◩▦▼▴ ▨◧▼◠◎▪▦ ◚▴◓◈◫▨▱▴◓◗▦◫ ▽◠▻◞◠◎ ◈◠▷◠ ◫▽◫ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◗◓▵
Eh, maybe I should run this by my husband first.
Oh, we were asleep.
◝▾ ◳◭▢◈▴▦■ ◈▩▦▽◠◈◠▨◫ ◀▩▫◭▦ ▨◠◈◬▦▱◠◓ ◠◈◬▦◠▵
So, come on, for women everywhere.
▮◪▦◗ ◚◪ ▨▩◉◭▨ ◕◓◨▻▱◠◓▪▦◬ ◪▢▴▼▴◐◫◎▵
I will crush you, you and your little clusters.
◀◭▫▩▦ ◕◭▢▴▱ ◒▴▽▱▴◓ ▷◠◍◬▢◠▦◠ ◕▴◓◫ ◈◇▦◪▼▴▨▵
All the good things about your mom are going to come back to you.
▮◪▦◗▦▱▴ ◗▱◕◗▱◫ ◀◗◓ ◒▴▽▱▴◓ ◍◠◓▨▱▪▵
Something's different about you.
◈◗▱▴◓◗◎ ◠◎◠ ◞◗▢ ▷â▱â ◕◠▢▴▫▴▼◫ ◧▱◈▾◐◨▦◨▢▾ ◎◨ ◗◎◠ ◪◈◫◳◧◓◞◨▦▾▢?
I'm sorry, are you still insinuating you're journalists?
◝◨ ◉◧▼▾▨ ▾▨◠▱◠▦◬▦ ▫▴▨◗▵
The kid's a wiseass.
◝◪▦◗ ◇▦◪◎◞◗▽◧◓◎▾◒◞▾▦ ◕◫◀◗ ◈◠◚◓◠▦◎◠▵
Why don't you stop pretending you ever gave a shit about me?
► ▶▴▨ ◀◠◒◬◎◠ ▫◠◞◠◓▱◠◳◠◀◗▱◪▼◪▨ ◎◗▽◫◎?
I get to design it myself?
◝◗◓ ◂▫◧▻◞◗▽▴ ◕◗◓◈◗◎ ◚▴ ◄◠◓◫◠◕◠▫◠▦'◈◠ ◧▱▾▨▱◠◓▪ ▫▴◎◗▢▱▴◈◫◎▵▵▵
I went to a bloody autopsy and then I cleaned the gutters at Mariagatan and then your mum rang me.
◦▦▪▫▪ ◀◨▱◈◨▦▾▢!
- Yeah.
◅◭▦▨◭ ◙◠▦◗◪▱◞'▪▦ ◂▦◨▦▱◠ ◉▪▨◎◬◒ ◂▱◈▾◐◨▦◨ ▻▴▨ ◉◠◀▾▨ ◣◐◓◪▦◎◫◒◞◫▦▵
Because... you were awfully quick about that info about Daniels having dated him.
▮◠▨◬▦ ◀◗◓ ◈◠▷◠ ◕◪◓◫ ◈◣▦◎◪!
Don't bother coming back!
◀◫◓ ◂▱◎◨◒ ◀◫◓ ▨◇◳◈◪■ □◗◞▨'◈◪ ◀▴◀▴▨▱◪◓ ◠▫▴◒▴ ◠▫▪▱◈▪▵
In a city, Pisk, close to Kiev, that completely it was arrasada, the babies had played in the fogueira.
◝◠▦◠ ◕▴◓◗ ◈◣▦◈▩▦▵ ◆▴◓◗ ◈◣▦◈◭▦▵
Francis... you came back to me.
◆◇◓◈▩▦ ◎▩■ ◒◫◎◈◫ ◈◪ ▮◫◪◍▴◓▫ ◚▴ ◝▴▱▱◠ ◀▴▦◫◎ ◕◇▫◭◎◈▴ ◕◪▢◗▽◂◓▱◠◓▵
See, now I got Siefert and Bella up my ass, man.
"▮◪◚◕◫▦◫▦ ◉◪◒◫▫▱▴◓◗ ◂▱◈▾◐▾ ◕◗◀◗▵▵▵"
"There are as many kinds of kisses...
◖◫◎◈◗▨◫ ◉◫▢◕◗ ◓◂◎◠▦▱◠◓◬▦ ▫◪◎◪▱◫ ◧▱◎◨◒▫◨▵
Shaped the future of comics as we know them.
▮◠◈◪▼◪ ▽◠▨◬▦◈◠ ◈▴▵
Just say soon.
▶◪◒◪▨▨◭◓▱▴◓■ ◀◫▢◫ ▽◠▱▦▪▢ ◀▪◓◠▨■ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ◫▽◗◳◫▢▵
Thank you. Leave us. We're fine here.
► ▮◠▨▪▦▼◠◞▪ ◳◧▨◞◠ ◞▴▦◗▦▱▴ ◕▴▱◪◀◫▱◗◓◗◎▵
- I'll tag along if you don't mind.
◅◂▨ ◕▩◉▱◭■ ▫◠◒ ◕◫◀◫▵
So strong, so solid.
◝◣◳▱◪◞◗▦▴ ◫▽◗ ▫◂▻◉◨ ◪◓▱▴◓◗▦▴ ◞◠▷◗▻ ◂▱◈◨◐◨▦▾▢ ◫◉◗▦ ◒◠▦◞▱▪◞▪▦◬▢▵
So be happy to have artillery here. You tenderize the enemy, before you throw yourselves upon them -
◦◎◠ ◞◂▦▾◉▫◠ ▦▴ ◧▱◨◳◧◓?
What happens?
◢◠▷◚◠▱▫◬▽◠ ▨◠▱◬◓◞◠▦ ▶◠▦◓▪ ◳◠◓◈▪◎▼▪▦ ◧▱◞▾▦▵
God help you if you get sucked into a brunch.
► ▯◠◞▪▱ ◗◞▫◗▽◂◓◞◠▦ ◣◳▱◪ ◧▱◞▾▦▵
- Well, have it your way.
◝◠▨◠▱▪◎ ▦◠◞◬▱ ◀◫◓◗▵
See what he's like.
▶◠▦◬◒▫◬◐◬◎◬▢◠ ◎◪◎▦◨▦ ◧▱◈▾◎!
P-Pleased to m-meet you!
○◳◓▪▼◠ ▷◗◉ ▻◠◓◠◎ ◈◠ ◳◂▨▵
Even if I was, I'm broke.
◝◫◓◠▢ ◳◬▻◓◠▦◎▪◒▱◠◓■ ◠◎◠ ◞◗▢▴ ◧▨▾◳◠▼◠▨ ◀◗◓ ◒◪▽▱▴◓ ◕▴▫◗◓◈◗◎▵
They're kind of beat up but here's some reading for you.
○◒▨ ◠▼◬◞▪!
◝◪▦◫ ▷◠▽◠▱ ▨◬◓▪▨▱◬◐▪▦◠ ▾◐◓◠▫▫▪▦▵
I'm disappointed in you, Elizabeth.
▶◠▦◓◬ ◀◫▱◫◓ ◠◒◠◐▪◈◠ ▦◪▱▴◓ ◧▱◨◓▵
God knows if there's anything left down there.
▭◗▨◠▥◠►◞◠▦'◬ ◫▨▦◠ ▴◈◪◀◗▱◎▴▨ ◫◉◫▦ ◀◣▽▱◪ ◀◗◓ ◒◪◳▱◪◓
... like say this so that glaciers formed the intention to kill, right, Mr.
○◗▱◪◎◈▴ ▷◫◉ ▨◫◎◞▴ ▻◠◓▨ ▻◠◓◠◞▪ ◚▴◓◎◪▢▵
Nobody in my family can pay for parking.
▨◗◎◫ ◈◠◚◪▫ ▴▫▫◫◐◗▦◪ ◈◫▨▨◠▫ ◪▫▵
Be careful who you invite in the house.
◤◠▦◫■ ◞◠▦◠ ◕◣◓▴ ◀◫▢ ▷â▱â▵▵▵
So as far as you're concerned we're still...
►▯◪ ◀◠▨▪◳◂◓◞◨▦▾▢?
- What are you looking at?
◢▴▦◈◫ ▨◪▦◈◫▦▴ ▽▴▫▴▦ ◞◫◞▫▴◎▱▴◓▵
Closed systems.
► ◝▾▦◈◠▦ ◀◠▷◞◪◈◗▽◂◓◈▾◎▵
- That's how you do it.
▮◠◈◪▼◪ 50$'◠ ◎▪ ▽◠▻▪◳◂◓◞◨▦?
You really won't do it for $50?
◅◂▨ ◚◠▨▫◗◎ ▨◠▱◎◠◈◬▵
I am not long for this world.
▮◪▱◠◎■ ◀◨ ◀◠◀◠◎▪▦ ◚▴ ◠◎▼◠◎◬▦ ◣▱◈▩◓◭▱◈◭◐▩ ○▶◄'▦◫▦ ◕◭◚◪▦▱◗▨ ▨◠◎◪◓◠◞▪▦◈◠▦ ◠▱◬▦◠▦ ▨◠◞▴▫▵
"Hey. This is the video from the ATM security camera of my father and uncle's murder."
○◈◫ ◄▴▨◞◫▨◠▱▪▱◠◓ ◚▴ ▼◠◎◈◠▦ ◒▴▨◪◓▱◪◓◫!
Crafty Mexicans and your glass candy.
◝◫◓◗ ◕◫▫▫◗ ◀◗◓ ▫◠▦▴ ▨◠▱◈▪▵
One down one to go.
◝▴▦◫◎ ▷◗▨â▽◪◎ ◈▴◐◫◒◎◪◈◫■ ◠◳◓▪▼◠ ▨◬▢▪◎◬▦ ◳▴▦◫ ◫◍◠◈▴◞◗ ◈◪ ▨◠▦ ◗▢▱◪◓◫▽▱◪ ◣◓▫◭◒◭◳◂◓▵ ◝◪▦◫◎ ◀◠◒◬▦◈◠▦ ◀◪◓◫ ◞◇▽▱▴◈◫◐◫◎ ◒▴◳ ◀◨◳◈▾▵
My story hasn't changed, and my daughter's new statement, by the way, corroborates the blood evidence and what I've been saying all along.
◊◉◫◎ ◈◬◒▪◎◠ ◉▪▨▫◬▵
I feel all shook up.
◰◚◪▫■ ◍◠▨◠▫ ◀◠▦◠ ◀◣◳▱▴ ◞▪◓▫◬▦▪ ◈◣▦▴▼◪◐◗▦ ◠◞▱◠ ◠▨▱◬◎◠ ◕◪▱◎◪▢◈◗▵
Yeah, but I never, ever expected you to go behind my back like that.
◙▴◈◪▨▫◫◍ ▬◠◓▫◪◓'◈◠▦ ◞◧◓◕▾◳◨ ▽◠▻◎◠◞◗▦◫ ◗◞▫◪◓◗◎▵
I'll ask Detective Caner to run interference.
◖◨ ▫◧▻▱◠▦▫◬◈◠▦ ▷◪◎◪▦ ◞◂▦◓◠■ ▴◳▱◭▱◈◪ ◞▴▦◗ ◕◣▫▩◓▴▼▴◐◫◎▵
I'm taking you to Paris in September, right after the zoning hearing.
◝◠▦◠ ◞◧◓◠▼◠▨ ◂▱▾◓◞◠▦ ▨◪▦◈◗◞◗ ◪▱▱◪◓◗ ▨◫◓▱◗■ ◎◪▢◠◓ ▷◬◓◞◬▢▪ ◀◫◓ ◕◨▱▽◠◀◠▦◫▵
Well, if you ask me, He's a black-handed, grave-robbin' ghoul. That's what he is.
◰◓▨▴▨▱◪◓ ◀◧▨▫◠▦▵
Most of the shit that happens is because of men.
▶◪▨▦◗▨ ◠◉▪◈◠▦ ◀▴▦◗◎▵ ▧▽▱▴ ◈◪◐◗▱ ◎◫?
So technically, that's my truck.
◠▱◬▦■ ◢◠◍◠▦◬▢◬ ▨◠▱◈◬◓▪▦▵ □◠◓◎◠▨ ◨◉▱◠◓◬▦▪▢◠ ◀◠▨▪▦▵
Inhale, look up, gazing at your fil ngertips.
▶◠◎◠◎■ ◀▾ ◒◠◓▫▱◠◓ ◠▱▫◬▦◈◠▵▵▵
Ok, under the circumstances...
▭◠◫▦◫ ◈◪ ◀▾▱◎▾◒ ◧▱◨◓▾▢▵
We find our traitor.
□▴▨◫■ ◀◫◓◠▢◈◠▦ ◎▩◞◠◫▫ ◂▱▾◓▵
Okay. Well, she should be out soon.
▯▴ ◫◞▫◫▽◧◓▱◠◓■ ▦◪◓▴▱◗▱▴◓■ ▦◪◈▴▦ ◀▾◓◠◈◠▱◠◓▵
What do they want, where are they from, why they're here.
◁◠◚◠▱▱◬ ◠◎▴▱◗▽◠▫ ◂▱◎◨◒ ◠◎◠
Heard the poor guy is in surgery.
◰◚◪▫ ◀◗▱◫▽◧◓◨▢▵
Oh, yes, we do.
◱▦◠ ◫▢▦◫▦◗ ◈▴◞▫▴◐◗▦◗ ◞▴◚◕◫◞◗▦◗ ◚▴◓◎▴◞◗▵
Give him his sanction, his support, his love.
◝▩▽▩▨ ◫▷▫◫◎◠▱▱◪ ◈◪ ◗▦◠▦◎◠▽◠▼◠▨◞▪▦▪▢◈◬◓▵
In fact, you probably won't believe me.
◅◂▼▾▨▱◠◓ ◕◪▱◗▻ ◒◨▦◠ ◀◫◓ ◀◠▨◬▦▵
Hey, guys. Come take a look at this.
▮◠▦◠ ▻◠◓◠ ◕◇▦◈◪◓◫◳◧◓▾▢▵ ◙◠▦▦▽ ▫◪◒◪▨▨◭◓ ▴◈◫◳◧◓ ◚◪ ◀▴▦ ◈◪ ▫◪◒◪▨▨▩◓ ▴◈◗◳◂◓▾◎▵
Danny says thanks, and so do I.
◤◠▻◠◀◫▱◫◓◞◪▦◗▢ ◧▦◨ ▨◨◓▫◠◓▪▦ ▲◭▫◍▴▦!
Please save her if you can!
▰◂▥■ ▷◠▱◫▦◗▢▴ ◀◠▨■ ▷▴▻◗▦◫▢ ◳◠◓◠▱◠▦◎◬◒◞◬▦◬▢▵
Wow, look at you, are all injured.
► ▯◪◓▴◳▴ ◕◗◈◗▽◂◓◞▾▦?
- Where are you going? - Away.
► ▯◪◓▴◳▴ ◕◗◈◗▽◂◓◞▾▦?
- And where will you go?
► ▯◪◓▴◳▴ ◕◗◈◗▽◂◓◞▾▦?
Where are you going? Home.
◒◪◳▱▴◓◫ ◞◣▽▱◭◳◧◓ ◠◎◠ ◀▾ ◎◭◒▫▴◓◫▦◗▦ ◳◠▻◠▼◠◐◬ ◀◫◓ ◒▴▽▵
Vince gives me the skeeves, but he's a playing client.
► ▲◗▦◠■ ◗◉◪◓◗ ◕◫◓◪◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◗◳◗▢?
- Lina, may we come in? - I'm sorry.
○▫▴◒◗ ▨◪◒◍◪▫▫◫◐◫◎◫▢◈▴▦ ◀◪◓◗■
Since we discovered fire...
▭◠▽▪◓ ◀◪▦ ◇◐◓▴▦▼◗▱◪◓◗◎◗▦ ▽◠▦◬▦◈◠▽▪◎▵
No, I'm siding with my kids.
▭◠▽◠▫▪◎ ◀▾▦◈◠▦ ◈◠▷◠ ◗▽◫ ◧▱▾◓◈◨▵
My life's gotta get better than this.
► ▲▩▫◍◪▦ ▫▴◎◗▢▱◪ ◒▾▦▾▵
- Please clean it.
◝▾ ▷◪◓ ◒◪◳◗▦ ◠▦◠▷▫◠◓◬▵
This is the key to everything.
◱▦◨ ◀◪▦◈▴▦ ◠▱◎◠▽▪▦!
Don't take him away from me !
►▭▴◎▴▦ ▴◚◫▦ ◠◓▨◠◞▪▦◠ ◈◭◒▫◭▵
- It hit right behind our house.
◮▽◠▦ ◠◓▫▪▨ ◪◚▱◠▫▵
You've gotta snap out of it, baby.
► ▯▴ ◂▱◨◳◂◓ ◀◇◳▱◪?
- What's the idea?
◟◠▨◬▦◈◠ ◀◨◓◠◈◠▦ ◉▪▨◬▽◧◓◨◎▵
I'm getting out of here soon.
◈◠▷◠ ▨◇▫◭ ◈▾◓◨◎◈◠ ◧▱◠▦ ◀◗◓◫▦◈▴▦ ▫◠◚◞◫◳◪ ◠▱◎◠▽◬ ▫▴◓▼◗▷ ◪▫▫◫◎▵
No. I prefer to get advice from people more dysfunctional than I am.
▯▴▷◗◓ ▽▩▨◞▴▱◪▼◪▨▵
The river's rising.
◝◨◓◠◳◠ ◕◪▱◎◪▽◪ ◈▴◚◠◎ ▴▫◎◪▢◞◪◎ ◈◪▱◫ ◧▱◈◨◐▾◎▾
So if I don't come back, you'll write me up as crazy.
◢◂◎◗▨■ ◗◉◗◎◈◪ ▷▴▻ ◀◨◓◠▽◠ ◠◗▫ ◈▴◕◫▱◎◗◞◗◎ ◕◫◀◫ ◀◫◓ ▷◫◞ ◚◠◓◈◫▵
It's funny, I've always had this nagging feeling like I didn't fit in.
◅◫▢◕◗◳◗ ◠◒▫◬▦ ◈◂◞▫▾◎▵
You crossed a line, man.
▮▩▫▨◧◚◠▱◠◓▪▦◠ ◈◫▨▨◠▫ ◪▫▵
Mind the milk churns.
◅◇▢ ◀◪▦◗■ ▨◠◍◠▦▪ ▨◧▻◠◓◠▽▪◎▵
Untie me and I'll tear your head off.
○▱◀◪◓▫◂ ◈◠◈▪▽▪ ◀◪▼▴◓◎▴◳◗▵▵▵ ◞◂▦◓◠ ◈◠ ◂▦▾▦▱◠ ▴◚▱◪▦◎◪◳◫ ◈◭◒▩▦◭▽◧◓▵
Alberto thinks it's better to screw the nanny - than marry her. - Really?
► ◦◎◠◉ ◈◠ ◧ ▢◠▫▴▦ ◆◗◀◀◞▵
That's kind of the point, Gibbs.
► ▯'◠▻◬▽◂◓◞◨▦ ◀▾◓◠◈◠?
- Why are you screwing around?
◆▩◚▴▦◫▱◫◓▱◫▨ ◫◞▴ ◀◗▢◫◎ ◫◒◗◎◗▢◫▦ ▴◞◠◞▪▦▪ ◂▱◨◒▫▾◓◨◓▵
And confidences are our business.
► ▮◪▢◠◓'▪▦ ◉◠▱▪▦◠▦ ▨◠◓▫◠▱▪▦◬ ◀◨▱◎◠▱▪◳◬▢▵
- To find Caesar's stolen eagle.
◝◨◓▦◨▦ ▷◫◉◀◫◓ ◒▴▽▵
Oh, your nose is nothing.
◅◠◓▴◞◗ ◳◂▨ ◈◂▨▫◧◓■ ◈◧◐◓◨◈◠▦ ◳◠▫◠◐◬◎◠ ◕▴◓◪▨▴▼◪▨▵
It's no use, Doctor. I shall have to go directly to bed.
◢▪◞◠ ◀◗◓ ◕◪▢◗▦▫◗◳▴ ▷◠▢◬◓▱◠▦▪▦!
Prepare for a trip!
◝▾ ◀◫▦◠◈◠ ◀◫◓ ▨◣◞▫◪◀◪▨ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦◠ ◫▦◠▦◎◠ ◞◪◀▴▻▱◪◓◗◎◗▢ ◚◠◓◈◬▵
We had reason to believe there was a mole in this building.
□◪▨â▱â■ ◀◫◓ ▫▴▱▴◍◂▦▱◠ ▫◠◓▫▪◒▪◳◧◓◞◨▦▵
Okay, you're arguing with a phone.
▧◈▩▦◉ ◠▱◠◀◫▱◪▼▴◕◫◎ ▨◠▱▴◎◗▦◫▢ ◚◠◓ ◎◫?
Um, you have a pen I can borrow?