◆◗◈◫▻■◞◧◀◠◳◬ ◠▫▎◒▱▎◞▎◎ ◗◳◫ ◧▱◠▌◠▚▵
I'd better go and light the stove.
▮◗▢◪ ◳◠▻◠▌◠▚▱◠◓▪◎◈◠▊ ▷◠◀◪◓◗▊◗▢ ◀◗▱◪ ◳◧▚▵
You guys have no idea what I'm gonna do to you.
◙◗◐◪◓▱▎◓◫▊◪ ▷◠▢◬◓▱◠▊◎◠▱◠◓▪▊▪ ◞◇▜▱▎▜◫▊▵
We can send over a team to help you establish a containment field.
►◝▟ ◠◎◪◓◗▚◠▱▪◳▱◠ ◫◒ ◳◠▻◎◠▚ â–·â—‚â—’â—šâ—Žâ—  ◕◫▫◎◗◳◧◓▵
I do not like things with him.
◆◇◞▫◪◓◗◎◗ ▚◠◉◬◓◈▪◎ ◎◬?
Am I missing my pageant?
► ▶▎◒◪▚▚▩◓▱◪◓■ ▎◍▎▊◈◗◎▵ ◔◞▫▩ ▚◠▱◞▪▊▵
- Thank you, sir, it's all yours.
That's them.
These here.
◘▱ ◠▹◒◠◎ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—« ◕◣◓▎◀◫▱◎▎◎ ◫◉◗▊ ◀◪▊◫
El tried to get me to sneak out after curfew to see you.
◢◧▊◚◒◎◠ ▜◠▻◎◠▜◬ ◀◬◓◠▚▵
Stop making speeches.
► ◝◹ ▜◭▢◈◪▊ ◀▟◓◠◈◠ ◈◗▚◫▱◫▜◂◓◚▢ ▜◠▵
That's why we're standing here.
◝◠▩◠ ◕◪▱◫▊▌▎■ ◳◭▢▩◎◈▎ ▚▪◓▪◒▪▚▱◬▚ ◂▱◈▟◐◚ ◗◉◫▊▵▵▵ ▜◠◒▱◬ ◪◓▚▎▚ ◠◚▌◬◞▪ ◚▎▜◠ "▜◠▫◎◠▚ ◗◞▫▎◈◫◐◗◎ â— â–Šâ–Šâ—ª"▵▵▵ ◈◗◳▎ ◗◞◗◎ ▫◠▚◎◠▱◠◓▪▊◬ ◈▎◓▫
And as for me, I was earned the label Cougar or Milf ... because I have young legs around me? I don't care.
▮◠▊◠ ◗▷◠▊◪▫ ▎◈◫▻■ ◀◠◓▪◒ ◞◭◓◪▌◫▊◗ ◞◠◀◂▫◪ â–Žâ–«â—Žâ–Žâ—Žâ——â—’â–µ
Who betrayed you and sabotaged the peace process.
◝▮▩ ◈◪ ◇▜▱◪ ◀◗◓ ◒◪◳
I assumed it'd be something of that sort.
◱►▊◪▎►◈◪◓◞ ◕◫◀◫ ◕◣◓▩▊◭◳◂◓▵
Looks like The o-neders.
◀◠▊◗ ▚◠◈▪▊ ◠◎◠ ◎◪◞▱◪▚▫◠◒ ◂▱◠▊▱◠◓◈◠▊▵
I mean, it's a woman, but it's a coworker is what it is.
▜◠▻◎◠▚ ◫◞▫▎◈◗◐◗▊◗ ◈◭◒▩▊◎▎▚ ◗◉◗▩ â—«â–šâ—« ◠◳ ◕◗◀◫ ◀◫◓ ▢◠◎◠▊ ◚◠◓▵
So you have two months to figure out what you want to do.
► ◆◠◀◓◫▎▱▱◪ ◳◠◒◬◳◂◓ â—Žâ–Ÿ?
Gabrielle's alive?
◆◭◳◠ â—¡â—šâ—žâ–«â——â–Š'▱◪ ◀◚▱▟◒▟▌◠▚▫▪▵
Supposedly meeting Justin.
◝◠◓◓◪▱ ◀◫◓◠▱◠◓▪■ ▜▩▢◎◪ ▷◠◚◚▢▱◠◓◬ ◒◗◒▹◧ ○▱◎◠▊ ◗◒◠◈◠◎▱◠◓▪▜▱◠ ◈◧▱◚■ ▚▎▊◈◗▱▎◓◫▊◫ ◠▚◓◧◀◠▫ ◞◠▩◠▩ ▻◫◓◠◎◗▫▱◪◓ ◳◠▻◠▊ ◚◪ ◉◧▌◚▚▱◠◓▪ ▚◧◓▚◚▫◠▊▵
Luxury modern roomettes And their watney's red barrel And their swimming pools
◑◪ ○▩▩▮▩◗▩ â— â—šâ—šâ–šâ— â–«â—¬ ◈◗◳◂◓ â–šâ—« ◚▢▱◠◒◎◠ ◈◠ ◳▎▫▎◓◗▊▌◪ ◫◳◗ ◧▱◚◓◞◠◎ ▫◠◎ ◚▎▱◠▜▎▫ ◗◉◫▊ ◈◠◚◠◈◠ ◀◠▩◠
A-And your Mom's lawyer says if I can get enough in the settlement, he can help me sue for full custody.
30'â–Ÿâ–Šâ—  ◀◠◞▫▪▊!
You're 30!
◝◹▩◹ â—Žâ–Ÿ ◗◞▫◗◳◧◓◞◚▊◚▢?
You want to do this?
► ▭◗◉ ◠◞◫▫ ◠▫▫◬▊ ◎◬?
-Did you drop any acid?
○◎◠ ◀◗◓ ▷◠◍▫◠ ◞◂▩◓◠■
But a week later, the baby was taken away from her.
◙◫▊▱◪■ ▮▻▎▊▌◪◓■ ◀◠▢▪ ▚◠◓◠◓▱◠◓ ◕▎◓▎▚◗▜◂◓◈◚▵
Listen, Spencer, decisions had to be made.
◢◫◎◞◪ ◉◂▌▟◐◚▊◚▊ ▚◠◳◀◪▫▫◗◐◗▊◗ ◕◣◓◎◪▚ ◗◞▫◪◎◪▢▵
No one wants to see his kid lose!
◧ ◀▪◉◠◐◬▊ ◕◪◓◉▎▚ ◂▱◈▟◐◚▊◚ ◀◫▱▎◎◪▢◈◫▵
Jorge would never have known that the knife was real.
â–šâ—‚â–Šâ—šâ—’â–µ ○▊▱◠◒◬▱◠▊ ◇▊◪◎▱◗ ◀◗◓ ◎◪◚▢▟▵
Talk to him, it sounds important.
◢◪▊◈◗▊▎ ◍◠▢▱◠ ◕◭◚▎▊◎◪▊ ◀◗◓ ◳◠▊◠■ ◫◒◪ ▜◠◓◠◓◞▪▊▵
Overconfidence aside, you'll do.
▮◠◚◠◒◎◠▚▫◠▊ ◀◬▚▫▪▚ ▟◞◠▊◈◬▚!
... We're sick and tired of fighting ..."
"◝▪◓◠▚" ▩▮ ◈◪◎◪▚?
What do you mean, "Let it go"?
◝◠▩◠ ◀◇▜▱◪ ◀◫◓ ◉◇▻▱▩▚▫◪ ▜◠◒◠◈◬◐◬▊▪ ◞◇▜▱◪◎▎◎◗◒▫◫▊▵
You didn't tell me you lived in such a dump.
◆◣◓▩▊◈◭◐◭ ◕◫◀◫ ◈◪◐◫▱▵
This isn't what it looks like.
◅◧▌◚▚ ◳◠◓◠▱◠▊◎◬◒ ◞◠▊▪◓◬◎▵
I think the kid's hurt.
◙◧▩■ ◇▢◭◓ ◈◫▱▎◓◗◎!
Don, I'm sorry!
◝◧◧◈▱◪ ◰◓▚▎▚▱▎◓ ◢◚▱◭◀▩▊◈◪▵
Boodle's Gentlemen's Club.
◅▪▚◠◓▪▊ ◒◚▊▱◠◓◬!
Turn them out!
◅▪▚◠◓▪▊ ◒◚▊▱◠◓◬!
Get the fuck out of here!
◀◫◓ ▹◠◉ ▷◠◍▫◠◈▪◓ ◉▪▚▪◳◂◓◚▢■ ◳◠▻▪▻ ▜◠▻◠◎◠▜◠▌◠▚▱◠◓▪◎◬ ◞◣▜▱◪◎◪ ▌▎◞◠◓▎▫◫▊◗ ▊◪◓▎◈◪▊ ◀◚▱▟▜◂◓◞▟▊?
Look, we've only been going out a couple of weeks. Where do you get off telling me what I can and can't do?
◢◠◍◠ ◎▪ ◀▟▱◚◳◧◓◞◚▊ ◀▎▊◗◎▱▎!
You're fucking shitting me.
◌◠▚◠▫ â—žâ–Žâ–Šâ—«â–Š ◞◪◓◭◚◪▊◫▊◗▊ ◈◠▷◠ ◀◠◒◬▊◈◠◞◬▊▵
But your adventures are just beginning.
▮◫▢▎ ◕▩◚◪▊▎◀◫▱◫◓ ◎◗▜◗▢?
Can we rely on you?
◄◫▱▫◂▊◀▟◓◕◪◓■ ◚◪◍◠▫◬▜▱◠ ◗▱◕◗▱◗ ◈▎▫◠◳▱◠◓◠ ◕◗◓◎▎◈◪▊ ◣▊▌◪▵▵▵
Before Mr. Miltonburger could get into the specifics of his demise...
◝◪▊◫◎▱◪ ▜◠▫▪◳◧◓▵
She sleeps with me.
◆◭◓▩▱▫▩■ ▻◠▫▪◓▫◬◈◠▊ ▟▢◠▚▫◠ â—«â–šâ—«
We've got a couple of days, lack of pitter-patter and all.
► ◝◹ ◪▊◈◫◒▎ ◚▎◓◗▌◫▵
- That is alarming. - I turned her down.
◑◪ ◳◠▚▪◒◬▚▱▪ ▚◠◍◠▊◬ ▻◠◓◉◠▱◠◎◠▚ ◗◞▫▎◎◫◳◧◓▟◎▵
I don't want to blow your handsome head to pieces.
◣▱◈▩◐▩▊▩ ▊◠◞▪▱ ▷◠◀◪◓ ◚▎◓◈◫◐◗▊◗ ▷◠▫◬◓▱◬◳◧◓ â—Žâ–Ÿâ—žâ—šâ–Š?
◕◪◓◉◪▚▫◪▊ ◗▊◠▊◎▪◒▫▪◎ ◀◪▊◫ ◞▎◚◈◗◐◫▊◫ ◞◇▜▱◪◈◫◐◫ ▢◠◎◠▊▵
I really did believe Alex when he said he loved me.
◟◠▩◗ ◞▟◉▱▟▱◚◐◚ ▚◠▊◬▫▱◠◳◠▌◠▚ ▷◗◉◀◫◓ ◈▎▱◗▱ ▜◂▚▵
Again, it falls short of proof beyond a reasonable doubt.
▭▮◓ ▷◠◓◪▚▎▫◫▊◫ ◫▢▱◪▜▎▊ ▹◠▩ ◈◠◚◠▱◬▱◠◓▪▊◠▵
Ancient vendettas stalk his every move.
◑▮ ◠◓▹◠◈◠ ◈◇◓▫ â–«â— â–Šâ–Ž ▚◫◎▱◗▚◞◗▢ ◉◂▌▟▚ ◚◠◓▹▮▩ ▷▪▢ ▚◚◓◠▱◬▊◠ ◚◳◎◠▊◬ ◣▊◪◓◗◓◗◎▵
And I suggest you stick to the speed limit with four undocumented kids in the back.
◘◎◫▱◳ ◗▱◪ ◀◚▱▟◒◎◠▊ ▊◠◞◬▱ ◕◪◉▫◫?
How went your meeting with Emily?
○◓▫◬▚ ◕◣◓◭◒◪◎◫▜◂◓▟▢▵
Don't see you any more.
◊▱▚◧▱◗▚ ◚▮ ◂◐▱◠▚ ◀▟◓▌▟▜▟◎▵
I'm an alcoholic... and a Capricorn.
◝▎▊◫◎ ◫◒◗◎ ◀◗▫▫◫◎◫ ◠▌◠◀◠?
You're going to finish me now?
◱▊▟ â—Žâ–Ÿ ▫◚▫▟▚▱◠◈▪▊?
You're arresting him?
◮◍◠▌◬▚■ ◎◗▊◫▌◫▚ ◀◫◓ ▻▎▫◓◧▱ ▚◚◳▟◎◚▢ ◂▱◞◠ ◈◠■ ◀◪▊ ◈▮ ▚◪▊◈◫◎◪ ◣▢▎▱ ▫◪▱◪◍◧▊ ◠▱◞◠◎?
Couldn't we have just one little, itty-bitty oil well, so I can get a private phone?
◙◠▷◠ ▚◣▫◭ ▷â▱◪ ◕◪▫◗◓▎◎◪◎ ◈◗▜▎ ◈▩◒◭▊◎▩◒▫▩◎▵
I figured it couldn't get any worse.
○▌◬▚▫▪◎▵ ▭◠◈◗ ◳▎◎▎▜▎ ◀◠◒▱◠▜◠▱◬◎■ ▫◠◎◠◎ ◎▪?
Let's go and have dinner?
◑▮ ▚◂▱◠▜▱▪▚▱◠ 50 ▜◠ 60
And you can get 50 to 60 years, easy.
◝▟▊◠ ◞◪▊◫▊◈▎ ◫▊◠▊◈▪◐◬▊◬ ◀◫▱◫▜◧◓▟◎▵
I know you believe that too.
◊▱▱◪▊ ◈◭▩ ◕▎▌◪ ◒▎▷◫◓◈▎ ◈◪◐◗▱◈◗▵
Allen was out of town last night.
▲▎◧▊◠◓◈■ ◇▢▎▱ ▷◠◳◠▫▪▊◠ ▷◗◉◀◫◓ ▢◠◎◠▊ ▚◠◓▪◒◎◠▜◠▌◠◐▪◎▪ ◀◪▱◗◓▫▫◗◐◗◎◗ ◀◗▱◗◳◂◓◞▟▊▵
Leonard, you know I make a point of never interfering in your personal affairs.
â—…â—­â–Šâ–šâ–© ▚◧◓◞◠▊▱◠◓ ◕◪◎◫ ◉◠▱◠◓▱◠◓▵
Pirates steal boats.
â—°â—šâ–Žâ–«â–µ ◲▱◫◒▚◫▱◪◓◫ ◞▩◓◈▩◓◎◪◎◗▢ ◕▮◓▮▹ ▜◧▚ ◧▱▟◓▱◠◓▵
We have to maintain relationships or they disappear.
â—¡â—‚â–·â–Š ◀◪▊◫◎ ◫◉◗▊ ◇◓▩▮▹ ◀◫◓ ▻◧▱◗◞▫◗◓■ ◀▟
You might say John's been a role model for me.
◊▜◫ ▊◫▜◪▫▱◫ ◠◎◠ ◉◧▹ ▚◂▊◚◒◚▜◧◓▵
She means well. But she talks too much.
▻◠◓◎◠▚ ◠◓◠◞▪ ▫◪◓▱◗▚ ◕◪▫◫◓◗◳◧◓◞▟▊◈◚◓ ▟◎◠◓◬◎?
Wow, you bring enough flip-flops, Em?
► ◱◓◠◞▪▊▪ ◀◠▩◠ ◀◬◓◠▚▪▊▵
- Leave that to me.
○▊▱◬◳◧◓▟◎ ◠◎◠■ ◪◎◗▊◗◎ ▹◗ ◧ ◕◪▌◪ ◂◓◠◈◠ ◀◫◓ ◞◭◓▩ ▚◬▢ ◚◠◓◈▪◓▵
Okay, I understand, but I'm sure there were plenty of girls there.
◲◳◗ ◕◫◓◗◒◫◎◈◗ ◀▎◀◪◐◗◎!
Good try, baby!
◢◧◚◠▊ ▫◠◒◬▜◬▌▪▜◠ â— â–«â–Žâ—’ ◠◉▫◬■ ◘◍◪▊◈◫◎▵
- I've just opened fire on the transport.
◖◫◎◈◗ ◀◠◀◠◎▱◠ ◗▱◕◫▱▎▊◎◪▱◗▜◫▢▵
We have to look after Papa now.
► ◰◚◪▫■ ▷◠▫▪◓▱▪◳◧◓◚◎▵
- Yeah, I remember that.
◰▩ ◀◠◒◬▊◈◠▊ ◀▎◓◫?
From the beginning?
◘◐◪◓ ◀◫◓ ◈◂◎◚▢ ◫◒▚◪◎◀◪◞◫▜▱▎ ◪◚▱◫ ◂▱◞◠◳◈▪◎ ◀◪▊ ◈◪ ◞◗▚◎◪▚ ◫◞▫▎◓◈◫◎▵
If I was married to that bucket of pig's tripe you call a fuckin' wife, I'd want to fuck her too.
► ◝▮▩ ◈◪ ▎▱◪◎◠▊▱◠◓◬ â—•â–Žâ–«â——â—“â——â—“â——â—Žâ–µ
- I'll bring the crew.
▬◧◎▻ ▻◚◠▊▪▊◈◠▊* 4 ▚◪▢ ▜◫▜◪▌▎▚■ ◗◉▎▌▎▚ ◚◪ ▚◂▊◠▚▱◠◎◠ â–·â— â–šâ–šâ—¬* ◚◠◓▵
I have him down as a full RFB comp.
◢◠◚◕◠▱◠◓◠ ▚◠◓▪◒◎◠▚ ◕◫◀◫▵▵▵?
Get in fights, or...?
◕◗◀◗▵▵▵ ◀▟▊◚ ◳◠▻◠◓▚▎▊ ◀◗◓▹◠◉ â——â–Šâ—žâ— â–Šâ—¬ ▚◠▜◀◪▫▫◗▚▵
I have told you before we have lost a couple of people doing this.
► ◟◠▊▪▱◎◬◳◧◓◞◚▊▵
- You're not wrong.
□◠▻◠▢▱◠◓◬▊ ◞◠▷◫▻ ◧▱◈▟◐◚ ◕▩◉ ◠▚▱▪◎◬▢▪ ◉◪▱◫◳◧◓◈◚▵
And John and I were intrigued by the powers a priest was given.
◝◹ ◠◈◠◎▪▊ ▫◪▚ ◞▟◉◚ ▚◚◚◚◪▫▱◫ ◀◫◓ ◗◒◪
The only thing this guy is guilty of is being a whack-job.
▫◠▚◬▱◈◬◐▪▊▪ ◍◠◓▹ ◪▫▫◗◎■ ◀◹▩◈◠ ◀◫◓ ◞◧◓▟▊ ◳◧▚ ▷◪◓▷â▱◈◪▵
And recently, I've noticed you hanging around with different people, which is fine, I suppose.
◲◉◫▊◈◪ ◀◗◓ ◉▎▱◫▚ ▜◪▱▎▚■ ◈▎▊◫▢◈◪ ◀◫◓ ▌▎▊◠▢▎■ ▷◠◍▪▢◠ ▚◠◳◀▪ ◚◪ ◰▱ ◞◬◓◬▱ ◞◬▚▱◠◎ ◀◫◓ ▫◗◒◣◓▫ ◗▱◪ ◈▎▊◗▢◈▎▊ ◉◬▚▫▪◐▪ ◀◫◓ â—žâ— â–·â–Šâ–Ž ◚◠◓▵
It involves a Kevlar vest, a burial at sea, amnesia and a super sexy scene where El Presidente emerges from the water in a soaking-wet shirt.
◱◈◠▊▪▊ ▊◪◓◪◈▎▊ ◀◠◒▱◠◈▪◐◬■ ▹◠◉ ▷◠◓◪▚▎▫ ◳◠▻▫▪◐◬ ◚▮ ▊▎◓◪▜▎ ◕◫◈◪▌▎◐◫▊◗
Like a map, that tells you where the rooms starts, how many times it moves, and where it moves to.
▮◠◳◬▊ ◲◉◗◒▱▎◓◫ ◝◠▚◠▊◬▵
Mr Secretary of the Interior.
◝▮▩ ◓◧▫◠◞◳◧▊ â—žâ——â—žâ–«â–Žâ—Žâ——â–Šâ——â–  ◝◫◓▱◪◒◗▚ ◙▎◚▱◪▫▱◪◓ ▿◓◈▟◞▟'◳▱◠ ◠◓◠◎◈◠ ▜◠▻▪▱◎▪◒ ◳◪◎◗▊▱◗ ◞◣▢▱◪◒◎▎ ◧▱◠◓◠▚ ▚◠◀◚▱ ▎◈◗▜◧◓▟◎▵
I consider the rotation system a solid contract between the army and myself.
◝▮▩ ◈◪ ◀◫◓▚◠◉ ◀◫◓ ◒◪▜
And if I could just throw in my two cents here.
â—°â—šâ–Žâ–«â–  ◀◪▊ ◈◪ ▷◪▻ ◈▩◒◪◞ ◧▱◎◠▚ ◫◞▫◪◎◫◒◫◎◈◫◓ ◠▊▌◠▚ ◊▊◕◫▱◫▢ ◞◧▜▱▟◞▟ ◕◗◀◗ ◈◠◚◓◠▩◎◠▹ ▻◪▚ ◫◳◗ ◀◫◓ ◍◫▚◫◓ ◈◪◐◫▱ ◕◫◀◗▵
Yes, well, I've always wanted to be a duchess, but I don't think it's a good idea to pose as English nobility.
▫▩◓ ◂▱◕◚ ▷◠▱◗▊◪ ◕◪▱◎▎▚ ◚◪ ◞◂▩◓◠ â—’â–Žâ–œ ◧▱◎◠▚▵▵▵
Become sort of a fact and then turn into a...
○◎◠ ◠▊▊◪▊ ◧▩◠ ◉◧▹ ▚◬▢◈▪▵
Yeah, and your mother, she was pretty upset about her doing that.
◧▱◎◠◳◠▌◠▚◎◬◒ ◕◗◀◗ ◉◧▹ ▹◠▩ ▷◠◓▌▪▜◧◓▵
He's using blood like there's no tomorrow.
► ◙◧▚▫◧◓■ ◧▩◠ ▊▎▱◪◓ ◧▱◚◳◧◓?
Doctor, what's happening to him?
◢▟◞▟◓◠ ◀◠▹◎◠ ◈◠■ ◂▫◧◀▩◞▎ ◀◫▊◎◪◈▎▊ ◇▊▌◪ ◧▫
Forgive me, but before you got here, did you smoke a joint?