waited till they could wait no more they dialed his number repeatedly but they got no reply finally they called my dad who came to pick them up almost six hours after school had been over my dad called and told me what was going on and we all tried to reach Nicholas I started to panic because I was scared that something terrible had happened to him that was preventing him from coming back home little did I know that he had done something unimaginable late in the night while my dad's Butler was going through the children's bags to ensure they'd completed their homework properly he found a letter from Nicholas his letter was addressed to me I'm so sorry for leaving like this and I hope you'd all find a place in your hearts to forgive me our kids Ben and Rose I love them both so dearly and I know they'd grow to be marvelous people I know this doesn't seem like the right thing to do as a husband but I want to forget all about me I want you to move on and be happy I care deeply about you but I'm not cut out for marriage and responsibilities I hope your dad doesn't get too pissed at me the only reason I'd make off with the money is because I need it and I know he can spare it please don't look for me I wish you the best in life Nicholas how immature and foolish could someone sound in so few words he was comfortable leaving his children without a glance back he said he wasn't ready for marriage and responsibilities and he's almost in his mid-30s so when was he going to be ready when he was in his 70s and he really wanted to steal my dad's money after my Dad read the letter he rushed to freeze his accounts but he was too late Nicholas had already transferred five million dollars to his account three million dollars more than he was authorized to collect in the first place for such a foolish person he had a lot of brain power when it came to scamming people because before they could even track down his account he'd scare better the money in bits into various accounts and Investments that were untraceable my dad didn't want to involve the police because he worried about how it would affect the children when they grew up and realized that their father was a criminal we hired a personal detective to try to get some information on his whereabouts at first it seemed like he'd walked off the planet eventually we found that he'd move to a different state and was only leaving his girlfriend's apartment at night yes he had a girlfriend I was speechless the fact that he could do all that to his own family after making vows on the altar was appalling I didn't care much that he'd moved on what stung was that he'd left his own children without a father and he was having fun with my father's hard-earned money because he could spare it I was even more distracted at school than I was before what was I going to tell the kids when they asked about their father what if he suddenly came back and decided he wanted to take them away from me what if he realized that he misses them and kidnapped them at school one of these days I was getting more and and more paranoid and my mind started to fill with anxiety I had to write the dean of student affairs and ask to be allowed to go home for some time because of the peculiar circumstances thankfully she understood my plight and granted me an exit for a few months my mind felt calmer and I felt more at ease around my children I felt like the only way I could be sure that no one would harm them was when I was there in person to protect them but as if Nicholas wanted to emphasize my fears he actually went to visit the children at school one Tuesday and they told me daddy came to see us and he said he hadn't been able to come earlier because you hadn't allowed him my blood ran cold I didn't want him around them and most especially I didn't want him feeding them lies I had to do something about him something that he deserved for all the rubbish he'd done to us and something that would make him stay far away from us for the rest of our lives I knew that I couldn't do anything that would be carried in the tabloids because it would eventually affect my children I had to do something low-key but extremely painful there was one thing he loved with all his heart and that was money I was going to use that against him I had to hire the services of a private detective to pose as the CEO of a successful Investment Company and Forge account statements with my dad's bank records since they contained large amounts of money I was spending a lot of money on this plot to get back at him but it was absolutely worth it all he had to do was fall for the words of the detective and invest all of his money as expected he swallowed the bait he obviously couldn't resist the possibility of doubling the money he'd stolen in such little time and with no extra effort all he had to do was deposit his money into the account we'd created for him once his deposit was confirmed I froze our joint account the only other source of funds he had I wanted to be sure he had no other option to get money then we transferred our money which he'd spent almost a quarter of back to its rightful owner sooner than later he realized that he'd been swindled just like he'd swindled me I could imagine his Panic Rising as he was frantically dialing the number the detective had given him but no one answered the phone I'm sure he must have even visited the address on the flyer we'd handed him and would have been surprised to find no such company there a few weeks later I received multiple calls from him which I never replied to then he sent me a text saying he needed to see me urgently and that he'd made a mistake I immediately blocked his number over the next few weeks the detective observed him from a distance and I was delighted to hear that he was going through a rough patch his girlfriend didn't want anything to do with him now that he didn't have any money he had nowhere to go and she'd given him a week to leave I decided out of the niceness of my heart to send him a consolation letter dear Nicholas I wrote I hope you're having a nice life or at least you will this is just a friendly reminder to never ever tried to mess with me or my family this time you only lost some money you have no idea what will happen the next time the two children you abandoned without a backward glance are definitely doing much better without you the person you care most deeply about I'm just trying to understand how this guy can transfer five million dollars and disappear like nothing because I am almost certain there is no financial institution that is willing to move that much money without a second thought I mean did they make sure that the dad transferred it all in like Bitcoin or something I just don't get how you can make off with that sum of money that quickly like to pull off that kind of a heist that would have to be something that they'd been working on slowly bit by bit for a long time I would think but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeMYEXHUSBANDSTOLEFROMMERedditStoriesorig
hello everybody my name is steven and this is the story time channel first things first i do a giveaway every single week so if you're interested in entering i'll tell you how to enter later on in the video but today we have some malicious compliance stories and our first story of the day is by successful medicine 9 comply with the 30 year old dress code you got it boss the shelterrive 30 year old male been working at for a couple of years now is over 30 years old and is quite notorious for keeping things that way the daily notes are physically kept in binders 80s style punitive measures are imposed on clients in conflict and the electrical panels are labeled with cards that went through a typewriter you get the idea the floor supervisor over 20 years in that position emphasized that even though jeans were allowed we needed to strictly adhere to the dress code that meant button upper collared shirts no logos only long pants dresses no hats unless you're outside no visible tattoos etc in other words dress nothing like the vast majority of the people we serve we're meant to dress the way they should aspire to dress said the supervisor i was told other staff including staff above my pay grade have long hated the dress code and unsuccessfully tried to change it for years none of them were bold little crafts like me though given my previous experience with undeserved populations i also knew that this was a terrible idea generally speaking what people in these communities lack in financial resources they make up for in their abilities to read people and navigate emotions if they think you're an authority figure or acting inauthentic many will outright write you off and for the most part they have a great social slash emotional radar the dress code said men's shirts must have visible buttons or a collar i sewed two buttons near my hip on a plain t-shirt and wore it in they said nothing the first time but had a meeting where they weren't pointing out anyone in particular and updated that specific part of the policy to prevent me from doing it again next i work a breeze after all nothing about pan length was mentioned either that time the dress code was updated and we were informed via email still no one-on-one conversation about it a few months in minor malicious compliances later our workplace gave us logo t-shirts with the institution's name and a website on them hooray we thought we will at least be able to wear t-shirts now nope after a week of several co-workers wearing the shirts they gave us we got an org wide email that the shirts did not comply with a dress code and should not be worn during work hours knowing me as the office rabble-rouser several pissed-off co-workers came to me independently to ask how they too could rebel enter this story's biggest malicious compliance as a minimalist i had no desire to hold on to a shirt that i would not wear we had no input on the design slash color of the shirts and i simply did not need it taking up space in my closet the most reasonable alternative would be to turn the shirt back in and explain that so i did co-worker number one was moving soon and didn't need an extra thing to pack so she also turned hers in number two's partner hated dark green the shirt's color so he turned his in this happened all the way to 25 total employees with some borrowing others excuses after five days the supervisor had a box with two dozen shirts sitting in his tiny office he actually has to keep them on his desk and i can hear him bumping his hand against them when he uses the mouse three months later they are still there he is not dumb he knows those shirts are an fu that lives in his office he cannot donate them to the shelter due to some other ridiculous handbook rule about organizational spending and he hikes six miles to work so driving them home isn't a reasonable option he's tried putting them in general office storage but his bosses said the shirts are the supervisor's problems since he ordered them currently he's just stuck we know it bothers him but he knows he can't bring it up since it's his own rules that prevent us from wearing them no dress code changes so far but the top of the year meeting regarding our handbook has dress codes on the table i'm cautiously optimistic that we'll finally be rid of some of the dumb short-sighted elements of our dress code come february so let me ask you guys if you're in any kind of place where there's employees even if it's a slightly fancy place would it throw you off or bother you if they were wearing regular t-shirts and also branded regular t-shirts or do you think it's fine that they would wear t-shirts personally i think they should be able to let me know your thoughts in the comments down below our next story is bio with the typos nearly died nearly fired i was 18 and worked at a gas station i was the type of employee that you could always rely on to cover someone else's shift people would text me directly and i would let the manager know when i showed up i was covering for so and so i also owned a 50cc scooter to get to work since it was nearby one night i'm riding my scooter hit a pothole and hit pavement immediate pain my face jumps out at me at first it feels like half the road now lives on the left side of my face i try to sit up feeling various scrapes and realize my boob is stuck to my bra passerby calls an ambulance emts think i somehow got a third degree burn in my boob when i try to pull down my shirt i take it off and they see all of my skin scraped into my bra it's excruciating i go to the hospital mostly because my helmet was actually a bicycle helmet i didn't know it came with the scooter and they're worried about a concussion they have to keep me up until they get checked out by the doctor who isn't there yet i realize around 1am that i'm not fit for work in the morning not wanting to wake up my bosses i call the store and talk to the overnight employee i tell them to tell the manager when they come in that i can't come in and will drop off a doctor's note when i can around 6 am i am allowed to go home drugged up but concussion free when i get home i think i might try to start ungraveling i go to the bathroom and strip i'm covered in scrapes and bruises i have a giant bandage tape over my left boob that goes up to my collarbone my face looks like someone glued loose gravel with red glue and it got close enough to cause a black eye i say freak it throw on a comfy tank and some shorts trying my best not to have fabric over anything uncomfortable i've been awake 24 plus hours i'll deal with the carnage after i sleep two hours later i wake up to my mom screaming i come out and she thrusts the phone at me my assistant manager is now screaming at me she said i can't tell another employee i'm calling out i should have called her she said if i wasn't there in 15 minutes i was fired she had a spa day with her mom planned and was not cancelling to cover my shift i hang up and ask my mom what the freak apparently i didn't hear my phone and she answered recognizing my assistant manager's name she planned on explaining about my accident when she answered assistant manager assumed it was me and immediately started yelling the same as above my mom got heated yelling she was in an accident how dare you yell instead of asking if she was okay she could be dead and you were yelling so i told my mom she wants me there in 15 minutes what say you drive me up there i grab my doctor's note and we're off i walk in the building like crap on a stick despite having multiple pairs i wear my broken glasses unintentionally i realize as i walked on the length of the store i've developed a limp due to my left side being freaked i didn't brush my hair it's a wild mane that replaces my normally neat ponytail every minor abrasion on full display the chest bandage clearly outlined in my tight tank i see both manager and assistant as they see me i lock eyes with the assistant and stare her down as i close the distance my manager stutters out the question of what am i doing there i turned my attention to him assistant manager said if i wasn't here in 15 minutes i was fired i'm here so do i still have my job after he assured me that of course i did and to go home and rest i gave him my doctor's note with the hand that's frayed from wrist to halfway down my pinky i turned to assistant i told overnight person i'd bring in my doctor's note next time though i'll be sure to call you at 1am if i need to right seeing the look exchanged between the two what i knew had been confirmed her calling me was her doing and my manager didn't know what was happening i'm sorry about your spa day if you'll excuse me they didn't let me sleep until my x-rays came back i'm exhausted i left feeling as good as you can feel with road rash i sure hope that assistant manager felt terrible when they saw op walk in and i hope they got busted as hard as it seems they did having the manager themselves see the whole situation unfold and that final phrase being able to say i'm sorry about your spa day as you walk out just icing on the cake our next story is by sln trobe put more packages on the belt you got it boss so not too sure if i can name where i work but we deliver mail and packages the last mile and our head honcho in charge just got into a lot of hot water for slowing down delivery and disassembling machines so anyway the section i work if stuff is too big or heavy to fit into a sack it gets put on a belt we have four belts each belt is about 40 feet long about 35 of that feed is flat and about waist high the last the section where i'm putting packages on five feet of the belt is angled at a downward angle which goes down to about my shins out of the four belts one has been down for about two months so we've been working with three belts which slows us down a lot these belts are about 30 plus years old the belt i usually work on you can't put too much weight on the end if you do it'll start grinding and if you don't take it off it'll start to whine if that makes sense i know this and everybody i work with knows this once the heavy stuff gets over the edge and onto the flat part it's fine to add more weight so on to the malicious compliance for some reason during the pandemic people have been buying lifting weights a lot of them we get pallets with about 2 000 pounds of weights on them i'm putting these 45 pound plates on the belt once they get over the edge i add another one our manager who is a complete and utter d-bag comes over and asks why i don't have more mail on the belt i explained to him what happens and of course he doesn't believe me he tells orders me to put more stuff on the belt to get the mail out faster i again tell him why that's a bad idea he then threatens to write me up for refusing to follow orders okay then while he's standing there i load about six pound plates onto the bed immediately the belt starts grinding and starts to whine this wine can be heard almost throughout the building the whole time i'm looking at him and i can tell he knows he made a mistake but he's the type that won't admit it as soon as he starts to walk away the belt completely stops won't even turn back on even if it's reset i yell to my manager that the belt is broken and now we're down to two belts with a ton of belts of course the manager asks me what happened and i tell him i was ordered to put on more weight on the belt than it can handle looks like we're gonna fail tonight he's staring daggers at me and i just moved to the other belt and started loading that one he has maintenance come over and check the belt out and they ask me what happened i tell them the manager told me to put more weight on the belt the maintenance guy responds what a freaking idiot not only is this guy a bad manager he's a very bad manager it's one thing to not understand how the processes underneath you work and to order them to do something that obviously is wrong but once you witness them do it and you realize that it is wrong the fact that you're stubborn and stay with it and allow that thing to break rather than just admit you're wrong and fix the issue and move on absolutely bad managing our next story is by wandering zia you need the exact reason i can't come to work today okay so i worked for a midsize regional transportation company years ago it had ambitions of being much bigger than it was and to that end it started to attract a certain type of hr employee that is to say the type that wanted to be in control and try and deny anything such as time off for being ill etc now back then i was the good employee almost never called in sick very rarely took a day off and when i did i would pick up an extra shift to help out and for the first few years i was there if anyone was legitimately sick the manager knew his people well enough he'd only make it an issue if it needed to be then came the new hr higher which in short order took away the ability of the manager to make these sorts of calls and it was replaced with you having to call and leave a voicemail for hr stating name rank serial number best contact method and the reason you could not show up at work that day at first people gave generic descriptions between not wanting to be overly graphic or gross someone out but the kibosh was put to that telling us we had to specifically lay out exactly why we couldn't work cue the malicious compliance this hr rep had a reputation for not being able to handle anything that wasn't all prim and proper so the next time i had to call in it was bad like if the girl from the exorcist ate taco bell first but i followed the rules and explained how i was sick and couldn't come in that day because of i was having explosive diarrhea out both ends and if they needed to call me i'd try and answer but hoped they would be understanding if i didn't answer and i'd call them right back upon my return to work it was impressed upon me that what i done was unnecessary but they couldn't do anything as i was just doing exactly as they'd asked needless to say we were never again pushed for a detailed reason as to why we were calling in sick isn't it depending on where you're at illegal to expect people to disclose such information to you you can't expect employees to be so specific at least in some parts of the us this would be illegal needless to say i'm glad op was the one that stuck their foot out there and just was so blatantly descriptive that they were finally like okay never mind forget it because that's ridiculous and invasive so quickly now i want to explain just how to enter the giveaway all you need to do is leave a comment on this video relevant to something you saw or heard or liked in any story in that video that's it you're entered but it applies to every single video we upload this week so to get the best odds at winning the 30 amazon gift card giveaway you'll want to leave a comment relating to any of those videos all week long on sunday after the last video has gone out i'll pick one comment at random and let you know on the following monday who has won and then it starts all over again so make sure you leave a relevant comment on this video and additionally every video i upload this week for the absolute best chance to win and while you're at it why don't you go ahead and give the videos a like too because it helps more than you could imagine that said our final story of the day is by elsie2612 i'm not allowed to work with my cast on ok here's the doctor's certificate for time off back in the early 80s dad hurt his ankle i think it turned out to be gout but the doctors were running all sorts of tests etc and he ended up with his ankle in a plaster cast part of dad's job was to go out on the field which required walking the rest of the time he was at a desk writing reports etc dad realized that he had enough work to do for the time that the cast was on so he went back to work his co-workers all wanted to know what happened he happily told them and said he was okay to work in the office the boss saw him and advised that he would need to be 100 capable of working his duties which included field work dad told the boss that he had enough work to stay in the office while the cast was on boss said no malicious compliance dad went to the doctors and got sick leave paid for the entire time he had the cast on approximately six weeks his co-workers then had to complete their work as well as dads i understand the boss wanting op's dad to be able to fulfill their duties completely no matter what but it's invaluable to be able to be flexible and figure out a solution that works for you and the employers the boss basically screwed themselves out of six weeks of work just because they didn't like them working in a cast or trying to work around their circumstances but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so which of these stories was your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below but besides that if you enjoyed the video please consider liking and subscribing and turn notifications on if you haven't so you'll never miss an upcoming video any little thing that you do helps the channel grow so much more whether it's commenting subscribing or just watching the video thank you all so very much for supporting me right here on the story time channel i hope you all have a wonderful day and i'll see you all next time right here on the story time channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceSupervisormademecomplywithyearoldDressCodeorig
a it for refusing to cook for my family despite cooking for myself and saying they deserve to go hungry so I 16 male still live with my family obviously I have chores just like my siblings but something I do for fun and because I love and have a passion for it is cooking I started cooking for myself 3 years ago I had cooked before but nothing like the last 3 years I enjoy making my own breakfast and dinner and even lunch if I have no school my parents saw I was cooking more and they added that to my list of chores because Mom said they didn't want to waste food and dad said it was rude to cook for only one person and I didn't mind cooking for everyone but they were so ungrateful my siblings and parents alike complaints I got were too spicy wanted potatoes instead of rice wanted rice instead of noodles wanted beef instead of chicken wanted something plain instead of spicy wanted no veggies wanted a more veggie focused meal wanted lasagna instead of pasta bake didn't want soup didn't like the flavor of soup didn't want something sweet wanted something sweet changed mind and wanted meat well done wanted more kinds of potatoes and the list goes on none of this was constructive either it was whining and complaining and I did start out asking what I should do but everyone wanted something different and I'm still in school I can't spend 6 hours cooking dinner on a school night so my siblings can have pizza fries nuggets tacos and my parents can have steak and potatoes and gravy and all the trimmings are none of the trimmings but five different kinds of potatoes I even made a weekly meal plan for a while and they wouldn't complain until after they ate it I spoke to my family about the way they were behaving and my mom told me that's the reality of cooking for a family she said my siblings and dad had always been like that with her I pointed out I hadn't been and she just said that and she said yeah but it's part of life I told her so she decided to treat me worse than I treated her her and she told me I was being difficult and I told her no she was taking everyone else's Behavior out on me a few times my dad or one of my siblings would say I wasn't a very good cook and they hated eating my food so I said I wouldn't cook anymore and dad and mom would get pissed and my siblings would call me lame so I stopped cooking for them I cooked just for me again and my parents are Furious they all come home hungry and I have nothing ready for them not even my siblings my parents told me it's disrespectful and I cannot continue and I said they were all the disrespectful and ungrateful one all over what I made for them they told me I shouldn't be okay with letting them go hungry and I said they deserve to go hungry my parents said it was a disgusting attitude and they grounded me for 2 weeks AIT
give me a good story on AITAforrefusingtocookformyfamilydespitecookingformyselfandsayingtheydeservetogo
wibta if I told a mother she was wrong for defending her son to me his teacher I M27 teach at a small private high school the mom F34 is that defended her son to me as our recruiter and her son M16 is in my geometry class about a week ago I cut off most of my hair it had been getting long and it is pretty curly it was getting into my ears while I was teaching and distracting me my wife also suggested I trim my beard so from a Friday to a Monday was drastic change that morning my first class was geometry son took a picture of me without my knowledge and sent it to the whole basketball team which happens to contain a freshman and commented on my appearance not sure exactly what was said is all I have is information from Mom and she said all he said was how different I looked about 20 minutes into the class I get a text from one of the other teachers that all the freshmen are talking about my appearance in his class and that the picture was being passed around in class and who had sent it to be clear I'm not upset that the Freshman saw me they would have seen me the next period I wasn't super upset but a little uncomfortable so I asked son if he'd seriously taken a picture of me and sent it to the Freshman which he said he hadn't since I didn't know it was sent specifically to the basketball team I took this as I lie which is what really upset me after all he had taken a picture of me I let it go for the moment and decided to pull him aside the next day my office had
give me a good story on WIBTAifItoldamothershewaswrongfordefendinghersontomehisteacher
AI ta for not punishing my daughters for pranking my ex's mistress at her wedding causing her to get diarrhea my 42f ex-husband 44m cheated on me when we were married I have two 16-year-old twin daughters who haven't really coped well with their father cheating on their mother with a much younger woman in her 30s they hate her and I haven't really encouraged my daughters to consider her a maternal figure the mistress also knew we were married and were having problems and she had an equal part in ruining my marriage as she pursued him first they were working in the same office I try to maintain a civil relationship with my husband and we co-parent and a 50-50 custody after a year now my husband married the mistress which personally felt like a slap on my face and a funeral of my marriage as I still had some love even though he didn't deserve it for him I was obviously not a part of the wedding festivity my daughters are teenagers and act out like teenagers do lately I've seen an increased amount of aggression in them and their teachers have also brought to my attention that they have bullied a girl who was dating their common friend's ex it's just not a great situation and they are currently on the wait list for individual counseling my daughters do not like the Mist
give me a good story on AITAForNotPunishingMyDaughtersForPrankingMyExsMistressAtHerWeddingCausingHer
:18.960 --> :23.280 I read a story on here a while ago that made  me feel like I should tell what happened to me.   :23.280 --> :28.320 I don’t know if this qualifies as nuclear  revenge but here goes. For reasons that will   :28.320 --> :33.840 eventually become obvious this is a throwaway  account and I haven’t used any real names. I’ve   :33.840 --> :38.160 changed a lot of the details of the story but  I tried to keep the critical things intact.   :38.160 --> :41.920 I’m not trying to be arrogant or  full of myself when I say this but   :41.920 --> :47.040 I did very well in school. Like the top of my  class well. There was one other guy in my school   :47.040 --> :52.560 who I regularly competed with, but by the time we  graduated, there was a considerable gap between   :52.560 --> :57.120 us. It’s not as if he wasn’t smart enough  or lazy. He had two friends who weren’t at   :57.120 --> :01.280 our level academically but they may as well  have been joined at the hip. One of them,   :01.280 --> :07.920 who I’ll call Jock, was an all-star athlete. He  was the complete package, football, basketball,   :07.920 --> :14.560 track, and varsity all the way. And a top-tier  bunghole. The other one was the class president.   :14.560 --> :21.200 Mr. Affable my daddy has connections that make  Verizon look like a telegram company. I’ll refer   :21.200 --> :27.120 to him as Smirk. My rival was the brains of  that trio so I’ll refer to him as Books.   :27.120 --> :31.520 Books was a petty SOB and would  often devise ways of using his latest   :31.520 --> :37.280 second place ranking against me as a reason to  harass me. Jock was usually involved in either   :37.280 --> :42.320 physically accosting me or holding me down  while Books did something humiliating to me.   :42.320 --> :47.680 Smirk was never directly involved, it wasn’t a  good look, but it watched from the fringes, never   :47.680 --> :52.960 lifting a finger to stop them. This went on until  we graduated and I took the first scholarship out   :52.960 --> :59.040 of town to get as far away from them as possible. I’m an analytical, detail-oriented introvert so I   :59.040 --> :04.960 went for the only career that made sense. I became  a CPA. I was good at it and I worked harder than   :04.960 --> :10.480 anyone else I knew. I’d reconnected with a girl  from school over social media and we hit it off   :10.480 --> :15.600 pretty well. We decided to get married so I went  home for the first time since leaving high school   :15.600 --> :21.040 but she moved in with me because I wasn’t going  to stay there. I was working for a large financial   :21.040 --> :26.400 institution when the market collapsed. We  had a good life. To be more precise my wife   :26.400 --> :31.280 had gotten used to the good life. We had a  nice house, my children went to good schools   :31.280 --> :36.000 and we could afford vacations away. My wife didn’t take it well when things became   :36.000 --> :40.800 very tight. She hadn’t worked in years and  wasn’t willing to get a job to help out. She   :40.800 --> :47.120 said that because I was the man, I had to provide  and since I wasn’t doing it, I wasn’t a real man.   :47.120 --> :52.640 I was sure that she was going to leave me because  we were weeks away from losing our house.   :52.640 --> :58.000 Then one day I ran into Books. I hadn’t  seen him in 15 years and I bump into him at   :58.000 --> :03.280 the lowest point in my life. That made our  meeting even worse as he was actually very   :03.280 --> :08.240 decent towards me and invited me to lunch. His life was on the uptrend, which became   :08.240 --> :14.000 apparent when lunch was at a place only my clients  could afford. He and jock had gone into business.   :14.000 --> :18.080 Jock was using his reputation from having  had a semi-decent sports career to get   :18.080 --> :23.840 clients while Books was running the company.  He actually apologized for how he treated me   :23.840 --> :28.960 and asked if there was any way he could make  it up to me. I didn’t want anything from him,   :28.960 --> :34.320 a nice lunch and an apology wasn’t going to  change the past, no matter how much he’d changed.   :34.320 --> :39.840 I made the mistake of telling my wife about the  lunch meeting and she jumped on my neck saying   :39.840 --> :45.920 I should call him and tell him that I need a job.  I said no. But, after a week of her camping in my   :45.920 --> :50.800 ear, I gave Books a call and said that I said  if he knew anyone looking for a CPA with my   :50.800 --> :56.160 experience I’d be glad for just an interview. He got quiet for a moment and then asked how   :56.160 --> :02.720 I’d feel if we did an interview right then and  there. It turns out that their CFO had died a few   :02.720 --> :08.800 weeks ago and they’d been struggling to replace  him. The former CFO was actually his dad and the   :08.800 --> :13.440 reason they couldn’t replace him was because there  wasn’t anyone they knew that they could trust.   :13.440 --> :17.920 Books trusted me and said that he’d talk to  Jock but he was sure they could take me on.   :17.920 --> :21.040 He got back to me the next day and  said that if I was willing to start   :21.040 --> :27.200 that week they’d cover our moving costs and put  us in a company house until we were settled. My   :27.200 --> :32.320 wife practically pushed me out the door saying  she’d handle things. She sold our house at a   :32.320 --> :37.600 loss and packed up our life while I moved back  to heal my childhood traumas. At least that’s how   :37.600 --> :41.440 my wife saw it because she knew everything  those guys put me through in high school.   :41.440 --> :45.760 When I arrived, I was immediately put  to work. Jock and Books were running the   :45.760 --> :51.840 kind of business that allows them to import and  export things as well as manufacture products. So   :51.840 --> :56.640 there are plenty of legitimate reasons for the  company to be doing business internationally.   :56.640 --> :03.120 If meeting Books again was awkward, meeting Jock  again was just plain weird. He didn’t apologize   :03.120 --> :09.040 or anything. But, he rarely made eye contact with  me. Luckily, he wasn’t around the business much   :09.040 --> :12.800 so I didn’t have to deal with him often. Their business was doing well,   :12.800 --> :17.840 they had a few good clients and there was a steady  stream of contracts from the State coming their   :17.840 --> :24.320 way. I got a very nice salary and we were able to  get a house that was better than the one we sold.   :24.320 --> :29.280 That first weekend when my wife arrived we were  invited to a dinner party with Jock and Books   :29.280 --> :36.720 as well as their wives. It was as if my wife had  died and gone to heaven. These people had money.   :36.720 --> :41.520 In-house chefs kind of money. They spent  the whole night telling us how much we were   :41.520 --> :47.360 going to love it, all the yacht trips and wine  country visits we were going to go on together.   :47.360 --> :52.240 I wasn’t really into all that but my wife  was happy and she made friends with Book’s   :52.240 --> :58.320 and Jock’s wives because we were spending a lot  of time together. As much as I hate to admit it,   :58.320 --> :04.080 after a while they became my friends as well. Our  history just vanished over the course of a year.   :04.080 --> :09.520 That in itself was not a reason to see red  flags. I was glad to be a part of a clique   :09.520 --> :15.600 and so as far as my personal life was concerned I  was pretty much blind to reality. But after a year   :15.600 --> :20.240 there was one red flag I never picked up  for which I completely take the blame.   :20.240 --> :24.880 Accountants and pimps have a lot in common.  We have a unique dress sense particular to   :24.880 --> :30.000 our profession, we’re surrounded by women  who despise us but still depend on us.   :30.000 --> :35.360 And most of all we spent the majority of our time  calling people asking them, ‘where’s my money?’   :35.360 --> :40.400 In the first year of working for Books and  Jock, I’ve never had a client that paid late.   :40.400 --> :46.720 Every single one of them paid on time. A lot of  them even paid early. That was a major red flag.   :46.720 --> :51.760 There is no legitimate business under the sun  that doesn’t have clients who don’t pay them late.   :51.760 --> :56.480 And after more than a decade of doing books,  it’s something you plan for. The first month I   :56.480 --> :01.440 got there, I was so relieved to just have a job;  I just thought we were having a great month. The   :01.440 --> :06.480 month after that I thought it was luck. By  the third month, I’d moved into a new house,   :06.480 --> :12.480 bought a new car, and been having such a good  time that I didn’t recognize the anomaly.   :12.480 --> :16.720 I’m ashamed to say that even after a year I  didn’t pick it up. But there are parts of every   :16.720 --> :21.440 professional’s job that they do automatically  because it’s ingrained in them. For me,   :21.440 --> :26.160 it was my annual KYC and PEP checks. Because we were dealing with a lot of   :26.160 --> :31.280 international clients and we had contracts with  the State I had to make sure that we were still   :31.280 --> :35.920 coloring in the lines as far as our  financial transactions were concerned.   :35.920 --> :43.360 A KYC is an anti-fraud and anti-money-laundering  procedure. It stands for Know Your Customer. Banks   :43.360 --> :48.240 and large investment firms use it to make sure  that the Nigerian Prince they’re dealing with   :48.240 --> :53.840 is actually a Nigerian Prince. PEP  stands for Politically Exposed Person,   :53.840 --> :58.640 which means that the person you’re dealing with  is either a family member or are themselves a   :58.640 --> :03.760 politically connected person. People like this  are at a higher risk of bribery and corruption   :03.760 --> :09.200 so dealing with them is a cautious affair. The reason I ran these checks annually   :09.200 --> :14.960 is that sometimes international companies might  have a change of ownership like a private factory   :14.960 --> :20.000 suddenly becoming a state-owned enterprise. Then  our dealings with them have to change financially   :20.000 --> :24.720 in terms of our reporting. Because it’s not  a good look if we’re buying two-way radios   :24.720 --> :29.200 from the Chinese government and supplying  it to the State for their security guards.   :29.200 --> :35.600 When I started the process of running the checks,  red flags rained from the sky. The first flag was   :35.600 --> :42.320 that the KYC or PEP checks done when our clients  were onboarded were bogus. Book’s dad was not   :42.320 --> :47.760 incompetent in the least. He was also a CPA  and the records I got when I took over were   :47.760 --> :55.120 immaculate. So I couldn’t think of a reason why  he would be so sloppy. So I discreetly began doing   :55.120 --> :00.480 checks on our business as well as our clients. Apart from the State, almost all of our other   :00.480 --> :06.800 clients were subsidiaries owned by subsidiaries.  And that included ourselves. We were owned by   :06.800 --> :11.760 some of our clients. Jock’s and Book’s company  were part of a group that they owned along with   :11.760 --> :17.760 one other person. The moment I figured out  who he was I knew I was in deep trouble.   :17.760 --> :22.960 Smirk had made good use of his daddy’s connections  and managed to become a member of the state   :22.960 --> :28.080 legislature. He then used his influence  there to get fat contracts for the group   :28.080 --> :32.800 of companies him and his buddies own. The problem I was stuck with was that   :32.800 --> :37.520 I didn’t know who was on the other end of  these businesses we were dealing with. At   :37.520 --> :42.240 the very least I suspected we were dealing  with fraud and corruption. Every other evil   :42.240 --> :47.520 imaginable was on the other end of the spectrum. Of course, as life would have it, all of this was   :47.520 --> :53.520 the least of my concerns. My wife had gotten  very used to this life and her new rich friends   :53.520 --> :57.600 that there was no way she was going to  give it up willingly. But I had to be   :57.600 --> :03.280 sure. I knew that she talked to the other guys’  wives about everything so I had to be very   :03.280 --> :07.920 circumspect about what I was suggesting. I took her out to a nice dinner and just   :07.920 --> :12.560 generally talked about what we had been through  and how lucky we were to have ended up where we   :12.560 --> :17.600 are. I told her that even though we were much  better off than before I sometimes wished for   :17.600 --> :24.400 a simpler life. Maybe open a small practice. She  did what most women do in situations like this,   :24.400 --> :30.240 she ignored me. But keep pressing the issue. I  started saying how I wasn’t happy anymore and   :30.240 --> :35.040 that I wanted my own thing. I didn’t want to  work for somebody else for the rest of my life.   :35.040 --> :41.200 She looked me in the eye and flat out told me  that if I quit this job she would leave me. She   :41.200 --> :46.000 said that she didn’t go through all the trouble of  getting me this job just for me to take her back   :46.000 --> :51.440 to being poor. I had no idea what she was talking  about and I couldn’t have cared less that we were   :51.440 --> :58.000 in public, but I politely reminded her that I was  the one who went to school and became a CPA. I got   :58.000 --> :03.200 this job because I was qualified for it. That’s when she dropped the bomb.   :03.200 --> :08.080 After I left town she and Books dated for a  while. But they still remained friends after   :08.080 --> :13.200 they broke up and kept in touch. So when we were  about to lose our house she asked him to help me   :13.200 --> :18.800 out with a job and even told him where he could  bump into me. She set it up so that I could have   :18.800 --> :24.640 this job and as far as she was concerned she  earned at least half of what I was making.   :24.640 --> :28.800 That was all I needed to hear. I knew that she was going to tell Books   :28.800 --> :34.960 about our conversation so I just waited for that  call. When it came I was ready. I met with Books   :34.960 --> :39.520 and Jock at one of their houses and told them that  I was hurt. I said that even though we had put   :39.520 --> :44.880 our past behind us it felt wrong that they were  leaving me out of the bigger part of the business.   :44.880 --> :49.360 I explained that I was simply going through  the business due diligence when I found out   :49.360 --> :54.320 we were part of a group. I said that since they  didn’t want to include me in the bigger business   :54.320 --> :58.880 I thought it best if I went and started  my own thing to be my own boss.   :58.880 --> :02.800 There is one thing you can count  on in life and that’s greedy people   :02.800 --> :08.320 thinking that other people are as greedy as they  are. They immediately saw this as an opportunity   :08.320 --> :14.240 to get me willfully in their pockets. So they  offered me a stake in the large business.   :14.240 --> :18.160 With what I had in mind I didn’t  want to be part of this sinking ship   :18.160 --> :23.600 so I decided to reward my wife for her generous  role in getting me involved with these people.   :23.600 --> :28.880 I suggested to her that I didn’t want her to worry  about her future in case something happened to me.   :28.880 --> :34.800 That I wanted her to have the best life money  can buy. So I suggested that she be the one   :34.800 --> :40.560 to have the shares in the group. She was more  than happy and her ex-boyfriend didn’t object.   :40.560 --> :45.680 We put up the house as collateral to buy into  all the companies and the loan was to be paid   :45.680 --> :49.920 off with the dividends from the shares. Once all the paperwork was finished I   :49.920 --> :55.120 started the hard part of my scheme. I had used the  intervening months to gather as much information   :55.120 --> :01.760 as I could about who our clients actually were. I  was both glad and terrified about what I learned.   :01.760 --> :05.440 Terrified because these were the  kind of people who politicians   :05.440 --> :11.120 disappear. But glad because it meant that I  would justify my actions when the time came.   :11.120 --> :16.320 Now here is a free lesson in accounting and  fraud. Human beings are imperfect. Even with   :16.320 --> :21.440 the best software in the world, people  pay late, make mistakes, and even display   :21.440 --> :27.120 catastrophic incompetence over the simplest  of things. So remember this, if you ever come   :27.120 --> :33.840 across someone’s books that are perfect, I mean  absolutely perfect, they’re cooking those books.   :34.480 --> :40.480 Book’s dad was smart and he knew this so he  intentionally allowed mistakes and errors to   :40.480 --> :46.160 appear in their books. But once I knew what the  game was it was easy to see what was going on.   :46.160 --> :50.800 They had set up a group because they needed to  shield the payments that they received and made.   :50.800 --> :55.600 Let's use the two-way radio example again.  Let’s say they were getting those radios   :55.600 --> :00.960 from the Chinese government who was using a  company that used to be a private entity but   :00.960 --> :06.480 is now state-owned. The one company in the group  would then sell it to one of the other companies   :06.480 --> :11.680 in the group, which would sell it to a  third, who would then sell it to the State.   :11.680 --> :15.760 That way the State can claim that they  sourced their product from a local business   :15.760 --> :20.960 that sources their things from another local  business. This also hinders the money that the   :20.960 --> :25.680 state paid for those radios from being  traced back to the Chinese government.   :25.680 --> :28.000 Awesome. Now that I had access   :28.000 --> :32.720 to all the accounts of the group I was able to  make direct payments from the first receiver   :32.720 --> :38.400 to the end user and vice versa. So if the state  paid us for a contract, instead of running that   :38.400 --> :43.600 money through two other companies before it  got to China, I paid it straight to China.   :43.600 --> :48.720 I did the same for a lot of the other unsavory  characters that the company was dealing with.   :48.720 --> :54.320 After I’d done a few of these transactions I  began sending anonymous tips to the authorities   :54.320 --> :59.760 telling them to examine some of the transactions  that were taking place. What I had hoped they   :59.760 --> :06.080 would begin to notice is that the State paid us  $500 000.00 on Monday and then on Tuesday, we paid   :06.080 --> :13.360 $500 000.00 to a company owned by the Chinese  government or some other nefarious organization.   :13.360 --> :18.240 We all know that there is nothing truly  anonymous these days but I made sure that   :18.240 --> :23.360 there was some way to trace the tips back to  me. And once again I waited. I honestly expected   :23.360 --> :28.640 to be arrested and then have the whole thing  blown wide open, and in exchange for immunity,   :28.640 --> :34.080 I would testify against all of them. Instead,  I got a lunch invitation over Facebook from   :34.080 --> :38.160 a friend from college who was in town. I show up at the restaurant and the waiter   :38.160 --> :43.760 tells me which table to go to while I wait for  my friend. No big deal. I wait but they’re not   :43.760 --> :50.160 showing up. Just as I was about to message them  some guy sits down and puts a badge on the table   :50.160 --> :55.120 and tells me to greet him like he was my friend.  This was the last thing I was hoping would   :55.120 --> :01.520 happen. I knew that even if I gave them all the  books and records it wasn’t going to be enough.   :01.520 --> :05.840 They were going to want more. And  that’s exactly what he asked for.   :05.840 --> :10.640 He basically threatened me saying that even  though I made the tips, I was also the one   :10.640 --> :17.200 who made the payments without the KYC and PEP  checks. He even used the T-word. He said that   :17.200 --> :23.360 they could prove that I funded terrorists. I was  just the CPA. There was no way I was getting in   :23.360 --> :29.600 the room when the deals were being made. This  was also not worth dying over. So I negotiated.   :29.600 --> :34.800 It was a terrible deal, but it was the only one  with the best chance of me not going to prison   :34.800 --> :40.240 or ending up in small pieces in a box. Now Smirk was no genius but he was smart   :40.240 --> :44.000 enough to not have any direct ownership  of any of the companies in the group.   :44.000 --> :50.000 Those shares were split four ways. The two largest  portions belonged to Books and Jock. They each had   :50.000 --> :57.360 35%. The tiniest portion belonged to my wife which  was 1%, and the second biggest portion belonged to   :57.360 --> :05.360 another company. That company was wholly owned  by Smirk. That company had 29%. This gave him   :05.360 --> :11.200 enough shares to reap significant benefits but  he was shy of a controlling interest. Which   :11.200 --> :15.760 meant that his company could claim ignorance of  any of the dealings that happened in the group.   :16.320 --> :20.400 My job was to get him to implicate  himself in the dealings.   :20.400 --> :25.280 I had no idea what I was going to do. I  was so desperate that I even thought of   :25.280 --> :31.920 kidnapping him and forcing him to confess. But  luck was on my side and it was an election year.   :31.920 --> :37.520 I realized that I was never going to get him to  implicate himself so the next best option was to   :37.520 --> :42.800 get him to give up his friends. Unlike them, he  wasn’t in it for the money. The money was good,   :42.800 --> :48.240 but he had family money. He was all about  his reputation, ever since high school.   :48.240 --> :53.200 Going after him directly during an election  season was too obvious. I started leaving   :53.200 --> :58.640 tips with some of the non-local journalists  about the relationships that Books and Jock had   :58.640 --> :05.200 and the businesses they were in bed with. This  time I made sure to be truly anonymous. As they   :05.200 --> :10.960 dug around the periphery more and more hyenas  started creeping in. Until the connection was   :10.960 --> :16.160 made between the honorable member of the state  legislature and his high school buddies. Once   :16.160 --> :21.760 that happened the guys with the badges had  no choice but to swoop in and make arrests.   :21.760 --> :27.440 The reason? It was going to look really  bad for everyone if it became public news   :27.440 --> :33.520 that public funds were being used to buy security  equipment from a hostile nation’s government and   :33.520 --> :38.880 other enterprises involved in illicit dealings.  But it gets better. Because people needed to go to   :38.880 --> :44.080 jail there had to be a trial. And the only person  who had enough evidence and first-hand experience   :44.080 --> :51.040 to testify was me. The conditions of my deal were  still in place and I testified. This of course led   :51.040 --> :57.360 to the company going under and its shareholders  losing everything. Including my wife.   :57.360 --> :02.400 My deal was to go into witness protection.  That meant that everything attached to my name   :02.400 --> :07.760 couldn’t follow me. So the debt that was taken  out against my house was no longer my problem but   :07.760 --> :12.960 rather my wife’s. This was amplified by the fact  that the debt was incurred for the purpose of   :12.960 --> :18.320 gaining an asset in her favor. So that bank  took the house and she was left with nothing   :18.320 --> :23.520 and still had to pay off the rest of the debt. The three stooges went to prison but they met   :23.520 --> :28.480 unfortunate ends because their other friends  didn’t want to take the risk of them talking.   :28.480 --> :33.440 I was relocated to a place where not only no  one knows me, but I’m not allowed to go near   :33.440 --> :39.600 anything that resembles my previous profession.  All in all. Marry for love, not money. :08.400 --> :12.800 I had a bright future. At least that’s  what my grades in high school indicated.   :12.800 --> :16.240 I was well on my way to getting a  scholarship that was going to pay for   :16.240 --> :21.920 everything. This meant a lot because my family  didn’t have a lot. My dad had a small business as   :21.920 --> :29.040 an exterminator and that was all we had to support  him, my mom, myself, and my three younger sisters.   :29.040 --> :33.840 I wanted to be a writer so I started my own  blog where I wrote short stories and did some   :33.840 --> :39.520 experimental writing using classical writers  as templates and doing spin-offs of their work.   :39.520 --> :44.320 I never got any money for it and I always  gave credit to the original source material. :44.320 --> :48.480 At the beginning of my final year of high  school, we got an English assignment to come   :48.480 --> :53.520 up with a story. This was something I could  do in my sleep and normally I wouldn’t have   :53.520 --> :59.440 worried too much about it. But my English teacher  was the same one I had the previous year and he   :59.440 --> :05.680 despised me. The main reason was that I was an A  student in his class that never paid attention,   :05.680 --> :10.080 but worse still I’d correct him from  time to time when he got things wrong.   :10.080 --> :16.000 He hated me for that and was always looking for  a reason to give me fewer marks. Because of that,   :16.000 --> :22.080 I had to write the most impeccable story  imaginable to fit his ridiculous standards. :22.080 --> :27.600 I spent weeks writing this story and  submitted it, confident of my next A. :27.600 --> :28.960 I got an F. :28.960 --> :34.560 And I was brought before the school disciplinary  committee for plagiarism. Apparently, he thought   :34.560 --> :40.480 my story was so good that there was no way that  I had written it. So he plugged it into Copyscape   :40.480 --> :46.080 and every other plagiarism check he could find  and found that I indeed did plagiarize some of   :46.080 --> :53.840 my story. Some of the elements and even phrases I  used in my assignment came from a blog. My blog.   :53.840 --> :59.920 I didn’t realize that I had reused some of my old  material but that fact was it was still my work. :59.920 --> :04.960 Obviously, as a teenager, I wasn’t using my  real name on my blog so it looked like I had   :04.960 --> :10.480 stolen someone else’s work. It took forever  to convince the board that it was my blog,   :10.480 --> :15.920 I even had to log in during the hearing so  everyone could see that it was my work. I   :15.920 --> :21.280 think he already knew that and the moment I  proved it was my blog he fired his next shot. :21.280 --> :26.720 He started explaining how the kind of stories I  was writing were stealing from classical writers   :26.720 --> :32.160 and that this was just the kind of person I was.  It didn’t help that I wrote some dark and graphic   :32.160 --> :36.960 stories which the committee didn’t like. I had  a hard time trying to convince them that I was   :36.960 --> :43.040 paying homage and experimenting but my English  teacher just kept twisting what I was saying. The   :43.040 --> :47.600 school board didn’t want any more to do with me  and they also didn’t want to have my blog and my   :47.600 --> :54.480 writing associated with the school so they found  me guilty and placed it on my academic record. :54.480 --> :58.240 Bye-bye scholarship. No school  wanted anything to do with me. :58.240 --> :02.400 I had no choice but to go into the  family business. After a few years,   :02.400 --> :08.160 I got the hang of it and I was doing well enough  that my dad let me go on some jobs on my own. :08.160 --> :12.800 Where I live it was common for  snakes to show up randomly at places.   :12.800 --> :16.880 Most people didn’t really have a problem with  snakes and could deal with the small ones   :16.880 --> :22.720 easily. The bigger ones sometimes needed an  exterminator or pest control to come out.   :22.720 --> :27.600 One day I got a call to deal with a pretty big  snake that was found in a small supermarket.   :27.600 --> :32.960 I got to the site and handled the snake like  a professional. On my way out I see my old   :32.960 --> :39.440 English teacher. He was pale from his hair to  his boots. He’d been hiding the whole time,   :39.440 --> :45.280 not wanting to see the snake. Who would I be if I  didn’t take advantage of my enemy’s deepest fear? :45.280 --> :49.840 I wasn’t just going to take the snake and  throw it at him. No. I wanted him to suffer. :50.560 --> :56.880 Over the next few months, I began stockpiling some  small animals and other things that attracted the   :56.880 --> :02.160 local snakes, as well as some nonpoisonous  snakes of various sizes that I found.   :02.160 --> :07.120 Once I was sure that my collection was adequate  I’d drive past his house and release a few of   :07.120 --> :12.320 the smaller animals into his yard. I did this  routinely until I was sure that there were enough   :12.320 --> :18.240 of them that they’d made a habitat for themselves  in or around his house. Then I started releasing   :18.240 --> :24.320 the smaller snakes. He didn’t have anybody living  with him so I wasn’t too concerned about children. :24.320 --> :28.800 I knew that he wasn’t going to call my dad’s  business first but rather go to one of the other   :28.800 --> :34.400 exterminators in the area. There wasn’t a lot but  he had a few options. Once one of them got rid of   :34.400 --> :40.480 the snakes, I’d go back and start the process  with slightly bigger rodents and snakes. With   :40.480 --> :45.600 the bigger creatures appearing at his house he  called a different exterminator because obviously,   :45.600 --> :52.160 the previous ones didn’t do a proper job. I kept  doing this until eventually, our phone rang. :52.160 --> :56.640 When I got there he was a mess. I don’t  think he’d been sleeping properly or even   :56.640 --> :00.080 eating. I listened to him tell me  about how these things kept coming   :00.080 --> :05.760 back bigger and bigger. I told him to leave  the house for a few days while I took care of   :05.760 --> :13.360 everything. Over the next few days, I discreetly  began modifying his house. I created nests for   :13.360 --> :18.800 some of the bigger rodents as well as areas for  the bigger snakes to stay. This included the gap   :18.800 --> :23.120 between the bathtub and the floor. I had to take  out some of the tiles for that and replace them   :23.120 --> :28.800 in such a way that the snakes could just push  them loose. I carved a nest inside his sofa,   :28.800 --> :34.880 put one behind the stove and the fridge, and a  bunch of other places. He had a geyser in his   :34.880 --> :40.880 roof and I put the biggest snake there which was  just above his bathroom, connected to his bedroom. :40.880 --> :43.680 I called him to tell him he  could move back in after I   :43.680 --> :45.920 made sure that nothing was too out of place. :45.920 --> :49.920 I don’t know what exactly happened. I  wasn’t there when everything erupted but   :49.920 --> :54.000 from what I heard and saw afterward  this is what I think happened. :54.000 --> :59.120 Sometime in the middle of the night the big one  fell through the roof and landed on his bed.   :59.120 --> :04.320 That he didn’t get a heart attack and die was a  miracle. He somehow found the strength to run to   :04.320 --> :09.760 the bathroom to hide, but the state that the  bathroom was in when I saw it later suggests   :09.760 --> :15.200 that there was some kind of fight. After that, he  ran out of the house into the street screaming his   :15.200 --> :20.320 head off. At least that’s what I heard from his  neighbors. Apparently, he was sent somewhere with   :20.320 --> :28.080 cushioned rooms and self-hugging jackets. The fact  is, I never heard of or saw him again after that.
give me a good story on rNuclearRevengeIINFESTEDMYTEACHERSHOUSEWITHSNAKESRedditStories
hello everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time Channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day must attend interview in person I was working for a university in the UK as an admissions officer when I decided to apply for the role of senior admissions officer in the same office I submitted my application and didn't hear anything for a while a week or so later I was abroad for a week to visit my family when I received an email to confirm that I got invited for an interview the next day at 9 a.m. I replied and asked if we could postpone the interview until Monday because I'd be back by then but they refused the lady who refused was my current manager and she knew I was abroad so I didn't think this was very fair I asked if we could do the interview over Skype instead but she also refused this the interview time was set and if I was interested I will be there otherwise it's my loss I was pissed off as I couldn't believe how inflexible they were I started rereading the email again and decided to go through the attachments to see what I had to prepare for the interview I noticed they added a travel expense form which stated that if you travel from five miles or further you could claim your expenses being abroad in Europe is definitely over five miles so I decided to drive to the airport booked the last flight which was 350 pounds for a one-way flight got a cab from the airport and stayed in a hotel near the university as my house would have been at the other side of London I made it to the interview in time and they were shocked to see me as they obviously didn't expect me the interview went well but I did not get the job when I handed in my expense claim form I was advised that it only applied to UK travel and they refused to pay I asked them why they sent me the claim form when they knew I was travelling in from abroad and said that nowhere on the form it stated that it was only for UK travel they said it was their policy but I was not allowed to view said policy I was do a lot of money so I decided to file a Freedom of Information request for them to provide the policy this appeared to be a his storico policy and as they could not send me the evidence they decided to pay me my travel expenses which came to a total of 550 plus pounds the policy has been updated since so if you saw that travel expense form would you end up taking the chance here let me know if you would bite the bullet and go for it banking all your hope on that they would actually reimburse you pay more for less food okay so I work for a major restaurant chain as a server given the ongoing situation we had been doing takeout and delivery only at the time of this story also we were honoring our online only deals in an effort to increase business normally our food is fairly expensive without being a fine-dining place these online deals would discount the total cost around 50% great value I was working the front host stand and therefore answering phones I had one customer called to order pickup and he promptly cut me off midway through my answer speech this immediately irritates me but I take a breath and soldier on I just continue expecting a certain type of customer / interaction at this point customer jumps right into the order so I politely backtrack him to take the phone number and name the customer wanted a double order of wings and a medium pizza ok no problem I put it through with some difficulty as the customer isn't making it easy having to clarify or repeat certain questions etc but this is part of the job and he's not being outright rude just frustrating finally I gave him his total approximately $51 I then mentioned to him that right now we have a special that has three pounds of wings and two medium pizzas for $49.99 but he cut me off before I could get much further than just wanted to let you know that right now we have a special okay fine I'm tired of arguing I put it through as requested of course I proceeded to tell my colleagues about this guy and how he even turned me down trying to save him money despite being short and what felt to me as entitled during the exchange we all have a laugh when customer arrives I choose to take his payment first and then bring out his food as he accepts it I point out that for next time what I was trying to tell you about the special is that you could have gotten another pound of wings and another pizza for a dollar and a half lass he looked at me like I had three heads and sheepishly mentioned maybe he should have let me tell him about it yeah you think if I was the caller I probably would have at least heard him out but I can also kind of understand because I feel like most of the time those specials that are presented at least in my experience haven't really been worth entertaining plus you never know what kind of situation the caller was in when he was making this order and acting that way move your car this is a short and simple story that happened years ago when I still lived at home I was 20 at the time and my sister was 17 still in high school I was about to leave for work and notice she parked her car behind mine so I asked her if she could move her car to let me out I figured that she could just Park her car where mine was once I move out of the way she rolled her eyes and for whatever reason had a slight attitude about it and told me move it yourself if you're the one that has to leave she couldn't even be bothered to give me her keys for me to do so so I did I moved her car and parked it a mile down the road and my grandparents drive away and walked back I put her keys back and didn't say anything as I grabbed mine and just left made me late to work that day but I didn't care next time I asked her to move her car she begrudgingly did it takes what a minute to move your car it's a slight inconvenience sure but just go ahead and move the car it's no big deal parents forbid me to use my preferred name at school I'll just keep adding letters to the end of it I came out to my parents as a trans man before the start of my freshman year of high school and they were extremely hostile about it so much so that they forbade me from using my chosen name at school or even with my friends well I thought that was a load of crap and changed my name in the school system on the first day it had my legal name listed but for most purposes my preferred name was used after about three months they found out about it and were pissed so they said to me Opie you have to change her name in the school right now so I was like okay I will so I changed it from Bob not my actual name to Bob with a second B the next day they checked the homework portal again and discovered I had indeed changed it but not to my legal name Opie we told you to change it back to your legal name no you told me to change it and I did my god they were pissed I was grounded for a month and my phone was taken but it was totally worth it so after that every time they told me to change it I would tack on another letter by the end of the school year my name was Baba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba eventually they stopped grounding me and just gave up I was allowed to use my preferred name the rest of high school provided it wasn't around them note my mom has started coming around and I'm planning on cutting off my dad once she divorces him for being a piece of garbage including what he did to me well I'm glad that Opie's mom started coming around to it and frankly it's just quite unfortunate to hear about the father and also I was reading the comments and one person said they're lucky you didn't start adding OHS to Bob now that would have been funny pizza party screw-ups so when I first started college I worked in the small pizza shop the students could use their meal plans on if you don't know what a meal plan is it's basically you pay a set amount per semester and can swipe a car to eat wherever you want with rules depending on how much you paid now I have to say pizza was awesome high-quality ingredients interesting combos of toppings and really good salads but we were in a Test Kitchen this brand had never been anything other than to sit down and enjoy style of pizza so turning it into a fast food place was difficult we weren't that busy normally good days $800 bad days maybe 250 when he came to see how we were holding up the brand owner the one who created the entire store name told us to only set enough dough to use that day absolutely no more we made the large sicilian-style and it took four point three pounds of dope or pizza if you didn't want it to be thin places you drown it to 4.5 so any given day we to go through roughly sixty to eighty pounds we had to let it rise for a few hours because it was a yeast base now on any day this was no big deal get down to half a pizza stretch of dough and let it rise easy until the end of the semester came the compliance now till this point we weren't something as much as our big boss would have liked so for the last two months of the semester he was in house breathing down our necks for the slightest thing you could see as waste he was also pressing us to sell as many whole pizzas as we could oh boy did we for those of you who have never had a meal plan no one uses all of the meals they've paid for most people end up with like twenty to thirty left they'll buy a bunch of food for a party and be done with it but there are ones that end with near 100 that is where this is going I worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. these last few weeks cuz my finals were done and it was easy money so I had heard people saying how they were going to use their meals and just buy a bunch of food I even offered to take down orders if they wanted to let us know ahead of time by the last day I had orders for over 65 pizzas from multiple people being the good employee I was I told our big boss about it he was impressed and even set out extra for the day when we started to prep I also knew it was not even close to enough most college kids don't think about calling ahead for really big orders they just expect to be able to get it so there were going to be plenty of those kinds of people he said the words that doomed our kitchen if we need more as the day goes we will get it as needed 6 employees and our kitchen manager will get to his role in a bit just gave up and went with it so the day went on 11 o'clock came and immediately we had orders non-stop for three and four pizzas each we had pre-orders already prepped and rising so each time we took chunks under the dough laid out our got more and more nervous by 3 we were out of the raise dough and were scrambling to get the chilled stuff to rise enough to stretch four o'clock and all the other restaurants around us had closed down because they were out of supplies and it went home we were still catching up our big boss is red-faced pissed off and trying to blame us for all his bad planning then the final blow came in the form of two frat boys and their entire house they asked if there was a limit on the number they could order I was on the register and looked at by my kitchen manager call him Steven and asked he got the most devilish smile and said as long as you don't mind a weight we can sell you as many as you can buy these two mad lads bought 25 pizzas apiece they were having a final party and wanted to blow the rest of their meals on it as soon as I called out the order to our big boss in the back all I hear is a frantic how many did you say he comes running up front looks over the receipt and all the colour drains from his face he tries offering a refund but it has to go through the school and can take over a week had to deal with a Brad mom and a child learning this so in the end he had to stay and help us make them it took over 6 hours to cook them all Steven emptied the ingredients all over their pizzas so they were absolutely loaded we all got paid overtime and Steven quit the following week listen to your employees epilogue on our last day Steven pulled us all into his office and gave us all fifty dollars out of his own pocket because we never should have had to have put up with that brain-dead butt monkey and that he was sorry we had to to this day one of my favourite managers edit I should mention that when the next semester started the entire restaurant had been remodeled a completely new one was in its place with Steven back as the manager looking Lee the cat that caught the canary he said big boss pulled this place out and we were free to choose the one that replaced it he offered us our jobs back with a 50-cent raise we sold almost four times our daily business the other three places were a little salty we were doing so well but it was all good never had another problem like that again I like the happy ending the story had and med manager has a devilishly good name I'll be happy to assist you this happened to my brother and not me but is still one of the best stories I've ever heard my brother used to work at chick-fil-a as a cashier and would take the customers order one day he had a Karen come in first she was just fine until she got her food she complained that the bun was bad and she wanted a new one my brother was going to a sister until she said just do your job properly and get my bun he shrugged and agreed he gets a brand new bun goes to the register and rings it up he looks at her and says that'll be 27 cents she looked at him really confused and asked why she had to pay to which my brother said I'm just doing my job properly I feel like if somebody's gonna come out and try and help you why would you be rude and dismissive it's not like the cashier made the order travel the customer sites the latest fad of posts about company travel reminded me of this little gem I was working for an MSP that had customer sites close to my home I would arrange to be on-site at about 9:30 this meant that I would get a lie-in and leave my house at around 9:00 to get to the customer site I would then claim on expenses the travel from the customer back to the office this worked fine until we got a new manager who stated that we had to start work at the time in our contract and we could only claim mileage to and from the office the contract stated that our start time was 8:30 and I stated that it would be a waste of my time driving to the office turning around and driving to a customer site he was having none of this so I would arrange with the customer that I would be on-site at 9:30 and I then proceeded to clock in at 8:25 get to my desk sit down and have a cup of coffee and read my emails I then drove to the customers site did the work and drove back after claiming for double the amount of travel expenses were asked but I pointed to the email that had been sent out this lasted until the manager changed who saw sense and changed the system back to how it was personally this kind of thinking really frustrates me I feel like they equated to you're not doing enough work if you're going from your house straight to the customer you have to be in the office it's like people who have a night based sleep schedule and people get upset at them for sleeping during the day it just makes no sense if they're productive and it's efficient for that person and it saves money I don't get why you would be so rigid about it but with that being said that's all the stories we have for today so what I want to know is which of these stories was your personal favorite and why let me know in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the story town channel today if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn Olaf occations on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to this story time Channel
give me a good story on rmaliciouscomplianceBigBosstriedtocutcostsWegetpaidovertimeorig
aita for not caring if my adopted sister feels included I 23f have a biological brother 24 and an adopted sister 27 she was adopted when I was a year old and she was around four for most of my life my sister received all the attention from our parents and my brother and I were just there my parents would bend over backwards to make sure she felt like a part of the family which is great except they didn't bother to make my brother and I feel included when she was 19 we found her biological family and they have a great relationship now but I feel like this completely ruined our own family Dynamic our dad died five years ago and it seems like she just moved on from our dad to the other dad and is also slowly moving on from our family to her biological family her biological mom's side also seems to have a problem with us because we are white and my sister is black so every time we try to be involved in activities there are always Jabs at us and I think they encourage her to become distant from us my mom still acts like my sister is the center of our world though the last two thanksgivings we had to have family Thanksgiving dinner days before because my sister was going to have Thanksgiving with her biof family same for the previous Christmas we exchanged gifts by the 20th and my sister didn't even bring my nephew as was at his bio Grandma's my final straw has been a trip we had been planning in honor of my dad on the 5-year anniversary of his passing we were going to plant an orchard in a certain African country my dad worked and lived in for years and we visited many times planting this was something my dad had planned before he died and had it planned to at so we would only be executing his plan we had agreed that the 5-year anniversary felt like the perfect time except now my sister's biological sister will be getting married around the same time not same day but it means my sister can only join us after the actual anniversary day my mom says it's okay we can plant the trees a week or too later and she actually said that when we plant the trees doesn't make much difference we'll still be honoring him but that my sister will only ever get to attend her sister's wedding once she says it's a week's worth of work anyway so it's not like we were going to be done on the actual day this made me mad and I have told them I will be breaking the ground on the actual anniversary day with or without any of them she said I was being inconsiderate and that I should think about how this will make my sister feel like she doesn't matter to the family my sister has been part of our family the same amount of time I have been only she can exclude herself my brother keeps flip-flopping between coming with me to be there for the anniversary or waiting for my mom and sister some days later and I honestly can't also blame him aita for insisting I am not waiting on anyone the trip is in 2 months
give me a good story on AITAfornotcaringifmyadoptedsisterfeelsincludedorig
:00.080 --> :06.120 today we've got a great malicious compliance Story  by the book we'll get into that in a bit but first   :06.120 --> :12.120 it looks perfect on my monitor okay I can work  with that working at Big Co with lots of agents in   :12.120 --> :17.800 the field agents had pretty decent 15-in laptops  to work with customers in the field new project   :17.800 --> :22.280 comes up to give the field people some better  tools project owner and other stakeholders haven't   :22.280 --> :28.240 been pleased with the way the old apps work looks  like it was scraped from a 3270 terminal pretty   :28.240 --> :35.320 close but well before my time they make sure I  hire a real Graphics designer to develop the GUI   :35.320 --> :42.720 fine I can do that interviews offers made designer  arrives Sue is nice programming team is excited to   :42.720 --> :48.640 start looks all good as a gesture of Welcome to  our it group get her the developer setup souped   :48.640 --> :55.840 up 15-in laptop docking station two big monitors  developers like it they get to put Windows all   :55.840 --> :01.920 over the place life is good Sue seems to be happy  pretty pretty soon her the lead developer and the   :01.920 --> :07.280 business liaison go on to make a great GUI  experience time passes and I check in with   :07.280 --> :14.080 the project manager going okay on schedule and we  have the GUI walkthrough in the morning super I   :14.080 --> :18.880 ask about how that's going to work built a mockup  as static web pages they can just click through   :18.880 --> :25.200 the pages Dev team gave some fake data for the  dropdowns sounds like it's under control I go off   :25.200 --> :30.160 to see what fires may be getting started elsewhere  next day come back from my last meeting of the   :30.160 --> :36.880 afternoon email box is showing full red alert  Lotus Notes unread emails and my message light is   :36.880 --> :43.560 on my desk phone before I can Mouse click my way  into the mess my boss comes into my office op what   :43.560 --> :49.800 exactly happened in the demo today no idea project  manager says it was all set business liaison was   :49.800 --> :56.840 good I had other priority ones so I skipped it  they said poor move get on top of the disaster now   :56.840 --> :03.920 F project manager business liaison Sue and started  asking questions demo in the conference room went   :03.920 --> :10.080 fine they sent the link out to the field people  to look at field people had some issues like what   :10.080 --> :15.400 well a few said it was completely unusable said  sue she turns pulls up a browser window on one   :15.400 --> :22.800 of her big monitors this is it a very nice clear  GUI it looked a little busy to me lots of boxes   :22.800 --> :28.520 on one page I said hey can you drag that down to  your laptop screen Yep looks pretty crowded now   :28.520 --> :35.400 that it's 1/3 the size Sue it looks a little tight  she says yes but it looks perfect on my monitor as   :35.400 --> :41.840 she slides it back to the big monitor I say people  in here have 15-in screens she says well we should   :41.840 --> :49.320 get them bigger ones it looks perfect here and  I'm the GUI expert Sai second Sai tell the project   :49.320 --> :55.320 manager to meet me in my office tell the others  to go home long unhappy conversation with project   :55.320 --> :01.840 manager much arm waving Etc may have used the FW  a few times times maybe a few times in the same   :01.840 --> :08.400 sentence bottom line was going to be hard to move  Sue from the works perfect on my monitor next day   :08.400 --> :13.960 Su comes storming into my office what the freaky  he freak happened to my freaking monitors some   :13.960 --> :20.240 freak wad freaking stole them that freaker breath  and they left a freaking note what the freak does   :20.240 --> :26.960 eat the dog food freaking mean wow she could be  management material I said oh that's a phrase we   :26.960 --> :32.880 use eat our own dog food every time we bu build a  new system that has user impact we are the first   :32.880 --> :40.640 users so when it's bad we get to see it first Su  yells what is that mean to me no FWS maybe not   :40.640 --> :47.520 management material it means that your users have  15in screens you had a giant screen and kept going   :47.520 --> :54.120 it looks perfect on your monitor now you have  15-in screens to see what they see you know eat   :54.120 --> :02.240 the dog food suicide and walked away 4 days later  the revised GUI demo went very well and she got   :02.240 --> :08.040 her monitors back monitor was from the it storage  area they were happy to get rid of two of the old   :08.040 --> :13.440 monitors unamused when they came back you know I'm  just impressed that you got all the way to doing   :13.440 --> :19.640 a GUI designing job where you're making these  mockups for prospective clients and you have no   :19.640 --> :25.280 concept of not everybody is going to have the same  resolution screen I mean this kind of thing even   :25.280 --> :31.200 goes beyond GUI it's kind of just a design staple  it's like the advanced of how does a piece of art   :31.200 --> :35.760 look when you're up close to it and how does it  look when you're stepping back away from it I'm   :35.760 --> :40.920 not saying that you have to be an art major to  do computer GUI design but knowing some basic art   :40.920 --> :46.000 principles and how they can apply in situations  like that for GUI design certainly wouldn't hurt   :46.000 --> :51.920 my question is is it better from the get Cod to  design from the lowest end users perspective first   :51.920 --> :56.640 or design it for the highest end and then try  to retrofit it back down to where it would work   :56.640 --> :02.000 for a low-end user feels like the second would be  kind of harder wouldn't it also hi I'm Steven and   :02.000 --> :06.800 if you guys enjoy awesome stories of malicious  compliance why to hit those like And subscribe   :06.800 --> :13.120 buttons down below that said our next story is  don't move okay there is a particular delivery   :13.120 --> :18.280 app that I use the unfortunate thing is that they  direct the drivers by what seems to be the fastest   :18.280 --> :24.040 route but it isn't always logical my condo just  so happens to be located right next to a senior   :24.040 --> :29.200 living community and it takes the drivers there  I know this and put directions on my orders I   :29.200 --> :34.320 said by the phone because the app is broken and I  cannot contact the driver until they reach out to   :34.320 --> :40.600 me it is an incredibly quick fix three immediate  left turns just annoying the other day I placed   :40.600 --> :45.920 an order and got a new driver who went to the  senior community and spent 30 minutes wandering   :45.920 --> :52.120 around getting farther and farther away from where  I accurately was on the map before finally calling   :52.120 --> :58.000 me I told him exactly what he needed to do go back  to the main road and turn left then turn left into   :58.000 --> :02.920 the very first driveway with the for sale sign  next to it then make an immediate left as soon   :02.920 --> :08.600 as you enter the complex that is where I am he  said okay and hung up I then watched as he went   :08.600 --> :15.040 back to the main road and turned right repeated  calls went unanswered and I watched for another 30   :15.040 --> :21.680 minutes while he went everywhere but the direction  toward my home he finally called me again and I   :21.680 --> :27.040 was able to get him pointed in the right direction  and he even found my complex he then proceeded   :27.040 --> :33.880 to discard all other information I provided and  began wandering my complex he was getting close   :33.880 --> :39.920 so I headed toward my door now it is important to  note that I am disabled hence the heavy delivery   :39.920 --> :46.240 app usage and everything from the belly button  down is mostly numb I don't know I need to use   :46.240 --> :51.800 the bathroom until it is near emergency status  he was almost at my door when the Feeling Hit   :51.800 --> :56.920 And I figured I'd have my order momentarily so I  didn't rush to the bathroom in the time it took   :56.920 --> :02.560 for the app to refresh he had walked right right  past me and was nearly on the opposite side of   :02.560 --> :08.720 the complex at this point I decided to go to the  bathroom and he could now wait for me just as I   :08.720 --> :14.560 was about to stand up my phone started ringing  I answered as I stood and the exertion made me   :14.560 --> :20.800 release the contents of my bowels into my pants  the man was screaming into the phone that I gave   :20.800 --> :28.320 him directions when I looked down and saw a puddle  forming on the floor at my feet I muttered you've   :28.320 --> :34.720 got to be freaking kidding me the man heard me  and shouted don't move then hung up the damage   :34.720 --> :42.000 was done I already had a mess to clean up and it  took this idiot 2 hours to go 300 ft so he can   :42.000 --> :47.520 smell the fruit of his labors it still took him a  while but what was really unfortunate for him is   :47.520 --> :53.720 that the order included alcohol so he had to scan  my ID and my porch light doesn't work I could have   :53.720 --> :58.560 used my phone light but decided I didn't want  to he saw what was going on at my feet and was   :58.560 --> :04.120 trying as hard as he he could to get out of there  hey you wanted to find me and now you did stay a   :04.120 --> :09.760 while he eventually got my ID to scan and he ran  back to his car while I cleaned myself up the   :09.760 --> :15.280 drinks may have been warm but they were delicious  when it comes to the times where I have used like   :15.280 --> :20.600 door Dash or Uber Eats or something like that it  becomes a little bit of a gambling game on whether   :20.600 --> :24.960 or not they'll find my place because there's a  couple turns before getting onto the main road   :24.960 --> :31.120 for whatever reason although very clearly on the  GPS it marks just go straight way too often I've   :31.120 --> :36.800 watched people on the map see this turn come up  and just go that must be it the most frustrating   :36.800 --> :43.200 thing is when they call from the completely wrong  address and are like I can't find your address   :43.200 --> :49.320 yeah maybe cuz you're on the wrong freaking street  bro maybe I'm management material our next story   :49.320 --> :55.000 is by the book I work for my country's Customs  Administration we basically do what you would   :55.000 --> :01.200 expect anything that comes into my country is  subject to duties levies and taxes and the goods   :01.200 --> :07.240 can be inspected to ensure all the paperwork filed  actually conforms with reality certain differences   :07.240 --> :12.920 exist between private and Commercial Goods most  private goods are not subject to customs duties   :12.920 --> :18.720 exceptions being meat Alcohol Tobacco and a few  other products but other than that Customs law   :18.720 --> :23.840 applies in every aspect of both commercial and  private entities crossing the border meaning   :23.840 --> :29.840 that many regulations usually reserved for truck  drivers and professionals can be easily fed when   :29.840 --> :35.920 it comes to private individuals this was something  a particularly nasty traveler had to realize when   :35.920 --> :41.040 he bumped heads with my Superior I was working a  night shift at a rather small Border Station in   :41.040 --> :46.560 the north of my country where me a colleague  and my Superior had activated in a regularly   :46.560 --> :52.400 manned Border Station not all border stations are  permanently manned and opening a Border Station   :52.400 --> :58.320 outside of its assigned working hours is referred  to as activating it it was 3:40 in the morning   :58.320 --> :03.040 and we didn't see too many cars the ones that  crossed over were foreigners who drove into our   :03.040 --> :08.360 country for work many of them lived in the Border  region knew the procedures and played ball some   :08.360 --> :14.360 were friendly some a bit grumpy unsurprising if  you have to get up that early but all of them did   :14.360 --> :20.320 as we asked show some identification answer our  questions about what's in your vehicle and maybe   :20.320 --> :26.560 endure us taking a look inside and then it arrived  a black Porsche Cayenne until then I didn't even   :26.560 --> :32.920 know that Porsche made SUVs in the por show was  Mark not his real name Mark basically looked like   :32.920 --> :38.440 Christian Bale looked like while playing Patrick  baitman in the movie American Psycho the suit the   :38.440 --> :44.240 haircut his briefcase everything indicated that he  had money and wanted people to know about it which   :44.240 --> :49.720 is fine people should enjoy having nice things  and signaling is a part of social interaction   :49.720 --> :55.000 we treat everyone the same and we expected this  encounter to go as uneventfully as the previous   :55.000 --> :02.120 ones boy were we wrong we nicely asked him for his  ID card or passport which he handed over we then   :02.120 --> :06.280 asked mark what he was transporting in the car  when he stopped we saw that there were several   :06.280 --> :11.960 cardboard boxes in the trunk and on the back seat  which he answered with I don't see how that is any   :11.960 --> :19.480 of your business bad mistake it was in fact not  only our business but the very nature of our job   :19.480 --> :25.040 and since Mark had not only failed to answer but  had also failed the attitude test we ordered him   :25.040 --> :30.520 to open the trunk he got out of the car and opened  his mouth again I will open the trunk but just so   :30.520 --> :36.240 you know I want this done by the book you touching  my stuff is unacceptable to begin with so if you   :36.240 --> :42.000 damage anything or I find as much as a smudge I  will put you in a world of hurt now confirm that   :42.000 --> :48.240 you understood me now at this point my Superior  stepped forward we have understood you quite well   :48.240 --> :52.280 now I just need to know whether you were serious  when you said that you want this to be done by the   :52.280 --> :58.040 book can you confirm that you want this done by  the book Mark then sealed his Fate by answering in   :58.040 --> :04.760 the affirmative upon which my Superior updated him  on the situation Splendid according to customs law   :04.760 --> :10.720 the person crossing the border is responsible for  opening and unloading the vehicle he or she drives   :10.720 --> :16.840 must unpack all containers present the goods for  inspection repackage them and reload the vehicle   :16.840 --> :21.560 when it comes to non-commercial Crossings we  usually do all that as to not inconvenience   :21.560 --> :27.440 private Travelers but since you want this done by  the book you will have to do it failure to comply   :27.440 --> :33.040 allows me to keep you in your vehicle at this  Border Station for as long as I want any kind   :33.040 --> :39.040 of resistance allows me to restrain you and now  get to work and make sure you don't accidentally   :39.040 --> :45.040 damage your own car or its contents Mark then  had to lift several cardboard boxes filled with   :45.040 --> :51.000 all kinds of personal items it appears he was  moving Apartments into the Border Station had   :51.000 --> :58.880 to unpack all of them lay out the contents piece  by piece for inspection repackage everything and   :58.880 --> :04.520 reload his car had he simply answered that the  boxes contained nothing significant we would   :04.520 --> :09.360 have taken a quick glance into the truck and he  would have been on his way after 3 minutes this   :09.360 --> :15.440 way the whole procedure took 35 minutes and left  some nice sweat stains on Mark's shirt he filed   :15.440 --> :22.840 a complaint the complaint was dismissed since  everything was done by the book I mean you roll   :22.840 --> :28.840 up to a Border Station what are you expecting for  them to smile and say okay you know what you got   :28.840 --> :33.560 too many cardboard boxes we don't really want  to take a look in that go on through it's one   :33.560 --> :38.480 thing to be upset that your internet cut out and  call and complain to the customer service rep or   :38.480 --> :43.680 March back down to the restaurant because they got  your order wrong and complain but if there's one   :43.680 --> :47.880 place you don't want to upset the employees and  look like a total jerk I would imagine it would   :47.880 --> :54.720 be at a border crossing station this next story  is you want the best I can offer okay here it is   :54.720 --> :59.960 as a bit of background when my wife and I had our  first child my wife's Grandpa PID PA thousands to   :59.960 --> :06.160 buy our son a lifetime membership in a political  organization we're in the USA whose values do not   :06.160 --> :10.960 match my wife and I we were frustrated but didn't  say anything because her Grandpa lived alone and   :10.960 --> :16.000 was toward the end of his life when my son was  a toddler I lost my job this was in the middle   :16.000 --> :21.280 of the recession and jobs were hard to come by  particularly for recent College grads with no   :21.280 --> :26.640 experience the next 10 months were difficult I  often went to bed crying at the rejection after   :26.640 --> :31.680 Rejection it was at a particular particularly low  point that my son received a letter in the mail   :31.680 --> :37.360 from this political organization that he is a part  of it talked about how they needed every penny he   :37.360 --> :44.440 can spare to help this group in their fight they  needed his best my sadness turned to anger and I   :44.440 --> :51.080 wanted to call them up and lose my mind instead I  decided to maliciously comply my toddler son had   :51.080 --> :57.320 no money but he could scribble on a piece of paper  he scribbled in various colors on a piece of paper   :57.320 --> :01.800 I wrote a note on the back scene that when you  hit a toddler up for money this is the best he   :01.800 --> :06.280 could do and I sarcastically told them that I  hoped it helped in their fight I put it in the   :06.280 --> :12.240 envelope they had enclosed attached that envelope  to a rock so that they had to pay extra postage   :12.240 --> :17.840 and sent it back it makes me happy to think they  lost money on hitting him up surely they must have   :17.840 --> :24.840 learned after a while that sending postage paid  envelopes is not a good idea surely for every   :24.840 --> :30.240 actual donation that they got back a number of  those had to go too much delicious people right   :30.240 --> :34.880 but with that being said that's all the time we  have for today now if you want to hear another   :34.880 --> :39.640 awesome malicious compliance story check out  that video on the left or if you missed my latest   :39.640 --> :45.240 video check out that video on the right that said  I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceTHETIMEIUSEDFAKEMONEYTOPAYRedditStoriesen
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a story of training materials gone totally wrong but first a story from tornado girl dom employee is dumb i worked at an office supply store for a while in my late 20s while finishing college i worked mostly with younger college students and began training other employees and running the front end of the store our amazing manager took a better position elsewhere and we were gifted a manager who was absolutely horrible let's call her jean she treated us so poorly that we went from over 20 employees to just seven in the first couple of months of her taking reign jean was absolutely horrible but i stood up for myself and the few remaining employees and openly expressed my disdain for her while remaining completely professional on paper and here come the annual evaluations gene gives me an absolutely horrible review since our raises were performance based i didn't get a raise i refused to sign and contested my evaluation which really pissed her off since we only had seven employees left we were desperately hiring within a week or two she had hired a few people and scheduled me to train them so i did what any rational human about to quit their crappy job for a career would do i formally asked hr for retraining due to my perceived incompetence and made it clear that i was no longer comfortable training new hires i simultaneously began refusing to do any work outside of my minimal assigned responsibilities and began moving really slowly i made myself as incompetent as possible refusing to answer customer questions via phone and forwarding all calls to her paging her for help for stupid things intentionally screwing up the cash register and requesting policies for irrelevant operations i stopped meeting quotas and when coached i would play dumb and pretend like i was trying my hardest most importantly i started correcting customers and contractors who called her jean and insisted her name was jan when she questioned me i said i'm sorry i can't pronounce your name well jan it infuriated her of course jean was also pissed that she had to train the new employees herself i filed a formal complaint with hr about my lack of retraining every week until they fired me i had another job lined up but i filed an unemployment claim anyway just to leave some extra work for her petty bonus i never told her that my mom was the store's biggest buyer at the time and had been in the top three forever guess who took her business to office max my very non-confrontational mother actually went into the store to request her account be closed knowing that contract accounts have to be closed by the store manager why are you closing your account dot dot dot i'm op's mom she got canned about a year later and i'd like to think i was the little match that lit that fire i really enjoy this story because it's about fair for how you got treated but i think the one thing that bothers me is i just wonder if op's intentional dumbness display is what they remember more than opie just got mistreated so like when op's mom goes in to cancel it and says i'm op's mom for the office supply store side wouldn't it look like the only reason op's mom is canceling the account is because they're idiot kid who couldn't even figure out how to work here got fired would you guys agree with me when i say that sadly it ends up just kind of looking like the mom's biased rather than part of a great revenge scheme let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from miniteshi follow the training material to the letter no exceptions so this goes back a fair few years whilst working for a call center we heard a buzz about a big new client coming on board which was going to be outsourcing their in-house support naturally it was a great opportunity for me since i was a pretty tech capable guy troubleshooting and support were natural to me since growing up i was always around tech products etc and got the job moving to a more senior role providing second level support alongside assisting the training department whilst i did want to be moved to training since it would be a better use of my time i didn't mind second level support i was good at my job and cleared my workload quite easily so i could be left alone during my downtime i would make installation diagrams for first level staff for reference which was saved on a personal usb since it wasn't authorized by our client and never would be it didn't matter to me since it made my job easier over the coming months more people started relying on my diagrams including my training department so i decided to create a sub domain on my site and host an interactive version which was basic but it worked you got to select your equipment and what services you needed and it would give you a full breakdown which cut down my workload significantly since it wasn't sanctioned by the client i didn't want to make it known that it was being used in work linked through to an external site so i created a new html file with an iframe embedded which was stored on a shared drive which every member of the first second and training lines could access this meant the actual url now was external but wasn't visible it was crude but it didn't matter since no one in those days knew much about finding urls it became so successful it got rolled out as part of the system's training the training department assumed it all came from the client and because of turnover they never really questioned it now since it became part of the training structure it really made it more valuable since the client doesn't get involved in training the content is of no relevance to them only results during my downtime i'd redo some with clearer guides and update photos with the latest products so our staff could see exactly where connections and buttons were for a few years everything was great pay was mediocre but the environment was good and i got comfy till we got called to a meeting everyone our client has decided that as a company our rates were not in line with their requirements and we're looking to outsource to another country and will be made redundant personally for me it was great since the payout was based on years of service however the training team are no longer needed alongside the second level so my time was up sooner rather than later i got called into a second meeting and told that i'll be handling the training at a higher rate of pay but must follow the training guide to the letter whilst i was introduced in training to new starters and helped them during that time i had to sit and go through all the material which was 80 percent all based around the system and guides i had built i tried to explain to my line manager and client that the main bulk of the training wasn't actually supplied and not sanctioned but no one seemed interested i was met with a cold the training packs have been a vital part of your company's ethos so you should have no problem in making it work so i did since everything in the shared folders on our end we're going to be passed over to the new support center so was my localized html file the new office were trained the first second in training departments were all primed and signed off ready to take over so we moved to provide eighty percent of the workload to them whilst we were in this transition shortly after things were going great i was put in charge of a small team who elected to stay on but we all completed the handover until they got called into a meeting my services will no longer be needed and i will be offered an earlier redundancy however before doing so i need to ensure that i sign a data protection form to ensure the company's secrets are protected and any content would need to be deleted or destroyed i explained that part of the core training pack was not provided by the client and generated in-house by myself this wasn't good enough or deemed to be acceptable so since i was being paid an early redundancy i decided it wasn't worth the fight since they were no longer a client of ours naturally i left and shortly after moved to a new branch locally and kept in touch with some of the staff who had been placed elsewhere the client had moved on and things seemed to be okay no big deal during that time i got an email from my domain and hosting provider that they're increasing their prices so i decided i wasn't going to bother to renew and let my domain expire after all it was more just because it interested me building and hosting a website a few days later i caught up with one of the staff who got kept on who couldn't stop laughing that 80 part of the training pack resource was no longer online the content couldn't be loaded or found anywhere the ex-client wasn't happy that they have a whole call center who can't provide the same if any support because the systems can't load i was lazy and backing up things was always low on my to-do list so everything i had built was gone needless to say the x client was in a right mess and now would have to essentially rehire everyone they could however the company i work for had already let many members go or replace the offices with new clients i was contacted pretty swiftly to be rehired back which i would have accepted for a higher rate of pay mainly because it was my work initially which is the main reason why the entire campaign worked so well it was instantly refused so it was pretty much cut and dry for me it took the company about six months of heck to get back to a somewhat acceptable standard and after that dissolved the outsourced call center again and possibly went to stock some more prey shame really honestly i don't know if anybody agrees with me but i think ops downplaying what they did here i mean obviously ops for an increased rate of pay but they basically created a fundamental infrastructure for the whole support team to kind of prop themselves up on op probably even with a higher rate of pay wasn't going to get paid enough for the amount of like crucial foundation work they were trying to set up this next story is from smoke one only hand out two packets of ketchup many moons ago i worked for mick golden arches i was a crew trainer and was being fast-tracked for minglement i was one of three of the best employees in the store i knew it management knew it and other employees knew it i was pretty darn good at what i did one day it was decided that we were going to run a 50 off promotion between 4 p.m and 8 p.m the store was fully staffed the area mangler was there the storm angler was there and all the salaried people they could fit in the store were there it was a bit crowded but the restaurant actually ran like it should for those four hours then there's me my schedule didn't allow me to start until 4 30 pm so i come in 30 minutes after this thing is started i figured i'd be thrown into the drive-through since i was pretty darn good or on the grill because i was one of the fastest area mingler decided that nope no one is switching positions because everything is running okay so they made me the drive-thru runner my job was to hand out the food that someone else bagged and then hand out any condiments that were requested well the area mangler happened to walk by when i handed the customer a handful of ketchup and he asked why'd you give them so much do you know how much that cuts into our profits and i responded well sir i gave them a handful of ketchup because they asked for a handful of ketchup then he said from now on you will give them two packets of ketchup and if they want more you are to come to me first and started to walk away i asked would you stay close by please i'm going to be talking to you a lot tonight now he scoffed and walked away first car came through handed two packets they gave me a dirty look and drove away second car handed two packets and they asked for more went to go find the area mangler and he had to come up and give them more packets after the 12th or 13th car he finally blew up at me and said just give them however much they ask for and i said thank you sir and things started flowing much faster when the night was over area mingler demanded store manager write me up and the store manager asked why he was following your rules he was the best food manager ever he left to open his own business shortly afterwards honestly the most annoying thing here is they tried to write op up for nothing afterwards they had no leg to stand on what insubordination for following your exact rules and our final story of the days from egrant03 logo versus i have a kid who's a freshman in high school the school has a rule that logos be three inches or smaller no pictures i found him a cute shirt with a duck on it and did a quick measurement with a ruler on my phone i got 3 inches exactly i buy it and send him to school the next day i get a text from him to come bring him a new shirt the teacher he doesn't even have this year took him to the office where the official measurement was 3 and 5 16 inches well i'm broke and it's a spendy shirt that i just happen to get for cheap so i'm not really able to just let it sit in his closet and not be used for an entire year so i grab the dress code from the website and scour it to see if we can somehow make it work he's on an ab schedule so even though it's been two days he wears the shirt the very next a day and the same teacher sees it she pulls him into the office and he calls me my son knew of this happened to just ask to call home i told him to pretend like he was calling for a new shirt but just so that he could get me on the phone i asked him to give the teacher the phone so we can talk here's what happened the teacher says your son is still wearing a shirt that breaks dress code as it's the second time in a row he's getting in-school suspension i say no he's not she says i'm afraid that's the rules he'll have to miss the rest of the school day and be in detention i say no you misunderstand that shirt no longer breaks dress codes your rules state that any logo over three inches is a violation correct the teacher says yes and we've officially measured it once again and it's still far too big i say but doesn't your dress code also say that multiple pictures of the same or similar design is a pattern and patterns are allowed by dress code correct she says but it's not a pattern i say hey son take off your jacket and turn around what that snooty i want to use a stronger word here but my son reads these too teacher didn't know is that i have a cricket cutter and massive amounts of iron-on vinyl i had scanned the logo into my computer and printed over a dozen or so more pictures in various sizes and adhered them to the back of his shirt i just told him to wear his jacket it was a cold morning so no one would question why he's been wearing a jacket at the start of the day me after a decent amount of silence and being asked to be put on speaker said i do remember reading in exact section in line quoting word for word multiple pictures of a similar design is a pattern wouldn't you know it doesn't say they all have to be on the same side of the garment your dress code also allows for jackets inside as long as the hood is down was the hood up longest pause ever a few minutes later my son's telling me he's on his way back to class and there was nothing that snooty teacher could do about it i filed a complaint with the head of the charter school that a teacher that my son doesn't have is targeting him this close to the start of the school year i'm waiting to hear back you can already tell through and through egrant03 is an amazing parent somebody that not only sets aside enough time to make sure that they're there for any school issue but goes out of their way to scan and recreate this design to make sure these clothes work for their kid that's a parent you gotta have some respect for but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy compliant story click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said i'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceREVENGEONMYSONSEVILHEADTEACHERRedditStoriesorig
as a doctor what was your most now that was stupid moment with a patient a woman came into the ER screaming in pain with her hand wrapped in a bloody towel first thing I noticed was she smelled of alcohol and cigarettes we calmed her down and took off the towel her hand had multiple lacerations with active bleeding she then went on to explain what happened I was in my house grabbed a candle off the mantle lit it and then used the candle to light my cigarette I had no idea that it wasn't a candle and it was an M80 very strong explosive firecracker I am so glad I got the cigarette lit before it went off in my hand my hand was blown off so I put the ciggy in my mouth and took a huge puff I grabbed the honey bottle poured it all over my hand then took a fat Swig I also had the duty of removing her wedding ring before we stitched her up all in a day's work
give me a good story on Asadoctorwhatwasyourmostnowthatwasstupidmomentwithapatientorig
we have failed the children I 26f took my cousins 15f and 13m to the mall yesterday and the topic of school shooter drills came up 15f said I've accepted that I will probably live through a school shooter attack at some point while I'm in high school basically said she's accepted it as an inevitability they have school shooter drills every month or every other month they have a classmate regularly posting stories of himself shooting an illegal AR they had a fire alarm off one period before before a scheduled fire drill said the teacher looked scared to death and they had to barricade themselves in the back of the class they said all of this matter of factly this entire generation is beyond traumatized Society has completely failed the children I am so heartbroken for them
give me a good story on WehaveFAILEDthechildrenorig
AIT for separating my dad from his loved ones over a cancer scare I F28 am currently planning my son's first birthday party which is set to take place next month I am quite excited for this Milestone but when I phon my dad m55 to ask if my suggested date for the party would suit him he asked if we could have an inperson discussion I met my dad at a cafe and he proceeded to tell me that doctors have unfortunately found some suspicious masses which have been biopsied but still warrant further investigation he said that he hasn't yet told my younger sister f19 or grandparents M80 and f76 and asked me not to say anything to them until he has more information as he doesn't want to stress them my dad said that he is letting me know now because he knows I am trying to make plans for the future and he wants me to know that he won't always be able to give me definite answer now obviously I was very upset and couldn't care less about a birthday party in that moment I told my dad I would support him through anything and to let me know if he needed something that conversation happened last week the day before yesterday my husband m30 son and I went for dinner at my parents place my sister was not at the dinner I did share with my husband what
give me a good story on AITAforseparatingmydadfromhislovedonesoveracancerscare
AIT my husband wants a divorce and wants us to keep the house my husband 32 and I 30 have been married for 10 years recently he told me that he wanted a divorce because he wasn't happy he came to the conclusion that he never really wanted to be married and wants to focus on his military career I had always supported his career I asked him for coup's therapy because all of the problems he said we had were things that could be fixed but he refuses and said our marriage can't be fixed I have no choice but to let him go however he believes that him and I can still live in our house and live our separate lives and he's already dating a girl from work I cannot do this when I told him that I wasn't comfortable with him dating yet he accuses me of wanting to prevent him from moving on I made it clear that if he wishes to date he can do so but I will not sit here and watch him do it because it kills me I told him that I need to get away from him so that I can heal and I refuse to live in the house while he goes off and starts a whole new life while somehow maintaining his old one I told him I want to sell the house and he's a accusing me of trying to ruin him financially especially because our mortgage is so low I'm currently half a year away from my bachelor's degree that would allow me to find a steady job as the job that I currently have Now does not pay enough for me to live on my own however I have a large support system that is willing to help me so basically what I'm asking is aita for wanting to move on with my life even if it means that I have to force him to sell our house edit to add some details our marriage hasn't been great for a while and I knew this so the last 6 months I've been trying to fix things he however has told me he wanted this divorce months ago and was building up the courage to ask for the divorce I know that what he's asking for is delusional but I guess I feel bad because he gave me a portion of his GI Bill for my schooling which he's now threatening to take away that's no big deal because again I have a good support system I am graduating with a science degree and in my area I know I can find a good job with it he just assumed that since we always got a along well that I would go along with his plan
give me a good story on AITAHMyhusbandwantsadivorceandwantsustokeepthehouse
welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video today we've got a great story of ruining an hoa but first a story from gordon trumesco panera pays for over 120 of food instead of just an orange juice back in 2019 i was meeting up with a bunch of my extended family who were all attending the same wedding as a nice gesture i decided to pick up lunch for panera bread think soups and sandwiches for everyone so we take orders from about 15 people pick up the order from panera and make my way to the hotel where we'll eat after we arrive and start eating i notice that i'm missing an orange juice for my nephew i call the panera and explain that hey i never got my juice could i just get the juice refunded mind you this is an over a hundred twenty dollar meal and i'm just trying to get a few dollars back for the orange juice i didn't get they see they're not allowed to and give me another number to call so i call the corporate number and explain the situation they say they aren't allowed to do partial refunds only full refunds so to clarify i say you won't refund the missing orange juice but they can refund the whole order yes that's correct so i requested a full refund two phone calls plus the waiting and it was granted immediately thanks panera corporate if this happened to you would this actually make you more encouraged to eat at panera in the future knowing that something as little as a missing orange juice on a 120 meal they just refund the whole thing like obviously it doesn't make much sense but do you see this as a positive thing from panera let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next stories from motherdistance4714 want me to turn around one minute before i arrive pay me for two and a half hours twice background i did some service work on advertisement displays on gas stations working on gas stations is highly regulated you need to wear productive clothing signal wet signal vest goggle security boots helmet and secure your workplace 1.5 meters around you nobody else is allowed even when you're working in the customer area where everybody else including the staff walk around casually the certifications needed to do this work are boring as heck they take a whole weekend of my precious time and must be done once a year if the oil company finds out you didn't follow this protocol you risk your contract our customer explicitly writes in every work order and sign off sheet that this protocol has to be or was followed we text sign this if we don't follow protocol we are really really screwed now let's get started i was having a really bad day the last call was somewhere remote but from where i was it would only take an hour to dry from where i would usually start it would be more than two the reported error was something that could be solved easily by rebooting a system and frankly we've never understood why this was an issue that needed an on-site visit from us but the customer insisted when this particular error happens we usually go on site suit up tell the manager what we need to do and ask them to step a little to the side in 9 out of 10 cases the reboot button can be reached with a long screwdriver so no ladder and no secured work area is needed takes less than 5 minutes confirming that everything works but the customer takes 10 minutes this stretches the security protocol just a little bit but we all tax working with the customer agreed that this would be okay nobody would be endangered and in this special case everyone would benefit so they called dispatch and informed them at 1 500 that i would head out to this location at 1600 i could literally see the sign of the gas station up ahead my phone rang and i was informed that our customer ordered me to abort because today they only work until 16 30. i try to reason that this job would be done in less than 15 minutes and that i was already on site no customer wanted to leave early today i was furious so as i arrived the next day i did what every responsible tech would do i assessed the situation and found that the one button i needed to push was just out of reach and thus i needed to set up a ladder this meant i needed to set up a proper workplace this meant by the safety regulations i needed to close down the registers i informed the manager and to my great surprise he did not like this dispatch informed our customer of the situation i was told to wait while they discussed the situation an hour later i had a nice chat with the manager and a really good coffee the customer asked if i could do the work without securing my work zone naturally i informed them that i'm a certified technician and that the security regulations are very clear about what has to be done i also reminded them that it was their work order and sign off sheet that i and the local manager need to sign that all security measures had been taken they needed to discuss the matter a little more so i got another coffee an hour later i was asked to just again do my work without closing down the registers i reminded them of the security protocol but offered to do as they asked if they would send me this in writing one coffee later i was cleared to leave the site this could have been the end of it but no as the device still needed a reboot i got a work order for it two days later and lo and behold the button was still just out of reach same game same outcome so instead of letting me do my job when i was already on site they paid me an absurd amount for not doing my job because of a very strict security protocol they insisted on i mean if it is just out of reach and you literally cannot safely reach it and they're the ones being sticklers for these rules and regulations i mean frankly what else are you to do they want to be sticklers about these rules and then the one time it's a little inconvenient for them they go well just this one time could you just you know not do those safety regulations i know we make a stink about it but it's very telling that they didn't want to put it in writing that they wanted them to ignore said security protocols it's also motivation enough to not go ahead and do it because clearly there's something wrong if they can't stand by what they're asking you by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos every single one has great stories like our next one from hufflepuff slowpoke sure i'll call the tenant this story's about a job i just quit and i doubt someone there uses reddit so i'll share it with you here we go we were moving to another office so things were chaotic days were really hot so when we discovered our new office didn't have any ac we were crushed we tried to work there anyway but two members started getting dizzy and weak so we called our boss he was solving some problems on our previous location but told us to go home and not come the next day since he'd buy a new ac and install it then we were happy with the free day off and my boss went on his way to buy the equipment this story is about what happened when he bought it so this new office was somewhere fancy our boss was a tenant in this building and there were doctors lawyers dentists all kinds of fancy people everyone wore suit and tie since most of the tenants were rich the building's workers were super polite mostly because some tenants were rude to them acted entitled and tried to get them fired for petty reasons anyway my boss called some of his friends and said hey would you help me install an ac in my new office i'll pay you with some beers and they accept it since it was again really hot my boss and their friends went there the next morning wearing tank tops shorts and sandals they were greeted by someone who worked there i don't remember his name but i'll call him assistant that knew who my boss was and would follow him around answer his questions help him with any info about the building or the room you know a good human being he was supposed to know all tenants so everyone liked him but i guess he wasn't in a leadership position because his workmates didn't seem to enjoy his presence he didn't seem to care though so assistant greeted my boss and followed him to our new room my boss said that he saw the receptionist look at them with disgust because of their clothes but didn't think much about it what were they supposed to do there was only one entrance they went upstairs and started working eventually my boss noticed he forgot some tool in his car no problem assistant went with him they got it and came back at the reception again mr receptionist looked annoyed meh my boss who i admit wasn't the most organized noticed he forgot to buy something okie dokie assistant always happy to help followed him to the entrance and waited for him to buy the tool somewhere near and come back again as they got in the receptionist looked pissed for the third time my boss had to go through the reception to do something or yet something he forgot assistant went with him assuring him it was okay and he had every right to come and go as he pleased but this time the receptionist had enough when my boss got into the building he saw a receptionist come in his direction fuming but he didn't say anything to my boss instead he went straight to assistant and completely ignoring my boss said something along the lines of what the heck is this why are those people coming and going like there's no order in this building why don't you do anything assistant just looked at him and said calmly i'm sorry but they need to make as many trips as necessary to install their new ac today so that tomorrow the team can work without any interruption or discomfort i don't care said the receptionist those people are annoying our staff our guests and our tenants this building is no place for them if you don't stop this mess right now i'm gonna call the tenant and tell them you're allowing such people in his new office i think you can guess what happened next according to my boss assistant's face lit up and he smiled oh really please do you can talk to the tenant right now if you'd like and he turned to my boss who just looked at him with an innocent yes how can i help you face my boss said that the receptionist's face went white he tried to say something but couldn't pick the words so we just left in a hurry my boss and assistant laughed a while about it and went back to the office the ac got installed and we worked the next day with ease i don't know what kind of power trip or discomfort this receptionist was facing but like if a new tenant is moving in into an office no less there's probably going to be people coming and going all the time setting it up for whatever purpose that tenant was wanting to have that office for and especially if that receptionist knew at all that that office didn't have ac and it was hot as heck outside and they saw parts coming and going people with tools coming and going they should have been able to put two and two together and not blown up it's not like they were trying to hurt an elephant through the lobby our next story is from terrible storyteller gotta follow the contract terms and conditions below is one of my favorite stories from my days as an on-call service technician background as an enterprise-level security systems technician i was put on an on-call rotation the contract with city is we don't pay for travel time only time on site in increments of 15 minutes company pays me minimum three hours overtime no matter what story time it's thursday of the first spring long weekend it's 5 p.m and i'm just about to leave the office we got a call from the city for a water treatment plant way out on the most eastern part of the city on a normal day this drives an hour and a half on a long weekend it's 2 hours and 25 minutes the client says hey op a truck leaving the plant clipped the gate card reader and the lights apparently won't turn on anymore we need you to fix it i asked the client have you had mobileguard dispatch to test the unit it's a long drive on a long weekend for something that may be able to wait until monday or not even be an issue they say sorry he left for a long weekend and guards are busy at another site terms and conditions says you gotta attend today sorry dude after two and a half hours in brutal traffic i get to the site check in with the dispatch and find that no one has tried to get into this gate for over 24 hours not one person has even tried to use the gate wanna know why as it's an exit gate the only time it's used for entry is when the other gate is down or when full-sized trailers need access to the site which only happens once a month for chemical deliveries this gate is not important for a long weekend emergency service and could have waited for monday 9 00 am when the guy who lives down the street could have attended cue malicious compliance one manufacturer's recommendations require me to follow multiple steps to replace faulty devices there's a lot of things i can normally bypass to save time but the contract terms and conditions with the city require i follow all appropriate steps to prevent damage to the controller two need access to the main controller and the city guards have that so i can't start the repair process guards won't be there for another 35 minutes they have to pay me while i do payroll and go grab a coffee three with a guard on site i follow each letter of the best practice guidance with meticulous detail and patience 4. oh shoot the backboard on the pedestal needs some repair and modifications as the previous integrator installed the old reader poorly but terms and conditions requires me to make it right so off to home depot i go five with the new reader installed i have to make sure the wiring at the head end is correct it's not gotta fix that and i don't have spare wire to do off to location be 15 minutes away to grab six feet of wire six all wiring done reader powered on time to test and commission using convoluted testing sheets and dispatch to ensure proper functionality it's now 9 30 pm i charge the client for a new reader new wiring proper backplate assembly and my time to wait for the guard to bring the keys and observe contract terms and conditions i could have just swiped my card on the reader and left but i'd rather the company make up for my travel time and labor i can't remember how much the final bill was i want to see something like a thousand dollars but thanks to my notes on the worker city paid in full honesty respect to op because whoever has a long weekend like that is not going to want to drive two and a half hours to reseat something that should be a five second fix so make this person who clearly has no idea how things run there pay up for forcing you to do useless work and our final story of the day is by sardinia don't mess with my uncle my uncle is very much one of the coolest people i know he crams every second of every day enjoying all that life has to offer from safari trips to nature photography to beekeeping to tropical fish breeding complete with custom aquarium building and more he's also the nicest guy you'll ever meet willing to help anybody with anything at any time one of his hobbies include gardening and he turned his giant backyard into a pollinator's paradise with the flower beds enclosed by a small short white picket fence the ones that are like 6 inches tall and used just to keep the garden contained but they're more decorative than anything now having done well for himself in life he also happens to live in a snooty upper class neighborhood with lots of trophy wife busybodies who can't mind their own business as part of this nudie neighborhood the hoa rules explicitly state no fences of course they mean large six to ten foot tall fences around your property not tiny fences around a garden bed either way my uncle's neighbor decided to take it upon herself to report my uncle to the hoa for having a fence and he got a letter from the hoa since i guess their interpretation did find my uncle in the wrong his response to read the entire hoa bylaws to ensure that whirly gigs the lawn ornaments that look like a bird with spinning wings that make an awful constant clacking noise weren't prohibited they weren't so my uncle up and replaced all of his garden fencing with these whirly gigs dozens if not hundreds of them clacking at all hours of the day and night it was quite a racket my uncle's a nice guy so he took them all down at the end of the season but i'm sure it humbled that awful neighbor of his she never said anything to him or the hoa again probably in fear of worse retaliation like wind chimes honestly respect to opie's uncle for dealing with this in a non-confrontational way it would be very easy to get into some kind of verbal spout with that neighbor or do something really malicious like signs or something outright blatant that maybe somebody can complain about a little bit more but just going in your backyard and putting all these clacking birds around there's not much they can really do about that but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to see another compliance story that was even more insane than the ones in this video click on the left video or if you missed my latest video click on the right with that said i'll see you all again next time for some more stories
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMYUNCLERUINSSTUPIDHOAMEMBERSRedditStoriesorig
husband's ex-wife and daughter came back for inheritance of his family home after we made a will but we uncovered the worst truth in court I 45f have been married to my husband Michael 50m for the last 10 years we were both in our early 30s when we first crossed paths at a local Art Gallery both of us were admiring the same painting and struck up a conversation it was like an instant connection you know he asked me out on a date and as we started to know more about each other it felt like I had known him forever I am the oldest of three children in my family money was always tight for us but manageable we could afford to go for fast food only if it was our birthday my dad taught us very early on to work hard for what we wanted to achieve in our lives I studied hard and put myself through college I did a few modeling gigs on the side so by the time I graduated college I had no debt I had worked my way through the company and was currently working as a junior associate Michael on the other hand had a completely opposite background his family was financially better off than ours his dad had a good job with a high salary and Social Security so they never had to dist stress about money Michael's parents could afford to cover all his college expenses thanks to his dad's influential position at his company Michael got an internship there from there he worked hard to build his own path in the company through dedication and effort although Michael and I came from two different worlds we share the same passions for art and music this is what made us fall in love with each other Michael had a 17-year-old daughter from his previous marriage his daughter Candace never really liked me from the beginning she never seemed to warm up to me and often refused to engage with me whenever we met it felt like she somehow held me responsible for her parents not being together even though I met Michael long after his divorce was completed with his ex-wife I understood her feelings and tried to give her the space she needed to come to terms with our relationship just for context Michael and his ex-wife Amelia were married for only 3 years they were College sweethearts so they decided to get married but when they did everything changed for the worse she was a stay-at-home mother while Michael worked hard to bring in the money one day Michael returned home from a work trip earlier than planned only to discover her in bed with his best friend Tom this was an incredibly difficult time for Michael as he lost the two most important people in his life on the same day the Betrayal by Amelia had left him shattered in the aftermath he made the painful decision to file for divorce the divorce proceedings between Michael and Amelia were painfully bitter primarily because Amelia was determined to retain ownership of their house even though it belonged to Michael the battles didn't just end with the property they extended into a challenging custody dispute over Candace as well due to Amelia's infidelity during their marriage the judge ultimately didn't Grant her ownership of the house house but did Grant both parents custody ensuring that Candace would continue to have a connection with both of them Amelia's anger over not acquiring the property festered and over the years she manipulated Candace's feelings turning her against her father meanwhile Michael chose not to disclose his ex-wife's infidelity to their daughter attempting to Shield her from the painful details of their past I found out about all this when we first started dating each other Michael wanted to be completely honest with me about his past and I really appreciated that once Michael had invited Candace to join us on a trip to Africa hoping it would provide an opportunity for us to bond I was optimistic and thought it could be a turning point for our relationship unfortunately it didn't quite go as plann during the trip Candace seemed irritated at me and often erupted into sudden unprovoked anger if I got too close to Michael she would lash out using hurtful words like gold digger Michael was quick to admonish her for her behavior but she would just smirk at me making it clear that she wasn't ready to accept me into her life I knew the situation with his ex-wife and daughter was complicated but our love for each other was strong and I was willing to navigate these challenges with him after a whirlwind romance we got married it was a small intimate ceremony with just our closest friends and family we were excited about the life we were going to build together Amelia and Candace never attended our wedding despite our invitation our marriage was going great initially we traveled the world while we both continued with our jobs I was deeply passionate about my career and I had no intention of giving it up meanwhile Amelia was living together with Tom after their divorce Candace had her own apartment thanks to Michael's financial support and she was working as a social media executive in a reputed company 3 years into our marriage we were Overjoyed to welcome our son however the pregnancy had been tough on me and it was made even harder whenever Candace came to visit she would make cruel unsolicited comments about my weight and appearance whenever Michael wasn't around us she would remark how he would leave me eventually now that I am a fat cow this deeply troubled me and after I shared my concerns with Michael he decided that Candice would no longer visit our home they began meeting at cafes instead to avoid any further distress from me when our son Nick was born we were beyond happy despite becoming a parent I was determined to keep working so we decided to hire a babysitter to help us care for him when my maternity leave ended I eagerly returned to my job even though we were in a stable and comfortable place in our lives I cherished my financial Independence and the ability to continue pursuing my career if Candace had issues with me before they seemed to intensify after Nick came into our lives at family events which we would sometimes organize she would Target Nick attempting to bully him which left our son in tears and seeking our help while I understood her hate towards me I couldn't stand by and allow her to take her anger out on Nick our innocent little boy I banned her from ever coming to our house again we also stopped hosting family events at our house since then now coming on to the issue at hand as we are getting older John and I realized the importance of planning for the future we decided to create a will to ensure our Affairs were in order given that JN had already provided a flat for Candace he designated me and our son as the inheritors of our family home his remaining assets which were the money in his personal savings account would go to Candice meanwhile I had my own assets which I intended to leave to my son ensuring that he would be well taken care of throughout his life we both felt this was the right decision to secure our family's future and provide for Nick as he grew up when Amelia and Candace got wind of our will all hell broke loose I am not sure if Michael mentioned it by mistake or his parents did but they were not happy at all Amelia called Michael demanding that they deserve to have the house as she was married to him first but he firmly stood his ground he reiterated that he had always provided for Candice from her child support to her College expenses to buying her an apartment he told her that he would ensure that Candice is secured in the future but he was going to leave the property to our son this seemed to anger her even further and Amelia sent me a long text message where she called me every name in the book I showed Michael the message who asked me to not engage with her further and block her immediately the following day Candace showed up at our doorstep clearly upset I knew she was here to talk about the will with us I didn't want her to create a scene in front of our son so I quickly arranged for my parents to pick him up with just the three of us left Candace made her intentions known she insisted that my son and I should give up the property because as the firstborn of Michael she believed she deserved the house despite feeling irritated I remained silent and looked to Michael to handle the situation he explained to Candace that he had always provided her with everything she needed in life he assured her that he would be leaving her his savings and that he also had a commitment to secure M and our son's future since he was married to me leaving the family property to us was his way of ensuring our well-being Candace again shifted her Focus onto me and insisted that she expected me to do the right thing thing I calmly expressed my support for my husband's decision which only seemed to infuriate her she raised her voice and threatened to take me to court at this point I didn't want to escalate the situation any further and I requested that she leave us alone as anticipated in a few weeks I received a legal notice informing me that both Candace and Amelia were taking me to court over the property their accusations included the claim that I married Michael for his money and had manipulated him into taking away their family property Michael and I consulted our lawyer and we were assured that Candace and Amelia didn't have strong legal grounds to support their claims however despite the legal advice I couldn't shake my worries particularly because I didn't want our son to experience the drama surrounding this family dispute as the court date approached the tension in our household grew in court Amelia's lawyer was relentless in their efforts to assert that Michael needed to prioritize his first child Candice Above All Else their argument centered on pushing for a full-blown trial to determine the property's ownership since we lived in Colorado the legal system required us to go through a jury trial which only added to the complexity of the situ situation the looming court trial had both Michael and me on edge especially since Amelia's lawyer was resorting to some dirty tactics digging up our paast to make their case in court our own lawyer was doing his best but the situation was undeniably stressful during this time out of the blue we received an unexpected call from Tom who insisted on meeting us at home since the painful discovery of Tom's involvement with Amelia Michael had cut off all ties with his once best friend and didn't want to meet him I convinced him to hear Tom out just in case it would help us resolve this dispute sooner when Tom came over to our house we were half expecting it to be another one of the opposing lawyers P to undermine our case however to our surprise Tom was here with a different intention to talk he revealed that he was here to make a confession about something that would be incredibly difficult for Michael to hear Michael sat motionless as Tom revealed that Amelia had been seeing him behind Michael's back for a very long time and they had been involved romantically even before Amelia became pregnant I held my breath as Tom continued disclosing a bombshell that none of us had expected apparently when Amelia got pregnant she confided in that she believed the child was actually his however because Michael was financially more stable she had chosen to keep the truth hidden and remained in the marriage Tom had pleaded with her to reveal the real father to Michael but she had consistently refused to do so I couldn't believe how Amelia could manage to keep this a secret for so long in the audacity she had for fighting over the property while keeping this Monumental secret for Michael it was mind-boggling how she had managed to maintain this charade for so many years all while causing such turmoil within our family Tom explained that he had kept silent all these years because he believed that Amelia truly loved him however witnessing the pain that we were going through because of the court trial he finally saw her for who she really was he started weeping asking Michael to forgive him Michael still in a State of Shock sat there silently I was filled with anger and frustration especially seeing the emotional turmoil that my husband was going through this man believed his whole life that Candice was his daughter and now he was being told that it was all a lie I had chosen to remain silent in the past whenever Amelia and Candace were rude to me as I wanted to maintain a cordial relationship with them however with the truth now out in the open there was no point in continuing the charade I promptly contacted our lawyer and relayed the confession Tom had made our lawyer informed us that for our statements to be held in court we would need to provide concrete evidence such as a DNA test so we decided to invite Candace over for dinner using the pretense of wanting to meet her our plan was to discretly collect a glass or a spoon from her for a test which would help strengthen our case Candice though surprised agreed to come over her demeanor was as rude as ever and she continued to belittle me and my son she remained confident that she and her mother would win the case taunting me that I would be losing everything soon I chose to ignore her comments hoping that this would be the last time we would need to endure such Behavior after she left we immediately reached out to our lawyer so he could collect Candace's cup for a DNA test on the day we were scheduled to appear in court we received the news that Tom's confession was accurate Candice was indeed his daughter as I let out a sigh of relief I couldn't help but feel empathy for my husband who had been dragged into this turmoil because of his ex-wife's lies and manipulation I informed the lawyer that I was ready to take the stand that day and share our side of the story in court my lawyer agreed as this would be the best course of action for us to reveal the truth as I took the stand I felt a mix of emotions anger at Amelia for her deceit sympathy for Michael and determination to protect our family's rights taking the stand in front of the jury I braced myself and began answering our lawyers questions we delved into my past my career and the fact that I never gave up on my job even after we got married I went on to recount the emotional torment taunts and ab abuse I had endured from both Amelia and Candace over the years we presented screenshots as proof of my story I told the jury that Candace never accepted my presence from the very beginning and had even refused to attend our wedding since we had our son she had been verbally abusive towards him as well then I revealed Tom's confession in front of the jury I spoke about how we found out who Candace's real father was and the dirty secret that Amelia had kept hidden from everyone for so long Candace looked at me in disbelief and I watched her exchange angry Whispers with her lawyer our lawyer then showed everyone the DNA results which proved what I had just said I looked at Amelia's face in satisfaction as she realized she couldn't escape the truth of her past anymore Candice on the other hand looked shocked as if her world was crumbling just as ours had when we first learned the news the emotions in the courtroom were raw now that everything was out in the open there were no grounds for Amelia and Candace to stand on Amelia looked defeated and Candace who had been so sure of her victory was now grappling with the Fallout of her mother's actions there was no case left for their lawyer to fight about anymore fortunately it didn't take long for the jury to decide and come back with a verdict the judge announced the verdict where we were awarded the inheritance of our family home just as Michael had always wanted and the jury acknowledged that Candace and Amelia had no legitimate claim to it since the court decision for the past couple of days we have been receiving mixed reactions from our close family and friends although a majority of them understand our situation and agree that what we did was right a few seem to think that it was cruel for us to reveal the truth and shatter Candace's life so here I am on Reddit asking for your thoughts do you think I was ta for refusing to part with with our property with our stepdaughter and eventually revealing everything in court and not to her personally update 1 it's been 3 days since my last update and I have read all your comments and advice many of you seem to believe that Candice might have already known about her mother's lies which is impossible as I saw the way her face fell when we revealed the DNA test in court winning the court trial Has Lifted a huge weight off my shoulders I'm choosing not to dwell on the negative relatives who believe we did something wrong we didn't choose to be dragged into court by Amelia and Candice we just revealed the truth I no longer have to worry about my future and I'm content with the outcome however my main concern these days is my husband Michael is still reeling from the shock of learning the truth about Candace's birth father his world has been turned upside down he hasn't been able to eat or sleep very well since finding out that she isn't really his daughter I can't imagine the pain he must be going through to accept the truth Amelia put him through hell when they got divorced now that we knew Tom was her father instead he just didn't know how to handle that information Tom had not only slept with his ex-wife but was also the birth father of his first child I have suggested Michael go for therapy as he needs to talk to someone professional who can help him navigate this situation I have booked his appointment and he starts next week update to it's been 1 month since my last update and we have managed to move on from this situation to a certain extent as I mentioned before my husband has been going to therapy regularly I can see him getting better but it's going to take time for him to fully recover unexpectedly last week Candice reached out to us we honestly didn't think she'd ever want to talk to us after everything that happened she called to say she was sorry for what we've been through I wasn't sure if her apology was genuine or if she was just upset about her mother's actions but I didn't press the issue Candace shared how she'd always been jealous of me thinking I had taken her father away she admitted to hating me something I already knew she believed that her father was the one who had cheated on her mother however during the court proceedings when the truth came out that it was actually Amelia who had cheated she realized she'd been living a lie her whole life she begged Michael not to stop being a part of her life and he reassured her that he'd always be her father no matter who her birth father was this brought her to tears and it seemed like she needed the confirmation all along Candace also apologized to me for what she'd put me through and hoped I'd forgive her one day I didn't want to pretend everything was okay between us because it wasn't and it would take time before I could be in the same room as her lately I've been focusing on our family and my son I couldn't spend much time with him during the court trial so I'm planning a secret family vacation to take some time off and celebrate hopefully this getaway will help us relax and recharge I'll provide another update if something interesting happens update three after 3 months of no contact Amelia showed up at our doorstep I was torn about letting her in but I was worried about the neighbors overhearing any potential shouting as she'd done that before reluctantly we allowed her in but we made it clear that any outbursts would lead to a call to the police Amelia explained that Tom had decided to leave her and asked her to move out of his house by the end of the month she was in tears as she revealed that he didn't want to marry her anymore after what he saw Michael and me go through with nowhere to go she wanted to move in with Candace even though Candace strongly opposed the idea we learned that since the trial Candace had cut off all contact with her mother accusing her of manipulating her Amelia was only here because she wanted us to talk to Candace regarding the situation she wanted us to convince Candace about letting her mother move in before I could say something I witnessed my husband lose his temper for the first time he firmly told Amelia that he had purchased the apartment for Candace only hence it was Candace's decision whether she could live with her he expressed how she never even bothered to apologize after cheating on him all those years and now expected us to help her out he told her that he was glad Tom had seen the truth and was leaving her Amelia tried to justify her lies saying that she feared being kicked out of the house while she was pregnant had she revealed the truth earlier to Michael I couldn't listen to her excuses any longer so I asked her to leave I felt we had given her a fair chance to explain herself and there was no point in prolonging the conversation after Amelia departed Michael reached out to Candace to warn her about the possibility of her mother forcing her to let her stay in the apartment he emphasized that if she allowed it there would be no way to make Amelia leave Candace assured him that she had no intention of allowing that she planned to change the locks to prevent Amelia from entering and would inform her mother that she was unwelcome as for me I've had my fill of this drama lately I have been discussing with Michael the idea of selling our family home and relocating to another state to escape this turmoil I had emphasized that for the sake of our son in our marriage we needed to seriously consider this move although it is a tough decision Michael has come to accept it particularly since Amelia's unannounced visit demonstrated that we need to put some distance between us and her given the uncertainty of whether she will ever leave us in peace moving out of this city seems like the best choice Michael's job can be done remotely and I'm open to starting fresh at a new company if it means finding happiness away from these toxic people we will begin the process of selling our family home next month and hopefully by the end of this year we will be starting aesh in a new place it is time for us to turn the page on this chapter of our lives and begin a new
give me a good story on HusbandsExwifeandDaughterCameBackforInheritanceofHisFamilyHomeAfterWeMadea
I made an NPC villager spawn in sound when my wife gave birth to our first child and now she's pissed I'll try to keep this as brief as possible just over a week ago my wife gave birth to our first child I got called about it during work and rushed to the hospital to be with her during the labor it was obviously a very stressful time as it took more than 15 hours from start to the end but finally our little one was born and was healthy I was in the room for nearly the entire time other than briefly heading out for food toilet Etc holding her hand and being the punching bag as she swore during certain times during the worst of it as it was getting towards the end just as the head was coming out and it all happened very quickly from then more medical staff came into the room and I am someone who gets nervous around lots of people I think because of that nervousness I was talking a bit more introducing myself to the new people coming in making jokes saying I hope it's not a bad Omen that the weather is so bad because a thunderstorm had started outside that we could hear and then when our baby finally came out fully at that second I made the Age of Empires two new villagers sound as a joke it was but I think only my wife understood the reference as the doctor and nurses gave no reaction and the look she gave me could have sunk a thousand ships she looked so so angry before then seeing our little one and finally smiling but didn't look at me for about half an hour and even then she was really annoyed for the rest of the day anyway I thought it was a joke that went down badly in a moment of high anxiety but my wife has twice in the past week told me that I ruined a moment that she hoped would be one of the best in her life I've apologized both times but she has this look I've not seen before something Beyond disappointment it's really put a downer on the past nine days of what I thought would be our happiest time together after what was obviously a very stressful time for her mostly of course Ida my wife intentionally got pregnant when I didn't want more kids I'm going to divorce her my wife 43f and I 46 meters have been married 10 years and have three boys our lives are very busy with work kids extended family house projects Etc I love my wife immensely and long to have emotional and physical intimacy even just kisses hugs handholding whatever with her however for most of our Merit she has been completely focused on the kids so we really only have a co-parent roommate relationship of course I understand this the kids have to be top priority but for the last 8 years or so if there's not a kid in our bed at night then my wife is in a kid's bed with them I try to get them to sleep in their own beds and encourage her to sleep with me alone but it's rarely successful I've made it very clear to her that I do not want any more kids I'm more than ready to get our relationship back on track now that the youngest is school age I'm also exhausted and overwhelmed all the time with everything on my plate I can't and don't want to add another kid to the mix she on the other hand Longs for a fourth baby we've gone back and forth so much but I am adamant that we should just enjoy the three we have my wife is on birth control and has always made it a point to have an alarm set so she takes it at the same time every day she is still trying to work on me to get me to agree to another baby so I can't schedule a vasectomy yet she brings it up at least once a day well she told me a few days ago that she's pregnant she's so happy and I'm devastated she won't even consider termination I love my wife so much she's a great person and I know in the end I'll love this baby but now there's no end in sight to this overwhelmed exhausted emotionally lonely life also I'm realizing that these last few months she's actually initiated sex several times which never happens I can't help thinking that she got pregnant on purpose she wanted it so much she wasn't going to just give up it would be in character I suppose for her to just do what she wants I hate to say it but she does disregard my feelings on things quite often and she knew there's nothing I could do about it would I be the if I told her I want a divorce my kids are my life and I don't want to leave them at all but I feel like our marriage is not going to get any better I've asked her to go to marriage counseling several times over the years but she refuses every time saying we don't need it and now I've kind of lost trust in her it would break my heart to do this to the kids and I don't know if my feelings are worth doing it over please tell me if I'd be the here edit to be clear if we divorce I will push as hard as necessary for 50/50 parenting time and joint custody for all the kids they are my number one priority in life I just don't know if my lack of emotional fulfillment in our relationship my wife's General disregard for my feelings and the other marriage issues are worth tearing the kids Worlds Apart edit number two because everyone is saying it I didn't wear condoms because we never have and if I suddenly started she'd have accused me of not trusting her or become suspicious and if I'd have just gone and gotten a vasectomy she definitely would have been angry and felt betrayed I was trusting her I proposed to my wife on a meaningful day but my fiance doesn't think so using a throwaway so it cannot be found by people I know I 42m have been with my fiance 24f for 5 years she used to work work at a restaurant I went to frequently and I used to only go just to see her and would often go alone it's a very cute story because I had a school boy crush on her and pulled all the old tricks to get her to go out with me we started to date and I proposed to her recently on her father's death anniversary which I thought would be meaningful and take the bad memories out of that date for her I also knew that during that day she is extra sentimental and emotional so she is more likely to say yes and we would have a beautiful moment together honoring her late father's memory while she ended up saying yes the following week she changed her demeanor and was very distant with me she is not usually like this says she is very agreeable and shy which is why I fell for her in the first place but she was growing hostile and often disagreed with me on things she usually agreed with we currently live with her mom 48f as I lost my job due to conflicting political beliefs with my previous job as I could not afford to pay rent at my old home I am not currently seeking another job due to the fact that I sprained my ankle last summer and my industry is very physically demanding ever since the engagement her mother and her have been very cold to me her mother stopped making my meals and my fiance is basically ignoring me during dinner one night that I had to order in I could not hold it anymore what I finally broke down I regrettably raised my voice and asked why they are icing me out they look at each other yet another way they always exclude me and explain they found my proposal manipulative and not done right as it fell on an important date in their family I explained to them what I explained here and my fiance started crying I felt very guilty in that moment but stood my ground Reddit am I the for proposing to my fiance on the anniversary of her father's death my wife was cheating on me when she got a heart attack I was was in my office when I got the call that she is being taken to hospital I rushed there as fast as possible she was already being prepared for operation my friend I don't know if I should even call him that he was there he was talking to a nurse and he had really frightened face I went to him yo asked what happened and the nurse pulled me aside she asked me how I know him once I told her she said they have informed police just as precautionary measure I was completely baffled I was then informed she was unctious and half naked when they found her they assumed it could be case of essay and informed police I didn't know how to process all this and asked him what he was doing with her angrily I had little outburst and he just kept quiet as I screamed at him I was then taken to a different lounge and had time to settle soon police arrived and questioned him privately they then also took my statement in which I made him out to be creep in my mind he was assaulting her when this happened I gave statement to make sure he gets his dues once it's proven they didn't take him into custody or questioning so I was little surprised I didn't know anything about police process so I focused on my wife after my wife was back from operation I was allowed to see her she was sedated and I remember feeling guilty as I held her hand and felt her heartbeat it was the happiest thing for me at the time she was very dry when she woke up I was teary I hate how detailed I remember this her eyes opening and ating to light her first time opening lips to speak her first tired sound I told her it's not her fault she was not Gathering anything I said don't think about anything now after she was fully awake and well police came to take her statement I had to wait outside and when I went in she had read eyes and was having difficulty to speak we came home and after I was told she is risk of getting another heart attack I decided to never ask her about it it was still bothering me that that guy was still roaming free I went to police station and I was told they have no reason to go after him they also denied me any details of wife's statement angrily I went to his house I was pissed and I again yelled at him for being a piece of I thought myi forgot what happened before the heart attack and therefore there was no evidence to arrest him his wife started abusing me and I told her he tried to rape my wife she was shocked she slammed the door in my face and I left after 2 months of the incident I managed to ask my wi what happened before heart attack she was silent she didn't say she forgot the dread was coming and I knew it was what I had never considered I was so afraid to confront her I talked to him and he said yes his wife forgave him but I can never forgive either of them I just don't want to be reasoned for her death and live this marriage when possible my youngest son slept with his brother's wife he passed away and I didn't tell him Ida info my youngest slept with his brother's wife after my oldest found out he and his wife got a divorce and my youngest married her a year later my 56m oldest son 33m had cancer and passed away 3 weeks ago over the months leading up to his death my youngest son 30m and his wife had been trying to reconcile with my oldest but he always made it known that he wanted nothing to do with them he specifically told me that they were Unforgiven and he wouldn't forgive them just to ease their guilt when I kept bringing up the idea of reconciling he used to get mad at me so I stopped trying I just kept telling my youngest and his wife that they had to accept that he wanted nothing to do with them and they needed to move on when my oldest passed I did not tell my youngest or his wife to honor his wishes he always made it clear that they didn't deserve to mourn him in life and didn't deserve to mourn him in death either about a week ago my youngest saw his brother's obituary and called me screaming for not telling him that his brother had passed he told me that I denied him the opportunity to make things right and that I should have told him his brother passed I told him that it would be disrespectful for him to even come in the first place as his brother wouldn't have wanted him there and that he and his wife denied themselves from attending he hung up on me and blocked my number my wife told me that she feels guilty for not telling him and that we should have given him the opportunity to say goodbye to his brother I told her that I would just find it disrespectful of us to do so as he made it clear that he didn't want them to come she told me that she understands but she's upset that our youngest is mad at us and that we should just try to put everything behind us to heal I told her that what our youngest did was unforgivable and I was not going to allow him to disrespect his brother in life and in death as well my wife has been crying constantly because our son blocked us and she started blaming me as well I'm hurt but I don't regret what I did or even see what I did wrong I feel like my youngest should just take accountability of his actions instead of blaming everyone else
give me a good story on IMadeanNPCVillagerSoundWhenMyWifeGaveBirthtoOurFirstChildandNowShesPissed
Welcome Friends to another r/ am I the jerk Here video today we've got some tough hard-hitting questions and our first story of the day is from upbe fix 4061 am I the jerk for telling my father-in-law he can starve if he wants because I didn't care my husband and I both 26 recently hosted a family dinner to announce our pregnancy it's important to add that my husband doesn't have a close relationship with his father but we keep him around because he still has three minor siblings that we love and care for my father-in-law is the type of person that still thinks women should serve men at dining times like he has to be served first because he's the bread winner and crap like that we usually don't care since we mostly ignore them however this time my family was present and we consider he screwed around and found out my dad is my favorite person in the world my mom died when I was little and my dad took care of my older sister and I they're the only family I have left at dinner both my husband and I cooked things we knew both of our families would like the first issue started when father-in-law tried to sit at one of the heads of the tables and my husband said no he sat at one and I sat at the other me with my father and sister to either side and him with his brothers so father-in-law was kind of in the middle and he didn't like it the second problem and the cause of all of this is that everyone was kind of serving themselves and he struggles when holding spoons forks and such my sister bought him a Parkinson friendly cutlery set that he brings around but a big spoon for serving is still hard for him so I offered to serve him his plate while my sister served him his drink and then we all sat to eat and chat 3 or 4 minutes after that my father-in-law asks out loud is no one going to serve me my plate and my husband looks at him confused and says no we don't do that here and my mother-in-law just gets up in a hurry and takes his plate but my father-in-law says no and that the hostess did it for her father so she can do it for me and I say yes my father who has an injured hand you're fine he says that he won't eat then and I just Shrugged and said that he could starve and I didn't care he leaves with my mother-in-law and while everyone agrees with me my own father said that it was a disrespectful thing to say and I should apologize for the way I did it so am I the jerk could op have been a little bit nicer probably did they owe it to them to be nicer no when the father-in-law says here well I'll just not eat then and op repeatedly replies with okay don't I don't care is it Justified to say that is that a good response to what the father-in-law was trying to pull here let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from throwaway R zero am I the jerk for not buying my daughter concert tickets my 16-year-old daughter Riley really does not like one of her teachers Miss A this was a bit surprising to me as the teacher has a very good reputation and has helped out so many kids in bad situations and is just a generally nice person but my daughter hates her she'll rant about how annoying she is for ages but she's never given an actual reason I tell her that she's allowed to rant and all that but don't say these things to her face and try not to go too far either I hated some teachers during my childhood that I now respect and understand so I really didn't think it was a major issue well I got a call from Riley while she was at school and she was begging me to pick her up I arrived immediately but she refused to tell me what happened she did crack eventually though she told me that Miss A was having a conversation with another student and she mentioned one of her son's names so Riley quickly looked them up on social media and went up to her teacher and asked if he was her son miss a said yes hesitantly apparently and then Riley started laughing and said some really mean things about her son to be specific she called him anorexic and skeleton likee turns out the boy did have anorexia miss a got really upset and asked her to please work in the library for the remainder of the period I was horrified and it was clear that my daughter was feeling apologetic but Jesus Christ this was insanely disrespectful I told Riley that she was grounded and that she needed to apologize to miss a immediately I then told her that I wouldn't be buying her concert tickets she got really upset and was all like how was I supposed to know but that just makes me more upset because it would still be wrong even if he wasn't anorexic she cried and cried about the concert and called me really mean my husband thinks the grounding is fine but the concert tickets are overdoing it he thinks that it probably isn't a huge deal because miss a just sent Riley to the library and didn't Center to the office or anything and I'm doing too much I don't know am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk here I think even after everything it's clear that the daughter doesn't even feel that remorseful for it they're saying how was I supposed to know they don't understand that what they did was wrong I've known people who've dealt with similar conditions and it's not a joke it's not funny to go around saying that stuff I would say honestly keep it up until they apologize and a genuine apology at that until realized they legitimately screwed up here our next story is from jobsite aita am I the jerk for firing an employee for driving his personal vehicle to job sites I own and operate my own Contracting Company I've been in business for almost a decade now and have almost 50 people working for me I usually ask that my co-workers drive to the office in the morning and take Company Vans or trucks to job sites but I understand that it isn't always the easiest option for people so I do allow them to drive personal vehicles to job sites if they need to however there's been this one guy Steve who I've gotten a few complaints about from customers Steve drives a big lifted customized truck it's a nice truck and I know he takes a lot of pride in it but the thing is covered in political stickers now if you work for me I don't care what your political views are as long as you're good at your job and Steve's been with me for about 5 years now and he's good at what he does he's knowledgeable and efficient and and overall has been a quality employee but Steve's been driving his truck to job sites pretty regularly because his kids are in daycare and it's easier for him to drop them off in the morning and then go directly to a job rather than to the office we've talked about this and I approved it to make it easier for him normally this wouldn't be an issue for me but the last three customers that Steve was working with complained to me that he was parking his truck in front of their houses and they weren't comfortable with the political messaging on his truck the last one even took pictures of his truck and posted it to social media and tagged my company on it I had a talk with Steve about driving his truck to jobs and told him that he's going to need to come to the office in the morning and take a company vehicle he complained about the hassle of dropping off his kids and I told him he's going to need to figure that out but for now I want him to leave his truck at the office as it's causing me and the company headaches he can lied for the rest of that last job but when we started a new one last week he started driving his own truck again sure enough 3 days into the job I got complaints from the customer about Steve's truck I had another talk with Steve and told him that this was no longer negotiable and that I'm requiring him to take a company vehicle he accused me of discriminating against him and it turned into a heated argument we both said some harsh things and I eventually told him he was fired he since posted a lot of negative stuff on social media about me and my company he's also talked to a lot of my employees and some of them have taken his side and think I was wrong to fire him I've had to hold a companywide meeting about this and I've revoked the option to drive personal vehicles to jobs and now require everyone to take company Vehicles no exceptions now I have people pissed off at me for taking away that option when they never got complaints so maybe I'll have to revisit that idea but I don't think I was a jerk for firing Steve the bottom line is you're the boss it's your call here they didn't respect that and were trying to be argumentative it wasn't going to work out now as far as the making everybody have to take a company vehicle I do think that's not a good move I think you should have some kind of like one two strike type policy if people complain and it seems to be a problem then enforce it for that person any guesses as to what those stickers are by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from affectionate ad 8770 am I the jerk for not forgiving my parents when they tried to force institutionalize me I 42-year-old female started having very severe panic attacks I'm talking loud Long messy panic attacks my husband and I have been married for 19 years and have three children 18 17 and 13 at the time it was obviously very difficult for all of us January 2021 I went on disability and entered into an intensive outpatient program to help sort out why I was having these panic attacks and how to prevent them and spent 12 weeks in the program I was trying to do right by my family and do what was best for me my intensive outpatient program ended on Thursday April 29th and my husband and my dad asked me if I was better I was caught off guard by this as I was still processing what I went through in my program and protectively replied no I wasn't ready to share how I felt on Monday May 3rd my husband told me I either needed to go to our cabin for a week or be institutionalized and that my father and mother would back him and they would kick me out of the house we rent from my parents if I didn't go I was understandably confused as freak even more so when I called my father in tears to confirm this apparently they thought I was bipolar but that's no excuse especially as I was being very closely monitored by medical professionals after an hour of driving I had to pull over as I was hysterical it took my BFF who's an MD to convince my husband that Not only was this not okay but there wouldn't even be a program that would take me as I certainly wasn't a threat to myself or others this whole thing was driven by my mother my husband really really doesn't understand much about mental health or anything medical I was mortified but I went home during this time my hand had been going numb on and off but I figured it was due to the stress of the situation on Friday May 7th my whole arm went dead due to stroke it turns out I had a disease in my cored arteries but the stressful event pushed my brain over the edge so to speak causing the stroke I told my extended family brothers and parents about the stroke broke over Zoom as I was still emotionally gutted by their attempt to force institutionalize me I told them that they weren't welcome in my house for the time being as their presence was highly triggering after what they did my husband feels horrible about what happened entered therapy and has made a lot of progress my parents on the other hand refus to apologize as they only had good intentions which is very hurtful and have repeatedly said that they aren't sorry they did it my brother s all think that I'm the jerk as I won't forgive my parents and let it go so the family can all hang out again I don't feel safe when I'm with any of them anymore I really can't see how I'm the jerk so please I want honest opinions am I the jerk should I just let this go now I bet a million dollars that op's parents would love for Opie to let this go but that is insane what they tried to pull this isn't some like dark 1940s labotomy institution do they really think they could just find some place with white padded walls they could just hand you off to and they would take you right in lock you up and hope your brain figures itself out did they really think they were in any right to try to force you into that threatened to kick you out of the house they only had good intentions they basically tried to imprison you our next story is from AR stranged bro throw am I the jerk for going to a family wedding my brother wasn't invited I'm 4 years older than my my brother Mark I never got myself into trouble and was always a great student I graduated and found myself a great job a loving wife and all I've dreamed of Mark's doing good all things considered but he sure went the long way when he got to high school he would constantly hang out with the wrong crowds and got himself in trouble very often he barely graduated and after that his life went off the deep end he flunked College only got himself dead end jobs and only got by with mine and my mother's help he also got himself into drugs though I don't know how bad still all things considered he was always a very good person honest and he never made excuses for himself he was just lazy and had no direction in life during this time he was our extended family's Black Sheep especially from our mother's side our Aunt Mary especially Mary's very cool but does act a bit pretentious her kids worshiped Mark and when the stories about his life started going around half of them are lies she started putting some distance but would talk to Mark the same as me when we met eventually Mark turned his life around I don't know what happened but I know it was really bad long story short he got himself clean one year after that he was unrecognizable he was happy extroverted and pretty much left his old life behind after 8 years he was engaged with a job and a future our family knows of this and they're happy for him unfortunately Mar never abandoned her old views she occasionally puts him down because he never went to college and doesn't respect his job every time I visit she likes to show me off as her lawyer nephew but she never invites him or even mentions him as far as her friends know my mother only has one son Mark knows this and it hurts him 2 years ago Mary's daughter got married and they planned this huge wedding both me my wife and my mother got invited but not mark we didn't know how to handle this we asked Mary's daughter why Mark was left out and she admitted that her mother didn't want him there because it would make them look bad we decided to go without telling him so he wouldn't get hurt he was never even aware Mary's daughter was getting married of course eventually he found out when he saw pictures on social media he was absolutely crushed he confronted us and said that if we were family we should have refused to go without him I disagreed we fought and and he went non cont to this day my mother feels guilty about it this was 2 years ago a couple of weeks ago my mother found out that Mark just had a kid and it introduced them to our other uncles she was very hurt since she never even knew his partner was pregnant she asked him why he didn't tell us about his child his answer is I love son I'll always be there for him no matter what I won't expose him to a family that'll feel ashamed of him and turn him into a parah because of some stupid choices this guy turned his life around and nobody in this family is willing to stand up for them they had a rocky past and they overcame that and nobody's willing to go at bat for him and then he goes no contact for 2 years and then that's when you ask if you're the jerk I think it's pretty clear op is the jerk in the situation and I'm willing to bet that op's in a situation where if they could go back a couple years and go at bat for their own brother I'm willing to bet they wish they could this next story is from an anonymous poster am I the jerk for not giving up my parking spot for my downstairs neighbor even though I don't have a car I moved into a house with three Apartments upstairs people me on the main floor and basement girl there's only two parking spots which belong to the upstairs people and me landlord said basement girl doesn't have a parking spot the parking spot is part of my rent I don't have a car so that spot goes unused mostly except when I have friends over or if they stay with me on the weekend then they use my spot basement girl I guess got a car now and she's been parking on the street but she needs to move her car every few hours to avoid a ticket I guess she asked landlord if she can have my parking spot since I don't use it landlord asked me and I said I can give her the spot if there's a reduce on my rent he said no to that so I said no sorry then it's my spot apparently this really pissed the basement girl off and she left a note at my door saying how she needs the spot and I don't need it so give it to her blah blah blah I ignored the note I told my friend this and she said the friendly thing to do would be to give up my spot and now I'm just seen as the jerk neighbor so am I the jerk I mean although the times you do use it are very rare you are paying for that spot and I have a feeling that the moment you concede to letting basement girl park there is the moment they're going to try to walk all over you and that parking spot so I don't blame op for holding steadfast if anything basement girl should go complain to the landlord more for refusing to reduce the rent so they could have that spot or even better rent it to the basement girl yourself just put a nice little Payday on it our next story is from opening patience 4049 am I the jerk for refusing to go to my stepmom's Home Country for holiday as a gay person they don't have the best LGBT rights record I'm 16 and open gay my stepmom herself is cool and I like her but she's from a country known for their poor treatment of LGBT individuals I won't name the country to avoid controversy just that if you go read those articles that say worst X countries for LGBT rights her country is always there of course this isn't my stepmom's problem or responsibility she's cool and not at all homophobic she wants us to visit her country and her family for Christmas for 2 weeks when she brought up the idea I told her that I'm not comfortable coming but I'm also not saying they shouldn't go we'll just need to plan something different for me like staying with my uncle or grandparents which I'm happy to do she suggested that I'm overreacting and I'll be safe there as there's lots of gay people living there I'm sure it's true but I don't understand the language the norms and I don't know how to keep myself safe so it's better to not risk it she's been offended that I don't want to visit and meet her family and says she's disappointed in me that I won't do it for her and she says she's sure I'll have a great time there but in reality even if nothing happens I will always fear of what could happen so it'll be stressful she also says her family will be hurt as well if I don't go they'll perceive it as me not considering them worthy to visit them which is obviously not the case and she'll be embarrassed anyways my dad says he agrees that I shouldn't go if I don't want want to but also tells me that he understands why stepmom feels hurt by this and has taking it personally so I'm wondering if I may be the jerk for selfishly only thinking about myself without giving much thought about how it makes my stepmom feel and the appearance that it gives to her family I'm of the opinion that if you are fearful for your life you shouldn't be forced to go somewhere where you feel like you might be attacked I feel like the Stepmom knows that wherever it is that they're going to be staying is probably a safe area and that the concerns are overblown once they get to that spot but I mean you just never know what could happen in a country that apparently is very hostile to something that op can't even control I think op is not the jerk our next story is from yay chocolate am I the jerk for expecting my partner to let my dog out while he was on a station so I accept your judgment my 36-year-old female partner Tommy 36-year-old male was home on on station last week Monday through Wednesday meaning he's had 5 days off he was home all day and maybe left the house once or twice to get himself some food but that was it I have a dog Spud I got before we got together they adore each other and it's really sweet since Spud's my dog all of his care and bills are my responsibility I would never ever ask or expect Tommy to ever care for him in any way normally Tommy literally does nothing to care for my dog aside from snuggle but that's a two-way street anyway since Spud's normally home alone for about 9 hours each day I do things to keep him occupied he normally sleeps but still like hide treats for him to find before I leave have a feeder ball out leave the blinds up so we can people watch the pond and the walking trail at our apartment check in Via blink leave a YouTube Dog Channel on you get it sometimes I also come home during lunch to let him out and snug ugle I wanted to hire a dog walker but Tommy said absolutely not since he scared we'll get our stuff stolen since Tommy was home though I thought he would be nice enough to take him out in the middle of the day to let him pee he didn't on Monday and I brought it up and he said no I won't because then he'll expect it like what the freak Tommy thinks because Spud can control himself no problem for 12 hours if necessary happened before we got together when a pet sitter didn't pull through and didn't tell me until i' had already paid and left for my day trip yes I got a refund and Spud was okay but still not ideal he didn't want to spoil him by letting him out during the day I told him he didn't need a full walk but a couple minutes to pee on the lawn would make him feel better he wouldn't even have to have stepped more than 10 ft away from the apartment door I reminded him on weekends he gets walked and let out a lot more and is still fine during the week but Tommy still insisted he didn't care and said I was acting like a jerk about it no I didn't yell or get dramatic Spud is my dog after all but am I wrong for hoping Tommy would help him out and just let him out for 2 minutes to pee no I don't think GOP is the jerk here and God forbid you want to have the dog get a little bit of extra care and I hate the whole argument of well he's your dog so that excuses my laziness of not wanting to create any kind of routine or expectation of caring for this animal although I'll gladly take things from it in the form of love and snuggles our next story is from thick fish 5054 am I the jerk for refusing to look after my little brother for a week so I 19-year-old female have two brothers 17 and 5 years old ever since the youngest was born I've been expected to look after him quite a lot I usually don't mind but I do feel like a free Nanny sometimes my parents make it seem like he's my responsibility my mom often yells that no one helps her with James my 5-year-old brother and I should take care of him more my father's away a lot because of his work sometimes even weeks this September I'm starting uni I have my own apartment that I'll move into this weekend you should note that my parents have said to me multiple times these past few years that they can't wait until they move out because I'm so lazy in their opinion and never help out so next week is orientation week for my uni the uni is in my hometown so I'm not moving far just getting my own place the orientation week is super important for getting to know the people you'll spend the next few years with it's also important to attend because all the important info will be given during this week my schedule's quite packed for the whole week days start at a.m. and continue till late night the problem is that both my parents have important work stuff next week as well my mom's flying abroad for work and Dad's away the whole week as well my parents said to me that they expect me to take James to and from daycare and spend the evenings with him feed and bathe him and put him to bed I told him that this won't be possible because of my UNI schedule but I can take him to daycare and depending on schedule help out I reminded them that my 17-year-old brother is also capable of helping out since he's still living with them and doesn't have such a packed schedule that week and has more time to help out my parents said that this won't be possible POS since my brother has to focus on his high school studies and is too young note that I would take care of James for whole weekends since I was 14 years old I don't want to be difficult but what my parents are asking for me is too much they got really angry at me when I explained the situation and told me that I shouldn't ask them for help ever again because they won't give me any they're not offering me any money either for taking care of a 5-year-old for an entire week week whilst pushing all my important things aside I know for a fact they sometimes give my other brother money for helping out but never offer it to me I feel like they're in the wrong here but I might not see things that clearly so am I the jerk so in this situation I think op is very clearly not the jerk and the parents are very used to just taking advantage of their kids they just want to push it off on op make everything op's problem give them nothing to work with not even like monetary compensation just put all of your life on hold take care of our kid make it work and also if you want anything from us get bent op's not the jerk and our final story of the day is from throwaway 66 297 am I the jerk for asking about my share of inheritance I 32-year-old female am the eldest child in a family of eight dad mom two brothers 17 25 and three sisters 29 27 and 15 15 our parents told me I was adopted when I was 10 All My Siblings knew I was adopted but I was never treated any differently and I had never felt like I wasn't a part of the family some years ago Grandma mom's mom passed away in her sleep very suddenly without a will as a result mom had a lot of trouble with her siblings when it comes to splitting assets it took 3 years for everything to settle down after which mom told us she'll be drawing up a will to prevent the same thing from happening mom came home from the lawyers beaming saying everything settled we were like okay great but in her excitement she started telling us who's getting what my 29-year-old sister told her she doesn't have to tell cuz it's awkward but mom says she doesn't want any surprises and wants us to know in no uncertain terms as to what we're getting so we don't fight and contest the will because it's final after she finished rattling off the list my siblings and I realized that I'd been left left out of it so my 25-year-old brother asked what I'm getting Mom stopped smiling and asked me if that's what I'd asked my brother to say I said no I didn't but I too am wondering why I wasn't mentioned I don't know what happened but something seemed to snap in her after I said that she told me that I shouldn't be greedy and should be grateful that she raised me because who knows where I could be and what I'm doing otherwise I was hurt and told her that it wasn't really about the money but but leaving me out of her will was clearly hurtful and if she had really seen me as her child she wouldn't have left me out and said all those awful things mom reiterated that the Will's final and then excused herself I left shortly after but my 15-year-old sis told me that Mom didn't come out of her room until the next day I tried to resume things as it were but her speech and text messages to me had become short and Curt and she no longer calls we used to call each other regularly then D told me that I shouldn't have been rude and disrespectful to Mom that I broke her heart and should apologize I told him what happened and he said her money her decision and that I shouldn't have challenged her I didn't want to argue so I said nothing my siblings have been trying to talk to Mom and Dad about this but it seems to only make them unhappier dad accused me of turning my siblings against them I haven't visited my parents since the incident with my mom about 3 weeks ago and we adult kids usually visit every week if nothing comes up am I the jerk for asking about my share of inheritance which basically challenges my mom's right to her money and assets and for causing this conflict I think op is not the jerk here the thing is is the mom is the one rattling things off and they walk through everything op's present op he didn't get named op he's their kid I think it's a fair question to ask the mom's true feelings clearly got exposed here and they're just totally in denial defense mode I just feel bad for op a story from Anonymous user 13 Q am I the jerk for calling the police on my husband after I found out that he's hiding my son's motorcycle I got my son a 7,000 motorcycle for his 18th birthday this past June my son is obsessed with Automobiles and loves motorcycles in his room he has plenty of models and posters of motor cycles of all types his biod dad passed away when he was just 12 now I'm married to my current husband and he has kids of his own my husband's always been against my son's interest in motorcycles he thinks I'm encouraging him to be Reckless distracting him from school and by extension his future and spoiling him and blowing away money by spending 7,000 on a motorcycle this has caused some tension between him and my son so I told him to stop complaining about it around 2 weeks ago my son's motorcycle went missing we opened a police report but nothing came out of it it just disappeared my my husband had a smirk on his face the entire time just walking around saying I told you so you just wasted your money this was unbearable to hear to be quite honest my mother-in-law visited a few days ago she was talking about the other house my husband owns and to mention seeing a motorcycle one that's similar to the one that we lost in my husband's garage while she was cleaning it she goes to clean that house weekly even though it's empty my husband plans on giving it to his kids as inheritance I was puzzled I asked if she was certain but she showed me a photo she took of it which confirmed it was indeed my son's motorcycle I immediately rushed to call and confront my husband about it he admitted that he took it and hid the motorcycle in his garage as a last resort after me and his stepson kept brushing him and his thoughts off about the 7,000 being spent on something unnecessary and that could cause issues I blew up at him demanding he returned it he refused and told me that he'd been considering selling it and giving the money back to me so I could use it wisely this time I told him I was serious and that I'd call the police he literally said this is a family matter and cops can't do crap about it I had enough I called the cops as soon as I ended the call with him the motorcycle was found and returned but my husband had to be taken in since there was an open file about the motorcycle going missing he was let go eventually but he was livid with me he came home yelling about how awful what I did was and how crazy my behavior was I refused to engage in the argument but he told his entire family about it and they judged me for calling the police on my own husband even though I'd already asked him to return it he said he was just looking out for my son and that one day we'll realize that he was right but only when it's too late my son isn't speaking to me or my husband I feel horrible about the situation and I'm starting to think I handled this the the wrong way personally I feel like go is not the jerk and I feel like in no way should they be bullied into accepting that what the husband did here was right let alone the fact that you went and bought this yourself and they were considering trying to sell something that I don't know if they have the right to even sell is their name on the title were they going to just try to sell it without a title it sounds like to me that this guy has some serious control issues if you were in a relationship like this would divorce be weighing heavy on your mind let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from Sister Feud 1927 am I the jerk for telling my sister I hope she never has kids I'm 22-year-old female I have three-year-old twin boys and I had a baby girl not even 2 days ago my sister jod is 34 and has been suffering with infertility for the past 10 years as well as repeated miscarriages I used to feel really bad for her and also a bit guilty as I got pregnant twice while being on contraception it caused some tension between us when I was pregnant with my twins because she was jealous and I was already feeling intense guilt this time around she wasn't as jealous but I still felt it was unfair as my husband and I have decided we're done having kids I offer to be a surrogate for my sister as soon as I'm cleared after this baby and she seemed like she was absolutely over the moon with that in turn she offered to watch the twins while I was in labor with my new baby which was a relief on my part I went into labor on Thursday morning and Jody came over to watch the kids while my husband and I went to the hospital she seemed like she was in a great mood and promptly rushed us out the door everything seemed fine until we got home this morning to find thousands worth of Destruction to pretty much every baby item we've purchased even the crib mattress was torn open everything was ruined jod tried to pin it on the twins but they're three and this level of Destruction had to have been done by an adult my twins can't even reach some of the stuff that was destroyed and they certainly do not know how to open diaper packages and tear them apart I know kids especially toddlers can do a lot of damage in a short time but I also know my children aren't capable of doing what happened I told my sister to get the freak out of my home and stay away from me and my family I got really angry and I said a lot of stuff I shouldn't have but one of them was I hope you never have a child and if you do then I'll tell it exactly what you've done to mine I told her we can't afford to fix the damage she's caused but since she still denies it she won't cough up I told her because of her the baby doesn't even have a safe space to sleep my parents caught a wind of what I said and even after I explain the situation they still think I'm being a jerk for saying something so V to my sister after all she's done for us obviously my judgment is clouded so am I a jerk anybody that's capable of lashing out like that emotionally because of unfounded emotions that are personally just their problem that being sheer jealousy I honestly agree with OP they probably should not be having kids I wouldn't exactly put somebody who went and did all this to their own sister very high on the ranking of seems like they'd be a good parent what do you guys think is this just too far did op cross a line here personally I don't think so but I'd like to know what you guys think our next story is from left Kaleidoscope 109 am I the jerk for smoking in my backyard I female 27 live in a house with my husband I'm a heavy smoker but I don't smoke in the house because my husband doesn't like the smell and I don't want him breathing secondhand smoke he's a non-smoker I usually smoke sigs in our backyard one of our neighbors slid a passive aggressive note through our letter box last week saying something along the lines of my children just wanted to play in our backyard thanks for exposing them to cancer I hope you're happy I had no idea which neighbor this was none of our neighbors a do to us about this I decided to ignore the note and continue to smoke in my backyard then 4 days ago one of our neighbors knocked on our door and complained and said I shouldn't smoke in my backyard because their kids play in their backyard I think my neighbors being unreasonable our backyards are pretty large and I smoke right in the center of my backyard so the smoke has more space to disperse I think my neighbors only complaining because they can see me smoking over our fence am I the jerk I feel like maybe they would have a case if this was like apartment living and you're smoking literally right below or on top of them or like a motel thing where you step out the door and you're literally just right there next to every single neighbor but gosh darned I think if you have a large backyard you have a right to be able to smoke in your own backyard unless where you live has a law or a statute that says you can't well then honestly I think they need to kick rocks I'm not going to lie I can sometimes smell when my neighbor smokes do I particularly enjoy smelling it no but do I make an issue about it why would I I mean to be fair though the healthy option would be to quit by the way if you guys are enjoying these stories than sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos that said our next story is from careless elk 754 am I the jerk for taking pics of my son's clothes he wears to his dad's house first I'm not some super picky spiteful ex who tries to make my ex's life difficult we have a son Mark who's nine he wears a size 10 or 12 and clothes and size five and shoes Mark never comes back in clothes or shoes that size last several weekends for example Mark came back in clothes that were a size six or seven where the shirt fit like a crop top and he couldn't even button his pants and they were way too short and size three shoes that he had to scrunch his toes to even get on I know Mark's uncomfortable and his feet hurt because he tells me I've asked my ex Joe about Mark's clothes and he always has some reason Mark dressed himself Mark insisted on wearing that there behind on laundry he was in a rush and they didn't have time to get ready until the last minute if Mark came home to me in clothes that actually fit I wouldn't care but they don't fit Mark can't wear that stuff to school it's in really shabby condition and clothes are not free I don't get child support from Joe because neither of us can currently afford to go back to court and Joe has made it clear without a child support order I'll never get a single penny from him and if I ever do ask for support he would go as far as quitting his job to have no in in come so he doesn't have to pay unfortunately our custody agreement does not affect child support and that's a whole separate issue I cannot legally keep Mark away from Joe anyways I've started taking pics of what Mark wears to his dad's and texting the pic to Joe with a reminder to please remember that I need that back as Mark is starting to run low on clothes and shoes that actually fit him correctly and are nice enough for school Joe never responds to the texts but has told me in person at exchanges I'm a selfish and Petty witch for not wanting Mark to have clothes and shoes at his house too I've asked Joe to please buy clothes that fit Mark to keep at his place but he's refused saying it's not his responsibility or problem gosh do I wish op had any kind of support where they could go back to court and challenge this guy for how awful they're being it is such a load of it for him to go and say it's not my responsibility to buy clothes for for my son imagine how Mark would feel if Mark ever heard that Opie is not the jerk because not only are they looking out for Mark they're looking out for their own Financial Security against a bad father our next story is from Jasmine 0917 am I the jerk for making my stepdaughter feel bad for eating all my snacks and drinks my stepdaughter's 10 I'm 30-year-old female and I have diabetes as well as other food allergies that prevent me from eating a very large variety of foods that are purchased for consump in this household the food snacks drinks that I can eat usually tend to be on the more expensive side and I have to spend way too much time shopping around for bargains so I can actually eat my stepdaughter is fully aware that these are the only things I can eat and we've had no problems up until roughly 6 months ago i' had been in her life for 8 years so yes this is a new Behavior so my favorite food and drink is burritos and Diet Sprite I can't have either of them due to my allergy and it took me forever to find a brand that I could actually have but due to the fact that both of these products are way too expensive $9 for an8 pack burrito and $12 for a sixpack of the Sprite knockoff I don't get them often at all maybe once every 3 months or so I caught my stepdaughter eating and drinking both multiple times and had to sit her down and tell her that I didn't want her eating those as they were expensive and for me specifically and offered to buy her regular brands of the same items she said yes so I went out and bought them for her just to find that she was still eating mine and not touching hers I asked her why several times and she Shrugged her shoulders and walks off saying I don't see why it's a big deal it's just food and rolls her eyes so I told my husband to do something about it because he knows my dietary restrictions very well and knows how important not only that is but also how much I love those specific items and can't have them often he speaks to to her everything after that seemed fine however I just bought the burritos and knockof organic Sprite again yesterday I went to go get myself some around 1 p.m. when my stepdaughter was supposed to be in bed the entire leader was gone I couldn't find it anywhere so I go in my stepdaughter's room and she's sitting not only with the Sprite in her lap but two burritos as well this is when I noticed everything else my green tea sitting on the floor gone my meal containers that i' packed for work under her bed and on her dresser I thought I was going freaking mental because I couldn't find them anywhere and turns out she's been eating them I've gone many days at work without food because of this so I told her I had never been so absolutely disappointed and repulsed that someone could lack that much respect and empathy for another individual and walked out I woke my husband he went down and saw everything but came up and started screaming at me because apparently I made his kid cry and now he's worried about her developing anxiety about eating am I the jerk now what I'm going to say is very controversial first of all I think Gopi is not the jerk but maybe it would be a good idea for her to develop anxiety when it comes to taking other people's things God forbid somebody gets upset when somebody steals not just one thing but everything they've tried to prepare for themselves buy for themselves like your favorite pack of Doritos this is food that you specifically choose for yourself because that's all you can eat maybe it's for the best that they get apprehensive about touching somebody else's stuff cuz it sure didn't come to them naturally and it doesn't sound like the dad's going to reinforce anything actually in retrospect I just remembered the kid is 10 years old for some reason I assumed they were a little bit older than that I still think Opie is not the jerk here but I feel like there's just a lot more discussions and maybe even like family therapy to be had it it'll also be for the best if they can work to curb the daughter's habit of eating and drinking all this food and drink when everybody's asleep secretly this next story is from Jam happy 165 am I the jerk for not going outside to see my husband's family when they show up un announced I'm 26-year-old female my husband 26 and I have been married for almost 2 years his family are a very close knit group and although they're very kind and giving it can also be overbearing in my opinion I grew up in a very different family my family isn't near as close or overbearing well his family likes to show up to our house unannounced this usually happens about once a month and it's usually on a Sunday I personally find this very rude to show up at someone's house whenever you want and not say anything to them on Sundays I don't usually get ready the house is a wreck I don't have a bra or makeup on I don't fix my hair because it's my day to relax so when they just show up I have to fly through my butt to get dressed put a bra on run a brush through my hair it's his dad mom and sister and I don't want to look like crap in front of them I'm also not comfortable with them maybe it's because I grew up differently recently I stopped doing that I just don't go outside to say hi anymore because I simply don't want to I don't want to fly through my butt I don't want to see them I didn't know or ask them to come over so I don't want to go out of my way to say hi for 20 seconds this may make me a jerk but I feel like it isn't that hard to tell me you're coming over just give us a heads up so I can get ready and put a bra on the most recent time they had set up a little gift on our front porch I had stayed inside because well they showed up unannounced and I was taking a nap my husband went outside to thank them say hello Etc his mom asked where I was and when he told her I was napping and not dressed she told him to tell me to get dressed and come outside because this gift was for me me so I did I threw a bra on got dressed went outside than them profusely but I could tell this mom was upset with me my husband thinks I'm being rude but I think it's his family that's rude it's rude to show up unannounced to someone's home whether you have a gift for them or not all I'm asking for is a heads up that they're coming I'm not ungrateful for the random gifts I think they're nice and his family's very sweet however I didn't ask for any of that I like my space my husband says he doesn't know how to tell them that without sounding ungrateful but I feel like they're crossing a boundary here am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk here because honestly I fall right on the same Spectrum as them I am a very comfortable homebody people popping up anywhere unannounced is extremely exhausting for somebody like me I don't want to have to feel like I'm forced to entertain or share my space when I never had a say in the matter to begin with OR had a heads up honestly I think it's awesome that their family so connected but you have to respect boundaries and where family isn't a good enough excuse in my opinion our next story is from addict Ed am I the jerk for telling a lady her baby is a waste of space I know the title sounds bad but hear me out I female 19 have a baby sister 11 months who I babysit quite often mostly because my mom had a knee surgery after an accident quite recently so she can't walk very well yet the result of many years of struggling with joint problems she's got a fancy titanium knee now this took place a couple days ago when my sister started coughing and having a runny nose then overnight came a slight fever I know now that this is just a common cold but obviously I was worried and told my mom I would gladly take her to a doctor I have a driver's license but I'm very scared of driving I got into an accident the first time driving alone and this kind of traumatized me i l live in a big city in Europe where public transportation is great so it's no big deal to not use a car half of the way to the doctors is done via trim for the rest of the way I have to use a bus usually these buses are sufficiently big but with limited space for strollers and wheelchairs that day the bus was unusually cramped full of people standing as well as a woman in a wheelchair two old ladies with Walkers and two strollers so I could barely fit with my baby sister in her stroller I asked one of the women with a stroller if she could move a bit and make space as a response she just rolled her eyes I asked her again and she just told me to wait for the next bus which takes about 15 minutes as her baby needs the space well I look at the baby and it's a doll a very realistic looking one but still a doll I got very angry at that point and told her that my baby is sick and needs to go to the doctor and she just ignored me so I kind of lashed out and told her that her fake baby is a waste of space that other people with real babies or wheelchairs could need the lady got really offended insulted me under her breath and finally moved quite a few people looked at me angrily I know some people need these dolls for example to deal with grief but I don't understand why you can't move over if someone asks you or why you need to put it in a stroller in the first place it's not even real after all in the space on public transports limited she could have been taking the space from a disabled person when she has the option not to still since a lot of people judged me I'm wondering if I was in the wrong am I the jerk I think this is a very bizarre situation and I think op is not the jerk honestly I'm going to go out on a limb here and assume that this lady is pushing this doll around in a stroller to take advantage of the rules where you get more advantageous seating in a lot of of public transport options maybe even parking spaces if you're driving around because you have a stroller and a baby I mean just why else would she be doing that our next story is from do Yak 8527 am I the jerk for walking my sister down the aisle when our mother's husband believed he would be the one to do it my sister got married on Saturday she asked me several months ago to walk her down the aisle and to have a dance to honor our dad I said of course our dad died when I was 11 and she was s and we both have memories of him and she wanted to honor him and feel connected to him on the day and she saw me as the best person for the job so I walked her to her husband and danced the song our dad used to sing to us our mother was remarried before our dad was a year gone her husband has no children and was unable to have kids of his own so he made a big attempt to take over our dad's place and be regarded as Dad which he wasn't despite knowing this and never being asked he assumed that he would be fulfilling Father of the Bride duties at my sister's wedding and on the day he learned it was me she asked he was visibly upset I had an idea that he was expecting it but said nothing neither did she at the reception he confronted me and asked why I would do it when he's right there and how was I more deserving than him her father figure I told him it was my sister's choice and she wanted me so we could honor our dad he told me he deserves better than to be completely ignored in the wedding and treated like he wasn't a parent and not a part of our family for the last 15 years I Shrugged which pissed him off even more he and my mom are both furious at me for saying yes when I knew he wanted to do it am I the jerk we do get a lot of wedding related stories here and a common sentiment for me is I subscribe to the belief that when you have a wedding as long as it's legal you should be able to celebrate it however you want and in this situation where the bride wanted to honor her biological father I don't see how she or her brother for doing Father of the Bride duties could be the jerk I think we can all agree here the stepdad is just all up in their feelings our next story is from Sirus banana 7181 am I the jerk for spending more on my wedding than my best friend's husband makes in a year for context I 24-year-old female and my best friend 25-year-old female have been best friends since we were two now after high school I decided that I wanted to go and start my own business so I got a degree in business management while having a small business on the side after I finished my degree my business I put all of my time effort and savings into growing it which ended up being a very financially rewarding decision for me as I now own a very successful business I met my fiance 32-year-old male 4 years ago and we got engaged last year but decided to have a long engagement because I wanted to lose some weight which he said I didn't need to but was completely supportive of my fiance is an orthopedic surgeon so we're more than well off especially as we have no plans to have children now After High School my best friend was doing a degree in chemistry but dropped out after 2 years when she became pregnant I was there helping her out emotionally and financially throughout the whole of her pregnancy as she decided she didn't want to work through her pregnancy and wanted to become a stay-at-home mom which I totally supported however her h husband works a 9 to-5 job in an office which pays enough for them to get by but not enough for them to live in luxury because of this me and my fiance try and help them out the best we can and always let them borrow money when they need it we help them with the down payment on their house however now that we've started planning our wedding properly we've got a beautiful venue an open bar live music a three course meal I've got the perfect dress we're paying for all the bridesmaid dresses and groomsmen suits and we've got beautiful little gift hampers for each of the guests to take home and overall we went all out because we can only have this day once now when I was talking to my best friend about this who's also my maid of honor she brought up possibly having the same venue for her wedding which I thought was lovely but I didn't know if they would be able to afford it I didn't see that though so it was extra awkward when she asked about the price so I told her it's around $32,000 and she went ballistic asking how much my whole wedding costs I really didn't want to tell her but she ended up getting it out of me and she went crazy my whole wedding amounted up to about $72,000 which then sent her on a tangent of saying we're so irresponsible spending that much money on one day that her husband only earns 60,000 a year to support the three of them and if she knew we had that much money to just throw around she would have asked us for more when they were strugg struggling financially earlier on this year she finished with saying that I'm a horrible friend for not helping her out more and that she was outraged that we thought it was okay to spend more money on one day than her family gets to live off in a year I don't think I'm the jerk but she's been sending me messages about how inconsiderate I am so maybe I did go overboard and spend too much so am I the jerk as far as how much you want to spend on your wedding personally I feel like to each their own you want to go big go big you got the money for it go as big as you want I think considering how much they've already helped their friends it sounds like they've done quite a bit I mean helping with a down payment on their house is a lot I think it's pretty disappointing to see that their friend upon finding out how rich their friend is starts calling them horrible and somehow like insinuating that they're holding the money over their heads almost like as if the friends were entitled to any of it to begin with it's just weird and our final story of the day is from immediate rhubarb 39 am I the jerk for making my wife look crazy at our housewarming I'm male 36 my wife female 27 and I just purchased our first home we've always rented before I'm what my father called a shade tree mechanic I work on my car and other people's cars just in my shop when I have time it's a side hustle I'm a teacher in real life so is she I in the past have gotten grease and dirt on our hand towels and she's told me off I don't do it anymore not for a long time anyway our new home has 2 and 1 half bathrooms including one that we have for guests she decorated it with all that stuff to make it look nice honestly it's nicer than how she decorated our in Suite in our room she spent all week getting the house ready for our friends and family she's very happy to show off her new home as am i i c cleaned up the backyard and the shop so I could show my friends and family where I goop off one of the things she did was to leave a note pinned to the hand towels in the guest bathroom it said if you touch these I will end you and she had drawn a little skull and crossbones when it was time for everyone to come she told me to check everything and make sure it looked nice I suppose one of the things I should have done was to remove the note I did not we had an excellent party and every one left with a full belly and a smile the day after the party we were cleaning up and I hear her call me by my name she never calls me by my name I hadn't done anything bad recently so I wasn't sure why I was in trouble I had not touched the hand towels and neither had anyone else they were Immaculate she says I did it on purpose to make her look bad I totally just missed the note she called her mom and I heard her saying it was my fault people think she doesn't want them using her towels it's such a minor thing but she's still mad at me am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk and honestly even if somebody did like mention it I think the explanation of the overall story is actually cute and funny enough to honestly turn the whole thing into a laugh it doesn't have to be this like weird dramatic oh now they're going to think so bad of me like if the wife told them oh did you see that note I'm sorry I left that for my husband he works on cars he loves to mess up the hand towel so I wrote him a little not forgot to take it off that'd be a cute story I think op's not the jerk I think the wife is just getting a little too Doom and Gloom about it and a little too worked up over it am I the jerk for not wanting to pay for my wife's spending money before the birth of our daughter my wife and I both worked full-time and low to Middle earning jobs with my wife earning a bit more than I but not by much my wife returned to work out of necessity when our daughter was 3 months old her mental health became pretty bad and she has a minor disability that makes work life a little hard and she found it a bit worse after having our daughter but we had to do what we had to do my wife's Nan who sort of raised her and was her only family passed away sadly when our daughter was 6 months old my wife inherited everything she owned it was a big inheritance not enough for us to both immediately retire but a lot enough for us to buy a decent house outright a new car each and to put some money away for a comfortable retirement shortly after her Nan died my my wife stopped working and became a stay-at-home mom partially due to griefs and struggles at her job and a bit because she always would have preferred to stay home with our daughter thing is though I'd rather not work and be a stay-at-home Dad too but I've been sucking it up because we still need an income to get by my wife spoke with me recently about how to budget so we can live off just my income she'd been dipping into her savings to pull her weight but that's all tied up in Investments now I said if I'm the one who asked to work and I'd rather not I don't think I should have to spend my money funding her hobbies and spending money if she chooses not to work then she can buy clothes at a charity shop instead of new ones and get a friend to cut her hair for free Etc or she can get a job working a night shift or start an online business or something to fund her spending money I don't see why I should have to pay for stuff like her sewing materials and gym membership since I don't benefit from them and they're not my responsibility I'm happy to pay for stuff for our daughter seeing as she's my responsibility so I don't think I'm being unreasonable here I work 36 hours a week and I already pay for the bills and food she said that's not fair if I get to enjoy my gym membership and hobbies like video games but the difference is I'm paying for them with my money my wife said her inheritance was worth more than if she spent her whole life working and without that both of us would be working anyway and having higher expenses from paying a mortgage and car loans so I should count that as her contribution and share my money with her am I the jerk I think GOP is a big jerk here mainly because the wife got a big inheritance and that wife turned around and spent that whole inheritance on a retirement plan a decent house outright a new car each so the wife went and did all of that for the both of you and set you up for the rest of your lives and then op turns around and starts having trouble justifying paying for her stuff too is it fair of the wife to expect op to keep on working while they stay at home I'd like to know your guys's thoughts in the comments down below our next story is from ta account 2808 am I the jerk for not helping my sister with her IVF solely because of her husband I'm 34-year-old female my sister Meg 31-year-old female cheated on my ex- brother-in-law Josh with his best friend Liam they did it for over 4 years until Josh found out and broke up Liam and mag have been officially together for 5 years my ex brother brother-in-law has been my best friend since elementary school and my sister knew him through me and despite me saying that it would make things uncomfortable she insisted on hitting on him until he noticed and they started dating my relationship with Meg took a toll on me because I was annoyed with her for doing this to my best friend but we never cut contact because of my nephew her son with Josh and my godson one year ago I received a large amount of money inheritance and because I have a good fin Financial condition I decided that half would go to help my parents and siblings my parents received 50% and my siblings four of them 12.5% each my parents decided to renovate the house two of my brothers paid off their house debts my other sister asked if she could pay for her IVF treatment with her girlfriend with that money and I said yes at no time did I control how they wanted to spend their money well Meg was super happy with my help and talked about paying for her IVF with Liam his infertility and I hesitated I'm still best friends with Josh and I can tell you what they did with him caused years of therapy to get him to start thinking about dating someone I don't talk to Liam 99% of the time and I only helped my sister because after all she had my nephew I didn't go to the wedding and I always made it very clear that it wasn't a relationship I would support but they're free so I told her that I didn't feel comfortable giving her the money for this as it involves Liam her and their relationship specifically so I would rather help in some other way renovate the house pay off debts refurbish the house and that I would take double care that the money didn't go to that she started screaming telling me to get over something that had nothing to do with me and that was years ago and that I was treating her and my other sister differently because of the past we argued a lot and I decided to create a fund for my godson that only he could handle at age 18 instead of helping her well this created even more mess because she claims that I helped everyone but her and that I was cruel in denying helping her have another child when they can't naturally I really don't feel comfortable doing this am I the jerk admittedly it might come off as like appearing biased but the bottom line is it's op's inheritance and op's money and I think gop's goal was always to help out where they see fit not just give them the money to use as they necessarily want I think it's just circumstance that everybody else that got some of the money used it for reasons that op would willingly approve of frankly giving it to your nephew that's a darn good choice by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from random 47017 am I the jerk for refusing to put my husband's name on the title of my house first some important info I 30-year-old female have been married to my husband 34-year-old male for 8 years now we live in a culture where you never combine your finances after marriage some do but they're the exception to the rule also in the event of a divorce there's nothing like common property or anything like that you keep what you bought and anything that has your name on it we met while we were studying graduated the same year have the same primary income I do some freelance work we're so in tune in everything EX except how to spend money and he likes to travel while I'm a homebody since the first day of marriage I propos that we share the expenses rent utilities groceries cleaning lady equally even though culturally the man is responsible for all of them then we should have a savings account to save for a house he didn't want to save for a house he said that his money is better spent on experiences and anyway there's nothing wrong with renting until we're in our 50s then we can buy a house in theend end we agreed to have a shared account for expenses then whatever is left is ours to do with what we want he tends to take at least two weekend trips with his friends staying in expensive hotels going to concerts also even though I cook almost every meal at home most times he would just order out for lunch or dinner I also go on weekend trips with my friends but they're more day trips to the beach hiking in the mountains scuba diving each trip costs less than a tenth of what his trips do well I've been saving for all of these 8 years and now I'm about to close on a small apartment and pay it in full no interest or monthly payments the plan is to live there save what I'm used to saving plus what I used to spend on rent buy a bigger house and rent this apartment for extra income and now he wants me to add his name to the deed I flat out told him no he didn't want to save he didn't put a scent towards the house so his name doesn't go on the deed I also told him that I plan to buy a bigger house and now that he doesn't have to pay rent he can save and put his share towards the next house then he can have his name on the D of the house well he called me a jerk said that this is not what it meant to be married and took some days off to go on a trip to cool off I don't think I'm the jerk but I also tend to be stubborn when it comes to what I perceive as Financial irresponsibility so am I the jerk P.S I'm not a miser I still paid for dates botom gifts just because I see something he might like went on one expensive trip a year with him usually abroad Etc I just saved a lot too I think whether you agree to share your finances or have them split the real issue here is that op's husband isn't putting anything into this stuff and still expecting to partially Own It op is definitely not the jerk here and if I was op I wouldn't know whether to be like outraged or just flat out disappointed in the ridiculous assumptions from the husband our next story from AIT throwaway 287 am I the jerk for taking away my daughter's birthday gift that I don't think is appropriate I'm 41-year-old female my daughter Annie 16-year-old female recently celebrated her birthday and we had a small party at home with her friends and a few relatives my boyfriend Sam 30-year-old male also came along and he gave Annie a bunch of gifts covers and charms for her phone a gift card and a couple of adult Thriller novels she's a big reader it's the last of the gifts that I had an issue with I don't think it was appropriate for Sam to give Annie adult books without going over it with me first I told Danny that these books weren't appropriate for her I've read one of them before and took them away but she started screaming at me saying that it's her gifts and she can read them if she wants she's been ignoring me for the past few days I talked to Sam later about how he did something totally wrong and now Annie's mad at me but he said they're just books and and I'm going too far and we had a bit of an argument over it I don't think what I did was wrong but Annie and Sam think otherwise so am I the jerk without knowing exactly like what the contents of these books are I'm going to say op is the jerk even you know if there is action or I don't know I guess you could say gruesome acts from the villains in these stories honestly I feel like 16 years old is kind of reasonable to read an adult thriller book it's not like he botherers some Fabio having cover romance novel it's like letting your kid watch a James Bond movie but also dialing it down cuz it's written in a book you're not actually even seeing any of this stuff this next story is from an anonymous poster am I the jerk for calling my boyfriend fat and lazy after he criticized me for not working out I typically work out four to five times a week and my boyfriend doesn't he doesn't work out at all doesn't even walk his dog I walk him when I come over I've asked him to come work out with me many many times and he always comes up with an excuse I do high-intensity interval training twice a week and go for a run two times a week and maybe go for a hike on the weekend my boyfriend was big when we met but he's gotten bigger when we started dating I'm not sure how much he weighs but he's a 4XL in shirts and he's about 5'1 he eats terrible and his doctors informed him his blood pressure is high but he hasn't done anything about it I recently started a new workout called Inferno it's brutal and I go twice a week last week I was PMSing pretty hard and my period was due I'm on the slim side and if I work out too hard or lose too much weight I lose my period so I decided to skip my workout my boyfriend asked why I wasn't going to my workout when after work I came over and I said I was tired and wanted to give my body a rest he huffed and told me I was being lazy and being tired wasn't an excuse my mouth was hanging in out and I shot back that he never works out and always uses being tired as an excuse he got angry and told me he doesn't have to work out but I chose to so skipping it was being lazy I laughed about it pointed out his high blood pressure and him putting on weight and told him if he doesn't have to workout and if I'm lazy for skipping one workout then he's way more lazy for skipping years worth of workouts he should have done he yelled that I was a witch and I had enough so I walked out it's been a week and he's texted me a few times but I have not bothered to read them because I'm so pissed at him I think op's not the jerk here and I think there's a really unhealthy Dynamic going on here it sounds to me like op works out honestly quite a lot and the boyfriend being 4XL I'm not even being rude like you have to be eating a lot to actually get to a 4XL like I'm talking the boyfriend probably eats like 4 to 5,000 calories a day at least wearing a 4XL is legitimately in like absolutely high-risk Health territory like there has to be some kind of like emotional abuse element to what this guy is saying I'm not huge on saying anybody should break up with anybody but if there was ever one to just walk away from and leave in the past I feel like this would be one our next story is from National Law 6665 am I the jerk for sleeping on my weekends me 35 have a stepdaughter 13 who spends every other weekend at my home my husband and I have three kids 4 months 2 years and 4 years my baby is super fussy it's been really bad the doctor said she's okay she's really collicky she cries all night long the past few months have been a nightmare working all day no sleep at night I'm a super light sleeper I've been cancelling our weekends with my stepdaughter so my husband and I can catch up on sleep my stepdaughter decided to blast us on social media she said my dad and stepmom can't even take care of the kids they have yet they keep having more so much for a reliable loving parent followed by my husband's family asking her what's wrong she lets them know that we keep cancelling on her time it's not just her time it's also her dad's it's been a very difficult situation for both of us my in-laws are now saying that we're the jerks in the situation they stopped helping us with the younger kids altogether am I the jerk here I feel like it's just circumstances no one asks for a ky baby I mean I get it I feel for them being tired and not getting enough sleep but I think you're the jerks for cancelling on your own kid I mean less so to op and you know it's their stepdaughter but op's partner cancelling on their own daughter to see them on just a weekend it's not like they're trying to come over every single day in the week the kid feels neglected what more can you say can you blame them they're 13 years old they only see their dad every week weekend and even then they're saying nope sorry this weekend's not good as well got to catch up on sleep you know how do you think that looks to them this next stories from throwaway 3728 28282 am I the jerk for laughing in my mother's friend's face when she told me to go to my room I 25-year-old female don't speak to my mother like at all I had to go to my mother's house today to pick up an important document that I left behind when I moved out 7 years ago as soon as I got to the house my mother suddenly had a massive emergency and realized that it was apparently her friend's funeral today and she completely forgot about it I couldn't help but internally roll my eyes as there's always some drama hence why I've gone no/ very low contact she asked me if I would watch my two younger brothers 7 and 11 whilst she went to the funeral and I said absolutely not as it's my only day off I have plans and I have no relationship with them due to my mother stopping them from seeing me for years I just wanted to get my birth certificate and leave my mother asked her friend if she would babysit and asked me to stay for 10 minutes until her friend came I didn't even get the opportunity to say no before my mother left the house I was seething but resolved to wait 10 minutes my mother's friend turned up and started berating me for not agreeing to look after my brothers whilst my mother went to the funeral I said I don't have anything to to do with my mother it's my day off work and I'm under no obligation to look after anyone else's children my mother's friend then told me to go to my room I laughed in her face and started to leave the house and she asked me where I was going and I told her my room at my apartment that I pay for with my big girl job because I'm an adult not a child and don't ever speak down on me like that again and I left my mother's left me loads of messages and missed calls saying that I'm the jerk for the way I spoke to her friend I do admit I look kind of young but I'm still not happy with the way my mother's friend spoke to me am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk and regardless if you were 15 or 25 I still think it would be extremely weird and maybe even inappropriate for your mother's friend to say go to your room when they don't even know you at all how do they just expect to have that kind of power over you like as if you would be afraid and subservient to them when it's your first time even seeing them this next story is from Fantastic Gymnastic 69 am I the jerk for locking the door to my home so my husband's friend couldn't come in my husband's friend has been living with us for about 6 months now when my husband presented the idea to me about him moving in I was hesitant but he was determined to get him out of the streets fast forward to the present day his friend got a part-time job at FedEx and quit a couple of weeks ago because he didn't like how his supervisor was talking to him he doesn't contribute anything to our home doesn't help cook clean or watch our children our oldest girl keeps an eye out on our toddler more than he does he'll go into our office and spark up some weed no matter how many times I tell him and my husband that he needs to do that Outdoors yesterday I hit my breaking point I wasn't feeling well as I had a migraine three of our kids had dentist appointments I don't know about you guys but getting kids out of the door can be challenging regardless let alone when you're feeling sick from your head pounding nonstop I go outside with our kids to see that my car was gone he took my car to go smoke with his coworker my husband was at work Furious wasn't the word to describe it I immediately went back inside and tried to call him no answer I then called my husband where he sighed like he was so annoyed with me and said he would call him I tried explaining to my husband that I'm at my Wit's End we have six kids and I get no help from him or his friend he sleeps on our couch and doesn't even fold his blanket up in the morning my husband proceeds to tell me that I'm overreacting and that I need to calm down I ended up locking my front door and refused to open it until my husband got home however when he got home he didn't try to come inside he took a picture of our door went on Instagram and told the world have you ever been locked out of your own home I lost it I feel like I've been more than patient and I can't do it anymore I don't get help or basic respect to my own home and I'm constantly gaslit my husband has a history of getting extremely angry and scary so I told him he needed to wait until our children were asleep in bed before coming in as I was afraid he would come in iate lashing out in front of them like before am I the jerk for how I handled this I think op is especially not the jerk here and frankly it's worrisome when it got towards the end of the story and Opie said my husband has a history of getting extremely angry angry and scary to the point where they want to put the kids to bed before letting them in the house apparently op actually went and got an Mo a military protection order which means the husband can now no longer get close to them it's great because nobody deserves to be in an abusive relationship our next story is from Dole handle 7586 am I the jerk for forcing my father to pay child support my father is a jerk when he got my mother pregnant he wanted her to quit job and just stay home to be a good little wife and mother he's very well off due to a trust fund and he doesn't really need to work my mother refused and divorced him because of a prenup she got very little and he moved back to Europe his parents never knew about me and my mother had a good profession and I never really wanted for anything my grandmother and grandfather her mom and dad were awesome and I got to spend my Summers exploring the Wilds of western Canada with them my father never paid the child support he should have like I said it didn't really matter my mom makes good money and she gave me a great life as a child so the point of this post I'm female 28 getting married I met the love of my life male 31 at University and we've been together for8 years he is a wonderful person and he really is my Lobster sorry friends reference his family is from the same city as my father and they're a huge rambunctious bunch because a lot of intermingled business and personal relationships my parental grandparents found out about my impending wedding and me I suppose they've been in contact and want to come to Canada to meet me and my fiance who I guess is a grandson of an acquaintance of theirs Small World when they found out that my father had basically abandoned me to fend for myself in this world this is honestly how they see it they were pissed to say the least it's very funny because we're decidedly upper middle class last here so long story short they had their lawyer calculate the amount of child support my father should have paid with interest and the cost of my postsecondary education then they gave me this as a gift what I didn't know is that it came out of my father's yearly draw on his trust fund he is furious because it obviously was a sizable amount and it'll very much affect his finances for at least the next 2 years he may need to gasp get a job he's been contacting me and telling me that his current wife and children will be negatively affected if I don't give him back this money I don't really need it and I guess I am entitled to it and I'm getting a trust fund now as well but I really want to pay off any debt my mother may have and make sure that when she retires she can do whatever suits her fancy I'm not giving it back am I the jerk I think as far as everything's concerned op was entitled to that money and it is so funny to hear the father say my my current wife and children will be affected well maybe you should have thought of that before you went and affected your original wife and children this next story is from throwaway gay house 200 am I the jerk for not letting my cousin get married in the family summer house for free okay so I'm looking for outside opinions here I can preface with the idea that I don't think I'm a jerk here my partner however thinks it's a difficult situation and thought this would be a good idea since she lurks here all the time and a lot of the responses are good so I'm a 28-year-old woman I'm gay important to the story now my mother is a single mother she comes from a big Conservative Christian family my mom was easily the black sheep she had me at 16 which in itself was a big issue for my grandfather we lived with my grandparents until my mother at age 25 came out as gay that was the limit for my grandfather and he disowned my mother and my mom cut off all contact with her family now my grandparents were rich not extreme but they had a lot of money especially a big summer house I say that but it's a really big house with beautiful scenery next to a beautiful Lake it was laid down by my grandfather's father and has since been improved upon and renovated it's been sowhat of a family Retreat where all my uncles aunts and cousins visit regularly during the summer I visited twice when I was younger and I loved it sadly when Co hit my grandfather and my mother sadly passed away now this made my grandmother reach out to me and I liked that she wanted to make it up as much as she could sadly last year she passed away as well she left token sums to all their children and grandchildren but in compensation she also left me the summer house I made it into an Airbnb and I've been making a lot of cash from it obviously this made the rest of my family Furious because they could no longer visit during the summer Prime season but again I don't know them or my cousins here is where I might be the jerk my aunt reached out to me the other week telling me not asking that her daughter had planned to have her wedding there next summer she's been dreaming of it since she was a child and apparently it's the designated family wedding spot the house has been hired out for weddings before since there is room for a venue and lots of rooms for guests to stay over now I told my aunt that that wasn't possible because the week she wanted to have her wedding was already booked but I said if she wanted a different date she could put down the deposit for what I charg for a wedding and book a different date now she was Furious and asked if I was actually serious in charging my family to have their wedding there and I just said I don't know them I haven't met them in person since I was like six and yes I would because weddings bring in a lot of money her family's been blowing up my phone and social media calling me a jerk so am I the jerk I mean I get why it might be upsetting to them but I don't think it makes op the jerk like op said they don't know them and personally they got a really good thing going right now just as the Airbnb setup and our final story of the day is from ornery entrepreneur 90 am I the jerk for telling my cousin I don't care that she has 3 years left to live I know the title sounds awful but hear me out I have a second cousin called Jane she's very close with my parents we aren't close because she's always been kind of mean to me but as we live in the same city and my parents often work long hours she often accompanied me to extracurricular activities by taking the bus with me downtown as she was the only one available I got her a nice Christmas gift this year with the allowance I saved up so I don't think I've been ungrateful for what she's done for me I'd also like to note that I'm not that young 16-year-old female it's just my parents are weird about public transport because I'm very small and a girl and my mom was often harassed on the bus when she was young Jane was unfort fortunately diagnosed with cancer recently and was given an estimate of 3 years left ever since she received the news she's often done things like cutting in long lines and asking for discounts normally only available to service workers with the phrase I've only got three more years we got to make him good recently my parents asked Jane to escort me on a flight to visit my family who lived in another state for 2 weeks I had never flown alone before so the deal was that Jane would fly with me there and show me how things worked return home without me and then I would fly home alone after I knew how my parents covered everything plus some nice skin care for Jane as a thank you on the flight she stretched out her knees and legs onto the seat in front of us when the person understandably turned around to complain she used the stupid excuse about the 3 years to live thing again the person said they were sorry about that but to please put her legs in her own space she kicked her legs around a bit and then put them so her knees were resting on the back of the seat in front of us I told her she was acting childish and she said that she deserves to be comfortable in her last years of life I then told her that me and others around her don't care about her living life to the fullest at the expense of others she was really quiet for the rest of the flight and I feel horrible I know I could have phrased it nicer but I was sick of her being a jerk to random people so am I the jerk and how much I think Opie is not the jerk here obviously I think just about anybody would feel bad for the cousin and I feel like there's a lot of situations where considering the cousin's condition people might be willing to give some extra convenience or some discounts but I think it's highly inappropriate to go around saying I've only got 3 years left you got to give me this hey do you have any discounts for anybody I've got 3 years left to to live you better just give me that it's complicated cuz like I get it 3 years left to live sucks but you can't like weaponize it as like a guilt trip tool to try to get everything you want and also to be able to like literally step all over people am I the jerk for being annoyed my mother-in-law ate my dinner tonight my mother-in-law came over for dinner I made Swedish meatballs and gravy with mashed potatoes broccoli and homemade bread in my house we tend to eat in the lounge room unless it's a big event so I dish up everyone's meal kids mother-in-law and husband I take their meals to them and then before serving mine I have to run out to the line and grab some clothes that I hung out earlier no big deal I served up generous portions for everyone way more than I thought they could eat but when I got back from the line my dinner was gone I asked if anyone knew what had happened to the food on the bench and mother-in-law pipes up and says she wanted some more she's piled her bowl full of Meatballs way more than she would ever eat eat I'm stunned I figure oh well I'll just grab some fast food a bit later or something because maybe she was super hungry my bad for not cooking enough but once she's eaten what she wants she asks for a container so she can take her extra portion home for dinner the next night I'm pretty annoyed at this point and mentioned that it was meant to be my dinner for that night not her takeaway meal for the next night she says oh well you can eat it then and I reply with no thank you and hand her a container I didn't want to eat her leftovers she leaves and my husband puts the kids to bed when he comes back in he asks what's wrong and I tell him that I'm hungry I cooked the meal and didn't get to eat any of it and I'm pissed off about it he agrees mother-in-law was way out of line and messages her that her actions were greedy and selfish she owes me an apology she replies telling him that I acted like a jerk I should have cooked more and anticipated that she would take home a portion for the next day she offered me what she didn't eat and I didn't want it it's not her fault that I owe her an apology for my attitude and snarky comment she's also posting on social media about what happened and people are saying that I'm a jerk and a rude hostess I should also add that I'm currently pregnant and I feel like I can be quite unreasonable at times due to hormones am I the jerk I think Opie is not the jerk here I think Opie was being a great hostess I think they were an awful guest up until the point where they grabbed somebody else's serving and gave it to themselves honestly on Facebook I don't know if you can trust any of the people's opinions in those circles like I feel like it's all one like big supportive hive mind where like if I'm coming to Facebook to vent and all my Facebook friends are there they're probably going to back me up regardless of how ridiculous the outcome is would you guys agree with that that the opinions of the Facebook circles are probably untrustworthy let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from pinky binders am I the jerk for locking up my valuables in my house I 21-year-old female and my boyfriend 23-year-old male have been living together for 2 years there's always been a bit of money struggle as I used to make more than him and have usually been picking up the slack in our household however I've started a new job and I'm earning a lot less than before so I've started to be more cautious about the amount I'm spending during our relationship ship I would usually buy all of his toiletries and most household products I told him I wouldn't be doing this anymore as I need to cut down my own spending and he also works and is capable of buying things on his own I thought we'd agreed to this But as time has gone on I've noticed all of my expensive skin care and even my own deodorant was being used up really quickly I asked them multiple times to please not use my stuff and even bought him his own skin care so that he could have his own things the thing that set me off was I'd bought myself a $220 face wash that is only supposed to be used sparingly I have horrible eczema that I have prescriptions for and the products I buy are specifically for my Eczema I hadn't used it in a while and when I picked up the bottle it was empty he laughed and said he would replace it then refused when he learned of the price I took inventory of everything else I owned and found out he'd used up to 8 $800 worth of product in around 3 months I know he is a naive because I tell him the price of everything I get and tell him not to use them I ended up buying a safe that I put under the sink and I put everything I had left inside and hid the key so when I go to shower and get ready I can use my own things and not worry about not affording to keep my skin in check when he found out he lost it and said that I was overreacting and that I don't trust him it's turned into a a massive deal and my friends are thinking I'm being harsh I simply cannot afford to keep buying more skin care and I've even been hospitalized this year due to a huge flare up I had after running out of products he's taking it very seriously and I don't know what else to do as I've already tried asking am I the jerk you know this guy's making it a big deal about how it seems like op doesn't trust them well I think it's exactly that they went and used all of their products behind their back how can they trust them this whole thing is about the fact that op can't trust them this boyfriend needs to take a long hard look at himself and realize that he's created a situation where Opie wants to turn to putting a safe in the bathroom sink because they can't control themselves for a lot of people they wouldn't even let it get to that point they would just break up with them this next story is from Petty brother am I the jerk for refusing to babysit my niblings I 32-year-old male am childfree not because of childhood trauma or because I think the Earth is overpopulated I just don't like kids and don't want to invest my time and energy in raising them I have an older sister 35-year-old female and a younger brother 28-year-old male my sister has three kids ages 75 and 2 I moved out of our hometown when I was 19 so I've never lived close to them when I visited during the summer I was more than happy to take the kids out for a couple of outings but I usually either had one of their parents or a babysitter with me now my older sister tends to dump her kids on anyone she can sucker she's a stay-at-home mom but the kids spend more time with our parents or our brother for years now my brother would call the vent to me about her how she just drops her kids at his doorstep and leaves wouldn't answer her phone so he would be stuck with them for hours I moved back 3 months ago and from the get-go she wanted me to set a room for her kids in my house I shut her down hard I also told her that I will not be babysitting her kids not unless it is a true emergency and she can't find a babysitter she thought I was bluffing the first time she dropped unannounced to leave her kids I didn't open the door she said that she'll be leaving them and I'll be forced to act like a decent Uncle I said all that I will do is getting the cops called on you for abandonment she was Furious I haven't babysat the kids once these last 3 months I took them on four outings but no babysitting to suit her now she's calling me a jerk for not helping I don't give a freak about this part but my younger brother's also pissed at me for not helping ease his burden a bit I told him it's not my fault that he doesn't know how to set boundaries with her after years of trying to gently encourage him to stand up for himself and commiserating with him and now he's calling me a jerk too so am I the jerk I think Opie is not the jerk here nobody is entitled to babysitting their siblings kids like Opie said it's great if you help out when it's a true emergency and you know there's nowhere else to turn to but you got to be seriously entitled to think that just because you have siblings and just because they're reachable that they would ever be just full-time babysitters for you or even part-time babysitters I know they say it takes a village to raise a kid but you're not supposed to expect only the village to raise the kid by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from poor unfortunate gluten am I the jerk for kicking my sister out for bringing gluten into our gluten-free kitchen my daughter's on the more severe end of celiac any cross-contamination would set her back for weeks it's taken us years to get her properly diagnosed and treated and at 10 years old she's now underweight and has severe anxiety about food she will not eat if she feels it's unsafe and it's hard for me to blame her our house has both a kitchen and a kitchenet in the basement complete with full sets of pans and utensils our main rule for the house is that there's absolutely no Dairy gluten or seafood to be kept or cooked in the kitchen our older son is allergic to seafood and my wife is lactose intolerant the kitchenet is for items containing those ingredients my sister and her kids had to move in with us for personal reasons they live in the basement bedrooms and when they moved in we very clearly explain this rule to them and why it took less than a week for us to find a box of pasta in the kitchen we explained the rule and moved it and she was apologetic a month later my daughter comes to us in a panic because my sister was making fried chicken in the kitchen my sister was apologetic but insisted she needed to because the kitchenette was too small it felt harsh but we moved all of the food to the basement threw out every single pan and utensil she may have used and deep cleaned the kitchen the these incidents making the kitchen no longer 100% guaranteed safe has made her regress in therapy we're working on it but unfortunately right now it's so bad again that we have to feed her exclusively takeout from the one glutenfree restaurant around unless we want her an inpatient care which takes us to last Sunday I get home and my daughter is having the worst panic attack I've ever seen my mom and sister were in the kitchen making an entire Sunday dinner spaghetti m mozzarella sticks garlic bread the works I lost it I ended up absolutely screaming at them that they were ruining my life and had threatened my daughter's life for the last time and I'd had it I threw all the food out into the yard and told my sister if she really cared that little about her own niece's life she could get the freak out of my house now my mom's mad at me for kicking out my sister and her kids when they're vulnerable over a food allergy but I don't care she she can even leave the kids here if she absolutely needs to but I'm done with her we have one rule one my wife agrees with me but thinks I should give one last chance and just not allow sister to bring any food into the house my mom can't take her in and she can't afford to rent anywhere so she would be homeless if we didn't let her stay I'm not sure I'm in the wrong here I would agree with op and say that they're not in the wrong here they have one rule and as apologetic as they may be not actually trying like at all this is like leaving a $5 bill on your desk right in front of you they Walts in start moving their hand towards the bill and you're like what are you doing you can't take that oh sorry they leave later in the day they return slowly reach out for it again what are you doing you can't take that oh sorry walks away they're just going to come back and try to grab that $5 bill again it seems pretty clear this person does not give a crap this next story is from no longer an ant am I the jerk for telling him he isn't my nephew my brother 41-year-old male became a foster father to a young boy 10 years ago the child's father passed away and his mother was in a rehab center the assignment was supposed to be temporary the Foster worker said the young boy would probably be there 6 months to a year he ended up staying with my brother for 6 years in this time my brother did a ton for this kid well above and beyond requirements he made sure the kid always had a nice New Clothes fun toys got to eat what he wanted took him on vacations paid for expensive activities everything by the time 6 years had passed we all thought this child was a permanent addition to our family then shortly after his 14th birthday his mother was able to resume custody and just like that he was gone with almost no notice I can't explain how devastated my brother was he was beyond distraught he thought of this kid like a son and then legally they weren't anything to each other he's 18 now and just started Community College my brother has a different foster child staying with him now even though life's gone on I know my brother's still in pain recently I ran into this now adult at the grocery store with his mom he acted very happy to see me and introduced me to his mother as Auntie my name I said I'm not your aunt he looked a little hurt and then tried to continue the conversation we talked awkwardly for a couple of minutes and then I finished my shopping I told my brother about the awkward interaction later and he said I was a witch for no reason and should have just accepted the title gracefully as it cost me nothing I disagree I let this kid be my nephew for 6 years and then I didn't see him again until now why should I have to let him call me as ant when he hasn't been a member of our family for 4 years my brother called me egotistical but then he dropped it I don't understand why I'm the bad guy am I the jerk my question is was it the Kid's Choice to go back back to their mom was it the Kid's Choice to cut off the rest of the family did the kid grow up to be cold and hardened and changed do they say oh I don't want to be a part of that family anymore cuz if no then op is a huge jerk here our next story is from AI ta exhausted wife am I the jerk for refusing to cook dinner I female 23 have been married to my husband John male 24 for a year now and recently AKA 5 weeks ago we welcomed our first baby email I'm currently on maternity leave which my husband has interpreted it as me being a stay-at-home mom instead of taking time to rest before I needed to return to work I don't really mind it too much since cleaning my house is soothing for me and a good distraction for my sleep deprivation I've always been this way and John still does his share of household chores he does most of the outdoor work and he'll sweep in vacuum but recently he's been writing me about not having dinner ready when he gets home he works from 8:00 to 5:30 so it's not a completely unreasonable time for dinner but it's not like I can just stop taking care of our daughter to cook him a meal I can usually talk him down and he'll watch daughter while I cook a few days ago however he came into the house and began berading me for not having dinner ready and waiting so he could just walk in and sit to eat I was actively changing my daughter's diaper while he went on this rant he went as far as to say that he put up with my laziness for long enough and that I needed to do my job properly I didn't say anything to him at that moment I went and cooked dinner and he seemed pretty proud of himself for winning that conversation but I only have a few more weeks to stay home with my baby girl and I'm not going to have that stomped on because of my husband so ever since that day I go to my mom's house for dinner she's totally okay with this by the way I don't cook anything for John and I'm already at my mom's by the time he gets home I still clean at home and keep the house tidy but I don't cook dinner John's been furious with me and has been telling me that I'm a jerk for leaving him to starve I just want to have a peaceful environment before I have to go back to work so Reddit am I the jerk I think GOP is not the jerk but my question is when you go back to work what's going to change that this husband's going to start acting nicer or the dinner issue is going to resolve I don't know if he thinks real life is supposed to be like The Flintstones where Fred gets home and Wilma has a giant dinosaur roast cook for him but marriage isn't the Glorious 1950s depiction of it I think if the wife loves to cook and wants to do it that's great but there's something just kind of disgusting about the behavior of getting home from work and being like all right woman where's my homecooked meal that's hot and ready for me when I'm here it's at court next to the divorce papers our next story is from acceptable koala 651 am I the jerk for Banning my husband from visiting my sister with me because he won't stop trying to de bait her and her husband my sister Marie 29 and her husband Zach 40 had their first child a beautiful baby girl 2 months ago they've been pretty nervous parents so when my husband Tom 42 and I 37 were invited to finally meet our niece I was thrilled except I was worried about Tom making a butt out of himself you see Tom and Marie have always had a hard time getting along because they don't agree on nearly anything and Tom's always gotten a kick out of chall alling Marie on their differing views because they're both very opinionated the thing is to Tom it's funny to watch Marie act when he says things to provoke her and Marie always wants to prove his views wrong in his head because she was in grad school for social sciences she finished right before having her baby and is knowledgeable about the topics that Tom wants to argue about Marie shouldn't have a problem with debating him because it's literally her job in the past both Tom and Marie have initiated these arguments and and they both have been guilty of taking it too far in the past but ever since she got pregnant SL had a baby Marice calmed down a lot whereas Tom still tries to bait her into debates about touchy subjects mainly politics and personal values this got to the point where Marie blocked him on all social media a few months ago before we went to visit I asked Tom to just be nice to Marie and Zach and not start anything Tom said that he would try his best I told him that I would be very upset with him if he tried to bait Marie or Zach into an argument Tom started out the evening pretty strong and kept to himself until it was revealed that Zach was going to be the one to stay home with their daughter Tom made a comment like Oh I thought Mom was supposed to do that Zach said it was pretty sexist for Tom to say that and when Tom asked how Zach told him that moms can have careers too and that Marie shouldn't have to give up all the work she just did Tom started on a tangent and Marie cut him off and and told him to either quit or leave because she's done entertaining his nonsense Tom laughed it off but it was still very awkward after this we didn't stay for long after and when we got home I told Tom that I'm done with him embarrassing me and that he's not allowed to join me whenever I visit Marie again if I'm even invited back I told him that it doesn't make him look smart when he always insists on having these conversations that it just makes him look like a jerk and me like a fool Tom said I'm blowing this way out of proportion and that it's not his fault they got so offended and that if anything they were rude to kick him out over his opinion but Marie didn't do anything to him this time she didn't snap back at him she didn't call them names she just asked him to stop am I the jerk am I being unreasonable I've known people in my life like Tom the people who have very strong opinions and if your opinion varies from them especially in like a perceived weakness kind of way they will try to Le all over that I think op is not the jerk my question is while Marie's done entertaining his nonsense is op ever going to be done entertaining his nonsense I just can't imagine waking up in bed next to somebody every single day that has such a huge character flaw that I can't get over and it's something that I'm willing to bet that op might not have mentioned but they probably do to op as well our next story is from Blue carrot 002 am I the jerk for buying personalized stationary for my daughter so it can't be redistributed in class my little girl Mia 99-year-old female has started a new school recently we moved recently and she had to start a new school I got a list of supplies that the teacher required plus extras like extra packs of crayons Etc you know the deal while I don't necessarily agree with this it's not a hill I was willing to die on so I got everything on that list however I also got my child her own supplies now the list didn't say to not label them Mia is very particular on what type of stationary she likes I've heard horror stories of kid stuff being redistributed and them ending up with crappy supplies so I sat down with Mia and we got our personalized binders and notebooks and pencils with her name on Etsy it's all part of the item so it can't be removed and given to another kid like I said as requested I bought extra binders Etc it turns out that I was right to do so when Mia got home she brought a passive aggressive note from the teacher about Mia supplies apparently she tried to gather all the supplies and have kids pick another one she requested that I switch Mia supplies to generic ones which I'm refusing to do the teacher has now requested that I stopped by to have a chat regarding me as supplies I posted in the local Facebook group and parents are divided so I need another opinion before I go meet with me as teacher am I the jerk for buying my child personalized stationary so it can't can't be taken away from her I just fail to see in any worldview how you can be the jerk for buying your kid supplies for school with the intention that your kid is the one who uses those school supplies what the teacher doing here is showing the ugly side of Communism no comrade your binder is my binder this next story is from an anonymous poster am I the jerk for telling my husband that if he doesn't stop his daughter I'll ban her from our celebration I 42-year-old female got married to my boyfriend Jack 47-year-old male a year ago we both have children from our previous marriages I have two daughters and he has one son and one daughter the problem is is that his daughter Melissa 27-year-old female is very catty ever since I and my daughter have come in their lives she's despised us I never came into this relationship thinking I'd have any sort of Authority or parental role in their lives I respected their relationship with their dad and never got in the middle deep down I think Melissa's very jealous of my daughter 24-year-old female Melissa has repeatedly had meltdowns on any important day for Celeste and try to control her special days the reason I think it's jealousy is because Celeste is successful almost has her PhD in Psychology engaged to a good woman and is beautiful Celeste throughout all of this has stayed cordial however last night while talking about the plans for celeste's graduation party my husband asked if we could accommodate Melissa by making the day also about her I told him no and that when Melissa has an accomplishment we will celebrate her he got upset and said he told her we would and that she was already making plans I told him if he doesn't stop her I will uninvite her he's been mad at me since am I the jerk this is going on with their 27-year-old daughter this is the kind of behavior that you would expect out of a seven year- old daughter if op went and banned them they wouldn't be the jerk for that you got some deep rooted issues to be doing that at 27 years old and I think it's pretty clear the husband has excessively coddled her to me I don't mean to be rude but it seems like she's kind of stunted if you're that hung up on some 24-year-old having a celebration for their graduation cuz it's not about you there's some deep issues going on here our next story is from Wonderful Life 1837 am I the jerk for not wanting to share my parents inheritance with my sister we live in Germany my parents did a legal procedure with some lawyers to leave my sister out of their inheritance my sister and my parents never had a good relationship she left the house when she was 16 I've always been kind of neutral I still saw my sister after she left but I also lived with my parents and took care of them I know my parents have been unfair to my sister but they're still my parents and I love them my dad died from cancer 6 years ago and my mother had dementia she died last year I took care of both of them until they sadly passed away as I said they did something with some lawyers and put the house and other stuff in my name when they got sick so my sister wouldn't have anything yet when my mother died I offered to my sister to give her half of what my parents gave me but she refused and said she didn't need anything from them I spent the money I'm now living in my parents house but I need to fix it a bit I also opened a bakery which still isn't doing good I opened 4 months ago and paid debts and stuff my sister contacted me to ask for the money I offered before because she has debts and she needs it I told her I can't give it to her anymore because I have debts too and I'm counting on using the money she called me and told me her children will be homeless if I don't give her the money I feel bad but I can't help her now I have some money from the Heritage but as I said I'm counting on that money to pay my own debts am I wrong for not wanting to share this money with her so from the get-go this was an inheritance that op's parents always intended to go to op op never had to offer the money to begin with that was just an extremely generous thing so for them to deny it and then come crawling back no they're not entitled to this money to begin with OP he's not the jerk our next story is from sad Advantage 8869 am I the jerk for taking back my grandmother's heirloom Veil and not letting my future daughter-in-law wear it so do I really need an unbiased opinion and can't get one in my real life I have two children Caleb 29 and Anna 24 they've always been close up until this issue Anna was bullied in middle and high school by Violet 25 we did go to the school multiple times as well as talk to Violet's dad and to put it bluntly I could see where she got it from The Bullying affected Anna's self-esteem social relationships and their senior year Violet slept with Anna's boyfriend which devastated her long story short Caleb got a very impressive job opportunity he just couldn't turn down but it meant working for Violet's Dad we all encouraged him to take it but were blindsided when he later revealed he was dating Violet they've now been together for 2 and 1/2 years and the wedding is coming up I'm absolutely not happy about this and Caleb is aware Violet has apologized to Anna and Anna is willing to be civil with her for things like holidays Caleb is a very very defensive if the bullying is brought up and says violin experienced a great deal of trauma as a teenager and we need to be forgiving now the issue at hand is the veil my grandmother had a vintage designer Veil a very unique pattern and I previously said Caleb and Anna could both use it for their weddings if they wanted to my wife with no prior discussion gave it to Violet who loved it she's really into vintage fashion and even specifically picked a dress to compliment ment it Anna recently expressed that it was hurtful to her she didn't want Violet to have a family heirloom and it felt too much like er rasing history I immediately understood and told Caleb and violet that she couldn't wear it I said when I told Caleb he could use it I obviously couldn't anticipate the girl he was going to bring home Violet gave it back to me but Caleb blew up and uninvited me from the wedding now my wife is angry at Anna and I and says I need to give it back to Violet she said Caleb never truly seen happy before true and that if I was a good dad I would at least like violet for making him happy she said I'm coddling Anna favoring her over Caleb and she threatened to steal the veil and sneak it to the wedding well first of all I think Opie is not the jerk because it's their grandmother's heirloom not their grandmother-in-law heirloom so for the wife already ready to go behind op's back and try to give that away that's not cool second of all this is all about just trying to protect Anna ity to people who weren't affected high school bullying might be like a oh just leave it in the past you can move past it but it doesn't exactly work that way and honestly for somebody like Anna I can see how that would completely ruin the grandmother's heirloom Veil forever because why would Anna want to use it it would just go to be unused after that or you would give the grandmother's heirloom Veil to somebody that's not in your immediate family and our final story of the day is from Texas Stargazer 18 am I jerk for not telling my roommate that I bought a house until after I closed I recently closed on a property and didn't tell my roommate until after I closed my roommate was a good friend of 8 years until they reacted poorly to this news I didn't feel comfortable telling them as I was going through the home buying process due to a number of factors including the fact that I wasn't sure if I was ever going to land the plane since my bank didn't make the mortgage process easy for me I'm the type of person who tries not to share premature news however upon telling them yesterday morning they freak out and tell me I should have looped them in on the process because that's what friends do and they're a stakeholder in my life they're hurt because I didn't tell them earlier and it damages our relationship because I withheld the news I tried to soften the blow of the news by getting them cupcakes but they threw the cupcakes clear across the room once they heard of the news I honestly don't think it was incumbent on me to share the news before I felt comfortable and given how they're reacting I think my senses were right this is also not going to impact them financially either as I'm giving them more than 30 days notice to find a new living situation am I the jerk I think op's not the jerk here I mean I think the fact of the matter is they're acting out cuz it kind of sucks that they're going to have to find another apartment to rent they're probably going to have to find another roomate they were probably more than comfortable staying there with their friend of 8 years but they have to accept that people move on and I don't think op's obligated to go to their friend and be like hey so I might not get the house at all but I'm looking around for a place to live and rock the boat before it's even a sure thing am I the jerk for telling my daughter I won't be paying for her College unless she attempts a relationship with my family I 38-year-old male have a 19-year-old daughter Ariel with my ex-wife Lauren 39-year-old female we had Ariel too young and it was a huge struggle we moved into Lauren's family I was working multiple jobs me and Lauren were best friends through all this but things ended when Ariel was two Lauren's friend Tori 38-year-old female told me that Lauren had been messaging guys and when they went out she would give out her number I checked Lauren's phone and found it I asked for a divorce Lauren was pissed and wanted to reconcile I didn't and got split custody Lauren made my life heck Lauren badmouthed me would miss pickup times and make decisions without talking to me her dad offered money to relinquish custody I told him off Ariel's now 19 and just started college the deal was me and her mom would split it I remarried Tori when Ariel was six Tori was a rock during the divorce but we didn't date till 2 years later Lauren used this to warp Ariel against Tori and our son 13-year-old male she excludes them whenever she spends the night she'll just talk to me or go to her room if my family was around our son walks to the basement if she comes over it hurts me a lot I've spent thousands on therapy before people bring that up it's still being utilized but at this point Ariel is being nasty for the sake of it her mom has convinced her I cheated with her friend and had a baby which is funny because as I've pointed out the timelines don't even match up I've done everything at this point including family time one-on-one and therapy Ariel is plain rude to them and they are done trying Ariel graduated from High School in May and hosted a party I was invited but my family wasn't I told Ariel I found that disrespectful so I would send a card but wouldn't be going she didn't care and we haven't spoken since I get a call from Lauren saying she paid the first semester and was wondering when I would be paying I said I was no longer paying as I'm not pulling money out of my household when Ariel is disrespectful to 2third of it my ex went off saying we had an agreement I I reminded her of when her dad tried to buy my custody and said you have what you've always wanted full control and custody you won so figure it out then texted her that I've been putting up with this long enough she got her 18 years of child support for me so until she planned on setting the record straight I was done with both of them and blocked her I called Ariel and told her the same gave the reasons I'm not paying and told her she needed to look into loans but I would pay for college if she at least tried to form a bond with my family because she created this situation with her attitude so if she wants my help she needs to attempt it she started crying but I didn't fall for it I told her what my expectations were and let me know what her plan is so I can move the money around my wife's on my side here saying we've been the bad guys for long enough but I'm getting crap from others am I the jerk a lot of people might say that op is the jerk because they had made the commitment to their kid but while the kid grew up Opie was demonized by the kid for really no reason and in pretty much every way he and his family were rejected just how can you in confidence spend thousands on somebody that for no legitimate reason will not give you the time of day at all personally I think it sucks especially considering how late op was to say that they weren't going to pay for it but I know inside if I was an OP situation I would want to do the same thing is op the jerk here for not paying here after making that commitment I'd like to know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from sock number 7319 am I the jerk for changing the door locks back after my wife changed them I 30-year-old male have a beautiful wife who loves to serve others we bought a home down the street for my family I have a sweet sister 17 who likes to crash at our house with her friends my wife normally is pretty easygoing until recently my sister's friends have been leaving messes most towels on the floor after using our pool my wife got upset picking up after them every day I've asked my sister to make sure the house is clean after they leave and it has been better my wife also complained that some of her perfumes and clothes and personal items have gone missing my sister said it's not her I believe my sister I just don't see her doing that I told my wife and we agreed to just replace them last week my wife made a couple of pans of cinnamon rolls from scratch one pan was for us the second pan was for a co-worker's family who's experiencing a tragedy my wife went to the gym I went to work and my sister and her friends came by the one pan wasn't enough for her and her friends they wanted the second pan of cinnamon rolls and my sister texted my wife asking if they could eat them my wife said no they ate them anyways my wife upset went and bought new locks when I came home my wife handed me a new key and told me that she didn't want anyone else to have a key to our house I Tri to calm her down and tell her that I would just go and replace the eaten cinnamon rolls with store-bought ones my wife decided that this was her heel to die on and said no my sister lost the privilege to come and we're not home replacing stolen items wasn't good enough anymore my mom called and asked if my sister could use the pool as a back to school party I was under the impression my mom would be there I said yes my mom was at work and our schedul was clashed the easiest solution was for me to change the locks back so that they could come into the house my mom didn't come with my sister when my wife got home after the party it was a mess she sent me photos she called me a jerk for changing the locks without talking to her about it keep in mind she did too then told me I broke her trust she wasn't safe in her home because she keeps getting robbed and I refuse to put an end to it I did talk to my sister then my wife let me know that she was staying with a friend for a while am I the jerk here I feel like I've tried to write any wrongs that have happened between my wife and my sister I think op is the jerk and I think the real issue here is not that op is or isn't making up for these issues it's the fact that they're not actually being addressed when op just keeps applying Band-Aids the sister and her friends should be able to have the common sense that when they visit somebody else's house they don't just trash the place and leave it in rough shape eat your stuff and take your things op is continuously allowing their wife's personal space to be violated and then trying to Band-Aid fix it and say it's okay I can patch up whatever issues they keep causing every single time they come over rather than actually do something to stop the issue our next story is from SN d9i am I the jerk for not helping my parents when they're homeless my parents are terrible with money when I 27-year-old female was little my father gambled away all the savings about $100,000 in risky penny stocks which got wiped out in 2008 and we were forced to move into a single bedroom and a house for the three of us then my mom fell for an MLM and you can imagine what happened they lost the down payment to the house they were saving for I Begg them not to sign up for it since I saw it was clearly a scam and showed them evidence it was and they just laughed at me and ignored me they lost about $28,000 from that then recently they fall for a college signup scam and lost $32,000 they weren't signing up for college they just needed a loan and try to go through a private broker who promised to get them a school loan that they would use on whatever they wanted I went with them to see the broker and told them it was a scam and they ignored me so basically they were trying to scam the government and got scammed instead I actually tried to pry the pen away from my father's hand when I got desperate as he was writing down his bank info and social security number and he screamed at that I was embarrassing him and did it anyway again they lost money and now they're homeless because their credit is crap and they can barely afford even crappy Apartments they probably can't get that money back since they have little documentation on the broker and what he promised now they live in their car and are begging me for money I have about $100,000 saved waiting to buy a house and they know about it because I stupidly told them I was saving for a house and now our calling me and showing up in my apartment asking for money they also want to move in in the meantime but my roommate and I agreed to visitation from friends or family is Max a week to prevent resentment and if my parents move in they will probably refuse to move out they're going to food pantries and honestly I can't find it in myself to be that sympathetic since they don't listen to me until they need my money I think this is a painful one but I think op is not the jerk here is is it a cruel thing not to help out your parents here when all their lives they've blown not insignificant sums of money I'd like to know your guys's thoughts and by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos our next story is from doggy dag am I the jerk for not telling my landlord I had bought a house I'd been renting from a landlord for a few years and he was a pretty typical landlord take the rent do a few repairs as cheap as possible Etc ET I'm sure you know the drill he also was kind of laid on stuff like every year the lease says renewals should be sent out 2 months before the end of the lease to give the option and every year he procrastinates until the last week or two of the lease I was looking to buy my first house and I closed on one 4 months before my lease was up but I kept some overlap so I could live in the apartment while repairing the House 2 months before the lease was up like usual my landlord forgot to send out the renewals I thought of telling him I wouldn't be renewing then I remembered that my neighbors who Moved had trouble with him bringing way too many potential tenants to tour nobody wanted the apartment because the online listing was a bait and switch so people would see something looking in good repair then come to tour and see it was crap and nobody wanted to sign the lease so he just kept bringing more and more people instead of making an honest listing at an honest price so I didn't say anything I just kept fixing up the house and moving my stuff then one week before my lease expired my landlord texted me the renewal I actually didn't see it because I had my phone on don't disturb but the next morning he kept texting wanting my signed renewal I told him I didn't plan on renewing and he got really angry demanding to know what apartment I was moving to next I got the impression he wanted to call my next landlord to witch about me anyway I told him I was moving back in with my parents I didn't want to tell him about the house because of the temper he was getting with me he started showing the apartment right away but I'd already finished moving out so it didn't bother me but when I stopped by to turn in my keys and ask for my security deposit he got angry saying that I had some nerve asking for $1,300 when I just screwed him out of a month of rent by not giving notice I told him that the security deposit was for damages and if he wanted to withhold it he would have to send over an itemized list of Damages and receipts for repair he gave me the security deposit back but yelled at me that he took care of his tenants and I was selfish for leaving without notice I just left but I guess I'm feeling kind of conflicted on one hand it's literally his job his only job to handle leases and find out who's renewing and if he forgot that's not really my problem but I also know I knew I was leaving for the better part of a year and I told him with less than a week am I the jerk for not telling my landlord I bought a house I think if op doesn't have a contractual obligation to report that they don't intend to renew within a certain time frame then it's literally exactly that they don't have an obligation to and they shouldn't feel bad about it sucks for them sure but like what really is it to you to worry about the financial situation of a from what sounds to be fairly crappy landlord our next story is from Life departure 2569 am I the jerk for contacting child services on my ex-wife the title sounds horrifying and forgive me for that but there's no other way to say what happened before anything let me give you guys some context of our situation I was married to my ex-wife for 15 years we married really young at 18 which definitely isn't a good idea that being said we have two children together a boy and a girl my kids are everything to me and even after our divorce I make sure to be present in their lives we have a shared custody of the children they stay 4 days a week with her and three with me I've always wanted to increase their time with me but my ex has always fought against it however I live close enough that whenever they feel like they call me and I go out to see them or take them out I want to make sure that my children have a good standard in life as I'm quite comfortable myself as an entrepreneur I pay a good amount of Child Support to them an equivalent of $10,000 5,000 each monthly this was not an order by the state but requested by me I want them to be able to live comfortably and not struggle I also pay for their health care insurance bills Etc and private school however I went to pick them up this past Thursday as they would be with me till Sunday when I picked them up I noticed they were wearing some old clothes which didn't seem like a problem they were just home before I got them so I thought they were in just what they felt comfortable unfortunately that wasn't really the case when we got home and I was unpacking their bags I noticed all the clothes they bought were old and tattered I asked my daughter why their clothes were so tattered I mean kids usually have favorite pieces of clothing so I thought this was the case she told me that her mother said they couldn't buy new clothes because she was saving up now that was a bit strange if they were planning an expensive situation she could have reached out and I'd pay for the kids they're also my children she never mentioned anything I took both of them out that day and bought plenty of new clothes that being said this was something that really bothered me my brother and his came by that night and I talked to him about that they also thought that it was a very strange situation and that I should look into it now I don't have the best relationship with my ex and I'm not going to poke my nose in her life so I called child protective services and told them what happened and that I was concerned here in my country they investigate these kinds of things well my ex just called me and she was absolutely enraged jerk was the less aggressive adjective she used for me apparently she was indeed saving the child support for something but she never told me what regardless she's extremely irritated and my mother and father seem to agree that I should have talked to her first I was concerned but read it am I the jerk here our next story is from Isabella J 8383 am I the jerk for not letting my daughter cut her hair for her steps sister I'm 32-year-old female my daughter Mia 12-year-old female has a steps Sister Jenny 15 year-old female who has cancer I don't know too much about it but I know her hair is falling out recently Jenny's mom Lauren 38-year-old female texted me to say that Mia's hair appointment is on Wednesday I asked her what she meant and she said that Mia was going to shave her head to show that she supports Jenny I told her my daughter has nothing to do with Jenny's cancer and that they aren't even close and there's other ways of showing support Mia wasn't even aware of the fact that she was getting her hair shaved up off or the fact that the appointment was even made I asked Mia if it would be something she's open to but it isn't Mia's dad Liam thinks this can be a bonning experience for both of the girls and I wouldn't want to get in the way of that I told them that they didn't even talk about it with me and Mia I don't think I was wrong in what I did but my stepmom and dad think that I'm not thinking about how Jenny feels I think this is such an open and shut book op and their daughter don't want it to happen they they were never informed of this hair appointment this whole thing is ridiculous the only thing not ridiculous here is poor Jenny our next story is from Pink squid 5 am I the jerk for telling my ex's girlfriend I was never married to him and yelling at him when he confronted me I was never married to my ex although we were engaged and we share a daughter together his girlfriend recently asked me why we divorced and I explained that we were never married but we broke up because I had bad post-natal depression she started crying after I told her and told me my ex and his family made her get an abortion because they wouldn't accept an outof wedlock baby she asked me if they tried the same with me and I told her that they hadn't however his family did the same to my friend who was dating his brother my ex was supposed to drop our daughter home yesterday but came alone so he could confront me and tell me to stay out of his relationship I ended up yelling at him and telling him he was no better than his brother and that I couldn't believe I had a baby with someone like him he yelled at at me for interfering in his life and because I told him I didn't want my daughter around him or his family if this was the type of influence they were going to be on her am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk here and from what I understand it doesn't seem like op was the one initiating this discussion so like while Opie had this discussion and I guess you could say that's getting involved or whatever it's not something Opie went out of their way to engage and get involved with his girlfriend started it so he needs to show shut up and accept that our next story is from te groundbreaking 345 am I the jerk for telling my mom and stepdad that they don't get to dictate my wedding guest list unless they're paying for my wedding so my wedding's coming up at the end of the year and for months my mom and stepdad have been on my case about the guest list my fiance and I are paying for the wedding and we already knew who we did and didn't want to add to the guest list before we sat down to our invites I already had them on my case about my step siblings needing to have a full role in the wedding and not be treated different to my sister but they also try to insist I invite my stepdad's family some background my dad died when I was seven my sister was five his family were always a big part of our Lives Mom's family was never involved she married stepdad when I was nine and his family lived pretty scattered so not much contact but they sent stuff occasionally he had kids ranging from 8 down to 3 we all lived together and there was drama because out of all of us my sister and I were the ones with extended family involved in our life who showed up for the school plays and the graduations they weren't involved in my step siblings lives steps siblings had no actual active grandparents who they saw their mom wasn't in the picture either there was always some pressure added to my sister and I to make sure we loved and saw them as real siblings so they at least had a solid strong nuclear family that didn't happen though I love my sister more I care care about my sister more to me she's my real sibling and they're not the same I already put my foot down that I wasn't going to give my step siblings roles for the wedding my sister is my best person along with my best friend my fiance has her sister and her brother as her people of Honor that's it that has been a fight an even bigger one has been my stepdad's family mom said that they're my family too and that means they deserve an invite I hardly know those people they're not important to me it's been argued that my mom stepdad and step siblings would feel more comfortable with family of theirs present since my dad's side isn't part of their lives I argue that it's mine and my fiance's wedding and we're not inviting just anyone after a lot of pressure I said they could not dictate our guest list unless they want to pay for the wedding I know they can't so it was never a concern that they would offer they said I had no right to demand they pay for the wedding I said I hadn't demanded they pay I just pointed out that if they want specific people there they would need to pay for that but they can't and so they need to let it go they called me rude and said I was using my wedding as a weapon to hurt them they also called me entitled am I the jerk I think Opie is not the jerk and I think op is entitled entitled to have their wedding the way they want to have their wedding especially if they're the ones paying for it the family drama and pressure sucks but I'm fully on op side here our next story is from moving out am I the jerk for removing all the improvements I made to my room and my parents' house after they announced that I would have to move I 25-year-old female lived with my parents 50-year-old female and 55-year-old male because it's very close to my service and it's a very expensive area I can currently live alone but I didn't because I never needed it and my parents didn't ask as time went on and I earned more I put in air conditioning made my room smart a smart assistant as well as the house put a very good shower in the guest bathroom which I eventually added to my bedroom I bought Quality Furniture for my room Etc my room turned out to be the best in the house because of the changes I made and yes I paid rent to my parents quite fat by the way it's been 3 months since they came to talk to me saying it was time for me to change because they wanted to have their moment alone now and I was able to live on my own I agreed after all I was just living there for ease and convenience I found a house and I would need to make all the changes I planned so in order to not have to buy it when I have it I replaced all the sockets bulbs and switches to Smart Ones and the shower with common ones I paid for them all and this increase in energy I paid too I also removed the air conditioner and paid to plug the hole that leaves besides of course all the furniture in my room and the smart assistants scattered around the house my parents started complaining that I shouldn't take everything out as they were in common use they were planning to move his room to mine and that with these changes I made my room worse and the house in general too it's just not smart everything I bought was quality I said that they asked me to move and I'm taking everything I bought because I needed to have other expenses I made a payment on the house and these items were all bought by me and all the increase in energy I had was paid only by me too and that if they wanted to buy I I can help them search online but I would take these items they called me selfish because I made the house worse and removed the items in common use as they were already used to the smart home they complained even more when I didn't want to leave the 65in smart TV in my room as a gift for them I didn't leave it because it's new and it was too expensive I moved a week ago but they're still upset all items are brand new most less than a year old am I the jerk all of these items belong to op as much as op's parents would have loved for op to pack up and leave everything behind so they can just move into this Palace that op built in their room it was some real wishful thinking considering op made their own money and paid for all of these things out of pocket themselves off of their own prerogative to do so the parents might make you feel bad but op had every right to take it with them this next story is from sleepy all the time 55 am I the jerk for telling my stepmom that I won't give up my room so her daughter can have it so I female 16 live with my dad since he and my mom split up and just recently he got married to Kelly Kelly has a daughter 13 and a son N9 and they just moved in with us my dad and I's house has four rooms the master bedroom has a bathroom inside of it and my room is just a little smaller but it also has a bathroom in the room too then there's two rooms that don't have a bathroom but have walk-in closets unlike mine all of the rooms have beds and dressers you know all the stuff that makes a room a room without the personal decorations that you choose when they came to move in her daughter ran straight past one of the vacant rooms and into mine my walls are purple and I have Marvel and DC posters hanging up on the wall I also have a mirror attached to my dresser with lights around it so once I showed her son to the room he would be sleeping in I went into my room and saw her bringing her stuff into my room so I told her that this isn't her room and that she has one of the rooms with no decorations she immediately started flipping out started yelling she was going to tell her mom and my dad that I'm being mean to her and trying to bully her because she was younger her mom and my dad came into the room due to all the yelling and asked what was going on and so I told them that she thinks my room is hers and she won't leave but she said this has to be her room because it's her favorite color purple and it has a bathroom so it has to be hers my dad explained to her that she can get her room painted whatever color she wants and we can get you the posters and pictures she wanted also but she said she doesn't want a room that doesn't have a bathroom so this one should be hers her mom ended up agreeing with her saying that I've had this room for a very long time and can just restart in the other room and I should give it to her since she's younger so I told her that I won't give up my room because this has all my stuff and I'm comfortable in my room so her daughter will have to go to the only other available room she's saying that I'm being rude and mean to my new little sister and should be reasonable and give her my room and be the bigger person and act my age and not a little kid so am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk here and frankly I think the Stepmom needs to be careful here because despite op being 16 years old and hopefully a little bit more mature the Stepmom is already off to a rapid start of trying to alienate op and make them feel like second rid you know hey we've moved in here and my children get priority over you kick rocks and go get in that other bedroom kid you've been here for a very long time and are well settled here therefore you should give it up what kind of logic is that I think Opie's not the jerk and I think op's entitled to that room until whatever time it's decided that op should leave that house and our final story of the day is from throwaway 594 297 am I the jerk for mentioning my best friend's former crush on me in a speech at his wedding okay I'm currently in a predicament and frankly I could really use some opinions for backstory I female 27 met one of my best friends Christian male 26 back in 2010 during our freshman year of high school we became friends and remained close over the years since making a lot of great memories and sharing mutual close friends from 2013 to 2016 Christian had pretty serious unrequited feelings for me however he eventually got over me and I had never even let his feelings harm our friendship if anything our friendship honestly got closer after he got over me in early 2018 Christian met Victoria female 29 at a bar and they hit it off they started dating after 2 weeks got engaged in late 2021 and the wedding happened yesterday night it was honestly a great time as I watched with my parents and mutual friends as this kid I've known for 12 years was getting married to the love of his life plus Victoria and I honestly had a pretty decent relationship and a according to Christian she didn't really seem to care about his past feelings as time went on anyway as the night kept going with a lot of music and dancing I got up to eventually give a speech for Christian I talked about how we first met how much our lives changed since then and just how great of a person Christian was the attendees were clearly touched and Christian and Victoria both looked happy as I talked more about our history I jokingly mentioned how Christian had the hearts for me but that didn't matter because he found his soulmate and that our friendship was stronger than some unrequited feelings most of the crowd laughed and I could even see Christian smiling for a second before seeing Victoria's confused face after the speech was over I went over to the bar with a few friends Christian came up and hugged me thanking me for the speech however at our hotel one of my other best friends Devon female 27 told me she had heard gossip from the Bridesmaids that Victoria was really upset with me for bringing up Christian's previous feelings for me at the wedding apparently Victoria genuinely had no issue with Christian's feelings but felt it was inappropriate to mention them at a wedding I sincerely intended no harm with my actions maybe I didn't read the room everyone I've told is honestly split on whether I'm the bad guy or not so it's definitely been polarizing Christian hasn't mentioned any of this to me and I'm not sure I should ask him am I the jerk I think op is lightly the jerk I think it was just kind of a weird thing thing to mention at the wedding it's just unnecessary to talk about somebody having the hots for you at their wedding it was just a little much am I the jerk for S shaming my sister after I found a condom under my bed some info about me I'm 23-year-old female and I'm a sex repulsed asexual however if someone loves it I'm never ever rude to them or think bad about them if they have a healthy sex life and they're happy I'm happy for them too so into the problem my sister 2 6-year-old female came to visit me with their fiance 4 days ago they got engaged 2 weeks ago and I'm so so happy for them my sister knows that I'm asexual and how I feel about it in general I asked her as nicely as I could that if they do anything sexual in the house that I don't want to see or hear anything or if they could wait until they left for school or the work or gym she agreed and I thought that was it however the first night that they were here I woke up to the weird sound and it took me a moment to realize what it was they were hooking up in the Next Room very loudly they didn't even close mine or their doors I just put my headphones on and listened to some music needless to say I didn't sleep well at all and it affected my school and job performance the next morning there were a few more incidents after that when they hooked up in the shower and then again at night the next morning I asked her again as politely as I could if they could keep it down and wait till I leave the house she smirked apologized and said it won't happen again and not to worry anyways I was cleaning my room this morning and saw some trash under my bed so I just took it out and when I saw what it was I almost threw up it was a used condom I screamed threw it on the floor and just stood there in shock my sister came to my room to see what was going on and when she saw it she looked surprised and then freaking laughed about it she said oops sorry I was so mortified IED and I could feel how I was about to cry which is stupid I know I asked her if they did it on my bed why didn't they clean up after themselves she looked at me like I was a crazy person and just told me to stop overreacting and that people in a real relationship have sex all the time how I should stop making being asexual and gay into my personality and that I need to grow up and that normal men and women are meant to have sex with each other and so on this triggered me a lot since a lot of people have rejected me in the past because of my sexuality which they have 100% the right to do anyways this is where I could be the jerk I told her that this is my house and these are my rules and if they can't respect that they can freak off and also that if two grown butt people can't go one week without hooking up it's very pathetic and sad and they need to learn to control themselves better she got really upset and started to cry her fiance was in a store so she called called them and they left they messaged me and said that I was a jerk and I ashamed my sister for being in love and that I need therapy for my problems I don't think GOP is the jerk here because while it's totally fine for them to be hooking up however much they want it's not okay for them to be just doing it all over the house there's a serious issue if they're going and doing it and somebody else's house that's not even theirs on somebody else's bed that's just all kinds of messed up if you were in a situation like op where you found out that your own sibling slept on your bed and left used protection on your floor and also was not remorseful one bit about it would you want to kick them out of your own house let me know how you guys would handle it in the comments down below our next story is from emotional Duty 5051 am I the jerk for making my daughter share her presence with my stepdaughter I 40-year-old female was a single mother to my daughter Amy 15-year-old female I came out 3 years years ago and married my wife Jenna 42-year-old female last year she has a daughter Nora 13-year-old female we all live together as I have full custody of my daughter it was kind of hard for her to adjust to having a second mom but they got along well the girls have their birthdays very close only 2 days apart so we decided to have a joint birthday party for both of them since Norah had a hard time making new friends they moved in with us and she's very shy most of my family lives out of the country so the gifts were sent a week early it was a huge bag with at least 20 gifts the party was nice and we opened the bag at night once everyone left Jenna handed out the presents as she took them out after 12 gifts in a row just for Amy I checked the bag and froze to see that there was only one gift for Nora from my parents she pretended it wasn't a big deal but as she opened the present I saw her eyes drop it was a $15 Tumblr from Walmart not not to sound ungrateful but Amy's gifts were much more expensive lots of gift cards over $100 a new phone limited addition funkos designer clothes and lots of cards wishing her a happy birthday needless to say I blew up the family chat calling out my parents siblings and extended family who send gifts for not considering Nora and my parents for the cheap gift no one took me seriously since it's not our duty to give gift to someone else's kid and Amy deserved them since I didn't even throw her her own birthday party emphasizing that Jenna and Nora are my problem not theirs Nora was clearly hurt since it's not the first time my family's left her out at night I asked Amy to share some of the gifts with her steps sister not all of them just a couple of gift cards and some of the new clothes Amy refused this surprised me since she never had a problem with sharing and even though she and Nora aren't being BFFs they usually get along after asking why Amy started crying saying that she never wanted a joint birthday party and that I force her to share everything with Nora they share a room for space and I make sure they're both invited to the same parties and sleepovers so that Nora won't be left out if they don't invite both of them then either of them goes Amy stated that she had least wanted her own gifts to be hers alone I scolded her for being selfish with her step sister grounded her and took a couple of the presents to give to Nora she turned them down because she didn't want problems with Amy and it felt like pity since then Amy's been cold to all of us I just wanted my two girls to be closer with the joint party and have the same things am I the jerk so I think op is the jerk here honestly I get why op had the double party you know the birthdays are so close but as a kid that had a sibling with a close birthday the idea of having a double joint birthday didn't seem very enticing you want to be able to have a birthday that's all your own secondly I don't know if this is going to be controversial of me to say but for your relatives I believe they really don't have to feel obligated to get gifts for somebody that is in no way actually related to them you know it's one thing if it's your adopted kid but this is a stepchild that came from another couple it's just harder I think to expect relatives to accept that with open arms and lastly taking the gifts away to try to even the score because you felt like they got shafted there I don't agree with that and it only stands to create more animosity between the girls our next story is from an anonymous poster am I the jerk for telling my parents they're not welcome in my apartment anymore because they had sex in my bed I'm 23 and living in my apartment that I share with a roommate my parents came to visit the other day and I let them stay in my room and sleep in my bed and I take a blowup mattress in the guest room unfurnished for a few nights my parents woke me up last night because they were hooking up loudly in my room I was shocked my dad came out afterwards naked cupping his junk to walk to the bathroom across the hallway knowing I would be able to see him the guest room has no door I told him in my freaking bed and he laughed at me the next morning when they woke up they came out and asked if I wanted them to wash my duve cover I said they better wash all my sheets including the ones on my bed they understood the implication and asked me why I was so upset and angry admittedly this is where I think I could be the jerk I did get very emotional and angry I don't know why I cry when I get really emotional so I started crying and yelling that what they did was disrespectful and gross and that they're never welcome back in my apartment because they came here and hooked up in my bed and made me listen to it I went in my room threw all their stuff out including their bags and sheets and shut the door my mom told me I was being unreasonable and that I should think about how I'm treating them now I love my mom she is the sweetest woman alive so I do feel bad about yelling at her she told me it wasn't fair for me to be upset with them because they had no way of knowing the rules it would have been different if it were a guest room bed or if they were on the blowup mattress it disgusts me that they were in my my room where I keep all my things where I have all my pictures up of me and my partner and my stuffed animals I find it gross that they couldn't even go two nights without hooking up to be respectful to me and my space for a little background my parents have always shamed me for my sexuality when I lost my virginity at 17 my dad had a period where he refused to pay for anything for me food clothes Etc on the principle that I was a woman now and he was no long longer responsible for me my mom told me that I was giving away the milk sex for free and that nobody would want to buy the cow me I feel like this made me extra upset since I've never been allowed to exist as a sexual being to them but they can shove theirs in my face by doing it in my bed so am I the jerk for how I reacted I know I got emotional but I still feel like what they did was deeply disrespectful also my roommate wasn't home at the time I think it would be really really uncomfortable and gross feeling if you know my parents did that kind of thing I feel like it would probably be a mostly similar reaction for pretty much everybody out there I don't think op is the jerk I think that's pretty disgusting and as much as they want to say well I didn't know the rules just ask yourself is hooking up in your kids's bed a nice thing to do could they possibly be upset about this disgusted think about how you would feel if it was your parents in your bed they're probably probably wasn't a rule disgust because it's assumed that that's not going to happen by the way if you're enjoying these stories make sure to hit those like And subscribe buttons down below so you never miss any of my daily videos that said our next stories from throwaway 000000 am I the jerk for taking my BFF to a wedding after boyfriend invites his children I female 30 have been with my boyfriend male 33 for a little over a year 16 months boyfriend has four children 12-year-old male two seven-year-old females and a 5-year-old male from a previous relationship I met the children around our seventh month of dating after meeting their mom around month 5 bio mom and I get along well I understand her concerns of being replaced and assured her I'm not trying to take her place in any way on to the situation about 3 months ago I received an invitation to the wedding of a friend I'm allotted A+ one and naturally invited my boyfriend we discussed the theme of the wedding cannabis wedding Transportation open bar and a few other details I also discussed these plans with my BFF female 31 in case there was an emergency she's my support system as I'm low contact with my family fast forward to the big day after spending months discussing plans boyfriend shows up to pick me up for the wedding with his four children in the back seats I look at him with a confused look and ask him what's going on he says what do you mean I say why are the kids in the car did you forget you were picking me up for the wedding today he says I didn't forget I just thought this would be a good family outing at this point my mind was blown and I'm frustrated I asked him why he thought that seeing as how we discussed the plans he said it's not a big deal they'll only be attending the ceremony I informed him that my invite is for me and my plus one not a plus five and besides nothing about this event is appropriate for children he then says okay we can skip the wedding and just have a family day I told him absolutely not and that his bad decision making was not going to be my problem sent him on his way called my BFF and 2 hours later we attended the beautiful ceremony boyfriend sees this on my Snapchat and goes ballistic on me how could I go without him how could I replace him how his children felt rejected how I should have skipped the wedding for a family day I waited until he ran out of steam and calmly told him that he made these choices we had plans and he chose to try and change them last minute that his changes were inappropriate and also not my problem he called me a jerk and is refusing to speak to me until I apologize to him and his children he also wants an apology from my BFF for attending the wedding in his place Big Time op is not the jerk here this is a huge red flag to me and if I were an OP situation I don't know if I'd be able to trust them again how are you going to plan a wedding with a plus one and then then at the last second they try to drop four kids on you this just goes to show that if they have any secondary motive they would rather just spring it on you last second where you don't have much of a choice rather than try to work it out or accept that they can't do what they want to do also bless op for staying with them for so long but I don't know if I'd be able to stick out a relationship for 16 months with somebody who has four children to take care of young children at that I don't envy that situation our next story is from hey 921 Moon am I the jerk for telling my stepdad it's ridiculous he thinks he became my dad when he married my mom I was 15 when I met my stepdad he met my mom 4 years after my dad died leaving mom with me and my three younger siblings to raise they were all little and hardly remember dad and found it easier to go from him being Luke to Dad over time to me he was always Luke I was older meeting him almost out of the house when he and my mom got married and I remember dad really well I'm not saying he was a bad guy or he did nothing but I was working by the time he moved in and I had a busy life so there wasn't a lot of parenting from him because when I needed something I went to my mom I also didn't go to college so there was no paying for that I only add this because I know how these posts go I think he's okay I think he has what my mom and siblings needed but it bothers him that I never needed him and I pretty much never wanted him in the same capacity of my siblings I thought he was great for my mom but he wasn't someone I would seek out for Life advice or a shoulder to cry on and I'll go as far as saying he's not my current father figure that would go to my grandpa who I've known the longest and have turned to in times of trouble and I've looked up to both as an individual but also as a father grandfather and husband to others I got engaged recently and Luke and I started fighting a lot he assumed he would be walking me down the aisle and doing a fatherdaughter dance with me I let him know that he wasn't the person I was considering asking if I did it at all then he turns it into he's the most logical choice I said my mom would be actually he pointed out it's customary for the Father of the Bride to do those things and I pointed out that my dad was dead and if we're going down that line my grandfather would be the obvious pick for me he told me he's been my dad for 9 years now I was 16 when they got married I said that he didn't become my dad because he married my mom which he argued that he did I told him it was ridiculous to think that because I was 16 years old I had memories of my dad and was hardly around him during that time when compared to other members of the family I told him I'd always appreciated him for what he did for mom and my siblings but he needed to get over the fact that I didn't need him like my siblings did he called me a jerk and said I needed to accept that he's my father whether I like it or not am I the jerk I think op he's not the jerk especially when you take in just that last line there you need to accept that I'm your father whether you like it or not is it weird that not only do I think that's not true it's kind of gross the way they said it like you don't have a choice I am your father let me tell you I think there's a reason where at least in the US a lot of States I think the age is 14 or 15 you're able to decide whether or not somebody can adopt you and I've heard stories where kids even younger than that have their opinions expressed to a judge or whatnot and they'll factor that into whether or not it's approved also I just love the fact that they were like oh I've been your dad for 9 years now as if op didn't have a dad for 16 years by the time they got married our next story is from K hward am I the jerk for refusing to share our Nan's inheritance with my siblings I 20-year-old female was my Nan's full-time carer from when I was 13 to when she passed away when I was 19 my mom got in a huge argument with her and my entire family ended up cutting her off I felt guilty though as it felt wrong to leave an old woman with mobility and memory issues to live on her own she was too stubborn to get home help or to go into a care home I spend my entire teen years caring for her on my own I'm the youngest of four siblings but none of them wanted to help so it was just left to me she was difficult to live with very Easily Aggravated needed constant care my teen years sucked when she died she left everything to me I got her house and all of her money my mom was mad at this though claimed that my nan had done it to cause an argument between me and my siblings over money my siblings didn't say anything about the money they were fine with it it was just my mom with the issue she told me to split the money with them I said no that argument was roughly a year ago and our relationship has been rocking since my oldest brother's currently having Financial issues and I've loaned him some money this has started the argument up once again my mom says it's wrong that I've loaned it to him instead of giving it to him and what I've given him is far less than one quar of the total amount I was given I know I was initially in the right but I'm starting to feel guilty about the loan my mom is insisting again that I split the money and I'm feeling worse and worse about standing my ground as time goes on am I the jerk I think op's not the jerk and they shouldn't be pressured into giving up more of their money I don't know if the mom themselves are after the money or if they're doing it on the behalf of the siblings but op was the one that took care of them op was left with this inheritance on purpose and I'm of the belief that how they want to use their money is up to them if they want to loan a bid out to their brother that's fine and just because they loan some out to one sibling doesn't mean they have to give money away to all the other ones and their mom to me that makes no sense our next story is from Aunt to Alice am I the jerk for laughing and saying sounds about right when my brother and sister-in-law told me how exhausted they are with my outof control niece my brother Ron and my sister-in-law Jen have spoiled their daughter Alice rotten since she was a newborn since Alice was a toddler everyone in the families told Ron and Jen they needed to teach Alice boundaries but they insist they're the ones in charge of Alice I often babysat Alice when she was young I would tell Ron and Jen that Alice wasn't behaving and they would respond by shaming me for not getting Alice exactly what she wanted or pushing her so hard because I told her to pick up the toys she threw on the floor note Alice was seven when this happened eventually I refused to babysit Alice and they insist I was being a bad ant because I was expecting so many adult things from a baby Ron and Jen did all of Alice's homework and class projects for her they frantically called me one night because the math tutor canceled and Alice's homework had a precalculus question that they weren't sure how to do the work for I sent them to work for that one time but after that I would refuse to Alice is now 17 and completely out of control she screams curses and flips off her parents until she gets her own way she's unlicensed and dented Ron's car several times when stealing it for Joy rides she stolen both Ron and Jen's wallets for shopping spree they've caught Alice partying drinking vaping and sneaking out to boys houses she's gotten even worse since her junior year Ron and Jen still do her projects or pay others to do them but the material is now too specific for Ron and Jen to understand without class notes which Alice isn't taking for them Alice didn't pass her junior year and she's angry because now all all of her friends are doing senior things that she can't join in on Ron and Jen called me the other night to tell me how exhausted they were because Alice was illegally driving again and they had to beg an officer not to send Alice to juvie they talked about how Wild all teens are and they're not sure where their sweet little girl went I thought that last part was a joke and a laugh slipped out before I could stop myself Ron got angry and asked what I thought was funny I apologized for laughing but I responded that Alice's Behavior sounded about right because did they expect Alice to just magic become responsible and well behaved when they've always rewarded her bad behavior Ron and Jen started to yell at me but I hung up many of my friends and family members said Ron and Jen are only angry because they didn't like hearing the truth but most of my family saying I have no idea how hard it is to be a parent much less have a child like Alice and even though the laugh slipped I was cruel to respond to Ron and Jen that way knowing how exhausted they are now I'm conflicted about it if I I was being a jerk to my exhausted brother and sister-in-law am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk maybe they could have tolerated it and accepted that they were venting but if they're looking for support and then venting about something that was the consequence of their own actions you might not have to rub their face in it but you're not obligated at the same time to go along with it just to make them feel better in fact I mean that's the kind of thing that got them in this situation in the first place going along with with Alice's bad behavior imagine never scolding your kid never parenting your kid and doing all of their work for them and expecting them to be responsible how far gone do you have to be as a parent that you're the one doing all their homework at night for them our next story is from ta AI 1 190 2022 am I the jerk for exposing an entitled neighbor I 30-year-old male live alone in a meh house and working as an engineer I decided to spoil myself with a nice sports car it's a 2021 Aston Martin Vantage with manual transmission for those into cars it has only two seats since it's a rear-wheel drive car with a decent amount of power and I live in Canada I decided to get a crappy SUV an old Ford Escape to use during the winter during the summer I use my sports car daily and just leave my winter beater getting Dusty one of my neighbors mid-20s female recently got divorced and became a single mom her financial situation got bad and her ex-husband kept their car seeing her struggle I let her use my winter beater during summer she was thrilled and thankful one day of summer winter heater broke down not a surprise my neighbor was really sad and when we took it to the mechanic the repairs would cost more than the car so it wasn't worth it my sports car takes most of my money anyways I live with not too many things nor luxuries except my car I'm not exactly rich I decided to junk it and winterized my sports car my neighbor didn't like this decision I said that I wouldn't be paying to repair it and sadly she wouldn't have a car anymore she said she had a trip planned with her kids and asked me for my vantage I of course refused it mentioned that she wouldn't be able to drive it too much power manual transmission rear wheeel drive and it was also a two-seater which wouldn't fit her kids anyway I also don't let anyone else drive it it's my baby let alone for a vacation without about me she stormed back to her house and I simply donated my winter beater to a charity she posted a long rant in a Facebook group of our neighborhood saying I'm a bad neighbor and how I denied her kids a vacation I replied to it mentioning she doesn't even know how to drive a manual car it is ridiculously dangerous for someone inexperienced to drive it and it's a two seater I told her she would be an irresponsible mom if she just put both her kids in the passenger seat not only dumb and illegal but dangerous and that I have no responsibility in giving my car for 2 weeks for her to go on a trip no matter the car it was a massive reply I also told her I was disappointed with her way of thinking for assuming I would just provide a car for her when I have nothing to do with her life the winter beater was a favor and she was acting entitled for thinking I would provide my advantage for her everyone else sided with me and roasted her brutally lots of neighbors congratulated me for my decision but some told me I went too far and should have just ignored her or just said please remember it is a two-seater your kids won't fit a few friends and relatives also told me it was an a move to do this and that I don't understand the struggles of being a single mom am I the jerk for exposing her in such an aggressive manner let's point this out for exactly what it is this single mom went on Facebook to make a call out post against op basically blasted their character blasted their charity blasted their care this could be Mr Rogers himself writing this post and I still think you have every right to go and defend yourself and to debunk all these false statements they're making does it suck to have to stoop to Facebook mom level of Facebook arguing yeah but they're trying to smear you don't be mad when the truth hurts Karen and our final story of the day is from Material box 3214 am I the jerk for asking my sister to babysit I 30-year-old female raised my youngest sister Jen 20-year-old female since she was 13 because she had to be removed from our mother's care currently at 20 she still lives at home because she decided she wants to drop out of college and work full-time for a while to figure out her major after getting an Associates she currently Works roughly 50 hours a week as a nanny and got this job recently my husband and I had a baby boy 2 months ago and before he was born Jen said she'd be up to watch him a few days a week since she lives with us rentree although she does her own shopping since getting her job Jen has no longer wanted to watch my son she has one or two off days a week and so we try not to overburden her but even on days where she doesn't work at all or is off early she claims she'd just like to be childfree to her credit she helps around the house after work or she'll watch him here or there so my husband and I can go for nightly walks or use the bathroom however the issue occurred earlier today I asked Jen if she could babysit my son on one of her off days and she said that she had plans with friends on one day and intended to use the other to handle daily errands and her own chores like laundry cleaning a room Etc I told her that on her errand day she could just take her nephew with her and watch him while she cleans up but she declined and said she wouldn't be able to get anything done since he never wants to be put down and her body's tired from all the rough housing she does with the kids at her job I told her that this isn't what she agreed to before and she noted that she had a different job then and she doesn't want to work on her off days too now it's unfair honestly and she suggested paying another sitter but why would I pay for a sitter when there's a literal professional in the same home that just refuses to do the work she thinks I'm being over demanding of her and that I agree to having a third person indefinitely added to my life when I decided to conceive her comment was entirely unnecessary but am I the jerk now if you said in Li of this situation you want to start charging rent I think you're not the jerk for expecting some kind of rent for somebody that lives rentree in a place who has an actual job and is supporting themselves but expecting them whether it's on a day they're working or an off day to drop what they're doing and watch your kid because they can and then getting upset when they refuse to or say you know honestly they don't want to then yeah I think op is pretty clearly the jerk here I don't care if I'm related to you I don't care if I live in the same house as you I don't care if it's even possible for me to if I don't want to watch your kid I don't have to watch your kid try to charge a rent that costs the same as a babysitter if you have to am I the jerk for crying to my husband my 18-year-old son Eric just graduated high school I'm very proud of him because he has ADHD and school's always been a struggle for him but he's going to college and his future is promising I was out with my two girlfriends and both have children the same age as Eric well I excused myself to the washroom and right before I was about to go back into the room I overheard one of them say that I must be so disappointed in Eric disappointed because he's not studying law or medicine Etc like their kids this got my attention and I kept listening they continued to talk about how he barely graduated and then they made a few odd jokes about how Eric's probably going to follow in my footsteps and marry a rich older lady they talked about my son's reputation and laughed about how he clearly cares more about his face than his future just like his mother this hurt me a lot I was heartbroken not only were they insulting me but my son as well I walked into the room and they went silent but acted as if they weren't just crap talking I didn't mention it and simply decided to never hang out with them ever again but when I got home my husband asked me if anything was wrong and I just began to cry and told him everything I've been friends with them for a year and gosh I don't even know he was really angry he invited them and their families to go on a quick two-day trip and he called their husbands and cancelled when they asked why he told them that there was no way in heck he was paying to take two bitter mean girls that insult his wife and son on vacation well I got a call from the two and they were really upset they said that I need to tell him to rethink his decision and that they were just joking around because their kids were really looking forward to the trip I told them that I didn't want to but they said I should have talked to them instead of crying to my husband like a weakest freak witch I told them to freak off and they replied with this is exactly why we hate you wait sorry are you going to go cry to your husband again that stung a little and now I'm wondering am I the jerk for not being straight up and crying to my husband instead the two think I am and my sister agrees that I should have dealt with it myself and I went too far telling my husband hband absolutely not the jerk here I think the bottom line here is people handle things differently some people love confrontation some people are not afraid to get right up in your face and call it like they see it but God forbid some people don't want that confrontation and your partner is there to work with you on these things to be a shoulder that you can cry on so God forbid you turn around and go to your what's supposed to be your main support system if there's personal business between you and another person could could you ever be the jerk for telling your partner about it let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from throwaway 123 86912 am I the jerk for not wanting my sister's boyfriend to sleep over me 23-year-old male and my sister 22-year-old female usually get along pretty well however we just got into a huge fight my parents have gone on a trip for a week they left today leaving me and her home alone but in 2 days my sister's also leaving with her boyfriend on a trip about 2 weeks ago she told me that her boyfriend was going to be sleeping at our house these 2 days before their trip while our parents are away this made me a bit uncomfortable so I told her that he could spend the day with us but I really didn't feel comfortable with him sleeping over even though it seems like a relatively serious relationship and her boyfriend seems nice enough I don't really know him very well I've met him two or three times and we just greeted each other plus they've been together for only about four to 5 months she got really mad and we fought a bit but then I had to leave because I wasn't staying home at the time and my ride was leaving the next day I texted her saying it's only 2 days and then they're going away for a week alone so I would really appreciate it if he didn't sleep over those two days last week I came back home and we didn't really talk about it but today I brought it up asking if he was going to sleep over and she said yes so we got into a huge fight the dude's coming over later and I just have to deal with should I have just kept quiet and let him sleep over without saying anything am I even entitled to feel uncomfortable about this I think the only confusing thing to me here is it's the parents' house right how do the parents feel about him staying over if the parents are okay with him coming over then I think op is the jerk here four to 5 months into a relationship I feel like is more than enough to be okay with them staying around like I just don't understand what the issue is is op afraid their sister's boyfriend's going to catch the them changing in their clothes or something this next story is from next method 9442 am I the jerk for telling my wife I won't be sharing blame with her when I mess up it's my fault and that's fine I'll Lo up to that however when she messes up it becomes I think we both could have done things to prevent this my wife and I are 26 we've been together since we were 15 at a doctor's appointment 2 weeks ago my wife found out she weighs nearly 240 lb she started putting on weight during our senior year of high school and it's only increased from there as far as meals at this point we eat separate meals for the most part foodwise we sit down and eat dinner together but what she has for dinner is different than what I have so she comes home from the appointment and launches into this whole thing about how we both dro the ball in terms of her weight I asked exactly how I dropped the ball I'm not force feeding her chips and popcorn and things like that all I got back was a vague you could have said more which made no sense to me I told her I won't be sharing in the blame for this I'm more than willing to help but this situation is not my fault she said I was isolating her and called me a jerk am I the jerk here I think op is not the jerk and frankly I think this is a bit of a coping thing they don't want to admit that they did wrong they don't want to be the one only at blame and they probably want to feel like they got some help on their side to dig out of that situation it's just kind of funny to me that the wife said well you could have said more basically saying to op well you could have been more inconsiderate and mention my weight more it's like implying that op is not doing right unless they're conscious about their wife's weight and like being uncomfortable enough to say something about it our next stories from throwaway 7391 am I the jerk for refusing to pay for my sister's funeral I 34-year-old female have three younger sisters 22 20 and 19-year-old females I was adopted but the younger three are my adopted mom's bio kids that she had later their dad left and moved to a different state when the eldest Carol was six and as such she was the only one that remembered him to a noticeable degree she ran off as soon as she turned 18 to join her estranged father in a shady religious compound long story and it remained like that for the next several years that was until a couple months ago that Carol died unexpectedly and our family had a bit of a dilemma after we got got the body back from the police our family never had that much money and all my mother could afford was a simple direct cremation we all know that given how religious she was that wouldn't be what she wanted but she left no will because she died at 22 my mother called me the other day to ask if I would be willing to pay for a burial and after some calculations I found it would be technically possible but I would have to be very lean for about half a year afterwards to compensate at my mother said no problem and we would just have her cremated yesterday my middle sister Marie called screaming at me about how selfish I was and that since I could afford it I should do it for the family this is very out of character since Marie basically never expresses emotions she said that I was being selfish and dishonoring Carol's memory by forcing our mom to dispose of her body in a way she wouldn't have wanted I said that one this isn't a sacrifice I'm willing to make given Carol didn't have a will and we never had a functioning relationship and two she went off to another state immediately and nobody in the family had spoken to her since 2018 Maria's gotten her father's extended family involved and they've been blowing up my phone constantly with how I'm selfish and ungrateful for the sacrifices Carol made Marie's contined to insist I'm wrong and that I should pay the rest since neither her nor my youngest sister Lily have jobs I'm quite honestly shocked by this outburst and I don't really know where it's coming from given how out of character this is for her I'm wondering if I'm in the wrong I asked Lily who said that she's sad that Carol can't be buried but it's ultimately my money and I can do what I want with it our mom is completely on my side she never got along with Carol because of how enamored she was with her ex-husband I can't decide if I was the jerk or not in the situation since I technically can afford it even if it requires insanely strict budgeting so am I the jerk our next story is from bride 879 am I the jerk for kicking a person with tourettes out of my wedding I 25-year-old female recently got married to my wonderful husband 26-year-old male the wedding was beautiful and we all had a great time but the situation left me feeling like a jerk a good friend of mine Macy 26-year-old female brought her boyfriend 29-year-old male as her plus one she texted me prior to the wedding that her boyfriend has Tourette Syndrome I was somewhat familiar with the disease but made sure to ask her how it affected her boyfriend specifically and what to expect she assured me it wasn't severe and wouldn't disrupt the wedding I had never met the boyfriend prior to this and believed her when she said it wasn't going to be a problem I know most people with Tourette's don't have vocal ticks at all and assumed that was the case in this situation based on what Macy told me just before the ceremony started I discovered Macy's boyfriend's Tourette syndrome was much worse than she let on he was screaming every few seconds and yelled a lot of offensive curse words and slurs I was upset by this as I felt Macy purposely misrepresented her boyfriend's situation so I'd let him come since she said it wouldn't be disruptive I would have politely declined had I known that he had severe vocal ticks I told my maid of honor to ask him to leave apparently it turned into a big scene where Macy angrily argued against it and said we were being ableist her boyfriend agreed and said he couldn't control it security had to get involved and I had both of them removed thankfully the wedding went smoothly after that but now Macy's calling me a jerk some of our mutual friends agree that I was in the wrong so I'm here to ask if I'm the jerk I think Opie is not the jerk here all around I think this is just a really awkward and uncomfortable situation to be put into but op's completely right in that they were lied to the condition was misrepresented and I know I'd be feeling the exact same way as op did it just is a painful thing to have to ask somebody to leave a wedding but I mean honestly they shouldn't have been there to begin with our next story is from savings pattern 3614 am I the jerk for not taking down my video that was a gift from my best man I have a sister that's 6 years older than me my parents for years cancel on me last minute because of my sister I have a basketball game oops sorry sister doesn't feel like going out I'm graduating oops sister sister had a bad day at work they've missed both major and smaller events in my life because of her meltdowns I met the love of my life we decided to tie the knot from the beginning I told my parents how I'm worried my sister will ruin another special moment in my life my mom told me over and over again it wouldn't happen the day of my wedding I received a voicemail from my mom saying they wouldn't come because my sister's dog was sick and she was upset I was hurt my best man however is a joke her he took my phone then went to my fiance and asked if he could post a video of our wedding as a gift on social media she loved his idea I had no idea about it until I came home our honeymoon was at a Lakeside Cabin no self service the post caption was my best friend he's an amazing person even if his parents never showed up for him the video was still pictures of us next to her parents me on the Dance Floor cutting the cake where you would normally see both parents in the the wedding pictures the sound behind the video was my mom's voicemail explaining how they couldn't come because my sister's dog was sick I come home a week later to hundreds of messages family members from both sides insisting I take it down I was told my sister hasn't stopped crying my mom's refusing to leave the house I may be the jerk here I didn't take it down when I got my messages I didn't call my family back right away I waited until my vacation time was over over at work and enjoyed my time with my wife in our new home before I contacted anyone my dad told me to take down the video it was just a bad night for them that they'll make it up to me and my wife for not coming my reply was how exactly do you plan to make up my wedding it's a once- in a-lifetime thing you choose to ignore my feeling on the whole matter then he just repeated that he'll make it up to me I told him I'll take the video down only when he made up missing my wedding FL mustered we both hung up the phone before we both said things we shouldn't have am I the jerk here I could have just taken down the video it would probably make things easier to have taken down the video and maybe could you say it's a little extra or out there to have left this video up for all that time maybe to me it feels a little bit like kind of unnecessarily airing out your dirty laundry but I don't think Go's The Jerk they've been treated as not even second rate lower than that for their whole life so God forbid they essentially leave up a call out post after I assume Decades of being treated that way the truth hurts sometimes this next story is from error 404 Rowan am I the jerk for refusing to have my cousins over after what they did to me little background I was 10 at the time and my cousins like to pick on me for my weight they would purposely make me lots of food and then expect me to eat all of it they'd also give me their leftovers soon I developed a bit of chub and I got heavily bullied for it they even went as far too whenever I was over at their house Auntie was never around so they would lock me in the room with a piece of bread and a tiny bag of chips as to starve me for hours on end but when ant was a few minutes away from home they'd prepare me a big dinner to look good in front of Aunt summer 2008 I guess many years later I had just gotten my own place mid 2021 straight out of college and I'd never really had anyone over except friends and my siblings I was at having a family dinner and my mother suggested I invited my cousins no one found out about what they did to me and I sort of retained the weight but lost a bit of it no chub but still pretty thick I was off about the idea since all I had was bad memories so I said no my mom got pretty mad and said if my aunt was coming so should my cousins as they're her kids I said no again stating that I didn't want them there because they made me uncomfortable my mom said that's fine she gets it and drops upset day of the dinner comes and I made an amazing banquet dinner for my family first my sisters came then my two brothers my mom and dad uncles and then my aunt but slowly behind her my cousins trailed they seemed to know exactly how to make me angry saying that they're starving and in a sarcastic voice you always knew how to eat so you should be amazing at cooking I reluctantly let them in and they immediately and impolitely made themselves at home left their shoes in the middle of the living room watching TV and not flushing the toilet I was getting angry but I wanted to be civil so I just let it go the last straw was when I was making a chicken and a few steaks as I was seasoning all of that my cousins appeared behind me and said all that just for you and I lost it I started screaming at them and told them to get the heck out of my house and they refused they said they were here for dinner and that's what they were going to get I said that they had no right to be in my house and make fun of me for my weight and not only that but for doing all the things they did to me in the past and if they don't get out now I will make them leave they finally left but then my entire family started talking about it and telling me how much of a jerk I am for making them leave this hasn't stopped for a few days and I'm starting to think they meant it in a joking manner am I the jerk here for kicking them out I think it doesn't matter whether or not they were meaning it in a joking manner or not the bottom line here is whether they were joking the entire time it imprinted A traumatic experience on you as a kid and they have a stch inability to recognize that what they're doing is bothering you and they can't cool it they can't take a note nobody likes a jokester that doesn't know when to quit and what they did to op as a kid is not joking this next story is from aita water park am I the jerk for getting a couple kicked out of a water park for not covering their tattoos yesterday I was at a water park par with my family when I saw a couple who I assume were American or Canadian based on their accents they were both covered in tattoos throughout their entire upper body which isn't allowed at this water park I come up to them and explain to them in English about the rule and that they need to cover up the tattoos because families come here with their children they both told me to shut up and leave them alone so I found a staff member and alerted them to the situation they had somebody who speaks English come up to them to explain the rule and the woman started Ed screaming and crying as they were both kicked out they were basically causing a huge scene and everybody was staring at them it's not like they couldn't use the water park at all they just had to wear a shirt that covers up their tattoos and they would have been fine which is why I think I was justified to confront them I'm posting here to find out what everybody here thinks so from what op said I believe this takes place in Japan now I will say as an American the rule seems quite odd to me but from what op is suggesting here it seems like it's a pretty common thing and if it's a rule especially one that they kind of have to agree to upon entry you have every right to call somebody out or kick somebody out over that I did take a quick look and basically tattoos in Japan are extremely stigmatized basically if you go around having tattoos visible it's basically seen as like an advertisement of you being a person of crime a criminal or especially tied to a criminal or organization one that starts with the letter Y being a very popular one our next story is from Panda the cran eater am I the jerk for blowing up on a customer he can rebuild the fence himself if he has a problem with me being a woman I female 20 have been interested in woodworking since I was 12 and from 15 I was helping out of my stepdad's business first it was just cleaning holding bringing things but later I became pretty much a full-time employee outside studies last month was busy so I took what what seemed like simpler contracts or orders to do myself one of those was making new and replacing some balcony fence planks I talked with the customer on the phone beforehand and later went there to take measurements and other details when I first came he didn't exactly look pleased asking if there was somebody else coming later I had that happened before I have no problem with this I tried to lighten the mood by saying how hard can using a tape measure and a drill be also said that he hopes the measures will be correct and then asked if I'll be the one doing the actual planks and replacement to I answered most probably a few days later I went to actually replace the planks he didn't say much at first since the planks were good but then he started nagging like you're holding it wrong I wasn't you're making a mess here with the old ones rotten into Oblivion all while basically breathing down my neck that was tolerable still what wasn't was him saying you said you can do it self or see why trades are man dominated when I asked him to hold or hand me something when I finished he told me it wasn't half bad but it could be better and faster like excuse me the size is a match lining distances good in match the paint is good why did it take longer almost as if there was something to speed it up a little I asked if he sees any particular problem so I can fix it he said no just that a normal woodworker would do it faster I just lost it and said well I repaired your freaking fence that makes me a woodworker enough or not because women can't be in trades why didn't you do it yourself if I shouldn't do trade jobs in the first place he told me the good old respect elders and not to raise voice on customers but you know I can only tolerate so much am I the jerk I think op's not the jerk here and frankly I think maybe the best thing op could have done was just ask them to to kind of give you some space while you work to repair their fence I mean they have every right to stand there and watch but them standing there micromanaging things really didn't help the situation I know op can't exactly force them to go away but man must that have been annoying for them to stand there and be like well a man could do this better than you while standing there watching a woman do the fixing for him this next story is from throwaway 2828 am I the jerk for not letting my step sister paint the room I'm letting her stay in I 25-year-old male on a pretty big house that I inherited from my grandparents I'm currently letting my steps sister kna 23-year-old female stay in one of my guest rooms for 2 months rentree everything's been going smooth until 2 days ago when cona came in the house with cans of paint I asked her what she was doing with those and she told me that she was going to paint her room pink I told her no because she's only staying here temporarily and I like the way the room is now cona said that she's currently staying in the room and she should have a right to be able to decorate the room how she wants it I told her that even though she's staying in there it's still my house and if she does paint the room she will be kicked out Conor got mad and called me a jerk my dad and stepmom think that I was too harsh and I could have compromised with her I feel like I have a right to not want the room painted am I the jerk I wholeheartedly agree with OP that it's their house and they have every right for the walls to be whatever color they want con of staying there for 2 months if anything only moves this more in op's favor con's a temporary guest it's for forever to op if they want to this next story is from effort present 9645 am I the jerk for siding with my mom over my wife and telling my wife it was her fault for putting me on the spot my wife and I try to always side with each other in public and if there's an issue talk it out in private so maybe I screwed up here my mom lives an 8 Hour plane right away so if she's going to visit it it's going to be at least for 4 to 5 days to make it worth it my mom is the one who moved and my wife made it clear when she moved that she needs to be the one to come to us as she made the choice to move doesn't have small kids and has the ability to work when she wants with no set schedule my mom rolled her eyes but agreed my wife also told me that we would not be altering Our Lives to revolve around my mom while she's welcome to visit we won't use up our limited vacation time which we want to use to do things with our kids and it isn't our job to entertain her I felt weird about it but agreed my mom visited one time 3 years ago we went to work as normal and she was alone in the house during the day by the time we got home she was clearly bouncing off the walls and about to lose it we did our normal chores and routine though my wife did take over some of my duties so I could visit we had our normal blah week night meals and by the end of the trip my mom was clearly miserable over tired and starving she just didn't eat much I don't know why she didn't complain but seemed pissy then Co happened both of us were busy and we just didn't see each other we recently invited her to visit again and my mom said sorry but no she said it was torture and if we can't put in the effort to host her she isn't coming I felt that was fair as she didn't make any demands on us just chose not to come but my wife was very upset my wife wanted me to confront her about how entitled she was being I refused so she called my mom and accused her of being childish and needing constant entertainment my mom and her got into it with my mom yelling that we were crap hosts and she was so bored she actually cried one day she said she doesn't owe us her time if we don't want to put time into her and she'll never visit again unless something changes but we have an open invitation to visit her my wife asked me if I was going to get involved my mom said I need to get get my wife to stop attacking her my wife demanded to know whose side I was on and I said my mom's my mom began laughing my wife teared up and hung up now she feels I betrayed her and that I'm a mama's boy what the freak I haven't even seen her in 3 years I told her it's her fault for putting me on the spot and I just think my mom's entitled to the boundary of she doesn't want to visit I think op is not the jerk here but I also think op is not doing enough as in I think op can personally set aside the time and the plans to have their mom visit even if the wife doesn't want to partake in that I'm wondering if op's wife isn't just overly controlling or if the mom and the wife have never really gotten along so that's why the wife is acting so disinterested in doing anything with the mom being over maybe there's not enough information here and our final story of the day is from Randomness 57 317 am I the jerk for not inv inviting my kids whole class to his birthday party I 28-year-old female am a mother of a wonderful 8-year-old son this whole thing happened last April but I'm still getting complaints so here I am asking strangers for a judgment on the internet so last year was my kid's first year in big kids school like he calls it since his first grade conid with the pandemic we're not in the best place financially like most families our Consumer Debt piled on and we're throwing every spare scent at it so when it was time to throw him a party I only invited five of his classmates the ones he considered his friends for the others I sent two dozen cupcakes and juice boxes to his class the invites were delivered to their houses and not in front of the other kids like I said money was tight so I got creative I made nine small cakes box cakes vanilla chocolate and Funfetti buttercream and different colors also made big sugar cookies and different colored frosting and sprink Les and finally bought tortillas made pizza sauce and had a variety of toppings I asked that the kids bring swimsuits and water guns we had to make your own pizza station for lunch then they played with their water guns then they decorated their cakes and finally their cookies to take home with them that was a Saturday well the next Monday the kids would not stop raving about how fun the party was how it was the best birthday party ever the other kids were not happy to not be invited at pickup Tuesday a couple moms confronted me about not inviting their kids I said that I'm sorry but it was a small party for his close friends only they kept complaining about me excluding their kids I didn't take it seriously then but now it's a new school year almost 6 months later and I'm still getting the occasional comment thrown at me so am I the jerk I think op is not the jerk here I think it might be a common sentiment but these are the kinds of parents where participation trophies were born from and I'm going to be honest as a kid I wouldn't have liked it if my whole class was invited to my birthday party for all of these entitled parents out there that are like every kid in the class deserves to be invited why wasn't my kid invited why wasn't I allowed to be there let's not forget it's the kids birthday party and at least if I was in that situation I'm not friends with everybody in my class I wouldn't want everybody at my house especially not some snobby parents like that am I The Jerk for cutting off support to my daughter I 52-year-old male have three children with my ex Tracy 50-year-old female Michael 28-year-old male Linda 25-year-old female and Victoria 23-year-old female we split because Tracy had an affair with Stan a 55-year-old male to whom she's now married we never shared with the kids the reason for the divorce as I don't want them to blame either of us this backfired as the kids saw their mom move out of the house into a small apartment and me keep living in the house and Remar 2 years after the divorce so they saw me as the bad guy Stan and Tracy let them pretty much do whatever they wanted and I had to be the disciplinarian who made sure homework was done appointments were made and deadlines were met my two oldest eventually came to realize that I wasn't the bad guy my son when he found out that his mother had put nothing away for college for him as outline in our divorce decree and she told him to take out loans my daughter when she realized that her grades were going to keep her out of her desired program in school my youngest never came around so it was a surprise when her boyfriend asked for my blessing to ask for her hand when I expressed that I didn't think she'd care about my blessing he said she insisted on it she began spending time with me being polite to my wife and it felt wonderful to have my daughter back I went with them to book the venue and they'll be getting married next summer I pay the deposit in the first installment I noticed that she was becoming less communicative again recently ignoring my texts or giving one-word replies and not coming over as much on Monday my son sent me a post from Instagram my youngest had an engagement party this weekend to which I was not invited one of the photos was with her and Stan and it read anyone can be a father it takes a real man to be a dad this amazing guy has been my dad for 15 years even though he didn't have to be I'm I am so blessed to have him walk me down the aisle next year # Daddy's girl # future Miss X my kids wanted for nothing their entire lives because I never let them go without even when they wouldn't talk to me I made sure their needs were met I texted Tracy to ask why I wasn't included she replied that Victoria didn't want my wife there because she wanted a drama-free day my wife has literally never started drama in her life I asked if Stan and I would both be walking down the aisle Tracy didn't respond but Victoria called me up demanding to know what my problem was I repeated my question and she replied that no Stan her dad would be walking her down the aisle I told her that if that's what she wanted I would be fine with it I told her to let Stan know the next payment for the wedding is due in November Stan and Tracy don't have the money for this wedding and think I'm being the jerk Linda says if I do this Victoria will never speak to me again Michael's on my side I'm going to be honest it might be Petty but I think it's time to tell them the truth about the situation here and op's feelings about how they felt cut off when all along they never just wanted to make anybody the bad guy I don't think they're the jerk either way for cutting off the funds when they're not even being invited and are being basically outcasted by their own kid especially when apparently from what op said they've never acted in a way that deserves being outcasted it almost feels like there's something wrong here because why is somebody who loves and supports their kid being pushed away like this also it's pretty clear they used op for the money what do you guys think after everything is it finally time to explain to the kids why the divorce happened and explaining that op was not the bad guy in that decision let me know what you guys think in the comments down below our next story is from hidden concert would I be the jerk for not sending a gift for a wedding I wasn't invited to my cousin Ted and I are close in age a few years apart we were always close as kids and even into adulthood still kept in touch then Ted met Maddie a few years ago and started bringing her to family stuff I don't have a problem with Maddie but we just didn't click we talk at family stuff but she's not someone I want to hang out with or become friends with my other cousin Ted's sister really clicked with Maddie which cool and good for them but I just don't I'm nice and polite but I don't go out of my way to become her bestie my aunt Ted's mom really pushed her on me though I don't know if it's because we're the same aish or what but it was annoying anytime we were both at an event she'd find some way to push us together I felt like a little kid being forced to play with someone my own college graduation party grandparents had it because they have a bigger house and yard had to be moved because Maddie had to work and it wouldn't be nice to exclude her even though it was inconvenient for me and meant most of my friends couldn't come and I had to rush around anyway like I said I've never been rude or anything to her just never really bonded with her so Ted and Maddie are getting married soon I knew he was engaged but I didn't know where the wedding was when it was another family member asked what I was getting them for a wedding gift and I said I don't know they said better figure it out before wedding date which is very soon I said oh I didn't know I wasn't invited they said well maybe it's not personal you should still get a gift for them I asked my dad when he got his invitation and I guess it was a while ago I said it's crappy that I wasn't invited when I had to reschedule my party for them he said that was a graduation party this is a wedding now that you know about it just be a bigger person and get a gift don't be Petty I don't want to buy them a gift and I probably won't invite Ted to any future events I have I don't know why I was left out when everyone else in the family was invited maybe because I'm the only cousin on this side maybe it's a budget thing and not personal but I don't want to spend the money on a gift when I wasn't cool enough to invite to me it's like having a birthday party and expecting someone I didn't invite to send me a birthday present am I the jerk if I don't send a gift I am of the opinion that if you are not invited you are not welcomed into that ceremony you don't have to send a gift I think Opie's analogy is great if you throw a birthday party and you don't invite somebody you don't expect a gift from them send a nice card or something but you don't have to get them anything crazy our next story is from imaginary agency 991 am I the jerk for not wanting to be a stay-at-home mom okay I already know it sounds bad but I 35-year-old female and my husband Jeff 37-year-old male are currently expecting a boy his first child my second I got pregnant with my first when I was 18 and his dad was never in the picture I work as a substance abuse counselor and I love my job this is where it get It's Tricky my job offered me 8 weeks PTO for when I have our son I've been so happy because I didn't want to go right back to work soon me and Jeff got together when I turned 30 and he moved in with me because I own my house we just got married this year and have talked about child care multiple times so he knows I don't want to be a stay-at-home mom well I'm due in November and he just brought the idea up I was very confused because we've already talked about this but I guess my mother-in-law and sister-in-law believe I should stay home with our son as a mother and wife I just don't understand where their opinions come in because I already know where they stand both of them stayed home with the kids all three of them sat me down to have this talk and they want me to focus on the kids cleaning up the house making dinner and all of that but I already work and do those things well mother-in-law wanted to throw it in my face that I never got to be a stay-at-home mom because I was a single mom going to school and working which she's not wrong but it definitely made me pissed that she brought it up I told them that I worked so hard to give my son a good life and having another baby doesn't change my decision to keep doing something that I absolutely love doing and if they all want someone to take care of the house and kids all day then Jeff should be a stay-at-home dad because I make more money than him and it would make more sense for him to stay home instead of me it turned absolutely horrible after that I got yelled at by mother-in-law and sister-in-law that it's not his role as a father to do those things that he's the man of the house and should be the one making the money Jeff just stood there not saying anything and I blew up and reminded all of them that it's my house not his I kicked mother-in-law and sister-in-law out and Jeff is so mad at me that he went with them he said he won't come back till I apologize to all three of them so am I the jerk for not wanting to be a stay-at-home mom I don't think Opie's The Jerk for not wanting to be a stay at home mom I think what matters is can you make it work if you can make it work where you go to work and you still take care of your kids then that's more than fine I don't see why you have to do that you don't have to be stuck in the 1950s nuclear family role our next story is from puppy AIT ta am I the jerk for not taking a conversation about Parenthood with my wife seriously this sounds ridiculous because it is I 27-year-old male don't want children I've never wanted children my wife Liz 26-year-old fale female is aware of this I'm in the camp of if it's not a resounding I want this with my entire heart and soul yes then it's a no I think kids are cool and wonderful and major sources of joy in life do I want to be responsible for raising one nope prior to getting engaged about a year and a half ago I lived with my best friend 28-year-old male and had done so for nearly a decade of my life he and I each adopted a dog while living together and call each other co-parents we have doggy playdates on on the regular and I'm over at his place multiple times a week because of this this morning my wife brought up children like I said she's aware of the fact that I don't want them her sister recently gave birth to our niece and while looking at the photos Liz said wouldn't it be nice if we had a baby or something along those lines I responded with I'm already the co-parent of two babies and I don't have a room for anymore she got angry at me and said I wasn't taking her or the concept of Parenthood seriously I told I have no reason to take this conversation or the concept of our Parenthood seriously because we are never having kids am I the jerk I think Opie is not the jerk here and there might need to be a sit-down conversation at some point because very clearly op expressed they don't want kids they want a kidless life and if this is something that op's wife is going to secretly be longing for it's better to put that out on the table and have it in the no rather than bottle that up and have Something Brewing that is just kind of ignored this next story is from poppy field 0239 am I the jerk for saying I won't make part of my family's lunches anymore I 37-year-old female have four children and a husband all my children are school age 5 7 10 and 13 and my husband is 39 I make all of their lunches for the next day for them it's usually a PB&J chips and crackers and a yogurt every day it's cheap easy and they all like it sometimes if we have take out or pizza or something the night before and the member didn't finish their portion they'll get it in their lunch the next day this is especially the case for my 7-year-old who doesn't eat much at once and will likely be the case for my 5-year-old as she eats the same way additionally sometimes I'll use a different jelly or crunchy peanut butter with the creamy or use honey instead of jelly or sub and use a turkey and cheese plus the side is switched up regularly and the yogurt flavor is always different so there's a lot of variety within a sandwich side and a yogurt with that being said I understand that having the same thing over and over can get boring if I'm asked to sub an item and I can I will this is when my oldest started complaining about lunches being boring in that complaining tone kids use I wasn't hurt I asked what he would like instead and he Shrugged and said something not boring at this point my husband and second oldest joined echoing the sentiment with no Solutions at this point I was nearly crying which I don't do in front of my kids but hearing my husband say these things without any solutions hurt I said fine if they find my lunches so boring then they don't have to eat them and I won't make them anymore that they're all welcome and old enough to make their own lunches and I'll just make them for my two youngest or my oldest kids can simply get school lunches something they've been hedly against saying the meals are gross as I know those menus are different every day and that will offer some variety they immediately backtracked on their statements but I stood firm they're all old enough to make their own lunch just tell me if you decide you need lunch money my older kids grumbled but they managed to make their own sandwiches my husband was the biggest child of them all complaining that the kids have the option of school lunch that the school can't and won't let a kid go hungry but work doesn't give a freak if he eats or not I just kissed his cheek and said there's bread and peanut butter in the kitchen not to mention he can drive to McDonald's and get something he wants he continued to get angry and slept in the basement last night am I the jerk I think op's not the jerk because they're just looking for a little appreciation here right here they are doing stuff that honestly they don't have to do and a lot of parents make their kids make their own lunch and they're just dumping on their parent and not providing any solutions listen if you want a fruit rollup every day just mention it if that's what makes it not boring if you want a capri son give them something that they can do to make it not boring rather than just say ah what you make is boring this next story is from silly Mouse am I the jerk for refusing to give my window seat to someone's kid months ago I booked a Jet Blue flight from San Francisco to New York City and realized I accumulated enough points over the years to purchase a first class seat for free I had the option to pick my seat and I always choose the window even when I'm flying economy I always pay the extra fee to select seats in advance for one to ensure I'm not kicked off when it's over booked later and two simply because I like the window seat I'm a geography nerd and enjoy looking out the window anyway the day of the flight comes and a woman and her two kids are assigned next to me in the first class cabin the lady asked me if I could switch seats so her kid could have the window if this was economy I would probably switch so the kid could have the window even though I would be miffed since I had selected it in advance and the mother didn't however I don't get to fly first class very often and was looking forward to this flight so I simply said no sorry the kid threw a fit the mother gave me a glare and pretty much tried to Guilt Trip me into switching but I just ignored her I might be a jerk for refusing to give my first Class Window Seat to a kid but at the same time every passenger has the option to choose use their seats in advance and if she wanted the window seat for her kid she should have reserved it in advance plus her kids are flying first class some people never get to fly first class in their lifetime my friend thinks I'm the jerk so I'm turning to you Reddit am I the jerk I think op is absolutely not the jerk I think if you pay for a seat you deserve to get that seat darn it Good Charity bad charity I don't care sorry kid your mom doesn't love you enough to buy the window seat also guys now is the best time to ask what is the best seat on an airplane window middle or aisle because I a staunch window believer but I know not everybody agrees let me know this next story is from not my house AIT am I the jerk for refusing to pay rent to my boyfriend's mortgage if I move in with him my boyfriend 33-year-old male and I 29-year-old female have been dating for 3 years he owns a house and lives there by himself I live in an apartment by myself we've talked about moving in together as that's the logical next step in our relationship and we both want to do it but I have some Hang-Ups related to moving into a house that I don't have any stake in I'm refusing to pay any money that would go directly towards this mortgage I don't have any stake in the house why would I contribute to his mortgage payments I'm okay helping with utilities groceries household items Etc but paying his mortgage is a hard no for me I just don't think it makes any sense for me to pay towards his mortgage when I would get nothing from that if we were to break up his argument is that I would essentially be living with him for free and it would cause an uneven dynamic in our payment towards shared living expenses which I kind of get but at the same time he's the one benefiting from paying down the mortgage and gaining Equity not me he also argued that his mortgage is pretty much exactly what I was paying in rent so by cutting that in half I'm saving a lot of money on living costs compared to living on my own which yeah that's nice too but legally it's still not my house I told him the only way I would pay money for rent is if he signs a contract with me stating that any money I pay towards his mortgage will be paid back to me by him in the event that we break up it would also allow me protection from eviction and other basic tenant rights similar to a rental agreement he's refusing to sign any anything like that because in his words I could break up with him for no reason and then take him to court for thousands of dollars which I suppose is true but I wouldn't just break up with him for no reason the whole situation is driving a wedge between us and he's pissed at me for being so difficult when all he thinks he's asking is that we split living expenses 50/50 if we are to live together to me it's not that simple when he's the one owning the house we would live in if I were on the title it would be a different story but he's not willing to put me on the title because he's lived there for 7 years already my lease at my apartment is up in 2 months and I know I need to make a decision sooner than later it doesn't help that my landlord's going to be increasing my rent and similar apartments on our area are going for even more than I'm currently paying but I just don't feel right contributing money towards his mortgage I also know that if I renew my lease it's pretty much a dagger to our relationship which I don't want because I do love him and see a future with him I just want to make sure I'm protected I can tell my boyfriend's patience on this is wearing thin and he's upset with me for digging my heels in on this but for me this is about protecting myself for the worst case scenario while he's not really risking anything I think op is a huge jerk on this I'm not going to lie op is going on and on about how this is protecting themselves but this isn't protecting themselves this is paying for a place to stay imagine how shattered op's reality would be if they found out that any of their landlords at any place they've rented had a mortgage that they were paying on those properties and we better darn sure make sure never to stay at an Airbnb because they could be paying mortgages on those and that's just unfair you know you just got to protect yourself right protect yourself from what being jealous that he owns a house that's being contributed towards yeah it's going to his mortgage but what's the alternative you go and you pay a buttload more to hand the money over to somebody else yeah you're really protecting yourself in that situation don't save the money cuz he's got a mortgage renew the more expensive lease and pay more money elsewhere I don't mean to sound too harsh but maybe it would save op's boyfriend the trouble if they just went ahead and renewed the lease and dipped this next story is from fluffy stream 6713 am I the jerk for not wanting to attend a Game of Thrones themed wedding my friend Lex is getting married soon she and her husband are extreme Game of Thrones fans they've watched the show five plus times their house is decked out with Game of Thrones themed decorations and accessories Etc because of their shared love of Game of Thrones Lex and their fiance decided to have a Game of Thrones themed wedding I'm perfectly fine with the idea of a themed wedding I'm even okay with the Game of Thrones dress and costume for the wedding the only thing I can't seem to get behind is the fact that the majority of the wedding will be conducted in High Vol Aran for those who don't know it's a madeup language from Game of Thrones her wedding is also a destination wedding and I'm finding it hard to justify going out of my way to go to a wedding that's not even in a real language that I won't be able to understand am I the jerk if I don't go I mentioned that I was having doubts to Lex and she got really mad at me because I originally had said I could go before I knew it was in high valaran she's also been sending me links to learn high valaran on Duo lingo and I feel like even if I did show up she would be mad at me for not learning it I think op is not the jerk not necessarily because of the High Valyrian thing but just because they're not really obligated to attend any wedding especially a destination wedding it's much easier to just say it's just unrealistic to make it you can give them all your love all the best and just simply not go you're not forced to go our next story is from crab legs and Prime am I the jerk for telling daughter I'm disappointed in her and won't take her out to a second restaurant my daughters 14 and 16 are on the same dance team their team won a competition on Sunday and we were all so excited and proud of them after the competition my dad suggested we go out to eat and said he would pay for wherever we wanted older daughter who loves Seafood has been asking for years to go to a restaurant that has unlimited crab legs but it is a very pricey restaurant so we've never been able B to she immediately suggested this restaurant my dad liked the suggestion my younger daughter suggested we go to her favorite restaurant a local Mexican restaurant instead we've been there many times as it's much more affordable knowing this would be a wasted opportunity I said older daughter's suggestion made more sense because it was somewhere we hadd never been younger daughter complained that she wouldn't like anything there but I assured her the menu would have more than crab legs we got there and sure enough there were many dishes that didn't have seafood including steak the youngest's favorite even though there were dishes without Seafood youngest daughter said she wasn't hungry because the restaurant smelled weird I ordered her steak anyway younger daughter pouted throughout the meal she picked at her steak older daughter was very happy and completely absorbed in the crab legings my mom tried to talk to my younger daughter about the competition but she wasn't responsive at the end of the meal we were all stuffed a except for the youngest my dad told everyone to pick a dessert to go except for the youngest because she's clearly not hungry I asked my dad to leave her alone and he did but she was already upset when we got home I tried to talk to her I explained that this was a rare opportunity and sometimes we need to let someone else have something nice I told her I could have taken us to the Mexican restaurant this weekend she said it's not the same because the restaurant we go to the night of the competition is special and we went somewhere she didn't like I pointed out that she didn't know she didn't like it because she didn't try it she said I know she hates seafood and that the restaurant's known for its Seafood so of course she wouldn't want to go there after a special event she was annoyed all Monday and Tuesday but started to Mellow on Wednesday this morning she asked if we're going to the Mexican restaurant tomorrow I said not this week because of her behavior but we'll see next week she wasn't happy am I being too hard on her I think she was very rude to her grandparents but I know when you're a teenager Everything feels like a bigger deal than it is should I have just let her behavior slide and taken her to the Mexican restaurant I'm definitely not a parenting expert but I think op is not the jerk here and I think what they've done here is actually really good I'm of the opinion that you should not enable that kind of behavior at all unless you want to foster a kid that grows up to be pouty and complaining and Moody for multiple days just so they can get what they want you don't want to condition a kid who's just coming into their own to ever repeat that kind of behavior even when they're done being moody that doesn't mean everybody else moves along with them our next story is from beauty song storm am I the jerk for telling my mom her stepdaughter is possessive and she needs to do better to keep her away from me my Mom married Jeff when I was 6 years old my dad died 2 months earlier but my parents were divorced at the time Jeff and his daughter Emma lived in an another state and all four of us moved to a new place to start over I met Jeff and Emma 2 weeks after my dad died mom made a fast move because she now could with Dad not able to stop her right from the get-go Emma's been clingy possessive and kind of a little creepy too I didn't like her from the first day we met because she told me Jeff was my dad now and that I needed to learn how to be a family with them because she wanted a sister and a mom it upset me so bad because I was missing my dad he wasn't gone that long and I had this strange girl telling me to replace him already I told her that her dad wasn't my dad and I missed my dad she told me she didn't care and things were different I went to my mom who told me to give Emma and Jeff a chance and said Emma likely got over excited Emma has continuously made life so awkward for me she insisted we share a bedroom which my mom and Jeff said yes to despite having a spare bedroom she started wearing my clothes and telling me I could wear hers all fine with Mom and Jeff she hated how I kept in touch with my best friend from back home heed it even more when a year later my best friend's family moved nearby and we got to see each other again versus just talking over the phone she was rude to her told her to leave me alone told me I had to spend time with her instead of my best friend Emma tore up photos of my dad and told me that he was the past and her and Jeff were the future she did get into trouble for that but then I got into trouble for not letting it go I was nine at the time I think Emma tells everyone I'm her sister and we're so close whereas I'm more honest with people I'm close to and don't hold back on how unhappy I am at home over the years nothing's changed much only she's far more obsessive now Jeff doesn't like me because he really doesn't like that I don't consider him my dad and I'll be honest I don't think of him as a parental figure even though I know know he is I don't love him and I hate Emma which he also knows my mom's talked to me before about being nicer to Emma and to stop pushing her away so much she got on my case again about it because I wouldn't go to camp with Emma we're both 16 now by the way that she wanted to go to that allowed almost like a sibling-like experience so Mom was mad at me and yelled at me and I eventually kind of snapped and told Mom that she needed to fix how possessive Emma is and do better by me because her daughter I lost my dad and she threw me into such a screwed up Dynamic and never cared about what it did to me I told her at the very least she needs to keep Emma away from me mom was mad and said I portrayed Emma like some sort of bad person she's still mad am I the jerk I don't think Opie's a jerk here Opie explained it the best when they said that they got tossed into a very tumultuous situation that really any kid at that age going through those circumstances would find it probably very hard to adjust I'm just left feeling bad for op and our final story of the day is from zore wits am I the jerk for being angry at my wife for not making a dinner we have a 10-month-old daughter wife's on Parental leave so usually she's taking care of the baby while I work then we switch then in the evening she puts the baby to bed and I spend the night with her daughter as in I feed her change her calm her down when she wakes up Etc now on Saturday why got diagnosed with shingles so she's quarantined from the baby as in they don't have any contact at all she feels 100% fine other than the spots on her back so Saturday Sunday and Monday we had a public holiday so no work I spend a 100% with the baby while wife did various housework we managed to find a nanny for my work hours for the rest of the weekdays on a Wednesday wife comes into my office and room remote work and tells me to finish up the dinner as she's going to get her nails done so I spent an hour in the kitchen making dinner for us and the baby Nanny stayed a bit longer while I made dinner then spend the rest of the day taking care of the baby now I was pretty angry when she said she didn't have the time to finish the dinner I mean I work 8 hours then spend the rest of the time taking care of the baby and she didn't have the time to make dinner for the baby really now she's angry at me for getting angry at her and I wonder whether I was not fair I think op's being the jerk in the situation could they have gotten the dinner done yeah probably so but considering the circumstances considering how tired they have to be considering the shingles and the constant being a mom if you got to make a dinner one day it might suck but you don't need to blow up over it but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another am I the jerk here story that was way crazier than any of the ones in this video click on that left video or if you missed my latest video check out the one on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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today we've got an incredibly annoying Mother's Day entitled parent story we'll get into that in a bit but first entitled mom thinks adults only doesn't apply to her kitted Resort pool removed by staff my husband and I are currently vacationing at a five-star hotel there's two separate pools one for kids and families and the serenity slash quiet one for adults 21 plus is enforced both pools are very clearly marked as such by large signs placed around the perimeters of each we've been here for a few days and it's been literal Paradise we've not run into many families or kids and those that we did see were exceptionally well behaved and attended to by their parents until today we went to the adult pool and got set up on two chairs the pool was in front of us and the hot tub was behind us it was a tad chili so we ventured over to the hot tub where we saw a kid about seven playing with a crap ton of Star Wars toys on the steps call Mia Karen I don't care but this set me off we came to this Resort specifically because of the two very separate pools within forced rules I want to relax I don't feel like hearing screaming kids on vacation I went over to the attendance stand and asked if the hot tub was for families and if so was there an adult's only hot tub that we might be directed to I knew the answer I just didn't want to come across as too aggressive I was told the hot tub was indeed for adults only so I proceeded to tell both pool attendants that there was a child in the hot tub and I didn't know if his parents were nearby you guys both pool attendants were basically like heck no and walked very fast over to the hot tub and told a woman who was apparently the mother entitled mother of the child that it was adults only and they had to leave the kid was told to get out crying and screaming ensued and he and the mom then just sat on the chairs but wait there's more after about 5 to 10 minutes they were still sitting on the chairs in the adult area and again the attendant came over and informed them that the area was adults only and they're not even allowed to sit there even if they're not actively using the hot tub entitled mother was pissed angrily packed up their stuff and both were ushered out of the adults area I suspect they were there because the kids pool area was super busy and entitled mother didn't want to deal with other kids and or couldn't score a chair we tipped the attendance generously on our way out and are already planning our next vacation there I wish more businesses would realize that not everyone wants to commingle with families and kids I mean it's just nice to see that when you complain about this situation the attendants actually followed up right up on it and yeah your experience wasn't bad here I can definitely agree with OP I see why there would be a market for places like this that don't allow kids as long as they did their jobs here it's wonderful also hi I'm Stephen and if you can't get enough of hearing about these entitled parents why not hit those like And subscribe buttons down below that said our next story is what do you mean 50 Euro is not enough for a baptism with 160 people so this happened literally yesterday and I feel like punching my head against the freaking wall I'm studying as a chef in a university but I'm pretty good being as a pastry chef my mom works as a butcher in a market and her co-workers have ordered me a couple of times orange pies cakes chocolates Tarts Etc before a month one of her co-workers decided to do a baptism about his newborn baby girl we'll call him Benz Al banzel decided to order my pastry cream with fruits and biscuits we had a deal and he said he would pay me 200 euro so this week he bought me the ingredients for the sweets and the plastic cups to put them in and I started making them yesterday when suddenly he asks me to lower down the price I told them I'm fine if the price is around 160 but he he wanted the price to be 50 Euro we had a small argument and then he pops me that he's found another pastry with a cheaper price like okay go ahead no one's Stopping You bruh then his wife messaged me on messenger saying how crappy I was and to go freak myself they were just trying to do the classic jerk move of backing you into a corner when they feel like you have no other choice but to go forward with the process and then undercut you and be like well you gotta cut your losses and just accept what you can get right even if you yourself went and bought the ingredients and you lost money on this I definitely wouldn't follow through with it based on what they did here I mean maybe it's the kind of thing you need to share around a little bit especially if they threaten to try to smear your name our next story is I don't know what it is about having a baby and giving my mother a grandchild that's brought out the worst in her had a few gripes on the sub since my mother's been acting up but she seems to be getting worse rather than better all started off last August when me and my girlfriend discovered we were having a baby mom was excited but as months went on she was just constantly firing name ideas towards me any that I didn't like she'd argue and question why then when we found a name we liked and she didn't it sparked issues our son then came six weeks early in March my girlfriend and our son were nearly on their Death Beds due to complications my mother felt so entitled she felt it was appropriate to start causing arguments with me over telling her she wasn't allowed to the hospital due to restrictions and she was fuming my mother-in-law was there and she couldn't be she spent weeks trying to cause an argument with my girlfriend kept accusing my girlfriend of snapping at her when she hadn't been started accusing my mother-in-law of being a thief over some baby clothes she'd bought our baby because it was from an expensive shop had a massive argument with her a month or two ago where I told her I wanted her to go to the doctors and get some help because I think she she's either menopausal depressed or even starting with dementia she's been behaving absolutely deluded she apologized to me and my girlfriend and even bought her a bunch of flowers my mother never apologizes so I really thought she meant it but over the last few weeks she started again when funny with me a week ago because my girlfriend's been offered redundancy in her job and she's accepted it she hates her job and has wanted this for years we were in a good place financially at the minute but we think Mom is fuming because she wants my girlfriend to go back to work after maternity leave so she can have our son all the time as much as we want him to have a good relationship with his grandma we don't want this all of the time she was then fuming last weekend as my girlfriend was carrying him in a carrier and didn't let my mom have a cuddle straight away and then he was poorly a couple of nights ago and we managed to get him to an out of hours doctor's appointment just after midnight we were exhausted and so took him to the appointment he got given the all clear we came home got a wash and went straight to bed mom came to visit yesterday evening where we told her she then decided to go home message me and start an argument that we hadn't told her sooner I wish she would just leave us to be parents stop taking everything personally and taking things out on us we're exhausted without already feeling like we're walking on eggshells with her I think there's a lot of stories that go around like this and as much as it hurts to do so because I honestly don't even know if I'd be able to if I was an OP situation but you gotta put your foot down and just tell her bluntly you know if you're gonna argue and complain you just need to stay away and not make things more stressful for us than we need it to be our next story is my threatened to call cops if I leave for summer job I'm an 18 year old male who's graduating I live in Maryland and I got this salesman opportunity in Texas they pay for travel level and housing and I've been training with them since December I've spoken to my mother and she says it's dumb that what if you don't make money I brush it off because I trust in my abilities in training today I sat her down and told her I'm going that it's official I already pay my own rent and phone bill overall for my own stuff while attending High School I've been paying for my own stuff since 17. so what gives after she stormed off she called saying you're a miner not 21 you will not go and if you do I'm calling the cops I said she can't do that she said yes I can I already spoken with police which I know my rights that's also a lie I've had family members call me convincing how sketchy it sounds and how I should be working with my sister at a food market I keep explaining how business and finance is my passion that's also my pathway in high school what do I do I don't want to miss out on this opportunity to be fair I know a lot of salesmen opportunities that come come to people who are 18 years old tend to be some MLM pay us for the leads and then you'll go out and sell the opportunities to those people and it'll surely work out kind of things but the bottom line here is at 18 you're old enough to make a completely your own decisions and she can't talk to the police and do anything our next story is lady got mad for refusing to sell slime to her daughter this is a very old story back when I was in third grade over 10 years ago our elementary school has an annual School Fair which the third graders run as part of their financial unit in second semester part of the fair was running a store for two school days each third grader is allowed to run their store which is really a small Costco table with as little or as many items the only thing is the items must be homemade so they cannot be store-bought items that were flipping my mom helped me make over 200 small 2 ounce containers of slime to sell those two days I was so excited for those two days now fast forward to the event and I almost sold out by the end of the second day barely had maybe 10 or 15 containers left now one of my customers was my neighbor's second grade daughter she came to my table and wanted to buy a pack of slime which I was selling for a dollar each but only had 50 cents left from spending all their money elsewhere so I told her I can't give her it she moved on and I didn't think much of it this missile comes around and all my friends and I get on the bus super happy with all the money we've made since she's my neighbor she was also on our bus route and conveniently sat across from my seat throughout the ride she kept asking me for just one slime as a favor I declined but offered to trade my slimes for something else she bought today she bought some popsicle stick car which I thought was very cool now here's where I may have gotten a little jerky she handed me that little car and I decided to mess with her a little nothing mean just friendly teasing I refuse to give my slime to her and took the car and was laughing with my friends it was never my intention to scam her as literally less than 30 seconds I gave her the pack of slime all good right nope to be honest she was fine after that and was laughing over it too but once we got off at our stop and she mentioned how she got the Slime to her entitled awful Karen mom her mom went a poop on me and my mom she accused us of being scammers sinful people and Invaders we were Indian people in a mostly white neighborhood she went on to say how we probably learned from the call centers what the freak the daughter looked so embarrassed of her mom and kept telling her mom to stop but no her mom had a tendency to flip out on everyone over minor things my mom didn't speak English very well as she had lived in rural India almost her whole life but she could tell how angry my neighbor was the whole incident frightened her so bad I a few hours later my neighbor's husband came over and knocked on our door we were afraid to open the door but my dad went to talk and turns out he came over to apologize for his crazy wife looks like he was tired of her BS as well he came inside and we all had a great time over dinner and snacks the husband was a really chilled dude now a little extra part to the story the husband had been dealing with her BS for way too long and a few years later when I was in Middle School he divorced her turns out it was his house so she left took 80 000 from him but still left the daughter left too which was a bummer because she was actually really kind only her mom was the crazy one in today's time my neighbors happily married to another lady who is awesome she's super chill as well anyways that's one of my r slash entitled parents experiences I already always feel bad for kids with entitled parents but you have to feel extra bad for the ones who clearly understand that their parents are being overly entitled the ones who stand off to the side and look embarrassed or step in and try to say stop you just hope they continue to have that mindset as they grow up further this next story is Mom just took my paycheck because she did my laundry once I got home today from work to my mom snatching my paycheck off my hands she said she deserves it because she did all the chores around the house which isn't true I did a lot before going to work she also said it was because she did my laundry this is the biggest check I've gotten in the longest time and all because she did my laundry I've been doing my own and others laundry since I was taught and I never said a thing my dad got home not long after and thankfully he's on my side my mom hasn't given me my check back but my dad is trying to talk to her what can I do this definitely depends a little bit on how old you are I would definitely say open your own bank account if you can get direct deposit that would be even better and in the future literally just do not give her that money the stack story is entitled mother insults me for wearing a swimsuit and makes a scene before I start this this all started last year where I was just a teenager and still am it was a hot summer day I live in a tourist town where many people come to visit it's a nice town to stay some weekends several times friendly people come and other times pure demons dressed as humans this was the case me and my grandpa who doesn't know how to speak the official language of the country we are we're having a fun time everything was normal the water was nice and the day was sunny I was wearing a black bikini not inappropriate just a normal swimsuit I was enjoying myself I finally felt good in my own skin well apparently my wardrobe Choice was eye-catching for a visiting American Family a man of approximately 55 years old was looking at me he wasn't the only one another dude was looking both in a dirty way I felt disgusted so I I decided to call my grandfather to go to another side of the beach but before I could speak a lady with hair dyed a passion red came angrily at me with a kid she said do you speak English I don't know of any of your kinds speak it I said yes do you need help she said you need help this is a public space me trying the best to pronounce without a strong accent I know what happened she said your swimsuit is just provocative all of you Spanish people are just look at you you look like a slur at that moment I was in shock did this lady forget about that some people here are topless I was in Spanish though I understand and speak the language but this was scary she just cat called me and I was about to cry I said ma'am what I'm not wearing anything strange or sexualized she said of course you are you're distracting my dear husband and son UW put something on you're showing too much chest your butt is exposed and insured more stuff wrong about my body I said I'm only 14. what's wrong with your son and isn't your husband at least 50 that's disgusting she said you aren't that young you're just a 16 to 19 girl who likes destroying families apart God needs to punish you this lady stopped for a second to talk with her kid she was telling him of how distracting I was and that when he grows up to never bring home any girl like me absolutely disgusting Behavior at this point the kid that was with her was crying and screaming that I was a home wrecker how did a seven-year-old call me that did he really know what was going on people were looking at the scene my grandpa was asking me what was going on and who were these people I didn't know what to say I was standing there about to scream feeling horrible and like one of those words she called me the Predator husband and pervert's son seemed embarrassed and now exposed by the crazy lady they came to pick her up and take her to the side where they'd put their things I heard their murmurs saying that I strayed from God's path and that I was just a teaser after that I put a shirt on and stayed at the sand feeling gross I absolutely hate that family of four still to this day I remember what happened it was just a year ago and I still feel bad about it this was one of my experiences with a Karen and I wish it never happened thanks for reading have a nice day and remember Karen's are just people who feel entitled and never wrong about anything if you know someone with those characteristics IOP diagnosed them with Karen virus there isn't available a cure right now sure is a shame that there is a grown woman blaming a young girl for just existing and wanting to have a normal regular fun time for somehow causing their husband and Son's perverted Behavior maybe there would be less situations like that unless people perving around like that if there weren't people like the Karen who tried to blame innocent people our next story is entitled Grandma wanted to reconnect connect after verbally abusing me and my sons this happened years ago but I figured I'd share it now that it's so far in the past backstory my 34 year old female now 10 year old was born with multiple disabilities and spent the majority of his first two years in and out of the hospital he's been in a wheelchair since he was old enough to use one I had broken up with his Dad before I found out I was pregnant but for ease of identification we'll just say that my sister-in-law brought her two daughters and his mom to visit us at the hospital when my son was six months she and her daughters took turns holding my son and cooing over him like a good aunt and cousins it got to Grandma's turn and she refused stating why would I want to hold a freaking disabled slur I don't even believe he's my grandson since my son would never have a kid with such a fat cow and her other kids are an r word too before I could say a word sister-in-law jumped to our defense and shouted for security to escort Grandma out and told her to find her own way home sister-in-law apologized profusely and we spent another half hour just chatting before they left I had zero contact with Grandma until my son was about four and a half that's where this Story begins my ex wasn't the best father and honestly this was probably the least traumatizing situation he put us through we've been no contact with him since 2020 but that's a story for another day so he reached out when my son was about four and a half and begged to take him to see his mom because she'd had some medical issues and ended up in a long-term care facility I refused to let him take him alone so he and I took both my sons to see her we walked in her room and immediately she started in on my weight and how being fat is the reason both of my kids are r word my youngest son is in a wheelchair oldest son has Down syndrome neither of which will ever change but somehow she was surprised that the oldest still had Down syndrome film and that the youngest was still in a wheelchair she made some comments about him being coddled and if you'd let him out of the chair I'm sure he would walk but you're just babying him too much pretty sure his multiple Specialists multiple surgeries and the nerve damage causing him to be a paraplegic say otherwise but okay my ex stayed quiet through all that I walked out the facility and let him know that we would never be back and she would never see her grandson again about 18 months later sister-in-law reached out and begged us to come to a family reunion they were hosting since Grandma was being released from the facility I refused and explained why sister-in-law understood and said she would get with us soon without grandma grandma found out and cried to anyone who would listen that I'm depriving her of a relationship with her sweet baby and how I'm such a horrible mother to deny her the ability to see him she took it to Facebook forgetting that most of her friends were either kids that X and I went to high school with or parents of those kids who all knew why we were no contact with her and low contact with her son it didn't turn out well for her she tried one more time pre Panini and got shot down again haven't heard a peep from her since 2019 or her son since 2020. people like that honestly have no place in your life especially not around young kids growing up who definitely do not need to hear any of that stuff this next story is I give up me and my mother never had a good relationship she was 19 my father was 21 and I was the result of a condom blowing I don't have most of my memories as a child but the ones I have with her are some of my worst traumas when I was seven I had a very tough project to do so I asked her to help she said tomorrow she continued doing that until I had only one day to give the project so I entered her bathroom and asked again she screamed at me and through her cross at me I was on the floor my head was bleeding a little and I was crying the first thing she did was curse and say son you made me sin instead of worrying about me she was worried that the cross broke on the ground and I have multiple histories like that but I'm just gonna leave that one even though she was like that I was the one who most protected her from insults from my father my grandma and my aunts I never let any of them bad mouth her for six years but when my sister was born it became clear who was the favorite I would hold a little anger for my sister but I don't blame her she suffered just like me and her hands but never the same level as me since she was the favorite every time we had even a little argument my mom would scream at me and treat me like a monster and her like a little angel even though I did tease her sometimes mostly she's the one who got aggressive and started being rude and I could never forget something or else there'd be a fight one day I forgot got one plate and knife in the sink I was screamed at and took a beating the next morning I don't remember once in my life where she said I love you or said sorry for how she treated and beated me but she still believes she's a great mom because she makes her job as a mother even though the babysitter was the cleaner and the one who provides food she doesn't have a job and stays most of her time at home but she's the one who acts the most tired and says she does a lot even though my father Works 18 hours a day and still makes her food on the weekends and takes us out to little trips my father's not perfect but he loves us and knows when he's wrong I also have a three-year-old brother ever since he was born my sister got second place in the list my parents spoil him every day that kid is turned into a brat who spits bites attacks my animals and people and even though he doesn't know how to talk he knows what he does is bad because he smiles and runs away when he's caught I've been begging my parents to discipline him but they act as if I'm mean to the child just because I don't do his every wish today was the last straw for me even though I'm the only one who points out how toxic our family is and tries to show my parents how her acting is making our family aggressive it never changed but I still wanted a house where I could get out of my room without fear I have a difficulty in paying attention to my studies so I left my phone in my sister's room and decided to go to my father's Workshop since he wasn't home my sister was already there and I asked her to let the keys in the window she smiled at me and acted as if she couldn't hear so I screamed sis let the keys in the window and my mom started another fight because I don't treat my sister with respect I pointed out that her behavior wasn't great either but I'm the son she doesn't love equally so she fought with me and said for me to study in the kitchen I said to her the kitchen's too loud and everybody walks through there but she didn't listen so I just just ignored her and went in my room now my annoying brother wanted the room to himself because my parents don't let me in my room so now he thinks the room is his now my mom's screaming with my brother my Stress and Anxiety were getting worse I was sending an SOS to my father through the computer until she opened my door with her key and now the usual weekend was happening I was on the wall screaming for her to let me go while she was treating me and doing the usual of screaming to my face and calling me names my anxiety and stress were worse than usual and when I'm like that I can't stop talking and arguing with her even though it would be better if I did she just threw me in my sister's room and I was crying and couldn't stop scratching myself or talking to myself then it was time for the baby to sleep I was again thrown from room to room and the fight got back I was tired my heart was beating too fast I couldn't breathe properly so I just begged her to leave but she's a piece of crap who likes being right so she stayed because she knew I would get worse and it happened I snapped and tried to push her out of my room without hurting her but she stayed so I put on my clothes and tried to leave to my grandma's house but she didn't let me now she was slapping and pushing me around my sister was begging her to stop and the babysitter was trying to make me and her calm down but she continued and continued I locked myself in the bathroom while she was now trying to also make my sister anxious so she would break down I don't know how a mother can treat her children like that after the babysitter left and the baby slept she tried having a talk to us it was disgusting she made herself like the victim and said we were the ones pushing her mad and stressed but she's always like that and when I finally left the bathroom I made my last attempt with her but she was a wall instead of focusing on the problems of her she always deflected and started talking about us or try to make her life sound awful then I made her shut up and asked one question do you really think none of your actions were bad her answer made me want to throw up none of my actions were ever bad all I'm trying is to be a mother while my kids antagonize me and make me go mad after she said stop pretending to be a victim son your behavior is disgusting the talk continued for half an hour but after those words I just gave up about my mother or this family I just can't anymore and I'm just wanting to tell this to my father's family now if this took place in the U.S I would honestly say Opie needs to get some kind of help I mean depending on how old op is obviously the best option is to just get out of that situation if you can if you have other trustworthy relatives who care about you reach out to them and explain to them what's going on try to lean on whatever resources you can to start getting some actual help here our next story is yes they thanks it's my Mother's Day Too yesterday I was at a winery to celebrate Mother's Day with my mom and my adult daughter my daughter had her Corgi with us and he's very cute and sweet attracts a lot of attention so we're having our wine and picnic and a boy about 10 comes over and sits with a dog to pet him his mom comes over what a cute dog this is Leo he loves dogs can he sit here and pet him feel free to send him back when it becomes too much doesn't actually wait for an answer then she goes back across the winery and leaves him for the rest of the time we were willing to sit there with her son never looks at us checks in we hang for a while 45 minutes dog is happy kid is fine until he starts to tease the dog with fake treats that's when we decide to leave and tell the kid thanks time to go mom ignores us as we leave and walk right past her to exit I get it that she wanted time on her own but the fact that she was fine having us passively entertain her kid as we were also celebrating Mother's Day is just obnoxious honestly I think op and the rest of them were way more kind than they ever needed to be I feel like most people might be like you can pet him for a little bit but definitely don't leave just take the kid with you when you're ready this next story is entitled mom demands I buy her kids sandals I took my auntie shopping out of town and I bought my daughter four Nike Sunray sandals like I do every year I worked as an HCA and we lived comfortably I recently got taken off work the last 12 weeks of my pregnancy but I still bring in an income which alone is enough to pay my bills and rent my husband got a minimum wage job so his is a little extra a month to our finances so I got my daughter her sandals for the upcoming hot weather and she says I'm rubbing my money in her face but the thing is I worked for my money she hasn't worked in many many years and lives off income assistance and CTB she has three kids so most of her stuff is second hand she said to me it's unfair you get what you want the least you can do is buy my kids the same so they don't get jealous of your daughters who doesn't even appreciate it she just seems like a total moocher I feel like this is just learned behavior that somehow along the line has worked out for her you know complaining that other people get something so therefore she deserves something and people giving in because of guilt but with that being said that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another absolutely crazy entitled parent story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
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aita for deciding not to buy food for my fiance's family anymore every other week my fiance 22f and I 23m go out to eat with her family and last week we went to a Korean barbecue restaurant owned by my uncle 59m where I paid for everyone's meal I only asked them to cover the tip for the waitress which they agreed to do so the total bill was over $240 and I paid usually when I cover the tab for my friends or significant other they generously Tip since they're only responsible for the gratuity not the cost of the meal itself however a few days ago my cousins 21m revealed that they had only left a $1 tip and they have tip only $1 before I was shocked and disappointed because a $1 tip is insultingly low especially considering I had treated them to alcohol and dessert so I discussed this issue with my fiance but her family insists they never tip or only pays like $1 for tip at restaurant /gen services this is happening in the USA as a result I informed my fiance our by-weekly restaurant outings would have to change I also have informed to my fiance about that I told her that I had only paid for their meals as a kind gesture while my fiance was annoyed she ultimately understood yesterday they asked if I would buy their food again next week to which I responded that they'll need to
give me a good story on AITAfordecidingnottobuyfoodformyfiancesfamilyanymore
AIT for refusing to share my inheritance with my father's new children my father is an only child my grandmother and grandfather were kind of disappointed with how he chose to live his life After High School he wasted a bunch of his time and their money pursuing courses of study he didn't have any real interest in they made sure he graduated debt-free and then left him to his own devices when he married my mom they helped pay for the wedding and gave them the down payment for their home my mom and dad then spent the next 20 years goofing off when I was born I was pretty much given to my grandparents to raise my maternal grandparents helped as much as they could but they are back in Argentina so I was basically raised as my dad's little brother not as his kid my grandparents came to my parent teacher meeting they attended my sporting events they were my parents my biological mother passed away when I was 12 I found out weeks later since my dad didn't bother telling anyone when I was 25 my grandparents got taken within two months of each other my grandfather went last and in his will he left my dad $50 he left the ASPCA $50,000 I got the rest they had already paid for my education I thanked them and was planning on paying them back once my career got going now I have a huge old house and a rather nice Nest Egg I'm 35 and my fiance and I are about to start our family my dad calls me out of the blue and says he is remarried news to me and that his wife is expecting I congratulate him not knowing what else to do he said that obviously my grandparents would want their grandchildren to share equally in their estate he said I need to talk to the lawyers and see about setting up a trust fund for this new kid and any future kids I said that I was not splitting my inheritance and that it was his job as a parent to provide for his children he tried saying that his parents hadn't provided for him I asked him about his debt from s years of University I asked about the money for his wedding I asked about his mortgage I asked him if he could please provide me with information about how much he paid towards my education how much he helped me when I bought my first home what he gave me towards my wedding for the record he got us a sweet stand mixer he said that he didn't have the kind of money his parents had I asked him how much he earned at his job he said that he worked to live not live to work that was something he always said to my grandfather it really hit home with me he has spent his entire life on easy mode I told him that if he is a competent father and his new kids finish high school I will help them get an education he said he needs money now I asked why my unborn half sibling needed money it turns out my dad hasn't been paying his taxes I offered to buy his house and rent it back to him he said I was being an like his dad and trying to control him with money my wife is with me but she thinks I was harsh and that his kid deserves a leg up
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AI for telling my sister to accept her daughter is white both me 33f and my sister 27f are Caucasian Latinas however she's always been more tan than me a fact she's always been very proud of for reference my skin tone is close to Aubrey plaset while hers is closer to Gina Rodriguez when we were younger she would constantly talk about how European I looked compared to her how my hair looked more blonde than brown which no one ever agreed with and how certain colors I like looked awful on me due to my skin tone I almost never said anything because I was 6 years older and had better things to do also while I did have many insecurities I never doubted I was beautiful fast forward to now we both have kids my husband is a little more tan than me and both our children 8 m and 3F have the same skin tone as their father my sister's ex and baby daddy however was a very pale Swiss guy my niece 5f is a fair skinned girl with dark blonde hair while my daughter is more tan and has dark brown hair everyone agrees that both girls are beautiful but their skin tones have always bugged my sister she insists that both girls are equally
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aita for divorcing my husband for leaving my dogs outside when I'm on work trips I 34f am married to my husband 36m and have been for 3 years I have two dogs that I have had since before I married him my dogs are like my children and he knows this and I thought that was how he thought of them my job requires me to go on a lot of trips throughout the month these trips can vary from 3 days to 3 weeks before I started this job I did talk to my husband as I explained I would be away a lot and it would leave him to take care of the house before you say it's not his job to take care of the dogs I did say he wouldn't have to do much just feed them dinner as I would feed them breakfast unless I'm away and that's it as I would walk them when I get home he agreed and it all seemed fine now fast forward to a month ago I had a work trip coming up and it was quite a long one it would be for 2 weeks and I had prepared my husband for it telling him what needs to be done he told me not to worry and he would be fine so I left it at that on the day I had to leave for my trip I said goodbye and got in the taxi when I arrived I settled in and did the usual however I got a text from my mom saying if something happened with my dogs I was really confused and asked her what did she mean she said she went round to drop of some things and saw my dogs tied up on the front porch I was shocked and told her to send a picture I told her to untie my dogs and take them with her and I would cancel my trip and come home once I got home and opened the front door my husband was in the living room on the phone with someone sounding alarmed I tried to act normal and walked up to him he seemed surprised to see him and then very worried I asked him what's wrong and he said he lost my dogs I knew what had really happened but I played along I said how and he sheepishly told me he had locked them outside for making too much noise and someone must have taken them I was disappointed to say the least I asked him why would he do that and he said they were annoying him and it shouldn't be his responsibility I went upstairs packed a bag and left to go stay at my mom's he asked me where I was going as I tried to leave the door I said I was taking a break to think things over since I got to my mom's he has been blowing up my phone calling me over dramatic even my Mill has been calling me dramatic and selfish I haven't told him I have my dogs but it's not just about that it's about the fact that I don't trust him anymore I have decided to get a divorce after speaking to my mom and best friend my dogs are my priority let me know aita
give me a good story on AITAfordivorcingmyhusbandforleavingmydogsoutsidewhenImonworktrips
what's the most denial you've ever seen someone in I work at a university in records one thing that's important to remember is that one of our main responsibilities is maintaining and issuing transcripts at least half of everything we do is directly related to transcripts either in the form of ensuring accuracy or tracking and updating information so when a student finds out she cannot graduate because she didn't even bother to take like five courses she needs and then badly photoshopped a set of transcripts and emails those back to us to claim that our records were wrong because she had transcripts showing that she had taken and pass the courses well needless to say nobody fell for it not to say that she didn't do a decent job of Faking it but she forgot to recalculate her GPA to reflect her new a really a don't you know anything about cheating never give yourself a and it matched her prior GPA this isn't the denial part yet though this girl truly believed she would convince us she just kept insisting that we were mistaken so she had her parents come talk to the big wigs and the whole time they met with the big wigs the parents just kept saying well we think our daughter is right who would lie to their family and have them fly all this way out here and waste all this money why would anyone do that you guys have made a mistake hate to burst your bubble guys but uh wish should I could tell you more we held graduation like normal and she didn't participate at this stage if there has been any followup on it then they've kept it kind of quiet to be fair they the administrators don't really want to be too open about it all and it isn't something that I'd know about through work normally so unless they keep doubling down in the denial chances are I'll never hear anything else about it lastly I asked if nothing else had transpired after that last meeting except the mother appeared to slow be doubting things but that was after a three-hour meeting with my colleagues boss and my boss's boss another we kept getting angry letters from a dad of a student saying his daughter told him that we refused to issue tuition receipts he needed for his income tax we told him she dropped out partway through the first semester and we had not seen her since he assured us she had completed almost all the course work and had even done two placements he refused to believe what we told him and got angrier and angrier by the way his daughter's email name was sweet little princess 316 and so on finally the dean told him he refused to discuss the situation with a dad over the phone but would meet with them anytime as long as the dad showed up with the daughter dad then told us that the daughter refused as we had been abusive to her and she was afraid for her safety sweet little princess 316 that's funny if she uses that email in the future for work I'm pretty sure HR would have a good laugh at that story two I hope this applies but I volunteer as an EMT this one shift we got a call about a pungent smell coming from an elderly coup's apartment dispatch assumed it was a gas leak and the protocol for handling such cases states there has to be an em team on scene Ergo us the EMTs we showed up at the address and follow the stench into a small rundown apartment the do is cracked open so we walk in an alarmed geriatric welcomes us he claims all is in order and politely shows us towards the exit alas as we turn to leave I catch a whiff of the most violent petd stench to have ever existed want to make an anosmic tear up it takes all my zen not to go into a feat of projectile vomiting at this point we're all gagging so it's clear that we've come to the right place the head paramedic quickly tracks the center of the bedroom inside strewn yes strewn on the bed is a badly deteriorated body of a woman very gruesome the man however seemed nonchalant and completely oblivious to the presence of a corpse in his bed furthermore he was convinced she was still alive it seemed pretty pissed at us for claiming otherwise he went on to have a full conversation with her body while we filled out paperwork a pathologist in the morg of a hospital we frequently later told us the deceased lady's husband had S3 Alzheimer's disease he was suffering from mosia refusing to believe he was ill and that his wife was dead it was a sad day Story three okay so I have the perfect one for this thread there's been this fellow who somehow ended up on my Facebook friends list been on my list forever and has always posted a lot of stuff about Fringe 14 type topics nothing that unusual though well just recently has been in a posting spree about how the Earth is really flat and everyone is being completely fooled into believing that it is round the first post I saw I thought was a joke but as I went further I realized that in fact this guy is more than dead serious he's fervently adamant about it he's opened a whole album in which he posted random pictures and diagrams and such proving the Earth's flatness each po-ting picture is a seemingly endless comment thread mostly people telling him how completely crazy he's being others are highly supportive as he obviously has found a group of other people who firmly believe in a flat Earth I was entranced once I started reading I couldn't stop I could wrap my mind around how someone could logically come to the belief in 2015 with an astounding amount of data proving otherwise that the Earth is in fact flat I needed some data something anything to get even an inkling of how this thought process and the whole thing was put together finally I decided to ask a question I asked him in the most polite inquisitive manner what his thoughts were in regards to the fact that when an Australia he's from the US the Moon is seen upside down compared to the way we see it here in the US to my surprise I got an immediate response he seemed very eager to answer inquiries he linked me to this diagram and said this should give me perspective on mcquery he said the moon only ever shows us one side this didn't answer my question so I clarified with an example that particular night we had a beautiful crescent moon with Venus just below shining brightly had taken a photo of it because it was so nice my mother-in-law in Australia had also taken a photo of it earlier so showing these two photos as an example I asked him what his thoughts were on the fact that in her photo the Crescent is facing the opposite direction and Venus is above the Moon instead of below he never responded he believes that the southern hemisphere does not exist the flights to the southern hemisphere cannot be tracked but if you attend to track them they just disappear in the middle of the ocean and posts video supposedly showing this happening someone who has lived in both the US and Australia and has made the flight back and forth many times I found this particularly funny one of his key articles of proof is the fact that the Horizon does not appear curved it appears straight and that if the Earth was round it would obviously be curved he believes all photos from space are fake and that we don't actually have any real pictures of the Earth from space at all I could just go on and on here it's just amazing to me how someone could come to this belief he says that he spent the last year of his life studying all the proof and has had this entire world view changed that it took a lot for him to finally be able to see and understand the truth and the rest of the world needs to wake up to the WTH facts story four years ago I was acquainted with a young man let's call him Steve Steve often lived a life of opposites it was prone to making amazingly graphic jokes and suggestive comments half of the time and to angrily preaching the tenants of Mormonism the other half of the time one might also have suspected that they were dealing with a pair of oddly dissimilar Twins were it not for the fact that these shifts in mood would occasionally occur over the span of a few minutes there was one occasion for example when my friends and I were walking through the downtown area of our hometown and Steve appropo of absolutely nothing suddenly shouted that he was going to have to stop being friends with us if we didn't cut it out you're always talking about substances and intercourse and crap he exclaimed you should know better seeing as my friends and I had been discussing I believe the movie Spider-Man wouldn't have any idea what he was talking about random outbursts weren't Steve's only defining feature though he once loudly complained about a debate that he'd had with a mutual friend saying Mike just doesn't get it he argues wrong he uses facts and logic and stuff that sounds unbelievable you might want to stop here following his firing from a local business which Steve claimed had occurred because he'd make all the other employees his manager included look bad Steve decided to get a job as a long haul trucker he allegedly passed his interviews with flying colors and was all set to start pulling down a supposedly generous salary as a gley informed anyone who would listen then He got attacked by a car a parked car what actually happened as far as anyone can tell is that Steve got upset about the presence of the automobile for some reason or another or possibly at its owner in retaliation he attempted to punch through one of the windows and promly broke his hand not only did he insist that his injury had made him ineligible to become a trucker but he also made the argument that he hadn't been at fault in the slightest to hear Steve tell the story one would think that he had no choice but to punch the car and that it was the window's fault for not breaking last I heard he still maintains that perspective Steve and I are I just checked still connected via social media a quick glance through his recent activity shows that he may have learned from some of his previous mistakes and if he has then I congratulate him I don't think I'll be reaching out to him though as our last in-person encounter ended and again this is completely true when he decided that I and a few other people were actively plotting to let his own car get stolen this car I should mention had very little interior only one seat and had been purchased for $200 it also didn't have any windows but that may have been a safety feature for Steve don't know about you guys but it kind of feels like everyone knows of Steve who's like that and I also knew you were going to hit that like button and subscribe to the channel even if I don't ask right Story five a parents and two friends for some background my parents are cruel a-holes I've had almost no contact with them for years and my life is better for it and I'm a much better person without their crap hanging over me last year they fell in with a money forwarding scammer I haven't heard the entirety of the story but it involves Promises of tens of millions of dollars from a small outlay in their part of course they lost their small outlay which was in the tens of thousands apparently most of this I'm repeating the second hand from a cousin who keeps an eye out for anything weird for them so I'm prepared they then realized this person was scamming them and had been working tieless Leah trying to outs scam the scammer and Achieve access to tens of millions without the slightest thought that the tens of millions doesn't exist they then tried to reestablished contact with me didn't mention anything about the money at the time but added the usual bizarre restrictions on us meeting face to face I would wear certain clothes my girlfriend would wear a correct hairstyle and clothing Etc and behave a certain way all the usual stuff they used to pull on me when growing up soon after that when I found out about their money issues they tried a second time to reestablish contact along with demands for cash and asking who owned the house I was living in so they could use that is collateral for a small business issue I told him that screw off the most recent news I have as of last month is they not only lost the family home in an investment property I was unaware of but they're up to their eyeballs in debt have borrowed metric tons from friends and other family all going towards the scammer and attempts to get their money back their total debt is now well over $400,000 if I were to sum up the source of their problems when I was growing up it's that their Total Control Freaks and if anything or anyone steps out of their decided control Arena they'll sacrifice everything to get them back in their denial is completing that they still think they have a hope for returning their money and on the second front and that they believe I'll help them throw money at the problem right scaming the scamers sounds like a good idea huh story six I used to teach English in taipe city which is a pretty wild nightlife especially for aats I had an apartment close to the club District that had often stayed with my girlfriend for the night I had a buddy Joel who lived outside the city but loved coming into town dep party one night I told him that he could stay at my place and sleep in my room while I was away he was really grateful for the hospitality so the next day I noticed that the garbage can had about 3 in of water in it hm that's weird I thought so I called up Joel to ask if he'd poured water into the garbage or what the hell happened right away he got all nervous and apologetic telling me that he had a sleepwalking problem and that he probably was disoriented in the middle of the night couldn't find the bathroom and his sleep as he was in an unfamiliar apartment and probably pissed in the garbage can it made sense it looked like water because he'd been drinking all night I laughed it off told him it was well contained and not to worry about it he was extremely embarrassed and told me to never tell a Jo I agreed but told him it was really no big deal and that was that a couple of weeks later Joel stayed in my room again one Saturday night while I was over at my girlfriend's place the next morning I head back home take a shower open my sock drawer grab a pair of socks and notice that everything is soaking wet right away I knew what happened Joel had Sleepwalk pissed in the middle of the night again but this time it was my sock drawer where I kept my passport all my travel documents my work visa and all my other important paperwork it was all drenched in Joel's piss so I called up Joel to tell him what happened he was so incredibly embarrassed about the incident that he flat out denied had ever happened he said there was no way he could have possibly sleepwalked that he had no idea how my sock drawer could have been drenched in piss and that it was appalled that I could possibly accuse him of such a thing it told him not to worry about it but that unfortunately he couldn't sleep over anymore because it was too much of a liability for years afterwards anytime we were alone and I brought it up it would tell me that he had no idea what I was talking about but I traveled with a crinkly passport until it expired the all of the stamps smudged and illegible story seven my best friend Mary's a beautiful and every way woman I had it bad for her once she started dating him that was it for me so they were cruising along in their marriage and she gets even hotter after having children my friend starts hanging around with a very good-looking guy who obviously is making a move on her she mentions to me that he makes her uncomfortable and puts the cold freeze on him she tells my friend how she feels but he laughs it off move forward a few months and I notice that this guy's urging my friend to come hustling with him I jump on my friend and tell him how stupid that would be as he has the best and one night we're all at dinner together this guy starts talking vague and distant ways about how the two of them successfully hustled some women I grabbed my friend and point out what is going on this guy's hustling with you so he can move in on your wife my friend laughs it off tells me I'm crazy and keeps hanging with this guy the next time we're all together the guy has become graphic my friend's wife is a wreck and my friend still cannot see or hear what is happening right in front of him his marriage is over and he's oblivious to the fact she cuts them both loose and a few years later Mary's a really cool fireman her friend has never recovered from losing her and have been my tongue for years story eight my mother is convinced that someone keeps breaking into her house but never steals anything this has been going on for at least 30 years I grew up thinking she was just Savvy doing things like pushing the couch in front of the door while we sneak out a more obscure entry made sense to me growing up now she has cameras all around and in her house with a constant recorded feed to one of those black and white split screens a couple years ago when I realized how irrational it is she told me it happened again they came into the house again I just vacuumed and when I came home there was Dusty footprints in the carpet well you have the cameras now did you look and see who it is her I tried but they backed up the film and recorded over the part with him on it me the cameras were recording when you got home her yes me okay then you caught them leaving the house her I told you already they recorded over the parts with them on film me that's possible for when they came in but if the cameras were still going they would have caught them leaving they can't record over it after they've left she looked at me as if I'm the idiot in a slow voice with every word emphasized I told you you they rewinded the film and recorded over it that's when I knew there's no reasoning with crazy never Reas in with stupid people I swear you'll always lose they'll get you down to their level and beat you with experience story nine there's this lesbian couple I know one is thin and Butch the other is overweight and fem they have been dating for about 2 years one day the fatter lesbian fell to the ground grabbing her stomach in pain they rushed her to the emergency room thinking it was a bladder infection she gave birth 3 hours later the butch lesbian didn't end the relationship no she's the daddy to this miracle that came out of nowhere no one asked who the dad was everyone was celebrating and congratulating them I get maybe all the people on FB don't want to be that guy saying so who's the dad but the butch girl just stayed with her happy as ever even though the fat one clearly had fun with another dude during the relationship and before anyone says oh they could have had a donor they didn't the couple travels from house to house on the regular because neither of them can hold down a job and I seriously out the woman slipped and landed in a fresh pile of some baby juice no stupid your woman ain't as gay as you think she is she cheated on you with a dude and got pregnant story 10 bear in mind I'm a transgender so I may be a woman now but this was when I was a little boy when I was 10 or so weirdly all the girls found me attractive I wanted to be with me even though I was so feminine and everyone outside the school assumed I was a girl with short hair I think they found me relatable and because I was always hanging out with the girls and doing girl things they wanted to be in a relationship with me this girl pulled me to one side with her friend and said this might shock you a little bit but I have an honest question for you and she wrote in her hand will you be my boyfriend being a kid and not attracted to her at all I said yes surprise so we were in a relationship and then I broke up with her after a while because I wasn't interested then really close by in the classroom I heard her saying to all her friends he came up to me and asked me if he could be my boyfriend and I was just like no way and I was so freaking pissed off that she would blatantly lie like that I turned around and said um no you pulled me to one and wrote on your hand that you wanted to be my girlfriend you asked me and she just squirmed looked really embarrassed and said no that didn't happen lying which I'm way prettier than her now anyway bro that last part got me I hope you enjoyed the video and if you made it this far I'm sure you'll also enjoy when did the I crave attention kid go too far the dude in Story one just really pushed his luck see you on that video
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have you ever killed someone with kindness yes my son killed himself when he was 20. he was handsome brilliant and funny and I loved him beyond anything or anyone on Earth he and his stepfather always referred to me as cookie mom anything that was wrong in his life I would try to fix lonely get him friends I let his friends live at my house all summer relationship set him up on dates with the daughters of Friends School troubles find a way around a difficult class or negotiate with the college to give him an extra semester to bring his grades up I gave him too much money and too many things I smoothed his path I even went in and took out his bad emotions because that's what I do for a living I gave him a car fixed his car cut his hair and bought his clothes homeschooled him so that he wouldn't experience Strife or struggle with his peer group his happiness was my sole concern he was a hot house flower at the first real sign of trouble he crumbled because I had never taught him independent so that people can be cruel or indifferent in trying to be the best mom I was the worst mom it probably would have worked if he'd had siblings but I had 14 miscarriages trying to give him one
give me a good story on Haveyoueverkilledsomeonewithkindnessaskredditredditredditstories
op's wife left the house last night and didn't come home until next morning op is divorcing her this is horrible I'm furious right now but I'm also depressed as hell I know what I have to do it's just unal living me that I have to do it it's fresh and it hurts a lot my wife didn't come home last night she went out with a couple of girlfriends which is pretty normal for her she's normally back around 2: a.m. on these nights so I waited up around 2:30 I called to check in she answered and I could hear people in the background she told me they went to a party but we leaving in a couple of minutes she wasn't home by 3: so I texted it delivered but there was no reply around 4:00 a.m. I called again it rang a couple of times before she sent me to voicemail my wife finally came stumbling through the door at 6:47 a.m. this morning I know the exact time because I was worried she was wearing a dress she didn't leave the house in with mesh leggings I've never seen either the leggings had clearly been torn and her makeup was smudged my heart sank when I saw her my immediate worry was that she had been assaulted she only shook her head when I asked her that I asked her what she had been doing then she only said that I knew what she had been doing and that kind of confirmed what the voice in the back of my head had been screaming since she walked in my wife cheated on me last night I asked her who it was and she Shrugged almost casually and said it was somebody they met at the club she went back to his house and hooked up with him then yubert home she then said didn't want to fight and just wanted to sleep so that's what she did she's still asleep now and didn't even take a shower before passing out suffice it to say that our relationship is over we don't have any kids and we rent so it shouldn't be an extremely complicated process I keep trying to reason myself out of it pretending there might be something to salvage here I've always maintained that cheating would be a red line for me I think I need to stick to that now small update a true update is coming later but for now all right things have happened happened I am no longer at home I left I wasn't able to get the day off work today though so I'm writing this on my lunch now it's been a struggle keeping myself together today honestly I've had to sneak off to the bathroom twice to cry this hd's rough dude I'll post something more detailed later on because holy sht there's a lot I'm exhausted I've only slept about 4 hours total since this all happened does anyone know if I should post the actual update in a new thread or just update the one I already made it's going to be a lot of text probably longer than the first one by a bit also to the woman who felt compelled to send me a topless picture thanks but no thanks my heart just isn't into that sort of thing right now second update me again folks I'm sorry I didn't get around to this sooner I wasn't able to get the day off work yesterday because my boss kind of stinks I was a complete mess at work yesterday though so I was allowed to take the rest of the week as vacation thankfully I think I went through all of the stages of grief while my soon to be X was sleeping I wasn't expecting my post to get any attention at all I just figured I needed to try to talk to someone about it because I was not in a good head space I made the post in the morning and by noon she was still conked out in the bedroom I had processed things a bit more and I had a rough plan in my head that I was starting to set in motion I made a short list of questions I wanted answers to and gathered up all my important documents laptop Etc then I went into the bedroom and started packing myself a suitcase I know a lot of people wanted me to kick her out I did consider it but honestly I'm not overly attached to this place we just rent and I'm in a lucky enough situation to be able to say that paying half the rent for a few months isn't going to financially end me it'll sting a little bit I won't lie but I'll make it and I feel like being around this place is only going to remind me of her anyway I need to be looking forward not back she ended up waking up about halfway through packing my suitcase there was momentary confusion as she looked around the room and then she just started balling maybe this is awful of me but I didn't bother comforting her I told her I had the screenshots of her Uber and text messages from her phone and that plus her confirmation was enough that things between us were completely done she didn't answer me and just cried louder I debated trying to continue the conversation but I decided to just pack the rest of my suitcase and head back out to the living room until she came out when she finally left the bedroom she sat next to me on the couch and asked me if we could talk things through I told her as calmly as possible that wasn't how things were going to work I was going to ask questions and I wanted honest answers she told me she'd be honest so I proceeded my voice was shaking the entire time it was taking me everything to hold it together but I kept going was this the first time she had cheated she started crying before she answered that then told me no she had cheated on me multiple times over the course of our relationship it was and I'm going to use her words exactly here just SX a way for me to let off steam none of it ever meant anything I wrote a comment shortly after making my post that all the love couldn't just fade away in one swoop well it can it hit me right then that I wasn't dealing with my wife the person I was married to literally wasn't in the room this was someone different she refused to tell me exactly how many times she had cheated just more than last night had she used protection there was no hesitation from her before she nodded her head emphatically she seemed surprised I'd even ask that I'm still going to get tested just to be safe I did some research into timing and I'm going to look after it were her friends also cheating on their spouses yes and no I tried to get her to tell me which of her friends were cheating so I could get in contact with their spouses she probably should have because her refusal led to me messaging pretty much the Romantic partner of every one of her girlfriends I could find on social media there are a couple I don't know or couldn't find but I did my part why did she do it this was the answer that gutted me the most I'm going to use her exact words again I need to have es variety I told her that it's not like our es lives are dull she clarified it's not the same as something new I didn't even have a response to that one I had expected something about me working too much or not supporting her emotionally nope she just effed other guys because she felt like it and wanted to have some fun when I didn't respond she started asking me about counseling and therapy I reiterated that our relationship was over I'd be leaving what she did next disgusted me my ex actually tried to have SX with me she put her hands on me and started trying to take off my clothes I felt like I wanted to vomit and I pushed her away after a couple of seconds she just kept telling me that she would figure out a way to fix it and that we would work through it together I told her that there was no way and she started balling again she went to the bathroom and locked herself inside I was just sick of everything at that point I called her mother and told her what was going on the full story too the cheating the questions I had asked and the fact I was leaving I've always had a good relationship with my ex's parents they both decided to drive to town which is about an hour for them once I knew someone was on the way I just grabbed my things and left her Waterworks in the bathroom were just annoying me because they felt Hollow to me especially given the answers to my questions I ended up packing another bag before I left and I took all the things that I could think of that I felt a Sentimental attachment to with me I found a parking lot and sat in my car until I was able to get in contact with a buddy for a place to crash I tried to take a nap but I was running on way too much adrenaline I knew when her parents had made it to the apartment because she started calling me when I didn't answer those she started texting me she had gone from sad and crying to Furious apparently I'm a effing piece of shd for telling her mom everything whoops I'm not sorry I've received roughly 100 texts from her since leaving they range from name calling all the way to begging me to come back and sending me pictures of the food she ate for some reason I hav't responded to any of them I feel like I said my piece before leaving so that's where I'm at now we didn't have joint finances so that part was easy I canel all the subscriptions that go to my credit card just to be sure and I changed all my important passwords I'm crashing on a friend's couch for the next bit but I've got some feelers out to some short-term rental places until I can find something more permanent I've got feelers out for a divorce attorney too A co-worker of mine had a recommendation so barring something better I'll probably go with them I also wanted to say that I was shocked at how supportive everyone was and I thank you for that truly from the bottom of my heart it isn't easy for me to talk about emotional things with people close to me this was an invaluable venting place for me thank you all so much tldr this wasn't the first time she had cheated on me I packed up my things and left and I think I'm on track to being in a better place we are working on initiating divorce proceedings now final update hey folks I'm happy I guess to say that this will be the final update to what has been probably the most difficult chapter of my life I felt an immense amount of support from the community here since my initial two posts so I wanted to give a short update bottom line my ex and I both signed the final papers for our divorce this week it feels kind of surreal to think about that still about two weeks into everything she got resistant I cut her off entirely and she refused to return my attorney's calls for a little while eventually things got back on track as for the infidelity itself I don't have a ton more details to share with you we did a short mediation and by that time I didn't feel there was any remorse on her end I've talked about that a lot with my therapist I'm in therapy by the way it still hurts that someone who I thought loved me could have apparently cared about me so little but I'm working through it that's really all I've got to share thanks again everybody for your advice and support thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on OPsWifeLeftTheHouseLastNightandDidntComeHomeUntilNextMorningOPIsDivorcingHerorig
what type of person angers you the most I had a friend who met and got a rich boyfriend ironically at an event I invited her to suddenly she started making podcasts about leveling up in High Society she made it her whole identity she charges people 50000 for the privilege of her level up guidance this friend who I took to the hospital invited to private networking events lent money to literally was a shoulder to cry on for her decided I wasn't leveled up enough decided to leave me a 30 minutes voice message about how I need better shoes and to start wearing designer Brands and to cut other friends out of my life if I wanted to remain her friend mentioned me as an example of a low-level person in her podcast so we are not friends anymore and I think the people who adopt those kinds of values make me the angriest
give me a good story on Whattypeofpersonangersyouthemostorig
AIT for telling a stranger maybe you could have the decency to mind your damn business I am a 23 years/ woman the other two women involved were and I'm estimating I don't know them we're a mother around 45 and her mid late teenage daughter so I just left the pharmacy where this took place and I'm writing this in the car before I head out but I was waiting in line to pick up my prescription line was pretty long it went all the way down and all a few feet from the counter I'm chilling in line it's inching along and about 10 minutes into waiting this woman and her daughter come out of a different aisle and start browsing the one that the line is in they're talking about what they want to get and suddenly the daughter goes does something smell like a grease trap to you I laugh and turn around and say yeah that tends to happen after 11 hours in a kitchen in a casual joking tone the mother makes a face and says well you smell awful you could at least have the decency to go home and shower first I didn't expect a stranger to get nasty with me and after a long day I didn't have the grace for it especially with over an hour of driving ahead of me I also didn't feel like explaining to the woman that I had about 1 Point 5 hours of driving ahead that I wasn't going home first and to take this little detour would have meant 50 minutes of driving 30 from work to home 20 from home to Pharmacy instead of 15 from work to Pharmacy so I snapped back well maybe you could have the decency to mind your own damn business she chastised me for being rude and stormed away with her daughter saying she was going to tell the store I'm mistreating her nothing happened 10 more minutes later and I had my meds and now I'm here wondering if maybe I snapped a bit too hard AI t
give me a good story on AITAForTellingAStrangerMaybeYouCouldHaveTheDecencyToMindYourDamnBusinessorig
my wife is temporarily giving up being a mom after a mental health crisis I will try to make this short but my wife had a psychiatric emergency late last week where the police and Medics needed to be called to get her to the ER to make a long story short we believe she had a psychotic episode she has a history of depression and anxiety and despite being stable for a few months she went into a depressive episode and a week later this psychotic episode at the hospital she was placed on aych hold for nearly 72 hours saying she did not need to be there she was admitted to a unit involuntarily for about 48 hours but when I spoke to her yesterday she seemed to have come out of the psychosis and stated she needed voluntary treatment I informed her care team about her changing her mind about treatment as well as encouraging her to tell them and they told me are going to discuss this morning during this talk with my wife she informed me she can't be a mom right now and needs to give up being a mom to focus on herself we have four kids ages 16 to 4 and they were all home during this crisis I was at work so they are all a little traumatized from it but are patiently waiting for her to come home my wife stated her plan is to
give me a good story on Mywifeistemporarilygivingupbeingamomafteramentalhealthcrisisorig
first story My Brother hates gays and wants to be straight again after my homophobic parents kicked him out for being gay what can I do I'm 25 and straight my brother is 18 there are two of us in the family we grew up in a very Christian household I left as soon as I could my brother and I were never really close because we were very different about 3 weeks ago my brother rocked up at my door it was a bit strange because we barely see each other we had a few drinks and he started crying he said he was gay and our parents kicked him out and he has nowhere to go he's been staying on my couch since I went home and collected his stuff the language they used about him was utterly disgusting while I was packing I am worried for him he doesn't leave the house I think he cut himself I'm not 100% sure but he has a history of it and he's gone from being gay to not wanting to be gay he's also saying he might go home to our parents and sort out being gay whatever that means I'm not at all equipped to deal with this I've offered counseling to him but he doesn't want to speak to strangers I flipped out at my parents to sort themselves out although that's pointless my girlfriend has a friend who is gay and I got her to invite him over that did not work I just see it going one tragic way I don't know what to do sorry this is all over the place edit thanks for all the replies I just booked a cabin for me and my brother tomorrow nice peaceful spot I go there a bit to clear my head I don't think I can do much about the gay thing but I can at least bond with him over fishing and stuff he will probably hate fishing but we can do his thing next time no GF no kid me and him and some piece to Hash things out haha I was just noticing some of your usernames gave me a chuckle I'll be offline for a day or two fishing no connection but thanks to all who replied relevant comments commenter this is never an easy time but he's lucky to have you supporting him are there any LGBT clinics in your area they'll often have resources for both you and him they can also offer Professional Resources including grant funding in case he wants to pursue schooling op thanks man I did try one they offered free counseling for him but he won't go near it he got I rate when I mentioned counseling they offered some helpful tips to me although I'm not sure they were any good no offense to the organization I'm kind of scared for him I work from home as does my girlfriend but it's gotten to the stage where I feel one of us has to supervise him I don't know commenter he's depressed as F and broken you are right that this is above your pay grade HT like this needs serious therapy and all but as a brother the best you can do is help keep a roof over him and get him back on his feet and no he shouldn't go back to them the damage is done and trying to UNG yourself ain't possible believe me I know too well op P thanks for your response and sorry for your experience he can absolutely stay as long as he wants my view of my parents is awful anyway but I hope he doesn't go back there I'm just scared he might do something bad commenter he won't go back there if you explain that he's welcome to stay with you everything will be okay there's nothing wrong with being gay Etc truly the more you guys unpack childhood stuff including your parents apparent homophobia the easier it'll be for him if he won't go to the LGBT Center maybe he will watch helpful affirming YouTube videos or even some gay movies trick 19 99 is a great watch for example that isn't graphic or offensive op yep he can stay as long as he wants and my girlfriend has been a rock I've spoken to him about being gay granted my gay knowledge is zero we never really went to Childhood stuff but when he did he's extremely defensive over our parents some of the stuff he said about my girlfriend's friend after he left was pure nasty too I don't know if I could see him going back I'll try trick I never really thought of movies Etc commenter do you think he's just brainwashed like has Stockholm syndrome affected your parents has he been taught to hate himself that deeply he shouldn't be talking negatively about your girlfriend's friends no matter the circumstances he doesn't sound like he's emotionally very peaceful right now sending good vibes your way and really hoping some outside perspectives AKA movies therapy Etc help get through to your brother op well he always got along really well with our mother I was running out the door because I hated both of them but but I think he genuinely loves them I think dealing with their rejection is really hard for him whereas it means nothing to me I think he's trying to UNG himself to get back into that relationship I never really realized until recently that I didn't just drop my parents but also him so our bond really means nothing to him but yeah probably a bit brainwashed too commenter dude thank you for doing that for your brother you're a good brother even if your little brother hasn't expressed it I'm sure he's forever grateful thank you you for being a good human your parents could take a lesson opbh I'm a tad guilty for effing off and not really staying in his life so probably not a good bro I just thought of myself and probably treated this as Redemption deep down commenter exactly that he feels ashamed for who he is and as a result still has a dislike for people like him which he hasn't managed to reconcile you sound like a good guy your brother will thank you for it eventually might it help if you pointed him here to Reddit oh P my girlfriend's gay friend said there were gay groups on here that he could ask questions to Etc when I brought it up he was not enthusiastic I won't say his reply for fear it offends you guys that probably leans into the internalized homophobia I decided to invade your space myself to ask a question or two sorry op's relationship with parents TBH I think he's already dead to them unless he's going to go back and say he's not actually gay I had a kid who was young and out of wedlock with my girlfriend we haven't spoken or seen each other since except for when I was packing up my brother's stuff they haven't seen their grandchild at all insane stuff one more piece thanks for such a detailed response we don't know our father's side at all and my mother's sister is as insufferable and cruel as my parents are I don't know my brother well unfortunately so I don't know if he has friends but all I know is that all he told was me and our parents and I got permission from him to tell my girlfriend yep I suppose trying to listen more and try to fix less is important thanks man again update 2 days from the OG post first off thanks to everyone for all the replies I'll try to get to all of them if I don't my apologies there was some brilliant advice skip to the last paragraph the rest of this is sht 3-hour car journey and it was a little awkward at the beginning but eventually I explained why I left home I admitted I was wrong not to make an attempt to keep in touch with him I reiterated that I was glad he came to me and I like having my brother back he asked what about Emily my girlfriend I said something stupid bro stay in your lane I get the girls and you get the boys he actually kind of laughed at it I decided for the rest of the trip not to walk on eggshells the girlf friend wasn't there to keep me in line anyway joke Etc we headed out on the water in a rowboat don't ask we decided to freak him out by rowing against him and we started going around in circles the Bullocks hit me but he was laughing when we got out on the lake he did ask what my parents had said about my kid and I told him after our meal we went for a stroll he said I didn't want to be gay I don't see any life in it people will look at me weirdly Etc I said I didn't want to be a teen dad I didn't see a life in it and now I couldn't imagine my life any other way and he's not good-look enough for people to stare he called me a [ __ ] and said you know what I mean I said f me f our parents F religion there are plenty of religions that are not anti gay advice I got from you guys F everyone you can wallow in self-hatred I stopped to congratulate myself on such a word and I got probably my fifth hit of the day or you can try to accept it he asked what I would do if I were him I said I'd be completely jealous of my older brothers good looks sixth hit L I said if I were him I'd try to realize our parents are not the place to be right now I would try to accept who I am and realize it won't change I'd get a job even if it's a couple of hours and I would try meeting my devilish good-looking brother halfway because he's completely out of his depth and is only trying to help seventh hit I got him smiling though he then asked if I had any regrets about my relationship with my parents I said no I said that when you have a kid in 15 years with your guy you'll understand how odd they are being my daughter could tell me anything apart from that she's a Liverpool fan and I'd still love her we got back I threw on a movie with the hottest male actor I could think of Andrew Garfield and Spider-Man 2 anyway he hopped on the bed and he brought over a chair I was like what the f are you doing with the chair hop on the bed you dope he was reluctant he found it very awkward but as the movie went on he got better during the movie I said you asked me what I would do if I were you I would definitely do someone who looks like Andrew Garfield if I were you he called me a [ __ ] and hit me again smiling next morning I packed up our stuff and changed my arm heading home by asking him to have one pint at a gay bar I told him we could pick up a booth in the corner you can pretend you are straight no one will know you he really didn't want to but I reminded him I'm the better looking brother I'm not BTW so I'm screwed another hit he agreed to go in it was very early so it was quiet he got a seat I got the drinks I got hit on funny interaction we had a quick zero Al pint and left in hindsight it was probably too soon to go to a bar but he was fine we were left alone he told my girl friend we went into a gay bar she roared with laughter saying that I was at a gay bar I told her I turned down a guy who was up for anything at in the day there better be good SX tonight or I know where I'm going tomorrow and she hit me and said he'd be doing her a favor I asked why the f is everyone hitting me and my brother said because you're a [ __ ] the one thing I learned is that I'm his brother and not his parent I'm not there to fix things I'm there to be a bit of a DC Cad and not take myself too seriously around around him even if it's just 2 days at least he's chatting and not totally down in the dumps even the girl noticed it relevant comments commenter congratulations be his big brother he probably will need some healing to get over all the religious stuff hey there's no hate like Christian love op true about Christian love he will need therapy at some point or at the very least someone gay he can speak to I have limits I can provide a witty comment but that's about it com her you're being a good brother it kind of reminds me of my uncle whom I confided in when I was questioning my arity and was ashamed eventually he will grow he will get to know people and he'll look back and wonder what all that worrying was about also I must say you do have good taste in men Andrew Garfield is hot op it's eye openening to me how many of you have stories of Shame Etc obviously this is not a shock to you guys it was good that you had an uncle you could confide in I'm glad I got clarification on Andrew because my brother didn't give me his opinion on him commenter I was going to comment on the last post about how proud I was of you and now I really have to because you just made me even better in my books there are more horror stories of being denied by Family on here than posts like this so it really does mean a lot to see that you came here for genuine advice and used all of it very well I wish you and your brother nothing but the best he's very lucky to have a kind brother like yourself op thanks man the advice was good good but to be honest the sheer volume of people who shared stories of their family rejection helped I felt he was in a hole he would just go deeper and deeper until you guys commenter great he'll have more bad days ahead but at least yall have established the beginning of a relationship be the [ __ ] he needs that but all of those hits were him loving you continue what you're doing and keep us in the loop to help where we can op thanks man oh he definitely will have more bad days I'm expecting him to be bad tomorrow but at least he has two is okay days for now and knows it's possible where is op from and how does he use [ __ ] well haha yep English by birth but living in Wales is Wales known in America enjoy the word we use it all the time we also use the CW but that has a worse meaning in the USA from what I'm aware Second Story cheating husband got cheated on by his new wife and had to raise another's baby now having a meltdown after finding out his ex married his best friend his new wife knew all this and played him karma is a real bee I 37m have been with my wife 26f for 5 years and have been married for 4 years we have three kids from her previous relationships two boys and one girl between the ages of five and eight I really love her and her kids things were perfect until 3 or 4 months ago I've had three big promotions in 5 years we bought a house last year she stays home with the kids and is trying to make a social media career happen I have always been on the fence about having kids but she really wanted us to have one together so I agreed to try to have my visectomy reversed she's 7 months pregnant now we were so effing happy my ex-wife 38f divorced me in 2019 and moved about 2 hours away a few months into the pandemic our divorce was amicable but once it was finalized I never heard from her again even when I would wish her well on birthdays and holidays I even sent her a graduation gift when I heard that she had finished her PhD program other people in our Social Circle including my parents and sister-in-law who sent her a gift received handwritten thank you cards I didn't get so much as a text my ex-wife is a really kind and thoughtful person and the woman I knew would have at least sent a thank you text if her worst enemy sent her a gift even though we broke up I didn't think she hated me my best friend 35m and I have been best friends since College he's the best person I know and at least 10 people think he's their best friend but he said that I was always his we kind of lost touch during the pandemic we live 2 hours apart and he is a lawyer and teaches classes at a university so he is really busy I have a really busy career a new wife and three kids I didn't really realize that the texts between us were fewer and that the last time he finally replied to me was in late 2021 he also falls off the face of the earth when he gets with a new girl and then when things cool off we all hear from him more we have always been the kind of friends that could go an extended period of time without community communicating and then pick up right where we left off I kept saying that I would eventually call him when things were less busy my wife and I went to visit the city he and my ex-wife live in last summer for a week and I tried calling him a couple of times to meet up but he never answered I was sad but I just figured he was busy with work or obsessed with a new girlfriend I have other friends there so I got to see them then I went to the city Again by myself in October for a Halloween party I figured he'd be at this party and I was psyched that I get to see him then he was there when I went to say hi and hug him he looked a little surprised and gave me a weak hug I told him that I was there during the summer and that I tried calling him so we could hang out he just said yeah I was on my honeymoon that week sorry I didn't get back to you I was really shocked to hear that he'd gotten married and a little hurt that my best friend got married without me even knowing he had a serious girlfriend but I'm still happy for him like I said he was a great guy and girls love him I spit out a rush of questions like who she is where she is what's her name what's she like where' you meet her and how long have you been together he paused for a moment and then just bluntly said it's ex-wife's name my ex-wife doesn't have a unique name or anything but it isn't the most common name either and instantly I knew that it was her I can't describe how it felt to hear those two words come out of his mouth I felt sick to my stomach and I immediately wanted to die I have never felt like that before I just said what the f he told me that I didn't get mad because I broke her heart that they didn't start dating until 2 years after we got divorced and that I chose to be with some waitress anyway I drank the rest of the weekend because it was the only way I was able to sleep I feel betrayed by both of them my best friend since I was 20 years old married my ex-wife behind my effing back I was married to her for 6 years and they were never even friends but now they are in love with each other I also found out that he talked sht about my current wife and me behind my back and never liked her I went back home and I know that I was distant with my wife and the kids because I was just hurting so much after a couple of weeks we had a big fight and she called me out for being distant and accused me of cheating I finally came clean and told her about my ex and my best friend which she scoffed about and said she'd known about them for a long time now because of social media I flew into a rage and we fought for hours she betrayed me by not telling me the entire time she knew she didn't say anything when I mentioned my best friend not returning my calls or messages I didn't get to sleep before going to work and after work I just stayed with my parents for a few days when I finally went back home we got into another fight where she accused me of still being in love with my ex and said that I wouldn't care if I wasn't I called her stupid and said that she wouldn't understand because she doesn't have any friends I wouldn't care if my ex-wife got married to anyone else if it wasn't my best friend I don't see what is so hard to understand about that we made up eventually but I feel sick to my stomach every day and things aren't the same in our relationship I love my wife but I've come to realize it's not the same way I loved my ex-wife my wife doesn't love me the same way my ex-wife did either I have started to regret the things that led to our divorce because we were really happy until the moment she left me I don't even have my best friend to call because he's too busy effing my ex-wife to care about me anymore Everything feels empty and like a lie now a lot of friends agree that they both betrayed me but think I need to move on even my dad and brother told me to get over it my sister-in-law yelled at me and my mom tries to comfort me but I know she's overhearing about my problems I have to pretend I'm okay but I'm not no one gives an sht about mental health when it comes to men I brought up couples therapy with my wife but she said that she thinks we are okay since we worked through things I guess I have to pretend for the rest of my life now because divorce is not on the table I need advice on what to do and how to get closure I am thinking of driving to their City to just show up and force them to talk to me so I can move on is that too much to ask how do I get my wife to see that it is hard to trust her after knowing she kept a big secret from me for a long time tldr the three people I love the most outside of my blood family ripped my heart out my wife knew about my best friend being in a relationship with my ex-wife but didn't tell me my best friend ghosted me around the time he started dating my ex-wife my ex-wife is still friendly with my family and mutual friends but not with me update the overwhelming consensus here is that I am a piece of sht which is true the other consensus is that I need therapy I asked my brother to help me but neither of us even knew where to begin to find a therapist he said he would ask his wife to help us and she texted me this morning and said she was only helping because of my brother I guess that's fair comments Republic of Gary I called her stupid and said that she wouldn't understand because she doesn't have any friends well done Professor video slacker apparently neither does he if your best friend doesn't speak to you for 3 years they may be your best friend but you were not theirs inside sector 4377 what led to your divorce did you cheat where are the problems that can't be solved and how much longer after the divorce did you start dating your current wife and marry her basically tell us what led to the divorce and marriage of your new current wife op my ex-wife found out about me sleeping with my current wife I broke up with my current wife for my ex-wife so we could work things out she decided she wanted a divorce a couple of months later even though I begged her to try with me out of respect I tried to make sure the divorce was as easy as possible I got back together with my current wife while we were separated no reflection 54001 so if any of this is true you at 32 cheated on your wife with a 21-year-old with three kids your divorce was not amicable she just wanted you out of her life as quickly and pain painlessly as possible the fact that she never replied to you even once after the divorce was finalized wasn't a hint op I do really wish that I found out that day and felt happy for them or at least felt nothing I buried a lot of feelings when I married my current wife and they all came flooding out I miss my best friend I miss my ex-wife I am so sorry I hurt her I love her and I've never stopped loving her and that scares me because I don't want to hurt my wife I know I messed up devil got me ey Your Story made my day it is nice to know that karma is doing its thing update two months later this is kind of an update to my last post a few months ago and I am also hoping for advice on how to best navigate this I have tried a couple of times to write this update but I get stressed trying to make it all make sense so I will just dump it all here and hope it comes out okay I guess I should start by saying that I had or have a lot more issues than my original post addressed or than I even recognized at the time therapy is help me uncover a lot of it and it's really uncomfortable on the good days and crushing on the bad days so many people talk about how they feel so much better after going to therapy but I feel worse I'm still going to go though because as much as it stinks it is helping me learn better ways of dealing with things it is also helping me explain myself to myself a little better I am a shy person but I wasn't always shy and I am starting to see where it all went wrong I feel like understanding that is the only way I can address those things and then become a better person I did impatient therapy and then after my release I see a therapist in her office once a week and meet virtually once a week I also see a psychiatrist once every two weeks and I have started taking some medications it's weird how I can kind of see them helping parts of my brain but dulling other parts and making my body not feel the best I try to explain it to the doctor but he just tells me it is going to take some time for them to fully work and that eventually I will get used to it my wife had the baby but while I was away she told me about the possibility of the baby not being mine I grieved it so much but I decided it wasn't much good to dwell on it too much right now until we knew for sure once she was born the results came back last week and she isn't mine we haven't made any decisions right now about our relationship but we are living together for the sake of the kids and her recovery from having the baby she said that if I didn't want to be with her anymore she'd go back to her home state with her mom and stepdad she also mentioned that she knew she wouldn't get alamon or child support because of our state but I told her I would help her get back home and on her feet if that's what ended up happening since I got back home I have stepped up more and been more active as a dad which has been really good for me being a responsible and present father helps me forget about all of the other stuff in the moment but it would be a lie for me to say that I don't worry about how much it'll hurt to lose them if we break up since they are not biologically or legally mine I also just worry about them a lot and think they deserve to have a safe and stable happy childhood I'm really sad that the baby isn't mine I wanted her to be mine more than anything in the world but I find it really hard to be angry with my wife for some reason I cheated on my first wife with her so it's kind of karma in a way and what could I really expect when our relationship started the way that it did plus there's this other part of me that understands that she is a deeply damaged person like me I don't really want to go into a lot of details but we both lived through some similar sht happening to us when we were kids that bonded us neither of us really with it but I thought that I was okay because I grew up privileged and she didn't so I always had more opportunities than she did I also thought that since I didn't think about it as much I was okay she thought about it all the time and she wasn't okay my ex-wife is an amazing woman and she deserves to be happy I sent her an email and just kind of poured my heart out about how sorry I was for hurting her I would rip my heart out to give it to her if it helped her heal from the Heartbreak I caused her I said in the email that I didn't expect a reply and and that I would never attempt contact with her again after that she got in contact with my brother a few times to check on me and she's called me twice and we talked for a few hours about everything she's really happy and she's doing well I'm proud of her and she deserves to be happy I am really lucky that I had the years that I had with her but now it is time to accept how I screwed up and try my best to do better going forward I don't think I will ever contact her again but I would be happy to hear from her if she ever reaches out again it still hurts a little but I understand now that that door is fully closed the door to my friend is closed too we haven't spoken and we probably never will but that's okay I found out from other friends that he was always in love with my ex-wife and that he was the person who convinced her to move to where they live now after our divorce I think knowing helps because the story I created in my head was far worse I also understand now why no one wanted to tell me my brother and I got so close again which his wife isn't the happiest about I am not sure where I would be right now now if it weren't for him we invited them over during the weekend and at one point she and I were in a room alone for a few minutes and I told her that I was sorry and she just hugged me and told me that I was stupid but that she knows I am trying I also have two really good friends who have been there for me through everything even though it has been clear from the very beginning that they have not agreed with my actions all of them are more than I deserve my relationship with my parents isn't in the best place right now they are both really mad at me because my brother confronted them about what I told him related to the thing that happened when I was a kid they feel like he is blaming them and that they did the best they could for me I think that they are really embarrassed too I get it and I don't really blame them I don't think they knew what to do but I am not going to apologize to them either so until I do they don't really want to be around me I'm not sure that this is the update that anyone wanted to read but it's all I've got my life is still very much in limbo maybe even in shambles but I am doing my best to fix it and to fix some of the Hur I have caused others I would recommend therapy as much as everyone recommended it to me but I would caution to add that it requires a lot of honesty to work and that sometimes that kind of honesty reopens Old Wounds but those wounds are dirty and infected so you've got to clean them up and treat them to get better which is going to hurt but I am not sure there is any other way tldr my wife had someone else's baby while we were already having a lot of relationship problems she and my stepchildren are still living with me until we make a decision about our relationship I don't really know what to do how do I make the best decision for the kids and for myself should I try to work things out with my wife or would it be best to make a clean break comments figuring it out 890 o so you cheated on your first wife with your second wife why if you loved your first wife so much how long was the affair and how did she your ex find out I don't know about your current wife being a mistress turned wife isn't exactly any more High Ground to stand on it sounds like you are both the mess and the fact that she seems to still be sleeping around has got to give you pause marriages that start with Affairs very rarely make it are you sure it wouldn't be better to just walk away and start cleaning lube for sale orphans the current wife had two kids when they met she was also in a relationship with another man so they were both cheating on each other she had a third kid while they were enjoying their Affairs and apparently it was in question whether the dad was her ex or the married coworker she was effing now the fourth child has been born B thank you for watching the video if you are interested in listening to these kinds of stories we've got more in store for you simply subscribe to our Channel hit the like button and share it with your friends
give me a good story on CheatingHusbandGotCheatedOnbyHisNewWifeandHadtoRaiseAnothersBabyNowHavingaMel
AIT for cutting contact with my sister after she said to me that all I am is lipstick on a pig so I 16f used to be a bit of a tomboy and didn't pay much attention to my appearance but over the last few years I've gotten really into makeup and skincare it's been fun to care more about how I look and how others see me I've also been hitting the gym quite a bit and I think the results are showing I've been getting a lot of compliments from people around me including strangers and family member however my sister 26f has started to make snarky comments like do you really need to wear that much makeup and don't you think you're overdoing it a bit it's really starting to annoy me I tried to ignore it but I even talked to my parents about it and they haven't done anything to help over Christmas I did my best to avoid her every time she came around I'd rush off to my room and when she tried to talk to me I'd give her short answers so the day before Christmas Eve me and my siblings who were all in their late 20s to mid-30s got together at our parents place when it was time to open gifts I went first since I was the youngest I opened the smallest gift and found the most amazing thing inside my older brother
give me a good story on AITAforcuttingcontactwithmysisteraftershesaidtomethatallIamislipstickonapigorig
:00.190 --> :04.670 This happened this week, just a cute little MC. :04.670 --> :07.509 We have a 4yo daughter and 2yo son. :07.509 --> :09.860 My FIL also lives with us. :09.860 --> :14.739 Lately, the kids have been getting up earlier and earlier, and will go and knock on their :14.739 --> :20.980 Grandpa's door, and wake him up, as they know he's a soft touch and will often get up and :20.980 --> :22.030 make them breakfast. :22.030 --> :26.580 He put his foot down when our daughter started waking him before 6am. :26.580 --> :31.220 2 nights ago, my husband told daughter "Do not wake up Grandpa in the morning". :31.220 --> :35.840 Last 2 mornings, FIL has heard (and we've played it back on the monitors), daughter :35.840 --> :40.000 goes into son's room, wakes him up, and says "<son's name> , go and wake up Grandpa" 🤣 This :40.000 --> :45.079 story didn't personally happen to me, but it was told by someone I trust. :45.079 --> :51.890 I fully believe it to be true, but some details are slightly altered to protect privacy. :51.890 --> :56.879 A friend of mine is retired now, but back in the day he did internal audits for a large :56.879 --> :57.879 bank. :57.879 --> :01.069 This story takes place about 30 years ago when networked computers were less common, :01.069 --> :02.989 and paperwork tended to be compiled manually. :02.989 --> :06.760 Bank managers had to submit various reports to their regional offices showing what their :06.760 --> :10.710 branches were up to and the regional offices would occasionally send out auditors to go :10.710 --> :13.820 through the records and make sure everything was in compliance. :13.820 --> :18.910 One report that had to be filed monthly was a list of any employees who were in arrears :18.910 --> :19.910 on their own loans. :19.910 --> :20.910 Employees who had trouble managing their own credit were considered to be more at risk :20.910 --> :23.970 of stealing, fraud or other financial crimes, so I guess the bank wanted to keep track of :23.970 --> :26.020 anyone who may fall into that category. :26.020 --> :30.630 My friend's team is doing an audit at a particular branch, going through the records and looking :30.630 --> :31.630 for any discrepancies. :31.630 --> :32.720 They find a big one. :32.720 --> :39.330 The manager of this branch had been behind on a number of loans he held with the bank, :39.330 --> :42.890 but had been leaving his own name off the report. :42.890 --> :47.750 More records are pulled and they start looking at everything this guy has ever filed and :47.750 --> :48.790 comparing it to other records. :48.790 --> :50.770 The manager had started doing everything correctly, including himself on the report fairly regularly. :50.770 --> :54.570 At a point about ten years previous, it suddenly stops despite the spotty loan repayment continuing :54.570 --> :55.570 for years. :55.570 --> :56.570 Bosses of bosses are called. :56.570 --> :59.960 It's looking like they may have stumbled on years of falsified records and possibly more :59.960 --> :00.960 serious fraud. :00.960 --> :03.640 The manager is definitely getting fired and depending on what else they find, looking :03.640 --> :04.820 at some serious criminal charges. :04.820 --> :08.170 Finally they call the manager in to show what they found and ask for an explanation. :08.170 --> :10.679 The manager produces a letter from someone higher up in the bank. :10.679 --> :14.310 Basically when he started the manager was just a little too free with his spending and :14.310 --> :17.520 didn't make his monthly loan payments a top priority. :17.520 --> :24.760 His boss wrote a letter saying that having the manager of a bank branch at the top of :24.760 --> :27.300 a list of unpaid loans was an embarrassment. :27.300 --> :32.760 If he wanted to keep his job, he better make sure that his name never appeared on that :32.760 --> :33.760 report again. :33.760 --> :36.769 He was supposed to sort out his financial affairs, but the manager said he interpreted :36.769 --> :41.920 the instruction literally and simply stopped including his own name. :41.920 --> :45.220 It took years before anyone noticed. :45.220 --> :47.655 In the end, the investigation found no other signs of record tampering or financial crime. :47.655 --> :51.640 No one really believed that he actually thought what he was doing was allowed, but the whole :51.640 --> :54.220 thing was just ambiguous enough to give plausible deniability. :54.220 --> :57.320 By the point everything was discovered, the manager had his finances in good order, and :57.320 --> :58.320 he was pretty close to retirement. :58.320 --> :03.170 The whole thing was just sort of waved away as being more trouble than it was worth to :03.170 --> :06.510 deal with and the manager didn't see any real repercussions.I'm a truck driver by trade. :06.510 --> :11.330 I work for a large, popular shipping company and more often than not I haul two trailers :11.330 --> :12.330 at one time. :12.330 --> :17.550 I don't actually haul long distance but I have a ton of respect for those that do, especially :17.550 --> :18.550 owner operators. :18.550 --> :23.160 I only drive about 15 miles at a time and they call me a "shuttle driver". :23.160 --> :27.940 The specific satellite location I work for calls me their shuttle queen just because :27.940 --> :31.080 I'm one of the fastest shuttle drivers they have. :31.080 --> :33.000 Due to this, I get all the "hots" and "super hots". :33.000 --> :36.970 This is the stuff that you pay extra for overnight shipping and such. :36.970 --> :42.930 I might not drive 500 miles a day, but I move 20 trailers a night on average. :42.930 --> :46.960 Recently my company changed their dispatch system for the millionth time since going :46.960 --> :48.190 paperless with the pandemic. :48.190 --> :55.140 This system is glitchy, slow, and often the dispatchers don't even see a check in. :55.140 --> :57.980 This causes us to slow down and we get pretty grumpy. :57.980 --> :01.620 The only nice thing is that we can access the GPS location on trailers we have been :01.620 --> :04.700 assigned to so long as it's not glitching. :04.700 --> :09.500 For context, the satellite location only has 20 doors or so and a very small yard that :09.500 --> :10.760 wraps around the building. :10.760 --> :14.510 The main hub has well over 100 doors and the yard is massive. :14.510 --> :17.400 Without GPS it's like looking for a needle in a hay stack. :17.400 --> :20.709 It doesn't help that people leave trailers everywhere making the yard even worse to drive :20.709 --> :21.709 around in. :21.709 --> :25.600 Most of us will park right outside the gate and check in or while waiting in line to get :25.600 --> :26.600 through the gate. :26.600 --> :31.560 This also tends to save a few minutes so we get a load right away rather than waiting :31.560 --> :33.340 for the very very slow dispatch. :33.340 --> :38.090 Keep in mind that the yard jockeys (people who move trailers around but never leave the :38.090 --> :39.090 yard) :39.090 --> :41.960 The people at the hub for whatever reason like to call me out directly. :41.960 --> :47.250 They don't even call me, they call my boss like the cowards they are to complain about :47.250 --> :50.990 me doing the exact same thing that everyone else does. :50.990 --> :57.550 They said if i don't do it the way they want it, they will not even assign me loads which :57.550 --> :59.140 means i make no money. :59.140 --> :03.920 They never say anything right away either, but wait till I've been doing something wrong :03.920 --> :04.920 for weeks first. :04.920 --> :07.650 They have been doing this crap since i got pregnant to the point where they tried to :07.650 --> :09.580 fire me rather that accommodating my very reasonable request for lighter duty work. :09.580 --> :10.580 I had to threaten a law suit. :10.580 --> :12.470 Anyway, It's very important that I turn and burn early in the night due to having back :12.470 --> :16.010 to back hot/super hot trailers that need to be moved. :16.010 --> :19.530 Keep in mind that it doesn't really affect my bottom line to wait an extra few minutes :19.530 --> :25.120 but can create a snowball affect down the line if these trailers are even so much as :25.120 --> :26.930 5 minutes behind schedule. :26.930 --> :30.150 Rather than doing it before getting in the gate they want me to wait until I've found :30.150 --> :31.150 a spot for the trailers and then check in. :31.150 --> :32.669 Prior to doing this, the yard jockeys would see my check in and meet me right inside the :32.669 --> :34.230 gate and take my trailer right away. :34.230 --> :35.780 Saved everyone time and headache this way :35.780 --> :39.660 This is where I get petty and a little bit of malicious compliance comes in. :39.660 --> :43.550 If you've ever worked with truckers you'd know we get petty in a hurry. :43.550 --> :48.999 Now instead of letting the switchers find me right at the gate, I go all the way to :48.999 --> :52.206 the other end of the yard and drop the trailers in the most annoying spot as I can find. :52.206 --> :56.810 Especially if it's close to a Dolly that the yard jockeys are not allowed to touch. :56.810 --> :02.919 I also just let the GPS check my trailers in now which takes an extra 10 minutes sometimes. :02.919 --> :03.919 Fine by me! :03.919 --> :05.230 I'll close my eyes for 10 minutes vs running myself too hard. :05.230 --> :06.570 Normally, I'm in a big hurry to get moved away from my trailers too and now if they're :06.570 --> :07.830 waiting on my trailers they can also wait 30 seconds for me to finish my paperwork too. :07.830 --> :11.460 I'm sure I'll get a complaint here soon but hey, I'm not checking in outside the gate :11.460 --> :13.408 right?From the Life of Aesop, a fictional biography of Aesop (of Aesop's Fables fame) :13.408 --> :15.080 and his master, the philosopher Xanthus: :15.080 --> :17.979 The next day Xanthus sent out invitations to the students who had entertained him at :17.979 --> :20.330 dinner and said to Aesop, “I’ve invited my friends to dinner; go cook the best, the :20.330 --> :22.790 finest thing imaginable.” :22.790 --> :25.060 Aesop said to himself, “I’ll show him not to give me stupid orders.” :25.060 --> :29.930 So he went to the butcher shop and bought the tongues of the pigs that had been slaughtered. :29.930 --> :35.820 When he came back, he prepared them all, boiling some, roasting some, and spicing some. :35.820 --> :38.430 At the appointed hour the guests arrived. :38.430 --> :41.470 Xanthus said, “Aesop, give us something to eat.” :41.470 --> :44.770 Aesop brought each a boiled tongue and served hot sauce with it. :44.770 --> :48.280 The students said, “Hah, Xanthus, even your dinner is fraught with philosophy. :48.280 --> :50.920 You never do anything that isn’t carefully worked out. :50.920 --> :55.020 At the very beginning of the dinner we’re served tongues.” :55.020 --> :59.710 After they had two or three drinks, Xanthus said, “Aesop, give us something to eat.” :59.710 --> :02.479 Again Aesop served each a roast tongue with salt and pepper. :02.479 --> :06.020 The students said, “Wonderful, professor, excellent, by the Muses. :06.020 --> :15.030 Every tongue is sharpened by fire, and best of all by salt and pepper, for the salt combines :15.030 --> :23.469 with the sharpness of the tongue to give it a glib and biting effect.” :23.469 --> :24.469 . :24.469 --> :27.500 After they had drunk again, Xanthus said, for the third time, "Bring us food.” :27.500 --> :30.100 Aesop brought each of them a spiced tongue. :30.100 --> :32.050 One student said to another, “Democritus! :32.050 --> :33.680 I’m getting tongue-tied eating tongues.” :33.680 --> :40.610 Another student said, “Is there nothing else to eat? :40.610 --> :45.819 Whatever Aesop has a hand in will come to no good end.” :45.819 --> :50.009 When the students tried to eat the spiced tongues, they were seized with nausea. :50.009 --> :53.699 Xanthus said, “Aesop, give us each a bowl of soup.” :53.699 --> :56.020 Aesop served them tongue broth. :56.020 --> :59.380 The students didn’t even touch this but said, “This is Aesop’s master stroke; :59.380 --> :00.660 we admit defeat by tongue.” :00.660 --> :03.000 Xanthus said, “Aesop, do we have anything else?” :03.000 --> :04.750 Aesop said, “We have nothing else.” :04.750 --> :06.500 Xanthus said, “Nothing else, d*** you? :06.500 --> :09.259 Didn’t I tell you: ‘Buy the finest, the most delicious thing imaginable’?” :09.259 --> :13.550 Aesop said, “I am glad you find fault with me in the presence of scholarly gentlemen. :13.550 --> :17.400 You told me: ‘Buy the finest, the most delicious, the greatest thing imaginable.’ :17.400 --> :20.419 Well, what can one imagine finer or greater than the tongue? :20.419 --> :25.240 You must observe that all philosophy, all education, depends on the tongue. :25.240 --> :29.130 Without the tongue nothing gets done, neither giving, nor receiving, nor buying. :29.130 --> :32.719 By means of the tongue states are reformed and ordinances and laws laid down. :32.719 --> :36.409 If, then, all life is ordered by the tongue, nothing is greater than the tongue.” :36.409 --> :38.300 The students said, “Yes, well put, by the Muses. :38.300 --> :39.399 It was your mistake, professor.” :39.399 --> :43.640 They went home, and all night long they suffered from seizures of diarrhea. :43.640 --> :46.670 The next day the students took Xanthus to task. :46.670 --> :51.750 Xanthus said, “Gentlemen and scholars, it was not my fault; it was the fault of that :51.750 --> :52.750 worthless slave. :52.750 --> :57.370 But tomorrow I’ll repay you your dinner, and I’ll give him his orders in your presence.” :57.370 --> :02.460 Then and there he called Aesop and said to him, “Since you are determined to turn my :02.460 --> :06.840 words around, go to the market and buy the most worthless, the most inferior thing there :06.840 --> :07.840 is.” :07.840 --> :10.380 When Aesop heard this, nothing daunted, he went to the butcher, and again he bought the :10.380 --> :13.110 tongues of all the pigs that had been butchered. :13.110 --> :15.839 Then he went back and prepared them for dinner. :15.839 --> :19.790 Xanthus came home with his students, and they took their places at table. :19.790 --> :23.839 After they had the first drink, he said, “Aesop, give us something to eat.” :23.839 --> :26.980 Aesop served each a pickled tongue and hot sauce. :26.980 --> :29.260 The students said, “What’s this, tongues again?” :29.260 --> :30.330 Xanthus turned pale. :30.330 --> :35.470 The students said, “Maybe he wants the vinegar to help our stomachs recover from yesterday’s :35.470 --> :36.470 diarrhea.” :36.470 --> :40.560 After they had another drink or two, Xanthus said, “Give us something to eat.” :40.560 --> :43.680 Aesop served each of them a roast tongue. :43.680 --> :45.660 The students said, “Bah, what’s this? :45.660 --> :51.450 Our dunderhead of yesterday is trying to make us sick again with his tongues.” :51.450 --> :52.910 Xanthus said, “What? :52.910 --> :54.870 Again, you filthy villain? :54.870 --> :57.310 Why did you buy these? :57.310 --> :03.840 Didn’t I tell you: ‘Go to the market, and if you can find anything inferior, anything :03.840 --> :05.030 worthless, buy it’?” :05.030 --> :13.440 Aesop said, “And what is there that is bad which does not come about through the tongue? :13.440 --> :23.700 It is because of the tongue that there are enmity, plots, battles, rivalry, strife, wars. :23.700 --> :28.200 Is it not, then, true that there is nothing worse than this most abominable tongue?” :28.200 --> :42.440 [The narrative then transitions to another episode, but there's a lot more where this :42.440 --> :58.670 came from!]A group of Czech fans at the game with Latvia did not like it, when the organizers :58.670 --> :10.710 at the Tampere hockey arena tore down the Ukrainian yellow-blue flag placed between :10.710 --> :14.060 the Czech flags. :14.060 --> :20.390 And the organizers added a diplomatic explanation that only the flags of the participating countries :20.390 --> :21.390 can hang in the arenas. :21.390 --> :25.690 So they chose a very ingenious solution for Monday's game with the USA. :25.690 --> :37.340 During the day they created English inscriptions on a white poster indicating blue on the top :37.340 --> :42.029 and yellow on the bottom. :42.029 --> :54.230 In the middle there is a distinctive inscription "imagine"Many moons ago when I was a younger :54.230 --> :59.140 lad I started a new job. :59.140 --> :14.170 The place was a combination of retail and warehouse work. :14.170 --> :28.610 I'm the new guys so all the s*** jobs go to me, which is fine, including going around :28.610 --> :31.990 and emptying the garbage and recycling bins every morning. :31.990 --> :48.720 One morning, mid way through my garbage rounds, I got pulled away by a customer that needed :48.720 --> :49.720 help. :49.720 --> :08.900 The help went long and I totally forgot to finish the garbages. :08.900 --> :12.240 My bad. :12.240 --> :19.529 A coworker approaches me, totally not my boss just been their longer than anyone else and :19.529 --> :23.540 felt it her duty to "manage" everyone. :23.540 --> :32.380 I don't get a reminder to finish the garbages, I get a 5-10 minute lecture on how garbages :32.380 --> :51.240 are the most important thing to do in the mornings, everything else is secondary u til :51.240 --> :55.560 I get that done. :55.560 --> :06.769 Seems ridiculous to me, but I was new so I just smiled and nodded. :06.769 --> :15.420 As luck would have it several days later I was in :15.420 --> :28.170 the middle of my garbage rounds once again and the same coworker approached me Ina terrible :28.170 --> :29.170 hurry. :29.170 --> :58.800 I don't remember the exact why but they :58.800 --> :38.550 needed help moving a bunch of boxes as someone was on the way to pick them up and she needed :38.550 --> :47.480 me to drop what I was doing and help her. :47.480 --> :49.449 It was a perfect moment. :49.449 --> :16.550 I gave her a smile and said, "Sorry, I can't help you :16.550 --> :17.600 right now. :17.600 --> :30.209 I'm doing :30.209 --> :36.500 the garbages and garbages are the most important thing in the mornings." :36.500 --> :42.320 She gave me a blank look then stalked off. :42.320 --> :48.160 In a perfect world I would end it with "and she never bothered me again." :48.160 --> :50.170 Sadly that was not the case.
give me a good story on rMaliciousComplianceMAKEMEWAITANDLOSEMONEYFEELMYWRAITHRedditStories
AIT ta for telling my sister a house built on another woman's tears will never last after she took my partner as well as me stopping contact with her son I f24 found out a few weeks ago my long-term partner M24 had slept with my sister twice whilst I'm pregnant he has relentlessly claimed it was an accident I don't understand how you can accidentally have sex with your fiance sister and then date her whilst trying to mend our relationship for our child which I have been open to the fact I will allow him to be in our child's life but I will not be in his as the bridges are burnt Beyond repair anyway my sister has tried to remain active in my pregnancy but also my nephew her son M 11 who I'll call K I have full custody of K due to her metal breakdown and Drug misuse after her partner died he is aware of his real mom but due to me raising him he tends to call me Mom a couple days ago it was my nephew's birthday I invited my sister as I always do as she is his biop parent but also my ex as he's played an active role in Kay's life he's been around from the day he was born and has a bond with him he asked for him to be there too my personal circumstances and relationships will not impact my nephew's relationships as they are separate from mine anyway not everyone at his party was aware of the current situation as I've tried to keep it under wraps and private for Kay and my sanity has I don't want the stress of dealing with questions and other thing my sister broke down at his birthday I removed Kay as quickly as I could but she was screaming it wasn't fair for me to keep her son and her niece away from her if I am honest I am sick of being the villain in her life and I snapped and calmly told her it wasn't fair for you to break my home by sleeping with my partner and then dating him to create your own home but I hope you know a house built on a another woman's tears will not stand you'll lose him the same way you got him he's your problem now you could hear Kay scream and cry claiming that she my sister isn't his mom to a family member who had taken him and he since refused to see her most people were taken aback when I said what I said to my sister as I told the majority that we ended the relationship amicably but I am no longer embarrassed and ashamed I've had support from this and people are standing by me and the kids however people have said I shouldn't have said it and I am alienating Kay from his real mother even though I've done everything in my power for them to retain a relationship but I can no longer deal with her up burst and need to put my Kay's feelings first rather than hers as well as my own family my mother has threatened to call social services if I do not allow Kay to see his mom regardless of his feelings and wants and has called me a selfish brat who ruins and poisons whatever I touch to which I've ceased contact after that final comment I don't even know what is right or wrong anymore but I'm trying my best with the cards given aita throw away as my sister stalks my social platforms which I've blocked her on but every time user 35 6993 wants to add me or follows me regardless
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmysisterahousebuiltonanotherwomanstearswillneverlastaftershetookmy
aita for telling my husband's parents and sister not to use me in their sick and twisted scheme to erase his late wife I'm married to a widower we've been married for four years together for six and known each other for eight we met at a grief support group I lost my sister to cancer around the same time he lost his late wife Tasha we bonded and supported each other and our relationship happened slowly over the two years of being friends one thing I have always known is his love for Tasha has never faded he never wants it to fade he misses her every single day so do his children my stepchildren he struggled with the idea of finding someone else not least of all because his family started pushing 13 months after his loss in time he wanted this himself and we fell in love but I have always known there would be no us without his loss I was never jealous or insecure of that I love his love for Tasha it tells me how amazing he is as his person it's also good for his kids to see the love he still holds for their mom my sister's widower remarried after 6 months and has erased my sister with their children he stopped me having a relationship with them too and I hate it the kids being good with us was the most important thing to us when we became something more the only condition they had to their support was their mom they didn't want her to be
give me a good story on AITAfortellingmyhusbandsparentsandsisternottousemeintheirsickandtwistedscheme
my daughter broke my heart without even knowing it my husband and I have a daughter who is six years old this past year has been really hard on us we lost my in-laws Mill and Phil to cancer and my husband was their only son they didn't have health insurance so we had to pay for all their treatments and funerals because of all the payments we have been making we are pretty much broke we both work two jobs to make ends meet while we try to protect our daughter and not let her know our situation a lot of fun stuff we used to do or luxury items we could buy for our daughter are things we can't do anymore we try our best to give her everything she needs and we try to do some stuff that doesn't cost us anything we really thought our daughter didn't notice these things but boy were we wrong yesterday she had a play date with her best friend and I heard them talking about her upcoming birthday her friend asked her what she was going to ask us for her birthday and my baby girl said nothing I've heard mummy cry when she thinks I'm asleep because we don't have money so I'm just asking to spend the day together at the park so Mommy and Daddy won't know that I know we don't have money
give me a good story on willitbreakyourheartifyouheardyourchildsaythis
my f25 husband m30 says our house will never be mine how do I move past this with update me and my husband have been married for almost one year and have been together for seven I work a job in media while he works as a therapist of sorts we have been living in my inherited home that has been in my family for many years over the past few years we have both agreed the house and the location is just not ideal with the housing market being what it is we have sucked it up and continued to live here recently we were offered to purchase my husband's family home it's a good house that needs a lot of work but I am confident we can do what we need to for under $115,000 in renovations so we are planning to move there and begin renovating we were both happy and excited until the other day when we were talking about it out of nowhere he told me I want you to know this house will never be yours if we divorce or anything you will have no right to live there anymore and I found this hurtful and odd this was never a discussion in the years we have lived in our current home I would never plan on taking his family home if we were to separate but it felt like a stab to the heart especially when we are trying to have kids I told him it would be a marital asset since I'm paying half the mortgage and half the renovations I would never fight you for the house but I don't plan on getting divorced this made him very upset he said he would rather not move in if there's a chance a judge would determine I had rights over the home was I wrong how do I move past this with him update so there was a lot of questions from many people who saw my last post so I figured I would answer some of them and also update on the situation my family home was inherited there was no mortgage we paid our bills and taxes evenly between the two of us and same with any repairs the home needed his mother is selling us the house at a $25,000 discount from what she listed it for on the market my husband was not on the deed to my family home this home was not going to be sold it is a home that has been passed down exclusively to family members at virtually no cost so a mortgage hasn't been held on it in many decades the house would be going to to my sister as she is welcoming her second child soon now for the update me and my husband agreed to go to breakfast together this morning since our Mother's Day plans didn't start until lunch at breakfast I brought up the topic of the house we are going to buy I told him about how the things he said hurt my feelings and made me insecure about where he stands in our marriage he told me after seeing his dad lose his family home in a divorce it was scary to think our kids could possibly lose it if we were to separate he apologized and told me he never ever thought of getting a divorce but nobody does until it's happening he said he was wrong to say the things he did and that he let anxiety control the way he spoke and it was unfair to me we agreed that I would be put on the deed and agreed to start the process of a postnup agreement for the home among some other things I addressed feeling like maybe he had a feeling he was going to leave or cheat and that's why he was so defensive he felt hurt by that and told me that was his fear when getting married that he would be cheated on or Worse have kids involved in that mess I told him I felt the same we both agreed the most comfortable we would feel would be us both being on the deed to the home and getting a postnuptial agreement with an infidelity Clause we are both anxious people and I understand where he was coming from with wanting that it stung a bit at first that he wanted an infidelity Clause but we agreed it would do nothing but benefit us both if either of us were to go beyond our marriage in that way so tldr we both being put on the deed we are getting a postnuptial agreement plus infidelity clause and we had a very mature and emotional conversation about how we felt thank you all for your advice it gave me a very good idea of what to research before I brought it up to him and we are setting up a meeting with a lawyer to start the process on Monday
give me a good story on Myhusbandsaysourhousewillbemine
I told my boyfriend you're not putting that thing in me my boyfriend and I both 21 have been in a relationship for just over 3 months and it has been a wonderful experience so far although we haven't had intimacy yet a few days ago we came close to it in his car we've had discussions about having intercourse and what our expectations are in that regard since he's had previous Partners I expressed my preference for both of us to get tested before taking that step even though I haven't been sexually active with anyone else before I needed to explain my hesitancy and thankfully he was completely understanding he assured me there was no rush and he was willing to get tested he questioned why I wanted to get tested when I hadn't been esally active with anyone else and I explained that it would give him Peace of Mind knowing I was clean he seemed to think it wasn't necessary and we ended the conversation there recent events brought up the conversation again and he expressed relief that he had stopped things in the car because he didn't want my first time to be in such a setting I agreed and said especially considering we hadn't been tested and didn't have a rubber on hand he seemed surprised by my response and I believe he may have assumed that if he came back clean after testing we wouldn't need a rubber however I emphasized that there was still a risk of pregnancy even if I was on birth control and he pulled out I wasn't willing to take that chance at this point the topic of having children has always been a challenging one for us he really wants kids whereas I do not I don't see myself having children in the next 10 years because I'm focused on completing my degree and achieving Financial stability he on the other hand is in the process of transitioning to a higher paying job it wouldn't be practical for us to have children anytime soon I explained that I didn't want to take the possibility of having children away from him but his response was we would talk more in depth when the time comes right now let's just enjoy each other we haven't touched the topic since then anyway I suggested that we could only have intimacy if he agreed to wear a rubber or consider a vasectomy his response was it wouldn't be the same and said you lost me he expressed no interest in the idea and I responded by saying that I didn't want to have sex without these precautions he accepted my decision with a simple that's fine and we left it at that I must admit that I was taken a back by his reaction because he doesn't typically respond this way he has been distant in our text since then and it feels like un bothering him now I'm unsure of what to say or do
give me a good story on itoldmyBFyourenotoutthatthing
hey everybody my name is Stephen and welcome back to the story time channel without wasting any time let's get into our stories of the day steel my design and get all the credits enjoyed getting kicked off so my friend over in Korea studies fashion design she sometimes sends me over the sketches of the designs and they all look amazing then again I'm not into fashion she is particularly interested in designing handbags and purses she told me a story about how she shut down one of the most entitled self-centered lazy students on campus cast grace our main character girl Jane the evil one professor the instructor of the course story at first grace and Jane got along just fine they were both interested in similar stuff and quickly became BFFs grace decided to show Jane her sketches and designs for handbags and purses and Jane was so impressed by it because the sketches were in incredible detail including all the patterns and soul lines coupled with figurative measurements even professor was impressed by it and it was no surprise that grace got high marks on her first major exam Jane didn't do so well and practically followed grace everywhere to get pointers on how to do better so grace decided to help her out unfortunately Jane turned out to be one of the most entitled lazy and selfish people that grace has ever met things that Jane did to pick brace off included but not limited to not paying attention being late on their study session never showing appreciation didn't pay for coffee or snacks complaining annoyingly about how hard it was to draw something grace pretty much gave up on her after a week refusing to meet Jane outside of her class time went by in for their midterm everyone in the class I did do a presentation on the stuff they had designed when it was Jane's turn grace was shocked to see Jane had stolen one of her designs thankfully Grace had multiple designs going on so there were no conflicts when it was her turn to present but she was seething with a rage grace had a meeting with the professor afterwards and the professor knew what was going on but couldn't really do anything with Jane because it turns out she was the daughter of the chairman or one of the major investors gray said she can't recall the Chairman apparently blackmailed the professor into giving Jane the best grades The Revenge professor did however help grace devise a plan to humiliate and exposed Jane for the finals the professor announced to the class they would do another presentation but it would be three designs and advised they had to bring their a games because professionals from industries would be gritting their work in the head of the department and the chairman would be there as well so you know how Grace had a bunch of sketches for the class well grace also had a separate sketch book that had designs from major brands m'kay coach you name it she never used these directly for class assignments but rather as inspirations for her designs Brees pretended to be all friendly with Jane again and brought the other sketch book on their meetings still putting up with all the problems mentioned above grey secretly worked tirelessly on our new design and did her best to keep it a secret from Jane so the day of the final presentation arrives and grace and professor are grinning because they know what is about to happen grace went first then she got a lot of praise from the judges after a few more presentations the last one to go was Jane jeans presentation turned out to be another copycat copying designs of not one not two but three different companies this is how it went all down at least according to grace judge one says so are you saying you designed all these by yourself right Jane says that's right and you swear that it was really your design and didn't copy off anything else right Jane says I swear you are aware your designs are from insert three brands here Jane says huh are you aware that these are on the market right now and some of the most popular designs Jane says wait hold on judge two then says yeah I was going to bring this up if you had worked for any brands you would probably have been fired or worst case sue jane says but judge - continues please I'm not done yet did you honestly think this would work we the judges have been in the industry for over ten years we know a copycat when we see it jane says but these aren't even my designs they are from grace judge three - grace is this true ray says yes but I've never used them for major projects nor call them my work I just use sketches of them as inspirations for my own designs judge 3 says well that was clear from your presentation turning back to Jane now Miss Jane this is a clear case of plagiarism and I do hope your school is merciful on this matter after the presentation was over the Chairman screamed at the professor in front of everyone not realizing he just revealed all the blackmailing in the secret grade deal Jane tried to call out of grace on how you screwed me over but it really didn't matter no one listened to Jane's attempt and slander and was kicked out of the school chairman pretty much lost all support and had to resign and was replaced by far more honorable and competent one that was a smooth Pro revenge if you know this person is going to copy off the work you share with them you just plant the subtle seed they're not able to pick up on and boom it blows up in their face trying to copy off you what do you think of this Jane girl and her antics let me know what you think in the comments below the guy in the suit who doesn't know anything a few years ago I had the misfortune to work for a truly dysfunctional boss at a micro niche company that provided training for a certain group of professionals that had to do continuous training if I mentioned the group you would know the company so I won't I was the senior technical lead for a certain application so I worked with every department in the company anyway this company was owned by a guy that happened to be in the right place at the right time with the right product and was successful in spite of himself since he thought that he was a genius and he wasn't of course he packed the company with a whole crew of equally mindless idiots think minions on steroids but the crown jewel was the sales team these were the quintessential narcissists who would take a two-hour lunch with all the sales buddies and boss and have three martinis and a couple lines of a certain illegal substance the one star of the bunch was the bane of my existence while I was there he would call and demand that I stop what I was doing and fix all of his problems while he was on the phone half the time he would call me later and cussed me out for doing the opposite of what he demanded I didn't but he couldn't remember since he was drunk I finally resorted to tell him to send me an email that explicitly stated what he had wanted done that way I could prioritize his tasks and have proof of exactly what he asked for however five minutes after he sent the email he would call me in demand that I stopped what I was doing and fixed his problems since we were in a sales oriented company complaining to the boss didn't do any good oh my god was just make him happy so he doesn't complain to the owner thanks boss now comes the revenge I finally had enough I was looking for a job anyway and I was underpaid so I wasn't worried about any blowback whenever something broke and he demanded an immediate explanation I started using Star Trek technobabble yeah that report broke because the Heisenberg compensator blew back through the subspace conduit sorry that user couldn't access the system because the dilithium warp brought her needed to be hooked up to the Jefferies tube he bought it all and then comes the best part I found out the best part after I left the company he repeated everything I told him to his clients word for word they just thanked them for the information and he went on his way and then they laughed after he hung up the phone it didn't change anything because even before this their nickname for him was the guy in the suit who doesn't know anything I wouldn't exactly call it a hardcore revenge but making this quintessential narcissist make a fool of himself openly repeatedly to people without him ever knowing that's still pretty good I would think the old switcheroo this is my friend story but she doesn't have read it so I said I would post it for her cast Sara mother 43 year old female John son 19 year old male Ana daughter 16 year old female due to the lockdown sara has allowed her son to move back in he moved out after a family argument but with everything going on Sara decided to give him another chance a few weeks into lockdown Sara was cleaning the house when she found a tin of travel sweets in her son's room she loves this particular type and opened the tin to pinch one the contents of the tin was not lemon drops however it was her son's pot stash when he returned from work she sat him down and told him that she did not want that stuff in the house and he was to get rid of it he apologized in the tin vanished yesterday and I came to see her mum John had been smoking in his room which was next to hers and the smoke was blowing into her window Sara told her to stay downstairs for a bit and say nothing when John left for work Sara went into his room and began to search the idiot was still using the same tin and had hid it under his pillow Sara disposed of the contents and replaced it with some fresh dog poo from the family pet he hasn't said a word to her today and has been very sheepish her only regret is not seeing his face when he opened his tin that be pretty priceless when this guy goes to open his tin to get his fun grass and finds out there's just a beautiful hidden stash of dog poo that probably be a bit of a shock and a letdown for the guy won't give me $20 off fine I'll get $50 off instead for reference I'm 15 and I run a small mowing company in my neighbourhood I have been saving up to buy a new mower to replace my current 16 plus year old one I went into the only Home Depot in my city that had a seven hundred and fifty dollar honda mower in stock I originally found an associate and tried to get the floor model but since they had one in stock I couldn't buy the floor model oh well I pulled up a competitor's site northern tool and show a different associate that I could get $20 off there with a coupon and the other store was less than five minutes away they talked to who I believe was the department manager and they approved it so then I make my way over to the registers until the associate what the others said and she calls over her higher-up enter Karen haircut and all I say I was told by the associate that I could get $20 off because a competitor has it at a better price Karen in a part mocking heart baby tone voice no that's a coupon it has to be the actual price of the item they don't know what they're talking about I'm the financial supervisor they say on their website they accept competitors coupons okay then I'll just go put it back so I do so and head to the car while leaving the store she droops her head down makes that puppy-dog / poor poor you face and says I'm sorry I'm sorry you could save money I wanted to flip her off so bad I decided you know what she's not a manager let me go talk to customer service so I go to the desk and this is how the conversation goes hey I was trying to get $20 off of $750 mower I was told it was okay by two associates but then your supervisor over there said absolutely not customer service guy says okay let me see this mower I can give you $50 off so he goes looks at the mower and goes back to ring me up we have a good conversation about cars and I walk out of the store and Karen doesn't say a word is it cos Opie looked young I don't get what this Karen was being a witch about was it just a bad day for her does she get enjoyment out of that it just seemed needlessly extra dollar store worker made my day so the wife and I decide to walk over to the store to buy some bleach for laundry when we get there we see they're all out so we decided to go next door to the dollar store so we can at least get a small container to wash up a few loads first thing I noticed was the cashier at the front of the store being asked about t-shirts the cashier instructs the person asking to go to insert aisle here and he will find shirts there I walked right past the aisle going towards the bleach and I sure enough see shirts I get my bleach and the wife and I wait in line to check out the guy comes back up and claims there are no shirts there the cashier assures them there are and the man gets testy demanding he walked him to the shirts the cashier says I can do so as soon as he gets another worker to come take care of the front that was not good enough for the guy and he joins a woman in the line just in front of us and it turns out that they are here together she has balloons in her hand and just as she is getting to the cashier she gets a call no big deal wrong her balloons have numbers on them the cashier needs to identify their price he politely asks for the numbers since the woman is holding the balloons and they are too high up for him to see the info he needs she ignores him and continues her call he politely repeats himself and she gives him a mean look the next time he says could you please bring the balloons lower so that I can get the number she just hands him the balloons the cashier is done with these two by this time and takes the balloons gets the number and charges them to their total but this is when he made my day he lets the balloons go they float up and away the guy with the lady is paying and the lady with him is too invested into her call the notice so they grab their bag and then she puts her hand out hoping the cashier will hand her the balloons he gestures to the balloons now floating several feet away the guy tells the cashier to retrieve the balloons for them and the cashier gave the most half but attempts to reach a few feet away and then says I can't reach them I can do so as soon as he gets another worker to come take care of the front I burst out a laughter and the woman and the guy are now embarrassed they go jump and get their stray balloons and rush out made my day a million times more enjoyable I scroll through the comments real quickly and there was a really interesting theory that the guy was actually trying to steal from the store which is why he wanted the cashier to go with him back to the shirts the woman up front had the balloons that draw your eyes up and away from the her stealing and she would just walk out with the groceries well the guy distracting the cashier at the shirts and obviously the plan fell apart mud with that being said that's all the stories we had for today what I want to know is which of these stories that I've read for you today are your personal favorite and why let me know which story and why in the comment section down below and thank you all so very much for watching and listening to the storytime channel if you haven't yet please consider subscribing and don't forget to turn notifications on so you'll never miss an upcoming video thank you all again for watching and listening to the storytime channel
give me a good story on rprorevengeStealMYDesignandtakeCreditEnjoygettingKICKEDOFF
:00.160 --> :10.780 Names and some unimportant details have been changed. :10.780 --> :16.930 It’s somewhere around the summer of 1988. I was 14 and had gotten into a bit of trouble :16.930 --> :21.539 with the police in another state while on a one-week trip. This was was uncharacteristic :21.539 --> :27.289 of me…I was a smart, good kid otherwise. A bit of theft and damage. I was trying to :27.289 --> :32.520 show off for some kids I had met and ended up making a huge mess of things. Damage was :32.520 --> :38.100 a $100 or so. My parents required that I pay the person back double the loss, and the way :38.100 --> :43.851 I’d do that is to get a job. I accepted all of this as I was truly sorry for it. Mom :43.851 --> :48.510 told me to go down to our local convenience store and ask Mr. Smith for a job. :48.510 --> :53.320 Mr. Smith needed a stock clerk for his busy convenience store and hired me on the spot :53.320 --> :01.420 at $3.35/hour. I worked about 20 hours a week. Saturday 11 - 6, Sunday 11 - 6, and Tuesday :01.420 --> :06.369 nights. The job was good…on one end of the building was a sub shop and the other end :06.369 --> :11.450 was the store. The middle was where the desk and all the stock was. Walk-in coolers and :11.450 --> :15.820 such were between this room and the store. There were three cashiers that worked there. :15.820 --> :20.890 Amy, Betty, and Charlie. Charlie only worked Sundays. Betty worked Saturday nights and :20.890 --> :26.280 several nights a week. Amy handled the bulk of the shifts. At the time they were all old :26.280 --> :31.250 as dirt, but if I had to guess Amy was in her 50’s and Betty and Charlie in their :31.250 --> :37.130 30s. Betty and Charlie were always very nice to me and the customers…but Amy was a sneaky :37.130 --> :39.140 and conniving bitch. :39.140 --> :43.330 The summer ended and I kept working there through the fall and into winter. I started :43.330 --> :49.170 also working Wed nights…whatever the maximum hours I could work were, that is what I was :49.170 --> :54.620 scheduled for. During the six months I was there Mr. Smith had fired three other stock :54.620 --> :00.689 clerks…all for theft. Dropping cases of beer into the dumpster to retrieve later, :00.689 --> :06.950 food, cigarettes, and so on. I never did…and it honestly never even occurred to me to. :06.950 --> :11.569 Mr. Smith was generous…I could have soda and candy when I wanted…just don’t touch :11.569 --> :15.591 the beer and don’t steal from him. I loved the little round beef jerky that was in a :15.591 --> :19.180 glass jar at the counter and Orangina soda. :19.180 --> :24.760 The job was simple and I had it down. Keep the cooler stocked, sweep/mop the floors, :24.760 --> :29.550 help customers carry things to the car. On Tuesdays we got the week’s order so that :29.550 --> :35.810 night I’d put price tags on everything (loved using the tag gun), rotate stock, and so on. :35.810 --> :39.880 Stocking the cigarettes was the cashier’s job, but I never minded doing it and would :39.880 --> :43.319 help them by bringing out the cartons they needed and so on. :43.319 --> :48.739 Basically…I did what the employees needed. Never bitched, always showed up on time, and :48.739 --> :53.550 never complained. Mom enforced a strict rule with my paychecks: I could spend half the :53.550 --> :58.550 net but half had to go in the bank. So my bank account was getting higher and higher. :58.550 --> :03.270 I used to enjoy looking at the account passport book and the balance printed in there. :03.270 --> :08.420 My mom worked in a place in town where she saw and kinda knew everyone. The kind of person :08.420 --> :14.349 that when I got my drivers license years later I wouldn’t dream of breaking any laws, driving :14.349 --> :19.239 too fast, or playing music in the car (we were forbidden to play music the first year :19.239 --> :23.970 we got our license…good rule…keeps us from being distracted) because someone always :23.970 --> :27.269 told her what they saw. And we always got caught. :27.269 --> :30.724 So one day mom comes home from work and says she needs to talk to me. She proceeds to tell :30.724 --> :33.910 me what her friend told her. That her friend was in the store and Amy (who didn’t know :33.910 --> :39.010 she knew my mom or me) was smoking and talking with one of her friends and said something :39.010 --> :44.799 like “watch this…DBJFDB (she screamed) GET UP HERE” and I did. “Go sweep the :44.799 --> :49.850 parking lot”. It was drizzling out, but I put a coat on, grabbed the sweeper and got :49.850 --> :54.629 to work. Amy and her friend got a huge laugh out of it all. My Mom’s friend paid and :54.629 --> :00.069 went straight to my mom and told her the story. As the day went on Mom found out from someone :00.069 --> :05.690 else that Amy had said some other demeaning things about me, too. Amy was a yeller and :05.690 --> :11.430 cranky. She’d slam things. She’d say rude things about other people to me. She wore :11.430 --> :15.409 these heels that used to make a clomp clomp clomp sound throughout the store when she :15.409 --> :16.409 walked around. :16.409 --> :20.979 I remember being stunned. I was a good kid and no one knew about my little issue with :20.979 --> :26.140 the police, which had since all been cleared up and I was quite law-abiding. I played a :26.140 --> :31.420 varsity sport, easily got good grades, and had friends. Why would an old-ass adult do :31.420 --> :32.430 this to me?? :32.430 --> :37.950 Mom asked me what I wanted to do and I told her that I can’t work there anymore. “Good. :37.950 --> :43.460 Get on your bike and go tell Mr. Smith you quit. And tell him why”. So I did. Mr. Smith :43.460 --> :47.800 seemed shocked when I told him the story. I also told him that my grades were beginning :47.800 --> :53.470 to suffer…see I was now working Tues and Wed nights till 11:30pm (close). We lived :53.470 --> :58.520 a mile away so I’d ride my bike home, but was still too wired to go to sleep and my :58.520 --> :03.750 parents were in bed already so I’d stay up till 1 watching Hogans Heroes reruns. I :03.750 --> :08.830 got up at 5:45 AM to use the shower before my brothers, and then off to the bus stop :08.830 --> :12.850 for 7:15 pickup as we lived on the far end of town. :12.850 --> :19.310 Mr. Smith was amazing. He offered me the following: A raise to $4.25, I could do my homework at :19.310 --> :24.970 work in the backroom at the desk, I only had to do certain things for my job (basically :24.970 --> :29.979 keep things stocked, clean the floors, occasionally help someone bring their stuff to their car, :29.979 --> :34.840 and the kicker: “you don’t have to do anything Amy tells you to do any more”. :34.840 --> :35.930 I agreed. :35.930 --> :42.539 I went home and told Mom…she was so happy. Made my favorite dinner, hot dog soup (basically :42.539 --> :47.750 elbow macaroni, pasta sauce, hot dogs, and garlic bread on the side). My dad shook my :47.750 --> :51.669 hand and congratulated me. $4.25 an hour! :51.669 --> :56.660 It was, I think, a week before I worked with her again. It was a weeknight so the store :56.660 --> :01.500 was quiet and I had got through my homework and done all my work except the final bit :01.500 --> :07.160 of cleaning the floors. I could hear her screaming for me from the other end of the store. I :07.160 --> :12.560 didn’t move, I didn’t reply. I then heard the CLOMP CLOMP CLOMP of her coming. My back :12.560 --> :17.360 was to the open door leading into the store as I was sitting at the desk. She stands in :17.360 --> :21.889 the door way and screams “I’ve been calling your name for a half hour…what the fuck :21.889 --> :26.690 are you doing!!??”. My knees were shaking. I wasn’t used to being yelled at by anyone :26.690 --> :33.349 other than my parents. I slowly spun the chair around, made eye contact and simply said “Mr. :33.349 --> :37.599 Smith said I didn’t need to do anything you told me to do any more”. Then I slowly :37.599 --> :42.690 spun the chair around and pretended to read…I was too scared to read but made a show of :42.690 --> :43.690 it. :43.690 --> :48.910 The pause and the quiet in the air was palpable. A short moment later she clomped back up to :48.910 --> :53.510 the front of the store, quicker this time. In those days if you had more than one phone :53.510 --> :57.979 on the same line, the phones would “ding” when the other receiver was picked up. I heard :57.979 --> :03.800 the receiver at the desk “ding” and thought oh no, she’s calling Mr. Smith. I heard :03.800 --> :09.240 muffled yelling from out front for a few moments and then heard the receiver crack down with :09.240 --> :15.200 a resounding BANG, the receiver at my desk whimpered a subtle “ding”. I waited for :15.200 --> :20.599 her to come back. I was a bit scared. But nothing…she never came back. I finished :20.599 --> :26.759 up my shift, swept, mopped, left when she did as she locked up, and quickly rode home. :26.759 --> :31.770 Amy didn’t talk to me much for a couple weeks after that. She didn’t order me around :31.770 --> :36.639 and didn’t make my life harder. The other two cashiers, Betty and Charlie, however, :36.639 --> :41.970 really opened up more to me. While not friends because of age differences, they treated me :41.970 --> :47.590 like a colleague. Betty got me to tell her the story, and then I found out so much more. :47.590 --> :52.629 Mr. Smith had given her a verbal lashing. Her kids and husband stopped spending so much :52.629 --> :58.230 time out front as well. While Amy and I never officially made up, things smoothed over after :58.230 --> :01.550 a few weeks and she was never rude to me again. :01.550 --> :06.600 As a final note…being able to do my homework at the store turned out to be amazing for :06.600 --> :11.901 my grades. I had several hours a night where I really didn’t have anything to do, so :11.901 --> :17.069 I’d get ahead of my homework for the week, study for tests, read more, and my grades :17.069 --> :21.740 went up almost immediately. I ended up working there until the end of the next summer and :21.740 --> :52.310 then focused on school, sports, and friends.Before I go into why this specific nurse in my psychiatric :52.310 --> :57.870 hospital deserved the googly eyes, I should mention that this woman is an exception and :57.870 --> :03.040 the people working in psych hospitals are generally great people. Psych hospitals (at :03.040 --> :07.660 least in countries with well-funded healthcare) are a great resource to get better. :07.660 --> :14.740 3 years ago I (f24 at the time) spent a total of 12 weeks in psychiatric hospital for severe :14.740 --> :20.990 depression and PTSD. On my second day during a group feedback session a patient asked for :20.990 --> :26.980 a window to be opened. A nurse „The Wrinkle“, named after the prominent scowl wrinkle between :26.980 --> :33.540 her eyebrows and the fact that her name rhymed, responded „Are you dumb? It‘s February!“ :33.540 --> :40.170 I immediately hated her. She also regularly made patients cry, insulted them, yelled at :40.170 --> :46.000 them for small mistakes, made up random rules like no TV during meals even if everyone wanted :46.000 --> :51.839 to watch, and worst of all sent away patients with serious problems if they disturbed her :51.839 --> :56.290 meal. She yelled at me (and others) while I had a panic attack because she was busy :56.290 --> :02.190 with her dinner. Sorry if I interrupted you with your job. We reported her multiple times :02.190 --> :07.100 but the Hospital couldn’t do anything because she had a fixed contract and they already :07.100 --> :13.000 had a staffing shortage. With the complaints not working, even her ignoring patient emergencies :13.000 --> :18.120 not having any consequences and us being unable to do anything bad without risk of losing :18.120 --> :21.660 our treatment spots we were left with petty revenge. :21.660 --> :28.910 So a patient friend (m26) and I bought a large pack of googly eye stickers. We started putting :28.910 --> :34.540 googly eyes on the rule paper with random new made up rules only applicable during her :34.540 --> :39.320 shift, that she hung on the office door, then on her photo which hung in the lobby with :39.320 --> :45.230 all other employee photos. The Wrinkle started angrily taking those down but we added new :45.230 --> :50.339 googly eyes during her every shift. Other young patients started joining in by putting :50.339 --> :55.950 googly eyes in all common areas where she was. The friendly dinosaur at the sink reminding :55.950 --> :02.020 you to wash your hands, the coffee machine, the fridge, magnets on the timetable magnetboard, :02.020 --> :08.290 the calender, the entry sign and the office door all got googly eyes. And it pissed The :08.290 --> :13.560 Wrinkle off. Every shift she would be too preoccupied searching for all these taunting :13.560 --> :19.130 googly eyes to yell at patients. The doctors and therapists (not knowing the reason for :19.130 --> :24.910 all the googly eyes) started encouraging us to continue being silly and having fun decorating :24.910 --> :30.040 the ward. We all started sticking googly eyes to our foreheads and running around like some :30.040 --> :36.060 sort of „mental patients“ from the psych hospital (when in Rome…). The Wrinkle eventually :36.060 --> :38.850 retreated and left us patients alone. :38.850 --> :44.300 I left 4 weeks into our googly terror campaign but patient friends reported that The Wrinkle :44.300 --> :50.040 soon left the ward. And even months after I left my therapist still found random googly :50.040 --> :52.950 eyes and said they reminded him of us. :52.950 --> :57.589 As you can tell it‘s not all sad on the depression ward. The patients have a lot of :57.589 --> :03.769 dark and silly humor and when you‘re bored, have no reputation to lose and start to rediscover :03.769 --> :10.570 fun day to day life becomes very silly. Between chubby-bunny-karaoke, rollerblade-tabletennis :10.570 --> :16.250 and jell-o-sculpting getting forcibly admitted to the psych ward was (despite one mean nurse) :16.250 --> :54.360 a life saving and actually enjoyable experience. We used to live in a duplex with a total asshole :54.360 --> :00.399 neighbor upstairs. They harassed us daily in the worst way for months, classic shitty :00.399 --> :05.079 neighbor stuff with extra sprinkled on top. Suddenly they started running their bath faucet :05.079 --> :11.390 for *hours* on end every day. One day we found out they had been complaining their hot water :11.390 --> :16.330 "kept getting used up" and blamed us for "doing too much laundry". Manager must have blown :16.330 --> :20.800 these off for a while because they knew we didn't share a hot water heater just a water :20.800 --> :26.120 bill. Her complaining got so bad they started asking us to check her heater temp. which :26.120 --> :28.139 we did and it was fine. :28.139 --> :33.709 After this went on for over a week i noticed a pattern. After running the faucet all day, :33.709 --> :39.310 she'd turn it off for 20 mins or so, turn it back on and for an hour or so, with no :39.310 --> :44.200 stomping upstairs. So we figured, that must be when she takes a shower. :44.200 --> :49.800 The next day same thing, hours of running water, then shut off. This time we went and :49.800 --> :56.950 turned the water heater to luke warm, not off, but down. Within 5 minutes she was stomping :56.950 --> :02.910 up a storm and could be heard yelling upstairs, screaming at the manger we "used all the hot :02.910 --> :08.660 water again". FINALLY this is when the manager informed her it was impossible for us to use :08.660 --> :15.160 all her hot water because *she had her own hot water tank*!!!! MORE stomping happens :15.160 --> :18.940 and she is having a fit. They tell her they will send Maintenace out the next day while :18.940 --> :23.829 she's at work. The next morning when we wake up, we just put her heater back to normal. :23.829 --> :28.790 Maintenance came, ran her hot water for almost an hour without it running out. We had a good :28.790 --> :33.341 laugh about how she just used it all taking a too long shower. She never ran the water :33.341 --> :38.740 that long again too and got kicked out a few months later for harassment. Have other stories :38.740 --> :44.680 but not sure if they are actually "revenge"! It's my first time posting here, English is :44.680 --> :00.839 not my first language and I'm not sure if this belongs in :00.839 --> :05.790 this sub. :05.790 --> :11.440 This happened in a time span of 1 year around 8 years ago, things could be off but the main :11.440 --> :17.241 event remains vivid in my mind. For this story: hr in our office will be Susan (because apparently :17.241 --> :24.529 we don't like Susan's), lazy assistant AH will be LAH, LAH direct boss will be Tom...(other :24.529 --> :28.390 characters will come in play but they won't be so relevant for the outcome) it's a long :28.390 --> :30.899 story but I'll try my best to summarize it. :30.899 --> :38.709 I was fresh out of college (22-23f), and looking for a job in my field of expertise (law); :38.709 --> :43.900 one day my bf Patricia and I go to this huge governmental office to submit out cvs to their :43.900 --> :50.399 work bank, to our luck Susan appears like an angel and took our cvs, went on interviews :50.399 --> :55.149 and we both got hired. While Patricia started with a better position as an assistant to :55.149 --> :01.360 one of the big dogs, I was stucked doing this boring job of receiving and distributing files :01.360 --> :06.310 sitting in an office with Susan and someone else, but it only lasted one month because :06.310 --> :10.890 soon I was working at the front desk with the boss from that office acting as his hands :10.890 --> :17.290 right and....HAD A NEW AND BETTER CONTRACT, this is when sht start to bend. :17.290 --> :22.291 Apparently Susan made a mistake when making the contract from LAH and gave him the position :22.291 --> :28.680 from my new contract, so to avoid creating chaos she gave me his position (not an issue :28.680 --> :35.190 at first); see his position earned a bit more than mine and LAH was a pain in the butt because :35.190 --> :40.550 he disappeared from the building, locked his files (so I couldn't provide people information :40.550 --> :46.270 about things handled in his office unless I called his boss office), His digital cards :46.270 --> :50.890 where not updated.... The guy made my work more difficult but I enjoyed throwing him :50.890 --> :52.220 out of the bus. :52.220 --> :57.949 One day Susan and LAH approached me to tell me I needed to resign from my position so :57.949 --> :04.569 LAH could get his (earn more and do nothing) and I could get mine (do everything and earn :04.569 --> :10.490 less), I said I would, but after dealing with him for so long I was reconsidering; until :10.490 --> :15.760 this 2 decided to hunt me, try to make my life miserable by putting others against me. :15.760 --> :20.709 I was done with them but being young with the most innocent face, you wouldn't think :20.709 --> :26.600 I was plotting against you. So the last day Susan warned me about resigning came.... PETTY :26.600 --> :27.800 REVENGE TIMEEEEEE! :27.800 --> :33.780 I worked at the front desk so no one was suspicious if I was gone from my position because sometimes :33.780 --> :40.730 I needed to get files, talk to people, gather info....I put over my shoulder lots of responsibilities, :40.730 --> :47.480 so after Susan's last tirade I waltzed into LAH bosses office and directly said I needed :47.480 --> :50.440 to speak to Tom, and it went like this: :50.440 --> :56.120 -OP: hey Tom I'm having and issue with LAH and Susan; they tell me I need to resign from :56.120 --> :02.290 my position so it can be given to him, but that's not the issue, the issue is that LAH :02.290 --> :05.600 is not doing his job... (Before I could continue) :05.600 --> :12.140 *Tom: I know, I also have issues with LAH, my work is behind, everything is a mess and :12.140 --> :17.781 my assistants complain about him...give me a sec...going to call big dog A(biggest dog :17.781 --> :20.870 from that area) and big dog B..... :20.870 --> :27.230 Tom calls both of them and what seemed small at first turned into the biggest fk u meeting :27.230 --> :28.240 from that year 😂 :28.240 --> :32.570 *Tom: ok they are coming but I also want Susan in here. :32.570 --> :40.530 15 mins and Tom's office is full with tension, 3 angry big dogs, an impressed OP and a not :40.530 --> :43.419 so smuggy and scared Susan. :43.419 --> :49.380 *Tom: OP came here and said that she is required by Susan to resign...(wild Susan tries to :49.380 --> :54.640 interrupt) so big dogs, after I filled you in with the tea, what are your insights? :54.640 --> :00.530 +Big dog B: we are proud that OP said something, but Susan, you have been working here for :00.530 --> :06.360 15 years, I had mad respect for you but now I'm disappointed. What happened? :06.360 --> :12.760 -Susan: I made a mistake with the positions and as LAH is Tom's assistant he should have :12.760 --> :17.610 OP's contract and vice versa. OP said she agreed to the switch. :17.610 --> :22.919 *Tom: ofcourse OP would agree, you are terrorizing her, she is afraid of 2 older people plotting :22.919 --> :28.820 against her. And as I know everything that happens at the main desks office; LAH and :28.820 --> :35.640 OP will keep contracts as they are because LAH is not fulfilling his responsibilities :35.640 --> :42.610 and you made a mistake, not OP...thank you everyone, you may leave....NINAAA (his secretary) :42.610 --> :45.230 call LAH, I want him here NOW! :45.230 --> :50.681 and off we left to a land of dirty looks, 3 people from the 30 that worked at main desk :50.681 --> :57.520 not talking to me, reputations lost, and a happy OP left alone at last having her first :57.520 --> :59.890 victory in that mined field. :59.890 --> :03.919 I resigned a couple of months later after someone from the same building went into my :03.919 --> :09.659 office saying her boss wanted to interview me that same day (I went, we spoke and I was :09.659 --> :14.300 instantly hired, but I lasted 1 month because someone else in the same building offered :14.300 --> :18.530 me a better position with the biggest dogs in the country). :18.530 --> :38.000 I have a couple of stories about that hell hole. there was :38.000 --> :47.470 this guy i talked to last year. i let him treat :47.470 --> :52.950 me like shit because i just wanted companionship . i didn’t want to be alone and sometimes :52.950 --> :58.169 i genuinely had a good time with him, but it was mostly him being mean and talking about :58.169 --> :00.980 how every other woman was more attractive than me. :00.980 --> :05.810 i’m also pretty positive he had a black girl fetish. he only liked me to have sex :05.810 --> :11.039 with me, but the other girls he compared me to were all white. i had no self respect and :11.039 --> :12.480 it still haunts me. :12.480 --> :17.680 today, i opened my snapchat and saw someone requested to be my friend. it was him. :17.680 --> :22.669 when he and i stopped talking last year, he posted a picture of him and his recent girlfriend. :22.669 --> :28.029 i asked him to smoke and he said he was trying monogamy (lol) which was fine by me because :28.029 --> :31.340 at the time i was building a connection with my current partner. :31.340 --> :36.140 it’s weird because it wasn’t me being jealous in the way of me wanting to be with :36.140 --> :41.230 him, but jealous in the way of him not seeing me as a real human with real emotions the :41.230 --> :45.900 way he viewed her. when we stopped talking, the last thing i said was “you weren’t :45.900 --> :50.200 a very good friend” (so fucking lame) and then i removed him. :50.200 --> :54.900 anyway, i need some advice or different viewpoints: should i accept him and let him see how much :54.900 --> :59.270 my life has improved without him? there’s also a picture of my current partner holding :59.270 --> :04.770 my niece on my story so it makes the idea of adding him even more compelling because :04.770 --> :07.970 i’d be hilarious if he thought she was my child.A friend of mine, Anne, lives in an :07.970 --> :09.150 urban area that, like most, has its good neighborhoods and bad. Whenever she goes out she makes sure :09.150 --> :10.940 to be aware of her surroundings. :10.940 --> :13.630 One time Anne stopped at a gas station that was not the best area, but not the worst, :13.630 --> :15.590 either. As she pulled in she noticed a van pulling in behind her. They stopped at the :15.590 --> :16.602 pump in back of her, but no one stepped out of the van to pump gas. :16.602 --> :17.602 Anne, who is all of 5'2" and 98 pounds soaking wet does look like the classic profile of :17.602 --> :19.380 a potential female victim. So, she keeps an eye on the van as she pumps gas and goes to :19.380 --> :22.040 wash her windshield. Suddenly to men jump out of the van and try to grab ahold of her. :22.040 --> :23.950 How were those poor slobs to know Anne is a retired Army officer, trained in all manner :23.950 --> :24.950 of self defense, such as making a weapon of anything at hand. After those two thugs get :24.950 --> :25.950 back in the van Anne drives off as fast as she can. She does report the incident to the :25.950 --> :26.950 police. I'm not sure if they were ever caught, but I know at least one of them had a lovely :26.950 --> :27.950 black eye. :27.950 --> :28.950 While this has a funny ending, I can't emphasize enough be aware of your surroundings and know :28.950 --> :29.950 how to escape.This happened in early December last year. :29.950 --> :33.870 I’m driving home from school one afternoon, and I accidentally cut off a lady in a bigass :33.870 --> :38.669 Suburban. I quickly got back into my original lane and waved an apology after she honked :38.669 --> :43.751 at me. I was a bit tired, so I missed her in my blind spot. I thought that would be :43.751 --> :49.990 the end of it, but boy was I wrong. My one careless move triggered a series of road rage :49.990 --> :54.789 incidents from her that I never thought anyone would be capable of resorting to. :54.789 --> :01.530 First, this woman speeds around me and aggressively cuts me off and brake checks me VERY hard. :01.530 --> :06.570 Mind you, the speed limit was 45 mph, and I was already doing 50 mph. She had to be :06.570 --> :11.830 passing me at no less than 70 mph. I gave her some room in case she brake checks me :11.830 --> :18.659 again, which she did, bringing our whole lane down to 15 mph all while flipping me off outside :18.659 --> :24.080 her window. I have a dashcam, so even if I hit her, I could’ve taken the insurance :24.080 --> :29.000 payout, but dealing with insurance is too much of a hassle, and I love my car, so I :29.000 --> :30.380 didn’t want to damage it. :30.380 --> :36.210 Other cars start passing us, so I try to do the same, but she dives in front of me again. :36.210 --> :41.390 Eventually, she lets me pass and I wave her sorry again, which she responds to with the :41.390 --> :46.700 finger. Finally, we stop at a red light, and she pulls alongside me yelling at me to “roll :46.700 --> :53.020 down your fucking window you n-word (I’m not even black)” Of course, I don’t in :53.020 --> :55.130 case she pulls something out on me. :55.130 --> :59.510 Other cars are honking at her for blocking my adjacent lane while yelling at me, but :59.510 --> :04.490 she gives zero shits. Once the light turns green, I make a loop around the block to try :04.490 --> :09.809 and lose her but to no avail. I even haul ass down an open road to see if she gives :09.809 --> :16.820 up. My car is heavily modded so it can comfortably smoke her SUV, but she persists. I’m thinking, :16.820 --> :21.740 “What kind of person has this much time on a weekday to follow someone around?” :21.740 --> :26.490 Had I driven home, she could’ve come back later and did god knows what. So finally, :26.490 --> :28.380 I resort to calling the cops. :28.380 --> :33.190 Unfortunately, I’m right at the boundary of three counties, so I get bounced around :33.190 --> :38.940 dispatchers for about 5 minutes before finally ending up with the right jurisdiction. I explain :38.940 --> :43.820 my situation, and the dispatcher directs me to drive toward the nearest police precinct :43.820 --> :46.720 while an officer tries to intercept us. :46.720 --> :51.429 During the conversation with the dispatcher, she is still flipping me off, and the dispatcher :51.429 --> :56.570 can hear her honking… that’s how close she was tailgating me. It’s been over 30 :56.570 --> :02.330 minutes since the original incident. Seriously, who the f*ck has this much time? I stay calm :02.330 --> :07.159 and continue to relay to the dispatcher where I am as I pass intersections. :07.159 --> :13.620 Finally, after what felt like an eternity, I saw a Dodge Charger speeding up behind us. :13.620 --> :18.381 I couldn’t tell if it was a patrol car as it appeared to be an undercover vehicle. No :18.381 --> :23.220 blues and reds yet, so I confirmed with the dispatcher if there was an officer behind :23.220 --> :29.430 us. It was! Once I saw the lights come on, I pulled over and she promptly followed. :29.430 --> :36.070 As I parked in some church lot, this fatass dove out of her car, and only THEN, she notices :36.070 --> :41.780 the Christmas Tree of lights behind us. The look on her face was PRICELESS. And what does :41.780 --> :47.929 this dumbass do? She darts towards the officer’s car. The officer quickly commanded her to :47.929 --> :53.680 stop, which this bag of meat seemed to understand. Not long after, his corporal and another officer :53.680 --> :54.680 arrived. :54.680 --> :59.060 Now, I’m still sitting in my car waiting for the officer to come to me. I hear the :59.060 --> :04.030 bitch making up some bullshit story, and in a few minutes, he comes up to my window to :04.030 --> :09.950 hear my side. The moment I stepped out of my car to talk to him, she yells at me “you :09.950 --> :15.390 fucking suck at driving!” This was retaliated by the officer yelling at the woman. I told :15.390 --> :20.850 him my side, and about all the brake checking and racial slurs, and she obviously denied :20.850 --> :25.690 it. The instant when I mentioned that it was all on dashcam, her face went pale. :25.690 --> :30.750 The officer saw all the brake checks, excessive speed, and tailgating once I pulled up the :30.750 --> :35.840 footage on my phone, and he then asked me if I wanted to press charges. Of course I :35.840 --> :42.260 did! They searched her SUV and found an unregistered Glock underneath the driver’s seat, AND :42.260 --> :47.399 a tiny bag of weed (which isn’t legal in my state). This woman got arrested for reckless :47.399 --> :52.590 driving, endangerment, possession of marijuana, and a couple of other things! I was just told :52.590 --> :17.380 to drive carefully with no ticket! This occurred in September, last year. I was making :17.380 --> :23.640 a routine lunch delivery to the hospital nearby. The customer didn't provide any delivery instructions :23.640 --> :25.419 other than to call when I arrived. :25.419 --> :31.290 I called and called. No reply. Waited and waited. In that instance, we leave the food :31.290 --> :36.700 in a safe place, in this case at the admissions desk, and notify the customer. :36.700 --> :42.820 About 5 minutes later, I started getting furious texts from this person. "Where's my food? :42.820 --> :48.090 I told you where to bring it, you goddamn moron, not to leave it there! This is all :48.090 --> :50.510 your fault! You're a f**king idiot" :50.510 --> :56.580 I apologize profusely despite her incessant lies that she said where to leave it. And :56.580 --> :02.090 her swearing at me. Five minutes go by and I get notified that she claims she never received :02.090 --> :04.750 the food and left a negative rating. :04.750 --> :10.539 So I contacted support to address the rating and since I was nearby, returned to the delivery :10.539 --> :13.529 location to find out what happened to the order. :13.529 --> :18.899 When I arrive, the admissions desk personnel tell me this individual came down in a huff :18.899 --> :22.340 cussing and took the food and it's on camera. :22.340 --> :27.090 Door dash is on with the customer who is texting that someone stole it and she refuses to pay :27.090 --> :31.220 for it. I knew that the order name was Russian, unusual. :31.220 --> :36.190 Door dash says if I can verify it was received, they will remove the rating. Admissions people :36.190 --> :38.830 notify an Admin to come talk to me. :38.830 --> :44.000 The admin contacts hospital security who speaks to me, then decides to go ask the nurse to :44.000 --> :49.039 pay for the order. They talked to her, she refused. They said that they might be forced :49.039 --> :53.370 to notify the police and she said, "go ahead" to hospital security!!!! :53.370 --> :59.130 Anywho, the police are contacted, I file a brief statement for theft of services and :59.130 --> :03.860 a female detective reached out to me a few weeks later. I said, "Do you really think :03.860 --> :09.159 it's worth pursuing such a small amount?" and she reminded me of her vindictive texts :09.159 --> :15.890 and how she was offered multiple opportunities to avoid charges and she refused. She literally :15.890 --> :17.750 came after me. Hard. :17.750 --> :19.669 My mind was instantly made up. :19.669 --> :23.940 The detective said she would go to her house first but if she wasn't home, she'd arrest :23.940 --> :28.340 her at the hospital. It was misdemeanor fraud and something else. :28.340 --> :33.669 Then months went by. Heard nothing back. Then got an email from the court on Tuesday asking :33.669 --> :16.720 for my address where to send the check for restitution and she pled guilty.
give me a good story on rProRevengeIGOTANURSEARRESTEDFORFRAUDRedditStoriesen
today we've got a great Revenge story against a gas station clerk who refuses to sell something we'll get into that in a bit but first stop charging your darn phones I'm going to try and keep this brief I work in a factory in Belgium that processes raw food materials because these products are in powder form we have a serious risk of dust explosions so operators are not allowed to charge their non-explosive safe phones in the production Hall they keep doing it anyway I told them stop doing it it's an explosion risk they keep doing it so I started disconnecting the power outlets we don't use them only for technical usage oh and I work in the technical department so I'm not a random dude disconnecting power outlets they call me and say hey dude the outlets aren't working and here comes my Petty Revenge I get to say you don't need them for your day-to-day job what were you using them for but I'll make a work order to reconnect them and I'll make sure to mention to the supervisor why you need them I know it's Petty but I was fed up and it's a darn safety issue it's not even Petty it's literally looking out for the safety of all these people and the business if anybody above op found out what op did they would be celebrating them our next story is crouching cheater hidden Revenge I found out my fiance was cheating on me when I was eight months pregnant a bit of a hard blow now for context this guy was a wealthy guy and he liked nice things he had a lot of expensive high-end clothing now I'm not a Revenge Type person and I don't like conflict or repercussions and I was in a pretty vulnerable position so after I asked him to leave I went and got all of his suit trousers and carefully loosened and picked the stitches around the crotch and seat area this wasn't really noticeable however any bending or crouching they would have split wide open I never got to see or even hear about this but I know it must have happened it was a slight source of comfort sadly I'm willing to bet it was over some mundane thing like maybe before they were going out anywhere they went to bend over and tie their shoe or something you'd love for it to be like in the middle of a huge event though this next story is entitled students thought they were playing me they were mistaken so a few years ago I was teaching a private Urban religious College since I only had my Ms I was thankful for the opportunity to teach and get the experience before I moved on for my PhD the school usually had me Teach accelerated night courses which were aimed on non-traditional Learners read adults going back to school after many years off I loved my students and had a blast teaching them I had some issues with a few here and there but generally my experiences were really positive but there was this one couple let's call them Hannah and Larry that semester I'd been asked to cover a more traditional course at the last minute rather than being accelerated it meant three times a week for an hour all semester furthermore the last was very small only about four students which would have been fine small classes can be great and a paycheck was a paycheck if it hadn't been for Hannah and Larry you see this couple had attendance issues to put it mildly they would show up to a class or two and then just vanish for a week or more with no word just when I suspected they were gone for good they'd show up usually with some excuse or another medical issues car problems work etc at first I try to be sympathetic I always have the attitude that life happens and when it rains it pours sometimes but at a certain point I began to grow a bit suspicious they were selling me a story okay I was immediately suspicious but I'm usually inclined to let things lie to a certain point same as my professors did for me this was all the worst because of the small nature of the class every time I did prep for a session assuming all four would be present they'd Skip and throw my plans off but when I just accepted they would be gone and prepare activities for two students they'd show up all of this would be frustrating but acceptable if it weren't for two things one whenever they showed up these two would have an attitude about them and just expect everyone to conform to their presence and bend to their will and two they of course weren't doing any of the work and these two factors came to a head as Hannah who was the louder and more confident of the two of them would all but demand extensions the ability to hand in late work etc I'd give them only for both her and Larry to blow the work off again I like to be pretty accommodating to my students within reason but it quickly became obvious that Hannah thought she was playing me and could get whatever she wanted and that couldn't stand I have some level of Pride and hate being seen as a pushover now I could have crushed them immediately and just said no more late work but I was sure Hannah would just throw a fit and go to Administration I knew the admin would back me up but it was a hassle I really didn't want I was working on a second Ms at this point and working two other jobs I was frothing at the mouth busy at that point and hadn't even planned on teaching that semester I only agreed because they needed me and besides I'm a pretty easy going guy but I do have my limits I was pissed at this point but I also have a wicked to me sense of humor Hannah wants to think she has me wrapped around her finger okay let her think that I was gonna hand her enough rope to hang herself with so for the past few weeks whenever she asked for an extension I'd smile and say sure and then chuckle when nothing came in every time I wrote her and Larry emails reminding them of the new date getting things in writing is key kids and then we arrived at the final I hadn't seen the twosome in a few sessions and was actually surprised to see them stumble in to take the test they failed of course but what you gonna do Hannah comes up to me in front of the class and asks for another extension I put my best teacher voice on and said I was disappointed but fine life happens however I was posting grades the next weekend so the absolute last minute I would accept any late was Friday at 11 59 PM the second it hit midnight my books were closed I asked if they both understood and they summoned up a bit of solemnness when they assured me that they did good I confirmed it in an email and then sat back to grade the Finals over the week I mean there were only four it wasn't that much work I knew there was a risk that they'd follow through and I'd end up with a semester's worth of work to grade but I was feeling pretty confident that that wasn't going to happen at this point Friday night rolls around I didn't work my other jobs that day and my own school work was done so I decided to buy a few beers and kick back to play some video games and relax I look down at a certain point and realize that it's midnight I open my email remind everyone that the books are now closed if I give an extension it's open to the whole class I'm not playing favorites not that anyone else needed it I cracked open another beer let out my best super villain laugh and went back to my game Sunday comes around and I'm posting the final grades for the semester I usually hate failing students but I admit I had a smile on my face as I assigned Hannah and Larry their well-deserved F's 10 minutes after I hit save for the grades I hear The Familiar bading of my email going off followed by another now who could this be it is of course Hannah and Larry Larry's email can best be summed up as oh my God didn't you get my email with the work I sent it on Friday Hannah's said the exact same thing now it's obvious they're thinking they can get another day or two you to get the work this way after all hadn't I been so pliant and naive all semester oh the fools the fools they've played right into my hands and this is the moment I've been waiting weeks for I double checked to make sure I hadn't missed emails from them just to be safe I hadn't and then I typed my response no I didn't and I did just double check after your last message that's okay emails get lost sometime at this point I'd like to image Larry's smiling while reading this he'd won again God this professor is an idiot I continued so what I'm going to need you to do is go back into the email you sent me with the work just take a screenshot which has the timestamp of the email and forward that to me along with the work that'll prove you sent it on time I then responded to Hannah's email saying the same thing what was their response did their eyes widen as they realized they'd been held accountable for their actions did Panic set in were there tears Powells of regret the gnashing of teeth and rending of air sadly I'll never know I never heard from them again they didn't even bother making another try and me well I decided to buy some more beer that night to celebrate once again occasionally I'll tell my current students the tail a humorous reminder that one yes I'm accommodating two yes I'm pretty laid back but three I'm not an idiot and don't try to play me it usually gets a good laugh and if some of those laughs sound a wee bit nervous all the better I mean when you read and hear this story you can't help but acknowledge that op gave them every possible chance I mean op bent over backwards and some for these people I mean regardless of whatever their situation is you know if they just couldn't keep up on it or if they were just being lazy Opie did what they could our next story is raw raw Rasputin my mom has a very Eastern European name and my paternal grandmother hated that her baby boy married someone with such a weird name it's clearly not an English name but it is well known in English-speaking countries like Helga when my parents announced they were having a baby my grandma's first comment was you better not give it one of those weird European names so naturally my parents started referring to me as Rasputin and kept their name choices secret mom and dad also kept my gender secret which drove Grandma insane and made her heckish to deal with on top of the name thing my parents were done with this BS by the time I came along and wanted some Revenge my maternal Grandma who was Ukrainian had made me a baby hat with traditional Ukrainian embroidery when I was born my parents let the nurses in on their Revenge plan and asked them to swaddle me in a blue blanket instead of a pink or white one and put the Hat on for me when my paternal grandparents came to the hospital to meet me grandma walks in sees my hat and then my mom says meet your grandson Rasputin we got attached to the name during the pregnancy grandma was not impressed every photo of her she has the most impressive cat butt face my parents and the nurses kept this ruse for two hours the nurses going so far as to ask how's little Razzie doing when they'd come into the room after a while mum couldn't keep it going anymore and while my grandpa was holding me next to mum's bed she told them I'm actually a girl and my real very normal name he was a prankster especially when it annoyed his wife so she knew he'd appreciate the joke until he passed away my grandpa's nickname for me was Razzie much to my grandma's annoyance I mean this is a pretty funny story and also it's kind of adorable that it birthed the thing between Opie and their grandpa for the entire time they had together the little Razzy thing is pretty darn cute our next story is your photo is missing sorry every year here at our high school the video productions class will put together an entire video called the senior video of the current senior class in their best moments from now all the way back to Elementary along with a few student and teacher interviews to stop the thing from turning into a massive slideshow the thing is supposed to be 30 minutes long and the video productions class is supposed to take the entire school year to make it due to some unfortunate teacher switching and lazy students it wasn't done so I was called upon with less than a month until swing out to finish from an empty timeline and no student pictures or videos let's meet our villain let's call him Andrew Andrew is one of those people who try and actively make your life a living heck for no other reason than it being funny he would Point me out of a crowd and call me short imagine hey you see that guy over there he's a senior and he's as tall as a freshman which to be fair I was the fourth shortest senior out of our graduating class and I did did find it funny when my friends made jokes about my height but Andrew was malicious he would joke with his entire friend group about my height call me a dwarf Etc one thing he would do was try and make me angry and then he would ask why I was angry and Gaslight me into thinking I was overreacting a specific example that comes to mind is when I called a rubber band a drive shaft offhandedly because I was describing to my friend how my project car would move forwards by winding a rubber band Andrew overheard me and actively witched me out telling me that I was wrong and stupid for 10 minutes straight imagine if I was looking down at my desk working on a worksheet and Andrew was in the seat next to me leaning over and criticizing my incorrect use of the word rubber band of course when I finally got angry can you leave me alone dude he then proceeded to say all I was doing was pointing out your mistake why are you overreacting Andrew would also go to his friends and tell them all about how I have a short fuse and was overreacting remember this senior video the teacher who knew nothing about editing don't even know why she was the teacher wanted to put in a slideshow at the very end of every single senior along with their names pain in the butt to do but okay oh wait I'm the only editor on this project I see Andrew's name along with a senior photo what would happen if I did a little trolling I delete his name along with his senior photo from the entire school's senior repository not from like the system so he doesn't graduate or anything from a folder that the yearbook classes use no more Andrew for the senior video yearbook wall banners Etc of course all of those things minus the senior video were already printed so it wasn't actually that bad but now I had plausible deniability I didn't put Andrew's name in the video yo because I didn't see him in the repository senior video gets exported albeit 10 minutes shorter than it's supposed to be everybody watches it during swing out and Andrew is left confused he had to watch all of his friends and classmates scroll by the screen without him he comes up to me afterwards and asks hey why wasn't I in the senior video sorry man I didn't see you in the list I think he knew something was up but I'm graduated now so sucks to suck man plus it's such a small thing that I removed him from that nobody would really care it's just Petty you know in high school I was never really outgoing I wasn't very social I had my very select group of friends so it wouldn't have been surprising if I was missing from like a senior video but I would still feel kind of disappointed if I didn't pop up at least somewhere even just mildly in the background imagine the disappointment when you literally do not appear at all especially when they show a photo of every C senior student at the end seem to have gotten on his nerves a little bit our next story is Burger King manager story many moons ago I worked at Burger King as an hourly manager while in college I like the job I could do three or four shifts a week when I was in school and it was really easy to be full time when school was out as I would cover vacations for both my store and other nearby stores at one point the store manager changed and the new guy was a piece of work he had been a manager with Burger King for about 20 years after he'd been at the store for a week I saw why he never got promoted he did no work nobody liked him he complained about everyone he would give staff a hard time and most amazingly he had this way of disrupting the service line that made everyone tell him they had it under control and he should go back to his office I used to volunteer to close on holidays and stuff I mean I was a college student in one of the hours also this was the 80s so closing time on days like New Year's Eve and Xmas Eve was 8 P.M or earlier when it was really slow closing New Year's Eve included a bit more work as we had to do a full inventory and significant paperwork the first time I did this I worked with the old store manager and she was great we both worked hard and we were done in 90 minutes flat she also showed me how to do the paperwork I had done the next two New Year's Eve's closes by myself including the paperwork the year after that when store manager had been at the store for like four months store manager decided he was going to close New Year's Eve with me I was pissed as I wanted to be at a friend's New Year's Eve party by 11 30 pm and I knew he would make it take forever that shouldn't have been an issue but this guy was a grade a schmuck I'm pretty sure he worked this shift on purpose because he knew I would do all the work and he could just sit on his butt and take all the credit I did speak with him a little bit during the shift telling him about the party he wanted to go to he shared that he told his wife he would be home by midnight so they could welcome the New Year together since there were two of us he didn't schedule an extra staff member as I expected he sat on us took us all shift so inventory didn't start until we closed we finished that up at about 11 pm and start on the paperwork he insists he has to do it when I asked to leave he tells me I have to stay so I can watch him do the paperwork I asked why but he was just being a jerk so I stayed he was the slowest person with the paperwork I had ever seen it's now 11 30 and he's barely halfway through I want to get to my friend's party before midnight so I ask if I can finish the paperwork at home sharing that I will bring it to my shift tomorrow night since the paperwork isn't collected right away the delay shouldn't be an issue he agrees and I grab all the paperwork and punch out and head home I do the paperwork and as promised bring it into my next shift later that week I'm working when the district manager is there I had a great relationship with him he loved that I would help cover at other stores even last minute when I could I asked him how to report the time I worked at home on the year-end paperwork he gives me the strangest look and just says something like huh so I tell him the story of our clothes that night he was pissed two days later I come in for my shift and I'm told that we'll be getting a new store manager next week the old one was fired I did a little dance which was fine since the assistant manager who told me the news was smiling I talked to the district manager later about what happened he said that the store manager was on probation for all of the problems that were happening at the store including many that had happened prior to him transferring to the store my story was just the last straw it was then that I realized I got my revenge even though I hadn't realized I was doing so until it was too late yeah this guy was already on a pretty slippery slope from the sounds of it I mean this guy was putting in bare minimum effort trying to find shortcuts allowing people to take shortcuts that should not have been allowed this guy was doomed from the get-go our next story is another post reminds me of my own teacher student Petty Revenge moment years ago I taught very specific skills training at a local vocational College it was rare for the school to actually fail anyone even with terrible attendance failing tests incompetence yeah frustrating for instructors and for students who actually tried and did well most students were amazing and I really missed that aspect of the job and even keep in touch with some of them professionally classes were 12 to 40 students if above 24 or so I would have a co-teacher in every group there were often one or two maybe three bad apples in this class of 26 there were 2. let's call them A and B they had terrible attendance failed tests were generally incompetent but knew the school would pass them and sure enough they both did get their diploma several years later I was at a job site and in walks B with a resume B sees me talking with owner and manager can I just say that I had a really really hard time not busting into laughter at the look on B's face I was however professional and courteous as B handed over the resume and left after which the manager turns to me and asks if B was a former student of mine to which I replied with yes yes they were dead serious face manager says so what are you then just sees my face and says oh I see thank you resume goes directly into Shredder we all move on with our meeting later that evening at home I'll admit I did a little happy dance there was a year in my life where I did go to a vocational type college and although I finished with great attendance great grades there was no like degree for me at the end and I realized I had spent a year of my life just learning how to fake it till you make it to try to land a job and look hirable I even got an internship at some place and I realized I was so in over my head I didn't understand how to do any of that job it was essentially a year-long crash course on how to look like you know what you were doing our next story is my mom got her Petty Revenge by breaking my father's hand whilst she gave birth to their first child so I don't know how Petty this is but I had to get this off of my chest because I'm so proud for 15 years my mother was in an abusive relationship with my father on and off she kept leaving him because of his abuse towards her and then he kept manipulating her to get back with him my mother was pregnant with her first child me and went to the hospital as she went into labor my mother has said medical condition which which meant there was a 50 50 chance she could or couldn't die during childbirth I can tell this was a scary time for her she told me that although there was 20 people in the room all had different Specialties also were British so very fortunate she didn't have to worry about paying for this labor is very painful itself but the medical condition she had would make childbirth even more painful due to this she had to have a lot more pain relief this is where my mother decided she would get her revenge my father arrived to the hospital 20 minutes after she got there and I was the only birth he turned up for my mother pretended the pain relief wasn't working my father reached out his arm and my mom grabbed his hand because the pain relief wasn't working she kept pushing his hand until it broke my father had to go next door to A and E to get it fixed every time my mother told that story right up until the night she died she would say it with Mile and she was so proud of it I've heard and witnessed a lot of pettiness but this beats them all I mean whether or not the pain relief was or wasn't working you can't really blame them for in that situation pushing on their hands at that point all I can say is I have a lot of respect for people who undergo childbirth our next story is smile for the camera boys back in the pre-cell phone VHS tape era my friends and I were renting a house next door to entitled jerks we were late 20s professionals just getting started in our careers they were stereotypical college guys lots of parties with music and drinking but our house had good sound proofing and we had both their driveway and our driveway between us so no big deal the problem happened when football season started we were near the stadium in the entitled jerks decided to make some extra money by selling parking spots not just in their driveway an hour driveway too we told them to stop doing that they did it again we put trash cans in the way they moved them and did it again we told them that if they didn't stop it we'd have any cars in our driveway towed their justification was but you're not using the driveway they did it again we called a different tow company for each of the five cars that they had parked the entitled jerks freaked out and started pounding on our door I reminded them that they'd been warned twice and had persistently sold something that didn't belong to them I told the entitled jerks that they could either pay the tow truck drivers for the call out or deal with angry customers who had been towed and impounded the entitled jerks pay the tow trucks we're talking roughly a hundred dollars per car cash that night the entitled jerks got very drunk they spray painted our house and tore open a bunch of trash bags and dumped them on our porch as I'd said this was before ubiquitous cameras and security surveillance but since we were kind of expecting trouble with the entitled jerk I'd borrowed a video camera from work and hooked it up to a VHS recorder with an 8 Hour tape none of them noticed the video camera that we had covering our driveway and porch the entitled jerks each got a misdemeanor charge of malicious destruction our landlord got the cleaning costs out of their landlord who got it out of the entitled jerks before terminating their lease I love that in this situation op knew the writing on the wall and did what they could to make sure that they were covered and I don't blame them for wanting to keep their driveway empty even if they don't use it I mean just the fact that these jerks are trying to profit off of your driveway sucks our next story is gas station guy wouldn't sell me blunts on my birthday so now I act like I can't hear him I recently had my 37th birthday in the state I reside it's my constitutional right to have marijuana recreationally decided I wanted to smoke a few blunts so I went to my local gas station to buy some white owls I go to the counter and ask for a pack the employee I'll call him Dave asks for my ID I give it to him and he walks to the back wall and grabs them then he says in a very sarcastic tone Oh sorry buddy I can't sell them to you good luck next time though I'm confused so I ask why he tells me my license is expired he gives it back smirksen says sorry to ruin your birthday I've worked with the public including a gas station so I know people are jerks and the job sucks so I calmly asked really he laughed a little and said yes I left empty-handed and a little annoyed by the minor inconvenience inflicted upon me on my day of birth a few weeks later I go to the same gas station for the same product and Dave is working he walks to the back wall turns and asks got your card it's allergy season and I'm really congested so my hearing actually does suck certain times of the year I wanted to be a hundred percent sure I heard him him correctly so I said excuse me in that very sarcastic tone he repeats what he said but this time I definitely heard him but I also heard the annoyance in his voice so I reply my car no I didn't get any gas this time he lets out a very loud sigh and says ID do you have your ID at that exact moment a customer walked in and the door made that dinging sound so I took the opportunity to keep going with it and say I'm sorry buddy I just can't hear you he Stomps over and asks again I politely say yes then proceed to take as long as humanly possible to dig my license out of my wallet we proceed with a transaction without further incident now every time I go in and ask for those I pretend I can't hear him but do so in the most polite way possible it seems to drive him crazy Dave will now forever feel the plight of my Petty Revenge a few details I forgot to add bad I don't think they have to card every time in the state the night shift guy and the manager have never carded me Dave's never carded my 30 year old wife I'm not wanting Dave to risk a fine or his job it was a bummer he wouldn't sell to me it's my fault with a license and all it's more how he laughed and mocked me about it for seemingly no reason after looking through the comments I realized it had until the end of the day before it expired Dave you were wrong like op said I know that it's not a glamorous job to work and maybe you had some terrible customers all day long but it just tells you more the character of this guy more than the job for him to act like that and get such enjoyment out of denying somebody that this guy was just a terrible person who through and through enjoyed and just derived pleasure from putting other people down that said though that's all the time we have for today now if you want to hear another awesome Revenge story check out that video on the left or if you missed my latest video check out that video on the right that said I'll see you all next time with some more stories
give me a good story on rProRevengeGASSTATIONGUYBULLIEDMEONMYBIRTHDAYRedditStoriesorig
aita for saying no to my sister and her family staying with us after a house fire my sister and her family lost their family home in a house fire 3 weeks ago it happened in the middle of the night and initially stayed with our parents on night one but our parents have a one-bedroom house and space was not optimal for that so they asked if they could stay with my wife and I and our kids we said no we said no for mostly one reason but kind of two for about 2.53 years now my sister has been so tough on my wife when it comes to what way she SL we feed our kids she focuses on my wife far more than me but it does come back on me too we don't keep sugar or junk food from our kids we don't deprive them of that we simply keep things balanced we make veggie pancakes we make healthier pizzas we allow snacks like chocolate ice cream or cake we offer our kids sauces and not all of them are homemade but some are my sister is so judgmental about it she didn't let any of her kids have any kind of junk snack until they reached school and they can only eat something like chocolate at birthday parties and they limit the number of those they can attend in close proximity so they don't get two days of junk food in a week or more than 3 days of junk food a month my sister or her husband will also stay at parties even once the 10-year-old is invited to to make sure they go for the salad over the pizza if they have the chips and candies my sister
give me a good story on AITAforsayingnotomysisterandherfamilystayingwithusafterahousefireorig
people who separated divorced within one year of getting married when did you know it was a mistake honeymoon we dated for 5 years but on the honeymoon we had a big argument over my liberal use of sunscreen she refused to wear any because of chemicals and I liberally use it due to my Ginger skin we seriously argued over this for a good hour and she refused to even go into the pool with me because of sunscreen chemicals after a scuba adventure with her she could hardly walk because she got so burnt on her legs whereas my skin didn't change she then tried to convince me that it was all my fault because I didn't force her to wear the sunscreen and that the honeymoon was ruined it was then I realized I picked the wrong person after a few more psycho arguments mad at me because of something in her dreams mad because I didn't remind her to bring an umbrella I had to call it quits I can't stay with someone who constantly blames me for their own problems luckily no kids and I got back everything I brought into the marriage
give me a good story on PeoplewhodivorcedwithinayearofgettingmarriedWhendidyouknowitwasamistake
aita for not giving random people who were probably my grocery delivery guy my address we needed groceries so we ordered online directly through a local grocery chain initially everything seemed like it was going well I could see the notifications that shopping had started Etc about 30 minutes before the estimated delivery time my delivery was complete there was no delivery 40 minutes later I got a text from a random number saying I'm your driver there was a problem with the app I don't have your address please give it to me I was slightly high but I jumped to the reasonable assumption that my driver had marked the order as complete immediately either accidentally or intentionally I'm leaning Tor intentionally to game his delivery times to do multiple orders because somehow they had my phone number but apparently not my address this was a random number asking for my address I was not comfortable giving that out see below I called the store the random teenager who answered said yeah it's complete but couldn't do anything he asked if he could have a manager call me back I said sure but asked when his initial answer was the manager is on vacation so I'm not sure I pushed back on that and he said he would have someone call me that night 30 minutes the manager called they confirmed the order was marked complete they told me I had to call instacart this upset me I get the reality of groc
give me a good story on AITAfornotgivingrandompeoplewhowereprobablymygrocerydeliveryguymyaddress
millionaires how did you become so wealthy I didn't get into Medical School my first try I went to graduate school I had to work three jobs to pay for my education I come from the upper end of the lower class my parents didn't have money they got into the financial business by accident that's a story for another day I fell in love with the financial Biz I got accepted into medical school when it was time for me to go to medical school I was making so much money that I decided to stay in the financial Biz as you might imagine my parents were not too pleased about that but they gone over it in my first 10 years in business my 20s and early 30s I worked 80 plus hours per week my friends all made fun of me because they were playing in Three softball leagues every week and partying in Cancun or some place like that every few months after 10 years of eating unhealthy and working my bum I was able to cut down to 60 hours per week in my early 30s through my early 40s all my friends weren't making fun of me anymore for not partying with them they were all saying things like I wish I could have a house like yours somewhere in my mid-40s I was able to cut back to working only three to 4 days per week when I did work that were long more or less 12 hours per day and all my friends said I wish I only had to work 3 days per week now in my early 50s I work as often as I want but I still put in 40 to 60 hours per week because I like working and making money but I take a lot of time off do a lot of traveling or just relax and do what I want I got where I am because of hard work and training myself to find Opportunities training on to find Opportunities requires a lot of hard work and a lot of failure I got rich and almost went back bankrupt I got rich again and then I actually went bankrupt now I'm rich again I've been conned and swindled I've had money stolen from me and I've had employees that have lied and cheated me but in the end I'm rich my family is now Rich many of my loyal honest employees are rich my loyal clientele is Rich and my investors are rich work hard and become very good at something build a solid reputation as someone who knows what they're doing build a reputation as someone who can fight through adversity and never give up locate opportunities in the market find a way to profit from that opportunity learn how to build a business keep copious notes in the processes and procedures you followed good and bad ones that helped you build that business learn how to write a business plan seek out investors start out small and don't get greedy I.E don't get hung up on owning 51% of the company the goal is not about percentages it's about 1099s and k1s and building your net worth as you get better and more experienced you can demand a higher ownership share don't fall for the tribee the world tries to fo upon you the government government is not your friend high taxes are not your friend government regulation is not your friend and most of all remember this the world does not care about your intentions nor how Noble your project or idea is or was nor does the world care about how hard you tried and most of all the world does not care about your PL perfect legitimate excuse to justify why you failed and why you lost money the world only cares about results and how much money you make they're no participation trophies in business now go follow this formula and create your own wealth and success because my generation the generation that is currently in power is starting to retire and we need great people to step up and take over the leadership roles that we will gladly eventually relinquish so we can move on to the next stage of Our Lives we we'll be here to advise and counsel whenever you need us story two there's lots of good advice out there about living below your means saving and investing but those are mostly related to managing your bottom line bottom line management is critical but making $10,000 more is better than spending $10,000 less assuming you get some marginal benefit or utility from the $10,000 spent so I wanted to touch on that the best way to make more money is to be uniquely capable trustworthy and valuable to the people you're working for be that your boss clients investors or yourself what does this mean number one always do things 100% right the first time and pay attention to details if someone asks you to do something dig a ditch manage an event prepare presentation code an algorithm whatever always do it as if your life depended on its accuracy and complete completeness if you don't know how to figure it out without bugging the task assigner consider every angle of every possible scenario and make sure you have covered it never be caught without an answer if you are get them an answer the same day you want to become the guy or gal who everyone knows that if they give you a task it will be done right on time the first time without any oversight from the individual who assigned the task the more they can depend on you to get it done the less time they have to spend thinking about it the more time they have to focus on other things the more valuable you are and and more money for you number two the time necessary to reach Perfection 95% correct versus 100% correct is extraordinary often double or triple to that effect you don't have to be the smartest person in the room but you do need to work the hardest you can outwork anyone take note of when the first person gets to work now get there before them every day don't leave until everyone is gone every day don't read Reddit or mess around work 110% of the time your productivity will go through the roof five times your peers literally with all that new time in your hands volunteer to take on new tasks freelance in different departments or groups you will get exposure to the other sides of the business and become uniquely knowledgeable and well-rounded you just became invaluable and irreplaceable your dependability and the reliability of your work product will exceed those of your peers people will go out of their way to involve you in projects because you're now the Workhorse everyone wants and needs the added benefit of this lifestyle is that you won't have expenses because you're always working that's good invest the savings number three don't ask for or seek out recognition but don't let anyone steal your thunder people will try to ride your coils let them do it if it doesn't hurt you you need friends but if they're above you and take credit without giving credit suddenly make sure their boss sees that see you doing the work not them quietly everyone will start to know you the one involved in projects you get your stuff done and it's always perfect this will lead to Opportunities maybe it's a raise a promotion or the opportunity to gain Sweat Equity maybe another company poaches you but it will happen fre quently I could probably go on but I really think a lot of people have forgotten how to really truly work Millennials is number one criteria for happiness is work life balance then we do BS like read Reddit and Facebook and browse Instagram all day just stop be a robot work ruthlessly do it for 10 years your social life can wait you're investing in your future do you want to be 40 knowing you will still be slugging away at a 40 hour week job until you're 70 is that a work life balance or do you want to work 100 plus hours a week for 10 years and be a millionaire by 30 that seems like the real work life balance to me the choice is yours Story three not me but my family my dad was very poor as a kid because he was one of five kids raised by a single mother since my grandpa passed away early he moved out during high school after getting his HSC aie SATs went to work and worked a lot my dad's really smart so he was good at what he did Mom and Dad weren't meant to be able to have kids but when both of them were 40 they conceived me that has just started his own business in the tech industry but he believed in himself and the two mates he started the company with and it boomed mom hasn't worked since I was born because she was taking care of me but I went to school she started doing a lot of charity work she fell pregnant again with my little brother but he didn't survive so I stayed an only child this year both my parents turned 16 my dad retired because his business is and was doing so well we live in a nice house but most of our money goes to charity anyway since Dad knows how it feels to have no money what doesn't go to charity goes to the family I remember one year at Christmas Dad gave me his mom my nana and all four of his siblings $10,000 each AKA $50,000 in one year I never asked for money I got a job legally as soon as I could and I've worked ever since while attending school I think my dad gave me work ethics they never spoiled me even though they could have I'm 21 now I still live at home I just started my first full-time job but I plan to move out when I find a place I can take my dog with me so technically my mom and dad are millionaires I'm not it's not my money and when they pass I probably divide it up among the family or charity going to a private high school taught me money doesn't buy you happiness so I don't have any interest in keeping more than enough to be comfortable I wouldn't have even thought about inheritance but I was forced to because my dad had two heart failures this year and his dad and his dad's dad both passed away because of it in their 30s not that anyone cares but he's doing way better now if few stands in and a lot of Rehabilitation later and he's almost back to normal so there are rich people that aren't a-holes Story 4 I was never too good in school I could read write and do basic math but nothing more I really enjoyed wood working though and anything that involved using my hands I left school as soon as I could because I wanted to leave home I lived in pretty crappy places just scraping by and pretty much the minimum wage working in retail and Hospitality until a friend of mine said I could probably make money on the side with my woodworking he'd seen bits and pieces I'd made around the house there was no Etsy back then so I had to do most of my stuff without doing any research as to what people would like I tried to Hawk if I classified and cards and local shops I couldn't believe it when my first piece sold even though for the time I'd spent making it I haven't even made the minimum wage however I kept add it and made a variety of ornaments that people liked and started doing commissions things got bigger and bigger I equit my mediocre job to do it full-time within a couple of years of selling my first piece I was getting more requests than I could fulfill but I was still only making an okay living out of it about 3 years to the day from my first ever sale I actually had a motorcycle accident and lost the use of my left hand fortunately not my dominant hand I decided to try and get a couple of the local homeless guys to help out and provide them with meals and a share of the sale prices obviously this meant we could make and sell many more pieces but I found I was making less money once the proceeds were split up to had insult injury a couple of the guys ripped me off and stole a lot of my stuff I was back at square one I decided to move back into making more basic pieces that would be quicker and simpler that's when my mom passed away and left me a million dollars dude I was waiting for the big punchline and what story five I'm not a millionaire but my mother is the answer is simply hard work she was born in Chicago in the 1960s to a pair of Irish immigrants with less than $300 to their name when they came to this country neither of my grandparents had more than a high school education but they worked damn hard for my mom to go to college she got a degree from very good school and went into journalism it's not a career that's usually associated with high earnings but she busted her bum at a time when women were really just getting into that field she also made the most of her money as a single parent after my father passed away when I was young she worked really hard and eventually before taxes and after her bonus she became a managing editor at one of the most prestigious newspapers in the world making close to $300,000 a year now she makes gray money but she easily Works between 60 and 80 hours a week the other answer is Investments my grandfather although not educated was always investing in the market and made a good deal of money and so did my mother she has a guy who despite a slip up that cost her over $200,000 has earned that for us many times over so I'm not trying to sound like a pull yourself up by your bootstraps kind of guy but in my mother's case she came from very little and is now very wealthy I fully admit that but a lot of that was luck my grandparents were able to enter this country because my grandfather Charmed a man who would sponsor them while he was a waiter on the cruise ship but a lot of it is also hard work sure there are people born to great wealth and Prestige but a lot of them work damn hard for it damn the ragster Rich's stories are top tier motivational I'd love some of that too but right now A like And subscribe are enough for me to continue this with you do so if you haven't already and don't miss another upload story six well last year my fiance's grandparents won a stupid amount of money in the lottery double- digigit millions they were generous enough to share with the family I grew up below the poverty line so my life is crazy right now anyway I am in fact choosing to do stuff with my life as I'm not an idol person mooching off a very lucky break his money is placed in a trust and we have many financial advisers we're not allowed to buy anything without approval and what we don't use is invested by the bank that runs the trust I don't really care for advice since I'm just reaping the rewards so far we bought my fiance's childhood home which is Father built which is one of the most sought after neighborhoods in my city and we're loving the the security we have as homeowners we took an amazing trip in June where he proposed riding the banks of the nest in iness Scotland it was pretty magical and know my ring is not exorbitant having the money hasn't changed us as a couple as we spent a year and a half living in a bachelor Suite in the size of a onecar garage and still love each other so at this point it's a done deal we're together for good and are getting married next also I signed a cohabitation agreement but was agreed that I'm not signing a prenup and my name will be added to the title of the house after marriage and the cohabitation agreement nullifies making everything but the trust mine so if in the highly unlikely case of divorce I can go after him for half of everything but the trust as it is owned by his grandparents but he's beneficiary pretty crazy stuff and I'm genuinely surprised they didn't force me into a prenup can I have some please story 7even started buying multif family real estate in central Chicago in 2011 I've been selling since last year at one point had 15 buildings with 65 apartments in them the few buildings I have left are worth about $2 million and have over a third of a million in cash in my SA savings prices were so ridiculous in the recession that I was able to turn $5,000 in savings and a lot of Sweat Equity into what I have now I bought my first building with an FHA loan for $130 in Logan Square it was three units and it put $5,000 down it's now worth $400,000 then I saved up the income from that property and bought six units for $50,000 which are now worth $350,000 then picked up another six flats for free because the city was going to force the bank to demolish them I borrowed against the equity and my other properties to do a total redo on them now the building is worth $1.1 million and generates $10,000 in cash flow every month I live Frugal as well when my old car gave out I bought a 2-year-old Honda with 25,000 Mi on it I still live in the first property I bought my hobbies are ones that are only expensive if you don't have the time to take advantage of them I buy a ski pass and ski four weeks a year the pass costs $600 but I can get thousands of dollars worth of skiing out of it since my job is mainly collecting passive income I'm only 29 so my plan is to just slowly add to my portfolio while letting the few buildings I haven't sold off burn off principal I'm basically semi-retired and have been for 3 years story8 I basically kept the same habits I had when my income was $12,000 a year for a family of three I make coffee at home I st Forge for food I still shop at thrift shops for clothing my car is 14 years old and I try not to use it if I can use my bicycle instead including biking to work when I wasn't car pooling even when I was a single mom on a $28,000 salary I put what I could in my 401k and raise I got went to that until I at least got the full employer match but I got a new job and found out there was no similar retirement plan there I met with the directors and financial advisor and got one in place make my own laundry detergent and use cloth wipes or napkins I spent about $20 a week for two adults for food yesterday I really wanted an orange but didn't take it from the fridge because I paid for those from my husband's packed lunches and pairs from the yard are free oranges travel better in his bicycle bag so they are for him pairs from the yard of occasional spots that need to be cut out so they're for me because I retired like last year and he has another year or two to go it's easier to cut off bad spots when you're at home in your own kitchen I'm so tired of peirs though I have a million dollars but I won't eat an orange if I have a free pair on the one hand that's pathetic on the other hand that's why I have a million dollars and don't have to go to work anymore girl you deserve an orange story nine not there yet but getting there stem degree for both my wife and me I bag my lunch and drink from the water fountain I eat out with co-workers maybe once a month I fill up my trusty clean canteen bottle daily with free ice cream from the cafeteria and water from the water fountain I'm in my lower 30s right now I have a $500 house bought two years ago and that is about 40% paid off I have to pay it off completely well before I turned 40 I currently have about $350,000 in the bank between liquid assets and stocks I'm currently driving a 9-year-old can and my wife has a 13-year-old Camry my daughter's toys are from the thrift store we've never had cable TV we love Costo in Walmart and enjoy looking at deal sites that doesn't mean we do not enjoy life we've been backpacking in Europe visiting Dubai the Bahamas Bermuda Puerto Rico Vegas numerous times and Canada numerous times we're going to California in less than a month My Philosophy is this you get rich by acting poor in things that don't truly please your heart we like traveling so we do that I like photography so I have a DSLR my wife likes nail polish so she has a big box full of it I don't care much about food so I bag it and we rarely eat out the same goes for our cars live simply invest and spend wisely and love unconditionally feeling a little broke after hearing these stories don't worry hard work dedication and a little luck will get you there if you enjoy this and learned a few tips and tricks to be super successful check out poor people who dated someone Rich what did you learn for more Insider scoop Story one depicts the sad reality they have see you there
give me a good story on HowDidYouBecomeAMILLIONAIREorig
is my ghosted ex-wife possibly tracking me down I headed to the hills after learning of my wife's Affair I don't exactly know why I'm writing this but now that the events are over and done and I've moved on maybe it will help someone in February 2018 I discovered my wife's Affair after we had been married for 3 and A2 years I had a contract job that involved a lot of travel at times but also allowed me to work from home when I was back my wife had a very well-paying job as a director of a technical sales firm we had what I would describe as a really good marriage although things had gotten a bit strained from my being away on work trips and are working longer in longer hours backstory I met my wife now ex 5 years ago at a mutual friend's barbecue we struck up a conversation and had an instant chemistry and quite honestly I thought I was beating the odds being with such a beautiful and well spoken woman somehow she really liked me for my rough around the edges Persona once we dating after a few weeks we couldn't get enough of each other and the clothes just flew off when we would meet at each other's Apartments we finally tied the knot after dating for 18 months and moved into a big apartment while saving for a house after the first 3 years of marriage things started changing I still was crazy about her but I noticed she would start arguments about little things and she would get angry when I would bring up all the late hours and the work outings that had been more and more frequent she would say it's part of paying the due since she had been climbing the corporate ladder or at least that was her excuse she told me I had no right to question her since I was gone for weeks at a time myself I had told her I could certainly manage reducing my travel hours and had actually only been going on trips maybe 3 4 days every 5 weeks or so these arguments were very circular and never had a resolution as I looked back I had no idea my wife was in the midst of an affair I would have never suspected a thing except for her continued late work hours and our dwindling sex life I just attributed this to her being tired from work however my ego had taken a beating from being turned down frequently when trying to initiate sex I didn't see the secret of texting that I read about but then again she had a company cell phone and she could have been using it since she spent a lot of time in our spare bedroom that she would use as a home office it was around September of 2017 when Kathy started coming home after work and then head off to a work engagement for the evening this went from one evening a week to more than three evenings a week I'm not that jealous by nature but there is no way she would go unnoticed and I know she would have to fend off some of the men at her office she only seemed to be interested in work but she was working with more male Executives and female my first suspicion of her cheating occurred a month before dday she had stopped off at the store before coming home she asked me to help with the groceries while I was grabbing a couple bags from the backseat of her car I noticed something pink glinting from just underneath the front passenger seat it was one of my wife's bras I recognized it as hers since she liked the ones from a particular apparel store in retrospect I now realize the reason for the red flag with the bra when she gets in the mood she always takes off her bra first from underneath her clothes I don't know exactly why but I instantly just had a sinking feeling in my gut when I saw this I could not rationalize what her bra was doing under the seat I just left it there under the seat it almost made me sick and my heart must have been racing like crazy because when I returned to the kitchen with the bags Cathy asked if I was okay and that I looked like I had seen a ghost I just brushed her Comet off I tried my best not to look angry or betrayed but it took all I had to hide my feelings that evening and the next I decided to see if I could find out if she was involved with someone or not I started thinking about all the clues I was missing I had no proof except for the bra incident we live in a fairly large city and her work is in a downtown office building I kind of took my focus off of the affair idea for a bit and decided maybe I should give her more attention one Friday after work I made a nice dinner set up the dining table with nice plates silverware and candles I bought a nice bottle of wine and a bouquet of roses she came breezing in after work as usual I pointed out the dinner and everything I had prepared she gave me a sad smile and told me she was sorry but she had plans to meet up with her co-workers tonight at a local hangout she said she could grab a quick bite with me before she left but had to jump in the shower first I think my insides flipped on me and I became completely speechless I won't tell you what kind of Rage I was feeling at that point but I had finally had enough while she was in the shower I grabbed my company cell phone and planted it in her back seat I had been thinking of this lately as a way I could track her location with my personal phone I went in and dumped the meal in the trash along with the flowers she came back after her shower dressed up and looking great as usual she said okay let's eat I told her never mind go out with your friends she looked at me strangely and asked if I was mad I said I'm disappointed by you never wanting to do anything together she became angry and told me to quit acting like a child and that something snarky about having a short fuse I stood there letting all this sink in and said foolish me I thought you'd like to spend the evening together for once she just smirked at me and left in a huff I took out my other phone and started tracking my work phone I saw her stop about 20 minutes away at the bar that she frequents with her work buddies I decided to head out and locate her car sure enough there it was in the parking lot of the bar I sat across the street in my car waiting to see if I could see her I felt so unlike myself like a stalker but I rationalized I needed to at least satisfy my anxiety about her whereabouts about an hour after I arrive I see her coming out of the bar with a man he looks like one of the eggs I've seen from her work he grabs her and pulls her close and kisses her my stomach went into knots my body went completely numb they head over to another car and get in together I do my best to follow them as the car pulls out they travel about 10 minutes away too you guessed it a hotel I pull over on the street next to the hotel I watch as they get out and head hand in hand into the hotel I've seen enough I'm an idiot I start banging my fist on the steering wheel that's it something inside me went completely blank and I'm not sure if I blacked out or had an out-of body experience when I recovered myself I decided I needed a drink now this is when my life took a new direction that I would have never guessed I just started driving out of town just reliving everything I had just witnessed and I hate to say crying with rage I headed towards the outskirts of town about 30 Mi I find a nice little bar and pull in I find a seat at the bar and order a drink I must have looked like death war Med over because the bartender female mentioned that I looked like someone took the wind out of my sails I half smiled and said you could say that a guy takes a stool next to me and starts up a conversation I'm not in much of a mood to talk but something about this guy just made me feel comfortable we start talking and after a while the subject of my wife cheating just tumbles out of my mind how I just want to leave her and forget her he looks at me and slaps me on the back he says buddy You Are Not Alone there happened to me a few years ago I believe that sometimes these things happen for a reason and let me tell you your life can now change either for the better or the worse it's entirely up to you at this point something about him saying this really shook me out of my glum mood I mean I know I'm hurting but I have always been able to see things logically and he is so right now we introduce each other his name is Rey he is kind of a country guy but is just the sort of salt of the earth type that I really respect he asks me when I'm going to move out I guess it never occurred to me to even think that far ahead I know I don't want to be around this woman anymore and I do have this fight or flight feeling coursing through me Ray says I feel very sympathetic to your situation and have a idea if it comes to it and you feel like you need to leave at some point I've got a travel trailer sitting on my property it's not great and it could use a bit of fixing up why don't you come out and check it out and see if you could see yourself living in something like that temporarily at least I'll make you a great deal on it I even have a nice piece of property that you could park it on you would be doing me a favor to keep an eye on it for me it might do you some good to get away from your situation just a thought it took me a minute to register his idea the bartender had been overhearing the conversation and smiles hell honey she says if I could have escaped my crazy ex-husband years ago I would have jumped at the chance to go live in his Trail or anything to just get my head on straight I feel like I have stumbled into the Twilight Zone but maybe this is exactly what I need I tell Ry yes I'll think about it and maybe check it out we part ways after a bit and make plans to meet out at his place in a few days I started to feel like I have a little bit of perspective and a chance for getting out of what I believe is a nightmare mixed in with a heavy heartache one thing is for certain there is no way I'll ever ever want to be with my wife again cheating is such a vile thing to me and has always been the one thing that I believe I would never tolerate I got home after Kathy at night and sat on the couch Kathy came out and asked me where I'd been I turned to her and asked her where she had been she says you know I went to grab drinks I asked her point blank are you having an affair she looks a little startled but regains her composure and says no why would you ask me that I tell her I heard she may be involved with someone from work she asks who told you that I tell her someone that I know but would not divulge the name she just tells me you are being ridiculous and that I'm drunk and delusional and asks me where I have been I tell her out to a bar to have some drinks with friends she just stares at me wanting to ask me me more but just heads back to our bedroom and goes back to bed I decided to sleep on the couch since I now have confirmation that she has been lying for months to me I didn't sleep at all and start picturing her with this guy in bed and I'm disgusted and hurt and feeling sorry for myself however I start thinking about Ray's trailer it is almost a revelation and the idea of it just made me feel better I must have something wrong with me but with the pain I was in the fight or flight mode just instinctively kicked in and the flight part won me over the next morning we don't speak much and go about the weekend as if nothing had happened a few days later I made plans to meet up with Ry I met up at Ray's Place he owns a nice Ranch and the trailer is actually really nice about 26 and has all the Necessities one needs to live in it I had traveled with some friends in one back in college during a spring break and really enjoyed it I make Ray an offer on it and he agrees to the price I practically steal it from him he gives me directions to his Ranch property and I drive over to check it out it is beautiful full of trees scrub brush and it looks like there are nearby hiking and biking trails bordering it it's near the foothills of some mountains and Ray has a small Shack on a hill overlooking the property with water and electricity for the trailer available Ray will pull the travel trailer to the side and set it up for me I tried to get Cathy to come clean during the next few weeks and all I get is gaslighting I even Point Blank tell her that if I find out she is cheating there is no going back this has the opposite effect of driving her deeper into her Affair fog and blistering me in denials the denial is so bad it almost made me laugh I have no physical proof of her cheating and kick myself for not at least taking some photos of the two of them as I go through this mental Agony I come to the conclusion that I want out of this marriage rather than let Kathy know how I feel about things now I just start making plans I started stealthily taking my belongings out of the apartment while she was at work and moving them over to the trailer this at least makes me feel like I'm taking action I did notice a change in Cathy during this time and has been acting nicely around me but in my mind too little too late as she continued her little company outings after work I decided I too needed a break in fact as she was heading out for the evening I also got dressed around the same time she looked at me and asked where I was going I just said I was meeting up with some friends she started to ask and I just told her she didn't know them and she wouldn't enjoy all the shop talk this is exactly what she would tell me when I would ask if I could join her at one of her office outings she kind of had a hurt look on her face and says okay have a nice time I said I definitely would between working on the trailer and meeting up with Ry at the bar I have started to make more friends in fact it has led to some fun times with a great group of raised friends and family and in case anyone asks I decided I would moderate my drinking so I don't develop any bad habits it would be so easy to drown myself in pity about this time frame Kathy tells me she has to go on a trip for work the following week I ask her who is all going and she tells me the executive team and some department heads I just look at her and tell her I hope she has a really great time with her boyfriend I kind of wish I hadn't said that it started a lot of arguing back and forth in a lot of ways I wish I knew more about her AP but as Ray put it to me in the long run it doesn't matter who the other guy is it only matters that she decided to step out on you she burned down the marriage she can own it or deny it but facts are facts brother damn Ray should write this stuff down and publish it for the Betrayed her work trip provided me with the opportunity to move the rest of my stuff out completely so after Kathy left for her trip I gathered everything I had left of any value and put it in my vehicle I'm not taking any furniture or the like so it's just clothes and work computers and Equipment before I left I had written a note that I was going to leave for her but after rereading it I decided I would just make it simple I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote I hope it was worth it I placed my wedding ring on top of the note sitting on the kitchen table I felt a huge weight come off of me I felt free no more hiding the truth I know I will have some baggage to deal with and some hurt to get over but I have time to heal now I just need some space and need to get her out of my life as quietly and quickly as possible I'm not proud that I never confronted her more or pulled a confession out of her I never got to yell and scream and curse her after confessing I had come to the conclusion in my mind that she didn't deserve me she disrespected everything we had our future plans are history we were saving for a house and a future family all of that is gone now no going back I don't owe her a damn thing she can deal with a Fallout aftermath I didn't have an agenda at all I didn't contact a lawyer or anything I just wanted to get some clarity I really enjoyed my my new trailer and the mountainous air was exactly what I needed in the following week I took up running again and it felt great to be alive I never answered any of Cathy's texts while she was away there wasn't much to respond to they were just highlights like we just landed we are having a team dinner Etc she did send a few where or use and let me hear from you Etc the day she returned home my phone blew up she texted me incessantly and tried calling me constantly after the first day her mother tried calling me there's only my dad left on my family side and we aren't close so she didn't try to get him involved after the first few crying messages I never bothered to listen to the rest of her voicemails her text consisted of what is this we need to talk I don't know what you think you know but there is nothing going on I'm not involved with anyone I'm not having an affair after a week of not responding she finally leaves me a text saying I'm sorry things got out of hand I was involved with someone at work but it meant nothing I got caught up in my work and you were gone a lot and I just made a mistake I was going to end it haha a mistake this was the confession I had been seeking all along for some reason it just made me dislike her even more why couldn't she be honest this wasn't the woman I had dreamed of building a future together and mistakes don't last for what 6 8 months or a year at one point her pleading for me to come back and work on the marriage became pathetic she quit bothering me for a couple weeks I still refused to answer her I did not want her to pry anything out of me where I was living I did not want this woman ruining my Sanctuary then one day she started sending me angry texts like you were a coward you won't talk to me you don't care about us please come home so we can talk where are you I can come to you damn it Paul please let's talk and fix things I don't remember all the messages but they all seem to be excuses and very little in the way of apologies I let it all go in one ear and out the other I finally changed my cell phone number update June 2018 Kathy sent me an email telling me she had retained a lawyer and was filing for divorce I sent her a reply that said okay sounds good this resulted in a flurry of emails demanding I come see her and so forth she realized this wouldn't get her anywhere and after a while she just wrote that if I agreed to an uncontested divorce she wouldn't bother me anymore I agreed and several months later finally I was truly a free man I never had to see her after I left our apartment no closure for either of us but it seemed like that was more important to her than to me for a few months I did think of her sometimes and yes the pain would appear out of nowhere like if I heard a song come on the radio that we used to listen to Etc but eventually I just stopped thinking about her update to well I am officially divorced things are really good now as a matter of fact I met a great girl I was out on a run on the trail just down the hill from where I live I helped her change a flat tire and we really hit it off she is amazing and cute as hell though a few years younger than me she loves my lifestyle and calls me her mountain man I'm in no hurry to get serious but I'm not about to give up on women completely I'm still up here in the trailer I have no plans to change anytime soon and I've simplified my life quite a bit I love the outdoors it helped me get over my ex-wife the heartache everything I know everyone handles these things differently I was lucky to not have children yet and was only into my third year of marriage so I think I did what was right for me you don't have to live your life with a cheater if something like this happens to you please just don't dwell on it just move on with your life it gets better after you work on yourself I wish everyone the best life they can have just wanted to update on the situation I found myself in with my ex-wife and have Rewritten this about five times to make it legible as mentioned in my previous post I was concerned that my ex-wife was trying to track me down in an attempt to reconcile or something I had moved some 2 hours from where we used to live I saw her last weekend in a coffee shop I go to frequently in the the town that is near to where I live I was suspicious that it was not a coincidence that she was there luckily I was able to leave before she saw me update I came back into town this past weekend to grab a few groceries and went to grab a coffee in the place I usually go to as well as work on some documents I needed to fill out for work using their free internet after finishing up I left the coffee shop while I'm walking towards my truck I hear someone yell Paul I look across the street and oh there's Kathy my ex waving at me Armageddon had finally happened I stood there in shock she runs across the street and approaches me and and reaches out to me expecting a hug and I instinctively hold my arms out with Palms out and she stops she looks at me really hurt she then says Paul I've been looking for you I heard you moved out here and wanted to see you can we talk I feel like a trapped animal guys I really did so I relented and said okay let's find a table or something and we can talk for a minute she asks if we can go to my place and I just flat out said no she follows me down to a bench outside a little shop at the end of the block she starts by saying how much I've changed and how she loves my new look my beard blah blah she liked how my physique had changed how I looked so fit she puts on a good act and guys she looked hot she had on these little white shorts and a tank top and her hair and a ponytail like I used to like my radar was on high alert and I could tell she was really turning on the sex appeal I had to really R myself in here and see where this was going she starts out by apologizing about the whole Affair thing she says karma really hit her hard after I left her company learned of her Affair and basically made things so unpleasant that she quit her AP who had a fiance at the time got a reprimand and was moved to another position within the company he blamed her for his having to move and she retaliated by telling his fiance everything which resulted in them breaking up she lowered her head a little and started crying I just sat there looking around not having anything to say she straightened up and stared at me for a bit I asked her what she wanted from me she wanted to tell me that she never intended to start an affair that she felt like she was drawn in by all the politics and positioning in the company and thought the AP really manipulated her with his Charisma and power within the company and that she stupidly thought she was using him as much as he was using her she was going to come clean with me especially after I accused her of having an affair she hated herself during that time and the afterwork drinking was her attempt to medicate from the guilt that right after I left her she felt so foolish so alone like her heart just imploded with loss she immediately broke things off with her AP she felt that since I wouldn't contact her or talk to her that she had to find me and see if she could make things right for us and if we could start over again she knows we are divorced but maybe we could have a clean slate I just stared at her I let her have it I'm paraphrasing the conversation but here it is how dare you think you can just come out here and think you can just wipe away all the you caused I'm to forgive everything you did to ruin our marriage I told you before if you cheated on me we were through there is no forgiveness there is no reboot of this relationship you killed it you destroyed what we had the minute you stepped out on me how stupid do you think I am I followed you one night and saw you go into a hotel together do you know that I then realized that I had been raising my voice and people were starting to notice she started to sob she grabbed my arm I Let Her Cry on My Shoulder a little before nudging her away she looked up at me I deserve all this I know I do can you at least let me take you to dinner or something I don't want to leave I want to talk more I want to make sure we have everything out in the open I need time with you that you didn't give me before please Paul I know you may not want to hear this but I love you so much I didn't know how much I loved you until you left me and broke me and I broke you just as bad I can't forgive myself I don't want to forgive myself until the day I die she started hyperventilating and sobbing so bad that I pulled her up and hugged her I know I know I felt like that was the only thing I could do to maybe calm her down at that moment I realized I did actually break her heart like she broke my fine I started walking with her and then found a nice quiet path to walk on and things settled down a bit I then asked her how she found me and did she hire a pie or something she laughed a little and said no she thought about it though she ran into Stacy a couple weeks ago and she asked her how things were going Stacy let it slip that she saw me Kathy made her spill every single detail Stacy didn't want to tell her because I told her not to but she wouldn't let her go until she did but all she really knew was that she saw me here in town and that I lived somewhere in the vicinity so she started coming here on her days off to see if she could find me she really blushed when she said that I kind of chuckled that damn Stacy can't keep her trap shut so we did go to dinner we found a nice little place with a patio I made sure we didn't drink anything I didn't want any excuse for her to soften me up or claim she was too drunk to drive back we actually had a good talk afterwards I walked her to her car she wanted to stay and press me hard on it and wouldn't relent she hadn't been with anybody else since I left and swore up and down I was the only one she wanted I told her no it's still way too soon for me to go down that road she begged to see me again but I was not committal I gave her my new email address but that was it she she wanted my phone number but I told her no you'll just blow it up with texts and calls she cried about that one she said she would be back in town next weekend if I was interested I didn't say anything to that she said she will email me and tell me all the details of when SL where before she left I asked her Point Blank if she would forgive me if I had done the cheating she sat there thinking and she said yes she would in time but only if we saw a marriage counselor or if we could work through the healing process with lots of talking and maybe even a binding agreement I said okay maybe I could do that 5 10 years from now she said if that's what it would take she would wait she then took my hands in hers looked me in the eye and said something that really surprised me she said godamn it Paul I will always love you and will do anything to prove it at that she left I'm still so shook by that she said it with such conviction I still can't see myself back with her I feel better though right now I can't even see her as in Friends with Benefits maybe a friend but damn I just don't know if we could ever work out again don't call me a chump because Second Chances are rare in my book I went home and had a nice long run and a few beers and felt I was in a good place now can someone guarantee me that she wouldn't ruin that I don't know I just don't know it's too fresh on my mind but I have the luxury of time to sort all this out and get some perspective okay so this will probably be my last update I posted my story on Reddit but the mod kept removing it to recap my ex-wife did find me and we did talk after over a year of her being ghosted by me her intention in finding me was indeed to reconcile and restart our life together to those that wrote To Me predicting that I would be the typical beta blue pill fool and forgive her and fall back in with her you will be sorely disappointed she did write me a long email this past week professor her Love And Regret for the affair once again she wanted to come back out and spend the weekend with me my response to all this was to shut her down I have been perfectly content to live the solo life for now living in my remote location and keep my situation as uncomplicated as possible I've enjoyed the company of several women and friends and at 32 feel there is no hurry in changing things up I have my own self-determination road map and I intend to follow it for now so in answering her email I refused to give her my new phone number I laid it all out I told her no I do not have any intention in reconciling with her her she made her bed and I no longer trust her nor do I know her any longer I wished her the best and will consider her a possible friend maybe someday in a future yet to be determined my vagueness really frustrated her so she replied with something very telling she was of course thoroughly disappointed in my response but she also informed me that she had accepted a job offer several states away and her real intention all along was for me to come with her she knows my job is remote and I can live anywhere I choose and she thought that I would consider coming with her in an exchange we would have a brand new start in a brand new location she had little time left before she would be leaving and wanted to see me in person and put the hard cell on me fortunately for me I have to leave for business for a week so hour time is up thank God so she will be gone for my life now I imagine I will get a few more emails for a bit longer but in time I believe she will realize her time with me has expired and she will have to find someone else and she may cheat on them two just thought I would share the update so guys live your best life get rid of that old baggage and Empower yourself to move forward good luck to you all
give me a good story on IsMyGHOSTEDExWifePossiblyTRACKINGmedownorig
:00.229 --> :01.390 Posted by u/FuquaNumba1 :01.390 --> :02.940 5 hours ago Facepalm :02.940 --> :12.490 AITA for not giving my girlfriend (25f) my dinner after I had already bought her dinner? :12.490 --> :19.500 My girlfriend (25F) and I (29M) live in NYC and there's a popular app where you buy leftover :19.500 --> :21.250 restaurant food. :21.250 --> :26.540 Restaurants advertise "surprise bags" at a reduced price in order to reduce foodwaste. :26.540 --> :30.199 The customer doesn't know what they're getting until they pick the food up, but the cost :30.199 --> :33.520 at least 3x lower than the normal menu price. :33.520 --> :40.290 (EG if an entree is usually $24, the restaurant is allowed to charge $8 at most for it.) :40.290 --> :44.710 These are hit or miss - sometimes you get exactly what you want at a greatly reduced :44.710 --> :48.930 price, but sometimes you get something that you otherwise wouldn't have picked from the :48.930 --> :49.930 menu. :49.930 --> :54.040 I ordered a surprise bag from a barbecue place that I was picking up on the way home yesterday. :54.040 --> :58.769 I texted my girlfriend asking if she wanted one but she said no, she wasn't in the mood :58.769 --> :59.949 for barbecue. :59.949 --> :05.290 However, there was an indian restaurant right next door that also had surprise bags available :05.290 --> :07.540 on the app, so she ordered one of them. :07.540 --> :11.830 The barbecue was $12 and the indian food was $10. :11.830 --> :14.540 When I get home I unpack the meals to see what we got. :14.540 --> :16.640 I was psyched about my bag. :16.640 --> :22.600 Since I paid $12 I knew the value had to be at least $36, but honestly the platter looked :22.600 --> :24.500 a lot more expensive. :24.500 --> :25.500 This was a hit. :25.500 --> :29.439 (Keep in mind that we live in the west village, which is the most expensive neighborhood in :29.439 --> :35.950 the most expensive city in the US, so $36 for one meal is pretty typical.) :35.950 --> :40.920 There were burnt ends, ribs, pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, bread, onions, :40.920 --> :42.729 and pickles. :42.729 --> :45.500 My girlfriend, however, was less lucky. :45.500 --> :50.909 Her surprise bag only had 6 different types of soup, half of them being variations on :50.909 --> :52.220 cauliflower soup. :52.220 --> :54.710 She was disappointed to say the least. :54.710 --> :59.600 She asked if we should share my barbecue and I said no, i'm hungry, I offered to buy you :59.600 --> :03.860 some already and you said no, so I'm going to devour it. :03.860 --> :05.899 She got mad and called me the jerk. :05.899 --> :09.670 I told her if she didn't want soup she should have ordered something specifically instead :09.670 --> :11.470 of using the surprise bag app. :11.470 --> :15.660 I then told her to just order something off a food delivery app. :15.660 --> :19.950 She said she didn't want to spend the money (another bit of context is I make a lot more :19.950 --> :24.110 money than her and pay all of our rent, I know she's running a bit of a lean financial :24.110 --> :25.340 picture right now.) :25.340 --> :29.080 I then tell her that if she doesn't want to pay for delivery, I'll walk to the bodega :29.080 --> :31.440 on our street and can buy her something there. :31.440 --> :36.030 (Another bit of context is that we live on a 4th floor walkup with no elevator and she :36.030 --> :40.890 broke her leg in a car accident a month ago, so it can be tough for her to get around.) :40.890 --> :45.420 She says she the grill is probably off there and all she wants is a hot meal. :45.420 --> :47.220 I tell her she has soup. :47.220 --> :49.220 Anyway, she thinks I'm the jerk. :49.220 --> :50.220 But in my defense: :50.220 --> :54.780 (1) I offered to buy her barbecue to begin with, which she declined. :54.780 --> :59.019 (2) she picked out her own food and I grabbed it for her on my way home :59.019 --> :04.530 (3) when she wasn't satisfied, I suggested two solutions (either ordering something from :04.530 --> :06.989 an app or going to a bodega) :06.989 --> :10.319 So, Reddit, AITA? :10.319 --> :15.510 Posted by u/Affectionate-Cat5016 :15.510 --> :29.600 7 hours ago :29.600 --> :45.110 AITA for refusing to enforce my SIL's rules when she forces me to babysit. :45.110 --> :48.830 I (F27) live about a block from my parents. :48.830 --> :52.090 They helped me buy my house and they are awesome. :52.090 --> :55.230 They also babysit for my brother and his wife all the time. :55.230 --> :01.590 However when they are not available my SIL will bring her kids (10/8/6) to my house since :01.590 --> :02.700 I work from home. :02.700 --> :07.150 I have tried explaining repeatedly that I'm working and she refuses to understand. :07.150 --> :11.480 My parents aren't her biggest fans either but they have begged me to humour her. :11.480 --> :12.480 So I allow it. :12.480 --> :14.269 They are good kids and I love them. :14.269 --> :16.949 But I also don't enforce her rules on them. :16.949 --> :19.780 Nope sorry I don't have organic fruit juice. :19.780 --> :22.070 I have Coke, Mountain Dew, and Red Bull. :22.070 --> :23.810 Or you can drink tap water. :23.810 --> :26.660 You want avocado with an egg on rye? :26.660 --> :28.949 Well I have potato skins from Costco. :28.949 --> :31.639 WTF is veggie tales? :31.639 --> :34.940 My tv has Netflix, Prime, and Disney. :34.940 --> :36.250 Watch whatever you want. :36.250 --> :41.389 She gets mad at me for not following her rules for her kids but she keeps dropping them off. :41.389 --> :45.190 My brother says I'm being an jerk for not just doing what they want so I told him I :45.190 --> :48.480 would if they A. paid me to watch their kids. :48.480 --> :16.699 And B. Supplied whatever their kids were supposed to eat drink :16.699 --> :17.699 and watch. :17.699 --> :18.699 AITA? :18.699 --> :21.010 Posted by u/SignatureNo5491 :21.010 --> :25.250 8 hours ago Wholesome (Pro) :25.250 --> :28.690 AITA for not giving foster daughter her own room? :28.690 --> :33.950 So, we have 2 new foster placements: 10G and 15G. :33.950 --> :37.169 We also have a biological daughter, 13G. :37.169 --> :42.199 We live in a 3 bedroom house and at this time, it’s not possible to add more room. :42.199 --> :46.610 We do plan on moving eventually but that’s not something that will happen for a year :46.610 --> :47.610 minimum. :47.610 --> :52.199 Originally, we were only receiving single placements but got our first sibling group :52.199 --> :54.470 in 10G and 15G. :54.470 --> :59.400 In our county, siblings can share a room, both bio and foster. :59.400 --> :05.240 The only condition is non-bio siblings of opposite sex can’t share a room. :05.240 --> :06.699 Which isn’t an issue here. :06.699 --> :09.389 We try to do what we can to make the siblings comfortable. :09.389 --> :14.840 But recently 15G said at their home, she has her own room and she hates sharing. :14.840 --> :18.610 We’ve tried to divide with curtains, privacy panels, etc. :18.610 --> :22.870 We’ve let 15G get a lot of personalized stuff for her room. :22.870 --> :24.270 But it’s a struggle. :24.270 --> :26.940 15G has requested her own room. :26.940 --> :32.580 The other issue is 13G set a boundary when we started fostering 2 years ago that she :32.580 --> :34.180 wouldn’t share her room. :34.180 --> :36.449 We agreed as it seemed reasonable. :36.449 --> :41.389 She’s always great with the other kids in our home but also deserves her own space where :41.389 --> :43.300 she can decompress. :43.300 --> :46.610 She went from being an only child to having other children in the home. :46.610 --> :51.490 We also make sure we get a lot of one on one time with her and still do stuff as a family. :51.490 --> :54.360 She knows she can talk to us about anything. :54.360 --> :59.419 We did ask her about 10G sharing her room and obviously, she said no. :59.419 --> :04.240 We explained this to 15G and she is now upset, saying it’s not fair. :04.240 --> :05.680 We feel conflicted. :05.680 --> :10.740 Our social worker backs us up, but some people in our personal life say we are in the wrong. :10.740 --> :16.419 Other relevant info: We don’t know exactly how long 15G and 10G will be with us but the :16.419 --> :21.129 current plan in place is 10 months minimum, with the likelihood it could be longer. :21.129 --> :26.810 So, it’s not as if 10G and 13G would only share a room for a few weeks. :26.810 --> :31.400 EDIT because people are asking if 10G could sleep in the living room or whatever…per :31.400 --> :36.660 guidelines, the children must live in a room with permanent walls, a door that closes, :36.660 --> :37.970 have their own dressers, etc. :37.970 --> :40.680 That would not be possible in the living room. :40.680 --> :46.460 I also cannot give up my room as it’s stated that all living in the house must have rooms. :46.460 --> :48.520 The room is also big enough for the two. :48.520 --> :52.849 It is the house’s master and fits all their stuff, plus leaves enough room for them to :52.849 --> :57.699 feel separate. :57.699 --> :10.570 Posted by u/facetataita :10.570 --> :23.440 6 hours ago :23.440 --> :31.300 AITA For making fun of my sister after her fiance broke up with her :31.300 --> :36.419 My sister (24F) doesn't always make the best decisions. :36.419 --> :41.490 She can be somewhat impulsive and doesn't do a good job of weighing long-term consequences :41.490 --> :43.780 versus immediate gratification. :43.780 --> :49.510 She and I (22M) butted heads a lot growing up and kind of have a love-hate relationship :49.510 --> :50.510 with each other. :50.510 --> :54.180 Basically, we love each other but neither of us will shy away from making fun of the :54.180 --> :56.130 other when we mess up. :56.130 --> :01.290 Last fall, my sister got engaged to her BF (25M) of 3 years. :01.290 --> :05.920 To celebrate their engagement, they got matching tattoos of each other's names. :05.920 --> :07.269 On their necks. :07.269 --> :11.140 Like right in the middle of their necks below their chins. :11.140 --> :15.540 Don't know how her BF made it through that with an Adam's apple, so kudos to him. :15.540 --> :18.820 That alone got her some grief from both me and our parents. :18.820 --> :21.940 But whatever you want to do, it's your body and your life. :21.940 --> :26.360 This past weekend, my sister came to our parent's house and was visibly upset. :26.360 --> :31.149 Apparently, she and her fiance had a big fight and he ended up breaking up with her. :31.149 --> :35.279 She was asking my parents if she could move back in with them because her fiance kicked :35.279 --> :36.779 her out of his apartment. :36.779 --> :41.089 They obviously agreed and we all gave her support and told her we would be there for :41.089 --> :42.089 her. :42.089 --> :45.330 I currently live at home too as I'm home from college for the summer. :45.330 --> :49.960 So, for the first time in a few years, both my sister and I are spending a lot of time :49.960 --> :50.960 at home together. :50.960 --> :54.110 Which usually brings conflict between us. :54.110 --> :58.959 She and I share a bathroom now and I had forgotten how much time she spends in there. :58.959 --> :02.680 The only other bathroom is in my parent's master bedroom, but all of my stuff is in :02.680 --> :04.080 the bathroom we share. :04.080 --> :08.390 The other day, I was planning to get together with some friends and needed to get ready. :08.390 --> :11.630 My sister was in the bathroom and would not come out. :11.630 --> :16.050 I started by knocking politely and asking her when she would be done and she said a :16.050 --> :17.650 few minutes. :17.650 --> :20.329 That dragged into a half hour and I asked again. :20.329 --> :21.700 Same answer. :21.700 --> :27.500 When it was nearly an hour, I pounded on the door and told her to GTFO so I could finish :27.500 --> :28.710 getting ready. :28.710 --> :33.709 When she opened the door, it was immediately apparent why she was taking so long. :33.709 --> :38.400 She was trying to cover up her neck tattoo with makeup and failing miserably. :38.400 --> :41.730 I immediately started laughing, I couldn't help it. :41.730 --> :44.680 This of course made her mad, but I couldn't stop. :44.680 --> :49.850 I cracked a few jokes about her needing to update her wardrobe to exclusively turtlenecks :49.850 --> :54.649 and scarfs, or to find another guy with the same name because unless she gets that thing :54.649 --> :59.870 lasered off, she's going to be looking at it in the mirror every day. :59.870 --> :03.029 She got ticked at me and called me an jerk, so I stopped. :03.029 --> :07.780 She's still mad at me for "kicking her while she's down" and for not being more supportive. :07.780 --> :12.279 But like, anyone could have seen this coming and I feel it's my job as the younger brother :12.279 --> :14.130 to rib her a little bit about it. :14.130 --> :18.320 I know she feels heartbroken and sad already, but I'm just trying to bring a little normalcy :18.320 --> :35.560 and levity to the situation so that she can remember that life goes on. :35.560 --> :53.100 Posted by u/throwra9295 :53.100 --> :04.290 10 hours ago :04.290 --> :10.329 AITA for refusing to change my plans? :10.329 --> :14.079 I have been getting pretty burnt out from work and I've noticed myself getting tired :14.079 --> :17.029 a lot quicker and having barely energy. :17.029 --> :23.779 I needed a day to myself to just relax, watch netflix, read, play video games etc and not :23.779 --> :25.210 leave the apartment. :25.210 --> :29.120 Last Saturday I told my gf that that's what I would be doing on the Sunday since we had :29.120 --> :30.410 no plans. :30.410 --> :34.149 When we woke up Sunday morning, my gf asked if we could go out for the day. :34.149 --> :38.070 I refused and told her she knew what I had planned for today. :38.070 --> :42.500 She just said she needs it for her mental health because she's feeling quite low. :42.500 --> :46.139 Since we were both off work on the Monday I mentioned that we could go out for the day :46.139 --> :47.550 on Monday. :47.550 --> :50.770 She refused and asked if I could do my plans on Monday. :50.770 --> :53.790 I told her no because I made these plans first. :53.790 --> :58.100 She mentioned again that she needed it for her mental health and I just asked what about :58.100 --> :59.410 my mental health. :59.410 --> :04.720 I mentioned that she knew I had planned to relax because I was burnt out so why is my :04.720 --> :07.030 mental health less important than hers. :07.030 --> :11.279 She just said that's not what she was saying but that she needs to get out for the day :11.279 --> :13.940 so I told her I'm not stopping her going anywhere. :13.940 --> :19.290 I pointed out she could ask a friend to go or go on her own but that I won't be going :19.290 --> :20.290 today. :20.290 --> :24.550 She said I was being unfair to her because I knew she struggles with mental health issues :24.550 --> :30.410 but I just repeated that her mental health doesn't automatically come before mine and :30.410 --> :32.730 she knew about the plans I made. :32.730 --> :49.180 AITA for refusing to change my plans? :49.180 --> :54.580 Posted by u/GateKeepingRunner :54.580 --> :01.780 22 hours ago :01.780 --> :12.680 AITA for telling my sister-in-law that she didn't actually run a marathon? :12.680 --> :15.639 Not the A-hole I've been a runner for as long as I can remember, :15.639 --> :17.670 I absolutely love it. :17.670 --> :23.250 I want running to continue growing as a competitive activity and as a just-for-fun hobby. :23.250 --> :28.460 I encourage and support newcomers to running, but recently I encountered a situation where :28.460 --> :31.380 I felt gate-keeping was necessary. :31.380 --> :35.850 My sister-in-law got into running last year, and she absolutely fell in-love with it as :35.850 --> :36.850 well. :36.850 --> :39.930 Since I am also a runner, I decided I could connect with her on the topic. :39.930 --> :45.130 I wanted to hear about her runs, her progress, and maybe offer some helpful guidance if she :45.130 --> :46.130 wanted it. :46.130 --> :48.870 So, at a family gathering I ask her about running. :48.870 --> :53.089 After a bit of conversation, she mentioned to me that she ran a marathon. :53.089 --> :58.009 I was quite surprised, she ran a marathon after only getting into running a year ago. :58.009 --> :03.510 That is amazing, what incredible dedication and drive (I thought to myself). :03.510 --> :08.940 I was about to praise her for this incredible accomplishment, but then she explain this :08.940 --> :11.930 "marathon" in detail. :11.930 --> :17.150 It was a virtual marathon that she started late last year and apparently completed this :17.150 --> :18.259 year. :18.259 --> :22.029 Basically it was an app based event where you tally up your running distances until :22.029 --> :24.579 you reach 42.2km (26.2 miles). :24.579 --> :30.649 I chuckled slightly and told her that its great she totalled 42.2km in that time-frame, :30.649 --> :33.050 but it doesn't count as a marathon. :33.050 --> :38.020 I told her that a marathons have time limits for completion, usually 6 to 8 hours. :38.020 --> :42.839 If they didn't, then I could claim multiple ultra-marathons via the aggregate distances :42.839 --> :44.570 I ran in my life. :44.570 --> :50.730 Its disingenuous and in my opinion, undermines those who have actually ran a marathon. :50.730 --> :56.329 She didn't take this well, she called me an jerk, a bully, an elitist, and a few other :56.329 --> :57.329 things. :57.329 --> :01.839 I apologized for upsetting her, but I stand by what I said, she didn't run a marathon. :01.839 --> :05.970 I didn't press the subject at all and left it at that, she wouldn't speak to me the rest :05.970 --> :07.009 of the gathering. :07.009 --> :12.569 My wife agrees with me, despite not being a runner herself, she said her sister overreacted. :12.569 --> :16.029 Their mother said that I should have just let my sister-in-law believe that she ran :16.029 --> :17.029 a marathon. :17.029 --> :22.230 Maybe, I don't know....she is 23 years old, without any impairments. :22.230 --> :28.709 Validating her "marathon" would feel similar to lying to a child to boost their confidence. :28.709 --> :50.579 The difference is, she is not a child. :50.579 --> :54.770 Am I The Jerk? :54.770 --> :59.750 Posted by u/dragonfoot747 :59.750 --> :04.730 21 hours ago :04.730 --> :10.569 AITA for not taking the whole day off for SIL wedding because she didn’t make me a :10.569 --> :11.569 part of it? :11.569 --> :14.169 Not the A-hole My wife’s sister (SIL) is getting married :14.169 --> :15.660 on a Saturday this summer. :15.660 --> :22.110 I have a shaky relationship with SIL, as she “jokes” about me during family events. :22.110 --> :27.250 Humor is one thing, but these tend to always be negative jokes about my character. :27.250 --> :29.730 Because of this, I have always thought that she doesn’t like me. :29.730 --> :34.240 I was waiting for her to possibly ask me to play some role in the wedding, since my wife :34.240 --> :37.220 is maid of honor and our only son is ring bearer. :37.220 --> :39.920 The couple did not ask me to play a role in any way. :39.920 --> :43.400 I asked what time I had to be at the wedding and I was told noon. :43.400 --> :48.611 I work a 12 hour shift on the wedding day so I decided to just take 6 hours off so I :48.611 --> :53.410 could be there around noon but I’ll still have to be up at 0400 the next day for work. :53.410 --> :00.200 I found out from my wife that SIL and future BIL are extremely upset and have been intentionally :00.200 --> :02.330 ignoring me since they found out. :02.330 --> :07.650 They told my wife they expected me to take the entire day off (I work 12 hours every :07.650 --> :11.890 Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) because they think of me as a brother and assumed I would :11.890 --> :17.140 just want to be there for the rehearsal, dinner, morning of wedding, and wedding/reception. :17.140 --> :22.110 Them not asking me to play a role, especially with my wife and our son having roles, confirmed :22.110 --> :26.360 for me that they don’t like me, so I felt no obligation to take the morning of the wedding :26.360 --> :28.580 off of which I have no part. :28.580 --> :34.270 I work 12 hour shifts, and taking one day off really cuts into my available PTO so this :34.270 --> :36.400 played a factor in my decision as well. :36.400 --> :41.520 I’m in no way upset for not having a role and my decision was in no way retaliatory. :41.520 --> :46.299 It’s not my wedding so I don’t make the calls, so it doesn’t bother me. :46.299 --> :50.710 My wife defended me and told SIL how they have always made me feel in this conversation :50.710 --> :14.390 they had when all this came up, but neither SIL or future BIL have tried to talk :14.390 --> :15.390 to me. :15.390 --> :16.390 AITA? :16.390 --> :17.390 Posted by u/picturethiswewerebo :17.390 --> :18.390 21 hours ago :18.390 --> :21.730 AITA for having security cameras on my property that caught people naked :21.730 --> :25.730 Not the A-hole I(28m) pretty much have one of my grandfather's :25.730 --> :26.730 properties. :26.730 --> :30.789 I don't live in it and it's still in his name but when he passes it will be mine. :30.789 --> :36.159 He has been struggling with physical and mental health so it's not been in the best condition :36.159 --> :39.850 and he's been staying at a nursing home where he can have round the clock care. :39.850 --> :42.820 I've put a lot of work into renovating and modernizing it. :42.820 --> :47.100 I cleaned out and renovated the pool, modernized the kitchen etc. :47.100 --> :50.450 Not all at once but little by little over the last few years. :50.450 --> :52.540 I even put a hot tub in the back. :52.540 --> :55.030 The house is not fully renovated as of yet. :55.030 --> :59.260 Still working on one of the bathrooms and a bedroom and the basement etc. :59.260 --> :00.940 But it's a good place to stay. :00.940 --> :06.120 Not sure if I'll stick around this area forever but if I don't I'll just rent it out to people. :06.120 --> :08.590 I let friends and family stay in the house if they need it. :08.590 --> :12.280 If someone is coming into town for a few days they stay at the house. :12.280 --> :15.980 I have cameras in the front and in the back and along the sides. :15.980 --> :21.100 They are not hidden by any means and anyone could easily look and see them. :21.100 --> :26.970 A friend(27f) wanted to host a D&D game night there and I let them. :26.970 --> :32.020 It was a weekend long thing and I even stopped by for a little bit and had fun. :32.020 --> :36.490 Nobody trashed anything and my guests are all very respectful and clean. :36.490 --> :41.630 My cameras notify me when lots of motion is detected and it told me motion was detected :41.630 --> :44.559 in the pool/hot tub area in the back. :44.559 --> :49.059 Not that I would care if they used those but I was told they wouldn't and it was a bit :49.059 --> :50.830 after they said they'd be gone. :50.830 --> :56.250 I check the footage and my friend is very much naked with a man and they were touching :56.250 --> :57.250 each other. :57.250 --> :00.070 I exited out quickly and later texted her. :00.070 --> :01.370 "Just a heads up. :01.370 --> :04.100 There are cameras on the outside of my property" :04.100 --> :07.000 This caused her to blow up over text. :07.000 --> :08.900 Lots of "why are you pointing that out? :08.900 --> :10.450 did you see something?" :10.450 --> :11.870 and "why didn't you tell me." :11.870 --> :13.180 And she was panicking. :13.180 --> :17.880 I just told her that I saw her for a split second and exited and erased the footage. :17.880 --> :22.880 I said that I would appreciate if she didn't engage in those activities in my hot tub but :22.880 --> :24.580 that it's not big deal. :24.580 --> :29.260 She said I should have told her but there are obvious cameras around and there are signs :29.260 --> :41.730 on the windows saying there is 24/7 camera surveillance. :41.730 --> :47.500 Posted by u/Particular_Honey_675 :47.500 --> :53.270 1 day ago :53.270 --> :09.620 WIBTA for :09.620 --> :11.780 telling my daughter the truth about her dad? :11.780 --> :17.289 Not the A-hole I (45f) divorced my ex (49m) about 10 years :17.289 --> :20.000 ago after he accused me of infidelity. :20.000 --> :29.260 We have 3 kids (17m, 13f, 12f) and for the first 2 kids, it took quite a while to conceive. :29.260 --> :34.370 We originally wanted 3 kids back to back to back, but things didn't go according to plan. :34.370 --> :38.880 When I was pregnant with my youngest (Julie, fake name), he started getting distant. :38.880 --> :44.500 He always blamed himself for our issues conceiving, even though we never got things tested. :44.500 --> :50.510 So when I was pregnant with Julie so quickly after our middle child, his behavior changed. :50.510 --> :55.590 After she was born, he'd say things like "How come she doesn't look like me as much as Amy :55.590 --> :59.830 (our middle)?" and then straight up accused me of cheating on him. :59.830 --> :01.350 That's when things fell apart. :01.350 --> :02.750 I never cheated on him. :02.750 --> :04.670 I never did anything of the sort. :04.670 --> :08.620 But the final straw was when he demanded a DNA test. :08.620 --> :13.820 I told him if he doesn't trust me and takes the test, then I will file for divorce. :13.820 --> :16.370 He took the test, Julie is his. :16.370 --> :17.950 But the damage was done. :17.950 --> :19.750 We divorced when Julie was 2. :19.750 --> :22.789 His relationship with Julie has always been cold. :22.789 --> :27.620 He would call his 2 other kids nicknames like "buddy" and "sweetie" but he would always :27.620 --> :29.110 call her Julie. :29.110 --> :32.990 Julie, unlike my two other kids, was always into sports. :32.990 --> :34.860 She’s really good at soccer. :34.860 --> :38.539 And suddenly, my ex now has more interest in her. :38.539 --> :43.179 He's attending her games and even drives her out to tournaments a few hours away. :43.179 --> :47.250 Apparently he talks a lot about her, because our mutual friends would say "Jake said Julie :47.250 --> :52.910 was doing so well in soccer" when he never really talked about her at all before this. :52.910 --> :57.200 I know he is only interested in her because of her abilities and it hurts me. :57.200 --> :02.650 I told myself I would play nice because Julie is happy and that's the most important thing. :02.650 --> :06.890 Recently on a long tournament trip, it was just me and Julie in the car and she asked :06.890 --> :09.370 why her dad suddenly started liking her. :09.370 --> :13.800 She told me she always wondered why she wasn't given the same attention as her siblings and :13.800 --> :16.549 asked what happened and why did we get divorced. :16.549 --> :21.570 My go-to-line for the divorce question is sometimes people fall out of love with each :21.570 --> :23.160 other and that's what happened. :23.160 --> :27.190 And from my understanding, that's what my ex also said. :27.190 --> :32.530 But when she was talking about this, I looked over and saw she had tears in her eyes. :32.530 --> :37.160 I talked to my parents and some friends, and half of them are telling me she needs to know, :37.160 --> :41.770 and the other half tell me that I would be an AH for ruining a father/daughter relationship :41.770 --> :43.649 that finally got off the ground. :43.649 --> :47.559 I know HE doesn't deserve it, but Julie does. :47.559 --> :52.029 She deserves a dad that loves her and treats her like his other kids, and her finding out :52.029 --> :56.790 the truth may ruin that (I mean, my ex already ruined it for 12 years). :56.790 --> :00.320 So, WIBTA if I tell Julie the truth about her dad? :00.320 --> :01.320 Posted by u/Suspicious-Hair8165 :01.320 --> :02.320 1 day ago Gold :02.320 --> :03.320 Shocked I am disappoint :03.320 --> :04.320 Snek2 Facepalm :04.320 --> :05.320 AITA for making a joke when my friend told me she was pregnant? :05.320 --> :06.320 Jerk My friend Alice (fake name) (32F) and her :06.320 --> :07.320 husband have been trying for a baby for about 3 years. :07.320 --> :08.320 I (29F) am childfree but this has never caused a problem in my relationship with Alice. :08.320 --> :09.320 We would often joke about this difference, with me telling her stuff like she’ll miss :09.320 --> :10.320 all the disposable income when she has kids and her comparing my dog to a human kid. :10.320 --> :11.440 Neither of us got offended with this joking and it was all in good fun. :11.440 --> :12.440 On Friday, Alice, a couple other friends, and I went out to lunch and Alice told us :12.440 --> :13.440 that she was 3 months pregnant. :13.440 --> :14.440 I jokingly said, “I’m so sorry. :14.440 --> :15.440 Let me know if you need a ride to the clinic.” :15.440 --> :16.440 Alice flipped out and called me an insensitive bench. :16.440 --> :17.440 I told her that I was joking but she wouldn’t hear it and she ended up leaving. :17.440 --> :18.440 She hasn’t responded to my texts and calls ever since. :18.440 --> :19.440 Our other friends are staying out of it and don’t want to give their opinions. :19.440 --> :22.870 I understand that my comment would come off as rude if I said it to a stranger but Alice :22.870 --> :25.230 knows me and this is how we joke with each other. :25.230 --> :26.230 AITA? :26.230 --> :27.230 Posted by u/No-Sandwich1817 :27.230 --> :28.230 1 day ago Hugz :28.230 --> :29.230 AITA for refusing to stop living my life for my kids. :29.230 --> :31.760 Not the A-hole I got divorced a year ago,it was the best :31.760 --> :33.520 decision I ever made. :33.520 --> :39.850 I basically a maid for the family it was awful not to mention was working at the same time. :39.850 --> :44.029 Overall it been a bit rough for the kids with the youngest being 14 and the oldest being :44.029 --> :45.029 17. :45.029 --> :48.890 They are doing well overall and we basically have a 50/50 split with custody. :48.890 --> :53.740 It’s wonderful to have “days off” so much new free time when they are not home :53.740 --> :56.029 so I have been able to explore new hobbies :56.029 --> :00.630 So I joined a models club, you build models and show them off, we met once a month to :00.630 --> :03.049 show off our creations, I love it. :03.049 --> :08.140 My 17 year old messed up this week, volunteered for a bake sale didn’t tell me and forgot :08.140 --> :09.510 to make cupcakes. :09.510 --> :14.559 I was about to leave for my meeting last night and he was panicking about not having it done. :14.559 --> :18.279 He asked me if I could do it and I told him no since I was leaving. :18.279 --> :21.429 He was also leaving to hang out with his friend. :21.429 --> :24.960 This morning cupcakes were not made since I wasn’t doing it. :24.960 --> :27.820 We got in a huge fight about me not helping him out. :27.820 --> :31.870 I wasn’t putting my life on hold for a simple mistake he did. :31.870 --> :36.300 He left for his fathers and my ex also got in an argument with me about it and called :36.300 --> :37.300 me a jerk :37.300 --> :40.740 Thank you for all the feedback, I am trying to teach him what the lesson i missed when :40.740 --> :41.740 married. :41.740 --> :42.740 Want more info on that it is in a comment. :42.740 --> :46.390 If anyone has any ideas I’m open for advice, I’m running out of time before college and :46.390 --> :49.390 he is with the man he learn this behavior half the time. :49.390 --> :51.890 The other two are willing to learn but he won’t give an inch :51.890 --> :04.159 Posted by u/No-Morning-6976 :04.159 --> :16.419 1 day ago :16.419 --> :24.950 AITA leaving a family gathering due to my parents always overcomplimenting my brother? :24.950 --> :27.320 Not the A-hole My brother has had a lot of time for hobbies :27.320 --> :28.919 in recent years. :28.919 --> :31.370 Something he's spent a lot of that time on is cooking. :31.370 --> :33.970 Now he IS a really good cook. :33.970 --> :38.870 He and his husband have a decent-sized house so a lot of our routine family dinners are :38.870 --> :43.120 held at their place and my brother volunteers to cook most of the time. :43.120 --> :48.250 When he does, without fail as soon as our parents come through the door or we do, it's :48.250 --> :51.130 always "Smells really good in here doesn't it?" :51.130 --> :53.980 "Dang you were making me hungry from the street." :53.980 --> :58.669 or things along those lines and they keep saying such things throughout our time there. :58.669 --> :03.200 At first I didn't think one way or another about it, but we're going on well over two :03.200 --> :04.260 years of this happening. :04.260 --> :08.200 They never give compliments if I or our other siblings have them over. :08.200 --> :12.870 They didn't say anything about the murals my brother and his wife painted on their walls, :12.870 --> :18.070 very big and hard to miss, until they pointed right at them and asked about it and all our :18.070 --> :20.529 parents said was 'oh that's nice'. :20.529 --> :25.470 Our sister is always making bath bombs and candles for her home business, so her place :25.470 --> :30.620 always smells nice too and they don't say anything about that or encourage her. :30.620 --> :37.039 They just don't give any compliments or acknowledge anything about us, our hobbies, or our homes :37.039 --> :39.830 but they go overboard with our brother. :39.830 --> :44.200 It's not like they neglected him as a kid and it's some attempt to make up for it, they :44.200 --> :47.559 gave us all pretty equal attention and support growing up. :47.559 --> :52.150 This last time having dinner at my brother's house, I was telling my family about how excited :52.150 --> :55.780 I was for my fiance to be starting his dream job. :55.780 --> :00.840 My siblings were happy for him but our parents didn't say anything and went right back to :00.840 --> :06.130 singing their praises of the second coming of culinary Jesus and how he should start :06.130 --> :07.340 a food truck. :07.340 --> :12.610 I was pretty done at that and instead of being there in an irritated mood, I waited a few :12.610 --> :16.430 minutes and acted like I had gotten a text from a friend and had to go. :16.430 --> :19.230 Said my byes and 'loves yous' and left. :19.230 --> :23.809 A little while later my mom called and asked what was wrong because my family had noticed :23.809 --> :28.410 my phone screen was dark when I pulled it out so they didn't buy the text story. :28.410 --> :32.230 I told her I just didn't have it in me to sit through another dinner where they forget :32.230 --> :37.210 they have 3 other children with things going on in their lives they'd like some acknowledgment :37.210 --> :38.210 from them over. :38.210 --> :42.460 I’ve been at odds a bit with my parents and them telling me I’m being immature. :42.460 --> :46.860 My siblings found out why we’re currently fighting and our brother and his wife are :46.860 --> :49.919 in agreement with me and said they’ve been getting tired of it too. :49.919 --> :11.590 I’ve apologized to my brother, but not my parents. :11.590 --> :19.580 So AITA?
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welcome friends to another r slash malicious compliance video if you don't mind helping out make sure to hit those like and subscribe buttons down below that said our first story of the day is by long-suffering squid turning a mole hill into a mountain there's four primary types of participant in my industry manufacturers vendors buying consortiums and patients i work for a manufacturer widgets inc we sell the vendors who in turn sell the patients the consortiums work out deals with us for our products and pass those products and savings onto specific vendors for a piece of the action i take a call from a patient monsieur mr rob this is unusual as very rarely will we the manufacturer deal directly with patients they're supposed to go through their vendor or provider who then contacts us miserable is having a big problem with the new widgets we made for them they're not working properly and appear to be defective this is definitely our fault and something that's pretty easily resolved but it has to go through the proper channels we can't issue m miserable new widgets directly so i advise him to go back and talk to his provider dr schmuck it turns out that dr schmuck has been singularly unhelpful he's been telling the patient that he dr schmuck can't do anything without the approval of the consortium the widgets were purchased through true bluff he's lying this is an easy fix for us and ms rob has gotten in touch with true bluff true bluff tells the patient they've been in contact with us widgets inc and that we're making them jump through hoops to resolve this they're lying they haven't and again this is an easy fix for us true bluff is also pointing the blame back at dr schmuck and miserab is disgusted and angry with a lot of us but he really liked his widgets until they stopped working so he wants to give us a chance to make it right i tell them miserable that this is an easy fix but for legal reasons i can't work directly with him that he must go through a lessons vendor like dr schmuck and miserab tells me that they dr schmuck in true bluff gave him our phone number and told them that we widgets incorporated would take care of the problem for them oh did they now see patients aren't supposed to have this phone number this number is for vendors and consortiums to call on i'd been thinking that m miserable was a spillover from the consumer relations line nope mizrob called us directly and when dr schmuck and true bluff said that widgets incorporated would take care of the problem what they meant was they'll cover for our screw-up they're basically throwing us under the bus since they think there's no way that we can resolve the situation ourselves they've taken a simple and easy problem and turned it into a catastrophe they've dumped in my lap but sure i know how to take care of the problem evil grin well em miserable it sounds to me like dr schmuck and true bluff are the problem now there's a very simple and easy way to fix this but for legal reasons i can't process it for you directly the request has to be submitted to us by a licensed provider for ethical reasons i can't tell you what you should do but i can tell you what you can do you can if you like go back to dr schmuck and true bluff and ask them to submit to me a request to process this again very simple and easy fix or alternatively i have a list here of other providers in your area if you prefer you can return your existing widgets to dr schmuck for credit go to one of these other providers and tell them that you want to order duplicates of your widgets and that you do not want to work with truebluff i'm terribly sorry for the trouble we at widgets incorporated want to make sure you get the right widgets for you i'm not sure why dr schmuck and true bluff would be giving you such a hard time would you like a list of the other providers oh you would wonderful here's the list oh and thank you for letting us know about the situation with dr schmuck and trubluff we appreciate the feedback you have a good no a better day now click was i laying it on a bit thick absolutely but i took care of the problem i hope dr schmuck and true bluff appreciated my solution if you found yourself in a position like op where a customer manages to break through the loop somebody that needs help whether it's medical or just insurance related and you have a solution that could help them but you're not really supposed to give them that help would you do a little mr incredible type moment and give them that help anyways you know that technicality where like i'm afraid there's nothing i can do but you could blah blah blah blah and give them all the steps to get exactly what they need let me know if you would hesitate to take that chance in the comments down below our next story is by the valleys slowest mile of my life growing up my siblings and i went to a private baptist school our parents wanted to keep us from the world's evil influence it did not work as i'm sure 99 of the people who attend those types of schools know what actually goes on in those environments anyway once a year we went to what was called regional student convention aka regionals this was a big fine arts competition between other schools like ours in the region people from arizona new mexico kansas and texas came to one spot somewhat in the middle to compete so they could move on to the international student convention which is obviously for other schools around the world our school didn't go to the internationals but took regionals pretty seriously there are over a hundred fine art categories you can sign up for our teachers required at least seven but no more than twelve i believe the categories included photography acting writing color guard some sports singing art and track in field to name a few i would try my best to do the most allotted categories since my parents took the week of regionals off and liked to see us perform i would do photography sewing research projects multiple singing groups some play type things and i played on the volleyball team all of these were picked because i wanted to do them i wanted the week to be fun for myself and my family one year the teacher in charge decided to micromanage everything about this week they decided they were going to tell everyone what they were doing instead of letting us pick ourselves the teacher decided one sport activity was not enough and wanted me to sign up for a track and field event i told them i didn't want to do it as i've done it in the past and did not win and ended up exhausted the whole rest of the day as i didn't never train at all for the events our school was a church building that they could convert to the school on sunday nights so no grounds for such a thing track and field happened on a tuesday morning and then after lunch it was time to do the singing competitions it made for a miserable day for me the teacher didn't care and decided i would be running the timed one mile run they could have easily have made me do something less exhausting like the 100 meter dash but more people signed up for that than they did the mile so by their logic we had a better chance at a medal most teachers that take students to these competitions want to receive a plaque of achievement for that category so they try to get as many people to participate so the plaque can hang in the school hallway the teacher did not care that i requested not to do this and told me you will sign up for it even if you walk the whole mile you will participate i replied with yes ma'am and filled out the required paperwork i'm sure you can see where this is going the day of the competition comes and we're all warming up waiting for our events the teachers are all out there cheering us on as well as all the other students who were not competing that part's fun just hanging out with your friends our school didn't take it too seriously we didn't have any training or anything so it was just a morning spent on the grass for us after a while it's time for the female mile and i was all smiles the teacher asked if i was ready and i replied are you ready they had no idea what they were in for i lined up with all my fellow competitors and waited for the gun to go off once off i did a little jog and of course everyone rushed past me then i walked i walked the entire mile which you don't know is four times around a track field there was so much confusion and many people came up to me thinking i was hurt i replied to them all i'm fine just doing what my teacher told me to with a smile and a wave the officials were confused the other competitors were confused even my parents were confused i turned what would have been a 10 to 20 minute event into a 35 minute event which is a lot of time considering they couldn't start anything else until the female mile completed so everything was at a standstill because of me i eventually finished and my judge didn't even give me my completed time since it was so ridiculous i did finish in sixth place since there were only five other competitors so i still got a medal woohoo for me when i tell you the principle of our school was mad i mean if he was a cartoon there would be steam coming out of his whole body he was silently screaming at me telling me how much i embarrassed him the school myself and most importantly god i very calmly explained i only participated like my teacher told me to i know that nothing happened to the teacher for making me do that event but i was never forced to sign up for anything i didn't want to again yeah let's take this great event where people can do all kinds of things that they would have fun doing and just suck the whole fun out of it for every single kid you want to do singing well you better give that up you're going to run the mile billy what's that susie you want to act well you better be prepared to hop some hurdles instead need i go on our next story is by lord damn delusions of grandeur i worked as a lettings agent for a year and a half after leaving the police and always joked with clients that i chose the job because i'm used to being hated i was smashing it out highest figures in my office and the region for months at a time was i a hard seller no i would legit say guys i'm not going to patronize you you know what a toilet is take a look around i'll be here it worked anyway the sales agent was laziest freak and couldn't be bothered so i started to sell properties too i shouldn't have done but the company was losing business because of this guy i asked for a promotion to the sales team and got called to see the managing director he basically gave me a huge telling off saying it wasn't my place to sell properties when i'm a lettings and rental agent he even said i had delusions of grandeur and if i thought i was too good for the job to leave i ended in my month's notice the next day and accepted an offer from a competitor that had been trying to pinch me for months better pay less hours higher commission i'd only stayed out of a sense of loyalty hr put me on paid leave because they were scared i was going to steal landlords according to my friend who still worked there the branch's figures practically vanished overnight needless to say know your workforce if you're going to be a managing director you should want to be able to break down and know who's really hustling for you honestly it kind of blows my mind that a company that was selling properties and having lettings and rental agents that they didn't have some kind of proper metrics in place that show who's doing what who's the top performer and keeping track of that stuff so they know hey this person is really slinging some sales around you just willingly let your superstar go when you could have just acknowledged their worth and retain them our next story is by jay jeponen don't proofread just print many many years ago i worked as an admin assistant in a small tech like company we would import radars etc for government agencies as well as install and provide user training one of the texts was pretty unpleasant and loved telling everyone he was the sole breadwinner of the company refusing to acknowledge the team effort of actually winning the jobs and sending invoices and paying his wages being completed by others he wrote a user manual for some new equipment and had me print and bind multiple copies ready for user training he was running very late and left me little time to do it but i thought i would take a moment to quickly check formatting spelling and grammar before printing except he berated me and told me not to overthink it just do what i was instructed to fine no editing by me didn't touch a thing except print i wish i could have seen the faces of the tech and the trainees when they got to the last few pages of the manual with the system shutdown procedures and found it told them to sugar honey iced tea down the system no no no don't need a proof read as somebody that on any chatting platform whether it's snapchat or discord or really anywhere even twitter as somebody who like proofreads three four five times before i hit send on like every message i admire the confidence of somebody that goes nah just print it don't need a proofread don't worry i got it and our final story of the day is by ydev company won't give raise to an underpaid employee not my story but happened to a co-worker i know this because we were all really close and knew each other's numbers even though it was against company policy to share salary details with co-workers yes it's perfectly legal to have policies in my country i had a co-worker let's call him a who was lowballed pretty bad fresh out of college a was earning around 40 percent less than other co-workers of similar experience including me apparently the hr promised them a big raise after the probation period without giving anything in writing as you'd expect they refused to give a more than a five percent raise after a year i should mention that given the nature of the industry and skill level of people in our cohorts it's fairly easy to get a new job if you get fired so with our agreement he brought up the point that he's way underpaid compared to any of his co-workers and he knows the numbers again his our manager said that they won't give any raise unless he has a counteroffer or he's free to leave any time now malicious compliance this guy started applying for jobs left and right and got a couple of offers both almost double his current salary turns out his manager was bluffing all along and had to give him a 110 raise to get him to stay which meant that we all also knew what they can offer and threatened to leave unless they give us a better offer ultimately they had to give all of us 30 to 40 raises to match the other guy's offer without any counter offers for ourselves within six months of this most of us including a left the company for better pay and benefits well i guess that's the risk you take by trying to underpay the people that work for you right you might be able to skate by with it for a while but once they figure out it's going to spread like wildfire and impressively they were still trying to keep it lower than apparently what the competition would have offered but with that being said that's all the time we have for today so of all these stories i've read today which is your favorite and why let me know in the comments down below and if you haven't yet if you could like and subscribe that would mean a lot to me whatever you do whether it's liking subscribing turning notifications on all of it helps grow this channel and i appreciate the heck out of it so until next time i'll see you all tomorrow with some more stories
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a ITA for not moving back into the family home because my steps sister is a lot of drama going to call my step sister Ava we're both 23 and my stepdad Bob for privacy I don't live far away from my mom Bob and Ava I'm living with a roommate elsewhere though because honestly Eva is just a lot of drama and I prefer not to live with her my parents recently were asking why I didn't move back in since they've largely paid off the mortgage and they don't understand why I would want to spend extra money to live with a roommate instead of saving and have more space at home I told them that I preferred to live separately from certain family member I didn't say aa's name but they knew I was referring to her mom and Bob both said it upset them that me and AA don't get along but they wouldn't press it I pay my own bills so there's not much they can really do about it anyway I didn't say this out loud to them but I thought they were being a bit hypocritical because they both have siblings they don't get along with either at least me and Ava can be civil with each other when need be Grandma reached out to me yesterday and said her and my parents don't want to guil me but me living away because I don't get along with AA does really hurt them and it's causing a small Rift between my mom and Bob because they see as me preferring to struggle over being at home I thought that was a bit dramatic I'm obviously not made of money right now but I'm getting by I know aa's Tendencies are because she's been through certain things which I do 100% sympathize with but I'm not asking my mom and Bob to make AA move out I just prefer we'd be living our separate Liv grandma said she wouldn't press it but the right thing would be to consider it and that it would make my parents really happy normally grandma isn't the type to get involved in things like this so I'm worried now if I'm being selfish by not moving back into the family home and trying to get along more with AA a i
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wibta if I had my wedding in my sister's dream wedding location I've written this out a bunch of times but always ramble for too long so I'm going to attempt to tell this super briefly we'll answer questions if needed I 24f am from the US but went to University in the UK and have been in England since my fiance Nick 25m is from Italy but similarly came to the UK for uni my sister Sarah 27f is someone who is always fantasized about her wedding Pinterest stuff hundreds of pics in her camera roll follows a bunch of wedding Bakery insta Pages Etc her dream wedding location has always been an Italian Vineyard when deciding our wedding location Nick and I were going between NY London and Tuscany where his family is from we chose Tuscany because one we find it the most beautiful two his family has a huge Vineyard where they're happy to host everyone and three with the money we'd save for venue and accommodations we could pay for the airfare of all our guests coming from the US it'll be a small wedding Max 50 people 15 from the US 10 from the UK so it's doable anyway we go about it it'll be a destination wedding for some people so Tuscany is thus the best financially speaking my sister however is furious she called me selfish for doing this to her since I've never cared nearly as much about weddings but now I'm stealing her dream location my parents were on her side till I told them Nick and I would be covering all our family's airfare and accommodations and then they were plated they worried family members wouldn't want to go to two destination weddings in Italy Sarah however has not come around even one of tried to explain the reasoning behind it all after talking with my mom today she suggested that we just have it in England to keep the peace since this means so much to my sister while I've never cared much for weddings she said she and my dad disgust and think they're able to cover the cost of all the airfare for people flying from the US which might be financially doable for them but really not ideal as they're both retired I'm not sure what to do now Nick strongly prefers Italy but he isn't adamantly against London his parents very much want to host the wedding I don't think I'm the a since this is literally Nick's family lives but I'm willing to admit I'm wrong so wibta if I don't give in
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