That is not likely.
17: 14; 19: 19).
It seems that the Bible is using different names to describe the same attack.
Yaqachus hina paykunaqa hukllamanta rimasharqanku, ichaqa huk sutikunawan.
Why do we say that?
¿Pin diriginqa chay nacionkunata?
Because the Bible tells us that all the nations of the earth will be part of this final attack that starts the war of Armageddon. ​ — Revelation 16: 14, 16.
Manan yachanchisraqchu, yaqapaschá ‘ wichay ladomanta rey ’ diriginqa.
When we compare all these Bible references about the final attack on God’s people, it is clear that the name Gog of Magog does not refer to Satan.
Jehová Diosmi Gogta nin: “Wichay lado karuy - karu suyuykimantapachan qanqa askha suyukunapiwan hamunki.
Instead, Gog of Magog refers to a group of nations. Will “the king of the north ” lead this group?
Mana yupay atiy ejercitokunan qanwan hamunqa, llapankutaq caballopikama ”, nispa (Ezeq.
We cannot say for sure.
38: 6, 15).
But this explanation seems to be in harmony with what Jehovah says about Gog: “You will come from your place, from the remotest parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly, a vast army. ” ​ — Ezekiel 38: 6, 15.
Profeta Danielpas wichay lado reymantan chay hinata nillarqantaq: “Inti lloqsimuymanta, wichaymanta chayamuq willakuykunan payta mancharichinqa, hinaqtinmi k’arak phiñasqa puririnqa askhata mast’a pampata wañuchinanpaq.
Similarly, the prophet Daniel, who lived at the same time as Ezekiel, says about the king of the north: “Reports out of the east and out of the north will disturb him, and he will go out in a great rage to annihilate and to devote many to destruction.
Reyqa tiyanan karpakunatan sayarichinqa lamar - qochawan Dios yupaychana wasiq kasqan ch’uya orqowan tupaypi, ichaqa chaypin payta wañuy hap’inqa, manataq pipas payta yanapaykunqachu ”, nispa (Dan. 11: 44, 45).
And he will plant his royal tents between the grand sea and the holy mountain of Decoration; and he will come all the way to his end, and there will be no helper for him. ”
Danielpa chay nisqanqa Gogmanta Ezequielpa nisqanmanmi parecikun (Ezeq.
This is similar to what the book of Ezekiel says that Gog will do. ​ — Ezekiel 38: 8 - 12, 16.
38: 8 - 12, 16). ¿Iman pasanqa Jehová Diospa llaqtan contra hatariqtinku?
What will happen after the final attack?
¿Imatan chaywan nisharqan?
Daniel tells us: “During that time Michael [Jesus Christ] will stand up [at Armageddon], the great prince who is standing [since 1914] in behalf of your people.
Jesucriston 1914 watamantapacha rey kaspa defiendewananchispaq Armagedonpi maqanakunqa.
We read a similar description of what Jesus will do at Revelation 19: 11 - 21.
Apocalipsis 19: 11 - 21 texton chay hinaman parecikuqta willallantaq.
But who is “Gog and Magog ” mentioned at Revelation 20: 8?
Ichaqa, ¿pitaqri Apocalipsis 20: 8 textopi Gogwan Magogpiwanri?
This name refers to all those who rebel against Jehovah and attack his people during the final test at the end of the 1,000 years.
1.000 wata qhepata Diospa contranpi kaq llapa runakunan, paykunan Diospa siervonkunaman phawaykunqaku.
They will have the same hateful attitude as Gog of Magog, the nations that attack God’s people at the end of the great tribulation.
Chay runakunaqa Diospa llaqtantan cheqnikunqaku imaynan Magog hallp’amanta Gogpas cheqnikurqan hinata.
And just like those nations that will be destroyed at Armageddon, Gog and Magog will also be destroyed.
Ichaqa Diosmi paykunatapas wañuchillanqataq imaynan ñawpa Gogtapas Armagedonpi wañuchirqan hinata.
It seems appropriate, then, that all who rebel at the end of the 1,000 years be called “Gog and Magog. ”
Chaychá Bibliaqa 1.000 wata qhepaman Diospa contranpi kaq llapa runakunata nin “Gogwan Magogpiwan ” nispa.
As serious students of the Bible, we are eager to find out who will become “the king of the north ” in the near future.
Jehová Diospa testigonkunaqa makillan kashanchis pichus wichay ladomanta rey kananpi.
But no matter who leads the nations against God’s people, we are confident of two things: (1) Gog of Magog and his armies will be defeated and destroyed. (2) Our King, Jesus Christ, will save God’s people and bring them into a new world of peace and true security. ​ — Revelation 7: 14 - 17.
Ichaqa piña nacionkunata diriginqa ñoqanchis contra hatarinankupaq chaypas, manan iskayanchischu kaykuna sucedenanmanta: Magog hallp’amanta Gogpas ejercitonkunapas atipasqan kanqaku hinamantaq wañuchisqa, reyninchis Jesucriston salvawasun hinaspa mosoq pachata qowasun sumaq thak nisqa kawsakunanchispaq.
“They did not receive the fulfillment of the promises; but they saw them from a distance. ” ​ — HEBREWS 11: 13.
“Wañukapurqankun Diospa prometesqan kaqkunata manaraq chaskishaspa, [...] karullamantan chaykunata qhawarirqanku ”
What gift from God helps us to have faith?
¿Imata ruway atisqanchismi yanapawanchis astawan iñinanchispaq?
How do we know that people in Bible times had faith and could imagine the things that God promised them?
¿Imakunan rikuchiwanchis ñawpa tiempopi Diosta serviqkuna Diospa promesankunapi piensasqankuta?
Why is it good to talk about the future that Jehovah has promised us?
¿Imaraykun allinpuni Jehová Diospa promesankunamanta hukkunawan rimasqanchis?
Why is it good that we can imagine things we have not seen?
¿Imaraykun kusikunchis mana hayk’aq rikusqanchista rikushasunmanpas hina piensay atisqanchismanta?
(See opening picture.)
(Kay paginapi fotota qhaway.)
JEHOVAH has given us a wonderful gift. It is the ability to imagine things we have not seen.
RUNAKUNAQA atinchismi mana hayk’aq rikusqanchista rikushasunmanpas hina piensayta.
This ability helps us to look forward to good things in the future and also to plan ahead and avoid problems.
Maytan kusikunchis chay hinata Jehová Dios kamawasqanchismanta.
Jehovah knows the future, and he tells us some of the things we can look forward to.
Chay hina kasqanchisraykun hamuq tiempopi piensasunman, chay hinapitaqmi imatapas ruwananchispaq decidikusunman.
Although we cannot see them, we can imagine them and have faith that they will happen. ​ — 2 Corinthians 4: 18.
Jehová Diosmi Bibliapi prometewanchis qhepa tiempoman sumaqta kawsananchispaq, chaykunapin piensananchis, iñinanchistaqmi chay hinapuni kananpi.
2, 3. (a) How can our imagination help us?
2, 3. a) ¿Imakunapin piensananchis?
(b) What questions will we answer in this article?
b) ¿Imakunamantan kay estudiopi yachasun?
Of course, sometimes we imagine things that will never happen.
Wakin runakunaqa mana ruway atinankupin piensanku.
For example, a little girl might imagine that she is riding on a butterfly.
Yaqapaschá huk chikachaqa piensanman mariposa patapipas volashanman hinata, chaytaqa manan hayk’aqpas ruwayta atinqachu.
Of course, that is not possible.
Ichaqa ruway atinanchiskunapipas piensasunmanmi.
But Samuel’s mother, Hannah, imagined things that were possible.
Chaytan profeta Samuelpa mamanpas ruwarqan.
She kept thinking about the day when she would take her son to the tabernacle to work with the priests.
Chay hina kananpi piensasqanmi yanaparqan Diosman prometekusqanta hunt’ananpaq (1 Sam.
This was not just a dream.
1: 22).
It was something that she had decided to do. So imagining that day gave Hannah the strength to keep her promise to Jehovah.
Ñoqanchispas Diospa promesankunapin piensananchis, Diosqa hunt’anqapunin promesankunata; chaymi chaykunapi piensayqa mana yanqa piensayllachu.
And when we imagine what Jehovah has promised to do, we are imagining things that will certainly happen. ​ — 2 Peter 1: 19 - 21.
Ñawpa tiempopi Diosta serviq askha runakunan Diospa promesankunata rikushankumanpas hinata piensarqanku.
Many of Jehovah’s people in Bible times could imagine what he had promised. Why was it good for them to do this?
¿Imaynapin chay hina piensasqanku allinninkupaq karqan?
And why is it good for us to imagine how our life will be when God’s promises come true?
¿Imaynapin allinninchispaq Diospa promesankuna hunt’akunan tiempopi piensasqanchis?
Why could Abel imagine a better future?
Chaykunatan kay estudiopi yachasun.
Abel was the first man who had faith in Jehovah’s promises.
Manaraq pi runapas Diospa promesankunapi iñishaqtinmi Abelqa iñirqan.
He knew what Jehovah said to the serpent after Adam and Eve sinned: “I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her offspring.
Payqa yacharqanmi Adán Evaq huchapakusqanku qhepaman Jehová Dios kay nisqanta: “Qantawan warmitawanmi cheqninachisqaykichis, mirayniykitawanpas paypa miraynintawanpas, mirayninmi umaykipi t’ustusunki, qantaq talonninpi kaninki ”, nispa (Gén. 3: 14, 15).
He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel. ”
Abelqa manan yacharqanchu chay promesa imayna hunt’akunanta, ichaqa sapa kutinchá chaykunapi piensarqan.
Abel did not know exactly how this would happen. But he must have thought a lot about what God had said.
Yaqapaschá tapukurqan pin mach’aqwaypa kanisqan kananta, runakunata ch’uya kapunankupaq yanapananta.
Abel could have thought, ‘ Who will be the one injured by the serpent and help humans to become perfect again? ’
Chaykunapi piensasqanchá yanaparqan hamuq tiempopi sumaq kawsayta rikushanmanpas hina qhawarinanpaq.
Abel had faith that whatever Jehovah promised would come true, and when he offered a sacrifice, Jehovah was pleased with it. ​ — Read Genesis 4: 3 - 5; Hebrews 11: 4.
Payqa Diospa promesankuna hunt’akunanpin iñirqan, chaymi Diosman sacrificiota haywaqtin Diosqa chaskirqan (leey Génesis 4: 3 - 5; Hebreos 11: 4).
Why was it good for Enoch to imagine the future?
¿Imaynatan Enocta yanaparqan hamuq tiempopi piensasqan?
Enoch was another man who had strong faith in God.
Enocpas Diospa promesankunapin iñirqan.
He lived among wicked people who said “shocking things ” against God.
Payqa sinchi millay runakunaq tiemponpin kawsarqan, chay runakunan millaytapuni Jehová Diosmanta rimaqku.
But Enoch was courageous and preached God’s message. He told people that Jehovah was going to destroy the wicked.
Enocqa piensarqanchá hamuq tiempopiqa Diosta adoraq runakunallaña kananpi (leey Hebreos 11: 6).
What helped him to do this?
¿Imaynatan chay hina piensasqan yanaparqan?
Enoch may have imagined what the world would be like when everybody served Jehovah. ​ — Read Hebrews 11: 5, 6.
Mana manchakuq kananpaqmi yanaparqan, chay hinapin lliwman willamurqan Diosqa millay runakunata wañuchinanta.
After the Flood, what may Noah have thought about?
¿Imapin Noé piensanman karqan millp’uq para qhepata?
Noah had faith in Jehovah, so he was not destroyed in the Flood.
Noepas Diospa promesankunapin iñirqan.
And then because of his faith, Noah sacrificed animals to Jehovah.
Chaymi millp’uq paramanta salvasqa karqan.
After the Flood, the world became wicked again.
Ichaqa yapamantan runakunaqa millayman tukupullarqankutaq.
Nimrod began ruling and wanted people to rebel against Jehovah.
Nimrod sutiyoq runan kamachiyta qallarirqan, hinan lliw runata tanqarqan Jehová Dios contra hatarinankupaq (Gén.
But Noah’s faith stayed strong.
10: 8 - 12, NM).
Like Abel, he was sure that God would one day remove sin and death.
Chaywanpas Noeqa Diospin iñishallarqan, payqa Abel hinachá anchatapuni piensarqan huchatapas, wañuytapas Diospa chinkachipunanpi.
Noah may also have thought about the time when there would be no cruel rulers.
Piensarqanchá millay kamachikuqkunapas chinkachisqa kanankupi.
We too can imagine this wonderful time, which is now very close! ​ — Romans 6: 23.
Ñoqanchispas chay p’unchay chayamunanpin piensananchis, astawanqa pisi tiempollaña faltasqanrayku.
What future could Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob look forward to?
¿Imapin piensankuman karqan Abrahampas, Isaacpas, Jacobpas?
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob could imagine a wonderful future.
Abrahampas, Isaacpas, Jacobpas hamuq tiempopi sumaqta kawsanankupichá piensarqanku.
Jehovah had promised them that people from all the nations would be blessed by means of their “offspring. ”
Diosmi paykunaman prometerqan mirayninwan llapa runa bendecisqa kananta, chayraykun paykunaqa chay bendicionkunapi piensarqanku (Gén. 22: 18; 26: 4; 28: 14).
God had also promised them that their family would become a large nation and would live in the beautiful Promised Land.
Hinaspapas Diosqa prometerqanmi hatun nacionman familianku tukupunanta, hinaspa munay hallp’api tiyanankuta (Gén.
Because Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob knew that Jehovah’s promises would come true, they could clearly imagine their families already living in that land.
15: 5 - 7). Abrahampas, Isaacpas, Jacobpas manan iskayarqankuchu promesankunata Diospa hunt’ananpi, chaymi piensarqanku chaypiñapas tiyashankuman hinata.
In fact, ever since Adam and Eve sinned, Jehovah has helped his loyal servants to understand how humans would one day have perfect life again.
Jehová Diosqa tukuy tiempon serviqninkunata yanaparqan Adán Evaq chinkachisqan sumaq kawsayta suyakunankupaq.
What helped Abraham to have strong faith and be obedient?
¿Iman Abrahamta yanaparqan Diosta kasukushanallanpaq iñishanallanpaqpas?
Because he had strong faith, Abraham was obedient to Jehovah even when circumstances were very difficult.
Abrahampas hukkunapas Diospa promesankuna manaraq hunt’akushaqtinmi wañukapurqanku.
The Bible says: “They saw them from a distance and welcomed them. ”
Chaywanpas paykunaqa rikushankumanpas hinan kawsarqanku.
(Read Hebrews 11: 8 - 13.)
Biblian nin: “Iñiyniyoq kaspankun karullamanta chaykunata qhawarirqanku, hinaspa kusikurqanku ”, nispa (leey Hebreos 11: 8 - 13).
Abraham knew that Jehovah had always kept his promises in the past, so he was sure that all of Jehovah’s promises for the future would come true as well.
Payqa yacharqanmi ñawpa tiempopi promesankunata Jehová Dios hunt’asqanta, chaymi mana iskayarqanchu qhepa tiempomanpas hunt’ananpi.
People in Bible times looked forward to the time when Jehovah and his government would rule the earth forever
Diosta serviqkunaqa tukuy sonqowanmi suyakurqanku kay pachata Jehová Dios wiñaypaq gobiernananta
How did Abraham’s faith in God’s promises help him?
¿Imaynatan Abrahamta yanaparqan Diospa promesankunapi iñisqan?
Because Abraham had faith in what Jehovah had promised him, he kept on doing what Jehovah asked him to do.
Diospa tukuy kamachisqanta kasukunanpaqmi yanaparqan.
For example, he left his home in the city of Ur, and for the rest of his life, he did not live in any city permanently.
Diosta kasukuspan Ur llaqtapi wasinta saqepurqan, manataqmi hayk’aqpas huk llaqtapi wasichakurqanchu.
He knew that the cities around him would not last forever because the rulers did not serve Jehovah.
Payqa yacharqanmi qayllanpi kaq llaqtakunaqa Diosta mana servisqankurayku mana wiñaypaqchu kanankuta (Jos.
Instead, he looked forward to the time when Jehovah and his government would rule the earth forever.
24: 2). Chaymi tukuy sonqowan suyakurqan kay pachata Jehová Dios wiñaypaq gobiernananta.
This government is “the city having real foundations, whose designer and builder is God. ”
Chay gobiernoqa Diospa allin ‘ sayarichisqan allin teqsiyoq llaqta ’ hinan.
Abraham as well as Abel, Enoch, Noah, and others believed in the resurrection.
Abrahampas, Abelpas, Enocpas, Noepas Diosta huk serviqkunapas sut’itan yacharqanku kawsarimpuy kananta.
Whenever they thought about living forever on a beautiful earth, their faith in Jehovah grew even stronger. ​ — Read Hebrews 11: 15, 16.
Sapa kutinmi rikushankumanpas hinata paraisopi piensarqanku, chaymi iñiyninkuqa aswan - aswanta yapakurqan (leey Hebreos 11: 15, 16).
Why was it good for Sarah to look forward to the future?
¿Imaynatan Sarata yanaparqan Diospa promesankunapi piensasqan?
Abraham’s wife, Sarah, had strong faith in Jehovah’s promises.
Abrahampa esposan Sarapas Diospa promesankunapin iñirqan.
Even when she was 90 years old and still had no children, she looked forward to the time when she would have a baby.
Saraqa 90 watanpiñan kasharqan manataqmi wawan karqanchu, chaywanpas wawayoq kananpaq Diospa prometesqanpin piensarqan.
Sarah could even imagine her children becoming a large nation.
Piensallarqantaqchá chay wawanmanta hatun llaqta paqarinanpi.
How could she be so sure of that?
¿Imaynatan chaykunapi piensasqan yanaparqan?
Because Jehovah had told her husband: “I will bless her and also give you a son by her; I will bless her and she will become nations; kings of peoples will come from her. ”
Iñiyninpi qaqata sayananpaqmi yanaparqan.
Just as Jehovah promised, Sarah had a son, Isaac.
Jehová Diospa prometesqanman hinataqmi Saraqa wawayoq kapurqan, Isaacmi sutin karqan.
This miracle convinced her that the rest of Jehovah’s promise would come true.
Chaymi Saraqa confiarqan wakin promesankunatapas Jehová Diospa hunt’ananpi.
We too can strengthen our faith when we imagine all the wonderful things Jehovah has promised us.
Ñoqanchispas Jehová Diospa lliw promesankunapi piensasun chayqa, iñiyninchispin qaqata sayasun.
11, 12.
11, 12.
What helped Moses to love Jehovah more and more?
¿Imaraykun Moisés sinchitapuni Jehová Diosta munakurqan?
Moses also had faith in Jehovah’s promises.
Moisespas Diospa promesankunapin iñirqan.
He was raised in Egypt as a prince.
13: 14, 15; Éx. 2: 5 - 10).
But because he loved Jehovah more than anything else, Moses did not want power and riches.
Chaykunapi piensasqanmi Moisestaqa yanaparqan Jehová Diosta astawan munakunanpaq.
He had learned about Jehovah from his Hebrew parents, who taught him that Jehovah promised to free the Hebrews from slavery and give them the Promised Land.
Manan qhapaq kayta nitaq autoridadniyoq kaytapas munarqanchu Jehová Diosta sinchitapuni munakusqanrayku.