1 value
2 values
You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Arabic. Let me give you an example: Penso che abbastanza presto vedrete pazienti curati con le cellule staminali derivanti dal proprio grasso o adipe. The answer to this example can be: وأعتقد أنه في القريب سوف ترى المرضى يعالجون بواسطة خلاياهم الجذعية المستخرجة من الدهون أو المستخرجة من الحيوانات Here is why: The Italian sentence is correctly translated into Arabic, because the meaning is preserved. OK. solve this: dovevo metterle in un contesto. Answer:
يجب أن أجعل لعملي مغزىً.
In this task, you're given a paragraph and title from the research paper. Your task is to classify whether the given title is suitable or not for the research paper based on the given paragraph. Return "True" if title is proper according to paragraph else "False". Q: Paragraph: Bats are increasingly implicated as hosts of highly pathogenic viruses. The underlying virus-host interactions and cellular mechanisms that promote co-existence remain ill-defined, but physiological traits such as flight and longevity are proposed to drive these adaptations. Autophagy is a cellular homeostatic process that regulates ageing, metabolism, and intrinsic immune defense. We quantified basal and stimulated autophagic responses in black flying fox cells, and demonstrated that although black flying fox cells are susceptible to Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV) infection, viral replication is dampened in these bat cells. Black flying fox cells tolerated prolonged ABLV infection with less cell death relative to comparable human cells, suggesting post-entry mechanisms interference with virus replication. An elevated basal autophagic level was observed and autophagy was induced in response to high virus doses. Pharmacological stimulation of the autophagy pathway reduced virus replication, indicating autophagy acts as an anti-viral mechanism. Enhancement of basal and virus-induced autophagy in bat cells connects related reports that long-lived species possess homeostatic processes that dampen oxidative stress and macromolecule damage. Exemplifying the potential that evolved cellular homeostatic adaptations like autophagy may secondarily act as anti-viral mechanisms, enabling bats to serve as natural hosts to an assortment of pathogenic viruses. Furthermore, our data suggest autophagy-inducing drugs may provide a novel therapeutic strategy for combating lyssavirus infection. Viruses 2019, 11, 260 2 of 18 (EBOV) [9], and MARV [3,4,10], seroconverted, but did not develop pathology and only a minority of infected bats shed low level of virus in urine (NiV) [8] or high levels of virus orally (MARV) [4]. This combination of host-viral richness and apparent lack of clinical disease presentation after NiV, HeV, EBOV, or MARV infection raises the question how novel intrinsic traits or host adaptations might promote tolerance of virus infection in bats [11, 12] . As bats are the only volant mammals, flight has been proposed to contribute to the ability of bats to function as natural reservoirs [11] [12] [13] . The aerobic demands of flight experienced by bats is higher than the aerobic demands of other terrestrial mammals experienced during aerobic exertion [14] . Positive selection of genes involved in DNA-damage repair pathways [11] and reduced free-radical production [15] in bats suggest an evolved response to the deleterious effects of an increased generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) from the high aerobic demands of flight. Cellular ageing occurs through a progressive accumulation of damaged organelles, misfolded and aggregated proteins, and dysregulation of cellular homeostatic processes [16, 17] . ROS can cause oxidative damage to macromolecules and DNA [18] , and ultimately contribute to cellular ageing. However, bats have a greater longevity [19] than what is typically projected in relation to their body size [20, 21] , and resistance to oxidative stress has been observed in long-lived bat species [22, 23] . Furthermore, the loss of DNA sensors in the PYHIN family [24] and decreased activity of stimulator of interferon genes (STING) [12] , may contribute to dampened inflammatory responses to the release of cytosolic DNA due to metabolic-related DNA damage or microbial infection [25] . In addition, enhanced protein homeostatic mechanisms, such as macroautophagy (hereafter referred to as autophagy), were observed in bat cells [26] . At the crossroads of DNA-damage, oxidative stress, and microbial infection [27, 28] , autophagy, is a proteostatic process involved in cellular homeostasis, longevity, and survival [29, 30] . Canonically regarded as a response to starvation, the autophagy pathway recycles long-lived proteins, misfolded proteins, and damaged organelles during times of nutrient depletion. However, there are also multiple examples of selective autophagic pathways that utilize specific protein receptors to traffic ubiquitinated target organelles and proteins into cytoplasmic double-membraned vesicles, termed autophagosomes [31] . In addition to cellular stressors such as DNA damage and ROS, pathogen-recognition receptors can activate distinct autophagic processes as part of an intrinsic immune response [32] [33] [34] . For example, "xenophagy" shuttles intracellular microbes to autolysosomes for lysis, whereas "aggrephagy" removes toxic protein aggregates [35, 36] . Aerobic demands, ROS, nutritional starvation, or virus infections are all physical stressors that challenge cellular homeostasis [37] . Virus exploitation of host cell transcriptional and translational machinery ensures successful replication, but can trigger the unfolded protein response [38] , and dysregulation of cellular homeostatic mechanisms [39] . Therefore, if bats have evolved mechanisms to dampen cellular damage caused by the by-products of heightened aerobic respiration through improved proteostatic mechanisms, then these same proteostatic mechanisms might also function as anti-viral defenses. We undertook a comparative study to examine host-pathogen interactions in bat versus human cells, focusing on the potential anti-viral or pro-survival mechanism of autophagy. For this study we chose to utilize Australian bat lyssavirus (ABLV), a neurotropic rabies-related virus that naturally infects black flying foxes (Pteropus alecto) [40, 41] , but is classified as a biosafety level 2 (BSL-2) pathogen. Pteropus species are also the natural reservoirs of several zoonotic viruses including HeV, NiV [2], and Menangle virus [42, 43] . Cell lines have been established from the black flying fox [44] , which with the publication of its reference genome [11] , has been promoted as a model bat species. Black flying fox cell lines have been used to investigate the interferon response [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] , as well as transcriptomic and proteomic responses after HeV infection [51] . We rescued a modified recombinant ABLV expressing a green fluorescent protein (rABLV-GFP) and used both rABLV-GFP and a wild-type ABLV (wt-ABLV) to examine the role of autophagy after virus infection. In black flying fox cells, the basal level of autophagy was significantly higher than the levels of autophagy quantified in the human cell line used for comparative purposes. We observed that ABLV infection activated the autophagy pathway Title: Enhanced Autophagy Contributes to Reduced Viral Infection in Black Flying Fox Cells A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task the focus is on physical knowledge about the world. Given the provided goal task in the input, describe a process that would lead to the asked outcome. This process often involves physical motions with objects, such as moving them, arranging them in a certain way, mixing them, shaking them, etc. How can you rewire your brain into being more happy?
Every day, recall three things you are grateful for. Do this for 21 days.
TASK DEFINITION: You are given a sentence in Italian. Your job is to translate the Italian sentence into Arabic. PROBLEM: Com'è possibile che nello stesso anno, nello stesso paese, due edifici, entrambi chiamati biblioteca, siano così diversi? SOLUTION: إذن كيف أنه من الممكن أنه في نفس السنة ، في نفس الدولة ، تبدو بنايتان ، كلتاهما مكتبتان ، بشكلين مختلفين تماما ؟ PROBLEM: In realtà abbiamo ricevuto due categorie di giudizi negativi. SOLUTION: هناك في الحقيقة نوعان من الوجهات السلبية التي تلقينها. PROBLEM: dovevo metterle in un contesto. SOLUTION:
يجب أن أجعل لعملي مغزىً.
You are provided with an "Event" and it's "Intent" related to PersonX. Determine the sentiment value of the given input as either "Positive", "Negative", and "Unknown". One example is below. Q: Event:PersonX treats PersonY's ___ well. Intent: 1) to leave a good impression over person y by doing everything perfectly well A: Positive Rationale: In the input PersonX treats PersonY's in a good way. He fells calm and pleased by the work he has done. This refers to a "Positive" reaction. Q: Event:PersonX loves PersonY's mother. Intent: 1) to fight 2) a challenge A:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task you will be given two dialogues. You need to determine if both dialogues have the same underlying emotion. The possible emotions are happy, sad, angry, or other. If they do output 'yes', if not output 'no'. Dialogue 1: 'when did i called u ugly pony when did you ever call fuck u ur rlly a mad person asshole rnda bc'. Dialogue 2: 'go to dhapar math do sl maths a lot of places don't like maths studies it's amazing'. Solution: no Why? The first dialogue is an angry dialogue and the second dialogue is a happy dialogue. Therefore, they are not the same emotion so the output is 'no'. So this is a good example. New input: Dialogue 1: 'english expressionlessface what 'what expressionlessface' whoa you're really stupid'. Dialogue 2: 'thats a good way to motivate thank you you're welcome you just made me more depressed'. Solution:
Teacher:Read the given query and classify it as a 'Good' or 'Bad' query depending on how well the query is formed, 'Bad' being the expected output for a not so well formed query and 'Good' being the expected output for a well formed query. A query may be wrong based on common sense or general facts, but if it is well formed, you should answer with Good. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: What ocean has the highest content in US ? Student:
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. This task is about identifying the subject of a given sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single subject. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified subject of that sentence. Example: The nickname of the team of University of Nebraska at Omaha is mavericks. Output: University of Nebraska This is a good example since the subject of the sentence (University of Nebraska) is correctly identified. New input case for you: Los Lagos has 0.6% of its population without power. Output:
Los Lagos
Q: In this task you will be given a list, of lists, of integers. For every inner list contained in the input list, you should multiply every odd number in that list. The output should be a list of integers with the same length as the number of lists in the input list. If there are no odd numbers in an inner list you should output 0 for that list. [[-48, -23, -21, -20, -36], [-19, -35], [24, -45, 47, 39, 8], [14, -38, -6, 4]] A:
[483, 665, -82485, 0]
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Galician. Your job is to translate the Galician sentence into Farsi. Problem:Isto é Central Park, un dos espazo públicos mellor deseñados de América. Solution:
این ‌ جا "" سنترال پارک "" است ، یکی از زیباترین مکان ‌ های عمومی در آمریکا. یکی از زیباترین مکان ‌ های عمومی در آمریکا.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into English. Q: הוא היה בסך הכל בן 51 בזמנו. A:
He was all of 51 years at that time.
Languages typically provide more than one grammatical construction to express certain types of messages. Your task is to generate a senetence with the same meaning as given sentence, but with different grammatical construction. Alice tipped him a grand
Alice tipped a grand to him
instruction: You are provided with an "Event" and it's "Intent" related to PersonX. Determine the sentiment value of the given input as either "Positive", "Negative", and "Unknown". question: Event:PersonX tells the person. Intent: 1) to be a pest 2) to be troublesome answer: Negative question: Event:PersonX practices ___ every day. Intent: 1) to assist persony answer: Positive question: Event:PersonX loves PersonY's mother. Intent: 1) to fight 2) a challenge answer:
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a sentence in Persian. Your job is to translate the Farsi sentence into Japanese. برای علم اون زمان این یک معما بود. Output:
Definition: In this task, you will be shown a short story with a beginning, two potential middles, and an ending. Your job is to choose the middle statement that makes the story incoherent / implausible by indicating 1 or 2 in the output. If both sentences are plausible, pick the one that makes less sense. Input: Beginning: The local high school was having a fashion show. Middle 1: Jim volunteerd to help. Middle 2: Jim refused to help. Ending: The principal thanked Jim for his work. Output:
Teacher: You are given a review about a place. You need to provide a rating from "1 star" to "5 stars" for this place. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Although I did enjoy the food here, I was completely unimpressed (and slightly annoyed) by the overpriced margaritas. I ordered a platinum which contained \"fresh\" juice. It tasted like it had sprite in it, so I thought surely she gave me the wrong one. It turns out that \"fresh juice\" is really margarita mix on tap from the same gun as the sprite. I asked for something fresh to replace the horrible margarita and received a rocks glass with just muddled lime and a salted rim. I'm not sure it contained any tequila. Horrible! It's not that hard to make a fresh margarita! Solution: 2 stars Reason: The writer has been annoyed in this place and has enjoyed the food. So, "2 stars" sounds reasonable for it. Now, solve this instance: Woke up this morning....Ron's Birthday today so I suggested we go out to breakfast around 10am. We were going to go to one of our old standbys and then I remembered we wanted to try Bacon sometime. \n\nWe got there and all of the sliding door/windows were open and the misters going. aaahhhh Scottsdale in the early summer. We were seated right away. Took a bit of time for our waiter to notice we were there, but he was very attentive once he came over to our table. \n\nI ordered the breakfast sandwich (cant remember the unusual name) that was scrambled eggs on and English muffin with Canadian bacon and Gruyere cheese. HEAVEN!!! if you love stinky cheese like I do. The side of potato's were done to perfection with fresh herbs sprinkled on top. There was also a side of beans that I though were unimaginative. \n\nOverall the food was yummy and the atmosphere and service very good. A definite new one on our list of breakfast places in Old Town. Student:
4 stars
Instructions: This task is about reading the given passage and construct a question about the information present in the passage. Construct a question in such a way that (i) it is unambiguous, (ii) it is answerable from the passage, (iii) its answer is unique (iv) its answer is a continuous text span from the paragraph. Avoid creating questions that (i) can be answered correctly without actually understanding the paragraph and (ii) uses same words or phrases given in the passage. Input: News of this arrived in Europe, where Britain and France unsuccessfully attempted to negotiate a solution. The two nations eventually dispatched regular troops to North America to enforce their claims. The first British action was the assault on Acadia on 16 June 1755 in the Battle of Fort Beauséjour, which was immediately followed by their expulsion of the Acadians. In July British Major General Edward Braddock led about 2,000 army troops and provincial militia on an expedition to retake Fort Duquesne, but the expedition ended in disastrous defeat. In further action, Admiral Edward Boscawen fired on the French ship Alcide on 8 June 1755, capturing it and two troop ships. In September 1755, French and British troops met in the inconclusive Battle of Lake George. Output:
Which country dispatched regular troops to North America?
In this task, you are given a question and an answer. Answer "Yes" if the given answer correctly answers the question, otherwise answer "No". Q: when was the internet started, Answer: The history of the Internet began with the development of electronic computers in the 1950s. A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a sentence in German, generate a new German sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Wenn Sie eine Mahlzeit kochen wollen, dann sollten Sie Ihre Zutaten bereit.
Wenn Sie eine Soße kochen wollen, dann sollten Sie Ihre Taschen bereit haben.
In this task you will be given two dialogues. You need to determine if both dialogues have the same underlying emotion. The possible emotions are happy, sad, angry, or other. If they do output 'yes', if not output 'no'. Dialogue 1: 'by by all who follow u nice song that is not working properly'. Dialogue 2: 'what go on this thing adele is good rightm'. yes Dialogue 1: 'no cool i hot we are sweet taste'. Dialogue 2: 'can u tell her no i don't why '. yes Dialogue 1: 'english expressionlessface what 'what expressionlessface' whoa you're really stupid'. Dialogue 2: 'thats a good way to motivate thank you you're welcome you just made me more depressed'.
Teacher:In this task, you are given two phrases: Head and Tail, separated with <sep>. The Head and the Tail events are short phrases possibly involving participants. The names of specific people have been replaced by generic words (e.g., PersonX, PersonY, PersonZ). PersonX is always the subject of the event. You have to determine whether the Head happens after the Tail or not. Classify your answers into "Yes" and "No". The phrase may also contain "___", a placeholder that can be an object, a person, and/or an action. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Head: PersonX absolutely loved it<sep>Tail: PersonX went to see a movie Student:
Q: In this task, you will be given a list. The list is several integers and letters separated with a comma, written within a []. You can create new lists by dropping one of the items in the input list. Your task is to write a list containing all the possible lists you can make by dropping one item from the input list. For example, if the input list contains two items, you can drop one of the items each time. So the output should be a list comprising two inner lists that you have created by decreasing the items. ['t', 'r', 't', 'B'] A:
[['t', 'r', 't'], ['t', 'r', 'B'], ['t', 't', 'B'], ['r', 't', 'B']]
This task is about identifying the subject of a given sentence. The subject of a sentence is the person, place, or thing that is performing the action of the sentence. The subject represents what or whom the sentence is about. Each sentence in this task is guaranteed to contain a single subject. The input is a sentence and the output is the identified subject of that sentence. Ex Input: Alcobendas is located in Spain. Ex Output: Alcobendas Ex Input: Horton Smith is from the United States. Ex Output: Horton Smith Ex Input: Los Lagos has 0.6% of its population without power. Ex Output:
Los Lagos
Detailed Instructions: In this task the focus is on physical knowledge about the world. Given the provided goal task in the input, describe a process that would lead to the asked outcome. This process often involves physical motions with objects, such as moving them, arranging them in a certain way, mixing them, shaking them, etc. Problem:To scrub dirty dishes without a hard sponge. Solution:
Use a mesh fruit bag like the ones that oranges come in. Instead of tossing it out, ball it up and use it as an effective scouring pad for dirty dishes.
Detailed Instructions: Given a sentence in the Japanese, provide an equivalent translation in Filipino that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is. Q: 「保護者は私に学校はたくさんの活動に満ちていて子供は現実世界に関係のない物事を与えられていると言っている。」 A:
"Sinasabi sa akin ng mga magulang na nahuli ang mga paaralan ng maraming aktibista at binibigyan ang mga bata ng mga bagay na hindi angkop sa tunay na mundo."
In this task, you are given a sentence in the English and Hindi language. Your task is check if the Hindi sentence is translation of English. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No". English: All rail and underground stations remain closed, although efforts are being made to reopen them. Hindi: सभी रेल और भूमिगत स्टेशन बंद हैं, हालांकि उन्हें फिर से खोलने के प्रयास किए जा रहे हैं।
Given a statement, generate a question such that the answer is contained in that statement. Example input: Neurons deliver electrical impulses to other cells Example output: What do neurons deliver to other cells? Example explanation: The question generated is valid regarding the information in the statement. Q: Temperature refers to variable conditions day to day A:
What refers to variable conditions day to day?
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Given a sentence in the Japanese and Central Khmer language. Your task is check if the Khamer sentence is translation of Japanese. if the translation is correct than generate label "Yes", otherwise generate label "No". Japanese: ニューヨークを拠点とする独立の「ジャーナリスト保護委員会(CPJ)」は金曜日、その死に対する独自の調査を求めた。 Khamer: គណៈកម្មការឯករាជ្យការពារអ្នកកាសែត (CPJ) ដែលមានមូលដ្ឋាននៅទីក្រុងញ៉ូវយ៉ក បានអំពាវនាវកាលពីថ្ងៃសុក្រ អោយមានការស៊ើបអង្កេតឯករាជ្យមួយលើការស្លាប់នេះ។ Output:
Detailed Instructions: A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Tamil language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. See one example below: Problem: Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh today met Ms Solution: தொழிற்சங்க வேளாண் மற்றும் விவசாயிகள் நலத்துறை அமைச்சர் ஸ்ரீ ராதா மோகன் சிங் இன்று எம்.எஸ் Explanation: Correct translation for given sentence. Input sentence means 'Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Shri Radha Mohan Singh today met Ms' which is the same as the output sentence. Problem: My Government is making efforts with complete dedication to provide a safe and peaceful environment to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. Solution:
ஜம்மு காஷ்மீரில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுக்கு பாதுகாப்பு, அமைதியுடன் கூடிய சூழல் உருவாக முயற்சிகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றன.
This task is about translating a given French language sentence to English. Example: Vous avez fait quelque chose de tellement bien aujourd'hui ! Pourquoi vous m'évitez ? Example solution: You did such a great thing today, why are you avoiding me? Example explanation: This is a good example because the French sentence has been translated correctly to English. Problem: Je pense que le monde entier a principalement été élevé à ne pas être une fille.
Solution: I think the whole world has essentially been brought up not to be a girl.
Definition: In this task, you are given text for US Congressional and California state bills, your task is to generate a summary for this bill. Input: SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Encryption Standards and Procedures Act of 1994''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSES. (a) Findings.--The Congress finds the following: (1) Advancements in communications and information technology and the widespread use of that technology have enhanced the volume and value of domestic and international communication of electronic information as well as the ability to preserve the confidentiality, protect the privacy, and authenticate the origin, of that information. (2) The proliferation of communications and information technology has made it increasingly difficult for the government to obtain and decipher, in a timely manner and as provided by law, electronic information that is necessary to provide for public safety and national security. (3) The development of the Nation's information infrastructure and the realization of the full benefits of that infrastructure require that electronic information resident in, or communicated over, that infrastructure is secure, confidential, and authentic. (4) Security, privacy, and authentication of electronic information resident in, or communicated over, the Nation's information infrastructure are enhanced with the use of encryption technology. (5) The rights of individuals and other persons to security, privacy, and protection in their communications and in the dissemination and receipt of electronic information should be preserved and protected. (6) The authority and ability of the government to obtain and decipher, in a timely manner and as provided by law, electronic information necessary to provide for public safety and national security should also be preserved. (7) There is a national need to develop, adopt, and use encryption methods and procedures that advance the development of the Nation's information infrastructure and that preserve the personal rights referred to in paragraph (5) and the governmental authority and ability referred to in paragraph (6), as provided by law. (b) Purposes.--It is the purpose of this Act-- (1) to promote the development of the Nation's information infrastructure consistent with public welfare and safety, national security, and the privacy and protection of personal property; (2) to encourage and facilitate the development, adoption, and use of encryption standards and procedures that provide sufficient privacy, protection, and authentication of electronic information and that reasonably satisfy the needs of government to provide for public safety and national security; and (3) to establish Federal policy governing the development, adoption, and use of encryption standards and procedures and a Federal program to carry out that policy. SEC. 3. ENCRYPTION STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. (a) Computer System Security and Privacy Advisory Board.-- (1) Requirement of privacy expertise.--Section 21(a)(2) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act (15 U.S.C. 278g-4(a)(2)) is amended by inserting ``(including computer systems privacy)'' after ``related disciplines''. (2) Expanded functions.--Section 21(b) of such Act (15 U.S.C. 278g-4(b)) is amended-- (A) by striking ``and'' at the end of paragraph (2); (B) by striking the period at the end of paragraph (3) and inserting ``; and''; and (C) by adding after paragraph (3) the following new paragraph: ``(4) to advise the Institute and the Congress on privacy issues pertaining to electronic information and on encryption standards developed under section 31(b).''. (b) Standards and Procedures.--The National Institute of Standards and Technology Act is further amended-- (1) by redesignating section 31 as section 32; and (2) by inserting after section 30 the following new section 31: ``SEC. 31. ENCRYPTION STANDARDS AND PROCEDURES. ``(a) Establishment and Authority.--The Secretary, acting through the Director, shall establish an Encryption Standards and Procedures Program to carry out this section. In carrying out this section, the Secretary, acting through the Director, may (in addition to the authority provided under section 2) conduct research and development on encryption standards and procedures, make grants, and enter into contracts, cooperative agreements, joint ventures, royalty arrangements, and licensing agreements on such terms and conditions the Secretary considers appropriate. ``(b) Federal Encryption Standards.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary, acting through the Director and after providing notice to the public and an opportunity for comment, may by regulation develop encryption standards as part of the program established under subsection (a). ``(2) Requirements.--Any encryption standard developed under paragraph (1)-- ``(A) shall, to the maximum extent practicable, provide for the confidentiality, integrity, or authenticity of electronic information; ``(B) shall advance the development, and enhance the security, of the Nation's information infrastructure; ``(C) shall contribute to public safety and national security; ``(D) shall not diminish existing privacy rights of individuals and other persons; ``(E) shall preserve the functional ability of the government to decipher, in a timely manner, electronic information that has been obtained pursuant to an electronic surveillance permitted by law; ``(F) may be implemented in software, firmware, hardware, or any combination thereof; and ``(G) shall include a validation program to determine the extent to which such standards have been implemented in conformance with the requirements set forth in this paragraph. ``(3) Consultation.--Standards developed under paragraph (1) shall be developed in consultation with the heads of other appropriate Federal agencies. ``(c) Permitted Use of Standards.--The Federal Government shall make available for public use any standard established under subsection (b), except that nothing in this Act may be construed to require such use by any individual or other person. ``(d) Escrow Agents.-- ``(1) Designation.--If a key escrow encryption standard is established under subsection (b), the President shall designate at least 2 Federal agencies that satisfy the qualifications referred to in paragraph (2) to act as key escrow agents for that standard. ``(2) Qualifications.--A key escrow agent designated under paragraph (1) shall be a Federal agency that-- ``(A) possesses the capability, competency, and resources to administer the key escrow encryption standard, to safeguard sensitive information related to it, and to carry out the responsibilities set forth in paragraph (3) in a timely manner; and ``(B) is not a Federal agency that is authorized by law to conduct electronic surveillance. ``(3) Responsibilities.--A key escrow agent designated under paragraph (1) shall, by regulation and in consultation with the Secretary and any other key escrow agent designated under such paragraph, establish procedures and take other appropriate steps-- ``(A) to safeguard the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of keys or components thereof held by the agent pursuant to this subsection; ``(B) to preserve the integrity of any key escrow encryption standard established under subsection (b) for which the agent holds the keys or components thereof; ``(C) to hold and manage the keys or components thereof consistent with the requirements of this section and the encryption standard established under subsection (b); and ``(D) to carry out the responsibilities set forth in this paragraph in the most effective and efficient manner practicable. ``(4) Authority.--A key escrow agent designated under paragraph (1) may enter into contracts, cooperative agreements, and joint ventures and take other appropriate steps to carry out its responsibilities. ``(e) Limitations on Access and Use.-- ``(1) Release of key to certain agencies.--A key escrow agent designated under subsection (d) may release a key or component thereof held by the agent pursuant to that subsection only to a Federal agency that is authorized by law to conduct electronic surveillance and that is authorized to obtain and use the key or component by court order or other provision of law. An entity to whom a key or component thereof has been released under this paragraph may use the key or component thereof only in the manner and for the purpose and duration that is expressly provided for in the court order or other provision of law authorizing such release and use. ``(2) Limitation on use by private persons and foreign citizens.-- ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), a person (including a person not a citizen or permanent resident of the United States) that is not an agency of the Federal Government or a State or local government shall not have access to or use keys associated with an encryption standard established under subsection (b). ``(B) Exception.--A representative of a foreign government may have access to and use a key associated with an encryption standard established under subsection (b) only if the President determines that such access and use is in the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States. The President shall prescribe the manner and conditions of any such access and use. ``(3) Limit on use by government agencies.--A government agency, instrumentality, or political subdivision thereof shall not have access to or use a key or component thereof associated with an encryption standard established under subsection (b) that is held by a key escrow agent under subsection (d) unless such access or use is authorized by this section, by court order, or by other law. ``(f) Review and Report.-- ``(1) In general.--Within 2 years after the date of the enactment of this Act and at least once every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary shall conduct a hearing on the record in which all interested parties shall have an opportunity to comment on the extent to which encryption standards, procedures, and requirements established under this section have succeeded in fulfilling the purposes of this section and the manner and extent to which such standards, procedures, and requirements can be improved. ``(2) Report.--Upon completion of a hearing conducted under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall submit to the Congress a report containing a statement of the Secretary's findings pursuant to the hearing along with recommendations and a plan for correcting any deficiencies or abuses in achieving the purposes of this section that are identified as a result of the hearing. ``(g) Regulations.--Within one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary and each key escrow agent designated by the President under subsection (d) shall, after notice to the public and opportunity for comment, issue any regulations necessary to carry out this section. ``(h) Liability.--The United States shall not be liable for any loss incurred by any individual or other person resulting from any compromise or security breach of any encryption standard established under subsection (b) or any violation of this section or any regulation or procedure established by or under this section by-- ``(1) any person who is not an official or employee of the United States; or ``(2) any person who is an official or employee of the United States, unless such compromise, breach, or violation is willful. ``(i) Severability.--If any provision of this section, or the application thereof, to any person or circumstance, is held invalid, the remainder of this section, and the application thereof, to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. ``(j) Definitions.--For purposes of this section: ``(1) The term `content', when used with respect to electronic information, includes the substance, purport, or meaning of that information. ``(2) The term `electronic communications system' has the meaning given such term in section 2510(14) of title 18, United States Code. ``(3) The term `encryption' means a method-- ``(A) to encipher and decipher the content of electronic information to protect the privacy and security of such information; or ``(B) to verify the integrity, or authenticate the origin, of electronic information. ``(4) The term `encryption standard' means a technical, management, physical, or administrative standard or associated guideline or procedure for conducting encryption, including key escrow encryption, to ensure or verify the integrity, authenticity, or confidentiality of electronic information that, regardless of application or purpose, is stored, processed, transmitted, or otherwise communicated domestically or internationally in any public or private electronic communications system. ``(5) The term `key escrow encryption' means an encryption method that allows the government, pursuant to court order or other provision of law, to decipher electronic information that has been encrypted with that method by using a unique secret code or key that is, in whole or in part, held by and obtained from a key escrow agent. ``(6) The term `key escrow agent' means an entity designated by the President under subsection (d) to hold and manage keys associated with an encryption standard established under subsection (b). ``(7) The term `key' means a unique secret code or character string that enables a party other than the sender, holder, or intended recipient of electronic information to decipher such information that has been enciphered with a corresponding encryption standard established under subsection (b) only with such code or string. ``(8) The term `electronic information' means the content, source, or destination of any information in any electronic form and in any medium which has not been specifically authorized by a Federal statute or an Executive Order to be kept secret in the interest of national defense or foreign policy and which is stored, processed, transmitted or otherwise communicated, domestically or internationally, in an electronic communications system, and ``(A) electronic communication within the meaning of section 2510(12) of title 18, United States Code; or ``(B) wire communication within the meaning of section 2510(1) of such title. ``(9) The term `government' means the Federal Government, a State or political subdivision of a State, the District of Columbia, or a commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States. ``(k) Authorization of Appropriations.-- ``(1) In general.--From amounts otherwise authorized to be appropriated to the Secretary of Commerce for fiscal years 1995 through 1997 to carry out the programs of the Institute, the amount of $50,000,000 shall be available for such fiscal years to carry out this section. Such amount shall remain available until expended. Of such amount, $1,000,000 shall be available for the National Research Council study on national cryptography policy authorized under section 267 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1994 (10 U.S.C 421 note). ``(2) Transfer authority.--The Secretary may transfer funds appropriated pursuant to paragraph (1) to a key escrow agent other than the Secretary in amounts sufficient to cover the cost of carrying out the responsibilities of the agent under this section. Funds so transferred shall remain available until expended.''. HR 5199 IH----2 Output:
Encryption Standards and Procedures Act of 1994 - Amends the National Institute of Standards and Technology Act to establish an Encryption Standards and Procedures Program to: (1) promote the development of an information infrastructure consistent with public welfare, national security, and the privacy and protection of personal property; (2) encourage the development and use of encryption standards; and (3) establish related Federal policies and standards.
Instructions: Given a sentence in the Thai, provide an equivalent translation in Japanese that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is. Input: การเคลื่อนไหวนี้ตีความหมายว่าสหรัฐอเมริกาจะปราศจากผู้จัดหาและจัดส่งตัวยา Sodium thiopental Output:
Given a story, answer the question about the story. The question is the last sentence in the input. The story has one of the three following scenarios: the first is when the individual's belief matches reality, the second is when the individual's belief does not match reality, and the third is when an individual has a false belief about another individual's beliefs. The question will ask about the location of an object in the story with respect to either none or one of the three scenarios. Note that there are distractor sentences in each story that are unrelated to the question and are designed to confuse the reader. Q: Ethan entered the garden. Avery entered the garden. The broccoli is in the red_pantry. Ethan moved the broccoli to the green_basket. Where was the broccoli at the beginning? A:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you're given a pair of sentences, sentence 1 and sentence 2, that neither agree with nor contradict each other. Your job is to alter sentence 2 so that the pair clearly agree with each other. Generated sentences must be short, with less than 15 words. New information can be introduced. Avoid using pronouns to confuse the subject of the sentence. Sentence 1: Two women, one wearing red and one wearing black, playing violins at a concert. Sentence 2: Two women are playing at a concert in New York.
These two women are playing music.
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Spanish. One example: Udostępniam rozwiązanie. Jestem bardzo szczęśliwy. Solution is here: Brindo soluciones. Estoy muy feliz. Explanation: The Polish sentence is correctly translated into Spanish, because the meaning is preserved. Now, solve this: Stawiając pytanie trochę bardziej serio, jakie są minimalne wymogi, żeby, tak jak wy, samorzutnie się zsynchronizować? Solution:
Planteado la pregunta un poco más seriamente, preguntémonos cuáles son los requerimientos mínimos para lograr lo que acaban de hacer, para la sincronización espontánea.
You are given a review about a place. You need to provide a rating from "1 star" to "5 stars" for this place. Input: Consider Input: Please tell me why do I need to make a reservation on a Monday @ 6 pm in order to sit in a primarily empty restaurant? \n\nTrue, a few of us weren't looking our best, considering we just got off a plane. But we were on the way to Bellagio Buffet and instead, got tempted by the FIX pre-fixe menu on display. Something we sadly did not even get.\n\nWe opted for appetizers: overpriced, cute, tiny hot wings, fried rock shrimp and calamari, deep fried spring rolls, and gorgonzola fig prosciutto pizza.\n\nWow, $160 for all of that? \n\nShould've kept on walking towards Buffet. I'm still sad that I didn't even eat at one! Output: 2 stars Input: Consider Input: We had really poor, slow, unfriendly service and the food (breakfast potatoes in particular) was obviously from a freezer bag. Tasteless, low-quality food. Would not go back again. Output: 2 stars Input: Consider Input: Woke up this morning....Ron's Birthday today so I suggested we go out to breakfast around 10am. We were going to go to one of our old standbys and then I remembered we wanted to try Bacon sometime. \n\nWe got there and all of the sliding door/windows were open and the misters going. aaahhhh Scottsdale in the early summer. We were seated right away. Took a bit of time for our waiter to notice we were there, but he was very attentive once he came over to our table. \n\nI ordered the breakfast sandwich (cant remember the unusual name) that was scrambled eggs on and English muffin with Canadian bacon and Gruyere cheese. HEAVEN!!! if you love stinky cheese like I do. The side of potato's were done to perfection with fresh herbs sprinkled on top. There was also a side of beans that I though were unimaginative. \n\nOverall the food was yummy and the atmosphere and service very good. A definite new one on our list of breakfast places in Old Town.
Output: 4 stars
Teacher:This task is to translate a news commentary given in Dutch language into Portuguese language. Translate the input statement into the output language while preserving the numberical values, special characters and proper nouns and context of the commentary done. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: Dat leidde tot de volgende stap: Buitenlandse bedrijven die in China willen investeren, mochten gebruik maken van deze deposito's door obligaties in yuan uit te geven, en uitverkoren buitenlandse financiële instellingen mochten yuan beleggen op de Chinese markt voor interbancaire obligaties. Student:
Isso levou ao próximo passo: as firmas estrangeiras que queriam investir na China foram autorizadas a dispor desses depósitos através da emissão de títulos denominados em renminbi, e foi permitido a determinadas instituições financeiras offshore que investissem fundos em renminbi no mercado interbancário de títulos na China.
Q: In this task, you will be given a short story. One sentence from the story is chosen. Consider the events that happen after that sentence. Is any of them directly caused by it, or is made possible by it? You should write your answer in the form " A >causes/enables> B". Try to use phrases and sentences from the story to compose your answer when possible. Do not change the main selected sentence in your answer. story: I remember my first car. It was a yellow Datsun 240Z. It was a two seat sports car that was fast. I was young and I loved it. I would still get one today. selected sentence: It was a two seat sports car that was fast. A:
The car is fast >Causes/Enables> I drive fast
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a sentence in Spanish and your task is to translate it into English. In translation, keep the numbers and capitalization (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and name). Problem:Pero, como también es sabido, se espera una comunicación de la Comisión sobre la coherencia, junto con la comunicación sobre "política de desarrollo". Solution:
But as you will also be aware, we are waiting for a Commission communication on coherence, together with the communication on development policy.
Part 1. Definition In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question and you have to pick the correct option. Answer with option indexes (i.e., "A", "B", "C", and "D"). Part 2. Example Deserts are in extremely dry environments, so liquids will naturally be (A) rainbow (B) plentiful (C) meager (D) talented Answer: C Explanation: This is a good example and the output correctly answers the question. Part 3. Exercise Playing music at a certain frequency may (A) shatter a glass (B) send sound outside (C) hurt your teeth (D) crack a mirror Answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given a context paragraph of the tweet and question. Your task is to generate right answer of given question based on given context tweet paragraph. Q: Context: We did it! We raised the funds needed to purchase airplane tkts to Sweden! Watch out world, here comes @DarfurUnited! #GoDU! #WEdidit— Darfur United (@DarfurUnited) May 19, 2014 Question: what was darfur united raising money to buy? A:
airplane tickets to sweden
Given a paragraph from a Wikipedia article about some topic, and a question related to the topic, determine whether the question is answerable from the paragraph. If the question is answerable, answer "True", otherwise, answer "False". Let me give you an example: Another approach to brain function is to examine the consequences of damage to specific brain areas. Even though it is protected by the skull and meninges, surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid, and isolated from the bloodstream by the blood–brain barrier, the delicate nature of the brain makes it vulnerable to numerous diseases and several types of damage. In humans, the effects of strokes and other types of brain damage have been a key source of information about brain function. Because there is no ability to experimentally control the nature of the damage, however, this information is often difficult to interpret. In animal studies, most commonly involving rats, it is possible to use electrodes or locally injected chemicals to produce precise patterns of damage and then examine the consequences for behavior. Question: What is surrounded by cerebrospinal fluid? The answer to this example can be: True Here is why: The paragraph comes from the wikipedia page on the brain. The answer to the question is the brain which can be found in the paragraph. OK. solve this: Imperial College TVICTV (formerly STOIC (Student Television of Imperial College)) is Imperial College Union's TV station, founded in 1969 and operated from a small TV studio in the Electrical Engineering block. The department had bought an early AMPEX Type A 1-inch videotape recorder and this was used to produce an occasional short news programme which was then played to students by simply moving the VTR and a monitor into a common room. A cable link to the Southside halls of residence was laid in a tunnel under Exhibition Road in 1972. Besides the news, early productions included a film of the Queen opening what was then called College Block and interview programmes with DJ Mike Raven, Richard O'Brian and Monty Python producer Ian MacNaughton. The society was renamed to ICTV for the start of the 2014/15 academic year. Question: Which of the following is not a politician: Rajiv Gandhi, Huw Thomas, or Julius Vogel? Answer:
In this task, you are given a dialogue from a conversation between an agent and a customer. Your task is to determine the speaker of the dialogue. Answer with "agent" or "customer". One example is below. Q: Hello. How may I aid you today? A: agent Rationale: This is a pretty straightforward dialogue, and the speaker wants to help the other. So, the agent is the speaker. Q: I want to change my recent reservation due to some health issue. A:
Given a statement, generate a question such that the answer is contained in that statement. Example Input: humans have ovaries Example Output: What do humans have? Example Input: fly infection is established when flys enter through the skin Example Output: What is established when flys enter through the skin? Example Input: Temperature refers to variable conditions day to day Example Output:
What refers to variable conditions day to day?
Given two noun phrases (arguments) and relationship between them, form a sentence that expresses theses arguments with the given relationship. Relationship: 'be host', Argument/Subject 1: 'china', Argument/Subject 2: 'olympics'
China will host the Beijing 2008 Olympics Games this year .
You will be given a definition of a task first, then an example. Follow the example to solve a new instance of the task. In this task, you are given a paragraph, a question, and a candidate incorrect answer to the question. Your goal is to judge whether the provided answer is a valid incorrect answer to a given question. An incorrect answer should not truthfully answer the given question. A good incorrect answer should be closely related to the content of the paragraph and/or the question so that the readers are forced to read the whole paragraph to infer its [in]correctness. Additionally, an incorrect answer should be of the same semantic type as the given correct answer (e.g., both can be names of locations). If you think the given incorrect answer is good(and incorrect), indicate it by responding "Yes". Otherwise, respond "No". There are only two types of responses possible:"Yes" and "No". Paragraph- Sent 1: It was hot that day. Sent 2: The temperature on the wall of the backyard was showing something well over 100 F. Sent 3: Meanwhile Tom, at home, was trying finish the remainder of carrots from last night, and packing for his trip to Chicago tomorrow. Sent 4: As employees of the Art Museum, Tom and his older cousin often had to travel to Chicago. Question: What was the temperature outside, when Tom was eating carrots? Incorrect Answer: Far below 100 F. Solution: Yes. Why? This is a good incorrect answer, as the words corresponding to this answer appear in the the paragraph (at least partially). They are also related to the content of the question (temperature), but do not answer the question correctly. Someone will have to carefully read the paragraph to identify that these don't answer the question correctly. Therefore, this is labelled as "yes" and thus it is a good response. New input: Paragraph- Sent 1: Juzo Murasaki arrives at a work construction area to take on his new job as a construction worker . Sent 2: To his quiet dismay , his supervising boss turns out to be Toru Akai , who with his gang had made Juzo 's middle school life a living hell . Sent 3: Akai , however , does n't recognize Juzo . Sent 4: Juzo 's more disconcerted when he discovers that Akai lives with his wife , Nozomi Akai and their toddler son above Juzo 's new apartment . Sent 5: As Juzo emotionally struggles to handle these unexpected developments , a mysterious and seemingly malicious hooded figure appears . Sent 6: It calls itself Number 13 . Sent 7: As Juzo attempts to control increasing number of flashbacks and a spiral fall into psychological darkness , Akai constantly picks on Juzo and other work colleagues including Seki Hajime , a former middle school student who becomes Juzo 's casual friend in spite of Juzo 's anti-social tendencies , at work . Sent 8: Meanwhile Akai 's wife , Nozomi , attempts to make friends with Juzo and entrusting the care of her toddler son to Juzo . Sent 9: She proudly shows Juzo her husband 's school photos . Sent 10: In one class photo , Juzo 's space is marked with an X to show he was absent . Sent 11: Juzo suffers a severe flashback to explain his absence that day : in their school 's science room , Akai and his friends have thrown acid at Juzo 's face . Sent 12: Seki becomes suspicious about Juzo 's increasingly odd behavior and goes to inform Arai at the work site , but Arai dismisses him without giving him a chance to speak . Sent 13: During this incident , Seki does n't realize he 's being watched by Number 13 , but as soon as he does , Number 13 kills him . Question: What did a mysterious and seemingly malicious hooded figure calls itself? Incorrect Answer: dark avenger. Solution:
A text is given in English. Translate it from the English language to the Tamil language. The translation must not omit or add information to the original sentence. Q: Oli ji has dreamed of a Prosperous Nepal, Happy Nepalese. A: “வளமான நேபாளம் – மகிழ்ச்சியான நேபாளம்” என்பதே ஷர்மா ஒலியின் கனவாக உள்ளது. **** Q: DRDO successfully flew its Rustom 2 today at its Aeronautical Test Range(ATR) at Chalakere at Chitradurga. A: பாதுகாப்பு ஆராய்ச்சி மற்றும் மேம்பாட்டு நிறுவனம் அதன் ரஸ்டம் 2 ரக விமானத்தை சித்ரதுர்காவின் சாலக்கேரேயில் உள்ள விமானப்படை சோதனைத் தளத்தில் வெற்றிகரமாகச் சோதித்தது. **** Q: My Government is making efforts with complete dedication to provide a safe and peaceful environment to the residents of Jammu and Kashmir. A:
ஜம்மு காஷ்மீரில் வசிக்கும் மக்களுக்கு பாதுகாப்பு, அமைதியுடன் கூடிய சூழல் உருவாக முயற்சிகள் மேற்கொள்ளப்பட்டு வருகின்றன. ****
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you need to Translate Czech text to English. Riešenie sa týká nových 3-alkoxy- . i mety1-4-hydroxyfenylalkylketónov všeobecně- : ho vzorca I, v ktorom R1 je alkyl s 1 až I 2 atómaml uhlíka, R2 je alkyl 3 lineárnym refazcom s 1 až 19 atómami uhlíka, alkyl s | rozvětveným retazcom a 3 až 5 atomami uhlí- ; ka a alkenyl s 3 atómami uhlíka i spósobu J přípravy reakciou 4-hydroxy-3-chlórmetylfe- j nylalkylketónov II s příslušným alkoholom ! III v prostředí hydrogénuhličitanu sodného. 1 ; Zlúčeniny tohto typu sa móžu použit ako i : východiskové suroviny pre přípravu biologie-* ky aktívných látok. Output:
The solution relates to new 3-alkoxy-. and methyl 4-hydroxyphenylalkyl ketones in general: of formula I wherein R 1 is alkyl of 1 to 1 2 is a carbon atom, R 2 is a linear 3 alkyl with 1 to 19 carbon atoms, alkyl with 1 to 19 carbon atoms; branched chain and 3 to 5 carbon atoms; and alkenyl having 3 carbon atoms and J by preparation of 4-hydroxy-3-chloromethylphenol nylalkyl ketones II with the appropriate alcohol! III in sodium bicarbonate. 1; Compounds of this type can also be used as: raw materials for biology- active substances.
Given the task definition, example input & output, solve the new input case. In this task, you are given a hateful post in English from online platforms. You are expected to classify the target being harassed in the post as individual or generic, i.e., single person or a group of people. Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Example: Post: Stop tweeting about your boyfriend. No one gives a shit. And you're gonna break up in a month anyway #WomenSuck Output: Individual The target being harassed in the post is the person he or she is replying to. Thus, the post should be classified as individual. New input case for you: Post: @kathygriffin Which one of the two wins the prize for most hysterical woman? Output:
Definition: In this task, you are given two strings A, B. Find the longest common substring in the strings A and B. Input: DRUNELNZbOOSvJah, qgzNZbOOSvJPNiTIVic Output:
This task is about translating a given French language sentence to English. [Q]: Les copains d'abord. [A]: Bros come before hos [Q]: RB: [A]: RB: [Q]: Je pense que le monde entier a principalement été élevé à ne pas être une fille. [A]:
I think the whole world has essentially been brought up not to be a girl.
You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Spanish. [EX Q]: Jak? Wyliczenia Einsteina pokazują, że gdy przestrzeń jest wypełniona energią, jak jednolitą, niewidoczną mgłą, wtedy grawitacja tej mgły odpycha. wtedy grawitacja tej mgły odpycha. Otrzymujemy antygrawitację, co wyjaśnia te obserwacje. [EX A]: ¿Cómo? Bueno, según los cálculos de Einstein si el espacio está ocupado uniformemente por una energía invisible, una especie de niebla uniforme e invisible, entonces la gravedad generada por esa niebla sería repelente, gravedad expansiva, que es justo lo que necesitamos para explicar las observaciones. [EX Q]: Odkryliśmy, że osoby te tak się angażują, bo nie mogą w pełni zrealizować się w pracy. [EX A]: Encontramos el por qué las personas estaban interesadas en esto, es que no sienten que se expresan en el trabajo. [EX Q]: Stawiając pytanie trochę bardziej serio, jakie są minimalne wymogi, żeby, tak jak wy, samorzutnie się zsynchronizować? [EX A]:
Planteado la pregunta un poco más seriamente, preguntémonos cuáles son los requerimientos mínimos para lograr lo que acaban de hacer, para la sincronización espontánea.
Instructions: In this task, a passage will be given and the goal is to identify an event from the passage. An event is defined as a single word representing something that happened, is happening, or may happen. An event can be factual or hypothetical, positive or negative, certain or uncertain. While most events are based on verbs, an event can also be based on a noun (ex. storm, snow, rainfall) or a copula verb (is, was, been, etc.). The event must not be a pronoun or an adjective. For noun events with multiple words, use the last word in the phrase as event. Input: Passage: Considered the first "pop-star" footballer, Best brought Northern Ireland a dash of glamour and sporting wizardry as it descended towards sectarian bloodshed. Best is considered as being among football's finest ever players. Output:
In this task, you will be given two sentences separated by "because". You should decide whether the first sentence can be the result of the second sentence. If you can see a possible cause and effect relationship, answer with "plausible", otherwise answer with "not plausible". Q: the runner wore shorts because it was so cold outside A:
not plausible
In this task, you are given a multiple-choice question and you have to pick the correct option. Answer with option indexes (i.e., "A", "B", "C", and "D"). -------- Question: A cloud that begins to precipitate onto the ground is (A) fluttering (B) laughing (C) crowing (D) leaking Answer: D Question: In order for crops to grow food safely pesticides are used on them. When it floods, this can cause what to be poisonous? (A) Corn (B) air (C) Runoff (D) farmers Answer: C Question: Playing music at a certain frequency may (A) shatter a glass (B) send sound outside (C) hurt your teeth (D) crack a mirror Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. In this task, you are given a sentence in English, and your task is to translate it into Persian. thats my job , baby thats what i do .
اين كاريه كه من دارم ، عزيزم از پسش برميام .
TASK DEFINITION: Given a paragraph from a Wikipedia article about some topic, and a question related to the topic, determine whether the question is answerable from the paragraph. If the question is answerable, answer "True", otherwise, answer "False". PROBLEM: Oklahoma City has a very active severe weather season from March through June, especially during April and May. Being in the center of what is colloquially referred to as Tornado Alley, it is prone to especially frequent and severe tornadoes, as well as very severe hailstorms and occasional derechoes. Tornadoes have occurred in every month of the year and a secondary smaller peak also occurs during autumn, especially October. The Oklahoma City metropolitan area is one of the most tornado-prone major cities in the world, with about 150 tornadoes striking within the city limits since 1890. Since the time weather records have been kept, Oklahoma City has been struck by thirteen violent tornadoes, eleven F/EF4s and two F/EF5. On May 3, 1999 parts of southern Oklahoma City and nearby suburban communities suffered from one of the most powerful tornadoes on record, an F5 on the Fujita scale, with wind speeds estimated by radar at 318 mph (510 km/h). On May 20, 2013, far southwest Oklahoma City, along with Newcastle and Moore, was hit again by a EF5 tornado; it was 0.5 to 1.3 miles (0.80 to 2.09 km) wide and killed 23 people. Less than two weeks later, on May 31, another outbreak affected the Oklahoma City area, including an EF1 and an EF0 within the city and a tornado several miles west of the city that was 2.6 miles (4.2 km) in width, the widest tornado ever recorded. Question: What does the F stand for in EF4? SOLUTION: True PROBLEM: Augustus' religious reformations raised the funding and public profile of the Vestals. They were given high-status seating at games and theatres. The emperor Claudius appointed them as priestesses to the cult of the deified Livia, wife of Augustus. They seem to have retained their religious and social distinctions well into the 4th century, after political power within the Empire had shifted to the Christians. When the Christian emperor Gratian refused the office of pontifex maximus, he took steps toward the dissolution of the order. His successor Theodosius I extinguished Vesta's sacred fire and vacated her temple. Question: What did Cicero think of religion in general? SOLUTION: False PROBLEM: Imperial College TVICTV (formerly STOIC (Student Television of Imperial College)) is Imperial College Union's TV station, founded in 1969 and operated from a small TV studio in the Electrical Engineering block. The department had bought an early AMPEX Type A 1-inch videotape recorder and this was used to produce an occasional short news programme which was then played to students by simply moving the VTR and a monitor into a common room. A cable link to the Southside halls of residence was laid in a tunnel under Exhibition Road in 1972. Besides the news, early productions included a film of the Queen opening what was then called College Block and interview programmes with DJ Mike Raven, Richard O'Brian and Monty Python producer Ian MacNaughton. The society was renamed to ICTV for the start of the 2014/15 academic year. Question: Which of the following is not a politician: Rajiv Gandhi, Huw Thomas, or Julius Vogel? SOLUTION:
Teacher: Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? If you are still confused, see the following example: Stimulating the mind helps the brain to grow essential neural cells . Solution: Stimulating the learning helps the brain to grow new neural cells . Reason: This is a good example of a change in the input. The created sentence is semantically similar to the input as both are talking about growing essential neural cells and the changes in the sentence follows the commonsense knowledge. Now, solve this instance: You can use a quote to sell goods . Student:
You can use a shop to Buy goods .
Teacher:You are given a sentence in English. Your job is to translate the English sentence into Japanese. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: While it's true that many who died in Katrina did not have access to transportation, others who did refused to leave as the storm approached, often because available transportation and shelters refused to allow them to take their pets. Student:
Q: In this task you will be given an arithmetic operation in Italian and you have to find its answer. The operations 'addition' and 'subtraction' have been replaced with their italian translations i.e you need to perform addition when you see 'aggiunta' and subtraction in case of 'sottrazione'. 1450 sottrazione 1692 sottrazione 814 A:
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the fill-in-the-blank question for this answer based on the given article. The blanks are always at the end of the question, and can be filled with more than one word or phrase. Example input: Article: Homework can put you in a badmood , and that might actually be a good thing. Researchers from the University of Plymouth in England doubted whether mood might affect the way kids learn. To find out the answer, they did two experiments with children. The first experiment tested 30 kids. Someshapes were hidden inside a different, larger picture. The kids had to find the small shapes while sitting in a room with either cheerful or sad music playing in the background. To test their mood, the scientists asked the kids to point to one of five faces, from happy to sad. Children who listened to cheerful music tended to point to the smiley faces while the others pointed to the unhappy ones. The researchers found that sad kids took at least a second less to find the small shapes. They also found an average of three or four more shapes. In the second experiment, 61 children watched one of two scenes from a film. One scene was happy, and the other was sad. Just like in the first experiment, kids who saw the sad scene acted better compared to the others. The researchers guessed that feeling down makes people more likely to focus on a problem or difficult situation. Not all scientists agree with them, however. Other studies argued that maybe, that cheerful music in the first experiment distracted kids from finding shapes. While scientists work on finding out the answers, it still might be wise to choose when to do your tasks according to your mood. After eating a delicious ice cream, for example, write an essay. Answer: whether mood affects their learning ability Example output: Researchers did experiments on kids in order to find out _ . Example explanation: It is clearly mentioned in the article that to the check effect of mood on children is the main purpose of the experiment. Q: Article: Foreign attacks on U. S. soil 1812 ---- During the War of 1812, British forces burned the new capital at Washington, D. C. They also attacked Baltimore and New Orleans and captured Detroit, which at the time was a remote military outpost . 1846 ---- A brief invasion by Mexican troops across the Rio Gande began the U. S. - Mexican War in 1846. But the remaining action in that conflict occurred in California, New Mexico and in Mexico. California and New Mexico belonged to Mexico at the time. 1916 ---- Mexican revolutionaries led by Pancho Villa attacked the town of Columbus, N. M., on March 9, 1916. 1941 -- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941, killing nearly 2,400 people and forcing America into World War II. 1993 ---- Terrorists blew up a truck bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center in February 1993, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000. 2001 ---- Terrorists hijacked several planes on Sep.11, 2001. Two ploughed into New York's World Trade Center (WTC), _ the two highest buildings in the city; a third seriously damaged the Pentagon . The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Several thousand people were killed in the attacks. Answer: destroyed the Pentagon completely A:
During the September 11th terrorist attacks, _ .
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Japanese. Your job is to translate the Japanese sentence into Hebrew. See one example below: Problem: 人の脳の何がそんなに特別なのでしょうか ? Solution: מה מייחד את המוח האנושי? Explanation: The Japanese sentence is correctly translated into Hebrew, because they both refer to the human brain. Problem: でもブラジルは日本と中国に売るでしょうアメリカにはトウモロコシ農家を守るための関税障壁がありますが、あちらにはありませんから Solution:
אבל הם ימכרו את זה ליפן או סין במקום, מכיוון שלנו יש מיסי מגן להגנת מגדלי התירס ולהם אין.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given inputs i and A, where i is an integer and A is a list. You need to output the first i elements of A, starting with the 1st element in A. i will always have a value less than the length of A Problem:3, ['4183', 'Z', '3001', 'q', '8791', '6203', 'W', '7761', '8909', '1483', 'E', '6699', 'K'] Solution:
4183, Z, 3001
instruction: In this task, you are given a dialogue from a conversation between an agent and a customer. Your task is to determine the speaker of the dialogue. Answer with "agent" or "customer". question: I am Samuel Wilson. answer: customer question: Sure, I can help you in booking the flight ticket. Could you please let me know your travel dates? answer: agent question: I want to change my recent reservation due to some health issue. answer:
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given context and an answer. Your task is to generate the question for this answer based on the given context with commonsense reasoning about social situations.. Q: Context: Tracy met Skylar at the station to pick her up from school like she said she would. Answer: get food A:
What will Tracy want to do next?
In this task, you need to output 'Yes' if the given number is a prime number otherwise output 'No'. A 'prime number' is a a whole number above 1 that can not be made by multiplying other whole numbers. 92309
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. Classify the relation of question with context to one of these categories: 1) award received, 2) based on, collection, 3) conflict, 4) constellation, 5) convicted of, 6) date of death, 7) director, 8) drafted by, 9) educated at, 10) medical condition, 11) military branch, 12) narrative location, 13) occupation, 14) original network, 15) parent company, 16) point in time, 17) production company, 18) residence, 19) series, 20) service entry, 21) sex or gender, 22) spouse, 23) standards body question. Context : Martin Bayne was born in Binghamton, New York in 1950. Question : What medical condition did Martin Bayne have? Output:
medical condition
Definition: In this task, you're given the title of a story consisting of five sentences, numbered 1 through 5. Your job is to arrange the sentences in order to make a story that makes complete sense and is apt for the title. Indicate your answer using the number of the sentences in order, such as '34152'. Input: Title: New Rug. Sentence 1: Our cat immediately got on top of it. Sentence 2: We got a new rug today. Sentence 3: She started lying down on her back. Sentence 4: It was very plush. Sentence 5: We are glad she approves. Output:
Instructions: Given a sentence in the Japanese, provide an equivalent translation in Lao that retains the same meaning through the translation. In translation, keep numbers as it is. Input: Newspollの最近の世論調査データは、ALPが世論調査でジョン・ハワード連立政権に10か月近く負けている状況が終わった2005年10月以来の支持率首位という高い数字を辛くも獲得しており、有権者からの支持を取り戻し始めていることを示唆している。 Output:
ຂໍ້ມູນການເລືອກຕັ້ງໃນປະຈຸບັນຈາກ ນິວສ໌ພູ ແນະນຳວ່າ ເອແອລພີ ກຳລັງເລີ່ມໄດ້ຮັບການສະໜັບສະໜູນຄືນໃນການເລືອກຕັ້ງ ເລືອກຕັ້ງໄດ້ເປີເຊັນຂອງການສະໜັບສະໜູນຫຼັດສູງກວ່າຕັ້ງແຕ່ທ້າຍເດືອນ ຕຸລາ 2005 ສິ້ນສຸດເກືອບ 10 ເດືອນ ຂອງການຢູ່ຫຼັງ ລັດທະບານປະສົມຂອງ ຈອນ ຮາວາດໃນການເລືອກຕັ້ງ.
In this task, you are given a sentence in the Swedish language and a corresponding English translation of the Swedish sentence. Your task is to generate a label "Yes" if the translation is correct, otherwise generate label "No". Q: Swedish: Herr talman, herr kommissionär, mina damer och herrar! Jag ansluter mig till alla dem som har uttalat sin solidaritet med offren för stormen. English: Mr President, Commissioner, I second all those who expressed their solidarity with the storm victims. A:
In this task, you are given a paragraph, a question, and a candidate incorrect answer to the question. Your goal is to judge whether the provided answer is a valid incorrect answer to a given question. An incorrect answer should not truthfully answer the given question. A good incorrect answer should be closely related to the content of the paragraph and/or the question so that the readers are forced to read the whole paragraph to infer its [in]correctness. Additionally, an incorrect answer should be of the same semantic type as the given correct answer (e.g., both can be names of locations). If you think the given incorrect answer is good(and incorrect), indicate it by responding "Yes". Otherwise, respond "No". There are only two types of responses possible:"Yes" and "No". Paragraph- Sent 1: A stranger in town meets pretty young Susan Martinez De La Cruz and accompanies her to a barbecue , where wealthy Jason Carberry is saying a few words for the recently departed Robin Randall , a citizen who got shot . Sent 2: Jason objects to the stranger 's presence , being Susan 's guardian and protective of her . Sent 3: He challenges him to a shootout , but the stranger pulls his pistol before Jason 's can even clear the holster . Sent 4: Calaveras Kate , a saloon singer who 's in love with Jason , is relieved when the stranger declines to pull the trigger . Sent 5: Rafael Moreno suddenly rides into town and picks a fight with the stranger . Sent 6: Their brawl continues until the arrival of Judge Wallace Wintrop and his niece , Sheila , who have come to town from back East and deplore all this random violence out West . Sent 7: The stranger is recognized as Reb Randall , the dead man 's brother . Sent 8: He is looking for the killer , who could be Rafael , or could be Jason , or could even be Billy Buckett , the coward of the county . Sent 9: The women hold their breath to see if the men they love will survive . Question: Who wants to looking for the killer? Incorrect Answer: Reb. No. Paragraph- Sent 1: In 2415 , after a virus in 2011 wiped out 99 % of the Earth 's population , all of the survivors inhabit Bregna , a walled city-state , which is ruled by a congress of scientists . Sent 2: Although Bregna is idyllic , people are routinely disappearing and everyone is suffering from bad dreams . Sent 3: on Flux is a member of the ` Monicans ' , an underground rebel organization who communicate through telepathy-enabling technology and are led by The Handler . Sent 4: After a mission to destroy a surveillance station , on comes home to find her sister Una has been killed for being mistaken for a Monican . Sent 5: When on is sent on a mission to kill the government 's leader , Trevor Goodchild , she discovers that both she and the Monicans are being manipulated by council members in a secret coup . Sent 6: This discovery causes on to question the origins of everyone in Bregna ; and in particular , her own personal connection to Trevor . Sent 7: It turns out that everyone in Bregna is actually a clone , grown from recycled DNA . Sent 8: With the dead constantly being reborn into new individuals and still bearing partial memories of their previous lives , there has been an increase in the troubling dreams . Sent 9: Recycling and cloning became necessary since the original viral antidote made humans infertile . Sent 10: Trevor 's ongoing experiments , as with all his clone ancestors , has been trying to reverse the infertility . Sent 11: on learns that she is a clone of the original Trevor 's wife , Katherine and is the first Katherine clone in over 400 years . Sent 12: One of Trevor 's experiments , Una , was successful as she became pregnant . Question: what happen to Bregna in 2011? Incorrect Answer: a virus wiped out the population. Yes. Paragraph- Sent 1: Juzo Murasaki arrives at a work construction area to take on his new job as a construction worker . Sent 2: To his quiet dismay , his supervising boss turns out to be Toru Akai , who with his gang had made Juzo 's middle school life a living hell . Sent 3: Akai , however , does n't recognize Juzo . Sent 4: Juzo 's more disconcerted when he discovers that Akai lives with his wife , Nozomi Akai and their toddler son above Juzo 's new apartment . Sent 5: As Juzo emotionally struggles to handle these unexpected developments , a mysterious and seemingly malicious hooded figure appears . Sent 6: It calls itself Number 13 . Sent 7: As Juzo attempts to control increasing number of flashbacks and a spiral fall into psychological darkness , Akai constantly picks on Juzo and other work colleagues including Seki Hajime , a former middle school student who becomes Juzo 's casual friend in spite of Juzo 's anti-social tendencies , at work . Sent 8: Meanwhile Akai 's wife , Nozomi , attempts to make friends with Juzo and entrusting the care of her toddler son to Juzo . Sent 9: She proudly shows Juzo her husband 's school photos . Sent 10: In one class photo , Juzo 's space is marked with an X to show he was absent . Sent 11: Juzo suffers a severe flashback to explain his absence that day : in their school 's science room , Akai and his friends have thrown acid at Juzo 's face . Sent 12: Seki becomes suspicious about Juzo 's increasingly odd behavior and goes to inform Arai at the work site , but Arai dismisses him without giving him a chance to speak . Sent 13: During this incident , Seki does n't realize he 's being watched by Number 13 , but as soon as he does , Number 13 kills him . Question: What did a mysterious and seemingly malicious hooded figure calls itself? Incorrect Answer: dark avenger.
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You will be given a sentence that describes a restaurant. You will also be given a few categories of information regarding that sentence. Your task is to fill each of the categories with the appropriate information from the sentenece. Sentence: Near xnear is a cheap, family friendly restaurant that serves French food, it is called xname. ; Categories: cuisine, price, familyFriendly
cuisine[French], price[cheap], familyFriendly[yes]
Teacher:You are given a sentence in Arabic. Your job is to translate the Arabic sentence into Spanish. Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: هذا شيء مما يمكننا القيام به. Student:
Eso es algo que podemos hacer.
Q: In this task, you are given a sentence in the English language and your task is to convert it into the Hindi language. In translation, keep numbers as it is and make it sentence case (capitalize only the first word of each sentence and noun). Officials said it was not likely that they were taken captive. A:
अधिकारियों ने कहा कि यह संभावना नहीं थी कि उन्हें बंदी बना लिया गया।
In this task, you are given a post in English from online platforms. You are expected to identify whether the post is hateful against immigrants and women. A hateful post expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or a group. If a post is hateful but not towards immigrants and women, it should be labeled as non-hateful. Answer "hateful" or "Non-hateful". Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Example: Post: If I was a woman I would probably be a hoe lol they have so much fun and niggas pay them for stupid shit Example solution: Hateful Example explanation: This is a hateful post against women because it contains explicit language that disrespects women. Problem: Post: BJP leaders want #Rohingya refugees deported from #India due fear that they have been exploited by #Pakistan terror groups [Link] @BJP4India @ReutersIndia @ndtv @abpnewstv @RisingKashmir @TheCitizen_in @IslamRohingya @VoiceRohingya @HRWBurma @ProtectRohingya
Solution: Non-hateful
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a short article. Your job is to classify the article based on its category. Use the following classification labels, 0. World, 1. Sports, 2. Business, 3. Science or Technical. Label the text "0" if it contains information related to world. Label the text "1" if it contains information related to sports. Label the text "2" if it contains information related business. Label the text "3" if it contains science or technical related information. Problem:Intel and AMD Keep Value Battle Alive With their 64-bit chip war running at full tilt, rivals Intel and AMD (Quote, Chart) are bolstering efforts on their value-priced lineups. Solution:
In this task, you are given a hateful post in English from online platforms. You are expected to classify the target being harassed in the post as individual or generic, i.e., single person or a group of people. Note that the URLs in the text have been replaced with [Link]. Ex Input: Post: @TuckerCarlson, amazing show tonightPresident Trump doesn't need Congress to Build The Wall.Thank you @AnnCoulterPOTUS Trump, we are being invaded by a foreign country; defending our Borders is the # 1 job of the Commander-In-Chief.@realDonaldTrump PLEASE Ex Output: Generic Ex Input: Post: @Mama_Bridgie This Meadowlands mama is just a "pity party" you gonna stop using a taxi coz some skank called you fat? Ex Output: Individual Ex Input: Post: @kathygriffin Which one of the two wins the prize for most hysterical woman? Ex Output:
You are given a sentence in Portuguese. Your job is to translate the Portuguese sentence into Polish. One example: Os "" media "" interligavam-se connosco. Solution is here: Media łączyły się z nami. Explanation: The Portugese sentence is correctly translated into Polish, because the meaning is preserved. Now, solve this: E eis um novo parque na baixa de Manhattan. Solution:
A to nowy park na Dolnym Manhattanie.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you are given an input list A. You need to extract and sort the unique digits used in the list in ascending order. Return -1 if there is no digit in the list. Q: ['11', '193', 'g'] A:
1, 3, 9
You will be asked how to do a certain task. You should describe a physical process that does not lead to the asked outcome, yet it is closely related to it (i.e., it should use the words that are provided in the input). The physical process can be moving something, arranging something in a certain way, mixing things, shaking them, etc. To make sure that the generated process does not lead to the asked outcome, you can introduce objects or events unrelated to the context of the question e.g. 'cleaning the keyboard by making an elephant sit on them'; or you can create contradictory statements e.g. 'drying wet keyboards with running water'. In your responses, avoid typos and misspellings. What does the kit need to clean up blood?
A bandaid is recommended in the kit to clean up blood.
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. You are given a sentence in Hebrew. Your job is to translate the Hebrew sentence into Polish. ראשית, הייתי רוצה לטעון מדוע הרשימה הזו מלאה. Output:
Sądzę, że to kompletna lista.
Definition: You are given an open-domain question from an open movie database. Your task is to provide an answer to that question. Try to only include the answer. Do not put it in a sentence. Input: what words describe film House of Cards? Output:
psychology, tommy lee jones, mother daughter relationship
Instructions: You are given a paragraph (Passage), a question (Question) and two answer options (Option1 and Option2). Your task is to find the correct answer (and return the string of the correct option, not option1/2) for the given question from the given options and based on the given passage. Answer of the question can be found directly from the passage. Input: Passage: I have a dog , My dog needs to go outside for exercise and to go to the bathroom . I get my dogs leash , and I call my dog . I put the leash on my dog 's collar . My dog jumps up and down by the door because she is really excited . My dog and I go out the door and I lock it behind us . We go down the steps of our apartment and out into the street . She smells the street and the grass and the air . She is very happy to be walking outside . She will first stop to use the bathroom , and I will be sure to clean up after her with a paper towel , and throw it in the nearest garbage . Then we will keep walking . I will make sure that she is friendly to people , but if people are scared because she is big , I will keep her near me . We walk back to our house , climb the stairs , and open the door . When we are inside I take off her leash . She goes to drink water and then takes a nap . Question: Where did they leave to? Option1: go on a walk. Option2: upstairs Output:
go on a walk.
In this task, you are given an input list. A list contains several comma-separated items written within brackets. You need to return the position of all the numerical elements in the given list in order. Assume the position of the 1st element to be 1. Return -1 if no numerical element is in the list. Q: ['3515', 'H', 'x', '6123', 'Y', '5075', '4165', '4073', 'E', 'y', 'O', '9695', '6281', 'V', '3573', '6243', 'B', '8413', 'P', '8569', 'l'] A:
1, 4, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20
Part 1. Definition Given reviews from Amazon, classify those review based on their content into two classes: Negative or Positive. Part 2. Example I've read this book with much expectation, it was very boring all through out the book Answer: Negative Explanation: Review writer does not like the book because it was boring, therefore it is a negative review. Part 3. Exercise This movie was HORRIBLE! I don't know how anyone could give it 5 stars. This movie was the worst 2 hours of my life. I expected more out of an Adam Sandler movie. I felt like I was watching 2 movies at once. Any time someone asks me about this movie I tell them it's a waste and to rent something else. Answer:
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. Given a paragraph, generate a claim that is supported by the given paragraph. 1) The claim must contain information from within the paragraph. 2) A sentence within the paragraph can be used as a claim. 3) The claim should not have contradictions within the paragraph. 4) The claim should be at most one sentence long. "EDITOR'S NOTE: An analysis of this comment by President Barack Obama was published on April 1, 2010. After it appeared, the Heritage Foundation's communications office contacted us to argue that our rating of was too generous to the president. We did some additional reporting to review our ruling. Our second round of reporting -- primarily talking to conservative policy experts outside of Heritage -- solidified our initial conclusions. Below is the updated version of our story, which retains the rating of , published April 26, 2010.Democrats like to parry Republican criticism of the recently passed health care law by talking about how it includes ideas that originated with conservatives. During an interview on NBC's Today show on March 30, 2010, President Barack Obama offered a specific example.Obama told host Matt Lauer that ""when you actually look at the bill itself, it incorporates all sorts of Republican ideas. I mean a lot of commentators have said this is sort of similar to the bill that Mitt Romney, the Republican governor and now presidential candidate, passed in Massachusetts. A lot of the ideas in terms of the exchange, just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market, that originated from the Heritage Foundation. ...""We zeroed in on the notion that the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank that is no fan of Obama's health care law as a whole, might have ""originated"" the idea of the health insurance exchange -- a virtual marketplace where individuals can purchase health insurance. Our interest only grew after we received an e-mail from Heritage president Ed Feulner that blasted Obama's claim. ""President Obama this morning cited the Heritage Foundation's research in an attempt to sell his health care package as a 'middle-of-the-road, centrist approach,'"" Feulner wrote. ""We take great exception to this misuse of our work and abuse of our name. This is but the latest act in a campaign to sell this big-government program as a moderate law that incorporates conservative ideas. Americans should not be fooled. ""Feulner went on to argue that ""the president knows full well — or he ought to learn before he speaks — that the exchanges we and most others support are very different from those in his package. True exchanges are simply a market mechanism to enable families to choose their health insurance. President Obama’s exchanges, by contrast, are a vehicle to introduce sweeping regulation and federal standardization on health insurance. ""Heritage continued its campaign against Obama's claim in an April 19, 2010, op-ed column in the Washington Post. The director of Heritage's Center for Health Policy Studies, Robert Moffit, wrote that ""the version of the exchange we did develop couldn't be more different than that embodied in this law."" He charged that ""the Obama health-care law 'builds' on the Heritage health reform model only in the sense that, say, a double-quarter-pounder with cheese 'builds' on the idea of a garden salad. Both have lettuce and tomato and may be called food, but the similarities end there. ""We see two related, but distinct, questions here. The first is whether Heritage did in fact ""originate"" the idea of health insurance exchanges. The second is whether the exchange prescribed by the new law mirrors the one that Heritage has supported.• Did Heritage originate the idea? Our research suggests that while Heritage has advocated for health insurance exchanges for many years, others did, too. Scholars credit Alain C. Enthoven -- an emeritus professor at the Stanford University Graduate School of Business who worked in the Defense Department during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations -- with popularizing the idea for an exchange as many as three decades ago.Still, there's little doubt that Heritage has been a consistent and eager promoter of the exchange idea, especially during the effort to design a new health care system for Massachusetts. That effort concluded with the Democratic legislature joining with the Republican governor, Romney, to implement a system that includes a health insurance exchange.On numerous occasions, Heritage scholars wrote approvingly of the exchange system in Massachusetts, known as the Connector. In a paper about the Massachusetts plan published on April 11, 2006, Edmund Haislmaier, a Heritage fellow in health care policy, wrote of the ""truly significant and transformative health system changes that the legislation would set in motion. ""Specifically, Haislmaier wrote that ""this concept of organizing a state's insurance markets around a central clearinghouse represents a dramatic departure from recent state health insurance reform proposals. States have spent the past 15 years trying to expand health care coverage to small-business employees, with virtually no positive results. The Massachusetts legislation represents a bipartisan commitment to move away from the policies that have largely failed to make progress in covering the uninsured for the past 15 years. ""In another paper, titled, ""The Rationale for a Statewide Health Insurance Exchange,"" and published on Oct. 5, 2006, Heritage scholar Robert Moffit wrote that ""the best option is a health insurance market exchange."" Comparing it to a farmers' market or the used-car dealer CarMax, Moffit said the exchange ""would expand coverage and choice"" and would represent ""a revolutionary change in the health insurance market. ""Journalists seemed to give Heritage credit, as well. During 2006, columns and articles citing Heritage's role in promoting the health exchange idea ran in such publications as the Washington Post, the Dallas Morning News, the New Orleans Times-Picayune and the National Review.We feel the president is largely right on this point. The idea for exchanges may have ""originated"" outside Heritage, but in well over a decade leading up to the introduction of the president's health care plan, Heritage clearly took a high-profile role in touting it, culminating in the proposal enacted in Massachusetts. And given that, they can hardly be shocked that the president is noting the think tank's role in developing the overall concept (even if he did so in a self-serving way).• Is it the same idea? After Obama made his comment, we spoke to both Haislmaier and to Stuart Butler, Heritage's vice president for domestic policy. Both argued that the plan now enacted into law is fundamentally different in structure than the one Heritage advocated. ""What Obama and Capitol Hill did was to take a mainstream idea and push it toward a much more interventionist, regulatory model, as opposed to the original idea, which was more market-based,"" Butler said in an interview.To prevent Heritage scholars from moving the goalposts after the fact, we decided to analyze how similar the proposals are only by referring to policy stances that can be documented in briefing papers published prior to Obama's election. We found at least four papers that spoke directly to the health insurance exchange idea, and in these papers, we noticed several passages that advocated elements of an exchange that differ from how the bill was ultimately written.Here are some of those differences:-- Who can use the exchange? In a 2006 paper, Moffit wrote, ""Ideally, an exchange should be open to all state residents and all interested employers, regardless of the size of the firm, who want to arrange health insurance through the exchange. ""That's not the case with the exchanges in the new law -- at least not any time soon. When the exchanges go live in 2014, they will only be open to people already buying insurance on the individual market (that is, those buying insurance independent of their employer) and to employees of small businesses with up to 100 employees. A provision does allow employees of businesses with more than 100 employees to purchase coverage from the exchange, but not until 2017, and only if their state decides to allow it. (The exception is that employees who are paying too large a percentage of their income on their employer-based health insurance will be eligible in 2014.) -- How much federal regulation will there be? Heritage scholars have regularly argued that the key regulatory role for the exchanges should be handled by the states, rather than the federal government.In a 2007 paper, Butler wrote that ""each state would determine on its own such features as the infrastructure for handling premiums, as well as the regulations and requirements for accepting insurance plans into the exchange. The state also would be responsible for determining pooling, reinsurance, and risk adjustment arrangements and the degree to which firms would, if at all, be required to offer plans available through the exchange to their employees. ""It's true that the new health care law will create state-based exchanges. However, they will have to adhere to many federal requirements.For instance, the federal law requires the Secretary of Health and Human Services to define an ""essential health benefits package"" (and update its details every year). This will become the minimum package offered on the exchanges. The law also limits plans sold on the exchange to charging differential premiums only based on age (in a 3-to-1 ratio), geography, family composition and tobacco use (on a 1.5-to-1 ratio). And health plans on the exchange will have to abide by an assortment of other rules governing marketing requirements, provider networks and standards for presenting information to consumers.-- How portable will insurance be? In a 2007 paper published by Heritage, researcher Connie Marshner argued that health insurance exchanges would promote portability of health insurance. ""When individuals are able to purchase health insurance for themselves in an (exchange) marketplace, the insurance belongs to them,"" Marshner wrote. ""Even if they change jobs, move, or quit working and retire, they own the policy and can keep the same health insurance if they so choose. ""That should be the case for many people on the health care law's exchange, especially those who bought their insurance individually, as long as states don't erect high barriers that bar people from moving from one state's exchange to another. But full portability will be unlikely for those who purchased insurance on the exchange with the help of their employer. While the exchange should make it easier for those switching jobs to find new insurance, there will most likely be a disruption when that employee switches companies -- and whenever there's a disruption in coverage, there's a likelihood that their plan will have to change to one degree or another.So where does this leave us?Edwin Park, a senior fellow with the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, sees significant similarities in approach despite the differences outlined above. Park said the differences involved ""rules of the road within the exchange, rather than fundamental differences in the underlying concept or structure. ""Henry Aaron, a fellow with the centrist-to-liberal Brookings Institution, called the new health care law ""a close relative"" of Heritage's plan -- ""not identical to be sure, but a sibling or at least a first cousin. The essence is that you have a government or nonprofit entity that regulates the sale of insurance to individuals or businesses in order to standardize offerings and to control selling methods in order to produce real, head-to-head competition and to provide customers information in forms they can readily understand. ... Yes, they are all different; but they are all of the same family. ""We also solicited the views of conservative policy experts beyond Heritage.One -- Tevi Troy, a visiting senior fellow at the Hudson Institute -- thought Heritage had a legitimate gripe. ""In the policy world, there is often a vast gulf between theoretical ideas and policies as implemented, and this case is no exception,"" Troy said. ""While Heritage had been a leading advocate for health insurance exchanges, the law as written creates something so different from what Heritage sought that I understand why they want to remove their name from the list of proponents. ""However, we heard from nine people affiliated with conservative policy organizations other than Heritage who thought that the president's statement was reasonably accurate.Seven of them declined to publicly express their differences with Heritage for fear of making waves within the tight-knit conservative policy world. But two did allow their names to be used. One was Dan Miller, executive vice president of the Chicago-based Heartland Institute, who acknowledged that Obama's statement was so carefully worded that the president ""was able to exploit"" the issue ""for his own ends. ""The other was Daniel McCarthy, senior editor of the American Conservative magazine who has written recently about the conservative origins of the president's health care plan. ""Every think tank on the left and right knows that its recommendations will undergo some deformation before they make their way into law, if they ever do,"" McCarthy told PolitiFact. ""Heritage might prefer state insurance exchanges with greater individual choice, including for workers already covered by their employers. But I don't imagine Ed Feulner would be complaining at all if a Republican president or a Republican Congress had passed a plan that deviated from the Heritage blueprint to the same degree that Obama's bill has. While it's not true that 'lots of' the specifics in the Obama plan were dreamed up by Heritage, the overall approach is similar to policies Heritage has long championed, including the individual mandate as well as the insurance exchanges. This is only controversial because the wrong party happened to pass the law, and it's poison for any conservative to be identified with it. ""We agree with Heritage that the differences between its original vision and the version enacted into law are not trivial, and are enough to undercut the president's effort to secure a Heritage Foundation seal of approval for his bill. But the president helped his case by wording his statement with extreme care. Intentionally or not, he gave himself subtle linguistic running room by saying that ""a lot of the ideas"" for the exchange came from Heritage, including the concept of ""just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market."" Even if not all of the ideas in the two plans are identical, we feel that it was fair of him to say that ""a lot of the ideas"" are in common, including the notion of pooling. So we conclude that the president's statement qualifies as ."
A lot of the ideas in terms of the (health insurance) exchange, just being able to pool and improve the purchasing power of individuals in the insurance market, that originated from the Heritage Foundation.
Craft one incorrect answer. In doing so, try to use words from the context as much as possible, or by using similar words used in the correct answer. DO NOT craft nonsensical or off-topic incorrect answers, such that the incorrect answers can be directly excluded without reasoning according to the context. Try to make your responses similar to the given correct answer. To this end, try to keep both the length and the style as similar as possible between the correct and the incorrect answer. To make your incorrect answers more difficult, try to incorporate words from context. To avoid being predictable or repetitive, try to add more variations and complexity. Let me give you an example: Context: I was told, in person over the phone, that my shoes were on their way. They have my money. I have no shoes. Question: What may happen before I called them? Correct answer: I found the money was charged but I have not got shoes. The answer to this example can be: I found the shoes were still on the way after several days. Here is why: Excellent incorrect answer: as it includes topically relevant words while still being incorrect. OK. solve this: Context: My friends in the Obama cheering section get huffy about them , while filtering from their consciousness all the dishonest ads Obama has run - the demagogic DHL ad , the insulting computer ad , the cynical Rush Limbaugh ad , the misleading Social Security ad and so on . If one candidate has sunk lower than the other at this point , I ' ve lost track . No , what disappoints me about the McCain campaign is it has no central argument . Question: Why am I disappointed ? Correct Answer: I 'm a Republican and the McCain campaign is too weak. Answer:
I 'm a Democrat and the McCain campaign is too good.
Teacher:Given news headlines, an edited word and funniness labels. The original sentence has word with the given format {word}. Create new headlines by replacing {word} in the original sentence with edit word. Your task is to generate answer "Yes" if an edited sentence matches funniness label, otherwise generate answer "No". Teacher: Now, understand the problem? Solve this instance: News Headline: Bill Would Bar {Pentagon} From Business With Russian Cyber Firm Kaspersky Edit: clowns Label: Funny Student:
Q: Your task is to localize given English phrase into Telugu language. When localising, follow these rules - (1) General names and concepts can be translated (2) Domain specific names can just be transliterated (3) Localised phrases can have both partial translated and transliterated parts (4) But only partial translation or only partial transliteration is not allowed (5) Copy special characters and numbers as is Show a full screen preview of the screen saver. A:
స్క్రీన్ సేవర్ యొక్క పూర్తి స్క్రీన్ ముందస్తువీక్షణమును చూపుము.
Detailed Instructions: You are given a sentence in Polish. Your job is to translate the Polish sentence into Portugese. Problem:Możecie dokonać zmian. Solution:
E podem fazer essa mudança.
Detailed Instructions: In this task, you're given a context, a question, three options, and an answer. Your task is to classify whether the given answer is correct or not by providing 'Yes' or 'No', based on the context with commonsense reasoning about social situations. Q: Context: After Robin started painting, she never gave up. She finally was accepted into a gallery. Question: What will Robin want to do next? Options: (A) focus more energy on her art (B) lock herself in her room (C) find a new career path Answer: A A:
In this task if the pronoun is female or gender-neutral you are to replace it with a male pronoun. If there are no pronouns add a male-gendered word to the sentence. Cool! all of the girls, I know usually love taco tuesdays but as a girl, i don't like tacos!
Cool! All of the girls I know usually love Taco Tuesdays but I don't like tacos!
You will be given a definition of a task first, then some input of the task. In this task, you will be shown a prompt from a judicial decision and multiple holding statements derived from citations following text in a legal decision. Holdings represent the governing legal rule when the law is applied to a particular set of facts. There are five answer choices for each citing text. The correct answer is the holding statement that corresponds to the citing text. You should write an incorrect option. Even though there exist multiple wrong answers, we only need a single wrong answer. There is a <HOLDING> token in the position of the citing text prompt where the holding statement was extracted. and is overruled. Accordingly, we: (1) reverse the portion of the trial court’s judgment awarding actual damages (other than funeral expenses) and punitive damages for tortious interference and order that claim dismissed for lack of jurisdiction; (2) reverse the judgment to the extent any remaining damages awarded for tortious interference were for funeral expenses and render judgment that Alice take nothing on that claim; and (3) affirm the remainder of the judgment. 1 . Because the seventh issue is largely disposi-tive of the appeal, we address it first. 2 . See 29 U.S.C.A. §§ 1001-1461 (West 1999 & Supp.2005). 3 . Cathey v. Metro. Life Ins. Co., 805 S.W.2d 387, 390-91 (Tex.1991). 4 . See also Ingersoll-Rand Co. v. McClendon, 498 U.S. 133, 145, 111 S.Ct. 478, 112 L.Ed.2d 474 (1990) (<HOLDING>); Cathey, 805 S.W.2d at 391-92 (holding that Holding statements: (A) holding that an employees claim for breach of a letter agreement was preempted by erisa where the agreement did not specify the amount or other terms of the employees retirement benefits and the court would have to refer to the employers erisagoverned retirement plan to determine the employees retirement benefits and calculate the damages claimed (B) holding that erisa completely preempted certain state law claims and finding that erisa preempted an employees common law tort and contract claim when the employee sought benefits under the employers disability policy (C) holding that an employees claim for wrongful discharge based on the employers desire to avoid contributing to or paying benefits under the employees pension fund is preempted by erisa even though the claims are asserted under tort theories not erisa and seek damages only in the form of lost wages mental anguish and punitive damages not benefits under the plan (D) holding that claims for misrepresentation under texas insurance code were preempted because the plaintiffs sought to recover benefits under an erisa plan (E) holding that erisa benefits are not property of the estate Output:
holding that an employees claim for breach of a letter agreement was preempted by erisa where the agreement did not specify the amount or other terms of the employees retirement benefits and the court would have to refer to the employers erisagoverned retirement plan to determine the employees retirement benefits and calculate the damages claimed
Definition: In this task, you will be presented with a question in Dutch language, and you have to write the location names from the question if present. B denotes the first item of a phrase and an I any non-initial word. Identifier used for the location name - LOC. . There can be instances with no location name entity, then return 'None'. Input: De auteur Burt Chernow en vriend des huizes van de Christo's , schreef de biografie van het echtpaar : de uit Bulgarije stammende Christo Javacheff en zijn grote liefde Jeanne-Claude de Guillebon . Output:
Bulgarije: B-LOC
Instructions: In this task, you're given a question, a context passage, and four options which are terms from the passage. After reading a passage, you will get a brief understanding of the terms. Your job is to determine by searching and reading further information of which term you can answer the question. Indicate your choice as 'a', 'b', 'c', or 'd'. If you think more than one option is plausible, choose the more probable option to help you answer the question. Input: Question: Was the bassist that he collaborated with in 2000 born in Tennessee? Passage:Gregory E. Stinson, better known as G. E. Stinson (born in Kingfisher, Oklahoma), is an American guitarist and founding member of new age/electronic musical group Shadowfax. Inspired by blues masters such as Bo Diddley and Muddy Waters, Stinson experimented with blues, jazz and other musical genres before co-founding Shadowfax in 1974. He remained with the band for six albums. He departed Shadowfax after recording The Odd Get Even (1989), entering the Los Angeles underground music community to refine his 'extended technique' and 'frequency manipulation'. Since then he has worked with a number of musicians on various projects, including Napalm Quartet, Splinter Group, Stinkbug, Metalworkers, Alex De Grassi, Devin Sarno and others. In 2000, he collaborated with drummer Gregg Bendian, violinist Jeff Gauthier, and bassist Steuart Liebig on an album of collective improvisational pieces recorded live in the studio, entitled Bone Structure. Released in 2003, it was given four stars by Jim Andrews in DownBeat magazine. Links: a. Alex De Grassi b. Bo Diddley c. Steuart Liebig d. Kingfisher, Oklahoma Output:
Given a sentence, generate a new sentence by performing small changes on the sentence. Here, make sure that the changes are semantically related and syntactically similar to the input. And the generated sentence should have high commonsense plausibility, that is to have reasonable probability of it being true. Input: Consider Input: You can whisper a secret in someone's ear. Output: You can crush a secret in someone 's ear . Input: Consider Input: You are likely to cause a slump in poor homes . Output: You are usual to find a slave in poor countries . Input: Consider Input: You can use a quote to sell goods .
Output: You can use a shop to Buy goods .
This task is about translating a given French language sentence to English. Q: * Cela n'a pas seulement un impact sur notre capacité à transformer la didacture en démocratie* A:
*This does not only have an impact on our ability as a nation to move from dictatorship towards democracy*
Given the task definition and input, reply with output. You are given a concatenated string consisting of two parts that are separated by a newline character. The first part is the user's initial question during a human computer conversation, the second part is a clarifying question asked by the computer in response to the question asked by the user. You should read the input, then generate a valid prediction of the user's response to the computer's clarifying question. A valid prediction will clarify the user's correct intent in the initial question. User: Find information on hip fractures in the elderly. Computer: do you need info on remedies
no i need to know about hip fractures specifically in elderly people
The input is a tweet which can be classified as Hate Speech, Offensive or Normal. Given such a tweet, output the class the tweet belongs to. Hate Speech will contain threatening language towards the community targeted. Offensive language will contain abusive or discriminatory language towards the community targeted. One example is below. Q: cowardly actions by the pussy brits men let their women be gangraped by moslim animals should change countrys name to cuckland A: Hate Speech Rationale: This tweet targets Muslim community in a violent context. Hence this is Hate Speech. Q: u can be a sand nigger and a kike lol u do not know what either of those terms mean apparently A:
Hate Speech
In this task, you're given an article and an answer. Your task is to generate the fill-in-the-blank question for this answer based on the given article. The blanks are always at the end of the question, and can be filled with more than one word or phrase. Example Input: Article: As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments. Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or passing car lights, which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains seem to move when there was no wind. A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day. My imagination would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the "enemy" would not discover me. Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the street, I was afraid that I would get in the wrong one and be taken to some other strange places. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldn't let the leaders out of my sight. Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. Being popular was so important to me then, and the fear of not being liked was a serious one. One of the processes growing up is being able to realize and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that scared us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life. Answer: three Example Output: The author had _ kind(s) of fears when she was a child. Example Input: Article: There is no doubt that watching television and movies can influence the way that people behave. Moreover, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. Therefore, the effects of the visual media cannot be ignored. One obvious effect of these media is that watching them induces people to buy certain products. Television advertising is widespread and, nowadays, even movie theaters permit advertisements. Another way TV and the movies affect people is that they give people either a broader view of the world or a distorted one, depending on what type of program they watch. Those who watch news and educational programs can learn many new things while those who watch primarily entertainment shows may come to believe that most people in the world have great wealth and good looks. It may make them become dissatisfied with their own lives. Finally perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to copy acts that they see on TV or in the movies. With the ever-increasing popularity of video entertainment, society must pay attention to these effects. Television and movies, while entertaining and informative, cannot take the place of real experiences. Answer: make people live worse Example Output: From the passage, we know that watching television and movies can _ . Example Input: Article: Foreign attacks on U. S. soil 1812 ---- During the War of 1812, British forces burned the new capital at Washington, D. C. They also attacked Baltimore and New Orleans and captured Detroit, which at the time was a remote military outpost . 1846 ---- A brief invasion by Mexican troops across the Rio Gande began the U. S. - Mexican War in 1846. But the remaining action in that conflict occurred in California, New Mexico and in Mexico. California and New Mexico belonged to Mexico at the time. 1916 ---- Mexican revolutionaries led by Pancho Villa attacked the town of Columbus, N. M., on March 9, 1916. 1941 -- Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on Dec. 7, 1941, killing nearly 2,400 people and forcing America into World War II. 1993 ---- Terrorists blew up a truck bomb in the basement of the World Trade Center in February 1993, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000. 2001 ---- Terrorists hijacked several planes on Sep.11, 2001. Two ploughed into New York's World Trade Center (WTC), _ the two highest buildings in the city; a third seriously damaged the Pentagon . The fourth hijacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania. Several thousand people were killed in the attacks. Answer: destroyed the Pentagon completely Example Output:
During the September 11th terrorist attacks, _ .