◆◣◓◪◚◈▎▊ ◠▱◬▊◎◠◞◬▊▪ ◗◞▫▎◎◗▜◧◓▟◎▵
I don't want him relieved of duty.
◝◹ ◀◗◓ ◀◭◳▩▵ ◢◠▱◀◫◎◪ ▜◠▻▫◬◐◬▊ ◀◫◓ ◀▩◳◭▵ ◝◹ ◀◗◓ ◀▩◳◭▵
"It is magic, your magic that has overcome my heart..."
◥◞▫▎▱◗▚ ◞◠▩◠ ◂▩◠ â–šâ— â—“â—’â–ª â–·â–Žâ–» ◈▩◓▩◞▫
Besides, she said that you should always be honest.
◕◪▱◫▻ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—« ◠▱◠▌◠▚ ◚▮ ▷◗◉◀◫◓ ▢◠◎◠▊ ▟▊▟▫◠◎◠◳◠▌◠◐▪▊ ◀◫◓ ◕◪▌◪ ◳◠◒◠▫◠▌◠◐◬◎▵
I'm going to pick you up at 8:00, show you a night you will never forget.
◱ ◀◗◓ ▜◪◓▎ ◕◗▫◎◫◳◧◓▵
She's not going anywhere
► ◙◠▷◠ ◣▊▌◪▱▎◓◫ ▩'◧▱◈◚◐◚▊▟ ◀◫▱◫◳◧◓◞◚▊▵ ◢◠◍◠◎◈◠▊ ▟▜◈▟◓◎▟▜◂◓◚◎▵
- You know the history, I'm not making this up.
◀◫▢ ◀▟ ◠◓◠◈◠ ◎◭◈◠▷◠▱▎ ▎◈◗◳◧◓▟▢■ ◧ ▚◠◈◠◓▵
Only we manipulate the files Before we send them back.
► ▮▎▚◞◪ ◀◹ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◠◉ ◎◬◞◬▊? ► ◰◚◪▫▵
Are you that starved for physical affection?
◗▱◗◒▚◫◎◗ ◎◪◓◠▚ ◎▪ ◪◈◗▜◧◓◞◚▊?
So you're curious of my relationship with her, huh?
► ○◞▪◓▱◠◓ ◂▱◈▟ ▫◠◀◫◫▵
- A million years ago.
◙◹◚◠◓◠ ◳◠▚◬▊ ◈▟◓▟▜◧◓◈▟▵ ◲◉◫◎◈▎ ◎◫▊◗◀▩◞◪ ◈◂◐◓◹ ▷◗◞◞◫ ◂▱◚◒▫▟▵
It was keeping close to the wall, and I have a feeling it was headed for the van.
▶◠◎◗◓▷◠▊◪◈◪ ◀◠▩◠ ◉◠▱▪◒◬◓◞◠▊▵▵▵ ◊▊▱◠◓◞◬▊ ◳◠? ◢◓▎◈◫ ▚◠◓▫◬■ ◓◠▊◈▎◚▟ ◕◗◀◗ ◫◒▱◪◓▱◪ ◫▱◕◗▱◪▊▎◀◫▱◫◓◞◗▊▵
You know, ifyou worked for me at the garage - you know what I'm sayin' - and, you know, like, run credit cards and make appointments and stuff like that...
◎◫▱◗◞ ▚◚◚◚▎▫▱▎◓◫▜▱▎ ◫▱◕◗▱◫ ◞◣◳▱◪◈◫▚▱◪◓◗▊◫ ◈▟◳◎◠▚ ◫◞▫▎◎◪◎◫◒▫◫◎▵
Of course, I didn't want to hear what Fraga... was saying about the militias.
◝◹ ◀◗◉◫▱◎◗◒ ▚◠◍▫◠▊ ◈◠▷◠ ◍◠▢▱◠◈◬◓▵
It's more up your alley.
◙◚▜◎◚◳◂◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ—žâ–Ÿâ–Šâ–Ÿâ–¢ ◀▮▩◗?
You folks not hear me? !
◞◧▊◓◠▚◫ ◫▱▚ ◞◪◚◕◗▱◗▱▎◓ â—•â–©â–Šâ–©â—Žâ–µ ▿ ▜◭▢◈▎▊ ◀▟ ◫▊◞◠▊▱◠◓◠ ◕◇◞▫◪◓▎ ◕◇◞▫◪◓▎ ◠◒▹ ▜◠◒◠▊◎◠◞◬▊◬▊ ▢◠◓◠◓▱◬ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◪▌◪◐◗▊◗ ◠▊▱◠◳◠▌◠▚ ◈▟◓▟◎◈◠◳▪◎▵
and it is my first valentine's day since holly, so i think that i am well-qualified to understand that these people need to be protected from having love shoved into their faces.
▮◂◓◚▊ ◧▱▟◓ ◎◹ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—«â–Š ◗◉◫▊?
Do you mind?
◲▜◗ â—šâ— â–šâ—«â–« ◕◪◉◫◓◎▎▊◗▢◗ ◚◪ ◕▩▢◪▱ ◳◫▜▎▌◪▚▱▎◓◫▊ ▚◪◳◍◗▊◫ ◉▪▚◠◓▫◎◠▊◬▢◬ ◓◫▌◠ ◪◈◗▜◂◓▟◎▵
Now, I'd personally appreciate it if you'd all have a good time and enjoy the fine food.
▶◠▊◓◬◎■ ◧▊▱◠◓◠ ◈◂▹◹▩◎◠▹ ▩▮ ◕▩▢▎▱▵
Oh, God, they feel so good.
◀◚▱■ â–šâ— â–» ◚▮ ◫◒◗ ◀◫▫◗◓▵ ◝◹ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◀◠◞◗▫▵
Find her, and grab her, and just rebound.
▭◠▜◈◗■ ◞◪▊◗▊▱▎ ◈◣◚◭◒▎▌◪◐◫◎!
C'mon, I'll fight you!
◙◠▷◠ ▚◇▫▩◞▩ ◂▱◠◀◫▱◫◓ ◎◗?
Could this day be any worse?
◩▱◭◎ ◚◳▚▟◞▟ ▹◂▩◹◞◹▩◈◠ ◳◠◓◈◬◎◬▊ ▱◠▢◬◎▵
I need your help with a dead faint.
◀◠◚◠◒ ▜◠◚◠◒ ◳◠▊▵▵▵
"Burn slowly..."
◀◠◚◠◒ ▜◠◚◠◒ ◳◠▊▵▵▵
"Burn slowly..."
◀◠◚◠◒ ▜◠◚◠◒ ◳◠▊▵▵▵
"Burn slowly..."
▮◠◈◪▌▎ ◀◫◓ â–«â— â–Šâ–Ž ▚◣▫▩ ▚◠◓◒▪▱◠◒▫▪◎▵
I've only met one evil person.
"▮◪▱◠◎ ◀◪◀◪◐◫◎▵"
"Hello, baby."
▮▎▊◫▊▱◪ ▫◠▊▪◒◎◠▚ ◫◉◗▊ ◞◠◀◬◓◞▪▢▱◠▊▪▜◧◓◈▟◎▵
I've so looked forward to meeting you.
▭◪◎▎▊ ◕◪◓◗ ◈◣▊▎▌▎◐◗◎▵
I'll be right back.
▶◪◞▱◗◎ ◧▱◚◓◞◠▊■ ▢◠◓◠◓ ◕◇◓◎▎▢◞◗▊▵
Give yourself up and no harm will come to you.
◲▱◪◓◫◳◪ ◀◠▚▪◳◧◓■ ▻◠◞▪ ◕◣▊◈◪◓◫▜◂◓▵
Looking right, he fires.
○◐▢◬ ◧▱◠▊ ▚◧▊◚◒◚▜◧◓▵
People are talking.
◥◉ ◎◪◓◎◫▊ ▚◠▱◈▪▵
You have three bullets left.
◀◪▊◗ ◀◧◳▟▫◠ ◕◗◓◎▮▹ ◫◉◗▊ ◣▢▎▱ ▚◚◚◚◪▫▱◪◓ ▜◂▱▱◠◈◬▚■ ◠◎◠ ▫◠◎◠◎◪▊ ◀◠◒◠◓◬◞▪▢ ◧▱◈▟▵
The stealth force was sent out to investigate this newly created dimension, but they failed.
◝▟▊◚ ▫◠◎ ◠▊▱◠◎▪▜▱◠ â–šâ—‚â–Šâ—šâ—’â–«â–Ÿâ–š â—Žâ–Ÿ ◲◎◠ ▎◈◗▱◈◗▵
Well, I don't know that we actually discussed it, it was just sort of implied.
▮◂▊◓◠ ◠◓◠▩◠▩ ◀◗◓ ◠◈◠◎◬ ◞◠▚▱◠◎◬◒▫◬▚▵
Then there was that man we hid illegally.
◖▎▜◗ ◞◇▜▱▎◎◪▚ ◗◉◫▊ ◕◪▱◈◫◎▵▵▵
I just wanted to let you know that, uh,
◈◪ ◗◒◗▩ ◫◉◗▊◈▎◳◈◫▊ ◚▮ ○◓▫◗◪'◳▎ ▜◠◓◈◬◎ â–Žâ–«â–«â——â–Šâ–µ
Maybe you were in on it and helped Artie.
▮◠▊◠ ◧▊▟▊ ▜◪◓◫▊▎ â–Šâ—ª ◣▊▎◓▎◀◗▱◗◓◫◎?
What can I offer you instead of her?
▮▎◚◕◗▱◫◎■ â—‚â–Šâ–Ÿâ–Š ▫◠◎ ◈◠ ◫◞▫▎◈◗◐◗ ◀▟■ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—« ▚◧◓▚▟▫◠◓◠▚■ ◀▮▩◗ ◂▊◚▊▱◠ ◕◗▫◎▎▜◪ ▢◧◓▱◠◎◠▚■ ◍◠▚◠▫ ◧▊▟▊ ▻▱◠▊◬▊◬▊ ▷◗◉◀◗◓ ◎◠▊▫▪◐◬ ▜◂▚▵
Darling, that's exactly what he wants, to frighten you into forcing me to go along with him, but there's no logic to his plan.
◝◪▊◫ ▜◠▚◠▱◠◎◠▱◠◓▪▊◠ ◫▢◫▊ ◚◪◓◎◪▜◫▊!
Don't let them get me!
▮▎▊◫▊ ▷◗◉ ◹◎◹◓◹▩◈◠ ◎▪ ▻▎▚◗?
Do you care at all?
◝◪◓◠◀◪◓ ◀◗◓ ◎◠▢◫▱▎◓◗ ◚◠◓▵
They go way back.
◙◂◐◓▟■ 2000 ◳▪▱▪ ◕◪◓◫◈◪ ▚◠▱◈◬▵
Here, we're not even in 2000.
â–­â–Žâ—“â–·â— â–Šâ—•â—— ◀◫◓◗▊◗▢ ◞◬◓◠◈◠ ◧▱◠◀◫▱◫◓◞◗▊◫▢▵
Any one of you could be next. [pops lips]
◝▟■ ▯◠◞▪◓◠▱◬ ◊◞◠ ▷◠▚▚◬▊◈◠▵
It's about Jesus of Nazareth.
◰◐◪◓ ◀▟ ◞◠▱◈▪◓▪ ◕▎◓◉▎▚▱▎◒◫◓◞▎■ ▷▩▚◭◎◪▫◗◎◫▊ ◭▱▚◪▊◫▢◗ ◞◧◓◚◎▱▟ ▫◚▫◠▌◠◐▪▊◬■ ◠◎◗◓◗▊◫▢◫▊ ◠▊▱◠◈◬◐◬▊◈◠▊ â–Žâ—Žâ—«â–Š ◂▱◚▊▵
Make sure your superior knows that if this attack happens, my government will hold your country accountable.
â—…â–©â–Šâ–šâ—­ 500 ▜◬▱ ◞◂▩◓◠ ◞◧▩ ▻◫◓◠◎◫▫▱◪◓ â—«â–Šâ—’â—  ◪◈◗▱◈◗ ◳◪▊◗ ◉◠◐ ▚◓◠▱▱◠◓◬ â–·â–Žâ—“â–šâ–Žâ—žâ——â–Š ◕◇◓▎◀◗▱◈◫◐◗► ◎◪▢◠◓▱◠◓▪
That's why 500 years after the last pyramids were built a new era of kings decided that instead of building tombs which everyone could see
► ◖◠▹◠ ▜◠▻▪◳◧◓◞◚▊■ ◈▎◐◗▱ ◎◫?
- You must be kidding.
►◊◈◠◎▱◠◓◬◎ ◖◪◓◫◍'â—«â–Š ◀◫◓ ◀◭▜▩▌◭
My men think the Sheriff has been using a sorcerer.
◞◪◍▎◓ ▌▎▷▎▊▊◪◎▱◪◓◗ ◀◂▢▟▱◠▊▱◠◓▪▊ ◉◂◐◹ ▷▎▜◪▌◠▊◠ ▚◠▻▪▱◬◓▵
Lots of first timers, they get very excited when their hells break down.
▯◪▜◞▎■ ◕◗▫ ▢◬◓▷▱▪ ▱◪◚▷◠▱◠◓◬
Look, just go stock that armor plating like I asked.
◰▱◫◎◈◪ ◀◗◓ ▫◪▫◗▚ ◚◠◓▵
I'm holding a dead man's switch.
◟◭▹◞▮▹ ◞◪◞▱◗ ◉◬◐▱◬▚▱◠◓▵
A lot of noises. Loud shouting.
► ◊◒▫◪ ◕◪▱▎▌◪◐◗◎◫▢ ◀▟◓◠◈◠▵
Here is our future.
▚◧▱◠ ◞◠◈◪▌◪ 150 â–šâ—šâ—“â–Ÿâ—’â–µ
Sideburn-Cola with a menu - only 1.50!
◢◂◧◓◈◗▊◠▫▱◠◓▪ ◀◗▱◞◪▚ ◀◗▱◪ ◳◠▚◬▫▪◎◬▢ ▩◞◞◪ ◈◇▊◎▎◳▎ ◠▊▌◠
Even with coordinates, we barely have enough fuel to get back to base.
◁◪◳▊◠■ ◈◬◒◠◓▪◈◠ ◀◫◓ â—•â—“â—šâ–» ◎▟▷◠◍◬▢
Xena, there are a troup of guards outside.
▷◪◓ ◳▩▢▜▪▱◈◠ ◀◗◓ ◞▩▻◪◓▊◧◚◠ ▻◠▫▱◠◎◠◞◬ ◂▱◚◓▵
Supernova explode in our galaxy about once a century.
◆◪◓◉▎▚▫▎▊ ▢◠◎◠▊▪◎▪▢ ▜◧▚▵
We really don't have time.
► ▿▱◎◠▱▪◞◬▊▵
You should be.
► ▿▱◎◠▱▪◞◬▊▵
- Come on, man, you should be.
It's wrong.
Well, you were wrong.
◲▊◞◠▊▱◠◓◬ ▟◎◚◓◞▟◳◧◓◞▟▊▵
You care about people.
► ▯▎◈▎▊ ◞◠▩◠ ▚▪▢◠◳▪◎ â–šâ—«?
Why would I be mad?
◝◠▩◠ ◙◫▌▚ ◈◪ ▱◭▫◍▎▊▵
please, call me Dick.
◀◂▱◈◠ 2 ▱◗▫◓▎ ▀◗▊◕◪◓ ▲◠▚▫◠▫
Gotten 2 liters of l.R. En route.
"▮▫◠▞▪◎◬ ◞◪▊◗▊ ◉◗◍▫▱◫◐◫▊◈▎ ◳◠▻◎◠▚ ◫◞▫◫◳◂◓◚◎!
"Internship on your farm!
◊▜◫ ▷◠◀▎◓◗ ◚▎◓◈◗◐◫◎▎ ◕◣◓◪ ◒◗◎◈◫ ◈▮ ▚◣▫▩ ▷◠◀◪◓▵
That's the good news.
▿▊▱◠◓◬ ▚◗◎▱◫◐◗◎◫ ▚◧◓▟◎◠▚ ◗◉◫▊ ◣▱◈◭◓◎◪◈◗◎ ◩▾◠▩ ◆◗◀◀◞▵
I didn't kill them to maintain my cover, Agent Gibbs.
► ◝▟◓◠◞◬ ◀◫◓◠▢ ◠◐◬◓ ◕▎▱◪◀◗▱◫◓▵
This place can get a little rough.
"▮◂▊ ◩◞◗" ◍◫▱◎◫▊◈▎ ◀◪▊◗ ◫▢▱▎◎◗◒◎◗▜◈◫▊?
Did you see me in The Last Rebel?
◱▜◞◠▚◗ ◂▩◈◠▩ ◂▱◈▟◐▟▊◠ ◪◎◫▊◗◎▵
And the guy's kicked me to the curb again, saying it's not his, when I know for a fact it absolutely is his.
► ▬▱◠◓◠'▜◬ ◀◠◒▫◠▊ ◉▪▚◠◓◠▊ â–šâ–Žâ—’â—«â—’ ▜◠◒◬◳◧◓ ◚◪ ◧◓▫◠▜◠ ◉▪▚◎◠▜◠▌◠▚▫▪◓▵
- And not the other way around.
▮◪▊ ◕◫▫■ ▷◪◞◠◀◬ ◀◪▊ ◇◈◪◓◫◎▵
Go ahead. I got this one.
◢◫◎▱◫◐◗▊◗ ▫▎◞▻◫▫ â–Žâ–«â—Žâ–Žâ–Šâ—«â–Š ▮▩ ◫◳◫ ▜◧▱▟
He had to be identified.
◙▎▊◫▢◗▊ ▚▪▜▪◞▪▊◈◠ ◈◫▚◫▱◗▻ ◈▟◓◈▟◎▵
If any man have an ear, let him hear.
◊◳◫▌▎ ◞◗▱▚◪▱◪▊▵
You shake it off.
◩▊◭◎◭▢◈▎▚◗ ◞◂◓◹ ◒◹: ◝◹ ◈▩▊◳◠▜◬ ▻◠▜▱◠◒◎◠▚ ◗◞▫◗▜◧◓ ◎▟▜▟▢?
The question before us is, are we willing to share this world?
◊◳◫■ ▷◠▱▱◪◈◪◓◫◎▵
All right, fine, I'll get it done.
◖◹ ◈◧◐◎◠◎▪◒ ▫◪▊▜◠▊▪ ▻◠◓▫◫◳◪ ◕◪▫◗◓◎◪◞◪▊ ◂▱◎◠▢ ◎◬▜◈◬?
Can you not bring your unborn tummy worm to a party?
▫◬◓◠◀▢◠▊▱◠◓◬▊ ◠◓▚◠◞◬▊◈◠ ◂▊▟▊▱◠ ◎▩▌◠◈◪▱▎ ▎▫◞▎◳◈◫ ▭◠◞▚▎▱▱ ◈◠ ◠◳▊▪ ▹◠▩◠ ◀◠◞◎▪◒ ◧▱▟◓◈▟▵
Tangled up with Haskell, battling him back towards the banister, Haskell would have stepped into the same blood.
► □◪▚◫ ◳◠ ◗▫◗▌◫ ◕◭◉?
- What about a propulsion system?
◝◗◓◠▢▌▪▚ ◈◗▊▱◪▊◎▎▚▵
Need to rest up for a little while.
▭◠◞▚◗▜▱▎ ◒◗◚◠◚◠ ▚◠◓◬◒▪◎◬ ◕◗◀◗ ◕◣▢▩▚▩▜◂◓▵
Looks like a cross between a husky and a chihuahua.
◌◝◃ ◧▊▱◠◓◬ ◀▟▱◠▌◠▚ ◎▪?
Will the FBI find them?
◆◣▊◈▎◓◈◗◐◗▊ ▊◧▫▱◠◓◠ ◕◇▢ ◕◪▢◈◗◓◗▜◂◓◈▟◎▵
I've been going over the notes that you've been sending in.
◆▮◓◗ ◈◇▊◈▩◐◭◎◭▢◈▎ ◠◈◠◎▱◠◓▪◎◠■ â–¡â— â—“â–«â–·â—«â— â–Š ◢◓◠▱▱▪◐◬▊◬ ◀◚▱◎◠▚ ◗◉◫▊ ◓◪▷◀◪◓▱◫▚ ▎◈▎▌◪▚◞◗▊
Find man to guide my deputies to the Parthian Empire
▿◓▫◠▱◠◎◠▊ 3▵9■ ◁◠▊◈▎◓▵ â–­â— â—“â—«â–šâ—  ◀◫◓ ◞▻◂◓▌▟◞◚▊▵
Your GPA is 3.9, Zander.
○◓▫▪▚ ▰◗▱▱◗▎▵
And now it's Willie.
► ◙◬◒◠◓▪◈◠ ◠◈◠◎◬▊ ◚◠◓ ◎▪?
You got a man outside?
◝▮▩◗◎ ◞▟◉◚◎■ ◝◠▜ ▶◓◠◕◪◓▵
- That was my fault, Mr. Trager.
â–¿â–Šâ–Ÿ ◕◣◓◈▩▊◭▢ ◎▩ ◳◠ ◈◠ ▜◠▊◬▊◈◠ ◕▮▩◉
Have you seen the Oberschaarfuhrer or any SS men with a young girl.
◢◠▊▎▻▎ ◳◠◞▫◬▚▱◠◓◬▊▪ ◪▢◎◪◞◫▊◈▎▊ ◎◗ ▚◂◓▚◚◳◧◓◞◚▊?
Because you're afraid he smooshed the couch pillows out of shape?
◲◉◗◎◈▎ ◀◠◒◬▊◈◠▊ ◀▮◓◗ â–·â–Žâ—“ ◒▎▜◫ ◀◫▱◈◫◐◗▊◪ ◈◠◗◓ ◀◗◓ ▷◗◞ ◚◠◓▵ ○▜◓◬▌◠ ▲◫◚ ◌▟▊◠▊'◬▊ ◣▱◭◎◭▊▎ ▚◠◓◬◒▫◬◐▪▊◈◠▊ ◒◭▻▷◪▱◪▊◗◳◂◓◚◎▵ ◝▎▊▌▎ ▮○◙'◳◫ ▜◠◓◬◎ ▚◠▱◠▊ ◫◒◫ ◀◗▫◗◓◞◫▊ ◈◗◳▎ ◕◣▊◈▎◓◈◫▊▵
I have a feeling you knew about this whole thing from the beginning I also suspect that you're involved ln the death of Liu Funan I think the reason you sent in the SAD ls to tight up all the loose ends
◱▊◠ ◞◣▜▱▎◎▎◈◗◐◫◎ ◀◫◓ â—’â–Žâ–œ ◚◠◓▵ ▶◠◎ ◙▯○ ▫◪◞▫◫ ◞◂▊◚◉▱◠◓◬ ◉◬▚◠▊◠ ▹◠◈◠◓ ◞◠◉▪▊ ▚▪▢◠ ◠◗▫ ◂▱◚▻ ◂▱◎◠◈▪◐◬▊◬ ◀◗▱▎ ◀◗▱◪◎▎▜◗▢▵
So what I didn't tell her is, until we get the full DNA test results back, we don't even know if that hair belongs to her daughter.
◝◗▢◫◎ ◠◞◬▱ ▚◠▜◕▪◎◬▢ ◀◚◓▊▟ ◈◂◐◓◹ ◈◭▢◕▩▊ â—‚â–«â—šâ—“â–«â—Žâ— â–šâ–µ
Our main concern is that the break heals cleanly, so we'll rebreak the nose and set it properly.