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► ◱ ▦◪▽◈◫ ◣◳▱▴? | What was that? |
◰◚◫◎◈▴ ▦▴ ◗◒◫▦◗▢ ◚◠◓? | What are you doing in my house? |
◘▱▴ ◕▩▦◪ ▨◠◓◒▪ ▷◠▦◫▵ | For appearance's sake. |
22▵ ▴◚▱◪▦◎◪ ◳◬▱◈◣▦◭◎◭▦▩ ▨▾▫▱▾▽◂◓▵ | She's celebrating her 22nd wedding anniversary. |
▬◠◓▱◧■ ◉◧▨ ◗◳◫ ◀◫▱◗◳◂◓◞◨▦ ▨◗▵▵▵ ▤◠▷◠▫▱◠◎◠◎◬▦ ▫◪▨ | Carlo, you know very well... that this is my only source of relaxation. |
◝◠◒▨◠ ◀◫◓ ◒▴◳ ◗◉◗▦ ◈◪ ▫◠◎ ▷◠◚◠◎◈◠▽◬◎▵ | I prefer something else. |
◦◎◠ ◠◓▨◠◎◬▢◈◠▨◗ ◀◠◐▱◠▦▫◬◳▪ ▨◠◳◀◪◈▴▼◪◐◗▢▵ | We won't have any link with the rear. |
◦◎◠ ◠◓▫◬▨▵▵▵ | Only, now... |
◦◎◠ ◠◓▫◬▨▵▵▵ | But now... |
◝◧◒ ◚▴◓ ◀◪▦◗▵ | Forget about me. |
▯◪ ◕▴◓▴▨◗◳◧◓◞◠ ▽◠▻◎◠▽◠ ◓◠▢◬▽▪◎▵ | I'm willing to do whatever it takes. |
◟◠▱▦▪▢ ▨◠▱◠◀◗▱◫◓ ◎◗▽◫◎? | Look, do you mind? |
▶▴◓◞▱▴◓◫▦◫ ◉◪◚◗◓ ◣◳▱◪◳◞▴! | Well, turn them over, then! |
▭◪◳! ◝◪▦◗ ◈▾◳◎◠◈◬▦ ◎◬? | Didn't you hear me? |
► ▮◧◓▾◳◠ ▼◪◚◠▻ ◚◪◓◗▦ ◝◠▽ □▴◓◓◳▵ | Answer the question, Mr. Perry. |
◢▴▦◈◫◎ ◭◞▫▴◞◫▦◈◪▦ ◕▴▱▴◎▴◎■ ▭◠◓▱▴◳▵ | Well, I just can't figure it out, Harley. |
◝◪▦ ▪◞▱▪▨ ◉◠▱◈◬◐▪◎◈◠ ◠◉◠◓◞◬▦▵ | Switch it on only when I give a whistle. |
◦▷◀◠▻■ ▦▴ ▽◠▻◠▼◠◐◬▢? | Dude, what are we gonna do? |
◈◠ ▦▴ ◈◪◎▴▨■ ◠◎◬▦◠ ▨◂◈◨◐◨◎? | Hey, what the fuck does that mean? |
◆▴▼◫▨◎▴ ◉◧▨ ▫◪▷▱◫▨▴▱◗ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◗◓▵ | Delay could be dangerous. |
◡◨◈◫▫▷■ ◀▾◓◠▽◠ ◕▴▱ ◀◪◀◪◐◫◎! | RAY: Judith! Come along, baby! |
◱▦▾▦ ◀◨▦▾▦ ◉◧▼▾◐◨▵ | Son of a bitch. |
◱▦▾▦ ◀◨▦▾▦ ◉◧▼▾◐◨▵ | Son of a bitch. |
◱▦▾▦ ◀◨▦▾▦ ◉◧▼▾◐◨▵ | Son of a. |
◝▾▦▼◠ ▽◬▱◈◠▦ ◞◧▦◓◠■ ◀◨◓◠◈◠ ▨◠▱▪▻ ▽◠◒▱◠▦◠◓◠▨ ◣▱◎◪◳◪ ▷◠▢▪◓◈▪◎▵ | After all this time, I was ready to kick back, grow old and die. |
◦◞▨▴◓◫ ◄◠▷▨◪◎▴ ◀◗◓ ◠◚▾▨◠▫◬◎ ◧▱◈◨◐◨▦▾ ◞◣▽▱▩▽◧◓▵ | Uniform Code of Military Justice says I get a lawyer. |
◍◂◓◎▱◠◓◬▦◬ ◈◂▱◈◨◓◈▾ ◎◨? ► ◘◚◪▫▵ | Yeah. |
► ◝▴▦ ◀◣▽▱◪ ◗◳◫◳◗◎■ ▫◪◒▴▨▨◭◓▱▴◓■ ▮▫◪◚▴▵ | I'm fine, thanks, Steve. |
◦◓◠◈◬◐▪▦▪▢ ◗◉◫▦ ▫◪▨◓◠◓ ▫▴◒◪▨▨◭◓▱◪◓▵ | Thank you again for calling. |
◤◠▱▦◬▢▼◠ ▼◠▦▪◎◈◠▦ ◎▴◞▾▱ ◂▱◞◠◳◈◬◎ ◀◪▱▨◫ ◈▴ ▫◨▢◠◐◬▦◠ ◈◭◒▴◓◈◗◎▵ | If I stood only for my own life, perhaps I would stand so moved. |
► ◮◉▱◠◓◬ ◞◧▱◕▾▦■ ◕◪◓◉◫▵ | - The tips are pale, though. |
► ◟◠▻◠▼◠▨ ◗◒▱◪◓◫◎◫▢ ◚◠◓▵ | - We've got work to do. |
▭◂▱▱▽■ ▫◪▨▱◗◍◫◎ ◪◈▴◓◫▦◈▴▦ ◍◠▢▱◠▵ | Yeah, if I were only selling a couple of shares. |
◘◚◪▫■ ◠▦▫◗▨◠ ◠◓◠◀◠▱◠◓◠ ◗▱◕◗ ◈▾▽◠▦◈◬▦■ ◎◗? | Yes, the vintage car guy, right? |
► ▿◐▱▾◎ ▻◠▢◠◓ ◀◨◕▩▦■ ◳◧▱▱◠◓ ◀◧◎◀◂◒▵ | - Today is Sunday, man. The roads are empty. |
◝◠◒▪◎◬▢◈◠ ▴◓▨◪▨ ▽◧▨ ▨◫▵ | We don't have a lot of men around here. |
► ◔▢◕◭▦▩◎■ ▴▱◫◎◈◪▨◫▱◪◓ ◀◨▦▱◠◓▵ | - Sorry, that's all I got left. |
◈◪◓◗▦ ▦▴◍▴◞ ◠▱◬◳◂◓◞▾▦■ ◈▴◐◗▱ ◎◗? | You sigh a lot, don't you? |
◱▦◨ ◈◂◐◓◨▼◠ ▼◪▷◪▦▦▴◎◫▦▴ ◕▴◓◗ ▽◧▱▱◠▽◠◳▪◎▵ | She be going back to hell so fast her hand basket will have a hard time keeping up. |
▦◪ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◉◂▨ ◞▴◚◈◫◐◫▦◫ ◀◫▱◗▽◂◓◨◎▵ | I know how much you love Schubert. |
◈◠ ▨◠◓◒▪▦◈◠ ◈◨◓▾◳◂◓ ▼◠▦▪◎■ ◨▦◨▫▫▾▦ ◎▾ ◳◂▨◞◠? | And that's me, baby, remember? |
▮◧▦◨◉▫◠■ ◀◗◓ ◂▱◠◳ ◎◠▷◠▱◫ ◚▴ ▻◓◧◍◪◞▽◧▦▴▱ ◀◗◓◫▱▴◓◗▦◪ ◗▷▫◗◳◠◉▱◠◓▪ ◚◠◓◈◬▵ | Well, it's a crime scene so they need professionals. |
◘◐▱▴▦▼◪▦◫▢◗ ◀◣▱◈◭◐◭◎ ◗◉◗▦ ▨◨◞▾◓◠ ◀◠▨◎◠▽◬▦▵ ▮◫▷◫◓▱◗ ◌▱▩▫'▩▦ ▫◠◈▪▦◬ ◉◬▨◠◓◬▦▵ | I'm sorry for interrupting your evening. |
◙◪▷◒▴▫▴ ◈▩◒▫◭◎▵ | Terrified. |
► □▴▨ ◈◪ ◕◭◉▱▩ ◈▴◐◗▱▵ | -She's not very strong. |
◝◗▱◎◗◳◧◓◨◎■ ◞◠◈◪▼◪▵▵▵ ◀◗◓ ◒▴◳▱▴◓ ◕◇◓◈◭▦ ◎▩? | I don't know, just... something strange? |
□◂◓▫◠▨◠▱ ◞▾▽◨ ◠▱◠◎◠◈◬◎▵ | I didn't get any orange juice. |
◢◫◎ ◈◪◎◫◒ ◓◂◎◠▦▫◫▢◎ ◇▱◈▩ ◈◫▽▴? | Who says romance is dead? |
◙◧▱ ◆◨▱◈◨◓'◈◠ ◀◨▱◈▾◐◨ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▽▵ | He found it in Dol Guldur. |
◖◫◎◈◗ ◗▦◎▴◎◗▢ ◕▴◓◪▨◫▽◂◓? | We are going to disembark now. |
◟◂▨■ ◧▦◨▦▱◠ ◂ ▨◧▦◨▱◠◓◈◠ ▨◧▦▾◒◎◠▽▪▢▵ | No, I don't really talk to her about that kind of stuff. |
◖◫◎◈◫■ ◕◣◓◎▴▨ ◗◞▫◪◈◗◐◗◎ ◍◫▱◗◎ ◀▾▵ | Now, this is the movie I want to see. |
◖◗◎◈◫■ ▮▫▴◚▴▦ ◦◈◓◪◠'◳◬ ▦▴◓◪◳▴ ◕◇▫◭◓◈◭? | NOW, WHERE DID STEVEN TAKE ANDREA? |
► ▮◫▦◫◓ ◀◧▢◨▼◨ ▨◧◎◒◨◎▾▢ ○◓▫◗◪▵ | He's our annoying neighbor Artie. |
▮◗▢◫ ◀◪▨▱▴▫▫◫◕◗◎ ◗◉◫▦ ◇▢▩◓ ◈◗▱◪◓◗◎ ◝◠◳ ▮◠◎▵ | I'm sorry to have kept you waiting, Mr. Sam. |
□◓◂◀▱◪◎▱◪◓◫▦◫▦ ◀◗◓ ◠◈◬ ◚◠◓▵ | Your problems have a name. |
▦◪ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◕◭▢◪▱ ◀◫◓ ◈◗▱▵ | German's such a beautiful language. |
▨◫◎◗ ◣▱◈◭◓◈▩ ◂ ▢◠◎◠▦? | If she's right, who did the FBI kill? |
◲▦◞◠▦▱◠◓ ◧◳▦◨▽◧◓▱◠◓ ◠◎◠ ◀◂◒ ▽◪◓◪▵ | ... And when we do it's not that exciting. |
□◠◓◠▽▪ ◕◪▫◗◓◈◗▦◗▢ ◎◗? | Did you bring the dough? |
◥◉ ◡▴◈◗? | Three Jedi? |
◄◪◓◎◗ ◈▴▱◫◐◗ ◎◫ ◫◞▫◗▽◂◓▱◠◓? | They want bullet holes? |
► ▶◠▦◞◫▽◂▦◨▦ ▽▩▨◞▴▱▴▼▴▨ ◳◠! | Father, your blood pressure will increase! |
▧▦▼▴▱◫▨▱◪■ ◎◭◓▴▫▫▴◀◠▫◠ ▢◠◓◠◓ ◚◪◓◎◪◈▴▦ | First we rescue Dr. Corbeau, without destroying the space station crew. |
○◎◠ ◀◠◀◠◎◬▦■ ◀◠▦▨◠▼▪▽▪ ◀▴◐◪▦◎▴◎◪◞◫▦◗ ◞◠◐▱◠◎◠▱◬◞◬▦▵ ◝◫▱◫◳◧◓◞◨▦■ ◉◭▦▨◭▵▵▵ | But You have to make sure that Dad doesn't like that banker, because You know... |
◰◞▨◗▱▴◓◫ ▫◪▨◓◠◓◈◠▦ ▽◠◒◠▫◎◠▱◠◓■ ◍◫▱◎▱▴◓▵▵▵ | Revivals, and movies... |
□◠◓◈◧▦■ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒▪▦◬▦▵ | Friend, sorry. |
◦▦◗ ◎◫◈▴ ◀◨▱◠▦▫▪◞▪ ◚◪ ◫◞▷◠▱ ▽◠◓◠▫◠▦ ◀◗◓ ◞◫▦▽◠▱ ◳◠◳▪▽◂◓▵ | It emits a pulse that creates spontaneous nausea and diarrhea. |
◰▢◗▱◎◫◒ ▨▪◓◎◬▢◬ ▻◠◓▫◗ ◀◠◓◈◠▨▱◠◓◬ ◚◠◓▵▵▵ 151/2 ◀◓◠▻▻▱◪▵ | We got, uh, a... crushed red party cups. 151/2 brapples. |
▶◓▴◚◗▦◧'▦◨▦ ▢◠◎◠▦◬▦◈◠ ▽◧▨▵ | Not in Trevino's timeline. |
▭◠◞◞◗▨▫◫◓■ ◠◈◠◎◬◎! | Shit, man! |
◙◂◐◓◨ ◧▱◠▦▪ ▽◠▻◬◳◧◓ ▷◪▻▵ | Doing the right thing. |
◖◫◎◈◗ ◀▾ ◭▱▨▴◈◪▨◗ ▷▴◓ ▻◂▱◫◞ ▩◞▫▩◎▩▢▴ ◳▩▨▱▴▦◫▻ ◀◠◒▱◠◓▪◎◬▢◠ ◀◫◓▨◠◉ ◎▴◓◎◗ ◞◬▨◎◠▽▪ ▾◎◨▽◧◓▵ | I didn't attack... now every cop in this entire country is hoping to run into us to put a couple bullets in our heads. |
▿ ◒◪▽◗ ◫▨◗◳◪ ◀◣▱◎◪▨ | Unless he chops it in two. |
◡◠▦◚◫▴◓ ◀◗▱◕◗▽◫ ◞◠▦◠ ◞◠▫▫◬▵ | Janvier sold the information to you. |
◢◫▦ ◕◭▫◎▴▦◫▦ ◠▦▱◠◎▪ ▽◂▨▵ | No hard feelings. |
◝◨▦◨▦ ◠▱◬◒◬▱◎▪◒▪▦ ◈▪◒▪▦◈◠ ◀◗◓ ◒▴◳ ◧▱◈▾◐◨▦◨▦ ◍◠◓▨◬▦◈◠◳▪▢ ◚▴ ◀◗▢◪ ◗◞▫◗◞▦◠ ◕◣◞▫◪◓◈◫◐◫▦◫▢ ◫◉◫▦ ▫◪◒◪▨▨▩◓ ◪◈▴◓◗▢▵ | No, we realize it's a little unorthodox And we really appreciate you making the exception. |
◗▨◫▦▼◫ ◗▱▨▴ ◕▴▱▴▼▴▨ ▦◪◞◫▱▱▴◓◫▦ ▨◂◓◨▦◎◠◞◬◈▪◓▵ | The second principle is the protection of future generations. |
▮◠▽▪ ►▮▫◪▥◠◓▫▵ | Safe! |
40 ◈▴◓▴▼◪▵ ► ▯▴▽▴ ◠▱◪◓▸◫ ◂▱◎▾◒ ◧▱◠◀◗▱◫◓◞◫▦▵▵▵ | It's, like, 40 degrees outside, what can you be allergic to? |
▿▦▱◠◓◠ ◪▦◕▴▱ ◧▱◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◪◎▴▢ ◎◗◞◫▦◫▢? | Don't you want to see them stopped? |
◄◗◓◠▦◈◠■ ◞◠◠▫ ◕◪▼◪▦◗▦ ▩◉▩▵ ◙◠▷◠ ◎◪◈◪▦◗ ◀◗◓ ◞◠◠▫▫◪ ▨◠◈◠◓ ◀◪▨▱▴◓◗◎▵ | I'll wait until a more civilized hour. |
◝◫◓ ▫◠▷◎◫▦ ▴◈▴◳◗◎▵ ◤◠◓▪◎ ▢◠◎◠▦▱◬ ◉◠▱▪◒◠▦ ◀◗◓ ▨◧◉▾▦ 18 ◳◠◒◬▦◈◠ ◀◫◓ ▱◫◞▴▱◫◳▱◪ ◉◬▨◎◠◞▪▦▪▦ ▨◇▫◭▱◭◐◭ ▷◠▨▨▪▦◈◠ ▦◠◞◫▷â▫ ◚▴◓◎◪▨ | 'Cause you want to lecture me on the evils of a part-time coach dating an 18-year-old high school student. |
▮◇▽▱◪◈◫◐◫◎ ◕◗◀◗ ▷▴◓ ◒◪▽ ◳◧▱▾▦◠ ◕◗◓▴◓▵ | Relax, Mom. It'll all work out. |
◢◠▻◠◎◠▨ ◗◞▫◪◎◗▽◧◓▵ | He wouldn't hang up. |
▮◪▦◗ ◕◣▢▱▴◎▱◪◎◪▨ ◉◧▨ ▴◐▱◪▦▼▴▱◫▵ | It's fun observing you. |
◝◠▨■ ◀◗▱◎◪◈◗◐◗◎◗ ◞◠▦◈◬◐◬▦ ◀◗◓ ◕◫▢▱◗ ▻▱◠▦◬▦ ◂▱◈◨◐◨▦▾ ◀◫▱◗▽◂◓▾◎▵ | Look, I know you have your secret plan that I don't know about. |
◝◪▦ ◂▦▾▦ ◚◨◓◈▾◐◨▦▾▦ ◫▨◗ ▨◠▫▪ ◞◪◓▫▱◗▨▫◪ ◚◨◓◠▼◠◐◬◎ ◉◭▦▨◭ ◳◠▻◠◀◗▱◗◓◫◎ | Well, I'm gonna hit twice as hard as she ever did because I can and because someone should. |
◑◪ ◈◠▷◠ ◀◫◓◉◂◐◨▦◨ ◕◇◓◪◞◗▦▵ | And may you have many more. |
"▮◫▱◠▷◬ ◠◐▢◬▦◠ ◞◂▨◎▾◒▫◨▵ | "She had the gun in her mouth." |
◗◞▨▴▱▴◈◪ ◀◨▱▾◒▫▾▨■ ◀◧▫ ◚▴ ◀◫◓▨◠◉ ○◢ ▫◫▻◗ ◞◫▱◠▷◬ ◚◠◓◈◬▵ | Met him down at the docks with the boat, some AKs. |
◄▾▫◍◠▨▫◠ ◞◂◐◨▨▱▾▨▫◠ ▷◠◓▴▨▴▫ ◚◠◓▵ | Kitchen, I have movement by cold storage. |
▿▦◈◠▦ ◀◪▫◪◓ ◀◗◓◫◞◗ ▽◪◓◫▦◗ ◠▱◠▦◠ ▨◠◈◠◓ | We may be glad the fucker's gone till somebody worse takes his place. |
◦▱ ◗◒▫▴ ◗◞▫◪◈◗◐◗▦▵ | (Chelsea) Take the loving and like it. |
◁'▷◠'◈▾◎ ▻◠▫▱◠◎◠◈◠▦ ◇▦▼▴ ◉◂◐◨▦▾▦ ▨◠◉▫▪◐▪▦◬ ◈◠ | And we know that most of them, or all of them, got out before Z'Ha'Dum exploded. |
▿▦▾▦▱◠ ◠◓▨◠◈◠◒ ◂▱◎◠▨ ◗◉◗▦ ▻◠◓▫◗◳▴ ◕◫◈◗◳◧◓◨◎■ ◕◪◓◫ | I'm going to a party to pick him up, and then I'll be back. |
► ◝◫◓◠▢ ◇▦▼▴ ◈▴◈◗▨▱▴◓◫◎◫ ◈◨▽◎◠◈◬▦ ◎▪? | Did you hear what I just said? |
◝◫◓◫▼◗▨ ◂◐▱◨▦◨▵ | Thy only son. |
◙◭◒▴◓◞▴▦ ◕▩▱◪◓◗◎▵ | If you fall, I'll laugh. |
◘◚◈▴ ◀◨▱▾▦◎◠◞▪▦▪ ◗◞▫▴◎◪◈◫▨▵ | We hated having it in the house. |